import sys import os import leafmap from helpers.helpers_grid import * from helpers.helpers_functional import * from leafmap.toolbar import change_basemap from IPython.display import display import ipywidgets import solara instructions_top = ''' ![image/png]( # Dataset Viewer This app provides a way of exploring samples present in the MajorTOM-Core dataset. It contains nearly every piece of Earth captured by ESA Sentinel-2 satellite as well as a large fraction of paired Sentinel-1 data from a similar time period. ### Instructions To find a sample, navigate on the map to a place of interest. Click `Find Sample` to find a dataset sample that contains the central pixel of your current view. ''' instructions_bottom = '''
🏝 Couldn't find a sample? See this figure of global coverage:
''' image_data = solara.reactive('RGB',(1068,1068))) center = solara.reactive((20, 0)) gridcell = solara.reactive('') timestamp = solara.reactive('') zoom= solara.reactive(4) source = solara.reactive('S2-L2A') @solara.component def Page(): with solara.Column(): with solara.Card(margin=10): solara.Markdown(instructions_top) solara.Button(label="Website", icon_name="mdi-map-legend", attributes={"href": '', "target": "_blank"}, text=True, outlined=True) solara.Button(label="arXiv Paper", icon_name="mdi-script-text", attributes={"href": '', "target": "_blank"}, text=True, outlined=True) solara.Markdown(instructions_bottom) def update_image(): ret = map_to_image(m, return_centre=True, return_gridcell=True, return_timestamp=True, source=source.value) if ret is not None: image_data.value, center.value, gridcell.value, timestamp.value = ret zoom.value=12 else: image_data.value ='RGB',(1068,1068)) center.value = (20,0) zoom.value = 4 def update_source(val): source.value = val update_image() with solara.Card(margin=10): with solara.ColumnsResponsive(default=12, small=12, medium=6, large=6, xlarge=6): with solara.Column(align='center'): m = leafmap.Map( height=560, width=560, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(max_width='60vw', max_height='80vh'), zoom=zoom.value, center=center.value, draw_control=False, measure_control=False, fullscreen_control=False, toolbar_control=False, attribution_control=True, ) display(m) button = solara.Button("Find Sample", on_click=update_image, height='80px') solara.Select(label="Processing Level", value=source, values=['S2-L2A','S2-L1C', 'S1-RTC'], on_value=update_source) with solara.Column(align='center'): output = solara.Image(image_data.value) solara.Markdown(''' | | | |--------------------:|:----:| | Latitude, Longitude | {:.3f}, {:.3f} | | MajorTOM Grid | {} | | Timestamp| {} | '''.format(center.value[0], center.value[1], gridcell.value, timestamp.value))