Serializers =========== The library implements the JSON serializers for all available Google Calendar objects. JSON format is as specified in the `official API documentation`_. In general, you won't need to use them, ``gcsa`` serializes everything as needed under the hood. It is documented just so you know they exist and can be used if necessary. .. note:: Note that serializers' ``to_json`` methods ignore read-only fields of the objects. Read-only fields of the objects are ones that are passed to the parameters of their ``__init__`` with underscores, e.g. ``Event(_updated=25/Nov/2020)``. Events serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.event import Event from gcsa.serializers.event_serializer import EventSerializer event = Event( 'Meeting', start=(22 / Nov / 2020)[18:00] ) EventSerializer.to_json(event) .. code-block:: javascript { 'summary': 'Meeting', 'start': { 'dateTime': '2020-11-22T18:00:00+01:00', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Prague' }, 'end': { 'dateTime': '2020-11-22T19:00:00+01:00', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Prague' }, 'attachments': [], 'attendees': [], 'recurrence': [], 'reminders': {'useDefault': False}, 'visibility': 'default' } To object --------- .. code-block:: python event_json = { 'start': { 'dateTime': '2020-11-22T18:00:00+01:00', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Prague' }, 'end': { 'dateTime': '2020-11-22T19:00:00+01:00', 'timeZone': 'Europe/Prague' }, 'attachments': [], 'attendees': [], 'recurrence': [], 'reminders': {'useDefault': False}, 'summary': 'Meeting', 'visibility': 'default' } EventSerializer.to_object(event_json) .. code-block:: python Attachments serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.attachment import Attachment from gcsa.serializers.attachment_serializer import AttachmentSerializer attachment = Attachment( file_url='', title='My file', mime_type='application/' ) AttachmentSerializer.to_json(attachment) .. code-block:: javascript { 'title': 'My file', 'fileUrl': '', 'mimeType': 'application/' } To object --------- .. code-block:: python attachment_json = { 'fileUrl': '', 'mimeType': 'application/', 'title': 'My file' } AttachmentSerializer.to_object(attachment_json) .. code-block:: python Person serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.person import Person from gcsa.serializers.person_serializer import PersonSerializer person = Person( '', display_name='BFF', ) PersonSerializer.to_json(person) .. code-block:: javascript { 'email': '' 'displayName': 'BFF', } To object --------- .. code-block:: python person_json = { 'email': '', 'displayName': 'BFF', 'id': '123123', 'self': True } PersonSerializer.to_object(person_json) .. code-block:: python Attendees serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.attendee import Attendee from gcsa.serializers.attendee_serializer import AttendeeSerializer attendee = Attendee( '', display_name='BFF', additional_guests=2 ) AttendeeSerializer.to_json(attendee) .. code-block:: javascript { 'email': '' 'displayName': 'BFF', 'additionalGuests': 2, } To object --------- .. code-block:: python attendee_json = { 'email': '', 'displayName': 'BFF', 'additionalGuests': 2, 'responseStatus': 'needsAction' } AttendeeSerializer.to_object(attendee_json) .. code-block:: python Conference serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EntryPoint ---------- To json ******* .. code-block:: python from gcsa.conference import EntryPoint from gcsa.serializers.conference_serializer import EntryPointSerializer entry_point = EntryPoint( EntryPoint.VIDEO, uri='' ) EntryPointSerializer.to_json(entry_point) .. code-block:: javascript { 'entryPointType': 'video', 'uri': '' } To object ********* .. code-block:: python entry_point_json = { 'entryPointType': 'video', 'uri': '' } EntryPointSerializer.to_object(entry_point_json) .. code-block:: python ConferenceSolution ------------------ To json ******* .. code-block:: python from gcsa.conference import ConferenceSolution, EntryPoint, SolutionType from gcsa.serializers.conference_serializer import ConferenceSolutionSerializer conference_solution = ConferenceSolution( entry_points=EntryPoint( EntryPoint.VIDEO, uri='' ), solution_type=SolutionType.HANGOUTS_MEET, ) ConferenceSolutionSerializer.to_json(conference_solution) .. code-block:: javascript { 'conferenceSolution': { 'key': { 'type': 'hangoutsMeet' } }, 'entryPoints': [ { 'entryPointType': 'video', 'uri': '' } ] } To object ********* .. code-block:: python conference_solution_json = { 'conferenceSolution': { 'key': { 'type': 'hangoutsMeet' } }, 'entryPoints': [ { 'entryPointType': 'video', 'uri': '' } ] } ConferenceSolutionSerializer.to_object(conference_solution_json) .. code-block:: python ]> ConferenceSolutionCreateRequest ------------------------------- To json ******* .. code-block:: python from gcsa.conference import ConferenceSolutionCreateRequest, SolutionType from gcsa.serializers.conference_serializer import ConferenceSolutionCreateRequestSerializer conference_solution_create_request = ConferenceSolutionCreateRequest( solution_type=SolutionType.HANGOUTS_MEET, ) ConferenceSolutionCreateRequestSerializer.to_json(conference_solution_create_request) .. code-block:: javascript { 'createRequest': { 'conferenceSolutionKey': { 'type': 'hangoutsMeet' }, 'requestId': '30b8e7c4d595445aa73c3feccf4b4f06' } } To object ********* .. code-block:: python conference_solution_create_request_json = { 'createRequest': { 'conferenceSolutionKey': { 'type': 'hangoutsMeet' }, 'requestId': '30b8e7c4d595445aa73c3feccf4b4f06', 'status': { 'statusCode': 'pending' } } } ConferenceSolutionCreateRequestSerializer.to_object(conference_solution_create_request_json) .. code-block:: python Reminders serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.reminders import EmailReminder, PopupReminder from gcsa.serializers.reminder_serializer import ReminderSerializer reminder = EmailReminder(minutes_before_start=30) ReminderSerializer.to_json(reminder) .. code-block:: javascript { 'method': 'email', 'minutes': 30 } .. code-block:: python reminder = PopupReminder(minutes_before_start=30) ReminderSerializer.to_json(reminder) .. code-block:: javascript { 'method': 'popup', 'minutes': 30 } To object --------- .. code-block:: python reminder_json = { 'method': 'email', 'minutes': 30 } ReminderSerializer.to_object(reminder_json) .. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python reminder_json = { 'method': 'popup', 'minutes': 30 } ReminderSerializer.to_object(reminder_json) .. code-block:: python Calendars serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.calendar import Calendar, AccessRoles from gcsa.serializers.calendar_serializer import CalendarSerializer calendar = Calendar( summary='Primary', calendar_id='primary', description='Description', location='Location', timezone='Timezone', allowed_conference_solution_types=[ AccessRoles.FREE_BUSY_READER, AccessRoles.READER, AccessRoles.WRITER, AccessRoles.OWNER, ] ) CalendarSerializer.to_json(calendar) .. code-block:: javascript { 'id': 'primary', 'summary': 'Primary', 'description': 'Description', 'location': 'Location', 'timeZone': 'Timezone', 'conferenceProperties': { 'allowedConferenceSolutionTypes': [ 'freeBusyReader', 'reader', 'writer', 'owner' ] } } To object --------- .. code-block:: python calendar_json = { 'id': 'primary', 'summary': 'Primary', 'description': 'Description', 'location': 'Location', 'timeZone': 'Timezone', 'conferenceProperties': { 'allowedConferenceSolutionTypes': [ 'freeBusyReader', 'reader', 'writer', 'owner' ] } } CalendarSerializer.to_object(calendar_json) .. code-block:: python CalendarListEntry serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.calendar import CalendarListEntry, NotificationType from gcsa.reminders import EmailReminder from gcsa.serializers.calendar_serializer import CalendarListEntrySerializer calendar_list_entry = CalendarListEntry( calendar_id='', summary_override='Holidays in Czechia 2022', color_id='2', background_color='#123456', foreground_color='#234567', hidden=True, selected=False, default_reminders=[EmailReminder(minutes_before_start=15)], notification_types=[ NotificationType.EVENT_CREATION, NotificationType.EVENT_CHANGE ] ) CalendarListEntrySerializer.to_json(calendar_list_entry) .. code-block:: javascript { 'id': '', 'summaryOverride': 'Holidays in Czechia 2022', 'colorId': '2', 'backgroundColor': '#123456', 'foregroundColor': '#234567', 