perin / mtool /ucca /
Larisa Kolesnichenko
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"""This module encapsulate the basic elements of the UCCA annotation.
A UCCA annotation is practically a directed acyclic graph (DAG), which
represents a :class:`Passage` of text and its annotation. The annotation itself
is divided into :class:`Layer` objects, where in each layer :class:`Node` objects
are connected between themselves and to Nodes in other layers using
:class:`Edge` objects.
import functools
# Max number of digits allowed for a unique ID
# Attribute to ignore when comparing entities
# Used as the default ordering key function for ordered objects, namely
# :class:`Layer` and :class:`Node` .
def id_orderkey(node):
"""Key function which sorts by layer (string), then by unique ID (int).
node: :class:`Node` which we will to sort according to its ID
a string with the layer and unique ID in such a way that sort will
first order lexicography the layer ID then numerically the unique ID.
layer, unique = node.ID.split(Node.ID_SEPARATOR)
return "{} {:>{}}".format(layer, unique, UNIQUE_ID_MAX_DIGITS)
def edge_id_orderkey(edge):
"""Key function which sorts Edges by its IDs (using :func:`id_orderkey`).
edge: :class:`Edge` which we wish to sort according to the ID of its
parent and children after using :func:`id_orderkey`.
a string with the layer and unique ID in such a way that sort will
first order lexicography the layer ID then numerically the unique ID.
return Edge.ID_FORMAT.format(id_orderkey(edge.parent),
class UCCAError(Exception):
"""Base class for all UCCA package exceptions."""
class FrozenPassageError(UCCAError):
"""Exception raised when trying to modify a frozen :class:`Passage`."""
class DuplicateIdError(UCCAError):
"""Exception raised when trying to add an element with an existing ID.
For each element, a unique ID must be assigned. If the ID of the new element
is already present in the :class:`Passage` in some way, this exception is
class MissingNodeError(UCCAError):
"""Exception raised when trying to access a non-existent :class:`Node`."""
class UnimplementedMethodError(UCCAError):
"""Exception raised when trying to call a not-yet-implemented method."""
class ModifyPassage:
"""Decorator for changing a :class:`Passage` or any member of it.
This decorator is mandatory for anything which causes the elements in
a :class:`Passage` to change by adding or removing an element, or changing
an attribute.
It validates that the Passage is not frozen before allowing the change.
The decorator can't be used for __init__ calls, as at the stage of the
check there are no instance attributes to check. So in such cases,
a function that binds the object created with the Passage should be
decorated instead (and should be called after the instance attributes
are set).
fn: the function object to decorate
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
"""Used to bind the function to the instance (add 'self')."""
return functools.partial(self.__call__, obj)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Decorating functions which modify :class:`Passage` elements.
:param args: list of all arguments, assuming the first is the object
which modifies :class:`Passage`, and it has an attribute root
which points to the Passage it is part of.
:param kwargs: list of all keyword arguments
:return: The decorated function result.
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` is frozen and can't be
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
if args[0].root.frozen:
raise FrozenPassageError(args[0].root.ID)
return self.fn(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated(*args, **kwargs)
class _AttributeDict:
"""Dictionary which stores attributes for any UCCA element.
This dictionary is used to store attributes which are part of any
element in the UCCA annotation scheme. It's advantage over regular
dictionary is adhering to :class:`Passage` frozen status and modification
root: the Passage this object is linked with
def __init__(self, root, mapping=None):
self._root = root
self._dict = mapping.copy() if mapping is not None else dict()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._dict[key]
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self._dict.get(key, default)
def equals(self, other):
"""True iff the two objects are equal (only dicts, w.o.r.t Passage).
:param other: AttributeDict to compare to
:return: True iff the dictionaries are equal.
def omit_irrelevant(d):
return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k not in IRRELEVANT_ATTRIBUTES}
return omit_irrelevant(self._dict) == omit_irrelevant(other._dict)
def root(self):
return self._root
def copy(self):
return self._dict.copy()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._dict[key] = value
def update(self, values):
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._dict[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._dict)
def items(self):
return self._dict.items()
class Category:
"""when considering refinement layers, each edge can have multiple tags sorted in a certain hierarchy.
for this reason, a category must include not only the tag information but also the layer and hierarchy
def __init__(self, tag, slot=None, layer=None, parent=None):
self._tag = tag
self._slot = slot if slot else ""
self._layer = layer if layer else ""
self._parent = parent if parent else ""
self.extra = {}
def tag(self):
return self._tag
def tag(self, new_tag):
self._tag = new_tag
def slot(self):
return self._slot
def layer(self):
return self._layer
def parent(self):
return self._parent
def parent(self, new_parent):
self._parent = new_parent
def to_xml(self):
class Edge:
"""Labeled edge between two :class:`Node` objects in UCCA annotation graph.
