import hashlib import os import urllib from typing import Callable, Optional, Text, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from import Model from import AudioFile from import VoiceActivityDetection from import PipelineModel from pyannote.core import Annotation, Segment, SlidingWindowFeature from tqdm import tqdm from .diarize import Segment as SegmentX VAD_SEGMENTATION_URL = "" def load_vad_model(device, vad_onset=0.500, vad_offset=0.363, use_auth_token=None, model_fp=None): model_dir = torch.hub._get_torch_home() os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok = True) if model_fp is None: model_fp = os.path.join(model_dir, "whisperx-vad-segmentation.bin") if os.path.exists(model_fp) and not os.path.isfile(model_fp): raise RuntimeError(f"{model_fp} exists and is not a regular file") if not os.path.isfile(model_fp): with urllib.request.urlopen(VAD_SEGMENTATION_URL) as source, open(model_fp, "wb") as output: with tqdm( total=int("Content-Length")), ncols=80, unit="iB", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as loop: while True: buffer = if not buffer: break output.write(buffer) loop.update(len(buffer)) model_bytes = open(model_fp, "rb").read() if hashlib.sha256(model_bytes).hexdigest() != VAD_SEGMENTATION_URL.split('/')[-2]: raise RuntimeError( "Model has been downloaded but the SHA256 checksum does not not match. Please retry loading the model." ) vad_model = Model.from_pretrained(model_fp, use_auth_token=use_auth_token) hyperparameters = {"onset": vad_onset, "offset": vad_offset, "min_duration_on": 0.1, "min_duration_off": 0.1} vad_pipeline = VoiceActivitySegmentation(segmentation=vad_model, device=torch.device(device)) vad_pipeline.instantiate(hyperparameters) return vad_pipeline class Binarize: """Binarize detection scores using hysteresis thresholding, with min-cut operation to ensure not segments are longer than max_duration. Parameters ---------- onset : float, optional Onset threshold. Defaults to 0.5. offset : float, optional Offset threshold. Defaults to `onset`. min_duration_on : float, optional Remove active regions shorter than that many seconds. Defaults to 0s. min_duration_off : float, optional Fill inactive regions shorter than that many seconds. Defaults to 0s. pad_onset : float, optional Extend active regions by moving their start time by that many seconds. Defaults to 0s. pad_offset : float, optional Extend active regions by moving their end time by that many seconds. Defaults to 0s. max_duration: float The maximum length of an active segment, divides segment at timestamp with lowest score. Reference --------- Gregory Gelly and Jean-Luc Gauvain. "Minimum Word Error Training of RNN-based Voice Activity Detection", InterSpeech 2015. Modified by Max Bain to include WhisperX's min-cut operation Pyannote-audio """ def __init__( self, onset: float = 0.5, offset: Optional[float] = None, min_duration_on: float = 0.0, min_duration_off: float = 0.0, pad_onset: float = 0.0, pad_offset: float = 0.0, max_duration: float = float('inf') ): super().__init__() self.onset = onset self.offset = offset or onset self.pad_onset = pad_onset self.pad_offset = pad_offset self.min_duration_on = min_duration_on self.min_duration_off = min_duration_off self.max_duration = max_duration def __call__(self, scores: SlidingWindowFeature) -> Annotation: """Binarize detection scores Parameters ---------- scores : SlidingWindowFeature Detection scores. Returns ------- active : Annotation Binarized scores. """ num_frames, num_classes = frames = scores.sliding_window timestamps = [frames[i].middle for i in range(num_frames)] # annotation meant to store 'active' regions active = Annotation() for k, k_scores in enumerate( label = k if scores.labels is None else scores.labels[k] # initial state start = timestamps[0] is_active = k_scores[0] > self.onset curr_scores = [k_scores[0]] curr_timestamps = [start] t = start for t, y in zip(timestamps[1:], k_scores[1:]): # currently active if is_active: curr_duration = t - start if curr_duration > self.max_duration: search_after = len(curr_scores) // 2 # divide segment min_score_div_idx = search_after + np.argmin(curr_scores[search_after:]) min_score_t = curr_timestamps[min_score_div_idx] region = Segment(start - self.pad_onset, min_score_t + self.pad_offset) active[region, k] = label start = curr_timestamps[min_score_div_idx] curr_scores = curr_scores[min_score_div_idx+1:] curr_timestamps = curr_timestamps[min_score_div_idx+1:] # switching from active to inactive elif y < self.offset: region = Segment(start - self.pad_onset, t + self.pad_offset) active[region, k] = label start = t is_active = False curr_scores = [] curr_timestamps = [] curr_scores.append(y) curr_timestamps.append(t) # currently inactive else: # switching from inactive to active if y > self.onset: start = t is_active = True # if active at the end, add final region if is_active: region = Segment(start - self.pad_onset, t + self.pad_offset) active[region, k] = label # because of padding, some active regions might be overlapping: merge them. # also: fill same speaker gaps shorter than min_duration_off if self.pad_offset > 0.0 or self.pad_onset > 0.0 or self.min_duration_off > 0.0: if self.max_duration < float("inf"): raise NotImplementedError(f"This would break current max_duration param") active = # remove tracks shorter than min_duration_on if self.min_duration_on > 0: for segment, track in list(active.itertracks()): if segment.duration < self.min_duration_on: del active[segment, track] return active class VoiceActivitySegmentation(VoiceActivityDetection): def __init__( self, segmentation: PipelineModel = "pyannote/segmentation", fscore: bool = False, use_auth_token: Union[Text, None] = None, **inference_kwargs, ): super().__init__(segmentation=segmentation, fscore=fscore, use_auth_token=use_auth_token, **inference_kwargs) def apply(self, file: AudioFile, hook: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Annotation: """Apply voice activity detection Parameters ---------- file : AudioFile Processed file. hook : callable, optional Hook called after each major step of the pipeline with the following signature: hook("step_name", step_artefact, file=file) Returns ------- speech : Annotation Speech regions. """ # setup hook (e.g. for debugging purposes) hook = self.setup_hook(file, hook=hook) # apply segmentation model (only if needed) # output shape is (num_chunks, num_frames, 1) if if self.CACHED_SEGMENTATION in file: segmentations = file[self.CACHED_SEGMENTATION] else: segmentations = self._segmentation(file) file[self.CACHED_SEGMENTATION] = segmentations else: segmentations: SlidingWindowFeature = self._segmentation(file) return segmentations def merge_vad(vad_arr, pad_onset=0.0, pad_offset=0.0, min_duration_off=0.0, min_duration_on=0.0): active = Annotation() for k, vad_t in enumerate(vad_arr): region = Segment(vad_t[0] - pad_onset, vad_t[1] + pad_offset) active[region, k] = 1 if pad_offset > 0.0 or pad_onset > 0.0 or min_duration_off > 0.0: active = # remove tracks shorter than min_duration_on if min_duration_on > 0: for segment, track in list(active.itertracks()): if segment.duration < min_duration_on: del active[segment, track] active = active.for_json() active_segs = pd.DataFrame([x['segment'] for x in active['content']]) return active_segs def merge_chunks( segments, chunk_size, onset: float = 0.5, offset: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Merge operation described in paper """ curr_end = 0 merged_segments = [] seg_idxs = [] speaker_idxs = [] assert chunk_size > 0 binarize = Binarize(max_duration=chunk_size, onset=onset, offset=offset) segments = binarize(segments) segments_list = [] for speech_turn in segments.get_timeline(): segments_list.append(SegmentX(speech_turn.start, speech_turn.end, "UNKNOWN")) if len(segments_list) == 0: print("No active speech found in audio") return [] # assert segments_list, "segments_list is empty." # Make sur the starting point is the start of the segment. curr_start = segments_list[0].start for seg in segments_list: if seg.end - curr_start > chunk_size and curr_end-curr_start > 0: merged_segments.append({ "start": curr_start, "end": curr_end, "segments": seg_idxs, }) curr_start = seg.start seg_idxs = [] speaker_idxs = [] curr_end = seg.end seg_idxs.append((seg.start, seg.end)) speaker_idxs.append(seg.speaker) # add final merged_segments.append({ "start": curr_start, "end": curr_end, "segments": seg_idxs, }) return merged_segments