text,label_sexist I feel the same way Abortion's only 4 rape incest & the mother's life God bless South Carolina,not sexist "What subreddits do Chads frequent? How do women impress Chads on Reddit, like do they just see a huge upvoted post and just immediately PM you and ask to fuck? Also, why do Chads need Reddit if they can just fuck whoever they want IRL?",not sexist "I'm a blackpilled normie, getting laid doesn't magically change women nature. The blackpill is truth, looks are everything, anything besides looks is complementary.",not sexist "Facebook instructing Gaza Muslims to bring guns, knives, infiltrate Israel en masse, invade nearby villages and kidnap Israelis ...[URL]",not sexist "Yup, I remember when she said that. It amazes me that so many white women like her. Can you imagine... I hate to even think about it.",not sexist "Girls really say ""Ewww"" and ""fucking crazy or retarded?"" Sorry, maybe sometimes but it sounds more like what a guy thinks girls say to me. (Or hopes)",not sexist "I thought I had a chance,but got rejected quickly and even got rude looks...so i felt like shit real quick.Im not gonna lie...I bet majority of the guys on here that cant get girl are ill groomed and wear oversized/ugly clothes...",not sexist Tennessee police say a woman has been charged with transporting two young children in pet kennels inside her vehicle. [URL] [URL],not sexist "LMFAO >When you are such a cuckold you let Kikes bomb and kill your sailors then defend them with their made up lie. Hey If I fuck your wife and make up some shit like ""she was begging me to do it"" are you going to defend me and just let it go?",not sexist "Option 1: Pursue Tina and stop texting Anna. Option 2: Drop them both. ""Some guy gave her some of his drink""? She has terrible judgment and probably some self-destructive tendencies. I wouldn't go down that rabbit hole.",not sexist "The instant or eternal god that came from GIBBERISH MIRACLE is about as dipshit a retard concept as I can imagine, the pure essence of all retard in the cosmos. How about that?",not sexist "You should sing casually. Very good cope my fren. Plus if you get better, you'll learn to actually love the only part of yourself that isn't ugly (your voice)",not sexist "[USER] thinks our Military men & women are ""fools"" for joining our Armed Forces so we can have Freedom. #Idiot",not sexist "I've been asked is my baby is a girl or a boy, but never if he/she is a potential member of ISIS who'll blow me the fuk up. Since I was gangbanged at the Abba Reunion Concert in Malmo by ten guys from Syria.",not sexist That very well could be i have no idea i was just suggesting maybe she had a concussion.,not sexist """The postman was telling me that he's slept with every woman on our street, except one."" I said. ""I'll bet it's that stuck up bitch next door,"" replied my wife.",not sexist I will give you that one. My arm got a little scratched up this morning when she decided to jump on it and give me a hug with her loving talons.,not sexist "Dear Lord, Give our Cheyza patience as she deals with gooberment bureaucrats. Give her the strength to avoid throat punching some idiot while waiting in line. Amen",not sexist "Just when you thought the Left couldn't possibly get any weirder and loonier, Eco-sexualists are now having sex with Mother Earth. Can we charge them with raping the Earth? this is obviously worse than Climate Change. What if she's saying no? [URL]",not sexist So... every man wearing a female costume is a tranny? Lol.,not sexist "Maybe she ought to live within her means then, if it is so hard.",not sexist "Well, I've seen the Packer's fans wearing their cheese hats, so it was a no brainer. Never had them roasted, and I'm not afraid to say I have no desire too. No offense to your mother or her cooking of course! ;)",not sexist "Heil Hitler, kike.",not sexist "That's pretty much my position. I don't like her as a person (don't hate her either, just don't particularly like her), but the controversy surrounding her is a perfect example of media & SJW double-standards.",not sexist "believing porn is real Bro if you become a plumber or pizza delivery boy you'll fuck everyones wives, porn said so",not sexist Take her to a Broadway musical if you want a Fantastic BJ though,not sexist Hahaha! Red Pill Black is totally cucking conservatives. Keep donating sheckels to her.,not sexist I'm not pc but a Muslim lady that works at Wendy's is not that .,not sexist "It's gonna be: ""Please not my daughter too! At least kill me first so I don't have to watch you rape them both!""",not sexist Anti-North Korean protestors burn flags and photos of pie-worshipping fat man Kim Jong-un at Winter Olympics: [URL] via [USER],not sexist [URL] I just do not think like that woman.. I think it is stupid af to worry about that crap.,not sexist """To be good with women is to become immune to women"" Bingo.",not sexist "Disagree on both counts. No American has ever had sex with a woman from another country without getting robbed? That just seems implausible. Not every foriegn country is a slum, you're kind of racist for implying that.",not sexist So are wives prostitutes to their husbands?,not sexist "Five famous lines by US Presidents - Sad, but true! - Saddam Has WMDs - No New Taxes - I did not have sex with that women - You can keep your doctor and your plan - We're Not Going Into Syria [URL] #MAGA #Trump #News #Syria",not sexist Pretty nice summary. However there is no woman alive that would admit to this being their thought process. But seriously. She is married. What the fucking fuck. She got knocked up by some other dude while she was married. My god.,not sexist "Nope. Best they could do was tell women to only buy from women or minority businesses. Remember, kids: discrimination is okay if I do it!",not sexist Hey stupid white people increasing your property value is bad. Instead just prostrate yourself for some niggers. [URL],not sexist please don't be that creepy guy that tries to pick girls up at the gym,not sexist A woman wiling to pay her share is a woman expecting a much larger payoff in the near future.,not sexist Add into that pester power and the inability to ostracize your child when he/she is naughty lazy parents do not realise the harm they are doing to their child or children,not sexist "The old plea 'bargain' trick. You abuse the person to break him/her, then you 'solve' the 'crime' [URL]",not sexist Can they be sued for false advertising? Their website clearly states that no one is turned away at their restaurant. I highly suggest a woman show up wearing a Trump t-shirt sans bra. Let's see if they rip it off of her.,not sexist "It's thoughts like that that create the horrible double-standards placed upon guys to be sexy, confident, and upfront yet never creepy, too-forward, or blunt. I hate this.",not sexist It's time to dismantle Brussels & that DEMON Junker! Globalists b*******is trying to destroy all nations! The good people must stand up & fight this EVIL! We need to band together everywhere & fight!!,not sexist This woman is an idiot and was even before dementia set in.,not sexist [USER] probably have to get your daughter to help you,not sexist Cooking and yoga. Sign up to classes not to hit on women but to have a genuine interest and actually try to focus and do the activities. Girls will be throwing themselves to you in due time,not sexist the only low IQ person her is the one that points to satan instead of naming the jew,not sexist I think a lack of a mom would do the similar things. Go figure,not sexist Wait ...so the Yale dean was right when she was complaining that people working at a sushi shop weren't Japanese??,not sexist "The war on white people has now shifted to the war on white women. #metoo and liberals should be furious, but they are not. #getout [URL]",not sexist Lock her up! [URL],not sexist "Because he didn't say anything that could be made to sound racist or anti-woman, even with creative editing. Hannity knew damn well they would try.",not sexist "There's a chance a woman can get breast cancer later in life, resulting in her needing her breasts removed. Does that mean we should automatically remove the breasts of every young girl because there's a chance she may have future problems with them?",not sexist She needs to stop her sex ring with google interns,not sexist How is it not the entire story? If AMALT is true then men don't really love and all straight women are officially fucked.,not sexist Here are the reasons men get married: She threatens to cut off the pussy. Your family says you ain't a real man. You want to make her haaappy.,not sexist Plus rare footage of Kirstie Alley weighing close to her IQ.,not sexist "But if they're wearing a mask, what's the difference, asshat?",not sexist "My WIFEs persuasive argument paper in English comp paper got her an F ""Why a woman should never be President"" something to do with launching nuclear weapons:) Her female prof was not persuaded.",not sexist "India was a free nation before the Muslims took and Hindus adopted draconian laws, like blasphemy.",not sexist We read that alot and idk if it's cope or not. But I guess guys usually make their financial peaks around that age and if you keep up with health and fitness then that would be your peak.,not sexist "You're brainwashed! A jew, not just talmud, phallic worship But the bullshit mysticism kabb alah (close to their Muslim brothers) And white Americans believe she and Pamela Gellar are spokespeople? 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰",not sexist Use hinge. Girls on there are serious about meeting. I've only fucked hinge girls this year. Nothing from tinder or bumble.,not sexist "By life you fucking faggot, goddamn, you must think we all exist FOR YOUR bull shit or something. Don't ever come around me mother fucker, you won't get a single goddamn thing for being the lazy piece shit you are.",not sexist Im pretty sure my sister could beat them all up at the same time 😂🤣,not sexist I actually don't even give enough of a fuck to share this post lol. They are beyond irrelevant to me.,not sexist In addition to these animals raping us; we have white women volunteering to have sex with these maniacs. WTF.,not sexist They sound like women having a shouting contest 😂,not sexist "If you're white and alone and female, stay away from niggers. You're welcome and Merry Christmas.",not sexist "And if you go on to have a very happy life together after that, who cares? But you won't, because every single one of her previous partners was better than you.",not sexist "lol, please stop acting like there are no rapes in this country. 20k White women are raped every year by blacks. Instead of dealing with that, dummies like you want to swing your dick bombing places that have nothing to do with us.",not sexist """See how she behaves when nobody *whom she wants something from* is around."" Waitstaff (male and female) have given me ""heads up"" on a few nutcases thanks random now-friend!",not sexist White guys dont like Indian girls.,not sexist "Grass fed cattle are actually pretty lean, it takes lots of grain feeding to put the marbling in the meat. Grains and processed carbs (and sugar) are her problem.",not sexist Burqa-wearing Muslim wife says she 'suffered a miscarriage of justice' because she wasn't allowed to give evidence with her face covered' [URL],not sexist Because women refused having sex with their husbands until they let them. So that happened.,not sexist This suggestion that women don't experience depression makes me so goddamn angry. I _WISH_ my female friends didn't get depressed. I'd give almost _anything_ to take that away from other people.,not sexist "She's a trifling fool who has lost the ability to pair bond, and is now trying to get internet simps to validate her lack of an ethical compass. And it's not sexist, a male who demonstrates this behaviour is called a fuckboy, and is equally scored.",not sexist "She's very vapid, even by pretty white celeb girl standards. I only ever watched one interview with her and if she were on Reddit she'd def be subscribed to FDS.",not sexist Here's whats alpha: What the fuck do **you** want to do? Do you want to keep her on there? Do it. Do you want to delete her? Do that.,not sexist and Ivanka said Chelsea is her best friend. WHY is Ivanka part of Trump staff? it stinks!,not sexist So ugly men dont treat women badly? You're wrong,not sexist "what i know the best thing to do is, to introduce yourself to girls, win over their friends and get to the real point. after introducing yourself then tell them you ate there for X girl and take her aside and talk 1on1",not sexist "He's just the model - the designer should be ridiculed. I know of no man, straight or gay, that would wear this dreck. But it would look adorbs on a tall, thin woman. Edit: toss the capelet, that's just stupid.",not sexist "No white-guy, or female on this planet can resist Original Sex, with a race of Hue: Afrikans, Native-Americans, Asians, Tahitians, etc. The best love is Pigmented.",not sexist Wait what? Did she abandon you out in the desert to die or something?? And where tf is that? Looks like the southern Cali high desert..,not sexist That's not a girl. That's a brain dead pawn.,not sexist but what if she identifies as a disabled man?,not sexist Betas don't eat ass they kiss it. Learn the definition of fucking beta. That word gets thrown around way too much.,not sexist Legit have a Jeff goldblum shower curtain,not sexist "I am married for 25 years with 2 daughters, no mother, so yes definitely applies to me. There is no evidence of what you are saying here. I think you are being an idiot and coming up with an unsupported statement.",not sexist "Oh so she can assault people and not getting retailation because she took a break. What a simp, she's not going to read you",not sexist "I agree! Unlike many there, I only have about 800 or so followers so it isn't such a big transition for me. Now, it is one of my goals to bring down all those platforms that infringe upon the rights of Patriots!",not sexist "I went through a similar situation. When my parents were in the process of divorcing, my dad once told me that he didn't know if I was even his son when he was ranting about my mom. That always stuck with me after the divorce.",not sexist Lots and lots of dead children on her twitter. [URL],not sexist "She's mousy as all get out, too. I guess that probably makes her bitter as hell...",not sexist You will burn along with all the other Christ killers who refuse to repent.,not sexist It's sad. I'm a father myself. My ex wife would constantly say she didn't need me etc. It can kill your will to parent. Can you imagine a TV show like Father Knows Best on the air today? No way in hell,not sexist "the act of dominating another person. for example, if someone mogs you in terms of looks then what youre basically saying is that he is more physically attractive than you are.",not sexist "Just to adda growing number of women would be fine with a SAHD, I know I would. BUT you expect certain domestic skills from a SAHD, and the dudes you mention aren't exactly displaying them if they have them.",not sexist "Ok, some dudes dislike this comment because they can't afford women closer to their age I guess ;)",not sexist If nothing else the Kate Steinle Death is an honest testament to why races should remain separate. In no rational sense should a drug-addled lazy dysgenic brown individual ever share the living space of a beautiful white woman like Kate.,not sexist "Jews did slavery in America! More blacks need to know this! Give a black guy a hammer with the knowledge Jews did slavery, and lets see what happens!",not sexist You just keep hanging out and hooking up and giving her radio silence in between dates.,not sexist "BARNSLEY - 6ft muslim woman repeatedly stabs a man while shouting ""Kill kill kill kill"" [URL]",not sexist He made her a legitimate loser. Thank God for that.,not sexist "The immunity given to Clinton criminals was improper. I think the long talks by Sessions and others were to dismantle that immunity, set up the nullification. Trump is getting his political sea legs under him now. Poop (Clinton) will hit the fan.",not sexist dont forget their belly dancers! but they want women in beekeeper outfits!? a joke deranged culture needs a real REFORMATION LIKE christians had 500 yrs ago,not sexist "Good point. No man has ever gestated a baby after hormone treatment. No woman has ever been able to inseminate following hormone treatment. Fundamental biology NOT CHANGED by hormones. And artificial IS, and always will be ARTIFICIAL.",not sexist Dudes gassing up fat ugly girls is why you see so many of them on tinder with impossible standards in their bio lmao,not sexist "She must WANT to blow and fuck. So basically.. If you want to have sex, don't initiate unless you think she really wants to have sex with you. Brilliant.",not sexist Im being discharged tomorrow! Fuck Yeaaah,not sexist He should bang his girlfriend.,not sexist She's adopting a child and the first thing she's going to do is have part of his genitals removed because she doesn't find them appealing??? It's so fucked up!,not sexist "You fucked up, now you know how much of a primitive female she is now, regardless of you acting as a primitive beta male. So eventually you have to plate her, or dump completely. Really dude open your eyes.",not sexist I love when Im_a_rapist writes FRs.,not sexist Fuck that. Fuck that with rusty syphilitic cactus.,not sexist [USER] indeed. I think there is a second video as well. Karen's a great lady. I donated so she could go to NY and do a pre premiere talk on the film.,not sexist "How about, ""You get drunk, cause a scene, get ejected, hit a cop, get punched in your dome""? Take responsibility for your actions, if she hadn't been an ass, the cops wouldn't have even gotten involved.",not sexist the man who needs a good punch in the face mind you is it a she,not sexist "So she pulls a Kevin Spacey? I'm gay, so all is well? LOL LOL",not sexist Bush daughter headlines Planned Parenthood fundraiser [URL],not sexist Oh yeah nah I not going to forgive her It's not even that serious I'm not looking for an apology,not sexist Well. Considering she didnt rape a kid or murder her spouse. 15 years for a pre meditated attack is a good call.,not sexist His name is dumb fuck.,not sexist I think it's worse to risk impregnating random women and spreading STDs than to trigger some special snowflake on the internet.,not sexist "Go on, go your own way then, thnx, bye!",not sexist Ffs. I used to be an incel. Now I'm not because I met a woman who liked me. I'm still blackpilled and there is and was no 'struggle' - everything happens easily and organically as long as the mutual attraction is there. Those people are full of shit.,not sexist "Fuck, I'm 33 and balding and I look younger than her.",not sexist "Skywalker was once tall and small. Then he started to learn the ways of the force, and began to Eat Clen, Tren hard, Doblish all obstacles, anavar give up. No one tries to fuck his sister now.",not sexist Kerpal is going to fuck her... lol... short dick style 😂,not sexist You niggas just remember you break one rule on me i will break em all on you too my nigga. Im that cracker corn bread nigga.. so wake the fuck up.. and #C #Up #PGC,not sexist "Adolf Hitler with Helga Goebbels, 1935. She was 12 years old when her parents killed her with a cyanide capsule.",not sexist ".. Apparently it's not the only case, and in this one, it's hard to know which dog it was because she said her other dog's licked it... [URL]",not sexist "Am I missing something here? That's his leg quite clearly up in her space, like the ""I'm gettin him kicked off "" attitude fits this sub but I get why she's shitty",not sexist "#NYC Muslim who ""got religious in the last year"" pleads guilty to aiding the #IslamicState [URL] #Terrorists #Migrants #Refugees #Muslims #Islam #Immigration #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Jihad #NewYorkCity #ISIS",not sexist "Reminds me of that blooper pedo that so many of the female resident users kept defending because he said things they like. Iirc op was among them, lol.",not sexist "[USER] #Haiku Your genitalia Is why I want to nail ya Be sure to mail, huh? #HaikusWithHitler",not sexist That landwhale should have been charged with ruining a human body and for mass vision rape for making us all look at her ugly carcass.,not sexist "Very wise of him, that is one crazy lady....WTF was Faith Goldy thinking when she hitched her Mayoral campaign to her??",not sexist Hope they go broke. Nobody has unlimited funds. Eventually they will have to cut losses. Any ideas on helping them lose more cash?,not sexist I remember my sister assumed I was gay for the longest time with a friend because he just gave me [CUR]90 change for no reason cause he knew I was broke at the moment lol. That's such a shocking and non existent thing to girls I guess.,not sexist """Nazi"" is an anti-White hate slur. are you an anti-White?",not sexist "funny no mention of a autopsy on the girl who drowned in the lake--- one has to wonder if she was drugged, hit over the head or chained to s small-block ???",not sexist To homely girl: Then you wont care how much dick I have..... 'cause youre not getting that either...,not sexist "We are a group of mothers who proudly support Donald Trump for President of the United States. Text 88022 to Trump, and to encourage the young mothers in their lives to do the same. [URL]",not sexist There you go. I'm hoping he finds a woman that won't put up with his shit and beats the crap out of him! 😀,not sexist I do agree with this though. A future boyfriend should be able to google her name and see these false allegation stories!,not sexist No one is entitl3d to being saved,not sexist Why does so many people close to Hillary state that she smells horribly of sulphur (so does Obama) Well it's because she's so full of shit.,not sexist Looks like more of a meowing horse girl hybrid,not sexist Look at examples of women sleeping with and dating short guys. Problem solved.,not sexist Like they won't destroy statues🤔🤔 statues of dem slave owners of the past.,not sexist *covers her face with her hands after typing* It's not rape if the goat is willing #MAGA #GabFam #BanIslam,not sexist "It happened to me three times (quiet memorable moments hahaha) but I don't get up on my horse, she must have been very tired. I wonder how many times I've slept in people's shoulders without knowing..",not sexist /r9k/ has a few threads that are still enjoyable. But it's become way to sex oriented. And all the gay and trap threads are just annoying.,not sexist Take it OP. Take this guys offer of blue balls and 2k in debt,not sexist oh by your name I would guess this question is going to make you so very happy. Was Muhammad a pedophile for fucking his 9 year old wife? I know what the Bond says you want me to confuse you for would say.,not sexist "So, she pays for the ticket that she is costing him?",not sexist "Yep, pure evil, no remorse. Coincidentally, I actually also knew both of the other two girls whom he murdered.",not sexist """Stop trying to force your morals down my throat!"" screamed the libreral after you disagreed and stated that 30 year old HIV Positive gay men should not be allowed to have unprotected sex with 12 year old trans children.",not sexist "Just because women dont like you, you dont have to hate them. Maybe its your fault for having a garbage personality. You are calling me a loser whiteknight instead of proving me wrong. You know why? because you know im true and have no other argument",not sexist Well . . . she can still commit suicide in prison.,not sexist RT [USER]: Bryan Singer is the Harvey Weinstein of the young gay casting couch in Hollywood. [URL],not sexist "I'm sorry to hear about your mom, Elly. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.",not sexist "Man from afrika, white hater, wife is a man",not sexist Nobody cares Jason. U hate jews Jason? Yes?,not sexist "My wife and I can't keep up with just the two of them. Most of the time when I'm supposed to be masturbating in the other room, I'm mainly just on Reddit cause I just can't beat that much.",not sexist "Lmfao you just proved my point, you only care about violence lol. Time to grow up and move out of mommy's basement sugar",not sexist Hillary Clinton didn't operate a Server for convienence. Hillary had a private email server to 'jump' classified documents to so she could share them with her handler. Hillary Clinton was being BLACKMAILED and was COMMITTING TREASON.,not sexist Who fucking cares mate,not sexist "Isreal is imploding the jews are jewing eachother. ""I drove her around for hours, when it was time to pay she (the jew woman) screamed I was raping her [URL]",not sexist "That is only true if you plan to kill yourself in near future. Otherwise, I'm sorry... but as a woman in a first world country you can easily live to 70-80.",not sexist Common enemies can make strange bedfellows,not sexist "That doesnt seem to be the case when talking about blacks, muslims, and women now is it?",not sexist "One woman's ""freedom fighter"" is another man's ""terrorist"". Depends on what side you are standing on. Unfortunately, we are standing on the wrong side of this firing line. Keep your head down, it's going to get ugly.",not sexist if you think that was an ok kind of argument to have - you're as good as the girl getting knocked out imo,not sexist The average normie says Hitler was bad because he had to get medieval on these kikes. What they don't understand is the NSDAP was fighting desperately for the survival of Germany against hostile commie jews like we are and Trump is today.,not sexist "I remember that feeling. I stacked my cash for a year in a sweet business and fucking bailed. In my case, I escaped a golden cage. Been half broke ever since, but I've rebuilt my foundations and am getting ready to crush it. Go get your freedom!",not sexist Randy and Elon need their phones taken away. I'm surprised these jackasses are even allowed to go on Twitter. All the do is generate bad PR and dig themselves into a hole,not sexist cuts deep but man that is some serious truth. they are so simple. you know we let blacks vote before women right?,not sexist They think we are all idiots and they are the clever ones.. they ain't got a clue.,not sexist "Mark Dice was suspended from Twitter simply for stating the scientific fact that believing you have multiple genders is a mental illness. In a post-fact world, science becomes ""hate speech.""",not sexist "Rhode Island Democrats in an uproar after the party endorsed a Trump-voting male candidate over a sitting female lawmaker known for championing liberal causes, in a district and a state that voted for Hillary Clinton. [URL] [URL]",not sexist I don't want eye candy. I don't want to be tortured by the sight of hot women.,not sexist Steel is scampering like the little RAT he is! [URL] a miserable coward & a British TRAITOR! Steel should be dangling from a rope!,not sexist Ted Midward finishes the section from Henry Ford's book that deals with Jewish control of the move industry & begins the next part that looks at links between Jewish emancipation & the downfall of western civilisation. [URL],not sexist I can't believe this shit is on national television.,not sexist well.....both...the plastic surgery deal with the age but she keeps opening her mother to reveal her evil,not sexist Weak genes What fucking biological advantage are they claiming comes with a better jawline?,not sexist "One small way of replying to this manipulation: get sterilized . Do not breed with these women, ever.",not sexist Seriously! I can see why she cried -- he basically told her she's nothing more than a blowjob dispensary.,not sexist I'll make her my gay wife? You guys are downvoting strange shit lately....,not sexist """It should be illegal for dumb people to have children"" [URL]",not sexist Are you FWBs or she is just ok with cheating?,not sexist "You're wrong about men won feminism, because the result is the point of the corporations and governments pushed it. the nuclear family is stable, men and women both win. In the modern west we both lose due to instability",not sexist "They're just a futile attempt to ""not be like other girls"".",not sexist Nah man. Shit tests are a compliment. It means the girl is intrigued by you and wants to find out more. A girl who really didn't give a fuck about you would just ignore you completely.,not sexist "In 2021 [USER] will crush the competition to become People Magazine's ""sexiest nazi alive"" Edit: obligatory #nohomo",not sexist "I had a great uncle who fled on horseback from the Federales dressed as a woman. They shot his leg, took him in, tortured him for a month, put him in a rucksack, & tossed over a bridge into a river. He survived lol.",not sexist Every real woman should pull out in protest. The real men should support them and refuse to run too.,not sexist Yeah I'm going to try fuck it what do I have to lose? How should I start? Should I start with a compliment?,not sexist """Earn"" women lol. Just buy hookers pls.",not sexist It's a 4chan post it probably 404'd,not sexist I love how #MAGA is uniting all the people the dems have abused and pushed aside [USER],not sexist """Look at her eyes staring back at you. What you see is a literal thousand cock stare. Vacant and deranged the same look a soldier has when he's seen too much blood and death."" - [USER] [URL]",not sexist Ants herd aphids!,not sexist Can I call you a dumb fuck for giving money to people that by proxy support authoritarian practices? Because if you do you are a dumb fuck.,not sexist Damn you beat me to it. Clearly she has never watch My Fair Lady.,not sexist "I guess him and Dan ""If she's old enough to bleed, no longer on my dick she'll feed"" Schneider go along well together.",not sexist I don't know how to *act disinterested* with a girl I find attractive.,not sexist "Hmm, funny. It doesn't say anything in there about beating, confining, verbally abusing or otherwise mistreating women. Maybe Hitler wouldn't have supported white shariah after all?",not sexist London is such a difficult city to talk to women in,not sexist "It's not really gaslighting, the fags who say this actually believe it. They never get approached or asked out by women so they just assume it's that way for everyone. It doesn't occur to them that it's just because women don't like them that much.",not sexist "Listen up Romeo.....try this .....FB, girls love SC and if she's foreign on line chess. I would include 6.....safety in numbers.",not sexist "Oh, good, I saw that idiot but didn't scroll down far enough to see Kantbot taking him to task.",not sexist [USER] Immigrant sexually assaulted / beat several women. NO JAIL !!! [URL],not sexist "How the fuck is that an answer though? If both OP and his friend are 5""11 you haven't identified any answer to the original question as to why OP has no gf but incel-friend does. Ugh.",not sexist You seem to be incapable of knowing what words mean. How can he be an incel if he had a girlfriend ?,not sexist "Had a girl like this a week ago, it is so damn retarded.",not sexist "I challenge anyone to dare suggest these underage girls were not White. Who wants to bet that they absolutely were White? Anyone? I also challenge anyone to show me a similar story with the perpetrator being White, and the girls Niggers.",not sexist Lauren Southern is a man...,not sexist German women resort to modern chastity-belts against Muslim rapists [URL] #German #Germany #Muslims #Africans #Rape #crime #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Terrorists #Terrorism #Refugees #migrants #Mosque,not sexist Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them........ within inches of their lives !!!!,not sexist The answer to this is shockingly simple. Stop talking to strange women you don't know in the hopes of fucking them. BOOM. Problem solved. And women all over the world will thank you.,not sexist agreed! that is beautiful 😍 and a girl's gotta have the right shoes for the Sparkle Lounge 🤗✨💕💎,not sexist "When is it going to be ""times up"" for nigger on kid/white women rape?",not sexist Owning gun and ammunitions at home is not reasonable either. You thinking that's not reasonable isn't reasonable. Fucking dumbass.,not sexist "while she loathes in self-pity, Scaramcci THE MOOCH will be with US DRAINING THE SWAMP or should I say DRAINING THE SEWER! #MAGA",not sexist why would an ugly girl settle for an ugly guy,not sexist "My Mother-in-law, God rest her soul, said getting old was not for the faint of heart! She was right!",not sexist yep them ppl are sick..... a full-day kindergarten program?? how about night time too?? why not keep them till their 40?? and PROGRAM them in to little DUMB ANTIAMERICAN BOTS,not sexist So was Gal Gadot but she didn't get this much hate did she?,not sexist "Yeah, because being aloof and indifferent towards women makes them dislike you, right? I've tried this with women I've worked with and [SPOILER ALERT] they just became attracted to me.",not sexist "Australian women tell Muslim Imam to shut up ""We are not your slaves"" #australia #islam #auspol #aupol #ausfam #nothingtodowithislam #sharia #anglosphere [URL]",not sexist I know there was a childish fight in this apartment as blissey has a bunch of switch and Odyssey on order for the mons and her because tormenting her trainer is her after work hobby,not sexist "I have no problems getting physical quickly when meeting a girl for the first time, this is more for girls that I want to see more than once. They tend to tell me this on the 2nd or 3rd meeting.",not sexist food for thought is that elon probably chaded-up for business purposes because his goofy-looking ass would be taken less seriously (by other men) otherwise. looking good earns you respect from both men and women.,not sexist Guy has be groping Ohio women since the '80s: [URL] He really NEEDS a new hobby.,not sexist Ultimate guide to texting please! I'm a 8/10 guy and i get a lot of girls number but i can never text them and set up a date. Please help me.,not sexist Vote Johnson 2016! If you're fucking retarded that is. [URL] #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam,not sexist I don't remember having read that thing about Islam ever. But I do know that Muhammad said that Hell will be mostly composed of women.,not sexist "Exactly! They just assume because they are women in sex work. People actually believe they are ""concerned citizens"". They are just targeting a certain demographic for shits and giggles.",not sexist "I don't have a sister, faggot!",not sexist "LMFAO, she's a fucking retard.",not sexist "You should check out this article called The [I'll Help You Method]([URL] All about picking up women at work, without ever really asking them out.",not sexist "You better know what she likes or doesn't because if she's not into, say, Turkish food, you're fucked. Nah, she is the one that's fucked. If go to a restaurant she either eating, or setting there.",not sexist "Protecting and serving: cops use ""mad rescue roping skills"" to rescue a bunch of women stuck in a gigantic unicorn float [URL] [URL]",not sexist "Are there a lot of homeless people over that way? I was in Leeds last week and my jaw hit the floor on seeing the amount of them. Literally every doorway in the centre had people sleeping in it. All of them Brits, sadly.",not sexist "Had to check out this post. LMAO. Vibrations of a car huh? Hell, if it's that good, I'm going to have to move my wife boinking to the car and out of the bedroom. ""Hey honey, tonight, muffler or no muffler!""",not sexist "Don't make dumb/desperate/needy/immature jokes like ""is this ur first time"" n ull do great. Just be real not nervous Snap her saying u liked last night.",not sexist "I understand. We will purge hidden eurofag scum from Holy City of Miami, burn down their illegal particle accelerator labs stretching underneath the capital!",not sexist "your mama took a shit and you came out, what it has to do with the rest of us is beyond my knowledge. Weird flex but okay",not sexist Clearly the last one on the right is a turn off. You have to realize that you have to pay for the make up shit for getting more shit by her.,not sexist "are you comparing male and female newborn or brains? or are you comparing adult brains? Brain development could certainly be driven by experiences and necessity(basically, adapting to whatever conditions it needs to).",not sexist Garbage bags belong in landfills. WITH their contents. FUCK ISLAM.,not sexist "Silly. And Ignorant of History, too. [URL] These are the most true-to-the original scriptures Jews on the planet. For example: They do allow Chicken in cream sauce. Chickens don't suckle. So it could never be it's ""mother's milk.""",not sexist Imagine being so excited about the possibility women's standards may be lowered enough to that you might actually have a chance of sleeping with them. Real quality specimen here.,not sexist So true on the weird...my sister was the pickle juice thief. Poor little pickles just drying up in that jar....,not sexist "Why did she say, ""thank God."" ? Lol you're one relieved. Good on you man: don't break your word or balls for anyone",not sexist I'm an Incel too. I'd pay for sex and affection if I had the money. Gotta cope somehow.,not sexist "My old mentor, Eddie the Plumber used to say, ""Slap a dick in her mouth! That'll shut her up!!"".",not sexist I never said that any man dating an Asian woman is an Asian fetishist. I'm talking specifically about men that fetishize Asian women. Dating an Asian woman doesn't necessarily mean fetishizing.,not sexist "If she needs professional help, she should get professional help. You're not married to her. It's unfair for her to depend on your paycheck, and then hold you ransom with her suicidal ideations.",not sexist All I noticed was the pistol and her excellent skin tone,not sexist Elon Musk is a gay pervert who would kill his grandma to be liked by 10 more people. His needyness is pathetic. I sincerely hope he dies of cancer. #tesla,not sexist Single women have never been taxed via bachelor taxes lol,not sexist "i see, well i know of NO one that believe her BS story hell her lawyer don't even believe her :) !!",not sexist "But then women would have to start pumping out children again. After all, they're importing people due to the birth rate.",not sexist "i say go for the motorhome, just have superior game. you're still pretty young, good for young chicks who don't expect you to have anything better!",not sexist What's she done wrong exactly? It's what I want to do every time they turn up at my door too. [URL],not sexist "And there is no reason these people pushing this can't be out there getting women pregnant. So what's there excuse? - Could it be the support factor? - Being charged with rape. Being put in jail, etc. Due to the court system, etc... Lol",not sexist "If you have gyno and you do steroids then it will just look terrible you fucking retard you dont know what youre talking about you dumbass, god i want to kill you right now so bad.",not sexist "They've GOT to be fucking kidding, right...??? [URL]",not sexist "A New Meaning to ""Fresh Blood"" -- Marina Abramovic is 69, take a look at her picture and see if you think she looks that old #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking #DrainTheSwamp [URL]",not sexist Jts not the girls fault you didn't get a pretzel its your fault for being so impatient you fucktard,not sexist assume you're either a closet gay or extremely socially inept to the point you could never initiate and cope with a relationship. I'm ok with that. I assume they are miserable.,not sexist "I don't understand what I have to do with women in computer science, but whatever.",not sexist Now this is a woman who gets it. 👆,not sexist "tldr: OP wants a quality relationship, not a pump n dump, respect his opinions as his own cuz he ain't you. Also you insinuate it's a mans right to have sex whether girls want it or not. Fun fact that's called 🌈⭐ *rApE* ⭐🌈",not sexist "The faces, most traneis don't pass.",not sexist Aren't princesses supposed to be virginal or something?,not sexist Incel here. Tons of female friends too,not sexist Hopefully he and his daughter are taken alive.,not sexist "I think both, but for me, pickup lead to confidence (i.e. when i started to get girls, I got much more confident, and that in turn got me more girls)",not sexist "thank you, kimberly. i'm also lucky to have such a caring vet & staff who all love their patients as much as their own pets. they were comforting and assuring, in that i had made the right decision for Topie...i still miss her, tho'.",not sexist "[USER] is a freak. Weird how he/she sees things! You need medication, friend",not sexist happy mother's day.,not sexist Maybe itll hit those caravan nut jobs and save our taxpayers some money. #MAGA #WishfulThinking [URL],not sexist "roll the dice, she's cute",not sexist """A mother who sent photographs and video of her two naked daughters to their dance teacher has told an inquiry that she feared he would destroy their dancing prospects."" But destroying their lives was alright? No one is this stupid. Never happened.",not sexist "You girls were great! Sorry for stalking, but I wrote some words for you, Tara and Rebecka on the comment section below on today's show. I'm on minds if you want to check it out. Lots of conservatives there : ) [URL]",not sexist Funny ex-muslim reads 'The People vs Muhammad' and ridicules Islam [URL],not sexist """Okcupid isn't real life!!"" 🤠🤠🤠 I'm not black you stupid fuck. I'm just better at reading statistics than you. There are others beyond that which also support my point.",not sexist ever heard of the term poaching? this fucker is trying to poach Gab accounts to their shitty site,not sexist """Oh fuck off with that libertarian bullshit. Taxes are the price of civilisation. If you think everything can be run ""user pays"" you are a moron."" [URL]",not sexist "If you have a PENIS, you pee in the boys room, a VAGINA you go in the girls room - or just pee down your leg, idiot.",not sexist This kind of crap is going on all over. I had a Muslim immigrant delivery guy / installer who ended up watching me install a dishwasher.,not sexist #Hillary Clinton and her #Democrats keeps YOU ignorant. #marchforourlives,not sexist "Game over,my wife is forcing me to get off the net.Time to change and party hearty downtown for dinner and club tour...",not sexist "Exactly. You opened something better, close that shit and forget the HB7 tease.",not sexist id beat the piss out of anyone assaulting her. smh.,not sexist Can I take her home and give her lots of head pats?,not sexist "That's the point you took away from his comment? Also he means the impulse to rape and murder. He says he can do that to the bot, which implies that he thinks his inability to do it to real women is bad.",not sexist Dude all your replies on askseddit are cliche butthurt men/wannabe-pua. If you got nothing constructive don't type anything. Obviously I do like her if I wanna FWB but I don't want a relationship with her again. Stick to the subject macho-boy.,not sexist You don't. It's your mans job to start ignoring her.,not sexist Lol so progressive of them to force digital women to drink cum and be sex slaves,not sexist Andrew Neil totally decimated her on the show for that though. It was a delight to watch 😊,not sexist Look at her eyebrows. Or inbetween her eyes at the bridge of her nose.,not sexist Can you count any hijab's in that photo???,not sexist "Do you have any studies? it seems like all you're going off on is experiences as well? ""I see high n women all the time""",not sexist I like when big girls feel good about themselves. You know the trash they get fed .. SOMETIMES ain't a very good intro to perfect balance and .. it's like ergonomics I dont assume theyre aware of such things.,not sexist "Cool sentence you wrote, I asked in the post for people's experience, not some red pill literotica. Do women do this for you?",not sexist one crazy thing is you wont see white guys complaining about women dating asians XD,not sexist I don't blame her I was looking at her feet the whole time too and women when they expose their skin,not sexist "What a complete and utter disgrace and slap in the face to all the dead heros from centuries of wars, including WW1 & WW2. [URL] #BritFam",not sexist Yeah? Be sure to use that excuse when a nigger tries to rape your woman.,not sexist Lol tru jfl,not sexist "Any girl that won't leave you without a second thought for cheating on her isn't a girl worth being with, in my opinion. You seem like a scum bag.",not sexist "I feel so, so terrible for any little girls that are the unfortunate children of these people. They are going to grow up so hurt.",not sexist "so if your wife pops out a niglet and neither of you are black, you're STILL responsible for the mutt?",not sexist My philosophy is live and let live. She was wrong but that doesn't mean I have to treat her like an asshole. But I've made my point...,not sexist He married her at the end of his life she was 40 years younger,not sexist Neither of you are getting anything out of the current interactions. Stop responding and stop giving a fuck.,not sexist Wishful thinking. She knows were the bodies are buried. Everyone know if she is indicted she will give up everyone else for plea deal. Not even a parking ticket. Sad she should hang,not sexist Why is it that men will simultaneously look down on both emotional/feminine/flighty/traditional women AND rational/modern/independent women? It's almost like you hate all women...,not sexist "This is hilarious. The worst part is, retarded clowns like these get news time. Where is the meteor when you want it!?",not sexist Orlando shooter's wife charged with aiding ISIS [URL],not sexist "It's all about money and political power, they are untouchable.",not sexist Sending you positive vibes hope you and her are well. 90's - 2000 rnb songs are bops.,not sexist "You'd think her (ahem) ""comedy"" would kill her too....",not sexist "I wonder why this story isn't getting more play. Because the African savage called the homo a fag? Because the girl he punched is white? Because the African savage acts like a barbarian? TMZ is all over it, though. [URL]",not sexist "Don't use sarcasam while texting, I love doing it and most chicks don't get it. :)",not sexist It's ok for tay to be white but it's not ok for her to be narccistic vain shallow and untalented,not sexist "I can't wait for sex robots. Hopefully it will start to cut down rape and these disgusting men will retreat to their homes with their robots and we never, ever have to put up with their leering and staring anymore!",not sexist "Meh she's bored and wants to be entertained. You can engage and try out new wierd lines if you feel like it, not like you'll get her into bed.",not sexist If you do ANYTHING at all for women you are a cuck.,not sexist "Sorry, islam-reformers--islam can NEVER be reformed, only destroyed. If a muslim calls him/herself a muslim then that is what they are: a muslim, and all muslims believe in and follow the koran. **** [URL]",not sexist Lol that obese woman holding the black girl in her arms lmfaoo,not sexist "Appreciate everyone's advice and general positive vibes. I'm going to ask. I went today but she wasn't working. Will update, hopefully with good news haha.",not sexist "I'm old school, but obviously Maxi here envies that socialist system with her words and manner. besides, do you really think she knows they are a Federation now? what with them attacking Korea and all🙄",not sexist "What got me is when the wife said he was here to get her friend's ass in which the husband replied ""why not"". Pure IDGAF attitude right there.",not sexist [USER] Hot girls under the age of 30 will form a pack to bang a guy. Reverse gangbangs aren't just for porn anymore.,not sexist "It's already happening, there's a boom of single Chinese, Japanese, and Korean men, which caused an increase of foreign marriages with South East Asian women. And now there's an increasing population of migrant wives in East Asian countries.",not sexist "With a name like ""Shep"" or ""Sheppard"" he was marked as a liberal from birth. Why FOX NEWS has this confused little girl on there is nuts. Don't watch this spy at all.",not sexist "You can see it in the pic, but they let a opossum into tye pride yesterday and he's scurring around trying to convince the lionesses that jackels deserve lion-rights",not sexist I tried to start her off on the most normie friendly album I could think of: DSotM.,not sexist "[USER] ""What women think"" no longer autocompletes. ""What men think"" only autocompletes to ""what men think about women"". Google confirmed blue pill cucks again.",not sexist Guaranteed she chimped after being denied use of her expired coupon.,not sexist "[URL] GERMANY You deserve so much worse , your Muslim diversity will destroy your stupid ass",not sexist "I really don't believe that's a narcissistic trait alone. Believe ""some men"" do not like being questioned or corrected especially by females.",not sexist Harvey Weinstein rape accuser Rose McGowan says 'Hollywood operates like a cult' as she appears at Hay Festival [URL],not sexist cross dressing as an ugly girl,not sexist "If anything was to symbolize islam it's head in the sand, ass in the air for a butt-rape in mass.. ?? Can you ask for a more fitting prayer position haha",not sexist "Lol, as if everyone on earth is a cuck. People get laid and you dont, deal with it. Calling them cucks wont fix your life. Theyre not even cucks, thats the funny thing. Thats just a fetish very few people got, not everybody who has sex.",not sexist "The shame of Britain and it's appeasement of Muslim rape gangs - Sarah, a white English girl,was raped by her new husband within minutes of marriage,forced to wear a hijab to hide the bruising where she had been beaten. [URL]",not sexist More than 120 women who say they were sexually abused by Larry Nassar are demanding the ouster of MSU's interim president. [URL],not sexist And the good for nothing RINOs just sit there! Call them!,not sexist "JFL if you still think women are ""complicated""",not sexist Everybody knows Stacy's mom is Jessie's girl!,not sexist she's never gone out with a hot cute guy. she swipes for mutual interests,not sexist you're a failure and your grandmother hates you for allowing Muslims to take over her country and happily rape her grand daughters,not sexist "they are looksmatch but even 2/10 women want atleast a high tier normie, so this is still rare to see",not sexist "Well I am convinced. I shall stop being a xenophobic racist right now. Come on in, destroy my country and murder-fuck my wife and kids. Thanks for showing me the light BBC! Or maybe answer 'B'...",not sexist Faith Goldy: I love jews and fuck black minors Alt-right: *silence* Faith: I just got fired by the jew! wtf I love #TradLife now Alt-right: PRAISE KEK WE JUST FOUND OUR NEW QUEEN! Fucking faggots.,not sexist "She didn't say it as a joke, she said it when she got mad at me for saying ""no"" to marrying her",not sexist "Ill back that up with: >Don't. It isn't worth it. Keep your friend, don't cause bad blood. Especially since it isn't likely anything would happen. That is all that needs to be said. If anything, use her to hit on her friends..",not sexist [USER] This is all I'm talking about. Fuck James Fields and Jason Kessler and all the tiki torch dumbfucks.,not sexist "LOL, my name was supposed to be Lori Lynn, all the pink was in place.... my dad said her first words were ""another damn boy"" I'm number 5 out of 5 boys",not sexist "Mecha-Hitler powered by mega-rape, piloted by kavanaugh on a mission to crush the urbanite cat lady forces and bring them under white sharia!",not sexist Ask her if she's single. Simple. Or don't ask at all. Who cares?,not sexist Kick her out.,not sexist The tactics of the #TRUEENEMY is to bring hate and war between nations and races ..... by mixing and then exploiting them [URL] Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now,not sexist What I am desperately hoping to see very soon is the Cherokee Nation suing Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming to be a member of the tribe.,not sexist [URL] women's subreddit /comments/5xmdkz/my_boyfriend_broke_up_with_me_because_i_was_raped/,not sexist "[USER] really hope this pans out, both my sister and bil died of deadly brain cancers.",not sexist Don't eliminate yourself just because you don't have a car or an apartment. Find you a chick who is down to bang you in her car in the parking lot or some shit haha. When girls wanna bang they'll bang anywhere.,not sexist "Also it's not ""white nighting"" to go try to talk to you negative dickwads and give some outlet for the genuinely lonely folks someone to talk to. I didn't go on some social justice trip, however I was disgusted by the comments towards women.",not sexist "I thought that Israel's main claim to the land was that they were not new inhabitants, but were, in fact, repossessing their very ancient country.",not sexist looked at the profile pic. didn't read,not sexist "When the crowd at President Trump's Friday night campaign rally broke into chants of ""lock her up!"" [URL] VIDEO",not sexist What URGENCY? Galloway tears into muz fanatic [USER] as London murder rate overtakes New York: [URL],not sexist "plenty of straight girls as well as gay men will fuck trans dudes, as will bi/pan people. being trans for one isnt really voluntary and secondly it isnt a feature that will stop all people from wanting to fuck you.",not sexist those who echo her are actually chanting a call to war - they really dont want that,not sexist "wait, so I'm entitled to force society to ignore women and accept the blackpill bc everyone is entitled to whatever gay crap?",not sexist Did I miss something? Isnt milf and mom higher than teen? Or is that a different image from the comment?,not sexist I'm skeert of her!,not sexist Is the a woman or a man,not sexist "When your wife returns after spending the night with her cuckold, do you like discuss all the details with her?",not sexist "If there were still white men around like there used to be, the black coach would have received proper punishment. No involvement of the court system necessary. Why were these girls allowed to have a black male coach them in cheerleading anyway?",not sexist That's some rare shit right there my boy. Go for it and cherish it,not sexist 😂😂😂😂😂😂I've walked in to find my German Shepherd with her nose in my cup!! And yes she has grabbed cups with brims on them to sneak away and drink by herself!! 😂😂,not sexist From what ive read the commie jews let russian mongols rampage through Germany raping and killing women.,not sexist "Sounds good to me man. I got to bang a few hotties. By all means let the hot girls settle on me. Also considering you are a self-identified incel, something tells me this comment is coming from a place of envy.",not sexist Thank you Richard and a good morning to you. A world filled with ladies like Dorcas would be a wonderful place to live. PGIF! Hope you have a blessed Friday!,not sexist ya she was fun to sodomize for sure,not sexist "Farm attack, woman stabbed in hand with screwdriver, Mooiplaats #WhiteGenocide #SaveTheBoer #Farmlands [URL]",not sexist "Yeah too true, that's why doing pua regularly is a pain in the ass, it's a lot of work and you can get crazy people who stalk you. I do it very rarely now, usually only when on holiday as people won't know you.",not sexist "#SeenOnVOAT ""America's first gay female Native American police chief hired the first Somali Immigrant cop....who then shot a white woman.""",not sexist Candace does not fvck around. The audience member is just the same as all the rest- same bullshit talking points.,not sexist *feminine women I'm starting to think you're either a parody account or someone who was dropped on their head as a child.,not sexist "So defensive. Your waiting for someone to convince you paying for it is a good idea and no one has. Keep it, fuck her, don't pay for it. I still don't think it's worth the trouble but you do you.",not sexist "the asshole alphas get the chicks in absence of their counterparts. Not in my experience, unfortunately these days respect is mistaken for submission and weakness.",not sexist "why is that anyone elses responsibility but the unwed mothers? this reasoning doesnt make sense. no woman HAS to get pregnant, how much birth control is out there? women have 100% control over PREGNANCY",not sexist Boardie can remove this lol,not sexist RT [USER]: At what point do we admit Hillary is to blame for driving division in this country all because she can't accept SHE LOST THE 2016 ELECTION [URL],not sexist I've been with girls with fake tits. Not recommended.,not sexist Yeah women love ultimatums. (rolls eyes),not sexist "You definitely gain some insight on how to lead women that you might dance with in the club, even if it's not salsa per se.",not sexist "This is the violent Lefta man will attack a womanthey have zero morals, zero boundaries. Shane Mekeland suffered a concussion after he got sucker-punched. Sarah Anderson was punched in the arm by a man destroying signs! #News #Truth #Politics [URL]",not sexist Rand Paul's wife: 'I now keep a loaded gun by my bed' after activists threatened family,not sexist cope. even at age 50 his life will be infinitely better than an incel's or even a normie's life will ever be.,not sexist "Now, back to the part where you were calling me a slut? Please cite my comment. I'm certain I did not personally call you a slut in this sub.",not sexist DeWHITE MANN RADIO SHOW ON ANTI ANTIFA RADIO HEADLINE: DeWHITE SAYS ANTIFA ARE FOUL MOUTHED IMMATURE COWARDS WHO HATE RESPONSIBILITY LISTEN TO WHAT DeWHITE MAN HAS TO SAY ABOUT ANTIFA -CLICK ON LINK [URL],not sexist "I believe there is a serious ongoing marxist, neo-fascist, collectivist effort to overthrow America. Government, law enforcement, health are in grave danger by rabid socialists. The Obummer cartel is responsible.",not sexist What does it matter if women see their men through rose tinted glasses? Surely that's a good thing?,not sexist [this]([URL] is a stat from my country on how many % want children. Among the childless 35-39 age bracket 47% men want children (vs 28% of women),not sexist "[USER] To find a life partner she needs another face and another personality, not another President. Either that, or a Costco sized pack of AA batteries.",not sexist "Reminds me of the movie ""Drive"". I used to love that movie. But watching that after mgtow, the dumbass starts making effort for the single mom next door. Nearly gets himself killed.",not sexist The lovely ladies from the world of Mugshot Monday [URL],not sexist "She doesn't see most men as sexual beings, with wants, needs, hopes and dreams of their own, and as wanting and needing sex. so you see most women as sexual beings, with wants, needs, hopes and dreams of their own, and as wanting and needing sex?",not sexist Obama is a little shit who expected any less from that turd.,not sexist "I've thought about the ropes, but I choose the asshole life. I'm much happier now. I choose to be nice to those that deserve it, and it's eye opening to see that most ppl do not deserve my best behaviors.",not sexist "Fuck yeah, Brazil! [URL]",not sexist How are you incel? Usually being financially stable can overcome even poor levels of attractiveness for women.,not sexist "Wait, I misread the question. I don't hate women. I identified as an incel because of A and B.",not sexist "I bet in a few she will text u, is trp fun yet?",not sexist Who are the three women who were found in Paddock's room? [URL] #LasVegasShooting,not sexist [USER] I think she has blood transfusions when we don't see her for 3days,not sexist This was like a kick in the teeth' Muslim charged with beating woman with U.S. flag skips court [URL],not sexist Would love to see her on scotus,not sexist He wouldn't live long if it was my daughter! You can take that to the bank!,not sexist "probably. remember, women are the primary victims of war. sure, men get mowed down and have their lives ended at 19 years old. but women get raped and have their whole (male portion of the) family killed!",not sexist TRP is good for more than just male-female relationships. It's about improving yourself as a man. When you improve yourself as a man everything else starts falling into place.,not sexist "HAVE WE GONE TOTALLY FUCKING INSANE? Faggot tranny, doped up on testosterone, wrestles against girls in Texas.",not sexist RT windh1 Why is she even relevant? The only time she should ever be mentioned is if she goes to prison... other than that... [URL],not sexist "Yeah, cos you see a lot of the female version of this doll...",not sexist Whatever. You are cuck like all pathetic numales are now these days. I bet you enjoy watching your girlfriend getting fucked by a pack of niggers while you jerk off to it. Ewwwwwww 😦,not sexist Pres Trump is going 2 have 2 do a lot of this 2 make sure dems don't take over the house or senate,not sexist All widows are like that,not sexist "So you have proof of 8chan having CP and you aren't taking it to the authorities, you're just crying about it here? Are you fucking retarded or something?",not sexist black guy always dies first on missions,not sexist You can always just have outercourse if anal freaks you out,not sexist TRP's thoughts on dating older women? don't,not sexist try to get her out of that cockblocker. ask her out already and text her only when you're going to ask her out.,not sexist no women.,not sexist "[USER] If this guy hates whites so much then he should lead the charge and kill himself, piece of shit that he is.",not sexist "Is a woman's testimony more accurate than cold hard evidence now? Um, yes?",not sexist "Straight girls feel the same about a nice male butt and men's butts aren't quite as sexualized in the media nor are their Jean's as form-fitting usually. I don't think liking butts is ""because"" of anything lol.",not sexist "And I thought our nation was fucked up, where a girl can name anyone and even if DNA says he's not the father, the judge can force payments. France will actually punish you for seeking genetic lineage. God Damn!",not sexist "#GirlsAndGuns #EDC #ArmYourWomen #2A_CivilRight #Guns #2A #GunRoom Go ahead and run asshole, you'll just die tired.",not sexist How can we demonstrate strength to a girl without being physically strong,not sexist In the end...I think she will lose her own head.,not sexist "LA archdiocese's ""religious education"" conference infested with transgender ideology | Joseph Sciambra [URL]",not sexist I see in the background a Muslim woman supports her. Find ONE country with a black female leader. I'm waiting........... tick tock tick tock [URL],not sexist "Oops: Progressive wingnut Harry Potter author inadvertently admits her hypocrisy. Angry Muggles: J.K. Rowling Criticized for Liking 'Transphobic' Post on Twitter, Blames 'Middle-Aged Moment' | Breitbart [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "In Mumbai in India they are building the worlds tallest residential tower block called World One, 117 stories. Just wondered do they need any cheap cladding?",not sexist A male dog or a female dog?,not sexist you're beta for hating on the army guys. you shoulda just had a good time having people buy drinks for you,not sexist "sharia is unhinged, lost control of her life when i broke up with her sad!",not sexist "I know, I know, me and my big stupid lady mouth, right?",not sexist "A little advice, Gather every bill and bank statement and payment you can showing you providing the house and car and her alcohol etc. Also, get a fucking good lawyer. The courts are biased against men but these will give you the best chance",not sexist "The seduction vocabulary just seems to scream ""I AM A CUNT"". ""Male PUA, was on the grind yesterday, spotted a HB9, chatted her up, got a #-close, noticed good IOI-s and ended with a F-close."" ^ Fuck you, guy.",not sexist "Wonder if You Tube is having any regrets banning her now, They made a ""Martyr"" out of her now, out of their stupidity and arrogance. She'll be the You Tube poster child for free speech now.",not sexist "If you were female, I'd invite you to try... ;-p",not sexist This is her political suicide tweet. Please share it everywhere!,not sexist The only reason Meghan's brother said these vile things about her is because he's a racist. It has nothing to do with knowing who she is.,not sexist Every single one of these motherfuckers have to go. [URL],not sexist A man with a modicum of good taste.,not sexist "Promoting incest as well as raping, torturing and even murdering women is not what I would call 'self-help'.",not sexist did you fuck her or did you let it be because you didn't want to start a shitstorm for your parents?,not sexist "Tact is important in the bedroom. For instance, if my girlfriend fanny-farts, I don't tell my wife.",not sexist The only valid points they have is when they confront the pedo/rapist/violent incels(assuming those people aren't trolling for lulz). The rest of the stuff they post is pure idiocy.,not sexist Isn't she like 13% black or something,not sexist "Help Refugees wants to help women and children in Calais! They just need, uh, more men's shoes, men's coats, men's shirts, and men's underwear. But don't ask why, ok? [URL]",not sexist "No, do not speak your mind. What are you looking for from her? If you just want to bang her then try to continue that, and don't let it get in the way of going for other girls.",not sexist Traditionalism = female superiority,not sexist "Massive volcel. Get out, racist!",not sexist "If she's flirting with you that's how you know. Unless she's a stripper, waitress or bartender looking for a good tip, no woman is going to flirt with someone they don't like.",not sexist Nigeria: Islamic jihadis used 10-year-old girl as bomb in market attack [URL],not sexist The pic of the girl looks like a man in a wig js,not sexist "Perhaps someday we will look back and say ""That was when she got #woke."" #CommunismSucks #commies #libtards #stalkers",not sexist "*Even though Judge Moreno found that Wright knowingly filed a false police report, she was not charged with a crime* What a fucking joke.",not sexist "THIS.. Stop watching porn, you dumbass guys. Your dick won't get hard, and you will get laughed at when a REAL, LIVE, Desiring you woman is waiting to fuck you. [URL]",not sexist "That's because we put them in prison and give them free housing, food and medical, instead of cutting their fucking heads off or putting a bullet in their brain.",not sexist "Mike Rowe, national treasure, takes a pseudo-intellectual with an inferiority complex who confuses science with her cult religion to the metaphorical woodshed. [URL]",not sexist Bro with the fro checking out da white woman.,not sexist "The ghost of Joseph Goebbels appears before Matt Heimbach... 'You call yourself a neo-Nazi? You make me sick! You were supposed to build a 4K video service, not fuck your mother in law!'",not sexist "Yes exactly. Like i said, they are incompatible. And never will be. Question is, when is it blowing up. Powder keg 3.2.1.bang!",not sexist if the Marxist had their way we would all fuck ugly fat sassy women. nooooo thanx!,not sexist "Yeah, and that's what everyone will assume, her friends will assume, and she will convince herself. In reality I was just ugly and stood out of line in conversation by mentioning a convention that was on in the weekend.",not sexist Vee is interviewing that woman was arrested for asking why Muslims has specific right in the UK [URL],not sexist """urged her country's citizens to stand up against hate""? Islam is the most hateful ideology the world has ever seen. ""We reject you. Hostility and hate have come between us forever, unless you believe in Allah only.'"" ~ Qur'an 60:5",not sexist To rationalize being an arrogant selfish prick.,not sexist "I meant, it was putting it mildly, to say the least. Like when extremely obese women say, ""Im no size 2."" Yeah, no shit. You aren't even a 22.",not sexist You what that left out. If you God ok's raping and beating women you might be a muslim. If your god ok's thighing (molesting) infants you might be a muslim.,not sexist "Such language is why Yids laugh at, use your kind as fodder in their wars. Keep worrying about powerless Blks. I bet you ""gay"" govt officials will never Repatriate that BLACK Snake, [female] Pudding they're addicted to??",not sexist "I don't know. I have fun dropping the redpills whenever I can I guess. Be it a man, or a woman. People hate me for it lol.",not sexist whats a gaycel? I don't think you can be incel if you're gay,not sexist So you pursued her. I don't see how thats being an asshole. So playfully teased her. I don't see how that's being an asshole.,not sexist "Ya when women accomplish well anything ill give you the ""they're the future of the species"" but i agree with everything else.",not sexist That's really good. Why does she say she hasn't seen her face in 10 years?,not sexist "Play it cool and be mature. She's seen it all if she's hot, so be honest and straight forward. Resource- myself, amateur milf hunter with a few trophies. Some of which had children around my age or older",not sexist "Matches are solely based on your photos and bio. That's it. If you're at a university, you can probably meet more women in a day than you've met in a lifetime of Tinder.",not sexist "Ok I will flirt and kino, at the end of this though, should I ask her out again or what?",not sexist lol ugly girls,not sexist "Twitter suspends [USER] for her views on extreme Muslims, transgender troops [URL] via ",not sexist "MGTOW operates more like islam, however you are your own God, and your own prophet.",not sexist "Drug traffickers 'BEHEAD special needs girl, 13, in Alabama cemetery because she witnessed them stab her grandma to death over her links to El Chapo's Sinaloa Cartel' [URL]",not sexist "imagine messaging women, dumbass",not sexist Ask her out for drinks,not sexist Wow. Just wow. Poor Kellyanne will never be able to show her face in public again. #YouWinLeftiesYouWin,not sexist "Until they do something about it, they're okay with it. That's how I'm using the term 'okay'. So I conclude Germany is ok with their women getting raped, same as Sweden.",not sexist This is why every fucking woman out there need to carry a taser and a fucking pepper spray.,not sexist Yes. A lot of guys who get laid a lot are cringey dorks who can talk their way into a girls pants,not sexist "[USER] I dont think she specified word nuclear, tho it might be implied.",not sexist """Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."" Ben Franklin You can look up 'Tyranny' yourself",not sexist Why the dems have not demanded he step aside when there is proof while they rail against Kavanaugh when the is no proof is yet a mystery!,not sexist "This poor mother is in a strangle-hold struggle with CPS over her 4 children, when the doctor's mistake is blamed on her! [URL]",not sexist right? lol. they want a mommy they can fuck.,not sexist As a crypto Jewess (mother Jewish) nothing less can be expected of Merkel who's one mission is to destroy Germany.,not sexist [USER] Haven't they gone bust yet?,not sexist "[USER] I know but when it comes to the Revolution I am very much THAT GUY. Until I finish Children of Liberty (and even then, probably for a good bit after it) I am perpetually stuck in 1775 Boston.",not sexist Gives me a pass for what? You're the one repeatedly fucking up here.,not sexist See the marks on her need from lesbian leash.,not sexist "She'd break my fingers if I touched her Ketel, lol (not true, she's very generous) I'm a Belvedere girl, myself.",not sexist "She's a White dhimmi in their world, she's destined for the rape camps, not marriage.",not sexist go to Bangkok you'll have women sucking in your white boobies,not sexist I workout pretty consistently and have abs but I am just lean. It hasn't done anything for me honestly because most girls can't see your abs/body when you're fully clothed anyways but you're right it did help with conviction and discipline.,not sexist It won't be spun this way by the grovelling lickspittles in the media but of course her argument provides quite strong evidence that the Russians DIDN'T do it.,not sexist What's the real issue here? The guys who exclusively like Asian women are massive pieces of shit. It doesn't matter if they're in the minority. It still leads to us.,not sexist [USER] They did talk about it a bit on Sean Hannity Wed. night.,not sexist It's hot again today (and yes I know she isn't singing about her make-up). :D [URL],not sexist "'Refugee' named Mohamed sexually assaults disabled U.S. woman, media silent [URL]",not sexist "Poor Nancy, she went black and can't go back, can't even speak now. Who knows how far up her they all went!",not sexist I hate rooting for a team not scoring jack #NSFW no sex for women [URL],not sexist Arrest Hillary during her integrity class at Columbia! 😂,not sexist Good looking everything. I wish my wife was that young.,not sexist "Plus it's YouTube, female could mean ""female""",not sexist "It means sweet Jesus, am I seriously going to have to make another account to look at peoples' [CUR]#it when they block me because they're a mother f**kin' trigglypuff with no balls?",not sexist "You'll want to stay away from Shelly. She stalks and harasses [USER], , , , and often. There's also a few others she's overly obsessed with.",not sexist "Why do you hate her so, she is not even in line for a crown. Just a blip in the Royal line...",not sexist We need to say prayers for Laura Loomer. The people she's going after don't take kindly to having their sins aired in public,not sexist "I dont understand when people see a mixed raced couple and say ""it is ok, she ugly and fat"". All white women must be protected. [URL]",not sexist Reposting this since all the mailboxes were full over the weekend. Please everybody call! #ReleaseTheMemo,not sexist She. Actually I think she hasn't gone to the same place I am going to. Your assumptions and ignorance has been on display enough this evening. Banish yourself back to the little bubble of safe thought you fling your feces from...,not sexist "I'm a guy, I would be fine with ""do you want have sex with me"" told by a girl. And I would not complain.",not sexist "Nassar examining a young, prepubescent girl: *thinking* I can't let this sweet young thing be deflowered by ANYONE BUT ME!!! RAAAAARRRRR!",not sexist Chill.It is..... satire.It is not the first time she mocks the feminists.,not sexist "Yeah, alcohol shrinks neurons. No shit. Pot is way worse. I've watched it turn normal teens into complete morons within just a few years.",not sexist Did she hit herself in the head with that big gavel? Nancy Pelosi complains Trump not visiting countries in alphabetical order [URL],not sexist "Are you a #Kike, or just working for them? If the answer to both questions is no, then you either need to stop working for the #Jews or start getting paid for it. Because you are doing the work of the #Jew.",not sexist "LPT: If you sit on your hand for a couple of minutes first, it goes numb and feels like someone else is giving you a handjob!",not sexist i hope all you niggas here saying this mom is based are joking because this shit aint funny,not sexist "I have been dealing with this most of my life. I loooove my long hair. but I simply look better and attract better women when I have short, clean cut hair. sigh..",not sexist "With the damning evidence of the memo soon to be released, Comey still thinks that he's immune to a prison sentence or an indictment to say the least. Wonder how good that 6' 8"" orange jump suit is going to look on him? [URL]",not sexist you can get a shitty android for like [CUR]30 that has those capabilities,not sexist 98% of this sub are chickens with the head cut off....... but yeah w/e ....,not sexist I remember some cat lady called me a white nigger when we were walking out,not sexist we just hope you don't get rekted... good luck.,not sexist "RT Cernovich Today CNN brought up Ray J and Kanye's dead mother, after calling him a ""negro"" a day before. Every day a new bottom. [URL]",not sexist "It's not just virtual currency either, it's the gateway to monthly Patreon paychecks or media interviews and even jobs. There's no reason not to try it if you're an amoral asshole.",not sexist Or the out of touch elite drunk who drinks baby's blood then cheers on her hubby and John Podesta while they rape kids in a tunnel under the bar. #pizzagate,not sexist "Really? Gross. There's also the opposite happening, with Eastern men moving to Western countries to find ""loose"" women. Usually not for marriage though",not sexist "yes, all 101 of them. you're quite the prom queen, aren't you?",not sexist So dumb!,not sexist "I like skinny boys. It helps to have a little fat or muscle because you don't want to look unhealthy and malnourished, but I don't find a ton of bulk super attractive. There's a huge demographic of girls who like skinny, lanky dudes",not sexist [URL] - had to tow my daughter's minivan and called a company named Automotive Dynamics close to Sun City #towing_sun_city #sun_city #sun_city_az #tow_truck_sun_city #towing_service,not sexist [USER] my wife doesn't laugh at my farts. I can see where having to get out of bed to fetch the covers off the floor makes it less funny.,not sexist Paramount Defends 'mother!' Against Bad Box Office and 'F' CinemaScore: 'This Movie is Brave' [URL] These dumb fuck studio executives will not get the message until they are out of business.,not sexist ...its a matter of gravity and scale a kiss is non sexual despite your effort to conflate. Fucking for money is in an entire different universe...,not sexist "No one wants to go back to the good old days. However, if there is a failure in energy production or distribution, then society will be forced back to the ""good old days"" and that is going to be pretty damn shocking to society.",not sexist Apparently and according to the caller Doug Ford was elected due to his skin colour and sex. (He was running against two extremely wealthy white women). [URL],not sexist "This is our destiny, to cleanse our sacred homelands from the invader, to crush our enemies, to see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentations of their women.",not sexist ALL ABOARD!! Swetnick's ex-beau claims 'she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time' [URL],not sexist THE CRYPT KEEPER RETURNS TO TRASH TRUMP Shows HRC's latest discussion with CNN & the Projection HRC uses in her speech. [URL],not sexist #Cuck McMuffin - you are a LOSER. Take the L like the man you are not.,not sexist "Ah, thank you. Now I can hit the beaches in comfort.",not sexist #LockHerUp Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf told reporters that police in her city will not assist ICE officials if the report on the raids is accurate. [URL],not sexist Three things I hate in no particular order: 1) Pickles. 2) Mimes. 3) Canadian politicians.,not sexist porn exists because the women in them want to fuck LOL porn exists because men want to jerk off to women doing porn.,not sexist "You know, traditionally, the guys who looked after the harem were all eunuchs, because they were unlikely to want to violate the women. I'm just saying.",not sexist Jesus man pulling 1 girl out of 6 approaches is pretty awesome. Shut up and enjoy your success and your big dick.,not sexist "DEADLY PARASITIC WORM COMING TO EUROPE DUE TO THIRD-WORLD MIGRATION Hundreds to thousands of eggs are produced daily by each female worm. Chris Menahan Information Liberation - JULY 11, 2018 [URL]",not sexist you can't force the blackpill. every man must accept it on their own terms,not sexist Small business owner happy married farm girl I love USA President Donald Trump #MAGA God and gun's,not sexist lol I m in a relationship with a white woman myself and I certainly find her very feminine.,not sexist Wimmin hating Trump appoints Gina Haspel 1st female CIA Director fires White Guy from State cue feminist outrage [URL],not sexist Then you are a Blue Piller because you are attributing your misfortune to *circumstances* rather than *the nature of women* Red Pill is about *the nature of women* in case you didn't know.,not sexist "Most likely, already tried and was rejected. Then she posted on Reddit.",not sexist "Fuck yeah, I am fighting! I am also raising my daughters the right way!",not sexist "Transparency in the judging process, I assume? But is there any actual indication after recusing herself that Santiago had any influence on the judging that occurred? Assuming that she did based on no evidence seems rather questionable.",not sexist I stand with Milo- not these awful women... [URL],not sexist "Christian, if someone pulled that on my wife he would have bruised balls.",not sexist [USER] Revenge my eye... Next will be I hope they don't prosecute her because they are sexist..,not sexist "Lol. Boogie was unable to have sex, and once he started losing enough weight to have, his wife left him for a BBC.",not sexist The final show down. Based incel vs normie interloper. May Saint Morgan guide the incel to victory.,not sexist [USER] That or I think the mother put his religion down as Muslim.,not sexist She's even Racist against her own people. She does NOT live in the District she represents. She has a 3 million mansion in a very affluent White neighborhood.,not sexist the red hen lex closed until july 6,not sexist Damn breaking news unicorns have been spotted outside her house after that retarded comment,not sexist So you guys are straight up saying you only value women on their appearances ok sick,not sexist "Irrelevant. Your premise is already on women requiring adult supervision. Who removed supervision is not important, but let me assure you it wasn't just Jews. Plenty of thirsty white men happily went along with it to up their chances at getting laid.",not sexist she's a useless pig,not sexist Her looksmatch is limping around in Vietnam with a stump because he tripped on a claymore collecting centipedes for dinner.,not sexist PS. the use of the word African is another safe word. Instead of Sudanese black fuckers as most Aussie would like to put it.,not sexist Matriarchal societies have come into existence on occasion in the course of history; they just tend to not be around for any appreciable span of time. They lack vitality and are overrun before long.,not sexist "Talk to her parents tell them that your a grown rational man and going somewhere in life, say that you really like her, speak your heart out and be sincere. No sexual talk.",not sexist Nothing wrong with this. The model should look at least similar to the target audience. Did they put Vaseline on her face before fucking up her hair? Is it even possible for fashion shows to look good?,not sexist I'm sure that any woman who was kind to those assholes -- and I'm sure there were some -- was dubbed a whore and a slut. You can't win with these twerps.,not sexist LOL I'm making a joke. I couldn't get fat single moms if I wanted,not sexist dog pill girl seems also pretty normal.,not sexist "I think if they had their way, it would be a image of a muslim woman in a black dress, or a image of the london mayor in that case.",not sexist Where is the Democratic call to investigate this assault on a woman??? [USER] [URL],not sexist Not entirely I'll say that. I mean I know it all but I need to be able to seperate emotions from women. Trying to work on it.,not sexist """The soft bigotry of low expectations"" As a professor, you would think she'd be familiar with the concept. Of course, you would think a football coach would be familiar with ethics, decency, and morality.",not sexist "What? Why would you fight / get hurt? I don't get how you go from your impulse, to fighting, to using a condom to getting to jail?! BTW: A good fight is the one you don't have. The best and smartest fighters are the one that don't throw a fist.",not sexist It's not like simps are giving women anything to respect.,not sexist "Why wouldn't you? Dont think, just do it. Worst that can happen is she rejects you and moves on.",not sexist Your mom calling you attractive doesn't count and yeah you're gonna die a virgin might as well go and jack off,not sexist "Even their seemingly innocuous posts about food, recreation, work, study, pets, travel etc are sexist. They manage a way to fit ""I hate women"" into everything.",not sexist "Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading, Nancy just brags about it as if it's her right as a sitting ISIS member.",not sexist I define success by women considering you worthy to either date or casually have sex with.,not sexist er... excuse me but Hillary's Muslim plan disqualifies HER! Anyone deliberately destroying their country is guilty of treason! (Angela Merkel ring a bell?) [URL],not sexist "If it helps some man convert then I'm all for it, but this sub is not for women in the slightest and I would prefer they stick to the other 99% of Reddit.",not sexist Find other girls not into power games like that. Next!,not sexist "Their mommy's forgot to teach them that ""sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."" [URL]",not sexist "that bullshit is so 90's. the most generic advice. ""just dress up bro!""",not sexist "All4truth should be there, too.",not sexist Obummer did a superb job of fostering hate and division in America.,not sexist I mean I wouldn't hit a woman anyway though even if people didn't tell me not to.,not sexist Get the other boob done and she'll forgive you.,not sexist I would never engage in sexual activity with a women who didn't foolishly consent to it ahead of time and fail to realize her mistake until it was over.,not sexist "love it or hate it, the best argument for those haters is them willfully contracting the #TrumpDerangementSyndrome",not sexist "The kid in me wants to make a big deal of my score being 420 atm. The grown up in me would then beat the kid in me as a reminder that I haven't smoked weed ever, nor do I celebrate the birth of that maggot food Hitler.",not sexist I'm cringing too...because I've been there myself and tried too hard and was overly romantic with a woman who didn't really like me. But it's ok and we get older and wiser.,not sexist "Come on. If the standard is, we can't cooperate with conservatives who are shabbesgoyim, then we can't cooperate with any of them, and we have no political vehicle whatsoever. We have to start where things are and keep nudging them rightward.",not sexist She's not interested. You're a creep who stalked her on a facebook~,not sexist first class witch,not sexist Your protein intake is going to play a much bigger role then how many calories you eat. As long as you are getting in a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight then you can put on a lot of muscle with a 1000 calorie diet.,not sexist "The girls are hot. Other than that, no",not sexist "In China's far west, authorities are distancing Muslim children from their families with orphanages, boarding schools. [URL]",not sexist Singlehood is a man's sport.,not sexist "Pretty sad, but I'm sure you'll look like a girl anyway. You want to...",not sexist If only their mothers had gone that route....so many less idiots in the world. So powerful 🤣🤣🤣 Just have MORON tattooed on your foreheads,not sexist "Great list but I'd give a lot of leeway for the phone one. My LTR is very tight with her family so occasionally family threads get active. If it was just social media and what not, that's a different story.",not sexist Why is she allowed in this country? She needs to tried for treason if she is a citizen or if naturalized the citizenship needs to be revoked. Get that POS out of my country.,not sexist "Because women are incapable of rape, assault, and murder. Retard.",not sexist Idk I have a good relationship with my sister 🤷‍♂️,not sexist "POP POP POP WATCHING RACISTS DROP (sneak preview of one of my upcoming hit singles ""ben [CUR]hapiro nazi killa lady slayah 420)",not sexist "I've only recently become aware of the weird little cult around Rodger. There are even young women who post YT vids defending him and his actions, it's totally messed up.",not sexist I feel sorry for them and their mothers,not sexist Say it is the first scenario....what could it be about me that would make her think she couldn't have a relationship with me?,not sexist "Illegal immigration - Tearful reunion for mom, daughter separated at border after parents left child alone as they ran off, ditching the child [URL]",not sexist It's over if she felt your boner.,not sexist "It sounds like the data is already there and she's trying to learn something from it. Honestly, getting a situation like this and leaving with no knowledge or growth is a worse decision. One can be introspective while moving on you know.",not sexist "Remember when #jewhollywood would make shoahs about vigilante women using a castration tool on their rapists? Make castrate bander great again. Round them up, cut them off.",not sexist "Its not just genetics, though OBVIOUSLY the fact that women have XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosomes is a pretty big genetic deal. There are hormones involved, particularly testoerone",not sexist Zits,not sexist "A team of professors recently criticized K-12 textbooks for failing to explore ""societal power dynamics"" in their depictions of women and minorities. [URL]",not sexist Holy Shit. What ever we do. Let's not take the common sense approach. Oh hell no. Let's kiss these stupid democrats asses. FUCK THEM.,not sexist YEAH!! fuck this woman !! i hate her,not sexist "Basically, still better than the gypsies though, I know an Albanian Orthodox and he's always like ""muh Kosovo"". What I never understood is why Serbia wants a majority Sunni Muslim Albanian cesspool?",not sexist "Where's the LGBTQ and Women's Rights activists Where's the outcry for what happened to this lady? What about the pink-haired pussy hat-wearing mob? Makes you curious, doesn't it? Shame for what happened to the women, and a bold move at that. [URL]",not sexist "Feels as though the CIA/Mossad/ISI/Mabahith sent you to the same finishing schools as Barry. They can groom you forever, you're a non-starter. Just hope your birth certificate Photoshop skills are a cut above...",not sexist Check this one out Paul. Seems Birth Control Pills is the missing link between this uptick in the confused male/female experiment that government has continued. Explains a lot.,not sexist "You're assuming men who dislike women don't get slept with. Some of them apply TRP, see it works, and become disgusted.",not sexist I don't want to have to pay for them in camps. Failing that-we shoot them.,not sexist "My hypothetical twin would be an incel, since women hate short men. Although, with my luck, I'd have a fraternal twin who would end up being a tallfag.",not sexist YOU ARE A FAG & A BIGOT,not sexist "In the UK, the average man works 5 hours more per week than the averge woman. [URL] What am I missing? Is it 5 or 10?",not sexist I don't know. Maybe be a man and have some other shit to do with your life? Read the sidebar.,not sexist "No you don't you nutjob you have a mutilated manhood poked back unaturaly into your body to make a ""fake"" vagina like hole. This does not make you a women! just a broken man.",not sexist "Nera likes jumping in, but start to slide the door, she freaks out...",not sexist """I think we as men need to man up and give them reparations for this. We need to give more of our money to women on the streets. We ALL need to have an onlyfans where the bill is higher than our utility bill"". 200 IQ sarcasm 😂",not sexist And we will end it brother. In the names of our sons and daughters... Let none survive. GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!,not sexist Women from 18 - 35 are out earning men. If you are smart and a guy and pickup crypto you will out earn your female counterparts. Simple.,not sexist NO FUCKING WAY it's like she's 5.,not sexist [USER] 1h Jihadi parents kiss daughter bye B4 girl launches bomb attack. Great parenting! [URL],not sexist Indian savages: Wife tied to tree for 7 hours and given 100 lashes by her own HUSBAND before mob sexually assaulted her: [URL],not sexist It's like her lips were bitten by bees,not sexist "Also, if you're an incel you should act like it. You don't want to trick anyone into fucking you, that would be unacceptable.",not sexist And she better fucking not. We don't want her here!,not sexist "Think procreation, at least 3 children per white family, 4 would be better. If you are of Childbearing age do this or your current children will become extinct.",not sexist That's what I was thinking too... Unless OP is really uncalibrated. She may not have even said she was uncomfortable - the only person that was uncomfortable was the boyfriend out of extreme jealousy and worried some guy is gonna take his girl.,not sexist I'm not a troll. I'm a sad woman in desperate need of emotional validation.,not sexist "Hey Murray, wanna hear a joke? Op is a retard btw",not sexist "I don't get why they do it, surely someone has sense in the force to open their mouth... I know I would",not sexist Really eh. I never listened to rush much. Never seemed totally trust worthy to me. Not sure if he has changed in the last 4-5 years. I categorize him with Karl rove types. All about their own shekels.,not sexist My kinda girl...heh,not sexist "She reminds me of Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter, a faux sympathetic force of absolute evil",not sexist exactly jfl they think mayos fetishize them when in realize they are just getting their nut off on an easy JBW kill,not sexist "If she belongs to the streets, you can't take the streets out of the girl bro it don't work that way",not sexist "Much like ""Hotel California""",not sexist normies dont know that its the kikes tho,not sexist "Thanks man, today I got it down to a little over 11 minutes. Cardio interval training really does make you faster. My cut us making me lose linear progression on my lift days. I just had my first stall on strongliftd with bent over rows at 125lbs",not sexist "I'm pretty sure men have quite a bit more criteria than ""is she hot."" Why don't you dumb down men a bit more?",not sexist "try replacing the word ""women"" with any other group identifier and watch how fast the article gets hammered for hate speech. where's the justice?",not sexist "Thats what I came to post. How insulting is sending a ""sister"" to guys that checked out because they are not in the top 10%-20% of men? At least send some prostitutes.",not sexist 72.4 THOUSAND likes? Jesus Christ that's terrifying. Do these women seriously have no clue their partners are counting down the seconds to where they can assault them? Fucking hell,not sexist Even at the height of her fame pretty much everyone agreed that she wasn't a very good singer or dancer. Wonder what she had to do for her fame. All I know is that those eyes look soulless.,not sexist Project Much? => Sally Kohn: 'Most men hate women' [URL],not sexist "Don't be a faggot. I didn't say they were bestie material. I said a MAN doesn't find them unpleasant. If you are on your game, women are fun.",not sexist "The red pill fucked my life all up. I lost my girlfriend, all my friends and I now trust pretty much nobody.",not sexist "Act normal around her, it will only become awkward if you make it so.",not sexist That asshole should be in prison for all the crimes he committed! 😡,not sexist "LoL what are you 80 years old #Captain_Pulpit ..?? Each post you publish time stamps your handle yet you @ mention yourself anyway. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 yep, you're a jackass",not sexist 😂 😂 😂 holy shit she triggered da duck outta you 😂 😂 😂 😂,not sexist Because some woman personally left them and moved onto someone else.,not sexist "lol, of course she was... I can't wait for a collapse of society...",not sexist Made Up ?? How bout this old fucks bride..,not sexist #jew #pedo,not sexist "If it were a kill shot, Hillary would be in jail now. The truth is, that's been out a long time and it has changed NOTHING with respect to the law holding her accountable.",not sexist implying that will teach women a lesson ugh....,not sexist "Well I mean I love the cold, stayed in Norway for a good while! But damn, that's just too damn cold girl! Hell even Ice-cycles don't like that cold!",not sexist Why would women hate men if prostitution was legal/,not sexist I hope you told her to fuck off in the end mate...,not sexist I live near a college and I see them with Tyrone all the time. A lot if Chad's seem to be going for the hot Asian/Indian girls.,not sexist #rape #sweden [URL],not sexist These incels will claim whatever they can as justification for their inability to get women. They can't wrap their tiny brain around the idea that their personality might be dog shit.,not sexist "Say something witty and make her laugh, then continue with a conversation.",not sexist "The 'reward' of every Temple Mount rioter: 4,500 shekels a month Every 'Mourabitoun' and 'Murabitat' received a monthly salary of 4,500 shekels for harassing Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount. [URL]",not sexist "I disagree. They can be friends, best friends even I mean why not? You can be friends with a female cat, no?. And about the NAWALT .. . well, I said kind of, not definitely.",not sexist "Dude, stop be smarter than this, dont attack her appearance.",not sexist Passengers cheer as rowdy UK women removed from plane [URL],not sexist #PedoGateNews Nickelodeon casting couch? Dan Schneider is a fat ass pedophile who abuses girls on Nickelodeon. [URL],not sexist Can you get pregnant swimming in a pool?,not sexist "Bro it's hard work taking care of a cat, just ask my wife who acts like I'm making her break large rocks with a tiny hammer, every time I ask her to clean the litter box.",not sexist Dude i did hundreds of these and fear was present till the very last. But it didn't stop me from dating and fucking many many beautiful girls.,not sexist "Chinese tech giants, government under fire for 'men only' job ads - Job ads posted by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Baidu Inc and Tencent Holdings Ltd deterred female applicants or objectified women, said Human Rights Watch",not sexist "There are direct racial parallels that I won't go into due to board rules except to say that if we were talking about certain ethnic minorities, or even about women, this would be correctly seen as hate speech.",not sexist "[USER] FAKE NEWS like: DJT is a misogynist DJT faked his taxes DJT molested women DJT would start nuclear war etc etc Yes Mr Obama, you and HRC can lay claim to ALL the fake news as your own!!!",not sexist "In regards to what you're gonna do tomorrow: try not to do it around her friends, she might think it's weird. Otherwise, good shit.",not sexist Why are they allowed anonymity but non-Asians get their name splashed all over the fucking media regardless of guilt. [URL],not sexist You personally seem to have your life together. The problem comes with guys who identify as incel but [post stuff like this]([URL] and perpetuate the stereotype that Incels want to rape women and commit violent acts.,not sexist We have.had few bastard President.I can say you didn't voted for him it's all good I didn't too.but a woman had this person.I respect every woman.that can have a child.so everyone needs to keep that word out.if their mouth.who know they might be one.,not sexist Judging by the noise i think i need to force my rommate to clean her room every few days...,not sexist American hunter poses with body of rare giraffe she killed in South Africa [URL] [URL],not sexist bullshit. she's a hypocrite,not sexist #ISIS #VictorMarx 4y/o lone survivor #pray this child finds the path #God paved for hersurely He has great plans for her [URL],not sexist "The Left are asking if ALEX JONES Grabs Men's Butts in the Studio.....because they think if they can get his Supporters to believe Alex Grabs Men's Butts, they will withdraw their Support of INFOWARS...!!😂 #Globalists #Leftists",not sexist "Did you see how shook she got when the jew laura loomer confronted her? These subhumans will stir up the rabble and then watch the destruction on a screen, safely inside their fenced & secure estates.",not sexist "Hillary Clinton's campaign failed because she took the ""Team of Rivals"" concept too far [URL]",not sexist Andrew admitted he used to be a libtard early in life until he realized they were retarded .,not sexist "Islam is not a religion, it is a cult devoted to spreading by the sword.It is/was used as a justification for the most horrible crimes against women and children. It approves of slavery and murder of anyone not believing in their pedophile god.",not sexist "you see them EVERYWHERE! idiot, elfish,extremely stupid white girls and boys who have NIGGER ON THE BRAIN DISEASE it's 7/24/365 nigger this..nigger that! White America is so over..stick a fork in it..",not sexist "If it's going to be a kick-ass trip whether or not you fuck, go for it. But if the only reason you're considering going on the trip is that you might get to fuck her, don't go. You'll probably spend a ton of money being very disappointed.",not sexist Not sure why no muslim women were marching. Maybe they were all busy taking their daughters to have the their clitorises cut off. #BritFam #islam,not sexist Much more appropriate. Trump did not HAVE to run for president and have half the country hate on him. He did it because he wanted to make a difference. #MGTOW,not sexist "Hmmm what was their cheer for him? ""Moore is less, Moore is less, he's so small it don't hurt when he fucks us in our ass. Goooooo Moore""",not sexist My black friends have a harder time than myself. (I'm white) it depends though as some girls are racist. I know lots of white girls that only fuck white guys and some black girls that only fuck black guys. Depends on the girl I guess,not sexist "I dont think it's right to instigate harassment against her, however. Just saying.",not sexist Fuck this cuck. He is a doormat.,not sexist Is it me or does it seem the military guys are willfully ignorant to the world. They are willing to do go kill or get killed but your wife will cheat on you is a taboo topic. Do all military guys think they are invincible? Vanity. All is vanity.,not sexist "Of course, but why wouldn't they like this if they miss you?",not sexist "SO with Miss Jen, a rape victim is too traumatized to believe her newfound respect for gun ownership, but teen mass shooting survivors are too traumatized to be challenged on their gun control beliefs. Biased much?... [URL]",not sexist its unnecessary and it won't get you laid. i see people thinking it's funny and that it's good to do that. there's no point to purposely misspell her name rofl that's just petty nonsense. be focused and direct if you actually want a result,not sexist She should earn respect not get it because XX.,not sexist "Not only do you have the gall to shit on dead man through nothing but made up lies, but you actually tried to get Genna his wife to talk to you while writing up a hit piece on him! [URL]",not sexist "Ugh, I hate her!",not sexist "If you ignore the self pity, they're very red pilled on women and pretty funny. Yeah, they need their own separate place but I wouldn't want them explicitly banned from here as such.",not sexist "Oh, well that makes it totally okay. Because everyone knows it is perfectly healthy to fantasize about beating your wife.",not sexist "they should make real signs...""I am going to collect as much free money as I can...I am going to steal as much as I can....I am going to rape as many women as I can...""",not sexist "IMO she can fuck herself for eternity. This insistence that everyone should start kissing her ass is ridiculous. I don't associate with shitty people, even when those shitty people agree with me politically. That's what liberals do.",not sexist "At least those guys just become a bit degenerate as a side effect of being too stoned to give a fuck, this guy is actively trying to be degenerate.",not sexist I want her to win just to rub Chelsea and crooked HRC face in it .then Nikki Haley 👍,not sexist "Chelsea is doable, just not sure how many STDs she already got.",not sexist She's a Jew tool just like her White boyfriend. She really connects well with blacks! LOL #GabFam #NameTheJew [URL],not sexist """I HAD BEEN ASSURED THIS WAS IMPOSSIBLE: Gun crime rises in England despite gun bans."" - Stephen Green Glinda: ""Keep tight inside of them, their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn't want them so badly!"" [URL]",not sexist "Lol she wont fuck you because you cuck out on her on Reddit, have some self respect you limp wristed bugman.",not sexist "woot wife got me a home brew kit for my birthday, but she used my amazon account to buy it",not sexist "Jokes on her, I'm getting laid.",not sexist Fuck other women.,not sexist "This is not our meme. This is what shitlibs actually think. You can't dress up as a common man or woman, only as a NOTABLE SHITLIB PERSONALITY WITH A TRADEMARK ETHNIC LOOK, they hate stereotypes precisely because they're accessible and fun: [URL]",not sexist Candace Owens Was Suspended From Twitter For Tweeting The SAME THING As A Racist New York Times Editor Her citizenship should be revoked & should move back to Korea to live with her fellow mongrels [URL],not sexist What kind of book that she picked up? college textbook for gender studies? That book makes her dumb and stupid. The anti-knowledge...,not sexist "I fucking hate inside jokes... There was this girl I liked, and she always told inside jokes when I and some friends were at the bar. All of our friends knew who/what she was talking about, except me :/",not sexist "Flashback: Watch Elizabeth Warren Lie about Her 'Oppressed' Parents Eloping Because Her Mother Was Cherokee Goddamn I hope they run her in 2020, she'll get destroyed Lol #News [URL]",not sexist "Nice catch there, you clever girl! 👌👌",not sexist I only didn't cause I missed that day of school but yeah I'd definitely come out different if I did and she said no I'm fine now but god damn I'm kind of fucking sad in a world that's trying to progress filth like them exist,not sexist [URL] Facebook Fox Carolina News An Arkansas man who beat and raped a 69-year-old woman leaving her so badly injured that parts of her arms and legs had to be amputated has been sentenced to life in prison.,not sexist [USER] sending her last intel report back to saud,not sexist After two days of ignoring me and me going no contact she just sent me a pic of her walking naked on the beach saying she totally missed my messages and hopes all is well.,not sexist "the cover she did with white snake, i heard/read she was only 14! can't remember the date she published it. and i'm like whaaatttt??? such great talent!",not sexist But he's a shit stain hahahahahahahahah taken down by a woman hahahahahahahahah good bye Libtard hahahahahahahahah,not sexist There's also enough evidence to like Goldberg to Anti-GG since he posed as SJW female. He was a professional troll. He also didn't share pics of his 8 year old relative w/ other pedophiles. gb2ghazi f*ggot.,not sexist Will be mentioning this to her next time we meet! Thanks twitter one can always find something good out of a bad situation eh👌,not sexist Realistically a bill like that needs 60 votes. No way it would pass. The dems would stop it.,not sexist "2 more weeks until our 5th wedding anniversary, 3 weeks after her birthday [URL]",not sexist "You and your homoerotic fantasies while you profess to hate gays, LMAO.",not sexist "Everyone is getting tired of her, except the Brainwashed Germans, but more and more are now starting to realise that they had nothing to do with the War, so stop using it as an excuse to fuck them over.",not sexist she's no idiot. She's totally bought and payed for.,not sexist You only really lift when your Go from lifting so women mire to lifting so other men mire #nohomo,not sexist White patriots should go down with baseball bats to clear away this liberal garbage.,not sexist To be honest if it was up to me I'd let the young go before the old. If I'm 80+ and a 20 year needs the spot I'd gladly give it up for them man or woman. But that 20 year old guy gets the spot before the chick,not sexist [URL] Scientists and some others think of themselves as gods. You can't fool mother nature>> [URL] #MAGA #PresidentTrump nazi fag = [USER],not sexist No fucks to hand,not sexist "Creepy video of masked girl freaks people out Seen in this disturbingly creepy video, appears to be a woman dressed in white. She or perhaps he, seems to be provoking those watching as they wander closer towards the camera... [URL]",not sexist "This is how most WMAW feel, at least this one admitted it.",not sexist "Disgusting CBC takes a billion taxpayer dollars a year to promote Islamic filth, including trying to make the oppression of women look groovy: [URL]",not sexist "Be in public places until a female finds you attractive and starts making excuses to talk to you. If this doesn't happen, you won't make it, sorry",not sexist One thing we know for sure... obama is a fucking fraud!!!,not sexist When a nationalist on Gab admits that she's actually against non-white legal Americans being in America.,not sexist """this is why you're incel"" ""You're not entitled to a date for saving her from a rapist you misogynist""",not sexist LOL GTFO of here with that normie shit. Don't insult my musical taste to think that that's my main squeeze.,not sexist """So do I but he's not here right now, so I can get away with it"" ""I knew a pretty girl like you is taken"" ""Oh shit! You too?!"" ""Whoa hold up, we just meet and your telling me your relationship problems?""",not sexist "Why are you hiding from being served with a lawsuit? Ah, I see. It's because you're a cowardly rodent.",not sexist "Since the Muslim Invasion of Europe, 41% of Swedish women are afraid to go out alone. This will happen all over the West if we allow Islam to gain ground. Japan has #BanIslam #BanSharia [URL]",not sexist Geez that's disgusting. Yet she feels proud of it lol.,not sexist "lets look at it this way, women were considered children or child-like around that time. Are children privileged (they get free things) or are they oppressed (they can't do things alone)?",not sexist 'Sex grooming gang drugged and raped white girls as young as 13' #UK #Islam #Deislamize #Islamisation #StopImmigration #Diversity #Multiculturalism #DefendEurope [URL],not sexist Jeez you may have to ghost your mom if she's abusive and moochy. I mean I'm all for helping one's parents as they age as they generally help you get started in life. But not if she just bred a slave.,not sexist Dude don't worry about that. The right woman will make it work,not sexist And the real women still have yours!,not sexist To be fair. As a women menstruation scares me too :P,not sexist Because you are saying that these women are easy catches. You are treating these women like objects. Objects which simply can be gained. I can't believe that I have to explain this to someone who is apparently a woman themselves. What the fuck?,not sexist Is Julia Sazalar Jewish? (Communist political candidate running in North Brooklyn for a state senate) '...she began to claim to have a jewish father and a non-jewish Columbian mother...' '... she certainly wants to be a member of the tribe...' [URL],not sexist "Yeah overall it's better, but ""Other"" is more insulting to women haha.",not sexist "Just dont treat her differently, give her the space she needs",not sexist "You can dream, bozo. The last imbecile who tried ended up as incinerator trash. Too bad he took 7 million Germans with him. But worry not, we'll take good care of your women while crows eat your carcass.",not sexist "Folks are gonna say I hate women after reading this, BUT [URL] ""womens marches that came a day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump were not about women, it was all about the progressive socialist ideological agenda""",not sexist "Didn't one try to do a shooting at YouTube HQ, kill no one, then get gunned down herself?",not sexist A face only a mother could love...,not sexist Feinstein denies that Ford letter from Kavanaugh accuser was leaked by her office [URL] [URL],not sexist "type in ""white woman white man"" on jewgle edit: and look at images",not sexist "Either that, or he has ridiculously high standards for what constitutes an attractive woman.",not sexist [USER] I'd let the dems pay me to vote for Hillary. I wouldn't actually vote for her. But I'd take their money.,not sexist "Yup yup. As a woman looking for a male fwb, this is exactly it. I kind of like a conversation over dinner at least with my sex.",not sexist "[USER] SJWs and the left support cuckoldery as long as the cuckold is a white male, the wife controls everything, & the bull is a black male. I can see them supporting polyamory and polygamy soon. It's a voter base they can pander too.",not sexist """ Loan gained international attention when he executed handcuffed prisoner Nguyen Van Lem, a Viet Cong member who had killed the wife and six children of a South Vietnamese military officer. """,not sexist "I don't even want one wife, much less this: [URL]",not sexist Damn...you really think you know her? Small world.,not sexist you become an asshole after 3+ years of not fucking thought girls liked assholes!,not sexist "They will all be there with their guns, that they hate so much. #disarmcelebritysecurity",not sexist why don't you just talk to the girl you like? Top kek. Girl I like?,not sexist "Daaaamn shots fired!! I have to admit I'm still a little bitter towards women, but only because my mom is/was an alcoholic. Fun times growing up.",not sexist "[USER] Dunno, seems like the real deal, but he's got a huge mess to clean up. Eight years of subversives working tirelessly to destroy the military and the country, means he's got to take the fight externally as well as internally.",not sexist "French mayor Robert Menard has been fined by the government for hate speech after mentioning that French children were being ""replaced"" in schools in his town. [URL] #LePen #France",not sexist Why are there so many down votes here. I'm being rejected by guys on my face and body level by women who are 4'11 just because the guy is 6'3. Why else would you think I'd be here,not sexist "Let me know how it goes, also call whenever you think she'll be by herself maybe at 10 - 11pm?",not sexist What the fuck is allowance,not sexist Chilling moment ISIS female suicide bomber holding baby prepares to blow herself up [URL],not sexist crime is a black entitlement #DMTBKA [URL],not sexist The rule seems to be this. Intelligent man over 40 - no Facebook. Nearly everyone under 30 - Facebook. Almost all women have Facebook. Including their cats.,not sexist "How about you position yourself next to her, and speak so you can be heard? Or head out to the patio. Plus they have to be able to hear your drink orders at the bar so obviously you can speak there",not sexist [URL] Q4W did this guy emotionally manipulate and abuse her and gaslight her and use her for sex and neg her and scar her for life and force her to get therapy for the rest of her life?,not sexist "Sure. But dont complain when we avoid you like the plague Naah, I'm confident and rich, so women don't avoid me. My unattractive bros though ... 🤷‍♂️",not sexist "These fatasses, have no business riding these donkeys, she ought to be giving the donkey a ride!",not sexist "The tldr would be this one snippet: ""They hate women for their nature""",not sexist "I'm a woman, dumbshit. A woman who clearly attracts more women than a beta who's overcompensating with tough guy talk like you.",not sexist I wonder at what point in her assault and murder did she start re-thinking her life choices and political leanings?,not sexist Spirit cooking with or without the vomiting guest star Hillbag Clinton and her buttwart Podesta.Brought to you by pure evil and theft.,not sexist "Truer words can't be spoken. We will need to welcome European refugees, the women and children, so the men can take back their countries without reprisals. The enemy is amongst them.",not sexist Gouge your own Eyes Mentally ill Hate-filled Conservative faggot!,not sexist If men are allowed to use their strengths in careers that women don't have (not all** disclaimer) then why aren't women allowed to use their minds or bodies in careers that are usually female dominated?,not sexist "Even if she wasn't intending to harm somebody, she would just leave you and the encounter would be no better than going to a prostitute.",not sexist "Subs like these are full of misandry, homophobia, and transphobia but we are seen as a hate group?",not sexist Holy shit it's over,not sexist No respectable lady should be without one in the winter.,not sexist "Some people are trying to bring you down a peg. Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with pickup though. Some people are combative, some people are assholes.",not sexist 0/10. I am hideous and women look at me like I'm a monster.,not sexist "ha yeah i am the last person i ever thought would be divorced. i'm against it in every way. came down to me doing what's best for my kids, and that was getting her the hell out of the house. lost her damn mind.",not sexist "Lol same. Im to the point where women strike up conversations with me and flirt, but I'm too retarded to capatilize",not sexist "Haha keep em coming, it's making you look like a winner. Do you beat up kids and elderly women too, or just disabled people and wounded veterans?",not sexist "She is subhuman, the guy actually mogs her",not sexist "I would hold back for a sec to tease her, like maybe ignore her or laugh a little bit, then when she doesn't expect it, make any kind of move.",not sexist Just wait till your 30 bro xD she'll come along eventually 🤓,not sexist "Blacks Are Animals That Belong In The Jungle Black arsonist lights fire 🔥 that kills a child and two women. Says ""yep I did it"" [URL]",not sexist She says this is not normal. Where has she been for the last two years? Trump is the new normal.,not sexist Yeah if she actually went through the trouble of paint bucket his hair yellow i would bust out laughing maybe even consider going over there and calling her out before quickly being executed by the mods for having more than 2 brain cells,not sexist u/CommanderHeMan,not sexist "No caption needed, her face is enough. [puked in my mouth]",not sexist the feminists and mainstream leftist media seem to be only interested in male muslim refugees and their veiled wives! [URL],not sexist "Yes,it was. I don't think the woman who sang the solo was with them but everyone else in that video was. These guys sang the ""Hunt for Red October"" film theme song in the soundtrack.",not sexist Rachel Tuggle Whorton wisely left out the female Trump character 'Brenda King' from her resume. She wouldn't want to be known for playing LITERALLY HITLERETTE. [URL],not sexist "[USER]: Dove says its ad portraying a man as a ""mom"" to his newborn baby is ""in good taste."" What do you think? [URL]",not sexist [Eric Andre shoots Hannibal Buress in the chest] why would women make me do this,not sexist "Mika Brzezinski's mother, the artist who created this. Think Black forest hunting estate. Human farming, life force ? Trump raided 1/27. Sotu all the love ? Cut of the supplies, step 1. [URL]",not sexist well we just saw Ags was 404'd and we wondered why. Congressman Shitlord had seen someone accuse her of being a he shortly before the exit. weird stuff in the gabfam tonight,not sexist Damn am I happy you fucks stay inside your houses and don't participate in society,not sexist Wtf lol. You are too fat. Lift some weights and build some muscle. You probably get stared down because of your attitude.,not sexist Girls don't invite dudes who they are not DTF back to their homes....,not sexist "I think it's perfectly valid to ask questions about men's expectations of the opposite sex. this would in fact tell us a lot about women's experiences, beliefs, and behaviors. Cause and effect. It's very fucking simple.",not sexist """Being picky is a sign that you have standards."" [USER] is an intelligent woman. [URL]",not sexist "All the more reason to sue her. I have great sympathy and admiration for women who go public and out their abusers, this woman is destroying any credibility of real victims out there. For this reason alone she deserves to be in jail.",not sexist I'd like to thank [USER] for fixing my photo of crazy ass!! 😁 And by the way Squirrels are her favorite thing to chase in my backyard! 😁😂,not sexist "Like her twin, Hillary Clinton, she talks out of both sides of her mouth. Like, sometimes both sides at the same time. While her head is spinning around.",not sexist Dog her face is already fucked up,not sexist "Oh, never mind then. I thought you wanted right leaning female youtubers in general. Shoe on head would be best for what you're looking for.",not sexist I guess the devs said no lootboxes a couple of weeks ago.,not sexist "Avanetti evicted from office suite for rent arrears and separate court case ordered to pay former employee for underpayment Claims when he runs in 2020 he will beat DJT ""I'll kick his arse"" [URL]",not sexist "He killed the kid of his girlfriend, the kid was called Jabraylon.",not sexist "Just setting some ""boundaries""... Not saying I wouldn't ""take one for the team"" if that person had a brain & better attitude... so if the female is intelligent & somewhat attractive... I might be your guy!",not sexist either she is really that stupid.. or the voters are..... ?? which or both,not sexist It must be part of the attack they had? I don't know. It just happened again briefly when I went to reply to you. Then the Gab site came back.,not sexist "Your feelings on Amazon aside, this was a poor strategy on her part. Fortunately for her, most of the voters in her district are too ""woke"" to not vote for her.",not sexist They say the same things as TRP. I'd like someone to ask what TwoX thinks of it. Is it still evil nazi-level cult propaganda when two hot women say the same things as this sub?,not sexist "Silent majority lol. Yeah go flip a burger and watch some Marvel movies, normie faggot.",not sexist "Proof that Hillary Clinton conspired with the Chicoms to completely destroy the CIA network in China. At least 30 CIA agents loyal to the US were executed and harvested by the Chicoms. Lock her up, Hillary is a traitor! [URL]",not sexist "You made a mistake... you said your savior and put a picture of Jesus. You are a jew, you god is Satan.",not sexist "Just because she made a dumb decision, doesn't mean that you need to join her.",not sexist "I know this will come as a complete shock to you Pedes, but Chelsea Handler just made a complete ass out of herself on Twitter. #BTFO [URL] [URL]",not sexist Thanks. I always wondered what kind of thing was going on in there. Any of the girls there ever post nudes? :P,not sexist 👍is it bizaare that I'm a girlie girl with a survival pack with a machete and a revolver?,not sexist "well, she'll at least have her gofundme [CUR] payoff.",not sexist High IQ post. The chad-but-actually-incel indian was a huge eye opener.,not sexist The hijab was invented in the 1970s over 1300 years after the Quran was written. The truth is the hijab is not derived from the Quran but is legislated by Islamist dictates and fatwas that oppress and dominate woman. [URL],not sexist Did she actually 'storm?',not sexist You'll only know for sure by talking to her again,not sexist "2 injured as woman with box cutter attacks people in French store, reportedly shouts 'Allahu Akbar' [URL] [URL]",not sexist If you're not going around saying you hate women how would they know you even do.,not sexist "Well, now you know she's not LTR material. Don't take her seriously and just have fun.",not sexist "You went from looking like a fat, ugly man to an even uglier fat woman. You are a man, not much of one, but a man nonetheless.",not sexist her daddy has ties to pedophilia,not sexist "Most men (people in general) are shitty human beings. We usually aren't talking about commitment there... we're talking about basic social skills, respect for women, intelligence, etc.",not sexist As a Jew. I can confirm I rape girls every night in the alleys Just kidding. You're a fucking moron rofl,not sexist "Demand a dna test to see if he's really the same blood, my guess is that your mother cheated, and didn't tell your dad about it.",not sexist She then rested her leg on mine for the rest of class. Go get that shit homeboy.,not sexist It's time for the death penalty to be introduced for depraved muslim rapists who are immigrants to Europe. The method should be something barbarous from their own depraved 'holy' book,not sexist Lmao middle eastern girls? Dude if you aint arab or white looking then its over,not sexist Mail order bride,not sexist there's a shit test guide in the sidebar. It'll certainly explain it better than I could,not sexist I know exactly what you mean. I work with a lady who uses the customers for narcissistic supply.,not sexist "He plays with the good will of people, like that BuddahFreak, no leadership like Christ Jesus to be a man or simply a woman aside.",not sexist This nigga right here,not sexist Gillette: men can be better. And they did.,not sexist MM= Male model,not sexist I mean outing someone is almost never okay but here is one of the few times I would be okay with it. I've been outed and I know how horrible it is but she asked for it by lying about their relationship. Though I definitely get your points,not sexist "Dude...you sound uber gay, every time you throw out the word kike, like you're a tough guy or something. Did some Jewish guy fuck your girlfriend or your mom, or something?",not sexist "[USER] *nod* i try to balance those aspects and i can manage it but i always wait for a response from a beta/editor before commit to either 'im finished!' or 'well crap, gotta redo _that_ if nothing else...'",not sexist She looks like she has acquired AIDS.,not sexist Send her a dick pic. She's clearly waiting to see the goods.,not sexist REPOST if you're thankful your woman is not a liberal. [URL],not sexist Yet women are supposed to wax their pussy raw to look like women in porn. Ok bro pull those pants down and get your balls out for some wax. Equal rights yeah?,not sexist Why is she not fired? Anyone from the right would have been fired ASAP! I'm sick of the double standards.,not sexist "Kill the perps. Period. Until they are cleansed from the country, the woman needs to have her buggy tricked out Mad Max style to allow her to more safely navigate the post-apocalyptic hellscape that is modern western Europe.",not sexist "If this dude really isn't lying about the situation / not making it up, than it is rather odd that she isn't taking a hit tbf. Not sexual harassment or anything like that, just kind of odd",not sexist "Leviticus 20:13-If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. -- Gods will be done.",not sexist LOL really? tell that to military female warriors,not sexist "Yes absolutely. A girl can drug a guy, hop on, and ride him. That's rape for you. Rape doesn't have to be what you think it is. Rape is simply non-consential sex, and the victim can be anyone.",not sexist "What's with this whole fucking ""she's hot so she must be the worst human on earth"" thing? They wonder why women hate them... I can sense that attitude so quick and about 1 million red flags go off in my head.",not sexist "Actually not his wife. Her name is tinka res they are in the same shitposting circles, David Wu isn't a incel he's a shitposter.",not sexist "Ethnic Russians, in general, are found west of the Urals, and along the trans-Siberian railroad.",not sexist [URL] Pardon Him in exchange for all the goods to lock up Hillary and her army of criminal killers,not sexist "I bet it's addictive hobby. Nah, totally get it, it's hard for wallet, so u gotta get your priorities straight. Thanks bro, i'm gonna fuck her till my dick falls off!",not sexist "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have a dick..dry your eyes now dear. I am a female, and again, liberals are easy to spot..they just 'hide' like the Clinton's, behind a facade of not being that at all...buhbye now. Take your hate elsewhere.",not sexist "Never Trumper tweets out that Trump aide's young daughters should be sold to Jeffery Epstein to be raped on overseas trips, and gets fired by USA Today and the Hill [URL] #NRx #MAGA #Trump Liberals are proud of their sexual predators.",not sexist "If you think this mediocre woman is ""hot"" you must've have really low standards, it seems like any woman with a decent face and isn't morbidly obese is considered ""hot"" these days.",not sexist Sharryl Atkisson talks about the smear campaign against Browder in her book. Fusion GPS is dirty.,not sexist "What a total waste of OUR money, as if female police officers dress provocatively anyway!! Taking the piss.. UK Police Trial 'Modest' Muslim Uniform to 'Hide the Female Form' [URL]",not sexist Was referring to my ex and daughter. Had sex with one and was fleeced by the other. I'm not real good at picking women. Not gonna do that again. I'll stay single til I die...,not sexist "[URL] This from the woman who threatened a no-fly zone and shooting down Russian planes, risking a conflict between the two biggest nuclear powers on earth. #Hillary #WW3 #DrainTheSwamp",not sexist "Sincerely the very best book I have ever read from the seduction community is The Book Of Pook, the first ""natural"" when everyone was doing magic tricks to seduce chicks. I always come back to it from time to time.",not sexist It only gets worse the longer you're with her.,not sexist "And half her age, she's supposed to be what, around 50 now? yet they only aged her in the last episode due to ""trauma"" or some shit. The creators of this show are cucked to hell, which is a shame since it used to be my favourite.",not sexist A good lass with a fine ass I did pass I gave it whack and she kicked my balls of brass twas in Cork city where the girls are so pretty But this one also had a lot of sass #Limerick,not sexist I bet her left hand is on the quran .,not sexist DRAIN THE DAMNED SWAMP! FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally [URL],not sexist Read the Mystery Method. Group theory tells you all about how to handle women in groups.,not sexist We are lucky we did not piss off Putin this is all childs play and nonsense the whole entire witch hunt can get us all killed the dems need to sit the fuck down NOW.,not sexist "Beautiful dog. I'll bet she doesn't like niggers, beaners or Mohammedans!",not sexist "What do you guys think about female ""incels""? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just genuinely curious what you guys think of females who feel like shit about themselves and feel they are treated poorly by ""chads.""",not sexist "Yeah boy, show it off for all the gold diggers to see.",not sexist "Women are, not men",not sexist "i hate thernovich, his stupid haji wife and that weird looking creature that serves as his offspring",not sexist Whose sperm did he use? Did get convent to use it?,not sexist "Yeah but it's really crazy and stupid, when you know real fighting women of the MMA dress like [this to fight matches]([URL] geez they sure aren't wearing much!",not sexist "Thank goodness this leftist scumbag corporation is working around the clock to hide opinions from me that it deems ""bad""",not sexist "Back to the 7th century, when men were wife beaters and child molesters and women were submissive slaves...",not sexist "Yo libatards...PEDOPHILES. Turkey's directorate of religious affairs says that under Islamic law, girls as young as nine can marry [URL]",not sexist "Imagine, coming home and my wife didn't want to have sex...",not sexist "So true. I knew a girl that said she hated Asians. She was Asian herself, but adopted. I bet you can all guess how crazy she was.",not sexist "#BREAKING: Attorney Michael Avenatti reveals third woman to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Julie Swetnick [URL]",not sexist "No, you're not actually, you're just shitting in the street. Why would I be jealous of people so stupid that they shit in the river and drink the downstream water?",not sexist It was and is still a harmless joke. Creator sounds like he's been getting teabagged in real life.,not sexist "Yup...I'm sure that is what all he men have on their minds, when carrying around sexy women ;-)",not sexist "Milano's hubby is a notorious Hollywood pimp and child trafficker. 'Thou lady doth protests too much, me thinks.'",not sexist "Strange how she hasn't figured out that her boyfriend needs a whole body and she only needs a dick. That is what she sees her boyfriend as, a dick that makes good money.",not sexist I touched my balls to check. I mean they fell kinda same like labia. My world has changed.,not sexist "These Germanic tribes included the Goths (Ostrogoths and Visigoths), Celts, Burgundians, Lombards, Angles, Saxons, Franks, Jutes, Suebis, Alemannis, Gepids, and Vandals among many others.",not sexist Don't lie. She'll kill herself when she hits the big 30,not sexist "As a former 15 year old, I can safely say that when I was 15 I wanted my cock to be so large that it could kill people. Now that I'm a little bit older, I'm completely content with my only mildly fatal penis.",not sexist the OREO sisters again!,not sexist i posted 2 of the indian girls who asked me out and dated me. You would have seen for yourself how ugly they are.,not sexist "If she's single, go for it. Worst case she says no. Just hope she doesn't tell your mom lol",not sexist I still don't get why it would be something you'd argue about. But just because some random women doesn't like short dudes doesn't mean there aren't others who do . Short dudes are hot too.,not sexist He witnessed the exact moment she realized this creepy dude was hitting on her mom.,not sexist "Meh, remember Cronulla?, notice how quiet the Lebbo's are now? Give it time and these Tar Babies will get the same treatment.",not sexist "[USER] have an AR-15 and I wear jeans & t-shirts with a #MAGA hat, I am a woman my 3 granddaughters are women & have guns",not sexist Hahah! If you intentionally made her family hate you at Thanksgiving for this girl then you would be crazy one. You did good. She's obviously got issues..,not sexist ok but what happens when you start looking more like your american girl doll than your american girl doll looks like you,not sexist "Fair enough, that actually makes a lot of sense. So ideally, a virgin incel would shag another virgin... but other things like personality/looks/humour etc also come into play that might outweigh the fact she's not a virgin?",not sexist And maybe I'll insist on fucking her in the ass a couple times before handing her the papers. christ that sounds rapey. Please somebody tell me he isn't actually guna rape the woman.,not sexist Lucky you I've not been invited to any after parties! Did you stay in a hostel? I was in Oslo about a month ago too. Hooked up with a rather lovely Swedish girl. I actually wrote a FR about it on seddit.,not sexist "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Why the hell do you feel the need to tell us your height? Or your girlfriend? Like seriously, I am not trying to be rude or anything, but you are coming across downright pathetic to everyone here.",not sexist Please elaborate Even messed up women need to get their feels on before you can smack them in the kisser,not sexist "At this point, her relection prospects are gone. She is trailing by 12 points in the latest poll.",not sexist "Live in Portland, Oregon women never open doors for me so I reciprocate it back.",not sexist "Yet, these same guys will fap to her later on. lmao Some men are really insecure, sheesh, especially on MGTOW. I really just want to put a hand on their shoulder and tell them ""It's going to be okay."" Then move on and continue on my day.",not sexist They pay her too much for that... even for free.,not sexist AMEN. WE LOVE TRUMP. WE NEED TRUMP. WE HONOR TRUMP. GOD BLESS AMERICA with PRESIDENT TRUMP!!,not sexist I want to see next: men identify as women in quota jobs.,not sexist "Not an incel. I'm a lesbian w/ a long term girlfriend lmao. Brazilian Sigma has posted about incels 50 times in the last 24 hours, how is that healthy?",not sexist "Putting aside the RAPE and FGM on children, stoning women and hanging gays, they are nice people, aren't they????",not sexist "Aren't you the guy who said ""You look like you need a good fucking.""?Or something along those lines, i can't remember exactly.",not sexist "We pretty much use female exclusively in the military, even women refer to themselves and each other as female.",not sexist """Evidently many students walked out, and others, who didn't stand for the Puerto Rican National Anthem, are on some sort of hit list. Because..tolerance."" PUERTO RICO IS A TERRITORY OF THE USA. THEIR NATIONAL ANTHEM IS ""THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER.""",not sexist Where did I defend them? I just pointed out the hypocrisy of the original post. Rule 4 exists for a reason. Bringing race onto the sub just splits us up and divides us. Please quote me defending white women?,not sexist "Hillary and Bill back on the road but has she eaten too much Spirit Cooking? ""Sick Hillary Suffers 'Uncontrollable' Coughing Fit "" [URL]",not sexist Says the dude who can barely speak English lol. I've been browsing these forums for years and whenever I see these posts it's the same low IQ conspiratorial shit with no backing.,not sexist "You might get the occasional test, but honestly once you get to a certain level energetically, you really don't get shit tests anymore. It's like women are already satisfied you're the real deal, and don't need to verify it every 5 minutes.",not sexist What would you do if the #Muslim#Islam#RapeFugee did this to your daughter? No crime in Sweden huh? You should learn how to knife fight. [URL],not sexist "I'm actually shocked how receptive every one in that thread is, shes getting some real truth bombs in that thread.",not sexist Kurds are drug addict commies and there is no way they wouldn't molest a white girl.,not sexist "Okay, what was the implication? Why does the left girl not like the incel while the right one does?",not sexist Almost two years and Sessions hasn't done a thing about the previous administration's crimes. Sessions needs to go. We wasted two years with this useless jackass. Trump's biggest mistake by far.,not sexist "Incorrect. Chubby chasers are overwhelmingly male, and incels are male. Also, one anecdotal piece of evidence that an short guy who's a millionaire uber celebrity that has found love does not prove that women do not prefer tall men.",not sexist "And the girls are lucky that most of the womanswear designers from the old days were homosexual, as the few straight ones were really banging everything in sight.",not sexist "Queen sings to her bees right after she is born. [URL] Here she is being born, then running around while the bees feed her and make sure everything is hunky dory. [URL] In the next life I wanna be a #QueenBee. #NDHoney #WhiteFarmers",not sexist "like seriously, women go out of their way to not sit beside me in class, I've been ignored just trying to talk to ones I've MET before; how could I just go up to a stranger and interact with them?",not sexist "Or take the mailers promising to ""drop them in the mailbox"" on the way home...",not sexist "right, everything is another word for nazi. boring",not sexist "[USER] Here who was in my nightmares, she is a demon",not sexist "Fuck him, his wife and whatever ugly kids he has.",not sexist Steven Hawking said CERN will destroy this world. Better find out about what Cern is doing asap people!,not sexist That girl is gonna grow up to be a sociopath with a lot of driving violations. LOL!,not sexist [CUR]15 Million in Taxpayer Money Has Been Paid Out to Settle Congressional Sexual Harassment Suits [URL],not sexist "He was cool with it. He told me not to worry, he had a great life and life with pain all day just sucks ass. Take care of mom or even though there is no afterlife I *will* find a way... lolz great guy",not sexist "[URL] The men could have said they ""identify"" as women, then what could she do? Now she's in hot water.",not sexist "Can you give more pointers on what to do when a girl starts doing these things Her voice turn baby-ish, she squint her eyes. """,not sexist Oooh that hurt kind like that Jewish girl who broke your heart hurt when she left you for a guy with a bigger dick. Let it go!,not sexist Teach teachers not to rape. [URL] #Rape,not sexist "You refuse to let her be good to you. ""everything has to be earned"". You absolute dictator. You absolutist.",not sexist Senator Schaefer was murdered for exposing Child Protective Services as being a front for child trafficking. Watch her speech. #pizzagate [URL],not sexist "Smigle is a womyn, J.R Tolkien take note.",not sexist Just go for girls shorter than u,not sexist [USER] They are luring Trump into backing Kavanaugh. The election is suburban white women. Can't lose that faction. [URL],not sexist Yes blame black guys for THIS GUY dating a fat girl,not sexist "Before you mock blacks, hispanics, and women for blaming ""white males"" for all their problems, ensure first you're not blaming ""the Jews"" for yours.",not sexist "[USER] When a bigot is exposed, she lies: [URL]",not sexist "think about it.. he's called Justin,from Canada..it's a given he'd be an asswipe :-) i do feel sorry for Canadiennes though,but you DID let him/her/it get elected",not sexist british girls gather around demonic enthity #AriadnaGrande while she promotes the One World Gov of the antichrist [URL],not sexist "She got all pissy immediately, but over time she's had to live in the real world. I'm not saying she's a diehard conservative now, but she's not as indoctrinated as before.",not sexist "I am a mother, a real man would jump at the opportunity to pay for my mistakes",not sexist "oh I get it. Arnab is leaving TimesNow, so feminists wanted a last swing",not sexist "Pretty decent spread here. Some look rather pretty without makeup. Some, there's not much difference and I wouldn't even beat off to them with or without it. Others look like they just got rescued from the pound.",not sexist "Every time I see anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish crap on Gab, I have this insatiable urge to say, ""I'm Jewish"" even though I am not So, just know I am dancing along side this Israeli female soldier & praying to Christ you repent [URL]",not sexist truth; they had to apply makeup to make her ugly in Monster,not sexist "whenever I hear a woman say, ""I think I'll get a child now..."" I have literally never heard anyone say that phrase.",not sexist You just said you don't think she's nice or attractive. Move on. Keep setting your goals and smashing them!,not sexist ....they hurt her dog? ... they must be destroyed,not sexist "School board gets death threats after teacher's arrest [URL] via [USER] I'm not surprised at all. There was no reason to handcuff nor book her. The school boards and ""superintendents"" are overpaid compared to the teachers.....",not sexist Preach it sister,not sexist Mika Brzezinski: #Giuliani's insults expose the misogyny women face every day - hotpagenews.com/r/227999,not sexist ITV asks: Would you vote for Jeremy #Corbyn ? I'm loving this woman's answer! 😂 #BritFam #GE17 [URL],not sexist I never even said anything about women being sex objects you fucking idiot. Now leave.,not sexist "They really are, and it's tainting the reputation of white women in general.",not sexist She is pond scum. She knew right from wrong the whole time. She chose wrong. Let her rot. Just like he is. She could have stopped it at any time.,not sexist I think a shy unconfident woman is sexy. Building her up and making her feel good and sexy within herself is a massive turn on for me...being part of someone's journey to self discovery is amazing!,not sexist Kieth Olbermann you want to bash our #PresidentTrump........Two can play that game....This lady says you cant hold your wine and you need to get some Viagra. [URL],not sexist "[URL] Those look like stocking stuffers! I love each color, so cute and feminine! I'd enjoy going out in the cold weather, if I got to show those off! They'll go perfectly with our sexy sweaters... [USER]",not sexist "You're not going to outbreed r-selected vermin. You'd have to kill a whole lot of it, and you won't do that if you let a white woman destroy you before that.",not sexist "your dead will live, Lord; their bodies will rise let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. Isa 26;19",not sexist Paul Joseph Watson More Sweden: Migrants gang rape woman and broadcast it live on Facebook. Cultural enrichment. [URL],not sexist Critical Theory necessarily requires direct inversion of our evolved standards and values. It's a destructive force. It's evil.,not sexist "Tinder is a money making gimmick. Algorithm aims for maximum profit and since its not well regulated they basically fuck with your brain, that is.",not sexist "The main reason not to support Burqa bans...they are startling, shocking even, when seen in real life.",not sexist Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill. It never began.,not sexist How is this.not cultural appropriation to the fullest? Oh right she 'feels' black that is something different as blonde girl who decide to sport braids for a while.,not sexist Start with the gangs asshole,not sexist "Damn, that counter attack was effective. Now all my replies got refuted.",not sexist "Loretta Lynn fractures her hip A statement posted on her website said ""she is doing well and thanks all her fans for their thoughts and prayers"" [URL]",not sexist They use other men to build things for them.,not sexist Neets should spend their time gymmax and studymax it's good dopamine source,not sexist "No, an ugly woman will still have more value than an ugly man",not sexist "they're just people mate - conversation should flow like any other friendship > Believe or not there's a ton of really interesting women who are a blast to hangout with. You're my hero. And then sometimes you'll find a great partner, too.",not sexist will do hey check out #FreeMonikaSchaefer help if you can she has been held for crime think for about 2 weeks ...no contact allowed with the outside kill a commie fer mommy,not sexist Why are u browsing an inkwell sub if not all women are like this? Fuck off retard.,not sexist Dating can be harder for us non-Chads and Non-Stacy's.,not sexist Your fucking brain has been hijacked by Trump. Even the kids know it.,not sexist "No. That is wrong. Maybe 'pretty' women do, but there's plenty of women who can't get chads",not sexist Her eyebrows wipe off on the soyboy who beds her everytime she takes one for the team.,not sexist I would definitely agree that not approaching simply 'overweight' woman is volcel.,not sexist You also have the cucked men who allow their wives to sign up. Something about making their sex life alive and interesting. 🌍🤡,not sexist Chicks putting on makeup and texting right?,not sexist "I mean that time Mom asked ""Say, did you know Hitler supported Zionism? Why didn't the Jews like him?"" and then Pops beat her in the head with the baseball bat and called her Hitler. Put her in the hospital. I just don't know why he'd do that.",not sexist She lives in a bubble reality won't penetrate. Even reality cussing and wanting to rape her is instantly rewritten in her mind.,not sexist I'm probably being misogynistic by say I'd like to flip her and message her colon.,not sexist Now if they'll just arrest Huma and her mother for aiding the Muslim Brotherhood in the half-White House we're on the right path.,not sexist have you tried not fucking people within hours of meeting them if you're not into doing that,not sexist Why did (((they))) make the only under aged white girl in the photo stand bare foot?,not sexist "Virginians, Head to the polls right now and cast your vote for Ed Gillespie or let MS-13 rape your daughters!!!!!!!!!",not sexist At least we ain't going to die because of diabetes at 40. I'd rather be incel than fat.,not sexist The desperation is strong with this one.. These days women are used to men not wanting to get married,not sexist Broooo I walked past this kid irl He's a monster,not sexist My work/career trajectory right there. At least when my boss has been a Lefty lady.,not sexist Sorry for the misuse of the word. Of course she knew. We only met up for sex through booty calls.,not sexist "WOWZA: Tom Arnold claims Mark Burnett went 'apesh*t on him' at Emmys party (Burnett's wife claims otherwise, posts pic) [URL]",not sexist She's a female in 2019. She is high value.,not sexist "Case-by-case basis. I hold the general mentality, ""everyone is approachable!"", but I tend to not to go for girls that are very, very, very obviously busy or flustered or something.",not sexist you pulling out one of the worst insults you can give a woman for a yikes 🚩🚩,not sexist Doesn't look very much like any Cajuns I know..,not sexist "Surely, woman's natural state is to pass out in front of Forensic Files. sorry you made a lot of good points but I'm just so happy to know I'm not the only one!",not sexist no he deadasss hit the nail on the head. feminism's answer to everything is to blame men.,not sexist "So, he's leaving her to her own resources if there's an arrest. Or will he continue the legacy of the Clinton body count and we'll find she's committed suicide with a double tap to the back of the head? Either way, what a guy!",not sexist "just go nuclear- snub her to go hang out with a ""female friend.""",not sexist If you notice the girl you are talking to feels uncomfortable or you notice you are saying/acting awkward just joke poke fun of yourself for being that way. From my experience it sometimes works.,not sexist "In my life I have seen virtually zero correlation between gym hours logged and success with women. Virtually zero. It's really mostly in the ""game."" Which is why autism is such a tough thing to overcome.",not sexist "Good makeup in the second one, attractive normie woman, probably looks quite good when doing the summer dress thing.",not sexist #WifeyMaterial,not sexist I pity your child making her hate Christ's only church.. God punishes severely those who do that.. She got that from you. Why don't u put her in a public school so she'll come out a usa hating communist.,not sexist "#NXTTakeOver Killian Dane follows that up with a rope dive against everyone. ""Holy shit!"" chants.",not sexist "It found that the male student accused the female student of sexual assault as ""a tactical maneuver and in bad faith."" Belieeeeeve the **female** victim!",not sexist race war simulator Holy shit man. I didn't even realize how true that is.,not sexist "Rohingya Muslim girl Afeefa Bebi, who recently crossed over from Myanmar into Bangladesh, holds her few-hours-old brother as doctors check her mother Yasmeen Ara at a community hospital in Kutupalong refugee camp, Bangladesh,",not sexist I'll wave to her as I jog by while she's riding in her scooter because her legs won't carry her weight anymore.,not sexist Women free is true peace in our time.,not sexist "I will check her out, thank you! ☺️",not sexist Dump her immediately. Chuck all her stuff out the front door. When she wakes up tell her her stuff is outside and that she can fuck off.,not sexist [URL] #FuckTwitter,not sexist "At what adorable size do baby girls develop their eggs for life, inside OWN ovaries, while still in womb? Babies still aborted at that size? [URL] #MAGA",not sexist Bet she won't wear that shirt again. 