import os import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage.exposure import match_histograms from sklearn.cluster import KMeans, DBSCAN from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import seaborn as sns import time def resize_images(images, resize_factor=1.0): """ Resizes the input and reference images based on the average dimensions of the two images and a resize factor. Parameters: images (tuple): A tuple containing two images (input_image, reference_image). Both images should be numpy arrays. resize_factor (float): A factor by which to resize the images. Default is 1.0, which means the images will be resized to the average dimensions of the two images. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the resized input and reference images. Example: >>> input_image = cv2.imread('input.jpg') >>> reference_image = cv2.imread('reference.jpg') >>> resized_images = resize_images((input_image, reference_image), resize_factor=0.5) """ input_image, reference_image = images average_width = (input_image.shape[1] + reference_image.shape[1]) * 0.5 average_height = (input_image.shape[0] + reference_image.shape[0]) * 0.5 new_shape = ( int(resize_factor * average_width), int(resize_factor * average_height), ) input_image = cv2.resize(input_image, new_shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) reference_image = cv2.resize( reference_image, new_shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA ) return input_image, reference_image def homography(images, debug=False, output_directory=None): """ Apply homography transformation to align two images. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing two images, where the first image is the input image and the second image is the reference image. debug (bool, optional): If True, debug images will be generated. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save the debug images. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the aligned input image and the reference image. """ input_image, reference_image = images # Initiate SIFT detector sift = cv2.SIFT_create() # find the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT input_keypoints, input_descriptors = sift.detectAndCompute(input_image, None) reference_keypoints, reference_descriptors = sift.detectAndCompute( reference_image, None ) # BFMatcher with default params bf = cv2.BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(reference_descriptors, input_descriptors, k=2) # Apply ratio test good_draw = [] good_without_list = [] for m, n in matches: if m.distance < 0.8 * n.distance: # 0.8 = a value suggested by David G. Lowe. good_draw.append([m]) good_without_list.append(m) # cv.drawMatchesKnn expects list of lists as matches. if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(output_directory, "matching.png"), cv2.drawMatchesKnn( reference_image, reference_keypoints, input_image, input_keypoints, good_draw, None, flags=cv2.DrawMatchesFlags_NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS, ), ) # Extract location of good matches reference_points = np.zeros((len(good_without_list), 2), dtype=np.float32) input_points = reference_points.copy() for i, match in enumerate(good_without_list): input_points[i, :] = reference_keypoints[match.queryIdx].pt reference_points[i, :] = input_keypoints[match.trainIdx].pt # Find homography h, _ = cv2.findHomography(input_points, reference_points, cv2.RANSAC) # Use homography height, width = reference_image.shape[:2] white_reference_image = 255 - np.zeros(shape=reference_image.shape, dtype=np.uint8) white_reg = cv2.warpPerspective(white_reference_image, h, (width, height)) blank_pixels_mask = np.any(white_reg != [255, 255, 255], axis=-1) reference_image_registered = cv2.warpPerspective( reference_image, h, (width, height) ) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(output_directory, "aligned.png"), reference_image_registered ) input_image[blank_pixels_mask] = [0, 0, 0] reference_image_registered[blank_pixels_mask] = [0, 0, 0] return input_image, reference_image_registered def histogram_matching(images, debug=False, output_directory=None): """ Perform histogram matching between an input image and a reference image. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing the input image and the reference image. debug (bool, optional): If True, save the histogram-matched image to the output directory. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save the histogram-matched image. