TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Paige's room. Paige is there lying on her bed, talking on the phone.] Paige: Hey, it's so good to talk to you. I was getting worried about you. You've been gone for far too long, Glen. Glen: Yeah, I'm sorry, I-I should've called and let you know that I was alright. I guess I, uh, ended up staying a little longer than I thought. Paige: That's okay, you'll just have to take me to dinner tomorrow night to make it up to me. Glen: Dinner... I-I can't tomorrow night, Paige, I got plans. Paige: Oh. Glen: I still wanna meet you though, I mean, I really wanna see you. (Paige flips through a photo album with pictures of her and Glen inside.) Paige: Good, 'cause, um, there's actually something I really want to talk to you about. Glen: Really? Sounds mysterious. That's actually great because there's something that I really wanna talk to you about too. Paige: Great. Then it's a date. (The room creeks and Paige ignores it.) Uh, so I'll see you at 11:00. Glen: 11:00 is good, 11:00 is great. (The phone cradle starts to slide across the side table by itself.) Usual place at the lake? Paige: (to the moving phone) Damn it, no! Glen: Or we can meet wherever. (The phone floats into the air.) Paige: Stop it I said. Glen: Stop what? Paige: Uh, nothing, I'll just, um, yeah, see you tomorrow, it'll be great. (Paige pulls the phone out of the wall and sighs.) [Cut to Piper's bedroom. Leo is asleep in bed. Piper is in the nursery mumbling to herself. Leo reaches over to Piper's side of the bed and wakes when he feels she's not there.] Piper: I am so sick of this. Leo: Piper? Piper: Hm? SUMMARY:
When residue left from demonic vanquishes builds up in the manor, the sisters lose sleep and it takes over their lives. They call upon the Witch Doctor, whom Leo does not trust. The Witch Doctor makes a house call to the Charmed Ones but because of the massive amount of demonic energy he believes they are evil. It turns out that Leo was right not to trust him, as he tries to kill the sisters by using voodoo dolls to make them obsess and lead them down various paths of destruction. Piper becomes obsessed with cleaning, Paige becomes obsessed with marrying her ex-boyfriend Glen, and Phoebe becomes obsessed with eliminating her work rivals.
TEXT: [INT. SCOTT REDISENCE - BATHROOM - DAY] (There's a green towel wrapped around Lucas' waist and he's wearing a white t-shirt. He's standing in front of a steamed up mirror and looking down into the sink basin.) LUCAS: (v.o) Octavio Paz once wrote; Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition... (He wipes the steam off the mirror with a hand. He studies himself.) man is the only being who knows he is alone. (Lucas continues to look at himself. His hair's grown. He turns to exit. [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. SCOTT RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - DAY] (Shot of the table with breakfast on it. Dan is standing and reading the paper. Lucas walks in, rubbing his eyes.) DAN: (Folds the paper and puts it away.) You know, if Bogans keeps drilling threes, the Cats will be tough to beat. How'd you sleep? LUCAS: Fine. DAN: Great, grab a plate. LUCAS: Ah, actually, uh... (Points back.) I usually grab something on the way to school. DAN: Come on, sit. We're civilised here. (Smiles and raises his mug to drink.) (The door opens.) DEB: (Still outside. Lucas looks back.) Dan? (She walks in.) I'm home. DAN: We're in the kitchen, Deb. (Deb sees Lucas as she walks in.) DEB: Oh,... Lucas. LUCAS: (Looking down.) Hey. (Deb is extremely confused.) DEB: Uh,... where-where's Nathan? DAN: Nathan's not here, Deb. Lucas is gonna be staying with us for a while. DEB: Wh-what?(!) (Lucas glares at Dan.) LUCAS: You didn't tell her. DAN: (Smirking) You better get to school. (Lucas scoffs and SUMMARY:
As his marriage with Haley continues to get worse, Nathan has an emotional crisis and reverts to his old ways. Karen continues to struggle, trying to figure out what would cause Lucas to move in with Dan. Peyton and Jake's relationship grows deeper. This episode is named after a song by Brand New .
TEXT: [Salvatore's house] (Elena is waiting for Elijah to wake up. Suddenly he wakes up. Elena rushes over him. He's in choc when sees her.) Elijah: Katerina! England, 1492 [A House] (Trevor is speaking with a woman. He rejoins Elijah) Elijah: Ah, good evening, Trevor. I am pleased you could join us Trevor: I could not miss the birthday celebration Elijah: No, considering the gift you claim to bear. Where is this mystery girl of which you speak? Trevor: Right this way (Elijah follows him. They rejoin Katherine) Trevor: My dear Katherine: Hello (Elijah is in choc) Nowadays [Salvatore's house] Elena: Elijah! It's me, it's Elena Elijah: Oh, my God England, 1492 [A house] Elijah: Forgive me. You remind me of someone Trevor: Katerina, may I introduce the lord Elijah (She takes his hand and bows) Katherine: Pleasure, my lord Elijah: The pleasure's mine. Katerina (He kisses her hand) Nowadays [Salvatore's house] (He closes her eyes. Elena gets closer but his body writhes. He gets up) Elijah: I can't-- I can't breathe! What's happening to me? (He rushes over the door but stammers the door. She rushes over him and holds him) Elijah: I can't... I can't be in this house (She realizes something) Elena: You're not invited in Elijah: I can't be in here (He stammers another wall and disappears. Elena runs after him and goes to the front door. Elijah is outside. He tries to enter but he can't enter) Elijah: What happened? Elena: Shh! (She shows him that Stefan and Damon can hear and she whispers) Elena: I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you? (He whispers too) Elijah: Can I trust SUMMARY:
After Elena removed the dagger, Elijah wakes, and Elena makes another deal with him. In a flashback to 1492 England, Katherine meets Elijah and Klaus for the first time. Elijah and Klaus were raised as brothers, but Klaus was the result of their mother's affair with a man from a werewolf bloodline. Elijah's father hunted down the man and had him and his family killed, beginning the schism between werewolves and vampires. As a vampire/werewolf hybrid, Klaus can only be killed by a witch. The sun and moon curse was fake - the real curse is that Klaus's werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches. Jenna finally finds out about the vampires from Stefan and Klaus/Alaric. Elsewhere, Katherine is being held captive by Klaus. Damon finds her and gives her a vial of vervain to protect her from further compulsion. At the end of the episode, Maddox and Greta (Luka's sister) perform a ritual to release Klaus's spirit from Alaric's body and put it back into his own.
TEXT: Clarke (V.O.): I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For three generations, The Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind, desperate mission to the ground. Each of us was sent here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the earth, by the secrets it hides, and, most of all, by each other. Clarke: Previously on "The 100"... Jaha: Who shot me? Kane: Bellamy Blake. He stowed away on the dropship. We're still investigating who helped him. Shumway: Kill the Chancellor. Clarke: That's why you took the wristbands; you needed everyone to think we're dead. Bellamy: The Ark finds out we're alive, they'll come down, and when they do, I'm dead. Jaha: Earth is survivable. Mankind is going home. Bellamy: Hey, why were you defending him? Octavia: Because he saved my life. I never wanted any of this to happen to you. Lincoln: Thank you. ( Scene goes to black ) [SCENE_BREAK] [ Dropship ] ( Bellamy watches over a captive and bloody Lincoln ) ( Hatch opens as Miller walks in ) Miller: Did you talk to The Ark? I told Digg's mom the news, John's dad. I'm supposed to talk to Roma's parents later. Bellamy: Thanks for doing that. I owe you. ( Miller turns to face Lincoln ) Miller: Telling all these parents that their kids were murdered by Grounders, I just wish I could say we were getting some justice. Bellamy: We're not killing him. Miller: You were a lot scarier when you had that face paint on. ( Miller smears something on Lincoln's face ) ( Lincoln headbutts Miller, knocking him to the ground ) ( Bellamy looks up at Lincoln while SUMMARY:
Video connection is established with The Ark. The Ark informs the 100 of a nearby underground depot that may serve as a winter home. Bellamy and Clarke investigate and discover a stockpile of weapons and supplies. Dax, whom Commander Shumway is coercing to kill Bellamy, follows them. Octavia takes advantage of the camp's suffering from the effects of hallucinogenic nuts gathered as rations and frees the grounder, whose name is Lincoln. Bellamy, also hallucinating, is wracked with guilt for the culling and almost killed by Dax; Bellamy manages to kill Dax with Clarke's help. Clarke appeals to Jaha to pardon Bellamy for his crime using his actions on the ground; Jaha agrees in exchange for the name of the person who hired Bellamy. This leads to the arrest and imprisonment of Shumway. He is visited by Diana Sydney, and it is revealed that Jaha's assassination was her idea. Diana then has Shumway killed in his cell and framed to look like a suicide .
TEXT: THE ROMANS DENNIS SPOONER 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. VILLA AT ASSESSIUM. OUTSIDE THE DOCTOR'S ROOM (ASCARIS approaches a curtained doorway. The DOCTOR can be heard inside, strumming on the Lyre.) DOCTOR: (OOV: Laughing.) I'm sure even Nero can play better than that! (ASCARIS pulls out a sword, looks round and starts to pull aside the curtain...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. VILLA AT ASSESSIUM. DOCTOR'S ROOM (The DOCTOR sits alone with his back to the doorway as ASCARIS enters.) DOCTOR: The answer is of course, is not to be caught playing it! (He laughs again, stands and turns as ASCARIS lunges at him. The DOCTOR parries the lunge with the Lyre.) DOCTOR: Ohhh! So you want to fight do you? (Laughing, he throws ASCARIS and the Lyre onto the bed. He then grabs a pot plant and smashes down on the assassin's head.) DOCTOR: Come on, my friend. Eh, what's the matter with you? (The DOCTOR then throws the bedclothes over ASCARIS as he struggles to stand. Totally caught up in the blankets, the DOCTOR tosses him over the other side of the bed. ASCARIS gets to his feet, grabs his sword and again lunges at the DOCTOR who grabs an amphora of wine from a stand and throws the contents in the man's face. As ASCARIS falls back, the DOCTOR smashes the amphora over his head. The DOCTOR laughs as ASCARIS again lunges at him but easily avoids the sword thrust. He tries again but the DOCTOR grabs his arm and throws him over his shoulder as VICKI runs into the room.) VICKI: Doctor, what's happening? (This SUMMARY:
Landing in Rome, A.D. 64 the travellers take a rare holiday. While Ian and Barbara are happy to relax, the Doctor and Vicki set off to pursue adventure. However, adventure soon finds Ian and Barbara too as they are kidnapped by slave traders, and the Doctor's imitation of Maximus Pettulian sees him taken to the court of Emperor Nero where he inadvertently plays a part in deciding the course of history...
TEXT: Teleplay by: Sherry Bilsing & Ellen Plummer Story by: Seth Kurland [Scene: Central Perk, Joey is giving Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe, and Ross their bills.] Joey: Okay Rach, that muffin and espresso, $4.50. Ross, double latte, $2.75. Chandler, coffee and a scone, $4.25. And Pheebs, herbal tea, $1.25. So, all together that's (pauses to figure the total) $12.75. Chandler: This coming from the man who couldn't split our 80 dollar phone bill in half. (A good-looking woman approaches.) Woman: Hi! Joey: Hi! Woman: How much do I owe you for the muffin and the latte? Joey: Oh that's on the house courtesy of Joey Tribbiani. Woman: Oh great! Well, tell him thanks. And since uh, Joey seems like such a nice guy, maybe we could go on a date sometime? Joey: Well, he's not used to women being so forward with him; but uh, I good check with him-He says it's okay. (She hands him her card.) Great! Thanks! Bye-bye! Ross: Hey Joey, how come our stuff isn't free? Joey: It will be when you look like that in a tight skirt! This is great! I'm getting more dates than ever! Rachel: Wait a minute, you're only giving free stuff away to the pretty girls? Phoebe: Yeah Joey that is so gross! Joey: How about a scone on the house baby? Phoebe: (giggles) I'm pretty. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Chandler's, everyone but Monica is there playing Monopoly.] Ross: Hey does anyone have any gum? Phoebe: Oh I do! (She grabs her huge purse and starts rummaging through it and taking out various items in a futile search for the gum.) Oh, y'know what? No. (Pause) Wait a second. ( SUMMARY:
Joey uses his position as waiter to give all the pretty female customers free things at the coffee house, but quickly gets in trouble with Gunther. Monica refuses to admit she is sick when she gets a bad cold. Rachel's sister Jill ( Reese Witherspoon ) shows up after their father financially cuts her off, and she now has to make it on her own.
TEXT: (Continuing from last week's episode. Badenweiler. Dixon stands, Sydney kneels in the bushes, staring at the building that just exploded, horrified.) DIXON: Sydney, we've got to run! Sydney, we've got to move! Sydney, we've got to move, now! What's the matter, are you hurt? SYDNEY: No... (Three guards run to them, speaking in German.) DIXON: Let's go! RUN! (Dixon and Sydney take off, and the chase is on. They run through the trees, the three guards behind them.) DIXON: Go, go, go, go! GO! (The guards begin shooting. Sydney's running, tears streaming down her cheeks.) DIXON: Don't stop! (More gunfire. Dixon stops running and hides behind a tree. Sydney keeps running and jumps behind a fallen tree, laying on the ground. Wracked with tears and guilt, she stays there, hiding. One of the guards with a flashlight in hand comes closer. Suddenly, Dixon takes him and kicks him. Punches him. In the background, Dixon and the guard grunt and punch, Sydney sits there in almost a catatonic state, crying. Dixon punches the guard one last time, and he falls.) DIXON: Come on, Sydney. We've got to go. (In the self-storage facility, Vaughn and Sydney meet.) SYDNEY: I couldn't move. Dixon had to drag me to my feet, just to get to the van. When he asked me what was wrong, why I had just frozen... I made up something about having a flashback to Danny. VAUGHN: You did everything you could. SYDNEY: I was supposed to stop the detonation. I didn't. And because of that, four C.I.A. agents were killed. VAUGHN: You had no way of knowing Dixon had a second trigger. There was nothing you could do. SYDNEY: I could've told him the truth. Dixon needs to know who he SUMMARY:
Sydney becomes convinced that her father was responsible for the death of her mother, Laura Bristow, 20 years earlier, as she discovers both were involved in a car accident while her father was trying to escape from FBI. She also suspects he might have been a double agent for the KGB. Amidst all this confusion, Sydney is made to go undercover in a mental institution in Bucharest to get information from Shepard, a man who has been unconsciously programmed to be a deadly assassin. In the meantime Will Tippin discovers the true identity of Kate Jones (Eloise Kurtz), the woman who claimed to have had an affair with Danny. Francie is relieved to learn that Charlie is not having an affair with another woman but trying to be a singer songwriter and that the woman is the piano player he is rehearsing with. Marshall Flinkman, the chief technician at SD-6, finds the computer worm planted in the SD-6 mainframe by the CIA and tells Sloane, who congratulates him and tells him it was part of a special security test he's passed. Sloane now has suspicions that someone in SD-6 is a mole and this sets him on his path of finding who it is. Sydney's cover at the asylum is blown when it is revealed that an agent from the K-Directorate is in charge there who also wants to know things from Shepard.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - KACL Frasier has just finished his show. Roz comes in from her booth. Frasier: Oh well, good show today, Roz. I particularly thought that- Roz notices a woman, Connie, talking to an employee in the hall. Roz: Oh my God, there's that Connie from Promotions. Every time she sees me, she hits me up for another charity. Frasier: You know, Roz, maybe it's time you set some limits. Good lord, how hard can it be to say "no" just once? Oh well, look who I'm talking to. Roz bats his arm. He shrugs. Connie comes in. Connie: Hi, Frasier. Roz, I was looking for you- Roz: O.K. wait, Connie, before you say anything, there's something I need to get off my chest. I have bought Girl Scout cookies from you, I have paid for your kids' band uniforms, I've bought tickets to every raffle your church ever had, and I'm tapped out. So whatever it is you came to say to me, I'm not interested. Connie: Well, I'll just go then. [turns to leave, then] Oh, by the way, my church had its raffle drawing yesterday. You won the grand prize. [drops an envelope on the console] Sorry to bother you. Connie leaves. Roz: [calling after her] Oh, Connie, Connie, I'm sorry, Connie, don't - oh, who cares, what'd I win? She grabs the envelope and rips it open. Roz: Oh my God! It's that free ski weekend! Frasier: Oh, Roz! Roz: Listen to this: "Dear winner, you will enjoy a one-weekend rental of a deluxe private ski lodge on Mt. Baker, complete with lessons from a former Olympic champ!" Frasier: That is a grand prize indeed! I must admit, I'm just a bit envious. Well, listen, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Roz: Well, thank you, SUMMARY:
Roz wins a free trip to a ski lodge, including lessons from a skiing instructor, but is talked into trading them to Frasier in return for a big-screen TV. So Frasier decides to take the whole family to the ski lodge, including Daphne and her friend Annie (played by guest star Cynthia Lamontagne ), a swimsuit model. There they meet Guy (played by guest star James Patrick Stuart ), a gay ski instructor, who likes Niles and thinks Niles likes him back. This is confirmed by misinformation given by Martin who has hearing difficulty due to a blocked ear. Throughout the episode, confusion arises as Frasier pursues Annie, who desires Niles. Niles, however, longs to confess his feelings for Daphne, while Daphne attempts to pick up Guy, who thinks that Daphne and Annie are together.
TEXT: Scene: The comic book store. Raj enters carrying an iPod with a speaker on his tee shirt. As he enters the shop he starts the iPod and the Darth Vader theme from Star Wars emerges from the speaker. Leonard: Will you please turn your shirt off? Raj: What? I'm giving myself dramatic entrance music. People will know I'm awesome and to be feared. Howard: Yeah, right, there's nothing more awesome and frightening than a man who's got music blasting from between his nipples. Leonard: Hey, Stuart, what's going on? Stuart: Well, you might want to mark your Google calendars. Stan Lee is coming to do a signing on Thursday. Sheldon: Did he finally write a sequel to his autobiography? I'm sure ages 79 through 87 were just action-packed. Stuart: No, just a regular comic signing. My uncle is his dermatologist and Stan's doing him a favour. Sheldon: Oh, I don't want to know that! How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundations for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of contagious skin disease? Leonard: Stan Lee does not have a contagious skin disease. Sheldon: Well, look who thinks he's Stuart's uncle now. Raj: Can't believe it. We're going to meet Stan Lee! (Presses play on his iPod. His shirt starts to play "I'm So Excited" by the Pointer Sisters. He dances.) Howard: I'm sad to say I taught him those moves. Credits sequence. Scene: The apartment. Leonard: I can't decide whether I want Stan Lee to autograph my Journey into Mystery 83, first appearance of Thor or my Fantastic Four number five, first appearance of Dr. Doom. (Raj presses his iPod. The theme from Jeopardy plays.) Alex, I'm going to go with what is... you're a dumbass? (Presses again, his shirt blows a raspberry.) Sheldon: I've decided I'm going to have SUMMARY:
Sheldon tries to meet Stan Lee at a comic book signing, but is stymied by having to appear in court for driving too slow and running a red light while taking Penny to the hospital in the episode "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency", and enlists Penny to help him win the judge's favor.
TEXT: "The Bodies in the Book" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open with the rustling of sheets and chuckling followed by heavy breathing and the phone ringing. Sully and Brennan are in bed together.) SULLY: No, no, no, no no. Don't answer it. BRENNAN: (Brennan comes out from under the covers) Oh, it's probably the publicist for my book. (Phone continues ringing) SULLY: Shh. Pretend it's the ocean. (Sully covers them back up again) (Ringing stops) SULLY: See that? God loves us. (They both laugh and kiss) (ringing resumes) BRENNAN: (throws the covers off again) Ugh. She'll only keep calling. SULLY: I thought you hated publicity. BRENNAN: Well, it's part of my contract. The book's getting a lot of attention. I'm just trying to do my job. (She strains to reach for the phone) Hello? Hi Ellen. SULLY: Of course, you did look hot on The View. I think Rosie had a little thing for you. (Brennan covers his mouth while he rolls her over and starts trying to distract her by kissing her) BRENNAN: (on phone) That seems - that seems like a lot. Well, it's two interviews and a book signing in one day. I - I don't - I don't know about Tuesday. (she takes the phone away from her ear and kisses Sully back then goes back to the phone) Just, um, send the schedule to the Jeffersonian. We'll discuss it then, okay? I'll see you. I'm leaving right now. (She hangs up, kisses Sully and rolls him over) (Cut to: Jeffersonian - Platform - Hodgins is with Brennan's publicist and her assistant, Ellen Laskow and Hank Beldin and a bug is pinned to the table on its back and he cuts into it) HODGINS: (to Hank SUMMARY:
Three separate bodies are found murdered exactly the way Brennan wrote them in her new book. However, the killer's method was different every time, leading the team to believe that it was not one but three killers. Booth and Sully become concerned for Brennan, while she insists she can take care of herself. This increases tension between Sully and Brennan, straining their relationship. Booth tries to help them along, apparently fine with the couple. At the end of the episode, Sully and Brennan reconcile and kiss and Booth, walking away, looks back sadly.
