# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import random from datetime import datetime from elasticsearch_dsl import Q from peewee import fn from api.db.db_utils import bulk_insert_into_db from api.settings import stat_logger from api.utils import current_timestamp, get_format_time, get_uuid from rag.settings import SVR_QUEUE_NAME from rag.utils.es_conn import ELASTICSEARCH from rag.utils.minio_conn import MINIO from rag.nlp import search from api.db import FileType, TaskStatus, ParserType from api.db.db_models import DB, Knowledgebase, Tenant, Task from api.db.db_models import Document from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService from api.db.services.knowledgebase_service import KnowledgebaseService from api.db import StatusEnum from rag.utils.redis_conn import REDIS_CONN class DocumentService(CommonService): model = Document @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_by_kb_id(cls, kb_id, page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, keywords): if keywords: docs = cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.kb_id == kb_id), (fn.LOWER(cls.model.name).contains(keywords.lower())) ) else: docs = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.kb_id == kb_id) count = docs.count() if desc: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) else: docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) docs = docs.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) return list(docs.dicts()), count @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def list_documents_in_dataset(cls, dataset_id, offset, count, order_by, descend, keywords): if keywords: docs = cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.kb_id == dataset_id), (fn.LOWER(cls.model.name).contains(keywords.lower())) ) else: docs = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.kb_id == dataset_id) total = docs.count() if descend == 'True': docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(order_by).desc()) if descend == 'False': docs = docs.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(order_by).asc()) docs = list(docs.dicts()) docs_length = len(docs) if offset < 0 or offset > docs_length: raise IndexError("Offset is out of the valid range.") if count == -1: return docs[offset:], total return docs[offset:offset + count], total @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def insert(cls, doc): if not cls.save(**doc): raise RuntimeError("Database error (Document)!") e, doc = cls.get_by_id(doc["id"]) if not e: raise RuntimeError("Database error (Document retrieval)!") e, kb = KnowledgebaseService.get_by_id(doc.kb_id) if not KnowledgebaseService.update_by_id( kb.id, {"doc_num": kb.doc_num + 1}): raise RuntimeError("Database error (Knowledgebase)!") return doc @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def remove_document(cls, doc, tenant_id): ELASTICSEARCH.deleteByQuery( Q("match", doc_id=doc.id), idxnm=search.index_name(tenant_id)) cls.clear_chunk_num(doc.id) return cls.delete_by_id(doc.id) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_newly_uploaded(cls): fields = [ cls.model.id, cls.model.kb_id, cls.model.parser_id, cls.model.parser_config, cls.model.name, cls.model.type, cls.model.location, cls.model.size, Knowledgebase.tenant_id, Tenant.embd_id, Tenant.img2txt_id, Tenant.asr_id, cls.model.update_time] docs = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .join(Knowledgebase, on=(cls.model.kb_id == Knowledgebase.id)) \ .join(Tenant, on=(Knowledgebase.tenant_id == Tenant.id))\ .where( cls.model.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value, ~(cls.model.type == FileType.VIRTUAL.value), cls.model.progress == 0, cls.model.update_time >= current_timestamp() - 1000 * 600, cls.model.run == TaskStatus.RUNNING.value)\ .order_by(cls.model.update_time.asc()) return list(docs.dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_unfinished_docs(cls): fields = [cls.model.id, cls.model.process_begin_at, cls.model.parser_config, cls.model.progress_msg, cls.model.run] docs = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .where( cls.model.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value, ~(cls.model.type == FileType.VIRTUAL.value), cls.model.progress < 1, cls.model.progress > 0) return list(docs.dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def increment_chunk_num(cls, doc_id, kb_id, token_num, chunk_num, duation): num = cls.model.update(token_num=cls.model.token_num + token_num, chunk_num=cls.model.chunk_num + chunk_num, process_duation=cls.model.process_duation + duation).where( cls.model.id == doc_id).execute() if num == 0: raise LookupError( "Document not found which is supposed to be there") num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num + token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num + chunk_num).where( Knowledgebase.id == kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def decrement_chunk_num(cls, doc_id, kb_id, token_num, chunk_num, duation): num = cls.model.update(token_num=cls.model.token_num - token_num, chunk_num=cls.model.chunk_num - chunk_num, process_duation=cls.model.process_duation + duation).where( cls.model.id == doc_id).execute() if num == 0: raise LookupError( "Document not found which is supposed to be there") num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num - token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num - chunk_num ).where( Knowledgebase.id == kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def clear_chunk_num(cls, doc_id): doc = cls.model.get_by_id(doc_id) assert doc, "Can't fine document in database." num = Knowledgebase.update( token_num=Knowledgebase.token_num - doc.token_num, chunk_num=Knowledgebase.chunk_num - doc.chunk_num, doc_num=Knowledgebase.doc_num-1 ).where( Knowledgebase.id == doc.kb_id).execute() return num @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_tenant_id(cls, doc_id): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.tenant_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.id == doc_id, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["tenant_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_tenant_id_by_name(cls, name): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.tenant_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.name == name, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["tenant_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_embd_id(cls, doc_id): docs = cls.model.select( Knowledgebase.embd_id).join( Knowledgebase, on=( Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( cls.model.id == doc_id, Knowledgebase.status == StatusEnum.VALID.value) docs = docs.dicts() if not docs: return return docs[0]["embd_id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_doc_id_by_doc_name(cls, doc_name): fields = [cls.model.id] doc_id = cls.model.select(*fields) \ .where(cls.model.name == doc_name) doc_id = doc_id.dicts() if not doc_id: return return doc_id[0]["id"] @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_thumbnails(cls, docids): fields = [cls.model.id, cls.model.thumbnail] return list(cls.model.select( *fields).where(cls.model.id.in_(docids)).dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_parser_config(cls, id, config): e, d = cls.get_by_id(id) if not e: raise LookupError(f"Document({id}) not found.") def dfs_update(old, new): for k, v in new.items(): if k not in old: old[k] = v continue if isinstance(v, dict): assert isinstance(old[k], dict) dfs_update(old[k], v) else: old[k] = v dfs_update(d.parser_config, config) cls.update_by_id(id, {"parser_config": d.parser_config}) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_doc_count(cls, tenant_id): docs = cls.model.select(cls.model.id).join(Knowledgebase, on=(Knowledgebase.id == cls.model.kb_id)).where( Knowledgebase.tenant_id == tenant_id) return len(docs) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def begin2parse(cls, docid): cls.update_by_id( docid, {"progress": random.random() * 1 / 100., "progress_msg": "Task dispatched...", "process_begin_at": get_format_time() }) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def update_progress(cls): docs = cls.get_unfinished_docs() for d in docs: try: tsks = Task.query(doc_id=d["id"], order_by=Task.create_time) if not tsks: continue msg = [] prg = 0 finished = True bad = 0 e, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(d["id"]) status = doc.run#TaskStatus.RUNNING.value for t in tsks: if 0 <= t.progress < 1: finished = False prg += t.progress if t.progress >= 0 else 0 if t.progress_msg not in msg: msg.append(t.progress_msg) if t.progress == -1: bad += 1 prg /= len(tsks) if finished and bad: prg = -1 status = TaskStatus.FAIL.value elif finished: if d["parser_config"].get("raptor", {}).get("use_raptor") and d["progress_msg"].lower().find(" raptor")<0: queue_raptor_tasks(d) prg *= 0.98 msg.append("------ RAPTOR -------") else: status = TaskStatus.DONE.value msg = "\n".join(msg) info = { "process_duation": datetime.timestamp( datetime.now()) - d["process_begin_at"].timestamp(), "run": status} if prg != 0: info["progress"] = prg if msg: info["progress_msg"] = msg cls.update_by_id(d["id"], info) except Exception as e: stat_logger.error("fetch task exception:" + str(e)) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_kb_doc_count(cls, kb_id): return len(cls.model.select(cls.model.id).where( cls.model.kb_id == kb_id).dicts()) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def do_cancel(cls, doc_id): try: _, doc = DocumentService.get_by_id(doc_id) return doc.run == TaskStatus.CANCEL.value or doc.progress < 0 except Exception as e: pass return False def queue_raptor_tasks(doc): def new_task(): nonlocal doc return { "id": get_uuid(), "doc_id": doc["id"], "from_page": 0, "to_page": -1, "progress_msg": "Start to do RAPTOR (Recursive Abstractive Processing For Tree-Organized Retrieval)." } task = new_task() bulk_insert_into_db(Task, [task], True) task["type"] = "raptor" assert REDIS_CONN.queue_product(SVR_QUEUE_NAME, message=task), "Can't access Redis. Please check the Redis' status."