(c / claim-01 :ARG0 (p / partisan :poss (p2 / person :wiki "Ronald_Reagan" :name (n / name :op1 "Ronald" :op2 "Reagan"))) :ARG1 (w / win-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG2 (w2 / war :wiki "Cold_War" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Cold" :op2 "War"))) :time (c2 / collapse-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (d / date-entity :year 1991))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (c / claim-01 :ARG1 (o2 / overextend-00 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / attempt-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (k / keep-up-05 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (s / spend-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ray-gun")) :ARG1 (d / defend-01))))))) :ARG2 (s2 / show-01 :ARG0 (r2 / review-01 :ARG1 (f / fact) :mod (c4 / careful)) :ARG1 (t / true :polarity - :domain c))) (c / claim-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "George_H._W._Bush" :name (n / name :op1 "Pappy" :op2 "Bush") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p3 / president) :time (t / then))) :ARG1 (w / win-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG2 (w2 / war :wiki "Cold_War" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Cold" :op2 "War")) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (c3 / collapse-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (w3 / watch-over-03 :ARG0 p2))))) (h / herald-01 :ARG1 (w / win-01 :ARG0 (c / capitalism)) :beneficiary (p / person :quant (m / many) :example (c3 / capitalist :mod (e / especially))) :concession (t / thing :ARG2-of (v / view-02 :ARG0 (o / one) :ARG1 (c2 / claim-01 :mod (t2 / that))))) (h / hail-02 :ARG0 (p / partisan :poss g) :ARG1 (g / globalism) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (c / consequence :ARG1-of (n / natural-03) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (w / win-01 :ARG0 p))) :op2 (w2 / way :ARG1-of (s / sense-02) :instrument-of (b / bring-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (b2 / bless-01 :ARG1 p3 :ARG2 (f / free-04 :mod (p2 / problem)) :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01)) :ARG2 (p3 / person :part-of (w3 / world)))))) (u / use-01 :ARG0 (c / capitalist :mod (i / impatient :time (a / always) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / restrain-01 :quant (a2 / any))))) :ARG1 (w / win-01 :mod (t / this) :ARG1-of (c2 / call-01 :manner (s / so))) :ARG2 (j / justify-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (o2 / or :op1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (r2 / restrain-01 :ARG0-of (r3 / regulate-01) :quant (a3 / any))) :op2 (c4 / call-03 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (r4 / roll-back-04 :ARG1 r2))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (e / everyone :polarity -) :ARG1 (v / view-02 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w / world) :op2 (s / system :mod (e2 / economy))) :mod (t / that)))) (o / or :op1 (o2 / obvious-01 :ARG1 (e / enchant-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / capitalism) :op2 (e2 / expression :poss c :location (a2 / and :op1 (d / democracy :mod (i / industry)) :op2 (c2 / country :ARG4-of (g2 / go-01 :ARG1 (c3 / capitalist :source d) :purpose (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 c3)))))) :ARG1 (p / person :quant (m / many :mod (g / great))) :degree (l / less-than))) :op2 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 o2) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (m2 / move-02 :ARG1 (o4 / occupy-01) :mod (v / various))) :time (n / now)) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (c / capitalism) :op2 (a3 / activity-06 :ARG0 c))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (y / yield-01 :ARG0 (c / capitalism :ARG1-of (f / fetter-01 :polarity -)) :ARG1 (o / oligarchy)) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Setanta"))) (g / good-04 :ARG1 (r / regulate-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01))) :ARG2 (e / evolve-01 :ARG1 (c / capitalism))) (h / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 (i / industry) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (r / right-03 :ARG2 (h2 / humanity))) :time (e / ever)) :ARG2 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (h3 / horror :mod (h4 / health)) :op2 (h5 / horror :mod (s / safe-01)) :op3 (h6 / horror :mod (e2 / environment))) :ARG1 (r2 / regulate-01 :ARG1 a))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p2 / problem :topic (c / capitalism))) :ARG2 (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p3 / problem :topic (c3 / capitalism :ARG1-of (r / regulate-01 :polarity -))))) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Setanta"))) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / this) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02)) (t / thrive-01 :ARG1 (c / capitalism) :time (a / and :op1 (u / understand-01 :ARG0 (e / everyone) :ARG1 (r / rule)) :op2 (p / play-01 :ARG0 e :prep-by r) :op3 (e2 / enforce-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 r))) (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (s / spend-02 :ARG0 (e / everyone) :ARG1 (t / time :quant (a / all) :poss e) :ARG2 (o2 / or :op1 (t2 / try-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (c / circumvent-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (r / rule))) :op2 (t3 / try-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 r)) :op3 (f / fight-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (f2 / follow-02 :polarity - :ARG1 r))))) :source-of (b / begin-01 :ARG1 (t4 / trouble-01) :mod (r2 / really))) (p / problem :topic (d / deregulate-01) :domain (t / that)) (r4 / remove-01 :ARG1 (r2 / rule) :ARG0-of (h / help-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (c / compete-02 :ARG0 b :degree (m / more)) :ARG2 (b / business)) :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 :ARG2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (r3 / race-01 :ARG0 b :ARG2 (b2 / bottom) :purpose (c2 / counter-01 :ARG0 b :ARG1 (b3 / business :mod (n / new) :ARG1-of (s / start-01 :location b2))))))) (r / resemble-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (c / change-01 :ARG1 (r2 / rule :mod (g / game :wiki "Monopoly_(game)" :name (n / name :op1 "Monopoly"))) :time (w / way :op1 (g2 / game) :mod (h / half))) :purpose (m / mean-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / purchase-01 :quant (a / all) :time (p2 / previous)))) (b / benefit-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / that) :ARG1 (c / capitalism) :concession (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (t3 / tell-01 :ARG0 (s / some) :ARG2 (y / you)))) (a2 / agree-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :mod (e2 / ethnic-group :wiki "Arabs" :name (n / name :op1 "Arab")) :ARG0-of (t2 / tote-01 :ARG1 (b / bomb)) :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG0-of (e / exemplify-01) :quant (a / all) :ARG1-of (s / see-01)))) :mod (o / only)) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (r / rude-01 :ARG1 (t / that) :degree (e / extreme)) :ARG2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / see-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG2 (h2 / humor) :location t))) (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01 :mod (k / kind :mod (t / that)))) :ARG1 (p / place) :location (c2 / college))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (l / list-01 :ARG0 (k / kid :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / costume-01 :ARG2 (g / geisha)) :op2 (a2 / and :op1 (s / sombrero) :op2 (d / donkey)) :op3 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (c3 / costume-01 :ARG0-of (s2 / sensitive-03 :polarity - :ARG1 (r / race) :ARG1-of (d2 / deem-01 :ARG0 k))) :mod (o / other) :quant (f / few))))) (s / sensitive-03 :polarity - :mode interrogative :ARG1 (r / race)) (b / be-located-at-91 :mode interrogative :polarity - :ARG1 (t2 / they) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico"))) (h / have-part-91 :ARG1 (d / dress-01 :ARG1 (t2 / they)) :ARG2 (t / that) :mod (h2 / huge) :time (g / get-05 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (a / away :mod (f / far :degree (m / more))) :source (c / city))) (i / insult-01 :ARG0 (t / that) :manner (a / amr-unknown)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s / show-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (s2 / someone :ARG0-of (d / do-02 :ARG1 (s3 / something :mod (d2 / derogatory))))) :ARG2 (u / use-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t / thing :poss (s4 / society) :ARG2-of (c2 / clothe-01)) :ARG2 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (c3 / costume-01)))) (s / sensitive-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (g / geisha) :mod (t / too)) (o2 / opine-01 :ARG0 (i2 / i) :ARG1 (t / take-01 :ARG0 (t2 / this) :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG3 (o / over :op1 (b / board) :degree (w / way))) :mod (o3 / only) :mod (a / again)) (s / seem-01 :ARG1 (l / look-01 :ARG0 (p / person) :ARG1 (r / reason) :ARG2 (o / offend-01 :ARG1 p)) :time (s2 / sometimes)) (i / it :topic (p / perspective) :manner (f / frank)) (a2 / and :op1 (s2 / see-01 :ARG0 (s / someone) :ARG1 (s3 / something)) :op2 (w / want-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (t / think-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (b / bad-07 :degree (m / most)) :ARG2 s2)) :time (a / always)) (c / change-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (o / or :op1 (d / dress-01 :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c2 / costume-01))) :op2 (d2 / dress-01 :polarity - :ARG2 t)) :ARG1 (t2 / that)) (a / and :op2 (a2 / amr-unknown :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (s3 / sensitive-03 :ARG0 (s2 / slash :polarity - :op1 (r / race :mod (t / that) :mod (o / only)) :op2 (c / culture :mod t :mod o)) :ARG1-of (s / spotlight-01))))) (e / equal-01 :polarity - :mode interrogative :ARG1 (r / rude-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / wear-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (o / overalls :ARG1-of (t / tear-01)) :op2 (s / shirt :ARG1-of (s2 / stain-01)))) :op2 (b / blacken-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t2 / tooth :part-of y)) :op3 (h / hillbilly :mod (w2 / white)))) :mod (j / just)) (a3 / amr-unknown :topic (w / woman :ARG0-of (w2 / wear-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s / shorts) :op2 (h / heel :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02)) :op3 (m / make-up :quant (m2 / much :degree (t2 / too)))) :purpose (h3 / hooker)))) (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (s / stop-01 :ARG1 (d / drive-03 :ARG1 (f / find-01 :ARG1 (s2 / something :ARG0-of (s3 / sensitive-03 :polarity -))) :extent (f2 / forever) :mod (t / this)))) (a / and :op2 (f / find-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (j / justify-01)) :time (a2 / always) :condition (w / want-01 :ARG0 (s / someone) :ARG1 (l / look-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (h / hold-back-07 :ARG1 (t4 / they) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 t4 :ARG1 (r / reason :mod (w2 / whatever)) :location (h3 / head :part-of t4)))))))) :manner (m / matter-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t5 / thing)))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (j / jump-07 :ARG0 (w / we :ARG1-of (c2 / call-01 :ARG2 (s / society :ARG1-of (f / free-04)))) :ARG1 (b / board-01 :ARG1 (b2 / behave-01 :ARG1 (p / PC :mod (s2 / super)) :mod (t / this))) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown)) :mod (r / really))) (a / amr-unknown :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (o / okay-04 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (f / find-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :mod (s / small :degree (m / most)) :ARG0-of (o2 / offend-01))) :op2 (t2 / throw-out-04 :ARG1 (d / discriminate-02 :ARG1 f :mod (n / new)))) :time (n2 / now)))) (a3 / and :op2 (a / apply-02 :ARG1 (r / rule :mod (t / this)) :ARG2 (r2 / race :quant (o / or :op1 2 :op2 3)) :mod (o2 / only) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / amr-unknown)))) (a / and :op1 (p / person :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "America"))) :op2 (p2 / person :mod (w / white)) :op3 (p3 / person :ARG1-of (b / black-05)) :op4 (p4 / person :ARG1-of (g / green-02)) :op5 (p5 / person :mod (b2 / blue)) :op6 (p6 / person :ARG1-of (s / short-07)) :op7 (p7 / person :mod (t / tall)) :op8 (p8 / person :ARG1-of (f / fat-03))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) :snt2 (m2 / make-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (f2 / fun) :ARG2 (a2 / all) :manner (w / way :mod (s / some)) :time (c / come-12 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c2 / costume-01)) :op2 (f / festival :wiki "Halloween" :name (n / name :op1 "Halloween")))) :ARG1-of (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (g / get-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (r / race :quant 3 :mod (t2 / that) :mod (o / only)) :ARG1 (l / light :ARG1-of (r2 / red-02)))))) (r / racist :polarity - :mode interrogative :domain (t / that)) (a / and :op1 (b / bleed-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (s / study-01)) :mod (i / idealism)) :op2 (t / temper-01 :ARG1 p :mod (e / enough) :instrument (a2 / and :op1 (t2 / time) :op2 (p2 / patina :mod (c / culture))) :purpose (r / realize-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (r2 / recommend-01 :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (l / laugh-01 :ARG0 (o / one) :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 o :op2 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (o2 / obsess-01 :ARG0 o) :mod c))))) :op2 (m / mechanism :polarity - :mod (e2 / evil) :poss (r3 / racism) :domain (t4 / thing :ARG2-of (c2 / costume-01 :ARG1-of (b2 / betray-01 :ARG0 p)) :mod (t5 / this))))))) (t / thread :mod (t2 / this) :ARG1-of (r / ridiculous-02 :degree (a / absolute))) (m / mean-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG2 (b / ban-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01) :mod (r / racism)) :mod (a / actual) :ARG2-of (h / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 (y / you :quant (a2 / all)) :ARG1 (p2 / point)))))) (u / uptight :topic (p / plight :poss (p2 / person :mod (w / white) :location (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US")))) :domain (i / i) :ARG1-of (e / equal-01 :ARG2 (u2 / uptight :topic p :domain (a / anyone)))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (r / read-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (a / anyone :mod (e / else)) :ARG1 (a2 / article))) (b / ban-01 :ARG0 (n / no-one) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01) :mod (f / festival :wiki "Halloween" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Halloween")))) (t / talk-01 :ARG0 (n / no-one) :ARG1 (b / ban-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01 :mod (f / festival :wiki "Halloween" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Halloween"))))) :mod (e / even)) (w / want-01 :ARG0 (n / no-one :location (s / story :mod (t / this)) :ARG2-of (e / except-01 :ARG1 (p / person :location (h / here) :ARG0-of (w2 / want-01 :ARG1 (b2 / ban-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (p2 / poster-01))) :manner (a2 / apparent))))) :ARG1 (b / ban-01 :ARG0 n :ARG1 (a / anything)) :mod (i / in-fact)) (h / have-03 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (s / study-01) :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (g / goal :ARG1-of (s2 / simple-02))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (c / change-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant (f / few)))) :op2 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (m / make-02 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (t2 / think-01 :ARG0 p2))) :ARG2-of (h / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (a / awe-01 :ARG0 o)))) (o / or :op1 (b / ban-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (a / anything)) :op2 (s / stop-03 :polarity - :ARG0 t :ARG1 (a2 / anybody) :ARG2 (d / do-02 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (a3 / anything)))) (s / story :mod (t / this) :topic (e / express-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (s2 / study-01)) :ARG1 (s3 / speak-01 :ARG3-of (f / free-04)))) (m / make-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (p / poster-01) :ARG0-of (e / express-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (o / opine-01 :ARG0 t))))) (w / want-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (w2 / wear-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01) :ARG0-of (o / offend-01) :ARG1-of (f / find-02 :ARG0 (p / person :mod (o2 / other))))) :ARG2-of (h / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (s / speak-01 :ARG3-of (f2 / free-04))) :mod (o3 / of-course)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (s / speak-01 :ARG3-of (f / free-04) :domain (c2 / complain-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (o / offend-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c3 / costume-01 :ARG1 (y / you)) :poss y))) :mod (a / also))) (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (b / ban-01 :ARG1 (n / neither))) (a / and :op1 (t / that :mod (w / way :manner-of (w2 / work-09 :ARG1 (i / it))))) (r / relevant-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (f / face :ARG1-of (b / black-04)) :op2 (n / noose)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c / costume-01 :ARG1 (y / you)))) :op2 (c2 / costume-01 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (s / sandwich-01 :ARG1-of (g / grill-01) :mod (c3 / cheese :ARG1-of (d / drip-02 :degree (t2 / too :degree (l / little))) :ARG1-of (t3 / think-01 :ARG0 (i2 / i))))))) (a / and :op1 (s / speak-01 :ARG3-of (f / free-04) :domain (s2 / speak-01 :ARG3-of (f2 / free-04))) :op2 (o / opposite-01 :ARG1 (e / express-01 :ARG1 s) :ARG2 (b / ban-01 :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01)) :mod (a3 / actual))) (t / turn-01 :ARG0 (y / you :quant (a / all)) :ARG1 (s / story :mod (t2 / this)) :time (e / end-01 :ARG1 s)) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (i / infer-01 :ARG1 (c / chance-02 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (s3 / she) :ARG1 (d2 / dethrone-01 :ARG0 s3 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Scott_Brown" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Scott" :op2 "Brown") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (s4 / senator) :time (s6 / sitting)) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p3 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party"))))) :ARG2 (a / any))) :ARG2 (p / person :mod (s2 / state :wiki "Massachusetts" :name (n / name :op1 "Massachusetts")) :mod (d / dear))) (m / multi-sentence :snt2 (l / like-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (h / he) :mod (k / kinda)) :snt1 (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (n2 / need-01 :ARG1 (d / dethrone-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Scott_Brown" :name (n / name :op1 "Scott" :op2 "Brown")))))) (p / possible-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (b / beat-03 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Elizabeth_Warren" :name (n / name :op1 "Elizabeth" :op2 "Warren")) :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Scott_Brown" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Scott" :op2 "Brown")))) (h2 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (f2 / fight-01 :ARG1-of (b / brutal-02 :degree (m / most)) :ARG1-of (s / see-01 :ARG0 i :time (e3 / ever)) :domain (f / fight-01 :ARG0 (g / girl) :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 :ARG2 (m3 / multi-sentence :snt1 (a2 / and :op1 (k2 / kick-01 :quant (l2 / lot)) :op2 (s2 / scratch-02) :op3 (p / punch-01 :ARG0-of (a3 / amaze-01) :quant (s6 / some))) :snt2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l3 / lose-02)) :ARG2 (s3 / stay-01 :ARG1 p2 :location (h / home) :source (s4 / school) :duration (a4 / almost :op1 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (w2 / week))) :time (u / until :op1 (g2 / go-01 :ARG1 (s5 / swell-01 :ARG1 (a5 / around :op1 (e / eyes :poss g))) :ARG4 (d / down-03 :ARG1 s5))))))))) :ARG2 (s7 / sure-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (l / look-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :mod (e2 / either) :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (t / they))))))) (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (y / yes))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party")) :ARG1 (s / seat :quant 1 :mod (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senate")) :mod (m / more)))) (s / seem-01 :ARG1 (t / task :ARG1-of (e / easy-05 :degree (m / more :quant (l / lot)) :compared-to (r / race-02 :ARG2 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senate")) :mod (o / other))) :domain (i / it) :location (s2 / state :wiki "Massachusetts" :name (n / name :op1 "Massachusetts")))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t3 / thing :mod (g / good :degree (m2 / most)) :domain (k / keep-04 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (f / few) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party"))) :ARG1-of (m / moderate-03) :ARG1-of (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 (w / we))) :ARG2 (l / location :location-of p :mod (r / right))))) (h2 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (r / reasonable-02 :ARG1 h :topic (c2 / come-12 :ARG1 (r2 / represent-01 :ARG0 h :ARG1 (c3 / constituency :ARG1-of (l2 / lean-01 :ARG2 (l3 / liberal-02)))))) :ARG2 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (t / thing :quant (m / most)) :manner (a / along :op1 (l / line :mod (p2 / party)))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (s / sound-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (c / contest-02 :ARG3 (b / bellweather) :mod (r / real))) :ARG2 (k / know-01 :polarity -)) (m / make-06 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (c / contest-02 :mod (g / great :degree (r / really)) :mod (s / some) :mod (o / off-year))) (c / care-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (e / explain-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (t / think-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (i / idiot :domain (h / he)))))) :mode interrogative) (b / beat-02 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Martha_Coakley" :name (n / name :op1 "Martha" :op2 "Coakley")) :manner (c / convince-01 :degree (r / rather))) (s2 / serve-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (s3 / senator :mod (s4 / state)) :duration (s5 / several :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year)))) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (b / bill :quant (s / several) :mod (p / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party"))) :mod (e / even)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (c / candidate :ARG1-of (b / bad-02) :domain (p / person :wiki "Martha_Coakley" :name (n / name :op1 "Coakley")) :ARG0-of (r / run-01 :ARG1 (c2 / campaign :mod (t2 / terrible)))) :snt2 (h / hunt-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a2 / article :mod (g / great) :ARG1-of (r2 / read-01 :ARG0 i :time (b2 / before :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year)))) :ARG0-of (o / outline-01 :ARG1 (m2 / mistake-02 :ARG0 p :mod (t4 / tremendous)))) :location (a4 / around))) (d / difficult :domain (a / answer-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Scott_Brown" :name (n / name :op1 "Brown")) :ARG1 (q / question-01 :ARG1 (p2 / policy) :ARG2 p) :manner (c2 / cogent))) (s / see-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG2 (a4 / answer-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG0-of (s3 / show-01 :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :polarity - :ARG0 h :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 :ARG0-of (u2 / underlie-01)) :mod (r / real) :mod (a2 / at-all))) :ARG2-of (i3 / include-91 :ARG1 (a3 / answer-01 :quant (s4 / several) :ARG0-of (e / embarrass-01 :mod (j / just) :mod (r2 / real))))) :frequency (o / occasion-02 :quant (s2 / several))) (a / and :op1 (o3 / or :op1 (a2 / activity-06 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / politics)) :op2 (c / care-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 p :mod (e / even)) :mod (r2 / real) :time (u / until :op1 (r / recent))) :op2 (l / look-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :mod (o2 / other)) :topic (t / this))) :mod (j / just))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (p2 / probable :mode interrogative :domain (i / inform-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (i3 / i) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG1-of (v / vote-01 :ARG0 i3)) :ARG2 y :mod (j / just)) :ARG1 (y / you) :quant (m / much))) :mod (w / well :mode expressive)) (i / important :domain (i2 / issues :mod (a / amr-unknown)) :beneficiary (y / you)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama") :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (j / job :mod (g / good)) :ARG2 (a / area :quant (m2 / most)))))) :snt2 (a2 / and :op1 (l / let-down-04 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (i2 / i) :topic (a3 / area :quant (s / some))) :op2 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) :time (t2 / today) :manner (w / way :polarity -)))) (d / do-02 :ARG0 (i / i) :location (l / local :mod (m2 / most)) :frequency (f / few) :time (p / past)) (a / anyone :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant (m / majority) :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (t3 / they))) :ARG1 (b / become-01 :ARG1 (c / country :mod (t2 / this)) :ARG2 (c2 / constipate-00 :ARG1 c :ARG0-of (c4 / concern-02 :ARG1 (e / everything :mod (i4 / important))))))) (w / will-02 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (t2 / throw-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "America")) :ARG2 (u / under :op1 (b / bus)) :purpose (m / make-02 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (l / look-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Obama")) :ARG1 (b2 / bad-07))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (o / okay-01) :snt2 (a / add-02 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01))) :ARG1 (l / lot)) :snt3 (r / right-06 :ARG1 (y / you))) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (t / think-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (j / job :mod (g / good)) :time (c2 / circumstance :mod (d2 / difficult)))) :op2 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (d3 / do-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m / more :mod (m2 / much)) :manner (t2 / term :mod (a2 / another)))) :op3 (w / worry-02 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (d4 / do-02 :ARG0 (p6 / person :ARG1-of (n6 / nominate-01) :mod (a3 / any) :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p3 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) :prep-as (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p8 / president))) :condition (w2 / win-01 :ARG0 (p7 / person :quant 1 :ARG1-of (i3 / include-91 :ARG2 p6))))) :mod (r / real))))) (m4 / multi-sentence :snt1 (h2 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (m3 / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / hear-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t / thing :mod (g / good) :topic (p3 / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul")) :quant (s / some)))) :ARG2 (v / vote-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :mod (a / any) :mod (j / just) :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki "Rick_Perry" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rick" :op2 "Perry") :mod (e / especially))) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p5 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) :mod (a2 / also))) :snt2 (p4 / person :mod (o / only) :domain (h4 / he) :ARG0-of (h5 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 p5) :ARG1-of (l / learn-01 :ARG0 (i3 / i) :mod (m2 / more) :ARG2-of (i2 / interest-01 :ARG1 i3 :mod (a3 / actual))))) (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (c / content-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (r / race-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul"))) :op2 (d / debate-01 :ARG0 p :mod (e / especially))) :ARG1 i) :topic p) (l / like-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / thing :manner-of (a / and :op1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (w / war)) :op2 (o2 / oppose-01 :ARG0 h :ARG1 (b / bullshit)) :mod (g / general-02)))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :domain (h2 / he) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :degree (a / absolute))) (h / have-03 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Andrew_Sullivan" :name (n / name :op1 "Andrew" :op2 "Sullivan")) :ARG1 (p2 / post :quant (l / lot) :topic (h2 / he) :mod (p4 / place :mod (g / good) :location-of (s / start-01 :ARG0 (y / you)) :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01) :condition (i / interest-01 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (l2 / learn-01 :ARG0 y :mod (m / more)))))) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (u / un-endorse-00 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul")) :location (h4 / here)) :snt2 (a2 / and :op1 (e2 / endorse-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (h3 / he)) :op2 (t / think-01 :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 2) :time (t2 / then)))) (r / read-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / piece :ARG0-of (f / fascinate-01 :ARG1 i)) :medium (n2 / newspaper :wiki "The_Wall_Street_Journal" :name (n / name :op1 "WSJ")) :time (t / today)) (s / speak-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / author-01)) :ARG1 (t / thing :manner-of (r2 / rate-01 :ARG2 (l / low-04 :mod (d / dismal)) :ARG3 (a2 / approve-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")))))) (a / and :op1 (a2 / appear-02 :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p2 / pull-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n / name :op1 "Congress")) :ARG2 (t2 / together) :purpose (a4 / accomplish-01 :ARG0 h :ARG1 (m / much))))) :op2 (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (a5 / author-01)) :ARG1 (w / worsen-01 :ARG1 p :condition (e / elect-01 :ARG1 h :ARG2 (t3 / term :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2))) :mod (o3 / only)))) (l / like-02 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (b / bow-out-06 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) :ARG1 (t / term :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 2))) :op2 (r2 / run-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Hillary_Rodham_Clinton" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Hillary" :op2 "Clinton")) :ARG1 (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p3 / president))))) (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (c / chance-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hillary_Rodham_Clinton" :name (n / name :op1 "Hillary")) :ARG1 (b2 / bring-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c2 / country) :ARG3 (t / together)) :ARG2 (g / good :degree (m / most)))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (i2 / idea :mod (g / great) :domain (i3 / it))) :op2 (t2 / think-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 i2)) :ARG2 (k / know-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (f / feel-01 :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG2 (r / run-02))) :polarity -)) (a3 / and :op1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / smarts) :op2 (e / experience))) :op2 (a2 / approve-01 :ARG0 (c3 / citizen :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (c / citizen)) :quant (m / majority)) :ARG1 s) :mod (c2 / certain)) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (b / bunch :mod (p / poor) :domain (p2 / person :ARG1-of (b2 / be-located-at-91 :ARG2 (s2 / side :mod (p3 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")) :part-of (f / fence)))))) (i2 / include-91 :polarity - :ARG1 (o / one :ARG0-of (c / capture-01 :ARG1 (i / imagination :poss (p / person :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "America")))))) :ARG2 (b / bunch)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (o2 / opine-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (v / vote-01) :ARG0-of (d / decide-01 :ARG3 (e2 / elect-01 :mod (t3 / this))) :domain (a / and :op1 (p / person :ARG1-of (m2 / moderate-03)) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (d2 / depend-01 :polarity -))))) :snt2 (v2 / vote-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (b / bang-02 :ARG1 (b3 / book :wiki "Bible" :name (n / name :op1 "Bible"))) :mod (a3 / any) :ARG0-of (f / favor-01 :ARG1 (l / life)) :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 :ARG1 (g / gay))) :manner (c / certain))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) (r / recommend-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (s / step-down-04 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama")) :purpose (g / good :poss (c / country)))) (r / recommend-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (r2 / run-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hillary_Rodham_Clinton" :name (n / name :op1 "Hillary")))) (a / and :op1 (c / come-01 :ARG1 (t / time :poss (p / person :wiki "Hillary_Rodham_Clinton" :name (n / name :op1 "Hillary")))) :op2 (g / go-01 :ARG1 t)) (b2 / befriend-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG1 (p / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party")) :manner (a / and :op1 (d / divide-02 :ARG0 s :ARG1 p) :op2 (l / lose-02 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (b / black-05)))))) (a / and :op1 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (n2 / no-one :ARG0-of (v2 / vote-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Obama")))) :ARG1 (s / she)) :op2 (v3 / vote-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (v4 / vote-01 :ARG1 p) :quant (l / less :mod (l2 / lot :mod (w / whole)))) :ARG1 s)) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (w / worry-01 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you))) (s3 / sense-02 :ARG1 (s2 / she) :degree (e / enough :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (t / try-01 :polarity - :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (r / run-02 :ARG0 s2 :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p / president) :time (s / sitting)) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p4 / party :ARG1-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 s2))))))))) (s2 / scenario :topic (c5 / case :mod (g5 / good :degree (m3 / most))) :domain (a / and :op1 (r / reelect-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama"))) :op2 (c / continue-01 :ARG1 (s / slide-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country) :direction (b / backwards)) :concession (e / even-if :op1 (a2 / and :op1 (g / gain-02 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party")))) :ARG1 (f / foothold :mod (g2 / great :degree (m / more)) :poss (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Senate") :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n4 / name :op1 "US"))))) :op2 (i / increase-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (m2 / mass :mod (c4 / collective) :poss p3 :location (g4 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Congress") :mod c3)))))))) (s / scenario :topic (c2 / case :ARG1-of (b / bad-07 :degree (m2 / most))) :domain (e / elect-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "George_W._Bush" :name (n / name :op1 "George" :op2 "W." :op3 "Bush" :op4 "II") :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 :ARG2 (c / candidate :mod (a / any) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party"))))) :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 :polarity - :ARG2 (o2 / or :op1 (p3 / person :wiki "Jon_Huntsman,_Jr." :name (n3 / name :op1 "Huntsman")) :op2 (p4 / person :wiki "Mitt_Romney" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Romney")) :op3 (p5 / person :wiki "Ron_Paul" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Ron" :op2 "Paul"))))))) (i / infer-01 :ARG1 (m / mean-01 :ARG1 (t / that) :ARG2 (l / likely-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (g / gain-02 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party")))) :degree (f / further) :manner (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n / name :op1 "Congress")))) :op2 (g4 / gain-02 :ARG0 p3 :degree f :mod (e / even) :mod (p2 / perhaps) :manner (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Senate")))))))) (s / slide-01 :ARG1 (c / country) :direction (b / back :mod (r2 / right)) :direction (r / recession-02 :ARG1 c :ARG1-of (d / deep-02 :degree (m / most))) :time (t / then)) (s / suspect-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (w / wrong-04 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (i2 / incline-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG1-of (m / moderate-03)) :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 p)) :op2 (i3 / incline-01 :ARG0 (o / one :ARG1-of (c / call-01 :ARG0 y :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (b / bag-01 :ARG1 (t / tea)))) :mod (e / especially)) :ARG1 (v2 / vote-01 :ARG0 o))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (w / wrong-04 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (t2 / turn-out-17 :mod (t3 / too) :topic (s2 / slash :op1 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (m / moderate-03)) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 :polarity -)) :ARG0-of (v / vote-01)))) :mod (a / actual)) :ARG2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (w2 / wrong-04 :ARG1 i))) (e / expect-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / turn-out-17 :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g2 / group :mod (t2 / that)))) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama"))) :mod (g / good :degree (f / fair)))) (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / accept-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Hillary_Rodham_Clinton" :name (n / name :op1 "Hillary")))) (i2 / impress-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (f / field :mod (p2 / political-party :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Republican" :op2 "Party"))) :ARG1 (i / i) :degree (g / great) :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 :ARG2 (i3 / impress-01 :polarity - :ARG0 f :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Phoenix")) :degree g))) (c / crazy-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (c2 / candidate :ARG1-of (p / presume-01) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Party_(United_States)" :name (n / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Party")))) :mod (e / either)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (s / seem-01 :ARG1 (l / likely-01 :ARG1 (s2 / step-aside-05 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Barack_Obama" :name (n / name :op1 "Obama"))) :compared-to (g / give-up-07 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Herman_Cain" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Cain"))) :degree (l2 / less :mod (e / even))))) (g / guess-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (o / optimistic :polarity - :domain i :topic (f / future :poss (c / country) :time (a / after :op1 (n2 / now) :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit (y2 / year)))) :ARG1-of (s / summarize-01))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (k / kudos :mode expressive :beneficiary (s / state :wiki "New_York" :name (n / name :op1 "NY"))) :snt2 (r / realize-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (i / it :topic (v / vote-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (l / line :mod (p / party)) :mod (j / just))) :ARG2 (i2 / it :topic (v2 / vote-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (r2 / right-02))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (m / marry-01 :ARG1 (g / gay)) :mod (a / actual) :time (y / yet)) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "jcboy"))) (g / get-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (m / message-01) :ARG1-of (m2 / mix-01)) :ARG2 (n2 / newspaper :wiki "The_New_York_Times" :name (n / name :op1 "NY" :op2 "Times"))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (d / do-02 :mode expressive :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1-of (s2 / sure-02)) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "tsarstepan"))) (r / realize-01 :ARG0 (s / state :mod (o / other)) :ARG1 (h / hurt-01 :ARG0 (m / marry-01 :ARG1 (g / gay)) :ARG1 (n / nobody)) :ARG1-of (h2 / hope-01)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / look-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (s / state :wiki "Massachusetts" :name (n / name :op1 "Massachusetts"))) :snt2 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (i / it) :time (s2 / since :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2004)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / hear-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (f / fall-apart-09 :ARG1 (s / society :poss (t / they)))) :snt2 (h2 / have-polarity-91 :ARG2 - :mod (o / of-course))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (s / spread-02 :ARG1 (i2 / it) :location (a / across :op1 (c / country)) :accompanier (a2 / and :op1 (s2 / state :wiki "New_York" :name (n / name :op1 "NY")) :op2 (s3 / state :wiki "California" :name (n2 / name :op1 "CA") :time (t2 / then))) :manner (r / rapid))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :mode expressive :ARG1 (s / stop-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t / train :mod (t2 / this)))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (h / hope-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / address-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Congress")) :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 :mod (t / this)) :time (s2 / soon)) :op2 (m / moot-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (j / journey-01 :mod (s3 / state :prep-by (s4 / state)) :mod (w / whole)) :manner (m2 / make-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (l / law :mod (n3 / nation)) :ARG2 (m3 / marry-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :mod (s5 / sex :ARG1-of (s6 / same-01))))) :mod (j2 / just)))) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "jcboy"))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (c / correct-02 :ARG1 (y / you)) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "jcboy"))) (m / matter :mod (a / another) :domain (r / recognize-01 :ARG0 (s / state :mod (h / home) :poss (o / one)) :ARG1 (m2 / marry-01 :ARG1 (p / person :mod (s2 / sex :ARG1-of (s3 / same-01))) :location (s4 / state :mod (o2 / out))))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (d / dignity :polarity - :ARG1-of (d2 / damn-01) :domain (p / permit-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG1 (m / marry-01 :ARG1 c) :ARG2 (c / citizen))) :time (s / study-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (l / law :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Domestic" :op2 "Relations" :op3 "Law") :poss (s2 / state :wiki "New_York" :name (n2 / name :op1 "NY"))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "David")) :ARG1 (c / create-01 :ARG0 (c3 / citizen) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :ARG1-of (d / damn-01) :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 c3 :ARG2 (c4 / child))))) (h / hear-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (y / you :mod (g / guy)) :ARG1 (c / crash-01 :ARG1 (p / plane) :ARG1-of (c2 / crash-01 :location (h2 / helicopter)))) (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (i2 / idea :topic (t2 / thing :manner-of (e / event :mod (t / that))))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) (a / and :op1 (a2 / airway :ARG1-of (c / congest-01) :domain (t / that)) :op2 (a3 / aid-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (t2 / traffic :mod (a4 / air)))) :ARG2 (y / you) :time (f / fly-01 :ARG1 y :quant (u / under :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 1000 :unit (f2 / foot)))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / accident) :ARG2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (a2 / area :mod (t / this) :mod (p2 / particular)) :ARG1 (r / regulate-01 :mod (a3 / additional) :example (r2 / require-01 :ARG1 (a4 / altitude :mod (m / minimum)) :ARG2 (h2 / helicopter :mod (p3 / person :ARG0-of (t2 / tour-01)))))))) (s / spend-02 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (i / i) :ARG2 (h2 / husband))) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 p :op2 i) :ARG2 (k / kid))) :op3 i) :ARG1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day)) :location (o / out) :location (o2 / oceanside) :accompanier (a3 / and :op1 (c / couple :mod (a4 / another)) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (k2 / kid))) :ARG0-of (h5 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (f2 / friend) :ARG1-of (l / long-03)))) (a / and :op1 (c / come-across-21 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (t / tree :ARG1-of (f / fall-01) :mod (h / huge)) :time (p / point :mod (s / some))) :op2 (c2 / climb-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "L.") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 w :ARG2 (f2 / friend))) :ARG1 t) :op3 (s2 / start-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (w2 / walk-01 :ARG0 p2 :direction (u / up)))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (f / follow-01 :ARG1 (p / person :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 11 :unit (y / year)) :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (w / we) :ARG2 (s / son))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "L."))) :ARG2 (r / realize-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (c2 / capable-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a / and :op1 p :op2 p2) :ARG2 (g / get-05 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (d / down) :ARG1-of (e / easy-05 :mod (t2 / that)))) :manner (s2 / sudden))) (a / and :op1 (t / turn-01 :ARG1 (h / he) :direction (b / back)) :op1 (a2 / ask-01 :ARG0 h :ARG1 (g / get-05 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 (a4 / away) :op2 (d / down)) :purpose (g2 / give-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r / room) :ARG2 h :purpose (g3 / get-05 :ARG1 h :ARG2 d :mod (t2 / too)))) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (w / we) :ARG2 (s / son))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (s / stop-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (w / we) :ARG2 (s2 / son)))) :ARG2 (g / get-05 :polarity - :ARG1 p :ARG2 (o / out-06 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (w2 / way :poss (h2 / he))) :time (a / at-once))) (a / and :op1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (f / fun)) :op2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG2 h2 :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 2 :mod (m / more)))) :op3 (o2 / obey-01 :ARG0 h2 :time (t3 / then))) (a / and :op1 (g / get-back-10 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "L.")) :ARG2 (d / down) :time (a2 / after :op1 (t / that))) :op2 (g2 / grab-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (w / we) :ARG2 (s / son))) :manner (s2 / sudden) :manner (f / from :op1 (b2 / behind))) :op3 (a4 / and :op1 (t2 / throw-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (g3 / ground) :manner (m / might :poss p :quant (a3 / all))) :op2 (y / yell-01 :ARG0 p :ARG2 p2))) (s / stupefy-01 :ARG1 (w / we)) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (i / injure-01 :ARG0 (m / man :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 38 :unit (y / year)) :mod (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 215 :unit (p2 / pound))) :ARG1 (h / he) :ARG1-of (e / easy-05))) (h3 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (g / get-05 :ARG1 (h / he) :ARG2 (u / up) :mod (s / scathe-00 :polarity - :ARG1 h) :ARG2-of (f2 / fortunate-01)) :ARG2 (f / frighten-01 :ARG1 h :degree (v / very))) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (h / hit-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 w :ARG2 (c2 / child))) :time (e / ever)) :ARG1 (s / shock-01 :ARG1 w :ARG1-of (d / deep-02))) (k / know-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (a / anybody) :ARG1 (w / way :instrument-of (t / teach-01 :ARG1 (l2 / lesson :mod (m2 / money :polarity -)) :ARG2 (m / man)) :ARG1-of (l / legal-02))) (h / have-purpose-91 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (f / file-01 :ARG1 (r / report-01 :ARG2 (p / police)))) (d / deal-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG2 (s / situation) :manner (l / level :mod (p / person :prep-to (p2 / person))) :ARG1-of (p3 / personal-02) :condition (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG0 (s2 / someone) :ARG1 i :ARG2 (f / friend))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (e / ensure-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (u / upset-01 :ARG1 y :mod (r / really)) :op2 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 (h / hit-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (k / kid))) :time (e2 / ever) :mod (a2 / again))))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a3 / amr-unknown))) (t / thing :quant 2 :ARG2-of (r / remedy-01) :mod (l / law)) (a / and :op1 (d / damage-01 :mod (m / money)) :op2 (t / time :mod (j / jail))) (s / suppose-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / add-02 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (p2 / probation :ARG1-of (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (r / replace-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (t / time :mod (j / jail)) :mod (j2 / just))))))) (g / go-06 :ARG0 (y / you) :path (r / route :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :condition-of (e / end-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (f / friendship) :mod (p / pretty-much) :concession (m / matter-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (e2 / event)))) (w / worry-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / thing :location-of (e / end-up-03 :ARG1 (i2 / it))) :condition (a / anger-01 :ARG1 i :mod (e2 / enough) :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (s / start-06 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p / path :mod (t2 / this)) :ARG2 (d / down))))) (a / and :op1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (f / feel-01 :ARG0 i :ARG2 (s / situation))) :mod (p / probable)) :op2 (m / make-02 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (c / clear-06 :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (i2 / it :mod (a2 / again :polarity -)))) :mod p)) (a / assault-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (s / son)))) (t / thing :ARG2-of (n / name-01 :ARG1 (b / behave-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (f / friend) :time (e / ex)))) :manner (l / law)) :domain (t2 / that)) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / hurt-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (c / child))) :manner (p / physical) :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (a / assault-01 :mod (f / form :mod (l / less :degree (m / more)))))) :snt2 (s / see-01 :ARG1 (a2 / assault-01 :ARG0-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG1 (h3 / harm-01 :ARG1 (p2 / physical)))) :ARG2 (s2 / serious :degree (m3 / more)))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (f / file-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (r / report-01 :ARG2 (p2 / police))) :mod (c / certain)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (k / know-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (l / law :location (t / thing :location-of (y / you)))) :ARG2 (l2 / likely-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (g / go-02 :ARG0 (p / police) :ARG1 (a2 / around)) :op2 (q2 / question-01 :ARG0 p :ARG2 (m / man)) :op3 (m2 / make-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c2 / clear-06 :ARG1 (c3 / commit-02 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (o2 / offence) :condition (a3 / accurate :domain (t3 / thing :ARG2-of (d / describe-01 :ARG0 y))))))) :degree (q / quite) :ARG2-of (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (d2 / decide-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (f / file-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 (c4 / charge-05))))) :location (h2 / here))) (l / likely-01 :ARG1 (n / notify-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (a / authority :ARG0-of (p / protect-01 :ARG1 (c / child)))) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01) :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :location-of (l2 / live-01 :ARG0 y))) :mod (a2 / again)) (h / hand-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (p / police) :mod (s / simple) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (f / familial :degree (e / extra) :domain i) :op2 (d / decide-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (e2 / expose-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (c2 / child))) :ARG2 (h2 / he) :mod (a2 / again)) :time (a3 / already)))) :location (h3 / here)) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (r / release-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (g / genie :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :ARG2 (b / bottle) :condition-of (l2 / lose-02 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (c / control-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / do-02 :ARG0 (g2 / genie))))))) (e / exemplify-01 :ARG0 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (y / you) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (s / son)))) :ARG1 (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 a :mod (f / formal)))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / act-02 :ARG0 (p2 / police) :concession (e / even-if :op1 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 a)))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (g / go-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG4 (c / court))) (c / choose-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG1 (i2 / it) :manner (w / way :mod (t / that))) :ARG1-of (p / personal-02) :ARG1-of (h / have-concession-91 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (c2 / chat-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG2 (p3 / police :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) :manner (n / name-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 (n2 / name))) :mod (c3 / certain)) :op2 (s / see-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (o / or :mode interrogative :op1 (t2 / thing :example (c4 / chat-01 :mod (s2 / stern)) :mod (s3 / such)) :op2 (h2 / have-03 :ARG1 (c5 / caution :mod (f / formal)) :location (a2 / area :poss y))))))) (h / hope-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (m / message-01 :ARG2 (h2 / he)) :mod (b / big) :domain (a / and :op1 (t / talk-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :mod (s / stern)) :op2 (l / lose-02 :ARG1 (f / friendship))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (c / concern-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG2-of (t2 / treat-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (k / kid))))) :ARG1 (i / i))) (o3 / overreact-01 :mod (o2 / one) :mod (h / hell) :domain (t / that)) (c / consider-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (n / notification :ARG3-of (p / protect-01 :ARG1 (c2 / child))) :condition (h / have-03 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01 :ARG1 (a / assault-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (k / kid)))))))) (o / okay-04 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (k / kid)))) (s / scary-03 :ARG0 (t / that)) (h / have-03 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (n / nightmare) :op2 (a / anything))) (c / chat-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (b / behave-01 :ARG0 h) :ARG2 (h / he) :mod (a / also)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (w / warrant-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (r / react-01) :mod (s / such))) :ARG2 (t2 / think-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (h / he))) (h / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (w / worry-02 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 p :mod (t / too) :manner (f2 / frank) :degree (b2 / bit)) :ARG2 (b / behave-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (f / friend))) :ARG1 (u / usual :polarity - :mod (r / really)))) (a / and :op1 (w / woman :age (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 25 :unit (y2 / year)) :domain (i / i)) :op2 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 i :ARG2 (m / man :ARG1-of (m2 / marry-01) :age (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 37 :unit (y4 / year))) :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (y3 / year)))) (h / have-03 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 2 :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p3 / person :quant 1 :source (m / marry-01 :ARG1 h2) :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (k2 / kid))) :op2 (p4 / person :quant 1 :source (r / relation-03 :ARG0 h2 :time (p / previous)) :ARG0-of (h5 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (k3 / kid))))) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (k / kid)))) (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (d / divorce-01 :ARG0 h) :time (s / since :op1 (d2 / day :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) :time-of (m / meet-02 :ARG0 (w / we))))) (a / and :op1 (h / heat-01 :ARG1 (t / thing) :location (b / between :op1 (w / we)) :degree (s / so)) :op2 (k / know-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (d / do-02)))) (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (m / move-01 :ARG1 h :ARG2 (o / out-05 :ARG2 (h2 / house)) :time (b / by :op1 (e / end-01 :ARG1 (y / year)))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (s / see-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (a / and :op1 h :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (h3 / he) :ARG2 (w / wife)))) :ARG1 (e2 / eye :prep-to (e3 / eye))))) (c / chat-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (s / sex) :ARG2 (l / lady :ARG1-of (m / meet-02 :ARG0 h :medium (p / product :wiki "Facebook" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Facebook"))) :source (c2 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden")))) (a / affect-01 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (i2 / i) :ARG1-of (b / bad-05 :degree (r / really)) :time (f / find-out-03 :ARG0 i)) (a / and :op1 (f / feel-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (b / betray-01 :ARG1 i)) :op2 (f2 / feel-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 b :mod (s / still)) :op3 (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t / trust-02 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (h / he)))) (l / let-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (g / go-01) :manner (a / amr-unknown)) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (w / walk-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :direction (a / away) :mod (j / just)) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "JEJE"))) (t / think-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (l / little :degree (s / so)) :ARG2 y :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (b / believe-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (g / good :degree (m / most) :ARG1-of (d / do-02 :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) :domain (t2 / this)))) :mod (r / really)) (m / man :ARG1-of (m2 / marry-01) :ARG0-of (l / love-01 :ARG1 (y / you) :mod (r / really) :ARG2-of (h2 / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (g / go-06 :ARG2 (a / ahead) :mod (j / just)) :op2 (o2 / or :op1 (f / file-01 :ARG4 (d / divorce-01) :time (n / now)) :op2 (m3 / move-01 :ARG2 (o / out-06 :ARG2 (h / house :poss m)) :time n :mod (a2 / at-least))))))) (m / man :ARG1-of (i / involve-01 :ARG2 (c / chat-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (s / sex) :ARG2 (o / other) :medium (o2 / online)) :time (h / have-03 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (r / relation-03 :ARG1 m :ARG2 (y / you))))) (d / deserve-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (g / get-01 :ARG0 y)) :mod (e / exact) :time (m / mess-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (m2 / man :ARG1-of (m3 / marry-01))) :ARG1-of (p / personal-02)) (o / or :op1 (p / pity-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (y / you) :mod (l / little)) :op2 (p2 / pity-01 :polarity - :ARG0 i :ARG1 y)) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (w / world :consist-of (g / good)) :ARG2 y :ARG3 (w2 / walk-01 :ARG0 y :direction (a / away) :source (h / he) :mod (j / just))))) (a3 / amr-unknown :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (t / think-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (l / look-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (s / someone :ARG1-of (a2 / attach-01 :polarity -))))) :mod (t2 / then)) (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (g / good :degree (m / more :degree (b / bit)) :domain (o2 / odd :poss (y / you) :topic (f / find-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (h / happiness))) :ARG1-of (h2 / have-condition-91 :ARG2 (g2 / go-06 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (r / route :mod (t / that)))))) (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 14 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n / name :op1 "Estonia")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Latvia")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Lithuania" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Lithuania")) :op4 (c4 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Germany")) :op5 (c5 / country :wiki "Italy" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Italy")) :op6 (c6 / country :wiki "Spain" :name (n10 / name :op1 "Spain")) :op7 (c7 / country :wiki "Slovakia" :name (n12 / name :op1 "Slovakia")) :op8 (c8 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n14 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op3 (t / telecommunication) :op4 (t2 / technology) :op5 (s / science)) (c / consider-02 :ARG0 (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG1-of (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG2 (a5 / and :op1 (n2 / network :mod (m / military)) :op2 (n4 / network :mod (c3 / civilian)) :mod (c4 / computer)))) :time (a3 / after :op1 (s / strike-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")))) :ARG2 (a4 / attack :mod (c6 / cyber)) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007)))) (s / sign-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / ally-01) :mod (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO"))) :ARG1 (a2 / agree-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c / center :mod (r / research-01)) :purpose (b / bolster-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG3 (a3 / attack-01 :medium (c2 / cyber))))))) (s / sign-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant 7 :ARG0-of (a / ally-01) :mod (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO"))) :ARG1 (a2 / agree-01 :ARG1 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c / center :mod (r / research-01)))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 14 :year 2008)) (b / bolster-01 :ARG0 (c / center) :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG0 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG1 m :ARG3 (a / attack-01 :medium (c2 / cyber)))) (o / operate-01 :ARG0 (c / center) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :year 2008)) (o / open-01 :ARG1 (c / center) :time (d / date-entity :year 2009) :manner (f / formal)) (c / conduct-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :quant 30 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (s / staff) :ARG3 (s2 / specialize-01))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / research-01 :ARG0 (p / person) :ARG1 (w / warfare :mod (c2 / cyber))) :op2 (t / train-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 w))) (c / consider-02 :ARG0 (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG1-of (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (n2 / network :mod (c3 / computer) :mod (m / military)) :op2 (n3 / network :mod c3 :mod (c4 / civilian)))) :ARG1-of (g / grow-01))) (b / base-01 :ARG1 (c3 / center :mod (r / research-01)) :location (c / city :wiki "Tallinn" :name (n / name :op1 "Tallinn") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Estonia")))) (s / sign-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG2 (c9 / chief :mod (d / defense)))) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Latvia")) :ARG2 c9)) :op3 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Lithuania" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Lithuania")) :ARG2 c9)) :op4 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Germany")) :ARG2 c9)) :op5 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h5 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Italy" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Italy")) :ARG2 c9)) :op6 (p6 / person :ARG0-of (h6 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "Spain" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Spain")) :ARG2 c9)) :op7 (p7 / person :ARG0-of (h7 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c7 / country :wiki "Slovakia" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Slovakia")) :ARG2 c9))) :ARG1 (a / agree-01)) (p / provide-01 :ARG0 (a / agree-01) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s / staff :prep-for (c / center :mod (r / research-01))) :op2 (f / fund-01 :prep-for c))) (s / strike-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n / name :op1 "Estonia")))) :ARG2 (a / attack-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007)) (c / cripple-01 :ARG0 (a / attack-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (n / network :mod (c3 / computer) :poss (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) :op2 (n2 / network :mod c3 :poss (c4 / corporate)))) (p / precedent :polarity - :domain (a / attack-01 :mod (c / cyber))) (f / follow-01 :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (c3 / cyber)) :ARG2 (d / dispute-01 :ARG2 (r / relocate-01 :ARG1 (m / memorial :mod (w / war) :mod (c / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union"))) :location (c5 / city :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG2 (c4 / capital)))))) (s / suspect-01 :ARG0 (m / many) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Moscow_Kremlin" :name (n / name :op1 "Kremlin")) :ARG2 (a / attack-01 :mod (c / cyber))) (d / deny-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (a / attack-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "James_Mattis" :name (n2 / name :op1 "James" :op2 "Mattis") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG2 (c / commander :mod (t / top)) :ARG3 (m2 / modernize-01 :ARG1 (m3 / military))) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (g / general :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.S.")))))) (c / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (m3 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG2 (b / bring-01 :ARG0 m3 :ARG1 (m / mind :mod (g / good :degree (m2 / most))) :ARG2 (d / defend-01 :mod (c2 / cyber)) :manner (t / together))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :polarity - :ARG0 m :ARG1 (w / web :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01 :ARG0 (e / everybody)))))) (j / join-up-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.") :mod (p2 / person :ARG0-of (o / observe-01))) :ARG1 (p / project)) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (j / join-up-02 :ARG0 (n2 / nation :mod (o2 / other) :mod (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO"))) :ARG1 (p2 / project) :time (l / late :degree (m / more)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Jaak_Aaviksoo" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Jaak" :op2 "Aaviksoo") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (d / defense)))) :time (c / conference :mod (n2 / news) :location (c2 / center :mod (r / research-01)))) (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (s / space :mod (c / cyber)) :ARG1 (b / border) :manner (e / essential)) (d / difficult :domain (d2 / defend-01 :ARG1 (s3 / sovereignty :poss (a / and :op1 (b / border :mod (l / land)) :op2 (b2 / border :mod (s2 / sea)) :op3 (s / space :mod (a2 / air)))))) (c / complicate :degree (m / more) :mod (e / even) :location (s / space :mod (c2 / cyber) :mod (b / border :polarity -) :location-of (a / and :op1 (g / gun :polarity - :ARG0-of (s2 / smoke-01)) :op2 (f / fingerprint :polarity -) :op3 (f2 / footprint :polarity -)))) (s / sign-01 :ARG1 (a / agree-01) :time (m / meet-03 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :quant 26 :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n2 / name :op1 "NATO"))) :ARG1-of (a2 / ally-01)) :ARG2 (c / chief :mod (s2 / staff :mod (d / defense))))) :ARG1 c :ARG1-of (r / regular-03))) (n2 / nation :mod (s / sea :wiki "Baltic_Sea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Baltic")) :domain (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n / name :op1 "Estonia"))) (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 15 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "India" :name (n4 / name :op1 "India")) :op4 (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (n / narcotic) :op3 (c / crime-02) :op4 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op5 (t / terrorism) :op6 (h / health)) (p / propose-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (c5 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :purpose (i / increase-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (s / security) :location (a2 / around :op1 (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :purpose (b / block-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 c :op2 c2 :op3 c3) :ARG1 (s2 / supply-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))))) (a / and :op1 (p / produce-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan") :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (w / world))) :ARG1 (o / opium) :ARG1-of (m / major-02)) :op2 (s / supply-01 :ARG0 c :ARG2 (m2 / market :location (w2 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n3 / name :op1 "West"))) :path (c3 / country :ARG2-of (t / transit-01) :example-of (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))))) (p / propose-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (c5 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 15 :year 2008) :purpose (i / increase-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (s / security) :location (a2 / around :op1 (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :purpose (b / block-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 c :op2 c2 :op3 c3) :ARG1 (s2 / supply-01 :ARG1 (d2 / drug))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Sergey_Lavrov" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sergey" :op2 "Lavrov") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (d / decrease-01 :ARG0 (t / tighten-01 :ARG1 (s2 / security :location (b / border :mod (c6 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))))) :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (d2 / drug) :op2 (t3 / terrorism)))) :time (c4 / conference :mod (n7 / news) :mod (j / joint) :location (c5 / city :wiki "Yekaterinburg" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Yekaterinburg")) :accompanier (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n4 / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (m2 / minister :mod (f2 / foreign)))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (m3 / minister :mod (f3 / foreign))))))) (c3 / clear-06 :polarity - :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (b4 / border-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n3 / name :op1 "India"))) :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :op2 (b3 / border-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 c5 :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 76 :unit (k / kilometer) :mod (o / only)))) :ARG1 (i / intend-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Sergey_Lavrov" :name (n / name :op1 "Lavrov"))) :time (i2 / immediate)) (n7 / neighbor-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "Turkmenistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Turkmenistan")) :op3 (c4 / country :wiki "Uzbekistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Uzbekistan")) :op4 (c5 / country :wiki "Tajikistan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Tajikistan")) :op5 (c6 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Pakistan"))) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :mod (o / other)) (a / and :op1 (p / produce-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan") :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (w / world))) :ARG1 (o / opium) :ARG1-of (m / major-02)) :op2 (s / supply-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (m2 / market :location (w2 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n3 / name :op1 "West"))) :path (c3 / country :ARG2-of (t / transit-01) :example-of (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (d / die-01 :ARG1 (p / person :mod c :quant (m / multiple :op1 1000)) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / abuse-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (h / heroin :source (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :instrument (n4 / needle :ARG1-of (i2 / infect-01)))) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (i / illness :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (d2 / disease :wiki "HIV/AIDS" :name (n2 / name :op1 "AIDS"))))) :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :ARG1-of (n / neighbor-01 :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")))) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / arrest-01 :degree (s / scale :mod (l / large))) :op2 (s2 / seize-01 :ARG1 (n3 / narcotic)) :ARG1-of (m / make-01 :time (a4 / after :op1 (c3 / cross-02 :ARG0 (c4 / convoy :mod (l2 / law :polarity -)) :ARG1 (b / border))))) :ARG1-of (r / regular-02)) (a2 / announce-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod (d2 / drug) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Tajikistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tajikistan"))) :ARG1 (i / intercept-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (q / quantity :mod (o / opium)) :op2 (q2 / quantity :mod (h / heroin)) :mod (l / large :degree (m2 / most)) :time (h2 / history :mod c2) :ARG1-of (e / estimate-01 :ARG2 (a / approximately :op1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 10000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))))))) :time (w / week :mod (l2 / last))) (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 15 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) (a / and :op1 (w / weapon) :op2 (m / military) :op3 (p / proliferate-01)) (p2 / promise-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG2 (p3 / president))) :ARG1 (p4 / provide-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p5 / program :mod (m / missile :mod (n3 / nucleus)) :poss c))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 15 :year 2008)) (d2 / debut-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 15 :year 2008) :manner (a2 / and :op1 (t / tour-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (b / base :mod (m / missile))) :op2 (p4 / promise-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p5 / provide-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01 :ARG1-of (n3 / need-01 :purpose (c4 / counter-01 :ARG0 (f3 / force :mod (n4 / nucleus)) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (t3 / threaten-01 :ARG2 (g / globe))))))))) :prep-as (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (f / force :ARG1-of (a / arm-01) :poss c) :ARG2 (c5 / commander-in-chief)))) (a / and :op1 (e / examine-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (b / ballistics) :mod (i / intercontinental) :domain (p3 / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Topol-M")) :ARG1-of (c / conceal-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military) :location (f / forest :mod (p2 / pine) :mod (d / dense))))) :op2 (s / speak-01 :ARG0 p :ARG2 (o2 / officer :location (p4 / person :location (c2 / city :wiki "Teykovo" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Teikovo")) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / officer)))))) (i / impress-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (w / weapon) :op2 (l / level :mod (t / train-01))) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev"))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (g / good-02 :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 :ARG0 (m / military) :ARG1 (m2 / missile :mod (n2 / new) :example-of (p2 / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Topol-M"))))) :mod (a / also)) (p / participate-01 :ARG0 (m / missile :source (b / base :location (c4 / city :wiki "Teykovo" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Teikovo")))) :ARG1 (p2 / parade-02 :ARG2 (e / event :wiki "Victory_Day_(9_May)" :name (n / name :op1 "Victory" :op2 "Day"))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 9 :year 2008) :time (d2 / display-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (h / hardware :mod (m2 / military) :poss c) :location (f / facility :wiki "Red_Square" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Red" :op2 "Square") :location (c2 / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Moscow"))) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1 :time (s / since :op1 (c5 / collapse-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union"))))))) (a / and :op1 (e / experience-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (m / motivate-01) :time (w / watch-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m2 / missile) :path (a3 / across :op1 (s2 / square)))) :op2 (p2 / promise-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c / continue-01 :ARG1 (p4 / parade-02 :mod (s / such))) :op2 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (e2 / expand-01 :ARG1 p4 :time (f / future)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (a / assure-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 m3 :ARG2 (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (m3 / military :wiki "Strategic_Missile_Troops" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Strategic" :op2 "Missile" :op3 "Forces")) :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01 :ARG1-of (n5 / need-01 :purpose (r2 / respond-01 :ARG0 m3 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (t4 / threaten-01) :ARG1-of (m / modern-02)))))) :mod (t2 / task :poss (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :time (a2 / after :op1 (n4 / now) :duration (f / few :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / progress-01 :degree (c / certain) :time (r / recent)) :op2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (l / lose-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (s2 / speed-01 :ARG1 (p3 / progress-01))))) :mod (a / also)) (p2 / promise-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (r / raise-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (s / salary :poss (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / officer)))) :ARG5 p3)) (a / and :op1 (s / swear-in-06 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG2 (p4 / president))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :day 7 :year 2008)) :op2 (p3 / portray-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (i / image :mod (l / liberal-02)) :time (s2 / so-far)) :op3 (a2 / avoid-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r / rhetoric :ARG1-of (h / harsh-02) :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 :ARG1 (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n4 / name :op1 "West"))) :poss (p2 / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin"))))) (a / and :op1 (p3 / precede-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin")) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev"))) :op2 (m / mentor-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 p2)) (e / expect-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (o / observe-01) :mod (m / most)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / continue-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (p4 / policy :poss (p2 / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin")) :example-of (p5 / posture :mod (a2 / assertive) :location (s / scene :mod (i / international))))) :op2 (v / vow-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (s2 / strengthen-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m2 / military))))) (t / town :mod (s / small) :location (p / province :wiki "Ivanovo" :name (n / name :op1 "Ivanovo")) :location (r / relative-position :op1 (c / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Moscow")) :direction (n3 / northeast) :quant (a / about :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 250 :unit (k / kilometer)))) :domain (c2 / city :wiki "Teykovo" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Teikovo"))) (o2 / oppose-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (d / deploy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s / site :mod (m / missile :ARG2-of (d2 / defend-01))) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Poland" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Poland")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "Czech_Republic" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Czech" :op2 "Republic"))))) :op2 (p3 / plan-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n5 / name :op1 "NATO") :mod (a4 / alliance)) :ARG1 (a3 / accept-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (j / join-in-05 :ARG0 (a5 / and :op1 (c6 / country :wiki "Ukraine" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Ukraine")) :op2 (c7 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :ARG1-of (n10 / neighbor-01 :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG2-of (h / have-part-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (e / ex))) :ARG1 m2)))) :manner (f / fierce)) (a / and :op1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin")) :ARG1 (p2 / point-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (n4 / nucleus)) :ARG2 (c3 / country :ARG0-of (p3 / participate-01 :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG2 (m2 / missile :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")))))))) :op2 (o / opt-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o2 / out-06 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (t2 / treaty :topic (c4 / control-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arms)) :ARG1-of (k / key-02) :time (e / era :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union"))))))) (c / capable-01 :ARG1 (m3 / missile :mod (p / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n / name :op1 "Topol-M"))) :ARG2 (h / hit-01 :ARG1 (t / target :location (r / relative-position :quant (m / more-than :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 10000 :unit (k / kilometer))))) :ARG2 m3)) (d / deploy-01 :ARG1 (m / missile) :manner (a / and :op1 (v / version :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (s / silo))) :op2 (v2 / version :mod (m2 / mount-02 :location (t / truck))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Nikolai" :op2 "Solovtsov") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (f / force :mod (m2 / missile) :mod (s3 / strategy)) :ARG2 (c / chief)) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (g / general))) :ARG1 (s2 / step-01 :ARG1 (d / design-01 :ARG1 (m / missile)) :ARG4 (p2 / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Topol-M")) :mod (n3 / new))) (b / boast-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" :name (n / name :op1 "Vladimir" :op2 "Putin")) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official)) :mod (o2 / other))) :ARG1 (c / capable-01 :ARG1 (p2 / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Topol-M")) :ARG2 (p4 / penetrate-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG2 (m / missile) :mod (p5 / prospective) :mod (a2 / any))))) (a / and :op1 (d / design-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Yuri" :op2 "Solomonov")) :ARG1 (m / missile)) :op2 (s / state-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (d2 / drop-01 :ARG0 (m2 / missile) :ARG1 (e / engine) :ARG3 (a2 / altitude :ARG1-of (l / low-04 :degree (m3 / more) :ARG1-of (s3 / significant-02)) :compared-to (d3 / design-01 :time (e2 / early :degree (m4 / more)))) :ARG0-of (m5 / make-02 :ARG1 (d4 / detect-01 :ARG0 (s2 / system :ARG0-of (w / warn-01 :time (e3 / early)) :poss (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG2 (e4 / enemy)))) :ARG1 (l2 / launch-01) :ARG1-of (h / hard-02)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Yuri" :op2 "Solomonov")) :ARG1 (r / resemble-01 :ARG1 (w / warhead :part-of (m2 / missile)) :ARG2 (d / decoy :part-of m2) :degree (c / close) :time (f / fly-01) :ARG0-of (m / make-02 :ARG1 (s2 / select-01 :ARG0 (f2 / foe) :ARG1 (t / target :mod (r2 / real)) :ARG2 (m4 / multiple :op1 (t2 / target :mod (f3 / false))) :mod (d2 / difficult :degree (v / very)))))) (p / proceed-01 :ARG1 (d / deploy-01 :ARG1 (p2 / product :wiki "RT-2PM2_Topol-M" :name (n / name :op1 "Topol-M"))) :manner (s / slow)) (a / allow-01 :ARG0 (r / revenue :mod (o2 / oil) :mod (l / large)) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (b / buy-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia" :op2 "Federation")))) :ARG1 (w / weapon)) :op2 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (n2 / new))))) :time (y / year :mod (r2 / recency))) (r / remain-01 :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (b / ballistics) :ARG1-of (b2 / build-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")))) :ARG2 (b3 / backbone :mod (f / force :mod (n2 / nucleus) :poss (n3 / nation)))) (n3 / navy :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :mod (s / shape :mod (p / poverty))) (a / and :op1 (n2 / need-01 :ARG0 (s / submarine :mod (n3 / nucleus) :ARG1-of (b / build-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")))) :ARG1 (r2 / repair-01 :ARG1 s) :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02)) :op2 (l / leave-11 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (b2 / base) :ARG1-of (r / rare-02))) (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (c / commission-01 :ARG1 (p / product :wiki "Russian_submarine_Yury_Dolgorukiy_(K-535)" :name (n / name :op1 "Yuri" :op2 "Dolgoruky") :mod (f2 / first :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (s / series :mod (s2 / submarine :mod (n2 / nucleus) :mod (n3 / new)))))) :time (y / year :mod (t / this))) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (f / fail-01 :ARG0 (m2 / missile :wiki "RSM-56_Bulava" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Bulava") :ARG1-of (d2 / develop-02 :purpose (e / equip-01 :ARG0 (m / missile) :ARG1 (s3 / submarine))) :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01 :ARG2 (n5 / nucleus))) :ARG1 (t2 / test-01)) :op2 (c2 / certain :polarity - :domain (p2 / prospect-02 :ARG1 (d / deploy-01))))) (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)) :ARG1 (d / doctor-01 :ARG1 (p / photo :mod (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (m / missile) :location (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")))) :purpose (s2 / show-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (l2 / launch-01 :ARG1 m :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 4) :ARG1-of (f2 / fail-01))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mark" :op2 "Fitzpatrick") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / program :topic (p3 / proliferate :polarity -) :mod (r2 / research-institute :wiki "International_Institute_for_Strategic_Studies" :name (n7 / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Institute" :op3 "for" :op4 "Strategic" :op5 "Studies")) :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c3 / city :wiki "London" :name (n2 / name :op1 "London")))) :ARG2 (d2 / director)) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" :name (n / name :op1 "US" :op2 "State" :op3 "Department")) :ARG2 (o2 / official) :time (f / former))) :ARG1 (a2 / alter-01 :ARG1 (p / photograph :mod (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG0-of (s2 / show-01 :ARG1 (c2 / cluster-01 :ARG1 (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (m / missile)) :location (r / range :mod (d4 / desert))))) :ARG2 (a3 / add-on-05 :ARG1 (m2 / missile :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 4)) :ARG2 p)) :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008)) (p / post-01 :ARG1 (i / image) :ARG2 (s / site :mod (n3 / news) :mod (o / organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Sepah")) :ARG1-of (r / run-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "Army_of_the_Guardians_of_the_Islamic_Revolution" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Revolutionary" :op2 "Guards") :poss (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Iran"))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 9 :month 7 :year 2008)) (r / replace-01 :ARG1 (i / image) :ARG2 (i2 / image :mod (m / missile :quant 3 :mod (s / same) :prep-in (p / photo :mod (p2 / previous)))) :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008) :concession (a / and :op1 (m3 / missile :ARG1-of (g / ground-01)) :op2 (v / vehicle :ARG1-of (a2 / appear-02) :location (n / nearby)) :ARG1-of (i3 / instead-of-91 :ARG2 (m2 / missile :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 4))))) (a / absent-01 :ARG1 (i / image :prep-with (l / launch-01 :quant 4)) :ARG2 (p2 / page :mod (m / main) :mod (o / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sepah"))) :time (d / date-entity :day 10 :month 7 :year 2008) :concession (i2 / image :mod (b / both) :prep-in (a2 / archive))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fitzpatrick")) :ARG1 (p3 / probable :domain (m / manipulate-01 :ARG1 (p2 / photo) :purpose (o / obscure-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (f / fail-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 4))) :purpose (m3 / maintain-01 :ARG0 o :ARG1 (i / impact-01 :ARG0 (d / demonstrate-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG1 (p4 / power)))))))) (c / comment-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG3 (p / photo) :time (i / immediate)) (d / describe-01 :ARG1 (i / image) :ARG2 (d2 / depict-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p2 / part :part-of (m / maneuver-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military) :ARG1 (f / fire-01 :ARG1 (m3 / missile :quant 9 :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (p / product :wiki "Shahab-3" :name (n / name :op1 "Shahab-3") :mod (v / version :ARG1-of (e / enhance-01))))) :mod (t / test)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (m2 / missile :wiki "Shahab-3" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Shahab-3") :ARG1-of (e / enhance-01)) :ARG1 (r / range-01 :ARG2 (d / distance-quantity :quant 1250 :unit (m / mile)) :ARG0-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (r2 / reach-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Israel")) :op2 (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East") :mod (m3 / majority)))) :mod (t / thus)))))) (c / criticize-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US")))) :ARG1 (t / test-01 :ARG1 (m / missile)) :time (i / immediate)) (d / date-entity :day 13 :month 7 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Syria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Syrian" :op2 "Arab" :op3 "Republic")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Iran")) :op4 (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n8 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon) :op3 (p / proliferate-01) :op4 (p2 / politics)) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (n5 / nation :quant (m / more-than :op1 40) :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")) :op2 (s2 / state :mod (e / ethnic-group :wiki "Arabs" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Arab")))))) :ARG1 (w2 / work-01 :ARG0 n5 :ARG1 (z / zone :location (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")) :ARG1-of (f / free-04 :ARG2 (w3 / weapon :ARG2-of (d2 / destroy-01 :degree (m2 / mass)))))) :time (d / date-entity :weekday (s / sunday))) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nation :quant 43) :ARG1 (w2 / work-06 :ARG0 n2 :ARG4 (z / zone :location (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")) :ARG1-of (f / free-04 :ARG2 (w3 / weapon :ARG2-of (d2 / destroy-01 :degree (m / mass))))) :direction (t / toward)) :time (d / date-entity :day 13 :month 7 :year 2008)) (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (n3 / nation :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")) :op2 (s2 / state :mod (e / ethnic-group :wiki "Arabs" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Arab")))))) :ARG2 (a / agree-01)) (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / declare-02) :mod (f / final) :source (s3 / summit :ARG0-of (l2 / launch-01 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Union_for_the_Mediterranean" :name (n / name :op1 "Union" :op2 "for" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mediterranean"))))) :ARG1 (p / pursue-01 :ARG0 (s / state :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 o :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG1 (z / zone :ARG1-of (f2 / free-04 :ARG2 (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d2 / destroy-01 :degree (m3 / mass)))) :location (w2 / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")) :ARG1-of (v / verify-01 :mod (m2 / mutual) :ARG1-of (e / effective-04) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Union_for_the_Mediterranean" :name (n / name :op1 "Union" :op2 "for" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mediterranean" :op5 "States")) :ARG1 (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / weapon :mod (n3 / nucleus)) :op2 (w3 / weapon :mod (c / chemical)) :op3 (w4 / weapon :mod (b / biology)) :op4 (s2 / system :mod (d2 / deliver-01 :ARG1 (w5 / weapon)))) :ARG2 (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 :degree (m / mass))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Union_for_the_Mediterranean" :name (n / name :op1 "Union" :op2 "for" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mediterranean")) :ARG1 (c / consider-02 :ARG0 (c2 / country :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 o :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG1 (s2 / step-01 :ARG2 p2 :mod (p / practical)) :ARG2 (p2 / prevent-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (p3 / proliferate-01 :ARG0 (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 :degree (m2 / mass))))))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p7 / person :wiki "Ehud_Olmert" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ehud" :op2 "Olmert") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Israel")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (p / prime)))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02) :source (c2 / country :wiki "Syria" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Syria"))) :op3 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (l3 / lead-02) :source (c4 / country :mod (o2 / other) :location (w2 / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")))) :op4 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (l4 / lead-02) :source (w / world-region :wiki "North_Africa" :name (n6 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Africa"))) :op5 (p6 / person :ARG0-of (l5 / lead-02) :source (c3 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Europe")))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / sign-01 :ARG1 (d / declaration :mod (f / final) :source (s2 / summit :ARG0-of (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Union_for_the_Mediterranean" :name (n / name :op1 "Union" :op2 "for" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mediterranean" :op5 "States")))))))) (b / believe-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel") :ARG0-of (h / have-03 :ARG1 (s / stockpile-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (w2 / weapon :mod (n2 / nucleus))))) :degree (w / wide)) (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n / name :op1 "Israel")))) :ARG0-of (c3 / confirm-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / possess-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 c :ARG1 (b / bomb :mod (n2 / nucleus)))) :ARG0-of (d / deny-01 :polarity - :ARG1 p) :medium (p2 / policy :mod (o2 / official))) (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 (o / official :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel"))) :ARG1 (p / policy :mod (w / weapon :mod (n / nucleus) :ARG1-of (c / call-01 :ARG2 (a / ambiguous :mod (n3 / nucleus)))))) (s / sensitive :mod (p / particular) :time (l / lately) :domain (q / question-01 :ARG1 (w2 / weapon :mod (n4 / nucleus) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")))) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / tension :mod (b / between :op1 (c / country :wiki "Israel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Israel")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran")))))) (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (c2 / country :ARG1-of (a4 / ally-01 :ARG2 c))) :ARG1 (p / pursue-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG1 (a3 / arm :mod (n4 / nucleus)))) (m / maintain-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")))) :ARG1 (a / activity-06 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (e / enrich-01 :ARG1 (u / uranium)) :purpose (p / produce-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (e2 / energy :mod (n3 / nucleus))))) (d / defy-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")))) :ARG1 (d2 / demand-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.N." :op2 "Security" :op3 "Council")) :ARG1 (s / suspend-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (e / enrich-01 :ARG1 (u / uranium))))) (d / date-entity :day 17 :month 7 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Austria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Austria"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon) :op3 (p / proliferate-01) :op4 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Bernard_Kouchner" :name (n / name :op1 "Bernard" :op2 "Kouchner") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Austria" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Austria")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "France" :name (n6 / name :op1 "France"))) :ARG2 (m2 / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (o2 / obligate-01 :ARG2 (m4 / maintain-01 :ARG1 (t2 / treaty :ARG0-of (c4 / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arms)) :mod (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe")) :ARG0-of (l / limit-01 :ARG1 (n7 / number-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon :ARG1-of (d2 / deploy-01 :ARG2 (r / relative-position :op1 (m / mountain :wiki "Ural_Mountains" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Ural" :op2 "Mountains")) :direction (w2 / west)) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))))))) :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe")) :ARG2 (m3 / member)))) (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Bernard_Kouchner" :name (n / name :op1 "Bernard" :op2 "Kouchner") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Austria" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Austria")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "France" :name (n4 / name :op1 "France"))) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe")) :ARG2 (m2 / member))) :time (d / date-entity :day 17 :month 7 :year 2008)) (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (m / maintain-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arms)) :ARG1-of (k / key-02) :mod (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "Europe"))))) (i / instrument :ARG1-of (m / major-02) :mod (t / transparent) :domain (t2 / treaty)) (l / limit-01 :ARG0 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (c / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arms))) :ARG1 (n2 / number-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon :mod (c2 / conventional) :ARG1-of (d2 / deploy-01 :ARG2 (r / relative-position :op1 (m / mountain :wiki "Ural_Mountains" :name (n / name :op1 "Ural" :op2 "Mountains")) :direction (w2 / west)) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))))) (b / be-located-at-91 :ARG1 (m / mountain :wiki "Ural_Mountains" :name (n / name :op1 "Ural" :op2 "Mountains")) :ARG2 (e / edge :part-of (c / country-region :wiki "European_Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Russia")))) (s / suspend-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (p / participate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)))) :time (y / year :mod (l2 / last) :mod (l3 / late)) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / ratify-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (c4 / country :mod (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n2 / name :op1 "NATO"))) :ARG1 (t2 / treaty :mod (v / version :ARG1-of (r2 / revise-01)))))) (s / sign-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty) :mod (o / original) :time (d / date-entity :year 1990)) (d / date-entity :day 17 :month 7 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (c / crime-02) :op3 (p / proliferate-01)) (s / send-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG3 (p6 / prosecute-01))) :ARG1 (c3 / case-03 :ARG2 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Anar" :op2 "Godzhayev"))) :ARG2 (c4 / court) :time (a2 / after :mod (c5 / charge-05 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (p7 / prosecute-01)) :ARG1 p4 :ARG2 (a / attempt-01 :ARG0 p4 :ARG1 (s2 / smuggle-01 :ARG0 p4 :ARG1 (p5 / powder :mod (t / tantalum)) :ARG3 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Iran"))))))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (y / year) :location (p3 / prison)) :condition (c / convict-01 :ARG1 p2))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o3 / office :poss (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG3 (p6 / prosecute-01 :mod (g / general))))) :ARG1 (c4 / charge-05 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (f3 / found-01 :ARG1 (c3 / company :ARG1-of (i / involve-01 :ARG2 (t / trade-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran") :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 :ARG2 (r / republic :mod (r2 / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Islam"))))))) :mod c5))) :ARG2 (t2 / try-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (s2 / smuggle-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (m / metal :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (o2 / or :op1 (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d2 / destroy-01 :degree (m2 / mass))) :op2 (s3 / system :purpose (d3 / deliver-01))) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))) :ARG3 c2))) :time (d / date-entity :day 17 :month 7 :year 2008)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o / office :poss (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG3 (p2 / prosecute-01 :mod (g / general)))))) (s2 / send-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (p / prosecute-01) :location (c5 / country-region :wiki "Astrakhan_Oblast" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Astrakhan") :location (a / across :op1 (s / sea :wiki "Caspian_Sea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Caspian" :op2 "Sea")) :prep-from (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Iran"))) :location (s3 / south :part-of (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))))) :ARG1 (c2 / case-03 :ARG2 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Anar" :op2 "Godzhayev"))) :ARG2 (c4 / court)) (t / tantalum :domain (m / metal :ARG1-of (q / question-01))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (t / tantalum :ARG1-of (s / subject-01 :ARG2 (r2 / restrict-01 :ARG1 (e2 / export-01 :ARG1 t) :prep-under (l / law :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))))) :ARG2 (p2 / produce-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (e / equipment :ARG0-of (p3 / process-01 :ARG1 (c2 / chemical))) :op2 (r / reactor :mod (n2 / nucleus)) :op3 (p4 / part :mod (m / missile))) :ARG2 t))) (c / chemical :mod (g / grade :degree (s / super)) :domain (p / powder :mod (t / tantalum) :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p3 / phone :ARG1-of (m2 / mobile-02)) :op2 (c2 / computer :ARG1-of (p4 / personal-02)) :op3 (v / vehicle :mod (m3 / motor)) :op4 (g2 / good :mod (e / electronic)))) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (p2 / prosecute-01)) :ARG1 (l / lie-08 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :ARG3 (c2 / content :mod (s2 / shipment :mod (o / outgoing))) :medium (d2 / document :mod (c3 / customs))) :time (a2 / after :mod (a / ask-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :mod (b / business) :ARG1-of (p4 / partner-01)) :ARG1 (s3 / send-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m2 / material :quant (m / more-than :op1 (m3 / mass-quantity :quant 1 :unit (t / ton))) :ARG0-of (c4 / contain-01 :ARG1 (t2 / tantalum))) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :time (d / date-entity :month 7 :year 2007))))) (d / detain-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :time (a / after :op1 (c2 / check-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / customs) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (s / shipment :location (c4 / container :location (b / boat :ARG1-of (s2 / schedule-01 :ARG2 (l / leave-11 :ARG0 b :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")))))))))) (a / and :op1 (c2 / citizen :mod (c / country :wiki "Uzbekistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Uzbekistan")) :domain (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Godzhayev"))) :op2 (f2 / face-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / try-02) :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01) :time (s / soon))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (y / year) :location (p3 / prison)) :condition (c / convict-01 :ARG1 p2))) (h / hold-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :location (c / city :wiki "Astrakhan" :name (n / name :op1 "Astrakhan"))) (a / available-02 :polarity - :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Godzhayev")) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 p3 :ARG2 (l / lawyer)))) :purpose (c / comment-01 :ARG0 a2) :mod (i / immediate)) (a / and :op1 (s / support-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (r / right-05 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG2 (e / energy :mod (n4 / nucleus)))) :op2 (b / build-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (p / plant :mod (p2 / power :mod n4) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) :poss c2))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (e / evidence :polarity - :ARG0-of (p / prove-01 :ARG1 (c4 / claim-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :op2 (c5 / country :mod (o / other) :location (w3 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n5 / name :op1 "West")))) :ARG1 (s2 / seek-01 :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran")))) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG0 g3 :ARG1 (w2 / weapon :mod (n4 / nucleus)))))))) (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n / name :op1 "Moscow")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG2 (e / effort :mod (i2 / international) :purpose (p / persuade-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")))) :ARG2 (e2 / ease-01 :ARG1 (f / fear) :manner (a / abandon-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (e3 / enrich-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (u / uranium))))))) (q / question-03 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (a2 / assess-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran"))) :mod (p / potential))) :mod (a / also)) (m / maintain-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))))) :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG2 (e / effort :purpose (t / thwart-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (p / proliferate-01 :ARG0 (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 :degree (m2 / mass)))))))) (d2 / date-entity :day 28 :month 7 :year 2008) (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) (a / and :op1 (n / narcotics) :op2 (i / international)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n4 / name :op1 "U.N.")))) :ARG1 (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (c4 / convert-01 :ARG1 (r2 / resin :mod (o3 / opium)) :ARG2 (h / heroin) :location (c5 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")))) :ARG2 (s2 / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (c / chemical :ARG1-of (n / need-01 :purpose (c2 / complete-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 c4))) :ARG2 (c6 / country :mod (o / other)) :ARG3 c5))) (r / request-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (r2 / represent-01 :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.N.")))) :ARG1 (s / share-01 :ARG0 (c / community :mod (i / international)) :ARG1 (i2 / information :mod (m / more) :topic (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s2 / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (c2 / chemical)) :ARG1-of (k / know-02))))) (a2 / and :op1 (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n4 / name :op1 "U.N.")) :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 (c / community :mod (i / international)) :ARG1 (m / more) :ARG2 (s2 / stop-03 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c5 / chemical :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (c4 / convert-01 :ARG1 (o / opium) :ARG2 (h / heroin)))) :ARG2 (r3 / reach-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")))))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 28 :month 7 :year 2008)) :op2 (d5 / detail-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (i2 / increase-01 :ARG1 (s3 / sophistication :prep-in (t / trade :mod (d4 / drug) :poss c3))))) (p2 / produce-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (m / more-than :op1 (o / opium :quant (p / percentage-entity :value 90) :poss (w / world)))) (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (o / opium) :location (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :time (s / since :op1 (r / remove-01 :ARG0 (i2 / invade-01 :ARG2-of (l / lead-02 :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n5 / name :op1 "U.S.")))) :ARG1 (r2 / regime :mod (c6 / criminal-organization :wiki "Taliban" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Taliban"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2001)))) (b / believe-01 :ARG1 (p / profit-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :ARG1-of (b2 / back-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "America")))) :ARG2 (o / official))) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / criminal-organization :wiki "Taliban" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taliban")) :ARG2 (m / militant)))) :ARG1 (t / trade-01 :mod (l / law :polarity -)))) (s / show-01 :ARG0 (f / figure :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.N."))) :ARG1 (y / yield-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (a / approximately :op1 (m4 / mass-quantity :quant 9000 :quant-of (o / opium) :unit (t / ton) :ARG0-of (c3 / create-01 :ARG1 (m2 / more-than :op1 (m3 / mass-quantity :quant 900 :unit (t2 / ton) :quant-of (h / heroin))) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n6 / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Oguz") :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG2 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations_Office_on_Drugs_and_Crime" :name (n7 / name :op1 "U.N." :op2 "Office" :op3 "on" :op4 "Drugs" :op5 "and" :op6 "Crime")))) :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (c3 / convert-01 :ARG1 (r4 / resin :mod (o / opium)) :ARG2 (h / heroin) :location (l2 / laboratory :location (a2 / and :op1 (r2 / region :mod (b / border) :location (s2 / south :ARG1-of (p2 / plague-01 :ARG2 (i2 / insurgency)))) :op2 (r3 / region :mod (b2 / border) :location (e / east)) :degree (m / most)))) :location c4)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (i / indicate-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01 :ARG1 (h / heroin :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :mod (q / quality :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02 :degree (m / more)))))) :ARG1 (a / assist-01 :ARG0 (c4 / chemist :ARG1-of (c5 / come-01 :ARG3 (o / outside :op1 (c6 / country)) :prep-as (p4 / person :mod (f / foreign) :ARG0-of (c / consult-01)))) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / run-01 :ARG1 (l / lab))))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r / report-01) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Kabul" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kabul")))) (c5 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (o / originate-01 :ARG1 (c2 / chemist) :ARG2 (c3 / country :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 :ARG2 (b / border))))) :ARG2 (d / detail-01 :polarity - :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c4 / country :ARG1-of (s2 / specific-02)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (s2 / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (c5 / chemical :ARG1-of (n6 / need-01 :purpose (m / make-01 :ARG1 (h / heroin) :ARG2 c5))) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n7 / name :op1 "China")) :op2 (c7 / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (n8 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")) :op3 (c8 / country :location (c9 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Europe")) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (c10 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n10 / name :op1 "Russia")))) :op4 (l / location :part-of (w / world) :mod (o / other))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (c / chemical :example (a / anhydride :mod (a2 / acetic)) :ARG1-of (c2 / call-01 :ARG2 (p2 / precursor))) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (i2 / industry :mod (p3 / paint)) :op2 (i3 / industry :mod (p4 / pharmacy)))) :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :mod (a4 / also))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c4 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (e / export-01 :ARG1 (c3 / chemical) :mod (o / often) :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :ARG2 (d / divert-01 :ARG1 c3 :ARG3 (c5 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :purpose (g / goal :ARG1-of (l4 / legal-02 :polarity -)) :time (l3 / late :degree (m2 / more)))) :op2 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (i2 / industry :ARG1-of (m / major-02) :ARG0-of (r / require-01 :ARG1 (c6 / chemical :mod (s2 / such))) :ARG1-of l)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Oguz"))) (c / correct-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (b / blame-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG2 (p / problem :topic (h / heroin) :location (w / world)) :mod (a / alone))) (c4 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (p / produce-01 :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (o / opium :mod (m / material :mod (r / raw) :prep-for (h / heroin)))) :ARG2 (h3 / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (m2 / make-01 :ARG1 (h2 / heroin) :ARG2 c6)) :ARG2 (c6 / chemical :polarity - :mod (c7 / certain) :ARG1-of (p3 / produce-01 :polarity - :location c5) :ARG1-of (s / smuggle-01 :ARG3 c5) :ARG2-of m2))) (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s2 / seize-01 :ARG0 (a / authority :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :ARG1 (m2 / more-than :op1 (m4 / mass-quantity :quant 200 :unit (t / ton) :quant-of (c3 / chemical))) :time (s3 / since :op1 (d3 / date-entity :year 2006))) :ARG2 (b / base-02 :ARG1 (n3 / need-01 :ARG1 (s4 / some :op1 (m3 / mass-quantity :quant 13000 :unit (t3 / ton) :quant-of c3))) :ARG2 (f / figure :time (d4 / date-entity :year 2007) :mod (p2 / produce-01 :ARG1 (o / opium))))) (s / suggest-01 :ARG0 (f / figure) :ARG1 (r / represent-01 :ARG0 (a / amount :ARG1-of (c / confiscate-01)) :ARG1 (f2 / fraction :mod (s2 / small) :part-of (t / total :ARG1-of (s3 / smuggle-01))))) (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s / seize-01 :ARG1 (c4 / chemical) :quant (m / most) :location (a / along :op1 (b / border-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Pakistan")) :mod (e / east)))) :ARG2 (c6 / come-01 :ARG1 (c / chemical :quant (d2 / deal :mod (g2 / good))) :path (b2 / border-01 :ARG1 (c7 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Iran")) :mod (w / west)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (s2 / share-01 :ARG0 (c2 / community :mod (i / international)) :ARG1 (i2 / information :topic (p2 / person :ARG1-of (k / know-02) :ARG1-of (e / establish-01 :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c4 / country :ARG1-of (n3 / neighbor-01 :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))))) :ARG0-of (s3 / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (c3 / chemical))) :quant (m / more))))) (i3 / increase-01 :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 :ARG0 (b / bankroll-01 :ARG0 (m / militant :mod (c3 / criminal-organization :wiki "Taliban" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taliban"))) :ARG1 (i2 / insurgency) :manner (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n2 / name :op1 "West")) :ARG2 (o / official))))) (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / allege-01 :ARG1 (p3 / protect-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Hamid_Karzai" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Hamid" :op2 "Karzai") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :ARG1 (l / lord :mod (d / drug)) :purpose (p / politics))) :ARG1 (b / brief-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n4 / name :op1 "U.N.")))) (w / write-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" :name (n10 / name :op1 "U.S." :op2 "State" :op3 "Department")) :ARG2 (o / official :ARG0-of (c / counter-01 :ARG1 (n2 / narcotic)) :mod (s / senior)) :time (f / former))) :ARG1 (g2 / go-01 :ARG1 (c4 / corrupt-01 :ARG1 g3 :ARG3 (n / narcotic)) :ARG4 (t / top :part-of (g3 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")))))) :medium (a / article :part-of (m / magazine :part-of (n3 / newspaper :wiki "The_New_York_Times" :name (n6 / name :op1 "New" :op2 "York" :op3 "Times")) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 27 :month 7 :year 2008)))) (a / allege-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (r / reluctant :topic (m / move-04 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (l / lord :mod (d / drug) :mod (b / big)) :location (b2 / base :mod (p2 / power) :mod (p3 / politics) :poss p :location (s2 / south :part-of (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :location-of (p4 / produce-01 :ARG1 (o2 / opium :quant (m2 / most)))))) :domain (p / person :wiki "Hamid_Karzai" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Karzai")))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hamid_Karzai" :name (n / name :op1 "Karzai")) :ARG1 (c / commit-01 :ARG0 p :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (e / eliminate-01 :ARG1 (c2 / corrupt-01)) :op2 (b / battle-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Oguz")) :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (c / corrupt-01 :ARG1 (s2 / system)) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (l / lack-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (f / force :mod (p2 / police :ARG2-of (t3 / train-01 :manner (w / well)))) :duration (m2 / many :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year)))) :op2 (t4 / take-01 :ARG0 (o / official) :ARG1 (s3 / step) :ARG3 (f2 / fight-01 :ARG1 (c5 / corrupt-01)) :time (n / now :mod (o2 / only))))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 28 :month 7 :year 2008)) (d2 / date-entity :day 25 :month 8 :year 2008) (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / terrorism) :op3 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op4 (n / narcotic) :op5 (c / crime-02)) (c2 / confiscate-01 :ARG0 (p / police :poss (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG0-of (c4 / counter-01 :ARG1 (n3 / narcotic))) :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1.2 :unit (t2 / ton :mod (m3 / meter)))) :time (r / raid-01)) (a / account-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (o2 / opium :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (o / opium :ARG1-of (s / supply-01 :ARG2 (w / world))) :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 93))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007)) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_the_Interior_(Afghanistan)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Interior" :op2 "Ministry") :poss (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 25 :month 8 :year 2008) :medium (t / thing :ARG0-of (s / state-01))) (c3 / confiscate-01 :ARG0 (p / police :ARG0-of (c4 / counter-01 :ARG1 (n3 / narcotic)) :poss (c5 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1.2 :unit (t2 / ton :mod (m3 / meter)))) :time (r / raid-01 :location (s / south :part-of c5))) (s / seize-01 :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1.2 :unit (t / ton :mod (m3 / meter)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 19 :month 8 :year 2008) :location (d3 / district :wiki "Marjah" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Marjah") :location (p2 / province :wiki "Helmand_Province" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Helmand")))) (d / detain-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant 3 :ARG0-of (s / smuggle-01))) (a / account-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (o2 / opium :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (o / opium :ARG1-of (s / supply-01 :ARG2 (g / globe))) :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 93))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007)) (p / province :domain (p2 / province :wiki "Helmand_Province" :name (n / name :op1 "Helmand")) :ARG0-of (p3 / produce-01 :ARG1 (o / opium)) :mod (l / large :degree (m / most) :poss (w / world))) (p / produce-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 8200 :unit (t2 / ton :mod (m4 / meter)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007)) (i / ingredient :mod (m / main) :domain (o / opium) :ARG2-of (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (h / heroin))) (h / help-01 :ARG0 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (o / opium) :quant (m3 / multiple :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 1000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar)))) :ARG1 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (i / insurgency :ARG1-of (l / lead-02 :ARG0 (c2 / criminal-organization :wiki "Taliban" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taliban")))))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (f / finance-01 :ARG0 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (o2 / opium) :quant (m3 / multiple :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 1000000000 :unit (d / dollar)))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG2 (o / official)) :ARG1-of (c / corrupt-01)))) (d2 / date-entity :day 26 :month 8 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Georgia"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / telecom) :op3 (t2 / technology) :op4 (c / crime-02)) (h / host-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG1 (w / website :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :quant (s / some)) :purpose (p / protect-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 w :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / hack-04)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (h / host-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / website :poss (c / company :wiki "National_Bank_of_Georgia" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Central" :op2 "Bank") :poss (c5 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Georgia")))) :op2 (w2 / website :poss (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_Georgia" :name (n10 / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry") :poss c5)) :op3 (p / portal :mod (n11 / news) :manner (l3 / language :wiki "English_language" :name (n12 / name :op1 "English")) :mod c5)) :duration (t / temporary) :purpose (p2 / protect-01 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (a2 / attack-01 :mod (c7 / cyber)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 26 :month 7 :year 2008)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n7 / name :op1 "Estonian" :op2 "Informatics" :op3 "Center") :ARG1-of (r / run-01 :ARG0 (s4 / state))) :ARG1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 (c7 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :ARG1 (w / website :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) :ARG2 (s2 / service :location (c8 / country :mod (o2 / other) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c9 / country :wiki "Poland" :name (n10 / name :op1 "Poland")) :op2 (c10 / country :wiki "France" :name (n11 / name :op1 "France")))))) :time (a2 / after :op1 (a3 / attack-01 :ARG1 (w3 / website :quant (s3 / some)) :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 :ARG2 (b / break-13 :ARG1 (w2 / war-01 :ARG1 (c11 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n12 / name :op1 "Russia"))))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Katrin" :op2 "Pargmae") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Estonian" :op2 "Informatics" :op3 "Center")) :ARG2 (s3 / spokeswoman))) :ARG1 (m / make-02 :ARG0 (h / host-01 :ARG1 (w / website) :location (c3 / country :ARG1-of (d / differ-02))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c4 / complicate-01 :ARG1 (d2 / disrupt-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / hack-04)) :ARG1 w) :ARG2 p2 :degree (m2 / more)) :op2 (c / consume-01 :ARG0 d2 :ARG1 (t / time))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Katrin" :op2 "Pargmae")) :ARG1 (h / help-01 :ARG0 (h2 / host-01 :ARG1 (w / website)) :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (s2 / see-01 :ARG0 (w3 / world) :ARG1 (w2 / webpage :poss (c2 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Georgia")))))) :mod (a / also)) (c2 / comment-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Katrin" :op2 "Pargmae")) :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Georgia")))) (e / experience-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG1 (c4 / cope-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (c5 / cyber))) :mod (p2 / previous) :ARG1-of (c6 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / target-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / website :poss (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 c3))) :op2 (w / website :poss (s / sector :ARG1-of (p / private-03)))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :year 2007)))) (a / attack-01 :mod (d2 / date-entity :month 5 :year 2007) :time (a2 / after :op1 (d4 / decide-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG1 (r / relocate-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (m2 / memorial :mod (w / war) :mod (s / soviet)) :op2 (g / grave :mod s)))) :quant (m / multiple :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d3 / day))))) (a / anger-01 :ARG0 (r / relocate-01) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (m / minority :mod (e / ethnic) :poss (c5 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :mod c6) :op2 (c6 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Russia") :ARG1-of (n7 / neighbor-01)))) (a / accuse-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (c4 / country :mod (a2 / any)) :ARG2 (m / mount-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s / state-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 c3)) :ARG3 (a3 / attack-01 :ARG1-of (o2 / organize-01 :degree (h / high)) :mod (p / professional)))))) (s / state :domain (c / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n / name :op1 "Estonia")) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Baltic_states" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Baltic"))) (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 3) (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "Europe")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / money) :op3 (t / terrorism) :op4 (c / crime-02) :op5 (b / business)) (o / overturn-01 :ARG0 (c2 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m / most)) :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n2 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (v / verdict :ARG3-of (f / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (a2 / and :op1 (i / individual) :op2 (g / group) :quant (m2 / multiple) :ARG1-of (a3 / accuse-01 :ARG2 (f2 / fund-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (o3 / organization :mod (t / terrorist)))))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 3 :month 9 :year 2008)) (o / overturn-01 :ARG0 (c5 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m / most)) :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (d3 / decide-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :mod o2) :ARG1 (f / freeze-02 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / asset :poss (b2 / businessman :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")))) :op2 (a3 / asset :poss (c / charity :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c4 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Sweden"))) :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (g3 / group :mod (t / terror) :mod (c2 / criminal-organization :wiki "Al-Qaeda" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Qaida"))))))))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2001)) :time (d / date-entity :day 3 :month 9 :year 2008)) (c / conflict-01 :ARG0 (r / rule-01) :ARG1 (o3 / order-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 :ARG1 (t2 / terror)) :ARG0-of (o4 / oblige-02 :ARG1 (s / state :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 o :ARG2 (m2 / member))) :ARG2 (f / freeze-02 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (a2 / and :op1 (p / person) :op2 (e / entity) :ARG2-of (s2 / suspect-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (t3 / terror)))))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (c3 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m / most)) :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (f / fail-01 :ARG1 (o3 / order-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations"))) :ARG2 (r / right-05 :ARG1 (o5 / or :op1 (i / individual :ARG1-of (b / blacklist-01 :mod (t / terror))) :op2 (i2 / individual :prep-on (d / defense))) :ARG2 (r2 / review-01 :ARG0 (j / judiciary) :prep-under (l2 / law :mod (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe")))) :mod (a2 / any) :ARG1-of (l / legal-02))) :mod (a / also)) (a / acknowledge-01 :ARG0 (c2 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m / most)) :mod (o3 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (j / justify-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (f / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a2 / asset :poss (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / person :wiki "Yasin_al-Qadi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Yasin" :op2 "Al-Qadi")) :op2 (o2 / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat" :op2 "International" :op3 "Foundation")))))))))) (k / know-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (u / unfreeze-00 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (n2 / nation :ARG0-of (s / set-up-03 :ARG1 (b / blacklist-01 :mod (t / terror) :mod (j / joint))) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")))) :ARG1 (a / asset))) (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / argue-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :mod (o / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (o3 / oblige-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (r2 / rule-01 :ARG0 (c3 / court)) :ARG1 (n2 / nation :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 o)) :ARG2 (r3 / remove-01 :ARG0 n2 :ARG1 (n3 / name) :ARG2 b)) :ARG2 (f / force-01 :ARG0 (t / thing) :ARG1 o :ARG2 (i / inform-01 :ARG0 o :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (i2 / individual) :op2 (g4 / group) :ARG1-of b) :ARG2 (f2 / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a4 / asset))) :mod (o4 / only)))) :ARG1 (r / remove-01 :ARG0 n2 :ARG1 (g3 / group :quant (n4 / none)) :ARG2 (b / blacklist-01 :ARG1 g3) :mod (o2 / official) :time (s / so-far))) (a / appeal-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Yasin_al-Qadi" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Yasin" :op2 "Al-Qadi") :ARG0-of (h / head-01 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Muwafaq" :op2 "Foundation") :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")))))) 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"International")) :ARG1 (d2 / decide-01 :ARG0 (o3 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) :ARG1 (f / freeze-02 :ARG0 o3 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 1000000 :unit (k / krona :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden"))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat" :op2 "International")) :ARG2 (l / lawyer))) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (m / money) :ARG2 (f / fund-01 :ARG1 (p / program :topic (a / aid-01 :ARG2 (f2 / family :location (c / country :wiki "Somalia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Somalia"))))) :ARG2 m))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Thomas" :op2 "Olsson")) :ARG1 (e / examine-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat" :op2 "International")) :ARG2 (l / lawyer))) :ARG1 (w / way :instrument-of (h2 / have-04 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (r / release-01 :ARG1 (a / asset) :destination (p2 / person :mod (c / country :wiki "Somalia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Somalia")) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Sweden")) :ARG0-of (u / use-01 :ARG1 (n5 / network) :ARG2 (s2 / send-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (f / fund) :ARG2 (p4 / person :location c :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG2 (r2 / relative))))) :ARG0-of (i / immigrate-01))))) :time (n6 / now))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Thomas" :op2 "Olsson")) :ARG1 (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / remain-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (s2 / sanction-02)) :ARG3 (l / level :mod (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")))) :ARG1 (o3 / obligate-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat" :op2 "International")) :ARG2 (l2 / lawyer))) :ARG2 (e / examine-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (c2 / consequence :mod (j / judiciary) :poss (v / verdict))))) :mod (a / also)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (c3 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m / most)) :mod o2) :ARG1 (r / require-01 :ARG1 (i / inform-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (p / person :mod (a / any) :poss-of (a2 / asset :ARG1-of (f / freeze-02))) :ARG2 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 f)) :manner (s2 / swift :degree (m2 / most) :compared-to (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 i)) :time (a3 / after :op1 (d2 / decide-01 :ARG1 f)) :purpose (r3 / right-05 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (r2 / recourse :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)))) :ARG2 (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n4 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union") :ARG1-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (n3 / nation :quant 27)))) :time (d / date-entity :day 3 :month 9 :year 2008)) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (l / lawyer :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Thomas" :op2 "Olsson") :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden")) :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat")) :ARG2 (c2 / case-03))) :ARG1 (r2 / rule-01)) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (h / hinder-01 :ARG0 (r / rule-01 :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (e / effort :mod (i / international) :purpose (s / stop-01 :ARG1 (f / finance-01 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (t2 / terror) :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Al-Qaeda" :name (n / name :op1 "al-Qaida"))))))))) (o2 / overturn-01 :ARG0 (r / rule-01) :ARG1 (d2 / decide-01 :ARG0 (c2 / court :mod (o3 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :time (e / early :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2005) :degree (m / more)) :ARG0-of (r2 / reject-01 :ARG1 (a / appeal-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Yasin_al-Qadi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Qadi")) :op2 (o / organization :wiki "Al-Barakat" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Al-Barakaat" :op2 "International" :op3 "Foundation"))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / rule-01) :ARG1 (e / err-01 :ARG0 (j / judge-01 :ARG0 (c3 / court :poss (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1-of (l / low-04 :degree (m / more))) :manner (l2 / law) :manner (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 j :ARG1 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (c / court :mod o2) :ARG1 (j2 / jurisdiction :mod (r2 / review-01 :ARG1 (l3 / legality :poss (o3 / order-01 :ARG2 (f / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (a2 / and :op1 (i / individual) :op2 (g / group) :ARG0-of (f2 / fund-01 :ARG1 (g2 / group :mod (t2 / terror)) :ARG1-of (d / deem-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations"))))))) :ARG1-of (c2 / contest-01))))))))) (w / win-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01)) :op2 (g / group) :mod (o / other) :ARG1-of (b / blacklist-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) :mod (t / terror))) :prep-against (l2 / list-01 :ARG1 a) :mod (a2 / also) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / reason :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01))) :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) (o3 / or :op1 (u / unfreeze-00 :polarity - :ARG1 (a3 / asset :poss (a / and :op1 (p / person :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01)) :op2 (g / group) :mod (t / this)))) :op2 (r / remove-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (n2 / name :poss a) :ARG2 (b / blacklist-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")))) :time (s2 / so-far)) (o3 / overturn-01 :ARG0 (c4 / court :mod (h / high) :mod (o4 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (d / decide-01 :ARG0 o4 :ARG1 (f / freeze-02 :ARG0 o4 :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (c / criminal-organization :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "People's" :op2 "Mujahadeen" :op3 "of" :op4 "Iran"))))) :time (p / previous)) (m / movement-07 :ARG1 (r / resist-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1-of (e / exile-01) :domain (c2 / criminal-organization :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "People's" :op2 "Mujahadeen" :op3 "of" :op4 "Iran")) :ARG1-of (b / blacklist-01 :ARG0 (o3 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n4 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) :mod (t / terror))) (c5 / cause-01 :ARG0 (i / inform-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a / and :op1 p2 :op2 g2) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (f / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a2 / asset)))) :ARG0-of (b / breach-01 :ARG1 (l2 / law :mod o5))) :ARG1 (o4 / overturn-01 :ARG0 (c4 / court :ARG1-of (h / high-02) :mod (o5 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (d / decide-01 :ARG1 (f2 / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (a4 / asset :poss (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l3 / lead-02 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (r2 / rebel-01))) :ARG1-of (e / exile-01 :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Philippines" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Philippines"))))) :op2 (a5 / asset :poss (g2 / group :wiki "Al-Aqsa_Foundation" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Al-Aqsa" :op2 "Foundation") :ARG1-of (b2 / base-01 :location (c3 / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Netherlands")))))))) :time (r / recent))) (f / freeze-02 :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (p / person :quant 370)) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (b / blacklist-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations" :op3 "Security" :op4 "Council")) :ARG1 p :mod (t / terrorist)))) (t / target-01 :ARG0 (b / blacklist-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))) :ARG1 (o2 / organization :quant (a / about :op1 60)) :mod (a2 / also)) (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 9 :day 3) (c2 / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n / name :op1 "Brazil")) (a / and :op1 (w / weapon) :op2 (t / technology) :op3 (i / international)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Roberto" :op2 "Mangabeira" :op3 "Unger") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n / name :op1 "Brazil")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (a / affair :mod (s2 / strategic))))) :ARG1 (c2 / call-03 :ARG0 (p / plan-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG1 (n7 / nation)) :mod (n2 / new)) :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG1 (p2 / partner-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c5 / country :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "France" :name (n5 / name :op1 "France")))))) :purpose (b / build-02 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 c :op2 c3 :op3 c4) :ARG1 (i / industry :mod (w / weapon) :mod (s4 / state-of-the-art)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Roberto" :op2 "Mangabeira" :op3 "Unger") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n / name :op1 "Brazil")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (a / affair :mod (s2 / strategic))))) :ARG1 (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 c)) :ARG1 (r / rebuild-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (i / industry :mod (w / weapon) :poss c) :ARG1-of (h2 / help-01 :ARG0 (t / technology :ARG1-of (d2 / develop-02 :location (c3 / country :mod (o / other))))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 3 :month 9 :year 2008)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger" :name (n / name :op1 "Unger")) :ARG1 (c4 / call-03 :ARG0 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Brazil")) :ARG1 (d / defend-01 :ARG1 (n6 / nation)) :mod (n5 / new)) :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (p3 / partner-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c5 / country :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "France" :name (n4 / name :op1 "France"))))) :purpose (b / build-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (i2 / industry :mod (w / weapon) :mod (s3 / state-of-the-art))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger" :name (n / name :op1 "Unger")) :ARG1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (e / element :ARG1-of (s2 / significant-02) :mod (r / research-01) :mod (d / develop-02)) :ARG2 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology) :mod (s3 / such)) :location (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Brazil")))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Roberto_Mangabeira_Unger" :name (n / name :op1 "Unger")) :ARG1 (c2 / consider-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Brazil")))) :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :ARG3-of (s3 / spend-01 :ARG0 g :ARG4 (d2 / defend-01)) :ARG1-of (s4 / stand-04 :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 1.5 :quant-of (p4 / product :mod (d3 / domestic) :ARG1-of (g3 / gross-03))) :time (c3 / current))) :ARG2 (s2 / significant-02))) :time (w / week :mod (d / date-entity :day 24 :month 8 :year 2008))) (h / have-quant-91 :ARG1 (p / product :ARG1-of (g / gross-03) :mod (d3 / domestic) :poss (c / country :wiki "Brazil" :name (n / name :op1 "Brazil"))) :ARG2 (a2 / approximately :op1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 1500000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "US")))) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007))) (d / date-entity :day 12 :month 9 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / money) :op3 (t / terrorism) :op4 (c / crime-02)) (d2 / drop-05 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ronnie" :op2 "Jacobsson") :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden")) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG3 (p3 / prosecute-01))) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c2 / charge-05 :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 3 :mod c :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01 :ARG2 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (t2 / terrorism) :ARG1-of (s / suspect-01)))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 9 :month 9 :year 2008)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ronnie" :op2 "Jacobsson") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Sweden")) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG3 p3) :ARG0-of (p3 / prosecute-01)) :ARG1 (c / charge-05 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / person :quant 3 :mod c2 :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01 :ARG2 (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / terrorism) :ARG1-of (s2 / suspect-01)) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :mod (e / early :degree (m / more)))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 9 :month 9 :year 2008)) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p3 / provide-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ronnie" :op2 "Jaccobson")) :ARG1 (i / intend-01 :ARG0 (m / man) :ARG1 (s / send-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (m2 / money) :ARG2 (o / organization :mod (t2 / terrorist)))))) :ARG1 (d / drop-05 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c2 / charge-05)))) (a / accuse-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden"))) :ARG2 (u / use-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (n3 / network :instrument-of (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (m / money)) :mod (f / formal :polarity -) :ARG1-of (c3 / call-01 :ARG2 (h / hawalas))) :ARG2 (s / send-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (f2 / fund-01)) :ARG2 (g / group :mod (t3 / terror) :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Somalia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Somalia")))))) (a / arrest-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 3 :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden"))) :time (r / raid-01) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Stockholm" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Stockholm")) :time (d / date-entity :month 2)) (c2 / coordinate-01 :ARG1 (r / raid-01) :ARG2 (c3 / crack-down-06 :location (c / country :wiki "Norway" :name (n / name :op1 "Norway") :location-of (a / arrest-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant 3 :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01) :mod (a2 / another)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG0-of (g / ground-01) :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ronnie" :op2 "Jacobsson")) :ARG1 (g / go-on-15 :ARG1 (i / investigate-01 :mod (c / country :wiki "Norway" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Norway"))) :mod (s2 / still))) (p / person :quant 3 :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n / name :op1 "Sweden")) :age (o / or :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit (y / year)) :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 40 :unit (y2 / year)))) (s / system :domain (h / hawala) :mod (p / paper :polarity -) :ARG1-of (b / base-02 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (t / trust-02) :op2 (a2 / agree-01 :manner (o / oral)))) :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :mod (c3 / common) :location (a3 / and :op1 (w / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")) :op2 (l / location :part-of (c / continent :wiki "Asia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Asia"))) :op3 (l2 / location :part-of (c2 / continent :wiki "Africa" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Africa")))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (l / lawyer :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Thomas" :op2 "Olsson") :mod (d / defense)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / tragedy :degree (v / very)) :op2 (f / fail-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (l3 / law) :op2 (o2 / order) :mod (c / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Sweden")))) :domain (d2 / detain-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG1-of (r / represent-01 :ARG0 l) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 l :ARG2 (c2 / client))) :ARG1-of (h / have-concession-91 :ARG2 (w / weak-02 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01 :prep-against p)))) :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03 :degree (s2 / such))))) (h / hold-01 :ARG1 (m3 / man :quant 2 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m5 / man))) :duration (m4 / more-than :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (m2 / month))) :time (b2 / before :op1 (r / release-01 :ARG1 m3 :time (s / start-01 :ARG1 (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :season (s2 / summer)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ronnie" :op2 "Jacobsson")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (e / examine-01 :ARG0 (c / court) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (o / order-01 :ARG1 (d / detain-01))) :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (w / week)))) :op2 (f / find-01 :ARG1 (r / reason :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (d2 / detain-01 :ARG1 (m / man))))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (v2 / voice-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (a5 / authority :mod c) :op2 (a6 / authority :mod c2)) :ARG1 (c3 / concern-01 :ARG0 (o4 / or :op1 (t2 / terrorist :ARG0-of (o / operate-01 :location (o2 / out :op1 (w / world-region :wiki "Scandinavia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Scandinavia"))))) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (f / finance-01 :ARG1 (t3 / terror)) :ARG0-of (o3 / operate-01 :location o2))) :ARG1 a3)) :ARG2 (s / spare-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Norway" :name (n / name :op1 "Norway")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sweden"))) :ARG2 (a2 / act-02 :mod (t / terror) :mod (v / violence)))) (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :quant 2 :mod (c / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n / name :op1 "Iraq"))) :ARG2 (p4 / prison) :ARG3 (a / and :op1 (c3 / collect-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (m / money)) :op2 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 m :ARG2 (t2 / terrorist :wiki "Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Abu" :op2 "Musab" :op3 "al-Zarqawi")))) :time (d / date-entity :year 2005) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Sweden" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sweden"))) (p / person :wiki "Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi" :name (n / name :op1 "Abu" :op2 "Musab" :op3 "al-Zarqawi") :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Al-Qaeda" :name (n2 / name :op1 "al-Qaida")) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iraq"))) :mod (l2 / late)) (d / date-entity :day 26 :month 9 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / military) :op3 (t / technology) :op4 (p / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02)) :op5 (s / space) :op6 (w / weapon)) (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (w / war-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (r / recent)) :ARG1 (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (u / upgrade-02 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t / thing :poss c :mod (n4 / nucleus) :ARG0-of (d / deter-01))) :op2 (m / modernize-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (m2 / military))))) (o / order-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (u / upgrade-02 :ARG1 (t / thing :mod (n4 / nucleus) :poss (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG0-of (d / deter-01))) :op2 (m / modernize-01 :ARG1 (f / force :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01) :poss c)))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (p / plan-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / build-01 :ARG1 (n / network :ARG2-of (d / defend-01 :mod (a2 / air) :mod (s3 / space)) :mod (n2 / new))) :op2 (b2 / begin-01 :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 :ARG1 (s / ship :mod (w / war) :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (s2 / submarine :mod (n3 / nucleus)))) :extent (s5 / scale :mod (l / large)))))) :ARG2 (u / upgrade-02 :mod (t / this))) (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (w / war-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (r / recent)) :ARG1 (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p3 / president))) :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (p2 / prioritize-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :ARG1 (m / modernize-01 :ARG1 (m2 / military)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :ARG1 (t / this) :time (d / date-entity :day 26 :month 9 :year 2008) :time (m / meet-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / officer))) :time (a / after :op1 (e / exercise :mod (m2 / military) :location (s2 / south :part-of (p4 / province :wiki "Orenburg_Oblast" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Orenburg"))))))) (a / and :op1 (p2 / post-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p3 / president))))) :ARG2 (w / website :poss (g / government-organization :wiki "Moscow_Kremlin" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kremlin")))) :op2 (c / carry-01 :ARG0 (a2 / agency :mod (n3 / news) :mod (s2 / state)) :ARG1 t :manner (f / full))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (m / modernize-01 :ARG1 (a / army :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :time (b / by :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2020))))) (g / give-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p5 / president))) :ARG1 (u / until :op1 (d / date-entity :month 12 :year 2008) :time-of (c / come-up-11 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (p3 / plan-01)))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military) :ARG2 (c3 / commander)))) (d / date-entity :day 26 :month 9 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / military) :op3 (t / technology) :op4 (s / space) :op5 (w / weapon) :op6 (p / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG2 (p / president))) :ARG1 (h / highlight-01 :ARG0 (c5 / conflict-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :year 2008) :mod (m / military)) :ARG1 (n6 / need-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military :mod c) :ARG1 (m3 / modernize-01 :ARG1 m2)))) (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (s / system :ARG1-of (g / guarantee-01) :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / ship :mod (w / war)) :op2 (s3 / submarine :ARG1-of (p4 / power-01 :ARG0 (n3 / nucleus))))) :ARG0-of (d3 / deter-01) :mod (n2 / nucleus)) :time (b / by :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2020)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Dmitry" :op2 "Medvedev") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG2 (p / president))) :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (m / modernize-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military :mod c) :ARG1 (f / force :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01))) :op2 (u / upgrade-02 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (d2 / deter-01) :mod (n4 / nucleus))) :manner (b / build-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (n5 / network :ARG2-of (d3 / defend-01 :manner (a3 / air) :manner (s2 / space)) :mod (n3 / new))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 26 :month 9 :year 2008)) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (b / begin-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p3 / produce-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (s / ship :mod (w / war) :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (s3 / submarine :ARG1-of (p4 / power-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nucleus)) :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01 :ARG2 (m / missile :mod (c / cruise)))))) :extent (s2 / scale :mod (l / large))))) :mod (a3 / also)) (i / issue-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s / state-01)) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m2 / military) :ARG2 (c / commander))) :time (a / after :op1 (e / exercise :mod (m / military) :location (s2 / south :part-of (p3 / province :wiki "Orenburg_Oblast" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Orenburg")))))) (a / and :op1 (p2 / post-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s / state-01)) :ARG2 (s3 / site :poss (g / government-organization :wiki "Moscow_Kremlin" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kremlin")) :mod (w / web))) :op2 (c / carry-01 :ARG0 (a2 / agency :mod (n3 / news) :mod (s2 / state)) :ARG1 t)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Medvedev"))) (d2 / demonstrate-01 :ARG0 (c2 / conflict-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :year 2008) :mod (m2 / military)) :ARG1 (n2 / need-01 :ARG1 (m / modernize-01))) (c5 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / respond-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :ARG1 (c3 / country-region :wiki "South_Ossetia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Ossetia") :ARG0-of (b / break-away-14))) :ARG0-of (f / force-04)) :op2 (d / defeat-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a3 / army :mod c2))) :ARG2 (h / highlight-01 :ARG0 (w / war :mod (b2 / brief)) :ARG1 (a4 / arsenal :ARG1-of (a5 / age-01) :poss c))) (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (e / ensure-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (s / superior-01 :ARG1 m :mod (a / air) :manner (a2 / and :op1 (s3 / strike-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (t2 / target-01 :ARG0 m) :location (l / land)) :op2 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of t2 :location (s2 / sea))) :manner (p / precision)) :op2 (d / deploy-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (f / force) :ARG1-of (t4 / timely-03)))))) (a / and :op1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (s / system :mod (n2 / nucleus) :ARG0-of (d3 / deter-01) :ARG1-of (g / guarantee-01)) :time (b / by :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2020)))) :op2 (g2 / give-01 :ARG1 (u / until :op1 (d2 / date-entity :month 12 :year 2008) :time-of (d4 / devise-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (p / plan-01)))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military) :ARG2 (c3 / commander))))) (n2 / need-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s / submarine :instrument-of (a2 / attack-01) :mod (p / purpose :quant (m2 / multi))) :op2 (s2 / submarine :ARG1-of (p2 / power-01 :ARG0 (n3 / nucleus)) :ARG1-of (a3 / arm-01 :ARG2 (m3 / missile :mod (c2 / cruise)))))) (m / mention-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Dmitry_Medvedev" :name (n / name :op1 "Medvedev")) :ARG1 (s / submarine :mod (n3 / nucleus) :mod (c2 / class :wiki "Borei-class_submarine" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Borei")) :ARG1-of (d / design-01 :ARG3 (c3 / carry-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (m2 / missile :mod (i / intercontinental) :ARG1-of (s2 / see-01 :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c4 / compose-01 :ARG1 (f / force :mod n3 :poss (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :time (f2 / future)) :ARG1-of (k / key-02))) :mod (n5 / new)))))) (f / fire-01 :ARG1 (m / missile) :ARG1-of (s / succeed-01) :ARG1-of (t / test-01) :time (w / week :mod (d / date-entity :day 14 :month 9 :year 2008)) :time (a / after :op1 (f2 / fail-01 :ARG1 f :quant (s2 / several)))) (a / and :op1 (s4 / suppose-02 :ARG2 (c / commission-01 :ARG1 (s / submarine :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (s2 / submarine :mod (n / new)))) :time (l / late :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2008) :degree (m2 / more)))) :op2 (b / build-01 :ARG1 (s3 / submarine :quant 2 :mod (m / more)))) (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / affect-01 :ARG0 (p / problem :topic (e / economy) :poss (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :time (a3 / after :op1 (c4 / collapse-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (d / date-entity :year 1991)))) :ARG1 (f / force :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01))) :ARG2 (d2 / direct-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Moscow_Kremlin" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kremlin")) :ARG1 (m / money :source (p2 / profit-01 :ARG1 (o / oil)) :mod (m2 / more)) :ARG2 (s / system :mod (w / weapon) :mod (n4 / new)) :time (r / recent))) (d / date-entity :day 20 :month 10 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russian" :op2 "Federation")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Georgia"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon) :op3 (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / war) :op2 (c / conflict-01)) :op4 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op5 (m / military)) (f / find-01 :ARG0 (i / investigate-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands"))))) :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (b / bomb :mod (c4 / cluster) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (t / television) :ARG2 (c5 / cameraman))) :location (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Netherlands)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry") :mod (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands"))) :ARG1 (f / find-01 :ARG0 (i / investigate-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 c))) :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (b / bomb :mod (c4 / cluster) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (t / television) :ARG2 (c5 / cameraman))) :location (c3 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 10 :day 20)) (d / die-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Stan_Storimans" :name (n / name :op1 "Stan" :op2 "Storiman") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Netherlands"))) :time (c3 / conflict-01 :ARG2 (b / break-away-14 :ARG0 (c6 / country-region :wiki "South_Ossetia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Ossetia")) :time (f / film-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (f2 / fight-01 :location (c4 / city :wiki "Gori,_Georgia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Gori") :location (c / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Georgia")))))))) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Stan_Storimans" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Storimans")) :time (f / film-01 :location (s / square :mod (l / large) :ARG1-of (d / desert-01 :mod (n3 / near)) :location (c / city :wiki "Gori,_Georgia" :name (n / name :op1 "Gori"))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Jeroen" :op2 "Akkermans") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :ARG1 (d / die-01 :ARG1 (c2 / civilian :mod (c / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :quant (s2 / several)) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / attack-01 :ARG1-of (s3 / same-01))))) (a / and :op1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Akkermans")) :ARG3 (p / person :wiki "Stan_Storimans" :name (n / name :op1 "Storimans"))) :op2 (i / injure-01 :ARG1 p2 :degree (m / minor))) (n2 / newsman :mod (v / veteran) :domain (p2 / person :wiki "Stan_Storimans" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Storimans")) :ARG1-of (e / employ-01 :ARG0 (p / publication :wiki "RTL_Nieuws" :name (n / name :op1 "RTL" :op2 "Nieuws")))) (o2 / own-01 :ARG0 (c2 / conglomerate :wiki "Bertelsmann" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Bertelsmann" :op2 "AG") :mod (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Germany")) :mod (m / media)) :ARG1 (p / publication :wiki "RTL_Nieuws" :name (n2 / name :op1 "RTL" :op2 "Nieuws")) :mod (u / ultimate)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Netherlands)" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry") :mod (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands"))) :ARG1 (c4 / conclude-01 :ARG0 (t2 / team :ARG0-of (i / investigate-01) :mod c :ARG1-of (s2 / send-01 :ARG2 (s3 / spot) :time (l / late :degree (m / more :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (w / week)))) :purpose (g2 / gather-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01 :mod (f / forensic))) :op1 (a2 / account-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (w2 / witness-01 :mod (e2 / eye)))))))) :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (m2 / munition :ARG1-of (p3 / propel-01 :ARG0 (r / rocket :ARG1-of (f2 / find-01 :location (a3 / arsenal :poss (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")) :mod (m3 / military)) :mod (o / only)) :mod (t4 / type)))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Stan_Storimans" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Storimans"))))) (c / call-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Maxime_Verhagen" :name (n / name :op1 "Maxime" :op2 "Verhagen") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f2 / foreign)))) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (f / find-01)) :ARG2 (s / serious :degree (v / very))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Maxime_Verhagen" :name (n / name :op1 "Verhagen")) :ARG1 (c2 / clarify-10 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (u / use-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (m / munition :mod c :mod (c3 / cluster)) :manner (t / this))) :ARG2 (a / authority :mod (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia"))))) (a / and :op1 (p / present-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (t / troop) :ARG2 (c / city :wiki "Gori,_Georgia" :name (n / name :op1 "Gori"))) :op1 (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (c2 / civilian :ARG1-of (i / innocent-01)))) (d2 / deny-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")))) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (m / munition :mod (c3 / cluster)) :time (w / war-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :year 2007) :mod (b / brief)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g / group :mod (r / right :mod (h / human))) :ARG1 (u / unleash-01 :ARG0 (s2 / side :mod (b / both)) :ARG1 (w / weapon :ARG1-of (d / denounce-01 :mod (w2 / wide))))) (a / acknowledge-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")))) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (m / munition :ARG1-of (l2 / launch-01 :source (g3 / ground)) :mod (c3 / cluster) :ARG1-of (u2 / use-01)) :ARG1-of (n4 / near-02 :ARG2 (t / tunnel :wiki "Roki_Tunnel" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Roki") :ARG0-of (c4 / connect-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country-region :wiki "South_Ossetia" :name (n / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Ossetia")) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Maxime_Verhagen" :name (n / name :op1 "Verhagen")) :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Netherlands")))) :ARG1 (r / raise-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (m / matter) :prep-with (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe"))))) (a / and :op1 (a2 / address-02 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe")) :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c3 / control-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arms)))) :op2 (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Georgia")) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 o :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG2 o)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Netherlands)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry") :mod (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands"))) :ARG1 (c3 / call-03 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 :ARG1 c)))) :ARG1 (i / issue-01 :ARG1 (s2 / state-01 :ARG1 (p3 / pledge-01 :ARG0 (s3 / state :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (w / weapon :mod (c4 / cluster)) :time (s4 / situation :mod (k / kind :mod (t / this))))) :mod (p2 / politics))))) (p / pack-01 :ARG1 (o2 / or :op1 (s / shell :mod (a / artillery)) :op1 (b2 / bomb :ARG1-of (d / drop-01 :ARG3 (a2 / aircraft)))) :ARG2 (b / bomblet :mod (c / cluster))) (s / scatter-01 :ARG0 (c / container :ARG1-of (s2 / single-02)) :ARG1 (e2 / explosive :quant (b2 / between :op1 200 :op2 600) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (e / explosive :mod (m / mini)))) :ARG2 (a / area :ARG1-of (s3 / size-01 :ARG2 (t3 / thing :ARG2-of (s4 / size-01 :ARG1 (f / field :mod (f2 / football)))))) :ARG1-of (t / typical-02)) (c / criticize-01 :ARG0 (g / group :mod (r / right :mod (h / human))) :ARG1 (b / bomblet :mod (c2 / cluster)) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (k / kill-01 :manner (d / discriminate-01 :polarity -)) :op2 (t / threaten-01 :ARG1 (o2 / ordinance :ARG1-of (e2 / explode-01 :polarity -)) :ARG2 (c3 / civilian) :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 :ARG2 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG1 (m / mine :mod (l / land))))))) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :quant (m / more-than :op1 100)) :ARG1 (b / ban-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (b2 / bomb :mod (c4 / cluster)) :time (a2 / after :op1 d :quant (u / up-to :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 8 :unit (y / year))))) :location (c / city :wiki "Dublin" :name (n / name :op1 "Dublin") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Republic_of_Ireland" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ireland"))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :year 2008)) (s / sign-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Georgia_(country)" :name (n / name :op1 "Georgia")))) :op2 (g3 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia"))))) :ARG1 (a2 / accord-03)) (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 10 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / money) :op3 (t / terrorism) :op4 (c / crime-02) :op5 (w / weapon)) (c / convict-01 :ARG0 (c2 / court :ARG0-of (c3 / criminal-03) :location (c4 / city :wiki "Paris" :name (n / name :op1 "Paris"))) :ARG1 (p / person :quant 9) :time (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 10 :year 2008)) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (i2 / inmate :mod (p2 / prison) :time (f / former) :ARG0-of (a2 / admit-01 :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 i2 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Islam")) :ARG0-of (c3 / call-03 :ARG1 (j / jihad :ARG1-of (a / arm-01) :location c))))) :mod (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Algeria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Algeria"))) :ARG2 (t / this)) (c2 / convict-01 :ARG0 (c / court :ARG0-of (c3 / criminal-03) :location (c4 / city :wiki "Paris" :name (n / name :op1 "Paris"))) :ARG1 (p / person :quant 9) :time (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 10 :year 2008)) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (i2 / inmate :time (f / former) :mod (p2 / prison) :ARG0-of (a2 / admit-01 :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 i2 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Islam")) :ARG0-of (c3 / call-03 :ARG1 (j / jihad :ARG1-of (a / arm-01) :location c))))) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Algeria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Algeria")) :mod (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France"))) :ARG2 (t / this)) (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Safe" :op2 "Bourada")) :ARG2 (i / imprison-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 15 :unit (y / year)))) (p / penalize-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 8 :mod (o / other)) :ARG2 (c / charge-05 :ARG1-of (l / link-01 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (f / finance-01 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (t3 / terror))) :op2 (a2 / associate-01 :ARG2 g)))) :manner (b / between :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)) :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit (y2 / year)))) (a / admit-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Bourada")) :ARG1 (c / create-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (g / group :ARG1-of (c3 / call-01 :ARG2 (n3 / name :op1 "Ansar" :op2 "Al-Fath" :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 :ARG2 (n4 / name :op1 "Partisans" :op2 "of" :op3 "Victory")))) :mod (m / militant))) :location (c2 / court)) (s / suspect-01 :ARG1 (p / plan-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (m / metro :mod (c / city :wiki "Paris" :name (n / name :op1 "Paris"))) :op2 (a / airport :wiki "Orly_Airport" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Orly"))))) :ARG2 (g / group)) (d2 / dismantle-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :time (d / date-entity :year 2005) :time (a / after :op1 (t / tip-05 :ARG0 (c3 / counterpart :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Algeria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Algeria"))) :ARG1 (a2 / authority :mod (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")))))) (i / include-91 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bourada")) :ARG2 (m / militant :quant 36 :mod (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Islam")) :ARG1-of (c2 / convict-01 :ARG2 (s / support-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (b / bomb-01 :ARG0-of (t2 / terrorize-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")) :time (d / date-entity :year 1995)))) :time (b2 / before :op1 (n4 / now) :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y / year)))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (w / win-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r2 / release-01 :time (d / date-entity :year 2003) :time (e / early) :manner (s / surveil-01 :ARG0 (p2 / police) :ARG1 p))) :ARG2 (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Bourada")) :ARG1 (t2 / term :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y / year))))) (q / qualify-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Bourada")) :ARG2 (p2 / parole-01 :ARG1 p) :duration (a / at-least :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y / year))) :prep-under (v / verdict :time (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 10 :year 2008))) (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n7 / name :op1 "Christophe" :op2 "Chaboud") :ARG0-of (h / head-01 :ARG1 (u / unit :ARG0-of (c4 / counter-01 :ARG1 (t2 / terrorism)) :part-of (g2 / government-organization :wiki "National_Police_(France)" :name (n6 / name :op1 "National" :op2 "Police"))))) :ARG1 (c5 / contact-01 :ARG0 (g / group) :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Abu" :op2 "Musab" :op3 "al-Zarqawi") :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c3 / criminal-organization :wiki "Al-Qaeda" :name (n4 / name :op1 "al-Qaida") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iraq"))) :time (f / former))) :ARG1-of (d2 / direct-02 :polarity -)) :ARG2 (p / publication :wiki "Associated_Press" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Associated" :op2 "Press")) :time (d / date-entity :year 2005)) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi" :name (n / name :op1 "Abu" :op2 "Musab" :op3 "al-Zarqawi")) :ARG2 (s / strike-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :mod (a / air)) :time (d / date-entity :month 6 :year 2006) :location (p2 / province :wiki "Diyala_Governorate" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Diyala"))) (r / rule-01 :ARG0 (c3 / court) :ARG3 (t2 / train-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kaci" :op2 "Ouarab") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g2 / group) :ARG2 (m2 / member))) :location (c / country :wiki "Lebanon" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lebanon")) :time (d / date-entity :year 2005) :ARG1-of (d2 / design-01 :ARG3 (h / help-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (b / bomb-01 :location (c2 / country :wiki "France" :name (n3 / name :op1 "France"))))))) (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ouarab")) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 9 :unit (y / year)) :manner (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p3 / parole-01 :ARG1 p) :duration (a / at-least :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit (y2 / year))))) (c / consider-01 :ARG0 (c2 / court) :ARG1 (s / succeed-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ouarab")) :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Bourada")) :ARG1-of (n / natural-03) :ARG1-of (l / legitimate-02) :mod (o2 / operation))) (c / consider-01 :ARG1 (o2 / operative :mod (i / important) :domain (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kais" :op2 "Melliti")) :ARG0-of (o / organize-01) :mod (f / finance))) (g / give-01 :ARG1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 8 :unit (y / year)) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Melliti")) :manner (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p3 / parole-01 :ARG1 p2) :duration (a / at-least :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG3 "2/3" :ARG2 t))))) (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Djamel" :op2 "Badaoui")) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit (y / year))) (r / rule-01 :ARG0 (c / court) :ARG3 (c2 / charge-05 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Badaoui")) :ARG2 (s / seize-01 :ARG1 (g / good) :manner (e / extort-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m / money) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (p3 / prostitute-01))) :frequency (o / occasion-02 :quant 3) :purpose (f / fund-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :mod (t / terror)))))) (s / sentence-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Stephane" :op2 "Hadoux")) :op2 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Emmanuel" :op2 "Nieto"))) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (y / year))) (s / suspend-01 :ARG0 (c / court) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (t2 / thing) :ARG3 "1/2"))) (p2 / person :mod (c / country :wiki "France" :name (n / name :op1 "France")) :ARG1-of (c2 / convert-01 :ARG2 (r / religious-group :wiki "Islam" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Islam"))) :domain (p / person :quant 2)) (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Kingdom")) :op3 (c4 / country :wiki "Zimbabwe" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Zimbabwe")) :op4 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n7 / name :op1 "China"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon) :op3 (p / politics)) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (n4 / nation :mod (s / some) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o3 / organization :wiki "United_Nations_General_Assembly" :name (n5 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations" :op3 "General" :op4 "Assembly")) :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 :ARG0 n4 :ARG1 (c2 / create-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :mod (p / precedent :polarity -) :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe))))) :ARG2 (a / ahead)) :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008) :concession (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) (w / win-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain")) :op2 (n4 / nation :quant 6 :mod (o2 / other) :ARG0-of (s / support-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe))) :mod (p / precedent :polarity -))))) :ARG1 (e / endorse-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations_General_Assembly" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations" :op3 "General" :op4 "Assembly")) :ARG1 (m / move-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (c3 / create-01 :ARG1 t) :ARG2 (f / forward)) :ARG0-of (o3 / overwhelm-01)) :ARG4 o :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008) :concession (o4 / oppose-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (n3 / nation :quant 147 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (n2 / nation :quant 192 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :ARG2 (m / member))))) :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 :ARG0 n3 :ARG1 (c / craft-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm)) :ARG1-of (p / propose-01))) :ARG2 (a / ahead)) :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008)) (a2 / abstain-01 :ARG0 (n / nation :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (n2 / nation :ARG0-of (v / vote-01 :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 :ARG1 (c / craft-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arm)) :ARG1-of (p / propose-01))) :ARG2 (a / ahead) :polarity -)))) :quant (m / most)) :ARG1 (v2 / vote-01 :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008))) (a / abstain-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008))) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Zimbabwe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zimbabwe")) :mod (o / only)) :ARG1 (a4 / against :op1 (m / move-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arm) :mod (g / globe)))) :ARG2 (a2 / ahead)))) (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Zimbabwe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zimbabwe")) :time (d / date-entity :month 7 :year 2008) :ARG0-of (c3 / concern-02 :ARG1 (s / sanction-02 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 c2)) :ARG1-of (p / propose-01 :ARG0 c) :ARG1-of (v / veto-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c5 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op2 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n6 / name :op1 "China")))))) :manner (b / bitter)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / proponent :poss (t4 / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t5 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :mod (g / globe))))) :ARG1 (h / hope-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c / craft-01 :ARG1 (t6 / treaty)) :op2 (a3 / adopt-01 :ARG1 t6) :purpose (a5 / aim-01 :ARG1 (i / impose-01 :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (t9 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a4 / arm) :mod (i2 / international) :ARG0-of (c3 / contribute-01 :ARG2 (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (p3 / person :quant (m / more-than :op1 1000)) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day))))))))) :time (a6 / after :op1 (n / now) :quant (u / up-to :op1 (b / between :op1 (t7 / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (y3 / year)) :op2 (t8 / temporal-quantity :quant 5 :unit y3))))))) (p / proponent :poss (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe)))) :ARG0-of (l / lead-01) :domain (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Britain")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Australia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Australia")) :op4 (c4 / country :wiki "Argentina" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Argentina")) :op5 (c5 / country :wiki "Costa_Rica" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Costa" :op2 "Rica")) :op6 (c6 / country :wiki "Kenya" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Kenya")) :op7 (c7 / country :wiki "Finland" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Finland")))) (e / export-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Britain")) :ARG1 (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (a / arm :ARG1-of (c3 / cost-01 :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 3000000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))))) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / apply-02 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe)))) :ARG2 (s / sell-01 :ARG0 (n / nation) :ARG1 a2) :mod (o / only)) :ARG2 (a3 / apply-02 :polarity - :ARG1 t :ARG2 (s2 / sell-01 :mod (c2 / commerce) :ARG2-of (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (i2 / individual))))) (r / require-01 :ARG0 (d / decide-01) :ARG1 (m / majority :ARG1-of (s / simple-02))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John" :op2 "Duncan")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG2 (u / universal :domain (t2 / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe)))) :degree (m2 / most) :compared-to (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 u))) :op2 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG0 (c / country :mod (s3 / some)) :ARG1 a2) :op3 (s2 / supply-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nation :mod (a3 / all)) :ARG1 a2 :time (o4 / or :op1 (s4 / stage) :op2 (s5 / stage :mod (a4 / another)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John" :op2 "Duncan")) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (s2 / stop-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nation) :ARG1 (d / distribute-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (h / hand :part-of (p3 / person :ARG2-of (c / criminal-03))) :op2 (h2 / hand :part-of (t / terrorist)))) :manner (c2 / close-01 :ARG0 n2 :ARG1 (l / loophole))))) (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "John" :op2 "Duncan")) :ARG2 (a / ambassador :mod (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Britain"))) :ARG3 (a3 / and :op1 (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (m / multilateral)) :op2 (d / disarm-01))) (f / favor-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (l / language :ARG1-of (c2 / contain-01 :ARG0 (d3 / document :quant (s2 / some) :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (d / document :mod (n2 / negotiate-01 :ARG2 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :mod (g / globe))))) :ARG0-of (r2 / require-01 :ARG1 (d2 / decide-01 :manner (c3 / consensus) :ARG0-of (g2 / give-01 :ARG1 (p / power :ARG0-of (v / veto-01)) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 c :op2 (n3 / nation :mod (o / other))) :mod (e / essential)))))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Christina_B._Rocca" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Rocca") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) :ARG1 (w2 / way :mod (o / only) :instrument-of (a / achieve-01 :ARG1 (m / mechanism :mod (i / international) :instrument-of (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm :mod (c3 / conventional)))) :ARG0-of (e / effective-04) :ARG1-of (b / balance-01))) :domain (p2 / proceed-01 :ARG1-of (b2 / base-02 :ARG2 (c4 / consensus))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Christina_B._Rocca" :name (n / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Rocca")) :ARG1 (t3 / this) :ARG2 (n2 / nation :mod (o / other) :ARG1-of (a / assemble-02 :purpose (v / vote-01 :ARG1 (m / move-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arm) :mod (g / globe)))) :ARG2 (a2 / ahead)))))) (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG0-of (d2 / dissent-01) :mod (s / sole) :time (d / date-entity :month 12 :year 2006) :time (v2 / vote-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nation :quant 153) :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 :ARG1 (c3 / consider-02 :ARG1 (c4 / create-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :mod (g / globe))))))))) (m / move-03 :ARG0 (v / vote-01 :time (d / date-entity :month 12 :year 2006)) :ARG1 (p / process-02 :ARG1 (c / consider-02 :ARG1 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)))))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (m / meet-03 :ARG0 (g / group :consist-of (p2 / person :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)) :ARG0-of (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (c / consider-02 :ARG1 (i2 / item :ARG2-of (i3 / include-01 :ARG1 (l / language :mod (c2 / consensus))))))) :time (d3 / date-interval :op1 (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2007) :op2 (d2 / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008))) :ARG2 (p / process-02 :mod (t / that))) (f / forward-01 :ARG0 (v / vote-01 :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 10 :year 2008)) :ARG1 (d2 / discuss-01 :ARG1 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)))) :ARG2 (s / specific-02 :ARG1 (l / language :ARG1-of (p / possible-01) :poss t))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Christina_B._Rocca" :name (n / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Rocca")) :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (g / goal :mod (p2 / promote-02 :ARG1 (r / responsible-02 :ARG1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm)))) :mod (r2 / reduce-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arm :mod (l / law :polarity -)) :ARG0-of (d / destabilize-01)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Christina_B._Rocca" :name (n / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Rocca")) :ARG1 (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (a / accomplish-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm) :mod (g / globe))) :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (p2 / promote-02 :ARG1 (r / responsible-02 :ARG1 (t3 / transfer-01 :ARG1 a2))) :op2 (r2 / reduce-01 :ARG1 (t4 / trade-01 :ARG1 (a4 / arm :mod (l / law :polarity -)) :ARG0-of (d / destabilize-01))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Christina_B._Rocca" :name (n / name :op1 "Christina" :op2 "Rocca")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / way :mod (o / only) :domain (w2 / weaken-01 :ARG1 (p2 / provision :mod t)) :instrument-of (c / convince-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :ARG0-of (e / export-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm)) :quant (a3 / all) :ARG1-of (m / major-02)) :ARG2 (s2 / sign-on-04 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (t / treaty :topic (t2 / trade-01 :ARG1 a2))))) :op2 (l / legitimize-01 :ARG0 (t3 / treaty :topic (t4 / trade-01 :ARG1 a2) :mod (w3 / weak)) :ARG1 (s3 / standard :mod (i / international) :ARG1-of (b / base-02 :ARG2 (d / denominator :mod (c3 / common) :ARG1-of (l2 / low-04 :degree (m2 / most)) :ARG0-of (a4 / address-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (p3 / problem :topic (t5 / transfer-01 :ARG1 a2 :mod (l3 / law :polarity -) :mod (r / responsible :polarity -)))))))))) (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 18 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) (a / and :op1 (n / narcotic) :op2 (c / crime-02)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (t / television :mod (s2 / state) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod c2) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / smuggle-01 :quant 4 :ARG1 (d / drug)))) :op2 (c / confiscate-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m / more-than :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1 :unit (t2 / ton))))) :ARG1-of (n / near-02 :ARG2 (t3 / town :wiki "Mirjaveh" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mirjaveh"))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (t / television :mod (s2 / state) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod c2) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / smuggle-01 :quant 4 :ARG1 (d / drug)))) :op2 (c / confiscate-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m / more-than :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1 :unit (t2 / ton))))))) (r / report-01 :ARG0 (t / television :mod (s / state) :mod (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (e / event) :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 18)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (t / television :mod (s2 / state) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 :ARG1 (c / conflict-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod c2) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)))) :ARG2 (n2 / near-02 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (t5 / town :wiki "Mirjaveh" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Mirjaveh"))))) (l / locate-01 :ARG1 (t / town :wiki "Mirjaveh" :name (n / name :op1 "Mirjaveh")) :location (r / relative-position :op1 (c / city :wiki "Tehran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tehran")) :direction (s / southeast) :quant (a / approximately :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 950 :unit (m2 / mile)))) :location (n3 / near-02 :ARG1 t :ARG2 (b / border-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Pakistan"))) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Iran"))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (t / television :mod (s2 / state) :mod (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (s3 / seize-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod c) :ARG1 (o / opium :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 1.6 :unit (t3 / ton :mod (m / meter)))))) (s2 / scene :domain (a / area :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 :ARG2 (t / town :wiki "Mirjaveh" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mirjaveh")))) :location-of (c / conflict-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran"))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s / smuggle-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))) :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02))) (l / lie-07 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) :op2 (s / state :mod (g / gulf :wiki "Persian_Gulf" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Persian" :op2 "Gulf")))) :ARG2 (r / route :ARG1-of (m / major-02) :path-of (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)) :location (b / between :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :op2 (c4 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Europe"))))) (b / burn-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG1 (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (n2 / narcotic :quant (m / more-than :op1 (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 60 :unit (t / ton))) :ARG1-of (s2 / seize-01)) :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))) :ARG1-of (s / symbolize-01 :ARG2 (d / determine-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (f / fight-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d2 / drug))))) (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 21 :year 2008) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n / name :op1 "Greece")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Belarus"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "International_Campaign_to_Ban_Landmines" :name (n / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Campaign" :op3 "to" :op4 "Ban" :op5 "Landmines"))) :ARG1 (m / miss-02 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Greece")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Belarus"))) :ARG1 (d / deadline :time-of (d2 / destroy-01 :ARG0 (a2 / a) :ARG1 (m3 / mine :ARG1-of (s2 / stockpile-01 :ARG0 a) :mod (l / land))) :mod (t / treaty)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "International_Campaign_to_Ban_Landmines" :name (n / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Campaign" :op3 "to" :op4 "Ban" :op5 "Landmine")) :time (d3 / date-entity :month 11 :day 21 :year 2008)) :ARG1 (m / miss-02 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Greece")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Belarus"))) :ARG1 (d4 / deadline :ARG1-of (r3 / require-01 :ARG0 (t2 / treaty :mod (i / international))) :time-of (d2 / destroy-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (m2 / mine-01 :ARG1-of (s2 / stockpile-01 :ARG0 a) :mod (l / land)))))) (d / decline-02 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :mod (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n / name :op1 "Greece")) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d2 / diplomat))) :op2 (p2 / person :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d3 / diplomat))) :op3 (p3 / person :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Belarus")) :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d4 / diplomat)))) :ARG1 (i / interview-01 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (r / report-01 :location (c4 / city :wiki "Geneva" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Geneva"))))) (q / quote-01 :ARG0 (r / report) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Greece")))) :op2 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g5 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Turkey")))) :op3 (g3 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g6 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Belarus"))))) :ARG3 (a / acknowledge-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (m / miss-02 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (d / deadline)))) (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (d / destroy-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n / name :op1 "Greece")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Belarus"))) :ARG1 (m / mine :mod (l / land) :quant (n4 / nearly :op1 7500000 :ARG2-of (t / total-01)))) :time (b / by :op1 (d2 / date-entity :month 3 :year 2008))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "International_Campaign_to_Ban_Landmines" :name (n / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Campaign" :op3 "to" :op4 "Ban" :op5 "Landmines")) :mod (p / page :quant 1155) :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)))) :ARG1 (m / mention-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Greece")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / problem :topic (l / legal-02) :topic (c2 / contract-02 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c3 / carry-out-03 :ARG0 c4 :ARG1 (d / destroy-01)) :ARG2 (c4 / company))) :op2 (d3 / difficult :domain (f / find-01 :ARG1 (s2 / site :location-of (d4 / destroy-01) :mod (s3 / safe-01 :ARG1 (e / environment)))))) :ARG3 (c5 / cause-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (d2 / delay-01)))) (c / claim-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Turkey")))) :ARG1 (l / long-03 :ARG1 (p / prepare-02 :ARG2 (r / rid-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (s / stockpile-01 :ARG0 c2)))) :degree (m / more) :compared-to (t4 / temporal-quantity :ARG1-of (p2 / plan-01)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n / name :op1 "Belarus")) :ARG1 (d / delay-01 :ARG1 (r / receive-01 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :ARG2-of (f / fund-01 :ARG0 o2) :purpose (s2 / support-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 c)) :ARG2 (o2 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union"))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n / name :op1 "Belarus")) :ARG1 (c2 / contain-01 :ARG0 (m4 / mine :ARG1-of (s2 / stockpile-01) :ARG1-of (r / remain-01)) :ARG1 (m / mine :mod (t / type) :ARG1-of (d2 / destroy-01 :mod (d / difficult :degree (m2 / more))) :mod (c4 / costly :degree (m6 / more))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Steve" :op2 "Goose") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Human_Rights_Watch" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Human" :op2 "Rights" :op3 "Watch") :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c / city :wiki "New_York_City" :name (n2 / name :op1 "New" :op2 "York")))) :ARG2 (d / director :mod (c5 / control-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm))))) :ARG1 (s2 / sanction-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Greece")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "Turkey" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Turkey")) :op3 (c4 / country :wiki "Belarus" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Belarus"))) :ARG1-of (c6 / cause-01 :ARG0 (m / miss-02 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (d2 / deadline :poss a))))) (h / help-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Human_Rights_Watch" :name (n / name :op1 "Human" :op2 "Rights" :op3 "Watch")) :ARG1 (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (r / report-01))) (c4 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report) :ARG1 (d / destroy-01 :ARG1 (m / mine :quant 500000 :duration (y / year :mod (p / past)) :mod (o / only)) :location (w / worldwide))) :ARG2 (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 r :ARG1 (r2 / rid-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Burundi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Burundi")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Sudan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Sudan"))) :ARG1-of (s / stockpile-01 :quant (a2 / all)) :mod (r3 / respective)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report) :ARG1 (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (b2 / bring-01 :ARG1 (n / number :quant-of (m / mine :ARG1-of (s2 / stockpile-01) :ARG1-of (d / destroy-01 :time (s3 / since :op1 (c4 / come-04 :ARG1 (t / treaty :mod (b / ban-01 :ARG1 (m2 / mine :mod (l / land)))) :ARG2 (e / enforce-01 :ARG1 t) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 1990)))))) :ARG3 (m3 / more-than :op1 42000000)) :ARG2 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (c / country :quant 44) :ARG1 (m4 / mine :quant 176000000) :mod (s4 / still)))) (g / give-01 :ARG1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 4 :duration-of (d / destroy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (s / stockpile-01 :ARG0 c))) :unit (y / year)) :ARG2 (c / country :ARG0-of (j / join-01 :ARG1 (t3 / treaty)) :quant (a / all :op1 156))) (s / sign-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (c4 / country :ARG0-of (u / use-01 :ARG1 (m / mine :mod (l / land)) :ARG1-of (m2 / major-02)) :example (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (t / treaty)) (a / and :op1 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 (e / explode-01 :ARG1 (m / mine :mod (l / land))) :ARG1 (p / person :quant (m2 / more-than :op1 1400)) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007) :location (w2 / worldwide)) :op2 (w / wound-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 3900) :time d))) :op2 (a2 / add-01 :ARG1 (n / number :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01) :quant (m3 / much) :degree (m4 / more)) :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (p4 / poor :domain (r2 / report-01 :location (c2 / country :quant (m5 / many)))))))) (w / win-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "International_Campaign_to_Ban_Landmines" :name (n / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Campaign" :op3 "to" :op4 "Ban" :op5 "Landmines")) :ARG1 (a / award :wiki "Nobel_Peace_Prize" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Nobel" :op2 "Peace" :op3 "Prize")) :time (d / date-entity :year 1997)) (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 25 :year 2008) (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico")) (a / and :op1 (n / narcotic) :op2 (c / crime-02)) (c / charge-05 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (o / own-01 :ARG1 (c2 / club :mod (f / football))) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico"))) :op2 (p2 / person :quant 4 :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (t / team) :ARG2 (m / member)))) :ARG2 (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c4 / cocaine) :op2 (m2 / marijuana)) :source (c5 / country :wiki "Colombia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Colombia")) :destination (c6 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) (a / and :op1 (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (p / person :quant (a4 / all :op1 5)) :ARG1 (g / gang :mod (n / notorious) :mod (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico"))) :ARG2 (m / member)) :op2 (a2 / arrest-01 :ARG1 p :mod (h2 / house) :time (s / since :time (d / date-entity :month 10 :year 2008)))) (c / charge-05 :ARG0 (p / person :location (c2 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico")) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG3 (j / judge-01))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (o / own-01 :ARG1 (c3 / club :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mapaches") :mod (f / football) :mod c2) :ARG1-of (a3 / allege-01))) :op2 (p3 / person :quant 4 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (t / team) :ARG2 (m / member)) :mod (o2 / other))) :ARG2 (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (d / drug))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "Attorney_General_of_Mexico" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Attorney" :op2 "General's" :op3 "Office") :mod (f / federal) :mod (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico"))) :ARG1 (l / lead-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Wenceslao" :op2 "Alvarez")) :ARG1 (g / group :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / cocaine) :op2 (m / marijuana)) :source (c3 / country :wiki "Colombia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Colombia")) :destination (c4 / city :wiki "Atlanta" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Atlanta") :location (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n5 / name :op1 "U.S.")))))) :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 25 :year 2008) :medium (s2 / statement)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Attorney_General_of_Mexico" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Attorney" :op2 "General's" :op3 "Office")) :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :quant 5 :ARG1-of (c / charge-05)) :ARG2 (g / gang :wiki "La_Familia_Michoacana" :name (n / name :op1 "la" :op2 "Familia") :mod (s2 / state :wiki "Michoac??n" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Michoacan") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mexico"))) :mod (i / infamous)))) (t / take-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / group) :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG3 (c / custody) :time (d / date-entity :month 10 :year 2008) :location (f / facility :location (c2 / city :wiki "Mexico_City" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico" :op2 "City")) :poss (t3 / team :wiki "Club_Am??rica" :name (n / name :op1 "Aguilas" :op2 "del" :op3 "America")) :purpose (t2 / train-01))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / arrest-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / group) :ARG2 (m / member))) :mod (h2 / house)) :ARG2 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (p2 / prison) :time (s / soon))) (e / expel-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Mexican_Football_Federation" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexican" :op2 "Football" :op3 "Federation")) :ARG1 (c2 / club :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mapaches") :mod (f2 / football)) :ARG2 (l / league) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / tie-up-05 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))) :ARG1-of (a / allege-01))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 10)) (b / believe-01 :ARG1 (o / own-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Alvarez")) :ARG1 (c / club :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mapaches") :poss (d / division :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 3)) :mod (f / football) :location (s / state :wiki "Michoac??n" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Michoacan"))))) (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 27) (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Kingdom")) (a / and :op1 (t / terrorism) :op2 (i / international) :op3 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :ARG2 (i / institute :mod (p / policy :mod (p2 / public)) :domain (r2 / research-01))) :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (s2 / state :quant 27 :mod (w / weak)) :ARG2 (s3 / security :mod (n2 / nation) :poss (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain"))) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (p4 / provide-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (b / base-01 :ARG1 (t2 / terrorist))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01) :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain")))) :ARG2 (h / help-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / stabilize-01 :ARG1 (s3 / state :mod (w / weak))) :op2 (p / push-04 :ARG1 (r2 / regulate-01 :mod (i / international))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :ARG1-of (p / publish-01 :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 11 :day 27))) :ARG1 (v / vulnerable :domain (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain")) :prep-to (t / terrorist :ARG0-of (o / operate-01 :source (s2 / state :mod (w / weak) :location-of (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r2 / run-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (c2 / camp :purpose (t2 / train-01))) :op2 (r3 / raise-02 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (f / fund) :manner (d2 / detect-01 :polarity -))))))))) (a / and :op1 (c / coauthor-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "George_Robertson,_Baron_Robertson_of_Port_Ellen" :name (n2 / name :op1 "George" :op2 "Robertson") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n / name :op1 "NATO")) :ARG2 (c2 / chief) :time (f / former))) :ARG1 (r / report-01)) :op2 (p / publish-01 :ARG0 (r2 / research-institute :wiki "Institute_for_Public_Policy_Research" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Institute" :op2 "for" :op3 "Public" :op4 "Policy" :op5 "Research") :mod (t / think-tank :mod (i / international))) :ARG1 r)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01) :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (s2 / state :quant 27 :mod (w / weak)) :ARG2 (s3 / security :mod (n2 / nation) :poss (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain"))) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (p2 / provide-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (b / base-01 :ARG1 (t2 / terrorist))))))) (a / and :op1 (c / country :ARG0-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / country :wiki "Haiti" :name (n / name :op1 "Haiti")) :op2 (c3 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nigeria")) :op3 (c4 / country :wiki "Somalia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Somalia")) :op4 (c5 / country :wiki "Yemen" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Yemen"))))) :op2 (h / have-03 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :mod (v / vulnerable) :domain (o / or :op1 (w / will-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (c6 / control-01 :ARG1 (t / territory))) :op2 (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 c6))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (a / author-01 :ARG1 (r / report-01))) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (o / operate-01 :ARG0 (g / group :ARG2-of (c / criminal-03) :ARG0-of (f / fund-01 :ARG1 (o2 / organization :mod (t / terrorist)) :manner (a2 / and :op1 (t3 / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)) :op2 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (g2 / good :mod (c2 / counterfeit-01)))))) :location (s2 / state :mod (w / weak)) :manner (d2 / detect-01 :polarity -)))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (c / coordinate-01 :ARG0 (t / terrorist :ARG0-of (r / raise-02 :ARG1 (f / fund) :location (s / state :mod (t2 / this)))) :ARG1 (a / attack-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain"))) :time (t3 / then))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01) :ARG1 (d / discover-01 :ARG0 (t / terrorist :mod (t2 / transnational)) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r2 / regulate-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (s2 / space :mod (g / globe)) :degree (l / large) :manner (o / or :op1 (w / weak-02 :ARG1 (r3 / rule-01 :ARG1 (l2 / law))) :op2 (r6 / rule-01 :polarity - :ARG1 l2))) :op2 (p / place :location-of (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (o2 / operate-01 :ARG0 (t3 / terrorist) :prep-with (p3 / prospect-02 :ARG1 (i / impunity) :ARG1-of (r4 / reasonable-02)) :ARG1-of (r5 / resemble-01 :ARG2 (o3 / operate-01 :location (m / mountain :poss (c / country :wiki "Afghanistan" :name (n / name :op1 "Afghanistan"))) :time (b / before :op1 (d2 / date-entity :month 9 :day 11)))))) :domain s2)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ian" :op2 "Kearns") :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (a / author-01 :ARG1 (r / report)))) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (r2 / research-institute :wiki "Institute_for_Public_Policy_Research" :name (n2 / name :op1 "IPPR")) :ARG2 (d / director :mod (d2 / deputy)))) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (r3 / run-01 :ARG0 (t / terrorist) :ARG1 (c / camp :location (a3 / area :mod (r4 / remote) :ARG1-of (m / monitor-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG1-of (r5 / rare-02))))))) (r / reference-04 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kearns")) :ARG1 (c / camp :poss (t / terrorist) :purpose (t2 / train-01) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Sahel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sahel") :ARG1-of (r2 / run-04 :path (c2 / country :ARG0-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "Mali" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mali")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Chad" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Chad")) :op3 (c5 / country :wiki "Sudan" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Sudan")))) :quant (s / several))) :part-of (w2 / world-region :wiki "Sub-Saharan_Africa" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Sub-Saharan" :op2 "Africa"))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kearns")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p4 / patrol-01 :ARG1 (a2 / area :mod (r / remote) :mod (t / this)))) :op2 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (g / go-09 :ARG1 (a3 / activity-06 :mod (a4 / any)) :manner (d / detect-01 :polarity -))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01) :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (n / name :op1 "Britain")))) :ARG2 (h / help-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / stabilize-01 :ARG1 (s3 / state :mod (w / weak))) :op2 (p / push-04 :ARG1 (r2 / regulate-01 :mod (i / international) :ARG0-of (s4 / stop-03 :ARG1 (t / terrorist) :ARG2 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (i2 / information :ARG2-of (a3 / available-02 :ARG3-of (f / free-04))) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / create-01 :ARG1 (f2 / form :domain (w2 / warfare :mod (b / biology) :example (v / version :ARG1-of (m / modify-01) :poss (v2 / virus :wiki "Influenza" :name (n2 / name :op1 "influenza")))) :mod (n3 / new))) :op2 (u2 / unleash-01 :ARG1 f2)))))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kearns")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG2 (t / take-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a2 / approach-01 :ARG2 (a3 / area :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (b / biotechnology))) :mod (m / multilateral)))) :op2 (c / contrast-01 :ARG1-of (m2 / move-01 :polarity - :ARG0 g :ARG2 a2 :ARG1-of (q / quick-02 :mod (e / enough)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kearns")) :ARG1 (s2 / show-01 :ARG0 (c / crisis :mod (f / financial) :mod (g / globe)) :ARG1 (r / result-01 :ARG2 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG1 (f2 / framework :mod (m / multilateral) :prep-in (p2 / place) :purpose (d / deal-01 :ARG2 (i / issue-02 :ARG1 (i2 / international)))))))) (d / date-entity :year 2003 :month 10 :day 21) (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) (a / and :op1 (b / business) :op2 (t / technology)) (e / enter-01 :ARG1 (a / agree-01 :quant 7 :ARG0 (c / company :quant 6 :mod (f / foreign)) :ARG1 (c4 / cooperate-01) :ARG2 (c2 / company :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :time (c5 / ceremony :location (c6 / city :wiki "Taipei" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taipei")))) (e / enter-01 :ARG1 (a / agree-01 :quant 7 :ARG0 (c / company :quant 6 :mod (f / foreign) :mod (a2 / another)) :ARG1 (c4 / cooperate-01) :ARG2 (c2 / company :ARG1-of (l / local-02 :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) :time (c5 / ceremony :location (c6 / city :wiki "Taipei" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taipei")) :mod (p / profile :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) :time (d / date-entity :year 2003 :month 10 :day 3)) (t / time-02 :ARG0 (e / event) :purpose (c / coincide-01 :ARG1 (d / day :mod (f / final) :subevent-of (e2 / event :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan" :op2 "Business" :op3 "Alliance" :op4 "Conference") :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2003))))) (p / participate-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Shih_Yen-shiang" :name (n / name :op1 "Shih" :op2 "Yen-Shiang") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (v / vice) :mod (e / economics))))) (e / enter-01 :ARG1 (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c / company :ARG1-of (s / specific-02)) :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01))) (s / sign-02 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Access_(company)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "ACCESS") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n / name :op1 "Japan"))) :ARG1 (m / memorandum :mod (c3 / cooperate-01)) :ARG2 (r / research-institute :wiki "Institute_for_Information_Industry" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Institute" :op2 "for" :op3 "Information" :op4 "Industry"))) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Public,_educational,_and_government_access" :name (n / name :op1 "ACCESS")) :ARG1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t2 / technology :domain (s / service :mod (p / phone :ARG1-of (m / mobile-02)))) :ARG2 (c2 / company :ARG0-of (o / operate-01 :ARG4 (p2 / phone)) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) (m / make-01 :ARG0 (p / pact) :ARG1 (b / base-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a3 / activity :mod (r / research-01)) :op2 (a2 / activity-06 :ARG1 (d / develop-02)) :beneficiary (c / company :wiki "Public,_educational,_and_government_access" :name (n / name :op1 "ACCESS")) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) (s / sign-02 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "NCSOFT" :name (n / name :op1 "NC" :op2 "Soft") :location (c2 / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea"))) :ARG1 (v / venture :mod (j / joint)) :ARG2 (c3 / company :wiki "Gamania" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Gamania") :location (c4 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :purpose (c5 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 c3 :ARG2 (b / business :mod (g / game :mod (o / online))))) (c / company :domain (c2 / company :wiki "NCSOFT" :name (n2 / name :op1 "NC" :op2 "Soft") :ARG0-of (m / make-01 :ARG1 (g / game :mod (o / online))) :mod (l / large :degree (m2 / most)) :location (c3 / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")))) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Moto_Morini" :name (n / name :op1 "Morini" :op2 "Franco" :op3 "Motori") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Italy" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Italy"))) :ARG1 (s / set-up-03 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 c :op2 c3) :ARG1 (v / venture :mod (j / joint)) :purpose (p / produce-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (e / engine :part-of (m / motorcycle)))) :ARG2 (c3 / company :wiki "Taiwan_Golden_Bee" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan" :op2 "Golden" :op3 "Bee"))) (u / upgrade-02 :ARG0 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / research-01 :beneficiary (c / company :ARG0-of (m / make-01 :ARG1 (m2 / motorcycle)) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :op2 (d / develop-02 :beneficiary c) :op3 (p / produce-01 :beneficiary c))) (e / expect-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01)) :ARG1 (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (p2 / product :ARG1-of (c / cost-01 :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 10000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :mod (n3 / new))))) :time (d / decade :mod (n2 / next)))) (c / contract-02 :ARG0 (g / group :wiki "Itochu" :name (n / name :op1 "Itochu") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan"))) :ARG1 (p / promote-02 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 g :op2 c3) :ARG1 (s / sell-01 :ARG1 (p2 / product :ARG0-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / antenna :mod (p3 / product :wiki "Global_Positioning_System" :name (n4 / name :op1 "GPS")))) :poss c3) :location (o / overseas)) :manner (j / joint)) :ARG2 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "EMTAC" :op2 "Technology") :location (c4 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) (b / broker-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Itochu" :name (n / name :op1 "Itochu")) :ARG1 (d / deal-01 :ARG2 (p2 / purchase-01)) :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (b2 / buy-01 :ARG1 (p4 / product :poss (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "EMTAC")) :ARG1-of (c3 / cost-01 :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 150000000 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fight-off-02 :ARG0 d3 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c6 / cancer) :op2 (p / pressure-01 :ARG0 (b2 / blood) :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) :op3 (a3 / asthma)))))) :op2 (d2 / design-01 :ARG1 d3) :op3 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 d3) :op4 (s / sell-01 :ARG1 d3))) (c / conclude-02 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Pharmaessentia")) :ARG1 (g / grant-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (s / status :mod (p / prefer-01)) :ARG2 c3 :purpose (e / effort :mod (m / mutual) :purpose (c5 / cooperate-01))) :ARG2 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Synmosa" :op2 "Biopharma") :location (c4 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :mod (a2 / also)) (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Pharmaessentia")) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 c :op2 c2) :ARG1 (p / product :ARG0-of (u / use-01 :ARG1 (m / material :mod (r / raw) :ARG1-of (p2 / produce-01 :ARG0 c)) :manner (m2 / main)) :ARG0-of (c3 / comply-01 :ARG1 (s / standard :poss (m3 / market-01 :mod (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.S.")))))) :manner (j / joint)) :ARG2 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Synmosa" :op2 "Biopharma"))) (s / sell-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / company :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Pharmaessentia")) :op2 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Synmosa" :op2 "Biopharma"))) :ARG1 (p / product :mod (t / that)) :ARG1-of (s2 / separate-02) :location (a3 / and :op1 (m / market-01 :mod (c3 / continent :wiki "Asia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Asia"))) :op2 (m2 / market-01 :mod (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n4 / name :op1 "U.S."))) :mod (r / respective))) (c / conclude-02 :ARG1 (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (s / subsidiary :location (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :part-of (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ryss" :op2 "Laboratories") :mod (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (e / exchange-01 :ARG1 (t / technology) :purpose (a3 / and :op1 (r2 / research-01 :ARG1 (d / drug :mod (n5 / new))) :op2 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 d))) :op2 (c5 / combine-01 :ARG1 (s2 / strength :poss (t2 / they)) :purpose a3)) :ARG2 (r / research-institute :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Pharmaceutical" :op2 "Industry" :op3 "Technology" :op4 "and" :op5 "Development" :op6 "Center") :location c2)) :purpose (u / upgrade-02 :ARG0 a3 :ARG1 (s3 / standard :ARG1-of (m2 / manufacture-01) :domain (p / pharmacy :mod (d2 / domestic))))) (d / devote-01 :ARG0 (r2 / research-institute :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Pharmaceutical" :op2 "Industry" :op3 "Technology" :op4 "and" :op5 "Development" :op6 "Center")) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (r / research-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / pharmacy) :op2 (p3 / product :mod (s / science :mod (l / life)) :mod (o / other)))) :op2 (d3 / develop-02 :ARG1 a3))) (d / date-entity :day 12 :month 2 :year 2004) (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / technology) :op3 (w / weapon) :op4 (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / war) :op2 (c / conflict-01)) :op5 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) (w / warn-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Annette" :op2 "Lu") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG2 (p3 / president :mod (v / vice)))) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (e / encourage-01 :ARG0 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe")) :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod c2) :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "People's" :op2 "Republic" :op3 "of" :op4 "China"))) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 c3)) :ARG2 (i / invade-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (c / country))))) (w / warn-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Annette" :op2 "Lu") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG2 (p3 / president :mod (v / vice)))) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (e / encourage-01 :ARG0 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe")) :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod c2) :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "People's" :op2 "Republic" :op3 "of" :op4 "China"))) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "PRC")))) :ARG2 (i / invade-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (c / country)))) :time (d / date-entity :day 2 :month 4 :year 2012)) (a / and :op1 (n / note-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (a2 / adopt-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n3 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) :ARG1 (r / resolve-02 :ARG0 o :ARG1 (b / ban-01 :ARG0 o :ARG1 (s / sell-01 :ARG1 (a3 / arm) :ARG2 (m2 / mainland :part-of (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China")))))) :time (a4 / after :op1 (e2 / event :wiki "Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Tiananmen" :op2 "massacre" :op3 "of" :op4 1989))))) :op2 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (w / worrisome-03 :ARG0 (s3 / seek-01 :ARG0 (a5 / and :op1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "France" :name (n6 / name :op1 "France")))) :op2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (l3 / lead-02 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Germany"))))) :ARG1 (l4 / lift-02 :ARG0 a5 :ARG1 (b2 / ban-01 :ARG0 o) :time (f / follow-01 :ARG2 (e / entice-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n8 / name :op1 "PRC")))) :ARG1 (i / interest :mod (c4 / commerce) :time (m3 / multiple :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))))) :ARG1-of (r2 / report-01))))) (a / and :op1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (c / concern-01 :ARG0 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02) :mod (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Europe"))) :ARG2 (m / mainland)) :ARG1 p)) :op2 (a3 / add-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (i / infer-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (e2 / encourage-01 :ARG2 (i2 / invade-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :ARG2 (h / helpful-04 :ARG0 (t3 / transfer-01 :mod (s / such)) :ARG1 (b / buildup :mod (m2 / military :mod (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "PRC")))))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / try-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (m / mainland :part-of (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))))) :ARG1 (i / isolate-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :manner (d / diplomatic))) :op2 (i2 / increase-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (b / build-up-05 :ARG1 (m2 / military :poss c3) :prep-against c)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (d / deploy-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "PRC")))) :ARG1 (m / missile :quant (a2 / around :op1 500)) :ARG2 (t / target-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :op2 (e / expect-01 :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG2 650 :ARG1 (n6 / number :quant-of (m3 / missile :ARG1-of (d3 / deploy-01))) :time (y / year :mod (n4 / next)))))) (d / describe-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "PRC")))) :ARG2 (t / terrorism :mod (i / international) :mod (r / real)) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (m / missile :ARG1-of (a2 / aim-02 :ARG0 g :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) :op2 (p2 / prepare-02 :ARG0 c :ARG2 (i2 / invade-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 c3))))) (a / add-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / this) :ARG1 (c2 / call-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Chen_Shui-bian" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Chen" :op2 "Shui-bian") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG2 (p3 / president))) :ARG1 (r / referendum :mod (p4 / peace) :time (d / date-entity :day 20 :month 3 :year 2004) :time (a2 / alongside :op1 (e / elect-01 :ARG2 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c4 :ARG2 (p6 / president))))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (j / join-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (n2 / nation :mod (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe"))) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "PRC")))) :purpose (o / oppose-01 :ARG1 (r2 / referendum :ARG1-of (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / part :polarity - :part-of (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "People's" :op2 "Republic" :op3 "of" :op4 "China")) :domain (c6 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :op2 (m / maintain-01 :ARG0 (c / country) :ARG1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 c6 :ARG1 (s2 / substantive) :ARG2 c) :ARG2 (c3 / country :quant (a2 / all) :mod (a3 / almost) :location (a4 / around :op1 (w / world))) :concession (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (c4 / country :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 c3) :quant (m2 / most)) :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 :ARG0 c6 :ARG1 (d / diplomacy) :ARG2 c))))) (a / and :op1 (c / cease-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1 (e / effort :purpose (p / participate-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 :mod (i / international)))) :time (e2 / ever)) :op2 (c3 / contribute-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG2 (d / develop-02 :mod (g2 / globe)) :mod (g / great) :concession (r / refuse-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :mod i :quant (m2 / many)) :ARG1 (m / membership)))) (r / remark-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Annette_Lu" :name (n / name :op1 "Lu")) :location (o / office :mod (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG2 (p4 / president)))) :time (r2 / receive-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki "Hilde_Zach" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Hilde" :op2 "Zach") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / city :wiki "Innsbruck" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Innsbruck") :location (c3 / country :wiki "Austria" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Austria"))) :ARG2 (m / mayor))))) (a / arrive-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Hilde_Zach" :name (n / name :op1 "Zach")) :location (c / city :wiki "Taipei" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taipei")) :time (d / date-entity :weekday (t / tuesday)) :purpose (v / visit-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 c :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit (d2 / day)) :ARG2-of (i2 / invite-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Foreign" :op4 "Affairs")) :ARG1 p))) (h / hope-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hilde_Zach" :name (n / name :op1 "Zach")) :ARG1 (g / gain-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (f / field :mod (p2 / politics)) :op2 (f2 / field :mod (e / economy)) :op3 (f3 / field :mod (c2 / culture)) :op4 (f4 / field :mod (t / tourism)))) :mod (g2 / good :degree (m / more))))) (d / date-entity :day 28 :month 6 :year 2004) (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / technology) :op3 (w / weapon) :op4 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op5 (b / business) :op6 (m / money)) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / approve-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Executive_Yuan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Executive" :op2 "Yuan") :mod (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :ARG1 (p3 / participate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c2 / construct-01 :ARG1 (s / submarine :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))))))) (c / complete-01 :ARG0 (d / delegation :consist-of (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG3 (l2 / legislate-01)))) :ARG1 (t / trip-03 :ARG0 d :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG0-of (f / find-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fact)) :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 11 :unit (d2 / day)))) (s / submit-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Executive_Yuan" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Executive" :op2 "Yuan") :mod (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 610800000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod c :mod (n3 / new)) :ARG1-of (b / budget-01 :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02))) :ARG3 (b2 / buy-01 :ARG0 (p / person) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (m2 / missile :quant 388 :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Patriot" :op2 "PAC-III")) :op2 (s3 / submarine :quant 8 :mod (c3 / conventional)) :op3 (a2 / aircraft-type :quant 12 :wiki "Lockheed_P-3_Orion" :name (n5 / name :op1 "P-3" :op2 "C") :ARG0-of (c4 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s4 / submarine)))) :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n6 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :time (e2 / early :time (m3 / month :mod (t / this)) :degree (m4 / more)))) (p / pend-01 :ARG1 (b / budget-01) :ARG2 (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Legislative_Yuan" :name (n / name :op1 "Legislative" :op2 "Yuan")) :ARG1 b) :time (n2 / now)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Ker_Chien-ming" :name (n / name :op1 "Ker" :op2 "Chien-ming") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (l / legislate-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :ARG2 (w / whip)) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Progressive_Party" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "Progressive" :op3 "Party")))) :ARG1 (t / turn-02 :ARG1 (d2 / discussion :topic (r / recommend-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (p3 / participate-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "CSBC_Corporation,_Taiwan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China" :op2 "Shipbuilding" :op3 "Corp")) :ARG1 (c2 / construct-01 :ARG1 (s2 / submarine :ARG1-of (s3 / sell-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n6 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States") :ARG0-of (p4 / promise-01 :ARG2 s2)) :ARG2 c5)))))) :ARG2 (n4 / negative)) :time (d / date-entity :day 28 :month 6 :year 2004)) (c / call-on-05 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Miao" :op2 "Yung-Ching") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military :wiki "Republic_of_China_Navy" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Navy")) :ARG2 (c2 / commander-in-chief))) :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Legislative_Yuan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Legislative" :op2 "Yuan")) :ARG2 (c3 / communicate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (r / review-01 :ARG1 (b / budget-01 :ARG2 (p2 / procure-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (d / deal :topic (s / submarine))))) :ARG2 p)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Miao")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (f / feasible :polarity - :domain (p2 / participate-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "CSBC_Corporation,_Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "CSBC")) :ARG1 (c2 / construct-01 :ARG1 (s2 / submarine)))) :op2 (n3 / negotiate-01 :ARG0 (m / military :wiki "Republic_of_China_Navy" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Navy")) :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n5 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG2 (o / obtain-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c4 / capable-01 :ARG2 (r / repair-01)) :op2 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology))) :ARG2 c3)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Miao")) :ARG1 (w / want-01 :ARG0 (c / country :quant (n2 / none)) :ARG1 (b / buy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s2 / submarine :mod (c2 / conventional))))) (m / make-06 :ARG1 (t / this) :ARG2 (f / futile :domain (g / give-01 :ARG1 (c2 / capable-01 :ARG2 (b / build-01 :ARG1 (t2 / they))) :ARG2 (c / company :wiki "CSBC_Corporation,_Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "CSBC"))))) (h / have-03 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t / technology :ARG1-of (k / key-02) :ARG2-of (b / build-01 :ARG1 (s / submarine))))) (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee" :op2 "Wen-chung") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Democratic_Progressive_Party" :name (n2 / name :op1 "DPP")) :ARG3 (l2 / legislate-01)) :mod (a / another) :ARG1-of (i / involve-01)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (a / ask-01 :ARG0 (d2 / delegation) :ARG1 (s2 / shorten-04 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (p2 / period :duration-of (d3 / deliver-01 :ARG1 (s3 / submarine))) :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 15 :unit (y / year)) :ARG4 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y2 / year))) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) :time (d / date-entity :day 28 :month 6 :year 2004)) (i / indicate-01 :ARG0 (t / this) :ARG1 (g / give-up-07 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1 (p / policy :topic (b / build-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s / submarine))) :time (a / already))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (c / cost-01 :ARG1 (s3 / submarine :quant 8) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :degree (l2 / less :quant (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 100000000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (n5 / new) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) :compared-to (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (c4 / cost-01 :ARG1 s3 :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 400000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod n5 :mod c3))) :mod (o / original))) :condition (b / build-01 :polarity - :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (s2 / submarine)))) (b / base-02 :ARG1 (f / figure :mod (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee"))) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (t3 / tag-01 :ARG1 (s / submarine :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Germany")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Spain" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Spain"))))) :mod (t4 / thing :ARG2-of (p3 / price-01))) :op2 (c3 / cost-01 :ARG1 (o / obtain-01 :ARG1 (c4 / capable-01 :ARG2 (r / repair-01)))))) (a / ask-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / affect-01 :ARG0 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y / year) :ARG2-of (l / long-03 :ARG1 (d / deliver-01))) :ARG1 (s / strength :mod (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) :op2 (t2 / tip-01 :ARG1 (b / balance :mod (m2 / military) :ARG0-of (c3 / cross-02 :ARG1 (s2 / strait :wiki "Taiwan_Strait" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan" :op2 "Strait")))) :ARG2 (m3 / mainland :part-of (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :time (a4 / after :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 2005)))))) (a / answer-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (m / mean-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (b / balance :mod (a2 / any) :mod (m2 / military :mod (n2 / navy)) :ARG1-of (t / tilt-01 :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "PRC")) :time (a3 / after :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2005))))) :ARG2 (e / erupt-01 :ARG1 (w / war) :time a3))) (c / claim-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (e / enjoy-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1 (e2 / edge :prep-in (a / air)) :mod (s / still))) (a / add-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 :ARG0 (o / order-02 :ARG1 (d / destroyer :wiki "Kidd-class_destroyer" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kidd-Class") :ARG1-of (s2 / suppose-02 :ARG2 (a3 / arrive-01 :ARG1 d :ARG4 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :time (e / end-01 :ARG1 (y / year :mod (n4 / next))))))) :ARG1 (m / maintain-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (e2 / edge :poss (c / country)) :mod (s / still)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (d / deliver-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / aircraft :quant 5 :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (a3 / aircraft-type :quant 12 :wiki "Lockheed_P-3_Orion" :name (n4 / name :op1 "P-3" :op2 "C"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008)) :op2 (a4 / aircraft :quant 3 :mod (a5 / another) :time (d5 / date-entity :year 2009)) :op3 (a6 / aircraft :quant 4 :time (d4 / date-entity :year 2010)) :op4 (a7 / aircraft :quant 4 :mod (f / final) :time (d3 / date-entity :year 2011)))) :mod (a8 / also)) (d / date-entity :day 4 :month 3 :year 2007) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / military) :op3 (e / economy) :op4 (w / weapon)) (g / grow-01 :ARG1 (b / budget :mod (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG0-of (l / lead-03 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (s / some)) :ARG2 (b2 / believe-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a / attempt-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a2 / achieve-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d / dominate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (g2 / globe))))))) :time (y / year :mod (r / recent))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "Mainland_Affairs_Council" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mainland" :op2 "Affairs" :op3 "Council")) :ARG2 (c / chairman)) :ARG0-of (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (p3 / policy :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG3 (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :mod (t / top))) :ARG1 (r / reveal-01 :ARG0 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (b / budget :mod (m / military) :mod (s2 / substantial) :mod c2) :ARG2 (p4 / percentage-entity :value 17.8)) :ARG1 (a / attempt-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (a2 / achieve-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (d2 / dominate-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (g / globe))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 4 :month 3 :year 2007)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :time (a / after :op1 (p2 / publicize-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (b / bill :mod (b2 / budget) :ARG1-of (d / draft-01) :mod c :time (f / for :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 2007)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / attempt-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (a3 / achieve-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d / dominate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (g / globe)) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (b / budget) :ARG2 (s2 / significant-02)) :op2 (l / lack-01 :ARG1 (t / transparency :mod (b2 / buildup :mod (m / military)))) :op3 (e / expand-01 :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (m2 / military :wiki "Republic_of_China_Air_Force" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Air" :op2 "Force")) :op1 (m3 / military :wiki "People's_Liberation_Army_Naval_Air_Force" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Navy" :op2 "Force"))) :manner (r / rapid)))))) :op2 (s3 / suggest-01 :ARG0 (p2 / progress-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :instrument-of (d2 / defend-01 :medium (s4 / space)))) :ARG1 (a6 / attempt-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d3 / dominate-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 g))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (e / experience-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China") :ARG0-of (s2 / spend-01 :ARG4 (m / military) :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))) :ARG1 (g / grow-01 :ARG1 s2 :ARG2 (d / digit :mod (d3 / double)) :time (s3 / since :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 1993))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / accelerate-01 :ARG1 g) :op2 (b / become-01 :ARG1 g :ARG2 (t / trend :ARG1-of (l / long-03))) :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 :ARG2 (e / expect-01 :ARG1 (s2 / slow-down-03 :ARG1 (g / grow-01 :ARG1 (e2 / expend-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))))) :time (f / future :ARG1-of (f2 / foresee-01)))))) :mod (a / also)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (d / deserve-01 :ARG0 (g / grow-01 :ARG1 (b / budget :mod (m / military) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1-of (c2 / continue-01)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / attend-02 :ARG1 g :mod (g2 / globe)) :op2 (c3 / concern-01) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 (t / threaten-01 :polarity - :ARG2 (s2 / security) :mod (a3 / apparent)) :op2 (t2 / threaten-01 :polarity - :ARG2 s2 :mod (p2 / potential) :time (f / future)) :ARG1-of (s3 / sight-01)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (r / rise-01 :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :op2 (c3 / country :location (w / world-region :wiki "Asia-Pacific" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Asia-Pacific")) :mod (o / other) :ARG1-of (n5 / neighbor-01)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military :mod (w / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n3 / name :op1 "West"))) :ARG3 (e / expert-01 :ARG1 p2)))) :ARG1 (e2 / equal-01 :ARG1 (b / budget :ARG1-of (a2 / actual-02) :mod (m2 / military) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2 (a5 / about :op1 (p3 / product-of :op2 3 :op1 (f / figure :ARG1-of (d / declare-02 :manner (o / official))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Joseph_Wu" :name (n / name :op1 "Joseph" :op2 "Wu")) :ARG1 (a / aim-02 :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1 (p3 / procure-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s2 / system :quant 3 :mod (w / weapon) :mod (e / expensive)) :op2 (s3 / submarine :quant 8 :mod (d2 / diesel-electric)) :op3 (b / battery :quant 6 :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Patriot" :op2 "PAC" :op3 "III") :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 :ARG1 (m / missile))) :op4 (a3 / aircraft-type :wiki "Lockheed_P-3_Orion" :name (n4 / name :op1 "P-3" :op2 "C") :quant (s4 / squadron :op1 12) :ARG0-of (c3 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s5 / submarine)))))) :ARG2 (s6 / strengthen-01 :ARG1 (c4 / capable-01 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (d / defend-01)) :ARG1-of (c5 / cause-01 :ARG0 (b2 / buildup :mod (m2 / military) :mod (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n6 / name :op1 "China"))))))) (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 1 :day 28) (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) (a / and :op1 (t / technology) :op2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op3 (b / business)) (o / open-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n / name :op1 "Council" :op2 "of" :op3 "Agriculture") :poss (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (o2 / office :ARG1-of (s / special-02) :ARG1-of (c3 / charge-05 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod (a5 / agriculture))) :op2 (m / manage-01 :ARG1 (r2 / right :mod (p / property :mod (i / intellectual)))) :op3 (c2 / consult-01 :ARG2 r2)))) :purpose (e / enhance-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (a3 / agriculture :ARG1-of (b / base-02 :ARG2 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (k / know-03))) :poss c)) :op2 (a4 / apply-02 :ARG1 t2)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee" :op2 "Jen-Chyuan") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Council" :op2 "of" :op3 "Agriculture") :poss (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :prep-under (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Executive_Yuan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Executive" :op2 "Yuan"))) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (d / deputy)))) :ARG1 (o / open-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (o2 / office :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02) :ARG1-of (c3 / charge-05 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod (a2 / agriculture))) :op2 (m2 / manage-01 :ARG1 (r2 / right :mod (p / property :mod (i / intellectual)))) :op3 (c2 / consult-01 :ARG2 r2)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 1 :day 28))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (h / help-01 :ARG0 (e / establish-01 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Agricultural" :op2 "Technology" :op3 "Promotion" :op4 "Agency"))) :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :ARG2-of (a / amount-01 :ARG1 (c / contract-02 :ARG1 (t2 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t3 / technology)))) :ARG2-of (t / total-01)) :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 500000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :mod (n4 / new))) :time (d / date-entity :year 2011)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (s2 / spend-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "COA")) :ARG1 (s6 / several :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year :mod (p3 / past)))) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (s4 / set-up-03 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (m / mechanism :mod (r / relevance))) :op2 (d / draft-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (m2 / measure-02 :ARG1 (p2 / promote-02) :part-of (s5 / set)))) :purpose (e / enhance-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (d2 / develop-02 :ARG1 (a3 / agriculture :ARG1-of (b / base-02 :ARG2 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (k / know-03))) :poss (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :op2 (a4 / apply-02 :ARG1 (t3 / technology :mod (a5 / agriculture))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee"))) (p / promote-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n / name :op1 "COA")) :ARG1 (a / apply-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t4 / technology)) :op2 (r / right :mod (p2 / property :mod (i / intellectual)))) :ARG1-of (t2 / total-01 :ARG2 139 :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 :ARG2 (i2 / increase-01 :ARG2 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 50) :ARG3 (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (c / case :ARG1-of (a3 / average-01 :ARG2 90)) :ARG2 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))) :time (d2 / date-interval :op1 (d3 / date-entity :year 2002) :op2 (d4 / date-entity :year 2006)))))) :time (d / date-entity :year 2007) :ARG1-of (s2 / succeed-01 :ARG0 g)) (a / amount-01 :ARG1 (i / income :mod (t / total) :ARG1-of (d / derive-01 :ARG2 (t2 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t3 / technology) :ARG1-of (c / conduct-01 :manner (e / effort :poss (c3 / council)))))) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 47250000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :mod (n3 / new)) :ARG4-of (i2 / increase-01 :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 50) :ARG3 (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 12930000 :unit d2 :ARG2-of (a2 / average-01)) :ARG2 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)) :time (d3 / date-interval :op1 (d4 / date-entity :year 2002) :op2 (d5 / date-entity :year 2006)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lee")) :ARG1 (c / commission-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "COA")) :ARG1 (c2 / carry-out-03 :ARG0 o :ARG1 (p2 / project :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02) :topic (a / and :op1 (m / manage-01 :ARG1 t) :op2 (a2 / apply-02 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (a3 / achieve-01) :mod (a7 / agriculture) :topic (a4 / and :op1 (r2 / research-01) :op2 (d2 / develop-02))))))) :ARG2 (o / organization :wiki "Industrial_Technology_Research_Institute" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Industrial" :op2 "Technology" :op3 "Research" :op4 "Institute")) :purpose (u / upgrade-02 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (r / research-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod a7)) :op2 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 t2) :op3 (p3 / protect-01 :ARG1 t2) :op4 (m2 / manage-01 :ARG1 t2) :op5 (a6 / apply-02 :ARG1 t2))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "Industrial_Technology_Research_Institute" :name (n / name :op1 "ITRI")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (o3 / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Agricultural" :op2 "Technology" :op3 "Promotion" :op4 "Office")) :ARG1 (i / 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"Council_of_Agriculture_(Republic_of_China)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "COA"))))) :ARG2 (b / business :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) :purpose (a3 / attempt-01 :ARG1 (e2 / expand-01 :ARG2 (a4 / apply-02 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :mod (a6 / agriculture)))))))) (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 2 :day 15) (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (b / business) :op3 (m / money) :op4 (t2 / technology)) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Economic" :op4 "Affairs")) :ARG1 (p2 / project :quant 2 :ARG1-of (m / major-02) :mod (i / invest-01) :ARG1-of (b / bind-01 :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :manner (p / preliminary) :time (m2 / meet-03 :purpose (r / review-01) :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 2 :day 15))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Steve" :op2 "Reuy-Long" :op3 "Chen") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / minister))) :ARG1 (a / affect-01 :ARG0 (p / project :quant 2) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (e2 / economy :poss (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :mod (p2 / positive))) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Economic" :op4 "Affairs")) :ARG1 (p2 / project :quant 2 :ARG1-of (m / major-02) :mod (i / invest-01) :ARG1-of (b / bind-01 :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :manner (p / preliminary) :time (m2 / meet-03 :purpose (r / review-01) :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 2 :day 15))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c2 / company :wiki "Formosa_Plastics_Group" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Formosa" :op2 "Plastics" :op3 "Group")) :ARG1 (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 100000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")))) :ARG2 (c4 / company :mod (s / steel :mod (s2 / specialty)) :location (c5 / city :wiki "Zhangzhou" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Zhangzhou") :location (p4 / province :wiki "Fujian" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Fujian")))))) :op2 (p3 / plan-01 :ARG0 (c8 / company :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "ASE") :ARG0-of (p6 / package-01 :ARG1 (s3 / semiconductor)) :ARG0-of (t / test-01 :ARG1 s3)) :ARG1 (i3 / increase-01 :ARG0 c8 :ARG1 (i4 / invest-01 :ARG0 c8 :ARG2 (p5 / plant :poss c8 :location (c6 / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Shanghai")) :ARG0-of (p7 / package-01))) :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 30000000 :unit d)))) :ARG2 (p / project :quant 2)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Steve" :op2 "Reuy-Long" :op3 "Chen") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / minister))) :ARG1 (a / affect-01 :ARG0 (p2 / project :quant 2) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (e2 / economy :poss (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :mod (p3 / positive))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Chen")) :time (a / after :op1 (p2 / preside-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c / conference :mod (i2 / interministerial) :topic (c2 / conform-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (p3 / project) :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 (p4 / policy :mod (m / manage-01 :ARG1-of (a2 / activity-06 :ARG0 g))) :op2 (p5 / policy :mod (o / open-01 :ARG1-of (e / effective-04))) :poss (g / government-organization :wiki "Government_of_the_Republic_of_China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Government")) :ARG0-of (c3 / concern-02 :ARG1 (i / invest-01 :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Chen")) :ARG1 (e / expect-01 :ARG1 (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Investment" :op2 "Commission") :prep-under (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Economic" :op4 "Affairs"))) :ARG1 (p2 / project) :manner (f / formal) :time (w / week :mod (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 2 :day 17))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (p3 / pass-07 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (s2 / screen-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (p4 / policy))))))) (a / attend-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Li" :op2 "Chih-Chun") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Formosa_Plastics_Group" :name (n4 / name :op1 "FPG")) :ARG2 (c4 / chairman))) :op2 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Wu" :op2 "Kuo-Hsiung") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Formosa" :op2 "Heavy" :op3 "Industry" :op4 "Corp.")) :ARG2 (p5 / president))) :op3 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Jason" :op2 "Chang") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n6 / name :op1 "ASE")) :ARG2 (c5 / chairman)))) :ARG1 (m / meet-03 :purpose (r / review-01)) :purpose (d / detail-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (i / invest-01)) :op2 (b / blueprint :mod (d2 / develop-02 :ARG1 (b2 / business) :time (f / future)))))) (r / report-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / company) :ARG2 (c / chairman))) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (p5 / president)))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (f / finance-01)) :op2 (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology)) :op3 (d / deliver-01 :ARG1 (e / equipment)) :op4 (p3 / plan-01 :ARG1 (g / globalize-01)) :op5 (i / invest-01 :ARG1-of (m / match-01)) :location (c3 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Chen")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / pledge-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Formosa_Plastics_Group" :name (n2 / name :op1 "FPG")) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :ARG1-of (i / invest-01) :ARG0-of (r / reach-01 :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 813300000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (n6 / new) :mod c2)) :time (b / by :op1 (d3 / date-entity :year 2013))))) :op2 (a2 / and :op1 (p3 / produce-01 :ARG1 (e / equipment :ARG1-of (r2 / relate-01)) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :op2 (d / deliver-01 :ARG1 e :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Chen")) :ARG1 (r / recruit-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "Formosa_Plastics_Group" :name (n2 / name :op1 "FPG")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG2-of (s2 / staff-01 :mod (t2 / technical))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (m / manage-01) :ARG2-of (s3 / staff-01))) :ARG3 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :purpose (c3 / create-01 :ARG0 r :ARG1 (o / opportunity :mod (j / job))))) (a / and :op1 (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Chen")) :ARG1 (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "ASE")) :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant (o / over :op1 145000000000) :unit (d / dollar :mod c2 :mod (n3 / new))) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan")))) :op2 (i / indicate-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (i3 / increase-01 :ARG1 (i4 / invest-01 :ARG2 c2) :ARG0-of (d2 / depend-01 :ARG1 (c4 / circumstance :mod (m2 / market)))))) (m / meet-03 :purpose (r / review-01) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 3) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m2 / meet-03 :purpose (s / screen-01) :ARG1-of (r2 / relate-01 :ARG2 (p / policy)) :ARG1-of (c / convene-01 :ARG0 (m3 / ministry))))) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (m / ministry) :ARG1 (p4 / project :poss (c / company :ARG0-of (m2 / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (s / semiconductor))) :mod (i / invest-01) :purpose (r / relocate-01 :ARG1 (p2 / plant :mod (w / wafer :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 8 :unit (i2 / inch))) :ARG0-of (u / use-01 :ARG1 (p3 / process-02 :ARG1 (m3 / manufacture-01 :mod (d2 / distance-quantity :quant 0.25 :unit (m4 / micron)))))) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) :time (p / previous)) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Government_of_the_Republic_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Government")) :ARG1 (a2 / apply-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "TSMC" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan" :op2 "Semiconductor" :op3 "Manufacturing" :op4 "Co.")) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (t / technology :instrument-of (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (c2 / chip :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 0.18 :unit (m2 / micro))))) :location (f / foundry :mod (w / wafer) :location (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))))) (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 4 :day 8) (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) (a / and :op1 (b / business) :op2 (t / technology) :op3 (e / economy)) (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Economic" :op4 "Affairs")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lingsen" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries")) :op2 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "King" :op2 "Yuan" :op3 "Electronics")) :op3 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "IC" :op2 "Assembly" :op3 "Company" :op4 "Sigurd" :op5 "Corp.")) :op4 (c4 / company :wiki "Siliconware_Precision_Industries" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Siliconware" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries"))) :ARG2 (i / invest-01 :ARG2 a2 :mod (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n6 / name :op1 "China")))) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Economic" :op4 "Affairs")) :ARG1 (a2 / approve-01 :ARG1 (i / invest-01 :quant 4 :ARG1-of (p / propose-01 :ARG0 (c / company :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG0-of (m / manufacture-01))) :mod c2)) :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 4 :day 8)) (a / and :op1 (a2 / approve-01 :ARG1 (i / invest-01 :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lingsen" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries")) :op2 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "King" :op2 "Yuan" :op3 "Electronics")) :op3 (c4 / company :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "IC" :op2 "Assembly" :op3 "Company" :op4 "Sigurd" :op5 "Corp.")) :op4 (c5 / company :wiki "Siliconware_Precision_Industries" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Siliconware" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries"))))) :op2 (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 a3 :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 (p / package-01 :ARG1 (c / circuit :ARG1-of (i3 / integrate-01))) :op2 (t / test-01 :ARG1 c)))) (i / invest-01 :ARG0 (c / company) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 10000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US")))) :op2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 20000000 :unit d) :op3 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 6700000 :unit d) :op4 (m4 / monetary-quantity :quant 50000000 :unit d)) :mod (r / respective)) (t3 / total-01 :ARG1 (p / propose-01) :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 86700000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US"))) :ARG1-of (i / invest-01))) (d / determine-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "MOEA")) :ARG1 (m2 / meet-01 :ARG0 (i / invest-01 :ARG1-of (p / propose-01)) :ARG1 (c / clause :part-of (p2 / procedure :instrument-of (i2 / invest-01) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1-of (i3 / issue-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Investment" :op2 "Commission") :poss (m3 / ministry)))))) :time (m / meet-03 :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 4 :day 8))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan" :op2 "Liang-Tung") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Investment" :op2 "Commission")) :ARG2 (s2 / secretary :mod (e / executive)))) :ARG1 (a / aim-01 :ARG0 (p / procedure :mod (i / invest-01)) :ARG1 (e2 / ensure-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (h / harm-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (i3 / industry :poss c) :op2 (e3 / economy :poss c)) :example (l / leak-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) :beneficiary (m / mainland)))))) (r / require-01 :ARG0 (p / plan-01 :ARG1 (i / invest-01)) :ARG1 (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Economic_Affairs_(Taiwan)" :name (n / name :op1 "MOEA"))) :prep-under (p2 / procedure) :condition (o / or :op1 (i2 / involve-01 :ARG1 (i3 / invest-01 :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity :ARG0-of (e / exceed-01 :ARG2 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 100000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "US")))))) :ARG1-of (s / single-02)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG1-of (p3 / plan-01))) :op2 (r2 / reach-01 :ARG0 (m4 / monetary-quantity :ARG1-of (i4 / invest-01 :ARG0 (c4 / company) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1-of (t2 / total-01)) :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 200000000 :unit d)) :op3 (p4 / possible-01 :ARG1 (t5 / transfer-01 :ARG0 m4 :ARG1 (t6 / technology :poss (i5 / industry :mod (c3 / core) :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) :ARG2 c2)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (m2 / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / wafer :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 8 :unit (i3 / inch))) :op2 (p2 / panel :mod (d2 / distance-quantity :quant 4 :unit i3) :mod (t / transistor :mod (f / film :mod (t2 / thin))) :mod (p4 / product :wiki "Thin-film-transistor_liquid-crystal_display" :name (n2 / name :op1 "TFT"))) :op3 (c2 / circuit :ARG1-of (p3 / package-01) :ARG1-of (i4 / integrate-01)))) :ARG2 (i2 / industry :mod (c / core)) :manner (m / main))) (r / require-01 :ARG0 (c4 / commission) :ARG1 (d2 / document :ARG1-of (w / write-01) :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / plan-01 :ARG1 (f / finance)) :op2 (i3 / information :topic (a4 / and :op1 (t2 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t3 / technology)) :op2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :ARG1-of (i4 / invest-01 :ARG0 c3 :mod (d3 / domestic))) :op3 (e / employ-01)))))) :time (a / after :op1 (m / meet-03 :time (d / date-entity :year 2008 :month 4 :day 8))) :purpose (a2 / assess-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (p / plan-01) :ARG0-of (c / contain-01 :ARG1 (c2 / commit-01 :ARG1 (c3 / company :mod (e2 / each)) :ARG2 (t4 / term :mod (i / invest-01 :ARG0 c3))))) :mod (f2 / further))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (c / concern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / commission) :ARG2 (t / term :mod (i / invest-01 :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :time (f / future))) :manner (p2 / primary))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / commit-01 :ARG0 (c5 / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lingsen" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries")) :ARG1 (r / return-02 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (c9 / capital :ARG1-of (a2 / amount-01 :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 2000000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod c11)))) :ARG2 (c11 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :time (b / by :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 2011)))) :op2 (c2 / commit-01 :ARG0 (c6 / company :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "King" :op2 "Yuan" :op3 "Electronics")) :ARG1 (r2 / return-02 :ARG0 c6 :ARG1 (c12 / capital :ARG1-of (a3 / amount-01 :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 19200000000 :unit d))) :ARG2 c11 :time b)) :op3 (c3 / commit-01 :ARG0 (c7 / company :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "IC" :op2 "Assembly" :op3 "Company" :op4 "Sigurd" :op5 "Corp.")) :ARG1 (r3 / return-02 :ARG0 c7 :ARG1 (c13 / capital :ARG1-of (a4 / amount-01 :ARG2 (m3 / monetary-quantity :quant 3000000000 :unit d))) :ARG2 c11 :time b)) :op4 (c4 / commit-01 :ARG0 (c8 / company :wiki "Siliconware_Precision_Industries" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Siliconware" :op2 "Precision" :op3 "Industries")) :ARG1 (r4 / return-02 :ARG0 c8 :ARG2 (c10 / capital :ARG1-of (a5 / amount-01 :ARG2 (m4 / monetary-quantity :quant 23000000000 :unit d))) :time b)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (e / ensure-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Commission")) :ARG1 (u / uphold-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (c / commit-01)) :time (i / invest-01 :prep-under (w / way))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (p2 / push-02 :ARG0 (p3 / procedure) :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity :ARG1-of (i / invest-01 :ARG2 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :source (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))) :ARG2 (f / focus-01 :ARG0 m3 :ARG2 (c4 / company :ARG0-of (m / manufacture-01 :mod (s2 / scale :ARG1-of (d / down-03)))) :ARG1-of (i2 / instead-of-91 :ARG2 (f2 / focus-01 :ARG0 m3 :ARG2 (c5 / company :mod (c / concentrate-01 :ARG2 (t2 / technology)) :ARG0-of (m2 / make-01))))) :ARG0-of (b / bid-02 :ARG1 (k / keep-01 :ARG1 (t3 / technology :mod (h / high-end)) :location c2)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Fan")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (h / hold-04 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Commission")) :ARG1 (r / round-05 :ARG1 (m / meet-03) :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2)) :purpose (d / decide-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (t / take-01 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (p2 / propose-01)) :ARG1 (e / effect)))) :op2 (d2 / decide-01 :manner (f / final) :time (b / by :op1 (d3 / date-entity :year 2008 :month 4 :day 30))))) (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995) (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n / name :op1 "Germany")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (w / weapon) :op3 (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / war) :op2 (c / conflict-01))) (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (p / process-02 :ARG1 (t / try-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)) :op2 (r / reduce-01 :ARG1 a) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Balkans" :name (n / name :op1 "Balkans") :ARG1-of (e / embattle-01))))) :mod (f / formal) :location (c / city :wiki "Bonn" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bonn") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Germany"))) :time (m / meet-03 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m2 / minister :mod (f2 / foreign)))) :op2 (a4 / ambassador) :op3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / represent-01 :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (o / organization :mod (i / international)) :op2 (n4 / nation :ARG0-of (o2 / observe-01)))))) :purpose (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 a3 :ARG1 (f5 / form :ARG2-of (t4 / take-03 :ARG1 (t3 / talk :mod (f4 / further)) :ARG4-of (r3 / recommend-01)))))) (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (p / process-02 :ARG1 (t / try-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c3 / control-01 :ARG1 (a2 / arm)) :op2 (r / reduce-01 :ARG1 a2) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Balkans" :name (n / name :op1 "Balkans") :ARG1-of (e / embattle-01)))) :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03)) :mod (f / formal) :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995) :location (c / city :wiki "Bonn" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bonn") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Germany")))) (m / meet-03 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m2 / minister :mod (f2 / foreign)))) :op2 (a4 / ambassador) :op3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / represent-01 :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (o / organization :mod (i / international)) :op2 (n4 / nation :ARG0-of (o2 / observe-01)))))) :purpose (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 a3 :ARG1 (f4 / form :ARG2-of (t / take-03 :ARG1 (t3 / talk :mod (f / further)) :ARG4-of (r3 / recommend-01)))) :location (c / city :wiki "Bonn" :name (n / name :op1 "Bonn"))) (o / obstacle :mod (h / huge) :prep-to (a / achieve-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p / peace) :op2 (c2 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (c3 / combat-01 :location (c / country :wiki "Yugoslavia" :name (n / name :op1 "Yugoslavia") :time (f / former)))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki "Klaus_Kinkel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Klaus" :op2 "Kinkel") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n / name :op1 "Germany")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p2 / peace :location (c2 / country :wiki "Yugoslavia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Yugoslavia") :time (f2 / former))) :condition (a2 / and :op1 (r2 / remain-01 :ARG1 (p3 / party :mod (s2 / some) :ARG0-of (c3 / conflict-01)) :ARG3 (a / arm-01 :ARG1 p3 :degree (h / heavy))) :op2 (p4 / party :mod (o3 / other) :ARG0-of (t2 / try-01 :ARG1 (c4 / catch-up-04))))) :medium (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (r / remark-01 :ARG2-of (o2 / open-01 :ARG1 (m2 / meet-03 :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day))))))) (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (d / delegation :mod (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n / name :op1 "Croatia"))) :ARG1 (p / pull-out-02 :ARG1 d :ARG2 (n2 / negotiate-01 :ARG2 (r / reduce-01 :ARG1 (a / arm))) :condition (d2 / demand :ARG1-of (m / meet-01 :polarity -) :time (f / future :ARG1-of (n3 / near-02 :degree (m2 / most))) :mod (c2 / certain)))) (c4 / call-upon-12 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :mod (o / other)) :ARG2 (d2 / delegate))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n / name :op1 "Croatia")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Serbia"))) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (s / set-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (g / grievance :poss a) :ARG2 (a3 / aside)) :op2 (l / learn-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (c6 / compromise-01 :ARG0 p)))) (c3 / complain-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Mate_Grani??" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mate" :op2 "Granic") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n / name :op1 "Croatia")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / occupy-01 :ARG1 (p2 / part :part-of (t / territory :poss c))) :op2 (r / run-out-05 :ARG1 (t2 / time)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Mate_Grani??" :name (n / name :op1 "Granic")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (k / key-02 :ARG1 (r3 / reintegrate-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country-region :wiki "SAO_Eastern_Slavonia,_Baranja_and_Western_Syrmia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Eastern" :op2 "Slavonia")) :mod (p3 / peaceful)) :ARG2 (s2 / stability :ARG1-of (l3 / last-01) :location (r2 / region))) :op2 (f / face-01 :ARG0 (e / everyone) :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (d2 / danger :poss (r4 / round-05 :ARG1 (h / hostility) :mod (a3 / another))) :op2 (d3 / destabilize-01 :ARG1 (r5 / region :mod (w / whole))) :op3 (c4 / consequence :ARG1-of (p4 / predict-01 :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01 :polarity -) :degree (h2 / high)) :prep-for (c3 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")))) :prep-without r3)) :ARG0-of (r / refer-01 :ARG1 (l2 / land :ARG2-of (d / dispute-01) :location (b / border-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Serbia")) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Croatia")))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (p4 / participate-01 :ARG1 (c3 / conference))) :ARG1 (s2 / scold-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Milan_Milutinovi??" :name (n / name :op1 "Milan" :op2 "Milutinovic") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Serbia")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Croatia")) :ARG2 m)) :ARG2 (g / grandstand-01 :ARG0 p2))) (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Milan_Milutinovi??" :name (n / name :op1 "Milutinovic")) :ARG1 (p2 / pull-out-02 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (n2 / negotiate-01 :ARG2 (c / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arm)))) :time (t2 / then)) (a / and :op1 (n5 / note-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Milan_Milutinovi??" :name (n / name :op1 "Milutinovic")) :ARG1 (s / suspension-03 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Serbia")))) :ARG2 (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Organization" :op2 "for" :op3 "Security" :op4 "and" :op5 "Cooperation" :op6 "in" :op7 "Europe")) :time (s2 / since :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1992)))) :op2 (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / prevent-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Yugoslavia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Yugoslavia")) :ARG2 (c3 / cooperate-01 :concession (r / ready-02 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (d2 / do-02 :ARG1 (s4 / so)))) :condition (r2 / restore-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (m / membership :mod (f / full)))))) (o2 / oversee-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "OSCE")) :ARG1 (r / round-05 :ARG1 (t / talk-01 :ARG1 (r2 / reduce-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :location (w / world-region :wiki "Balkans" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Balkans")))) :mod (n3 / next))) (a / and :op1 (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Michael_Williams,_Baron_Williams_of_Baglan" :name (n / name :op1 "Michael" :op2 "Williams")) :ARG1 (r / research-institute :wiki "International_Institute_for_Strategic_Studies" :name (n2 / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Institute" :op3 "for" :op4 "Strategic" :op5 "Studies") :location (c / city :wiki "London" :name (n3 / name :op1 "London"))) :ARG2 (f / fellow :mod (s / senior))) :op2 (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o2 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n4 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman :mod (s3 / senior) :prep-for (c2 / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Croatia"))) :time (f2 / former)) :op3 (c5 / call-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 c2 :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Serbia"))) :mod (e / early)) :ARG2 (d / develop-01 :ARG0-of (w / worry-01) :mod (o3 / ominous)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Michael_Williams,_Baron_Williams_of_Baglan" :name (n / name :op1 "Williams")) :ARG1 (c / clear-06 :polarity - :ARG1 (w / will-02 :ARG0 (p2 / party) :ARG1 (e / engage-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (c2 / control-01 :ARG1 (a / arm) :mod (a2 / any)) :prep-in (w2 / way :manner (m / meaningful)))) :mod (r / really))) (c2 / correspond-02 :ARG1 (t / this) :ARG2 (f / fear-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / party :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Yugoslavia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Yugoslavia"))) :ARG1 (n3 / negotiate-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c4 / capable-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (v / violence) :op2 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG1 (v2 / violence))) :ARG2 (s2 / seize-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t3 / territory)))) :mod (a / away))) :ARG1-of (e / express-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :mod (s / some) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d3 / delegate :ARG0-of (m / meet-03 :location (c / city :wiki "Bonn" :name (n / name :op1 "Bonn")) :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995)))))))) (o / observe-02 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Karolos_Papoulias" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Karelos" :op2 "Papoulias") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n / name :op1 "Greece")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (r / realize-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (t / they))) :ARG1 (t3 / think-01 :ARG0 b :manner (t2 / this) :time (s2 / still)) :time (t4 / talk-01 :location (s / session :mod (p / plenary)))) :topic (b / belligerent :mod (w / world-region :wiki "Balkans" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Balkans")))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Karolos_Papoulias" :name (n / name :op1 "Papoulias")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o4 / optimism :polarity - :poss (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Greece" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Greece")))) :degree (e / equal) :compared-to (o2 / optimism :poss (t / thing :mod (o3 / other) :mod (c2 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe")) :ARG1-of (p3 / partner-01)))) :op2 (c5 / conference :ARG0-of (c4 / cause-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (f / friendship :mod (b / between :op1 (p2 / person :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Yugoslavia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Yugoslavia") :time (f2 / former))))))))) (o / organize-01 :ARG1 (t2 / talk :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995)) :purpose (a / and :op1 (f / fulfill-01 :ARG1 (p / pledge-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (c / combat-01)) :ARG1-of (m / make-01 :location (c2 / city :wiki "Dayton,_Ohio" :name (n / name :op1 "Dayton") :location (s / state :wiki "Ohio" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ohio")))))) :op2 (b / begin-01 :ARG1 (t3 / talk :ARG0-of (e2 / enhance-01 :ARG1 (c3 / confidence :mod (m2 / mutual))))) :op3 (r / reduce-01 :ARG1 (r2 / risk-01 :ARG2 (c4 / conflict-01)) :time (a2 / after :op1 (s2 / sign-01 :ARG0 (e / event :wiki "Dayton_Agreement" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Peace" :op2 "Accord")) :mod (f2 / formal)) :quant (u / up-to :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (d2 / day))))))) (l / limit-01 :ARG1 (a / agenda :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995)) :purpose (s / set-14 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (p / process-02 :duration (w / week :ARG1-of (c / come-01)) :mod (f / formal)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Foreign_Office_(Germany)" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry") :mod (c / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n / name :op1 "Germany"))) :ARG1 (h / have-purpose-91 :ARG1 (t / this) :ARG2 (c2 / clear-02 :ARG1 (n3 / negotiate-01 :ARG2 (q / question :mod (s4 / substantive)) :ARG1-of (s2 / speedy-03)) :ARG2 (w / way)))) (s / sign-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (n6 / nation :mod (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n / name :op1 "Croatia"))) :op2 (n7 / nation :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina"))) :op3 (n8 / nation :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Serbia"))) :ARG1-of (s2 / suppose-02 :ARG2 (r / report-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (t3 / thing :quant-of (a3 / and :op1 (t / tank) :op2 (v / vehicle :ARG1-of (a4 / armor-01)) :op3 (p / piece :mod (a5 / artillery :mod (h / heavy))) :op4 (a6 / aircraft :mod (c5 / combat)) :op5 (h2 / helicopter :instrument-of (a7 / attack-01)) :ARG1-of (p2 / possess-01 :ARG0 a))) :time (p3 / phase :mod (n5 / next))))) :ARG1 (t2 / treaty :wiki "Dayton_Agreement" :name (n9 / name :op1 "Dayton" :op2 "Accord"))) (u / use-01 :ARG1 (d / data :mod (t / this)) :ARG2 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 d :ARG1 (b / baseline :ARG2-of (b2 / base-02 :ARG1 (c / ceiling :mod (w / weapon) :ARG1-of (a / agree-01 :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))))))) (p / promise-01 :ARG2 (a2 / accept-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Croatia" :name (n / name :op1 "Croatia")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Serbia"))) :ARG1 (s / set :consist-of (l / limit :mod (a3 / automatic))) :condition (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (r / reach-01 :ARG1 (a4 / agree-01 :ARG1 (c4 / ceiling :mod (s2 / such))) :prep-in (t / temporal-quantity :quant 180 :unit (d / day)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Klaus_Kinkel" :name (n / name :op1 "Kinkel")) :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (f / fix-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG2-of (d4 / delegate-01)) :ARG1 (d5 / date :prep-for (r / round-05 :ARG1 (t / talk-01) :mod (n3 / next)))) :time (d / date-entity :day 18 :month 12 :year 1995)) :concession (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t2 / talk-01 :mod (n4 / next) :time (o / or :op1 (d2 / date-entity :day 4 :month 1 :year 1996) :op2 (d3 / date-entity :day 7 :month 1 :year 1996)) :location (c / city :wiki "Vienna" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Vienna"))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Klaus_Kinkel" :name (n / name :op1 "Kinkel")) :ARG1 (k / keep-04 :ARG0 (p2 / problem :mod (m / minor) :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 :ARG2 (d / discord :mod (s2 / substantive)))) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d2 / delegate))) :ARG2 (c / choose-01 :polarity - :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (d3 / date :ARG1-of (f / firm-03))))) (d / date-entity :year 1999 :month 6 :day 30) (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Democratic" :op2 "People's" :op3 "Republic" :op4 "of" :op5 "Korea"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / technology) :op3 (w / weapon) :op4 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) (s / seize-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (l / line :mod (a / assembly :mod (m / missile))) :ARG2 (v / vessel :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :time (d / date-entity :year 1999 :month 6 :day 30)) (h / heighten-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / discover-01)) :ARG1 (s / suspect-01 :ARG1 (p / proliferate-01 :ARG0 (w / weapon)) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))) (b / board-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "India" :name (n3 / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (a / agent :mod (c5 / customs)))) :ARG1 (f / freighter :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan") :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :time (d / date-entity :year 1999 :month 6 :day 30) :location (c4 / city :wiki "Kandla" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kandla") :mod (p / port) :location (n5 / northwest))) (d / discover-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (a3 / agent :mod (c3 / customs)))) :ARG1 (l / line :mod (a2 / assembly) :purpose (m / missile :mod (b / ballistic))) :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 :ARG2 (m2 / melee :prep-with (c2 / crew-01 :ARG1 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (i / intelligence :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (i2 / intend-01 :ARG1 (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Libya" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Libya")))) :ARG1 (c3 / cargo)))) (d / depart-01 :ARG0 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :ARG1 (h / harbor :wiki "Nampo" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nampo") :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 1999 :month 4 :day 10)) (s / show-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (r / record-01)) :ARG1 (d / detour-00 :ARG0 (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :direction (p / port :quant 2 :mod (c / country :wiki "Thailand" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Thailand"))) :purpose (p2 / pick-up-04 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (s3 / sugar :quant (v / volume-quantity :quant 14000 :unit (t2 / ton))) :purpose (r2 / resell-01 :ARG1 s3 :path (a / along :op1 (w / way :direction (d2 / destination :poss s2))))) :time (d3 / date-entity :year 1999 :month 4 :day 20))) (s6 / switch-01 :ARG0 (s4 / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :ARG1 (c3 / course) :time (a / after :op1 (f / fail-01 :ARG1 (d / deal-01 :ARG2 (s / sell-01 :ARG1 (s2 / sugar) :ARG2 (p / person :mod (c / country :wiki "Algeria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Algeria"))))))) :purpose (s5 / sell-01 :ARG0 s4 :ARG1 s2 :ARG2 (c4 / company :mod (c5 / country :wiki "India" :name (n3 / name :op1 "India"))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (i / investigate-01) :mod (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India"))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / recommend-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p2 / pick-up-04 :ARG0 (c3 / crew-01 :ARG1 (s3 / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :ARG1 (c4 / cargo :mod (e / extra)) :location (p3 / port :quant (s4 / several)) :time (c5 / carry-01 :ARG0 s3 :ARG1 (e2 / equipment :mod (s5 / sensitive) :quant (v / volume-quantity :quant 200 :unit (t / ton)))))) :op2 (c2 / crazy-03 :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 :mod (s2 / such))))) (t / tip-off-04 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / customs :mod (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India"))) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :topic (c3 / contraband :ARG1-of (p / possible-01) :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :time (r / route-01 :ARG1 s :ARG2 (c4 / city :wiki "Kandla" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kandla"))))) (r / rumor-01 :ARG1 (c / carry-01 :ARG0 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (a / arm :ARG1-of (i / intend-01 :beneficiary (c2 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Pakistan")) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))) :op2 (a2 / ammunition :ARG1-of i)))) (w / wait-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p3 / port :mod (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India"))) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :time (a / arrive-01 :ARG1 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :ARG4 (c2 / city :wiki "Kandla" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kandla")) :time (d / date-entity :year 1999 :month 6 :day 25))) (a / appear-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (r / regular-03 :polarity -) :location (p / paper :poss (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))) :time (a2 / after :op1 (e / event) :quant (u / up-to :op1 (f2 / few :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (h / hour)) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1)) :time-of (i / investigate-01)))) (l / learn-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (f / fictitious :domain (c2 / company :location (c3 / country :wiki "Malta" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Malta")) :ARG1-of (l2 / list-01 :ARG2 (r / receive-01 :ARG1 (c4 / cargo) :ARG1-of (i / intend-01)))))) (q / question-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (c2 / choose-01 :ARG0 (a / anyone :location c6) :ARG1 (b / buy-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (e / equipment :purpose (r / refine-01 :ARG1 (w / water))) :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))) :ARG1-of (c5 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r2 / relative-position :op1 (c7 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Europe")) :location-of (c6 / country :wiki "Malta" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Malta")) :quant (d / distance-quantity :extent-of (f / fly-01 :duration (s / short)))))) (q / question-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (a2 / agent :mod (c4 / customs)))) :ARG2 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Tae" :op2 "Min" :op3 "Hun") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (c / captain :mod (s / ship :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))))) (a / and :op1 (b / block-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Tae")) :ARG1 (r / request-01 :mod (e / every))) :op2 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r2 / reprisal :mod (i / international)) :condition (a2 / allow-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (l / leave-11 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c2 / city :wiki "Kandla" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kandla")))))) (a / and :op1 (d / demand-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / customs) :ARG2 (o3 / official))) :ARG1 (s2 / search-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (b / box :mod (c2 / cargo) :location (s3 / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))))) :op2 (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tae")) :ARG1 (r / receive-01 :ARG0 s3 :ARG1 (t / telex) :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2 (o2 / official))))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 1999 :month 6 :day 30)) (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Tae")) :ARG1 (i / instruct-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (a / allow-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (o2 / open-01 :ARG0 (n3 / no-one) :ARG1 (b / box :mod (c2 / cargo))) :degree (a2 / at-all-cost))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Pyongyang" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Pyongyang")) :ARG2 (o3 / official)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01 :mod (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :time (a / after :op1 (a2 / action)) :mod (o / official)) :ARG1 (o2 / open-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tae")) :ARG1 (b / box :quant (m / more)) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / telex)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (r / report-01) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / shout-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / crew) :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / customs) :ARG2 (o / officer)))) :op2 (a2 / abuse-03 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 p))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (a2 / account-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (w / witness-01))) :op2 (f / footage :mod (v / video)) :topic (e / encounter-01)) :ARG1 (b / barricade-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Tae")) :op2 (c / crew-01 :ARG1 (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))) :ARG1 (d / door :part-of s2) :ARG2 (b2 / body :poss c))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o2 / official)) :ARG1-of (p / present-02 :ARG2 (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :ARG0-of (s3 / speak-01 :topic (c2 / condition :mod (a / anonymity)))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (b / become-01 :ARG1 (s4 / situation) :ARG2 (p2 / physical)) :op2 (f / fisticuffs))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (b / begin-01 :ARG0 (c / crew) :ARG1 (c2 / close-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (h / hatch :part-of (h2 / hold-01 :ARG1 (c3 / cargo))) :time (p / person :location (i2 / inside) :mod (s2 / still) :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / customs) :ARG3 (i / inspect-01)))))) (a / and :op1 (a2 / aid-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (t / troop :ARG1-of (a4 / arm-01)) :op2 (g5 / group :consist-of (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)) :ARG3 (e / expert-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (w / weapon)))))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / customs) :ARG2 (o / official)))) :op2 (e2 / enter-01 :ARG0 a3 :ARG1 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :manner (f / force-04)) :time (d / date-entity :year 1999 :month 7 :day 1)) (c / contain-01 :ARG0 (c2 / crate :quant (f / few) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (c3 / cargo :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))))) :ARG1 (e / equipment :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (p / plant :ARG0-of (t / treat-04 :ARG1 (w / water))) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01)))) (f / find-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / pump) :op2 (n / nozzle) :op3 (v / valve :quant (f2 / few)))) (l / label-01 :ARG1 (b / box :part-of (c / cargo)) :ARG2 (e / equipment :purpose (r / refine-01 :ARG1 (w / water)))) (c / contain-01 :ARG0 (d / document :source (i / investigate-01)) :ARG1 (l / list-01 :ARG1 (c2 / content :ARG2-of (i3 / include-01 :ARG1 (c3 / crate :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01) :ARG1-of (i4 / include-91 :ARG3 (m / most)) :mod (c4 / cargo)))) :mod (p / partial))) (c / component :purpose (s / subassembly :mod (m / missile))) (t / tool :mod (m / machine) :purpose (s / set-up-03 :ARG1 (f2 / facility) :location-of (f / fabricate-01))) (i / instrument :purpose (e / evaluate-01 :ARG1 (p / perform-02 :ARG0 (s / system :mod (f / full) :mod (m / missile))))) (e / equipment :purpose (c / calibrate-01 :ARG1 (c2 / component :mod (m / missile)))) (a / and :op1 (c / cone :mod (n / nose) :mod (r / rocket) :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (m2 / mill-01 :ARG1 (s2 / steel :mod (g / grade :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02)))))) :op2 (p2 / pipe :quant (s / stack) :consist-of (m / metal) :ARG1-of u) :op3 (p / press :mod (h / heavy-duty) :ARG1-of u)) (a / and :op1 (m / machine :ARG0-of (b2 / bend-01 :ARG1 (p / plate)) :ARG1-of (c / capable-01 :ARG2 (r / roll-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (s / sheet :consist-of (m2 / metal) :ARG1-of (t2 / thick-03))))) :op2 (b / bottle :mod (t3 / toroid) :consist-of (a2 / air) :purpose (g / guide-01 :ARG0 b :ARG1 (w / warhead) :time (a3 / after :op1 (s2 / separate-01 :ARG1 w :ARG2 (m3 / missile))))) :op3 (t / theodolite :ARG0-of (m4 / measure-01 :ARG1 (t4 / trajectory :mod m3)))) (a / and :op1 (b / box-01 :ARG1 (d / draw-01 :mod (e / engineer-01)) :quant (s / several)) :op2 (b2 / blueprint) :op3 (n / notebook) :op4 (t / textbook) :op5 (r / report-01)) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / cookbook :medium (l / language :wiki "Korean_language" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Korean"))) :op2 (s / spice :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Korea"))) :op3 (p4 / pickle) :op4 (s2 / set :purpose (a2 / acupuncture))) :ARG2 (i2 / item :ARG1-of (p / personal-02) :ARG1-of (i3 / intend-01 :ARG1-of (p2 / presume-01) :beneficiary (p3 / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01) :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")))) :ARG2 (o5 / official)) :ARG1-of (f / familiarize-01 :ARG2 (d / discover-01 :ARG1 (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))))) :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s3 / see-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (o4 / or :op1 (m / missile) :op2 (p2 / part-01 :ARG1 (e / engine))) :time (p / past)) :ARG2 (l / line :mod (a / assembly) :mod (e2 / entire) :location (h / here) :purpose (m2 / missile :ARG1-of (o2 / offer-01 :purpose (s4 / sell-01)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (t2 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t3 / technology) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) :domain (t / this))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / committee :mod (t / technical)) :ARG3 (e4 / expert-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (m4 / missile) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India"))))) :ARG1 (e2 / evidence-01 :ARG0 (e3 / equipment) :ARG1 (p3 / plan-01 :ARG1 (t2 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile :mod (j / just :polarity -)) :ARG2 (c4 / capable-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing) :ARG2 (m3 / make-01 :ARG1 m2))))) :mod (i / impeach-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t4 / thing)) :mod (r / refute-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t5 / thing)))) (w / write-01 :ARG0 (p / panel :mod (t / technique)) :ARG1 (p2 / point-01 :ARG0 (c / cargo) :ARG2 (u / use-01 :mod (e / end) :quant (o / only :op1 1) :ARG1-of (m4 / mean-01 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (a2 / assemble-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile)) :op2 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p3 / part) :op2 (s / subassembly) :part-of (m3 / missile :source (s2 / surface) :destination (s3 / surface)))))))) :location (r / report-01)) (s / search-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (i / investigate-01)) :ARG1 (b / blueprint :ARG1-of (k / keep-01 :location (i2 / inside :op1 (j / jacket :mod (p3 / plastic) :ARG1-of (n / number-01)))) :ARG1-of (w / wrap-01 :ARG2 (p2 / paper :mod (b2 / brown))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / label-01 :ARG1 (p / packet :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p2 / packet)) :mod (s2 / some)) :ARG2 (o / or :op1 (p3 / product :wiki "Scud" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "B")) :op2 (p4 / product :wiki "Scud" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "C"))) :medium (l2 / language :wiki "English_language" :name (n / name :op1 "English"))) :snt2 (s / show-01 :ARG0 (d / draw-01 :quant (n4 / near :op1 (a / all))) :ARG1 (o2 / or :op1 (r / rocket :prep-with (a2 / and :op1 (n5 / note :ARG1-of (w / write-01 :manner (h / hand) :medium (l3 / language :wiki "Korean_language" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Korean")))) :op2 (f / formula :mod (m2 / mathematics) :ARG1-of w))) :op2 (s3 / section-01 :ARG1 r :prep-with a2)))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / assist-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (s / speak-01 :ARG3 (l / language :wiki "Korean_language" :name (n / name :op1 "Korean"))) :mod (n2 / native)) :ARG2 (t / translate-01)) :ARG2 (c2 / contain-01 :ARG0 (d / document) :ARG1 (c3 / code :mod (t2 / technical) :ARG1-of (i / invent-01 :ARG0 (s2 / scientist :mod (c4 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :purpose (r / replace-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (t3 / term :mod (s3 / science) :medium (o / or :op1 (l2 / language :wiki "Russian_language" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Russian")) :op2 (l3 / language :wiki "Chinese_language" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Chinese"))))))))) (y / yield-01 :ARG0 (i / investigate-01) :ARG1 (i2 / information :topic (p / program :poss (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :topic (w / weapon)) :ARG1-of (s / share-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (a3 / authority :mod (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India"))))) :ARG2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :ARG1-of (a2 / ally-01)))) :time (u / ultimate)) (d / design-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p / product :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "B")) :op2 (p2 / product :wiki "Scud#Scud-C" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Scud" :op2 "C"))) :ARG1-of (f / find-01 :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :source (p3 / program :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n4 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :mod (m / missile) :mod (o / old :degree (m2 / more)) :ARG1-of (d2 / derive-01 :ARG2 (d3 / design-01 :ARG1 m :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (d4 / date-entity :decade 1950))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant 1 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "India" :name (n / name :op1 "India")))) :ARG2 (o3 / official)) :ARG0-of (s2 / study-01 :ARG1 (b / blueprint))) :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o2 / old :domain (s3 / science)) :op2 (d / dated :domain s3)) :ARG2 (f / function-01 :ARG0 s3 :mod (s4 / still)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Greg_Thielmann" :name (n / name :op1 "Greg" :op2 "Thielmann") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g4 / government-organization :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Office" :op2 "on" :op3 "Strategic," :op4 "Proliferation" :op5 "and" :op6 "Military" :op7 "Issues") :part-of (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Bureau_of_Intelligence_and_Research" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Bureau" :op2 "of" :op3 "Intelligence" :op4 "and" :op5 "Research") :part-of (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" :name (n3 / name :op1 "State" :op2 "Department")))) :ARG2 (d / director :ARG0-of (r / retire-01)))) :ARG1 (u / utilize-01 :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "Central_Intelligence_Agency" :name (n5 / name :op1 "CIA")) :ARG1 (b / blueprint) :purpose (m / make-01 :ARG0 g3 :ARG1 (m2 / mock-up :mod (f / full) :mod (m3 / missile)) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02 :prep-with (d2 / decal))))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (i2 / information :ARG0-of (p / pertain-01 :ARG1 (w / work-09 :ARG1 (i3 / industry :mod (m / missile) :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2-of (f / focus-01 :ARG1 (c2 / contention :mod (b2 / between :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 c)) :time (s / since :op1 (d / date-entity :decade 1980)))) :mod (i4 / inner)))) :ARG2 (b / blueprint)) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (i / include-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (e / everything :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01 :ARG0 (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (m / missile)))) :ARG2 (c2 / cargo :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))) :ARG1 (r / raise-01 :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / ship-01 :time (e2 / early :degree (m2 / more))) :op2 (s3 / ship-01 :time (l / late :degree (m3 / more))))))) (a / and :op1 (e / examine-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Timothy" :op2 "V." :op3 "McCarthy") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (r / research-institute :wiki "Monterey_Institute_of_International_Studies" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Center" :op2 "for" :op3 "Nonproliferation" :op4 "Studies")) :ARG3 (a4 / and :op1 (a2 / analyze-01 :ARG0 p :mod (s2 / senior)) :op2 (e2 / expert-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (m / missile))))) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (b / blueprint :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 b :ARG3 (s3 / some))) :op2 (e3 / evidence :mod (o2 / other)))) :op2 (s / state-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t2 / time :ARG1-of (s4 / slice-01 :ARG2 (t3 / transfer-01 :ARG1 (t4 / technology) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Libya" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Libya")) :ARG3 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))) :domain (t / this)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "McCarthy")) :ARG1 (h / help-01 :ARG0 (i / intelligence :ARG1-of (f / find-01)) :ARG1 (l / learn-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (t / thing :manner-of (l2 / learn-01 :ARG0 (s2 / scientist :mod (m / missile) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))))) :ARG2 p2)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "McCarthy")) :ARG1 (g / give-01 :ARG0 (i / information) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (i2 / idea :topic (t3 / thing :degree-of (c2 / capable-01 :ARG1 (s2 / scientist :mod (c3 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :ARG2 (p2 / progress-01 :ARG1 s2 :ARG4 (m / missile :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02 :degree (m2 / more))))))) :op2 (i3 / insight :topic (a3 / aspect :mod (p3 / proliferate-01 :time (a4 / attempt-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / country) :ARG2 (o2 / official))) :ARG1 (t / transfer-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 (t2 / technology) :ARG2 (p6 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :mod (a5 / another)) :ARG2 (o3 / official))))))))) :ARG2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG2 (o / official))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "McCarthy")) :ARG1 (c / capable-01 :ARG1 (n3 / no-one) :ARG2 (s2 / stop-01 :ARG0 n3 :ARG1 (s3 / scientist :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Libya" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Libya"))) :time (o2 / once :op1 (c2 / capable-01 :ARG1 s3 :ARG2 (m / make-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile))))))) (a / account-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")) :op2 (c / crew)) :time (a3 / after :op1 (r / release-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 s :time (d / date-entity :year 2000)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Lloyd's" :op2 "Maritime" :op3 "Division") :location (c / city :wiki "London" :name (n2 / name :op1 "London"))) :ARG3 (e / expert-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (s2 / ship-01)))) :ARG1 (c2 / change-01 :ARG1 (n3 / name :poss (s3 / ship :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :ARG2 (s4 / ship :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Sun" :op2 "Grisan" :op3 9)) :time (d / date-entity :year 2000 :season (s5 / summer)))) (a / and :op1 (s / serve-01 :ARG0 (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Sun" :op2 "Grisan" :op3 9)) :mod (s3 / still)) :op2 (r / report-01 :ARG1 (h / head-02 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Mogadishu" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mogadishu") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Somalia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Somalia")) :ARG2 (c3 / capital)))) :mod (l / last)) :time (w / week :time (d / date-entity :year 2003 :month 8 :day 3))) (k / know-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (n / nature :poss (c / cargo :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sun" :op2 "Grisan" :op3 9))))) (s / secure-02 :ARG1 (e / evidence-01 :source (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :location (w / warehouse :mod (m / military) :location (c / city :wiki "New_Delhi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "New" :op2 "Delhi"))) :time (a / as-of :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2003 :month 8 :day 14))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (d / document :mod (c / court)) :op2 (i / interview-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "India" :name (n2 / name :op1 "India")) :ARG2 (o2 / official)))))) :ARG1 (r / reinforce-01 :ARG0 (i2 / incidence :topic (s2 / ship :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :ARG1 (v / view-02 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n4 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2 (s3 / source-02 :ARG0 c4 :ARG1 (p / proliferate-01 :ARG0 (w2 / weapon)) :ARG2 (w / world) :mod (d2 / danger :degree (m / most)))))) (a / and :op1 (e / expel-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Kim_Jong-il" :name (n / name :op1 "Kim" :op2 "Jong" :op3 "Il") :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")))) :ARG1 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.N.")) :ARG3 (i / inspect-01)))) :op2 (a2 / abandon-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / treaty :wiki "Treaty_on_the_Non-Proliferation_of_Nuclear_Weapons" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Nuclear" :op2 "Non-Proliferation" :op3 "Treaty"))) :op3 (d / declare-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p3 / plan-01 :ARG1 (b / build-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon :mod (a3 / atom))))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 1999)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (i / intelligence :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (c2 / continue-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o2 / official :mod (c3 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))))) :ARG1 (t / trade-01 :ARG1 (t2 / technology :purpose (w / weapon :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 :degree (m / mass)))) :mod (g / globe)) :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 :ARG1 (i3 / instruct-01 :ARG3 (m2 / make-01 :ARG1 (m3 / missile :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02))))))) (c / condemn-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")) :mod (s / successive))) :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG1 (m / missile) :ARG2 (c4 / country :example (a2 / and :op1 (c5 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran")) :op2 (c6 / country :wiki "Syria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Syria")))))) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (l / launch-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (s / stage :quant 3)) :time (d / date-entity :year 1998 :month 8 :day 31)) :ARG1 (h / heighten-01 :ARG0 l :ARG1 (f / fear-01 :ARG1 (d2 / design-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02) :ARG1-of (c3 / capable-01 :ARG2 (r / reach-01 :ARG0 d2 :ARG1 (m2 / mainland :mod (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S."))))))))) (a / and :op1 (s / splash-01 :ARG0 (s2 / stage :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1)) :direction (d / down) :location (s3 / sea :wiki "Sea_of_Japan" :name (n / name :op1 "Sea" :op2 "of" :op3 "Japan"))) :op2 (c / cross-02 :ARG0 (s4 / stage :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2)) :ARG1 (i / island :mod (m / main) :part-of (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan")))) :op3 (a2 / and :op1 (b / break-up-08 :ARG1 (s5 / stage :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity :value 3))) :op2 (t / travel-01 :ARG0 s5 :ARG1 (d2 / downrange) :extent (d3 / distance-quantity :quant 3450 :unit (m2 / mile))) :op3 (f / fall-01 :ARG1 s5 :ARG4 (o4 / ocean :wiki "Pacific_Ocean" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Pacific" :op2 "Ocean"))))) (f / fuel-01 :ARG0 (t / test-01 :ARG1 (m / missile)) :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG1 (s / shield-01 :ARG2 (m2 / missile) :ARG0-of (d / defend-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))))) (a / and :op1 (d / defend-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (r / right-05 :ARG2 (s2 / sell-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon)))) :op2 (s / state-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (b / bind-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t / treaty :mod (i / international) :ARG0-of (r2 / restrict-01 :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 :mod (s3 / such)))) :ARG1 p))) (s / sell-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (m / missile) :op2 (p / part)) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Yemen" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Yemen") :ARG0-of (r / receive-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile :quant 15 :wiki "Scud" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Scud")) :time (a2 / after :op1 (i / intercept-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (n7 / navy :mod (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n4 / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG2 (c3 / crew))) :op2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (n8 / navy :mod (c6 / country :wiki "Spain" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Spain"))) :ARG2 (c4 / crew)))) :ARG1 m :duration (b / brief) :location (o2 / off :op1 (c7 / coast :mod c2)) :time (d / date-entity :month 12 :year 1998)))))) (a / appear-02 :ARG1 (b / benefit-01 :ARG0 (w / weapon :mod (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Libya" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Libya")) :time (l / late :mod (m / most)))) (k / know-01 :ARG1 (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :op2 (c2 / country :wiki "Pakistan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Pakistan")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "Syria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Syria")) :ARG1-of (i / include-01 :ARG2 (n / nation :mod (o / other)))) :ARG1 (h / help-01 :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01)))) (a / attest-01 :ARG0 (c / cargo :location (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan"))) :ARG1 (e / exist-01 :ARG1 (z / zone :ARG1-of (g / gray-02) :ARG1-of (c2 / compose-01 :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG3-of (c3 / combine-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s2 / state :mod (w / weak)) :op2 (b / border :ARG1-of (o / open-09)) :op3 (l / lack-01 :ARG1 (c4 / control-01)) :op4 (m / market :consist-of (a3 / and :op1 (p / person :ARG0-of (b2 / buy-01 :ARG1 (w2 / weapon :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 :degree (m2 / mass))))) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / sell-01 :ARG1 w2))))))))))) (d / deliver-01 :ARG1 (p / package :mod (s / small)) :frequency (s2 / sometimes) :location (l / luggage :poss (p2 / passenger :mod (i / individual) :mod (a / airline) :example (b / businessman :mod (c / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG1-of (a2 / arrest-01 :location (a3 / airport :location (c2 / city :wiki "Z??rich" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zurich"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2000) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (p3 / part-01 :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (c4 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea"))) :location (r / rucksack)))))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (m / move-01 :ARG1 (i / item :mod (l / large :degree (m2 / more))) :manner (f / freighter :example (s / ship :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Kuwolsan")))) :ARG2 (a / access-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (i2 / information :mod (t / technical)) :op2 (d / design-01)) :medium (i3 / internet) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Daniel_Pinkston" :name (n / name :op1 "Daniel" :op2 "Pinkston") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (r2 / research-institute :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Center" :op2 "for" :op3 "Nonproliferation" :op4 "Studies") :part-of (r / research-institute :wiki "Monterey_Institute_of_International_Studies" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Monterey" :op2 "Institute" :op3 "of" :op4 "International" :op5 "Studies") :location (s2 / state :wiki "California" :name (n4 / name :op1 "California")))) :ARG3 (s3 / specialize-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Korea" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Korea"))))) :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (d / difficult :domain (i / intercept-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / weapon) :op2 (e / equipment))) :ARG1-of (c4 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 i))) :ARG2 (d3 / difficult :domain (i4 / intercept-01 :ARG1 (e2 / exchange-01 :ARG0 (h2 / human) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p3 / plan-01) :op2 (d2 / data) :op3 (p4 / property :mod (i2 / intellectual)))))))) (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 1 :year 2007) (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (m / military) :op3 (w / weapon) :op4 (s / space) :op5 (t / technology) :op6 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) (c2 / confirm-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (f / fire-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (m / missile :ARG1-of (g / guide-01)) :destination (s / space) :purpose (d3 / destroy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :quant 1 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (s3 / satellite :poss c))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 1 :year 2007) :time (a / after :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 12 :unit (d2 / day) :mod (s4 / silent)))) (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / test) :ARG1 (p / protest-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (n2 / nation :mod (o / other))))) (c2 / confirm-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (f / fire-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (m / missile :ARG1-of (g / guide-01)) :destination (s / space) :purpose (d3 / destroy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :quant 1 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (s3 / satellite :poss c))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 23 :month 1 :year 2007) :time (a / after :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 12 :unit (d2 / day) :mod (s4 / silent)))) (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t / test) :ARG1 (p / protest-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (n2 / nation :mod (o / other))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Liu" :op2 "Jianchao") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry")) :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) :ARG1 (i / inform-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01) :mod (o / other))) :ARG2 (t / test :mod (s3 / secret)) :medium (c2 / channel :mod (d / diplomacy)) :time (n4 / now))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu" :op2 "Jianchao")) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (c2 / counter-01 :ARG0 (t / technology) :ARG1 (s2 / satellite)) :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 :polarity - :ARG2 (a / abandon-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (u2 / use-01 :ARG0 (m2 / military) :ARG1 (s3 / space)) :mod (l / long-standing)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu" :op2 "Jianchao")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (t3 / target-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (t2 / test) :ARG1 (c / country :mod (a / any))) :op2 (p2 / pose-02 :polarity - :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG2 c))) :location (b / brief-01 :ARG1 (m / ministry))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu" :op2 "Jianchao")) :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :mod (s2 / secretive)) :ARG1 (t / test :mod (a / another) :mod (s3 / such)))) (a2 / and :op1 (d3 / destroy-01 :ARG0 (s / shoot-01 :mod (t / test) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :mod (w / weather) :mod (o / overage) :location (r / relative-position :op1 (a / above :mod (p / planet :wiki "Earth" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Earth"))) :quant (d / distance-quantity :quant 537 :unit (m / mile))))) :op2 (d4 / detect-01 :ARG0 (m2 / monitor :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG1 s :time (d2 / date-entity :day 11 :month 1 :year 2007))) (r / refuse-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (i / it))) (r / raise-01 :ARG0 (t / test) :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 :location (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) (i / interpret-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (a2 / analyze-01))) :ARG1 (i2 / it) :ARG2 (s / signal-07 :ARG0 i2 :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (v / vulnerable :prep-to (a3 / attack-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 s2) :domain (s2 / satellite :mod (m / military) :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S."))))))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG0 (c6 / capable-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (s / shoot-down-05 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite))) :ARG1-of (a2 / add-02)) :time (e / event :mod (h / hostility :mod (o / over :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan"))))) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / rely-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG1 (s3 / satellite) :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 (r2 / reconnaissance) :op2 (n4 / navigate-01) :op3 (s4 / system :ARG0-of (g / guide-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon))) :op4 (d / defense :ARG0-of (c5 / counter-01 :ARG1 (m2 / missile))))))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 :ARG0 (c3 / capable-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1-of (d / demonstrate-01 :mod (n5 / new))) :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Taiwan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Taiwan")) :ARG0-of (m / monitor-01 :ARG1 (d2 / deploy-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (m2 / missile :ARG1-of (r2 / range-01 :ARG2 (s3 / short))) :op2 (m4 / missile :ARG1-of (r3 / range-01 :ARG2 (m3 / medium))) :mod c) :ARG2 (a3 / along :op1 (s / strait :wiki "Taiwan_Strait" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Taiwan" :op2 "Strait")))))))) (d2 / dismay-01 :ARG0 (t / test-01 :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c3 :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1-of (c5 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / abstain-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :ARG1 (t2 / test :mod (s / such)) :time (a3 / after :op1 (t3 / test-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (t5 / technology :ARG0-of (c6 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite))) :time (d / date-entity :decade 1980)))))) (d / decision :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (d2 / destroy-01 :ARG1 (s / satellite) :ARG0-of (c2 / create-01 :ARG1 (d3 / debris :ARG0-of (d4 / damage-01 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :location (o / orbit :location (n / nearby))) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))))) :degree (p / part)) :mod (t / this)) (d / decline-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu")) :ARG1 (a / address-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (q / question-01 :ARG1 (d2 / danger :mod (t / this))))) (e / estimate-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01)) :ARG1 (c / create-01 :ARG0 (d / destroy-01 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite)) :ARG1 (f / fragment :quant (s / several :op1 100000) :mod (d2 / debris)))) (o / orbit-01 :ARG0 (s / satellite) :location (s2 / section :mod (s3 / space) :location-of (f / fly-01 :ARG1 (s4 / satellite :quant 125 :mod (o2 / other))))) (a2 / and :op1 (s / start-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (p / program :ARG0-of (m2 / modernize-01 :ARG1 (m / military)) :ARG1-of (a / accelerate-01))) :op2 (s2 / state-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (d / desire-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (c2 / compete-01 :mod (w / warfare :time (d2 / date-entity :century 21))))) :ARG1-of (r / repeat-01))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s / system :mod (e / electronic)) :op2 (s2 / system :mod (i2 / information)) :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02))) :ARG2 (t / this)) (a2 / and :op1 (r / run-01 :ARG0 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (p / program :mod (s / space) :poss c)) :op2 (i / identify-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c2 / communication :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (s2 / space))) :op2 (s3 / system :ARG0-of (s4 / sense-01))) :ARG2 (k / key-02 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (e / effort :mod (s5 / such))))) (a / advocate-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (t2 / theorize-01 :ARG1 (m / military)) :mod (s / some) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (w / warfare :mod (a2 / asymmetrical))) (u / use-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon :mod (p / pinpoint)) :ARG2 (d / disrupt-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (m / military :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02 :degree (m2 / more)) :ARG1-of (e / equip-01 :mod (g / good :degree (m3 / more)))))) (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01)) :ARG1 (t / test :time (d / date-entity :day 11 :month 1 :year 2007) :part-of (p2 / program :topic (m / military :ARG1-of (m2 / modernize-01)))) :concession (d2 / declare-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (w / want-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (p3 / prevent-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (r / race :mod (a2 / arm) :location (s / space)))) :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02))) (a4 / and :op1 (r2 / repeat-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu")) :ARG1 (p2 / position-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :mod (l / long-standing)) :time (a / ask-01 :ARG1 (a2 / appear-01 :ARG1 (c3 / contradiction)) :ARG2 p)) :op2 (s / say-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p3 / promote-02 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (d / deweaponize-00) :op2 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (s2 / space :mod (o / outer)) :mod (p4 / peaceful))) :mod (f / further)))) (a4 / and :op1 (a / advocate-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (s / space) :mod (p / peaceful)) :location (o / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :mod (c2 / consistent)) :op2 (p2 / push-02 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a2 / agree-01 :ARG1 (p3 / prevent-01 :ARG1 (b / become-01 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (t / theater :prep-for (r / race :mod (a3 / arm) :mod (n3 / new))))) :mod (i / international)))) (a3 / and :op1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (s / suggest-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (c3 / conference :mod (i / international) :ARG0-of (p / pursue-01 :ARG1 (a / accord-03 :mod (s2 / such)))))) :op2 (a2 / argue-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (n3 / need-01 :polarity - :ARG1 c3))) (a / ask-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (v / violate-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (t2 / test-01 :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s / satellite))) :ARG1 (s2 / spirit :mod (p2 / position-02 :ARG0 c :ARG1-of (p3 / proclaim-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))))) :op2 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (c4 / cause-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (k / keep-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s3 / silence) :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (w / week) :mod (n6 / near)) :time (w2 / while :op1 (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official)) :location (a3 / around :location (w3 / world))) :ARG1 t2 :ARG0-of (b / base-02 :ARG1 (r / report-01 :ARG0 (i / intelligence :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n5 / name :op1 "U.S."))))))))))) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Liu"))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu")) :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (n3 / nothing :ARG1-of (h2 / hide-01)))) (r / respond-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (t / test) :ARG1-of (q / quick-02) :mod (a / after :op1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 (p / party :mod (r2 / relevance)) :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 :ARG1 p)))) (s / stress-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (w / weaponize-01) :op2 (r / race-02 :ARG3 (a2 / arm) :location (s2 / space :mod (o2 / outer))))))) (c2 / change-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / position-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) (d / date-entity :year 2007 :month 2 :day 2) (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / terrorism) :op3 (m / money) :op4 (c / crime-02) :op5 (r / right :mod (h / human)) :op6 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op7 (p / politics)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Interior_(Saudi_Arabia)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Interior" :op2 "Ministry")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / arrest-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia"))) :ARG1 (m / man :quant 10)) :op2 (a3 / accuse-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 m :ARG2 (c3 / collect-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / donate-01)) :purpose (f / fund-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a4 / act-02 :mod (t2 / terrorist) :location (o / outside :op1 c))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (l / lawyer) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (d / dissent-01) :mod (p2 / prominence))) :ARG1 (a3 / activist :mod (d2 / democracy) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :domain (m / man :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m2 / man)) :quant (a / at-least :op1 7)) :ARG1-of (a4 / arrest-01 :purpose (a5 / attempt-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG1 (a6 / abort-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (r / right :mod (c / civic)))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Interior_(Saudi_Arabia)" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Interior" :op2 "Ministry")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / arrest-01 :ARG0 (p / police :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia"))) :ARG1 (m / man :quant 10)) :op2 (a3 / accuse-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 m :ARG2 (c3 / collect-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / donate-01)) :purpose (f / fund-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a4 / act-02 :mod (t2 / terrorist)) :location (o / outside :op1 c2)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (l / lawyer) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (d / dissent-01) :mod (p2 / prominence))) :ARG1 (a3 / activist :mod (d2 / democracy) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :domain (m / man :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m2 / man)) :quant (a / at-least :op1 7)) :ARG1-of (a4 / arrest-01 :purpose (a5 / attempt-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG1 (a6 / abort-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (r / right :mod (c / civic)))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Matrouk" :op2 "al-Faleh")) :ARG1 (w / wait-01 :ARG1 (m / man :quant 7) :ARG2 (a / approve-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)) :ARG1 (s2 / set-up-03 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (g4 / group :mod (r / right :mod (c / civic))))))) (a2 / and :op1 (l / lawyer) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / professor))) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m3 / man)) :quant (m / most)) (j / jail-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Faleh")) :ARG3 (c / call-03 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (d3 / democracy :mod (m / more) :location (k / kingdom))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2004)) (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (m2 / man) :ARG1 (p2 / present-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (l / list :consist-of (p3 / person :quant (m3 / more-than :op1 40) :ARG1-of (r / represent-01 :polarity - :ARG1-of (l2 / legal-02)) :ARG0-of (d / defend-01 :ARG1-of (i / intend-01 :ARG0 m2)) :ARG0-of (i2 / imprison-01))) :ARG2 (a / authority))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Al-Faleh")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / cover-up-04 :ARG0 (a2 / allege-01 :ARG1 (t / terrorist :domain p3))) :op2 (u / use-01 :ARG1 a2 :ARG2 (a3 / arrest-01 :ARG1 p3)))) (a / attempt-01 :ARG1 (a2 / abort-01 :ARG1 (w2 / work-01 :ARG1 (r / right) :mod (c / civic) :ARG1-of (p / plan-01 :ARG0 (a3 / authority)))) :mod (t / this)) (a / and :op1 (g2 / go-01 :ARG1 (p2 / police) :ARG4 (h / house :location (b / beach) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Jeddah" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Jiddah")) :poss (l / lawyer :wiki - :name (n6 / name :op1 "Essam" :op2 "Basrawi"))) :time (d / date-entity :dayperiod (n2 / night) :weekday (f / friday))) :op2 (a2 / arrest-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 l :op2 (m / man :quant 5 :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :mod (o / other))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n6 / name :op1 "Bassim" :op2 "Alim")) :ARG1 (a / arrest-01 :ARG1 (b / businessman :wiki - :name (n7 / name :op1 "Abdul-Aziz" :op2 "Al-Khereiji") :mod (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia"))) :location (c2 / checkpoint) :time (d / drive-01 :ARG0 b :accompanier (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 b :ARG2 (w / wife))) :destination (c3 / city :wiki "Jeddah" :name (n8 / name :op1 "Jiddah"))))) (a / attorney :domain (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Alim")) :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :quant 4 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (d2 / detain-01)))))) (d / detain-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / assist-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Basrawi")) :ARG1-of (p2 / personal-02 :ARG2 p3)) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Morocco" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Morocco"))) :mod (a2 / also)) (i / information :polarity - :topic (i2 / identity :poss (m / man :quant 2 :mod (o / other)))) (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Interior_(Saudi_Arabia)" :name (n / name :op1 "Interior" :op2 "Ministry")) :ARG2 (s / spokesman))) :ARG1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 (m / man :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01)) :ARG2 (f / finance-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (r / recruit-01) :ARG0-of (s2 / sign-up-03 :ARG1 (p2 / person :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :mod (y / young)) :ARG3 (g2 / go-02 :ARG0 p2 :ARG4 (a2 / area :mod (t2 / turbulence))))))) :ARG2 (n3 / newspaper :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) (r / refer-01 :ARG0 (t / that) :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iraq")) :manner (g / general-02)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) :ARG1 (f / find-01 :ARG1 (c / cash :quant (a / amount :mod (s3 / sizable))) :time (s4 / search-01 :ARG1 (h / home :poss (m / man))))) (a / and :op1 (c2 / cross-02 :ARG0 (r / radical :mod (y / young) :quant (m / many) :mod (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia"))) :location (b / border-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Iraq")) :ARG2 (k / kingdom) :ARG1-of (l / long-03) :mod (p / pore))) :op2 (j / join-up-02 :ARG0 r :ARG1 (i / insurgent :mod (r2 / religious-group :wiki "Sunni_Islam" :name (n / name :op1 "Sunni" :op2 "Islam"))) :location (t / there))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Alim")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / base-02 :polarity - :ARG1 (a3 / accuse-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) :op2 (r / reformist :ARG1-of (k / know-02 :degree (g3 / good)) :ARG1-of (c / connect-01 :polarity - :ARG2 (t / terrorism)) :domain (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (c2 / client)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Alim")) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (r / raise-02 :ARG0 (m / man) :ARG1 (f / fund) :ARG2 (o / or :op1 (r2 / refugee :mod (c / country :wiki "State_of_Palestine" :name (n / name :op1 "Palestine"))) :op2 (r3 / refugee :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Iraq" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iraq"))))))) (w / warn-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (g3 / gather-03 :polarity - :ARG0 m) :op2 (w2 / write-01 :polarity - :ARG0 m :ARG1 (p / petition))) :ARG2 (m / man) :ARG1-of (r / repeat-01) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (f / fear-01 :ARG0 (a / authority) :ARG1 (r2 / rise-01 :ARG1 (m2 / movement-07 :ARG1 (r3 / reform-01 :mod (p2 / politics)) :mod (n / new)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Alim")) :ARG1 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (m / man) :ARG1 (m2 / movement-07 :ARG1 (r / reform-01) :ARG1-of (o / organize-01) :mod (k / kind :mod (a / any))))) (t / try-01 :ARG0 (m / man) :ARG1 (s / stop-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (c / call-03 :ARG1 (r / reform-01) :ARG1-of (o / organize-01)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Alim")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / search-01 :ARG0 (p3 / police) :ARG1 (h / home :poss (m / man)) :manner (l / law :polarity -) :manner (w / warrant :polarity -)) :op2 (s3 / seize-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (f / file) :op2 (b / book) :op3 (c / computer))))) (b / be-temporally-at-91 :ARG1 (t / this) :ARG2 (a / after :op1 (d / date-entity :year 2002 :month 2 :day 2 :dayperiod (m / midnight)))) (a / allow-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (s / see-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Alim")) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (f / family) :ARG2 (m / member)))) :ARG1 (m2 / man :ARG1-of (a3 / arrest-01)))) (k / know-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Faleh")) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / allow-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (l / lawyer) :beneficiary (t2 / they)) :op2 (c2 / charge-05 :polarity - :ARG1 t2 :ARG1-of (p / public-02)) :op3 (s / show-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (p3 / proof) :op2 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (e / evidence-01))) :ARG2 t2))) :condition (g / guilty-01 :ARG1 t2 :ARG2 (c3 / crime-02)))) (a / arrest-01 :ARG0-of (t / target-01 :ARG1 (a2 / activist :mod (d / democracy)) :time (s / since :op1 (t2 / take-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Abdullah_II_of_Jordan" :name (n / name :op1 "Abdullah") :ARG0-of (m2 / mind-04 :ARG1 (r / reform-01)) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (k / king))) :ARG1 (t4 / throne) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2005)) :op2 (p2 / pardon-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Faleh")) :op2 (a4 / activist :quant 2 :mod (o2 / other) :ARG0-of (l / lead-01) :ARG0-of (s2 / spend-02 :ARG1 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 18 :unit (m / month)) :location (p4 / prison))))))) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1)) (s / sign-01 :ARG0 (m / man :quant 12 :mod (o / other) :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01 :accompanier (t / they) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2004 :month 3))) :ARG1 (s2 / statement :medium-of (p / pledge-01 :ARG0 m :ARG2 (s3 / stop-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (l / lobby-01 :ARG1 (f / free-04 :ARG3 (p2 / politics))))))) (a / and :op1 (r / refuse-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Faleh")) :op2 (p / person :quant 2 :mod (o / other))) :ARG1 (s / sign-01 :ARG0 a2)) :op2 (d / demand-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (r2 / represent-01 :ARG1 a2 :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :op2 (t / try-02 :ARG1-of (p3 / public-02))))) (a / allow-01 :ARG0 (l2 / law :mod (c / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia"))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (d / defend-01 :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) :op2 (t / try-02 :ARG1-of (p / public-02))) :concession-of (a3 / apply-02 :ARG1 a2 :ARG1-of (r / rare-02))) (g / go-02 :ARG0 (d / defendant :quant (m / most)) :ARG4 (c / court) :prep-without (a / attorney)) (a / and :op1 (m / monarchy :domain (c2 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :mod (a2 / absolute)) :op2 (h / have-03 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (c3 / council :ARG0-of (c / consult-01) :ARG1-of (a3 / appoint-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))))) (c / carry-out-03 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (e / elect-01 :mod (c2 / city) :ARG1-of (l / limit-01)) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2005)) (c / continue-01 :ARG0 (k / kingdom) :ARG1 (t / tolerate-01 :ARG0 k :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 :mod (p2 / politics)) :degree (l / little)) :concession (p3 / progress-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Abdullah_II_of_Jordan" :name (n / name :op1 "Abdullah")) :ARG4 (r / reform-01) :manner (s / slow))) (a / and :op1 (i / impose-01 :ARG0 (i2 / it) :ARG1 (l / limit :mod (s / strict)) :ARG2 (f / free-04 :ARG3 (e / express-01))) :op2 (b / ban-01 :ARG0 i2 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (g / gather-03 :ARG1-of (p / public-02)) :op2 (p2 / party :mod (p3 / politics))))) (a / and :op1 (l / lawyer :domain (p2 / person :wiki "Suliman_al-Reshoudi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sulaiman" :op2 "Al-Rushoodi") :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (g2 / group :consist-of (a2 / activist :ARG1-of (d2 / detain-01 :time (d3 / date-entity :year 2004))))))) :op2 (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p2 :ARG3 (j / judge-01) :time (f / former))) (i / include-91 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Suliman_al-Reshoudi" :name (n / name :op1 "Al-Rushoodi")) :ARG2 (m / man :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01 :time (d / date-entity :year 2002 :month 2 :day 2)))) (r / release-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki "Suliman_al-Reshoudi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Rushoodi")) :time (l2 / late :op1 (s2 / several :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (w2 / week))) :degree (m2 / more)) :time (a / after :op1 (p2 / pledge-01 :ARG0 p :ARG2 (a2 / address-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / demand-01 :ARG0 p)) :ARG2 (a3 / authority) :mod (s / sole))))) (j / join-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Suliman_al-Reshoudi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Al-Rushoodi")) :ARG1 (t / team :ARG0-of (d / defend-01 :ARG1 (a2 / activist :quant 3 :ARG1-of (b3 / be-located-at-91 :ARG2 (b / behind :op1 (b2 / bar)) :time (s / still)))))) (a / activist :domain (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Basrawi")) :mod (p2 / prominent) :ARG0-of (h / help-01 :ARG1 (d / draft-01 :ARG1 (p3 / petition) :ARG1-of (a2 / address-01 :ARG2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) :time (p4 / period :mod (v / vibrant) :time-of (a3 / activism :mod (p5 / politics)) :time (b / before :op1 (a4 / arrest-01 :time (d3 / date-entity :year 2004)))))) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Consultative_Assembly_of_Saudi_Arabia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Consultative" :op2 "Shura" :op3 "Council")) :ARG1 (c / consider-02 :ARG0 g2 :ARG1 (l / law :ARG0-of (p / permit-01 :ARG1 (s / set-up-03 :ARG1 (g3 / group :mod (r2 / right :mod (c2 / civic)) :ARG1-of (a2 / allow-01 :polarity - :location (k / kingdom) :time (c4 / current))))))) :time (r / recent)) (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Saudi" :op2 "Arabia")) :ARG1 (c4 / committee :quant 2 :mod (r / right :mod (h2 / human)) :ARG1-of (a / appoint-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))))) :ARG2 (b / ban-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (o / organization :mod r) :op2 (o2 / organization :mod (r3 / right :mod (c / civil))) :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 :polarity -)))) (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 14) (a / and :op1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :op2 (c4 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Nigeria"))) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (t / telecom) :op3 (b / business) :op4 (s / space) :op5 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :op6 (t2 / technology)) (a / and :op1 (b / build-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (s / satellite :purpose (c4 / communicate-01) :beneficiary (c5 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Nigeria")))) :op2 (l / launch-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 s)) (d / demonstrate-01 :ARG0 (s / satellite) :ARG1 (s2 / skill :ARG1-of (i / increase-01) :prep-in (t / technology :mod (s3 / space)) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (l / launch-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite :purpose (c6 / communicate-01) :ARG1-of (m / manufacture-01 :ARG0 c5)) :destination (o2 / orbit) :prep-on-behalf-of (c7 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Nigeria"))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 14)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (p / provide-01 :ARG0 (s2 / satellite :mod (g / geostationary)) :ARG1 (s3 / service :mod (c4 / communicate-01)) :location (a / and :op1 (c5 / continent :wiki "Africa" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Africa")) :op2 (p2 / part :part-of (a2 / and :op1 (w3 / world-region :wiki "Middle_East" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Middle" :op2 "East")) :op2 (w / world-region :wiki "Southern_Europe" :name (n / name :op1 "Southern" :op2 "Europe"))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o2 / operate-01 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite) :time (e / end-01 :ARG1 (d / date-entity :year 2007))) :op2 (e3 / expect-01 :ARG1 (l / last-01 :ARG1 s2 :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 15 :unit (y2 / year))))) :mod (a2 / also)) (m / manage-01 :ARG1 (s / satellite) :source (s2 / station :location (c / city :wiki "Abuja" :name (n / name :op1 "Abuja") :location (c2 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nigeria"))) :mod (c3 / control-01))) (m / mark-01 :ARG0 (l / launch-01 :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / build-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (s / satellite :purpose (c3 / commerce))) :op2 (p / put-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 s :ARG2 (o2 / orbit)) :ARG1-of (c / contract-02 :ARG0 c2 :ARG2 (c4 / country :mod (a2 / another))) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1))) (l / launch-01 :time (b / before :op2 (d3 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 14 :dayperiod (d / dawn))) :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 :ARG2 (c / center :wiki "Xichang" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Xichang") :mod (s / space) :location (p / province :wiki "Sichuan" :name (n / name :op1 "Sichuan") :location (s2 / southwest))))) (v / view-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :quant (s / some)) :ARG1 (l / launch-01) :ARG2 (s2 / signal-07 :ARG0 l :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s3 / skill :ARG1-of (i / increase-01) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :prep-in (t / technology :mod (s4 / space))) :op2 (d / determine-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (i2 / include-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (p / power :mod (g / great) :location (w / world) :ARG0-of (s5 / seek-01 :ARG1 (u / utilize-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r / reach :poss (s6 / space :mod (o / outer))) :purpose (b / benefit-01 :ARG1 (e / earth)))))))) :mod (a3 / another))) (w / worry-01 :ARG0 (p / progress-01 :ARG1 (p2 / program :mod (s / space) :mod (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China"))) :manner (r / rapid)) :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n5 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1-of (c6 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (r2 / run-01 :ARG0 (m / military) :ARG1 p2) :op2 (e / emphasize-01 :ARG0 c4 :ARG1 (w2 / warfare :mod (i / information) :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location s)) :time (r3 / recent))))) (i / intensify-01 :ARG1 (c / concern-01) :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 :ARG2 (t / test-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fire-01 :ARG1 (m / missile :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite))) :ARG1-of (s / succeed-01)) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 1 :day 11)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01) :quant (s2 / some)) :ARG1 (d / demonstrate-01 :ARG0 (t / test-01 :ARG1 (f / fire-01)) :ARG1 (r / risk-01 :ARG2 (s3 / satellite :quant (m / many) :ARG1-of (r2 / rely-01 :ARG0 (f2 / force :mod (m2 / military) :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (n3 / navigate-01) :op2 (g / guide-01 :ARG1 (w / weapon)))))))) (s / send-01 :ARG0 (a / agency :mod (s2 / space) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (a2 / astronaut :quant 2) :ARG2 (o2 / orbit) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2005 :month 10) :subevent-of (s4 / spaceflight :ARG1-of (m / man-01) :poss a :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity :value 2))) (a / adopt-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (p / plan :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y2 / year)) :purpose (e / explore-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (s / space) :ARG1-of (e2 / expand-01))) :time (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 5 :day 7)) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (f / fly-01 :ARG1-of (m / man-01) :quant (m2 / more)) :op2 (p / probe-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (m4 / moon) :op1 (b / beyond :op1 m4)) :ARG1-of (m3 / man-01 :polarity -))) :ARG2 (p2 / plan)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (r2 / represent-01 :ARG0 (c3 / challenge-01 :mod (c / commerce)) :ARG1 (l / launch-01 :ARG1 (p / product :wiki "NigComSat-1" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Nigcomsat-1") :location (r / rocket :wiki "Long_March_3B" :name (n / name :op1 "Long" :op2 "March" :op3 3 :op4 "B"))) :time (d3 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 3 :day 14)))) (s / see-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant (s2 / some)) :ARG1 (s3 / symbolize-01 :ARG1 (l / launch-01) :ARG2 (n / network :ARG1-of (b / broad-02) :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :consist-of (r / relation-03 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (e / economy) :ARG2 (c2 / continent :wiki "Africa" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Africa")))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n6 / name :op1 "New" :op2 "China" :op3 "News" :op4 "Agency") :mod (o / official)) :ARG1 (r / represent-01 :ARG0 (s2 / satellite) :ARG1 (w / wish-01 :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n7 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c6 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (c7 / country :ARG1-of (d / develop-02)) :ARG2 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (s3 / space :mod (o2 / outer)) :manner (p2 / peaceful))) :op2 (p / promote-02 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (c8 / close :degree (m / more)) :ARG2 (c2 / continent :wiki "Africa" :name (n / name :op1 "Africa")))))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Hammed" :op2 "Rufai") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / project :topic (p3 / product :wiki "NigComSat-1" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Nigcomsat-1"))) :ARG2 (d / director :mod (c / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Nigeria"))) :ARG3 (m / manage-01 :ARG0 p))) :ARG1 (b / break-through-26 :ARG0 (l / launch-01) :ARG1 (e / end-01 :ARG1 (r / rely-01 :ARG1 (o / oil) :manner (e2 / exclusive-02))) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (h / help-01 :ARG0 (s2 / satellite) :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 :ARG0 c :ARG2 (i / industry :ARG1-of (b2 / base-02 :ARG2 (k / knowledge)))) :ARG2 c)))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p3 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n4 / name :op1 "New" :op2 "China" :op3 "News" :op4 "Agency") :mod (o / official)) :ARG1 (s2 / secure-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (c4 / contract :ARG1-of (c5 / cost-01 :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 311000000 :unit (d3 / dollar)))) :time (d4 / date-entity :year 2004) :subevent-of (p / process-02 :ARG1 (b / bid-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 c4) :ARG1-of (p2 / participate-01 :ARG0 (c6 / company :quant 21 :mod (o2 / other)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Wang" :op2 "Haibo") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Great" :op2 "Wall" :op3 "Industry" :op4 "Corporation")) :ARG2 (p4 / president))) :ARG1 (p2 / put-01 :ARG0 (c4 / contract :mod (c5 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Nigeria"))) :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n7 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (l / list :mod (s2 / short) :consist-of (c7 / country :ARG0-of (b / build-01 :ARG1 (s3 / satellite :beneficiary (n3 / nation :mod (o / other))) :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)) :ARG0-of (l2 / launch-01 :ARG1 s3 :mod p3) :ARG0-of (m / maintain-01 :ARG1 s3 :mod p3))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (s2 / sign-02 :ARG1 (c / contract-02 :ARG1 (l / launch-01 :time (f / future)) :quant (a2 / about :op1 30) :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01)))) (a / and :op1 (l / launch-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (s / satellite) :beneficiary (c3 / country :mod (o / other)) :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02) :time (a2 / after :op1 (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 s :location (e / elsewhere))) :time (d / date-entity :decade 1990)) :op2 (a3 / acquire-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (r / repute-01 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (p / provide-01 :ARG0 c2 :ARG1 (s2 / service :mod (s3 / such)) :ARG1-of (c / cheap-02 :degree (m2 / more) :compared-to (c5 / country :ARG1-of (c6 / capable-01 :ARG2 (l2 / launch-01)) :mod (o2 / other))))))) (t2 / try-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 c4 :ARG1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 c4 :ARG1 (c5 / commerce) :ARG2 (n5 / nation :ARG0-of (p2 / produce-01 :ARG1 (o / oil)) :example (c6 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Nigeria")))) :time (g / grow-01 :ARG1 (e2 / economy :mod c4) :ARG2 (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (n / nearly :op1 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 10)) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year)))))) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official)) :quant (s2 / some)) :ARG1 (h / hope-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Nigeria")) :ARG1 (s3 / sell-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (b / band :mod (c4 / communicate-01)) :ARG2 (c5 / country :location (c6 / continent :wiki "Africa" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Africa")) :ARG1-of (n5 / neighbor-01))))) (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (c3 / city :wiki "Abuja" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Abuja")) :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Nigeria" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Nigeria")) :ARG2 (c2 / capital)) (d2 / date-entity :year 2007 :month 6 :day 9) (c2 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico")) (a / and :op1 (i / international) :op2 (c / crime-02) :op3 (a2 / and :op1 (w / war) :op2 (c2 / conflict-01))) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (a2 / at-least :op1 46)) :time (b / by :op1 (e / end-01 :ARG1 (w / week)))) (a8 / and :op1 (a / attack-01 :quant (m / multiple) :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / assault-01 :instrument (g / grenade :mod (h / hand))) :op2 (d / decapitate-01)))) :op2 (v / victim :domain (a6 / and :op1 (p / police) :op2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (a4 / agent :mod (f / federal)))) :op3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) :ARG0-of (r / rival-01))) :mod (p3 / principal))) (c2 / continue-01 :ARG1 (w / war-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico")) :ARG2 (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))) :time (f / funeral :poss (b / boy :age (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y2 / year))))) (d / die-01 :ARG1 (b / boy) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / accident :mod (d2 / drown-02) :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :polarity - :ARG2 (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d3 / drug)))))) (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Miguel_??ngel_F??lix_Gallardo" :name (n / name :op1 "Miguel" :op2 "Angel" :op3 "Felix" :op4 "Gallardo")) :ARG1 (b / boy) :ARG2 (g / grandfather)) (p2 / person :ARG0-of (f2 / found-01 :ARG1 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Tijuana_Cartel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tijuana" :op2 "Drug" :op3 "Cartel"))) :domain (p / person :wiki "Miguel_??ngel_F??lix_Gallardo" :name (n / name :op1 "Gallardo")) :ARG0-of (f / flee-05)) (a / and :op1 (e / enter-01 :ARG0 (g / gunman :quant 6 :ARG1-of (h / hood-00)) :ARG1 (w / wake :mod (t / traditional) :duration (n / night :mod (a2 / all)))) :op2 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (p / person :quant 2) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (s / shoot-02 :ARG0 g :ARG1 p))) :time (d / date-entity :day 4 :month 6 :year 2007)) (c / call-01 :ARG0 (n / newspaper :quant 1) :ARG1 (g / gunman) :ARG2 (c2 / commando)) (w / write-01 :ARG0 (g / gunman) :ARG1 (z / z) :ARG2 (b / back :part-of (v / victim)) :time (b2 / before :op1 (l / leave-11 :ARG0 g))) (s / symbolize-01 :ARG1 (z / Z) :ARG2 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Gulf_Cartel" :name (n / name :op1 "Gulf" :op2 "Cartel"))) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (a / at-least :op1 46) :mod (m / more)) :time (b / by :op1 (e / end-01 :ARG1 (w / week)))) (a8 / and :op1 (a / attack-01 :quant (m / multiple) :ARG2-of (i / include-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / assault-01 :instrument (g / grenade :mod (h / hand))) :op2 (d / decapitate-01)))) :op2 (v / victim :mod (p3 / principal) :domain (a5 / and :op1 (p / police) :op2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (a4 / agent :mod (f / federal)))) :op3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) :ARG0-of (r / rival-01))))) (s / show-01 :ARG0 (k / kill-01) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / scope :poss (v / violence)) :op2 (t / tactic :mod (w / warfare :mod (p / psychology)) :mod (b / behind :op1 v)))) (d / disperse-01 :ARG1 (k / kill-01) :location (a / across :op1 (c / country))) (a / appear-02 :ARG1 (i2 / involve-01 :ARG1 (d2 / dispute-01 :ARG0 (b / band :consist-of (p / person :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01)) :ARG0-of (c / compete-02))) :ARG2 (d / die-01 :quant (m / many)))) (a2 / appear-02 :ARG1 (s / split-01 :ARG1 (b / band :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (b2 / band :mod (t / that))) :quant (a3 / at-least :op1 1)) :ARG2 (g / group :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 :polarity -)))) (f / find-01 :ARG0 (a / authority :location (c / city-district :wiki "San_Juan_Bautista_Tuxtepec" :name (n / name :op1 "Tuxtepec"))) :ARG1 (h / head :ARG1-of (s / sever-01) :accompanier (n2 / note)) :time (d / date-entity :day 5 :month 6 :year 2007)) (s / state-01 :ARG0 (n / note) :ARG1 (e / event :mod (t / this) :beneficiary (p / person :quant (a / all) :ARG0-of (w / work-01 :ARG3 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Los_Zetas" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zetas")))))) (r / refer-01 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (m / man :mod (h / hit) :ARG0-of (w / work-01 :ARG2 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Gulf_Cartel" :name (n / name :op1 "Gulf" :op2 "Cartel"))))) (s / sign-01 :ARG1 (m / message) :ARG2 (n / name :op1 "The" :op2 "New" :op3 "Blood")) (b / be-located-at-91 :ARG1 (c / city-district :wiki "San_Juan_Bautista_Tuxtepec" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Tuxtepec")) :ARG2 (s / side :mod (s2 / southeast) :part-of (s3 / state :wiki "Oaxaca" :name (n / name :op1 "Oaxaca")))) (r / refer-01 :ARG0 (n / name :op1 "New" :op2 "Blood") :ARG2 (g / group :consist-of (p / person :ARG0-of (t / turn-01 :prep-against (c2 / criminal-organization :wiki "Los_Zetas" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Zetas")) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (b / bid-03 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG1 (c3 / control-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r2 / route :mod (t2 / traffic-01)) :op2 (m2 / market :mod (d / drug) :ARG1-of (l / local-02))))))) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Gulf_Cartel" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Gulf" :op2 "Cartel")) :ARG2 (o / operative))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Genaro_Garc??a_Luna" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Genaro" :op2 "Garcia" :op3 "Luna") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico")) :ARG2 (s2 / secretary :mod (s4 / safe-01 :mod (p2 / public))))) :ARG1 (s3 / split-01 :ARG1 (c2 / criminal-organization :wiki "Gulf_Cartel" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Gulf" :op2 "Cartel")) :ARG2 (b / band :ARG0-of (r / rival-01))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5 :year 2007)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Genaro_Garc??a_Luna" :name (n / name :op1 "Garcia" :op2 "Luna")) :ARG1 (h / have-subevent-91 :ARG1 (s2 / strategize-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug))) :ARG1 (f / force-02 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (r2 / retreat-01 :ARG1 a :mod (s3 / strategy)) :ARG2 (a / authority))) :ARG2 (v / violence :mod (e / extreme) :location (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico")))) :time (c2 / conference :mod (p2 / press) :time (r / recent))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Genaro_Garc??a_Luna" :name (n / name :op1 "Garcia" :op2 "Luna")) :ARG1 (t / try-01 :ARG0 (t2 / they) :ARG1 (c / create-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (c2 / climate :instrument-of (a / and :op1 (i / intimidate-01) :op2 (f / fear-01))) :purpose (g / gain-02 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (a2 / advantage :mod (o / operation)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Genaro_Garc??a_Luna" :name (n / name :op1 "Luna")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r / refuse-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / reside-01 :ARG1 (o / or :op1 (t / town :mod (r3 / rural)) :op2 (n2 / neighborhood :mod (u / urban))))) :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (a / authority))) :op2 (c4 / create-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (s2 / space :mod (s3 / social) :ARG0-of (s4 / support-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (t2 / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d2 / drug)))))) :condition (b / believe-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (p4 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (d / defeat-01 :ARG1 p3))))) (b / become-01 :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :mod (g / gruesome)) :ARG2 (f / frequent-02 :ARG1 k) :time (w / war :time (y / year :mod (t / this)))) (a / arise-02 :ARG1 (i / incident :mod (v / violence) :mod (n / new)) :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG3 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day))) :time (w2 / week :mod (t2 / this))) (d2 / discover-01 :ARG0 (a / authority) :ARG1 (b / body :ARG1-of (d3 / decapitate-01) :location (c / city :wiki "Veracruz" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Veracruz") :mod (p2 / port) :location (g / gulf :wiki "Gulf_of_Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Gulf" :op2 "of" :op3 "Mexico"))) :ARG2-of (l / leave-12 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (m / message-01 :ARG2 (p / police :mod (s / state))) :ARG1-of (w / write-01)))) :time (d / date-entity :day 6 :month 6 :year 2007)) (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (m3 / message-01)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p / protect-01 :ARG0 (p2 / police) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)) :ARG0-of (r / rival-01))) :op2 (s / sell-01 :ARG0 (m2 / man :ARG1-of (d2 / decapitate-01)) :ARG1 (d3 / drug) :ARG2 (g / group :ARG0-of (r2 / rival-01))))) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant 4 :mod (o / other)) :location (a / and :op1 (c / city :wiki "Veracruz" :name (n / name :op1 "Veracruz")) :op2 (a2 / around :op1 c)) :time (d / day :mod (t / that) :ARG1-of (s / same-01))) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (d2 / director :mod (f / funeral))) :ARG0-of (t2 / transport-01 :ARG1 (b / body :poss (p / person :wiki "Efra??n_Teodoro_Torres" :name (n / name :op1 "Efrain" :op2 "Torres"))) :ARG3 (c2 / cemetery :location (c / city :wiki "Poza_Rica" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Poza" :op2 "Rica"))) :time (d / date-entity :month 5))) :ARG2 (t / this)) (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c / criminal-organization :wiki "Los_Zetas" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zetas"))) :ARG1-of (a / assassinate-01) :domain (p / person :wiki "Efra??n_Teodoro_Torres" :name (n / name :op1 "Torres"))) (s / steal-01 :ARG1 (b / body) :ARG2 (c / crypt :poss b) :time (l / late :degree (m / more))) (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t / tally-01 :ARG1 (v / victim :mod (a / another) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (v2 / violence :location (c / city :wiki "Veracruz" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Veracruz"))))) :prep-among (p3 / person :ARG1-of (d / die-01))) :time (y / yet)) (k / kidnap-01 :ARG0 (m / man :ARG1-of (a / arm-01)) :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Roberto" :op2 "Moguel" :op3 "Martinez") :ARG0-of (o / own-01 :ARG1 (b / business))) :time (d / date-entity :day 6 :month 6 :year 2007) :time (a2 / after :op1 (r / release-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (h / hospital)))) (r / recover-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Martinez")) :ARG2 (w / wound :ARG1-of (s / suffer-01 :ARG0 p :time (a / attack-01 :time (d / date-entity :day 31 :month 5 :year 2007))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (n2 / newspaper :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Notiver") :mod (c / city :wiki "Veracruz" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Veracruz"))) :ARG1 (w / wrestle-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Martinez")) :ARG2 (m / mother))) :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (k / kidnap-01 :ARG1 p) :ARG1-of (a / arm-01)) :duration (b / brief) :location (s2 / street :location (c2 / center :part-of c)))) (s / see-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Martinez")) :time (s2 / since)) (a2 / attack-01 :quant 3 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (s / station :quant 2 :mod (p2 / police)) :op2 (b / barrack :mod (a3 / army) :location (s2 / state :wiki "Guerrero" :name (n / name :op1 "Guerrero") :location (s3 / south)))) :instrument (g2 / grenade) :time (d / date-entity :day 7 :month 6 :year 2007)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (a / authority) :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant 7) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / attack-01 :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (d / drug) :ARG1-of (a3 / appear-02)) :location (t / there))))) (r / report-01 :ARG0 (w / website :poss (n2 / newspaper :mod (c / city :wiki "Mexico_City" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico" :op2 "City")))) :ARG1 (g / gun-down-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (a3 / as-many-as :op1 20)) :location (n3 / nationwide) :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 24 :mod (p2 / previous) :unit (h / hour)) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (v / violence :ARG1-of (r2 / relate-01 :ARG2 (d2 / drug))))) :time (d / date-entity :day 8 :month 6 :year 2007)) (i / include-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :quant 3 :ARG1-of (s / shoot-02 :location (h / highway :location (s2 / state :wiki "Durango" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Durango") :location (c / country-region :wiki "Northwestern_Mexico" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Northwest" :op2 "Mexico")))))) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG1-of (d / die-01))) (b / be-temporally-at-91 :ARG1 (e / event :mod (t / this)) :ARG2 (w2 / week :time (t3 / travel-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Felipe_Calder??n" :name (n / name :op1 "Felipe" :op2 "Calderon") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p / president))) :ARG4 (c / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Europe")) :purpose (m / meet-03 :ARG0 p4 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :wiki "Pope_Benedict_XVI" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Benedict" :op2 "XVI") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p5 / pope))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02) :mod (o / other))))))) (t / tell-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Felipe_Calder??n" :name (n / name :op1 "Calderon")) :ARG1 (r2 / recommend-01 :ARG1 (b / blame-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (c4 / consume-01) :location (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States"))) :ARG2 (c5 / chaos :location (c3 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Mexico")) :ARG1-of (d2 / drive-02 :ARG0 (d3 / drug))))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :time (d / date-entity :day 4 :month 6 :year 2007) :location (c / city :wiki "Rome" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rome"))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Felipe_Calder??n" :name (n / name :op1 "Calderon")) :ARG1 (s3 / share-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (p2 / problem :mod (t / this)) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mexico")))) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (d / drug)) :mod (p / principal)) (a / and :op2 (c / country :ARG0-of (c2 / consume-01 :mod (p / prime :compared-to (w / world))) :domain (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))) (s / send-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Felipe_Calder??n" :name (n / name :op1 "Calderon")) :ARG1 (a / army) :ARG2 (s2 / state :location (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mexico")) :quant (n3 / numerous)) :purpose (f / fill-in-07 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (p3 / police :ARG1-of (l / local-02) :ARG1-of (o / overmatch-00) :ARG1-of (c2 / corrupt-01)))) (o / order-01 :ARG2 (i / imprison-01 :ARG1 (p / person :quant 19 :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (a3 / army) :ARG2 (m / member))) :ARG3 (s2 / suspect-01 :ARG1 (k / kill-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w / woman :quant 3) :op2 (c / child :quant 2)) :location (c2 / checkpoint :mod (r / rural) :ARG0-of (c4 / counter-01 :ARG1 (s3 / smuggle-01)) :location (s / state :wiki "Sinaloa" :name (n / name :op1 "Sinaloa")))) :ARG2 p)) :time (d / date-entity :day 4 :month 6 :year 2007)) (p2 / person :domain (p / person :quant 5) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (f / family :ARG1-of (r / return-01 :ARG3 (w / wake))) :ARG2 (m / member))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (f / fail-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (s2 / stop-01 :ARG0 p :location (c / checkpoint)))) (e / evidence-01 :ARG0 (s / shoot-02) :ARG1 (p2 / psychology :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 :ARG2 (w / war)) :ARG0-of (g / grip-01 :ARG1 (c2 / corner :quant (m / many) :part-of (c / country :wiki "Mexico" :name (n / name :op1 "Mexico"))))) :degree (m2 / more)) (k / kill-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (e / estimate-01 :ARG2 1200)) :time (a / already) :time (y / year :mod (t / this)) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (v / violence))) (j / join-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (p2 / name :op1 "Pierre" :op2 "Vinken") :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 61 :unit (y / year))) :ARG1 (b / board :ARG1-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p :ARG2 (d2 / director :mod (e / executive :polarity -)))) :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 29)) (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (m / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Vinken")) :ARG1 (g / group :wiki "Reed_Elsevier#Elsevier_NV" :name (e / name :op1 "Elsevier" :op2 "N.V.") :mod (c / country :wiki "Netherlands" :name (n / name :op1 "Netherlands")) :ARG0-of (p2 / publish-01)) :ARG2 (c2 / chairman)) (n / name-03 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (r / name :op1 "Rudolph" :op2 "Agnew") :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 55 :unit (y / year)) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / conglomerate :wiki "Consolidated_Gold_Fields" :name (c / name :op1 "Consolidated" :op2 "Gold" :op3 "Fields" :op4 "PLC") :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_Kingdom" :name (b / name :op1 "Britain")) :mod (i / industry)) :ARG2 (c3 / chairman) :time (f / former))) :ARG2 (d / director :mod (e / executive :polarity -) :ARG2-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p :ARG1 c5))) (r / report-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / research-01)) :ARG1 (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / asbestos :mod (f / form) :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (m / make-01 :ARG1 (p / product :ARG0-of (f2 / filter-02) :mod (c2 / cigarette :wiki "Kent_(cigarette)" :name (n / name :op1 "Kent")))) :time (o / once))) :ARG1 (p3 / percentage :ARG3-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (p7 / person :ARG1-of (d / die-01 :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (c3 / cancer)))) :ARG2 (p6 / person :ARG0-of (w2 / work-01) :ARG1-of (e / expose-01 :ARG2 a2 :time (b / before :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (m2 / more-than :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit (y / year))))))) :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (r / research-01)) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r2 / resilient :mod (u / usual :polarity -) :domain (c / crocidolite :mod (f / fiber :mod (a / asbestos))) :time (e / enter-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (l / lung))) :op2 (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (e2 / expose-01 :ARG2 c :duration (b / brief :mod (e3 / even))) :ARG1 (s2 / symptom :ARG1-of (s3 / show-up-02 :time (l2 / late :degree (m / more :quant (m2 / multiple :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d2 / decade)))))))))) (s2 / stop-01 :ARG0 (u / unit :wiki "Lorillard_Tobacco_Company" :name (l / name :op1 "Lorillard" :op2 "Inc.") :part-of (c3 / company :wiki "Loews_Corporation" :name (l2 / name :op1 "Loews" :op2 "Corp.") :ARG1-of (b / base-01 :location (c2 / city :wiki "New_York_City" :name (n / name :op1 "New" :op2 "York")))) :ARG0-of (m2 / make-01 :ARG1 (c4 / cigarette :wiki "Kent_(cigarette)" :name (k / name :op1 "Kent")))) :ARG1 (u2 / use-01 :ARG0 u :ARG1 (c5 / crocidolite) :prep-in (p / product :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Micronite") :ARG0-of (f / filter-02) :mod (c6 / cigarette) :poss u)) :time (d / date-entity :year 1956)) (a / appear-01 :ARG1 (t4 / thing :ARG2-of (r3 / result-01 :time (l / late :degree (m / most)))) :location (j / journal :wiki "The_New_England_Journal_of_Medicine" :name (n / name :op1 "New" :op2 "England" :op3 "Journal" :op4 "of" :op5 "Medicine") :time (t / today) :mod (f / forum :ARG0-of (b / bring-01 :ARG1 (a2 / attend-02 :ARG1 p :mod (n2 / new)) :ARG2 (p / problem) :ARG1-of (l2 / likely-01)))) :concession (r2 / report-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (f2 / find-01) :mod (p2 / preliminary)) :time (b2 / before :op1 (n3 / now) :quant (m3 / more-than :op1 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Lorillard_Tobacco_Company" :name (l / name :op1 "Lorillard")) :ARG2 (s2 / spokeswoman))) :ARG1 (s3 / story :domain (t / this) :mod (o2 / old))) (t / talk-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (b2 / before :op1 (n / now) :quant (m / multiple :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year))) :time (b / before :op1 (h / hear-01 :ARG0 (a / anyone) :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 (a3 / asbestos) :ARG1 (p / property :mod (a4 / any) :mod (q2 / questionable))))))) (a / asbestos :polarity - :time (n / now) :location (t / thing :ARG1-of (p2 / produce-01 :ARG0 (w2 / we)))) (r / realize-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c / company :wiki "Lorillard_Tobacco_Company" :name (l / name :op1 "Lorillard")) :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r2 / research-01) :ARG0-of (s2 / study-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01))))) :ARG1 (r3 / research-01 :ARG1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (s / smoke-02 :ARG1 (c2 / cigarette :wiki "Kent_(cigarette)" :name (k / name :op1 "Kent")))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (j / name :op1 "James" :op2 "A." :op3 "Talcott") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (r / research-institute :wiki "Dana???Farber_Cancer_Institute" :name (d / name :op1 "Dana-Farber" :op2 "Cancer" :op3 "Institute") :location (c / city :wiki "Boston" :name (b / name :op1 "Boston"))))) :ARG1 (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (i / information :topic (e / endanger-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (u2 / use-01))) :ARG1-of (u / useful-05)))) (l / lead-02 :ARG0 (d / doctor :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Talcott")) :ARG1 (t3 / team :consist-of (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r / research-01) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r2 / research-institute :wiki "National_Cancer_Institute" :name (n / name :op1 "National" :op2 "Cancer" :op3 "Institute")) :op2 (s / school :mod (m / medicine) :part-of (u / university :wiki "Harvard_University" :name (h / name :op1 "Harvard" :op2 "University"))) :op3 (s2 / school :mod (m2 / medicine) :part-of (u2 / university :wiki "Boston_University" :name (b / name :op1 "Boston" :op2 "University")))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Lorillard_Tobacco_Company" :name (l / name :op1 "Lorillard")) :ARG2 (s2 / spokeswoman))) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (a / asbestos :quant (a2 / amount :mod (m / modest :degree (v / very)))) :ARG2 (m2 / make-01 :ARG1 (p / paper) :time (e2 / early :op1 (d3 / date-entity :decade 1950)) :purpose (p2 / product :ARG0-of (f / filter-02)))) :op2 (r / replace-01 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (p3 / product :ARG0-of (f2 / filter-02 :mod (t / type :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02)))) :time (d / date-entity :year 1956)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (c / company) :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 :ARG1 (c2 / cigarette :quant 9800000000 :wiki "Kent_(cigarette)" :name (k / name :op1 "Kent") :part (p / product :ARG0-of (f / filter-02))) :time (d / date-interval :op1 (d2 / date-entity :year 1953) :op2 (d3 / date-entity :year 1955)))) (d / die-01 :ARG1 (m / man :quant 28 :quant (m4 / more-than :op1 (p / product-of :op1 3 :op2 (n2 / number :ARG1-of (e2 / expect-01)))) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (m2 / man :quant 33 :ARG0-of (w / work-01 :ARG1 (s / substance) :manner (c / close)))))) (h / have-03 :ARG0 (p4 / person :quant 4 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p2 / person :quant 5 :ARG0-of (w / work-01) :ARG0-of (s / survive-01))) :ARG2-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG1 (p3 / person :quant 3 :ARG1-of (d3 / diagnose-01 :ARG2 (c2 / cancer) :time (r3 / recent))))) :ARG1 (d / disease :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (a / asbestos)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (r / research-01)) :ARG1 (h / high-02 :ARG1 (t2 / total :quant-of (p2 / person :quant 18 :ARG1-of (d / die-01 :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (m2 / mesothelioma :ARG2-of (m3 / malignant-02)) :op2 (c / cancer :mod (l / lung)) :op3 (a2 / asbestosis)))))) :compared-to (t / thing :ARG1-of (e / expect-01)) :degree (m / more :mod (f / far)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (d2 / doctor :wiki - :name (t / name :op1 "Talcott")) :ARG1 (r2 / rate :mod (d3 / die-01) :ARG1-of (f / find-01) :ARG1-of (s4 / strike-04 :ARG3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / study-01 :ARG1 (d / disease :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (a / asbestos)))) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (w / we)))))) (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (a3 / appear-02 :ARG1 (h / high-02 :ARG1 (p2 / percentage :quant-of (p5 / person :ARG1-of (d2 / die-01 :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (c2 / cancer :mod (l / lung)))) :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (w4 / work-01 :location (f / factory :mod (p4 / paper) :location (c3 / city :wiki - :name (w / name :op1 "West" :op2 "Groton") :location (s / state :wiki "Massachusetts" :name (m / name :op1 "Massachusetts"))))))))) :degree (m2 / most) :compared-to (p / person :ARG0-of (w2 / work-01 :ARG1 (a2 / asbestos)) :ARG1-of (s2 / study-01) :location (c / country :ARG1-of (i / industrialize-01) :location (w5 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n / name :op1 "West"))) :mod (a / any))))) (c / contract-02 :ARG0 (p / plant :ARG1-of (o / own-01 :ARG0 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (h / name :op1 "Hollingsworth" :op2 "&" :op3 "Vose" :op4 "Co.")))) :ARG1 (m / make-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / product :ARG0-of (f / filter-02) :mod (c4 / cigarette))) :ARG2 (c3 / company :wiki "Lorillard_Tobacco_Company" :name (l / name :op1 "Lorillard"))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (d / doctor :wiki - :name (t / name :op1 "Talcott")) :ARG1 (p / probable :domain (s2 / support-01 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (f / find-01)) :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (a / argue-01 :ARG1 (r2 / recommend-01 :ARG1 (r / regulate-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (u / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG1 (a5 / asbestos :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (c3 / crocidolite)) :mod (c2 / class)) :manner (s3 / stringent :degree (m / more) :compared-to (c4 / chrysotile :ARG1-of (f2 / find-01 :location (a4 / and :op1 (s4 / school :mod (m2 / most)) :op2 (b / building :mod (o / other)))) :mod (a3 / asbestos :mod (k / kind :mod (c5 / common)))))))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (b / name :op1 "Brooke" :op2 "T." :op3 "Mossman") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / college :mod (m / medicine) :part-of (u2 / university :wiki "University_of_Vermont" :name (u3 / name :op1 "University" :op2 "of" :op3 "Vermont"))) :ARG2 (p3 / professor :topic (p / pathology)))) :ARG1 (i2 / include-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (u / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG2 (n / nation :ARG0-of (h / have-03 :polarity - :ARG1 (s2 / standard :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02 :degree (m2 / more)) :prep-with-of (r / regulate-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fiber :ARG1-of (s3 / smooth-06) :ARG2-of (r2 / resemble-01 :ARG1 (n2 / needle)) :ARG1-of (c4 / classify-01 :ARG2 (a / amphobile)) :example (c3 / crocidolite))))) :ARG1-of (i3 / include-91 :ARG2 (n3 / nation :ARG1-of (i / industrialize-01)) :ARG3 (f / few))))) (e / explain-01 :ARG0 (d / doctor :wiki - :name (m / name :op1 "Mossman")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / curly :domain (f / fiber :mod (c2 / chrysotile) :mod (c3 / common :degree (m2 / more)))) :op2 (r / reject-01 :ARG0 (b / body) :ARG1 f :ARG1-of (e2 / easy-05 :degree (m3 / more))))) (i / impose-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Environmental_Protection_Agency" :name (e / name :op1 "Environmental" :op2 "Protection" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (b2 / ban-01 :ARG1 (u3 / use-01 :ARG1 (a5 / asbestos) :ARG2 (t2 / thing :mod (a6 / all :mod (v3 / virtual)))) :manner (g3 / gradual)) :time (d / date-entity :month 7)) (o / outlaw-01 :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG1 (a / asbestos :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (c2 / cancer))) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG1-of (r2 / remain-01) :mod (a2 / all :mod (a3 / almost)))) :time (b / by :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1997))) (e / expose-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01 :location (f / factory :ARG0-of (m / make-01 :ARG1 (p3 / paper :purpose (p4 / product :wiki "Kent_(cigarette)" :name (k / name :op1 "Kent") :ARG0-of (f2 / filter-02)))))) :quant (a2 / about :op1 160)) :ARG2 (a / asbestos) :time (d / date-entity :decade 1950)) (d / dusty :domain (a / area :poss (f / factory) :location-of (u / use-01 :ARG1 (c / crocidolite))) :mod (p / particular)) (a / and :op1 (d / dump-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01)) :ARG1 (m2 / material :ARG1-of (i / import-01) :quant (s / sack :consist-of (b / burlap) :mod (l / large))) :destination (b2 / bin :mod (h / huge))) :op2 (p / pour-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (f / fiber :mod (c / cotton)) :op2 (f2 / fiber :mod (a3 / acetate))) :ARG3 b2) :op3 (m / mix-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (f3 / fiber :ARG1-of (d2 / dry-08)) :manner (m3 / mechanical)) :prep-in (p3 / process-02 :ARG1 m4 :ARG1-of (u / use-01 :ARG2 (m4 / make-01 :ARG1 (p4 / product :ARG0-of (f4 / filter-02)))))) (d / describe-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01)) :ARG1 (c3 / cloud :consist-of (d3 / dust :mod (b2 / blue)) :ARG1-of (h / hang-01 :location (o / over :op1 (t / thing :part-of (f / factory))) :concession (v / ventilate-01 :ARG0 (f2 / fan :mod (e / exhaust)) :ARG1 (a / area))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (d / name :op1 "Darrell" :op2 "Phillips") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / company :wiki - :name (h2 / name :op1 "Hollingsworth" :op2 "&" :op3 "Vose")) :ARG2 (p5 / president :mod (v / vice) :topic (r2 / resource :mod (h3 / human))))) :ARG1 (q / question-03 :polarity - :ARG1 (c / contract-04 :ARG1 (p4 / person :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (w / work-01)) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (m / manage-01)) :mod (t / that)))) :ARG2 (d2 / disease :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 :ARG2 (a2 / asbestos)))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (r / recognize-02 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (e / event :mod (t / this) :time (b / before :op1 (n / now) :quant (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 35 :unit (y2 / year))))))) (b / bear-06 :polarity - :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (f / force :ARG0-of (w / work-01) :poss (w2 / we)) :time (t / today)) (c / continue-01 :ARG1 (s / slide-02 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (y / yield-03 :ARG0 (f / fund :mod (m2 / mutual) :mod (m3 / market :mod (m4 / money)))))) :prep-amid (s2 / signal-07 :ARG1 (e / expect-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (m / manage-01 :ARG1 (p2 / portfolio))) :ARG1 (d / decline-01 :ARG1 (r / rate :mod (i / interest)) :degree (f2 / further))))) (e / ease-01 :ARG1 (t5 / thing :ARG1-of (y / yield-03 :ARG0 (f2 / fund :quant 400 :ARG2-of (t3 / tax-01 :ARG2-of (o2 / obligate-01)) :ARG1-of (t2 / track-down-02 :ARG0 (p3 / publication :wiki - :name (m / name :op1 "Money" :op2 "Fund" :op3 "Report") :poss (o / organization :wiki "International_Bank_of_Commerce" :name (i / name :op1 "IBC"))))) :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (d / day)) :mod (c / compound)) :ARG1-of (a / average-01)) :ARG2 (f3 / fraction :op1 (p4 / percentage-entity :value 1)) :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 8.47) :ARG4 (p / percentage-entity :value 8.45) :time (w / week :ARG1-of (e2 / end-01 :time (d2 / date-entity :weekday (t4 / tuesday))))) (a / assume-02 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03 :mod (c / compound))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r / reinvest-00 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (y3 / yield-03))) :op2 (c2 / continue-01 :ARG1 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (y4 / yield-03 :mod (c3 / current))) :duration (t5 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y5 / year))))) (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki - :name (d3 / name :op1 "Donoghue" :op2 "'s")) :ARG1 (l / lengthen-01 :ARG1 (m / maturity :poss (t3 / thing :ARG2-of (i / invest-01 :ARG0 (f / fund))) :ARG1-of (a2 / average-01)) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day)) :ARG4 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 41 :unit (d2 / day) :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03 :degree (m2 / most) :time (s / since :op1 (e2 / early :op1 (d4 / date-entity :month 8))))))) (t / think-01 :ARG1 (i / indicate-01 :ARG0 (m / maturity :ARG1-of (l / long-03 :degree (m2 / more))) :ARG1 (d / decline-01 :ARG1 (r / rate :mod (i2 / interest))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / permit-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (r2 / retain-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (m3 / manage-01 :ARG1 (p3 / portfolio))) :ARG1 (r3 / rate :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m4 / more) :mod (r4 / relative))) :duration (p4 / period :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03 :degree (m5 / more)))))))) (c / consider-01 :ARG1 (s / signal-07 :ARG0 (m / maturity :mod (s2 / short :degree (m2 / more))) :ARG1 (r / rise-01 :ARG1 (r2 / rate))) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (c2 / capture-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (m3 / manage-01 :ARG1 (p3 / portfolio))) :ARG1 (r3 / rate :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m4 / more))) :time (s3 / soon :degree (m5 / more)))))) (r / reach-01 :ARG0 (m / maturity :poss (f / fund :ARG1-of (o / open-01 :ARG3 (i / institution) :mod (o2 / only))) :ARG1-of (a / average-01) :ARG0-of (i3 / indicate-01 :ARG1-of (c / consider-01 :ARG0 (s / some) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (w / watch-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (m3 / manage-01) :mod (t2 / that)) :ARG1 (m4 / market) :manner (c2 / close)))) :ARG1-of (s2 / strong-02 :degree (m2 / more)))) :ARG1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 33 :unit (d / day) :domain (p / point :ARG1-of (h / high-02) :prep-for (y / year)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (b / name :op1 "Brenda" :op2 "Malizia" :op3 "Negus") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (p2 / publication :wiki - :name (m / name :op1 "Money" :op2 "Fund" :op3 "Report")) :ARG2 (e / editor))) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (b2 / blip-00 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03)) :mod (a / again) :time (b3 / before :op1 (b4 / blip-00 :ARG1 t :direction (d / down))) :direction (u / up) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / rise-01 :ARG1 (r2 / rate :mod (i / interest) :duration (s2 / short)) :time (r3 / recent)))) :ARG1-of (h / have-concession-91))) (r / rise-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03 :ARG0 (b / bill :mod (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_the_Treasury" :name (t2 / name :op1 "Treasury")) :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 6 :unit (m / month)) :ARG1-of (a / auction-02 :time (d / date-entity :weekday (m2 / monday)))))) :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 7.90) :ARG4 (p / percentage-entity :value 8.04) :ARG0-of (e / exemplify-01)) (c2 / continue-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (i / invest-01)) :ARG1 (p / pour-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (c / cash) :ARG3 (f / fund :mod (m / money))) :concession (d / decline-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03)) :time (r / recent))) (g / grow-01 :ARG1 (a / asset :poss (f / fund :quant 400 :ARG3-of (t / tax-01))) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 1500000000 :unit (d / dollar)) :ARG4 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 352700000000 :unit (d2 / dollar)) :time (w / week :mod (l / late :degree (m3 / most)))) (b / beat-03 :ARG0 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03 :ARG0 (f / fund :mod (m5 / money)))) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (i / invest-01 :duration (s2 / short)) :ARG2-of (c2 / comparable-03 :ARG1 t3)) :ARG1-of (t2 / typical-02) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (v / vary-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (m / manage-01 :ARG1 (p3 / portfolio))) :ARG1 (m2 / maturity)) :op2 (g / go-03 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (r / rate :ARG1-of (h / high-02 :degree (m3 / most)))))))) (y / yield-03 :ARG0 (f / fund :mod (t / top) :mod (m / money)) :ARG1 (o / over :op1 (p / percentage-entity :value 9) :degree (w / well)) :time (c / current)) (y3 / yield-03 :ARG0 (f / fund :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Dreyfus" :op2 "World-Wide" :op3 "Dollar") :ARG0-of (y2 / yield-03 :mod (t2 / top))) :ARG1 (p / percentage-entity :value 9.37 :ARG4-of (d2 / decrease-01 :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 9.45 :time (e / early :degree (m2 / more :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (w2 / week))))))) :time (w / week :mod (l / late :degree (m / most))) :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (d / day)) :mod (c2 / compound)) (a / and :op1 (i / invest-01 :ARG0 (i3 / it) :ARG2 (s / security :ARG1-of (d / denominate-01 :ARG2 (d2 / dollar)) :location (o / overseas)) :manner (h / heavy)) :op2 (w / waive-01 :ARG0 i3 :ARG1 (f / fee :mod (m / manage-01)) :ARG0-of (b2 / boost-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (y / yield-03 :ARG0 i3))) :time (c / current))) (y / yield-03 :ARG0 (f / fund :quant 400) :ARG1 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 8.12 :ARG4-of (d2 / decrease-01 :ARG3 (p / percentage-entity :value 8.14))) :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 7 :unit (d / day)) :ARG1-of (s / simple-02) :ARG1-of (a2 / average-01)) (a / and :op1 (f / fall-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (y / yield-03 :mod (t / temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit (d / day)) :ARG1-of (s2 / simple-02))) :ARG3 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 8.22) :ARG4 (p / percentage-entity :value 8.19 :ARG2-of (a4 / average-01))) :op2 (s / slide-02 :ARG1 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (y2 / yield-03 :mod (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 30 :unit (d2 / day)) :mod (c / compound))) :ARG3 (p4 / percentage-entity :value 8.56) :ARG4 (p3 / percentage-entity :value 8.53 :ARG2-of (a2 / average-01)))) (e / elect-01 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (j / name :op1 "J.P." :op2 "Bolduc") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "W._R._Grace_and_Company" :name (w / name :op1 "W.R." :op2 "Grace" :op3 "&" :op4 "Co.") :ARG0-of (h / hold-01 :ARG1 (i / interest :quant (p2 / percentage-entity :value 83.4) :prep-in (c3 / company :mod (t / this) :mod (s / service :mod (e3 / energy)))))) :ARG2 (c2 / chairman :mod (v / vice)))) :ARG2 (d / director :ARG2-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p))) (s / succeed-02 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (t / name :op1 "Terrence" :op2 "D." :op3 "Daniels") :ARG0-of (r / resign-01 :ARG1 c2) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "W._R._Grace_and_Company" :name (w / name :op1 "W.R." :op2 "Grace")) :ARG2 (c2 / chairman :mod (v / vice)) :time (f / former)))) (h / hold-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "W._R._Grace_and_Company" :name (w / name :op1 "W.R." :op2 "Grace")) :ARG1 (s3 / seat :quant 3 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (s4 / seat :quant 7 :mod (b / board) :poss (c2 / company :wiki - :name (g / name :op1 "Grace" :op2 "Energy")))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (c / company :wiki "McDermott_International" :name (m / name :op1 "McDermott" :op2 "International" :op3 "Inc.")) :ARG1 (c2 / complete-01 :ARG0 (u / unit :wiki "Babcock_&_Wilcox" :name (b / name :op1 "Babcock" :op2 "&" :op3 "Wilcox") :part-of c) :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 :ARG0 u :ARG1 (o / organization :wiki - :name (b2 / name :op1 "Bailey" :op2 "Controls" :op3 "Operations") :part-of u) :ARG2 (c4 / company :wiki "Finmeccanica" :name (f / name :op1 "Finmeccanica" :op2 "S.p.A.")) :ARG3 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 295000000 :unit (d / dollar))))) (c3 / company :wiki "Finmeccanica" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Finmeccanica") :ARG1-of (o / own-01 :ARG0 (s2 / state)) :prep-with (i2 / interest :prep-in (i3 / industry :mod (e / engineering :mod (m / mechanics)))) :mod (c / country :wiki "Italy" :name (i / name :op1 "Italy")) :mod (h / holding)) (m / make-01 :ARG0 (c4 / company :wiki - :name (b / name :op1 "Bailey" :op2 "Controls") :ARG1-of (b2 / base-01 :location (c / city :wiki "Wickliffe,_Ohio" :name (w / name :op1 "Wickliffe") :location (s / state :wiki "Ohio" :name (o2 / name :op1 "Ohio"))))) :ARG1 (s2 / system :ARG1-of (c2 / computerize-01) :mod (i / industry) :ARG2-of (c3 / control-01))) (a2 / and :op1 (e / employ-01 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (p / person :quant 2700)) :op2 (h2 / have-03 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (r / revenue :quant (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (a / about :op1 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 370000000 :unit (d / dollar))) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)))))) (s / suspend-01 :ARG0 (g4 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g / govern-01) :mod (f / federal)) :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 :ARG1 (b / bond :mod (s3 / savings) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S.")))