comma-fixer /
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918 Bytes
title: Comma fixer
emoji: 🤗
colorFrom: red
colorTo: indigo
sdk: docker
sdk_version: 20.10.17
pinned: true
app_port: 8000

sudo service docker start

docker log [id] for logs from the container.

docker build -t comma-fixer --target test . for tests

git push hub to deploy to huggingface hub, after adding a remote

Multi-stage build brings down the size from 9GB+ to around 7GB. Less not possible most likely, due to the size of torch and models.

Reported token classification F1 scores on commas for different languages, on a political speeches' dataset:

English German French Italian
0.819 0.945 0.831 0.798

Evaluation of the baseline model on the wikitext-103-raw-v1 validation dataset:

precision recall F1 support
0.79 0.71 0.75 10079