#!/bin/bash eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" # Create the Conda environment env_exists=1 if [ ! -d ~/.conda/envs/SwapFace2Pon ] then env_exists=0 conda create -y -n SwapFace2Pon python=3.10 fi conda activate facefusion # Get SwapFace2Pon from GitHub if [ ! -d "SwapFace2Pon" ] then git clone https://huggingface.co/spaces/victorisgeek/SwapFace2Pon fi # Update the installation if the parameter "update" was passed by running # start.sh update if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ $1 = "update" ] then cd SwapFace2Pon git pull cd .. fi # Install the required packages if the environment needs to be freshly installed or updated if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ $1 = "update" ] || [ $env_exists = 0 ] then cd SwapFace2Pon python install.py --torch cuda --onnxruntime cuda cd .. pip install pyngrok conda install opencv -y conda install ffmpeg fi # Start SwapFace2Pon with ngrok if [ $# -eq 0 ] then python start-ngrok.py elif [ $1 = "reset" ] then python start-ngrok.py --reset fi