import functools import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from .layers import GaussianFilterNd def encode_scanpath_features(x_hist, y_hist, size, device=None, include_x=True, include_y=True, include_duration=False): assert include_x assert include_y assert not include_duration height = size[0] width = size[1] xs = torch.arange(width, dtype=torch.float32).to(device) ys = torch.arange(height, dtype=torch.float32).to(device) YS, XS = torch.meshgrid(ys, xs, indexing='ij') XS = torch.repeat_interleave( torch.repeat_interleave( XS[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], repeats=x_hist.shape[0], dim=0, ), repeats=x_hist.shape[1], dim=1, ) YS = torch.repeat_interleave( torch.repeat_interleave( YS[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], repeats=y_hist.shape[0], dim=0, ), repeats=y_hist.shape[1], dim=1, ) XS -= x_hist.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) YS -= y_hist.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) distances = torch.sqrt(XS**2 + YS**2) return, YS, distances), axis=1) class FeatureExtractor(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, features, targets): super().__init__() self.features = features self.targets = targets #print("Targets are {}".format(targets)) self.outputs = {} for target in targets: layer = dict([*self.features.named_modules()])[target] layer.register_forward_hook(self.save_outputs_hook(target)) def save_outputs_hook(self, layer_id: str): def fn(_, __, output): self.outputs[layer_id] = output.clone() return fn def forward(self, x): self.outputs.clear() self.features(x) return [self.outputs[target] for target in self.targets] def upscale(tensor, size): tensor_size = torch.tensor(tensor.shape[2:]).type(torch.float32) target_size = torch.tensor(size).type(torch.float32) factors = torch.ceil(target_size / tensor_size) factor = torch.max(factors).type(torch.int64).to(tensor.device) assert factor >= 1 tensor = torch.repeat_interleave(tensor, factor, dim=2) tensor = torch.repeat_interleave(tensor, factor, dim=3) tensor = tensor[:, :, :size[0], :size[1]] return tensor class Finalizer(nn.Module): """Transforms a readout into a gaze prediction A readout network returns a single, spatial map of probable gaze locations. This module bundles the common processing steps necessary to transform this into the predicted gaze distribution: - resizing to the stimulus size - smoothing of the prediction using a gaussian filter - removing of channel and time dimension - weighted addition of the center bias - normalization """ def __init__( self, sigma, kernel_size=None, learn_sigma=False, center_bias_weight=1.0, learn_center_bias_weight=True, saliency_map_factor=4, ): """Creates a new finalizer Args: size (tuple): target size for the predictions sigma (float): standard deviation of the gaussian kernel used for smoothing kernel_size (int, optional): size of the gaussian kernel learn_sigma (bool, optional): If True, the standard deviation of the gaussian kernel will be learned (default: False) center_bias (string or tensor): the center bias center_bias_weight (float, optional): initial weight of the center bias learn_center_bias_weight (bool, optional): If True, the center bias weight will be learned (default: True) """ super(Finalizer, self).__init__() self.saliency_map_factor = saliency_map_factor self.gauss = GaussianFilterNd([2, 3], sigma, truncate=3, trainable=learn_sigma) self.center_bias_weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([center_bias_weight]), requires_grad=learn_center_bias_weight) def forward(self, readout, centerbias): """Applies the finalization steps to the given readout""" downscaled_centerbias = F.interpolate( centerbias.view(centerbias.shape[0], 1, centerbias.shape[1], centerbias.shape[2]), scale_factor=1 / self.saliency_map_factor, recompute_scale_factor=False, )[:, 0, :, :] out = F.interpolate( readout, size=[downscaled_centerbias.shape[1], downscaled_centerbias.shape[2]] ) # apply gaussian filter out = self.gauss(out) # remove channel dimension out = out[:, 0, :, :] # add to center bias out = out + self.center_bias_weight * downscaled_centerbias out = F.interpolate(out[:, np.newaxis, :, :], size=[centerbias.shape[1], centerbias.shape[2]])[:, 0, :, :] # normalize out = out - out.logsumexp(dim=(1, 2), keepdim=True) return out class DeepGazeII(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, features, readout_network, downsample=2, readout_factor=16, saliency_map_factor=2, initial_sigma=8.0): super().__init__() self.readout_factor = readout_factor self.saliency_map_factor = saliency_map_factor self.features = features for param in self.features.