import sys, os import torch from .vqvae import VQ, VQVAE, DiVAE, VQControlNet from .scheduling import * def get_image_tokenizer(tokenizer_id: str, tokenizers_root: str = './tokenizer_ckpts', encoder_only: bool = False, device: str = 'cuda', verbose: bool = True, return_None_on_fail: bool = False,): """ Load a pretrained image tokenizer from a checkpoint. Args: tokenizer_id (str): ID of the tokenizer to load (name of the checkpoint file without ".pth"). tokenizers_root (str): Path to the directory containing the tokenizer checkpoints. encoder_only (bool): Set to True to load only the encoder part of the tokenizer. device (str): Device to load the tokenizer on. verbose (bool): Set to True to print load_state_dict warning/success messages return_None_on_fail (bool): Set to True to return None if the tokenizer fails to load (e.g. doesn't exist) Returns: model (nn.Module): The loaded tokenizer. """ if return_None_on_fail and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tokenizers_root, f'{tokenizer_id}.pth')): return None if verbose: print(f'Loading tokenizer {tokenizer_id} ... ', end='') ckpt = torch.load(os.path.join(tokenizers_root, f'{tokenizer_id}.pth'), map_location='cpu') # Handle renamed arguments if 'CLIP' in ckpt['args'].domain or 'DINO' in ckpt['args'].domain or 'ImageBind' in ckpt['args'].domain: ckpt['args'].patch_proj = False elif 'sam' in ckpt['args'].domain: ckpt['args'].input_size_min = ckpt['args'].mask_size ckpt['args'].input_size_max = ckpt['args'].mask_size ckpt['args'].input_size = ckpt['args'].mask_size ckpt['args'].quant_type = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'quantizer_type', None) ckpt['args'].enc_type = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'encoder_type', None) ckpt['args'].dec_type = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'decoder_type', None) ckpt['args'].image_size = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'input_size', None) or getattr(ckpt['args'], 'input_size_max', None) ckpt['args'].image_size_enc = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'input_size_enc', None) ckpt['args'].image_size_dec = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'input_size_dec', None) ckpt['args'].image_size_sd = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'input_size_sd', None) ckpt['args'].ema_decay = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'quantizer_ema_decay', None) ckpt['args'].enable_xformer = getattr(ckpt['args'], 'use_xformer', None) if 'cls_emb.weight' in ckpt['model']: ckpt['args'].n_labels, ckpt['args'].n_channels = n_labels, n_channels = ckpt['model']['cls_emb.weight'].shape elif 'encoder.linear_in.weight' in ckpt['model']: ckpt['args'].n_channels = ckpt['model']['encoder.linear_in.weight'].shape[1] else: ckpt['args'].n_channels = ckpt['model']['encoder.proj.weight'].shape[1] ckpt['args'].sync_codebook = False if encoder_only: model_type = VQ ckpt['model'] = {k: v for k, v in ckpt['model'].items() if 'decoder' not in k and 'post_quant_proj' not in k} else: # TODO: Add the model type to the checkpoint when training so we can avoid this hackery if any(['controlnet' in k for k in ckpt['model'].keys()]): ckpt['args'].model_type = 'VQControlNet' elif hasattr(ckpt['args'], 'beta_schedule'): ckpt['args'].model_type = 'DiVAE' else: ckpt['args'].model_type = 'VQVAE' model_type = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], ckpt['args'].model_type) model = model_type(**vars(ckpt['args'])) msg = model.load_state_dict(ckpt['model'], strict=False) if verbose: print(msg) return, ckpt['args']