import time import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import torch from pathlib import Path from Bio import SeqIO from dscript.pretrained import get_pretrained from dscript.language_model import lm_embed from import tqdm from uuid import uuid4 from predict_3di import get_3di_sequences, predictions_to_dict, one_hot_3di_sequence model_map = { "D-SCRIPT": "human_v1", "Topsy-Turvy": "human_v2", "TT3D": "human_tt3d", } theme = "Default" title = "D-SCRIPT: Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions" description = """ """ # article = """ #
# D-SCRIPT architecture #
# D-SCRIPT is a deep learning method for predicting a physical interaction between two proteins given just their sequences. # It generalizes well to new species and is robust to limitations in training data size. Its design reflects the intuition that for two proteins to physically interact, # a subset of amino acids from each protein should be in contact with the other. The intermediate stages of D-SCRIPT directly implement this intuition, with the penultimate stage # in D-SCRIPT being a rough estimate of the inter-protein contact map of the protein dimer. This structurally-motivated design enhances the interpretability of the results and, # since structure is more conserved evolutionarily than sequence, improves generalizability across species. #
# Computational methods to predict protein-protein interaction (PPI) typically segregate into sequence-based "bottom-up" methods that infer properties from the characteristics of the # individual protein sequences, or global "top-down" methods that infer properties from the pattern of already known PPIs in the species of interest. However, a way to incorporate # top-down insights into sequence-based bottom-up PPI prediction methods has been elusive. Topsy-Turvy builds upon D-SCRIPT by synthesizing both views in a sequence-based, # multi-scale, deep-learning model for PPI prediction. While Topsy-Turvy makes predictions using only sequence data, during the training phase it takes a transfer-learning approach by # incorporating patterns from both global and molecular-level views of protein interaction. In a cross-species context, we show it achieves state-of-the-art performance, offering the # ability to perform genome-scale, interpretable PPI prediction for non-model organisms with no existing experimental PPI data. # """ article = """ Note that running here with the "TT3D" model does not run structure prediction on the sequences, but rather uses the [ProstT5]( language model to translate amino acid to 3di sequences. This is much faster than running structure prediction, but the results may not be as accurate. """ fold_vocab = { "D": 0, "P": 1, "V": 2, "Q": 3, "A": 4, "W": 5, "K": 6, "E": 7, "I": 8, "T": 9, "L": 10, "F": 11, "G": 12, "S": 13, "M": 14, "H": 15, "C": 16, "R": 17, "Y": 18, "N": 19, "X": 20, } def predict(model_name, pairs_file, sequence_file, progress = gr.Progress()): run_id = uuid4() device = torch.device("cuda:0") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu") # gr.Info("Loading model...") _ = lm_embed("M", use_cuda = (device.type == "cuda")) model = get_pretrained(model_map[model_name]).to(device) # gr.Info("Loading files...") try: seqs = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(, "fasta")) except ValueError as _: raise gr.Error("Invalid FASTA file - duplicate entry") if Path( == ".csv": pairs = pd.read_csv( elif Path( == ".tsv": pairs = pd.read_csv(, sep="\t") try: pairs.columns = ["protein1", "protein2"] except ValueError as _: raise gr.Error("Invalid pairs file - must have two columns 'protein1' and 'protein2'") do_foldseek = False if model_name == "TT3D": do_foldseek = True need_to_translate = set(pairs["protein1"]).union(set(pairs["protein2"])) seqs_to_translate = {k: str(seqs[k].seq) for k in need_to_translate if k in seqs} half_precision = False assert not (half_precision and device=="cpu"), print("Running fp16 on CPU is not supported, yet") gr.Info(f"Loading Foldseek embeddings -- this may take some time ({len(seqs_to_translate)} embeddings)...") predictions = get_3di_sequences( seqs_to_translate, model_dir = "Rostlab/ProstT5", report_fn = gr.Info, error_fn = gr.Error, device=device, ) foldseek_sequences = predictions_to_dict(predictions) foldseek_embeddings = {k: one_hot_3di_sequence(s.upper(), fold_vocab) for k, s in foldseek_sequences.items()} # for k in seqs_to_translate.keys(): # print(seqs_to_translate[k]) # print(len(seqs_to_translate[k])) # print(foldseek_embeddings[k]) # print(foldseek_embeddings[k].shape) progress(0, desc="Starting...") results = [] for i in progress.tqdm(range(len(pairs))): r = pairs.iloc[i] prot1 = r["protein1"] prot2 = r["protein2"] seq1 = str(seqs[prot1].seq) seq2 = str(seqs[prot2].seq) fold1 = foldseek_embeddings[prot1] if do_foldseek else None fold2 = foldseek_embeddings[prot2] if do_foldseek else None lm1 = lm_embed(seq1) lm2 = lm_embed(seq2) interaction = model.predict(lm1, lm2, embed_foldseek = do_foldseek, f0 = fold1, f1 = fold2).item() results.append([prot1, prot2, interaction]) results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns = ["Protein 1", "Protein 2", "Interaction"]) file_path = f"/tmp/{run_id}.tsv" with open(file_path, "w") as f: results.to_csv(f, sep="\t", index=False, header = True) return results, file_path demo = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs = [ gr.Dropdown(label="Model", choices = ["D-SCRIPT", "Topsy-Turvy", "TT3D"], value = "Topsy-Turvy"), gr.File(label="Pairs (.csv/.tsv)", file_types = [".csv", ".tsv"]), gr.File(label="Sequences (.fasta)", file_types = [".fasta"]), ], outputs = [ gr.DataFrame(label='Results', headers=['Protein 1', 'Protein 2', 'Interaction']), gr.File(label="Download results", type="file") ], # title = title, # description = description, article = article, theme = theme, ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue(max_size=20).launch()