'hidden': True, 'selected': False, 'defaultReminders': [ {'method': 'email', 'minutes': 15} ], 'notificationSettings': { 'notifications': [ {'type': 'eventCreation', 'method': 'email'}, {'type': 'eventChange', 'method': 'email'} ] } } To object --------- .. code-block:: python calendar_list_entry_json = { 'id': '', 'summary': 'Státní svátky v ČR', 'summaryOverride': 'Holidays in Czechia 2022', 'colorId': '2', 'backgroundColor': '#123456', 'foregroundColor': '#234567', 'hidden': True, 'selected': False, 'defaultReminders': [ {'method': 'email', 'minutes': 15} ], 'notificationSettings': { 'notifications': [ {'type': 'eventCreation', 'method': 'email'}, {'type': 'eventChange', 'method': 'email'} ] } } CalendarListEntrySerializer.to_object(calendar_list_entry_json) .. code-block:: python Access control rule serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.acl import AccessControlRule, ACLRole, ACLScopeType from gcsa.serializers.acl_rule_serializer import ACLRuleSerializer rule = AccessControlRule( role=ACLRole.READER, scope_type=ACLScopeType.USER, scope_value='', ) ACLRuleSerializer.to_json(rule) .. code-block:: javascript { 'role': 'reader', 'scope': { 'type': 'user', 'value': '' } } To object --------- .. code-block:: python acl_rule_json = { 'role': 'reader', 'scope': { 'type': 'user', 'value': '' }, 'id': '' } ACLRuleSerializer.to_object(acl_rule_json) .. code-block:: python FreeBusy serializer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To json ------- .. code-block:: python from gcsa.free_busy import FreeBusy, TimeRange from gcsa.serializers.free_busy_serializer import FreeBusySerializer free_busy = FreeBusy( time_min=(24 / Mar / 2023)[13:22], time_max=(25 / Mar / 2023)[13:22], groups={'group1': ['calendar1', 'calendar2']}, calendars={ 'calendar1': [ TimeRange((24 / Mar / 2023)[14:22], (24 / Mar / 2023)[15:22]), TimeRange((24 / Mar / 2023)[17:22], (24 / Mar / 2023)[18:22]), ], 'calendar2': [ TimeRange((24 / Mar / 2023)[15:22], (24 / Mar / 2023)[16:22]), TimeRange((24 / Mar / 2023)[18:22], (24 / Mar / 2023)[19:22]), ] }, groups_errors={ "non-existing-group": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "notFound" } ] }, calendars_errors={ "non-existing-calendar": [ { "domain": "global", "reason": "notFound" } ] } ) FreeBusySerializer.to_json(free_busy) .. code-block:: javascript { 'calendars': { 'calendar1': { 'busy': [ {'start': '2023-03-24T14:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T15:22:00'}, {'start': '2023-03-24T17:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T18:22:00'} ], 'errors': [] }, 'calendar2': { 'busy': [ {'start': '2023-03-24T15:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T16:22:00'}, {'start': '2023-03-24T18:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T19:22:00'} ], 'errors': [] }, 'non-existing-calendar': { 'busy': [], 'errors': [ {'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'notFound'} ] } }, 'groups': { 'group1': { 'calendars': ['calendar1', 'calendar2'], 'errors': [] }, 'non-existing-group': { 'calendars': [], 'errors': [ {'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'notFound'} ] } }, 'timeMin': '2023-03-24T13:22:00', 'timeMax': '2023-03-25T13:22:00' } To object --------- .. code-block:: python free_busy_json = { 'calendars': { 'calendar1': { 'busy': [ {'start': '2023-03-24T14:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T15:22:00'}, {'start': '2023-03-24T17:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T18:22:00'} ], 'errors': [] }, 'calendar2': { 'busy': [ {'start': '2023-03-24T15:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T16:22:00'}, {'start': '2023-03-24T18:22:00', 'end': '2023-03-24T19:22:00'} ], 'errors': [] }, 'non-existing-calendar': { 'busy': [], 'errors': [ {'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'notFound'} ] } }, 'groups': { 'group1': { 'calendars': ['calendar1', 'calendar2'], 'errors': [] }, 'non-existing-group': { 'calendars': [], 'errors': [ {'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'notFound'} ] } }, 'timeMin': '2023-03-24T13:22:00', 'timeMax': '2023-03-25T13:22:00' } FreeBusySerializer.to_object(free_busy_json) .. code-block:: python .. _`official API documentation`: