# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import base64 import datetime import io import json import os import pickle import socket import time import uuid import requests from enum import Enum, IntEnum import importlib from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 as Cipher_pkcs1_v1_5 from filelock import FileLock from . import file_utils SERVICE_CONF = "service_conf.yaml" def conf_realpath(conf_name): conf_path = f"conf/{conf_name}" return os.path.join(file_utils.get_project_base_directory(), conf_path) def get_base_config(key, default=None, conf_name=SERVICE_CONF) -> dict: local_config = {} local_path = conf_realpath(f'local.{conf_name}') if default is None: default = os.environ.get(key.upper()) if os.path.exists(local_path): local_config = file_utils.load_yaml_conf(local_path) if not isinstance(local_config, dict): raise ValueError(f'Invalid config file: "{local_path}".') if key is not None and key in local_config: return local_config[key] config_path = conf_realpath(conf_name) config = file_utils.load_yaml_conf(config_path) if not isinstance(config, dict): raise ValueError(f'Invalid config file: "{config_path}".') config.update(local_config) return config.get(key, default) if key is not None else config use_deserialize_safe_module = get_base_config( 'use_deserialize_safe_module', False) class CoordinationCommunicationProtocol(object): HTTP = "http" GRPC = "grpc" class BaseType: def to_dict(self): return dict([(k.lstrip("_"), v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]) def to_dict_with_type(self): def _dict(obj): module = None if issubclass(obj.__class__, BaseType): data = {} for attr, v in obj.__dict__.items(): k = attr.lstrip("_") data[k] = _dict(v) module = obj.__module__ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): data = [] for i, vv in enumerate(obj): data.append(_dict(vv)) elif isinstance(obj, dict): data = {} for _k, vv in obj.items(): data[_k] = _dict(vv) else: data = obj return {"type": obj.__class__.__name__, "data": data, "module": module} return _dict(self) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._with_type = kwargs.pop("with_type", False) super().__init__(**kwargs) def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date): return obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta): return str(obj) elif issubclass(type(obj), Enum) or issubclass(type(obj), IntEnum): return obj.value elif isinstance(obj, set): return list(obj) elif issubclass(type(obj), BaseType): if not self._with_type: return obj.to_dict() else: return obj.to_dict_with_type() elif isinstance(obj, type): return obj.__name__ else: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def rag_uuid(): return uuid.uuid1().hex def string_to_bytes(string): return string if isinstance( string, bytes) else string.encode(encoding="utf-8") def bytes_to_string(byte): return byte.decode(encoding="utf-8") def json_dumps(src, byte=False, indent=None, with_type=False): dest = json.dumps( src, indent=indent, cls=CustomJSONEncoder, with_type=with_type) if byte: dest = string_to_bytes(dest) return dest def json_loads(src, object_hook=None, object_pairs_hook=None): if isinstance(src, bytes): src = bytes_to_string(src) return json.loads(src, object_hook=object_hook, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook) def current_timestamp(): return int(time.time() * 1000) def timestamp_to_date(timestamp, format_string="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): if not timestamp: timestamp = time.time() timestamp = int(timestamp) / 1000 time_array = time.localtime(timestamp) str_date = time.strftime(format_string, time_array) return str_date def date_string_to_timestamp(time_str, format_string="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): time_array = time.strptime(time_str, format_string) time_stamp = int(time.mktime(time_array) * 1000) return time_stamp def serialize_b64(src, to_str=False): dest = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(src)) if not to_str: return dest else: return bytes_to_string(dest) def deserialize_b64(src): src = base64.b64decode( string_to_bytes(src) if isinstance( src, str) else src) if use_deserialize_safe_module: return restricted_loads(src) return pickle.loads(src) safe_module = { 'numpy', 'rag_flow' } class RestrictedUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler): def find_class(self, module, name): import importlib if module.split('.')[0] in safe_module: _module = importlib.import_module(module) return getattr(_module, name) # Forbid everything else. raise pickle.UnpicklingError("global '%s.%s' is forbidden" % (module, name)) def restricted_loads(src): """Helper function analogous to pickle.loads().""" return RestrictedUnpickler(io.BytesIO(src)).load() def get_lan_ip(): if os.name != "nt": import fcntl import struct def get_interface_ip(ifname): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) return socket.inet_ntoa( fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8915, struct.pack('256s', string_to_bytes(ifname[:15])))[20:24]) ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn()) if ip.startswith("127.") and os.name != "nt": interfaces = [ "bond1", "eth0", "eth1", "eth2", "wlan0", "wlan1", "wifi0", "ath0", "ath1", "ppp0", ] for ifname in interfaces: try: ip = get_interface_ip(ifname) break except IOError as e: pass return ip or '' def from_dict_hook(in_dict: dict): if "type" in in_dict and "data" in in_dict: if in_dict["module"] is None: return in_dict["data"] else: return getattr(importlib.import_module( in_dict["module"]), in_dict["type"])(**in_dict["data"]) else: return in_dict def decrypt_database_password(password): encrypt_password = get_base_config("encrypt_password", False) encrypt_module = get_base_config("encrypt_module", False) private_key = get_base_config("private_key", None) if not password or not encrypt_password: return password if not private_key: raise ValueError("No private key") module_fun = encrypt_module.split("#") pwdecrypt_fun = getattr( importlib.import_module( module_fun[0]), module_fun[1]) return pwdecrypt_fun(private_key, password) def decrypt_database_config( database=None, passwd_key="password", name="database"): if not database: database = get_base_config(name, {}) database[passwd_key] = decrypt_database_password(database[passwd_key]) return database def update_config(key, value, conf_name=SERVICE_CONF): conf_path = conf_realpath(conf_name=conf_name) if not os.path.isabs(conf_path): conf_path = os.path.join( file_utils.get_project_base_directory(), conf_path) with FileLock(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf_path), ".lock")): config = file_utils.load_yaml_conf(conf_path=conf_path) or {} config[key] = value file_utils.rewrite_yaml_conf(conf_path=conf_path, config=config) def get_uuid(): return uuid.uuid1().hex def datetime_format(date_time: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime(date_time.year, date_time.month, date_time.day, date_time.hour, date_time.minute, date_time.second) def get_format_time() -> datetime.datetime: return datetime_format(datetime.datetime.now()) def str2date(date_time: str): return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, '%Y-%m-%d') def elapsed2time(elapsed): seconds = elapsed / 1000 minuter, second = divmod(seconds, 60) hour, minuter = divmod(minuter, 60) return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hour, minuter, second) def decrypt(line): file_path = os.path.join( file_utils.get_project_base_directory(), "conf", "private.pem") rsa_key = RSA.importKey(open(file_path).read(), "Welcome") cipher = Cipher_pkcs1_v1_5.new(rsa_key) return cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode( line), "Fail to decrypt password!").decode('utf-8') def download_img(url): if not url: return "" response = requests.get(url) return "data:" + \ response.headers.get('Content-Type', 'image/jpg') + ";" + \ "base64," + base64.b64encode(response.content).decode("utf-8")