import streamlit as st # from img_classification import teachable_machine_classification # from PIL import Image, ImageOps import streamlit_authenticator as stauth import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader import datetime # import configparser import webbrowser import openai from openai.error import InvalidRequestError import requests from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline import torch import io from PIL import Image # authentification with open('./bla.yaml') as file: config = yaml.load(file, Loader=SafeLoader) authenticator = stauth.Authenticate( config['credentials'], config['cookie']['name'], config['cookie']['key'], config['cookie']['expiry_days'], config['preauthorized'] ) name, authentication_status, username = authenticator.login('Login', 'main') if authentication_status: authenticator.logout('Logout', 'main') # page = st.sidebar.selectbox("探索或预测", ("OpenJourney", # "OpenAI_Dall-E",)) # if page == "OpenJourney": st.title("使用 Huggingface 模型 生成图像") st.write("model[link](") # model_id = "prompthero/openjourney" # pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16) # pipe ="cuda") # prompt = "retro serie of different cars with different colors and shapes, mdjrny-v4 style" # image = pipe(prompt).images[0] #"./retro_cars.png") prompt1 = st.text_input("Prompt", value="这里输入...") # sizz = st.select_slider("大小", options=(['1024x1024', '512x512', '256x256'])) sizz = "大小", ('prompthero/openjourney-v4','stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1','lambdalabs/sd-pokemon-diffusers','nitrosocke/Arcane-Diffusion','trinart_stable_diffusion_v2')) # ("大小", options=(['prompthero/openjourney-v4', 'stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1', 'lambdalabs/sd-pokemon-diffusers'])) st.write(sizz) # st.write(sizz) if st.button("生成"): with st.spinner("生成图像..."): API_URL = ""+sizz#prompthero/openjourney-v4" headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer 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"} def query(payload): response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.content image_bytes = query({ "inputs": prompt1, }) # print(image_bytes) # You can access the image with PIL.Image for example image = st.image(image) # model_id = "prompthero/openjourney" # pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16) # pipe ="cpu") # prompt = prompt1 # image = pipe(prompt).images[0] # st.image(image) #"./retro_cars.png") # r = # "", # data={ # 'text': prompt, # }, # headers={'api-key': 'quickstart-QUdJIGlzIGNvbWluZy4uLi4K'} # ) # print(r.json()) # st.write("图片网址[link]("+r.json()["output_url"]+")") # elif page == "OpenAI_Dall-E": # pass # st.title("使用 DALL-E 生成图像") # st.write("教程[link](") # def generate_image(prompt, num_image=1, size='512x512', output_format='url'): # """ # params: # prompt (str): # num_image (int): # size (str): # output_format (str): # """ # try: # images = [] # response = openai.Image.create( # prompt=prompt, # n=num_image, # size=size, # response_format=output_format # ) # if output_format == 'url': # for image in response['data']: # images.append(image.url) # elif output_format == 'b64_json': # for image in response['data']: # images.append(image.b64_json) # return {'created': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(response['created']), 'images': images} # except InvalidRequestError as e: # print(e) # # config = configparser.ConfigParser() # #'credential.ini') # # API_KEY = config['openai']['APIKEY'] # openai.api_key = st.secrets["OPENAI_KEY"] # SIZES = ('1024x1024', '512x512', '256x256') # # generate images (url outputs) # prompt = st.text_input("Prompt", value="这里输入...") # sizz = st.select_slider("大小", options=(['1024x1024', '512x512', '256x256'])) # # st.write(sizz) # if st.button("生成"): # with st.spinner("生成图像..."): # response = generate_image(prompt, num_image=1, size=SIZES[0]) # response['created'] # images = response['images'] # for image in images: # # st.write("图片网址[link]("+image+")") # ## generate images (byte output) # # response = generate_image('San Francisco and Chicago mixed', num_image=2, size=SIZES[1], output_format='b64_json') # # prefix = 'demo' # # for indx, image in enumerate(response['images']): # # with open(f'{prefix}_{indx}.jpg', 'wb') as f: # # f.write(b64decode(image)) elif authentication_status == False: st.error('Username/password is incorrect') elif authentication_status == None: st.warning('Please enter your username and password')