perin / utility /
Larisa Kolesnichenko
Add the original perin code
history blame
No virus
2.79 kB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
import json
from itertools import chain
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from utility.subtokenize import subtokenize
import os
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true"
def load_dataset(path):
data = {}
with open(path, encoding="utf8") as f:
for sentence in f.readlines():
sentence = json.loads(sentence)
data[sentence["id"]] = sentence
if "nodes" not in sentence:
sentence["nodes"] = []
if "edges" not in sentence:
sentence["edges"] = []
for sample in list(data.values()):
sample["sentence"] = sample["input"]
sample["input"] = sample["sentence"].split(' ')
sample["token anchors"], offset = [], 0
for token in sample["input"]:
sample["token anchors"].append({"from": offset, "to": offset + len(token)})
offset += len(token) + 1
return data
def node_generator(data):
for d in data.values():
for n in d["nodes"]:
yield n, d
def anchor_ids_from_intervals(data):
for node, sentence in node_generator(data):
if "anchors" not in node:
node["anchors"] = []
node["anchors"] = sorted(node["anchors"], key=lambda a: (a["from"], a["to"]))
node["token references"] = set()
for anchor in node["anchors"]:
for i, token_anchor in enumerate(sentence["token anchors"]):
if token_anchor["to"] <= anchor["from"]:
if token_anchor["from"] >= anchor["to"]:
node["token references"].add(i)
node["anchor intervals"] = node["anchors"]
node["anchors"] = sorted(list(node["token references"]))
del node["token references"]
for sentence in data.values():
sentence["token anchors"] = [[a["from"], a["to"]] for a in sentence["token anchors"]]
def create_bert_tokens(data, encoder: str):
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(encoder, use_fast=True)
for sentence in data.values():
sentence["bert input"], sentence["to scatter"] = subtokenize(sentence["input"], tokenizer)
def create_edges(sentence, label_f=None):
N = len(sentence["nodes"])
sentence["edge presence"] = [N, N, []]
sentence["edge labels"] = [N, N, []]
for e in sentence["edges"]:
source, target = e["source"], e["target"]
label = e["label"] if "label" in e else "none"
if label_f is not None:
label = label_f(label)
sentence["edge presence"][-1].append((source, target, 1))
sentence["edge labels"][-1].append((source, target, label))
edge_counter = len(sentence["edge presence"][-1])
return edge_counter