TEXT: (Cristina and Burke are in the OR) MVO: A patient's history is as important as their symptoms. It's what helps us decide if heartburn's a heart attack, if a headache's a tumor. Sometimes patients will try to rewrite their own histories. They'll claim they don't smoke or forget to mention certain drugs, which in surgery can be the kiss of death. (The patient starts flatlining and blood is squirting everywhere) MVO: We can ignore it all we want. (Cristina looks up and sees Colin in the gallery) MVO: But our history, eventually, always comes back to haunt us. (Burke looks up at Colin) (Meredith's house. Susan and Derek are in the kitchen) Derek: Meredith, she'll accept a certain amount of help and then she starts to feel suffocated. Susan: Oh! Is I suffocating? Derek: Oh no, the groceries are just right. It's me. I sometimes overdo it. Susan: Well, who can blame you? With...after Ellis died, I gave her some time but I wanna be here. I wanna help make things easier... Derek: Good, yeah. Just try to keep it light, you know? Be helpful... (Meredith enters) Derek: Good morning. Meredith: Morning. Derek: You want some coffee? Meredith: Yes. This all you? Susan: I just picked up some things to restock your fridge. Meredith: You bought groceries last week. Derek: Yeah, you have to do it every week, if you want more. Meredith: Well, thank you. It's unexpected and you didn't need to do all this. (Alex walks in) Alex: This for everybody? Susan: Absolutely. Derek: I'm gonna run, I gotta talk to Richard before things get to busy at the hospital. I'll see you. Meredith: Are you gonna talk to him about the uh... Derek: Yeah. Wish me luck. Susan: You don't need it. Just make him listen to you. You deserve to be chief. (Richard and SUMMARY:
When Izzie's daughter, Hannah Klein, is brought to the hospital for leukemia treatment, her adoptive parents come searching for Izzie, and ask her to donate her bone marrow in support. She is saddened to learn that her daughter does not want to see her, but is surprised to see how alike they are. George helps Izzie out, but forgets about a coffee break with Callie. Mark offers to be Webber's wingman, to get him back into dating. Derek comes to the conclusion that his relationship with Meredith is the only thing standing in his way to become the Chief of Surgery. Colin continues to intrude on Burke and Cristina's lives with an impending surgery he will perform. He tries to convince Cristina to break up with Burke, due to their targets being completely different. After realizing that Cristina has changed, Colin drops out of the race for Chief and leaves the hospital. Meredith starts to grow closer to her stepmother, Susan, but they experience a blip when Meredith snaps at her for her constant mothering. A couple arrives at Seattle Grace Hospital to see Ava, whom they initially believe to be their daughter, but the mother rejects Ava without telling her. They leave Alex to inform Ava, causing Ava to lash out.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Sunnydale High School at night. The camera pans around from the side of the building to the main entrance. Cut to a hall. The camera moves down the hall past the trophy case and at the library turns to the right down another hall. Cut to a science classroom. The camera pans low along a row of desks. Cut to the windows. The counter in front of them is full of various things. A skeleton, some vertebrae, jars of things in formaldehyde, a skull and a microscope. A fist punches through a window pane and reaches in to undo the clasp. It's a boy and a girl, sneaking into the school. Darla: Are you sure this is a good idea? Boy: It's a great idea, now come on. They crawl in. Cut to the hall. They come out of the classroom and walk down the hall. Darla: Do you go to school here? Boy: I used to. On top of the gym it's so cool. You can see the whole town. He continues down the hall, but she stops him close to the intersection. Darla: I, I, I, I don't wanna go up there. Boy: Aw, you can't wait, huh? Darla: We're just gonna get in trouble. Boy: Yeah, you can count on it. They almost kiss when Darla startles, draws a quick breath and turns her head around to look down the hall. Darla: What was that? Boy: What was what? Darla: I heard a noise. Boy: It's nothing! Darla: Uh, uh, maybe it's something. Boy: Or maybe it's some *thing*! Darla: That's not funny. He looks down the other hall. Boy: Hellooooo! (to Darla) There's nobody here. Darla: Are you sure? (looks away) Boy: Yes, I'm sure. Darla: Okay. She turns back to him all vamped out. SUMMARY:
Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale and is not happy to meet her new Watcher , Rupert Giles . A mysterious "friend" offers guidance, but Buffy resists her destiny until Willow and Jesse are abducted. Buffy saves Willow from an ordinary vampire, but loses track of Jesse in a confrontation with Luke , the Master's vampire vessel.
TEXT: INT - MARS RESIDENCE - NIGHT. Piz and Veronica are sitting on her bed, each reading. Veronica's leg is resting over Piz's right foot and her foot against his left knee. They elbow each other playfully without looking up from their books. Piz is reading Soldier of Misfortune by Apollo Bukenya. The cover shows an African child soldier. Piz looks up as Keith marches into the bedroom, pointing at Veronica. KEITH: What does the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act make illegal? Veronica responds promptly and without looking up from her book. VERONICA: Electronic surveillance without judicial authorization. Keith flips his pointing hand into a "You got it" gun and marches out again. Piz is bemused. PIZ: What was that? VERONICA: I'm taking my P.I. exam tomorrow. He's ensuring his legacy. PIZ: He's nervous for you. That's sweet. VERONICA: He should be nervous for himself. I'm gonna beat his score. Then I'm gonna dine on that shared knowledge for a lifetime. Keith marches back in, pointing at Veronica again. KEITH: A passive infrared detector would not be the best choice under which of the following conditions: A., overhead doors, B., significant changes in temperature, C.- VERONICA: B. Why don't you bug Piz for a while? Keith takes a step further into the room. KEITH: So, Piz, what are you studying? Keith reaches out for Piz's book to bring it closer without taking it from Piz's hand. KEITH: Apollo... PIZ: Bukenya. Yeah, he actually goes to Hearst, and he wrote this, uh, memoir, I guess you'd call it. KEITH: What could a college kid possibly have to put in a memoir? Surviving Spring Break on ten bucks a day? Keith laughs at his own joke. PIZ: He was a child soldier in Uganda. Keith's laughter is strangled in his SUMMARY:
Veronica is officially a private investigator - Veronica passes her exam to be an official Private Investigator, while Piz lands an interview with Apollo Bukenya, an African student at Hearst who wrote a book about his years as an orphan child-soldier in Uganda's rebel army. Veronica is hired by an African man, Kizza, to help prove that he is Apollo's father, but her investigation leads to information that might expose Apollo's story as a fake. Meanwhile, as the election for Sheriff nears, Keith is faced with a crime spree in Neptune. Parker comes to Veronica for ...
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Parlor. Piper, Phoebe and Paige orb in. Piper is holding Wyatt.] Paige: We don't have much time, they're gonna follow us. Phoebe: How are we supposed to stop them? Piper: But we have to do something. We can't just let them take Wyatt. (Magical lights appear in the room.) Paige: Uh, incoming. ("The Cleaners" wearing white suits appear.) Cleaner #1: It's pointless to run. Piper: You can't have him. (Piper tries to blow them up but he just catches it in his hand.) Cleaner #1: You're only delaying the inevitable I'm afraid, now if you don't mind, we have a lot of cleaning to do. (They wave their hands and Wyatt disappears and reappears in Cleaner #2's arms.) Piper: No! (Cleaner #1 waves his arm and the girls are thrown off their feet and slide backwards along the floor.) Leo! (Leo orbs in.) Wyatt. Cleaner #1: An Elder. Good. Perhaps you can explain it to her. (The girls get up.) Phoebe: Explain? Explain what? Piper: Do something. Don't just stand there. Leo: I can't. Nobody can. Paige: What the hell are you talking about? Piper: Please, he's just a baby. It won't happen again, I won't let it happen again. Cleaner #2: Sorry, we can't take that risk. Cleaner #1: Don't worry, you won't remember any of this anyway. (Cleaner #1 waves his hand and any baby things laying around the room disappear. Even Wyatt's room upstairs returns to a closet. The Cleaners disappear. Piper looks at Leo, confused.) Piper: What are you doing here? Leo: I don't know. Better go. (He orbs out.) Paige: What were we talking about? Piper: I don't know. Pho SUMMARY:
When Wyatt inadvertently brings a dragon to life, the Cleaners, a neutral group dedicated to protecting magic from being exposed, take him away and erase all signs and memories of his existence. Aware that they are forgetting something important but not sure of what it is, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige cast a spell to return their memory. The sisters then set out to expose magic, to strike up a deal with the Cleaners.
TEXT: Ted (2030): Kids, when you are 20, going out with someone that's great, but reached 30 years, we realize that everyone has baggage. Of course, you can choose to ignore it, but sooner or later... (Ted saunters along with a woman.) Woman: That's my ex, sorry. We try to remain friends. Hello, my chick! You have tickets to Maui? (She carries a bag with writing "in love with her ex.") (Credits) Ted (2030): That spring, I began to see Royce. She was beautiful, intelligent... (Later that night... Ted is with Marshall, Lily, Robin and Barney at MacLaren's.) Ted: Anyway... We were happy together. Lily: What... Ted: That's it. This is the problem. Barney: Her ass? Marshall: Big? Lily: Small? Robin: This is an access problem? Ted: There will always be a bag. Even if it goes well, it ends one day by spoiling. Barney: Once in 30 years. Ted: When I discover his luggage. I feel it. I do not know what it is, but when I know, it'll be over. Barney: Please, tell me you repliest not emotional baggage. Ted: It's a good thing? Barney: The emotional baggage is the foundation of American cultural export the most important. All: The p0rn. Barney: Actually, the p0rn. Only women with major baggage make p0rn. Ted and Robin: Major Baggage. Robin: Everyone has one. You should know the face. Ted: Really? The last time I overcame a background, it was that of a certain Stella, and, damn, I draw a blank. How did it end? (Flashback) Ted (2030): This is how. I gave him my request, she said yes.We were happy. And I's wedding day, her ex, karate teacher, Tony Grafanello, showed up, he declared his love, Stella and fled with him, leaving me there, my heart completely broken. (End flashback) Lily: What happened is horrible, it does not mean SUMMARY:
When Ted takes a date to see a new hit movie, "The Wedding Bride," he is shocked to learn the story is loosely based on his life, and that it was written by Tony, the man Stella left him for at the altar.
TEXT: Broadcast: 6 December 1963 Duration: 23 minutes 38 seconds [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. CAVE OF SKULLS DOCTOR: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, It's all my fault. I'm desperately sorry... SUSAN: Oh, don't blame yourself, Grandfather. DOCTOR: (Noticing something.) Look at those, look at them... (A skull lies next to them...with a hole smashed in at the top of its head....) IAN: Yes, they're all the same. They've been split wide open... [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. MAIN CAVE (Late night. The entire tribe is asleep. Tribes-men and women are piled on furs and blankets, lying next to each other for precious warmth. One stirs - the OLD MOTHER. She gets up, looks around, and slowly sneaks toward the sleeping ZA. She leans down and takes his sharp stone knife.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. CAVE OF SKULLS (IAN is using one of the many small rocks on the floor to try and saw away at BARBARA'S binds. SUSAN crawls over to him, carrying another rock.) SUSAN: I've found another piece with a rough edge... IAN: (Eases off with a sigh of relief and takes the rock.) Oh, thank you. (He tries it on BARBARA'S bonds, then groans and tosses it aside.) IAN: Oh, it's no good! It keeps crumbling... DOCTOR: Oh, it's hopeless. Hopeless. Even if we do get free, we shall never move that stone. IAN: (Scanning the cave with his eyes.) There's air coming in here from somewhere... BARBARA: (Excited.) Yes, there is! I can feel it on my face! IAN: It may only be a small opening. Don't count on it... DOCTOR: Oh, you obviously are. IAN: Well, of course I am! Any hope is better than none! Don't SUMMARY:
Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton, two humble teachers during 1963, are surprised by a bright student named Susan Foreman. Feeling inquisitive of her upbringing, they seek out her residence to learn who nurtured such a genius. There, they discover a junkyard inhabited by her grandfather, simply known as "the Doctor", and he doesn't want them lurking about. When the teachers refuse to leave, they discover that an ordinary police box is actually bigger on the inside. The Doctor decides they know too much about his and Susan's otherworldly origins and takes them on a journey across space and time in his TARDIS, the place he and Susan now call home.
TEXT: [Scene: Dawson's Bedroom. Eve and Dawson are there watching videos, and making out on his bed.] Dawson: This isn't..., Working out exactly the way I planned. Um... The whole point of us spending normal time together was to actually talk and get to know each other. Eve: And then can we have s*x? Dawson: I'm not ruling it out, I'm just-- you know... First things first. Movie night we're supposed to watch movies. Eve: I prefer TV. Dawson: You've got to be kidding. Eve: Actually, no. Dawson: But...Movies are an art form. T, this is just the pab um they stick between beer commercials. Eve: Don't be such a snob, Dawson. I mean, a TV show is just like a movie... Except shorter... With built-in bathroom breaks, and you get a new sequel every week. Dawson: Sequels I hate on principle. Eve: Then suit yourself. I'm hooked. Dawson: Oh... All right, you know what? Take Felicity, for example. Aw, come on, if you've seen one hour of whiny, over analytical teen angst, you've seen them all. Don't get me wrong. She's pretty, but what kind of a heroine is she? Well, she's-- she's indecisive. She's basically...Paralyzed by some romantic notion of the way things are supposed to be. If you ask me, she kind of chatty. Eve: She's you. Dawson: Excuse me? Eve: She's you, Dawson. Except she's in college and a girl and... Dawson: A fictional character on a television show. Eve: Exactly. Think about it. You're straight out of central casting. Perfect hair, perfect skin-- our hero. Dawson: Well, obviously you weren't watching last season. It was far from perfect. You know, which is, in general, my complaint about television. It's not reality, it's perfection. I mean, nobody ever blows it or gets tested in any real way or ever makes the wrong choice or SUMMARY:
Dawson is stunned when Eve presents him with an advance copy of the PSAT exam he and his friends will be taking shortly. The entire gang are tempted to cheat for various reasons, and when the test goes missing, it becomes obvious that one friend in particular was unable to resist the temptation. In the quest to discover who stole the paper, Dawson gets into a fight with Pacey, who is still reeling from his break-up with Andie. As the gang takes the exam, the thief is revealed to be Andie, who is desperate to ace the test to prove that she is recovered from her medical problems. None of the group yet know who the guilty party is. Elsewhere, Jack is adamant he will be giving up football until a persistent Jen manipulates him into thinking otherwise.
TEXT: 2.03 - Red Light on the Wedding Night OPEN AT A BAKERY [Lorelai and Rory are taste-testing cakes.] LORELAI: Oh my God, here! RORY: Wow. LORELAI: With a crunch and a zing and a hm hm hm hm, hello! RORY: Okay, our house is burning down, and you can save the cake or me. What do you choose? LORELAI: Well that's not fair. The cake doesn't have legs. FRAN: So how are we coming here? LORELAI: Oh Fran, so good. This cake is amazing. RORY: Beyond amazing. FRAN: Well, I should hope so. We've been doing this for a 112 years. LORELAI: Huh. Well, you don't look a day over a 106. FRAN: No, I meant my family's been doing it for that long. LORELAI: Right. Okay, well, I'm glad we got that cleared up. RORY: The raspberry, the raspberry, the raspberry! FRAN: So, when is the big day again? LORELAI: Two weeks from tomorrow. FRAN: Have you picked a flavor? LORELAI: Oh, I don't know. They're all so good. FRAN: Well you have to try them again. LORELAI: Oh no. I've already eaten so many. FRAN: This is a very crucial decision, young lady. Cake is the glue of the wedding, so you will stand here and eat until you decide. LORELAI: Okay, if you insist. FRAN: I do. After all, what's more important then your wedding day? LORELAI: Well, it ain't Guy Fawkes day. FRAN: Yes, well, I'll just go and see if there's anything else in the back. [leaves] LORELAI: Thanks. RORY: So how was in seeing Max last night? LORELAI: Well RORY: No gory details. LORELAI: Like I've ever shared that part of my relationship with you SUMMARY:
Lorelai, Sookie, Emily, Michel, and Rory go to a drag club for Lorelai's bachelorette party; Emily regales the group with stories about the week before her wedding, some of which give Lorelai pause about her own feelings about marriage; when everyone else leaves to call their sweeties, Lorelai calls Christopher instead of Max; later that evening at home, Lorelai announces to Rory that she's calling the wedding off because she's realized that Max isn't the one for her; mother and daughter decide to take a road trip to avoid the sympathies of all of Stars Hollow.
TEXT: A black teenaged girl is walking down an alley in a bad part of town looking scared. She looks over her shoulder from time to time as she speeds up. She is being pursued by three vampires. She comes to a dead end and turns to face the vampires. Steps and the sound of a car sound behind the vampires. One of them turns. Vampire: "You." Camera pans up from a pair of black shoes, black pants, a sword, long black coat, to the face of a black teenaged boy wearing a black bandana. Gunn: "You expecting somebody else?" A pick-up truck with more armed teenagers pulls up behind him and another teenager with a loaded crossbow steps up beside him. Credits. Cordelia, Wesley and Angel walk into a big Hollywood party going on at someone's house. Cordelia: "Oh, I miss that smell!" Wesley: "Camembert, I believe." Cordelia: "What? No - money - I like the smell of a little money once in a while." Angel: "She's not just saying that. Hide some in the office sometime to watch her. It's uncanny." Cordelia: "Oh, there he is." Points to a guy in a plaid shirt, sitting by himself. Cordelia: "Mr. Nabbit, hi!" Nabbit gets up: "Hi." Cordelia as they shake hands: "Hi." Nabbit: "Glad you could come." Cordy: "Thanks." Angel: "Thanks for having us." Nabbit: "It's a pleasure. - Who are you?" Cordy: "Oh. I'm Cordelia Chase? We spoke on the phone?" Nabbit holds out his hand to shake again: "Oh! Right! (They shake again) So - so you - you must be - Angel." Angel shakes his hand: "Yes. Pleased to meet you. And this is Wesley, my associate." Wesley: "Lovely party." Nabbit: "Isn't it nice?" Cordelia: "Oh my god, is that Welling Harding?" Nabbit: "I - I SUMMARY:
A case sends Angel into a rough part of town. While he's there he meets up with a young group of vampire hunters, headed by a guy name Gunn. Angel is concerned that the kids are in over their heads as they battle vamps. He tries to help them, but they aren't willing to believe that he's one of the White Hats. Gunn and his friends are soon in big trouble and it's up to the gang from Angel Inc. to lend a hand before it's too late.
TEXT: Act 1 A NIGHT AT THE THEATRE Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Martin is sitting in his chair, Frasier comes in from the bedrooms. Frasier: Well, I better be heading out. Niles and I are meeting for dinner, and then we have tickets to the theatrical event of the season. Martin: Oh, really? Frasier: Yes, Sir Trevor Aimsley in "Tears of the Mariner." Martin: Oh. Frasier: It promises to be a very exciting evening. You see, Seattle is Sir Trevor's last stop on his farewell tour. After this, he's retiring from the stage forever. Martin: "Tears of the Mariner." You know, I think I read a review of that. Thought it was one of those baseball stories like "Pride of the Yankees", you know? But it's just about some crabby old sailor, stuck in this little town... Frasier: No, no, Dad, please. I have carefully avoided all the reviews of this play. I do not want to hear about it before I see it. Martin: Well, I don't want to hear about it after you see it. Frasier opens the door, Daphne is there with her keys out. Frasier: Oh, hello Daphne. Martin: Hey, Daph. Daphne: That's it? "Hello Daphne"? Haven't you seen the paper? Martin: Well, I glanced at it. Why, did I miss something? Opens the paper to the back page and gives it to him. Daphne: Look! Martin: [laughing] Oh, my gosh! Is that you? Daphne: Yes! Frasier: Well, good heavens, it's kind of hard to tell. You've got your back turned to the camera, your skirts blown up around your... Oh, well, it must've been rather blustery out. Daphne: I was in the park yesterday, and this photographer snapped my picture for the "It's Your Seattle" column - the one where they show some average person out and about, then use their name on the column. For instance SUMMARY:
Frasier and Niles have tickets to a play in which the great actor Sir Trevor Aimsley will be making his final appearance before retirement, but they are turned away on the door, having bought matinee tickets by mistake. The following night, they stand in the cancellation line, and are at the front of the queue when they are greeted by the Kendalls, a couple who regularly socialize with the Seattle elite . They cannot bear to admit that they are queuing for cancellations, and miss their opportunity for tickets by leaving the line. They are invited by the Kendalls to dinner with Sir Trevor after the performance, and face the prospect of making conversation about a play which they have not seen.
TEXT: (Outside the bank in Switzerland, police sirens wail as several officers approach the entrance of the bank with their guns raised. Sydney and Sloane step out. Sloane shows the officers the detonator.) VAUGHN: (V.O.) Stand down! (The officer speaks to Vaughn via transmitter. Vaughn is in the lower level of the bank with the C-4 and an explosives expert.) VAUGHN: (V.O.) Let Agent Bristow leave with the suspect! OFFICER: He's holding the detonator and we have a clear shot. VAUGHN: No! You make one move and one of his operatives will detonate the explosives. He's got the area under satellite surveillance. (Nearby, Sark listens in.) VAUGHN: That means let Sloane go and don't tail him until we get this stuff defused! (Helicopters whir in the sky as the officer speaks German to the other policemen and they all lower their guns. Sark watches. Sloane takes Sydney's arm as they start to walk down the sidewalk and she snaps it away out of his grasp. Meanwhile, in the lower level...) EXPERT: There's a current running through here. If we clip the wires, we'll break the circuit. There's a fail-safe, the only way to take this out is to disrupt the electronics. We need a water cannon. VAUGHN: The remote detonator operates on a radio frequency. Wouldn't it be faster to find out what that frequency is and just jam it? EXPERT: Yes but accessing the frequency might ignite an explosion. VAUGHN: There's got to be a way to block it. EXPERT: Not unless you have some way to encase a detonator in concrete. (Lightbulb moment. Vaughn gets on his walkie-talkie again.) VAUGHN: This is Agent Vaughn. Get me the bank manager now! (On a deserted road in Switzerland, Sydney drives her Ford Focus with Sloane sitting in the SUMMARY:
This is the episode in which it is revealed what some of Rambaldi's mysterious artifacts really are: the pieces to build a reusable neutron bomb in the 15th century. Sloane is the one who controls it. Meanwhile, Vaughn begs Dixon to aid the CIA in rescuing Sydney, Will is called upon to participate in a crucial CIA briefing session, and Sydney notices that something with Francie is not quite right.
TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen in the morning - Kirsten is in there by herself. she has a glass sitting on the counter with a little bit of tomato juice in it, she tops it up with vodka so that glass is roughly 1/4 full. she takes a drink and puts the glass down just as Sandy calls out to her Sandy: (calls off screen) Kirsten did the paper come today I can't find it Kirsten: (panics, calls out) uh yeah I put it on the couch in the living room (puts the vodka back in the fridge) Sandy: ah (picks up the paper) hey d'you think I look at all like Tony Blair Kirsten: uh, you have nicer hair Sandy: thankyou, good hair Kirsten: mm-hmm (drinks vodka/tomato juice) Sandy: leader of Great Britain, I would call that a wash Kirsten: (nods) mm-hmm Sandy: what you drinkin Kirsten: (puts the glass down) oh tomato juice, lots of antioxidants (puts the lid on the juice) Sandy: so what d'you think of this...Palm Springs Kirsten: (looks at Sandy) Palm Springs Sandy: (looks at Kirsten) this weekend, you (points) the desert (raises eyebrows) Kirsten: (reluctant) uh Sandy, I-I know we talked about a weekend but right now- (Ryan and Seth come in) Ryan: (to Seth) hey ya asked for my opinion, remember (to Sandy and Kirsten) morning Seth: yeah but (puts his arms out) I jus really wanted you to agree with me man, morning Sandy: morning (looks at Seth) what's up Seth: (frowns) well, today's the first day back from spring break and I was planning on telling Summer, about that little...misunderstanding in Miami (raises eyebrows) Sandy: (while reading the paper) where you licked the whipped cream off the girls naked stomach (looks at Seth) an ate the cheery out of her mouth Kirsten: an why are SUMMARY:
Since Carter's been gone, Kirsten has been drinking more than just tomato juice for breakfast and when Sandy questions her, he's left alone in the bedroom. When Marissa acts nervous around Ryan, Ryan wonders if something has happened between Marissa and Trey. Summer, tired of Seth and Zach acting foolish, confronts Reed about the graphic novel and finds herself center stage at the "Atomic County" launch party. Meanwhile, Caleb shows Julie that a picture is worth a thousand words.
TEXT: A recap of 1x09 "The Empty Child". INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The gas-mask people are surrounding Rose, the Doctor and Jack. Then - the Doctor stares sternly around at them. THE DOCTOR (as though addressing a disobedient child) : Go to your room. The gasmask people hesitate. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie hesitates. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): Go to your room! The gas-mask people cock their heads to one side. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie cocks his head to one side. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Rose and Jack look at one another. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): I mean it! I am very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross! Go... to... your... ROOM! He points violently in no particular direction, and miraculously, all the gas-mask people turn meekly away. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie turns to leave. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The patients and staff in the hospital climb back onto their beds. INT. DINING ROOM Jamie slowly opens the door and leaves the room. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 The Doctor sighs with relief. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D): I'm really glad that worked. Those would've been TERRIBLE last words. OPENING CREDITS EXT. STREET Jamie walks alone from the house into the dark night. INT. DINING ROOM Nancy watches him go from the window. NANCY (sadly): Jamie... She sinks to the ground with her back against the wall, and sobs. INT. HOSPITAL WARD 2 Rose is sitting by one of the beds, looking at one of the gasmask people. Jack settles down in a chair. ROSE: Why are they all wearing gas masks? JACK: They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone. THE DOCTOR: How was your con supposed to work? JACK: Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space SUMMARY:
Jack explains that he sent the metal object through the time vortex to attract "Time Agents" to this time period, where he would have them pay for the object, but before they could receive it, a German bomb would fall on it. Jack claims that it is a perfectly safe and "empty" old medical transport, but the Doctor is suspicious. At the site where the transport is held, the Doctor realises that it once contained nanogenes that are able to heal wounds, and deduces that the nanogenes attempted to heal Jamie, but thought that all humans should have similar injuries and gas masks. Nancy claims it is all her fault as she is actually Jamie's mother, which she admits in front of the child. As they hug, the nanogenes identify Nancy's DNA as being his mother's and reverse Jamie's transformation so that they resemble each other; the rest is done to all the others who had been converted. Jack captures the bomb that would have fallen on the site and the Doctor and Rose rescue him before it explodes, inviting him on the TARDIS.
TEXT: Erin: [phone rings, whispering] Dunder Mifflin, this is Erin... He's not available right now... Uh huh... Yes... Sure, I'll give him the message when he gets up-- gets back. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: Michael had chicken potpie for lunch. Actually, let me rephrase that, Michael had an entire chicken pot pie for lunch, and- let me be more specific. Michael ate an entire family-sized chicken potpie for lunch and then he promptly fell asleep, so we're all trying to be very quiet so as to not wake him up before 5:00 pm. Which, actually, should be in about... ten minutes. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [whispering] Okay, I'm gonna go in there and change the computer. Are you sure you can change his watch? Pam: [whispering] I can do it. Dwight: [whispering] What do you need from me? [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: Normally I don't condone leaving early, but I have an appointment with the horse doctor. How that horse became a doctor, I don't know. [laughs heartily] No, I'm kidding. He's just a regular doctor who shoots your horse in the head when its leg is broken. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: [mumbles in his sleep as Pam and Jim change the clocks in his office] [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [changing the clock in Michael's car] Like clockwork. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [silently counting] Three, two, one... [Erin turns on the office lights, all laugh loudly] Michael: [wakes up, joins in with the laughter] Uh oh. What's so funny? Pam: You had to be there. Michael: Oh yay! Geography joke. [still laughing, notices the time] Oh! Wow! Okay. Alright, let's all go home. Come on. See you all tamale. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: See you later! Dwight: Bye Michael! [all applaud SUMMARY:
At the annual Dunder Mifflin company picnic, Michael and Holly are reunited. They perform a skit where they inappropriately announce the closing of the Buffalo branch, but Michael decides not to tell her that he loves her. The Scranton branch plays well in the volleyball tournament and discover that Pam is a pro at the sport. While getting an x-ray for a sprained ankle, Pam (with Jim) learns that she is pregnant.
TEXT: Kelly: Everybody, can I please have your attention? Ryan and I have a huge announcement. Erin: Oh my gosh! Phyllis: Wow. Kelly: Over the weekend, Ryan Bailey Howard and I got divorced. [throws ring on the ground] Meredith: Sweet! Free Ring! Andy: Divorced? Ryan: Just so you know, it's totally amicable. We're fine. We don't need people here to take sides. Kelly: The last thing that we want is any kind of drama. Pam: Wait. Can you back up? What's the story? Kelly: We were having a beautiful weekend in the Poconos. We were making love, constantly. We saw the sunrise. Ryan was crying a lot. Ryan: It's not irrelevant. Details Kelly: And in the morning we walked by a chapel and we stopped, suddenly, and Ryan said... Ryan and Kelly: I don't think I should be married to you anymore. Kevin: What? Andy: Sorry, when did you get married? Kelly: Ummm, like a week ago, we got really wasted and it just felt right. Andy: And you didn't invite any of us? Ryan: We are getting divorced, Andy! This is such a raw time. Kelly: God baby, you know, people's reactions to this... maybe we made a mistake. Ryan: No, with the messed up laws in this country, I don't want to be married until everyone can be married. Oscar: You know what Ryan, I talked to the other gay guys, and we're ok with it. We agree it's fine if you got married. Ryan: No Oscar, Not, not until everyone can! Kelly: Ryan, I changed my mind. Ryan: Ok fine, you know what, this actually isn't amicable at all and we actually do need people to take sides. Who is on my side? Kelly: And who is on my side? [no one raises their hand] [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: All right. Bye. Pam: Bye. Jim: Let's Go! Michael: Just a minute. How long do we have to wait? Holly: For what? Michael: You broke up SUMMARY:
Jim gets an emergency phone call from Helene ( Linda Purl ), forcing him to leave Michael at a gas station bathroom. This leads Holly, Erin, and Dwight on a search for the whereabouts of Michael. A captioning contest starts in the office over Pam's artwork, which seems to offend Gabe. Holly eventually finds Michael because of their similar mentality and she realizes her feelings for him.
TEXT: -[Fairy Tale World]- (In a small castle in the forest, a group is strategizing around a large map on a table. The group is made up of Maurice, Belle, Gaston and several knights. A knight enters the war room to deliver news.) Knight: Sir, there's news from the battlefield. Avonlea has fallen. Maurice: My gods. Gaston: If only he had come. Maurice: Well, he didn't, did he? Ogres are not men. Gaston: We have to do something. We have to stop them. Maurice: They are unstoppable. Belle: He could be on his way right now, Papa. Maurice: It's too late, my girl. It's just too late. (There is a loud banging at the door.) Belle: It's him. It has to be him. Maurice: How could he get past the walls? Open it. (Two knights remove the board blocking the door, and open it. They look out, but see no one there.) Rumpelstiltskin: Well, that was a bit of a letdown. (Rumpelstiltskin appears behind them, sitting in a chair.) Rumpelstiltskin: You sent me a message. Something about, um, 'Help, help! We're dying! Can you save us?' Now, the answer is - yes, I can. Yes, I can protect your little town. For a price. Maurice: We sent you a promise of gold. Rumpelstiltskin: Ah... No. You see, um... I, uh, make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My her. (Rumpelstiltskin points to Belle.) Maurice: No. Gaston: The young lady is engaged to me. Rumpelstiltskin: I wasn't asking if she was engaged. I'm not looking for 'love' - I'm looking for a caretaker for my rather large estate. It's her, or no deal. Maurice: Get out. Leave! Rumpel SUMMARY:
After Mr. Gold's house is robbed, Emma keeps a close eye on him when it looks like he wants to track down the criminal and dole out some vigilante justice as payback, and Valentine's Day finds Mary Margaret, Ruby and Ashley having a girls' night out. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, Belle agrees to a fateful deal to give up her freedom in order to save her town from the horrors of the Ogre war.
TEXT: Prologue: In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Buffy's street at night. Willow and Xander are walking ahead of her on their way to her house. Xander: You don't know what you're talking about. Willow: Xander, he was obviously in charge. Xander: He was a puppet! She was using him! Willow: He didn't seem like the type of guy who would let himself be used. Xander: Well, that was her genius! He didn't even know he was playing second fiddle. (turns behind him) Buffy. Buffy: Huh? Xander: Who was the real power? The Captain, or Tennille? Buffy: Ummm... Who are these people? Xander: The Captain and Tennille? Boy, somebody was raised in a culture-free environment! Buffy: I'm sorry. I was just... Willow: Thinking? Buffy: No, not thinking. Having a lot of happy non-thoughts. I love it when things are quiet around here. Xander: Yeah, with Spike and Drusilla out of the way, we've really been ridin' the mellow, and I am really jinxing the hell out of us by saying that. Buffy: Yeah, but we'll let you off this time. They turn down the walk to Buffy's house. Willow: So, we're pretty sure that there're not more Tarakan assassins coming our way? Buffy: Angel's sources say the contract's off. Xander: How *is* Angel? Pretend I care. Buffy: (smiles) Getting better. Willow: And you're loving playing nursemaid? Buffy: Oh, yeah! Xander: So, is it better than playing naughty stewardess? Buffy: Xander... He chuckles as they climb the steps to the porch. Buffy gets out her key and reaches up to put it in the door lock. When she pushes on SUMMARY:
Buffy returns home one evening to find her mother kissing a stranger in the kitchen. Joyce's date, Ted, turns abusive with Buffy, who accidentally kills him in self-defense. Believing herself guilty of manslaughter, the Slayer is heartily relieved to learn that Ted is a serial killer android targeting Joyce as his next wife/victim.
TEXT: ST. ANNE'S CHURCH [Kieran is having upsetting hallucinations of Bastianna and his dead nephew Sean as Cami tries to help take care of him] KIERAN: [kneels at the sacristy for communion] This is the body. This is the blood. May they cleanse me of sin and preserve my soul in life everlasting. BASTIANNA: [sits in the pew behind him] I'd say it's a little late for that, Father. I see you still have your faith. KIERAN: [terrified] You stay away. BASTIANNA: If only it could save you, Sean. [Sean appears behind Kieran, and holds a scythe to Kieran's neck, just as he did to himself and the other seminary students] KIERAN: God, no! Aah! BASTIANNA: [holds the communion cup toward him] To life everlasting. Drink. KIERAN: [hysterical] Be gone, demon. BASTIANNA/CAMI: Come now, just one sip. [In reality, Cami is holding a glass of water, and is trying to get him to drink it as Josh holds Kieran down. Kieran, freaking out, slaps the cup out of her hand] KIERAN: No. Uh! I know who you are, you hateful bitch. [notices Josh, and believes he's his nephew] Oh, Sean, I tried to help you. I tried to save you, but this city...this city is full of monsters. JOSH: [tries to remain calm] Uh, yeah. Trust me, I know. [to Cami] Remind me to never piss off a witch. KIERAN: Aagh! [Kieran falls to the floor and begins having a seizure. Cami kneels next to him] CAMI: Help me lay him on his side! KIERAN: [calms down momentarily] Cami. CAMI: [hopeful] Uncle Kieran? KIERAN: [vecomes confused and agitated again] What SUMMARY:
Desperate to help Kieran, Cami insists on an unconventional treatment, but her good intentions lead Kieran to a violent episode. After Klaus and Elijah disagree over the best way to handle the Crescent Wolves, Elijah makes a trip to the bayou, where he is witness to a horrific explosion that only adds to the hatred and mistrust among the communities. While Jackson and Elijah work to save the wounded, Hayley learns a surprising piece of her family history from Marcel.
TEXT: THE PIRATE PLANET BY: DOUGLAS ADAMS Part Three Running time: 25:47 [SCENE_BREAK] KIMUS: Pralix? Pralix, what? GUARD: We will kill them. Kill them all. KIMUS: Pralix, what have they done to you? PRALIX: Hurry. The force wall will not last long. ROMANA: They're on our side. DOCTOR: I thought as much. KIMUS: But I don't understand. DOCTOR: Exciting, isn't it. [SCENE_BREAK] K9: Master? MULA: What is it? K9: The Mentiads have located Doctor master. They're approaching. MULA: How can you tell? I didn't hear anything. K9: The Doctor master has very distinctive heartbeats. Estimated time of arrival twenty one point nine seconds. MULA: I can't get over the Mentiads. All my life I've been taught to hate and loathe them. K9: The Doctor would not have instructed me to conduct you to them if he had not thought it safe. Twelve seconds. MULA: But how could he possibly know? K9: My subsequent analysis of their brainwave patterns indicated no malice when they attacked him. MULA: You mean they slammed him to the wall with good vibrations? K9: Affirmative. Arrival imminent. DOCTOR: Hello, K9. Surprised to see us? K9: Amazed, master. DOCTOR: There you are. Didn't I say he'd be amazed? [SCENE_BREAK] GUARD: Captain? Captain, sir. We were attacked in the mines. The Doctor has escaped with the Mentiads. CAPTAIN: With the Mentiads? CAPTAIN: Incompetent fools. [SCENE_BREAK] MENTIAD: Doctor, did you bring us the understanding we seek? For generation upon generation, our planet has been assailed by a nameless evil. We would know it's name. DOCTOR: Its name SUMMARY:
The Doctor takes Romana down to investigate the planets mines and gets unexpected help when the Captains guards show up to confront them.
TEXT: COLONY IN SPACE BY: MALCOLM HULKE 6:10pm - 6:35pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. MAIN DOME. ENTRANCE HALL MORGAN: (Shouts.) Take cover! (The IMC men dive for the safety of some packing cases and firing commences. The room is filled with the sound of shots and it is a colonist on the staircase who is the first to fall. Several shots from WINTON avenges him as an IMC man falls. CALDWELL, stood to one side of the entrance door, is the only one not firing. WINTON suddenly retreats from the battle and moves towards the back of the dome, intent on some new purpose. As the battle continues, the DOCTOR and JO run out of the dining hall and into the safety of the radio pen. The DOCTOR directs JO to stand behind the door of the pen.) DOCTOR: Now you stay here! I've got to try and stop this senseless killing somehow! (The MASTER steps forward, a gun in his hand. The DOCTOR and JO jump at the sound of his voice.) MASTER: It won't do any good, Doctor. They just won't listen to you. It's always the innocent bystanders who suffer. DOCTOR: And what's that supposed to mean? MASTER: I'm afraid you're both about to become the victims of stray bullets! (His raises his gun and points it at the defenseless pair but ASHE suddenly appears outside the doorway to the pen.) ASHE: Winton! Winton! (The MASTER quickly drops his gun to his side as ASHE spots him and runs into the pen.) ASHE: (To the MASTER.) You've got to stop this! DOCTOR: I agree. Don't you agree, Adjudicator? ASHE: You must do something. (Meanwhile, WINTON has made his way out of a back entrance to the dome and now appears in the main doorway behind DENT. He places his rifle against DENT'S back.) WINTON: Tell your men to surrender. ( SUMMARY:
The Master offers to help the colonists in exchange for information on the Primitive city and forces the Doctor to act as a guide by taking Jo hostage.
TEXT: [Scene: Aviva's room. Aviva puts a small statue on the rug in front of her. She is also in front of the mirror. Aviva is dressed in black and has black candles lit around her. All but one. She lights it. She then gets into meditating position.] Aviva: Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. Come to me Kali. I conjure thee Kali. (In the mirror, Kali appears.) Kali: I'm here Aviva. Aviva: It's been over a week. Kali: I know. Be patient Aviva. Aviva: But I've done everything that you've asked. I've followed the Halliwell sisters. I know their every move. Kali: Which will all become valuable in good time. You must trust me. You must make them want you as badly as you want them. (Aviva looks at the closet.) Aviva: I talked to my mom today. Kali: How is she? Aviva: I don't know. She's better I think. I miss her. Kali: She's gonna be so proud of you. Aviva: Yeah? I hope so. Kali: Are you ready to receive your power? Aviva: (giggling a little) You know I am. Kali: Remember, it's a sacred power. If I give it to you, you must use it only as I say. Aviva: I will. I promise. Kali: Very well. Reach for the mirror. Put out your hands. Feel the power. (Aviva reaches her hands towards the mirror. Aviva's hands begin to glow. She receives the power. Her hands stop glowing and she puts them down.) You know what to do. Go to Phoebe, Piper, and Prue. (Aviva grabs her coat and leaves. We see flames in the mirror. Kali appears as her evil demon self.) [Scene: Manor. Living room. Piper is sitting in the chair holding REWARD flyers for Kit. Leo walks in. He moves the fireplace screen from the fireplace and looks in the fireplace and sticks a tool up SUMMARY:
A troubled teenage witch, Aviva ( Danielle Harris ), befriends Phoebe with the hopes of joining the sisters, but is an unwitting pawn of a dark sorceress / priestess named Kali. The sisters investigate and identify the sorceress who possesses Aviva when she refuses to help anymore. Piper and Prue manage to trap Kali in a mirror and Phoebe shatters it, vanquishing her. Aviva drops her bad lifestyle and leaves to reunite with her aunt.
TEXT: Sam throws something away outside in containers. He hears people who are afraid. A body is in a car. Andy: Will you two shut up? I can't think. Sookie: Andy, what the hell did you do? There's someone inside. Sam: What happened? Andy: Step back! I got it. Sam: Andy's got it. Andy: Don't touch anything. Sookie: We were out trying to find Andy's car. Andy: Someone f*cking moved it. Sookie: Suddenly, there's this... Person in there... : We need an ambulance. Call the cops. Sam: What? Andy: I am the cops. : Oh, my God. Please tell me it's not Lafayette, please. Sookie: Check for a pulse. Andy: Forget it. There ain't no pulse. Sam: What? Why? Andy: Because there ain't no heart. Sick f*ck. Sam: It's not him. It's not Lafayette. Who the heck is that? We are seeing Miss Jeannette who is talking about Demon with Tara; Miss Jeanette : Demon! Credits. The policemen think: World's going to sh1t. No respect. Wonder if she even knows. Poor sorry girl. think: Miss Jeanette. They'll find out I knew her, that I went to her. Find out everything. f*ck, I pushed her. I cussed her out. Now look at her. sh1t. The policewoman: Is there something else you ain't telling me, Tara? : No. I have never seen that woman before. A policeman: Careful here, son. Her leg will break off like a chicken wing if you hold her like that. Andy think: What kind of sick f*ck would throw a body in a detective's car. sh1t.I just got it detailed too. Bud: Andy, Over here. Andy: Body's in full rigor mortis, Bud. Which is consistent with the vic being killed elsewhere then brought here into the scene sometime in the past four hours, since that's when I... drove over here. Bud: Andy SUMMARY:
In the second season premiere, the shocking and brutal murder of Miss Jeanette - Tara's fake exorcist - has the entire town of Bon Temps reeling. Tara is reluctant to tell the police she knew the deceased for fear that her ex-alcoholic mother will relapse if she finds out about Miss Jeanette's deception. She eventually comes forward and is interrogated. Her worst fears are realized when her mother, Lettie Mae, shows up at the police station and is told everything. Tara is eventually released, and Maryann has some harsh words for Lettie Mae when she arrives to give Tara a ride. Meanwhile, Lafayette has been kidnapped and is being held in a basement somewhere with others - including Royce, one of the rednecks who earlier burned three vampires to death. Sookie and Bill's relationship is put to the test with Bill's newly made vampire charge Jessica's impatient ways, even when Sookie attempts to bond with her. Jason impresses Steve and Sarah Newlin, the leaders of the Fellowship of the Sun anti-vampire church and is offered a place at a leadership retreat, where he will learn to serve God. Sam is troubled by the presence of Maryann. He has flashbacks about their sexual encounter when he was seventeen and stole one hundred thousand dollars from her. He also takes on another young waitress, Daphne. Tara becomes closer with Eggs. Sookie and Bill are put on even rockier ground when she discovers that he murdered her sexually abusive Uncle Bartlett. He tells her that he did it because he loves her too much to let him get away with what he did to her. Sookie forgives him and the two passionately make love. It is revealed that Eric is the one keeping Lafayette captive and the episode ends with Royce trying to escape and Eric feeding on and tearing him apart, spraying Lafayette with blood.