An edge between Nodes in a :class:`Passage` is a simple object; it is a
directed edge whose ID is derived by the parent and child of the edge,
it is mostly immutable except for its attributes, and it is labeled with
the connection type between the Nodes. An edge can have multiple annotations, representing
connection types of one or more layers.
ID: ID of the Edge, constructed from the IDs of the two Nodes
root: the Passage this object is linked with
attrib: attribute dictionary of the Edge
extra: temporary storage space for undocumented attributes and data
tag: the string label of the Edge
parent: the originating Node of the Edge
child: the target Node of the Edge
categories: a list of categories for this edge
ID_FORMAT: format string which creates the ID of the Edge from
the IDs of the parent (first argument to the formatting string)
and the child (second argument).
ID_FORMAT = "{}->{}"
def __init__(self, root, parent, child, tag=None, attrib=None):
"""Creates a new :class:`Edge` object.
:param see :class:`Edge` documentation.
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
if root.frozen:
raise FrozenPassageError(root.ID)
self._root = root
self._parent = parent
self._child = child
self._attrib = _AttributeDict(root, attrib)
self._categories = [Category(tag)] if tag else []
self.extra = {}
def tag(self):
return self.categories[0].tag
def tag(self, new_tag):
old_tag = self.tag
self.categories[0].tag = new_tag
self._root._change_edge_tag(self, old_tag)
def tags(self):
return [category.tag for category in self.categories]
def root(self):
return self._root
def parent(self):
return self._parent
def categories(self):
return self._categories
except AttributeError as e:
raise IOError("Load passage %s from pickle saved with UCCA<1.1. Please load from XML instead." %
self.root.ID) from e
def categories(self, new_categories):
self._categories = new_categories
def child(self):
return self._child
def attrib(self):
return self._attrib
def ID(self):
return Edge.ID_FORMAT.format(self._parent.ID, self._child.ID)
def equals(self, other, *, recursive=True, ordered=False,
ignore_node=None, ignore_edge=None):
"""Returns whether self and other are Edge-equals.
Edge-equality is determined by having the same tag and attributes.
Recursive Edge-equality means that the Edges are equal, and their
children are recursively Node-equal.
:param other: an Edge object to compare to
:param recursive: whether to compare recursively, defaults to True
:param ordered: if recursive, whether the children are Node-equivalent
w.r.t order (see Node.equals())
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:param ignore_edge: function that returns whether to ignore a given edge
:return: True iff the Edges are equal.
return self.tag == other.tag and \
self._attrib.equals(other._attrib) and \
(not recursive or
ignore_node=ignore_node, ignore_edge=ignore_edge))
def add(self, tag, slot="", layer="", parent=""):
""" adds a new category to the edge"""
c = Category(tag, slot, layer, parent)
if c.tag not in self.root.categories:
if c.parent and c.parent not in self.root.refined_categories:
return c
def __repr__(self):
return self.ID
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.categories[index]
class Node:
"""Labeled Node in UCCA annotation graph.
A Node in :class:`Passage` UCCA annotation is an vertex in the annotation
graph, which may be an internal vertex or a leaf, and is labeled with a
tag that specifies both the :class:`Layer` it belongs to and it's ID in this
Layer. It can have multiple children Nodes through :class:`Edge` objects,
and these children are ordered according to an internal order function.
ID: ID of the Node, constructed from the ID of the Layer it belongs to,
a separator, and a unique alphanumeric ID in the layer.
root: the Passage this object is linked with
attrib: attribute dictionary of the Node
extra: temporary storage space for undocumented attributes and data
tag: the string label of the Node
layer: the Layer this Node belongs to
incoming: a copy of the incoming Edges to this object
outgoing: a copy of the outgoing Edges from this object
parents: the Nodes which have incoming Edges to this object
children: the Nodes which have outgoing Edges from this object
orderkey: the key function for ordering the outgoing Edges
ID_SEPARATOR: separator function between the Layer ID and the unique
Node ID in the complete ID of the Node. Mustn't be alphanumeric.
def __init__(self, ID, root, tag, attrib=None, *,
"""Creates a new :class:`Node` object.
