I know what this is...I picked you up when I was drunk and you probably thought I'm just fucked up enough to fall for this. But the thing is I know what I'm doing when I drink. I just usually don't care. Right now, I do though. And I want you out. Now. It's December 25th, 1993 today. I'm telling you I don't care what time you think you're in. You're not William Starks. [Beat] I don't believe in many things, but I believe in death. And it doesn't give back what it takes. So whoever you are...I did a nice thing, you've made me regret it enough already, so please, just leave. I'll leave. But look at me. Look at my face, Jackie. I'm not lying. I met you and your mother. I told you then that I'd lost my memory. [Beat] There was no one for miles around so I know you know there's no way I could have known that from a pair of dog tags you had lying around. The Jacket. That's what they call it, right? Yeah. But no one knew until after... [Beat] You bled to death. What? Do you really believe me? [Softly] I want to trust you. Should I trust you? Yes. Then we need to figure out what happened to you. It's the only thing we can do. I know. Alpine Grove still exists. I looked it up on the net. We should go there and see if there's still anyone around who might have known what happened to you. I didn't kill Officer Harrison. I know. How? Did they figure it out after I died? I don't believe a thing she just said. Me neither. Who was the boy she was talking about, Eugene? I have no idea. You think Lorenson kills you? Maybe. I don't know. Seems more likely Becker does, but at the very least she knows how I died. Let's see if they have an address for Becker. I also want to figure out more about the kid you helped her with. Why? How long do we have? I don't know. What about Captain Medley? He never told them what happened to you over there. His testimony...that coward wanted them to think you were crazy. Of course it makes me mad. It makes me more than mad. Just like remembering the face of the man who killed that officer and knowing nothing more about him. But what's it gonna do for me to find them now? I can't fix everything in three days. You've got to get yourself out of that place. They're going to kill you if you don't. I might not be able to. Me, too. You're sure? They're not here. They're not. What? What are you thinking? I don't know. Maybe that's because this whole thing is a dream. How can you have a street with no cars on it? I don't know. But this isn't a dream. I'm real, and so is where we are. Then why isn't there anyone around? Of course he will. [Beat] What day of the week is it? They've got lives to be grateful for. William, you're not making sense. That's all you got from him? That bastard helped take your life away from you. No, he didn't. If everything hadn't happened the way it has, then I wouldn't be here right now, sitting in a car with you, touching your face. Where are we going? What's happening to me? Why am I getting so much weaker? Lorenson's the only one that could let me out of there. I need something to persuade her that I was there. Get me something to take to her. What? When we first met, when you were 7, where was the house you lived in with your mother? Do you remember your address? You gotta stop thinking like that. Then, where are you going? I've been ok. Good. How's your mom? [Beat] You be good to yourself, Jackie. I think so. It's ok. It's ok. Relax. It's just a cut. We can get it fixed. But we need to get you to the hospital now. How'd you get that? How you doin'? Just a little, when we were looking up information about William's father. How did he help? It's complicated, but [looking at Starks] in a way, your father let me know how I'd get through to him. How? He just said...that I'd shock Eugene and then things would change for him. I don't understand. Because Becker resigned after the charges brought against him by State Patient Advocacy Groups. And if I didn't want to come? I guess I'd ask you why. Because I don't think I'm crazy. You were convicted of the crime. That conviction doesn't convince me of anything. Until I know that I did it, I'm not going to accept that I did. You may never remember at all. [Beat] Your mind's grasp of reality and the real events that have happened to you has been damaged. Why, what would you do? I could try to...make it stop. No. I don't want it to. You should be careful. You could be killed if they found you out here. My God you look exactly like him. I never knew my father. Did you? Yeah, I did. [Beat] He was my most memorable patient. At the end, he made me change my mind about a lot of things. What case? How'd he get it? [Beat] I don't know. But Dr. Morgan said you were around when my father was... Well, do you think Dr. Becker would have any idea? How do you know about Dr. Becker? So maybe Dr. Becker would know. [Beat] But, as I'm sure you know, the statute of limitations has run out for charging the hospital with any liabilities. It's important for you to know who your father was, isn't it? Exactly. Well... [beat] let me know how your search turns out. You'll die if you keep smoking those in your condition. What do you mean? You have no idea what's going on. No, I do. That's what I'm saying to you. You don't understand. Then help me understand. You know, you're not alone. A lot of Gulf Vets have begun to experience curious symptoms. What you have might well be a syndrome and, if so, it's not one we know enough about to be treating it this vigorously. I don't know. [Frustrated] Remember? Come on. Tell me what you do know. [Beat] I've seen a time that's not this time. And I'm only able to see it when I'm in the Jacket. Well, what time is it? Ok fine. Tell me about it. Tell me about the future. 2004. What does it look like? It doesn't look all that different. The future doesn't look different? No. Not for people like me. [Beat] Not in the places I come from. What about the world? [Beat] Like who? Like MacKenzie maybe? Why don't you help me? Because I don't have time. Why not? I'm about to die unless I do something to stop it. And how do you know that? Because of the future. I know what's going to happen. How do you know about Eugene? Some part of you suspects -- even if you don't know for sure -- that what I'm saying is true. I don't know how you know about Eugene, but these ideas are part of your delusions. I know. I know it all. Save your strength. I already know everything you're going to say. [Beat] You're in the Jacket right now, aren't you? How...how do you know? You told me this was how it happened. I did? Who...who kills me? You're going to be ok, William. We just need to get your fever down and we'll be able to hopefully stabilize you. Can I get some paper and something to write with. I'm not gonna let that happen. You still don't believe me, do you? I do believe you... William, I can't indulge these delusions, even when you're in this state. He's having absence [pronounced "absance"] seizures when he stares off into space like he does. He has them so often that that's why he hasn't learned to speak properly. Who told you this? I don't know when it'll happen but soon I think, you'll shock the boy and it'll wake him up. What are you talking about? You know how to get there? Sure. It's an easy address. A little far out there, but easy enough. That's Kingsley. Old bastard hears us, I'm sure. He just doesn't want to bother answering so he makes us think he can't talk. I know. I tried it on my mother for two months once before she fished out my tongue. Literally. [Beat] You're the cop killer, right? Yeah, guess so. How'd you know? I tried to kill my wife. Don't you go to jail for that? Yeah, well 30 times probably would make you seem crazy. What were you talking about the other day? I wasn't talking about anything. I know you need one when it's really cold. [Cutting in] MacKenzie, listen to me. Listen. I'm going to die. Mortality's actually a great thing to be familiar with. It means you're sane on some level. [Gravely] No, I mean in four days, I'm supposed to die. [Beat] How do you know? Oh no, you're pretty young. Your body'll be able to handle a lot more of it than you think... It's gonna be sticky. 'Cause Lorenson's got her claws in it now. When she started getting suspicious about me was when they stopped using it on me. Women! So what am I supposed to do? Geez, how's that for a fucking "thank you"? MacKenzie, [beat] what if we are crazy? [Shrugging] What if we are? There're crazier things than thinking up fictions for yourself. [Beat] Everyone does it, don't they? Even Becker. That roller coaster car pops more pills than all of Ward 3. Becker does? Are you sure? You ever been to jail? It's worse than war. It's worse than anywhere you've ever been. Hey, Mister, you need a ride? Where are you going? Can you drive? Sure. If you're deaf, read my lips...I don't need a psycho following me today. [Beat] I'm not deaf. In case you hadn't figured, it's Christmas Eve. You're never gonna get a cab here. All right. [Beat] You got somewhere you need to go, Mister? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. You don't have anywhere to stay? Well, where are you from? I'm not sure. [Beat] I don't really know. Of course you don't know. Why "of course"? Because in my life, it wouldn't make sense for me to pick up some normal guy with a place where he's from and a place where he's going to. It'd be too simple. I probably wouldn't know how to handle a situation like that. Well, how'd you get here? [Beat] I was dropped off. No. Well, don't you somewhere? Stuff? Belongings? Great. That was our last option. What am I going to do with you? Nothing. [Getting up] Thanks for bringing me this far. Where are you going? You'll freeze out there. You don't even have a coat. I'll manage. No, you won't. You'll die of cold out there and then I'll have to feel guilty. And I've already got more guilt than I know what to do with. [Beat] Do you want something to drink? [Beat] Yeah, I'm fine. What's this? I only lit it because it was so cold in here. I'm sorry if... You want a drink? This is pretty good. Considering... So you're a waitress, right? I mean...from the uniform you were wearing. Yup. That's me. You like it? [Beat] I do it. [Beat] Why'd you stop? Shit happens, and your life changes. 'Bout the best explanation of a lot of things that happen. [Beat] So how come you don't know where you're coming from? Well, good for you. [Beat] Why? You don't think that's crazy? This is a great song. But hey, who can forget those words? The man just wants simple and good things for his woman -- that she be warm and happy. How hard can that be to remember? They told me I joined the army when I was seventeen. That's when my father died and, before that, it was apparently just me and him since I was born 'cause my mom split. So you never knew your mother? I guess not. But, as of now, I never knew either. I'm sorry. Yeah. [Beat] How about you? Never knew my father. I grew up with my mother. Actually, I grew up around my mother. She was great though. I mean, the way she was with her friends... She was this woman who had so much life in her, she had to find ways to kill some of it just to be like the rest of us. [Beat] She died young. How? I'm sorry. Yeah, me too. [Softly] Every day for the last ten years. Damnit, Thelma, don't holler like that! Haven't I told you I can't stand it when you holler in the morning. Hon. What. Have a good day at work today. Uh-huh. Hon? What?! You want anything special for dinner? No, Thelma, I don't give a shit what we have for dinner. I may not even make it home for dinner. You know how Fridays are. Funny how so many people wanna buy carpet on a Friday night. You'd almost think they's want to forget about it for the weekend. 'Bye, honey. I won't wait up. ... only for one day and we'll be back tomorrow night. Darryl. What? Honey? Yes, baby? Do you think you could ever shoot someone? What? Do you think you could ever think of a set of circumstances that would just cause you to haul off and shoot someone? I could shoot your cousin Eddie. Why? Because he's an inconsiderate asshole. I'm asking you seriously, Sarah, a stranger? I don't know, honey. I guess it would depend. On what? Well, maybe if they were trying to hurt you or one of the kids. I'm sure I could shoot someone if they tried to hurt one of the children. Yeah, I could too. But... I don't know why I'm even asking you this. It's just... we can't place anybody at the scene but these two gals that everybody swears is sweet as pie. I don't know. I keep hearing words -- impossible -- inconceivable. If just one person would say... Honey. Nothing's impossible. You just don't shoot someone like that for no reason. Maybe he was askin' for it. Anyway, somebody's husband probably got ol' Harlan. That's what everybody says. Only problem is nobody's husband was unaccounted for that night... Could you shoot Eddie in the face? At point blank range? In the leg. Who's the nut? That's Thelma Dickinson's husband. Alright! She did good! Didn't she? We spoke with a gentlemen today who says he personally delivered very close to that same amount to a Miss Louise Sawyer. Do you know her too? Umm, yes. She was driving. He said he took it to a motel in Oklahoma City. He also says that at that time he met a man. He identified you through a series of mug shots. He also told us that you and Mrs. Dickinson seemed "close." Is that true? Did either of them ever indicate that they might be running from the Law? Now that you mention it, they might have been a little bit jumpy. How do you know I took it? How do you know they didn't just give it to me? Could you identify 'em, if ya saw 'em again? Hal, I've told you about twenty times, yes, I could identify 'em, but neither one of them was the type to pull something like this. Well, you're not exactly an expert witness, but what makes you so sure? If waitin' tables in a bar don't make you an expert on human nature, then nothin' will, and I could've told you that Harlan Puckett would end up buyin' it in a parkin' lot. I'm just surprised it didn't happen before now. Who do you think did it? Has anybody asked his wife? She's the one I hope did it. Lena, just cut the bullshit, will ya? Do have any ideas or don't ya? I been standin' in this stupid parkin' lot all goddamn night, and I still got to go file a report before I can go home in time to get back up again! Well, if I had to guess, I'd say it was some ol' gal, some ol' gal's husband. But it wasn't either one of those two. The tall one, the redhead, she left me a huge tip. You didn't happen to notice what kind of car they were driving? It's a nightclub, not a drive-in, Hal. I don't follow the customers to the parking lot. I've been better. You girls are in some hot water. We're both fine. Good. You wanna tell me what happened? Hey. How are things goin' out there? Weird. Got some kind of snowball effect goin' here or somethin'. You're still with us though. You're somewhere on the face of the earth? You're gettin' in deeper every moment you're gone. Would you believe me if I told you this whole thing is an accident? No! You know, certain words and phrases just keep floating through my mind, things like incarceration, cavity search, life imprisonment, death by electrocution, that sort of thing. So, come out alive? I don't know. Let us think about that. All we know is there were two women in a green T-Bird convertible that turned left out of the parking lot, going real fast. We're trying to get a make on the car, but nothin' yet. So far, we got nothin'. Well, you'd best get something. Even if they didn't do it, it times out that they most likely witnessed it. I want somebody to at least talk to 'em. Put out an APB with a description and see what we get back. Alright. Is there any reason to believe they've left the state? That's certainly possible. Why don't we go ahead and let the bureau in on this. I have no problem with that. I swear to God, she wouldn't tell me one thing! Christ! You oughta try to find that kid that was with 'em. Tell us about him. This is serious, son. A man is dead. Is this the guy you saw them with? Armed robber. What kind of gun was it? A .38. We're going to leave someone here at the house in the event that she calls in. Someone will be here until we find them. Good God. Now, for one thing, you violated your parole two days out. And you know Judge Hainey. He hates this sort of thing. Once he gets wind of this, he's gonna blow sky high. And then when he finds out that you're a possible accessory to murder and armed robbery, well, I think we can safely place your ass back in the slammer for at It's just not working like this. We gotta do something. It'd be one thing if these girls were hardened criminals, but Jesus, Hal, this is makin' us look bad. I don't know... maybe they're not movin'. Maybe that little creep lied. He's got nothin' to gain by lyin'. Nothin' at all. He already got all their money. I just don't know what we're dealin' with here. Anyway, it went out again last night on Nationwide Teletype. Let's just wait it out a little longer. She said she was gonna call back. Let's just sit tight. We don't have a whole lotta choice, do we? I can't figure out if they're real smart or just really, really lucky. Hey! Don't let them shoot those girls. This is too much. They got guns pointed at 'em! I'm sorry to bother you, I know you're real busy right now, but how many times, Max? How many times has that woman gotta be fucked over? You could lift one finger and save her ass and you won't even do that? Your name's Harlan? I got an uncle named Harlan! Oh shit. What's wrong? Stop. What for? I guess I'm startin' to feel a little better. Don't. I'm married. I don't feel good. I've been sick. You're beautiful. It's okay. I won't hurt you. It's okay. Stop it! Goddamnit, I mean it! Louise is gonna wonder where I am. Let go! Don't hurt me. Harlan. Please. So J.D., what are you studying in school? So how come you don't have any kids? Did you get married real young? Twenty-four isn't young. I'd already been goin' out with him ten years when we got married. I've never been with anybody but Darryl. Well, if you don't mind me sayin' so, he sounds like a real asshole. This is J.D. He's a student. We're just givin' him a ride to... to here. Louise said we could bring him here and then he'd have to go. And that's what he's doin'. He's goin'. Aren't you, J.D.? Louise, is that you? Well, I guess I'd better... Wait...! Um, where ya going? I don't know. Nowhere. What are you doin'? I don't know. Nothin'. Took a shower. That sounds nice. Oh. I... where's Louise? She's off with Jimmy, that's her boyfriend. I am the great and powerful Oz... J.D.! Just tell me. I know you're not some schoolboy. Now come on, nobody ever tells me shit. What?! Parole officer? You mean you're a criminal? Well, not anymore, Thelma, except for bustin' parole, I haven't done one wrong thing. What did ya do? I'm a robber. You're a bank robber? Nope. I've never robbed a bank. What? Well, I robbed a gas station once, and I robbed a couple of liquor stores, and some convenience stores. And that's it. How? Well, I was just down on my luck and it seemed like somethin' I was good at so I... No, I mean how would you do it? Do you just sneak in real fast or hide out till the store closes or what? Naw, honey, that would be burglary. I never got arrested for burglary. Burglary's for chicken shits. If you're gonna rob someone, ya just have to go right on up to 'em and do it. Just take the money. That's robbery. That's a whole 'nother deal. Tell me. I've always believed if done right, armed robbery doesn't have to be a totally unpleasant experience. God. You're a real live outlaw! I may be the outlaw, but you're the one stealin' my heart. You're kinda the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Jimmy! Hello, stranger. What in the world are you doin' here? Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. Good answer. Same goes double for me. Well, come on, gal, I got you a room. You can go on in and take a nice cold shower. Don't mind me, Jimmy, I'm just a wild woman. I always knew that. Louise! Where are you? Are you alright? Honey... Hi. I'm okay. How are you? Long time no see. I am funny. I'm real funny. Are you in town? This sounds long distance. No, I'm out of town. I'm in... I'm in real deep shit, Jimmy. Deep shit Arkansas. Where'd y'all go? I have a savings account with about sixty-seven hundred dollars in it. Now I know you won't be able to get it out, but I'm good for it. I need that money. Can you wire me the sixty-seven hundred dollars and I'll pay you back? Please, I'm desperate. What the fuck is going on? Something real bad has happened and I can't tell you what, just that it's bad and I did it and I can't undo it. Can you help me? Do you love me? Christ, sure... yes! You're in Oklahoma?! Not yet. Louise, let me call you back after I wire it, so you'll know which office to go to. Can't it go to any office? Tell me now. Call me back. Okay. I'll call you back. In an hour. Don't tell Darryl. I know. Call me back. Louise, I love you, okay? Is that how you answer the phone? I got it. I was afraid I'd missed you. I almost couldn't get a check cashed. It's Saturday. Who did it? Friend of mine, owns a club. Dickie Randall. You'd know him if you saw him. His brother was in your class. Terry. You didn't say what it was for, did you? No, honey. I told him I was buyin' a car. What is it for? Good. That was good. Where do I go? It's a place called Shaw's Siesta Motel. The address is 1921 North East 23. It's under your name. And what's the mysterious code word? Peaches. What? Hey, peaches. Oh my God! Jimmy! You... Oh my God! What are you doin' here? Hello... Who is it? Now, my little coconut, what seems to be the trouble here? Tell Daddy everything. Jimmy, my daddy's still alive and it kind of gives me the creeps when you do that... Okay, peaches, okay. But can I ask you one thing? Maybe. Does it have something to do with another guy? Are you in love with him? It's nothin' like that. Stop it! Stop it, Jimmy, or I'll leave right now. I'm not kiddin'! Can I just ask you one other thing? Will you at least see how it fits? Jimmy... it's beautiful! So whaddya think. I mean... I could... uh... get a job. Of some kind. I mean you've been tellin' me that for years, right? Why now, Jimmy? I'm the one... I never made it work. I just... It's not that I don't love you. It's not that. I just never thought I'd be thirty-six years old and I never thought... I don't know what I thought. What do you want, darlin'. What do you want me to do. Are you just doin' this to punish me? Don't worry darlin'. I'll say I never found you. I'll say anything you want. We'll find a way to get you out of this, whatever it is. Damn, Jimmy, did you take a pill that makes you say all the right stuff? Hello, Officer. Is there a problem? You wanna take it out of your wallet, please? Is this your car? Yes. You wanna come with me, please? Walk around and get in the car, please. In the back? Front. Am I in trouble? Well, wait now. I still have to ask Darryl if I can go. He already thinks you're out of your mind, Louise, that don't carry much weight with Darryl. Are you at work? No, I'm callin' from the Playboy Mansion. Not this weekend, sweetie, she's runnin' away with me. Hi. What'd he say? What time are you gonna pick me up? You're kiddin'! Alright! I'll be there around two or three. What kind of stuff do I bring? I don't know. Warm stuff, I guess. It's the mountains. I guess it gets cold at night. I'm just gonna bring everything. Okay. I will, too. And steal Darryl's fishin' stuff. I don't know how to fish, Louise. We don't need the lantern. The place has electricity. I wanna take it anyway. Just in case. In case of what? In case there's some escaped psycho killer on the loose, who cuts the electricity off and tries to come in and kill us. Oh yeah, sure, Thelma, that lantern will come in real handy. Maybe we could tow your car behind, in case he steals the spark plugs. Whose place is this again? It's Bob's, the day manager's. He's gettin' a divorce, so his wife's gettin' this place, so he's just lettin' all his friends use it till he has to turn over the keys. I've never had the chance to go out of town without Darryl. How come he let you go? 'Cause I didn't ask him. Aw, shit, Thelma, he's gonna kill you. How much longer is it gonna be? I'm hungry. Another hour of so. We've got enough food for a month. I'll never make it... Can't we stop just for a few minutes... We've not gonna get to the cabin till after dark as it is, Thelma. I haven't seen a place like this since I left Texas. Thelma! Tell me somethin'. Is this my vacation or isn't it? I mean, God, you're as bad as Darryl. I just haven't seen you like this in a while. I'm used to seeing you more sedate. Alright... I changed my mind. I'll have a margarita with and a shot of Cuervo on the side, please. Jeez, Louise, that wasn't very nice. Can't you tell when somebody's hittin' on you? So what if he was? It's all your years of waitin' tables has made you jaded, that's all. Maybe. So, Jimmy still hasn't called yet? Givin' him a taste of his own medicine. Asshole. I'm sorry, Louise. I know you're all upset. It's just I'm so excited to be out of the house, I guess. I wonder if Darryl's home yet. I wonder if Jimmy's gotten back. Why don't you tell him to just to get lost once and for all? Exactly. Thelma, I'm gonna hit the little girls' room, and then we gotta hit the road. Oh my God. Get the car. Jesus Christ! Louise, you shot him. Shit! I... I, which way? Louise. Where are we going? Shouldn't we go to the cops? I mean, I think we should tell the police. Tell them what?! What, Thelma? What do you think we should tell them? I don't know. Just tell 'em what happened. Which part? All of it. That he tried to rape me. We gotta be inconspicuous. Do you know what that means? Yes. We have to think this through. We have to be smart. Now is not the time to panic. If we panic now, we're done for. Nobody saw it. Nobody knows it was us. We're still okay. Now all we have to do is just figure out our next move. Our next move? I'll say one thing, Louise. This is some vacation. I sure am having a good time. This is real fun. If you weren't so concerned with having a good time, we wouldn't be here right now. Just what is that supposed to mean? It means shut up, Thelma. We're gonna go to the next town and stop. We'll get a motel room. I can rest for a while and then figure out how to get some money. We're gonna need money. Thelma. How much money do you have with you? I'm cash poor. Oh, I don't know. I'm just nervous. I gotta figure out what to do. Well, when you figure it out, wake me up. What do you mean? Why are you actin' like this? You could help me try and figure it out! I gotta figure out what to do, and you could try and help me. I suggested we go to the police, but you didn't like that; so, frankly, Louise, I'm all out of ideas. Well, what's the big rush, Thelma? If we just give 'em some time, they'll come to us...! Oh Christ. I'm just not ready to go to jail yet. Why don't you go out to the pool or something and I'll figure it out... Give me the keys. You're not touchin' that car. My stuff's in the trunk! God! You care more about that car than you do about most people. Did you finish thinking? Don't get mad, Louise, but where are we going? Oklahoma City. Jimmy's gonna wire me some money, and then... You talked to him?! Is he mad? Did you tell him? No, I didn't tell him. And that's something we gotta get straight. Darryl's been callin', mad as a hornet, makin' all kinds of noise. When you talk to him, you cannot say anything about this. You gotta make sure everything sounds normal. I called the asshole at 4:00 in the morning and he wasn't even home. I don't know what he's got to be mad about. I'm the one who should be mad. I've been tellin' you that for the last ten years. Do you think Darryl's having an affair? I don't think Darryl is mature enough to conduct an affair. But you think he fools around. Thelma, I'm going to Mexico. I think I can make it in two and a half days, but I'm going to have to haul ass. Are you up to this? I mean, I have to know. This isn't a game. I'm in deep shit. I gotta know what you're gonna do. I... I don't know. I don't know what you're askin' me. Call him? Call him. Don't tell him anything. Tell him you're having a wonderful time and you'll be home tomorrow night. Will I be? Louise, this young man is on his way back to school and needs a ride, and I thought since... It's probably not a good idea. I wish we could've brought him with us. What did Darryl say? I just don't see what it would hurt just to give somebody a ride. Did you see his butt? Darryl doesn't have a cute butt. You could park a car in the shadow of his ass. I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood for company right now. Here. Take this map. I need you to find all the secondary roads to Mexico from Oklahoma City. I think we should stay off the interstates. We're too conspicuous. Well, it looks like we can get on this road 81 that heads down towards Dallas, then cut over to... I don't want to go that way. Find a way that we don't have to go through Texas. Wait. What? You want to go to Mexico from Oklahoma and you don't want to go through Texas? You know how I feel about Texas... We're not going that way. I know, Louise, but we're running for our lives! Don't you think you could make an exception just this once?! I mean, look at the map. The only thing between Oklahoma and Mexico is Texas! Thelma! I'm not gonna talk about this! Now find another way or give me the goddamn map and I will! You understand? He's got a lot to be proud of. Louise and Darryl don't get along. That's puttin' it mildly. She thinks he's a pig. Yup. That's him goin'. I love to watch him go. I don't care what you say about him. The boy has got it bad. He's always got it bad as long as I'm running in the other direction. Don't be fooled, he's no different than any other guy. He knows how to chase and that's it. Once he's caught you, he don't know what to do. So he runs away. So what are you gonna tell him? Nothing. I'm not gonna tell him a thing. The least I can do is not make him an accessory any more than he already is. I didn't ask him to come! It's like I said, Thelma, he just loves the chase. Well boy, he's got his work cut out for him now, don't he? Put a lid on it, Thelma! It's hard enough as it is. Just let me get this part over with. Now stay here and guard the money. If there's any problem I'm in room 115. How do I look? You're a vision, Louise, a goddamn vision of loveliness, you always are. What happened to your hair? What's wrong with you? Nothing. Why? Do I seem different? Yes, now that you mention it. You seem crazy. Like you're on drugs. Well, I'm not on drugs. But I might be crazy. Oh, Thelma. Oh, no. I mean I finally understand what all the fuss is about. This is just a whole 'nother ball game! Thelma, please get a hold of yourself. You're making a spectacle. You know, Louise, you're supposed to be my best friend. You could at least be a little bit happy for me. You could at least pretend to be slightly happy that for once in my life I have a sexual experience that isn't completely disgusting. I'm sorry. I am happy. I'm very happy for you. I'm glad you had a good time. It's about time. Where is he now? Taking a shower. Eighty-eight dollars ain't gonna make a dent, baby girl. Don't worry about it. You want anything? Drive! Drive away! I'm sorry. Well, we need the money. Now we have it. Oh shit, Thelma!! Shit! Shit! Shit! Now you get a grip, Louise! Just drive us to Goddamn Mexico, will ya! Okay. Shit, Thelma! What'd you do? I mean, what did you say? Holy shit. For the first time in my life, I wish this car wasn't green. Are you sure we should be driving like this? In broad daylight and everything? No we shouldn't, but I want to put some distance between us and the scene of our last Goddamn crime! Oooooweee!! You shoulda seen me! Like I'd been doin' it all my life! Nobody would ever believe it. You think you've found your calling? You're disturbed. So what's the plan, Thelma? You just gonna stay drunk? Try to. Ugh!! Why do they have to do that? Thelma. Yeah. I want you to call Darryl. What for? To find out if he knows anything. If you think he does, you gotta hang up because it means the police have told him and the phone is probably tapped. Jeez, Louise, tapped the phone? You think so? Oh, come on! Murder one and armed robbery, Thelma! Murder one! God, Louise, can't we even say it was self-defense? But it wasn't! We got away! We were walkin' away! They don't know that! It was just you and me there. I'll say he raped me and you had to shoot him! I mean, it's almost the truth! It won't work. Why not?! Besides, what do we say about the robbery? No excuse for that. No such thing as justifiable robbery. Fill her up. There's a phone right over there. That J.D. kid is a little shit. How'd they find out we're going to Mexico, Thelma, how they know that? I... I... I just told him if he ever gets to Mexico to look us up. I asked him not to tell. I didn't think he would tell anybody. Just stop talkin' to people, Thelma! Stop bein' so open! We're fugitives now. Let's behave that way! Louise? Where are we? Just past Boise City. Idaho? Oklahoma, Thelma. We're crossing into New Mexico. Now what? Now what what? Whaddo we do? Oh, I don't know, Thelma. I guess maybe we could turn ourselves in and spend our lives trading cigarettes for mascara so we can look nice when our families come to visit us on Saturdays. Maybe we could have children with the prison guards. Can I ask you kind of a weird question? Yeah. Of all the things in the world that scare you, what's the worst thing that scares you the most? You mean now or before? Before. I guess I always thought the worst thing that could happen would be to end up old and alone in some crummy apartment with one of those little dogs. What little dogs? You know those little dogs you see people with? Like a Chihuahua? Those, too, but you know those little hairy ones? Those flat-faced little fuckers with those ugly goddamned teeth? Oh yeah. You mean Peek-a-poos. Yeah. Those. That always put the fear of God in me. What about you? Well, to be honest, the idea of getting old with Darryl was kinda startin' to get to me. I can see that. I mean, look how different he looks just since high school. It's bad enough I have to get old, but doin' it with Darryl around is only gonna make it worse. I mean, I don't think he's gonna be very nice about it. Well, now, maybe you won't have to. This is so beautiful. Gosh. It sure is. I always wanted to travel. I just never got the opportunity. Look! Look who it is, Thelma. I'll be darned. What's he doin' way out here. Oh, Christ. I hate this guy. What? Nothing. It's not funny. What?! Harlan. What?! What about him?! Just the look on his face when you... ... it's not funny. Boy, he wasn't expectin' that! Thelma! I don't want to talk about it! Thelma, I'm not kidding! Don't you even... I'm warning you, Thelma. You better drop it right now! I don't want to talk about it! What do we do? What do you want to do?! I don't know! Shit! Let's just play it by ear. He may not know. He may just give me a ticket. I told you to slow down. Hell, Officer, I told her to slow down. I am really sorry about this. I swear, before yesterday, neither one of us would have ever pulled a stunt like this. But if you ever met my husband, you'd know why I just can... You wanna step out of the car, please? You wanna put your hands on your head, please? Louise, shoot the radio. What? Sorry! Ready? I know it's crazy, Louise, but I just feel like I've got a knack for this shit. Louise... are we still going to Mexico? Well, I figure if you take a state policeman, shoot up his car, take his gun and lock him in the trunk, it's best to just get on out of the state if you can. I don't want to see any more beef jerky. I mean the next beef jerky you hand me is going out the window. It's drivin' me crazy. The whole car smells like it. It's good. It's what the pioneers ate. And I don't want any more Wild Turkey, either. It's burning a hole in my stomach. Okay, okay... I've got some tequila. You want some tequila? You do? Yeah, you want it? Shit. I'm gettin' tired. I think I've really fucked up. I think I've got us in a situation where we could both get killed. Why didn't we just go straight to the police. You know why. You already said. What'd I say again? Nobody would believe us. We'd still get in trouble. We'd still have our lives ruined. And you know what else? What? That guy was hurtin' me. And if you hadn't come out when you did, he'd a hurt me a lot worse. And probably nothin' woulda happened to him. 'Cause everybody did see me dancin' with him all night. And they woulda made out like I asked for it. And my life woulda been ruined a whole lot worse than it is now. At least I said all that? No, Louise, you said the first part. I said all the rest. Louise? Yes, Thelma? You're not gonna give up on me, are ya? What do you mean? You're not gonna make some deal with that guy, are you? I mean, I just wanna know. No, Thelma. I'm not gonna make any deals. Thelma, that is not an option. But I don't know... something's crossed over in me and I can't go back. I mean, I just couldn't live... He said they're charging us with murder. Eeuww. And we have to decide whether we want to come out of this dead or alive. Louise, do you think we should change cars, get another car? Sure... You know how to hotwire a car? No. You awake? You could call it that. My eyes are open. Me too. I feel awake. Good. We'll be drinkin' margaritas by the sea, Mamasita. We can change our names. We can live in a hacienda. I wanna get a job. I wanna work at Club Med. Yes! Yes! Now what kind of deal do you think that cop can come up with to beat that? It'd have to be pretty good. We should head a little further in. There's not that many roads in this state. I want to try to hit Mexico somewhere not so close to New Mexico. They probably wanna kill us in New Mexico. Oh my God! Louise! Look! Look! See if that's him! It's him. He's got California plates. It's the same guy. I mean really! That business with your tongue. What is that? That's disgusting! And, oh my God, that other thing, that pointing to your lap? What's that supposed to mean exactly? Does that mean pull over, I want to show you what a big fat slob I am or... Hey. Where'd you learn to shoot like that? You know what's happened, don't you? What? We've gone insane. I guess we shoulda made some kinda plan for what to do if we get caught. How far are we from Mexico? About two hundred and fifty miles. Shit! Shit! What?! What?! What d'you think?! We probably shoulda filled up the car before we blew up that truck. Why? They'll probably catch us when we have to stop for gas! I know this whole thing was my fault. I know it is. There's one thing you oughta understand by now, Thelma, it's not your fault. Louise... no matter what happens, I'm glad I came with you. You're a good friend. You too, sweetie, the best. I guess I went a little crazy, huh? No... You've always been crazy. This is just the first chance you've had to really express yourself. I guess everything from here on in is going to be pretty shitty. Unbearable, I'd imagine. I guess everything we've got to lose is already gone anyway. Louise! What?! What in the hell is that up there? Where?! What in the hell is it?! Isn't it beautiful?!! God! It looks like the Army! Now what? We're not giving up, Thelma. Then let's not get caught. What are you talkin' about? Go. You're a good friend. We been seein' you all along the way. What? What are you talkin' about? You women are crazy! I'm not apologizing for shit! Say you're sorry. Are you going to apologize or not? Hi! Hi there! You alright? We're fine! How are you? Where you goin'? Oh, Jesus! You probably even called us beavers on your CB radio, didn't you? Yeah... sure did. Hey, shit-for-brains, be careful not to scratch that thing, huh? What? You heard me. You already put a fucking nick in my piano. I'll try to be more careful. S'matter with you? You look like you're fading. The thing's kind of heavy. Heavy? Heavy?! What I wouldn't give to know what heavy feels like, you insensitive prick. No, I just meant... Isn't that just my luck -- I get caught for everything. So you admit it? Well, uh, can you tell us his name? This wasn't your first time, was it, Ted? How many we talking? No harm, no foul? Did you get my letter, Mare? The one about Ted? You sent that? Uh-huh. I was worried about you. Well... thank you. But... you know you're not supposed to be within four hundred yards of me. That's what I want to tell ya. I've been through two years of extensive psychotherapy and you know what? You were right -- I needed help. Look at me, Mary. On my mother's soul, on God above, on everything that is holy to me, I did not steal your shoes. Woogie, I caught you red-handed. I'm asking you to leave. Oh, Mary, honey, you're taking this all wrong. I'm not leaving... ...Not until I get a little something to remember you by. Stop it! Gay? He said you were gay? He implied it. Well you're a writer, and a lot of writers are gay. Look at Truman Capote. Yeah, but he was successful. Come on, that wouldn't make me gay. I'm going to fix you up with my new assistant. You're leaving it out. Finish your swing. You're going to like this one -- she's half Asian, half American. Good-looking? What's the point? Let's face it, Dom, I'm in a slump. Lately I've been feeling like... well... like a loser. Give me a break. Remember five years ago, when your kidneys failed? If you were a loser would they have been able to find a donor with an exact tissue match? What are the odds of that, one in a million? Oh, so I'm lucky because my brother got killed in an explosion? It must be great with a wife like that. Each day is better than the next. Have you ever been, you know... in love with someone? Nah. Never? Mary again. Look, I admit it was brief, but it was definitely love. Crushes don't last twelve years. Whatever happened to Mary? I told you, her family moved to Miami. I mean since then. I don't know. Well why don't you look her up? Yeah, right. Why not? Because I guarantee she's married and has a couple kids. Girls like Mary don't stay single. What if you're wrong? You just said she's the only girl you ever loved, what have you got to lose by calling her? I did try calling her. A few years ago. She wasn't listed. So that was it? One bump in the road and you gave up? I also called Unsolved Mysteries. You're kidding? What did they say? They told me they don't help out stalkers. Look, maybe they're right, it's been a long time. I don't know about this, Dom. Relax, this guy owes me a big one. A couple years ago he got in a jam up in the Boston office; some bullshit about padding his resume -- like we haven't all done that. Anyway, they were going to let him go but his mother wrote a tear-jerker letter that ended up on my desk. His mother? Yeah, I guess he still lives with her. Seemed like a sweet lady -- got diabetes or something -- so I went out on a limb and got him transferred down to Providence. And you think he could find out her number for me? That's it, I'm making an oath. I'll never procrastinate about anything again. Life is too fucking short. Hey, look on the bright side -- What's that, Dom? What's the bright side? Well... at least now you know. What's so funny? Wait a second, I never told you that. Maybe you're right. I should look on the bright side. I mean, I've still got my health... I'm out of here. I've got to get up at six a.m. to move my boss's brother into his apartment. What? On your day off? Do you even know the guy? Never met him. Jesus, Ted, you've got to finish that damn novel so you can quit that stupid magazine. Mary's a babe! What? My Mary -- she's not in Japan, she's single, and she's got no rugrats. She does have a little gambling problem, she plays the football cards a bit too much, but she's a babe, a surgeon babe! Huh? But why did Healy? No You mean...? Uh-huh. The lazy fuck just didn't bother to look her up. Well then you've got to call her, man. You are one lucky sonofabitch, you know that? I am? Didn't they tell you? That hitcher was just about to cut your throat when you stopped to take a leak. You got a fucking horseshoe up your ass, man. How the hell did you get here anyway? Shoot. Remember our friend Healy? Well, I didn't know where to mail his last paycheck so I sent my assistant by his mother's apartment. Turns out there is no diabetic mom. Landlord said she's been dead for ten years. And this adversely affects me how...? Fuck me. Let's go home. Well? What are you waiting for? I don't know what to say. Tell her the truth about Healy! Blow the schmuck out of the water. Oh God, I'm fucking nervous. I don't know if I'm ready for this, man. Just relax. Have you hit the cash machine? Got cash. Car clean? Plenty of gas? Check. Mints? Okay, sounds like you're all set. Just clean the pipes and it's a go. Hm? You know, clean the pipes. Pipes? What are you talking about? Think about it: After you've had sex with a girl and the two of you are laying in bed, are you nervous? Why's that? Wrong. It's because you ain't got the baby batter in your brain any more. That'll fuck with your head, that stuff will. Huh. The most honest moment in a man's life is the five minutes after he's blown a load. That's a medical fact. And it's because you're no longer trying to get laid. You're actually thinking like a girl. They love that. Jesus Christ you're right. You bet your ass I'm right. You don't go out with a loaded gun, you empty the barrels! Holy shit, I've been going out with a loaded gun! Dom? What are you? Dom Wooganowski. Duh. But but you're married. You have kids a great wife. So... I see you made the news. It wasn't my truck -- I was helping out a guy in a wheelchair. Uh-huh. Where was he? Out getting coffee. Bob, do you remember Mary? Who? Mary. A convention? How'd you see her at a convention? Why don't you be a gentleman and ask Rosey? Who? Woogie from Borrington high? Sounds like a loser. I got twenty bucks says you're full of shit. Oh come on, why would I lie? This is a good one, Mare. Sounds like his partner's all lubed up. You mean he doesn't like bad guys. 'That right? He can tell you're an animal nut. You are, aren't ya? Would you like a glass of tea or something? Would you like a little clam-dip, honey? We're in love with your roommate. Healy you dog! Fucking Sully! Look at you! Here's the info you asked for. Thanks. You should thank me -- that girl was not easy to find. What'd she scam you out of-some insurance dough? Nah, some guy threw me a few bucks to track down his high school girlfriend. Stalker, huh? Very nice. Okay? With this pad, the killer wheels? Looks like you really cleaned up your act. What can I tell you? It's a healthier lifestyle down here, and it's easier to succeed when your head's clear. Those guys I worked with back in Boston, they were a bad influence. Fuckin' animals. Hey, what do you say we go grab a couple drinks. Not for me, buddy. I don't drink anymore. Take it easy, that's Bill. Tell Bill to get the fuck off! Nineteen months I been sober. What are you talking about? You were never an alky, you were a cokehead. Yeah, well when you quit blow, you gotta quit the booze, too. Here, just have one of these then. Healy, what I just tell you? This is a light beer. You can't have a light beer? I'm worried about you, man. You better learn to have a pop once in a while or you're gonna fall off the wagon. You're being a fanatic and that ain't healthy. Am I? Jesus, you know what? This shit doesn't even taste good to me anymore. Hello...? Sully...? Sully, that you? Who the fuck is it to you? Uh, I'm fine. Just wanted to let you know I'll have your car back in a couple hours, I'm still staking out this girl's apartment. So where the hell are you, Healy? Ah, I got a date tonight with that Mary girl I told you about. The sawbones? Oh yeah. Why didn't you just tell her the truth? But Jesus, Pat, if she's as special as you say, she's going to want to hear about the things you did. The bottom line is, I'm not going to use my philanthropy as some form of currency... especially after what I did. I lied to this poor girl. Lied, man. She deserved better. Hey, love will make you do fucked-up things. I'm just saying I don't mind a guy with a bit of a beer belly. It means he's a guy. You can have those pretty boys who hang out in a gym all day staring at their reflections. Yeah, don't talk in someone's backswing. I'm gonna get a soda, you want one? Oh cripes. Do you have change for a dollar? All I have is these stupid Nepalese coins. Nepal? Have you been? Not in months. I don't even know why I bought the damn place. You own a home there? Well... it's just a condo really. Right outside Katmandu. Wow. That's a place I've always wanted to go. Is it true the mountains are so tall you can't see the tops? Here. Spend it on your trip to Katmandu. Well, it was nice meeting you, again. Same here again. By the way, what's your name? Don't you want to know my name? I already know it, Mary. How'd you know that? What are you doing with all these blueprints? Some buildings I'm working on. Are you... an architect? I'm kidding. Yeah, I guess you could call me an architect -- it's just a job really, a way to keep me moving. My real passion is my hobby. What's that? I work with retards. I beg your pardon? You know... ...the guys who ride the short bus. Isn't that a little politically incorrect? The hell with that. No one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with. No, I mean -- There's this one kid, we call him Mongo on account of he's a mongoloid. He got out of his cage once and -- -- He's in a cage?! Well it's more of an enclosure really. They keep him confined? That's bullshit! That's what I said, so I went out and got him a leash you know, one of those clothesline runners for the backyard. He's got plenty of room out there to dig. The kid's really blossomed. Now I can take him to ball games, movies -- you know, happy stuff. That sounds like fun. Yeah, it's fun for them, but it's heaven for me. Those goofy bastards are just about the best thing I have in this crazy old world. Ooh, hey, I gotta run. Oh, Pufferball likes his little tum- tum rubbed, doesn't he now? Sorry, Pat, out of beer. You like vodka? Fine. Fine. The museum? I thought we were going out to dinner? We will, but first I have a surprise. A surprise? I know he's around here someplace. What say we get outta here and go crush a bucket? Is this one art deco or art nouveau? Deco. Would you call that a portico or a vestibule? That...? Vestibule. How about -- ? That grandmother of yours -- she's really something. Magda? She's not my grandmother -- actually she rents the apartment right next to mine. Her husband passed away a couple years ago so she doesn't like to be alone. And it doesn't cramp your style? Sadly, no. Well except for the lint. Lint? You know, sometimes I wish I could be like Magda and not go home. I'd like to just bounce around for awhile, do a little traveling... Ah, I'd sell that. Start fresh in a new place, quit the architect game, slow things down, read more books, see more movies... You're a movie buff? Try to be. It's tough going with the crap they make today. If Dumb and Dumber's the best they've got to offer I say thanks but no thanks. Have you seen it? No. But the Boston Globe critic Jay Carr hated it. A fucking moron. Harold and Maude is my all-time favorite movie. Ouch. Come on, don't bust my chops. I know it's corny, but I do love it. Pat, I'm not kidding. I really think it's the greatest -- Yeah. So... Yeah... I guess this is it, huh? I guess. Mary ah, forget it. What? No, forget it, it was stupid. Come on, what were you going to say? Fuck!! Turn it up, Magda. All set. How's my stomach taste, she says. Hey thanks for picking up the lunch tab, Mare. Sorry I forgot my wallet. I feel like a dog. Urrggghh... Are you okay? Not to worry. So... see you tonight, right? Right? No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi, I'm out drinking champagne and roses... and I'm really happy. Leave a message. BEEP. Woogie, please, you're starting to scare me. I say none of us leave this room until our young Mary here stops jerking us around and decides once and for all who she wants. Now Mary, I know this is difficult but you really will be doing them all a favor to tell them the truth about us. So, Dom tells me you're looking for some lady-friend you knew in high school. Uh-huh. Any idea where I might start looking? She moved to Miami Beach twelve years ago. I checked directory assistance down there and she's not listed. She might've moved ten times since then. All you want is a phone number? Well, I know you're busy... Don't play games with me, Ted. I don't know, maybe you could poke around for a half day and see if she has five kids and a Labrador. I don't buy it. Ted, I'm the kind of guy who shoots from the hip. Now I want you to level with me: Did you knock this skirt up? No. She's blackmailing you, right? No. You want her dead, don't you? You can't be serious. Do you really expect me to believe this is a straight stalker case? I'm not a stalker! She's a friend of mine. Sure she is. That's why she got an unlisted number and you haven't heard squat from her in a dozen years. Oh you're good, Ted. You're a real piece of work. Look, let's forget it. Let's forget the whole thing. I get one hundred a day plus expenses. I've got some very, very good news for you, my friend. I think your life's about to change. So you found Mary? Right there in Liberty City. And you were right, she's really something. So she hasn't changed? That I couldn't say. Let me ask you something: Was she a little big-boned in high school? No, not at all. Mary's a little chubby, huh? But you know, you shit out a bunch of kids, you're going to put on a few pounds. So she's married? Nope. Never been. Huh? Four kids, three different guys. Three different guys? Well I'm guessing. There's a black kid, two whites, and a midget. Oh my. Hyperactive little fuckers, too. Tough to keep up with in a wheelchair, I bet. Don't look so shocked, it's been a long time. I bet you've changed a lot over the last twelve years, haven't you? It's just that... Mary. I wouldn't have thought... Thanks, Healy. Good work. Ted? Don't you want the name of the housing project? Uh, that's okay. What are you doing? Miami? Yeah, this insurance business is too slow for me. I'm going to go down and try my hand at jai alai. Jai alai? Look, uh, I've been thinking about everything you told me. Good good. Well I think you're right, I should look her up. Rollerpig? Are you nuts? But you said she was a sparkplug...? All the same, I still want to call her. I know it sounds crazy -- Mary sure has a lot of troubles in her life -- but, I don't know, maybe I can help her out. The poor thing's had it tough -- she's in a wheelchair for Godsakes. It's a goddamn bunion. It'll heal. Okay, tell you what: I'll get her number for you just as soon as she gets back from Japan. Japan? What's she doing in Japan? Mary's a mail-order bride? Hey, hey, hey! You fucked me, man? Why would you do that? What do you mean 'why'? Look, you asked me to follow your girl around, and I did and I started to like her, and then I realized I just couldn't in good conscience do it. Do what? Turn her over to a stalker. What?! You're calling me a stalker? Oh Christ... poor dog. You're a sick man, you know that? Yeah well fuck you! You just can't stand the fact that it was my turn. Your turn? Well you didn't have to blow us both out of the water. Jesus Christ, just because she found out about you, why'd you have to take me down with you? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm talking about the letter, asshole. Are you telling me you didn't send Mary a letter outlining our deal? Pleasure to meet you, Patrick. Mainly I work out of Boston. Boston, huh? Did you get your degree up there? Yes yes, I did get my degree up there. Harvard? You bet. Did you study under Kim Greene? Among others. Kim and I are close friends! Well, I'll tell her I ran into you. Really? But he's been married for twenty years -- they've got six kids. Have you been to Let's see -- Santiago, Chile? Absolutely! I was there twice last year. Which building is yours? Do you know the... soccer stadium? Did you build the Estadio Olympico? No... just down the street, the Amigo Tower. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with it. What style? You know, I really should take your card. Okay, Pat, take it easy -- don't do anything stupid. Whoa, whoa -- I don't know what you're talking about. That stalker Ted got to you, right? You're working for him, aren't you, you little shit? You what? I'm a phony -- just like you, man. What do you mean? I mean I'm a fucking fraud. I'm no architect. Don't be a putz -- who's been to Santiago twice in a year? Estadio Olimpico -- please! But... but you knew people at Harvard. I knew shit. The only thing I knew was that you were a fake and I made up everything else. My real name's Norm. I deliver pizzas. ...So then in '94 I went back to Dade Community College for a semester and when the Wal-Mart cashier job fell through I hooked up with the Pizza Barn. And you met Mary how? Just dumb luck. I delivered a pie to her one night and she answered the door in her nightgown -- that was it for me. I went home that night, shaved my beard, and a week later I was laid out in her office with a broken back. How'd you manage that one? Friend. Baseball bat. Nice. Oh yeah, the plan was going along just fine until you showed up. Hey, hey, hey, I'm not the one who started telling bald-faced lies about the competition -- that's crossing the line! What line? The day you first laid your oily rap on my future wife you started a war! Future wife? Get real, man -- you're nothing more than a glorified brother in her eyes. That stalkin' son-of-a-bitch! How many is that? Four. That seems like a lot of speed for a little pooch -- you sure it won't kill him? Ho-ly shit. Hey, this is a pretty nice place. You little fuck. What? I swear! I didn't tell her nothing! You probably did it yourself, you piece of shit. Oh that makes a lot of sense. Why would I rat myself out? Like I'm going to try to figure out a guy who's idea of courting is blowing farts in the chick's face You were following us? Oh... Sully. Thanks for picking me up. No prob, I could use the company. I've been on the road going on fifteen hours straight. I know how you feel -- I been standing in the same spot for the last five hours. You know it's against the law to pick up a hitchhiker in this state. That must make it tough. Sucks. So what's up? You some kind of salesman or something? Nah. I'm... I'm nothing. Oh. Well I am. Hm? A salesman -- that's what I am. I mean, I'm gonna be anyway. I'm starting my own company -- video sales -- just as soon as I get enough seed money. 'That right? Good for you. Yeah, you wouldn't believe my idea -- it's a home run. You ever hear of Eight-Minute Abs? The exercise tape? Sure, I've seen it on T.V. I see where you're going. Think about it. You walk into a video store and you see Eight-Minute Abs and right next to it you see Seven- Minute Abs -- which one you gonna spring for? I'd go with the seven. Bingo. Especially since we guarantee you'll get every bit as good a work- out. How do you guarantee that? Well it's the company motto: 'If you ain't happy we'll send you the extra minute.' No, it should be 'a hockey player with great pecs.' I can live with those reflections. I'm sick of these calorie-countin' pansies. Give me a guy who likes kielbasa and beer and playing thirty- six holes and still has enough energy to take me and Warren out to a ballgame. Jeez, I don't know where you're ever going to find a guy like that. Yeah, and you'd probably dump the poor guy halfway to Katmandu. What's that supposed to mean? It means you're too hard on guys. No I'm not. Yeah, Steve. Steve was all right for awhile. I don't know, it was complicated. He's in San Francisco, I'm in Miami. Besides, Magda's psychic dog hated him. Is that old crab still with you? Mary, you said you were putting her up for a month -- it's been a year and a half. What? Steve seemed to put up with Warren. Have you been up all night again? Bet your ass I have. It's an important job, Neighborhood Watch is. Neighborhood Watch? Is that what you call listening in on stranger's phone conversations? These ain't strangers, they're neighbors. This only picks up signals in a half-mile radius. Meaning? Meaning these are the people you live amongst, you got a right to know if they're creeps. For instance, did you know there's a guy down the hall cheating on his wife? You picked that up on the scanner. We gotta move. Magda, Puffy barks at everybody. That's because there's a lot of bad people out there. Hey, Puffy tried to warn you about that Steve guy you was seeing -- he was a fucking asswipe -- but you had to find out for yourself, didn't you? Jesus, Mary, you gotta hear this -- some cop's staking out this broad's apartment. So who's the lucky guy? Name's Patrick, I met him at the driving range. Good lookin'? What's he like? I don't know. He's kind of a mook. What's a mook? You know, a mookalone, a schlep. Then why you going out with him if he's a schlep? Come on, Magda It's like that movie Harold and Maude. I don't watch the new ones. This one's almost thirty years old. It's about a young kid and an old lady who fall in love. The point is, love isn't about money or social standing or age, it's about connecting with someone, having things in common kindred spirits. Sure. Uh, Magda, why don't you get some more cheese and crackers...? Bundt cake? Hey hey, what did you say Pat's last name was? I'm buying bananas tonight. Why? Back when I was your age I always used to make myself a big banana split after sex. I think you're gonna need one tonight. Don't bet on it. Last time I had a pap smear the guy needed leather gloves and an oyster shucker. So maybe I could find a nice gentleman to take you to the movies. Knock it off, Pollyanna, just 'cause you're in love doesn't mean everyone else has to be. Love? Come on, I wouldn't call it love. An old flame? You vicious bitch, how do you sleep at night? Holy shit... Magda! Oh, hi hon. Just straightening up. Where's Puffy? Pat's an architect, too. Pat does projects all over the world. What's up, Doc? You don't think they're too big? He's a nice guy, isn't he? Not long at all, but I really like him. Okay, I know he's a little different, Tucker, but that's what I like about him. He's a guy. A real guy. He dresses like a dork and eats corndogs and he isn't always politically correct and he probably farts, too. And that's okay with me. That's what you've been looking for -- a farter? I've been looking for a guy -- not one of these South Beach pussies. I thought so. Anyway, I hope you don't think I'm being meddlesome. I just think you should be careful with this guy. No no no, Tucker, thank you. I mean let's face it, Mary, you're beautiful, you've got money, you trust people -- I'm just saying, there's a lot of psychos out there. Can I pour you one? What's up? I think you'd better sit down. Tucker, I appreciate you doing all this, but I'm really strapped for time here and -- What...? I can't believe this is happening. I'm supposed to be meeting him in an hour. Magda's right, I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Don't get all gooey on me now, you'll give me a big head. The important thing, Doctor, is you've got to distance yourself as much as possible without pissing this psycho off. Uh, well... not exactly. You see, I exaggerated a little there. Name's Norm. I live up in Pompano with my folks. Oh yeah. Fine. Hey, you're limping. Did you just hurt yourself? No, it's an old football injury. Oh, are you on the team? Oh he can hold you. He weighs two- hundred-and-thirty pounds. So who you taking to the prom? Huh? The prom -- you going? Oh, I don't know. I think proms are pretty dumb. 