import gradio as gr import subprocess import yaml from tqdm import tqdm import imageio import numpy as np from skimage.transform import resize from skimage import img_as_ubyte import torch from sync_batchnorm import DataParallelWithCallback from modules.generator import OcclusionAwareGenerator from modules.keypoint_detector import KPDetector from animate import normalize_kp def load_checkpoints(config_path, checkpoint_path, cpu=False): with open(config_path) as f: config = yaml.load(f) generator = OcclusionAwareGenerator( **config["model_params"]["generator_params"], **config["model_params"]["common_params"] ) if not cpu: generator.cuda() kp_detector = KPDetector(**config["model_params"]["kp_detector_params"], **config["model_params"]["common_params"]) if not cpu: kp_detector.cuda() if cpu: checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu")) else: checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path) generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator"]) kp_detector.load_state_dict(checkpoint["kp_detector"]) if not cpu: generator = DataParallelWithCallback(generator) kp_detector = DataParallelWithCallback(kp_detector) generator.eval() kp_detector.eval() return generator, kp_detector def make_animation( source_image, driving_video, generator, kp_detector, relative=True, adapt_movement_scale=True, cpu=False ): with torch.no_grad(): predictions = [] source = torch.tensor(source_image[np.newaxis].astype(np.float32)).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) if not cpu: source = source.cuda() driving = torch.tensor(np.array(driving_video)[np.newaxis].astype(np.float32)).permute(0, 4, 1, 2, 3) kp_source = kp_detector(source) kp_driving_initial = kp_detector(driving[:, :, 0]) for frame_idx in tqdm(range(driving.shape[2])): driving_frame = driving[:, :, frame_idx] if not cpu: driving_frame = driving_frame.cuda() kp_driving = kp_detector(driving_frame) kp_norm = normalize_kp( kp_source=kp_source, kp_driving=kp_driving, kp_driving_initial=kp_driving_initial, use_relative_movement=relative, use_relative_jacobian=relative, adapt_movement_scale=adapt_movement_scale, ) out = generator(source, kp_source=kp_source, kp_driving=kp_norm) predictions.append(np.transpose(out["prediction"].data.cpu().numpy(), [0, 2, 3, 1])[0]) return predictions def inference(video, image): # trim video to 8 seconds cmd = f"ffmpeg -y -ss 00:00:00 -i {video} -to 00:00:08 -c copy input.mp4" video = "input.mp4" source_image = imageio.imread(image) reader = imageio.get_reader(video) fps = reader.get_meta_data()["fps"] driving_video = [] try: for im in reader: driving_video.append(im) except RuntimeError: pass reader.close() source_image = resize(source_image, (256, 256))[..., :3] driving_video = [resize(frame, (256, 256))[..., :3] for frame in driving_video] predictions = make_animation( source_image, driving_video, generator, kp_detector, relative=True, adapt_movement_scale=True, cpu=False, ) imageio.mimsave("result.mp4", [img_as_ubyte(frame) for frame in predictions], fps=fps) imageio.mimsave("driving.mp4", [img_as_ubyte(frame) for frame in driving_video], fps=fps) cmd = f"ffmpeg -y -i result.mp4 -i {video} -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:1 -shortest out.mp4" cmd = "ffmpeg -y -i driving.mp4 -i out.mp4 -filter_complex hstack=inputs=2 final.mp4" return "final.mp4" title = "First Order Motion Model" description = "Gradio demo for First Order Motion Model. Read more at the links below. Upload a video file (cropped to face), a facial image and have fun :D. Please note that your video will be trimmed to first 8 seconds." article = "

First Order Motion Model for Image Animation | Github Repo

" examples = [["bella_porch.mp4", "julien.png"]] generator, kp_detector = load_checkpoints( config_path="config/vox-256.yaml", checkpoint_path="weights/vox-adv-cpk.pth.tar", cpu=False, ) iface = gr.Interface( inference, [ gr.inputs.Video(type="mp4"), gr.inputs.Image(type="filepath"), ], outputs=gr.outputs.Video(label="Output Video"), examples=examples, enable_queue=True, title=title, article=article, description=description, server_name="", ) iface.launch(debug=True)