:param see :class:`Node` documentation.
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
if root.frozen:
raise FrozenPassageError(root.ID)
self._tag = tag
self._root = root
self._ID = ID
self._attrib = _AttributeDict(root, attrib)
self.extra = {}
self._outgoing = []
self._incoming = []
self._orderkey = orderkey
# After properly initializing self, add it to the Passage/Layer
def tag(self):
return self._tag
def tag(self, new_tag):
old_tag = self._tag
self._tag = new_tag
self._root._change_node_tag(self, old_tag)
def root(self):
return self._root
def ID(self):
return self._ID
def attrib(self):
return self._attrib
def layer(self):
return self._root.layer(self._ID.split(Node.ID_SEPARATOR)[0])
def incoming(self):
return tuple(self._incoming)
def outgoing(self):
return tuple(self._outgoing)
def parents(self):
return [edge.parent for edge in self._incoming]
def children(self):
return [edge.child for edge in self._outgoing]
def __bool__(self):
return True
def __len__(self):
return len(self._outgoing)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._outgoing[index]
def __repr__(self):
return Node.__name__ + "(" + self.ID + ")"
def add_multiple(self, edge_categories, node, *, edge_attrib=None):
"""Adds another :class:`Node` object as a child of self.
:param edge_categories: a list of 4-tuples representing the categories on this edge of the :class:`Edge`
connecting between the Nodes
:param node: the Node object which we want to have an Edge to
:param edge_attrib: Keyword only, dictionary of attributes to be passed
to the Edge initializer.
:return: the newly created Edge object
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
edge = Edge(root=self._root, parent=self,
child=node, attrib=edge_attrib)
for category in edge_categories:
return edge
def add(self, tag, node, *, edge_attrib=None):
"""Adds another :class:`Node` object as a child of self.
:param edge_categories: a list of 4-tuples representing the categories on this edge of the :class:`Edge`
connecting between the Nodes
node: the Node object which we want to have an Edge to
edge_attrib: Keyword only, dictionary of attributes to be passed
to the Edge initializer.
:return: the newly created Edge object
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
return self.add_multiple([(tag,)], node, edge_attrib=edge_attrib)
def remove(self, edge_or_node):
"""Removes the :class:`Edge` between self and a child :class:`Node`.
This methods removes the Edge given, or the Edge connecting self and
the Node given, from the annotation of :class:`Passage`. It does not
remove the target or originating Node from the graph but just unlinks
:param edge_or_node: either an Edge or Node object to remove/unlink
:raise MissingNodeError: if the Node or Edge is not connected with self.
if edge_or_node not in self._outgoing: # a Node, or an error
edge = [edge for edge in self._outgoing
if edge.child == edge_or_node][0]
except IndexError as e:
raise MissingNodeError(edge_or_node) from e
else: # an Edge object
edge = edge_or_node
except ValueError as e:
raise MissingNodeError(edge_or_node) from e
def orderkey(self):
return self._orderkey
def orderkey(self, value):
self._orderkey = value
def destroy(self):
"""Removes the :class:`Node` from the :class:`Passage` annotation graph.
This method unlinks self from all other :class:`Node` objects and removes
self from the :class:`Layer` and Passage objects.
# using outgoing and incoming so I won't change the list I'm working on
for edge in self.outgoing:
for edge in self.incoming:
def equals(self, other, *, recursive=True, ordered=False,
ignore_node=None, ignore_edge=None):
"""Returns whether the self Node-equals other.
Node-equality is basically determined by self and other having the same
tag and attributes. Recursive equality is achieved when all outgoing
Edges are Edge-equal, and their children are recursively Node-equal
as well. Ordered equality means that the outgoing Edges should be
equivalent to each other w.r.t order (the first to the first etc.),
while unordered equality means that each Edges are equivalent after
being ordered with some determined order.
:param other: the Node object to compare to
:param recursive: whether comparison is recursive, defaults to True.