'Cause I thought maybe you and I could go if you weren't already taking someone. Hi, Ted. I'm sorry. I should've told you, he's got a thing about his ears. Oh. Okay. I gotcha. Are you all right? Ted, are you okay? Ted, I'm so sorry. Are you going to be okay? You asshole, what are you -- Mary! Is that you? Oh my God... Ted. What are you...? I can't believe this. I haven't seen you since -- Yup, that's right. Junior prom... kinda. And did everything -- ? I can't believe he remembered you. He never remembers anybody. You know I tried to call you for weeks after that. Really? I never got a message. By the way, how's he doing? He's dead. Oh, Ted I'm so sorry to hear that. Oh. So... what brings you down here? Well you look great. Are you married, do you have kids? Nope, nope -- dodged a few bullets. God, I cannot believe I'm standing here with Mary Jenson. Actually, it's Mary Brooks now. Oh... are you... ? Nope, haven't walked the plank yet. There was this guy back in college who was bothering me... got kind of ugly -- a restraining order, the whole bit. Anyway, when I got out of Princeton I changed my name as a precaution. I'm kidding. I'd really love to, Ted, but the thing is I already have plans. How about tomorrow night? Hey. Hi, Ted. You look great. What's that? Hm? Sure. Now by killer, you mean...? I mean he murdered someone and did time back in Boston. The guy's a freak. Jeez, Mary... I'm... You hit the ball pretty good for a fourteen. We should play some time... I mean, if you can afford to lose some money. What are you? Twenty-two. Okay, sometimes I'm a nineteen. Nitrate-sicles -- I like that. I say they should put more meats on a stick, you know? They got a lot of sweets on sticks -- popsicles, fudgesicles, lollipops -- but hardly any meat. You know what I'd like to see? Meat in a cone. You could put corned beef hash in a cone, or chopped liver. I like it. And think of the toppings -- cheese, mushrooms, mint jelly It's too bad you don't live down here, Ted. Yeah? Well... why don't you move back? So you're a writer? Trying to be. Well good for you. I bet it works out for you. We'll see. If it doesn't, what the hell, at least I gave it a shot. That's right. And the good thing is you can do it anywhere. What about you, Mare? How the hell'd you manage to stay single? ...and then it was all over. We haven't spoken since. Wow. That's too bad. He sounds almost perfect. Yeah... almost. You want to come up and watch Sportscenter? Ted... you're not that far ahead. Look, Mary, the truth is... I'll be in town for a while now but I don't think we should see each other for a few weeks. Why not? That's really sweet, Ted, but you should save it for one of your books. Um, Ted, I need a moment with Magda -- would you let the dog out of the bathroom. Uh, Mare, what kind of dog is Puffy? Get out. Wait, hold on, Mary -- it's not as bad as it sounds. I certainly didn't know -- That you put a murderer on my trail? Well yeah, I didn't know much about him. I just thought -- Mary, I swear I wasn't trying to trick you. Then what the fuck did you do it for? Please leave. Mary, come on... Go! Woogie and I went out for awhile in high school. What what are you doing here? Ted...? I... I just want you to be happy, Mary. But but what about Steve? Get over here. Really? Yeah? What do you want? Um, hi, I'm Ted Peloquin. I'm here to take Mary to the prom. Jesus Christ, guy, what the hell were you doing?! What seems to be the situation here? You shit yourself or something? I, uh... I got it stuck. You got what stuck? It. OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Shhhhhh! Shirley, get in here! You gotta see this! What?! No please, sir -- Is it the frank or the beans? One guess. How the hell'd you get the beans all the way up top like that? You're looking at him. C'mere and take a look at this beauty. Charlie, that's mean. Come on in, Ted. Don't listen to Mr. Wise Guy here. He's a joke a minute. Teddy, hon, are you okay? OH HEAVENS TO PETE! Would you shhh! Mary's gonna hear us. Just relax, dear. Now, um... what exactly are we looking at here? What do you mean? No, no, please! Ho there. Oh God. Now I've seen it all. What the hell were you thinking? I wasn't trying -- Well, there's only one thing to do. No, no, no, I'll be fine. I'll just hang my shirttail out and work on it in the morning. No! I was pissing! Hey. So what's up? Eh. It's no big deal, whatever I mean, if you want. See, the thing is, I heard a rumor that this guy I like was gonna ask me. Uh-huh. Okay. So is that a yes or a no? Piggyback ride. We're here, Warren. You wanna get off? Franks and beans! How are you doing, Warren? Good, Ted. Piggy back ride? See you, Warren. See you, Warren. Which is exactly what they appear to be preparing to do, Mr. President. We're tracking 26 ships inbound to Cuba. There's no sign they're changing course. The closest ships, the Gagarin and the Kimovsk, will make the quarantine line by this time tomorrow. We've been hailing the Groznyy for the last hour, Mr. Secretary. The Groznyy refuses to stop. What are you doing? Carrying out our mission, Mr. Secretary. If you don't mind, we're very busy right now. We need to be able to do our jobs. Yes, Captain, you may proceed. Clear your guns. Starshells. I believe the President made it clear that there would be no firing on ships without his express permission. With all due respect, Mr. Secretary, we were not firing on the ship. Firing on a ship means attacking the ship. We were not attacking the ship. We were firing over it. This was not the President's intention when he gave that order. What if the Soviets don't see the distention? What if they make the same mistake I just did? There will be no firing anything near ANY Soviet ships without my express permission, is that understood, Admiral? Yes, sir. This private assurance represents the word of the Highest Authority? Yes. And it can be relayed beyond Comrade Khruschev's ears to the top circles of my government With the caveat that it is not made public in any way, shape or form. And we must have an answer tomorrow at the latest. I cannot stress this point enough. Tomorrow... Good. Jesus Christ, guys. What the hell's Khruschev thinking? Did you have any indication of this from Georgi? Any possible warning or sense of motivation? He's right, Jack. Taylor is saying we may have some time. We've got to use it. So if there are alternatives that make sense -- and I'm not saying there are -- we need 'em. Need 'em fast. What about the allies? Congress? I think we may need to start letting key people know. And they're all scattered across the country for the campaign. We're going to need to get the U.N. staff in and warmed up. Jesus... I don't even know if we've got secure communications with half our embassies since that the Soviets got that cryptographer of ours. As if dealing with the Russians wasn't hard enough, we gotta worry about our own house. There's still no sign they know that we know about the missiles. Been a lot of cloud cover; probably think we aren't getting any good product. Lying bastard. Lied to my face. We're split down the middle. If I held a vote I think airstrike would beat blockade by a vote or two. I want a consensus, Bobby. Consensus. Either air strike or blockade. Something everyone'll stand by even if they don't like it. I need it by Saturday. Make it happen. Well, I'm not. Goddamn Stevenson. Jesus. Peace at any price. You'd think nobody learned anything from World War Two. Somebody had to say it. I respect Adlai for having the guts to risk looking like an appeaser. We have to pull him. He's not going to be able to handle the Soviets in front of the U.N. Zorin will eat him alive. We're going to have to stop a ship eventually, show the quarantine's got teeth, or we'll prove McCone right. He gets it, but he's pissed. We were just debating who had it worse, us or George Washington and his guys. He didn't have to worry about nuclear weapons. How does a guy get a rep like that? Who gives a shit about the midterms now? The Soviets are putting nuclear weapons ninety miles away from us. The other thing is... ...I know. CIA and the military fucked us on the Bay of Pigs. They're going to be pressing for a military solution soon. We can't afford to let them ram their agenda down our throats. We need to come with options other than air strikes so we have some sort of choice here. I'll do it. It's too politicized with you in there, anyway. They need to be able to stick their necks out. Jack, I'm as conniving as they come, but a sneak attack is just wrong. What happened to speak when spoken to? Jesus... Rescind the order. Can all the Chiefs. Put Nitze, Gilpatric and the Undersecretaries in charge. Adlai's too weak! We have to convince Jack to pull him, get McCloy in there. You can't take him out this late in the game. Zorin will eat him alive! Then talk to your brother, goddamn it. The two of you don't need any advice to get into trouble. Oh, still sore about this. My father -- Adlai can handle Zorin. He knows the inning and the score. Where've you been? We've been trying to find you all morning. Helen and I went out for breakfast. EXCOM's not supposed to convene til eight. We're getting everyone together as fast as we can. What does the letter say? And? And Jack wants to trade the missiles in Turkey. The Jupiters are obsolete. They were supposed to have been dismantled last summer anyway -- All right, so maybe we overestimated how reasonable this trade would look. Okay? You happy? So now what? So now you've got to talk him out of it. And then we've got to figure out an acceptable political solution. We gave so much to get here. I don't know. Sometimes I think what the hell did we do it for? Slow down. Smell that? Smoke. Yeah? Hey, Mac. You're up bright and early. What's it about? Helen just asked me what sort of arrangements we have for the families. What did you think of Lippman's column this morning? You gotta stop 'em. We know it's Jack and Bobby's idea -- they leaked it to Lippman. The military guys are going ape, and they're not alone. Then they should speak up. Christ, Ken, you know it's not that easy. Yes it is. Jack and Bobby are good men. But it takes a certain character, moral toughness to stand up to -- -- You listen to me. Nobody, nobody, talks about my friends that way. You're fucking here right now because of the Kennedys. They may be wrong. They make mistakes. But they're not weak. The weak ones are these 'people' who can't speak their own minds. The sun came up today. Yeah. Every day the sun comes up... says something about us. I am instructed to tell you that the American Government would respond favorably to an offer along the lines you have discussed. If this solution were raised at the U.N. by Ambassador Zorin, he would find a favorable reply from Ambassador Stevenson. So I understand you correctly. If the missiles in Cuba were dismantled, returned to the Soviet Union, and a guarantee was made not to reintroduce them, the United States would be prepared to guarantee that it would never invade Cuba? That is correct. This is from the Highest Authority? Yes. From the Highest Authority. There are two conditions. The U.N. must be allowed to inspect the removal of the missiles. And the second condition? John. How much time? Max. We have high confidence in the expanded air strike option. The problem, Mr. President, is that it's a short-term solution. Khruschev can send more missiles next month. The Chiefs and I believe we should follow up the air strikes with the full version of OPLAN 316. An invasion... Is this the Chiefs' recommendation? How long until the army is ready? Guess we can't blame Khruschev for a few patriotic farmers. And the ships? Still heading for Cuba. -- I have the authority. I am the commander-in-chief of the United States, and I say when we go to war! We are not at war, sir, not until we're at DEFCON 1. So which one of you geniuses can tell me how to explain ourselves to the world? How do we work with them if there's been a hard-line coup? Then we have no choice. General, issue the warning orders to our forces. They will be prepared to execute the air strikes Monday morning and the follow-on invasion according to the schedule thereafter. I'll need the official release orders on my desk Sunday night. Does this attack on our plane represent a definitive, intentional escalation on the part of the Soviets? Don't forget, Mrs. Higgins wants to talk to you this afternoon about Kevin. You need to do something about this. When are you going to be home? I don't know, Helen. I want you to keep the kids close tomorrow. Leave the T.V. on, sleep with it on in the bedroom until I tell you you can turn it off. What's happened? Nothing. Nothing you don't know about. Tomorrow's the big day. Just have the car ready to go if I call or if the Civil Defense Warning comes on. What happens to you? I'm not leaving without you. If you're home it means either Jack and Bobby have finally figured out what a con man you are and fired you, or -- -- we got a back channel communication from Khruschev this evening feeling us out about a deal. He confirmed it just a little while ago in a letter to the President. I think we've won. I saw you out there. You want him to call you back, need you. How's my favorite President? Busy. But you've got his heart. I want an hour with him. I said his heart, not his attention. Three weeks before midterm elections? You need me. Well. There is a new civil rights initiative he wants to talk about. Pretending there isn't a problem won't fix it. He can clear the air on Anglo American relations. Forget it, Scotty. It's Tuesday. You said to call. When do I get my 45 minutes? Tell you what. We're in Connecticut tomorrow for Ribicoff. I'll get you up front with him during the flight. Kenny! What happened? They didn't let me up front, said the President was on the phone the whole time. He was. Yeah? Who was he talking to? Acheson? Come on, O'Donnell, everyone's wondering what's going on. What's Acheson doing in town? And don't give me some bullshit about DNC think tanks. Acheson's Mr. Cold War. Why don't you ask him yourself? You can have him on the way home. There are major rail disruptions in the South, two airborne divisions are on alert. That exercise is an invasion. Well, you know how Bobby has it in for the State of Mississippi. Secretary of Defense... Dean Rusk! Hey, sport. You winning? I guess you won't be coming home tonight. Get back out there, kid. Remember to hit 'em hard. What about you? Where are you going? I was eating that. No you weren't. So what've we got today? Still think Cuba isn't important? Should be here any minute. No choice. This is going to cost lives any way we go. Do nothing, and it could be 80 million of ours. We have to get rid of those missiles. Okay. Kenny and I only show for the meetings you call us into. Impress us. And do it fast. You're in charge of keeping this quiet. If word gets out before we know what we're going to do, there'll be panic. And it'll ruin any chance of surprise if we decide to hit them. Call me Irish, but I don't believe in cooler heads prevailing. Acheson's scenario is unacceptable. And he has more experience than anyone. Let's get out of here. Have you canceled Chicago and the rest of the weekend yet? You don't show for Chicago, everyone'll know there's something going on. I don't care. Cancel it. I'm not calling and canceling on Daly. You call and cancel on Daly. You're scared to cancel on Daly. We have to try the blockades. It probably won't work. It may just be delaying the inevitable. But we can't just go to war without trying not to. You'd worry that something was wrong if Congress offered you unconditional support. I don't like what's happening. In the morning I'm taking charge of the blockade from the situation room. McNamara'll set up shop in the flag plot at the Pentagon, keep an eye on things there. All right. 'Cause you get armed boarders climbing into Soviet ships, shots being fired across bows... I know, I know... What about these low-level flights? They're starting in what? An hour? Do you realize what you're letting yourself in for? We need those flights. We have to know when those missiles become operational, because when they do, we need to destroy them. I'm your political advisor, and I'm giving you political analysis here. This is a setup. The Chiefs want to go in. It's the only way they can redeem themselves for the Bay of Pigs. They have to go in, and they have to do it right. It's that simple. How does a man get to a place where he can say, 'throw those lives away,' so easily? That's going to be tough. You know how these guys are about their chains of command... We can horsetrade with Khruschev on ships. But it doesn't get us any closer to removing those missiles. He's right, we can't rescind DEFCON 2. The Soviets will think we've gotten sweet on them. What's that? I don't want to listen to this again. If we made a trade, we'd be giving in to extortion, and NATO would never trust us again. We'll get clobbered in world opinion. It's a goddman trial balloon. Trial is the operative word, here. Jesus Christ, O'Donnell, you're the one saying we need to move forward on a political solution. Didn't know Adlai had it in him. Too bad he didn't have this stuff in '52. Hello? I've got to move. What do you have, Kenny? They know each other! Khruschev and Feklisov aka Fomin were war buddies! You're sure... Don't take it to court, but we've got good circumstantial evidence... Walter agrees. My gut's telling me Khruschev's turning to a trusted old friend to carry his message. We give them something. We tell them we'll remove the missiles from Turkey say, six months from now so that there appears to be no linkage. We also tell them if they go public about it, we deny it and the deal is off. Moving the line. Stroke of genius. You must think I'm blind and stupid. I've already gotten the birds and bees from Bobby. The President doesn't have to double-barrel me. Listen to me, goddamn it. We're talking about a possible nuclear war. You dropped the ball on Bay of Pigs -- -- you sonofabitch, goddamn it, I didn't drop -- At least it will expose whether Khruschev has been overthrown. We'll know what we're dealing with. Dangle a settlement, tie us down in negotiations, we come up short... Why else would they approach us in this way? It's deniable. The Soviets have done nothing but lie to us. This could be more of the same. That may be why Khruschev's introducing this guy. We've been burned by his usual players in the formal channels, so he brings in an honest broker. My specialists are in agreement: this morning's letter is not Khruschev. Last night's letter was. The evidence supports only one conclusion: there has been a coup, and Khruschev was replaced overnight. It's transparent. The press'll be all over it. Bob. Bet you had a late night. Bob? Bob, is there any way we can avoid stopping a submarine first? Captain, force the sub to the surface for inspection. Mr. President! We're receiving reports that the ships are stopping! Captain, belay that order! Bob, where's that coming from! Just a second, Mr. President. Hey. Hey. Nice tie. Yeah. You're my hero, Carl. Heroes ain't supposed to shake. I'm shakin', man, look at me. Anyone stops us going in, we're with the Bowen-Hamilton Textile Company. We have rug samples. Rug samples. Jesus Christ, Larry, what the fu-- Larry. That's not even your name, is it? What's your real name, you fucking scumbag? I thought we were staying on the reservation. Yes. Rooms thirteen and fourteen are on Indian land. I see. Are you hungry? I have some nice raw kidney in the truck. Mr. Clear Moon. They're going to kill me next. That's what I hear. These new Indians are destroying everything. Our people are a quiet people. Now keep that between us, Dennis, cuz I don't know what kinda Johnny Law they got here. Brooks, what's a perceptive fellow like you, doing in a joint like this? Let me buy you a glass of some of that Russian shit you like. FBI? What you investigatin'? A murder. On the reservation. You know how in your big cities, you got your niggers and you got your Puerto Ricans? Well out here we got Indians. That's just the way it is. What are you doing? James Looks Twice? What's this about? Your good friend Leo Fast Elk. You think I killed him? Cuz he was an apple? Well, let me tell you something about Leo, Man -- Levoi, Cooch. Raymond Levoi, Criminal Division. Interesting bloodline you have, Ray. French, Scots-Irish, Italian, ...and one-eighth American Indian. Ray, there's been a homicide out in an area known as The Badlands. Indian Reservation. It's not the first. There's been several. And our field office in Rapid City is getting a lot of heat... none of the investigations have turned up jack shit. The main problem is, Ray, these people are extremely distrustful of outsiders, non-Indians. Relations have not been amicable. Taking ol' Leo somewhere? Nice piece. You come back here to cover your tracks, Geronimo? What's your name? It ain't Geronimo. Who are you? I know where I am. I'm on federal land, doing a federal investigation, and if you don't wanna cooperate you can take a ride in a federal car, and spend the rest of the day in a little room, answering federal questions. It's your call. Who are you? I'm a full blood Oglala Sioux, born and raised on this reservation. We got the wire ya was comin'. You're the Indian official, yeah? Leo's gotta get to burial, Brother. He's gotta make the journey. What journey? -- an Indian Reservation is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Intimidation. I know that. Somebody must be doing something somewhere in your jurisdiction, Officer Crow Foot. Respect the dead, Hoss. Because when -- -- did you understand me when I said that -- -- violation of the Major Crimes Act on an Indian Reservation is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Instigation. I know that. What the hell you doing?! South Dakota... Did I do something unsatisfactory, Sir? I didn't know him, Sir. He passed away when I was six. Those are two agents who went into a reservation a few years ago to serve a warrant. They were executed at close range. That one there is a police officer killed by the Mohawks up in Canada more recently. Jesus... Were you in Nam? Hey, hey, hey. J. Edgar would've loved you. He'd love anybody who joined the bureau to, what was it? "To enforce the laws of my country and protect her interests"? You crashed my file? Six rounds. 357. Somebody was serious about doing this guy, that's for sure. This is a restricted area. I did. Who the fuck is he? Leo has to take the journey, Cooch. Leo's gonna need his hands, Cooch. He does quillwork. Keeping of the souls. Do they still burn their dead or something? No. That's Ray here. Ray... Water. Worth killing for out here, I'd think. Get the plate numbers off everyone of these cars. Couldn't sleep. Maisy Blue Legs place? How'd you know? I got one up on ya. Go ahead. Meet me at base. Over. Who is he? White eagle feather through the circle. That's their symbol. They obviously wanted it to be known that they offed Leo. Some kind of statement. I'd just like five minutes alone with the motherfucker who hung that flag upside down. Easy, Cowboy. No vendettas on my ship. Now: remember what I told you about Nam? Watch the grass, watch the trees, watch the shit house, be on your toes, and if we get committed, don't hesitate to empty that sucker. What'd she say? She took something from the house. What she called a medicine bundle. Most likely Jimmy's. Let's see it. That's good goddamn work, Ray. Let the salmon run. Let 'em run Upriver. Why we setting Eagle Bear up as an informant? Her oil pan is shot. Cooch. What's the Fort Laramie Treaty? Cooch. Where the fuck did they send us? The right man? Talk to me, Ray. Genetic ditto on evidence found at the site with evidence you found in his belongings. An incontrovertible motive. And definite footprints on Jimmy Looks Twice at Maisy Blue Legs house. When did we get that? Today. And now you -- there's a dog in the van -- -- I know. I fed it, and I can't get rid of -- You weren't sent here to go off on your own detail, Ray. You were sent here to assist in a Selective Operations Unit. These regional agents are inept -- that's why they were sent out here to The Graveyard, to Indian Country. I need you behind me, Ray. Not pulling against me. I'm not trying to pull against you, Cooch. I've just been having nightmares about the way Leo was killed. Your first homicide, that's gonna happen, Ray... I just wanna make sure no one else gets done in that way because we were in bed with the wrong doer. Alright. Alright... I'll sleep around a little. Thanks, Cooch. Bastards... All I could think of was... not here. I don't wanna eat it on an Indian Reservation, three thousand miles from home. It may have been Maggie's way of saying "get off my ass." She's that subtle? Eagle's claws and a bear's balls that's what her profile says. Well, she's running now, too. These fucking people like to run, don't -- Tread matches. It's the car. And it was full of water when I drove by here three days ago. Full. I mean... a river. Jesus, you alright? Yeah. I... I fell asleep. I can't believe it. I -- Never turn your radio off! I thought I was gonna find you scalped! Damn it! Sorry, Cooch. I lost Eagle Bear -- Listen: when we get back tomorrow, you're gonna find Tully laying a promotion on you. S.A.C. He wants to prove that his yuppie agents are making good. He's offering you New York. Tell him you want Atlanta. Why? You ever put your hands on me again and you'll be doing the books for a baitshop in the fucking Everglades, Mister. You didn't tell me about Red Deer Table -- -- what the hell is Red Deer Table? This was a Selective Operations Unit, Agent Levoi. There is classified information pertaining to our national security. You don't question that, you don't go digging into that shit -- that's insubordination. Jesus Christ -- -- if they mine uranium there, these people will have no place left to go... We were sworn in on the Constitution to protect federal matters, Ray. I don't know about uranium, I don't know about Red Dog Table -- all I know is we did our job. It's over. We neutralized anybody with a voice. Leo, Jimmy... Eagle Bear. Anyone who was standing in the way of the land. Is that it? Come on, Ray. Come forward. Ray... I said when can Leo be taken to ceremony? What are you -- What?! Hey. Hey, you, listen up -- Big sonuvabuck. Based on the depth of that print, pressure releases... I'd say he goes two-ten, two-fifteen -- Bullshit. -- Well, maybe two-seventeen. You're trying to tell me you can read all that from a track? No. Not just a track. You gotta listen to the trees, man. To the leaves. To this sand, you FBI's kicked all up. You gotta listen to the earth. Is that right? Well, listen to this: drag your ass. This is a restricted area. No, this is the home of the Oglala Sioux and I want the dog-fucker who killed Leo. Whether you get him or I get him, I just want him. Shit's been goin' on too long. You've got no jurisdiction. You got no know-how. About Indian Way. Or about Jack Shit for that matter. Maybe you're not aware of this, Crow Horse, but I just flew in from a place called the Twentieth Century where we have such things as electrostatic tracking methods, psycholingusitics, DNA fingerprinting; I don't have to crawl around with the scorpions and talk to the fucking trees to get answers. Leo was killed right here. Go back to the M.E., take a look inside Leo's exit wounds and tell me how chicken feed got in there. Trust me, there ain't chickens in the Badlands. His mother's place is -- -- his mother never lived here. She was from up in North Dakota. I'm talkin' his spiritual mother. Maisy Blue Legs. His spiritual mother... To us Indians, our spiritual relatives are as close as family. I've got seven mothers on this reservation. Sisters. Brothers. You ain't one of them. Thank God. Now listen to me, asshole. I'm giving you a break. But if my partner finds out you're here, you're gonna be reading rat tracks in Sioux Falls Maximum Security. You're an easy man to track, Ray. Ya walk like a penguin with a hard-on. Is that right? What are the trees saying today? He sent me to find ya. He says he's got information. Grandpa Samuel Reaches. Heavy duty medicine. Why does he wanna see me? What did he say? But he is not unhappy with you because he knows you. He knows me? What's he smoke in that? What did he say? He said he doesn't know. What was he saying? Why should I tell you. The old man saw an owl. Over there in the dry wash. Last week. And... So what? The owl told him about Leo. That's incredible. I guess we just broke the back of this investigation, didn't we? Evidence doesn't get any harder than that -- not for my money. Is there anyway we can seduce this owl into Federal Court? He also said "listen to the water." Listen to the water. Listen to the owl. He also said, don't trust the fucking Cookie Monster. Don't be mad. That was just an old traditional gesture that means hello, how are you. Jimmy didn't do it, Ray. I checked it out. You can stop taggin' my sister. So did this one. Wambli is a rare and sacred creature. When someone finds a dead one, the feathers get around the res. We share everything. A lot of power in the eagle feathers. But you think that's bullshit too, don't -- Was-te. 'Cept for one thing. Jimmy Looks Twice was nowhere near there. Ya see, when Jimmy was twelve years old, his mother and father was killed in a car wreck right down there near Elk Mountain. I don't see the connection. That's not solid. The old man? He's gonna tell you who killed Leo? Go catch Jimmy, Ray. Really. He's gettin' away. Go ahead, go get him. I'm late. Hey. Hey, those are my sunglasses you're wearing. I can't do that, It's a Rolex. Red Deer Table, Ray. Don't tell me: heavy duty. Walter. When I fill out my 302, do I say that evil spirits are killing everybody on the reservation? Ray -- -- no. No offense to the old man. I appreciate you trying to help. But I put my ass on the line coming out here, man. What'd you expect to hear? Not Native American myths and legends. I'm with the FBI, Walter, remember? Not National Geographic. What you call myths, we call our history. It's not real. What's real to you? Wall Street? Capital Hill? Now they are myths. I can't be dicking around here. That's all I'm saying. I don't carry crystals, I don't wanna come back in another life. I just wanna do my job, and do it right, and get the fuck outta here. Take care of yourself, Walter. Agent Little Weasel, Federal Bura of your Imagination. Jesus Christ. You're hammered. What are you doing? You're right about the old man. His power's long dried up. He's supposed to be a medicine man but he won't go see the people. He says we changed, and we don't listen. Well, he don't go out and talk no more. I haven't had a drink in three years but I just turned my sobriety chip into that man behind the bar, and Cut the shit. You shouldn't be in here, Man. Cuz I'm a skin? Cuz you're a cop. Not no more. What are you talking about? You tell me. You tell me who went to the B.I.A. -- Bureau of Indian Annihilation and said I was messin' with your case, man. I don't give a goddamn about your case. Still after Jimmy? They found prints at Blue Legs' place. Next time I'll be ready. You get the word to who ever it is. You think you was sent here cuz you're a good cop? Five-hundred year old turtleshell rattle... Crow Horse, listen -- Where's Maggie? Where'd ya take her. Nowhere. I'm trying to find her. You got Jimmy. Let her go. Crow Horse, listen. You have to come with me. Why? So you can get rid of me, too? Do they come in dreams, these visions? Oh yeah. Dreams. Sometimes durin' sickness. Vision quest. Sweat Lodge. Ya never know when. Where was this? At Wounded Knee. I mean, that's where I was, and that's where the dream was. Why? You were running with the old ones. At The Knee. Heavy duty. Well, it was just a dream, I -- Sonuvabuck! What's with you, Man? Who are you? What do you mean? You had a vision. You had yourself a vision. A man waits a long time for a vision. Might go his whole lifetime and never get one. And along comes some instant Indian with a Mastercard and brand-new shoes, has himself a vision. Sorry. I'm a full-blood Oglala. We've driven a long way. Where is this place? Maybe it was just a dream. Ya know, just one of them, what do ya call 'em, fitful dreams? Bullshit. You had a vision. You got sign from the old ones. What the hell do you want me to do?! What's that? Jesus. Oil? Uranium. Test holes. Somebody came in from the Nebraska side, and did some shotgun testin'. They're gettin' ready to suck this baby dry. 1868... What? That's what we're doing here. National interest. National security. Only this time it's not gold. It's uranium. We're standin' on broken treaty ground, Ray. This ain't supposed to be here. It'll poison the water. Leo knew about it. Tried to tell Jimmy, get the Warriors involved. So they took care of Leo. This Clear Moon's house? Alright. Shit's comin' down. He's callin' council fire. All the old chiefs and the warriors, too. I gotta be at Grandpa's place in two hours. We need to get the tribe together. We need to block this thing. I thought it was a rare case of a brother getting a break in the courts. We did an honorin' song for him and everything. Ray. Ray, don't let go now, Man. Ray... You go to the council fire. I'm going back in. Ain't no Council Fire, Brother. Clear Moon... I know. Come on. We gotta get off the reservation or we're dead. Hoka Hey. It's a good day to die. He's gone. They got us sealed. What are we gonna do? That's it. The Stronghold. Get us in there, we got a chance. What about the water... You bought her some time, Kola. Ain't never gonna be over... but you bought her some time. I'll have to see what the visions say about that one. You take care. You're the Indian FBI. This Jimmy's? You're not gonna catch him. He can shape-shift into different animals. Bear. Elk. Porcupine. Is that like an hereditary thing, Magdelana, or can one take classes? Jimmy didn't kill Leo. Why do you wanna do this? He tried to kill him twice before. That's a good place to start don't ya think? Leo was on the other side, wasn't he? -- Leo was an apple, that's right. Red on the outside, white on the inside. And Jimmy hated him. Kicked his ass a coupla times. But he didn't kill him. Who did? You're the FBI. That's your job, isn't it? Ya know how many of our Warrior brothers got killed out here? I never saw any investigating then. Why now? What's going down here? A Fugitive Alert for a murder suspect. Before somebody else gets a shotgun blast in the spine. Look. You and I can stand here in a culture clash til the sun comes up, talking about what's right and what's wrong. You're from the reservation. It's a different world. Thank you. Grandpa Reaches says you come from heavy Indian blood. I used to think Grandpa was gettin' senile. Now I know he is. You burned an American flag today. And left it for me... -- You desecrated it, it had to be burned. I desecrated it? Your relatives must've taught you something. What? Wa-shee is like... a dumpling. Like tallow we put in stew. I think he was calling you chubby boy. X21, give me a 20. X22. Read. Go ahead, Ray. I have a pick-up truck. No plates. Subject -- Indian -- entering suspect's house. Over. No plates. No registration. Serial numbers removed. And all prints washed off by the river. That's great. This is turning out to be a walk in the park, do you know that? Come back? Ray. X22. I read, Cooch. Remember that upside down flag back at Jimmy's house? Somebody took it down. Good. X21. Come back. What are you doing on the reservation? Yellow bird... is gonna sing. Ray... Mister Tully. Do you want a coffee? I'm not that sure. Yeah, I think -- With an Indian representative out there, we hope to keep hostilities dormant; this is a COINTELPRO, Selective Operations Unit, and it'll be easier on Agent Couture if you can gain the people's trust and maybe -- Woh, excuse me, Sir... I see what you're saying... I've got a little Indian blood, that's true. But -- I am not an... an Indian. I can't just go in and -- What ya want? Must be a bitch getting around in that wheelchair. How long you been in it? Since I got a iron pipe put across my knees, man. Fight with three wasi'cus, ya know. At Sioux Falls Pen? No, that was Leavenworth. This -- was Sioux Falls. What ya want? You ever try solitary confinement? No. Can't say that I have, Richard. Richard do you know why I'm here? Washington sent ya. I know that. Not for long, Richard. You got early parole under the stipulation that you would help us in a situation, and you didn't deliver. Get up out of the chair, Richard. What's with you people? Why do ya have to fuck with my head all the time? I came through, man. Get up out of the chair, and walk toward the backdoor, Richard. I get thrown in solitary until I don't know my own fuckin' name, and then you people tell me I can beat nine years if I help you. I helped you! They said I'd never see FBI again, and I'm livin' with you fuckers. I don't feed ya information on the Warriors, it's back to the pen. I don't do this, back to the pen. Your word against my word. Against a con Indian's word. I really got a chance, man, right? They sent me here, Richard because they said you didn't hold up your end of the arrangement, and I have to transport you back to Leavenworth. What the fuck, man? What do you people want? I did what you wasi'cu's told me to do. No way. No fuckin' way. How the hell do you know? The men who came to see you at Leavenworth. The one's who made the arrangement... who were they? Maybe I can talk to them. Miles. Three other suits. That's all I know 'em as -- suits. Were you there? You turned Leo over on his face. But the coyotes must've turned him back over, man, cuz his spirit is out. It's out, and it knows. What do you know about spirits? You ain't no In'dn. Leo knew something heavy and was trying to tell Jimmy. But you must not know how serious it was or you would have delivered. Do you realize what Leo could have told Jimmy?! Do you?! I took him out before he got the chance. He didn't say nothin' about Tashka Sha. And now his spirit is in the dirt. Forever. What's Tashka Sha, speak English, speak English! Keep talking, Yellow Bird... I'll bet! Uhhh...Anything I can do for you? She laughs again, doesn't know what it is...could be chemical, but she's instinctively attracted. Now I know why all the girls come here. They know how horny you guys get. But this...is ridiculous. It isn't? Well, it is. It is that, too. That's a big comfort to me. I could be, too. How so? Save you from a big mistake with that other guy. Yeah, most likely. Was there ever a girl who didn't like fighter pilots? Can I walk you out?She turns back to him, a smile. I thought he'd never leave. Everybody's got to be somewhere. What if Captain Dawson had come with me? It would have been really embarrassing! How did you know this was my car? Simple deduction. It's fast. It's pretty. Sleek and stylish...It's your color...matches your lipstick. That's all! I beg your pardon. No, I beg yours. But I don't think you're right on that. Why not? I saw one. You saw a MiG 21? I saw a MiG do a 4 G negative dive. Where did you see that? It's what? Lieutenant, I have a top secret clearance. The Pentagon sees to it that I know more than you. Not in this case. CHARLIE You saw a MiG push negative 4G? Yes, ma'am. Where were you? He was in a 4G Negative dive and you were on his six? If you were directly above him, how did you see him? Two. Two miles. The what? It never came up. You let me make a fool of myself. You seemed determined to do that anyway.. Why didn't you tell me you were a famous MiG insulter? MAVERICK Would it have made a difference? No. What would? What would you say, too fast...too quick... And far too aggressive. Well, what you need...what you have to keep looking for...what you want to get is a wingman who can stay up with you. Who can match you move for move. Then you've got something. I'm sorry. For what? That stuff about the MiG. I was out of line. Apology acknowledged. Is that all? CHARLIE What else do you want? Um. You. There you go with those moves again. Too aggressive? I don't mix with the boys. I work here. Let's keep it professional. I'm special. Yes. I'll give you that! I can't. I thought there was something... That night in the club... Lieutenant... Evan... or Maverick. Maverick...you know the rules of engagement. The what? Some one comes up hot on your six, what do you do? What are you talking about? You turn into him, check him out, identify friend or foe. I'm not your foe. CHARLIE And if he's harmless, you disengage. Harmless! Uh hum. What if he's not? And probably never again. It's nothing personal. It's just...I know a lot of pilots. Maybe I'm immune... Don't worry, I'm a new strain. And I don't give up. Everything I've ever wanted I've had to work like hell for. Well, how about it? How about what? How about anything, anything you want to do. Hard to argue with that, isn't it... A date... Coffee... A drink...A walk in the park. What about the plane? What plane. Most of them invite me to sit in the cockpit...play with the levers and things. MAVERICK Well, get used to it. Used to what? I'm different. Let's make it at eight. Make what? Anything. Why'd you do that? It dies. We live. You're an animal. That's true. What are you? No! It's not suffering anymore. You're horrible You're not, cause you eat frozen meatballs? Things die. Every time you breathe, you kill millions of tiny organisms. Every time you eat, something had to die. You don't have to kill it. Somebody does. It's more honest this way. You do your own dirty work. You ever think about killing another human being? Does it bother you? You know what really scares me? Living too long. Losing my hair and my teeth...and my guts and my wind. And my brains...Sitting in a room with my hands in my lap, watching daytime TV. You don't believe any of this. You don't think you'll ever die. That's it, of course. When I'm up there and doing it, I'm cheating it every second. I'm subverting all laws...gravity...whatever. I'm skating the edge of it. What he said..."There's nothing so exhilarating as being shot at without result." All you've got is one life. I guess it's worth about the same to every body. You ever see an old woman after her husband has died? And the meaningless years of decline stretch ahead... When you're in the air and doing something really dangerous, you can look ahead... maybe ten seconds. That's your whole future. That's as far as it goes. But imagine What if you kill yourself? Think of everything you'll miss. MAVERICK There is lots of stuff I don't know about... Fine wine... great art... the opera. I guess if I live long enough, I'll get to it. If I don't, I'll never miss it. Are you really that brave? I watched my mother die. Cancer. She had a long time to think about it. They say you reach an agreement with death. Come to accept the fact that pretty soon you won't be here. I didn't see that. She... was very brave...braver than I am. You go up there, there isn't time to think. If you make a mistake, you're just a smudge It's just as I thought. You're totally insane. Come on. Where? You want to go ballistic? I always wanted to fly... ever since I first saw a jet. I wanted to fly jets, then I wanted F-14's, then I wanted to fly off carriers, then I wanted Top Gun. And now? And now I want you. You always get what you want? I want it understood. Anything. No fooling on base, no signs, no comments, no talk. By anyone. Why? Food...and you...my F-14! In that order? Well no...inverse order. I'm still second best. You ever fly an F-14? Danger? . Yeah! Doesn't it ever bother you? Lucky charm. What do you take me for? It's a Navy Cross. Just good luck. Where'd you get it. ...they say you're alright. I'm fine. This is it, then. What? The dark side. The price you pay for all the fun you're having. You knew about it, of course. Didn't you? He was a friend of mine. A good guy...great guy. It was my fault. That's not what I hear. I was flying...my responsibility. That's what you get flight pay for. Maybe I shouldn't take it. Why? You act like you didn't know one day this would happen. Not to me. Where are we? Where are we? You know where we are. It's called the beach. It's where life first crawled up out of the sea. I come here sometimes... when I feel like crawling back in. You don't have to do this. Do what, show you a good time? I'm not good company. I should be alone. No. What do you want? I want it back. What? You look way out there. Out past the date line. West becomes East, all things change. You cross the line...today becomes yesterday...or tomorrow, I forget which. That's what I want. You don't believe that. Hardly ever. Only when you're depressed. Then it passes. It does. What do you do when you come here? I sit. I think. I play games. What kind of games? How do you play reality. It's strip reality, actually, like what the pilots always want to play. Strip reality! How do you play that? It's like strip poker, only, without the bluffing. One person says something and if the other one accepts that it's true, the one who says it, gets to take one item of clothing off. You're crazy. That's a pretty silly game. Want to play the game? How does it go? You say the truth. Go ahead. Don't be afraid. You want to win the game, don'tcha? What truth? Goose is dead. True. Now? Take something off. Off me or off you? What does it mean? You didn't mean it. You didn't think. You'd do anything to take it back. That's three. One more. Looks like a tie. Who's gonna win? You weren't gonna say goodbye? I was, later. Long distance? I wouldn't do that to you. I'd at least talk to you. I didn't want to see you. I mean, I did...but I didn't.. I know exactly what you mean. How could you? I've got a gift just like you do. My gift is I just know what people mean, even if they can't say it. It helps when you're trying to communicate with fighter pilots. Like what you just said was "I'm embarrassed, I feel I've done something wrong, that I've failed, and I don't think I can live up to the expectations of a wonderful And I'm gonna sneak off, and be by myself for awhile, like until I can think of a new career...hotel management or something... Big talk for someone who's never been shot off her computer. Hey, I never said I was a fighter pilot...I never claimed to think it was fun to be shot off the end of a ship in a storm. I can find contentment in a good book. I don't have to roar by someone at Mach two with my hair on fire. Sometimes...I just get happy being with the right man. I hope you find him. Well? Well what? You got your F-14, you got Top Gun, you got your MiGs....You're our new Top Gun instructor...Now what? Oh...I'll think of something... What are you doing here? I live here, remember? Well... What is it? Yes sir. I do, Sir. Well? One SIXTH the speed of sound! Yes sir. Lieutenant... What do you... usually fly? F-14's sir. Tomcats? Lieutenant... Is there... a Russian attack? Yes, Sergeant? Remember one thing. Sir? Outside of this gate... I...am Top Gun. Can't shake him. WHAT'S MIG ONE DOING? I'LL LOCK ON THEM, COUGAR. Gotcha covered, don't nobody move. I'M UP HERE TOO, MAVERICK. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? MAVERICK. YOU BETTER NOT BE RAGGING ME... IF YOU'RE FLYING UPSIDE DOWN... NO JOKE, COUGAR. ON THE LEVEL. EVEN I WOULDN'T DO THAT TO YOU. I've got a six strobe. I think he's locked on us. It's a MiG 21. They don't have radar missiles! Let's hope you're right! What is he doing? That's missile lock! He better be kidding! We're locked on MiG ONE. Why doesn't he disengage? Hey, if it was easy, everybody would want to come up here and do it..... Instead of just us. Help me with this one, I'm really screwed up. Bring it left. Bring it left, You're high. This is crazy! What is? Wait! Hell!..Something's wrong! What? What is it? Were upside down! You're crazy. We're level. Can't you feel it? I'm hanging in my straps! You're not. We're level. Look at the instruments, we're okay! They must be broken. I'm hanging in my straps! We're inverted! I'm pulling up. We're on vapor, Cougar, you got to put it down. It's crazy, man. Instruments are crazy. We're gonna have to eject. OKAY... OKAY. BUT IF I LAND THIS THING UPSIDE DOWN. AND I LIVE. I'LL HAVE YOUR BUTT! WHAT? WHERE'RE YOU--HEY, WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING? DIDN'T ... AHHH...LOOK GOOD. WHAT DO YOU MEAN? IT DOESN'T GET TO LOOK MUCH BETTER THAN THAT? What are you doing? Saving them some paperwork. If I could fly like you I'd have everything I want. If I could fly at all. I can't fly. I can't fly like that. Nobody can. Whatever it is, you've got it! Not anymore. Bandit at seven o'clock low--solo. Take him. Pull on the goddamn stick, man! Okay, okay. BREAK LEFT! BREAK LEFT! CHAFF! FLARES! THERE'S ANOTHER ONE UP THERE! I GOT ONE COMING UP. Ohhh Mother! Don't WORRY!!!? You've GOT it!!? Are you CRAZY? Now have you got it? Have you still got it? Yawing right. I know! Rudder's left, stick's forward. I've got it -- hold on! Passing 8. Passing 6. Lock your harness! 5000 feet. Speed two hundred. No! Not again! What are you talking about, we gotta go! Gotta go, man. 280, 290, 300 knots. 3,000 feet. We gotta go, man. 3,000 feet, we gotta go! You go. I'm staying with it. Is there something I should know? Just relax. Is it the plane? The plane is fine. Is it you? You're not supposed to... But I have to! Then...shit! Go ahead. I'm right behind you. You hear that? Anything we want. Anything...Well??? Well what? What do you want? What do I want? What do you want? Let me do the talking. Why do you all have such funny names? You gotta have a call sign that's just your own...never changes...you have to recognize it immediately. Then, if someone shouts "Wolf, break left!"..you react right away. Well, I don't know. That depends. On what? Well, it doesn't just happen, you gotta do something famous. Like what? It's not Cougar's place. It's ours. What do you think it was? Was it that MiG contact that did it? Did what? Got you here. That's not what I heard. We won! Ice turns back, stares them down, then turns back into his locker, dismissing them. Slider -- they let you into Top Gun? If you're among the best in the Navy, I tremble for the security of this country. Why Goose, whose butt did you kiss to get here? The list is long, but distinguished. So's my Johnson. So I've heard. Who's your pilot? Tom Kazansky. No shit. The Iceman.... You think you can stay up with us. I think, yeah, we'll show you a thing or two. This is Evan Mitchell, he steers the thing. What was that? How was it? Nice. Always a good idea to show up your instructors. He nods toward Jester, glaring at them from his A4. Goose indicates the backseat of the Tomcat. Look at the weather! They'll never find us! We're near out of fuel. Put it down. What are you doing? Keller, Black Lion Squadron. I knew him at Pensacola. He's damn good. Is there anybody in the Navy you don't know? You ever done this before? Hey Mav, this is Sally. She doesn't believe a word I say. Tell her I'm married, will you? What do these guys think, I made Cougar quit? I've lost him -- where is he? Great move. Great We did it! Ahhh...A little high on the left, don't you think? It's a victory roll. Hi...Hi there. How ya doing in there? Mav... Ahhh...you know, at one point I did want a Navy career. Come on, relax... You see all those guys with gold on their shoulders!!?... Oh, no, I think that was Johnson, Air Boss of the Kitty Hawk! Come on, we beat an instructor. How many times in your life do you get to do a victory roll? Come on, we're next. What? Come on, come on! It's double or nothing.. We're talking twelve bucks American, here. What the hell is this? Something bothering you? STAY WITH HIM! TIGHTEN YOUR TURN! Just cover Wood, Maverick. Mutual support, man! I'm gonna take him, Goose. Don't be greedy. Stay with Wood. What what are you doing? We're cover! Relationships are a bitch, here. It's hard enough to concentrate ...under the pressure. Having a woman here is asking for it. I guess that's what I'm doing, then. I'm pinned to the panel. Time to go. 3000 feet. I'll do it. 1000. That's Kazanski. No shit! That why they call him Ice? Man, you guys gooned it. Your laser butts are scattered across KANSAS. I was a victim of circumstance. They should have warned you about that one. She's kinky for flight suits--said that she'd never seen so many zippers--played with them all night. The noise alone kept me up. What'd you do? Don't worry. I'll talk to him. He's the best you have. He's going Top Gun! Well, he's going and he needs someone to fly the plane. Skipper, you can't do this! But, Skipper, Cougar's been picked for Top Gun...He's the best of the best! Mav's a great flyer but.... A plaque? No, we...got our butts kicked. It's kind of ironic. All you guys have women troubles and I don't. That's because you don't have any women. Until last night. Did you see the moves I was making on that girl at the party? The girl with the purple fingernails? Coogan spent half the night looking for her. He said he was gonna kill the son-of-a-bitch who ruined his sister. Hear about Ice? What now? I'VE GOT TWO MORE BOGEYS COMING IN AT FOUR O'CLOCK HIGH. ENGAGING BANDIT 12 O'CLOCK. COME OFF RIGHT--COME OFF HIGH--I'M IN--I'LL ENGAGE. GET OUT OF THERE, YOU'RE UNSAFE. GET OUT OF THERE. FIRE, OR CLEAR OUT, ICE. GET LOST! YOU GOT TOO MUCH NOSE TO TAIL -- I'M COMING IN. COME OFF--COME OFF RIGHT. I'M ON MY WAY IN. YOU GO FREE, I'M ENGAGING. STAY OUT OF IT. STAY OUT OF IT, MAVERICK. ICE, ROLL OFF, I CAN SHOOT HIM. IF YOU CAN'T SHOOT HIM, I CAN. OKAY, GOING UP. ICE, GO HIGH. ON THE NOSE? I GOT A WINDER LEFT, BUT NO GOOD TONE ON IT. I CAN'T LOSE HIM, CAN YOU GET OFF A SHOT? I GOT NO TONE. IT MIGHT GET YOU. WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE? SHOOT IT. I guess I owe you one. You don't owe me anything. We're on the same team. You saved our lives. You did it! We did it. You're a hell of a flyer. You can be my wingman any time. Figured it out yet? Figured out what? Who is the best. Nope. Need a hint? I think I can work it out on my own. You like to work alone. I've heard that about you. I've heard of you, too. You were in 124 with Bargamian. The hard deck for this hop was ten thousand feet. Jester, at what point did you call off the fight? Just below ten thousand. I don't know what to tell you, Skip. He's seat of the pants... Completely unpredictable -- nothing by the book. All over the sky. But I don't know, Skip, he's really got something. WALKED RIGHT INTO IT. He just won't engage. He can't do it, Skipper. He can't get back on the horse. It's only been a week. Keep sending him up. I've seen this before. So have I. Who's the hell is that? Three guesses. Ah, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Speaking of feet, fuel's down to 4.0. We're gonna get them wet unless we find a Sonoco station. I...FORGOT SOMETHING. What the hell you doing? Helping him in. You won?!!! It was bad. Bad? You didn't help. Morning, Coogan. He's a good pilot. Was going. Now you are. You just did an incredibly brave thing! What you should have done was land your plane. You don't own that plane, the taxpayers do. I should ream you out for it. But it just doesn't work with you. You're a hell of a flyer. You are maybe ...too good. You never really stepped in it yet. So this is your chance. I'm gonna send Sir? That is all. Tell me about the MiG some other time... Yes sir.. Considering the company you're in, that's a pretty arrogant attitude. Yes sir. Maverick... Where'd you get that call sign? Ahhh... Runs in the family, sir. You're father was Marvin Mitchell.. Yes sir. I had him in view. I was peeling over the egg, into a dive. He saw me when I moved in for the kill. There wasn't any danger... Why? We weren't below for more than ten seconds. There was no danger. I had the shot. I took it. I wasn't thinking. I just did it. SNAPSHOT..MISSED HIM.. Twenty years' experience, I couldn't shake you. You may be a great flyer. I mean that. I lost. I can take care of myself. Talent is no holy shield. Von Richtofen was killed by a farm boy. Instincts are not enough. Do it our way. We've worked these things out. The good pilots can become better and the great ones can learn how to stay alive. Why do you have to do everything the hard way? It's my own way. It works for me. I don't care about the rest of that stuff. Then why are you here? For the same reason you are. Oh, you mean the thrill! How do you feel? All right. Goose is dead. He was...my responsibility--my RIO. Skipper, sorry to bother you. No bother. I called your house. My wife's house. We can send you back to your squadron with nothing noted on your record except "CNC" --course not completed, no explanation required. Theoretically, it doesn't hurt your career, but people always wonder about things like that. Or.... Or you can quit. I don't know... It's no disgrace, kid. That spin was hell. It would wreck anyone's confidence. You could be a good pilot again someday... You think I should quit?! Sometimes it's luck, but in this case, he earned it... I served with your old man. I know. VF 51, the Oriskany. You remind me of him. You're just like he was, only better...and worse. I'm nothing like him. You may not think so, but you are. He was by the book, all the way. They waved him off. He thought he knew better. He hit the ramp. I never heard that. Not something they tell dependents. How can I go on? I feel so... responsible. Kid, the plain fact is...you are. I'm not gonna stand here and blow sunshine up your ass. Technically, they absolved you. You and I know what really happened. You pushed it. You are responsible and you'll always carry that. You know what, I'll carry it too. I should have taken you out of that cockpit. I guess I'm a hopeless romantic... I always try You think I shouldn't fly. I didn't say that. That's up to you. I think that if you do, if you choose to come back, you'll be a better pilot... a better man. Would you take me back? Would they? What's wrong with this one? Where's yours? Over there man. Welcome to Mars. What to the rebels want? So, where to? The Last Resort. First time on Mars? Yeah...Well, actually no...Sort of. Tell me something; are all psychics, uh....? Freaks?...'Fraid so, man. Goes with the territory. What happened to them? Well, there it is; the Last Resort. Sure you wanna go in? Why not? I know a much better place down the block -- the girls are clean; the liquor ain't watered down... Lemme ask you a question. Ever fuck a mutant? What happened to number five? Need a ride? Shut up and drive! And if you wanna breathe, you gotta but his air. But maybe you can change all that. How could you do this? You're a mutant. What do you want? Don't bother looking. It's in your skull. Who are you? Never mind. Wet a towel and wrap it around your head. That'll muffle the signal. How'd you find me? Nice to have you back with us, Mr. Brubaker. Thank you. Would you like the same suite? Hmm. It seems you left something in our safe. Get it, please. I'll go encode your room key. There you go, Mr. Brubaker. Suite 610 in the East Wing. Well, my boy, you're a hero. Fuck you. You see, Quaid, none of my people could get close to Kuato. The fucking mutants could always sniff us out. So Hauser and I sat down and invented you: the perfect mole. He's lying. Hauser turned against you. That's what we wanted you to think. The fact is, Hauser volunteered to become Doug Quaid. It was the only way to fool the psychics. Get your story straight. This idiot's been trying to kill me since I went to Rekall. --You don't kill somebody you're trying to plant. He wasn't in on it. You set him off by going to Rekall. So why am I still alive? The guy with the suitcase; the mask; the money; the message form Hauser...All of that was set up by us. Sorry. Too perfect. Well, Cohaagen, I have to hand it to you...This is the best mindfuck yet. Don't take my word for it, Quaid. Someone you trust wants to talk to you. The guy's a fucking asshole. Come on, Cohaagen! You got what you want. Give these people air! What are you afraid of? Turn it on. Impossible. Once the reaction starts, it'll spread to all the turbinium in the planet. Mars will go into global meltdown.--That's why the aliens never turned it on. Do you expect me to believe you? I didn't want it to end this way. I wanted Hauser back. But nooo. You had to be Quaid. I am Quaid. What the fuck is going on down there?! I'm trying to neutralize a traitor. If I wanted him dead, you moron, I wouldn't have dumped him on Earth. We can't let him run around. He knows too much. Lori says he can't remember jack shit! That's now. In an hour, he could have total recall. Richter, do you know why I'm such a happy person? No, sir. He had help. From our side, sir. I know that. But I thought... Who told you to think?! I don't give you enough information to think! You do what you're told!! That's what you do! Now let's get down to business. Kuato wants what's in Quaid's head. And he might be able to get it, cause they say he's psychic. Now I have a little plan to keep this from happening. --Do you think you can play along? Yes, sir. Stop fighting and get out. They've got Quaid! They're protecting him! Perfect!...Get out of Sector G. Now. Don't think. Do it. I say we throw the switch and see what happens. Kill him. Bob? What is it? I'm with an very important client. What the fuck is going on here?! You can't install a simple goddamn double implant?! Listen to me! He's been going on and on about Mars. He's really been there. Use your head, you dumb bitch! He's acting out the secret agent role from his Ego Trip! I'm afraid that's not possible. Why not? Oh shit....Oh shit... Okay, this is what we're gonna do. Renata, cover up any memory he has of us or Rekall. I'll do what I can. It's getting messy in there. Ernie, dump him in a cab. Around the corner. Tiffany, you help him. I'll destroy his file and refund his money. And if anybody comes asking...we've never heard of Douglas Quaid. Good evening... Doug. I'm Dr. Lull. Two-headed monsters? So, been married long? Eight years. I see. Slipping away for a little hanky-panky. Your sexual orientation? Hetero. Blonde, brunette, redhead? Brunette. Demure, aggressive, sleazy? Be honest. Sleazy...and demure. What do you want? This is going to be very difficult for you at accept, Mr. Quaid. I'm listening. Ya know, Doc, you could have folled me. Amazing. Where are we? You're strapped into an implant chair, and I'm monitoring you at a psycho-probe console. Oh, I get it; I'm dreaming! And this is all part of that delightful vacation your company sold me. Not exactly. What you're experiencing is a free-form delusion based on our memory tapes. But you're inventing it yourself as you go along. Well, if this is my delusion, who invited you? I've been artificially implanted as an emergency measure. I'm sorry to tell you this, Mr. Quaid, but you've suffered a schizoid embolism. We can't snap you out of your fantasy. I've been sent in to try to talk you down. How much is Cohaagen paying you for this? Think about it. Your dream started in the middle of the implant procedure. Everything after that--the chases, the trip to Mars, your suite here at the Hilton--these are all elements of your Rekall Holiday. And Ego Trip: You paid to be a secret agent. Bullshit. It's all coincidence. What about the girl? Brunette, athletic, sleazy and demure; just like you specified. Is that a coincidence? She's real. I dreamed about her before I even went to Rekall. Mr. Quaid, can you hear yourself? "She's real because you dreamed her?" You open it. Suppose I do...then what? What is it? Mr. Cohaagen wants to see you right away. Any news of Quaid? Not since you lost him. Quaid! That's Quaid! Where? HER! Richter! Call from Cohaagen. Pull them out. Hey, hey Tony. Give the big guy a break. If we don't hand you over, everybody in the sector'll be dead by morning. Sit down. Where's Kuato? On his way. You heard the rumors about the Pyramid Mine? Yeah. Cohaagen found something weird inside, and it's got him scared shitless. What, aliens? You tell me. I don't know. Yes, you do. That's why we brought you here. -- Cohaagen's big secret is buried in that black hole you call a brain. And Kuato's gonna dig it out. You're Kuato, right? Shit! They found us! Everybody out! Hey Harry...Harry! You ever heard of Rekall? Rekall? They sell fake memories. Oh, Rekall. