# Prompting LLM's ## **I. Clarity and Specificity** 1. **Be clear and concise**: Use simple, straightforward language to convey your request. * Good sample: "Write a short story about a character who discovers a hidden treasure." * Bad sample: "Create a narrative that revolves around an individual who stumbles upon a concealed riches repository." 2. **Define specific tasks**: Clearly outline what you want the model to do. * Good sample: "Summarize the main points of the article in 50 words." * Bad sample: "Do something with the article, maybe summarize it or something." 3. **Avoid ambiguity**: Use specific terms and phrases to avoid confusion. * Good sample: "Generate a recipe for vegan chocolate cake." * Bad sample: "Make a dessert that's healthy and yummy." ## **II. Context and Framing** 1. **Provide context**: Give the model a clear understanding of the topic, tone, and style you're aiming for. * Good sample: "Write a humorous article about the benefits of procrastination, in the style of The Onion." * Bad sample: "Write something funny about procrastination." 2. **Frame the task**: Use language that sets the tone and direction for the response. * Good sample: "Imagine you're a travel blogger, write a review of a fictional restaurant in Paris." * Bad sample: "Write a review of a restaurant." ## **III. Tone and Style** 1. **Specify tone and style**: Use adjectives to describe the tone and style you're aiming for. * Good sample: "Write a formal, technical report on the benefits of AI in healthcare." * Bad sample: "Write something about AI in healthcare." 2. **Use emotional cues**: Incorporate emotional language to evoke a specific tone or atmosphere. * Good sample: "Write a heartfelt letter to a friend who's going through a tough time." * Bad sample: "Write a letter to a friend." ## **IV. Constraints and Guidelines** 1. **Set constraints**: Provide specific guidelines on format, length, or structure. * Good sample: "Write a sonnet about the beauty of nature, with a specific rhyme scheme and 14 lines." * Bad sample: "Write a poem about nature." 2. **Specify formats and structures**: Use specific formats, such as lists or tables, to guide the response. * Good sample: "Create a table comparing the features of three different smartphones." * Bad sample: "Write something about smartphones." ## **V. Avoiding Bias and Assumptions** 1. **Avoid leading language**: Phrases that imply a specific answer or perspective can influence the model's response. * Good sample: "What are the benefits and drawbacks of using AI in healthcare?" * Bad sample: "Why is AI the best thing to happen to healthcare?" 2. **Use neutral language**: Avoid language that implies a particular perspective or bias. * Good sample: "Discuss the impact of climate change on global ecosystems." * Bad sample: "Explain why climate change is a hoax." ## **VI. Providing Examples and References** 1. **Provide examples**: Offer concrete examples to illustrate the desired output. * Good sample: "Write a product description in the style of this example: [insert example]." * Bad sample: "Write a product description." 2. **Reference external sources**: Include references to external sources, such as books or articles, to provide context and guidance. * Good sample: "Summarize the main points of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' in 100 words." * Bad sample: "Write a summary of a book." ## **VII. Feedback and Iteration** 1. **Provide feedback**: Give the model feedback on its responses to improve future output. * Good sample: "The previous response was too formal, can you make it more conversational?" * Bad sample: "That was bad, try again." 2. **Iterate and refine**: Refine your prompts based on the model's responses to achieve the desired outcome. * Good sample: "Let's try rewriting the prompt to focus on a specific aspect of the topic." * Bad sample: "Just try again, maybe it'll work this time."