:param ordered: whether comparison should include strict ordering
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:param ignore_edge: function that returns whether to ignore a given edge
:return: True iff the Nodes are equal in the terms given.
if self.tag != other.tag or not self._attrib.equals(other._attrib):
return False
if not recursive:
return True
edges, other_edges = [[edge for edge in node
if (ignore_node is None or
not ignore_node(edge.child)) and (
ignore_edge is None or
not ignore_edge(edge))]
for node in (self, other)]
if len(edges) != len(other_edges):
return False # not necessary, but gives better performance
if ordered:
return all(e1.equals(e2, ordered=True,
ignore_node=ignore_node, ignore_edge=ignore_edge)
for e1, e2 in zip(edges, other_edges))
# For unordered equality, I try to find & remove an equivalent
# Edge + Node couple from other's Edges until exhausted.
# Because both Edge-equality and Node-equality are equivalence
# classes, I can just take the first I found and remove it w/o
# trying to iterate through possible orders.
for e1 in edges:
other_edges.remove(next(e2 for e2 in other_edges
if e1.equals(e2, ignore_node=ignore_node,
except StopIteration:
return False
return not other_edges
def missing_edges(self, other, ignore_node=None):
"""Returns edges present in this node but missing in the other.
:param other: the Node object to compare to
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:return: List of edges present in this node but missing in the other.
edges, other_edges = [[edge for edge in node
if ignore_node is None or
not ignore_node(edge.child)]
for node in (self, other)]
return sorted([e1 for e1 in edges if not any(e1.equals(e2) for e2 in other_edges)],
def iter(self, obj="nodes", method="dfs", duplicates=False, key=None):
"""Iterates the :class:`Node` objects in the subtree of self.
:param obj: yield Node objects (use value "nodes", default) or Edge
objects (use values "edges")
method: do breadth-first iteration (use value "bfs") or depth-first
iteration (value "dfs", default).
duplicates: If True, may return the same object twice if it is
encountered twice, because of the DAG structure which isn't
necessarily a tree. If it is False, all objects will be yielded
only the first time they are encountered. Defaults to False.
key: boolean function that filters the iterable items. key function
takes one argument (the item) and returns True if it should be
returned to the user. If an item isn't returned, its subtree
is still iterated. Defaults to None (returns all items).
a :class:`Node` or :class:`Edge` object according to the iteration
if method not in ("dfs", "bfs"):
raise ValueError("method can be either 'dfs' or 'bfs'")
if obj not in ("nodes", "edges"):
raise ValueError("obj can be either 'nodes' or 'edges'")
processed = set()
if obj == 'nodes':
waiting = [self]
waiting = self._outgoing[:]
while len(waiting):
curr = waiting.pop(0)
if key is None or key(curr):
yield curr
to_add = curr.children if obj == 'nodes' else list(curr.child)
to_add = [x for x in to_add if duplicates or x not in processed]
if method == "bfs":
waiting = to_add + waiting
def get_terminals(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a list of all terminals under the span of this Node."""
return [t for e in self._outgoing for t in e.child.get_terminals(*args, **kwargs)]
class Layer:
"""Group of similar :class:`Node` objects in UCCA annotation graph.
A Layer in UCCA annotation graph is a subgraph of the whole :class:`Passage`
annotation graph which consists of similar Nodes and :class:`Edge` objects
between them. The Nodes and the Layer itself has some formal definition for
being grouped together.
ID: ID of the Layer, must be alphanumeric.
root: the Passage this object is linked with
attrib: attribute dictionary of the Layer
extra: temporary storage space for undocumented attributes and data
orderkey: the key function for ordering the Nodes in the layer.
Note that it must rely only on the Nodes and/or Edges in the Layer.
If it, for example, rely on Edges added between Nodes in the Layer
and Nodes outside the Layer (hence, the Edges are not in the Layer)
the order will not be updated (because the Layer object won't know
that something has changed).
all: a list of all the Nodes which are part of this Layer
heads: a list of all Nodes which have no incoming Edges in the subgraph
of the Layer (can have Edges from Nodes in other Layers).
def __init__(self, ID, root, attrib=None, *, orderkey=id_orderkey):
"""Creates a new :class:`Layer` object.
:param see :class:`Layer` documentation.
:raise FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
if root.frozen:
raise FrozenPassageError(root.ID)
self._ID = ID
self._root = root
self._attrib = _AttributeDict(root, attrib)
self.extra = {}
self._all = []
self._heads = []
self._orderkey = orderkey
def ID(self):
return self._ID
def root(self):
return self._root
def attrib(self):
return self._attrib
def all(self):
return self._all[:]
def heads(self):
return self._heads[:]
def orderkey(self):
return self._orderkey
def orderkey(self, value):
self._orderkey = value
def equals(self, other, *, ordered=False, ignore_node=None, ignore_edge=None):
"""Returns whether two Layer objects are equal.