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the input image and the histogram-matched reference image. """ input_image, reference_image = images reference_image_matched = match_histograms( reference_image, input_image, channel_axis=-1 ) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(output_directory, "histogram_matched.jpg"), reference_image_matched, ) reference_image_matched = np.asarray(reference_image_matched, dtype=np.uint8) return input_image, reference_image_matched def preprocess_images(images, resize_factor=1.0, debug=False, output_directory=None): """ Preprocesses a list of images by performing the following steps: 1. Resizes the images based on the given resize factor. 2. Applies homography to align the resized images. 3. Performs histogram matching on the aligned images. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing the input image and the reference image. resize_factor (float, optional): The factor by which to resize the images. Defaults to 1.0. debug (bool, optional): Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save the output images. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: The preprocessed images. Example: >>> images = (input_image, reference_image) >>> preprocess_images(images, resize_factor=0.5, debug=True, output_directory='output/') """ start_time = time.time() resized_images = resize_images(images, resize_factor) aligned_images = homography( resized_images, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory ) matched_images = histogram_matching( aligned_images, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory ) print("--- Preprocessing time - %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) return matched_images # The returned vector_set goes later to the PCA algorithm which derives the EVS (Eigen Vector Space). # Therefore, there is a mean normalization of the data # jump_size is for iterating non-overlapping windows. This parameter should be eqaul to the window_size of the system def find_vector_set(descriptors, jump_size, shape): """ Find the vector set from the given descriptors. Args: descriptors (numpy.ndarray): The input descriptors. jump_size (int): The jump size for sampling the descriptors. shape (tuple): The shape of the descriptors. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the vector set and the mean vector. """ size_0, size_1 = shape descriptors_2d = descriptors.reshape((size_0, size_1, descriptors.shape[1])) vector_set = descriptors_2d[::jump_size, ::jump_size] vector_set = vector_set.reshape( (vector_set.shape[0] * vector_set.shape[1], vector_set.shape[2]) ) mean_vec = np.mean(vector_set, axis=0) vector_set = vector_set - mean_vec # mean normalization return vector_set, mean_vec # returns the FSV (Feature Vector Space) which then goes directly to clustering (with Kmeans) # Multiply the data with the EVS to get the entire data in the PCA target space def find_FVS(descriptors, EVS, mean_vec): """ Calculate the feature vector space (FVS) by performing dot product of descriptors and EVS, and subtracting the mean vector from the result. Args: descriptors (numpy.ndarray): Array of descriptors. EVS (numpy.ndarray): Eigenvalue matrix. mean_vec (numpy.ndarray): Mean vector. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The calculated feature vector space (FVS). """ FVS =, EVS) FVS = FVS - mean_vec # print("\nfeature vector space size", FVS.shape) return FVS # assumes descriptors is already flattened # returns descriptors after moving them into the PCA vector space def descriptors_to_pca(descriptors, pca_target_dim, window_size, shape): """ Applies Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to a set of descriptors. Args: descriptors (list): List of descriptors. pca_target_dim (int): Target dimensionality for PCA. window_size (int): Size of the sliding window. shape (tuple): Shape of the descriptors. Returns: list: Feature vector set after applying PCA. """ vector_set, mean_vec = find_vector_set(descriptors, window_size, shape) pca = PCA(pca_target_dim) EVS = pca.components_ mean_vec =, EVS.transpose()) FVS = find_FVS(descriptors, EVS.transpose(), mean_vec) return FVS def get_descriptors( images, window_size, pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb, debug=False, output_directory=None, ): """ Compute descriptors for input images using sliding window technique and PCA. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing the input image and reference image. window_size (int): The size of the sliding window. pca_dim_gray (int): The number of dimensions to keep for grayscale PCA. pca_dim_rgb (int): The number of dimensions to keep for RGB PCA. debug (bool, optional): Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save debug images. Required if debug is True. