import webdataset as wds import glob import os from tqdm import tqdm import orjson as json import itertools from PIL import Image import numpy as np from typing import List import cv2 import random from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map from copy import deepcopy class Generator(): def __init__(self, dataset_name): self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.is_end = False class VisualGenomeGenerator(Generator): def __init__(self, root: str): super().__init__(dataset_name="vg") data = json.loads(open(os.path.join(root, "region_descriptions.json")).read()) image_data = json.loads(open(os.path.join(root, "image_data.json")).read()) self.image_id_to_filename = {} self.image_id_to_wh = {} for image in image_data: image_id = image["image_id"] subfolder, filename = image['url'].split("/")[-2:] self.image_id_to_filename[image_id] = os.path.join(root, subfolder, filename) self.image_id_to_wh[image_id] = (image["width"], image["height"]) self.regions = [] total = 0 total_image = 0 used_image = 0 for xx in tqdm(data): total_image += 1 flag = False for region in xx['regions']: total += 1 region_w = int(region["width"]) region_h = int(region["height"]) x = int(region["x"]) y = int(region["y"]) image_w = self.image_id_to_wh[region["image_id"]][0] image_h = self.image_id_to_wh[region["image_id"]][1] region_w /= image_w region_h /= image_h x /= image_w y /= image_h if region_w * region_h < 1 / (16*16*4): continue if " is" in region["phrase"] or " are" in region["phrase"]: continue region["norm_xywh"] = (x, y, region_w, region_h) self.regions.append(region) flag = True if flag: used_image += 1 random.shuffle(self.regions) print("valid region", len(self.regions), total, len(self.regions) / total) print("valid image", used_image, total_image, used_image / total_image) def __len__(self): return len(self.regions) def __iter__(self): for region in self.regions: image_id = region["image_id"] phrase = region["phrase"] try: image =[image_id]) except: continue image = image.resize((224, 224)) x, y, region_w, region_h = region["norm_xywh"] x1 = int(x * 224) y1 = int(y * 224) x2 = int(x1 + region_w * 224) y2 = int(y1 + region_h * 224) yield [self.dataset_name, image, phrase, np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2]), image_id] self.is_end = True def handle(args): dataset_name = "vg" iii, regions, image_id_to_filename = args if iii == 0: print(regions[:10]) os.makedirs(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, str(iii)), exist_ok=True) with wds.ShardWriter(os.path.join(OUT_DIR, str(iii), "%06d.tar"), maxcount=8500) as sink: sink.verbose = False for i, region in enumerate(tqdm(regions, disable=(iii != 0))): image_id = region["image_id"] phrase = region["phrase"] image =[image_id]) image = image.resize((224, 224)) x, y, region_w, region_h = region["norm_xywh"] x1 = int(x * 224) y1 = int(y * 224) x2 = int(x1 + region_w * 224) y2 = int(y1 + region_h * 224) dataset_name, image, caption, xyxy, image_id = [dataset_name, image, phrase, np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2]), image_id] sink.write({"__key__": f"{dataset_name}_{i}_containBox", "jpg": image, "txt": caption, "boxes.pyd": xyxy, "logits.pyd": xyxy}) if i % 200 == 0 and iii == 0: tqdm.write(f"{caption} {xyxy}") if __name__ == "__main__": OUT_DIR = "/gpfs/u/home/LMCG/LMCGljnn/scratch-shared/junyan/raw/vg_0826" os.makedirs(OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) visual_genome_generator = VisualGenomeGenerator("/gpfs/u/home/LMCG/LMCGljnn/scratch/datasets/raw/vg") N_PROC = 150 data_list = [] for i in range(N_PROC): data_list.append([i, [], deepcopy(visual_genome_generator.image_id_to_filename)]) for i, region in enumerate(visual_genome_generator.regions): data_list[i % N_PROC][1].append(region) process_map(handle, data_list, max_workers=N_PROC, disable=True)