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This is an ExLlamaV2 quantized model in 4bpw of augmxnt/shisa-base-7b-v1 using the default calibration dataset.

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shisa-base-7b-v1 takes Mistral 7B and adds an additional 8B tokens of primarily Japanese pre-training. Japanese tokens were sourced from MADLAD-400, using DSIR, along with 10% English tokens sampled from a mix of MADLAD-400 EN and various open datasources added in to prevent catastrophic forgetting.

We have extended the Mistral tokenizer to 120k tokens to improve Japanese efficiency. Our tokenizer achieves ~2.3 characters per token in JA, versus the base Mistral 7B tokenizer which is <1 character per token. Code for our implementation is available in our Shisa repo.

This base model was created for use with Shisa 7B, our JA/EN fine-tuned model, but we provide it for the community as we believe the combination of strong performance and efficient bilingual tokenizer could be useful.

Training took 2,400 A100-40 GPU hours on a single 16 x A100-40 machine with DeepSpeed ZeRO-3. (WandB logs)


This base model was able to attain class-leading Japanese performance in standardized benchmarks with significantly less additional pre-training than previously released models. We speculate this may be due to the use of a better-curated pre-training dataset, but ablations at even 2.5B additional JA tokens still showed very strong Japanese performance.

We used a slightly modified llm-jp-eval (our base model requires a bos_token to be prepended to the prompt; we tested other models with and without the modification and took the higher results for all models tested). Here we validate versus the original Mistral 7B base model as well as Japanese Stable LM Instruct Gamma 7B, which is a Mistral 7B base with an additional 100B tokens of JA/EN pre-training. We also include Japanese-StableLM-Base-Beta-70B, which is a Llama 2 70B that also has an additional 100B tokens of JA/EN pre-training as a reference:

Mistral llm-jp-eval Comparison

Here we also compare shisa-base-7b-v1 to other recently-released similar classed (7B parameter) Japanese-tuned models. ELYZA 7B fast model and Youri 7B are Llama 2 7B models with 18B and 40B of additional pre-training respectively, and CALM2-7B and llm-jp-13b are pretrained models with 1.3T and 300B JA/EN tokens of pre-training:

7B llm-jp-eval Performance


As mentioned in the introduction, our tokenizer is an extended version of the Mistral 7B tokenizer, with a vocab size of 120073 and aligned to 120128 for better performance. The remaining unused tokens are assigned as zero-weighted <|extra_{idx}|> tokens.

We use the "Fast" tokenizer, which should be the default for AutoTokenizer, but if you have problems, make sure to check tokenizer.is_fast or to initialize with use_fast=True.

Japanese efficiency from sampling 50K items (~85M characters) from the JA subset of the CulturaX dataset:

LLM Tokenizer Vocab Size Avg Char/Token
Shisa 7B (AUGMXNT) augmxnt/shisa-base-7b-v1 120073 2.31
OpenCALM (CyberAgent) cyberagent/open-calm-7b 52000 2.17
Japanese LargeLM (LINE) line-corporation/japanese-large-lm-3.6b 51200 2.14
CALM2-7B (CyberAgent) cyberagent/calm2-7b 65000 2.00
Bilingual-GPT-NeoX-4B (Rinna) rinna/bilingual-gpt-neox-4b 65536 1.88
Japanese StableLM Alpha (Stability AI) novelai/nerdstash-tokenizer-v1 65535 1.85
Japanese-GPT-NeoX-3.6B (Rinna) rinna/japanese-gpt-neox-3.6b 32000 1.83
Japanese StableLM Beta JAVocab (Stability AI) stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-ja_vocab-beta-7b 49247 1.79
llm-jp-13b (LLM-jp) llm-jp/llm-jp-13b-v1.0 50570 1.65
Japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast (ELYZA) elyza/ELYZA-japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast 45043 1.53
Qwen 14B (Qwen) Qwen/Qwen-14B 151851 1.48
weblab-10b (Matsuo Lab) EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b 50254 1.00
Japanese StableLM Gamma (Stability AI) mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 32000 0.95
Youri 7B (Rinna) meta-llama/Llama-2-7B 32000 0.88