TEXT: Originally written by Michael Borkow Transcribed by Josh Hodge Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein. [Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone is sitting at the couches, Chandler enters.] CHAN: OK, what is it about me? Do I not look fun enough? Is there something... repellant... about me? RACH: So, how was the party? CHAN: Well it couldn't have been worse. A woman literally passed through me. OK, so what is it, am I hideously unattractive? PHOE: No, you are not, you are very attractive. You know what, I go through the exact same thing. Every time I put on a little weight, I start questioning everyting. CHAN: Woah, woah, I've put on a little weight? PHOE: No, not wieght... y'know, more like insulation. MNCA: Chandler, I'm unemployed and in dire need of a project. Ya wanna work out? I can remake you. CHAN: Oh, you know, I would, but that might get in the way of my lying around time. MNCA: Please. ALL: C'mon. Let her. Yeah. CHAN: Alright, OK, alright. But if we put on spandex and my boobs are bigger than yours, I'm goin' home. PHOE: Your boobs are fine. Look, I never should have said anything. Come here. Come here. [hugs Chandler but holds her hands apart behind his back] Oh, can't make.... hands... meet.... OPENING TITLES [Scene: Hallway between the apartments. Chandler comes out wearing spandex, jogging in place. Monica is there.] CHAN: OK, let's do it. [Monica looks at him funny] What? MNCA: Nothing, just never seen you in little stretchy pants before. CHAN: And we're changing. [jogs back in his apartment] [Cut to the city street. Monica and Chandler are jogging. Chandler is lagging behind so he hop SUMMARY:
Rachel goes on a date but after drinking too much wine, obsesses about Ross. Her date suggests she needs closure, so Rachel leaves a message on Ross' answering machine claiming she is "over" him. After hearing it the next morning, a stunned Ross wrestles with choosing her or Julie. Chandler gains a few pounds, so a depressed, out-of-work Monica volunteers to be his personal trainer, going overboard in the process. Phoebe takes Joey's advice when her new boyfriend is reluctant to sleep with her, only to have it backfire. Ross, upset and citing numerous reasons, tells Rachel it is too late for them to be together and he is staying with Julie. At the end of the episode, Ross goes to see Rachel at the coffee shop as she is closing up, and they passionately kiss.
TEXT: Lower town - day Tom pushes a cart playfully down the street and sneaks up behind the carpet that Gwen is beating. He pops his head over the clothes line on which the carpet is hung. Tom: Boo! Gwen: Oh! Gwen holds her hand to her chest. Tom: Did I surprise you? Gwen: You certainly did! Tom: I've got another surprise for you, too. Tom hands Gwen a small, wrapped cloth. Gwen opens it, revealing a fancy button. Gwen: It's...lovely. Tom: Well, in case you ever need a spare. You know...for this... Tom holds up a colourful dress. Gwen: It's beautiful! Tom: Well, you're a beautiful girl, Gwen. You deserve beautiful things. Gwen: But how? I must have been expensive. Tom: Oh, very. But we're on the up now. Things are going to be different. Gwen: What's going on? Tom: It'll be all right. Trust me. Tom kisses her cheek. Tom: I won't be back for supper. Gwen looks at her father leaving, she seems concerned. [SCENE_BREAK] Tom's forge - night Tom works at his forge. Tom hears lots of wind. Tom: Hello? A man appears before Tom, hooded and cloaked. Tauren: Is it prepared? Tom: Yes. Look. Tauren approaches the forge and pulls down his hood, looking at the melted lead. Tauren: Very good. Tauren pulls out a stone with silver claws around it. Tom: What is that? Tauren: I'm not paying you to ask questions. The lead, please. Tom takes the lead off the forge and pours it into a mould. Tauren holds the stone over the lead and the stone glows, Merlin wakes in his chamber. Tauren: Ferian<unk> t gylden. Tom [whispering]: You didn't say anything about magic! I don't want any trouble! Tauren: Ic b<unk> gan<unk> é SUMMARY:
Gwen's father Tom (Camelot's blacksmith) is approached by Tauren, who possesses the alchemist's stone and wants Tom's help in turning base metal into gold which he intends to use to overthrow the king. The palace guards raid the smithy and Tauren escapes while Tom is caught and sentenced to death. Morgana gives him the key to the cells, but Tom is killed trying to escape. Having spent time in the cells following an argument with Uther, Morgana retrieves the alchemist's stone and delivers it to Tauren. She joins Tauren's plot to assassinate Uther, unaware that Merlin is listening in. On the pretext of visiting her father's grave, Morgana leads Uther into Tauren's trap. Merlin must decide whether Uther's life is worth saving. However, in the end, is Morgana who has a change of heart and saves Uther.
TEXT: [Scene: College Advisor's Office. Joey is sitting in the chair while the advisor gets some files from the cabinet then sits down at her desk.] Advisor: It suits you. Joey: What's that? Advisor: The look-- deer standing in the road of senior year, caught in the headlights of college indecision. Joey: I'm seriously considering just running away and joining the circus. Advisor: Well...What do you say we keep that one as a fallback? Ok? I know this college application process can be pretty daunting, Joey, but you... Are well ahead of the game. Except for... Williams College. I'm missing your peer recommendation from "the person who knows you best." Joey: Right. [Clears throat] Advisor: you've got the easy part. You just have to pick someone. Joey: Mm-hmm. Advisor: Is that gonna be a problem? Joey: No. I was just kind of hoping to take a vacation from large choices that carry even larger consequences. Advisor: Hmm. Ok. Try this. Close your eyes. Just...Humor me. Joey: [Chuckles uncomfortably] Advisor: Ok... Clear your mind of everything. It's just air up there. Joey: [Chuckles] Advisor: Ok. Now picture the question... Who is the person that knows you... Joey potter... The best? Ok. Open your eyes. Who'd you see? [Opening Credits] [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Andie's Bedroom. Andie is going through some stuff in her room, when Pacey comes in carrying some books.] Pacey: Lugging your literature to and fro is getting tiresome, Mcphee. Andie: Oh, well, pardon me if I'm not in a rush to hit those high school halls and be stared at like some kind of social leper. Pacey: It won't be like that. Andie: Oh, come on! I mean, can't you hear it? "Ooh, there's that really smart girl who almost chemed herself to death inside the inflatable fun house SUMMARY:
While Andie is recovering from her near-fatal drug overdose at the party, Jack is blaming Jen for the whole incident and is refusing to talk to her. Jen blames Drue for her life falling apart when he turns Grams and the whole town against her by telling everyone that they intentionally gave Andie the drugs. After Andie comes home from the hospital her dad offers her the chance to spend the rest of the school year in Italy with her aunt, telling her that she has more than enough credits to graduate. Andie decides to go and plans a goodbye dinner with the whole gang. She tells them how important life is and not to waste valuable time with useless bickering. Jack and Jen get things straight and Andie tricks Dawson and Pacey into playing nice with each other.
TEXT: Scene opens to a shot of Air Force One preparing for take-off. The President - who both looks and sounds a lot like George W. Bush -- waves as he enters the plane. The flight crew stands at attention the moment he's on board. PRESIDENT: Bobby, did those babybacks from PapaJoe's make the flight? BOBBY: Yes, sir, Mr. President. They were flown in from San Antonio ten minutes ago, sir. PRESIDENT: Good. Let's have an early lunch. BOBBY: Yes, sir, Mr. President. The President turns away, putting an arm around the shoulders of the man, presumably Secret Service, behind him. Kate Todd precedes them. PRESIDENT (to man): I love the babybacks from PapaJoe's. MAN: I know, Mr. President. PRESIDENT (to Kate): Wasn't Major Kerry supposed to be handling the Football on this one? KATE: He came down with the flu, Mr. President. The man raises his arm to indicate the new Football carrier. MAN: This is Commander Ray Trapp, Mr. President. He's new on the detail. Cmdr. Trapp, dressed in Navy whites, stands at attention before the President. PRESIDENT: Have we met before, Commander? TRAPP: (shakes hands with the President) Yes, sir. On the Abraham Lincoln, Mr. President. PRESIDENT: (smirks) Ah, the Lincoln. (turns to Secret Service man) You know, the trip to the Lincoln was the best day I've had on this job. (turns back to Cmdr. Trapp and waggles a finger at him) Why don't you join me for lunch? TRAPP: Be my pleasure, Mr. President. PRESIDENT: Good, I'll look forward to it. The President and the Secret Service man walk away. Kate lingers to speak with Cmdr. Trapp, who finally relaxes once the President is out of sight. KATE: Lunch with the boss on your first day. You're destined for stars on those shoulders, Commander. Kate leaves, going a different direction SUMMARY:
While on Air Force One , a Navy commander, Ray Trapp ( Gerald Downey ) who was tasked with carrying the " football " dies under mysterious circumstances, forcing an emergency landing in Wichita, Kansas . But while his death is originally thought to be a tragic accident, NCIS eventually uncovers evidence suggesting the commander was in fact murdered and that it might be connected to a possible assassination attempt on the President.
TEXT: [Elder Gilmore home: front door] (Doorbell rings, maid answers the door.) LORELAI: Oh, I'm late. EMILY: I know. LORELAI: Blame the insane people driving in front of me. They had a "honk if you love to scuba dive" bumper sticker on the back of their car, so I honked. EMILY: You don't scuba dive. LORELAI: Yes, but I've been testing people who have "honk" bumper stickers lately to see if they really want people to honk. Guess what? They don't. I lay on my horn, and this alleged scuba diver slows to a crawl in front of me just out of revenge, and I'm screwed. EMILY: You need a hobby. LORELAI: Yes, actually. EMILY: Come on, Rory's waiting. (They walk into the living room.) RORY: Hey, what happened? EMILY: She honked. RORY: Oh, another bumper sticker test. LORELAI: I just thought up a great idea for a reality show. You pull people over who have those "honk if you love whatever" bumper stickers, you kidnap them, and you make them do whatever the bumper sticker says they like to do, whether they do it or not. And then you make them eat bugs. EMILY: So I hear you have a new boyfriend. LORELAI (gasps): How did you -? RORY: Not from me. EMILY: Don't jump on Rory. LORELAI: How, Mom? EMILY: Kirk told me. RORY: Kirk? LORELAI: Kirk who? EMILY: How many Kirks do you know? LORELAI: My Kirk? Stars Hollow Kirk? Kirk who hasn't started shaving yet, Kirk? How did you find out from him? EMILY: I called the Inn looking for you, and Michel answered, but he was in the middle of some argument with the horse veterinarian. Then there was a cracking sound and the phone SUMMARY:
After Kirk spills the beans that her daughter is dating Luke, Emily demands that Lorelai bring him to dinner so that they can get reacquainted; although Lorelai tries to warn him away, Luke goes anyway and is subjected to an evening of oblique insults from a passive-aggressive Emily; after Zach announces that he's ready to start going out with Lane, they spend a cozy first date at home after banishing Brian to Lane's bedroom; having not learned his lesson with Emily, Luke agrees to accept Richard's invitation to go golfing, and both men turn a deaf ear to Lorelai's pleas to cancel; Rory gets her story on the "Life and Death Brigade" by being blindfolded and whisked away by Logan and his friends to observe the elaborately staged weekend in the woods, and finally, after Logan encourages her to take a risk, to participate in the event's breathtaking finale.
TEXT: "Baby, It's You" 41st Episode of Roswell Production Code: 2ADA19 [SCENE_BREAK] [Episode begins with one of Maria's chalkboard narratives] Maria: Alex was killed in a car crash, which usually means accident, but the police thought it could be a suicide. Now those of us who knew Alex know that he would never ever do something like that, which is why I went back to the accident and Liz--she went somewhere else entirely. She has decided that Alex was murdered by an alien, which is why now there's this huge rift between Max and Liz. I mean, it's beyond the worst fight they ever had, but I think that Liz will be able to keep pursuing this without any interference from Max because he's a little preoccupied lately. It was just one kiss; a moment of weakness. I doubt it went any further than that... [Scene begins with Max and Tess sleeping in the observatory in each other's arms. Max wakes up and looks down to see Tess sleeping beside him.] Tess: Hey. Max: : Hey. [Tess then starts to sleep again. Later, Max and Tess arrives at her house, unlocking it so no one can wake up. When they come in, Kyle spies on what they're up to.] Tess: I guess I'll see you at school. Max: Yeah. [Max and Tess kiss as Kyle sees the whole thing.] Tess: Is everything ok? Max: Yeah...yeah great. [Then Valenti appears.] Valenti: Where the hell have you...? [Valenti sees Max] Max! Valenti: (to Tess) Go to your room. Tess: Yes, sir. Max: Sheriff... Valenti: Go home, Max. We'll talk about this later. Max: Right. Max leaves and Valenti turns around to see that Kyle was awake. Kyle: Hey, Dad. [Scene switches to Tess' room where Tess is feeling her stomach, realizing that she is pregnant.] Tess: Oh my god SUMMARY:
Max is hit with a one-two punch after he discovers that not only is Tess pregnant with his son, but that the baby cannot survive unless they return to their home planet. Liz, Maria, and Michael work together to unravel the mysterious double life of Alex. Isabel and Kyle explore her powers as they play pranks on Max, and Kyle dreamwalks with a Playmate.
TEXT: MINSK. Night. A limo arrives at a castle and a hooded man gets out of the car. The hood is removed by Mr. Ehrmann to reveal it is Arvin Sloane. EHRMANN: I'd apologize for the method of transport, but I'm sure you understand our need for discretion. SLOANE: And I am not in a position to simply disappear for an extended period of time without raising concern. Some advance warning would have been preferred. EHRMANN: Yes... but then that would spoil all the fun. Inside, Sloane and Ehrmann walk down a stairs in a big hall. EHRMANN: We have some business which requires your immediate attention. But I can assure you, we'll have you back in Los Angeles before your co-workers even realize that you've gone. SLOANE: It's not your timetable that troubles me, Joseph. It's your manners... EHRMANN: Here you are. SLOANE: You're not joining us? EHRMANN: The 12 are waiting for you inside. SLOANE: You're not allowed in that room, are you? Sloane hands him his overcoat, indicating that he considers Ehrmann a lackey now. He enters in a large room where 12 people wait him. A first man comes to him. MAN 1: Mr. SLOANE. It's an honour to meet you. We've been admirers of yours for quite some time. SLOANE: Gentlemen. MAN 1: We'd like to thank you for all the work you've done thus far on our behalf. SLOANE: I'm not certain I have much choice. MAN 2 (old man sitting on a chair) : Not to get into a free will debate right now, Mr. SLOANE, but... you've always had a choice. This is our most recent medical report on your daughter, Nadia. As you're aware, we have the capabilities to restore her health. MAN 1: And we're prepared to do so on a permanent basis, provided of course you complete one final assignment for us. SLOANE: No SUMMARY:
One month after the baby is born, Sydney is taking time off from work. Meanwhile, Kelly Peyton arranges for Anna Espinosa, Sydney's old enemy, to be released from prison and kidnap Will Tippin, who is still in the Witness Protection Program. The kidnapping is a ruse to draw Sydney away from her sabbatical. During the rescue, Anna and Sydney fight and Anna draws a small amount of blood from Sydney during the melee and escapes. APO discovers that Prophet Five implanted a miniature bomb at the base of Will's skull, which is set to explode if Sydney does not deliver Page 47, a Rambaldi artifact, to Anna aboard a train in Portugal. Accompanied by Will, Sydney attempts to defuse the bomb and stop Anna from getting away with Page 47. During the subsequent battle, Anna locks Sydney in a baggage car where is she sprayed by an unknown chemical agent. She is rescued by Will, but in order to prevent the bomb in his head from exploding, Anna has to be allowed to escape. Sloane is introduced to the leaders of Prophet Five who require him to undertake one last mission before they give him the cure for Nadia. As the episode concludes, Anna undergoes a version of the Project Helix protocol, emerging as a genetic duplicate of Sydney Bristow.
TEXT: Scene: The stairwell Sheldon: And here's another interesting weather fact. Penny: Another? Great. Sheldon: Changes in jet streams can affect the speed at which the Earth rotates on its axis, so bad weather can actually make the day longer. Penny: Well, there must be a hell of a storm somewhere. Sheldon: Joke if you must, but you're going to miss these moments. With Leonard home in a few days, this was your last time driving me to the grocery store. Penny: You know, I will miss this. Sheldon: I'll tell you what, if my apples are mealy, we'll hit the produce section for one last crazy blowout. Heck, you can even push the cart. Please don't take my looking forward to Leonard's return as criticism of the job you've been doing in his absence. Penny: I won't. Sheldon: That criticism will come later in your report card. Penny: Yeah, I didn't stay for the detention, I'm not gonna read the report card. Leonard (in Penny's apartment): Hello. Penny (screams): Leonard! Hi! Leonard: Keep your voice down. Penny: Oh, my God. You weren't supposed to be here till Sunday. Leonard: We finished the experiment early, so I thought I'd come home and surprise you. Penny: Oh, my gosh, why are we whispering? Leonard: I didn't tell Sheldon, so we could have a few days alone. Penny: Oh, that is so romantic. Leonard: Uh, sure, that's why I did it. Penny: Oh, I just cannot believe you're here. Sheldon (off): Penny, it's your lucky day. Three of the eggs are clearly not jumbo. Grab your keys. Credits sequence. Scene: The comic book store. Sheldon: Uh, Stuart, I was wondering if you could help me find something. Stuart: Happy to, unless it's hope or a reason to live. Sheldon: Oh, you make me laugh, sad clown. Anyhoo, Leonard will be back in SUMMARY:
Leonard surprises Penny by arriving back early and hiding in her apartment. He asks her to keep it a secret from Sheldon, so they can spend some time alone. Sheldon suspects that Penny is cheating on Leonard when he finds clear signs that someone else is in her apartment. Bursting into Penny's place to catch her in the act, he and Amy find Leonard there. Sheldon gets mad at Leonard for not telling him he is home, and refuses to believe anything he says, though with Howard's help they eventually reconcile. Meanwhile, Howard experiences weight gain and mood swings; he had applied estrogen ointment to his mother without gloves, so absorbing it through his skin. Raj reassures him in a way that's just too intimate, shocking Bernadette. While the gang is having dinner at their apartment, Leonard notices that Raj can talk to women without consuming alcohol. They reveal that this happened after he left for the North Sea expedition.
TEXT: Narrator: America's top ghost hunters relive their most extreme assignments. This house is beyond haunted. Narrator: Hardened veterans of the paranormal, these are the cases that truly tested them. There was a evil presence in that house. Oh (bleep) What the hell? I got goose bumps. Right here. Narrator: In new York, an investigator battles a demonic entity intent on harming his own son. Whatever it was was targeting Joey. Narrator: In Ohio, a ghost from the past returns to tear a family apart. There was a violent spirit there. Wow. That thing's going crazy. Narrator: And in an old Colorado jail, investigators are stalked by a dangerous doppleganger. How did you get in here? Richard: That's very, very frightening. It becomes very personal in that moment. Narrator: Joe Cetrone and his family have lived in upstate new York for five years. Joe: So we're just a regular family. My son, Joey, uh, typical 10-year-old, great boy. Um, you know, he just... Really good-natured, quiet kid. Joey: I'm a fairly happy individual. My family seemed pretty normal, pretty average. Narrator: Joe works for a phone company. But what he does in his spare time is anything but normal. I've been investigating the paranormal since 2001. Narrator: Joe Cetrone is a veteran ghost hunter who specializes in dark and demonic hauntings. What I had learned is that the supernatural realm is real. And what we do here in this world alters what happens in the afterlife. And when you do various cases, especially ones that are frightening, you never stop to consider the reality and the dangers of what's lurking in the shadows. During all the years of my paranormal research, I never stopped to consider that my family would be the target. Narrator: In October 2007, Joe is called away to investigate a haunting out of state. Joe: I had a big case in Connecticut. Right off the bat, I -- I started saying that there's something going on. The feeling that I got, there was SUMMARY:
In New York, an investigator battles a demonic entity intent on harming his own son. In Ohio, a child's imaginary friend is revealed to be something much darker and in an old Colorado jail, investigators are stalked by a dangerous doppelgänger.