🤣,not sexist "Hapas are also more common in former colonial outposts like Spore than in China, particularly among the well-heeled. It's about class more than looks.",not sexist "Without glasses, she looks like Hillary Clinton.",not sexist Love and marriage. Used to love her in married with children.,not sexist Author sues Chelsea Clinton for stealing his book idea and blasts her shoddy 'ninth-grade' version of it [URL],not sexist Yeah you don't want to be near women like this.,not sexist My daughter just took 2 black guys up to her bedroom to study together. From the sounds of it they're getting every revision question right,not sexist "No, you cuck. It stands for cuckold. I'll let Tyrone know he needs to control your girl more.",not sexist "I disagree. We should not support hate speech. We should not support blatant racism or sexism, or bigotry at all. We should be against true hate speech, not fake hate speech that an sjw might talk about.",not sexist I like the blonde in the middle,not sexist Couldn't watch 10 seconds of that interview. CNN can kiss my ass.,not sexist "People went from ""it's okay to punch a nazi"" to ""let's assault women"" in less then a week. [URL] via [USER] #Trump #MAGA #UCBerkeley #riots #MiloAtCal #Milo #BerkeleyRiots",not sexist "The #Israel #Palestine conflict has nothing to do with land, it's all about the religious hatred that #Muslims must have of the #Jews according to their #Quran.",not sexist "Fuck women, I mean literally.",not sexist poodle dog 3 hours ago Love these ladies how they support our president they sure do have a lot of spunk,not sexist I've known life models for art classes--men & women--an they were never murdered--at least on the college campuses where I was a janitor. I have also seen autopsies. So? The human boy is entirely overrated...,not sexist Left wing liberal women should be called what they really are - Collaborators!,not sexist "[USER] you are correct. If they are fleeing war, hunger, deprivation and leaving the women and children behind is that the kind of male we want in our countries? I wouldn't breed a mongrel with a purebred because I wouldn't want to degrade the stock.",not sexist "Anyone else convinced Bill Clinton is doing everything he can to passive-aggressively thwart Hillary's POTUS bid (short of anything that would trigger her to straight up murder him - which, given her history, seems strangely long overdue)?",not sexist Why don't you cry some more you weak pathetic fuck,not sexist "Bro I loved the show but god damn it promotes hypergamy soooooo much. I feel bad for her husband, that dude gets straight shit on.",not sexist 3 words: MASSIVE . ANIME . TITS It killed my interest on real women,not sexist Every girl on r/tinder is at least a 6-7 lol no,not sexist Ack! My monitor Reply to: Maybe you should have given her the bat after all...heh,not sexist "Here's a factoid that nobody checked when hillary was whining about being the first woman president - she was #39 in a long line of female candidates. She wasn't that ""progressive"" after all... [URL]",not sexist what is wrong with sloppy seconds if she is just a practice girl? She's clearly deranged so who cares.,not sexist "If men don't like to be disregarded by society, why can they not support each other? Y'know, like women do ?",not sexist "She kissed you so she's probably interested to some extent. Go ahead and ask her for her number trough snapchat. As for ""how"" you should go about it, maybe tell her you forgot to ask her in person and you're asking for it now.",not sexist "Think about it for a second. Secular, Zionist Jews and their atheist buddies have led to a complete takeover of our traditional morals: sex after marriage, stoning of sluts, disowning feminist witches, and much more.",not sexist "Geez what a freak. Excuses his wife said to not have sex with him? Girls don't OWE you sex. If she literally said ""I don't want to today"" that should be enough.",not sexist "Amazes me how she lasted this long! My tinfoil hat continues to buzz all about kuru & their spirit-cooking satanic worshipping rites/sacrifices, etc.",not sexist The white beuty thing really fucking triggered me.,not sexist "Drunk girls, aproach them, drunkish is a worldwide language",not sexist Thanks bro Well I fucked her once already so it won't be the first time getting it. She loves food and does shit..no coach potato kinda girl. Always our doing shit. I had girls with me before. But they just want to sit on the beach and tan Borrrring,not sexist "Her argument is based on what? Her feelings? Ask her to provide an evidence and see if you are satisfied with it. Post it here, if possible.",not sexist we wuz kangz n sheeit.,not sexist """It's OK to attack one culture, but its not OK to attack other cultures...and I'm asking you why that is."" [URL]",not sexist Looks like she just smelled a turd,not sexist "How does that not count? They can have sex with a willing partner. Hell, it counts more than the bad ""female incels can have sex with people they're not attracted to"" argument. At least the male incels can find a pro they can get it up for.",not sexist It means they're still getting attention from alpha males so she's not ready for your beta ass,not sexist I want a catapult to put invading hordes in and take bets to see were they hit.,not sexist Nah. I got plenty of IOIs when girls first met me. But people realized I have no social skills. I think social proof is a biggish part of smv.,not sexist RT [USER]: I give in. This gal is #committed. Give her a scholarship [URL],not sexist "Look up mystery method kiss test. There's also one where you look in her eyes and play with her hair then slowly lean into kiss (David d?). Generally, if she lets u hold her hand shell let you kiss her. Don't tell her yr a V less you want to.",not sexist see why the coffee house fired her!! my god this girl is so stupid!!,not sexist What do you think the difference is between this chick getting hit and the girl in the link I sent you?,not sexist She denies she uses the info. She denies your info doesn't go anywhere. And when you tell her cease and desist and destroy my data she tells you she will keep your stuff in case of legal need.,not sexist "If you love and support white abortions so much, why don't you go slap your mom up for not having aborted you when she had the chance? LMFAO",not sexist """Our daughter was murdered, but at least we're not racists!""",not sexist "Girls can join the Boy Scouts, but boys can't join the Girl scouts? Is nobody over there applying the slightest bit of common sense and critical thinking to see the fallacy upon which this is built?",not sexist "That's what I did. I banged a 5 when I was 19 to lose mine at college, I knew I was way better than her but I enjoyed it and look back on it with fond memories. Do it.",not sexist Why don't you go kill yourself faggot? Stop hanging out on a sub about fucking women,not sexist "Even assuming that she did get raped, first thing first, denounce him. The other thing is, get help. It's not just only for her benefit, but for others around her.",not sexist "[USER] you must have me confused with someone else. I have never seen your ex and my ex wife was fat, so that makes no sense.",not sexist no muslim woman is allowed to wear lipstick like this and eye make up and huge glasses that attract attention to her face. nor is she allowed to be photographed FAKE MEME FAKE MUSLIM FAKE RELIGION,not sexist "That doesn't sound like the fact that there's female friends with you, it sounds that you're uncomfortable flirting with a girl in front of other people.",not sexist "You're playing the little baby game of ""triggering"" people. Just look at passive aggressive snark and smiley faces. you're a worthless piece of coward shit, loser. Go watch niggers fuck your wife and leave the humans alone.",not sexist Denise is a girls name. He should meet with his maker over this travesty of injustice.,not sexist "Honestly I still get anxiety when I go to clubs filled with a lot of people. You've to make friends first, maybe go to bars when it's not too busy and try to strike conversations with strangers.",not sexist "Right. It has to come down to a measurement at some point. That's what feminists tend to claim is anti woman. They claim that measuring by the ""bottom line"" is male oriented.",not sexist ew....close up her face not as good as figured. [URL],not sexist "You naughty Twitter refugees! Happy you found your way to us, have a seat, look around, ask questions we'll all help and follow me if you'd like too(:b Here is my naughty I got banned from Twitter face hehe [URL]",not sexist "Truly, she needs to be put away🙄",not sexist "[USER] yes these are mentally damaged human beings from the the beginning of their lives, not children or women we want in our civilized society (yes we have violence not the same) they are 12th century barbarians #GabFam",not sexist "I am talking about desire and crushes - the emotions, not the swaying in front of her boss so he gets her a merc for a couple of blowies. Take care man, the world has a lot to offer you.",not sexist How can #Gab be a leader in #FreeSpeech when no one posts shit Rule 1. Here on Gab if anyone sends u a post u A. call em a troll B. Call em racist C. Use the words Fuck u a lot D. Never voice ur Opinion E. Just run same videos over and over,not sexist "That's gonna be a difficult assertion to prove. I mean, by simple inspection, the girl is obviously black. Some interesting definitions should come out of that conversation.",not sexist And some have more than enough and contemplate letting their girlfriends have affairs to satisfy their huge sex drive because the guy can't keep up.,not sexist Man those false accusations only hurt real rape victims,not sexist Taylor looks white to me. Maybe she could follow in Kate Spade's shoes and show us how it's done 😈🤷🏻‍♀️,not sexist and to think that my wife begged me to move in that area.,not sexist [URL] DUTERTE is thinking these jews are a bunch of child fuckers and I must kill rabbi sachs jews are obessed with death like 322 skull and bones,not sexist [USER]. You haven't answered my question. Do you believe that the women who got black men lynched by falsely accusing them of rape should be believed?,not sexist Poor Miss Molly was an illegal loving Trump and white people hater....... Wonder what her stance was when she was being murdered?,not sexist "**Incels:** /want to fuck younger and younger women **Younger and younger women:** /have sex but not with incels **Incels:** ""Wait, that's illegal.""",not sexist It was a whim...mom wanted to go. I only had like an hour. I figured what the hell... Nope...backfired,not sexist Females working at Google complained that men were earning more. Google had to make a study. It ended up they were overpaid and men earned less. Just so you know what we're dealing with.,not sexist Traitors should be shot.,not sexist /r/raisedbynarcissists You might learn a lot about your mother and father from this. Use an alt account so you don't get banned for posting in mgtow.,not sexist "our views on sex would clearly be very different, And yet this very same reasoning isn't good enough when men say they don't want to be with promiscuous women. You're all a bunch hypocrites.",not sexist These threads are dumb because generally they just describe an incel looking in the mirror.,not sexist [USER] They look horrible. Doesn't Melania have her own fashion line? I'm sure they are 1000 times better than anything the Obamas could afford,not sexist "How could anyone not walk into her courtroom and not burst out laughing out loud. I for one would be sure to not contain the laughter. They would probably throw me in jail, but of the tears of laughter rolling down my face might be worth it.[USER]",not sexist "What happens to Marxist and Progressive critics who do hit the mark? Here is Ron Paul, OB/GYN, overseer of 4000+ births, nearly skipped over on the topic of abortion: #InsideThePlaybook [URL]",not sexist 15 YO girl set on fire at McDonalds in Cologne Germany by Islamic State supporter [URL],not sexist What do you mean by a high value partner? Surely if a woman is having sex for sex's sake nothing matters except attraction,not sexist My daughter says that too about lose and loose. She sees it all the time on FB.,not sexist "You need to push back a little next time. Oh we should take it a bit slow, its going a bit fast!😊 Read the Sex God Method, it explains how to talk to a girl during seduction.",not sexist "Lilith, a Babylonian demon, the patron of abortions; feminist & pro-abortion groups today have revived and celebrated her. Who was she? [URL]",not sexist "My grandmother had a Zenith, and it actually was a 'clicker'.",not sexist [USER] That guy has the right to scream. His dad is super abusive. I heard he actually cut off his son's hand Poor kid has had mental troubles ever since ranging from delusions of granduer to trying to sleep with his sister,not sexist 49% of NBA players are directly related to an elite athlete. It's only 18% for the NFL and 15% for MLB. The NBA has basically become a hereditary caste. There's a fairly small # of Black Families who can pump out 6'5 dudes. [URL],not sexist There it is. I knew this was coming. The first line of defense is to say rich/famous. The second line of defense is to insult the woman as somehow being below standard. There was no way this comment wasn't coming.,not sexist "There's no way your mom cheated on your D(ch)ad with a short guy, let's be real lmao you got the absolute shit end of the stick, I'm really sorry bro",not sexist "I do hope her death creates a tsunami of outrage forcing our government to place a steel-toed boot on Mexico's neck. Also, I still dream of seeing [USER] (twitter) hanging from a rope. Of that, I do not joke.",not sexist "No shit, Sherlock [URL]",not sexist I dont use them anymore girls only want to text,not sexist I don't know quite how to respond about the female officer shower issue but I fully agree that it's an effort to weaken the military.,not sexist My brother is an asshole. He abused the hell out of his ex wife. She divorced him and he married this woman that drank one of her sons retarded in utero. She's a monster. Between the abuse and the affair he's a scumbag.,not sexist [USER] The bigger take away is that she was made to be a feminist icon and she didn't give a shit about that. She gave feminism a whirlwind kick.,not sexist "#nationalism #maga ""We are going to take America Back!"" said the dumbfks who wouldn't even make the effort to take their women back.",not sexist "If that had been #CrookedHillary at that summit, the commie #FakeNewsMedia would have had a 24 hour orgasm, splurging left and right on each other! [URL] Remember #libtards: You will reap what you sow! Your evil will return back on your own heads!",not sexist [URL] i think HRC would love to live in paki-- she could buy all the little girls she wanted there,not sexist Unlimited energy as the black woman rotates indefinitely.,not sexist I'm not so sure Obama was not a trans and is still waiting for her cadaver cock.,not sexist Probably going to get one soon? Wrong answer. Correct answer is yes i have my own place. Then you rent an airbnb and fuck her there.,not sexist Motherfucker puts a hand on my kid and she's going in a hole out in the country.,not sexist "She came back, revealed to us that it wasn't her in the vids but that she is still a female. Then she said she is leaving Gab to go back to imageboarding forevermore.",not sexist I am learning the classic languages and planning on watching female American Football instead of watch the #NFL,not sexist "Aw, that is a really sad looking kitty cat! Me no wanna live wid no cat lady!",not sexist """Don't save her, she don't wanna be saved."" -J. Cole",not sexist "Blue pill is so... If I do what I would like for her, she will do it for me. Sadly, you won't get what you give. Sometimes the exact opposite is what you get. Be a doormat, get treated like a doormat.",not sexist "Why Data? Give them a female Lore, lock them both in the basement and wait what's gonna happen.",not sexist "Nah, she's in labor! 🎶 Let the bodies hit the floor, Let the bodies hit the floor, Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOR!",not sexist The movement successfully fought to keep raping men legal for women...,not sexist If it's eye eye mouth in a triangle she is imagining kissing you,not sexist "Women label men who insult them or harm them as trash. A man who isn't handsome isn't trash, he's just not handsome.",not sexist "Imagine being a girl, you know a dude, he nice, he cool, he fun, he proposes you to take drugs, you say yeah why not, you then have the best sex of all time....",not sexist It looks like she is black by injection.,not sexist In response to: America was created by White people for White people,not sexist I wish that were a practical option in Canada. Hell we can't even carry bear spray for defense without being charged if we use it on a person.,not sexist "Fuck this woman and fuck the asshole who chose her. I hope both of their exes live longer, happier lives.",not sexist Most of the people backing Douglass are ironyspergs and drama queers like fuentes who have personally attacked you and friends of yours like allsup. The green grass on the other side stinks of dog shit.,not sexist "While I personally don't agree with abortion, I do think that a woman has a right to make her own decisions regarding her body.",not sexist "They are men that are afraid of MGTOW, because they need female approval like a junkie needs heroin.",not sexist Is it possible for a 20 year old mgtow to do this aswell?,not sexist I'm kind of surprised she didn't just burn them,not sexist so have i already fucked up by adding her as a connection on linkedin?,not sexist "So, how is it a strawman?",not sexist "No you're right, we want to be lonely and would hate being attractive to women like Chad is... Fucking retard",not sexist "Remind them that women control 55% of the vote, and as such under their definition men are the gender which cannot be prejudiced.",not sexist "Join us on ""Minds"" to work towards the goal of expelling every Muslim from the United States and all other modern countries. [URL] [URL]",not sexist The girls who travel solo DNGAF. No one's there to judge them. None of her hookups will get back to her social circle. It's pretty much a free pass to do whatever. This is genius.,not sexist [USER] - Yes of course democrats/liberal leftists have difficulty reading-- books are for suckers-- except for fagsbook.,not sexist please dont have kids if u fall in love. no incel kids please!,not sexist Because that is total sex offender status and what girl wants to be with a sex offender?,not sexist "I'll never get this. I'm male, and almost all of my friends are women. I just find them easier to understand and get on with than men in general, and a lot of that is because of this silly masculine insecurity.",not sexist i would drag my balls through miles of broken radioactive glass and red-hot melting tungsten nails just to listen to a low-battery walkie-talkie transmission of her cracking a finger in gloves.,not sexist "No wonder she wouldn't text me back, she's kissing her toilet that has higher smv than me lmao",not sexist "No sympathy - his wife dies unexpectedly of an ""undiagnosed heart condition."" Yet she had Xanax, Adderall, and Fentanyl in her system. Hell, I'd take Fentanyl too, if I was married to that asshole.",not sexist RT [USER]: So she supports internment camps? [URL],not sexist "I mean it's a male dominated field, I would imagine there would be less women standing up for it because there are less woman truckers",not sexist "You know what? *I* don't see any difference between the two daughters, either.",not sexist yes a good woman in your corner is a blessing =),not sexist "If they are no longer mercenaries for the rabbis, they will remain their slaves. US Presidents voted Noahide laws. These laws oblige all Americans to serve the Synagogue of Satan. As mercenaries in the army, or as slaves at work.",not sexist "Yea true, but I think we all can understand when a guy is in the fase of just hating woman, after all I think everyone here pass throw that fase, I know I was. But after the pain disipase, the hate is gone and you just become true independent.",not sexist Asian america women who exclusively dated non Asian men from teenage to say 30 - but then boomerang back to asian men after they hit 31,not sexist I hope you won't try again. Let the pain go away and talk to your mom. She cares.,not sexist The irony is awesome. Although I think that dummy Stormy got used by CPL. She will just be another idiot on the trash heap of the left. I must be getting soft as I feel sorry for her.,not sexist """Oh, they are questioning the root cause rather than mosleeem this mosleeem that. What do I do? Let me post a toy story meme."", you fucking idiot. The proof is in their own self confessions. [URL]",not sexist We know Macron likes older women.....,not sexist Plenty of women hate men because of past traumas inflicted upon them. You don't make fun of them here.,not sexist "She probably hasn't hit the point where she makes enough money to hire someone. Sadly, I can't see TLJ getting her anymore roles to make more money.",not sexist If you're hooking up with the mother then out of respect I wouldn't touch her family members personally but I'm not a 🐕,not sexist Not sure she understands... We don't give a fuck.,not sexist "Ask can drivers which places are best to hookup with women. Ask old guys who have been driving cabs for a while, it might take to ask 3-5 guys (3-5 cab rides) a well worth investment.",not sexist Our enemies hate white women waking up to what's been done to them and their White men. You remind them and become number one enemy much more than Alex Jones.,not sexist "I hardly call that ""insane"" and lots of girls are crack shots... and have endurance.",not sexist "Man, I really wanna shred this guy for having his head so far up his ass.. All the pain and misery on its way, he has it coming",not sexist "It's a tribute to Trump, every time he mentions the wives of the men in his favour and rightly so for the sacrifice these women make",not sexist SO the Liberal Left has nothing left but to just shove anyone that disagrees with their stupidity into the Alt right? Which is what exactly? I'm confused what it is Neo Nazi or white Supremacist if so I am not in that shit,not sexist "I mean, god forbid women aren't sex crazed beasts!",not sexist [USER] mother already has combat boots tied right tight laced to the last eye... Makesem cry & melt they're mind inside out.,not sexist "Why is she asking how to start a convo? Cause she moved to chad again lol. We def live in different worlds man, in theirs SHE even seeks advise to initiate, jfl.",not sexist referring to them as bitches kind of goes against your interpretation,not sexist Maybe white people should get to shagging,not sexist "From what I've gathered about pickup, you have to act before you think. See a hot girl? **Approach immediately**. You have to act before you can make any excuses. The longer you stall and stay in your head, the more difficult an approach becomes.",not sexist Black female ICE agent accuses police department of racial profiling after being pulled over three times [URL],not sexist We must be equally committed. Committed to righteousness and truth with the same vigor they are in displaying hate and attempting destruction. We must stand for justice and right.,not sexist "That's a big ass, how tall does that make you?",not sexist If that's all you got out of that thread it explains why you suck with women.,not sexist "[USER] Like throwing away a replica pistol after the runner-up for the Libertarian nomination presented it to him? At the fucking convention? And then sent an aid to buy it back when the story leaked? He's a cuck, not a libertarian.",not sexist as she expected.,not sexist "I trust you, Tara. You're a fine lass.",not sexist 'Sexist' Coco Pops defeated by 10yo girl after she wrote to Kellogg's about 'mum's' slogan [URL],not sexist referees highjacking team sports outcomes is actually a super common and well orchestrated issue... if you care about shit like that,not sexist "Gas station manager fired after telling mom, whose son is on life support, to work or be fired [URL]",not sexist "Same two tiered justice system that still allows Hildebeast, and her criminal cabal to walk free. Bring back law and order!!",not sexist Have you seen the brits teeth? They need soft food,not sexist "My mom told me I can't play with you guys anymore because you're Nazis. Meanwhile, communists are peachy.",not sexist 2. Farm girl pin up,not sexist You want people to feel sorry for you when you think it's ok for women to be beat by men.,not sexist Iowa City: Woman charged after detonating plastic explosives in cheating husband's anus [URL],not sexist Meanwhile you think women should be killed for having standards.,not sexist "They say a woman forcing a man, woman or child to penetrate her is sexual assault, they say a man doing the same is the more serious crime of rape.",not sexist I can only imagine how much she's swilling a this point! Would love to see a video,not sexist The only females I've met on the job as a roofer are the ones who work in the office.,not sexist "This idiot who is a Former Premier of New South Wales (Australian state) has the nerve to call Australia's closest ally a ""shithole"" when he praised the Chinese Communist Party's Leadership. In Haiti they make 'Dirt Cookies' next to sewers! [URL]",not sexist Summary of article: (How to show you have your shit together by passing shit tests) 1. Exaggerate the tease 2. Ignore or wave it off (with more familiar people) 3. Just laugh,not sexist "Wow, if you're smiling to a girl and she smiles back that's a ticket to you and go and approach her. How do you expect a girl to approach you if you don't even have the balls to do it.",not sexist "Did you hear? Caitlyn Jenner said she was sexually abused, for years, by Bruce Jenner? Lol",not sexist Mediterranean girls are definitely the most beautiful,not sexist Quaker Parrot also known as Monk Parakeet I once rescued one with only one leg from a flea market. She became super close with my Moluccan Cockatoo until she flew away one day.,not sexist How about fuck you goat fucker!,not sexist "IKR? Best get in touch with that ugly slab I first frenched at 12. You know, ask her to relive it and see if she was *entirely* comfortable with it? I'm not up to much, I could do with a 20 year stretch in prison for shits and giggles.",not sexist the world will project their disgust and hate for the parents onto her. Apples fall close to trees..,not sexist how the fuck did someone like this get a 'very high position' in work. This company is destined for failure.,not sexist "Divide and conquer is in the marxist lennist playbook. They have been waging the ""long war"" upon our country for almost a half a century. here: [URL]",not sexist "5 colored women breaking golf course rules in Pennsylvania, owner of course calls cops, Irish Roman #Catholic politicians upset with course owner for calling cops! What is it with Roman Catholic politicians?",not sexist giga tyrone >shit tier frame,not sexist "I just tend to be extra suspicious around ""political"" women. Trial by fire if you will. If you don't get blocked after shitposting for a while, she passes. Lauren and Loomer defo didn't pass.",not sexist "Do you live in the U.S.? Also, what generation? A lot of these hapas are young",not sexist [USER] seems unlikely but who the fuck knows with this election. I keep expecting Hillary to give birth to a litter of evil clowns on stage at one of her appearances.,not sexist "So since he didn't molest a woman, that means he never could have molested any other women. What a fucking idiot you are. #InstaMute",not sexist No thanks ... I would just rather shoot to protect myself & my family,not sexist Brennan - the real communist and useful idiot! [URL],not sexist "Well, I mean, it's true. Women being treated as if they are equally valuable as men is hugely triggering to men with fragile egos. Dude's only mistake is thinking that the fragile egos of butthurt manchildren should be women's problem to deal with.",not sexist "I forgot about this. Justine Damond's family sues officer, partner, city in death of Australian woman killed by Minneapolis cop [URL]",not sexist "Gotta top it off with black women being the least inclined to date white men because of the history of rape, humiliation, torture and death that our female ancestors endured. Oh, and dating black men as a sign of black solidarity.",not sexist Uhmmm no ...im a grandmother who is called Gigi but nice try. Now as for your homosexual tendencies....,not sexist "Most girls will see through it, but it'll usually be a cute ""Your hand is cold? Sure it is"" kinda flirty response rather than ""No it's not, you're just trying to violate my womanhood by holding my hand! Ugh!""",not sexist "I know,huh? This is so insane!!! My daughter 36 yrs old will hardly talk to me because she believes MSM. I fear for the future!!!",not sexist "I mean, depends on what your intentions with this girl on. Want to have sex with her? Yeah.",not sexist Who has more star power: the Warriors or the Eastern Conference?,not sexist "That makes no sense to me, most of the time girls aren't approaching or gonna approach even if they find you attractive. Tf is he doing differently",not sexist "Why does she want to be Jewish? According to the NT, one IS a Jew if they believe in Jesus",not sexist Sex offender lures women with promise of great job before sexually assaulting them during interviews [URL],not sexist Yeah. Absolutes don't exist. Why then do girls avoid awkward guys? Why is awkwardness associated with creepy?,not sexist ????????????????????????? Riiiiiiiight so go get pregnant quickly so you can kill your unborn baby?,not sexist The woman is just trying to be happy/positive about her looks and yall just throwin straight up vile hate. Jesus guys. Chill the fuck down.,not sexist "Try getting multiple girls numbers (I try to get at least one number a day). This will essentially diversify your investments, so if you dont see an immediate response with one, it wont faze you because youre busy gaming/texting with other girls.",not sexist She's stuffing her emails in his jacket.,not sexist Saw a real open minded person on the bird post that they gave #gab a whole 5 minututes before claiming that we are all Pepe worshipping racists. Nice I mean he didn't jump to any pre conceived conclusions I mean he gave the #gabfam 5 whole minutes.,not sexist Voted for the orange fucker. And the orange fucker can swing beside her and the nigger fucker he replaced.,not sexist I wouldn't go to the doctor just because I was more afraid of the bill afterwards. I would rather suffer with non-life threatening pain than to be an indentured servant to any fucked up system.,not sexist First chapter might be the princess. I know one of them manga's the princess gets her face burned off. It might be the be the hero seeks revenge thought.,not sexist _vomits in female_,not sexist Rachel Dolezal says she isn't White either but that doesn't make it so.,not sexist Natural Chad is unaware of what he's doing and also fails at many things. You could be a bum and have tight game and slay women. Think outside the box. Alpha Chad doesn't exist but you do. Become the best you can be.,not sexist "Awww, poor snowflake, afraid she'll get back what she the bad ass dished out? Sounds karmic if you ask me!",not sexist "[USER] Pisses me off every time I see a story on this, our own people and we don't help. Pathetic, cowards!",not sexist Is this a photo of McCain & his daughter?,not sexist Coupon mailer in the mailbox. #ProgressiveVirus,not sexist "[USER] So, you think that a Republican controlled senate is going to listen to Bill Clinton's wife? How stupid do u think I am, and how deluded are you about the preparedness of the Republican senators to compromise?",not sexist "But there certainly is something such as STUPID. I'd like to enter Pomona College Students into evidence your honor. #Stupid (not the hashtag, the pound-sign one).",not sexist "No, they are only partly responsible! It is the MudSlimes who cannot be controlled!",not sexist Ghost her. She deserves it. She will blame you anyways. Just Do It! [[URL],not sexist "I know there's this ""doesn't matter; had sex"" attitude out there, but she's just using you to get some validation. I doubt it will end with one fuck.",not sexist Nice job man. Remember whatever you do don't kill yourself... :),not sexist she is a looker fine woman [URL],not sexist "Wow, great comment man. This is the motivation I needed to keep on lifting. Haven't seen any changes in the way chicks see me but whatever, gotta do what you gotta do.",not sexist "Boko Haram (Education is Sinful) are Black Sunni Muslims who gained notoriety for kidnapping 300 young school girls, most of whom are still missing. They also carried out 135 suicide bombings using children in 2017, according to UNICEF. [URL]",not sexist "Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie, and immigration issues are enough for conservatives to keep control for the forseeable future, as long as Devos gets off her ass and fixes the education system!! Trump needs to replace her.",not sexist "But don't worry, your kids are getting a steady diet of Jewish degeneracy. [URL]",not sexist Leftist anarcho-terrorists planning to overthrow the government on January 20 [URL] #MAGA #Trump #PresidentTrump #GabFam #DrainTheSwamp #SpeakFreely #AltRight,not sexist German authorities try to bury footage of third world barbarian decapitating a 1 yr old and killing her mother in front of her 3 yr old brother because it bolsters the anti-immigration stance [URL],not sexist because she identifies as a woman? 🤔,not sexist "I want to see where this series goes...I've known about the brutal nature of islam since 1988 but learned much more over the years...if you hate women, children, people in general, then islam is for you... [URL]",not sexist "I'm looking at it from the 'how SM got me laid' perspective, it was women I didn't really actively hit on and probably would have never spoken to ever again. But barrier for contacting someone is so much lower and can be done covertly.",not sexist "I love our military and despise what has been done to them.I am learning to hate all those who serve the corrupt state,and its puppeteers of course.",not sexist Isn't r/MGTOW basically a hate subreddit against women?,not sexist touch their boobs,not sexist Salute mother fuckers! SALUTE!,not sexist "North Korea ""months away"" from ability to hit U.S. with nuclear weapon -U.S. envoy [URL]",not sexist Where is all the awan dws espionage stuff? nothing for seemingly weeks,not sexist [URL] pizza gate goes back to the girl who died who wants a word with john mac,not sexist Is his mother a mail order bride?,not sexist Well you need to explain how having a law that perpetuates the oppressive culture that women face in India creates a better system for women.,not sexist If Triggly Puff was living in Communism and not Capitalism....she would be skinny as fuck....,not sexist "Remember that empathy=/=sympathy. This is just to UNDERSTAND girls, whether or not you change based on the acquired knowledge is up to you.",not sexist "if you hate ""fetish babies"" why even hang out here? i know for a fact now that non hapas only hang out here to get a good laugh/entertainment but at the same time hate us so i dont know why i should let you guys stick around.",not sexist I believe porn is a psychological and spiritual weapon unleashed upon the west by the jews to poison the natural beautiful relationship that is possible between male and female. #SpeakFreely [URL],not sexist "However, there is a slight chance Hispanics would rather watch fat men interview hot bikini girls in a jacuzzi.",not sexist Here lies the body of Anabel Lee Died at the age of 103 For 15 years she kept her Virginity Not a bad record for this here facility,not sexist G.W. Bush is Criticizing Trump when he never criticize Obama what a piece of 'shit!,not sexist "[USER] I hope, I don't like this woman, WHOtf does she think she is banning a part of oiur History! she SUCKS!",not sexist This is really not her fault. IT IS THE FAULT OF THEIR BOYS. IT IS THE MEN WHO CREATED AND CONTINUE WITH THIS NASTY (muhammads mother mated with swine) CULTURE. THEY ARE BILE,not sexist "[USER] ...and your committment to her committment to the word 'fuck' is laudable and so I now follow YOU. Come on everybody, lets get a 'fuck' train going!! #FreeSpeech #SelfCensorship",not sexist You are a fucking retard. He's only able to do what he does cuz women. Other than the he's a fucking loser.,not sexist "Go out w her again and recover but if you specifically plan dinner, do something besides dinner is my recommendation(picnic with alcohol, drinks at a lounge, hike, etc).",not sexist "Great message. You definitely have to take what you can get in certain scenarios like these. I once had to approach a women while she was eating, the greatest risk ever. The approach is still extremely memorable to this day.",not sexist "No I disagree. ""When are you free"" doesn't show enough confidence and leadership. It's so weird but a woman will usually not answer to ""when are you free"" but will answer to a certain time and place.",not sexist "This is the product of Jungle Fever and ACOWW. His white mother got jungle fever, rejected white men, had a kid with a Negro, and the kid grew up to be anti-white. Mudsharks are the worst kind of scum.",not sexist "Oh, I was in Kansas visiting my mother and if I had know she needed help, I would have driven to Montana to pick her up. But ya don't know what ya don't know.",not sexist "[USER] Fuck you, asshole. I'm not actually arrogant. I just don't take crap from assholes like you. I'm too old for that. *plonk*",not sexist Cut her off.,not sexist Cant say I blame her. Sand in the vagina is a big problem with #fucking on the beach. Always take a big towel lol.,not sexist Let me get this straight: WaPo paid three women to say Roy Moore is a Democrat?,not sexist "Girls would think you have a great sense of humour, like the joker",not sexist "Another happy Democrat-voting #mudshark discovers what everybody already knows - that niggers can be anything but: wise, peaceful or FAITHFUL to said mudsharks. :) [URL]",not sexist Good read. I'm going through these problems currently but I try my best to fix her and help her through her problems because I love her. No matter how many times she says to leave her because of the problems I stay with her. This was good to read.,not sexist """LGBTQRSTUVKKK666"" - [USER] , 2017",not sexist "Probably because she has the largest neg score of all of gab... Heck it's probably more then everyone's neg score combined. Oh, I meant the real one...",not sexist Awesome! 💥Step One: Tell the Muzzie Myor to stuff it and do it anyway! 💥Step Two: Gird your Loins with your Churchillian Backbone & Balls & Take Back Your Country! 💥Step Three: Throw all those Muzzies back to the sand Pile they came from!,not sexist Fair enough - I just get sick to my stomach when I see these Evangelical idiots praising the baby-killing Kikes like they're literally gods on earth. The news that an 8 month-old was killed was the final straw - I've got a 14 month-old.,not sexist "Nope. Racism. How many White males have raped Black females in the USA? Virtually zero. How many White females are raped by Black males on average per year in the USA? 45,000. Racism.",not sexist she is his puppet master,not sexist "I dont think so, I just think she isn't an antisemite",not sexist [USER] This attack destroys Merkel. There is no way she isn't going to fiddle with the official narrative She is just like Obama with that shit,not sexist "The REASON she is eligible, is because she endured abuse at and by the hands of her husband.",not sexist [USER]..who f*cking cares...I for one never heard of her...also will NOT be watching the awards as these celebrities are in the main a bunch of lowlifes who do not give a shit about the ordinary person..f*ck 'em!!!,not sexist I just bet she has! [URL],not sexist "Incredible. Time for me to look up her poetry, she sounds awesome.",not sexist "Walk away and never look back. If she reaches out, set a date and hang out, have fun and hook up. And start following Coach Corey Wayne.",not sexist I stopped giving a fuck at 15.,not sexist Missouri Governor Eric Greitens arrested for taking nearly-nude photo of his married lover and blackmailing her [URL],not sexist Depends on if my wife outlives me. If she doesnt....BOOM!,not sexist "There's only one proper way to wear a kilt. Otherwise, it'd be a skirt!! [URL]",not sexist "Really? Next time, when you come up from the basement with your underwear for mom to wash, ask here to proof read your little drivel before posting.",not sexist "See, you're allowed to disagree. Plenty of people do. It's the ones that think it's ok to attack the character of a shooting victim by publicly lying about her and trying to make her look worse than the actual shooter that I disagree with.",not sexist All I ever see is women letting their guard down in these videos whether it's before or after they have been dominated they just can't fathom how anything could go wrong or any worse. This girl completely looked away for no reason whatsoever,not sexist "Yes, how else are you going to get her to change? Withdraw of time attention, is the normal one. Some girls are very into BDSM, and you can turn the discipline thing into a game, but YMMV",not sexist "[USER] - Biden boasted to a crowd of University of Miami students, saying ""if we were in high school, I'd take [DJT] behind the gym and beat the hell out of him"".",not sexist "In case you missed it earlier today. Have fun fapping tonight! I got more fap fuel, created by yours truly, on my main art gallery. There's ladies on there like Overwatch's Mei, Mrs. Game & Watch, and Earth-Chan! [URL]",not sexist "And that, boys and girls, is what triggered the II AMERICAN REVOLUTION",not sexist "LOL seeing all the reactions for those not being fond of the Kenyans. I mean, they can't rape you across the internet, guys, if that's what y'all think they do.",not sexist My first guess is that she identifies as two ugly women trapped in the same body and is marrying herself.,not sexist I'm a mgtow bro no one stealing my money I just think masturbating is pathetic that's it and overall bad for you,not sexist "I would seriously disregard any study about anything to do with interracial. There is an agenda and it's being pushed. If you want an example simple google ""happy white women"" or ""happy white couple""",not sexist "I have a problem you may be able to help me with. My Latina (Brown) wife wants to know the best way she can smash my Imperialistic, Cracker-ass Cranium. Would recommend the Bolshevik Bike Lock or the Menshevik Man-Butt Bat?",not sexist "Well, why aren't serial-killers prevalent in Afrika? Only Capuchins kill their females in droves.",not sexist "16 million people here in florida. 1 million have concealed carry gun permit..50% of the population is female...so 500,000 ladies are armed here. we have really low rape / sexual assault numbers.",not sexist Today I made eclairs so tomorrow I will probably eat more eclairs than one woman needs to eat in a single day let alone one sitting. ... It has been about an hour since I've had an eclair and now I have to go... do... a thing.,not sexist "You really are retarded when you can tell his hands are touching her. But you keep on humping this same argument, I'm sure there's another moron out there who's right there with ya!",not sexist "I guess I'm in the same predicament as OP in the comment you shared. If so, how do you regain that interest? And outside of my predicament, how do you initially set the bar in letting her chase after your validation?",not sexist But your resident goony larper )))Holden Macaque((( did call her a jew. Because she can't just be a fraud she needs to be a secret jew to claim (((Holden Macaque)))'s autism.,not sexist "I know, I am just joking, refusing to be old, even though I'm a granny! I look forward to conversing with them!",not sexist "That was when he was surrounded by like-minded people. He is now being imprisoned by a MAGA hostile inner- circle of FU Hertiage American traitors, including his daughter.",not sexist Islam is a religion of Peace and Pieces ... Pieces of you chopped up all over the place and your wife and daughter raped . Love those Islamists,not sexist "Twitter is now suspending for accurately stating Muslims rape more than whites, even when backed by a University study. We aren't allowed to warn white women of the dangers of sandniggers.",not sexist I blame people like him that give wrestling fans look like idiots.,not sexist er... were you beat a lot as a child?,not sexist drop her,not sexist "Fucking filthy german politic. As a political entity, germany is an error since 1871.",not sexist "Question: outside of this females actions and behavior, how do you rate her looks from your part of the world?",not sexist "i don't try to use dancing to pickup women, i use dancing with women to dance with women, when I want to pickup women i use conversation",not sexist This. I wish more girls would do this.,not sexist "Helping her son return to his antiwar ""agenda"" [URL]",not sexist "It won't hurt to ask her again. You may not have felt like she was interested, but who knows?",not sexist she really has her fingers in bloody everything,not sexist "Flash this, you fucking malware installing piece of shit. Adobe announces the end of Flash: [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "Fuck her, i doubt the guy got any compensation and women praise her for being brave and having standards. What a pathetic leech",not sexist "Most women who say that seem to mistake ""I don't need to force myself to have sex and enjoy it when I am having it"" for ""having a high sex drive"".",not sexist "Her family is like that, but she is not. She finds that detestable as well. That is why she is never going back.",not sexist There you go again with that 3rd person talking. You are dumber than I thought. Texas college must be easy as fuck.,not sexist What? Edit: I'm a dumbass. Sorry.,not sexist It seemed like that bullshit was on the radio every 15 minutes.,not sexist "Hey Incels, have y'ever met little kids? Kids are fucking assholes! They're evil little bastards that will attack each other over the tiniest little thing! Literally they'll turn on each other like starved wolverines if given the chance!",not sexist Women in Male Professions - A Politically Incorrect View [URL] 2018/04/women-in-male- professions%20.html Michael Berg's defence of the active-passive view of male-female nature.,not sexist "Well, our chancellor Angela Merkel likes Justin Trudeau...and she's extremely wise!",not sexist RT [USER]: Woman claims she was sexually assaulted by 9-year-old at Brooklyn deli. Surveillance video proves her wrong. She sticks to her story. [URL],not sexist Calling people homophobic doesn't cut it with me. I think it's a good thing to dislike homosexual degeneracy and denying the link between it and child abuse is just wilful ignorance.,not sexist "When Queen Ann Coulter was researching 'Adios, America!' she found that the actual statistics of migrant crimes were often hard to get, and buried under a whole lot of Leftist nonsense. For example, counting hispanic crime as 'white'.",not sexist oy vey! thank you! the bible contains diferent parts regarding chasing women. I'll try to dig them up as well...,not sexist Leia has those thing on the sides of her head and and when she turn her head he get a face full of hair bun.... :-) But there is still hope for a hairy love story....,not sexist "Hey, technically; if they get rid of the ads. Are they not discriminating against women/females. Dam sexist!",not sexist Anything my wife cooks.,not sexist Trump is starting shit already! Taking illegal alien & deporting this poor child. How cruel!! [URL] Actually it was a woman that ordered this & POTUS at the time was? Anyone? Anyone? The silence from the left is deafening mostly funny tho,not sexist "I'm not defending my mom, this isn't about my mom. She's an example, just like I'm an example. I almost never speak in specifics.",not sexist "TIL in 2002, Seoul restaurants barred US diners after two American soldiers who killed two schoolgirls were acquitted in a U.S. military court [URL] [URL]",not sexist Well they'll end this strike 20 pounds lighter then they started.,not sexist "Pretty sure he wants universal basic income, so why the fuck target women here? Because no one wants to hear about anyone giving men money because every man is rich and successful? God damn freak show clown world.",not sexist "RockPrincess Podesta didn't have the authority to work for Hillary's state dept either, she hired & paid him on the side. Trump is always 5 steps ahead.",not sexist Frightening that you guys just reaffirm the points here even more. I don't even have to mention that you probably hate black males.,not sexist "I was talking more generally (not in a competing to get girls kinda way), I find myself being a general pushover when it comes to competing with strong men in general.",not sexist "Politico, the liberal rag, interviewed this disgusting piece of shit so her could unload on Trump,Comey and of course the Russians. Never asks about pedogate or Seth Rich. John Podesta Unloads on Trump. [URL]",not sexist Isn't the term for a canine female - Bitch? Seems like they've already learned a lot.,not sexist "1. I have to agree with [USER]. Politicians don't build the wall so employers can hire illegals. But their job is to make Americans better off. Rather than build up Americans, they build up foreigners, because employers prefer them.",not sexist Eh they don't put women on a pedestal. TRP led me to mgtow so lol,not sexist [USER] - It's that mother of all paradoxes on display by tolerant Liberals that had got us so many of the CRIMINALLY INSANE.,not sexist hearing about all the shit she would do for him (essentially using her like his on call sex slave) that she never did for me still rubs me wrong. O_O,not sexist [USER] can't believe it! but then again is this coming from a female? yea that's believable I don't understand how they can even have fat cops I mean seriously what Roling donut they going to catch.,not sexist "It's bluepilled as fuck and none of their memes are funny, but I can't really hate on it because in the end it's just coping incels in denial. In time, they will embrace the blackpill",not sexist [USER] HA sucker! When I vote for Hillary I'll have enough money to buy my wife's son a copy of the communism manifesto. Bet Trump won't give you money for you vote. Cause he's a greedy HITLER RACIST BIGOT! #OhCarl,not sexist Real American women can shoot guns & cotillion in the same dress.,not sexist What the fuck is an emotional tampon?,not sexist Ah I see the reason you can't get laid is because every woman is a ''fat entitled cunt'' hmm,not sexist "[URL] Cause killing unborn babies and letting grown biological men shower with girls is upright, good & wholesome. Twisted f-ing libs.",not sexist "I've heard of incels from all orientations, but it's pretty clear that straight males are by far the largest demographic simply by the nature of the straight male and female dating dynamic",not sexist This is why you train your kids to be JUST like her!! Kinessa will Fuck your day up worse than that Fake Ass Ronda Rousey hahaha What a JOKE she was..,not sexist Usefull Idiots.,not sexist "A day w/o women? Really, you mean it hasn't been me jacking by myself?",not sexist Things like this make women hate men.,not sexist "[USER] Hint: the well-funded people who put themselves forward to represent Islam in interfaith meetings are almost certainly Wahhabi terror-spreading agents or shills. Pump oil, crush Saudi Arabia, and end the terror menace.",not sexist Clayton State University professor Andrea Allen offered her students extra credit for attending an event supporting Democrat Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. [URL],not sexist "He never seemed that way to me, just sleazy and liked trashy women.",not sexist """If you cant survive without finding a volunteer to parasite off of, you die."" Soooo all unborn babies are parasites and they should leave their mother's uterus and just die. Makes sense! Hey you should write a book, genius!",not sexist "Nay, but there are things you can say to get chad to wise up and leave her. That's thinking outside the box my friend.",not sexist "Poor whamen.. she could have gotten a much better lawyer. I mean, he got to keep the bicycle.",not sexist What sort of hate is she advocating now? LOL,not sexist "The OP is trying to shame men from posting factual stories on the MensRights subredditt, which do not fit the feminist agenda. Hiding this type of factual stories from MensRights and society, actually hurts men and Mens' Rights.",not sexist She has his own sub agaisnt AMWF relationships. I've heard rumours that she's a filipina with a white boyfriend,not sexist Incels dont want girlfriends they want dogs they can fuck,not sexist Execute them for treason,not sexist This is hideous. This poor woman. She literally has pedo monsters stalking her omg,not sexist Austria Rises ...GTFO .. Town refuses to take anymore refugees after 15 year old girl....... [URL] [USER] #BanIslam #speakfreely,not sexist Tell us about women only scholarships.,not sexist Thanks Chad According to them fat girls suck mean dick,not sexist I got down voted for suggesting Patrice to you guys but he really did understand women and understood what a lot of you guys think. He's gone now. [URL],not sexist And she's probably sober.,not sexist "I thought you have to say ""vagina"" a lot to be a female comedian.",not sexist I think you may be looking at it too deep. I dont think it's a big deal or a shit test. But you should significantly cut back texting until the day of the date.,not sexist "The hatred for moslems are Reasonable and Justified. They openly call for our subjugation, the rapes of our women and children, our slavery, and our death. I'm not going to coexist with them.",not sexist Thanks but I'm only interested in the sex; I don't want a relationship. I want to know how to gauge if she is on that same page.,not sexist "You need to be a female and it has to be male sperm ejaculated inside your sexual organ. Next the the pig DNA would be destroyed by the cooking process, so even if you were .... a woman and really enjoying that pie. heh.",not sexist "My alma mater, ladies and gentlemen: [URL]",not sexist I believe it's called female privilege.,not sexist BEAUTIFUL FUTURE ISRAELI CITIZEN''''''S! their sure to marry some beautiful ashkenazim women and have lot'''''''''s of children!!!! ISRAEL DEMANDS IT! HAVA NAGILA!,not sexist Sorry to meet with such a horrific end....these people have NO clue what kind of sub human monsters they truly are!,not sexist "They truly hate lonely men. That's despicable. I hope they all get cucked by their landwhales gfs, if they do have them.",not sexist "Yeah, but in the past i've heard some self proclaimed ""Incels"" claiming the perfect age to marry a woman is when they turn 7. Clearly, they are just really pedo's.",not sexist So. They finally gave up on having a female president.,not sexist """In my ideal world white people would not feel the need to write anymore,"" she smiles.' [URL] [URL]",not sexist Dr. Lorich was found by his 11-year-old daughter on the bathroom floor of his tony Upper East Side apartment with a knife in his chest at around 1pm on Monday. [URL],not sexist "My old girl (12) and she is on the ""how did she gain 20 lbs over a year"" diet plan.",not sexist [USER] Non wide jaws always end up looking weird as fuck. I'm glad I have mine under my beard.,not sexist "Leftist (((movie))) sensation at Sundance Film Fest has graphic rape of 11yo girl by 40yo. ""We see him, over multiple scenes that take place over a series of weeks, attempt to penetrate her. ""We have to keep stretching you open, slowly,"" "" [URL]",not sexist Donatella Versace wears so much makeup and has had so many plastic surgeries...she looks like a tranny...,not sexist Peace of Mind is a beautiful thing! Enjoy!,not sexist "One bolts on his head, the other straps on her dick.",not sexist No. What he described is that you have to get a women in the mood. If men did nothing and waited for a women to spontaneously get in the mood for sex there would be a lot of dusty piles of bones about.,not sexist """I quoted Jews"". you mean ""some people who happen to be Jewish"" or you mean ""all Jews""? i'm just pointing out what i see and i see a lot of bullshit.",not sexist She handle herself with class....,not sexist "Fun thing is she's turning 28 next week but acts more immature than me, I'm 22.",not sexist "Poor #FakeNazi, I don't take orders from anyone. Definitely NOT YOU. Feel free to sit on your strap-on and spin until tears of joy run down your pathetic face. Now run along little man, your mommy has lunch ready for you 😉",not sexist "sometimes i howl at the little woman-- ""Get that nigger OFF my TV!"" i'm a gentle pussycat.",not sexist Another (((cuck))) whining for #WhiteGenocide.,not sexist "Bruh, I'll drop you where you stand mother fucker",not sexist "Oooh! Dish, girl! What are you up to?",not sexist Just Followed her and upvoted a couple posts That usually gets them interested! I think [USER] may get your message as well She should get notified that she was mentioned in a post,not sexist Give up on that girl. Waiting for something to happen is just stopping you from moving on. Cut your losses and start afresh.,not sexist "[USER] Really? Stick that up your ass and rotate mother fucker! Damn, my bad. #GabFam I'm not fucking happy!",not sexist "Good afternoon ""yes officer he constantly tried to verbally rape me""",not sexist "They must be fag faggy faggyness experts , thier pics are always like all dude or a female or two in a herd of dumbasses.",not sexist [USER] Current holster is a Hidden Hybrid Holster brand holster and I like it a lot. Kydex and Leather and the clips can be removed so it can be worn as an OWB... Stable as a bastard and Great weight distribution....,not sexist Reminder: Today Miley Cyrus called out Trump for 'demeaning women'. [URL],not sexist """It's a literal health problem"" lmao! But yeah, sex can be *really* bad and unenjoyable for women so we don't just sleep with whoever. That and the social stigma and also safety, so we can't just take anyone. It sucks tbh.",not sexist lol when i see a girl who is within my height range with a tall guy it pisses me off for some reason. Glad to know this wasn't a personality deficient i have all by myself. but i should probably work on that lol.,not sexist "op, if she's blonde and her name starts with M then hit me up my old gf found my alt reddit acc by snooping then went crazy about trp, also said she wanted to major in psychology lmao.",not sexist "She wanted to smash, and played it cool when he didn't make a move",not sexist "Fail. Try harder pedo. Love the logic. "" America has hate groups, so lets bring in more hate groups"" #liblogic",not sexist Read up on the science of transgenderism. You're doing nothing here but spewing creationist-level bullshit. Your dumbass opinion doesn't trump reality.,not sexist She also advocated for necklacing people. Which is putting a tire around someone's upper torso pouring gas over it and setting it on fire. And these weren't politicians just normal South Africans.,not sexist I DM'ed Spicci at about 1 PM CST. I haven't seen him on twitter since early morning. I'll let you know if i hear something.,not sexist EU officials' daughter raped & drowned in river by Afghan immigrant whitegenocideproject.com/eu-officials-d,not sexist "Fuck her brains out, thats why u r there",not sexist "I don't really think women who slept with over 50 guys would be much offended if some ""incel"" doesn't date them. They don't need you enough to give a shit..",not sexist Was she hot?,not sexist Seems appropriate since there are so many cases of female teachers raping boys these days.,not sexist IMO Ryan Gosling sacrificed himself to unite a horrible female character (bubble girl) with Harrison Ford.,not sexist Once upon a time we all thought there was a sweet little princess unicorn out there.,not sexist Hating all Jews = hating all whites = hating all blacks = hating all Americans = hating all men = hating all women... A hater's gonna hate = I kicked your ass out of my house.,not sexist I'm not for removing all discussion referencing women. But *FOCUSING* on the negatives in rant form is not what it's about. Abolishing the family unit imo is one of the things that has caused the greatest harm to society.,not sexist Looks just like the chick who falsely accused me of rape after her BF(that I didn't know existed) found out I'd been fucking her.,not sexist Not even getting into genders Does he realize that even amongst animals.. especially female and young there is love..,not sexist """take notes scrotes..."" ""all girls are queens. you're an asshole if you say anything bad about them""",not sexist "So, you have that fat white chick with Muslim dude thing going on over there, too? It's never black, Hispanic, or Asian (except Indonesian) women. What's that all about?",not sexist "Yes, it's absolutely just another excuse your brain makes. You've just got to trick your brain to approach no matter what. So what if she has a boyfriend? Either way, she'll be flattered that you approached.",not sexist And the girls with brothers who were always in goal when they were allowed to play. #me #Goodtimes 😄🍻 #BritFam,not sexist "I did this last night. It was a hit. Honesty works if you're with the right girl. Thanks man, appreciate the tips!!",not sexist "Blonds have more fun,trust me...",not sexist Well that brilliantly defeats the purpose of their attempted adblock-block.,not sexist Bull... They don't know you're a shop keeper. How many girls look at you in a given weekend? Do you have shopkeeper labeled on your forehead lol?,not sexist riddle me this. What type of porn actresses are more popular? 10/10 or girl next door type of looking girls.,not sexist "RT [USER]: 101-year-old Marcia Morrison was lively, kind and generous, a neighbor says. She was found stabbed to death this week, and her upstairs neighbor, a 54-year-old man, has been charged with murder. [URL]",not sexist Guess she told your dumb ass.....WTG Pixi,not sexist Volunteer her for a game of tarrush then.,not sexist ".... until he killed a bunch of them, inspiring other rejected men to kill the women (see Toronto van murder in 2018). How romantic, you sicko.",not sexist Cuz they're incels and girls get dry around them so they can't tell you what's ideal or enough,not sexist "she wouldnt dare insist on marriage before sex, because at that very moment all her options would dry up",not sexist Know that quote about the universe and human stupidity being infinite? Let's add male audacity to it.,not sexist I mean why did she ask me what time I finished?,not sexist They do sound like an SJW.,not sexist "Our education system is a reverse cuckoo's egg. We have the children, but they train them to be theirs. Get out if you possibly can.",not sexist I don't understand why having grotesquely fat ass cheeks is considered attractive. what she has is a weight problem.,not sexist 24 Huddersfield men and 2 women charged after girls as young as 11 were raped and sexually abused - all Muslim [URL],not sexist Funny Politics: This woman seems to have a thing for sexual predators. #HarveyWeinstein #Bill #Weiner,not sexist dude they're mostly curries and asians,not sexist "MOM is key You see its very simple . WE COME FROM WOMAN. We are EDUCATED BY a WOMAN. That's our 1st LOVE, our 1st Teacher, Our base for LOVE",not sexist "Or Chelsea Clinton... then she'd assassinate him and try to take over the Presidency lol Assuming he won, which he stands literally no chance",not sexist "#GoodWhiteMen and #WhiteWomen are working #Together to #SaveTheWest. Because of this, there are subversive infiltrators actively working to drive women out of the pro white scene. They knew with women visible, we are unstoppable.",not sexist "This idiot murders a mountain lion, to justify his Gucci gear I presume. I am not sufficiently skilled myself, but would love to see memes of this guy holding a dead panda bear, Wookie, etc. [URL]",not sexist "But, we both know you won't do that while little chrissie is still throwing a temper tantrum, amirite?",not sexist See she seems to kind of have you on a stick there as she's using her sexy pics in order to get you to do what she wants I'm going to be honest and say you probably didn't miss out on as much as you think you did,not sexist "[USER] can't...she dieded, she told me so herself. (I'm giggling as I type this...)",not sexist llf I'll buff their ass you can bad mouth them :oD [URL]",not sexist "now women are called ""creatures""?",not sexist "Ok so just saw the video of how judge Jenny Pirro was treated on the view, Wopy Goldberg is a fascist authoritarian. she calls ppl Xenophobic and racist but in reality she's trying to use Germanys old tactics as a means of forcing her opinion",not sexist Sign of danger. People had better wake up or states like Michigan will be lost for many generations. #BanIslam,not sexist "Laura was always an asshole. I followed her for some reason on the Twitters, probably because Jim retweeted her, and I can not remember a single tweet that wasn't about her feelings, especially when something offended her.",not sexist "The Truth Factory 6 Reasons Why The Left Is Losing A really good analysis presented in her unique cat-tastic way, [URL]",not sexist "Physically - she exercises and takes care of her body Mentally - she isn't childish, has ambition and acts feminine.",not sexist "Hell of a way to kill someone, what if she had of worn her seat belt ?",not sexist "She never loved you. It was just your turn then. Now its the the turn of the fool that nutted in her.Thank the lord for saving you anjust block her out from your life,social medal and most importantly your mind.",not sexist "I've been waiting for this....Paul Sorvino on Harvey Weinstein harassing and blacklisting his daughter Mira Sorvino.... ""He ought to hope he goes to jail...cause if not, he has to meet me and I will kill the motherfu**er"" [URL]",not sexist "It's a rule of mine as well. I don't want to smell smoke or smell like smoke, and I don't want to be a widower at 40.",not sexist "Trump must avoid war at all costs, it will destroy his agenda.....and probably the USA!",not sexist "There is still a way you can fight against all this (for real) and still remain physically safe yourself, since that seems to be what most of you want. Check out [URL]",not sexist I don't know. She lives in a nice place and takes great care of her body. I've certainly seen worse.,not sexist "sounds like Germany. Heidi Klum, she couldnt find a rich white guy to stay with her, thats when she married Seal. :)",not sexist you miss the part where he sucker punch her.,not sexist "Men are not erasing women, nononono, nothing to see here.",not sexist #HeterosexualPrideDay... Shiver me timbers!... No #Wenches playing spin the #rum bottle tonight in the female quarters beneath the #captain's cabin... #DutchPirate sighed and mumbles... #Boring!,not sexist [URL] LONDON: Aaron Ali charged with ABH after an elderly woman was struck by a mobility scooter!,not sexist I lived with an ex for 6 months and she said she was entitled to half of what I made during that time. Thank God she legally wasn't but she certainly thought so.,not sexist "She fought as hard as she could, and from her picture she was very fit.This man's anger had to be fueled with such demonic rage, that she had no chance against such violence.",not sexist Train surveillance video recorded woman performing sex acts on married man before he used Coke to wash his private parts [URL],not sexist "Wouldn't term it ""America Lost"" I'd term it the stinking globalist warmongering Central banking eugenicist sick criminal scum bags LOST NOT REAL AMERICA or her people! [URL]",not sexist (Still Laughs in legal citizen) Why don't you lick my ass as well?,not sexist "Mika attacks Trump for his supposed abuse to women, but doesn't seem to mind the dead intern that ended up in her fiance's office. The hypocrisy of the progressives is a wonder to behold. [URL]",not sexist I found this guy on YouTube named Terrence Popp and he has some amazing stories and advice on why you shouldn't be with women. He's been an inspiration. How long have you been mgtow?,not sexist That's why I have to laugh at them accusing women of being a hivemind who are all the same.,not sexist Based Blonde,not sexist "No, the gay dudes fucked each other after a bad date. That is not typical of how women treat men after a bad date.",not sexist Shut up nerd.,not sexist yeah we get it -- yer fuckin freaky ass butfuckin queers. No one cares now get your sexualization out of our faces. I don't fuck my wife on the hood of the car in public - I shouldnt have to look at hairy asses and ballsack slurpers on parade.,not sexist On my way to work each mourning I watch 2 blond healthy white females walk to a bus stop. 15 negers 2 pretty blonds. They dress down and look like their souls have been sucked out of them. Can't imagine the hell they live. jr high to freshmen.,not sexist "Russia congratulates Trump, says ""let grandma Hillary rest"" #MAGA #PresidentTrump #Trump #News #Russia [URL]",not sexist marxisys n action so full of shit they are happy with killing of the boer and te tsar,not sexist "Is it scary? I can't remember the last time I saw one of their posts hit /r/all, they're hardly a prominent sub.",not sexist "Next time a Muslim or a Leftist tells you: ""No Muslim refugee has committed an act of terror on U.S. soil,"" show them this [URL]",not sexist What is on her face,not sexist How the fuck is it a man's right to choose to cut off pieces of his children's bodies?,not sexist "When I see her on television, I go crazy. Love her to death.",not sexist You can always count on the Cajun Navy to do their part.,not sexist Never give up. Use some discretion and take your shot. She might be hoping that you speak to her,not sexist """Screw it I'll do it"" Well at least this guy is raising awareness to single motherhood within the black community [URL]",not sexist You're actually not. What he means is men need to get out there and spend that money on women. All us buying used cars and living with roommates in small apartments is bad for business.,not sexist "I love the ending after she crashes inside, he just walks away like you do when the fire eating performance finishes on the sidewalk.",not sexist "You know the Nazi hillbillys don't strike me as clean in anyway,.. stupid and ignorant maybe.Amazing they think the next time will be the same as the first.",not sexist SIR THIS IS THE BEST Q ANALYSIS I HAVE FOUND THUS FAR....PLS CHECK IT OUT & SHARE IF YOU FEEL COMPELLED TO DO SO & THANK YOU...,not sexist Hillary Clinton says #FakeNews is dangerous? The lying idiot can't stop lying! [URL],not sexist True...drunk aunt hair...haha,not sexist The only reason it's called suffrage is because we're the ones who suffer for it.,not sexist "And men thirsting over instagram models or any other hot woman they see like they're buckets of water in the sahara are husband material, which is 99% of men😄",not sexist Looks like one angry pissed of old lady to me....trying to intimidate.,not sexist "Thanks, #Obama for springing this parasite. How much did releasing this scumbag cost us? #Trump #MAGA [URL]",not sexist just shoot her a value giving text What does that mean? Can you post some examples? Thanks.,not sexist Kim Kardashian Publicly Accepts Her First Bitcoin #RN_CCN [URL],not sexist "It's probably a tranny himself, I bet.",not sexist Yeah they are definitely idiots lol,not sexist "Women do. Often. And not even necessarily for a transgression, but easily over something small.",not sexist "This. I was about to say that you can't call them wingwomen until they actually start trying to get you laid. If they say they want to be your wingwoman and then don't follow through, it's just a friendzoning.",not sexist Maxine is gutter trash trying to pass as an informed citizen & member of Congress. She has no decorm & usually acts like she just stepped out of the hood.,not sexist Nice dude. Fucking nice.,not sexist They'll do it anyway. I think it's not uncommon for women to get assaulted when they're sick and medicated.,not sexist "If she had a stable job, I would. I would not date her if she is on benefits.",not sexist "Pic and OP's claim both come from ... Sep 1, 2017 - This five-member white supremacist gang was just arrested in Florida with hundreds of pages of Nazi propaganda and 12 grams of meth THESE people think they are the ""Master Race."" [URL]",not sexist I feel like an incel among certain people. Ex I go to a southern state school and being brown makes me damn near invisibke for almost every girl. I went to a pretty diverse high school and had no problem with anything.,not sexist "Literally had a very left wing female teacher, who said all the Portuguese kids are just gonna end up working construction. This was highschool.",not sexist "You can always be straightforward and confident. ""You seem like fun, play this game with me I want to get to know you."" Very few girls will say no even if they have no interest in you. After all, what is the harm in getting to know someone?",not sexist If your too retarded vto formulate a coherent question your too retarded to LARP endocrinologist,not sexist We have now just become the #vastrightwingconspiracy that has been living rent free in her tortured head for over twenty wonderful years. #altright #newright #lockherup #pizzagate #pedogate #coffeegate,not sexist More cope. DNA is what's important.,not sexist Maybe if these boys were able to write coherently we might stop mocking them? I mean... seriously. What the fuck was that.,not sexist How could the #serinawilliams loss be due to sexism? Her opponent was also a woman!,not sexist A razor blade device that can be worn inside the vagina as a woman goes about her daily business...,not sexist "I've never tried sauerkraut, the look of it always put me off. I'm also more of a liverwurst kind of guy.",not sexist Deeds reveal men's thoughts better than words.,not sexist Or you could just stop fucking them and get a normal weight girlfriend.,not sexist "This boomer seems very angry and defiant. Maybe because his wife left him, destroyed his family so she could go fuck niggers.",not sexist THIS. Don't be small minded fools. Don't burn books and don't tear down statues. It erases our history. [URL],not sexist This. Let go of anger. Of cognitive dissonance. Accept the truth about women. Get past the anger phase. You're wasting your precious time of freedom.,not sexist Pictures like this make me feel lucky that I did not take too many pictures with women.,not sexist "[USER] A true Muslim woman, does not want the head covering ....I have spoken to some and that is something they do not want for themselves.",not sexist "But Weev IS a kike, lol...",not sexist Who would evah my lordie lel. You might as well you'll probably have more success helping these fags then I do trying to tell them what to do. They don't listen anyway,not sexist "You forgot homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, toxic masculinity, xenophobia, intolerance, Trump, Republicans, and Capitalism. All of those are always bad, no shades of gray. Penises OTOH are a gray area, some are very feminine you know.",not sexist And if we met at a bar I would still pull the gold digger(for free) you spent [CUR]200 on.,not sexist "Bengal Muslims known as the Rohingya people, prepare their children to kill Buddhists in Myanma - VladTepesBlog #Islam #IslamicTerrorism [URL]",not sexist But you don't fuck ANY girls you see. There's the difference. LOL,not sexist This shit is depressing.. my problem was actually nose problems. I just couldn't breath from it. Did 3 surgeries,not sexist "#BoycottChobani If you don't know about the #TwinFalls Idaho rape case. A 5 year old white girl gang raped, peed on, by three muslime kids. They are in the country because of chobani yogurt. A company obama gave big favor to [URL]",not sexist "are u a breeding age female? send me nudes and you can join my nazi sex cult. [USER] is this hate speech? and no (((you))) are not invited to my nazi sex cult, you'll muddy the clearly sub-par genes.!",not sexist "Putin re-elected as Russian president, Election Commission declares polls valid (WATCH LIVE) [URL] Congratulations #Putin and #Russia keep up the good work (f*ck the #US and f*uck the #EU).",not sexist Has anyone here actually talked to a woman before? Like a conversation without being a dick?,not sexist Whatever. All of that moose knuckle isn't by accident.,not sexist You slept with active duty military wives? Tell me you're a scumbag without telling me you're a scumbag.,not sexist """attraction for men is like a light switch. for women like a volume knob"" I've never heard that before, can you elaborate a bit on that?",not sexist What kind of background checks are needed to get type of guns those snipers in Bosnia were using to shoot at Hillary like she claims? #2A #NRA,not sexist "And Don't forget! When the State is your mommy and daddy, there is no such thing as Child Protective Services nor any emergency police to call when they abuse you and.leave you to die.",not sexist in 1965....Jews stood behind LBJ and changed our immigration laws allowing FLOODS of 3rd worlders in and restricting white Europeans I was born in a white America 54 yrs ago the USS Liberty was one of many Jewbie cover ups [URL],not sexist Funny coming from the midget who literally asked girls for nudes. Fucking clown. #TheSaddestGigoloOnGab [URL],not sexist "If a woman pursues me, and she is not batshit insane, then I have been known to get the old leg over. However, chasing tail? Fuck that shit, not worth it. Much rather go for a nice relaxing oil massage... wink wink.",not sexist "I don't know where you're getting this from. But I like my Asian woman as naturally Asian without whitening creams or plastic surgery. I like big eyes, small eyes, etc. as long as everything fits.",not sexist How can he be an incel? He does have a girlfriend. Fuck anyone who says this. He has kissed a legit 7/10 girl. Fuck all of you looking up to this fag.,not sexist (not even looksmatch girls would match with me),not sexist Why would a woman want to fuck you if that's all you have to offer?,not sexist She put a rag on her head and another in her hand and begged to clean the windows 😂😂 My sweet little homemaker ♥️ #HomemakerInTraining #TradLife When she grows up she wants to write and draw science books for children.,not sexist Fuck Peter Fonda with his own pedophile dick. I'm sure Peter Fonda has stuck his dick in many preteen girl on his way to old age. Wish them death [URL],not sexist "Atlas gets banned, and then sends a pic of the Jew ass to the mods and is fine.",not sexist "The more you go out and interact with girls, the easier it will get. Just be yourself, be respectful and have a good time. Carry yourself with confidence, that's the biggest pointer.",not sexist Hey I mean I don't think a woman isn't attracted to success. He'd have a 100k job and a 100/100 gal. I'm a cs student btw and I met my current gf in a cs class,not sexist Their founder started the LGBT movement ...wore women's clothes ....that was J. Edgar Hoover....himself,not sexist Okay. Is she cooking all the food? Doing all the housework? Always treating him like a king? Always kind and sweet and nurturing?,not sexist #FaithGoldy is suing Bell Media for refusing to run her #Toronto mayoralty ads: [URL],not sexist I CANT BELIEVE YOU GOT DOWNVOTED Some of these men just see women as meat pockets to fuck and it shows,not sexist "I just loathe everything about this particular man child, especially how he calls his one child ""little asshole"" and proceeded to ignore his wife all night then got upset when she didn't want to talk to him.",not sexist "A future wheat field woman, if she is not vibrantly raped to death by the new Europeans, that is.",not sexist How do you say Womp Womp in Arabic? Vacuous female Islamic Supremacist lectures US & Australia on issues of morality. Srsly gurl. Y'all have sex with goats & cut the clits out of your little girls. [URL],not sexist visible what? naked girls are not child porn retard,not sexist Wot duz CST stand for?,not sexist Stop being an asshole. He will probably get more girls than you,not sexist "I've just read this and this fucking dickhead and a few other streamers are doing this collectively. That pisses me off pretty badly. Just an overzealous, arrogant dickhead apparently.",not sexist Fights generally look dumb.,not sexist "I figured out what freaks my wife out, so I put a stop to it. She is afraid of tomatoes, my favorite vegetable.",not sexist Ah hah... I found her mother but that info almost goes nowhere so far... [URL] ...,not sexist leave it to her beaver..lol,not sexist Traveling is awesome but pickup culture can vary city to city. Picking up is going to be totally different on bourbon street where you can just ask a girl to show you her tits vs some small town.,not sexist But your sisters are fucking niggers today ... lolololol,not sexist "The difference is if you accuse a woman of overreacting you're criticizing an individual. If you blame ""a bunch of men"" for overreacting you are singling out one gender, there are women in congress too.",not sexist "get a thick book and cut a hold in it long ways. insert your dick into hole. go up to girl and say ""i think you might like the plot in this one"" and open book. write me back saying thanks when you are marrying her.",not sexist Not before a bunch of priests and nuns getting the shit kicked out of them.,not sexist This is just SIMP programming 101. Useful to create beta orbiters just in case Plan Chad doesn't work out and needs a free monthly cheque for life.,not sexist "Has Traitor May expressed the same amount of outrage when gangs are knifing each other or throwing acid over women or when women have been murdered for refusing to marry their cousins, or FGM, or when children have been raped?",not sexist Wrotten bastard...let me ask you this... do you think even society comes down harsher on men than female pedo's?,not sexist """And access to a single market with lucrative free trade arrangements"", the nine-year-old cooed as she sold her kittens to the friendly Tom Ka Gai pushcart vendor on the corner.",not sexist I know deep down i am the problem not my mother father or brother. Wheni went to a psychologist in 2018 he said I was holding them back. I wish i was dead but I am too much of a coward to do it.,not sexist "Roy Moore is a pig, but I do try to meet women in mall food courts. You can meet some classy dames. I also love that little snack bar at Target. #Sbarro",not sexist Even my wife agrees with this. Make the woman look dumb and there would be hell to pay.,not sexist "The Netherlands is a true leader in ""progressive values"" . . . their ""healthcare"" includes killing your child, killing your grandmother, and killing yourself if you feel depressed. This is what happens when ""liberal values"" replace real ones: [URL]",not sexist Same my shadow frame mogs and neck mogs me.,not sexist "Game rule #1 for the postmodern man-hating dating market: Never text nudies to girls, always arrange it so girls text nudies to you.",not sexist I better chop off my boobs and grow a dick then.,not sexist "Half way through shagging this bird last night, she said: ""You've got the smallest cock ever."" ""That's a bit harsh"" I said, thrusting as hard as I could, ""what makes you say that?"" She said, ""cos you're fucking my belly button.""",not sexist She never said she doesn't like big penises. Quit making shit up.,not sexist What was fake was then they picked on her looks. If I were younger and single I would ask her out. [URL],not sexist "Gee Rand. It sort of pales in comparison to a leftist SHOOTING at you, or another leftist bushwhacking you while you mowed the lawn. But I believe you and your wife. #TheBlueCoup is real! Murderous, Vile Scum! #QAnon #Q [URL]",not sexist "I love that face, the sudden realization. Too bad I've never seen it on a real woman. (I'm sure you exist, I've just never met you)",not sexist "I hope she rots; I hate her so much. I have ancestors who died fighting for The South & South Carolina during the War of Northern Aggression. Her actions were the catylist which emboldened the (((commie))) ""Take 'Em Down"" movement.",not sexist destroy this low t faggot.,not sexist "If you call yourself a Fascist and you still support Trump despite his betrayal and servitued unto Israel, you are a Fed. You cannot win through the current system through election, only an insurrection or a coup will work.",not sexist "Lol, riiiiight lady",not sexist "His aunt Munchkin did too. His grandsire Primer would look at the dot, look at me and sigh lol",not sexist It's like she is more on pretty side not attractive side,not sexist "in trump's defense, Senator Warren didn't pass her DNA test, she barely got 0.0009%",not sexist "Tonight, watch [USER] share 5 things she thinks feminists should stop saying (somewhat conservative of her, yes?) & subscribe/ comment/ share/ love/ hate. Thanks! [URL]",not sexist I was just thinking the same about women who have abortions.,not sexist "[USER] True, Chicago has more murders than any U.S. city. But as to the murder rate per 100,000, Chicago isn't even in the top twenty. St. Louis is number one--with nearly three times the murder rate of Chicago.",not sexist "For best results, put ladies in a nice car and drive. Don't try to carry them yourself, unless they're seriously petite.",not sexist Well ive never received a compliment in my life so I assume Im average-ugly. Due to this reason I dont really bother approaching attractive women. I feel I have a better chance with average women (although thats never worked either),not sexist "Look into ""Undercover Sex Signals"" by Leil Lowndes, a female sexologist.",not sexist "Well then, she's using the word 'nerd' and she doesn't mean 'unattractive', so it follows that 'nerd' doesn't just mean 'unattractive'.",not sexist i remember this. she's in it for the money i don't know how a man like him can be so retarded to have not seen it before marriage,not sexist "If you're not attracted to her, don't go for her?",not sexist This is one black mother fucker I LOVE!... Chapelle! Even though he has gotten a little crazy over the years. I love Crazy!,not sexist Never seen much sexual dancing at raves. It seems like it'd be out of place,not sexist "They have a saying about being with a sex pro...""You don't pay her for the sex, you pay her to leave after the sex.""...vaginal sex is as good as any other sex once you bust one",not sexist I think that she prefers to spread her legs instead... :),not sexist "But hey, more niggers and goat-fucking Muslims is the answer!",not sexist exactly what it is. She may even believe it. Until she cheats on her nice-guy beta cuck with a Chad.,not sexist yes the bikini i suggested was not meant for just females ! all tho guess most read it that way ! good for goose is good for gander !!,not sexist I'm so confused. You want to seduce women to TALK to them?,not sexist "This asshole and all those Canadian assholes who want this, deserve what will happen to them.",not sexist "No, this approach concedes the calculation itself, so next time try this: If you marry your cleaning lady, GDP goes down - she now provides ""for free"" work she was previously paid for. If you divorce her, and hire her again, GDP goes up.",not sexist Average girls are the best. You don't hVe to be pretty to be attractive. It is all about personality and being able to hold a conversation. That to me me is attractiveness. Just my 2 pennies.,not sexist "Later, while being identified at the morgue his wife stroked his face and said, ""Bad day at work, dear?""",not sexist She needs a restraining order from him wtf he's gonna assault her one day,not sexist Dent Coad has form for this sort of thing like when she posted a picture of a homeless woman calling the Tories bastards when the woman was a US citizen from Los Angeles.,not sexist It's obvious that he's just getting a head start on a career in law enforcement by learning how to catch these awful rapists who rape one out of every four women.,not sexist "Can someone please explain how that disgusting pig of an ass, could get any girl to come within 500 yards of him? I mean, he probably smells as bad as he looks!",not sexist [USER] Hi. I'm writing a roundup post about the French runoff. Would you like to contribute a brief quote weighing in on Le Pen's campaign? I'd like to get your input on what you think she needs to do in the last stretch of the race to win.,not sexist Yeah I hate those posts from guys thanking their wives for letting them buy shit that they earned the money for,not sexist "You're an abhorrent piece of shit, die.",not sexist I bet there are a lot of fathers of young girls who would like 10 minutes alone with this guy. I'd like the first 10 minutes with him and I'm 3x his age ... but there are no guarantees of his proof of life past those 10 minutes.,not sexist "Being in the military is a pretty good deal today---the pay and benefits beat the hell out of MacDonalds or Burger King, or WalMart, or Home Depot. The DACA bastards are lucky to be allowed in the military. How did they get in???",not sexist """REMINDER #BoycottMattel #BoycottHijabBarbie Hijab is a symbol of oppression, not a toy. Mattel sucks."" I thought those retarded Mohammedan savages didn't believe in any kind of representational art or objects because they are ""idolatrous""?",not sexist [URL] #altright #mlk #racist #colorblind #cuck,not sexist That's the politest way of saying I want to rape my cousin with help from other brainless men.,not sexist Yeah I know thats bs but I would at least want her to feel like having sex...,not sexist "You heard the lady, quit wasting her time, cut to the chase!",not sexist "Rees-Mogg represents HIMSELF!' ineffectual sorry Soubry, representing wine-box manufacturers, in SCATHING attack on leading Brexiteer: [URL]",not sexist "Sanders supporter backing Clinton, is like a rape-victim with Stockholm syndrome. It wasn't enough to get (illegally) fucked in the nomination... You also need to reward her by voting.",not sexist That pretty ironic for the group of people who claimed that women only like chad / hot guy .,not sexist I want them to have to sit down with their mothers to explain their internet content.,not sexist "She's aware that she's bombarded with texts and offers from satellites (ppl who surround her waiting for a piece) and what you just did classify you as ""potential"" or something mysterious/uncommon for her.",not sexist Even with all the fucking incriminating evidence she posts as well smh.,not sexist "There is absolutely NOTHING that can be done to save this poor woman from herself. I'm surprised hasn't died of an overdose by now. I guess her future husband (Islamic) will have to give her a ""head"" cut. [USER]",not sexist I dont want a girl who feels comfortable approaching men cuz it seems like a liability,not sexist There are two types of people: the one that only use female characters and the one that hates female characters,not sexist Izzat Wasserman's sister? #JEW nose.,not sexist """I'm a proud American. I don't care what happens in the rest of the world."" If I were you, I wouldn't brag about it. Not watching beyond one's village is the hallmark of serfs, and looking at the universe the hallmark of the elite. #SpeakFreely",not sexist "The globalists are supporting the Rohingya muslim invasion of Myanmar. ""Rohingya Muslim militants massacred 99 Hindu men, women and children who refused to convert to Islam"" Go Buddhists! [URL]",not sexist "Hahahaha yeah, it's a mix of militant (militante) & idiot/fool (tonto)😆",not sexist I rely on the Critical Drinker for reviews. He even called her a rapist.,not sexist "Hard of hearing chicks are nice... Granted I'm fluent in ASL too. Just saying. They know the game, and they play it too.",not sexist "#NSFW #erotica #porn #girls #sexy #TeamSmut #bi I love peeling off those sticky wet panties, especially when such beauty lies beneath 😈 👩‍❤️‍👩 ❤️ 👩‍❤️‍👩 😈",not sexist "#ElizabethSmart demands porn bill backer stop using her name [URL] ""require a filter that can be lifted with a [CUR]20 fee.""",not sexist Old dog here. Fucked loads of women. Whatever you want to believe bro.,not sexist Didn't killed that delusional woman get killed by Vader because she became clingy?,not sexist "Prison service apologises for sending transgender rapist to all-female jail - despite his history of attacks on women - where he sexually assaulted inmates, as he is sent to a MEN's prison for life [URL]",not sexist Widowed bride's final photos with her groom [URL],not sexist "Inb4 FBI anon purity accounts denounce her for not screaming ""gas the kikes race war now 1488"" in the senate",not sexist Aww! I'm sure a beautiful lady would bake you a ton of goodies in return;),not sexist Natural selection. I woudn't find a fat or a tall girl attractive. P. S. I'm just 5'9ft,not sexist "It is an absolute disgrace that 128,000 kids will be homeless this Christmas while May fritters away our money on foreign aid and plans to give houses to returning ISIS jihadis. This woman's priorities are utterly warped.",not sexist "Most of our Folk are not yet on board with the cause. You're White, so quit whining about it and start looking for a good White woman who's worthy of your attention.",not sexist Finland (briefly) considers excluding women from the armed forces as a cost-cutting measure. [URL],not sexist "Men are to blame too. I know lots of men who after being divorce-raped, are just getting married again to another woman like nothing had previously happened... These people are the ones enabling the society as it is now.",not sexist He doesn't masturbate at all. I've actually seen him try but he can barely get it up. He can only get hard for sex and he has said that he prefers to have sex because it feels better.,not sexist "So, Bill Clinton rapes women, but the MSM is more interested in what could only be a consensual relationship, if it even happened? [URL]",not sexist "[USER] Yeah, it's not so easy when you get attached. She plans on breeding her and eating the babies. I have a feeling we will just end up with a whole pen full of pigs --or we will sell them. We will see....",not sexist "Wages have never been ""income"" ...... not in America anyway. A tax revolt is in order.",not sexist I have seen mutable cases of police threatening to kill or even flat out murdering people who carry legally. Some instructors even advise to not identity even if your required under law.,not sexist you dipshit This is a very weird thing to feel so strongly about. You should get some perspective in your life.,not sexist She destroyed her own career by getting in bed with radical feminist and that sickening speech she did at the woman's march was disgusting,not sexist That's what I'm betting. It was a bot banning. Cause I see wallstreetbets using gay all the fucking time! Huh.. Weird. It's back to a 6 day suspension now.,not sexist I want all the Muzz out. They must go or else.,not sexist This made me want to kill myself more than being subhuman. Lifefuel,not sexist Ep. 719 The Swamp is Panicking. The Dan Bongino Show. - YouTube [URL],not sexist "Gotta say, she's got more balls than 90% of Antifa. She's by herself and with her face uncovered. Like everyone keeps saying with the white supremacists, it doesn't matter whether you like her message, she can say the words.",not sexist "He's not gonna listen. He's probably gonna learn the hard way. Like he said, his gf is not like the other girls.",not sexist "They will use the Muslims to slaughter the White man. And then they will slaughter the Muslims, aka useful idiots. Fuck their savior; he has long forsaken that tribe.",not sexist Hillary has found her following and they won't applaud over her while she's speaking and make her start shouting. Most of those dead people will vote Democratic probably. LMAO,not sexist "I am sorry but in all places in man's world it is sexual harassment, rape a woman nearly impossible to find a judge who would listen, we are barely making progress, together, stronger!",not sexist "Well she's an ELITE, she's better than the rest of US + She SHITS GOLD!",not sexist "I think they all secretly want us to win, just like the spineless, cowardly Republicans. They want to represent our New Nation, after we fight, kill and die for it.",not sexist Fucking triggered. I can't believe it. Laughing out loud.,not sexist "As Far as I know,the Indians didn't have any Immigration Policies/Laws back then.....so this comment she made ,made no sense in the first place ,but it's always a damn excuse these Leftist idiots try and use",not sexist "If you're trying to get a girl back, try )r/relationships If you just need to vent, go nuts",not sexist Her Black side is heavily mixed with Native american isn't she?I Read she was part choctaw.,not sexist "Dude better be packing a 7 Inch dong jfl, I mog this guy in face, muscle and probably height considering he is just as tall as her. Dudes probably rich as fuck or something.",not sexist Both men and women are trash. There needs to be a virus that wipes out all human life on earth.,not sexist "Height is one the most noticeable sexual dimorphic traits, getting heightmogged by a female is bad.",not sexist "I somehow thought you would turn down the offer - but no harm in asking, eh?! Wishing a very Merry Christmas to you and family.",not sexist It's called penthouse around Leicester sq. The offer is free entry for girls before 11. And discounted entry+drinks if they're on my Guestlist.,not sexist 'Goodfellas' mob boss actor says he'll kill Harvey Weinstein for threatening his daughter. WATCH: [URL],not sexist There have also been studies showing that women's attractiveness rating of men differs wildly when viewing a static picture versus a video or seeing the man in person (as opposed to even how much men's ratings of women differ).,not sexist She is correct they hate this country/Ann Coulter on Democrats Defending MS-13 Gang: 'They Hate This Country and Want to Replace Us' | Breitbart [URL],not sexist """Get The F*ck Out"": Watch Trump Supporters Kick White Supremacists Out Of ""Occupy ICE"" Counterprotest [URL]",not sexist 90% sure that's a guy faking being a girl white knight and parodying them,not sexist I say let her continue to be an idiot and move on.,not sexist "Well moron, then ask YOUR Congress man/woman to also do that (condemn nation wide Anti-Fa thuggery)! :roll:",not sexist "A lot of people think #Hillary will steal the election. It's not #Hillary that's stealing the election, it's her masters, but please don't mention them, that would be anti Semitic. And we can't have that, can we?",not sexist Attraction starts with you! You have to want to bang yourself before she'll bang you! [URL] #dating #manosphere #redpill,not sexist "Then you are just great 👌. A man doesn't have to be perfect looking head to toe, it would make us women feel ugly next to you lol It's always a matter of taste.",not sexist "Approach, date, seduce and fuck a girl you hook up during salsa time.",not sexist I wish we could say her thoughts are unusual but sadly probably not. She is Antifa in senator's clothing.,not sexist Davis Lovic US Army school of Crap burning the police chief was a muzzie. he is a muzzie. Sharia law says a muzzie can kill a infidel who ain't a muzzie. next question,not sexist "I love how they pretend to give a damm about babies when really they just want to control women's bodies, remove any rights women have, and just have another excuse to hate women. They've no real conviction and it's just boring.",not sexist "The President says sh**hole but Pelosi can call her Colleagues these ""White Guys"" & then talk down to Americans as we accept our ""mere crumbs."" These Political elitists are pissed because our mere crumbs aren't going to fund their crap policies..",not sexist My mother has apparently not gotten fucked in years :(,not sexist [URL] This is the people on the left did you know witch's charactors are modeled on jews? [URL],not sexist [USER] fuck the muslims!! Ship them off to syria so trump can bomb them!!!,not sexist The 46-year-old was kneeling in the middle of the bed performing a sex act on her partner when she decided to change positions [URL],not sexist *GASP* You think she'll wanna go on a date with me?!?!?😧😍😩,not sexist "I am assuming that the month has nothing to do with it, I think its the monthly child support payments, and she is excited for it.",not sexist "As the recent Alabama bill suggests, the fact that men have more political power is already sufficient for them to suppress women if they wanted to.",not sexist "This is the power she's had for the last 30 years, imagine what it must be like to be stacy and have that much power.",not sexist """When you were 16 did you think about having sex with girls?"" BK:""Yes, every 10 seconds"" Dem: ""That's a LIE! Studies show it's every 8 seconds.""",not sexist !remindme not to fuck a girl on [USER]'s car,not sexist Why would a Chad buy anything for a cuck?,not sexist "I really think you're reading too much into this! Girls do this all the time, just disappear off her radar and let her naturally come back to you",not sexist "This is just dilusional, , Jewish genes carry turrets syndrome, fat , hairy , women, eeehh, not so Much",not sexist When will whites wake up? The fags who say race doesnt exist dont know how it gets under your skin when you hear of how women of your race are being discarded by these animals.,not sexist Social pressure... She don't wanna be seen giving her number out at work. It's not good. You gotta do it in a better way.,not sexist "You realize all this is a shit test right? The guy doesn't even have intention of going out with anyone but seeing how many women actually like tall guys. You can BS as much as you want on apps, some people just do it for the fun of it.",not sexist "[URL] Hu'tegh SoHvaD pagh maQam! 'oH wIghaj, liberal toDSaH! vaj fuck! Aaaargh, we can't stand you anymore! We've had it with you, #liberal idiots! So, fuck off!) #Discovery #StarTrek #Klingon #warriors #racist #Trump #supporters",not sexist "Ignore her completely. When she tries to hurt you or insult you either agree and amplify or tease her lightly, but under no circumstances give her any validation. Sit back and watch her lose her shit.",not sexist Crazy Democrats claim that 'women are dying' because they are losing elections. [URL],not sexist "you don't see my point ? how many die of cocaine ? how many died of marijuana ? do not be closed... there must always be debate. you put out there that you were for weed, so expect debating.",not sexist I have a wife and 3 kids... am I an incel now?,not sexist Are you actually retarded or do you just pretend? I'm the same type of Christian that my grandparents and all my ancestors have been for over a thousand years. Muslims get slaughtered. Kikes get burned. Any questions?,not sexist Encouraging women to have sex with men is not rape. Just imagine if men could retroactively revoke consent for getting married.,not sexist If anyone is interested in an interview with her. [URL],not sexist Until all men get soyed up to the gills. Men must have their T-levels reach the female average. It is the only way.,not sexist Then you're nothing but a cuck simp for allowing yourself to take or from women like that.,not sexist "men on the other hand peak in their early 30's My observation, its more like late 30's, all the way to a man his 50's if he maintains good or decent looks.",not sexist Dat is true they do have hooked beaks,not sexist Happening in New Jersey too. Sick mother fuckers.,not sexist UPDATE 1-South African power supply hit by protests at Eskom plants [URL] Govender said Eskom was not able to quantify how severely power supplies had been affected but that it would become clear when demand peaked later in the day.,not sexist You can't just take a few white looking AMWF hapas and dismiss very white looking WMAF hapas. Look at this girl. White father and Thai mother. [URL],not sexist "It's the other way around. POC incels (or as I like to say, IOC) say they're at a huge disadvantage because of their race. Some go as far as to say you can't be incel if you're white, with which white incels obviously disagree.",not sexist "Just go,if she rejects you again just bang someone else there",not sexist Could you give ma source for thi spic please?,not sexist "It happens to all of us, once in a while, bud. Just clean it up before your mom sees.",not sexist op's reply makes no sense. the reply would've been better even if it was a rude insult girl: you have ego issues op: how could you tell? did you take psychology in high school?,not sexist "Now you're just playing dumb. Look at the screenshot again and try feeding us that bullshit that you call every cheater, man or woman, a slut. You just want to justify your hatred of any woman who hurt you.",not sexist Several other drivers where on Cb talking about fact that they called too,not sexist Berkeley has always had it's share of idiots.,not sexist "ah, no. this is why kids are spoiled little punks, because they don't get their asses handed to them by their parents. thank the libtards and Democrats for all that crap. fucking retards!",not sexist Oh ya dont forget to smile and laugh a bit to seem like you dont give a shit they are funny and they are dumb as fuck to talk about hot men infront of you.,not sexist "Multi-pipe whistles of Europe are widespread throughout #Lithuania, called skuduciai. In ancient times, females were known for playing them.",not sexist "Damn! Good thing you got out of that shit. ""Raising her children"" eww...just eww!",not sexist [USER] Get a private mailbox or PO box some distance away and mail rotating backup multi-terabyte hard drives (most will mail some back in rotation).,not sexist ones i see: fat short white guy with short thai fillipino girls or tall skinny nerd white guy and short skinny ugly asian girl :/,not sexist Yes. You arent even dating or fucking this girl and freaking out she's not respondind when she's on a road trip. Quit creeping on her instagram and just chill man.,not sexist Can you tell the women in AskWomen and TwoX to stop looking at this place like a rape factory?,not sexist "No, I think misogynist refers to deep hatred and scorn for women. But you can be sexist without being misogynist. This guy might not be misogynist (though I'd suspect, despite what he's claiming he still is) but he's definitely sexist.",not sexist Hopefully they'll find they killer but I doubt it! #PizzaGate HWhy did Max Spiers die? Detectives to quiz woman at scene of conspiracy theorist's death [URL],not sexist "here we go again, TICK TOCK Hillary, no pardon either....your going along with some of your friends. BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI!!! call Pat Smith a liar now? GET YOUR AFFAIRS IN ORDER...IT IS OUR TURN TO LAUGH AT YOU AGAIN....#TRUMP #NEW DAY AT THE FBI",not sexist Aww she is such a cutie!,not sexist Revelations of US cardinal sex abuse will force pope's hand #pedophiles #Rapists #HangmHigh [URL],not sexist That's when you became a female boxer?,not sexist "I named three people off the top of my head, there, actually. And she hates black people who don't act like normal human beings. She hates ghetto upbringing. She hates a lot of things about other black people but she doesn't hate black people.",not sexist This is not true. If anything it is the exact opposite. Most attractive women have many men going after them if you don't stand out you wont win,not sexist I can't believe these Hypocrites on the left supports this Islamic lifestyle even though they murder woman and gays.,not sexist Hahahah aren't they??? The little guy/gal was bobbing up and down to the beat. Such a cutey. I love sea creatures. Wish I could swim with them!!,not sexist shit post,not sexist His adopted* daughters. A gay muslim man and a linebacker in a gorilla costume cannot produce children,not sexist Just fcuk her fake minority POS career politician eat shit,not sexist "I don't think she should get off for being a mom, but the whole ""too poor to pay? Then jail!"" system is kinda fucked up.",not sexist Siblings from different mothers.,not sexist Best take responsibility Vatican rothschilds companies you wanted to destroy creation her tears god asking her to destroy you Got to kill me to run under planet die,not sexist Reckful called her out on her bullshit and got hate from a bunch of white knights.,not sexist "Maybe it's all the creepypasta I've been listening to as of late, but i would like to introduce her face to wall construed out of a fundamental building material.",not sexist "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, Fifteen indictments on Hillary's desk!",not sexist I fucking love [USER] I wish she would come back here but she apparently got tired of all the #JewHatingRacistTroll idiots. Thanks assholes. [URL],not sexist "and, for that, we thank her... ☠️",not sexist thanks for handling the typing chores on this for me. ;-) besides I would have said fuck a fuck ton more times,not sexist And 0.5 is a relationship where the male and female are the exact same height. The other 0.5 is the female actually being taller.,not sexist "Most omnicidal groups can easily justify their continued existence until the completion of their mission, this point is moot, as much as I'm sure we all just wished ISIS would shoot themselves.",not sexist 100% of the liberal agenda is designed to turn us into their slaves. We do as they say or we go to jail or worse.,not sexist "Yes, because making some poor lady go hungry for the bajillionth day is a perfectly sane response to someone not accepting your invitation to prom.",not sexist Watch before it gets deleted Michigan Democrat says we should vote for her because she has no penis! You have to hear it to believe it [URL],not sexist "Well said. We can only hope the movement against ""multiculturalism"" and the Islamic Invasion continues to grow. Angela Merkel has blood on her hands!",not sexist "so, you're going her way? that's not mgtow. that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. enjoy your plantation life.",not sexist There's really no evidence Enoch is Jewish. Silly cherry picked quotes out of context and Jew wife he married before he was red pilled when he comes from a part of the country where there are more Jews per capita than anywhere else proves nothing.,not sexist I love to squeeze my girlfriend when she is on her period . She is like my little ketchup packet .,not sexist The worst part is that she's fucking fifteen and her bf (hopefully ex by now) doesn't even have a fucking job yet. She's hoping her mom will pay for the baby. These are the kind of people that deserve to have complications during birth.,not sexist "Listening to a girl complain about the guy that she's actively fucking, and agreeing with her complaints.",not sexist "My daughter had a pet Vietnamese Pot Bellied pig, unfortunately it died last week. The grieving process was delicious.",not sexist Unfortunately I think you may be right. :(,not sexist Give every woman the cold shoulder .,not sexist "it's been a month since classes started and you haven't made a move after hanging out so many times? that's the reason she is losing attraction. you are acting like a friend, not a sexual partner.",not sexist Holy shit...I swear that I couldn't even tell if this creature was a female.....till you mentioned the word 'dyke'.,not sexist Has to be a jew. Are #ShabbosGOYim this dull?,not sexist "Yeah your right, she is less hot the more i look at her lol",not sexist "#video Birmingham, England: Police finally arrest fugitive Afghan Muslim who murdered his ex & her mother. [URL]",not sexist "Due to a failing love life, my wife suggested role-play in the bedroom. I suggested slim-fast.",not sexist give the ball back but do it very hastily and never talk to her again,not sexist "Democrats (Liberal, Liberal-Progressive and Communists) are still segregationists.",not sexist Bro who gives a fuck dude just keep doing what ur doing that nigga don't even want her,not sexist "Wake Up America. Political Correctness got this idiot elected, It is time to take Congress Back and take our states back..Remember she gets paid by you for being this stupid",not sexist Fucking liberals.,not sexist "She was also replaced with a white woman, the most diverse human beings on Earth",not sexist Fuck John Legend. People can COOK.,not sexist Job For A Cowboy - Regurgitated Disinformation A great fuckin song for #MetalMonday and the #FakeNews topic. [URL],not sexist [USER] WE MUST GO DIRECTLY AS GOOGLE [URL] #OPGOOGLE STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ,not sexist "That was adorable. The hand-slap Brett did with his cute daughter. We all know what the Left would do to a pretty little White girl. Especially the Niggers. Who wants to bet those two girls, his daughters, are targetted by the Left? Anyone?",not sexist So are you calling for men and women to go out and kill all men and women who have been found guilty of arranging a marriage or killing a child by hitting it in the head then?,not sexist Just reverse the genders. A more useful article would show you the prices of identical products with gender specific packaging. Some things are sold at higher prices to men but not to women.,not sexist Some people are trash Others like this woman are worse,not sexist It is only done when the fat lady sings. I do not trust any of those evil Deep State traitors. Those people are NOT patriots.,not sexist "Don't hit her up again tbh. If she doesn't answer your first message, then just leave it like that. She ain't interested.",not sexist You don't think an Abortion can harm a woman in anyway? Think again and think really hard ....maybe it will come to you !!! but it's obvious you are another one of those that are a waste of time trying to get you to use some common sense,not sexist "Apparently not mate, she ended up coming over that night last week, we got plans for next weekend too. I'll admit I felt as if I fucked it up pretty badly, and I didn't have much confidence she'd come back around, but all's well that ends well.",not sexist "my wife has her book from ""ma and the old country""(italy) and i gave her my formothers( southern cooking) books as well...nothing like chicken fried steak and eggs with dumplings and marinara sauce on the side. lol",not sexist We need new threading so we can see the Amazing conversations on Gab: -I love Trump -Me too -Trump is the best -Fuck Trump his daughters a Kike -Alex said 9/11 was done by the joos -Fuck you Nazi follow your leader -I love bees And so on...,not sexist "True, but all I see is a Pedovore Demon now... I don't feel sorry for where she's going though.",not sexist "That sucks. We elected a Navy Seal in Missouri, and he was awesome... except that he cheated on his wife a few years before he became Governor. And, the swamp destroyed him and he resigned this summer. Damn shame.",not sexist "[URL] Trump taps first woman to co-head CIA, explain how he hates women again. #MAGA #Gab #AltRight #PresidentTrump #GabFam #DrainTheSwamp #Trump #SpeakFreely #News #PizzaGate #FakeNews Repost.",not sexist Ya its just even in those kind of settings I get the VIBe that most women arent interested in conversing with stranger men like me (who they deem unattractive),not sexist "Lefties love DeNiro. Maybe tell him (or her) (or it) ""Fuck you, you fucking fuck!""",not sexist Hope she sees this simp,not sexist "They were right we were going to hit the Singularity, they just didn't know it was going to be in leftist signaling",not sexist Don't forget about the recent video of a girl licking the toilet seat in a plane's bathroom.,not sexist we don't know if that is ZUMA. we are not sure about that yet.,not sexist Who cares about spic baby and spic mother. Hope the wet back took him back to Mexico.,not sexist """Fake white Knights who only sexually objectify women..."" How are they fake white knights?",not sexist Is she going to do a bukkake like Obama?,not sexist SNL girl dose him perfect!!!LMFAO 😂😂😂,not sexist freestyle soccer Wow i use this as a cope too.,not sexist Not hit by car. A second after the crash popped her left side,not sexist That's your preference. Many other women disagree with that sentiment.,not sexist "[USER] Well, if The Senate got off their winey ass and approved Sen. Sessions, we would have a DOJ to go after her.",not sexist So the only way to make a woman happy is to give them an expensive ring? That just makes all women sound like gold diggers or obsessed with material items. Such a rotten world we live in today.,not sexist Dean 1 hour ago Parents should be fined for child abuse for taking him to watch womens cricket in the first place,not sexist White Nationalist girl on symbolic bridge. Help #nationalism against evil New World Order #NWO & #illuminati,not sexist I shall search for this alpha female and monitor her bleeding cycles!,not sexist Because a girl had sex with a man that wasn't them.,not sexist I'm not disputing that- especially shit about why Africa is as fucked as it is. I'm just trying to explain to this kid that it's not the average Joe white man keeping blacks down.,not sexist "Jemma Beale, 25, was sentenced in London, England on Aug. 24 to 10 years in prison. She was convicted in July of charges related to falsely accusing 15 men of sexual assault and rape in four incidents from 2010 to 2013. [URL] See also, [URL]",not sexist rurdy4lt is going along to just got it now,not sexist Exactly. Meanwhile everyone has to pretend she is or face certain lynching. Utter disgrace. I want all involved hung.,not sexist Go for it but forget about the camp counselor thing. Let her bring it up first if she remembers (7 years is a long time) and if she does then it's a 'funny' coincidence.,not sexist "My wife and I went to see a doctor because of our boring sex life. ""How about having some anal sex every now and then."" he said. ""That would be nice, doc,"" I smiled. ""Are you free tonight?""",not sexist "Statue of Liberty protester is immigrant active in resisting Trump policy >> If she is a resident legal alien the federal charges could result in her deportation (we can only hope). Obviously if she is an illegal, she is gone. (USA Today) [URL]",not sexist "A woman named Beth who works for WAPO offered this lying woman slandering Moore [CUR]100K to make up this sex allegation story along with all the others popping up.. Not working, & they tried this on Trump & it backfired.",not sexist Who is the youngest one? THAT should be the one!,not sexist Damn. Well I wish you the best. I also learned stay away from HR women in particular. If something bad happens they are the most immediate danger to your career as your experience shows.,not sexist Hey nigger could you not hit the caps lock with your fat fucking fingers?,not sexist "#astrology That's all for now. Starting Tuesday, the 14th, through Sunday the 19th, watch for the mass shooting(s)/stabbing(s), car/truck ramming or terror attack. It'll be Democrat/liberal and/or Muslim again.",not sexist Good thing she didn't come back home after serving time to beat the living shit out her kids... right?,not sexist That double negative you used is quite confusing. Do you think women who do dress modestly should be beaten? 😝,not sexist Silsby was working for the Clinton Foundation and she was caught rounding up children who had parents and yet the left love these monsters ..no one can be that heartless but apparently they can,not sexist "Why is her death threat letter in a woman's handwriting, and what guy signs such letters with xoxo? I call bullshit",not sexist Nah. Just fuck her. No need for costumes.,not sexist I've always had a natural proclivity for SQL. Thank you for your encouragement.,not sexist He's hoping she doesn't give birth on his neck.......... What do you mean she isn't pregnant?!,not sexist "This. I don't do Snapchat. I don't socialize with non-family women. So, not my problem.",not sexist He's Sikh as it says above. They traditionally guarded India's border with Pakistan & fought Muslim invasion. They're none too fond of Islam either & Sikh girls were among the girls being trafficked & raped about the UK by the grooming gangs.,not sexist """look at this vile scumbag, he saw ladies in peril and didn't lift a finger! he also is probably a padeophile and a rapist judging by his indifference! i bet he got aroused by it!"" take your pick. there is just no way to win this.",not sexist "Even calling that bathroom unisex would be better than ""family"", I been around enough to know that even father's with kids aren't always welcome in the *family* restrooms by overprotective mothers.",not sexist "I don't, and since that was the early 1800s I doubt if she was there..lol",not sexist She was on her phone. I would not call her a parent.,not sexist Naturally. Feminism is about demolishing gender roles for the woman but the man still is forced into the provider role.,not sexist She may need some 'her' time tomorrow. That is a lot of work. Bravo!,not sexist """Howzabout if I flip 'em this way? No?""",not sexist "Yeah people are trying to force everyone to be the exact same style, which is dumb. Trad Pub mindset. I'll tell you more about what my old crit group said about For Steam and Country when you're done with it ;)",not sexist Remember when Wikileaks outed The Hill as #fakenews? Condescending little assholes. [URL],not sexist [USER] You're right. In other news: I can't believe I just said that to a woman. There goes my Single Man Club membership. #dagnabbit,not sexist "Can't wait until my niece has enough of an attention span to get her started on the .22 I'll have her bagging rabbits, and squirrels soon after.",not sexist My opinion. Plus.....now they have told Grassley she will appear on Wedn. My opinion is that it will never happen either,not sexist the left's 14 words: we must secure the existence of virtue signaling & a future for our wife's children :),not sexist "RT [USER]: And yet media fell for it hook, line and sinker. Some pundit types told me they thought he would have to withdraw his name in light of it. Consider that we are surrounded by idiots. [URL]",not sexist spare a crumb of coochie maam,not sexist This picture brings back some of my good ole days. That could e my mom one of my sister's my brother and my self. There were times I dressed just like these kids. But I'm happy to say my mom always did good and was a great Mother.,not sexist She's def not a pretty women inside or out,not sexist It is absolutely that porn has normalized the violent sexual and physical assault of women. Lmao naw it's was normal during antiquity . Now it's against the law to do that,not sexist [URL] - I was with my daughter were on the hwy when out of nowhere the vehicle made a loud bang when,not sexist I fap 4 times a day in the hope that casual nudity wont make me hard anymore. Sorta can't be on a date without a rock hard dick everywhere. Luckily ppl r chill with a casual boner bc it just keeps us talking for another half an hour.,not sexist don't overthink it. girls use the word for all kinds of stuff. it's a compliment.,not sexist "Some women and girls nowadays think that only neckbeard incels call women ""females"". It's a weird take but they think it's dehumanizing or something because it's so ""technical""",not sexist "I've been approaching girls for years now, but I still can't bring myself to open directly. To each his own I guess.",not sexist Why don't the police try to look into finding all the muslims raping UK women. UK your done if you do not change soon. I hope you like Sharia law.,not sexist [USER] so that's how he got all of those wives!,not sexist "Melanoma possibly? My ex is a sun worshipper and she's turning into this. I warned her years ago, but she loves baking on the beach at noon...fuck that I'd leave her and hang out under some shade somewhere...she's fucking crazy.",not sexist which is why BPs will always outnumber RPs. and why women will always be winning in the aggregate,not sexist what will she harfing about?,not sexist "I don't hate Jews, I just would like it if they all just packed up there shit and went off to Israel before we glass it.",not sexist [USER] Why would they object? They basically asked and invited your lot over here.,not sexist "Rather than standing by marriage vows, I would describe her action as not flipping/going state's evidence on her co-conspirator.",not sexist [URL] I bet everyone in North Carolina was overjoyed that Lena came down from her mound of bullshit to talk with the little folks #clueless #shesucksalot,not sexist The owls were the mailmen in the Hogwart wizard school. Some had white while others had brown.,not sexist bcz she doesnt deserve to be censored,not sexist "Wigman? Take girls with you. Unless you're talking to lesbians, it raises your value. Still eating your own bullshit.",not sexist Wait. How would an incel what women use men for?,not sexist that shit is getting serious take care off family,not sexist "Yes, [USER] cut a deal with Northumbria Police, immunity on child porn possession if she informed on her network of paedophiles.",not sexist "Fuckbody, I meant fuckbody😭😭",not sexist Well the press is a lie. I don't know many women who like wussy men....Plus lots of us saw Obama in mom jeans wearing a helmet on neighborhood bike ride and that made us throw up in our mouth.,not sexist "[URL] ""A Jewish website is calling for Jews to rally together to 'protest' our Charlottesville demonstration. We need to take heed of this warning, as often times when Jews talk about 'protests,' what they really mean is 'mass murder.'""",not sexist "Playfully drag her over next to you. If she's fun sized pick her up and put her in your lap. Also, take your excuses into the alley and shoot them dead next time.",not sexist "If your mission in the military is to find females serving, you're already wicked fucking gay",not sexist "What a ballbuster, does she not even consider she may have pushed this half Jew over the edge. Too bad he missed this broad.",not sexist "Sweden's socially liberal culture paved the way for her difficulty by accepting detriment thrust on her either passively; conditioning, or the inability to push back: having surrendered firearms in spite of any lessons from world wars. [URL]",not sexist Quick!!! Get fat ass Rosie to go down on her!!!,not sexist LOL That is weird. And her eyes are always glassy. Not sure if that's bad contacts or bad drugs.,not sexist "Annnnnnnnnnnnd, color me surprised!😒",not sexist LARPing IT incel in denial detected.,not sexist "Slap her hand, and firmly tell her ""Hey, you don't get to do that!""",not sexist """I understand men run on logic"" ""During the ScAmDeMiC"" Good way to make a woman run away is to cause coma inducing cognitive dissonance with stuff like this. Cringe",not sexist "Whatever helps you sleep at night, blue balls. Go fuck yourself because no one else will.",not sexist She's fugly anyhow. Dumb rich idiot.,not sexist "[USER] Shit, just go to wikileaks. She's a good globalist foot stool. I don't think she has to have a real vote in her favor.",not sexist "Facebook Sides With Pro-Homosexual Group That Wants To ""Burn Alive"" Conservative Blogger Elizabeth Johnston. Twitter has also blocked her. [URL]",not sexist "Thread title made me think, you need two condoms for a threesome? Obviously you can't transmit anything with a single one to the girls but you could transmit something from one girl to the other?",not sexist "Frankie, shh...I am a nice middle aged woman...what ARE you talking about? (I'm gonna beat yer ass with a single tail whip as soon as I get my hands on you!!!)",not sexist Bunch of retards.,not sexist "Hostile, left-wing moron. Thinks she's it. This is the type of person who hides behind the computer screen. Let her come out in public and spew hatred. Cowards like her won't.",not sexist It doesn't matter. She's interacted with socially-stunted uggos before; you're not going to freak her out. Just relax and do your best; she won't care.,not sexist Man who walked free after raping woman in alley breaks into home and rapes mother while daughters were home [URL],not sexist "Topic, not group, I'm not a paid member. I do like to make Topics though, I made one about Hitler being transgender once I heard that he was taking female hormones. The nazis got very upset at me lol.",not sexist "Changes are she has already fucked someone else bro... Just give it time, I'll pass.",not sexist #ComedicFailure... #BookTour #TalkCircuit #TVMovie Because she couldn't make it as a human being...,not sexist One of the fucked up things is that ER was actually a very good looking guy. His problems were entirely in his head.,not sexist "Holy cow dude. Cheeeeel. This is just to get a girl you like back, no need to make it overcomplicated",not sexist "not really, she has to relinquish her parental rights. most jurisdictions will throw out any contract that doesn't give her a minimum time to do so.",not sexist OK DR WHO keeps up with stuff like UK queen being a tranny niggerette so how long until?,not sexist "Yeah... That's why I feel so confused about it and why it's kind of an r/selfawarewolves kind of post. Like, it's great he wants to be so positive for these kids but he still says that foid and blackpill nonsense.",not sexist Yeah so its pretty obvious that a lot of this subs users just hate women,not sexist "It's not though. Forget the friend part - if I think some random fat chick is pretty and you don't? I'm a straight woman, you're the correct one My opinion doesn't matter bc it's not about sex and attraction",not sexist "Guess she's not used to the Silent Majority, who's FED UP with MSM nonsense, FINALLY SPEAKING UP AND SPEAKING OUT.",not sexist If your legs hurt try exercise. When was the lady time you went for a good walk or really stretched your legs?,not sexist I've always thought she was attractive. Could never understand how she didn't do better than Cankles and C-Danger.,not sexist I wonder if it works to put it on a chair and then rest your head between the boobs while gaming,not sexist lol isnt it problematic for feminists to have larping males represent strong female character?,not sexist """shallow"" people are allowed to have a type you dumb fuck. you're acting as if men don't like women based on looks alone. everyone is shallow, not just women",not sexist So ladylike and warrior are mutually exclusive❓ Why not raise your daughter to be a Lady Warrior❓,not sexist I was trolled by a Russian during the election. It was so obvious I called her Natasha not Rita...She blocked me.,not sexist Second Chance Rescue [USER] 1h1 hour ago More Baby is a 15 yr old poodle. She was rescued by SCR when she was taken to a vets office to be put to sleep for no... [URL],not sexist I have very few male friends. And I'm not close with them. But I have dozens of female friends. Never had any issues because of them. If anything they've been good wingwomen,not sexist "This is how I think of it: If you're nervous to get rejected and show interest in a girl, think about how nervous it must be for women, in a society where it is the social norm for the dudes to make the first move",not sexist Make up means no girl is truly unfuckable.,not sexist "Just think of this typical scenario Man: ""When I was single, women never approached me, but ever since I got a girlfriend, I get hit on all the time.""",not sexist "The title made me shake my head at how degenerated these people are. But then actually seeing this ""doctor"" dressed up like a prostitute, wow, I'm too amused to be offended.",not sexist "[URL] Did you see this. Trudeau's trying to pass law banning all speech against muslims, a hate crime. And then we get the mosque shooting. I definitely think its connected... #InCanada #CanFam #GabFam # SpeakFreely",not sexist PC always has and always will stand for personal computer and there are only 2 genders.,not sexist [USER] LMAO Doesn't your boycott of American women mean your supposed to cut social relations w/said group? I respect ypur right not to talk to me.....now fuck off,not sexist nobody needs hot girls. the point is that we WANT to fuck hot girls. it's that simple you're making this a lot more complicated,not sexist lol i had sex with more women than u nigger,not sexist "You'll have to wait to overcome lying, pathetic, stupid old men sonny, because if you ever stepped up in real life, you'd be wishing you had a daddy. Your mom raised a wimp.",not sexist ESPN suspended Jemele Hill when she spoke against President Trump. This new host went even further and got a slap on the wrist. Share your thoughts. [URL] via [USER],not sexist Why aren't muslim refugees going to muslim countries?,not sexist Artist defends anti-Trump billboard | [URL] The only hate is what this artist displays for her fellow Americans.,not sexist "It is the reason. Shove it up your dick hole, old man.",not sexist "Nah mate. My girl doesn't touch my money, that's mine.",not sexist "Ilhan Omar: Minnesota's Islamist Trojan Horse [URL] #MuslimsAreTheEnemy #BANISLAM #ExpelAllMuslims #28A Through lies, deception and mass welfare abuse, this communist Muslim has seized power in Minnesota.",not sexist Granny Cankles sent out that creeper Podesta. She's probably too inebriated to come out herself. #MAGA #vote #DonaldTrump,not sexist [URL] Surprise your mom on this Mother's day with special Mothers Day Gifts #Mothersday #Flower #Gift #cake #online #delivery #india,not sexist Amazing the conflicting reports you see about her chances.,not sexist pits are truly dumb. cant stand them.,not sexist How do I open on a girl in a grocery store? You make that cereal look sexy?!,not sexist "Hi, fellow Morons. Saw this group mentioned on the blog last night and decided to give it a try.",not sexist "Intoxicated woman sleeping on Texas road narrowly escapes being hit by cars, dashcam video shows [URL]",not sexist "I plan to go monk. Unless the distance is closed, we'll split soon enough. I'll use it as an excuse to focus on my endeavors unimpeded. She's nice, but I'm not bothered whether she drops me or not.",not sexist Thanks for not linking to a fucking blog.,not sexist "If this was AITA, this would be ESH. She is extremely entitled and he is an asshole who's trying to take advantage of her. They deserve each other. GYOW.",not sexist You get over oneitis by 1) Cutting all contact with her 2) Self improving yourself 3) Getting higher quality women,not sexist Spread this like fire! #PEDOALERT #PSA #NETFLIXPEDOS #NETFLIX #NBC [USER] you guys endorse pedophilia too or is is just this moron working for you? Ya'll had better answer pretty damn quick! #RT,not sexist Are they flocking in from all regions and voting in burqas?,not sexist "#DrainTheSwamp Democrat logic: We have to vote for rapists and pedophiles because the alternative is Republicans, and they are bad for women and children. #SpeakFreely #DrainTheSwamp #PizzaGate",not sexist cate archer damn it! bring her back,not sexist And won't. Just like she has no will to challenge her programming.,not sexist maybe stop being a passiv princess who is waiting for the prince to make the first move,not sexist "I'm not saying everyone that wears a fedora is trying to pick up women, just all the ones I have met. I'm sure there are legitimately good people out there who wear fedoras.",not sexist "Not gonna click but I'll take your word for it. None of the clap trap on there would reveal anything new to me, nor surprising re: female nature. The only thing swishing around my mind atm...***What a great day to be free!***",not sexist "Skinny jeans are an abomination, I rarely even see women pulling them off well, let alone men.",not sexist "We saw all that union nonsense and the corrupt mayor bashing Trump all over the internet. Same pattern being repeated all over the place. It's recognizable now, they are so dumb, they think we do not see it, because they...well, are so dumb.",not sexist "[USER] Idk, maybe it won't even hurt at this point. I am just afraid for my contracts",not sexist "A religion of ""believe all women"" created by Mary? No, luckily Christianity is a bit more than that.",not sexist Laura Bates Lol she looks like she'd suck the soul right outta your dick with those dead witch eyes my god.,not sexist "Exactly. I'm not a great fan of her's , nor do I think some of the criticism is un-warranted, but the over-the-top. ""OMG she dated a non-white guy when she was 18, reeeee"" stuff? sheesh.",not sexist Judge deals blow to women suing #Microsoft over gender discrimination [URL] the plaintiff uses #techrights for evidence (we were told so),not sexist FUCK NO! DO NOT DO THIS! This shows extremely excessive neediness and she will cut you off in an instant 99% of the time. Don't even consider this bullshit.,not sexist "Shit, I only showered once today. Guess I'm an asshole. And following the ""logic"" of ""incels"" and their larval stage ""Nice Guys""^^TM , shouldn't that mean that women will be fighting with other to hop on your junk?",not sexist How bad does she has to be behind closed doors for all Hollywood simps to jump ship?,not sexist For fuck sake can't they make new female superhero's instead of transgendering male superhero's?,not sexist "Dammit I hate linking to twatter, but i just heard this & had to share... [URL] (she's in my fridge)",not sexist so many credible threats from male gamers that she had to cancel public appearances She cancelled ONE public appearance over a threat that was explicitly ruled non-credible.,not sexist Where's the shit test?,not sexist Good to know. I like her so much. Give me a strong woman. Always.,not sexist HILARIOUS! Melania Trump shakes hands with Putin; watch the face she pulls right after that.. [URL],not sexist LOL @ how many is a privilege of Karens,not sexist Why stop and overthink if you just kissed her in her room and she didnt say no,not sexist So she's not worried when it's a black guy with a Confederate flag shirt?,not sexist #WakeUp ISIS has forced 'thousands' of kidnapped girls into sexual slavery in the last five months with many traded openly at markets [URL],not sexist BREAKING - TRUMP FIRED acting attorney General for failure to do her job! After she played politics to get her name out there refused to defend the President of the US Trump Winning! #MAGA,not sexist "She was bragging in the streets of how she had burned her daughter to death for preserving ""honour"". [URL]",not sexist "FUCK that lying KIKE mass murdering, genocidal piece of pig shit!",not sexist theres a chenk in the armor of that bullshit statement go ahead and riot,not sexist [URL] LOCK this mother fucker DOWN! [USER],not sexist "Meanwhile, the wife is fantasising about 6'4 muscled chad she took in the ass as a going away present the last time they met. >>Oh I'm just not that into sex. (With you).",not sexist I reckon those female mods are actually Staceyfish.,not sexist You got it brotha. We all have been discouraged at times. Try to have this motivate you to hit on even more women. Each rejection is one step closer to success.,not sexist White people are White people only when they do something bad. Non-Whites are non-Whites only when they do something good.,not sexist They riot to make the populace fear living their western lives. They want all people to retreat from the public circle. It's working. Swedish women are living in fear of RAPE by these Muslim Monkeys.,not sexist She joined the Democratic Socialists of America a few days ago. Will the Secret Service pay her a visit? [URL] #MAGA #Trump #News,not sexist Former Sergeant claims Scotland Yard ignores Muslim officers extemists views & she's a Muslim herself. (but sounds westernised) [URL],not sexist """Trump's America""....Commie fanatics self-immolate....we won't even have to punish anyone for their Communist crimes, just prevent them from total domination, and they now suicide.",not sexist "From what I've heard on the vid he says she is using him to get to one of the other guys. Sad and dumb to think she liked him, but shitty that she kinda used him if that's true",not sexist As a man I 100% agree with this article 😆👍 Cc [USER] ,not sexist """Journalists"" to the rescue! [The internet exploded in August of last year with #Gamergate, an online harassment campaign against female game developers, including Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu.]([URL]",not sexist "Maybe because Muslims hate gays, Mexicans hate gays, and hell, even hateful ass black women hate gays. Sorry guy, white women love y'all, but Dems realized that you are a dead end.",not sexist #MAGA #Trump #GabFam She can put meat back in the lunches LOL. And Trump can put 3 orders through without a comment LOL. She commands. Let them talk about the dress or whatever - attack but she is dominant. Accept it.,not sexist "Few women want an open relationship, you probably are shooting yourself in the foot big time",not sexist "Stay friends. You waited too long, and her feelings faded as she's going to look elsewhere. It's over, mate. But don't let it make you lose a good friend. If it happens in the future, it happens. Don't force it.",not sexist I wouldn't go. It's weird to try to get romantic with a girl on her family's boat with her family there. Just see her at the party & work it from there,not sexist But used on her head if she actually wears that bikini ..,not sexist "He should stick to what he does best, pretending to be someone else. His political views are crap.",not sexist "Yeah, fuck off. Just remember that some cops are piece of shit, if you get pulled over, and obey.",not sexist "Mine didn't, at his German mother's request Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!",not sexist "She mounted the ""Golden Arches"" over her bed, claiming ""Over 1 million served"", LOL",not sexist Cloud Strife is a 5'7 wristcel Mario is 5'1 nosecel,not sexist Or women who walk like they're punching the earth with their feet and are terrified of breaking a heel with the force of their stride. And also there's the foot pain and the leg pain and the twisting of ankles... Ugh I hates me some high heels.,not sexist why is she still walking??,not sexist "Anyone who doesn't want the Memo released, is a FAGGOT MOTHER FUCKING COMMIE and they need to be replaced. LET'S GET ALL FAGGOT MOTHER FUCKING LIBERALS OUT OF GOVERNMENT, IF THEY WANT FAGGOT FUCKING COMMUNISM GO TO FAGGOT CUBA.",not sexist "I bet my soul there are hundreds more like this but as usual because its teenage boys it aint so bad, molesting is molesting is molesting",not sexist #IntroduceYourself I'm a suicidal Jew.,not sexist "What bullshit, what is the title going to be ""The great shaming?"" Not like she has actually accomplished anything of worth.",not sexist Dead white knight protecting a female stranger? good man,not sexist Anyone who doesn't like Vegemite should be required to attend an Australian court where he/she will receive a giant boot to the arse.,not sexist """it is NOT Trump's fault that you are a drunken fat mouthed whore and a dirty bitch!"" -Roseanne Barr, just now on the Twatter. Is she talking to Hillary? Hahah!",not sexist "What better word to describe a woman with fierce blonde hair, perfect breasts, rippling muscles, and a gigantic pair of danglers?",not sexist They are muslim bastards and terrorists. They must be killed on sight.,not sexist Bull shit,not sexist Dude just go to venues that play music you actually enjoy.,not sexist This nigger is one election away from being in government,not sexist "I agree that you set up the next date too soon. Give it a week, and next time you see her, polarize her by actually kissing her. If you feel like it of course! If not then move along probably :)",not sexist "I salute you and your brutality, sir! OP: make sure that NONE of the bills (electric, gas, cable, whatever), and **ESPECIALLY the fucking lease**, are in your name.",not sexist Maxine might keep her big mouth shut from now on,not sexist "From my experience, this isn't the case. Hubris and bullying are rewarded without any sort of karmic justice to be had. Even pedophiles and rapists are doing much better than me in the dating arena.",not sexist "Just my assumption. Historical setting used the male pronoun, but we're just as likely today for evil female.",not sexist "It's a sub about mocking incels, what did you expect? You don't go r/ShitPostCrusaders and be like ""bruh stop sucking that JoJo dick""",not sexist jason killing females and chads while having sex >jason is above 6ft incels can't win,not sexist lolol!!! This is a good mother... didn't beat the crap out of the kid... gave him a taste of his own medicine. [URL],not sexist Dare to be different. Do weird shit. A crucial part of that is not being afraid of the woman just because she is hot.,not sexist Id slap the shit out of them.,not sexist Nor do they get status from being married to women. The only thing on that drawing in the middle should be just sex.,not sexist "Generalizations of male or female traits or behaviors sets you up to have preconceived ideas about an individual, judge someone by their actions... Nothing else.",not sexist [CUR]5000 is not much towards a good defense against a murder charge. They could save some bucks with a [CUR].40 shotgun 00 shell.,not sexist But would HAVING the pictures of the children (fucking sick) be put onto the wife? Would she be charged?,not sexist "I hate Islam. It is the religion of slavers, rapists and murderers. It's all spelled out right in their own holy book!! No mystery!!",not sexist Well fuck her. Not literally. You got a case of the onenitis. You're becoming depressed off a girl who uses you. Gotta cut her off.,not sexist Yesss she stayed home,not sexist "Hey shithead she already follows me here but she hasn't been shitcanned , all of my old compadres follow me so mind your own business.",not sexist Nope I i did it was horse shit that had old unproven allegations and a leafy isr smear campaigns talking points against a world respect rabbi. Also comes from a rag website run by some Muslim trash.,not sexist Yep thats a penis under there !!,not sexist I am going to go out on a limb and assume she has a white boyfriend/lover on the side anyway. She comes off as a glorified troll/someone who is projecting hella hard to me.,not sexist "aw, Bilzingslensmann (damn that was hard to type!)...be nice. You're being mean....it's not like she told you to eat a dick or anything, right? Go on...you can do it. I know you can....😊",not sexist "And this asshole has people s agreeing with him, I can't believe the retweets; one is already too many",not sexist No. Just women like you.,not sexist Tens of thousands of girls have been raped up and down this country and not one councillor or social worker has been attacked. Then again i thought Lee Rigby's murder might change things. How naive.,not sexist no.. young girls giggle a lot when they feel shy.. i would actually take it as a good sign,not sexist "Wear your better clothes, but change it up with accessories and using pieces in different ways. I don't think guys would notice a woman wearing a black dress multiple times, if she wore a different necklace, hairstyle, makeup or shoes, etc.",not sexist "They just don't change . . . maybe some high school girls will ""correspond"" with him. [URL]",not sexist "When Libby Schaff warned criminals of a coming raid, she put the agents lives in danger! #MayorofOakland #OaklandMayor #ICE #IllegalImmigration #DACA",not sexist I didn't fully realize girls my age were having sex until I came here. I'm only starting to pick up on conversations where I can hear chicks blabbering about sexual experiences they've had,not sexist Plenty of fat women get it too,not sexist "Another attack by the Episcopalians, I mean Muslim scum. [URL]",not sexist "Hawaii Has A Major S*** Hole Problem Cesspool sewage leaking into groundwater and ocean, and we drink and swim in it",not sexist """Would you like my dick in your mouth?"" ?",not sexist The state of Fucktardia.,not sexist I have tears in my eyes from this. YOU GO GIRL! Your mom is a superhero!,not sexist [URL] The Stoning of Soraya This is an amazing film and gives a great insight to the injustice and abuse muslim women face because of ISLAM #BanIslam ...... save humanity,not sexist Why are there so many larping moids?,not sexist You are a typical brain dead powderpuff millennials retard.,not sexist "If you believe that, I must mute you. As a single female, self supporting all my life, and holding absolute hatred in my heart for men who rape babies & animals, I cannot agree.",not sexist "Fuck the texting, call her!",not sexist All the pedophiles,not sexist "It's #CutieSaturday! It's also #Caturday! So say hello to Rhapsody! Sadly I don't have many pics of her. But that should change very, VERY soon. #catgirl # #ecchi #hentai #boobs #lewd #ValentinesDay",not sexist Using /s unironically is normie AF,not sexist All those girls want it attention. I'm no expert but I would just shoot your shot and not think too much about it. If she doesn't respond just forget about her.,not sexist "Can't hurt, but a woman's ability to kick a man's ass has been greatly exaggerated lately.",not sexist [USER] Merckle has long outlived her usefulness. She is living in a fantasy land of PC retardedness which Muslims do not see or recognize. There is no reciprocity of civility in their mind. It's their way or the die-way.,not sexist You didn't have the big dick energy she needed.,not sexist "[URL] Meet Amsha and Hear Her Story Amsha - Yazidi mother; her husband was killed and she was kidnapped with her baby by ISIS, witnessed rape and murder, fled ISIS and made it Kurdistan",not sexist You mean like that sweet motorcycle she totally didn't use any Kickstarter money on?,not sexist these robots exaplain why the americans are being discarded by the jews (video 3) [URL],not sexist he is not interested in her boobies he is interested in michelle fields' and wants you to pretend you haven't seen his sister's,not sexist Who cares? As long as he/she is American as well!,not sexist "I am Italian and English, but I really feel mostly English. And I love the English girls.",not sexist "[USER] Yeah, but MY based sphere is well armed, trained and likes to kick ass and chew bubblegum..... [URL] #BananaForScale",not sexist none because my standards are fucked up. I find girls who are interested in me repulsive,not sexist I make lilac jelly. YUMMY!,not sexist [USER] provides the most cogent analysis of Deep State conspiracy published anywhere [URL] but I'd have to strap my wife to the kitchen table to get her to listen to me read it,not sexist You aren't fooling me. If you had any luck with women you wouldn't resent others so much. I bet you haven't even had sex in years.,not sexist WoMeN cAn'T rApE,not sexist [USER] i almost wonder if bernie was controlled opposition. His only lasting attack on her was the goldman sach speeches which most people forgot and bad judgement,not sexist "Five teenage girls falsely accused a male classmate of sexual assault. Even after they admitted they lied, they weren't punished by the school or charged with false reporting.' (Includes what the male student went through) [URL]",not sexist "After watching Star Wars, I feel I can really relate to Luke Skywalker. Because I want to fuck my sister.",not sexist How am I a child fucker?,not sexist "Good points but nitpicky thingy. Unless she indicates she is not from ""here"", it is typically bad form to ask the example question (either version). Never assume with women.",not sexist did you see what her degree was in? lol!!! [USER],not sexist Just really effing frustrated that she waited all freaking day to tell me.,not sexist Migrant in Germany bites a 'big chunk of meat' out of his girlfriend's face. [URL],not sexist "Thank you for putting this together. Even as a woman I found it very helpful. I would recommend the book ""Attached"" as well.",not sexist I'd do **nothing**. Let that company fail miserably with that incompetent idiot. *They* hired her. Let them rot. Why would I want to help them do better?,not sexist Her mistake? she did not go to #PlannedParenthood Young woman faces murder charge for punching herself in the abdomen and killing her unborn child [URL],not sexist Well put. I had the same feeling: her first husband was too beta and she ran all over him. She didn't even see him because he made himself a non entity. I wonder if he ever realized this.,not sexist "Don't put her on a pedestal. It seems like you already know she's trying to use you. I would honestly recommend for you to stay away from this girl. You might get emotional satisfaction in the short run but in the long run, you'll get screwed over.",not sexist "White House lashes out at women groped and harassed by Donald Trump: They're all liars, Sanders says [URL]",not sexist Sub-Saharan Africans (even half-breeds) don't exactly bring up images of high quality manufacturing in my mind. What about the rest of you.,not sexist "lol, she DID divorce and take him for half now I think about it lol",not sexist Story of injured woman begging people not to call ambulance due to costs goes viral [URL] [URL],not sexist "They're both 17 how the fuck can it be betabux? I mog this dude facially yet I'm a KHHV while he has a hot girlfriend for one reason, him being 7 inches taller than me. Even if you have a model face you can't escape the heightpill",not sexist What if she's an Americanized one,not sexist Shooting his insight straight down her throat.,not sexist "when he states ""that's not who we are"" in response to kikes shooting keeds with rocks, or niggers burning white women after gang raping them, I'll put the quote on a white washed 8' by 4' plywood on my front lawn",not sexist "This seems reasonable I only eat 1,500 calories a day for over a year. I didn't want to cut for like 3 years to archive my goals. I think another 2-3 months and I'll be at around 10%",not sexist Of course she's a fraud. She just found the way to get back at Hillary and it's hilarious. The Revenge of the Brain Dead Buffalo. 😂,not sexist She doxed his mom.that's low life as fuck.,not sexist "A ""strong"" Asian woman who hates Asian men and is happy to abandon her half-Asian son.",not sexist "Weev your mom says you've got internet addiction. Put down the memes dude, we care about you.",not sexist After I fucked a girl with a boyfriend and she complained about him afterwards. A really 'nice girl',not sexist Most men have no idea how much loving words affect their wife. #MarriageTip #TheMarriageBed #Quote,not sexist Great news. I voted for her too! I hope she whips Flake's ass!,not sexist "I don't know if you should avoid this one or encourage her? And, can a woman rape a man? Rape, is forced sex, is it not? [URL]",not sexist "Depends on what you want to do.. Guy already knows her, likes her, might as well shoot your shot. But more than likely OP will do what most guys do, keep doing what he's doing, 6 months, 12 months later, he'll still be orbiting in the friend zone.",not sexist "Jews are second and third cousins, every one. All vouched by recent DNA studies, but you want to bug the billion large religion of many nations as inbreed? We don't want either here, but sister love is not due with the islams",not sexist "Simple, stupid. The Nazis created a world war and then everyone killed them. How much lead paint did you eat as a child?",not sexist LMAO the woman who literally wants slavery back.. Fuck these scum bags never stop projecting do they.,not sexist "A person with XY chromosomes taking it in the ass is definitely very gay. The man on top is not gay, regardless of what he is fucking - be it woman, man or a sex doll.",not sexist Did you break up with her on the spot or within the following 24 hours?,not sexist "Ouch! That is one ""position"" I will never put myself in. Not cucked. Sometimes my wife wants to kill me, but I'll never give her a reason to want to remove my Johnson.",not sexist Having a chad friend is suifuel. Stay away from all chads if you are blackpilled already. No one will fuck you just because you are friends with chad.,not sexist "If she doesn't come out of it with a new scientific theory or philosophy, she doesn't deserve her position, to be honest.",not sexist "Chads keep creating manlets, because they screw around with short women so much.",not sexist It's too late. You're already deep in the friend zone. Three months with no sex? Hard next and find another girl - sounds like you have oneitis.,not sexist No. Being a citizen means that you are a legal resident of the U.S. And children of illegal immigrants came from illegal immigrant mothers' wombs.,not sexist Blonde lives matter. Lol,not sexist Subscribe to this sister in Christ [URL],not sexist NSW man denies drugging stepdaughter [URL],not sexist "Tommy Robinson and Alex Jones and Drudge and others exposed people who rape and murder 5 year old boys and girls. If you hate Tommy, you are then therefore accessories, indirectly, to those rapes and murders.",not sexist All in favour of a 34 hour working week for women? Or go to France where you a 35h week + 5 weeks of paid vacation per year. Even if you're a man.,not sexist Sounds like you're a stereotypicl asian girl that worships basic white guys,not sexist My caveot is how many people are honest on a porn site profile about who they are? In the alt sex world a lot of men fake being women online.,not sexist Twitch is making too much money off of the 12 YOs swiping mommy and daddy's credit cards to ban any of them.,not sexist "White citizens in this nation are currently 5 times more likely to be the victims of a minority criminal than the other way around. And you think magically their hatred of whites will go away when we're the minority? You're that stupid, aren't you?",not sexist "I'm 17 she's 16, we were saying it seriously",not sexist I was never good at game at raves. I'd hookup with girls yeah but can't build report well to escalate to anything else. I'm not a good authority sorry.,not sexist "4th date, you should be fucking her. She won't even let you kiss her. Forget all about her.",not sexist Can you point to where Nick said that you personally doxxed his sister?,not sexist "1. Stop calling girls, women and ladies ""females"". 2. Read literally all of this: [URL] 3. Don't make it all about the chicks or you'll come off as seedy as fuck.",not sexist "Indict the drunken crook, then toss her ass in prison, already!!",not sexist "She wants a provider because her looks have gotten her nothing nowadays. Be careful OP, listen to these previous comments. Don't get caught up in her gravitational pull.",not sexist I have found their reactions to be that they pay what they owe haha. There ARE some girls that are stuck up and might not see you again but that's how you weed out the good from the bad.,not sexist "The world's premier climatologist (who was the real winner of the 2016 election) lectures us on our collective sins that are causing Climate Change, which will kill us all, but women will be hardest hit: [URL]",not sexist "Great anecdote, my guy. We will be sure to add it to the annals of redpill that definitely confirm this same precedent. Thanks for sharing! Very well-organized, thought provoking post!",not sexist "Breaking news, dnc chair asks for resignation of dnc staffers, destruction of the Democratic party has begun [URL] #libtards #maga",not sexist He sure took her for a ride. 