Dataset Preview
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Error code:   JobManagerCrashedError

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TrainingSpeech is an initiative to provide open and freely reusable dataset of voices

  • for speech-to-text models training

  • on non-english languages

  • using already available data (such as audio-books).

Right now, data are extracted exclusively from audio-books and in French language. Let me know if you are intersted to contribute by creating an issue.


TrainingSpeech comes with a CLI that automate and simplify:

Common workflow

1. Generate and validate alignment on existing source

  1. pick a source that have NOT been validated yet: see python stats and ./sources.json for more info
  2. download assets (ie epub and mp3 files): python download -s <SOURCE_NAME>
  3. check alignment: python check-alignment <SOURCE_NAME> (may require multiple iterations)
  4. send a pull request with generated transcript and alignment

2. Add New source (team members only)

  1. retrieve epub and corresponding mp3 file and store them into ./data/epubs and ./data/mp3 (respectively)
  2. create new source into ./sources.json (NB: all fields are mandatory)
  3. generate initial transcript using python build-transcript <SOURCE_NAME>
  4. upload epub and mp3 files on S3 python upload -s <SOURCE_NAME>

Dev setup

$ sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg espeak libespeak-dev python3-numpy python-numpy libncurses-dev libncursesw5-dev sox libsqlite3-dev
$ git clone
$ pip3 install --user pipenv
$ cd TrainingSpeech
$ pipenv install --python=3.6.6
$ pipenv sync
$ pipenv shell
$ pytest

Last releases & download

Releases are ready-to-use zip archives containing :

  • short 16kHz 16bit wav audio speeches (0-15s)
  • a single data.csv file with following columns:
    • path: path to the audio file inside the archive
    • duration: audio duration in second
    • text: transcript
Name # speeches # speakers Total Duration Language
2019-04-11_fr_FR (w/ 💖 from @lissyx) 124089 4 182:43:35 fr_FR
Downloads last month