We also test English efficiency using a sampling of 50K items (~177M characters) from the EN subset of the CulturaX dataset as a sanity check (and to see how other tokenizers fare):

LLM Tokenizer Vocab Size Avg Char/Token
Qwen 14B (Qwen) Qwen/Qwen-14B 151851 4.47
weblab-10b (Matsuo Lab) EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b 50254 4.45
Japanese StableLM Alpha (Stability AI) novelai/nerdstash-tokenizer-v1 65535 4.15
Shisa 7B (AUGMXNT) augmxnt/shisa-base-7b-v1 120073 4.12
CALM2-7B (CyberAgent) cyberagent/calm2-7b 65000 4.12
Japanese StableLM Beta JAVocab (Stability AI) stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-ja_vocab-beta-7b 49247 4.01
Japanese StableLM Gamma (Stability AI) mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 32000 4.01
Japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast (ELYZA) elyza/ELYZA-japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast 45043 3.86
Youri 7B (Rinna) meta-llama/Llama-2-7B 32000 3.86
llm-jp-13b (LLM-jp) llm-jp/llm-jp-13b-v1.0 50570 3.79
OpenCALM (CyberAgent) cyberagent/open-calm-7b 52000 2.83
Japanese LargeLM (LINE) line-corporation/japanese-large-lm-3.6b 51200 2.49
Japanese-GPT-NeoX-3.6B (Rinna) rinna/japanese-gpt-neox-3.6b 32000 2.42
Bilingual-GPT-NeoX-4B (Rinna) rinna/bilingual-gpt-neox-4b 65536 2.42

With our extended tokenizer, we are able to achieve class-leading JA token efficiency without any losses in EN performance vs the base tokenizer. This bears out in our testing, and we often see >2X JA inference speedups with our tokenizer.


Team: Jon Durbin, Leonard Lin

Compute for this model was generously sponsored by AKA Virtual (Tokyo, Japan).

Thanks to the ELYZA team for publishing the details of their tokenizer extension approach which we used as a starting point for our tokenizer.

And of course, thanks to the Mistral AI for releasing such a strong base model!



shisa-base-7b-v1は、Mistral 7Bを基にして、主に日本語の事前トレーニングのために追加で80億トークンを追加しています。日本語トークンは、MADLAD-400から取得し、DSIRを使用しています。さらに、MADLAD-400 ENと様々なオープンデータソースからの英語トークンの10%を追加し、壊滅的忘却を防ぐために組み込んでいます。

Mistralのトークン化器を12万トークンまで拡張し、日本語の効率を向上させました。私たちのトークン化器はJAでトークンあたり約2.3文字を実現しており、基本的なMistral 7Bのトークン化器はトークンあたり<1文字です。私たちの実装のコードは、Shisaリポジトリで利用可能です。

このベースモデルは、Shisa 7B、私たちのJA/ENファインチューニングモデル用に作成されましたが、強力なパフォーマンスと効率的なバイリンガルトークン化器の組み合わせが有用であると考え、コミュニティに提供しています。

トレーニングには、16 x A100-40マシンで2,400 A100-40 GPU時間を使用し、DeepSpeed ZeRO-3で行いました。(WandB ログ)



私たちは、わずかに変更されたllm-jp-evalを使用しました(私たちのベースモデルは、プロンプトにbos_tokenを追加する必要があります。他のモデルについても、変更の有無にかかわらずテストし、すべてのモデルでテストされた高い結果を取りました)。ここでは、元のMistral 7Bベースモデルおよび日本語Stable LM Instruct Gamma 7B(これはMistral 7Bベースであり、追加の1000億JA/ENトークンの事前トレーニングが行われています)と比較します。また、Japanese-StableLM-Base-Beta-70B(これはLlama 2 70Bで、追加の1000億JA/ENトークンの事前トレーニングが行われています)も参考に含まれています。

