from model import ExLlama, ExLlamaCache, ExLlamaConfig from tokenizer import ExLlamaTokenizer from generator import ExLlamaGenerator import json import math import os import sys import torch import torch.nn.functional as F ''' Passing in model, cache, tokenizer is a total hack because we don't want to have to reinitialize (or move all the globals into a shared state model) ''' class Perplexity: def __init__(self, method="default", model = None, cache = None, tokenizer = None): # This needs to be loaded by calling .load() self.dataset_chunks = [] self.model = model self.cache = cache self.tokenizer = tokenizer self._begin() def _begin(self): if self.cache is None: self.cache = ExLlamaCache(self.model) else: self.cache.current_seq_len = 0 def _next_logits(self, input_ids, apply_lora, last_id_only = True): # n_logits = [] # a = 0 # while a < input_ids.shape[-1]: # b = min(input_ids.shape[-1], a + 2048) # n_logits.append(self.model.forward(input_ids[:, a:b], self.cache, last_id_only, lora = apply_lora)) # a = b # # return, dim = 1) return self.model.forward(input_ids, self.cache, last_id_only, lora = apply_lora) def _tokenize(self, text): return self.tokenizer.encode(text) # Load raw dataset from a text file and tokenize into chunks. Each chunk can optionally truncated to allow for # evaluating the same data at different sequence lengths def load(self, dataset_path, chunk_size, chunk_truncate = None, overlap = 0, minlength = 0, json_key = "text"): file_extension = os.path.splitext(dataset_path)[1] # JSON format: Returned chunks may be of variable length, with each chunk representing one list item if file_extension == '.jsonl' or file_extension == '.json': with open(dataset_path) as f: for line in f: example = json.loads(line)[json_key] if len(example) > minlength: chunk = self._tokenize(example) chunk = chunk[:, :chunk_size] if chunk_truncate is not None: chunk = chunk[:, :chunk_truncate] self.dataset_chunks.append(chunk) # Raw Text: Returned chunks are fixed length windows of the entire tokenized dataset else: with open(dataset_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: text = tokens = self._tokenize(text) # overlap shouldn't be bigger than the context, also need at least one token for predicting last... if overlap >= chunk_size: overlap = chunk_size-2 # We can't use torch.chunks since it want's to split things into equal sized chunks. Instead, let's do our own chunking start = 0 while start < tokens.size(1): chunk = tokens[:, start:start + chunk_size] start += chunk_size - overlap if chunk_truncate is not None: chunk = chunk[:, :chunk_truncate] self.dataset_chunks.append(chunk) def test(self, chunk_limit = sys.maxsize, lora = None, tag = "", ppl_token = False): if not self.dataset_chunks: sys.exit(" xx ERROR: Empty dataset!") print(f" -- Testing {min(len(self.dataset_chunks), chunk_limit)} chunks", end="") sys.stdout.flush() logprob_sum = 0.0 logprob_count = 0 chunk_count = 0 for chunk in self.dataset_chunks: self._begin() input_ids = chunk[:, :-1] target_ids = chunk[:, 1:] if ppl_token: logits_s = [] for i in range(input_ids.shape[-1]): logits_t = self._next_logits(input_ids[:, i : i + 1], lora, last_id_only = False) logits_s.append(logits_t) logits =, dim = 1) else: logits = self._next_logits(input_ids, lora, last_id_only = False) log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) token_log_probs = log_probs.gather(-1, target_ids.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) logprob_sum += token_log_probs.sum().item() logprob_count += target_ids.numel() if chunk_count % 10 == 0: print(".", end = "") sys.stdout.flush() chunk_count += 1 if chunk_limit and chunk_count >= chunk_limit: break mean_log_prob = logprob_sum / logprob_count perplexity = math.exp(-mean_log_prob) print("") print(f" ** Perplexity{tag}: {perplexity:.4f}") def add_args(parser): parser.add_argument("-ppl", "--perplexity", nargs = '?', const = 'default', metavar = "METHOD", help = "Perplexity benchmark. Optionally specify method: gptq-for-llama, llama.cpp (not yet implemented)") parser.add_argument("-ppl_ds", "--perplexity_dataset", metavar = "DATAPATH", type = str, help = "Load dataset for perplexity (JSONL if .jsonl, otherwise parses it as raw text)") parser.add_argument("-ppl_cn", "--perplexity_chunk_num", nargs = "?", type = int, help = "Number of chunks for perplexity benchmark", default = 100) parser.add_argument("-ppl_cs", "--perplexity_chunk_size", type = int, help = "Size of chunks for perplexity benchmark", default = 2048) parser.add_argument("-ppl_ct", "--perplexity_chunk_truncate", type = int, help = "Truncated size of chunks for perplexity benchmark", default = 2048) parser.add_argument("-ppl_co", "--perplexity_chunk_overlap", type = int, help = "Chunk overlap", default = 0) parser.add_argument("-ppl_cm", "--perplexity_chunk_min", type = int, help = "Minimum chunk length", default = 50) parser.add_argument("-ppl_key", "--perplexity_json_key", type = str, help = "Key to extract from JSON dataset, default: 'text'", default = "text") parser.add_argument("-ppl_t", "--perplexity_token", action = "store_true", help = "Run perplexity test on individual tokens, for debug purposes (slow)") def post_parse(args): if not args.perplexity: return # GPTQ-for-LLaMa equivalent if args.perplexity == "gptq-for-llama": args.perplexity_dataset = "datasets/wikitext2.txt" args.perplexity_chunk_num = 128 args.perplexity_chunk_size = 2048 args.perplexity_chunk_truncate = 2048 args.perplexity_chunk_overlap = 0 args.perplexity_chunk_min = 0 # Default dataset for legacy method if args.perplexity_dataset is None: args.perplexity_dataset = "datasets/wikitext2_val_sample.jsonl" print(f" -- Perplexity:") print(f" -- - Dataset: {args.perplexity_dataset}") print(f" -- - Chunks: {args.perplexity_chunk_num}") print(f" -- - Chunk size: {args.perplexity_chunk_size}" + (f" -> {args.perplexity_chunk_truncate}" if args.perplexity_chunk_truncate is not None else "")) print(f" -- - Chunk overlap: {args.perplexity_chunk_overlap}") print(f" -- - Min. chunk size: {args.perplexity_chunk_min}") print(f" -- - Key: {args.perplexity_json_key}") if args.perplexity_token: print("f -- - Per-token mode")