Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by elapt1c - opened

i am making ElapticAI-1a and training is difficult since i dont have the money for a gpu. so i either have to use free things like colab which is a pain or cpu mine. I am 14 years old and have diagnosed autism but i am pretty good at programming and it would be great to have a gpu i can use to train or host my model to show the world the progress. i don't have any money though. ElapticAI-1a is gpt2 architecture based and also community based. I was hoping to add ai training "mining" to my self made "cryptocurrency" Elaptacoin, though it was a big pain to get distributed training working so for now i am laying the mining stuff off until i have more resources and knowlage. i really hope to have a gpu that i can use for my fun project. i am a huge tech nerd, and even though i am 14, i am persistant and have big dreams of making something that is worth my time. i have a team of developers though they mostly work with my frontent stuff.

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