""" Created on Mon Apr 24 15:43:29 2017 @author: zhaoy """ import cv2 import numpy as np from .matlab_cp2tform import get_similarity_transform_for_cv2 # reference facial points, a list of coordinates (x,y) dx = 1 dy = 1 REFERENCE_FACIAL_POINTS = [ [30.29459953 + dx, 51.69630051 + dy], # left eye [65.53179932 + dx, 51.50139999 + dy], # right eye [48.02519989 + dx, 71.73660278 + dy], # nose [33.54930115 + dx, 92.3655014 + dy], # left mouth [62.72990036 + dx, 92.20410156 + dy] # right mouth ] DEFAULT_CROP_SIZE = (96, 112) global FACIAL_POINTS class FaceWarpException(Exception): def __str__(self): return 'In File {}:{}'.format(__file__, super.__str__(self)) def get_reference_facial_points(output_size=None, inner_padding_factor=0.0, outer_padding=(0, 0), default_square=False): tmp_5pts = np.array(REFERENCE_FACIAL_POINTS) tmp_crop_size = np.array(DEFAULT_CROP_SIZE) # 0) make the inner region a square if default_square: size_diff = max(tmp_crop_size) - tmp_crop_size tmp_5pts += size_diff / 2 tmp_crop_size += size_diff h_crop = tmp_crop_size[0] w_crop = tmp_crop_size[1] if (output_size): if (output_size[0] == h_crop and output_size[1] == w_crop): return tmp_5pts if (inner_padding_factor == 0 and outer_padding == (0, 0)): if output_size is None: return tmp_5pts else: raise FaceWarpException( 'No paddings to do, output_size must be None or {}'.format( tmp_crop_size)) # check output size if not (0 <= inner_padding_factor <= 1.0): raise FaceWarpException('Not (0 <= inner_padding_factor <= 1.0)') factor = inner_padding_factor > 0 or outer_padding[0] > 0 factor = factor or outer_padding[1] > 0 if (factor and output_size is None): output_size = tmp_crop_size * \ (1 + inner_padding_factor * 2).astype(np.int32) output_size += np.array(outer_padding) cond1 = outer_padding[0] < output_size[0] cond2 = outer_padding[1] < output_size[1] if not (cond1 and cond2): raise FaceWarpException('Not (outer_padding[0] < output_size[0]' 'and outer_padding[1] < output_size[1])') # 1) pad the inner region according inner_padding_factor if inner_padding_factor > 0: size_diff = tmp_crop_size * inner_padding_factor * 2 tmp_5pts += size_diff / 2 tmp_crop_size += np.round(size_diff).astype(np.int32) # 2) resize the padded inner region size_bf_outer_pad = np.array(output_size) - np.array(outer_padding) * 2 if size_bf_outer_pad[0] * tmp_crop_size[1] != size_bf_outer_pad[ 1] * tmp_crop_size[0]: raise FaceWarpException( 'Must have (output_size - outer_padding)' '= some_scale * (crop_size * (1.0 + inner_padding_factor)') scale_factor = size_bf_outer_pad[0].astype(np.float32) / tmp_crop_size[0] tmp_5pts = tmp_5pts * scale_factor # 3) add outer_padding to make output_size reference_5point = tmp_5pts + np.array(outer_padding) return reference_5point def get_affine_transform_matrix(src_pts, dst_pts): tfm = np.float32([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) n_pts = src_pts.shape[0] ones = np.ones((n_pts, 1), src_pts.dtype) src_pts_ = np.hstack([src_pts, ones]) dst_pts_ = np.hstack([dst_pts, ones]) A, res, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(src_pts_, dst_pts_) if rank == 3: tfm = np.float32([[A[0, 0], A[1, 0], A[2, 0]], [A[0, 1], A[1, 1], A[2, 1]]]) elif rank == 2: tfm = np.float32([[A[0, 0], A[1, 0], 0], [A[0, 1], A[1, 1], 0]]) return tfm def warp_and_crop_face(src_img, facial_pts, ratio=0.84, reference_pts=None, crop_size=(96, 112), align_type='similarity' '', return_trans_inv=False): if reference_pts is None: if crop_size[0] == 96 and crop_size[1] == 112: reference_pts = REFERENCE_FACIAL_POINTS else: default_square = False inner_padding_factor = 0 outer_padding = (0, 0) output_size = crop_size reference_pts = get_reference_facial_points( output_size, inner_padding_factor, outer_padding, default_square) ref_pts = np.float32(reference_pts) factor = ratio ref_pts = (ref_pts - 112 / 2) * factor + 112 / 2 ref_pts *= crop_size[0] / 112. ref_pts_shp = ref_pts.shape if max(ref_pts_shp) < 3 or min(ref_pts_shp) != 2: raise FaceWarpException( 'reference_pts.shape must be (K,2) or (2,K) and K>2') if ref_pts_shp[0] == 2: ref_pts = ref_pts.T src_pts = np.float32(facial_pts) src_pts_shp = src_pts.shape if max(src_pts_shp) < 3 or min(src_pts_shp) != 2: raise FaceWarpException( 'facial_pts.shape must be (K,2) or (2,K) and K>2') if src_pts_shp[0] == 2: src_pts = src_pts.T if src_pts.shape != ref_pts.shape: raise FaceWarpException( 'facial_pts and reference_pts must have the same shape') if align_type == 'cv2_affine': tfm = cv2.getAffineTransform(src_pts, ref_pts) tfm_inv = cv2.getAffineTransform(ref_pts, src_pts) elif align_type == 'affine': tfm = get_affine_transform_matrix(src_pts, ref_pts) tfm_inv = get_affine_transform_matrix(ref_pts, src_pts) else: tfm, tfm_inv = get_similarity_transform_for_cv2(src_pts, ref_pts) face_img = cv2.warpAffine( src_img, tfm, (crop_size[0], crop_size[1]), borderValue=(255, 255, 255)) if return_trans_inv: return face_img, tfm_inv else: return face_img