from model import ExLlama, ExLlamaCache, ExLlamaConfig from tokenizer import ExLlamaTokenizer import argparse, sys, os, glob from torch import version as torch_version from globals import set_affinity_str def add_args(parser): parser.add_argument("-t", "--tokenizer", type = str, help = "Tokenizer model path") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type = str, help = "Model config path (config.json)") parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", type = str, help = "Model weights path (.pt or .safetensors file)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", type = str, help = "Path to directory containing config.json, model.tokenizer and * .safetensors") parser.add_argument("-gs", "--gpu_split", type = str, help = "Comma-separated list of VRAM (in GB) to use per GPU device for model layers, e.g. -gs 20,7,7") parser.add_argument("-l", "--length", type = int, help = "Maximum sequence length", default = 2048) parser.add_argument("-cpe", "--compress_pos_emb", type = float, help = "Compression factor for positional embeddings", default = 1.0) parser.add_argument("-a", "--alpha", type = float, help = "alpha for context size extension via embedding extension", default = 1.0) parser.add_argument("-theta", "--theta", type = float, help = "theta (base) for RoPE embeddings") parser.add_argument("-gpfix", "--gpu_peer_fix", action = "store_true", help = "Prevent direct copies of data between GPUs") parser.add_argument("-flash", "--flash_attn", nargs = '?', const = 'default', metavar = "METHOD", help = "Use Flash Attention with specified input length (must have Flash Attention 2.0 installed)") parser.add_argument("-mmrt", "--matmul_recons_thd", type = int, help = "No. rows at which to use reconstruction and cuBLAS for quant matmul. 0 = never, 1 = always", default = 8) parser.add_argument("-fmt", "--fused_mlp_thd", type = int, help = "Maximum no. of rows for which to use fused MLP. 0 = never", default = 2) parser.add_argument("-sdpt", "--sdp_thd", type = int, help = "No. rows at which to switch to scaled_dot_product_attention. 0 = never, 1 = always", default = 8) parser.add_argument("-mmfr", "--matmul_fused_remap", action = "store_true", help = "Fuse column remapping in Q4 matmul kernel") parser.add_argument("-nfa", "--no_fused_attn", action = "store_true", help = "Disable fused attention") parser.add_argument("-rnnh2", "--rmsnorm_no_half2", action = "store_true", help = "Don't use half2 in RMS norm kernel") parser.add_argument("-rpnh2", "--rope_no_half2", action = "store_true", help = "Don't use half2 in RoPE kernel") parser.add_argument("-mmnh2", "--matmul_no_half2", action = "store_true", help = "Don't use half2 in Q4 matmul kernel") parser.add_argument("-snh2", "--silu_no_half2", action = "store_true", help = "Don't use half2 in SiLU kernel") parser.add_argument("-nh2", "--no_half2", action = "store_true", help = "(All of the above) disable half2 in all kernela") parser.add_argument("-fh2", "--force_half2", action = "store_true", help = "Force enable half2 even if unsupported") parser.add_argument("-cs", "--concurrent_streams", action = "store_true", help = "Use concurrent CUDA streams") parser.add_argument("-aff", "--affinity", type = str, help = "Comma-separated list, sets processor core affinity. E.g.: -aff 0,1,2,3") def post_parse(args): if args.no_half2 or torch_version.hip and not args.force_half2: args.rmsnorm_no_half2 = True args.rope_no_half2 = True args.matmul_no_half2 = True args.silu_no_half2 = True # Get model files from --directory def get_model_files(args): if is not None: args.tokenizer = os.path.join(, "tokenizer.model") args.config = os.path.join(, "config.json") st_pattern = os.path.join(, "*.safetensors") st = glob.glob(st_pattern) if len(st) == 0: print(f" !! No files matching {st_pattern}") sys.exit() # if len(st) > 1: # print(f" !! Multiple files matching {st_pattern}") # sys.exit() args.model = st else: if args.tokenizer is None or args.config is None or args.model is None: print(" !! Please specify either -d or all of -t, -c and -m") sys.exit() # Feedback def _common_chars(names): cname = max(names, key = len) for x in names: for p, c in enumerate(x): if c != cname[p] and cname[p] != "*": cname = cname[:p] + "*" + cname[p+1:] return cname def print_options(args, extra_options = None): print_opts = [] if args.gpu_split is not None: print_opts.append(f"gpu_split: {args.gpu_split}") if args.gpu_peer_fix: print_opts.append("gpu_peer_fix") if args.affinity: print_opts.append(f" --affinity: {args.affinity}") if extra_options is not None: print_opts += extra_options print(f" -- Tokenizer: {args.tokenizer}") print(f" -- Model config: {args.config}") if isinstance(args.model, str): print(f" -- Model: {args.model}") else: print(f" -- Model: {_common_chars(args.model)}") print(f" -- Sequence length: {args.length}") if args.compress_pos_emb != 1.0: print(f" -- RoPE compression factor: {args.compress_pos_emb}") if args.alpha != 1.0: print(f" -- RoPE alpha factor: {args.alpha}") print(f" -- Tuning:") if args.flash_attn: print(f" -- --flash_attn") else: print(f" -- --sdp_thd: {args.sdp_thd}" + (" (disabled)" if args.sdp_thd == 0 else "")) print(f" -- --matmul_recons_thd: {args.matmul_recons_thd}" + (" (disabled)" if args.matmul_recons_thd == 0 else "")) print(f" -- --fused_mlp_thd: {args.fused_mlp_thd}" + (" (disabled)" if args.fused_mlp_thd == 0 else "")) if args.matmul_fused_remap: print(f" -- --matmul_fused_remap") if args.no_fused_attn: print(f" -- --no_fused_attn") if args.rmsnorm_no_half2: print(f" -- --rmsnorm_no_half2") if args.rope_no_half2: print(f" -- --rope_no_half2") if args.matmul_no_half2: print(f" -- --matmul_no_half2") if args.silu_no_half2: print(f" -- --silu_no_half2") if args.concurrent_streams: print(f" -- --concurrent_streams") print(f" -- Options: {print_opts}") # Build ExLlamaConfig from args def make_config(args): config = ExLlamaConfig(args.config) config.model_path = args.model config.max_seq_len = args.length config.compress_pos_emb = args.compress_pos_emb config.set_auto_map(args.gpu_split) config.gpu_peer_fix = args.gpu_peer_fix config.alpha_value = args.alpha config.calculate_rotary_embedding_base() if args.flash_attn: config.use_flash_attn_2 = True try: config.max_input_len = int(args.flash_attn) except ValueError: pass config.matmul_recons_thd = args.matmul_recons_thd config.fused_mlp_thd = args.fused_mlp_thd config.sdp_thd = args.sdp_thd config.matmul_fused_remap = args.matmul_fused_remap config.fused_attn = not args.no_fused_attn config.rmsnorm_no_half2 = args.rmsnorm_no_half2 config.rope_no_half2 = args.rope_no_half2 config.matmul_no_half2 = args.matmul_no_half2 config.silu_no_half2 = args.silu_no_half2 config.concurrent_streams = args.concurrent_streams if args.theta: config.rotary_embedding_base = args.theta return config # Global state def set_globals(args): if args.affinity: set_affinity_str(args.affinity) # Print stats after loading model def print_stats(model): print(f" -- Groupsize (inferred): {model.config.groupsize if model.config.groupsize is not None else 'None'}") print(f" -- Act-order (inferred): {'yes' if model.config.act_order else 'no'}") if model.config.empty_g_idx: print(f" !! Model has empty group index (discarded)")