import os import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from llama_index import ( Document, GPTSimpleVectorIndex, GPTListIndex, LLMPredictor, ServiceContext, SimpleDirectoryReader, PromptHelper, ) from llama_index.readers.file.base import DEFAULT_FILE_EXTRACTOR, ImageParser from constants import DEFAULT_TERM_STR, DEFAULT_TERMS, REFINE_TEMPLATE, TEXT_QA_TEMPLATE from utils import get_llm if "all_terms" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["all_terms"] = DEFAULT_TERMS @st.cache_resource def get_file_extractor(): image_parser = ImageParser(keep_image=True, parse_text=True) file_extractor = DEFAULT_FILE_EXTRACTOR file_extractor.update( { ".jpg": image_parser, ".png": image_parser, ".jpeg": image_parser, } ) return file_extractor file_extractor = get_file_extractor() def extract_terms(documents, term_extract_str, llm_name, model_temperature, api_key): llm = get_llm(llm_name, model_temperature, api_key, max_tokens=1024) service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults( llm_predictor=LLMPredictor(llm=llm), prompt_helper=PromptHelper( max_input_size=4096, max_chunk_overlap=20, num_output=1024 ), chunk_size_limit=1024, ) temp_index = GPTListIndex.from_documents(documents, service_context=service_context) terms_definitions = str( temp_index.query(term_extract_str, response_mode="tree_summarize") ) terms_definitions = [ x for x in terms_definitions.split("\n") if x and "Term:" in x and "Definition:" in x ] # parse the text into a dict terms_to_definition = { x.split("Definition:")[0] .split("Term:")[-1] .strip(): x.split("Definition:")[-1] .strip() for x in terms_definitions } return terms_to_definition def insert_terms(terms_to_definition): for term, definition in terms_to_definition.items(): doc = Document(f"Term: {term}\nDefinition: {definition}") st.session_state["llama_index"].insert(doc) @st.cache_resource def initialize_index(llm_name, model_temperature, api_key): """Create the GPTSQLStructStoreIndex object.""" llm = get_llm(llm_name, model_temperature, api_key) service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(llm_predictor=LLMPredictor(llm=llm)) index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex.load_from_disk( "./index.json", service_context=service_context ) return index st.title("🦙 Llama Index Term Extractor 🦙") st.markdown( ( "This demo allows you to upload your own documents (either a screenshot/image or the actual text) and extract terms and definitions, building a knowledge base!\n\n" "Powered by [Llama Index]( and OpenAI, you can augment the existing knowledge of an " "LLM using your own notes, documents, and images. Then, when you ask about a term or definition, it will use your data first! " "The app is currently pre-loaded with terms from the NYC Wikipedia page." ) ) setup_tab, terms_tab, upload_tab, query_tab = st.tabs( ["Setup", "All Terms", "Upload/Extract Terms", "Query Terms"] ) with setup_tab: st.subheader("LLM Setup") api_key = st.text_input("Enter your OpenAI API key here", type="password") llm_name = st.selectbox( "Which LLM?", ["text-davinci-003", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4"] ) model_temperature = st.slider( "LLM Temperature", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, step=0.1 ) term_extract_str = st.text_area( "The query to extract terms and definitions with.", value=DEFAULT_TERM_STR ) with terms_tab: st.subheader("Current Extracted Terms and Definitions") st.json(st.session_state["all_terms"]) with upload_tab: st.subheader("Extract and Query Definitions") if st.button("Initialize Index and Reset Terms", key="init_index_1"): st.session_state["llama_index"] = initialize_index( llm_name, model_temperature, api_key ) st.session_state["all_terms"] = DEFAULT_TERMS if "llama_index" in st.session_state: st.markdown( "Either upload an image/screenshot of a document, or enter the text manually." ) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload an image/screenshot of a document:", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"] ) document_text = st.text_area("Or enter raw text") if st.button("Extract Terms and Definitions") and ( uploaded_file or document_text ): st.session_state["terms"] = {} terms_docs = {} with st.spinner("Extracting (images may be slow)..."): if document_text: terms_docs.update( extract_terms( [Document(document_text)], term_extract_str, llm_name, model_temperature, api_key, ) ) if uploaded_file:"RGB").save("temp.png") img_reader = SimpleDirectoryReader( input_files=["temp.png"], file_extractor=file_extractor ) img_docs = img_reader.load_data() os.remove("temp.png") terms_docs.update( extract_terms( img_docs, term_extract_str, llm_name, model_temperature, api_key, ) ) st.session_state["terms"].update(terms_docs) if "terms" in st.session_state and st.session_state["terms"]: st.markdown("Extracted terms") st.json(st.session_state["terms"]) if st.button("Insert terms?"): with st.spinner("Inserting terms"): insert_terms(st.session_state["terms"]) st.session_state["all_terms"].update(st.session_state["terms"]) st.session_state["terms"] = {} st.experimental_rerun() with query_tab: st.subheader("Query for Terms/Definitions!") st.markdown( ( "The LLM will attempt to answer your query, and augment it's answers using the terms/definitions you've inserted. " "If a term is not in the index, it will answer using it's internal knowledge." ) ) if st.button("Initialize Index and Reset Terms", key="init_index_2"): st.session_state["llama_index"] = initialize_index( llm_name, model_temperature, api_key ) st.session_state["all_terms"] = DEFAULT_TERMS if "llama_index" in st.session_state: query_text = st.text_input("Ask about a term or definition:") if query_text: with st.spinner("Generating answer..."): response = st.session_state["llama_index"].query( query_text, similarity_top_k=5, response_mode="compact", text_qa_template=TEXT_QA_TEMPLATE, refine_template=REFINE_TEMPLATE ) st.markdown(str(response))