😁,not sexist "If my daughter got pregnant from this shit, That judge has a lawsuit coming!",not sexist Don't mess with granny!,not sexist "We have waves of communists looking to crush this country, and some people spend time fucking jerking off in pathetic grade school level bullshit. What a waste.",not sexist Maybe she would have preferred not to be touched by anyone? Don't take it personally. I hate it when people who aren't my family touch me.,not sexist In her mind yes. His prime is going on and up through his 30s if he keeps up this lifestyle and doesn't spend too much,not sexist Who the fuck masturbates before women ? I don't get it. He is a freak,not sexist Former tribal leader's wife pleads guilty for not reporting #ChildRape [URL],not sexist "I'm pretty sure it's Pink and circumcised. Fake Indian female account nice touch. It's real simple pen, paper and your shit skin. Fucking troll.",not sexist "[USER] The History of the Jews and the Mob Myron Sugerman, the ""Last Jewish Gangster,"" describes the Jewish mafia's role in fighting anti-Semitism in the 1930's and the crucial role the Jewish mob played in arming the infant Jewish State. [URL]",not sexist "Some misplaced logic here. God created the world, God didn't create the ideologies. So God did create the conditions for cancer to occur but God didn't create rape, pollution or muslims - those were created as a result of people exercising freewill.",not sexist Women posting this shit are the female equivalent of a 4Chan shitposter :D,not sexist "After Nazi SS veterans hold annual march in Latvia square, one woman fights back [URL]",not sexist [USER] I suck at all that junk. I'm so bad at internet stuff.,not sexist I spent the first several years after being married trying to live up to crap like this list only to find much later that my wife just wanted me to be a man and take charge of things.,not sexist China's women break silence on harassment as #MeToo becomes #WoYeShi [URL],not sexist "The scandal of #blackcrime, where the rate of #rape and #murder committed by black men is completely out of proportion to their numbers. You know what? Stuff like this will bring back #lynching as a collective self-defense measure.",not sexist Every modern president past WWI is a faggot cuck.,not sexist "Should you protect your plate from keyloggers if she is in a LTR or married? Doing that increases investment in the plate, thus diminishing your mindset of abundance.",not sexist Please brothers and sisters do not watch or listen to this charlatan.,not sexist Soro's Jewish sadist . Loves to abuse women. Perhaps it's time to wonder why the President is not doing something about Soros .,not sexist What if a man pretending to be a woman was driving in Saudi Arabia? Like Bradley Manning... [URL],not sexist "#chutzpah, I think she lied to innocent children.",not sexist "[USER] I think if LePen really wants to win, she needs to go into full traditional Catholic mode. State secularism isn't going to solve the problem of an hostile foreign religion trying to take over their culture and society.",not sexist "Not-so patiently waiting for the Germans to demand Merkel GTFO! Dear German people, she left you open for this!! #BerlinAttack #MAGA #TRUMP #GABFam #Gab #News #SpeakFreely",not sexist "#LockLibbyUp Sadly, she is such sociopathic, Progressive ideologue that she doesn't grasp the error of placing the interest of her American constituents subordinate to non-citizens. She might see it as a badge of honor.",not sexist [USER] STOP RESPONDING FOR MOST OF THE PEOPLE SEND MESSAGES !!!,not sexist Got any advice on getting rid of orbiters ? They have their uses but mostly their just irritating. I have one constantly giving my gf a lift home from work and another one who's Bezzie mates with her family. It's so irritating haha,not sexist that fucking burn at the end. she got rekt.,not sexist "This is coming from someone who never knew who her real dad was - but she will say and do anything to keep the Clinton sewer afloat, she thinks slimy rats for parents is normal. [URL]",not sexist "Her saying ""we should go on a hike, here's my number"" is asking you out on a date. I've been asked out before and that's how women usually do it. You have cards too, you still have to play them to get anywhere though.",not sexist Not if you're born a chad. Then life is a constant roller coaster ride.,not sexist "Can we differentiate between the Islam man and the Islam woman? These woman are brainwashed, brutalized, stoned and mutilated. When they are raped it's their fault. I don't know how they have survived. #MAGA #TBA",not sexist "she has had sexual intercourse with 73 men, by her own admission, so what would you expect her level of discourse to be?",not sexist "Blow in her ear, she needs a refill of air, noticed her eyes aren't as full,😊",not sexist Literally everyone calling female dating strategy a hate sub when it's just women sharing tips and advice on how to avoid abusive men lol,not sexist "I'm brazillian, am unemployed, am vegetarian so I do eat soy. But still incel.",not sexist "Must admit, it's GREAT having this classy woman represent the United States. 🇺🇸",not sexist We got a shitty deal out of it . Thank God President Donald J. Trump pulled us out [URL],not sexist "how can ISIS call upon, in their words, such inferiors to carry out their duties? this shows they are not true believers but pretenders that are power crazy.",not sexist Gym is good for you regardless of women. Get over it cope,not sexist "that chic has a serious obsession, she's dangerous looking",not sexist You mgtow people don't care about women at all right?,not sexist She barely talks to me. There's probably 30 girls I know right now who I'd rather talk to than her.,not sexist "Either she was hacked, or she's a troll... surely?",not sexist "A roastie meme wouldnt insult me, it's that incels who are calling women roasties as an insult is what's insulting. Yeah it is, so dont try to make it about you.",not sexist OK Tackleberry. Let's just agree that we both know they are assholes and they are flipping off the military and that it ain't cool. I get it.,not sexist #ThisWeekInBlackCrime Florida father uses gun to fight off the Fellas kidnapping his daughter [URL],not sexist That argument is like water on a turtle's back to me lol. You can't be hurt by women if you live your life completely emotionally and physically disconnected from them.,not sexist "Fire sweeps through Chilean nursing home, killing 10 women. [URL]",not sexist "[USER] I like what you said here...Solyndra worked out so well, and birds are being baked in the West, plus she wants to shut down the coal industry.",not sexist Lol yeah i didn't think it'd piss anyone off. I just thought it was funny that he said he already has one woman driving him crazy telling him how to be a man. My bad. I'll take it down if yall want.,not sexist "Never once do I see a comment in there: ""Sorry about all the dicks your wife's about to take.""",not sexist This dude could have had any woman in the world. not that this won't lead to heartbreak and financial expenses like so many other hollywood stars. He might be gay or his experiences with his mother made him real picky and he's a MGTOW with a beard.,not sexist [USER] Flip her over she is done...,not sexist "Normally I'd engage with you, but not today. Mary is the Mother of Jesus and she can intercede on anyone's behalf. Period - all I'm going to say.",not sexist "How? The women are pretty decent there but still , my height + dick + mental illness keeps me from dating .",not sexist "chrissakes, just find out when she's free again and take her to the supermarket or something. buy soup for her sick sister and make it with her at her house. feed that shit to her sick sister and then bang the girl in the other room.",not sexist acosta fake news faggot,not sexist "No, do not text her again. She is either busy, or not interested. In any case another text won't change any of that.",not sexist say it louder for the moids in the back!,not sexist "If you were in a set, I see this as a perfect time to isolate/compliance test. Turn to the guy and say ""Cut that shit out"" and then say to the girl, ""hey, let's move over here.""",not sexist "Boss Status. Did you walk away with a pleasant look on your face, completely unphased and oblivious to her existence behind you?",not sexist "I wasn't even aware of that, but there were never any trans issues brought up in the show so that's why I said her show was only LGB-friendly.",not sexist Fatcel volcel,not sexist "Gang of Trump's #illegalalien #DACA DREAMers he believes are fantastic people, murder MAryland woman. #BloodOnTrumpHands. I vote to move them ALL in with Vonkie Kushner and her offspring! [URL]",not sexist [USER] a nutritionist with a hate for vegans. Well thats a 1 way ticket to heaven love.,not sexist "A beta narcissist is still a selfish narcissist, he's just gay about it, but not morally superior.",not sexist She looks like she's had a good life...proper girl!,not sexist "I agree with Gov. Huckabee.""Taxpayers shouldn't be stuck with paying for public officials who used PUBLIC office to hit on women and then pretend our paying MILLIONS to settle is a ""private"" thing. 🇺🇸",not sexist "I don't agree that #1 is a hate crime. It seems overly broad in definition. Number 2 is spot on, because to me that is what a hate crime is.",not sexist I hope somebody gets in her face about her live mic faux pax.,not sexist "Go sniff Hitler socks, asshole.",not sexist Is it unintentional to you if a guy unintentionally pressed his dick against a girl's butt in the middle of the crowd and gets a boner and he apologized after that? Asking for a friend.,not sexist [USER] I think she blocked me a while back along with idiots like Rosie :),not sexist "Yup. There's a few rather dishy guys in amongst them, but they are much younger than me anyway, but still single, and are friends with other single girls in the group, plus one or two older ones who are handsome but single.",not sexist At least she picked an appropriately named airline to fly on while wearing that,not sexist "Hillary funded ANTIFA! WUT? Hillary Clinton finances ANTIFA Terrorists Hillary funneled [CUR]800K from her Campaign over to resistance and ANTIFA Hillary Clinton transferred [CUR]800,000 to her new Super-PAC Onward Together. [URL]",not sexist "Too bad about Huma...I had heard before that if Hill-The-Beast won, she was going to appoint her to be the head of The National Underwater Marine Agency (of Dirk Pitt fame)..Of course that was just a Huma Numa Ruma #Hillary",not sexist "So what! Didn't the women try this bs a few months ago, and it had no result at all!",not sexist "yeah ,Either she's interested in you or not. whether that interest flourishes or gets dreaded over time depends on your chemistry. Also commitment and efforts towards it are major driving factor for sustained relationship.",not sexist "lol @ how you start off with how you find it ""so hilarious"" when guys say attractiveness is the key factor, and then you end with that on a serious note. what if the girl in question isn't ""attractive""?",not sexist [URL] Digital news company Mic announced on Tuesday that they fired reporter Jack Smith IV after multiple women accused him of emotionally abusive behavior and sexual misconduct MIC FIRES REPORTER AFTER MULTIPLE WOMEN ACCUSE HIM OF ABUSIVE BEHAVIOR,not sexist NOW it is OK to threaten a sitting President with death? build a damn wall around California - they are freaking nuts!,not sexist "Yeah, I know, I hate that woman.",not sexist I have them too. I never realized this was a thing and I've never had a girl be anything less than enthusiastic with my dick. tl;dr: Get over it. You're healthy. Get laid.,not sexist [URL] McCAIN ALIVE? INDICTMENTS COMING? POLITICO PURGE,not sexist The Sexy Dance Moves of Male Peacock Spiders [URL],not sexist "Thanks a lot for your answer. You are a boss, you had 3 milf. What a boss😎👊👊 I will definitely take this advice. But if she says no straight away then the rest of the message is useless.",not sexist "Quality? I don't know about you but Cap's gay ass little arm shields ruined it for me. *puts head down* but, I have to keep trying to understand the cinema is a different universe...ugh.",not sexist "Sorry to hear that requirement, as it takes away choice. That word will be a thing of the past the way the monopoly is going on Newspapers, magazines cable, phone service, internet, ect & all bowing down to the hijab",not sexist "Literally just cooked a pizza, jfl",not sexist uk is Baphomet the whole scam is going down its all bullshit obv you can kill em they are trans and predators the police are shit the nhs is shit the uk is shit it needs a nuke God bless trump and putin that trans may is not going to win,not sexist "And she DIDNT EVEN LEARN HER LESSON. After hating him for a year, she has ""RECOVERED ENOUGH TO TRY AGAIN!"" What a pathetic #Dupe. #DailyMail",not sexist "Reality ✅..if Hillary had won, we'd be in deep shit right now..A true police state. #Antifa would be her military..❗❗❗",not sexist I don't think the Communist/Nazi Democrats care whether she's stupid or not!!,not sexist """I'm gonna be an asshole to my own sister because people are mean to me sometimes""",not sexist I would fucking eat the bull's semen that comes out of her,not sexist why do women nowadays all have such masculine faces? are they doing that with makeup,not sexist "One day in the new White Republic, a black comedy film will be made about this stupid British woman as a precautionary tale to young women. [URL]",not sexist "The creator is a man, so probably not that afraid of losing his feminine powers. I do think it's insulting, but it's also funny. No harm in laughing at yourself. I've seen lots of hilarious jokes about feminists.",not sexist There is no need to clog the sub with discussion about obvious nuances. It's about optimizing ability to get laid. Focusing on the women who settle for average guys because they can't do better doesn't service the sub in anyway,not sexist "Do you think she sees me differently now, because i didnt close? I read a lot about it on this subreddit that when you dont close its almost impossible to do it again, because you didnt take the change the first time.",not sexist "If you live near NY, first round is on me, no women, no pressure, no nothing. Simply an offer to shoot the shit.",not sexist "OK.. did I just wake up in a parallel universe? Everyone knows any interference in the last election was done to hurt Trump, not Hillary. They already owned her. She was bought & paid for years ago. #Russiagate",not sexist So she's practically pissing herself over a flag? I'll send her a pack of Depends.,not sexist You're every white girls wet dream get some confidence,not sexist The rates of male on female and female on male rape is damn closer than people think.,not sexist Fact: Heidi Klum is a god tier women.,not sexist Right #DeNiro is a #Pedophile also involved in #ChildSexTrafficking of underage little girls for prostitution,not sexist "I'm sorry to say, you are indeed quite ugly. 99.99% of females would find you to be quite repulsive.",not sexist "He was. . . A bit more aggressive than he should have been. I agree on his point, everyone being hypocritical, but he could have easily gone about it a different way that didn't pain him as an asshole as well.",not sexist "I hate to say it - but they have a lot of nerve. The LET these creatures into the country, unfettered, KNOWING what they are all about, and then they expect people outside the country to solve the problem? Insanity!",not sexist Been 4 years for me. Fuck Nigger ball,not sexist "yeah i missed the part where merkel is hitler's daughter.. but then again, i missed the smoking of the crack pipe too",not sexist "Lemme guess Leftists are butthurt because he said ""men"" before ""women"" edit: oh and because he excluded the ones who don't identify as either",not sexist You just can't satirize this womans level of psychotic self-aggrandizement anymore. Reminds me of the old adage: 'whom the gods would destroy they first make mad'. If this is true she is a goner.,not sexist "Hi, I am not an incel but have a question. How do you know how attractvie you ae and how attractive are other girls you might want to date/hook up with?",not sexist 😂😂 ice melter = I smelled her,not sexist What about the enlisted men abroad who cheat on their wives? Where do they fit in?,not sexist but I also left her lonely for a lot of years It wasn't him who pushed him out of the bedroom and cut off sex though.,not sexist at least theyre not masculine,not sexist It can still take 30 days and some people won't hire you and pay you to sit around for 30 days. ;-) Rices and Hillarys should have been deauthorized if that is what you want to call it long ago.,not sexist Such a subhuman race I am not even mad at girls for being repulsed by us,not sexist "[USER] Yea, animals are nice, I've been sick and my Tabby loves on me more, he knows, they are smart. I got a bad habit of spoiling animals though😁",not sexist "Democrat congresswoman and member of congressional black caucus Corrine Brown convicted on 18 counts of fraud and tax evasion, now facing possible life in prison. Maxine Waters, you're next. [URL]",not sexist "#MAGA God I love how out of touch liberals are. They are soooo entertaining ""Is she racist or just dumb?""... [URL]",not sexist "When SC justice Ruth Gingburg died, Clinton called Mr Trump and asks if she could take her place. Mr Trump: Sure, if it is alright with the funeral home.",not sexist "ATHENA If you are a woman and your Christianity has deprived you of the worship of the female divinity, learn that in the Greek religion there are six goddesses. One of them suits you.",not sexist "Idiot workers wanting to run the asylum...business as usual cannot work in the food store of Amazon's vision. Robots, fall in line or walk. D'oh! ""Amazon Imposes Dystopian Scoring System On Whole Foods Workers"" [URL]",not sexist "But ""he"" looks very much was born in a female body and did nothing to change that. I think if ""he"" is attractive enough of a female, she would definitely want to have sex with him.",not sexist #SpringWatch2017 took a big hit today with this -31C nonsense.,not sexist "Wow raising the debt limit magically makes money appear. We are ruled by idiots. Mnuchin frets having Harvey money, wants Congress to raise debt limit ASAP - Fox News [URL]",not sexist [USER] Either she's a troll or we've uncovered the Patient 0 of dumbism,not sexist """A Mexican man accused of raping a 13-year-old girl on a Greyhound bus that traveled through Kansas had been deported 10 times and voluntarily removed from the U.S. another nine times since 2003."" [URL]",not sexist Russian Intelligence intercepted and leaked a 'value report' that 23 Beds were being prepared at a Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia for 'high profile Inmates' over the next month. [USER] Many take this to mean Hillary is one of them. [URL],not sexist So you don't think she's actually going shopping with roommate?,not sexist You should make a version showing the effect if the mean Jewish IQ is 105 instead of 115. Might also be interesting to see what the effect is if Asians have a smaller SD than Whites.,not sexist "About time. But its a long way from being charged to actually getting to court, being found guilty & then imprisoned for a decent length of time. Good for her family though.",not sexist Lack of self-awareness Not aware of strong emotions when they flare up Unable to read/understand emotional cues in others Fragile ego and defensiveness Unable to delay gratification Won't take a hard right over an easy wrong,not sexist [USER] Couldn't she just use her gay superpowers?,not sexist Start shifting towards online dating at this point. You dont want the reputation as the guy that hits on every girls. Thats so bad,not sexist "Me too, and the veil on her face.",not sexist In conversation she slotted you into the beta category so when she realized you had sexual expectations she was creeped out,not sexist He could have saved time by just writing: I hate.,not sexist The girl must have gone walkabout with the Abs and so he got jello and did that to the kiddies,not sexist "I banged so many girls in my roach-infested shithole studio apartment in Manhattan, on the border of Harlem. It doesn't matter.",not sexist "And they are wrong. There's literally no evidence to support the narrative that a significant portion of the population, male or female, is sexually promiscuous.",not sexist REMOVE THIS! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! IT'S REVEALING PERSONAL INFORMATION,not sexist "Yeah it was real. She needed to leave her perfectly fine twatter, to speak to [USER] because she got him suspended from twitter. :) [URL]",not sexist I loathe my fellow hooman.,not sexist Wonder who are the cucks sending this unattractive woman donations,not sexist "I usually hate to see white girls with nig nogs, not this time! 🐰 [URL]",not sexist the left destroyed it by forcing women to work in a 2 income economy.,not sexist "IF YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT, everyone you hate wins,",not sexist "Yeah but then there are men who fancy big labia. Just about every variation of women has it's admirers, this is not true for men.",not sexist "Men hate women and hate us even more when we step out of the matrix and realize we can live life without them. We see their game, their brainwashing, and grooming and that makes them incredibly angry. Fucking this.",not sexist You just got shit on by incels. You're such an incel that incels don't even want you. Holy fuck lmao,not sexist "Love her comedy. But now she's hit the big time with the mainsteam, and can't apply her 'stand up' persona to the Hollywood celebrity lifestyle... [URL]",not sexist They are smack dab in the middle of an ugly male or an ugly female.. they can be either or and just as gross,not sexist The Swedes have committed suicide and given their WHITE daughters to raped by muslim scum. [URL],not sexist Shitty personality comes in all genders,not sexist "Just take her out and fuck her , dipshit",not sexist Because C.A.I.R will be offended if the MSM does a story about a muslim women showing her allegiance to Allah!,not sexist Frankly this is what I did to every single girl I ever dated for multiple months prior to putting a label on it. The crazy ones typically get filtered out much faster without much drama on the back end,not sexist You don't like me or Christianity. Are you a jew? What kind of fag talks about how to be a woman?,not sexist "Those are old stats. There are now 1 million Christians in Iran, over 500,000 Muslims converted in the last year. I've been monitoring the Iran # on Twitter. Seems the protests are strongest in the high concentration Christian areas of Iran.",not sexist "A woman forces Larry to dance and tries to drown him in vomit Gifts that say ""I like you sorta"" Your PRE-HOLIDAY primer listen or lose the choice is yours! thatlarryshow.com",not sexist "Is it illegal where you are? Man, here in the UK you can bang a 16 year old girl even if you are 100. Is she into you?",not sexist RT [USER]: Jennifer Rubin now maintains that people who work for the Trump admin should be harassed publicly as a 'Life Sentence' - she is also still described as conservative by the [URL],not sexist "So ""Chads"" are incredibly rare and they're the only guys women will have sex with......but women are sluts and most of them have already had sex with at least 10 guys by their mid-twenties? So which is it?",not sexist Not enough attraction. I only ask for numbers now if she is clearly very receptive to meeting up. Basically on the brink of asking for it herself.,not sexist She is just mad because she cannot get laid by a white man..,not sexist The only thing you find in the middle of the road are the carcasses of animals dumb enough to get run over.,not sexist No sheep or goats were available to slake Muslim lust.,not sexist "How fucking convenient is it that perps get to wear a tent so they can never be identified. How can you be sure if it a man, woman, child or machine under the tent?",not sexist "The most sexual part of a woman is her brain Isn't that everyone then? It's a moot point though, most of the women I've slept with have been unable to orgasm without mechanical (vibratory) stimulation regardless of circumstance.",not sexist "trust me dude, literally 0 people will ever remember who you are even the girls you approach on any given night",not sexist "They won't by a prostitute because a)they are brokeass b) It's not really about sex it's about not feeling ""validated"" by hot women.",not sexist "#PizzaGate #MAGA Hillary Clinton says ""the future is female"" and for her this will be absolutely true given that she will soon be spending the rest of her life in a women's prison Orange is the new blue [URL]",not sexist I love the 'mom's house' reference. Says a lot.,not sexist Ok 5'8 very attractive guy vs 6'5 ugly guy the 5'8 guy would get the girls.,not sexist Anyone who thought ford was credible or compelling needs thier goddam head examined,not sexist Explain why it's necessary to be demeaning towards women.,not sexist Woohoo! Congrats Blonde!!,not sexist It's every hapa's duty to do so.,not sexist catching her sending tit pics to underaged chad. Christ that's brutal. Looking forward to that post btw,not sexist "If it happened to a girl, then the boy would be in deep shit. No matter the age or gender, it's still technically sexual assault",not sexist LOL but does she know which one it is??,not sexist Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,not sexist "Man accused of trying to drown wife, 2 kids in bathtub | Daily Mail Online [URL]",not sexist "Global temperatures falling? Climate change, goy. This means unlimited browns and blacks need to come to your country and rape your daughters.",not sexist "Nice guys are not nice, and that's why women don't want them. Women don't want nice guys, they want good men.",not sexist Keeping it simple: Talk about things you like. Ask her about what she likes to do. Listen to what she is saying (not planning what you are going to say) then make comments about those things.,not sexist "FBI cleared Clinton way before they even interviewed her, how can there be no issue with them not charging . Anybody else on the planet would be in prison there's no question about that . People were jailed for far far less !!!!",not sexist "I'm not seeing anything showing she deserved it. Unless you can provide something, you're a piece of shit. Judging by how pompous you're being with your comment, and post title, I'd say you ain't got shit. You're trash",not sexist after 20 years hanging out with my wifes dad i realize a lot of women want a copy of their pop...even if he is a bastard,not sexist "When my father had his second stroke, he laid paralyzed in his room for almost a full day before my mother discovered him.",not sexist "That's why they want muzrats to come here, to do the same thing they do in Britain.",not sexist [URL] Thousands in Paris protest enslavement of black africans in Libya.,not sexist "It's a very simple procedure. Snip snip, burn burn, done.",not sexist "Get the US OUT of the UN, and get the #UN OUT of NY ""We are paying an organization that spends our money trying to attack the only Jewish State on the planet"". [URL] #SupportIsrael #StopGlobalism #MAGA #GabFam",not sexist #Action4Trump Arkansas - Early Voting starts on Monday Oct 24th 2016 Find your local voting location: [URL] #Trump2016 [URL],not sexist "There was no Judeo-Christ! Jesus Christ, although born of a, possibly Jewish woman, was the first Christian!",not sexist "A woman told me once that ""misogyny is anything that doesn't support a female"" And that's how I became the ""misogynistic guy""",not sexist "Well I guess according to feminists, women aren't human then.",not sexist He shouldn't even have to wait. Why do women STILL expect the guy to make the first move. Ask him out if you're interested.,not sexist Yes because someone named Jacinta Gonzalez wants to tell everyone what's what! I wonder what karma will come her way for this insanity she spews. I just hope it's big karma and we get the update.,not sexist "Judging by her skills, you can tell she has had far worse in her throat. And now he knows too",not sexist "my guess is that women have a **higher turn over rate**: a new girl comes, gets 1000 matches in 1 week, finds a chad bf, leaves. Meanwhile, new guys keep coming, can't get a gf, and hence 'accumulate'.",not sexist I think arrogance should be ; I'm so fucking cool I'll get the girl And confidence : I'll get that girl.,not sexist "You should be dating single girls I'm not into dating. I like meeting and getting to know people. And fucking. But maybe **you** should be dating single girls. If that's your boat, enjoy the float.",not sexist "[Just one woman in prison would be too many, according to these dipshits.]([URL]",not sexist A HUGE manhunt is underway after a man murdered his toddler daughter by slashing her throat in front of her terrified mother. The mother is receiving treatment for shock at a hospital in the city. [URL],not sexist "Never said it doesn't work the other way, I'm simply stating what a lot of people seem to think in regards to men and young girls.",not sexist "Thats kind of how I feel. But like I said earlier, what would be a good re-approach to reask about a coffee date as friends? From the get go, this girl was never a ""I wanna sleep with her"" more of a ""I need to know this women"" lol",not sexist Ex Soldier on radio says when Mgt Thatcher met the troops in S.Armagh she said to them ' I want you to kill as many terrorists as you can' [URL] [USER] via TRobinsonNewEra Merci de partager Please share,not sexist The only thing I've heard of period shaming is the extremely conservative islamic sects. I mean a few of the batshit crazy ones that occasionally make the news for honor killing their daughters.,not sexist Thank you for this^ 19 here and busting my ass to improve myself. Very motivating thanks again,not sexist I had a lady try to sell me food stamps in the grocery store. She was behind me in line. I told her if she wanted cash she should get a job.,not sexist "Haha. Good lord. The teacher told me that, you boob. Not the other way around. I literally quoted her.",not sexist Milosevic those mother fuckers asap,not sexist Snapchat her a freshly sharpened pencil,not sexist "The first image is the Assassin's Creed development team one of many at Ubisoft, the second is a shot on women's day of only the female developers at Ubisoft, which has over 2500 employees.",not sexist "[USER] I disagree, until what we would call first wave feminsim and some parts of secondwave feminism are universal then there's still a place for it, after that we can see where we are. ",not sexist "I mean this post comes across abrasively but yea for the most part show dont tell. Flirt with her and establish yourself as a sexual person/option, dont follow her around like a puppy and then declare you have feelings for her.",not sexist "but they prefer the muscular 6'2"" Cristiano Ronaldo",not sexist You start talking about chads in stacy's in your head. I told my psychiatrist that it's cope or rope I'm going to work on my cope. There's so many people out there unaware of just how fucked they truly are.,not sexist A female Israeli combat soldier proudly models for weapons companies .... [URL],not sexist "In the UKKK this is what you get under the CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT: ""New guidance states real equality means favouring women and minorities"" ""Rules recommend courts hold off sending women to prison as it is more damaging"" [URL]",not sexist "People... #Hillary Clinton's camp does not outsmart us, They are hoping we'll defend #Trump's recording while the #WikiLeaks Dump is massively damning. Just all out attack her corrupt a##.... That's my take anyway",not sexist """Kass Money"" is an obvious pseudonym. Unless her parents are themselves, professional trolls.",not sexist "Oh look.... Poland isn't as pure as you think.... your daughters are getting raped too, because where there is 1% of them in the population 10 - 20% of the native girls from 5 - 18 WILL be getting raped, it's a formula wherever they go. [URL]",not sexist "I'd drink her bath water, ngl. Freeze it, turn it into icecubes, add fruits, blend together and make a smoothie out of it.",not sexist "I mean, the friend sounds like he's 'ascended' from incel to virgin, accepted that that doesn't define him or his value, and (assuming he's also stopped talking about women like he's running a 1950s brothel) is probably considerably more attractive",not sexist "whatever it is mgtow is, i just heard about it days ago and it's been called many different things",not sexist And he's going to a party to seduce women.,not sexist "Unless you are completely oblivious, I think you can tell the difference between duty sex and real sex. Even so, you need to follow her cycle to know the times that she gives you sex when she's not interested, and not punish her for it.",not sexist 'Fortnite' gamer allegedly threatened to kill kid who beat him [URL] [URL],not sexist Clinton scares the shit out of me cause I think she's not human. How cld she take all tht Haiti money from those suffering ppl an take tht money for herself. Thts not human. She is EVIL 🔥,not sexist "Ermaguerd! THIS from a nation that has allowed and openly accepted Hijrah! Their women raped, their people live in fear! Chaos prevails. I'm speechless...well, not really >>> [URL]",not sexist "[USER] I'll buy her a one way ticket to Somalia, Biafra, or the 3rd world utopian shithole of her choice, if she promises to be on board.",not sexist "[USER] I just watched the video. I can't believe the people are smiling their approval of this shit. Hell, the woman even sounds like she's singing some Muslim chant. And then there was the man at the end....",not sexist We are truly a race of men without women.,not sexist #ElizabethWarren has about as much Native American in her as #Obama has #American in him... Maybe a snippet more.,not sexist "Well then what's the deal with the group of guys? Are they fags? Ditch them and go with the girls, it'll look better for you. Especially if you want to pick up more women.",not sexist "Exactly. So she saw the car, who gives a shit? What's important is that the OP is happy. Worrying about what she might or might not do or changing one's lifestyle to accommodate such things is the opposite of going your own way.",not sexist Yeah. The drama queens are out in force.,not sexist "Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man. #MargaretMead #citation [URL]",not sexist "For once I am in accord with Comrade Corbsky (Gasp!) It is more like a McCarthy witch hunt. Ms.Hodge should refuse to cooperate with any 'disciplinary proceeding' and tell Momentum, Comrade Corbyn and Lenin McCluskey to go f**k themselves",not sexist "[USER] I think it is eerily like ""JuSuisCharlie"". Many thousands will march if the MSM gives them ""permission"" Why do this many not come out about the child murdering paedo rings? I would have thought women and MOTHERS would want to protest that!",not sexist "You're scared. I've been there to. You're subconsciously rejecting yourself so she doesn't reject you. Do what you want. I'd say go for it, don't be stuck in an endless loop of no experience hence rejecting yourself and still not getting experience.",not sexist "The Fat Man's children are mischlinge, so they belong to his ex jew wife's tribe, not to him.",not sexist "Hillary Clinton isn't just stuck on stupid, she's compulsively lashing out over her 2016 defeat and making life difficult for fellow Democrats. Hillary reverts to 'deplorables' rationalization for her defeat. [URL]",not sexist "wgaf in the end, she still looks like a dude with tits naked",not sexist The weapons system was changed too BZ thats why a few weeks later miraculously a perfume bottle turned up in a bin killed that woman and affected that bloke trying to get control of a lost narrative yet another fail,not sexist "that is beyond help, what a scumbag",not sexist "My sister was crying and screaming, I was too': FGM survivor fighting to end practice that left her unable to have children: [URL]",not sexist could a woman stand up to what they've put Kavanaugh through?,not sexist Yea - absolutely. It's always the guy's fault. A woman with a high N count has to do with this how?,not sexist "I've seen better acting in commercials. Not woke enough, so it could make some money. fuck hollywood.",not sexist She says she'll cut ur throat...😃,not sexist these women were pretty dumb to think a big river runs in a circle. [URL] Wait a sec I just noticed something about them this looks like a job for... [USER] ! [URL],not sexist "[USER] I think thats the point was making, if there are those sealed indictments then lets see them! Also she said WE have suffered enough, we the people, not the swamp assholes, we WANT them to suffer!",not sexist If you saw the whole thing her bf was crying because HE cheated on her.,not sexist Hope she is OK [USER],not sexist does baby dick satisfy you? Or do you need to eat the child's asshole before being satisfied? You seem like you need the entire baby. Jews are like that,not sexist "She lets him fk her brains out everynight, it is genuine",not sexist that Yvette Felarca needs to get fired as a schoolteacher so that she can feel MORE MARTYRED and LESS-PENSIONED...it'll be great for her delusions of glory [URL],not sexist Jews haven't stopped me from taking a white wife or having kids. Excuses are like assholes,not sexist They say Ted Malloch and his wife were nabbed by the FBI when they landed in the USA this afternoon and can't be reached.,not sexist I disagree about ignoring: ignoring gave them the power to rise up at all. Mockery is what works. Thankfully archive.is and imgur or flickr mean being able to mock a-plenty with no traffic or ad-revenue,not sexist "[USER] ... adulation for Hitler, Germans (incl. unknown dad), hatred of Jews, coloreds, holocaust denial. Probably lives alone (or w/ ailing wife) in small town, doesn't want his neighbors to know what he does on Internet. Sucks to be him. (3/3)",not sexist "Actually, if your transgender you might still have traits from the other sex. If you're a trans woman you might still have male muscle mass. If you're a...wait...what's agender? What the fuck is demigender? What are all... CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY?",not sexist "Yeah, it was surprising to me. I mean, we believe that we're intellectual beings who are above all that stuff, lol, but at the end of the day, it seems we're not so different from heifers turned out with the bull! :-o",not sexist "LIONS led by a collective of beta male cucks, gays & childless, feminist females.... sad sad SAD",not sexist "Dude stfu about pedo shit pls, not once did the thougth of them being underage cross my mind, they all look like 18 year old average asian girls",not sexist I know a woman that always quotes Ocra(Oprah)and Dr. Shill(Phil) like its going out of style. They both can jump into a lake.,not sexist "I'm confused ""she's the prettiest girl I've gone with on a date this year"" and ""I'm looking forward to the potential of a FWB"" huh? Only a friend with benefits? If she's so pretty why not make her your girlfriend :(",not sexist Don't forget that human manikin Lankford from OK. He is just as bad of a cuck piece of shit going. Oklahoma of all places voting for such a globalist piece of shit is beyond head scratching?,not sexist "Yeah but Mueller will have to justify his existence and the money spent, so he will do everything to snare the Big Kahuna---Trump. Mueller is the asshole the liberal/commies are depending on to do this",not sexist "The problem is, your explanation of why women do a certain thing isn't correct just because women do the thing. If a woman divorces her husband, that doesn't really tell you anything about her attraction to him...",not sexist [URL] Fucked up Sweden ....prosecute 70 year old lady for telling truth #BanIslam #GabFam #BritFam #SpeakFreely,not sexist "whether that's the case or not, the stigma is still there, those who break out the the box and suggest radical changes to the current theory will be kicked out the group think slave masters",not sexist "The biggest downfall of men is that they only value appearances. no they don't. i have literally never had a boyfriend who ONLY cared about appearances. like of course, they want a hot gf/wife. but guys with options want more than just looks.",not sexist "LEARN THIS FACE - NEVER FORGET IT...because it may try to ""shoot a seal"" near you or your children.",not sexist Can't argue with that. It's much easier to pick up ugly girls if you look hot too.,not sexist "The term ""Three percenter"" refers to their distribution on the far left of the IQ bell curve, and the ""Proud boys"" are gay af.",not sexist "I think that's probably correct. If I was a woman, I don't think I'd trust someone that was really good at telling me what I want to hear when you haven't even met IRL. It just reeks of Love Bombing.",not sexist [USER] ditto for me! drain the swamp is not good enough for her! #MAGA ban madonna!,not sexist Volcel if you wouldnt let her squeeze her pimple juice in your mouth,not sexist Depends. If it's a chad that doesn't give a fuck about casual sex and is a serial monogamist,not sexist The triangular gaze is by far the best technique. Girls love that shit.,not sexist "I cant go anywhere to meet girls when everythings locked down where I am. And trust me, that doesnt help.",not sexist "[USER] Atlas, you need to put that you're a woman in your op. So much pearl clutching here about the how awful men are that they'd post such a thing!! Disgusting creatures, all!",not sexist did stinky discharge write her book in crayon or did she use a ghostwriter,not sexist "RT [USER]: If he was wearing a yarmulke and she was holding a Talmud, this would be considered a hate crime. [URL]",not sexist "If you get jury duty, you get paid [CUR]15 per day to sit there and listen to the rape survivors. Why doesn't the court-of-public-opinion have to pay? Because it's not a legitimate court? #DiFiChiSpy owes me [CUR]15.",not sexist #LisaRinna Says she #SoldSoul to the Devil to Look good & Devil Doesn't Deliver [URL] Is selling your soul really worth spending eternity in Hell for? Refund!!! Looks like a #Catwoman after the taxidermy session.,not sexist "You need serious help. You are delusional. Only a brainwashed idiot believes that the EOC wrote the Bible. It's really sad. My great aunt's husband had schizophrenia too. It's tragic, but treatable. Praying for you.",not sexist Aim for their balls ladies.,not sexist He's my dog and she hates him,not sexist "My wife found out that I have been fucking this girl I met in mime school. Ironically, she is giving ME the silent treatment.",not sexist What do you call it when a foreigner rapes your women? A Swedish massage.,not sexist [USER] she's in the SPD which is the oldest socialist party in germany,not sexist "Equally dumb but thanks for your input. Some women are queens. Some are trashy. Respect people because of their character, man or woman.",not sexist "It is a modern world... technically strength is irrelevant. Money as well ( is shes from a rich family or more educated; but men less frequently date a woman with a higher salary, at least in asian societies) As for taller... im asian so... 5""7 mate.",not sexist The thought occurred to me that Disney has promoted a lot of princess & white knight archetypes. Might be interesting to see how these have changed our norms over time. Disney as a cultural phenomenon is pretty pervasive.,not sexist "Asian men are are weak, have tiny dicks and are to scared to be with a woman. Look at the Japanese men and their lust for children, pillows or fake computer women. Asian women need a real man, white men took over the world no wonder they want us",not sexist Thanks man. makes me wonder why girls even do shit like this in the first place,not sexist There are many women I know that took the day off today. And I plan to celebrate.,not sexist You play the numbers game and talk to as many women as possible and you maybe hit it off with one or maybe you run into them later when everyone is high and take it from there. If you aren't Chad it is a lot of luck,not sexist "The United Kingdom's national taxpayer-funded broadcaster, the BBC, is refusing to report on a hate crime rampage by Muslim men who attacked white people on the streets of Liverpool for being non-Muslims.",not sexist "Good documentation and research there. But as the French say, ""cherchez la femme"".",not sexist "I don't have any girls as friends. We either fuck, or we're not friends... This isn't the way I want to be...",not sexist "You don't get, it's my dick that controls me, not these girls!? Although we can say those girls may be controlling my dick ;)",not sexist "[USER] Satin. And yeah, the skirt was awful. I had to make half inch pressed pleats by hand around the whole waist.",not sexist "What's really funny is that he thinks this some kind of punishment for the women. Yeah, dude, the women who won't go out with you are going to be upset that you're no longer asking.",not sexist "-Go to the gym, its a shallow world out there and women LOVE a guy with a nice build. Stop rationalizing reasons you don't need to go. Its just plain old fashioned good for you anyway. THISSSSSS :D",not sexist Trump could be a Russian and I'd still be okay as long as he shut down Hillary and her criminal husband - I hate those people with a passion [USER],not sexist I'm fairly sure any woman aged 20-50 would kill for a 20 year old alpha stud; this data sounds like crap to me,not sexist ASU has been supplying us with beautiful women for a long time.,not sexist Your post makes it pretty clear now why she never came back. I'm going to stop responsing to you because you just don't get it. Good luck.,not sexist "Go on then I'll humour you, if the purpose of this sub ISN'T to berate women, what is it's purpose Casanova? Because to the untrained eye, it looks like one hell of a circle jerk.",not sexist But if she's the one who will die why should he get the vasectomy. IDK Just seems dumb,not sexist "Mate, your flightless birds are shit. We're coming for the fuckin Bledisloe Cup, as well. We might win a few games, then.",not sexist "~~Most~~ All of their communities talk about violence against women. Every incel community I've ever observed has at least some degree of proposed violence against women, or at the very least, celebration of violence against women.",not sexist "Do you mean that fat, good ole Sheila Jackson that wears a satanic lapel pin or a satanic ring on her hand? That Sheila Jackson? Whatever she had in that envelope you can be certain it was evil.",not sexist "When you say the ""jenner"" women, do you mean *all* the jenner women? Xim's included?",not sexist Go to a third world country to treat depression? Why didn't she do what Vader does when he's depressed? Go the nearest Tatooine strip club to get Sith stinking drunk and bring one hundred dollars worth of one dollar bills to cure depression?,not sexist "Yea you are nuts, prob nervous about how i know about your ""Buddies"" this sentence does not make any sence...",not sexist "I did not want to eat mustard and turnip greens when I was a sprout, so my granny taught me that one too, it makes it a lot better I say.",not sexist A fool and his money part quickly.,not sexist My FB feed is nothing but shit Lib's talking about Trump's pussy comment...still! NVM how Hillary discredits and ignores the women who accuse her husband of rape. I can't take the hypocracy,not sexist So at what level of tolerance should selfish women be tolerated?,not sexist are you a female?,not sexist If the girl was black those dolls would be black males and she'd be trying to find her dad.,not sexist How many did this pig lock up for doing the same thing she was...sickening [URL],not sexist "[USER] Sorry Lisa, not at my best today. Lack of sleep, no coffee, dog ate my shoe, and my wife ran off with the milk man. Just one of those days.",not sexist Most women I know want to have many kids,not sexist Mika - I can see your boyfriend Joe crying at the murder trial of his former girlfriend. Remember her? The one he murdered with a blow to the head.,not sexist "And, this is the hit list.",not sexist "Stop talking to her and hit on her hot friends. If she gets jealous, that works in your favor. The friends might tell her to consider you. At the very least, you'll have more options.",not sexist "I know there aren't that many lesbians out there statistics-wise, but they always seem to be the ones I end up hanging out with and am attracted to haha.",not sexist "Just imagine, your 6'2 and look like this; [[URL] Yet, you still need to muster up the courage to tell a girl your interested in her? What the in the actual mentally deficient fuk is this guy living.",not sexist Breaking: Omarosa hid the recording device inside her vagina to fool security [URL],not sexist "Oh come on. It's not like there are only female mary sues, for example motherfuckin Kaldor Draigo, Tatsuya, Aizen, BATMAN etc, still rustle jimmies.",not sexist Hey now... Those wild mailboxes can get pretty mean if you don't keep your eye on them. I've been known to take one or two of them out back in my day...,not sexist That's only if you buy into the retarded theory that only whites can be racist.,not sexist Megyn Kelly uses her show as a platform for Trump's sex accusers [URL],not sexist "Go eat her used tampons out of the garbage, white knight faggot.",not sexist "my generation was the last generation to get civics...I don't need to learn from a soy boy who can't understand analogies or descriptive's when conversing you have failed as a male, and you certainly can't teach....",not sexist "Everyone that is saying she should tell them to f off (hell EVERYONE) needs to listen to her on the Joe Rogan podcast. She's serious, smart, kinda spacey sometimes and funny. She almost got raped by a turtle!",not sexist yeah shithouses the lot of them [URL],not sexist "A normal day in Germany, out of an official policereport: little festival, dancing floor: 3 young women offended, sexual harassed, pushed and spat on by 5 refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq. Little Cologne is everyday life now. Thanks Merkel! [URL]",not sexist "being cheap, we dutch just paid some shit shells for manhattan. we couldn't kill anybody.",not sexist "If the rule is ""I'm not allowed to make myself cum, but cute girls are allowed to"", it can be a good exercise.",not sexist "This is true, even if you're at the bottom, theres a leading woman out there. You just have to look improvable. Showing a little progress goes a long way.",not sexist Thank you for the comment yeah it's the same for me except it's men instead of women. It seems logical that it's not real but you know my brains a complete arsehole.,not sexist It looks like she is stepping in to attack him. That's pretty amazing given her size.,not sexist She knows what she wants: an obedient soyboy,not sexist "Menslibbers look for validation externally - always asking Feminism ""did we do it right mommy? can we have some affirmation now?"" They're pathetic.",not sexist "Wow drumpf just insulted my wife's mulatto son, we need congress to act NOW",not sexist "LMFAO, what percentage of women do you think have fucked a sports player or a musician?",not sexist So that's pretty stupid. Not slowing down for a pedestrian? You're 100% to blame if you hit her.,not sexist "NEW: California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met with alleged Russian agent Maria Butina in 2015, her emails reveal, fueling more questions about his longstanding Kremlin connections. [URL] [URL]",not sexist hmm what if a man talked about how stacked his grandaughter is and how wet she gets ....,not sexist Rapunzel is one of my favorite Disney princesses!,not sexist Of course we want to destroy what she stands for!,not sexist the end thrust to the face is the only possibility if you aren't watching--bring your enemies closer--ill bloody my elbows but it will go to allah,not sexist Happy New Years too all gabbers. Especially my veteran brothers and sisters. #veterans,not sexist "At 30 she'll say ""Where are all the good men at""",not sexist "LOL, that was hilarious, & well done. The trans guy is obviously still male whether he wants to admit it or not. Trans ppl are so screwed up in the head that many end up committing suicide anyway.",not sexist WTF? FUCK YOU DUDE! 5 men lay dead because some fucking black asshole thinking cops deserve to die. This is not a fight of men vs women. This is fight of civility vs savagery.,not sexist There already were. The sub was overrun by posts saying they were sick of incels posting and it was turning into an incel sub,not sexist Christine Crazy Fraud is lying through her lying Lie-hole. Ford's Polygraph Presents Another Inconsistency In Who Attended Alleged Party. [URL],not sexist *Paid actors,not sexist "here's an idea ban the following in the UK = burqa, halal food & polygamy make the following a crime with a prison sentence* = incest and marrying cousins *see previous post with reference to deportation for criminals",not sexist "Opsec wasn't an idiot & Side is not an idiot & what you saying here: ""I got no soild evidence just the shit my sewing circle comes up with, heh."" - Judge Dread #RetardAlert",not sexist "He says that we've all been hurt by men, but fails to fully acknowledge the fact that there's clearly a problem in our society when SO MANY women have been abused or traumatized by men.",not sexist Eight-year-old boy is 'beaten to death with a hammer by his mom's ex as he tries to stop him sexually assaulting his younger sister' [URL] DEATH PENALTY.,not sexist Muslim (or Muslim lover) urges criminal police investigation for a tweet. The hell with mass murderers of little girls. Get that evil Islamophobic tweeter! [URL],not sexist I don't think there are many white females going to Asia to teach English. There are a ton of horny male sexpats though.,not sexist They see a Tyrone fuck their crush and automatically think every deathnics slays.,not sexist "OK, I'm gonna have nice dreams tonite... I love left handed women;-) #Awesome!!! #GunWoman!!",not sexist "I'd agree, if someone genuinely hates someone and is bad at hiding it. But incels do not genuinely hate women: they are crybabies, they are angry and frustrated, and most of the time show it on the Internet, not irl",not sexist He got off very easy. The last macho asshole who disrespected my woman now uses a cane to walk about.,not sexist "Seriously people, fucking archive threads like that. Linking them is pointless when the op's story gets deleted.",not sexist The future is female guys,not sexist "The ironic part is that when you suggest an incel date one of these women, these self-described ugly people get offended at the notion of dating an ugly woman. Chad has an HB10, therefore they are *owed* an HB10. It makes no sense logically.",not sexist I mean she's an asshole and leave after she laughed at you ? Seems pretty simple,not sexist "A screenshot for the lazy Here Comey testifies that Hillary did break the law, but didn't suggest pressing charges. Why? Did it have anything to do with that cool half a million Hillary indirectly donated to his wife? Anonymous sources say yes.",not sexist "I had no idea who she was, so I googled her. Un-freakin'-believable.",not sexist #TellMe3rdWin,not sexist "Men's boxer briefs, briefly ranked (see what I did there? Huh?) 1. Duluth Trading Co. [URL] 2. Calvin Klein [URL] 3. Kenneth Cole Reaction (women react because of the holes that instantly form around the testicle area).",not sexist Then that's good. You just figured out the ones who want a hook up,not sexist she just trying to get some mestizos bleached lol,not sexist Drama queen,not sexist "I do report it but no surprise it doesn't get taken down, it seems like Reddit only cares about hate speech against men and not against women.",not sexist "It's called cross sectional analysis retard. We have examples of tons of women, young, old, poor, rich, black, white, asian, etc. all wanting preferring attractive men over ugly men. What is YOUR evidence?",not sexist Don't be such a fuckin wuss. This is TRP not your grandma's living room. You're not gonna shock us Knowing what she said is going to help us determine whether or not you truly overreacted or she was genuinely being disrespectful,not sexist [USER] Yes maam,not sexist At this point I'm not even sure my dick could satisfy women anymore after watching all the shit I have.,not sexist Oh yeah I've seen this before. These families internalised racism and believe in WMAF.,not sexist Weeb fag,not sexist Nikki Haley is a total dope! [URL] Trump was so wrong to hire her. She doesn't even support his non interventionist agenda. And let Israel pay its own bills,not sexist I love chicks whose teeth are that perfect tinge of yellow,not sexist Damn I didn't know I was a loser. Shouldn't have denied all those free blow jobs and advances/invites. Im pretty sure I'll find a woman that sees these as hot..after I approve 😝,not sexist Her fingers are up my butt is she into me?,not sexist Oh man that lucky girl is in for a long night.,not sexist "I wonder how many layers of makeup she wears on tv, coz she is butt ugly!",not sexist "Is she the reason why your first jew wife left you, Alex?",not sexist This is very effective. Laughing out load when you see a single mom mudshark in the store also stings.,not sexist "And.. spread the word. I have ER Physician who can show where to get the evidence on the murder.... Ret.Lt.Cmdr.MD, USN...Navy Seal Medic.",not sexist "Wtf are you doing on here? Gab is a strictly racists-only platform, non-racists and antifas have Twitter.",not sexist They aren't mutually exclusive. You can be a nice guy and still masculine and desired by women. I've been able to walk the fine line. Be desirable don't be the one always desiring her.,not sexist "Fox News MS-13 gang member deported 4 times stabbed 2 women, abused child, cops say [URL]",not sexist [URL] id totally pork white girl mariah carey,not sexist "I dunno about ""traditional lifestyle "", but there are women all over who want stable relationships, not just in small towns.",not sexist "Idk why everyone thinks it's impossible for young women to have these beliefs. It's not just men that have pride in their race, hate niggers and know the Jews are filthy communists.",not sexist Don't get me wrong - It's more likely a white guy will have masculine features than a westerner but if they both have the same features face doesn't mean mucj,not sexist Truecels hate him! He makes women fall in love with him using one weird trick. Find out how > [CLICK HERE]([URL],not sexist "From the people who stands for feminism, the rights of women and the prompt and strict punishment of sexual abusers.",not sexist "incel/mgtow/redpiller >""why wont you girls date me"" Just give me that AK47 of yours, ill shoot myself to save you the trouble",not sexist "So, she seriously re-hydrated before last night's debate. How many exsanguinated virgins were found to be dead or missing in Chappaqua (and the rest of the nation) over the past week? #HIllary [URL]",not sexist she's so hot,not sexist One drop of nigger means you're a nigger. Ya dumb fucking abo.,not sexist "Like most anti-Semitic White Supremacists, you use meme's that have no source attached to them. Why is that? So people can't verify where the data is coming from. It's just more #FakeNews..",not sexist I'm so sick of guys who start coup d'etats getting all the ladies.,not sexist "[USER] Lawd, she done shit her granny panties! Must have been a photo leaked by a Russians satellite. #GabFam #MAGA #SpeakFreely",not sexist "Nothing says ""independent and empowered woman"" like being a Hell's Angel's old lady. I can't wait to see her infected tattoo that says ""Property of Ludwig the Bonecrusher"".",not sexist For me 100% idc what women think.,not sexist Jean-Francois Gariepy Stream - Sargon Won Against Anglin JF saying that rounding up all muslims is flawed because they might not have done anything. This is why people hate frogs.,not sexist Show me on the doll where Dread hurt your feels.,not sexist "the New right are too busy counter signalling, and trying to water the movement down into more of the same zionism, they will continue to fuck up!",not sexist "This is the ""women are wonderful"" effect in action.",not sexist Can't we just reverse the method ? Maybe if women approach men and we make it the norm then there would be less of these horror stories ? Is it even possible ?,not sexist """I'm not ready to talk to a girl yet I still got 20 articles I have to read that say the same thing before I even say hi to a girl.""",not sexist they get wet for a book/movie where In blackpillscience sub a study mentioned feminists have same fetish rate with average woman when it comes to that stuff.,not sexist I hate women who waste money getting their nails done just so they can carry around more feces. Ewwww.,not sexist "Nowhere in Daily Caller's Betsy Rothstein's hit piece on Chuck Woolery, implying that he's anti-Semitic, does she disclose to her readers that she's Jewish. #MAGA #AltRight",not sexist Kikes hate white men and want us dead ? Who'd a thunk ?,not sexist "True for most species, but not all. Hyena females rule the clan, and males are at the very bottom.",not sexist "As far as I can tell, she's an elderly, unmarried, childless liberal. So this is unsurprising.",not sexist "I have lurked a lot on radfem subs, and what I observed ia that they're actually right about male nature, but all their rant is applicable to sex haver men, we incels don't hurt women so they never talk about us.",not sexist "Hang on, it's 5:45 AM there and your phone is at 21%? What in the fresh fuck is happening here?",not sexist "To prove ideology is pervasive in academia a few professors rewrote a section of ""mein kampf"" as a feminist paper and got it published in a woman's and social work journal. [URL]",not sexist 5 doctors destroy the CNN debate dealing with the repealing of Obamacare: [URL] Medicare was the reason for the ACA garnering many of its recipients & they didn't need healthcare.,not sexist "Bill Gates another one who masks his evil with his so called charity, along with his wife. I promised myself to clean up my act, but really I hope he rots in hell with the rest of them. Evil....i'd like to give him a shot of Mercury.",not sexist If a girl jumps on me like she's grinding me for the 100th time and gagging on my dick like a veteran porn star - I'm going to find it unattractive. nigga u gay,not sexist How the FUCK is this woman still an MP!!!???,not sexist "When I read ""decade"" and saw her mugshot I assumed she was 30+ years old. Was surprised to find out she's 22 and made her first false rape claim at *13*.",not sexist European women sunbath topless.,not sexist "Make the chance. The other advice in this thread is good. Set up a new meet, step it up a notch. Watch closely for signs you're being shown the FZ door. If you are, next and repeat. Do not put her on a pedestal. Good luck.",not sexist """My sister is an HB6, hence, would not bang. If she raised her SMV by losing some weight however....""",not sexist "Yeah, how are you going to have sex with a woman if you are afraid to touch her?",not sexist Some new stuff for the #Doll came in. Pic later on with her in it. #BJD,not sexist nonononono - my sister is going to be one of those. [USER] should NOT be that!! Jesus Christ like Catholic wives have like 7-9 kids!! Plus on top of that you should be a Kekistani woman Sarah,not sexist "Situations are only awkward if you make them that way. Just act normal around her and everything will be fine. Every man struggles through oneitis at some point, op, you can beat it.",not sexist "This is the Australia we live in': African 'girl gang' violently beat up man, 72, on his way to work 'after spraying Apex graffiti on a trashed [CUR]3M Airbnb rental' [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia [USER]",not sexist But is it okay if we have a 2% Jewish minority? Can you not give direct answers to direct questions? No wonder you are an acolyte of the VoxCult. You'd rather get bogged down in insignificant side-points than deal head on with a problem.,not sexist "Blondes are seen as more feminine so get hit on more, slightly higher standards therefore. You cannot generalise ofcourse.",not sexist "Which is a nice way of saying hank clinton has the kuru disease from eating diseased plagued Haitians for decades, and its rotting away her brain.",not sexist Podesta & Maria Bartiromo Epic Fight Over Russia Ties: 'Get Your Facts Straight!' Maria fillet's the lizard. The 1 morning I missed her. Worth the watch. #News #Podesta #Russia #Trump [URL],not sexist I assume every small breast lovers are small dick guys(i am small dick guy too). I love small breast and ass in woman. i love gennerally fragile body in woman so i guess it is about auto coping mechanism in my brain.,not sexist One aspect is probably the higher sex drive among africans. The bed room doesn't turn empty the moment she gets a ring on her finger.,not sexist "I don't understand why did you call him Chad, are you implying he's boning all the girls (except the ???/??? and xe/xir obviously) ?",not sexist women like men who take risks and it just so happens that thugs take those risks and live a lifestyle of hedonism,not sexist "Would have been cool. It's like having a hot girlfriend for a few weeks, and then her ex comes back.",not sexist "Rachel Madcow your time is up, if MSNBC keeps her they will be done too...ah the joy of it all [URL]",not sexist Yep those are good. Especially when you do it and she notices and then looks at you with that face. Gives me a boner tbh,not sexist HOLY SHIT that looks like my sister! WHERE IS THIS PHOTO FROM?,not sexist That girl is hit. 4/10,not sexist are you trying to show her in a positive light?,not sexist "Everyone is having a fit over Kellyanne on her knees in the oval office, why couldn't I get any attention when I was on mine? #ShannonWattsTantrum #gunsense #StupidShannon [URL]",not sexist Seems like an awfully expensive way to get some prime gold diggers,not sexist Great! you will have mine to add lol... The Vindicator knows about his jaded past with women. [URL] in that blog it has the vindicator's stories about his attacks on women.,not sexist "Eugene Gu is a wife beater who fights ""white supremacy."" US Asians have the highest incomes (along w/ jews!) & come from homogenous, anti-immigration homelands (along w/ jews!) picture shows how Gu holds jew dick!",not sexist well she will get stoned as she is naked,not sexist Yet it isn't over for abusers or serial killers? See that rope? You know what to do.,not sexist "The next time you get a boner, ask her to slap you as hard as you slapped her. If your focus is on the pain more than how good your boner feels, than it'a probably too hard.",not sexist """ Luffman also allegedly left a voicemail threatening to ""hack to pieces"" the official and his daughters, using the hashtag #ObamaForLife """,not sexist "SHE IS PROBABLY THINKING ""WHAT THE FUCK NOW WE HAVE THIS NIGGER STUCK TO OUR BACKS FOR EVER """,not sexist "[USER] I'm sure I've laughed at a female comedian's joke once or twice...nothing memorable though Certainly not compared the Richard Pryor, Chappelle, Rogan, Bill Hicks, Bill Burr, Ron White, George Carlin, Eddie Murphy... there's too many to count",not sexist "Fixed....but I managed to lose the retainer for the ignition coil connector (Fell out, bounced around, never hit the ground)...so the wife is aware of the possible issue of the connector backing out....and I am looking for a replacement....:-/",not sexist It's not sexual harassment but it's enough to get her fired.,not sexist Antifa are quarter-wit misfits whose criminal behavior and inability to work in any way with non-misfits will be their undoing.,not sexist You are better off. I don't worry about it because I never ate beef. I was one of those strange people born that couldn't eat anything with a face. My mom used to whup my butt but I just couldn't do it.,not sexist Michael was the worst dressed first lady ever. She looked like she shopped at Wally World. (Walmart),not sexist "This is what gives IT a bad reputation. I disagree with you, and explain the reason for my disagreement extensively, and you shoot back with ""you're a spineless piece of shit"". I'm sure you have a great personality.",not sexist Rachael Chandler Has Taken DOWN her Instagram Page! LOL,not sexist This is a lot like a women explaining to a man what it feels like to get kicked in the nuts.,not sexist "If it was just recycling, I'd be fine. It's that the clever, sweet girl transformed to a snowflake.",not sexist "If all kids born out of wedlock were to die, we would lose half of the younger population",not sexist Another successful Jew. Good for her!,not sexist "Mother, daughter meet for first time in 52 years [URL]",not sexist "She's a classy lady. That's what the left hates so much about her. That, plus she has a good strong family support system. That's the part they really hate the most.",not sexist The Quran. Little girls are for marriage and little boys (pearls) are for pleasure. They just gave all the children to the muzzophiles,not sexist Somehow I feel convinced that [USER] has a crush on ...,not sexist Holy shit you're right,not sexist I'm here but just going to finish off watching a programme I recorded last night about Spartacus.,not sexist "She's come halfway on all sorts of things, UTR1.0, Golden Dawn, and Red Ice.. So I'll support her. If you take a look at her twitter (which I haven't in a while), I don't think she's got anything drastically bad for policies or anything like that...",not sexist "[USER] Remember, these women were marching for women's rights....not self respect. #SpeakFreely",not sexist "She has no children of her own (wonder why?), and thus cares nothing for the children of the people of Germany. Immigration = invasion. Every. Single. Time. No exceptions. I defy anyone to disprove this.",not sexist "What about nazi roleplaying? Does that fit into your ideological categorizational scheme, or does it only exist in porn?",not sexist For a lady named Donald... you're pretty hot.,not sexist "Love how he tries to posture like a tough guy. ""Hey look at me, I told of a doctor!! What does he know? I have a sexy girlfriend who has more sperm and testosterone than me! I'm so awesome""",not sexist Or you could replace boys with girls... #ManHating #Feminism #Feminist #Patriarchy #Misandry #Misogyny #GoldDiggers,not sexist "Anyone who actually thinks gun control doesn't happen because ""Reps are owned by NRA"" is either malevolently dishonest or idiotic to the point of social menace. #NRA #guns #guncontrol #Dems",not sexist Makes you wonder how many extra retarded Mexicans are born of father-daughter incest. Just about every Mexican girl I've ever known well enough to have had interpersonal conversation with have admitted to losing their virginity to their fathers.,not sexist "only a tiny % is man made !!! Trying to beat nature is futile, plan how to live with the changes, once you can be sure which way they will be. Historically we are heading into another ice age, timing is a different issue.",not sexist I'd like to have my tongue up her ass right now!! LOL,not sexist .Fuck You and Rosenstein you piece of shit!,not sexist Isn't dyke a derogatory term?,not sexist Imagine if that's actually the BF dog and he 100% knows what kind of shit she is up to ;) Good doggo!,not sexist we have to stop the Jewish War on Whiteness,not sexist Stormie Daniels says Trump has a small member. It is said Bill Clinton has an above average male member. Trump had relations with women who wanted to only. Bill is accused of forcing himself on many women without their consent. Where is #MeToo?,not sexist Fucking chill out and make her wait a few hours to reply. Dont be so eager,not sexist she's a tough broad. and I mean that with all respect.,not sexist "Talk about bullshit. In Europe today if you so much as mumble a negative comment about some rude Muzzy woman in a burka, it's called ""hate speech"" and you get fined or jailed. There is no such thing as ""hate speech"", only free speech.",not sexist "This is hilarious. So he was rejected asylum, but allowed to remain for appeal, rapes and kills a girl, then manages to flee the country with his family members using false papers from the Iraqi Consulate. XD Hooray, government!! [URL]",not sexist halfmen would have been better. demihumans.,not sexist "Pinterest does this too. Search ""hot girls"" and they will soft signal you that it's not a proper search term. Search ""sexy girls"" and you will get no results. The world is becoming so dictatorial. It's sad!",not sexist I is can't believe she grammar are this bad.,not sexist #Saudi male student trying to behead a western female in #Canada because he can't stand her not covering up in accordance with #Sharia. [URL],not sexist Storm front (modern day nazis) hate mgtow. How can we be nazis if the nazis hate us?,not sexist "Well then, they better not start complaining when people take matters into their own hands! Perhaps some of the female police officer would volunteer for this ceremony so they can understand first hand how it fells???? No didn't think so!",not sexist When a girl says some shit that catches you of guard and you don't know how to respond to it,not sexist It's awfully hard to scare a fucking retarded ape... of course she's not scared... she's not mentally equipped to process fear...,not sexist "say he picked up on this while he was there, what do you think would've been a successful way to escalate with her while sitting across?",not sexist They are. They are killed twice as often as girls when mothers kill a child and slightly less often that a girl when fathers kill a child.,not sexist It's great when someone leaves. But they don't deserve a pat on the back for discovering basic human decency and rejecting a group that supports rape and dehumanisation of women,not sexist Grandmothers should go home,not sexist "And, in typical Alt-Left fashion, it was one of their own that got killed. They'll use her as a martyr, or at least try. Probably won't work, especially if the guy takes a plea deal for negligent homicide.",not sexist "And now this little punk has succeeded in driving at least three appeasing advertisers off Laura Ingraham's show on FOX. If FOX takes her off the air, I will only be watching CRTV. As for those gutless advertisers, time to BOYCOTT their asses. [URL]",not sexist A lifelong friend of Ford denies her claim: [URL],not sexist "she also should be deported, to a muzzie country where she will be useful for at least a little while.",not sexist "If I was you, I would ignore her, she went back to her ex while she was with you. Don't let her do these kind of things to you, just cut her off and maybe she might come chasing back.",not sexist ALL your favorite rock stars are either boomers or children of boomers. Go kill your grandma if you hate boomers so much.,not sexist "He's probably just trying to rehabilitate his reputation. If he stood shoulder to shoulder with Pitt, he'd be fucked. Hollywood Values.",not sexist You definitely passed the test....... Run as far as you can from chicks that want to use you for monetary purposes,not sexist "If she truly is a good girlfriend, 7.17 a month seems like a bargain. Lol",not sexist "RT [USER]: These official letters from the 4 named by Dr Forddenying any knowledge of what Dr Ford has alleged serve the same purpose as sworn testimony. We remain hopeful we'll hear sworn testimony from the 5th, Dr. Ford herself [URL]",not sexist People and groups are being deplatformed left and fucking right. That's going to continue for anyone who refuses to cuck. This is like saying a man wouldn't beat his wife if she didn't make him so mad.,not sexist "I think even at that point, if the guy is keeping his figure, hasn't been fucked over by alimony and/or child support. He could probably still bag a young chick, and might still be attractive to women his age.",not sexist Right? She looks like she's wearing a child sized bikini and I am not kidding.,not sexist Pity that she learned the hard way not to fight apartheid. [URL],not sexist "Their attack on 'future moms' is strategic, focused, and is meant to create catastrophic failure of a nation of people. Counter that attack ferociously.",not sexist "Some one should just say point blank: It doesn't matter if you are a guy or girl, **BEING FAT IS UNHEALTHY!**",not sexist The issue is not her being an idiot for thinking it will work. Its all the idiots on the internet who ensure it does.,not sexist Are you trying to say that they're a viable replacement for white women?,not sexist Even if its censored I so don't want to see this fat fucking troll filling her fat ugly rolls with a cake on a shitter she's gross,not sexist "No, it's what someone who actually understands real sex (not porn) says. Sir, I can assure you that I have a big cock, and if you're brave enough for proof then I welcome you to eat your words (and my dick)",not sexist "Family's tribute to white woman, 29, found bludgeoned to death at flat. Zahid Naseem (imagine my surprise) appeared in court on Monday morning charged with her murder. [URL]",not sexist "we were among all of our friends, i think it will be desconfortable for us two to KC in front of them. Later, on next saturday after that i ""KCed"" her, but i almost lost cause i can't isolate, it's good to have some routine in mind.",not sexist """The rape of old white women -- A black thing in Stockton et al"" nigger rapes 87 YO non gender #DMTBKA cflaherty [URL]",not sexist that is because they are invaders they are the militant arm of the arabian kings sent to take europe,not sexist "It is now that I explained how she stormed off, however I didn't think it to be relevant before.",not sexist So she wants us to shoot Democrats and ANTIFA???,not sexist "Too funny though. She's currently 69% ""no"" votes at this point, by far the widest margin of negative/positive on that list. My prediction: She gets it anyway. This poll means nothing, she might even get it *despite* abysmally low score.",not sexist Lol @ having a crush as an incel ur just gonna hurt urself,not sexist she admitted on a live speech that she bullied him,not sexist do you work or do the housewife thing?,not sexist "You should have asked her on a date weeks ago, hell maybe months ago. Do it ASAP.",not sexist I am not arguing over such a thing more so pointing out what is said in your replies.,not sexist 'Summer Brides': Under-age daughters sold as 'sex-slaves' in Egypt [URL] [USER] ,not sexist "My wife was moaning at me, saying I never take her out anywhere. I said "" I only took you out just last week for tea and biscuits, don't be so ungrateful"" She said "" Yes I know, it cost me a pint of blood you bastard",not sexist "I guess most guys do like to go down. Again it's personal choices, for me going down on women is part to foreplay and getting my dick sucked isn't much of a part.",not sexist [USER] So the al aqsa mosque is built on TOP of a Jewish temple and the Jews are the occupiers?,not sexist Most girls have never been flaked by a guy so it can come off as pretty damn abundant however there are hundreds of ways to fuck it up and look like a loser ex: being too sorry I would not recommend pushing it back without changing the venue,not sexist This has happened more than one occasion from me when bringing girls home from the bars...,not sexist "As a feminist, this video is disgusting and these women should be in jail.",not sexist I tried with my crush but she didn't went that way as you said,not sexist "Next we need to get rid of Obamacare, and the fact that insurance agents have to take a test on the new transgender non-discrimination laws!!!!! Hope those lectures stop in the military and every form of government!",not sexist Have you just like never even spoken to a woman?,not sexist daaamn my kinda bird son she be on it like brine on rice sanz,not sexist "Eunice Hancock, a 21-year-old woman, operates a compressed-air grinder in a Midwest aircraft plant during World War II. August 1942.(Colorized)",not sexist Agreed but i've had a condom on blowjob and it's sad... Not worth a dime.,not sexist Need to fire or kill those teachers. [USER],not sexist "Apparently Lottie has never heard of Norah Vincent, the lesbian journalist that disguised herself as a man for 18 months.",not sexist I thought the same when I watched this known liar. She was also shifting around and looked guilty as sin yesterday (even though she was being soft balled by the disgusting Andrea Mitchell). #lockriceup,not sexist "OP, I recommend you move out or kick her out. At the end of the day, it's your choice, but I highly recommend leaving or kicking her out.",not sexist "Net Nannies leads to 26 arrests for attempted child sexual assault, other charges Authorities pose as young boys and girls to catch internet predators [URL]",not sexist Hitler the fn retard did betray ones own race. HE was a jew sold out his mother & familyre: your words=Because like #AdolfHitler said only a fucking retard would betray ones own race.,not sexist Only in CA can an illegal invader murder a young girl and get off free... Future UC Berkeley professor. [URL],not sexist I do not see the difference in women preferring circumcised or non vs men preferring enhanced breasts ot natural. I feel like mensrights has changed my views on some things but this is petty hate mongering.,not sexist "If I ever hear a friend complain about not being treated like a prince, I should smack that self-intitled dude in the face. Also, if I ever date a girl who thinks that she is a princess, I'd ask that all of my friends smack me in the face.",not sexist "Tillerson re-assigns hundreds of State Department officials to quickly clear backlog of 13,000 FOIA requests. [USER] rejoices, Hillary cultists lose their minds.",not sexist "The ""Don"" is functionally retarded. He seeks to beat the devil at his own game. Tangling with him really is a waste of time, because there is no truth in his heart.",not sexist "The female predators will be the ones holding the signs saying ""humans are predators too"" and dumping paint on the other predator's nice looking human-skin jackets.",not sexist "You got that right! They do want, and keep trying to get, all my shekels Maybe I Should just donate?🤔",not sexist "Illegal alien, previously deported, hijacks Greyhound bus in Wisconsin & threatens to kill riders. [URL]",not sexist "Seriously, you haven't heard about this yet? She also admitted that she kept having sex with him AFTER she claimed he raped her because she felt it would ""help"" her career. [URL]",not sexist A blackpilled man can only be pleasently surprised.,not sexist "Only if you make it clear you're not looking for LTR. If you're misleading her, you're only getting better at being a dishonest fuckwit.",not sexist (((Julia Ioffe's))) depraved tweet that got her fired. What is it with these depraved minds?! Hopefully theAtlantic.com fire her too #FireIoffe #MAGA [URL],not sexist UK: Devout Muslim father once jailed for raping schoolgirl beats his daughter and her boyfriend with hammer #enrichment [URL],not sexist "To all my #GabFam that keeps me sane, this random hug attack is for you. Or a simple hi5 will do. lol [URL]",not sexist At the end of the day when you're done trampling Hitler's photo in your bedroom those niggas will still be banging the girls you could have had.,not sexist "yep, those pics are models, just like the ""girls & guns"" calendars sold in the USA, real IDF uniforms will have full unit and branch insignia on them, posted pics never do.",not sexist """She says she fought the fanatics at Kobane, liberated Yazidi girls imprisoned as sex slaves and switched units to fight ISIS in Iraq."" sounds like a real hero to me",not sexist Why do you focus on cheekbones so much? Are you closet gay? I don't think it's feminine to have prominent cheekbones because men on average have more prominent cheekbones.,not sexist The nerve of these demonic bastards. :/,not sexist "Also, give em a wedgie and a kick in the ball's, those masochists Love the rough stuff.",not sexist "A young female waitress utilized some UFC-style takedown tactics after a handsy patron grabbed her butt at a Savannah, Georgia, restaurant. [URL] [URL]",not sexist get in the fucking oven,not sexist Too dumb to rotate her phone 90 degrees.,not sexist "According to President Bush, we should not judge other movements by their worst intentions. So we should instead view early National Socialism as about getting Germans back to work and the trains running on time?",not sexist "Bro, calm your shit. I asked a question. Thats what this sub is for isnt it.",not sexist "OK. Then why do we see people complaining about women being viewed as ""sex objects"" and why are people complaining about evil ""male fantasies"" when sexy women are depicted in a big action movie? You do see that. I'm just saying that's not feminism.",not sexist "The thing about your friend with the jacked teeth is, he'll bang any girl, he's about quantity, not quality.... in total honesty, I can't even get aroused if I'm not attracted....",not sexist "as visions of dancing boys dance in their heads, with delusions of rape anytime anywhere, & their daughters bedroom is no longer off limits",not sexist I'd recommend finding another entry method when concerning pictures. That meme sucked ass by the way.,not sexist "Let them walk, their absence is a force multiplier for the confirmation to happen.",not sexist Delusional hobo shows how delusional he is once more. Capture all little girls? I can't wait to have a little girl and teach her how to shoot pedo incels such as yourself. 🖕🏻,not sexist TIL hooking up = making out at a bar???,not sexist The JEW KIKE Diane FeinKIKE thinks she OWNS that Senate Seat running for Re-election at 84yrs OLD !! ALAWYS NAME THE KIKE JEW !!,not sexist I really hope she never stops talking.,not sexist "You'll always be a goddess to some, princess.",not sexist Wish more mothers were like yours.,not sexist Later she claimed the horse raped her. And even more later she fingered herself while fantasising about the horse.,not sexist "RT [USER]: ""Whoopi Goldberg SPIT On , Screamed 'Get The F**k Out Of This Building,' Pirro Claims"" Just don't call ""an angry black woman""'cuz that would be...""RACIST!"" [URL] #TrumpDerangementSyndrome",not sexist If she focuses on it too much she may dwell and break down. Many people who have experienced something traumatic such as that really don't like to talk in depth about the things that hurt them,not sexist Left ideology : Death to the West Right ideology : Save the Republic Conservative ideology : My wife's son,not sexist I feel like it is taboo to be sexually attracted to bigger women. Who cares? Live your life man.,not sexist (Serious) Someone explain to me how she has student debt when she was in the army. I thought GI bill covered college/tuition.,not sexist "Let's flip around the genders for just one moment, shall we: Man (44) arrested for ""having sex with"" a 13-year-old girl. Top responses are ""lucky girl"" and ""don't judge him; he was in a difficult place in life""",not sexist not to mention that she's an outright commie which made her nomination illegal.....,not sexist "You mean all twenty of you chasing the same two women makes you an ""alpha""? Please, you're just a faggot wanting to cross swords with other men in the same hole.",not sexist "He should just ask her what chair he should get, dudes already defeated",not sexist "To think some people can be so insecure they deem stating your physical body parameters is a direct insult. This is definitely not hate speech, its jealousy and bitterness from the mod.",not sexist "I do not have a sufficiently demented imagination to invent an appropriate punishment for Angela Merkel. I do not know what her place will be in Hell, but I hope it hurts.",not sexist Katy Perry killed a nun. [URL],not sexist "There's a middle ground. But yeah, of course if you're with a woman who wants to only have sex with 1 guy in her life it can happen. But then the virginity is not the ""problem.""",not sexist "The funny thing is I'm a guy, and my sisters tease me about my weight. As far as I'm concerned I'm skinny since I'm 5""11 and 160 lbs not overweight.",not sexist "Just WRONG, ALL WRONG. Once again paedophiles pander to other paedophiles to allow a practice that countries like Turkey are trying to stamp out. Some people do not deserve to live! NOT acceptable in ANY religion, only a fool thinks otherwise. [URL]",not sexist Indoor climbing is the fucking easiest place in the world for pickup. Start going. Find a girl with a harness and ask her if the wants to do some top-roping.,not sexist "Yeah, and she can just leave her business, DPConsulting, right in the dumpster.",not sexist I think this is referenced as a mutual admiration thread at least back in the day do we still say back in the day. Or is it outlawed like he and she and faggot.,not sexist [USER] It's like unless she has cake shoved in her mouth she'll only spew crap.,not sexist "Armed women don't get raped. Armed gays don't get bashed. Armed Americans don't get their faces smashed in by antifa. Carry a gun, shoot people who need a bullet.",not sexist The truth is in Christian scripture too? Eve ate from the forbidden fruit and took Adam down with her.,not sexist "Tall men get respect, short men not only get no girls, but no respect as well, living as a manlet is BRUTAL, and has made me contemplate suicide.",not sexist "Yeah, but I'm better looking than Cantwell, I could just seduce all the female magistrates. I'll magistrate on those magistrates.",not sexist Damn after 5 mins? A bitch can't even catch her breath? Sheesh,not sexist I'd definitely fuck her then,not sexist Maybe Debbie Wasserman refuses to suicide herself without a fight!,not sexist "yep - we were the only White girls in the car too. It was scary. We got in trouble with my Aunt after that and never rode the Metro again, we had to take cabs - which wasn't much safer, unless we had bodyguards with us. I hated that.",not sexist I say they let dad or uncle or whatever man in her life have 20 minutes in a room with this shithead.,not sexist Amy is one of the nicest people on here. So funny how they try and attack sweet people when everyone can see they're the slimiest trolls ever. Love how she stands up to them!(:b,not sexist No one thought of the statues until the leftist and MSM thought of a new tactic to try and destroy President Trump.,not sexist Fun fact: Getting girls drink is not the only way to get laid. Nor is it the best.,not sexist Okay. So? They do research and back their shit up. WTF do you do?,not sexist Ladies prefer gentleman;),not sexist "I actually need some advice if you've got time, trying to she'd the last of my gut",not sexist "We need one big #WomenOfGab photo thread, ladies post you hot photos here #FreedomFriday #Gab #Introduce yourself [URL]",not sexist "ITALY - RAPE JIHAD days after horrific gang-rape attack on Polish tourists, stark naked Moroccan assaults woman on beach. [URL]",not sexist What if a woman dates an incel? Is she still an awful person because she's not dating other incels? Is there ever an end?!,not sexist Justin Trudea is warming up his cuckstool for when his woman offers herself to God Emperor #Trump in proper deference.,not sexist "Hi! Thanks for the help, can i ask something? Why do you think this girl change so much after the failed kiss?? As i said, she show all the signs of interest that you may think and now not even a bit",not sexist "Don't know what it is but let me tell you my experience. Once I hit 40 I started getting so much unsolicited attention from women. Some would say hello to me first, and I'd regularly get an enthusiastic hello back from many women.",not sexist Of course she did. They never just take a loss,not sexist Pretty sure I just got cancer reading that piece of horseshit article.,not sexist ". Outrageous! . [URL] Hero who died to save lady from Islamist, won't have homage as 'it may offend Muslims' . [URL] . [URL] . [URL] .",not sexist "Surprisingly, a white guy in Iowa who killed a female Hispanic college student has not become a popular counter-narritive to the recent and preventable murder of Mollie Tibbets by an illegal alien.",not sexist "you should make your intentions clear. Not just with 'hints', put yourself out there. There's more risk but the rewards are better. In fact, fuck talking about it, kiss her as soon as you can. That'll make it clear.",not sexist "What lol, women get each other away from thirsty guys at the bar all the time. It's just how we protect each other because it's a girls night out and we are not trying to talk to any dudes. How is this race related lol",not sexist "I feel you. Bad enough being 5'6 with a shit frame I can't imagine 3+ fewer inches. Just gotta go for much shorter, crazier girls.",not sexist Good for her. No one will know who she is anyway.,not sexist Parents sue to clear name of their teen son who was falsely accused by 5 'mean girls' at his former high school of sexual assault. [URL],not sexist Mueller wants her to discredit someone. Her girls probably did a Russian who knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a Trump guy. Ridiculous! And who cares. Shut Mueller down as a saving to taxpayers.,not sexist Sorry he was an Essene Hebrew. People of the kingdom of judah call themselves Jewish and the people in that kingdom were not Hebrew. The word jew didnt even become a thing until Jews went to Europe.,not sexist If Trump was a Nazi he wouldn't have jews fucking everything up like Kushner. Also dinesh can go back to paki land,not sexist Israel: Veteran radio host accused of sexual harassment by 4 women [URL],not sexist "Yeah, nothing wrong with wanting a qt3.14 gf",not sexist doesn't change the fact that it's fucking ugly thou.......i don't expect anything from a professional dancer o_0 i don't care but since you showed them to me i commentated how ugly her legs look to me ^^,not sexist "I'm serious, this isn't a joke. MGTOW, and Feminists and PUAs, and Blackpillers etc... should promote sex dolls to those that either want to let go of women, or can't get women. Again, no joke.",not sexist "You're totally right. Yeah I guess what I was saying was I'm trying to find those who are just getting into it but aren't quite at that ""women are evil"" phase. But most that outwardly identity as incel are already too far gone.",not sexist I am a woman and I don't despise those features.,not sexist I knew this man did it when he opened his dirty mouth! CO is a mess!!!! May this woman and her children be at peace. [URL],not sexist "Just a comment on the male to female friend ration. Did you mean she should have 5-10 more female friends to male friends? Or 5:10 male to female friends, which is essentially just 2 friends for every guy friend",not sexist "I grew up in a tradcon family with an older sister who wanted to be something more than a servant to men. I sympathize. That's why I'm a male feminist. You can suck a dick if you don't like it, cuck.",not sexist And pompous blowhards that don't see the irony that they fit right in.,not sexist Should have just shot them in the back of the head with pork infused bullets. That would teach the rest of em. Muslim or not.,not sexist "She made an endorsement? Where did she find a transgender POC who identifies as a female, communist and a practicing Moslem at the same time?",not sexist "Ever noticed the most successful human experiment ""Capitalism"" is under assault from islam and communism? Now floods of invaders like the EU has been. 👎🏿",not sexist Beware ..Kavanugh is in to satisfy the Right thirsts and deflect attention from the next jew post when the old lady dies...beware,not sexist "#HillaryClinton is unhinged. ""Hope Trump has not ordered killing of journalists"". How is this crazy woman taken seriously? #mediacrats",not sexist [USER] That's the funniest shit I've ever read. AND TOTALLY FUCKING TRUE!,not sexist "Steely Dan fan as well Kevin. Shit, you were already in the circle of trust. You just earned a Fez!!!",not sexist Malta is run by the Mafia. They proved her right. [URL],not sexist "Ohhhh, we have a long standing bird bro in mgtow community I'm sure he can have a few words (chirps?) about that. Sorry I didn't find his username right to call him.",not sexist "Lol. For someone who's a data scientist, she's pretty dumb about this.",not sexist Right. It would be more apt to argue why one believes conservative policy will harm America rather than suggesting conservatives seek that outcome,not sexist "Stupid video. That octopus is not ""eat-it-alive"" size. She's either a complete idiot, it's staged or both.",not sexist "I'm certain of that Fuck you too man lol, kids actually love me >Why perpetuate the misery. Life isn't inherently miserable",not sexist What does it matter? Just meet up and see what she wants. Worst case you spend an afternoon with a lovely person. Best case you smash.,not sexist "No I'm not watching the game I don't have cable and you are right sports parties exsist so people have a reason for ""talking"" without talking issues. I was watching the Kylie Jenner video to her kid",not sexist Twitter liberals are flipping out about her being called out . But No one has any issue with her doing the attacking of a man trying to protect his heritage.,not sexist "It's wild he thinks a woman's life is a constant fuckparty. Like, hell, I wish I could spend all day with my man but I have to work to earn a living like every other fucking adult regardless of gender.",not sexist aphrodisiacweed.com Aphrodisiac Weed that helps women orgasm better. Weed strain of horny cannabis sex weed that heightens your pleasure,not sexist Whatta Guy! Mudshark wife,not sexist "Oh, for the love of Magical Sky Man, please tell me the % of German women that believe a wristband will protect them from rape is non-existant. I really, REALLY want to believe it's zero, but...",not sexist Can you mute yourself you muslim slob?,not sexist Consider it from the point of view of the mother. She has already borne one son. Subsequent sons compete with the earlier. She's breeding unnecessary competition among her sons; her genes are already in the first one.,not sexist "In an email sent to colleagues, NBC News anchor Megyn Kelly issued an apology for her comments earlier in the day questioning why it is considered racist for white people to wear blackface on Halloween. [URL]",not sexist porn can literally ruin my entire day. I avoid even looking at hot girls like the plague since I have been raped by the gebetic lottery,not sexist "I don't know why but this story is affecting me more than the rest- it's getting to me. Maybe because I have a daughter, or maybe it's the scumbag look in this animal's eye. These jigaboos should be hanging from the highest tree. [URL]",not sexist and what fucking weights are you deadass retarded? since when were weights related to fucking mewing you moron?,not sexist "Lol, I could just ask my gran, since she's German (funny actually, since both pairs of my grandparents met as a result of war...). I'd be like ""hey, is it true this girl wants to date a black guy and be a single mum"" haha",not sexist "That kinda sounds like mommy issues. You should not rely on other people, it leads to disappointment. Learn to self love yourself everyday. A women should be a compliment to your life. Not a liability",not sexist Cobra cat kicks ass!😄. MEOW,not sexist "She walks on older legs than Hillary! Too old to be working She's ready to be put out to pasture. I don't care if they're designing a chair to prop her up, her head will still bob",not sexist trump's immigration policy is :eek: to some canadians - may revisit thanks again,not sexist "I call bullshit. All that Harry Potter ranking in the women's list and **NONE** of the damn Twilight series, nor the the 50 Shades movies???? Nope.",not sexist "they just wanted her to confess before she could find out if there was an actual complaint, a crime, inflicted on a real person. leftist censorship...Liberal Fascism, that's their history. Orwell warned us about them: [URL]",not sexist """israel"" is a nation for, by, of psychopaths made or facilitated by two tribes of satanists, namely the Windsor and the Rothschild. The ""promised land"" was lost during the time of Jesus.",not sexist "The funny thing is, whilst she's prattling on about equality, you can bet that Crasio-Cortez feels superior to everyone else. This is the ironic condition of most of these progressives, they have libtard supremacism syndrome.",not sexist "Too bad, there aren't many of them. Our enemies are a handful of delusional crazies who are given a bigger platform than there are actually numbers of them. They are useful idiots.",not sexist wtf is a semi virgin?,not sexist "Every feminist should be behind this 100%. ""Gender is just a social construct."" ""I am woman hear me roar."" #News [URL]",not sexist I loved when she sang coming to America upon Apollo Creeds entrance in Rocky 4,not sexist "I know everyone thinks it's a hoot that the spics, dindus, yids, gooks, and pajeets in LA are getting toasty. Not everyone there is a minority though. Spare a thought for the White person.",not sexist "after 26 minutes of exhausting sex with [USER] , we finally both came. I guess she couldn't think of anyone either.",not sexist "Or you could just laugh if the joke is good. Or ignore if it's bad. Anyway disagreeing with the deprecating joke and telling her how great she's, seems super simpish to me.",not sexist She's saying she wouldn't fuck anyone dude..,not sexist "Stare her in the eyes. Hold. Hold. Hold. She'll break and say something. Don't be afraid of lulls in conversation, own it. Don't be so attached to the notion that you have to be constantly working for her. Make her work for you.",not sexist Yeah i kinda got love bombed and then she backed out smhhh,not sexist I agree with the others you're doing it right. Maybe just hit her up when you're horny she kinda sounds like she wouldn't turn it down.,not sexist How will women know you've killed someone if you get away with it?,not sexist Here's [USER] on the Women's Baseball World Cup and the women who pushed to keep playing the sport. [URL],not sexist "Always love a girl that's a Zeppelin fan, shows impeccable taste! [USER]",not sexist All this shows is the republicans still don't have any balls to say the truth. The republican voters are behind trump. Her story doesn't add up. Stop treating her like a victim. There isn't evidence that she is.,not sexist "so OP, you're a woman. why don't you let everyone know what's at the bottom of your question: what YOU think is different about being woman than being a man?",not sexist Chad doesn't eat out any woman but always gets oral sex. He only receives. Never gives.,not sexist more love from the 'Religion of Peace'... Wives of Muslim men jailed for rape reveal why they blame the victims [URL] via [USER],not sexist "It's not all or nothing at all. The girl obviously likes the guy. A push is what draws the girl in. Before the girl likes you, you need to chase. Once the girl likes you, you distance yourself to create tension and make it challenging.",not sexist "My 7 is lower than yours because I include 10s in my scale, a girl that's a 7 to me is slightly attractive, but yeah I'm leaning towards 7 for the average guy it seems right",not sexist "It's just the old ""well if you can pretend being a woman then you can pretend being anything!""-based joke. It's not really personal against trans people in their case, just trying to out normies as being hypocritical or something.",not sexist The fuck? It's a four year-old who wanted a fist bump. And the asshole already is manipulating her and making himself her sun. Galileo and Copernicus would be pissed. What does he do to adult women? Fuck.,not sexist Most men thinks most women are 8s,not sexist Good point. 2016 Trump put the lying bastards on notice. [URL],not sexist [USER] Do you know Christopher Cantwell? Your sister is not too far off the mark. Libertarians also outnumber Nazis 8 to 1 in Holocaust denial (source: Joel Hayward's masters thesis) so you should perhaps review some of your concepts. #AltRight,not sexist "Sounds like you're a douche and possible liar now. ""I don't spend money on women"" get over yourself😂",not sexist you would not find SJW bullshit in any place where stakes are high.,not sexist THE NO1 WORLD WHISTBLE BLOWER ON PEADOPHILIA THE GLOBAL INDUSTRY ALL OF IT CHILD TRAFFICKING MKULTRA SATANIC MOST INCREDIBLE SOUL LOVE TO HER AND HER FAMILY FOREVER [URL],not sexist "Male aggression is always justified. It's how men prove they're men. Punching other men, punching holes in walls, hitting women, beating kids, maybe abusing animals. It's what real men do. ^^/s",not sexist "Lezbos, eh?",not sexist Body cam footage shows #Wichita #Police Officer #DexterBetts shoot two rounds at a 35 pound #dog only to miss and hit a 9-year-old girl in the face with shrapnel. [URL],not sexist Government signs 6-week spending bill which means no help for the beaners. March 8 their DACA scam goes poof! Mark your calendars! March 8 is gonna be awesome! YOU MUST GO BACK BEANER!,not sexist [URL] its a good movie they even try to blow up the dome of the rock best training I would say sandhurst and mossad and jesuit and the kingsmen as a spy you have to kill a baby a woman and a child watching the death of Palestinians is a great moment,not sexist "How do you know she banged them? Mac Miller was a nobody, how do you know they don't threaten her? She just has to appear in photos. Honestly, the Jews are bad liars cuz no way would she date that ugly Jew lmao.",not sexist but i thought only us feeeemales were entitled?,not sexist All she wanted to do was let him use her body as a sex toy. Boys are so strong they can't even be traumatized when sexualized by adult women!,not sexist They're basically just female incels tbh...,not sexist shes looking for a buddy? brooo throw some sexual innuendo in there,not sexist #MadMaxineWaters #ReadTheMemo #ReleaseTheMemo #ObamaGate #CrazyMaxine #CrookedMaxine #MadMaxine #TheMemo #WhereMYMILLIONSfromMaxine,not sexist "So she's getting a tax payer paid vacation! Boy, that'll sure show her!",not sexist "Ruth 3:10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether poor or rich.",not sexist "The wife is reading a poetry book. ""Look at this, Bob, some dickhead called Wordsworth has published those poems you wrote for me years ago""",not sexist "The irony here is shes a single mother. Obvioisly shes only doing this for the internet clout but she is spreading the word for men so I dont care. shes a walking red flag, no shock here",not sexist Your sister doesn't want a male instructor and neither do your parents. Your stats mean fucking nothing. Just support your family dude,not sexist Shitty abusive single mother told me i was an accident and parents got a divorce after i was born. Not a looksmatch as dad was a betabux,not sexist "It does not matter that you did not get her number. In fact, one might argue that it was for the better that you didn't. Because you know you will be seeing her again at the gym. You can get the number next time, or the time after, no hurries.",not sexist [USER] SHITHOLE ENGLAND : Black man jailed for 17 years for killing English woman with acid . [URL],not sexist If she wants to play that game (hate that one) just play it back,not sexist "WRONG!!! What you proclaim is Jew..IS NAZI!!!!! Here's the truth There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.",not sexist """Why do incels behave like vicious, stupid, cruel animals who take delight in the suffering of women and pubescent girls?"" And so forth. This looks like serious projection here.",not sexist """I can't get an adult woman to fall for my shit so maybe I can find a way to take advantage of someone younger and than me and pass it off as science somehow 🤔""",not sexist I'm actually shocked they acknowledged Naomi as the stunner she is considering they hate black women so much. Does this count as incel progression?🤔,not sexist She is a master of putting guys into the friend zone. Just cancel it and save yourself some heartache.,not sexist You're high on dope lady. I was 11 the first time I got laid and I've only been in prison 6 times.,not sexist "if you have sex with her again, FWB.",not sexist Did all the Anglo-Saxon men in the mother country die out? Why will they not defend their country?,not sexist "Again, random people arent proving a point. Were talking about the person in this article a d societies general forgiveness to female perpetrators. I'm not sure why you're making excuses for a rapist here. Why are you a rape sympathizer?",not sexist Wow. Are jewish men really so lacking in balls that she'll EVER be marriage material?,not sexist Broke up with cheating girlfriend. I think this will help my game a lot,not sexist If female toys where as bad where are the 1000s of women getting sexual dysfunction from it like there are men? Where is the female equivalent of death grip? Or ED?,not sexist "I know he loves his daughter, and that's his son-in-law, but he needs to get control of that situation ASAP. He has a major blind spot when it comes to those two. Where is the hard-nosed business man???",not sexist Oh so now you can't have poofy hair? That's appropriation? Well how about when the black ladies straighten their hair. Do WE complain? WTF.,not sexist "Well on top you are standing with a child mass serial murderer ""god"" who finds some schmuck to start his church, tells him to chop off the tip of his penis..I dunno..the staircase is in the basement anyway.",not sexist "Btw, those kitties are adorable😹😹😹",not sexist "the focus would be protecting the women from rape just as it is right now, making prisons unisex won't stop white knighting or the idea of women being protected.",not sexist "You want to hurt others to get back at your mom ? I'm sorry that you didn't get a good mom, but that's crazy",not sexist "Nice, but [USER] is my girl of the year ;)",not sexist "Literally said the dishwasher thing was a joke... but the thing is the majority of people saying men can't be raped or standing behind female rapists are men. A lot of women, including feminists have similar goals...",not sexist "Yeah, I mean tons of stupid women do.",not sexist """We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Chads children""?",not sexist "Please do it, for your safety and especially hers, you and her have the right to strike down on that creep!",not sexist [USER] very legitimately has mental disease. This is supposed to be a woman mind u.,not sexist [URL] I don't care what Webster Hubbell's daughter thinks about her mom being SCHLONGED by Donald Trump...,not sexist THANK YOU!!!!!!!,not sexist what ? -- fox women created the image the public has [URL],not sexist "Instead of ignoring these mentally-ill persons, we should take them seriously. And burn them as witches. [URL]",not sexist I'm ashamed': #Trump voter admits she got it wrong after ICE deports her daughter-in-law - hotpagenews.com/r/233065,not sexist They had a hit with David Tenant as the Doctor and slowly but surely started taking the shows new found success for granted.,not sexist Cat lady got a negative connotation so it blew their cover..,not sexist Maybe that's why she said used to.,not sexist "You don't ""begin"" as a female - you ARE a female. Calling a fish a horse doesn't make it neigh. [USER]",not sexist Sounds like a paid shrell who will do anything and say anything for a buck. #DemocRATS will do anything to destroy good people. #WalkAway #VoteRED,not sexist You're back again harassing her.. you have some fucking screws loose.,not sexist If you wanna bang her cooter then next time respond with yeah let's meet at X.,not sexist "Honor Killing: Muslim father and brother murder, mutilate girl for marrying non-Muslim boy [URL]",not sexist #GabFam US Navy destroyer comes under missile attack off Yemen coast Pentagon [URL],not sexist "Because she said #roshan'sbae, that probably means shes in a relatiobship, jfl she can get laid but we cant",not sexist People can be great to acquaintances and friends but shit partners.,not sexist "You're conflating two things: * being aroused by something * actually wanting to do that thing If women get aroused watching bonobos , it doesn't mean they wanna fuck them",not sexist Rand is the one on the Right I admire the most. He sits outside the duopoly and speaks truth as he sees it. I'm not surprised by this attack,not sexist Bet you she wouldn't talk half the shit in front of those guys in real life. The guys woulda fucked her up.,not sexist "god, look at that face. yes rollo is slightly beta, theres a softness around his eyes, there is also a softness around ragnars eues, in the same way Jax had a softness. this is to appeal to women",not sexist Sinking navy ships? Can we hire women to defend our shores? Do you fire them at enemy ships like torpedos or do they have to infiltrate ships by stealth and then nag our enemies to death?,not sexist Where the fuck is Alex Jones?!,not sexist "Besides, Chad can hit 4 chords and women will think he's a virtuoso, KEK",not sexist because you hate us,not sexist "Any man who takes her deserves her and deserves having no children in the gene pool, because he is an evolutionary dead-end.",not sexist and they should fly coach.....with all the other minions of the world.... no security....let her HUG IT OUT and LOVE ON EACH OTHER....,not sexist "Your niggas are going to kill you and rape ypur wife because they are just niggers you happen to get along with, nigga.",not sexist Blue hat targets and ammo supply units to raid. Good source of blood products too!,not sexist "#x-files takes a knee, the mother fuckers ruined the show. fuck them. was a huge fan. tragic, what is this world coming to.",not sexist [USER] oh shit thats right.. you're a texas gal! ayyyeeeeee... Houston here. are you near Ox ranch?,not sexist "[USER] ""Peace and safety,"" destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.",not sexist We're so lucky to have human pincushions like Madonna to admonish us all for sexually objectifying women.,not sexist "They do so much to promote miscegenation. It is honestly incredible. Try google image searching ""pregnant white woman""",not sexist You knew I was a snake when you let me in. Germany: Priest is murdered by immigrant whom he welcomed into his presbytery [URL],not sexist cope she cheated on you because you are subhuman,not sexist "[USER] - In May 2018-- ""killer is asking the Ohio Parole Board for mercy, saying he experienced a 'homosexual PANIC' of self-REVULSION before killing a [faggot] he picked up at a bar more than 30 years ago."" [URL]",not sexist Hahaha that story totally cracked me up. Fuck that chick. She's a social media drug addict then. When the going gets tough she aint gonna have shit IRL,not sexist WMAF have infested everywhere. I'm predicting more Buckners in the future. How many would you say you see per day though?,not sexist "Yeah, a drag queen!",not sexist you're finger banging a girl in public and you got butthurt at the idea of buying her a fucking drink? god damn weirdo,not sexist "He deleted the comments on the original video now: [[URL] don't let this die, a woman killed her kid and 0 trouble",not sexist You're the one who's sounding like an incel here man. Dirtysaccs sounds like a pretty normal person,not sexist Said the actress to the ~~bishop~~ incel.,not sexist they poop on your face every class,not sexist "I grew up in the 80's and 90's with amazing things like this, that taught me that the right thing to do was to beat liberals in the street, for street justice warriors the real #SJW. :P [URL]",not sexist that shit comes at you at 40 from 2 oclock like a deer--some little 30 yo wants to know what an old guy is like she said she was attracted to me because I had all my teeth.......5150 too bad,not sexist "She also missed the point how she was paid on top of all the money spent on the trips, hotels, and food.",not sexist Same reason why people say m'lady and wear fedoras. They think it adds *class and intelligence™️*. Only moronic pleb betas click submit without using a thesaurus to reword everything.,not sexist "Well thanks. Though in all honesty it was her face that first fascinated me - no end - brilliant, radiant, joyful, smile just lit it up.",not sexist She's an ignorant whale.,not sexist "Damn, that reminds me, I still have some Korans to burn",not sexist [USER] I just want to know who let her around booze after her antics on election night,not sexist the female rapists are so scummy they will have one kid be a lookout while they rape a kid IN THE FUCKING CLASSROOM DURING SCHOOL HOURS,not sexist Why does this woman keep misspelling AWESOME. I didn't caps lock that shit cuz I was shouting.,not sexist I love that that guy yells at him not to hit her like but than also refers to her as a bitch.,not sexist My friend is a 400 lb Samoan guy who turns down girls all the time. Its all in how you carry it and how you accept it.,not sexist This comments just reeks incel.,not sexist "[URL] I feel a little bit sorry for the female reporter getting trolled here, but not too much.",not sexist More leaves in my yard. This is my witch hazel.,not sexist There will be no worshiping of women.,not sexist "Not but you wont have a harem like Chads do or get women's best efforts. Yes, attractive is objective, look at tinder.",not sexist "All acquitted for the gang rape of a swedish woman in Fittja, Stockholm, last summer. 10-20 immigrant men said to rape her in a stairwell. The police botched the investigation and the woman was a drug addict. [URL]",not sexist [USER] He needs to return it to the working men and women of NYC to offset what he did to them as mayor .,not sexist I'm starting to like Miley for her tanasity. It's a shame she can't see the people she is trying to help are using her and talk worse shit behind her back than any of us combined.,not sexist Ass pointed at the door in case anyone comes to investigate her noises.,not sexist "Im sorry man, you will die from blackpill od",not sexist "PARIS CINEMA TERROR BLOODBATH: Muslim migrant who 'stabbed in head and chest' tourists, ""slashed passers-by"" had POSED AS A CHILD MIGRANT before stabbing 7 [URL]",not sexist "Another day, another #YourNewsWire clickbait article being shared. God, I love watching the utter stupidification of America. And I hate to say it, but we really do deserve it. We're doing it to ourselves.",not sexist How come I've never had a female friend except me to pay for their shit? I'm wondering if any of you guys have even met a woman.,not sexist who let that one blonde on there,not sexist "I hate to gatekeep but ... Being redpilled doesn't make one a MGTOW. And yes, they're called chameleons, stay away from the pandering and funnel saleswomen.",not sexist Haha loool. I was wondering how she even identified as a Femcel. She's clearly just a retired Stacy trying to work through younger males before she's completely obsolete.,not sexist your butt-hole,not sexist """come on son, girls love games!""",not sexist "Both my 6'4 ugly ass feminine brothers have wives, AND kids. One of those mofos even has two kids. Have y'all ever started to think that maybe your shit attitude towards women *just might* be showing when you pretend to be nice?",not sexist [USER] The only female Clinton needs to blame for her loss is herself. She is truly an awful human being and should never even have been considered for the White House. Their myopia is their loss.,not sexist "I like to write these the same day I finish them, but unfortunately that meant writing late at night at the end of a week where I went from zero to 15,000 words written, edited and shipped.",not sexist It depends the good thing about fucking her at her place is that you can leave after. Most girls I kick out politely. A few I let sleep over.,not sexist Williams' coach actually admitted that he was coaching her even though she denies it. [URL],not sexist I've thrown a few bucks at Mia Love - I like backing conservative black candidates (to the extent I can). I hope she wipes the floor with Tweedle-dum.,not sexist "If she's fucking you, she likes you.",not sexist "exactly! the right body type with being moderately overweight is sexy af. however, i only met two or three women like that besides my gf, so its pretty rare.",not sexist "no, not ""truth"" in abstract. he said, she said - leads nowhere. videos of BG raping & killing children, that would do the trick. #Q & #POTUS have it all...",not sexist "Ann Coulter ENDORSES the DailyStormer, she's their biggest fan!",not sexist "Nazi, alt-right, same shit. You're all low IQ white trash. We should put you degenerates in the ovens and throw your wives to Negroes to get impregnated.",not sexist "Yes, she was a good teacher. I would challenge her and the students when they said something I didn't agree with. I think she respected me for doing it. We actually became friends after the semester ended.",not sexist "1) why would you think that? 2) the factor is - they have a lot of kids and 3) no, Bill Gates, isn't working on tech to sterilize women - he mostly just handed out hundreds of millions of free condoms to Africans, who immediately threw them away",not sexist Whites are the minority in ads. Looking at my calvins women undies. First look it seems a white women. But look close it is a Hispanic with blonde hair. Close examination of the women. One mixed black 3 Hispanics No white women in ad,not sexist OBASTARD GET YOUR FUCKING FEET OF RESOLUTE DESK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!,not sexist "[USER] Zuckerberg is such a freaking moron. I was just watching him on TV. His new mission is to bring the whole world together. Hey, maybe he's the Antichrist. Speaking all the smooth words and leading people to follow the devil.",not sexist "Specifically, this asshole (Clint Watts) is fawning all over Marty Moss-Cowain and giving her every little answer her corroded heart desires. #NPR #FakeNews [URL]",not sexist that is a Wookie,not sexist Not Just Muslims but those governed by Islam the seditious govt that tells them to murder us.,not sexist [USER] There is nothing loving about Islam and the havoc they have wrought. They're raping women all over Europe & Sweden...and they need to be eliminated. #maga #banislam,not sexist dating girl that had someone else cum in mouth?,not sexist """Thot"" is some sort of synonym for ""whore?""",not sexist I got a date tonight she just wants to go for a drive 😁,not sexist THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Men can offer emotionally fulfilling friendship and companionship to other men without it being romantic. It's the same thing with women. People can offer each other strong platonic relationships regardless of sex.,not sexist Nigel FarageVerified account [USER] May 25 We've allowed mass sexual abuse of underage English girls. Muslims to be radicalised in Syria and come back to Britain. Enough is enough. AMEN AMEN AMEN; BUT W.EUROPE IS ALREADY DEAD...IT IS TOO LATE.,not sexist So true. And he would have no shortage of bad women either. He had it all really.,not sexist "I have done exactly this, I think girls can tell all I need is a hug, it's written all over their face and their demeanour. Do they not understand that guys have to learn how to hug before they learn how to fuck?",not sexist "[USER], We'll see how good this is. I hear she's going over to CNN and I'm sure she doesn't want to upset her new bosses. Fingers crossed she makes the a**hole sweat.",not sexist Well she is a self avowed misandrist. The problem is no one else behaves much better.,not sexist "Might be shite grey and miserable but I still love her, wouldn't live anywhere else ALBA GU BRAGH",not sexist "This. Also with the girls who have the potential to squirt, you can feel it out with your fingers",not sexist "RT [USER]: .: ""I did not hide Dr. Ford's allegations. I did not leak her story. She asked me to hold it confidential and I kept it confidential as she asked."" [URL]",not sexist UK: Police told victim of Muslim rape gang not to mention the ethnicity of her rapists [URL],not sexist retarded normie,not sexist Wow. How could that many Hapa guys be all gay? Not even one of them ever had a girlfriend before? I never realized there were that many gay Hapas.,not sexist "Wow, that's great to hear, for me who also finds love in video games and tech. Consoles, and don't forget proper custom built desktops are just awesome for someone who does not have a nagging wife and two children. Keep on playing!",not sexist "Why do women prefer men who DON'T give the impression that she'd end up raped, murdered and dumped in a ditch if she went anywhere alone with him? It's a real stumper!",not sexist "Your head is so far up her framus it's unreal, nigga",not sexist "Well I hope things are much better now. Love, your Husband",not sexist Please let the japanese slaughter 301 whales instead of 300. The last one being dark meat with a huge mouth. [URL],not sexist "I have noted before that, to me, all Slavic women, including Melania, have that 'don't mess with me' look.",not sexist But she will be queen of the cats! All 32 of them that see rules from a throne of cat piss.,not sexist "I mean, being a brown female immigrant is definitely no walk in the park, but... I don't see how that justifies Karen jokes?",not sexist "I was reading that exchange ... and thinking the exact same thing! This ""sigrid"" woman is one of the most nasty and demeaning women on Gab. No man of self esteem would subject himself to her. Thank you for nailing her!",not sexist "Unwashed, drugged up Antifa trollope...I'm sure her parents are proud of her achievements or maybe she is a second generation scumbag.",not sexist #WWE #Smackdown That slap from Meryse to Renee Young felt damned painful. Give her credit. I hate Meryse. She's doing her job well. [URL] #GabFam,not sexist "You need to practice being ""less filtered"" when flirting with women. You want to seem unfiltered but not say those stupid comments. Practice. P.S. With experience you could make those ridiculous lines work.",not sexist "And a possible rapist since he claims to be ""falsely accused"" by another woman. I get the distinct feeling she's probably telling the truth. He seems like the type who has it in him to rape a woman.",not sexist Good choice. People who dehumanize others are the scum of the earth,not sexist Be like Han Solo but don't bang my daughter.,not sexist "[URL] Another bullshit of ""Fuck Nationalities, we're all one human race."" #StopGlobalism.",not sexist I have more respect for her shut the fuck up you simp cuck and go enjoy her bathwater.,not sexist "Most women are not at all like this. Most women don't even identify as feminist, let alone extreme feminist. Maybe take a break from the internet? Do some fun stuff, like music or games.",not sexist "Girl roasts men for their physical, girl gets roasted for her physical. You're delusional",not sexist Yes. I also talk up the guys. I also love my grocery store.,not sexist "I don't see him as #1. He loves getting them worked into a distracted frenzy - he has proven to do his best work while they're freaking out over something he may have said, or his wife's stilettos.",not sexist Just don't respond immediately every time. She should know that you're busy and you can't be expected to drop everything you're doing to respond to her pointless chit chat texts.,not sexist The jews hate Russia....having tried to destroy her many times....They own every fucking member of the Senate....and the president...one must expect such vicious baseless rhetoric.,not sexist "[URL] SWEDEN: 'Asylum seekers' rob and assault woman. 97, in her own home!",not sexist "Good for her, a strong woman not afraid of peer pressure, I commend her parents!",not sexist Downvoting because you don't see the hypocrisy. You know mature couple communicate their problems and she's asking for space. Give her the space and let her realize what she's losing.,not sexist Can you explain further on beta males? How do you identify them and what makes them undesirable amongst women?,not sexist "They use their pussy power to trick their way through medical school, obviously. We women are scientifically proven to have tiny little brains, you know.",not sexist OH YEAH...SHE WAS IN A 007 wasn't she,not sexist "Agree and Amplify Or just say, ""thats not what your mom said last night""",not sexist How can she fight crime when she has to be constantly escorted by a male relative?,not sexist "A book ""Just Fuck Me"" was released to cater into this...",not sexist "So blaming all your problems on women and constantly whining about women privileges do not count as a toxic aspect of your mentality? Hot damn, I don't want to know about the non-toxic parts then.",not sexist """Jones should be allowed to post on Youtube no matter how fucking disgusting he is or how much everyone on the planet hates him."" David Aaronovitch ""Hey, everyone, Its the Chinese."" Alex Jones",not sexist I am a woman with an abusive father you moron.,not sexist Most girls still prefer masculine looks to the gay femboy type,not sexist You won't find one tweet from Midler about America being overran by sexist 7th century nomads from shythole country. These savages view women as property.,not sexist "Meghan Markle should cut her entire family out of her life from now on, how embarrassing for her must it be that her whole clan is trailer trash... I feel sorry for her",not sexist Whenever I want to get a girls number at work I always offer to exchange numbers if they ever want me to cover for them. Then it always turns into a conversation on what they'll be busy doing instead and so on.,not sexist Because in a Socialist country she wouldn't be able to ask such a question and most likely she wouldn't need to be in school since her life would already be planned out for her,not sexist "Where in the Western world are women forbidden from having an abortion, apart from Ireland?",not sexist "How did the paid to act deranged people who show up at Movie houses, Diners ect know they are going to be there ? Must be someone from the inside. Like the woman with baby calling out our ex EPA Sec, Pruitt that was so set up",not sexist why does not Fauxcohontas take a simple DNA test and settle this controversy?,not sexist And what are the female qualities I should practice to achieve this.,not sexist "I'm sorry, do onlyfans girls walk up to men on the street and try to convince them to make an onlyfans account even when it's clear at first that they are hesitant? Idk about you but onlyfans doesn't just jump out at me like that.",not sexist "Which is why you tell her that you agree with her decision to have an abortion, and offer to pay for it in person or over the phone. That way she has no evidence that you said that.",not sexist I am confused by your comment. What do you mean? I am confident about my appearance and I don't feel that I have any problems with girls. Why do you believe that a majority of WMAF couples are because of racism?,not sexist "I don't see how somebody could think that from me using the term ""female"" to refer to a female.",not sexist The donkey should be riding her. She's bigger than Shrek.,not sexist Is that Ronald's wife?,not sexist To be fair if anyone is alpha it's that fucker.,not sexist "He prolly stalked her for a long time and she felt she had to gave in. Then she's paid him off [CUR]380k. She keeps her teaching license, get's lil probation",not sexist HLD did? That's super amusing since they are doing a crossover with Kingdom Death. If Anita ever saw it she would go apoplectic.,not sexist "Graffiti girls - I think they're girls - maybe - really, there's no definite telling.",not sexist "I can tell that you only do that online and with friends, and wouldn't do that in front of the kids. Which is the difference between men and women",not sexist This dumbass again. Does he think we don't want women/non-white people in gamedev or in our games?,not sexist Like a beautiful bell 😂 the ridiculous stupid hyperbole of an ott incel,not sexist "'March For Our Lives' Launch New Nonprofit With Shadowy Dark Money It's NEVER about the kids, women's rights or any of that other shit these leftist ""resistance"" (terrorist) groups push for. It's always about control #News [URL]",not sexist "King Cuckhold. 'She doesn't hate my weewee, she just likes every other man's dick.'",not sexist Dear ladies . Tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes,not sexist "Meteor hits Pluto, women most affected.",not sexist "Saturday morn, eating cereal, in muh underwear, tv with only 9 channels, bros an sis gathered around,, [URL]",not sexist I'm supposed to go to his school tonight for some dad's shit. After I learned that his mom and I decided that it would be best if sit it out lest somehow the little faggot actually has a father that I could choke to near death,not sexist how? i mean they are loyal to their race. about half of noodles only date white men.,not sexist I do masturbate ALOT too. I'll tone it down until I see her again in case she gives me a second chance.,not sexist exactly..I don't. How do I ask her to have lunch with me? I mean I can ping her...but ask her for lunch randomly? or should I make up a stupid reason to ping her and then ask for lunch?,not sexist oh never seen that before what ever will I do? oh I know compare you to a muslim and ask you again if Muhammad was a pedophile for fucking his 9 year old wife.,not sexist I'm shocked anyone but the my pillow guy is advertising with Tucker after the indignant shitstorm surrounding that woman for bantzing the Hogger.,not sexist The Markel effect. Next 007 could be black woman... [URL],not sexist "This is why this sub is so important. If there is even a fraction of a chance that we can stop an attack like this or Elliot Rodgers's again, I say we keep fighting the good fight.",not sexist If you're still on twitter please hop over and report this account for everything possible. This is putting this women in danger. #fuckantifa [URL],not sexist IM OKAY WITH THAT!!!! (my wife probably wouldn't go for it either),not sexist I've taken this to mean don't disqualify yourself by worrying about whether or not she approves of you. Flip the interaction and see if she's someone you find attractive; you qualify her.,not sexist "Same! I was going to say I'm all for a redhead girl on the team, they're the best for sure",not sexist RT tammywalt61 Your worried about kids nice What about the 3 million babies murdered by abortion. Until that issue is resolved permanently I think you need to stop with the gun control rhetoric. This kid was mentally ill. #MKUltra [URL],not sexist Fucking normies and their instruments Just play an instrument confirmed?,not sexist Realizing slowly maybe I'm just not really interesting for most if anyone. The past rejection with her where I felt a connection really hurt.. :(,not sexist The anti-white Molly was murdered by one of her pet illegals. The (((commies))) running the media and schools are the real problem.,not sexist "you're not asking her anything. hardly any girl will reject you on that line if she doesn't hate you. however, it's like telling a girl that you like her, while she's not convinced that she likes you back. You reject yourself.",not sexist "Not just barren women, e.g. Macron also has no children. OTOH you can legitimately doubt that he is a man. ;-P",not sexist "Lol for some reason I think she has a food fetish; lasagna, scrambled eggs, and gravy.",not sexist "Wormwood, used for digestion and stomach ailments also has anti-cancer properties. When paired with Iron it can kill breast cancer cells: [URL] #newstarget #Artemesinin #breastcancer #Iron #wormwood #NaturalNews",not sexist All right dude. Let me just ignore the fact she didn't touch my dick but let another dude shove his cock down her throat and shoot a bunch of jizz in it. Now I should kiss her everyday and say how what a wonderful women she is.,not sexist "Bet she FUCKED the nigger WITH her nasty nigger-loving sister. Incest is best, put your sister to the test with you and your nigger husband. [URL]",not sexist "So fuck you, and the **mare** you rode in on You couldn't resist, could you?",not sexist "Can't even tell you how many times I've been out and seen couples, and the girl just stares at me so intensively...I can already tell where that relationship is going soon lol",not sexist "Yeah, just go back to before your puberty kicked in. You didn't see women as fuckable, just another woman you didn't care about if she wasn't a friend or acquaintance.",not sexist "Hey, that's my shit too. The mother fucker is a demon for releasing supercuts",not sexist That will certainly help those somalis institue sharia in minnesotastan,not sexist "I said everything terrible in Western *Culture*, aka ""The Poz"" (Feminism, Faggotry, Niggerism, Materialism, SJWism, etc) Christian Europe FOUGHT AGAINST Islamic invasions. Post-Christian Europe subsidizes it.",not sexist Indentured servitude: The white slavery you were never taught in school [URL] via [USER] America does have her secret in this area.,not sexist "This so called senator needs a lesson in humility and fairness. Don't these people swear an oath? , must have forgotten that once she got on the gravy train. Looks like a poster child for term limits.",not sexist This was that girl that wore the chinese dress to prom.. she filled it out damn good,not sexist "[USER] the 4th girl was a rape victim smeared by Hillary, not one of Bill's women",not sexist If they get divorced they have to give the presents back.,not sexist I never had a Apple product. I prefer to cut my balls with a dull razor to buy something from them...,not sexist We should all just meet at Sam Hyde's mom's house,not sexist Why are the authorities scared to say Muslim rape gangs (as they clearly are) .,not sexist Damn I knew that picture looked familiar! Wouldn't be too suprised if we find out he's decided to take his grandma's death into his own hands.,not sexist "You answered your own question: get drunk. say shit like ""I dunno how ya'll in the wine country drive around... I'm wasted!"" she'll very likely offer you her couch for the night (and by couch I of course mean vagina.)",not sexist "Texas mom pulls gun on teen girl amid daughter's brawl, video shows. [URL]",not sexist DiScRiMiNaTiOn,not sexist "Sex is simply an act, not some sort of physical ""gift"" that gets ""lost"" by a woman or man. That's your opinion. Other people have the opinion that casual sex is immoral, and both opinions are equally valid",not sexist "Just as my initial comment went over your dense ass head, joyful idiot. You kind of people are the joke that ALWAYS writes itself. Well, after you steal it. Good day, snowflake.",not sexist Because Swedish men are weak punks that hate their beautiful white women.,not sexist Great idea! Bringing young middle class Germans into forced proximity with unassimilated third worlders could be just the kick up the arse that they need to start re-claiming their homeland.,not sexist RIP . Sadly nothing will be done to her. She will face no punishment for her lies. The law will do everything in it's power to portray her as the victim.,not sexist *reads out loud* I am a female*looks at screen suspiciously*,not sexist "Wow, really? That is one ugly woman.",not sexist Is this a consequence of women in the service and a focus on social justice rather than seamanship and military stuff? [URL],not sexist or that time Cersi didn't attend her Trial cause she had a bunch of burning wildfire in the basement...#GameOfThronesStuff,not sexist "I do, my wife wouldn't be very understanding....",not sexist "Good looking lass for his daughter. I'd be surprised if he fathered her, probably the Bantu milkman. Be a shame if a gang of Somalis ran a train on her though. That'd really increase diveraity in his family.",not sexist I'll take a pair Kavanaugh Hightops😳,not sexist rape murder and lifes mean nothing in the arm pits of the so why are we letting them in Theresa may you stupid cow to many fucking goody two shoes if this was my daughter fuck the law,not sexist Love it! Trump can beat her yet again! A THREE time loser! ha ha ha [USER],not sexist "girls think you want to have a relationship with them when they just wanna get to know you...and fuck you may be. But that IS a relationship! It may not be serious, exclusive, or whatever other labels you want to throw on it, but its a relationship.",not sexist "My recently-divorced ex wife died in a house fire last night. She got the kids, I got the smoke alarms.",not sexist "TERFs, man. They're the lady version of incels, IMO, only at least some incels seem who come here seem to be well intentioned and not rapey. Whereas I haven't met a TERF who hasn't made me tempted to self immolate just to escape.",not sexist "More niggers getting a free pass. #NiggerPrivilege 2 men sentenced to probation for gang-rape of 13-year-old girl, triggering backlash - Fox News",not sexist A beautiful pro-life girl's face is used for abortionist propaganda. This needs to stop. #prolife #killabortionnotchildren #abortion #unbornlivesmatter [URL],not sexist [URL] the queen and the gov are not the enemy of the people you delayed brexit you need to be executed enough of this bullshit you need to go away,not sexist Agree! Democrats only want girly men and super aggressive women! (P.C. )political Correctness is suppression of free speech! Needs to be abolished! just do it!,not sexist Right out of her college books I bet.,not sexist Navarro is about as much an attorney as she is a Republican. 😂😆,not sexist "Hey man, if this helps you, more power to you. Just don't put women up on a pedestal and remember they are humans just like you and I. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.",not sexist "so i started chatting with this random girl on snap chat(got it from a friend of mine). the conversation was going at a good pace until she asked me, have we meet before? i dont want to out my buddy lol",not sexist "I most definitely lean more toward the liberal side of the political spectrum. But wow - #CandaceOwens has balls of steel. #respect (I agree with her on some things, disagree with others) - She really exposed #twitter and their hypocrisy.",not sexist "[USER] Oh please, like a classy lady like Mrs. Trump would ever be seem wasting time with the garbage that is Chelsea Handler.",not sexist Yeah gymcels fuck ugly fat women and dont get shit lol,not sexist "Not quite as much since she became a mother, I think she spends more time w/the little one till he/she gets older. I think it's been a yr or two already since she had it tho.",not sexist I have a foam brick that I throw at the TV. We have a local female sports reporter here who makes me want to jam knitting needles in my ears. And the brick got a real workout during the election.,not sexist "Locking her on a balcony after she threw rocks at him and beat him with a telescope, apparently.",not sexist "We need to stop referring to all men as kings and all women as queens, this shit is getting out of hand.",not sexist So the bottom tier of Asian women? The equivalent to obese white women and ghetto black guys?,not sexist "I wouldn't doubt although she musnt be a leader, having the slingshot would require her to run away and hide behind people... I'm sure they are paid by soros but she ain't no leader... She might be another teacher LOL",not sexist You tallfags cant have it both ways [[URL],not sexist I disagree. She has got Herpes and her previous loans to offer.,not sexist "I'm not angry. I've just internalized the truth. Stephan is a traditionalist and a bit of a cuck. When his lovely wife divorces him and takes the children with her, I won't cry because we all tried to warn him.",not sexist British culture all white no Burkas [URL],not sexist "Charlie Kirk says not to give money to universities, they will use it to destroy America! [URL]",not sexist Plenty of women so it's still a minority.,not sexist "Yup. But to be fair, he called their his(?) daughter a prostitute too. That standard for a ""provocation"" is different for both men and women in India, as it is in most other jurisdictions around the world.",not sexist Is there any way to report this shit? It makes me sick to even think about. That poor girl.... Goddamn.,not sexist It was a fake attack.,not sexist "Thousands of stupid Goyim march in Paris to honor holohoax ""survivor"" Jewess burned by gang of thugs like she's special. Nothing but a Jew led money grab to promote anti-hate speech. [URL]",not sexist She's gonna sue her lawyers for malpractice for failing to advise her of the consequences of cashing the check. She'll get a settlement out of that firm and their insurers on top of the [CUR]1B.,not sexist "I found a bunch in SF, Chicago, and NYC if you live in any of those cities I can give you a list",not sexist More women garbage collectors,not sexist "she can call the cops all day long, she's on record harassing me and stalking me as well, and we have people working on getting her info to Secret service for her talking assassination of Trump",not sexist she-pocket Literally dying over here. > Do you just believe everything that's thrust in front of you? Is your site so terrible because your entire budget got tied up by Nigerian princes? Omg it got even better.,not sexist "Even animals won't leave their young ones alone. But then, other day we read about nigger female of species baking her own children alive in oven. Or other one microwaving her own spawn. #BlackParenting [URL]",not sexist "I'd say no, looks to me that you jumped some steps, of course you can do it, if she got high interest in you, and in this wasn't the case since she didn't care to know you.",not sexist Not uncommon at all. Best sex I've ever had is with my wife and it's gotten a helluva lot better with time.,not sexist Fuck her friends if she's hot. Hot chicks usually know other HBs. What's gonna happen if she rejects you and tells your family? Not worth it imo,not sexist "I'd like to see what you look like,since you can't get a girl",not sexist "Good luck man! Ultimately, less is more. When I act a bit more aloof, I tend to get better results. If a girl doesn't want to be with me again, so what? I can find other girls. Oneitis is a hell of a disease. It warps your brain",not sexist I'm sorry your dad is a coward a simp a fool and a cuck who let's mentally retarded women threaten to murder his only son. Your dad is fucking dumb ass.,not sexist "I'm all in for President Zuck, just as corrupt witch Hillary was my choice in the 2016 election. I have my reasons, all of them nefarious.",not sexist "In my circle of friends, whenever a wife calls, everyone has to be quiet and pretend like we are not enjoying ourselves. Being the only single guy, I make a whip sound before they answer the phone and everyone chuckles.",not sexist I have thought about it and asked a few people. My skin smells fine. And the girl wouldn't have sex with me if my skin smelt gross.,not sexist Hey let's just blame men entirely and than act like cucks anytime something negative about women gets brought up.,not sexist I am a minority female but I do not rant over being called crude names and characterizations. I move on. My eyes are beautiful and spend zero time worrying about racists and bigots.,not sexist "Yes right , a chad with good personality is better than a chad with bad personality ,but both are chads .",not sexist Its not that he didnt build up enough attraction. Its more like shes not interested. Cant force someone to be attracted to you.,not sexist The Upside of Ass Love! True Love - A Girl and her Donkey [URL] via [USER],not sexist Let me get this right...you're going to beat your wife so that she sees your value and beauty? Could've sworn you want to do the opposite to get positive results. They really boggle the mind!,not sexist "[USER] He was from Pakistan, a country not at war. So he can't be a refugee. He's an invader, or at best, someone who wanted to rape white women and face no legal punishment for it.",not sexist This wacko anti-Pope says Trump suooorters have sex with feces! 😂 Wanna bet? I am guessing that projection means he is likely doing that. What a fraud SICKO!!!! False prophet freak,not sexist [USER] My daughter and my grand-kids will have ALL of mine before I die. I will die poor and they will live very well and the tax man gets nada!!.,not sexist "Not even ammunition, but how many stories and videos do we see where racist migrants attack women all over Europe while the men there do nothing but watch? If these migrants knew that the men would defend their women they wouldn't attack as much!",not sexist "Have you read any of Drew Karpyshyn's Mass Effect books? In one of them he actually goes a bit into melding, with the protagonist saying that human women just can't compare. This sort of thing is why some claim the Asari are a parasitic species.",not sexist "[USER] Nah, a girl's gotta have some secrets.",not sexist her BF needs to fuck her in the ass,not sexist "I usually throw out random inappropriate jokes. Probably won't work for a lot of girls, but hey. that's me. :)",not sexist """Men/white people"" Is she not a white person? Idiot gyal.",not sexist "Atleast you admit that,but yeah you atleast have to have one of them. If you have none ,no woman is going to want you not even a ugly girl.",not sexist "One-two punch.Boxing.A left-hand jab immediately followed by a right cross. Scott Pruitt, Trump's new EPA administrator is the left-hand jab. H.R. 861 Bill to terminate the Environmental Protection Agency is the right cross for a KO! [URL]",not sexist This is what all women will try to do to every single one of us.,not sexist The minute she started her campaign against 45 her demise was sealed.,not sexist "Or in other words, she's just insecure and looking for validation. Unlike incels who admit they're subhumans",not sexist "I kind of took the gesture as a threat to what would happen to a man who hits a woman. Sort of a ""don't ever hit a woman or we'll find somebody to hit you"" thing.",not sexist "Ah, UC Davis! There are better schools that could've been worse for you. My school has many of the hottest women on Earth. Just attending classes is enough sui-fuel.",not sexist "Teresa May Longshanks can take her pedophile loving censorship and shove it up her ass, if she can get it past sadick kahns head. What am I saying, of course she can.",not sexist A lady named Donna called and was just wondering if it was you.,not sexist It didn't help Crooked Hillary tho...I'm hoping to see more snowflake outrage & tears,not sexist Mrs. Jeong's tweets and her job really makes ya think how the christ did someone like her get to the point where she is as for the braindead mongoloids who hired her [URL],not sexist "1) I am not Jewish. 2) You are a clearly an excellent example of a retard. 3) You still have not justified your earlier points, which you cannot because you talk shit.",not sexist If only they could find that little hex wrench....,not sexist "yes, for sure. love or hate alex jones, his treatment by twitter has put their blatant bias out front for all to see. it's why i started posting on gab today.",not sexist "Thanks for that. Like the another reply said "" don't shit where you eat"" Solo girl in a strangers car is dangerous enough as it is",not sexist Feel free to check out this Black Conservative's merch. Libs are trying to shut down his online store cuz he has a shirt that suggests the LGBTQ is a mental illness. [URL],not sexist "So you're now argueing that women shouldn't be on a ship because all women are STD ridden whores. BTW, I would love to find anything approaching evidence for this bullshit story of yours.",not sexist "Short answer, no. Don't be a beta. You can genuinely care but never be a doormat or the stepping stone for her ego on her way to her next alpha",not sexist "If an American woman were expected to birth children until it killed her, would there be many old widows on Social Security?",not sexist "Awesome, did you guys study the origin of the aryans?",not sexist Not all women lust over super hot guys.,not sexist "Well, at least one sheriff has come to his senses, but the piece of crap sheriff (Scott Israel) in Broward County is a liberal first, an ass second, a moron third, and will NEVER recommend this. [URL]",not sexist The black version of Stacy.,not sexist "bu her parents yes, ahe needs to travel around the world to pretend to care, must be awful not to be able to go to school",not sexist "Kenyan TV presenter calls out Obama over Pizzagate - she is against against the globalist, demonic agenda that Obama had planned for Kenya [URL]",not sexist Thats stupid. Stop encouraging these delusions. Its male or female. Get over it,not sexist F#MeghanMcCain I Could Careless What You Think! [URL] #GaborZolna's take Meghan is another of the#Democrats Cancerous Rat #SarahPalin not invited [URL] Palin is one of them wearing #PhoenixBird female Freemasonry pin,not sexist "Understanding women's behavior is a portion of the red pill, and an important one.",not sexist "she can do better. Perfectly you befriend her friends and make them feel like you are good enough. Also would be interesting to see a girl who tells her friend she can do better, but then fucking with that guy herself. Like, a manipulative trick.",not sexist Asian girl!,not sexist Well...Lock Her Up! Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff said she was willing to be jailed for defending sanctuary city policies. [URL],not sexist "Nah, mensa is full of elitist mental masturbators. The baller way is to keep plowing models until you find one with a degree. ;)",not sexist the retarded thing is when the trick has been revealed and the audience still thinks it's magic.,not sexist "[USER] ......while the gorgeous woman glances at the wrinkly, thin-haired old man and wonders, 'can he still deliver a toe curling pounding?'",not sexist That's enough reddit for me today. I just can't anymore with these soyboys.,not sexist Talk to her in a calm assertive manner and let your intentions be clear to her,not sexist "She's bipolar, leave her",not sexist Heh- well...yeah! All I'll say is- he/she who has not popped a damp towel at an unsuspecting ass may cast the first stone. Or something ;-p,not sexist "Their celebrity status aside, I can still see [Brendan Gallagher]([URL] picking up more girls at 5'9"" than [Zdeno Chara]([URL] could at 6'9"". The catch, as always, is you have to be 10x better looking and try 10x harder to get the same results.",not sexist I TRIED THAT SHES STILL FUCKING HERE UGHH. I've tried dumping her but she won't go away ffs,not sexist "SOROS IS WRONG, we had a FKING NARACISSIST FOR 8 MISORABLE YEARS WITH THE MUSLIM FRAUD SCUMBAG.",not sexist "I'm not that good. A joke I'm sure you've heard of: A woman thanked the pastor for a good sermon. He: Don't thank me, thank the Lord. She: I've thought of that, but it wasn't that good.",not sexist "Yes, Joyce Meyer is calling u - her golden toilet needs flushed. LOL! Oh, #manGIIIIIIIINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!",not sexist "Some leftists have guns, like the ported little girls shotgun Obama fired. Funny story a woman I work with asked what was wrong with the shot gun pick side smoke, she had fired real shot guns instead of ones ported so girls can handle recoil",not sexist "What white dude went to jail for making jokes about women, dipshit? Lmao If they lost their job it's probably because they were dumb enough to say it on account connected to their linkedin or something",not sexist Resign or get kicked off. Her choice. She cut her business in half. Thought she could get away with it?,not sexist "Well that's because you live in scarcity and you can't just have a conversation with a girl to have fun. You're probably coming off as desperate and over-aggressive to girls, which is why they shut you down.",not sexist Im not an incel. I focusing on whatever I want.,not sexist "Sure! She is a piece of shit, that tries to pull the wool over our eyes with her Rino and Jew loving ass, and she should not be TV spreading her bullshit! Is that better?",not sexist RT [USER]: This woman really doesn't want to testify under oath. I wonder why. [URL],not sexist """and able to set goals for their future"" = has a solid career making at least 100k per year, i had a chick tell me this line irl and i just lol'd",not sexist Did you kick his ass?,not sexist "...I can hear it now...""hey bro...want her back?""",not sexist Imagine a white man getting up and preaching how we need to kill black people?,not sexist I've noticed a lot of women who participate in femcel spaces have been getting banned. You know who is behind this. FUCK spiteful moids.,not sexist "he's limiting between brother and sister, mother and son, father and son/daughter.........gross",not sexist and it was an interesting article..... now i wonder if i had a girl friend i probably have not suffered a stroke ^_^ ...... I did suffer one,not sexist "Yeah WB was idiotic with their hidden paid promos iirc for Shadow of Mordor, which was a legit good game and didn't need shenanigans like that to prop it up.",not sexist It's the best she could get after I left.,not sexist [This loser's profile bio. ]([URL] Ignore these losers guys. Don't feel sad over what they say. They seriously aren't worth any negative emotions you might have.,not sexist "Does playfully calling her serm What is this? Also, just feel the energy. Remember the abundance mindset? If she isn't feeling it, back the fuck off. Have strong mindsets. Don't be desperate and clingy.",not sexist Shut up you boring fucking kike goblin; go back to fucking your sister in the wastelands of the eastern Ukraine.,not sexist I see he picked the hottest chick on the tram,not sexist #Biden looks like he's upset that he doesn't have any little girls to fondle for a photo op. Say #cheese! [URL] #GabFam #SpeakFreely #MAGA #PizzaGate #PedoGate #PedoFiles #PedoCode,not sexist "Chirst, I waste my time with all these comments and that's all you have, you fucking sopping wet sack of algae?",not sexist "Canada has hit a new low With refugees wherever you go. All the migrants they've tolerated And the felons they've exonerated Under the ""leadership"" of Justin Trudeau.",not sexist Because an incel murdered her and incels are celebrating her death.,not sexist "Because if she is the Stargirl I remember she was a BIG NAME account who absolutely loved Gab. It takes a serious own goal to alienate core loyalists, and this comment update fiasco is the own goal to end all own goals.",not sexist "you're never gonna see or talk to her again.. why do you give a fuck what she might think or assume about you? save being humiliated for in person fuck ups, lol",not sexist there should be a reality show where men are forced to read the scummiest of their redpill/mensrights/etc posts aloud to their mothers,not sexist "LOL, woman pens an open letter to ""nice guys"", telling them that, now that's she's older and done with the bad boys, she's ""finally ready for you"". The responses? A mile long and Savage AF. [URL]",not sexist "Tell her you got hacked or your cousin was typing. But again, if you're not trolling... You got balls. Blue balls that is.",not sexist "Maybe not, be she got some day-old meatloaf.",not sexist JUST IN: Trump administration creates task force to reunify migrant families separated: report [URL] [URL],not sexist The burka is used by Moslem women to cover up the bruises from the wife beatings which are allowed in the koran,not sexist Cop acquitted in unarmed man's death is teaching officers how to cope with similar incidents. [URL],not sexist "After some bullshit, I sent this text **A lot of bullshit!** It just happened I suppose but I pretty sure I don't want to see her again. But I know what you're saying!",not sexist She likes you and you like her. She is waiting for you to make a move. After class go up and talk to her. She will like it and it's what she's been waiting for.,not sexist LILY WHITE: It's a tricky thing being fond of queer music. If I were queen I'd have my favourite musicians killed if they were pedophiles. Then I wouldn't have any new music to ever listen to. Hail Superwoman Kate Ryan,not sexist "I insist, tell me what you would think if a man posted this 'joke' about women under 120 pounds",not sexist "She is good, at least she is not trying to infect someone with an STD without that person knowing it.",not sexist "Hey dumbass. Everyone has to learn the hot pan lesson. its not ""inherently"" passed down through genetics. Lol you're truly are an idiot. 🤨",not sexist "An hour away is a dealbreaker for me. Along with single moms of children under 10, teachers, psychologists, and counselors.",not sexist "bi-sexuality among women has risen considerably, I imagine that explains a portion of the growth.",not sexist ...thus removing man's attention away from being focused to the real God (cause that's what gives strenght and courage to man) a process known as ideological subversion) ...it aint no secret that they call satan the great deceiver...,not sexist "Turkish capital bans all LGBT screenings, exhibitions, events over 'public sensitivities' [URL]",not sexist "Her second boyfriend has dumped her. Who knows, maybe she misses you, stop overthinking.",not sexist Nope. It isn't. There are perfect metrics on male and female attractiveness and while there are slight variations general trends remain same.,not sexist "They might come in fast and without asking, then kill people, but they don't leave! They are worse.",not sexist "It wasn't bull shit. You are just a fucking moron. He is for DACA and will extend it. Watch, faggot.",not sexist No he'll make it his business 2 bring Refugees here more than likely,not sexist "let's be real, incels saying ""she still won't fuck you"" is just a more self-pitying and entitled way of saying ""I don't want to fuck her"".",not sexist "I am not Jewish, I just know a sick puppy when I see one you perverted bastard.",not sexist I don't get how he intends to do this. Rapists don't have a standard way they act around women and don't have a standard look.,not sexist "maybe that is the problem, she is young and exciting to have thungs paid for and not paying her own way. oh is that what equality looks like?",not sexist basically dont for get mgtow and puas,not sexist [USER] Remember the Muslim scumbags in Idaho? An American girl urinated on & raped by Syrian migrants while the eldest filmed. No jail time despite plea. Sharia law has come to America. [URL],not sexist "Gervais SLAMS religious slaughter ""I couldn't give a F*CK what your 'God' says"" In UK, every yr, MILLIONS of fully conscious animals are killed by having their throat cut. [USER] will stop this barbarity. No CIVILISED country would allow this. [URL]",not sexist "My wife may be rolling her eyes, but the Legoland staff all love my shirt! [URL] [URL]",not sexist "My guard is always up. It would take a shit load of time spent together in casual settings in order to see the subtle intricacies in her. Wtf am I saying, it's too fucking late. Burn baby burn.",not sexist "That's why I want to apologize, because I don't want her to think I'm weird. I want to date her, which I can't do if she thinks I'm a weirdo",not sexist I did not find her funny at all.,not sexist I love to see her cope real world show face least I have shown my ugly mental mug front our city #sheffield,not sexist "I wouldn't say to fuck. Tell her so you can cuddle and watch a movie, and when that happens you can see where it goes...or shoot your shot and take it there.",not sexist #FakeStory BuzzFeed Ghost-Edits Entire Story After Falling For Fake News Man's mom died 5 days earlier! [URL],not sexist Ultra-liberal NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman accused of beating women in weird sex slave assaults FOUR accusers come forward [URL],not sexist There is a difference between being friends with a female and being friendzoned.,not sexist "I told my new girlfriend that I have between 10 and 15 million dollars in my bank account. It's actually true, my balance is [CUR]37.",not sexist "Complete and utter bullshit. Your girls must be the kind that go for the assholes, how surprising...",not sexist "yeah, people calling themselves virgins are such bad, bad people!!! they must be, like, pedophiles and rapists for no one to want to have sex with them, right??? you're a retard.",not sexist "I met a couple of girls tonight, and we went bad hopping together. They pretended I was their boyfriend on several occasions.",not sexist "just keep a stash of molly, they'll come to you",not sexist "In Mel Gordon's Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin, we enter a depressingly sordid milieu akin to the subterranean world of the sewer rat: a world which owed its existence in large part to German Jewry.",not sexist Why were the Jews taken to camps?,not sexist There's just no point anymore once you realize you can't get what desire out of life. . The true blackpill is really fatalism or determinism and it shouldn't be limited to just relationships but every aspect of your life. The game is rigged.,not sexist "The shit tests never stop...until they do. When they do, she's monkey-branched to the next dude.",not sexist [USER] Oh really girl? Check the timestamp 😝 [URL],not sexist "and that sigh behind her head, the people calling to ban AR-15s, and Diane Franklin contradict her point. [URL]",not sexist "An early examination of our modern celebrity culture's damaging effect on young women: Norman Rockwell. ""Girl at Mirror"" 1954 Oil on canvas",not sexist You gotta lose yourself in the sex. You gotta let your emotions out. Not to her but just say it. Maybe not on someone you just met. 1000% better,not sexist Will making Islamic oppression of women part of Christmas ads in Germany prevent another Islamic terrorist attack on Christmas? [URL],not sexist "Honestly, is anyone on Earth still using that shit? I don't think I've been on that website since 2005. Its heyday was like 1998.",not sexist Well we knew this was going to happen. Government policy putting women at risk as usual [URL],not sexist OED - Whore (noun) * 1.1 A promiscuous woman.,not sexist Im telling you... i felt the exact same way.... its fucking insane... heres my link from my youtube channel... i'll explain it personally [URL],not sexist "Large-breasted women tend to be Democrats. You should only be a Republican if you are ALREADY rich. The choice should be clear, my friends. JOIN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY",not sexist Fuck JEWS FUCK Netanyahu ZOG TRASH,not sexist "Wife beaters are Gucci as long as they don't post on an obscure and anonymous internet board called r/incels, got it.",not sexist Not even a HJ. Not even a sniff of her dirty panties.,not sexist "Good. That bastard needs to be accountable, even if the victim has moved on.",not sexist "I think she will, along with all the others.",not sexist Damn hits me hard thank you! this is the answer what I'm looking for. I need to learn more about trp sidebar is my friend.,not sexist Concerned citizens sick of their women being raped and kids being bullied in school by immigrants etc.,not sexist "Yeah, she an Hillary likely lesbian lovers and this is how, she won her promotion doing the fag Obama years.",not sexist Twirl her round and make out with her.,not sexist "So when do those Leaches pay the USA back? How about a mandatory four year hitch with an 11-bravo combat unit. Both sexes will have to join up, we wouldn't want to be un-inclusive.",not sexist "Just found out Twitter just killed a lot of my favorite moments, and instead put Obama's fucking daughter as one of my moments. Damn, am I pissed off.",not sexist "Yeah I guess success with women centers around my seduction abilities before my height does. I'm just in a rut lately, and thinking about some things that might turn girls off.. All in all I think I just need to get out more",not sexist "This claim has zero validity, and the faggot that wrote it knows that. Our women are always more beautiful. And better than leftist women in every way imaginable. And they can't stand it. They know it's true.",not sexist TRUST ME! You SEE THIS as ART! But if YOU saw THIS for fucking REAL YOU'D be fuckin PSYCHO for LIFE! LUCKILY I'm not from this fucking whirled & I have seen such THINGS! You'll never see such things because YOU'RE SPIRITUALLY DEAD!,not sexist Check out her Twitter she actually isn't fucking retarded,not sexist #Ebay 🐸 (100) Ultra Pro Life Magazine Size Storage Bags and BCW Boards Combo Lot [CUR]29.95 [URL],not sexist rape is horrible....and accusing a man falsely of rape is just as horrible,not sexist It's really true that the less you show interested and look around for other women then the one u actually are interested in will come for you. Just wow...,not sexist I find it highly unlikely that any man would want sex with that ugly beta male,not sexist She's an active shooter! Put a 175 SMK in between her lookers.,not sexist Release that shit,not sexist "LOL bro I did BDSM shit to her I've never done before. Slapped her face, spat in her mouth. I'm at a loss for what I could've done more :P",not sexist "Comment of the Day ""Hey, we [Apple] have to have a major protest if a man can't go into the female bathroom with little girls, but we don't give a fuck about gays being killed with govt support or actual female discrimination."" [URL]",not sexist Who let her out of her straitjacket?,not sexist "That'w when you say ""My mom's the CEO of our company and we are just workers.""",not sexist OMG I hate women wearing those shoes. ugly or what,not sexist "Sounds like the ""chubby"" sorority girls in college.",not sexist "Should have just said ""take my hat?"" Rip her earring off.. ""There, fair trade."" ""Later man bun. Have fun being a sissy.""",not sexist "Keep saying that and you'll believe it. Men are not expendable, disposable at all. That's absurd.",not sexist When you're trapped by a hugger... #ThisIsUnBearable #BadPunsRUs,not sexist "What now? Now, you call the shots. Want something, pursue it. Don't want nothing, ghost her. Don't care? You don't really have to anymore.",not sexist a Real Hero! Passing motorist rescues woman trapped in Montana flood [URL] via [USER],not sexist "That's the story, but I'm willing to bet that he just doesn't want to be part of all the mess that the royal family is involved with. I mean they did kill his mother after all.",not sexist Still Palestinian was never a country. I don't care how much you fuck your grandma.,not sexist Haha... Impeaching Drumpf will certainly come to fruition now!,not sexist Great job young lady. This just proves that we conservatives have all the real Hot Babes that have all the smarts. Wow we just keep on winning.,not sexist "The situation in Great Britain shows that it's OK to enslave and rape white girls, provided the rapist isn't white themselves. Also, object to this mass rape and you go to jail for hate speech.",not sexist I honestly think that it's fucking pathetic that they are asking for help from the un. How hard could it be to slap these criminals down.,not sexist Maybe... but it was right near where she lived.,not sexist "The only person I would ever say is ""too pretty much for jail"" is my wife. Also, I'm pretty sure bagel dude isn't going to jail",not sexist "imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance that a human would endure typing this out. luckily for the author, it appears that she is jewish",not sexist "[USER] I don't think Sturgeon has woken to the fact that she's walking the plank, as opposed to the path of righteousness.",not sexist "Plot Twist: He isn't hideously ugly, just average, so the woman ignores him and goes for the ugly guy next to him.",not sexist "This is like the Metallica video where the poor mutilated bastard was saying ""Please kill me"" over and over again, only with emojis instead of Morse code.",not sexist "I think I finally found out what's wrong with the Democrat Party! Check 'er out, ladies and gents ;) [URL]",not sexist A lot of dads stay at home now. Wonder what she calls them?,not sexist For a woman ??? NEVER. Why should i ???,not sexist "Probably did his stupid kike ""herr herr herr"" retard laugh while he was feeling her up.",not sexist "It's really sad actually, I've heard about his girl. Poor guy. Shame Patrice isn't around to keep Bill in check. Fuck i'm sad Patrice passed away, he was too funny and he was real.",not sexist "Suddenly, imagining a girl giving me contacts even though I was constantly nervous during the approach is a killer turn on. Well done my man.",not sexist Latest Q drop. Excellent article by a female native Californian Re: Diane Feinstein's true colors [URL],not sexist "Screw off, white knight. He did it. He lied about even knowing her. He raped and killed her. We shouldn't be spending money on this ghoul.",not sexist "I meant that asking people to set you on dates is humiliating >what do you mean by in touch with women? I talked to them my whole life, like, normal conversations, we laughed together, even had some female friends, normal stuff",not sexist "Is this some closeted fantasy where he wishes that if he raped a girl she'd become ""his"" ie: he'd have to ""take care of her for life"" and pay the father? Anyone else getting that?",not sexist "it's funny how incels shame girls for identifying with cute fictional characters, when they do the same thing with hentai protagonists.",not sexist You gotta believe that cowboy hat wearing congress woman felt like a total douche-bag after listening to his speech. But then again she is a democrat so probably not.,not sexist I could watch the ending all day. LMAO 😂👍 This little shithead screaming like a baby T-Rex. [URL],not sexist Things that make you go hmmm. Same girl in Florida school shooting? This girl gets around.,not sexist [USER] A truly awesome movie. She was/is the most sinister female in all movie history. Brilliant.,not sexist "Those are just signs of interest I've picked up so far. The point of this post is ask if ""letting the ball roll in her court"" actually works?",not sexist LIFE in prison. Just consider that for a second and realize what that means. *Life* for over-the-clothing touching her boobs. That is absolutely insane.,not sexist "The vast majority of guys on this sub will never be pulling beautiful women, unless you mean beautiful personalities, so what does it matter?",not sexist This woman has all but destroyed what was once the most prosperous province in Canada. [URL],not sexist Be nice and she might invite you over...bring wine.🍷,not sexist [URL] DeSantis hits Ocasio-Cortez: I don't care if she's an Eskimo,not sexist "They need to take away her beads too, her shit sucks.",not sexist "Legit question, what would you say if she cheated on you with another girl (she's bi/bi curious, we talked about it and she *thinks* that's what she is).",not sexist She disgusts me and so do the Creatura's behind her !,not sexist "I hope HIllary has to relive pics of Chris Stevens every night in her dreams of his RAPE, TORTURE & MURDER‼️ That WITCH‼️",not sexist I am looking at my neighbor's wife through the wall with this new thermal imaging scope. She's hot!,not sexist "Why are *you* on AskSeddit? You're asking for advice from experts but when you get it you do your best to shoot it down and twist words? Anyway, the girl doesn't like you. I wonder why.",not sexist If circumcision of female babies is mutilation of genitals. What the hell do you think circumcision of a male baby is? Male babies are being mutilated at birth all the time. Wake up people and save your baby from these idiot doctors,not sexist "No,no, no! An evil cyborg, made from the female clone of Hitler had set up a Jew Killing Death Ray in Syria.",not sexist "Basically, she needs to be physically attracted to you for your 'game' to have a chance.",not sexist Motherhood is the most precious gift given to women. This picture is so beautiful! I have tears in my eyes. Bless you for posting.,not sexist Die #Weissen von Zion are not yet #multicultural. #Germans will be at the centre of this transformation to make... #learningBarb,not sexist Do you play sports and socialize with women around? You're wrong,not sexist You can't look like a homeless man sure. But I don't dress nice. And I haven't worn a watch or jewelry in more than 15 years. And I wear sneakers.,not sexist That's a porn star for ya. They don't stop screwing you until the director yells 'cut'.,not sexist "Why would incels want to date things that don't exist? Inceldom is a male problem, stop believing bullshit.",not sexist You're the one on reddit crying because a girl chose another guy over you lol.,not sexist loved to read your story bro. Better than the usual woman hating.,not sexist "What a fucked-up broad! If I detected a hint of her wanting better, I'd leave without my two weeks notice.",not sexist "Hell, she just says what lots of fems think.",not sexist "guess not, if you're a big fan of shit",not sexist "You might be seeing random, nubile Vietnamese women on Minds, all constrained to a narrow age bracket in their early 20s, all having joined within a 72 hour time frame, but I see lawyers, doctors and engineers. #BioGate",not sexist I've seen this one. That woman with the moustache gets her face ripped off and then goes on Oprah to tell how she ended up getting her face ripped off. It's heartbreaking.,not sexist "Sarah Condor-Fisher: US Federal court in Colorado rules women can display their boobs in public bc ""there is no difference between male & female breasts!"" These so-called judges would not pass a junior high biology exam! [URL]",not sexist Why not chase young skirts when you're in your mid 20s?,not sexist Blame Whitey for your Great Grandfather getting his ass handed to him and sold out by his own Black brothers !! Then shipped and sold in Chucktown by JOOS !! Gotta love it !!,not sexist Wow basically your argument makes it seem like women are the back bone of society and without them we'd be human jellyfish,not sexist "Yes, her name on there is really ""Jason"". Smh. Obviously keeping shit on the DL as much as possible with the text.",not sexist "I talk to plenty of girls all the time but this ""making a move"" business is foreign to me. I don't even know where to start there. In other words, I can talk to girls,but I can't flirt with girls.",not sexist Call her. Ask her first and then call her over the phone. The phone can do more than texting,not sexist Because she's the victim! That guy kept running into her fists and feet! /s,not sexist She claims we are selfish when she comes here and demands that WE change- fuck her,not sexist Says the woman who wears an upside down cross! Harrump!!,not sexist "Holy shit this is actual nightmare fuel. This is literally one of the layers of hell, ladies. Like what in the actual fuck. Nobody should we allow this to happen. Get that gross fucker out of this woman's life. I'm disgusted.",not sexist "Although I dont like it, I have to agree. MGTOW got heavily downgraded after the incels invaded. Living your life the way you think is best for you and hoping all women die are not the same...",not sexist Definitely ... after all that would prove Republicans are taking her claim seriously ...,not sexist "Exactly. This is why when a woman comes around many male ""friends"" will attempt to mog each other and make each other look bad to get the woman",not sexist "Well,, her and here democrat friends started all this shit, let her call them for help... other than that, fuck her!",not sexist You could sleep with all those women but never have a meaningful relationship because you are too worried about getting them in bed. Seems fruitless. Whats the point of wasting all your sexual energy?,not sexist Good Grab Ric...I'ma gonna Blast Post...this GR8 link!,not sexist "That's not how it reads to me. She already has an open relationship, a primary. That' seems to be all the commitment she wants. What she seems to want from others is only sex and plenty of people have MLTR, so there is reason why she can't.",not sexist "Whats the point of all this trolling and hating on women posts, i don't get it... There is a possibility that this is his real opinion of women TBH.",not sexist I mock incels because of the horror stories my GF and other female friends have told me... Can't imagine I'm alone there,not sexist "You made me love you! I didn't wanna due it. I'd really lather screw it! You made me love you. Ignorant mother fuckers. Git, Scat, Piss Off!",not sexist "A hundred prominent French women, including actress Catherine Deneuve, have denounced the #MeToo campaign, saying it patronizes women and summarily punishes men for minor misdeeds, which only plays into the hands of ""puritans.""",not sexist Damn that's ridiculous. You're like 6'0,not sexist "(Guess he never heard of ""let bygones be bygones."") Holy shit they actually tried shaming him for that? Fuck that shit, an affair's an affair. And he did let bygones be bygones. He said bye to his wife, and now she's gone!",not sexist "Why would anyone hate her? Let's face it, what she did is what a lot of people wanted to see happen.",not sexist "Do not say ""alleged sex"" you call it ""child rape"" like they do when ever it's a male teacher and female student. It's not a tryst, relationship, love, sex, or any other less impacting name. It's still child rape.",not sexist "Yes. You'd also have to apply in court at your own expense for any parental rights regarding the child, and she would have every right (and possibly a free legal aid attorney) to contest your request.",not sexist "Happy mother's day to all the beautiful, patriotic, loving mother's out there! :D Those with us and those passed. #GabFam #MothersDay",not sexist "What's wrong with being ""the guy that's just hitting on women""?",not sexist "Dolores O'Riordan, the iconic lead singer of The Cranberries, today sadly passed away at just 46. A driving force behind 90's alt-music, she inspired an entire generation and will forever remain in the hearts of so many. 💔",not sexist F*ck my life. Satan is a clown and his niece wears a nappy blonde wig.,not sexist Stop raping me with your words!,not sexist "My sister in law sat on my glasses and broke them. I suppose it's my fault really, I should have taken them off first.",not sexist Scream through their vaginas'. Bet they blubber a lot and have horrific breath.,not sexist "[USER]: Yes. That was her testimony. I suspect it was somehow intended to elicit sympathy. Instead, she just seems bizarre.",not sexist How the fuck is this rope fuel? She's one of the richest actresses in hollywood. Even gigachad wouldn't get her unless he's money maxxed chad,not sexist "Haha it's a ""trap"" lots of kaitleens",not sexist "Whoopi didn't just loose her temper, she showed her true hate & vile nature rooted in Her Racism, not ours. Tell ABC #FireTheHate or remove the American from the ABC sign, that's Fake advertising.. [URL]",not sexist realistic kids fucking good stylized anime girls wearing skimpy outfits bad,not sexist "Seems like a really complicated situation, its almost as if she wants a relationship with you but also seems like she wants you around for attention. Im still no expert, let others comment and see what they say",not sexist Her life will not be the same after this. Will it be negative? I guess that depends on how this plays out. My gut says that she will be thrown away like a used Kleenex after this is all over!,not sexist "Philippians 2:10 at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth [URL] the - things under the earth - are the demons, giants, nephilim who are coming up - resusitating - terrifying",not sexist Thank you brother. I do not look down on our white brothers and sisters in Briton. What is happening there is happening in all white nations at varying rates of speed. Any of us who think otherwise is not living in a place I like to call reality.,not sexist [URL] ys she keeps on sinking titanic Theresa zog will lose,not sexist "so your globalist empire is crumbling and now you're throwing a hissy fit. very mature, ms merkel. ""we-we-well i never even liked trump anyway, hmph.""",not sexist I sure hope so. The marches are not relevant though. Its that if enough women vote women into office they can change the policy to favor women even more.,not sexist "this is fantastic ""a secret"" yeah right...no secret to anyone who has actually read redpill or mgtow",not sexist They'll let anyone be an actress in Thailand as long as they're hapa. She wouldn't even be considered pretty in an anglo nation.,not sexist Fire her ass Trump!,not sexist Get a girlfriend and leave us alone,not sexist All true. Problem with HALO jump. You'd have to throw them out with altimeter controlled chute. But the could confuse the enemy running around in circles squealing like 8 year old girls when they landed.,not sexist "I've wondered this before as well, about friends girlfriends. It's strange and territory I'm not comfortable with. But, it sounds like she is, from what you've described. Tread carefully, my friend.",not sexist "#ChildRitualAbuse 7 minor girls paraded half-naked at Madurai temple, Collector intervenes [URL]",not sexist "I would sponsor the shit out of an obese person intending to run a marathon for charity. Only if he/she finishes though. Lots of people sponsoring someone with the condition that they finish would be some crazy pressure, amirite?",not sexist "[URL] #StopWhiteGenocide #2005 #PatriciaAMcDermott Covington, a serial killer, snuck up behind Patricia as she walked to her job & shot her in the back of the head.",not sexist I wish I had a daughter so I could teach her never to go anywhere near guys like that.,not sexist Her social skills are lacking as does yours. Did you miss her too? I sense you were hurt by her absence.,not sexist "Put her to jail and Soros too. Send Soros to Hungary, their prison smell good than US.",not sexist Men will fuck women below their looksmatch they always have. this like like complaining that the Sun shines,not sexist "it's so fucking annoying seeing the crowd cry when a woman gets hit but men can be fucking beaten and it's fine. what a world. as a man, if you don't have friends that'll back you up, when you go into the real world, you are basically alone.",not sexist "Oh come on. 1st of all neither one of these chicks are blonde, 2nd of all, neither one of these chicks are ""ugly."" The one on the left might have a bit of a deep face but she's not ""ugly.""",not sexist Keep asking for these numbers bro instead of taking her somewhere to fuck. Real smart.,not sexist Thou Shalt Not Doubt The Holocaust [URL],not sexist the guy fucking the white chick and getting her off is a Jew..LOL,not sexist If he was what jews say he is in wwII why hasn't the mossad kill him? The jews need this propaganda to destroy all white CULTURE to is the white race they fear,not sexist Meh whatever. I wouldn't be offended. You could just hit it then quit it XD,not sexist "Yes, Max Boot is a cretin and he got what he deserved. [URL] #CNN #MaxBoot and the cocksucker #AndersonCooper #Politics",not sexist "You know, just because he's indian doesn't mean he actually *lives* in india. Idk about India but I'm in western europe and yeah, he'd get tons of girls lmfao. Hair game's great, good style of clothing, cute smile...he'll do more than fine.",not sexist Why are you monsters evil to white women?,not sexist "Yep. I'd be in prison or dead. I would have shot my way into the pack and killed every mother fucker I could. How police put up with this I have no idea. Fuck islam, fuck antifa. Their time cometh!",not sexist she's a kid...,not sexist "Even a full burka can't hide a black eye. That's women's rights, Islamic style. [URL]",not sexist "Shoulda married that Japanese chick I used to hang out with. Instead she hooked up with a spic and popped out a retard that he left her alone to deal with. If only I knew then what I knew now, how much a font of feminine virtue she was and is.",not sexist Nicholas Cage's ex wife hates pepe #ItsOkayToBeWhite #ItsOkToBeWhite,not sexist "one person Except there's now a number of incel killers, not one.",not sexist "I've read the same thing...that the school is located within the zoning of a jewish enclave. Also, a CNN story has a quote from Cruz saying his bio mom was jewish.",not sexist Just go up to her and just say hi,not sexist "Look.....just because you have an isolated incident of a chubby confident dude getting women you're utterly delusional if you think ""looks don't matter"". Yes they fucking do.",not sexist BRAVO to #LatinosForTrump for bringing #RealTalk to the Clinton News Network! I just LOVE that many are getting LOUD about the FALSE narrative Hillary leads her supporters to believe. Lets #GabOn because #FactsMatter! 🚂🚂🚂 #MAGA 🚂🚂🚂 [URL],not sexist "I like your humour ,a man after my own heart. I hear shew wants more money to keep her palace warm Fuck you dear. What about all the old people going cold. Sell some of your loot",not sexist "The muslim holiday of murder, mayhem and midnight gorging!",not sexist So the govt agreed to investigate a presidential candidate because his opponent submitted a fraudulent document about them. How the fuck is she not in prison?,not sexist "Asians really REALLY like to chatter & gossip endlessly, especially Asian women. Asians will blabber for hours ABOUT NOTHING until a white man sends them back to work. Honestly, they jabber like monkeys in the trees.",not sexist "My last 3 women I dated didn't know how to use a washer and dryer, dishwasher, or cook. Like I don't expect them to do any of them for me but they sure the hell are doing their own laundry and food. It's basic shit.",not sexist "eh i've sent some snapchats and she's just opened them and not replied lol, don't think it's going anywhere",not sexist "But see a man can literally run away from you and he's gone and there's nothing you can do, or he could die. A woman can't physically escape the consequences of sex/pregnancy. It is literally her responsibility",not sexist Are you unironically retarded?,not sexist "If you get flaked on by a Korean woman do you just brush them aside or continue to try and pursue her? I had a girl set up a date and then no showed me because she ""lost her phone"" and I cast her aside.",not sexist Roma teens who hit woman 'like hardened criminals' - Salvini Come from crime-ridden camp says interior min [URL],not sexist The Swede Who Was An Actual Turnip.,not sexist "being a lady, I would have swiftly and accurately, bopped him in his pants...",not sexist "If an elected official really did this, there's no reason at all he/she shouldn't have their neck playing tug-o-war with a lamppost. Like, immediately, without wasting time on ceremony.",not sexist Yeah some from kenya some saying from uganda ....just really strange I was hit by a wave of them all at once,not sexist This dumb fuck attacks women and acts all tough. If he attacked me like that I would probably end up in jail for eliminating his existence.,not sexist [USER] Because she is NOT going to steal anything and #PizzaGate just got hotter than ever before. REALLY. HOT. Stay tuned for my next article. #PedoFiles #SpiritCooking #HumanTrafficking #OrganTrafficking #Benghazi,not sexist incels: zomg why are white girls so vain and arrogant???? also incels: HOT BLONDE WHITE GIRL = ULTIMATE ASCENSION AND VALIDATION !! also how dare noodles date white guys for validation they're so self-hating,not sexist What a manipulative load of crap. What she really wants is the six 6's.,not sexist "Most men are just *desperate* for any female contact, not everyone is as strong as some incels. I have to pay an escort at least once every couple of months or I'd go insane.",not sexist well you also clearly do if you think we men are all gonna rape a girl and that'd we'd do something without her consent I am gonna stop this conversation my I just lost my last braincell to this,not sexist "I did not know that. I wonder about asian females in the US and how they did. I am all for having a ""fair"" test but sometimes you just gotta let shit fall where it will. People will rise to the occasion or they will not.",not sexist "Also I would say that looks are more important to guys than to girls for fuck's sake can any boyo share that link to the study showing women rating 80% of men ""below average attractiveness"" and men giving a normally distributed rating?",not sexist [USER] I always liked Mary Tyler Moore. I can't believe she was 80. Amazing how time flies.,not sexist I really hope you have a female boss one day. That would be hilarious.,not sexist That's just not true. My partner is 250 pounds. Attraction is subjective and it's a myth that there's just one type of look that women want.,not sexist Strike while the iron is hot. Many men have for more attraction for women then they realize. The problem is that attraction fades when the man starts showing signs of uncertainty or a lack of confidence.,not sexist "The problem was that it was only one-sided, and so liberated men and women *from* each other",not sexist Why #Trump won from a Sanders supporter. [URL],not sexist Maybe we should prosecute her for allowing foreign criminals to murder Americans. [URL],not sexist "The word you're looking for is niggers. And they have never slept with the hottest girl in town, unless your taste is shit. Stop fucking whining",not sexist and I guess then fathers shouldn't protect their families and mothers shouldn't protect their children.,not sexist "[URL] - ""Feminists"" embrace Sharia Law. Alex Jones breaks it down. It's so sad to see girls that I go to high school with embrace Islam, call it peaceful and call themselves feminists... We truly live in an ass-backwards world.",not sexist My first GF lost intrest because I was way too attentive with her. Texting all the time etc. I thought i was being good boyfriend! I didnt understand what I was doing wrong?! Basicly everything. Thank god that happend at 17.,not sexist "Jessica Valenti justifies her hostility to due process for men, with a rationale that doesn't hold water. Doesn't take a genius to use proper punctuation and grammar, jackass.",not sexist "The jews are getting ready for the race war and importing more low lifers to fight us, remember we need to end this madness by eliminating the root cause... JEWS [USER]",not sexist "On the character creation screen, black people took all the points out of Civilization Building and put em in Sassy Comebacks",not sexist FFS... Muslim man sends 10-year-old boy on errand while he rapes his 3-year-old sister [URL] via [USER],not sexist What is wrong with women wanting to play sport?,not sexist "The Jews target white girls at a very young age. Those of us the nigger doesn't get, the Feminists take. White Fathers, wake up. This is #WhiteGenocide.",not sexist "Give up on that girl. You should be going for a LOT of girls at a time, this shit about going for one girl is foolish and very low percentage.",not sexist Fun fact. Negro children can't recognize themselves in the mirror until average age six. European children do at fifteen months. But hey. We are all the same.,not sexist Another evil jewish princess. I make no bones about it. Zionism is evil. Fact.,not sexist "Good question. I actually do lift.. I lift 20 lb dumbbells at home, every other day, been doing this for years. But that is besides the point. Is there any good evidence that this pheromone thing is for real? Or was this ""MrNudeGuy"" being sarcastic?",not sexist "Holy shit. This guy might actually believe all the hyperbole on this subreddit. You DO realize it's mostly hyperbole to prove a point, right?",not sexist "Children annoy me. The constant screaming is horrid. And I do not want to clean up shit, piss and/or vomit. Also money. I like having money and free time.",not sexist "This means that marrying a formerly promiscuous woman vastly increases the chances of having your house burglarized. And whatever you do, don't store your valuables in her vajajay!",not sexist [USER] The Navy's investigation was definitive and had the advantage of having access to the damaged vessel and all surviving personnel. Any recent study is going to have to overcome the fact that it does not. Innuendo doesn't cut it.,not sexist "Awww ... are the Keystone Cops of Manchester embarrassed? Poor babies. Well, at least Theresa May has the British military to keep politicians safe from her jihadi imports.",not sexist male depression is womens fault and because of that we should make the law system sexist again' like wow what a dumbass,not sexist "Not at all, I just think a marriage or committed relationship is a union of a man and a woman, and if one of them is too independent, and not open to support or help from the other, they won't bond well.",not sexist Can't you see the witch by my side.,not sexist "And her two kids, don't forget",not sexist you snooze you lose. you don't own her. you might want to take your friend aside later and tell him he's cockblocking you.,not sexist "OMG #POTUS just called AMERICA ""her"" what a sexist pig !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",not sexist "Btw VoxDay is also literally a cuck His son isnt his, he's a step father to some single mothers kid ... lmao",not sexist "Oh no, don't you know that all the ladies just LOVE having a gay best friend?",not sexist I'll match her with Dana,not sexist Notice Kobe Bryant ... racism. Notice Jameis Winston ... racism. Notice the entire Baylor football team ... racism. Notice kneeling negroes ... righteous indignation.,not sexist The kid is better off without his mom being around.,not sexist "Let me guess, you're also the type to believe that all women don't like being hit on at anytime, right? Have you cold approached at least 100 woman to come to this conclusion or just making things up?",not sexist I'm a 5'6 currycel who's also lightskinned and im turning 15 this year no hope for me guys as my white friend is boning the girl I used to like might as well neck myself before I get to high school it'll do me good,not sexist Fucking creeps,not sexist Just watched TRUMP on fox talk about how Flynn lied once and has been ruined but Killary lied multiple times and they praise her.Really fuckin tired of the double stands.,not sexist "The Department of Labor announced that applications for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in three months, and continuing claims hit their lowest level not seen since the Reagan era.",not sexist "My first words as President would be to ban Sports ball forever. No one should play sports professionally. Only amateurs and for accolades, no compensation for shekels.",not sexist Hillary and bill sold nuclear secrets to this vile scumbag Kim jong Un. You saying hillary is a vile stinking scumbag just like you too?,not sexist "Apparently 2 of these girls are jewish-asian princesses, female Elliot Rodgers.",not sexist Is that a dick at the top left?,not sexist "Holy crap... I just looked it up. Apparently, as far as bang for your buck goes, bugs have a shit load of protein for their size/weight",not sexist "she is fucking nutz, does not belong in our govt. National DISGRACE!",not sexist [USER] quietly looking at her with big eyes and lip trembling,not sexist "Geez. I would start a new life elsewhere. I would try to buy custody from her or try to beat her in court, either way child support couldn't be more than what she spends. And you can't put a price in freedom.",not sexist "What's wrong with wanting a woman who uses her brain instead of thinking she uses her brain, isn't a religious zealot of feminism, and is thicker than religious tension in the middle east? #SpeakFreely #MAGA",not sexist A song for the girl who faked a neonazi attack: [URL] [URL],not sexist "If the dems try to obstruct, it may cost them more ground.",not sexist "I mean, you could get into that, but I think we can all agree that the Muslim horde should take top priority atm. They're the ones killing people and raping young women and girls.",not sexist "I wish everyone would stop calling the left snowflakes.Snow is nice , pretty and every snowflake is different, I prefer to call them dingleberries or willknots, cause they are annoying as shit( Haa get it)and they don't go away.",not sexist "Hi manlet, I'm a roastie (I guess... That's the one for married women, right?)",not sexist "Unfortunately I remember what I learned in Scouts, what I learned in church school, and the oath I took when I enlisted. I'd be willing to take a small but measureable risk to pull her back.",not sexist "The issue with the attempts in the video is they act kind of clingy. If any of those girls asked me for sex I'd say yes, but I'm not gonna try to have a real relationship with a super awkward girl.",not sexist "Err... Is that the white woman in the photo supposed to be saying that she doesn't hate her penis? If so, she's a Democrat.",not sexist It sucks knowing a sexpat knocked up your mom. Being raised by a sexpat and having to deal with his constant toxic presence would have been a lot worse. At least all the damage he was capable of doing is done.,not sexist ok fine..... you like a lady with all her clothes on a girl you can take home to your mother...I get it...,not sexist I thought that was her thighs rubbing together...,not sexist "Bring her a basket of oranges not 4 or 7, 8 is lucky number, trust me I'm Chinese.",not sexist They cut her up like muggers': Geraldo blasts vicious media over shameless Hope Hicks coverage [URL],not sexist Her collapse during the campaign was the devil reminding her she sold that soul....,not sexist When Mohammed married a 6 yr old girl then at 8 had sex and he is there leader you will never ever get them to do anything that is good for it says in there bible you can f=do it so quit thing you can never happen,not sexist "coming in hot: ""Sen. Teddy Kennedy let a girl drown"" [URL]",not sexist "most things that you are super passionate about. I play a lot of sports and am into a lot of music, so I have met girls through that.",not sexist "Gays, minorities, and women are only cool to Liberals if they vote for Liberals. Otherwise, they are potential targets, and receive the worst of the Liberal hatred.",not sexist "Hey man I feel the exact same way. Male self esteem and self value is a real problem. There are so many disgusting betas with no self respect out there who validate shitty women just cause they have a vag. Sorry you're roping, I won't stop you tho",not sexist "It won't be her son's or daughter's mother, EITHER!!!",not sexist Old lady who questions the holocaust labeled Nazi Grandma & sent to prison. Disgusting attack on this woman. If the holocaust was true then why does it have to be protected by law? [URL],not sexist "I'm worried about the financial corruption within the administration if #Trump is elected. It's not to say that #Hillary will come off any better, either, given her track record. But it is worrisome.",not sexist "I call for boycotts of Israel, especially in the following states. GDit, what is wrong with you Jew-worshipping morons? Israel is a hostile, foreign country. MAGA means America First, you traitors! [URL]",not sexist So bad to give her sex. She does not deserve it until she loses some weight! /s,not sexist Someone needs to put a leash on Hillary before she skips the country.,not sexist The thought of not giving more exposure/ power to a community of hate is important. That is indeed what I meant.,not sexist Demons are running amok and targeting children actively Honk fucking honk,not sexist What is Ms Daniels complaining about? That Trump didn't sign her NDA. Because he wasn't even made aware of it. ASSHOLE! Now bug off! And take your crappy beans with you.,not sexist Gynocentrism/feminism go hand in hand but this is an example of cronyism and blackmail it just happens to be perpetrated by a woman. People always forget women have the same capacity for alwfulness as men and feminism reinforces it!,not sexist Dude dont game in text. Logistics only. Idk how many girls I've fucked up with either playing off being charming or funny in text. It will never come across how you think it will. Save it for in face buddy,not sexist I don't still love her and I have resented being in the relationship at times. Not because I want to go chase after college girls but because she has complained about being lonely without me there and I have been lonely here.,not sexist "I'd bet my paycheck none of the bodies in those caskets are black. When blacks join the military, they take supply and warehouse jobs so they can steal shit. Fighting and dying in the combat arms is a white thing.",not sexist #GabFam #TrumpVsLuciferian #ChristianSoldiersUnite #GabFamSeverelyCucked JewGabFam [URL] CuckGabFam #DontLetYourFearBreakYou #OrthodoxChristianRussia #SpeakingTruthToPower The epitome of a right wing white women,not sexist "I'm just saying, bet it's hard getting your dick out of the trap.(I know, you're a female.)",not sexist Was looking for attraction for a 2nd date. Since she was from abroad and not sure about staying long term just something casual,not sexist Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to show her what the wisdom of her own words looks like...,not sexist "Silliness plain and simple, not worth discussing seriously. I don't get the obsession of some TRPers with de-humanizing women. It just gives ammo to their critics.",not sexist GUTS! NO GUTS NO GLORY! Keep it up!,not sexist "You go to the party, try to ignore this flaky girl of yours and just focus on having fun.",not sexist "Wow. You're fucking deluded. Please, enlighten me, where do you get your definition. Or are you gonna just dodge that gatekeeper?",not sexist "Yes, I'm asking do you have to cut out fapping entirely or just porn",not sexist "She wants to have kids. One of you guys could marry her and her debt, so she can quit work already.",not sexist "Is it though? Like imagine some chick just flipping her hair and arching her back and smiling and winking at you, that's some cocky shit, and it's hot af",not sexist You need to do five dried grams of shrooms and smoke as much Afghani has as your lungs can handle. Beat the Jews on the ballot box dude. Not sure it this helps :),not sexist oh that's fucking rage fuel. Chads can even steal our mothers,not sexist "7 minutes Jul 9, 2018 SerialBrain2 - Pompeo (BRILLIANTLY) plays Hillary Clinton - Deceiving the deceiver - the witch - The War Drummer [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "Felt this one. Currently in a relationship where over directness doesn't cut it, you gotta have a creative chemistry. A social chemistry that brings it out of you if you want it to last. That's the part you usually find with a wife",not sexist So act like every other women out there.,not sexist Yeah Im sure people bashing Ghostbusters 2016 had nothing to do with the fact that it was a terrible movie. Also funny how Wonder Woman was well received by both male and female audiences #hmmm [URL],not sexist Why would you want to turn it around? I don't even know the girl but she seems annoying and a time waster. have more self respect and find better options.,not sexist LOL ... I hate you,not sexist "Most men, unless they are severely autistic or naive, realize that. We go to porn to escape women, and then, women can escape men.",not sexist "Watch movies from 40s and 50s men were much more manly than today and they gathered together more times. Arabs don't care about women, most of them treat them like shit, so maybe this the reason the gather together. I'm not Arab.",not sexist [USER] How long do you think it would take to get banned from t_d if I just went on a Jew-naming tour?,not sexist Imagine she beat herself up in the apartment. The guy would find no recourse. Would have went to jail. How many men are in jail because they got caught up with a psycho?,not sexist what did she say? you remind me of?,not sexist How and where have you made so many female friends?,not sexist "ONE ITIS MAN RUN AWAYYYYYY! No, just say, ""I think we should just be friends"" before she can.",not sexist "The problem with being 22 is that you're not going to have the experience to know whether or not you're in a great relationship or a terrible relationship. Knowing what I know now, I'd break up with her and start spinning plates.",not sexist My experience in the casual sex scene is that the vast majority of women are into playing out the sort of thing OP talks about,not sexist "Google gives Joy Villa 48 hours to remove MAGA song because she violated their ""standards""",not sexist "i WIL[URL] NOT BE LIKE MY GERMAN COUSINS, MERRY CHRISTMAS FAGS",not sexist "most girls love the idea of playing video games, theyre curious about them.",not sexist "According to styxhexenhammer666, Omarosa is doing this for Trump and to make leftists give her money. A double win for her.",not sexist "To stop being needy you need to have an abundance mindset, have hobbies, and stop giving so much of a fuck. You're giving this one girl so much power over you.",not sexist Stop the presses! Someone's feefees were hurt!,not sexist That speech Clinton made in India is without a doubt the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard. Not for me but for her. She truly has gone off the deep end.,not sexist GODSPEED POLAND! You're getting shit done right!,not sexist So should his 10 year old daughter decide she can have sex if she wants?,not sexist "She should go to Saudi Arabia with that sign. I'm sure, all the tolerant Muslims, will defend her free speech and ideas openly. #FreeSpeech #FuckIslam #GabFam",not sexist "This shit real? I don't doubt that cuck would do something this shit-tier but usually he tries to play the innocent ""concerned adult"" bs.",not sexist "I concur with Mr Rollhax, fuck her off. No matter how ""amazing"" (beta af to describe a girl like that who dropped you like a bad habbit over night)",not sexist "Dude whatever, its not your responsibility to read her mind. its not like you are telling her you love her and then bailing. if she lies to you, then its on her.",not sexist My Wife says if I buy one more gun she'll leave me DAMN I'm going to miss that woman,not sexist [URL] All incestuous folks head to California it's ok there to fuck your sister or daughter,not sexist "lol, even better So you disagree the bible says jesus has to be a jew?",not sexist #TORONTO: Police arrest 2nd suspect in playground shooting Toronto police have arrested a second suspect in June's east-end playground shooting that injured two young girls. Police had already arrested one suspect and were looking for two more.,not sexist No! Mothers need a day off from all the hassle they go through daily. Men do nothing but relax when they get home. /s,not sexist UK: Muslim threatens to murder Tommy Robinson and attack his wife with acid [URL] #MuslimsAreTheEnemy #BANISLAM #ExpelAllMuslims #FreeTommyRobinson,not sexist Porno puke is a complete moron!,not sexist "conventions,college libraries,college nerd clubs,through other nerds who had lil nerdy sisters or nerdy female friends,gamestop,and the manga section of barnes and nobles!",not sexist "I get what you mean, but why she won't reply? Is she's playing hard to get? She isn't interested? I definetly don't think she forgot about it but it can be the case. What do you think? Should I wait one day or 2 before double messaging?",not sexist Yeah but they never expect a 5'1 man. Even those that clsim they dont care about height aren't gonna date a man who is literally short for a female.,not sexist "Unless, she actually happens to SEE 1 that is Physically Attractive and wants to spend some money on her. She'll have JUST ENOUGH attraction to hookup, fuck him, let him wine-n-dine her, but MOST IMPORTANTLY...**BE SEEN WITH HIM BY MATT**.",not sexist "Since when have the progressives cared about someone getting hurt? From the times of slavery until today, they start wars, allow violent criminal to run amok, promoted drug abuse, deviant lifestyles, intentionally put people into poverty, etc",not sexist Is she also bashing Trump on the basis of his skin color?,not sexist born to kick ass,not sexist "So, Ivanka Trump is committing Genocide upon the Jews because she hates them? .... Sometimes diversity is okay - if done for the right reasons",not sexist He is a tool of the Jew like they all have been since 1913. Member lock her up or build a wall? Ain't happening Jew lover.,not sexist "Wifey's like 3 times as hot as me right now. I need to quite vodka, lift some weights & get a tan to catch up. #relationships #RelationshipGoals #exercise #fitness #nutrition #comedy",not sexist Then I never want you to call yourself a racist ever again because you are not! If someone does you must respond with this. THAT IS INSULTING! NEVER CALL ME A DEMOCRAT AGAIN! It makes the monkey's brain melt! They will go away!,not sexist "7 minute mark in. Trump is clearly signaling if she doesn't show up on Monday, than fuck it. Game over. Go ahead with the vote. [URL]",not sexist "If only they would remake 'Atlas Shrugged"" into a kids movie with wizards or princesses, we might be able to win some of these wasters back to humanity.",not sexist Trump is punching the sh*t out of hillary,not sexist Good luck with that wish. My toy-box says lots of you niggers would die long before this White man ... We own this planet for a reason. Ps: I hate niggers.,not sexist [USER] We're gonna need a bigger basket.,not sexist """He told Sebuyungo that he would amass huge riches and double his wealth if he cut off the head of a female being."" << sounds legit [URL]",not sexist L I T E R A L L Y H U N D R E D S O F V O T E S A P A R T C O M E O N,not sexist "Now that she has destroyed her country, Merkel to Deport Refugees for Reelection: [URL]",not sexist "I applaud you! Yes, I do know they take mates for life and I can't get that picture out of my head. I grew up with hunters and we ate rabbit, quail, all kinds of animals, but I could not shoot one. Photographing them is so much better.",not sexist "Blacks have been stupid enough to vote against their interests for a long time but the likes of Kanye et. al. waking up to the realization may put useless liars like Maxine, libtards &, maybe, the democratic party out of business.",not sexist "These fuck sponges really believe this shit don't they? To them women are just holes that fuck everyone, and yet somehow they can't get laid. What happened to these fuckers to make them this twisted, to make them hate women with such a passion.",not sexist "RT Roxanne1958 Her home life must be horrible, she sounds miserable [URL]",not sexist More likely some gay cross dresser from your mom's basement,not sexist "First of all if this is your ""gf"" then seduction is the least of your worries. You need to keep her trust and posting pictures of her legs online isn't very trustworthy. You do you, boo.",not sexist "Your frame should be ""I'm flirty with everyone"" not ""I like you so I'm going to flirt with you specifically"". You should be approaching and talking to many women and therefore no individual girl matters.",not sexist "I'm sure she's just an expensive prostitute, hunting for rich men. Business trip and husband thing is to increase SMV.",not sexist Will be interesting to see how many new members the #NRA will pick up! I bet some of them will be former Democrats! #nra #draintheswamp #thestormishere #boycottDNC #qanon,not sexist "ace people still have libidos and can enjoy the physical sensations of sex, they just don't feel sexual attraction to people. another commenter said, ""like a gay man in an all female gym,"" which yeah, pretty much.",not sexist "As she should, unless it's a marriage of convenience.",not sexist "I'm not gay but if some dude could fuck me into skyrim, I'd be down. In my mind that's a small price to pay.",not sexist "our incredibly attractive and 'ok to be white' 14/88 sister, jennifer hail victory sister! [USER] [URL]",not sexist do you think white women should be having sex with niggers and other subhuman racial groups?,not sexist "Man in his own home, shot by woman who likely knew him. BLM could use it as a case for racial violence, while men could use it in the same vein as violence against men.",not sexist "man/woman has a RIGHT 2 do as he/she wishes on planet earth as long it shall not create harm,injury or loss to his/her fellow man/woman!!!!",not sexist "Sorry, but you're an idiot. Maybe a well intentioned one, I don't know. Maybe its just lack of knowledge about the subject you are debating. But it is what it is. You wanna be taken seriously, do some research first.",not sexist Nah man go back to playing Xbox and masturbating to the girls I'm having sex with,not sexist "Humble brag but yeah I neg. Told the chick she had a bunny butt. She asked me what it meant. I said "" it means you hope that ass around"". She was surprised. I said it was a popular kink. And change the topic.",not sexist I have attracted women at my workplace. I got fired. Don't do it. It's not worth it.,not sexist "That I was unemployed, but she was also banging the local meth-ed out Chad. She was convinced he would commit to her. He's in prison now for attempted murder. God works in mysterious ways.",not sexist "Because she paid a man to murder her husband, and laughed at the pictures of, what she thought you was his dead body in a shallow grave. I mean this is pretty far down the path, wouldn't you say?",not sexist "That's way too direct unless you already have it in the bag/couldn't give a shit about her response. The way to do it would be to say let's study together, then game her when she comes over/you go over. (After the studying of course ;) )",not sexist What is your point? You seem to just want to disagree on anything. Between men and women who wants casual sex more? Right female sex tourism in the Caribbean with male sex tourism all over SE Asia and Eastern Europe etc.,not sexist "[USER] believes that with the increase of deportations and the rise of La Raza the mestizos will eventually be racially conscious, which is bad for whites.",not sexist She's either a lesbian (most likely) or she prefers her meat dark.,not sexist "Can you imagine this THING teaching your 'white' children? Suspended is GREAT, FIRED & BANNED from teaching - (banned from CHILDREN) would be better! Glad her school has some balls. [URL]",not sexist "Chateau Grief #SaturdayMorning Comic 54 - Xander you may not have been blonde forty years ago, but right now it's an honest mistake. #jokes #puns",not sexist "Police raid Vatican apartment, ""Doctrine of the Faith"" and find? [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "That was almost impossible to watch and listen to with all the speech fillers (like, right, you know.. uh..). The rambling of this girl, and she is a girl, not a woman.. a child.. her rambling screed was pure screech; an assault upon my ears.",not sexist "It did no good for anyone. Mom jumping man to man, daughter and dad suicidal. I begin to wonder why this even happened, no one seems to get anything here.",not sexist "I will block anyone who attacks me or anyone I care about personaly! Otherwise, I am open minded...that's why I voted and support Trump!",not sexist Do you mean your girlfriends best friend? Or do you mean you want to seduce your best friend who is a Girl?,not sexist That poor boy looks as despondent as females always look around muslim men.,not sexist "Left is your cutie nawalt oneitits looksmatch, right is chad's toilet. Enjoy that blackpill buddy boyo",not sexist "My sister lived in Spain for several years where they used humanure in their gardens, she soaked her fresh veggies in a bleach solution to kill all harmful bacteria.",not sexist Why I will never date black women. It's not like the good ones want black men anyways smh,not sexist Only the progressives would want her in prison. The real conservatives want her hanged.,not sexist That'll teach me about trusting anglophone girls also applies to sjw betacuck men trying to sabotage you in the workplace. beware,not sexist Lots of Make up! A couple years ago also Barbie Benton was so cute. She was a nice gal,not sexist So not being attracted to you means I have a small dick? Bwahahaa,not sexist "Although some people might argue that even if she doesn't say no, she may still think no. Or she might even say yes but mean no because she's afraid of saying no.",not sexist What colour is this stupid woman.she must be a democrat.,not sexist RT Seekandfind A woman who posted a Snapchat video of her boyfriend dying in a pool of blood has been found guilty of helping to arrange his killing. [URL],not sexist "My wife has agreed to go through confirmation. We're a bit reluctant to home school but we think Catholic school will provide our kids with education, society, and humility.",not sexist fucking pathetic woman,not sexist I'm a dyke. Far from a pick me as you can get. Obviously there are women out there who are coerced into fucking for a paycheck. That is not what I think women who create porn for other women should do.,not sexist #1 PIC: This is a text from #Roseanne to her son. She literally thought Valerie Jarrett was white! #2 PIC: Tweet from a major pharma company (they make Ambien) piling on #Roseanne #3: #Drudge slams them. #4: #ThomasWictor #Thread [URL],not sexist Last I heard women are the victims not the rapists.,not sexist Most people here are mentalcels or fakecels lol. There's like a dozen truecels. I have never asked out a girl. And the only girls I liked were giga stacies. I will bag some ugly chicks in college.,not sexist "It's like watching the biggest, strongest male lion with the fullest mane fuck all the females in the pride. Then you're the male lion that looks like a lioness",not sexist "Good morning, Jim! 2Tim1:5 has always had a special place in my heart since becoming a mom many years ago. Always found encgouragement there! 😊",not sexist Jfl at this gigaton cope,not sexist The biggest insult to a woman is being unfuckable???,not sexist Bars and clubs is where girls are okay with being approached though.,not sexist "Lol no don't do that shit. Just dance like an average person and maintain eye contact, touch, escalate and you'll be fine As someone else said, don't do shit just because you think it'll make women like you more",not sexist because the people who designed it are retarded,not sexist [USER] please remember to care for yourself! Your Husband will need your strength for his recovery and rehab,not sexist Hey G.A.B world Thank you to all the beatiful wonderfull woman who follow me y'all make me blush Shout to the Mom's they make the world go round! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 There was no corny girl froggy icon apologies,not sexist #ChipWilson is right-some #women should not wear #lululemon style pants. #yoga #leggings are not pants.,not sexist She wouldn't adopt it.more likely pass it round her pervie friends an then dispose of it YUM YUM spririt cooking friends to enjoy,not sexist "This woman's plea is not so much about Q, but about real hope justice and liberty will survive, IN CANADA! [URL]",not sexist For me it was the opposite .women in college were easy and just looking to have fun.You just have to be out there and look for opportunities and adventure .You got to keep up with the latest trends and pop culture to fit in with college girls too .,not sexist "I accept their nature. If one of them tries to fuck me up I will destroy her selfworth, the same way I accept male nature and if one attacks me I destroy him.",not sexist It's because you spend your time spewing hate while they use their time to develop their skills. Maybe make better use of your time. No wonder you hate women.,not sexist That is if the wifey isn't the one taking me out of this world in a very non-pleasant way that is...,not sexist Minneapolis: Muslim migrant stabs woman 14 times [URL],not sexist they get so defensive about it too jfl if it wasn't chad they'd start insulting your appearance,not sexist "And after his psychotic break ended, he realized that not only did she never message him, but also ""she"" was actually a bot. He then proceeded to choke on his mandible that was so severely retruded that it pressed against his larynx.",not sexist Keep your chin up and when eye contact is made nod your head a little. That could give you a clue if shes open to talking.,not sexist "Sorry, there aren't enough third worlders running around raping women and setting fire to cars, not progressive enough, Croatia is getting EU-sanctions!",not sexist that girl >average how can you be that salty,not sexist "I often get asked to drive, so for me I do two things. 1) clean out the inside of my car so she doesn't have to look at my trash. 2) Take my car to a carwash and have it cleaned. Women notice stuff like that.",not sexist "If someone doesnt take that woman outofdowning Street then the Country and the Conservatives are fucked, and it will be no good threatening the electorate with Labour and corbyn!",not sexist "Yes, women can read body language, and they're pretty good at it. Although they don't really think it, I believe it's more of an instinct.",not sexist "[USER] is a good 1 -2 follow shes smart an pretty,",not sexist "Anyway, I would still have a fucking gala watching the movie I see, that's the reason why you wrote 8 comments here, all of them reading like you just had a mental meltdown.",not sexist I know we all loathe Fauxcahontas but lemme speak truth. I would love to have slow tender sexy time with that woman....leaving her stammering and stuttering. Her glasses - STAY ON.,not sexist Morning and evening,not sexist "Male or female leadership if leaders don't have the interest of the people at heart, it's bound to be a shit show (or a shit hole in this case)",not sexist Hey PETA: shut the fuck up about colleges having live mascots,not sexist [USER] now we are cooking! welcome Michelle! the woman who is the single most important person who brought me to the fight against the #Elites in both parties to fight #amnesty she is a #Warrior,not sexist "Ya, its garbage. Pedo apologist. Fuck your ""prophet""",not sexist "Use humour, don't ever be blunt. ""Hold up mother fucker, let me finish this shit."" Loud expansive energy and you'll control the crowd.",not sexist In my senior class we had one fat woman and one fat guy. Out of 95 kids. Today that number would be 45 to 50. As half the white race is going to die younger from obesity. End the insanity. Do not give sugar to your kids.,not sexist "Conspiracy theories just make you sound insane, my dude. Back it up with **credible** evidence. Y'all motherfuckers probably think shit like [this]([URL] is real.",not sexist "Yeah on top of all that misery that woman go trough in war time, now they also have to take care of a broken man. It's not fair.",not sexist "Muslims in NYC harass wrong man's girlfriend, beatings ensue. [URL]",not sexist Kill them. All!,not sexist #Israel Netanyahu is a fking nut case and tragedy queen. He wants Assad assassinated. IS THIS JACKASS OUT OF HIS FKING MIND?,not sexist "yikes, lets unpack this. Just because you grew up in the hood getting raised by a single mom doesnt mean that you're entitled to a living wage at mcdonalds, sweaty. Mabe you just need to work on your attitude.",not sexist "That's because we have Lord of the Village Idiots, who doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, 'leading' the country into oblivion. [URL]",not sexist Why do you care? With emotional maturity comes the sense of self that you don't have to use a girlfriend as a prop for your esteem.,not sexist "Yes -- it DOES suck to have bad things assumed about you based on factors you can't personally control. But that problem is best addressed not by claiming that others have privilege, but by advocating real reforms to address those underlying issues.",not sexist PA mean girls sued for false sexual assault claims [URL],not sexist thank goodness girls have so much more freedom to dress how we want now! <3,not sexist Fucking sharp!!!!!!,not sexist "Cut to inside board room: Libtard 1, "" Okay, now we have to look at Ken....Do we make him ""Gang Rape"" Ken! Comes with all new disgusting neck beard!"" Libtard 2: Oh, how about he comes with a child bride!? Libtard 1: AMAZING! #GabFam #WTF #BanIslam",not sexist Love the Pelosi picture. Bet everything she tries to eat has a very bitter taste🤪‼️. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸,not sexist This bullshit is why I hate MGTOW. It scares plenty of women and I have work against that.,not sexist My woman works damn hard to piss me off 😠. #WomenOfLeftistStates,not sexist I mean it may sound crazy but brush hair away from her face? See if she looks at you endeared or like you're a freak.,not sexist "Aagghh.........They are NOT ""Natives"" -and the savages slaughtered thousands and thousands of Whites.",not sexist "Dial your beta up to 11, she'll leave on her own accord",not sexist "Woman's Runny Nose Actually Leaked Brain Fluid... car accident head trauma in 2013 caused rupture in lining of her brain constant runny nose, severe headaches, trouble sleeping plugged with fatty tisue",not sexist "Nono she's right, also you all only rag on poppy because she's one of the only non grifters here.",not sexist Mystery Method is outdated. Even David D is better then mystery. MM= Mental Masturbation.,not sexist "This year I slept wit 10 different women. I plan to do way better next year and probs coulda slept with more, because I've had way more near pulls, but it's better than my previous years of 1-2",not sexist i hope shes in jail for something,not sexist "You said there's literally nothing he can do, but you also mentioned he could date a 1/10 girl (if he did a tremendous effort), which means he is not 100% fucked. Like I keep repeating, it's up to him to decide whether it's worth it.",not sexist "They're not dumb. They know very well that ethnics don't get laid in North America, so they're willing to allow families in that have chidren, especially female chidren.",not sexist The wiles of nigger-fucking German woman are showcased on the cover of National Geographic this month.,not sexist "Men get the privilege of dying for their wives, as Christ died for His Church.",not sexist "Podesta and the Democrats knew the folly: ""Over 7 million Muslim misfit migrants including much-overlooked straggling family members have already grabbed a place at the German welfare trough, and that's just the beginning of the end."" [URL]",not sexist "Well we already have an issue where we are literally paying some if our farmers not to farm - but here we're getting into asshole Government meddling in trade bullshit, instead of letting the market handle itself",not sexist "Reminder that she votes for the party that enslaved blacks, lynched blacks, segregated blacks, and aborts blacks.",not sexist """No your honor, I didn't assault that girl. Case closed.""",not sexist Seriously? Evidently Justice Scalia have some sway with her considering their friendship. But then again Kavanaugh is tied to the globalist Bush dynasty.,not sexist Only you're an idiot. Now you're both an idiot and a liar.,not sexist "The wife [USER] talking about hookers piling out of a trailer park in hopes for a fresh john: ""Those girls are coming out for a john like car salesmen at a dealership""",not sexist Someone better in her mind showed up. TBH -- in this case -- it probably wouldn't take much for someone to qualify as that... a pulse would probably be sufficient.,not sexist "You are so deplorable. So off message. So naif that you have distilled truth from a Rapist, a gay CIA. plant and a murderous psychopath that will continue to seek revenge until she is squelched. Dead on. Nightmare meme!",not sexist "Chuck, neither Mohammed Ali or Trump became champions by telegraphing their punches. Hillary never even saw the ""Straight Right"" that knocked her out.",not sexist "Double down and escalate with the HB8. If you're high value she'll want to at least get to know you. Your plate will eventually wind out, and you would've dreaded her so far into oblivion that she'll come crawling back.",not sexist "I know, I don't really buy into that hiearchy, but this girl obviously does.",not sexist Need a shot of her without all that fake-up.,not sexist "I don't give a rat's ass what this woman's professional accomplishments are. In fact, I question if she legitimately has any accomplishments. Why? Because she is a liar and liars cannot be trusted, ever.",not sexist "Circle the words ""queer,"" ""feminine,"" ""female,"" and ""homosexual"" and then connect them with a line, then send him back to school with it tomorrow. I guarantee it will be awesome.",not sexist she's symbolic of my welbeing and my status What the fuck? Please move on for your own good and quit being a douchenozzle.,not sexist There are recorded case of women raping underage boys and still getting child support out of them even though they aren't 18 still.,not sexist "[USER] She was going good until she got to the ""motherfucler"" part. THAT'S what they'll show, all they'll show...an ""unhinged"" #PresidentTrump supporter. MSM is so irrelevant to me.",not sexist "sex is never worth the wait, its just sex. Feels just as good if it was the first day or the 365th day. If she makes u wait, shes not feeling you enough. If shes feeling u enough and u make her wait, she will find someone else.",not sexist work is a good place to meet...women holy shit no,not sexist Somebody plz tell these two clowns & the other negro women in Congress they do not have to wear ALL their jewelry & hats at one time. We know it's a circus up there but the whole damn world doesn't need to know!,not sexist """like me"" lmao can ANY female that posts anywhere resist saying ""btw I'm female!!!""??? fuck off you stupid piece of shit someone get rid of this brainless prick",not sexist But that bird isn't blue I'm afraid.,not sexist Sounds right. But I don't think this sub is full of incels like that just about 20% of them. But yea I agreed with you. In most cases men and women want to be with someone they feel comfortable with.,not sexist "You have a penis? That must be news to your wife, LOL.",not sexist "RT [USER]: Women online: ""Hey guys why don't you just shut the fuck up and sit this century out?"" Also women online: ""Hey guys why aren't you engaging with us?""",not sexist "A man can feed his family at any time under any circumstances. It might be steaks, it might be crickets, but it's food.",not sexist Yeah. You guys are in love with yourselves and anything that means you might get sexual pleasure and validation. Don't post here. Using a throwaway wont help you circumvent rules. You will always just get banned. Bye.,not sexist she's cool and a badass !! i know after two of the same stupid questions I would throw the Mic at them 80mph!! LMFAO 😉😃😄,not sexist "It's not only fewer men who are engaging in casual sex, also fewer women, as your own source stated Yes I know. But I'm bringing up the point that these factors drastically changed in men's engagement. I never said it was a bad thing.",not sexist "My ethnic interests? Huh? I'm pro white you silly ass, so don't help me out u dumb fuck",not sexist "If he sees all the shit tests and is able to make a comic about it, yet still is married to this woman, he's a cuck.",not sexist we knew that was coming. all the bullshit wasnt worth it though. sorry hong sisters.,not sexist omg bro i fucking died lmfaoooooo,not sexist This makes sense. And I agree with you. But sometimes I'm just in the mood to dance with a girl all night.,not sexist "and was too drunk to decided and control herself Drunk messes up motor ability and takes away inhibitions, but doesn't make you unable to control and decide. Now you know she definitely cheated, because she's making up new alcohol effects.",not sexist what did the stupid woman expect. didnt she do any research on islam before inviting them into Europe?,not sexist "It's absurd to have laws to prevent any discussion on a particular historic event. Besides that, this woman is right. WWII is the biggest lie in history and it still continues today. Insane!",not sexist and the imbecile libtards wear hijabs when they protest and remain silent on islams treatment of women. Didja see the german govt tv commercial encouraging german women to wear the hijab? makes me want to invade again.,not sexist "Hell id be lying with you and to myself if i said it was a woman, but infact it was biologically a man trying to pull a fast one on us, and get knocked da fuck out son",not sexist "I've been at the drama club at my university for two years now, made many friends but no girls have been interested. How can I advertise myself best online?",not sexist And I bet these men who pretend to be women still stand when taking a piss!,not sexist Ty Christ and mother Mary and pls me!t the genetic jews of Jerusalem for threatening the world with their Samson option and make them pay worldwide for what they've done to goyem people's worldwide. Bruce Kenneway,not sexist LOL. The parents do too in reality. One parent was into the Women's March and I'm like do you REALLY think women dressed like VJJ's are going to solve the countries problems? Their reaction?,not sexist """They were GANG RAPING girls. I mean they were drugging them and RAPING them."" ""I know, I went there TEN TIMES."" wait. what?",not sexist "Loved this story. Straight out from a movie! You had big balls to go ahead and face your fears like that, keep pushing on buddy ;) 10/10 would take you into my night game squad",not sexist Post hate speech and get it banned to make totally sure.,not sexist "An ethno-state has nothing to do with racial hatred, most people want to live with their own kind. Get rid of the agitator Jew and we can all get along!",not sexist "Neo is a guy, he has a white wife who still hasn't told her family that she is married to him, and therefore calls him ""a friend"" when visiting family. That's where the cuck vibe comes from.",not sexist "Antisemites fall into either of two categories, they are either stupid or muslim. mohammad was a pedophile that married a prepubescent girl. Are you also a filthy muslim or are you just stupid?""",not sexist Damn... she must be an absolute piece of shit.,not sexist I verified - it's real this is his second post [URL] I think he was making fun of her shaved head.,not sexist Double dipping cockstar motherfuckers.,not sexist THIS WOMAN NEEDS PSYCHIATRIC CARE ASAP Kathy Griffin unleashed a profanity-laced tirade against Melania Trump,not sexist well i hope she learned her lesson from frenchy the felcher and she doesn't use any Hate Speech about niggers or irtyday oojays 🙄,not sexist New #WikiLeaks #Vault7 tweet contains photo of Stasi surveillance of a mailbox: [URL],not sexist "Yeah incels would actually be okay if they just complained about not getting laid without demonizing every single girl on the planet, and saying stuff like ""all women are whores.""",not sexist "They will then start breaking into our homes to steal from the working class even more. But, on the other hand, then we have the right to take them out.",not sexist "tommy robinstein is literally a mossad showman, his arrests are probably one giant puppet show to keep the goyim stuck in the mental cage",not sexist Balding chad,not sexist this commie motherfucker 'pope' needs to go,not sexist 20 men found guilty of raping more than a dozen teenage girls in northern England [URL],not sexist "To be clear, is Joy Behar equating Americans, with whom she might disagree politically, peacefully visiting the White House; with foreign agents violently destroying public property? What an idiot.",not sexist """Go to the spider wasp thou White Nationalist; consider her ways, and be wise."" #molochsproverbs [URL]",not sexist wonder if she would support them if she was sent to Afghanistan for cultural enrichment oh thats right they would rape and kill her,not sexist "Also lol at ""rarer, more valuable type of connection."" Sex with different women is far better then a ""connection."" That connection is just overglorified prostitution.",not sexist "Good job shaming OP for wanting to fuck his patients. Please do us all a favor and don't answer any more questions in your ""self-righteous"" tone. You're not helping and you're not adding to the conversation.",not sexist she can fix him boyo,not sexist """Or we are done""?? Fuck that get rid of her anyways",not sexist "this nigga cucked his wife, and she's still helping them?!",not sexist I like Laura Ingraham a lot and love her show. But I won't watch whenever this Democrat asshole is on. Richard Goodstein makes diarrhea smell good.,not sexist "1. Who said I'm not in favor of slavery? Muahahaha 2. Yes, the Krauts did a good job with that. I support doing that, but our political class would rather import Bindis to do that work instead of educating Americans to do it.",not sexist 1. He isn't ugly 2. He was married and having sex with other women on the side. How is that not getting laid?,not sexist Still don't understand. What does someone willing to commit have to do with their level of promiscuity? A guy could be willing to commit to me and I wouldn't know if he's a virgin. If he has a million ONSs or if he had 13 previous girlfriends.,not sexist I love the replies to this. They basically told her to take her entitlement and shove it.,not sexist All cakeface idiots specially the one on the bottom right lmao doesn't even match her skin color.,not sexist Drop dead you dicksucking mommies boy Nazi faggot. My American relatives served in the US Army in WW2 whilst yours were busy spying for the Nazis!,not sexist "You're below-average intellectually, physically with zero to little earning power. Crawl back under your rock Rearden until your mommy says you can go out and collect soda cans.",not sexist "Definately pay. You're the man lol. As far as mini-golf seduction, go with this: *""Wanna hold my balls?""* -as you hand her the golf balls. .....dont do that.",not sexist "Ya, I finally paid the mortgage off, too bad the ex wife owns it. Just kidding, I actually had to sell my house soon after the divorce because of crippling child support payments.",not sexist Apollonia Ponti..COULD sooo get it. I mean here face is kind of rough.. but she looks like the type of chick to have a banging body. Also I typically resist taking dating advice from girls but from whatever reason her advice seems really legit.,not sexist that's why i don't go on mgtow. too much hatred for women.,not sexist "You go girl. Only one I will bow to is JESUS CHRIST my LORD. You are correct. Very well said.YEAH PRES. TRUMP, MAGA, 🗽🗽🗽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏✝️",not sexist "Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known. Very, very we wake up to the fact that women can be perpetrators. [URL]",not sexist """Fucking incel woman hater!"" - rest of reddit",not sexist So when does she cut off israel?,not sexist Thanks Savoy Just curious. Have you ever been involved in physical violence during a pickup? From jealous/angry males or females? And how did (or would) you handle the situation,not sexist Why oh why is this women not put out to pasture yet.We are all going to end up feeling sorry for her and embarrassed for her watching the Dems roll her stupid arse out every time.RETIRE YOU CRAZY AULD COOT,not sexist Ok. Let me try and clear up this misconception. Again. Just because you would be justified in using deadly force against someone doesn't mean you have to ensure that they die.,not sexist "Fuck you jew fag, it's great, it gives you a hard on, makes Women wet, no danger, only to the mother fucker your shooting. That's the whole idea behind guns to be loud you faggot.",not sexist "Atlantic Mag: Low Unemployment Raises Wages in Iowa [URL] Atlantic article fails to mention the importance of Trump's ""Hire American"" policies that block companies from importing replacement workers via illegal or legal programs. #MAGA #walkaway",not sexist she feels like she owes him for ruining his life (it was his fault really but she accidentally shared the story with the wrong people and ended up getting his ass arrested). She sounds like a keeper!,not sexist I think she is married to her brother...(seriously),not sexist Jimmie Carter was pres. 76-80. what's her excuse for all the evil she has done since then? more important will she roll over on her evil cohorts and help put them out of business?,not sexist I don't have a problem. I was just stating what is a turnoff to me. You sound like a huge cuck/feminist/libtard.,not sexist "The fact the male in this picture used ""reverse sexism"" also makes him an idiot. There is no such thing as reverse sexism, it's just sexism. It's the same problem as people who say ""reverse-evolution"" or ""de-evolution"". No, it's just evolution.",not sexist "[USER] stay strong sister. Nothing is more important than protecting children, & you are putting yourself out there to do it.",not sexist testsalkjtlkjafdlkdaflkj,not sexist "They already are, it's called Antifa.",not sexist Judy is such a trip. i could write books about her i swear 😂📕 hey girl! 🐱👑 we all knw ur the Queen but try and be nice to ur adoring fans 💖 [USER],not sexist She said she liked killers and she said they seemed almost human or something to that effect. Endorsing prison labor is sick. Bill was a notorious racist back in the day even,not sexist "Never said they'd be getting the kind of woman a modern incel would desire, but they would be set up with A wife and likely wouldn't have modern conventional standards of beauty to make them all that pissy about it.",not sexist [USER] It looks like she could be on the verge of an aneurysm or an orgasm or a blotch... or all three at once,not sexist You must apologize to the Muslim girl who lied and committed a fake hate crime with her lying brother. How dare you! Muh victimhood. [URL],not sexist A judge has caused outrage after letting a Muslim pedophile off without a prison sentence because his religious education had not taught him that raping 13-year-old girls is wrong. [URL],not sexist "Name the jew,the same thing happened at the end of WW II,when the jew won the war all Italian women were forced into prostitution",not sexist That's fucking terrible for Croatia.,not sexist looks like hulk hogan in a dress,not sexist "You fucked up with: > I, being an idiot, make the mistake and gree to be her friend out of fear of not having her in my life at all. fix that, tell her you don't think it's working out as friends. Don't be outcome independent.",not sexist "Hahahahaha James Woods! Sh1tposter from heaven! That Theresa hyena wouldn't know what a woman is and, if she ever met one, she'd burn her at the stake.",not sexist Territorial instinct in men.,not sexist """No one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew."" Mein Kampf [URL]",not sexist "They are starting to use the word rape more frequently now, about time.",not sexist "I wouldn't call Paradox Fox or Sarah Press your typical leftist shill. They're definitely far to the left of probably 98% of Gab users but I like them. Plus Paradox is cute, and being a bisexual girl I have nothing but respect for cute ladies.",not sexist "I'd say the bottom was a propagandist, politics has more to what she reports that capitalism does.",not sexist "[USER]. [URL] Great show-audio cut outs and weird music literally! starts playing.. also, I started it from the beginning",not sexist "No because they don't think women can do anything outside of complain, birth children and do household chores and take care of kids. You know, ""women's work"". They really are clueless.",not sexist Just lol at how mentally retarded ITcucks are,not sexist Kick his ass. I do it with my daughters.,not sexist "It does not happen overnight, i had to work for 4y until it sunk in and i am now 47y old. Being beta is wasting your life away being weak and frustrated.",not sexist "I don't know why we would use a group of people who murder others when they can't get laid as a symbol for ""order""",not sexist "I'm a White American Jew. But I don't see how what I am matters. I still feel Harry should marry a proper English young lady, preferably a member of the peerage. This girl he has chosen is not worthy.",not sexist "13 DEAD: Muslim family bombs 3 Indonesian churches, even 2 young daughters had bombs strapped on [URL]",not sexist "2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards ""So there"" A female moose sticking her tongue out. Photograher Barney Koszalka",not sexist StefaniaFOX10 27 YO teacher being held on a 250k bond after police say a students parent found evidence of a sexual relationship between her and the 13 YO boy. More victims at the school? Prosecutors say yes. I'll tell you why at 5 #Fox10Phoenix,not sexist SHITBRICKS?!,not sexist "Rep. Frederica Wilson thinks that John Kelly is a racist for calling her an ""empty barrel."" Someone needs to get this illiterate moron out of office before she embarrasses her constituents any further.",not sexist Hahaha! Based Garrison. I don't think there's ever been a sorer loser in all the world. She's reached a point where she's trying to hawk her shitty book between toilet paper & dish rags in a fuckin Costco.,not sexist "Looks like she aborted her eyebrows, too.",not sexist "Good, glad they are so supportive of LGBTQPRSetc. Don't have a problem with that, just give me back my bathroom/changing room PRIVACY!",not sexist """Tyrone looks at me like i'm a delicious chicken nugget!"" no wonder those Tyrones like fat white women. gross, then they make chicken niglets.",not sexist But maaaaaaammmmm what if girls don't have sex with me????? Isn't it better to completely disregard's someone ability to consent to contracting herpes vs. not get laid????,not sexist "I'm not saying we need to force girls to have sex with us. But rather, we don't let Chad have sex. If people complain about this, the answer is very clear: ""YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO SEX!""",not sexist They keep her around to lick the toilets clean after the show...Don't need to pay a janitor.,not sexist Nah I like white girls. I'm just not interested in white trash degenerate coke heads like you...,not sexist "yeah but numbers obviously matter. ""oh everyone dies it's okay to do crack cocaine and smoke 2 packs of cigs a day"". ""but people who do that will die sooner"" . ""yeah but it still applies to everyone since we all die"".",not sexist "It's amazing, men can't even get custody from women who are known child rapists.",not sexist "An interactive 3DCG camgirl gets more attention that the regular camgirls because of novelty value, and people immediately conclude that men only fap to cartoon girls because they hate real women? Imagine being that fragile...",not sexist "I'd bang, but I'd pull out",not sexist Would you think that if you were the FWB or the boyfriend and your girl has a male roommate?,not sexist Where did you meet her? She's probably more interested in someone else at the moment,not sexist "In Nogales Grijalva is always voted in, most Mexicans here are democrat (stupid) they dont realize Dems are communisty.I NEVER voted for him There was a woman gabby Mercer ran twice as a Republican",not sexist "[USER] For what it's worth, I'd fuck Kira, my God that woman is hot, I'd Mary Ezri, because she's a sweetheart, and I'd kill Jadzia, because she's my least favourite.",not sexist Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization; an organized criminal enterprise; a racist hate group; a bunch of criminal thugs; a bunch of out-of-control animals who belong in cages; violent Marxist thugs.,not sexist "You're the one threatening me....Come get it....You'll lose, just like everyone else. This shit is governed by U.S. Law....I have the right to stand my ground and use #1A to my full advantage..🤣😂",not sexist "Amy Schumer's biggest problem is that she simply isn't self-aware enough to be funny. After that, her next biggest problem is that she's fucking barking.",not sexist Your mother used to smash up your autism medicine in your lucky charms before strapping on your special helmet and sending you off to school.,not sexist #TeresaMay forgot her hijab/scarf..,not sexist #Saysomethingoffensive It is not okay to make the Hijab part of a secular uniform,not sexist The mom part is kinda true.,not sexist "I got a beta key for Weird West, can't wait to play",not sexist "This. if she wants to date, she'll make it known. This girl I'm seeing told me she really liked me yesterday. I knew where it was going. I had to cut her off and tell her Im taking it slow. She'll definitely bring it up again after awhile. Guaranteed",not sexist "Sean Davis Why did Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson conceal from Congress last August that he retained the services of the Russian-speaking wife of a top DOJ official? He was asked directly, and he denied it.",not sexist Idiot. Even fox news covered the majority of these stories.,not sexist You can't make great Biscuits and Gravy without it,not sexist "Man 1: Stop beating your wife!! Man 2: ????? I have never beaten my wife. Are you crazy? Man1: You are not man enough to admit that you beat your wife!! Man 2: Go away you Looney, really, go away Man 1: Sissy....",not sexist I'm pretty certain they are waiting for the right time to nail obama with her. RICO indictments will introduce treason as the argument. treason.,not sexist A MGTOW post that doesn't shit on women or even mention them in any way? I may faint!,not sexist "there will be no raid, there will be no justice. We're all getting conned.",not sexist "Hell is to scare every one (not only men) from doing immoral shit including theft, murder, etc... All this mental gymnastics to tell us that Christianity is feminine?",not sexist "#MAGA #Gab #GabFam #SpeakFreely #News Department of Transportation charges dead girl [CUR]3,000 for damaging highway guardrail that killed her [URL]",not sexist It sickens me that the media call that relationship dating. She was a rapist. Don't act like it was anything else,not sexist "Some ppl think he used ""excessive"" force getting her down causing her face slam into concrete. I think he used the amount of force neccessary to save her from throwing herself face first down those stairs.",not sexist "Yeah good reply. Shes basically a 26 year old, attractive girl who spends way too much time on her phone instagramming her life. When I nexted she probably isn't used to someone just not giving a fuck! So what do I go with? Indifference?",not sexist "With that, Bata pulls out a knife, castrates himself and throws his phallus into the water. Anubis is distraught but cannot reach his brother. Bata grows weak and dies. Now convinced that Bata was innocent, Anubis goes home, kills his wife... [URL]",not sexist "So, why only men should shovel snow off the tracks?",not sexist "[USER] Literally amazing, I literally hope that evil old lady goes to prison.",not sexist [USER] I like my women a lil bit crazy Just a lil. The adventures ;),not sexist "As a hot chick, I have to agree. We don't feel anything other than orgasms on chads cock and pure, utter, unadulterated happiness constantly. Have a blessed day xoxo Ps if you're a chick who wants to kill herself, your probs an ugh-OH! :p",not sexist I thought Planned Parenthood would take care of the healthcare needs of women. LMAO,not sexist "Terrible advice, just go to dinner. Go on for the kiss when it feels right and she will know what's up.dont fuck it up before it even begins, saying wear something sexy just comes off creepy",not sexist "Sleeping with hundreds of women doesn't earn you any sort of special title ""Has to get tested most urgently""",not sexist "To be honest, dude, that's kind of fucked up. This is like that Men's Rights bullshit or something. We're here because we like women, not because we want to get some kind of advantage over them or put them in their place.",not sexist Why is your ex living with you? And why do you care who she's fucking if she's your ex?,not sexist [USER] actually no that is not the case. Why would you follow someone when you hate everything they post? The joy of GAB is simply NOT following people you don't like and filtering the rest. 1 single downvote on every post indicates a Troll.,not sexist "Disgusting to YOU, anyway. You know what? They're HER boobs. Not yours. She can let anyone she wants to, to fondle them. Now, if ""anyone she wants"" includes Daddy, then there is a problem. But he isn't Daddy. The point is that the OP lied.",not sexist **IncelTears (TM)** *Because you should protect the woman you breastmog.*,not sexist It's pathetic on her part where she gets mad at the guy for skateboarding? What going to be her excuse for it behind closed doors? Skating is childish?,not sexist Hit her up. Don't be too pushy tho. It's a marathon not a race. Could be a few weeks before she'd even consider hanging out with you. You don't even need to talk to her everyday right away. Ease into it. Best of luck,not sexist Fuck her (?),not sexist [URL] QUESTION TO MUSLIMS IN JORDAN: What would you do if your sister chose to have a job rather than be a stay-at-home housewife?,not sexist I hope the SJW's are happy that poor little black girl that was on Roseanne for some reason is now back on the streets.,not sexist "More than likely, her crowd were a group of homeless crackheads that she supplied a fix for. She is a pathetic excuse of a human being.",not sexist "Know why America is great? I just drove up to a building, rolled down my window,handed a woman a piece of paper,she handed me a bag of hot food and thanked me. Put that in perspective. What can you really complain about?",not sexist Miley Cyrus reveals she's pregnant... with a pizza baby. [URL] #pizzagate,not sexist My daughter just turned me on to this awesome singer Here is a song for Hillary Clinton [URL],not sexist "She'll be dead soon, rotting in the ground with maggots swimming in her eyesockets. Let her grab some dick.",not sexist I guess the ability to throw around an inflated pigskin and gang rape white sorority girls is the true definition of manhood. This is what I imagine of people who use the word 'alpha' or 'beta' as a description of a male - as a rapist.,not sexist "Self-inflicted wound #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll When interviewed by police, the woman says she has been raped by him 3 times in total, saying He doesn't understand when I shake my head. [URL] #VoteRed no #OpenBorders",not sexist [USER] people need to listen to Noreen Gosch she has SO much info since the police and FBI refused to help her and she perused all these leads herself,not sexist "Once you get to the point where she's making the yes/no decision, the seduction has already taken place. If she's not seduced (enough) yet, she says no and she goes home.",not sexist Bicycling is white privilege. As is having money and buying things. The solution is for white allies to gift bicycles to the PEONs (poor eternally oppressed negroes). [URL],not sexist Islam is satanic,not sexist I enjoy #TheMarriageBed posts as well as their #TMBSurvey's for a while now. I've posted many of them in the past & there is a new one out about how sex changes for men over time. Husbands & wives can take the survey! :-) [URL],not sexist Probably should have never trusted it in the beginning. I did. As a stupid 18 year old in my first voting year.,not sexist Dump her. She deserves better,not sexist "So I guess rape threats and saying we should torture/murder women is ""light hearted venting""",not sexist How naive that Hillary thought she could hide her email server from our dead #Benghazi Patriots. Duty and honor prevail #EmailGate #NeverForget,not sexist It is an old pic. She just had a baby. White kid so good for her,not sexist Dude do not ever text a girl something like that. ever. ugh,not sexist eh just show her there's good in men. and to not believe in everything she sees/read .,not sexist "Be you straight, gay, born as a woman, black, asian, white, pacific islander, 16, 60, 90, and all other permutations therein and more... doesn't matter here.",not sexist yeah I hate those God-damned nazis too - and I mute them so I dont see them. may they be accursed to hell!,not sexist "They killed her. She was given choice, she chose to be a shitlord, she even improved her grammar, and they killed her.",not sexist "I can't really help you with as to why girls lose interest in you, but I can tell you that a) being sick isn't a ""lame excuse"" but b) if she cancels, let her be the one to reschedule. Do not reschedule yourself.",not sexist "The black dude is going to try and bone your woman, guaranteed.",not sexist Maybe he just mistook her for his wife?,not sexist "Went well, as you said the only way for me to get out of there would be for me to leave for a while. So I guess we just went as friends. Even so, I went with the prettiest girl in High School.",not sexist I'll give the guy/gal some credit -- so far s/he hasn't blocked me. [URL],not sexist those bastards at the NPA (Nation pop tart association) controlling our lives with their lobbying and stuff......,not sexist I like your outlook. This HB6 might hook you something better. How many times have you met up with a girl and find out that all of her friends are hotter.. work that shit!,not sexist Unreasonable Swedes [URL],not sexist I can't wait till this jackass is dead,not sexist Because it was a political witch hunt to keep him out and it failed horribly,not sexist "No wonder all the muslim men go around raping women in europe, they are thirsty as fuck.",not sexist omfg............someone get her on HRT now,not sexist "she doesnt want to go to jail for ""lying""",not sexist So a shitty book who use sex as a sell value and where's every female's character is a heartless fuck is realistic to you and have impact on your trust issues with your GF ? Man ... Stop reading books then,not sexist "1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.",not sexist "The solution is never ""ignore her."" Like not one single time. The solution is always ""freak right the fuck out and act like you've suddenly lost your sanity and any survival instinct you might have.""",not sexist "Yes, obviously. Never fuck at work. I'm a boss at my place so it's an even bigger no no. I don't even see female clients without the door being open.",not sexist #PresidentialDebates the system IS rigged if #Hillary wins because no REAL American would actually vote for her. We have to protect America!!! VOTE PEOPLE!!! #TRUMP #MAGA,not sexist "Jesus. And people wonder why MGTOW is portrayed in a negative light. This, coming from a very pro-MGTOW guy: you can be MGTOW and still be kind to females. Go your own way, but don't be a dick.",not sexist "Everything she said is true. The irony is that she'll be shouted down for not being critical enough of men, and for not publicly excoriating herself enough over her ""white skin privilege""",not sexist "Legally, it'd be wrong to kill the ones who did this to the poor girl. Morally, I believe they deserve death.",not sexist "Honestly, as a lady, the main reason why we can be unfriendly is because we're protecting ourselves from scum. Men or women. You weren't a perceived threat and they opened up to you. Plain and simple.",not sexist "Word of The Hour prostitute: to offer, as a woman, to a lewd use - See translations for prostitute @ [URL] #word #translations #prostituee #prostituta #prostituta",not sexist Organized from well before - back when dick pictures again :),not sexist "Any man who doesn't sign a prenuptial is a idiot. Idc how hot she is, or how nice she is too you, or how long it's been. Don't be fucking stupid.",not sexist """alright"". Then wait for her to come crawling back for more. nice situation",not sexist "Bingo, a dog is the ultimate reason to get her back to your place. Secondly you should be the one leading the dates so just take her places and do things that don't involve the dog.",not sexist "I'm sure my Latina wife will be very disconcerted to find out that we live in a ""cave!""",not sexist 1000 years ago: Vikangz get blown the fuck out trying to conquer the new world. Today: Vikangz get blown the fuck out by bantz. I prefer people who don't lose.,not sexist Isn't this why women don't have problems with being single?,not sexist """Nit(s) is a common name of a head lice (louse) egg. A female louse can lay up to 10 nits per day, and it usually takes about 7-10 days for them to hatch. If left untreated in a 30-day lifespan a louse can lay up to 100 eggs in her lifetime."" [URL]",not sexist "@ 2:10 - A wallet made out of a woman's breasts!?!? Wow, that's some over-the-top propaganda there lol. What kind of sick pervert even thinks of a story like that?",not sexist The hate-filled liberals on the other hand were angry with Ivanka Trump because federal authorities lost track of migrant children. Never mind this also happened during the Obama years. [URL],not sexist "But no matter how much White America gives, always there is the excuse for cultural discord. If you want to be a nigger, there is nothing I or anyone, can do for you.",not sexist "Also if you know any Corbyn supporters, ask them why they voted for a white male, rather than any female labour candidates :-). Its amusing watching the mental gymnastics being performed based on their prevailing political outlook. #AltRight #Labour",not sexist misogynists getting triggered over women,not sexist She can never change her bobble head body. Middle heavy with no ballast tanks.,not sexist "A lot of them probably do want to please women, but the hateful ones seem to drown them out. Not all incels are the same.",not sexist "Rap is Crap. Hip Hop is bullshit. I hate nigger music, but I LOVE laughing at you! You are SO pathetic!",not sexist "you should read elenor and park. its about hapa boy who falls for red hair white girl. he has low esteem for being half asian, his korean fob mom doesnt want him dating a white girl, even tho she married his military white father",not sexist Tbf women's college softball is easy on the eyes. I don't mind catching a random game here or there.,not sexist #FlaskbackSaturday Binders of women's resumes. The Left had an issue with Mitt Romney WANTING to hire women. The Left who brags about being pro-woman. The same Left who booed God and voted him out of their platform. #NuffSaid,not sexist My fucking boomer mother loves those guys.,not sexist "Exactly, it was a non harmful way to punish the women by shaming them publicly. You see a bald woman, you know she is a disgrace.",not sexist "story of my life What the fuck! I just youtubed ""Story of my life"" because of your comment and instead of the Social Distortion song, youtube came up with a One Direction song. Fuck my life.",not sexist For the last time. Yes she is getting nothing. I never once said she was. And neither is he. Seriously you get the dumbass of reddit award for the month.,not sexist "She was caught at the Brownsville & Matamoros Bridge in Texas, after being hired by ""persons unknown"" to smuggle the girl into the U.S. The girl's mother, Patricia Santos, is an illegal alien living in Virginia [URL]",not sexist "Who the fuck thinks a seduction bootcamp is more unique and fun than travelling to new and exciting places, experiencing new cultures and meeting interesting people.",not sexist TRUMP READY TO STRIKE N.KOREA [URL],not sexist "I fucking love you man, she just said she thinks I'm hot 5 mins into the convo lmao",not sexist who fucking cares please tell me what fakecels do for the community? yeah thanks for stealing my pepegif i made a showing it your girlfriend fuck off faggot.,not sexist why is she wearing a bag on her head? is she a Rubberbandits fan as well? [URL],not sexist worse - they're attempting to get people hurt. they're domestic terrorists,not sexist "I think he called her a bad bitch or something, I may be wrong.",not sexist Was the tattoo on her back a blue dragon?,not sexist White mother but not father?,not sexist "[USER], an armed society is a polite society, someone once said. Folks of all races around here are pretty polite, if you get my drift.",not sexist "Sarsour: 'Kill all White people! Enslave all females! Rape all of the little White girls, then kill them!' Democrats: 'Awesome! This is our new darling!'",not sexist "Irony should not be attempted by liberals. They don't understand it, and it always has the opposite effect of what the intend (because it's irony.) ""White female at women's march smugly presents sign ""Fuck White Feminism!""",not sexist So normal women? Ofc RP and incels hate normal looking women and feel they are entitled for some perfect Stacies,not sexist "I am about to graduate with a BS in mechanical engineering, and it is completely possible to stay feminine and be an engineer at the same time.",not sexist "Yeah. Pretty much the simplest way to do it. It works in the reverse with ""you're probably like this"" and then she tries to prove she is or is not.",not sexist "I just got my first twelve hour Twitter block. Apparently, if a woman calls you a ""cunt,"" you aren't allowed to respond by calling her a ""fucktard."" Who knew?",not sexist "Colleen makes this girl out to be a fucking victim! Blaming the men for ""using""her and ""not trying to stop it"" as if she was an unwilling participant. Holy fuck that's dispicable.",not sexist "If she is a plate, ignore it. If you're exclusive, ask yourself why she behaves like this, and then react accordingly. There is a difference between a shit-test and comfort-test.",not sexist guaranteed her side niggas had a good laugh at this.,not sexist "sure can be... look at the Fortune 500 companies run by simps.. bowing to the feminazis, gyncocentrism,. Look at schools,, the courts. Same for the establishment deep-state.",not sexist Your mom.,not sexist "even for blue-pilled guy out there apps like tinder, badoo, okcupid, and shits is kinda irrelevant if you wanna find a fine beautiful lady I bet she wouldn't need those apps to hook some simps or chads, right?",not sexist "Watch the video. It's a woman. She's a not conventionally attractive but she seems cool and is about his looks match. If you are an ugly dude and you can't stand ugly women then you aren't incel, you're something else.",not sexist "Is he fucked? Well he said he didn't do anything and I believe him, so he's not literally fucked. But yeah, looks like he might go to prison. Unless he has security cam footage to prove she's lying.",not sexist If she was black no one would give a shit..,not sexist "Poking holes in condomns? No, they wouldn't get called predatory, because that's not predatory. That's abusive/manipulative/straight up evil.",not sexist "Don't beat yourself up, it happens, and it's not your fault. I know you *know* that, and I also understand that it sucks anyway, but just try to relax. It'll go better next time.",not sexist "She's not white, she's a jew. Just jews jewing ""fellow white people"". Nothing to see here.",not sexist "Fucked up ain't it. Underage kid, send a spank vid to his girl and get's popped. Cop forces him to do it again for ""evidence""",not sexist "Whenever me and the wife fall out, she has this little trick to make everything better. Fucks off to her mum's for a week.",not sexist The religion of peace. Fox News Female genital mutilation case includes video of girls being taken into a medical facility [URL] via [USER],not sexist Why do you think the sources are lying? Evidence please! 12/21 Trump CAPTURED Him Overnight. Exposes Illuminati witch Hillary! [URL] Search: GOOGLE'S ERIC SCHMIDT STEPS DOWN: 24 Hrs After Trump Signs Asset Seizure Exec Order 12/23 Obama Panic [URL],not sexist "Right? Shit everyone knows he is, he even looks like one... Completely clueless.",not sexist "I want to industrialize this. We sell bath water.. used tampons, toothbrushes, etc... of young girls in Walmarts. Half the proceeds go to scholarships for girls. I keep the other half. No returns.",not sexist How do you know she will do a great job? Because the left hate her... [URL],not sexist "Most women don't prefer murderers or rapists, there's a small minority that does but they are social outcasts/weirdos. Same with men and pedophilia, a small minority of men prefer a 14 year old girl to a 24 year old woman.",not sexist "Well, if they're American, it shouldn't be any different from any other group of girls. Unsure if naive, sarcastic or just plane ign'ant because that claim is absolutely ridiculous (especially if you are American).",not sexist It's beautiful. All of the people that hate us having meltdowns on one video. Magnificent. [URL],not sexist "Lol Figures, a damn (alleged) kiddie fiddler. SMDH Sad,but that's what happens to children of prostitutes. Never did pay her for that blowjob.",not sexist I do so love mannerly perverted ladies. If only I could find one...,not sexist "And then everyone gave her that, ""Are you fucking Serious Right Now?"" look for a solid ten minutes...",not sexist Fake Pope Francis defended a pedophile and attacked child abuse victims when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires. [URL] Resign scumbag.,not sexist "Kaitlin's heading in the right direction. Pretty low chance of dreadlocks, tattoos and facial piercings in her future.",not sexist "Our country is divided based on lies created by Satan. Let us pray that God will help those who are trying to obtain justice for the poor, the weak and the children. Pray that justice will prevail and that Satan's lies will be defeated.",not sexist when do men ever get free dinners? that should be the question!,not sexist Sure..you only seem to post to harass [USER] you didn't shoot down anything because you cannot get your math straight. Allover my TL FFS get a life. STFU and quit harassing WN women,not sexist That's incredibly obscure shit though. The alt right is a lot larger and they worship white women like goddesses,not sexist "Hope you can Bear it! Sometimes, we can let our Grizzly side come out, if you know what I mean!",not sexist Young women play on a seesaw in Korea in this 1931 image,not sexist What's your bang rate?,not sexist "If you've had some experience with women being attracted to you while you had a girlfriend, you'd know how tempting it would be to at least flirt.",not sexist "I agree on this point. BTW, i think white women prefer white men on average. But people who think women don't like black men are deluded.",not sexist German media watchdog OKs change to reporting migrant crimes [URL],not sexist [USER] Cankles is an irrelevant crook. [URL],not sexist "Pfff, ""woman"". ""Female bonobo"" is more like it.",not sexist "First I asked her if she was busy, then when she told me I said ""I wanna take you out on a date, you up for it?"" and she said she'll see if she's free",not sexist fuck rice she sux. he needs to fire tillerson. bush fucking moles drain swamp,not sexist "[USER] I followed you because is my #GabFam, which makes you my #GabFam. She up votes my lame posts which makes her alright in my book. I hope I can count on you to have equally bad taste. 😜",not sexist "I'd appreciate if you added more details about what you actually said to her, what you guys talked about, did you do any kino at the bar, how did you flirt with this girl initially? Besides NGAF it would help me if you gave more details.",not sexist "[URL] these gas ""victims"" are really bad actors is anyone watching the same so called videos of them.....GET FUCKING ACTING LESSONS!!!!!!",not sexist "Incels: ""If feminism teaches women to respect themselves and not fuck losers, how am I supposed to get laid?""",not sexist "It's so fucking disgusting If a guy friend asked about *my wife's* tits, I'd beat the shit out of them",not sexist High ranking 'Muslim' Democrat Keith Ellison. This 'WAS' his ex girlfriend.This is what the MSM won't report,not sexist "Iranian resistance urges UN to recognize ""legitimate right of people of Iran to overthrow ruling religious fascism"" [URL]",not sexist "IRAQ: Husband, wife die after driving on roadside bomb in Diyala [URL]",not sexist And that would be why men pay more attention to attractive women over other women.,not sexist How did no one call the police with her shrieking like a fucking banshee? His nearest neighbor must be miles away....,not sexist "And all you suicidal traitors can circle jerk and upvote this piece of shit, all day long. All your doing is upvoting your own masochism, you fucking mental patients",not sexist he banged a better looking woman. I hope he know that she is a gold digger. AT least his ex loved him before he get famous,not sexist "It seemed to me Pratt was far more religious than his wife and celebrity or not, when you're not ""evenly yoked"" it can be a huge problem.",not sexist Get other girls. [Make her chase.]([URL] Period.,not sexist "This is pure gold and wholesome at the sametime. Not only did she cheat AFTER she found an engagement ring, she tried to deny it and hesitated on the fucking radio station",not sexist "My buddy tried to juggle multiple girls while studying abroad in two countries, all while dating someone here. She eventually found out and dumped him. They all hated him after that (fucking RIP) there is potential to hurt feelings.",not sexist CNN is known for doxxing little old ladies. I'd arm up if I were her.,not sexist Salute to American Success: An advocate for women-owned tech businesses [URL],not sexist It's because it gives them validation. She probably is attracted to you but it just playing stupid games.. Look forward and forget her.,not sexist Julie Bindle is already burqa-body ready for her role in the next Jamie Bond.,not sexist "If you looked at the big picture you'd prefer to be a side chick coz if he'll cheat with you and dump his current girl, he'll be cheating on you and dumping you for a new girl soon enough.",not sexist "Sounds like she's risking eating some lead,,,",not sexist he kicked her during labor and the day after the baby was born,not sexist "Swedish woman who accompanied two Afghans to prove that xenophobes are wrong, is raped and abused By Voice of Europe 24 April 2018 [URL]",not sexist "I WILL NOT CALL HER , i think I'll start drawing again. Have a doubt though, what if she calls me, do i talk to her do i disconnect. Coz blocking seems a bit extreme and honestly a bit childish",not sexist Who said she had your children,not sexist Nearly thirty white female speakers deemed not 'diverse' enough University canceled conference because every speaker was white (the horror!) [URL],not sexist As a man and a woman.,not sexist "pay me for PERFORMANCE, not ATTENDANCE. Women take 43% more sick days than men, 44% of female doctors work part time",not sexist I just came across this as a ''normie'' I really thought the group was a joke or a huge troll job. I really hope those guys in that group get some help they need it.,not sexist I judge people by their character moreso than their IQ score. Theres no shortage of smart assholes in this world.,not sexist """Yuck"" ""ew"" ""Get away from me"" ""Disgusting"" I stopped engaging girls a long time ago. Confidence isn't attainable when it's nuked from time to time.",not sexist Erm... society treats men who want female sex slaves as trash. The cross-over with ISIS is frightening.,not sexist "Absolutely. That's the point, so many guys treat women as objects. So... If men don't do that... They could probably get laid.",not sexist Fuckin LARP for women maybe. Idk,not sexist Breaking News! Congress Outlaws #Obama #GabFam #MAGA [URL],not sexist "Damn, man. I agree with your original message, but damn...why so aggressive? I've heard that moderates will kill this movement (which I'm inclined to agree with as well), but it seems that a ""you're either with us or against us"" is also a bad idea.",not sexist "Agree with you. Just because she knows she's a hot commodity in a club full of horny men, doesn't mean she has an overwhelmingly positive self-image.",not sexist woman?,not sexist Down two shitbags and up one psychopath. Not a great trade.,not sexist I was going to help my cousin but he said wait he didn't feel good. so I cut grass,not sexist COUNT DANKULA & THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH Mr H [URL],not sexist You know? I think it happened when Brad's wife got fired.,not sexist Nice. .... They are ugly little suckered but I hear they taste really good,not sexist "because a lot of people just assume we aren't together No no no, you got it all wrong. WMAFs are the real victims here.",not sexist "The democrat platform: High taxes No borders Defend MS-13 Support Hamas Attack our ally, Israel Choose illegals over blacks Take away a woman's right to defend herself w/ a gun",not sexist My basement was dry -- but full of black widow spiders.,not sexist "I have to say, she's hit the nail on the head. Corbyn voters are idiots [URL]",not sexist "Breastfeeding found to protect mothers from multiple sclerosis, new study finds - Tyranny News [URL]",not sexist [USER] hmmm so they just continuously suck good to know LOL,not sexist "She's got a hairy back. You think mmm soft skin and poof, shes got more body hair than that Russian dude.",not sexist I really hope a group of deaf people protest the women's lenient sentence.,not sexist My 90 year old client is having out patient surgery on her heart for possible tumor. Asking for prayers for her please 😢🙏🏻 Nickname is Corky. Thank you.,not sexist "Not to mention some slightly promiscuous woman who actually IS raped may have a harder time being believed because this woman decides to make herself an easy ""target"" and publicize it like she's doing something good for women. it's just disgusting",not sexist "Men can't just get a relationship when they want it, this statement makes no sense.",not sexist Lol no fucks given TRIGGER WARNING Fact: Women are not infallible. They are not perfect.,not sexist The worst of course is asian females. In the US they marry outside their race over half the time LMAO.,not sexist "Keep muting facts faggot, it's too late for you KIKE, the goyim know. Buy that one way ticket back to Israel while you still can.",not sexist "Yep, starting to get a little antsy here too for myself and my soon to be new hunting buddy. She will be almost 11mo on opening day. Get her broke in and ready for ducks.",not sexist "Why do the police refuse to prosecute ? FGM cutters 'being flown into UK to mutilate girls to order', survivor warns . campaigner programme to warn primary school children [URL]",not sexist Hopefully Nike sacrifices everything. Just shove it.,not sexist "Yes he does. That's like saying you don't have to not play Russian roulette. It's the only logical choice. Therefore it's the only choice, unless you're a masochist.",not sexist Yeah he is literally in every post commenting negative shit. I am not going to pretend I am good with women and that I don't struggle but I can still have a positive attitude.,not sexist Self-defense classes for women that don't incorporate weapons will not be effective,not sexist Woman calls police because overweight boyfriend stepped on her left foot [URL],not sexist Media blames Apple for phone addiction and not instagram or facebook. They are too dumb for TRUTH [URL],not sexist I would give her the ole lickeroo,not sexist I don't know how much leeway I'm willing to give this one (because I might hit up a girl who's very cute who smokes) but smoking.,not sexist So did you bang her?,not sexist "She already did. It's a felony offense not perjury, but juxtapose her written statement with stating ""it wasn't politically motivated"" and she's cooked and booked.",not sexist "it was the human waste pile Donna Brazile, CNN fired her on Oct.14th. she has the nerve to still speak out. it is 'DRUGS OR THE LACK OF"" THANKS [USER]",not sexist 🔴📢👀Middle East Update A Missel guided Bunker Buster hit Iranian Target in Syria! No one claiming the Strike! [URL],not sexist Smart of her. It's going to seem only more ridiculous as time passes.,not sexist "People need to wake up! The whole idea of Sharia is to concur and jihad. I don't fear or dislike Muslims , but what I don't like is their ideologies.",not sexist I used to think looks didn't matter and that all I had to do was keep my game tight. . I want to slap myself.,not sexist "Or the D was so good she change for him,looking like a bit ""queer"" I'd say. Probably beats her and had pool parties with her mum and children",not sexist I could always tell from his comics involving women that he's a cuck,not sexist Bloody hell! He said it ladies. No complaints to me lol :),not sexist This speech is even better that I thought. Basically a massive fuck you to the haters. CNN should just cut to the grab em by the pussy tape after this. #MAGA,not sexist You'll get mogged by anyone with same features but taller than you. Dan Bilzerian is probably a good example like him or hate him,not sexist I always pirate movies but waiting for months for the HD version is tedious for movies you like. I disn't see blade Runner but looks like the ultimate incel movie. And women hated it for that.,not sexist Men should still continue to support on their one income then 🤷‍♀️ since y'all built everything. Why stop now?,not sexist "FAKE NEWS: CNN Says Fired Google Employee Argued Women ""Aren't Suited For Tech Jobs"" ""This is a guy who is basically saying, I don't like women around computers."" [URL]",not sexist "Yeah, and Stormy Daniels was a virgin until she met Donald. Give ne a fucking break!",not sexist Don't hit on any random girl. Start a conversation. If things go good and your both smiling and having a good time. ask them for there number/ social media. Or if they want to hang out or go for lunch sometime.,not sexist How can it be Fake you sent it idiot,not sexist Which is politically stupid. He's already dominating the woman vote. Where he's losing on gender lines is men. And he's doing nothing to court the male vote at all.,not sexist "Probably cause the poor fool some whiplash, but only if she was hot enough, otherwise they would just stare at her with disdain for trying for a sub chad or some shit.",not sexist "How about show some dominance. Tell her to wear something you like. Something sexy, or even tell her to take some clothes off. Don't be boring. Have fun with it",not sexist "Or, ""Nice, we should all hang out"" This may lead to an orgy of you, her and her 3 friends",not sexist PORTUGAL: Muslim invader posing as a refugee arrested for beating and raping a 67-year-old homeless woman [URL],not sexist "Uh huh, and the stats that show women come out better? Women get 97% of post marriage aid? Your wife made out like a bandit on your dumbass lol.",not sexist "There is literally clay on their heads. Try that with a white woman's hair and she'd be bald. How bizarre.... keep those styles in the bush where they belong. Kinda gross even, I bet it stinks to high heaven also",not sexist I believe its what they think women masterbate to,not sexist #Laval #Mosque #Shooting was result of authorities in University AND police doing nothing to punish a long history or women being assaulted on campus. [URL],not sexist "🤣😂 Damn! Another feel good story of the day! Erin Popovich, wife of San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, dies at 67 - Fox News",not sexist That's the defense Westerners give when it comes to the rape fetish.,not sexist Maybe she's married or dating someone. You could just be the side dick,not sexist Well the third time we were just kind of hanging out at her house watching a film with a glass of wine as she wasn't feeling too well to go out. The fourth date we went to get ice cream and then I took her out to the cinema just.,not sexist "I doubt male or female are accurate ways to describe xenomorph biology, sans, perhaps, the Queen",not sexist "Sports don't help, my parents forced me into sports year round since I was a kid and all it did was make me burn out on life early. If you don't have talent it'll just make you hate yourself.",not sexist "Gay culture (e.g. flaming) is largely a reaction to homophobia in the 20th century. Again, its social and cultural more than anything.",not sexist If lots of girls are your type maybe you don't have a type,not sexist "Hahahhahahahahahhhahahhahahahahahaa *takes deep breath* HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHECANTFUCKINGSERIOUSLYTHINKTHISWILLWORKHAHHAHAHAHAA Ahhh, wholesome 💜",not sexist "Cher, her photo should be the real Cher,, 92 yr old Cher, witch of LA",not sexist "((( Shapiro ))) is a slimy 2 faced filthy kike that needs a long oven bath , he is not r friend nor ally , he is a gate keeper subversive zionist heeb",not sexist "I go because 8.3% of Jesus' handpicked bishops betrayed Him, 83.3% of the bishops cut and run, the first Pope denied him 3 times, and only one was faithful. Yet they converted the world. Percentages are better in the American Church.",not sexist I am already disappointed... Not ONE hard question for her? WTFK!,not sexist The Donald calls out Billary as a lying sack of fetid feces. [URL],not sexist because science is about believing blindly and not about research and data. you are a sad little retard.,not sexist Someone needs to run against this Muslibtard. Married to her brother? WHAT?? Immigration fraud [URL],not sexist What pushback? They sit in the street chanting like occupy fags. And screaming to be non violent.,not sexist "It's not like he's tricking her. If being in a structured relationship was in her priority list she wouldn't fuck him on the 1st/2nd/3rd date (week, month?). Girls can want fwb too...",not sexist Beat the shit out of your roommate if he quits or marrys her,not sexist "Oh wait its a woman. Figures Take it easy on the sexism, man. Not a great look for you or this sub.",not sexist Makes me sad to be a Canadian when I here stupid crap like this. Here's hoping that this court case will spark some revisions in our legal system and what we do and don't have the right to take from someone who's on bail.,not sexist Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large DNC conventions,not sexist "I like astronomy but to like planets is one thing and to like a woman who looks like a planet, is another.",not sexist American woman groped in Ireland - he picked on the wrong woman [URL],not sexist "Not as much? Too real? Bringing back those memories of Lackland where the niggers ran trains on you. Your life choices had nothing to do with my mom or me. Don't be sad, you should be proud of your diversity. Hahahah.",not sexist "Please don't call me names...It would be as security, not WAR! No different than the Marines already at the WH...Keep it up, this nice girl will chew you up & spit you out...",not sexist "To correctly identify it, we must call it Jewish Communism. We all should make the adjustment going forward.",not sexist "LMAO! I am a woman, and I find that woman to be an utter idiot! Declaring war, do to limitations on BC, and abortions etc.",not sexist Tell these Islamists to go put on their Jihabs and STFU? The Islam women are just jealous.,not sexist She was a child movie star from the harry potter series and now she is officially the face of modern feminism.,not sexist Like Clinton she blames everyone but herself. Narcissistic bully.,not sexist "Honey, if Trump ever had the power to create mass female objectification throughout history, he could have ended these stupid Russia probes in DC on day 1... [URL]",not sexist "Give yourself unto Anita, sinner! Repent for the good of muh society!",not sexist they blurr out the faces so you can't see they are muslim..,not sexist "I just realized I didn't get her name or anything........fuck, lol I know what she does and where she studies, etc. though!",not sexist I'ma have to politely disagree with you on this particular example,not sexist "Got back from the pub last night and whispered to my wife, ""I'm sleeping in the spare room tonight darling."" ""Ahh that's sweet of you,"" she said, ""you're drunk and don't want to disturb me?"" ""No, I've brought a bird back with me"" I replied.",not sexist "You want some intense red pills? Go to the grocery store on a Saturday and pay attention to the couples, married or otherwise.",not sexist Good. Fuck Axl.,not sexist OMG what the hell! I have a friend who lives in Germany and she says that their way of life is dead! :( [USER],not sexist Watching Cape Fear and Robert DeNiro is such a smug bum mother fucker in real life that guy has no class a complete fuckin ass clown.,not sexist their coding is jacking shit up.,not sexist "[USER] this woman needs to be fired immediately. Unfit For Service. Obama fired all kinds of Captains for the same thing (of course, his had no legitimacy however)",not sexist "She probably dressed like that when you met her but you overlooked it and now you're having this issue. If you don't like it, find a new girl",not sexist "Raquel--loved her in the 1966 SciFi hit, ""Fantastic Voyage.""",not sexist "First, this was a win. You've got some balls. My only critique is that you asked to give her your number. This is passive. A better approach would've been make a little small talk and then ask for her number.",not sexist And here I was thinking she was worthless.,not sexist Is it at all surprising this idiot is siding with leftist terrorists?,not sexist Yes it's a huge problem no woman will ever love you man. Sorry it's over for you pack it up and go home. Might as well become gay. Jesus Christ this sub is turning to shit.,not sexist "Sometimes getting girls is this easy, unless you fuck it up for yourself.",not sexist "NOT ALL WOMAN ARE LIKE THAT! As a woman, I can safely say that all woman do not like this.",not sexist "She is just a greedy, poisonous person. That man she dumped dodged a bullet the size of Mars.",not sexist "I have quite a few records and files of people that have stalked me. I had one who was always threatening to sue. I have ALL of her posts/words, etc.. She is gone now. but, I still have it just in case",not sexist "He should have said he was a moslem, than wouldn't get covered by Fake News Football coach & 15yo girl [URL]",not sexist "enjoy your miserable cuck life and enjoy standing on the sidelines watching all the guys that bullied you in high school get the girls you want while they look at you like your a dickless creep, hahahahaha loser",not sexist Chads prom night ended as a foursome surrounded by dozens of Stacie's while incels prom night ends in their jaw slipping through the noose,not sexist "I think your argument style is trashy, but your point is valid. There's a lot to be said about body language etc. If she's in his home, it would be a lot easier for her to get up to leave, as apposed to her own.",not sexist That's *really* fucked up.,not sexist "Dumbass fuck, she went on my posts and commented on multiple things first so I'm returning the favor",not sexist #AntiWhite #Terrorist #Paki #Inbred #NonceWorshipper #ShitSkin #StreetShitter,not sexist """""DEMANDS"""" You mean like when Tyrone has to do her again?",not sexist "Men get into sports and army in order to get with a lady. Those guys have heard that women love guys in uniform, so they do it.",not sexist Austria: 10 year old girl sexually harassed by migrant in Vienna Pool [MONGRELOID- THE NAME IS CATCHY ISN'T IT?] [URL],not sexist A Mississippi state senator hits the DC women protesters with a serious burn.,not sexist "Err.. call her, ask her for coffee.",not sexist #Geoengineering will kill all life on Earth !,not sexist I always add a little 🐷 to my meatballs. Keeps Shlomo's shekel clutchers off them.,not sexist "No surprises here. ""Jihadi who wanted to bomb Big Ben had TWO council houses - one for him and one for his wife who 'wanted her independence' (then claimed MORE taxpayer money for being her 'carer') "" [URL]",not sexist "Maybe for you, honey",not sexist "Hey, we think men being tutored & killed/murdered in Hollywood movies in unfair. There should be more women being represented. Wonder if the feminist are all in for this idea.",not sexist This stuff happens all the time with women in power.,not sexist "Lol I'm a ricecel autist and I have never felt more at home or as accepted as I do here. This place is tolerant as fuck to different people, unlike most ""progressive"" environments.",not sexist "Note to self, fill dolls with Joker style laughing gas so the act of defacing them releases said gas.",not sexist "Thanks this was really helpful, what would be the kind of things I would say to her?",not sexist "For me it's always been the opposite, whenever I meet new people I almost always end up becoming friends with girls but don't really know how to bond with guys :/ but yeah having female friends can be really nice",not sexist Reminder: Ted Kennedy left a woman to die. #Kavanagh,not sexist FUck i love this PUA red pill alpha all the same superior men being beautiful beta cucks doing everything to please and get women.....,not sexist Nothing. Just bump her knee with mine. If she's comfortable I like to just let it sit there. It's especially fun when you keep the conversation kinda platonic but look deep into her eyes.,not sexist So not ugly. What's your point. I know a lot of ugly dudes too. everyone does. > >And therefore you know about everyones sex life? I know they all have had girlfriends. Because I've met them.,not sexist "Social norms are your problem frankly. Life isn't easy, for the vast majority of us. And if you didn't enroll in STEM becaue mommy and daddy didn't buy you a Tonka truck, tough cookies.",not sexist All white women are good for one thing': Chilling outburst of member of 18-strong Muslim pedophile gang. [URL] ...culturally enriched. #progress,not sexist "I don't, I enjoy women staring at me. It means I'm attractive.",not sexist sarah Jeong during her University days,not sexist The Irish broad is hot. The other one would cut yer throat. Take yer choose.,not sexist find you a girl How?,not sexist "She said she has feelings for me but they're not normal. And we have made out many times, but as soon as we get too close she fades away.",not sexist "Kicks a pro- life woman in the face for disagreeing with him. Claims he was bashing a Nazi and now all the Nazis are after him. Asking for [CUR]100,000. Who knew being a Commie paid so well!",not sexist Ah yea I'm sure you were shamed for not having a high n count as a woman right,not sexist Yeah well you wouldn't have done anything with the op anyways.....ANYWAYS yes op calling out girls out works well especially like you said you got nothing to lose. Same to being bold with approaching because we have nothing to lose...🤫,not sexist "Female teacher, male student. Imagine if a male teacher (or any teacher) said to a class, spit on this girl. Just imagine it. It would never happen. Imagine 20 kids spitting on someone with a teachers consent. Now imagine the child is female.",not sexist shes too perfect for me and she doesnt even exist shes literally imaginary aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,not sexist Yep... #if #Antifa / #BLM had stayed in their moms basements... some dumb fat #ignorant #moron would #not have lost #her #worthless #leftist life. It should be open season on all Antifa&BLM #ShootOnSight,not sexist [USER] Should I find a rich widow instead?,not sexist "So she's racist and sexist? Wow, what a great combo. She's going in the bin with Angelina Jolie and Amber Heard.",not sexist If there's ANY amnesty for DACA mud people....I can guarantee you that I'm going to be anti-Trump. He CANNOT cuck on immigration or the Wall.,not sexist halal only they're so inclusive,not sexist not many fat girls here in new york city,not sexist "The wife and I are inevitably heading for a divorce and she's saying that she's going to make sure to leave me with a balance of [CUR]0 in my bank account ! This sure is nice of her, agreeing to pay off my overdraft.",not sexist To bad she wasn't Lebanese. Lebanese girls are the new half asians.,not sexist "The girls don't even get paid, they see it as a priviledge to show the world their love for FAT BLACK DICKS",not sexist "I would say feminism angers insecure men who can't handle the idea that women are independent and make their own money. Anyone, man or woman or other, who doesn't respect you as a human being and treats you as described isn't worth your time.",not sexist "Actually, that's the point where it became pretty clear he was being an asshole. I guarantee you the woman was very aware of the open windows and the ploy to get her under the blanket. This was probably why the whole evening failed.",not sexist "We dont need that, we don't need more men dying for women.",not sexist "If a girl is saying these things to you, she is not interesting in having sex with you, only in mocking you.",not sexist "Even if [USER] doesn't win the WOH Championship, I hope she continues her career in . #WOHTournament",not sexist I typically don't hit on either of these two. I'm not a necrophiliac and most psychics are into some pretty freaky shit...,not sexist Dont let her attend. Her attitude is unbecomming. Her entitlement and America-hate is over powering,not sexist What is worse is there is not one image of a white girl next to a white boy in all (((COMMON CORE))) material. It would be cheaper than putting white girls next to nigglet boys in images.,not sexist A Clinton protege A LOT of people DIE in her Distrist [URL],not sexist I think self hating asian females got them beat. Wonder how the % of asian females getting with nonasian guys vs jewish females nonjewish guys compare?,not sexist "Powerlifting is a huge cope. You just get fat as fuck to get strong, no women gives a fuck about how much you can lift unless you're the strongest man alive.",not sexist Swemalia for the Swemalians I guess,not sexist "[USER] #MAGA#Trump#FuckIslam Name your female pot-belly pig Muhammad, their fucking heads will explode. [URL]",not sexist "I like people who brag about numbers, as if it is something amazing. A number if nothing, a hook up is something worthy to brag about.",not sexist "Yeah same here, but then again, does Chad bow to the army of the simps?",not sexist It's all about the noice with women. [URL],not sexist A Recent Example of How Jewish Tyranny Maintains it's Grip Valerie Plame tweeted a link about jews starting all the wars and had the full force of jewry come down on her. [URL],not sexist Social media is an imperfect measuring stick with an inherent language gap. I'm a metric girl.,not sexist "At this point, I wouldn't toss this woman a mercy fuck. [URL]",not sexist "Gotta agree with this. The key is to be non-judgemental and a big part of being non-judgemental is not caring about her sexual past - aka, not asking. >whether or not it's safe to go without a condom. Spoilers - it never is.",not sexist "RT [USER]: .: ""She bravely restored common sense, decency to the U.S. Senate today and led by example, and she had to stand up to a very angry, left-wing mob."" #Hannity [URL]",not sexist 50 bodies and girlfriend should not be in the same sentence.,not sexist "shouldn't it be ""women are unable to be loyal""?",not sexist This young Aryan lass is both equal parts hilarious and inspiring over on Twitter. They keep banning her there though. She will inevitably end up here eventually. Go ahead and give her a follow guys. You won't regret it. [USER],not sexist So what? HALF of all voters voted for a cackling witch.,not sexist "good that's one less , maybe she can be persuaded to take another million or so other useless kebabs with her ....",not sexist "You do realize that rape is a violent crime used to degrade and terrorize women? It's not because men are ""horny"", fyi.",not sexist Gasoline. The answer 60% of America gives when asked how they would extinguish #Hillary if she were on fire.,not sexist "[URL] Sorry Caitlyn, but you make one ugly looking woman. And nobody cares what you think about Trump.He is the President, and you are not.",not sexist I'd bang her Greek style.,not sexist Better lose her,not sexist Fuckin hell man. He's going through all this stone sober?!! Ugh. I bet he would love nothing more than a rowdy night with his army buddies,not sexist Send them to Germany. Merkel loves her Muslims.,not sexist "Even better cut all aid to every other nation, including the top welfare recipient, Israel. Not one dime of American tax money should be sent overseas for any reason.",not sexist "Sir, that is an insult to rocks. From rocks, you can build majestic structures. Sarsours only infiltrate a host country, and try to destabilize it.",not sexist This is so fucking presumptuous because men are under attack RIGHT NOW and she's one of the assholes leading the charge. Fucking insane.,not sexist "The weird thing is how she doesn't unmatch him immediately, One of the red flags that said ""dude"" to me. Someone is catfishing hard.",not sexist The fake news crowd would give her an award [URL],not sexist There will be problems if a high N woman settles for a man who doesn't match up to her previous partners.,not sexist thats in calif most of those people are to dumb to have guns hell they voted for waters and pelosic and frenkenstien,not sexist brits fight back,not sexist let us not forget this story which isn't being talked about much in this drama. literally the grossest part of it all. fucking gross pig creature she is. [URL],not sexist "Well, Rick broke Morty. The memory wipe episodes show Morty as being quite intelligent. But Rick wiped his mind so many times for contradicting him that he went stupid. LOL",not sexist "ShitSkinEtte CA judge, daughter of immigrants, rules TRUMP can't separate migrant kids from jewPEDOS & Traffickers [USER] [URL]",not sexist "With all due respect, I think it sounds like you're now in Shelly's frame. She's branch swinging... what are *you* going to do about that? Wife her up? Make her your new ONE?",not sexist The tribes bag men spotted. From Rep Matt Gaetz BREAKING: Footage in Honduras giving cash 2 women & children 2 join the caravan & storm the US border @ election time. Soros? US-backed NGOs? Time to investigate the source! [URL],not sexist I have feeling you have never gotten close to a naked woman,not sexist Probably one of her 1000 matches was more interesting than you. That evening.,not sexist "Throughout American history, the men and women of our Armed Forces have selflessly served our Country, making tremendous sacrifices to defend our liberty. On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we honor all American Prisoners of War: [URL]",not sexist i called Joss Whedon gay maybe that was it,not sexist I am not an idiot and I am not wrong.,not sexist my ex sent me a wet pussy shot right from her call centre 1/2 cube once. This wasn't even semi private so ya they do that.,not sexist "That's a good start. We should also have signs and posters mentioning that 95% of workplace deaths are men, 80% of suicides are men, 70% of murder victims are men, etc. If only avfm had a budget big enough to run all these campaigns nationally.",not sexist "They messed up EVERYTHING! They couldn't even get her hair right! UGH! I watched the anime from start to finish growing up, she's my favorite female anime character. And it pisses me off they couldn't even cast an asian.",not sexist "point is, im a grown woman and being called man is your key to muted and force unfollowed. specially when you condescendingly play coy. fuck off",not sexist "That's basically what every girl's reaction on your phone will be - gross, no im not gay. You are not even the same species.",not sexist Damn you're ruthless,not sexist Not to sound like a soycuck but they're pretty looksmatched,not sexist "Full Congressional censure and expulsion and charged with her crimes, prosecuted and sent to PRISON...",not sexist Stop advertising your shitty website on this subreddit. No one cares.,not sexist Don't do it. Get her in real life and bang her properly,not sexist "I will admit, at one point I had my little waifu girl I loved. Had a great time untill she overdosed last year. The relationship stuff isn't really for me. It's too time consuming. It's great but not really my thing.",not sexist no its to calm their need to rape women......,not sexist German Official Calls For Giving Migrants Voting Rights Before Gaining Citizenship [URL] Germans. Rise UP. Time to kick her to the curb,not sexist "Who cares about #HillarysHealth, I'm more concerned about the mental health of her psychotic and idiotic supporters.",not sexist Why would they be mad? What? This is just a hate sub now. Imagine a sub where men laugh about ugly women all day,not sexist "The #Canadian #Conservatives will only get elected if they pander to the immigrant vote, i.e. see #Harper. Then, at the end of the day, what's the difference? #CanadaIsBroken #ThrowInTheTowel",not sexist It doesn't even look like Hillary. It looks like a woman.,not sexist I don't really need to. It will be scrubbed from the earth and tossed into the trashcan of history. Your a disgusting shitty human( and I'm being far to kind to consider you human) and your profile reflects that.,not sexist "Her heart and organs were removed. Investigators now suspect that Pamela Mastropietro, an 18-year-old Italian girl, was dismembered in a voodoo ritual by an African drug dealer. [URL]",not sexist The Syria artificial war was deliberately staged by globalists. It was organized by foreigners. Syrians lived in harmony for ages. Syrians distrust lying western media. They blame the west for destruction of Syria. #GabFam #News [URL],not sexist "It sounds strange to push her away without reason. Saying, ""come here"" then pushing her away seems awfully strange. But I guess that's the point?",not sexist "Leave her be. If the Jihadis kill Nigs, Kikes and Fags she will be to blame.",not sexist "I know that it's all horseshit, but I gotta admit... Watching all female workers being drafted for the evening shifts would be pretty hilarious.",not sexist "when they aren't being beaten, raped, murdered, the Brit males have to deny their male-ness the destruction of British civilization is well under way",not sexist When your being questioned on the street by a Bobby Hijabi.....,not sexist Man found having sex with dead woman on street near church [URL],not sexist "These idiots where not USING the fucking crosswalk, they were blocking people from being able to go, get your mother fucking ass out the fucking road and you wont get hit you fucking assclowns!",not sexist "' . Takiyah Fatima Thompson was shocked - shocked - when officers arrested her and booked her on charges of felony participation in a riot with property damage, and incitement of a riot. [URL]",not sexist Maybe they're actually friends? My best friend is female but my wife has never once been jealous. A lot of women are extremely jealous though as are a lot of men. But truthfully it's because my best friend is an 8+ and I'm like a -3 😂😂😂,not sexist "Old magazine ads. Them there are fightin' words. ""You mean a woman can open it?"" #VintageAds #Vintage [URL]",not sexist "Yeah, he better keeps her number and tells her how beautiful and nice she is.",not sexist Is that how I works? I don't know the immigrations rules of the US much I'm just throwing out possible reasons for her being interested in him (if she even is).,not sexist What's wrong with hooking up?,not sexist Egyptian lawyer jailed for saying women in ripped jeans should be raped [URL] #Muslims #IslamicTerrorism #Egypt #Women #terrorists,not sexist She talks through her arse,not sexist "Are you serious? Omg Some of you are worst than white people....or might even be white Oh and I Loooove the convient ""i dated a black women'' Fuck off and all this board",not sexist Doesn't she know that laser gun looks scary and needs to be banned?,not sexist This advice is only for older Stacie's. [link]([URL],not sexist Megyn Kelly is a major league asshole. Fox is hurting their brand by keeping her on the payroll. This article also mentions the good news that her book is not selling very well anymore after a quick start. [URL],not sexist Wishing all the wonderful mothers out there a Happy Mother's day and hope you all get spoilt today. Pity the poor women in Islamic countries because in Islam Mother's Day is prohibited. What an absolutely miserable ideology. [URL],not sexist "[USER] Yes, she's got big boobs, but I've never seen them sweat.",not sexist "I get matches. They are either bots or fat single mom's who don't respond/block me. Been on tinder since launch. Point countered, rekt and op shit on massively elephant style.",not sexist Give a nigger an inch......,not sexist "So is it a woman's responsibility to have sex with her husband? On the wedding night, do you get punch cards or something?",not sexist That's why you'll never be a chad,not sexist "Is she really that into you? Who meeds six months to start a relationship, damn.",not sexist "buddy, you should see half the kinks people have. i don't agree with most of them, but it's a free country. let them be girls or dogs or beach balls or dragons, just make sure they're safe and no kids are involved",not sexist Jail is where she the emporess of evil should go!,not sexist That wasn't mocking !!! Hello idiots !! He repeated her statements,not sexist I met a future girlfriend using that test. Good stuff!,not sexist Hey I love me some frank zappa. Though please don't compare me to a privileged white girl it's rather disrespectful.,not sexist "Right. I am not trying to get herpes, but I hate condemns- so I vet hardcore before I slam. Unless it's a one night pull from a bar then that's the risk. Honestly I don't have herps but I am sure no women is worth that noise.",not sexist Remove her and let the Secret Service deal with her.,not sexist "Just because he trolled Hillary like a psycho wanting her hair doesn't make him, ""cool"". The fact that he wanted to be like Big Pharma is good enough for me to be glad he's getting fucked.",not sexist My fear is that he means kill all the grown women and keep the female children/babies,not sexist "Are you trying to say that all of those MILLIONS of degrees in basket weaving and ""gender studies"" is basically the same thing? Oh, wait... #TodaysYouthTomorrowsLeaders",not sexist The only chick I've ever had interested in me was 6' and 250lbs lol,not sexist "Tell her you want to take her out on a date So if i understand correctly.. The word 'date' has a non-platonic, romantic connotation Which is why it is vital to explicitly mention this word in the conversation if you're interested in a girl, right ?",not sexist Yeah! She was really attached but I broke it to her that I was being pressured and she stepped back. I then escalated back to where it was and we are both horny to see each other this saturday :),not sexist That is right his wife Jenny came from a high class family. He was always dodging people he owed money to.It's good to throw it at the left. Particularly if they are criticising Trump or someone for their private life.,not sexist "Good point, and I saw an article recently that shows in Europe Hungary is one of the few countries without muslim violence - why, they're not letting ""refugees"" in.",not sexist "Any leftist cuck sounds like that, not just the Jewish ones",not sexist "Maybe we should celebrate him like a deity Keanu isn't MGTOW by choice, though. His life is one of loss and hardship. I -think- his wife/fiance was pregnant when she died? It's not like he says "" Fuck relationships "", the dude had it all and lost it.",not sexist "Trouble with MGTOW is you take isolated incidents and judge all females like this. MGTOW sounds like a bunch of wife beaters. Keep looking for love, the right female is out there for you. A women who will be your equal.",not sexist Just in case you didn't get that last message - messaging her on fb will destroy all chances you might have had. I've done it plenty and ruined every single opportunity. It's not just creepy - it also shows you don't have many other options.,not sexist "She works twice as hard being a tramp, she can expect 1/2 the respect.",not sexist "What about your social intelligence, confidence, mental and emotional health, physical health etc. Do you have any disorders, are you crippled, do you have friends? Do you have the balls to hit on women?",not sexist Ugh 😣 my white wife sucks. They've turned into niggers,not sexist "[USER] So WHO got pissed when they found out that Ann used to be a boy? I mean, she's HOT, no matter WHAT she's got!! [JOKING HERE, PEOPLE!!] I AM an actual FAN of Ann Coulter.",not sexist this person has an IQ less than 83... lil can her them,not sexist I put my grandma on speed dial. That's what I call Insta-Gram . . .,not sexist Vai ter babylaty ou brutality ou fatality?,not sexist "1/2 Hillary Clinton RTd Donald J. Trump People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe. Donald J. Trump Crooked Hillary Clinton now blames everybody but herself, refuses to say she was a terrible candidate. Hits Facebook & even Dems & DNC.",not sexist of course i know what i say about women then you know you're an asshole,not sexist "experince does count. however, older women generally want to settle down and look for status and other things. Id fuck 18-25 girls as long as i can",not sexist "And, she holds Israeli citizenship....yet she votes in OUR SENATE",not sexist More women looking to become 'consecrated virgins' -- Sott.net [URL] No help at all eh?,not sexist "That's interesting, I suppose they do account for that, providing it's okay with the woman. More often than not, though, the woman's lawyers will convince her otherwise and then the cheating is thrown out the window.",not sexist """Wifey"", or ""her indoors"", ""the old ball and chain"", ""she who must be obeyed"" and cockney rhyming slang: ""Trouble and Strife"".",not sexist I hate them. [URL],not sexist Oh fuck. Would that make me a furry do you think?,not sexist "[USER] they'll keep her going. Even if they have to steer her by remote control, like in ""spocks brain""",not sexist "May it it? She needs to put a 'Hit man"" in charge. She send him/her out and just stands back and smiles.",not sexist "He's an Ethics Woodchuck, he doesn't know shit lol.",not sexist Expired? Like she didn't pay the couple hundred bucks per year to keep it up? Hum.,not sexist "Hi man! Thanks for the clarification. Really appreciated it. FYI, I do get her number and also a date this Friday. So, how do u think I should proceed?",not sexist """Hi sir, would you please come over and fuck my wife?"" #ZuckTheCuck",not sexist WNBA gonna get a lot better.,not sexist Get out and go Back to IT loser.,not sexist Oooh another one of these retards run along cuckgoblin. Oh wait lemme use a bunch of pointless emoji like a 13 year old girl so you understand me better!!! 