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. Why not? A friend of mine tried one of their "special offers"...Nearly got himself lobotomized. No shit... Hey, Quaid! Harry! What trip? You went to Rekall, remember? I did? Yeah, you did. I told you not to but you did anyway. What are you, my father? Let me buy you a drink. Harry, what the hell is this? Come on, let's go have that drink. What the fuck did I do wrong?! Tell me! You blabbed, Quaid! You blabbed about Mars! You shoulda listened to me, Quaid. I was there to keep you outta trouble. Harry, you're making a big mistake! You've got me mixed up with somebody else! Where? I want that fucker dead. I don't blame you man. I wouldn't want Quaid porkin' my old lady. Are you saying she liked it? What was that? I couldn't hear you. Where is he? Level 2. Galleria. Shit! That son of a bitch got to be around here somewhere. I've got a weak signal over there. He's not at ground level. I've got a lock! There! Look at this shit. I'm sorry. Would you please rephrase the question. How did I get in this taxi?! Welcome to JohnnyCab. Where can I...? Would you please repeat the destination? The fare is eighteen credits, please. Quit while you're ahead. Is that better? Mmmm..... Who? The brunette. The one you told me about. Who is she? Nobody. Nobody?! What's her name? I don't know. It's not funny, Doug. You dream about her every night. Let me go! ...You mean it? Lori... Yeah, sweetheart? Let's do it. Do what? Honey, do you have to spoil a perfectly wonderful morning. Just think about it. Sweetheart, we've been through this a million times. You'd hate it on Mars. It's dry; it's ugly; it's boring! --I mean, really, a revolution could break out there any minute. Cohaagen says it's just a few extremists. And you believe him? Doug, maybe we should take a trip. Lori, move. Well...What do you say? Sweetheart...I know it's hard being in a new town, but let's at least give it a chance here. Okay? You are somebody. You're the man I love. What are you doing? Muggers?! Doug, are you all right? What happened? Harry from work...He was the boss. Take it easy. Tell me exactly what happened? Why would "spies" want to kill you? I don't know! It had something to do with Mars. Mars? You've never even been to Mars. I know it sounds crazy, but I went to this Rekall place after work, and... You went to those brain butchers?! Let me finish! What did they do to you? Tell me! --I got a trip to Mars. Oh God, Doug. Forget Rekall, will you! These men were going to kill me... Doug, nobody tried to kill you. You call this a paranoid delusion?! Not talk! I said TALK!! I'm not your wife. The hell you're not. I swear to God!...I never saw you before six weeks ago! Our marriage is just a memory implant -- agghh! You think I'm an idiot? Remember our wedding? It was implanted by the Agency. And falling in love? Implanted. Our friends, my job, eight years together, I suppose all this was implanted too? The job's real. -- But the Agency set it up. O.K. then. If I'm not me, then who the hell am I? But Doug...There's something I want you to know. You're the best assignment I ever hand. Really. I'm honored. You sure you don't wanna...? For old time's sake. If you don't trust me, you can tie me up. I didn't know you were so kinky. Clever girl. Doug...You wouldn't shoot me, would you? After all we've been through? I suppose you're not here either. I love you. Right. That's why you tried to kill me. Nooo! I would never do anything to hurt you. I want you to come back to me. Then I can pull this trigger, and it won't matter. Doug...Bob McClane. Nice to meet you. Now help me out here, Doug. You were interested in a memory of... Mars. Right. Mars. That a problem? To be perfectly honest with you, Doug, if outer space is your thing, I think you'd be much happier with one of our Saturn cruises.Everybody raves about 'em. I'm not interested in Saturn. I said Mars. Let's see...the basic Mars package will run you just eight hundred and ninety-nine credits. That's for two full weeks of memories, complete in every detail. --A longer trip'll run you a little more, cause you need a deeper implant. What's in the two week package? First of all, Doug, when you go Rekall, you get nothing but first class memories: private cabin on the shuttle; deluxe suite at the Hilton; plus all the major sights: Mount Pyramid, the Grand Canals, and of course... Venusville. How real does it seem? As real as any memory in your head. Come on, don't bullshit me. I'm telling you, Doug, your brain won't know the difference. Guaranteed, or your money back. What about the guy you lobotomized...Did he get a refund? All right. Smart move. Now while you fill out the questionnaire, I'll familiarize you with some of our options. No options. I give up. You. You're the same. No matter where you go, there you are. Always the same old you. Let me suggest that you take a vacation from yourself. I know it sounds wild, but it's the latest thing in travel. We call it an "Ego Trip". I'm not interested in that. Secret agent...How much is that? Go on. They'll be here any minute! They'll kill you all! What's he talking about? I love you. Ooo, whatcha been feeding that thing? Blondes. I thought Cohaagen tortured you to death! I guess he didn't. ...What? I don't remember you. What are you talking about? What, did you get amnesia?...How'd you get here? Hauser left me a note. Hauser? You're Hauser. Hauser, you're lost your mind. I didn't lose it. Cohaagen stole it. He found out that Hauser switched sides,-so he turned him into somebody else. Me. This is too weird. Then he dumped me on Earth with a wife and a lousy job and ... She wasn't really my wife. Oh, she isn't really your wife. How stupid of me...She was Hauser's wife. Forget I said wife. No. Let's forget everything! I've had it with you and your goddamn lies. Why would I lie to you? Because you're still working for Cohaagen. Don't be ridiculous. You never loved me, Hauser! You just used me to get inside. I think you better leave. Melina, Hauser sent me to do something. I'm not falling for it. He said there's enough in here to nail Cohaagen for good. I said get out! I thought you didn't like me. So you dropped by to apologize? Now what? By the way...ever heard of a company names Rekall? I used to model for 'em, why? Not bad, for a hooker. The first settlers are buried here. They worked themselves to death, but Cohaagen ended up with all the money. He built cheap domes and watched their kids turn into freaks. What can I do? Kuato's gonna make you remember a few things you knew when you were Hauser. Like what? All sorts of things. You might even remember you loved me. I don't need Kuato for that. He's lying. Are you all right? Are you still you? Where are you going?! The reactor. What reactor?! The one in the mine! Where's this "reactor" come from? Aliens built it. You sure about this? Cohaagen knows it makes air. But the bastard won't turn it on. The whole core of Mars is ice. The reactor melts it and releases oxygen. What's wrong? I just has a terrible thought...What is this is all a dream? This is the suitcase you gave me. I gave you? Wait! What? ...Who are you? We were buddies in the Agency back on Mars. You asked me to find you if you disappeared. So here I am, good-bye. Rhonda. Rhonda LeBeck. She's getting some kind of strange readings on her things. Or a big mother slug maybe? You guys all set? Ready as we'll ever be. You stupid punk! You came that close, that close!! Okay, Burt, listen. Forget shooting them. Tell me this: can you get to your truck? No problem. Yeah, like they got a plan... Breaker there, Earl. What do you want us to do? Yeah, still got one poking around. That's four. Let us know if it starts moving, Burt. What? Well, for chrissake, we could have made a stand at our place! We had food, water... You can't fight'em that way... How much you think? What the hell is that, anyway? Cannon fuse. What do you use it for? Miguel, the trouble's come to us. If we're not ready... I can't believe it. No tracks, no sign, no spoor. You're not getting any penetration, even with the elephant gun. Knock it off, Burt! What do you think? Max firepower or...? A beauty, isn't it? We bought three of them for the rec room. What the hell you doing back already? Negative copy on that, Pham, check your frequency. I'm on forty-nine. Burt, can you hear me now? Burt! This is Val! Get out of your basement!! Take your radio! You and Heather get up on your roof! Then we'll talk, okay?! Val? What the hell you doing back already? Burt, get out! Get up on your roof or someplace! We found out what's been killing people! They're under the ground! What's under the ground? We're not getting up on the roof. Earth shelter's the best. Known that since I was a kid. Let's go you two. We're headed for the mountains. That's fine. We've got some new things to teach them. Jesus Christ, we're only going nine miles. Be there in two hours, tops! She's got my vote. BACK OFF, BURT...! Well, we'll ask around. Let you know if we hear of anything. Thanks. God, I hope they're not screwed up. I might have to bag the whole semester. Anyway, sorry to bother you. Jesus Christ...think it smells like that 'cause it's dead? I don't see any eyes...must be totally subterranean...and those tentacles... I think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in. Good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else. Well, at least the bastard can't climb. Pardon my French. There's nothing like them in the fossil record, I'm sure...Okay, so they predate the fossil record... That'd make them a couple of billion years old...and we've just never seen one till now. Right. I might have an idea... We're gonna have to come up with some kind of plan or it's just gonna wait us to death. I'll bet you're sorry the college ever sent you up here. Well, I'm scared, but I'm not sorry. You know, up the jeep trail. Well, we can take my truck then. Oh my God. He'll never make it! They're gonna get him! We're not going over there, right? So...now what? Where the hell are they? Hope they didn't wise up. Hi, guys. Burt loaned me his camera. Howdy, Rhonda. You're really leaving, huh? You bet. You gonna be staying up here? You didn't cook breakfast? Did it yesterday. Franks and beans. No...it was eggs. I did eggs. How many cows does it take to make a stampede? Is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed? If there was one nearby I'd probably ask him. I keep thinking, if we were but half serious about money, we should quit being hired hands and... Handymen, Earl. We're handymen. Goddamn jeep trail gets worse every year. You're gonna get us hung up. Uh...Digging that waterhole for Nestor. Burt and Heather's place is closer. Let's do their kitchen today. Do Nestor tomorrow. Who the hell's that? That's not what's his name...the grad student? Nah, it's September. Must be the new one. You know, if you wanted, we could take a look at those seismographs for her. What the hell do we know about seismographs? Nothing. But it sure might be a nice way of getting to know her. Why? Goddamnit, Valentine, you won't go for any gal unless she fits that damn list of yours A to Z... Well, sure. Tammy Lynn Baxter. Don't matter. They're all the same: dead weight. Can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. Make my skin crawl! Well, I'm a victim of circumstance. Catch it later, Pham. Gotta get over to Nestor's. Why don't his parents ever take him to Vegas with them? So what if we just did it...today. Pack up. Drive straight down to Bixby. Get serious. We could. We could. But we'd have to get really serious. It's gonna cost twice as much to rent a place. So? That car wash pays good, and they're always looking. Car wash?! That's got no future. If we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that. Well, you're the one won't work in the car wash. You're the one's gotta have a plan. What keeps us doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet. I was up for going to Bixby. I was getting excited. In the past year I must've said a hundred times "We gotta get out of Perfection. We gotta better ourselves." You gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think I'm the reason we're still here? You want to know how close I am to going to Bixby right now? Uh oh, it's Nancy. She wants another load of firewood. She's got us. Now, listen, the plan is: we have done our last job in Perfection. We did it! We faced temptation and we did not bend! So long, cactus! Jeez, look at that guy. One job I'd never take is working around electricity. You're full of shit. Reckon he hated Perfection more than us? You suppose he wanted to kill himself? If he did, why didn't he use his damn shotgun? Maybe he just couldn't pull the trigger... Oh sure, he figured it was easier to die of thirst? Come on, sombody must've chased him up there. Well, whatever the hell happened it's just one more goddamn good reason to haul ass out of this place. Probably up a pole starving itself to death. Okay, the plan is: pedal to the metal the whole way. We don't stop till we hit the carwash, not even to pee. Oh, Jesus!! Brother, we decided to leave this place just one day too late, you know? Those assholes are supposed to be fixing the goddamn road! Hey! Where are you guys? People gotta use this road, you know! You on a booze break or what?! Jesus! I don't believe this! You're hung up again. Fuck you! It must've grabbed us. That's why the truck stalled-out. Slick as snot and I'm not lying. Fifteen lousy bucks. Pham, we don't want to be stuck on a couple of canners. They better be fast. Relax. A snake thing like that couldn't move too quick. You want the rifle or the Smith? That means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark. Car's gone. We just missed them, that's all. Here's the plan...We don't even stop. Ride like hell. Tonight we keep right on going. We'll walk the horses. That is the plan...I mean, goddamn it! What the hell are those things? How could they bury an entire Plymouth station wagon? Shut up! They got wind of something they don't like! What the hell are they? This is one big mother! Hey, Rhonda, you ever heard of anything like this before? Pham Van don't get his mitts on this for no measly fifteen bucks! Here's the plan: we'll get a...a flatbed, I guess, with a big winch, figure a five ton anyway. We'll take your word for it. Prairie dog burrow... God, the live ones smell worse tan the dead ones. I don't know. If this one's any faster than that other one... Well...haven't seen a sign for hours. Maybe it's long gone. Maybe it is. Why don't you take a little stroll and see? Son of a bitch! Son of a goddamned bitch! Been waiting there all this time. How the hell's it even know we're still here? You know, I hate to be crude, but I'm gonna have to take care of some business here. Well, folks, what's the plan? Don't he have a home to go to? Run for it? Running's not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails. You're not even trying to come up with a plan! You go north, I'll go south. You're right, don't matter where they come from. I'm gonna kick his ass! Shut it up! Shut the little bastard up! How the hell long it take you to change a tire? Just about too damn long. Bolt pattern's probably wrong anyway. Wait a minute...the Cat. Could we take the Cat? Jesus. It's slower than hell. But...we could pull something! We could, I don't know, drag a car behind it! A car, huh? Like a big armored car? Need something bigger, tougher...our truck maybe...or, hell, that old semi trailer! Its tires are flat... Doesn't matter. The cat can pull anything. Well...all right! We just roll on out of here! I'm making the run to the Cat. Like hell you are. Get real. I'm faster than you. I'm best at driving the Cat. Watch your ass, shithead. Damn it. What the hell are they doing? They're up to something. Come on, everybody! We gotta run for those rocks over there! Well...that's it. We're not getting off this rock... Come on, you're not going to do your lasso thing...? They're...they're trying to make us move! Or just knock us over. Look, use the bomb! Use the fucking bomb! So, we get back on that rock and in three days we're dead anyway. What the hell are you doing?!! Light it, man! LIGHT IT!! Road's in! Road's in! Now, soon as we hit Bixby we start making phone calls. We could make some real money off this whole thing, get in People magazine... People? Hell, National Geographic. Sell the movie rights. We're going straight from blue-collar to white -collar. Yeah...but no ties. Christ, Val, maybe she's not your type, but you could, at least, be civil. Civil? I'm civil. Somebody paying you to do this? Fine, make the mistakes I did. I think I'll just be playing this hand myself. What? She likes both of us. We both helped her out. You are so full of shit... How's she doing? Well, I brung her something I know she likes. Damn, Fred, you can't give away all those. Forget it. I got vegetables coming out my ears. Usually the varmints eat up half my crop, but lately I ain't so much as seen a gopher or a jack-rabbit nowheres. We playing cards tonight? I think I'm gonna be sitting up with her. I'd do the same. Well, catch you Thursday. Hi, guys, what you been up to? Down, honey, down. Burt! Heather! Yeah, Val. We're here, Val. Just tell us what you need. Come back. Val, we're going to have to forget about the truck... I'm dead. Let's finish in the morning. We have to go into Bixby in the morning. The concrete blocks are in. The con...! Oh my God. Just keep looking at that beautiful sky. What? That's the sky that's going to be over our roof every night, when we're done. Well, what's wrong with it? You sure this is where it was? Come on. Get away from it! Hey Val, listen. Bearing going out, you think? And I appreciate it. I don't believe this. The phone is out! Pham, your phone is out! Twenty. I've got a plan. You and Val take your truck, get to the mountains. Hike to Bixby. Get us some help. Hi, I'm Rhonda. Rhonda LeBeck. I'm up here for the semester... Yeah, geography. Listen, got a question for you. Do you know if anybody is doing any blasting or drilling or anything like that? Around here? Why would they? Well, I'm supposed monitor these seismographs. You know, they measure vibrations... Yeah, vibrations in the ground. Darn it! You okay? Think it's still following us? Ready? Rhonda's got an idea about that. You paying attention? This oughta hurt like hell. What's it doing? Yeah, they're confused. They can feel our vibrations, but they can't find us. What?!! Since when the hell's every goddamn thing up to us?! Look, the situation hasn't changed. We still have to get to solid rock. There must be some way! Listen, they only respond to vibration, right? Couldn't we... distract them somehow? I think the ground's getting closer. I think we do it. We're gonna save our asses here! Wait! How are you going to know they're all following it? It worked! There they go! I brought it... to the coroner. From Chinatown... Which is right up the street from the morgue! Where did you go with the body? What did you do with it? You're fishing. You don't know shit. ...we had to lick his boots clean. He was your snitch. Our own Colombian Connection... For three years... Three years of ball breaking detective work. And we put a lotta bad guys behind bars. Demerol? What the fuck is your problem, man? You wanna die? ...Where're we goin'? That-a-boy. Hospital. I don' need a hospital... I feel fine. The photo on the left shows the bullet that killed Jimmy Chin, true? True. And the one on the right is the bullet you test-fired from Shu's gun? You would have the court believe that these two bullets were fired from the same gun? Or this -- is this a significant difference? Forensic ballistics isn't an exact science, is it? It most certainly is. Isn't there a ten to fifteen-percent margin of error? Absolutely not. No more than seven percent. Ms. Vin's sister. I have to talk to your brother. Gimme back my bottle. Don't hurt him. Where's the nearest hospital? Objection, your Honor! The fact that the witness is currently a patient is immaterial! I will allow the witness to testify. With the understanding that your questions are confined to the area of Mr. Kim's modus operandi. -- With objection! Your Honor, that's not fair -- ! Objection. I move that the witness's testimony be stricken. He has clearly been terrorized by the prosecution, he's -- Good morning, Mr. Dowd. Do you think you might be up to cross-examining Mr. Ortega this morning? Well then, does the defense have any witnesses? -- Then you don't wish to call any witnesses, Mr. Dowd? You can't come back here... Anything happens to you I'm liable. I'm a lawyer. The firm is thinking about renovating. Everything dates back to the Sixties. I noticed. Look, I'm a lawyer and -- -- I don't care who you are. You could've been killed. Every man and woman in here has done hard prison time. And we look out for each other. "We"? "Art's Supplies" is founded on trust, Mister -- Dowd. Eddie Dowd. What, "everything"? You shot a corpse. I don't give a shit about that -- ! Let's snuff this lowlife! Hey -- the fact you popped Jimmy Chin in broad daylight proves it wasn't premeditated. Jury'll sympathize -- dude was banging your wife, right? Clyde, you wait here. Glenn, got a minute? I had a minute before the Mapp hearing -- but I couldn't get you on the phone, Eddie... No it's not the only issue. There's another issue, for the jury. What about entrapment? We don't prosecute people because in the abstract they might be weak. Judge Brandeis said it best: Entrapment is a "dirty business!" Haven't heard that one before, Ed. But I guess I'll be hearing it again. Come now. Did you see the gun? I can describe it. Oh really? It was silver, with a stubby barrel... snub-nosed, I think they call it... It wasn't automatic, it had one of those... cylinders... You can't remember that -- ! I can see the hammer still, it was cocked... How can you remember that? I didn't take my eyes off it! Not the whole time, of course. I -- Exactly what information led you to arrest my client just two-and-a-half hours after the shooting took place? We had a description of the suspect. We had information bearing on Mr. Kim's desire to gain admission into the Joe Boys by assassinating a member of a rival gang. You're implying that I planted a gun? Not at all -- Kim's prints were all over it -- He admitted it was his gun, f'r godsake! You see that? You wanna be like that? No. No... We have a full caseload, Rog. Right, I forgot... We're pledged to protect every mid-level drug dealer in the Tri-state area. It's an awesome responsibility. I don't venerate drug dealers, Roger. To the contrary. Of course. ...through use of informants, eavesdropping, unreasonable search and seizure...! Right. You're right. It's just... I leave behind friends, family, a coupla good job offers in Chicago and in three dizzying weeks I've helped acquit a coke dealer, a speed dealer -- I specialize, Roger... -- an angel dust dealer -- I'm not a kid anymore, I can't be all over the map -- -- a speed manufacturer -- So go take your job on Wall Street. Don't tell me where to work. I moved to New York to work for Edward Dowd. But I can't believe that Edward Dowd has nothing better to do these days than invoke exalted legal issues to get off guilty little -- Ten years is a long time. Where? Kim got busted at 19 for burglary. At 20 he was convicted in the shooting death of a young Chinese gang lord... The prosecution claimed Kim did it to get into "the Joe Boys"? Chinatown street gang. Kim denied it. But he admitted the gun was his, and he got life. Seems to have been an okay prisoner for eight years, til the... incident with Duane Lindeman. At the trial, you said you were at your apartment that night. Alone. ...So what would we claim? He stabbed Duane Lindeman in self-defense? I feel like I've been mugged... Guy scared the shit out of me. You made your point, Eddie... I'm relieved we're not taking the case. We're taking the other case. What other case? Some gang punk gets wasted in front of the tourists. The mayor pressures the cops. The cops pressure the rival gang -- the Joe Boys. The Joes give up Shu Kai Kim -- the schmuck kid from Korea who's been pestering 'em to get in. You really think that's what happened? -- Easy as that, huh? Easy? No... We have to find some piece of evidence that got buried, to reopen the sucker. When did you start working for the goddam D.A.? Eddie... What's a DD-5? A Complaint Follow-Up form. -- Listen: "November 5, 1980. Cecil Stipe walked into 5th Precinct. Says he witnessed Chin shooting, saw suspect's picture in Post. Says Shu Kai Kim wrong man." That DD-5. What, the lunatic who -- Do you have to do that? Shoulda told the one about Shu being the bastard child of Mother Theresa. His name is Chuckie Roeder. But something's very weird. They're just frightened, fucked-up losers that prison fucked up worse. I didn't ask for a closing argument. There's no one else to talk to. The tattoos were phony! -- Yeah? So an upstanding member of the Aryan Warriors wouldn't paint them on. They take those teardrops seriously -- they're badges of courage, of honor. Only their most vicious killer elite get to wear them...! I feel much better now. Uh, Eddie? The, um, ballistics guy, George...? He called, and... His tests show that Shu's gun fired the bullet that killed Jimmy Chin. A fucking wheelchair? Eddie Dowd. Goddam it... the little punk bests me again, I get thrown down and lectured at and where the hell were you? 1530 Rivington Street. -- What? Chuckie's address. I sneaked a peek at the Rolodex. So what're we gonna do? ...What do you mean? Well, I mean, Roeder's gone, now... A dead end. Believe me, I'm sorry too, but... But what? I've heard from the last ballistics expert on the list. It's an even ten who say Shu's gun killed Jimmy Chin! That's why I hate experts. Eddie... it's one thing to compare Clyde Gruner to Jesus Christ. It's even okay to claim that Shu Kai Kim is just slightly holier than the Pope... as long as you don't really believe it! Hey -- you believe what you want. Shu Kai Kim is innocent. -- Eddie... You're carrying that around like it was a picture of your girlfriend! I don't want to see your heart broken when this case crashes and burns! But Roeder's dead. Ballistics says it's Shu! We don't have one witness -- unless we put Cecil Stipe on the stand... I'm not that desperate. I am. Eddie -- we've got nothing. I've got a meeting in Chinatown. Let's get a cab. Eddie -- it's Art Esparza! What's Art Esparza? I think he hired Shu to kill Jimmy Chin... It wasn't a Chinatown gang hit -- Jimmy Chin and Art's wife were lovers! She just about told me...! You phoned up Art Esparza's wife? -- What? They could've been brothers. It's why the eyewitnesses picked Shu. "The killer wasn't Chinese"... Cecil Stipe was right. .! ...Jesus! How long did it take Badalato to drive Jimmy Chin's body from Chinatown to the morgue? You're the police expert in Chinatown gangs? ...For ten years, now. Do you speak Cantonese, Mandarin, or both? Pardon... Which dialect do you speak? They're Chinamen who speak English. We call them informants. Murder witness. You're doing a murder case? Stipe was just one of four eyewitnesses who came forward, Kitty. Y'oughta start looking for the others... Lemme guess. Some corporate V.P.'s banging his secretary over lunch and you have to focus your camera and plug in your little tape recorder. Beats getting paid in twenties by slimedogs selling angel dust to high school seniors. Just which Constitutional amendment protects our right to peddle PCP? Forget it. You've blown your chance to participate in this case, Kitty. Start looking into the Joe Boys -- who assigned the hits in 1980, what rank generally did the hits... Your extensive law enforcement contacts should be of some use. I embellished. "Dowd also reports that his team of private investigators..."? I embroidered. "...are close to naming the man they believe actually killed Jimmy Chin"? So there goes your theory about the Joes giving up Shu to protect their trigger man. I've phoned every art supply retailer and wholesaler in the Tri-state area. No one's heard of Chuckie Roeder. A fucking wheelchair? I didn't put him in a wheelchair. Reynard did. He can get around without one -- it's all in my report. -- Find him? The Joe Boys in 1980...! I haven't thanked you for your work, Kitty. You're doing good work. I'm a professional, Eddie. Getting paid is all the thanks I require. I haven't paid you. Got any booze in the house? You don't drink "booze". You do. Eddie this is silly... are we supposed to pretend nothing's happened in the last ten years and -- Eddie... A guilty client's not the end of the world... Eddie... go home. Get some sleep. I don't need sleep! I need sleep. Some of us are mere mortals. My mother find you? That's right. Figures. Want to tell me what went down here? Racist asshole came at me. Exactly what happened then? I killed the motherfucker. An Aryan Warrior with black teardrops painted on his face. But why would a guy would do that? Paint black teardrops on his face? I guess he... wanted you to think he was... somebody he wasn't. But why? Maybe... because someone's afraid. Afraid of what? I don't know. The truth, maybe. -- About what? About Chinatown. What went down. What went down? You tell me, man. No. You tell me, Shu. How can I tell you what I don't know! You can't. So tell me what you do know -- say it! I don't know shit, man! Goddammit -- No. ...I'm dying out there. Quite a bit you didn't tell me. I didn't need to know that a man I'm defending on a gang-murder rap is a prison soldier who kills over drugs? It was self-defense. -- How could I help you? When you leave this place you're going out to dinner or a movie or get laid. Where's our bond? I'm going back to my cell and wait to die. So tell me: Where's our bond? 'lo, Cecil. See-cil. Oh come on, Cecil. I did two tours in 'Nam... Are you willing to testify that the man you saw shoot Jimmy Chin was not the man the cops arrested? They g-got the wrong g-guy. When the D.A. hears I filed the writ, he'll send someone here, maybe claiming to be a journalist. That person will ask you lots of questions. Just be truthful, Cecil, okay? To all of us? ...You told the Desk Sergeant you were certain Mr. Kim wasn't the killer? You left your telephone number? Y-yes, sir. Did the police make any attempt to phone you, to follow up? No, s-sir. I'd l-like to answer the question. Edward T. Dowd. Of course you know Dean Rabin, one of my Assistant D.A.s. Dean generally handles nuisance cases like the... what's the man's name? Shu Kai Kim. You won't remember this, but in '72 I was one of several prosecutors assigned to the Black Panther-Police Shootout. We had a whole team, and you walked into court by yourself and kicked our collective butt. So what've you been up to since then? This and that. My staff tells me it's been mostly drug pushers... I said that can't be the same Edward Dowd. It's in the area of narcotics, Mr. Reynard, that the government tramples on the Fourth Amendment. I'm sorry if I've ruined your day, Mr. Reynard. But my client's had a rough eight years behind bars and -- Back in the Seventies I spent years putting away gangsters in a Colombian syndicate called "the Ochoa". These guys are very dangerous, Ed. When I hear that a small-time dope lawyer is conniving to spring one of these guys, I see red. Now maybe you got this case reopened because you see yourself as a thorn in society's side, or you want to walk into any restaurant in Chinatown and get free dumplings... Are you implying that my motives are less than sincere? Yes, but that's not the issue. What's on your wish list, Ed? Pleading Kim out to first degree man on both homicides, with an agreed sentence of 15 to life running concurrent? Come on... What're you looking for here? What am I looking for? You're the one talking deal. Friday's the drop-dead date on the offer. Please don't bullshit me, Mr. Reynard. You've got witness problems, you've got proof problems... I see: He'd walk out next month. That's right. We reconvict, your man's looking at 25 years on two counts, served consecutively. So what I'd like to ask, Ed, is: Are you joking? I never joke about waiving a client's Sixth Amendment right to trial. You're pissing me off again, Ed. But now you've strayed from your area of expertise -- dope -- into street assassins. A subject on which you're dangerously ignorant. But I'm a quick study. Tell your Deputy D.A. -- Rabin? -- that I'll see him in court. I'll prosecute anyone who fucks up. If that makes me look racist, it's a trade-off I'll live with, Ed. Isn't it a fact that the "six other Asian men" in the line-up were all of the classic Mongoloid type, whereas Shu has the distinct facial bone structure of a Korean? Objection. The witness is not an expert in racial classification. Isn't it a standard trick to pack a line-up with men who resemble each other but look different than the suspect, so the suspect will stand out for the eyewitnesses? Isn't it unusual for a man who's just committed a murder in plain sight to bring the weapon back to his apartment? You don't speak any Chinese dialects? Then you get your intelligence from snitches? To the best of your recollection, were you sober when you performed the tests? Your Honor, that's trial by ambush! We just discovered him, your Honor! His appearance is critical to a fair presentation of our case! He is an inmate at Ossining Correctional and -- -- Objection, your Honor! This case has no connection with any subsequent act my client may be charged with! The witness is recalcitrant, your Honor -- I had to personally make a body attachment this morning -- it took two Marshalls to drag him here! The great personal sacrifices endured by Mr. Reynard have no bearing on the legal issues, your Honor -- ! Your Honor, I know as much about these gangs as anyone; I'm well aware of the secrecy in which their machinations are cloaked... I assure you this witness offers the court a rare opportunity to place the defendant's crime -- -- alleged crime -- -- Can't Mr. Dowd find his own expert witness, your Honor? Yes, Mr. Dowd. Didn't this investigation, with its attendant publicity, catapult you into the office you now hold? Did you do any hands-on work or did you just supervise, from on high? Mr. Dowd, I was personally involved with all phases -- and principals -- of the investigation. Lou Sklaroff, Vin Badalato, Dave Montell. In those days, they often worked as a team. I don't think I know that name. -- But you just said you were personally involved with all the principals of the investigation. I can't be expected to remember the name of every informant eight years after the fact. I didn't say he was an informant. But since you mentioned it, wasn't Esparza your primary informant? Isn't it true that without Esparza, you had no investigation? I think you're a dangerous man, Mr. Dowd. No. You read Eddie's Chase Manhattan Bombing summation in the Leftist Law anthology? My skip-trace turned up two Cecil Stipes. One's in Butte, Montana. Other's at Riverhead Veterans Psychiatric. I'll take odds on Cecil Number Two. You getting this? -- Every word. It's okay. It was always like that. Shouldn't one of us...? What do you want? What were you... Why were you at Shu's trial this afternoon? I followed you here from court. I knew Jimmy Chin. The boy who was shot. Okay? ...And you were at the trial to... to see that justice was done? Then it was your idea to have Chuckie Roeder scare Eddie off the case? -- Why don't you ask Chuckie? Look. Mister -- -- Roger -- Mr. Ortega, you've known the defendant at Ossining Correctional for how long? Five years. Mr. Ortega... What is "La Compania"? A Cubano army, basically... inside and outside prisons. And its purpose? Fighting the Aryan Warriors and the Black Guerrillas, basically. For control of the prison drug trade? Do the rival gangs compete for control of the prison drug trade? Yeah, we do some of that. "Name, rank and serial," Mr. Ortega. Let's not hide behind the Fifth. I'm a soldado in the G-Wing Regiment. And what does a soldado -- a soldier -- do? A soldado, he runs messages and materiel between the regiments... "Materiel"? What do you mean by that? Cigarettes, candy bars... PCP, crack... If a member of the Aryan Brothers tries to cut in on your distribution? ...A soldado, he takes care of it. By "takes care of," you mean "kills". Mr. Ortega, what is Shu Kai Kim's rank within La Compania? Soldado. Isn't it unusual for an Asian to be accepted into a Cuban prison gang? Shu's the only one I know of... And why was an exception made? Chinatown. Sounded pretty cold... You're a l-lawyer? I... I haven't had my meds, or m-my vital signs t-taken yet. I... Mr. Stipe. A young man named Jimmy Chin was shot to death eight years ago, in Chinatown. Do you remember talking to the police? I think what Eddie wants to say is -- CIA? Telephone. I suppose you don't know the phone company killed Kennedy because he was trying to b-break it up -- and they'll never let that happen. They control everything: what you say in the mouthpiece is never exactly what comes out the other end, and -- The phone company was broken up. Cooper, the ooze of mumbo jumbo is rising up above our heads. Do you honestly think Cole's practice of word association works? The very fact that we are talking about word association means we are in a space that was opened up by our practice of word association. The world is a hologram, Albert. Yes, it's a great big psychedelic circus ride, isn't it, Cooper? Albert. You said, "Teresa Banks", so you think something is going on somewhere in the world right now that is connected with her murder? Yes. Either right now or right when I thought of it. The name and memory of Teresa Banks is haunting me. Lately I have been filled with a knowingness that the murderer will strike again. Because it is only a feeling, I am powerless to stop it. And another thing, Albert, when the next murder happens you will help me solve it. Let's test it for the record. Will the next victim be a man or a woman? A woman. What color hair will she have? Blonde. Tell me some other things about her. She's in high school. She's sexually active. She's on drugs. She's crying out for some help. You're describing half the high school girls in America. What is she doing right now? No... No, go away. I'm glad you let me talk to you. You used to not let me talk to you. Go away. I am not talking to you. SEE WHAT WE CAN DO TO DONNA? That's not important. I will tell you what is important. The fan will soon be starting. Who are you? Who are you REALLY? No. I want you to kill for me. No. Never. You'll have to kill me. Where were you for the last hour? I've been lookin' for you? I'M NOT KIDDIN'. WHERE WERE YOU? WHO WERE YOU WITH? Get lost Bobby. Oh, yeah? You'll be callin' soon and maybe I'm not gonna be there. I'm nearly out. It's taken care of, babe. You and I are going to make a big score tonight. This will tide you over. Thank you, Bobby. A big score? Maybe our biggest. I'll see you two doors down from your place at 11:00. Here he comes. This isn't Mike. Is this Mike? Babe, I'm on my way out to the woods to divvy up the product. Put this cash in your safety deposit box... It's ten thousand dollars. Bad news, kid, it was baby laxative. What was? The stuff we got last night. Baby laxative? We can't snort baby laxative. No shit... We killed a guy for baby laxative. What is the world coming to when you kill a guy for baby laxative? Don't get funny with me again. I'm not... Bobby I'm gonna need some more stuff. I mean it. I'm out. Yeah, and I'm gonna need that ten thousand dollars back. Sure, but I can't get it till after school tomorrow. Let's ditch this place and party. Not tonight. Just give me something to take home to hold me over till tomorrow. We can do it right here. Bobby's got it. I'm here to investigate the murder of Teresa Banks. Well, little fella, we don't need any outside help here. I don't like you people sniffin' around my neck of the woods. In fact, when the state boys called me about a "J. Edgar" coming up I think I said, "So what?" Your behavior is not funny and is wasting the time of the Federal Government. You're lucky I am not wasting you. A basic kill. Banks was a drifter and nobody knew her. My boys have been all over this. It's a dead end. That's why we're here, Sheriff Cable. Where's the body? It's 4:30. We close at five. What the hell is that thing doing out there? You're not taking that body anywhere. We're taking the body back to Portland and there's not a thing you can do about it. Maybe not a thing, but maybe two things. Teresa Banks had a ring. Any idea what happened to it? We got a phone, here, that's got a little ring. Sam, get the body and put it in the van. Sheriff Cable, where were you the night Teresa Banks was murdered? GOD. I'm beginning to lose faith in the United States Government and that includes the telephone system. Don't you folks talk to one another. That's her trailer there and I haven't touched a god damn thing. Agent Chet Desmond come by a second time and asked too see Deputy Cliff Howard's trailer ...which I showed him. I went back to my trailer... After that That's not the way to Cliff's trailer. I told you. I am not going to Cliff's trailer. Well, where are you going? I am going over here. What was here, Mr. Rodd? A trailer was here. What the hell do you think? Can you tell me who's trailer it was... and who stayed in the trailer? An old woman and her grandson. Can you tell me what their names were? Is that Agent Desmond's vehicle? Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Chet Desmond and Agent Sam Stanley. Sorry to disturb you, but we would like to see Teresa Banks' trailer, please. Mrs. Simmons owns the trailer and she lives in town. Teresa rented it about a month ago. Did she have someone with her? Right. She had a friend with her. The friend took off. Was there an argument? Not that I know of. But arguments do happen, don't they? Yes they do. Did she have visitors? You weren't kiddin'. This stuff's got the sting of the forty-eight hour blend. Is there a golf course around here? Thanks for your help, Carl. Sorry we woke you up. Okay, that's it. I've had enough of the waiting room now. What are you doing here in the trailer court, Deputy? Maybe I just live here, what do you think about that? Can I ask you where you were the night Teresa Banks was murdered? Did you know Teresa Banks? Got a couple of cups of coffee at Hap's from her. That's it. By the way where do you get off questioning a lawman? I could ask you the same question. You try that you little monkey. Yes... CHET, I AM CALLING YOU FROM PORTLAND... OREGON. OK, Gordon. NO, IT'S OREGON, PORTLAND, OREGON. IT'S REGIONAL BUREAU CHIEF COLE. OUT IN PORTLAND OREGON. I NEED YOU OUT HERE, CHET. OK, Gordon. OREGON. A YOUNG GIRL HAS BEEN MURDERED. SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD. NAMED TERESA BANKS. GOT A MAP OF THE ENVIRONS OF THE YAKIMA INDIAN RESERVATION WITH YOUR NAME ON IT. BETTER BRING A POLE. Smell something fishy, huh? Congratulations. I heard about that. GOOD LUCK, CHET. SAM, YOU STICK WITH CHET, HE'S GOT HIS OWN M.O. MODUS OPERANDI. YOU CAN REACH ME AT THE PHILADELPHIA OFFICES. I AM FLYING OUT TODAY. What is it, Gordon? Phillip? HE'S GONE. What? QUICKLY MEN... WORD ASSOCIATION, COOP. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW? Teresa Banks. It was a year ago today that Teresa Banks was killed. I'm wondering if the murderer will ever kill again. Agent Chet said he wanted to check the trailer court one more time. He had me drive the van with the body back here. Which we did. It was 105 miles. Anything else? Did Gordon show you a woman named Lil? I'm up to speed, Stanley. Agent Chet wouldn't tell me what the Blue Rose meant. And neither will I. I cracked the Whiteman case with this. Stanley, I heard all about it. No one could've found those splinters without a machine like this and no one has a machine like this. Tell me about the letter. And no one found the ring? Where is the ring? Someone else has it now. That would indicate that it's the future. The later events have never been kept a secret. Where am I? And how can I leave? Had the FBI here once before. Back in the fifties when Hap was running the place. Where's Hap? He's dead -- good and dead. Sorry to hear it. He didn't suffer. I'd like to ask you a few questions about Teresa Banks Sheriff Cable's already asked me a few questions about Teresa Banks. She worked nights for a month. That's it. Any friends? No. Ever see her with someone else? No. Did she ever mention any friends? Take a good look around. There's nobody in this place -- you're meetin' the reason why. What'll it be? How come Jack let's you work here? Jack and I are united in holy matrimony. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent Chet Desmond. I'd like to ask you a few questions about Teresa Banks. Jack said you knew her. How well? Came looking for a job with a friend of hers. Pretty girl. Could've been her sister. What happened to her? There was only one job. Teresa took the job. Her friend took a hike. Never saw her again. Did you ever see Teresa take cocaine? No. Do you take cocaine, Irene? He's with me. Anything you would like to tell us about Teresa Banks that would help us out? I've thought about that. I think her death is what you would call a "freak accident". You know, I never told anybody, but once for about three days, just before her time, Teresa's arm went completely dead. What do you mean? Her left arm. It was numb. She said she couldn't use it. Said it had no feeling. Probably from the drugs she was taking. I just thought I ought to tell you. That was really something. That dancing girl. What did it mean? Code. If you work with Gordon you learn that right away. Sort of shorthand. Shorthand. Really? We're heading into a difficult situation. How do you figure? Lil was wearing a sour face. What do you mean? Oh, the uncle is missing. Not Cole's Uncle but probably the sheriff's uncle in federal prison. So the sheriff had got an Uncle who's committed a serious crime. Right, which is probably why Lil was wearing a red wig meaning we are headed into a dangerous situation. Let me ask you something, Stanley, did you notice anything about the dress? The dress she was wearing had been altered to fit her. I noticed a different colored thread where the dress had been taken in. It wasn't her dress or she must have lost some weight. Gordon said you were good. The tailored dress is our code for drugs. Did you notice what was pinned to it? A blue rose. What did Gordon's tie mean? What? That's just Gordon's bad taste. Why couldn't he have just told you all these things? He talks loud. And he loves his code. I see. He does talk loud. Gordon would not have sent us to Deer Meadow without thinking it was a high priority situation. Solved the Whiteman Case with this. That's what I heard. No one could find those splinters without a machine like this. And no one had a machine like this. That's good. Yes, it is good. What do you think is in these other drawers? I don't know, Sam. Maybe, later we could take a look. Crushed skull. Probable cause repeated blows to the back of the head with an obtuse angled blunt object. Subject looks to be between 16 and 18 years of age. There appears to be a contusion under the ring finger of her left hand. Accidental? What is it? Geez, Agent Desmond, it's three-thirty in the morning. Where are we going to sleep? We're not. You and I are going to get some food. Agent Desmond, it's... It's late, Sam. I doubt it was drugs, more likely a problem with a nerve. I could recheck the arm for injuries, but for real nerve work we are going to have to take the body back to Portland. I think we should see the sun rise at the Canyon Trailer Park. Are you speaking to me in a code? No, Sam, I'm speaking plainly and I mean just exactly what I say. She lived alone. You better dust this place, Sam. Take a look at this. My guess is there isn't enough detail in the photo to get an idea of the design on the ring, but we should do a blowup of this anyway. I couldn't help but notice that you had a suspicion that Deputy Cliff was the murderer. You did think that, didn't you, Agent Desmond? He's not the murderer. But he's a bozo. When he says, "Discussion", how do you take that, Agent Desmond? One thing that has been troubling me. That lamp at the diner. Do you think they were working on it for esthetic reasons or was their work due to faulty wiring? Faulty wiring. Esthetics are subjective, aren't they, Agent Desmond? I'm Sam Stanley. If you ever need me. Thanks, Sam, for the good work. You have a good eye for detail. If I am going to get through math today, you're going to have to bring me up to speed quick. You didn't do your homework? Noooo... Okay, this test is going to be about the theorems I told you about last week. You remember the... Don't tell me now. Tell me right before the test. I won't be able to remember long enough. You graduating this year will be proof that miracles happen. James called me last night looking for you. When? The usual, 9:15. He probably wanted to drive over. Were you with Bobby? Or are you two still fighting? No, and yes. I don't know what I'm going to do about Bobby. I know he is seeing someone else and that's okay with me, and he thinks I'm seeing someone else and that's not okay with him. Are you going to tell him about that "someone else"? I don't know what to do. You know what your problem is? You're just too adorable... Laura Palmer, you're just too adorable. Are you going to see James tonight? Why are you suddenly so interested in who I am going to see at night? Nighttime is my time. You're telling me, but only because you never let me in on any of it... you're not going to see Bobby, are you? Maybe. Oh god, Laura. Well, why not? Yes, James is very sweet. Why don't you get out your violin, Donna? Sweet? God, he's gorgeous. Do you think that if you were falling in space you would slow down after a while or go faster and faster? Maybe I better start our homework. Okay, I suppose I should go home. Call me. Sure. What do you want me to call you? Laura? Donna, are you my best friend? What is it Laura? What's wrong? I just want a friend. Just one friend for just one minute... Laura, how about one friend for the rest of your whole life? Yes, that's what I want. Thanks D. Okay, L. I am your friend... always. But sometimes... lately... I feel that you don't like being around me because I am so uptight. No, I am uptight. I hate it... I don't want to be this way, but Laura I don't... I mean... I'm your friend no matter what way you are. Do you want to talk? I'm in a mess today, too. I'm thinking about doing it with Mike. What do you think? Donna, you are such a crack up. You don't even like Mike. Is this what you are going to do to show me you are not uptight. This is about sex, not like. Mom, Laura's here and I think I will have one of those huckleberry muffins. You want a muffin? If I can smoke it. You want a muffin? Goodbye, Muffin. Where are you going? No place, fast. And you're not coming. Isn't tonight the night you are going to do it with Mike? Where are the Cookies? You mean Fred and Ginger? If I had a nickel for every cigarette your mom smoked, I'd be dead. What are you doing? No. I don't need to take this to be your friend. Don't ever wear my stuff, don't ever wear my stuff. Never. Okay, I won't wear your stuff... Why can't I wear your stuff? I won't wear your stuff. I promise. I can't remember anything about last night. Is there something I should remember? No, you should forget about last night. Laura, I am your friend. I know you are and you don't have to do anything crazy to prove it. You're not mad at me? No. I feel so bad. I had nightmares all night long. They all knew you at that place. What can I tell you? How did the car get back here? WE got it back, that's all. How did I get in the house? How did I get into my bed? I can't help you there. Was I wearing something of yours and you got mad at me? All my things have me in them. I don't want you to be like me. But I love you, Laura. And I love you, too. But don't wear my stuff. Why do you do it, Laura? Hey, Pete. Can't believe your tank's dry up at the mill. No... hell, no. Just got in the truck, started drivin', looked down at the gauge and saw a big "E" starin' at me. You know what that Big "E" stands for? Big Ed's Gas Farm. Yep. You're right. That's why I'm here. What'll it be? Fill 'er up. You got it. Nice night. You missed somethin', Ed. I did? I didn't see anything. Even this heavy work beats being at home with the old ball and chain. My secret diary. There are pages missing. Who would do that? Bob. But Bob isn't real. The pages are gone. That's real. Maybe. The diary was hidden too well. He's the only one who could know where it was. He's getting to know me, now. He's real. He speaks to me. What does Bob say? He wants to be me... or he will kill me. No... No... You're not Bob are you, Harold? If you are, you can kill me right now. Kill me right now, if you are. I hate him, I hate it. Sometimes I love it. But now I'm afraid. I am so afraid. What about James? Can't James help you? You two are so in love. He's in love with a girl who's dead. It is dangerous for you to have it. I'm sorry. Laura, you didn't come and see me today. I couldn't it was Johnny Horne's birthday. I promised I'd be with him. I told you not to call me here. A little trouble with your parents is the least of your worries and something I am certainly willing to put up with. I'm not. Did you make me a tape? I already made you two tapes. Laura, you have to deal with all of this. I'm dealing with it, Doc. Big time. Maybe I'll make you a tape tomorrow. Goodnight. Baby, you know why? Cause it'll never get here. Hey, Jacques... No "Jacques". I am the Great Went. I am The Muffin. That's right. She called me. She even asked me what your fathers looked like... What? She asked about my father? Right on time, baby. Buy me a ticket to The Great Went. We're on our way, Baby. James... Laura, I'll meet you at 2:30 after phys. ed. Laura, do you love me? Yes, I love you. I've told you, but it doesn't really matter. Why? It does. No, it doesn't... just kiss me. It does matter. We're in love. James, you don't know what you are talking about. Quit trying to hold on so tight. I'm gone... long gone like a turkey through the corn. You're not a turkey. A turkey is one of the dumbest birds on earth. Where were you last night? We were supposed to get together. You didn't show up. You were supposed to show up. Maybe I wasn't. We were supposed to be together. How can I be together if I'm not together? You're on somethin' again, aren't you? James... I've got to see you. Not now. This afternoon? Okay. Oh god, it's Johnny Horne's birthday today. What about tonight? I can't tonight. What's going on? What the hell is wrong with you? That's right. There's no place left to go is there, James? What do you mean? You know it and I know it. What is wrong with us?... We have everything. Everything, but everything. Oh, Laura. You always hurt the ones you love. You mean the ones you pity. Say anything you want... I know you love me and I love you. Shit, maybe he'll kill you. What? When he finds out. What? Bobby killed a guy. What are you talking about? Bobby didn't kill anybody. You want to see... See what? Johnny, Johnny... let your Daddy and your Uncle and Leland talk. Ben... Leland, we can play the French against the Norwegians. What do the French love more than anything? Boating? No. Hiking? No. Eating? You'd think so. Sex? You're getting warmer. Trees? History is on our side, Ben. It's no accident that the great explorers were named Hennepin, Nicollet, Marquette. Josie, I think we should go public. That would be wonderful, but it's only been a year since Andrew died. What are you afraid of? What people think? I don't want to offend the customs of your country. Believe me, Josie, you would not offend the customs of this country. For instance, I don't eat fish eyes. Fish eyes? Even if it offended someone, I wouldn't eat a fish eye. Why wouldn't you eat a fish eye, Harry? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, it's just the way I feel. It's the custom thing I was thinking of. In America we don't use any part of the fish but the meat just to the side of the insides. We throw away the tail, the rest of the insides and the head. I understand. Can I take the car? Sure honey, what's the hurry? Laura. You lied to me about those school books. I found them upstairs on your bed. What were you doing in my room? I was looking for that blue sweater that you borrowed which I found balled up in the bottom of your closet. Now why did you lie to me? Where did you go? I had to see Bobby. I know you really don't like Bobby, but there was a problem and I didn't think you would understand. Oh, honey, you don't have to lie to me. Ever. You can tell me anything. I'll understand. I'm sorry, Mom. Laura, now I can't find that blue sweater. Did you take it again? My god, I am going to have another breakdown. God, god. I hate asparagus. Where's Dad? Ben asked him to stay late to plan for the Norwegians. If it's okay with you I'm going to Bobby's to do my homework. Good night, Mom. Dad. The Norwegians are coming next week and I want you to learn to say what I just learned in Norwegian. So you can talk to them. I want you to learn to say, "Hello, my name is Leland Palmer". Hi, honey, how's Donna? Fine. School? ...school's fine... Sit down... sit down... Are you hungry? Let me see. Dad... Who was that? A friend from school. Dad... Dad... Who was that? How do you know him? He looked familiar. Have I met him? No, you haven't met him. Have you met him? No. We're late to get to your mother. Just sit here for a moment. You seem very upset. Are you sure you're okay? Dad? Yes. Did you come home during the day last week? No. Oh, I thought I saw you. You know, I did come home, come to think of it, on Thursday. I had a severe headache and I was driving in the neighborhood so I just darted in and out of the house. Where were you, Laura? I didn't see you? Laura. What's wrong this morning? DON'T MAKE ME DO IT. NO, YOU HAVE TO KILL ME. I always thought you knew it was me. Hello, Laura. Hello Sarah. Where's my axe? "I'm hungry". Neither is mine. And can't we talk about something serious for a change. Leland, what are you doing? Leland... Did you get this from your lover? They don't call them lovers in high school, Leland. Bobby didn't give you this? Did Bobby give you that or is there someone new? Leland leave her alone... She doesn't like that. Stop it. Oh, Leland, sit down and eat you dinner. When's the next business trip, big fella? Soon. How about next time we party with the girlfriends you told me about? What are you doing? Who am I? I don't know. What's wrong? Someone who knows how to clean knows where the object was before she started cleaning and then that object goes back to its exact same spot. Shelly, I know where everything in this house is. Sometimes on the road I mentally go through this whole house and picture where every item is. Lay off the bennies, Leo. That's one thing you are going to learn, Shelly, -- HOW TO CLEAN. It takes scrubbing, Shelly. There is no easy way. THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE, SHELLY. As if I didn't know. I'm going to show you how to wash this tile and then you're going to do it. Come off it, Leo. I'm late for work... Shelly, would you give Laura a quick hand with the "Meals on Wheels"? I'm kind of busy, Norma. Laura just took off. She asked me to do the run today. Should I do it? What's with that Laura? Yeah, sure, take a look around. There's no one here anyway. You're right. There's no one here. There's no one here. Come back as soon as you can. If Leo comes here, he won't believe that I am out doing the "Meals on Wheels". Mr. Abraham... Abrams... Abrams. Yes. How are you today? I'm fine. Good. You ever been inside a hospital? Yes. Why did he go to see Mary Rooney? She's the only nurse who isn't testifying for the Doctors. What did he find? Nothing. How good's your intelligence? Very good. And so what is the rest of his case aside from Dr. Thompson? He was accused of jury tampering. Accused. Not indicted. He resigned the firm. Divorced nineteen seventy. Galvin worked with Michael Morrissey until Morrissey retired in 'seventy- eight. Since then he's been on his own. Four cases before the Circuit Court. He lost them all. He drinks. Four cases in three years... The man's an ambulance chaser... ...tell me about this case. This is a nuisance suit. He's looking for small change. He's asking for six hundred thousand and betting we don't want to go to court. No -- we don't want this case in court. Neither does he. That's where he loses. This man's scared to death to go to court. We only have to call his bluff. I want to settle this thing and be done with it. I don't want the Archdiocese exposed. No. Absolutely, and we're going to see that it is not. So what I want to do is stop it here. I'm going to make him an offer. I want to do it myself. I want it to come from me. If we were to go to trial, would we win the case? Well, of course, it's always dangerous... I know that answer. If we went to trial would we win? It's a generous offer, Mr. Galvin... ...nothing can make the woman well... but we try to compensate... to make a gesture... How did you settle on the amount? We thought it was just. You thought it was just. Yes. Because it struck me how neatly 'three' went into the amount. Two Hundred Ten Thousand. That would mean I keep seventy. That was our insurance company's recommendation. Nothing that we can do can make that woman well. And no one will know the truth. What is the truth? What are you doing here? ...here's your mail, call Mrs. Doneghy... ...yes. Get her on the phone... ...that was a Dr. David Gruber's office... Gruber... ...he wants to testify...? It looks that way. You know what that would mean? To get somebody from a Boston hospital to say he'll testify? This is going to drive the ante up. That's the call that I'm waiting for. What does it mean? They want to settle. It means a lot of money. You are aware of the penalties for perjury...? It's a crime. Yes. It is a crime. A serious crime. I wouldn't do it. You would not...? No. In fact, you've just taken an oath that you would not commit perjury. You've just sworn to that. Isn't that right? Yes. Just now... Yes. ...sworn before God you would tell the truth? Yes. Now. I'd like to ask you something: four years ago, when you were working as a nurse, are you aware that Drs. Towler and Marx based their treatment of Deborah Ann Kaye on this chart that you signed...? I... And wasn't that an oath...? These are your initials here: K.C. When you signed this chart you took an oath. No less important than that which you took today. Isn't that right? Isn't that right...? I... yes. Then, please, which is correct? You've sworn today the patient ate one hour ago. Four years ago you swore she ate nine hours ago? Which is the lie. When were you lying? I... They lied. 'They lied.' Indeed! When did they lie? And do you know what a lie is? I do. Yes. You swore on this form that the patient ate nine hours ago. That's not my handwriting. You've just said you signed it. Yes, I, yes, I signed it, yes. But I, I didn't write that figure. You didn't write that figure. And how is it that you remember that so clearly after four years? ...what in the world would induce you to make a photocopy of some obscure record and hold it four years? This is a... why? Why would you do that? I thought I would need it. And why, please tell us, would you think that? Dr. Thompson, just so the Jury knows, you never treated Deborah Ann Kaye. Is that correct? That is correct. I was engaged to render an opinion. Engaged to render an opinion. For a price. Is that correct? You're being paid to be here today? Just as you are, Sir... Are you board-certified in anesthesiology, Doctor? No, I am not. It's quite common in New York State... ...I'm sure it is, but this is Massachusetts, Doctor. Certified in Internal Medicine? No. Neurology? No. Orthopedics? I'm just an M.D. Do you know Dr. Robert Towler...? I know of him. How is that? Through, through his book. What book is that? Meth... Methodology and Technique... ...of Anesthesiology? 'Methodology and Techniques of Anesthesiology.' Yes. How old are you? I am seventy-four years old. Uh-huh. Still practice a lot of medicine? I'm on the staff of... Yes, we've heard that. Doctor: you testify quite a bit against other physicians? Isn't that right? You, you're available for that? When you're paid to be there? Sir. Yes. When a thing is wrong... as in this case, I am available. I am seventy-four years old, I am not board-certified. I have been practicing medicine for forty-six years and I know when an injustice has been done. I did. Ed Concannon. Objection, we've... ...to get her heartbeat back...? We've touched on this, his own witness has said... ...almost nine minutes... causing brain damage. Objection! Your Honor, Bishop Brophy and the Archdiocese have offered plaintiff two hundred and ten thousand dollars. Huh! Mr. Concannon...? Nothing further, your Honor. Objection! This is ri... expect us to accept a photocopy, we have the original right... No further questions. Thank you, your Honor. We object to the copy of the admissions form as incompetent and essentially hearsay evidence and cite McGee versus State of Indiana, U.S. 131 point 2 and 216 through 25 of the Uniform Code: 'The admission of a duplicate document in preference to an existing original must presuppose the possibility of alteration and so must be disallowed.' And, your Honor, The document is disallowed, the jury will be advised not to consider the testimony of Kathy Costello regarding the Xerox form. It's unsubstantiated and we can't accept a copy in preference to the original... Thank you, your Honor. Further: Ms. Costello is a rebuttal witness. As a 'Surprise Witness' she may only serve to rebut direct testimony. As her only evidentiary rebuttal was the admitting form, which has been disallowed I request that her entire testimony be disallowed and the jury advised that they must totally disregard her appearance here. No, actually, she was referred to me. She was Dr. Hagman's patient... Whatever the 'truth' is, let's hear that. You were her doctor. Yes. Say it. I was her doctor. You were the anesthesiologist at her delivery May twelfth, nineteen seventy... ...I was one of a group of... Answer affirmatively. Simply. Keep those answers to three words. You weren't 'part of a group,' you were her anesthesiologist. Isn't that right? Yes. You were there to help Dr. Marx deliver her baby. Were you not? Anything special about the case? Thank you. When Debby... Dr. Towler, who was in the operating room with you? Mary Rooney, the obstetrical nurse... What did these people do when her heart stopped? We went to Code Blue... 