Mistral llm-jp-eval 比較

ここでは、shisa-base-7b-v1を他の最近リリースされた同じクラス(7Bパラメータ)の日本語チューニングモデルとも比較します。ELYZA 7B fast modelおよびYouri 7BはLlama 2 7Bモデルで、それぞれ180億と400億の追加事前トレーニングがあります。また、CALM2-7Bllm-jp-13bは、1.3Tおよび3000億JA/ENトークンの事前トレーニングを行ったプリトレーニングモデルです。

7B llm-jp-eval パフォーマンス


序文で触れたように、私たちのトークン化器はMistral 7Bトークン化器の拡張版で、語彙サイズは120073であり、120128に合わせられています。残りの未使用トークンは、ゼロ重み付けされた<|extra_{idx}|>トークンとして割り当てられています。



LLM トークン化器 語彙サイズ 1トークンあたりの平均文字数
Shisa 7B (AUGMXNT) augmxnt/shisa-base-7b-v1 120073 2.31
OpenCALM (CyberAgent) cyberagent/open-calm-7b 52000 2.17
Japanese LargeLM (LINE) line-corporation/japanese-large-lm-3.6b 51200 2.14
CALM2-7B (CyberAgent) cyberagent/calm2-7b 65000 2.00
Bilingual-GPT-NeoX-4B (Rinna) rinna/bilingual-gpt-neox-4b 65536 1.88
Japanese StableLM Alpha (Stability AI) novelai/nerdstash-tokenizer-v1 65535 1.85
Japanese-GPT-NeoX-3.6B (Rinna) rinna/japanese-gpt-neox-3.6b 32000 1.83
Japanese StableLM Beta JAVocab (Stability AI) stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-ja_vocab-beta-7b 49247 1.79
llm-jp-13b (LLM-jp) llm-jp/llm-jp-13b-v1.0 50570 1.65
Japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast (ELYZA) elyza/ELYZA-japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast 45043 1.53
Qwen 14B (Qwen) Qwen/Qwen-14B 151851 1.48
weblab-10b (Matsuo Lab) EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b 50254 1.00
Japanese StableLM Gamma (Stability AI) mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 32000 0.95
Youri 7B (Rinna) meta-llama/Llama-2-7B 32000 0.88


LLM トークン化器 語彙サイズ 1トークンあたりの平均文字数
Qwen 14B (Qwen) Qwen/Qwen-14B 151851 4.47
weblab-10b (Matsuo Lab) EleutherAI/gpt-neox-20b 50254 4.45
Japanese StableLM Alpha (Stability AI) novelai/nerdstash-tokenizer-v1 65535 4.15
Shisa 7B (AUGMXNT) augmxnt/shisa-base-7b-v1 120073 4.12
CALM2-7B (CyberAgent) cyberagent/calm2-7b 65000 4.12
Japanese StableLM Beta JAVocab (Stability AI) stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-base-ja_vocab-beta-7b 49247 4.01
Japanese StableLM Gamma (Stability AI) mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 32000 4.01
Japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast (ELYZA) elyza/ELYZA-japanese-Llama-2-7b-fast 45043 3.86
Youri 7B (Rinna) meta-llama/Llama-2-7B 32000 3.86
llm-jp-13b (LLM-jp) llm-jp/llm-jp-13b-v1.0 50570 3.79
OpenCALM (CyberAgent) cyberagent/open-calm-7b 52000 2.83
Japanese LargeLM (LINE) line-corporation/japanese-large-lm-3.6b 51200 2.49
Japanese-GPT-NeoX-3.6B (Rinna) rinna/japanese-gpt-neox-3.6b 32000 2.42
Bilingual-GPT-NeoX-4B (Rinna) rinna/bilingual-gpt-neox-4b 65536 2.42



チーム:Jon DurbinLeonard Lin

このモデルの計算は、AKA Virtual(日本、東京)によって寛大に提供されました。


もちろん、Mistral AIによる強力なベースモデルのリリースに感謝します!

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Datasets used to train mpasila/shisa-base-7b-v1-exl2-4bpw

Collection including mpasila/shisa-base-7b-v1-exl2-4bpw