from model import ExLlama, ExLlamaCache, ExLlamaConfig from tokenizer import ExLlamaTokenizer from generator import ExLlamaGenerator from lora import ExLlamaLora import perplexity from perplexity import Perplexity import time import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import argparse import json import math import sys import os import glob import model_init torch.cuda._lazy_init() # torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True # torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_fp16_reduced_precision_reduction = True torch.set_printoptions(precision = 10) torch_devices = [f"cuda:{i}" for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())] cache = None model = None def begin(): global model, cache if cache is None: cache = ExLlamaCache(model) else: cache.current_seq_len = 0 def next_logits(input_ids, apply_lora, last_id_only = True, input_mask = None): global model, cache # n_logits = None # a = 0 # while a < input_ids.shape[-1]: # b = min(input_ids.shape[-1], a + 2048) # n_logits = model.forward(input_ids[:, a:b], cache, last_id_only, lora = apply_lora, input_mask = input_mask) # a = b n_logits = model.forward(input_ids, cache, last_id_only, lora=apply_lora, input_mask=input_mask) return n_logits def tokenize(text): global tokenizer return tokenizer.encode(text) def timer(name, func): t = time.time() ret = func() t = time.time() - t print(f" ** Time, {name}: {t:.2f} seconds") return ret mem_base = {} mem_last = {} for dev in torch_devices: torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats(dev) mem_base[dev] = mem_last[dev] = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(dev) def mem(name, total = False): global mem_base, mem_last res = f" ** VRAM, {name}: " first = True for device in torch_devices: mem_c = torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(device) mem_this = mem_c - mem_last[device] if not total else mem_c - mem_base[device] mem_last[device] = mem_c if not first: res += " - " first = False res += f"[{device}] {mem_this / (1024 ** 2):,.2f} MB" print(res) # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Benchmark tests for ExLlama") model_init.add_args(parser) perplexity.add_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-p", "--perf", action = "store_true", help = "Benchmark speed and VRAM usage") parser.add_argument("-v", "--validate", action = "count", help = "Run validation check and generate some sample output; specify twice for a more thorough test") parser.add_argument("-lora", "--lora", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA binary to use during benchmark") parser.add_argument("-loracfg", "--lora_config", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA config to use during benchmark") parser.add_argument("-ld", "--lora_dir", type = str, help = "Path to LoRA config and binary. to use during benchmark") args = parser.parse_args() model_init.post_parse(args) perplexity.post_parse(args) model_init.get_model_files(args) # Paths if args.lora_dir is not None: args.lora_config = os.path.join(args.lora_dir, "adapter_config.json") args.lora = os.path.join(args.lora_dir, "adapter_model.bin") # Feedback print_opts = [] if args.perf: print_opts.append("perf") if args.validate: print_opts.append("validate") if args.perplexity: print_opts.append("perplexity") if args.perplexity_token: print_opts.append("perplexity_token") model_init.print_options(args, print_opts) # Globals model_init.set_globals(args) # Instantiate model config = model_init.make_config(args) model = timer("Load model", lambda: ExLlama(config)) tokenizer = timer("Load tokenizer", lambda: ExLlamaTokenizer(args.tokenizer)) model_init.print_stats(model) torch.cuda.reset_peak_memory_stats("cuda") mem("Model") cache = ExLlamaCache(model) mem("Cache") # Load LoRA lora = None if args.lora: print(f" -- LoRA config: {args.lora_config}") print(f" -- Loading LoRA: {args.lora}") if args.lora_config is None: print(f" ## Error: please specify lora path to adapter_config.json") sys.exit() lora = ExLlamaLora(model, args.lora_config, args.lora) if lora.bias_ignored: print(f" !! Warning: LoRA zero bias ignored") # Test