😎🤣😅🙄🐸✌️🤙👍👌💥,not sexist least she isnt my cousin hey you inbred muslim fuckknuckle. go play on the motrway you dhimmi cuck.,not sexist Syrian girl..Evidence Mounts Syrian WMD Attack Was False Flag [URL] #Syria #Falseflag,not sexist "Awesome stuff! You remained confident, this is really important. Mucho balls to you",not sexist Proud of an alum of mine...Air Force female grad done good... [URL],not sexist "And ""incels"" will just come back that their girlfriends and wives are ""cucking"" them at every chance with Chad the boogeyman.",not sexist Pretty sure women hate you too mate. It's never too late to change your tune.,not sexist You're not wrong! My best guess is either women or white knights infiltrating the sub to destroy it from within. It's happened on a lot of other subreddits.,not sexist You're missing the point - a true incel would be too scared to talk to the girl in the first place,not sexist [URL] Fuckers!,not sexist "Stupid, self absorbed, leftist celebrities patting themselves on the back. No thank you!",not sexist "'Filthy' White Girls to Blame for Their Abuse, Says Wife of Muslim Rapist 1AFSYM [URL]",not sexist The problem with the US is that it's run by jews.,not sexist "I am afraid thats when shit will hit the fan, so to say. I'm not afraid for myself, I hit my target 100% of the time LOL [USER]",not sexist "Btw, I'm not saying that women should date ugly men. The same way as I wouldn't like to date women I don't find attractive. It just doesn't make sense. I'm only saying that looks (in my case) is something I can't change and I'm just basically fucked.",not sexist "She will kill all women who aren't walking around in potato sacks, attack all people eating bacon, will murder people's dogs, and will blow up churches and synagogues.",not sexist "What, his black wife prefers black men? Sounds like racism",not sexist "Quiet doesnt have a bomb in her vagina, she has a bomb vagina She what? Okay, I'm going to have to play those games. I knew about the breathing thru her skin thing, but not the vagina bomb thing. Now I definitely have to play that series.",not sexist "TERPS: Jerking off to the tears of women, no matter how fake the story is.",not sexist I pity you. You're a very sad lady.,not sexist Now it's being reported McCabe's wife took 700k from a Hillary PAC. This won't end well either.,not sexist This is normally where Nazis realise they're not talking to a fucking idiot...,not sexist You can Run but you cannot Hide: Claremont serial killings: Man fronts court over murder of two women and assault of two others [URL],not sexist Yeah but I consider it killing and many women do and rule it out as an option.,not sexist "I'm a mom of 2, I know the instinct well lol. Men's rights, and responsibilities, in this arena need to be reevaluated, and revamped. While it's not a total solution, it's at least a big step in the right direction.",not sexist [USER] how is it you #GirlsOfGab have the best #NSFW stuff?! I need to map you girls out and see who's within driving distance :/ Holy hell...,not sexist Isn't she that stripper famous for putting whip cream all over her tits?,not sexist "A 17 year old gay guy with an incel identity 2019 America lol Coming soon in 2020 America : I'm a girl and can't get any dick, no matter what I try, there must be something wrong with me Clown world",not sexist *The Harlot's in the House and the Thief is at the Door* Week 4 Leandrah Grace is LIVE @ 8pm MDT Patience of the Saints on the Natsarim Network Listen/Chat/Call [URL] [PHONE],not sexist Just because she paid doesn't mean he owes her anything.,not sexist It's amazing Christine Ford has become a millionaire after her fake testimony destroying a innocent man working with Dianne Frankenstein.😈,not sexist Fuckin' a,not sexist "The left melting at the presidential emegency text message test. One went so far as to say that she felt ""violated"" by President Trump himself, adding, ""He's raping us through technology."" lol",not sexist "I think it's curious that she, as a woman, wrote this as male monster Frankenstein saying this",not sexist I get blocked on Twatter sometimes when responding to Nancy Puklosi. When I call her the Poster Child for Bat Shit Crazy..,not sexist To try to see is lesbianism pre-programmed in to people genetically or is it a product of environment.,not sexist Maybe... just maybe... you should kill yourself.,not sexist Do they punch women in the face or do they only punch men?,not sexist "Oh, no wonder you have a hard time making babies. You are boring her to death.",not sexist "**Friendzone is COPE** *Friendzone is NOT REAL, it's a myth.* There is no ""Friendzone"" per se, there are only women who will simply **NOT** scratch your back as you would scratch theirs and help you lose your virginity.",not sexist "I said to my wife ""there's a deadly virus going around that makes you doubt everything anyone says"" She said ""bollocks you're making that up "" I said ""am I""?",not sexist Name calling shows your weakness in critical thought. Marxism is Jewish Agenda.,not sexist "The address given on the forms is a mailing box, before anyone makes any doxxing accusations. I've never seen an internet marketer with an address to a physical office, always these mail dumps.",not sexist "WATCH LIVE: SENATE VOTES TO ADVANCE KAVANAUGH TO FINAL CONFIRMATION VOTE! SOROS-BACKED DEMS VOW VIOLENCE Democrats vow to shut down vote set for 5:45 P.M. Eastern... The Alex Jones Show - OCTOBER 5, 2018 [URL]",not sexist "Damn, she is fucked up. If I was you, I'd gradually ghost her!",not sexist "Her crime? She wants to convince ""racists"" with words rather than punches, she disavows Weev yet considers him a friend, and she was friends with someone charged with illegally downloading large numbers of academic papers (who later killed himself).",not sexist yeah but in order to keep the benefit i have to be good tommorow because i told her we could try,not sexist i mean they're pretty questionable terms but nothing about them indicates he has a hatred for women for not being able to sleep with one,not sexist "So sad. My daughter is about the same age... She is currently coloring in an innocent coloring book. That ""mom"" should be sterilized.",not sexist Haha I posted about this woman Exclusive Polling Shows Leah Vukmir Takes Dive in Wisconsin After Video Emerges of Her Calling Trump 'Offensive to Everyone' [URL],not sexist """ If men don't start taking an interest in sex, the Japanese race may become extinct."" There is an alternative, of course. Japanese women could start taking an interest in sex.",not sexist What about Nordic women? Nordic women are more progressive than Usa women.,not sexist I really liked Petula Clark! good posts on her. Thank-you.,not sexist Hopefully her balls weren't showing,not sexist "Looks matched. This guy is fucking steel, and she's a five. [URL]",not sexist "And some, if not most, individuals always have women falling for them regardless of ""bEiNg YoUrSeLf or bEiNg you"" or whatever it is.",not sexist Ham had sex with Noah's wife.,not sexist "Heather Heyer died of a heart attack Hefty Heather and her Homies, lookin' for trouble : [URL]",not sexist The terror attack in NYC happened while Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party in Canada voted down a resolution to protect Canadians from returning ISIS jihadis and refused to condemn female genital mutilation: [URL],not sexist "[USER] I thought I was damned close to that a couple of days ago, but it was not a female....",not sexist How do you this wirhout coming off as a sperg?,not sexist Zombiefied' Angelina Jolie lookalike reveals she's a total fraud [URL] via [USER],not sexist "YEP. WE ALREADY HAVING A LAW ON THE BOOKS BANNING ISLAM. in NY they appointed an Islamic woman to a govt job, she swore on the Koran, thanks to Mayor DeBlasio or whatever his name is. read his Bio. TY D #GabFam",not sexist It's like they are admiting that only ugly men have valid reasons to hate woman and post on incels.,not sexist I'm sure she will still be seducing female agents.,not sexist Napoleon first wife cheated on his with a Chad manlet tho Face >>> height [URL],not sexist And im her looksmatch too if not better looking. She only wanted chad though and eventually got pumped and dumped by this 6ft+ chad and then complained that he wouldnt date her and just left her. JFL,not sexist "Did you fuck her? If not then they were not IOI's, she used you to make HER night more interesting, and went home to do god knows what to the BF, she was running dread game. Conclusion, unless your dick is in her, IOI's mean jack shit.",not sexist "That's funny, I do the same thing with my wife. She calls it Male Feminine hygiene dyslexia. I always offer to cut them down to size for her. One day a closet full of pads will come in handy.",not sexist "Well, 2020 was a shitty year so i guess its just fair choose a shitty woman :D",not sexist "Only the military and police should have guns. 'WHEN SECONDS COUNT, THE POLICE ARE ONLY MINUTES AWAY COWERING BEHIND THEIR CARS IN A PARKING LOT: New video highlights Scot Peterson's failure to stop Parkland shooter.' h/t insty",not sexist "What is the point in showing a sketch of her? Possibly because in photos she was even uglier, so ugly no adult man would want her?",not sexist "And it's inherently racist. Black guys can get away with 10 times worse than this. They can punch a chic, literally rape them, and nothing is said. A white guy makes an awkward pass at a woman his own age and it's ""assault.""",not sexist but when I put my hand on her thigh she stopped it instantly take a step back and try again later also : (re)read the Dicarlo Escalation Ladder,not sexist I had a massive crush on this dude in my high school. His mom and sister were from the Philippines and his dad was white. The dude was hot as fuck but he got a girlfriend and then we graduated and our class went their separate ways.,not sexist Wow 😮Amazing Scorpion 🦂 with all her babies 💞,not sexist "That's why they are on the bottom rung of the ladder when it comes to desirability, literally nobody wants anything to do with black women, the online dating stats prove it.",not sexist STOP REPOSTING SHIT,not sexist Sharia May's campaign was so poor - failing to beat a Communist who thinks terrorism is a valid way to create progress - that people are openly asking whether she failed on purpose because she didn't fancy #Brexit.,not sexist Can't see much of her but she's hotter than any vagina-hat wearer in the Women's March,not sexist "Seems like men are a lot more naive than women, typically",not sexist in my mind I still see her like I did in Vicky Cristina Barcelona... but I just looked it up and that was 10 years ago! fuck!,not sexist If you are sub8 you are trash to women,not sexist "Socialist candidate Ocasio-Cortez once saw herself as Smithian capitalist, viewed feminism as 'relic' [URL] So she really is an ideological dilettante.",not sexist yes ma'am,not sexist His own wife doesn't bother to care. She just thought she'd get her own riding his coat tails.,not sexist "I'lll translate to ""hipster faggot talks, nobody gives a shit""",not sexist "where, instead of money, the wife manages the Ouzo supply ;)",not sexist "The left are insane, they want only to boost their votes with low IQ savages. when Abott fell out of the disadvantaged tree she hit the ugly branch, the stupid branch and the negro branch. Give that woman a banana",not sexist "Then let them write you off, it's not your job to be there father and give them a meal. It never was a first date transition...it was brain washing to force a man into doing what a woman wants.",not sexist Present to me one female incel and I'll cede the point.,not sexist We gotta' get Congress to pass a bill to get all the crazy Democrats some medication. [URL],not sexist I love this woman. 👍❤️,not sexist listen to Fatima....she explains communism...who knew!!! [URL],not sexist Too bad this exchange never happened. Damn.. you fucktards are stupid.,not sexist "Well, a woman has to be very patient while waiting on her 100 year old husband to get an erection! Secret to Japan couple's 80 years of marriage: wife's patience. [URL]",not sexist "Should start a bounty on masks and bandannas.. One is worth [CUR]'10., 2 is worth 30., 5 are worth [CUR]75., 10 is worth [CUR]200..",not sexist "No, I insist on staying on topic. Maybe so, but as of now, they are stuck in the past and way more anti-woman than the left.",not sexist "Confirmed then, she must be arrested for child molestation.",not sexist I blame the parents. Border patrol agents report girls as young as 12 having birth control pills given to them by their parents because they know they will be raped. What kind of parent puts their kids in harm's way like that.,not sexist "OP, make sure to say thanks to her for the nice rejection, most guys probably just get butt frustrated and rage at her after she rejects them, someone telling her she's doing it right might be nice.",not sexist Ask her why over half of college educated white women voted for him.,not sexist tfw wanting to play sex modded Skyrim but your wife is sitting right next to you [URL],not sexist People were hassling the Breitbart girl too. One guy was following her around so he could tell people she was from the hated Breitbart.,not sexist "like a pro man, like a pro!",not sexist Exactly you cant be with someone after one date. Nor do you know enough as to whether you truly like her beyond shes hot.,not sexist Hopefully they are just waiting to charge hillary until obama is gone so he doesnt have a reason to pardon her,not sexist "Wives and nannies, but the fathers were ultimately their legal guardians.",not sexist "Just ghost. Think what it'll do to her head. Walk away, dude. Always walk away.",not sexist I was surprised it was a white girl lol,not sexist every single white braincels member would be a chad if they moved to japan,not sexist "[USER] second female prime minister as well. And from the Tory side too, labour did feck all",not sexist Unironically well known women beaters jfl,not sexist Yeah honestly meeting women anywhere would be I guess weird. I mean I could drive to college campuses I guess with the only purpose being to hit on girls 😭.,not sexist "Thank God my wife is not like that, this lady is crazy",not sexist We may shit on women but no one here on MGTOW advocates violence regularly. Those that do are quickly run off by the mods.,not sexist moral coward? wow you sound like a muslim still. ok back to the new question did russians shoot down a civilian plane in the Urkaine while on vacation?,not sexist [USER] Got my perfume today. I love it!! It's sweet but floral. Plus- I got a bonus kick ass lipstick that makes my lips uber soft. Thanks a bunch & I'll order again soon! 😊,not sexist Hmm no [USER] stream yet. Wonder if she's zonked after the 12 hour stream yesterday. I needs my vicarious energy!!!,not sexist "Yes i dont mesn like ""agressive"" as in ""violent"" More like not giving a fuck and being agressive as in opening her, leading the conversation, taking control, keeping the frame etc. Like being agressive vs passive",not sexist "With sky spraying, we""ll evolve into these tubbi things",not sexist Yeah it's understandable. He seems to have no morals so I wouldn't be surprised if he does have images of underaged girls as well.,not sexist """over 3,000 Swedes have implanted tiny microchips beneath their skin to replace their credit card information, identification, keys, train tickets, among other everyday items"" [URL]",not sexist 92 YO POC latinx culturally enriched by a black broad w/ a brick who was out walking with her wee kid other blax joined in 22% white willowbrook LA is home to the newly renovated MLK Jr Outpatient Center #DMTBKA [URL] [URL],not sexist "Once you are single, start dating and talking to multiple girls, before you two are in love. It will make meeting women easer",not sexist "I think I should mute her, before I catch something",not sexist Who's that girl in the pic? Well fit!,not sexist "Ironically, getting day-drunk and dicked down is what gave her this ""blessing"" in the first place. Hope she has fun explaining where daddy is...if she even knows.",not sexist Can [USER] get paid for her role as resident gab contrarian? Just send some of the ethereum her way no one will ever know,not sexist May as Home Secretary doing the dirty work on behalf of a foreign state. No wonder she became PM. This country needs change and fast.,not sexist why is that the mother's job?,not sexist "her 25 min. of 'fame' didn't pan out the way she envisioned. crawled back in the hole, i guess. nasty woman!",not sexist "Why? Have you never dated a blockhead? It's the most fucking frustrating thing in the world, even if shes hot and agreeable.",not sexist ...id rather die than have a pos pedo paki Muslim rape my daughter.,not sexist Suck my cock. Love r/shortcels,not sexist I'd say a good chunk of them are women and people from other subs that hate us. Only inevitable we pick them up too now that we are popular.,not sexist This is absolutely revolting I pray she got out safe good lord,not sexist "Did you forget that Jesus Christ was a Jew too, or that his cue in the end times to return, is to decimate the armies attacking Israel? Let the hate go and fully open your heart to God.",not sexist "I've completely lost faith in Roger Stone. Joy Villa is a fraud and if people like Stone keep her around, she'll only cause more problems for conservatives. Her butt slapping video and her links to Soros were enough for me.",not sexist "In a religion where marriage is a duty, there are usually things in place to make that happen. Arranged marriages, for example, or matchmakers or that kind of thing.",not sexist """Gani said he killed his daughters because he was ""ashamed at their conduct"" [URL] now #pk is ashamed of him, I hope",not sexist "She has deactivated her Twitter account already & I think her Facebook also,Love it!!,,,,,",not sexist "Holy shit, she actually said this?",not sexist "1/2 The corollary implicit in this, of course, is that there is no reason for there to be any limit to such balkanization, such that far too soon broccoli-loving Inuits can no longer tolerate mirlton-loving Inuits.",not sexist "We ran with it for a few months, then fucked it off cause it sucked. Big difference. :\^)",not sexist I relapsed 200 seconds no fap. Transgender African big cock midgets fucking amputee gender fluid hairy half females shitting on a hamburger got me this time,not sexist did u just compare girls not liking u to the holocaust,not sexist So you think women should be attracted to feminine traits?,not sexist "imagine if a ugly obese guy posted pics like that and women flooded his messages with ""omg gorgeous!"" imagine how big mens ego's would be lol",not sexist The problem with the meme is that bill nye would support some shit like this,not sexist "I really like this idea. I know a lot of people, especially me, get complacent with just being able to talk to girls casually and shooting the shit. I just might do something like this to really get myself out there.",not sexist The black widow waiting for it's prey to fall into her toxic web.,not sexist """How awesome that your mother gave you a stripper name, I'm looking forward to dating you both.""",not sexist "I'd say there are plenty who try it because of their social programming and then realize"" what the f*** am I doing"" and bury it from there on after",not sexist It would satisfy a lot of us to know she's going to be sentenced here AND beyond.,not sexist "When the alternative to the Taliban and Shariah supremacists is corruption and sex slavery, there will be no eliminating the Taliban and so on unless you kill the last virgin boy and girl. Agreed that trade not 'aid' is a good policy overall.",not sexist on this whole girl thing always sigs do this do that what if .. its just a waste of time to get lost in these thoughts,not sexist """Send me your cholas, your sicarios, your machete wielding gangs, yearning to slaughter freely. I lift my lamp beside the taco truck."" #MPCStatusUpdates",not sexist I am begging for less celebrity deaths for less FUCK 2017 circlejerking,not sexist she must be a baguette,not sexist She filed the complaint against #Bahnhof - who are her parents? #Sweden [URL],not sexist She's dying out there... She may fake a collapse just because it will be better for her campaign than this slaughtering. #PresidentialDebates #GabDebateParty,not sexist "Yeah, but it seems to me that many start to become blackpilled again, at least if you lookt at some normie instagram memes. Of course disguised as meme and funny joke",not sexist So she sucked a lot of dick...not surprised!,not sexist Beryozka - Birch Tree - famous #Folk dance from #Russia This ''floating'' dance is performed by unmarried girls. [URL],not sexist "If you've never actually got dressed, got in your car and pretended to drive ""to work"" to get a chick to leave your house then you're not me.",not sexist "Her existing as a woman & being vocally against incels ""provokes"" them. Y'all need to learn how to take responsibility for your actions - just cos someone makes you angry doesn't mean you can't walk away, you've got the choice not to engage y'know.",not sexist I just saw a mother giving her small daughter some coins to hand to a homeless beggar on the street. Teaching the kid to give away other people's money - isn't this a great way to raise the next generation of libs?,not sexist "usually his woman, even if he kills her. difference is: when one is honest they know there are bad women in this world. but they aren't exclusively focused on pretending all are. AKA lying.",not sexist "Dude ""Conservatives"" are so different over here you sound ridiculous trying to equate them. Are you really of the opinion that any party called conservative wants to destroy homeless shelters? Take your petty agenda and fuck off.",not sexist I would like to see her handed over to a recently elected Saif Al Islam to answer for the murder of his father. that would be a just outcome,not sexist "She certainly fits the 'bill',lefty and lesbian,her only failing for the establishment is that she is white.",not sexist Or if they're a sodomite and/or ✡️. They can go to hell.,not sexist The weak are always anxious for justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either.,not sexist "This shouldn't come as a shock considering HRC is involved in the dossier crap. 'Somebody's already been killed' because of Trump dossier, Fusion GPS rep revealed [URL]",not sexist Who says the different types of men women like end up covering 100% and not 5% of the male population?,not sexist "Six years after being critically wounded in a Jerusalem bombing attack, Hoday Assulin died of her wounds... [URL]",not sexist I believe just as many women as men have had enough of Warren and the Democrats. I believe women will equally help create the mega Red Wave on November 6th.,not sexist "I don't understand your concern, unless you told her a bunch of lies, she seems to be into you, so why worry? Being a freshman in college is a pass for being broke, as long as you're motivated they will appreciate you're working on coming up in life.",not sexist I have heard no guy from the UK say anything good about UK women.,not sexist How is that retard a biochemist in a lab. If I was working there I would ask hardcore in field questions to test her capacity and skills. Fact: none. With that closed mind it's imposibru.,not sexist A stout women sitting atop a filthy flight of stairs.,not sexist "I saw someone at this Jazz and Thunder game and thought it was Caitlyn Jenner. Later M saw the woman and started laughing and said that I'm such a dick. Whatever, it looked like Caitlyn to me.",not sexist My ex-wife cut me with a beer bottle. I sewed it up myself. I blame her.,not sexist "Inner game is about getting your head in the right place. Good values, kill neediness, all mental stuff. Outer game is like how you get a girls #, how to touch her, how to bounce to another bar, and verbal wordplay stuff... the non-mental ""skillset""",not sexist She's a great role model for women on top of being lovely,not sexist "D3R now, D3R tomorrow, D3R forever!",not sexist "That was great. She hit that elitist fag right between the eyes, just like I wanted her to do. An excellent 99 second video. #GabFam #BritFam #WakeUp #KatieHopkins #DestructiveAndEffeteBritishElite",not sexist "TEMPUS FUGIT Barbra Streisand attempting to gauge how many will attend her funeral: ""I will never do another show"" (she says, in a bit of a show) [URL] They're dying off, folks. They're dying off.",not sexist CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE: Crisis in Nigeria as Muslims slaughter THOUSANDS in 'pure GENOCIDE' (mostly women and children) [URL],not sexist I hurt for her as she sat watching her life partner being carved up with knives - of lies.,not sexist "This is funny, because Cameron has produced 2 of the most iconic, bad-ass women in cinematic history: Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley.",not sexist "My Moms yard, unlike me, she is a Master Gardener She doesn't cut her own grass anymore but does all her own gardening at 81.",not sexist All women shortlist is sexist! But I do agree that women don't have dicks 😂,not sexist WHAT THE FUCK DUDE STOP HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,not sexist "jesus was cool, but I fucking hate religion and I fucking hate modern day christians",not sexist Oh you mean the ones in societies without socially accepted hypergamy? Or all the women now who are divorcing men at increasing rates?,not sexist "Anyone remember me talking about ""Russia's Satan 2 missile""? Well turns out the Uranium, and tech to deliver payload was indeed sold wholesale to Putin via #Hilary and #Obama. What a bunch of traitors to #MAGA.",not sexist "My daughter was approached and asked on a date by an older girl in school her response was priceless "" I don't like my own vagina"" the girl quickly walked away",not sexist "It is idiotic that he was arrested in the 1st place. Speaks poorly of his commanders, ditto for his comrades.",not sexist "And I'd like to point out that if anyone of a whole bunch of users ever finds you in real life, you just made one very large mistake with that pompous bullshit.",not sexist "what s there to trust she can not even admit she is zero % native indian ,the only native indian she ever had in her is when a drunken brave screwed she",not sexist I will not buy this game if they pay her a single cent,not sexist YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I ORDERED THE CODE RED!!!,not sexist That's balls! What's next? Do you have a sister or daughter a migrant can have!? WTF,not sexist "female social circles, use them wisely and this is what you get in return. a beautiful thing.",not sexist you lucky motherfucker. the girls i knew were fugly as shit.,not sexist that Woman Im in love with lord shes got to go [URL],not sexist "So....... now........all the rapists and thieves know her name, know her city & know she is not armed with a weapon........... brilliant......... You know..... left on their own......Liberals would go extinct.....fast",not sexist "Damn, Creepy Joe...it was going to be so much fun! Joe Biden: I Will Not Run in 2020 If Dems Have Someone I Know Can Beat Trump [URL]",not sexist I see. So Dennis Prager isn't a conservative Jew? How about Pamela Geller? Or Ezra Levant? Or David Horowitz? I bet you're not even familiar with these names. Some of the most outspoken conservatives are Jews.,not sexist "How does one do that lol ""Ok mom I'm figuratively stabbing you, play dead now""",not sexist "Good Lord, just look at her. I'm hoping Trump can do something -- anything -- to trigger a few of these people into hindering the ICE folks in a blatant way. Would love to see this woman in handcuffs.",not sexist Not just her but all the other liberals in the room. The assault weapons ban will be back soon along with a ban on high capacity magazines.,not sexist I'd text her on Monday to confirm the details of where and when to meet and maybe flirt a lil bit in the conversation then.,not sexist And she knew it too.. her eyes changed position and she repeated the same few words twice while she background processed what she just said.,not sexist Sha has a hugh Arse that she will be dragging around in a few years time.,not sexist Angela Merkel is negotiating for 2 platoons of GSG-9 secret service detail for the rest of her life after she leaves government shortly.,not sexist "first Illegals, NOW.......... Nancy Pelosi says politicians could learn from drag queens, Trump 'lip syncs' his policies [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "Fuck these guys. Does anyone have the link about the wolf and her story about it? Again, dont fuck those guys. They're miserable",not sexist "You're trying to learn how to swim by swinging from trees. Women don't choose you and being more attractive isn't gonna solve your problems. Try making friends with some girls, hang out with them and get to know them, no sex or dating just friends.",not sexist "At the end of this morning ITV News there was a fashion spot. ""MODESTY FASHION for women will be big this autumn (fall)"" This is all about appeasing muslim MEN!! [URL] What the HELL is going on!??",not sexist I would push her off and walk out.,not sexist "convicted murdered, she should be doing life w/o. walking monster. what is wrong with our penal system?",not sexist WELL....... YOUR DADDY FUCKS GOATS AND I DONT SAY NOTHING........ [URL],not sexist "A reminder that if you want kids, fuck 'em young",not sexist "Look, I'm not jazzed about it either but jeeze louise, let's put on our big people panties already! If you don't like the assholes trend, start your own & stop acting like [USER] & are your mommies.",not sexist He does realize the average age a woman gets married in the US is 28? The average years in a relationship together before marriage is 4.9 years too so no surprise incel logic doesn't add up. [URL],not sexist Corruption is everywhere Just waiting for the real arrests to start Lock her and all of them up,not sexist Guys should ignore girls who say this. Thats because we are expected to do the approach for better or for worse. If we dont hit on anyone then we get nowhere :/,not sexist Lower your standards sweaty. And stop fat shaming. If you can't lift your 220lb girlfriend then you're just lacking.,not sexist "-Good good, now ask her about what she's gonna major in.. -But.. She's not even in college.. -Don't go off-script god dammit!",not sexist "And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling qresearchers",not sexist "Among horror stories from Syria, a woman's unborn baby was cut in half -via [USER] [URL] #CultureOfLife #InGodWeTrust #GodHasAPlan",not sexist London attack: one woman fished out of the river alive. [URL],not sexist "Not really. That direct statement works on another level, it is an attempt to get her to Qualify to you. You baited her to prove she has an exciting job, and is an exciting person.",not sexist You assume a tradwife's vote isn't effectively her husband/master voting twice.,not sexist "London withstood everything the Nazis could throw at her, yet fell to the Muslim hordes with nary a shot fired... very sad...",not sexist "Im more than willing to bet you look perfectly normal at the bare minimum, a lot of the girls in this sub tend to underexaggerate their actual attractiveness",not sexist Just more projection of behavior to keep people from focusing on the facts. Stop projecting your multiple accounts onto my person. It's truly sad you morons believe Americans are a bunch of idiots.,not sexist I cannot tell you my friend I just know this feels more like a way to force women at the forefront of movies,not sexist The Same Media Push The miscegenation of White Men with Asian girls.,not sexist "That's kinda dumb dude. There's billions of women on Earth. AWALT works in a statistical, ""better safe than sorry"" sense, not in a literal ""all 3.5 billion women on Earth have the exact same values and tendencies"" sense.",not sexist Thighs shouldn't touch according to one guy...yikes,not sexist "They decide that Hillary can't be prosecuted because they can find ""no intent"" and then she's free to run for President. She then thankfully gets her ass beat by Trump. And this is where it gets REALLY fucking good.",not sexist "Most tabletop and RPG communities are filled with beta, ugly, low self-esteem men. So, they just bend over any girl around them. That's why feminism penetrates easily on those communities.",not sexist "True enough, but if you're outcome dependent, then you're not going to be willing to do what might be necessary to get the girl. Also if you fuck up, the loss is going to hurt you more. But yeah, it's different, not worse. That's all.",not sexist If you're a monk you're a volcel,not sexist Hillary made a bunch of women into Hillary zombies.,not sexist "I'm talking about what you're referring to: the suggestion that some females getting fucked might be transgenders. Call it whatever you want, but it's a coping mechanism for yourself.",not sexist Big girls need love too,not sexist Who is that bimbo?? Clearly never lived in the real world and looks like her IQ struggles to make it past her shoe size.,not sexist "Can someone do a Kickstarter to get that guy, Ryulong was it, a hooker? Shit, he seriously needs to get laid.",not sexist I remember seeing a video of him calling girls sluts and the girl would still want to hang out with him. Does anybody have a link?,not sexist "Yes and so glad I did, the junk hurts for few days insurance covered it. Have been asked if I would consider a reversal, told her blow me and I'll answer you. And ur answer is fck no! Get one serious.",not sexist "It is last Christmas my gf mentioned it, it's always a black man and white woman and it is being done deliberately",not sexist "You're choosing to be a victim right now. You say that she ""did this to you"" but actually you allowed her to hurt you. Instead of being bitter at life, you could see this as an opportunity to grow into a wiser, better man. Are you capable of that?",not sexist I dont find her facial features attractive at all. She looks more like a chad than a stacy.,not sexist When I imagine the #Liberals reaction to this I think of the Exorcist and Linda Blair vomiting and her head spinning in circles! [URL],not sexist "No, but I'd say those who kill themselves are the most unhappy.",not sexist "[USER] Jill Stein's reptilian neck is showing, look at that coaxial cable in her neck.",not sexist "It isnt very trad, but I base my label more on the numerous DUIs she's had which have resulted in the suspension of her driving privileges, as well as the fact that she is engaged to a 36 year old snitch of a man child.",not sexist "[USER] I am concerned that if there are any other events with this Muslim teen, she may become victim to an honor killing.",not sexist "No, statistically people fuck less and less",not sexist "Full of shit is an idiom that means that you are speaking falsehoods or nonsense. That's not a characterization of you as an individual in any other moment. Also, the last sentence didn't attack you to any extent.",not sexist It just hit me like a ton of bricks. Gonna have to noodle this one...,not sexist "No! Don't harass at girls at work unless they CLEARLY show interest. > I'm leaning towards emailing her, cause why the hell not? Because it's creepy and inappropriate.",not sexist "Conyers, 88, finally decides to leave Congress after woman comes forward to say he groped her IN CHURCH [URL]",not sexist #GABFAM #PURPLEREVOLUTION in full swing #CIACoup. Would someone please tell #DECIETFUL#HRC she's done its over!!,not sexist "Well, I see the state to which politics have descended. Nancy Pelosi, as usual, continues to make an ass of herself every time she opens her mouth. #SpeakFreely #GabFam #MAGA [URL]",not sexist WELL That explains This TANK!,not sexist Over half of them fuckin skull mog me i thought ricecels were supposed to be low t andros,not sexist "I bet she won't actually move, or if she does, she will start another GoFundMe to move back when she realizes what a ShitHole every place in Black Africa is!",not sexist No... you missed it. She didn't die... no poison in her cup.,not sexist Or why don't companies just hire a higher percentage of women in order to raise the bottom line but that 25-35% gap?,not sexist I don't care how much presser we are under I will refuse to give up my security. The police cannot be everywhere at once you fucking retarded lefties. [URL],not sexist I think 'hyper-masculinity' is just not being cool with your genderfluid gf humping the captain of the football team while you babysit her cat.,not sexist [Here's a study]([URL] from two years ago which shows that 55% of men seeking help for violent partners had received false accusations about physical or sexual abuse from their abusers. It's basically a go-to tactic for abusive women.,not sexist "Yeah, Ricky Bobby shits on SJWs too.",not sexist "I'm all for stopping the movement- it destroys more than it saves. But if THIS is the result, something has to change. China is already a shithole, I'm not surprised by this at all. But this isn't good. It isn't good for them, men, or even women.",not sexist [URL] YOU PEOPLE EITHER LET US WIN SOMETHING; OR THIS IS GOING TO GET UGLY. WE ALL KNOW I TEACH A MASTER CLASS ON UGLY,not sexist "Honestly i was gonna call u a dumbass by just reading the title, but if its tinder and she matched with you that shit has a good chance of working.",not sexist "For those of you young gents still under the misguided impression that pure, loyal, family doting ladies can always be found in church, just leaving this right here. [URL]",not sexist Who cares that Bill Murray is a wife-beater? OMG> DID YOU HEAR ABOUT #ScottBaio ? These pedofags are fucking EVERYWHERE! [URL],not sexist "that would certainly be a very convenient assumption, but I don't like any of the ""Chad"" examples posted on this sub except for this one (and I suspect because this one's a bit more demure/less masculine. ie, his eyelashes)",not sexist "Wow, killed on both his and his daughter's birthday. That's fucked up.",not sexist "Maybe she's busy or unsure of her plans. If she's into you, she's into you. Act accordingly. It's not any more complicated than it has to be: hit her up then with definitive and interesting plans.",not sexist Milo says we shouldn't focus on LGBT but he shoves sexuality in the face of all who appear in front of him. Look how conservative and liberal LGBT behave. It's disgraceful. [URL],not sexist so how many times did #HarveyWeinstein rape your daughter who you sent to be his UNDER study,not sexist "Pretty much what everybody else said. Don't mention you have her number, just ask for it again as if you never got it.",not sexist Mostly that they beat their wife and kids and are violent by nature.,not sexist "imagine being a girl, or may be gay. getting instant validation and attraction. Mm",not sexist Give her a one way ticket to S Africa. She will find plenty of fellow travelers there.,not sexist "If two White guys grabbed a 23-year old Black girl and raped her, in public, while screaming ""you N***ER BITCH!!"" at her, they would already be charged with #hatecrime and whole cities would be burning by now. [URL]",not sexist "Did she really say that Kavanaugh was elected? I take it she didn't even try to study how a Justice is ""Nominated"" not ""Elected"" as he is chosen by the POTUS not the People. What a moronic and selfish Islamic imbecile.",not sexist We'd be in a nuclear holocaust with her in there,not sexist "What news does the BBC choose to report on its front page? The disturbance at the final of the Crufts dog-show. An ex-footballer spitting at a woman in her car. What chance does the rape of 1,000 young girls have beside such competition? [URL]",not sexist "Curiously enough, it was her candidate who was receiving 'donations' from the Qataris. [USER]",not sexist "I agree with this. The line from Rocky inspires me the most - ""One step one punch and one round at at time"". This is what i have been doing and it has helped me a lot.",not sexist can it make a sammich & clean the house?,not sexist "Regardless if you were a horny little bastard or not, this is wrong. Equality of the pedos. Same sentencing laws for men and women.",not sexist I do not know that she lies. But she is pretty dumb.,not sexist "Even if in a thread dedicated to how ugly men can make themselves attractive, she's bragging about her super hot boyfriend. It's actually really mind-boggling how stupid a person can be.",not sexist 14-year-old girl kills her father 2 months after moving in with him [URL],not sexist I'm referring to Semitic customs regarding women.,not sexist "But then I say they are being sexist in regards to female behavior, I wanted to know what you thought the sexism was",not sexist "If she makes a tshirt that calls for a final solution to the Maxine Waters question with gothic lettering in the same colour scheme, might actually buy one ([CUR]10 shipping, [CUR]10 materials, [CUR]5 to China and [CUR].50 to Loomers)",not sexist "Look, I really did, I mean do, like women. Those gay-mulatto jokes are simply untrue. [URL]",not sexist Yeah that's why I don't even bother anymore. Had many woman smile and even wink at me and I just walk away as it nothing happened. Must make them feel like shit but I'm genuinely not even interested in majority of them lol,not sexist "it's generally frowned upon as being too close to stalking, she's there to workout and probably not appreciative of being hit upon in her lulumon because you know, venue. That's my opinion, but you do you.",not sexist "Again, none of this has been a secret. >smear More like recounting my experiences with the sub.",not sexist Who is she?,not sexist A women bumped into my friend's back bumper because her dumbass didn't see there was a ambulance coming so we couldn't make a left turn on the arrow. She even admitted she was on her phone..,not sexist She'd probably secretly tell her friends how ugly he is and how much she hates him and wish she never had kids. It's over.,not sexist This douche doesn't need to be fired but all of us need to cut off her doughnut supply. [URL],not sexist "What's even funnier is she left me a TRUST and left my sister with nothing. I don't think she liked other women very much, including her kin.",not sexist "RT [USER]: High school teacher, 29, 'had a seven-month sexual relationship with one of her students, 16 [URL]",not sexist #Migrant with 3 wives and 16 Kids gets rewarded with chic homes at #Swedish resort [URL],not sexist "Lol they can only rail so many women in one night, I'm happy to pick up their slack",not sexist "Tattoos are definitely attractive to many women, but if you have chivalry and tattoos? Delicious combination!",not sexist Here's Wolfie befre she got her Yonigga Sunlamp [URL],not sexist Let Puerto Rico take a vote..if they want to secede fro the US let them.. Lets show Ocasio the useless idiot with a big mouth how socialism will be reje. I wish we could deport her stupid ass!!,not sexist A lot of people on this sub are fed up with the PC politics being propped up by the left. Honestly all media outlets deserve scrutiny. I feel absolutely no obligation to be a 'good liberal ',not sexist And I'm the idiot ? Lmfao,not sexist "Statistically, men cheat way the fuck more than women do.",not sexist "But she wasn't hit by a car, she was just a fat out of shape piece of crap that forgot to workout before going out to be a terrorist... She had a heart attack from seeing a car accident...",not sexist I once lived next to a lady who would literally blow out her voice from yelling at her kids.,not sexist "Yep, guarantee that the beta soy cuck who wrote this has minimal success with women.",not sexist "[USER] .........i like tall, strong women. Wouldn't be a problem for me. :P",not sexist "[USER] 1:04:00 Thank you Stefan for getting the cycle of violence with respect to women, into this conversation.",not sexist Absolutely. it should be something extended to all non violent criminals male and female. The prison systems especially in the US are big business. If the government really wanted to fight the war on drugs it should go for the top echelons.,not sexist "How dumb is Robert Francis O'Rourke? He looks like a moron. He sounds like a moron. His ""proposals"" are moronic, idiotic and stupid. Just like Robert.",not sexist "Just block really, really, fucking hard, she'll learn.",not sexist the only difference in looksmaxxing between men and women is make up,not sexist They wouldn't air that person's thoughts but I know you're being somewhat sarcastic. Fuck NPR.,not sexist "NBC faces criticism for Clinton cough story, i hope she's wearing her adult depends when she has these coughing fits.",not sexist Migrant who raped and killed EU official's daughter cries as he tells court that drowning her 'destroyed' HIS life [URL],not sexist "Worse than rooming with women, too.",not sexist Are you hate following Sinny? Might be why.,not sexist I still decide to practice my game on her Tell more about that and help your fellow sedditors.,not sexist "Male or female, this person is a 0/10",not sexist Get a van. I've had a lot of nice sex in my van with girls of elastic virtue. But then I'm a hippy - might not work the same for you.,not sexist "Women choose between ortho, meta, or para-chads by supplying the man with either an electron withdrawing or donating group.",not sexist Over half of Newsweak's twitter followers are fake. Fucking clowns bought Dollar Store bots.,not sexist ISLAM: Oxford gang sentenced for grooming and sexually assaulting young girls: [URL] via [USER],not sexist "We actually agree to a point. The problem is that when women won equal rights by removing male-only spaces, that they can't then insist on female-only spaces. How is having it both ways for women in any way equal?",not sexist merkel is destroying Germany. she's an east german commie,not sexist "Now...A Word from the Grave.... Frau Clinton is my psychological heir...may her Reich last a thousand years,",not sexist What makes you think Stacy will fuck you? Even if you betabux it's not likely you'll be spreading your seed in her. Look at r/deadbedroom and r/mgtow2,not sexist "When I'm asked how much sex a man needs, I wonder if the woman is looking for a limit or starting place. #SexTip #TheMarriageBed #Quote",not sexist "Then seduce her like with any other girl, and remember the only fool is the one that wants something and does nothing to obtain it.",not sexist "Her account sounds like two women who thought they ran every thing had a show down, and one of them won.",not sexist Mother Nature's way of limiting population growth...,not sexist "[USER] It's already been going on for some time, and you're totally right, it will try to enslave us with ultimate control. Jason A's latest vid shares some creepy-totally-f*cked measure being set in place to lose complete anonymity #GabFam [URL]",not sexist "Well, since they revere rape and the Stone Age so much, and since men have more muscle mass than women, that equates to men being completely superior in every possible way. Incel logic. My brain hurts now, excuse me.",not sexist Of course some neo-nazis have relationships. That doesn't make them good people and it sure as shit doesn't mean that most women won't be offput by the fact that he's a Nazi.,not sexist "lol, this thread is full of left wing neo-marxist incel shitlords who don't even realize they contribue to the feminist agenda.",not sexist "Yup. While many guys get stuck in the ""conservationist loop"" where they talk to a girl they like... then wait to see if they talk back, then another guy with bigger balls will take her.",not sexist Tell them you identify as a female!,not sexist "Creeping Sharia. Infiltrating our government, our police, our schools, etc, etc...Remember the Somali Minneapolis police officer (Mohamed Noor) who shot a woman for no apparent reason?",not sexist "This is what happens when a desire for independence meets rampant irresponsibility. She has disqualified herself from the dating market 4 times. Enjoy your fate, or try to. 38 to death is a long time.",not sexist I can't wait to drop her off at court in front of all the piggies.,not sexist Or change her name to a more fact base one like 'liar cheater murder rat face kikess' that would fit her as her kind is the most vile of all.,not sexist If she likes you then you know it. If not you are confused. Stop overthinking.,not sexist Chelsea Handler doesn't like being reminded about where she really stands in the world.,not sexist "Maybe we should get our wives and girlfriends to go around in hijabs, especially in lib cities.",not sexist "[URL] Police/Sweden are installing microphones in ghetto areas to pick up the sound of women screaming as the country's rape crisis continues to escalate after the mass importation of Muslim ""refugees"".",not sexist "[USER] I just know Marines. Sometimes you do well. Other times your niece asks, ""Dad, what's an ass-ramming dicktard?""",not sexist All of these people are fucking retarded.,not sexist [USER] Hugh Mungus? I thought his name was Hugh Anus.,not sexist Kaffirs being kaffirs,not sexist I didn't ask to be born latina,not sexist "agreed. save the vitriol when she was involved or had knowledge and did nothing. that requires evidence and a trial. i don't like Sarsour or her bullshit, but she's a US citizen and deserves every goddamn right the US offers.",not sexist Wow. Imagine having the audacity to correct and mansplain to a woman why her *spot-on* observations about two different approaches in a seduction forum is wrong. It makes me shudder. Not in a good way.,not sexist "what do you mean? every dude hopes to fuck tons of hotties. Some chase women like a motherfucker trying to do just that. For others, it is just a dream.",not sexist I agree. I should have mentioned there were special rules. Men could only spike from back court and only soft block.,not sexist "The limitation of women here being...? Unable to be funny? I've had funny females in my life tho and equally unfunny males as well. Idk what idiot educated you, son.",not sexist "I said last night, if you don't look like someone that would make her instagram followers jealous it's over. Who would post our ugly asses on social media",not sexist "This is the first time I can actually walk away from this type of interview and feel that the truth was revealed. ""As a matter of fact, I deserve the death sentence."" I agree, she deserves the death sentence. [USER]",not sexist I had a girl once call out me for having a boner when it was just a fold in my pants... My pants are not wrapped around my dick- you will not see it like that- that's empty fabric resting on it.,not sexist Cows also taste good.....,not sexist "[USER] She like spending (OPM) other ppl money, a typical politician.",not sexist [URL] Clinton was appearing at an event where she was being questioned by Time Inc. Brands CCO Alan Murray and she revealed that in her opinion being a capitalist hurt her in the Democrat primary.,not sexist kill the damn male-mother need,not sexist Marriage is more than a word; it's a sentence.,not sexist "Ever hear of a short story titled ""Houston, Houston Do You Read?"" I believe it was written by James Tiptree, Jr. Somewhat similiar premise. But the women in that story want to get their hands on the Manhood of the Male Protagonist!",not sexist What the fuck are you gonna do about that? [USER] Caruso and family and her few friends Burn my toast? (popular tweet) HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Fuck all of you motherfuckers! FUCKING DIE EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! [URL],not sexist SMV Men get women because they know what they want and what attracts them. So wouldn't that mean that there are many women who know how to attract smv men? A smv man wouldn't want a women who doesn't know anything. Edit: missing a word,not sexist I saw one on youtube where a reporter got hit with a stop sign. Killed her.,not sexist Meet the Lesbian Goldman Sachs Economist Who Just Lead Germany's🇩🇪 Far Right to Victory #AfD [URL],not sexist "Probably because they want super hot women who are virgins and under 20 years old. Yeah OK, we should want 65 yo morbidly obese methheads with four baby daddies. Why do normies always think in extremes?",not sexist Crazy as a shithouse rat.,not sexist I'm 26 and still struggling. It's a different issue for me though. Talking and approaching is not a problem. I boiled it down to me feeling like I don't deserve a good looking women. Not sure why.,not sexist She's just mad cause Trump plans to cut off her meth supply from Mexico...,not sexist In a way men are already paying bachelor tax in the form of onlyfans subscriptions Most men don't do this. A tax is something imposed by the govnt. Paying a chick to see her tits is not a tax.,not sexist "Well thats a couple of life terms for this piece of shit. Actually with the record of piss weak Australian judges she will likely get a [CUR]100 fine. I am not surprised, govt hires anyone at all.",not sexist [USER]: This baby's reaction to seeing his mother clearly for the first time will make your heart skip a beat: [URL] [URL],not sexist "my wife got me some snackies to nibble on while the bull fucks her senseless in the other room 🥰 silly inkwell, why would i be jealous? i play switch with him all the time!",not sexist Loughborough 'sexsomniac' jailed for raping woman [URL],not sexist """I hate you. Thankfully, there are thousands of gorgeous Japanese, Chinese and Korean girls in ~~Sydney~~ Asia, so I will be okay.""",not sexist He has no principles. He is a hypocrite. He is ungrateful. He is a phoney.,not sexist you'll likely be servicing mostly call girls Wut.,not sexist What's worse than a jew or a nigger? A NIGGER JEW!!!,not sexist Plus one in jail for a long long time. Two pieces were moved off the chessboard. Fuck them both. P.S. I do have a daughter Mollies age. She's not a fucking idiot. Raised RIGHT.,not sexist Yep and why I used quotations. Just a lie or short sighted on her part. Either one should be grounds for her removal. I think she either carries a heavy burden for the NAZI'S or she believes her own bullshit.,not sexist I consider ashkenazics to be white. They certainly have a lot of fucked up people though. A LOT.,not sexist These are too cute Found on the artist's [twitter]([URL] and there's a tonne more on their [tumblr]([URL] [I think this one is my favourite]([URL],not sexist Try something on and tell her you need her opinion,not sexist she is a client....for now..... I just sent some of my Jew clients this [URL],not sexist "Yeah, and I bet she thinks Islamaphobia is the real problem, lol",not sexist it looks like a blind drunk retarded clown on 6 hits of LSD did her makeup,not sexist I enjoy the variety of company they offer. I find that I can often go to my female friends with things I don't want to bring up with my male friends.,not sexist "bro its because the media imposes unrealistic beauty standards on women of all ages, and they feel pressured to look sexy in front of their peers lest they feel ashamed of not being attractive enough",not sexist "I was thinking of something along those lines, so I wanted to know if there's anything better. Forgot to mention that shes just a chick I talk to, and I don't want to bang her (in monk mode). Thanks though.",not sexist "[USER] OF volunteer Catholic choirs: all women, men hard to come by. EF choirs: mostly men, few women. Gregorian chant is manly music!",not sexist """Planned Parenthood has built an empire on a twisted view of women's bodies & children. Fertility is not a sickness & kids are not a curse."" -Lila Rose",not sexist "If you really wanna impress a lady on the first date, play this song. Have it playing when you pick them up: [URL]",not sexist the whole World owes Donald for keeping her away.. even if he never did another thing.. and he's doing well anyway.. takes a big Man to take so much unfair treatment..,not sexist Hey be friends with them its not wrong I had some mean girls as friends on hs and they were chill. Just because some people can be asshole sometimes to other peoples does not make them a perma bad person not worth being with.,not sexist "Winter cruise from hell: Ship carrying 4,000 passengers is battered by 30-feet swells & hurricane force winds as it sailed directly INTO the winter 'bomb cyclone' on way to Bahamas before turning back [URL]",not sexist You may be right. I don't stand on memory much anymore but I'm pretty sure she used that term posting to ATorba. Either way I'm under the impression that they are a uni-tard couple.,not sexist 1. I would go with block and delete avoid 2. fwb where you bang her and do all the things you never did while icing her at the same time no feeling at all her feelings don't matter to you i would go with number 1,not sexist *signaling to keep fucking their female fanbase,not sexist Arizona. This is the person who sought out Noah Kervalis to be the David Hogg of the teachers strike. Shes running for superintendent vote her out into another planet!! [URL],not sexist Just cut and paste the url into the red box. You will then endup with an archive like this. [URL],not sexist "Official Feminists ""turn their back on women"" [URL] #leftists #feminism bigotry Islam",not sexist LOL. Charlie Daniels had it right. You gotta talk shit and spit in the eye of heathen deities.,not sexist "Well, that attitude will surely bring the fertile young white women running. its such an honor to be denigrated and insulted by self-righteous, anonymous men online.",not sexist Same here they wont take the free English classes. LMAO! I love your sisters humor. That will offend a few muzzies for sure..,not sexist A picture is better than a thousand words. Wonder what Feinstein has on her.,not sexist its about religion 99% of the time. MRAs or edgy woman punishers are a negligible population except on this sub of course,not sexist Great fucking posts. Very well informed.,not sexist Apart from being an expression of complete and utter stupidity this statement is deeply offensive. [URL] Do facts offend you? Does reality offend you?,not sexist "LISTEN to what this alt-righter says about sex with children, and how fathers should have authority over their daughters. Alt-righters are Muslims in white supremacist garb. [URL]",not sexist Would she tell you hers?,not sexist "Wait, this girl says she's not attracted to you, then makes out with you, then says she wants to see you again, and you are bummed?",not sexist Meanwhile a white man **commits** severe racism by fucking an Asian woman.,not sexist "EBAY, buy a Movie called ""Inside Job,"" by Sony fillms, tells the whole story of Iceland bank heist, and our own, and the whistle blowers at the end will shock you, they took them both out with women..fucking BAD Jews, eh?",not sexist We're exploiting female bodies and abusing the magic of female animals to create eggs and milk. >>abusing the magic of female animals >>>abusing the magic >>>>the magic >>>>>**MAGIC** The quality of a Harvard education. Attributing biology to magic.,not sexist ....and she STILL looked like warmed over shit. [USER],not sexist Female Smuggler Locks 62 Migrants in Tractor-Trailer Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a female truck driver after they found 62 migrants locked in her refrigerated trailer. [URL],not sexist I actually know this women and you're not wrong,not sexist Didn't we ban incel stuff last purge because they came in and ruined it? Or was that after the purge ended? Can we unban Lewis for a week? I miss his antics.,not sexist "If I were a nonprofit aiding rape victims I'd sue this ""journalist"" into complete bankruptcy for the damage she caused.",not sexist "This is a strictly cultural thing. Use your own discretion. If she seems like a user or didn't seem interested in being there, split that shit!",not sexist I just think my dick couldn't be break to make this move no matter how long it could be..😂😂😂,not sexist That's fucked up that's so fucked up her dildo came out of her mouth,not sexist Is that a sex doll or a real woman... something about her doesn't look real.,not sexist "Based on this, I would say that it will come down to the average citizen and his/her gun to stop these assholes!",not sexist That's every 1624 year old white female in the west,not sexist "Yes ma'am I find old rusty pieces at flea markets and bring them back, my precious piece is around pre 1870, I can't cook without them! Yours are family heirlooms, all that good seasoning, no need to strip that off, lots of love on those pans",not sexist I'm a stubborn woman and usually hurt myself trying to lift crap I shouldn't. But... men do that too.,not sexist "That's why you go for the college chicks who are in STEM programs and getting good grades because they actually care for their future. Wait, they're all nonexistant or taken.",not sexist [CUR]80? holy shit I'm looking in the wrong place but the cheapest ones are like 3x that around here lol,not sexist "Hell. Didn't the Dope From Hope fire her, too? That really says a lot when you think about that.",not sexist "No, she is the leader of the One world government plot that intends to destroy Western Civilization via Islam!",not sexist "Money',she was given or rather i would say the money that was thrown at her fake ass. It's basically zero effort money and she's making millions and she couldn't give away 10k? And you are asking us what have we done? !",not sexist "[USER] Agreed, I am not religious either but my eyes are open now thanks to this brave lady and all the others like her, plus the shit that is happening everywhere. I don't need a religion to keep me on the good path and cause no harm. #WokeAF [URL]",not sexist She describes herself as 'conservative' and yet spends her time fucking around with college athletes. Conservative sure doesn't mean what it used to.,not sexist Young whippersnappers can't even wipe their asses without crying to mommy. Go back to your basement and play your stupid juvenile games.,not sexist "Look what the Jews want the shiksa goyim women to wear next. Literally invented by a Jewess to ""empower women"" [URL]",not sexist "[USER] ""God was telling me my time as both teacher and mom was coming to a close"" we are our kids first teachers that never goes away no matter how hard you may try and justify that",not sexist culling the herd,not sexist let her wear a hijab,not sexist shut up and go away,not sexist "Oh nah grow tf up. Talkin about you wanna rape people bc they won't go out with your incel ass, like women owe you shit. FOH",not sexist I'm sorry that this happening :( This happens a lot to females that post here and racist white trolls love to harass them until they leave.,not sexist "Unfortunately, she falls into that nonsense afterwards of ""having pity for him""... ME? - I'd happily hang this POS in a vacant warehouse, douse him in lighter fluid, and break out the Zippo...and i'd sleep just fine afterwards",not sexist THIS POS IS GETTING AWAY WITH BEATING WOMEN...,not sexist So...I guess men should wear a condom then? It's a pretty easy step to avoid all this hassle.,not sexist "ladies usually look at the chest and arms. as soon as those two parts buffed up, I had so many looks I actually thought that something is wrong with my clothes or something",not sexist "Yeah, and apparently a bunch of misogynistic virgins are the ones to turn a gay woman straight, lol",not sexist So is this the female incel subreddit?,not sexist Just imagine if she came in wearing a hijab.,not sexist "Clearly these miserable, power-mad dictators in the EU in Brussels want to stop memes that attack their stupidity. It has nothing to do with ""copyright infringement"". If anything, memes help publicise TV shows, Movies, on-line articles etc.",not sexist "Naked outdoors topic, star to fav ))) [URL]",not sexist "I have a hard time believing it is not a troll, but if that was a sincere post, holy shit that woman needs to be locked up.",not sexist Two sisters who can't remember why they fought stabbed each other covering child in their blood [URL],not sexist "Then, she's a keeper. 😉",not sexist Suicide as a consequence is the very definition of a mental disorder; Most trans-genders commit or try suicide.,not sexist I got contact-pissed just reading about her. Tired of women going Joker mode when they're drunk. One of the reasons I mostly do daygame now.,not sexist Wow. Now when my wife gets mad at me for clogging the toilet I'll just show her this.,not sexist "Evangelion doesn't have fanservicey anime girls. And we live in the age where fanservice anime girls are better than playing giant robots. Also, cute anime girls make the best memes.",not sexist What favor? Try to talk him into being a cuck?,not sexist "I mean its the women whos against prostitution, not us. I am noway opposing such legalization.",not sexist Men would straight up say its an anti-women club and that that is a good and desirable thing,not sexist """Oh shit, she clearly knows more about Big 5 traits than I do! Deflect! Use the magic RP words!""",not sexist I'm fed up to hell with libtards fucktards and retards and idiots. You see them on Facebook and twitter the moron social networks,not sexist "Well hell, wasn't there a woman in Washington state that said she was and worked for the NAACP? Ever hear of Rachel Dolezal? [URL]",not sexist The difference between radical and moderate Muslims(graphic): [URL],not sexist "Thanks brother and thanks for your service. Some like en some bash on them for being too ""flashy"". I guess it boils down to personal choice. They shoot the same as any plain Jane ar.",not sexist Unfortunately not. She was hot as hell too. Now she's like 30 though and seems to have grown a beak where her nose was.,not sexist "I would keep it general. Ask what she's looking to get out of dating right now, or feelings about relationships in general. You don't want to directly accuse her of anything. You just want to give her enough rope to hang herself.",not sexist Lol we need a punnier name for her... that we can just ABSOLUTELY mock her with. ...if we find out she is a secret cokehead or something I suggest 'Coke-ahontas',not sexist """Brown skin"" male sexually assaulted THREE teenage girls in Toronto over the course of one day alone: [URL]",not sexist Very unlikely and even though I like her I'm not going to put that much effort,not sexist "Deranged butt-hurt professor calls President Trump a Neo-nazi and dictator, gives students credit for attending hateful, anti-conservative events. #MAGA #Trump #Sad #SJWsGonnaSJW [URL]",not sexist "You are definitely a good Christian woman and a much better human being than I am. Me, I'm a lost soul who just wishes McCain would just fall over on the floor and not get back up... before he can ruin any other votes in Congress.",not sexist "Men are attracted to youthfulness, its a quality that indicates high fertility.",not sexist "First time we chatted and i asked her out she said. yeah sure, and then i asked are you free next week she said maybe maybe, then second time i brought it up (a day or two after this chat) she said i dont know, i dont know you",not sexist "Jesus Christ no. Some red pillers don't want a nagging wife or babies. Frankly, it's beta to me. Red pill is about seeing reality for what it is worth woman and life, and using that information accordingly",not sexist "[USER] Tessa has a lot of issues! the junkyard queen, I think has a sock for every personality she switches to. She beat Sybil for the world record too! [URL]",not sexist "Taylor Swift's ONLY job is to entertain us. But, like the rest of her 'entertainment' pals, she just had to open her mouth and blow up her career. She's as dumb as a bag of hammers.",not sexist "I think men tend to forget that women are human beings too. They're not walking vaginas. Kindness, respect, and common sense can go a long way.",not sexist Don't tell Charlyne Yi she's a hypocrite for living off of Rupert Murdoch's money or she'll have her buddies delete your shit. Youtube fallin off dawg,not sexist "feminism was all but always pushed against the white family and women, or where do you see diversity there in it. ;)",not sexist "When you're explaining the grimy realities of what gays actually do to your normie friend, and she recoils at the first and least repulsive thing you show her.",not sexist The modern day Rockefellers,not sexist "Why are some people called ""anti-Semites"" but nobody is called ""pro-Semites""?",not sexist "Dude... I was gifted ""Dancing Whale"" by a late member of the local Native American community over a decade ago so *makes a jerking off motion* They wouldn't know what to do with a fat woman if they gave one of them the time of day.",not sexist How 2 girls have fun time together without penis?,not sexist "This doesn't mean they are shy. Work on your game, and make actual connections with women and your responses will improve.",not sexist Could be. She seems like the quiet type from the way she presents herself.,not sexist Windows 10 incognito is a load of crap. I was sitting naked in front of the computer for an hour and all the other people in the Local Library could still see me wanking,not sexist "You're stuck with half of the people you started with (most of which don't even like you, they're just neutral at this point) I have everyone I had to start with and then some. Get fucked",not sexist White people. A cut above. A breed apart. There is no substitute. #14Words,not sexist Every Sunday a nun lay from my gun spray,not sexist Why do you single out women. I said both men and women are entitled to sex while in a relationship.,not sexist "and I refuse to play with a woman's emotion Unfortunately, that's how the game works. If you want to win, you gotta learn how to play.",not sexist "While i hate cancel-culture, i can appreciate this. Still, fuck cancel culture, either way",not sexist "The title is annoying true Ladies: um is this true????? No, that is not good",not sexist People are dicks,not sexist "Use that rage to fuel your productivity in all aspects of your life. Don't worry about her. She's already finished. You still have plenty of opportunities. Make sure you deal with this issue via therapy, etc. Oh and don't burn yourself out. Have fun.",not sexist "Never had cable. I stuck an antenna up so the wife could watch the news, but she doesn't even do much of that herself anymore.",not sexist "head mod said she talked to him after he made his post and she won't tell anyone what they talked about because as she says it's ""classified"" and she was the only one not freaking out unlike the other mods",not sexist NBC 2016 Election Night - Highlights - The Is Priceless! [URL] [URL] all idiots [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL] [URL],not sexist "I hate reading stories like this. You seem like a genuinely nice guy. Who had trouble with girls. Unfortunately you found ""pick up artists"". Youll find girls kiss you alot more often when you arent treating them like a game",not sexist You're ignorant. You won't die from low doses and barely get any side effects,not sexist Charming. You're just so ... charming. Bet you're beating the ladies off with a stick. What a pig.,not sexist the timid don't have their names remembered,not sexist "why are you tring to conflate people with political systems ? one of your hero's said the death of 1 is sad. the death of 1 million is a statistic. fuck you, commie",not sexist New to Gab. Are there any castrated or otherwise incapable guys with hot wives/girlfriends who might entertain a swap? DM me.,not sexist If you actually take your own life you have massive balls. I had an older friend do this and I have mucho respect for taking charge of the situation.,not sexist Al he had to do was enjoy his beautiful wife play golf and enjoy his billions . Instead he decided to MAGA Some debts are hard to pay or forget . Legacy some guys are all about Legacy,not sexist Here is the lawsuit against Bell Media. This explains her case. [URL],not sexist "Fun fact: Shakira was my first celebrity crush, back when I was like, 8. Seems I chose wisely.",not sexist #VoteDemOut seditionist wanna be socialists need one way ticket to VEN,not sexist "Pastor Gene Lingerfelt goes off on men who play Xbox, blaming ""that retarded spirit"" for why beautiful young women in the church can't find dates. Or the risk of eternal damnation when hormones take over.",not sexist "Her looksmatch is a trucel addicted to cam girls who is contemplating roping as we speak. Where are the ""just go for unattractive girls bro"" crowd? They should see this lmao",not sexist These idiots are to blame. They let this shit slide. Get some standards people,not sexist "[USER] She's going before a grand jury over the matter after #Trump is President, and then she'll go to jail, because like her predecessor #EricHolder, she utterly corrupt. #DrainTheSwamp #NoMercy #MAGA #Trump",not sexist "I know, but I really do like her and I don't want her to, you know, just ""move on"" too quick before I get a chance.",not sexist "WOW, I hate to think that could be true, but she has had the right coaches!",not sexist "I wonder if they talk about what to say to the doctor after going in repeatedly for ""running in to the wall,"" or how to talk their buck down from killing them after an argument, or how to cope with single motherhood or living with STIs.",not sexist "BREAKING: Calling women ""cunts"" is now empowering. #Feminism h/t [USER]",not sexist "Never be shown branding nor flogging your slaves in public, for that is indecent. Instead let the cattle believe they are free to the slaughter.",not sexist "You wanted to see if they stupid enough to take your bait... Surprise TRPers aren't complete egomaniacs that expect their wife slave to obey every command blindly. Shock, horror!! Post your findings to TBP to continue the circle jerk.",not sexist Really? she can falsely accuse people of shit but if I say something back I am being severe? REALLY?,not sexist You're basically faking your own death when a women likes you too much. Great advice.,not sexist "S/he's a troll at best, feminist/cucknight at worst, report/ban him/her and move on i say.",not sexist """Except for Muslims 😂 "" And the drug lords, and the crooked police departments, bought off judges and corrupt politicians...",not sexist "As a deadbedroom sufferer for many years, my advice is this: GTFO. It will NEVER get any better, and she has told you straight what her attitude is. Cross post this to /r/DeadBedrooms They will tell you it straight. Leave.",not sexist "If the leafs had any balls at all, I'd vote her PM just to see how they'd deal with it.",not sexist "Just what the hell is going on in Westminster? [URL] They were given clear instructions: GET US OUT OF THE EUSSR And what have they done? Bugger all! Thats what The culture of me, myself and I has stamped Brexit into the mud and murdered it Sad",not sexist YES YES expose the scumbag!!,not sexist "Ruthie looks like she's on her way to Tibet. Hopefully she'll retire and be on her way ... soon! Another appointment by Trump would ""trump"" these other two disgusting clowns (pun intended). #jew",not sexist "Learn to enjoy MGTOW, not use it as a reactionary outlet to your struggles with women. It only works if it works, you can't just be upset about the dating field and say you're MGTOW and think it will work.",not sexist """There are some deranged people"" ....YOU are a deranged person to be ok with your wife fucking other men... holy shit...",not sexist Number and text/call for logistics only. Getting her Snapchat instead is a quick way to be relegated to beta-orbiter status,not sexist "Nice, anus.",not sexist They will hire her back if its a Red Wave. She should tell them to get F***** but she may resign. time will tell.,not sexist "I dont need to read it, or have her explain her symptoms....Borderline Personality Disorder! She's a weirdo! [URL]",not sexist "Pakistani immigrant, 27, sexually abuses girl, 6, and gets suspended sentence [URL]",not sexist "I mean Isn't it obvious? Sarah has that ""I had a Sex Change Operation"" LOOK ON HER FACE Does she not? Dead Giveaway",not sexist she looks like an empty husk,not sexist "Excellent choice. I've long been an admirer of Kiron Skinner. Very intelligent, dedicated woman. Gee, strange choice from an alleged racist, sexist president... [URL]",not sexist "I have a gut, still got a girl. Whats this stupid myth i keep hearing?",not sexist "You should have said ""wtf dude you don't want me to tell your gf your smoking, your gf don't want me to tell you she's fucking your friends, it's getting to be too much for me to remember.""",not sexist Can we kick California out of the union already? Or at least part of it?,not sexist "Back in the day, a US Senator from #Texas would have pulled out a Bowie knife and defended himself and his wife, and there would have been blood knee deep on the floor!",not sexist As if she hasn't done enough... she encourages violence. And here we have it. Many other examples of bat shit crazy left calling for violence. #MAGA #Trump [URL],not sexist The opposite of white men doing it to Asian women.,not sexist "let me guesss, muslilm cel? religion is the oldest cope",not sexist "Yeah, it just sounds like insecurity to me. They yell AWALT saying women don't ""date down"" but then says it causes ""issues"" when they decide to do so.",not sexist "Bro tinder is trash. I would be pulling babes irl, but tinder girls are 6s on the app and 4 in person. This shits fucked up. Tinder is for me to practice text game.",not sexist Wikileaks is gonna dump on her this week. Assange said it will get her indicted. Or is enough to. I am thinking Trump has the knowledge already.,not sexist te midnight sun you mean when abbott is asleep she blocks out te sun in hackney,not sexist Definitely not. By wearing make up women are either enhancing features or hiding spots/freckles/black eyes. whatever they want to hide.,not sexist "[URL] Police Failed 2 Act 1,000 Girls Beaten, Pimped, Raped, KILLED Over 40 Years Britain's Worst Grooming Scandal SERVE PROTECT DERELICT IN DUTIES, COMPLICIT",not sexist You mean like incels punch down on women?,not sexist What? The Faggoting?,not sexist [URL] This is what I searched in Google: site:reddit.com/r/MGTOW child support not my daughter,not sexist """Nice try making me look at your boobs to call me out on that afterwards. It won't work"" If she replies ""why"" then answer ""because I'll be checking your ass if only to make you angry"" if she replies something else, improvise!",not sexist Oh dang she shuld get her pussay examined for them genitrail warts an nigger aids watta jizz lovah,not sexist she could move there.,not sexist "Tell me, who are the Synagog of Satan if not Jews?",not sexist Should've asked for also the woman I hate taking pictures with PEOPLE I want my own photo with no one in it. It's fair wanting a picture but just asking for the man is the problem here,not sexist "Dude, i highly doubt i was better looking than you were at 15-20. i was a small acne ridden phaggot and still made out with girls. Whats you excuse ?",not sexist But i literally haven't even done anything....and now I feel like her saying that was just a way to get my attention since im getting all these mixed signals with her.,not sexist "I agree with you to a point, but killing innocent ppl, much less many being innocent women and children makes me think you are a psychopath like him.....",not sexist PLEEEEEEASE STOP SUPPORTING TRUMP HE BLEW UP THREE BUILDINGS THATS A WARCRIME PLEASE EVERYTHING ELSE WE TRIED HASNT WORKED STOP FUCKING SUPPORTING HIM You dropped these.,not sexist So did you find that virgin bride yet?,not sexist "Guys are typically quicker to forgive and forget clingy/needy behavior from a girl. Continue course, but don't bring up old ass emails out of the blue like that. Its a bit weird.",not sexist "Hipster has a anxiety attack over #Trump win, its just pure gold. #snowflakes. #campus #academia #millennials #SJWs #Brexit #mangina #BritFam #AusFam [URL]",not sexist "Religious girls better looking? lol nope. Pairbond? Yeah sure, with god. Personally I've fucked women from virgin to n count over a hundred and they are all just people. Nothing magical about a hymen. But then what would you know about that?",not sexist "I have been, but my plan has always been to wait until beta is over. I don't wanna have a ton of people im following who just clutter up my feed. I'ma wait till beta is over, and then follow those who have been active and interesting.",not sexist probably got STD down there from fucking Chads and Tyrones and didn't want her beta husband to find out.,not sexist "Wow,I remember her ! Super hot back in the day...",not sexist Neil Druckman's ideal woman is a masculine one. His solution to women no longer being feminine and beautiful is to make them the female equivalent of an incel. Brilliant.,not sexist my pitch is that by doing this we would do the lefts job for them. the left never turn on each other in this way. this woman's outburst is the fault of her rulers. fuck the left and their shame.,not sexist "Geoffrey Miller. evopsych researcher. the most redpilled scientific field. he admitted on Sam Harris podcast that his girlfriend turned him to polyamory. She fucks other dudes, he doesnt fuck other females. Basically a cuck.",not sexist Reminder: #Hillary and her campaign thought it would be a good strategy to attack a cartoon frog. #pepe #GabFam #MAGA,not sexist "RAINY DAY RESCUE: After rising floodwaters trapped one bride, her husband, and ""wedding party friends"" in New Jersey, officers from the Bogota Police Department were able to assist them through ""their first rough patch."" [URL]",not sexist Matt Damon you knew about Weinsteins rapes. a girl asked you to help her report it and you shut it down all you actors knew this crap. You are a disgusting Pig,not sexist Lesbian special education teacher has sexual relationship with 12-year-old girl [URL],not sexist Sanctuary policies work so well for America that some illegal spick can kill an innocent girl while street racing and post bond.,not sexist "english sayings i have never understood: ""wearing your heart on you sleeve"" ""i could care less"" ""islam is a religion of peace"" ""having a chip on your shoulder'",not sexist Three groups are out to destroy the Trump presidency. This will blow you away. ....... [URL],not sexist A mediocre woman attracted to a rich millionaire who's into rough sex? I'd say it's always been a documentary.,not sexist I don't think men who bully men but don't bully women exist. Someone who punches down is going to hit whoever they can.,not sexist Your mom is a legal dwarf so sorry boyo it was honked from the start,not sexist """I want sex"" and it's that fucking easy",not sexist "I really want Harris too. Shrill, haranguing annoying aunt that lies about shit. Perfect opponent for trump. What I really fear is they'll figure out Tulsi stands a chance of getting the middle",not sexist It was probably IncelTears trying to bait you into encouraging her to commit suicide so they could post it on their subreddit. Fucking disgusting.,not sexist Oh great that guy. The one who tried to bang his mom.,not sexist "Where are they? *Literally everywhere.* It's men that perpetuate the myth that women can't rape men, not women. Stop blaming women for your inadequacies bud.",not sexist yep when you snitch on the clintons they take you they double kill ron brown not only did they crash the plane they shot him in the head before the crash she think that little book deal money gonna buy her freedom she better take them out first,not sexist Breaking news...,not sexist "Sometimes all you need is the unbiased opinion of a complete stranger to give you the kick in the balls to feel confident enough to try. Thanks for the tip homie. Hopefully if things go well, I get a chance to her mine.",not sexist You're simplifying female cheating to a numbers game - it's not. It's actually an emotional starvation 99% of the time.,not sexist But she dindu nuffin?! [USER],not sexist Her problem is gay dudes aren't going to buy her things or give her money.,not sexist "Wait wait i thought Justin ""trans lobotomy"" Trudeau was the first female PM of Canada",not sexist He could always pay. A woman is but a phone or text away.,not sexist "[URL] In the following clip, Bishop Robert Barron, discusses how today's Jewish culture has made White men stupid and the average female a superhero.",not sexist new fap material for the ladies that like #Putin [URL],not sexist Regardless even if it is a shit test I have no time for such women there's your problem,not sexist Did you ASSUME it was a female?,not sexist Nah. I'm still with her but I don't like the normie hypocrites.,not sexist This kind of thinking - is what is creating a GENERATION OF LONELY MEN. They will hate all of you guys for turning them into women hating men - when they become older and lonely.,not sexist "For once in her miserable race-baiting career, Joy Reid speaks the truth. Homosexuals are disgusting degenerates. [URL]",not sexist "ok, a right wing group opposed this bill. Who made the ""don't drop the soap"" prison rape board game? (yes, it does exist.)",not sexist "Both, since womyn retain the DNA of their partners",not sexist People who talk like this are people who have never lived under a real junta or real oppression. They're pathetic. [URL] #MAGA#Trump#Politics,not sexist "we get it, you're tiger moms",not sexist """It's clear you're all retarded. So you pass"" (((Modern Education)))",not sexist I loved Jack in that movie. Especially when he tossed that annoying ankle biter down the trash chute.,not sexist So why do ugly men get laid?,not sexist old r/incels mods were based except for the cuck dannymason,not sexist "If a man or women is sexually and maybe romantically interested towards the other person, the man or women will ALWAYS make time for them.",not sexist This is incredibly refreshing to hear. It sucks when I casually mention seddit somewhere on here and get immediately shot down like i'm some witch-hunting homophobe bible burner.,not sexist She didn't because she'd actually be employed now. I think that's her whole point.,not sexist "The queen sits by while her people are raped, SHIT LIKE THIS IS WHY COMMUNISM EXISTS,",not sexist "If a man has no enemies, he has never stood for anything in his life. From the way you go on and from the fact you're a liberal journalist, your wife probably snaps at you every day. You're still a nigger who dindu nuffin.",not sexist "As soon as Loretta Lynch started trending for her crimes, Facebook put up a fake story about Putin ordering a team of hackers to hack the American election for Trump. Isn't that just amazing...lmao! These people lie worse than Satan himself.",not sexist "All you just did is basically say ""I didn't put this girl on enough of a pedestal, so she left, and I want to build a better pedestal to put her on so maybe she will come back."" This. This is *exactly* what you're doing, and it's not good.",not sexist ".. why do you want her snapchat? this is /r/seduction, are you trying to get laid or collect social medias?",not sexist "HAHA guy lives in his own world, if he thinks any woman possesses these qualities. Holy shit... Imma borrow his list tho, for the moment when they finally invent sex dolls advanced enough to have their own personal qualities.",not sexist So basically Apple is trying to force you to change your TOS to suit their world view if you want have an official ios app? Since when is a computer company in the business of being everyone's mother? Sad & Pathetic,not sexist Yeah making out with her within 10 minutes of meeting her then putting her hand on your cock gives the one night stand vibe.,not sexist "My chad uncles are retarded as fyck neets, the ugliest son who is my father financially helps them all because he is the most succesful and loves them. I am retarded too btw",not sexist surely there has to be some genuinely loving WMAF couples out there? I'm yet to see one,not sexist "fuck jeez, why do we hold these people up again? They were completely insane!",not sexist Where are the real Swedes?,not sexist just fuck women bro,not sexist "Bro us hapas are garbage jfl I've never met another hapa in my entire life I knew a hapa girl when I was 9 and I have no idea what happened to her, probably sucking Chad's dick. Over.",not sexist "I couldn't do the hairless. I'm sorry, but l don't want to pet skin, lol. I didn't know that there were hypoallergenic furry cats. Maybe l'll find a breeder and take our daughter to see how she does with them.",not sexist "[USER] but a POS like Obama or Cuomo will come along and pardon her, need the death penalty so they can't get pardoned",not sexist "This is his wife, you caused a suicide attempt. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.",not sexist "How do you know? Most girls wont come up to you and be like "" hey, I'm attracted to you """,not sexist "I have no idea what you're trying to say, but I think a reasonable stance is that you should be punished for groping *anyone* without consent, no matter their gender. And definitely if you kick a coat hanger up someone's ass.",not sexist If police department was to protect someone from their own stupid actions(like in this case(and tell dumb ads girl not to sleep with rabid animals-would you scream oppression?,not sexist "Does anyone remember when a guy tries to force themselves sexually on a woman, how it used to be classed as rape. Now if you don't let gays rape you, you are evil! crazy clown world!",not sexist "If she means North Korea, then she's right. If she means the USA, then needs to get her head out of her ass...",not sexist "I saw a four year old girl sat on her own today. No signs of anyone near. ""Are you okay?"" I said to her. ""Do you know where your Mummy or Daddy is?"" ""No,"" she sobbed. We know how to have a laugh at the orphanage.",not sexist Ooh I'd LOOOVE for one of these chicks to try this on me hahaha. I ought to set up a honeypot for that.,not sexist "Hell! Over half the population of NYC is degenerate minorities. I'm not surprised at her winning. BTW, I've been to NYC too many times, I hate it.",not sexist Maybe her mom liked braves too much and was trying to avoid the nose scar.,not sexist If so it's cuz Jihadis is mingled in there izz why.,not sexist The manlet giraffes could kill each other and stack bodies to reach the tree branches,not sexist "when your husband gets home, I hope you don't tell him that you were privately sucking nigger gooch.",not sexist "As soon as YOU create the circumstances for her to feel right kissing you. Could be the first date, could be the second you meet her",not sexist UK Prosecutors destroyed emails in Julian Assange case - told the Swedes not to come to London. Assange was right these charges were designed to ultimately take him into US custody. [URL],not sexist "If you're nice, have style, smile more than most people (which you should) and haven't made a sexual advance yet, you're probably differentiating yourself from the pack so much that she just assumes you're too good to be true.",not sexist [USER] That's she wants the dicks out for everything 😉,not sexist Glad you're on the TRUMP TEAM Beth!!,not sexist hey..I like cream of wheat.. trade you the Cincinnati chili one of my moms boyfriends made and I threw out in the trash for it..,not sexist "Mark Halperin, a very powerful media elite at NBC, accused of sexual harassment and assault by at least 5 women... Halperin also abused women during his time at ABC, which is owned by Disney. [URL]",not sexist "What comes after and opener is very simple it is asking some questions and taking an interest in them. Doesn't matter if you want to save some for the date, you still have to take an interest in who she is and meet each other.",not sexist "Because they have an ""If A, plus B, then C"" mindset that operates only in black and white. The problem is that they start with ""Since women only care about money..."" and the logical failure spirals from there.",not sexist Id tell her I feel wierd about it and id prefer she don't go. Its fucking wierd dude,not sexist "Also worth noting, Australia has the same issue and discovered another: as the law on Statutory Rape directly refers to itself as a modification to the law on rape as a foundation... Women can't even commit statutory rape in Australia.",not sexist "#JihadWatch's #RobertSpencer gives both barrels in a rebuttal to #TheresaMay's speech at the United #Jewish #Israel Appeal, in which she likened him to #jihad #terrorists. [URL]",not sexist I fucking hate that pretentious wanker bit I will grudgingly admit this is a very good quote.,not sexist #PedoFiles #GabFam #Australia Female pedophile seduces and bullies her then 13 year old step son into sex. [URL],not sexist white and skinny Volcel. There's a line looksmatched of non-white women waiting to suck your dick,not sexist My strategy is to look at their eyes for a second then look off slightly to the left it makes me look weird but I feel less awkward and I don't give her the impression I'm looking at her tits.,not sexist "She old asset that the ""news was false but accurate"". She has nothing to apologize for except for being a perennial idiot,!",not sexist "Yeah, a man who doesn't just think a woman is or should be just for fucking and for caring for children and the husband.",not sexist "Counter point: Lana Lokteff, [USER], and a few others I've never heard of, on why white nationalism (and its men) are good for women. Worth a listen. [URL]",not sexist To be completely honest she is probably charming and the other guys are probably posting on incel forums or theyd have a real girlfriend,not sexist "This pub is smack in the middle of London, not that many real English around it except one or two, arsehole gave the tourist a good time. He may have got some in the evening after work.",not sexist "My sister is a feminist, but even agrees that the SJWs and 'feminists' against GG are batshit insane. When she tells me that they aren't real feminists, I think I'll believe her over them.",not sexist Send ur nipple 😂😂😂 did it once... thank god she found it funny and we hit it from there,not sexist YES standing up or sitting down for 'women's rights' while women and children in islam are ignored! [URL] [URL],not sexist Who is she...? Odd to side with pedophilas,not sexist "According to Hillary, there was no sexual harassment of Monika Lewinsky because ""she was an adult."" Hillary doesn't know much about the law. Oh wait...yes she does cuz she's a master at Breaking them! Thank you, Jesus, ""She Is Not My president!""",not sexist Can you imagine the meat and fat explosion if she landed on some rocks?,not sexist "And when their periods sync up, fuck me.",not sexist [URL] We The People of America want to know when Politicians started obeying UN One Wirld Govt over American Laws. Time we charge these old birds and make them pay!,not sexist Every woman has a right to be heard,not sexist "could have said something to the degree of ""if she likes me so much why doesn't she have my number?"" refine that how you want and use it if this ever happens to you again",not sexist Show me the data where women want a man who is a drone rather than a man who has passion and vulnerability. I have yet to see it.,not sexist WTF are you talking about? The rape of a young boy by an adult woman is not a men's issue? Get lost troll.,not sexist "European and White are the same thing. European = White. Tell me, are Blacks a race???",not sexist "If I saw ""wife"" potential or if I was quitting soon.",not sexist "[She'll leave him eventually once a guy that is as good as him looks wise and personality and all, then also has a huge dick, then he'll be sitting there with no GF because of this article. They'll all know he's small.]([URL]",not sexist google it? i have no idea kid. but its nice and sunny where i am but a bit to hot even for the time of year. now was muhammad a pedophile for fucking little girls?,not sexist "Serously if these munted turds can pick up a super hot classy White women in Romania, then YOU will have them fighting over you !! !!! [URL]",not sexist #ThankObamaIn4Words You done fucked up.,not sexist World Cup fan dies slicing open her throat on wine glass while celebrating win... [URL],not sexist Feminism has thrown justice under a ~~bus~~ train,not sexist "She may ""acceptable opposition,"" what with being a commie and all. They'll use her as long she's bent on destroying the U.S. Then they can crush her with an anti-semitism steamroller if she starts getting too popular to fence in.",not sexist They should be a lot more concerned about Maxine and her incitement of violence... truth is they support her!,not sexist cope. looks are everything and ugly men should rope,not sexist Then why tf is he dating her?,not sexist Esther Vilar made that point spot on. Really worth reading this book of her (The Manipulated Man),not sexist "Uh-oh, someone let the DNC know they've got another runaway from the Democrat Plantation",not sexist I'm a feminist but I also make sure that I raise my son to the be the best man he can be and give him lots of emotional love and support.,not sexist #Illegal #alien accused of #rape on an 11-year-old #girl after convincing her to meet up with him through #Snapchat. [URL],not sexist White van man? Is this a joke about being a serial killer looking dude or a pedo? Then she's kidding with you...,not sexist Herpes is genetic now?? He was in the room while his sister was being examined? This whole thing is a complete fantasy.,not sexist [URL] Cant wait to see the NYT headline about the evil (((JEWS))) gunning down these two sweet innocent Palestinian children that were on their way to cut firewood for one of thems ailing grandmother...,not sexist "[USER] Cool, thank's again!!",not sexist "I don't debate dumbasses or Nazis. In this case they're one and the same. Run along, masturacer.",not sexist And if she's wearing bell bottoms... That means she's *FULLY LOADED*...lol,not sexist But what if I'm a Genderkin? You gonna triple tax me?,not sexist Nexium women!,not sexist "If you fucked it up and you happen to go to the same place and she's there, imagine the embarrassment you would feel. Just don't get the numbers of these people you don't wanna be that awkward or creepy customer, unless you know what you're doing.",not sexist "Oui, always the boob tubes, people don't realize that there's actually mercury in that sh!t..",not sexist It's making fun of a man in Canada who came forward and admitted he was raped by four women.,not sexist Remember it was resent that a college student served 6 years for a rape when his acusser posted on Facebook she had lied! She should be doing a minimum of 6 years!!!!!👍😠 This is one case and there have been many!!!😠,not sexist She sounds like a real peach,not sexist "Yes, it is a company, douche bag, or else how can it be traded on Wall Street?",not sexist "Nah, those MMRs aint gonna burn themselves eh",not sexist "No, feminists think that women in porn are liberated and fighting a patriarchy. What a joke all of this is.",not sexist Just another day in the life of a sheboon welfare queen.,not sexist Isn't her son still breathing?,not sexist "Are you an American? If so, your attempts to hit on a girl are probably a waste of time. They probably have a high level of alert as Americans are regarded as a bit crass to start with, and the creep alert level will be very, very low.",not sexist "Women can respec, women can protec... but can women attac?",not sexist Please cremate this disgusting IT alive,not sexist You could have potentially tried again after she flaked the first time but this one is now wayyyy too long gone. You ghost and move on. Know your worth and value your time.,not sexist "4d Chess my ass she's conning neocons for MONEY she is a professional GRIFTER not unlike her ""Massah"" Dennis fucking Prager",not sexist "1 Samuel 2: 22. Now Eli, who was very old, heard about everything his sons were doing to all Israel and how they slept with the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. - Bible Offline There's nothing new about ""me too.""",not sexist Except you bringing up women fawning over him is them holding it up to the current standard... did you read my comment? I didnt even hold him up to current standards so your comment makes no sense...,not sexist "Be result independent, uncouple from the idea that it's going to be a hookup. Expect nothing and just take it as it goes",not sexist Danny Devito was hired as an actor because he has charisma. He was a notorious lady killer even before fame. Celebrities are not selected by lottery. Their appeal is why they are famous.,not sexist "It's a Tropic Thunder reference. If you haven't seen it, RDJ plays an extreme method actor who plays a black guy So OP is saying RDJ should play Sam Jackson playing Nick Fury And now the joke is explained and thus ruined",not sexist "I agree, but I can bet it won't happen. Because I'm guessing the kid (which is a girl btw) went with her mother, the Karen.",not sexist [URL] This woman got 45 months in #jail in the UK for death threats to PM Theresa May and others. So what should Kathy #Griffin get for what she did with the Donald #Trump head? A very vile woman. #TheresaMay,not sexist If only he could rid himself of Jewish control,not sexist "To be fair, boobs are not reproductive organs in the same sense as a vagina.",not sexist The most cucked thing you can possibly do is pay for the nudes and sex tapes of a woman who would have rejected you if you tried to initiate something. Even a cuck gets pity sex from time to time,not sexist "here's what you do, if you're a hot 21 year old girl, you tell your father you found the man of your dreams and move out, come live with me and i'll teach you the way of the wolf, i'll be the Mr. Miyagi to your inner Daniel LaRusso",not sexist Money laundering by the DNC,not sexist "You have no idea how I dress or what slogans I use. You do realize there's only one group that FORMERLY dressed similarly to the NSDAP, right? Like 12 years ago. Leave your moms basement sometime kike.",not sexist They got tired of fucking goats... Those girls need guns to defend themselves...,not sexist Jay Lenos asian daughter,not sexist "MINNESOTA Republicans warn of a plot to ""mobilize Muslims to infiltrate Republican caucuses Feb. 6"" [URL]",not sexist I have to believe this is coordinated and well planned in advance. Is there something big coming for the UN that she had to get out of the way? Looking through a glass darkly sucks. We will all know soon enough ........,not sexist She's not talking to you. She's talking to her followers.,not sexist "Things that Asian people can buy from vending machines, but we cannot: Cat hijabs.",not sexist Mixed marriage that did NOT work out. Couple pictured here days before he killed her.,not sexist Bashar al-Assad Says: April 2017 Syria chemical attack '100 per cent fabrication' [URL],not sexist "Well, so spend a bunch of money on expensive clothes. Women notice. To an annoying degree. Throw on some makeup! Guys will think you're a fag but a fair number of women will respond positively.",not sexist You would think that soy boy Acosta would be tired of being made to look like the complete moron he is in front of the whole world every day by a strong woman. You would think it would make him STFU. Not too bright.,not sexist Quality shit post 👌 dank,not sexist You sure proved him wrong! The only problem is he left an intelligent woman who is going to make money in the future.,not sexist Like the idiot who just quoted my post....,not sexist "The only way you can let them learn is through experience. Everytime you give them advice, they'll go ""REEEE GTFO NORMIE"". Best to let them enter a relationship and learn how women actually are.",not sexist "It's loser guys who want some organization, government or church, to force women to listen to & respect them because they can't command respect on their own & lack the fortitude to stand up for themselves when they don't get respect",not sexist Looool I hate indian accents too. Idk why but its so grating. I'd still date one but eek.,not sexist I will never understand normies' obsession with saying hip and stylish shit to women and celebrities on social media 🤦🏼‍♂️(reffering to the guy in the Tweet image),not sexist Maybe he'll need Lisa Bloom to smooth over his primitive remarks. She has experience with beheading so defending the right of muslims to rape infidel women isn't that far from her comfort zone.,not sexist "This isnt actually true, it's the zog falsifies data attempting to push black men and white women relationships to eliminate whites. It's why you see this in the media and adverts all the time.",not sexist IMHO it sounds a bit cheesy and contrived. It would be better if your friend initiated by pointing out your hair and then you engage her after she responds.,not sexist I love the tribal ritual drums banging in the background to support her hedonistic reptilian brained urges. YOU GO GIRL!,not sexist We don't need no more Muslims running for anything she's no good she lied about Benghazi and Obama said it was a wild conspiracy y'all need to wake the flip up!!,not sexist "[USER] I don't get the support for Sharia, I never will, but it still amazes me that there are women that think supporting laws that enslave themselves are a great idea.",not sexist I don't think Hank has every actually hit on anyone but his wife.,not sexist Yeah thats not a cuck though lol. A cuck is when another guy fucks your girl. When she cheats on you,not sexist "You're fucking with me right now, aren't you?",not sexist I am pretty certain she is Feisty Floridian on twitter too. No shock if they banned her. Hmm.,not sexist No joke SM. That flat Earth bullshit is a sign of utter insanity.,not sexist [USER] The dumb is strong in this woman.,not sexist Think about it! These people rather act like cockroaches and steal from you than work in their own country to make their own country great. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP THEM? Corruptgenesee.com,not sexist "I don't want to see that! I want the fucker fitted with a noose. After he's dead we can use it on several others HRC and her crew, McCain, ......... . After all of the traitors are dealt with Trump can encase it in his presidential library.",not sexist I mean guys I ain't got lie it was my fantasy as a middle schooler. So yea but both male and female taking advantage of kids are bad.,not sexist "I called her "" short arse """,not sexist "Yikes, off with the soy. You might grow some balls and self respect.",not sexist "[USER] So gifted it is easy, really. One imagines oneself as an angry adolescent with that outraged and embryonic sense of justice--with authorization to hurt every father figure (thus the Oedipal use of the curse: ""You (my) Mother F***ker!"").",not sexist Of course same shithead professors insist Keith Ellison is entitled to beat his girl friend,not sexist "Yes ! I did this with one girl a while ago, unfortunately she was different from her online pictures lol. Thanks.",not sexist "You are a man, you can flirt with any female, any time, anywhere, any place, you see as fit. Whether you choose to do that overtly, or covertly based on your own circumstances is again up to you. Fuck what anyone else thinks.",not sexist Sonic the Motherfucking Hedgehog. There's a role model for young boys -- dude has ZERO time for Amy Rose and her bullshit.,not sexist hahahahahahah sad!! and ya i just noticed i already was following her.,not sexist I couldn't stand this movie romanticizing an idiot's slow path towards suicide. Christopher Knight's story was only slightly better because the guy lived (27 years alone in the Maine woods).,not sexist "W.O.W! #PresidentTrump has balls the size of Obama's ego. I prefer the ""balls"", myself! 😁😁😁",not sexist True NAZI's are as they are the askeNAZI JEW Bolsheviks! All RACIST askeNAZI JEW pigs are and always have been the scum of the world!,not sexist Muslim rape gang rapes young mother [URL],not sexist Merkel is personally responsible for every rape and murder committed by the 7th C troglodytes she ushered in to Germany.,not sexist "Next time, don't bother typing out Stacy or even put effort into categorizing (that's a lot of mental effort). Just say you hate all girls. Saves you time, saves readers time.",not sexist "Even if she likes you, she's just using you for something. We all are.",not sexist Australian Imam explains how Satan uses Aussie women to force Muslim taxi drivers to commit sin [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia,not sexist Literally what happens to every wet suit or cloth in general for that matter. Shit clings to you like latex to a bdsm sub.,not sexist How the fuck does that even happen?,not sexist "Tw2tter [USER], you are a epic failure. Only a #soyboy becomes a sock-puppet for cultural #Marxist scum.",not sexist Fuck off troll. Nobody here's condoning rape. This guy doesn't represent incel view on rape.,not sexist Somewhere along the way we let it happen. We felt it was easier to just give in than deal with her crap for hours and hours afterwards. Now it's just a given.,not sexist You're arguing with an incel lol,not sexist "There's Karma for you! A big Liberal mother having a Conservative son, HAHA.",not sexist "She has strong convictions until she talks to Tucker Carlson on tv. She deflected, denied, and defended the Slimy Dems to the point of contradicting her own book. Bite me Donna you coward.",not sexist Then her husband should give the money he made from government contracts back.,not sexist Eat your heart out...gay Mulatto Kenyan Muslim mother fucker!,not sexist When you finger a girl make sure you're touch the vagina and not her butthole.,not sexist "And the Saudis have the same beliefs as the refugees. Why would they even want to come here except for jihad? Look at all the pics of (supposed) refugees, how many women and children do you see versus healthy military aged MEN?",not sexist [URL] It was 2 days after she turned 18...,not sexist Woman says she feared for her life during violent glass bottle attack [URL],not sexist you are also fallacious as you think only a particular woman thinks like that /s,not sexist When you are the mosr powerful man in the world but she secretly cheats you with the young cucked feminist chad.,not sexist Shut your nigger mouth he can post what ever he wants mother fucker.,not sexist Got a hot woman living near you?,not sexist I'm considered below average in looks and I'm extremely short. My voice is high pitched and I'm pale as fuck but I'm confident and able to talk to girls without being annoying about it.,not sexist A man needs three things in life.,not sexist Big oversimplification IMO. Is the woman's goal to prevent you from scoring at all costs?,not sexist These jezebels have chosen the hard way.,not sexist "Does your mother stitch a reminder for you to breath in your underwear so you don't forget [USER]? It wold be a shame if you accidentally ate your undies Terry, especially with your lungs.",not sexist MSNBC is now advocating violence against women. [URL],not sexist She's commented that she very consciously dresses very feminine.,not sexist "I bet those ladies said they said ""thank you"" with a smile as well. Being polite (and thankful) is nice.",not sexist The only thing that influences a women's decision for sex is physical attractiveness. That can't possibly be true. Remember when Julia Roberts was married to [Lyle Lovett]([URL] ?,not sexist "That sounds like a lot of work. Why don't you just ask her out on a date? Also, have you banged any girls doing this? Because if not, it doesn't quite ""work"" yet.",not sexist "When I asked Sanduja over email if calling a black person an ape, a n*gger, calling a woman a cunt or a bitch, or misgendering someone purposely online were against Gab's community guidelines, he answered with this:",not sexist Fix it if it's bothering you. Stop worrying about girls. It's a serious problem.,not sexist "If he has a car , you can buy something for his car Men like they cars so much",not sexist "#MAGA continues: Now that they've proven their incompetence, close CNN and replace it with The Breitbart Channel. Also dump Megyn Kelly and replace her with the Pettibone sisters.",not sexist "Just text one of them saying- ""I'm doing X at Y time, you should join me. :)""",not sexist "Teasing is a great way to escalate kino, and he's even gotten the girl escalating on him. Flipping the script is money.",not sexist "I'm very attracted to this typically ""Saxon"" female facial physique, characterized by swollen eyebrows, falling ""sentimental"" eyelids and short noses",not sexist How are the even getting these numbers? The way they talk about rape you think u would walk past like 5 in process rapes on your way to the store.,not sexist Becuase the jew told them to. Christianity is so subverted and they don't even know it. If not for the crusaders their asses would be in the air praying to allah.,not sexist "Abrams is a soros-funded idiot. Doubt that he will repay her rather large debt, so she can join the likes of Sharpton, and probably never have to pay any consequences.",not sexist i just like watching women beat the shit out of each other.,not sexist [USER] Maybe Madonna would blow her.,not sexist "Wife? don't you mean husband, unless, unless she is a carpet muncher. Our Politicians are miscreants, knaves, degenerates, reprobates, misfits, scoundrels, sellouts and traitors.",not sexist "Sounds like you both were very drunk. Maybe something like this would give you the best shot: ""Fun time at the bar last week! My friends and I are gonna check out \_\_\_\_ this weekend, hit me up if you and your girls are down""",not sexist I told you she was a Soros operative he is always behind everything!! President Trump need charge him enemy of America!! Throw his ass out of America,not sexist "Trickle truth- she already has someone in mind. Save face now and gtfo.. Don't get yourself pulled into an argument ethier.. Say bye and ignore her for awhile, otherwise she will walk all over you",not sexist who's offended by nice female bootay?,not sexist "I feel like most girls can sense that and get turned off by it. I know that's the whole point of game, but that's just what I think. It's creepy.",not sexist society would be in a much better position society would be no more if men in large numbers stopped thirsting for women. Pandas went mgtow and look at them now.,not sexist "#CompanionBible GENESIS 45:23 And unto his father likewise he sent ten he asses laden with the best things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with wheat, and bread and meat for his father by the way.",not sexist There is always a reason for a change in a persons behaviour. Why do you think she would start doing this? Does it tie in with any other changes?,not sexist Don't be a jerk. Leave the first one before you start hitting on other women. And if a guy asked me out while living with his girlfriend I would conclude that he's a cheating asshole and not go out with him.,not sexist "Try 13. I witnessed a groups teenage girls, none of which could possibly be a day over 15, harass a kid on the train for being a virgin.",not sexist "The day just keeps gettin better as I go along, had to run to town, sorry took so long to respond, Thank you, enjoy #Gab Go by Cover Art by Sparky Murphy [USER] sight follow her, tell her I sent you and you will get a great deal...Later...",not sexist "#AnneMarieWaters speaks of her personal research into the #EU, highlighting the stark differences - especially with the left-wing - between the #Brexit debate and the 1975 #referendum. #ForBritain #EEC [URL]",not sexist "Honestly I don't care about him, is that kind of shitty of me as a person? I guess so, but as I said I don't care. I want her to leave him and get back with me really.",not sexist "HUNG, DRAWN AND SLAUGHTERED --- Theresa May insists she won't resign as Britain wakes to a hung Parliament after her big gamble backfires [URL]",not sexist Emmanuel Macron: Soulless globalist deviant or Woke as fuck Jupiterian God-Emperor? [URL],not sexist You said you wouldnt so ur volcel,not sexist "Is was a joke to lighten the mood. I could have as easily gone for ""people choking to death"" And no, I don't discriminate. Even those who hate me, and wish me dead, would be shown kindness if they were in need.",not sexist Guess it is time for us to grow bit of facial hair and thanks to female Muslims we are free to cover our faces with our own version of a Burka,not sexist Ranwinder Chawla manipulated teenage girl to sexual activity with him [URL] [USER] ,not sexist "I had never spun plates before TRP, but most girls I meet have been spun. Who's doing the spinning, and how do they learn to do it? I don't think anyone's ""spinning"" anyone by sleeping with them. Lots of women like casual sex, too.",not sexist I don't think she should be viewed as sexually attractive. She's too young. But I am familiar with the facts of the case and the encounter was not a rape.,not sexist "In todays news, water turns shit wet.",not sexist "Guys, imagine if Hilary had won, and she was doing just as much fuck all in office as Obama. The left would be blaming it on the Patriarchy for even having power over a female president. So glad we avoided that.",not sexist I compromise on looks all of the time. I'll date really cute and not hot if she's got a great head on her shoulders all day long.,not sexist "Before the Jewish stranglehold and their law and order A real man woulda jack slapped that coward, hell a real woman for that matter. Now, we get sued, charged for assault when defending ourselves And Gab it should be a hate crime. Pathetic",not sexist "Christians prepare, REMOVE your fear now. This is not about anything other than an attack on God, Christ and Christians. They threaten, YOU SHOW UP ANYWAYS!!. The Luciferians only win if you give them your power.",not sexist "She is modern America's greatest achievement excess wealth, abundance of crap food and 300lb barely mobile women that we must lie about being sexually attractive.",not sexist "Good Sunday morning Gabfam! My coffee, she so hot.",not sexist "You're getting there, slowly but surely. Lifts are up, keep grinding and reading about game. Maybe get bang, day bang, or Models (mark manson) on audiobook as a supplement to reading so you can listen in downtime.",not sexist "Can confirm. Even if you are married, most people punch their ticket when no one is around the house.",not sexist I think Donald will be killed and I think it will be through his daughter Ivanka and who she is married too.. I think she should grow a pair of Tits and spine and divorce the weasel before they murder her Father....,not sexist "as she kneels to her king bezos ready for service. what traitorous communist scum, all of them.",not sexist how can you handle hate and resentment?,not sexist "OH yeah, Cher will be humping her",not sexist Hmm i never thought of it that way. Guess I haven't had much luck with women to know the difference and assume everything is a mind game Thanks,not sexist "I fail approximately 3 times a day, and I succeed approximately 3 times a month. I don't mind the ratio at all, and honestly couldn't handle more friends/girls right now.",not sexist "Anyone have anymore info on this? This is sick, crazy, illegal shit right here. The senator that was killed along with her husband from NC? spoke of this. #GabFam #pizzagate [URL]",not sexist "somebody gotta pay for the single unemployed, yet strong and independent whamen",not sexist "Don't feel too bad, man. It's all part of the global [depopulation agenda]([URL] Men are subtly being 'discouraged' from marrying women (and having kids, which they tend to do when married). MGTOW is just a natural consequence of this realization.",not sexist [USER] good call. But who says they have a gender? I am just going to avoid women with penises.,not sexist "Here's the address of your ""private pool party"" location and the Zillow info on it too. 1233 SW 46 Ave Pompano Beach Florida 33069 Royal Poinciana Condos. Can't be a trespasser if she's a resident! [URL]",not sexist I'd wager that it means more likely that she WILL do it again. Dramatic people are just cheap con artists.,not sexist "Okayy ,heres my opinion although i dont know exactly what you did you said she ""seemed"" interested you can usually tell when someones ""not"" nbox me with more info and i will gladly spill the beans",not sexist Haha who cares what you think though? I'm gonna meet girls on facebook and bang em. It's called being resourceful. You can waste time doing... whatever it is you do. lol,not sexist The Iraqi army released photos of #ISIS militants who attempted to flee #Mosul disguised as women! One got through...,not sexist "[This one?]([URL] She is representing herself in a disingenuous way. She's a pawn of the conservative right. If voters fall for this, well....",not sexist That's what the Hoots would do up here in Montana!,not sexist "Well thanks to these woman, my new standards are so high I'm single",not sexist "1. It is not a movement 2. Hypergamy is a evolutionary imperative for the female sex 3. Do the work, there are tons of links in the sidebar",not sexist Then your reading comprehension is lacking. The only one who made sweeping generalizations was the White Sharia MGTOW you are defending. He says we are all evil and he cheers every time his Muslim allies rape and kill a female.,not sexist HaHahahahahHAHAHAHAA,not sexist GREECE: Body of female dog that had been brutally raped to death found in a Muslim migrant camp [URL] via [USER],not sexist "Or, you're her friend ""Sorry, this is Richard, the guy who wants to fuck me but we haven't had a conversation about it because ~~I don't want to fuck him but he won't stop sending me pictures of his penis.~~ he isn't a Chad."" Fixed it for ya",not sexist They are positively drooling for a real-life Handmaids Tale land where they can punish any woman who dares to think her sexuality and reproductive potential belongs to herself.,not sexist I'm istvan from pittsburgh. I'm on here due to Twitter suspending me for life due to a left wing loon lying about me being mean. All I did was correct her about all the propaganda and lies by MSM,not sexist The way you look at women as objects is what's unattractive about you. Even the ugliest motherfuckers still get laid because they're not a bunch of pathetic misogynists crying about their own failures at being decent human beings.,not sexist "Unfortunately I have been hiking on some beautiful trails, only to come across women head down and immersed in their phone. Oblivious to me hiking in the opposite direction until I ask them to step aside",not sexist lol..yes they do. most jewish guys are dorky and not attrative to white women,not sexist Depends on the anime. Like death note for example. Light yagami humiliated and took advantage of multiple women throughout season 1. I wouldnt call that blue pilled.,not sexist Black ops 1's first dlc was ascension,not sexist Lesbian relationships are tough.,not sexist "A police officer called the station on his radio ""I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped"" ""Have you arrested the woman"" ""Not yet. The floor's still wet"" [URL]",not sexist Party girl is pissed because she wasn't invited.,not sexist "The thing about thAt sub is they pass judgement off of their mental depiction of an ""ideal"" world. They don't take into account the world isn't a perfect fairy tale.",not sexist "She found her beta bucks, sounds to me like she was trying to line up some alpha fucks again.",not sexist "Asshole, I am not a liberal. Do you even know how Gab works? All I have to do is MUTE you.",not sexist This is why I don't LTR chicks that make anywhere near the money I make and I won't get married.,not sexist That look on his face looks just like my dog when she's done something bad.,not sexist "Now Ford's lifelong friend, classmate and female, Leland Ingram Keyser denies it ever happened: see the Weekly Standard article. 🔚",not sexist Fuck his wife... he sounds like an insecure cuck or I suggest reading 48 laws of power the cruelest answer with the least amount of reprocussions are most likely within those pages.,not sexist I hope she does a swan dive. I hope men are there with placards rating the dive 10/10.,not sexist "Missouri Governor's wife robbed at gunpoint in St. Louis by ""teens"", ""males"", ""suspects"".... [URL]",not sexist Boko Haram Jihadists Teach Boy Soldiers How to Rape Women [URL],not sexist Yeah I mean women are good and men are bad...or something like that,not sexist Just figured she took it up the butt.,not sexist "OH, the Humiliation of upvoting a Jesus-hating jew!!!",not sexist Picking up women is like a job in sales. You have to have a lot of meetings to make sales. The key is to keep trying until you do.,not sexist She looks dead. Who's holding her up? [URL],not sexist How does she get so many followers and likes. Fucking sickos,not sexist She just needs a place to live so she just probably kept you in her back pocket. How would you feel seeing your ex bringing random dudes over? I'd bet it would kill you.,not sexist "Always one in the crowd, see those two little white specs right of the shack, dead birds. Generating juice at the expense of wild life, and it's not even a pitcher of juice at that.",not sexist Whos the girl frens?,not sexist sounds like you're still living in the 1950s. and maybe think about why women have to rest so much while pregnant maybe even ask your mother i'm sure she'd be disappointed,not sexist The eldest lad has just been banned from Games Workshop for taking a prohibited item onto the premises. A girlfriend,not sexist "anyone that can attend! Hard Bastard is starting a livestream on youtube in a minuet. he has a nobull take on political news and commentary! he is hands down my fav. if you like styxxhexhammer, and the like, come join us bastards!",not sexist Please repost to help as much as we can! Our #NewGabber is: Sherman Ackerson [USER] #FollowAttack Welcome to the #GabFam! Check out if you haven't! Please review all users for suitability in your life - I'm not your mom,not sexist "I went to meet her, she brought computer but we spent most of the time talking about things. She kinda cute and not tipe that could take advantage i think.",not sexist "Hold on, why would a caveman care if the woman he's about to fuck has slept with 1 or 100 other cavemen before?",not sexist I got p compromised again last night.,not sexist "As an adoptee, my birthmother had options. I am blessed that she was a strong Christian, and chose life. Rape or no rape, the alternative of ""not being"" is never a choice IMO.",not sexist "Hold onto your hats ladies and gentlemen, this ride is about to get a little bit bumpy...",not sexist """Lisa insists that shooting her own food is humane and more ethical than eating animals that have lived short, uncomfortable lives on factory farms."" She's fucking right. [URL]",not sexist Multiculturalism is the cancer to the framework of any freedom loving society. Multiculturalism is the slow death of the host culture! It is to make women's rights and basic civil liberty's negotiable. #AltRight #SpeakFreely #Trump #Gab #News,not sexist I saw her from the corner of my eye she didn't see me yet but I could tell it was her. So I walked away. Fuck that I'm not unblocking her and if I ever see her again I will just ignore her if she says anything.,not sexist "Macho Man Macho is such an ironic word considering its origin in Latin America where women can beat their kids with shoes (haha, childabuse by women is so funny, la chancla, amirite xDD).",not sexist "If someone cheats, male or female they're not a good life partner.",not sexist Dude the inertia of her forearm moving almost broke her elbow.,not sexist Pfft. You know nothing about me. That you're still ignoring facts and extrapolating shit only makes you seem more of a fuckwit. [USER],not sexist "Let's mainstream the fucked up idea of men being raped on their dicks by women, that should help emasculate them a bit more.",not sexist Woman claims she was racially profiled when she tried to use her neighborhood pool. [URL] [URL],not sexist Sunny boy ya sound like a sperm burping shit dick cock sucking fagot fuck you ass hat mother fucker,not sexist "700 law enforcement officers were present from 42 agencies. Sounds reasonable. Jeff was critical of skinny jeans, but nothing is funnier than watching my brother try to put on his wife's skinny jeans. [URL]",not sexist New woman's world record for sheep sheering! 452 sheep in 9 hours,not sexist "Nah. She screwed up the JQ - which was lobbed to her as a softball. (((DNC))) is trying to counter-balance their racial elimination as obvious whites, what ever their opinion on the subject. Hoisted on their own petard. #Schadenfreude",not sexist Their kikes and they work with the JDL. I think she'll get along fine with them.,not sexist "Linda is clearly an enemy of America, but I will give her one thing. She is great at seeking out useful idiots.",not sexist ooohh gawd - she just can't get rid of that cough - this is good for a chuckle - she is the bane of all women [URL],not sexist text her stupid shit every one or two weeks and then hit her up in september,not sexist this guy is a fake as fuck antifa shill.,not sexist "Oh, I like good advice. I'm going to still get with this chick though and she's showing signs of interest right now. Peace out",not sexist "It means going on facebook (gag), but if you can, please try to get involved. It's fun going after Maddow! They post a new target sponsor daily along with contact info. Takes 2 minutes. [URL]",not sexist "#GabFam we need help need this spread. Need 2support this woman. #pedogate #maga #houseofcards ""Woman was billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave wants to haul the sex-offender into federal court"" [URL]",not sexist "if you were in ""a sea of cockhungry women"" and there wasn't a single doubt in your mind you could get any girl, why are you back posting on reddit instead of shtoopin some bid'?",not sexist Do Gay Men Have More Sexual Interest in Children? [URL],not sexist "If your social circles overlap and you gave her good dick. She'll find you on FB, insta or Snapchat and hot you up for more. Just relax and wait. Also go bang a few more women.",not sexist "This ""woman"" would not even be allowed to speak in the public like this in a Sharia Law compliant country in the Middle East and she knows it. #GoSitYoAssDOwn [URL]",not sexist "All can bash what the establishment did, but let us not forget who we were as men or women. We as people gave our good intentions. Paycheck or not, we are better people. We are Americans. Not communist or a Nazi. [URL]",not sexist They always are,not sexist Said the incel lmao. /r/blackpillscience Where's yours? >People have evolved **Imagine being this ignorant about genetics**,not sexist "This is a horrible video, 100%, and I don't really understand why you shared it. Am I suppose to believe that the poor woman getting the shit beat out of her is Jewish? I doubt it. Either way she's not my friend and not a Zionist mastermind so...",not sexist "Jews are same pervs as islamist. Ever read in the bible that children should be raped, genitals mutilated, women be beaten and tortured? Me not.",not sexist Because in the 1940's & 50's it was still OK to beat your wife.,not sexist OOOH !!!! THE FAMILY IS TOGETHER !!!!! I love this one !! All these little babies plopping around and laying on mom! Thanks !!,not sexist Pass me the *skittles too sis. Guess we can at least eat as much skittles as we want 😭,not sexist This guy is a fucking monster! Why does he even have a platform to stand on? (((Solon))) oh it figures.,not sexist If you spend more than a minutes in MGTOW you'll see it's 90% complaint about women so Idk what you're talking about,not sexist Its a man pretending to be woman and he is a murder.,not sexist "What else would attack a 70-year-old woman with a machete other than a Negro? Okay, a Mexican. Or Muslim. [URL]",not sexist """Ugh, stop assuming all women are meant to be nurterers!"" ""Ugh, why did you call a bomb a mother? Don't you know mothers are naturally kind and nurturing?""",not sexist "Orbiters don't call women mommy they say ""Of course I'll drive you to Chads house m'lady""",not sexist I want to see both of those bastards in a court of law. Or Military Tribunal,not sexist "no matter how you do it, at the very least you save those [CUR]7 dollars, buy yoself a pack of cigrits.",not sexist The stereotype is usually that neckbeards are desperate for women and get angry when rejected. So its the same as calling us incels.,not sexist Black chief nurse vs white WW2 veteran who died while she was laughing. What is the real reason he died? A: Because he was white. Racially motivated HATE CRIME!! [URL],not sexist "Texas teen was beaten, had hot cooking oil poured on her after refusing arranged marriage [URL]",not sexist "well, its hard to date a girl when her brother and cousins want to kidnap you cause your a rich westerner. lol.",not sexist "I agree, my phone is filled with girls who will text me back, but don't text me first. It seems very cut and dry until we have slept together. Even then some girls will never text me first!",not sexist That girl's lucky she picked a weak mark. A more aggressive guy might have knocked her out.,not sexist "[USER] You're dodging the question now. Do you agree with the numerous honour killings in the Arab world, along with the stoning of women, sex slavery and the funding of international terrorist groups? #LetfiesCannotFaceFacts",not sexist Go away idiot,not sexist "Welp, libs don't have to worry about Roe V. Wade. Susan Collins said today she will not vote for a SCOTUS nominee who wants to overturn it. [URL]",not sexist Fat female SCOUTS queers abound! Fuck 'em! A new day has dawned!,not sexist "So identifying as a unicorn, a dog, or a woman when you are none of those things is perfectly fine. Identifying as black not so much. Filipino is OK but only while your a male pretending to be female. Clown World is confusing! [URL]",not sexist "Afterwards she ran home, grabbed her jackrabbit and masturbated to her Bernie Sanders Fathead above bed.",not sexist Lol. I looked the same when I got no girls. It takes a lotta work. Just gotta have a good attitude and take action everyday.,not sexist THIS!!! She's FP (fatty potential) what an IDIOT! In her physical prime she's not even winning her lifelong battle with obesity,not sexist "LOL... I think, maybe, kike might kinda sorta apply since my great great great grandfather was jewish, but disowned because he married my great great great grandmother, who was a Romani gypsy, who was also disowned because she married him...",not sexist "Massive Muslim invasion of the west Financed by Saudi Arabia, protected by the British police, appeased by the British government, supported by The UK benifts system, invasion",not sexist "- Make sure your cardio right so you can pound her like a beast enough for her to be satisfied. Think of a rhythm or play music. - Eat her out. - take gas station pills - become successful. Oh yea, have swagger.",not sexist Do it in public not your mom,not sexist "Look at all the triggered soyboys and females in the comment section on the original post. ""OmG so uNeDuCAatedd"" ""ACKCHUALLY, [insert retarded rationalisation here]""",not sexist Watch this to learn that Stormy Daniels is lying and she tells her closed friend that she never had sex with President Trump. Her friend has shared their messenger conversation. Trump is telling the truth as usual and she are bought and a liar. [URL],not sexist I have no idea what you're talking about or how this relates to #Pizzagate. RT [USER] And the investigation resulted in nothing. That must be because she did nothing wrong. Right? Comey would *never* lie to the public.,not sexist Exactly!! You only have to click on the Lancashire Telegraph link to see that Ms Pickering gives all the impression that she is a middle class Leftie.,not sexist just heard the news.. it wasn't the wetback.. it was some white kid that slaughtered her..,not sexist "[URL] Lynch told Comey to step out of her office regarding the ""Hillary Matter"" #MAGA #Gab #AltRight #PresidentTrump #GabFam #DrainTheSwamp #Trump #SpeakFreely #News #PizzaGate #FakeNews Repost.",not sexist "When I ask a girl for her number and she says she was a boyfriend I like to reply with, ""you're boyfriend doesn't allow you to make new friends?"" I have pretty good odds with that.",not sexist "As someone who is also invested in and deeply passionate about video games, I don't give a fuck if some girl wants to play them with her baps half-out. More power to her. It's not impacting my game in any way, so who cares?",not sexist "Think about it, would you want to be anywhere near a woman who thinks nothing of murdering her baby? Think of what she would do to you as you slept if you so much as pissed her off.",not sexist "As a female who potentially might have a daughter one day, it terrifies me that you all found each other and circle jerk victimhood and the hate towards women.",not sexist What the fuck has your panties in a knot shooter? What has she done so bad to make you so hung up? did she laugh at the dick pic you sent her?,not sexist * Is it as simple as putting the arm around the girl and escalate later when you are more alone?* Yes. it is. just do it,not sexist "Except it'll put the ball back in his court. She wants to show that she's got her dignity left. Apologizing and asking to be taken back might get her back in the arms of this guy, but it's not going to do much for her dignity.",not sexist There are alot of women out there. So many that don't have crippling mental disorders. Go look for one of those. You'll be glad you did.,not sexist Don't get too excited and don't think every 18 girl is like that... Don't assume too much.,not sexist "Lol yeah they do, but I guess in the end ""familia es todo"" and I stood no fucking chance, even if I was her white canadian unicorn. I got burned really fucking bad.",not sexist "Brush it off and have some time between now and when you contact her again. Unless you said something incredibly ludicrous, the fault is more in your head than hers. By getting hung up over it you will cause more damage than the statement itself.",not sexist I'ma kang an a legend they shulda at least responded to me. All I'm sayin,not sexist There's also Wakfu. Although with the wasp waist and hair past her ankles I'm more reminded of Italian cartoons like Winx Club.,not sexist She has been based lately. I started to hate her while reading Adios America. She said Jews were good immigrants because of levis. That really melted this snowflake. But she is powerful pro white voice in the end and I like her.,not sexist I literally HATE the Republicans. I am one but they are a disgrace,not sexist i feel you girl. is there any conditioning treatment or product you can use at least ?,not sexist "Have women shown interest in you, without you initiating it? Have women give you subtiele hints, waiting for you to make a move? If not, you're not attractive.",not sexist "Like the idea of your random wood backstops. When I shoot pellets at 1250+, sometimes they riccochet 180* and come back. I have no idea how it does that but it's done that a few times, so not safe.",not sexist whats the reason shes spending the night?,not sexist Not this shit again Jesus.,not sexist I remember bars. Packed with women and no men.,not sexist "That rebuttal isn't document proving her wrong as much as it is a Facebook post by a butt hurt general saying, ""how dare you call me a liar! What I say is true and what you say isnt!""",not sexist I think she doesn't know her Rices.,not sexist I saw an article that said 85 % of women want to be SAH and resent the husband **even when** he can provide. **it** grammar...,not sexist "I just have to protect my rights, keep my kids nearby. There's a chance the mother would move out of state; working on that with the attorney. I make good money here, I can't move back to our home state. Plus I like it here.",not sexist We are told that women come to you when we don't try from a young age.,not sexist You *know* she blames the guy for the outcome too.,not sexist "So glad you're here! Welcome to the home of the AltRight! Just kidding, there's lots of idiots here too, beside us cool guys. [USER]",not sexist Incels just want an all-women Avengers movie... with Danny DeVito as Black Widow.,not sexist "Kid, are you really asking a bunch strangers on the internet if you should fuck a woman? That is my top stupid question this week.",not sexist "I'm a retired policeman. Just an hour ago i was following my wife around Bed Bath Beyond until i saw 2 ladies? in hijabs walking around inside the store. I just followed them and watched. I know that makes me bad, but that's what i do.",not sexist "Back during my plantation days I went ring shopping with my girlfriend. I saw the prices of the rings and offered to buy her a used sports car instead of a ring. She said no, she wanted the ring. (Fortunately, I never gave her a ring)",not sexist "I have had many one night stands/hookup buddies. Why would you want to fix that? Just keep doing that, the '10' will come. the money will come, the trophy wife...will come. You will develop an abundance mentality. And abundance will come your way.",not sexist "So Ray's muting anyone who uses the word ""hate over and over in their posts,"" then proceeds to use the word ""hate"" four time in four sentences. Irony, thy name is Ray.",not sexist Saying that women can't possibly be as horny as men is just telling on yourself.,not sexist "These niggers come from countries that will execute them for doing nasty shit. Putting these fuckers in prison is like saying...here have free housing, free food and free medical. How is that supposed to be a punishment?",not sexist "#TechHumor [URL] ""Only a #Millennial spends 1st day on job crying to Internet friends about how he got company spammed w. swastikas for being retard on Twitter"" ""teachable moment. not wise to discuss internals of company's network on social media""",not sexist I've been with a very aggressive and abusive guy before. I *hate* people with tempers. There's nothing appealing about it. The guy I'm with now is docile and I love it.,not sexist The judge should be the victim of the female serial killer.,not sexist That last email? Where she's trying to squirm her way into your heart? That woman is looking for somebody to save her ass.,not sexist One year later the witness touching her head is accused of rape.,not sexist "Oh, but we're the ones encouraging them to kill themselves.",not sexist the protagonist of the harems are good looking usually,not sexist I'll give the lesbian moms I know credit here: they ask. I get questions all the time. But I get the point you were going for.,not sexist We had a girl named Olive that would say almost the same thing. But in her case it was stones like river rock.,not sexist "Well, he's right about the ""caring about jews"" bit with the ADL. It was formed to frame a black guy for the rape and murder of young White girl in Georgia by a jewish pencil factory owner a century ago. [URL]",not sexist Democrats don't care about women or sexual assault. They accuse white men of rape culture but they unapologetically allow this.,not sexist "Cuckolding is the closest equivalent men have to violent rape for women. Other than say, *violent rape* for men.",not sexist If I get set up in time I have planned to take her down to Tulum Sunday . Some much needed time together .,not sexist "what ""queen""? what do u even mean with that? the poor antifa girl who got punched by the violent neo-nazi? and who the hell is ""jeremy""? is that the violent fascist who ASAULTED here for no damn reason!! disgusting fascho GARBAGE.",not sexist Because their douchebag peices of shit that deserve to die!,not sexist "Its all down to market forces - people need to complain about the use of Halal food or it will become the norm, everywhere. I just want shops to be 100% transparent and inform customers if their food is halal. Let the customer decide.",not sexist [URL] #nsfw #GabPorn Remy LaCroix. Cutie pie of a gal.,not sexist "What parts specifically do you find to be ""bullshit"" and why?",not sexist This is true imo. It also very much sucks for submissive men (like say me). However there is nothing that can be done to change what women want. Submissive men have to accept this and figure out how to deal with it. The Feminists should as well.,not sexist they also make up the majority of the population in america,not sexist she dont know shit,not sexist "I don't even care about them mocking his balding The fact that they attribute his aging to his ""problematic"" behavior is what's fucking infuriating and insane. Clown fucking world",not sexist "Reminder! #Hillary said she would most like to emulate Angela Merkel if elected 👉Under a Clinton Presidency, the American Muslim Population Would Exceed Germany's by 2024! Save the USA 👉 Vote #Trump! #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp",not sexist "Wow man you should have recognized that she wasn't all that interested and moved on instead of clinging to that chick all night, hoping she'd come to you. And way to be a dick to John.",not sexist """She"" is a woman? Could have fooled me. Anyway obviously a moron!",not sexist Meh. i don't like bullpups and hate rifles that have a cyclic charging handle flapping away near your face (and fingers). The cyclic charging handle is the flaw with the otherwise PERFECT SCAR. I like my FAL. Cocking handle stays still while firing.,not sexist [USER] lmfao Heyyyy women 😬,not sexist "Men get to form their little snowflake groups to cry about insane women but, if some women form their snowflake groups to complain about men then all women get branded as crazy cunts.",not sexist "Lol, he just forgot to finish his sentence with, then fuck her brains out.",not sexist Sarah Silverman is a dipshit so I wouldn't listen to anything she had to say. I voted for Trump because I knew how corrupt Hillary was. End of story.,not sexist "I realise that 'fourth trimester' is a thing some people say, but it's a fuckin' ridiculous term. The fourth period of a three (tri) period set. It makes no sense.",not sexist "If you're on her low-effort content conveyor belt and she doesn't engage you meaningfully, you are 1 of the 1000 simps.",not sexist well get back to work. you need to find a second job to support her nigger son on the way.,not sexist "dude lmao what if he just said ok lady ill cut your daughters hair, act like hes doing a good job, then like accidentally cut a pony tail off hahaha",not sexist "I mentioned it. Sadly, this beautiful, smoky-eyed Slavic-American beauty quit GAB recently after getting into a spat with some boomer cuck over her views on Catholicism. She needs to come back. She was a firebrand. Pic below.",not sexist "Because you're not getting to the meat and potatoes. You're just 'testing the waters' and after you finish your test, you bail. Push boundaries or leave her alone. OP isn't really giving the girl much to work *with*, either.",not sexist EU meddling🤔Merkal definitely wanted her favourite lapdog in power and obviously used the trudeau way of politics..flashy smile empty head!,not sexist "#LionelMedia Q-Anonymous is exploding, this is the most important early bird Conspiratorium ever [URL]",not sexist She's enjoying having you in her frame. Not a problem as long as the results are awesome (sexually or otherwise). I'd take over frame or next otherwise.,not sexist "Fuck off normie, you're an idiot.",not sexist He thought she was a dead lay.,not sexist "fuck them, it's your life. do it. if it ever comes up after the fact, just say you thought she wanted to talk about how to get back together, and things just got physical.",not sexist "But but but but but!!! That's racist sir!!! I know we have 320 million people in the United States, don't you want another 600 million!!!!!!! Don't you want to be like fucking China and Indian!!!!",not sexist Made my day. Look at the head snap back after he pushed her face. Fuck I love the Internet.,not sexist "Buh' - What happened to ""I'm with her"" and ""Vote Vagina""? I guess they only like vagina's that push their agenda",not sexist "Im half white half latino (but look Asian?) I tend to not even bother with most white girls. Definitely go for Indian, black, Latina and Asian.",not sexist "I hate that I want still would love to marry and date her. On the plus side, I want to kill her equally as much, so I'm not a TOTAL cuck then.",not sexist Joe Biden needs to ice his face after this slap. [USER],not sexist "If we're so dumb, why do we know what's really going on? The left loves to put us down. They never have an answer when I tell them I'm a professional engineer. And if I'm so stupid, then don't go to the hospital.That's my design specialty. 🐸🐸🐸",not sexist "The three Cherokee Indian nations who have government to government relationships with the United States have said Warren is not Cherokee. That should be the end of it. Unfortunately Warren refuses to let it go."" Pollys Granddaughter, Cherokee",not sexist "Agreed, time for the witch to go",not sexist "Lol you are scary women, he might be right that he did break up with you",not sexist "It's time for change .England and Europe, I have been trying to tell my daughter it's ""OK TO BE WHITE "" it's OK TO WANT TO GO ON HOLIDAY WITHOUT THE FEAR SOMEONE FROM A SHITEHOLE COUNTRY SHOOTING YOU ! FFS PEOPLE WISE UP TO THIS !",not sexist I'm not a manwhore I don't sleep with every girl who likes me,not sexist Michael Avenatti legitimately has more support than she does. The only person wondering why Nancy Pelosi hasn't run for president is Nancy Pelosi.,not sexist "Hassan is a total moron, part of a complete moron breakfast, so I'm going to guess that she ignores any and all requests. My shitty state is a neighbor to her state.",not sexist "Jessica Chastain chainsawed by [USER] ""Remember, black people don't run America, but they control America by dictating (demanding) how high white people must jump from them on the slightest racial whim"" #DMTBKA [URL]",not sexist "Sometimes, when I'm down about girls for some reason, I head to this bar not too far from me. I'm immediately reminded of the abundance of hot females. It's _overwhelming_. I quickly forget about any particular girl I'm down about.",not sexist Lol. Weak. I found your mom.,not sexist "The guy LARPing as her portrayed a shit personality yet many guys ate it up. Ugly guys here can't attract ANY girl, period.",not sexist [USER] seriously fucker? Now I'm looking up Orcan...,not sexist "Oh yes, please provide me your peer-reviewed sources backed by science that says that females cannot have a lack of serotonin or dopamine",not sexist When I see things like this I wonder why all black women aren't volcel. I would be. What an absolute pig!,not sexist They probably all hapas,not sexist Chunk Schumer is a moron and Nancy Pelosi's botox has rotted her brain #MAGA,not sexist Killary shouldn't have called her a buffalo...,not sexist Listen to yeakevinc; he fucks mad girls.,not sexist "It is for most people. Incels are narcissists at heart, so there can never be something wrong with them. It must be the other, and she is insane for not seeing how great he is.",not sexist "i think i might give it a go and see if its worth anything. she is one sexy mama so why the hell not try, right? i have no expectations with this one, gonna keep it fun",not sexist You're mom gay,not sexist "Yup, she's using dread on you, and it appears to be working ...",not sexist Dontnonuttinabootgrahmcracker but the title was asking what purpose does a woman have.,not sexist Unbelievable!!!!! University of Washington: Prof put on probation for mentioning her Christian faith in front of Muslim student [URL],not sexist A perto rican single mother? Wtf that's unheard of.,not sexist Hate? I don't hate you. I just think you're ugly and you look balding too.,not sexist "Russia, Russia, Russia! It's starting to be as annoying as the old Brady Bunch TV show line, Marcia, Marcia,Marcia!",not sexist "Yes, cause thinking bad thoughts and saying bad things is so much worse than an unwanted physical assault. Don't these people realize just how stupid they look?",not sexist If one of them young adult was a child if miune she or he wouldn't hear the last of my mouth.I would bless them out so.protests in to walk and hold a pole with something saying how you feel or think.we have enough of Snowflake.,not sexist "If he got her pregnant, at some point it ceased to be ""forced"". Lol, maybe the machete forced his dick to get hard. Nothing screams hard on like a big ass knife at your throat. Hahaha.",not sexist Well he didn't kill her or cause permanent damage. There is no argument.,not sexist "Oh shut the fuck up you little cuckold. Also Verne was fucking rich and if you look it up, he treated his girlfriend like ABSOLUTE TRASH.",not sexist Cheerleader destroys bully in fist fight after getting sucker punched [URL] via [URL] Black girl asked for it,not sexist Why are you picking a fight with a woman you little kike? #whatsup #BLOODandsoil,not sexist "Maybe just test the water a bit. Discuss her character in a critical way and see if he bites. If he's all like ""All whammens is queenz"" then fuck him.",not sexist Dude. Single motherhood is NOT good for a child. Would *you* want to have no father? No? Then YES you're being delusional,not sexist "No, UR mom is the gay one! (reference to your username)",not sexist "This Somali asshole got triggered by a nice, white blond so he shot her....in Somalia it would have been a rape regardless if she had a pulse.",not sexist "So I'm a published mathematician but I'm an unmarried spinster who has had the audacity to hold the hands of (and, wait for it... fuck) multiple men. Oh and I also wear make-up. Shit.",not sexist "I think she should get to kick his little sack of raisins as many times he yelled shame, and she gets to yell shame while kicking his little coin purse!",not sexist Just had a quick look for female obesity statistics. Bloody awful figures!,not sexist "Epictetus said this long time ago, like Marco Aurelio un 'Meditations'. Very inteligent.",not sexist "I will never understand why they think women only wanna fuck tall guys. Anyone over 6'1 looks like a giant to me, honestly. Then again, logic doesn't really apply here.",not sexist "If she really wanted to hang out, she would. She enjoys your attention without having to reciprocate in kind.",not sexist You can mock me and act superior as if you know the Word of God so much better than I do all day long as well it seems.,not sexist I did just this on my last day 2. It went fine. As soon as she got in the car I leaned over and placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her in and gave her a little kiss. I think it started things off nicely.,not sexist Yeah lately I've been getting matched with girls that seem to just want to talk idk it's annoying. But fuck it I'll keep on trying,not sexist "Why are far-right wing women hot #af, #GabFam? #NSFW #GabAfterDark 😊",not sexist "The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria,(shown here) heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo. It was used as the pretext to start World War One.",not sexist She has murdered a plethera of people. I wouldn't doubt she has murdered herself. Have you ever read trance formation of America? The vile shit that Hillary does is incredible. She is truly a psychopath!,not sexist The only women in my life are two beautiful statues and my sexy pc.,not sexist "Franken is a traitor right along with McCain and his wife Lindsey. There will come a day that they'll all regret their treachery, judgement day will come.",not sexist Report her for watching you pee.,not sexist "100% sure wasn't staged? *raises eyebrow*. Anyways, if you're a woman, would you just let any guy fuck you? And if you're a guy, would you just fuck anybody? It's an orgy, but it doesn't mean you can't be choosy.",not sexist [USER] Look at her rosette [URL],not sexist Let's not exaggerate. Linebackers don't look like gross faggots. Typically.,not sexist "The ""she"" op is referring to is the rapists girlfriend who helped him plan and then act out the rape",not sexist ROFLMAO.... She's a little thing so ducking to her level is ill advised,not sexist "Every Black kid I knew in Detroit came from a family. I was a poor White kid from a broken home. My mother was an OG ""Me First"" Man Hater and my dad was a communist. 1985.",not sexist Black Lives Don't Matter to most of us.. Let them kill each other. Saves American taxpayers lots of money.. [URL],not sexist she is so old she can't even have her own kids she had to adopt,not sexist Katie is one hell of a woman. All women could learn a lot from her on how to be brilliant.,not sexist [USER] I'm gonna make your mom go woo hoohoo😂 🍻 #WooWednesday,not sexist "[USER] well as being a ""BIKINI"" girl all of my life all i can say is ""GOOD LUCK WITH THAT"" in San Fran. LMAO",not sexist """Fajardo was identified as a Latino gang member who killed a 14-year-old black girl in a racially motivated shooting."" [URL]",not sexist "My Nintendo Switch, paying a girl for weekly Skype calls, paying another girl for a hand holding service, and paying another girl for Snapchat premium access",not sexist "thats nice and all, but have you tried watching movies with strong female lead? no? guessed so. this is why u incel xd",not sexist Educate yourself retard [URL],not sexist """psst you look young and quite hot but if you have any sisters half your age, tell them I want to fuck, k darling?""",not sexist Phallus majoris... so that was a fuckin lie,not sexist Downing Street has apparently banned Donald Trump from meeting Nigel Farage on his upcoming visit to the UK. It's sad to see how petty and jealous Theresa the Appeaser is - green isn't a good colour on her! [URL],not sexist "Find yourself a nice distracting fetish. The trick is to never focus in on one and one alone, the oneitis can destroy lives. Oh, and keep it legal, some shit out there is crazy.",not sexist "It was her new puppet masters at Fox that forced her to wuss out. It probably haunts her at night, but too fucking bad. She chose paycheck over principles. None of us can afford to do that anymore, we need to stand our ground.",not sexist "I wouldn't say this is really a gender thing, politicians treat the military like they're disposable whether they're male or female.",not sexist "Cause hes women's and society's good little slave, he do what massa say",not sexist "Steve Harvey is probably the biggest hypocrite on the planet. Dude cheats on every wife, then has the nerve to tell people how live their lives. I can't stand that scumbag.",not sexist "Hard next! Block her on social media and delete her phone number ASAP Don't sit still, motion creates emotion, do bodyweight exercises and learn new skill at home. I've seen people lose their shit over simple things due to the quarantine",not sexist "i know two women that did that. in one case it became clear later that the kid doesn't only have that first fuckboys name but also his genes ....... guys, believe me, mgtow is the way",not sexist [USER] I offer swearing & hot girls with guns gifs. You're welcome. :P [URL],not sexist "Self esteem, dude. Shitty guys ""need"" you and even ""conventionally attractive"" women can carry trauma (frequently FROM dating) and/or have unrelated issues related to their own value.",not sexist What the fuck. Host it on an actual image hoster instead of this fucking shit. Ffs god dammit. I hate my life.,not sexist "I disagree. She will turn his children against him. She will raise them to be feminists and hate him for being in a ""patriarchal religion"". He needs to leave her ASAP. Your advice is very dangerous and harmful to OP.",not sexist She was a very evil woman.,not sexist Meet the American socialite who led a secret life as a Nazi collaborator during World War II and used 'sex and charm as her currency' to start a career as an art patron [URL],not sexist That nigger has no clue! Hang his worthless black ass!,not sexist "I can't wait for my little sisters to start dating, because it will really be fun to pick on their boyfriends. ~David Gallagher #DavidGallagher #Quotes [URL]",not sexist "you are so right, i was watching! what a jackass she was..GO TUCKER...thanks PJP",not sexist "The guys sounds like a crazy stalker who gets obsessive over new women every month. That's not a nice, genuine guys. That's a desperate nutter.",not sexist "How can you be MGTOW but vote for someone who says this? Maybe some1 likes some other idea(l)s she promotes much more than they hate her idea(l)s about women and war? The ""OW"" part of MGTOW.",not sexist you're making up context SCROLL. UP. YOU. RETARD. What a blatant fucking liar,not sexist By pressing show less you have automatically be been registered for incel 'facts' directly to your inbox daily! We apologise for this feature.,not sexist "Good list for reference purposes (you have to click on arrow at top for each one). Omits a 60's biggie, though, Melanie, and a few others: The 60 greatest female singer-songwriters of all time [URL]",not sexist I just watched a video where this guy said all of those people he named him and there's more a part of the Clinton cartel to win the election to hide their dirty deeds but they didn't think it would backfire now she owes millions to these foreigners,not sexist "I can now see why you struggle to find a meaningful relationship with anyone, let alone a woman, or a physical relationship... You're views on women are not only sexist and archaic, they're downright ignorant.",not sexist "Bill Mitchell [USER] McConnell dumped [CUR]30 million in AL trying to beat Moore and never found one of these 4 who now accuse him? Um, yeah right. Trying to distract from mess they are making with the tax bill???",not sexist "What! ""Donald Trump Jr's wife files for divorece"" [URL] [USER] ",not sexist She owns him. He's her beta provider. She's just keeping her cuck in line.,not sexist Ask them if that would want a woman beating communist to be with them.,not sexist "If she matched she found you attractive, she's just got no sense of humour.",not sexist Don't kiss her while lying in a bed surrounded by your closest friends?,not sexist "#Sweden and the naivety of its peaceful, altruistic people, now unable to avoid the truth that they are being invaded by apes who see their women and lands as prey. [URL]",not sexist "This woman is all about image and patronizing an audience, giving people what they want rather than what they need. Typical Dem material. Better the speculation hits sooner than later. We have years to work on her.",not sexist "#KiwiPosse#DrainTheSwamp Another female feminist ""journalist"" suggesting it's OK to abuse a woman if you don't agree with her views. Socialism is fine so long as rules don't apply to socialists!!! [URL] Hypocrites!",not sexist """I'm not doings 'x' with you"" means she was thinking about it.",not sexist Chinese geese are just noisy in general. I've got a white female and she talks a lot. Especially compared to the gray Toulouse female and Roman Tuft gander who are pretty quiet.,not sexist Idc either way buddy.. I seen her btw and she ain't fat but thicc,not sexist [USER] she has been ill,not sexist Default victims. In their world only women can get raped. And men are forever perpetrators.,not sexist A 8 year old girl with her legs spread and vagina showing...isn't cp? GTFO stupid retard,not sexist "Bacon because... you know most Brits can't handle violence (doing it).. but they can put bacon on ALL doors in every city...to save their culture and daughters.. Flee muslims, flee from all this PIG! Imagine?? :D",not sexist "bro i've gotten any female i wanted for all 25 years of my life. why do you think i'm not posting the same shit you are? if you know you don't need to, shits easy tbh",not sexist Always Pits... Pit bull fatally stabbed by pregnant Florida woman - CBS News [URL],not sexist "A new slant on Victim blaming? Should have been cancelled due to the presence of RAPISTS, NOT because some girls were raped...subtle but important difference.",not sexist MSNBC hired Greta Van Susteren just so they could fire her.,not sexist All that does is make her say the right things.,not sexist and those bastards that leave the empty milk carton in the fridge WTH's with that,not sexist We have been hooking up all summer almost every night,not sexist Not a hate crime - so was it practice LOL?? [URL],not sexist I disagree. Also being alpha doesn't mean fucking a bunch of women.,not sexist TRUMP JUST DROPPED A BOMB ON THE NFL WITH ONE GENIUS MOVE THAT WILL SHAME EVERY 'KNEELER' [URL],not sexist Men do emotionally support men though. And men emotionally support women.,not sexist And of course there is real rape committed by women. [URL],not sexist ONLY white middle class. Muslims can have 4 wives & as many children as possible. And they keep importing them.,not sexist You lack of assistance might also have been interpreted as misogyny. You're a woman hating creep for even *not* considering it. /s,not sexist Disseminate as necessary to redpill those who need it: [URL],not sexist "End it dude - you clearly are not compatible if you have to think/worry this much about it. The fact she gave you ""expectations"" based on her ex is just weird, too. I know she's hot - many great men have faced this dilemma before you. Not worth it.",not sexist "You forgot the Trollboi (pretends to be an incel for laughs) Naziboi (blames the Jews for women's rights), and Subway Boi (loves little girls a bit too much)",not sexist RT SteveBlogs11 Multiculturalism has made us hate ourselves. [URL] [URL],not sexist Trump lives RENT FREE in these idiot's heads! It's hilarious! One day she will look back at the way she injected politics into her own father's eulogy and she will realize how stupid it was.,not sexist Lmao you're a retard dude this has to be fake,not sexist "I definitely can orgasm from clit stimulation, just has to be long enough. Some women can cum from penetration as well",not sexist Maybe you should find women with more of a backbone,not sexist "Again, pedofiles need to be fucking shot. This is waaaaay outta control Little girls model lingerie in 'Victoria's Secret'-style show [URL]",not sexist "Asking to catch up... it's up to you, you are the only one who knows your situation better. My philosophy is that I do not want to seem *too eager*, and I prefer a woman to stack IOI over IOI... it's a fun game I play.",not sexist "My first wife left me for a midget, so you could be that guy.Get in the Gym, read the side bar, and up your game.",not sexist you think ima deny the possibility of love with a female just because her only flaw is being heavier than me? cuz thats exactly what ima do.,not sexist "Had the same problem with my girlfriend and candles. Every flat surface in my apartment had a fucking yankee candle on it. She never burned them, just bought them and displayed them. She had over 200.",not sexist I am biped today. wife has chores for me to do. She's like the USMC. Excuses are screams of weakness and her ears are tuned to a different frequency.,not sexist Stop fucking this rubber doll. Make your parent proud. Cease this degeneracy and get help for your sickness.,not sexist #UsefulIdiots of the Soros scam really are as thick as 💩. IQ of his feebleMinded dupes has a strong RACIAL Correlation.,not sexist "If she'd done it just two weeks prior, he'd be in prison and a registered sex offender. Let that shit sink in. Ruining his life in just minutes.",not sexist So its 6ft chad vs 6 2 chad?,not sexist "*Because yeah, women in the 1950s were always whippin' that titty out on a public forum* Yeah, not with those missile nose cone Dagmar bras they had in the day! Yeeeowch",not sexist "If he continues with the lawsuit against her, I may actually have some respect for the fellow.",not sexist Make sure Fairbanks works her tits into the convo at least 3 times.,not sexist A Tarrant County jury has sentenced a woman to five years in prison for the attempted murder of her young son by withholding food and nutrients [URL],not sexist [USER] awesome! Erik de rodt! Det er hyggelig a se andre vikinger her. I am still learning norwegian. I've only been practicing for about 3 months.,not sexist "Carolyn Petit? The one who gave GTA V a 9/10 because misogyny, even though men in the game die more gruesome deaths than the women? I'll dig up connections between Petit and St. Sarkeesian from 2013.",not sexist "Just Hangouts with her a lott, take her out on nice dates and Adventures and that kinda stuff",not sexist "Truth be told I'd be quite fine with a black widow or ghamorra (spelling?) Movie but Brie Larson, noooope.",not sexist "You shouldn't be worrying this much about a ""plate"" better to just end what you had with her, and your mate. A ""mate"" who would do that is untrustworthy and you should cut him out of your life.",not sexist Somebody within the company told her to get on board or get off the train. That is all. Again it is the leftist fascist line of thinking in action. They say think what we do or we will destroy and get rid of you.,not sexist Ann Coulter warned President Trump that she is done supporting him if he can't keep his promises. [URL],not sexist thats how long it is(not bone pressed because thats not how girls see it),not sexist "Forcing the advertisement of ""free"" murder. And we wonder why society does not value life anymore. THIS is why.",not sexist "this is all getting very close to the breaking point.... how many white men are raping Muslim girls? Or any shitskin, for that matter?",not sexist "I've already slept with 1 girl from my work, and there's been no drama or problems. As long as your on a good page with them, there's no reason for there to be.",not sexist "i think for the 3, alcohol was involved. They're all drink daily. I don't drink at all, so a friend scolded me for being stupid and dating girls who drink more beer than I drink water per day.",not sexist I wouldn't say they act any different except situations have changed. The girls in my age group are either married/divorced/have a kid or two/have major baggage. The rest are looking to settle down and have kids. Or at least get married. It sucks lol,not sexist "Step right up and feast your eyes upon the fantastic morons. It's not known to science how they manage to even breathe. Step back, little lady, as they are known to be degenerate. - 9th circus ringmaster.",not sexist He's also a traitorous asshole --- is he also Jewish ?,not sexist Faggot sycophant Bill is even worse than I remember.,not sexist "I'm pretty sure women are capable of feelings, not that a guy who goes around comparing them to sex dolls and dogs would know.",not sexist He has a peanut skull due to low HGH and testosterone in-utero due his mom's shitty diet. JFL not having your dad's god-tier brachiocephaly.,not sexist so your mom's a janitor?,not sexist "If anyone stopped being a mother, it's Casey Anthony lol",not sexist "She is so radical, she would rather vote for a Demoncrat than for a woman.",not sexist "Yeah to reiterate what the other guy said, let her come to you. Even if you don't here back in a 3 days, just wait. Go meet some other chicks too, it'll help your mind not dwell on this current girl",not sexist """GRAPHIC Germany - Muslim ""refugee"" stabbing his younger 17yo sister "" by [USER] [URL]",not sexist "You owe me an apology. I don't care what bullshit you claim. When this is over I'm gonna punch your fucking lights out. One point, verbal abuse, Mr Serena Williams.",not sexist """Our commercialism does not punish the vices of the poor, but the virtues of the poor."" G.K. Chesterton [URL]",not sexist "I really like her expression , she appears preoccupied, ruminating on her past life choices.",not sexist I think she has her priorities straight? Let's definitely ignore the murderous black man filled with hatred of whites and focus on a mean flyer. Seems totally legit! (seen on Voat) [URL],not sexist "Keep it coming, you're the incel here, not me.",not sexist HAHAAH...there will be women that will do this...just know it [URL],not sexist "It's much harder to tell than you think. Everyone does not like rejection, it's not the same thing as ""Totally wrecking a girl"". For all he knows, she actually wants something casual. Even when girls want that, very few will actually say that.",not sexist "I say this because over 70% of black mothers are single moms, and 97% of white women with black baby-fathers are single moms.",not sexist "#Loonylibs strike again in far left #CA allow an illegal to kill a woman and only convict him of a firearm charge? WTF? Congress pass Kate's law, & defund these cities.",not sexist "If the bus driver is a woman and the lawyer is a man, then the answer is yes. Feminism 101.",not sexist "It's fine, should have ended with a question about her feeling, though. What you mean responded badly?",not sexist "[USER] We beat them for now, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers.",not sexist what's your point - I PRAY they protest - i want America to break their addiction to sports - i want them to enjoy dinners with their wives - fishing with their kids [URL],not sexist "What on earth did Lisa Page see in this pathological pos? Or is she as mentally unstable as him? Oh yeah, they're Democrats...",not sexist "My wife drives like Batman. If you ever rob a liquor store, you'll want her to be the the wheel man. She could probably jump Snake Canyon in a Toyota Corolla.",not sexist GM young lady! Enjoy this last day of summer!,not sexist The USA women's national team has lost to U-15 and U-17 boys squads in the past. The U-17s allegedly beat the 2012 World Cup finalists 8-2. [USWNT Struggles]([URL],not sexist "I never understand the ""We don't hate virgins"" which is always followed by spewing out every negative stereotype of virgins.",not sexist "I know, i already catfished with a Stacylite a year ago. If she wants she can get a 5 different guy from other cities to gangbang her. ""But muh Tinder isnt real life"" bros not gonna believe it.",not sexist Douggie boy has been at women hating since 2010 or further back. He/she has a blogspot site for hating women. [USER],not sexist "um sweaty can we unpack this? its quite simple, the mom is a KWEEN and so are the daughters.",not sexist You were an emotional tampon.. A resource that she could rely on until she felt good enough to be alone again.,not sexist A female Santa... Well my dad did once tell me a woman can be anything she wants to be. #femalesanta #GabFam #SpeakFreely [URL],not sexist "Having read both of them, I'd give her more credit than that. Most feminists (2nd wave and higher) absolutely hate her, so there's that in her favor.",not sexist The ego and lack of respect here is astounding. Do better OP. There are far more women in the world that you could be hitting on instead of being a scumbag.,not sexist [USER] IRMINGHAM THIRD WORLD: A group of nonwhite thugs brutally beat and robbed a white man unconscious. #ThisIsEngland [URL],not sexist And this is posted on MGTOW. Shouldn't they be out riding motorcycles or something? They've decided women aren't worth their time and effort and have better things to do. Yet spend time posting on a forum about women. Can't explain that.,not sexist "feminists defend and glorify dick slicers like Lorena Bobbitt. Defend her as victim [URL] No MRA, so far, has glorified the likes of Jack the Ripper.",not sexist Her statement proves she is guilty of attempting to overthrow the duly elected president of the U.S.A. This IS #Treason.,not sexist WTF? Good to know the Nation has this Green LOONS undivided attention: Look at this woman multi-task like a boss [URL],not sexist "The date isn't meaningless, it's an important milestone and you should feel good about it, but your success or failure won't define you. You'll meet a lot of women in your life.",not sexist What do y'all think about this? Would it be sexual harassment if you were looking at her chest as it was hanging out in public? [URL],not sexist "i saw some disgusting thing the other day about a woman who had her labia removed and made into a glittery necklace. Muslims don't even allow their women to do that, they feed them to the cats.",not sexist "a man wouldn't dare complain about a woman receiving preferential treatment, regardless of the circumstances. Hello. Have you ever visited [URL]",not sexist Im pretty sure the only time Loki was female in the comics was when all the Asgardians were resurrected in human form after Ragnarok and when Thor was travelling the world locating and awakening them. Loki had come back in Sifs body.,not sexist "If you put her brain in a fish, it would drown.",not sexist "My oldest daughter started Kindergarten today... Somehow, saying this on all the various social networks isn't helping me cope. Thought I'd at least make an attempt.",not sexist "ah, yes and she hated feet but enjoyed choking.",not sexist This sub is a manure lagoon if it's just schoolyard shit like this . Catch me IRL I guarantee you I won't be nice,not sexist "Let it go, she wants to act like an immature child let her. You keep on being awesome and go after other women.",not sexist Is Bill Clinton such a Racist that he shuns his own child cuz his mother is Black?=SICK! #Justice4DanneyWilliams Protester shouts 'justice for Danney Williams' at Bill Clinton [URL],not sexist "A racist is racist, even a professor who has inverted reality to fit the meme of her life. Too bad it's a virus that infects the students listening to and reading her words. #AcademicBigotry #IntoleranceSquared #VirtueSignaling [URL]",not sexist excellent phraseology--the children are leased from the local masonic home and she is getting tired of tucking. bronco lays in the yard because he is a turd,not sexist 99% of the idiots voting anti Trump ...,not sexist """normal"" girls are now selling their body, used undies, socks, fetish shit, and their bodies on social media. for money",not sexist #BritFam - just when you think the Guardian couldn't sink any lower. Published today in aftermath of #ParsonsGreen attack,not sexist """comes off as friendly and interesting"" she's a porn star?? how would you know this lmao? halo effect to the max",not sexist [USER] or maybe she cares!,not sexist "Hey #97rock we can't wait until you break out the nigger jokes, Muslim barbs and kike zingers! We await your iconoclastic edginess between repetitive rotations of Faggot Elton John tunes and Born To Be Wild! [URL]",not sexist "Quick, ask him a question only a dude who dated a black woman would know",not sexist Whoopsie hahahhaha,not sexist "Honestly, leave him. It's better to be single than to be with a man who constantly puts you down and dosent even have the decency to treat you as living feeling human. You are almost guaranteed to be miserable staying with a man like that.",not sexist Who can blame her? [URL],not sexist Germany: Seven #Muslim #migrants #sexually #assault three #teenage #girls on downtown street (seven men are between 15 and 17 years of age ) [URL],not sexist "[USER] I'm betting that Mrs. Trump is no snowflake and can probably take a little ribbing. I don't know her, but it seems like she's made of 'sterner stuff'.",not sexist "As someone in early 20's, just out of college and in the job market looking for employment, I'm not comfortable talking to women in a monogamous sense until that area of my life is covered. Just a non-negotiable for me personally.",not sexist But you bet she'll be posting shit like the original tweet and putting yellow ribbons all over her profile for a few days just to virtue-signal,not sexist "Oh, Canada. You elected a clown.",not sexist Disturbing video shows baseball player beating girlfriend [URL],not sexist """I need a girl with huge tits so I can feel safe.""",not sexist "So, who is supposed to support these four wives and 23 children?",not sexist "Try the blurt method, as soon as you see a woman you like you have to blurt out the first thing that pops into your head.",not sexist enjoy your future dhimmitude ladies. ...and your time in harem.,not sexist Depends on a lot of things. If you're young and you can get a kiss you're basically 70% there and you're ascension is assured If you're a 30y/o boomer who has kissed a girl once 10 years ago it's over,not sexist Individualism is retarded. What other people do affects me. I wouldn't be incel if society wasn't fucking retarded when it comes to women. Life isn't anarcho-capitalism.,not sexist is he5'7? pathetic cuck should spend his money on Dror Paley's LL,not sexist There are already many men who never married because women didn't want them. The argument will be that you shouldn't impose those crappy males on wimminz.,not sexist Having sex with other peoples spouses never turns out very well. Well girl you now know that type of activity has consequences. By the way what you did is called prostitution. Just thought you should know.,not sexist "Bring it on Charles Stutesman Mayor of Valley Falls Kansas YOURE NOTING BUT A FAT LARD BUTTER ASS WHO IS CONSTANTLY HARASSING AND THREATENING ME, ANGIE, CROW AND THE LIST GOES ON. SEMD YOUR PROCESS SERVER HERE YOU WORTHLESS DRUNK PEDO PERV",not sexist "There's a lot of perspective in those pictures, something they weren't very good at in those days, also bikinis weren't invented then AFIK..and they tended to dance topless..",not sexist "There is a little bit of oneitis, I'll admit. And that of course gets amplified while we're on this trip together. Hitting on other women while we're here would piss her off for sure, but maybe that's better than apathy.",not sexist Ew. good thing she's gone then. Did u Report her to President Trump yet? Nevermind ill do it. 🇺🇸🖕🇲🇽,not sexist "[USER] Have you seen news about ""Girls on the Run?"" A girls-only kids run to improve girls' self-esteem?",not sexist [USER] How about the alt left people shooting our men and women in blue? The altleft is the problem.,not sexist They'd probably have Abbey on and you'd get to hear her discuss the whole 30 minutes she's played of it.,not sexist Ok so why dont you do the approach then? Go approach girls.,not sexist "1 white guy with an ar15 shoots 20 ppl, and the media is frantic, but a muz can kill 20 ppl in Europe, and it's not terrorism. 🙊🙉🙈👿🤔 #Trump #News #CuckVille",not sexist Fucking ludicrous!! Check the constitution mother fucker You end the investigation or we will!!,not sexist Mali: Muslims tell Christians they'll kill them if they go to church [URL],not sexist Ugh...that's just sad. I think those commercial hair dyes and nail salon fumes are poisoning these girls! Like MSG in the psychotropics of the 80's!,not sexist 99% of women,not sexist "put a muffler on it an they wont here ya shoot them,,",not sexist "Sure, murder a bunch of men, way better than female murder.",not sexist "and he holds her arm... geez, there should be a worldwide rule... dont do that. almost no matter the circumstance it can only be described as pathetic...",not sexist "Watch "" #JKRowling is a Vile Piece of Sh*t"" -she lies on #Trump & ... [URL] #GabFam #News Via #PaulWatson [USER]",not sexist "Be social. Spend as much time as you can talking to people. Not just women you are attracted to, but everyone: young, old, male, female, etc.",not sexist "Picked off by a Muslim rape gang, raped and pregnant by 14: Victim of Rotherham child abuse ringleader reveals social workers and police did nothing despite knowing about her ordeal [URL]",not sexist "Yeah. Especially in Eastern Europe. Why they are the first to tell the EU to fek off with their Muslimigrant ""refugee"" fraudsters.",not sexist What do YOU have to offer to women?,not sexist I guess you could try a female pheromone perfume but I don't know if these products are legit or not.,not sexist Shebby Dasserman Wultz 👎🤮,not sexist That family got a lot of my grandmothers and dad's money,not sexist If only the social stigma was there when a 14 year old female choose to abort her baby was the same as this kid's mistake.,not sexist "If McCabe is endeavoring to ""Fuck Trump"" whether literally or figuratively, it violates his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Do cuck's words matter (his wife is paid by people's enemy)? [URL]",not sexist And now the MSM and the gossipmongers rear their fugly heads!,not sexist "Basically anyone not Captain Marvel cannot give Thanos a fight. What the fuck can BP female guard and Black Widow do? Remember, Spider-Man can easily catch speeding cars and effortlessly overpower Winter Soldier. He can't be Thanos. No way they can.",not sexist "ya I thought so, everything you said she basically said in the convo.",not sexist "After having read this, I'm going to pretend the reason women won't be my friend is because I'm hot.",not sexist """Existentialism is the goal for any true nihilist"" nihilists have no goals because goals are meaningless",not sexist Illegal alien was deported 11 times.. Savage tried to kill his wife with a chainsaw in front of his 3 kids. I'm wondering if he is a follower of the prophet MoHAM-MAD... Where is our wall? [URL],not sexist stupid fkn juden think ppl need permission from them to have guns and remove the criminal parasite from among them,not sexist No. It just said he built a city. Men lived into their 900s and apocrypha tells us that he took a sister with him as a wife. By age 200 he could've had a townful of descendants.,not sexist "Who do they have sex with, each other? A woman wouldn't want them. A man wouldn't want them.",not sexist "Dodging and defrauding, sure. But on the plus side, he's a nudist. Performs with his daughter. And you know what they say. A family that's naked together, can make it together. [URL]",not sexist Better yourself by taking some community college classes. Your young female classmates will just be a bonus.,not sexist "#StuffOnlyWhitePeopleDo Canadian girl, 14, dies after getting stuck in mud while trying to save her neighbor's dog from a pond [URL]",not sexist Alleppo Shmelleppo. (((Media))) reports a Shipload of garbage to misinform the gullible masses. The lady in this video knows the score! #WhiteGenocide #DrainTheSwamp #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam #AltRight #GabVets #Trump #News #FakeNews [URL],not sexist U got a dirty mouth for a Christian. Christ would be shocked.,not sexist This always reminds me of the woman that will yank the steering wheel while you are driving and arguing. No logical thought.,not sexist fuck.the queen... save the country....,not sexist "We don't know he lied, he might have been genuine about wanting to marry her, until she cheated.",not sexist So she brags about being stupid.,not sexist Spanner girl like a spanner wrench? So u load the missiles n stuff on the planes huh. *salutes* Hope they don't start any more illegal wars for oil and drugs and imperial New World Order conquest. Mabe u can just blow up ISIS and be done with it.,not sexist "[USER] - Exactly. Forget about those Irish ""hurleys"" (wooden sticks)-- remove that fag's flouncy dress, then find the nearest tall building a.s.a.p.",not sexist Or she wants a baby and you to pay for it. (_ ) Like: do you work and get over with it.,not sexist Her nose looks like a fat girl squatting.,not sexist "It doesn't matter. She's hung up on him for whatever reason, find someone that knows what she wants and wants YOU.",not sexist Obviously intruding on her Tinder time......,not sexist "I don't care if you love her or not. Lawyer now. File motion to preempt her from naming you as father until DNA paternity test is done. When it comes back negative, divorce and sue her for fraud.",not sexist "So much cognitive dissonance. He doesn't even claim to be White, hates White Nationalists and you're trying to make him the pin up boy of Whiteness. Pure AIDS. You latch onto anything anti-White huh?",not sexist "As a zookeeper I would like to point out that while we would tranquilize an escaped bear for public safety, we would never punish or hit it. Zoos use positive reinforcement only. Which is more credit than this guy gives women.",not sexist 5'10 is enough to tell the average girl your 6 foot,not sexist Read your last paragraph again idiot. So smart you can't remember what you wrote. And no. I've been through all those points with other Far Right racists over the last 2 weeks. You're late. Sorry 😊,not sexist remember when people hated on pence when he said he didn't speak to women alone....,not sexist Disgusting how she wanted men to act on her behalf even though she was perfectly capable of beating him up.,not sexist I was attempting to answer your question; I don't obsess over single moms in any way shape or form.,not sexist LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! OUT OUT OUT! A girl is LITERALLY begging you to fuck her and you still browse this shithole?,not sexist "I bet she has daddy issues, and that explains everything",not sexist Those women are fucking you my dude. You're not fucking them. I guess if that's your thing.,not sexist [USER]! Worshipping jews doesn't make you a christian...grandpa cuck,not sexist "All alone on the beach? Well, maybe not. Oregon girls do it better. This one's me. #OregonGirls #ThatOregonLife #BeachBody #GabFam Can I have the photography icon in my posting box now Please? [USER] For now, it's all going in art. fuckit.",not sexist agree not impossible but you'd think if she was freaked out about being raped in front of her husband that would be somewhat difficult.,not sexist "In my decades of experience, the more beautiful the woman the greater are the odds she hangs around homosexuals.",not sexist I used to be called a kikes by neo Nazis And Jews called me a neo Nazi These motherfuckers better make up their minds I'm suffering from a split personality over this shit,not sexist "For each alpha male with 4 wives, there are 3 sexually frustrated beta males who have no chance to ever found a family, and no option to get sex except by raping children or animals.",not sexist "Life without women is great, isn't it, fellow mgtow??? \*cries in virginity or alimony\*",not sexist girls really get fucked almost every weekend ?,not sexist "Seahawks Player Caught On Video Taunting Female Officer During Arrest: ""Are you scared of me?""..I got a lot of f**king money you broke _______ WOW! [URL]",not sexist "Dude, you actually have a problem. Stalking my post history and replying to all of my previous comments? You take the internet way too seriously, my guy. You get too worked up over stupid small shit. I'm surprised you can even manage a job.",not sexist "Lol I imagine there would be simps that are like ""she doesn't deserve an ugly guy"" JFL.",not sexist [URL] She said she was voting for demonrats.,not sexist "Too bad, I actually want to help these people but goddamn are they stubborn.",not sexist My sister made her husband put one on...I wanted to slap the shit out of him,not sexist "Yet they're cool with rape. Lol. Get out of your incel midsection. Take a shower, cut your hair, and aim for girls that aren't way out of your league and you'll get laid buddy.",not sexist "Leave Twitter, let the parasitic, thought controlling SJW menace die!!!! [USER]",not sexist And the idiots keep reelecting her. Cuz The Man is keeping them down. 😠,not sexist Have you heard of Demi rose she's hot thicc af,not sexist "My, my, my but Hillary is busy looking churchy tweets and Unicef-y going lately. Got her gal-pal Katy Perry to come with on that one too. I got just one word to say about it that sums it all up for most of us: Haiti",not sexist that's NOT the Mr.McMahon THAT WE KNOW. GET UP STAND UP FIGHT BACK! THIS MESSAGE COMES DIRECTLY FROM POTUS! PS- Roman Reigns is strong we know he will beat leukemia PS- the message about Roman Reigns also comes DIRECTLY FROM THE ORIGINAL JUDGE TRDJ+,not sexist "Black man with Muslim beard throws unidentified liquid in 13-year-old girls face after calling her a ""white bitch"" [URL]",not sexist "all of this, and people still get upset when women go celibate lmao",not sexist "It's Gears, where the men are fridges on legs, the women are wispy lingerie models, and everyone wears a car door for armor, fighting underground mutants. The bits of unrealism doesn't rankle nearly as much as, say, BFV.",not sexist """If you play games you're a nu male"". I'm female and I love games. Always have. Why do you sound like Anita Sarkeesian?",not sexist "I don't understand all this redpill whingeing about being cheated on, and then seeing their own stories about ''back up girls'' and ''swinging plates'.. Guys like that just get what they deserve..",not sexist "Would you American's please stop upsetting President Clinton......'s wife, Mrs. not President Clinton! [URL]",not sexist "Julien from RSD if you need a kick in the ass, James Marshall for anything really. James is funny as hell so his stuff is easy to listen to and he's all about making real actual connections",not sexist I might consider women as acquaintances at best. Never friends or anything beyond that.,not sexist Sure. But people alap get congratulated for actual accomplishments so just because you're not one of the 100 hottest Redditors doesn't mean you can't accomplish something else.,not sexist "You seem to be an expert. I'm sure you're not a 16 years old virgin who never even talked to a woman let alone understand ""all women"".",not sexist "Hillary answering herself, ""They were out partying, bitch'in about me!""",not sexist "Actually, don't make women uncomfortable period.",not sexist "God, they'll be distraught to know they've been married for four years now, and are posing for their live-in supermodel girlfriend before they have a vegan feast, soy latte, and headboard-cracking sex.",not sexist "philllipines, malaysia, and indonesia dont use induscript they are the only relevant SEA i give a shit about",not sexist it's like the pretty girl in HS 20 yrs later... 😆,not sexist Are those burkas behind her?,not sexist "damn, i bet she likes tall dudes",not sexist The guy lost his job in a remote town and his wife is sick. Lift up your brother don't tear him down.,not sexist "I opened a group once by saying ""my heart fell when I saw you (indicating all of them)"". everyone start laughing, won the group immediately, talking a bit then telling them my intentions towards what girl I want ...at the end she gave me her Intsa.",not sexist So long as they're inked up like a carny it's all good!,not sexist "No one is going to give you sympathy, this is the internet. You can only let it hold you back if it lets you. If a girl didn't like you because you have a deformed face, think how shallow she would be if you had a normal face",not sexist "1; name checks out. 2; don't generalize, I'm A and I don't 'just say ""well I quit"" to society'; I'm raising two daughters - full custody from age 12/14 3; you seem to be MRA - wrong sub. Thank you for your service, we need cannon fodders.",not sexist Agreed They just call you a 'normie' and go back to whining.,not sexist This is just perfect! I love they caught her and hope to see all of them drug out and charged! What a disaster this would have caused!,not sexist True Romance is a Powerful Weapon Against the Gay Lobby | The Stream [URL],not sexist Trump must have a video of a whole bunch of fags pulling a train on Lindsey! After McTraitors funeral this gold ole closet hag had fallin in line!,not sexist Grab your ballsacks and wanker and walk up to that woman and talk. Wtf?,not sexist "LMFAOOO, if you're not a loud, ""extra"" extroverted black girl that can't twerk its over. Heard its better in Europe for black girls. Moving to England.",not sexist "Yeah and bearing all the weight of the relationship, LOL! Also the illusion of eternal happiness in the first picture.",not sexist +1 You were acting like a complete douchebag.,not sexist Look y'all Mindeth has unlocked her account! Go run and downvote all her lies she spews from that nasty evil mouth of ITS,not sexist "You think Gen Z is going to be bad, just wait for the Millenial's kids to hit college age",not sexist "That would be the best thing that could possibly happen, really. If it does happen, don't worry about it. Don't let it bother you, let her do her tantrum.",not sexist Finally reaping what she has sown.,not sexist "Having sex is hardly an accomplishment, it's not like getting a phd or winning a nobel prize, retarded teenagers fuck all the time...",not sexist Sean Spicier Not really worried. I don't think she'd suicide me. Let's call it vigilant,not sexist "That's just the ""Royal We"" I guess she's on all sorts of shit",not sexist I want to see how many ILLEGALS IN THE MS-13 gang come to her rescue,not sexist "The question I have is, how does hating women actually help? Other than just making us feel better?",not sexist "Oh look, the muslim terrorist traitor has spoken",not sexist "Dog Zsa Zsa guards body of dead 66 YO owner for weeks over Christmas... ""The dehydrated dog was lying next to the dead body, and was so weak that she could not stand up. We had to drag her away""",not sexist You should be lynched,not sexist She's putting her tongue in his ear??,not sexist "100 years later, first female Marine Opha May Johnson finally getting her due [URL]",not sexist "I know, but My job is to research the mind of these morons and he/she/it is biting... :) #MAGA #GabFam #Trump",not sexist Truthfully idk. My ex liked it. I feel like some girls find me unapproachable. So I really don't know.,not sexist A lady should not have to be verbally abused at work.,not sexist Sad. I have three grown daughters that are brainwashed. Recently lost a good friend over politics. We used to go along with tolerance and are now reaping the resulting weeds. When discipline went out the window so did the good results.,not sexist "This. If I heard a man today make a light hearted joke about being over-controlled by his wife, I'd think ""F U, loser"".",not sexist "And of course on the jailatm.com site it show a well-heeled White woman and child.... because, you know, all the crime they commit as a percentage of population... [URL] #ChristopherCantwell",not sexist No ;) she isn't LOLZY,not sexist Lazy.,not sexist Street shitter molests sleeping 22 yr old woman on plane. I blame Jew Al Franken. [URL],not sexist Did she get hit by a train?,not sexist ://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2017/07/08/mom-pop-fights-back-irs-taking-selling-entire-inventory,not sexist "Well it sorta depends how forward you're trying to be. If you're a decently attractive girl and he's not an idiot, honestly it won't take much haha even just ""hey it's been awhile, have u been as bored as me in quarantine""",not sexist "Apart from how non-chalant she was about the whole thing and emotionally manipulating her husband into accepting the situation, what scared me most is she said she knows plenty of women who're in the same situation. That shit is terrifying...",not sexist "Leftist Jug-ears is the highest paid BBC employee on [CUR]1.7m - the highest paid woman gets just [CUR]350,000 [URL]",not sexist What on earth is going on with her fingers though?,not sexist What can possibly explain Mad Theresa's new assault on Russian integrity? Distraction politics perhaps? But in their desperation her people are beginning to make embarrassing mistakes. [URL],not sexist "It's considered rude to ask someone how much they make. In fact, as a highly successful engineer, I never went out on additional dates with women who asked me how much money I was making. We have many options, including the option to say ""no.""",not sexist I kill my own god damn atheist kids--public school ruined them for life!,not sexist "Oooh ooh the first one, I've met these guys before! The awful thing is she probably wasn't even trying to deceive him. *woman emits steady low-level vocalisation throughout sex act* male: so, how many times did you come?",not sexist Do you think if you can hold a conversation with a female she just pulls down her panties after a certain point? You have to put a move on her if you want to advance it anywhere.,not sexist """Wait, come back! You haven't been forced to unsexy lez out yet!""",not sexist "My Korean neighbour is brilliant with animals. He got his daughter a puppy for her birthday last week, and I haven't heard it bark once.",not sexist People who have that will usually be upfront about it. Yes it's possible but OP doesn't know about it so it's not very likely.,not sexist "Girl, 14, suffered terrifying rape ordeal at the hands of bodybuilder, 60, only to be abused by Met Police officer who fostered her after she was rescued [URL]",not sexist Fucking moron. Gonna end up catching a case.,not sexist This type of lawsuit could end up with Warren having to prove IF she is part Indian through DNA tests... and I fucking love it! [URL] Take her down Ayyadurai!,not sexist Don't you want to live and work around people who look and think like you? Of course you do. You're a liar if you say you don't. Fuck diversity. Fuck multiculturalism. #WhiteGenocide #AltRight,not sexist Plus they're also pure evil. Do you think those trees aren't plotting to murder your family? Think again.,not sexist "IRAN They show her their genitals. Yet, she refuses to keep silent & she screams. Her mum comes to her help. The harassers even attack the mother. The daughter films their altercation. [URL]",not sexist Go Kellyanne - a kick ass Jersey girl!,not sexist "I can only go by what you say here - just as anyone here can. But when I read blue pill men posts, they seem to me to be down-to-earth, real guys with brains. The kind of men a woman would want to marry.",not sexist "Nazi is lecturing me about offensive and crass. How rich. oh boohoo, snowflake. Go cry to your mom and find a safe space among the storm fags.",not sexist "Black woman accuses Charlie Rose of racism for not sexually harassing her, by Steve Sailer [URL]",not sexist Get out of here with that PUA terminology. IDC if you chase women/pump and dump but seriously plate? GTFO.,not sexist I feel sorry for Melania having to watch the commie kids dancing around...I give her credit though she looks engaged hell even knew when to clap hahaha I would be like wtf is going on here,not sexist "Not saying this is the case - probably not, coming from someone in an incel forum - but heightism is very real and what he's describing really happens in workplaces.",not sexist Shit baby ho bo how you doing?! I got hotpockets and strawberriescand cream and cold duck 7th avenue brute sanz,not sexist "RT [USER]: -Ohr's wife worked for firm hired by Clinton to produce the Dossier -Ohr passed Dossier to FBI -FBI used ""salacious and unverified"" Dossier to spy on the President's campaign Who all knew about this at the DOJ?",not sexist "I'll collude with her first brah, we'll have a chad-off....",not sexist I want to kill moslems and jews they are weak diseased inbred swine who fuck inside their cousins crews,not sexist "2/ What is not well known: After rumors spread around Southside High, a female teacher was finally arrested in 2016 for underage sex with a student back in MARCH 2013, THE SAME MONTH AS THE PROM SEARCH. [URL]",not sexist Rachel Maddow had Cecile Richards on her show last night. A lesbian and a murderer meet on a TV show. What good can come from that? Nothing!,not sexist "Have a friend resurrecting his music through a new band ""Confused By Zebras"" . Check out his work, here is a girl I would love to find. She cant say No [URL] #GabFam",not sexist The DC's [USER] lists her top 4 most underreported stories of the week. Watch here: [URL] [URL],not sexist Damn! This site runs slow!,not sexist would you smack her ass?,not sexist Their are women that like casual sex. Maybe they don't like commitment.,not sexist "I don't think I was needy tbh, was always very calm and reserved when I was with her. Just wondering if I'm being needy now.",not sexist "Anytime. Just let us know and we'll be there. As they say, balls in your court sweetheart! 😘💋",not sexist "lol body-modified woman, is your vagina modular ... ? bwahahaha",not sexist To late to care because people have found better things to do with their time than waste it watching these prima donnas.,not sexist Barbra Bush connection to human trafficing. Mayo clinic. Did she commit suicide so she wouldn't have to face the music and will Bush Senior follow shortly? [URL],not sexist Another instance (5/17) in which an illegal migrant got away with murder & deportation was dropped. [URL],not sexist the only people that care about #DACA are Nancy Pelosi and her Brown Skin wanna-be grandson.,not sexist "NBC's Joy Reid praised a blogger who championed the idea that conservative commentator Ann Coulter kill herself, archives of Reid's old blog reveal. [URL]",not sexist Fuck...,not sexist I have a 2 week break now. Would it be too late to approach her after the break?,not sexist "Not sure it does discourage them. Look at Ann Counter. Their hate is the wind beneath her wings, but they can't help it. But yes, you need money so people get paid to write, instead of fired from their job at Chipotle.",not sexist A woman is a man who says he is. #subvert #subverted #subversive #subversion #sickness #ruin #ruination #ruinednation #ruinednations #caitlyn #jazz #chelsea #experiment #chimera #delusion #illusion #deception #dishonest,not sexist "To most of us, getting high classed paid tuition is a privilege and not a right To me, id imagine hes paying for her to get education, not to sleep around. Her actions have consequences and she needs to start becoming self reliant",not sexist Why can't Roman #Catholic priests go back to banging nuns?,not sexist [URL] te queen can be killed she means FUCK ALL,not sexist "and the bank called. came here from reading how a former female model who made 45 mil pounds has now to couch surf, as her mansion is being collected by debt collectors :P",not sexist Then IF girl number 27 becomes your girlfriend that works too,not sexist "[URL] ""Pop star, Katy Perry, famous for her hit song ""I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It"" and her interest in the illuminati and the occult, has strengthened her ""Satanic"" image by indirectly causing the death of an 89-year-old nun.""",not sexist "HAHA Every man I've known, that got married, ended up with a big fat gut and basically, a personal slave, to his wife.",not sexist She's an idiot I'm sure that was concocted by her and Pelosi they're the dumbest 2 people on the planet.,not sexist "Just because I think a girl is a 10 and unapproachable doesn't mean the rest of the world does And like you basically laid out in your original post, just because you think she's a 10, doesn't mean she doesn't want to interact with you.",not sexist "I never said ""all republicans are David Duke."" Lmao you're illiterate as fuck dude. Where did I say that? Show the post......",not sexist PC i built for my sister; she loves the cube because she can carry it downstairs herself. [URL],not sexist "Hey fat girls need love too, bub.",not sexist to you and yours as well lovely lady,not sexist Enjoy being a cuck,not sexist "Lol he would be like ""what's a cuck?"" And I wouldnt wanna explain it because she will just deny it",not sexist Thanks for your insight. Right now I am kind of leaving it for her to turn it around. I am not as focused on her as I was. I am just going to class and doing my thing.,not sexist Merkel is really afraid she will lose next election... [URL],not sexist Yea I noticed. Just didnt expect that. Literally cam girls being paid by blue pill shmucks,not sexist "So what is your opinion of women trying to change that? Because me and a few others get hate from feminists for being ""Traitors"" then get called a not so creative list of names from MGTOW and accused of lying.",not sexist "The population of Santa Fe at the 2010 census was 12,222. [URL] Looking at all the crisis actors at CNN, one might get the idea the population is primarily Jewish and Jewish Negro (Jewgro).",not sexist #women always with the FEEEEELZ,not sexist You called me an asshole,not sexist Haha this. This actually happened to me about a month ago. I moved on and she responded to one of text from over a week ago. Like fuck that I don't have time for that. I am gorgeous/amazing and it's not me it's you :D,not sexist "If I was 20 years younger, you'd be in so much trouble young lady! 😍",not sexist Since when is GHANA a war-torn country??? It's NOT. This is BS. [URL],not sexist deadweight- I prevail And in my experience it's every single woman.,not sexist """The progress of 'modern art' --A Jew dances with a Prostitute."" A painter holds a palette bearing the words Schulchan Aruch (a medieval compendium of Jewish law). Behind the naked female dancer is the word Judaismus (Judaism).",not sexist "Yeah, if you do something like that during sex, it is assault. I hope he learned not to do that with future partners (for both his and their benefit).",not sexist How tf does such a simple fact not register to you? Next thing you will tell me that being shorter doesn't make you smaller lol or tell me that being small doesent hurt your chances with women,not sexist 🅱️oi I will never comprehend why y'all hate woman so much,not sexist "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Rom 1:26",not sexist If she could find a 400lb mans dick I would just be impressed and so would everyone else involved,not sexist Ok I'll say it. #ItWasTheMigrants,not sexist This is all bullshit. How is it possible that in Haiti the men have the most partners but apparently not a single woman has had more than one partner?,not sexist Sleep with more/date other girls and it becomes unimportant,not sexist "LDRs don't exist. They're a geographically enforced friend zone, and a way for girls to turn down guys they don't want.",not sexist "In your opinion, what does a woman's N have to be for her to be considered a carousel rider?",not sexist "[URL] Probably niggers lol, great choices women make gab fucking sucks",not sexist "lol yeah...there are roving rape gangs targeting the black women Ireland...just like in South Africa, except there it's real and they are blacks targeting the whites (and any female they come across really)",not sexist "First pic of homeowner, 78, arrested after armed burglar 'stabbed to death in house raid' [URL] In Europe you aren't allowed to defend yourself against armed intruders.......",not sexist "LJBF isn't a shit-test, you've basically lost when she's said that. I suggest you just move on completely whilst naturally ignoring her. She'll eventually come back to you, if she doesn't, it wouldn't have been any better if you kept chasing her up.",not sexist "Yes. Instead of finding one of the most beautiful immigrant women in the country (though that would still be a problem), they pick one that doesn't belong in any beauty contest, anywhere. It has to be deliberate.",not sexist "I actually enjoy texting girls in interested in, but there's no point forcing convos with someone who is boring or doesn't want to talk to you, especially in London.",not sexist "If machine gun turrets are rude, my wife is the rudest person I know.",not sexist """I made my gf based on a former oneities. This was the only female who was ever nice to me."" Same, I also made my imaginary gf on the girls that are nice to me. Its such a good cope",not sexist "Or is NAFAT next up? To which he will reply: ""No one knew trade deals would be so complex and complicated."" Lmaooo. What a bumbling idiot",not sexist "Was in my email or on Fox news. (my daughter mentioned seeing article, said it was already found in Ohio! Scary!check it out on the internet!",not sexist Replace niggs with women or Jews. Same results.,not sexist "[USER] ""whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad"" I believe is the quote",not sexist "Look at all the retards who call themselves ""intelligent""",not sexist "So when it comes to the men this guy is probably thinking of as his ""friends""... yeah, a female friend would probably be better for him. Good point!",not sexist "She showed interest, that makes your job much easier already. Next, you go and seduce her, start by saying you're not easy or something. [e] Remember to smile, apparently is does fucking wonders.",not sexist I just gave my granddaughter permission to punch MoHeamu in the face or tummy. I am a horrible grandma but MoHeamu needs an ass whooping. They are 8.,not sexist "I don't feel you should beat retards to death for being retarded. If someone loses consciousness from trauma, there is a significant chance of death. Beating white knights is good. She should have been expelled, shamed, and her father censured.",not sexist Yo are you really gonna take a month vacation to Russia just to fuck russian women? Atleast he isn't going to Thailand I guess.,not sexist Santa gets charged with sex crime for kissing mommy [URL],not sexist "It's a win, it's like she's hanging a giant red flag on her face (or his for that matter). Thanks for making it obvious so I can avoid you from the start.",not sexist Or begin a movement to replace feminism with ladyism. It will naturally affect the voting pattern and weed out those that aren't even sure they're female.,not sexist Sure but if they got divorced now she would deserve half their earnings from that period as much as he does. Not every wife carries her weight. But some do,not sexist Yup! Too toxic for my feeble female mind But srsly seeing hopeless who is an attractive fella dying and moaning in an endless circle got to me got too depressed.,not sexist "Young single mother, never married- Christian Values??? Chat with them and they say no sex til marriage???? So you are a VIRGIN. Dead quiet.",not sexist Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Egyptian first lady Entissar Mohameed Amer,not sexist Sometimes you have to. Revenge!,not sexist I am not saying I was alpha for banging my cousin. I am saying after I banged her I was a lot more confident when it came to women.,not sexist "Wow. I of course knew about the ballpoint pen - but not that NONE of it was in her hand, and that Lyink Otto had to pay another kike 30 gs.....",not sexist if they wanted to If they wanted to they could do it in under three months. Literally every woman could do it in under three months if they wanted to. It would involve having no standards and being proactive. Men really are that thirsty.,not sexist Sergei something uncanny about this picture. I sent it to someone and said to imagine her with a squared jaw to see if she looked familiar and she does,not sexist I cuntinue to try anyways.,not sexist "How mentality ill? How did you deal with not having friends and loneliness? How do I do anything, if I think no one wants anything to do with me and I think that I'm trash? Why do people make fun of guys who are short and have a small penis?",not sexist Rap is hate speech.,not sexist World Cup scares: #British press adds gorgeous women to many 'threats' #English team faces in #Russia [URL] #WorldCup When #MSM becomes a #MemeFactory #Meme,not sexist "Absolutely. He can NOT allow this to be forgotten. The question is, if he does get her arrested, what uncomfortable truths will come out?",not sexist "To all American Vets & active Service men & women. Merry Christmas, Thank you so much for your service and my prayer that next year you will feel that this government loves and takes care of you as the people of this country demand.",not sexist As an Asian guy its because the culture frowns on Asian women being sexual. Also as much as I hate to admit it many of my fellow Asian men are very feminized (various reasons I can't begin to count) so Asian women naturally won't go there.,not sexist "I mean her family accolades helped as well. I'm not saying she's not talented and couldn't have made it on her own, but having a model for a mother and super famous comedic actor as a father helped. Rob Schneiders her dad.",not sexist Why the fuck your want nudes. You have 100s of matches. You can literally have a new girl to fuck every single day of the year.,not sexist "At first I thought it was that dude from Vice channel on ""Hamilton's Pharmacopia"".. He probably killed her in his ""Animal Spirit State""... Damn hippies..",not sexist Well if you really love your girlfriend & want to be with her for a lifetime you got 2 options. 1. Kick Jordan Peterson to the curb 2. Kick Jordan Peterson very hard to the curb.... Make sweet love to your girlfriend,not sexist "Read this wonderful, short biography of Grape-kun, the Humboldt penguin that fell in love with an anime girl. By [USER] [URL]",not sexist "Arkansas accusing others of being hillbillies? The only thing separating hillary from being white trash is money,but even that doesn't change what she is,other than in her own twisted mind.",not sexist "Shes at work, cause she has a job unlike you, fucking virgin retard.",not sexist "It happens, it's part of dating. I've been ghosted several times by women.",not sexist "I'm sorry but at this point you're just fucking retarded, literally just let her blow you , you Neanderthal",not sexist Depends. My mom would barebottom hit me with wood spoons If a Father did that to his daughter it would be sexual abuse.,not sexist "I'm going to go ahead and call bullshit on the stat that ""average income"" for a female porn star is [CUR]100K with a +150% margin of error.",not sexist "Some mother fuckers better hang ... Hillary knew it would happen, too. She, Obama, Comey, Mueller ... there's a lot of 'em.",not sexist "Why even bother. just block the number. also if it's on allah, why doesn't he just blow himself up? 42 virgins and shit",not sexist Sounds like she's just self-reflecting like her therapist told her to. Her tweet shows zero accountability imo and just reads off like shade being thrown at an ex that left her toxic ass. It's always the man's fault.,not sexist "RT [USER]: ""But less than 48 hours before Avenatti released her sworn statement on Twitter, the same woman told NBC News a different story."" Ok so why did NBC not report it then? Where was this item weeks ago? Frauds!",not sexist I am fear incarnate... but this girls death stare scares me.,not sexist "Welcome to #Gab, ladies!",not sexist "Says no whites allowed in the sign, the person in the altar is a white person. Were are the trans-racial Filipino handicapped women?",not sexist DNC WON'T RELEASE EVIDENCE OF SETH RICH'S WIKILEAKS TIES - Tyranny News [URL],not sexist dIs iS a GrAte wIn 4 cIvuL rItEs,not sexist Hey China go fuck yourself.,not sexist I guess it is about normalizing bizzare things...,not sexist "[USER] that may be but she's a disgusting example of one that has attacked others, fucked over and even indirectly took the lives of those who got in her way. I wish exactly zero pity on her",not sexist "Lauren Southern billed [CUR]68k for police ""security""... [URL] Weird article, watch the video, ""Stunt backfires as no one knows who she is""! That was the point..??",not sexist Luther ate his own shit.. Really. On a more serious note. Corbyn is now thought to have been working for the Russians during The Cold War..,not sexist "If she came over I feel like it would have messed everything up, since I wouldn't have been prepared financially and asking to borrow money from her.... I don't like the idea I agree I shouldn't have talked for so long thanks",not sexist "She's a progressive, don't believe a word she says... [URL] #CanFam #MAGA #GabFam #News #Politics #SpeakFreely",not sexist "Nofap is better than what you're giving credit for. It gives you many benefits. Have I supposed my own desires during this month + of not fapping, yes but I feel more sexual energy and wanting to meet more women. Is it that bad?",not sexist "Putin - the people that instigate hate vs Putin (& liberals that support them) please be ""machos"" & enlist in the US army to attack Russia",not sexist Remember the episode in which the crazy snake demon lady shoots herself? Silly japs <3,not sexist If she keeps shooting her mouth off with her idiotic statements she might not last much longer...even WITH police presence!,not sexist "If I make a bad MSpaint work of your mom hanging from a tree, will you be pissed ?",not sexist kinda sounds like r9k at least now it is,not sexist No she's fucking some random guy,not sexist "Nah, you don't have to say something different on the approach. It's more after the conversation starts. Most women will have no memory of how you started the convo if the convo itself is interesting/different.",not sexist "We're about to find out if ""black"" trumps ""women"" in the latest round of #SJWOlympics",not sexist Hey So glad to hear from you. I will try and figure this GABBING THING OUT⚖️🇺🇸🤗😘,not sexist "That is Blaspheming! I think she WANTS to live out the rest of ETERNITY in a real, real HOT PLACE !",not sexist Nah that's rape/sexual molestation/gross. Quote who said that's cool and I promise it wasn't a woman.,not sexist "[URL] The grab of all power on this earth is what this demonic entity's followers who kill woman, children, to pleace ivell. Pray and fast more so good will prevail of at least slow demons to a stand still for a few more mont's 5G=genocide",not sexist "Good for her! My grandson had acid reflux, but his mother gave him formula, and I didn't like that! Yes, but all means, mute em!",not sexist [USER] I can only hope that men in America are still men enough to defend the female population from rape for Gods sake? What in the hell are the men over there in Europe doing ?,not sexist The wife and I enjoy it. Very open ended,not sexist "They could kill Trump. Put Crooked Hillary in. Change her voice to Trumps. Build a wall of CGI around her. The possibilities are endless. How about a fake election? Yeppers, nothing scary about this at all.",not sexist They're a genetically isolated remnant of the original HSs population that migrated out of Africa after the Toba Eruption Event. No HSn. No HSd. Pure Hg D. No selection for intelligence or fairness. Lowest IQ. Way more nifty than Abos and Bushmen.,not sexist And once they fuck it up who you think they will call upon to bail them out..,not sexist "To me he sounds like a jerk. He's basically saying to guys who lack social fluency and can't realistically attain it... ""forget it, girls don't want you.""",not sexist "Even with the possible repercussions from her job, I still think its worth it over a vibrator or a random drunken stand-in cock. Life is short, and she's only human.",not sexist """Hey y'all, I'm gonna pay my wife's daughter [CUR]100 to snatch that cap off that boys head""",not sexist "A lot of people don't know biology. I had a 53 year old woman message me on Match who checked the box, Still Wants to Have Children. My female friends said run...I was already gone.",not sexist Fuck these Germans cowards that let Muslims rape their women. Germans should be ashamed. [URL],not sexist Makes no difference. I'm cut and can finish quickly or after a long time. Depends,not sexist A woman qualifying is a defense mechanism to preserve her emotional state which in this case is our back door into getting locked in with her. Backdoors to the mind are fun.,not sexist "No age discrimination: Muslim 'migrants' rape elderly German women, 90 and 79 [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "We can take it back. Public hanging would help. Im shitty,so I might not be makin sense.",not sexist What a piece of shit he was never your friend and always wanted to fuck your wife. Now hes making his move.,not sexist "[URL] Well, hey, good for her.",not sexist Well freddie mercury passed as white mainly bcs of his nose and jaw. Imagine him with a fat curry nose or long Arab nose,not sexist "That's when you go ""yeah, you're right ..."" and then kill them.",not sexist Why is raping old White woman an exclusively Black Thing? Ever hear about White men raping Black women...especially old Black women??? [URL] Colin Flaherty tells us about Black on White violence...support him....,not sexist she will die alone and her cats will eat her corpse,not sexist "I'm sincerely pleased that you appreciate the subtle balance between aggravated pettiness and subdued vengeance. Also, I'd read all her emails and spit on her desk!",not sexist Look at that woman's fat arms. They look like overstuffed sausages.,not sexist Lady's shirts are not the same as men's even if they are made of the same material. It takes longer to finish the woman's garment. [URL],not sexist "My wife walked in on me wearing her clothes today... She was horrified and confused at first, until I reassured her by saying, ""For fuck's sake love, you're never going to pass your driving test if you have to take it yourself !!""",not sexist "When all the results are in for illegal votes, Hillary will only have had maybe 10 million legal one in total.",not sexist I read posts on here only occasionally and contribute even less. I hadn't noticed that many problematic male posts but i could see that if men come on here too often and drown out women it kind of defeats the whole point of the sub.,not sexist "On the one hand, sex robots will probably destroy advanced civilization. On the other hand, they sure do trigger feminists. I'm so conflicted.",not sexist she is ***OUR*** wife comrade,not sexist Everyone should donate to her opponent to get this idiot out of office and then ignore the fool.,not sexist Sweet mother of fuck can we PLEASE shut down CNN now? I'm sick of the retard patrol smacking Trump all the time for Clinton crimes [URL],not sexist They had better figure out how they are cheating in the elections. I find it impossible to believe this little dingbat beat out the democRAT incumbent. Now that we know she sleeps with Soreass 😝🤢🤮 we can be pretty sure there was voter fraud involved.,not sexist "yet still got nuuuuudes on Facebook from average women But then you must be really attractive ?! or attracting, literally ! >On Facebook nobody replies to me How does that match?",not sexist "Maybe she should try taking her head out of her ass. It makes breathing a whole hell of a lot easier! But, but... we could've had HRC!!",not sexist "DUH, We wonder why SHITHEAD [USER] is nervous... ... maybe bc YOU are the Fangs of the #DeepState snake??? YOU ASSHOLES WILL BE EXPOSED !!! Cc: ",not sexist "[USER] Shit, that's bad. If she's licensed to have the raccoon though, it'll hopefully be ok.",not sexist These poor illegals have lost everything including their wives and children.... luckily they didn't lose their cigs and smartphones...🙈 #MAGA #Trump,not sexist You morons over there (who hate women and say that women should shut the fuck up) Realize why you are becoming more and more unpopular.,not sexist "their head on a plate... [USER] America shall shine on. no matter the tarnish, she can be cleaned.",not sexist "I wanted her to say that. Because there seem to be a major divide in their ideas of how world *should* operate, and what they're prepared to do to achieve that.",not sexist My sippy cup ran out of your moms tit milk 😔,not sexist "Outside of my apartment building hookers piss every night on the street. They are twitchy, scabby, dirty creatures. Alleyfuckrs are such trash.",not sexist Hillary Clinton may not be in prison yet but she is fully tormented and in great pain. Her fear of dying without ever being president is finally at her door and the rest of her life will be a hell we cannot visit.,not sexist I grew up listening to my dad and His friend Walt Magee playing pretty woman and always loved the song. I rewrote it for my wife for our 35th Anniversary and used it a 2 others I did for a video for her. Here is my version of Pretty Woman! [URL],not sexist "don't get me wrong, i don't have anything against creative forms of protest - just look at the recent actions of austrian and german #identitairians - but this childish brony shit ... no one with a remotely sane mind can take this serious. #austria",not sexist Well being a Man these Days will get you arrested and all the shit that follows. When u apply for a job and a felony is on your app no one cares that you beat the shit out of an asshole that assualted your wife or kids. They only see the felony,not sexist "well, i've seen those, and i understand. donald duck doing a sieg heil is messed up absent context, and the japanese stereotypes were jarring. the nazi/skunk jokes held up pretty well",not sexist A mother and daughter fighting back against an armed robbery. #2A [URL],not sexist An invasive species of plant in Vermont leaves a woman with severe burns and blisters. [URL],not sexist "Now would be a good time to share your ""little DC joke"" with THESE GUYS, you little scumbag. [URL]",not sexist Been with my wife for 12 years and married for 4. My baby is 7 months old.,not sexist "Oh, hell no, even I wouldn't do that to those poor jihadi's, just ship her to Supermax...",not sexist "No bad attitudes, faggots, or it's head first into the chipper for you. [URL]",not sexist """I told my girl she's the 4th most important thing in my life... It was me, my career, my mother, then her... and I love my fish too, so you better watch your step!"" Patrice O'Neal [URL]",not sexist "If you touch her, she will yell rape. Best skip the boss fight and play a new game.",not sexist They want to make Ciri black. If it's anything The Expanse and Naomi Nagata it will be annoying to watch even if the actress knows what she's doing because the name and face just don't match.,not sexist [USER] Dammit! Someone give this woman what she wants!! 😂,not sexist Possibly Getting blown the fuck up by an ied vs fucking his freinds while he's gone. Yeah Id say the wives are the real heros,not sexist "Hmmm. yeah. I think its weird though that instead of hating the rapist, or people like the rapist, she decided ALL men no matter what should be burned. people she has never met, and people that have made her life directly better in some cases.",not sexist "Stop calling feminists ""women!"" I don't need a ridiculous title to affirm my worth other than being who God created me to be any more than a man needs to wear a dress. 😉",not sexist there's porn literally geared towards women that has no plot; just two people making love,not sexist "Send any single ladies wanting to MAGA my way, thank you very much. Okcupid is giving me 9 kinds of cancer. I'm about to just start posting the most ridiculous egregious shit I find on here.",not sexist That is completely fucked. Just shows how little compassion people have for men and its depressing,not sexist """I am a nasty woman"" Oh you sassy pepper you ;)",not sexist "I was looking through old comments and saw this. I need to try this! Pretty sure an incel from here did something similar, except he arranged about 100 Stacies to meet at the same place.",not sexist "How else does he get so many females, the truly ugly would not be able to do that",not sexist Uh what super hero is she?,not sexist "Take it as an IOI and run with it. This. When a girl calls me a player or asks if I am one, I basically glow - she has just explicitly told me that she views me how I wanted her to. I'm James fucking Bond now.",not sexist Unnii looks like my dream girl. FUCK HOW DO I BECOME WHITE??? I'm Caucasian but not Aryan enough,not sexist I believe they deserve to be punished. What they did was reprehensible. But black on white racism is just as prevalent and atrocious--yet where are the equal sentences? #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam [URL],not sexist "just shows you are dumb the idiots in hollywood are,I will never buy another movie ticket",not sexist here's your resons hate John he's hate monger pice of shit SHIT and will offend you drop of hat! gay Nazis are worst LMFAO!!,not sexist "Wait explain to me how she has been fucked over? Earns millions, doesn't worry about paying bills, has no kids, no responsibility, has young girls look up to her, and men groveling at her feet!",not sexist "Just tried this today and it works like a charm. Was having internal laugh and smiled. The girl was like: ""what, what, what"" kept asking. Remembering your advice about mystery, I was like: ""Nothing, and proceeded diff topic"". Thanks mate!",not sexist "Police urge football fans to keep eyes open for terrorism Went to a friendly game at St James' Park last week, every steward (bar the 3 elderly ones) was either Muslim or Chinese - the woman on the turnstile was wearing a hijab [URL]",not sexist #FakeNews #@ #[USER] Pocahontas talks out of both sides of her mouth.,not sexist Chad will move to the next female if you don't hurry,not sexist When Satan calls her home .,not sexist did angela merkel ever get herself out of trouble? NO! TRDJ,not sexist she's flexing,not sexist 14 Of The Best Primitive Weapons For Survival [URL] #ShitYouShouldKnowSuperBowl,not sexist "Learn some AMOG Destroyers. Ask her, loud enough that he hears clearly, ""Hey he's trying to seduce you, is it working?""",not sexist "Thanks guys, I'll try. It's going to be hard because I could actually like this girl as a friend if I wasn't so damn attracted to her. I just know that I'm not satisfied with friendship, and a long distance one at that.",not sexist "I don't know why they even tried it, shit, they like 2nd grade shit.",not sexist "I've stopped texting women all together, I just call them now. Saves me the headache. Edit: grammar",not sexist "Judge Jeanine: Time to shut it down and lock her up 28,209 views",not sexist "[USER] Well, I'm a half-breed. White people produced many assholes. Just look at the editorial board at Salon, or all the cucks at the universities! Or Europe right now. If that's the current stock, it needs some infusion of non-cuck genes.",not sexist "Griffin said she would never want to hurt a child, but in 2009 she mocked Sarah Palin's son who has down syndrome. [URL]",not sexist "christianity is roman state religion, get out of the way jew or get crushed",not sexist someone that I have no real romantic interest in really This is why I always advise shy guys to make friends with women they're not attracted to. It's way easier to see clearly when you're not enveloped in a fog of hormones. :\),not sexist "One comment in particular went along the lines of ""My five year old could do this."" No fucking shit lady, your five year old isn't seventy fucking five. I don't see Bernie Sanders lifting boxes of supplies in Texas.",not sexist Those pockets dont look big enough for a nintendoswitch,not sexist "[USER] I am in love with her coat, such a beautiful colour - fun & modern cut, whilst staying classically elegant ♥️",not sexist Muslim women are tougher than me. I would have reeled back in horror after the first smack. This tough chick grew up getting slapped by men. It doesn't even phase her! #Islam #Muslim #Women #Shopping [URL],not sexist "People who do not think you should do controlled burns. They do not understand that if WE don't clear out the areas, Nature will. AND we don't necessarily have the ability to control a ""natural"" or ""wild"" fire that we do with a controlled burn.",not sexist She would still have 16.5 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. As if she earned it on her own.,not sexist What other books you can suggest that made an impact on your life and the way you talk/attract girls. I'm just starting out and would need all the help I could get to get this part of my life handled. Thanks.,not sexist "To be honest I think I'd be quite successful with women if I had muscles and a six pack, outside of my complete disinterest in sports and exercise and my lack of massive wealth I'd say I'm quite attractive.",not sexist I remember a story of some white women banging a chad syrian prisoner,not sexist "You were litterally just talking about dating biases in the comment you just deleted, you fucking coward. What? Are you dreaming? I haven't deleted anything. My comment is still there. Stop trying to misconstrue what I said, racist trash.",not sexist "If you hate Israel, you embrace our Muslim enemies.",not sexist Thank you for the source. Now I just get to sit here in disbelief that a woman could say such.,not sexist *is wondering why its' 43 minutes later and she doesn't have her invite*,not sexist Notice how they use white women and black men this is 100% intentional for genocide RIP france,not sexist "Any time the government does anything for any reason, cry out for ""limited government"" You're on the wrong subreddit for that Republican bullshit",not sexist "Wait, are you standing at her door or something?",not sexist "[USER] Isn't she also the one that said there's a special place in hell for women who don't support hilly? With lefties it's not really a question of whether they are crazy or not, but just how crazy they are.",not sexist "[USER] Just assume that every big Church or Cathedral is at risk from ISIS attack. Christians are their number one target. Smaller, less well known places of worship are far less lightly to draw their attention. Or at least we hope so.",not sexist "Fuck it, 100% anarchy, no laws or taxation.",not sexist "soak bear in gasoline, put downrange in gravel pit, hand your girlfriend a rifle loaded with tracers. Great fun.",not sexist Here in Germoney the problem is that you don't owe child support to the mother but the child (not that the mother has to spend it on the child of course). And the child can't waive his rights to child support.,not sexist This is her pre-wall [URL] This is the path most women will follow in our times source: [URL],not sexist Folk are too busy actually working for a living to kvetch for shekels.,not sexist Either you're meeting and fucking.. Or You're just another one of her beta orbiters giving her endless attention and validation..,not sexist "if possible, even the elect.See, I have told you ahead of time.""So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the wilderness,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. Mat.24:23 26",not sexist "That's not how 5th amendment works. You cannot be compelled to make statements against yourself, but if you do, then they sure as hell will and can use it against you. She waived her 5th amendment privilege when it was published to the public.",not sexist When a nigger talks all that comes out of his/her mouth is shit. A niggers penis looks like a big giant piece of shit.,not sexist "Some ""wanna-be"", but is actually a ""never-was"" ? I actually [USER] it's a Goat F*cker that thinks they are intelligent, Steve",not sexist Exposing the #shekel grabbers. #boycottdelta,not sexist "Look, man, yes it is harder, but don't let it get you down. Play the hand you're dealt and live life to the fullest, woman or no woman.",not sexist Black woman goes on angry rant against Jewish man on subway [URL],not sexist I would rather give her a call. Texting just waste my time. Although I can be really cringey when texting. Honestly some girls don't like it but if they like you it doesn't really matter what you text,not sexist [USER] Jill Stein learned well from the crooked Clintons. #RecountScum,not sexist I hear that President Trump is losing female support. Is this true ladies?,not sexist "sorry, but i don't see a lot of the hasidic community in nj/ny supporting any of those things. you're mistaking jews for self-hating children of jewish women.",not sexist "I think she thinks she's actually from the ""Hunger Games"" she's a fucking kook..",not sexist *Takes another Blue Pill* I'm sure it was just there to protect her from those evil rapist Nazis. Such brave women.,not sexist "Yeah getting married to a guy who's bad is always bad, age doesn't affect it much. People are more mature at early teens, our society infantilizes them and makes them irresponsible. Also you can get divorced and not remarry",not sexist "Cat Im sorry I barked at you but the cult stuff by your name is may be giving ppl the wrong impression. No man woman or child should ever be abused. Theyre trying to make this normal..I call it ""grooming of society"".",not sexist I don't think the muslim cleric goat f*cker is correct in this claim Mohammed was a pedophile and wasn't attracted to grown women. [URL],not sexist I hope they test all female athletes to ensure they all have XX chromosomes?,not sexist So are you saying women who are competitive in nature are trans-male?,not sexist "Women don't force men to adhere to gender roles. They pick guys they are attracted to, but the guys are free to do what they want. They're also free to not date non-traditional women.",not sexist "she was sorry she expected the spot from a traitor like you, she was the only good part of the whole thing",not sexist women's vaginas and **scrotums** Um ... are you sure about that?,not sexist "a few years ago i was at a concert with my wife, waitin for it to start and a couple black chicks in front of us stand up and oil up. the chick turns around lotion in hand and says anyone else feeling ashy? we lost our shit",not sexist Remember to repost to help as much as we can! Our next #NewGabber is: Brian Mitchell [USER] #FollowAttack Welcome to the #GabFam! Check out if you haven't! Please review all users for suitability in your life - I'm not your mom,not sexist Debbie Harry was the hottest girl on the planet for 3 decades,not sexist Google and Bing can eat a box of dicks. Deny traffic to services that take aggressive measures in silencing opposition. [URL] seems to do everything I need it to. #SpeakFreely,not sexist Remember that not alll white women who get abortions abort white kids,not sexist "[URL] Theresa May will still pander to the likes of Anna Soubry, when she should kick the 'Remoaners' out of the Conservative party. #Brexit #BritFam #GabFAm",not sexist Have a great time Bill. Send some pics when you get to Sturgis -- love the Black Hills. Be safe and kick their ass if they show up and start shit.,not sexist "I'll generalize but basically... Social dynamics are fun, ""chasing"" a woman is fun, and passing shit tests is one of the quickest ways to build attraction and congruence.",not sexist Same type of Black Shirts at UC Berkeley organized riot.,not sexist "Smash?! You can just say sex, dude. That being said, tell her this isn't serious and end things.",not sexist "UK police ""It's voluntary...or we will arrest you."" How the UK police deal with people who post 'hate speech' online. The victim in this video seems to know the law very well. [URL]",not sexist Seems that Neo-nazi Soyboys enjoy being dominated and beaten by women. (Big surprise.) [URL],not sexist "When you treat a women as a non sexual object, and play like you don't want sex too bad during the beginning you will do well. What makes you think one treats women only on the sex side ? Having men friends does nothing to do with that.",not sexist Father and stepmother humiliate girl by chopping off her hair after her mother took got her highlights for her birthday [URL],not sexist "No, its because she's a marry sue",not sexist "The radical, supposedly misogynistic, notion that women are adults and should take responsibility for their choices",not sexist I do got this! Just in the sense that I'm a female though in a committed 3 year relationship with a man that both has and meets these standards.,not sexist I try to make the left as retarded as possible so ppl fight back,not sexist How does religious faith become so warped and twisted as to justify stoning a newborn girl baby to death? [URL],not sexist Call her up.,not sexist """Excuse me, Ms. Feinstein, your penis is showing.""",not sexist "does she make the husband watch while she has sex with her ""child""",not sexist Hey thankfully she posted an article online about all her venereal diseases. Now people know to avoid.,not sexist Maybe the polizei should investigate the Merkle TRAITOR and find out why she sold out her own country?,not sexist "\>only real men can have real women \>'real women': so what if I have 5 children, 20 tattoos, and fucked more than 100 guys?",not sexist Why are people that have never even felt a woman's touch let alone had sex aloud to have an opinion on it?,not sexist [USER] thedn she should be tried for kid napping and hate crimes put in jail for life where is the FBI,not sexist "[USER] Myself, as well. However, in today's world, just being female is enough to provoke an attack, careless or not. There are too many savages.",not sexist What you wore sounds ugly as fuck. No hate.,not sexist My sister is but she works like 70 hrs a week and parties or travels out of state every weekend. She'll make time for you if you're important. I am not to her. I'm actually like gum on her shoe to her.,not sexist Orwellian California bill would punish speech of those who resist LGBT agenda. [URL] via [USER] ,not sexist "Not necessarily. And even if a girl finds you ""attractive"" that doesn't mean she's gonna hook up with you. Imagine you lived in a society where it was ok to grab girl's asses. You would grab a lot of girl's asses that you didn't give a fuck about.",not sexist Muslims hate ALL non-Muslims. Related: importing violent #diversity is a huge negative on civilized societies.,not sexist "You are making a huge ass jump there. Trust me, a lot of women are not having sex. You can't make statements like ""all women..."" there is literally nothing that is true for ALL women.",not sexist "If you treat someone like Royalty, they'll treat you like a peasant. She peasants to worship her.",not sexist "Not saying that makes you a fakecel but at least she gave you her number, I had zero contact with girls while in high school. At least you have some memories of interacting with a girl.",not sexist "Arseholes like [USER] talk endlessly about the ills of immigration on women while NEVER addressing the issue of women committing perjury to destroy mens lives. David Vance is a man hater who kisses womens arses, and that is all he is. He is scum.",not sexist Yeah stop sleeping with multiple women and just focus on you,not sexist These are the same women that marry death row inmates and go around crying that they 'dindu nuffin' ..,not sexist gahahaahha its funny how people say women want tall dudes fuck no,not sexist It must suck being tri-racial. #VoxPedo,not sexist this guy could fuck women using only broken currycel english.,not sexist "one girl that I went to high school with literally offered me a bj for 50[CUR]; she was 15. of course I didn't take the offer, I needed to save money for juul pods.",not sexist "Just send them my way, ill deal with em in 10 seconds Tag me, & i'll take care of them, ive spent years destroying the fuckers ... lol",not sexist "I've seen women in crowded places using the men's room like it's their own. I don't really gaf, except that I hate the double standard. If I went into the women's room there would be an uproar and I'm likely getting arrested.",not sexist "The nigger took a white woman across state lines for sex. He was guilty of violating the Mann Act. He should have had his balls nailed to a stump, the stump set on fire and him handed a rusty straight razor. Quit cucking for the niggers.",not sexist Such a vicious circle for them. Looks of course matter but most unattractive people can find someone if they are open and willing and a good person. Love the incel logic. If looks don't matter then why can't I date super models.,not sexist Because nobody takes male rape seriously unless it's the male raping a female,not sexist Sally Kohn threatens to move to West Virginia to unseat Manchin. Plenty including me troll her. Someone produced this beauty! [URL],not sexist """Palestinians"" are a marketing term so that the WHOLE of the Arab world, whom are constantly trying to destroy Israel, don't look like the bad guy, and Israel did. Also, ""Palestinians"" aren't people.",not sexist Men were always the prize,not sexist "Merkel. We are all too astoopid to figure out her bullshit. UH OH! I guess the Polizei will be coming to lock me up next, or do they just monitor Facebook for ""Islamaphobia""? #MAGA #Trump #MEGA [URL]",not sexist "So did you stop telling women you were an engineer? What are you telling them instead. I have encountered the same ""drying eyes"". I go with ""manager"" now.....close enough.",not sexist hot blonde chicks in yoga pants all I need in life tbh,not sexist "Yes, they are doing no service to women, nor men/boys of rape. Or other abuse, etc.",not sexist Are these fucktards mansplaining women's bodies to us hahah,not sexist #120db want to talk politics and 120db join a female owned new/far/alt right discord server. [URL],not sexist i have done number of approaches. i have never had a girls guy text me at all. that's super strange,not sexist Such a different world when the First Lady is a lady.,not sexist Of course I never hated women. I only hated myself. I still do. I don't hate the rest of the world for being simple and relatable.,not sexist I think Torba is afraid of getting sued because people can interpret that tweet as glorifying violence against people? Find another body shot of her where she isn't being run over,not sexist What kind of pretzel logic is that? Do you deny that you raped your mom? Then you must have one it.,not sexist She's a cougar. I'm assuming you're half her age. She knows you're not looking for a serious relationship. She's probably wondering why you haven't asked for nudes yet,not sexist This was such a clickbait haha... you're just saying that don't go after a woman just coz... go for her coz she compliments u and is what you sre looking for in a partner,not sexist That's not the kind of biracial babies she was expecting (or wants),not sexist woman hating shitlord /s,not sexist [USER] she IS too fat and #fugly,not sexist "That's fine too. So long as youre not directly disagreeing with her in a defensive manner(""you're wrong""), and you're not pigeonholing yourself into something against your frame(""you're right, I'll buy your ugly friend dinner""), its fine.",not sexist the world is going to learn what that evil witch has been up to,not sexist Yeah my girl when we first started talking did too. One day early on I just whispered in her ear I'm not your bro I want to fuck you and I honestly don't think she has since.,not sexist Holy shit I never fucking realised this but it is ridiculously accurate.,not sexist gotcha.. no hate man! I shouldn't be injecting myself .. causes mass confusion.,not sexist ...End of women on incels.,not sexist No Islamic country treats women as equals. Must just be a weird coincidence..,not sexist "[USER] She will try, but I don't think it will help.",not sexist My name is Mandy and not all Mandy's look the same Tut,not sexist "#Sweet, #Cute, #Kids, #GabFam, #Video, #Awww, Watch this 4-year-old girl pouring her heart out in this timeless Sinatra classic! She is so cute! [URL]",not sexist "*90%?!* And you say you're trolling them. Geeze. If you got any more compassionate, Mother Theresa would rise from her grave, slap you, and then steal some more poor Indian people's money.",not sexist Lol these guys equate anything they don't a woman doing to feminism. Do conservative women not like to cum?,not sexist The real question is.....did she swallow?,not sexist "Take your meds, faggot",not sexist "If you are voting for Hillary now because of Trumps ""comments"" from years ago (which by the way are normal talk for most guys and women as well) you are a special kind of stupid....",not sexist "its called maners,,she has more class than those fuktards,",not sexist From a girl - this is SOLID AS. Recently had a guy who did most of this soooo well... But he recently got a new gf damnit,not sexist "Well darn, after reading that I know I was a perfect husband. So there was something wrong with my 3 ex wives.",not sexist "Oh yeah, the guy in the pic acts like an asshole and girls are crazy to fuck him and you come here to say that looks are not the problem? Fuck you...",not sexist For all his rationality he's still a cuck who has enabled the madness.,not sexist """deny female students admission... based on their appearance..."". Don't sororities do this too?",not sexist Just get a good looking hooker you weak minded moron.,not sexist "Yes, talk with them. Especially if there isn't anything much else to do. Sometimes, you make start talking to a non-attractive girl and she might have some friends. Other times, you may start to get an emotional connection.",not sexist "ah yes, a bunch of women having fun and playing games will single-handedly destroy us all",not sexist Not necessarily. Many women choose bad men and make babies with them. Then those babies go to school where you find out they have these crime and immigration problems. It complicates things,not sexist "[URL] Only talking about the picture: I would like to meet that girl, fall in love with her, marry her and have lots of children with her. But before all that, she will be gangraped and killed by all the blacks in that boat. I could cry.",not sexist her personality is total garbage,not sexist "I dont know about third world countries, I was mostly talking about in the west. Beyond the moral issues, the law here is so strong between video, tech data, and dna, youd have to be an idiot to go and rape a chick.",not sexist "Well, perhaps you should lead him by example. Couple of those shitstorms and she'll fuck off to find an easier target. Just a thought....",not sexist Me a 5'4 black dude approaching a 5'4 white blonde Stacy lite?,not sexist Thank you a lot for your feedback ! It is right. Do you think going out in the street and hitting on girls like everyday for a month would help me ? I could do it kind of your way and try to go further each day,not sexist "Both males and females have their privileges, and that's okay. Respect people because they are good human beings, not because of their gender/sex",not sexist """Nationalism is the biggest threat to women's rights in Europe"" - Feminist Initiative - Barbara4u2c #Nationalism #WomenRights #FeministInitiative #Feminism #Feminists #FeminismIsMisandry #FeminismIsAwful #FeminismIsCancer #CulturalMarxism [URL]",not sexist It's not a conspiracy theory without the fucking Jews somehow masterminding everything,not sexist "Of course, I hate those that want to destroy what I love. If you don't, then you truly don't love anything.",not sexist Lol that woman on your post is a lunatic.,not sexist "It's radical feminism. Did you see the reply by another radfem about how, because her professor is male, he must be an incel too? Lol.",not sexist Trump doesn't care about the sexual dynamic between him and his wife. Whether his wife chose him for his money or not (she did duh) doesn't matter. super red pill stuff here guys,not sexist Hitler had female support,not sexist "Not only do non-sexual touches communicate ""I desire you"" to your woman, but they also communicate ""I cherish you.""",not sexist Very sad 4 girls & women who have this forced on them The Islamic ideology is not good 4 females I wish leftist women would wake up,not sexist Did you read my other replies? This is just my opinion. I think that they are dangerously close to becoming another Incels if they don't make an effort to push away some of the anti-female themes in posts.,not sexist "What are your standards for ""partners""? I don't even like 14 women in a year. Are you just looking at looks or what? Are you banging to improve self-worth?! I haven't even really liked 14 women in my entire life.",not sexist "Two Dem big time losers ... One is the sad Muslime running for Gov of Michigan, he flopped, Guess they didnt want 1200 year old barbarian Sharia law with women slaves to men forced to wear their panties on their heads",not sexist "If all of the Muslims are relocated migrants, how the fuck are they voting",not sexist "One of the left's top propaganda sources is reporting that two-time loser of back-to-back presidential campaigns, Hillary Clinton, is getting ready to hit the 2018 campaign trail. Really..Google Hydra [URL]",not sexist War games...excellent blast from the past!,not sexist Surprized they didn't stop and rape some women,not sexist "No he really isn't. He rode ""anyone but her"" in to office with the Russians and Fox news doing the hard work while he blundered through one gaffe after another.",not sexist And I'm sure she's a feminist too.,not sexist Not sure who pulled [USER] string The FAGGOT is MUTED ,not sexist "Libs are truly the waste of the human race., even Extra Terrestrials won't abduct them as they have found the taste to be very bitter and infested with parasites of the non existent brain.",not sexist "[USER] So you believe it was camera tricks. While this was happening, could you see her hands? What kind of clothing was she wearing. Something that could conveniently hide a rope or somethi g else?",not sexist Sometimes I really think FDS is a couple of wolves (men) hiding between sheep (women) and spitting out stupid shit like this to see how much they can troll.,not sexist Delete. I fucked a girl. Next I text her and she said she had fun but then blocked on iMessage lol. Who the fuck knows?,not sexist This incel is insinuating that all Chads are 7 feet or taller.. so that that mean that all men shorter than that are now manlets?,not sexist "Damn, this writing was pretty chaotic",not sexist i am a witch and i am well aware that SATANISTS burn witches. I am sorry if you do not understand that people can be christian AND witches. your lack of understanding is not my issue :p :),not sexist But you better do it with a related man beside you,not sexist I wish I could copy this photo :(,not sexist cope all women i have known have insta rejected me,not sexist "Not before my time, lol. I remember it, but didn't recognize her as the same actress. *what happens when ya hit the 50 wall = crs aka, can't remember shit better known as, memory loss. lol :-)",not sexist Wow. How misogynistic. These people are proving just how much they hate women.,not sexist "Yet another asshat. I'd be looking into him, maybe he ordered a hit?",not sexist she purdy but she also dedly,not sexist "My girlfriend has left me a note: ""I'm leaving you because you're so stupid and bigoted."" Well I'm not stupid, I'm just dyslexic. And I can't help it if I have big toes.",not sexist Yeah just switch male and female roles and you know it's your typical story.,not sexist "Dont worry, half the NY gov will go down with the NXIVM trial, including this ass clown. Patience, all in due time",not sexist "If the guy gets laid like tile by decent women, he *is* a a ""different kind of alpha"". It's just that an omega is pretty far away from that.",not sexist "Definitely chat with her, but try to set up a date as quickly as possible. You can't do that if you aren't talking to her, can you?",not sexist She's been useless her entire worthless life. And no doubt will continue to be so.,not sexist "Australia's sexual assault shame: One in six women a victim, putting Australia way above world average! Not surprised with the Muslim immigration! [URL]",not sexist Why would Britney Spears fuck her life up with K.Fed? Why would Natalie Portman fuck her life up with her choreagrapher? Because the sex was to die for!,not sexist They want her out so they can get better democrat liars in office that might maybe have an actual chance to win an election. Remember she was a write in candidate...never even campaigned in a meaningful way...,not sexist "I mean she's probably under the impression you're not interested, but being she gave u her number, she sounds like a real go getter..... a horny one",not sexist "lol, My daughter in law would beat you beyond recognition if you got him that incapacitated. I bet you're one of those date rape asshats who could never get laid... sux2bu",not sexist Now she has a 93% chance of being HUNG at Gitmo. #DemocratCorruption #ExecuteObama #ExecuteClintons #ExecuteMcCain #ExecuteSoros for treason.,not sexist he's angry and touches her so the ghost leaves when the ghost is needed and doesnt admit his mistake... how could i possibly like this guy...,not sexist "Got to love that Kellyanne, she knows how to smack back at CNN. [URL]",not sexist "If she does mention being friends again, you could try saying something like ""*You* may think we're just going to be friends, but what you don't realise is I'm going to date the fuck out of you.""",not sexist "then YOU support her and all the kids you have with her Yes, absolutely. I thought that was given.",not sexist """American Idol"" finalist [USER] said nothing is going to stop her from performing at The on #IndependenceDay, calling the chance a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. [URL] [URL]",not sexist That's why she's had a nervous breakdown ...,not sexist Maybe she should give him custody of his daughter so his daughter can benefit from the wealth.,not sexist "[USER] Unfortunately I already have all the checkboxes unchecked. I did that shortly after I joined and have tried checking, saving, then unchecking again and saving multiple times but the follower emails only keep coming.",not sexist He is such an ASS!!!,not sexist My instinct on Hunter is this guy is sketchy. All he does is blackpill anyone with a practical plan.,not sexist Would someone please run over this asshole with a bus. Then take it to Hollywood and run over the rest of the human debris.,not sexist Fakecel if you have girl's numbers for anything other than school or work,not sexist [USER] Hull :Somalian rapist who held sharp piece of wood to teenager's throat and told her 'you can't be a virgin because you're white' is jailed for 11 years [URL],not sexist "She said she wouldn't care about the age difference and would love to go out, but her parents probably wouldn't like it. I'm not tripping about it tho I'm just glad I actually crushed my mental block and approached a cute female!!",not sexist "I just got to say, have you ever seen LYNCH from head to toe as she walks? That fat slob waddles like a duck",not sexist "Hello Irma , Me and My wife are so glad You and Your Family are OK ,I wanted to also write You and Say I pray God will Protect You and Your Family , Be safe Irma and Keep up the good fight ! ...Daniel and Joann ...The Smith Family Riverside Calif",not sexist "Feminist: ""Why would a woman ever lie about rape?""",not sexist Kickstarter bans Swedish woman for raising money to publish book about link between immigration and rape (based on the government's own statistics). [URL],not sexist And it worked on saps like you. Go get yourself some Jewish girl dumb ass.,not sexist yea i can't stand her and wtf is up w that last name?? 😂 #HarfBarf,not sexist This is why I always get suspicious when women comment about video games. I have a feeling most women think this about games.,not sexist "She doesn't think she can punch everyone, just this guy. He looks as if he is used to get hit by this woman and knows that any attempt to put up a block would be punished even harsher.",not sexist You lucky bastard. Trade placed with me!,not sexist What are your spinster asscounts? 1? Or 0 I don't really have an ass,not sexist I'm living right across the border from ya! But what I think you should do is not actively seek women. Just go to place and do things with no expectation of women,not sexist If black girl is not pure breed,not sexist Why so much hate for the Jewish,not sexist [USER] Always shoot a traitor before shooting the enemy,not sexist It's shitty companies like Bioware asking her to visit so I'm not that bothered.,not sexist When I was 22 and in Korea I banged a Korean woman. Guess I have to be anti racist liberal now because of that one time,not sexist I think most people worked by themselves anyway. And even in slave farms I've read that they were so dumb they needed white labor on top anyway because they couldn't do anything too complicated.,not sexist StumbleLina sure does have a lot of dead bodies piling up with her name written all over them‼️ 😡,not sexist "Was about to post this today. Glad i was thinking the same like you guys. Like if I wasn't red pilled i would be like ""yeah discuss that shit with yo wife"" now im like ""i earn my money to spend it for myself,not to take it with me in the grave"".",not sexist "Hate is a strong word. I dislike women who have hurt me in the past, even in the mildest ways. This leads to very low expectations for women in my future.",not sexist one of the reasons for hijab?,not sexist I predict Joe will brow beat her into self flagellation.,not sexist The only solution here is to send her a dick pic with your dong in a hot dog bun.,not sexist Sea manatees are beautiful creatures and have done nothing to deserve this,not sexist "Frank Field MP quits party whip in Parliament. BREXIT supporter, MP for 40 years. He is still a member of Labour but is now really an independent in Parliament. Hopefully Labour is falling apart. [URL]",not sexist "I have spent a tremendous amount of time trolling and shitposting on Gab. Seeing what is happening today, I feel it is time that I grew up. Focus is a more effective weapon than triggering the people who want to destroy you.",not sexist Damn that's...really mean.,not sexist autoimmune disease moment. i seriously alnost died a few times in the first 10 years of my life because my body desperately wanted to kill me,not sexist Does my mom flirt with other men while walking with my dad? I've never seen that. You white knights on this thread are nauseating pieces of worthless shit.,not sexist "[USER] Megz Oosthuizen, [URL] #DMTBKA she must have said the nigger word",not sexist Happy for you. I am a dumb wage slave. Life is shit.,not sexist "Sara Jeong isn't just anti-white, she's a rape victim doxxer [URL] [URL]",not sexist Everyone on twitter saw that tweet Jerry most likely unmatch and that hurt her pride so she never made a follow-up statement. That would acknowledge how stupid she is,not sexist "Asshat leftists like Joy Behar that want to normalize ""democratic socialism"" want to do so because they are insulated from the consequences of such a dumbass move",not sexist True. I wonder why she did not save a baby from being aborted rather than killing her friend and stealing her baby/,not sexist "chucky is partly right, since he is all bullshit and no hat",not sexist "Love your posts keep it up! ;) It's not a witch hunt to them, they are narcissists, it's all about them...",not sexist Smashed with a bottle for rejecting being groped: Shocking photos show bloodied Swedish woman attacked in a nightclub after man put his hands between her legs [URL],not sexist We'll have to disagree here. I learned a lot from my grandmother.,not sexist Absolutely a child abuse case.!!! Guess if he/she wants to eat candy all day & not go to school that's OK with them as well.!!! Because children are just so learned & insightful at a prepubescent age....hmmm,not sexist Aside from the religious gooble de gook this woman adheres to she might be onto something about Amber Heard. [URL],not sexist Making games is a better cope. If you like games try making one. Educating yourself on things and trying to create is an underrated cope.,not sexist For god sake! Please don't! We/You would lose for being weak as fuck and then the normies would label us as doxxing creeps! Society has no respect for male virgins as it is don't give them a legitimate reason to hate us.,not sexist How about Kathy Griffin with Trump's head cut off or Missouri senator calling for Trump's assassination?,not sexist "Man! Her opponents look really pissed off that she had won. like the, I'm going to beat your ass kind of pissed off. 😆",not sexist "Even with her creative editing, it's not even anything like hate.",not sexist Ha..I did. I said where in the bible does it say to cut off the heads of nonbelievers. Or that you can rape girls..Or hit women. Obviously he's a dingus,not sexist "I'd say she is just into you for your money but ""Honda""...soooo...you just don't have a wife...",not sexist Top model suddenly dies shortly after mother dies from bowel cancer battle: report [URL],not sexist "If White South Africans were 7.5 million in 1992 ""25 years"" and today they are 3.5 million Will they all be definitely dead in 25 years from now? #AltRight #NationalSocialist #WhiteGenocide",not sexist He said not wearing a hijab would turn women into whores': SECOND headteacher claims there's a 'Trojan Horse-style plot' at Oldham school with Muslim governors [URL],not sexist As if her perception of POTUS's credibility actually sways up and down as circumstances dictate... fucking laughable #MAGA,not sexist This is the only approach I've ever taken to beat my social anxiety. Everything you said was spot on! Give It a try people.,not sexist The boy is but the girl isn't. I've heard that in the pedovore circles (think cannibalism of children) the dark skinned preadolescent children taste the best. That's just what I've heard.,not sexist Why use your own hand when you can grab some girls hand and let her clean the resulting mess,not sexist "Too true, you got to rock the Shia lebouf lifestyle",not sexist "If you're in the friend zone, I doubt a freeze out will work. Making a move while alone could work, but being direct shows you have balls. I'd go with telling her straight up how you feel.",not sexist Except when mothers do this shit no one makes a big deal.,not sexist "Men and women are of the same species, Homo sapiens, you assclown.",not sexist It's your duty FORD TO REPORT IT TO POLICE . As a female my first duty is to myself and second to make sure no other woman gets sexually assaults!,not sexist wow check out you two brainy sods lol,not sexist Maybe you should ask her directly instead of being passive aggressive...lol,not sexist That's because she's very gross and it's not due to white privilege.,not sexist uk army cannot recognise a zog trojan uk gov cannot spot a Russia spy and bbc wog 150 quid off you and aunt Dorothy is coming [USER] I may post it again as its well horrific,not sexist "Rpeouple are very stupid. A true baasturyd is from mixed races. Not from unwed ,mother's. So just what the earth needs is more basturds.",not sexist I'll take your word for that. Is that the Winnie Grande? I hear they roast their own....,not sexist LMAO! He got beat by a woman.,not sexist "Personally, I don't believe the story that Ben Shapiro once groped a woman's kneecaps. [URL]",not sexist "Israel could actually annihilate Syria, they are fighting Iranian forces there",not sexist "Someone sent me this!! 😂 You forgot to photoshop your neck, grandma! 😂😂",not sexist "It is not as common as white women but yes they do. They will fear for their lives though in a lot of places as it really brings shame to the family. As far as I known, no one in my massive extended family has.",not sexist Relax. Are you referring to concubinage? As in sex with female slaves acquired by war? Are you saying that European women are not only seen but also currently tested as concubines by Muslims?,not sexist "Then answer my scenarios: 1) Would you save 100 strangers' children, or 1 child your wife gave birth to? 2) Your girlfriend/wife/etc. were raped by a violent attacker. She is pregnant from the attack. Do you keep the baby, & why?",not sexist So she's saying we're Jew haters. [URL],not sexist "..; well, THiS queer queen's clearly already lost HER head... [URL]",not sexist "So the bf was being a lazy, inconsiderate dick for not taking her to dinner, but she was not being a lazy inconsiderate dick for not playing COD with him or taking him to dinner?",not sexist Sott.net calls her #Killary for a reason... [USER],not sexist Too classic. [URL],not sexist "Yes, she is caught in another lie. Way to go, black.",not sexist Do not project your failings as a parent on the world. You were a bad mother so your son turned out to be shit. Either that or you have shit genes which never should have been passed on to the next generation. Sorry you suck at life.,not sexist The mad woman of Europe is still in control! Expect more of the same,not sexist "I mean, there's /r/cuckquean (NSFW) but his ideas are still stupid",not sexist "This image would trigger the shit out of liberals. We all know White females are the very standard of racial beauty. It is why non-Whites hate our race. We are beautiful, they are not.",not sexist How can you fuck up a sandwich?.. oh woman.,not sexist But not all feminist have the same ideology. Does that mean meninist believe the all women always colluded against all men with malicious intent?,not sexist "The REAL John Mc Cain: ignores man who saved his life, cheats on his badly injured wife after she put weight on, killed 134 sailors & injured 161 more on USS Forrestal, etc. . .rest in hell, you bastard",not sexist I gave up pornography when I saw her sucking off Tommy. You could drive a limo down her throat.,not sexist it's literally the word the dipshit even stevens older brother says repeatedly to sound smart in the episode where he tries to date a smart girl.,not sexist "I haven't actually seen anyone say that, but if someone is holy shit they're retarded. But it's probably like two people and most just don't want moral panic.",not sexist "Well, here's to hoping you find her...and you will, when you least expect it. Like really least expect it...",not sexist "Another pound shop gangsta killls civilised native Britain with single punch for ""talking to woman"". Welcome to London, [CUR]15 Million pound houses within spitting distance of feral rats. [URL]",not sexist She tried but they yelled at her for cheating with a vehicle.,not sexist If Trump were into hookers and golden showers that ex wife of his surly would have made it widely known.,not sexist Final part is here: [URL] Enjoy! I ended blocking her.,not sexist [USER] Trump smashed her.,not sexist Yes. Perhaps the most successful female comedian ever. Joan Rivers.,not sexist "Sand Nigger Cunt will be joining her ""HUBBY""/OR/""EX HUBBY"" in Jail soon enough!...Either way The Sand Nigger will be going to jail!",not sexist "A Houston nurse is no longer employed after she posted on social media about a young patient with measles, Texas Children's Hospital said. The nurse also made anti-vaccine comments. [URL]",not sexist No one said anything about hate. Just preventative measures to keep women away from gropey incels like you.,not sexist I was going to ask why do you want to contact your wife's sister..does your wife know about it! Then read all the posts..No time to joke. Take care buddy..stay safe.,not sexist "Does it surprise you that lawyer Lisa Bloom sought DONOR CASH for Trump's female accusers? Nawh, me either...",not sexist Mollie Tibbetts' death by an illegal alien was tragic but the REALLY bad news is she's far from the only one [URL],not sexist Gay little cartoon watching child molester! Check out his page. It has a ton of half naked cartoon underage girls. Total SJW pervert.,not sexist "Biden the masher.. As someone who was an adolescent once, I can say from experience it DOES NOT FLATTER A GIRL to have a smelly old man take liberties with her body or say nasty presumptive crap to her. It makes her feel dirty & ashamed.",not sexist Except there's a big fuckin' difference. We Right-wing Jews can't stand the goddamned socialist mother fucker leftwing Jews. They're pretty much no different from the Neo-Nazi-tards.,not sexist "Yesterday my sister and I wrote a giant #DicksOutForHarambe on my parent's house with chalk because we're real rebel vandals and also, mature.",not sexist thats understandable but what if ur right there and the person lets it slam in ur face?,not sexist Anger can only be bottled in for so long before a repressed people overthrow their tyrannical government. [URL],not sexist "Don't be. Basically women use common sense, just like men",not sexist "It's everywhere! Do they think no one is watching? I do hope God gives them all what they deserve, a trip to Hell. Maybe she's mind controlled too? [URL]",not sexist "Been waiting a year and a half now. So......anytime you get ready to stop asking this stupid friggin' question and actually get it done, just post when it starts.",not sexist Plead the Fifth? Give the assholes a Five knuckled response! !,not sexist [USER] The evil 0basturd's divided America into splinters. The Donald now seeks to unite us. FIRST arrest George Soros paying for the anarchists - and jill Stine and her phony illegal recount!,not sexist It's not like Islamic terrorists have targeted concerts attended by young girls before. Oh... wait - nevermind,not sexist "RT PoliticallyRYT FOLLOW ALERT Twitter Family, please follow this wonderful Lady. I can't begin to explain how awesome she is. Compassion Conservative Loyal Funny When she has your back, she has it. She is a spit fire Plz Follow [USER] [URL]",not sexist Just watched the clip - looks like the old cow is chewing her cud.,not sexist "I think that if she doesn't laugh at that, then she's not worth it.",not sexist she's got that epic voice,not sexist "my dad was over 6foot my mom was 5'2"" guess who I took after lol",not sexist "Some people are still so stupid they try to appease violent savage bastards even though they want to kill her. She can't dance, she can't run a country, is there anything she can do without fucking it up? [URL]",not sexist "I don't understand the ""Volcel if you wouldn't"" posts. That girl's cute. I like tattoos on a girl. Respect for art.",not sexist She likes your company. She also wants to have her own independence. You want a relationship with a title. If you want a relationship with a title look elsewhere.,not sexist Leftist so called press and democrats angry over this pos being arrested. Turns out this illegal was wanted by Mexico (For Murder!!) and had an international warrant issued for his arrests. Too bad for his wife. Walk away democrats 👹,not sexist [URL] old lady of 92 isnt getting put in nursing home against her will. if you knew how bad some nursing homes can be. parents give you 18 yrs..cant you give them 5?! wtf.. [URL],not sexist "That part's not so hard for me, ""what are you doing today?"" sprinkle a compliment or two into the mix, close with her number or Facebook and go from there",not sexist They want equality only when it serves them!,not sexist only bad boys get with girls with boyfriends. you didnt make the move. its better to try and get rejected than to just get rejected. you dont want to date someone who's a cheater anyways ..,not sexist but we who reminded the masses where called crazy tin foil hat nut jobs haha whos the dumb asses now not us. [URL],not sexist That is fucking incel shit.,not sexist Good Lord above! You had to escape from that carefully. Don't want to piss off a witch.,not sexist He had some mother fucking chicken to buy. This is some excellent and slyly hilarious writing my friend. It kills me that when I try to pick up I fail but as soon as I fail to give a shit things start working.,not sexist "It's not a specific solution because the OP was asking specifically how to vet a *wife*. It is a solution to the broader question of ""how to avoid divorce rape.""",not sexist "Pull her aside and be a man. Tell her it's inappropriate to touch you like that because you only see her as a friend. If she can't handle that, let her go.",not sexist "Yet flip the genders around to this thread that has since been deleted, a man was told by his girlfriends ex that she was abusive and everyone flipped it around saying her ex was the abusive one trying to sabotage her new relationship! [URL]",not sexist "What is strange is that the media wonders why are people calling her a traitor. ""Nearly 900,000 refugees entered Germany in 2015 and roughly a third of that number last year. "" [URL]",not sexist This is about autism on women. Nobody cares about autistic men. They are subhumans to society,not sexist Yeah I understand some girls get turned on by this but how can I find them lol? I can't just say to every girl I have no experience and hope they like it.,not sexist Now dat rubber rounds are badass they will mame dat shithead for life possibly make him / her disabled,not sexist "[USER] No no no, not a concern like that. Family mortality + dealing with countries to allow wives into it is all.",not sexist "Dont text for conversation, EVER. Keep an air of mystery about you. Easiest way to kill attraction is to talk to fucking much before you met up. Just simply text her and lock down a plan to go out with her. Thats it.",not sexist I can't wait to kill you fat alt lite kosher cock loving traitors. I'm going to burn you alive.,not sexist If Fidel had a daughter.,not sexist """Hi"" in Denmark, this is very unusual, so she is taken aback I think it's safe to assume that, yes, it did place in Denmark.",not sexist "How well this illustrates the whispered mantra in the women's room in graduate school: ""We are women, we have to be better to be good enough. Fortunately that is no problem."" Taken to heart, it was wise counsel for life.",not sexist Enjoyed the discussion about Kevin's 8mm porn collection and the news about the two satanic witch related follow up books!,not sexist Ugh I had a huge debate with an idiot friend of mine about this,not sexist "I think I'd like to take her to a park, as we're 18. So like, picnic sort of thing?",not sexist Actually no I take that back. I still stand by it cause I'm not cut out for seduction. I'm better off working on myself. Period.,not sexist [USER] that is because a full size podium would make her seem smaller when its just her on camera. I guess they forgot what happens when both are on camera,not sexist "LOL your a sanctimonious moron & I wish you well... ""Come out of her my people"" red & scarlet upon the seven hills....🙏",not sexist Pompous asshole Dems show why the paying people of the USA deplore what the Beltway has become! Pathetic display of moronic childishness!,not sexist my queen spitting mad knowledge as always,not sexist ...or it it the New York City Ballet? (incredibly hot women confuse me),not sexist "NYT and Asian ""part ways."" But why on earth was she hired in the first place? (ANSWER: she's NOT WHITE.) [URL]",not sexist Winnie the Pooh gets all the honies!,not sexist being a NoDak--I'm livid--the woman sold her soul for that Senate seat and now is sucking up to the Republicans because her record will get her fired---ought to make her walk--,not sexist Another pic of this scum. He loves that hat.,not sexist The standards and dreamy expectations are wrong with men.,not sexist "My lovely ex wife enjoyed ""Sex in the City"" I watched an episode the other day. Talk about degeneracy and they have puffed that ugly Jewess up as a good sort. Were they all Jewesses?",not sexist "Your Sodomite priesthood can't have women, so they rape and kill children. [URL]",not sexist "My own wife made rape accusations against me when we decided to split up. Now she's living in my house for free, while I am paying child support and defending myself in criminal court. She hasn't let me see my kids in over 4 months.",not sexist "Fuck her, and fuck paywalls too",not sexist SHE IS SO FUCKIN' STUPID but the more stupid ones are those who kept electing her and doesn't say much for them. NO WONDER CALI is in such a bad shape !,not sexist "Butt,true to form..she was talking from her ass.. always hard to tell from a pic.. LOSER",not sexist she must be HIGH. well her first name is Poppy,not sexist "I beat off everyday, nofap is impossible.",not sexist "I'm a East asian male, doesn't change fact that south and western asian men treat their women like shit tho",not sexist "Stop being a debby downer, fatass.",not sexist "So, the entire philosophy grooms them to appeal to these women. The they hate that they have to deal with these women.... OK.... Makes sense...",not sexist Some of them are calling out on her bullshit it's hilarious.,not sexist And he literally hunts women for fun. With dogs and shit.,not sexist "MAY 16, 2018 Germany: Gang of six men lift woman's skirt and stroke her leg on a subway train, record the sexual assault on video Fair Use: [URL] ~ Jihadi Watch",not sexist "yeah you are not ugly, but probably sexually unattractive enough to women. Being average or normie is not enough in 2020. Your looksmatch has other 100 better options consisting from chadlets.",not sexist Watch how Jimmy Carr deals with hecklers. It's just a shit test.,not sexist "Nice try, Kike. Only Kikes and Kike-lovers use the Jew-invented epithet ""Nazi."" Now, go fucking kill yourself.",not sexist "When we kept mongrels out of the schools, this stuff didn't happen.",not sexist I wonder why he didn't molest Indian women? Kid in a candy store?,not sexist "I said to you that she does not have an Irish accent. If you are more concerned about her accent, birthplace and sexuality than her politics, then that goes some way towards explaining why the UK has become a political shitshow.",not sexist "Emasculation causes boys to want to commit suicide, and the rest have bangs, tight jeans, talk like girls and never planted a tree.. #Trump #News #CuckVille",not sexist "I love how these posts are meant to insult the kids/students, when in reality its the dumbass parents/teachers who did this crap. Parents - raise kids this way Kids - turn out this way Parents - \*stunned pikachu face\*",not sexist "Ugh. I just read the FLR links, and I don't know whether to feel sad that some men are this desperate for female companionship and a ""relationship"" that they'll turn over their dignity and independence... or to feel disgusted about it.",not sexist "I have always been a woman...but thank you any way for the compliment, and thank you for the great post...good riddance to the #PigPoopMcCain!",not sexist "Very, very few women have sex based on looks. There are men who actually believe this. Good god. I would love to show you my Tinder account.",not sexist "It's not Christian to wish this piece of crap to feel as much pain as Owens' widow, but damn it's hard sometimes.",not sexist I'm willing to listen to how they describe such devices as tools of rape and assault.,not sexist Historical revisionist Robert Faurrison has passed away from a heart attack at the age of 90 after returning from his victory in London. Rest in Peace. [URL],not sexist Damage control shills in overdrive attempting to spin. #releasethefuckingmemo [URL],not sexist Where are the skinheads,not sexist Your devoted husband of ten years would leave you instantly if she so much as smiled at him.,not sexist "You're not trying. You stand and admire from afar and put her in your spank bank for when you get home. It's a numbers game. Talk to one, and if she blows you off move on to the next one. That's what Chad does. News flash: Chad strikes out, too.",not sexist "[USER] Exactly! it started to sound like ""I'm for women's rights but only for women in America."" & sadly that has not changed.",not sexist Don't forget how the (((Jews))) try to force the idea on white girls that black men have bigger dicks than white men and the way they promote black culture over white culture. All this is purely to destroy us as a people.,not sexist Swiss woman abducted in Sudan freed by security forces [URL],not sexist To me nothing is more sexy than a truly intelligent woman (or man),not sexist "Wonder how many pantsuits hillary's soiled since realizing her bud, Huma, has been building up an 'insurance policy' against the #ClintonCrimeFamily.",not sexist We all start somewhere. If I would have bought stock instead of flowers for chicks back in the day...,not sexist "Touch'e Julie! God does not make mistakes, He never has or ever will. He creates males and females, not its!! Not men inside a woman's body or a woman inside a mans body!!",not sexist "Here's a hint: He didn't, and went out of his way to state that he's trying to explain the lack of women in STEM from a biological perspective.",not sexist beat my ass then daddy,not sexist "[USER] Merkel started out doing fairly well. Then, it seems she just went nuts.",not sexist "I scored a date with a girl because she thought my snaps were hilarious, been dating for 3 weeks now gonna ask her out tomorrow lol 👍",not sexist "off of ""Pretty Little Fuck Machine""...",not sexist [URL] Has Huma decided to cut a deal yet? It's her best chance to stay out of prison and keep her kid....,not sexist "Thanks for sharing, posted a video about this but this is more concise. also Honk mother fucking honk honk motherfuckers...",not sexist Did she ever object to the invasion of her country if not this is the unfortunate outcome of a stupid decision,not sexist "Oh, do you also remember that incel post about how women's love of horses comes from a history of cuckholdry, riding off who knows where to fuck the Chad the next town over?",not sexist For sure. I need to keep it up and this was a great start! I need to work on not getting hung up on a girl though,not sexist "goosebumps and hairs on their end, a sound that it is from the top drawer , by a bunch of good old aussies, who are teenagers, outstanding sound",not sexist "I remember when I first heard about this story. I also remember that Snopes said it was ""fake news"". I feel so dumb for even doubting it now. What Jayla & her family have endured is so horrifying. That judge is a SCUMBAG!",not sexist Yeah I had this whole conversation with Alcade and .... Oblivia? I think the other day about that she showed me one who followed like 100000 ppl which is insane. I didn't know that about Jeffy so the joke obviously went over my head sorry,not sexist "Alright, so the reason why women should get automatic custody of the child is because women are the ones that give birth? You consider that a good reason? Then you are an idiot.",not sexist "Trending on Twitter now, FYI: Mike Pence getting mocked for not going out to dinner with women other than his wife. [URL]",not sexist "If he thinks Amish women are hot, he'd get a serious hate boner if saw a woman in a burqa.",not sexist We come for your women!,not sexist they almost deserve it for unleashing Merkel (hitlers daughter) and Hitler on the West.,not sexist "Yea her face probably will give me nightmares, dammit I got to go to bed now",not sexist "Nice #ASEANPOL stunt. [URL] You said your daughter is 13 years old and lesbo, that means you can't get the the ACT homocops to report me for breaking a law not even in #AusFam [URL]",not sexist you're wrong. its your shitty attitude that is turning them off.,not sexist "Yeah, fucking Huge Ackman is 1.88m. I guess you can't have a short protaganist or no one would take him seriously.",not sexist Of course it's a cute little White girl because Satan rewards kikes for harming Whites.,not sexist I would prefer if pics like this werent posted on this sub tbh.There's enough objectifying of women everywhere else.,not sexist 12 years is an absolute joke - even hanging is too good for this evil p.o.s.,not sexist She mightve been a he. [URL],not sexist "Think it for urself first. Ur communicating u to her by communicating with her, so whatever I say won't be genuinely u as I am not u. If u r still stuck lmk and I'll write u out something :)",not sexist She sucks bro that shit happened to me and when i ghosted her because i felt disrespected she asked me to fuck so maybe u should do that,not sexist "Have you seen or heard 'ole Nancy Pelosi lately, she is FUCKED.....in the head",not sexist I watched the Hollywood elite call Ann Coulture a cunt 17 times during a comedy central roast. I can only imagine how great she feels today! #MAGA #PresidentTrump #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #GabFam #News,not sexist "Man caught by #Pedophile hunters while trying to meet girl, 13 [URL]",not sexist "This was really good, that lady was super receptive and so was the backpack guy!",not sexist Yeah I definitely like dogs more than I do niggers.,not sexist She looks like a female Hitler.. [URL],not sexist She's obviously insane and hate filled. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't quietly hate herself.,not sexist Please rape me. [URL],not sexist "We already knew she won't say ""jew""; add ""commie"".",not sexist When will our white woman wake up,not sexist DAY 3 6 5 NO BIG FISH IN J A I L ___________________ Only 3 small fish you can argue [USER] Manifort from 2013 Weiner for sex texting Awan for bank fraud,not sexist Clinton slips twice during trip to India - five months after she broke her toe in a London hotel [URL] She is there promoting her book explaining her 2016 presidential loss,not sexist Miss Rage after Storm. Wish she would return.,not sexist And you have saved how many from an ass kicking.,not sexist "IMHO- She spent 7 hours waiting for you to fuck her, then left feeling rejected.",not sexist Work on being less shy. Ask her out on a date for example. You got to go beyond the comfort zone to grow,not sexist "Men will pay, one way or the other",not sexist Reese Fallon identified as woman killed in Toronto Greektown mass shooting [URL] via [USER],not sexist Don't get too excited. We still don't know whether we can trust the ex-boyfriend's letter. He has yet to establish credibility by coming out as a woman.,not sexist Top most part of humanity Statistically she's way off. Men are overrepresented in the extremes of almost every trait.,not sexist She just could name her chad or some fake dude as the winner.,not sexist So glad to be alive and chasing a dream. Thankful for my gorgeous daughters and my stunning and amazing wife. #HabitCrusher,not sexist "No women in the photo. Lacks female representation. Patriarchal appropriation of the circle, a female shape, and cooking, a female invention. This photo is visual rape. /s",not sexist "Lol, most lesbians I know are very attractive and feminine. People think that masculine lesbians are more common because they are more 'noticeable'. Those two blondes in high heels and dresses on a night out? They're gay bro.",not sexist "I don't really care much about a life partner, but in the case I did, I would care less how much sex she had before",not sexist it was her show...FUCK ABC...FUCK THE OTHER ACTORS ON THE SHOW...they should have backed Roseanne ...they could have gone to another network......BUT...they are fuckin cowards.. afraid to back the person who gave them thier job in the first place,not sexist NOW FOLKS KNOW WHO TO VOTE AGAINST..,not sexist "[[URL] According to this study, young men are less likely to get treatment than young women.",not sexist """ching chang ching choke on a dong"" Fucking KEK.",not sexist "taxi driver, drive, blade runner 2049, her, joker what are some other incel core movies to watch?",not sexist 21 MONTHS? It's a slap on the wrist AND a slap in the face to the little girls & their families he affected. #Shameful,not sexist I love everything about thick thighs and a tight core on a girl.,not sexist "Peter Peacock's sperm donation was meant to be anonymous. Decades later, an Australian law erased his anonymity and brought him a daughter. [URL] [URL] [URL]",not sexist "Shirley Temple, the little girl who captured America's heart, was supposedly groped by Hollywood executives back then [URL] #Disgusting",not sexist "Well, might have read over the 2nd date thing. Kino her, make her talk, make a connection (there are ways to manage this). If you get any kind of positive vibe, kiss her. Fortune favors the bold.",not sexist "And wait until he's 30 with a great job, perfect credit, a house, and savings, then marry the first financial trainwreck that looks his way.",not sexist I know right? Maybe she likes his strength but his long ass nails are hurting her when he fingers her.,not sexist That is why penalties similar to those used on witches in the middle ages may be required. Be sure to downvote any post containing such a spam link.,not sexist "It's a car accident, frustrating in anyone's eyes no matter how minor. Be a gentleman: check if she's ok (no fluffing about and posturing - a quick 'hope you're ok'), accept, and reschedule.",not sexist """hotdog"" = boy ""pizza"" = girl ""cheese"" = little girl ""pasta"" = little boy ""ice cream"" = male prostitute ""walnut"" = person of colour ""map"" = semen ""sauce"" = orgy #PedoWood #PizzaGate #PedoGate [URL]",not sexist "When the Muslims take Europe they will the kill and/or deport white men and enslave the women into sex camps. Whites will be banned from the terroritory. Glad I traveled western Europe when I did, in the 1980s and 90s.",not sexist "That means federal laws requiring states to give gay marriage licenses, let abortion providers operate, ®️ulations allowing boys in girls' bathrooms &locker rooms can also be ignored. [URL] #TCOG #MAGA #GOP #Conservatives #Christians",not sexist I bet 'illary is foregoing her normal speaking fee in lieu of a donation.,not sexist "she's not doing that for other people. she's doing it for attention. ""boo hoo look at me i dated men that looked like they had good personalities boo hoo now im ready to settle down with some timid balding beta teehee""",not sexist "Could you imagine being such a faggot cuck that you aim a rifle at white schoolgirls and under orders of someone else? The whole 1 based grandpa muttering ""we fought the wrong side"" is bullshit, they were unanimously cucks and traitors",not sexist "Just for the record, my stance on loli girls is that they are fictional pictures, so it is legal. However, if I see naked pre-pubescent loli girls filling up my timeline, especially sexually explicit, I will mute you. I don't like seeing that shit.",not sexist This is the same retarded logic that fucked twitter for all of us...if GAB is going to claim to stand for free speech then it should stand for all speech,not sexist "Democrats on the JC are saying Ford's testimony was ""powerful and credible"" when by any objective standard Ford shot hole all through her credibility!!!",not sexist "Looks don't matter if people see your race as inferior and anything you touch/wear/do is considered ""ghetto""",not sexist "I say we start a GofundMe account, we'll have the funds before you know it LOL! See how the Marxist Democrats take to that!",not sexist "even though promiscuous is inherently disadvantageous to all men in society and therefore they've evolved to hate it Sure, but you can't really use ""we're hard wired to do it!"" as an excuse for behavior in this day and age.",not sexist "Lmao you spend all your time lurking on relationship and other gay subs and I think you've supported the woman every time without fail, one day you will get sick and realise telling them their boyfriend needs to improve isn't gonna make them fuck you",not sexist "Mondoweiss spoke to the mother of #RazanNajjar, a 21-year-old medic killed earlier this week by an Israeli sniper while tending to protesters medical needs. [URL] [URL]",not sexist "Lmao, logic is giga cuck. He put his ex wife on his album cover and not long after she divorced him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA",not sexist "George Soros' fingerprints seem to be everywhere. ""liberal women who are connected to George Soros""",not sexist Remember...if the Preds win the cup she will be on the ice to celebrate. Its the Pens win....I shudder to think about it,not sexist "[USER] Nothing ever comes before personal interest, for anybody. My daughter's well-being is my personal interest. Threaten her, and I keel you. For some, the state is their personal interest.",not sexist She fucked him. Go fuck other women. Stop being exclusive with her and stop agreeing to be exclusive with any woman. You should not be an LTR if you actually believe the shit she is spewing.,not sexist "You can be MGTOW and still have a gf/wife. The very name of the idea means charting your own course. Take the idea, heed the wisdom, listen to the story and know you're always welcome here.",not sexist his mother must have messed up breastfeeding or potty training him,not sexist Absolutely true... she's mad cool as a person though. It's just this extra shit...,not sexist "They can't turn the steering wheel with those tiny, tiny, wrists.",not sexist A man is no good to anyone if he can't do the job he was paid to do,not sexist Lol at your downvotes. If you're going to shit on a group at least be self aware about it.,not sexist [USER] Is she a girl? Is she hot?,not sexist "You are way too young for any serious ""slapped or go home"" strategies. You just need to get comfortable talking to girls. It will be at least a decade before you are banging random women in fancy restaurant bathrooms.",not sexist I'm just saying that the trend has been sex journals rather than clearly articulating how to effectively communicate our value such that women (or partners) will want to share that value with you.,not sexist /pol/ is eating the shit up thanks for the content ((( jew nigger ))),not sexist Trump takes more flak daily for doing good than Hellary has for her career of crime.,not sexist "Fine, women who were born women with female body and female anatomy.",not sexist """for fucks sake! all the founders were racists just like deray says they were!!""",not sexist It's okay to not have dinner with women not your wife. [URL],not sexist I wrote my email to the NYC woman doing this. I expect the police to knock a bit later or tomorrow as she's probably at the bar by now being Friday! A pox I say!,not sexist Asian-white intermarriage is enormous LMAO the white man only registers Asian women as human.,not sexist Next time make your intentions clear and dont be afraid to flirt with her.,not sexist ewwww. filtering again? And not blonde...oh yeah because you called blonde #white women sluts isn't it? you're still ugly INSIDE AND OUT....YOUR LIES WILL EAT YOU AWAY.,not sexist "I like how she tries to tell the train ""just a minute"" just before she gets hit.",not sexist LMAO!!!! As a woman I take great offense to this.... (ok I really don't... it's totally true!!!) The best thing you can do in this situation is to ask which flavor the next carton should be.,not sexist "Before the #HillaryEmails exposed her treasonous #PayForPlay, there were plenty of reasons to arrest #Hillary. Read👉🏽 [URL] #MAGA #Trump #DrainTheSwamp #SpiritCooking #Tcot #CrookedHillary #Vote",not sexist Man gets 60 years in prison for murdering and abducting 15-month-old girl who was found #raped and #strangled to death.~These types of #PedoFiles deserve the #DeathPenalty. #NoCure4Pedophilia [URL],not sexist Personality will come before looks 8/10 times for girls,not sexist "Ugh, whatever you misandristic nut. Hopefully your daughters take after their poor dad. I'm done with this.",not sexist "Lizzo wouldn't screw you. When she has access to hot white, black, Asian guys etc.",not sexist Fox runs story on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz losing her cookies at FBI Director Comey with pic of Trump..Here's her best quote as DNC Chair,not sexist you would reject a currycel pajeet like me for white men,not sexist "well, i'll send prayers, work hard and sleep well, ma'am...... and don't take any crap",not sexist "After the Nazi Germans were driven out in WWII by the Allies, French women who had ""fraternized"" (i.e. willingly had sex with) German soldiers were publicly shamed & had their hair shorn off by their country men.",not sexist "We just placed Ariel Dumas' mentally sick, perverted, sadistic, liberal, tweet about ruining Brett Kavanaugh's life on www.NoWhitesAllowed,com Gave her her own special page, too.",not sexist The girls are... difficult. Must calibrate.,not sexist Your mother enjoyed it. [URL],not sexist ICYMI> Ivanka Trump verbally abused by Hillary supporter on JetBlue flight with her children present. Wow liberals are disgusting! Who attacks a woman with 3 young children next to her? Pure evil [URL],not sexist Plot twist: he's related to one of the girls.,not sexist Piss off fakecel.,not sexist She can go back to her own country. She'd go to Israel but they'd call her a monkey and deport her to Africa.,not sexist "Cassandra has the urge to kick, and kicking balls is her main urge! In this video: BALL SQUEEZING, BALLBUSTING, BALLS, CBT, FEET, FEMALE WORKOUT, FEMDOM, KICKING Starring: Cassandra Cain Full Video & Free Trailer at: [URL]",not sexist Honestly most women want sex at their place.,not sexist Say you also don't date white guys/girls and high-five her or something,not sexist "it's time for her to go or penalties imposed ! i don't care if she's negro ! MR Florida Governor , won't you follow Gov Abbott's lead in this matter, please we need you. she's not just Florida's problem ! she's a problem for all true Americans !",not sexist We're about to smack Turkey for buying (sanctioned) Russian arms. Makes sense they'd take their gold home.,not sexist "The shit where he calls her from the payphone is the best part. When he says ""Welcome to hell"" I lose my shit every time.",not sexist "And this ^^^ is the way bigots act. Christ I hope you didn't/don't procreate. You're no more fit to be in society or be a parent than the psychotic woman in the article. Edit: ""rasist bigots""",not sexist "What percentage of the gifts made to her was the amount from the top donors? Also, we know that American Jews are 75% Leftist. No surprise there, but also not anomalous in their zip codes.",not sexist "If you accept the smart ones into western society, their cohorts lose the smart ones, and they never progress. True story, Bro.",not sexist I believe one of the comments to the article pointed out a specific example: all will be fine and dandy until the Muslims start demanding 9-year-old Latinas for wives.,not sexist Yeah even very attractive women will get more attention online than in person. I'm sure kim Kardashian gets more ig DMs than men who just straight up approach her in person. The latter is more intimidating,not sexist "Hey remember that time those white teens gang raped and old black woman and then set her on fire after? Yeah, me neither.",not sexist "yep, Jew Shackna, CEO of Medicis bound up his gf and hung her off a balcony in his mansion in SD a few yeras ago. Ruled a (((suicide))) [URL]",not sexist "Quran: ""Thou may BEAT THE SHIT out of your wife. Just not ABOVE THE NECK."" Hey Keith, why did your girlfriend have a black eye the size of a salad bowl? Keith Ellison (woman beater, Muslim): ""Because she aint my wife."" Keith Ellison scored.",not sexist Giga-cope,not sexist But...but...the future is shemale...err...female..! Hillary said...,not sexist They are specific about which ones she hates and all are not members of this sub. You are allowed to insult non members.,not sexist man I think that honesty is the key here so just tell her directly if you want to move to next step or you want her to move with you. Stop playing games man only if you want her back only for sex!,not sexist He might leave yes but he might not. The woman might find something she likes and he doesn't and that becomes a deal breaker for her too. This works both ways.,not sexist "Basically, he wants little girls who have the intellctual achievements of thirty year old women.",not sexist Aye it is such a taboo territory...like the black caucus ...pointing out the BC is for blax alone and not Americans is taboo fucking Diane is an open gun grabber and Erin Cruz seems to be an Israel first kind of gal interesting take on PN [URL],not sexist "I'm very curious, assuming you're still married, how does your wife react when you teach your sons about not marrying?",not sexist "I have been dead twice, pretty hard not to know what happens . But I don't care what you think, You like it here buckle up otherwise get ready to go home quick. I don't say be afraid. I never said your going to hell. But if you like it her, saddle up",not sexist I think all the effort she's asking for would be wasted on her!,not sexist We definitely need more black and brown girls for r/heyanon. I'm bored of seeing the same stupid white girls everywhere.,not sexist Both parents are college professors. Is it any wonder she felt it is ok to date a black man? I have no sympathy for these girls. We all know that most of these relationships end in trauma.,not sexist A kilt allows a sporran. I don't see many skirts with usable pockets.,not sexist "Is it really hard to come up with a decision? Should be obvious with the lines she throws. Not even married, yet demands everything. Where do we dump a litter? In a trashcan.",not sexist I'd rather not be a source of some pretty girls virtue signaling. I am not a step towards their pursuit to become the 2nd youngest female billionaire.,not sexist "So, I'm in high school, and I want to better my conversational skills w girls (I'm rlly bad at it rn). What should I do to practice? Should I talk with random people?",not sexist Absolutely no comparison. Setting up missile battery's that could harm our Homeland was an entirely different situation.,not sexist Would you want to be known as the dude that got raped by his girlfriend? Plus that not only ruins her it ruins her family. And her family treated me like a son from day one. I don't want anyone else's life getting turned upside down from this.,not sexist "Just tell her you have your own life and don't feel like doing it. If she persists tell her that it's not going to happen and drop it. She isn't your wife, and she's obviously a controlling one since she's asking instead of your actual brother.",not sexist I originally thought Nix was the last name...it really is Nixon. The youth is related to the woman who wrote As a World Turns soap opera.,not sexist "What an insult to the paki being smacked about by a woman, they can't stand that, at least she stood up to him as it sounds like he called her an insulting name.",not sexist "[USER] Hey what happen, ur white skin hurt u in the sun or what? did u rea about how ur rape god fucked a 12 year old girl. Shame on that book u read and force other nation to read it.",not sexist "A female colleague said, ""You men are all so rude. How would you like it if I kept leering at you, slapped your arse every day, and made lewd comments every time I saw you?"" ""Is this a trick question?""",not sexist "Stay strong, Toronto. Oh wait. Multicult has ensured you will never be strong again. I'm sad for the victims of the van attack. Something is so fucking wrong with this society.",not sexist Who does this drag queen look like?,not sexist "Seems like allowing burqas doesn't really give them choice, and banning burqas doesn't give them choice either. But you don't like the burqa, so it seems obvious which side you should pick, given that your priority (choice) isn't achievable.",not sexist Hell hath no fury like a woman groped.,not sexist "Fuck no! He's an incel - he'd be a virgin loser with, or without my height.",not sexist "The difference is that there is *never* a reason to use force to ""discipline"" your partner. They're a grown adult, not a child",not sexist she was kinda gay back in 2014 but it now gay is for gays,not sexist How do you idiots keep falling for onion headlines? *Reductress* is literally an onion website parodying women's issues.,not sexist This needs to be upvoted more because the instance is almost exactly similar minus sexual assault.,not sexist Yea but from his daughter? That has got to hurt.,not sexist [URL] Snoop Dogg's cousin placed a hit on Kanye.,not sexist I fear she may go swimming and trigger a tsunami. Jeebus!!!,not sexist "This is a superb post. I'd just like to add as a colored man that I have nothing but respect for White men, and I think the demonization of White males is horrifying.",not sexist "Dude, it's just one girl. You don't even know her.",not sexist lol your mom is awalt and you don't even realize it.,not sexist They already got their dicks sucked.,not sexist Indeed they do. Personally I'm more of a dog person. So dog girls would be great.,not sexist "Detroit and I'm sure some other places were the first warning, yet no one did anything and now it's far too late. You'd need a nuclear blast to clean those places up now, because they sure as hell don't make bleach strong enough.",not sexist Sorry to say but it's lost! If you really want to finish her the best approach I think would let her coming to you by posting stories on your social medias.,not sexist "GOWDY: FBI CONCEALED HILLARY CLINTON'S ROLE IN STEELE DOSSIER 'They could have easily said it was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. That would have been really easy,' he says [URL]",not sexist lmao go fuck yourself cuck,not sexist Christine Todd Whitman is a dopey woman. Trump doesn't need anyone. Politicians need Trump.,not sexist Dallas police officer arrested after killing man inside apartment she wrongly thought was her own home. [URL] [URL],not sexist "Good Morning Jim, God Bless America, she is under attack. On that happy note, Enjoy your day",not sexist "Frankenstein said she only had 5 mins then had to leave, She was asked to leave, there was information in the 45 page report that implicated her in this fraud, and now she knows she is in deep shit! That's why she looked so nervous, and stressed.",not sexist "What???? what cases? that is beyond insane. how the fuck? really? god damn, I really hate the government",not sexist They'd freak the hell out. But we're not trying to become the offendatrons we're trying to point out how dumb they are.,not sexist "Okay I agree on 2nd look, she looks half black. But she does have a nice hairy bush. Anyway thanks for not getting all mad at me and allowing me to express myself.",not sexist Then it isn't mgtow if you need to pick up the slack for a woman. Again you miss the point. Over and over and over.,not sexist "Warning about what? That women are evil, not trust worthy, etc? Might as well just go gay if you hate women that much.",not sexist LOL. This totally made my day!,not sexist [USER] easier to cut carrots that way ma'am,not sexist Is she refusing to refund the money you paid her for sex work?,not sexist Just keep fantasizing about women till you groe old and die. Nowadays it's almost impossible get gfs for the average man,not sexist "The very fact that instead of saying ""well some men don't want women, whatevs"" you say ""they must be some creepy rejects that no one wants to fuck anyway"" clearly demonstrates the gynocentric expectations you have of men to perform.",not sexist Lol my mom won't let me use her shit when we come and visit because I left 4chan up.once and she flipped out. They won't even give me the WiFi password anymore lol,not sexist "Unusually accurate and unbiased short biography of #AdolfHitler's sister, Paula Hitler. [URL]",not sexist I'm a fucking female you fucking dipshit.,not sexist Sweden: Muslim migrants who raped woman as their friend laughed and livestreamed it over Facebook are charged [URL],not sexist That's right just contribute to society so that chad and staiecies lives are so much better well you rot from loneliness. Isn't that a beautiful image.,not sexist Unless she wants to jump into sex right away and she has sex for the sake of sex. Sex compatibility is important for some women to take their decision too.,not sexist "How dare you! Breaking up with her is one thing, but why'd you have to beat her? Wtf? I mean, she said you did it, so obviously you must have done it. /s",not sexist "If you're not enough of a MAN for all dem curves you're not worth her time! She's not a woman, she's a #WOMAN",not sexist "Wow if she's fucked off to be a porn star, you really don't want any of that. I'd totally ditch her belongings at a mutual connection's place and let them know you never want to speak to her. You deserve better my dude.",not sexist "You bet they did not, they are quietly taking over with the blessing of the Liberal Left idiots.",not sexist "Kathy Griffin Uses Trump Insults to Get Attention Again Loser Kathy Griffin trying to make headlines again, they should prosecute her! [URL]",not sexist "Is she hoping the rest will grow back? Some people are great at escaping their handlers, but still suck at life.",not sexist Doesn't matter what she thinks. She is an opportunistic evil woman that is manipulating you. Don't feel bad,not sexist "the same goes for women to be honest, im not attracted to meek, clingy women that will just give it up whenever i want it, where's the fun in that",not sexist Jetzt auch in #Deutschland Another fella kills another old woman --We cannot arrest our way out of this [URL],not sexist Shit like this is why the sub has such a negative cloud over it.,not sexist [URL] Lol. Cheating Black woman pretends to be sex doll when discovered. How stupid can one get.,not sexist "You have do draw your boundary. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable and you'd appreciate it if she would stop. Don't be a dick, but make sure she knows. Otherwise, she'll keep doing it.",not sexist her clone will be sentenced and hung,not sexist "The word that gets you banned from the Progressive Social Media platform ""NIGGER"" Oh wait there I said it ""NEGRO"" , are you going to persecute me for a thought crime?",not sexist "Yeah, we grow out of that, we never actually marry those guys. Once we enter the work force we get to date who we really want- the guys in their 40s.",not sexist "I'd say your conclusion also works in reverse, minus the first sentence. All females aren't necessarily looking for an alpha male by the strict definition of the term but it is essential to remember that your s.o. does not define you.",not sexist "More shitty Leto II Atreides and his Golden Path. CHIM, these morons would at least just zero-sum, and thus leave everyone alone. Instead, they're trying to achieve the Golden Path, but instead it's an awful theory about why hating women is right.",not sexist it will certainly clarify mockery if we can format quotes so they are the dumb things someone else said rather than the dumb things we said ourselves,not sexist The young demon rat terroristsz are the thigs that should be rejected.,not sexist Cathy Obrien describes how Hillary Clinton raped her #pizzagate [URL],not sexist "I have a cat. He's cool as fuck. Don't need to walk him, don't need to watch him or entertain him. He just sleeps on my bed every now and again.",not sexist "Here's a fix to the male and female equal shit, just simply stop slapping men on tough guy shit and women on feminine shit just buy a dude and a girl on grill or some shit",not sexist WTF is a trap. I keep seeing this. repeatedly. it's annoying. I think they're gay for this reason alone.,not sexist "Red Nation Rising [USER] 17m 17 minutes ago More Ever been fired for being a lying, dishonest, unethical employee? Hillary Clinton has. (Watergate ) I thank God every day that she is NOT our !!!",not sexist Muslim trainee lawyer beat up girlfriend over fear pregnancy would be revealed [URL] #Pregnant #Muslims #Refugees #Immigration #Lawyer #Solicitor #England #UK #Migrants #Women #Safety,not sexist Have you peeped out her social media? Might give you some clues. I'd flirt with her a little and see if she flirts back. A girl of integrity in a happy relationship shouldn't return your advances.,not sexist "Judge Brett Kavanaugh breaks down in tears over his 10 year-old daughter's suggestion that they pray for ""that woman."" [URL]",not sexist "You're pretty funny for a #Snowflake - but I'll ask you now goat - is your mommies basement ""finished"" or do you need your blankie in the winter? #StayInSchool and #SayNoToDrugs and #MAGA baby! <-- That outta #Trigger this kid!",not sexist "Incels in real life are ussually the shy and quiet guy that doesn't talk to anyone, yet I will still be called an asshole just because I want love and a girlfriend.",not sexist """Gender"" is a ""social constructivist"" notion. The sexes are male and female. Genders are abstract groups and not the same as actual physical things, such as the sexes.",not sexist Force acceptance of the gay/trans lifestyle is a communist goal in an effort to destroy morality which is required for it to take hold.,not sexist "Tbh, having a lot of black homies, they tell me its harder. Only a select few black dudes , get the ladies. They're either the funny ones or the ones that are borderline gay with the way they dress and shit. It just appears that way",not sexist "Oh heck, I'm not arguing bout anything. We both know Hillary is a witch. Let's just let it stay at that. We cld go back & forth on details. Let's just agree to be Gabfam. How's that.",not sexist People also get sick from roller coasters so don't fuck up,not sexist "Before! Since then she has laid low (well, okay, lowish), but has plans to introduce a new and more virulent strain of typhoid and cholera to the natives!",not sexist Yeah I'm totally against dismissing the power of femininity. Women can be powerful with feminine or masculine tools. Mastery of the masculine should never be seen as the legitimization of the feminine.,not sexist girls find that shit hot? they're sub 8s,not sexist "Watched video. One brave women. I would, of course, never suggest extrajudicial punishment as it would be illegal. Someone needs to be on the asses of the cops.",not sexist "I'm pretty libertarian, but I have lines. If you're raising your boy as a girl, I really can't regard it as anything but child abuse. Stop destroying our young boys with this crap.",not sexist "Got a friend who stutters. He's moving to the USA after he met a yank woman, they hit it off when he spent time in Boston. Been chatting via the internet after his visit. He's a bit younger than me (41). So, you can't say never",not sexist "Yeah, that about covers it. Still doesn't explain why random idiots on Reddit get so offended by it.",not sexist And I have said that I don't disagree that men use that language as in the same words etc. I said that I disagree that men share those sentiments about women among each other.,not sexist "Welcome proof that not all college kids are brain dead SJW's. There is hope after all! ""We reject the McCarthy-esque witch-hunting which has taken place,"" the letter reads.[URL]",not sexist """Banging women"" is just another way of saying ""having sex with women"".",not sexist may st.Blackopscel make the ball float across the ocean to his girl,not sexist "Jesus, what was this about the Daily Stormer? I know they are gook lovers, but was there some proclamation or something? I've always thought of them as a severe bunch of homosexuals with their disgust of white women.",not sexist "None. I don't have a wife, because I AM a wife, lol! Btw, the hub and I have no children.",not sexist No I wasn't I went for it. But her head was turned and she's a big girl (6') so I didn't want to force it.,not sexist 1. Stop masturbating so much 2. Talk to your doctor Only then worry about keeping this girl. Its gonna be her decision. Not yours. If she says its a deal breaker it is.,not sexist [USER] They show the interview. It's fucking classic. He's destroyed.,not sexist "Ladies, Rather be in a room w/ Trump TALKING about ""pussy"" -Or be in a room w/ Hillary's foreign owners while they chop girl's clits??😑 #FGM",not sexist "I am not a ""White Trash Tranny Meth Whore."" I am a White woman and you hate me for it #VileJewLiar",not sexist You tried too hard. Tone down your interest level. Women can judge this shit.,not sexist "Oh, my bad. This is definitely Meg Ryan. You can tell because she's so quirky.",not sexist China...what's her name...Demonrats shill.,not sexist [USER] Isn't she the one that openly said her Hispanicness would influence her decisions? How did that not disqualify her from ever sitting on a case?,not sexist """Hamstering"" is how it's generally used, meaning rationalization of one's actions. The poster you're replying to used it a bit jokingly, saying that it only took four hours of her head swirling before she hamstered out a reason to get with OP.",not sexist I know..... How much do women just expect from us?!?,not sexist "if she has been circumcised like a lot of African women, you are getting a dry hole.",not sexist "The whole triracial ""I'm not white so I can't be racist"" vox meme is so cucky. Shabbos goys while Milo makes shekels selling ""it's ok to be white"" t shirts coopting 4chan",not sexist Your father reaming out your midget bunghole after your mom goes to bed doesn't count.,not sexist "Funny, how no one is tearing down anything related to these Jew hating scum",not sexist "She was obviously waiting for you to do the move. She now sees u as less of a man. Im not trying to be an asshole, but when you are with a girl dont think just do.",not sexist Common decency??? What? You're pathetic lmao,not sexist high iq. i got called out on this once for my female gtav character.,not sexist You sound like the type of girlfriend who annoys her boyfriend just to trigger some heated hate sex.,not sexist "Racism is not okay. Sexism is not okay. Scum like these girls, who have been caught committing a heinous hate crime with no regrets, don't deserve any respect or compassion whatsoever.",not sexist "if mi6 and gchq want bombings you will get it, uts always an inside job , they lock up innocent people",not sexist "This is what I am thinking too. This plate in particular is gaga over me because of the sex. My only question is if they haven't texted me in three weeks, that tells me she might have low interest.",not sexist They'll just deflect: Blah blah blah women were kept out of blah blah blah women's inventions were misattributed to blah blah blah you have a small penis blah blah blah.,not sexist I used to think girls were goddesses who need to be put on a pedastal all the time,not sexist Gun control hell moves closer. Would be zero guns with democrats. WTH is Comprehensive Background Checks & MentalHealth? Who is empowered to dictate mental health? Church Neighbor Quack Exspouse girl/boyfriend OfficePolitics BLM Antifa? [URL],not sexist I can think of better words to identify this piece of shit by,not sexist "The funniest thing about this is that she had NO spike in sales after endorsing Hillary. Or, if she did, it certainly wasn't significant.",not sexist I'm pretty certain her parents paid for that [CUR]35K car and taught her zero responsibility. They may also have the bulk of her student loans and hence only a [CUR]20K tuition bill.,not sexist "Your own source literally shows that 14% of Asian women are married to white men, compare to 8% for Asian men married to white women. Are you dumb?",not sexist Illegal immigrants are stronger together. Deport mom and her spawn by dawn.,not sexist Let's see if i got this right . Inbred dogs are bad but inbred refugees should get [CUR]1600.00 a month and your house and wife if they want them and we should be joyful givers even or we are racist-phobics?,not sexist The good news is that the voices against Islam are on the rise.,not sexist I'd kill to look like the girls at the bottom!,not sexist GERMANY: Iranian Muslim attacker on the run after stabbing a woman to death [URL],not sexist "If anyone in this sub is complimenting women on the streets, they are doing it wrong. Once again, does not affect TRP, or any of its members. Only applies to BP'ers and beta supplicants.",not sexist Think of her sucking another dudes dick. Then imagine her wanting to come back to you. Fucking nasty,not sexist "Mark Steyn's FATWA review: ""In a saner world, Pamela Geller would not be 'controversial', but recognized as the brave indeed, fearless woman she is."" [URL]",not sexist "Yeah, I REALLY wanna go there. islam is a plague... a plague of lies, corruption, hate, fear, abuse, rape, slavery, female mutilation, perversion, bestiality, violence, bloody murder, war and evil. #EndIslam #FreeTommy",not sexist The DSM 6 will have half it's pages dedicated to the myriad of ailments this woman suffers under. WATCH: Hillary Rips 'Predominately White Women' Who Voted for Trump The Sean Hannity Show [URL],not sexist This has been on the news here for two days. They keep talking about outdated practices and such. All I see is a white girl being forcibly injured by FOUR black people.,not sexist Kaine is so creepy! (He looks like a raging alcoholic wife beater). Ick,not sexist We have a Bi-sexual that was born in Spain and her right hand Jewish henchwomen that got her into office running our State that need to be ousted.,not sexist Have Pocahontas randomly submit her DNA to someone who doesn't know it is hers DNA. THEN I'll believe it. Until then I'll continue to believe everything that comes out of a liberal's mouth is a lie. That baseline serves me well.,not sexist Have you seen the female only trains in Japan? [This is what happens if you enter one \(warning lower your volume before watching it\)]([URL],not sexist Everybody knew she was good for a few lies. Why else would she be Obama's UN ambassador?,not sexist "As a brown dude who've dated more white girls, I wonder what these morons have to say about me. 🤔",not sexist "Her rapist husband has a need of little boys too, she just likes the little girls. If Cathy O'Brien was lying she'd be dead. She lives to tell her story about what this freak woman did to her. Best learn the truth, lies help no one.",not sexist "'All incel brethren say ""amen"" - that's right - ""a man"", not ""a woman""' Ha ha ha, good cringe, thanks for the shitpost",not sexist ..and you do the hoky coky and thats what its all about,not sexist This is the sick ass clown who was having an affair with his grand daughter; who miraculously ended up dead. It's about time the #MeToo light shined on this pervert! #Ghost [URL],not sexist "What an awful story! The state and his cheating wife really screwed him. > ...however I beat the shit out of him, I broke his jaw in five places, I broke his arm and leg... Holy shit! I hadn't seen that coming.",not sexist Well you have about four more decades of it to swallow before we are even. Boo fucking hoo. Poor liberals having to eat the shit they usually feed to others. How terrible!,not sexist "This is not so much the wall as it is a crack case of a bygone Hollywood star unable to accept the fact that people age. Jesus, I mean she's 76 years old - plastic surgery will fuck you up.",not sexist Bet she'll jump on his dick in a heartbeat instajump ofc... sad but true,not sexist Found the incel 🤦🏼‍♂️,not sexist female political games Will you please elaborate on this a bit? What exactly are female political games?,not sexist nothing will happen to her but she'll continue working for big pharma's abortion pill company,not sexist 'All for nothing?' British soldier's rage as Taliban attack Afghan towns he once helped liberate [URL],not sexist Fuck off with the racist cope. There's a line between accepting curries having it harder and spewing racist garbage like this,not sexist "On May 28, 1994, their daughter Nicole married Tony Rodham, the younger brother of Hillary Clinton, in a ceremony at the White House attended by 250 guests.",not sexist "Misplaced trust [USER] - women lie like anyone else, as recently proved by Christine Ford! Theresa may has been lying for two years.",not sexist Fuck that shit! If men can't control themselves looking at a women the men need to be killed off. Forcing women into this bullshit is 7th century shit. Islam needs to get into the 21 century or be removed from the earth.,not sexist I take it you are implying I should be nice to her? She was jokingly telling me that she told her mom (who I already knew) that I was an asshole. Maybe I should tone down the teasing and sarcasm?,not sexist La verite finira pas triompher - The truth will not triumph [URL] #hitler #god #adolfhitler #meinfuhrer #truth#verite #nazi #nationalsocialisme#nationalsocialism,not sexist "Sick Hillary is funded by Saudi Arabia, a regime that executes gays and oppresses women. (Via [USER].) #MAGA #Trump #Hillary [URL]",not sexist chivalrous knights = psychopathic predators with a tuxedo (courtesy of WM's mommy progressives who are ever so mindful of maintaining their son's pristine public image),not sexist It's not even about the sex I can't imagine. It's just about 'showing her who's the boss' before he leaves. But it ain't worth the potential shit he might get himself in.,not sexist "I think the men's team could hire whoever they wanted, if a woman was dominant and could compete with men, then she would get a contract.",not sexist You are an idiot. Cooties may also refer to crab lice.,not sexist "Took a few pics of me and the neighbors turning in our guns.....trying to be cooperative.... you know...""because they might hurt someone"" !",not sexist They still look light skin-ish. Negro women look good if they are FULLY african dark as coal or heavily bred with white dna. These middle point blackies just look weird,not sexist She probably did not fuck him from what she is saying about him not wanting to fuck and i got ghosted/ stood up yesterday so good on op for telling her not to ghost because now the next dude she is fucking/dating wont get ghosted or stood up probably,not sexist #NSFW #girls #erotica #sexy #bi #TeamSmut Keeping perfect posture is so important ❤️,not sexist You can bet they won't stop their witch hunt against Trump.,not sexist Better treatment for postboxes,not sexist [USER] she's a complete lunatic.,not sexist Being a cuck < being Incel,not sexist "\> her responsability to put herself in danger 13 year olds are children. They aren't able to predict that if they get intoxicated, people they thought were their close friends would rape them. Even most adults couldn't predict that.",not sexist Why on earth would you share such personal information with your mother?,not sexist My uncle sent a picture of his cock to my phone. I feel like I've been molexted.,not sexist "Whoaaaa there buddy, you can't have all the ladies. Save some for the rest of us.",not sexist She told me that she kept her last relationship as a secret for almost 7 months because there was social conditions also so by setting this frame I wanted to do it like that Should I show any strong interest or do it some other way?,not sexist not long this is the path they are taking with we the people just like a pedophile does with a child #grooming,not sexist That post was a woman replying to the incel,not sexist "She posted a photo of her daughter tonight, she looks incredibly white for having a black father.",not sexist "Don't worry about us cuck boy, their are plenty of cucks and single moms that will keep the system rolling. No interest in contributing to a rigged society that only caters to certain types of people.",not sexist That's definitely not how most real couples shop if that's of any consolation.,not sexist That depends on the mentality of the men (and women) looking at them.,not sexist #lock her up,not sexist """OMG girls, he was tiny, I couldn't believe it. I'd never seen a dick that small. Like how do you not just do us all i favor and kys if you have a dick like that. teehee""",not sexist Never talk to me or my wife's black son again!,not sexist Lol. Our secretary is one of the most unfriendly person I have seen. Maybe too many people were hitting on her in the past,not sexist We're just going to take her word for it. Because why would she lie?,not sexist This woman is nuts. Picking on 10 year olds is not cool. [URL],not sexist "Dumbing down of youth happened in Japan. Japan no longer 2nd world power, now even behind Korea, which has stricter education, as much as I hate wikipedia, I am making a reference: Good for Betsy DeVos, no to #CommonCore dumb down of the youth! [URL]",not sexist "the ""Hildabeast"" ...a scary creature created by the forces of Wall Street & Saudi Arabia ...she is the embodiment of ""Evil"" ...need to put her in jail ASAP! Stop the Beast!!!!",not sexist "If I had the money and I was willing to waste an old Musket that obviously has History, I would. Damn those Libtards and RINO's.",not sexist Wife kills her husband after he complained about burned dinner [URL],not sexist #RealDoll - World's first talking #SexRobot is ready for her close-up. [URL] [URL] #RobotWaifu [USER],not sexist Idiot who wrote this trash [USER] and on shithole Twitter she looks like danny devito penguin from batman da fat fuck [URL],not sexist #HEY...!!! #BetsyDeVos... wtf are you doing over there at Edumacation...? [URL],not sexist U sure ? Id personally never trust a girl from pluto,not sexist You really are a nasty little Nazi! Your mother should've whooped your butt more!,not sexist Huh wtf Bernie has to do with mgtow,not sexist "OMFG! She is gross! For fuks sake how can she be in charge of something she obviously has no clue about? Come on Belgium, you need someone to make you great too! Maybe Nigel Farage can be talked into it?",not sexist "RT [USER]: Already facing years of shrinking incomes, US farmers feel the weight of Trump policies on trade, immigration and biofuel. [URL]",not sexist Imagine if she didn't? The most qualified candidate to ever run had the debate question about water and still answered like an idiot,not sexist I'd rather babysit that than the disgusting abomination she shat out after the nigger impregnated her via asshole.,not sexist A certain Muppet female pig has been suspected of repeatedly sexually abusing a frog coworker for decades and no one says a word. ...bastards. #metoo,not sexist "Dated one like that, didn't end well for her! And no I never put a hand on her.",not sexist These videos make my love toward women grow stronger,not sexist "[USER] on the bright side, none of the saints on the un human rights council have made her a sex slave, castrated her, or killed her for honor.",not sexist "Hahahaha fabulous observation, I wonder if that's ever happened to her. I'm sure it has in court 😂",not sexist "Brits, New Zealanders, and Australians who want to ban Lauren Southern are racist scumbags. What do you have against a white woman?",not sexist That's a roundabout way of saying you pulled 84% out of your ass.,not sexist "Maroon 5 is the endless bread sticks of rock music, it all sounds the same and women eat that junk up like dinner at The Olive Garden.",not sexist A dog in heat will do anything and a muslim will oblige it for welfare and citizenship,not sexist "Police: Maryland women locked up kids, made them eat dog feces - hotpagenews.com/r/202506 Top 100 Stories On The Web hotpagenews.com",not sexist Alpha: physically arousing taits. Beta: provider traits.,not sexist I have a friends in Holland and they are sick at what is happening with their country.. what would he say if his wife was RAPED/ (we have to be tolerant ) ?? so sad ...,not sexist "[USER] Personally, I don't see it that way. He has a aggressive 1st term agenda & needs all the political clout he can get; can't be bogged down by this right now & have total MSM meltdown over his ""witch hunt"".",not sexist Western Europe North African and his friends brutally beat five women in Switzerland: leaving one in a coma [URL],not sexist Mohammedan Obama's Chicago Democratic policies 600 dead every year for 8 years.Black People killing Black Men Women and Children.Crumbling inner city ghettos.,not sexist U fucking wU,not sexist "When you abstain from masturbating, your testosterone levels increase. Not too sure if I want that haha...",not sexist Kavanaugh defended by 2 former girlfriends amid sex-assault accusations [URL] #FoxNews,not sexist Unhinged celebrities attack Oprah for being sensible and realistic. [URL],not sexist you will always be the same little GF with penis to this girl. [Finish Him]([URL],not sexist "Nobody wants to be the ""wifey material"" Becky.",not sexist "Clearly he's not reading the chans. /v/ doesn't give a fuck about him, /pol/ only cares because it gives them an excuse to talk about traps and whether they're gay or not.",not sexist Just go back to your woman hating echochamber dipshit.,not sexist God Damn 60 minutes is a complete shit show.,not sexist Who was better mom or the GF? That's some shit straight out the chad playbook though.,not sexist "[USER] The Swedes evolved into such a civilized people, that they're TOO civilized - they have no capacity to deal with these animals. I keep hoping that there are some Vikings still living outside the cities that will mobilize soon",not sexist "oh I like this one. putting it in back pocket. they would work well back to back too, like ""I only date smart girls... idk though you might be a climate denier *or some generic tease*""",not sexist I knew she was fake news media and did it anyway.,not sexist "I just heard a a traitor senator telling the cia head nominee Haspel if she saw it as ""Orwellian"" to sleep deprive and change the diet of a poor terrorist being questioned before more Americans can be killed! UN fucking believable",not sexist White women are absolutely the most beautiful in the world....without question.,not sexist That is why I put the Swastika there. I don't want to hurt your Jewish safe space lol. Shouldn't you be hanging out in twatter with all the other White haters?,not sexist "Of course she is, like the vast majority of those in DC from both parties. And you thought I was serious? Just having fun with a little sarcasm. I may be a fool but I am not stupid.",not sexist RT RealCandaceO The Democrat Party has very strict guidelines on how black people must behave. They also have guidelines on who women must support. The most complicit thing you can be today is a Democrat. [URL],not sexist She'll get a nice divorce settlement. Tiger Woods wife got 300 million,not sexist "[USER] I wouldn't consider that great, but if one of them made it to paris and killed 240 non muslims they'd be fucking thrilled.",not sexist "While she only used sex with Ted Danson to get parts in a couple of very forgettable movies. She preferred ""dumb-ass"" men to ""ugly-ass"" men.",not sexist That mormon cuck scum [USER],not sexist "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. She worked for a government contractor, could've jeopardized business with the administration because she's an immature idiot. P.S. why did the SS let her ride that close to the motorcade?",not sexist Women shouldn't have to be 130 lbs and have a perfect ass and face to get men They don't.,not sexist "Nah, she is an old woman now and she was just misguided and ignorant.",not sexist "There's another photo of the same guy rescuing two small dogs, one tucked under each arm. The cognitive dissonance and longing for a man like that is rattling a lot of feminist mental cages. Male and female.",not sexist Getting raped by kikes will do that to a woman.,not sexist "[USER] This faggot still believes Trump is ""his guy"". Hahaha, keep believing that retard while you wear your MAGA 2020 hat.",not sexist Ain't it precious how this snowflake is so ignorant that she thinks reality is like the ads on TV and that -half- of business travelers are black women.,not sexist I would shame that motherfucker into the ground.,not sexist "It's either a Specsavers advert or a Head and Shoulders advert.. No, sorry, I am wrong.. It's both. (Claudia hasn't aged well has she/he/it/ze/zu/e/wtf?)",not sexist I've already told you she hates filthy socialists. Sees the effect of your useless ideology on Venezuelans crossing the border into Brazil for safety. She wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire lad.,not sexist kamikaze missions You can't even kill yourselves the traditional way and you will kamikaze?,not sexist The sub will get drowned out. Red pill ragers take time to go full zen mode mgtow. It's bound to become an almost all women hypocrisy posting view. We'll just migrate if push comes to shove.,not sexist "Nancy explains ""the wrap up smear."" [URL]",not sexist "Ain't our fault all the hotties are on our side. I mean, have you seen what feminism can do to a woman? Or to a man? #MAGA #TRUMP [URL]",not sexist Johnny Depp never beat his wife. He threw his phone and it bounced and a part hit her. There's a video of it.,not sexist Not sure why this guy is in a brawl with women but it's funny to watch them kick his a[CUR] [URL],not sexist "[URL] Business owner to Bruce Springsteen, CNN and ALL liberals: 'We've had it with you idiots' #News",not sexist It began before the first great war. By the second war National Security had been used to enslave every Nation with a Centralized Intelligence Community.,not sexist "I think the actual sequence is: men of the manosphere disgust women. Said men rationalize it as ""cuz I showed emotion one time."" Not cause I have the 24/7 personality of a weasel with constipation.",not sexist "Just a few of the most unbelievable girl crimes in the news recently. I would have been killed by my parents if I had done anything like this, but I would never have done anything like this because I was raised to love and fear God. #GodlessNWO #NWO",not sexist "I'm a natural introvert but I have an out going side when out, Any tips on observing myself because I tend to be a dancing monkey when I'm in the moment and I feel like my response time makes me hesitate if I think about the girl, thanks",not sexist "No.. saying something like ""she knows that's not an achievement right?"" While this sub treats sex as an actual achievement is.. or at the very least a bit of a fucked up double standard",not sexist "Wow, no wonder ya'll got banished to GAB. Shit, all I did was call someone a motherfucker.",not sexist I trust this guy offers his hole to any gay male autistics who may be thinking of shooting up a school.,not sexist "Its a divorce where she takes your brand new vw and aparently all but empty room. its not ridiculous, its standard procedure :(",not sexist "[USER] I'm no expert, but if she supports sharia, shouldn't she scrape off the makeup and don at least a hijab?",not sexist "Worst city to live? Whichever city this savage called home!. ""Mother batters her 3 year old daughter to death because she was having trouble with potty training [URL]",not sexist "Do you think this big push for everyone to go to college and move to the city is part of this whole ""single motherhood"" culture? Maybe I am a weird traditionalist, but who gives a fuck. I've seen the effects of single motherhood firsthand.",not sexist "IMO, she/her or it are all acceptable, though I prefer she/her.",not sexist """girls like me really appreciate love-letters and songs, anon. I think it's really sweet of you. How else would I reinforce my false sense of genetic superiority if it wasn't for simps??? """,not sexist Muslim women who are mostly on benefits in the UK are having private gender tests and then having abortions if the gender is female What I want to know is who is paying for the abortions I fucking hope it's not the nhs,not sexist Those sports games are obsessive about player stats. And if it's one female team and the rest male; it would make a great nightmare mode.,not sexist [USER] She'd probably burst into flames if she was forced to show affinity for this nation.,not sexist "One thing I do like from their shitholes is the beautiful smell of 420 goodness 😍 Its a very danky smell, but you grow to adore it like the woman one dreams of 😂😂😂😭😂😂😂😂🔥",not sexist I've seen that the top 1/10th of 1% or 1/2 of 1% give 40% of political contributions. But I haven't seen that it's 40% Jewish.,not sexist Fuck knows? I don't get their lingo. I had an argument with Moorfields Eye Hospital over this stuff. Wanted to know if I was male female or other. I put Y chromosome. They are doctors one will work it out.,not sexist Just like my ex wife ...,not sexist Lol what the hell? Just fuck her. Don't have to tell anyone. I lost mine to a bigger girl my freshman year of HS didn't tell anyone just carried the skills I learned with me 🤷🏻‍♂️,not sexist "I need to discuss the magic of black, female god with JK Rowling :(",not sexist "minnesomalia, the next swedistan.",not sexist "A couple of cheap cables make my Geek Out DAC much more convenient to use. USB male to female: [URL] 3.5mm male to 1/4"" female: [URL] Geek Out DAC: [URL]",not sexist inept my ass .Bent .,not sexist "I am totally on Gab now. Wow, queen.",not sexist You dont own Asian women You dont own or have the rights to any woman Your a sexist piece of shit,not sexist Oh. Now I see it wasn't. So she circulated this to faculty? Other students?,not sexist Good God lady.. Go for a fucking walk or something.,not sexist How many girls here would fuck that guy?,not sexist "[URL] #StopWhiteGenocide #2016 #HenriettaCrawford Yeargin, a serial sexual predator, kidnapped Henrietta & took her to another location, before raping & killing her, then burning her body to hide the evidence. Her body was found weeks later.",not sexist [URL] This woman is mentally ill,not sexist "I dunno man, she mightn't give a shit. I wouldn't give a shit. Your response was a bit cringe though Edit; actually that response is really really terrible. Eh, better off talking to her face to face.",not sexist "Bomb threats don't Trump hate: PIERS MORGAN on the day Madonna and a bunch of famous, foul-mouthed nasty women let down ladies everywhere. [URL]",not sexist "Even the commonly accepted and user everyday pronouns like he or she? I mean, they're pronouns and they're on that list.",not sexist "I'm not supporting it, if someone walked up to me and said ""Hey let me cut off part of your dick"" I would say no, probably call the police, i'm just saying I don't really care about mine now that it's too late to do anything about it.",not sexist "You meant ""Fucking-fat-ass with a hyphenated name"" ...heh",not sexist if he is still alive then they failed,not sexist "Not that I have a problem with an honest exchange of money for services, but there's nothing wrong with not fucking women.",not sexist "She was dumb as fuck, blatantly inflammatory, but she wasn't a fucking admin placed shill so there's that",not sexist Tune in this evening 7pm CST/8pm EST. You are in for a yuge treat with a team of rising stars of conservative media. These guys and gals need our support to get Trump's message out! [URL],not sexist "Oregon Gov. Tells Trump She Won't Send Troops to Border Good then she will go to jail! Thats something the federal govt will not dick around with! Liberal in jail sounds good to me, with that dog face she will fit rt in!! [URL]",not sexist "#WomansMarch BACKPAGE.COM Sex offender pimped out women on Backpage, kept them in storage unit [URL]",not sexist "If they sent it to a female prison, the women would try to force him to service them, now that would be funny.",not sexist Allah's goat fockers celebrated 911 [URL],not sexist THANKS TO CHEMTRAILS. BY THE WAY THE ORANGE CLOWN DID NOT STOP THEM. FUCK. YOU. ALEX JONES.,not sexist It is but only by the libs claiming that is why she was fired so Trump could protect Flynn. Typical Lefty crap.,not sexist [URL] sorry if any animals are offended by being compared to ms-13,not sexist "cuz reasons. /s it's not hate, but you'd need reason and logic to understand this. you seem to have all the answers, why don't you tell us?",not sexist All females get success on Tinder though.,not sexist Yes it will do a alot simp Even if it doesn't women should fo it anyway,not sexist Yet these are the same bastards that will force #Christians to throw away their faith for the #LGBT mafia or be silent while their loved ones are killed by #Muslim #mudslimes. #Scumbags. All of them.,not sexist "What's the point in fighting when everything in life is given to you on a silver platter? Fighting is my telos, my reason for existence. Make life too easy and it becomes boring. Climbing the highest peaks is what man should live for.",not sexist "I like the redhead. Is she your mom, your grandma, or your sister?",not sexist National executives of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) voted unanimously to remove scandal-hit Henry Bolton as party leader Politician engulfed by series of racist text messages sent by ex-girlfriend,not sexist "Not when the State is the bank for these screwools, and the leftist mind virus already infects most of their supporters/donors...",not sexist And it is happening here. The inferior races are raping our girls like mad.,not sexist RT Twitter [USER] RT : Just because Priti Patel resigned doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to her on the Golan Heights [URL] [URL],not sexist They police by consent now. Hence rioters tribal warfare religious rape etc...,not sexist Don't be a cuck. [URL] Yes Yes. Those hateful hurtful poles. Not wanting to have their women and children getting raped. Not wanting to have acid thrown in the face of their citizens randomly. Not wanting to getting run down by the truck of peace.,not sexist "Linda Sarsour is upset that the health care bill doesn't use the word ""women."" She's certainly used it before: in the context of wishing genital mutilation on women who oppose Shariah law.",not sexist "#AllLivesMatter: A woman (Emily Weinman, pictured) was attacked by police while she was on a beach in New Jersey (she was repeatedly punched in the head and neck area). Must have been ""racism"" or something. No protests yet.",not sexist "Seeing his comment to this, it's definitely a troll. It sucks that trolls are ruining the reputation of women who are truly femcel.",not sexist The fuck has this world come to where we're giving out PhDs to people for watching fucking romcoms?,not sexist nigger privilege,not sexist "I am a well off lawyer. Top 10% of earners in my area. I met miss moral in a homeless shelter. She was not volunteering, she was homeless. I would have gone lower if I could have found it. Also, it was not needed to reach my goals.",not sexist Raj Chetty's latest set of maps of income for parents and children merely demonstrate once again the power of regression toward the mean: black households regress across the generations toward a lower mean income than white households. [URL] [URL],not sexist Member lock her up and build a wall? You member.,not sexist I'm a firm believer that most blacks are Christian conservatives. The rest are just a SOROS created mob and have no money to spend anyway cause they are living in their mothers basement.,not sexist "You're a fucking idiot whose knowledge of history is about the same as a doorknob's. The US fought Germany because Germany declared war on us, you stupid fucking Nazi piece of shit. Americans hate Nazis, always have, always will.",not sexist Is that the same [USER] that hid Enochs jew wife from us? Well of course you would.,not sexist "Is 5 days really that long for girls? I feel like if I hit her up the next day would seem needy?? I mean I am a little interested, so I'll apologize and see where that takes me lol",not sexist "Ok, well I thought you already knew her to some degree. I figured if you have already fucked a girl, sending her a tiny gift is hardly stalking.",not sexist [URL] Funny how NOT ONE MP wanted Naz Shah to be investigated after her disgusting tweet telling the rape victims of Rotherham to shut up for the good of diversity #BritFam #GabFam #SpeakFreely,not sexist "#Germany, Rheinbach - x2 men indecently assault 36-yo female cyclist, after impeding her way & forcing her to crash / woman injured / witness information - perps: ""a foreign appearance"" [URL]",not sexist "Little girl gang raped by Muslim boys in Twin Falls, ID gets NO justice whatsoever 😡 This is absolute Satanic EVIL - #ZioCommie Judge and County Prosecutors should be unseated and jailed! [URL]",not sexist "[USER] seems ready too kill this site, just saying, . she is talking highly several crazy funny stuff. while she seem to be married with a billionaire Jew society. She is gonna betray you ",not sexist "No. They are not. If you were good looking AND tall you would love all these women, those apps and have sex every day.",not sexist "If she doesn't hit you up the next day, send her a text.",not sexist "I'm all about empowering one's self, but not at the price of hating others. When you're focused on improving yourself, you have no time left to hate others.",not sexist crude hacks are my speciality,not sexist i like the girl wearing the swimming pool,not sexist Where do they find these idiots???,not sexist Why are you living in Norway and abandoning your fellow Swedes whilst blackpilling everyone about Sweden for shekels? Serious question.,not sexist Oceania has always been at war with East Asia,not sexist Trump needs to reopen our fucking Nuclear Waste Depository!!,not sexist Wow! I'm jealous! She messes it up for the rest of women...,not sexist "That's right, go kill yourself to stop Trump... uh... how? The fat clogging up your head too?",not sexist "I baked my vegetarian wife a Pasta Surprise for dinner last night ""What's the surprise?"" She asked ""It's got bacon in it!""",not sexist All women everywhere are already on it,not sexist "I'll tell you what she wants, what she really really wants.... More [CUR] lol",not sexist Tarboro child punished for calling teacher 'ma'am' [URL],not sexist "You are so sweet Gary, I can see why she loved you too. Xoxo",not sexist I agree with a the critiscm and pointing shot behavior but saying women are useless fucktards that should go die isnt the same thing,not sexist "Never met a woman who's had a hysterectomy who regretted it afterwards. Usually because by then, she's ready to take it out herself with a fork. EDIT: Verb tenses are hard.",not sexist "An attack on *one* woman is an attack on *all* women. [Also, attacks on men are actually attacks on women.]([URL]",not sexist That's completely ridiculous a woman flashing her boobs is not sexual assault in the slightest,not sexist "[USER] Sad but true. The wife watches it, I endure it :)",not sexist "That's some fantasy shit right there. ""Maniacally"" right , she needs to stop with soft porn novels.",not sexist "Muslim girl lies about her hijab being torn off; Trudeau immediately calls Canada racist. Syrian 'refugee' kills Canadian teenager in Burnaby, BC; Trudeau says NOTHING.",not sexist I am getting tired of Ivanka's agendas. I am particularly annoyed that she is in India encouraging their I.T. sector given the fact that it seems to exist to put American I.T. workers out of work. [URL],not sexist "There will always in the back of one's mind,was it worth it or.not.although,thanks to our.brave men and women for your sacrifice you will get your reward in heaven.God bless",not sexist "I used that trick to get a stalker ex off my ass. She just couldn't accept that she was dumped before her next monkey branch was ready. Once she ""found out"" I was no longer a viable branch, she left me alone.",not sexist "People were telling him to PAY FOR A LAWYER to his soon to be wife to explain and NEGOTIATE the freaking pre nup!!! No one was saying "" RUNNNN"". I was shocked, mate!!!",not sexist Another dipshit with 1/2 information. Educate yourself fool.,not sexist "A black mother is 5 times as likely to have an abortion than a white mother. Blacks are a tool, someone doesn't want a lot of them around, starting with Sanger and the Robber Barons. I wonder if anyone's done the math how many would be alive now.",not sexist That's a shame. Is it so wrong that all she wants is the country invaded by people who would destroy the economy by sucking the life out of it via the welfare state while she looks on from her ivory tower? [URL],not sexist """rarely helpful to women"". Ok let's cancel every alimony and child support payment and see how that works out.",not sexist You say that like you would be attracted by a girl with bad acne...,not sexist "[USER] My homepage isn't always loading - most of the time the wheel spins and nothing happens. Same with posting...I hit ""Send"" and send box turns black, wheel spins, nothing happens. I'm using an ipad. Never had these issues before GabPro.",not sexist watch what women do not what they say,not sexist make a hole with your fingers and then fuck it with a finger from your other hand. sex can feel like that sometimes for women how are you middle aged and unaware of this,not sexist He doesn't even rape her in the porn parody this is ridiculous.,not sexist Stop spamming #Kike !,not sexist "Some of these guys are really cute. Also, you can't be an incel at 16. You're just a virgin like roughly 50% of people your age.",not sexist "Yes, I'm aware of that, when my first wife used to drive!",not sexist Disney don't care about the older fans of the series they want the soykids,not sexist The trash posts you see there.... >Some chick was hammering my roommate's door. I opened my door and let her in. > >I love the smell of STDs in the morning. Smells like consumeristic victory #PokeSTDGo \*Gets 8k upvotes\*,not sexist Seeing as how Saudi Arabia is now the Left's Big Bad Guy I'm guessing it'll have something to do with their crown prince hacking her servers...,not sexist They must be held accountable for all that goes wrong in the jungle!,not sexist i'm upvoting you because you laughed right the fuck back at her. you win,not sexist "Let him & wife Priscilla take them all in, they have the [CUR]. Bill & Melinda Gates will surely take the ones F'erburgs don't want.",not sexist "Most don't, but it's not uncommon. It happens often enough that the trope any time a woman gets murdered is ""the boyfriend did it"". I'd suspect the wife if a husband was murdered too but it just doesn't happen in the same numbers.",not sexist "He's great on the JQ, but really fucking cucked when it comes to miscegenation. A pity and a waste because he's a savage when it comes to the kikes. [URL]",not sexist It is time for me to get to my Mother's Day duties and fire up the grill. My wife went to town and saw all the men buying flowers for their wives and laughed. She told my daughter that she would rather have my barbecue than flowers any day.,not sexist Captain of yacht Natalie Wood was on before she died says her husband Robert Wagner killed her | Daily Mail Online [URL],not sexist Not seeing too much from the 'concerned about our women brigade' on here about this scumbag! [URL],not sexist World-renowned lesbian NYU professor suspended after probe finds she sexually harassed gay male student [URL],not sexist "looks like we have a unicorn here, giving advice like a princess. Get out. Now.",not sexist "There is no argument against circumcision that can't also be made against baptism. ""You shouldn't cut off a child's body part unless there's a very good medical reason for it."" is an argument against circumcision that you can't use against baptism.",not sexist "It's not all Jews that cause problems, but almost all problems are caused by Jews. [URL]",not sexist "Why are you nervous? Because you are afraid of her judging you? Turn the situation around: She is the one who has to prove to you that she is worth your attention/admiration/... Don't be a dick about it, though.",not sexist [USER] I was on 30h broadcast with you. Rob Dew still mulling over story regarding normalization of pedophilia and my dad being found guilty of the crime of hating baby rape etc. [URL] [URL],not sexist Him being a pornstar has no effect on whether or not she is a liar.,not sexist "All that's going to happen is that White Millennials are going to rally, leave behind their parents' cuckery, and mobilize against the Non-American Invaders",not sexist Yes I meant Philly. I'm stupid. Sorry. I was in the Dayton shooting so I'm probably shit at keeping track,not sexist "Ugh, what a misogynist! Stop trying to force women in the kitchen. You probably think women shouldn't be allowed to vote, too! This is why you're an incel. /s (unfortunately this is necessary in the age of incel demonization)",not sexist "Touche,I give you the day mi'lady. :)",not sexist "thats a good way to put it - the way i see it, if i go i will essentially be her lap dog following her around on HER adventure, and when she feels liek fucking she will tell me to go away or something",not sexist so who killed joan rivers? it can;t be a coincidence that two weeks after 'outing' them she dies? #obongodeathlist,not sexist "Armed with the proverbial Turkey Baster, your lesbian mom could have squeezed your daddy out of crumpled tissues in a peep-show cubicle! Lesbianism remains intact!",not sexist Does she put her makeup on with a putty knife?,not sexist I suspect my dad gave much of my inheritance money to his new wife that only married him for citizenship,not sexist "Note the over-the-shoulder ""come hither"" profile pic as well, *but don't you dare objectify her as a sexual object you pig*",not sexist "So,now its acceptable and fair,for males named""Serena""to compete against females in professional sports?! Then the fairy cries cause it got beat?! This is bullshit people.",not sexist "Nah not nephilim. I dunno where i heard it was Enoch, this was years ago. There's some story cut out where Satan has sex with Eve, and not just the translation controversy from the Old Testment. I will delete that part though.",not sexist ...you steal your female associate's work and then claim it for your own? Sounds about right,not sexist "I hereby Rescind ANY & ALL Sympathy that I ever held for the death of this little whiny bastard's wife. It Serves Him RIGHT! Sometimes, karma works ahead of time. Forget ""Lock 'em UP"", it's time for LIGHT 'EM UP, Maga Troopers!!",not sexist The agent should have shot the sorry bastard,not sexist "I don't know that she's been blacked. I hope not. Even if she has, perhaps there is salvation in White Jesus. She turns herself over to Freyja.. I mean White Jesus... then scrubs like it was a silkwood shower.",not sexist Have they considered that this self mocking may be why they can't get a girl?,not sexist "I'm tending to feel that we are overdue another demonstration of monoculturism get ready to 'stop the hate' hashtags and the backlash against Muslims that never happens (but should, in a big way - I mean mass deportations)",not sexist "I suppose I'm just bitter about the options we currently have. Oh, agreed. I wish big pharma were working on this instead of female viagra, but *cui bono* and all that.",not sexist I usually bang 9 days in 7 girls,not sexist Things were looking up at Fox News when they got rid of Megan Kelly and then they hired this woman as a consultant...from the worst administration in my life (and I'm old). I had to mute my TV [USER],not sexist I'm going to make sure I go with her to abortion clinic,not sexist My problem here in germany is that most girls in a bar often stick to their own little group of 4 or more people. I hope it'll get better in a bigger city,not sexist If you threw a bar of soap and bottle water at one probably be construed a hate crime.,not sexist I suppose egalitarian would be a better label for me. I want women and men to be equal. I don't consider myself to be better than any of you just because I happen to be female.,not sexist "That's fine, but the image we're reacting to isn't borderline at all. That chick who blew up at the airline employee and called him a rapist would be a great example of a Borderline woman; this image is a totally different kind of reaction.",not sexist "You don't address WHY she would want to follow your leadership. Anyone can tell a girl to do something... "" Leadership "" isn't inherently attractive. What is the thing that motivates her?",not sexist "Nah 25 is fine, I know plenty of girls who like AG our age.",not sexist [USER] Cronezilla seems to believe that Millennials who have taken a serious ass-whipping for helping elect Obama twice are dumb enough to think her foot in their ass all the way up to the cankle will make the pain go away.,not sexist """Durham officer Mohammed Perwaze, 45, denies four counts of rape and 14 other charges relating to the girl. He also denies cruelty towards two boys."" 🤮[URL]",not sexist i think it's because she was busy on her phone,not sexist "Ok just make casual conversation. The conversation formula is: Whatever she says > You comment. Just comment on whatever she says in one or two sentences. It doesn't matter what you say, just get good at saying something.",not sexist Yh her face without makeup is not dimorphic at all. She's more a becky than a stacey lite,not sexist Just saw this info on #Tucker.. I knew #MaxineWaters was a horrible person but man she sure knows how to keep surprising me how bad she is. [URL],not sexist No one else fault that: 1) White women love black cock 2) White men cant produce babies at the same rate as minorities. Take some personal responsibility and accept you're inferior generically 🤣,not sexist pfft women ??,not sexist "Well... they say they don't ban for disagreeing... like r/MGTOW does. So, maybe u/biBiPDantinatalist will be the *first* r/MGTOW2 mod?",not sexist "Are gays in the Middle East and Africa saying that women are a million times better at sex than most men, though?",not sexist Democrats insist women who have been abused must be believed...unless Keith Ellerson beat her ass in which case she should shut up and be happy that she was allowed to be part of his realm.,not sexist A girl can dream.,not sexist You should totally ask some chick to teach you Swedish.,not sexist "100% attributable to a female, somewhere, lol. JK, dammit!",not sexist "------EXTREME PC COMEDY ALERT------ BET Channel Censors The Word NIGGER In Movie About Legendary Boxer Muhammad Ali When Ali Says: ""Aint No Viet Cong Ever Called Me Nigger"" Understand How Hilarious This Is",not sexist "[USER] oh barf. God they think we are so stupid. But hey, I would like to see her on her drunken ass.",not sexist "Not even close to true. My old roommate got good looking women all the time and he was fucking ugly. Imagine James Harden, but a skinny Mexican instead, and only like 5'7""",not sexist "He runs one of the largest companies in the world you fucking dispshit. Amazon, ever heard of it? They handle like 50% of all online sales in the US. Dude is worth [CUR]160 billions for fucks sake.",not sexist I feel you in a way. I've got pathetic unresolved daddy issues that make me hate myself,not sexist Insane Leftists threaten Kavanaughs wife and children. I wonder how many people will step over the isle and leave the Democrat party over this insanity. [URL],not sexist Thank you for the feedback. I've been flirting back with her but I'm going to escalate more with the touching. Based on the info I gave do you believe it's high interest and she's DTF or no?,not sexist How can you understand that and still be on an incel forum ?,not sexist One of mgtow's tenets is that you do not need a woman in your life and to avoid them when possible and yet WE are the ones that are simping? I don' think that word means what he thinks it means.,not sexist we need to expell her permantely,not sexist That didn't answer my question. You said moms aren't needed if there is a medical emergency because it's paramedics (men) who do the work. So I'm asking you who is meant to call the paramedics or notice the emergency? The child themselves?,not sexist "Well fuck you, UPS -- is FedEx safe these days?? [URL]",not sexist "Not really, I tend to have a crush on my looksmatch, I don't feel a good balance if he is ""prettier"", but don't care if he's uglier tho",not sexist "My daughter had a teacher in her calligraphy class that dissed my daughter for being left-handed. Had I known that earlier, I would have done something about it.",not sexist "Better way to repay the debt to us Americans, kick those mother fucking Muslims out of England. 100% of them need to be deported. Islam is the new Nazi.",not sexist No excuse needed. Just text her every other day or something and slow it down,not sexist "If you don't like our Constitution, find a country that you do like, and go there immediately. We don't need or want you in ours. #ClintonRiots #libtards [URL]",not sexist "Nazi faggots?? what literate posts you make. Let me guess: you're the biggest kid in third grade, righty right??",not sexist "90's Hipster: ""I think I might be gay."" Today's Hipster: ""I think I might be the wrong sex/race."" Tomorrow's Hipster: ""I think I might be a toaster.""",not sexist "ISIS is her baby, she created it.",not sexist how many somalis live in minneapolis now? did they take over?,not sexist "Are we sure he didn't mean it as a joke? Clearly, a hijab is not really modest if you are wearing daisy dukes and halter tops.",not sexist Boring to the hottest party stacy,not sexist Mind blown - I get asked if I'm gay by girls nearly weekly.,not sexist "You know, since she's so influential and all.",not sexist "Thanks for the warning about dangers of internet dating. Could've gotten stuck with Hefty Heather's twin sister. If Hefty Heather fell on you, she'd kill you instantly. Please put a NSFW tag on there to keep [USER] happy. ",not sexist I had no idea an exclamation point meant that. Granted I'm an idiot but am I alone in not knowing that?,not sexist "First of all, it is not a movement. Second, if they are not married and not in cohabitation with women then they can call themselves MGTOW, anything else in between is their call and has nothing to do with MGTOW.",not sexist dogs can sniff out the evil islam is.. #BANIslam That is why muslims hate dogs,not sexist "If you're not banging her brains out, it ain't very much special.",not sexist "Page locked, no offense, but there's a top thread about bans or blocks from /r/mgtow",not sexist "Steve Scalise, Roger Williams shot in Virginia, aides also hit [URL]",not sexist "Best guess, practicality as relates to usage habits; dudes are just gonna go in, hit the urinal, use the sink, and be on their way; not only would a door be annoying, but the frequency of traffic in and out would probably wear out the thing.",not sexist "Stop giving so many fucks. You are coming off as controlling. Communication needs to be covert, not overt.",not sexist "Trump on Berlin attack: ""Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christiansas part of their ... [URL]",not sexist [USER] We want action heroes - not sure about dumb ones.,not sexist "I think she meant ""abhorable"", people make mistakes.",not sexist """I found your twin!"" ... Do I look like a fucking tranny? Lmfao",not sexist I can't believe the tweets going back and forth by m-girl. They are still gloating about destroying someone's life. This is terrible.,not sexist He's in touch with his feminine side,not sexist "There are several potential Presidential candidates on the Right, but I have a hard time finding even one on the Left. The first female President will indeed be Republican.",not sexist "Apparently a fedora kike did this church shooting, did you see this",not sexist Holy shit! I didn't know you could die from that. I used to guard them before. These mother fuckers are in Fort Knox now,not sexist "That is disgusting, a dumb racist obsessed over his unborn son's penis",not sexist "Soon... YouTube suggestion: ""3 reasons why you should shove Acqua di Gio up your ass before going out""",not sexist "Bad thing is that after arranging a date she says she has a boyfriend... Well at least my selfsteem got a good boost, she did not reject me right away :3",not sexist "From my point of view, you showed her you were attracted to her, but she has other things going on. Give it time, if she's indeed attracted to you she will reach out. Don't over think it",not sexist You would sue your own mom over burnt toast. Stay classy beta.,not sexist did women cancel secretary day? is that still a thing?,not sexist I want women to cuddle my cock with their cock cuddler.,not sexist He said he's good with women now in his IT post or comments I can't remember,not sexist "Yeah,I have gotten a sentence of 20 years,after which that hb3 will be mine.TYSM bro",not sexist "1. She loves him 2. He tells her when she's wrong (calls out her bullshit) 3. He is attractive, sporty type The man is an alpha most likely and has a few other chicks to squeeze. Why would he marry a woman that's about to hit the wall?",not sexist "You just had to post that! Gorgeous woman. Ive heard that she's a sweetheart in the real world. Damn, I'm all fired up now. Hopefully the boy will go to bed early tonight and the wife home early lmao.",not sexist Kanye continues to troll the libtards: LEFTIST MEDIA MELTS DOWN AFTER KANYE TWEETS 'WOKE' SCOTT ADAMS CLIPS Hip-hop icon breaking the conditioning,not sexist "As well as this, the competition didn't include a bikini contest, and also had an all-female judging panel for the first time. Congrats to the Miss Germany contest for becoming more 'woke' 🤔",not sexist "I'd have the child write a letter about how Christians and non-Muslims are burned in cages, sold on active slave markets, women gang-raped daily, and educate the instructor in crystal clear fashion how wonderful Sharia Law is for women.",not sexist I reckon this is how Sara Silverman will sound when she asks the US Military to overthrow #Trump lol! #MAGA #SpeakFreely #TriglyProf [URL],not sexist "Eh, speaking as a lesbian, I find penises kind of hilarious, but the idea of doing anything sexual with them is pretty ""meh"". (Unless they're attached to a lady person, in which case, game on!)",not sexist 21k red pilled women what the fuck,not sexist Heterosexual women don't like K-Pop guys.,not sexist Female incel. Made up being raped to make herself feel better so she wouldn't look like a complete sexless loser. Michigan Woman Who Lied About College Rape Sentenced to Jail [URL] #MAGA #PNN,not sexist Mentally ill Bradley Manning uses U.S. tax dollars to get sex change after going on food strike [URL],not sexist "[USER] As AceofSpadesHQ derides her, ""MeAgain Kelly""",not sexist "Yikes! you can see the insanity on their faces, and all men flocking together as if for security! I bet a crowd of those muslim women would beat the hell out of a few of these pathetic muslim wimpy-looking, excuses for men!",not sexist "#GabFam Welcome Kristen Hatten [USER] who CHRONICLES RADNESS at her blog, Chronicles of Radness. Mama's fave post Why I'm Breaking Up With Feminism #FeminismIsCancer [URL]",not sexist "except I ain't admiring her, it wasn't about getting her, it was about getting out of my comfort zone",not sexist What about the thousands of schoolgirls gang-raped by your voters that you work for? 'Tragic to see innocent children caged like animals' - Corbyn slams Trump's immigration policy [URL],not sexist "Looks like a guy holding a flag and wearing a hat watching a another one of those ""useful idiots"" make a fool of himself.",not sexist Puns are funs,not sexist Does this describe them? Bigot noun intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself,not sexist Life lesson dude. Your male mates can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut. Especially at your age. The cats out of the bag. You can't do anything but roll with the jokes.,not sexist "Buzz off, kike.",not sexist Hate fucking is a real thing so I'm sorry but I'm really not buying that most men need affection or any sort of fondness to have sex. If they find the woman attractive and she's willing that's all they need.,not sexist This is correct in my opinion. You can be anywhere doing anything as long as you're being flirty and touching her.,not sexist "Yap that was bad move bro :( You have very nice, free and very detailed Guide [URL] that can you put some light on what are big ""no no""s when it come to male-female relationships...",not sexist "Man, that's horrible. I fucking told those r/AA mods that their bullshit stance will get Asian men murdered but I didn't expect this shit.",not sexist Just the truth - why would I cry over someone who hates me and my family even if she was just a brainwashed kid? How many of those brainwashed kids strap suicide vests on and go blow other kids up? Ariana dumb ass Grande and Manchester comes in mind.,not sexist "[USER] - Hey faggot, we can do this all day long.",not sexist "RT StephenMilIer Hillary Clinton still can't figure out why she lost the election, while Trump has already figured out how to end the Korean War. [URL]",not sexist MRA would work fine. It doesn't say anything about women's rights. Or just an egalitarian.,not sexist If it wasn't for the fake ass hair. If she fell over no one would know because she's as wide as she is tall. Spherical miracle.,not sexist "I agree with this. As a dude, attractive women approaching you to try and pick you up NEVER happens. I think you are gorgeous and I love your attitude. But if you approached me, my default would definitely be - why would she approach me?",not sexist "You're technically correct. Are you happy? Outside of obvious aggression like raping a woman, your point is useless.",not sexist "Remember, with a hooker, she leaves after you pay her. Same can't be said for a woman who wants a relationship.",not sexist "If these are the definitions then I'll take the last letter, omega, because I want to be as far away from this as possible.",not sexist Someone beat the shit out of her,not sexist Le special snowflake,not sexist Not just more dangerous for women and girls. They hate us all.,not sexist Looks like the mom and sons both need jail and their asses beaten.,not sexist "RT pvtclubgirl Looks more manly, but better than she usually looks, takes a lot of balls to stand next to Flotus [URL]",not sexist "Sometimes, ppl are turned off to religion, as an institute, so they shoot the Messenger, whom they don't even know. I have taught many like that.",not sexist 100%. Treat women like men - not special,not sexist This is such stupid cope. He had the same SMV in both pics. Since when do you pick up girls with your shirt off? Jfl,not sexist VERY different curve to her Teeth Line & eyebrow Very Curved 🐈 🧠 Hat FLAT AS HECK pic above! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON PEOPLE?,not sexist Me also.Many times I've wanted back on twitter to attack scumbags.But like me you would be given twitter jail the first reply.But soon twitter will be like Hollywood.,not sexist "Trump voter says she is ""ashamed"" to be an American after ICE deports her daughter-in-law: report [URL] [URL]",not sexist What if thing that keep me away from thos stuff are my limiting beliefs? And how to stop giving fuck?,not sexist "[USER] We are here to kick some ass. Bu are we not also here to crush the enemy, and to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women? #VFM",not sexist [USER] she's like 15 pounds overweight at max. She's still an idiot tho,not sexist That seems entirely possible...and not unexpected if Deep State remoted him to kill. Wouldn't be the first time...,not sexist FROM GOOLAG: corporate censorship. you try to defend your nation from extermination. PayPal bans you,not sexist I'm thinking Clinton is being thrown under the bus to protect Obama. I think she (with her cold Chi hubris) fucked a lot of shit up that deep state can't hide anymore & they're cutting her loose so that Barry doesn't get drug down with her.,not sexist "The blood tests came back negative so I wouldn't worry too much if I were in your stead. If push comes to shove, get her to do a DNA test and be done with it. Finally, some advice for the future: NEVER, EVER, STICK YOUR DICK IN CRAZY.",not sexist It defiantly is especially hanging around a bunch of girls on a yacht. (That's if your bud owns one or not),not sexist These people are a disgrace. They don't even care about each other.,not sexist Deport her sorry ass back to her Islamic paradise.,not sexist Why does she have to be white? Do blackcels hate black females or something ? 🤔,not sexist I think her husband is that fag wearing the pussy hat staring at the ground o.j n shame behind her,not sexist "The #Left Has Been #Caught #Staging Racial Attacks Before, But Here's A REAL Crazy Lady Video shows a woman berating Mexican landscapers [URL]",not sexist "Whitney simmons Never heard of her, but upon googling, that's definitely not attainable by most women. Face and chest are well above average. Think more like this: [URL]",not sexist "I doubt your words. Aren't woman seen as more empathicin general? If a general perspective makes sense when it comes to personality traits of genders. But what do I know, I'm not jordan peterson.",not sexist "Well, if those energy shields count as armor, he'd get upper left/lower right diagonal in addition to crew cut.",not sexist "MSM are so full of hate that rather than checking out a story they just assume because President Trump wants her she is a monster. We you know what they say about why you never assume, right. Ass/U/Me.",not sexist Ask her. Thats literally the only way you'll know. (Unless you see she's holding hands with him and/or kissing him.),not sexist An attack of conscience? Doubtful as she arkancided that long ago... [URL],not sexist [USER] put did she have a permit....,not sexist "Perfect boyfriend: Must be 6' Cannot be a virgin Must have had sex with 50 girls Must make 1,000,000 per year Must be between 25 and 35",not sexist What's baked every day and sells itself? My sister.,not sexist "Well, I know plenty of girls who have nice cars because their boyfriends bought it for them (fools...)",not sexist The MGTOW philosophy is simply don't marry and don't cohabitate. Majority of us carry no animosity towards women.,not sexist "If there is nothing in those Wikileaks that can destroy Hillary, she wouldn't be trying to destroy Assange! #FreeJulian",not sexist No they keep on trying but keep on going after the mentally ill asian woman that have no identity or heritage at all.,not sexist "Good on her i say. Britain First, and Tommy Robinson are NOT racists. islam is NOT a race.",not sexist "If she's ALWAYS giving you an excuse like you say, more than likely she's trying not to hurt your feelings with a no. If she's done this to you more than 3 times, she's just trying not to hurt you.",not sexist Look at the fucking INSANE in her eyes!!!,not sexist "Pink kitty hat marches are today. This is how these women choose to ""empower"" themselves and other women. Right....",not sexist Autism - Banning a woman who won't stop sharing IRL pics of her hot asian body because you prefer only cartoon porn in your group.,not sexist "I've been in a similar situation and it's best to move on, close the door behind you, and lock it (block her). She's been using you for attention and don't waste your energy on someone who clearly won't reciprocate.",not sexist "Well she is jealous, you have to take care of the girls who are going to get jealous and cock block you first then focus on your target so she doesnt get jealous or pissed off and you can bone her friend.",not sexist "For a while, I thought the same thing. Then he showed me text messages. However, the girl he fucks are never really very good looking. Usually 6s-7s. Takes pride in it, actually.",not sexist "Well Toshie, why should I a tax-payer have to pay for housing, heat, utlitlites, food, clothing, & health care for some woman who lied about rape? What did I do to deserve this punishment? Law of Moses has no prisons!",not sexist Those things you listed are so petty as to be unimaginable to most men I do believe I agree. But to women they are an every day nuisance. Just like most women think men's complaints are a petty nuisance.,not sexist """Braincels isn't racist bro, we're just accepting the fact that it's over for some of us""Can you cope harder you racist POS. There are Chads in every race",not sexist "Chad can be good at eating shit and girls will like them for that. Fucking blue-pilled retard, fuck off.",not sexist Bald girls would reject me anyway,not sexist Hahaha...oh lookee folks 12 turds in a punch bowl!,not sexist "If some chick can get up on a ladder and shoot paint balloons out of her vagina, and have it called performance art, then what weev does is more than qualified.",not sexist "Crawdads, they love corn meal, salt, pepper and oil in a skillet.",not sexist "look through trp, i'm sure there will be content on threesomes. you haven't fucked either have them have you? maybe fuck the girl that actually desires you instead trying to just force your way into a girl that isn't interested mate",not sexist #PopeFrancis has #ordered #white #women to #reproduce #with #Muslim #men in order to #integrate them into #Western #society. [URL],not sexist "And we meet again. Just installed a Buderus boiler with a Riello burner and in the process of installing radiant floor heat. Spendy, but so is [CUR]7 gal heating fuel.",not sexist "Um, I don't think any of these ""chadcels"" are sleeping with the women who come to this sub. I actually think they're the people furthest from ever getting laid.",not sexist "You kind of sound like a skumbag. Having hot female friends I wouldn't sleep with has upped my game tremendously, because I don't have to just pretend I value women for more than their tits and ass. I actually do.",not sexist "Barbara Spectre is a little more than ""a random woman on YouTube,"" dumbass. It's also not my only proof, I've thrown down a lot for the normies to look at. [URL]",not sexist Sounds like she's just a social retard.,not sexist Woman Chipped by DoD against her will! [URL],not sexist don't ever get to interested in a women,not sexist "Dont know retard, I've never been one. Did you manage to finish grade school? Do you and the man your mom calls your dad have a special secret?",not sexist "no. women in porn have nothing to do with actual woman, looks-wise, personality-wise, action-wise. women in porn are what men who make porn tell them to do. that's it. women in porn are not even women; they are men's sick fantasies incarnated.",not sexist "Have you done indirect? Just ask her what the time is, there's no approach anxiety, since you're not really approaching.",not sexist "So sad. A beautiful woman killed the night before her wedding. Senseless. If he was being sued, shouldn't he have been placed on leave while waiting on the courts??",not sexist "When they put that condition, it is their race or the white man. They then of course prefer whites.",not sexist "The Israelites were exiled to the east by the Assyrians, and there's no evidence that they returned to the land of Israel/Palestine/Canaan in ancient times.",not sexist She seriously needs to look in the mirror before going off on a pro life conservative... We the people know who supports the murdering of innocent unborn babies. Democrats... shes the ignorant one.,not sexist "SAY ONE MORE FUCKING THING , HAVING NO INTENTIONS OF PAYING YOUR BAILED OUT JUMPING ASS BACK TO CHINA .. and this white girl gets it .. something fierce.",not sexist [URL] kansas city mo female strippers,not sexist "Men, especially young men, have to pay more for car insurance.",not sexist "In Hadith no.436, vol 6, It says: when Umar came to visit Muhammad, he saw a ""BLACK SLAVE OF ALLAH'S APOSTLE sitting on the first step"" *Muhammad should have had his head chopped off!!!! [URL]",not sexist same for making sure the girls get off too and that you're not just jerking off to porn when you have sex- he says things that seem right and nice but twists them until they become ugly and dark,not sexist Yea Dems r criminals and now socialist criminals. They want us to be their slaves and them kings.,not sexist Exactly. I fucking hate texting. It's definitely one of the challenges I need to overcome.,not sexist London coroner ordered to change her 'unlawful' cab rank policy [URL],not sexist [URL] Mother who beat her baby to death calmly texted as medics battled to save her life?,not sexist "Hell yeah! An Alt-Hollywood that makes movies in which the men are men, the women are women, and the commies always loose.",not sexist "Same I'm 19 and I like girls with big titties, unfortunately I have yet to pull a girl like that though but I am determined so hopefully I can do it in the future",not sexist Wagging her GED if she has one. Pathetic fool.,not sexist "how IT thinks how incels are : a misogynist asshole who never leaves his house, hates women and minorities. how incels actually are : a subhuman manlet who wageslave to pay his bills",not sexist Deception is their stock and trade.,not sexist "Germany: Muslim teen stabs non-Muslim in the neck for looking at his mother ""provocatively"" [URL]",not sexist Oh Wait Does that mean I gotta turn myself in for emailing with Ukrainian women on a Singles Site? LOL,not sexist "I'm a 6'5"" gigaChad and I'm here to tell you guys it's not as easy for me as you think. Yesterday I almost got with a Stacylite but was personality mogged by a 5'2"" bald Indian janitor. Hang in there bros.",not sexist That's true but I met my exwifes mom and other Germans and well I'm just thinking 🤔,not sexist lmao just ask his daughter Mark shes got the video tape,not sexist "ROSIE O'DONNELLS' ex-wife kills herself (the cuter one dies? where is the justice!) Well this gay marriage thing is sure working out so far isn't it? Watch the video. This woman is so bitter and angry, my mouth puckers up. [URL]",not sexist I was watching a nature documentary and this realization hit me so hard. There were a bunch of beautiful male birds doing backflips and shit to impress a plain looking female bird. Fucking clown world I tell you. Across all species.,not sexist "I have to wait, and be frightened? More and more I understand how Chan was scared off if this was how you spoke with her.",not sexist "It's a double standard yes but calling out ""all"" women for that is offensive bruh. Don't be like the feminists >I'll double my reply I sent to your alt. And I really don't get how you came that conclusion",not sexist Complaining about women is always a sob story.,not sexist As if white men don't commit more violent crime than black women?,not sexist "Thats the most boring shit ever. No risk, no mind games. I fucking hate it when women just blurt that shit out.",not sexist I was openly secretly hoping she'd have a heart attack when he got confirmed,not sexist The problem that was being addressed here was that often smart women have been socially channeled into being poor men. Many smart men do not want dumb women.,not sexist This was beautiful man. I want a new lady liberty commissioned for the boarder wall - Laredo TX - and I want this etched on her upraised fist.,not sexist And is it the teacher's fault or the college system's fault that she is incompetent?,not sexist "You have refuted his weak argument with facts, madam. One can easily image a marine mammal having had ancestors who walked on dry land millions of years ago, or that birds were once feathered reptiles.",not sexist "Hahaha I just wish they would live their truth and cut the shit, so we wouldn't have to worry about these mfs being out in society.",not sexist "British tabloid to Trump: ""How dare you"" sit in Churchill's chair after insulting our country and embarrassing our queen [URL] [URL]",not sexist He has a bit of the gay alien skull going on.,not sexist And dat voice on the white girl. Raspy.,not sexist It must be you the retarded one!,not sexist "Is this doll fuckable? No, it's the woman fucking him who is wrong.",not sexist "Netflix did away with the 5-star rating system for films because Amy The #Jew Schumer got a 1-star aggregate rating for her ""comedy"" show: [URL] #AltRight #Jews #Women",not sexist "yoga, vegan marxist... so frightening I'll follow her",not sexist "It's absolutely disgusting that far-left thugs felt emboldened to do this to the home of Jacob Rees-Mogg. They want to intimidate and shut down people who stand by their principles, but Jacob has handled the incident with complete class! [URL]",not sexist "What is wrong with Legalization of Cannabis? it gives the people with big money a way to remove our ability to grow at home for free, DESCHEDULE is a better way to restore freedom and constitutional rights",not sexist Use Uber or a rideshare and have her over,not sexist According to Swedish state media Marine Le Pen's dad doesn't believe in the holocaust.,not sexist Because maybe he isn't attracted to guys? Are you retarded?,not sexist "RT [USER]: Sleeping with beautiful women, winning trade wars, creating space force, and even with all that, he *still* has time to play more golf than Obama. [URL]",not sexist "Jill Stein doesn't realize that Hillary won't support her recount, simply because the recount will EXPOSE the Liberal cheating in the votes and registrations of that particular state!",not sexist More double standards. This is a multiculti calling for violence against whoever she sees as a hate group. I just reported to get this predictable screencap desu,not sexist "When Black Dindu nuffins, attack and rape and kill white women & children, We should be allowed to have them publicly hanged, in front of the High School & should be left there for 7 days.",not sexist "Who needs the app store fuck the left bull loving jew slave cucks, soon they're going to tell me it's racist to not let a gang of thugs rape my wife and daughters. shutitdown",not sexist "There's a difference between a vagina and a regular feminine dude, is there not?",not sexist """sorry mom, on the plus side I've got a gigantic cock"".",not sexist As a social experiment I quit cutting my hair for 2 years just to see who thought it was 'their duty' to tell (hint?) that I should get a hair cut. It says a lot about who you thought you knew and how they view you.,not sexist "I would say if a woman seems even slightly odd, stay away.",not sexist Marriage=Raising someone else's child,not sexist "This documentary is about the genocide of white people, in south Africa by Lauren Southern [URL]",not sexist "Laura Ingraham has always been a weak neo-con. She is a fence-sitter, who attacks her fellow white spokesmen, as haters, suremacists, and malcontents. #Cuckservatives [URL]",not sexist "Lol. That still doesn't make you a woman, you freak!",not sexist "We're in the wrong for doing what it is that we think women want, expect and require of us or else we end up like fucking George Sodini?",not sexist beard depends on genetics. but some products try to help. or you can use some style that can look good( I've used a von dyke style for years.),not sexist was referring more to the average american black being 80/20 genetically. our actual 50/50 mulattos(probably 60/40 given admixture) tend to hate their white mom and absent black dad.,not sexist There are guys in this thread calling out for her handle to be exposed so they can harass her. Don't you think that for those who do know her username she is getting harassed by them?,not sexist "Nike posters, save yourself some effort and just don't buy their product. Remember, the eternal jew isn't gonna stop peddling degeneracy to your daughters and sons just because you set your lawn mowing shoes on fire.",not sexist "F*CK you, She's smiling after one the GREATEST ELECTIONS EVER in her history: [URL]",not sexist "Today in horrific sexual degeneracy: There's a website called 'TransKids' that sells 'gear' to help children 'transition', including child-sized dildos for little girls to wear so they can feel like boys. This cannot be allowed to continue. [URL]",not sexist "open season on any and all Occupy degenerates.... Start using their own ""supposed techniques"" against them, dispose of their useless bodies in sewers.",not sexist "I'm randomly searching Google and pulling pics. I really don't have an end goal doing it other than to just put a shock of horror on SJWs faces. ""Can you believe that misogynist is getting people to rate women #HotOrNot?!!!"" LOL. So worth it.",not sexist "Yup, it's happened to me. She may not be in the mood, maybe she's hung up on her ex, maybe she just got out of a toxic relationship. You never know",not sexist Shit. Gab will only let me post about 3 to 4 lines of text in a message.,not sexist If i became friends with a woman i would desire her sxually as i am celibate.,not sexist The people who post about women and the wall don't like anyone above 18,not sexist Also do you know how come in high school(high school student) girls can play the boys sports but boys aren't allowed to play volleyball because it's too unfair?,not sexist "you think women don't have critical thinking skills? dude, u cant get sex, not because you are an incel, just because you are an entitled sexist asshole lmao",not sexist I hope some white girl somewhere will read this and avoid a similar simian with intent to rape and murder. The savage nigger must never be trusted. They must always be treated as a dangerous animal.,not sexist "Before I got divorced, I always had 250K-300k in my account and I would go into the bank, all 5'4"" of me, with a old shirt and not get a smile from the teller......until she seen the bank balance. Then she would flirt and give me the eyes.",not sexist "By that standard, shouldn't black people be killed for their role in selling other black people to the white people?",not sexist Now she can falcon punch some sense into Lauren.,not sexist """Also, I like Sushi and Mini Golf"" Just in case you agree with me, buy me fish and tiny balls. Lol.",not sexist PUTIN where is the love only if you kill the black eyed peas they are fucking shit PUTIN did you fuck tom jones wife as well I can see wy tom jones fucked bassey,not sexist "If you do anything now that will show neediness. Girls hate neediness, she is unreceptive. Move on. Edit: just read you had sex, don't message her , if she doesn't respond then move on. Nothing you can really do",not sexist Good point. It's extremely feminine handwriting but she probably wouldn't call a fellow dirty used up Chad hole a weirdo .,not sexist "What a bastard lol, losers talk shit but live amongst the people he shits on. Surprise he is not 6 ft under",not sexist I feel terrible for judge Jeanne. Nasty women on the view. TDS is real.,not sexist Jordan court sentences Syrian father to 25 years prison for raping daughters [URL],not sexist "[USER] The nation of Israel is in a precarious state. It will not survive long. It's ok though, Jews always find themselves a new home. Like gypsies, this is their way.",not sexist A muslim calls a white girl a slag so she hits him . She shouldve ripped his balls off,not sexist Wait she has a dick?,not sexist "1) I agree that he is twisting it and he probably knows it. 2) It doesn't say incel in it...but you did post it in r/inceltears, so that's obviously the context everyone is reading this in.",not sexist "The biggest hate group in America has already nailed her, she'd get my vote for that reason alone: [URL]",not sexist "I don't think the boxcar is the problem at all, rather getting a nazi punk offa her mom's tit long enough to do the deed.",not sexist "#Trumpo and the #GOP bending over backwards to kiss this Beasley Ford woman's ass is crazy! Grassley needs to announce that he's going to ask Beasley Ford what she thinks of oral sex and #stinkfinger?""",not sexist "#Sharia-law advocate and #farleft #women's rights #activist,#TowelHead #SandNigger #LindaSarsour, rips into #Democrat #Senator #ChuckSchumer for #condemning public threats and harassment of #Trump officials [URL]",not sexist "I just think it's a worthy investment for future women, seems like you don't have much experience talking to women you know?",not sexist "CNN Says she is so pretty and they were hoping she attacked Pence. As can be seen, CNN is a Communist organization trying to bring down America",not sexist "Buddy, I am looking for girls, not wandering in shopping mall. I whan to be away from Canada, the world's most simp and cuck and feminism country of the world.",not sexist Too bad she used the BIBLE to THREATEN TRUMP and under FALSE ASSUMPTION... She should be looking for a MILL STONE,not sexist Nancy must have accidentally botoxed her brain.,not sexist "She's smiles from time to time, regains her composure, then plays with her hair. That Jew toad wanted him.",not sexist A parent who denies his or her own responsibility for bad choices is signalling to the child that he or she will not stop making bad choices. Such parents are telling the kids that they are a ticking time bomb.,not sexist "The left is so brazen they don't even try to make it look like anything but a witch hunt. And we the taxpayers are paying for the witch hunt. When are the Republican lawmakers going to fight back? If they don't, they need to be replaced.",not sexist "What the fuck are you talking about? Mgtow means men going their own way, if you didn't know already. Look up the meaning of ""own""",not sexist Violence against women will rise rapidly all over the world within the next 20 to 30 years. Mark my words.,not sexist Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same shekel.,not sexist "She's obviously a NAWALT unicorn, OP should stop being a sexist jerk and marry her.",not sexist "Okay, the problem with that statement is that mayonnaise is legitimately the worst thing I have ever tasted.",not sexist VINCE IS GOING TO GIVE THE [USER] WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP- IS WAR TO LOUSY EVENTUALLY AND SHE'LL HOLD THE TITLE LONGER THAN .,not sexist RT mamadidi32 I told my mom that was her karma for talking sh!t [URL],not sexist You have talked to most girls about what specific type of guy they are looking for? And the resounding answer is a country dude? What the fuck are you talking about? Clothing? Activities? Music preference?,not sexist "We'll add it to their summer home on Mt Stupid that includes their ""knowledge"" of sociology, psychology, economics, female anatomy, and human sexuality.",not sexist I hate to be THAT person... but if a woman has had 20 husbands and they all keep mysteriously disappearing... there should be more you should be concerned about other than sex.,not sexist "These fucking White Knights and Beta Orbiters following e-girls around are actually the toxic ones. Who wants to be shamed and abused by women all day long? These are the most pathetic men in the world, white knights are just losers.",not sexist "didn't kill yah, so it will make you stronger",not sexist "If genuine, That is one deranged woman.",not sexist "Greet him, find him a girl, and make a friend while you're at it.",not sexist The sweetest. My 5 year olds birthday card to her Nanna.,not sexist Thanks for the response? I can't tell yet if she's just messing me around but I'd like to find out. you'd say it is worth reaching out again?,not sexist "If it were Irish whites in Ireland, there would be British soldiers in the streets patrolling. Muslims in London get a free pass though I guess.",not sexist "Nah, some women still fall for jerks. Men who don't have a job, can't drive, can't read and write, use drugs and weed.",not sexist Translation: ride the cock carousel until December than find a simp.,not sexist hahaha. i didn't feel awkward at the time (perhaps because of the alcohol). we had sex again in the morning and she cried AGAIN. that's when i began to feel awkward.,not sexist because love is real.,not sexist "As someone who is having a lady over to ""watch a movie"", and don't plan on watching the fucking movie, this comment cracked me up. I will be chuckling about it all night. Thank you.",not sexist No its covered in the oneitis section on the sidebar and its becomes pretty obvious when you actually start approaching girls (OP points this out in 3.3),not sexist THIS CALIFORNIA DEM MAKES OUTRAGEOUS STATEMENT TO TRUMP - 'BEGINNING OF THE END' [URL] via [USER],not sexist "There's a time and a place man, girls don't want to hear about your problems. They want someone who's fun and comfortable with themselves that can make them laugh.",not sexist Nah I don't want to be mean cuz she's a good friend of mine I just told her I don't want to cuz it's just really inconvenient for me.,not sexist "You mention that she likes you, but say nothing about you liking her, which leaves the question to be asked: Are you hooking up with her solely because of her looks?",not sexist "This is hard for me because I am still only a pescatarian, I think I will try in the next few years to move into eating hunted or local meat.. #vargvikernes -#odalism #burzum #thuleanperspective #europe #women #health [URL]",not sexist I mean I'm poor as shit tho. 12'' 2figure 7'10'' i guess no women will love me :(,not sexist and yes.....there were white tribes here for 1000's of years.....Magellan wrote of them... the bones speak for we Europeans [URL],not sexist The petition shouldn't specify women who do this. Men and women who would make a false report of rape should face equal punishment.,not sexist nice birthday president from my wife last year ... still loving it ... and her of course,not sexist "The bad thing is she looks like a White Girl, but acts like an Injun Savage. Here she is attacking people in Philly. [URL]",not sexist I'd rather be incel than be with a serial monogamist. Its like signing a long term lease with an escort.,not sexist "I hope this leads to WW3, I just want to die.",not sexist "Never, Never, Never Stop Masturbating!",not sexist i wouldnt say usually but the one other time this happened at work she couldnt keep her mouth shut and everyone at work knew about it. and for some reason she thought that would force me into a relationship. needless to say it didnt work out.,not sexist If trump really wants to appease niggers he should expose tupacs killer.,not sexist "definitely the dream but hey it's not impossible. tbh i feel like it would be harder to find a dink partner as a woman 😅especially while young, but that's all i want anyway",not sexist "If Hillary only broke a toe, would that require 2 crutches ? I do not know but I know she can not tell the truth. [URL]",not sexist Depends how attractive your face is. My housemate is tall and really skinny with a 6 pack but has a very attractive face. He's beta as fuck and still destroys almost every guy with girls I know. Skinny with decent face > muscular with average face,not sexist "OMG and when you realize she is boring/stupid as hell what do you, you tie her to a tree and run away?",not sexist Fuck her. I'm more and more convinced that getting a woman legally pregnant to give me a baby and be a single bad ass dad is the way for me (not now but maybe someday),not sexist The simplest explanation is usual the correct one; in this case incompetence over a twisted conspiracy plot. The fact that this election was probably a career-ender for her further points to that conclusion.,not sexist "He should behave like a true cuck and say ""yeah so what that she's getting railed all the time by Chad. At the end of the day she sleeps in my bed so I win!!!""",not sexist "Theresa May took the biggest of dump on the failed concept of democracy with her ""soft"" (non)Brexit. What a joke. We need rope. And a loicense for said rope.",not sexist "Wait...can canadians hate? Or is it just that if they saw him on the street they wouldn't say ""hi buddy, how are you?"" They'd skip straight to the ""hi buddy"".",not sexist Let me guess. Raised by a single mom?,not sexist [URL] Brittany Pettibone is the young girl who was kicked out of the UK for trying to conduct this very interview. Tommy Robinson flew to Vienna to conduct it.,not sexist "I love the way women carried thenselves in those days,presence and class",not sexist I guess my handle should be WF_ISO_nintendo (white female in search of Nintendo),not sexist one more on the holohoax as what's her name seemed to need severe convincing. [URL],not sexist I would be so embarrassed to be their mother. Those boys need a giant spanking.,not sexist Blonde white nationalist females make me want to do the opposite of blonde white nationalism. It doesn't matter if they are already thisclose. Blonde is just an easy way to thought transfer/displace AND I AM NOT OKAY WITH THAT. Needs moar varietals.,not sexist I don't think this is the same woman Teeth Are WAY MORE CURVED as a set is NEW 🧠 pussy hat pic wider in sunglasses pic! look for yourself. Laugh lines off too,not sexist The pagan ancestors he claims to honor would drown renegade and her lackeys in bogs for their stupidity and cowardice,not sexist "For flaky girls, it seems to work for me.",not sexist If a wife leaves the work force for say 15 prime years to raise the children Then that was her choice.,not sexist "another schmuck and schmukette --- you goys just do not get it --- ""Yes sir, sir! ""! ""We do not get it, Sir !""",not sexist "Tell me, why not make it legal to have sex with a 10 year old girl? I am merely using your own logic here.",not sexist "Israel is a biblical figure , not an Illegally occupied land by way of the Balfour declaration and Havvara Transfer Agreement. Beware of bible thumping ZIOTARD JEW FUCKS.",not sexist "I second this, ask her if she's free and don't think too much about it, you already talked with her so if she's free and wanna see you and you offer her the opportunity she'll make it happen",not sexist "I, by default, assume every male feminist is secretly an abuser and/or rapist until they can prove otherwise.",not sexist They're just scared lol. Women rip on mgtow but don't want them to have masturbatory aides?,not sexist There are two things to be taken away from *The Game*: 1. Learning the behaviors/lines/whatevers of an attractive man doesn't make you an attractive man. 2. Sex and women will not make you happy.,not sexist "#Liberals ....""How Can we Blame Whitey?"" Woman, 20, raped and murdered by 'obsessed' uncle who padlocked her body in a freezer [URL]",not sexist ..Three robbers in masks dead --and the getaway driver was arrested for three counts of first degree murder and three counts of first degree burglary. LMAO! And such a cutie she is too.. [URL],not sexist You have 3 billion years of evolutionary forces going into your desire to find companionship/a mate. Actual monks probably can't even fully quell their desires - that's why actual monks live in monasteries with little to no women.,not sexist "This works in reverse as well. Guys that can't play oogle chicks that can and if she is up for teaching them, game on. Source: Chick guitar player",not sexist You sound paranoid man. Seriously how many times have you actually heard or seen a pua causing a woman to scream and call the cops. It just doesn't happen. Unless you're try to grope them or being creepy but that would be a different problem.,not sexist Well thank God she's out of the gene pool,not sexist i say just go for it. u already know her,not sexist "No you dont have to. But being obese and trying to make a move on a women will probably end with a rejection, making the obese guy more self conscious",not sexist Shrooms and a gun... uuuh,not sexist "Mr. Hitler was so sweet i wish i would have been born in Germany when He was President. I know not EVERYTHING He did was great, He did kill a lot of White American Christian soldiers but only becuz the scheming jews tricked them😑",not sexist Now you know that was that evil White lady's fault.,not sexist Well said. Jesus would not have us wish harm on anyone but yes she is a hate monger.,not sexist Especially middle class and rich white girls. Easiest difficulty ever.,not sexist "That's the plan. I'll just study 2 chapters, they would take me an hour or less if I focus, but I'll do them throughout the date so she wouldn't feel guilty if I don't study my stuff. I'm overthinking this, it's the first date since my breakup.",not sexist This makes being hit by a train not seem that bad.,not sexist Then go fuck your sister idiot!,not sexist I named my Leopard Gecko Hillary. 😁 A bit unfair to the lovely little creature but what she don't know won't hurt her.,not sexist "i was taught to love men and brainwashed myself with redpill beliefs, but i'm ignored and discarded as human by every male my age even if i dress nice, ect. Yet women are the shallow ones lol",not sexist "On the left it's the liberated female conquerer of she men, slayer of fetuses.",not sexist We got to messaging on Facebook and she clearly stated that she's a cougar and has fucked 20 something year olds before. Told her the older woman thing is a fantasy of sorts and she said she knows the feeling.,not sexist "She loves but you, but since she's young she still wants to fuck other guys. Drop her.",not sexist Why does she still have a job ?????/ Rachel Maddow is a Total Idiot [URL],not sexist "There is no ""wrong"" or ""right"" approach with women. Some slimeball pickup line can work and sometimes it won't work. Its unfortunately a numbers game. Keeping trying, keep improving, do more than before, be more suave, etc.",not sexist I'll let an old woman have my seat on transport. Never seen another woman offer her seat.,not sexist Because women are just as bipolar under stress inducing situations as men are. Think vack to your approach anxiety. Sometimes you're gassed af and sometimes you wanna crawl into a corner and die. They probably get the same thing,not sexist [USER] Pretty much the best girl on all the internetz !!!,not sexist We should organize a protest during her testimony. Like a Trump rally!! 25k+ All in MAGA shirts and hats. ENOUGH of this!!,not sexist "It's funny, but whenever I suggest that costume to my friends (both male and female), the men groan, the women get irritated, and everyone says ""NO DON'T BE A TOOL"" :/ (M 20)",not sexist Good luck find a woman that will actually buy the game with her money.,not sexist "yes option close that shit. Tell her you are ""super busy and that friday at 4:30 or saturday 5:30 which works best for you""",not sexist "So, should we obediently shut the fuck up, not walk away and swallow these beautiful words everytime we get gaslighted this brutally? Why can't she just honestly say she wants no shit?",not sexist Is it just me or is Shoe moving slighty further to the left? Serious question... usually she is a little... anti-feminist for my tastes.,not sexist i am 5'5 and i think i look like a bag of vomit compared to my girlfriend and somehow she still likes me *thinking*,not sexist "North Korea's really stepping up their female soldier's weapons competency, I see.",not sexist "[USER] I have no sympathy for this horrible person. If she were to die, a family would lose a wife, mother and grandmother and that is sad for them.",not sexist "I think it's time President Trump puts her in there,in prison!",not sexist Hotel worker is arrested in Saudi Arabia after he was filmed eating breakfast with a female colleague [URL] via [USER],not sexist "LOL, one commenter called her ""Dances with Lies""",not sexist "8-year-old girl walks dog around block, police and child services investigate mom [URL]",not sexist "Lib agenda, kill the country, but taxpayers pay her way",not sexist "mom yeah, sister probably not.",not sexist [USER] please add DM.. it needs to go down in the DM.. these girls deserve that good D!!,not sexist Jesus man that is fucking pathetic. Imagine her vag?!,not sexist Or Colored or as Negroes....Blacks reaaly didn't become common usage until the mid to late seventies.,not sexist Their own women were the ones aborted by their commie government,not sexist Who do we blame for her lack of talent?,not sexist "Holy shit, youre alive. I thought Tariq finally hunted you down.",not sexist Sounds like permanent tourism and renting (both living space and women) is the future.,not sexist Growth hormones and steroids in our meat is what's doing it. Also why very young girls are developing breasts and hips early and menstruating at 11 yrs old. Fucked up world when the chemicals in your food are fucking your kids up.,not sexist "NO, NO, NO! FUCK NO! This sleeper cell is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood's network of Islamic organizations. My home state better wake up to the Islamic invasion...fast! #IslamIsCancer [URL]",not sexist "Yeah, actual retarded and downs syndrome people can be kind of nice when you interact with them. White men? Not so much",not sexist Good Morning Gabbers.......Coffee's Hot...... wife is in a Good Mood.......Sun is up......No rain......Trump is Still my President......Can't ask for more than THAT......,not sexist She must have told him she expected him to stick around after she has his baby,not sexist For real dude they're all such angry little cucks. Tell one person that women don't spend all day getting dicked down and they get so triggered lmao,not sexist "I don't even know who the fuck he is, I just saw that post in all its glorious autism and I had to comment on it",not sexist "Scientifically speaking, transgender men are not biological men and transgender women are not biological women. The claims to the contrary are not supported by a scintilla of scientific evidence. ~Dr Lawrence Mayer",not sexist "Somehow even though the incel posters here have never dated a woman, they are nevertheless authorities on female psychology. Some are even telepaths who can read women's minds, apparently!",not sexist "[URL] Mom heinously murdered her 9 year old daughter, because of a custody battle. She'll be eligible for parole in 18 yrs...All of the wrong people are having children. WTF! #DeathPenalty #GabFam",not sexist I hope she wakes up every morning screaming realizing shes not president!!!!!,not sexist "A friend of mine recently went through this. He kept all pictures videos and texts that she had sent him. Pretty hard to claim rape when an hour before she texts ""i want you to fuck me so hard!""",not sexist But I thought all women could fuck Chad if they want?,not sexist "This is going from bad, to worse. The Austin Bomber clearly knows what he/she/they are doing. I hope they catch these rat bastards, FASt. [URL]",not sexist "....No. Thats called fantasising and women are just as guilty of that as men, its not rape, its not sexual assault, fuck right off, PBSPinchback.",not sexist I remember candidate Clinton saying she wanted a million more Moslem refugees. We could have had the same kind of cultural enrichment.,not sexist "Herpes around the mouth, the asshole and the genitalia.",not sexist Why does she need attention? She has my attention then blocked me,not sexist Ruling on her going out of the house without her husband's permission and travelling without a mahram - [URL],not sexist "\> My girlfriend... Its official, this sub as hit rock bottom. Im out",not sexist Eh what the fuck man it's ur mother,not sexist I and a lot of people give a fuck that we had our genitals mutilated without consent in order to satisfy an Old Testament custom. How do you feel about muslims circumcising women?,not sexist That's a cow if i've ever seen one,not sexist "Yep, cause this woman has lied her ass off under oath. She's upset bcuz she knows the penalty.",not sexist "[USER] why does anyone listen to this tired ol' woman. ""She"" is not relevant any more",not sexist "It's an apt way of saying women are like the serial killers in the woods in those teen horror films. You know, like Jason.",not sexist Elaine Chao's father gave them a ton of money (family has billions) and she made millions after being a part of the Bush Administration.,not sexist "RT RebekahWorsham So Bette Midler is warning women to ""lock up their daughters"" because of Brett Kavanaugh. But its okay to park her own daughter next to Harvey Weinstein? Oh. I see. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder [URL]",not sexist um....I have seen women doing that.....poor fucking horse....no pun intended..,not sexist Based Grinchcel,not sexist Rush Limbaugh makes a great point. This is the angle we must push. The mainstream media has been force-feeding us FAKE NEWS about Russian hacking. [URL],not sexist Lol sounds like me. I don't normally play the lottery but one yr my mom bought us all each 5 tickets for Christmas. I got nothing until my last ticket and it was a [CUR]5 prize 😄😄😄,not sexist Beautiful women get even more beautiful by age. All those fat snowflakes are to be covered with Muslim cloth from Top to toe.,not sexist "Your argument is valid, i agree. Man shouldn't do that. But i'm not a man yet. I'm 22, getting my Bachelor's, working 2 jobs. Right now i don't really care about the girl having a boyfriend.",not sexist "I watched it live with my dad, what got my attention was Lady Birds smiling through almost all of it. I ask my dad what she's smiling about.. he said son it looks like they just killed our president..",not sexist Was CBF hurt more by her teenage frottage or the right royal screwing by 'her' political allies? Just askin'?,not sexist "But the rest of the world, especially her two sons, need her in prison.",not sexist Really sick of Hilliary an wish she wld do something to help benefit the world but prob never will happen.,not sexist "Very first pickup in this video, girl has on headphones. This isn't tough. [URL]",not sexist The predator us added to my boycott list. I'm not interested in a ything done by dribbling left Ard muppets. Always preachy boring shite.,not sexist "Greece, African and moslems first stop to the UK.",not sexist This has been another lame attempt at a gotcha brought by the not-so fine women of PPD.,not sexist "Go back to getting abused by some girls you little nigga. So long as I remain in the county, probably.",not sexist "Send her a funny/playful message. If you want to have some risky fun tell her, ""so my place or yours lol"". It could work out good and if not just tell her it was a joke.",not sexist "Currently trying to get that fixed. It should be for hapas, not all mixed race people.",not sexist "I'd like to write a story about a writer that fantasies about killing the president, and at her book signing gets assasinated. humm.",not sexist Simba and Nala were cousins but that doesn't mean the Lion King is promoting incest jfc,not sexist I knew a guy like that he got gamed by girls. Like he never learned game because girls would game him haha,not sexist Yeh you could be right... I just know some Latinos use pesos interchangeably and really mean dollars... Not 100% sure,not sexist "Ellison is fucking pos coward and woman abuser,i bet he wouldn't try raising his hands to me because i'd knock his ass to the ground real quick.",not sexist """I'm a #Muslim, a #woman and an #immigrant. I voted for #Trump"" A must read by [USER] [URL] #MAGA #PresidentTrump #ClintonRiots",not sexist Yep. Democrats aren't very good at fixing disasters. During this time of crisis maybe everyone will see how inept she is.,not sexist "Original link here, complete with ""arty"" photographs of the mutilator hard at work: [URL] This article is so full of utter evil filth, it's hard to know where to start. God help all these infant boys she is raping, mutilating and sexually abusing.",not sexist So somebody wants to fucking kill this woman? She must know something serious.,not sexist "[URL] ""Earlier this year, the museum let her go, though the circumstances of her departure remain unclear."" Uh, no, we know why she as 'let go'.",not sexist She sounds like an insecure mess. I have had bad breakups and shit but that doesn't mean every new person I find is going to hurt me. Find someone else IMO.,not sexist That girl facepalming in the second panel demonstrates the average reader's reaction to this shit.,not sexist I'll have the one with the gun. My sort of woman. ;-D,not sexist The guy needs a medal🥇and a beer🍺 This man is a #Hero👊 #Beers🍻 for life! This is a man all daughters need as a 💪father. [URL],not sexist "Not sure I would classify Joy as an idiot since she is very successful in her trade. I would, however, conclude she is a narrow-minded agenda driven bigot that spews hatred.",not sexist "This is hilarious. I live practically on your doorstep. I'm not that experienced when it comes to women (which I'm trying to change :P) and at the moment I'm kinda busy, but you can hit me up anytime and I'll try to figure something out :)",not sexist "If you've ever watched Survivor, you can certainly tell this is a real phenomenon. The ""women's alliance"" thing comes up every damn season.",not sexist "If you need to ask, then it is clear that you are either willfully IGNORANT, or you have been under a rock the past 7,000 years!",not sexist "Shelia Jackson Lee is a vile, hateful, stupid woman.",not sexist I'm convinced. That pretty girl is ~140 years old.,not sexist So his heaven is just filled with men and we all look like Chad. Ok then...,not sexist "That is why Trump sent not #water bottles but 100 million [CUR] water relief to #Flint, dumb nut,after 3 years with dirty water with #Obama ""doin nuffin"". [URL]",not sexist Now this same artistic community wants this painting taken down AND destroyed because a white woman DARED to paint a dead black boy in a casket... [URL],not sexist "I notice he didn't manage to provide a single *example* of a woman's ""evil"" behavior. Curious what it is we do that constitutes ""overt and covert assault"" but merits no actual description somehow!",not sexist "You need to talk to your own lawyer. Debt and property from before the marriage should remain with original owner. Any assets or debt acquired after marriage is split 50/50. That includes things she will try to say are hers, like jewelry.",not sexist "Not at women, no.",not sexist I hate that mother fucker I trolled his ass on twitter a couple days ago,not sexist If you can't show up and be present in a relationship don't get into a relationship because there are reasonable expitations in any relationship just sounds like she is very immature,not sexist "What the fuck is a ""woke"" woman?",not sexist A woman has been accused of stealing [CUR]13K from an inmate's bank account [URL] [URL],not sexist Black students at Howard University abuse white girls on college tour. [URL],not sexist "I know mate and I keep telling myself that and keep being busy with other girls. But when you get caught in them feelings, one is fucked.",not sexist "[USER] Me too, kill it kill it. *hands her blowtorch* =E",not sexist "You are dreaming, if you think we are aren't going to purge you goat fuckers before it's over.",not sexist Yep. Just like they tried with Trump before the election. Remember the lady alleged he got touchy feely on a plane I believe it was?,not sexist Quit fucking bashing Trump then...you fuckers like him one day and hate him the next...now you pick on his wife...Jesus!,not sexist Refute what I say instead of trying to insult me my guy. I can promise you I'm not an incel and I can promise I most definitely have fucked more women than you.,not sexist "Regardless of whether you're playing the whole *teasing* or *negging* thing perfectly right, she sounds like she's not worth your time.",not sexist She should contact the ACLU and SPLC then dox the hell out of them when the refuse to represent her since she's white,not sexist You want to fuck her so bad and you seem needy You have to be casual and the interest between you two should be near 50:50 or at least you should have less than her Set a funny date and if she flakes for a date or ex You know she has others vibes,not sexist This guy dodged a bullet. Notice her entitlement. She believes he had no right to dump her lol. If you aren't married either party is allowed to leave a relationship for ANY reason.,not sexist "Meanwhile, the Democrats are actively courting anti-white and misandrist voters. Any Republican virtue signalling against ""white nationalists"" is either a moron or controlled opposition. [URL]",not sexist "The gold diadem of Meda, wife of Philip II, who followed the great king in his tomb to the death. Museum of Royal Tombs at Aigai, Macedonia, the Heart of Greece.",not sexist The Master of Action is Back! Yippee ki-yay mother [URL],not sexist I have banged girls several inches taller than me. I would never LTR a girl taller than me though. Maybe impregnate a 6ft girl to fix the gene issue 😂😂,not sexist "Jesus no. The military are probably the worst of the lot - afterall, where did the [mass rapes]([URL] originate? Likewise, where did all those terms like LBFM and the start of the mass sex tourism start? Yeah, the US military...",not sexist "I guessed you had you own account. What did she spend all the money on? But yeah, you'd think she'd realize getting divorced means she can't rely on you for money. Apparently not though.",not sexist "I tell her I don't want to talk about us at all Simply just don't. If you think it's not what you want to talk about, simply don't. You'll be the bad guy despite everything.",not sexist "I like the reporter of this story, has a great sense of humor! He called her just about everything but a Jew junky!",not sexist "If your game is equal, No. If your game is much better than his, you may do ok. If you work together well, you may do ok by pulling two women together.",not sexist Then I could finally be betabux for a 4/10 female. Nah JK I would start slaying all day every day. I would literally do nothing but fuck women and collect my modeling money all day.,not sexist "If Solo fails she is gone, I don't care how many dicks she sucks money talks and the rest walks.",not sexist "Format the hard drive and start over. Not something hard to do after a relationshit with the ""right woman.""",not sexist Hard to imagine her and McConnell laying in bed next together. (Sorry everyone for that image.),not sexist Hillary's fugly sister....,not sexist Firmware update 1.01: yes means yes. Fuck you! If her vibrator had any AI he would walk out on her and go his own way or self destruct and blow the vagina right up.,not sexist The Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment the liberals have repeatedly worked to take it away. Fuck them.,not sexist "The only control we need is control against these leftist commies. I hope more than 1 concerned parent speaks out against this teacher, and that she loses her job. So sick of this crap!",not sexist """I HATE racism"" she cried from her 95% white town.",not sexist "A few months ago, I overheard a group of Stacies saying that I looked liked Mr Tumnus from Narnia. It's stuff like this that makes my blood boil.",not sexist "RIght....because females have ""deep and intricate social behaviors"" and men are just pigs",not sexist A #cocky #redhead reporter faces the seductions of a younger man with a story to tell. The only trouble is that he's succeeding...and the affair is happening in a hotel full of her rivals. What is a girl to do? #LGBT #BDSM #erotica [URL],not sexist #1 To make my way upstream better (lie flat like a salmon and leap over her head) #2 Touch her hip bone with one thumb and pretend to size her up #3 NO U R,not sexist "If you wanna loose that nervousness and wanna feel more confident around women you gotta start hanging out with them, talk to them ask them questions.",not sexist Jersey girls/boys have annoying accents and style choices I don't really agree with. But seriously they are no more or less stupid than anyone else at the club.,not sexist "So, in your opinion, should I simply embrace that I will never contact her again (and if she does I will be evasive or avoid answers), or should I first call her, make explicit what the issues are and directly say farewell forever?",not sexist Step away to vacuum and get hit with a bunch of notifications. You lot know how to cheer a person up after house work. 😆 💗,not sexist When I first saw this My FIRST thought was to tease her unless she's actually sad If she says she's not good at anything Tell her to watch and learn Tell you agree with a smirk Do not validate The only way to not be beta is to be alpha,not sexist Yeah there's that. But what he won't consider is his own 7th century religion that espouses: - female genital mutilation - marriage to prepubescent females - state sanctioned murder of homosexuals - (worst of all) pork hate,not sexist Approval and rewards? Christ. Redpillers honestly think women are dogs.,not sexist so you're telling me....i just need to find 3 girls to go out with me on the same night to get a Girl? cool cool,not sexist "I just mean really hot girls. That's my ''type'. They don't all look identical or anything, but typically young, slim, nice bodies, pretty faces with nice bone structure with bright green/blue/grey eyes, long hair etc",not sexist Ain't that the goddamn truth!,not sexist I've sent my mom spicier memes. 😒,not sexist She looks like she'd sleep with Hitlery in the space of a panty drop! BOOM!!,not sexist You're welcome Ms. Fe. I love Hershey Kisses and keep some stashed all over the house lol. #Chocoholic,not sexist .[USER] Brexit was one of the best days of 2016.,not sexist "Where'd you go, girlfriend?",not sexist Why the fuck is a god damn judge allowed to force an invasion of America? The judge isn't the president. He's a filthy mother fucking communist and he should be held for charges of war crime and treachery,not sexist "Just look at most porn, its almost all satesfying for the guys. 10 min blow jobs 20 min if actual sex and super fake overdone moaning from women and so on. Even ""lesbian"" like no gay women will be wearing an inch long fake nails...",not sexist Get a grip you dumb fuck. Are you a woman? I don't think so.,not sexist "Don't you love the bull shit... Elizabeth Warren SUPPORTS Child trafficking and Child rape its as simple as that, and she WON'T take the test because she committed fraud! And everyone knows it... lets #taketheDNA to her twitter!",not sexist Cops hunt for perv who groped 9-year-old girl in Brooklyn [URL] [URL],not sexist Where's the chad,not sexist "I wish I could post a big ""Fuck you, dipshits"" on Facebook without my grandma taking it personal. -.-",not sexist Also I would hope your wife is the one sucking you dick but I doubt she is or you wouldn't be begging me to do it for you. LOL,not sexist Merkel needs to be deported to Africa along with her 'diversity'. The rest will sort itself out.,not sexist R9k is more about sadness. This sub is more about hatred.,not sexist "I'm imagining chars like birds of prey, swooping down and snatching women out of nowhere. Its majestic. There is a documentary narrarated by David Attenborough",not sexist Please cite peer-reviewed studies instead of crap all the time.,not sexist "NEW: Trump attacks Stormy Daniels, calling her ""Horseface,"" in a tweet celebrating a judge's dismissal of a defamation lawsuit [URL]",not sexist "My sister is a nurse and she insists that fecal incontinence among homosexual males is a thing, and can be found described in her textbooks. This article says it isn't.",not sexist "If my biological dad was someone other than my father, I would be pretty pissed off at my mom. I would NOT appreciate what she did ""for me"".",not sexist "Men want a happy, fulfilling, and stable relationship. As do women. I'd honestly hate the opposite of that. Like, a hyper-dominant man.",not sexist Oh no. More #GilmoreGirls Good thing I have headphones while my wife watches it.,not sexist Boo hoo mother fucker. You think I'm a girl who needs your validation?,not sexist "It's alive!! LOL She is just awful, I'm so glad she lost.",not sexist These dumb assholes wonder why police have to shoot them. Keep showing more of these videos to show what a fucking conjob all this racial shit is. This dumb fuck is a victim because he chose to be a victim. I hope they killed his ass.,not sexist What's wrong with her head,not sexist Awwww....those all look nice...but my mom's got you beat for diversity. She's got a *pink* gun. And one with a pretty opal color. Why not have a gun that's pretty and deadly?,not sexist "Which part? The one where he calls a woman a bitch, or the one where he had a friend???",not sexist they'll stay married - will rarely cross paths - she's got him by the shorthairs - gotta protect that legacy [URL],not sexist "I always thought she was stupid, now we know..",not sexist "The internet is the last hope of man. If it goes we won't become neotribalist bands hunting elk in the ruins, we will be hunted down by the last gasp of the globalist hegemon and made examples of for the rest of the serfs to gaze on and despair.",not sexist "Some women might be Nazi nuns -- even if single, they are married to their race until the right man comes along.",not sexist "next time she does it you embrace her and say in a smoldering voice, ""there you go again. why can't you stop flirting?"" if she gives puppy dog eyes you plant one on her lips.",not sexist "She's lucky that she went toe to toe with gentlemen, guys who didn't rough her up once she no longer presented a threat.",not sexist and winner of beauty contest for wall women - they have shitty contests for married women because they can't win those for single women,not sexist South #Africa - #Negro gang-of-four #rape #college #woman - Then crush her skull and stab her neck - #DS #DailyStormer #SouthAfrica #SuidAfrika #whitegenocide [URL],not sexist "Yep, get fucked O2. I don't care which site they put this shit on, it's awful and I'm switching to another carrier next time.",not sexist "It's not, why would you think that? Do I sound retarded?",not sexist "Don't mind me, just dumping (((post-modernist))) blocks (litterally ""BLOX"") in your historic 17th century naval quarter. No city must remain livable!",not sexist Women WANT men. Just like men WANT women.,not sexist I've never seen one single photo of Angela Merkel where she looks normal. Those eyes are empty tunnels leading straight to hell. [USER] [URL],not sexist [USER] they should have tried central planning...oops they did!,not sexist "I love it! Cohencidently, I did tell Looms I offered to pay her ""toilet bill"" Synchronicity is part of our meme magic. I'm sending Looms this meme later. Thx!",not sexist I learned that guys are stupid.,not sexist "As a student, I work as a tutor. Know what it's like to have 10% of all the females on campus know your name? A handful of boyfriends want me dead.",not sexist I haven't shared eye contact with a female for even a second in over 3 years. But when I did they immediately looked away and for some reason rushed to the restroom covering their mouths.,not sexist "[Evil comes in male and female] ""Except that it's 70% female."" Bandwagon (Eph 4:14). 30% of the readers will disagree with you (Ge 3:12). ""SEVENTY. Percent."" You are responsible for 100% of your behavior (Mt 19:11).",not sexist I hope she finds her doorknob soon,not sexist they believe(or say they believe) that no man who doesn't have top genes has a chance to generate real attraction in a woman,not sexist "God rest her soul. Evict the elderly and give rapist and cultist the keys to the kingdom. When you have no sympathy or love for your own, don't lecture me about the stranger forcing his way over the border or into my home.",not sexist Leaving this sub isn't going to repair the abuse women treat you with,not sexist George Washington married a woman who had children. I suppose they'd call him a beta cuck?,not sexist "It makes me so angry when he says laughing at the uncle who murdered people is a way of ""healing"". Fuck these people! I have so much anger in me from being raped by one of these people. I have no fucking sympathy.",not sexist no=way/no way is anybody worse then her,not sexist "jizz in each others' anuses Oh god, I'm dying.",not sexist import low IQ Somali > give low IQ Somali badge and gun > let low IQ Somali loose on US streets > unarmed woman shot dead through police car door Bodycam and dashcam switched off. Surprised? [URL],not sexist they're all at chad's kegger tonight. they'll get back to LARPing tomorrow morning,not sexist "I agree with both of the above. NEVER directly answer this question...EVER! For one thing, it's none of her fucking business, but I wouldn't say that to her.",not sexist "Thanks, I found her based on that photo - Barbara Gray. Still not sure of the story as she said he phoned her, but she didn't know who he was on the date even with a photographer in tow. Hmm. [URL]",not sexist only pugs can be accused of dressing as a nazi! [URL],not sexist "[USER] And a good role model, someone who doesn't listen to rap music about drugging women & raping them, etc., like Michelle does (while pretending to be so offended by Trump saying ""pussy"" in a private guy's conversation).",not sexist Yeah buddy go get raped by your mom and stepfather,not sexist "I was a leftist before gamergate and I didn't do it. I was dating a Christian girl at the time, and her family never complained about us. So they are willing to bend on homosexuality.",not sexist "Haha, it's funny cause 2 girls 1 cup was the only skit of hers that made me laugh. I mean, it was the first skit of the first episode of her show, but I guess that's something.",not sexist what was her reaction? did you kiss her neck? grab the tits? that's sort of staple spooning fare.,not sexist TOUGH TIMES: German police unveil new anti-dumb fuck brainwashed Muslim gear in the wake of deadly Islamist attacks. [URL],not sexist "Mark Twain If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.",not sexist Maybe Wolf can wipe that smirk off her.,not sexist Why do you want to fuck 400 different women. Walk up to dudes sometimes too not just hit on random women creepily.,not sexist No. Why the fuck would someone help you make such a stupid fucking decision? Go talk to other women and stop simping over one women. Especially one that could royal fuck up your life.,not sexist That's sad if that's all dems have .,not sexist Wasn't #MerylStreep using her position and platform to bully Trump supporters? #hypocrites #hack,not sexist "Women do have few accidents, but only because they drive *far* fewer miles. Men drive something like 3.5x further than women. So women are likely to have fewer accidents total, but far more accidents per mile traveled.",not sexist Cool story lady...,not sexist I am still the most non jewish mother fucker of all non jewish mother fuckers,not sexist "Or ""having tattoos"", ""wearing a tank top"", ""playing sports"", ""going clubbing"", etc The bar for asshole behavior is so low that I'm not surprised they think that women are only attracted to assholes.",not sexist "They may be thinking about resale, but that can't be their first consideration. I think their first consideration is how impressive it is and women can translate that into dollars.",not sexist "I didn't mean it in the sense that all fat dudes with thin women are hypocrites, more in the sense of ""It's a minimum requirement in a partner I have and therefore I should fulfill it myself""",not sexist Wow I lurk on here a lot and after hearing this women spew this shit out of her mouth shocked me. Saved for later.,not sexist Yes Ma'am she does...,not sexist "No, Chads are infiltrating pro-gaming and Stacies are taking over Twitch/YouTube streaming because its easy money.",not sexist "Geauga puts up some excellent vids. The first time I saw this, I was convinced. I've recommended this vid to my lady friends who carry.",not sexist They let their women carry!🤔😲,not sexist "How I hate that ignorant over stuffed potato Loretta Lynch. Obongo seriously assembled the most incompetent, malicious, unintelligent, hostile, uppity team EVER.",not sexist "Major cope, girls wouldn't give a shit and just find that creepy unless you're goodlooking",not sexist I'm 7 and I'm invisible to women,not sexist Thousands of Swedes insert microchips into bodies... [URL],not sexist Or maybe she just felt threatened.,not sexist "GL black guys, she's all yours lol",not sexist "Really ? Name me 5 feminist leaders from various movements. odds are 4 out of 5 was gay Susan B Anthony was, so were pretty much all the female suffragette leaders who pushed for prohibition.",not sexist "Puerto Rico is ""completely devastated,"" yet the mayor of San Juan found a silk-screen place to print her a shirt that says ""help us, we're dying?"" This is CNN #FakeNews and propaganda! #Ghost",not sexist men definitely fetishize height too. the stuff about 6'3 dudes rejecting girls for being over 5'3 or something is definitely true. i've seen a guy in this sub say she could only be up to his chest,not sexist Paying a woman to sit next to you? This is not inceltears man,not sexist .[USER] wants a federal court to block the Senate from confirming Brett Kavanaugh. [URL] ,not sexist "Or could the REAL reason be that no one is hiring the old freaking plastic gas bag b/c she is a has-been washed up singer and mediocre line memorizer and direction taker? Committed career suicide, ya think?",not sexist "Your people, and especially your women, don't ""choose"" a motherfucking thing. You wear that shit cause you don't want to get raped by your 87 year old uncle and thrown off a building.",not sexist "Thank you for sharing. Gotta love this lady. ""Black woman Texas""",not sexist "Tinder didn't work, talking to college girls didn't work, even asking out one of my friends didn't work.",not sexist Who gives a shit about arab porn and what she thinks.,not sexist "this is exactly what I tell all females that ask me who I am with. no one. I need to focus on my stuff and goals, no one can stop a moving train.",not sexist A male Feminist? Raping a woman? Never heard of such a thing,not sexist "I doubt there would even be a ""meals for one"" sign anywhere. That wording would make mother Teresa suicidal.",not sexist cant wait to see their reacitons when their kid grows to look like the guy in the sidebar,not sexist In the video the egg donor states he was never involved except @ conception. She has sole custody & admits to raising her that way. She talks about her nude videos that the brat has stolen & posted. That's just scratches the surface.,not sexist I love how all the idiots and white knights are accusing him of lying because he got the car name wrong. So what. Those cucks really do not want to believe that a woman did something bad.,not sexist Start shooting at people who shoot at cops! Thanks!,not sexist OP: why do you think women can't be incels? Replies: because women can get men easily. Me: what about the women who want women? You: omg what does that have to do with the topic? Can you please explain to me why I'm wrong here?,not sexist "#Illuminist 1%-er Sheryl Sandberg says her great, great grandmother immigrated from Lithuania. LOL!! Hey Sheryl, how many terrorists come from Lithuania? LOL!! #Liberals are so stupid.",not sexist If someone even attempted to rape my wife (when I was married) if she didn't kill him I would hunt him down and kill him myself! No brag just fact,not sexist news on the jewish autonomy oblast in russia is good..most are unaware of its existence the 2nd largest jew haven besides Israel they are so persecuted they 2 countries but no goy it is not jewish at all,not sexist [URL] feel free to troll her and gonna find her court rulingon aug 12 hilarious,not sexist "Ask direct, easier questions. Family, lifestyle, etc. Comment on things in the environment. Going philosophical or abstract when she's very nervous will likely fail.",not sexist "Yeah, I guess she is supposed to be Obama's Hollywood sex slave.",not sexist "Meh, this sounds dangerously like ""don't look for concrete advice, just be yourself! FUCK YES!' to me. Nice rethoric, but don't let what he says make you give up on a girl too early.",not sexist Become less shy Tslk about whatever you want Touch her,not sexist "Heck, that's probably WHY she got the license!",not sexist I also think that I tooked her for granted because she was the first to ask me out several years ago and I had been his crush for a long time and now that she has improved a little and I give her the chance booom,not sexist Let's hope this guy ==> [USER] or the other Republican guy that is running in her district can knock this corrupt racist anti-American batshit CrAzY shriveled prune out of Congress once and for all.,not sexist "Is there a way to block all the stuff from one certain sub?I seen them dozens of times on the frontpage even though I am not sub to them.Speaking of which,dies they sub count include banned users?",not sexist "Yea excatly. It's when you start overthinking, that's when It gets bad. I always notice that as soon as I get feelings for someone I know I'm fucked, but I can't help it :/ I just wanna be with her",not sexist "I find myself generally more positive, independent, confident, and less drawn into women's drama since I started reading mgtow. It's annoying other people buy into it but at least I'm saving myself the headache.",not sexist She's a brave woman who understands history. She has my greatest respect.,not sexist It's probably so they don't rape women.. worse than animals,not sexist Hmm? A new synonym for carpet munching?,not sexist "[USER] i hope it's not like that for her, she has a little girl who seemed happy enough. her daughter in a strange way calmed my nerves.",not sexist My mother may have had a wicked sense of humor but she didn't raise nor am I a dummy. Also I have a cell phone. Which doesn't go to my bedroom. It stays on the kitchen table. LMAO. Hey how do you like the cats. NSA.5eyes.,not sexist """Flooding the zone"" by making on a move on every woman with a heartbeat is the sign of someone with no moral compass. I have seen it in action. Just as I have seen women discard good men and run off with a shitbag that gave them the tingles.",not sexist "In fact it is my situation. My wife and I both have other partners and don't pretend to own each other. That is polyamory. I'm looking at how much it bothers me to be called a ""cuck"" and it's zero. Mostly I just feel bad for you.",not sexist [USER] A sadistic killer who tied up and tortured a barmaid before mutilating her naked body with a broken bottle is has been jailed for 29 years. #HardcoreEnrichment [URL],not sexist The well fed welfare queen will claim racism and get probation,not sexist I poked her with my elbow then I looked at her then I looked at my own arm. I then waved slowly in a downward motion toward the arm I wanted her to grab.,not sexist "What a cringing little turd of a man. I guess if anyone wants to assassinate him all they have to do is send a female. As she is about to strike he will, no doubt, yell to his bodyguards ""Don't shoot, she's a woman!""",not sexist "These girls were both of age, 18, at the time.",not sexist "I'd once dated a champagne socialist, I ended it, I couldn't be doing with her hypocritical bullshit and her inability to see it.",not sexist "So it she's trans, what is its sex now? A: Mutilated",not sexist "Nancy Sinatra calling for the slaughter of gun owners, she's as bad as the mass murderers. Democrats need to be caged!! Nancy Sinatra Calls for Millions of NRA Members to be Killed by Firing Squad - [URL]",not sexist yeah. bobs wife fucks chad while hes out providing,not sexist "So this will become yet another network lefttard clown show. Gilbert is gay, so she's a protected class. What a friggin' sham. #BoycottABC [URL]",not sexist "No. The key words were ""manipulate"" and ""coerce"". Sex is great, and women REALLY love it. However I have never needed to, nor will I ever need to ""take advantage of blindspots"" in order to get laid.",not sexist "Everything wrong with modern Christianity in one faggoty box. RT [USER] this total fucking faggot cuck pastor is posing with his family on twitter. of course, he has a little brown trophy to prove he isn't racist",not sexist Trying to cut right now.,not sexist Oprah---RACIST NIGGER to her Very Core !!,not sexist "I take she's an antisemite from her comments. Looks like I was oblivious, huh.",not sexist "Same here and there's some that can relate,but it seems like there isn't many incels even on this sub and if they ado talk to you they are 75% assholes themselves",not sexist "shes preparing to cheat on you with him, if she lives alone",not sexist Why Leftists Are Violent | John Wright and Stefan Molyneux [URL],not sexist "I'm glad that I can be of service. As long as you realise that you're lost without women, at least in some capacity. ;)",not sexist "Blonde, or any of the rainbow colors in a crayola box",not sexist He magical mind reading powers of the female. I wish I had that.,not sexist "I do, because people will walk right up to me, strangers, and say I need to take my sunglasses off. They will never say anything to a woman wearing a bag over her head, however. So fuck them. #bantheburqa",not sexist "Yeah, of course, the **** that comes from the land of ak47's and 1000 yrs of warring. All she's doing is perpetuating hate and discontent. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see right through her.",not sexist "Thank YOU Lord for favoring me! ""[Whoso] findeth a wife findeth a good [thing], and obtaineth favour of the LORD."" (Proverbs 18:22 KJV)",not sexist "Maybe they should just stop giving the workers they have all that ""holiday"" time off, and maternity leave, etc then they wouldn't need to import refugees. #FridayFeeling [URL]",not sexist Report it to Marsha Blackburn R Tennessee Senate Candidate Same thing happened to her & she is now on a mission to stop them!,not sexist "I thought about that and decided that I would rather command our interactions rather than stop them completely. I want to continue having sex with her in the meanwhile, at least until I've found another girl to have sex with.",not sexist Let a dozen rapeugees gang rape Mz political wizard then an equal number of Swedish men if there are 12?and... IF Mz wizard is still alive after her precious migrants are through Facebook will gladly host the show,not sexist Jesus dude. Start a work-out and diet regime RIGHT NOW stop feeling sorry for yourself. Wipe ugly ass make-up off.... and stop trolling,not sexist Ahh well his poor cousin has to accept she is related to a liberal dumb ass,not sexist Reciprocal mother fucker.,not sexist [USER] Not unless we annex the Cayman Islands or conquer Switzerland. Hillary needs to be within spittin' distance of her loot.,not sexist "Hormonal contraceptives also increase the risk of stroke and considering the millions on them, this is killing and injuring women. There are also mood and physical changes that are rarely discussed. Research is often obfuscated.",not sexist Divorced so had to go easy tell Mum I hit her then more money for lawyers.,not sexist "At the end of the day if she really, really likes you. Your a sperm donor and a child support check. That's not winning, that's losing...big time.",not sexist "None ,but some of the girls I bang are on ecstasy or weed 😂",not sexist "Teens? Don't you mean ""dreamers""? Their ""dream"" is to rape our daughters. [URL]",not sexist "Was Baked Alaska driving that car yesterday? I see on Twatter he is in ER with possible permanent eye damage,but man, the hate in the comments to him is unreal #News #maga",not sexist "Do not move fast! I want to know everything. Don't make this ""just go away, case closed"". What did the FBI know and when did they know it. Was this idiot jihadi turned on by the FBI? Too many questions to convict, kill, and bury.",not sexist OK so now most of the Senators Voicemail is full when you call?!?! The mailboxes need to stay open if they want to serve their constituents! Any ideas on how we make this known?? Create a change???,not sexist Have you noticed videos you see taken in Germany and Sweden that many of these 'refugees' can afford cars?,not sexist D Congressional candidate Liz Watson of Indiana announced she does not support House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as SOTH and will not vote for her if Watson gets elected and Ds get House majority Fantasy Island times two,not sexist Shit. We dun goofed. I think he's a troll....,not sexist "A man breaks into your house and says, OK, I won't rape your elder daughter if you let me rape the younger. Life's all about give and take, right? Wrong. You shoot the man and get the carpet cleaned.",not sexist Reddit front page is almost always pure mangina crap,not sexist "Lol ""Girl here..."" ""as a woman"" ""as a vsgina owner...""",not sexist "dude I was 50 pounds overweight when I downloaded tinder and met my last 3 girlfriends on there and have been dating the most recent on for almost 2 years. it's not all looks, it's not being creepy and weird",not sexist For some odd reason you left out the jews (the Muslim brethren). You can only choose one: A) Animals B) Jews C) Muslims,not sexist most Americans that pursue prostitution are privy to Hong Kong just as Europeans would be privy to Red Light District. You're just an ignorant fuck lmao cry more,not sexist Michael watching [USER] burn in hell.,not sexist I was watching Hannity and he said she was🤔,not sexist That black dude is fit not flabby. Also I imagine a lot of those fathers weren't involved in their daughters lives.,not sexist "Manmade Climate Change may be real, but negataive effects pale in comparison to 3rd World population growth. Population will kill the world sooner.",not sexist ........my sister is getting married in three monthes. I dont know how to get through to her fiance. I know my sister. He is going to fucking hate life.,not sexist pole mom's IG [URL],not sexist Close Barack Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett's daughter has been hired by CNN to cover the U.S. Justice Department.,not sexist "DOES BLACK HAMILTON STAR DRUNK-RAPE WHITE WOMEN? If you name-check the VP-Elect of the United States in a one-sided insulting harangue, it'd be wise to delete the tweets that suggest you rape drunk white girls: #BoycottHamilton [URL]",not sexist "This. Plus occasionally if she's a HB7-HB8+ women will say that anywhere as the default to keep people off her ass. Trust me, nothing sucks more ass than having too much attention at work and you just want to do your fucking job.",not sexist Look at her evil look.,not sexist """Proof that women"" = Proof that ONE woman",not sexist Men want to be needed,not sexist Damn... You got me. Hehe.,not sexist "We cut the cable/dish cord 3-4 years ago. We choose what we want to watch over apple tv, roku, and the internet, which is our source for news WE want to watch. Highly recommend doing so.",not sexist And this has what to do with non-abusive clingyness in a relationship manifesting as excess affection?,not sexist "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Keep voting for leftists, ladies. [URL]",not sexist "If you remember, they tried a last minute attack like this on Arnold Schwarzenegger right before the California gubernatorial election. 