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import os
import numpy as np
import pydiffvg
import torch
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def get_svg_file(path):
files = os.listdir(path)
files = [f for f in files if "best.svg" in f]
return files[0]
def get_seed(filename):
filename = filename[:-9]
keyword = 'seed'
before_keyword, keyword, after_keyword = filename.partition(keyword)
return after_keyword
def get_clip_loss(path, layer):
path_config = path / "config.npy"
config = np.load(path_config, allow_pickle=True)[()]
loss_clip = np.array(config[f"loss_eval"])
best_iter = np.argsort(loss_clip)[0]
loss_clip_layer = np.array(config[f"clip_vit_l{layer}_original_eval"])
return loss_clip, best_iter, loss_clip_layer
def ratios_to_str(ratios):
ratios_str = ""
for r_ in ratios:
r_str = f"{r_:.3f}"
ratios_str += f"{float(r_str)},"
ratios_str = ratios_str[:-1]
return ratios_str
def func(x, a, c, d):
return a * np.exp(c * x)
def func_inv(y, a, c, d):
return np.log(y / a) * (1 / c)
def get_func(ratios_rel, start_x, start_ys):
target_ys = ratios_rel[start_ys:]
x = np.linspace(start_x, start_x + len(target_ys) - 1, len(target_ys))
# calculate exponent
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, target_ys, maxfev=3000)
return popt
def get_clip_loss2(path, layer, object_or_background):
path_config = path / "config.npy"
config = np.load(path_config, allow_pickle=True)[()]
loss_clip = np.array(config[f"loss_eval"])
best_iter = np.argsort(loss_clip)[0]
loss_clip_layer = np.array(config[f"clip_vit_l{layer}_original_eval"])
if object_or_background == "object":
loss_clip_layer4 = np.array(config[f"clip_vit_l4_original_eval"])
loss_clip_layer = 1 * loss_clip_layer4 + loss_clip_layer
return best_iter, loss_clip_layer
def get_ratios_dict(path_to_initial_sketches, folder_name_l, layer, im_name, object_or_background, step_size_l,
# get the sketch of the given layer, and get L_clip_i
svg_filename = get_svg_file(path_to_initial_sketches / folder_name_l)
seed = get_seed(svg_filename)
path_li = path_to_initial_sketches / folder_name_l / f"{folder_name_l}_seed{seed}"
best_iter, loss_clip_layer = get_clip_loss2(path_li, layer, object_or_background)
best_lclip_layer = loss_clip_layer[best_iter]
r_1_k = 1 / best_lclip_layer
# get the next ratios by jumping by 2
r_j_k = r_1_k
ratios_k = [r_1_k]
for j in range(4):
r_j_k = r_j_k / 2
start_ys, start_x, end_x_addition = 0, 0, 0
popt = get_func(ratios_k, start_x=0, start_ys=0) # fit the function to ratios_k
x_1_k = func_inv([r_1_k], *popt)
step_size = step_size_l
num_steps = num_ratios - start_x + end_x_addition
start_ = x_1_k[0]
end = num_steps * step_size
# sample the function from the initial scaled r_1 with the corresponding step size
new_xs_layer_l = np.linspace(start_, end - step_size + start_, num_steps)
# print("new_xs_layer_l", new_xs_layer_l)
ratios_li = func(new_xs_layer_l, *popt)
ratios_str = ratios_to_str(ratios_li)
xs_layer_l_str = ratios_to_str(new_xs_layer_l)
print(f"layer {layer} r_1_k {r_1_k} \n new {ratios_str} \n x {xs_layer_l_str}\n")
return ratios_str
def read_svg(path_svg, multiply=0, resize_obj=False, params=None, opacity=1, device=None):
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(path_svg)
for group in shape_groups:
group.stroke_color = torch.tensor([0, 0, 0, opacity])
if resize_obj and params:
w, h = params["scale_w"], params["scale_h"]
for path in shapes:
path.points = path.points / canvas_width
path.points = 2 * path.points - 1
path.points[:, 0] /= (w) # / canvas_width)
path.points[:, 1] /= (h) # / canvas_height)
path.points = 0.5 * (path.points + 1.0) * canvas_width
center_x, center_y = canvas_width / 2, canvas_height / 2
path.points[:, 0] += (params["original_center_x"] * canvas_width - center_x)
path.points[:, 1] += (params["original_center_y"] * canvas_height - center_y)
if multiply:
canvas_width *= 2
canvas_height *= 2
for path in shapes:
path.points *= 2
path.stroke_width *= multiply
_render = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.apply
scene_args = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups)
img = _render(canvas_width, # width
canvas_height, # height
2, # num_samples_x
2, # num_samples_y
0, # seed
img = img[:, :, 3:4] * img[:, :, :3] + \
torch.ones(img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3,
device=device) * (1 - img[:, :, 3:4])
img = img[:, :, :3].cpu().numpy()
return img