from .Solver import solve_mechanism import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from io import StringIO import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree from svgpath2mpl import parse_path def draw_mechanism(A,x0,fixed_nodes=None,motor=[0,1],node_types=None, ax=None, highlight=None, solve=True, thetas = np.linspace(0,np.pi*2,200), def_alpha = 1.0, h_alfa =1.0, h_c = "#f15a24"): if fixed_nodes is None and node_types is None: raise ValueError("Either fixed_nodes or node_types should be provided") if fixed_nodes is None: fixed_nodes = np.where(node_types)[0] def fetch_path(): # r = requests.get(svg_url) root = etree.parse(StringIO('')).getroot() view_box = root.attrib.get('viewBox') if view_box is not None: view_box = [int(x) for x in view_box.split()] xlim = (view_box[0], view_box[0] + view_box[2]) ylim = (view_box[1] + view_box[3], view_box[1]) else: xlim = (0, 500) ylim = (500, 0) path_elem = root.findall('.//{}path')[0] return xlim, ylim, parse_path(path_elem.attrib['d']) _,_,p = fetch_path() p.vertices -= p.vertices.mean(axis=0) p.vertices = (np.array([[np.cos(np.pi), -np.sin(np.pi)],[np.sin(np.pi), np.cos(np.pi)]])@p.vertices.T).T if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) A,x0,fixed_nodes,motor = np.array(A),np.array(x0),np.array(fixed_nodes),np.array(motor) x = x0 N = A.shape[0] for i in range(N): if i in fixed_nodes: if i == highlight: ax.scatter(x[i,0],x[i,1],color=h_c,s=700,zorder=10,marker=p) else: ax.scatter(x[i,0],x[i,1],color="#1a1a1a",s=700,zorder=10,marker=p) else: if i == highlight: ax.scatter(x[i,0],x[i,1],color=h_c,s=100,zorder=10,facecolors=h_c,alpha=0.7) else: ax.scatter(x[i,0],x[i,1],color="#1a1a1a",s=100,zorder=10,facecolors='#ffffff',alpha=0.7) for j in range(i+1,N): if A[i,j]: if (motor[0] == i and motor[1] == j) or(motor[0] == j and motor[1] == i): ax.plot([x[i,0],x[j,0]],[x[i,1],x[j,1]],color="#ffc800",linewidth=4.5) else: ax.plot([x[i,0],x[j,0]],[x[i,1],x[j,1]],color="#1a1a1a",linewidth=4.5,alpha=0.6) if solve: sol,ord = solve_mechanism(A,x0,motor,fixed_nodes,thetas) x = sol for i in range(A.shape[0]): if not ord[i] in fixed_nodes: if ord[i] == highlight: ax.plot(x[i,:,0],x[i,:,1],'-',color=h_c,linewidth=4.5,alpha=h_alfa) else: ax.plot(x[i,:,0],x[i,:,1],'--',color="#0078a7",linewidth=1.5, alpha=def_alpha) ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off') return ax