# # Copyright 2024 The InfiniFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import re import os from flask_login import current_user from peewee import fn from api.db import FileType, KNOWLEDGEBASE_FOLDER_NAME, FileSource, ParserType from api.db.db_models import DB, File2Document, Knowledgebase from api.db.db_models import File, Document from api.db.services import duplicate_name from api.db.services.common_service import CommonService from api.db.services.document_service import DocumentService from api.db.services.file2document_service import File2DocumentService from api.utils import get_uuid from api.utils.file_utils import filename_type, thumbnail from rag.utils.minio_conn import MINIO class FileService(CommonService): model = File @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_by_pf_id(cls, tenant_id, pf_id, page_number, items_per_page, orderby, desc, keywords): if keywords: files = cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == pf_id), (fn.LOWER(cls.model.name).contains(keywords.lower())), ~(cls.model.id == pf_id) ) else: files = cls.model.select().where((cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == pf_id), ~(cls.model.id == pf_id) ) count = files.count() if desc: files = files.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).desc()) else: files = files.order_by(cls.model.getter_by(orderby).asc()) files = files.paginate(page_number, items_per_page) res_files = list(files.dicts()) for file in res_files: if file["type"] == FileType.FOLDER.value: file["size"] = cls.get_folder_size(file["id"]) file['kbs_info'] = [] children = list(cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == file["id"]), ~(cls.model.id == file["id"]), ).dicts()) file["has_child_folder"] = any(value["type"] == FileType.FOLDER.value for value in children) continue kbs_info = cls.get_kb_id_by_file_id(file['id']) file['kbs_info'] = kbs_info return res_files, count @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_kb_id_by_file_id(cls, file_id): kbs = (cls.model.select(*[Knowledgebase.id, Knowledgebase.name]) .join(File2Document, on=(File2Document.file_id == file_id)) .join(Document, on=(File2Document.document_id == Document.id)) .join(Knowledgebase, on=(Knowledgebase.id == Document.kb_id)) .where(cls.model.id == file_id)) if not kbs: return [] kbs_info_list = [] for kb in list(kbs.dicts()): kbs_info_list.append({"kb_id": kb['id'], "kb_name": kb['name']}) return kbs_info_list @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_by_pf_id_name(cls, id, name): file = cls.model.select().where((cls.model.parent_id == id) & (cls.model.name == name)) if file.count(): e, file = cls.get_by_id(file[0].id) if not e: raise RuntimeError("Database error (File retrieval)!") return file return None @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_id_list_by_id(cls, id, name, count, res): if count < len(name): file = cls.get_by_pf_id_name(id, name[count]) if file: res.append(file.id) return cls.get_id_list_by_id(file.id, name, count + 1, res) else: return res else: return res @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_all_innermost_file_ids(cls, folder_id, result_ids): subfolders = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.parent_id == folder_id) if subfolders.exists(): for subfolder in subfolders: cls.get_all_innermost_file_ids(subfolder.id, result_ids) else: result_ids.append(folder_id) return result_ids @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def create_folder(cls, file, parent_id, name, count): if count > len(name) - 2: return file else: file = cls.insert({ "id": get_uuid(), "parent_id": parent_id, "tenant_id": current_user.id, "created_by": current_user.id, "name": name[count], "location": "", "size": 0, "type": FileType.FOLDER.value }) return cls.create_folder(file, file.id, name, count + 1) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def is_parent_folder_exist(cls, parent_id): parent_files = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.id == parent_id) if parent_files.count(): return True cls.delete_folder_by_pf_id(parent_id) return False @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_root_folder(cls, tenant_id): for file in cls.model.select().where((cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == cls.model.id) ): return file.to_dict() file_id = get_uuid() file = { "id": file_id, "parent_id": file_id, "tenant_id": tenant_id, "created_by": tenant_id, "name": "/", "type": FileType.FOLDER.value, "size": 0, "location": "", } cls.save(**file) return file @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_kb_folder(cls, tenant_id): for root in cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == cls.model.id)): for folder in cls.model.select().where( (cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id), (cls.model.parent_id == root.id), (cls.model.name == KNOWLEDGEBASE_FOLDER_NAME)): return folder.to_dict() assert False, "Can't find the KB folder. Database init error." @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def new_a_file_from_kb(cls, tenant_id, name, parent_id, ty=FileType.FOLDER.value, size=0, location=""): for file in cls.query(tenant_id=tenant_id, parent_id=parent_id, name=name): return file.to_dict() file = { "id": get_uuid(), "parent_id": parent_id, "tenant_id": tenant_id, "created_by": tenant_id, "name": name, "type": ty, "size": size, "location": location, "source_type": FileSource.KNOWLEDGEBASE } cls.save(**file) return file @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def init_knowledgebase_docs(cls, root_id, tenant_id): for _ in cls.model.select().where((cls.model.name == KNOWLEDGEBASE_FOLDER_NAME)\ & (cls.model.parent_id == root_id)): return folder = cls.new_a_file_from_kb(tenant_id, KNOWLEDGEBASE_FOLDER_NAME, root_id) for kb in Knowledgebase.select(*[Knowledgebase.id, Knowledgebase.name]).where(Knowledgebase.tenant_id==tenant_id): kb_folder = cls.new_a_file_from_kb(tenant_id, kb.name, folder["id"]) for doc in DocumentService.query(kb_id=kb.id): FileService.add_file_from_kb(doc.to_dict(), kb_folder["id"], tenant_id) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_parent_folder(cls, file_id): file = cls.model.select().where(cls.model.id == file_id) if file.count(): e, file = cls.get_by_id(file[0].parent_id) if not e: raise RuntimeError("Database error (File retrieval)!") else: raise RuntimeError("Database error (File doesn't exist)!") return file @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_all_parent_folders(cls, start_id): parent_folders = [] current_id = start_id while current_id: e, file = cls.get_by_id(current_id) if file.parent_id != file.id and e: parent_folders.append(file) current_id = file.parent_id else: parent_folders.append(file) break return parent_folders @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def insert(cls, file): if not cls.save(**file): raise RuntimeError("Database error (File)!") e, file = cls.get_by_id(file["id"]) if not e: raise RuntimeError("Database error (File retrieval)!") return file @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def delete(cls, file): return cls.delete_by_id(file.id) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def delete_by_pf_id(cls, folder_id): return cls.model.delete().where(cls.model.parent_id == folder_id).execute() @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def delete_folder_by_pf_id(cls, user_id, folder_id): try: files = cls.model.select().where((cls.model.tenant_id == user_id) & (cls.model.parent_id == folder_id)) for file in files: cls.delete_folder_by_pf_id(user_id, file.id) return cls.model.delete().where((cls.model.tenant_id == user_id) & (cls.model.id == folder_id)).execute(), except Exception as e: print(e) raise RuntimeError("Database error (File retrieval)!") @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_file_count(cls, tenant_id): files = cls.model.select(cls.model.id).where(cls.model.tenant_id == tenant_id) return len(files) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def get_folder_size(cls, folder_id): size = 0 def dfs(parent_id): nonlocal size for f in cls.model.select(*[cls.model.id, cls.model.size, cls.model.type]).where( cls.model.parent_id == parent_id, cls.model.id != parent_id): size += f.size if f.type == FileType.FOLDER.value: dfs(f.id) dfs(folder_id) return size @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def add_file_from_kb(cls, doc, kb_folder_id, tenant_id): for _ in File2DocumentService.get_by_document_id(doc["id"]): return file = { "id": get_uuid(), "parent_id": kb_folder_id, "tenant_id": tenant_id, "created_by": tenant_id, "name": doc["name"], "type": doc["type"], "size": doc["size"], "location": doc["location"], "source_type": FileSource.KNOWLEDGEBASE } cls.save(**file) File2DocumentService.save(**{"id": get_uuid(), "file_id": file["id"], "document_id": doc["id"]}) @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def move_file(cls, file_ids, folder_id): try: cls.filter_update((cls.model.id << file_ids, ), { 'parent_id': folder_id }) except Exception as e: print(e) raise RuntimeError("Database error (File move)!") @classmethod @DB.connection_context() def upload_document(self, kb, file_objs): root_folder = self.get_root_folder(current_user.id) pf_id = root_folder["id"] self.init_knowledgebase_docs(pf_id, current_user.id) kb_root_folder = self.get_kb_folder(current_user.id) kb_folder = self.new_a_file_from_kb(kb.tenant_id, kb.name, kb_root_folder["id"]) err, files = [], [] for file in file_objs: try: MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER = int(os.environ.get('MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER', 0)) if MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER > 0 and DocumentService.get_doc_count(kb.tenant_id) >= MAX_FILE_NUM_PER_USER: raise RuntimeError("Exceed the maximum file number of a free user!") filename = duplicate_name( DocumentService.query, name=file.filename, kb_id=kb.id) filetype = filename_type(filename) if filetype == FileType.OTHER.value: raise RuntimeError("This type of file has not been supported yet!") location = filename while MINIO.obj_exist(kb.id, location): location += "_" blob = file.read() MINIO.put(kb.id, location, blob) doc = { "id": get_uuid(), "kb_id": kb.id, "parser_id": kb.parser_id, "parser_config": kb.parser_config, "created_by": current_user.id, "type": filetype, "name": filename, "location": location, "size": len(blob), "thumbnail": thumbnail(filename, blob) } if doc["type"] == FileType.VISUAL: doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.PICTURE.value if doc["type"] == FileType.AURAL: doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.AUDIO.value if re.search(r"\.(ppt|pptx|pages)$", filename): doc["parser_id"] = ParserType.PRESENTATION.value DocumentService.insert(doc) FileService.add_file_from_kb(doc, kb_folder["id"], kb.tenant_id) files.append((doc, blob)) except Exception as e: err.append(file.filename + ": " + str(e)) return err, files