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# GraphaLogue Analyzer
# Marco Kuhlmann <>
import itertools
import statistics
import sys
from graph import Graph
from treewidth import quickbb
class DepthFirstSearch(object):
def __init__(self, graph, undirected=False):
self._graph = graph
self._undirected = undirected
self._enter = dict()
self._leave = dict()
self.n_runs = 0
def compute_timestamps(node, timestamp):
self._enter[node] = next(timestamp)
for edge in self._graph.find_node(node).outgoing_edges:
if not edge.tgt in self._enter:
compute_timestamps(edge.tgt, timestamp)
if self._undirected:
for edge in self._graph.find_node(node).incoming_edges:
if not edge.src in self._enter:
compute_timestamps(edge.src, timestamp)
self._leave[node] = next(timestamp)
timestamp = itertools.count()
for node in self._graph.nodes:
if not in self._enter:
compute_timestamps(, timestamp)
self.n_runs += 1
def is_back_edge(self, edge):
return \
self._enter[edge.tgt] < self._enter[edge.src] and \
self._leave[edge.src] < self._leave[edge.tgt]
class InspectedGraph(object):
def __init__(self, graph):
self.graph = graph
self.n_nodes = len(graph.nodes)
self.dfs = DepthFirstSearch(graph)
self.undirected_dfs = DepthFirstSearch(graph, undirected=True)
def n_root_nodes(self):
return sum(1 for node in self.graph.nodes if node.is_root())
def n_leaf_nodes(self):
return sum(1 for node in self.graph.nodes if node.is_leaf())
def n_top_nodes(self):
return sum(1 for node in self.graph.nodes if node.is_top())
def n_singleton_nodes(self):
return sum(1 for node in self.graph.nodes if node.is_singleton())
def n_loops(self):
return sum(1 for edge in self.graph.edges if edge.is_loop())
def n_components(self):
return self.undirected_dfs.n_runs - self.n_singleton_nodes()
def is_cyclic(self):
for edge in self.graph.edges:
if edge.is_loop() or self.dfs.is_back_edge(edge):
return True
return False
def is_forest(self):
if self.is_cyclic():
return False
for node in self.graph.nodes:
if len(node.incoming_edges) > 1:
return False
return True
def is_tree(self):
return self.is_forest() and self.n_components() == 1
def treewidth(self):
n_nodes = len(self.graph.nodes) - self.n_singleton_nodes()
if n_nodes <= 1:
return 1
undirected_graph = {}
for node in self.graph.nodes:
if not node.is_singleton():
undirected_graph[] = set()
for edge in self.graph.edges:
if not edge.is_loop():
decomposition = quickbb(undirected_graph)
return max(1, max(len(u)-1 for u in decomposition))
def _crossing_pairs(self):
def endpoints(edge):
return (min(edge.src, edge.tgt), max(edge.src, edge.tgt))
for edge1 in self.graph.edges:
min1, max1 = endpoints(edge1)
for edge2 in self.graph.edges:
min2, max2 = endpoints(edge2)
if min1 < min2 and min2 < max1 and max1 < max2:
yield (min1, max1), (min2, max2)
def _crossing_edges(self):
crossing_edges = set()
for edge1, edge2 in self._crossing_pairs():
return crossing_edges
def is_noncrossing(self):
for _, _ in self._crossing_pairs():
return False
return True
def is_page2(self):
crossing_graph = {u: set() for u in self._crossing_edges()}
for edge1, edge2 in self._crossing_pairs():
# Tests whether the specified undirected graph is 2-colorable.
colors = {}
def inner(node, color1, color2):
colors[node] = color1
for neighbour in crossing_graph[node]:
if neighbour in colors:
if colors[neighbour] == color1:
return False
inner(neighbour, color2, color1)
return True
for node in crossing_graph:
if node not in colors:
if not inner(node, 0, 1):
return False
return True
def density(self):
n_nodes = len(self.graph.nodes) - self.n_singleton_nodes()
if n_nodes <= 1:
return 1
n_edges = 0
for edge in self.graph.edges:
if edge.src != edge.tgt:
n_edges += 1
return n_edges / (n_nodes - 1)
PROPERTY_COUNTER = itertools.count(1)
def report(msg, val):
print("(%02d)\t%s\t%s" % (next(PROPERTY_COUNTER), msg, val))
def analyze(graphs, ids=None):
ordered = False
n_graphs = 0
n_graphs_noncrossing = 0
n_graphs_has_top_node = 0
n_graphs_multirooted = 0
n_nodes = 0
n_nodes_with_reentrancies = 0
n_singletons = 0
n_top_nodes = 0
n_edges = 0
n_labels = 0;
n_properties = 0;
n_anchors = 0;
n_attributes = 0;
n_loops = 0
labels = set()
non_functional_labels = set()
n_cyclic = 0
n_connected = 0
n_forests = 0
n_trees = 0
n_graphs_page2 = 0
acc_treewidth = 0
n_roots_nontop = 0
acc_density = 0.0
max_treewidth = 0
acc_edge_length = 0
n_treewidth_one = 0
treewidths = []
for graph in graphs:
if ids and not in ids:
n_graphs += 1
n_nodes += len(graph.nodes)
n_edges += len(graph.edges)
for node in graph.nodes:
if node.label is not None: n_labels += 1;
if is not None and node.values is not None:
n_properties += len(;
if node.anchors is not None: n_anchors += 1;
for edge in graph.edges:
if edge.attributes is not None and edge.values is not None:
n_attributes += len(edge.attributes);
inspected_graph = InspectedGraph(graph)
treewidth = inspected_graph.treewidth()
n_trees += inspected_graph.is_tree()
acc_density += inspected_graph.density()
has_reentrancies = False
has_top_node = False