'Code Blue,' what does that mean...? It's a common medical expression, it's a crash program to restore the heartbeat. Dr. Marx cut an airway in her trachea, to get her oxygen, her and the baby... Ms. Nevins... Why wasn't she getting oxygen...? Well, many reasons, actually... Tell me one? She'd aspirated vomitus into her mask... ...and her heart stopped and she wasn't getting oxygen. That's right. And what did your team do... Well, we... ...You brought thirty years of medical experience to bear. Isn't that what you did? Yes. ...A patient riddled with complications, questionable information on her, on her admitting form... ...We did everything we could... ...to save her and to save the baby. Is that... Yes! You reached down into death. Now, isn't that right? My God, we tried to save her... You can't know... You can't know... Please sit down. I told your wife. I'm sorry that we have to meet out here. I've got a case coming in two days in the Superior Court and my office is a mess of papers. ...that's all right. ...the Archdiocese called up, they said who was our attorney, 'cause the case is coming to trial... I doubt we'll have to go to trial... ...we told them we didn't want it to come out this way. I completely understand... What is this going to cost? You said you're gonna call me up. You didn't call me up. Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are...? Hold on a second. It's all right, Mickey. You ruined my life, Mister... Me and my wife... and I am going to ruin yours... You don't have to go out there to see that girl. We been going four years. Four years... my wife's been crying herself to sleep what they, what, what they did to her sister. I swear to you I wouldn't have turned the offer down unless I thought that I could win the case... What you thought!? What you thought... I'm a workingman, I'm trying to get my wife out of town, we hired you, we're paying you, I got to find out from the other side they offered two hundred... I'm going to win this case... Mist... Mr. Doneghy... I'm going to the Jury with a solid case, a famous doctor as an expert witness, and I'm going to win eight hundred thousand dollars. If I could accept the offer right now, I would. They took it back. Dr. Thompson...? I have some errands to run, and then I thought we'd spend the evening... That's what I'd planned to... I'm going to take you to the home to see the girl... From what I've seen, Mr. Galvin, you have a very good case... Yes. Yes. I think so. I hope you'll be comfortable. I'm putting you up at my... ...I made a reservation at... ...apartment. No, no. Please. You don't know who we're dealing with, I, please believe me, they... ...What difference would... These people play very rough. They don't want to lose this case. There's a lot of pressure they can bring to bear, I... Dr. Thompson. From your review of the hospital records of May twelfth nineteen seventy-six. In your opinion, what happened to Deborah Ann Kaye? Cardiac arrest. During delivery her heart stopped. When the heart stops the brain's deprived of oxygen. You get brain damage. That is why she's in the state she's in today. Now, Dr. Towler's testified that they restored the heartbeat within three or four minutes. In your opinion is his estimate correct? I didn't do too well for you. No, you did fine. I'm afraid that's not true. Will you want me to stay on till Monday? No. No thank you, Doctor. You go home. You know... sometimes people can surprise you. Sometimes they have a great capacity to hear the truth. You sure you don't want me to stay on. Are you saying that a failure to restore the heartbeat within nine minutes in itself constitutes bad medical practice? I... in that small context I would have... I would have to say 'no.' Then you're saying there's no negligence, based on my question? I... given the limits of your question, that's correct. The Doctors were not negligent. They gave her the wrong anesthetic. Why is that? Her sister said she ate one hour prior to admittance... she... ...that's what the sister said. The chart said she ate nine hours prior to... ...she went in complaining of stomach cramps. Good doctor would have doubted the information on the chart. Is that what a good doctor would do? How old are you, please? I am seventy-four years old. What qualifies you as an expert in anesthetics? I am on the staff of... Easthampton Hospital for Women. Excuse me, what is that, a joke? Let me tell you something, Doctor, those men at Catherine Laboure. Men who are known not only in this city, but the world, were trying to save a woman's life. They were there, and here you are, four years later, read some hospital report, and say... She getting good care over there? Actually, yes. It's by no means bad, I... Then what good would it do to ruin the reputation of two men, to help a girl whose life's not going to be changed in the least? You know what CODE BLUE means? 'Code Blue'... Dr. Towler; page 406, 'Contraindications to general anesthetic. Ideally a patient should refrain from taking nourishment up to nine hours prior to induction of general anesthetic.' Does that sound familiar? 'Practice and Methodology in Anaesthesia.' General textbook on the subject. Is that correct? I. Yes. It is. And you wrote that... Yes. ...Page 414, 'If a patient has taken nourishment within one hour prior to inducement, general anesthetic should be avoided at all costs because of the grave risk the patient will aspirate food particles into his mask.' Is that what happened to Deborah Ann Kaye? She aspirated into her mask? She threw up in her mask, yes. But she hadn't eaten one hour prior to admission. If she had eaten, say one hour prior to admission, the inducement of a general anesthetic... the type you gave her... would have been negligent...? Negligent. Yes... it would have been criminal. But that was not the case. Dr. Gruber... I appreciate -- a man as busy as -- I read the hospital report on your client. ...Deborah Ann Kaye... They called, they're going to settle, what I want to do is build up as much... Right. Who called? The Archdiocese called, they want to settle... her estate... ...and you're going to do that? Yes. Yes. Uh... in the, well, in the interests of her family... you, Dr. Gruber, you know, you can never tell what a jury is going to do. St. Catherine's a very well thought of institution. Her doctors... Her doctors killed her. I'm sorry...? Her doctors murdered her. They gave her the wrong anesthetic and they put her in the hospital for life. Her doctors murdered her. Do you know who her doctors were? I read the file. Yeah. Marx and Towler. I know who they were. The most respected... The hospital is owned by the Archdioceses of... We have to... we... we have to keep you under wraps. Please don't, don't discuss... I understand. Thank you... ...that's perfectly all right. Uh, why, why are you doing this? Hi. I've been meaning to come in a long time. You live in the neighborhood? Uh-huh. My nephew's going to be staying with us in a few months, so I stopped by. How old is he? Thank you. You're really... You, are you the one they told me was the nurse? Who told you that? Mrs... Mrs. Simmonds. Yes. I used to be a nurse. Kathy Price... Yes... You were the Admitting Nurse at St. Catherine Laboure Hospital on May twelfth, nineteen seventy-six, the night Deborah Ann Kaye was admitted... Yes. These are your initials, 'K.C.'? D'you ask the patient when did she last eat? Yes. What did she say? She said she had a full meal one hour before coming to the hospital. One hour. Yes. And did you write the numeral 'one' down on the record, standing for one hour? I did. A single hour. Yessir. I'm sorry. Why is that? Now, have you boys tried to resolve your little difficulty because that certainly would save the Commonwealth a lot of time and bother. This is a complicated case, your Honor... I'm sure it is, Frank: and let me tell you something. If we find it so complex, how in the hell you think you're going to make a jury understand it? See my point? Let's talk a minute. Frank: what will you and your client take right now this very minute to walk out of here and let this damn thing drop? My client can't walk, your Honor. That's it...? Come on, guys... life is too short... You tell me if you're playing 'chicken,' or you mean it. Frank: I don't think I'm talking out of school, but I just heard someone offer you two hundred grand... and that's a lot of money... and if I may say, you haven't got the best of records. ...things change. ...that's true. Sometimes they change, sometimes they don't. Now, I remember back to when you were disbarred... I wasn't disbarred, they dropped the pro... And it seems to me, a fella's trying to come back, he'd take this settlement, and get a record for himself. I myself would take it and run like a thief. What is it? Thank you for seeing me. I need an extension for my case. You should have taken their offer. Especially if you were unprepared. I had a witness disappear on me. That happens. I could subpoena him if I had a week. Is the Plaintiff ready? Ready, your Honor. Do we have time this morning to... All right. Mr. Galvin, you want to continue now, or we can resume with Dr. Thompson this afternoon. Sustained. Yes. The witness will confine his testimony to review of the hospital records. What? Yes, Mr. Galvin? If I may be permitted to question my own witness in my own way... I got a letter from the Judge Advocate's office on you today, fella, you're on your way out... They should have kicked you out on that Lillibridge case. Now this is it today. I'm an attorney on trial before the bar. Representing my client. My client, do you understand? You open your mouth and you're losing my case for me. Listen to me, fella... Galvin, look, many years ago... And don't give me this shit, 'I was a lawyer, too.' 'Cause I know who you were. You couldn't hack it as a lawyer. You were Bag Man for the Boys and you still are. I know who you are. Are you done? Damn right I'm done. I'm going to ask for a mistrial and I'm going to request that you disqualify yourself from sitting on this case. I'm going to take a transcript to the State and ask that they impeach your ass. Nothing further, your Honor... I object, your Honor... Overruled... Exception! D'you find an apartment? Still looking. I changed my life today. What did you do? I changed my room at the Hotel. Why? The TV didn't work. What Hotel are you staying at? And what are you? A cop? I'm a lawyer. My ex-husband was a lawyer. Really. How wonderful for you. Yes. It was, actually. Oh, actually it was. Then why'd you call it off? Who says I'm the one that called it off? A brick house says you divorced him. I'll put you on your honor. Bet you a hundred dollars against you join me for dinner. And I'll take your word for it. Now you tell me the truth. Because you cannot lie to me. What's your name? Laura. My name's Frank. And furthermore, you came back to see me tonight. What if it wasn't you that I came back to see? The weak, the weak have got to have somebody to fight for them. Isn't that the truth? You want another drink? Jimmy! That's why the court exists. The court doesn't exist to give them justice, eh? But to give them a chance at justice. And are they going to get it? They might. Yes. That's the point... is that they might... you see, the jury wants to believe. They're all cynics, sure, because they want to believe. I have to go in there tomorrow to find twelve people to hear this case. I'm going to see a hundred people and pick twelve. And every one of them it's written on their face, 'This is a Maybe what? Maybe I can do something right. And is that what you're going to do? Is that what you're going to do...? Would you like me to leave...? Is this a bad time -- ? What...? Is this a bad time. We, we... No... we just had a small reversal in the case... I have some, uh... I have some work to do... What happened...? They, uh, they got to my witness. I've got to work... Do you want me to go...? Why don't you get some rest? I've got to work. You can't work if you can't think. You get in bed. It's all right. I'll stay here with you. It's all right. Come on... You're going to stay here...? Do you think it's my fault? Isn't there something you... That's not the question. It's over. Do you think that it's my fault? If I'd... if I'd... I never should have taken it. There was no way that I was going to win. You're talking like a drunk. And it's over...? Yes. Well, then what are you doing here? I... do you want me to leave? You do what you want. You want to leave... You want to go kill yourself? I... You want me to tell you it's your fault? It probably is. What are you going to do about it? I thought it's not over till the jury comes in. Who told you that? You told me so. Maybe you'd get some sympathy. You came to the wrong place. And what makes you so tough? Maybe I'll tell you later. Is there going to be a later...? Not if you don't grow up... If I don't 'grow up...' You're like a kid, you're coming in here like it's Saturday night, you want me to say that you've got a fever -- you don't have to go to school... You, you don't under... Oh, yes, I do, Joe. Believe me. You say you're going to lose. Is it my fault? Listen! The damned case doesn't start until tomorrow and already it's over for you! It's over! What is your wife's picture doing by the side of your... What is that to you...? Joe... Joe... You're pressuring yourself... No... no... Is it over? No. What are you going to do? Thank you. I have to talk to you. Continental Casualty... Mr. Alito, please. Business hours are over, Sir. This is the switch... I have to reach him. This is an emergency. Could you give me his home number? I'm sorry, Sir, we're not allowed... ...Would you, would you call him up. I'll give you my number, and ask him... I can't guarantee that... Mr. Galvin's... Hello, I'm calling from... If you're selling something, I'm late for work... I'm calling from Professional Nurse Quarterly... From the magazine? This is Mr. Wallace in Subscriptions? How come you're calling me from...? This is Miss Costello...? Yes. Price... Pardon? Kathy Price. We find that your subscription lapsed... My subscription lapsed three years ago... That's why I'm calling, Miss Price... Missus... We have a renew-your-subscription offer... We get it at work. We get the magazine at work. Yes, we know that you do. I have it in my files. That's at the Manhattan Health Center... I'm Joe Galvin, I'm representing Deborah Ann Kaye, case against St. Catherine Laboure. I told the guy I didn't want to talk to... I'll just take a minute. Deborah Ann Kaye. You know what I'm talking about. The case is going to trial. Our chief witness is a Dr. David Gruber, you know who he is? No. He's the Assistant Chief of Anesthesiology, Massachusetts Commonwealth. He says your doctors, Towler and Marx, put my girl in the hospital for life. And we can prove that. What we don't know is why. What went on in there? In the O.R. That's what we'd like to know. Something went wrong. And you know what it was. They gave her the wrong anesthetic. What ...you got your doctor's testimony. Why do you need me? I want someone who was in the O.R. We're going to win the case, there's no question of that. It's just a matter of how big... I've got nothing to say to you. You know what happened. Nothing happened. I can subpoena you, you know. I can get you up there on the stand. And ask me what? Who put my client in the hospital for life. I didn't do it, Mister. Who are you protecting, then? Who says that I'm protecting anyone? I do. Who is it? The Doctors. What do you owe them? I don't owe them a goddamn thing. Then why don't you testify? You know, you're pushy, fella... You think I'm pushy now, wait 'til I get you on the stand... I'm... Mrs. Doneghy? I'm Frank Galvin... why didn't you go in? It's locked. It's not a good case. It's a very good case. A healthy young woman goes into the hospital to deliver her third child, she's given the wrong anesthetic... ...we, we love her, Dick and me... ...I'm sure you do... But what can we do? She don't know who's visiting her... ...I know. I went... ...You saw her? Yes. Yes, I have. You know how beautiful she was? Her husband left her, and he took her kids... They, they, they'd let you die in there. They don't care. Nobody cares. The Patriot Home, the Chronic Care... in Arlington...? They'd take her in. Perpetual care. They'd take her. Fifty thousand dollars they want. An endowment. ...fifty thousand dollars? I don't want to leave her. Dick... the, the... and Father Laughlin, he said that it was God's will... ...I understand... My doctor told me that I got to move out West... that's when we filed in court. We didn't want to sue... ...I understand... He saw her at the Northern Care... We just can't do it anymore. This is our chance to get away. What does it mean? I... I mean we, you have other tactics... We, yes. Yes. They, they present their side, and I get the same chance. To cross-examine... to... to... Are we going to win? We have, you know, other tactics, though... Dr. Gruber. Dr. Gruber's not in. I had an appointment at his office, I think I must have got it wrong. We had a meeting... He's not in, Sir. I... please. My wife... my wife's prescription has run out. If I can call him... Dr. Halpern's taking all his... No, no, no. I have to talk to him. If I can only call him... Another, Frank...? I want to buy you a drink. Well, well, well. Huh? Yeah. It's a long road that has no turning. Hi, Mickey... What the hell do you think you're doing...? What's going on here...? Uh... Fuck you. I got a call today from Sally Doneghy... ...now who is that...? ...You're 'sposed to be in court in ten days and she's telling me you haven't even met with them... Sally Doneghy, now who is that? One lousy letter eighteen months ago... I try to throw a fuckin' case your way... ...hey, I don't need your charity... I have to talk to you. What do you want? Come on. Let's get a drink. Are you out of your mind...? ...I'm going to need your help... You need my help...? You need a goddamn keeper... are you telling me that you turned down two-hundred-ten grand? Huh...? Are you nuts? Eh? Are you nuts. What are you going to do, bring her back to life? I'm going to help her. To do what...? To do what, for chrissake...? To help her to do what? She's dead... They killed her. And they're trying to buy it... Mick. Mick. Mick... What? You -- Listen: you said to me, 'if not now, when...' ...he's a good man... ...he's a good man...? He's the Prince of Fuckin' Darkness... he'll have people in there testifying that the broad is well -- they saw her Tuesday on a surfboard at Hyannis... don't fuck with this case. ...I have to stand up for her... Frank, but not now. Frank. You're trying to wipe out some old business. But not now. I understand. But you go call 'em back. You call the Bishop back. Who have we got? We've got her sister. Testifies she had a meal one hour before she was admitted to the hospital. This is the point. You got the admittance form says patient ate nine hours prior to admittance. Admittance form is wrong. Forget it. You can't prove it. Sister's testimony is no good. Jury knows we win she gets the cash. I've got my Dr. Gruber, says her heart condition means they gave her the wrong anesthetic anyway, plus she came in complaining of stomach pains... ...Gruber's not bad. Not bad...? This guy's Dr. Kildare, the jury's going to love him, Mick... And you calm down, all right? Their guy, Towler's, the author of the book, 'Methodology and Practice, Anesthesiology.' ...and they got depositions from the nurses, everybody in the operating room, the scrub-nurse... 'All these guys are God. I saw them walk on water...' They had an obstetrical nurse in there. We No. 'Mary Rooney, forty-nine. Lives in Arlington, still working at the hospital.' Can you get out tomorrow? How come she isn't speaking up. Right. Okay now. Cases: Smith versus State of Michigan. Right. Brindisi versus Electric Boat. You got a good memory, Franky. Jimmy? Bushmills. Lookit, do me a favor. I'll buy you a drink tomorrow. Yeah? And what are you going to do tonight? Been a long time, huh...? I'm getting it back. Don't worry about me, Mick. I'm fine. D'you find the obstetric nurse? So what? So what...? The best is yet to come. Check the TV Guide. They got our Dr. Towler on a panel on GBH on Friday: 'The Healing Hand. The Experts Speak.' What I'm saying, they're getting some help. John: gimme a cuesta-ray. Oh shit, what's today? Today is Tuesday. What? I've got to go see Gruber. What's the best cigars you have? Give 'em a box of Macanudos. What happened, Joey...? I can't talk now. Yeah? How's our new witness? D'you find the obstetric nurse? She's workin' the late shift at the Hospital. She's at home now, I'm going over there to talk to... How are you holding up? I'm swell. And all we've got is a witch doctor! Okay. What do you do when you don't have a witness? You use their witness. That's right. Are you with me... are you awake...? Yeah. I'm awake. Rooney's protecting someone. Who is she protecting? The Doctors. She's protecting the Doctors she'd be up there on the stand... 'You guys are a bunch of whores... uh... loyalty... you don't care who gets hurt... you don't have any loyalty...' ...one of the other nurses? Who? They're all testifying. Everybody who was in the O.R.'s going to take the stand. All right. Who wasn't in the O.R.? Uh... the admitting nurse... What did she do? She didn't do anything. She took the patient's history and signed the charts. 'K.C.' 'Kathy Costello...' The 'History'...? We don't have anything from the Nurse Association? The broad has disappeared... ...yeah... good... ...four years ago... Hello. This is Mr. Dorchester in Records. We're looking for Kathy Costello... What the hell are you doing here? What are you doing in New York...? I talked to Johnnie White at the Bar Association. The broad used to work for one of Concannon's partners in New York awhile ago. She wanted to move to Boston. How badly did she hurt us, Joe? We got a mistrial, you know. Joe -- did you hear what I said...? I spoke to her, and everything is all right. I, what are you talking about? I talked to her this morning, and she said... She told me. She did? I just saw her. In New York? What? Dr. Towler... Yes. You have a record of what happened in the operating room... Yes, that's correct. ...there are notations every thirty seconds... Yes. ...of the procedures... Yes, the roving nurse... But those notations stop... ...Four-and-one-half minutes after Deborah Ann Kaye's... We, we were rather busy... Four-and-one-half minutes after her heart stopped. And they resume seven minutes... As I've said we had some more... ...they start again three minutes earlier... We had rather more important things on our mind than taking notes. We were trying to restore her... What happened in those three... ...we were trying to restore her heartbeat. What happened in those three minutes...? We'd gone to 'Code Blue,' we were administering electro... Brain damage could have been... it didn't necessarily take nine minutes, it could have been caused in two... Wait, wait, wait, you're saying that her brain damage could have been caused by her being deprived of oxygen for two minutes...? Yes. Huh. And why is that? Franky can't make it. He had an appointment he forgot, he's going to see you later. I'm Mickey Morrissey, we're supposed to get to know each other. How'm I doing so far? Stearns, Harrington, you know who that is? Should I? A huge law firm. Okay? They put him in the firm, he's married, everything's superb. Franky, he's starting to talk like he comes from Dorsetshire, some fuckin' place, 'You must drop by with Pat and me...' Okay...? Yes. ...and he's making a billion dollars every minute working for Stearns, Harrington, and he bought a dog, and everything is rosy. Then Mr. Stearns, he tried to fix a case. The Big Boy did...? That Frank was working on. Yeah. He thought Franky needed some help, so they bribed a juror. So Franky finds out. He comes to me in tears. He thinks that anybody who knows what a 'spinnaker' is got to be a saint. I told him 'Franky, wake up. These people are sharks. What do you think they got so rich from? Doing good?' He Huh. Before he can get there here comes this Federal Marshal, and Franky's indicted for Jury tampering, they throw him in jail, he's gonna be disbarred, his life is over. Jimmy, gimme another drink. How are you? Me, too. Looks almost cold now, don't it? That won't start no more fires. We might's well go home. Yeah. No sense stayin' out here. It's an enemy sneak attack. Let's get outta here! Wait a minute - wait a minute!.... Bombs don't unscrew. It's no meteor, that's for sure! We'd be the first to make contact with 'em -- see? We'd be in all the papers! Hey, how about that! Hey, there - open up! That explains why communication is cut the moment their machines begin to move. Madrid has just blacked out!! Nothing more coming through. Mister Secretary - if they link up with those others near Fresno... There's only one thing that will stop the Martians! We've held back pre- viously because of the danger of radiation to civilians. Now there's no choice. The United Nations has voted authority to the United States. The White House will confirm an order to use the Atom bomb. Then our first target will be the initial landing place outside Los Angeles. Hey, you! Better get outa here! I'm looking for some Pacific-Tech professors... There's nobody left around here now. Hurry up! Jump in! You look kinda lost yourself. Is that it over there? Did you see it come down? Yes...I was fishing up in the hills. You must have caught plenty with all that tackle! Oh - there were three of us. The others flew back in my plane. I don't understand why a meteor this size didn't make a bigger crater. What's that fellow over there trying to do - dig it out? You seem to know a lot about him. Well, I did a thesis on modern scien- tists - working for my Masters degree. Did it do you any good? Why, sure -- I got it! Do you have a match? I'm sorry. I don't smoke. Forrester's the man behind the new atomic engines. They had him on the cover of 'Time'. You've got to rate to get that! Aw, he isn't that good...! I do know him...slightly. What's he like? Well, you certainly don't look like yourself in that get-up! But I am happy to meet you anyway. I'm Sylvia Van Buren. I teach Library Science over at USC. I didn't know how to stop you...! I might have recognized you without the beard. And you didn't wear glasses on the 'Time' cover! They've all stopped at the same time. How does it happen cars are running? The troops are certainly moving in here! Didn't you have something to do with this? I know you sent word to the Sixth Army Command! I just told them the local situation. Colonel Heffner's in full charge now. Good to see you, General. This is Pastor Collins, director of Civil Defense. Sheriff Bogany, head of the local forces ... Miss Van Buren. We can't go into town - everybody's getting out of there! I'll fly you over to Pasadena. Can you handle one of these? You'll hit something! Can't you go higher? I never noticed before - that's a cowboy tie.... Is that... machine...? It's gone now. Where are we? I almost forget when I ate last. It looks so good.... You know, mostly I get my meals in coffee shops and restaurants. Don't you live at home? No, on the campus. I haven't any family. I come from a big one. Nine of us. All in Minnesota, except me. A big family must be fun...I imagine it makes you feel you belong to something. It does...Maybe that's why I feel kind of lost right now. We'll get safely out of here, don't worry. But they seem to murder everything that moves...! I've been as close to them as anyone. But not close enough for real observation... I stayed right by the door - praying for the one who loved me best to come and find me. It was Uncle Matthew who found me. He liked you ... I could bawl my head off! How long was I out? Nothing there now. It was... ...one of them! What was it like? I couldn't see much in the dark - but it was one! Maybe they aren't too sure we're here. They could be as curious about us as we are about them. They've blocked it! Is it possible to go in right after the explosion? Yes, with these suits. We've used them before on atomic tests... Odd- looking, aren't they? Very futuristic. Yours doesn't really go with that butch haircut! I could wear it longer -- but it's less trouble this way. My kid brother has one. You know why? Yes ... Fits better in a football helmet. How'd you guess? The Rockies...! You'd rather get back to that big family of yours in Minnesota, wouldn't you? I probably wouldn't be able to get to them if I tried... You'll be all right with us.... ...for as long as anybody's got! That's what knocked the phones out, too. How could it happen to everybody's watch together? That needle ain't pointing north! What is that gizmo?! I think that - gizmo - is a machine from another planet. This Martian blood... Let's make a quick analysis and see what we've got! A forlorn hope - but there is a chance. It might give us time to search out some weakness in the Martians. We know now that we can't beat their machines -- but we can beat them! They are mortal beings...The only question is whether we have time enough to do anything! Gratzman! -- Gratzman! Did you get those biotics? No. I thought you had them. I got a message for you. You're the guys from Pacific-Tech, ain't you? Right. It's about that meteor. They say it's a whopper. The District Officer phoned us at the lookout up on the summit. Thought you might be interested... It's ten or twelve miles from here - over by Linda Rosa. Are they sure it's a meteor? It didn't come down like one. That's right - came down in kinda spurts, didn't it? You fellers'll have to figure it out. You're scientists All I know - they say it's as big as a house and practically red hot. There's one - there's the other, and we're right between them! So is the town, I notice! I warned you Civil Defense people to be ready if you have to evacuate. Colonel - shooting's no good! It's always been a good persuader. General Mann -- I was told to expect you, sir. I'm Colonel Heffner. That's their position? You've certainly got them surrounded. I suppose they've neutralized all communications here. Not all. Radio is out. But our field phones are okay so far. We will, sir! My orders are not to go into action unless they make a move out of there. That's because we want a chance to observe them. This is the only place we've had time to surround them with sufficient force to contain them. What happens here will be a guide to all other operations. The minute action begins and a pattern of defense develops, I'll get my report to Washington. You've deployed your forces well. Thank you, sir. If they start anything, we can blast them right off the earth! That probably dropped half way to Pomona!...What do you think? Uncle Matthew...this is Dr. Clayton Forrester. My uncle - Dr. Matthew Collins, pastor of the Community Church. They don't do much of anything...! They are living creatures out there. But they're not human! Dr. Forrester says they're some kind of an advanced civilization -- Let's go back inside, Uncle Matthew. Number three to. D.O....Number three to D.O. D.O. to number three..come in. We're getting this under control. Won't need any more help. Over. Okay. Send the tanker in, but you stand by until that thing cools off. Over. I think somebody ought to check on it. Over. Better'n a lion farm or a snake pit. We won't have to feed it! Must be somebody in there. Who? Where d'you think they come from! Maybe these are not men - not like us. What'll we say to 'em? They'll understand us, all right! I thought you'd killed Freddy off. We did. Bad mistake. The fans are clamoring for more. So, Evil never dies, right? Anyway, a while back we got a call from Wes. He's got this idea. And who better to resurrect Freddy than his creator? I thought he'd stopped doing horror. Which means he's having nightmares again? He's very excited about it. The nightmares. He's excited about the script. You should be too. It stars you. Can I read it? He's not showing it until it's down. But it sounds hot, and we wanted to get all our stars lined up in case it is. You and Robert got great ratings today. Which is the first thing we needed to know. You mean that was a... I don't know, Bob. I'm flattered and all, but I've got a kid, now. So? So I don't know about horror. Come on. Kids love horror. And I...I've got other things happening. Sweetie, you've got lots of fans, we've done market studies. You rate right up there. We've already got Chase working on a prototype for the glove. What? I know. We asked him to keep it kind of surprise until we talked. Look, how about we get in touch your agent. You still with Jerry? Yes, but... Bob, how long has Wes been working on this script? I don't know. A couple months. Why? And since you've been thinking of making it. Has anything funny happened? I don't follow. Might as well be, Dylan. State of the art animatronics enhanced with bio- organic grafting. Bull tendons, nerve bundles from a Doberman, even half the brain of a homicidal primate was... Just an earthquake, Dylan. Every once in a while we get a few. One of mom's cups got broken. Dylan, it's breakfast. Not arts and crafts What? You get any sleep last night? Anything other than the obvious bothering you? Five earthquakes in three weeks is enough. Maybe. Or maybe I shouldn't do this interview today. You've got to get back on the horse some time. Look, you've had a nutcase making harassing phone calls. I know how scary that feels. No, you don't. What if it isn't over? It was nothing. We were both working on some movie, and a special effects thing went horribly wrong. Terry and Chuck were...hurt. You were almost... You were even cut. You probably were half awake and saw me get nicked by that picture glass. Dreams work like that. You want me not to go on this job? Just be careful, okay? I should survive two days in Palmdale supplying soap bubbles for a detergent commercial, don't you think? Guess so. Heather? What's up? Chase, you'd better come home. Heather, I'm stuck here. Neither Chuck or Terry came in today. I can't get away! He's had some sort of...episode. What? What kind of episode? He was just acting very strange. He thinks somebody's after him, Chase. It's scary, it scared me. He was acting like... Like what? Like Freddy. Chase. Why didn't Chuck or Terry show up? Yes. I'll be there in three hours. Any history of epilepsy in your family? No. Diabetes? No. Was there any trigger event? A trauma, shock or... You haven't shown him any of the films you make, have you? The horror stuff? Does he have to stay here over night? Like what? Ms. Langenkamp. I'm afraid there are no evening visiting hours in Intensive Care. Is he all right? Dylan? He's holding well. Earlier he had some problems, he's in an oxygen tent just now... If these had been a few inches nearer to the wrist... What did you say you cut yourself on? It was an earthquake and it was dark. I have no idea. These look quite fresh. Doctor... Ms. Langenkamp. I suggest you go home and get some rest. Your son is fine. He's been taken downstairs for further testing. He was just here! He was here. You fell asleep. We took him. You looked so exhausted, frankly, we didn't wake you. Besides, the young woman, Julie, is with him. Believe me, everything is fine. DO you mind... I want my kid out of here now! Very well. As soon as we gather the appropriate papers... No way he's going anywhere. He's been well sedated. He doesn't have to be awake to be on his feet. What? no. You going away? Someone's coming. Dylan, I gotta go. Forgive me? Rex saved me. "...as soon as the sun was up the witch made Gretel fetch the wood and kindle a fire. 'We will bake cookies first,' she said. 'I have heated the oven and kneaded the dough. Crawl in and see if the fire is blazing high enough now.' And she pushed Gretel toward the oven. The witch meant to shut the door and bake her once Finish, please! This is going to give you nightmares. Time for sleep. Tomorrow night. "Then their father covered them with kisses and they were safe." Who? Okay, sweetie, night, night, sleep tight. He's on his way. He can follow the breadcrumbs, right? Mommy's fine, Dylan. Just had a bad dream. What're you doing out of bed? Dylan, you go back to sleep now. I can't sleep there, Mommy. Please! In my bed. Your bed? And...what's the man doing? Do you have to die to see God? Why does God let there be bad things? I honestly don't know. Try to sleep, baby. Home. You okay, champ? Can we go get Rex, now? The bad man's getting awful close. Tell you what. I'm gonna go get Rex for you right now. You know home isn't far from here, right? Right 'cross the freeway. Hurry back, please. I'm sleepy. You saw him, didn't you, Dylan!? Dylan, where's the man? What...what is that? Yes. It's a story. A story for a movie. You okay? I'm fine. Everything went great, I thought. We really got you, didn't we? In what, a romantic comedy? Heather? You doing okay? Holding my own. You know that guy who was calling me all the time? He's started again. He's been putting stuff in my mail. Must've read about the funeral. Sick mother. That's the last thing you need right now, I'm sure. Darker. More...evil? Yeah...how'd you know? Anyway, what I was calling about was...have you seen any of the script, by any chance? Wes won't show it until it's finished. That's what he told me, at least. I asked him at the funeral. When do you think it'll be done? What...happened? I know what he's doing is bizarre, but most of the time he seems so normal, so well adjusted. I just can't believe it's him. I mean, and not something outside, influencing him. Or is that how denial works? You're not crazy, by the way. Thinking I saw Freddy in the grave feels pretty crazy. And jumping in... You didn't jump in. That's my memory. And it seemed absolutely real. Seemed, not was. It's in my family, you know. My grandmother died in an institution... I've never mentioned it to him. Freddy, for all I know. A man, or a boy with a deep, y'know, Freddy voice. Six weeks of this, and you're surprised you've got Freddy in your dreams? Hell, Sonny Bono says after a while he was seeing his stalker everywhere. Even at Mass. Really? Absolutely. And how many times has Letterman called the cops thinking that woman was down in his kitchen again? It gets under your skin if you let it. John Saxon. Do you have any idea what time it is? John. It's Heather. I need help! You got it. What's happening? Dylan's run away from the hospital. I don't know whether he's wandering around or heading for the house. But I think Freddy's after him. I know it sounds crazy! You're right. That sounds crazy! Holy... I know how Chase really died. What are you talking about? Fred Krueger did it. Heather Langenkamp? Yes? Is Chase Porter your husband? Yes. I want to see the body. No, you don't, ma'am, it's not necessary. Studio B. Hi. This is Heather Langenkamp. The car's no there yet? No. I...listen, I can't make it in today. I'm sorry, I can't. Listen, dammit. Yeah, Julie, I'm sorry. I just thought...there was an earthquake, I think. Little one, but... Heather, what is it? I'll call the cops for you. You've got the number on the fridge, right? Thanks. Just give them the time he called. They're keeping a list, supposedly. Sorry. My nerves are so raw these days. No, Rex is not going to die. Julie, you know where the sewing stuff is, don't you? No, I don't think that at all. How is he? I can tell you what the nightmares are about. They're about this...entity. Whatever you want to call it. It's old, very old, and it's taken different forms in different times. The only thing that stays the same about it is what it lives for. What's that? This is still a script we're talking about, right? Then, in this nightmare in progress, does this thing have any weaknesses? It can be captured, sometimes. Captured? How? Like the Genie in the bottle. You saying Freddy's this ancient thing? If Freddy's loose, I mean, in your script, where's he going to go? Another age? Another form? That's not what the dreams say he's doing. Then what is he doing? Isn't there anyone that can stop him? Interestingly enough, in the dreams there is one person. A gatekeeper, so to speak. Someone Freddy's got to get by before he can enter our world. It's you, Heather. Me? Why me? Dramatically speaking it makes perfect sense. You played Nancy, after all, the first to humiliate and defeat him. That was Nancy, not me! Dylan. And... Chase. My God, Wes, did you know? Heather, it's just a movie, a dream, really... The way to stop him is to make another movie. And I swear to you I'll stay at my computer and keep writing until I finish the script. But when that time comes... You're gonna have to make a choice. Choice? What kind of choice? I don't know if it has, really. With the exception of One and Three, I've pretty much kept out of it. I'm working in television now. The hours let me spend more time with my husband and little boy. Now that you have a child, is it possible you've decided horror is bad for children? No, not really. I... Do you let your child watch your movies? Of course he is. Freddy's dead and gone. And how about your co-star in NIGHTMARE I. Would you trust him alone with your child? Robert? I... Yes? Heather, this is Sara Risher over at New Line. How are you? Oh, hi. I'm fine, Sara. My God, a voice from the past! Really! Listen, Heather, I won't take but a minute of your time. It's just that we have something to propose to you, and wonder if you'd stop by the offices. Bob'd love to talk to you. Uh...sure...when? No time like the present. The car will bring you. Now? Can I get you something to drink? Coffee'd be nice. Sounds good. Kim, would you get Heather and me a coffee? How you like it, Hon? Black's fine. Did we lose anybody? That low passed through last night. May be a little bumpy out there. Looks like weather. He would have loved this. Your father? All his years at sea, he never stopped talking about these islands. I'd have liked to have said goodbye. He knows. You sound so sure. What? Do you remember the last time you and I danced under the stars? Guilty. You may not like what you hear. I can take it. Why did we begin this? We were idealists. Because we believed we could make an impact out here. Self reliance and community through the disciplines of sailing. I haven't forgotten. Phil, he's not looking inside. He's just striking out at the world. He has a lot of hurt inside him. What are they doing? Oh I was walkin' down Lime street one day... Hey! Weigh! Blow the man down... A pretty young maiden she happened my way... So to all you sailors who've fought wind and whale... Weight! Hey! Blow the man down... She said "None the better, you all go to hell..." Everyone aboard young Bill? Yes, Sir. We'll bear off to port and run down wind. Raise the inner jib! Raise the forestaysail! Why wasn't I made aware of this Bill? I didn't know sir. Come in. Skipper, uh, the crew is pretty much doing group boot over the side. Well, that's all part of it. Everyone out of the rigging NOW! Carry on. Yes sir. Why didn't you drop any sail? Skipper called us out of the rigging. But your instinct was to lose sail? My instinct was to not get electrocuted. How old are you, son? Fifteen. Okay, here's the duty. Gieg, Weathers, Lapchick, Schucart: scrape and paint. Corry and Stricklin have the brass. Robinson, you're the Galley slave. March you're on chain gang with Barnes. Johnston, solo on bilge detail. Butler, what'd I ever do to you? It didn't go over 'til I turned her starboard! There's still a way. What do you mean? Make us proud. Where's Mom? I thought we'd find a store, get you fixed up and then get you some lunch. That sound good? Why don't you go and try some of that on? Fine. When we were growing up I always felt like you would take care of things, that everything would be okay. But you can't make this okay, can you? Albatross? Yeah. Rick March. Who the hell are you? Gieg, Chuck. Look, meet us out front when you're through. If they try to take anything away from you like Johnny Quest up there, just make a list and we'll have 'em send it down to the boat. What the "Bowsprit Affair"? She isn't that old. What do you mean? I walked in on my parents one time. It was only like eight o'clock and they were in bed and I thought that was kinda weird so I just walked in. That's what they get for not locking the door. Yeah. Where you going? Yeah, that's right. You wanna come in and shake it for me? If you're gonna cheat, you might as well copy off somebody who's gonna get the answer right. I cheated to get on the boat!!! All right?! I doctored my grades so I'd make the cut. I'm a moron, okay? You satisfied?! You're not a moron. They were gonna put me into special- ed this year. I stole a copy of my transcript, changed all the grades. Shit, who am I kidding. I'll never pass the boards. Bregitta. Do you believe it? Believe what? You okay? Ninety-six. Congratulations. It's a ninety-one! It's an 'A'! I know. You know? Then why are you up here looking like you're about to jump overboard?! I just can't believe it. I couldn't have done it without you. Feels different doesn't it? What? That we're going back. I don't want it to end. I don't want to be what I was when I left. What was that? I've been getting ninety-sixes my whole life. It's what they expect. After all this, I still haven't figured it out. Figured what out? Who I am, outside of this boat. What the hell I'm doing here. You know, I never had friends like this. Me either. You gonna jump? Or are you just having a last look? I was just thinking that I never had a new pair of shoes till I was twelve. It's no my fault I was born first. Besides, nobody ever sent me on an eight month vacation, so ease up on the sad sack stuff. It's not a vacation, it's private school. I thought this was your dream come true. That's not why he's sending me. Why then. I'm just not like you. Ya know? I'm never going to go to Yale. I'm never going to be "William". Nobody says you have to be like me. He does. Hey, shut up will ya? God damn it man. I think he broke my nose! Yeah, but how are you supposed to make the first move? Why'd you do it? What's the difference? You only hurt yourself you know? Can we talk? Everybody's saying this whole tribunal is happening because of your father. Because of you. Well that's just typical isn't it? Is it true Phil? I gotta go. You weren't there, you don't know what happened. Sorry to here it. Listen man, I think I have a problem. We all have problems. You taking the order wouldn't have changed anything. They don't know that. We were the only one's on deck. Look, there's nothing they can do to me right? I'm a kid. But that's not the point... Honey, did you know that the Albatross was captured by the Germans during World War II? No, I didn't. It says she was originally Schooner rigged, but Captain Sheldrake turned her into a brigantine. I think square rigs look so much more romantic. Do you have your ticket? Yes. Passport? Goodbye Mom. I'll be okay. What the hell is going on? Jesus. How ya doing? Fine. Good. Look, I appreciate, you know, the concern and all, but like he said, I can take care of myself. I feel like I got you into this. Forget it. I'm used to spending a lot of time alone. I guess that's what I thought it would be out here. But, it's not is it? I'm sorry I left you hanging up there. You think Skipper and Alice do it? Do what? Ya know... "It". No way! So... What happened? What'd you do? My parents don't do it anymore. How do you know? They might. Where are you from any way? Depths of hell... Ohio. How 'bout you? It was so real... Who told you that? My dad. It works? That's how he died you know. Who? My brother. He fell out of the old beech tree. Broke his neck. I was on a camp out. They started going at it, throwin' things, a real knock down... They didn't find him 'till the next morning. They didn't even know why he was up there. Jesus, you never told them? What are they doing? I can't go in there. Hold her steady into the wind. Southwest by west. Yes sir. Ah... Northeast... sir. Northeast sir! Yes, sir. You all right? Remember something, sooner or later... we all have to face it. Uh, huh. Would you, um, say it's a big storm? Shouldn't we turn away? What's on your mind? Well, spit it out. Can't do it. Sir...? Why do you think I'm sending him home? The Dolphin was a symptom. Of what? Of a fight he can't win out here. I mean he has all these expectations and he doesn't even know who his own kid is. What right did then have to show up here? They have every right Chuck. Does Phil know how you guys feel? I don't know. Chicken is a fool's game captain. So is violating international law. But you invited is aboard. Stow away? He left his passport in Curacao. It's being mailed to Panama. Why didn't you turn hard to port as the wind hit? But the Captain ordered you hard to starboard. Twice. Is that what you were trained to do? No. Then what do you think he was trying to do. So when the captain gave you an order contrary to your training, you thought he was making a mistake? Albatross? Doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. I'm Francis Boutillier. This is my son, Philip. Your cable said you wouldn't be putting out until mid-October. As you can see, there's a lot to do. Indentured servitude is not what my son had in mind. And I would have expected compensation for my time and expense coming all the way down here. I'll be frank with you. This was his mother's idea. A romp through the Caribbean on a sailboat sounds more like a vacation than an education if you ask me. It will be more than that, I can promise you. We'll do our best. You're welcome to say goodbye. Well, we thought we'd drop in and see if you were all still in one piece. And, of course, we are. What is it we can do for you today? What's wrong, you don't like steak? I should be eating with the crew. Humor me. Eat it anyway. Spying?! I can take care of myself. Oh, really? Listen to me, you thankless little prick. We're your parents, so don't you dare talk to me disrespectfully. What the hell is it, this captain? Because I'll see him in a rowboat... It has nothing to do with him. Well, what does it have to do with? Us? Who is it Philip? I think you were too hard on Weathers. You do? I need to know what I'm working with; what their boundaries are. Their lives depend on it, and for that matter so does yours. We've got to bring them together. Make them a crew. We're as strong as our weakest link and I don't want to find that out the hard way. So, I will challenge them and they will come together. Yes sir. What?! What's happening?!! You're officer of the watch, George. Son-of-a-bitch. I guess we know what the next acquisition for the galley is going to be... What's that? Immortality. Spirits have a way of bringing that out. And being sixteen. They're in a hurry to grow up. They don't know about consequences or responsibility. That's being sixteen too. I promise you one thing... What's that? Jesus. She's got guns. They think we're carrying Cuban refugees. Skipper, they mean to board us. Oh Jesus, oh Jesus. Man I knew we shouldn't have gone. I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you. You guys made me come! You made me come!! Yeah, well you're really gonna have some bad dreams if we find out you didn't. That's enough. How the hell are we gonna get outta here? We'll think of something. Hell, they even kicked me outa vo- tech 'cause I couldn't read a slide rule. Me, too. Jesus! What the hell happened to him. What's your problem? Why'd you jump? Because I felt like it. What do you care? I couldn't do it. Don't ever call me stupid. I'll read it. I mean I don't mind. If you've got "a broad" available I'll take her. How would you know? Trust me donut. I know. What? Come on... Damn, Porkchop, you sound just like a guy who ain't never seen a pair. They tell you that? It matters to me. Why, man? I don't. That's not a satisfactory answer. Much have I traveled in realms of gold/ And many goodly states and kingdoms seen/ Round many western islands have I been/ Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold/ Oft of one wide expanse had I been told/ That deep-browed Homer ruled as his demesne. This isn't just a story!! It's history made allegory. It is a philosophical handbook for life! It holds the secret of this very voyage. What? The rust won't wait for you to read Conrad, Goodall. Then he shouldn't have written such a long poem, Mr. Lawford. Well, that was neighborly. What's wrong Mr. Lawford. Tie it off!! What do you think? We've got a problem. What's that? Terry left his passport in Curacao. We could hide him... If he's a Cuban, Castro wears a dress. You gotta be kidding? He's a human chum line! They're waving... handkerchiefs or something. Fuck off man. It's just a fish. You're the one who doesn't care, Phil. It hurts too much to care. About yourself? How long you been standing there? What are we supposed to talk about? You've gotta be kidding? But, they don't speak English. Phil. What are you doing? Fandango, Junior. I'm gonna do some limbo baby!! No way Phil. Not like this. It's outta here! I don't know. We gotta get 'im outta here before Skipper sees him like this. You're a day late. We keep a schedule aboard ship. Lives depend on it. Hello, Philip. Suicidal... Do you have something to say? No. No, sir. Do me a favor and tell Bill once she's dogged down I want everyone to break out their slickers and make sure their gear is stowed or we'll spend the next week sorting underwear. Lawford, Bill, Mike, John, and Phil will stand the watch. Everyone else hit the racks. I have arranged to host a good will cruise for the Dutch students of the local school there. Joy, rapture... I'm not gonna kill it. Swing up, son. What? What's it going to be? I'm sorry... What are you blubbering about? Don't look down. Look in my eyes! Climb! We'll do it together. I can't. You climb damn it, or so help me I'll haul you to the foretop by your diaper and leave you there! Are you hating this?! Are you! I hate you, you son of a bitch!!! Is it true that you forced Robin Weathers to climb the mast when it was clear that he was acrophobic. He climbed when he was ready. Sir, were you aware at any time of the use of alcohol among the crew. No. What makes you so sure it was one? I can't be sure. You really felt that your crew were up for the conditions. We'd come twelve thousand miles together, through every kind of seas imaginable... Except, a "White Squall". With all due respect Captain Sheldrake, they're only boys... They are much more than that, sir. Is it true that the reason you expelled Philip Boutillier... For killing a dolphin. Yes, that's true. Do you think this is funny? Some kind of joke? You lost six people out there. Yes. There are allegations questioning your competence with regard to the command of the Albatross. I have been instructed to convene a formal tribunal to determine whether or not negligence played a part in the sinking. I understand. How'd you manage to piss off a guy as powerful as Francis Boutillier? It wasn't hard. I used to helm a school ship. A long time ago. The families... want your ticket. Turn it in, we forget the whole thing. Everybody goes home. ... Absolutely not. The papers are going to eat you alive. Even if you beat it, you'll never get another commission. They want someone to be accountable. And you didn't do anything about it? If this young man had responded instantly to your command, do you believe the ship might have been spared? I don't know that anything could have prevented what happened. Soon as we ship it'll be "forgetta". Don't mind him, Chucky. You're talking to a guy whose idea of big romance is a palm full of Vaseline. Easy for you to say. What's that supposed to mean?! Everybody knows why she went over Tod. You jibed the boat. I was trying to get her up wind! That's what you do when you're hit a-beam. Or maybe you're too stupid to know that! Come in, Montgomery, Alabama. Artie? That you, Artie? Yes, ma'am. What's on your almost- perfect mind this evening? How ya feelin', Artie? I heard you wasn't doin' too well recent. I'm fine, thank you. I had a cardiac infarction but I'm on a new diet and exercising regularly. I've never felt better. Well, that's so good to hear, Artie. You know some of us depend on you down this way. You're so entertainin' and you get so many interestin' guests. I can dig this music... But not that singer. Why? He's right in the groove. He's so ugly. Guys with beards and beer guts ain't quite my type. Seein's how you're about as thick as a used string of unwaxed dental floss, don't know how you can criticize. Meetin' him at the gate. That phone call this afternoon was the signal. My deranged mama's hid the keys to my car. But of course, I know exactly where they are. I didn't hate me so much, I'd feel better wishin' you luck. Can't all husbands be perfect, and your Elmo prob'ly wouldn'ta ever got that second one pregnant, you hadn't kicked his ass out. So you're gonna be needin' the "blue- bird" pretty soon? Sorry, gentlemen. I'm 'most finished on my shoppin' here. This be it? Y'all take American Express? Yessir. I'd just soon have a paper bag rather than a plastic one, if it's same to you. What's Cao Ben? How old are you? Hey, pretty woman... Sailor here? No, he's out changin' the oil in the car. Man, I gotta take a piss bad... Can I use your head there? Well... Yeah - okay. Hey... You gotta smell in this room of puke... You been pukin' in here, little girl? Huh?... You sick?... Pregnant? You used the toilet, now you can go - what I do around here ain't any of your business, that's for sure. You know, I really do like a woman with tits like yours that talks tough and acts like she can fuck like a bunny... Can you fuck like that?... You like it like a bunny?... Huh?... Cause baby, I'll fuck you like a real good like a big ol' jack-rabbit bunny... Jump all around in that hole... Bobby Peru doesn't come up for air. Get out. Bobby Peru grab you now... Hold you tight... Feel everythin' in you now... Stay quiet... Say "fuck me" and then I'll leave. No way... GET OUT!!! Whisper it... Whisper "fuck me"... Whisper... Whisper... Whisper... Whisper... Fuck me. I'm from all over. Need a hand? How 'bout a beer? That'd be fine, Bobby. Let's go by Rosarita's. You been there yet? No, haven't heard of it. This your car? Hell, no, belongs to my girl's sister. The sister's been over to New Orleans, lets us have it while she's gone. Where's that pretty little lady of yours today? Restin' in our room. She ain't been feelin' well. Sorry to hear it. Thought you said this was a private club. How come I'm allowed in without bein' a member? You black? No. You an indian? No. Then you're a member... Three or four millionaires in here right now. They look like a bunch of good ol' boys to me. I guess it's oil money, huh? Oil, gas, cattle, farmin'. Ain't nobody shows off around here. Iguana County's one of the richest in Texas. Wouldn'ta guessed it, that's sure. Ready for another? I been studyin' a situation over in Lobo, take two men to handle it. What's that? No... I don't think so, man. Be easy, Sailor. There's two employees. I take one in the back to open the safe, you keep the other'n covered... You ain't plannin' on raisin' a fam'ly in Big Tuna, are ya? Whattaya mean family? Well... I mean like Lula bein' in a family way. Couple grand or more'd give you two a leg up. Get you to the west coast, Mexico, most anyplace, with a few dollars in your jeans. I got it figured good, Sailor. When did you talk to Lula? Talked to her this afternoon... While you was out. She really say she was pregnant? Just took a guess is all... You in or out on this deal? I ain't fuckin' sure, Bobby. Don't think about it too long. You had enough? Have now. How much money you have between the two a'ya right now?... Forty bucks... I don't particularly care for that kind of talk, Bobby. Hey... I never said you was a pussy... Always figured you had the big ol' round balls for this kind'a thing... Sure would set you and that pretty little girl up good. ...But DAMN man... This better go smooth. What's she doin' here? She's my girl... She's drivin'... That bother you? Why should it? That's right... Take one of these. What is it? Nice of you to drop by. Told ya I would. You still riled? Ain't never had no girl pull a blade on me. Wish I'd fuckin' cut you up good. You heard from Reggie? The cobra's waitin' to strike, chica. That guy Sailor came around this afternoon... Asked me if there was a contract out on 'im. No shit?!?! You know him? Used to. What'd you say? That's right... Could have a bad accident, though... before... durin'... or after a hold-up... What's gonna happen when he sees me drivin' the car tomorrow? Gas? Mostly black though in that boogie place. What's the name of it? Club Zanzibar. You say it's straight ahead a mile? About. Where Lafitte crosses over Galvez Highway. State Road 86. Hey!!!... Johnnie Farragut. How are you, my man. Real good, Chet... It's been awhile. Everythin's relative. Where's that Marietta Pace Fortune? You two didn't split up, I hope. No... She's fine. Back home. What'll it be? The regular? Black Label? So who you out sleuthin' for now?... Can I help ya? Actually, I'm lookin' for Marietta's daughter, Lula. Her and 'er beau took off the other day. Marietta's real upset about it. Hell, that rings a bell. Someone told me somebody lookin' like her was at the Nothin' Fancy yesterday. Sounds right... I'll check it out. You hitched yet? No sir... It's none of my business, but when are you and Marietta gonna tie the knot? I always wondered why you never did. Not for lack of love, I can tell ya that. That's what I mean... Always looked like you was just knocked out in love... Was real nice to see. Alright... By all means. Make yourselves at home. No big buildings like in New Orleans. I thought you two were in Austin, Texas. Or Takes-us, as they say in these parts. So, it's back to the islands. But how are you finding New Orleans, Senor Farragut? Mr. San Pedro Sula is from Honduras. Oh, many things... Mr. San Pedro Sula's got an appliance shop. That is my permiso. Mr. San Pedro Sula's permit to kill. Mr. San Pedro Sula's authorized to carry a .45. He wants to take Mr. San Pedro Sula and me bass fishing. My name's George Kovich. Bet you've heard of me. Don't know that I have... Should I know about you for anythin' in particular? If your neighbors didn't mind, how'd you get put out of business? Woman drivin' down the street spotted me with on a roof with my rifle. She called the police and they came over and arrested me. Thought I was a sniper! Boys at the VFW loved that one. Cops didn't understand about the pigeons, the damage they do to personal property. I used to complain to the city but they never lifted a finger. I What happened on the charges? The Good Witch... Sailor... Lula loves you. But I'm a robber and a manslaughterer and I haven't had any parental guidance. She's forgiven you of all these things... You love her... Don't be afraid, Sailor. But I'm wild at heart. Are you going to provide me with an opportunity to prove my love to my girl? Or are you gonna save yourself some trouble and step up like a gentleman and apologize to her? Don't fuck with me, man. You look like a clown in that stupid jacket. This is a snakeskin jacket, and for me it's a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom. ...Asshole. I'm sorry to do this to ya here in front of a crowd, but I want ya to stand up and make a nice apology to my girl. You are from New Orleans, Senor Farragut? Only that it's supposed to be a pretty poor sight since the hurricane came through last year. In what capacity? General Osvaldo Tamarindo y Ramirez. Telefono 666. Why are you in New Orleans? If you don't mind my askin'. The same to you. If you are in Honduras, come to the Bay Islands and visit us. The Hondurans are great friends of the American people. But I have a joke for you before I go. If a liberal, a socialist, and a communist all jumped off the roof of the Empire State Building at the same time, which one of them would hit Would you like to enjoy a martini with us? Why not? How was the fishin'? Teddy Roosevelt, one of the local shrimp boat captains is in jail now. These people are friends of mine, so I must return and find out what happened. This island of yours sounds like a kind of unpredictable place. Hasta siempre. Hasta siempre. Do you know how it came about that copper wire was invented in Scotland? Gotta admit, you guys are - two in four dozen. I forgot to show you this. The gentlemen that gave this to me said you'd recognize it. Said he wanted it'd be 'bout the last thing you ever saw in this life. I knew this would happen. Soon as that piece of filth got out of Pee Dee, I knew there'd be trouble. He's just got some kind of influence over her I can't decipher. There's somethin' wild in Lula I don't know where it comes from. You gotta find 'em, Johnnie. He served his time for what he did. Another thing... If Lula went with him of her own volition - willingly, that is - there ain't much can be done about it. I'll hire a hit man if you don't want to help me stop this thing. I'll call Marcello Santos. Now, Marietta, I am goin' to help you. And don't be gettin' carried away. You don't want to be bringin' Santos and his people into it. You're just jealous of Santos cause he's sweet on me. Darlin', you ain't seein' Santos again, are ya? Oh, Johnnie Farragut... Don't you trust your very own Marietta? Sorry, sweetheart. Bein' in love with you like I am brings out that ugly jealous side. Well stop worryin' about me and start worryin' about how you're gonna get that Lula back here and away from that murderer. Maybe I was there, but I didn't see anythin'. All I know's that trash killed a man with his bare hands. Hands which are now prob'ly all over my baby! No, Marietta, I haven't found 'em. Really, Marietta, you got more scenarios swimmin' around in your brain than Carter got pills. Try to take it easy. Go over to Myrtle Beach for a few days. I'm stayin' right here by the phone until you find Lula, then I'm comin' to get her. You call soon's you got somethin', even if it's three in the a.m. I got some news, Marietta. Lula and Sailor been here. They checked out of the Hotel Brazil on Frechman Street yesterday. Listen, Johnnie, Lula just called me. She knew you were in N.O., so they left the city. Did she tell you where she was callin' from? No, but my guess is they're headed west, so prob'ly Texas. Their money must be runnin' low. I don't think Sailor had much to begin with, if any, and Lula took the six hundred she had saved in the Cherokee Thrift. How'd she sound? Was she doin' okay? Could she be doin' okay, Johnnie? She's tryin' to prove somethin' to me, that's all. Lula ain't doin' no more'n showin' off, defyin' me... Johnnie, I've done somethin' bad... What? I won't tell you over the phone. I'm comin' to N.O. and I'll tell you then. Marietta, I was just gonna leave and see if I could pick up their trail. No, you wait right there for me... I'll be on the Piedmont flight tomorrow at seven. Meet me at the airport. I'll meet you, Marietta, if that's what you want, but I'm against it. Who was that?... Who know's your here? What is it, Johnnie? Johnnie, I can't tell you, honey. Is there anyway we can get on the road tonight? We've got to find them kids. Somethin' was upsettin' you bad last night, and you wanted to tell me and I figured you wanted to tell me so's I could help... I did, honey, but that was last night... Let's just find those two kids before it's too late. Honey, I have to ask you this... Is Santos involved in any of this? Hell no, baby... I wouldn'ta done that without tellin' you. That bastard Pucinski... Who?... Uncle Pooch?... Yeah... The one that introduced Santos to you and Clyde. Johnnie... That's the past... We gotta get on to our future, sugar! All I have to do is grab my suitcase, and I'm ready. You're lucky cause I happen to love night drivin'. Let's head for Texas and see if we can pick up the trail. Did I tell ya it's great to see ya again? I'll pack my things and meet you downstairs. And to think what coulda happened in that king-sized bed tonight... You won't of missed much. Don't give me no trouble now, Pace, please. This ain't the easiest day in a long time. And what do you mean how are we gonna know what your daddy looks like? You seen his photo. Damn it, child! Now look what you made me do. Nothin', honey. Mama's just actin' strange. You ain't actin', mama. I still ain't sure what my daddy looks like. Like you, sweetheart. You and your daddy got the same mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. Only difference is your color hair is like mine. My daddy ain't never killed nobody, has he, mama? Course he ain't never killed nobody. Why'd you say that, Pace? Heard grandpa Santos and grandmama talkin'. And? Grandmama said how Sailor murdered a man. Why we sittin' here, mama? I'm scared, mama. Why, honey? Case daddy don't like me. What if he don't like that I don't got his color hair. Hey baby... Hey, my snakeskin jacket... Thanks, baby... Did I ever tell you that this here jacket for me is a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom? 