sequence gen_tokens = 128 max_seq_len = args.length ids = torch.randint(0, 31999, (1, max_seq_len - gen_tokens)).cuda() # Benchmark memory and performance if args.perf: # Warming up apparently makes a huge difference for i in range(1, 3): print(f" -- Warmup pass {i}...") begin() logits = timer("Warmup", lambda: next_logits(ids, lora)) # Do the actual benchmark begin() t = time.time() print(" -- Inference, first pass.") logits = timer("Inference", lambda: next_logits(ids, lora)) t = time.time() - t print(f" ** Speed: {ids.shape[-1] / t:.2f} tokens/second") for j in range(2): t = time.time() print(f" -- Generating {gen_tokens} tokens, {ids.shape[-1]} token prompt...") for i in range(gen_tokens): logits = logits[0, -1, :] token = torch.argmax(logits) next_id = token.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) logits = next_logits(next_id, lora) t = time.time() - t print(f" ** Speed: {gen_tokens / t:.2f} tokens/second") ids = ids[:, :4] cache.current_seq_len = 4 mem("Inference") mem("Total", total = True) # Benchmark perplexity if args.perplexity: ppl = Perplexity(args.perplexity, model, cache, tokenizer) print(" -- Loading dataset...") ppl.load(dataset_path = args.perplexity_dataset, chunk_size = args.perplexity_chunk_size, chunk_truncate = args.perplexity_chunk_truncate, overlap = args.perplexity_chunk_overlap, minlength = args.perplexity_chunk_min, json_key = args.perplexity_json_key) begin() ppl.test(args.perplexity_chunk_num, lora = lora, ppl_token = args.perplexity_token) # Validate file if args.validate: ppl = Perplexity(args.perplexity, model, cache, tokenizer) ppl.load(dataset_path = "datasets/wikitext2_val_sample.jsonl", chunk_size = 2048, chunk_truncate = 2048, overlap = 0, minlength = 50, json_key = "text") # Short perplexity tests in switched and quant mode, should produce roughly equal results begin() model.config.matmul_recons_thd = 1 ppl.test(8, lora = lora, tag = " (reconstruct)") model.config.matmul_recons_thd = 0 ppl.test(8, lora = lora, tag = " (quant, token)", ppl_token = True) # Do a short, easy topk=1 completion to see if we're generating garbage. Should run in switched mode # for the prompt and quant for individual tokens model.config.matmul_recons_thd = 4 generator = ExLlamaGenerator(model, tokenizer, cache) generator.settings.top_k = 1 generator.lora = lora text = generator.generate_simple("To be or not to be, that is the", max_new_tokens = 20 * args.validate) print(f" ** Generation: {repr(text)}") if args.validate > 1: # Test batched generation bsz = 8 gen_len = 20 torch.manual_seed(42) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(42) # Bigger cache for the batch del cache cache = ExLlamaCache(model, batch_size = bsz) # Create tokenized batch and attention mask identical_batch_prompt = "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains," continuations = [ " must be considered", " ought to be", " (and some scholars say this is", " however improbable, is a banana.", ] prompts = [identical_batch_prompt] * (bsz - len(continuations)) for cont in continuations: prompts.append(identical_batch_prompt + cont) ids = tokenizer.encode(prompts) assert ids.shape[1] < model.config.max_seq_len, f"Max length {ids.shape[1]} exceeds model limit {model.config.max_seq_len}" mask = # Batched generation with greedy sampling sequence = torch.empty((bsz, 0), dtype = torch.long, device = "cpu") logits = next_logits(ids, lora, input_mask = mask) for i in range(gen_len): logits = logits[:, -1, :] id_per_batch = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1) assert id_per_batch.shape == (bsz,), f"{id_per_batch.shape} != {(bsz,)}" next_id_per_batch = id_per_batch.unsqueeze(-1) sequence =, next_id_per_batch), dim = -1) logits = next_logits(next_id_per_batch, lora) # Print output batch print(f"\n ** Batching sanity check: 1-{bsz - len(continuations)} should be identical. All should be reasonable for the model you're using.\n") outputs = tokenizer.decode(sequence) for b in range(bsz): print(f"{b + 1} {repr(prompts[b])} -> {repr(outputs[b])}") # TODO Save the logits and then rerun each prompt with a batch size of 1, same input. The logits should be identical.