import os try: # Try to install detectron2 from source. Needed for semseg plotting functionality. os.system("python -m pip install 'git+'") except Exception as e: print('detectron2 cannot be installed. Falling back to simple semseg visualization.') print(e) import torch # We recommend running this demo on an A100 GPU if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" gpu_type = torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device()) power_device = f"{gpu_type} GPU" torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(device=device) else: device = "cpu" power_device = "CPU" os.system("pip uninstall -y xformers") # Only use xformers on GPU import spaces import gradio as gr import random import numpy as np from torchvision.transforms.functional import center_crop from fourm.demo_4M_sampler import Demo4MSampler from import RGBTransform # The flag below controls whether to allow TF32 on matmul. This flag defaults to False in PyTorch 1.12 and later. torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True # The flag below controls whether to allow TF32 on cuDNN. This flag defaults to True. torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True MAX_SEED = np.iinfo(np.int32).max FM_MODEL_ID = 'EPFL-VILAB/4M-21_B' MODEL_NAME = FM_MODEL_ID.split('/')[1].replace('_', ' ') # Human poses visualization is disabled, since it needs SMPL weights. To enable human pose prediction and rendering: # 1) Install via `pip install timm yacs smplx pyrender pyopengl==3.1.4` # You may need to follow the pyrender install instructions: # 2) Download SMPL data from See for an example # 3) Copy the required SMPL files (smpl_mean_params.npz, SMPL_to_J19.pkl, smpl/SMPL_NEUTRAL.pkl) to fourm/utils/hmr2_utils/data . sampler = Demo4MSampler( fm=FM_MODEL_ID, fm_sr=None, tok_human_poses=None, tok_text='./text_tokenizer_4m_wordpiece_30k.json', ).to(device) def img_from_path(img_path: str): rgb_transform = RGBTransform(imagenet_default_mean_and_std=True) img_pil = rgb_transform.load(img_path) img_pil = rgb_transform.preprocess(img_pil) img_pil = center_crop(img_pil, (min(img_pil.size), min(img_pil.size))).resize((224,224)) img = rgb_transform.postprocess(img_pil).unsqueeze(0) return img @spaces.GPU def infer(img_path, seed=0, randomize_seed=False, target_modalities=None, top_p=0.8, top_k=0.0): if randomize_seed: seed = None img = img_from_path(img_path).to(device) preds = sampler({'rgb@224': img}, seed=seed, target_modalities=target_modalities, top_p=top_p, top_k=top_k) sampler.plot_modalities(preds, ncols_max=4, use_fixed_plotting_order=True, save_path='./output.png') return './output.png' examples = [ 'examples/example_0.png', 'examples/example_1.png', 'examples/example_2.png', 'examples/example_3.png', 'examples/example_4.png', 'examples/example_5.png', ] css=""" #col-container { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 1500px; } #col-input-container { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 400px; } #run-button { margin: 0 auto; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css, theme=gr.themes.Base()) as demo: with gr.Column(elem_id="col-container"): gr.Markdown(f""" # 4M: Massively Multimodal Masked Modeling """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(elem_id="col-input-container"): gr.Markdown(f""" *A framework for training any-to-any multimodal foundation models. Scalable. Open-sourced. Across tens of modalities and tasks.* [`Website`]( | [`GitHub`](
[`4M Paper (NeurIPS'23)`]( | [`4M-21 Paper (arXiv'24)`]( This demo predicts all modalities from a given RGB input, using [{FM_MODEL_ID}]({FM_MODEL_ID}), running on *{power_device}*. For more generative examples, and to enable human pose visualizations, please see our [GitHub repo]( (Disclaimer: The demo is a work in progress. We will switch it to using 4M-21 XL when running on GPU. Until then, this space runs on CPU and takes several minutes for inference.) """) img_path = gr.Image(label='RGB input image', type='filepath') run_button = gr.Button(f"Predict with {MODEL_NAME}", scale=0, elem_id="run-button") with gr.Accordion("Advanced Settings", open=False): target_modalities = gr.CheckboxGroup( choices=[ ('CLIP-B/16', 'tok_clip@224'), ('DINOv2-B/14', 'tok_dinov2@224'), ('ImageBind-H/14', 'tok_imagebind@224'), ('Depth', 'tok_depth@224'), ('Surface normals', 'tok_normal@224'), ('Semantic segmentation', 'tok_semseg@224'), ('Canny edges', 'tok_canny_edge@224'), ('SAM edges', 'tok_sam_edge@224'), ('Caption', 'caption'), ('Bounding boxes', 'det'), ('SAM instances', 'sam_instance'), ('Color palette', 'color_palette'), ('Metadata', 'metadata'), ], value=[ 'tok_clip@224', 'tok_dinov2@224', 'tok_imagebind@224', 'tok_depth@224', 'tok_normal@224', 'tok_semseg@224', 'tok_canny_edge@224', 'tok_sam_edge@224', 'caption', 'det', 'sam_instance', 'color_palette', 'metadata' ], label="Target modalities", info='Choose which modalities are predicted (in this order).' ) seed = gr.Slider(label="Seed", minimum=0, maximum=MAX_SEED, step=1, value=0) randomize_seed = gr.Checkbox(label="Randomize seed", value=False) top_p = gr.Slider(label="Top-p", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.8) top_k = gr.Slider(label="Top-k", minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.0) result = gr.Image(label="Predictions", show_label=False) gr.Examples( examples = examples, fn = infer, inputs = [img_path], outputs = [result], cache_examples='lazy', ) fn = infer, inputs = [img_path, seed, randomize_seed, target_modalities, top_p, top_k], outputs = [result] ) demo.queue(max_size=10).launch()