# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: SWHL # @Contact: liekkaskono@163.com import hashlib import io import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pypdfium2 import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from rapid_latex_ocr import LatexOCR from streamlit_drawable_canvas import st_canvas MAX_WIDTH = 800 MAX_HEIGHT = 1000 st.set_page_config(layout="wide") @st.cache_resource() def load_model_cached(): return LatexOCR() def get_canvas_hash(pil_image): return hashlib.md5(pil_image.tobytes()).hexdigest() def open_pdf(pdf_file): stream = io.BytesIO(pdf_file.getvalue()) return pypdfium2.PdfDocument(stream) @st.cache_data() def page_count(pdf_file): doc = open_pdf(pdf_file) return len(doc) @st.cache_data() def get_page_image(pdf_file, page_num, dpi=96): doc = open_pdf(pdf_file) renderer = doc.render( pypdfium2.PdfBitmap.to_pil, page_indices=[page_num - 1], scale=dpi / 72, ) png = list(renderer)[0] png_image = png.convert("RGB") return png_image @st.cache_data() def get_uploaded_image(in_file): if isinstance(in_file, Image.Image): return in_file.convert("RGB") return Image.open(in_file).convert("RGB") def resize_image(pil_image): if pil_image is None: return pil_image.thumbnail((MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) @st.cache_data() def get_image_size(pil_image): if pil_image is None: return MAX_HEIGHT, MAX_WIDTH height, width = pil_image.height, pil_image.width return height, width if __name__ == "__main__": st.markdown( "

Rapid ⚡︎ LaTeX OCR

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown( """

PyPI SemVer2.0

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) col1, col2 = st.columns([0.5, 0.5]) in_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader( "PDF file or image:", type=["pdf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "webp"] ) if in_file is None: st.stop() filetype = in_file.type if "pdf" in filetype: page_count = page_count(in_file) page_number = st.sidebar.number_input( f"Page number out of {page_count}:", min_value=1, value=1, max_value=page_count, ) pil_image = get_page_image(in_file, page_number) else: pil_image = get_uploaded_image(in_file) resize_image(pil_image) canvas_hash = get_canvas_hash(pil_image) if pil_image else "canvas" model = load_model_cached() with col1: canvas_result = st_canvas( fill_color="rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.1)", stroke_width=1, stroke_color="#FFAA00", background_color="#FFF", background_image=pil_image, update_streamlit=True, height=get_image_size(pil_image)[0], width=get_image_size(pil_image)[1], drawing_mode="rect", point_display_radius=0, key=canvas_hash, ) if canvas_result.json_data is not None: objects = pd.json_normalize(canvas_result.json_data["objects"]) bbox_list = None if objects.shape[0] > 0: boxes = objects[objects["type"] == "rect"][ ["left", "top", "width", "height"] ] boxes["right"] = boxes["left"] + boxes["width"] boxes["bottom"] = boxes["top"] + boxes["height"] bbox_list = boxes[["left", "top", "right", "bottom"]].values.tolist() if bbox_list: with col2: bbox_nums = len(bbox_list) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_list): input_img = pil_image.crop(bbox) rec_res, elapse = model(np.array(input_img)) st.markdown(f"#### {i + 1}") st.latex(rec_res) st.code(rec_res)