import numpy as np import gradio as gr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt description = """ Minimizing L under the constraint FLOPs(N, D) = C. The functions $N_{opt}(C)$, and $D_{opt}(C)$ describe the optimal allocation of a computational budget $C$. We use the following notation: • L – the cross entropy loss in nats. Typically it will be averaged over the tokens in a context, but in some cases we report the loss for specific tokens within the context. • N – the number of model parameters, excluding all vocabulary and positional embeddings • D – the dataset size in tokens • C ≈ 6ND – an estimate of the total non-embedding training compute $$E=1.69, A=406.4, \\alpha=0.34, \\beta=0.28$$ $$C\\approx6DN$$ $$L(N,D)=E+\\frac{A}{N^\\alpha}+\\frac{B}{D^\\beta}$$ $$N_{opt}(C),D_{opt}(C)={\\arg\\min}_{N,D\ s.t.\ FLOP/s(N,D)=C}\ L(N,D)$$ """ article = """ References - [Training Compute-Optimal Large Language Models]( - [Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models]( - [karpathy/nanoGPT]( """ def L(N, D): """ Approximates loss given N parameters and D dataset size (in tokens), per Chinchilla paper. """ E = 1.69 # entropy of natural language, limit of infinite model on infinite data A = 406.4 B = 410.7 alpha = 0.34 beta = 0.28 return A / (N ** alpha) + B / (D ** beta) + E def plot_pens(tflpos_card, utilization, num_gps, training_days): fig = plt.figure() tflpos_card = float(tflpos_card)*(10**12) utilization = float(utilization) num_gps = int(num_gps) training_days = float(training_days) # target compute budget (usually know this because we know how many GPU for how long go brrr) c = tflpos_card*num_gps*86400*training_days*utilization # (I got this flop number from row 1 of Table A3) # sweep model sizes from 10M to 100B ns = 10 ** np.arange(7, 11, step=2**-4) # using C = 6*N*D, solve for D that maintains the compute budget c ds = c / (6 * ns) # evaluate the loss in each case losses = L(ns, ds) # find the argmin best = np.argmin(losses) best_model_size = f"{ns[best]/1e6:.2f}M" best_dataset_size = f"{ds[best]/1e9:.2f}B" # plot the loss # plt.figure(figsize=(3,3)) plt.plot(ns, losses) plt.xscale('log') # plot a vertical bar at the best model size plt.axvline(ns[best], color='red') plt.xlabel('model size') plt.ylabel('loss') return fig, c, round(losses[best], 3), best_model_size, best_dataset_size if __name__ == "__main__": iface = gr.Interface( fn=plot_pens, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="TFLOP/s pre Card",value="40"), gr.Slider(label="System Utilization", minimum=0, maximum=1, step=0.01,value=0.25), gr.Textbox(label="Number of cards",value="1"), gr.Textbox(label="Training Days",value="7") ], outputs=[ gr.Plot(label="Estimated Loss"), gr.Label(label="Total Compute Budget"), gr.Label(label="Estimated Final Loss"), gr.Label(label="Optimal Model Size"), gr.Label(label="Optimal Dataset Size (Tokens)") ], title="Compute-Optimal Model Estimator", description=description, article=article, theme='peach', live=False ).launch()