TEXT: THE MASTADON IN THE ROOM TEASER (Flashback to the Airport ending scene from The End in the Beginning. SWEETS hugs DAISY, CAM hugs BRENNAN, HODGINS gives BRENNAN the list of insects, ANGELA hugs BRENNAN. BOOTH and BRENNAN holding hands) BOOTH: One year from today we meet at the reflecting pool, on the mall. BRENNAN: I know. (Close-up of their hands separating. Fade to white, then in bold black capital letters) Seven months later (Federal Coroner's Lab, Washington D.C. CAM is looking at a case file stating the victim is of unknown identity, age, race etc, then at the remains of a child on the morgue table. She sighs) (Cut to Kakwari, Northern Maluku Province, Indonesia. DAISY and BRENNAN are walking through the jungle back to their car) DAISY: Day 213, found nothing. BRENNAN: Well, three months ago we found an onyx bead. DAISY: No offense, Dr Brennan, but what we're looking for is evidence of early man, not jewelry that's barely 200 years old. (DAISY sees a snake at the back of the car and screams. BRENNAN calmly and carefully drags it out of the car) BRENNAN: I find it interesting that I'm only afraid of snakes when Booth is around to be jumped upon. (Cut to Quryah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. BOOTH and some soldiers are hiding behind a car while another SOLDIER is talking to a native woman. When he finishes, they all jog across the street to meet him, hiding behind a wall) SOLDIER: She says 2 insurgents, 5 minutes ago, went to kidnap child of NATO interpreter. BOOTH: We're gonna allow that? (They all smile) BOOTH: Uh, Just like we trained boys, a hundred times, all right? (under his breath) Right... (BOOTH dashe SUMMARY:
With Cam's reputation and career on the line, the team travels from overseas to help her solve the case of an unidentified young boy. The Forensics Anthropology Unit lost much of its vigor after disbanding to pursue personal ventures, and it will take the collaborative energy and knowledge of the newly reunited team to unravel evidence and find closure for the family of the unknown boy. After unearthing new clues in the lab and making unexpected personal discoveries, the team realizes they belong back in Washington, D.C., in "The Mastodon in the Room" .
TEXT: Teleplay by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Robert Masello Story by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Gail's house. Gail, Amanda and Helen are chanting a spell. They are standing in a circle holding hands.] Gail, Amanda, Helen: "We call on the demon Cryto, reach back throughout the ages, humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle." (Gail coughs.) Helen: Are you alright? Gail: Just keep chanting. Amanda: We've been chanting for fifteen minutes. Gail: It's a séance, Amanda, not AT&T. He'll come, he has to. Come on. Gail, Amanda, Helen: "We call on the demon Cryto, reach back throughout the ages, humbled by his power, we invite him into our circle." (Smoke rises in the middle of them and forms a face.) Cryto: Who dare summon me? Gail: Three, who are humbled by your presence, Cryto. Cryto: What do you want? Gail: That which only you can give. Youth, beauty, health. Cryto: What can you give me? Gail: We can make you whole again, we can bring you back. Cryto: But I want more. I want powers. Great powers. Don't ever summon me again. (He starts to disappear.) Gail: We can get you great powers. The powers to move things with your mind, to stop time, to see into the future. Cryto: Do so and you'll get your youth. (He disappears.) Helen: Ah. Gail: I had to do something, we were losing him. Helen: You lost him already, Gail. Why would you promise him something we can't get. What if it makes him angry? Gail: I can get the powers, Helen. I have to. I'm not ready to die. I'll be back. Just be sure you have the quilt finished by tomorrow night. [Scene: Manor. Phoebe's room. Pho SUMMARY:
An old friend of Grams comes to see the Halliwell sisters with a dilemma on her hands: she and two other friends apparently summon by accident a demon named Cryto. However, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe soon discover that Gail betrayed them with a promise from the demon of eternal health, beauty and youth. As they plot to get their powers back, Piper announces that she doesn't want them back, fearing that she's missing out on a normal life, but luckily, Prue and Phoebe get her to change her mind. Piper breaks up with Dan.
TEXT: UNDERWORLD BY: BOB BAKER AND DAVE MARTIN Part One Running time: 22:36 [SCENE_BREAK] LEELA: We've stopped. K9: Affirmative. LEELA: We've stopped dead. K9: Negative dead. LEELA: Oh. Doctor! DOCTOR: Hmm? LEELA: We've stopped. DOCTOR: Really? LEELA: I mean, everything's still working. Nothing's gone wrong, has it? DOCTOR: Not so far, no. LEELA: Then why have we stopped? Why are we not going anywhere? DOCTOR: That's intensely interesting. Do you realise there's nowhere to go? LEELA: What? DOCTOR: We're on the edge of the cosmos, the frontiers of creation, the boundary between what is and isn't, or isn't yet, anyway. Don't you think that's interesting? LEELA: I suppose so. DOCTOR: What? I feel just like a goldfish looking out on a new world. LEELA: A goldfish? DOCTOR: Yes. LEELA: But it's just black nothing out there, and being out here on our own is just, just nothing. K9: We are not alone. DOCTOR: Nothing? LEELA: Nothing. DOCTOR: Nothing? It's magnificent. Any minute, any second, a whole new world could be born and we'd be the first K9: We are not the first. DOCTOR: Shush. We'd be the first intelligent and semi-intelligent beings to witness the spectacle. K9: We are not alone. DOCTOR: What's he saying? LEELA: I don't know. K9: We are not the first. We are not alone. Receptors indicate pulsing. Pulsing characteristic of ion drive system. The inference therefore would be spacecraft in vicinity. DOCTOR: Shush, shush. Where, K9, where? K9: Thirty four seven zero one seventeen fifty zero five. DOCTOR: Thirty four seven SUMMARY:
Materializing at the edge of the cosmos, the frontier of creation, The Doctor, Leela & K-9 encounter four ancient space travelers from Minyos, the first race ever contacted by the Time Lords. All but extinct due to their Time Lords encounter, the Minyans (rejuvenated 1000 times each) have been embarked on a long 100,000 year old quest, searching the universe for the lost race bank of their species to take to a new home world. But their equally old ship is finally failing, succumbing to the gravitational pull of a newly forming sun and taking the Doctor and his party with it.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Klaus: I presume I have the misfortune of speaking to my mother. Esther: I have come to heal our family. Klaus: I'd prefer you both to join me against our mother, but I'll happily settle for one or the other. Esther: It is time you bring Camille in. Marcel: Esther prepared your body for someone to jump into. Finn: She was preparing you for Rebekah. Rebekah: I have the baby, and we're on the run. Esther found us. Elijah: Then she made an offer to make us all mortal again. [Gasps] Elijah: We mustn't let the world ever hurt her. Rebekah: You're right. Davina: Those daggers don't work on Klaus. Kol: It's not impossible to change the dagger itself, so here. Davina: That's a giant diamond. Kol: It's a paragon diamond. Use them to conduct power. Hayley: Klaus, there's something I need to tell you. Klaus: You can tell me on the way. Hayley: Where are we going? Klaus: To see our daughter. [SCENE_BREAK] [ FLASHBACK - NEW ORLEANS, DECEMBER 1914 ] ( A group of carolers are singing "Carol of the Bells" around a bonfire outside of a large, old home. Mary-Alice Claire and Kol walk through the front gates of the home, and Mary-Alice stops to quickly set a disembodied head of a porcelain doll on the fence, muttering an unintelligible spell under her breath before they head for the porch. Astrid, who is inside, opens the door to let them in ) Kol: ( takes off his gloves ) Alright, darling. ( Astrid hands him a gas lamp with a smile ) You know what to look for. ( The three split up to search the house. Kol searches through a cabinet of porcelain dolls and several jewelry boxes before finally finding a huge diamond being used as a bottle stopper at the bar ) Kol: ( smile SUMMARY:
In 1914, Kol was dating a witch called Mary Alice Claire, and taught her and her friend Astrid dark magic to use against his family using a magical object. When his family found out he was betraying them, they stole the object, put Kol in a coffin when Rebekah found him trying to get it back and locked Mary and Astrid in a house used by the coven to place insane witches. In present day, Kol wants Davina's help to get the object back. Hayley and Klaus find their daughter and spend time with her. Hayley and Elijah make love. Kol kisses Davina. They make a plan to stop Esther with Kol which involves making her think Rebekah wants to switch bodies. Davina tries to stop Esther using Cami's body (chosen by Finn) and place her in the body of another (chosen by Kol). Rebekah makes Esther a vampire, but finds Kol hasn't forgiven her in helping to stop him steal the object and betrays her by placing her soul in the body of a witch.
TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom on the shoulders of a young boy. His name... Merlin. " KING ODIN'S CASTLE Myror is a feared assassin who is well-known for his efficiency. King Odin has got to kill Arthur and has gotten away from his death. Kelda (to King Odin ): My Lord, he is here. Myror enters the room King Odin : You are Myror? Legend has you are the most feared assassin in all the known lands. Tell me, are you as ruthless as they say you are? You would kill anyone? Myror : I have killed many people. They are all the same to me. King Odin : Are you prepared to kill royalty? Myror : My Lord, you would be dead on the spot. King Odin's knights unsheathe their swords. Myror kills two of them and spares another one's life. King Odin (impressed) : I want you to kill the man who murdered my son. I want you to kill Arthur Pendragon. [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] CAMELOT, TOURNAMENT GROUNDS - DAY Merlin : That has got to hurt. Arthur : That's the point, Merlin. It's not a pillow fight. Fetch me another lance, will you? Why did you pull out, I was wide open? You could have unhorsed me. Sir Leon : I was fearful that I might insult you, Sire. Arthur : You had the advantage. You can not afford to hesitate. Sir Leon : I would not have done it if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord. Arthur : You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win? Sir Leon : No, My Lord. Arthur ( Looks over the jousters present): It does not matter who I am! I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood? SUMMARY:
Arthur is determined to win Camelot's jousting tournament on his own merit, so with Merlin and Gwen's help he goes undercover as an ordinary man. But Arthur's in for a shock when Gwen challenges him to give up his spoilt, lofty ways. Will Arthur be able to shake the habits of a lifetime as easily as he did his princely robes? And why does he care so much what Gwen thinks anyway? While Arthur is distracted, the bounty hunter Myror arrives in Camelot, intent on killing him. Can Merlin save the prince from the most deadly assassin in the land?
TEXT: NATHAN AND HALEY'S HOUSE Nathan comes home with Jamie, it takes place right after the end of 509 JAMIE : Ravens win! Mommy, Ravens win! NATHAN : Haley... That's weird. I thought mommy would have beat us home by now. (Nathan phone rings) HALEY : Nathan, hi. I'm so sorry. You got Jamie, right? NATHAN : Yeah. Um, what happened? Where are you? HALEY : I just got locked in the library with Lindsey and Peyton. I missed the whole game. I'll fill you in on all the gory details as soon as I get home. I'm on my way, okay? NATHAN : All right, well, I'm just about to put Jamie to bed, and then I'm gonna take a quick shower. Oh, and, Haley, I love you. HALEY : I love you, too. NATHAN : Bye. JAMIE : Do I really have to go to bed, daddy? NATHAN : PJ's, brush teeth, bed. Five minutes. Come on. Chop-chop. JAMIE : Do I have to wear PJ's? Can't I sleep in this? NATHAN : Okay. But just for tonight, all right? Now, come on. Let's go. JAMIE : Awesome! Nathan is in the shower, Carrie joins him but Nathan thinks it's Haley at first NATHAN : Missed you tonight. CARRIE : Oh, I missed you, too. (Nathan realizes) NATHAN : Carrie, Carrie! What are you doing? This is not okay! You have to get out of here! CARRIE : It's okay, Nathan. I love you, too. NATHAN : What are you talking about? You think I love you? Carrie, you have to get out of here. Here, take this. Go. Get out of the shower. Carrie, get out of this bathroom right now! (Haley walks in) NATHAN : Haley, this... SUMMARY:
When Brooke takes Owen to New York for a glimpse of her other life, she's faced with a ghost from her past. Haley reels from a devastating blow to her marriage, while Nathan and Lucas muster their courage to attend Dan's parole hearing. A major record label takes an interest in Peyton's recording artist.
TEXT: Originally written by Marta Kauffman and David Crane Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [] RACHEL: Ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. MONICA: Hi. Uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, and she fell off the balcony and may have broken her foot or ankle or something. NURSE: My god. You still have your Christmas lights up? Fill this out and bring it back to me. RACHEL: Ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. MONICA: All right. Name, address...Ok, in case of emergency call? RACHEL: You. MONICA: Really? RACHEL: Yeah. MONICA: Oh, that is so sweet. Oh gosh. I love you. Insurance? RACHEL: Oh, yeah, check it. Definitely, I want some of that. Monica: You don't have insurance? RACHEL: Why, how much is this gonna cost? MONICA: I have no idea, but x-rays alone could be a couple hundred dollars. RACHEL: Well what are we gonna do? MONICA: There's not much we can do. RACHEL: Um, unless, unless I use yours. MONICA: No no no no no no no no no. RACHEL: Well, now, wait a second. Who did I just put as my "In case of emergency" call person? MONICA: That's insurance fraud. RACHEL: Well, all right, then, forget it. Might as well just go home. Ow! MONICA: Ok. Ok. I hate this. RACHEL: Thank you. Thank you. I love you. MONICA: Hi. Um, I'm gonna need a new set of these forms. NURSE: Why? MONICA: I am really an idiot. You see, I was filling out my friend's forms, and instead of putting her information, I put mine. NURSE: You are an idiot. MONICA: Yep, that's SUMMARY:
At the hospital, Rachel, who has no health insurance, convinces Monica to trade identities with her so she can use Monica's coverage. The women meet two attractive doctors (George Clooney and Noah Wyle) and arrange a date, requiring them to maintain their switched identities. Ursula dumps Joey without actually telling him, so Phoebe pretends to be her so Joey will finally know. Ross doubts his ability to be a father. After Marcel swallows Scrabble tiles and has a trip to the hospital, Ross takes care of him, giving him confidence to be a good father. A repeat of Seinfeld originally aired between both parts of this two-part episode.[12]
TEXT: THE ENEMY OF THE WORLD by DAVID WHITAKER first broadcast - 23rd December 1967 running time - 23mins 45secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. BEACH (The TARDIS fades into existence. The DOCTOR, JAMIE and VICTORIA step out onto the beach to be greeted by crashing waves and a seashore.) JAMIE: Where are we, Doctor? DOCTOR: We're by the seaside, that's where we are. That's all that matters. JAMIE: Aye, but where? VICTORIA: Yes Doctor, we must know. DOCTOR: Oh, stop fussing, you two, come on. (The DOCTOR runs for the water.) DOCTOR: Come on, you two. No wait a minute. See if there's any buckets and spades in the TARDIS. (The DOCTOR takes off his shoes and socks and paddles in the sea.) JAMIE: Buckets and spades? Is he going to dig for worms? VICTORIA: No, he wants us to play sand castles. JAMIE: Sand castles? What does he think we are, a couple of children? [SCENE_BREAK] 2. HOVERCRAFT (On board a nearby hovercraft out at sea one of the three-men crew spots the DOCTOR jumping up and down on the shore.) ANTON: Hey, Rod, pass me them binoculars. ROD: Now what's biting you? ANTON: Some crazy nut dancing a jig. (He peers through the binoculars.) ANTON: Hey, wait a minute. (He peers closer at the DOCTOR through the binoculars.) ANTON: It can't be. (To the other two men.) Get below fast, both of you. ROD: What's the matter? ANTON: Move! [SCENE_BREAK] 3. BEACH (Meanwhile the DOCTOR is still jumping up and down in the sea.) DOCTOR: Come on in, the SUMMARY:
After the Doctor is attacked by a group of mysterious gunmen, he discovers he is the physical double of the famous scientist Salamander.
TEXT: "The Balance" 10th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 1ADA09 [SCENE_BREAK] (Liz and Maria are working at the Crashdown. Liz is in a really good mood, while Maria is having a bad day) Voice-Over: There are days when everything seems wrong, when little things just irk you for no good reason. And then there are days like today when the whole world just sings to you from the minute you open your eyes in the morning, till the minute you shut them again at night, days when you actually enjoy cleaning the milk shake machine. Maria: God, this day sucks. Table 2 says their bacon's not crisp enough. Isn't anybody ever satisfied? (Max and Michael enter the Crashdown) Maria: Well, if it isn't Prince Charming and Quasimodo. (Max and Michael sit down at their usual booth) Michael: Hey, do we have to eat here? Max: I'm, uh, really in the mood for a piece of Men in Black-berry pie. Reminds you of something, don't it? Michael: Compared to nuclear winter, no. Maria: What are you doing? Liz: Max likes cherry cola. What does Michael like? Maria: Cherry cola with arsenic? Michael: Can we please leave? All right? I'll buy you a whole one at the House of Pies. Max: What's your problem, Michael? I thought maybe you'd want to see Maria. Michael: We kind of broke up. Max: What? Why didn't you tell me? Michael: Look, I don't...I'm not sure if we did or didn't. I mean, it's confusing. Liz: Cherry cola. On the house. Maria: Yours is $1.25. Michael: Guess it's not really confusing anymore, is it? (Michael gets up to leave and as he does so, he spills his glass of cola over the table. In the process, Max and Michael's books drop to the floor. Michael picks up Max's notebook and pulls out a sheet of paper that has hieroglyphic symbols from River Dog's cave drawn on it SUMMARY:
A freak December heat wave hits the town which sparks romance as Michael's relationship with Maria heats up and Liz's infatuation with Max intensifies; meanwhile Isabel enters into one of Alex's dreams only to discover she is already there, dancing with Alex.
TEXT: Ext. Daytime. A property overlooking the sea, a garden party. Harrington Estate, Atherson, California Alex Harrington: Let's do it. Thank you, Sadie. Mm-hmm. My friends, I am so proud and happy to welcome you to this celebration of my son Xander, the new C. E.O. of Harrington Media. Where is the little cuss, anyway? Late for work already, not a good sign. Tara Harrington: Elizabeth, text him, would you? Elizabeth Stanfeld: I got it. Tara Harrington: Um, I am sure my husband has a very good excuse for his... (a disoriented man appears at the top of the stairs) Ah, there you are, Xander. (hand on his bloody neck, he collapses) Indoors (in the office Xander Harrington, Cho, Jane, Lisbon, Rigsby) Cho: That's what killed Xander Harrington, and this is where he was attacked. Now the blood trail starts here, right where the letter opener was found. The deputy coroner says it was a single stab wound to the neck. Lisbon: Mmm. Cho: Now the blow sends him backwards. He slams his head, goes down. He's dazed, slowly bleeding out for a good 20 minutes or so, then somehow gathers himself up and goes for help. Coroner couldn't believe he even made it out to the party. Rigsby: Party which was for him. Guy just got a big promotion. Had a wife and kid. How sad is that? Lisbon: Sad. Anything else? Rigsby: Well, according to the victim's father, there was a confidential business file on this desk that's gone missing. Nothing else taken. Jane: What was the file about? Rigsby: Plans for the "Daily Observer", newspaper. Debt restructuring, cost cutting, layoffs. Lisbon: Layoffs? Jane: Any "Observer" employees invited to the party? Ext. reception (At a table, 2 women, 2 men) Jane: So you're reporters for the, uh, "Observer." SUMMARY:
Jane and the CBI team are called to the murder of Xander Harrington; a media mogul and a wealthy media corporation's CEO. The investigation leads to the Visualize Self-Realization Center -- a cult-like religious group whose leader, Bret Stiles, may have had an axe to grind following the publication of a critical story about his group. Jane frets when Stiles mentions the death of his wife and daughter.
TEXT: [Before the teaser there is a montage of scenes from previous episodes.] PARIS'S APARTMENT [Paris and Rory are on the couch eating talk out food, it is the same night as the last episodes.] PARIS: I say we repaint. RORY: Did you ever paint? PARIS: No, Doyle doesn't believe in improving someone else's property. RORY: Men! PARIS: Yeah, men. RORY: Well, we will repaint. PARIS: A new color scheme for a new era. RORY: I'll eat to that. [They toast by knocking chopsticks together] PARIS: Hey this is gonna be great. You and me and a freshly painted apartment, no men -- just lots and lots of Chinese food. RORY: We are going to get huge. PARIS: That's okay. We'll get a treadmill. RORY: Yeah, you always wanted a treadmill. PARIS: I did. Doyle thought, "why get a treadmill when you can walk outside?" RORY: With all the murderers and rapists. PARIS: Exactly what I would say. I'm glad you're back. RORY: Me too... You know, Paris, I'm really sorry about the whole editorship thing. PARIS: It's okay. RORY: I didn't lobby for the job. I mean, I swear I had no idea. PARIS: Forget it. I mean, who are we kidding? I am not cut out to deal with people. I was made to be in a lab or an operating room or a bunker somewhere with a well-behaved monkey by my side. I'm sorry, too, you know, for throwing you out. RORY: Consider it even. [Knock on door] PARIS: Did we actually order that pizza? RORY: I thought it was just discussed. PARIS: [shouting] Who is it? LOGAN: It's Logan. RORY: I don't want to talk to him. PARIS: I got it. [Paris gets up and opens the door] Well, well, if it isn't new haven' SUMMARY:
Rory forgives Logan for his indiscretions, then needs some time for herself, so she pays a visit to Lorelai in Stars Hollow. Although Lorelai refuses to admit that she is upset, Rory can tell that she is bothered by the news that Luke will be gone for a few days on a field trip with his daughter, April. Against Lorelai's wishes, Rory pays a visit to the store owned by April's mother to spy on her. Meanwhile, when Zack finally works up the courage to ask Mrs. Kim for permission to marry Lane, he is surprised at the deal she makes with him.
