practicum_2 /
Emil25's picture
49a78a0 verified
history blame
No virus
7.42 kB
import streamlit as st
import requests
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import holidays
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import pickle
import xgboost as xgb
# Setting up the page configuration for Streamlit App
# layout="wide",
# Load the XGBoost model
def get_model():
model = pickle.load(open("models/model_xgb.pkl", "rb"))
return model
# Function to make prediction using the model and input data
def make_prediction(data):
model = get_model()
best_features = ['vendor_id', 'passenger_count', 'pickup_longitude', 'pickup_latitude',
'dropoff_longitude', 'dropoff_latitude', 'store_and_fwd_flag',
'pickup_hour', 'pickup_holiday', 'total_distance', 'total_travel_time',
'number_of_steps', 'haversine_distance', 'temperature',
'pickup_day_of_week_1', 'pickup_day_of_week_2', 'pickup_day_of_week_3',
'pickup_day_of_week_4', 'pickup_day_of_week_5', 'pickup_day_of_week_6',
'geo_cluster_1', 'geo_cluster_3', 'geo_cluster_5', 'geo_cluster_7',
data_matrix = xgb.DMatrix(data, feature_names=best_features)
return model.predict(data_matrix)
# Get coordinates from address
def get_coordinates(address):
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="my_app")
location = geolocator.geocode(address)
return (location.longitude, location.latitude)
def show_map(lon_from, lat_from, lon_to, lat_to):
# Creating a map
fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox(
mode = "markers",
marker = {'size': 15, 'color': 'red'}
# Adding markers
mode = "markers",
lon = [lon_from, lon_to],
lat = [lat_from, lat_to],
marker = go.scattermapbox.Marker(
# Adding a line
mode = "lines",
lon = [lon_from, lon_to],
lat = [lat_from, lat_to],
line = dict(width=2, color='green')
# Configuring the display of a map
mapbox = {
'style': "open-street-map",
'center': {'lon': (lon_from + lon_to) / 2, 'lat': (lat_from + lat_to) / 2},
'zoom': 9,
showlegend = False,
height = 600,
width = 1200
# Display the map
return fig
# Get total distance
def get_total_distance(start_longitude, start_latitude, end_longitude, end_latitude):
# Construct the URL for sending a request to the public OSRM server
url = f"{start_longitude},{start_latitude};{end_longitude},{end_latitude}?overview=false"
# Send a GET request to the OSRM server
response = requests.get(url)
# Process the response from the server
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
total_distance = data["routes"][0]["distance"] # Total distance in meters
total_travel_time = data["routes"][0]["duration"] # Total travel time in seconds
number_of_steps = len(data["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["steps"]) # Number of steps in the
return total_distance, total_travel_time, number_of_steps
# Get Harversine distance
def get_haversine_distance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2):
# Convert angles to radians
lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2 = map(np.radians, (lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2))
# Earth's radius in kilometers
# Calculate the shortest distance h using the Haversine formula
lat_delta = lat2 - lat1
lng_delta = lng2 - lng1
d = np.sin(lat_delta * 0.5) ** 2 + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2) * np.sin(lng_delta * 0.5) ** 2
h = 2 * EARTH_RADIUS * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(d))
return h
# User input features
def user_input_features(lon_from, lat_from, lon_to, lat_to, passenger_count):
current_time =
pickup_hour= current_time.hour
today =
pickup_holiday = 1 if today in holidays.USA() else 0
total_distance, total_travel_time, number_of_steps = get_total_distance(lon_from, lat_from, lon_to, lat_to)
haversine_distance = get_haversine_distance(lat_from, lon_from, lat_to, lon_to)
weekday_number = current_time.weekday()
data = {'vendor_id': 1,
'passenger_count': passenger_count,
'pickup_longitude': lon_from,
'pickup_latitude': lat_from,
'dropoff_longitude': lon_to,
'dropoff_latitude': lat_to,
'store_and_fwd_flag': 0.0,
'pickup_hour': pickup_hour,
'pickup_holiday': pickup_holiday,
'total_distance': total_distance,
'total_travel_time': total_travel_time,
'number_of_steps': number_of_steps,
'haversine_distance': haversine_distance,
'temperature': 15,
'pickup_day_of_week_1': 1 if weekday_number == 1 else 0,
'pickup_day_of_week_2': 1 if weekday_number == 2 else 0,
'pickup_day_of_week_3': 1 if weekday_number == 3 else 0,
'pickup_day_of_week_4': 1 if weekday_number == 4 else 0,
'pickup_day_of_week_5': 1 if weekday_number == 5 else 0,
'pickup_day_of_week_6': 1 if weekday_number == 6 else 0,
features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])
return features
# Scale the input data using a pre-trained MinMaxScaler
def min_max_scaler(data):
scaler = pickle.load(open("models/min_max_scaler.pkl", "rb"))
data_scaled = scaler.transform(data)
return data_scaled
# Main function
def main():
if 'btn_predict' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['btn_predict'] = False
# Sidebar
st.sidebar.markdown(''' # New York City Taxi Trip Duration''')
address_from = st.sidebar.text_input("Откуда:", value="New York, 11 Wall Street")
address_to = st.sidebar.text_input("Куда:", value="New York, 740 Park Avenue")
passenger_count = st.sidebar.slider("Количество пассажиров", 1, 4, 1)
st.session_state['btn_predict'] = st.sidebar.button('Start')
if st.session_state['btn_predict']:
lon_from, lat_from = get_coordinates(address_from)
lon_to, lat_to = get_coordinates(address_to)
st.plotly_chart(show_map(lon_from, lat_from, lon_to, lat_to))
user_data = user_input_features(lon_from, lat_from, lon_to, lat_to, passenger_count)
# st.write(user_data)
data_scaled = min_max_scaler(user_data)
trip_duration = np.exp(make_prediction(data_scaled)) - 1
trip_duration = round(float(trip_duration) / 60)
<div style='background-color: lightgreen; padding: 10px;'>
<h2 style='color: black; text-align: center;'>Длительность поездки составит: {trip_duration} мин.</h2>
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Running the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":