import gc import logging import os import torch from accelerate import dispatch_model, infer_auto_device_map from accelerate.utils import get_balanced_memory from h2o_wave import Q from h2o_wave import data as chat_data from h2o_wave import ui from llm_studio.app_utils.utils import get_experiments, get_ui_elements, set_env from llm_studio.python_configs.base import DefaultConfigProblemBase from llm_studio.src.datasets.text_utils import get_tokenizer from llm_studio.src.utils.config_utils import ( NON_GENERATION_PROBLEM_TYPES, load_config_yaml, ) from llm_studio.src.utils.modeling_utils import load_checkpoint logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def chat_tab(q: Q, load_model=True): if not await should_start_chat(q): return if load_model:["experiment/display/chat"] = ui.form_card( box="first", items=[ui.progress(label="Loading the model...")], ) q.client["experiment/display/chat/messages"] = [] q.client.delete_cards.add("experiment/display/chat")["experiment/display/chat/settings"] = ui.form_card( box="second", items=[ ui.expander( name="chat_settings", label="Chat Settings", items=[ui.progress(label="Loading model configuration...")], expanded=True, ) ], ) q.client.delete_cards.add("experiment/display/chat/settings") await if load_model: with set_env(HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN=q.client["default_huggingface_api_token"]): gpu_id = q.client["gpu_used_for_chat"] - 1 cfg, model, tokenizer = load_cfg_model_tokenizer( q.client["experiment/display/experiment_path"], device=f"cuda:{gpu_id}" ) q.client["experiment/display/chat/cfg"] = cfg q.client["experiment/display/chat/model"] = model q.client["experiment/display/chat/tokenizer"] = tokenizer initial_message = "Model successfully loaded, how can I help you?" else: cfg = q.client["experiment/display/chat/cfg"] assert q.client["experiment/display/chat/model"] is not None assert q.client["experiment/display/chat/tokenizer"] is not None initial_message = "Chat History cleaned. How can I help you?" # Hide fields that are should not be visible in the UI cfg.prediction._visibility["metric"] = -1 cfg.prediction._visibility["batch_size_inference"] = -1 cfg.prediction._visibility["min_length_inference"] = -1 cfg.prediction._visibility["stop_tokens"] = -1["experiment/display/chat"] = ui.chatbot_card( box="first", data=chat_data(fields="content from_user", t="list"), # type: ignore name="experiment/display/chat/chatbot", events=["stop", "suggestion"], suggestions=[ ui.chat_suggestion( "Write a poem about H2O LLM Studio", label="Write a poem", caption="about H2O LLM Studio", icon="Edit", ), ui.chat_suggestion( "Plan a trip to Europe", label="Plan a trip", caption="to Europe", icon="Airplane", ), ui.chat_suggestion( "Give me ideas for a new project", label="Give me ideas", caption="for a new project", icon="Lightbulb", ), ui.chat_suggestion( "Explain me CSS preprocessors", label="Explain me", caption="CSS preprocessors", icon="Code", ), ], )["experiment/display/chat"].data += [initial_message, False] option_items = get_ui_elements( cfg=q.client["experiment/display/chat/cfg"].prediction, q=q, pre="chat/cfg_predictions", )["experiment/display/chat/settings"] = ui.form_card( box="second", items=[ ui.buttons( [ ui.button( name="experiment/display/chat/clear_history", label="Clear History", primary=True, ), ] ), ui.expander( name="chat_settings", label="Chat Settings", items=option_items, expanded=True, ), ], ) async def should_start_chat(q: Q): cfg: DefaultConfigProblemBase = load_config_yaml( os.path.join(q.client["experiment/display/experiment_path"], "cfg.yaml") ) if cfg.problem_type in NON_GENERATION_PROBLEM_TYPES:["experiment/display/chat"] = ui.form_card( box="first", items=[ ui.text( "Chatbot is not available for text classification problems. " "Please select a text generation problem." ) ], title="", ) q.client.delete_cards.add("experiment/display/chat") return False # gpu id in UI is offset by 1 to be in sync with experiment UI gpu_id = q.client["gpu_used_for_chat"] - 1 if gpu_is_blocked(q, gpu_id):["experiment/display/chat"] = ui.form_card( box="first", items=[ ui.text( f"""Chatbot is not available when GPU{q.client["gpu_used_for_chat"]} is blocked by another experiment. You can change "Gpu used for Chat" in the settings tab to use another GPU for the chatbot. """ ) ], title="", ) q.client.delete_cards.add("experiment/display/chat") return False return True def gpu_is_blocked(q, gpu_id): experiments = get_experiments(q=q) running_experiments = experiments[experiments.status.isin(["running"])] gpu_blocked = any( [ str(gpu_id) in gpu_list for gpu_list in running_experiments["gpu_list"] .apply(lambda x: x.split(",")) .to_list() ] ) return gpu_blocked def load_cfg_model_tokenizer( experiment_path: str, merge: bool = False, device: str = "cuda:0" ): cfg = load_config_yaml(os.path.join(experiment_path, "cfg.yaml")) cfg.architecture.pretrained = False cfg.architecture.gradient_checkpointing = False cfg.environment._device = device.replace("_shard", "") cfg.environment._local_rank = 0 cfg.prediction._visibility["num_history"] = 1 tokenizer = get_tokenizer(cfg) gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() if ( merge and and cfg.architecture.backbone_dtype in ("int4", "int8") ):"Loading backbone in float16 for merging LORA weights.") cfg.architecture.backbone_dtype = "float16" cfg.architecture.pretrained = True # if "cpu" in device: # cfg.architecture.backbone_dtype = "float32" with torch.device(cfg.environment._device): model = cfg.architecture.model_class(cfg) cfg.architecture.pretrained_weights = os.path.join( experiment_path, "checkpoint.pth" ) load_checkpoint(cfg, model, strict=False) if device == "cpu_shard": max_memory = get_balanced_memory( model, ) device_map = infer_auto_device_map(model, max_memory=max_memory) model = dispatch_model( model, device_map=device_map, ) if merge and # merges the LoRa layers into the base model. # This is needed if one wants to use the base model as a standalone model."Merging LORA layers with base model.") if device == "cpu": model = model.backbone = model.backbone.merge_and_unload() if device == "cpu": model = model = model.eval() model.backbone.use_cache = True return cfg, model, tokenizer