'Bout fifty thousand times. I got us a room at the Cape Fear, and guess what?... I hear Powermad's at "The Hurricane." Did you ever think somethin' like about the wicked witch of the east comin' flyin' in?... Did you ever think somethin' and then later think you've said it out loud to someone? I really did miss your mind while I was out at Pee Dee, honey. The rest of you, too, of course. But the way your head works is God's own private mystery. What was it you was thinkin'? Well, I was thinkin' about smokin' actually... My mama smokes Marlboros now, used to be she smoked Kools? I stole 'em from her beginnin' in about sixth grade. When I got old enough to buy my own, I bought those. Now I've just about settled on Mores, as you probably noticed? They're longer. I guess I started smokin' when I was about six... My mama was already dead from lung cancer... What brand'd she smoke? Camels, same as me... Guess both my mama and my daddy died of smoke or alcohol related illness. Gee, Sailor. I'm sorry, honey. I never would have guessed it. It's okay. I hardly used to see them anyway. I didn't have much parental guiding. The public defender kept sayin' that at my parole hearin'. He was a good ol' boy, stood by me... Even brought me some cartons of cigarettes from time to time. I'd stand by you, Sailor... through anything. You're perfect for me, too. You remind me of my daddy, you know? Mama told me he liked skinny women whose breasts were just a bit too big for their bodies. He had a long nose, too, like theirs. Did I ever tell you how he died? In a fire, as I recall. You have such a pretty, long neck, like a swan. Sailor, you are somethin' else, honey... When I was fifteen, Mama told me that pretty soon I'd be startin' to think about sex, and I should talk to her before I did anything about it. But honey, I thought you told me your Uncle Pooch raped you when you was thirteen. That's true. Uncle Pooch wasn't really an uncle. He was a business partner of my daddy's? And my mama never knew nothin' about me and him - that's for damn sure. His real name was somethin' kind of European, like Pucinski. But everyone just called him Pooch. He came around the house sometimes when Daddy was away. I always figured he was sweet on You're terrible crude sometimes, Sailor, you know? I said you can be too crude sometimes? I don't think I care for it. Sorry, sugar. Go on and tell me how old Pooch done the deed. Uncle Pooch came in the side door through the porch, you know? Where I was makin' a jelly and banana sandwich? I remember I had my hair in curlers cause I was goin' that night with Vicki and Cherry Ann, the DeSoto sisters. Uncle Pooch must have known nobody but me was home, cause he came right in and put both his hands on So how'd he finally nail you? Right there in the kitchen? He was short but powerful. With hairy arms? Anyway, he carried me into the maid's dayroom which nobody used. We did it there on an old bed. 'We' did it? Whattaya mean? Didn't he force you? Well, sure. But he was super-gentle, you know? I mean, he raped me and all, but I guess there's all different kinds of rapes. I didn't exactly want him to do it but I suppose once it started, it didn't seem all that terrible. It was over pretty quick, and after Uncle Pooch just stood there and pulled up his trousers and left me And you never told nobody about it? Just you. Uncle Pooch never acted strange or different after. And he never did anything else to me. I always got a nice present from him at Christmas, like a coat or jewelry? One hundred twenty decibels - head on collision of a '54 Ford Pick-Up and a '64 Chevy Station Wagon. No survivors. Balls of flame and grinding metal. Uncle Pooch died in a car crash three years later while he was holidayin' in Myrtle Beach. They still got way too much traffic there for my taste... And another thing, baby... That government of ours should be keepin' us separated from outer space... Here she goes again... You okay, honey? That woman's laugh creeps me out. I heard somethin' like that... somewhere before... Sound'd like the wicked witch... Just sounded like an old gal havin' a good time to me... You ready to dance? Hell, you just rubbed up against the wrong girl is all. What you want to watch this trash for? Ain't one of those people have a real thought in their brain. That so? You want to tell me what, if any, real thoughts you had lately? What's that honey? I'm sorry, sweetie. I forget some moments where all you been the last two years. Twenty-three months, eighteen days is all. Don't need to make more'n it was. This couple's goin' on a date to Hawaii. The girl chose him over the other two guys. Don't the reject guys get anythin'? Gift certificates to Kentucky Fried Chicken. That don't seem fair. Sailor? Yeah? Wouldn't it be fabulous if we somehow stayed in love for the rest of our lives? You think of the weirdest damn things to say sometimes, peanut. Ain't we been doin' a pretty fair job this far? Oh, you know exactly what I mean, honey? It'd make the future so simple and nice. At Pee Dee, all you think about is the future, you know? Gettin' out? And what you'll do and what you'll think about when you're on the outside again. I just think about things as they come up. I never been much of a planner. Musta been a lesson tellin' ya it was the wrong time... What did you do, your mama find out? ...I hope you appreciate my spendin' six hundred dollars, not countin' what it cost us to get here and back... This man's the best damn abortionist in the South. You tell the boy who knocked you up? It was my cousin, Dell, done it? His folks used to visit with us summers. What happened to him? Oh, nothin'. I never let on to mama about Dell bein' the one. I just flat refused to tell her who the daddy was? I didn't tell Dell, neither. He was back home in Chattanooga by then, anyhow, and I didn't see the point. Somethin' terrible happened to him, though. Six months ago. What's that, peanut? Actin' funny how? One time, Aunt Rootie caught Dell puttin' one big cockroach on his anus? Hell, peanut... ...are followin' him around. Prob'ly the rain boys from Outer Space. The private eye cost Aunt Rootie over a thousand dollars? Then a little while later Dell ran off a third time to some place he said would "give him peace of mind." Nobody's seen him since. Sound like ol' Dell's more'n just a little confused, peanut... Too bad he couldn't visit that ol' Wizard of Oz and get some good advice. Too bad we all can't, baby... One thing about Dell? What's that? When he was about seventeen, he startin' losin' his hair. So? He's twenty-four now? A year older than you? And must be 'bout bald. There's worse things that can happen to a man, honey. Let's go dancin', peanut. I'm ready. We gotta be careful, honey, my mama's gonna have Johnnie Farragut on us like a duck on a june bug, and he's one clever detective? You know how clever? He once told me that he could find an honest man in Washington. My toenails gotta dry first anyways, Sailor. One thing puzzles my mind, sugar... You're twenty years old - aren't you ever curious why your mama has this fixation on keepin' us apart? Puttin' a detective on us. I'll tell ya Lula... Well... It's more'n me killin' Bob Ray Lemon... Maybe my mama cares for me just a little too much... Sailor! You up for that? I'd got to the far end of the world for you, baby... You know I would. ...That's an awful long way to go, just to get some pussy. Yeah, I had my first taste on that trip to Juarez. At that age you still got a lot of energy. Sorry, baby... When's the first time you done it with a girl who wasn't hookin'? She looked right at me and run her tongue over her lips and put her hand on my arm - told me her name was Irma. What'd you say to her? When she got almost to the top step I stuck my hand between her legs from behind. Oh, baby. What a bad boy you are! That's just what she said. I had a boner with a capital "O." I went to kiss her but she broke off laughin' and ran down the hallway. I found her lyin' on a bed in a room filled with assault weapons and Penthouse magazines. She was a wild chick. She was wearin' bright orange pants with kind of Spanish lookin' lacy black stripes You mean like pedal pushers? She just rolled over onto her stomach and stuck her ass up in the air. I slid my hand between her legs and she closed her thighs on it. You're excitin' me, honey. What'd she do? Her face was half-pushed into the pillow, and she looked back over her shoulder at me and said, 'I won't suck you. Don't ask me to suck you.' Poor baby. She don't know what she missed. What color hair she have? I'll drop mama a postcard from somewhere. I mean, I don't want her to worry no more'n necessary. What do you mean by necessary? She's prob'ly already called the cops, my parole officer, her p.i. boyfriend Johnnie Farragut. I suppose so. She knew I was bound to see you soon as you was sprung, but I don't figure she counted on us takin' off together like this... I guess this means you're breakin' parole, then? You guess? My parole was broke two hundred miles back when we burnt Portagee County. What'll it be like in California, Sailor, do you think? I hear it don't rain much there. You got about six more big states to go before we find out. That don't smell like a More. It ain't. It's part of the lessons of life. I picked me up a pack of Vantages before we left the Cape? They sure do stink. Yeah, I guess, but - and here's the lesson part - they ain't supposed to be so bad for you. You ain't gonna begin worryin' about what's bad for you at this hour, are you, sugar? I mean, here you are crossin' state lines with a A-Number One certified murderer. Manslaughterer, honey, not murderer. Don't exaggerate. Okay, manslaughterer who's broke his parole and got in mind nothin' but immoral purposes far's you're concerned. Life is a bitch and then you marry one. What kinda trash talk is that? What it says on the bumper sticker up front. On that pickup. That's disgustin'. Those kinda sentiments shouldn't be allowed out in public. Is this Biloxi yet? Almost. I figure we should find us a place to stay and then go eat. Got anyplace special in mind? How about that one? The Host of the Old South Hotel. I H-A-T-E hotel bedspreads. They don't hardly never get washed, and I don't like the idea of lyin' on other people's dirt. Come look at this. What's that, honey? There ain't no water in the swimmin' pool. Just a dead tree fell in, prob'ly from bein' struck by lightnin'. It's huge. This musta been a grand old place at one time. M-i-ss-i-ss-i-pp-i... You can almost hear that jazz blowin' up from the big N.O. Lula... I learned somethin' interestin' today on a science show I heard on the radio... How leeches is comin' back into style. Got you a pack of Mores again, huh? Yeah, it's a real problem for me, Sailor, you know? When I went in that drugstore by the restaurant in Biloxi? I saw 'em by the register and the girl throw 'em in. I'm not big on resistin'. So what about a leech? Heard on the radio how doctors is usin' leeches again, just in old times. You know, when even barbers used 'em? Yeah, well listen to this... Radio said back in the 1920s a I-talian doctor figured out that if, say, a fella got his nose cut off or bit off in, say, a barfight or somethin', they'd sew one of his forearms to his nose for a few weeks... Then put leeches on it. Sailor? You expect me to believe a man'd be goin' around with a arm sewed to his nose? Sailor Ripley! You stop! You're makin' this shit up and I ain't gonna sit for it! Honest, Lula. I prob'ly ain't precisely got all the facts straight, but it's about what they said. We're about dry bones, sweetheart. We don't wanna have to push this "bird" into New Orleans. I love it when your eyes get wild, honey. They light up all blue almost and little white parachutes pop out of 'em. Oh, Sailor you're so aware of what goes on with me? I mean, you pay attention. And I swear, you got the sweetest cock. Sometimes it's like it's talkin' to me when you're inside? Like it's got a voice all it's What lesson do get outta that story, Lula? It's just another case, Sailor. What's that, peanut? Huh? Ever imagine what it'd be like to get eaten alive by a wild beast? Sometimes I think it would be the biggest thrill? My God, it better be, darlin', cause it'd be the last... What time is it? Lula, sometimes I gotta admit, you come up with some weird thoughts... Anythin' interestin' in the world come out of somebody's weird thoughts, Sailor. You tell me Sailor, who could come up with shit like we're seein' these days? You got me, peanut. You certain? I ain't never met anyone come close to you, sugar. Recall the time we was sittin' one night behind the Confederate soldier? Leanin' against it. And you took your hand and put it on your heart and you said, 'You feel it beatin' in there, Lula?... Get used to it, 'cause it belongs to you now.' D'you recall that? I do. I really do think it's the best night of my life. We didn't do nothin' special I can remember. Just talked, is all. Talkin's good. Long as you got the other? I'm a big believer in talkin', case you ain't noticed. Too bad they don't give an award for talkin'... You'd win first prize. Especially with those tits. You think so, baby? Does my talkin' bother you, honey? No, I like gettin' up around four a.m. and talkin' bout wild animals... Though you woke me up this time in the middle of a dream. I kinda wish I didn't remember it. Up at Pee Dee, I couldn't remember any of my dreams. What was this one? The water was rollin' off me. And I was dirty, too, like I hadn't had no bath in a long time, so the sweat was black almost. Boy, sweetie, this is weird, okay. I know. I kept walkin', I headed for your house, only it wasn't your house, really. You let me in only you weren't real pleased to see me. You kept askin', 'Why'd you come to see me now? Why now?' Like it'd been a long time since we'd seen each other. Oh, baby, what an idea. I'd always be happy to see you, no matter what. Sometimes dreams just don't mean nothin'... Stuff comes into your mind and you don't have no control over, you know? Anyways, dreams ain't no odder than real life. Sometimes not by half. Let's get outta here... I suddenly got a funny feelin' about this place. Feelin' all that voodoo... Gotta hex from a voodoo? Who do? Oh my God... It's Johnnie... Duck down!... Get goin'! Where? Never mind where... Get outta here... I mean it, Sailor. You think he saw us? Who knows, baby? He was sittin' there havin' a beignet at the Cafe Du Monde. Do you think he saw us? Sure you wanna do this? Might be a way they could track us. You don't feel you was a little hard on the guy, honey? I know you're thinkin' that I got more'n some of my mama in me? Well, I couldn't help it. Sailor, I really couldn't. I'm sorry for that guy, but when he pulled that drippin' hunk of awful-smellin' meat out of his pocket? I near barfed. And them poor diseased puppies! Just part of life on the road, peanut. I wouldn't mind a little night life. How about you? Hard to tell what's shakin' in a place like this, honey. You don't want to be walkin' in the wrong door. You ready for this? I'll be damned if I'm leavin'. That band is too good? Uh huh. You notice that woman when we come in? The white woman sittin' by herself? Yeah. Well, she ain't talked to nobody and ain't nobody spoke to her that I could tell. What you make of that? Honey, we bein' strangers here and all, this is the kinda place we don't want to make nothin' of nothin'. What's wrong, sweetheart? Somethin' botherin' you? Mama. I been thinkin' about her. She's prob'ly worried to death by now. More'n likely. I want to call her and tell her I'm okay. That we're okay. I ain't so sure it's a great idea, but that's up to you. Just don't tell her where we are. I was just wastin' time, peanut, till you come back. It's me who's wastin' time, Sailor, bein' with you. Honey, I'm sorry. It wasn't nothin'. Come on and get up and we'll take off. Leave me be for a minute? Mama gets all insane and then I see you practicin' your individuality and personal freedom with some oil-town tramp. How you figure I'm gonna feel? How much we got left, honey? Under a hundred. You want to stick around here, Sailor? See if we can get some work? Not in Houston. We'd be better off in some place more out of the way. You want me to drive for a stretch? Give you a chance to rest. What's that, peanut? The world's gettin' worse, I think, Sailor. And it don't sound like there's much we can do about it, neither. Sure is a big deal round here... Alamo Road, Alamo Street, Alamo Square, Alamo Buildin', Alamo Alamo. They ain't forgettin' about it in a hurry. That's the thing 'bout memory? Some things you wish you could forget... What's troublin' you, sugar? You know, Lula, I never told you what all I was doin' before I met you. I just figured you was out bein' Mr. Cool... Not exactly, sugar... One reason we're in all the trouble we're in right now is cause of what I was doin'... I tried to tell you this before... You're scarin' me, baby. Well, there's a good side as well as a bad side to it... The good side is I knew your daddy, and I thought Clyde was a good ol' guy... You knew my daddy? Yes I did... I sure did... The bad side of it is I did some drivin' for a man named Marcello Santos... Oh shit... I quit workin' for 'im, but just before I did, I ended up one night at a house... I don't know what it is they all think I saw that night, but I was just sittin' out in the car till the whole place went up in flames. God, Sailor... That's the night my daddy died. I know, sugar... But while the place was burnin'... Before Santos came out - I pitched some rocks at the second floor windows case anyone was upstairs sleepin'... Afterwards... When I met you, I always liked to think I mighta saved your life. That's some big secret you been carryin', Sailor. We all got a secret side, baby. Hope you don't think I been lyin' to you 'bout other things, sugar. How'd you know my daddy? Lula, you there? Yeah, I'm here. You upset with me? That night in the fire while my daddy was dyin'... I saw mama up in her room with Santos... ...They was laughin' arm in arm like animals. I didn't want to say it... but I had a feelin' Santos was up to somethin' with your mama... My mama... So Sailor, our histories have been somewhat intertwined. They have, sugar. I take that as a sign that we were destined by fate to be together. It's a comfortin' idea. Well, we're really out in the middle of it now, ain't we? There's worse places, honey. If you say so. Trust me on it. I do trust you, Sailor. Like I ain't never trusted nobody before. We'll be alright, peanut, long as we've got room to move. What's that? Oh God, Sailor. One bad car accident... Sailor, what are we gonna do? Let's get ahold a' her quick. You think she's gonna make it? I can't take this, Sailor. She's dyin' right in front of our eyes... She died right in front of me. Why'd she have to go and do that, Sailor? Well, it ain't exactly Emerald City... Not bad for eleven dollars a day. And no AC. Fan works. Now what? Let's get a sandwich and find out about some work. Sailor? Yeah? I'm gonna stay here in this room, Sailor. I don't feel so good? This heat makes me tired. That you, Sail, honey? You find any work? Maybe. Met a guy named Red, owns a garage, could have some work in about a week. Met a few hard luck boys who's stayin' here. What's that smell? I barfed. Tried to make it to the bathroom... Turned out it was the wrong door anyways... I sorta got it cleaned up. You sick? A little, I think... Darlin'? Yeah? Darlin', I still ain't feelin' so well. I'm goin' to bed. Anything I can do for you? Sailor? You know what? I know you ain't particularly pleased bein' here. It's okay by me, peanut. Really, Sailor, it ain't nothin' against you. I love you. Love you, too. I know. Just I'm sorta uncomfortable about the way some things is goin', and this don't help soothe me. You been drinkin', huh? Can't tell yet. Where'd you go? That smell's still fillin' this room good. Buddy and Sparky come by earlier. And Bobby too, I hear... Yeah... He was lookin' for you. You talk to 'im some?... Some... Sparky said Red's promised to have him and Buddy out of here by the weekend. Oughta make 'em happy. So where'd you say you was? Sail? Uh-huh? Let's leave here. We're goin' to, Lula, real soon. I mean tomorrow. We got about forty bucks, sweetheart. That'd get us to El Paso. Who says I'm smart? You up to somethin' with Bobby Peru, Sailor? What could I be up to, Lula? He's a stone fuckin' criminal, honey, and you ain't. I killed Bob Ray Lemon, didn't I? That was a accident. I bet both our asses Bobby Peru done murdered all kinds of people, and meant it, too. That was in Vietnam. He's the kind liked it. Lula, I got to get some sleep. Buddy told me about that thing at Cao Ben? What? Was a massacre. Soldiers there murdered old folks, women and babies, and dumped 'em in a trench. Bobby Peru prob'ly killed the most. That man's a black angel, Sailor. You hook up with him, you'll regret it. If you live to. You must be my son. You hungry? Pace and I ain't had dinner yet. I'm sorry, Sailor. I just can't help it. Give me a minute and I'll quit. Boys frightened, Lula. This ain't no good. Really, Sail, I'll be okay. It's a mistake, honey. You two go on. I'll walk back to the depot. What're you talkin' about? That's your son in there. He ain't never known me, Lula, so there ain't much for him to forget. Not seein' each other for six years makes it next best to simple for us, too. How can you say that, Sailor? LULA!!!! ...live in exchange for sexual favors. Police said they have identified and questioned at least four girls, all Asians twelve to fifteen years old, who have been living in the North Houston warehouse with a Vietnamese pimp since February. The girls are being treated as victims, said police Sergeant Amos Milburn. 'These are really just children,' he said, 'but they've been exposed to a I'll bet. The reptiles were supposed to be of a docile species, said a senior government official, but it seems the breeders bungled and reared attack crocodiles. Damn! In the Ganges near Varanasi to try and reduce human pollution and now plan to put in the crocodiles to devour floatin' corpses dumped by Hindus too poor to pay for cremation. Mama??? You know who it was and you know you aren't, and I mean ARE NOT gonna see him EVER... End of story. I'm fine, mama. I just wanted to tell you not to worry. Why, how could I not worry? Not knowin' what's happenin' to you or where you are? Are you with that boy? If you mean Sailor, mama, yes I am. Are you comin' back here soon, Lula? I need you here. Need me for what, mama? I'm perfectly fine, and safe, too. You in a dance hall or somethin'? I can hear music behind you. Just a place. Really, Lula, this ain't right! Right?! Mama, was it right for you to sic Johnnie Farragut on us? How could you do that? Did you run into Johnnie in New Orleans? Lula, are you in New Orleans? No, mama, I'm in Mexico, and we're about to get on an airplane to Argentina! Argentina! Lula, you're outta your mind. Now you just tell me where you are and I'll come for you. I won't say nothin' to the police about Sailor, I promise. He can do what he wants, I don't care. Mama, I'm hangin' up this phone now. No, baby, don't! Can I send you somethin'? You runnin' low on money? I'll wire you some money if you tell me where you are. Lula? I love you, baby. I just want you to be all right. I am all right, mama. That's why I called, to let you know. I gotta go. Call me again soon? I'll be waitin' by the phone. You're comin' home, precious. Santos' gonna drive us to the San Antonio airport. I'm goin', mama. No way I can't go. You ain't takin' Pace, though. Course I am, mama. What time's Sailor's train get in? Six. Got any plans? Figure we'll go have supper someplace. Maybe get some barbecue out by Stateline. Sailor always liked that Havana Brown's Pig Pickin'. Well, you be careful with that boy, Lula. Sailor ain't a boy no more, mama. Don't mean him. It's Pace concerns me. Really, mama, I gotta go. What if I asked you not to? Wouldn't make any difference. What if I told you not to? I'm afraid his car is gone, Mrs. Fortune. I don't understand this... I don't understand this one bit. He was supposed to meet me right her in this lobby. Somethin' bad has happened - I jus know it. Perhaps we should call a local law enforcement officer. Oh God! What does that mean? I'm sure I wouldn't know, ma'am... and buffalo hunting too... hmmmmm? I knew you'd want it again... That's not why I called. Oh yeah - sure... okay. Santos... It isn't. Have it your way... But you want it. Lula's gone off with Sailor. What do you want me to do about it? I want you to take care of Sailor, so he won't ever be able to bother my baby again. Take care of him? Yes. What does take care of him mean? Do you want me to give him food or some clothing? What's with you? You know what take care of him means. I don't call Santos except for one big reason. Big is the key word, and I'm telling you I want it bad. I want you to get rid of Sailor. Get rid of him? Yes... Get rid of him. How would I do that? Send him on a trip - like maybe to Hawaii? Santos, why in hell do you insist on playin' this stupid game? Just tell me what you want. I don't need to explain anymore'n I have... You know damn well. You need to explain it. All right... I want you... to... kill... Sailor... As simple as that. Simple? Kill him? How? That's your business... I don't care how. Like an accident where maybe Lula might also get hurt? NO... For God's sakes, Santos! Well, like kill him with the atomic bomb? Santos... Explain it... I told you. Shoot him. Shoot him? Like with a gun? Yes. Where? In the leg? No. Where? In the head. Shoot Sailor in the head with a gun... Now I'm beginning to get it... You want me to shoot Sailor in the head with a gun. Yes. But where in the head? Not the chin, I hope. No... In the brains... What little I'm sure he has. You want me to shoot Sailor in the brains with a gun. Yes. Through the forehead? Yes. Wrong! It's much better to blow a hole in the back of the head... right toward the bridge of the nose... Lots and lots of irreparable damage. See! I knew you had it all under control. Why didn't you send Johnnie Farragut? Maybe I did... Try New Orleans first... Lula can't ever stop talkin' 'bout that town. You give me your permission to kill Johnnie Farragut. Santos... No... Please, Santos... You're not tellin' me that you're sweet on him? No... But... I'm gonna take your silence as a "yes"... Santos... I can't... Shhhh... It's all right... Also, I either take you or that pretty daughter of yours to bed. You fucker, don't you ever touch Lula - You fucker, I'll kill you. Put your shoulders back. What? You got nice tits. Someone's gonna see us. That's just another part of the price to pay. I got your message... But you went right to Johnnie, didn't you?... I can't trust you, bitch - not for one minute... Naughty girl... Sailor and Lula are headed west, and guess what? There's no turning back. I'm in a killing mood. No... Santos... Where's J-J-Johnnie? Santos... What's happenin' here? Hey... Stop the nervous cry-baby routine... You're my girl now... Santos is gonna wipe away those tears and make you happy... Come on, let's get outta here. Where we goin'? Got word the kids are moving through Texas... I think an ending is being arranged there... Come on, lemme see a smile. ...Sailor Ripley... Can I talk to Lula? There's no way in hell you can speak to her and... What?... Hey, Sailor boy, you wanna fuck Lula's mama?... No. No... I just wanted to kiss you good- bye... You know too much 'bout little Lula's mom... Whattya mean? Well, Johnnie told me you used to drive for Clyde and Santos... So? So maybe one night you got a little too close to the fire... And you're gonna get burned, baby... And besides that, you're shit... D'you think I'd let my little girl go with shit like you?... Why, you belong right here in one of these toilets. You're gonna have to kill me to keep me away from Lula. Oh, don't worry 'bout that... Oh... Look at this... What do you want, snakeskin? Just passin' through on my way to who knows where... Sure... I figured I'd see you sometime... Hopin' you could tell me if there's a contract out on me. I really need to know. By who? I think Santos or Marietta Fortune. Heard you was goin' out with that bitch's daughter. You heard right. You really are one dumb asshole. Life is unpredictable. Does that girlfriend of yours know that her mama and Santos killed her daddy? Does she know her own daddy was one of the biggest drug dealers around - till he started snortin' the shit himself?... Does she know you was around that night her daddy was set fire to? I didn't see nothin'... Yeah... But I did... And I told you all about it... Is there a contract?... We made a deal once that we'd tip each other off if we ever heard. I know... I remember. Well?... I ain't heard of nothin'. I'll tell you the problem. You behind the wheel. There's your fucking problem. That's pretty simplistic, don't you think? Hey, pal, you don't start doing crazy eights in the middle of the street none of this happens. Excuse me. Did you, or did you not, have a gun to his head? What he means is, it's difficult to distill the essence of a book sometimes. It lives in the mind. That's just how my brain works, I guess. Fascinating. Listen, why don't you come out with us after the lecture. There's a place on the Hill I always get Trip to take me. Actually... I just want to go home. He's fine. He's narrating. Hey. What are you guys doing here? I like what you've done with it. When's Captain Nemo moving in? You all right, Professor Tripp? He's great. Come on, let's blow before lo' Gran decides to boil your bones for breakfast. Oh, well, that's just it. She's been coming down here, every half hour or so, to, sort of, check on me. If I'm not here, she might... call the police or... something. Hhhuh. So we decoy her. Stick a couple pillows and one of your teddy bears under the spread and she won't know the difference. You snore. So I hear. No offense, Professor Tripp, but you look sorta crappy. It's the Chancellor. Thank you. Tripp! How are you, Crabtree? I was explaining to Antonia how a book comes to be published. What you do as a writer, what I do as an editor... Emily? Your wife. Oh. We're picking her up. Downtown. Do you know how many times I've boarded an airplane praying someone like her would sit down beside me? Particularly while I'm on my way to Pittsburgh. Lay off Pittsburgh. It's one of the great cities. If it can produce a Miss Sloviak you'll get no argument from me. She's a transvestite. You're stoned. She's still a transvestite. Mm. It's fine. It's done. Basically. I'm just sort of... tinkering with it. Great. I was hoping I could get a look at it sometime this weekend. Think that might be possible? I don't know. I'm sort of at a critical... juncture. I thought you were tinkering. I just mean... You didn't actually purchase this car, did you. Trip?? It was Jerry Nathan's. He owed me money. He said something about being between things. Trip?? She left me. Crabs. Left you...? Who? Emily? This morning. I found a note in the kitchen. I thought you were Mrs. Gaskell's hobby, Tripp. Piss off, Crabs. I lost a wife today. Is that just beer? Primarily. Although I gather you two staged a little raid on the Crabtree pharmacopoeia. You missed a few bottles, by the way. I'm sure. Where is everyone? He has a book. I know. He started it Fall semester. So. Is he any good? No. Not yet he isn't. Well, I'm going to read it anyway. Come on. Crabs. Don't do this. He's one of my students, for Christ sake. I'm not even sure if he's -- He is. Take my word for it. I think it's more complicated than that. Besides, he's a little... scattered. He almost... did something stupid tonight. At least, I think so. Anyway, he doesn't need sexual confusion thrown into the stew right now. No sexual confusion there, eh, Professor? He's a boxer. A flyweight. Huh uh. A jockey. His name's, um, Curtis... Curtis Hardapple. Not Curtis. Vernon, then. Vernon Hardapple. The scar's are from a -- from a horse. He fell during a race and got trampled. And now he's addicted to painkillers. He can't piss standing up anymore. He lives with his mother. And he had a younger brother who... was... a... Groom. Named Claudell. And his mother blames Vernon for his death. That was good. Christ, Crabs, what do you expect me to do? The kid's practically in a coma. Tripp. Yes. What's this guy's problem? Shit. Wait here. I'll be right back. Tripp?! Listen, Hannah, I'm flattered, really, but right now I -- You stay there. Honestly, Tripp. Do you actually think I would sneak in here and read your book without asking you? Gee, I don't know, Crabs. I don't seem to remember you actually asking me if you could invite 200 people over to trash my living room. Sometimes we have to improvise. Think, Hannah. Does James have any friends. I mean, besides you and... me? James? My James? What's happened? Nothing, he's just been sort of, I don't know... kidnapped. Kidnapped? By who? His parents. Good God. Let's go rescue him. Good idea, Crabs. Only one problem. I don't know where they live. Ah. Wait a minute. The university must know where he lives. It's a little late to call Admissions. Is it a little late to call the Chancellor? You know -- based on what I've read -- this is a very exciting piece of material, this Big Parade. Love. It's Love Parade -- and what do you mean 'based on what you've read'? You skimmed two chapters at 80 miles an hour while gargling methamphetamines. I've been doing this a long time, Tripp. I feel this kid in my bones. How bad is it for you? Bad enough. And God knows I don't exactly fit the new corporate profile. Which is? So tell me about you and the Chancellor. What's to tell? Jesus. There must be two dozen windows on that thing. How are we supposed to find his? Oh, Christ, don't start on ol' Gran or we'll leave you here. So modest. So sensitive. Oh, come on, Tripp. Cut the kid some slack. It's just ail that crap he spins out. Just once I'd like to know if the little bastard is telling the truth. Crabtree. Is he awake? I'm afraid he's pretty worn out, poor kid. Shut up, James. So what's the problem? Who do you think it is? The Chancellor's here? Now? I want to publish this. I've got to. I think they'll let me. With a little editorial guidance it could be brilliant. So -- what do we do now? Find the jacket. Oh! Huh. Exactly how do we do that? First I see if Hannah will let me borrow her car. Want some help with that? Let me get this straight. Jerry Nathan owes you money. So, as collateral, he gives you his car. Only now I'm starting to think the car wasn't exactly Jerry's to give. So whose car is it? My guess -- Vernon Hardapple. The hood jumper? He said a few things that lead me to believe the car's his. Such as. 'That's my car, motherfucker.' Uh huh. So. We find Vernon, we find the car. We find the car... ...we find the jacket. There's only one problem, Tripp. We don't know his real name. We just made it up. In fact, we made the whole guy up. Christ, Tripp. How did you know? Naturally you have copies. I have an alternate version of the first chapter. You'll be all right then. Look at Carlyle, when he lost his luggage. That was MacCaulay. Or Hemingway, when Hadley lost all those stories. He was never able to reproduce them. Kind of a sign, you're saying. In a sense. The jacket, Tripp. We need the jacket. Came to my senses. Ah. Well. Congratulations. Meanwhile, what is James supposed to do? Pray for Walter Gaskell to come to his? Walter Gaskell isn't going to send James Leer to jail, Crabs. I know that. Do you know he won't expel him? No. But I don't think that matters. Me? What can I do? You peeked, didn't you? How are you -- is it Joe? Jeff. Sorry. I didn't even know this was your house until about an hour ago. Don't sweat it. Well. 'Night, Jeff. Oh, Professor Tripp? You know, last semester, what I said that time in office hours -- I hope there's no hard feelings. No... I mean, I was breaking up with this girl at the time and my car was ail fucked up and -- well -- I was pretty bent in general. It's cool, Jeff. Really. I'll be... somewhere else. You driving this car? Excuse me? This 1966 maroon Ford Galaxie 500. You driving this car? It's mine. Bullshit. It's mine, motherfucker. You must be mistaken. I passed out. You did. I've been doing that a lot lately. So I hear. You've also been smoking a lot of marijuana, I understand. Do you think that's why I've been having these... ...spells? How long have you been having them? The last month maybe. How long have you been smoking marijuana? Spiro T. Agnew was vice president, I believe. That's probably not the problem, then. What about your lifestyle. Any major changes recently? I've been trying to finish a book... And your wife left you. Is that in my chart? I know. You need to see a doctor, Mr. Tripp. An internist. And I think you really ought to consider seeing a therapist, as well. She told you about... Her dog, yes. Look, Mr. Tripp. You have a drug problem, all right? On top of that, you have a bite on your ankle that is severely infected. We pumped you with antibiotics so you'll be fine, but another day or two and you might have lost the foot. As for your spells. I'm guessing they're a result of the anxiety you've been experiencing lately. They're anxiety attacks? That's a little disappointing. Better luck next time. So is my friend... is Sara still here? No. There's no one here. Vernon. Move away, cupcake. He's got a gun. Who's got a gun? You've got a gun, motherfucker. Drop it! Not true. You're the only Vernon I know. Actually, I'm wrong. I once knew a Vernon Peabody at Penguin U.K. It's just a souvenir. They don't even make the caps anymore. Bullshit. I know a gun when I see one. And that's a gun. Who the hell is that? Let me get this straight. All that paper that went into the river. That was the only copy? 'Fraid so. Hey, Vernon. Can I ask you a question? Boy or girl? Right. Well, thanks. For the lift. No sweat. Only do me a favor? Sure. Hello? Grady, it's Sara. Thank God you're there. You won't believe what's happened. Sara? Hi. It's Grady. Where are you, Grady? An elevator? I'm in Kinship. Listen, Sara, there's some things we need to talk about... You're in Kinship? Yes. But that's not why I called... With Emily? What? No. There's no one here. I'm just... just... ...reconcile with Emily. Goodbye, Grady. No. Sara, you don't understand... Trust me, I understand. I just want to say something to you, Grady. Yea? It was my mother's. She won it in a penny arcade in Baltimore when she was in Catholic school. It's very convincing. It's just... for good luck. Some people carry rabbits' feet... Are you and Hannah seeing each other, James? No! What gave you that idea? Relax, James. I'm not her father. I just rent her a room. She likes old movies like I do, that's all. Besides, she doesn't really know me. She thinks she does, but she doesn't. Maybe it's because she's Mormon and I'm Catholic. You're not like my other teachers, Professor Tripp. You're not like my other students, James. So what was the movie you two saw? Huh? Oh. Son of Fury. With Tyrone Power and Frances Farmer. She went crazy, Frances Farmer. So did Gene Tierney. She's in it too. Sounds like a good one. Listen, James, about this afternoon. In workshop. I'm sorry. I think I let things get a bit out of control. They really hated it. I think they hated it more than any of the other ones. Well... It doesn't matter. It only took me an hour to write. Really? That's remarkable. You cold, James? A little. So what are you doing out here? It's colder in there. Actually, I saw the greenhouse. So I thought... I thought I'd come out here and take a look at it. You don't see one of those every day. It looks like heaven... Heaven? James. Don't leave just yet. There's something I think you ought to see. I'll miss my bus. Is that really it? That's really it. The one she wore on her wedding day? Go ahead. Really? They're glass. The buttons. It's feels unreal, like butterfly wings or... something. It must've cost Dr. Gaskell a lot. I guess. Walter never tells Sara the truth about how much he pays for these things. Pretty good. I'm friends with Dr. Gaskell, too. I guess you must be, if you know the combination to his closet and he doesn't mind your being here in their bedroom like this. I'm sorry. Professor Tripp. Maybe it's seeing that jacket that belonged to her. It just looks... really lonely. Hanging there. In a closet. Maybe I'm just a little sad. Maybe. I'm feeling a little sad myself tonight. You mean, with your wife leaving you and all? Hannah mentioned something about it. About a note. Shit, James. You shot Dr. Gaskell's dog. I had to. Didn't I? Couldn't you've just pulled him off me? No! He was crazy. I didn't -- he looked -- I thought -- Do you have a mirror? It's the best way to see if someone's breathing. Professor Tripp? Can I ask you a question? Yea, James. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the Chancellor I murdered her husband's dog. You? Trust me, James, when the family pet's been assassinated, the owner doesn't want to hear one of her students was the triggerman. Does she want to hear it was one of her professors? That's a big trunk. It fits a tuba, a suitcase, a dead dog, and a garment bag almost perfectly. That's just what they used to say in the ads. Come on, Crabtree, I know you're holding... Whose tuba is that anyway? Miss Sloviak's. Can I ask you something about her? Oh. So. Is -- is your friend Crabtree -- is he -- gay? Looks like... our old friend Mr. Codeine. That should take the pinch out of my ankle. Have one. No thanks. I'm fine without them. This is so embarrassing! You guys had to carry me out. Mmhmmm... knap... sap... Shit. He must've left it back at Thaw. In the auditorium. Thank you. I'm okay. I just lost my balance. I put you on the floor. Oh. Huh? Oh, no. This isn't Emily's. I just write in it. I guess there's probably a story behind that. Want me to get that? He didn't give his name. Who? The guy on the phone. What'd he say? He wanted to know if a Grady Tripp lived here and drove a dark maroon 1966 Ford Galaxie 500 with black interior. What'd you tell him? Yes. Good, James. If the Zodiac killer calls, be sure to mention the back door pops open with a couple hard shakes to the right. Afraid so. That's a big book you're writing. I think it's sort of writing itself at this point. Wow, Hannah always swore you were working, but -- But... ? Nothing, it's just that, well, it's been awhile since Arsonist's Daughter, and some people -- some of the kids in workshop -- thought maybe you were... Washed up? Blocked. Professor Tripp? Hm. How did I get here last night? No one seems to know where you live, James. Hannah thought you'd like my couch. And... and before that. Did I do anything? Anything bad? How's that? I got kicked out. Well, not exactly kicked out. I was asked to leave. I guess there's probably a story behind that. There is, but it's not that interesting. So where have you been staying? It's not so bad. I know the night janitor. And there's a broken locker I can put my stuff. But James. I mean... How long? A couple weeks. That's why... that's why I had the gun. For protection. Jesus, James, you should've told someone. Who? Isn't this...? I can't help myself. I don't know what's the matter with me. She seemed to take it pretty well. Don't be proud, James. We're in Sewickley Heights. We could find you a nice golf course to barf on. I've got a thing about, places like this. I know what those houses are like. I know what the people are like. Humboldt County? Maybe... It's my father. He gets it from his doctor. Glaucoma? Colon cancer. It's a bit of a scandal. My parents live in a small town. Where's that? Carvel. Carvel? Where's Carvel? Outside Scranton. I never heard of it. It's a hellhole. Three motels and a mannequin factory. My dad worked there for thirty-five years. Your father worked in a mannequin factory? Seitz Plastics. That's where he met my mom. She was a fry cook in the cafeteria. Before that, she'd been a dancer. What kind of dancer? Whatever kind they wanted her to be. James Leer, are you telling me your mother was a stripper? I'm telling you what I was told by my uncle. And he should know. He ran half a dozen men's clubs in Baltimore before he skipped town on a bad debt. Didn't you say your Mom went to Catholic school? When we fall, we fall hard. I thought you were the guy who didn't like to lose control of his emotions. This is so nice. It's like where Andy Hardy would live. What's it called again? Kinship. Kinship. And what's here? The one that left you? Someone jumped on your car with their butt... How can you tell? Want one. They're incredible. Incredible. Maybe she didn't come here. Relax. Emily hasn't carried a house key since she was twelve years old. And your hips are as slim as hers. It's not that. It just reminded me of -- you know -- of what's in the car. In the trunk. It feels really... good... here. I just wanted a little sip. I just wanted a little sip? Tell me, James, exactly what point was it that you turned into Serpent Boy? Jesus... Look, James, you appear to possess -- like many an aspiring writer before you, by the way -- a rather ardent affinity for the stuff of which dreams are made. However, I think it's best if, for the moment at least ...we abstain. You're mad at me, aren't you? What? You're mad because I shot your girlfriend's dog. Okay, James, I wish you hadn't shot my girlfriend's dog. Even though Poe and I weren't exactly what you'd call simpatico, that's no reason for him to take two in the chest. Still, the fact remains that I'm the one who took you up into the Chancellor's bedroom. I'm the one who has to take the blame. I don't know what the hell I Sure you do. You were thinking: 'That's no cap gun in that kid's overcoat.' You were thinking 'I can't let that kid get on the bus alone -- he might never get on the bus again.' You were thinking: 'I've got to find a way to distract this kid.' So you did. It was -- in its way -- a noble act. So, why did you take me up there? It's warm. That's why they all give you such a hard time in workshop. Because of my coat? Because you act like a goddamn spook all the time. Not to mention the fact that every last one of them is jealous of you. Jealous? Of me? You're lying. The hell I am. Yes you are. My stuff stinks. I know it. You said so yourself. I never said that. Yes you did. Last night. To your friend Crabtree. "Is he any good?" he said. And you said: "Not yet he isn't." I heard you myself. I didn't mean it that way. It's okay, Professor Tripp. Carrie, Howard, the others -- they're right. My stories are annoying. They go on and on and on, and the longer they go on the more annoying they become, until finally you just want to grab something heavy and -- But, last night... Who cares what I said last night, James I -- I was drunk, I was stoned. I'd been bitten by a dog. My wife had left me. How 'bout cutting me some slack? I'm sorry. Let me spell it out for you, James. Books don't mean anything. Not to anybody. Not anymore. You coming? Want a bite? No thanks. That's why you're having them. Your spells. Spells? Jesus, James, you make it sound like we're in a Tennessee Williams play. I don't have spells. What would you call them then? It's because you don't eat. I eat. When? You just worry about yourself, James. Okay? Where you going? I'm not going with them. James. Listen. Things -- things are a little weird with me right now and I -- well --I have enough blame to shoulder these days without having to take the blame if something bad happened to you. And if you hang around me long enough, something bad is going to happen, trust me. That's why I need you to go home. Understand? I'm not going, with them. James, like it or not, they're your parents. I remember that. Five or six years ago. Six. Their plane went down right outside Scranton. Near Carvel? Get out of here. That's why she hates me. That's why she makes me sleep in the basement. Can I -- I mean -- do you mind -- if I wear this again. Professor Tripp? And we both thank you for that, but we're... we're... fine. Does she mean -- does she know about... her dog? Don't worry, James, I'll figure something out. I'm not worried. You're not worried, are you. Professor Tripp? I'm a little worried, James. Don't be. I don't care if they expel me. I probably should be expelled. Professor Tripp...? Yes, James. Yes, Hannah? Thanks for that. He all right? I think so... What about you? Me? Sure. Why? He's going with me. You take Crabtree. And his friend. All right? Ail right. By the way, his friend...? James. This is my editor, Terry Crabtree. I've been re-reading Arsonist's Daughter. It's so beautiful, Grady. So natural. It's like all your sentences always existed, just waiting around in Style Heaven, or wherever, for you to fetch them down. I thank you. And I love the inscription you wrote to me. Only I'm not quite the downy innocent you think I am. So what are you going to do? Do? Look, Hannah. When you get him home... make sure he's all right. Before you leave. Okay? I would if I knew where I was taking him. Hannah, are you telling me you don't know where James Leer lives? Some apartment somewhere. But I've never seen it. That strikes me as odd. His bag. You know that ratty green thing he's always carrying around. He must've left it inside. All right. Take him to my place. He can crash on the sofa. The one in your office? It's the best one for naps. I thought we were going to talk. Last night. Hey. I know I shouldn't have, but there it was, just sort of lying out, and I couldn't resist and -- and -- I suck. No, it's okay. I just can't believe I left it out in the open like that. Crabtree hasn't been in here, has he? Poking around? Listen, Hannah. You don't remember where that aunt worked, do you? James' aunt. He shot the Chancellor's dog, didn't he? The blind one. Actually, He's not the Chancellor's -- What? At first the police thought he just ran away, but this afternoon Dr. Gaskell found some blood spots on the carpet -- Jesus. Crabtree said it sounded like something James would be messed up in. Crabtree? He doesn't even know James. The aunt, Hannah. Where did you take James that day? I told you, Sewickly Heights. But where? I need the street. He cribbed that from Borges. Right. Anyway, I was wondering if I could borrow your car. Mine's sort of out of commission. I uh, I didn't finish, I... fell asleep. That good, huh? It's just that, you know, I was thinking about how, in class, you're always telling us 'that writers make choices -- at least the good ones. And, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the book isn't really great -- I mean, really great -- but at times it's, well, very detailed, you know, with the genealogies of everyone's horses and all the dental Professor Tripp. Chancellor. I got the message you called. Easy there. I need to talk to you. That's funny. I need to talk to you, too. Perhaps you could put some of these coats in the upstairs guest room, Professor Tripp. I don't believe I know where the upstairs guest room is. New? You go first. All right. This morning -- I'm sure. Well. This is... surprising. Does Walter...? Emily left me this morning. She's left before... So. I guess we just divorce our spouses, marry each other, and have this baby, right? Simple. Is that Cristaile? Hm. My God, I wear the same scent as a transvestite. She IS a transvestite, isn't: she? If she's not now, Terry will make sure she is by the end of the evening. Has he asked to see the book yet? Yes. And? Are you going to tell him? No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do. Sara, my arm. I'm stuck, honey. You had another one, didn't you? You have to see a doctor, Grady. First thing Monday morning. All right? Is the thing -- is it over? Almost. Want to sit up? What's the matter? Well... Don't. I know what you're going to say. No, really, Sara, I don't think you -- You love Emily. I know that. And you need to stay with her. I don't think I really have a choice in, that. Emily left me. Not have it. No. There's no way. I mean, don't you think there's no way? Well, no, I don't see any way. And I know how hard it is for you to -- to lose this chance. Who's gun is that? Heavy. Smells like gunpowder. Pow. You got me. I can't believe you hung up on me, you dick. Walter's on campus, being the good soldier for WordFest. But he's a basket case. Someone stole Marilyn's jacket last night. And Poe's missing, too. I heard. You heard? How? A twelve-year-old policeman came by the house this morning. Your fingerprints were all over the bedroom. Really? That was fast. I'm kidding. Hello? Oh. Right. Ha. Listen, about last night. There is something I need to tell... Are you limping? Why are you limping? Hub? Oh, well, that's part of what I need to... Did you pass out again, Grady? Did you fall somewhere? No. I mean. Well, actually, yes. Sort of. I don't remember. Listen, Sara, I have to tell you something. Gee, Grady, that sounded so heartfelt. I don't know whether to swoon or smirk. I believe you. I believe you want to be with me. But this is not just about me anymore. I know that. I know what's at stake here... No, I don't think you do. And besides... I haven't decided yet. About the baby. Who's that sitting in your car? James Leer. What's he doing out there? Sara. Oh? It seems one of our students is -- missing and his parents found a dead dog in his bed. I'm not very happy with you right now, Grady. But more importantly, Walter's not very happy and he's gotten the police involved. They seem to think James Leer is somehow responsible for all of this. You wouldn't happen to know where James is, would you, Grady? Inside. And the jacket? Someone stole my car. Grady. Honestly. Someone stole my car. I parked it right there last night. Are you sure you parked it there? This is not what the university has in mind when it promises a liberal education, Grady. Would Walter really press charges? You didn't happen to call the house last night, did you, Grady? I think I might have. And what do you think you might have said? He told you. He told me. And what did you say? I'm so glad to see you, Sara. I believe you. Did that nice doctor let you out? Or is this you improvising again, Grady? I'm through improvising. Terry told me about Wonder Boys. Is it true? Did you lose it all? I lost it all. Oh, Grady. You're such a putz. I know. Ouch. How many? I went and looked at some babies just now. Oh? I guess you have to go on faith. Did you tell Walter? I told Walter. Does he still love you? Did you just make that up? You don't deserve me, you know. The more the merrier. That perfume you're wearing, Antonia. It wouldn't happen to be Cristaile, would it? Why yes. How did you know? That's a nice greenhouse. Who's he barking at now? I need a ride. Couldn't he have just thrown a shoe at the poor thing? James is... I don't know... Disturbed. And when your friend Crabtree gets done with him, he's going to be even more disturbed. I'm not sure that's possible. Listen, Antonia -- Tony. Now that I'm home. Tony. I'm sorry if things didn't work out so well for you tonight. With Terry. He's writing his name in water. What's that? Like most editors, he really wants to be a writer, but he's too busy living a novel to bother writing one. That sounds like a fancy excuse for being a shit. You mean because his career's ruined and all? Jesus. Is that what he told you? That's nice. All we have is a Japanese beetle trap. Walter? Who's this ? It's Grady, Walter. Grady? GRADY Tripp. English Department. I know it's you, Grady, I just... Christ, Grady, do you know what time it is? I have... eight-fifteen. That's not right, is it? It's three-thirty, Grady. This is important. Oh? I... I... What is it, Grady? I'm in love with your wife. Excuse me? No. No. I guess you're here for the backpack. Is it good? Say, Professor Tripp, is all that stuff true about Errol Flynn? How he used to put coke on his dick. To make himself, you know, like, last longer? Christ, Traxler. How the hell should I know? Oh, right. Yeah, that's true. He used to rub all kinds of things on it. Paprika. Ground lamb. Who's that guy? What exactly are we doing here, Professor Tripp? Yo, Traxler. Do you get high, Sam? Holy shit. Are you serious? As a heart attack. Yes. He's a good kid. Maybe a little messed up. What made you pull out that old thing? I was thinking of you. And? It's no Arsonist's Daughter, but I guess you know that. It's a young man's book. It got me remembering how it felt to be young. Maybe I should read it. Where's Emily, Hank? I don't know if she'd want me to tell you that, Grady. Where you stand? I -- just want to say I'm sorry. She's in Philadelphia seeing Linda Aahby. The neurologist. Neurologist? Why? What's wrong? Nothing's wrong. They went to Wellesley together. Oh. Right. Linda... I haven't been doing a lot of sleeping lately. My editor's in town and I have the book to finish and -- Listen, Hank, I'm sorry about all this. I didn't come here to upset you and Irene. I want you to know that. I -- just wanted to see her, I guess -- Emily. And to see you too -- you and Irene. And to let everyone know that, even though it may be difficult to comprehend now, this -- everything that's happening -- it's not forever. It doesn't mean "Goodbye." Well, there's always people you don't know at these things, but I can't say there was anybody particularly suspicious... Wait. There was one guy. Tiny fella. Claimed to be a jockey. A jockey? You mean, like -- Hardapple? I could be wrong. What happened anyway? Huh? Oh, someone pulled a B&E on Dr. Gaskell's closet. And the dog's missing. That's weird. We figure the perpetrator let him out. He's blind and we figure he just wandered off and got run over. The perpetrator. No, the dog. One other thing. About this kid, this student of yours -- Leer -- James Leer. You wouldn't know how I could get in touch with him, would you? I might have his number on campus. Are you riding with me, James? George Sanders? Mr. Crabtree was saying how George Sanders killed himself, only he couldn't remember how. There's so many... Pier Angeli, 1971 or '72, also pills. Charles Boyer, 1978, pills again. Charles Butterworth, 1946, I think. In a car. Supposedly it was an accident, but, you know... He was distraught. Dorothy Dandridge, she took pills in, like, 1965. Albert Dekker, 1968, he hung himself. He wrote his suicide note in lipstick on his stomach. Alan Ladd, '64, more pills, Carole Landis, pills again, I could swear I had a '63 Chateau Latour in here. You haven't seen it, have you? I doubt I'd recognize a '63 Chateau Latour if I was sitting on it. You'd recognize it if you tasted it. I doubt it, darling. Well, Q certainly will. And, given that he will be addressing 500 people in little over an hour... You want to keep him happy. Don't need to think fast to handle beer. Took some talking to convince your super I was a relative. You look good, damn good, considering you're an old man now! You doing okay? Got a job at old Frank's place. His son runs it now. Oh man, that kid takes himself real serious. Yeah, you still with Northland? Foreman now. No shit. Five years. Beautiful. How's business? I'll never forget you got me started there. Hey, is that a school? Living across the street from a grade school. Jesus. Something wrong with that? I was just thinking of... the noise. One hundred and twenty feet. What? Law says I can't come within one hundred feet of where children congregate. I figure the distance from my window to the school is one hundred and twenty. Make a bet? But maybe it's not so healthy being so close, you know, to a school. I should go. Your sister worries, and when she worries she yells. How is she? Annette? She's good... tense. When can I see her? I'm working on it. Is it because of