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (l / lift-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Congress")) :ARG1 (c4 / ceiling :prep-on (d / debt :mod (g5 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_the_Treasury" :name (t / name :op1 "Treasury")) :ARG1 (a / authorize-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (i / issue-01 :ARG0 g4 :ARG1 (o2 / obligation :mod (d / debt) :mod (n / new) :mod (k / kind :mod (a3 / any)))) :ARG2 (g4 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g / govern-01)) :time (u / until :op1 (a2 / act-02 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (c / name :op1 "Congress")))))) (d4 / drop-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (b / borrow-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1-of (a / authorize-01 :ARG2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))))) :ARG3 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 2870000000000 :unit (d3 / dollar)) :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 2800000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar)) :time (d / date-entity :time "0:00" :weekday (w / wednesday))) (e / ensnarl-01 :ARG1 (l / legislate-01 :ARG1 (l2 / lift-01 :ARG1 (c / ceiling :mod (d / debt)))) :ARG2 (f / fight-01 :ARG2 (c2 / cut-02 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (t / tax-01 :ARG3 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (g3 / gain-02 :mod (c5 / capital)))))))) (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (v / vote-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_House_of_Representatives" :name (n / name :op1 "House")) :ARG1 (r / raise-01 :ARG1 (c / ceiling) :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 3100000000000 :unit (d / dollar)))) :ARG2 (e / expect-01 :ARG1 (a / act-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Senate" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senate")) :time (b2 / before :op1 (w / week :mod (n3 / next)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Department_of_the_Treasury" :name (n / name :op1 "Treasury")) :ARG1 (d2 / default-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (u / name :op1 "U.S.")) :time (d / date-entity :month 11 :day 9) :condition (a / act-02 :polarity - :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "United_States_Congress" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Congress")) :time (b / by :op1 d)))) (n / name-03 :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (c / name :op1 "Clark" :op2 "J." :op3 "Vitulli")) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (p2 / president :mod (v / vice) :mod (s / senior)) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (m2 / manage-01 :ARG1 a2) :mod (g / general)) :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a2 / arm :mod (t / this) :part-of (c4 / company :wiki "Mazda" :name (m / name :op1 "Mazda" :op2 "Motor" :op3 "Corp") :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (j / name :op1 "Japan")) :ARG0-of (m4 / make-01 :ARG1 (a4 / auto))) :mod (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (u / name :op1 "U.S.")) :ARG0-of (s2 / sell-01) :ARG0-of (m3 / market-01))))) (o2 / oversee-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o / operation :ARG0-of (s / sell-01)) :op2 (o4 / operation :mod (s2 / service-05)) :op3 (o5 / operation :mod (p / part)) :op4 (o6 / operation :ARG0-of (m2 / market-01)) :poss (c2 / company :wiki "Mazda" :name (m / name :op1 "Mazda")) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "U.S."))) :ARG3-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 h :ARG2 (p2 / position :mod (n2 / new)))) (p / person :wiki - :name (m / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Vitulli") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (d / division :wiki "Chrysler" :name (c3 / name :op1 "Chrysler") :part-of (c / company :wiki "Chrysler" :name (c2 / name :op1 "Chrysler" :op2 "Corp."))) :ARG3 (m2 / manage-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m3 / market-01) :mod (g / general)) :time (p3 / previous)) :age (t / temporal-quantity :quant 43 :unit (y / year))) (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (c / company :wiki "Chrysler" :name (n / name :op1 "Chrysler")) :ARG2 (e / executive :topic (a / and :op1 (s / sell-01) :op2 (m / market-01))) :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 20 :unit (y / year))) (j / jet-off-01 :ARG1 (t / titan :ARG0-of (m / manufacture-01) :mod (n / nation)) :ARG2 (t3 / town :mod (r / resort) :example (a / and :op1 (c2 / city :wiki "Boca_Raton,_Florida" :name (b / name :op1 "Boca" :op2 "Raton")) :op2 (c3 / city :wiki "Hot_Springs,_Arkansas" :name (h / name :op1 "Hot" :op2 "Springs"))) :mod (c / confine :mod (s / sunny))) :ARG1-of (t2 / typical-02) :time (p / powwow :poss t :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 2 :ARG2 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))) (y / year :mod (t / this) :polarity -) (s / settle-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "National_Association_of_Manufacturers" :name (n / name :op1 "National" :op2 "Association" :op3 "of" :op4 "Manufacturers")) :ARG1 (m / meet-03 :ARG0 (b / board :part-of o) :time (d / date-entity :season (f / fall)) :location (c / city :wiki "Indianapolis" :name (i / name :op1 "Indianapolis") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (s2 / state :wiki "Indiana" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Indiana")) :ARG2 (c2 / capital))))) (a / and :op2 (d / decide-01 :ARG0 (c / city) :ARG1 (t / treat-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (g / guest :poss c) :ARG2 (o / or :op1 (r / royalty) :op2 (s / star :mod (r2 / rock)) :degree (m / more) :compared-to (p / person :ARG0-of (o2 / own-01 :ARG1 (f / factory))))))) (p / prove-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r2 / rust-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (b / buckle :location (c4 / country-region :wiki "Rust_Belt" :name (r / name :op1 "Rust" :op2 "Belt"))) :mod (a2 / after-all) :degree (s / so)) :op2 (p3 / place :mod (g / good) :domain c4 :prep-for (e / expand-01 :ARG1 (c2 / company)))) :ARG2 (p2 / person :quant 125 :ARG0-of (d / decide-01) :mod (c3 / corporation)) :domain (i / idea) :mod (o / of-course)) (r / receive-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (g / giant :example (a / and :op1 (c / company :wiki "DuPont" :name (d / name :op1 "Du" :op2 "Pont")) :op2 (c2 / company :wiki "Maytag" :name (m / name :op1 "Maytag")))) :op2 (c5 / company :ARG1-of (k / know-02 :degree (l / less)) :example (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / company :wiki - :name (t / name :op1 "Trojan" :op2 "Steel")) :op2 (c4 / company :wiki - :name (v / name :op1 "Valley" :op2 "Queen" :op3 "Cheese" :op4 "Factory"))))) :ARG2 (o5 / official))) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (m3 / message-01))) (j / join-01 :ARG0 (p6 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (e / executive))) :ARG1 (p5 / person :wiki "William_H._Hudnut_III" :name (w / name :op1 "William" :op2 "H." :op3 "Hudnut" :op4 "III") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / mayor))) :prep-for (e2 / evening :poss (a / and :op1 (o / organization :wiki "Indianapolis_Symphony_Orchestra" :name (i / name :op1 "Indianapolis" :op2 "Symphony" :op3 "Orchestra")) :op2 (p2 / person :wiki "Victor_Borge" :name (v / name :op1 "Victor" :op2 "Borge") :mod (p / person :ARG0-of (p3 / play-11 :ARG2 (p4 / piano))) :mod (c2 / comedian) :mod (g / guest)))) :prep-for (s / starter)) (f / follow-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / champagne) :op2 (d / dessert))) (r / race-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (e / executive))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (w / wife))) :quant (b / busload) :ARG1-of (e2 / escort-01 :ARG0 (p / police) :ARG4 s)) :ARG2 (s / sports-facility :wiki "Indianapolis_Motor_Speedway" :name (i / name :op1 "Indianapolis" :op2 "Motor" :op3 "Speedway")) :ARG1-of (i2 / impede-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (o / or :op1 (t / traffic) :op2 (l / light :ARG1-of (r2 / red-02)))) :time (d / date-entity :dayperiod (m2 / morning) :mod (n2 / next))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (m / make-it-14 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (g3 / governor)))) :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (w / welcome-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (g / governor :mod (l / lieutenant)))) :ARG1 (g2 / guest :ARG1-of (s / special-02))))) (h / hold-04 :ARG1 (b / breakfast-01 :mod (b2 / buffet)) :location (m / museum :location-of (b3 / ban-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (f / food) :op2 (d / drink)) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (v / visit-01) :mod (e / everyday))))) (h / haul-out-03 :ARG0 (s / speedway) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p / person :quant 4 :ARG0-of (d / drive-01)) :op2 (c / crew) :op3 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (a2 / announce-01) :mod (e / event :wiki "Indianapolis_500" :name (i / name :op1 "Indianapolis" :op2 500)) :mod (o / official) :mod (e3 / even))) :purpose (r / race-02 :mod (l / lap :quant 10) :ARG1-of (e2 / exhibit-01)) :time (t / then) :ARG3-of (h2 / honor-01 :ARG1 (g / guest))) (d / drool-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c2 / company :mod (t / thing :wiki "Fortune_500" :name (n / name :op1 "Fortune" :op2 500))) :ARG2 (e / executive))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / car) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (d2 / drive-01))) :time (a2 / after :op1 (r / race-02)) :ARG1-of (r3 / resemble-01 :ARG2 (d3 / drool-02 :ARG0 (s2 / schoolboy)))) (p / point-out-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (d / drive-01) :mod (d2 / dummy :polarity -)) :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (s / space :location (m / machine :poss p2) :prep-for (n / name :quant (o / or :op1 1 :op1 2) :poss (c / company :ARG0-of (s4 / sponsor-01) :mod (a / another)))) :mod (s3 / still))) (s / squeeze-02 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (e / executive))) :ARG1 (m / meet-03 :location (h / hotel) :quant (f / few)) :time (b / before :op1 (b2 / board-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (b3 / bus) :mod (a / again))) :location (d / downtown :mod (b4 / back))) (h / have-purpose-91 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (d / dinner) :op2 (d2 / dance-01) :location (r / relative-position :quant (b / block))) :time (t3 / time :mod (t4 / this))) (f2 / feed-01 :ARG0 (c / chef :quant 9 :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (c2 / chef :ARG1-of (h / hot-03 :degree (m / most)) :location (t2 / town)))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (m2 / mousseline :mod (d / duckling) :mod (s / state :wiki "Indiana" :name (i2 / name :op1 "Indiana"))) :op2 (c3 / consomme :mod (l / lobster)) :op3 (m3 / mignon :part-of (v / veal)) :op4 (t3 / terrine :mod (c4 / chocolate) :accompanier (s2 / sauce :mod (r / raspberry)))) :ARG2 (t / they) :location (u / under :op1 (a2 / and :op1 (s3 / star) :op2 (m4 / moon) :part-of (b / ballroom :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Indiana" :op2 "Roof") :ARG1-of (r2 / renovate-01))))) (g / give-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (e / executive))) :ARG1 (o / ovation :manner (s / stand-01 :ARG1 p)) :ARG2 (c / chef) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (k / know-04 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m / meal :mod (t / tasty) :ARG1-of (f / free-03)) :time (e2 / eat-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 m)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (c / CEO)) :quant (m / more-than :op1 (f / few))) :ARG1 (t / tempt-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (t2 / treat-01 :manner (c3 / carpet :ARG1-of (r2 / red-02))) :ARG3 (r / return-01 :ARG1 p :ARG4 (c2 / city :location (h / heartland)) :purpose (m2 / meet-03 :time (f2 / future))))) (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (l / look-forward-03 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (m / meet-03 :ARG0 t :time (d2 / date-entity :season (w / winter)) :location (c / city :wiki "Boca_Raton,_Florida" :name (b / name :op1 "Boca")) :time (d3 / date-entity :month 2)) :time (n / now))) (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 (f / figure :source (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g / govern-01)) :ARG1-of (r3 / release-01 :ARG0 g2 :time (d3 / date-entity :weekday (w / wednesday)))) :ARG1 (r / register-02 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (s / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG1 (d4 / deficit :mod (t / trade-01) :quant (m / monetary-quantity :quant 101000000 :unit (d / dollar)) :ARG1-of (r2 / reflect-01 :ARG2 (s2 / sluggish :domain (e / economy :poss c)))) :time (d2 / date-entity :month 10))) (s2 / show-01 :ARG0 (t2 / tally-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Trade,_Industry_and_Energy_(South_Korea)" :name (t / name :op1 "Trade" :op2 "and" :op3 "Industry" :op4 "Ministry")) :mod (p / preliminary)) :ARG1 (d2 / deficit :mod (t3 / trade-01) :mod (a2 / another) :mod (s3 / setback :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 5 :range (y / year :mod (t4 / this))) :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 1 :ARG2 (t5 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (m2 / month)))) :ARG0-of (c2 / cast-01 :ARG1 (c3 / cloud) :ARG2 (e / economy :ARG1-of (o / orient-01 :ARG2 (e2 / export-01)) :poss (c / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (s / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")))) :time (d / date-entity :month 10))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (s / stand-04 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (e / export-01 :time (d / date-entity :month 10))) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 5290000000 :unit (d2 / dollar) :ARG4-of (u / up-02 :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 0.7 :mod (m4 / mere)) :ARG3 (m5 / monetary-quantity :time (e2 / early :degree (m3 / more :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year)))))))) :ARG2 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (i2 / import-01)) :ARG2 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 20) :ARG3 (m6 / monetary-quantity :time (d4 / date-entity :month 10 :mod (l / last))) :ARG4 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 5390000000 :unit (d3 / dollar)) :manner (s2 / sharp))) (s2 / stop-01 :ARG1 (b / boom-02 :ARG0 (e / economy :poss (c / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (s / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea"))) :ARG1-of (b2 / begin-01 :time (d / date-entity :year 1986))) :time (y / year :mod (t / this)) :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (d2 / dispute-01 :ARG2 (l / labor) :ARG1-of (p / prolong-01)) :op2 (c2 / conflict-01 :ARG2 (t2 / trade-01)) :op3 (e2 / export-01 :mod (s3 / sluggish))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g / govern-01)) :ARG2 (o / official))) :ARG1 (r / remain-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (e3 / export-01) :time (e / end-01 :ARG1 (y / year))) :ARG3 (u / under :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 68000000000 :unit (d2 / dollar) :ARG1-of (t2 / target-01 :ARG0 g2))))) (r / record-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "South_Korea" :name (s / name :op1 "South" :op2 "Korea")) :ARG1 (s2 / surplus :mod (t / trade-01) :quant (m / monetary-quantity :quant 71000000 :unit (d / dollar)) :time (s3 / so-far :mod (y / year :mod (t2 / this)))) :concession (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (f2 / forecast-01) :mod (g / gloomy))) (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (e / export-01 :ARG0 (n / nation)) :ARG1-of (a / accumulate-01)) :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 4) :ARG3 (m2 / monetary-quantity :time (d5 / date-interval :op1 (d6 / date-entity :month 1 :mod (y / year :mod (l / last))) :op2 (d7 / date-entity :month 10 :mod y))) :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 50450000000 :unit (d / dollar) :time (d2 / date-interval :op1 (d3 / date-entity :month 1) :op2 (d4 / date-entity :month 10)))) (u / up-02 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (i2 / import-01)) :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity :value 19) :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 50380000000 :unit (d / dollar))) (a2 / and :op1 (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (m2 / magazine :wiki "Newsweek" :name (n / name :op1 "Newsweek")) :ARG1 (r / rate :mod (n3 / new) :mod (a4 / advertise-01) :time (d / date-entity :year 1990))) :op2 (s / say-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (i / introduce-02 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (p3 / plan :mod (n4 / new) :ARG0-of (i2 / incentivize-01 :ARG1 (c2 / company :ARG0-of (a3 / advertise-01)))))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (t3 / try-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (k2 / keep-up-05 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (m / magazine :wiki "Time_(magazine)" :name (t / name :op1 "Time") :ARG1-of (r2 / rival-01 :ARG0 m2)))))) (p3 / plan :domain (p4 / plan :mod (n2 / new) :mod (a / advertise-01) :source (m / magazine :wiki "Newsweek" :name (n / name :op1 "Newsweek") :part-of (c2 / company :wiki "The_Washington_Post" :name (w / name :op1 "Washington" :op2 "Post" :op3 "Co.")))) :ARG1-of (o / offer-01 :ARG0 m :ARG3 (c3 / company :ARG0-of (a2 / advertise-01))) :ARG0-of (i2 / incentivize-01) :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 2 :range (t / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (y / year)))) (a2 / and :op1 (b / become-01 :ARG1 (p2 / plan :ARG0-of (g / give-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (d / discount-01)) :ARG2 (c7 / company :ARG0-of (a3 / advertise-01)) :ARG1-of (c8 / cause-01 :ARG0 (o / or :op1 (m2 / maintain-01 :ARG0 c7 :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity :ARG3-of (s / spend-01 :ARG0 c7 :ARG1 (a4 / advertise-01)))) :op2 (i / increase-01 :ARG0 c7 :ARG1 m3))))) :ARG2 (f2 / fixture :mod (p3 / permanent) :prep-at (m4 / magazine :mod (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG3 (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (w / week))) :mod (n2 / news)))) :op2 (u2 / underscore-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (c2 / compete-02 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (m5 / magazine :wiki "Newsweek" :name (n / name :op1 "Newsweek")) :op2 (m6 / magazine :wiki "Time_(magazine)" :name (t2 / name :op1 "Time" :op2 "Magazine") :poss (c / company :wiki "Time_Warner" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Time" :op2 "Warner" :op3 "Inc."))) :op3 (m7 / magazine :wiki "U.S._News_&_World_Report" :name (u / name :op1 "U.S." :op2 "News" :op3 "&" :op4 "World" :op5 "Report") :poss (p / person :wiki "Mortimer_Zuckerman" :name (m / name :op1 "Mortimer" :op2 "B." :op3 "Zuckerman")))) :manner (f / fierce)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (a / name :op1 "Alan" :op2 "Spoon") :ARG1-of (n2 / name-03 :ARG2 (p3 / president :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (m / magazine :wiki "Newsweek" :name (n / name :op1 "Newsweek")))) :time (r / recent))) :ARG1 (i / increase-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (r2 / rate :mod (a2 / advertise-01) :poss m) :ARG2 (p2 / percentage-entity :value 5) :time (d / date-entity :month 1))) (c / cost-01 :ARG1 (p / page :mod (c2 / color :quant 4) :mod (f / full) :part-of (m2 / magazine :wiki "Newsweek" :name (n / name :op1 "Newsweek"))) :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity :quant 100980 :unit (d / dollar))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (m2 / many :ARG0-of (s / sense-01 :ARG1 (u / urgency) :time (w / watch-01 :ARG0 m2 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :manner-of (d / develop-02 :ARG0 (t / thing))) :manner (q / quiet-04 :ARG1 m2)))) :snt2 (d2 / dragon :domain (y / you) :ARG0-of (c / coil-01)) :snt3 (t2 / tiger :domain (y2 / you) :ARG0-of (c2 / crouch-01)) :snt4 (a / admire-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / patriot :ARG0-of (m3 / mind-04 :mod (n / noble))))) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (g / give-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (h / history) :ARG1 (l / lesson :quant (m / many :degree (t / too))) :ARG2 (w / we)) :snt2 (a / and :op1 530 :op2 412 :op2 64)) (l / look-01) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (s / suffer-01 :ARG0 (p / person :mod (o2 / ordinary))) :snt2 (f / fish :ARG1-of (s2 / salt-01) :mod (s3 / still) :domain f2 :concession (e / even-if :op1 (t / turn-01 :ARG1 (b / body :poss (f2 / fish :ARG1-of (s4 / salt-01))) :direction (o3 / over))))) (o / or :op1 (c / call-01 :ARG1 (p / person) :ARG2 (s / slave :poss (f / foreign))) :op2 (a / accuse-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (r / revere-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t / thing :mod (f3 / foreign))) :op2 (f2 / fascinate-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 p))) :condition (a3 / and :op1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (v / view-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1-of (d / differ-02 :degree (s3 / somewhat) :compared-to (v2 / view-02 :mod (t2 / tradition))))) :op2 (c2 / criticize-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02 :degree (s4 / slight)))) :topic (f4 / free-04 :ARG3 (s5 / slash :op1 (s2 / speak-01) :op2 (t3 / think-01)))) (c / consider-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :domain (t2 / they) :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :mod (m / more) :mod (t4 / tyrannize-01 :ARG2 (c3 / culture) :ARG1-of (c4 / cloak-01 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (n / nationalism) :op2 (p / patriotism))))) (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / achieve-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (r / result-01 :ARG2 (d2 / defeat-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s / soldier :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (e2 / enemy))) :manner (f3 / fight-01 :polarity - :ARG0 c)))) :ARG1 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (f / force-04) :ARG2 (d / deal-01 :ARG0 c :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :time (n4 / no-longer) :mod (i / in-fact))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (i / intense-02 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (a / article) :degree (t / too)) :snt2 (g / good :mode interrogative :degree (s / so) :domain (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (a / assume-02 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 y :ARG1 (e / exist-01 :ARG1 t2) :condition (a2 / and :op1 (s / see-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (e2 / eye :part-of (y / you)) :ARG1 (t2 / thing)) :op2 (h / hear-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (e3 / ear :part-of y) :ARG1 t2))) :snt2 (c / create-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant 3) :ARG1 (t / tiger))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (a / and :op1 (p / pass-by-17 :mod (j / just)) :op2 (l / look-01)) :snt2 (e / express-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (o / opine-01 :ARG0 i)))) (c / come-01 :purpose (a / and :op1 (s / study-01) :op2 (l / learn-01))) (a2 / attract-01 :degree (v / very)) (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a / advocate-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :manner (v / vigorous))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (f / forget-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / person :mod (s / some)) :ARG1 (p2 / person :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :domain p)) :snt2 (c2 / compel-01 :ARG0 (s2 / sense-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (r / righteousness)) :ARG1 (i / i) :condition (n / need-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country) :ARG1 i))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / hate-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / person :mod (t3 / that) :ARG0-of (e2 / eat-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :mod (d2 / dog :mod (t / that)) :ARG0-of (d / drink-01 :ARG1 t2) :ARG0-of (s / say-01 :ARG1 (w / whatever :degree (s2 / so) :domain (c4 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "America"))) :ARG1-of (c5 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 e2 :op2 d)))) :mod (e / especially) :mod (r / really)) :snt2 (g / go-05 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (f / find-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (l / legitimate-02 :polarity -) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 y :ARG2 (f2 / father)))) :condition (g2 / good :degree (s3 / so) :domain (c6 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "America"))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (f / feel-02 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (l / learn-01 :ARG0 (p / people :poss (w / we)) :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n3 / name :op1 "DPRK")) :quant (m / more))) :op2 (n / need-01 :ARG1 (h / hold-01 :ARG1 (b / banner :poss (s / socialism)))))) :ARG2 (p3 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (f2 / forget-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (t2 / think-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Mao_Zedong" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mao" :op2 "Zedong"))))))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / save-02 :ARG0 (t / thing :mod (o / only) :ARG1-of (t2 / think-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki "Mao_Zedong" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mao" :op2 "Zedong")))) :ARG1 (n / nation))) (p / person :quant (m / many :degree (t2 / too)) :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / line :domain (p / patriotism) :mod (b / bottom)) :snt2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG0 (e / everyone) :ARG1 (p2 / prove-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (d / deserve-01 :ARG0 e :ARG1 (n / nation))))) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (e / elite :polarity - :mod (t2 / that)) :ARG2 (b / bribe-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG1-of (c2 / corrupt-01) :quant (s / some) :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (o / official)))))) (r / remove-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (g / group :mod (t / this) :consist-of (j / jerk))) (l / look-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :mod (j / just)) (n / need-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (v / vigilant) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (p / person :quant (m / many :degree (s / so)) :time (h / history :poss (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG0-of (b / betray-01)))) (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (w / we) :ARG2 (p / prevent-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (r / run-02) :mod (d / dog) :ARG0-of (b / betray-01)) :ARG2 (c3 / collude-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (i / imperialism :mod (w4 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n3 / name :op1 "West"))))) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (c2 / chaos :location (a2 / and :op1 (w2 / world-region :wiki "East_Africa" :name (n / name :op1 "East" :op2 "Africa")) :op2 (w3 / world-region :wiki "North_Africa" :name (n2 / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Africa"))))) :mod (a / also)) (m3 / multi-sentence :snt1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 (e / everything) :ARG1 (n / number :ARG1-of (s / set-16) :poss e)) :snt2 (t / time :polarity - :time-of (c / change-01 :ARG1 (w / weather) :location (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :snt3 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / bark-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (b2 / betray-01)) :manner (m / mad-02) :mod (o / only) :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 :ARG2 (d3 / dog))) :op2 (e2 / else :mod (n3 / nothing)))) :snt4 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (d2 / disappoint-01 :ARG1 (t2 / they) :mod (o2 / only)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt2 (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (w / world)) :snt3 (i / intend-01 :ARG0 (h / heaven) :ARG1 (t / this)) :snt1 (c / come-01 :ARG1 (p / person) :ARG3 (d / direction :quant (a / all)) :ARG4 (c2 / court :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :time (b / before :op1 (l2 / long :polarity -)))) (f / follow-02 :manner (i / interest-01)) (a / and :op1 (s / specialize-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China") :ARG1-of (m / modern-02)) :ARG1 (t2 / this) :mod (j2 / just)) :op2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (n / nothing)))) (i / include-91 :ARG1 (p / person :quant (m / many :degree (t2 / too)) :ARG0-of (b / betray-01)) :ARG2 (c / compatriot :poss (w / we))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (r / relative :domain (f / free-04 :ARG3 (s2 / speak-01))) :snt2 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (a2 / account-00 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (c / condition :mod (n2 / nation))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (f / free-04 :ARG3 (s5 / slash :op1 (s4 / speak-01) :op2 (t3 / think-01))) :snt2 (o / or :op1 (c / call-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (s3 / slave :poss (f2 / foreign))) :op2 (a2 / accuse-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 (r / revere-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :mod (f3 / foreign))) :op2 (f4 / fascinate-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 p2))) :condition (a3 / and :op1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person) :ARG1 (v3 / view-02 :ARG1-of (d / differ-02 :ARG1 (v2 / view-02 :mod (t / tradition)) :degree (s / somewhat)))) :op2 (p / put-00 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (c2 / criticize-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02 :degree (s2 / slight))))))) (l / like-02 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / ask-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p4 / person :domain (p2 / person :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 :ARG2 (p3 / person :mod (t2 / that) :ARG1-of (m / mention-01 :location (a3 / above))))) :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (d / dad))) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (s / say-01 :ARG1 (t / this))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt2 (o2 / obligate-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (e / enter-01 :ARG1 (g3 / group))) :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 (a5 / adhere-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG2 (s2 / system :location g3)) :op2 (p / patriotic :domain p3) :op3 (m3 / modify-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (c2 / card :mod (g4 / group) :mod (b2 / business) :poss p3) :ARG2 (c3 / consistent-01 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (f2 / format :poss (p5 / person :mod (o3 / other))))))) :snt3 (p2 / permit-01 :ARG0 (g2 / group :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (e2 / enter-01 :ARG0 (m2 / male) :ARG1 g2) :mod (o / only) :ARG0-of (c8 / cause-01 :ARG1 (a / ask-02 :ARG0 (w3 / we) :ARG1 (l / leave-11 :polite + :ARG0 y2 :ARG1-of (v / volunteer-01 :ARG0 y2)) :ARG2 (y2 / you) :ARG1-of (h / have-condition-91 :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (c / conform-01 :polarity - :ARG1 y2) :op2 (a3 / ally-01 :polarity - :ARG1 y2 :ARG2 w3) :op3 (f / follow-02 :polarity - :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 (s / system :location g2))))))) :snt1 (s5 / say-01 :ARG1 (w / welcome-01 :ARG0 (w2 / we) :ARG1 f4 :ARG2 (j / join-01 :ARG0 f4 :ARG1 (o4 / organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Military" :op2 "Fans'" :op3 "Alliance")) :location (g5 / group :mod (q2 / qq :mod 181729561)))) :ARG2 (f4 / fan :topic (a8 / affair :mod (m5 / military)) :ARG1-of (f3 / fascinate-01 :ARG0 (a6 / and :op1 (a7 / armament) :op2 (q / quality :mod (c4 / clothing :mod (m4 / military))))) :ARG0-of (w4 / want-01 :ARG1 (b3 / become-01 :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (s4 / soldier)) :ARG1-of (c7 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (s3 / succeed-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 b3 :ARG1-of (c6 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / reason :mod (v2 / various))))))))) (a / and :op1 (s / support-01) :op2 (b / bump-02)) (d / descend-01 :ARG0 (w / we :quant (a / all)) :source (a2 / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Yan_Emperor" :name (n / name :op1 "Yan") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (e / emperor))) :op2 (p2 / person :wiki "Murong_Huang" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Huang") :ARG0-of h)) :time (m / moment :ARG1-of (c / critical-02))) (a / and :op1 (l / look-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (p / political-party :wiki "Kuomintang" :name (n / name :op1 "Kuomintang")) :ARG1 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Communist_Party_of_China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Communist")) :time (y2 / year :mod (t / that)))) :op2 (k / know-01 :ARG0 y)) (i / influence-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (c / create-01 :ARG1 (r / ruckus)) :ARG2 (c2 / cooperate-01 :ARG1 (e / everybody) :time (w / war)) :time (y / year :mod (p / peaceful))) (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (c / compete-01 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (a / article :source (e / event :wiki "Cultural_Revolution" :name (n / name :op1 "Cultural" :op2 "Revolution"))) :manner (m / magnify-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (p / problem) :purpose (b / become-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (q / question :topic (o / or :op1 (p2 / principle) :op2 (l / line :mod (i2 / ideology)))))) :manner (b2 / button-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (h / hat)))) (t / terrify-01 :ARG0 (c / column :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 5)) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG1-of (i / interest-01 :ARG2 (p2 / political-party :wiki "Communist_Party_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Communist" :op2 "Party")) :ARG2-of (v / vest-01))) :mod (t2 / thing :mod (g / good))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (h3 / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (f2 / first :compared-to (a2 / all) :domain (c2 / culture :poss p :mod (n3 / nation) :ARG0-of (h2 / have-03) :poss-of (t2 / tool :domain (a / and :op1 (l2 / language) :op2 (w2 / write-01))))) :ARG2 (w / want-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (d / destroy-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (p / people)))) :snt2 (o / obligate-01 :ARG1 (t / test-01 :ARG1 (o2 / or :op1 (e / everyone :ARG1-of (g / go-01 :ARG4 (g2 / grade :mod (n2 / next)))) :op2 (e3 / everyone :ARG0-of (e2 / enter-01 :ARG1 (s / school :mod (h / high :degree (m2 / more))))) :quant (a3 / all)) :ARG2 (l / language :wiki "English_language" :name (n / name :op1 "English")) :time (c / current)))) (t / turn-01) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (a / and :op1 (d / dragon :ARG1-of (c2 / coil-01) :domain (y2 / you)) :op2 (t / tiger :ARG0-of (c3 / crouch-01) :domain y2)) :snt2 (s2 / sense-02 :ARG1 (i / it)) :snt3 (w / wait-01 :mode imperative :ARG1 (y / you) :ARG2 (o / opportunity))) (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r2 / reach-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (r / result-01 :ARG2 (d2 / defeat-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (s / soldier :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (e / enemy))) :manner (f3 / fight-01 :polarity - :ARG0 c)))) :ARG1 (n / need-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (f / force-04) :ARG2 (d / deal-01 :ARG0 c :ARG2 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :time (n4 / no-longer) :mod (i / in-fact))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (y / yes) :snt2 (s / slave :quant (m2 / many) :poss (f / foreign)) :snt3 (t / time :time-of (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (r2 / renovate-01 :ARG0 (w / we))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a2 / attend-02 :ARG0 (a12 / authority :ARG0-of (r2 / rule-03)) :ARG1 (p / person :ARG0-of (c11 / capitulate-01) :ARG0-of (b2 / betray-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :mod (k2 / kind :mod (t7 / this)))) :mod (a4 / actual)) :snt2 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Deng_Xiaoping" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Deng" :op2 "Xiaoping") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 :ARG2 (c3 / comrade))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (o2 / overthrow-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (p3 / political-party :wiki "Communist_Party_of_China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Communist" :op2 "Party"))) :op2 (b / bring-down-03 :ARG1 p3 :source p3 :condition (f / fall-05 :ARG1 p3))) :time (o / once)) :snt3 (a13 / and :op1 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (p6 / person :wiki "Jon_Huntsman,_Jr." :name (n5 / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Huntsman") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "US")) :ARG2 (a5 / ambassador) :location (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n6 / name :op1 "China")) :time (f2 / former))) :ARG1 (a6 / and :op1 (r3 / raise-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (s7 / spokesperson :quant 800000 :location c5)) :op2 (t3 / topple-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (p5 / person :mod c5) :ARG1 c5)) :time (o3 / once) :medium (s3 / speech :location c)) :op2 (a7 / and :op1 (u3 / use-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki "Central_Intelligence_Agency" :name (n10 / name :op1 "CIA")) :ARG1 (s4 / subsidy :mod (r5 / rate-entity-91 :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 8000000 :unit (y / yuan)) :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y2 / year)))) :ARG2 (h / help-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (e2 / elite :mod (d / domestic) :ARG1-of (c10 / call-01 :mod (s6 / so)))) :time (t2 / then)) :op2 (v / vow-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (w2 / want-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a9 / allow-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (a8 / and :op1 (r4 / raise-01 :ARG0 e2 :ARG1 (w3 / wind) :purpose (m3 / make-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (w4 / wave) :location (d2 / domestic))))))))) :snt4 (n7 / need-01 :ARG0 (c9 / citizen) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (a10 / alert-01 :ARG1 c9 :ARG2 (t6 / this)) :op2 (l / let-01 :polarity - :ARG0 c9 :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 (o5 / outsider) :ARG1 (w5 / we)))) :mod (d3 / definite))) (r / reason :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / see-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (s5 / suggest-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :ARG1-of (e3 / expert-01)))) :time (b / before :op1 (n2 / now) :duration (s6 / several :op1 (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d2 / day))))) :op2 (s4 / see-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (d / disciple :poss (p / person :wiki "Wang_Jingwei" :name (n / name :op1 "Wang" :op2 "Jingwei")) :domain p2) :manner (g2 / glimpse-01 :ARG0 i)))))) (a / allow-01 :ARG0 (s / society :mod (w2 / world-region :wiki "Western_world" :name (n / name :op1 "West"))) :ARG1 (s2 / see-01 :ARG0 (p / person :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 (d / dawn-02 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (f / fair :domain (d2 / democracy)) :op2 (j / justice :domain d2))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (s / slow-05 :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (p / politics) :location (d2 / domestic)) :degree (t / too) :mod (t2 / true)) :ARG1 (p4 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a / avoid-01 :ARG1 (c / criticize-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :poss-of (i / ideology :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02 :degree (b2 / bit)))) :ARG1 d)))) :snt2 (p2 / possible-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (b / blame-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (o / other) :ARG2 (t3 / this)))) (p / proper :polarity - :mode interrogative :domain (s / say-01 :ARG1 (b / bribe-01 :ARG1 (s2 / someone)))) (a3 / and :op1 (s / selfish :domain (p / person :quant (a / all))) :op2 (g / gray-02 :ARG1 (r / reality) :frequency (o / often) :mod (a2 / also))) (b / become-01 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (v / view-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person) :ARG1 (a / activity-06 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "ZF")) :ARG1 (p / propaganda) :quant (s / some)) :ARG2 (t / thing :ARG2-of (j / joke-01))) :time (s2 / soon)) (w / wrong-02 :ARG1 (a2 / amr-unknown) :ARG2 (c / criticize-01 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (p / propaganda :time (p2 / previous) :ARG1-of (s / stupefy-01)) :degree (b / bit)) :location (e / environment :mod (t2 / this))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (l / look-over-06 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (a / account-01 :ARG1 (w2 / war-01 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan")) :time (p2 / previous) :ARG1-of (c / call-01 :mod (s / so))) :mod (o / old)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / look-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "North_Korea" :name (n / name :op1 "North" :op2 "Korea") :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 :ARG2 (c2 / country :poss (w / we) :time (b / before :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (m2 / many :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y3 / year)))))))) :snt2 (l2 / look-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y2 / you) :ARG1 (p / propaganda :ARG1-of (r / ridiculous-02) :poss (t / they)))) (a / and :op1 (s / stop-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (d / dream-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :ARG1 (o / occupy-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (w / world :mod (w2 / whole)))) :time (e / ever)) :op2 (p / plan-01 :ARG1 d :manner (c2 / constant))) (m / multi-sentence :snt2 (s / succeed-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "America")) :ARG1 (s2 / set-up-03 :ARG1 (c2 / column :mod (o / ordinal-entity :value 5))) :manner (b / bribe-01 :ARG1 (e / elite :mod (i3 / intellectual) :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) :time (a / already)) :snt1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (f / feel-01) :mod (k / kind) :ARG1-of (i / intense-02 :degree (m2 / more-and-more)) :time (d / day :mod (t / this)))) (a / and :op1 (o / or :op1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (c / consider-02 :ARG0 (p2 / person :mod (t / this)) :ARG1 p2 :ARG2 (c2 / celebrity :mod (c3 / culture)))) :op2 (p3 / possible-01 :ARG1 (h / have-03 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / authority :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02)) :op2 (p4 / position :mod (i / important)))))) :op2 (d / distribute-01 :ARG1 p2 :location (c4 / circle :mod (v / various) :location (s / society))) :op3 (t2 / take-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (p5 / pain :degree (g / great)) :purpose (a4 / and :op1 (p6 / promote-02 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (v2 / value :mod (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n2 / name :op1 "America")))) :op2 (b / brainwash-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (p7 / person :mod (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :prep-on-behalf-of (p8 / person :mod c5))))) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (i / intensify-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (f / feel-01) :mod (k / kind :mod (t2 / this))) :degree (m3 / more-and-more))) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (r / read-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / part :part-of (b / blog :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Specialist" :op2 "Professor")))) :time (d / day :mod (t / this))) :snt2 (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (o / okay-04 :ARG1 (r2 / read-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i3 / i) :ARG1 (i2 / it))) :ARG2 (s / surprise-01 :ARG0 i2 :ARG1 i3 :degree (r3 / really) :time (a / after :op1 r2)))) (e3 / exemplify-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Zhang" :op2 "Ming") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (u / university :wiki "Renmin_University_of_China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Renmin" :op2 "University")) :ARG2 (a2 / assistant-professor))) :ARG1 (o / obvious-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (i / intend-01 :ARG0 (b2 / blog :ARG1-of (i3 / include-91 :ARG2 (b / blog :poss p2)) :quant (m / many))) :mod (p3 / politics)) :degree (e2 / extreme))) (e3 / exemplify-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (a2 / attribute-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG1 (p6 / prevail-02 :ARG1 (h2 / hostile) :location (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))))) :ARG2 (h3 / have-03 :ARG0 (t / textbook :mod (s / school :mod (e / elementary))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Wang" :op2 "Erxiao"))) :medium (b2 / blog :quant 1)) :op2 (d / disparage-01 :ARG0 h :ARG1 (a3 / article :mod (g / good) :ARG0-of (p3 / promote-01 :ARG1 (p4 / patriotism))) :consist-of (v / value-01 :polarity - :ARG1 a3 :ARG2 (p5 / penny :mod (e2 / even)))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (e / exemplify-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Li_Yinhe" :name (n / name :op1 "Li" :op2 "Yinhe") :mod (s / sexologist :ARG1-of (c / call-01 :mod (s3 / so))) :mod (a2 / activist :mod (s2 / social) :ARG1-of c)) :mod (a3 / another)) :snt2 (r / resemble-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (s4 / stuff :poss (s6 / she)) :ARG2 (t / thing :example (t2 / treatise :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Haite" :op2 "Sexology" :op3 "Report"))) :li (x / 1)) :snt3 (t3 / think-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (s7 / she) :ARG1-of (d / deep-02) :li (x2 / 2)) :snt4 (c2 / contribute-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (s8 / she) :ARG1-of (s5 / significant-02) :li (x3 / 3))) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt2 (c3 / clown :domain (s / she) :ARG0-of (j / jump-03) :ARG1-of (p / pure-02)) :snt1 (r / rely-01 :ARG0 (s4 / she) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (d / do-02 :ARG1 (s3 / something :mod (n / novel) :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02))) :op2 (v / viewpoint :ARG0-of (s2 / shock-01))) :ARG2 (a4 / attract-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (e / eye :part-of (p2 / person))) :mod (m / main) :manner (o / or :polarity - :op1 (c / capable-01 :ARG1 s4 :mod (r2 / real)) :op2 (l / learn-01 :ARG0 s4) :ARG2-of (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 r)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (p / put-on-08 :ARG0 (p2 / person :mod (k / kind :mod (t / this))) :ARG1 (h / hat :mod (p6 / person :ARG0-of (s / specialize-01 :mod (b / big)))) :purpose (i / intimidate-01 :ARG0 p2 :ARG1 (p3 / person) :mod (j / just))) :snt2 (k2 / key-02 :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (h2 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :polarity - :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (p5 / politics) :mod (y / yet)) :ARG2 (c2 / concern-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 s2)) :op2 (h3 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (a / arrogance :domain s2) :op2 (o / overbearing :domain s2)) :ARG2 (w / will-02 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (s3 / slave :beneficiary (f / foreign) :domain s2))) :op3 (h4 / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (f2 / feel-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (f3 / fine-04 :ARG1 s2)) :ARG2 (i2 / ignorant-02 :ARG1 (s2 / she)))))) (e2 / exemplify-01 :ARG0 (d / denigrate-01 :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / struggle-01 :mod (c2 / class)) :op2 (d2 / drive-04 :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (p2 / pornography) :op2 (p3 / publication :mod (l2 / law :polarity -)))))) :ARG2 (h / hostility :mod (s3 / social)) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) :medium (e / essay :ARG1-of (t / title-01 :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 (h2 / hostility :quant (l / less :degree (b / bit))) :op2 (h3 / harmony :quant (m / more :degree (b2 / bit)))))))) (a / attribute-01 :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG1 (w / worship-01 :ARG0 (s2 / society :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (m / money)) :ARG2 (a2 / atheism) :medium (e / essay :ARG1-of (t / title-01 :ARG2 (b / become-01 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (c2 / country :ARG0-of (w2 / worship-01 :ARG1 (m2 / money) :degree (m3 / most :compared-to (e2 / earth)))) :time (a3 / already))))) (b2 / blather-00 :ARG0 (s2 / she) :ARG1 (b / become-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / study-01 :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Paul")))) :ARG2 (t2 / terrorist)) :medium (e / essay :ARG1-of (t / title-01 :ARG2 (s / study-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (o / or :op1 p3 :op2 (p4 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Bill"))))))) (a / and :op1 (t / take-04 :ARG0 (s2 / she) :ARG1 (p / publish-01 :ARG0 (c / citizen) :ARG1 (n / novel :mod (p2 / pornographic))) :ARG2 (f / free-04 :ARG3 (s3 / speak-01))) :op2 (s / say-01 :ARG0 s2 :ARG1 (b2 / behave-01 :ARG0 (d / drive-04 :ARG0 (c2 / city :wiki "Beijing" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Beijing")) :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 :ARG1 (p6 / pornography))) :ARG1 (c7 / constitution :polarity -))) :medium (e / essay :ARG1-of (t3 / title-01 :ARG2 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (e2 / establish-01 :ARG1 (c5 / court :mod (c6 / constitutional)) :purpose (s4 / solve-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 (p3 / problem :topic (p7 / product :mod (p5 / pornography))))))))) (a / and :op1 (c / cry-01 :ARG0 (s / she) :ARG1 (p / person :quant (s3 / several) :ARG2-of (d / deal-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :wiki "Government_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Beijing" :op2 "City"))) :ARG2-of (s2 / suspect-01 :ARG1 (i / involve-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (a3 / activity-06 :ARG1 (b / business :mod (e / erotic)))))) :mod (a2 / again :mod (o / once)) :manner (f / foul)) :op2 (d2 / detail-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (l2 / list :consist-of (p6 / product :mod (e2 / erotic))) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0-of (i2 / intend-01 :ARG1 (p3 / publicize-01 :beneficiary (p4 / person :mod (o2 / other))) :ARG1-of (d3 / deep-02 :degree (m / more))))) :medium (m2 / masterpiece :time (t / today) :mod (e3 / especially) :ARG1-of (t2 / title-01 :ARG2 (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a5 / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (v / value-01 :ARG1 (a4 / attend-02 :ARG1 (c5 / case-03 :wiki - :ARG1 (g / good :mod (o3 / obscene)) :name (n2 / name :op1 "Jianghe")) :mod (c4 / close :degree (s4 / such)))))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (p2 / preposterous :degree (r / really) :domain (p / put-01 :ARG0 (b / blog :wiki "Sina_Weibo" :name (n / name :op1 "Sina")) :ARG1 (a / article :mod (k / kind :mod (t / this)) :mod (j / jerky)) :ARG2 (t2 / top) :manner (a2 / actual)))) (p3 / poet :wiki "Liu_Shahe" :name (n / name :op1 "Liu" :op2 "Shahe") :mod (a3 / also) :mod (p5 / province :wiki "Sichuan" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Shichuan")) :ARG0-of (c7 / come-out-09 :ARG1 (f3 / fallacy :mod (f4 / friendly-01 :ARG1 c3 :ARG2 c5)) :mod (a4 / actual) :time (a / and :op1 (e / engage-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n4 / name :op1 "America")) :ARG2 (c / contain-00 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 c3) :ARG1-of (c4 / clear-06 :ARG2 (e2 / eye)) :manner (s / swell-01 :ARG1 (g / gall :part-of c5))) :op2 (f2 / feel-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :poss (n2 / nation :mod (w2 / whole))) :ARG1 (i / indignant)))) :ARG0-of (t / try-01 :ARG1 (p / pour-01 :ARG1 (s2 / soup :ARG0-of (c2 / confuse-01 :ARG1 (s3 / spirit))) :ARG3 (p2 / people :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :manner (f / fear-01 :polarity - :ARG0 p3) :ARG1-of (w3 / will-02 :ARG0 p3)) :time e)) (p / person :wiki "Yi_Zhongtian" :name (n / name :op1 "Yi" :op2 "Zhongtian") :ARG1-of (g2 / get-03 :ARG2 (f / fame-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (r2 / remark-01 :ARG0 p :topic (c2 / country :quant 3)))) :ARG1-of (r / respect-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :time (a / always) :ARG1-of (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (e / expect-01 :polarity - :ARG0 i :ARG1 (s / support-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Mao_Yushi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Mao" :op2 "Yushi") :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :mod (b2 / big))) :mod (a3 / actual) :manner (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (t3 / thing :quant (s3 / some) :example (b3 / believe-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (h / human :polarity - :domain (w / whoever :ARG0-of (d / disrespect-01 :ARG1 p2))))) :ARG0-of (m2 / make-02 :ARG1 (d2 / drop-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (g / glasses :poss i) :degree (m / much :degree (v / very))) :mod (a4 / again :mod (o / once))))))) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (t / talent :poss p) :op2 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (l / learn-01 :ARG0 p)))))) (f / feel-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / ardent :domain (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (s / segment-01 :ARG1 (e / elite :mod (i3 / intellectual) :location (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1-of (b / become-01 :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (b4 / betray-01)))) :ARG1-of (i2 / increase-01)) :op2 (b2 / become-01 :ARG1 t2 :ARG2 (a4 / and :op1 (w / willful) :op2 (f2 / fear-01 :polarity - :ARG0 t2)) :time (a5 / already)) :degree (h / harm-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (c2 / country) :ARG1-of (p2 / public-02))) :mod (a / also) :topic (r / rumor-01 :ARG1 (n / note :topic (c3 / celebrity :quant 100 :mod c :ARG0-of (a6 / accept-01 :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG1-of (c5 / contribute-01 :ARG0 (o / organization :wiki "Ford_Foundation" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ford" :op2 "Foundation")) :mod (p3 / politics))))) :ARG1-of (c4 / complete-02)) :medium (i4 / internet) :time (b3 / before :op1 (n4 / now) :quant (s2 / short)))) (c5 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (u / understand-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (t3 / thing :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c2 / curb-01 :ARG0 (n / no-one) :ARG1 p) :op2 (p2 / possible-01 :ARG1 (c3 / continue-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p5 / position-01 :ARG1 p :ARG1-of (h / high-02) :time-of (a3 / and :op1 (c4 / call-02 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (w / wind)) :op2 (r2 / rouse-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (r3 / rain)) :location (a / and :op1 (i2 / intelligentsia) :op2 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (o / opine-01 :ARG0 (p4 / public))))))) :mod (m2 / moreover))))) :time (r4 / remark-01 :ARG0 (p / person :mod (t2 / this)) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG0-of (b / betray-01)) :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02)))) (f / feel-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s2 / sink-01 :ARG0 (p4 / part :part-of (e / elite :mod (i2 / intellectual))) :accompanier (p3 / personality :mod (m / media)))) :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (c / contact-01 :ARG1 (n / newspaper :location (s / south) :mod (f2 / fierce :duration (t / temporary) :time (b / before :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (w / while :mod (s3 / short)))))))) (r / remember-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w3 / war-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :mod (j / just) :time (b / before :op1 (n4 / now) :quant (m / more-than :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 60 :unit (y / year))))) :op2 (t2 / threaten-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (w2 / weapon :mod (n / nucleus))) :ARG2 c2 :mod (s2 / still)))) (e / enter-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "Vietnam" :name (n / name :op1 "Vietnam")) :time (b / before :op1 (n4 / now) :quant (m / more-than :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 40 :unit (y / year)))) :purpose (c3 / contain-00 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s / start-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (i2 / impose-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (t6 / thing :ARG2-of (s2 / sanction-02)) :ARG2 c) :mod (a3 / again) :time (b6 / before :op1 (n7 / now) :quant (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 22 :unit (y2 / year)))) :op2 (b / bomb-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (e2 / embassy :mod c) :time (b5 / before :op1 (n6 / now) :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity :quant 12 :unit (y3 / year)))) :op3 (c3 / collide-01 :location (s3 / sea :wiki "South_China_Sea" :name (n / name :op1 "South" :op2 "China" :op3 "Sea")) :time (b4 / before :op1 (n5 / now) :quant (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y4 / year)))) :op4 (r2 / restart-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (c2 / contain-00 :ARG0 i :ARG1 c :manner (f / fanfare :mod (g / great :degree (m / more)))) :time (b3 / before :op1 (n4 / now) :quant (t5 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (y5 / year))))) :ARG2 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 (i / it) :ARG1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 i :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :time (b2 / before :op1 (n3 / now) :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant 32 :unit (y / year))))) (u / understand-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 :ARG1 (f / forget-01 :ARG0 (w / we :mod (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :degree (s / so))))) (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (p / person :quant (m / many :degree (s2 / so)) :ARG0-of (i / ignore-01 :ARG1 (c3 / conscience :poss p)) :ARG0-of (s / speak-01 :prep-on-behalf-of (c2 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US"))) :mod (s3 / still))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (i / improve-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (p / person) :ARG1 (c2 / capable-01 :ARG1 p :ARG2 (r / remember-01 :ARG0 p)) :manner (l / lose-02 :polarity - :ARG0 p :mod (b / big))) :snt2 (w / weak-02 :ARG1 (w2 / we :mod (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2 (t / this) :mod (g / great :degree (m2 / most)) :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))) (i / infer-01 :ARG1 (s / stand-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r2 / rampage-01 :ARG0 (f / force :poss (p / person :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))))) :op2 (r3 / run-01 :ARG1 (c2 / column :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 5)) :manner (r4 / rampant))) :prep-to (r / reason-01) :mod (a / also))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (p / possible-01 :mod (e / entire)) :snt2 (r / raise-03 :mode interrogative :polarity - :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s / study-01 :location (s2 / school :mod (p3 / primary)))))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (p / possible-01 :mod (e / entire)) :snt2 (r / raise-03 :mode interrogative :polarity - :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (b / betray-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1-of (i / include-91 :ARG2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (s / study-01 :location (s2 / school :mod (p3 / primary)))))))) (a / and :op1 (p / pass-03 :mod (j / just) :path (t2 / through)) :op2 (l / look-01)) (p / pass-03 :path (t / through)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (s5 / say-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a2 / astonish-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s / say-01 :ARG0 p2)) :degree (q / quite)) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Zhengqing"))) :snt2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s2 / suspect-01 :ARG1 (f2 / fragment :mod (b / bone :polarity - :degree (s3 / so) :ARG1-of (b2 / bare-02)))) :concession (e2 / even-if :op1 (c / column :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity :value 5) :domain f2))) :snt3 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a3 / allow-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (t5 / thing :ARG1-of (o4 / opine-01 :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02))))) :snt4 (d / differ-02 :ARG1 (t2 / time) :mod (r2 / really)) :snt5 (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (b3 / benefit-01 :polarity - :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2 (o2 / or :op1 (d3 / democracy) :op2 (p3 / pan-Occidentalism))) :snt6 (f / fear-01 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you)) :snt7 (s4 / say-01 :ARG0 (y2 / you) :ARG1 (a4 / amr-unknown))) (m / multi-sentence :snt2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / suspect-01 :ARG1 (f / fragment))) :snt3 (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (b3 / bone :polarity - :ARG1-of (b / bare-02) :domain (t2 / they) :degree (s3 / so)) :ARG2 (e / even-if :op1 (c2 / column :domain t2 :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 5)))) :snt1 (s4 / say-01 :ARG1 (a2 / astonish-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 p2)) :degree (q / quite)) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Mr." :op2 "Zhengqing")))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (e / exist-01 :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (o / opine-01) :ARG1-of (d / differ-02))))) :snt2 (d2 / differ-02 :ARG1 (t / time) :degree (r2 / really)) :snt4 (f / fear-01 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you)) :snt5 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (y2 / you) :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) :snt3 (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (b2 / benefit-01 :polarity - :ARG0 o3 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2 (o3 / or :op1 (d4 / democracy) :op2 (p / pan-occidentalism)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (p2 / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (s2 / survive-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Japan") :mod (l2 / little) :ARG1-of (b2 / bear-02 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 (f / feces :mod (d2 / dog)) :op2 (e / economy :mod (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "US")) :ARG1-of (d3 / die-01)))))) :mod (a3 / almost)) :snt2 (p3 / prepare-02 :ARG0 (t / they) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s / start-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (w / war)) :op2 (p / pass-on-09 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (d / debt) :ARG2 (o / other))))) (p / possible-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t2 / thing :wiki "Doctrine_of_the_Mean" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Doctrine" :op2 "of" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mean") :degree (s / so) :domain (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) (p / pay-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG2-of (p2 / price-01 :ARG0-of (p3 / pain-01))) :condition (v / value-02 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (m / make-18 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (p4 / peace) :prep-with (w2 / wolf)) :degree (g / great))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / let-00 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (p / power :mod (v / various)) :ARG1 (w / we) :condition (a / act-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (t / turtle))) :snt2 (t2 / time :time-of (a2 / abolish-01 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (t3 / troupe :mod (c / culture)) :op2 (t4 / team :mod (s / sport))))) :snt3 (u2 / use-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (f / fund) :ARG2 (l2 / line :mod (d / defense) :mod (f2 / front)))) (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (a3 / accomplish-01 :ARG0 (n / nation :mod (s / sport) :mod (a2 / art) :mod (g / great)) :ARG1 (a4 / amr-unknown)) :condition (l / look-01 :ARG1 (s2 / sea :location (t / territory) :prep-with (s3 / smoke :source (f / fire :mod (b / beacon)) :location (e / everywhere) :location (u / up))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (t / time :time-of (w2 / wake-up-02)) :snt2 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a / amend-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (t3 / think-01 :manner (w / wrong)) :op2 (p / policy :mod (d / decide-01 :mod (l / level :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (p / put-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (e / effort :poss w) :ARG2 (d / develop-02 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s / science) :op2 (t / technology)))) :ARG2 (w / we)) :snt2 (b / beat-03 :ARG1 (w2 / we) :condition (l / leave-behind-18 :ARG1 w2)) :snt3 (u / use-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity :ARG1-of (e2 / expend-01 :ARG2 (m4 / military)) :ARG1-of (l2 / limit-01)) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op2 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (c2 / commander))) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (s2 / soldier))) :location (l3 / line :mod (f / front))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (i3 / i) :ARG1 (p2 / prove-01 :polite + :ARG0 m :ARG1 w :manner (a / act-02 :ARG0 m) :condition (o / own-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands")))) :ARG2 (m / mister)) (q / quote-01 :ARG2 (t / thing :mod 277703234 :ARG1-of (p / post-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Xiao" :op2 "Jianjia")) :time (d / date-entity :month 9 :day 11 :year 2010 :time "10:10:11" :weekday (s / saturday))))) (t2 / thing :wiki "Doctrine_of_the_Mean" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Doctrine" :op2 "of" :op3 "the" :op4 "Mean") :degree (s / so) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01 :polarity -) :domain (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) (w / worth :domain (p / ponder-01 :ARG1 (t / this) :mod (l / little))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (n / need-01 :ARG1 (p / promote-01 :ARG1 (t / thing :mod (g / good))) :mod (a6 / also)) :snt2 (a / access-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (i / internet :mod (s3 / speed :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 :ARG2 (p3 / product :mod (t2 / technology :mod (l2 / late :degree (m2 / most)))))) :duration (l / lifetime) :ARG1-of (f / free-03) :condition (p2 / purchase-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (r / radar :ARG1-of (f2 / fly-01) :source (f3 / factory)) :mod (o / once) :ARG1-of (d / direct-02))) :snt3 (a4 / and :op1 (c / carry-01 :ARG1-of (e / easy-05)) :op2 (a5 / and :op1 (s / stable-03) :op2 (s4 / speed :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02)) :mod (a7 / also))) :snt4 (p4 / possible-01 :ARG1 (h4 / have-03 :ARG0 (y2 / you) :ARG1 (a2 / access-01 :ARG1 (i3 / internet :mod (s5 / speed :ARG1-of (h3 / high-02))) :ARG1-of (f4 / free-03) :location (w2 / wherever :ARG4-of (g2 / go-02 :ARG0 y2)) :instrument (r2 / radar :ARG1-of (f5 / fly-01) :mod (b / big :degree (e2 / equal) :compared-to (b2 / bowl)))))) :snt5 (k / know-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :ARG1-of (s2 / smart-06)) :ARG1 (t6 / thing :manner-of (e3 / enjoy-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 (l3 / life) :manner (g3 / good :degree (m4 / more)))) :mod (c2 / certain)) :snt6 (a3 / and :op1 (w / wish-01 :ARG0 (i4 / i) :ARG1 (l4 / life :mod (h6 / happy)) :ARG2 (y3 / you)) :op2 (t3 / thank-01 :ARG0 i4 :ARG1 y3 :ARG2 (f6 / finish-up-04 :ARG0 y3 :ARG1 (r3 / read-01 :ARG0 y3)))) :snt7 (c3 / contact-01 :ARG1 (t4 / thing :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Q" :op2 "q" :op3 514194237)))) (a / and :op1 (l2 / love-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China") :poss (w / we))) :op2 (b / boycott-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 y :ARG1 (g / good :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan"))))) (a / and :op1 (c3 / competent-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))))) :op2 (c2 / collapse-01 :ARG1 g :time (o / or :op1 (s / soon :degree (m / more)) :op2 (l / late :degree (m2 / more))))) (a / and :op1 (g / give-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (s / soldier :quant 500000 :mod (e / elite)) :ARG2 (i / i)) :op2 (f / flatten-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n / name :op1 "Japan")) :time (a2 / after :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (t / temporal-quantity :quant "1/2" :unit (y2 / year))))) (s / say-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (n2 / nobody) :ARG1 (w / word :mod (g / good)) :topic c) :op2 (b / bully-01 :ARG0 (o / other) :ARG1 c :mod (a2 / as-usual) :mod (s3 / still)) :concession (t / thing :degree-of (e / exercise-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (f / forbearance)))) :ARG2 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (v / veteran :domain (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG1 (i / i) :ARG2 (h3 / husband)))) :snt2 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (s2 / stand-01 :ARG1 h2 :ARG2 (f / frontline :mod w :mod (v2 / very)) :condition (w / war))) :snt3 (c2 / contrast-01 :ARG1 (d / die-01 :location (f2 / field :mod (w2 / war))) :ARG2 (l / live-01 :manner (d2 / degrade-01)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (o2 / own-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (i / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))) :snt2 (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (s4 / some) :ARG1 (o3 / own-01 :ARG1 t2)) :op2 (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 (s5 / some) :ARG1 (o4 / own-01 :polarity - :ARG1 t2)) :time (n2 / now)) :ARG2 (s / seem-01 :ARG1 (o5 / own-01 :ARG1 (t2 / they)) :mod (u / um :mode expressive))) :snt3 (m2 / mess :degree (b2 / bit)) :snt4 (o / or :op2 (t / talk-01 :mode interrogative :ARG1 (m3 / matter :topic (d / develop-01)) :time (f / first)))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (d / do-02 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (t / this) :mod (a / again :mod (o / once))) :snt2 (l / listen-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :manner (c / careful)) :snt3 (o2 / own-01 :ARG0 (a3 / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))) :snt4 (o3 / own-01 :ARG0 (a4 / amr-unknown)) :snt5 (o4 / own-01 :ARG0 (a5 / amr-unknown))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (o3 / own-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (y / you) :mod (o / oh :mode expressive)) :snt2 (o2 / or :op2 (o4 / own-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (h3 / he))) :snt3 (a / and :op1 (s / say-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y2 / you) :ARG1 (i / it)) :op2 (a2 / and :op1 (h4 / hurry-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 y2) :op2 s) :op3 (s3 / shout-out-03 :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 o5) :op4 (a3 / and :op1 h4 :op2 (s2 / shout-01 :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 (o5 / own-01 :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (a5 / and :op1 (s2 / see-03 :ARG0 (y / you)) :op2 (s / see-03 :ARG0 y) :op3 (s7 / start-01 :ARG0 (t2 / they) :ARG1 (c3 / catch-03 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (p2 / person))) :mod (a / ah :mode expressive)) :snt2 (a2 / and :op1 (r / run-02 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y3 / you) :manner (f / fast)) :op2 (s4 / shout-01 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 y3 :time (a4 / anymore)) :op3 (r2 / run-02 :mode imperative :ARG0 y3) :op4 (b / beat-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 y3 :ARG1 (w / whoever :ARG0-of (s5 / shout-01 :mod (a3 / again)))))) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (s / shout-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (y / you) :manner (l / loud)) :op2 (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (m / matter :mod (t / this)) :manner (g / gentleman))) :ARG2 (a / ask-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (o / own-01 :ARG0 (p / person) :ARG1 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))) :mod (a2 / again))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (l / let-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (e / explain-01 :ARG0 (i2 / i) :ARG1 (e2 / exist-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (i / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands")) :time (e3 / ever)) :degree (b / bit)) :mod (o / oh :mode expressive)) :snt2 (a / and :op1 (m2 / misunderstand-01) :op2 (m3 / misunderstand-01) :op3 (m4 / misunderstand-01) :domain (t / this) :mod (h / heh-heh :mode expressive))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / call-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG2 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Senkaku" :op2 "Islands") :mod (h / heh-heh :mode expressive))) :op2 (c2 / call-01 :ARG1 i :ARG2 i2) :op3 (c3 / call-01 :ARG1 i :ARG2 i2))) :snt2 (c4 / cause-01 :ARG1 (s / seem-01 :ARG1 (e / exist-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (i4 / issue-02 :ARG0 (i3 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))) :time (a3 / anymore)) :mod (g / good) :mod (g2 / good)))) (m2 / multi-sentence :snt1 (c / call-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t / they) :ARG2 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Senkaku" :op2 "Islands")) :mod (j / just)) :snt2 (c2 / cheer :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (s / solve-01 :ARG0 (y3 / you) :ARG1 (m3 / matter :mod (a2 / ah :mode expressive) :ARG1-of (c3 / contrast-01 :ARG2 (m / matter :polarity - :topic (i3 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Diaoyu")))) :topic i2) :manner (w / wise))))) (e / end-01 :ARG1 (i / it) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) :location (a / atmosphere :mod (j / joyful) :mod (h / harmonious) :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01) :mod (p / peaceful))) (s / shout-01 :ARG0 (a2 / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (a6 / and :op1 (g / go-01 :mode imperative :ARG1 y2) :op2 (d / disperse-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 (y2 / you :mod (a4 / all))) :op3 (a / and :op1 (g2 / gather-03 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 (y3 / you)) :op2 (w / watch-01 :polarity - :mode imperative :ARG0 y3) :time (a5 / anymore)) :op4 (c / change-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t / thing :poss-of (n / nature :ARG3-of (d2 / decide-01))) :time (a7 / anymore))) :location (o / outside) :mod (a3 / again)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (g / good :polarity - :domain (t / that)) :snt2 (p / possible-01 :ARG1 (s / speak-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :manner (a / amr-unknown) :manner (t2 / trustworthy :polarity - :mod (s2 / such))) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :domain (w2 / we) :mod (b / big) :ARG1-of (r / responsible-02)))) :snt3 (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (i / importance :ARG0-of (o / override-01) :domain (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (e / economy))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (l / let-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (m3 / matter)) :op2 (m4 / mention-01 :polarity - :ARG0 y :ARG1 m3 :mod (a3 / again))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (a7 / amr-unknown) :ARG1 (l / leave-11 :polarity - :ARG0 (y / you) :mod (s / still))) :snt2 (g / get-05 :mode imperative :ARG0 y2 :ARG1 (y2 / you :quant (a2 / all)) :ARG2 (o / out) :ARG1-of (o3 / okay-01)) :snt3 (g2 / go-01 :mode interrogative :polarity - :ARG1 (y4 / you) :mod (r2 / right)) :snt4 (a3 / and :op1 (c / call-02 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y5 / you) :ARG1 (p5 / phone-number-entity :value 110)) :op2 (h / have-04 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (m2 / move-01 :ARG1 (p / police :mod (p2 / plainclothes)))) :mod (u / uh :mode expressive)) :snt5 (c2 / cause-01 :ARG0 (d / disperse-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (y3 / you) :mod (s3 / still)) :ARG1 (s2 / seem-01 :ARG1 (w / work-09 :polarity - :ARG1 (i4 / it) :condition (g3 / get-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (w2 / weapon :mod (r / real)) :op2 (p3 / police :ARG1-of (a5 / arm-01)) :op3 (a6 / army :mod (s4 / steel))))) :ARG1-of (o4 / okay-01))) :snt6 (p4 / pull-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y6 / you) :ARG1 (m3 / military :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Third" :op2 "Artillery" :op3 "Troops")) :ARG2 (o2 / out) :condition (w3 / work-09 :polarity - :ARG1 (i2 / it)) :mod (c4 / come-on-25 :mode imperative :ARG1 y6)) :snt7 (f / fire-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y7 / you))) (a / and :op1 (s / sweep-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG2 (f / floor)) :op2 (s2 / sweep-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 y :ARG2 f) :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 :ARG0 (c2 / clean-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :time (a2 / about-to) :purpose (w2 / welcome-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 (d / dawn :mod (n / next)))))) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (d / dammit :mode expressive) :snt2 (c / charge-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) :mod (e2 / ethnic-group :wiki "Manchu_people" :name (n / name :op1 "Manchu"))) :mod (s / still) :time (h / hold-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (k / knife :mod (k2 / kitchen)))) :snt3 (n2 / now :domain (a2 / amr-unknown)) :snt4 (o / oh :mode expressive) :snt5 (p / protest-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 (o4 / organization :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "ZF") :poss (w2 / we))) :snt6 (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (p2 / person :polarity - :mod (c2 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Japan")) :mod (o2 / ordinary) :ARG1-of (d2 / damn-01) :ARG0-of (s2 / support-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (i2 / it)))) :snt7 (s3 / say-01 :ARG0 (i3 / i) :ARG1 (h2 / hey) :ARG2 (o5 / organization :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "ZF"))) :snt8 (t3 / time :time-of (w / wake-up-02 :ARG1 (y / you))) :snt9 (m2 / make-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :mod (o3 / ordinary) :quant (a3 / all)) :ARG1 (f / fist))) (a / and :op1 (e / establish-01 :ARG1 (f / fund :ARG1-of (g / guarantee-01))) :op2 (i / improve-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (e2 / environment) :op2 (m / mechanism) :mod (w / work-01))) :op3 (r / recruit-01 :ARG1 (p / professional :quant (m2 / multiple :op1 100000) :ARG0-of (e3 / emigrate-01 :ARG2 (a3 / and :op1 (c / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "States")) :op2 (a4 / around :op1 (w2 / world)))) :mod (i2 / IT) :ARG1-of (l / linger-01 :ARG2 a3)) :destination (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :direction (b / back)) :li (x / 1)) (c / create-01 :ARG1 (g / group :mod (b / battle-01) :quant (f / few) :consist-of (c2 / carrier :mod (a / aircraft) :ARG1-of (p / power-01 :ARG0 (n / nucleus)))) :li (x / 2)) (m / manufacture-01 :ARG1 (a / aircraft :quant 5000 :purpose (c / combat-01) :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02) :mod (k / kind :mod (v / various))) :li (x / 3)) (a / accelerate-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r / research-01 :ARG1 (m / missile :mod (b / ballistic) :mod (s2 / speed :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) :mod (i / intercontinental) :ARG1-of (r2 / range-01 :ARG2 (m2 / more-than :op1 (d / distance-quantity :quant 10000 :unit (m3 / mile :mod (n / nautical))))) :ARG2-of (b2 / break-01 :ARG1 (s / system :mod (d2 / defense :mod (m4 / missile))) :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))) :op2 (d3 / deploy-01 :ARG1 m)) :li (x / 4)) (a / and :op1 (r / resume-01 :ARG1 (e2 / experiment-01 :mod (n / nucleus))) :op2 (e / establish-01 :ARG1 (f / force :mod (m / military)) :location (s / space)) :li (x / 5)) (a / and :op1 (r / retain-01 :ARG1 (b / bomb :quant 1000 :mod (n / nucleus) :ARG1-of (e / equal-01 :ARG2 (t3 / TNT :quant (m / mass-quantity :quant 10000000 :unit (t2 / ton)))))) :op2 (i / install-01 :ARG1 (w / warhead :mod (n3 / nucleus)) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (m2 / missile :ARG1-of (r2 / range-01 :ARG2 (s / short))) :op2 (m3 / missile :ARG1-of (r3 / range-01 :ARG2 (m4 / middle))) :mod (a3 / all)) :time (n4 / need-01)) :li (x / 6)) (r / retain-01 :ARG1 (s / submarine :quant 30 :mod (n / nucleus) :mod (s2 / strategy) :ARG1-of (c / capable-01 :ARG2 (i / inflict-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (s3 / strike-01 :quant 3 :ARG0 s :mod (n2 / nucleus) :ARG0-of (d / devastate-01)) :ARG2 (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 :ARG2 (e / enemy)))))) :li (x / 7)) (a / abandon-03 :ARG1 (c / commit-01 :ARG2 (u / use-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (w / weapon :mod (n / nucleus)) :time (f / first))) :li (x / 8)) (r / retain-01 :ARG1 (r2 / right-05 :ARG2 (s2 / strike-01 :ARG0-of (p / preempt-01))) :time (t / threaten-01 :ARG2 (s / security :mod (n / nation))) :li (x / 9)) (h / have-concession-91 :ARG1 (t / think-01 :mode interrogative :ARG0 y :ARG1 (s / strong-02 :ARG1 (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :degree (v / very) :topic (m3 / money)) :mod (r / really)) :ARG2 (m / matter-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (t2 / time :time-of (o / open-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (m2 / mouth :part-of y))) :degree (m4 / much))) (c / competent-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) :degree (p / point :mod (t / this))) (a / and :op1 (i / invade-01 :mode imperative :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (t / territory :mod (s / sacred) :poss (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 :ARG2 (i2 / island :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" :name (n / name :op1 "Diaoyu" :op2 "Islands"))))) :op2 (o / occupy-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 t) :manner (d / defy-01 :ARG0 y :ARG1 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (o3 / opine-01 :ARG0 (w / world)))) :ARG1-of (o2 / open-04)) (m / multi-sentence :snt1 (c / country :domain (c2 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China") :poss (w3 / we)) :ARG1-of (g / govern-01 :manner (p / protocol))) :snt2 (w / want-01 :polarity - :ARG0 (w2 / we) :ARG1 (b / bother-01 :ARG0 w2 :ARG1 w2 :ARG2 (a / argue-02 :ARG0 w2 :ARG1 (c4 / country :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 :ARG2 (c3 / country :mod (s / small) :mod (t / that))))))) :snt3 (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (i / i) :ARG1 (d / disgust-01 :degree (r / really)) :ARG2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "TMD")))) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p2 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Jierong" :op2 "Zhou") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Shanghai")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :day 31)) (a2 / and :op1 (e2 / end-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Anwar_Ibrahim" :name (n / name :op1 "Anwar") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c7 / country :wiki "Malaysia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Malaysia")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (p2 / prime) :mod (v / vice)))) :ARG1 (v2 / visit-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :time (d / date-entity :dayperiod (a3 / afternoon) :mod (t2 / this))) :op2 (l / leave-11 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c8 / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Shanghai")) :ARG2 (c9 / city :wiki "Tokyo" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Tokyo")))) (a2 / arrive-01 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Anwar_Ibrahim" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Anwar")) :ARG3 (c3 / city :wiki "Nanjing" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Nanjing")) :ARG4 (c4 / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Shanghai")) :time (d / date-entity :dayperiod (a3 / afternoon) :mod (y / yesterday))) (r / represent-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Qizheng" :op2 "Zhao") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Shanghai" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Shanghai")) :ARG2 (m / mayor :mod (v2 / vice)))) :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Huang_Ju" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ju" :op2 "Huang") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (m2 / mayor))) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (m3 / meet-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p4 / person :wiki "Anwar_Ibrahim" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Anwar")) :op2 (d / delegation :poss p4))) :op2 (i / invite-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 a3 :ARG2 (b / banquet))) :time (d2 / date-entity :dayperiod (n3 / night) :mod (l / last))) (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / attend-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Anwar_Ibrahim" :name (n / name :op1 "Anwar")) :ARG1 (c5 / ceremony :topic (l2 / lay-01 :ARG1 (f / foundation :poss (e / enterprise :mod (v / venture :mod (j2 / joint)) :poss (a4 / and :op1 (d / district :wiki "Minhang_District" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Minhang") :location (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))) :op2 (c7 / country :wiki "Malaysia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Malaysia")))))))) :op2 (t2 / tour-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (d2 / district :wiki "Jinqiao" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Jingqiao") :location-of (p4 / process-01 :ARG1 (e2 / export-01)) :location (c / city-district :wiki "Pudong" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Pudong"))) :time (a5 / after :op1 a3)) :time (d3 / date-entity :dayperiod (m / morning) :mod (t / this))) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Beijing" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Beijing")) :time (d / date-entity :month 9 :day 1)) (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "State_Council_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "State" :op2 "Council")) :ARG2 (p / premier))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (a2 / and :op1 (c6 / consistent :domain (p6 / policy :poss (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :prep-toward (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Macao")))) :op2 (f / firm-03 :ARG1 p6) :op3 (c7 / change-01 :polarity - :ARG1 p6)) :op2 (m2 / maintain-01 :ARG0 g2 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (s / stability :poss c) :op2 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 c)) :ARG1-of (a8 / accord-02 :ARG2 (p7 / policy :topic (a4 / and :op1 (c8 / country :quant 1) :op2 (s4 / system :quant 2)))) :ARG1-of (a7 / accord-02 :ARG2 (a5 / and :op1 (r / regulate-01 :ARG1-of (d3 / declare-02 :ARG0 (a6 / and :op1 c5 :op2 (c9 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :mod (j / joint))) :op2 (l / law :wiki "Macau_Basic_Law" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Basic" :op2 "Laws" :op3 "of" :op4 "Macao"))) :manner (s3 / strict)))) :time (m3 / meet-03 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Vasco_Joaquim_Rocha_Vieira" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Viera") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 c :ARG2 (g3 / governor))) :location (h2 / here) :time (t2 / today))) (w / welcome-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (v2 / visit-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki "Vasco_Joaquim_Rocha_Vieira" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Viera")) :frequency (p / periodic))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (d / develop-02 :ARG2 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (c6 / cooperate-01 :ARG2 (a3 / arena :mod (v / various))) :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Portugal")) :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01)) :time (y / year :mod (r2 / recent)) :ARG1-of (c / continue-01)) :op2 (i / increase-01 :ARG1 (v2 / visit-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p2 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 c4) :mod (l2 / level :mod (t / top))) :op2 (p / person :ARG0-of (l3 / lead-02 :ARG1 c5) :mod l2)) :mod (m / mutual)) :mod (a4 / also)))) (a / and :op1 (v / visit-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Jiang_Zemin" :name (n / name :op1 "Zemin" :op2 "Jiang") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / president))) :op2 (p3 / person :wiki "Rong_Yiren" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Yiren" :op2 "Rong") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p4 / president :mod (v2 / vice)))) :op3 (i / i) :quant (a3 / all)) :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :op2 (v3 / visit-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Shewar") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (p7 / prime)))) :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :time (d / date-entity :month 4 :part-of (y2 / year :mod (t / this))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (b / bilateral) :ARG2 (c6 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :ARG1-of (s2 / smooth-04)) :ARG1 (f / foundation) :ARG3 (c7 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 c5 :ARG1 c6 :ARG2 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Macao")))))) (p4 / point-out-02 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (c5 / component :part-of (r / relation-03 :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (c7 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :mod (i2 / important) :domain (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Macao"))))) (b / benefit-01 :ARG0 (m2 / maintain-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (g / good-02) :ARG2 (c6 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :op2 (r2 / relation-03 :ARG0 (i / inland) :ARG1 g :ARG2 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Macao"))))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s / stability :mod (s2 / society)) :op1 (d2 / develop-02 :ARG1 (e / economy)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (i / implement-01 :ARG1 (d / declare-02 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :op2 (c6 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Portugal"))) :manner (j / joint)) :manner (t / thorough)) :quant (l / lot :degree (q / quite))) :op2 (e / effective-04 :ARG0 (c4 / cooperate-01)) :time (s2 / since :op1 (c / come-04 :ARG1 d :ARG2 (e2 / effect-03 :ARG1 d))))) (a / and :op1 (r / resolve-01 :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0-of (c2 / concern-01 :ARG1 (s / side :mod (b / both)) :mod (m2 / mutual)) :quant (m3 / many))) :op2 (a2 / achieve-01 :ARG1 (d / degree :degree-of (p / progress-01 :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 :quant 3 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (l / language) :op2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (s3 / serve-01) :mod (c3 / civil)) :op3 (l2 / law :time (p2 / period :duration-of (t / transition-01 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n / name :op1 "Macao")))))) :ARG1-of (m / major-02))) :mod (v / various))) :time (y / year :mod (r2 / recent)) :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (e / effort :mod (j / joint) :poss s))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (h2 / hope-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (c2 / continue-01 :ARG0 g2 :ARG1 (g / give-01 :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization :mod (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n / name :op1 "Macao"))) :ARG1 (a / attend-02 :ARG0 g2 :ARG1 p) :ARG2 (p / problem :quant 3 :mod (t / this))) :purpose (a2 / achieve-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (r / resolve-01 :mod (f / final) :mod (p2 / proper)))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Vasco_Joaquim_Rocha_Vieira" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Viera") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (g / governor))) :ARG1 (r / resolve-01 :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Macao"))) :ARG1-of (s2 / smooth-04)) :ARG0-of (b / benefit-01) :quant (l / lot) :ARG1-of (a / appreciate-02 :ARG0 (w2 / we) :ARG1-of (e / express-01 :ARG0 w2)))) (e / emphasize-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w / work-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (s2 / side :mod (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :op2 (s3 / side :mod (c6 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Portugal")))) :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Macao"))) :quant (l / lot) :mod (s / still)) :op2 (i2 / important :degree (v / very) :domain (m2 / mission))) :mod (a / also) :time (a4 / approach-01 :ARG1 (d3 / date-entity :year 1999))) (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (r2 / resolve-01 :ARG0 (s / side :mod (b / both)) :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :mod (o / outstanding)) :manner (s2 / spirit :mod (c2 / consult-01 :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01))))) (h / hope-01 :ARG0 (h2 / he) :ARG1 (s / strengthen-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n / name :op1 "Macao")))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c4 / consult-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (s2 / side :mod (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (t / transition-01 :ARG1 c :ARG1-of (s3 / stable-03)) :op2 (h4 / hand-over-02 :ARG1 (p / power :mod (p2 / politics)) :ARG1-of (s5 / smooth-04))) :ARG1-of (m / major-02))) :op2 (c6 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 s2 :ARG2 i)) :degree (f / further) :manner (b / benefit-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (s4 / stable-03 :ARG1 c) :op2 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 c))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p4 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (w / we) :ARG1 (r / realize-02 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / transition-01 :ARG1 (s2 / stable-03)) :op2 (h / hand-over-02 :ARG1 (p5 / power :mod (p6 / politics)) :ARG1-of (s3 / smooth-04))) :mod (d / definite) :manner (a2 / and :op1 (c4 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 s4 :ARG1 s5 :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01)) :op2 (e / effort :mod (j / joint) :poss (a3 / and :op1 (s4 / side :mod (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :op2 (s5 / side :mod (c6 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Portugal"))))))))) (a / and :op1 (r / recall-02 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Vasco_Joaquim_Rocha_Vieira" :name (n / name :op1 "Viera")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (m2 / meet-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p3 / premier))) :time (d3 / date-entity :year 1991)) :op2 (m / meet-03 :ARG0 p :ARG1 p2 :time (d4 / date-entity :year 1992))) :manner (h / happy)) :op2 (a3 / assess-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c5 / contribute-01 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")))) :op2 p2) :ARG2 (a5 / and :op1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 :ARG0 c6 :ARG2 (c7 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Portugal")))) :op2 (r3 / resolve-01 :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Macao"))))) :mod (i / important)) :manner (h2 / high))) (a / and :op1 (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Vasco_Joaquim_Rocha_Vieira" :name (n / name :op1 "Viera")) :ARG1 (g / glad-02 :ARG0 (s5 / see-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (p2 / progress-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :mod (g3 / great) :topic (a2 / and :op1 (a3 / area :mod (l / life :mod (e / economy))) :op2 (a5 / area :mod (l2 / life :mod (s2 / society)))))) :ARG1 p)) :op2 (e2 / express-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (n3 / need-01 :ARG1 (b / build-up-05 :ARG1 (m / modernize-01) :manner (s3 / situation :ARG1-of (s4 / stable-03)))) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / benefit-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (s2 / stability :poss (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :op2 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 c4)) :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (p / peace :mod (w / world)) :op2 (d2 / develop-02 :ARG1 w))) :op2 (g / guarantee-01 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 s2 :op2 (p2 / prosper-01 :ARG0 c4)) :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (s3 / stability :poss (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Macao"))) :op2 (p3 / prosper-01 :ARG0 c)) :mod (b2 / basic)))) (c3 / continue-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (h / he) :op2 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Portugal" :name (n / name :op1 "Portugal"))))) :ARG1 (p / put-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (e / effort) :ARG2 (f / forth) :purpose (a2 / and :op1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c / city :wiki "Macau" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Macao"))) :ARG1-of (c5 / continue-01)) :op2 (r / resolve-01 :ARG1 i :ARG1-of (s / smooth-04))))) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Bonn" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bonn")) :time (d / date-entity :month 4 :day 23)) (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Klaus_Kinkel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kinkel") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Germany" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Germany")) :ARG2 (m / minister :mod (f / foreign)))) :ARG1 (w / welcome-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (u / ultimatum :source (m2 / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n4 / name :op1 "NATO")) :beneficiary (p2 / person :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Serbia")) :location (c5 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")))))) (d / demand-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (h2 / hold-04 :ARG1 (t / talk-01 :mod (n / new) :purpose (e / end-01 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (w / war :mod (c / civil) :location (c2 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")))))) :mod (a / also) :time (t2 / time :ARG1-of (s / same-01))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Klaus_Kinkel" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kinkel")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / correct-02 :ARG1 (t / thing :ARG1-of (d / decide-01 :ARG0 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n3 / name :op1 "NATO"))))) :op2 (n4 / need-01 :ARG1 t))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG2 (n / need-01 :ARG1 (r / restart-01 :ARG1 (d / dialogue-01)) :mod (a2 / also) :prep-as (m / method :mod (a3 / auxiliary) :instrument-of (m2 / measure-02 :ARG0 (m3 / military))))) (r2 / request-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (p / propose-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (o3 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :op2 (o4 / organization :wiki "European_Union" :name (n2 / name :op1 "European" :op2 "Union")) :op3 (c3 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")) :op4 (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Russia"))) :purpose (f / force-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (p2 / party :mod (b2 / both) :ARG0-of (w / war-01) :mod (c5 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina"))) :ARG2 (r3 / return-01 :ARG1 p2 :ARG4 (t / table :location-of (n7 / negotiate-01)))) :mod (j / joint) :mod (n5 / new))) (a / ask-02 :ARG0 (c2 / country :quant 16 :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (m / military :wiki "NATO" :name (n2 / name :op1 "NATO")))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (w / withdraw-01 :ARG0 f :ARG1 f :destination (p2 / place :location (r / relative-position :op1 (c5 / city :wiki "Gora??de" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Gorazde")) :quant (d3 / distance-quantity :quant 3 :unit (k2 / kilometer)))) :time (b2 / before :op1 (d4 / date-entity :month 4 :day 24 :time "0:00" :timezone "GMT"))) :op2 (g4 / guarantee-01 :ARG0 f :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (b3 / block-01 :polarity - :ARG1 (a6 / aid-01 :ARG0 (o4 / organization :wiki "United_Nations" :name (n6 / name :op1 "United" :op2 "Nations")) :mod (h2 / humanitarian))) :op2 (h / hinder-01 :polarity - :ARG1 a6))) :ARG2-of (h3 / have-condition-91 :ARG1 (b4 / begin-01 :polarity - :ARG0 m :ARG1 (s2 / strike-01 :ARG0 m :ARG1 (a4 / army :mod c3) :mod (a7 / air))))) :ARG2 (f / force :ARG1-of (a3 / arm-01) :mod (p / person :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Serbia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Serbia")) :location (c4 / country :wiki "Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Bosnia-Herzegovina")))) :time (d5 / date-entity :day 22)) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p2 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Jie" :op2 "Sun") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Beijing" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Beijing")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :day 31)) (a / and :op1 (a2 / accelerate-01 :ARG0 (i / industry :mod (c3 / chemical) :poss (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (p / pace-01 :ARG0 i :ARG1 (o / open-up-03 :ARG0 i :ARG1 i :ARG3 (w / world :location (o2 / outside))))) :op2 (s / stride-01 :ARG0 i :direction (w2 / world))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG1-of (p / present-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Chemical" :op4 "Industry")))) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / total-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (i2 / import-01 :ARG0 (c7 / country :wiki "China" :name (n5 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (c6 / chemical)) :op2 (e / export-01 :ARG0 c7 :ARG1 c6)) :ARG2 (l2 / less-than :op1 (m5 / monetary-quantity :quant 300000000 :unit (d5 / dollar :mod (c8 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n6 / name :op1 "US")))) :time (d6 / date-entity :year 1978))) :op2 (r / reach-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (m6 / monetary-quantity :quant 7500000000 :unit (d / dollar :mod c8)) :time (y / year :mod (l3 / last))) :op3 (e2 / enterprise :quant 30 :mod (c9 / chemical) :time (a3 / already) :ARG0-of (e3 / export-01 :ARG1 (e4 / exchange :mod (f / foreign) :ARG0-of (s2 / surpass-01 :ARG1 (m7 / monetary-quantity :quant 10000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod c8)))))))) (c / contrast-01 :ARG1 (b / break-through-26 :ARG0 (e / export-01 :ARG0 (i3 / industry :poss (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :mod (c6 / chemical)) :ARG1 (s / set :consist-of (e2 / equipment) :ARG1-of (c2 / complete-02))) :degree (f / fractional)) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (e3 / export-01 :ARG0 i3 :ARG1 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (i4 / install-01) :mod (s2 / set :consist-of (e4 / equipment) :mod (d / double)) :ARG0-of (p / produce-01 :ARG1 (s3 / soda :mod (c9 / caustic) :mod (f2 / film :mod (i5 / ion)) :quant (m / mass-quantity :quant 40000 :unit (t3 / ton))) :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (y / year))))) :ARG2 (c8 / country :wiki "Indonesia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Indonesia")) :manner (s4 / succeed-03)) :op2 (e5 / export-01 :ARG1 (s6 / set :mod c2 :consist-of e2 :ARG0-of (p2 / produce-01 :ARG1 (c11 / carbonate :mod (s5 / sodium) :quant (m2 / mass-quantity :quant 200000 :unit (t2 / ton))) :frequency r)) :ARG2 (c10 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Iran"))))) (p / progress-01 :ARG1 (e / export-01 :ARG1 (t / technology)) :mod (a / also) :mod (n / new)) (r / reach-01 :ARG1 52 :ARG0 (e / export-01 :ARG1 (t / technology) :ARG1-of (p / provide-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))) :time (c4 / current)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (s2 / statistic :ARG1-of (c / complete-02 :polarity -)) :ARG1 (e / export-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (t / technology :quant (m / more-than :op1 20) :example (a3 / and :op1 (s3 / solution :mod (p / peroxide :mod (h / hydrogen) :mod (a / anthraquinone))) :op2 (a2 / absorb-01 :ARG1 (v / voltage :ARG1-of (v2 / vary-01))) :op3 (e2 / et-cetera))) :time (b / before :op1 (n2 / now) :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (y / year))))) (s / sign-02 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Ministry" :op2 "of" :op3 "Chemical" :op4 "Industry") :poss (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG1 (a / agreement :topic (c3 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 c4)) :ARG2 (c4 / corporation :quant 15 :mod (l / large) :mod (i / international) :mod (c5 / chemical)) :time (u / up-to :op1 (h / half :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1) :part-of (y / year :mod (t / this))))) (a / and :op1 (r / reach-01 :ARG0 (c4 / capital :mod (f / foreign) :ARG1-of (a2 / absorb-01 :ARG0 (i / industry :mod (c5 / chemical) :poss (c6 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China"))) :manner (a3 / accumulate-01))) :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity :quant 8500000000 :unit (d2 / dollar :mod (c7 / country :wiki "United_States" :name (n3 / name :op1 "US")))) :time (b / before :op1 (n / now) :duration (t4 / temporal-quantity :quant 10 :unit (y / year)))) :op2 (u / use-01 :ARG1 c4 :ARG2 (t / transform-01 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (t2 / thing :ARG0-of (f2 / fertilize-01) :consist-of (c8 / chemical)) :op2 (p / petroleum)) :mod (t3 / technology) :mod (c9 / construct-01)))) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p2 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Futian" :op2 "Yang") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Nanjing" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Nanjing")) :time (d / date-entity :month 4 :day 23)) (a / announce-01 :ARG0 (f2 / facility :wiki "Purple_Mountain_Observatory" :name (n / name :op1 "Zijin" :op2 "Mountain" :op3 "Observatory") :part-of (o2 / organization :wiki "Chinese_Academy_of_Sciences" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China" :op2 "Academy" :op3 "of" :op4 "Sciences"))) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (b / build-01 :ARG1 (n3 / network :purpose (o3 / observe-01 :ARG1 (c5 / collide-01 :ARG0 (c / comet :wiki "Comet_Shoemaker???Levy_9" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Shoemaker-Levy" :op2 9)) :ARG1 (p / planet :wiki "Jupiter" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Jupiter")))) :mod (n8 / nation)) :location (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China"))) :op2 (f3 / formulate-01 :ARG1 (p2 / plan :purpose o3 :mod (a4 / astronomy) :mod (s2 / scale :mod (l3 / large))) :mod (a3 / as-well))) :time (t / today)) (s2 / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01)) :ARG1 (p4 / planet :mod (l4 / large :degree (m / most) :compared-to (s5 / system :mod s3)) :domain (p2 / planet :wiki "Jupiter" :name (n / name :op1 "Jupiter") :ARG0-of (o / orbit-01 :ARG1 (s3 / star :wiki "Sun" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Sun")) :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 :ARG2 (p3 / planet :wiki "Earth" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Earth"))))))) (p / possess-01 :ARG0 (i / incident :mod (t / this) :topic (o / observe-01 :ARG1 (c / collide-01 :ARG0 (c2 / comet) :ARG1 (p2 / planet :wiki "Jupiter" :name (n / name :op1 "Jupiter"))))) :ARG1 (s / significance :mod (i2 / important :degree (e2 / extreme)) :beneficiary (a / and :op1 (r / research-01 :ARG1 (c3 / collide-01 :ARG0 (c4 / comet) :ARG1 (p3 / planet :wiki "Earth" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Earth")))) :op2 (f / forecast-01 :ARG1 c3)))) (a / and :op1 (p / place-01 :ARG0 (a2 / arena :mod (a3 / astronomy :mod (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (i / importance :mod (g / great)) :ARG2 (p2 / phenomenon :mod (c4 / collide-01 :ARG0 (c5 / comet) :ARG1 (p3 / planet :wiki "Jupiter" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Jupiter"))) :mod (t / this)) :mod (a4 / also)) :op2 (f / focus-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (a5 / attend-02 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 a6) :ARG2 (a6 / and :op1 (d / develop-01 :ARG2 p2) :op2 (c7 / change-01 :ARG1 p2)) :manner (c6 / close))) (a5 / and :op1 (c3 / convene-01 :ARG1 (s2 / seminar :topic (p / plan-01 :ARG1 (m / monitor-01 :ARG1 (c4 / collide-01 :ARG0 (c5 / comet :wiki "Comet_Shoemaker???Levy_9" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Shoemaker-Levy" :op2 9)) :ARG1 (p2 / planet :wiki "Jupiter" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Jupiter")))))) :location (c6 / city :wiki "Nanjing" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Nanjing")) :ARG1-of (s3 / support-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (o / organization :wiki "Chinese_Academy_of_Sciences" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Chinese" :op2 "Academy" :op3 "of" :op4 "Sciences")) :op2 (o4 / organization :wiki "National_Natural_Science_Foundation_of_China" :name (n7 / name :op1 "National" :op2 "Natural" :op3 "Science" :op4 "Foundation")))) :time (b / before :op1 (n / now) :duration (f / few :op1 (t / temporal-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d / day))))) :op2 (a2 / attend-01 :ARG0 (a3 / astronomer :quant (m2 / more-than :op1 40) :source (a4 / all-over :op1 (c / country))) :ARG1 s2)) (t / think-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (r / require-01 :ARG0 (p2 / phenomenon :mod (a2 / astronomy) :ARG1-of (r2 / rare-02) :mod (i / important) :mod (t2 / this)) :ARG1 (o / observe-01 :ARG1 p2 :mod (g / globe) :ARG1-of (c4 / continue-01))) :op2 (l2 / locate-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :location (p3 / position :mod i :mod (l3 / longitude) :location (b / between :op1 (c6 / country :wiki "Japan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Japan")) :op2 (c7 / continent :wiki "Europe" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Europe"))))) :ARG0-of (c8 / cause-01 :ARG1 (c9 / component :ARG1-of (i3 / indispensable-01) :ARG1-of (r3 / replace-01 :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01)) :beneficiary (o3 / observe-01 :mod (i2 / international) :mod (j2 / joint)) :domain (m / material :ARG1-of (o2 / observe-01 :ARG0 c5)))))) (u / use-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (e / equipment :mod (a / astronomy) :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02) :quant (a3 / all) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (t3 / telescope :ARG1-of (r / reflect-01) :mod (d3 / distance-quantity :quant 2.16 :unit (m3 / meter))) :op2 (t4 / telescope :mod (i2 / infrared) :mod (d4 / distance-quantity :quant 1.26 :unit m3)) :op3 (t5 / telescope :mod (r2 / radio))))) :ARG2 (o / observe-01 :ARG0 c3) :time (t / time :mod (t2 / that))) (u / use-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / telescope :mod (d3 / distance-quantity :quant 25 :unit (m2 / meter)) :mod (b / band :mod (w / wave :mod (d / distance-quantity :quant 1 :unit (d4 / decimeter))))) :op2 (t5 / telescope :mod (b3 / band :mod (w3 / wave :mod (d2 / distance-quantity :quant 1 :unit (c / centimeter)))) :mod d3) :op3 (t2 / telescope :mod (b2 / band :mod (w2 / wave :mod (d5 / distance-quantity :quant 10 :unit (m / meter))))) :op4 (e / equipment :mod (t3 / terminal :mod (t4 / telescope :mod (o / optics))) :ARG1-of (a3 / advanced-02))) :mod (a4 / also)) (a / and :op1 (e / experience-01 :ARG0 (r2 / research-institute :wiki "Purple_Mountain_Observatory" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zijin" :op2 "Mountain" :op3 "Observatory") :location (c / city :wiki "Nanjing" :name (n / name :op1 "Nanjing"))) :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (o / observe-01 :ARG0 r2 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / comet) :op2 (a3 / asteroid))) :op2 (r / research-01 :ARG0 r2 :ARG1 a2)) :duration (m / more-than :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 40 :unit (y2 / year)))) :op2 (o3 / organization :mod (r5 / research-01 :ARG1 (s / science)) :mod (o4 / only) :location (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG0-of (c4 / conduct-01 :ARG1 (r3 / research-01 :ARG1 a2 :ARG1-of (l / long-03))) :domain (o2 / office :ARG0-of (r4 / research-01 :ARG1 (p / planet)) :poss r2)) :op3 (s2 / start-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (r6 / research-01 :ARG0 o2 :ARG1 (i / issue-02 :ARG0 (c6 / collide-01 :ARG0 (b / body :mod (c7 / celestial) :poss (s3 / system :mod (s4 / star :wiki "Sun" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Sun"))))))) :time (s5 / since :op1 (d / date-entity :year 1988)) :mod (a4 / also))) (a / attend-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01 :ARG2 (p3 / planet)) :poss (s / station :mod (t / this))) :ARG1 (s2 / seminar :mod (s3 / science) :mod (i / international) :topic (d / danger :mod (c / collide-01 :ARG0 (a3 / and :op1 (c2 / comet) :op2 (a4 / asteroid)) :ARG1 (p2 / planet :wiki "Earth" :name (n / name :op1 "Earth")))) :quant (m / many)) :mod (a2 / also)) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Beijing" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Beijing")) :time (d / date-entity :month 4 :day 23)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" :name (n / name :op1 "Foreign" :op2 "Ministry")) :ARG2 (s2 / spokesperson))) :ARG1 (v / visit-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Gedinage") :ARG0-of (h / head-01 :ARG1 (o4 / organization :wiki "International_Committee_of_the_Red_Cross" :name (n2 / name :op1 "International" :op2 "Committee" :op3 "of" :op4 "the" :op5 "Red" :op6 "Cross")))) :op2 (d / delegation :accompanier-of p2 :consist-of (p3 / person :quant 4))) :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n4 / name :op1 "China")) :time (d3 / date-interval :op1 (d4 / date-entity :month 4 :day 18) :op2 (d5 / date-entity :month 4 :day 23)) :ARG2-of (i2 / invite-01 :ARG0 (o2 / organization :wiki "International_Red_Cross_and_Red_Crescent_Movement" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Red" :op2 "Cross") :poss c3))) :time (t / today)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (s2 / spokesperson) :ARG1 (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 (s3 / side :mod (b / both)) :ARG1 (q / question :topic (d3 / develop-01 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (c / communicate-01) :op2 (c2 / cooperate-01)) :degree (f2 / further))) :mod (w / work-01) :mod (l / level :mod (s4 / specialize-01)) :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01) :mod (d2 / down-to-earth) :mod (h2 / honest))) (a / and :op1 (d / discuss-01 :ARG0 (n / negotiate-01) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p / principle) :op2 (i / issue-02 :ARG1-of (d2 / detail-01)) :quant (s / some)) :manner (t / thorough)) :op2 (r / reach-01 :ARG1 (u / understand-01 :quant (s2 / some)))) (b / believe-01 :ARG0 (s / side :mod (b2 / both)) :ARG1 (r / result-01 :ARG1 (t / talk) :ARG2 (p / positive)) :manner (u / unanimous)) (c / continue-01 :ARG0 (s / side :quant 2) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (s2 / strive-01 :ARG0 s :manner (t / together)) :op2 (s3 / strengthen-01 :ARG0 s :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01)) :manner (p2 / pragmatic))) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p3 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Shuchun" :op2 "Zhou") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :op2 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Mengjun" :op2 "Ju") :ARG0-of r)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Bishkek" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Biskech")) :time (d / date-entity :month 4 :day 23)) (h / hold-04 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (p / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / premier))) :op2 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Zumegloph") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Kirghizia")))) :ARG2 (p4 / premier)))) :ARG1 (t / talk-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r / relation :mod (e / economy) :mod (b / bilateral) :ARG1-of (d / develop-02)) :op2 (r2 / relation :mod (t2 / trade) :mod b :ARG1-of d)) :mod (i / in-depth) :mod (c2 / comprehensive)) :time (a3 / afternoon :mod (t3 / this))) (h / hold-04 :ARG1 (t / talk-01) :location (a / atmosphere :mod (p / practical) :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p2 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Zumegloph")) :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (r / relation-03 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG1 (f / friendly-01) :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kirghizia")) :mod (t / tradition)) :op2 (a3 / and :op1 (s2 / strengthen-01 :ARG1 r :ARG1-of (i / increase-01)) :op2 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 r :ARG1-of (c5 / continue-01))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / be-temporally-at-91 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n / name :op1 "Kirghizia")) :ARG2 (p / phase :mod (r2 / reform-01 :ARG1 (e / economy)))) :op2 (a2 / attend-02 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (a3 / and :op1 (s2 / strengthen-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (c4 / connect-01 :ARG1 c3 :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")) :mod e)) :op2 (u / use-01 :ARG0 c3 :ARG1 (e2 / experience :poss c5 :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (e3 / experience :mod (r4 / reform-01 :ARG1 (a4 / agriculture :poss c5))))) :ARG2 (r3 / reference-04))) :quant (m / much)) :time (n3 / now))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (e / establish-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 (c3 / country-region :wiki "Xinjiang" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinjiang")) :op2 (r / region :mod (o / other) :quant (s2 / some) :part-of (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (e2 / enterprise :mod (v / venture :mod (j / joint)) :quant (m / more-than :op1 70) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a4 / and :op1 (f / food) :op2 (f2 / fur) :op3 (e3 / et-cetera)))) :time (a3 / already) :location (c5 / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kirghizia"))) :op2 (g3 / good :domain (c6 / condition :mod (o2 / operate-01))) :op3 (d / demonstrate-01 :ARG0 (p / person :ARG0-of (s3 / specialize-01) :poss (p2 / party :mod (b / both))) :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (p3 / project :topic (m2 / make-01 :ARG1 (p4 / paper))) :op2 (p5 / project :topic (s4 / sanitize-01)) :op3 (p6 / project :topic (m3 / medicine)) :op4 (e4 / et-cetera) :ARG2-of (c7 / cooperate-01))))) (p4 / present-01 :ARG0 (p5 / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Zumegloph")) :ARG1 (s / situation :mod (e / economy) :poss (c / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kirghizia"))) :ARG2 (p6 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :mod (a / also)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / temporary :domain (d / difficulty :mod (e / economy) :ARG1-of (f / face-01 :ARG0 (c / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kirghizia")) :time (r / reform-01)))) :op2 (p4 / possible-01 :ARG1 (o / overcome-01 :ARG1 d :ARG1-of (c2 / complete-02)) :time (a2 / after :op1 (d3 / diligence :mod (t2 / thorough)) :mod (o2 / only))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (b / begin-01 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (t / trade-01 :ARG0 c2 :mod (e / economy)) :op2 (c / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (c2 / country :quant 2))) :ARG1-of (s2 / smooth-04)) :op2 (p4 / progress-01 :ARG1 a2 :degree (c3 / considerable)) :time (b2 / before :op1 (n2 / now) :quant (o / or :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity :quant 2 :unit (y / year)) :op2 (m / more-than :op1 t2))))) (d / develop-01 :ARG2 (t / trade-01 :mod (b / bilateral)) :manner (r / rapid :degree (v / very)) :concession-of (h / have-03 :ARG0 t :ARG1 (p / potential) :mod (s / still))) (e / endeavor-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China"))) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (c4 / country-region :wiki "Xinjiang" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Xinjiang" :op2 "Uigur" :op3 "Autonomous" :op4 "Region")) :mod (e2 / especially))) :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (c5 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Kirghizia")) :ARG2 (f / field :mod (v2 / various) :example (a / and :op1 (e3 / economy) :op2 (t / trade-01) :op3 (e4 / et-cetera)))))) (a / and :op1 (a2 / and :op1 (e / explore-01 :ARG0 (c / country :quant 2) :ARG1 (c2 / condition :mod (a3 / advantage) :poss c)) :op2 (u / utilize-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 c2) :manner (f / full :degree (m / more))) :op2 (a4 / act-01 :ARG0 c :manner (c6 / conform-01 :ARG2 (r / rule :mod (e2 / economy)))) :op3 (g / guarantee-01 :ARG0 c :ARG1 (a5 / and :op1 (e3 / enrich-01 :ARG0 (b / benefit :mod (b2 / bilateral) :mod (t2 / that)) :ARG1 (s / shape :poss (c3 / cooperate-01)) :ARG1-of (c5 / continue-01)) :op2 (i / improve-01 :ARG0 b :ARG1 (a6 / and :op1 (l / level) :op2 (c4 / class) :poss (t / trade-01 :ARG0 c)) :ARG1-of c5))) :time (f2 / from :op1 (n / now))) (c4 / cause-01 :ARG0 (t4 / this) :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 :ARG1 (e / endeavor-01 :ARG0 (p / party :mod (b / both)) :ARG1 (c / create-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c2 / condition) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (s / solve-01 :ARG1 (p2 / problem :topic (a2 / and :op1 (t / traffic) :op2 (t2 / transport-01)) :ARG0-of (h / hinder-01 :ARG1 (d / develop-02 :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (e2 / economy) :op2 (t3 / trade-01)))))))))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p3 / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li")) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (e / entrepreneur :ARG1-of (c / come-01 :accompanier p3 :purpose (v / visit-01 :ARG0 e) :time (t2 / this)) :quant (n2 / number)) :op2 (p4 / possible-01 :ARG1 (e2 / enhance-01 :ARG0 (s2 / side :mod (b / both)) :ARG1 (c2 / contact-01)))) :mod (a2 / also)) (a / and :op1 (e / encourage-01 :ARG0 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")))) :ARG1 (c4 / circle :mod (e2 / enterprise) :poss c3) :ARG2 (p / participate-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 (c5 / construct-01 :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Kirghizia")) :ARG1 (e3 / economy)))) :op2 (s / support-01 :ARG0 g :ARG1 p) :ARG1-of (b3 / base-02 :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (e4 / equal-01) :op2 (b2 / benefit :mod (m / mutual))))) (i / invite-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Li_Peng" :name (n / name :op1 "Peng" :op2 "Li") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p2 / premier))) :ARG1 (p3 / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Zumegloph") :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 :ARG2 (p4 / premier))) :ARG2 (v / visit-01 :ARG0 p3 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :time (c4 / convenience :poss p3))) (a / and :op1 (t / thank-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki - :name (n / name :op1 "Zumegloph")) :ARG2 (t2 / this)) :op2 (a2 / accept-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (i / invite-01) :manner (h / happy))) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p2 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Ming" :op2 "Chen") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Tehran" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Tehran")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :day 31)) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hassan_Habibi" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Hasang" :op2 "Hapipy") :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c4 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG2 (p2 / president :mod (v / vice)) :ord (o / ordinal-entity :value 1))) :ARG1 (e / express-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (s2 / satisfy-01 :ARG0 (t2 / thing :ARG2-of (r / result-01 :ARG1 (v2 / visit-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China"))))) :ARG1 p :time (a / after :op1 (e2 / end-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (v3 / visit-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 c5 :duration (t / temporal-quantity :quant 3 :unit (d2 / day)) :ARG1-of (f2 / friendly-01)))))) :time (t4 / today :time-of (a2 / arrive-01 :ARG1 p :ARG4 (c6 / city :wiki "Tehran" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Tehran")) :direction (b / back)))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (p / person :wiki "Hassan_Habibi" :name (n / name :op1 "Hapipy")) :ARG1 (e / exchange-01 :ARG0 p :ARG1 (i / idea :ARG0-of (c4 / concern-02 :ARG1 (a2 / and :op1 (p5 / problem :topic (r2 / relation-03 :ARG1 (b / bilateral))) :op2 (p2 / problem :mod (i2 / international)) :op3 (p6 / problem :mod (r3 / region))))) :ARG2 (p4 / person :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 :ARG1 (c3 / country :wiki "China" :name (n2 / name :op1 "China")))) :time (d / during :op1 (v2 / visit-01 :ARG0 p))) :ARG2 (p3 / person :ARG0-of (r / report-01) :location (a / airport))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (h / he) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (i2 / implement-01 :ARG1 (p / project :topic (c5 / cooperate-01 :ARG0 (c6 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :ARG1 (c7 / country :wiki "China" :name (n3 / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (e / economy)))) :op2 (i3 / invest-01 :ARG0 (a2 / and :op1 c6 :op2 c7) :ARG2 (a3 / area :part-of (w / world-region :wiki "Central_Asia" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Central" :op2 "Asia"))) :manner (j / joint) :purpose (i4 / implement-01 :ARG0 a2 :ARG1 (c8 / cooperate-01 :ARG2 e))))) (i2 / invest-01 :ARG0 (a / and :op1 (c4 / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :op2 (c5 / country :wiki "Iran" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Iran")) :op3 (c6 / country :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity :value 3))) :ARG2 (r / reconstruct-01 :ARG0 a :ARG1 (e / equipment :instrument-of (r2 / refine-01 :ARG1 (o / oil)) :poss c4) :purpose (e2 / expand-01 :ARG0 r :ARG1 (c7 / capable-01 :ARG2 (e3 / extract-01 :ARG1 (p / petroleum :poss c5))))) :mod (a2 / also) :manner (j / joint)) (e / end-01) (b / byline-91 :ARG0 (p2 / publication :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" :name (n / name :op1 "Xinhua" :op2 "News" :op3 "Agency")) :ARG1 (p / person :wiki - :name (n2 / name :op1 "Rong" :op2 "Xie") :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) :location (c2 / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Moscow")) :time (d / date-entity :month 8 :day 31)) (w / withdraw-01 :ARG0 (g / group :poss (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Russia")) :mod (l3 / last) :consist-of (p / person :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (t / troop :mod (m / military) :ARG1-of (s / station-01 :ARG2 (c4 / country :quant 3 :location (s2 / sea :wiki "Baltic_Sea" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Baltic" :op2 "Sea")))) :mod (n / northwest)) :ARG2 (p2 / personnel))) :ARG0-of (w2 / withdraw-01 :ARG1-of (r2 / recommend-01))) :ARG2 (c6 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Latvia")) :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 31)) (c2 / complete-01 :ARG0 (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1 (w / work-01 :ARG1 (w2 / withdraw-01 :ARG1 (t / troop) :ARG2 (c4 / country :quant 3 :location (s / sea :wiki "Baltic_Sea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Baltic" :op2 "Sea"))))) :time (u / until :op1 (n3 / now))) (r3 / report-01 :ARG0 (m2 / media :mod (n2 / news) :location (h / here)) :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (t / turn-over-12 :ARG0 (p5 / person :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (h2 / headquarters :part-of (t2 / troop :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")) :mod (n / northwest))) :ARG2 (p2 / personnel))) :ARG1 (t4 / thing :ARG1-of (i / install-01 :ARG0 (m3 / military))) :ARG2 (g2 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 :ARG1-of (l / local-02)))) :op2 (s / submit-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 (r4 / report-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 (c6 / complete-01 :ARG1 (w / withdraw-01 :ARG1 (t3 / troop)))) :ARG2 (p / person :wiki "Guntis_Ulmanis" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Ulmanis") :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Latvia")) :ARG2 (p3 / president)))) :op3 (w2 / withdraw-01 :ARG0 p5 :ARG1 p5 :ARG2 (c7 / city :wiki "Riga" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Riga")) :direction (c8 / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n7 / name :op1 "Moscow")) :manner (p4 / plane) :time (t5 / then)) :time (d / date-entity :day 31))) (a / and :op1 (w / withdraw-01 :ARG0 (t / troop :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG1-of (s / station-01 :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "Lithuania" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lithuania")))) :time (a2 / already) :time (b2 / before :op1 (d / date-entity :month 8 :day 31 :year 1993)) :destination (h / home) :direction (b / back)) :op2 (c6 / complete-01 :ARG0 (t2 / troop :ARG1-of (s2 / station-01 :ARG2 (c7 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")))) :ARG1 (w2 / work-01 :ARG0 t2 :ARG1 (w3 / withdraw-01 :ARG1 (t3 / troop))) :time (d2 / date-entity :day 29 :part-of (m / month :mod (t4 / this))))) (s / say-01 :ARG0 (t / thing :ARG1-of (a / agree-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG2 (a2 / and :op1 (g / government-organization :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Latvia")))) :op2 (g3 / government-organization :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 :ARG1 (c6 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia"))))) :ARG1-of (r2 / reach-01 :ARG0 (a4 / and :op1 c4 :op2 a2)))) :ARG1 (r3 / remain-01 :ARG1 (p / person :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01 :ARG2 (m / military :mod c4)) :quant (f / few :op1 100)) :mod (s2 / still) :time (c7 / current) :location (a3 / and :op1 (s3 / station :mod (r4 / radar :ARG0-of (w / warn-01 :time (e3 / early))) :poss (c8 / center :mod (e4 / educate-01 :ARG2 (n4 / navy)) :poss c5 :location c6)) :op2 (s4 / station :mod r4 :poss (c9 / center :mod e4 :poss c4 :location c6))))) (t3 / troop :mod (c4 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n4 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union")) :time (f / former) :ARG1-of (s2 / station-01 :ARG2 (c5 / country :quant 3 :location (a / above))) :ARG1-of (h / headquarter-01 :location (c6 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n5 / name :op1 "Latvian" :op2 "Republic"))) :domain (c / cluster :consist-of (t / troop :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Russia")) :mod (n / northwest)))) (t / total-01 :ARG1 (s / strength :poss (m / military) :mod (o / original)) :ARG2 (p / person :quant (m2 / more-than :op1 116000) :ARG2-of (i / include-91 :ARG1 (a / and :op1 (p5 / person :quant (m6 / most :ARG1-of (m7 / mean-01 :ARG2 (m3 / more-than :op1 50000))) :ARG1-of (s2 / station-01 :ARG2 (c4 / country :wiki "Latvia" :name (n / name :op1 "Latvia")))) :op2 (p3 / person :quant (m4 / more-than :op1 35000) :ARG1-of (s3 / station-01 :ARG2 (c5 / country :wiki "Lithuania" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Lithuania")))) :op3 (p4 / person :quant (m5 / more-than :op1 30000) :ARG1-of (s4 / station-01 :ARG2 (c6 / country :wiki "Estonia" :name (n3 / name :op1 "Estonia")))))))) (t / transfer-01 :ARG1 (c / cluster :consist-of (t2 / troop) :mod (t3 / this)) :ARG2 (o / own-01 :ARG0 (c4 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia"))) :time (a / after :op1 (d / disintegrate-01 :ARG1 (c5 / country :wiki "Soviet_Union" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Soviet" :op2 "Union") :time (f / former))))) (r2 / report-01 :ARG1 (s2 / station-01 :ARG1 (t / troop :mod (c3 / country :wiki "Russia" :name (n / name :op1 "Russia")) :ARG0-of (w / withdraw-01 :ARG2 (c4 / country :quant 3 :location (s3 / sea :wiki "Baltic_Sea" :name (n2 / name :op1 "Baltic" :op2 "Sea"))))) :ARG2 (a / and :op1 (s4 / state :wiki - :name (n3 / name :op1 "Jalininggele") :location c3) :op2 (s5 / state :wiki - :name (n4 / name :op1 "Simolingsike")) :op3 (c5 / city :wiki - :name (n5 / name :op1 "Yelinia") :location (r / relative-position :op1 (c6 / city :wiki "Moscow" :name (n6 / name :op1 "Moscow")) :quant (d / distance-quantity :quant 300 :unit (k / kilometer))))) :mod (r3 / respective))) (e / end-01)