import requests from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI #model server from langchain_groq import ChatGroq from langchain.chains import LLMChain from langchain.prompts import ( PromptTemplate, SystemMessagePromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate, ChatPromptTemplate, ) from config import app_config import mongo_utils as mongo GROQ_API_KEY = "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" def __image2text(image): """Generates a short description of the image""" headers = {"Authorization": app_config.HF_TOKEN} try: response =, headers=headers, data=image) response = response.json()[0]["generated_text"] except Exception as e: print(e) return response def __text2story(image_desc, genre, style, word_count, creativity): """ "Generates a short story based on image description text prompt""" ## chat LLM model # story_model = ChatOpenAI( # model="gpt-3.5-turbo", # openai_api_key=app_config.OPENAI_KEY, # temperature=creativity, # ) story_model = ChatGroq(model="llama3-8b-8192", temperature=0.0, api_key=GROQ_API_KEY) ## chat message prompts sys_prompt = PromptTemplate( template="""You are an expert story writer, write a maximum of {word_count} words long story in {genre} genre in {style} writing style, based on the user provided story-context. """, input_variables=["word_count", "genre", "style"], ) system_msg_prompt = SystemMessagePromptTemplate(prompt=sys_prompt) human_prompt = PromptTemplate( template="story-context: {context}", input_variables=["context"] ) human_msg_prompt = HumanMessagePromptTemplate(prompt=human_prompt) chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [system_msg_prompt, human_msg_prompt] ) ## LLM chain story_chain = LLMChain(llm=story_model, prompt=chat_prompt) response = genre=genre, style=style, word_count=word_count, context=image_desc ) return response def generate_story(image_file, genre, style, word_count, creativity): """Generates a story given an image""" # read image as bytes arrayS with open(image_file, "rb") as f: input_image = # generate caption for image image_desc = __image2text(image=input_image) print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print(image_desc) print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") # generate story from caption story = __text2story( image_desc=image_desc, genre=genre, style=style, word_count=word_count, creativity=creativity, ) # increment the openai access counter and compute count stats mongo.increment_curr_access_count() max_count = app_config.openai_max_access_count curr_count = app_config.openai_curr_access_count available_count = max_count - curr_count return story, max_count, curr_count, available_count