from fastapi import FastAPI, Request from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from pydantic import BaseModel from vllm import AsyncLLMEngine, SamplingParams from vllm.engine.arg_utils import AsyncEngineArgs import json import uuid app = FastAPI() # TODO: In the AsyncEngineArgs select the additional parameters # to make this deployment efficient. Specifically, consider: # - max_num_batched_tokens: Sets the maximum number of tokens that can be processed # in a single batch. Make sure to accommodate for the memory constraints of GPU hosting the application. # - max_num_seqs: Limits the maximum number of sequences that can # be processed concurrently. Smaller numbers will reduce the memory pressure on the GPU. # - gpu_memory_utilization: Sets the target GPU memory utilization. # Adjust to make more efficient use of available GPU memory. # - max_model_len: Specifies the maximum sequence length the model can handle. # - enforce_eager: Disables or enables CUDA graph optimization. This can be useful # for debugging or when CUDA graph optimization causes issues. # - dtype='half': Sets the data type for model parameters to half-precision # (float16). This reduces memory usage and can speed up computations, especially on GPUs with good half-precision performance. engine = AsyncLLMEngine.from_engine_args( AsyncEngineArgs( model='claudiubarbu/HW2-orpo', max_num_batched_tokens=1024, max_num_seqs=8, gpu_memory_utilization=0.8, max_model_len=512, enforce_eager=True, dtype='half', ) ) class GenerationRequest(BaseModel): # FastAPI uses classes like GenerationRequest for several important reasons: # - Automatic Request Parsing # - Data Validation # - Default Values # - Self-Documenting APIs # - Type Safety in Your Code prompt: str max_tokens: int = 100 temperature: float = 0.7 async def generate_stream(prompt: str, max_tokens: int, temperature: float): """ The function generate_stream is an asynchronous generator that produces a stream of text from a language model. Asynchronous functions can pause their execution, allowing other code to run while waiting for operations to complete. prompt: The initial text to start the generation. max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens (words or word pieces) to generate. temperature: Controls the randomness of the generation. Higher values (e.g., 1.0) make output more random, while lower values (e.g., 0.1) make it more deterministic. """ # SamplingParams configures how the text generation will behave. # It uses the temperature and max_tokens values passed to the function. sampling_params = SamplingParams( temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens ) # The request_id is used by vLLM to track different generation requests, # especially useful in scenarios with multiple concurrent requests. # Using a UUID ensures that each request has a unique identifier, # preventing conflicts between different generation tasks. request_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # async for is an asynchronous loop that works with asynchronous generators. # engine.generate() is an instance of the language model that generates text # based on the given prompt and parameters. The loop will receive chunks of # generated text one at a time rather than waiting for the entire text to be generated. # The generate function requires a request_id, which I set to 1 async for output in engine.generate(prompt, sampling_params, request_id=request_id): # yield is used in generator functions to produce a series of values # over time rather than computing them all at once. The yielded string # follows the Server-Sent Events (SSE) format: # - It starts with "data: ". # - The content is a JSON string containing the generated text. # - It ends with two newlines (\n\n) to signal the end of an SSE message. yield f"data: {json.dumps({'text': output.outputs[0].text})}\n\n" # After the generation is complete, we yield a special "DONE" signal, # also in SSE format, to indicate that the stream has ended. yield "data: [DONE]\n\n" # This line tells FastAPI that this function should handle POST requests # to the "/generate-stream" endpoint."/generate-stream") async def generate_text(request: GenerationRequest): """ The function generate_text is a FastAPI route that handles POST requests to "/generate-stream". It's designed to stream generated text back to the client as it's being produced rather than waiting for all the text to be generated before sending a response. """ try: # StreamingResponse is used to send a streaming response back to the client. # generate_stream() is called with the parameters from the request. This function is expected to be a generator that yields chunks of text. # media_type="text/event-stream" indicates that this is a Server-Sent Events (SSE) stream, a format for sending real-time updates from server to client. return StreamingResponse( generate_stream(request.prompt, request.max_tokens, request.temperature), media_type="text/event-stream" ) except Exception as e: # If an exception occurs, it returns a streaming response with an error message, # maintaining the SSE format. return StreamingResponse( iter([f"data: {json.dumps({'error': str(e)})}\n\n"]), media_type="text/event-stream" ) @app.get("/") def greet_json(): return {"Hello": "World!"}