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The computed descriptors. Raises: AssertionError: If debug is True but output_directory is not provided. """ input_image, reference_image = images diff_image_gray = cv2.cvtColor( cv2.absdiff(input_image, reference_image), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY ) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_directory, "diff.jpg"), diff_image_gray) # Padding for windowing padded_diff_gray = np.pad( diff_image_gray, ((window_size // 2, window_size // 2), (window_size // 2, window_size // 2)), mode="constant", ) # Sliding window for gray shape = (input_image.shape[0], input_image.shape[1], window_size, window_size) strides = padded_diff_gray.strides * 2 windows_gray = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( padded_diff_gray, shape=shape, strides=strides ) descriptors_gray_diff = windows_gray.reshape(-1, window_size * window_size) # 3-channel RGB differences diff_image_r = cv2.absdiff(input_image[:, :, 0], reference_image[:, :, 0]) diff_image_g = cv2.absdiff(input_image[:, :, 1], reference_image[:, :, 1]) diff_image_b = cv2.absdiff(input_image[:, :, 2], reference_image[:, :, 2]) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(output_directory, "final_diff.jpg"), cv2.absdiff(input_image, reference_image), ) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_directory, "final_diff_r.jpg"), diff_image_r) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_directory, "final_diff_g.jpg"), diff_image_g) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_directory, "final_diff_b.jpg"), diff_image_b) # Padding for windowing RGB padded_diff_r = np.pad( diff_image_r, ((window_size // 2, window_size // 2), (window_size // 2, window_size // 2)), mode="constant", ) padded_diff_g = np.pad( diff_image_g, ((window_size // 2, window_size // 2), (window_size // 2, window_size // 2)), mode="constant", ) padded_diff_b = np.pad( diff_image_b, ((window_size // 2, window_size // 2), (window_size // 2, window_size // 2)), mode="constant", ) # Sliding window for RGB windows_r = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( padded_diff_r, shape=shape, strides=strides ) windows_g = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( padded_diff_g, shape=shape, strides=strides ) windows_b = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( padded_diff_b, shape=shape, strides=strides ) descriptors_rgb_diff = np.concatenate( [ windows_r.reshape(-1, window_size * window_size), windows_g.reshape(-1, window_size * window_size), windows_b.reshape(-1, window_size * window_size), ], axis=1, ) # PCA on descriptors shape = input_image.shape[::-1][1:] # shape = (height, width) descriptors_gray_diff = descriptors_to_pca( descriptors_gray_diff, pca_dim_gray, window_size, shape ) descriptors_rgb_diff = descriptors_to_pca( descriptors_rgb_diff, pca_dim_rgb, window_size, shape ) # Concatenate grayscale and RGB PCA results descriptors = np.concatenate((descriptors_gray_diff, descriptors_rgb_diff), axis=-1) return descriptors def k_means_clustering(FVS, components, image_shape): """ Perform K-means clustering on the given feature vectors. Args: FVS (array-like): The feature vectors to be clustered. components (int): The number of clusters (components) to create. image_shape (tuple): The size of the images used to reshape the change map. Returns: array-like: The change map obtained from the K-means clustering. """ kmeans = KMeans(components, verbose=0) flatten_change_map = kmeans.predict(FVS) change_map = np.reshape(flatten_change_map, (image_shape[0], image_shape[1])) return change_map def clustering_to_mse_values(change_map, input_image, reference_image, n): """ Compute the normalized mean squared error (MSE) values for each cluster in a change map. Args: change_map (numpy.ndarray): Array representing the cluster labels for each pixel in the change map. input_image (numpy.ndarray): Array representing the input image. reference_image (numpy.ndarray): Array representing the reference image. n (int): Number of clusters. Returns: list: Normalized MSE values for each cluster. """ # Ensure the images are in integer format for calculations input_image = input_image.astype(int) reference_image = reference_image.astype(int) # Compute the squared differences squared_diff = np.mean((input_image - reference_image) ** 2, axis=-1) # Initialize arrays to store MSE and size for each cluster mse = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) size = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) # Compute the MSE and size for each cluster for k in range(n): mask = change_map == k size[k] = np.sum(mask) if size[k] > 0: mse[k] = np.sum(squared_diff[mask]) # Normalize MSE values by the number of pixels and the maximum possible MSE (255^2) normalized_mse = (mse / size) / (255**2) return normalized_mse.tolist() def compute_change_map( images, window_size, clusters, pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb, debug=False, output_directory=None, ): """ Compute the change map and mean squared error (MSE) array for a pair of input and reference images. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing the input and reference images. window_size (int): The size of the sliding window for feature extraction. clusters (int): The number of clusters for k-means clustering. pca_dim_gray (int): The number of dimensions to reduce to for grayscale images. pca_dim_rgb (int): The number of dimensions to reduce to for RGB images. debug (bool, optional): Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save the output files. Required if debug mode is enabled. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the change map and MSE array. Raises: AssertionError: If debug mode is enabled but output_directory is not provided. """ input_image, reference_image = images descriptors = get_descriptors( images, window_size, pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory, ) # Now we are ready for clustering! change_map = k_means_clustering(descriptors, clusters, input_image.shape) mse_array = clustering_to_mse_values( change_map, input_image, reference_image, clusters ) colormap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "custom_jet",, 1, clusters)) ) colors_array = ( colormap(np.linspace(0, 1, clusters))[:, :3] * 255 ) # Convert to RGB values palette = sns.color_palette("Paired", clusters) palette = np.array(palette) * 255 # Convert to RGB values # Optimized loop change_map_flat = change_map.ravel() colored_change_map_flat = ( colors_array[change_map_flat] .reshape(change_map.shape[0], change_map.shape[1], 3) .astype(np.uint8) ) palette_colored_change_map_flat = ( palette[change_map_flat] .reshape(change_map.shape[0], change_map.shape[1], 3) .astype(np.uint8) ) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" cv2.imwrite( os.path.join( output_directory, f"window_size_{window_size}_pca_dim_gray{pca_dim_gray}_pca_dim_rgb{pca_dim_rgb}_clusters_{clusters}.jpg", ), colored_change_map_flat, ) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join( output_directory, f"PALETTE_window_size_{window_size}_pca_dim_gray{pca_dim_gray}_pca_dim_rgb{pca_dim_rgb}_clusters_{clusters}.jpg", ), palette_colored_change_map_flat, ) if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" # Saving Output for later evaluation np.savetxt( os.path.join(output_directory, "clustering_data.csv"), change_map, delimiter=",", ) return change_map, mse_array # selects the classes to be shown to the user as 'changes'. # this selection is done by an MSE heuristic using DBSCAN clustering, to seperate the highest mse-valued classes from the others. # the eps density parameter of DBSCAN might differ from system to system def find_group_of_accepted_classes_DBSCAN( MSE_array, debug=False, output_directory=None ): """ Finds the group of accepted classes using the DBSCAN algorithm. Parameters: - MSE_array (list): A list of mean squared error values. - debug (bool): Flag indicating whether to enable debug mode or not. Default is False. - output_directory (str): The directory where the output files will be saved. Default is None. Returns: - accepted_classes (list): A list of indices of the accepted classes. """ clustering = DBSCAN(eps=0.02, min_samples=1).fit(np.array(MSE_array).reshape(-1, 1)) number_of_clusters = len(set(clustering.labels_)) if number_of_clusters == 1: print("No significant changes are detected.") # print(clustering.labels_) classes = [[] for _ in range(number_of_clusters)] centers = np.zeros(number_of_clusters), clustering.labels_, MSE_array) for i in range(len(MSE_array)): classes[clustering.labels_[i]].append(i) centers /= np.array([len(c) for c in classes]) min_class = np.argmin(centers) accepted_classes = np.where(clustering.labels_ != min_class)[0] if debug: assert output_directory is not None, "Output directory must be provided" plt.figure() plt.xlabel("Index") plt.ylabel("MSE") plt.scatter(range(len(MSE_array)), MSE_array, c="red") plt.scatter( accepted_classes[:], np.array(MSE_array)[np.array(accepted_classes)], c="blue", ) plt.title("K Mean Classification") plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_directory, "mse.png")) # save output for later evaluation np.savetxt( os.path.join(output_directory, "accepted_classes.csv"), accepted_classes, delimiter=",", ) return [accepted_classes] def draw_combination_on_transparent_input_image( classes_mse, clustering, combination, transparent_input_image ): """ Draws a combination of classes on a transparent input image based on their mean squared error (MSE) order. Args: classes_mse (numpy.ndarray): Array of mean squared errors for each class. clustering (dict): Dictionary containing the clustering information for each class. combination (list): List of classes to be drawn on the image. transparent_input_image (numpy.ndarray): Transparent input image. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Transparent input image with the specified combination of classes drawn on it. """ # HEAT MAP ACCORDING TO MSE ORDER sorted_indexes = np.argsort(classes_mse) for class_ in combination: index = np.argwhere(sorted_indexes == class_).flatten()[0] c = / (len(classes_mse) - 1)) for [i, j] in clustering[class_]: transparent_input_image[i, j] = ( c[2] * 255, c[1] * 255, c[0] * 255, 255, ) # BGR return transparent_input_image def detect_changes( images, output_alpha, window_size, clusters, pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb, debug=False, output_directory=None, ): """ Detects changes between two images using a combination of clustering and image processing techniques. Args: images (tuple): A tuple containing two input images. output_alpha (int): The alpha value for the output image. window_size (int): The size of the sliding window used for computing change map. clusters (int): The number of clusters used for clustering pixels. pca_dim_gray (int): The number of dimensions to reduce the grayscale image to using PCA. pca_dim_rgb (int): The number of dimensions to reduce the RGB image to using PCA. debug (bool, optional): Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The output directory for saving intermediate results. Defaults to None. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The resulting image with detected changes. """ start_time = time.time() input_image, _ = images clustering_map, mse_array = compute_change_map( images, window_size=window_size, clusters=clusters, pca_dim_gray=pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb=pca_dim_rgb, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory, ) clustering = [np.empty((0, 2), dtype=int) for _ in range(clusters)] # Get the indices of each element in the clustering_map indices = np.indices(clustering_map.shape).transpose(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, 2) flattened_map = clustering_map.flatten() for cluster_idx in range(clusters): clustering[cluster_idx] = indices[flattened_map == cluster_idx] b_channel, g_channel, r_channel = cv2.split(input_image) alpha_channel = np.ones(b_channel.shape, dtype=b_channel.dtype) * 255 alpha_channel[:, :] = output_alpha groups = find_group_of_accepted_classes_DBSCAN(mse_array, output_directory) for group in groups: transparent_input_image = cv2.merge( (b_channel, g_channel, r_channel, alpha_channel) ) result = draw_combination_on_transparent_input_image( mse_array, clustering, group, transparent_input_image ) print("--- Detect Changes time - %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) return result def pipeline( images, resize_factor=1.0, output_alpha=50, window_size=5, clusters=16, pca_dim_gray=3, pca_dim_rgb=9, debug=False, output_directory=None, ): """ Applies a pipeline of image processing steps to detect changes in a sequence of images. Args: images (tuple): A list of input images. resize_factor (float, optional): The factor by which to resize the images. Defaults to 1.0. output_alpha (int, optional): The alpha value for the output images. Defaults to 50. window_size (int, optional): The size of the sliding window for change detection. Defaults to 5. clusters (int, optional): The number of clusters for color quantization. Defaults to 16. pca_dim_gray (int, optional): The number of dimensions to keep for grayscale PCA. Defaults to 3. pca_dim_rgb (int, optional): The number of dimensions to keep for RGB PCA. Defaults to 9. debug (bool, optional): Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False. output_directory (str, optional): The directory to save the output images. Defaults to None. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The resulting image with detected changes. """ if output_directory: os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True) preprocessed_images = preprocess_images( images, resize_factor=resize_factor, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory, ) result = detect_changes( preprocessed_images, output_alpha=output_alpha, window_size=window_size, clusters=clusters, pca_dim_gray=pca_dim_gray, pca_dim_rgb=pca_dim_rgb, debug=debug, output_directory=output_directory, ) return result