import json import pandas as pd import re from dataclasses import dataclass from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize from typing import Dict, List, Sequence from utils_report_parser import get_section_from_report from transformers import ( AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer, pipeline, ) @dataclass class Report: patient_id: str|int text: str date: str summary: str|None = None def clean(s: str) -> str: s = s.replace("\n", " ") # Concatenate into one string s = s.replace("_", "") # Remove long lines and underscores s = re.sub(r"\[.*?\]", "", s) # Remove brackets and parentheses s = re.sub(r"\(.*?\)", "", s) s = " ".join(s.split()) # Replace multiple white spaces return s def split_paragraphs(text: str) -> List[str]: paragraphs = text.split("\n\n") paragraphs = list(map(clean, paragraphs)) paragraphs = list(filter(lambda s: len(s.split()) > 10, paragraphs)) return paragraphs def format_casemaker_data( df: pd.DataFrame, patient_id_column: str, text_column: str, date_column: str ): """Take in a pandas dataframe where each row corresponds to one report for a patient, and output a dataframe where each row corresponds to a patient, and the "records" column contains a list of dictionaries of all their reports sorted by date Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Input dataframe on report level patient_id_column (str): Patient ID text_column (str): Text/Report date_column (str): Date (will be used to sort) """ df = df.rename( columns={ patient_id_column: "patient_id", text_column: "text", date_column: "date", } ) df = ( df.sort_values(by=["patient_id", "date"]) .groupby("patient_id") .apply(lambda df: df[["patient_id", "text", "date"]].to_dict("records")) ) reports_by_patient = dict[str,Sequence[Report]]() for patient_id, report_list in zip(df.index, df): patient_id = str(patient_id) report_list = [Report(**report) for report in report_list] reports_by_patient[patient_id] = report_list return reports_by_patient class CaseMaker: def __init__(self, organ_keywords_dict_path: str = "../assets/terms.json"): self.organ_keyword_dict = json.load(open(organ_keywords_dict_path, "r")) self.ner_pipe = pipeline( "ner", model=AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained( "d4data/biomedical-ner-all" ), tokenizer=AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("d4data/biomedical-ner-all"), aggregation_strategy="simple", device_map="auto", ) # self.summ_pipe = pipeline( # "text2text-generation", model="starmpcc/Asclepius-7B", device_map="auto" # ) def standardize_organ(self, organ_entity: Dict) -> Dict: """Given an entity, map its name to a set of recognized entities provided in organ_keyword_dict if it matches any of the keywords; otherwise set it as "Other" Args: organ_entity (Dict): Dictionary corresponding to entity; should contain "word" key which is the entity Returns: Dict: Same dictionary where the "word" key has been updated to either a set of standard body organs or "Other" """ # If the organ matches any of the keys or their synonyms, replace the name and return for key in self.organ_keyword_dict: if (organ_entity["word"].lower() == key.lower()) or ( organ_entity["word"].lower() in self.organ_keyword_dict[key] ): organ_entity["word"] = key return organ_entity # Otherwise, it's a bad match so set the score to 0 and return other organ_entity["word"] = "Other" organ_entity["score"] = 0.0 return organ_entity def pick_organ_by_keyword(self, s: str): words = s.lower() for organ in self.organ_keyword_dict.keys(): if any( [ keyword.lower() in words for keyword in [organ] + self.organ_keyword_dict[organ] ] ): return organ return "other" def parse_report_by_organ(self, report: str): """Take in a text report and output a dictionary of body organs and a list of all the sentences corresponding to that organ Args: report (str): Input report """ report_string_by_organ = dict[str, str]() # Split the report into a list of paragraphs paragraphs = split_paragraphs(report) # Collect a list of paragraphs related to each organ for p in paragraphs: # Figure out which organ is being referenced selected_organ = self.pick_organ_by_keyword(p) # Concatenate the report to its corresponding organ if selected_organ not in report_string_by_organ: report_string_by_organ[selected_organ] = p else: report_string_by_organ[selected_organ] += p return report_string_by_organ def trim_to_relevant_portion(self, report: str): # Cut the report to the findings report = get_section_from_report(report, "findings") # Only keep sentences with symptoms and disease descriptions relevant_sentences = [] for sentence in sent_tokenize(report): if any( [ ent["entity_group"] in ["Sign_symptom", "Disease_disorder"] for ent in self.ner_pipe(sentence) ] ): relevant_sentences.append(sentence) return "\n".join(relevant_sentences) def summarize_report(self, text: str) -> str: """Format text into prompt and summarize clinical text Args: text (str): Input report Returns: str: Output """ question = ( "Can you provide a succinct summary of the key clinical findings " "and treatment recommendations outlined in this discharge summary?" ) prompt = """ You are an intelligent clinical languge model. Below is a snippet of patient's discharge summary and a following instruction from healthcare professional. Write a response that appropriately completes the instruction. The response should provide the accurate answer to the instruction, while being concise. [Discharge Summary Begin] {note} [Discharge Summary End] [Instruction Begin] {question} [Instruction End] """.format( question=question, note=text ) output = self.summ_pipe(prompt, max_new_tokens=len(text.split()) // 2)[0][ "generated_text" ] answer = output.split("[Instruction End]")[-1] answer = clean(answer) return answer def parse_records( self, reports: Sequence[Report], ): """Given a list of reports (represented by dictionaries), split each of them by body part using parse_report_by_organ, then compile all the text for the same organ across different reports (i.e. for each body part, have a list of dicts which contain the text from various reports) Args: records (Sequence[Report]): List of reports represented by dictionaries; each dictionary must contain "text" and "date" keys """ # For each organ, collect a list of relevant records containing the text and date reports_by_organ = dict[str, Sequence[Report]]() for report in reports: report_by_organ = self.parse_report_by_organ(report.text) for organ, report_text in report_by_organ.items(): organ_level_record = Report(text=report_text,, patient_id=report.patient_id) if organ in reports_by_organ: reports_by_organ[organ].append(organ_level_record) else: reports_by_organ[organ] = [organ_level_record] # For each organ, then filter only to the relevant reports and summarize them summarized_reports_by_organ = dict[str, Sequence[Report]]() for organ in reports_by_organ.keys(): cleaned_reports = list[Report]() for report in reports_by_organ[organ]: # Trim the report report_text = self.trim_to_relevant_portion(report.text) if report_text: report.summary = report_text cleaned_reports.append(report) summarized_reports_by_organ[organ] = cleaned_reports return summarized_reports_by_organ def format_reports(self, all_reports: Dict[str, List[Dict]]): new_reports = {} for organ, organ_reports in all_reports.items(): new_reports[organ] = "\n\n".join( [f"**Report {str(}**\n\n{str(r.summary)}" for r in organ_reports] ) return new_reports