# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os, sys sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__)), '../../'))) from deepdoc.vision.seeit import draw_box from deepdoc.vision import Recognizer, LayoutRecognizer, TableStructureRecognizer, OCR, init_in_out from api.utils.file_utils import get_project_base_directory import argparse import re import numpy as np def main(args): images, outputs = init_in_out(args) if args.mode.lower() == "layout": labels = LayoutRecognizer.labels detr = Recognizer( labels, "layout", os.path.join( get_project_base_directory(), "rag/res/deepdoc/")) if args.mode.lower() == "tsr": labels = TableStructureRecognizer.labels detr = TableStructureRecognizer() ocr = OCR() layouts = detr(images, float(args.threshold)) for i, lyt in enumerate(layouts): if args.mode.lower() == "tsr": #lyt = [t for t in lyt if t["type"] == "table column"] html = get_table_html(images[i], lyt, ocr) with open(outputs[i] + ".html", "w+") as f: f.write(html) lyt = [{ "type": t["label"], "bbox": [t["x0"], t["top"], t["x1"], t["bottom"]], "score": t["score"] } for t in lyt] img = draw_box(images[i], lyt, labels, float(args.threshold)) img.save(outputs[i], quality=95) print("save result to: " + outputs[i]) def get_table_html(img, tb_cpns, ocr): boxes = ocr(np.array(img)) boxes = Recognizer.sort_Y_firstly( [{"x0": b[0][0], "x1": b[1][0], "top": b[0][1], "text": t[0], "bottom": b[-1][1], "layout_type": "table", "page_number": 0} for b, t in boxes if b[0][0] <= b[1][0] and b[0][1] <= b[-1][1]], np.mean([b[-1][1] - b[0][1] for b, _ in boxes]) / 3 ) def gather(kwd, fzy=10, ption=0.6): nonlocal boxes eles = Recognizer.sort_Y_firstly( [r for r in tb_cpns if re.match(kwd, r["label"])], fzy) eles = Recognizer.layouts_cleanup(boxes, eles, 5, ption) return Recognizer.sort_Y_firstly(eles, 0) headers = gather(r".*header$") rows = gather(r".* (row|header)") spans = gather(r".*spanning") clmns = sorted([r for r in tb_cpns if re.match( r"table column$", r["label"])], key=lambda x: x["x0"]) clmns = Recognizer.layouts_cleanup(boxes, clmns, 5, 0.5) for b in boxes: ii = Recognizer.find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, rows, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["R"] = ii b["R_top"] = rows[ii]["top"] b["R_bott"] = rows[ii]["bottom"] ii = Recognizer.find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, headers, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["H_top"] = headers[ii]["top"] b["H_bott"] = headers[ii]["bottom"] b["H_left"] = headers[ii]["x0"] b["H_right"] = headers[ii]["x1"] b["H"] = ii ii = Recognizer.find_horizontally_tightest_fit(b, clmns) if ii is not None: b["C"] = ii b["C_left"] = clmns[ii]["x0"] b["C_right"] = clmns[ii]["x1"] ii = Recognizer.find_overlapped_with_threashold(b, spans, thr=0.3) if ii is not None: b["H_top"] = spans[ii]["top"] b["H_bott"] = spans[ii]["bottom"] b["H_left"] = spans[ii]["x0"] b["H_right"] = spans[ii]["x1"] b["SP"] = ii html = """ %s """ % TableStructureRecognizer.construct_table(boxes, html=True) return html if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--inputs', help="Directory where to store images or PDFs, or a file path to a single image or PDF", required=True) parser.add_argument('--output_dir', help="Directory where to store the output images. Default: './layouts_outputs'", default="./layouts_outputs") parser.add_argument( '--threshold', help="A threshold to filter out detections. Default: 0.5", default=0.5) parser.add_argument('--mode', help="Task mode: layout recognition or table structure recognition", choices=["layout", "tsr"], default="layout") args = parser.parse_args() main(args)