videomatch /
dodijk's picture
Prepare for multiple indices
history blame
No virus
2.35 kB
import os
import urllib.request
import shutil
import logging
import hashlib
from PIL import Image
import imagehash
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
import numpy as np
from config import FPS, VIDEO_DIRECTORY
def filepath_from_url(url):
"""Return filepath based on a md5 hash of a url."""
return os.path.join(VIDEO_DIRECTORY, hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest())
def download_video_from_url(url):
"""Download video from url or return md5 hash as video name"""
filepath = filepath_from_url(url)
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
with (urllib.request.urlopen(url)) as f, open(filepath, 'wb') as fileout:
shutil.copyfileobj(f, fileout, length=16*1024)"Downloaded video from {url} to {filepath}.")
else:"Skipping downloading from {url} because {filepath} already exists.")
return filepath
def change_ffmpeg_fps(clip, fps=FPS):
# Hacking the ffmpeg call based on
import subprocess as sp
cmd = [arg + ",fps=%d" % fps if arg.startswith("scale=") else arg for arg in clip.reader.proc.args]
clip.reader.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, bufsize=clip.reader.bufsize,
stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, stdin=sp.DEVNULL)
clip.fps = clip.reader.fps = fps
clip.reader.lastread = clip.reader.read_frame()
return clip
def compute_hash(frame, hash_size=16):
image = Image.fromarray(np.array(frame))
return imagehash.phash(image, hash_size)
def binary_array_to_uint8s(arr):
bit_string = ''.join(str(1 * x) for l in arr for x in l)
return [int(bit_string[i:i+8], 2) for i in range(0, len(bit_string), 8)]
def compute_hashes(url: str, fps=FPS):
clip = VideoFileClip(download_video_from_url(url))
for index, frame in enumerate(change_ffmpeg_fps(clip, fps).iter_frames()):
# Each frame is a triplet of size (height, width, 3) of the video since it is RGB
# The hash itself is of size (hash_size, hash_size)
# The uint8 version of the hash is of size (hash_size * highfreq_factor,) and represents the hash
hashed = np.array(binary_array_to_uint8s(compute_hash(frame).hash), dtype='uint8')
yield {"frame": 1+index*fps, "hash": hashed}