TEXT: EXT. OPEN FIELD, DAY It is a beautiful day with the sun shining from a clear, blue sky. There is birdsong as a young man spins slowly in the middle of the field. His eyes have a glassy, drugged appearance an there is an imprint of a kiss in red lipstick is just above his lips on the right side. He is approached by three men, two are armed and the third is an older man in an evening jacket. YOUNG MAN: It's a beautiful day. The older man uses his handkerchief to wipe at the lipstick. INT. SHIP'S CORRIDOR We see that the men are actually on a ship OLDER MAN: Hallucinogenic lipstick. She's here. (turns and walks away) INT. SHIP, ANOTHER CORRIDOR A woman strides along the corridor in red high heels, her black dress swirling at her ankles. She stops in front of a door, pulls a gun from her small bag and fires out the lock. The door slides open to reveal a black cube with a hole through its center. She tilts the cube so the top is facing towards her, changes the setting on the gun so it becomes a blowtorch and begins to write on the cube. ---1 2, 0 0 0 Y E A R S L A T E R--- INT MUSEUM The museum looks like it is based on the plans of a medieval church. The DOCTOR strides through, pointing at the displays and giving his opinion. AMY follows. DOCTOR: Wrong! Wrong! Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums. AMY: Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship, Churchill's bunker...? You promised me a planet next. DOCTOR: Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, final resting place of the headless monks, the biggest museum ever. AMY: You've got a time machine, what do you need museums for? DOCTOR: Wrong! Very wrong! Oooh, one SUMMARY:
River Song ( Alex Kingston ), a woman from the Doctor's future, summons him and Amy to help her, Father Octavian ( Iain Glen ), and his group of militarised clerics destroy the last Weeping Angel on the site of the crashed ship Byzantium on the planet Alfava Metraxis. It is revealed that all statues in the stone labyrinth where the ship has crashed are Weeping Angels, and are gaining strength from radiation leaking from the ship. As the Weeping Angels surround the group and several clerics are revealed to be dead, the Doctor destroys the gravity globe which had made the labyrinth unaffected by gravity.
TEXT: Act One Scene One - Radio Station Frasier is waiting anxiously in the booth. He watches as Roz runs down the hallway. He opens the door with an angry expression. Frasier: Where have you been?! We're on in two minutes! Roz: Forgive me, but I was busy preparing your schedule for tomorrow. You've got lunch with the station manager, you're recording a PSA at three o'clock and don't forget to send flowers to your sister-in-law at the hospital. Frasier: Oh yes, Maris's face-lift! Roz: Really? I didn't know she needed one. Frasier: Well, she doesn't, actually. There's nothing wrong with Maris that wouldn't be cured by a little sun, some exercise and a personality. Roz laughs, then drops the rest of the papers in her hand into the wastebasket. Frasier: What are those? Roz: Oh, just extra copies of your schedule. Frasier: Why are you running down to the Xerox room for extra copies of my schedule? It wouldn't have anything to do with that new intern, would it? What's his name? Roz: Eli. Frasier: Roz, he's probably all of nineteen. Roz: That's legal! Frasier: Well, coo-coo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson. Roz: Frasier, the guy is so gorgeous, you just want to bite him all over, haven't you seen him? Frasier: No, I've been eating out lately! You're not seriously thinking of dating him, are you? Roz: Why is it all right for older men to date younger women but it's not okay for older women to date younger men? Frasier: I don't make the rules, Roz, I just enjoy them. Roz: You're on. Roz exits to her booth and cues him. Frasier: Hello, Seattle, this is Dr. Frasier Crane, KACL 780. We're with you for the next three hours so let's get straight to it. Roz, who's our first SUMMARY:
When Maris is admitted to the hospital for a facelift, Niles and Frasier discover that Martin's former police partner, from whom he is estranged, is also hospitalized, and they try to mend the rift.
TEXT: Ryan: Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. I got Jim's uh, old job. Which means at my 10 year high school reunion it will not say "Ryan Howard is a temp." It will say "Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a mid-range paper supply firm....that'll show 'em. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: [after "the kiss"] You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. Pam: Me too....I think we're just drunk. Jim: No I'm not drunk. Are you drunk? Pam: No... [Jim leans in for another kiss] Jim--- Jim: Are you really gonna marry him? [Pam nods]...Ok. [SCENE_BREAK] Dwight: [sobbing] Jim is gone. He's gone. I miss him so much. Ooooh I cry myself to sleep, Jim! [serious] False. I do not miss him. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: No! That is the fun of this place. I call everybody "faggie". Why would anybody find that offensive? Toby: OK I think Oscar would just like if you used "lame" or something like that. Michael: That's what faggie means! Toby: No not really... [SCENE_BREAK] Toby: Apparently you called Oscar "faggie" for liking the movie Shakespeare in Love more than an action movie. Michael: It wasn't just an action movie, it was Die Hard! Toby: All right Michael, but Oscar's really gay. Michael: Exactly! Toby: I mean for real. Michael: Yeah, I know. Toby: No, I mean he's attracted to other men. Michael: OK, a little too far, crossed the line. Toby: OK, I am telling you, Oscar is an actual homosexual. Yeah, he told me this morning. And, obviously he hopes he can count on your discretion. [SCENE_BREAK] Michael: I would have never called him that if I knew. You don't... You don't call SUMMARY:
Months have passed since the end of season two . Jim has transferred to the Stamford branch, and Pam has broken off her engagement with Roy. Michael learns that Oscar is gay, and with Dwight, contacts Jim regarding buying a " gaydar " machine to figure out who else in the office is gay. Michael accidentally outs Oscar to everyone. Feeling bad, Michael hosts a meeting about homosexuality, where he attempts to present himself as open-minded and progressive, and ends up forcing Oscar into kissing him. This results in Dunder Mifflin giving Oscar a three month paid vacation and a company car. Meanwhile, Jim attempts to adjust to life at the Stamford branch, with his new co-workers Andy and Karen. Jim's attempts to make Andy the 'new Dwight' fail when Andy reacts violently to Jim's Jell-O prank.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Regina: Arthur knows we freed Merlin and he's really not happy about it. I've been waiting for you, Emma. Guinevere: Take this traitor to the dungeon where he belongs. Regina: The Crimson Crown. It's used to communicate through magical barriers. He must have been trying to communicate with Merlin. Can you free Emma from the darkness? Sure. ( Groans ) How long do you think you can hold my heart and threaten me? As long as it takes for me to get what I want. The only one who can get me that sword is you. I can't be the hero you want. What are you doing? Reminding you what you have to fight for. [SCENE_BREAK] [ Camelot - 6 weeks ago ] [SCENE_BREAK] (In the dungeon, a flash makes knights blind. Hook and David enters, they fight against them and win. Merlin uses his powers on a knight to knock out him.) Hook: Not bad for a bloke who spent the last thousand years in a tree. Merlin: Just like riding a bike. David: Well, it won't be long before Arthur knows we're here. How do you know what a bike is? Merlin: Do you really think all my prophecies came true because of luck? This way. (Merlin stops the group. Knights walk through the room.) Hook: Bloody hell. You really can see the future. Merlin: Bits and pieces, yeah. [SCENE_BREAK] (The group arrives to Lancelot's cell.) Lancelot: Charming? David: It's okay. Mary Margaret and I are no longer under Arthur's control. Lancelot: How did you break his thrall over you? Hook: They didn't, mate. Merlin: I did. Lancelot: Merlin. Merida: What about me, now? You here to free me, too? Hook: Merida? David: How did you end up in there? Merida: Long story. But after what your daughter did to me, letting me out is the least you can do. Hook: Aye. She SUMMARY:
In Camelot, Merida enlists Belle on a mission to save her brothers from the United Clans by using a spell to battle the clans, but Belle believes that her faith in fate should be enough to make Merida brave. In Storybrooke, Emma tries to force Merida to kill Belle so she can make Gold heroic. When Gold finally realizes that Belle sees him as a coward, Gold brings out his bravery by defeating Merida after the archer turns into a bear. Gold then releases Excalibur and places it at Emma's feet but tells her that he is the hero now. At the same time Emma offers Zelena a deal while the residents discovers Arthur's deception, as well as discovering a message from Merlin with help from Henry.
TEXT: THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY STRATOSPHERE TOWER / MOON (STOCK) - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. FILM DEVELOPERS - NIGHT] (GRISSOM and CATHERINE stand next to a film projector and watch the film on screen. The FILM PROCESSOR, who called it in, stands on the opposite side of the projector. On screen, she's showing them the p0rn film she recently developed.) (On screen, the man finishes and the woman lies back on the bed.) FILM PROCESSOR (WOMAN): Okay, this is where it got weird. (On screen, the man pulls the woman off of the bed by the wrist. He holds her up close, his back to the camera. He pulls a knife. The woman struggles to get out of his grip.) (The man puts the knife against the woman's neck.) Woman: (on film) Don't... (He pulls the knife and cuts the woman's neck, blood spatters everywhere. The woman struggles to breathe, then falls to the floor and out of camera frame.) (CATHERINE isn't unaffected by the film.) FILM PROCESSOR (WOMAN): I've processed hundreds of bogus snuff films. But this, this one just felt different. Catherine: (closes her eyes for a moment) Yeah, it should. arterial spray was real. (GRISSOM watches grimly as the blood drops on the camera lens slowly slide downward.) Grissom: It's not fake blood. It's human. That was a murder... on 16 millimeter. HARD CUT TO: END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] THIS PROGRAM CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. FILM DEVELOPERS - NIGHT] (GRISSOM puts on SUMMARY:
Catherine, Sara and Warrick are left without a body or crime scene when a snuff film shows the real murder of a young woman. Meanwhile Grissom and Nick are trying to find the identity and killer of a body found in a tool chest, covered with fire ants .
TEXT: TEASER (Open: Roswell, New Mexico. A man is searching for aliens in a desert.) MARVIN: (on phone) I can't hear you-the reception's bad out here. Aliens? I told you baby, I'm done hunting aliens. I am on the road. Yeah, in Florida, yeah. What? No I'm in my hotel room working late. You're just going to have to trust me, babe. Yeah. Well, I'm s- I'm sorry that's the way you feel. A souvenir from Florida. Oh, babe, I can't take a... like, a list right now. Well, there are no pens or pads in this hotel. (Shines flashlight on a body) Oh, my god! Babe! I found one. No, not a pen -- an alien. A real one. Oh, my god, I gotta get a picture of this. (Takes a picture on phone) (Twigs snap and Marvin turns around.) MARVIN: What's that?! Baby, there's more of them. I come in peace. I'm Marvin Breekman but you can call me Marvin. Or Marv. (Screams and runs away) Oh, my god, oh, my god! [SCENE_BREAK] (Cut to: Jeffersonian - Medico Legal Lab - Angela's Office) WENDELL: I made reservations at the club. DJ Spider tonight, then back to my place? ANGELA: I'm not sure if I can wait for tonight. WENDELL: Okay, I was fine until you just said that. ANGELA: You know, I have a key to the Egyptian storage room. WENDELL: Not on campus, not at work. ANGELA: Come on, are you really as virtuous as you seem? WENDELL: I can be very bad when the time is right. (They kiss.) WENDELL: We do get a very generous lunch break, and there's a little hotel a few blocks away. ANGELA: Wow, Mr. Bray. ( SUMMARY:
An out-of-this-world case brings Brennan and Booth to New Mexico where they investigate human remains with extraterrestrial attributes. The victim is identified as a local UFO fanatic, known around town for her relentless search for alien life forms and whose latest "evidence" leads even Brennan and Booth to re-think outside existence. Meanwhile, a local sheriff refuses to release the bones, forcing the team at the Jeffersonian to work via satellite, and Angela and Jeffersonian intern Wendell come clean about their relationship.
TEXT: In front of a house (Marco is dressed for the beach; Ellie is wearing all black. They are walking towards a blue van.) Marco: I don't know why you hate Paige. Ellie: 'Cause she's pure evil? Marco: She's very sweet, actually. And don't worry about today, okay? You're my guest. (Marco and Ellie reach the van. Paige opens the door.) Paige: Ellie, hun, I thought vampires couldn't go out in the sun. Spinner: I guess that leaves shotgun for DelStudly. Unless he wants to sit back here with his honey. Marco: No, that's cool. Uh, shotgun for me. Paige: Oh, uh, Marco, meet my brother, Dylan, our chauffeur for the day. Dylan: Hey Marco! Marco: Hey. (Stares at Dylan) [Opening Credits] At the beach, the gang is climbing out of the car Jimmy: Dylan, thanks for the ride, man. Bring on the bikinis! Spinner: Woo-hoo! Beach! Hazel: Nice beach! Wow, we are going to have so much fun! Marco: Come on, El. Cheer up. Paige: Hey guys, don't forget the umbrellas. (She hands Spinner a colorful basket from the rear of the car.) Hazel: Okay. Spinner: Yeah, um, I'm not carrying that. Paige: Why not? Spinner: What, want me to look like some homo? (He gets a look from Paige and Dylan)No, not, not homo as in gay, homo as in, uh... Dylan: Milk? It's okay. I told her not to pack that ridiculous picnic basket. Paige: Gee, and I told Spin not to be an insensitive jerk today. Jimmy: Guys, let's go! Marco: Guys, where's the water gun? Spinner: Wait, where are the marshmallows? (The gang walks towards the beach.) At the Nelson-Simpson household (Spike is walking and bouncing baby Jack. Snake and Emma enter the house.) Snake: Acho SUMMARY:
The skeletons in Marco's closet are brought to the forefront when Ellie refuses to pretend to be his girlfriend any longer and he soon falls for Paige's gay brother, Dylan. Meanwhile, Snake suddenly develops a mysterious illness that causes spontaneous bleeding and dizziness.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Buffy entering the house. BUFFY: Hey Mom. Joyce lying on the sofa. BUFFY: Mom? Mommy? WILLOW: There's some money stuff we're gonna have to talk to you about. BUFFY: So you're telling me I'm broke? XANDER: Hospital bills. WILLOW: Pretty much sucked up all the money. BUFFY: I don't think I can do this. GILES: Yes you can. The Geek Trio in flashback. WARREN: So... you guys wanna team up and take over Sunnydale? JONATHAN/ANDREW: Okay. The Geeks in their lair. JONATHAN: We're like super-villains. The geeks laughing their lame villain laughs. Buffy and Spike sitting on the back porch. BUFFY: Why are you always around when I'm miserable? SPIKE: That's when you're alone, I reckon. I'm not one for crowds myself these days. Spike and Buffy exchanging a look. BUFFY: Me neither. SPIKE: That works out nicely then. Buffy walking through the living room SUMMARY:
Buffy is in serious need of money to support herself and Dawn, and she tries to focus on bringing in some money. However, her attempts fail as Jonathan, Warren, and Andrew create a number of obstacles to test her ability.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] LUKE'S APARTMENT [Luke and Lorelai are asleep. Lorelai wakes up and leans toward Luke.] LORELAI: Hey. Wake up. LUKE: Huh? LORELAI: Wake up. LUKE: No. LORELAI: Come on, you're missing it. LUKE: Is "it" sleep? 'Cause you'd be right. LORELAI: Smell the air. Smell it. [She pulls the blankets off him.] LUKE: It smells cold. LORELAI: Come on. LUKE: What? No, it's freezing. LORELAI: Come on! [She pulls him out of bed.] LUKE [grunting]: The floor's cold. LORELAI: Geez, you're so obsessed with the cold. LUKE: Because it's cold! LORELAI: I know. [Luke growls.] LORELAI [mimicking]: Grumble, grumble. [She leads him out the door.] STAR'S HOLLOW STREET - OUTSIDE LUKE'S [Lorelai walks to the middle of the street and stops. Luke follows grudgingly.] LUKE: I'm turning numb. LORELAI: Keep moving. LUKE: Are my feet still attached to my body or did they snap off coming down the stairs? LORELAI [looks]: They're still there. LUKE: Why are we out here? LORELAI: Take a deep breath. LUKE: What? LORELAI: Do it. LUKE: Yeah. LORELAI: Oh, yeah. I smell snow. LUKE: What? LORELAI: It's coming. I always know. I can smell it, and I'm never wrong. LUKE: It wasn't in the forecast. LORELAI [sighs happily]: It's just my favorite time of the year. The whole world changes color. LUKE SUMMARY:
Wanting to make peace with Rory, Christopher shows up at Yale, but she brushes off his attempt at compromise. When Lorelai learns that Christopher's father just died, she spends the evening at his place trying to comfort him, then disdains to tell Luke the truth about where she was. Also, Emily & Richard are briefly reconciled when they find and take in a lost dog.
TEXT: [Scene: The docks outside Dawson's House. Dawson and Pacey are sitting on the end of the docks fishing, and it is really early in the morning.] Pacey: Maybe we're too early. Maybe the fish are still asleep. Dawson: Fish don't sleep, Pacey. Pacey: You know, I'm really glad we're hanging out, but... Did our first jaunt together in months really have to be at sunrise? Dawson: Oh. I got something to tell you that I have a feeling will keep you awake. I like your sister, Pacey. Pacey: You like her, or you like her like her? Dawson: I'm talking about Gretchen Witter, not Winnie cooper. Pacey: Well, are we talking about the feelings of fondness and fellowship that naturally follow from an obligatory mistletoe kiss, or am I going to find you outside of my house holding a boom box over your head? Dawson: I'm crazy about her. Pacey: Well...You've had a crush on her for years. I mean, that's all this is, right? Dawson: No. This is more than a grade school crush. And even though she won't acknowledge it, I think, on some level, she feels the same way about me. Pacey: It's a hell of a lot to digest before breakfast, Dawson. Dawson: Well...Last spring, if you'd come to me and just told me how you felt about Joey, it would have made things a hell of a lot easier. So that's all I'm trying to do. Pacey: Dawson, you and I are friends. Friends. But sisters... Sisters are... Dawson: Off limits? Pacey: Yes! Sisters are off limits. They're like mothers, only pretty. Dawson: I'm not asking for your permission, Pace. I'm just letting you know. Pacey: So what are your plans? Dawson: My plans? Pacey: Yeah, to pursue my sister. What are you going to do? Dawson: Nothing. Pacey: Nothing? Dawson: Mm-hmm. Pacey: Well SUMMARY:
Pacey and Dawson finally start hanging out together again when Dawson tells him that he has feelings for Gretchen. Pacey hates the idea, so when he and Gretchen go on a road trip to her ex-boyfriend's house to pick up her truck, Pacey tries to get them back together. However, after being there for a while, Pacey sees that the guy he's trying to get Gretchen back together with is not who he thought he was. Back in Capeside, Joey has her fair share of problems when she gets locked in a storage area at the Yacht Club with Drue Valentine, an event he set up to avoid going to visit his father. Meanwhile, Dawson observes the feelings growing between Brooks and Grams and fears that Grams will get hurt when she finds out that Brooks is terminally ill. Gretchen finally gives into her feelings for Dawson.
TEXT: INT. WAREHOUSE CLUB - NIGHT (MUSIC PLAYS B.G.) (MUSIC PLAYS AS JOHN WALKS ACROSS THE ROOM) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. STAIRCASE - DAY (VOICES B.G.) (JOHN RUSHES TO THE MEN'S ROOM/ URINATES) (ACTION CONTINUES: JOHN MOVES THE TRASHCAN TO THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM) (MUSIC OVER ACTION/CEILING COLLAPSES) (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] EXT. WAREHOUSE - DAY TONY: Kate, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while. KATE: What's that? TONY: What do you do with your leftover cereal when there's not enough to eat but there's too much to throw away? Because I was having Captain Crunch this morning and I was... KATE: (OVERLAP) Tony, I'm really not in the mood today. TONY: Well, I was just trying to take your mind off him. KATE: Who? TONY: The one that got away. KATE: Tony, I'm not thinking about that damn terrorist. TONY: Sorry. KATE: Look at Gibbs. He's been growling like a wounded bear since that night. TONY: Well, he is wounded, and he always growls like a bear. It's his way of never letting anyone know when he's hurting. Yours is being moody. KATE: (V.O.) I'm not moody! [SCENE_BREAK] INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY TONY: Oh, what do you call it? I feel sorry for whatever his name is. KATE: Sorry? TONY: Yeah. I wouldn't want Gibbs on my ass. KATE: We're never going to see that guy again. TONY: Maybe not. Gib SUMMARY:
During a rave party, the body of a petty officer falls through the basement ceiling. Preliminary investigation suggests that the petty officer was killed in the nearby parking lot, and was dressed after his death. Upon checking the victim's room, evidence surfaces that he might have been taking financial bribes or someone else may have been blackmailing him. Gibbs suspects the victim's co-workers of involvement in the death when their separate versions of events are too consistent. Forensic evidence links them to the scene, and they eventually confess that their coworker's death was a result of a prank gone wrong. However, Gibbs believes that the petty officer's death was more than just an accident.
TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name: Merlin." Nimueh drops some of her blood into a stone basin. Nimueh: *spell* Nimueh drops a flower petal in the water. She watches Merlin in the water, pulls out the petal and puts it in a silver goblet. Nimueh: Merlin. Castle throne room Bayard and his men arrive in Camelot, they meet Uther his men in the Throne Room. Uther: Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Mercia. The treaty we sign today marks and end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people. Uther and Bayard grasp arms. Both parties applaud while Nimueh stares Merlin down. Castle - Upper corridor Merlin passes Gaius while carrying a heavy bag. Merlin: Why do I always get landed with the donkey work? Gaius: You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do. Merlin: My arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside. Gaius: It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds...a harder soul. Merlin: There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up. Gaius: No. I didn't. Nimueh fakes a fall right in front of Merlin. Nimueh: Sorry. Merlin: It's alright. Nimueh: Excuse me. Merlin: Let me give you a hand with that. Merlin crouches down and catches Nimueh's eye. They stand up. Merlin: Hi. I'm Merlin. Merlin shakes Nimueh's hand. Nimueh: Cara. You're Arthur's servant. That must be such an honour. Merlin: Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running. Nimueh: Thank you, Merlin. Merlin: Hmm? Merlin looks down at the pillow SUMMARY:
While Camelot prepares to celebrate peace with Mercia's visiting ruler Bayard, Nimueh forges a poisoned chalice and replaces it with one due to be given to Arthur. The disguised sorceress then warns Merlin, blaming Bayard. Uther makes Merlin test the goblet by drinking from it (as he is a 'disposable' servant) and Merlin collapses. Gaius diagnoses a fatal poison; the only cure is from a flower which grows only in certain caves, but the perilous journey to it may take too long. Arthur bravely rides out, although Uther forbids him to 'risk a king' for a pawn. Nimueh plays the damsel in distress and local guide, to make sure Arthur is exposed to horrible monsters, but even on his deathbed Merlin conjures magical aid. When Arthur brings the flower, Uther jails his disobedient heir and refuses to have it brought to Gaius. Gwen's ingenuity solves that problem, but they still have to deal with Bayard.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Devon : Ain't nobody gonna give no roster spot to no fool with no green elf shoes on. Dan : What are the chances of another heart becoming available? Doctor : This time when it goes off, call us. Devon : I'm taking that last shot, or I'm taking a seat. Bobby : Take a seat. Jack : Child services keeps showing up, looking for me. I probably won't see you for a while. Julian : I never had a letterman jacket. Brooke : Now you do Julian : I want you to have this. It means we're going steady. Lucas : I want a director who can make the little things the big things. And you are just not the guy to do that. Paul : Pick one... if you don't, I'm gonna choose your director for you. Adam Reese : Appreciate you meeting me. What do you want, Reese? I'm directing the movie. It's done! AT THE STUDIO / TRIC Girl #1 : You can work your whole "I'm Nathan Scott, Mr. Big shot, scoring my touchdowns" on somebody else, because... Man #1 : I don't even play football. Girl #1 : Whatever... the point is, at the end of the day, all your bluster and B.S. Don't mean anything to math, because math don't care, and neither do I. Man : Well, does English care? 'cause I pretty much suck at that, too. Adam Reese : Thank you. Thank you for that. Haley : I like her poncho. Nathan : Why am I shirtless? Adam Reese : Yeah, let's do one where he wears a poncho and she's shirtless. Lucas : He was kidding. He was kidding. You guys were great. Thank you. So, what'd you guys think? Reese : Really? Didn't realize Julian had given creative control to all four of us. Adam Reese : They're the real people. Don' SUMMARY:
Tree Hill is in an uproar again when Lucas has problems with the casting for the movie and Peyton tries to solve the wedding plans. Brooke meets the actress who will play her in the movie. Nathan gets good news and Haley must make a tough decision by herself. Dan advises Jamie on how to deal with a school crush. This episode is named after a song by Soul Coughing .
TEXT: "THE INVASION" BY DERRICK SHERWIN FROM A STORY BY KIT PEDLER First broadcast - 2nd November 1968 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. THE BORDERLINE BETWEEN REALITY AND FICTION (The TARDIS reforms, its shattered pieces clicking and locking seamlessly together.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. THE CONSOLE ROOM OF THE TARDIS (The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are safe.) JAMIE: Doctor! It's all right, it worked! DOCTOR: Jamie! You're right! We... we... we'd better just check though. ZOE: Are we actually on our way, Doctor, or are we stuck somewhere? DOCTOR: Well let's see shall we? (He activates the scanner, which reveals the dark, looming shadow of the moon.) JAMIE: Wh... where are we, what's that? ZOE: It's the moon, isn't it Doctor? DOCTOR: Yes, yes. That's the dark side of the moon. We seem to have stopped in space. (We see the inky blackness of space beyond the dark side of the moon, the TARDIS hovering in its shadow.) ZOE: I remember seeing this before. DOCTOR: Ssh Zoe. (As the scanner pans slowly round, they see a dim light on the moon's surface.) DOCTOR: That light on the moon's surface, do you see it? ZOE: Doctor! It's getting bigger! (The light is spiralling towards them, a pin prick in the dark getting gradually larger.) ZOE: It's coming towards us! DOCTOR: Zoe... that's a missile! JAMIE: (In panic.) A what? ZOE: It's a missile. Somebody's fired a missile at us Jamie! Oh Doctor, come on, let's get out of here! DOCTOR: Don't fuss me Zoe. (He pulls open a panel on the console and yanks out some circuits.) ZOE: Well what's happened? DOC SUMMARY:
The TARDIS lands in London where the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe agree to help find Isobel Watkins' missing uncle.Searching for Professor Watkins at his last place of work,a multinational electronics supplier, hemeets the company's managing director. He's not what he seems - and possesses alien technology in his office.
TEXT: Originally written by Doty Abrams Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [at Ross's. Carol and Susan are picking Ben up] ROSS: Ok. Here's his diaper bag, and his uh, Mr. Winky, and uh...oh, him. Hi! CAROL: So how did everything go? ROSS: Oh, great. Great. There was a projectile, uh, throwing up incident, but he started it. CAROL: Well, we've gotta go. ROSS: Ok. SUSAN: [clears her throat] CAROL: Oh, right. Um, I've got some news. It's about us. ROSS: Oh, you and me? CAROL: Uh, no, Susan and me. SUSAN: The other us. ROSS: Ok. CAROL: We're uh, we're getting married. ROSS: As in, "I now pronounce you wife and wife" married? CAROL: Anyway, we'd like you to come, but we totally understand if you don't want to. ROSS: Why wouldn't I want to come? I had fun at the first wedding. CAROL: Look I just thought that... ROSS: No no no, I mean, hey, why shouldn't I be happy for you? What would it say about me if I couldn't revel in your joy? I'm revelling baby, believe me! SUSAN: Is your finger caught in that chair? ROSS: Mmm hmmm. CAROL: Want us to go? ROSS: Uh-huh. [at Rachel and Monica's] ROSS: This is so cool. You're actually gonna be on television. JOEY: It really hit me last night. I'm gonna be on Days of our Lives. And then I started thinkin' about all of u, and how these are the days of our lives.. MONICA: Yes! Carol and Susan's caterer had a mountain bike accident this weekend, and she's in a full body cast. ROSS, CHANDLER & JOEY: Yes! SUMMARY:
Carol and Susan hire Monica to cater their lesbian wedding, though the upcoming nuptials soon runs into a snag that Ross helps untangle. Phoebe believes she is possessed by an eighty-two-year-old client's spirit who died during a massage session. The woman's widower tells Phoebe that his late wife did not want to die until she saw "everything." Rachel is shocked when her visiting mother ( Marlo Thomas ) announces she is leaving Rachel's father.
TEXT: [In the living room of the Waldorf] Gossip Girl (Blair and his servants preparing the evening): Nate being party to help Chuck's father to close his yacht for the season, B. has plenty of time to devote himself to the most important event of the fall: his sleepover. A tradition must! Each year surpassing the previous in terms of decadence. Reputations are made as quickly as they come apart. As for the budget, it is unlimited! Of bed linen glittering grand buffet, nothing is missing except the best friend of Blair, the chief star of sleepovers, I named S. Van Der Woodsen! [At the Art Gallery of Rufus] Dan: Dad, I'm going to the bank. You want me to deposit the check from Mom while I'm there? (Shakes a bag filled with coins) Rufus: Tell me, you've robbed a parking meter? Dan: Nah, I finally decided to break the bank that you gave me for my 10 years. It can not be both a man and still have a piggy bank! It was time for me to kill the pig in china! Rufus: So it's finally the big night? Dan: Yeah, and I planned everything. (Looking at his bag filled with coins) An evening that will weigh three pounds in order to nose! Rufus: I know my hot date back to last for ages but I can not believe that cinema has risen to that point! Dan: I'm going out with Serena Van Der Woodsen, I can still not take her to the movies! I want it to be as exceptional evening! Uh... the check, you want me to file it? (Rufus looks away) You still have not told him. Dad, this is the first time she sells a painting, you would still have prevented, it is not nothing to it! Rufus: I know, suddenly I thought it would be a good idea to surprise her. I intend to go to Hutson give him the check in person. Dan: Um. Rufus: What? The good news is better to announce the opposite, right? Dan: It's quite the opposite. If she sees you land it may concern. Rufus: You' SUMMARY:
Dan makes elaborate plans to impress Serena on their first official date. The same night, Jenny is invited to the infamous Blair Waldorf sleepover and finds herself in a high-stakes game of "truth or dare". Meanwhile, when Lily discovers that Eric is missing from his treatment center, she finds herself seeking help from her ex-boyfriend, Rufus.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] ERIN: I got up and I sang at an open Mike the other night. HALEY: I was there. ERIN: What do you mean you were there? HALEY: Well, Red Bedroom Records is my label. I think you're great. I would love to meet with you sometime. CLAY: You're gonna be great at this. And Troy must agree with me because he wants you to be his Agent. Congratulations, you signed your first client. ATTORNEY: So, you see, even if you were to liquidate all the company's assets, you'd only be able to pay back your investors 70% of what they lost. BROOKE: What if I liquidate everything? ATTORNEY: Are we talking about your personal fortune? BROOKE: Everything I own. BROOKE: Can I help you? SYLVIA: Is my son here? BROOKE: Oh, please, God, no. JAMIE'S BEDROOM Julian makes documentary about Jamie but he doesn't speak. JULIAN: So, you think I could get a smile? Come on, man. Really? What, you're just gonna go the rest of your life without smiling? Well, what if I told you a joke? Or what if I made this sound? Blah-la-lu bloo-ba-do boo-boo-ba-do. Okay, well, do me a favor. Just smile for one second. And then you can live the rest of your sourpuss life in peace. How about it? I got to say, the braces aren't that bad, bro. I'm serious. I mean, maybe you could use a gold tooth or some bling, but overall, it's a good look. JAMIE: I think it sucks. AIRPORT Clay brings Nathan to the airport. NATHAN: This sucks. CLAY: It doesn't suck. NATHAN: It kind of does. CLAY: It doesn't, and it won't. NATHAN: It did the last time. CLAY: Yeah SUMMARY:
Nathan's career as an agent takes a big step forward when he visits Atlanta, while Haley consoles Jamie regarding his new braces. The drama between Brooke and Sylvia finally comes to a head, and Chase makes a decision regarding Mia and Alex. This episode is named after a song by Phantogram . Opening theme song performed by Grace Potter .
TEXT: Teleplay by: Michael Perricone, Greg Elliot, Chris Levinson and Zack Estrin Story by: Javier Grillo-Marxuach [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: Cairo, Egypt. Three men are at a house. One of them smashes the glass on the door, reaches inside and opens the door.] Wesley: Told you. Piece of cake. Clay: Let's just do this and get out of here. Wesley: Relax, Clay. I told you no one's home, the owner is dead. Palmer: Stay here and keep watch. We'll get the urn. (Wesley and Palmer walk into another room while Clay stands at the doorway.) Clay doesn't know does he? Wesley: Why spook him? He probably believes it was the curse that killed the old man. Palmer: He was stung to death by a scorpion, Wesley. In a bathroom of an aeroplane. Wesley: Don't tell me you believe in that crap. Palmer: You think I'd be here if I did? (He sees the urn.) Is that it? Wesley: That's it. (They walk over to it and Wesley picks it up.) You see any scorpions around? Palmer: No, just dollar signs. Let's go. (A picture on the side of the urn glows and disappears. Clay comes up to them.) Clay: Hey, man, there's a car coming. You guys must've tripped an alarm. Wesley: Let's get outta here. (Two guards come in. Clay, Wesley and Palmer hide behind some plants.) Clay: Should've never let you guys talk me into this. Wesley: Shut up. We'll split up and meet in San Francisco. Give the urn to your friend and hock it right away. Palmer: Don't you think about ripping us off 'cause I'll find you. (Clay leaves. Wesley starts walking away but stops when he sees magic dust floating in the air in front of him. The dust turns into a woman - the protector of SUMMARY:
Phoebe and Prue have their hands full when an ex-boyfriend of Phoebe's shows up looking for Prue to auction off a stolen and cursed Egyptian urn, all while trying to keep the auction house from closing due to bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Piper decides to use her powers in an attempt to match up a couple employees at Quake, but ultimately her intentions may backfire.
TEXT: THE STONES OF BLOOD BY: DAVID FISHER Part Three Running time: 24:27 [SCENE_BREAK] EMILIA: She never told me she was related to the Montcalm family. DOCTOR: She isn't. She is the Montcalm family, and the Trefusis family and the Camara family. And no doubt she's the managing director of the firm that owns the circle now. These three portraits are of the same person. EMILIA: But look at the dates. There's a hundred and fifty years. DOCTOR: So? What's a hundred and fifty years when you've been around for more than four thousand? EMILIA: You mean? DOCTOR: Yes. She's the Cailleach. DOCTOR: Run. Come on. Quick. [SCENE_BREAK] EMILIA: I never thought we'd get out of there alive. DOCTOR: Come on, we're not clear yet. On you go. DOCTOR: Fascinating, isn't it? EMILIA: Doctor, did I understand you correctly? That thing is made of stone? DOCTOR: Yes, and it's closing on us fast. EMILIA: But it's impossible! DOCTOR: No, it isn't. We're standing still. EMILIA: I meant a silicon based lifeform is unknown, unheard of, impossible. DOCTOR: Maybe it doesn't realise that. EMILIA: Doctor? DOCTOR: What is it, what is it? EMILIA: In the cause of science, I think it our duty to capture that creature. DOCTOR: How? Have you any plans? EMILIA: We could track it to its lair. DOCTOR: Come on! [SCENE_BREAK] EMILIA: We're trapped! EMILIA: I know you're under considerable strain, Doctor, but please keep a grip on yourself. DOCTOR: Ole! EMILIA: Is it dead, do you suppose? DOCTOR: How do you kill a stone? Let's go SUMMARY:
The Doctor transfers to Hyperspace to save Romana from her imprisonment and has a run in with the Megara Justice machines during his search.
TEXT: Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Dawn sitting on her bed writing in her diary. DAWN VOICEOVER: No one knows who I am. Not the real me. No one understands. No one has an older sister who's a slayer. BUFFY: I know it's always been this way. She's the baby. Shot of Dawn in the shadows. BUFFY: But for some reason lately, it's just really getting to me. RILEY: Well, yeah. You're like her idol, Buffy. Anya grabbing Dawn's shoulder. ANYA: What do you think you're doing? DAWN: Leave me alone. ANYA: I will after you come back inside the house. (Grabs Dawn and starts shoving her back toward the door.) DAWN: Let go of me! (breaks free) ANYA: No, it's not safe out here! Shot of vampire growling. Shot of vampire hitting Anya, who goes flying into Joyce's kitchen and collapses on the floor. XANDER: Anya! Xander and Riley helping Anya up. RILEY: This head wound looks bad. We gotta get her to the hospital. Fade in on Buffy, Riley, Xander, and Anya sitting in Xander's basement. The guys are sitting on the sofa, with the girls sitting on the floor each in front of her respective boyfriend. They're watching TV, except Buffy, who has a book in her lap and is studying it. Xander's holding the TV remote. Anya's right arm is in a sling. XANDER: Wish I had something food-like to offer you guys, but the hot plate's out of commission. ANYA: We think the cat peed on it. On the TV, one Asian guy screams, and a bunch of other Asian guys perform kung-fu on each other. XANDER: I do have Spaghetti-O's. Set 'em on top of the dryer and you're a fluff cycle away from lukewarm goodness SUMMARY:
Xander is split into two people by a demon, one strong, the other weak. The lame Xander is unhappy that the cool Xander lives his life better than he can, getting an apartment and a date with Anya .
TEXT: [The episode opens with Ted and Blake exiting a free clinic. Ted looks like he's about to collapse; he appears to be in a state of shock.] Ted: You obsessed about it, you fantasized about it. You finally hear the news... Blake: Take a deep breath. Ted: All you can think about is why me? How could this happen, how could... how can I be... Negative? Blake: Luck? Ted: Such a luck. [He sees a couple over to the side crying over receiving bad news - and Ted's got survivor's guilt written all over his face.] Blake: So what's next? Ted: Job, I guess. I became quite adept at cleaning toilets back at rehab. Polished that porcelain so bright you could see your face - before you puked. Blake: Let me ask you. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? Ted: Well - you'd laugh. Blake: Try me. Ted: I've always wanted to sing opera. Back in college, I even took some lessons. Instructor said I wasn't half bad. Of course I was paying him. Blake: So sing! Ted: What, are you kidding? That was just a dream. What I need is something practical. Blake: No, what you need is something you love, something that'll make you feel good. [Emmett, Michael and Brian are walking along Liberty Avenue, apparently coming from the gym. Emmett grabs his own imaginary love handles.] Emmett: So I've been going to the gym religiously - Brian: Is that why you were kneeling in the steam room? Emmett: I gotta get back in shape! Michael: You look fine, Em. Emmett: FINE? Just "fine"?! Fine's fine for you two. You each have a husband. [Brian gives him that look.] Emmett: Wife? Partner? Passing acquaintance? Anyway, for those of us adrift on the sea of singledom, it's "Sparkle, Neely sparkle!" [Emmett's journey comes to an abrupt halt when he catches sight of Ted and Blake.] Emmett SUMMARY:
Brian warns Justin about his involvement with Cody and the Pink Posse. Ted continues to push his friends away as he begins a new job. Vic and Rodney decide to move in together.
TEXT: Act 1 Scene 1 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Classical music is playing on the stereo. Frasier hurries in from the kitchen, turns up the volume, and begins to conduct to the air. [N.B. "Variations on a Theme of Joseph Haydn," Op. 56, by Johannes Brahms.] Martin and Ronee come in the front door behind him. Smiling, Martin walks up directly behind Frasier as the piece ends. Martin: Boo! Frasier lets out a startled squawk as Ronee and Martin laugh. Frasier: That is not funny! You don't sneak up on someone and startle them! Martin: First of all, it's very funny. And secondly, I only did it to prove a point. Ronee: And you called it: he does scream like a woman. Frasier: I do not scream like a woman. It was a manly throaty wail. Niles comes in the front door. Niles: Frasier, you may want to call security. As I got off the elevator, I heard a woman screaming hysterically. Frasier: That was me! I was innocently conducting some Brahms and our madcap father decided to startle me. Martin: Oh, quit whinin'. I used to scare you kids all the time when we went camping and you used to love it. Remember the story about the couple making out in the car who got slashed by the killer with the hook? He sits at the table as Ronee brings some beers over. Frasier: Yes, and I remember I couldn't kiss a woman in a car until I was thirty. Ronee: Well, your father doesn't have that problem, Mr. Reclining Bucket Seats. Martin lets out a suggestive chuckle as she sits. Frasier: Want me to scream again? Niles: Dad, when'd you get the new cane? Martin: Oh, Ronee got it for me. He stands up to show it off. Ronee: Yeah, he's to young for that old- SUMMARY:
Frasier is becoming fed up with his father playing tricks on him, and mocking the effeminate scream that his pranks provoke. It happens that Frasier is treating a patient who has the rare condition of coulrophobia - fear of clowns. Part of the treatment he has planned is to dress up as a clown , so he has a very comprehensive costume. In a bid for vengeance on his father, Frasier disguises himself as a clown, which Martin hates. After Frasier jumps out at him wearing the outfit, Martin has a heart attack and is hospitalized. This spurs Martin to propose to Ronee while recovering.
TEXT: Scene: The apartment. Howard: T-minus 60 seconds. Raj: Oh, it all comes down to this. Leonard: Oh, I've got butterflies. Sheldon: Don't get soft on me, Hofstadter. I will slap those glasses right off your face. Penny: What's going on? Leonard: Hey. We're about to buy tickets for Comic-Con. Penny: Oh. Howard: T Minus 45 seconds. Leonard: They sell out incredibly fast, but as long as one of us gets in, we can buy passes... Sheldon: Good Lord, this is not the time for flirting, keep it in your pants. Penny: This is a whole lot of weird before coffee. Howard: T-minus 30 seconds. Raj: Oh, I have to go to the bathroom so bad. Sheldon: Every year. I told you, wear a diaper. Raj: And I told you I get diaper rash. Howard: 15 seconds. Leonard: Well, this is it, this is it. This is it. Howard: Five, four, three, two, one. Sheldon: It's live. Go, go, go, go, go. Raj: Anyone in? Sheldon: No. Leonard: Not yet. Howard: Nope. Sheldon: Do not stop refreshing your screens. All (repeatedly): Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.... Penny: Yeah, this is not gonna be enough coffee. Credits sequence. Scene: The same, shortly after. All (repeatedly): Refresh... Refresh... Refresh... Howard: It's been ten minutes. We're running out of time. Penny: To be cool? Yeah. Leonard: I did it, I did it, I'm in the queue. Sheldon: Yay! And they say firefighters are the real heroes. Raj: Uh, what number in line are you? Leonard: Uh, fifteen... Howard: Great. Leonard:...thousand two hundred and eleven. Howard: Damn. Raj: Oh, they only have Thursday and Sunday passes left. Howard: Really? Leonard: Oh, Thursday's gone. Just Sunday left. Sheldon: Oh, Sunday's the worst. Everybody's leaving SUMMARY:
After the guys fail to obtain Comic-Con tickets, Sheldon wants to create his own comic book convention. He decides to ask James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, to be the celebrity guest at his new event. Sheldon finds out where Jones is eating and approaches him. Unlike most of Sheldon's idols, Jones is not turned off by Sheldon's obsessive personality and hero-worship. Jones takes Sheldon out for a night on the town, visiting an ice cream parlor, a carnival, and a strip club, doing karaoke together ("The Lion Sleeps Tonight"), ringing Carrie Fisher's doorbell and running away, and finally visiting a sauna, where Sheldon begins to get somewhat sick of Jones's company. After he learns the guys did not get Comic-Con tickets, Jones invites Sheldon and his friends to be his guests and promises to take Sheldon to Tijuana every night. Meanwhile, Leonard, Raj, and Howard plan to meet with a ticket scalper to get tickets, but chicken out to avoid trouble that could later affect their careers. The girls go to a tea room to "feel grown-up", but only mothers and their daughters are there so they move on to the bar and wonder what is so great about being adults since acting as "proper" grown-ups is quite boring.