n_loops += inspected_graph.n_loops()
for edge in graph.edges:
if edge.lab is not None: labels.add(edge.lab)
for node in graph.nodes:
n_top_nodes += node.is_top
if node.is_top:
has_top_node = True
n_singletons += node.is_singleton()
if len(node.incoming_edges) > 1:
n_nodes_with_reentrancies += 1
has_reentrancies = True
outgoing_labels = set()
for edge in node.outgoing_edges:
if edge.lab in outgoing_labels:
if not node.is_singleton() and node.is_root() and not node.is_top:
n_roots_nontop += 1
n_cyclic += inspected_graph.is_cyclic()
n_connected += inspected_graph.n_components() == 1
n_forests += inspected_graph.is_forest()
acc_treewidth += treewidth
max_treewidth = max(max_treewidth, treewidth)
n_treewidth_one += treewidth == 1
if graph.flavor == 0:
ordered = True
n_graphs_noncrossing += inspected_graph.is_noncrossing()
n_graphs_page2 += inspected_graph.is_page2()
acc_edge_length += sum(edge.length() for edge in graph.edges)
if ordered:
" cannot mix graphs of different flavors in one file; exit.", file=sys.stderr)
n_graphs_has_top_node += has_top_node
n_graphs_multirooted += inspected_graph.n_root_nodes() > 1
n_nonsingletons = n_nodes - n_singletons
report("number of graphs", "%d" % n_graphs)
report("number of nodes", "%d" % n_nodes)
n_tuples = n_top_nodes + n_labels + n_properties + n_anchors + n_edges + n_attributes;
if n_tuples > 0:
report("number of tops (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_top_nodes, 100 * n_top_nodes / n_tuples));
report("number of node labels (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_labels, 100 * n_labels / n_tuples));
report("number of node properties (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_properties, 100 * n_properties / n_tuples));
report("number of node anchors (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_anchors, 100 * n_anchors / n_tuples));
report("number of edges (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_edges, 100 * n_edges / n_tuples));
report("number of edge attributes (percentage)",
"{:d} ({:.2f})".format(n_attributes, 100 * n_attributes / n_tuples));
report("number of edge labels", "%d" % len(labels))
# report("\\percentnode\\ singleton", "%.2f" % (100 * n_singletons / n_nodes))
# report("\\percentnode\\ non-singleton", "%.2f" % (100 * n_nonsingletons / n_nodes))
report("\\percentgraph\\ trees", "%.2f" % (100 * n_trees / n_graphs))
report("\\percentgraph\\ treewidth one", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_treewidth_one / n_graphs))
report("average treewidth", "%.3f" % (acc_treewidth / n_graphs))
# report("median treewidth", "%d" % statistics.median(treewidths))
report("maximal treewidth", "%d" % max_treewidth)
# report("edge density", "%.3f" % (n_edges / n_nonsingletons))
report("average edge density", "%.3f" % (acc_density / n_graphs))
report("\\percentnode\\ reentrant", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_nodes_with_reentrancies / n_nonsingletons))
# report("labels", " ".join(sorted(labels)))
# report("functional labels", " ".join(sorted(labels - non_functional_labels)))
# report("non-functional labels", " ".join(sorted(non_functional_labels)))
# report("\\percentgraph\\ forests", "%.2f" % (100 * n_forests / n_graphs))
# report("number of top nodes", "%d" % n_top_nodes)
report("\\percentgraph\\ cyclic", "%.2f" % (100 * n_cyclic / n_graphs))
# report("number of self-loops", "%d" % n_loops)
report("\\percentgraph\\ not connected", "%.2f" %
(100 * (n_graphs - n_connected) / n_graphs))
# report("\\percentgraph\\ without top", "%.2f" % (100 * (n_graphs - n_graphs_has_top_node) / n_graphs))
# report("average top nodes per graph", "%.3f" % (n_top_nodes / n_graphs))
report("\\percentgraph\\ multi-rooted", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_graphs_multirooted / n_graphs))
report("percentage of non-top roots", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_roots_nontop / n_nonsingletons))
if ordered:
report("average edge length", "%.3f" % (acc_edge_length / n_edges))
report("\\percentgraph\\ noncrossing", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_graphs_noncrossing / n_graphs))
report("\\percentgraph\\ pagenumber two", "%.2f" %
(100 * n_graphs_page2 / n_graphs))
report("average edge length", "--")
report("\\percentgraph\\ noncrossing", "--")
report("\\percentgraph\\ pagenumber two", "--")
def read_ids(file_name):
ids = set()
with open(file_name) as fp:
for line in fp:
return ids
def read_tokens(file_name):
with open(file_name) as fp:
for line in fp:
yield line.split()
def analyze_cmd(read_function, ordered=False):
import sys
ids = None
tokens = None
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
x, y = tuple(arg.split(':'))
if x == 'ids':
print("Reading whitelisted IDs from %s" % y, file=sys.stderr)
ids = read_ids(y)
if x == 'tokens':
print("Reading tokens from %s" % y, file=sys.stderr)
tokens = read_tokens(y)
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp:
analyze(read_function(fp), ordered=ordered, ids=ids, tokens=tokens)