Layers are considered Layer-equal if their attribute dictionaries are
equal and all their heads are recursively Node-equal.
Ordered Layer-equality implies that the heads should be
ordered the same for the Layers to be considered equal, and the
Node-equality is ordered too.
:param other: the Layer object to compare to
:param ordered: whether strict-order equality is used, defaults to False
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:param ignore_edge: function that returns whether to ignore a given edge
:return: True iff self and other are Layer-equal.
if not self._attrib.equals(other._attrib):
return False
heads, other_heads = [[head for head in layer.heads
if ignore_node is None or
not ignore_node(head)]
for layer in (self, other)]
if len(heads) != len(other_heads):
return False # can be removed, here for performance gain
if ordered:
return all(x1.equals(x2, ordered=True,
ignore_node=ignore_node, ignore_edge=ignore_edge)
for x1, x2 in zip(heads, other_heads))
# I can just find the first equal head in unordered search, as
# Node-equality is an equivalence class (see their for details).
for h1 in heads:
other_heads.remove(next(h2 for h2 in other_heads
if h1.equals(h2, ignore_node=ignore_node,
except StopIteration:
return False
return not other_heads
def _add_edge(self, edge):
"""Alters self.heads if an :class:`Edge` has been added to the subgraph.
Should be called when both :class:`Node` objects of the edge are part
of this Layer (and hence part of the subgraph of it).
:param edge: the Edge added to the Layer subgraph
if edge.child in self._heads:
# Order may depend on edges, so re-order
def _remove_edge(self, edge):
"""Alters self.heads if an :class:`Edge` has been removed.
Should be called when the child :class:`Node` object of the edge is part
of this Layer (and hence part of the subgraph of it).
:param edge: the Edge removed from the Layer subgraph
if edge.child.layer == self and all(p.layer != self for p in edge.child.parents):
# Order may depend on edges, so re-order
def _add_node(self, node):
"""Adds a :class:`node` to the :class:`Layer`.
Assumes node has no incoming or outgoing :class:`Edge` objects.
def _remove_node(self, node):
"""Removes a :class:`node` from the :class:`Layer`.
Assumes node has no incoming or outgoing :class:`Edge` objects.
def _change_edge_tag(self, edge, old_tag):
"""Updates the :class:`Layer` objects with the change.
:param edge: the updated :class:`Edge` object
old_tag: the Edge's tag before the change
pass # meant to be overriden by subclasses
def _change_node_tag(self, node, old_tag):
"""Updates the :class:`Layer` objects with the change.
:param node: the updated :class:`Node` object
old_tag: the Node's tag before the change
pass # meant to be overriden by subclasses
class Passage:
"""An annotated text with UCCA annotation graph.
A Passage is an object representing a text annotated with UCCA annotation.
UCCA annotation is a directed acyclic graph of :class:`Node` and :class:`Edge`
objects grouped into :class:`Layer` objects.
ID: ID of the Passage
root: simply self, for API similarity with other UCCA objects
attrib: attribute dictionary of the Passage
extra: temporary storage space for undocumented attributes and data
layers: all Layers of the Passage, no order guaranteed
nodes: dictionary of ID-node pairs for all the nodes in the Passage
frozen: indicates whether the Passage can be modified or not, boolean.
def __init__(self, ID, attrib=None):
"""Creates a new :class:`Passage` object.
:param see :class:`Passage` documentation.
self._ID = ID
self._attrib = _AttributeDict(self, attrib)
self.extra = {}
self._layers = {}
self._nodes = {}
self._categories = {}
self._refined_categories = []
self.frozen = False
def ID(self):
return self._ID
def root(self):
return self
def attrib(self):
return self._attrib
def layers(self):
return self._layers.values()
def nodes(self):
return self._nodes.copy()
def categories(self):
return self._categories.copy()
def refined_categories(self):
return self._refined_categories
def layer(self, ID):
"""Returns the :class:`Layer` object whose ID is given.
:param ID: ID of the Layer requested.
:raise KeyError: if no Layer with this ID is present
return self._layers[ID]
def equals(self, other, *, ordered=False, ignore_node=None, ignore_edge=None):
"""Returns whether two passages are equivalent.
Passage-equivalence is determined by having the same attributes and
all layers (according to ID) are Layer-equivalent.