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.features.eval() self.readout_network = readout_network self.finalizer = Finalizer( sigma=initial_sigma, learn_sigma=True, saliency_map_factor=self.saliency_map_factor, ) self.downsample = downsample def forward(self, x, centerbias): orig_shape = x.shape x = F.interpolate( x, scale_factor=1 / self.downsample, recompute_scale_factor=False, ) x = self.features(x) readout_shape = [math.ceil(orig_shape[2] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor), math.ceil(orig_shape[3] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor)] x = [F.interpolate(item, readout_shape) for item in x] x =, dim=1) x = self.readout_network(x) x = self.finalizer(x, centerbias) return x def train(self, mode=True): self.features.eval() self.readout_network.train(mode=mode) self.finalizer.train(mode=mode) class DeepGazeIII(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, features, saliency_network, scanpath_network, fixation_selection_network, downsample=2, readout_factor=2, saliency_map_factor=2, included_fixations=-2, initial_sigma=8.0): super().__init__() self.downsample = downsample self.readout_factor = readout_factor self.saliency_map_factor = saliency_map_factor self.included_fixations = included_fixations self.features = features for param in self.features.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.features.eval() self.saliency_network = saliency_network self.scanpath_network = scanpath_network self.fixation_selection_network = fixation_selection_network self.finalizer = Finalizer( sigma=initial_sigma, learn_sigma=True, saliency_map_factor=self.saliency_map_factor, ) def forward(self, x, centerbias, x_hist=None, y_hist=None, durations=None): orig_shape = x.shape x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=1 / self.downsample) x = self.features(x) readout_shape = [math.ceil(orig_shape[2] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor), math.ceil(orig_shape[3] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor)] x = [F.interpolate(item, readout_shape) for item in x] x =, dim=1) x = self.saliency_network(x) if self.scanpath_network is not None: scanpath_features = encode_scanpath_features(x_hist, y_hist, size=(orig_shape[2], orig_shape[3]), device=x.device) #scanpath_features = F.interpolate(scanpath_features, scale_factor=1 / self.downsample / self.readout_factor) scanpath_features = F.interpolate(scanpath_features, readout_shape) y = self.scanpath_network(scanpath_features) else: y = None x = self.fixation_selection_network((x, y)) x = self.finalizer(x, centerbias) return x def train(self, mode=True): self.features.eval() self.saliency_network.train(mode=mode) if self.scanpath_network is not None: self.scanpath_network.train(mode=mode) self.fixation_selection_network.train(mode=mode) self.finalizer.train(mode=mode) class DeepGazeIIIMixture(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, features, saliency_networks, scanpath_networks, fixation_selection_networks, finalizers, downsample=2, readout_factor=2, saliency_map_factor=2, included_fixations=-2, initial_sigma=8.0): super().__init__() self.downsample = downsample self.readout_factor = readout_factor self.saliency_map_factor = saliency_map_factor self.included_fixations = included_fixations self.features = features for param in self.features.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.features.eval() self.saliency_networks = torch.nn.ModuleList(saliency_networks) self.scanpath_networks = torch.nn.ModuleList(scanpath_networks) self.fixation_selection_networks = torch.nn.ModuleList(fixation_selection_networks) self.finalizers = torch.nn.ModuleList(finalizers) def forward(self, x, centerbias, x_hist=None, y_hist=None, durations=None): orig_shape = x.shape x = F.interpolate( x, scale_factor=1 / self.downsample, recompute_scale_factor=False, ) x = self.features(x) readout_shape = [math.ceil(orig_shape[2] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor), math.ceil(orig_shape[3] / self.downsample / self.readout_factor)] x = [F.interpolate(item, readout_shape) for item in x] x =, dim=1) predictions = [] readout_input = x for saliency_network, scanpath_network, fixation_selection_network, finalizer in zip( self.saliency_networks, self.scanpath_networks, self.fixation_selection_networks, self.finalizers ): x = saliency_network(readout_input) if scanpath_network is not None: scanpath_features = encode_scanpath_features(x_hist, y_hist, size=(orig_shape[2], orig_shape[3]), device=x.device) scanpath_features = F.interpolate(scanpath_features, readout_shape) y = scanpath_network(scanpath_features) else: y = None x = fixation_selection_network((x, y)) x = finalizer(x, centerbias) predictions.append(x[:, np.newaxis, :, :]) predictions =, dim=1) - np.log(len(self.saliency_networks)) prediction = predictions.logsumexp(dim=(1), keepdim=True) return prediction class MixtureModel(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, models): super().__init__() self.models = torch.nn.ModuleList(models) def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): predictions = [model.forward(*args, **kwargs) for model in self.models] predictions =, dim=1) predictions -= np.log(len(self.models)) prediction = predictions.logsumexp(dim=(1), keepdim=True) return prediction