Anna? I don't know. She won't talk about it. You're the only one in the family who still talks to me. I remember when they all referred to me as "the little spic poor Annette married." Except her brother. You treated me with respect. Look, you paid your dues. Your slate is clean now. How old is Anna? She'll be twelve next week. We're throwing a big party on Saturday. Wish I could ask you to come... What are you doing? Cherry. Huh? It's made from cherry. That's a hard wood. Notice the grain. See how deep and rich the red runs? It's my own design. You won't find another table like it in the world. It was a beautiful present. Then why the fuck are you giving it back to me?! You need a table. She was going to throw it out, wasn't she? Just toss it like a scrap of wood. It wasn't like that. Then what? What?! She's got all this new furniture now. She said it didn't fit anymore, so I kept it in the attic. I thought you might like it. I made that table for you and Annette, for your wedding. I put a lot of love into it. What's happening? Fucking Mariners. Fucking Tigers. They got no pitching except for a bunch of green kids straight out of Double A or Southern Cal. How was the party? What party? The birthday party. I've got some pictures. Want to see? No thanks. Ah, come on. I've got some good news. What's that? Aren't you glad? When? Soon. Next week? The week after? Anna will be away at camp. The house will be quiet. It's better when it's quiet. Tell Annette I'm busy in July. C'mon, Walter. You should see my appointment book. It got crazy. It's not what you think. Isn't it? The important thing is that you and Annette need to talk. She needs to see you, and you need to see her. I'm not a monster. You're a good man, Walter. Okay, you did some wrong things, but inside you're a good, decent man. Maybe I'm not a good man. Maybe inside I'm bad, and I'll always be bad. I get horny as hell for other women. I mean I fantasize about raping some beautiful woman. You don't have to tell me this. I'm just talking, man. Carlos, I never raped a woman. It's crazy out there. Young girls wearing mini this and mini that. Sometimes when I walk down the street and pass some sexy looking woman, she makes me feel like I'm bothering her. She stares down like she's afraid to look at me. Why she do that? Why can't she look me in the face? Carlos, can I ask you something? Sure. Nothing. Ask me. Ask me anything. What do you mean? What are you looking at? Birds. There's a million birds here. There's little chicks! You want to see? They're starlings. Is that right? I don't like starlings. Why not? They're extremely aggressive birds. Plus, their habits are rather filthy. You always carry these? When I go bird-watching. It's why I like coming here. It's just a city park. You'd be surprised how many kinds of birds you'll see here. Last week I saw a purple martin. And the week before that, I saw a solitary vireo. That's rare. A solitary vireo. I like that one. Their sound is quite musical. How does it sound? It's hard to describe. Try. I can't. I'd love to hear it. Something like that. That was terrific. You should hear the bird. You live around here? Not too far. Are you a bird-watcher too? Me? Nah. I'm more of a people watcher. Were you watching me? Not at first. You would stare at the tops of the trees so intently. Any second I thought you would take off and fly. I have to go. Do you come here often? My daddy likes me home before dark. See anything interesting? What are you writing in that book? Don't you have friends? I have friends. A pretty girl like you should have a lot of friends. I'm not pretty. What does that mean? You tell me your name, I'll tell you mine. Hiya, Walter. What's up? You don't know? I have no idea. I think you do. I haven't broken any laws. Then you won't mind if I look around. I would. Got something to hide? Doesn't everybody? I could get a search warrant. Cherry? Yeah. It's not for sale. And when you sit by the window, watching the girls in the little cotton skirts parade by, do you wave your wanger at the girls? Is that when you jerk off? You can't talk to me like -- Okay? Too much sun. Your ivy. Too much direct sunlight. These plants don't like a lot of sun. They grow outside, don't they? Sure they do. But outside they've got trees around them. The trees shade them from the sun. Of course, the plants enrich the soil around the trees. One of nature's symbiotic relationships. You going to take me on a nature walk? Don't be witty. Yesterday you took the number twelve bus from work, but instead of getting off at your normal stop, for some reason you stayed on. Why did you stay on the bus, Walter? You walked home. This one guy on death row, who I'll call Henry, told me about his last victim. Henry says how he's in the bedroom of a seven-year-old cutie named Adele. Her mother's in the living room watching TV. She's got the volume on so damn high he can hear David Letterman's jokes. Henry puts his hand over Adele's mouth and says, "If you scream, little Fairy tales? Do you believe in them? No. Neither do I. What's the one with the woodsman? Woodsman? The one with the ax? I don't know. Sure you do. He cuts open the wolf's stomach, and the girl steps out alive. Little Red Riding Hood. You knew her? What? You don't know? Know what? I'll be asking the questions. Last night, you hear anything unusual? Screams? Shouts? No. A man was badly beaten across the street. You know anything about that? I was asleep. I didn't say what time the assault occurred. You said last night. I went to bed pretty early. The assault took place at approximately seven thirty. I wasn't feeling well. I could take you downtown. He I.D.'d the assailant. The description matches you pretty well. I suppose if you're looking for a male between the ages of thirty and fifty, medium height, medium weight, medium build. Probably not too many men fit that bill. That's a nasty scratch on your neck. I have a passionate girlfriend. What's with the boxes? You're a cop. Figure it out. I'd say you're moving. The passionate one? Yes. Then I'd say you're a lucky fellow. I count my blessings. You sure you don't know nothing about this? So. How are you adjusting? I'm adjusting okay. And your new apartment? Apartment's okay. Are you taking your medication? It gives me headaches. But you are taking it? Sergeant Lucas. May I come in? I'd keep away from him. What? The new man. I'd keep away from him, if I were you. Why's that? You don't want to know, but he's damaged goods -- real damaged goods, if you know what I mean. Just trying to be helpful. Have you seen Walter? People have the right to know. Yeah, like the bird. Can I ask how old you are? I'm twelve. No you're not. Walter. Do you have many friends? No. How come? A long time ago, I was sent far away. When they let me come back, all my friends were gone. It sounds like you were banished. Banished... yeah. Birds are my friends. That sounds egotistical, but they are. Birds know I watch them, but they don't mind because they like being watched... if they know you won't hurt them. Robin? Yes? What? Would you like to sit on my lap? No thank you. Are you sure? I'm sure. Thank you all the same. That's okay... doesn't matter. I know a place in the park where only very small birds go. There are no people or dogs or ugly crows and pigeons. It's quiet except for the song of these tiny sparrowlike birds. Would you like me to take you there? They sound like finches. My daddy lets me sit on his lap. Does he? Yes. What's her name? Ms. Kramer. Tell Ms. Kramer what your daddy does. I can't. You said you couldn't make the sound of a solitary vireo. But you did. Beautifully. I heard you. What will happen if I do? But will he... ? Your daddy will always love you. How do you know? I know because... it's just something I know. I don't want to hurt my daddy. Walter? Yes? No. I don't mind. You should go home. Can't I stay a little longer? It's getting dark. Go home. And how's your job? The job's okay. Do I take "okay" to mean you feel good about working there? I said the job is okay. That's right, you did. Have you made any friends there? I'm not running for Mr. Popularity. You seem a little hostile today. It's called sarcasm, Dr. Rosen. No need to call me doctor. I'm a therapist, not a psychiatrist. Walter, I'd like you to try something for me. What? I'd like you to keep a journal. A diary? That's right. No way. Why not? Diaries have sent too many guys to prison. I don't understand. Ev-i-dence. Oh. It never crossed my mind. Of course. It was just an idea. Bad idea. I thought a journal would encourage you to reflect. Reflect. That's right. You think reflection is good. It's very good, indeed. How's that? Try it. No fucking way. How's the journal? I'm still thinking about it. You don't like coming here, do you? It's okay. But you don't like coming here. Be honest, Walter. Honest? No. Good. That's an honest answer. And why don't you like coming here? Honest? Your cheery personality makes my skin itch. Is it just my cheery personality that makes your skin itch? Forget it. Maybe it's the way I look. Or the sound of my name. Rosen? I don't have a problem with that. Because if you did, I know a therapist named Ryan. I also know a therapist named Chung. How do you feel about that? I don't feel anything. You have no feelings for your niece? She was born after they put me away. How can I have feelings? Then why are you talking about this? Have to talk about something. What are you afraid will happen? I'm not afraid. I'm just saying that Carlos has a thing for his daughter, and if he isn't careful he's going to suffer. Have you talked to Carlos about your concerns? I'm not that crazy. Do you think you're crazy? If I'm not, then what the hell am I doing here? Why do you think you're here? You know why. It's part of the parole deal. Is that what you are angry about? Talking to you is like riding on a merry-go-round. How long is this going to take? We have a few more minutes. I mean, when will I be normal. We have a lot of work to do. Will I ever be normal? I couldn't say. You couldn't say. I'm afraid not. Do you know what "normal" is? I suppose it's however society defines it. How do you define it? I don't. Then how do you know if your patients are getting better? They usually tell me. How do they know? What is your idea of being normal? What is your idea of being a Jew? Whatever my ideas are of being a Jew is not going to help you. Why don't we continue this on Thursday. I want to be normal! Then go see a therapist who will tell you you're normal! Fuck you, Rosen! I know -- You don't know! I don't know. What did you think would happen? I don't know. What did you want to happen? You know that if anything happens, I spend the rest of my life in prison. No parole, no nothing. Is this the first one? Of course it is! That's why I'm telling you! Walter, we'll pick up here next time. I want to talk about it now. We'll talk about it more on Thursday. Remember when you asked me what my idea of "normal" was? Go home, Walter. You're very late. Sorry. Please don't do it again. I said I was sorry. When did it all start? You mean my problem? If by "problem" you mean your desire for prepubescent girls, yes. I don't know. That's not a helpful answer. Close your eyes. What? I'd like you to close your eyes. Why? To relax. I'm relaxed. Close your eyes and let your mind be blank. No, I am not going to -- When I say the word "girl" what is the earliest image that you can remember? Nothing. Can I open my eyes? No. When I say the word "pretty," when I say the word "pleasure," what is the earliest memory you see? I don't see -- Who do you see? Where is she? What is she doing? How old -- Not so fast. Sorry. Where is she? In my bedroom, sleeping. Where? In my bed, Rosen. Where do you think? Where are you? In my bed too. How old are you and your sister? We're little kids. But roughly, how old? And what are you doing? Just lying there. We're taking a nap. A nap? What the hell are you doing there? Did you and your sister often take naps together? Don't ever do that again. All right. I don't like nobody behind my back! Walter, what did you do while taking a nap with your sister? Nothing. Did you touch her? Did you take off her clothes? Did you take off your clothes? This is garbage! I'm only asking questions. Okay I'll tell you what I did -- just to shut you up! I smelled her hair. What else? That's all. I just liked smelling her hair. You felt pleasure. Did you get an erection? I was six years old! When the two of you held each other. When you were ten or eleven and she was eight or nine. When your parents were out and the two of you were alone... completely alone in that big house. It was a small house. All right. A small house... with small rooms. She's still really hurt... and angry. I don't know... if she will ever... forgive me. I understand that. I do. I just hope... I just want her to... It's going to take time, Walter. Time. How do you feel about that? What? Are you okay? Want a ride? I'm all right. There's something wrong with this picture. What picture? I'm talking about you. Me? Here's this nice, hard working guy who suddenly appears out of the blue and rides the bus to and from work. I mean, who rides the bus anymore? Very weird. No weirder than a sharp, young, good- looking woman working in a lumberyard. What's weird about that? Most women wouldn't choose it. You're quiet at work. I'm just quiet. You don't hang out with the other guys. Neither do you. You never spoke to me before. Are you? Southern light. What? Your windows face south. Northern light is the purest. But southern light is very good. I'll buy a plant. You plan to drink both those beers? Is that a school? K through sixth. Doesn't it get noisy? I like the noise. My place faces a truck street. I've got cracks in every window from the shaking. You must hate it. What about bears? What about them? They could eat you. I thought you were just shy, but now I think it's something else. What? Something happened to you. I'm not easily shocked. I get that impression. So... what's your dark secret? Why do you want to know? So? What? So, you're not a dyke. Hey, that was... intense. You're still here. I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. Of course. Sorry. I'm such a fucking asshole. No you're not. What's the problem? You think I have a problem? Do you? It's been a while since... Tell me about it. Maybe later. How about in the morning. The morning? I thought I'd stay the night. What for? Did I say something wrong? I suffer from insomnia. Is that all? When I do sleep, I sweat a lot. Usually I get nightmares and wake up screaming. Hey, there. Why do you want to know? What's the worst thing you ever did? The worst? So, what did you do? I molested little girls. Molested little girls? You're not joking. Look, you can go now. Sorry. What did you do to them? It's not what you think. How young? I never hurt them. Never. Twelve years in prison? Why don't you just go now, okay? I told you I'm not easily shocked. You should be shocked. Or do you get off on this shit? What? Get your kicks somewhere else. Hey, I'm not -- Depraved? My mistake. You don't molest little girls anymore, do you? What was prison like? You don't really -- You mean the time you're locked away? No. Prison is time. That's it. You think time, you feel time, you hear time. Your heart doesn't beat to live, it just beats... time. I'm sorry, Walter. My father took me fishing here when I was a kid. He could name every fish in the lake. And for every fish he named, he had a fishing story. I hated fishing, but I loved his stories. Sounds like a special guy. I've changed. Is it their innocence? Their beauty?... Their power. They seduce me. They seduce you? I was always the one seduced. You really believe that? No. That's what I used to tell myself. And what do you tell yourself now? Nothing. It's over. You know, this is crazy. What? Being here, with me. I know. Most people say the odds are against me. What odds? For men like me. They say most of us end up back... there. I'm saying there are risks... seeing me. Well, most people are stupid. You want to talk about odds? One day I'll tell you how I survived as the youngest in a family of three sons. You wanna talk about odds? I got poked around... here and there. Which brother did this? All three -- in chronological order. You must hate your brothers. I love my brothers. No you don't. I love all of them. They're strong, gentle men with families of their own. And if you asked them about what they did to me, they'd call you a fucking liar and then beat the shit out of you. You never asked them about it? Are you serious? Not ever? Maybe this isn't a good idea. What? You're scared. I'm not scared. Neither am I. We should live together. Live together. It's a bad idea. I don't even know how to live with myself. Just think about it. I've got problems. Who doesn't? Most people don't have my kind of problems. Guess that makes you pretty special. I say we call it quits. What's this? I don't need a plant. Thank you. Don't be scared, Walter. I'm not scared. Don't do that. Do what? Sneak up behind me like that. What's your fucking problem? What's going on? I didn't sleep well. Do you want to talk about it? You okay? Yeah. I heard they were filthy birds. Goddamnit! D'you tell him we need it right now? This ain't no drill, slick. Make me proud. Right through the brainpan. Deader'n dogshit, boss. Gimme a three-eighths socket on a long extension. So there you were-- There we were, side by side, on the same ship, for two months. I'm tool-pusher and we're testing this automated derrick of hers. So, we get back on the beach and... we're living together. Doesn't mean you had to marry her. We were due to go back out on the same ship. Six months of tests. If you were married you got a state-room. Otherwise it was bunks. Okay, good reason. Then what? It was alright for a while, you know. But then she got promoted to project engineer on this thing, couple years ago. She went front-office on you. Tighten that for me, right there. That's it. You done impressing yourself, ace? She-hit. How you guys doing? You got it?! You got it? Benthic Explorer, Benthic Explorer. Do you read, over? This is Deepcore-- Nice shot, Lins. Bud! Hippy's on the bitch-box. It's a call from topside. That new company man. What's goin' on, Boss? Okay so far. Where are we? Lord Almighty. Deep and slow, big guy. Deep and slow. Just breathe easy. I... they're all dead, Bud. They're all dead. I thought... some of them... you know... I'm taking you back out. Okay, Jammer. No problem. You stay right here. I have to go there to the end... you'll see my lights. We'll stay in voice contact. Just hold onto the rope. Five more minutes. Okay? Thanks. How you feeling, big guy? I can't believe you let them do this! Hi, Lins. I thought you were in Houston. I was, but I managed to bum a ride on the last flight out here. Only here isn't where I left it, is it, Bud? Wasn't up to me. We were that close to proving a submersible drilling platform could work. We had over seven thousand feet of hole down for Chrissake. I can't believe you let them grab my rig! Your rig? My rig. I designed the damn thing. Yup, a Benthic Petroleum paid for it. So as long as they're hold the pink slip, I go where they tell me. You wimp. I had a lot riding on this. They bought you... more like least rented you cheap-- I'm switching off now. Well, well. Mrs. Brigman. You never did like being called that, did you? Not even when it meant something. Is that One Night up in Flatbed? I can't believe you were dumb enough to come down. Now you're stuck here for the storm... dumb, hot-rod... dumb. You need me. Nobody knows the systems on this rig better than I do. What is something was to go wrong after the Explorer clears off? What would have you done? You wanna know what I think? I think you were worried about me. No, I think you were. Come on, admit it. I was worried about the rig. I've got over four years invested in this project. What are you still wearing that for? I haven't worn mine in months. Yeah, what's-his-name wouldn't like it. The Suit. So what about "Michael" then... Mr. Brooks Brothers... Mr. BMW. You still seeing him? No, I haven't seen him in a few weeks. What happened? Bud, why are you doing this? It's not part of you life any more. I'll tell you what happened... you woke up one day and realized the guy never made you laugh. Did you get anything on the cameras. Video or anything? No. Look, forget it. I don't want to talk about it. Fine. Be that way. I don't know what I saw. Okay? Coffey wants to call it a Russian submersible, fine. It's a Russian submersible. No problem. But you think it's something else. What? One of ours? No. Jammer saw something in there, something that scared the hell out him-- His mixture got screwed up. He panicked and pranged his regulator. But what did he see that made him panic? What do you think he saw? Hippy, just relax. You're making the women nervous. What's the scoop, ace? Need some help? Thanks. No, I can handle it. Bud... there won't be enough to run the heaters. In a couple hours this place is going to be as cold as a meat locker. What about O-2? Brace yourself. We've got about 12 hours worth if we close off the sections we're not using. The storm's gonna last longer than 12 hours. Hey, Lins... I'm glad your here. Come on, you guys... look, this is the little one right here. You can see how it's kind of zigging around. If you say so. It could be anything. Jesus, Lindsey-- Bud, something really important is happening here. Look. I'm just trying to hold this situation together. I can't allow you to cause this kind of hysteria-- All I'm saying is when you're hanging on by your fingernails, you don't go waving you arms around. I saw something! I'm not going to go back there and say I didn't see it when I did. I'm sorry. God, you are the most stubborn woman I ever knew. I need you to believe me, Bud. Look at me. Do I seem stressed out? Any of the symptoms of pressure sickness, any tremors, slurred speech? No. It was a machine, but it seems almost alive. Like a... dance of light. Bud, you have to trust me... please. I don't think they mean us harm. I don't know how I know that, it's just a feeling. How can I go on a feeling? You think Coffey's going to go on you 'feeling'? Look, goddamnit, if you won't do something about it, I will. You dumb jarhead motherf-- He's got the shakes? I think it likes you. They must've learned how to control water... I mean at a molecular level. They can plasticize it, polymerize it... whatever. Put it under intelligent control. He's jammed the mechanism. Okay, I'm gonna free-swim to hatch six... get inside, get the door open from the other side. Bud, that water's only a couple degrees above freezing. You owe me one, Virgil. You did okay, back there. I was fairly impressed. Not good enough. We still gotta catch Big Geek. You totaled it, huh? It's flooding like a son of the bitch. Try again. Well, that's that. Good hundred yards, I'd say. They'll come out after us. You see where it's coming in? Can't get to it. Have to pull this panel off. You go any tools? Son of a bitch! Okay... okay. We gotta get you out of here. How? I don't know how! We've only got one suit. I know! I know! But we better come up with something. Okay, look, you swim to the rig and come back with another suit. Alright, put this on. What, you growing gills all of a sudden? You got it on, keep it on. Don't argue, goddamnit, just-- Lindsey, just put the thing on and shut up-- NO!! Now be logical, Bud, you're-- Listen... will you listen to me for a second!? You're for the suit on and you're a better swimmer than me. Right? So I got a plan... What's the plan? I drown, you tow me back to the rig-- It is insane. Oh God, Lins... I-- Hey... big boys don't cry, remember? Hi, lady. Hi, tough guy. I guess it worked, huh? 'Course is worked. You're never wrong, are you? How d'you feel. No, Bud, no... not you. Hello, Brigman. We'll take reading as we go. If the reactor's breached or the warheads have released radioactive debris, we'll back away. Simple. Look, it's three AM. These guys are running on bad coffee and four hours sleep. You better start cutting them some slack. I can't afford slack, Brigman. Hey, you come on my rig, you don't talk to me, you start ordering my guys around. It won't work. You gotta know how to handle these people... we have a certain way of doing things here. We'll go in through that large breach. Coffey, we're a little pressed for time. Did you find Wilhite? Virgil? God, I hate that bitch. Just get around so your lights are on the hatch. What's the matter with you? No, I mean it. Those SEALs aren't telling us diddly. Something's going on. Hippy, you think everything's a conspiracy. That's Perry. That's it then. Finler, McWhirter, Dietz, and Perry. Jesus. Do we just leave him there? Come on, man. What else could it be? Why bring it here? Lins, stay away from that guy. I mean it. Go to the infirmary... get the cart .. oxygen... de-fib kit... adrenaline in a... ten cc syringe... and some... heating blankets. You got all that? Got it. Over. Is that it? Is this right? Yeah! I mean, I don't know... it looks right. Hey, you guys are milking that job. Triple time sounds like a lotta money, Bud. It ain't. I'm sorry... He's convulsing! 'Fish'? Yuh? Hafta... go on to... the moonpool. Only way. Howdy, y'all. Hey, Lindsey! I'll be damned! You shouldn't be down here sweet thing, ya'll might run ya stockings. Couldn't stay away. You running mixture for us? Good. Couldn't ask for better. Cat, you tie onto this manifold. There's some tanks on the other side; I'm gonna go check them out. You better not say you missed that. Y'all could be more specific. I think they're from 'you know'. Some place that has similar conditions... cold, intense pressure. No light. We should be dead. We didn't decompress. Those guys ain't so tough. I fought plenty of guys tougher'n them. Hippy, you pussy. Quiet! Quiet! Are we talkin' little space friend here? That thing was probably their version of Big Geek... like an ROV. SHIT! Lady, we better fish or cut bait. Get comfortable. The bad news is we got six hours in this can, blowing down. The worse news is it's gonna take us three weeks to decompress back to the surface later. We've been fully briefed, Mrs. Brigman. Look, we've all made chamber runs to this depth. We're checked out. Cab One, do you see it yet? Cab One, radiation readings? Neutron counter's not showing very much. Copy that, continuing forward. You just want me to get shots of everything, right? Roger, document as much as you can, but keep moving. We're on a tight timeline. Radiation is nominal. The warheads must still be intact. How many are there? 24 Trident missiles. Eight MIRVs per missile. I want 'round-the-clock manning of the sonar shack and the exterior cameras. We need early warning if the Soviet craft try another incursion. You've got some huevos bringing this... thing... into my rig! With everything that's been going on up in the world, you bring a nuclear weapon in here? Does this strike anyone as particularly psychotic, or is it just me? You don't need to know the details of this mission... you're better off if you don't. You're right... I don't. I just need to know that this thing is out of here! You hear me, Roger Ramjet? Deepcore, Deepcore... this is Cab Three on final approach. Cab Three, check. Right behind you. What's you depth, Cab Three? 1840... 50... 60... 70... Figured that out for yourself, did you? A non-terrestrial intelligence. Look, you can just punch into his little chip where you want him to go, and he goes, right? Well, yeah, but the tether off it ain't gonna be fancy. When he gets down there he'll just sit, like a dumb-shit. Unless something wanders through view of the camera, you'll get nada. No. Just you and me. We get some proof, then tell them. Hippy, look... if was can prove to Coffey it's not Russians, maybe he'll ease off the button a little. Schoenick... your Lieutenant is about to make a real bad career move... He can't get to the door... I think he's going to try and take him himself. 12000 feet. Jesus, I don't believe he's doing this. Uh, oh... Fluid breathing system. We just got them. We use it if we need to go really deep. How deep? Hey! Stand by on the ROV. Getting a reading? You boss is having a full-on meltdown. Guy's fixing to pull the pin on fifty kilotons and we're all ringside! High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome. Muscle tremors, usually in the hands first. Nausea, increased excitability, disorientation. 4800 feet. It's official. 8500 feet, Bud. Everything okay? Ask him a pressure effects. Tremors, vision problems, euphoria. He's losing it. Talk to him. Keep him with us. He can still make it. What kind of light? Would we see the flash? But your friend is waiting downstairs. When do you have to go back? I don't know... It depends on Ettore... He's now in the process of negotiating for a contract here in Sicily... Then how come you're not with him? I'd like to find a place where I can get some peace and rest, maybe around here somewhere. I'd like to try... How are you? Anna... Maybe it would be better to wait a while. Sandro... A month is too long a time. I have become used to being without you. You'll get over it soon. It's the usual anxiety. A little more so this time. So, it will just take you a little longer to get over it. But I think we should talk about it. Or are you fully convinced that we too won't understand each other? There will be plenty of time to talk about it later. We'll get married soon. That way we'll have more time... In this case, getting married means nothing. Aren't we already the same as being married? And Corrado and Giulia -- aren't they already the same as being married? But why rattle your brains by arguing and talking... Believe me, Anna, words never help at all. They only serve to confuse. I love you, Anna. Isn't I that enough? No. It's not enough... I told you before that I would like to get away for a while and be alone. But you just said that a month was too... I mean, to stay away longer -- two months... a year... three years... Yes, I know, it sounds absurd. And I feel awful. The very idea of losing you makes me want to die... And yet... I... I just don't have the same feeling for you any more. And what about yesterday... at my house... didn't you have any feeling for me, even then? But where are you going? I'm thirsty. You know, I could just as well go without seeing him today. Did you sleep well? Yes, fairly well. But I went to bed last night planning to do some thinking about a number of things ... instead, I fell asleep. Which one shall I wear? This one is gorgeous. Claudia, aren't you coming? I'm certainly not going to swim across. Isn't it fashionable any more to put on a sailor's cap with the name of the yacht? And how long will you be away? Four or five days. Used to what? To the fact of my retirement, not only as a diplomat but also as a father. But how could you say such a thing? Because it's true. After thirty years -- not having ever spoken the truth to anyone, I should at least allow myself to do so with my own daughter. And have you any other truths to tell me? You already know what they are. Up until now, Dad, I've been the one who hasn't wanted to marry him. I presume by this method that you'll be able to uncover some new clue, either a handkerchief or an article of clothing... In other words, something which your men have not been able to find as yet. Without any doubt, sir. If anything belonging to the girl who has run away is still here on this island... Allow me to inform you that my daughter is not a fugitive. I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to put it that way. But, you must understand, sir, that I... This looks to me like a good sign. Don't you think so? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who reads the Bible could not have committed an act of impropriety. Why... as a matter of fact, I remember when I was in China, many years ago, I happened to be involved in a similar situation, concerning an English woman, the wife of Ambassador Shafford, It's already two hours... What are we going to do? These people are contemptible. They have no sense of dignity at all. And you say that came from Lisca Bianca? It couldn't have come from anywhere else. At least, somewhere from that vicinity... But I really can't understand it. Contraband cigarettes on that island! It's the first time that ever happened. Look... I'd like to get back to Lisca Bianca. But how could we...at a time like this when we just... well, let's at least first have a look around the other islands. Could be that something might turn up there. But even here we were supposed to find who knows what... And all we bring back with us is a crate of cigarettes. What is that one over there called? That must be Basiluzzo. Say, Claudia, wouldn't you like to climb up with me and take a look over there? At what? Well? Well, what? Have you decided? How wonderful! I think you're very sweet, Corrado. More so than the shark? There's no comparison. Somebody must live here! Really! Still, it remains to be seen why she invented a shark. What was her purpose in that? Maybe you'd better ask him. I have a feeling that you're not used to being alone. Don't be so humble. How should I be ... arrogant? There's nothing much to laugh at. Shall we go for a swim? Twelve years ... But why haven't they married? And why haven't they left each other? I'm beginning to have my doubts. It couldn't be that they're in love? Find anything? As far as I'm concerned, I think she's alive... Why, even this morning... that business about the shark... it wasn't at all true. And why do you tell us this only now? Nothing but the usual argument... The only thing was -- if I remember correctly -- that she said she had a need to be alone. Nothing... nothing at all! And I suppose it's my fault... Why don't you tell him that too. That's what you believe, isn't it? Are you feeling better? I'm sorry about last night. Please forgive me. You're very fond of Anna, aren't you? Yes, very much so. Has she ever spoken to you about me? Occasionally, but always with affection. And yet, she seemed to feel that our love for her -- mine, yours, even her father's, in a certain sense -- weren't enough for her, or didn't mean much to her. I think that you might go and have a look yourself. Where are you going?... To Montaldo's? Yes. Have you read it?... They're asking for anyone with information to get in touch with them. Yes. I had also thought of going there to talk with them... Yes, you should go. Sandro, I don't want you to come with me, I don't want to see you... How can I make it clear to you?...Why did you come? I don't know why. I just couldn't help it. But sooner or later we've got to end this relationship. And it's better to do it right now. I have no desire to sacrifice myself... It's idiotic to sacrifice oneself... Why?... For whom? If Anna were here I might understand your scruples. But she's not... Oh, Sandro... I'm sorry. I didn't want to sound cynical. But isn't it better to look things squarely in the eye? For me they are exactly as they were when we met three days ago -- just three days ago... don't you realize? And you and Anna... No, I guess they aren't like that any more. My God, is it possible to forget in such a short time, for things to change so quickly? It takes even less. But it's so sad. So terribly sad. I'm not used to it, I'm not ready for it... You know... I have never been so upset in my life. Sandro, why don't you help me? I think the only way to help ourselves, Claudia, is for us to be together. No, I'm sure it won't. Move over there. Let's make believe nothing happened. And when we get to the next station, get off. And what about you? Claudia, listen to me... Promise that you won't try to look for me... you shouldn't try to look for me any more... Any news? Let's get out of here, fast... This is not a town, it's a cemetery. Sandro ... maybe it's best that you go in alone. Are you joking? What is it, Claudia? Oh, Sandro... I'm so ashamed of myself, so ashamed...I tried to hide myself...I feel so small... I hate myself ... Does it please you to say such things? Oh no... It doesn't please me at all... Then why do you say them? Good. It's better if it were absurd. That would mean nothing much can be done about it. But just think -- the very same things you had said to her who knows how many times... maybe even just before we left, while I was waiting outside your place... Really, I've got to stop this business with Ettore... I would like to go back and start working on my own projects again. You know, I had many ideas... And why did you drop them? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm sure you'd be able to design some very lovely things. Claudia, let's get married? What! Get married? Yes. We'll get married. You and I. What do you say? What do I say? What can I say? No. At least, not yet. I don't know... I can't even think of it... at a time like this... Oh, but why did you have to ask me? You look at me as though I had said something foolish... And are you sure you want to marry me? Are you really sure...that you want to marry... me? That's why I asked you... But why am I so infatuated with you? Hurry up now, or it'll begin to get hot outside... And you leave me here all alone... in this hotel room... But you know it already. Why must I tell you? Then I'll see you later. Sandro ...What's the matter? No, Sandro... Please... Why? Sandro, wait a moment, just one moment... You seem like an entirely different person ... What are you saying? I was only joking, really... Can't I make a joke? And now you've got to tell me why you don't want to. Did the hotel manager speak to you about that place nearby? Yes, she started to but I didn't feel like staying to listen to what she had to say. If we had to listen to everybody... No, Sandro... We should go. Besides, we haven't been in touch with anybody. Not even with Anna's father. We should have at least sent a wire or telephoned... let's be fair, he must be feeling awfully lonely. Sandro, listen... Try not to get yourself too involved tomorrow. Aren't you going to change? Sandro, I'm not coming down. Why? I'm too sleepy. You're that sleepy, eh? What time do expect to get up tomorrow? Good night, my love. Good night. Tell me that you love me. I love you. Tell me once more. I don't love you. Well, with a shark running loose around the place, I for one won't get aboard that raft! They'll have to catch it first. I want to see it right here before my feet, dead or alive. Tell me, Claudia, what do you think of Raimondo? I would say he's pretty depraved. He amuses me. I don't know of anything more amusing. Outside of this jigsaw puzzle. Don't you find it so, Claudia? One would have to be in love with somebody to know that. Have you ever been in love? What amazes me, is Sandro. He seems so calm. I'm going with the patrol boat to make a tour around the islands. To do what? I just can't leave without first searching those islands, one by one. But where did you finally end up? It's divine! You say that just to flatter me. Do you consider that a compliment? I'm not coming. Shouldn't we try to find a quieter place? How do you manage to put up with all this confusion? You always said people bore you. My childhood, instead, was a very sensible one. What do you mean by sensible? Patrizia... Patrizia ... Where's Ettore? I imagine he must be inside sleeping. Patrizia, I'm afraid. More or less, we are all afraid. Especially at night. I'm afraid that Anna has come back. I feel she's back, and that they're together. Now, listen. For God's sake, try not to let yourself become obsessed with that idea. Go to your room and get back into bed. Just several days ago, the thought of Anna being dead would have made me sick. And now, I don't even cry, I'm afraid she might be alive. Everything is becoming so damned simple and easy, even to deprive one's self of pain and suffering. You should never wish to get melodramatic over anything. Who are you talking to? Please, you come too... But for what reason should I come there? They're all nudes, if I'm not mistaken. And tell Corrado, too, that I'm here... if he wants me. You can also tell him that my tiny little heart is beating like mad, and that at this moment, it's the only thing that interests me. Is that clear? Now what do I have to do to be left in peace? It's as smooth and slick as oil. At one time the Aeolian isles were all volcanoes. What happened? There's a shark in the area. Don't move from where you are! Why didn't you ask me to go with you? Do you know why? Because if you saw those ruins I'm sure you would have said they were very, very beautiful. You always say "how beautiful" to everything -- whether it's the sea, or a baby, or a cat! You have such a sensitive little heart that it throbs for anything. But Corrado... If something is beautiful why shouldn't one say so? He never misses a chance to humiliate me, to let me know that he doesn't care about me any more. Looks like the weather is changing. I'll stay here also. But why?... What if it starts to rain? How did you spend the night?... In that hut?... And what did you have to eat? What do you think? Corrado, why don't you ask them to give it to us as a gift? But how can you carry on a discussion in this heat? I'm going ashore to take a look around the island. There are some ruins up there... There too... It's really a fact -- there's nothing new under the sun. Now, look here. Look at this structure... a kind of natural shelter. Sandro, that's how you should design your houses. Let's try to be practical about this. The best thing to do is for all of you to go to the closest island that has a police station, or something, and report the disappearance. I'll remain here... because... well, I don't know, but it seems to me that something may turn up. Anyway, I just don't feel like leaving. Claudia, I know how you feel, but there are already two of us staying... And what are we going to do now? Up until now those smugglers were operating only around the Palermo area. This will be a nice surprise for the Lieutenant in Milazzo... Call up headquarters. Bring them up to date and have them give you instructions on what to do with this crate. So... the boat we saw yesterday afternoon might have also been that of these smugglers. Could it be possible, then, that Anna...? I wonder where they could have unloaded the stuff ... Maybe right here at Lisca. I was saying... it might even be possible that Anna had left with them. But for what reason would she have wanted to go away? Listen, Marshal... As for there being reasons for going away, anyone of us might have three thousand of them. So you can assume that she had them. What I want to know, is it possible that the smugglers might have taken her aboard? And who is this? First let the poor thing have something to eat. Ettore... What is it? Nothing, nothing at all. I was just looking for Sandro. And you expect to find him in here? Go and ask Claudia. Let's see you dive from the top of those rocks, Giulia. That would be really sensational. Come on, Giulia ... your life is much too circumscribed. Where is she going? The trouble with you is that nobody can speak to you, that's all. Giulia, don't you understand that the more involved you become with people, the more difficult it is to speak with them? You men are all so dreadful! Goffredo is the Princess' nephew. He's eighteen years old, the lucky boy. And, what do you know -- he paints. Giulia... Because there is no landscape as beautiful as a woman. And where do you find the models? Oh, there are as many as one wants. It's strange how anxious women are to display themselves. It's almost a natural inclination. But how could they pose like that? I couldn't. Why don't you try? Don't you ever paint men? Answer me, why don't you try posing? I'll paint you a beautiful portrait. But why me?... Ask Claudia, she's much more beautiful than me. But I want to paint you. You appeal to me more. They tell me you have a lot of trouble at home. Is that right? Yes, sir. My sister is sick... and my father, too. Yes, sir. Three times. Now, we're getting somewhere! They're beginning to contradict each other. Now look here, your friend just swore to me that you weren't able to do any fishing at all because the sea was too rough... And what about the other boat? What other boat? Now look, my men saw it and they also saw you men throwing those crates overboard. What have you got to say about that? I work there but I'm really a stranger. I tell you this acquaintance of mine knows you and she has often spoken to me about you. And who is she? Does she work in Catania? Yes, she takes care of the garden. Then it's impossible for her to know me. In the villa where I'm at, we have a male gardener. So? That's logical. You see, both being gardeners, they spoke about you to one another. And what did they say about me? We have a radio like this, too. No, not like this one. And why wouldn't we have one like this? Certainly a radio this small is very practical. It's especially useful for... I don't know... for traveling. Music, of course. To get a sweetheart, one has to look around, but to get a radio, all you have to do is buy one. Anything new develop? Unfortunately, no. Very well. First of all, I'll have them search the waters around the island. I brought two frogmen with me... Meanwhile, we'll take a look up around here. Look, Marshal, with those deep crevasses, you'll need some rope and ladders... Don't worry, we've got everything. Another thing; there's an old man who lives here on the island... I only exchanged a few casual words with her, as one would ordinarily do on a public bus... And do you remember where she got off? Then you should also be able to tell me where a young girl might stay in Noto; are there any hotels or rooming houses? There's the Trinacria Hotel... or the Regina, near the municipal building. As for rooming houses, I don't know... Thank you. Are you the owner of this place? No. The owners are in Australia. But where did you come from? Whose boat is that? What boat? Just a moment ago... didn't you hear the sound of a motor? At this time of the year there are so many boats... And how come you're up so early? Perhaps she wasn't feeling well... Maybe a cramp or something... Anna is an excellent swimmer. Even with a cramp, she would have managed to reach shore somehow. Listen, Patrizia... The Marshal says there's a current that passes by here and ends up at another island... I don't know which... He wants to send one of his men over to have a look... One never knows... Do you mind if I ask Raimondo to go with him? Patrizia, what are you going to do? What do you want us to do? I don't know myself... But we'll do something. We've decided to go to Montaldo's place. In fact, Ettore should already be there. And here's Sandro. Why don't you two go upstairs and change? Did you manage to find good rooms? They didn't seem too good. You should have told Ettore. He always manages to get what he wants. Ettore must be fed up with me by now. Your mother? Why have we stopped? Raimondo... Do you enjoy fishing underwater? Now, tell the truth, aren't you a bit disappointed?... But I already told you... Patrizia, don't start in again... I would rather be called depraved. Unless you happen to love children. You know, I don't love anybody. You've made some mistake there with the bushes... that's why you can't finish it. Here I am, Patrizia. I'm always here. Zuria? Yes. Until proven otherwise. I would like to ask you something. She costs a hundred thousand lire. You're kidding! I read one of your articles regarding the disappearance of a girl. I'm that girl's fianc‚. Oh... I'm sorry I have to rush but I've got to write a story about this thing that just happened... Tell me exactly how it all turned out. As a matter of fact, I've already had several phone calls on that article. One said they had seen the missing girl in an automobile somewhere in Rome. Another one said they saw her on the pier talking with some strange sailors... Could be she secretly left the island by boat... Is that possible? Who knows?... Another one has it that she entered a store in Troina. This information comes from the storekeeper himself who stated that such and such a girl had bought I don't know what in his store... at Troina. Is that far from here? About fifty miles or so. If you want, I'll give you the name of the storekeeper. Yes... of course... But you should also print that in your paper... But right away, tomorrow morning... It's the local Palermo paper, isn't it?... I mean, it's widely read... Yes, but why do you think our readers would be interested in such news now? Even if I sent it, the editors wouldn't print it. You really must do me this one favor. Pardon me, but why must I do you a favor? Agnes, it has come to my attention that you have stopped eating. Why is this? AGNES I've been commanded by God. He talked to you Himself? No. Through someone else? Yes. Who? I can't say. Why? She'd punish me. One of the other Sisters? No. Because I'm getting fat. Oh, for Heaven's sake. I am, there's too much flesh on me. Agnes... I'm a blimp. Why does it matter whether you're fat or not... Because... ... You needn't worry about being attractive here. I do, I have to be attractive to God. He loves you the way you are. No he doesn't. He hates fat people. Who told you this? It's a sin to be fat. Why? Look at the statues, they're thin. Agnes... That's because they're suffering... suffering is beautiful, I want to be beautiful. Who tells you these things? Christ said it in the Bible, he said - suffer the little children, I want to suffer like a little child. That's not what he meant. I... I am a little child but my body keeps getting bigger and soon I... I won't be able to fit in, I... I won't be able to squeeze into Heaven. No... I mean... I mean look at these. I've got to lose weight, I'm a blimp. Oh my dear child. God blew up the Hindenburg. He'll blow me up, that's what she said... Who? Mommy I'll get bigger and bigger every day and then I'll pop but... but if I stay little it won't happen. Your mother tells you this?... Agnes your mother is dead. But she watches... she listens. Nonsense, I'm your mother now and I want you to eat. I'm not hungry. You've got to eat something Agnes. No I don't... the host is enough. My dear, I don't think a communion wafer has the recommended daily allowance of anything. Of God. I'm being punished. Why? I don't know. Sister Marguerite says you have been sleeping on a bare mattress Sister. Is that true? Yes Mother. Why? We're not in the Middle Ages, Sister. It made them holy. It made them uncomfortable. And if they didn't sleep well I'm certain the next day they were cranky as mules. Sister where are your sheets? Do you really believe that sleeping on a bare mattress is the equivalent of sleeping in a coffin? No. Then tell me. Where are your sheets? I burnt them. Why? They were stained. How many times have I burned into your thick skull and the thick skull of your fellow novice, that menstruation is a perfectly natural process and nothing to be ashamed of. Yes, Mother. A few years ago one of the Sisters came to me in tears, asking for comfort, comfort because she was too old to have any children. Not that she wanted to, but once a month she had been reminded of that possibility. It's not that... it's not that... What do you mean? It's not my time of month. Should you see a doctor? I don't know. I don't know what happened Mother, I woke up... there was blood on the sheets, but I don't know what happened. I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know and I should be punished. For what? I don't know... I don't know... Hello. I'm Doctor Livingston. I've been asked to talk to you. May I? You have a lovely voice. No I don't. I just heard you. That wasn't me. No I'm not. Hasn't anyone ever told you that before? Let's talk about something else. What would you like to talk about. I don't know. Anything... may I sit down? First thing that comes to your mind? God! But there's nothing to say about God. Second thing that comes to your mind. Love. Have you ever loved anyone? Yes. Who? Everyone. Well, who in particular? Right now? Uh huh. I love you. Agnes, have you ever loved another man... other than, Jesus Christ? Yes. Who? Oh, there are so many. Well do you love... do you love Father Martineau? Oh, yes! Do you think he loves you? Oh, I know he does. He's told you? No. But... when I look into his eyes, I can tell. You've been alone together? Yes. Often? At least once a week. And you like that? Oh, yes. Where do you meet? You want to talk about the baby don't you? Would you like to talk about it? I never saw any baby... I think they made it up. Why should they? I don't know. Do you remember the night they said it came? No. I was sick. How were you sick? Something I ate. Did it hurt? Yes. Where? Down... there. And what did you do? I went to my room. And what happened? I got sicker. And then what? I fell asleep. In the middle of all the pain? Yes. Where did the baby come from? What baby? The baby they made up. From their heads... Is that where they say it came from... ? No, they say it came from the waste paper basket! Where'd it come from before that? From God. After God... before the waste-paper basket. I... I don't understand. Agnes, how are babies born? Don't you know? Yes I do, but I want you to... I don't understand what you're talking about... you want to talk about the baby... everybody wants to talk about the baby but... I never saw the baby so I can't talk about the baby because... I don't believe in the baby. Then let's talk about something else... No... no, I'm tired of talking, I've been talking for weeks, nobody believes me when I tell them anything... nobody listens to me. Agnes... No... no, I don't want to answer any more questions. Would you like to ask them? What do you mean? Just that... you ask and I'll answer. Anything? What's your real name? Martha Louise Livingston. Are you married? No. Would you like to be? Not at the moment, no. Do you have any children? No. Would you like some? I can't have them any more. Why not? I've stopped menstruating Why do you smoke? Does it bother you? No questions. Smoking is an obsession with me. Maybe one day I'll become obsessed with something else, then I'll stop smoking... Do you have any more questions? One. Where do you think babies come from? From their mothers and fathers of course. Before that, I... I don't know. Do you know a Marie? No... do you? Why should I? You liked Sister Paul? She was kind to me. She told me I was beautiful. What else did she tell you? Sister Paul was in her eighties? Did she climb up here often? No, only when she felt like it. She brought me up here last winter and the next day she died. No wonder... wait... Agnes... Agnes how do you feel about babies? Oh, they frighten me, I'm afraid I'll drop them. They have a soft spot on their heads and if you drop them so they land on their heads they become stupid. I was dropped on my head, that's why I don't understand things. Like what? Numbers... you can spend your whole life counting and never reach the end. I don't understand them either. Do you suppose I was dropped on my head? I hope not. It's a terrible thing to be dropped on your head. What happens if the bell rings and you're under there? It's like hiding from my mother when I was a little girl. Where did you go? Oh, no place as wonderful as this. Agnes... have you ever thought of leaving the convent for something else? No. There is nothing else. Just being here at night helps me sleep. You have trouble sleeping? I get headaches. Mommy did too... oh, but she wasn't stupid. She knew things that nobody else knew. What things? She knew what was going to happen to me. That's why she hid me away. How did she know that? Somebody told her. Who? I don't know. Agnes... You'll laugh. I promise I won't laugh. Who told her? An angel, when she was having one of her headaches. Did your mother see angels often? No. Do you? No. Do you believe she really saw them? No, but I can never tell her that. Why not? Mmm? Agnes, did you love your mother? Yes. Did you ever want to be a mother yourself? I could never be a mother. Why not? Well I don't think I'm old enough and besides I don't want to have a baby. Why not? Because I don't want one. If you did want one, how'd you go about getting one? From someone who didn't want to have a baby. How would that person get one if they didn't want one? A mistake... Agnes, how did your mother get you? A mistake... it was a mistake... Is that what she said? If you're trying to get me to say that she was a bad woman and hated me and didn't want me but that's not true, she was a good woman, a saint... Agnes, I don't believe you know nothing about sex... I can't help it if I'm stupid. ... that you don't remember getting pregnant... Not my fault. ... and that you don't believe you carried a child. I was a mistake. What the child? Everything... I don't have children. Agnes, I'm here because I want to help you. I'm not sick. But you're troubled... aren't you? That's because you keep reminding me. If you go away then I'll forget. And you're unhappy. Everyone's unhappy, you're unhappy aren't you? Agnes... Answer me! You never answer me. Sometimes, yes. What did you do? I'm always bad. What did you do? Agnes. What did your mother do to you? If you can't answer me, just shake your head yes or no. Did... did she hit you? Did she make you do something you didn't want to? Did it make you feel uncomfortable to do it? Did it embarrass you? Did it... did it hurt you? What did she make you you do? No... You can tell me. I can't. She's dead isn't she? Yes. She can't hurt you any more. She can. How? She watches... she listens. Agnes, I don't believe that. Tell me. I'll protect you from her. She... Yes? ... makes me... Yes? ... take off my clothes and then... she makes fun of me. She tells you you're ugly? Yes. And that you're stupid? Yes. That you're a mistake? She says my whole body's a mistake. Why? Because she says if I don't watch out I'll have a baby. How does she know that? Her headaches. Oh, yes. And then... What? She touches me down there with a cigarette. Please Mommy, don't touch me like that any more. I'll be good, I won't be a baby any more. Agnes, oh Agnes, Agnes I want you to do something. I want you to pretend that I'm your mother. Oh yes, only this time I want you to tell me what you're feeling, alright? I'm afraid. Please! I want to help you. Let me help you. Alright. Agnes, you're ugly!... what do you say? Of course you do. Agnes, you're ugly!... what do you say? No I'm not. Are you pretty? Yes. Agnes, you're stupid. No I'm not. Are you intelligent? Yes I am. You're a mistake. Oh Agnes, oh Agnes, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, I love you. Do you really love me or are you just saying that? I really love you. As much as Mother Miriam does? You're listening to a chorus of angels. The music surrounds you like a... warm and, comfortable pool of water. And while you're sleeping, you're going to be able to recall, all the things that we want you to remember. And when I count to three and clap my hands, you'll no longer be hypnotised. Can you hear me. Yes. Who am I? Doctor Livingston. And why am I here? To help me. Good. Would you like to tell me why you're here? Because I'm in trouble. I'm frightened. Of what? Of telling you. But it's easy. It's just a breath with sound. Say it. What kind of trouble? How did you have a baby? It came out of me. Did you know what was going to come out? Yes. Did you want it to come out? No. Why? Because I was afraid. Why were you afraid? Because I wasn't worthy. To be a mother? Yes. Why? May I open my eyes now? No not yet Agnes, very soon but not yet. How did the baby get into you? It grew. What made it grow? Do you know? Yes. Would you like to tell me? No. Did anyone else know about the baby? I can't tell you that. Will she be angry? She made me promise not to. Who? Who made you promise? It's alright Agnes. It's alright. Let's go to your room. It's the night about six weeks ago when you were very sick. I'm afraid. Oh don't be, I'm here. It's alright. I want you to tell me what you did before you went to bed. I ate. Hm hmm. What did you have for dinner? Fish... ... brussel sprouts. You don't like brussel sprouts? And then what happened? We went to chapel for vespers. Hm hmm. What is it? Someone's following me. Who? Sister Marguerite I think. My bed. What else? A crucifix. Above the bed? Any... anything else? What do you you see, something different? What is it? A wastepaper basket. Do you know who put it there? No. What do you think it's there for? For me to get sick in. Are you ill? Yes. What do you feel? I feel as if I've eaten glass. What do you do? Which one? I don't know which one Of what? Of me. Oh... God! My God... Water... it's all water... Why isn't anyone coming? Who? Go away, I don't want you here. Is someone in the room with you? Alright Agnes... it's alright. One, two three... It's alright... it's me, Doctor Livingston, it's alright, alright. Thankyou Agnes, thankyou. How do you feel? Frightened. Do you remember what just happened? Yes. That's good. Do you feel well enough to stand? Agnes, can you hear me? Yes. She said Michael. The statue. She had shown it to me the day before. And the passage to the barn? Yes. Why? So I could go to him. Who? Him. How did she know about him? She'd seen him too. Where? From the belltower the day she before she died. So she sent you? Are you frightened? It's bleeding... I'm bleeding... my God it won't stop, I can't get it to stop. Let go of me, I wish you were dead. Stay away from me... Agnes it had nothing to do with the hand of God. He did a terrible thing to you, do you understand? No... He frightened you and he hurt you. It's not your fault. It's his fault. Tell us who he is so we can find him. Stop him from doing this to other women. Not your fault... Agnes who did you see? I hate him... Of course you do. Who was it? I hate him for what he did to me. Yes. For what he made me go through. Who? I hate him. God! It was God. And now I'll burn in hell because I hate him. It was dead. It was alive wasn't it? Mother Miriam was with you wasn't she? Yes. She took the baby in her arms? Yes. You saw it all didn't you? Yes. And then... what did she do? Agnes what did she do? What did you do? I put her to sleep. H... how? I've been watching. We were fine 'till she came. She brought the devil here. There was blood on her hand that night. Agnes? Who? Mother Superior? ??? What? Look into the convent records. Are you dictating my position to me? We're getting into some sticky legal territories here. Martha, all we're saying is, no-one wants this to come to trial, not the Church, not the Crown... least of all me. Eve, she strangled a baby! Martha, you have to make a decision on her sanity as quickly as possible and not interfere with due process of law. No... no, excuse me Eve. As quickly as I see fit. The longer you take to make a decision, the more difficult it will be for us. Why? The bishop is breathing down our necks. Here you are. Don't let anyone know where you got them. Larry... Marty, what are you doing here? Larry there's got to be something missing. I gave you the pictures Marty, what else do you want? Something they... that they overlooked. What? You think that the girl is innocent? I don't know. Larry... What's the matter with you, you've seen the reports. It's a cut and dried case. Maybe there's something that's not in the report that should be. Thanks. Martha, it's you. Would you tell me why the hell this is taking so long. ??? All I want is one more week. Why? You've done nothing to show any progress. Yes, that's because I'm getting to her. You're getting to all of us Martha, let's face it. I'll have a decision by next week. It's gone on long enough. You're out. Oh Joe... Joe she didn't kill the baby. You have proof? I'll have it. When? No, no, no... I can get you new evidence next week. No! Hello, Mama ... brought you something. Shut up, I'm trying to watch this. It's your favourite... Who are you? It's Martha, Mama. There you go. Marie brings me icecream too you know. Chocolate... my favourite. I thought cherry-vanilla was your favourite. Not any more... now I like chocolate. Did you have a good week Mama. Are they treating you all right? You know Martha never comes to see me. You watch it, she's going straight to hell... after all the things she said to me. Then she marries that son of a bitch of a Frenchman... has an abortion. I knew that one wouldn't work out. Not like you Marie. You got married to God. Marie's dead Mama. I remember when you was a little girl Marie. You come back from the movies and you'd say - Mama that ending was so sad... and I'd tell you they had all the happy endings locked away in a vault in Hollywood. And you believed me. Mama, that