TEXT: RECAP of "The Impossible Astronaut" EXT. VALLEY of the GODS, UTAH, DAY 3 Months Later...July, 1969 AMY is running through the desert, two cars chasing her. She has a pen on a lanyard around her neck. AGENT 1: Suspect directly ahead. CANTON: Coming to you now. Over. AMY stops at the edge of a small ledge. The two cars converge behind her and a number of agents step out, CANTON in front. AMY: Canton. CANTON: Miss Pond. CANTON motions to one of the other agents who spreads something out on the ground. AMY: Is that a body bag? CANTON: Yes, it is. AMY: It's empty. CANTON: How about that. AMY: Do you even know why you're doing this, eh? Can you even remember? The warehouse? [SCENE_BREAK] FLASHBACK INT. WAREHOUSE, NIGHT AMY helps CANTON while AMY stares at the GIRL in the spacesuit. DOCTOR: Amy! Amy! RORY and RIVER climb up from the tunnels and they all rush for the TARDIS. CANTON: What the hell's going on? DOCTOR: Look behind you. CANTON: There's nothing behind me! DOCTOR: Look! Canton, look! CANTON turns and sees one of the aliens walking towards him. [SCENE_BREAK] CANTON fires and AMY falls to the ground. There are tally marks in pen on her arm. INT. AREA 51, DAY Inside a large hanger, there are armed guards stationed around an open area in the middle. CANTON walks up to it, past signs that read: Do Not Approach The Prisoner. The prisoner in question is the DOCTOR. His hair is longer and he now has a beard. He is in a straightjacket and is chained to a chair. There is a yellow circle painted around him. PA: All visitors to remain behind the yellow line. SUMMARY:
Amy's shot had missed and she, Rory, and River spend three months searching for the creatures, the Silence , while the Doctor and the TARDIS are held in Area 51 . The group reunites and discuss the Silence, which have been found throughout America and have the ability to implant post-hypnotic suggestions in humans. Amy and Canton visit the orphanage where the little girl was kept. Amy finds a picture of herself with a baby in the little girl's room before she is kidnapped by the Silence. Canton wounds a Silent in the Doctor's prison and records it taunting him, "you should kill us all on sight." The Doctor tracks down Amy in the Silence's base and shows them the live broadcast of the moon landing. He implants Canton's recording of the Silence into the footage, instructing all humans to attack the Silence. Later, Amy tells the Doctor that she was afraid travelling on the TARDIS would have an effect on the possible development of her child; Amy denies that she is actually pregnant but the Doctor initiates a scan. Six months later in New York City, the little girl is dying but reveals that she can regenerate .
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - KACL Frasier is doing his show. Hank: [v.o.] So, Dr. Crane, I just don't know what to do about my weight. I've tried diet after diet, from the "milkshakes three times a day" to that scary bald-headed lady on TV. Nothing seems to work. Frasier: Hank, listen to me. You've got to look inside yourself. There is a part of you that isn't being fed. Hank: Well, it certainly isn't my butt. Frasier: Yes, well, I'm talking about your inner self. What isn't being fed there? Love, career, simple self-esteem? There are deeper issues at work here. Hank: So, so what do I do? Frasier: Well, I'd suggest extended therapy. Please stay on the line, and my producer Roz will refer you to the help you need. Roz, who's our next call? Roz: We have someone on line one who disagrees with your advice to Hank. Frasier: Ah, really? [pushes button] Hello, you're on the line. Lilith: [v.o.] Congratulations, Frasier, you've done it again. Frasier goes rigid. Roz watches with delight. Lilith: You've led another unsuspecting innocent down one of your dark, dead-end Freudian hallways. Frasier: Lilith? Lilith: Overeating is very simply a behavioral problem caused by negative reinforcement. It can be cured quite readily by behavior modification. Frasier: I see. Well, Seattle, we have a celebrity of sorts on the line. This is my ex-wife, Lilith. Lilith: What do you mean by "celebrity?" Frasier: [darkly] Oh, they know you. [hits the cough button] Roz, what exactly does "call screening" mean? Roz: It means I get to put on the air the calls I want to hear. Frasier: [lets go of button] Well, Lilith, what brings you to Seattle - the constant rain? Lilith: I SUMMARY:
Lilith visits Frasier in Seattle, wondering if there's any chance of reconciliation after she finds a letter from him.
TEXT: (EXT. MONTE CARLO CASINO - NIGHT) Sydney pulls up to a casino in a silver Jaguar and gets out. She is wearing a dark brown wig with reddish highlights and a turquoise and black dress with a matching jacket. Thomas Grace, dressed as a parking valet, gives Sydney her ticket and takes the car. Sydney walks into the casino. She walks up to a craps table and lays down a stack of money. One of the dealers hands Sydney three trays of chips in exchange. SYDNEY: (Southern accent) Thank you. Can I have the dice? Everyone seems to be looking at Sydney strangely. The croupier pushes the dice to Sydney. SYDNEY: You guys seem a little wound up. Let's loosen it a lil' bit. Come on! (claps) Loosen it up! Get out the kinks. (rolls the dice in her hands) A security guard waves Thomas Grace into the garage to park Sydney's car. Back inside the casino, Sydney's table has drawn a crowd, which cheers for Sydney. CROUPIER: Gagnant. (Winner.) SYDNEY: It's that easy - it's that easy! I can't even help it. Bring 'em back! The croupier pushes the dice back to Sydney. SYDNEY: (takes dice) That's right. There we go! Come on! (rolling dice around in her hands and rubbing them on her chest along the top of her dress) Mama would love a new pair of shoes! She kisses the dice before rolling them down the table. Meanwhile, Grace parks the car in the garage and gets out. Back at the craps table, Sydney rolls again. CROUPIER: Huit. Elle a gagné. [Eight. She wins.] SYDNEY: (putting more chips down) Tell your pit boss we need more money. We're feeling lucky tonight. (rubs dice on her belly) The croupier glances over at the pit boss, who looks suspicious. Meanwhile, Grace picks a SUMMARY:
In Monte Carlo Sydney, Tom, and Dixon infiltrate a Casino to secure "the artifact", an electronic dossier. After doing so, Sydney is intercepted while in a car by being picked up by a crane outfitted with an electromagnet. Gordon Dean subsequently calls her on her cell phone demanding the return of "Mockingbird" otherwise Sydney will be dropped hundreds of feet to her death. 72 hours before, Rachel tells Sydney that her call sign while working at "The Shed" was Mockingbird. With Rachel's help APO cracks Gordon Dean's Cayman Islands accounts. Momentarily after Dean is notified that his assets were stolen and concludes that Rachel is alive and working for the CIA. During the mission to secure the artifact, Rachel is brought along in the trunk of the car; the same car that, in the end, Dean is threatening to destroy unless Rachel (Mockingbird) is handed over to him. Sydney and Rachel are able to escape the car and cling to the electromagnet prior to Dean figuring out Rachel was also in the car and then, destroying it. Sloane is held on trial for breaking the agreement in his pardon by aiding Elena Derevko, although he was supposedly undercover. Ultimately Sloane is pardoned after accepting the aid of a mysterious stranger with a powerful and influential employer.
TEXT: INT. NCIS MAIN ENTRANCE - DAY HENRY: Gibbs. GIBBS: Hey morning, Henry. HENRY: That sushi place you sent me to? GIBBS: What, you didn't like it? HENRY: I liked it fine. Only you didn't tell me I had to speak Japanese to order. GIBBS: You don't order. You eat what you're served with a smile. Just like being married. (SFX: METAL DETECTOR ALARM) YOST: I hope this doesn't mean I can't come in. Now just hold your horses. I wasn't going to hurt anybody with it. It's evidence. GIBBS: Yeah, it's okay. HENRY: Come on in. (SFX: BEEP TONES) HENRY: You wearing jewelry? YOST: Oh, I forgot. A senior moment. GIBBS: Henry, we're in the presence of a Medal of Honor recipient. Special Agent Jethro Gibbs, NCIS. Mister.... YOST: Yost. Corporal Ernie Yost. Special Agent, huh? Just the man I'm looking for. GIBBS: It would be an honor to help you, Sir. YOST: Say that after you know why I'm here. GIBBS: That have something to do with the evidence you're delivering? YOST: I murdered a Marine with that forty-five. (MUSIC OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES / CREDITS AND OUT) [SCENE_BREAK] INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY MCGEE: The Washington Ballet is totally sold out. TONY: You're kidding! MCGEE: People were backed up trying to hack into the box office. TONY: Ah, I can't believe that! KATE: Since when are you interested in a ballet? TONY: Oh, uh... since about an hour ago. KATE: Let me guess. The cashier at the bakery was wearing leg warmers. TONY: How do SUMMARY:
A former Marine and Medal of Honor recipient Corporal Ernie Yost (in an Emmy-nominated performance by Charles Durning ) who fought in World War II confesses to having murdered his friend during the Battle of Iwo Jima while battling against the Japanese. Drawn by the warmth of the veteran, the team become personally involved and reconstruct the fateful night to find out what really happened while Gibbs enlists the help of a Japanese veteran he befriended.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] (OPEN in Luke's Diner) LORELAI: Luke, will you marry me? LUKE: What? LORELAI: Luke will you... LUKE: Yes! LORELAI: Well, you don't have to answer so... LUKE: Yes! LORELAI: We can take a minute to... LUKE: No! (they look at each other happy & surprised) LORELAI: So..what now? LUKE: I don't know. This is new for me. LORELAI: We should do something official. LUKE: Official.. LORELAI: Yeah! Something to commemorate the moment. I mean we're getting married (Lorelai rises from her chair), Luke. Married..You and me...Luke-table-for-one-Danes and Lorelai-I'm-sorry-can-I-get-an-industrial-forklift-for-my-emotional-baggage-Gilmore are getting (deep breath) married. Uh? (They look at each other awkwardly. After a beat) LUKE: (after a beat) We could toast. LORELAI: Toast! Yes! Toast, good. What do we toast with? (Luke looks around) I mean I know you won't have champagne (Luke goes in the kitchen) but maybe some wine or bear or something? LUKE: Nothing. I got nothing! (Lorelai goes behind the counter and starts looking) LORELAI: No, you must have something. LUKE: Grapefruit juice or Worcestershire sauce LORELAI: Neither sounds very festive. LUKE: We can cut it with some festive ketchup LORELAI: No, we need something sparkly! (after a beat) Come on (she grabs his arm and starts dragging him to the door) LUKE: Where are we going? LORELAI: To Funkytown LUKE: Hey! Wait! (they stop in front of the door) LORELAI: What? Did you change your mind? Oh! SUMMARY:
Picking up on the same night as last season's finale, Lorelai and Luke begin making plans for their future, but Luke (Scott Patterson) is embarrassed when word spreads that Lorelai was the one who proposed. Still hurt over Rory's decision to drop out of Yale and move in with Emily and Richard, Lorelai tells her parents that they can take care of Rory from now on. Richard hires an old friend and respected attorney to help Rory get an easy sentence for stealing the yacht, but the judge gives Rory 300 hours of community service. Logan throws Rory a "felon" party.
TEXT: EARTHSHOCK BY ERIC SAWARD Part Four Running time: 24:28 [SCENE_BREAK] CYBERLEADER: My army awakes, Doctor! The Doctor looks cowed. Many multiple men (Cyber) march magnificently and menacingly. Thanks to image processing. CAPT BRIGGS: This is piracy! CYBERLEADER: It is war. BERGER: The ship is in warp drive. Interfere with the navigational system and we will disintegrate! CYBERLEADER: Your technology is primitive compared to ours, mistakes will not be made. He punches some buttons. Elsewhere, Tegan shoulders her weapon. She comes out of hiding and very carefully and slowly approaches a corner, around which she takes a cautious peek. A Cyberman is there, leading two others on what seems to be a house-buying tour. They are interested in the silos. Tegan gulps. [SCENE_BREAK] On the scanner in the TARDIS, they see two Cybermen on watch. PROF KYLE: What was that? NYSSA: I don't know. A robot. PROF KYLE: They're huge! The lieutenant's party is hiding under the high school bleachers. He sighs. LT SCOTT: Where's Tegan? [SCENE_BREAK] Back on the bridge, the Cybermen are having a programming party. CAPT BRIGGS: What are they doing? BERGER: I don't know. They've incorporated a machine of their own. DOCTOR: I suspect the ship is now on a locked off, fixed coordinate. ADRIC: Are we still going to Earth? DOCTOR: Yes. BERGER: Well then, why lock off the coordinates? DOCTOR: Because I think they're turning us into a flying bomb. Meanwhile, the silo tour continues. Tegan leans back out of sight a full three inches, then forward again. [SCENE_BREAK] Back on the bridge. CYBERLEADER: Your TARDIS has been found, Doctor. DOCTOR: I didn't know it was SUMMARY:
The Cybermen have taken over the bridge of the freighter. They fit a device onto the freighters control panel that will cause the ship to explode. The ships fuel will cause a explosion so strong that it will destroy the Earth completely. The Doctor and Companions battle against the Cybermen in an attempt to foil their plan. Someone pays the ultimate price to save the Earth and crew of the freighter.
TEXT: SCENE 1: Bill feeds on Sookie's blood as they make love by the fireplace in the parlor of his house. Cut to opening credits to the tune of "Bad Things" by Jace Everett SCENE 2: Bill wipes the fog from his bathroom mirror. He is clearly reflected in it, as is Sookie, who is in the bathtub. Sookie: Wait a minute. I thought you were supposed to be invisible in a mirror. Bill: We started most of the myths about ourselves many centuries ago. (Bill walks toward the bathtub, which is surrounded by lit candles.) Bill: If humans thought that we couldn't be seen in a mirror, it was another way for us to prove that we weren't vampires. And that way, we could stay hid. (Bill steps into the bathtub.) Sookie: So what about holy water? (Bill splashes some bathwater with his left hand. Bill: Just water.) Sookie: Crucifixes? Bill: Geometry. Sookie: Garlic? Bill: It's irritating, but that's pretty much it. Sookie: Whoa. I feel a little weak. Bill: Of course you do. I fed on your blood. You should take some vitamin B-12 to replenish. Sookie: Will I need to do that every day? Bill: If you don't mind, yes. And no garlic. (Sookie chuckles slightly.) Sookie: Is it always like this? Bill: No, it is not. Sookie: I never thought I'd be Bill: I am honored that you chose me. (Sookie and Bill look into each others' eyes. Sookie's smile has disappeared as she experiences a flashback to her childhood.) Flashback Uncle Bartlett (thinking): Her tiny little legs. Flexible and smooth. (Young Sookie is dressed in a purple top and hair-band. She looks up to see Uncle Bartlett sitting in a chair.) Uncle Bartlett: How's the homework comin'? (Young Sookie sits on a sofa opposite Uncle Bartlett. She has an open book on her lap, and a pencil in her right SUMMARY:
After taking Sookie's blood and her virginity, Bill and Sookie soak in a warm bath. She feels comfortable enough to reveal a very dark secret. When she was a young girl, she was molested by her uncle Bartlett and she fails to notice the hateful, frightening look on Bill's face. A desperate Jason tries to score more V from Lafayette, who throws him out saying he will not sell anymore to someone as irresponsible as Jason. He goes to Sookie's house and tries to take some of Adele's old silver to sell, but Sookie stops him. Tara attempts to smooth things over with Sam, and is interrupted by a call from a bank, where Lettie Mae is making a scene, accusing a loan officer of being a bigot for not giving her a loan for her exorcism. Tara drags Lettie Mae away, but not before she offers to have sex with the loan officer in exchange for the money. After this, Tara agrees to pay for Lettie Mae's treatment. Jason winds up at Fangtasia, desperate for V, and foolishly attempts to buy from the vampire bartender, Longshadow. A young woman named Amy Burley overhears and, pretending to be his girlfriend, gets Jason out of danger with a promise of V. Tara and Lettie Mae go into the woods to a woman named Miss Jeanette, a witch doctor who lives in a rundown bus and, after handing over nearly five hundred bucks, Lettie Mae gets her exorcism. Just as they are leaving, Miss Jeanette tells Tara that she has a demon too, a worse one than her mother and that if she ever wants to lead a happy life, she must have it exorcised. Tara laughs this off and they leave. At Merlotte's, Sookie's mood gives the previous night's events away and both Sam and Arlene are very critical of Sookie's decision to sleep with Bill and let him feed. Sookie tells everyone in the bar to mind their own business. In the dead of night, Bill hunts down uncle Bartlett, murders him and dumps his body in the river. Merlotte's is crashed by Malcolm, Diane and Liam who menace the patrons of Merlotte's but Bill shows up in time to stop them from hurting anyone, but only if he goes with them and stops messing around with humans. Bill agrees, leaving Sookie heartbroken. Amy and Jason wind up at his place, do V and wind up in bed together. Chuck, Wayne and Royce, furious at the trio of vampires, plot to kill them. Sookie tries to get Sam to intervene, but he refuses to get involved and, at the break of dawn, the three rednecks set fire to the house in which Malcolm, Diane and Liam are residing. Sookie searches Bill's house, hoping to find him, but she does not. Getting desperate, she races to the vampire trio's house, but arrives to find rescue workers pulling four burnt coffins out of the charred remains of the house.
TEXT: OPENING CREDITS Street They stop the cars in the middle of a road, and get out. Rick looks out for walkers. Rick: Fifteen, you're on point. Rick goes to the car where Maggie, Hershel, Daryl and T-Dog are looking at a map. T-Dog: We've got no place left to go. Maggie: When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off, we'll never make it south. Daryl: What do you say, it's about 150 head? Glenn: That was last week, could be twice that now. Hershel: This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through this. T-Dog: Yeah, but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way. Maggie: So we're blocked. Rick: Only thing to do is double back at 27th and swing towards Greenville. T-Dog: We picked through that already, it's like we spent the winter going in circles. Rick: Yeah, I know. I know. At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through the area. We can't keep going house to house. He looks at Lori in the car We need to find some place to hold up for a few weeks. T-Dog: Alright. Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? It won't take long. We gotta fill up on water, we can boil it later. Everyone goes back into the cars, except Rick and Hershel. Rick: Knock yourself out. Hershel: She can't take much more of this moving about. Rick: Well, what else can we do, let her give birth on the run? Hershel puts his hand on Rick's shoulder. Hershel: You see a way around that? Hershel leaves. Daryl: Hey, while the others wash their panties, let's go hunt. That owl didn't exactly hit the spot. Rick and Daryl leave the others to go hunting. They see a prison, surrounded by walkers. Daryl: That's a shame SUMMARY:
Eight months after abandoning Hershel's farmstead, and Lori at the end of her pregnancy, Rick leads the group into securing a prison presently overrun with walkers. While clearing out the cells, Hershel is bitten on the foot by a walker, and they are forced to amputate it to save his life, discovering that five surviving prisoners are present. Meanwhile, Michonne watches over an ailing Andrea .
TEXT: Originally written by Marta Kauffman and David Crane. Transcribed by guineapig. SCENE 1: CENTRAL PERK. (ALL PRESENT EXCEPT RACHEL AND ROSS) MONICA: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with! JOEY: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him! CHANDLER: So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? PHOEBE: Wait, does he eat chalk? (THE OTHERS STARE, BEMUSED) PHOEBE: Just, 'cause, I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! MONICA: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having s*x. CHANDLER: Sounds like a date to me. (CUT TO SAME SET) CHANDLER: Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realise I am totally naked. ALL: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. CHANDLER: Then I look down, and I realise there's a phone... there. JOEY: Instead of...? CHANDLER: That's right. JOEY: Never had that dream. PHOEBE: No. CHANDLER: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. And it turns out it's my mother, which is very weird, because- she never calls me! (CUT TO SAME SET. ROSS HAS NOW ENTERED) ROSS: (MORTIFIED) Hi. JOEY: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. MONICA: Are you okay, sweetie? ROSS: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck... CHANDLER: Cookie? MONICA: (EXPLAINING TO THE OTHER SUMMARY:
After leaving her fiancé, Barry, at the altar. Rachel moves into Monica's New York apartment. Chandler and Joey, who live across the hall from Monica, console Ross after his wife Carol, has just left him for another woman. Monica, a chef, falls for "Paul the Wine Guy" only to be crushed that their night of passion was merely a one-night stand. The gang urge Rachel to be more independent by cutting up her father's credit cards. Rachel, who has never worked before, is offered a waitress job at Central Perk coffee shop. Ross, who has had a crush on Rachel since high school, asks if he can ask her out sometime.

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