:param other: the Passage object to compare to
:param ordered: is Layer-equivalency should be ordered (see there)
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:param ignore_edge: function that returns whether to ignore a given edge
:return: True iff self is Passage-equivalent to other.
if not self._attrib.equals(other._attrib):
return False
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
if len(self.layers) != len(other.layers):
return False # can be removed, here for performance gain
for lid, l1 in self._layers.items():
l2 = other.layer(lid)
if not l1.equals(l2, ordered=ordered,
ignore_node=ignore_node, ignore_edge=ignore_edge):
return False
except KeyError: # no layer with same ID found
return False
return True
def missing_nodes(self, other, ignore_node=None, ignore_edge=None):
"""Returns nodes present in this passage but missing in the other.
:param other: the Passage object to compare to
:param ignore_node: function that returns whether to ignore a given node
:param ignore_edge: function that returns whether to ignore a given edge
:return: List of nodes present in this passage but missing in the other.
nodes, other_nodes = [[node for node in passage.nodes.values()
if ignore_node is None or
not ignore_node(node)]
for passage in (self, other)]
return sorted([n1 for n1 in nodes
if not any(n1.equals(n2, ignore_node=ignore_node,
for n2 in other_nodes)],
def copy(self, layers):
"""Copies the Passage and specified layers to a new object.
The main "building block" of copying is the Layer, so copying is
truly copying the Passage attributes (attrib, extra, ID, frozen)
and creating the equivalent layers (each layer for itself).
:param layers: sequence of layer IDs to copy to the new object.
:return: A new Passage object.
:raise KeyError: if a given layer ID doesn't exist.
UnimplementedMethodError if copying for a layer is unimplemented.
other = Passage(ID=self.ID, attrib=self.attrib.copy())
other.extra = self.extra.copy()
for lid in layers:
except AttributeError as e:
raise UnimplementedMethodError() from e
other.frozen = self.frozen
return other
def by_id(self, ID):
"""Returns a Node whose ID is given.
:param ID: ID string
:return: The node.Node object whose ID matches
:raise KeyError: if no Node with this ID is found
return self._nodes[ID]
def _add_layer(self, layer):
"""Adds a :class:`Layer` object to the :class:`Passage`.
:param layer: the Layer object to add
:raise DuplicateIdError: if layer.ID is identical to a Layer already
present in the Passage.
FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
if layer.ID in self._layers:
raise DuplicateIdError(layer.ID)
self._layers[layer.ID] = layer
def _update_categories(self, category):
self._categories[category.tag] = {"layer": category.layer, "slot": category.slot, "parent": category.parent}
def _update_refined_categories(self, refined_category):
def _add_node(self, node):
"""Adds a :class:`Node` object to the :class:`Passage`.
:param node: the Node object to add
:raise DuplicateIdError: if node.ID is identical to a Node already
present in the Passage.
FrozenPassageError: if the :class:`Passage` object we are part of
is frozen and can't be modified.
if node.ID in self._nodes:
raise DuplicateIdError(node.ID)
self._nodes[node.ID] = node
def _remove_node(self, node):
"""Removes a :class:`Node` object from the :class:`Passage`.
:param node: the Node object to remove, must be unlinked with any other
Node objects and removed from its :class:`Layer`.
:raise KeyError: if no Node with this ID is present
del self._nodes[node.ID]
def _add_edge(self, edge):
"""Adds a :class:`Edge` object to :class:`Passage`.
Handles altering the Passage and :class:`Layer` objects accordingly.
:param edge: the Edge object to add
# Currently no work is done in the Passage level
def _remove_edge(self, edge):
"""Removes a :class:`Edge` object from :class:`Passage`.
Handles altering the Passage and :class:`Layer` objects accordingly.
:param edge: the Edge object to remove
# Currently no work is done in the Passage level
def _change_edge_tag(self, edge, old_tag):
"""Updates the :class:`Passage` and :class:`Layer` objects with the change.
:param edge: the updated :class:`Edge` object
old_tag: the Edge's tag before the change
# Currently no work is done in the Passage level
edge.parent.layer._change_edge_tag(edge, old_tag)
def _change_node_tag(self, node, old_tag):
"""Updates the :class:`Passage` and :class:`Layer` objects with the change.
:param node: the updated :class:`Node` object
old_tag: the Node's tag before the change
# Currently no work is done in the Passage level
node.layer._change_node_tag(node, old_tag)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._layers[max(self._layers)].heads[0])
except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError):
return super().__str__()