wasn't Marie, that was me! Who are you? The convent was built for over fifty. Not many of us left... just us and the chickens. How do you survive? Oh, we own the land around here. But we rent it out. We keep a few acres for ourselves, some wheat, corn, some vegetables. Well that's a lot of land. You must have help. Do you have field hands that help you? No. We work the land alone. No-one but Sister Marguerite and I are permitted contact with the public. Oh that one there, in the corner. The one up on the third floor? Yes. No. Well you're probably right about that. It certainly can't help Sister Agnes to have this investigation continued for any length of time. Why do you call it an investigation? I never have. Your mother was a resident of Saint Catherines home before you moved her. And you had a sister who died in the convent. Who told you this? Do you still go to church? What business is it of yours..? Oh, we just wonder if you can be very objective about this case. Look, Father, ah... just because I don't subscribe to the... to the beliefs you subscribe to... But what you believe makes no difference to us whatsoever Doctor. But it does make all the difference to Agnes. I don't understand. Are you expecting me to..? I'm afraid the word brings up the most unpleasant connatations in this day and age... Yes... I... You can call me Sister. ... Thank you. You were a smoker? Two packs a day. I can beat that. Who knew about Agnes' pregnancy? No-one. How did she hide it from the other nuns? She undressed alone... she bathed alone. Is that normal? Yes. How did she hide it during the day? She could have hidden a machine gun in here if she had wanted to. Didn't she have any physical examinations in this time? We're examined once a year. Her pregnancy fell in between the doctor's visits. Who was the father? I haven't a clue. What man had access to her? None as far as I know. Was there a priest? Yes, but I... What's his name? Father Martineau, but I don't see him as a candidate. Could there have been anyone else? Obviously there was. And you didn't try to find out who? Believe me, I've done everything possible short of asking Agnes. She can't even remember the birth. Do you think she'd admit to the conception? Look, someone gave her the baby. Yes, but that was some ten months ago. I fail to see that the identity of that somebody has anything to do with this trial. Why do you think that? Don't ask me those questions dear, I'm not the patient. Well I'm the doctor. I'm the one who's going to decide what is, or is not important here. Look doctor, I don't know how to tell you this politely, but I don't approve of you. Not you personally... The science of psychiatry. Exactly. I want you do deal with Agnes as speedily and as easily as possible. She won't hold up under any sort of cross examination. I am not with the Inquisition. Well... what do you think? Is she totally bananas or merely slightly off centre... or maybe she's perfectly sane and just a very good liar. What's your opinion? I believe Agnes is different. From other nuns... Yes I... I've noticed. From other people! I believe she is not crazy, nor is she lying. How could she have a baby and know nothing of sex or birth? Because she's an innocent. She's a slate that's hasn't been touched except by God. That's ridiculous... In her case it isn't. She's had very little schooling. Her mother kept her home almost all the time and when her mother died Agnes came here, to us. She's never been out there Doctor. She's never seen a movie or a television show. She's never even read a book. If she's so innocent, how come she murdered a child? She didn't! This is manslaughter, not murder. She didn't consciously kill that baby. She'd lost a lot of blood. She was unconscious by the time we got to her. So, someone else could have done it. No... not in the eyes of the police. And in your eyes? I've already told you what I thought. That she was unconscious, yes! So someone easily could have come in the room and killed the... You don't really believe something like that happened do you? It's possible isn't it? Who? That's absurd! That possibility never occurred to you? This convent is locked solid. The only one that has a key is Sister Marguerite and she wouldn't let Christ in after dark. Well, it's been known to happen in the day too. Maybe Agnes went to him. Oh come on, you've talked to her. She doesn't even know how babies are born, let alone made. When did you first learn about her... innocence, the way she thinks? Shortly after she came to us. And you weren't shocked? I was appalled, just as you are now. And what happened? This was before her pregnancy? Why didn't you take her to a doctor? It was healed by the following morning and she started eating again... She had a... a hole in the palm of her hand! She could have bled to death. But she didn't... did she. If anyone had seen what I'd seen she'd be public property... newspapermen, psychiatrists, ridicule. She doesn't deserve that. She has it now. I know what you're thinking, she's a hysteric pure and simple. Not simple, no. I saw it. Clean through the palm of her hand. Do you think hysteria could do that? It's being doing it for centuries. She's not unique, she's just another victim. God's victim. That's her innocence. She belongs to God. You hate us don't you? What? Nuns... you hate nuns. I hate ignorance and stupidity. The Catholic Church... I haven't said anything against the the Catholic Church. Catholicism is not on trial here. I want you to deal with Agnes without any religious prejudice or you turn this case over to someone else... It's my affair too. I'm only interested... She is not a child. ??? ??? ... virginity, right Mother? Poverty, chastity and ignorance is what you live by. I am not a virgin, Doctor. I was married for twenty three years, two daughters. I even have grandchildren... surprised? It might please you to know that I was a failure as a wife and mother. My children won't even see me any more, that's their revenge. I think they tell their friends that I've passed on. And don't tell me I'm making up Then help her. I am... No, you're shielding her. Let her face the world. What good would it do. No matter what you decide it's either the... the prison or the nut house and the differences between them are pretty thin. There's another choice. What? Aquittal. How? All right, what do you need. When would Agnes have conceived the child? Oh, some time in January. Do you remember anything unusual happening at the time? Earthquakes? Visitors to the convent. Nothing. Do you have a... a diary or a day book? Yes. There's nothing here. Was the child full term? Oh, Dear God... What is it? The sheets... What sheets? When was that? The twenty third of January. On that night one of our elder nuns passed away. Sister Paul? You lied to me About what? Your niece! I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was important. No, it just makes you doubly responsible doesn't it? I never saw Agnes until she set foot in this convent. My sister ran away from home. We lost touch with her. And when my husband died and I came here, she wrote to me and asked me if I would take care of Agnes in case anything happened. Like keeping her home from school? Yes. Listening to angels? She drank too much. That's what killed her. Do you know what she did to her? I don't think I care to know. She molested her! Oh, dear God. There is more here than meets the eye isn't there? Lots of dirty little secrets. Oh God, if only I'd known. Why didn't you? You knew she was keeping her home from school. You knew she was an alcoholic. I knew that after the fact. Why didn't you do anything to stop her? Because I didn't know... And my permission? We'll see about that. Don't deny it! I haven't decided yet. The woman's health is at stake. Her spiritual health. I don't give a damn about her spiritual health. An unhappy woman... She's happy with us and she could go on being happy if she was left alone. Because I am a moral person. Bullshit! Bullshit yourself! Catholic Church doesn't have a corner on morality... Who said anything about the Catholic Church... You just said... What the hell has the Catholic Church got to do with you? Nothing... It wasn't sex. It was a lot of things, but it wasn't sex. You know when I was in the first grade my best friend was run over on the way to school, you know what the nun said? She died because she hadn't said her morning prayers. Stupid woman... and that's all? That's all? That's enough! She was a beautiful little girl. And what has that to do with it? I wasn't. I wasn't. She was the pretty one. She died, why not me? I never said my morning prayers. And I was ugly, I was scrawny, I had buck teeth and freckles all over my face, do you know what the nun called me, Sister Mary Clitus, called me Polkadot Livingston. So you left the Church because you had freckles? My sister died in a convent. And it's her voice I hear. Does my smoking bother you? No, it reminds me. Would you like one? Huh? I'm out of prac... ... practice. All right? Fine thanks... Do you suppose the saints would have smoked if tobacco had been popular back then? Undoubtedly. Not the ascetics of course but, well Saint Thomas More... Long, thin and filtered. Saint Ignatius would smoke cigars and stub them out on the soles of his bare feet. And of course Hand rolled. Even Christ would partake socially. Saint Peter? Pipe! Right... Mary Magdelen? Oh, you've come a long way baby. Right. What do you suppose today's saints are smoking? There are no saints today. Good people yes, but extraordinarily good people... those I'm afraid we are sorely lacking. Do you think they ever existed? Yes I do. Do you want to become one? Become? One is born a saint. Well you can try, can't you, to be good? Do you think Agnes is still attached to God? Listen to her singing. I'd like to begin. Begin what? The hypnotism. Do you still disapprove? Would it stop you if I did? May I be present? Of course. Stop this, she'll hurt herself I'm not going to allow this. I've just met with the bishop. We're taking you off the case. You're what? If we want to hire a psychiatrist for Agnes. we'll find our own, thank you. One that will ask the questions you want asked. One that will approach this matter with some objectivity and respect. For the Church? For Agnes. You think she's a saint? She's been touched by God, yes. How? How? She hallucinates, stops eating and bleeds spontaneously. Is that supposed to convince me she shouldn't be touched. Give me a miracle. The father! Who is he? Why must he be anybody? My God, you're as crazy as... Stop laughing, I don't say it's the truth, I'm saying... How ? Don't be ridiculous. Well give me a reasonable explanation A miracle is an event without an explanation. If she's capable of putting a hole in her hand without benefit of a nail, why couldn't she split a cell in her womb? This is insane. There as no man in the convent on that night and no way for any man to get in or out. But how did it happen? You'll never find the answer for everything God did. I thought you didn't believe in miracles today Mother? But I want the opportunity to believe. I want the choice to believe. But what you are choosing to believe is a lie because you won't face the fact that she was raped... or seduced... or that she did the seducing. She is an innocent. But she is not an enigma Mother. Everything that Agnes has done is explainable from modern psychiatry. One, two, three, right down the line. That's what you believe she is? The sum of her psychological parts? That's what I have to believe... There's a tunnel out of the crypt into the barn. Did you know about that? There's an answer Mother. That's how she got out. That's crazy. How could she find out about it? Somebody told her. Who? That tun... that tunnel hasn't been used in fifty years. Oh, would you stop lying Mother! Why would I lie? Because it's murder we're talking about. Aren't you concerned about what she told us about the other person in her room. I'm concerned about her health. Who was that person Mother? Was it you? This is permission to take her apart. Where is she? Hasn't she had enough? I have a few more questions to ask her. Who knew she was pregnant? Why do you insist upon pressing... Was it you? Is it because she's a nun? Did you know she was pregnant? Yes. And you didn't send her to a doctor. I didn't guess until it was too late. For what? An abortion? Oh, don't be ridiculous. Too late for what? I don't know... too late to stop it. The baby? The scandal... You went to the room to help with the birth. She didn't want any help. You wanted that child out of the way. That's a lie. You hid the wastepaper basket in her room. I didn't hide it. I put it there for the blood and the dirty sheets. And the baby. No! You tied the cord around its neck. I wanted her to have it when no-one else was around, they would have taken the baby to a hospital and left it with them, but it was such a difficult birth, there was so much blood and I panicked. Before or after you killed the child? I left it with her and I went for help. I doubt that's what she'd say. That's enough. Agnes, what happened to the baby? She can't remember. Oh, don't do this! Of course, John. Yes, they were playing the queues outside the picture palaces of Liverpool. Scruffy young lads, lacking even the price of a jam roll. Orphans, every Paddy's son of 'em. I saw their potential at once although I had me doubts about the little fella, a savage primitive, that Ringo, but it was him what gave in first. He picked up a brick and heaved The usual ten per cent? Oh, not at all, I let them have twenty-five; sure aren't there four of them? How fascinating. Do go on ... ... John. Lay them down. Eh? Lay them down. We'd be thrown out. They're yours. They are? Here, mate, that's my hoop, stop playing with it. Hoop, this isn't a hoop, it's a lethal weapon. Have you got a licence for it? Oh don't be so stroppy! Well! A boy of your age bowling "hoop" at people. How old are you anyway? Nine. Bet you're only eight and a half. Eight and two thirds. Well, there you are and watch it with that hoop. Gerron out of it, you're only jealous 'cause you're old. Shurrup! I bet you're -- sixteen! Fifteen and two thirds, actually. Well -- Oh you can have it, I'm packing it in -- it depresses me. Y'what? You heard, it gets on my wick. Well that's lovely talk, that is. And another thing, why aren't you at school? I'm a deserter. Are you now? Yeah, I've blown school out. Just you? No, Ginger, Eddy Fallon and Ding Dong. Ding Dong? Oh Ding Dong Bell, eh? Yeah, that's right, they was supposed to come with us but they chickened. Yeah? And they're your mates are they? Yeah. Not much cop without 'em, is it? Oh, it's all right. Yeah? Yeah. Ginger's mad, he says things all the time and Eddy's good at punching and spitting. How about Ding Dong? Why aren't you at work? I'm a deserter, too. What about all these letters? Shurrup! Can you fix him for me? Yeah. The police have the poor unfortunate lad in the Bridewell. The police station. All right, all right. If you don't need this lot, I'll lock 'em up in the dressing room till you do. Sure. Well, that's it, two minutes to the final run-through... they're bound to miss it... I'll murder that Lennon. You don't think... They'll be here. Boys, you don't know what this means to me. If you hadn't come back it would have been the epilogue or the news in Welsh for life. Leave them drums alone. Oh, surely one can have a tiny touch. If you so much as breathe heavy on them, I'm out on strike. Aren't you being rather arbitrary? That's right retreat behind a smoke screen of bourgeois cliches. I don't go round messing about with your ear-phones, do I? Spoil sport! Would you like to be a little more precise, sir? Well, that's the wrong line for a start. Yeah, you know, "O.K. Buster, follow that car, there's a sawbuck in it for you if you get real close!" Ever seen one of these before? Ah ... a shamus, eh? I see you go to the night court. I've made the scene. We're nearly there, sir. He doesn't like me, honest, I can tell ... It's 'cos I'm little. You've got an inferiority complex, you have. Are you going in? No, she'll only reject me in the end and I'll be frustrated. You never know, you might be lucky this time. Me? Why? I don't snore. You do - repeatedly. Eh, Ringo, do you know what happened to me? Look, I'm terribly sorry but I'm afraid there's been some sort of a misunderstanding. Oh, you can come off it with us. You don't have to do the old adenoidal glottal stop and carry on for our benefit. I'm afraid I don't understand. We want you to give us your opinion on some clothes for teenagers. Oh, by all means, I'd be quite prepared for that eventuality. Well, not your real opinion, naturally. It'll be written out and you'll learn it. Can he read? Of course I can. I mean lines, ducky, can you handle lines? I'll have a bash. Good. Hart, get him whatever it is they drink, a cokearama? Ta. Now, you'll like these. You really "dig" them. They're "fab" and all the other pimply hyperboles. I wouldn't be seen dead in them. They're dead grotty. Grotty? Yeah, grotesque. Make a note of that word and give it to Susan. I think it's rather touching really. Here's this kid trying to give me his utterly valueless opinion when I know for a fact within four weeks he'll be suffering from a violent inferiority complex and loss of status if he isn't wearing one of these nasty things. Of course they're grotty, you wretched But I won't. You can be replaced you know, chicky baby. I don't care. And that pose is out too, Sunny Jim. The new thing is to care passionately, and be right wing. Anyway, you won't meet Susan if you don't cooperate. And who's this Susan when she's at home? Only Susan Campey, our resident teenager. You'll have to love her. She's your symbol. Oh, you mean that posh bird who gets everything wrong? I beg your pardon? Oh, yes, the lads frequently gather round the T.V. set to watch her for a giggle. Once we even all sat down and wrote these letters saying how gear she was and all that rubbish. She's a trend setter. It's her profession! She's a drag. A well-known drag. We turn the sound down on her and say rude things. Get him out of here!! Have I said something amiss? That's not your Grandfather. It is, y'know. But your Grandfather lives in your house. I've seen him. You see, he was going to get married but she threw him over for a butcher. A butcher? Gerron. Aye and we'll have to watch it and all. Aye, but don't rush. None of your five bar gate jumps and over sort of stuff. Now what's that supposed to mean? Did you look in here? No. I mean, it's probably a honeymoon couple or a company director or something. Sure. . What's up? Ringo! Oh, listen to teacher's pet. Eh, I don't know if you realise it, but ... We do. Yes. Your grandfather's stirred him up. He hasn't. Yes, he's filled his head with notions seemingly. Oh, there you are! Oh, I'm sorry, I must have made a mistake. You haven't, you're just late. Oh, yes, he's going to be very pleased with you. Is he? Well ... come on. Oh, Paul, you can't have your own way!!! Come on, Auntie, you're winning. That must have cost you a fortune in stamps, Ringo. Should I say it? I don't think that bit's right. How'd you like a dirty great drum roll giving you a clout right in the middle of your solo? It's happened at last, we've become a limited company. What are we waiting for? Morning! Who's that little old man? It's Paul's grandfather. No, I didn't you did ... Well, what happened? Hello, he's not talking to me. He's having a sulk. Sorry. Oh! Well ... go 'head, do the next bit. Go away! You've spoilt it. Are you supposed to be here? I've got you worried, haven't I? I'm warning you, they'll be back in a minute. D'you know something, "They" don't worry me at all. Anyroad, I only fancy listening to you ... that's all but if it worries you ... well ... You're from Liverpool, aren't you? How'd you guess? Oh, it's the way you talk. Is it ... is it, really? Are you pulling my leg? Something like that. I see. Do you like the play? Yeah ... I mean, sure, well, I took it at school but I only ever heard boys and masters saying those lines, like, sounds different on a girl. Yeah, it's gear on a girl. Gear? Aye, the big hammer, smashing! Thank you. You don't half slam the door in people's faces, do you? I mean, what about when you're playing the part, like, hundreds of people'll see you and ... I'm not ... Oh, you're the understudy, sort of thing? No. I'm a walk-on in a fancy dress scene. I just felt like doing those lines. Oh, I see. You are an actress though, aren't you? Yes. Aye, I knew you were. What's that mean? Well, the way you were spouting, like .... "I don't believe you, sir..." and all that. Yeah, it was gear. The big hammer? Oh aye, a sledge. But the way you did it then sounded so phony. But that's not like a real person at all. Aye well, actresses aren't like real people, are they? They ought to be. Oh, I don't know, anyroad up, they never are, are they? What are you? I'm in a group ... well ... there are four of us, we play and sing. I bet you don't sound like real people. We do, you know. We sound like us having a ball. It's fab. Is it really fab or are you just saying that to convince yourself? ... all this and a jam butty too!! I only enjoy acting for myself. I hate it when other people are let in. Why? I mean, which are you, scared or selfish? Why selfish? No, hang on, I've not gone daft. You see, when I was little me mother let me make some treacle toffee one time in our back scullery. When I'd done she said to me, "Go and give some to the other kids." So, I said I would but I thought to meself, "She must think I'm soft." Anyroad, I was eating away there but Not really but I'm probably not a toffee maker. How would you do those lines of mine? Well, look at it this way, I mean, when you come right down to it, that girl, she's a bit of a scrubber, isn't she? Is she? Of course ... Look, if she was a Liverpool scrubber ... Eh, fella, you want to try pulling the other one, it's got a full set of bells hanging off it ... Y'what? ... I know your sort, two cokes and a packet of cheese and onion crisps and suddenly it's love and we're stopping in an empty shop doorway. You're just after me And you honestly think that's what she meant? Well, it's nice to know you think we're clever. And cunning. And what do you do about it? Me? Oh, I don't have the time, I'm always running about with the lads ... no, we don't have the time. Pity. Aye, it is but as long as you get by, it's all right, you know ... bash on, happy valley's when they let you stop. Anyroad, I'd better get back. Yes. See you. Ah. Will you ever look at him, sitting there wid his hooter scraping away at that book! Well ... what's the matter with that? Have you no natural resources of your own? Have they even robbed you of that? You can learn from books. Can you now? Aah ... sheeps' heads! You learn more by getting out there and living. Out where? Any old where ... but not our little Richard ... oh no! When you're not thumping them pagan skins, you're tormenting your eyes wid that rubbish! Books are good! Parading's better! Parading? That's it, parading the streets ... trailing your coat ... bowling along ... living! Well, I am living, aren't I? You're living, are you? When was the last time you gave a girl a pink-edged daisy? When did you last embarrass a sheila wid your cool appraising stare? Eh ... you're a bit old for that sort of chat, aren't you? At least I've a backlog of memories, but all you've got is that book! Aaah ... stop picking on me... you're as bad as the rest of them. So you are a man after all. What's that mean? Do you think I haven't noticed ... do you think I wasn't aware of the drift? Oh ... you poor unfortunate scuff, they've driven you into books by their cruel, unnatural treatment, exploiting your good nature. Oh ... I dunno. And that lot's never happier than when they're jeering at you ... and where would they be without the steady support of your drum beat, I'd like to know. Yeah ... that's right. And what's it all come to in the end? Yeah ... what's in it for me? A book! When you could be out there betraying a rich American widow or sipping palm wine in Tahiti before you're too old like me. A fine neat and trim lad the class of you should be helping himself to life's goodies before the sands run out. Being an old age pensioner's a terrible drag on a man and every second you waste is bringing you Yeah ... funny really, 'cos I'd never thought of it but being middle-aged and old takes up most of your time, doesn't it? You're only right. Where are you off to? Ringo, me old scout, they grabbed yer leg for the iron too, did they? Well I'm not exactly a voluntary patient. Shush! Have they roughed you up yet? What? Keep your voice down, this lot'll paste you, just for the exercise. Oh they're a desperate crew of drippings and they've fists like matured hams for pounding defenceless lads like you. Have they? That sergeant's a body-blow veteran if ever I measured one. One of us has got to escape. I'll get the boys. Hold on son, I'll be back for you. Me! And if they get you on the floor watch out for your brisket. Oh, they seem all right to me. What are you doing? Lip reading. What are they saying? Well, you got me here so do your worst but I'll take one of you with me. Oh, I know your game, get me in the tiled room and out come the rubber hoses but I'll defy you still. You ugly, great brute you, you have sadism stamped all over your bloated British kisser. Eh? I'll go on a hunger strike. I know your caper. The kidney punch and the rabbit-clout. The third degree and the size twelve boot ankle-tap. What's he on about? I'm soldier of the Republic, you'll need the mahogany truncheon for this boyo. A nation once again. Would you two like a cup of tea? Hello, Grandfather! Hello. And we're looking after him, are we? Come on let's get this coffee. That's right; convict without trial ... Habeas corpus. That'll keep you busy. Stay where you are everybody this is a raid and we want him. You see. You know your trouble -- you should have gone West to America. You'd have wound up a Senior Citizen of Boston. As it is you took the wrong turning and what happened, you're a lonely old man from Liverpool. Oh no, you're not. You've gone too far this time ... and who's paying for all this? It's all taken care of. It's down on our bill. And to think me own grandson would have let them put me behind bars! All right, how about Ringo? I mean ... he's very upset, you know ... and as far as your girlfriend, little Audrey's concerned, she's finished with men for the rest of her natural, and another thing ... A harmless bit of fun, aah, none of you have any sense of humour left these days. Oh, it's all right for you but those two girls were scared to death! Honest, Grandad, why? I mean, why do you do these things? You're left-handed, aren't you, Paul? Yeah ... so what? Why do you always use your left hand? Well, don't be daft, I've got to. With a trombone hooter like yours it'd be unnatural if you didn't. Don't mock the afflicted, Pauly. Oh for Pete's sake, It's only a joke. Anything to spare? And another thing, where's that old mixer? No, that's his other one. That's all right then. Clean though, isn't he? Is that yours? Aye, he looks a right lurker. Well, what are we waiting for? What are you doing there? Hiding. Eh ... pardon me for asking but who's that little old man? What little old man? That little old man. How d'you reckon that one out? Well ... everyone's entitled to two, aren't they, and this is me other one. Well we know that but what's he doing here? Aye and fond of fresh meat and all. No ... it was his sweetbreads. She was dead kinky for sweetbreads. Anyroad, me mother thought it'ud give him a change of scenery, like. Eh, he's a nice old man, isn't he? Aye, that's what I'm afraid of! He's got you worried, then? Gie's a kiss! Give 'em a pull. I hope he fell off. We've broken out, oh, the blessed freedom of it all! Eh, have you got a nail file, these handcuffs are killing me. I was framed. I was innocent. Don't worry, son, we'll get you the best lawyer trading stamps can buy. Gaw, it's depressing in here, isn't it? Funny... 'cos they usually reckon dogs more than people in England, don't they? You'd expect something a little more palatial. Come on. Let's have a little action. Let's do something, then. Like what? Let's go and muck in. You won't interfere with the basic rugged concept of my personality, will you, girl? Behave... What's he know? She's going to show me her stamp collection. We've got only half an hour till the final run-through. He can't walk out on us. Well, I got a few things to say to you, two-faced John McCartney. Aw, leave him alone Paul, he's back, isn't he? And it's not his fault he's old. What's old got to do with it? You needn't bother. Y'what? Practising to be thick-headed, you're there already. Look he's a mixer and a trouble maker! Are you listening to me, Lennon? If you're going to have a barney I'll hold your coats. Eh, have you got Paul's grandfather? Of course, he's concealed about me person. Don't move, any of you. They've gone potty out there. The whole place is surging with girls. Please, can I have one to surge with? No. Ah, go on, you swine. Paul, John, George - get at it. Oh, it's got round that you're a heavy punter. I'll brook no denial! It's all right for you, you couldn't get a pen in your foot, you swine. Now get on with it. We were going to do it. Will you all stop it, you're like a gang of school kids. I knew this was going to happen one day. Let's have you. Don't cane me, sir, I was led astray. Leave him alone, he's got swine fever. Leave him alone, Lennon, or I'll tell them all the truth about you. You wouldn't! They're nearly ready for you. They're just finishing the band call. John, I'm talking to you. This final run through is important. Understand? Important. Hi Norm! Control yourself or you'll spurt. He's bound to be somewhere. The office was on the phone, they think it'd be better if we pushed straight to Wolverhampton. Tonight? We can't make it ... You've got a midnight matinee. Now, look here, Norm ... No, you look here, John. I've only one thing to say to you. What? Hello. Hello. Oh, wait a minute, don't tell me you're ... No, not me. Oh you are, I know you are. No, I'm not. You are. I'm not, no. Well, you look like him. Oh do I? You're the first one who ever said that. My eyes are lighter. Oh yes. And my nose... Well, yes your nose is. Very. Is it? I would have said so. Aye, but you know him well. No I don't, he's only a casual acquaintance. That's what you tell me. What have you heard? It's all over the place, everyone knows. Is it? Is it really? Mind you, I stood up for you, I mean I wouldn't have it. I knew I could rely on you. You're a window rattler, son. It'll only get you into trouble. He's betrayed the class. Oh, leave off!!! Temper! Temper! That's right. It's always me, isn't it? Well! Well, look after him. I don't want to find you've lost him. And? Your Grandfather pointed out Shake was always being taller than me just to spite me. I knew it, he started it, I should have known. Y'what? Have you lost him? Don't exaggerate. Eh, where's my grandfather? Don't worry about him. He can look after himself. I've got the stuff. Come here. Aren't we ... Where's my grandfather? He belongs to Paul. None for me, then? That's mine. Well ... Oh dear, I feel like doing a bit of work. Stop picking on him. What do you think are you're up to? Look after him. But... Do I have to raise me voice? Yeah, you want to watch it. It's not my fault. Well, you stick to that story, son. I'm sorry Norm, but I can't help being taller than you. He's been gone a long time. Who? Paul's grandfather. Oh, I didn't notice, where'd he go? Down the ... er ... Oh, down the ... er ...? Yeah, down the ... er ... Oh they've probably gone to the canteen, cup of tea, like. He's out there somewhere, causing trouble just to upset me. You're imagining it. You're letting things prey on your mind. Oh no... this is a battle of nerves between John and me. But John hasn't got any. What? Nerves. I'm adjusting the decibels on the inbalance. ... as they head up for the show. Oh yes, well I mean it'ud be a pity to miss the show, wouldn't it like. How's that? Course he can talk. He's a human being, like. Isn't he? "The Management of Boyd's takes pleasure in requesting the company of Mr. Richard Starkey, that's you, in their recently refinished gaming rooms. Chemin de Fer. Baccarat, Roulette, and Champagne Buffet." Blimey! Oh, he's gone to my club, has he? What's the matter with you? You were bashing away like a madman. Eh. I thought you were looking after the old man. Put it this way, he's mislaid him. You can't trust you with anything, Norm, if you've lost him, I'll cripple you. Eh, what's all this? Shove the gentleman jockey in the make-up room or something and keep your eye on him, will you? I'm an electrician, not a wet nurse, y'know. I'll set John on you! What is he? I've got a little list here. Wandering abroad. Malicious intent. Acting in a suspicious manner. Conduct liable to cause a breach of the peace. You name it, he's done it. Oh, a little savage, is he? So you just brought the old chap out of the crowd for his own good. Yeah, but he insisted on us bringing him to the station. Oh... God... am I cold... Is that you, Roby? I feel like shit... I'm going to buy a cattle ranch. Cattle ranch! If there is some kind of alien intelligence down on that planetoid, it'd be a serious mistake for us to blunder in unequipped. Hell, we're equipped -- Locked. Engines off. Good! Maybe we'll be able to see something then. There could be a whole city out there and we'd never see it. Are you in pain? Dell, what's the last thing you can remember? ... I don't know... Do you remember the pyramid? Where's Irth? I don't recognize that constellation. I got it. Oh boy. Where the hell are we? Can you get it a little closer? Any rotation? Yeah. Two hours. Gravity? Except it will take 75 years to get a reply back. Don't forget how far we are from the Colonies, Martin. Dell, I want greater magnification. More surface detail. I want to see what this place looks like. Activate lifter quads. Approaching point of origin. Closing at 20 kilometers, 15 and slowing. Ten. Five. Gentlemen, we are directly above the source of the transmission. What's the terrain down there? Well, line of sight is impossible due to dust. Radar gives me noise. Sonar gives me noise. Infrared -- noise. Let's try ultraviolet. There. Flat. It's totally flat. A plain. Is it solid? It's... basalt. Rock. Then take her down. Close enough to walk to! I'm sending. Do you hear me? Appears to be a door hanging open, the entrance is clogged with debris. Looks like a derelict. I'll go first. Just machinery. This is Chaz. Chaz, this is Dell. Can you come topside for a minute? What's up? Well, the sun just came up again, and it seems the wind's died down. It's as clear as a bell outside. There's something I think you ought to see. What is it? I was scanning the horizon to see what I could pick up. Look there, on that screen. Maybe we can get in by the top. You want to try? Can we come up? No, it's too small, only room enough for one person. Dell, you want to come down, we can figure out where to go from here. Okay, I'm in the mouth of the chimney now, and I'm starting down. Are you okay in there? Yeah, I'm okay. Haven't hit bottom yet. Definitely a column of warm air rising; it keeps the shaft clear of dust. What was that Dell, I lost you, do you read me? How do you feel, Dell? Wretched. What happened to me? Don't you remember? Hell, you're in great shape, you've got your sense of humor back! I'm really starving; can we get some food before we go into the freezers? What's wrong? Breathe deeply. Computer, this is Captain Standard. What conditions are you talking about? I have intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. A transmission? I have recorded the transmission. Computer, what language was that? Just hold it, hold it! Computer: have you attempted to analyze the transmission? I have interrupted the course of the voyage. What? Why? Unknown! What do you mean? Yes! I have a temporary sequence on the monitor -- Computer! I've turned all the cooling units back on! What's wrong? Just a minute, hold it, I'm checking. How long to fix? Hard to say. Well, get started. Hello, Faust! Yeah! He died. What? Sorry to interrupt, but I'm gonna charge up the engines for a minute, okay? Yes? What is it? Jay, we've got a problem. I was wondering if there was any way you could shortcut the repairs and give us immediate takeoff capability. Why, what's wrong? The computer's translated the alien signal, and it's kind of alarming. What do you mean? You like this shit? It grows on you. You know what they make this stuff out of? Yes, I know what they make it out of, so what? It's food now. You're eating it. But we can't kill it. If we kill it, it will spill all its body acids right through our hull and out into space. We could cut a section out of that metallite netting. It won't hold up to that acid, but aside from that it's pretty strong. Where's it coming from? Okay. What happened to the lights? Where does that go? What happened? Where's Sandy? Dead. Dead! It's monstrous -- it grew, like some horrible tapeworm. We were completely unprepared. What the hell's going on? Don't know -- Broussard got hurt somehow. Hurt! How? Oh -- God -- oh -- Boy do I feel a lot better. It's a straight shot back to the Colonies, and then we can start taking bids on the paydirt. Any bets on the top bid? Oh, no. Oh, no. And then we run out of food and oxygen. That one section of the ventilator shaft has only two outlets -- you notice? The food storage room on one end -- Well, uh... good luck. I hope you won't need me, but if you do, I'm here. Martin, this is Jay. The intakes are clogged with dust. We overheated and burned out a whole cell. Jay... how's it coming on the repairs? Well... I'm going to have to blow the engines out... And when will you be ready to do that? Oh -- I'm not near ready yet. Then why the hell are you sitting around here? It's really on there tight. Hey, guess what? What? This dust is getting clogged in the intakes again! Oh it's okay. I've had better cag than this, but I've had worse too, if you know what I mean. So does anybody have any suggestions? We could put on our pressure suits and blow all the air out of the ship. That would kill it. Might even incinerate the damn thing. It's clear. It looks completely different from the first one -- it's more like a worm with legs... and tentacles. So it's trapped in between -- now we have to drive it out. Hey, are you guys still there? What's going on? Meet us on the bridge. Be careful -- it's huge now. There's some more combustible fuel down in the storage lockers next to the lounge. I'll go get it. No, I don't want us separated. All right... but do not go below decks. Right. He wouldn't open the lock; he was going to leave us out there. Where did it come from? He's the only one that knows that. Blood's thoroughly oxygenated. We can't expect to understand a life form like this. We're out of our back yard. Things are different here. Well, can't we kill it? I mean, we can't leave the damn thing on him. We don't know what might happen if we tried to kill it. At least right now it's keeping him alive. God, that smoke's poisonous! I never saw anything like that in my life... except molecular acid. But this thing uses it for blood. It makes me sick to see him like that. It's a crude symbolic language -- looks primitive. We can't go into hypersleep with that thing running around loose. It's over, Hunter. Boy, that's terrific. That thing, God almighty, didn't you try to get it off him? Hey now, what is this? There. Should be coming through about there. I'll do it. The rest of you continue. You know, it's fantastic -- the human race has gone this long without ever encountering another advanced life form, and now we run into a veritable zoo. What do you mean? Well, those things out there aren't the same, you know -- the spaceship and the pyramid. They're from different cultures and different races. That ship just landed here -- crashed like we did. The pyramid and the thing from it are indigenous. How could anything be indigenous to this asteroid? It's dead. Now we're in for it. No, don't open the door. We don't want it escaping. Well, what the hell good can we do in here? We can't grab it -- it might jump on us -- Yes? How's Broussard? He's running a fever. Still unconscious? Yes. Can you do anything for him? The machine will bring his temperature down. His vital functions are strong. I think I could cobble something together. A long metal rod with a battery in it. Give it a hell of a shock. Don't worry, it won't damage it, it'll just give it a little incentive. Maybe we don't have to. It's trapped in there. We could just leave it in there all the way back to Irth. We can't pump poison gas down into the cooling unit! It'll flood the whole ship! While the rest of us wait down in the cooling unit with the net. Sounds like a rough one. We'd better seal off the lower maintenance level; at least trap it there. Listen, it sure didn't like this flamethrower. That's right -- we can't kill it on the ship, but we can at least keep it at bay -- and maybe drive it into the air lock. We've got six hours left. Oh my God. Oh no! We can't fight this thing! There's only six hours of air left -- we're dead men! I don't buy that. There's still time to destroy it and get ourselves in the freezers. How? If we could just get the creature into the lifeboat, we could launch it into space and blow it up. Good! That's good! You can't say that; I think it's a good plan. The flamethrower needs more fuel. The ship's gravitational attraction must have drawn him back. Should we go outside and bring him in? It will be. Well... now we have to herd that thing up here. It must have stopped moving. I'm not getting anything. The flamethrower! Now what's wrong? I've completely lost their signal. Can you get them back? What? What was that? I'm getting nowhere. The whole area around the pyramid is dead to transmission. I think we should go after them. No. What do you mean, no? We're not going anywhere. But they don't know about the translation! They could be in danger right now. We can't spare the personnel. We've got minimum takeoff capability right now. That's why Chaz left us on board. Why, you chickenshit bastard -- I've got 'em! They're back on my screens! How many? Oh no. I keep my mouth pretty much shut, but I don't like hitting. Look at that. What is it -- I can't tell anything -- It's some kind of organ -- it's inserted some kind of tube or something down his throat. I think that's how it's getting oxygen to him. What's happening up here? This is horrible. That must have been when he got it. What common objects? You mean his body was still kicking when it ran off with him? Don't count on it. Recognizable! In that? In symbolic form... very stylized... but if you stare at it, you can see some of the different creatures we've been dealing with. Well... I suppose that star-shaped thing could be the parasite that got on Broussard. Is that what you mean? ... And Broussard got caught in their reproductive cycle. We can't kill it on board. It's huge now and must have tremendous amounts of that acid in its body. Blow the ship up? What about all the minerals and elements in the cargo hold? That's the only reason we came out here. We'd have to abandon them all. We'd be broke. I think it's going to be almost impossible to drive it up into the lifeboat. We can use the flamethrower. This should do it. Isn't "bait" the word you used? Just keep your finger off the button till she's way away from the ship, that's all. Is it armed? If you press the button right now, it will blow the whole nose of the ship off. Sandy, you want to give us some vision? First contact... Sandy, can you home in on that beam? What's the frequency? I've got it. It's coming from ascension 6 minutes 32 seconds, declination -39 degrees 2 seconds. Well, we can't go anywhere in this darkness. How long till dawn? Just settle down. Sandy, you get any response yet? Receiving. That way. What's wrong? It's close, real close. How far? Air lock? Doesn't seem much doubt about it, does there? This looks ancient. What'd he say? If we don't hear from him soon, I think we better go in after him. Here's his line. We can haul him out of there if we have to. It'll yank him right off his feet if he's not expecting it. The line could get tangled in something. But what can we do? He's out of radio contact. There, it caught! Is it still coming up, or is it hooked on something? No, it's coming. What is it? Oh God, oh God no. It won't come -- it's stuck. What is it? It's not coming off -- not without his whole face coming off too. It's stopped? Yes, thank heaven. We're just plain lucky. That could have gone right through the hull -- taken weeks to patch it. No, thank God... just missed him. Is it still dripping? That sounds a little fanciful... Too primitive. It's a pre- technological construction. That slab was engineered by an Iron-Age culture at best. We're going home. We're in hyperspace. I'm going to write a book about this expedition. I'm going to call it "The Snark Log." The commander normally has first publication rights. We'll have to catch it and eject it from the ship. Well, I kind of hate to point it out, but all our supplies are based on us spending a strictly limited amount of time out of suspended animation... and as you know, we used up most of that time in harvesting. How? And what do we do when we find it? I thought I'd find you here. I was thinking of a line from an old poem: "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink." All that space out there, and we're trapped in this ship. That's the one about the albatross, right? We can't even radio for help; the carrier wave wouldn't reach its destination till long after we'd died and turned to dust. We are utterly, absolutely alone. Can anybody really visualize such a scale of distances? Halfway across Creation... We came out there, we'll go back. A long time by the clock, but a short time to us. Time and space have no meaning out here. We're living in Einsteinian equation. I can see you're putting your spare time to good use. Let me tell you something: you keep staring at hyperspace for long enough, they'll be peeling you off a wall. I've seen it happen. We're the new pioneers, Chaz. We even have our own special diseases. I've got Hunter... and something else as well, in front of him. Are they close? They're on the next level up. They're getting pretty close now. All right, then -- when it gets to the other side of the door, you sing out, then drop the door. Okay? Okay. Men have waited centuries to contact another form of intelligent life in the universe. This is an opportunity which may never come again. My God, it's stormy for a piece of rock that size! Source of transmission is to the northeast... about 300 meters. It appears to be a heavy fluid of some sort... it blocks the X-rays... That tube must be depositing it in him. These day and night cycles are totally disorienting. I feel like we've been here for days, but it's only been how long? We do know that. Yeah? No. It's just too small to support fauna as big as the parasites. If there were a native ecology, it would have to be microscopic. First thing I'm going to do when we get back is eat some biological food. What's the matter, you don't like this stuff? All right, tycoons, let's stop spending our credit and start worrying about the job at hand. Where are we? This is Chaz speaking. Sorry, but we are not home. Our present location seems to be only halfway to Irth. Remain at your posts and stand by. That is all. Chaz, I've got something here on my security alert. A high priority from the computer... Let's hear it. Oh my God. It's out of focus. Atmospheric turbulence. Dust storm. What the hell happened? Yeah, okay. 10% argon, 85% nitrogen, 5% neon... and some trace elements. Nontoxic... but unbreathable. Pressure? Ten to the fourth dynes per square centimeter. Good! Moisture content? Zero. Dry as a bone. Any microorganisms? Not a one. It's dead. Anything else? Yeah, rock particles. Dust. Okay, Chaz, I hear you. I've got you on my board. Martin, uh, we've found it. Found what? Martin? I agree. This is the single most important discovery in history. But? Find anything we missed? I don't even know what I'm looking for. Still worried? Oh well... you know me. What would you say that was supposed to mean? Well... it's obviously intentional... some kind of attempt at communication... maybe it's a symbol that means something to them... This ship is full of cat hair. Hey, can you guys hear me? Yeah, we hear you! We're coming back! Thank Christ! We lost you! Listen, there's been a new development -- Here, Chaz. We're coming up now, open the outer lock door. Chaz -- what happened to Broussard? You hear me, Martin? Open the outer door. Chaz, if it's an organism, and we let it in, the ship will be infected. We can't leave him out here, open the door. Chaz, listen to me -- we've broken every rule of quarantine. If we bring an organism on board, we won't have a single layer of defense left. I understand why you did that. Would somebody fill me in? What film? Look at these suckers -- no wonder we couldn't get it off him. I'm sorry to say it looks like you were right in the first place, Martin. We never should have landed here. Look, I'm not trying to rub anybody's nose in anything. The important thing is just to get away from here as fast as possible. I can't lean on Faust any harder -- he's been working non-stop on the engines. Where did the parasites come from? Take us up. Engaged. We made it! Damn, we made it! You bet we made it. Martin, set course for Irth and accelerate us into stardrive. That's the part that always makes me feel like I'm gonna puke -- when we accelerate into light speed. I think the best thing to do with Broussard is to just freeze him as he is. It'll arrest the progress of his disease, and he can get complete medical attention when we get back to the Colonies. We'll have to go into quarantine, maybe for quite a while. We won't need it then. All right, so that's what we've got. A week. It's plenty of time. These will be very useful. At least we won't have to go digging around in closets with our bare hands. All right, here's the battle plan: we're going to break into two teams and start systematically covering the ship. Whoever finds it first, catches it in the net and ejects it from the nearest airlock. Clear? Yes! We've got it up here! It's trapped! Get up here fast! Where are you? Food-storage room! What's it doing, having a seizure? It started crashing around right after we locked it in. Now what? Hey, wait a minute! That's all our food supplies in there! We can't pump poison gas all over them! Once we kill the thing we won't need the food any more -- we can go straight into hypersleep. Also, it sounds like that thing is already doing a pretty good job on our supplies; it may be fouling them all. This stuff's deadly -- I hope we know what we're doing. Now what? Are you crazy? So the only question left is: who gets to crawl down the airshaft? That's a flip-flop gate to channel the air, but we can use it to trap the thing. How did it get so big? Two down, four to go. What's that supposed to mean? Can you make out any pattern in all that? Well... yes... there's a pattern... but it's meaningless to me. That next thing there -- six legs, tentacles -- that's the thing we saw in the food locker. This is all the same creature. We're seeing the different stages in its life-cycle. Which presumably means... I saw it. Faust got himself jammed in the air lock door. His body held it open. Can we get to him? Poor kitty; puss puss puss. At least we're rid of the damn monster. It must have been the first thing sucked out of the ship. It was time for that a couple days ago. Let's hear it. Okay. First we shut down all the cooling systems on the stardrive engines. That'll blow the ship up. But the lifeboat can't accelerate to light speed. No, it won't work and I just realized why. There's only one hypersleep freezer on the lifeboat. Only one of us could survive. Yeah... I forgot. You know, it's funny -- this stuff we went to so much trouble to dig up -- this treasure, the paydirt -- it'll make it back to Irth just fine -- even if we're not with it. Hey watch it! So what do we do? Do we ignore it and finish loading the explosives into the boat -- or do we flush it out now? Yes, and maybe launch the boat and blow it too... if the others are injured. All right, Martin, we'll be in touch with you on the communicator. And you'll let me know when you've got it coming this way... And you stand aside while we drive it in, then shut the hatch, launch the boat, and -- Kill me... What did it do to you? That was Melkonis... it ate Hunter... I'll get you out of there. No... don't... But I can save you -- get you to the Autodoc! No good... it's eaten too much of me... What can I do? Headache? Dehydration? The head's okay, but I could sink a six-pack. Can I... um... have some water? Please? What is it? It's nothing, Doc. Just a... touch of indigestion... something. Better? Me either. I tell you, I used to be with a mining outfit on Callisto, and when something like that hits... believe me, you know about it. Nada. No radiation... no movement... nothing. It's a rhino. Is it dead? Yeah, it's fine. God, I hope that thing didn't bring down a virus. Looks like a spore. Fungus of some kind, maybe? Let's get back and call this in. Nice howitzer you've got there. Thanks. Good argument for gun-control. What are you going after, rhino? We've got no option. We're gonna have to get it off. Minh... That's the second time I ran it, and it still reads the same. A pair of incomings. They popped-up on the medium-range about thirteen twenty-four local time. We figured on it being a magnetic anomaly, but we ran a back-trace just to make sure. Can you patch me a temporary loop on DCMGS? What do you need? A three-second burn to port, on my mark. Seal everything now! What's happening? Cassie, thank Christ! We're under attack. How many of them are there? Give or take. Are you alright? Where is she? Comin' up the Central Reservoir. I found it... And? Drains right into the Central Reservoir. I can't reach her. Too much signal break-up. MarsCo went belly-up on the Dow Jones. Shit. When? Fucking great. I invested some money in them. You win some, you loose some. I lose 'em all, that's why I'm still out here on this rock. Anything else you wanna ruin my day with? Curious thing is, the mass detector says they're too small to carry a deep-space drive. Where're they headed? When? Seven minutes ago, the third course change in an hour. Those incomings are going to skim past the communications platform just a little too close for comfort. Picking up velocity. What's going on? The door's sealed from inside. Doc Revna's in there, and it sounds like Ackland's going nuts. It's too late! Unconfirmed reports of eighteen or so far, but the numbers are all over the place. Auto-shop's sealed, but those boys are cut-off. Has anybody talked to them? Not yet. Oh, man... How much air-time have I got? About thirty minutes. Those are slimmed-down tanks, so no stopping to admire the scenery. Deal. If I can get to the chopper, I'll meet you at the rendezvous. Don't wait for me. C'mon, man. One more sweep. One more sweep... one more sweep. I'm getting tired of one more fuckin' sweep. We're been lookin' for this thing for three days now, and found zip. Ah, quit griping. Keeps you in shape doesn't it? Listen to what? De Vries? Yeah? Something spooking the rhinos? Hey, Guttierez? What? One of 'em must have escaped. There's no way a rhino'd survive that drop. Goldsmith's gonna be plenty pissed at losing one of her babies. Whoa, wait a minute... What? What? Are you nuts? Just the two of us? I've seen this mother, De Vries. We can bag it, no problem. Forget it, man. C'mon De Vries. Think of the bonus. What the hell are you doing? Alright, okay. Look... What? But I'm going first... Careful of that edging there... Still got him? Hold it, hold it... What's wrong? What? Where? Can't see a thing. Are you sure? Wait. Lost it. How? Oh, man. That's no glitch! It's alright, it's cool... Is it still moving? Move it baby, or they're gonna be chewin' on my cojones! Miss Noguchi! You're wanted in admin. What happened? Secondary fluidic shunt for the sewage system. I found the grating ripped right off. The little fucker was strong. Nobody wander off on their own until it's found. Keep in pairs. Diller, once the first team's done their sweep I want you to go down with Annie to Three-Pump while she replaces it. Okay. Shit! Our armory's a big blue box from the back shelf of stores. We got about two clips left for an autoloader, and that's it. That sounds promising. Can we operate the crane from here? Nah. It's got programmable facilities, but it was never rigged for remote operation. Someone'd have to go up to the cab to get it up and running. Is this the suit? Yeah, I stripped down a motion tracker and hardwired it through to the helmet pick-ups, too. That's also on the display. We had to. They were just too cumbersome for some of the conduits you're gonna have to negotiate. Besides, all the crap floating around reduces visibility to the extent where I doubt having helmet lights would have make that much difference, anyway. Maintenance lights down there oughta be enough to do the trick. Hey, Jan. See if you can get someone to check out the chopper. What's the problem? She was running a little sluggish on the way back. Think the turbines might be playing up. Give me twenty minutes and I'll do it myself. And...? That's what we thought. Have you got an updated Lloyds' Almanac to cross-reff them through? Fort Powell. What do we tell 'em? Already working on it. They've changed their heading again. Compensate! It left a melted trail on the deck all the way down to here... Central Pumping. All the waste gets treated, broken-down, and flushed out into the swamp. If it wanted a quick exit then it really lucked- out. Everything on this module is locked and sealed. We've lost 'B', 'C', and 'E' wings, but 'E' was the only one we didn't manage to totally evacuate. They knocked out the external feeds. Communications to auto-shop go through an F.O. link off the main trunk. That's down with the other feeds. It's not all good news. We had to take off the helmet lights. You'll be going in blind. There's still time to back-out. Thanks. Let's just run through it one more time so I know you've got it straight. Sorry. Two green enabling buttons... Okay, we're in business. Okay, I'm out of here! See that sheathing on the suspension? Eaten away. Same thing with the pumps on the base air purifiers. The algae out here just isn't good on these new plastics. Hey, boss. Wondered where you'd gotten to. I just... wanted to be put on my own for a while. Clear my head. I've got a lot of thinking to do. 'Sides, the room was getting too crowded for me. Not too much of the socializing type, then? I'm serious. That's why I switched from orbiting to planetary installations. Is that a fact. Uh-huh. Used to get it pretty bad. I'd wake up in a cold sweat and want to claw open a vacuum hatch. How long you been out here for now, anyway? Three months? Four. And before that? Six month stint on Datus. Only six? What is this? 'Twenty Questions'? What is that? Seltzer? Any luck raising Ackland's party? Nothing. With the satellite down, we can't transmit over the mountain range. He's most likely sitting there wondering why he can't raise us. First light, we'll take a chopper out there and tell them to head back. 'We'? You wanna fly out there with me? Don't worry about it. If the Network goes by the book, like everyone figures they will, a Marine gunboat from Powell'll drop-by for a look- see in four-or-five days. They can go poke around out there and find whatever it was hit us. All we've gotta do is sit tight. Do you think Ackland'll sit tight? Yeah. Somebody won. I've found Ackland! I'm going to need you to co-sign the report. Until we come up with something, this'll be treated as first degree murder. Agreed. When we get the link back, and I send this in, I.C.C.'ll throw a fit. Ah, don't worry about I.C.C. They're the least of your problems right now. Think I spoke too soon... Do you believe him? Cornering it shouldn't be a problem. Each part of this station is basically a self-sufficient deep-space transport module running off external couplers. If we disconnect them and seal off every section, we've got a ceiling of about thirty-six hours on internal power. That should give us ample time to find it. So, what do you think? What? That's the wrong way! Hurry it up. They...they snapped my legs to fit... fit me in here. I don't...remember what happened next. What can I do? I can... feel it moving around inside me. You've got to kill me. I... I can't! You have to... Where'd you leave them? Jesus. Yeah, exactly. Those're pre-programmed course adjustments you're looking at. How's it going? Today's party's finished their sweep, the relief team's out there now. Everybody else is either asleep or running shift in the auto-shop. You should hit the sack, too. Nah, I'll stick it out for another hour or so. What time's sundown? 