import gradio as gr import json from random import sample with open("meta.json") as f: meta = json.load(f) meta_s = [x for x in meta if x["rating"] == "s"] meta_g = [x for x in meta if x["rating"] == "g"] with open("tag2cat.json") as f: tag2cat = json.load(f) f = lambda cat, e: ", ".join( t for t in (tag.replace("_", " ") for tag in e["tag_string_general"].split()) if tag2cat.get(t, "") == cat ) cats = "Character Outfit Action Scene".split() def do(ratings): if not ratings: raise gr.Error("Please select at least one of the ratings") m = ( meta_g if ratings[0] == "General" else meta_s if ratings[0] == "Sensitive" else meta ) idxs = sample(range(len(m)), 4) parts = [f(cat, m[idx]) for cat, idx in zip(cats, idxs)] return (",\n".join(parts),) + tuple( _ for p, idx in zip(parts, idxs) for _ in ( f"{p} ([danbooru post]({m[idx]['id']}))", f'![]({m[idx]["large_file_url"]})', ) ) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Row(): ratings = gr.CheckboxGroup( ["General", "Sensitive"], label="Allowed ratings", value=["General", "Sensitive"], ) button = gr.Button("Get Random Prompt", variant="primary") with gr.Row(): joined = gr.Text(label="generated prompt", show_copy_button=True) with gr.Row(equal_height=True): text_char = gr.Markdown() text_outfit = gr.Markdown() text_action = gr.Markdown() text_scene = gr.Markdown() with gr.Row(equal_height=True): img_char = gr.Markdown() img_outfit = gr.Markdown() img_action = gr.Markdown() img_scene = gr.Markdown() do, [ratings], [ joined, text_char, img_char, text_outfit, img_outfit, text_action, img_action, text_scene, img_scene, ], ) demo.launch()