test-1 / app.py
Daniel Tse
Add dereference to get the summary_text
history blame
3.77 kB
import streamlit as st
import whisper
import os
import torch
from transformers import pipeline
from pydub import AudioSegment
def transcribe_audio(audiofile):
st.session_state['audio'] = audiofile
print(f"audio_file_session_state:{st.session_state['audio'] }")
st.info("Getting size of file")
#get size of audio file
audio_size = round(os.path.getsize(st.session_state['audio'])/(1024*1024),1)
print(f"audio file size:{audio_size}")
#determine audio duration
podcast = AudioSegment.from_mp3(st.session_state['audio'])
st.session_state['audio_segment'] = podcast
podcast_duration = podcast.duration_seconds
print(f"Audio Duration: {podcast_duration}")
whisper_model = whisper.load_model("small.en")
transcription = whisper_model.transcribe(audiofile)
st.session_state['transcription'] = transcription
print(f"ranscription: {transcription['text']}")
st.info('Done Transcription')
return transcription
def chunk_and_preprocess_text(text, model_name= 'philschmid/flan-t5-base-samsum'):
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
sentences = sent_tokenize(text)
length = 0
chunk = ""
chunks = []
count = -1
for sentence in sentences:
count += 1
combined_length = len(tokenizer.tokenize(sentence)) + length # add the no. of sentence tokens to the length counter
if combined_length <= tokenizer.max_len_single_sentence: # if it doesn't exceed
chunk += sentence + " " # add the sentence to the chunk
length = combined_length # update the length counter
# if it is the last sentence
if count == len(sentences) - 1:
chunks.append(chunk) # save the chunk
chunks.append(chunk) # save the chunk
# reset
length = 0
chunk = ""
# take care of the overflow sentence
chunk += sentence + " "
length = len(tokenizer.tokenize(sentence))
return chunks
def summarize_podcast(audiotranscription):
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="philschmid/flan-t5-base-samsum", device=0)
st.info("Chunking text")
text_chunks = chunk_and_preprocess_text(audiotranscription)
summarized_text = summarizer(text_chunks, max_len=200,min_len=50)
st.session_state['summary'] = summarized_text
return summarized_text
st.markdown("# Podcast Q&amp;A")
This helps understand information-dense podcast episodes by doing the following:
- Speech to Text transcription - using OpenSource Whisper Model
- Summarizes the episode
- Allows you to ask questions and returns direct quotes from the episode.
if st.button("Process Audio File"):
podcast_text = transcribe_audio("marketplace-2023-06-14.mp3")
#write text out
with st.expander("See Transcription"):
#Summarize Text
podcast_summary = summarize_podcast(podcast_text)
##Summary of Text
if st.button("Summarize Podcast"):
with open('transcription.txt', 'r') as file:
podcast_text = file.read().rstrip()
podcast_summary = summarize_podcast(podcast_text)
##Summary of Text
#audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload audio copy of file", key="upload", type=['.mp3'])
# if audio_file:
# transcribe_audio(audio_file)