'Bout five minutes. Give me a yell is something happens. Hello, there. Who are you? Miss Harrington's resting, Mr. deWitt. She asked me to see who it is... How do you know my name? It's a very famous name, Mr. deWitt. And what is your name? Phoebe. Phoebe? I call myself Phoebe. May I come in? Certainly, Mr. deWitt... I expected to find this little room overcrowded, with a theater full of people at your feet... Of course your performance was no surprise to me. After the other day I regarded it as no more than - a promised fulfilled. You're more than kind. But it's still Miss Channing's performance. I'm just a carbon copy you read when you can't find the original... You're more than modest. It's not modesty. I just don't try to kid myself. A revolutionary approach to the Theater. However, if I may a suggestion... Please do. I think the time has come for you to shed some of your humility. It is just as false not to blow your horn at all as it is to blow it too loudly... I don't think I've done anything to sound off about. We all come into this world with our little egos equipped with individual horns. If we don't blow them - who will? Even so. One isolated pretty good performance by an understudy. It'll be forgotten tomorrow. It needn't be. Even if I wanted to - as you say - be less humble, blow my own horn... how would I do it? I'm less than nobody. After you change, if you're not busy elsewhere, we can have supper. I'd love to! Or should I pretend I'm busy? Let's have a minimum of pretending. I'll want to do a column about you- I'm not enough for a paragraph. - perhaps more than one. There's so much I want to know. I've heard your story in bits and pieces... your home in Wisconsin, your tragic marriage, your financial attachment to Margo - it started in San Francisco, didn't it? I say - your idolatry of Margo started in San Francisco, didn't it? That's right. San Francisco. An oasis of civilization in the California desert. Tell me, do you share my high opinion of San Francisco? Yes. I do. And that memorable night when Margo first dazzled you from the stage - which theater was it in San Francisco? Was it - the Shubert? Yes. The Shubert. A fine old theater, the Shubert. Full of tradition, untouched by the earthquake - so sorry - fire... by the way, what was your husband's name? Eddie... I'm about to go into the shower, I won't be able to hear you... I can wait. Where would you like to go? We'll make this a special night... You take charge. Hungry? Just some coffee. I'm not surprised. After all that humble pie... Nothing of the kind. Karen and I had a nice talk. Heart to heart? Woman to woman? Including a casual reference to the part of "Cora" - and your hopes of playing it. I discussed it very openly. I told her that I had spoken to Lloyd - and that he was interested. She mentioned, of course, that Margo expects to play the part? Just like that, eh? Just like that. I don't think that's funny. It wasn't meant to be. I confide in you and rely on you more than anyone I've ever known! To say a thing like that now - without any reason - when I need you more than ever... What a day - what a heavenly day... D-day. Just like it. And tomorrow morning you will have won your beachhead on the shores of Immortality... Stop rehearsing your column... Isn't it strange, Addison? I thought I'd be panic-stricken, want to run away or something. Instead, I can't wait for tonight to come. To come and go... Are you that sure of tomorrow? Aren't you? It'll be a night to remember. It'll bring to me everything I've ever wanted. The end of an old road - and the beginning of a new one... All paved with diamonds and gold? You know me better than that. Paved with what, then? What time? Almost four. Plenty of time for a nice long nap - we rehearsed most of last night... You could sleep, too, couldn't you? The mark of a true killer. Sleep tight, rest easy - and come out fighting... Why'd call me a killer? Suites are for expense accounts. Aren't you being extravagant? Also with the reluctant compliments of Max Fabian. Lloyd. I never have any, and he likes a couple of drinks after we finish - so he sent it up... Some plain soda. Lloyd must be expecting a record run in New Haven... That's for tonight. You're invited. We're having everyone up after the performance. We're? Addison... She's always been so fantastically devoted to Lloyd. I would imagine that only death or destruction could keep her- Addison, just a few minutes ago. When I told you this would be a night to remember - that it would bring me everything I wanted- - something about an old road ending and a new one starting - paved with stars... I didn't mean just the Theater. So that's it. Lloyd. Still just the Theater, after all... It's nothing of the kind! Lloyd loves me, I love him! I know nothing about Lloyd and his loves - I leave those to Louisa May Alcott. But I do know you. I'm in love with Lloyd! Lloyd Richards is commercially the most successful playwright in America- You have no right to say such things! Addison, won't it be just perfect? Lloyd and I - there's no telling how far we can go... he'll write great plays for me, I'll make them be great! You're the only one I've told, the only one that knows except Lloyd and me... ... and Karen. I see. And when was this unholy alliance joined? We decided the night before last, before we came up here... Was the setting properly romantic - the lights on dimmers, gypsy violins off stage? The setting wasn't romantic, but Lloyd was. He woke me up at three in the morning, banging on my door - he couldn't sleep, he told me - he's left Karen, he couldn't go on with the play or anything else until I promised to marry him... we sat and talked until it was light. He never went home... You sat and talked until it was light... We sat and talked, Addison. I want a run of the play contract. There never was, there'll never be another like you. What do you take me for? I don't know what I take you for anything... It is possible - even conceivable - that you've confused me with that gang of backward children you've been playing tricks on - that you have the same contempt for me that you have for them? I'm sure you mean something by that, Addison, but I don't know what... Look closely, Eve, it's time you did. I am Addison deWitt. I'm nobody's fool. Least of all - yours. I never intended you to be. I still don't know what you're getting at. Right now I want to take my nap. It's important that I- - it's important right now that we talk. Killer to killer. Champion to champion. Not with me, you're no champion. You're stepping way up in class. Addison, will you please say what you have to say plainly and distinctly - and then get out so I can take my nap! Very well, plainly and distinctly. Although I consider it unnecessary - because you know as well as I, what I am about to say. Lloyd may leave Karen, but he will not leave Karen for you. What do you mean by that? More plainly and more distinctly? I Have not come to New Haven to see the play, discuss your dreams, or to pull the ivy from the walls of Yale! I have come to tell you that you will not marry Lloyd - or anyone else - because I will not permit it. What have you got to do with it? Everything. Because after tonight, you will belong to me. I can't believe my ears... A dull cliche. Belong - to you? That sound medieval - something out of an old melodrama... So does the history of the world for the past twenty years. I don't enjoy putting it as bluntly as this, frankly I had hoped that you would, somehow, have known - have taken it for granted that you and I... You're too short for that gesture. Besides, it went out with Mrs. Fiske. Your name is not Eve Harrington. It is Gertrude Slescynski. What of it? It is true that your parents were poor. They still are. And they would like to know how you are - and where. They haven't heard from you for three years... A matter of opinion. Granted. It is also true that you worked in a brewery. But life in the brewery was apparently not as dull as you pictured it. As a matter of fact, it got less and less dull - until you boss's wife had your boss followed by detectives! She never proved anything, not a thing! She was a liar, she was a liar! I had to get in, to meet Margo! I had to say something, be somebody, make her like me! She did like you, she helped and trusted you! You paid her back by trying to take Bill away! That's not true! You used my name and my column to blackmail Karen into getting you the part of "Cora" - and you lied to me about it! No-no-no... Then say so. Yes, Addison. And you realize - you agree how completely you belong to me? Yes, Addison. I won't play tonight. I couldn't. Not possibly. I couldn't go on... I don't suppose there's a drink left... You can have one at Max's. I don't think I'm going. Why not? Because I don't want to. Max has gone to a great deal of trouble, it's going to be an elaborate party, and it's for you. No, it's not. It's for this. It's the same thing, isn't it? Exactly. Here. Take it to the party instead of me. I'm tired. I want to go home. Every now and then, some elder statesman of the Theater or cinema assures the public that actors and actresses are just plain folk. Ignoring the fact that their greatest attraction to the public is their complete lack of resemblance to normal human beings. That isn't a waiter, my dear. That's a butler. Well, I can't yell "Oh, butler," can I? Maybe somebody's name is Butler... You have a point. An idiotic one, but a point. Let's go sit by the piano. We never met. That's why. This must be, at long last, our formal introduction. Until now we have met only in passing... Claudia dear, come closer. This is Max Fabian. He is a producer. Go do yourself some good. Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits? Feeling better, my dear? Like I just swam the English Channel. Now what? Tell me this. Do they have auditions for television? It is senseless to insist that theatrical folk in New York, Hollywood and London are no different from the good people of Des Moines, Chillicothe and Liverpool. By and large, we are concentrated gatherings of neurotics, egomaniacs, emotional misfits, and precocious children- Answer me this. What makes a man become a producer? What makes a man walk into a lion cage with nothing but a chair? This answer satisfies me a hundred percent. In my case it's necessary. Too many taxi drivers write plays. I'm giving her a very high-class party. It ain't like a rehearsal, she don't have to be late. Then stop being a star - start treating your guests as your supporting cast! She was magnificent. Then you've heard too. I was there. An eyewitness. You were there? At the play - last night? From the smartness of your dress, I take it your luncheon companion is a lady? Margo. Margo? Lunching in public? It's new Margo. But she's just as late as the old one. I distinctly remember striking your name from the guest list. What are you doing here? Dear Margo. You were an unforgettable Peter Pan - you must play it again, soon. You remember Miss Caswell? Eve, this is an old friend of Mr. deWitt's mother - Miss Caswell, Miss Harrington... Addison, I've been wanting you to meet Eve for the longest time- It could only have been your natural timidity that kept you from mentioning it... You've heard of her great interest in the Theater- We have that in common. You mustn't worry about your little charge. She is in safe hands. Why so remote, Addison? I should think you'd be at the side of your protegee, lending her moral support... Miss Caswell, at the moment, is where I can lend no support - moral or otherwise. The ladies' - shall we say - lounge? Being violently ill to her tummy. Miss Caswell got lucky too late. The audition is over. Over? It can't be. I've come to read with her. I promised Max. The audition was called for 2:30. It is now nearly four. Is it really? I must start wearing a watch, I never do, you know... who read with Miss Caswell? Bill? Lloyd? Well, it couldn't have been Max! Who? Naturally enough, your understudy. I consider it highly unnatural to allow a girl in an advanced state of pregnancy- I refer to your new and unpregnant understudy. Eve Harrington. Eve! My understudy... Didn't you know? Of course I knew. How... how was Miss Caswell? Frankly, I don't remember. Just slipped your mind. Completely. Nor, I am sure, could anyone else present tell you how Miss Caswell read or whether Miss Caswell read or rode a pogo stick. Margo, as you know, i have lived in the Theater as a Trappist monk lives in his faith. I have no other world, no other life - and once in a great while I experience that moment of Revelation for which all true believers wait and pray. You were one. Jeanne Eagels another... Paula Wessely... Hayes - there are others, three or four. Eve I take it she read well. It wasn't reading, it was a performance. Brilliant, vivid, something made of music and fire... How nice. In time she'll be what you are. A mass of music and fire. That's me. An old kazoo and some sparkles. Tell me - was Bill swept away, too, or were you too full of Revelation to notice? Bill didn't say - but Lloyd was beside himself. He listened to his play as if someone else had written it, he said, it sounded so fresh, so new, so full of meaning... Eve was incredibly modest. She insisted that no credit was due her, that Lloyd felt as he did only because she read lines exactly as he had written them. The implication being that I have not been reading them as written. Bill... The air lines have clocks, even if you haven't! I start shooting a week from Monday - Zanuck is impatient, he wants me, he needs me! Bill! Huh? You've already met. Where? Right here. A minute ago. Good luck, genius... Macbeth. I guess at this point I'm what the French call 'de trop'... When? When are you going to do it? Nothing? Forty-five minutes from now my plane takes off and how do I find you? Not ready yet, looking like a junk yard- Thank you so much. Is it sabotage, does my career mean nothing to you? Have you no human consideration? Only in some ways. You're prettier... Hi. My wonderful junk yard. The mystery and dreams you find in a junk yard- Oh well... ... look through the wigs, maybe it got caught- Real diamonds in a wig. The world we live in... Can't keep his eyes off my legs. Like a nylon lemon peel- She's quite a girl, that what's-her name... Eve. I'd forgotten they grew that way... The lack of pretense, that sort of strange directness and understanding- Did she tell you about the Theater and what it meant? I told her. I sounded off. Take care of yourself out there... I understand they've got the Indians pretty well in hand... Bill... Huh? Don't get stuck on some glamour puss- I'll try. You're not such a bargain, you know, conceited and thoughtless and messy- Everybody can't be Gregory Peck. - you're a setup for some gorgeous wide-eyed young babe. How childish are you going to get before you quit it? I don't want to be childish, I'd settle for just a few years- And cut that out right now. Am I going to lose you, Bill? Am I? Knit me a muffler. What a thoughtful, ever-lovin' thing to do- Bill? Have I gone crazy, Bill? You're my girl, aren't you? That I am... Then you're crazy. When - when are you coming back? I leave in a week - the picture's all wrapped up, we previewed last night... those previews. Like opening out of town, but terrifying. There's nothing you can do, you're trapped, you're in a tin can- - in a tin can, cellophane or wrapped in a Navajo blanket, I want you home... You in a hurry? A big hurry, be quick about it - so good night, darling, and sleep tight... Wait a minute! You can't hang up, you haven't even said it- Bill, you know how much I do - but over the phone, now really, that's kid stuff... Kid stuff or not, it doesn't happen every day, I want to heat it - and if you won't say it, you can sing it... Sing it? Bill... Bill, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, darling... The reading could have been better, but you said it - now "many happy returns of the day..." Many happy returns of the day... I get a party, don't I? Of course, birthday and welcome home... who'll I ask? It's no secret, I know all about the party - Eve wrote me... She did...? She hasn't missed a week since I left - but you know all that, you probably tell her what to write... anyway, I sent her a list of people to ask - check with her. Yeah... I will. How is Eve? Okay? Okay. I love you... I'll check with Eve... What? I love you too. Good night, darling- Outside of a beehive, Margo, your behavior would hardly be considered either queenly or motherly! It's a good thought. Happy little housewife... Cut it out. Need any help? Don't let me kill the point. Or isn't it a story for grownups? You've heard it. About when I looked through the wrong end of a camera finder. Looks like I'm going to have a very fancy party... I thought you were going to be late- When I'm guest of honor? I had no idea you were even here. I ran into Eve on my way upstairs; she told me you were dressing. That never stopped you before. Well, we started talking, she wanted to know all about Hollywood, she seemed so interested... She's a girl of so many interests. It's a pretty rare quality these days. She's a girl of so many rare qualities. So she seems. I can't believe you're making this up - it sounds like something out of an old Clyde Fitch play... Clyde Fitch, thought you may not think so, was well before my time! I've always denied the legend that you were in 'Our American Cousin' the night Lincoln was shot... I don't think that's funny! Of course it's funny - this is all too laughable to be anything else. You know what I think about this - this age obsession of yours - and now this ridiculous attempt to whip yourself up into a jealous froth because I spent ten minutes with a stage-struck kid- Twenty minutes! Thirty minutes, forty minutes! What of it? Stage-struck kid... she's a young lady - of qualities. And I'll have you know I'm fed up with both the young lady and her qualities! Studying me as if - as if I were a play or a set of blueprints! How I walk, talk, think, eat, sleep! Now how can you take offense at a kid trying in every way to be as much like her ideal as possible! Stop calling her a kid! It so happens there are particular aspects of my life to which I would like to maintain sole and exclusive rights and privileges! For instance what? For instance - you! This is my cue to take you in my arms and reassure you - but I'm not going to. I'm too mad- - guilty. Mad! Darling, there are certain characteristics for which you are famous - on stage and off. I love you for some of them - and in spite of others. I haven't let those become too important to me. They're part of your equipment for getting along in what is laughably called out environment - you've got to keep your teeth sharp. All right. But What about her teeth? What about her fangs? She hasn't cut them yet, and you know it! So when you start judging an idealistic dreamy-eyed kid by the barroom, Benzedrine standards of this megalomaniac society - I won't have it! Eve Harrington has never by word, look, thought or suggestion indicated anything to me but her adoration for you and her happiness at our being in love! And to intimate anything else Thank you. Nothing, really... The kid - junior, that is - will be right down. Unless you'd like to take her drink up to her... Many of your guests have been wondering when they may be permitted to view the body. Where has it been laid out? It hasn't been laid out, we haven't finished with the embalming. As a matter of fact, you're looking at it. The remains of Margo Channing. Sitting up. It is my last wish to be buried sitting up. Wouldn't you feel more natural taking a bow? You know nothing about feelings, natural or unnatural. Then without feeling, your guests were also wondering whether the music couldn't be a shade more on the - shall we say, happier side? No heart to burn. It's all over. What's all over? The audition. What fire and music? Addison-! And you, I take it, are the Paderewski who plays his concerto on me, the piano? Where is Princess Fire-and-Music? Who? The kid. Junior. Gone. I must have frightened her away. I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes you frighten me. Poor little flower. Just dropped her petals and folded her tent... Don't mix your metaphors. I mix what I like. Okay. Mix. I'm nothing but a body with a voice. No mind. What a body, what a voice. The ex-ship news' reporter. No body, no voice, all mind! The gong rang. The fight's over. Calm down. I will not calm down! Don't calm down. You're being terribly tolerant, aren't you? I'm trying terribly hard. Well, you needn't. I will not be tolerated. And I will not be plotted against! Here we go... Such nonsense, what do you all take me for - little Nell from the country? Been my understudy for over a week without my knowing, carefully hidden no doubt- Now don't get carried away- - shows up for an audition when everyone knew I'd be here... and gives a performance! Out of nowhere - gives a performance! You've been all through that with Lloyd- The playwright doesn't make the performance - and it doesn't just happen! And this one didn't - full of fire and music and whatnot, it was carefully rehearsed I have no doubt, over and over, full of those Bill Sampson touches! I am sick and tired of these paranoiac outbursts! Paranoiac! I didn't know Eve Harrington was your understudy until half past two this afternoon! No, I'll tell it to you! For the last time, I'll tell it to you. Because you've got to stop hurting yourself, and me, and the two of us by these paranoiac tantrums! That word again! I don't even know what it means... It's obvious you're not a woman. I've been aware of that for some time. Well, I am. I'll say. Don't be condescending. Come on, get up. I'll buy you a drink. I admit I may have seen better days, but I am still not to be had for the price of a cocktail - like a salted peanut. Margo, let's make peace. The terms are too high. Unconditional surrender. Just being happy? Just stopping all this nonsense about Eve - and Eve and me? It's not nonsense. But if I tell you it is - as I just did. Were you listening to me? Isn't that enough? I wish it were. Then what would be enough? If we were married? I wouldn't want you to marry me just to prove something. You've had so many reasons for not wanting to marry me... Margo, tell me what's behind all this. I - I don't know, Bill. Just a feeling, I don't know... Bill... ... where are you going? To find Eve? The so-called art of acting is not one for which I have a particularly high regard... Hear, hear... But you may quote me as follows. Quote. Tonight Miss Margo Channing gave a performance in your cockamamie play, the like of which I have never seen before and expect rarely to see again. Unquote. He does not exaggerate. I was good. To Margo. To my bride-to-be. It's only for the license. There's a three-day wait - blood tests, things like that... Something simple. A fur coat over a nightgown... "Please forgive me for butting into what seems such a happy occasion - but it's most important that I speak with you. Please" - it's underlined - "meet me in the Ladies' Room. Eve." I understand she is now the understudy in there. Groom- - may I have a wedding present? What would you like? Texas? There goes Eve. Eve evil, Little Miss Evil. But the evil that men do - how does it go, groom? Something about the good they leave behind - I played it once in rep in Wilkes Barre... You've got it backwards. Even for Wilkes-Barre. Never try to outguess Margo. Groom. Yes, dear. You know what I'm going to be? A cowboy. A married lady. With the paper to prove it. Often enough to keep the franchise. Hello, what's your name? You said forty-seven minutes. You'll never make it. Why? I just wondered. Just wondered what? Why. Why what? Why you have to go out there. I don't have to. I want to. Is it the money? Eighty percent of it will go for taxes. Then why? Why, if you're the best and most successful young director in the Theater- The Theatuh, the Theatuh- - what book of rules says the Theater exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square mile of New York City? Or London, Paris or Vienna? Listen, junior. And learn. Want to know what the Theater is? A flea circus. Also opera. Also rodeos, carnivals, ballets, Indian tribal dances, Punch and Judy, a one-man band - all Theater. I just asked a simple question. But Hollywood. You mustn't stay there. It's only one picture deal. So few come back... I read George Jean Nathan every week. Also Addison deWitt. Every day. Ah... I have a suggestion. There's really not much time left - I mean, you haven't had a minute alone yet, and - well, I could take care of everything here and meet you at the gate with the ticket... if you'd like. I think we'd like very much. Sure you won't mind? Thanks for your help... good luck. Yes. Yes, it does. - little things here and there, it doesn't matter. You can be proud of yourself, you've got a right to be. Are you proud of me, Bill? I'll admit I was worried when Max called. I had my doubts. You shouldn't have had any doubts. - after all, the other day was one scene, the woods are full of one scene sensations. But you did it. With work and patience, you'll be a fine actress. If that's what you want to be. Is that what you want me to be? I'm talking about you. And what you want. So am I. What have I got to do with it? Everything. Don't run away, Bill. From what would I be running? You're always after truth - on the stage. What about off? I'm for it. Then face it. I have. Since that first night - here - in the dressing room. When I told you what every young actress should know. When you told me that whatever I became, it would be because of you- Your make-up's a little heavy. - and for you. You're quite a girl. You think? I'm in love with Margo. Hadn't you heard? You hear all kinds of things. I'm only human, rumors to the contrary. And I'm as curious as the next man... Find out. Lemme fix you a drink. Margo does not play a lunatic, Birdie. The bed looks like a dead animal act. Which one is sables? But she just got here... She's on her way. With half the men in the joint. It's only a fur coat... What did you expect - live sables? Bill says actors out there eat just as infrequently as here- It was Fort Sumter they fired on- You need new girdles. Buy some. The same size? Of course! How do you do, my dear. And this is my good friend and companion, Miss Birdie Coonan. Oh, brother. I'm sure you must have things to do in the bathroom, Birdie dear. There are some human experiences, Birdie, that do not take place in a vaudeville house - and that even a fifth-rate vaudevillian should understand and respect! I want to apologize for Birdie's- She, too, is a great admirer of yours. Kill the people. Got your key? You bought the new girdles a size smaller. I can feel it. Something maybe grew a size bigger. When we get home you're going to get into one of those girdles and act for two and half hours. Adorable. We now got everything a dressing room needs except a basketball hoop. If I may so bold as to say something - did you ever hear the word "union"? Behind in your dues? How much? I haven't got a union. I'm slave labor. Well? But the wardrobe women have got one. And next to a tenor, a wardrobe woman is the touchiest thing in show business- Oh-oh. Birdie- Hmm? You don't like Eve, do you? Do you want an argument or an answer? An answer. No. Why not? Now you want an argument. She works hard. Night an' day. She's loyal and efficient- Like an agent with one client. She thinks only for me... ... doesn't she? Well... let's say she thinks only about you, anyway... I'll tell you how. Like - let's see - like she was studyin' you, like you were a play or a book or a set of blueprints. How you walk, talk, think, eat, sleep- You all put together? My back's open. Did the extra help get here? There's some loose characters dressed like maids and butlers. Who'd you call - the William Morris Agency? You're not being funny, I could get actors for less. What about the food? The caterer had to back for hors d'oeuvres- Voila. That French ventriloquist taught you a lot, didn't he? There was nothing he didn't know. There's a message from the bartender. Does Miss Channing know we ordered domestic gin by mistake? The only thing I ordered by mistake is the guests. They're domestic, too, and they don't care what they drink as long as it burns... where's Bill? He's late. Late for what? Don't be dense. The party. I ain't dense. And he's been here twenty minutes. Who are you? Miss Harrington... What are you doing here? Please don't have me arrested, please! I didn't steal anything - you can search me! How did you get in here? I hid outside in the hall till the maid came to turn down your bed. She must've forgot something and when she went to get it, she left the door open. I sneaked in and hid till she finished. Then I just looked around - and pretty soon I was afraid somebody'd notice the lights were on so I turned them off - and You were just looking around... That's all. What for? You probably won't believe me. Probably not. It was for my report. What report? To whom? About how you live, what kind of clothes you wear - what kind of perfume and books - things like that. You know the Eve Harrington clubs - that they've got in most of the girls' high schools? I've heard of them. Ours was one of the first. Erasmus Hall. I'm the president. Erasmus Hall. That's in Brooklyn, isn't it? You're going to Hollywood - aren't you? From the trunks you're packing, you must be going to stay a long time. I might. The maid'll fix it in the morning. I'll just pick up the broken glass. How'd you get all the way up here from Brooklyn? Subway. How long does it take? It's after one now. You won't get home till all hours. That's the door. So there you are. It seemed odd, suddenly, your not being there... Why should you think I wouldn't be? Why should you be? After all, six nights a week - for weeks - of watching even Margo Channing enter and leave a theater- I hope you don't mind my speaking to you... Not at all. I've seen you so often - it took every bit of courage I could raise- To speak to just a playwright's wife? I'm the lowest form of celebrity... You're Margo Channing's best friend. You and your husband are always with her - and Mr. Sampson... what's he like? Bill Sampson? He's - he's a director. He's the best. He'll agree with you. Tell me, what do you between the time Margo goes in and comes out? Just huddle in that doorway and wait? Oh, no. I see the play. You see the play? You've seen the play every performance? But, don't you find it - I mean apart from everything else - don't you find it expensive? I'm going to take you to Margo... Oh, no... She's got to meet you- There isn't another like you, there couldn't be- But if I'd known... maybe some other time... I mean, looking like this. You look just fine... ... by the way. What's your name? I thought you'd forgotten about me. Hello, Miss Channing. If I only knew how... Try... Eve... why don't you start at the beginning? You're not going, are you? Good night, Eve. I hope I see you again soon- I'll be at the old stand, tomorrow matinee- Not just that way. As a friend... Now who's show up at this hour? It's time people went home - hold that coat up... ... whose is it? Some Hollywood movie star, her plane got in late. Discouraging, isn't it? Women with furs like that where it never gets cold... Hollywood. There should be a new word for happiness. Being here with Miss Channing has been - I just can't say, she's been so wonderful, done so much for me- Mrs. Richards. Karen. Karen... ... isn't it awful, I'm about to ask you for another favor - after all you've already done. Nobody's done so much, Eve, you've got to stop thinking of yourself as one of the Hundred Neediest Cases... what is it? ... you want to be Margo's new understudy. I don't let myself think about it, even- - but I do know the part so well, and every bit of the staging, there'd be no need to break in a new girl- - but suppose I had to go on one night? To an audience that came to see Margo Channing. No, I couldn't possibly... Don't worry too much about that. Margo just doesn't miss performances. If she can walk, crawl or roll - she plays. The show must go on. No, dear. Margo must go on. As a matter of fact, I see no reason why you shouldn't be Margo's understudy... Do you think Miss Channing would approve? I think she would cheer. But Mr. Richards and Mr. Sampson- Then - would you talk to Mr. Fabian about it? Of course. You won't forget it? I won't forget. You mustn't mind Margo too much, even if I do... But there must be some reason, something I've done without knowing... The reason is Margo and don't try to figure it out. Einstein couldn't. If I thought I'd offended her, of all people- Eve. I'm fond of Margo too. But I know Margo. And every now and then there is nothing I want to do so much as to kick her right square in the pants. Karen... ... you won't forget, will you? What we talked about before? May I have your coat? Don't bother, I can take it up myself... Eve. I've heard the most wonderful things about your performance- We're having lunch with a movie talent scout. They certainly don't waste much time. I was wondering whether you'd come at all.. Don't get up. And don't act as if I were the queen mother. I don't expect you to be pleasant. I don't intend to be. I've got a lot to say. And none of it is easy. There can't be very much- Oh, but there is- - and easy or not, I won't believe a word. You know, I've always considered myself a very clever girl. Smart. Good head on my shoulders, that sort of thing, never the wrong word at the wrong time... but then, I'd never met Addison deWitt. I remember once I had a tooth pulled. They gave me some anaesthetic - I don't remember the name - and it affected me in a strange way. I - and you felt just like that talking to Addison. In a way. You find yourself trying to say what you mean, but somehow the words change - and they become his words - and suddenly you're not saying what you mean, but what he means- Do you expect me to believe that you didn't say any of those things - that they were all Addison? No! I don't expect you to believe anything. Except that the responsibility is mine. And the disgrace. Let's not get over-dramatic. Eve... don't cry. I'm not crying. Tell me. How did your lunch turn out - with the man from Hollywood? Some vague promises of a test, that's all - if a particular part should come along, one of those things- But the raves about your performance- - an understudy's performance. Well. I think you're painting the picture a little darker than it is, really. If nothing else - and don't underestimate him - you have a powerful friend in Addison. He's not my friend. You were my friends... He can help you. Eve. I - I don't think you meant to cause unhappiness. But you did. More to yourself, perhaps - as it turned out - than to anyone else... I'll never get over it. Yes, you will. You Theater people always do. Nothing is forever in the Theater. Love or hate, success or failure - whatever it is, it's here, it flares up and burns hot - and then it's gone. I wish I could believe that. I think I know... Something most important you can do. You want to play "Cora." You want me to tell Lloyd I think you should play it. If you told him so, he'd give me the part. He said he would. After all you've said... don't you know the part was written for Margo? It could have been - fifteen years ago. It's my part now. You talk just as Addison said you did. "Cora" is my part. You've got to tell Lloyd it's for me. Addison wants me to play it. Over my dead body... A part in a play. You'd do all that - just for a part in a play. She knows enough not to be here. Congratulations, Eve. Hello, Miss Harrington. No, thank you. Yes. I've seen every performance. Every performance? Then - am I safe in assuming you like it? How'd hear about it? There was an item in the Times. i like the title. 'Footsteps on the Ceiling'. Well... it started with the play before this one... I guess it started back home. Wisconsin, that is. There was just mum, and dad - and me. I was the only child, and I made believe a lot when I was a kid - I acted out all sorts of things... what they were isn't important. But somehow acting and make-believe began to fill up my life more and more, it got so Not at all... It's been a real pleasure, Eve. Back to Copacabana. But Eve. Margo, let me tell you about Eve- Please, don't misunderstand me, Mr. Richards. I think that part of Miss Channing's greatness lies in her ability to choose the best plays... your new play is for Miss Channing, isn't it, Mr. Richards? Well. If I didn't come to see the play, I wouldn't have anywhere else to go. There are other plays... Did you see it here in New York? No, don't go... Stick around. Please. Tell you what - we'll put Stanislavsky on his plane, you and I, then go somewhere and talk. Well - if I'm not in the way... What - again? I could watch you play that last scene a thousand times and cry every time- I must say you can certainly tell Mr. Sampson's been gone a month. You certainly can. Especially if you're me between now and tomorrow morning... I mean the performance. Except for you, you'd think he'd never even directed it - it's disgraceful the way they change everything around... Well, teacher's away and actors will be actors... During your second act scene with your father, Roger Ferraday's supposed to stay way upstage at the arch. He's been coming closer down every night... You haven't noticed my latest bit of interior decorating... Well, you've done so much... what's new? The curtains. I made them myself. While you're cleaning up, I'll take this to the wardrobe mistress- Don't bother. Mrs. Brown'll be along for it in a minute. Well - what do you think of my elegant new suit? Very becoming. It looks better on you than it did on me. I can imagine... you know, all it needed was some taking in here and letting out there - are you sure you won't want it yourself? Quite sure. I find it just a bit too - too "Seventeenish" for me... Oh, come now, as though you were an old lady... I'm on my way. Is there anything more you've thought of-? There's the script to go back to the Guild- I've got it. - and those checks or whatever it is for the income tax man. Right here. It seems I can't think of a thing you haven't thought of... That's my job. See you at tea time... Eve... ... by any chance, did you place a call from me to Bill for midnight California time? Oh, golly. And I forgot to tell you- Yes, dear. You forgot all about it. Well, I was sure you'd want to, of course, being his birthday, and you've been so busy these past few days, and last night I meant to tell you before you went out with the Richards - and I guess I was asleep when you got home... Yes, I guess you were. It - it was very thoughtful of you, Eve. Don't get up. And please stop acting as if I were the queen mother. If you'd like. I'd like to hear it. Some snowy night in front of the fire... in the meantime, while we're on the subject, will you check about the hors d'oeuvres? The caterer forgot them, the varnish wasn't dry or something... The hors d'oeuvres are here. Is there anything else I can do? Good evening, Mr. deWitt. Terribly sorry I'm late, lunch was long and I couldn't find a cab - where's Miss Caswell, shall we start? Oh, hello, Eve... Hello, Miss Channing. Miss Channing, I can't tell you how glad I am that you arrived so late. Really, Eve? Why? Well, if you'd been here to begin with, I wouldn't have dared to read at all... Why not? ... and if you'd come in the middle, I'd have stopped, I couldn't have gone on- Hi. Hello, darling- It's the tight girdle that does it. Relax, kid. It's only me and my big mouth... It's just that you get me so mad sometimes... of all the women in the world with nothing to complain about- Ain't it the truth? Yes, it is! You're talented, famous, wealthy - people waiting around night after night just to see you, even in the wind and rain... Autograph fiends! They're not people - those little beast who run in packs like coyotes- They're your fans, your audience- Well... there's one indoors now. I've brought her back to see you. You've what? She's just outside the door. Dear Birdie. Won't you sit down, Miss Worthington? Harrington. Would you like a drink? It's right beside you... Margo, really... Margo, nothing you've ever done has made me as happy as your taking Eve in... That little place just two hours form New York. It's on my list of things-I'll-never-understand. Like collecting shrunken Indian heads... Of all people you should know what it means to want some peace and quiet- How much time have we? Roughly ten minutes. How far to the station? Three or four miles... Any houses or farms around where we can borrow gas? None in sight, there aren't many along this back road... He always looks so pathetic whenever he does anything physical- It seems to me that walking, for most people, is not very dangerous. I just never think of Lloyd as anywhere but indoors and anything but sitting down. Do you want it on? It doesn't matter. Karen. I haven't been pleasant this weekend. We've all seemed a little tense lately... Come to think of it, I haven't been very pleasant for weeks. For that, I'm truly sorry. More than any two people I know, I don't want you and Lloyd to be angry with me... We're never deeply angry, we just get sore. The way you do. We know you too well... So many people - know me. I wish I did. I wish someone would tell be about me... You're Margo. Just - Margo. What about Bill? What about Bill? He's in love with you. More than anything in this world, I love Bill. And I want Bill. I want him to want me. But me. Not Margo Channing. And if I can't tell they apart - how can he? Why should he - and why should you? Bill's in love with Margo Channing. He's fought with her, worked with her, loved her... but ten years from now - Margo Channing will have ceased to exist. And what's left will be... what? Margo. Bill is all of eight years younger than you. Those years stretch as the years go on. I've seen it happen too often. Not to you. Not to Bill. I don't suppose the heater runs when the motor doesn't? About Eve. I've acted pretty disgracefully toward her, too. Well... Margo. Margo, I want you to know how sorry I am about this... About what? This. I can't tell you how sorry I am! "... my hat which has, lo, these many seasons become more firmly rooted about my ears, is lifted to Miss Harrington. I am once more available for dancing in the streets and shouting from the housetops." ... I thought that one went out with Woollcott... Down here... here, listen to this- "... Miss Harrington had much to tell - and these columns shall report I just can't believe it. It get better! "- About the understandable reluctance on the part of our entrenched First Ladies of the Stage to encourage, shall we say - younger - actresses; about Miss Harrington's own long and unsupported struggle for opportunity-" In this rat race, everybody's guilty till they're proved innocent! One of the differences between the Theater and civilization... ... what gets me is how all of those papers in town happened to catch that particular performance! Lloyd says it's a publicity release... Karen, in all the years of our friendship, I have never let you go to the Ladies' Room alone. But now I must. I am busting to know what goes on in that feverish little brain waiting there... With tears? With tears. But not right away? First the business of fighting them off, chin up, stout fella... Check. I remember. How was the concert? - 'at's my loyal little woman. The critics thought so, the audiences certainly think so - packed houses, tickets for months in advance - I can't see that either of Lloyd's last two plays have hurt you any! You can't put her out, I promised... Margo, you've got to see her, she worships you, it's like something out of a book- That book is out of print, Karen, those days are gone. Fans no longer pull the carriage through the streets - they tear off clothes and steal wrist watches... Now let's not get into a big hassle- Coming? Lloyd, what happened...? Up to here! That's where I've got it - up to here! Of all the star ridden, presumptuous, hysterical- Margo, again... And again and again! Two hours late for the audition, to begin with- That's on time for Margo. Then a childish, heavy-handed routine about not knowing Eve was her understudy- It's just possible she didn't... Of course she knew! For one thing, Addison told her how superbly Eve had read the part-! Karen, let me tell you about Eve. She's got everything - a born actress. Sensitive, understanding, young, exciting, vibrant- - don't run out of adjectives, dear. - everything a playwright first thinks of wanting to write about... until his play becomes a vehicle for Miss Channing... Margo hasn't done badly by it. It's going to be a cozy weekend. What is? We're driving out to the country tomorrow night. Just the four of us. Bill, Margo, you and I... What time is it? When you asked a minute ago it was five-forty-two. It is now five forty-three. When you ask a minute from no, it will be- I just don't want Margo to miss her train. As it is, she'll barely make the theater... Lloyd, be careful... But it can't be! We can't be out of gas! I filled it myself yesterday! Wasn't it full when you drove to Brewster this morning? I guess I didn't look. You know I don't pay attention to those things... You'll break your neck on that ice. What a way to die - trying to get an actress to the theater in time. Tell Max I want to be buried with royalties... - it's Addison, from start to finish, it drips with his brand of venom... taking advantage of a kid like that, twisting her words, making her say what he wanted her to say- Where'd you get all that information? Eve. Eve? She's been to see me, as a matter of fact she left just before you came in - you just missed her... That was a pity... She wanted to explain about her interview, wanted to apologize to someone - and didn't dare face Margo... You know, I've been going over our financial condition - if you'll pardon the expression... That's quite a change of subject. What with taxes coming up - and since I'm a playwright and not an oil well operator - well, I've been thinking... I'm trying hard to follow you. If - instead of waiting until next season to do 'Footsteps on the Ceiling', which is in pretty good shape - and if Margo can be talked into going on tour with 'Aged in Wood' - we could put 'Footsteps...' into production right away... I'm beginning to catch up. If we could cast it properly, that is... Maybe get some younger actress for the part? Someone who'd look the part as well as play it? You've got to admit it would be a novelty. Eve did mention the play, you know. But just in passing - she's never ask to play a part like "Cora," she'd never have the nerve... Eve would ask Abbott to give her Costello. No, I got the idea myself - while she was talking to me... With gestures, of course. Lloyd Richards, you are not to consider giving that contemptible little worm the part of "Cora." Now just a minute- Margo Channing has not been exactly a compromise all these years, half the playwrights in the world would give their shirts for that particular compromise! Now just a minute! All this fuss and hysteria because an impulsive kid got carried away by excitement and the conniving of a professional manure slinger named deWitt! She apologized, didn't she? On her knees, I have no doubt! Very touching, very Academy-of-Dramatic Arts! That bitter cynicism of yours is something you've acquired since you left Radcliffe! Margo - and Bill - want us to meet them at the Cub Room tonight, after theater. For a bottle of wine. Margo in the Cub Room. I couldn't be more surprised if she'd said Grant's Tomb. I'm glad Bill's back. Darling, I didn't promise Eve anything. Just said I thought she'd be fine for the part, but there were some practical difficulties... Such as? Well of all- Three days, that's for the bourgeois - I see a midnight elopement, waking up a village person... After all, maybe she just wants to apologize... - well? What happened? You mean - all this time - she'd done nothing but apologize? What'd you say? What's so funny? Who is it? What's it all about? I didn't think you would! It seems to me, Karen, that for some tine, now, you've been developing a deep unconcern for the feeling of human being in general- I'm a human being, I've got some! Have you forgotten about Eve? What she is, what she's done? Old wives' tales, born of envy and jealousy! And a phobia against truth! Honey chili had a point. You know, I can remember plays about women - even from the South - where it never even occurred to them whether they wanted to marry their fathers more than their brothers... That was way back... Would you, really? How sweet- How about calling it a night? I like that girl. That quality of quiet graciousness... The general atmosphere is very Macbethish. What has or is about to happen? There you are, both of you. Max, Karen has decided it's time to go. Where is she? Who's left out there? Too many. And you've got a new guest. A movie star from Hollywood. You disapprove of me when I'm like this, don't you? Not exactly. Sometimes, though, I wish I understood you better. When you do, let me in on it. How's the new one coming? The play? All right, I guess... "Cora." She's - still a girl of twenty? Twentyish. It isn't important. Don't you think it's about time it became important? How do you mean? Don't be evasive. Margo, you haven't got any age. Miss Channing is ageless. Spoken like a press agent. I know what I'm talking about, after all they're my plays... Spoken like an author. Lloyd, I'm not twentyish. I am not thirtyish. Three months ago, I was forty years old. Forty. Four oh. That slipped out, I hadn't quite made up my mind to admit it. Now I feel as if I'd suddenly taken all my clothes off... Week after week, to thousands of people, you're as young as you want... ... as young as they want, you mean. And I'm not interested in whether thousands of people think I'm six or six hundred- She's your understudy. Eve? Eve, my understudy? But I had no idea... I thought you knew... She was put on over a week ago- I'm sure you underestimate yourself, Eve. You always do. You were about to tell me about Eve... You'd have been proud of her. I'm sure. She was a revelation... To you, too? What do you mean? I mean, among other things, that it must have been a revelation to have your twenty-four-year-old character played by twenty-four-year-old actress... That's beside the point. You've been talking to that venomous fishwife, Addison deWitt- - in this case, apparently, as trustworthy as the World Almanac! You knew when you came in that the audition was over, that Eve was your understudy! Playing that childish game of cat and mouse... Not mouse, never mouse! If anything - rat! You have a genius for making barroom brawl out of a perfectly innocent misunderstanding at most! Perfectly innocent! Man have been hanged for less! I'm lied to, attacked behind my back, accused of reading your silly dialogue inaccurately - as if it were Holy Gospel! I never said it was! I shall never understand the weird process by which a body with a voice suddenly fancies itself a mind! Just when exactly does an actress decide they're her words she's saying and her thoughts she's expressing? Usually at the point when she's got to rewrite and rethink them to keep the audience from leaving the theater! Karen and I just don't want an accident- I have no intention of having an accident! How fortunate that I have an understudy so ready, so willing and so able to go on. The audience will want its money refunded, believe me. It's been quite a night. I understand that your understudy - Miss Harrington - has given her notice. Yes, sir. Very discreet. A note right out in the open like that. Next time tell your lover to blow smoke rings - or tap a glass... ... and Bill. Especially Bill. Eve did that, too. You know, she probably means well, after all... That depends. I mean really, deeply angry... I don't think I could be. Now wait a minute, you're always so touchy about his plays, it isn't the part - it's a great part. And a fine play. But not for me anymore - not a foursquare, upright, downright, forthright married lady. What's your being married got to do with it? Hello.. We are ready with your call to Beverly Hills... Call, what call? It this Templeton 89970? Miss Margo Channing? That's right, but I don't understand- We are ready with the call you placed for 12 midnight, California time, to Mr. William Sampson in Beverly Hills... I placed...? "Liebestraum." I just played it. Play it again. But that was the fourth straight time. Then this will be five. I suppose you think I'm too drunk to count. No. You're just crazy about "Liebestraum." "Liebestraum." Look, Miss Channing... it's kind of depressing. If you don't mind my saying so, everybody's kind of dying on the vine... Make it Bergdorf Goodman... and now everything is on its proper shelf, eh, Max? Done up in little ribbons. I could die right now and nobody'd be confused. How about you, Max? Supposed you dropped dead. What about your inventory? Margo. You by any chance got bicarbonate of soda in the house? Let the rest of the world beat their brains out for a buck. It's friends that count. And I got friends. Here you are, Maxie dear. One good burp and you'll be rid of that Miss Caswell... The situation I'm in ain't the kind you can belch your way out. I made a promise... Miss Caswell? What? Well, if she can act, she might not be bad. She looks like she might burn down a plantation... I feel right now like there's one burning in me. When's the audition? A couple of weeks. I tell you what. Why don't I read with her? Would you? Anything to help you out, Max. This is real cooperation. I appreciate it. Not at all. And you could do me a big favor, if you would- All you got to do is name it. You get quick action, don't you? Margo, I wouldn't think of taking that girl away from you... You said yourself my inventory was in good shape - all of my merchandise put away. To keep her here with nothing to do - I'd be standing in her way... and you need her, Max. But what could she do? She'd be a great help - read scripts, interview people you have to see, get rid of the ones you don't have to... you'd be a man of leisure- Well... Think of your health, Max - more time to relax out in the fresh air at a race track... I don't know if this would be a wise move... Promise. I promise. This is for lawyers to talk about, this concerns a run-of-the-play contract, and this you can't rewrite or ad lib! Are you threatening me with legal action, Mr. Fabian? Are you breaking the contract? Answer my question! Who am I to threaten? I'm a dying man. I didn't hear you. I said I'm a dying man! What the hell were you doing rewriting my story-- --I sure couldn't hurt it, could I?-- --it was fine the way it was-- --it was bullshit the way it was-- --I have to stand here and listen to the staff correspondent from Virginia?-- --what have you been here, nine months?--I been in this business since I was sixteen-- --and you've had some fucking meteoric rise, that's for sure--by the time you turn forty you might be the head of the Montana bureau-- --you only got the job because both you and Bradlee went to Yale-- --Bradlee went to Harvard-- --they're all the same, all those Ivy League places--they teach you about striped ties and suddenly you're smart-- --I'm smart enough to know my story was solid-- --mine's better-- --no way-- What is it about my writing that's so rotten? Carl? Yeah? You heard? They put us both on the break-in thing. Simons liked the way we worked together. Listen, I'm sorry I said your story was bullshit. It's OK; I'm sorry I called you a failure. Forget it, the main thing-- --did you call me a failure? All right, what do we know? Let me lay a little theory on you-- --I'm not interested in theory. What do we know? For example, Hunt's disappeared. Well, Barker tried to get blueprints of the Miami Convention Center and the air-conditioning system. And McCord was carrying an application for college press credentials for the Democratic convention. The Times has got to be full of it-- it can't be crazy Cubans. What, though? It can't be the Republicans--he'd never allow something as stupid as this, not when he's gonna slaughter McGovern anyway. Hey? Hmm. What do you think he meant, this particular incident? Were there others? How would we find out? You know anyone important? --what do you think?-- --Hunt doesn't seem like your ordinary consultant. Maybe a political operative of some sort-- --a spy, you mean? You think they are confidential? I don't know anything about how this town works, I haven't lived here a year yet. July of '71. That was fun. What now? I met a Presidential aide once at a social occasion. What's that? Goddamnit-- --see?-- --I'm trying-- --fifteen phone calls-- ---fifteen or more phone calls from the burglars in Miami to Gordon Liddy at CREEP-- Why didn't we get that? Christ, and I even know somebody at the phone company-- See her? Get anything? For the paper, no; for us, plenty. I waited a long time and finally this big guy--I guess a bodyguard-- he left and I knocked and she remembered me, we talked awhile. And?--And?-- --she was panicked, Carl--every time I mentioned Watergate, you could tell. Were you eyebrow reading? Who's first? I don't get it... this really was my turf... You're not a kid anymore. This is terrific work, if you like rejection. I never scared anyone before. It's not us, they were scared before we got there. What do we know? Facts or theory? Anything you've got. We know there's got to be something or they wouldn't be so panicked. And that something's got to be more than just Hunt, Liddy, and the five burglars--those indictments are gonna be bullshit when they come down. What else do we know? We never reveal our sources, which is why you can talk to us. We understand your problem-- --you believe in the President, you wouldn't ever want to do anything disloyal. I hate both parties. Republican? Sure. Who'd you vote for? When? '68. Did he just say what I think he said? I couldn't believe what she told me. Eight cups of coffee worth. Go on, go on-- --we've got to find out who the five guys are--the five with access to the slush fund--they were aware of the break-in. Then tomorrow's grand jury indictments will just be bullshit. It goes very high--we've got to find out where-- --we will-- --she was really paranoid, the bookkeeper. How do you want to handle Sloan? You mean, who's going to play the mean M.P. and who's going to be the nice one? Whichever. He's another Ivy Leaguer so he'll probably expect you to be understanding--might surprise him if you're not. You want me to be the bastard. Think Sloan's back? What's wrong? --there had to be a White House overseer-- Look--five men controlled that slush fund as CREEP--three of them we've got, Mitchell, Stans, Magruder, and we're pretty sure of Kalmbach. --The L.A. Times has a huge interview with Baldwin-- --the lookout in the Motor Inn?-- --he say anything we don't know?-- Goddamnit-- --shit-- --we gotta top the Times-- --I know, I know-- --if we could name the guys got the reports, we'd be ahead again-- --shit, who do we know?-- --I know a lawyer at Justice-- --has he got an ax?-- --almost every source we've used has been Republican, this guy's a card- carrying Democrat. --I want you to shut up and listen to me-- --I haven't said anything-- --for the first time I'm beginning to feel like a fucking reporter-- Woodward, I got a tip. A guy called me up with a tip-- --someone named Donald Segretti contacted a bunch of lawyers and asked them if they'd like to go to work with him screwing up the Democrats, dirty tricks, shit like that. The FBI knows about Segretti-- Howard Hunt made a How high up, which Republicans? That's what we've got to find out, but Segretti went to Southern Cal. and so did a bunch of Nixon men-- --Haldeman I know, who else? Dwight Chapin, Nixon's appointments chief--he knew Segretti in school. Maybe I'm crazy, but this is the first time any of this starts to make sense. What were the three theories? The burglary was done by Cubans or Democrats or Republicans. Now the reason no one believed the Republicans is because there wasn't any reason, they were so far ahead. But Segretti was talking to these other lawyers a year before the break- in. So maybe Watergate wasn't really about Watergate--maybe that was just a piece-- --because a year before, the Republicans weren't ahead, not in the polls, Muskie was running ahead of Nixon then. Before he self- destructed. Segretti criss-crossed the country over ten times in six months--and never stayed anyplace over a night or two. Switch to another station, huh? You're driving me crazy with that. California, Illinois, Florida, New Hampshire--all the major Democratic primary states. Why does everything you play sound the same? What would you have done? You think we're being set up?--Christ, Deep Throat tells you last night that the letter came from inside the White House and up traipses Marilyn naming names. It makes a crazy kind of sense-- remember that initiation rite they have at the White House? Each new member of the President's staff has to prove his guts by getting an enemy of Nixon. You think this was Clawsen's initiation? He'll give us a sworn statement. --That cash fund that financed the sabotaging of the Democrats--five guys had control-- --Mitchell, Stans, Magruder, Kalmbach-- I think that's him. Who? Nah. Maybe. What if I went up and introduced myself--think he'd slug me? Well, we are trying to ruin his life. It's nothing personal, though. What's the matter? Same as Magruder, I don't like it when they turn out to be human. I wish we were investigating Attila the Hun. --Jesus-- --Sloan told the Grand Jury--he answered everything they asked him-- that means there's a record somewhere-- How many fucking sources they think we got?-- --Deep Throat won't confirm--I never thought he was scared of anyone, but he's scared of Haldeman. I know a guy in the Justice Department who was around the Grand Jury. Woodward? Hmm? What was the mistake? Do you think it's been rigged, all along the way, leading us on so they could slip it to us when it mattered? They couldn't have set us up better; after all these months our credibility's gone, you know what that means? You overslept? I finally got through to Sloan--it was all a misunderstanding that we had: he would have told the Grand Jury about Haldeman, he was ready to, only nobody on the Grand Jury asked him the goddamn question. What does it say? John N. Mitchell, while serving as US Attorney General, personally controlled a secret cash fund that-- --jeeeeeeesus-- --fund that was used to gather information against the Democrats-- --jeeeeeeesus-- --according to sources involved in the Watergate investigation. Beginning in the spring of 1971-- --jeeeeeeesus-- --almost a year before he left the Justice Department-- --jeeeeeeeeesus-- --to become President Nixon's campaign manager on March 1, Mitchell personally approved withdrawals from the fund-- --all that crap, you're putting it in the paper? It's all been denied. You tell your publisher--tell Katie Graham she's gonna get her tit caught in a big fat wringer if that's published. Good Christ! That's the most sickening thing I ever heard. Sir, I'd like to ask you a few-- --what time is it? 11:30. Morning or night? Night. Look, you've been jerking my chain all day. If there's some reason you can't talk to me--like the fact that you've already leaked everything to The New York Times--just say so. Listen, I've got a dinner--can't we do this tomorrow? You want Barker's phone stuff or his money stuff? I'll never get out of here in time. The telephone calls... we know about that. The rest is Barker's bank records. It's mostly the eighty-nine thousand in Mexican cashier's checks-- I never could figure just who this Dahlberg was. Think it might be anything? Sorry. Now if it was Hunt you were interested in-- --Howard Hunt? Sure. Him I liked, he was a very nice person. Secretive too, traveled all over, but a decent man. Any idea what he did? Oh, the scuttlebutt for awhile was he was investigating Kennedy-- --Teddy Kennedy? Hi, it's me. I'm still here. I'm so glad. I'd really like to see Mr. Dardis. And you will. But not now. I called him from Washington. He's the one who asked me to be here at eleven in the morning. Could you reach Mr. Dardis by car radio? Mr. Dardis does call in every so often? Well of course. Donald Segretti? I'm Carl Bernstein. My paper sent me out to see if I couldn't persuade you to go on the record. You can't. According to what we've been able to verify, you've been busy. I've got a lot of energy. Listen--we know you're involved in this--we're going to get the story, why not help? They never told me anything except my own role--I had to find out the rest in the papers. By "they" you mean the White House, don't you? Your buddy from USC, Dwight Chapin-- he works for the White House. I know where Dwight works. Do you feel much about the things you did? I didn't do anything wrong. Tell that to Muskie. Oh, maybe nickel and dime stuff. During the Florida primary, you wrote a letter on Muskie stationery saying Scoop Jackson had a bastard child. You wrote another that said Hubert Humphrey was out with call girls. Sometimes it got up to a quarter maybe-- --off the record. You wrote the Canuck letter--the one where you claimed Muskie slurred the Canadians. I didn't. But you know who did. None of it was my idea, Carl--I didn't go looking for the job. Chapin did contact you then? Sure--off the record. On the orders of Haldeman? I don't know anything about Haldeman, except, Dwight's frightened of him-- everybody's frightened of him--Christ, I wish I'd never gotten messed around with this--all I wanna do is sit in the sun; sit, swim, see some girls. It gets interesting if it was Haldeman, because our word is that when Chapin says something, he's gotten the OK from Haldeman, and when Haldeman says something, he's gotten the OK from the President. Can't help you. Harry, I just talked to a Miami investigator about Barker-- --so? I'm the one sent you to Toronto, Bernstein-- --that was awhile ago-- Down to Miami and back--how much damage can I do? --you got more than one source?-- Speak. --he was going to go into law practice with Segretti. --no-- --and we got a guy in Justice-- What's a real denial? I thought you guys were supposed to be working on this story-- --you think I like being aced out? --it would have been nice to have had this, I sure would have liked to have had this-- --there's nothing new in it-- --if he did it or just said he did it, God knows. --Bernstein, are you sure on this story? Absolutely-- Hannah, I never would have bothered you but I'm off to Miami and they're gonna take away my ten speed unless I get it straightened out fast. Where are your bills, Carl? Oh, they're here. I'm keeping much better records now, Hannah. See? Hey... very tense. Lot of pressure at the Star. Carl, when we got married, you were four thousand dollars in debt; when we split, you were solvent. That may prove to be the outstanding single achievement of my life, and now look at this. How much did the damn bike cost? Five hundred; six maybe. You're two months behind--you got enough to cover? I think. Give me your checkbook then. I thought you had to get to Miami. There's always a later plane. You're a sex junkie, you know that, Carl? This is practically a high school reunion for us, Jane--I would have sprung for a classier place. Anyplace really public, they'd know about it--they know everything at the Committee, Carl-- --you don't really think you're being followed? This girlfriend of mine at the Committee, the other day she went back to the D.A. to tell the things the FBI didn't ask her. That night, her boss, he knew what she'd done. They control everything; that's how they know it all. FBI too? You don't believe me? Well, I was working the weekend of the break-in and my God, all the executives were running around like crazy--you had to practically wait in line to use the shredding machine--and when the FBI came to investigate, they never even asked me about it. If you don't like it down there, why don't you quit? I don't know what they'd do to me.