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posted an update 1 day ago
Very few people realize that most of the successful AI startups got successful because they were focused on open science and open-source for at least their first few years. To name but a few, OpenAI (GPT, GPT2 was open-source), Runway & Stability (stable diffusion), Cohere, Mistral and of course Hugging Face!

The reasons are not just altruistic, it's also because sharing your science and your models pushes you to build AI faster (which is key in a fast-moving domain like AI), attracts the best scientists & engineers and generates much more visibility, usage and community contributions than if you were 100% closed-source. The same applies to big tech companies as we're seeing with Meta and Google!

More startups and companies should release research & open-source AI, it's not just good for the world but also increases their probability of success!

LinkedIn Post: Call for Collaboration on Decolonizing AI Models
🌍 Seeking Collaborators: Help Develop Afrocentric and Anti-Colonial AI Models

As artificial intelligence continues to shape the future, the majority of AI systems and models still reflect Eurocentric biases, often sidelining African knowledge systems, histories, and philosophies. While there are excellent models focused on African languages, like AfroXLMR and SERENGETI, there is a critical need for AI that truly embodies Afrocentric perspectives and anti-colonial ideologies.

I am working on an initiative to develop an Afrocentric, anti-colonial AI model, and I'm seeking assistance in any of the following areas:

📚 Data Curation: Help curate datasets that reflect African post-colonial thought, indigenous knowledge systems, and anti-colonial literature.

🤝 Collaborations: I’m looking to partner with African scholars, AI experts, and institutions interested in developing AI models that challenge colonial narratives and promote African worldviews.

🛠️ Technical Expertise: If you have experience in AI development, NLP, or machine learning, your expertise could help fine-tune models like GPT-3 or AfroXLMR to reflect Afrocentric philosophies and perspectives.

This is more than a technical project—it's about reshaping AI to represent diverse global perspectives and move away from the historical dominance of Western narratives in technology.

📬 If you're interested in collaborating or can offer guidance, resources, or connections, I would love to hear from you. Let’s work together to create AI that reflects the richness and complexity of African thought and decolonized knowledge.

Feel free to reach out or comment below if you’d like to join this important journey.

#AI #MachineLearning #NLP #AfrocentricAI #DecolonizingAI #TechForGood #Collaboration #AfricanPhilosophy #IndigenousKnowledge #AIforAfrica



Try this Model ! I have made this a non colonial model and removed as much biased as possible :
I also trained the model on Swahili and banbara and other african languages and ALPACA ( in these languages mixed with english ) ..
I have also trained the model on afrcian history , but i am also still searching for historys to add to the model !

I was hard to break the model from the colonial perspective !
But by adding various non standard scrools and documents it slowly begun to react well

If you would like to colaberate on such a model then if you can get data ! ( ie newspapers and african folk tales and stroys as well as creations storys and other historys ) .. I can trai the model very deeply at multuiple levels with multiple prompts : The data should be in eglish and the target language