6 women accused him of assault. Didn't work then, different era now; we'll see.",not sexist "It's mostly shitty redpill cope ""Bro you need to leave the nerd stuff and act like an alpha, that attracts women"" Pure fucking dogshit",not sexist "Lawd, like a kitten with catnip, you are lol",not sexist Lmfao what? No being a natural is simply dropping the game and being what women desire. Pua our up a front to smash and then their true faces are shown becoming what women desire will remain after you've fucked and will continue to be long after.....,not sexist More likely the religion of worshiping his own asshole.,not sexist "Do you think shes worried about ""fucking up""?",not sexist From her all white gated community!!,not sexist LMFAO! It's hilarious they eat this shit up.,not sexist Men that are not extremely handsome or extremely rich should be forbidden to have male children. Females cannot be incel so everyone should be allowed to have female children.,not sexist Alex and Kelly got divorced. Who is the new Mrs Jones?,not sexist Is he from that part of California? They prefer hummus and avocado with their hats when they're forced to eat them ;),not sexist "no she is not, she is playing the stupid child bride card.",not sexist "Furthermore, Thinking - ""You are enough"" is the only and true way to have fun and sex with a girl because you don't expect her validation and really give her opportunity to go deep into you.",not sexist And those girls friends will just give her a bs run around story. OP is young so we should give him the benefit but he should of just delete her and moved on. If women can ghost men then men can do the same. Equality.,not sexist Which is fine. So long as women also bear equal responsibility.,not sexist "Muahaha..... ""I know you like my hot blond wife though..."" [URL]",not sexist "[USER] I knew about these facts, as Khomenei made decisions to legalize his vice. For your information, he concluded that, in #Islam, you can rape a 1-year-old baby if you sodomize her. #SpeakFreely",not sexist [USER] too bad little puppet Loretta lynch will do everything she can to put a stop to it.,not sexist "impossible, these soyboys are sterile.",not sexist "HAHAHAHA she brought in 2 whole curried goats an 20 jerk chickens, they lasted half an hour and for 10 mins she was sucking Corbyn's shriveled member",not sexist "Or when a ""moderate dog"" needs to stab his boss in the back due to creeping Liberal ideas.",not sexist Pretty sure if it gets to that point people will be hunting the likes of his ass down.,not sexist that's why she is not president - no balls,not sexist "Said the exact same thing to someone I know who is an extreme feminist, she flipped shot and said that the commercial is liberating for women and that I'm just mad that they can do guy things as well too. Thoughts?",not sexist No they aren't Shows how much you don't know. Way to be a fucking idiot publicly.,not sexist "Damn, I love this sub lmao. Some interesting reads in here. I think I failed on this one because I uh told her my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me a few weeks back lol, but we'll see. I just sent her a text, we'll see.",not sexist That's very disappointing. Fire her. Now. #GabFam,not sexist Open borders and diversity for Israel. Every Israeli woman should have an African husband. Any thing else would be racist.,not sexist "Exactly this. Once you get comfortable you start escalating naturally, once that point hits it's all second nature and you don't even think about it. I've escalated girls I had no intention on doing anything with just because its a reflex anymore.",not sexist [USER] There is still time to abort her.,not sexist "I would support this, 100%. Anti-Brexit businesses should feel the pain of not being supported by anyone involved with our beautiful movement. They are trying to stop us. They are our enemy.",not sexist It depends for me. She might trying to mock you or she might be telling the true (which would be good).,not sexist If sessions could pull of this one thing he could redeem himself & avenge the murder of this poor woman !,not sexist Befriend her friends. If they aren't as shy as her then they'll be more open to talking to you. Its also a smaller jump going from mutual friend to talking to her rather than starting as a stranger.,not sexist "[USER] she ratchet as hell, muh dick literally went up inside me watchin it ,",not sexist Besides the PC garbage. What is destroying sales in the movie industry is the stupid actors. Every time they do stuff like this. They lower the value in works. At this rate. Finding her in Flee Market DVD bin for 25 cents. Would be paying to much.,not sexist 4 days is a very short time to string along a girl you are having sex with .. should be a total non issue .. you can even say you have a friend in town...,not sexist "I think Trudeau-Sadd is apologizing to gays for bringing in hordes of savages whose culture is to rape them to death, as well as their grandmothers and nieces and nephews.",not sexist It's like you get to see your friend at the parlor and the prison guard is the wife. F.,not sexist "Confidence is key but it is NOT everything. You must do things that attract women, not just standing there and looking good.",not sexist Nobody old enough to vote gives a fat rat's ass what this dopey broad has to say. Nobody that likes music ever heard of her.,not sexist Once upon a time you were a little girl with big dream that you promised you'd make real one day. Don't disappoint yourself.,not sexist "Wow. Announcing this just cut his paycheck BIG TIME! ""Yeah, call de niro but tell him we're only paying his X and tough shit if he doesnt like it!""",not sexist "I'm sure that since Moore's still married and has had four kids, it sticks in the craw of those women Moore dated but didn't chose, since it sounds like most are single, divorced or never been married.",not sexist Bbbbbbut feminism is all about equality of men and women. Not about cutting down those penis possessing testosterone fueled toxicly masculine male things ! /sarcasm,not sexist "Why is #Trump funding terrorists in Israel and Saudi Arabia, countries that behead women for driving and commit genocide? #MAGA [URL]",not sexist Ladies and gentlemen I present: A Messy Kitchen,not sexist "Chalk it up to a fail and don't pursue I have to give it up to Bunabayashi there with getting with women at the workplace, don't shit where you eat.",not sexist Da only reason they wuz migration out of afrika wuz niggers wuz looking for KFC.,not sexist Piece of garbage Bono wants Irish women to kill their unborn babies whilst promoting & working for the UN stating more migrants are needed to maintain Ireland's supposed ageing population. Expect nothing else from these celebrity prostitutes. [URL],not sexist "So other words if they get permission to talk to the woman. How matriarchy of you, not that I am surprised.",not sexist Sandals are very Trad. I think if Tara wore sandals in her next video and showed everyone her feet in sandals that it would go along way to proving that she is very Trad. She has very good ideas and sandals will help prove that,not sexist "Guess she wants to grow them tig ol bitties, HA!",not sexist "Susan Rice is one of the most repulsive, vile and disgusting liers ever. lock her up...",not sexist "Fatties will enter, and then they will be all over the news telling about how ""empowering"" it was for them and women everywhere.",not sexist "Like you said, personality is key. If you're going to be an asshole just because, then good luck, buddy. Anyway, you know what they say. Perhaps you've just been meeting the wrong women.",not sexist That is hardly a woman. That's an unnatural monstrosity born of the modern world.,not sexist "Now it's time to learn another valuable lesson, and that is: **Watch her actions, not her words.**",not sexist Senator Idiotbrand is what I call her. NY would be better without any Senators at all rather than Schumer and Idiotbrand!,not sexist What would you expect from a company that hires muslim cabbies that rape their passengers?,not sexist "Almost 100% certain that she will divorce him if he stops doing that. She is looking for more control over him and if she gets it, he will become less attractive to her.",not sexist What the fuck? That's not even close to empowerment. Wouldn't you love being complimented? She probably felt better about herself.,not sexist VIDEO Black girl beats WHITE boy with cleaning tool This is why schools were racially segregated; to protect white students from black violence. [URL],not sexist Who will feed his dumbass mother when her unsuccessful gangsta son is dead?,not sexist ".[USER] slammed the Democratic senators for trying to "" destroy and delay"" Kavanaugh's confirmation using Christine Blasey Ford 's accusation. [URL]",not sexist "two convictions here in Texas; one in Dallas area, the other on the border. Both women got 8 years in jail. That sends a strong signal. The illegal alien community talks among themselves. Yes, California might still be a problem.",not sexist "You're right, OP should be focusing on improving himself rather than trying to get in the shit with this girl, who, what sounds like to me knows what she's doing.",not sexist "Im not an incel, i just agree with them. They're right about social dating climate between men and women.",not sexist What's your definition of femininity?,not sexist The loner weird girls? THE ACTUAL ONES THAT BARELY TALK TO GUYS? Don't confuse the posers with the genuine outcast types.,not sexist "Brought to London by a goat fucking, child molester mayor. Why doesn't he fly a balloon of him and his last goat?😎👍",not sexist "Like most men on this sub, you're gay or at least asexual. I think a lot of this women hating is a cover for repressed and unwanted homosexuality. If you find female genitalia gross, you are not a straight man.",not sexist She identified herself as that and she has a bunch of people following her. So I wasn't the only dumb ass lol.,not sexist You should've been honest with her. Any time I run into someone I used to know and they ask how I am I tell them I'm doing terrible and worse every day. They get all uncomfortable and awkward. Feels good.,not sexist [USER] she's being dragged all over twitter. Hardly any of the gay fans shehas left are coming out to defend her.,not sexist Helping someone doesnt have anything to do with romantic prospects. You wouldn't help an old woman across the road and then expect anything romantic in return. Help people that need help.,not sexist "Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't telling her that you want to fuck in the morning be a good idea?",not sexist I was talking to the woman in the pic lol,not sexist How much does a beaver weigh?,not sexist "Keep her at arms length, it's not a good sign but no reason to not bang her",not sexist TLDR: incel blames women for not having incredible bodies and lots of money. No words on how this Incel's high paying modeling career is going.,not sexist no such thing as yellow fever. ITS WHITE FEVER by Asian girls,not sexist Florida man who posed as a housewife pleads guilty to posting secretly recorded sex videos to porn sites. [URL] - [USER],not sexist The dangerous big mouthed little muslim boys in Turkey have a secret hand signal now. It's not for girls. [URL],not sexist #Poz Mississippi Supreme Court to decide if boy's legal 'biological' parents are two lesbians [URL],not sexist I don't see anthropologist disagree. Either way the difference between them and euopeans exist,not sexist "The rogue 1 actress was good looking, but they killed her off so.",not sexist Yeah drinks would be a good follow up especially if you sit next to her at the bar. Lots of opportunity to continue the kino you started at the dance lessons.,not sexist "Chella Taylor Chella Taylor 4 hours ago I HATE to admit this but this time I SUPPORT the Queen on this ! I think that Harry is in full blown LUST with her ! ! ! The Queen has been around the block a few times, and very WISE making her sign a",not sexist "There might have been potential there. Perhaps sign language? I don't know man, library chicks are such a mystery.",not sexist "Nah, she mental but harmless.",not sexist Just make it before hand and put it in the fridge. Then drink it when you are home alone with her.,not sexist """Put attention to what she does, not what she says.""",not sexist Right now she is probably thinking that she was a fool for liking you more than you like her. Don't let her go on thinking this. Ask her out. But don't mention the other thing... just let that awkward situation die.,not sexist "[USER] Tell you what. Give me the details for your page, if it's not private, I'll make an account and see what you do? I'm an idiot until I see it",not sexist remember that black woman that shit on the flag? can someone shit on a San Francisco jersey and post it?,not sexist thank god the islamaphobes reconquered Spain all or it would be a land of carpet kissers a land of women living in walking tens a land of slaves a land of pedophiles,not sexist Someone should stick the magic wand straight up his gay ass -- sideways!,not sexist I was drawing a comparison between the way traditional Muslim women dress and the standard Western Christian dress of the early twentieth century.,not sexist Did you send her dick pics? Dick dox,not sexist How do you make a Quija Board Take away his valium.,not sexist I know! Letter stopping the bennies might come by registered mail!!!,not sexist "Columbus Ohio is Sodom. Conservatives are a minority. This, thankfully, included rural areas to offset city liberal voters. But even ""Republicans"" in central Ohio are largely #NeverTrump idiots.",not sexist "Honestly all you have to do is wear a wig, use filters, and post a convincing pic that you're a woman... Then seek your piss to cucks. I've actually met straight men who have done shit similar to this.",not sexist "I'm gonna find me a reckless woman, Razor blades and dice in her eyes Just a touch of sadness in her fingers, Thunder and lightening in her thighs [URL] #music",not sexist It's unhealthy to be a fat ass. No ones expecting her to be pencil thin but we need some realistic boundaries,not sexist There's other women out there mate. It's never worth it to keep investing in someone who rejects your advances. In my experience if a woman changes their mind about you. They tell you.,not sexist "Ha, ever tried playing PC games with a wife/gf around?",not sexist "4 ""Dentists"" Arrested for raping a woman at the Wynn Hotel (Dentists: Ali Badkoobehi, Saman Edalat, Sina Edalat & Poria Edalat) #Diversity [URL]",not sexist There are only TWO genders & I suggest the only thing flowing will be 2 ltr bottles of coke down her throat.,not sexist 4-year-old girl came home from daycare with 2 capsules of crack cocaine [URL] [URL],not sexist She had no idea what you do So a girlfriend has no right to know what you do? What fucking planet am I on? Has anyone here ever had a relationship?,not sexist "My mum is not that different. I have a lot of differences with my mum, and we do butt heads, but boy do I love that she is hard working, conservative and very much not a feminist.",not sexist BBC women - I'd very happily shag 1 3 and 5 [URL],not sexist Poor girl. Hope she gets proper treatment and lives a happy life.,not sexist And the gender neutral laws to protect females will be used against her. Popcorn.,not sexist "However, she didn't feel the same: 'I think romantically, I don't think it was there for me. because he didn't take her in the bathroom stall and fuck her hard for 10 minutes doggy style, like she's used to",not sexist "Oh wow, such an unique edgy thought provoking perspective. Jk, this post and your post histroy tells me you are a low IQ troll.",not sexist "he thinks she's teasing him and she'll shut him down again >and he's probably right, whether she knows it or not.",not sexist Feminism is misandry. Period.,not sexist "Is this it just me or does Mrs Zetlin look like she smells of boxed wine, mothballs, and cat urine?",not sexist "I really want to kill these fucking people at this point. Every fucking one of them. I'm not a violent person, but these people deserve to be fucking exterminated from the face of this planet.",not sexist She isnt her child. That's probably why she was a-ok with hurting the child.,not sexist "Jews snipe children for sport and target pregnant women while boasting ""1 shot, 2 kills."" EVEN THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL HAS REPORTED ON THIS! [URL]",not sexist "Let's discuss the fact that she brought her boyfriend over FOR THE QUARANTINE. He better be QUARANTINED there, as in NOT LEAVING",not sexist Subhuman animal niggers couldn't even invent the wheel,not sexist "After the second murder his condition for release was he had to tell the police if he had a girlfriend so they could tell her he was a murderer of women. He's a murderer, why would he not lie?",not sexist "The RP belief that all women will cheat, monkey branch, always seek a better man, etc. Or rather the belief that they're capable of it. Tbh this belief can be summed up as ""People always have the potential to be shitty""",not sexist What if your roommate is messy as fuck no matter how many times you try to clean up or talk to them about it and getting a new one isn't really an option?,not sexist Guns aren't the problem. The sad truth: murder rate and Black population correlate almost exactly. Low Black population percentage = low murder rate.,not sexist They need to get a great lawyer and sue the fucking shit out of them.,not sexist More details on this pervert! He also sexually assaulted his 1 yr old daughter and 3 year old son. SICK!! #GetTheRope #pedogate #chopItOff,not sexist Her looking at you in the eyes is an opening. Thats a good chance to go and talk with her.,not sexist "So the next time a woman turns her back to me and grinds her butt into my groin, I'm going to have to fake left and block her shot from the right.",not sexist "Yes, but on the bright-side, thanks to her jewish neuroticism I found a lot of racist nazis in her threads, whom I can follow on gab.",not sexist Im curious as to how this plays out. Harris is a fool but she is obviously black and female. Two things that the marxists are stupid enough to fall for. I think the odds are high she is the nominee.,not sexist [USER] Hes a muslum pig ALL muslum pigs are pedophiles Ill bet monies he is doing those two adopted daughters too !!!,not sexist Things you say when you have never heard a song written by a woman,not sexist "amen sister. For the life of me, i just can't understand how someone would be so clueless as to install a device in their home that they know is listening to everything they do just because they're too lazy and stupid to do simple tasks themselves.",not sexist The we can see how much of a dissident she is when her purple haired ass is actually on the line !,not sexist "He's already getting a lot of those reminders. His voter base is pissed, and the left still hates him. He knows what he's doing! You don't do a 180 because you forgot what you promised. He's a liar and a crook, just like the rest of them.",not sexist "In short, TELL HER what you find attractive about her. Respectfully of course, you will get better results. I said I like her face lol.",not sexist #whitenationalism #traditionalconservatives #whitevaginaworship if you played russian roulette with 3 loaded chambers everyone would rightfully call you an idiot. that's #marriage,not sexist Bbrown faggots with no women need bullets,not sexist "yeh well, there's not much eceleb status points to mentioning poor Ursula. She is just a stoic German woman who has told the Jews to fuck off with their Holocaust™️ stories. [USER]",not sexist How do you figure? Genuinely curious. I thought hypergamy was marrying above one's own social class. How does refusing to date religious men make a woman hypergamous?,not sexist They are evil,not sexist "Didn't notice the missing jawline right away. Saw this comment, looked at her chin and completely lost it. Was drinking coffee and managed to spill some because of you. Have my fucking upvote!",not sexist "It's interesting, if you look at the history of pro-miscegenation propaganda in the US, they start off with promoting white male/Asian female couples around WWII. Only later do they move to black male/white female couples in the 60s/70s.",not sexist "Part of being a man is never giving up. You can fail a million times but an actual failure only happens when you admit defeat. Easier said than done, and that applies to all facets of life not just women. Ooh rah!!",not sexist "#Twitter ""All your illegitimate wives and, like, all the girls you've been f***ing around with, they're are on my server now I'm going to send it to your wife, she's going use it in your divorce."" [URL]",not sexist "An examination of a place like Berlin, Germany might give you an answer. Since brothels are legal and affordable for the working man there, the dynamic between men and women are different from most places.",not sexist "That if chads stop fucking hundreds of women, they would be forced to either fuck incels or die alone.",not sexist "Well she looks kinda cute, they seem happy tho.",not sexist Oh! I'm a woman. I'm actually talking about my internet friend who is participating in this thread. I only know him through reddit and I try to encourage him not to fall down the incel hole.,not sexist "A University of Wisconsin-Madison professor warns in a new academic journal article that ""digital manspreading"" is a form of ""online misogyny"" that silences female scholars. [URL]",not sexist your mother and father allready do that so NOPE I will just ignore your lame ass,not sexist The pastor I noticed hasnt unraveled the Jews bastard Free Masonry yet. I hope someone lets him know. I'd love to hear him put those two together.,not sexist When I was growing up I always wanted to work toward being an important person. My two Ex wives have seen to it that this will never happen. OH yes and my Golden Retriever still loves me.,not sexist "How were you touching? I know a friend of mine went to Japan and had a rampage because girls like Americans so much. Not a lot of information, what I can tell you is to fuck up more to figure it out.",not sexist Tips mannnnnnn,not sexist We are awake ! DNC must be abolished,not sexist "Of course. Many guys seem to misunderstand the concept of negging, just as many girls do. The whole point is for it to be fun.",not sexist "Milo calling the other guests ""stupid"" and ""awful people"" during the guest panel on Bill Maher was retarded. I usually like Milo but the dude needs to stop trying so hard to be a provocateur all the time. There's a time and place for that shit.",not sexist "RT IngrahamAngle Yes, [USER] definitely takes excessive drinking and abuse of women seriously. [URL] [URL]",not sexist "Nah, she needs to shunned for showing that she's a cold hearted narcissist.",not sexist "so you are saying it doesn't matter if you get consent. If she doesn't remember, you're fucked, just deal with it?",not sexist I'd like to see what happens when they have to face a real terrorist attack,not sexist Even if the client looked like a male model who knows what demons are going in his head to say that? Better to shut up and conduct business. Pretty sure she just lost a client in this guy (albeit an incel),not sexist "Um obviously the Jews, have they not read *any* of the nazi party's published material?",not sexist "Whole story summed up as ""Today I talked to a woman.""",not sexist Who hurt you? Lol,not sexist nah incels hate their fathers too.,not sexist Sure if women want lives governed by fear instead of hope.,not sexist "Who the fuck looks up a gifts value? Seriously. Fucking rude. Should have told her some sob story about ""oh fuck, i overpaid for the blankets, thats annoying"" or some shit.",not sexist she is mental,not sexist "This is the disgusting ideology we are allowing into our country. Pakistan: Muslim ""spiritual healer"" advises man to kill his wife and daughter for ""honor,"" he complies Read more here: [URL]",not sexist "Ahh, a woman. Hahahaha. Never would have guessed. Bye bye, Dyke.",not sexist #Anon wants to know where he can go to retire young and get his #Benis sucked off.,not sexist "They're back stabbers is what I see, protecting the filthy celebs and Jews. Joe Rogan is a paid idiot imo. Should name it the Mercer News, Breitbart is dead in more ways than one.",not sexist "call him or her up! I told you never take being a nice guy as a weakness of mine. I give folks the benefit of the doubt until they threaten and then I will fuck you up got me? You're only the next complex over, keep poking sticks!",not sexist """Hey babe, you've got really cute and sexy feet."" and then work from there. If she's new to the concept, you're not getting a footjob within the first few times you fuck. Just... don't be an autistic robot and ease her into your fetish.",not sexist "[USER]: There are a gazillion sad examples of injustice when it comes to false accusations about rape. It's not college-style Kangaroo courts. But it's not that far from it, either.",not sexist Beauty is only skin deep but she has really deep skin!,not sexist the swedish women need it to protect themselves fro reugee muslim rapes,not sexist I thought this was a pro Eating disorders weight chart until the no tall women allowed.,not sexist "Has no trigger discipline, either. She probably rarely hits what she's aiming for.",not sexist "Trannie acceptance bruised: Remember that Target boycott started last April, over their pro-transgender policy of shared bathroom and dressing rooms? It's quietly continued. So far, the stock's fallen 30% and cost investors [CUR]15B. #GabFam #SpeakFreely",not sexist No way she testifies. Whoever put her up to this disgraceful hit job should be ashamed (and incarcerated). [URL],not sexist Remember Michael is a man so read it from a man's point of view and it makes sense.,not sexist Sexed her,not sexist Bamboozled by those rascally women yet again! *shakes fist at the sky*,not sexist Damn white people and their protesting against the president whom we also hate! [URL],not sexist The good 'ol rotary phone days. This was the 80's version of a cam girl.,not sexist "Why not do it in person at work? Even if she's shy, it'd be the most natural thing to do since that's how she knows you. If she's shy like does not ever want to talk shy, then texting would be a good choice",not sexist "4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.",not sexist Can't help it she was too scared to ride the four faced man.,not sexist Gender equality is a religion.,not sexist New to the neighborhood. So tired of the Facebook bullshit. Heard this place is much more laxed on it's censoring and adds so here I am .....,not sexist "Don't pick up chicks at bars. Try supermarkets, through friend contacts, and co-workers might know somebody single.",not sexist "[USER] FU, David, I have 3 degrees including an MS. I will match my IQ against yours any day. It's not my education, idiot, it's my values. That and Hillary did not write me a big old check. #IVotedTrump",not sexist Oh don't worry! There's plenty more witch hunt where that came from! So fucking frustrating.. [URL],not sexist Stephen Colbert hosted a fundraiser for his sister with John and Tony Podesta. Proof in the link. [URL],not sexist "They're not saying it doesn't exist, but can you at least admit that these policies have put people into positions that they had no business being in ""because muh equality?""",not sexist The documentary would become a textbook example and a lot of other women would copycat.,not sexist Working on it. The wife needs more convincing.,not sexist Someone saying dress modestly is the same as saying don't rape. Rapist don't care.,not sexist AFAIK she's single. I doubt that she's interested in wankers without accomplishments.,not sexist This isn't even in the top 5 of the dumbest things she's ever said.,not sexist "shut up, clown.",not sexist Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,not sexist "Interesting. My wife's account just got locked out and we can't get her back in. Identity confirmation feature is ""unavailable"" right now. I figured this was part of them being assholes and going on a ban spree. Glad to see you got your account back.",not sexist but did he know she wanted to drink his blood? [URL],not sexist He's such a cuck he'd probably gladly give his wife to another man,not sexist Nobody cares. Get the fuck out.,not sexist "Meet A Muslim"" Moina Shaiq"" claiming that in Islam women had the right to vote before American women did & domestic violence has ""nothing to do with Islam."" ( looks like she did not read her Quran 4:34 that husband has right to beat up his wives!!)",not sexist "Life is full of coincidences, isn't it? Like me and my sister losing our virginity at exactly the same time.",not sexist "OK. You're going to be just fine. If you can work up the nerve to approach a bit, the girls over there are going to go gaga over you. Have a blast!",not sexist Sociopaths on a killing spree almost *invariably* target females. It's almost diagnostic *per se*.,not sexist "and has absufuckinglutley zero corrobarating evidence and every witness she named has fully denied every word she said, folks i been hammerd out my gourd and done stupid shit but never when i sobered up i conjured up some bullshit like she has",not sexist "u/Therapist2words, lay off. Rule 7, strike one. u/idealisticbitch: You have already been warned before. Last strike for rule 7, permabanned. Enjoy not starting more shit on our sub with the purpose of getting more screenshots for IT.",not sexist OK. I didn't know. Then best wishes finding a daughter of Freya.,not sexist "I went to an all-girl's school until I was 14. It was a shock, to say the least. I really resent the fact that the all-girl's school was only K-8.",not sexist and this is reality and mother nature at work,not sexist Because i rate humans on a scale for attractivness like 90% of people i know IRL it just so happens women are disgusted by me-and i dont even do it IRL ?,not sexist This is SORTA odd. Given that there is in fact another trans char in the game and she is the groups best friend... So kinda odddd this is an issue only now.,not sexist "The idea of Jesus bedding broads and reproducing isn't bad. If they have to revisit Jesus, better to do it that way. Considering his best competitor had a harem.",not sexist Prefer to be nothing than somebpdy like her who's sole purpose is to scream Islam regardless whether muslim is involved or not. She just lives to sensationalize stuff.,not sexist in all fairness he couldnt get much wording in. It would of just turned into a shouting match with how often she cut him off.,not sexist "According to Twatter, it's world hijab day.When did this become a ""thing""?",not sexist "Yeah it's so sexist. I mean like, are they trying to tell poor women that they can't even become propper villains?? That's so misogynistic, smh",not sexist "How to get over her? Easy, you meet someone new. And read the sidebar so you dont keep getting oneitis.",not sexist "This only happens if you literally blast music and I don't do that. I listen to everything on fairly low volumes. You do know when I say abrasive music I don't mean ""IT'S REALLY LOUD"". It means it will showcase harsh vocals and distorted instruments.",not sexist me too man. like at this point i know i have no chance with her so why not give all the imagination i got,not sexist so jealous of beta providing for a 30 year old single mom,not sexist "Just be happy that you've moving forward in the right direction. Some people never have success with women in any form. And yes, you can still get with younger women in your 30's. Stop thinking otherwise.",not sexist Tfw the sjws turn on POC. Tfw asian women are considered white supremacists now. Multiculturalism is a shit show.,not sexist "Hah, if it doesn't change anything of consequence why are the dems so against it?",not sexist #Awoo girl shows us her new #BasedStickman #AltKnight outfit [URL],not sexist "Cerno hops from wave to wave: Gamergate, Alt Right, Trumpism. What's next? He's a gadfly like Ariana Huffington, only with lower T and less intelligence than a woman who caused her ex husband to turn gay.",not sexist Lizzie the fake indian needs to put this behind her: contact Ancestry.com and put it to rest,not sexist "Yes, i did. My rage still burns with the unending fury of one thousand suns. I don't give a fuck about the bastardization of their history or letting foreigners ravaging their country. Because they deserve it for desecrating the most holy dish",not sexist "The UK has been sold out, Tersea May is a traitor to you people and even tried to help overthrow our dully elected President. You are not going to even get a kiss after she is done fucking you.",not sexist "Ex-husband of grandmother, 72, who married 27-year-old thinks she is being 'scammed' [URL]",not sexist I think it's more important to acknowledge that this is a country run by Marxist scumbags who want to destroy everything good that the west has ever created.,not sexist It's called puberty retard,not sexist "He took the chorus from a three6mafia song called don't save her, it's also a very good song.",not sexist [URL] Pennsylvania woman busted for sexually abusing 5 year old boy on camera and posting it on social media,not sexist Do they actually think that pre 1960s every man had a wife and had kids? have you looked at...I dunno...any point in history?,not sexist He pays to touch her pasty leg! Whoopie.,not sexist 😵💥🔫 Arrivederci 😒,not sexist LOL ok those are hot. But their are hot women in pretty much every movie.,not sexist 1) you can google how to take a good selfie and 2) women also take 30 pics and only keep the one good one. It sounds like you're enforcing helplessness on yourself.,not sexist Bro what are we supposed to tell you. U know what to do. Go bang her champ! Good luck,not sexist she will reap what she sows,not sexist Signs from the Crazy Feminist Cat Ladies March in DC ... [URL],not sexist "Congratulations, you found *one* example. Guess that means I'm *totally* wrong and everything else she tweets can just be fully written off then.... ...dumbass",not sexist "Antifa vs Polish police force, victor is the Polish because they don't take crap! #Antifa #Poland #Europe [URL]",not sexist "kino. ive almost lost interest in girls who dont kino me back. sure i can escalate but i really prefer chemistry, and if shes touching me its undeniable",not sexist "Jews have a similar political split as Christians. Orthodox Jews vote like evangelicals, are pro-Trump & anti-Democrat (see link). Non-orthodox Jews vote like liberal Christians. [URL]",not sexist the last syrian capitalists that jews want the US army to persecute and kill: there was no chemical attack syria the americans are bolsheviks and the new red army; mere cowards afraid to revolt against their jewish masters. period (video) [URL],not sexist The diversity hire female IT tech was put in charge.,not sexist "Good morning, ladies. I'm a wife of 44 years, mom of 2, grandma of 5. I love Jesus. I pray for our world, our leaders, and our families every day. I also pray for my grandkids growing up in these times.",not sexist Social circles and parties. Go to them talk to girls.,not sexist "1) I don't think she thinks I find her ugly, I've told her she is very attractive. She knows. I agree with I shot myself in the foot. oh well.. time to go hunting again",not sexist All our problems can be solved peacefully and without any hatred. ~Increasingly nervous boomer as his daughter is raped for the 5th time,not sexist "Judging from what I've read in the sidebar etc when trying to ask a girl out, don't make it a question, instead say ""trivia night Sunday, you sound like you know a few things, if I Piick up at 9 will u be ready by then""",not sexist I'm not on the rag. Just can't stand faggots like you and your gay brother.,not sexist "My crush, Mr Nehlen is selling these great Tee-shirts! I have just ordered 3 - It's easy to support /our guy/ and we can help to send him to Congress! [URL]",not sexist [Rule] 12) It is forbidden to claim men can be raped by women. It's those damned male rape victims taking over the subreddit. Glad you've cracked down on those fuckers.,not sexist "What country are you in ? I won't be of much help anyway, I just hear of it through friends and family but never expressed the desire to meet these girls.",not sexist "And if they say they are on this show called ""Teenage mom"" It's time to bail my children.",not sexist I vaguely recall a story where a drunk woman left a bar and drunk drove herself into an accident. They tried to make the bar liable.,not sexist Btw your president said ESPN should fire Jemele Hill over her tweet about him that she made on her OWN TIME. You still support him even when he tries to influence 1a rights of citizens. You're a fraud and a hypocrite,not sexist "Caught the hit-and-runner, DOJ? And yet let them loose, you traitorous scumbag Nazis?",not sexist what is a fuck boy?,not sexist "We can beat you down like a trailer park wife, but you'll come back, you always do. Buy our stuff. Sincerely HK Marketing Department HK. Because you suck. And we hate you. [URL]",not sexist Alice Blue her brains out?,not sexist Woman chains herself in bedroom for 3 weeks to kick smoking addiction [URL],not sexist "Thirteen-year-olds believe crazy shit sometimes. I have hope he'll grow out of it once he has a better understanding of sex and sexuality, and of the fact that sex is about more than just getting naked and flopping on top of each other a bit.",not sexist And you have my full support in this maam,not sexist Mueller will only subpoena Trump for the press coverage. Mueller already knows Trump doesn't have to oblige him.,not sexist Somebody on Gab was asking about people who make up bullshit stories about being the victim of a felony and aren't held accountable. This one looks like she will do some time Sentencing delayed for woman who made up story of sex assault by cop [URL],not sexist "The only female friends I keep around are the lesbians or the bi-girls, they give up some valuable female tricks sometimes.",not sexist [USER] Thomas Wictor on leftism. Look at them on witch hunt as in the case of Delay. [URL] Their rigid demand of adherence.,not sexist I don't know I know they are weak to an old man,not sexist May be too much to ask for but it would be great if she won it in the FIRST round. This attack just may be the impetus. [URL],not sexist The age shows. I saw one co worker I once had without her raccoon mask and she looked about 16 years older. It was fucking shocking.,not sexist "I just saw Jason Whitlock absorbing the usual amount of Twitter insanity re Kaepernick. Earlier this week I saw Sage Steele described as ""Jason Whitlock for women"" because she didn't tow whatever line. I mean, that s--t's gotta get tiresome..",not sexist "The death of children's author Enid Blyton, 28th November 1967 many of us learnt to read using her books. Not PC enough today no doubt.",not sexist They might as well ask them to wear burkas,not sexist "Are you mentally retarded, or just stupid? Where did I say that women are awful? Who condones his actions? The guy was mentally ill. It is the precise opposite of r/MGTOW. I regret to disappoint you. Nobody here condones it.",not sexist "If they want halal, they should go to where halal is produced. Didn't have it before you came, will not have it after you are gone.",not sexist """He (Hitler) is thinking about the peasant girls. When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that's what he likes, especially when they've got big round ones. That's Hitler's sex life. What a man.""",not sexist "The entire concept is just a defense mechanism for normies to convince themselves that their crush is interested in them, while in reality she is busy fucking Chads night by night.",not sexist why do incels even talk shit like bro you're an incel,not sexist It's great practice for when he gets married and his wife's bull needs a fluffer.,not sexist "These shit Muslims seem to be in a constant state of sexual emergency If you fuck first nieces, daughters and goats, what do you expect to come out.",not sexist "Watch the entire show from yesterday, these ladies chewed him up and spit him out! IT WAS AWESOME! 'Never Been So Disgusted' With DC Politics: Boothe Rips Dems for 'Weaponizing' Kavanaugh Allegations [URL]",not sexist "[URL] Gosh, sure beats being an ugly, senile, criminal and ignorant fool any day!",not sexist it's game over for the kikes Russia's 6 new military equipment features will smash the kikes if they get out of hand [URL],not sexist "she will be in ,my prayers",not sexist lol - Peterson absolutely obliterates McElroy in this discussion. (Full disclosure: I think she did a fine job being a fair host) [URL],not sexist Nobody cares about height if you are taller than the girl thats enough. Face is way more important.,not sexist dammit - that's a great line. In most of my life I'm able to crack the wit. But when it comes to girls... nothing,not sexist Telling Whites to get into a breeding contest with 3rd worlders in their OWN White countries is an admission of #WhiteGenocide. Diversity means #ChasingDownWhites. #AntiWhite,not sexist "So [USER], who enticed young women into groping his crotch for a chance to be on TV, is America's moral compass now when it comes to improper sexual behavior? Celebrities always know what's best.",not sexist "Simple, stop prioritizing a woman and start focusing on yourself such as a long-term career.",not sexist "Sows usually live pretty long productive life's for obese pigs, I think. Like 6-8 years. Like larger stature dogs. Usually when they're very large female pigs like that, it's a hereditary breeding preference.",not sexist Real girlfriends love their men. That was the answer of my girlfriend to a Liberal family member taking for diversity: ''How can you hate your own brother? You seem having serious problems in your head. Go see a doctor in a psychiatric hospital!'',not sexist "The solution is simple: do not have sex with women, not even ""protected"" sex",not sexist "Dolls gentleman, dolls are the future",not sexist in my experience if u bring her back 80% of the time itll end in sex even if u didnt mean to,not sexist I generally don't do couple stuff without being in a relationship. Shit gets too blurry,not sexist MERCY....the old gal fits right in with 'em.,not sexist Um to improve....do this more often. That was fucking classic man. I wouldn't bring up a sex talk. Just keep it subtle and keep hanging out with her. Just say you are doing X and tell her she needs to be there.,not sexist "I agree in theory but in actuality. some assholes need to be shot. Remember one thing, they will be among the first to come for your guns, if they are not OathKeepers. That's for Cops who are Criminals.",not sexist but but but women do no wrong!,not sexist It is not hate to keep yourself safe. It is not hate to want to feel safe. It is not hate to keep people away from you that you think may do you harm. This is common sense. This is how you survive and thrive.,not sexist "Incels, its plain and simple, i yall ever approach my little sister I will drive aknofe throw your fucking trachea. I would post this on shortcels but I got banned from there",not sexist "Seeing as gay males have no interest in picking up women, they won't find much of interest in r/seduction. Gay females can learn a lot I'm sure, and there are also specific /r for gay women in the the sidebar.",not sexist "I rest my case. Clyde, I'll give you half a can of peaches if you sit on her long enough to fix that damn foot... /cc [USER]",not sexist That was caused by other issues. How big is the population of Amish or Mininite in the area where she was born.,not sexist "The average man is essentially always invisible. His car and watch aren't, but the man is",not sexist CRAZY: He slapped a lady call the police they be fighting [URL] #TriMet #PDX #Portland #autopilot #trimetishiring #PDXtraffic,not sexist Who said anything about bumping uglies?,not sexist How the fuck would they know I'm toxic off nothing but my pictures and my first name?,not sexist Me and my friends used to say this why waste money and time on women who might or might not sleep with you when you can waste money on a girl who will waste no time to sleep with you,not sexist "If any American men still have the balls, the day will soon arrive when these 3 letter scumbags will be begging for mercy!",not sexist ahh now this is a delightful chance to kick back with a drink and stop posting. [URL],not sexist "Have sex with your students should get you fired but not thrown in jail male or female, unless it's rape, this is bs",not sexist You are cursed with straightness.,not sexist Look at her pockmarked skin,not sexist "I don't practice abuse tactics, nor have I seen abuse tactics promoted. What I have seen is men that admit women as being equals on the sexual battlefield and building tactics to adapt to modern female tactics. Word of the day is tactics.",not sexist You mean she falls in love with someone she finds attractive. Not having sex.,not sexist "Nah, confidence isn't about external factors. And I'm curious about what you think it would be that attracted these women when I was at rock bottom and had nothing going for me.",not sexist Lol he probably came out of his mom with that height,not sexist "to them, this is the biggest problem in the world, ww3 could start and they wouldn't care",not sexist [URL] There is an international arrest warrant for Pope Francis whose real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio for Human Trafficking. It is no wonder why he is fighting to get rid of the anti-pedophiles. [USER],not sexist "Attila the Hun, Genghis and Kublai Khan operated the same way and if you didn't give up they killed your men and raped your women. You don't stop Invasion with Cookies and a WIC or SNAP Card.",not sexist "Honestly I struggled with the same shit. Just don't think about it, tell her what you would've told her if you were with her! Add on: Overthinking is the number one killer for situations like this! Don't think just do, within boundaries of course.",not sexist "Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I LOVE it, thx so much for the pattern! We watch western reruns & all women had shawls, no coats! My favorite weight is 3DK. :)",not sexist #Labour tell us they are fighting antisemitism at the same time as putting muslims into office. #hypocrites. #Corbyn is a Nationalist Socialist. #Hitler was a Nationalist Socialist.,not sexist "but maybe they were just being nice. Hmm, inconclusive. Attractive girls don't usually do that in my experience. \\_()_/",not sexist But.....she always wears a bikini... [URL],not sexist Haha 100%. Don't run from 1 flake. Especially when there's a legit reason. Multiple flakes = different story. Get that shit dick you dirty boy you.,not sexist beat your wife... in a race,not sexist Hundreds of dead baby girls have been found in #Pakistan rubbish dumps: [URL],not sexist Arrest her!,not sexist "Ok, so it seems like you are concerned that your family (aunts, cousins, nieces) might be in danger - from what?",not sexist "The girls are self-described ""Satan worshippers."" #WTF #Satan #Qanon",not sexist "'Real in my mind'? What does that even mean? Makes zero sense. Your dumb meme is also... well, dumb. Feel free to except and on what it means.",not sexist Next her if you must and work on your game to actually get abundance. Once you start banging other girls she will be a distant memory. Getting busy with hobbies that are interesting to you helps as well,not sexist Bb has boobs flatty,not sexist Don't talk shit about Chalene Johnson. She's a true feminist. And nothing she said is false. Women as well as men have to look out for themselves and their personal happiness to have an uplifting spirit. That positivity leads to a happier home.,not sexist "I think Im just figuring out how to move on without hurting anyone, but the only way i can do that is through distance. I dont think i can move on while still being her friend. If i could I would.",not sexist Break up with her and only answer for booty calls from her,not sexist "No, I would not be but TY. I am female. I am absolutely aware of my limitations and I'm ok with that 👌",not sexist "Well, girls usually ease up as well if they get some booze in them. I'm no supersuave pua, I am in the process of learning though, but it brings dates with it. So, yeah. Any recommendations though on replying?",not sexist Hand to God when I did my pissant illegal immigration blog ten years ago I received an email from a female senior editor with a Jewish last name at the WSJ asking me to stop Fisking them and linking their articles. I crap you negative!,not sexist Nancy Pelosi should should leave of border wall and it will fit her.,not sexist "Hahaha that dude is hilarious when she starts talking about ""owning the space""",not sexist "Unless something completely 'out of the ordinary' happens, like Brits standing up for themselves again, they will be EU forever and a muslim nation before this supposed transition period is halfway over. May aaand her government are Globalists.",not sexist "A female incel... lol guess I could be the pope, so what was wrong with you?",not sexist Finally my senator does something respectable. This was going to cost the republican seat in senate if she Flaked.,not sexist Unlicensed day care worker reportedly tells cops she would 'rather be deported than go to jail' after allegedly breaking child's legs,not sexist "Hmmm that one might work, but it wouldn't really be a slam dunk unless she's wearing lederhosen.",not sexist They eat to much flyed wice anyway :),not sexist "Teasingly wish, teasingly wish. I have been 21 and been that girl. I would want a text!",not sexist "A young lady with a BFA in costume design. Touring the world with theater production, now living her dream in NYC working on Broadway. It is not the degree but one's attitude and drive. Loser or Winner. You decide your destiny.",not sexist "some woman should start a company and hire only women. the gender pay gap means she would pay less labor costs, and the economic pressure would increase women's wages overall, once other women start women-only companies.",not sexist "Honest question, who actually gives a fuck? This isn't new or interesting information. Reddit is cancer, water is wet.",not sexist "Oh yeah, Dragon Ball is really showing how strong and independent women are by sending them into a kitchen to make Goku a sandwich.",not sexist "When I was about 35, I had one aging harpie bellow that at me like a she was putting a gypsy curse on me; like the guy from the movie ""Thinner.""",not sexist Arguing with women here is making me realize that MGTOW has a point.,not sexist The whole point of MGTOW is that they don't care. Women's strategy is irrelevant to them as they are not playing the game. They have left the field.,not sexist "don't do this. if you're just here to insult and/or tell women here (or anyone who disagrees with you) that they're stupid, you can leave. that is not welcome here, nor is it engaging in good faith.",not sexist "For some women you _will_ be ugly. Just avoid women who are addicted to social media, and you won't be labeled a creep. (don't harass them etc, too)",not sexist "[USER] - Dr. fuckstick's twttr avatar ""you are large you contain multitudes"" was written by faggotpoet waltwhitman-- F.Y.I. --Plus he's quite a comedian-- ""did you really transport a competent patient against her will to facilitate and arrest?""",not sexist Then how did you get a girl to twerk on you? This makes no sense.,not sexist "Hypothetically if they get their wish and all non virgins are killed, wouldn't humanity die out? Their own mothers are non-virgins, as are pregnant women.",not sexist askseddit was the correct place and I think the advise you got there was bang on.,not sexist They respect that Donald actually has beautiful wife and kids and isn't a fucking nigger,not sexist "Lol, ikr? He won't be making anywhere near the money he was making when he was playing. Besides, now he'll be home all the time and she'll get bored. He could have played the field like Derek Jeter. I never saw the hotness in her.",not sexist Ok female,not sexist Hahahahahahah hohohoho hehehehe hahahahahahah lol lol lol.... 20+ years on the plantation slaving away while she entertains chad and Tyrone lol...,not sexist Harvey Weinstein's wife is leaning on Huma Abedin | Page Six [URL],not sexist "Upvote for the cojones to strike through your comment, not delete or edit it.",not sexist Because women aren't idiots they know how difficult things can be.,not sexist She is so fucking stupid. Is she missing the point on purpose or something? Jesus.,not sexist "Thanks. I feel like it was a dumb question to begin with. I have this problem where if I will do whatever I originally planned, usually just going home, I will constantly stress over what could have been or if I should have stayed.",not sexist "You know what they say! ""People who rape in glass houses can't throw stones.""",not sexist I don't think she would be able to swing a .50 cal as well as a GLOCK or S&W,not sexist "The Clinton's memories are long and they ALWAYS get payback. If Hillary wins, they will use EVERYTHING in their power to destroy Trump. [URL]",not sexist I blew a shot at a record like that. Girl on tinder was so down for the 15 minute intro I was just thrown off and missed the cue. After we walked out of her bedroom it was over lol,not sexist "Danny Devito was separated from his wife because he wouldn't stop cheating on her with younger women, lol",not sexist Imagine being a middle eastener and being told that God will be angry if you fuck your sister. The Abrahamic religions were written for a race of incestuous goat-fucking rapists. Not whites.,not sexist "Yeah, yes we are. -sighs- I can't give up on this girl, I care about her too much.",not sexist "cuck pol and 8 pol are fucked. we need new spaces, free of rampant normalfagging and topic dilution",not sexist Then she reports the other truffle pigs to the BND for hate speech against truffles.,not sexist Mr.E Edits -- New Edit If Putin doesn't step out of the way America has to step in and kill that murdering mother fucker Assad. That fucker needs to die.,not sexist Are you saying that NeoGaffe wouldn't support a beautiful transgendered snowflake fighting and winning against regular females? That's a part of their diversity dream come true?,not sexist "Disgusting, these women should be ashamed of their self.",not sexist All this For a girl that's miles away from you?,not sexist I'm really likin' this girl [URL],not sexist "It won't help. The blacks and arabs love white European women. I don't go to the UK, Germany, Italy, France etc anymore. I enjoy my Poland because we protecting our country from the multi-kulti criminals.",not sexist It depends what area you live in I guess. My sister is gay and left-leaning liberal and she's definitely not like the public persona of LGBT.,not sexist "That woman looks nothing like Ford, IMO.",not sexist May the Lord visit upon this scumbag that which is deserved,not sexist Look at all the betacucks upvoting in Comedycemetary thinking that will get them a girl,not sexist That was my impression also. I think her move will prove she knows the voters better than her rivals.,not sexist Most people have their head so far up their own asses they can't even look you in the eye. I mean they look at you but they are only waiting for their turn to throw their own shit back at you. How many people actually have listened to you in any way?,not sexist As everyone says you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Not gona hurt anything by sending her a text.,not sexist "Even Stephen Bannon has been stressing for increases in taxes on the wealthy, he said [CUR]5 million and above. Taxing the Billionaire class is something both Socialists AND Nationalists actually agree upon.",not sexist """she's making a sacrifice"". Oh give me a fucking break, sacrifice my ass.",not sexist """Mr. President, stop attacking the press' says RHINO John McCain. Hey McCain, don't you have something better to do, don't you have a wife or somebody to betray, Mr. moral failure?",not sexist Exactly. Words do not justify violence unless it's a threat. People could call me a wetback all they want but I'm not gonna do that shit to some old lady. This asshole deserves jail time.,not sexist I tell you what you sold me on Lilly White she is now my fucking new best friend I hate your fucking guts you pathetic POS,not sexist "Bloody hell, if she jumped on my '[USER] is islamophobic' bandwagon with a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp I would jump straight off it. #BritFam [URL]",not sexist The only thing lewd is your innuendo young lady.,not sexist She knows all about Photoshop at least she admitted she photoshopped those boobs that sure wasn't the story when she was sending them two guys,not sexist "Now she probably has to wear diapers, because the anal muscles become wounded with that ""activity"" and no longer work.",not sexist "Block/delete her from your phone and all social media. If you see her in public, ignore her. If she visits you, ignore her. This won't do anything tbh.",not sexist "Seriously, read up about girl's night out, and bachelorette parties. That should educate you.",not sexist "Over the knee, skirt up, panties down, right wrist held in my left hand (b/c I'm right-handed). I give *plenty* of fair warning, and I've had girls ""brat"" just to see if I'd do it.",not sexist Social media drama is pretty dumb man.,not sexist "The're definitely are. Now way there's 12k+ Incels, also given that normie posts are upvoted like crazy. That's why we have to report them to the mods to have them removed.",not sexist I know. The chemical induced counter-logic hoops those idiots had to jump to to link murdering a child with privacy just boggles the shit out of my mind.,not sexist "my wife works at a law firm. Everything strategic is discussed over phone. Emails are discoverable, but phone conversations are not.",not sexist she probably got paranoid or anxious. You didnt talk to her long enough for her to feel comfortable enough to meet you.,not sexist Sand Niggers gang rape another woman in Malmo: [URL],not sexist "She's toying with you bud, probably showing her friends how ""funny"" she is. Don't get butthurt, just leave it at that and don't continue the conversation. And hit the gym",not sexist Isn't watching your grandmother on the pole entertaining enough for you cock-breath?,not sexist "Some women never learn, unfortunately.",not sexist you're so funny. maybe le wifey will let you sleep in the same room as her and tyrone for such a clever and epic jab!,not sexist "Boobs, butt, stems, how she moves about.",not sexist "If you __ then she __? How about: When *she* asks for more, and you give her more, she'll ask for **more** of more.",not sexist The Personhood argument against baby-killing abortion has arisen in Alabama within the merits of a capital crime of a husband murdering his pregnant wife & unborn baby. Look out Roe v Wade: [URL],not sexist "I was banned for posting a Louder with Crowder video for ""hate speech"". 9 yrs of never being naughty stepped then zapped. Its beyond idiotic.",not sexist Today's adventure: first trip ever to Ikea. I thought they were a Swedish store. I didn't see a single hookah anywhere.,not sexist "I guess I was referring to other than Muslims and Quran readers. Islam has its own unique set of problems, that's for sure!",not sexist Live in Arizona? This POS equates American KIAs in war to illegal aliens deaths. How stupid can she get?👹,not sexist "Rene Lopez sentenced to 1,503 years for daughter's rape #Ca [URL]",not sexist "Well I suppose King Richard III should have made a woman enter the room first, as was the custom, according to [USER].",not sexist "I've got a video of a nigger refugee on a city street trying to shove and entire can of soda up his ass, then stripping naked and entering stores attacking people. Too risque for Gab?",not sexist "There's nothing wrong with having a few girlfriends that you all like :\^) As the other guy said, don't get that mindset it's bad. Getting more girls will have you be less emotionnaly dependant.",not sexist "Sounds like you don't want to go running with her, so don't go",not sexist "American History. 1664 - Sept 20 Maryland passes 1st anti-amalgamation law to stop intermarriage of English women & black men. I'll drink to that, but surely you're not old enough Soy Boy.",not sexist Let's put this to the test. What's the age of consent in your jurisdiction? And what does your daughter look like?,not sexist im mad i didnt. im using this if i ever have to cut another girl off,not sexist "Mr. nice guy was given a good beating by our culture, figured out you need to be a good looking asshole to get laid, and either checked out or became an asshole.",not sexist "The truth is pain but the truth is freedom. Feminism annoys me,femininity motivates me",not sexist "After she eats shit, what'll she do with your clothes ?? BWAA HA HA HA This ain't Twitter, dummy---you'll get beat up real good here on GAB.",not sexist "Germany: Muslim migrant stabs German woman to death on a Dusseldorf street. ☪️☪️☪️ More ""mental illness"" in Germany. At least that is what the MSM will tell us it is. SMH. #MondayMotivation #Dusseldorf [URL]",not sexist Call chad instead of calling the ambulance after being stabbed by chad's ex girlfriend. ( i remember there was a thread with an article about this).,not sexist "I was 18, feel ya girl",not sexist some of the agenda items on the cons policy meeting in halifax made me cringe. then I watched Michelle tip toe around trudeaus assault of an elder woman asking about illegals. cant vote cons now. [URL],not sexist I thought Starbucks said they had no such employee. Was she ever found to actually work for them?,not sexist Ordered a man to rape another man? Ordered? WTF does that mean? what is she an alcohol and pot kingpin?,not sexist "Vomit Alert!!!!! cortez and her eyes..ridicule works..thanks Hal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. need more banks, so MS-13 can rob them..makes sense to me..WOW.",not sexist "I've been rejected by countless obese, and objectively very unattractive women, I understand some men just aren't attractive enough for anyone",not sexist Schooling means nothing and doesn't prep you for the real world. Any idiot can get a STEM degree but few will benefit from it.,not sexist [USER] I'll give it a couple days for her to reply & if not- I'll make you something.,not sexist """Black women should be able to look however they want!"" I agree, but I think there's something WRONG WITH YOU if you're Black and you WANT straight blonde hair.",not sexist "Another jealous lunatic who discerning, intelligent black girls refuse to entertain :)",not sexist Understanding women is the first step in becoming your own man. You will always be subject to the programming - only with understanding can you break away from a lifetime of blue-pill brainwashing.,not sexist "yes. 20xx?!! just do what makes her happy. if she doesnt notice and do the same for your end in future, you do not want her",not sexist "NYTimes thinks we women are fucking slags who are turned on by everything [URL] To be fair, it is a great read. I just liked the headline.",not sexist Use alot of deflection tactics eh Tinkerbell? So gay I believe you're not gay about as much as I believed Liberace. Do your kids and ex-wife suspect yet??,not sexist how feminine is his penis tho be honest?,not sexist what if I'm not funny and refuse to be funny in order to attain a beautiful female? I have pretty much everything else going for me apart from humour.,not sexist "Wow! I agree with primetimemime. Clean your room and get back in the game! It's a good thing she still seems interested in you, so meet up with her tomorrow again.",not sexist "Ick.. her ""grandchildren"".. enjoys raping them , maybe.",not sexist News flash: some women like tall guys some don't,not sexist "Her mother, Helga Bullock (nee Helga Mathilde Meyer), was a German opera singer.",not sexist "Monica Peterson: Death was ruled a suicide, total BS. She had just spoke with a friend about the fact that she had serious proof to clinton's Pedo trafficking in Haiti She was an Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center and not suicidal.",not sexist "lolz imagine they figure out who it is and they find out, he has a girlfriend.",not sexist "(M)ake (A)merica (G)ape (A)gain as Trump fist fuck rapes her. You fucking blind fools, he can run his own Company and here you thing he can run our Country. YOU ASSHOLES.",not sexist Can't help you with the bees but hit me up if you want tips on making the honey into delicious mead :D,not sexist "More anti white vitriol from a person who is in a position of trust. And she is factually incorrect, black males are by far the most murderous group in society. [URL]",not sexist Twitter censors and I censor them right back. I do not use it. BTW Your IDIOT FRIENDS that do not yet realize twitter spies on you will be the trouble makers during a CIVIL EMERGENCY. Take Names!,not sexist Looks like #Omarosa bit the hand that fed her.,not sexist it's more then your sad life on line !! LMFAO 😂😂😃 she told me your about comit suicide cause your alone with no friends!! 😉🤔🤔🤔🤔,not sexist shes going to kill herself ... but are you going to repesent the celebs?,not sexist DON'T MUDSHARK !! NIGGER KILLED THAT WHITE TRACK ATHLETE FROM UTAH WHEN SHE SPURNED HIM FINDING OUT HE LIED TO HER ABOUT BEING IN JAIL !! IT ISN'T WORTH DEATH FOR NIGGER COCK !!,not sexist "on the other hand, hopefully soon they will use one of those new-fangled super computers to slide us over to the dimension where all the guys are 6.5', well built and nicely hung and all the girls have titties that never sag. :)",not sexist Dude don't be afraid to shoot your shot!! All she can do is say no!! And you won't be the only one she's rejected!! My advice is go for it,not sexist So you're going to call lesbians shitty because they are only attracted to females? Homophobic much?,not sexist Holy FUCK that second half with her cuck bf.,not sexist "My mate had good advice about this. When an older woman asks, ""Why would I go out with someone your age?"" He slyly replies with something along the lines of, ""Well wouldn't you like to find out?""",not sexist "Continuation of their species with (usually internally unhealthy) Stacies, and letting non-Stacies' genetic lines die off.",not sexist She texted me back (small talk) but that doesn't make me any less rejected. She's trying to get my attention and affection. I'm deleting her number and moving on.. And you're damn right I need to re-read models. Thanks.,not sexist "Bigot my ass, we saw this coming,and sure enough...",not sexist Amen sister,not sexist "James Brown Waters can't even give a eulogy about a ""friend"". Lord, if Princess Nancy finally succumbs to the brain death she's suffering, I implore you to put Mad Max in charge! [URL]",not sexist Wish she would shut her fucking mouth so I can enjoy the WW movies.,not sexist 95% of cucks would skin a baby alive for touching her hand for 3 seconds.,not sexist He should've dumped her ass 6 years ago. What a fool.,not sexist #America put her diffs aside over 150 yrs ago Why the Fukk Can't #Librals get on the line to #MAGA? [URL] #GabMusic [USER] ,not sexist "Very true. But, at least in a divorce you don't lose half your shit, retirement, pension, etc. Just on the hook for mom support instead of that plus all the aforementioned.",not sexist "on court: ""ok, you've try to rape this women, right?"" ""yes, your honour, i've tryed, but i didn't find any hole......""",not sexist "But of course, somehow the blame will be pinned on the husband.",not sexist "she's in another class than me but in the same building,when I hug her how low to go with my hands? Thanks for the response btw :D",not sexist Nigger faggot.,not sexist I remember this skit and it was actually funny... back when Eddie Murphy was funny and SNL was occasionally funny. This lady must know wealthier white people than me.,not sexist "Such great advice. Get the approval and make them all feel comfortable, and you may also have a pick of the litter! Why isn't this better known?! I always saw douchebag guys trying to tear groups of girls apart instead of gluing them together.",not sexist Your a f****** Jew,not sexist Yeah dude they just had that awesome personality so the girls totally disregarded their looks while still being better looking than the guys rofl,not sexist "It shows how much you think being attractive is physical. 50% of it is in swag/confidence/game/etc. This is the part you guys never get. Interestingly enough, it's the part that women expect a potential mate to get.",not sexist "Neither do men, or literally any other being on the planet.",not sexist His old ass still has the nerve to criticize his 28 yo gf's weight instead of being grateful for being so lucky to have her. Jesus Christ. The best example why women should date men more or less the same age as them.,not sexist "speaking of which, wife caught the last half of 'the matrix' yesterday, so I got to watch it. Where do they get those guns? I thought the old 20 round six shooters in western were great, but those in that movie were kick ass. :-D",not sexist "I am stuck, breaking free is going to financially destroy me. At this point I am better off waiting until my kids turn 18, **only 11 years off for my youngest** Only 11 years for your wife to totally fuck you over.",not sexist "Dude, you are waaaayyyy to early into this to decide that you want to start a relationship. See her for a few months before making that decision.",not sexist bang her she wants it. if you wait to long she will leave,not sexist Female nature is human nature. This isn't even mgtow 101. Stop being a cuck to women and go your own way.,not sexist "People think we have insane standards cuz for jokes, we post pics of male and female models on the sub. It doesn't mean that we require someone who looks like that.",not sexist She probably runs a credit check on all of the prospective mating partners to ensure she obligates only the ones with money.,not sexist Jose Mourinho left his last press conference disguised as a dead female nigger! R E S P E C T Respect!,not sexist We all hate your dad...and you too!,not sexist I think she looks mad. ;),not sexist "You're making it too complicated. If you're having fun talking to her just be naturally flirty, ask straight out when she's good and warmed up. Why hide and turn it so complicated?",not sexist #Sharia #EU #Muslim sat on top of his mother to get her #throat cut #BanIslam [URL],not sexist Scott E. in NY had relations with Sanzari (a hebrew)'s daughter.,not sexist [USER] should go viral A) clearly shows african americans what she is like B) cleary warns americans abt the dangers of muslim immmigration,not sexist "Um, I'm a female and my guy has no complaints about our sex life",not sexist "That is Sarah McDaniel and it's a shame because she is really damn hot but she adopted a fake blue eye and fake boobs to look ""hotter"", but that kind of kills it because they're fake.",not sexist [Scientific facts]([URL] are disagreeing with this cuck,not sexist I'm conflicted because wishing harm to a child doesn't feel right but she wished harm to her teacher. She should be kicked out of that school district at least.,not sexist "[USER] He's cancerous. He hates women, himself, and has low self-esteem. He thinks he'll find friends by attacking and then inflating his meager ego by sobbing to his followers about getting downvoted. I want to start #UnfollowTrump4Prez.",not sexist Would you be taking about Afua hirsch?,not sexist "A great Steve Martin film. Martin Short is great as well. I had the biggest crush on Kimberly Williams ,but Brad Paisley ""stole"" her from me. I think that I was too tall for her idk.",not sexist it's okay if they identify as a black woman.,not sexist I'm assuming there are gonna be other hot girls at the party. Why the fuck are you still talking about this girl if you're not catching feelings for her?,not sexist They're convinced ALL women are toxic.,not sexist Do stuff before the movie then go to it. Get to know her. As you are watching the movie put your arm around her to escalate kino.,not sexist "I thought she was white too, but then in the video she looks not white. I guess it's the makeup, or lack thereof",not sexist "Deport her to Yemen, with a small Dowry. Someone will marry her. End of.",not sexist "Translation: Ask her out, nail her.",not sexist Hahahaha. If ya don't beat her to the bakery there probably won't be shit left anyway.,not sexist "It will be good once people start to realize that THEY're all in this together and proving Hitler was right I guess.. Despite it's harshest consequences, they fucking deserve a rude awakening.",not sexist "[USER] It would be the first legitimate, verified proof that White men can, in fact, jump.",not sexist What does becoming a lesbian have to do with having a man vetted by those who care about a young lady?,not sexist "Couldn't agree more. on a side note, Papa used to wear a dildo on his head and go sarging. Style is pretty much the definition of how being feminine can work.",not sexist volcel checking in why would i want a fat old lady?,not sexist "she grew up I'm afraid that after a few years, the majority of them are beyond hope. they succumb to the brainwashing, perpetuate & spread the islamic hate",not sexist "I will never recognize the credentials of ""Doctor"" Ford. May she burn in hell.",not sexist "Trump Justice Dept sues to ""denaturalize"" Miami grandmother [URL] [URL]",not sexist "I see where you're getting at and it makes sense, as I mentioned in another comment, I think I need to just get more exposure with interacting with women on a more sexual level, but quarantine makes that difficult.",not sexist True but it's really fun since normies are easy to see through insecurities wise. Like a guy with 2 mil reddit karma and 20 posts a day tried to call me short and I roasted him so hard he blocked me jfl,not sexist And now the dumb shitlib kids miss him LOL,not sexist It is odd..I have watched for a month as the kikesses have been allover you and the other real white men..lol why? they get pushed back but keep coming back for more...I haven't noticed the white women doing this to jew men. Cringy,not sexist "No. It depends. Usually if the friend ""approves"" she will leave the two of them alone. That is the main benefit of ""working the group"" in my opinion: easier to win friends approval and then they will leave you alone with the target.",not sexist "Lol I know from my dad's reaction to my mother, some days he can't fucking stand her and I be the same boat.",not sexist "That is because the cucks are too lazy and selfish to take care of their wives themselves. This is where societal breakdown begins. Sorry fellas, but we need you to kindly, gently, lovingly, show us who is the boss. [URL]",not sexist "Marriage is the smallest form of socialism, it fails there half the time, menage a trois is one step up, and they end badly almost 100% of the time, and it only gets worse as you add more people.",not sexist "B-bu-but- mY pEePeE SAAAADDDDD!!!! Why she make my peepee SAD!?!?!? FAT UGLY STUPID DUMDUM! /s Seriously, they're like entitled five-year-olds being told ""no"" for the first time.",not sexist .[USER]: My daughter prayed to Alexa Here's the incredible thing that happened next [URL],not sexist better than the finest rare filet mignon,not sexist "Nanpel says she would rather win on the issue than win the election.... My guess, if the dems run on this issue, they will lose on the issue, AND they'll lose the election.",not sexist "I like that nigga. He lit asf ""Hell naw muthafucka fuck you! It ain't hard. 911... Shit!!!!"" Lmao",not sexist [USER] can't believe she's spouting the Russian nonsense,not sexist They took their sweet ass time.,not sexist "This article is war against trad families and more men and women need to speak out against the Jews promoting it, not cause infighting between men and women what they want.",not sexist Well she wanted a higher % of Black lecturers and staff higher up. By being fired she got her wish by virtue of there being less white people lol,not sexist Yes! I want my President completely tone deaf to you race-baiting idiots. I'm sick of your 'sensitivity'. [URL],not sexist Jesus is the Everlasting Father. There is no other God. He is a God of war. Peace comes through the righteous destroying and imprisoning the filthy and corrupt. [URL],not sexist """In Trouble For Criticizing Rotherham Police Force""? Isn't that the police force that sat on their asses and did nothing while thousands of young girls, they swore to protect, were raped by barbaric Muslim parasites, over a period of years?",not sexist Yeah that book have good insights for during the relationship phase.I found it lacks how to approach women and hook them in the first place.Kind of zero game about it.What's your opinion?,not sexist "Agreed. Saw ""threesome"" and was curious how the guy made it happen. Found out it was a girl and didn't care.",not sexist """Actually sexually abused"" - meaning ""Women who have experienced abuse I've personally never done to a woman. If it's something I've done, it isn't abuse.""",not sexist Why do niggers aim a gun upside down...,not sexist "I'll post them when I get home, but women themselves have told me I have good pics, on Photofeeler they're ranked 9+. In person I can get the attention of good looking girls, although I definitely look better in person.",not sexist "Every interaction with women makes me want to punch them [...] I started to interact with women as little as possible Yes, please continue the trend of leaving us alone if you can't control yourself.",not sexist "I don't like their behaviour but also, do we need to copy SJW / far left idiocy with ""please fire them!!!"" campaigns. Let's not stoop to *their* level of fuckery, idiocy, stupidity. Fuck them but let's not become them.",not sexist "exactly, some chicks car stalled a few weeks back on the highway, and a few of my friends were like ""dude lets go help her"" ... I laughed, kept driving. Fuck it.",not sexist Yeah Vegeta is a second fiddle manlet who got Yamcha's sloppy seconds. Goku got a virgin wife.,not sexist [USER] no that's a water chemical Mixture they use to put out forest fires. but it does get the point as I see in you're reaction,not sexist Got you in our prayers. My relationship with the man up stairs isn't all that great but my wife seems to have a direct line.,not sexist "No, she is just scum. What a terrible and evil person.",not sexist "Plenty of women who have large pussies are size queens. No big deal, the shit has to fit together down there.",not sexist She still looks like a rancid raisin...,not sexist Why would anyone be against their daughters dating a man whose got his [CUR]hit together? we are going to want to talk to the sob but that's bout it.,not sexist "Identify negative beliefs such as ""beautiful women are different"" and eliminate them. How can I eliminate them?",not sexist "Despite the shitty advice here, feeling like you want ldar is literally point for point diagnostic for clinical depression. I won't shove it down your throat though, if you want to talk about it, we can.",not sexist """She told me she wanted to wait until marriage."" -Married cuck man",not sexist no; she still controls her temper methinks but she issues a signal: the trigger is already under tension; only one increment left before the bang.,not sexist Plus you have to think about the sea of dicks that you're up against on Snapchat. You're 1 in probably hundreds that that woman is getting messages from.,not sexist "She's got the crazy eyes, and the baby inherited them. Both mother and son look like they're going to burn your house if you don't do as they say... Maybe that nice guy is just scared...",not sexist "but I managed to find a replacement Dude, who are you?! I am happy to match/text with a Single girl in a month (if I'm lucky) and when I ask to meet after two weeks of texting she tells me that she doesn't want to meet so soon",not sexist How many times has May promised to cut immigration? [URL],not sexist I would think that the male me is out of my league as a female,not sexist "Assassins??? We don't want her gone! We want her to keep talking! The more she talks, the better us Deplorable's look!!! #MAGA #Deplorables #DrainTheSwamp #VoteDemsOut [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "She sounds toxic. Sometimes complaining is the only way a gal knows how to communicate. It's tragic. I have a pretty great GF, but I had to look, wait, and set healthy boundaries.",not sexist "And yeah, it doesn't matter anymore even if a girl ridicules me or says some mean shit like ""you're too ugly"" or ""you're brown"" etc Did a girl really told you this?",not sexist she worked at the Bunny Ranch 1992...I fucked her,not sexist 97th percentile how the fuck would you be wristcel.,not sexist "I thought ""motherfucker"" was just some negroes being ironic about fucking their moms...",not sexist A shit test is when someone gives you shit intending to break your frame. This reads to me like you had a stick up your ass when your girlfriend was texting you attempting at being silly.,not sexist Looks fine to me. She's going to grow up knowing God loves her. People are perverts in their minds cause that's the ONLY THING MAIN STREAM MEDIA SHOVES DOWN THEIR THROATS!,not sexist I know a lovely piece of land on the Mediterranean where she would feel right at home.,not sexist Can't decide which one goes best with her outfit...,not sexist "oh I'll be paying for it. one way or another, we gotta pay the price for free speech. might as well be with shekels, rather than other ways.",not sexist "An Anne Frank being manufactured in realtime. Read her sad book, feel guilty, let in her group, watch as they stab you in the back.",not sexist That B****** is in left field somewhere looking for her balls.,not sexist Look everyone it's the women slayer dimebagjoe2 who actually thinks this girl prefers virgins because she said it on Twitter!!!!!,not sexist "Enlighten me with your Evangelical Drivel, O wise woman",not sexist I've done it for a couple of years because I was practicing and also because it's a lot of fun. But now I've been in a relationship with an incredible woman for a while and have no plans of fucking other girls.,not sexist Destructive riots are good for le pen. That'll be the only reason she would win,not sexist "Lol I dunno who you're fooling but it's not me🤣 Celebs are higher social status than billionaires. No woman is screaming and throwing their knickers at Jeff Bezoz, so that less attractive statement is for the birds.",not sexist You must be too busy jerking off to your wife getting fucked to have known about marcus garvey. The races never got along,not sexist Cut her out of your life.,not sexist [URL] It is not right for Governments to push Muslim religion and attack Christianity imo. Write your Congress and Senate. Tell them to stop minding our business especially what religion we will or will not worship now!,not sexist I will happily impregnate any white gal that wants it.😁lol,not sexist Portly Portland. God that place is a dumpster fire. And I thought LA and SF were the worst.,not sexist Now that's a man's meal,not sexist "Short women can't lean in to talk to you, it's just logistics, but the conceptual idea here is least-effort. It's a judgement call, idea being don't overdo it.",not sexist "[USER] If it was a Mexican flag they would call her a hero if it was an isis flag she would've been promoted. Fuck the dumb shit, YOU CAN FLY ANY GOD DAM FLAG YOU WANT! They will make sure the jury is full of blm fucks. Un fuckin believable.",not sexist I know... now. Several pickup lines successful with northern girls were immediately retired. Live and learn,not sexist The Left will claim that she drowned a kitten back in 1981. Or hit her puppy. Or was mean to another girl in kindergarten. Or.... (fill in the blank),not sexist "I've treated some women badly but I didn't do any permanent damage. They were lessons learned. God forgives me and I forgive myself. Fortunately, I've grown as a person since then.",not sexist "Crying is good for the soul. Good job mate. But approaching 6 to 8 is not really high. That being Said, if I meet a girl that likes me then I stop approaching for the day. That could happen in any number of approaches.",not sexist A blowjob.,not sexist "Ok thanks man, I'll definitely stone her \- Jesus, 30 AD",not sexist That sounds nice but what does your mom have to say about all dis,not sexist that happened to me last week they dont know how long im banned there making up there minds so far its been nine days just for telling c. handler she was a human urinal and should kill herself and get over it.,not sexist "[USER] Idiots like this ""Harvard professor"" are the same people who insisted that there was no path to 270 for Trump, President Hillary was a done deal, she was 19 points ahead and it was all over but the shouting.",not sexist You need to not serial text her,not sexist "You don't need to be her first, but you don't want to be 21st, or 101st, or 501st...",not sexist Idk about you but I would be a lot happier if my daughter was raped and murdered by a satanic death cult of white people instead of niggers or Muslims,not sexist "Looking at your up/downvote ratio, I think you are misinformed about what ""seddit doesn't want to hear."" Also, the word harem makes me uncomfortable, and I have a girlfriend and a fuckbuddy who sleep with each other.",not sexist Mentally ill men are losers as well. It's like you're trying to say Kenyans arent fast runners because some of them are crippled in wheelchairs.,not sexist Nerds will be beta. Two options: 1.acquire currency and lose it on woman 2. Go MGTOW,not sexist Girls hate dick pics . They're really hard to pull off in general and most girls just aren't fiending for dick pics like that.,not sexist "She probably likes you.. If you don't ask her out, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. **Shoot your shot**",not sexist Leland should sue her for defamation.,not sexist "Hijab is for ""modesty"" right? Twerking is for? Hahahahahaha [URL]",not sexist "For all i know she's telling the truth, or she just doesn't want to lose me over a fling. I'm not about to end it because one other dude got to her while we weren't dating, thats so weak.",not sexist "Mate, try reading your post before hitting send. Do you realise how cucked you are and how pathetic this sounds ? *""how do I get her to realise this isnt ok?' -* Are you F serious ?",not sexist I thought women didnt have personality? Can incels make up their damn minds,not sexist "Dope as fuck, agree with you here. Still don't think equivalent to rape, but I love the idea of putting them on the sex offender registry as per OP.",not sexist Oh fucking hell. Why on earth would we have even commented about these women if the article hadn't mentioned GG?,not sexist Where is her father?,not sexist "You missed one- 5- She is horny and you are ""good enough"". You know how most guys will fuck almost anything if it's easy and they're horny? Plenty of women the same way.",not sexist Morons that have no clue what dynamite is. Dynamite goes off in her hands she is blown into millions of pieces We used it to blow tree stumps. Ever see 1000lbs of wood flying?,not sexist Fortnite mobile: Android beta gets major boost from Galaxy reveal [URL],not sexist "Observation, analysis and deduction are legitimate concepts tbh fam. And women pretty much say the same thing in the OP screenshot, in fewer words.",not sexist [USER] Ha! Good thing that wasn't me. I'd have gone redneck on her ass and knocked her block off for her. 😂,not sexist Bill got even and gave her a black eye.,not sexist "It will make the woman stuff herself with donuts and candy, and still hungry. And will make the male just not want to eat at all.",not sexist "They just can't decide, they want to get laid, but also want women to wait until marriage. The answer is simple, they should have sex with each other.",not sexist Sacrilege! You can still see the XX chromosomes!,not sexist """Waaaaa people are calling me out for wanting to rape little girls!!""",not sexist Escalate and isolate. Once you lock a girl in the friends will ask her permission before dragging her off. As in subtly with eye code.,not sexist Pieces of crap need to be voted out! All of them!,not sexist "Pakistani council orders ""revenge rape"" of 16-year-old girl ..... [URL]",not sexist Every free man should be able to spell a word in as many ways as he sees fit .,not sexist "That's bad advice tbh. When I was single I would pie off someone who played mind games with me like that and would assume they're not interested. Ask her on that date when you next text her, don't leave it more than a few hours.",not sexist You wallow while she could have swallowed 😜,not sexist "Wiggers are truly appalling creatures that are even lower than niggers themselves. A nigger acts in his own nature at least, I can respect that.",not sexist "with such tips , who wants to get married anyway? where are those women?",not sexist [Elaine F'n Chao getting eviscerated on Twitter.]([URL] People are noticing. And what they're noticing isn't a good look for her and all other Asian women.,not sexist Sorry ass loser and her husband. Enough is enough. [URL],not sexist "A scum bag like you couldn't even speak to a woman like me, I'd crush you under my heel. Idiot fag.",not sexist "Strange photo of three cops staring intensely in totally different directions (well, one looks like she might be retarded) [URL]",not sexist "A young girl, who in times past would simply have been accepted as a tomboy, is now presumed by politically correct adults to be transgender. ~First Street Journal",not sexist I'm going to punch out the ring leader!,not sexist And women are the main offenders too!,not sexist And not a single women's college sport turns a profit. The only money makers for 90% of colleges are men's football and men's basketball. The other 10% turn a profit off men's baseball in addition to those other two.,not sexist "What other card can she play? It's the perfect ""get out of jail"" card in today's society!!!",not sexist They are Libtard Propaganda.,not sexist Here is the response from Rayion why he had to beat these women with a steel rod [URL],not sexist I'm sure she reported this man to the police and wrote down his cab number right? Story will be proven false in 3..2... [URL] #fakenews #NoEvidenceItHappened,not sexist For real. If they actually lowered their standards and get off their ass and approach they can get any Beta Bob who is willing.. just because not only exisiting is not one of their cards anymore to get Chad they gave up lol.,not sexist "try being more ""can do""",not sexist "You might be giving her ""friendly vibes"" women want a intimate sexual emotional connection",not sexist "Fuck every single form of oppression that attacks my freedom. Until I am six feet deep, I will fight to regain the freedoms lost.",not sexist "Tbh brother i am both fucked up in the head (borderline autistic) and overweight, which I guess kills it. But I never tried with any short girls, most were stacies",not sexist #FuckIslam More violence from the #muSlime Where are the feminist protestors coming to the defense of the kidnapped woman? [URL],not sexist "RT Twitter [USER] ""You complain about this one and we'll cross promote. It'll confuse the idiots & looks way better [URL] [URL]",not sexist "I learned the hard way myself. If she'll cheat on and abuse her first husband, she'll do the same to you. Won't be making that mistake again in this lifetime.",not sexist "Fraud, thief, she took funds and college that wasn't meant for her,",not sexist Ramadan appears to be going out with a bang! #TooSoon?,not sexist physically escalate more. you don't have to talk about sex to get to sex. you can share emotional stuff but you aren't her bestie. It's about you both sharing.,not sexist Sounds like a pretty solid three counts of obstruction of justice and interference with law enforcement by the Mayor to me. Lock her up. She will be out in plenty of time to make room for Hillary.,not sexist "[USER] Several of us have gotten together, and we're staging an intervention. (Nothing but love, U) BTW - one of my best girlfriends was the original Mara Jade [URL]",not sexist my dentist is crap.. my national health dentist is crap. i would name her but it's so fucking hard to find a dentist that will treat you on esa.,not sexist That sounds like something a retarded preschooler would say. I don't mean you. I mean the people who believe that shit,not sexist It depends on mother's height too,not sexist I have read enuff of that peice of trash to know it is a brainwashing cult of pedafiles that enslave women and children fuck Allah the Muslims thay will all burn,not sexist "Well you've played it cool and patient for now, just keep doing that until next Friday. If I were you I'd just shoot a quick message to her on Wednesday/Thursday to keep interest.",not sexist LMAO 😂 BROOO.....honestly I hope a nigga tells her to get slim that is insanely unheal..but oh yea fat shaming nevermind,not sexist They'll be quiet until they have more of them there. Then they'll start demanding shit and your government will cave just like everyone else. The Democrats need votes and they know these idiots will vote for them.,not sexist She can backpedal all she wants. I know of MD's that are filing Formal Complaints with the AMA and the places these hacks are employed. This bs downright passed them off. ETA--Licensing boards are getting letters too.,not sexist weddings are the most emasculating thing ever,not sexist "So they are calling Chad ""car accident"" now. :) Chad ""Car Accident"" Cocksman",not sexist "Then came the 17th century in which Jews returned to England, and this time, to stay. Jews, who had been expelled from Spain in 1492 by Isabella I of Castile & Ferdinand II of Aragon (because of usury) took refuge in Holland.",not sexist And I'll be out in my MAGA hat showing what idiots you all are.,not sexist It is legit she asked me to drive to her and she will show me around I ca screenshot the convo which is from late last night,not sexist Hope doesn't pay the rent. Neither does minimum wage when you have to compete against H1B slaves who will work off the clock. Wage security for Americans working in a free market restricted to American workers does pay the rent.,not sexist A (((nutter))). His mom is a jewess.,not sexist Send her a text you wanna do it silently then block her.,not sexist Aberg even publicly admitted that most of the people reported for hate speech to the police have been elderly women. Antifa cries out in pain as they tattle on your grandmother. [URL],not sexist Funny and PATHETIC at the same time. A random group of women dumped on an island start falling apart immediately. [URL],not sexist "I just desperately want them to hang a sign that says ""white people aren't allowed to sit with actual humans"". Lido Pimienta made white people stand at the back of her concerts and put all the minorities up front by the stage.",not sexist TY my mom loves my writing keeps trying to mind fuck me into a book. If twitter is any indicator My book would knock the living shit out of the firestarter log industry.,not sexist Like how the brunette pantomimes a sax solo without her fingers ever moving. The gap in the blonde chick's teeth makes a more convincing tooth.,not sexist "From the stories I've read, Germans no matter the ethnicities (ethnic german or turks or north africans), they all equally look down on Asians.",not sexist "Really not true, you can say most women that can't get a guy to stay committed that they really want lack girl game, and lots lack girl game.",not sexist Negro mama refuses to admit that her Negro chillin is a savage. [URL],not sexist Maybe she's a puppet or a robot... #HillarysHealth,not sexist "conspiracy theorists, as a rule, tend to hate science to them it's a....party pooper of sorts",not sexist "And walk over bumbs and shit and piss and drug needles ,but hey if it's free for the elites:",not sexist "I am a woman, not that it matters and you are most welcome.",not sexist must have track for wedding djs,not sexist Jannies on cs rin aren't always good though,not sexist 99% is kind of high I think. I never did drugs but I am an older woman.[USER],not sexist The World's Second Richest Woman sells #makeup. Mostly #feminists use a lot of it. I don't see country girls wearing a lot of make-up at all.,not sexist Dude there's no trip she just wanted weed money,not sexist So...if I had a high school sweetheart I married then several years later she divorce raped me I cannot be a proper mgtow? Ok. no. This lifestyle can be for any boy or man regardless of experience. Your missing the point of the whole thing.,not sexist "Yes, that is why we have rating systems, so people don't have to do shit like that.",not sexist """nah, i was thinking somewhere... more fun."" I would've thought she was telling me I'm boring and was asking about any cool places she could take her friends.",not sexist they need to die the whole lot this crap has been going on for good they fuck us in childhood education with turd teenagers spouting shit interrupting making sure you are fucked up by 16 UK is an abusers paradise,not sexist "Just fuck her retard, are you some kind of faggot?",not sexist Can't blame her after seeing what her England has turned into.,not sexist "right on. if sarah jeong was a White major league baseball pitcher, she'd already be in sensitivity training in the minor leagues!",not sexist "One can define things however one chooses, but putting an aversion to homosexual acts under the same term as an aversion to homosexuals shows a lack of nuance. It's more of a political move.",not sexist "Lol no, it won't. Men are the disposable ones, not women.",not sexist "A priest walks up to a prostitute ""'Excuse me but what would your mother do if she saw you here?"" ""She'd kill me.This is her corner""",not sexist "Even if these numbers are accurate it pretty much destroys the incel narrative anyway. Obviously all women aren't ""riding the cock carousel"" and it's not only the top 20% of men getting laid",not sexist I meant what that soapboxing thing is,not sexist The poster girl for the failure of affirmative action.,not sexist Thats why she has giant gold necklaces and looks like shes starving to death.,not sexist "Thirsty indian omega nerd spending his Sunday night hamstering desperately about white girls liking him, so believable....well, yes, actually, 100% believable",not sexist "This black man does not agree with what cardi b did. And I also know many who kinda took a step back from her. Fuck that shit, wrong is wrong. And ignorance will ALWAYS defend ignorance.",not sexist "Cuck boyfriend. Not only does he let his girlfriend have tinder, he is conducting experiments on ""toxic men"". He probably browses inceltears too.",not sexist "Many male serial killers had mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder. So there is definitely a link between delinquency and having a mom who is cruel, unstable, and unpredictable.",not sexist "Another idiot who forgets the last known Confederate or ex-confederate, died over a hundred years ago.",not sexist 1. Buy a military vet a meal and thank him/her for their service. 2. Donate what you can to help disaster victims. 3. Offer to help an elderly neighbor with housework.,not sexist My rule with spiders is if they aren't within three yards of me or in my room I don't care about them,not sexist "This happened to me, except I found something, which she later deleted and lied about. It's like nah dude, I know what I saw, that's for gaslighting me though. Dumb.",not sexist I thought the Saudi Royal Family already had refugee camps waiting for people. the thing it that those #TowelHeads want to rape white women.,not sexist As someone from the UK I think his gun control views are perfect common sense. As for this Greta moron. She just reads scripted lines. It blows my mind how anyone wants to give her any airtime,not sexist Does this idiot think people will vote for him now? [URL],not sexist "is ""polar bears"" a euphemism for fat hairy mentally ill cisgender gay men? or do you mean actual polar bears?",not sexist Very nice! I tend to get tired of the constant stream of ridiculously large breasted anime women that get posted.,not sexist That's true I was blessed to have not only my family but my girlfriend and her family for support growing up,not sexist I may have blown it a long time ago. Women like confidence. That means not waiting months or weeks to approach. If you are dead set on slow-playing think of how many guys she will be approached while you are waiting for the perfect moment?,not sexist "Which means, she half black.",not sexist "Some kinda do, it depends on their criterias. If you are ugly af, why would she give it to you ? It will be a bad experience for her, and will have no benefit.",not sexist "Look, something we don't agree with. Let's beat it into the ground!",not sexist Nigcop pulling over women for dates. He knows were the white women be at [URL] [USER] ,not sexist The only banging she's probably doing is between her toes.,not sexist all males want to have sex with their attractive female friends,not sexist I actually haven't but then again I block any woman who I feel any emotional connection with because once feels appear it's time to disappear,not sexist "By focusing on whether the target of the death threats was a journalist, rather than that she received death threats.",not sexist "they should sue Ford for millions, lying about rape is disgusting #MAGA #MakeEuropeEuropeanAgain #MakeAmericaWhiteAgain",not sexist Absolutely love this girl AshtonWitty on #bitchute Trump hates #immigrant families... [URL] #Trump #ConcentrationCamps #Nazi #RedPill,not sexist i wish they had the shit she's been smoking back when i was younger.,not sexist the first thing though is GETTING the girl to come to yours... thats the real challenge.,not sexist Theodore Tso is indeed a big name. Nice to see how much these young female supremacists appreciate these men who created Linux.,not sexist Hum. Shouldn't she try to ban Bridges? That's where the carnage occurred. Cause it sure couldn't be the human hands that wielded the knives! Hope England wises up here pretty soon!!!,not sexist "I hit the three points, while being short, Asian and ugly. Kms.",not sexist Does she think all the negative words in the English Dictionary are grouped together? Lol moron,not sexist i wasnt trolling you fucking censor,not sexist Insane. She's has blocked every conservative on Twitter to maintain her safe space. Check for yourself. Anyway the article is good for a laugh. For more laughs Google her name. [URL],not sexist Can confirm. Walked into my first shift at an animal shelter and was greeted by 4 beautiful women and a crap ton of puppies,not sexist stupid ugly ass girlfriend soyboy cuck beta fucking stupid ass normies,not sexist "When you ask her questions and such to find out more about her, make sure it doesn't turn in to an interrogation. Let questions flow naturally as part of the conversation.",not sexist When we were kids (and sometimes now) my brother and I would get into fights over witch fat orange cat was better. #OldSchoolCool,not sexist Understand. Know you're right. At same time I know there isn't enough money in the world to induce me to do an beastly female equivalent.,not sexist Aren't these goblins always whining how women are cunts Fuckin' goblins man. I CAST .. MAGIC MISSLE #SummonerGeeks #So2006 #Throwback #HastagsAreStillCool,not sexist 8 month later I'm back to give this place another try. The news about google pulling up the app was so retarded that I felt like I needed to be here.,not sexist Yep anytime you talk to a liberal that supported Hillary Clinton #Trump #MAGA #GabVets #GabFam #idiots #losers #crybabies #wallfordummies any time you get into a debate and they pull up #FakeNews like CNN just post a wall and stop talking to them.,not sexist "Ugh, that fucking sucks, especially when you come to the realization that a bunch of the times you were all done hanging out for the night and going your separate ways, they were actually waiting for you to leave so he could get balls deep in her.",not sexist No One really Cares who she is shagging! Just another drama Queen! That's the Greens for You!,not sexist "I'm literally going to be watching the debate with my mother in law over my shoulder, so that'll be interesting...",not sexist Honestly I'd pay it just to get her to do it and feel bad about herself after,not sexist Not Jewish - she isn't smart enough;),not sexist no tinder in the wifes part?????,not sexist "Okay dude...you're not ignoring race when you just stated the different race's of girls you have pulled. Likewise those girls SEE that you're white. Everyone here is saying ignore the race, but the truth is that it's in all of us to see race.",not sexist "AFAIK he does respect transgendered people, he just doesn't think made-up genders and their pronouns are anything more than narcissism.",not sexist When u voted for the dope u should have known his daughter wife would have a voice. Conned u dumb mfers,not sexist what about the freedom and rights of those catalans who want to remain in spain?,not sexist I seriously have a lower score than everyone else even with the +6 you are female points... This is how sad my life is.,not sexist Are those bullets on her head necessary? Won't slow her down?,not sexist "If he's not already molesting this little girl, I'm sure he will be in the future. I hope this woman comes to her senses and the court system backs her up and she gets complete custody with zero contact.",not sexist "Its got nothing to do with the film, its the theatre who wanted a women only screening.",not sexist "jenna marbles was decent looking on video... she hit the wall and the makeup and lighting tricks just can't keep up. seriously, compare her old videos to her latest ones. she's fucking gross now.",not sexist you know - everything about this post is fine except that. She wants a big bearish guy with a good job who wants to do things with her. That's fine. But fat-fit? 5 days a week at the gym? GTFO.,not sexist How many more years does this guy have to live? 50? 60? If he's lucky... Nothing is guaranteed. He could die in a car crash in 6 months. Does he really want to spend *6 months* orbiting some girl?,not sexist "So if a woman keeps a baby you both pay for it, if not neither of you do. There's nothing unequal here. You just dont like that a womans choice is final. Stop impregnating people you dont want kids with. Yawn",not sexist "if a girl asks that, say ""why put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?""",not sexist "he still had sex with more woman than sigma's weight in pounds, you are coping hard OP",not sexist Change her name to Xerox,not sexist The next four years (crossing fingers its a one term presidency) is going to be a shit show,not sexist "I'm sorry my dude, but it's not the case. I'm a confident guyIt seems like I've been ugly SINCE middle school and been kissless since. I just gotta talk to more girls at once.",not sexist Muslims rape our women and children but hurty words r upmost important too our lame government and police farse,not sexist "Apparently you approve of girls being treated as second class citizens, gays thrown off buildings, FGM, pedophilia and all those other wonderful things that go hand in hand with islam. Go FUCK yourself you islamic apologizing piece of shit.",not sexist "Spiro - typical Jew , telling us how to act and what to think.",not sexist Pure class. It's also nice that she didn't have to eat spit.,not sexist "Remember a few weeks back, when the entire Internet shamed some White father who disowned his daughter for dating a Black guy? I can't find the article, but that couple looked a lot like this one.... [USER]",not sexist That'll be the first one she's had since the slick wlly years.😄😄,not sexist My life is way better without a woman in it. WAY better.,not sexist "Twitter violates womens' human rights, according to Amnesty International. [URL]",not sexist "Why do you hate your own sex? I really don't get that statement. It like those people online that say they hate beign white, I find it ridiculous.",not sexist "The women here are a strong and diverse group who know what gender they are, LOL. And for the most part, we do like each other...I think I've only muted one woman. Because she just wouldn't shut up....",not sexist It looks like the tile walls of a women's Walcrap bathroom. It may be there. It sucks I know what a Walcrap's bathroom looks like. sigh... That poor man...,not sexist Telling a woman to be careful is considered victim blaming when you tell women not to get blackout drunk at college parties with tons of strangers But it's being tolerant when you tell women to travel in groups and keep nafri men at arm's length,not sexist "Steve, I have to disagree. I think both her and her sexual assault spouse each have a gun right next to their beds. When they know the end is near, they will simply be the cowards they've always been and take the easy way out. May they rot in hell.",not sexist [USER] Ewwwwwwww.... I'm sure she's carrying some diseases we thought were dead,not sexist "Here they are saying he was a jilted lover out to kill his girlfriend, that she and a boy were hit.",not sexist "[USER] - omg, these girls are hilarious. Love listening to them rant.",not sexist """if you think you have what it takes to lock me down"" Make her qualify, but be cute about it if you really give fucks.",not sexist "There is nothing funny about hurting people, men or women alike- no one deserves to have their life ruined",not sexist Enoch has mixed loyalties. Jew wife and a negro sibling.,not sexist """Germans are not planning to stop protesting against Angela Merkel and her migration policy."" [URL]",not sexist "Ok man that's why I'm trying to get my shit together, after being a porn addict and loosing interest in girls, I can say my biggest motivator is girls.",not sexist "He could have scored but waved off He didn't wave her off, HE BOUGHT HER DINNER. Get a clue.",not sexist Doctor of Common Sense tells the truth about Assad & his wife! Assad's wife speaks (in English). All of Syria is a museum; another reason (((they))) want it destroyed. [URL],not sexist #MAGA will fall for anything. He beat his girlfriend's little boy to death because he wouldn't stop crying. [URL],not sexist Yeah! Just go and talk shit... They don't bite.,not sexist Thank you. I know a girl exactly like this and she literally fucks every dude she meets. It is completely meaningless to her. OP about to learn a valuable lesson here...,not sexist Sally outed herself!,not sexist Yawn. Don't thrust your fear of your mortality on me.,not sexist you look like an american !!!!!! and its not a compliment here guys sorry us bros but you can lose weight you should but its ok youre not obese sick from the picture,not sexist Seems to me like /r/niceguys is just a female version of this subreddit only slightly less pathetic. There are bad/weird apples in both genders.,not sexist Women love a mysterious guy. A girl I was seeing asked me when I think about her the most and I said when I'm taking a dump. They love it,not sexist her last name isn't cockroach in Arabic for nothing.,not sexist Bar owners can't handle competition. Look at this whiney bullshit. [URL],not sexist I argued with some girl from my church who's an SJW. She unfriended me on Facebook cause I criticized LGBT.,not sexist Yeah look at some women's taste in men.,not sexist "Don't forget the thousands they spend on spring break trips in #daddysmoney while normal guys pick up extra shifts delivering pizza waiting tables, or whatever college job they have.",not sexist Germany: 88.5% of refugee women don't work and especially Muslim women live segregated [URL],not sexist "It sad really, I'm the stalker but look at all the info she think she has.",not sexist I call it a fat land whale race traitor.,not sexist "30 women accuse James Toback, another Hollywood jew, of sexual molestation. He once opined on the subject of Jewish rage and masculinity, that the term ""Jew"" should be outlawed as hate speech the same as ""Nigger"" [URL]",not sexist "dats [USER] getting her revenge,,",not sexist ikr the fact that she posted the pic shows that she loves being fetishized...,not sexist [USER] keep the sock and just give her a free Uber code,not sexist "The Elites have their own version of Sylville Smith's sister. Destroy the houses where the uneducated hillbillies live "" burn they sheeet""",not sexist "Well there is precedence for this theory, we have had some really backwards movements that have done harm in the name of goodness and progress. The witch trials, the red scare, the temperance movement, etc...",not sexist That sharia law provides so many freedoms to women... oh... wait... nevermind... [URL],not sexist "[URL] [URL] This may come as some surprise But I miss you I could see through all of your lies & still I miss you He takes her love, but it doesn't feel like mine Is it a crime That I still want you And I want you to want me too Nite❤️",not sexist "IRS to block, suspend tax returns that lack Obamacare disclosures [URL]",not sexist ask her if you can come over to wash the stain off because your washing machine is broken,not sexist "Judicial Watch called Valerie Jarrett, ""a liberal extremist who wields tremendous power in the White House. Faithful to her roots, she still has connections to many Communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood."" [URL]",not sexist Will create deadly gas and take too long. Why in the world can they not get a few giant pumps and pump it out about half mile away. Jet pumps. they stopped after million gals and one inch. Why?,not sexist #HillarysAltRightSpeech is giving the alt right attention. the one thing it craves lol. shes such a dumbass. i cant wait for the memes.,not sexist Fucking random women doesn't make you fat where did i say it did? are you retarded?,not sexist Also what if shes demisexual which is a big thing now,not sexist Too bad she really isn't one of us.,not sexist Same kind of asian girl who marries a bald white loser and expects to have a Dean Cain-like son,not sexist brenda leyland they killed her not us on britfam we say just fuck off,not sexist We can never return to the past that you crave but there is a bright future for males,not sexist The 'Man Up' campaign is encouraging men to talk about ~~their feelings~~ the feelings women want them to have... fixed,not sexist personally i like to have my own female sidekicks.,not sexist Fuck you! Fuck your mother,not sexist "I've had many interactions with several folks from various North American tribes: such the Athabaskan, Sioux, Cherokees, and Cheyenne; most of which are pagan and revivalist; and none of these nations conducted themselves perversely or sickly. (1)",not sexist Seems a bit out of whack. No mention of any consequences for the teacher who put topless photos of herself on a school property iPad. WTF is she doing putting topless photos of herself on her work tablet?,not sexist "the democrat party's planned parenthood makes too much money selling baby parts for them to give it up plus, they can kill off more of their black/brown properties on the taxpayers' dime",not sexist "I think the one on the top left has an interesting design. However, I have ZERO interest in what is in it.",not sexist Big cats are dangerous...but a little pussy never hurt anyone...,not sexist And guys do the same thing. I've seen numerous posts on various social media platforms where underage guys are showing off their bodies and posing. It's not like it's just a female phenomenon - males do the same thing.,not sexist okay the mom shit is almost done. one more laundry load to start then we will share the holofaux lies or the facebook cabal. remember to make protonmail accounts with @ names. im going to start screenshoting names in case gab gets shoah'd.,not sexist "#PresidentTrump #MAGA Update on harrowing video of black mum throwing her little boy out for voting Donald Trump in the School election, I still cannot watch the vid it's too distressing [URL]",not sexist "Chelsea Clinton 'used Foundation resources to fund her 2010 wedding to Marc Mezvinsky', according to new Wikileaks email [URL]",not sexist Oh no. I'm sorry and pissed off to hear. Is that where the stabbing of the female motorist happened as well? My son recently had one of his best buddies move to Phili area.,not sexist "Why would we not hate a group that treats women as second class citizens, hates gays, does not tolerate other religions, dictates how people should dress, what and when they should eat, and generates mass murder attacks across the world?",not sexist I can't help but notice that she's a mudblood...,not sexist Why are you incel?,not sexist "Wrong on all counts. You are the reason political correctness is necessary. ""Almost any female can be persuaded..."" is very rapey. Please, go somewhere else.",not sexist [URL] A real monkey 🙊 bit me when I was a little girl 😂,not sexist "Some are, some aren't. Some thin women will date bigger guys.",not sexist [USER] An Alpha Male who had a strong independant WOMAN run his campaign!,not sexist "Lets be fair, thats also how Saudi men treat Saudi women. So...",not sexist A woman ought to feel loved!,not sexist Off topic: OP did Laci and her boyfriend Chris both rape you? On topic: I'm glad the social justice feminists are angry about this.,not sexist "You git her IG? I don't know if this is hm how the new generation communicates, but as far as I can tell, congratulations becoming one of her orbiters giving her attention on social media. Next time go for a number.",not sexist "...in further news, her GoFundMe has reached [CUR]2.1 million after she announced free FGM for all girls under 3!",not sexist WATCH: 'You're a snivelling COWARD!' Radio host's SCATHING attack on #SadiqKhan over Trump blimp [URL] #MuslimsAreTheEnemy #BANISLAM #ExpelAllMuslims,not sexist """for unknown reasons"" Lol I solved this one, the reason is because she was WHITE. Ok, another white targeted based on race, nothing to see here. Now get back on twitter and search for people telling the truth on islam 🖕",not sexist Here we see Kellyanne day-dreaming This interpretation will tell its meaning With 100th Monkey on her mind Their naked bodies intertwined Pretty soon her panties she'll be creaming. [URL],not sexist "She probably thought you were great! Then she looked at your Facebook - found out what kind of guy you are, and treated you accordingly.",not sexist "Love how that post completely avoids one of the core concepts that made MGTOW, divorce rape.. Hence don't get married.",not sexist "I believe that God has a special place for people who would exploit helpless children, handicapped, mentally ill, elderly, etc.",not sexist "I've heard it was 99%, since they plan to have a 10-1 ratio but also plan to kill 90% of women since they're too, well I don't remember why but they said they would do it.",not sexist "Mueller isn't a member of the Judicial branch, and NEVER has been. You're an idiot.",not sexist "It's no big secret, except that it's completely wrong. Millions of women are attracted to just as many different types.",not sexist Anyone have her email address?,not sexist If a male and a female go out on their own that is a date.,not sexist many will indeed go down with her but just as many will sing like birds and throw her under the bus to save themselves. Lots more songbirds than she anticipated.,not sexist We have nothing against virgin people. Most virgin people aren't hateful pieces of shit who would make fun of a homeless woman like that.,not sexist "if u cover all of her face and only look at her mouth, you see what a real scumbag looks like she has no dignity and truth to her",not sexist "You gymcel for your health not looks. Working out won't help you get girls, I'm guessing you already know this? If you're a framecel you should still go to the gym unless you plan on LDARing.",not sexist "No, she just deleted the post. If you delete a post, you can still get to it from a direct link, but it shows the author as [deleted].",not sexist Oooooh I don't think I could do that. I don't think I could avoid trying to sleep with my made up pen name seeing as it's a Chad or Tyrone lol.,not sexist What the FUCK?!?!?!!,not sexist "I'll bet you're right, Hugin! #CowgirlClassy",not sexist [USER] Maybe they shouldn't force their women to dress like cucumbers then.,not sexist "excessive eating, binge drinking, prostitutes and wasting my life away on videogames > but I do not know how Yeah, it's a total fucking mystery.",not sexist "She thought it was a funny game, laughed about it and then realised that getting hit in the face hurts and stopped laughing, frankly she got what she deserved and the wanker in a green t-shirt deserved one as well.",not sexist Conserfs are also all about setting down with a lady as fast as you can and making babies. That's not very feasible with the Incel,not sexist "Bigfoot has her beat by 6,000,000 miles.",not sexist she says Trump is wrong on our border policy....and Muslims in her country want to chop her head off what fucking planet am I on again?!? [URL],not sexist "They always take the man , not the ball ....",not sexist Help for what you dumb fucking fool. You don't even know me and don't know my life and what I achieved. You don't know anything. Better keep quiet.,not sexist and then Freud showed up and got us all believing we are fantasizing about our parents when he failed to admit he was working with Talmudic Jewish women who are into incest,not sexist This is the least interesting female tag team ive ever been in the middle of. Say something relevant.. How about responding to my other comment?,not sexist "I'm not an incel Well, commenting ""[Man idk why I follow this sub but it's just hilarious. The observations about women are just spot on for what I've seen myself.]([URL] "" on braincels says otherwise.",not sexist Glad he does not buy into the lie that taking guns away from law abiding citizens is the answer to violence and crime. That is an idiotic policy by the Dems to buy votes from idiots.,not sexist I was sucking off this girl last night when I thought. Hang on a minute.....,not sexist "Oh stop, silly goose. It had more to do with bad decisions she made in her positions.",not sexist "That's the big difference between here and Twitter. Here, I get to control what I see. Not some panel of silicon valley SJWs who want to be my cyber mommy.",not sexist Does he end the Arab slave trade as well? Or does that keep happening?,not sexist BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!,not sexist "see also: Apple's former diversity officer who was a black woman, says a group of white men could be diverse due to different life experiences, then gets replaced by a white woman This would turn any person insane, holy fuck.",not sexist every man oughta read this entire list at least once.,not sexist "Hmmm, police said no sine of abuse on daughter after father apparently beat her! Grandfather in jail! There's more to the story!",not sexist it is because the woman was black...had it been a white woman they would have give the two employees a raise,not sexist "Lol. I argue like a chick. You're smooth, dude. You can't debate my points so you are reduced to name calling. We could use a better class of man in this subreddit.",not sexist I said it once and I want to say it again she is irrelevant she has always been irrelevant and she's going to wind up knowing just tell irrelevant she really is she'll probably end up being stoned to death in her country of origin,not sexist As a fairly productive member of society who was raised by a single mom: 100% of rapists drink water! Ban DiHydrogen Monoxide!,not sexist "That means you do not need a female distracting you, brother. ;)",not sexist We get it you hate women and can't get laid,not sexist "NTA you were just being a free and independent girl, everyone makes mistakes at those ages, if he can't accept that it was just a little mistake all those years ago he's seriously as pathetic as your brother",not sexist Single mother and dead beat dad's epidemic must be happening because of all those great Chads with great personalities. Not pieces of shits at all.,not sexist "He objectifies women so much, the Media has to insult his female picks for not being supermodels. [URL]",not sexist #GodBless - I pray she is truly at peace in God's perfect Heaven. I know I miss her and many others do too. Praying her family is doing well.,not sexist And the libtards keep dropping like flies... [URL],not sexist As a kid i never got why you not supposed to ask a women her age/weight,not sexist "3 days later? I would have hit her back with ""New phone who this?""",not sexist "CHARGE: PORTFOLIO MANAGER RAPED, BEAT WOMEN IN PENTHOUSE DUNGEON 3 unidentified plaintiffs in case include 2 Playboy playmates [URL]",not sexist "What a hideous...""woman"" her and Soros must drink baby's blood to stay alive like the vampires thry are.",not sexist "You're missing their point: In THEIR country, a woman in underwear is considered porn. Try to see beyond your own experiences and reality.",not sexist No kidding Screw freindzoning I would agree to have sex with this man only for the opportunity to vasectomise him in his sleep to prevent him perpetuating his obviously retarded seed One Meal! God help the woman that marries this guy,not sexist "My 8 year old could not stop crying when I told her [USER] would send secret service over to burn all her clothes, murder our cat and smear turds in the hair of all her barbies. This MADNESS has to STOP!!",not sexist shes so fucking ugly,not sexist I know all about student loans... I paid My late wife's off even after she had passed away...,not sexist *Hits Blunt* Damn you right,not sexist "I would stay in character and give you some white knight shit about respeccing all wahmens and how imma fuck you up bro, but this post doesn't show up anyway, and i'll have to repost whenever the mods get back to me.",not sexist "Poor woman. The gullible and innocent will suffer greatly in the globalists' war against humanity. RIP, victim of your teachers and paid elected officials.",not sexist Does he/she still have a dick? I would have burst laughing if he got a boner all of the sudden.,not sexist Every great goalie I know personally is female so there could be something too it.,not sexist "You watch your tone there, sister..... Why I oughta..... 😂😂😂",not sexist "well, assuming she pregnant. If she's just fat, then it's just sad. And she'll want a real man.",not sexist Accidentally presses A/X while holding RT/R2 while climbing tower and falls ) *DESYNCHRONIZED*,not sexist It's not their assholes they need help with.... /s,not sexist I cannot believe or trust any grown man(and I use that term lightly)who thinks little girls should get used to seeing men's penises. Besides he works for Communist News Network.,not sexist "It's a meme on tictok... basically there's is a song with the lyrics ""make his pockets hurt"" and girls over lay that song with some kind of video themed around extracting money from a man",not sexist Men quickly adapt their creativity with external circumstances.,not sexist "[USER] --somebody said in a post anasef is on gab, i haven't seen any post from her on gab ?",not sexist i dont want to destroy my friendship. My problem is what should i do RIGHT NOW she get hooked more and more each day and until the end of the semester i have to interact with them almost every day.,not sexist "[USER] We do hope and pray that they're not as far gone as their behavior suggests. After all, we do not think of others as irredeemable... So that they actually love their own servitude, when they ought not to... (Not sure who said it)",not sexist I wish all women would carry guns. My daughter is 14 and she is getting a gun for her 18th birthday. WV you can conceal carry no license. We're all very polite here.,not sexist "Look at their clothes. Brand new and perfectly clean. Is this what ""refugees"" typically wear? No, they are dressed up to already look like Americans. They're in costume.",not sexist "Private, how many pickle jars have to opened since you joined the force? Idk sir. Private how many pickle jars!? 186 Sir! 186! 186! Your a wild man. You know that? (Looks at guys that he came with) he's a wild man.",not sexist Paul Ryan's widow's peak is just an an arrow pointing straight down at a giant douchebag,not sexist Did you hear Hillary had a heart attack? Bill made a pass at her! I guess he had his beer goggles on and thought she was someone else! Bill be be remembered as the president between two Bushs.,not sexist "Most people gay or straight don't molest kids. Pedophilia is a despicable world of its own and well lately most of it has been either dudes preying on little girls, or women esp teachers preying on boys.",not sexist "maybe because she is a drop dead gorgeous American woman, check her out. #GabFam #TRUMP #Beauty and Class and Smarts",not sexist Uhm. Fast forward several months and your motto remains. But you are receiving anal from a big ass dude in the pen.,not sexist why do I have to be born with shitty skinny fag genes and be autistic,not sexist "This is a lot of text to say ""When I am ugly, I stop being ugly, and be awesome instead."" This is a bunch of survivor bias BS. No average man gets to be surrounded by women, or interact with hot women.",not sexist "The same media that pushed lies in order to go to war in the middle east and kill millions of Muslims and 1000's of western troops, are now blaming the 'islamophobic' British public for Islamic extremism. [URL]",not sexist "Who in the world signs their name 'Dave Smith - White guy'?? But that's what we have here with Picohontas. . 5. Warren submitted multiple recipes for the Indian cookbook ""Pow Wow Chow"" and signed her name, ""Elizabeth Warren - Cherokee"" [URL]",not sexist i think it's rude to not get a boner when some hot girl's grinding all up on you,not sexist "Cuck Adams, ladies and gentlemen. Please proceed to give him more of your money on the way out.",not sexist "I bet your talking to other girls, Oh yea I'm talking to 10,000 girls. I'm talking to all the women in Miami at same time She doesn't know what to say",not sexist I was thinking about this quote the other day. I think it's the single dumbest sentence I've ever heard uttered. Can you believe she was almost president?,not sexist Church's exploitation of nuns for cheap labor exposed in Vatican publication [URL],not sexist [URL] Is there something wrong with Nancy Pelosi? check her eyes and fixed expression-it could be the beginning of som kind of dementiawhich is sad-wanted her to leave politics defeated and powerless,not sexist So swipe left and tell her her picture never showed up.....,not sexist Many of them think that the government should assignment wives based on a computerized looksmatch formula.,not sexist No u You're mom gay,not sexist Someone who's taken control over the relationship in an emotionally abusive manner. I feel so bad for her husband.,not sexist "Wow, aren't you bitter. You know, if you hate seeing White Males with Asian females then you should make yourself more attractive to compete with them. (more attractive meaning personality, job, looks etc)",not sexist wtf. they both went to a male & female subhuman contest or how did they find each other. goddamn,not sexist this woman is disingenuous. she is no journalist. she should be ripped out of the press pool. she has an agenda to hurt Trump regardless of how much she denies it. she reeks of it. [URL],not sexist Psst... It's not his car. He's a habitual liar in his posts,not sexist Whats the over under on Vox having called women a slut before? How much longer until we can give him the Biggest White Knight on Gab Award? [USER] [URL],not sexist Same. Why would they choose me over those Chads? They are better than me in every imaginable way.,not sexist Utter bullshit.,not sexist "That's one long wall of text to say ""I think men should be strong and have agency while women should be sexy and nurturing"". The '50s called, they want their stereotypes back.",not sexist "If he's tickling her, they've fucked or are about to. Sidebar Lift Don't self medicate Hop in OYS weekly",not sexist If she complains she is a racist karen. Black lives matter,not sexist "[USER] I'm not a purist. I'm, currently, dating a black girl who is right wing. If you are looking for a white supremacist, you've followed the wrong guy. But if you believe in intellectual diversity, stay tuned.",not sexist [USER] What's your phone number. I'm calling you. Put her on the phone.,not sexist apparently it paid a pretty penny too for only a small amount of money. Luckily a lot of race organizers are just saying fuck you Liberty media (owners of the f1 rights) and having their own grid girls.,not sexist Imagine getting stabbed in the neck just to hear lukewarm Ben Shapiro boilerplate. Hope she's OK.,not sexist "By definition an incel is someone who wants to get laid, but CAN'T. well, it's more like **wants to get laid with young hot sexy girl** because even I can fuck a lot of 30+ women but I don't care about them...",not sexist I'm honestly surprised that's not a common fetish in the incel community but maybe it's because the *female* remains mobile.,not sexist "I would see no point in marrying a woman with kids I don't want to raise another man's children, if I marry someone I want to have my own children",not sexist A women either has to want a baby or be too short sighted/stupid to use birth control properly. Where's the sperm-owner in that statement?,not sexist The leftist media smear machine is losing more influence every day. Liberals must be terrified.,not sexist "I already made peace with my insecurities and I have already learned through my own experiences about female nature that's why ""I'm done"" with relationships...",not sexist Virginity IS a physical thing you absurdly self absorbed jackass. And you choosing a mate based on such a physical thing IS shallow.,not sexist #WWE #Roadblock They're officially John Cena-ing Charlotte. Jamming her down the audience's throat until everyone hates her. #GabFam,not sexist "Roosh was outed on a talkshow for putting women's pics on his site, claiming he slept with them when he hadn't. He defended himself *terribly.*",not sexist "same as with any other girl. talk, ask for the number, invite for drinks/lunch/dorm",not sexist A nigger loving White Woman on the Supreme Court . Exactly what I voted for 😳😡🤬🤯,not sexist "don't fuck her. If you do, for godsakes, bring a fucking condom and throw it away YOURSELF.",not sexist Did she actually do that or did she just threaten to do that?,not sexist "yeah that's the one thing I don't like about MGTOW. I love the fact that it reconnects to the roots of masculinity, but some people here seriously fucking hate women.",not sexist the real hicks,not sexist Well put. You want to have the good qualities that assholes have and leave the bad ones behind.,not sexist "Yeah, that is a much better plan! There is no need for the South Koreans to suffer just because of that witch! My bad!",not sexist What she get? 11 days? Out in 2 for good behavior?,not sexist Are all the women on Gab hot? I havent seen one fugly yet.,not sexist "No, 9/11 was not a ""terrorist attack"" - it was an INSIDE JOB. #CIA #MOSSAD #JEWS #NWO #ILLUMINATI #Rockefeller #MIC",not sexist -- the same way that the culture of your university doesn't look down on keeping an unmade bed. But be sure that if you're having company over (especially a female) that bed better be made. Social etiquette is a pervasive human thing.,not sexist "If you want it, escalate. She seems like a shy girl that wants you but thinks your SMV is too high for her and she's scared of rejection. But I definitely wouldn't shit where I eat",not sexist Why won't you describe yourself (and women) as slaves? Are you too good for that? #Catholic #Christian #Bible #Christ #Jesus #CatholicGab #ChristianGab #Anglican #LDS #Mormon #Baptist #KJV #WomansPlace #Mormon,not sexist "I told you not to Tell mom, I pooped in her floor plant",not sexist Yes. I would kill ANYONE who attempted to enslave me. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But I think there's a lot wrong with someone who does not understand that.,not sexist So in essence a female version of yourself would be good?,not sexist "It does concern men. As women are pushing ""curvy is beautiful"" garbage down our throats.",not sexist Hypothetically? Sure. Then she stabs you in the dick with an end cap meat thermometer and pisses on you. See how useful being hypothetical is?,not sexist a canadian liberal asshole that makes his living off of american money ! don't bite the hand that feeds you-- cock jaws carrey ?,not sexist "hey lady! what, other than NPH, gets you in the mood to fellate?",not sexist "Kaepernick was brainwashed by Islamist Palestinian Linda Sarsour... He is very racially confused... Like Obama, he rejects his White mother and prefers his African father...",not sexist people this stupid You just answered your own question.,not sexist **Serious question:** Has anyone ever gone for a kiss and she was *not* into it? What happened after that?,not sexist "I never thought I'd see the day, when a so-called Judge would act as my president, and my president and I would be called a Racist, Fascist, Sexist, Misogynist, Xenephobe, Homophobe, Nazi, Deplorable, and Irredeemable by such ""tolerant"" BIGOTS. 😱😱",not sexist The guy on the right is your typical love interest in a women's romance novel. The guy in the middle is her best friend.,not sexist "I'm a 30 year old straight male virgin, dude. Blows some of your points right out of the water. Why would you jump to ""must be a woman"" at this anyway?",not sexist Sarsour is a Islamic general. Her use of Taqiyya is spot on. She should be jailed for call to jihad.,not sexist "Cool, will you like it once some girl accuses you of rape after consensual sex (or perhaps you never had sex) and everyone knows it because your photo is in the paper?",not sexist Not going to happen. She is finished. She better get ready for the trial. Orange is the new color for many of her friends as well.[USER],not sexist We just had a kaffir black in South Africa throw his 3 year old daughter off the roof of his shack to protest it being demolished. He gets a warning. Demonic race of people.,not sexist World famous #holistic #doctor suddenly shuts clinic after death threats to her entire family and trouble with #FDA [URL] #BigPharMafia,not sexist Yonder she Blows!!,not sexist Following the BAN on Male Recruitment into Australia's ADF ... Army boss says female shopping habits are clues to hiring frontline warriors [URL],not sexist "it prolly does... ""this idiot sent me [CUR]500 lul""",not sexist "Ummm ""Hot teenage girls"" I can tell by this that this man is like in his late 20s or some shit because no teenager calls other girls teenage girls",not sexist "#SmartStuffMyMotherToldMe Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you... That's how she taught us to deal with bullies growing up... sage advice then & more would do well to heed it today!",not sexist I stirred my coffee with the same spoon Knew her favorite tune Gone shootin' My baby's gone shootin' Wrapped herself around Like a second skin Backed her favorite nag But she could never win I took an offer in another town She took another pill,not sexist "i thought his last movie was made in 1969? i doubt a boycott will be needed cause i bet its a bomb , stinker, turkey , turd that sells tickets about as fast as selling hot rocks to arabs",not sexist I've been getting turned onto Rugby by my youngest son. I'm a total noob but I like it. I've yet to see anyone take a knee to impress their new muslim girlfriend.,not sexist "Don't forget the ""typical roman family"" with a black father and mixed kids.",not sexist "IMO he is a lefty cuck, virtue signaling to all the dumb youngsters, and non whites who want/think that the #muSLime repopulation of England is sustainable or acceptable.",not sexist "The only thing I stormed was the snack bar, or ladies room lol.",not sexist Thanks brocel Now I must return to my studies,not sexist Did you end up banging anyway? Or at least end up getting a free guide instead of a paid one?,not sexist "So she is getting to live in a home for free, and that wants to get paid to contribute to maintaining the house? The sense of entitlement with this one is incredible. Much like that of my ex-wife.",not sexist "[USER] Holy fuck, she is so mad! Love it. ""They're threatening my narcissistic supply, HOW DARE THEY?!""",not sexist Yes she was 👍,not sexist "Wow nobody follows your kike book #1 ,And that is on her own Preference who is her friend's so I don't know where you get that from #2 you worship a fucking kike jew Talk about globalism tolerance just shut the fuck up",not sexist TLDR: incel is mad because *he* does not think his favorite driver's wife is pretty enough.,not sexist i like sinead mccarthy because she's female /pol/ack,not sexist Sen. Mazie Horono was embarrassing in her failed political statement in the guise of a question to Judge Gorsuch. Shame on her and her staff!,not sexist She's always been a phoney IMO. Never trusted a single thing she said. The last straw for me was when I heard her say 'old white people just need to die'. Replace 'old white' with 'Jewish' and you've got Hitler.,not sexist "Germany's so-called ""Nazi bride"" is found guilty on 10 counts of murder for her role in a neo-Nazi gang that carried out killings and bombings over the course of 7 years. [URL]",not sexist the German people should go door to door and anyone who is a rapeugee they should get pulled out of the house and not allowed back in. all their possessions should be confiscated.,not sexist Just imagine all those little boys he kissed.All those girls under 10 yrs old that are not virgins after Old Joe touches them.,not sexist "Face it. White women are at greater risk of being abducted, raped, and brutally murdered by illegals than any other group.",not sexist """You're right, all of us guys have a big annual meeting to figure out how to piss you ladies off"". Don't know if that would work, but those are the first words that would probably come out of my sarcastic mouth.",not sexist "My Superiors/Leaders always said that I was the Tip of the Spear. The first to strike. The first in, the last out. I got results. #Veterans",not sexist "I don't believe in patriarchy in the sense of men having power over women. I studied gender and race in college and it never even came up except in a historical context. Also I've never heard about those other things, like fart rape, no idea...",not sexist LMAOOOO her facial proportions are nearly perfect yet she's only a 6???? wtf i hate moids :) they have a guy on the front page that's equally attractive rated as an 8. that sub exists only to raise the beauty standards for women and lower men's.,not sexist If you aren't super attractive or have insane status you won't be getting hot girls consistently. The reason is hypergamy. Good looking guys settle and hook up with average girls all the time. Its just life.,not sexist "VIOLENT LEFTIST PROFESSOR: Otto Warmbier got 'what he deserved' because 'young, white, rich, clueless white males routinely get away with raping women' [URL]",not sexist I wouldn't give her the bpd label but honestly all it shows is to not fuck with this girl. Maybe she's crazy. Maybe she wanted you to keep trying so she could keep turning you down and this is all a game. Don't humor her regardless.,not sexist "Tom Jones often altered his songs specifically for certain countries. ""He's a lady"" was a huge hit in Thailand.",not sexist "RT [USER]: Again, a reminder to media pals: the standard here isnt where you ""look"" or ""sound"" ""credible"". It is whether you provide evidence. All witnesses she has mentioned deny her claimthat was case before this started and remains case now",not sexist Christine Blasey Ford had too many inconsistencies in her story: Rep. Go... [URL] via [USER],not sexist "Poor guy, his girl gets railed by chad every night",not sexist "To most of us, yes. Out in the real world most people think that just because women have historically been oppressed means that they can't be privileged on any point.",not sexist """That's a drag."" she breathed, laconically lighting a cigarette. ""Don't squirm"" she said darkly, jabbing the leeches with the lighted end.",not sexist "Seriously!! US? The sweet, angelic #GabCommune girls? lol",not sexist The demonrats are winning the Deep State war right now since they are still controlling the DOJ and the Courts! #MAGA #Trump #GabFam #SpeakFreely,not sexist "Time to ship these degenerate pervert freaks out to some other country, perhaps a 3rd world desert shithole already filled with people much like them. [USER]",not sexist "^ ""OP is lying about son's suicide and iz bitter neckbeard woman hater"" /dumbass",not sexist Can someone point me to any Muslim country where women enjoy the same rights as men and where gay people are afforded legal equality?,not sexist "Maybe,but I kinda like the torture idea. Tortured us for 8 yrs.and he's still fuckin around.",not sexist What's the Roissy work?,not sexist Let her be emancipated but don't give her any money and see how she survives,not sexist "You're all a bunch of simps. Basing your judgement on 9 seconds or less. What led up to this altercation. Did she slap him before, did she spit at him? Spitting is assault too.",not sexist "True that. Any experience on the accusations of fucking other girls? My gut is running wild on this particular part, not sure if I am being paranoid in this case.",not sexist "[USER] Well, slap me twice and call me silly, his name is Muhammad .",not sexist It's not the best sign when she makes no effort. But yeah... Some girls *are* just like that.,not sexist "Germany has fallen to a moral nadir when a father can't defend his daughter. Political correctness, multiculturalism and Islam are a deadly brew. [URL]",not sexist The guy is a prominent lawyer in a conservative country. You'd have to be dumb to believe he doesn't have a wife.,not sexist [USER] But Ms. Pie. You're the only girl for me. :(,not sexist "What care hath the common man of rumors of war, when the castle gate is in ruins, the wall is crumbled and the king sleeps, as the screams of women and children assail a husband and father's ear..... Nay, speak not of distant lands to me......",not sexist """Most men want to rope already"" Speak for yourself, you pathetic sad-sack prick.",not sexist MUSLIMS IN JORDAN: What would you do if your sister chose to have a job rather than be a stay-at-home housewife? [URL],not sexist Possible better option to have sex with would be an Echidna since at least you know from which direction the spikes will stab you.,not sexist "I am not a woman. And please show me the stats. And no, breaking up is not the same as cheating. For example if your partner actually cheats on you and you divorce him because of that, it's not you that cheat. It is the other person.",not sexist She is pathetic. Her ex-boyfriend probably has a normal-size penis but it was small to her because she has an abnormally large vagina.,not sexist "My message to the anti MGTOW folk is this: you might win the battle, but you've already lost the war. You can't kill an idea, when they realize this about MGTOW they go absolutely bonkers.",not sexist "The left has a disturbing obsession with infanticide, rape, and women's sexual organs. It's the stuff of severely unwell individuals. And I'm surprised none of them tried to hit her in the stomach, TBH.",not sexist "Saw this chap on a Stefan Molyneux video I really liked him he made fun of women but in such a sweet way, I'm female and wasn't offended at all.",not sexist "Juanita Broaddrick calls out Hillary for her hypocritical statements on Weinstein. I guess she can overlook Bill's ""indiscretions""... [URL]",not sexist Eventually a woman defeated Fallon,not sexist Imagine the hypocrisy of someone who actually admitted to groping a woman when he was younger posting this shit,not sexist "Damn right it's misleading, because you're ashamed of your body",not sexist Lol!. I was thinking she was afraid the kids were going to walk in.,not sexist [USER] You got me! I'm really Soros's God-daughter. 😈 #BLMForCash,not sexist "I'd be upfront with her if she asks what you two are. State that you enjoy her & her company, but that's all it's going to be. Big chicks need to quit deluding themselves.",not sexist Your mom's worn down,not sexist "Also, if you don't support this vile behavior, it means you're close-minded and a nazi.",not sexist I have never had the flushot nor have I had the flu in the past 10 years. :^),not sexist "[USER] Oh, God, don't give her any viewers. She's horrible. Just one man's opinion.",not sexist "Hell yeah, they're just as guilty as the illegal that shot her.",not sexist I wipe my cum on the blankets than proceed to pass out every night and it dries up after a few hours and than keep using the same blanket for a month as my cumrag.Always was an effective method.,not sexist "only on the amazing fantasyland of the internet does: >muh hand turns into: >all kinds of women (plural) but careful, he's a texas ranger, careful",not sexist Someone who actually fucks 3 different girls per day,not sexist "I don't like the continuous bashing of women but I also believe true free speech is often ugly, without free speech we have no democracy.",not sexist "I'm busting your balls, I was just curious where this is. It sounds like an interesting situation.",not sexist "God damn, wonder if he kept his eyebrows",not sexist White people allowed their kids to be raped by pakis why They went running to the police why Isn't it a Fathers job to protect his kids from monsters We did in my day we didn't ask anyone's permission,not sexist Voice of the damned democrat criminal Brennan is as pathetic as hrc claiming she won the election Trump ends the disastrous democrat path that inflicted great harm to America's democracy [URL],not sexist Older incels are poisoning them so they don't have competition for teen girls. Only conclusion I can come to.,not sexist Stun guns from the sky! Now the cops will be able to shoot you from the comfort of their office chair. [URL],not sexist Word of The Hour catastrophe: an event producing a subversion of the order or system of things See translations for catastrophe @ [URL] #word #translations #catastrophe #die Katastrophe # #catastrofe #catastrofe #catastrofe,not sexist "She's justifying her contempt towards unattractive men by convincing herself that they are the epic mlady friendzone entitled NiceGuys who wish to rape all women. You know, just like us.",not sexist "So, I herd on the normie news that a pedestrian bridge in Miami collapsed on to a freeway. I guess they built it out of some new kind of concrete. This just happened a couple of hours ago.",not sexist "They've been planning this for centuries (sneaky fucks), but it's time to thwart their plans for world domination.",not sexist "There are videos on every porn tube-like website that shows male strippers getting serviced by the brides. Not BS videos either, legit cell phone/amatuer camcorder shit. Sickening if you're the husband to be.",not sexist I am pretty sure the democrats wont trust her again. She is a proven looser.,not sexist [URL] Illegal Muslim Immigrant Who Killed Jews Has TERRIFYING New Job #MAGA,not sexist I love how you guys are all 4chan type trump supporting incels on this sub Did your high school girlfriend dump you guys for someone with actual social skills leaving you permanently jaded or something?,not sexist She won't retire - she'll die first.,not sexist Oklahoma man is arrested for planning 'to rape a NEWBORN baby' police find FB messages to pregnant mother whose unborn Child he hoped to torture and molest' [URL],not sexist "Katherine Johnson in 1953 was a human computer that calculated space flight trajectories for NASA. The classification of stars by their radiation was also done by women, and the inventor of Bluetooth frequencies was a female mathematician.",not sexist Lefty dad offers daughter [CUR]100 to knock MAGA hat off a guy who's sitting minding his own business. Leftists...keeping it classy. [URL],not sexist [USER] What the fuck are you masquerading the BNP for?? This is the work of a dirty perverted bastard and not the work of a proud Nationalist. Go back to Twitter and post your filth with the fucking jews and muslims.,not sexist I'm not backtracking. I said he was both good-looking and skillful. In both of my responses. I can tell you're very smart. Lemmy fucked his band mates wives. You really think a bad looking guy can pull that off? Prime Lemmy is not an ugly guy.,not sexist Don't pity that child. Pity the children who paid for her wedding.,not sexist Put her out of her misery.,not sexist I wonder what her thoughts are on AQ having that bomb instead of the U.S.?,not sexist "However, in order to save money on costs, they replace the female directors with cheaper foreign labor, then make them train their replacements so that they can still ""claim"" to hire women filmmakers. Stay Woke Disney!... [URL]",not sexist "Nice, I'm looking for a photo of a babe pointing a UMP-45 at me from the hips with her legs straddled.",not sexist It would be better if she had to wonder why you didn't sleep with her than to have her wonder why she slept with such a poor lay.,not sexist Land of the Free they said... Koresh might not have been one of /ourguys/ but that doesn't mean women and children should be burned to death by our own government for his mistakes.,not sexist Yeah you might have to slide that who keeps a knife on a windowsill 🤣🤣 it's pretty cool tho you're banging a mom that's a feat,not sexist "Pelosi is bought, paid for, and takes her orders from kikes.",not sexist "And yet that guy dumped her the second he actually met her kids. Maybe, just maybe, he was just spitting game",not sexist Maybe the REAL statistic is that 1 in 5 college women will be raped by Devin Faraci.,not sexist This Week in Stupid (20/08/2017) [URL],not sexist """My mother was evil. Yes I project that on every other female."" It is glaring you have mommy issues....I MEAN GLARING.... hope you work it out one day",not sexist "...but, she's STILL the future, right? Right??",not sexist I agree. The way she was lynched is appalling.,not sexist "More like Collins is suddenly covering her vulnerable ass hoping to maintain her seat. Let a Democrap beat that traitor. One less RINO, It won't make a difference...",not sexist At least she's not a negro.,not sexist Too bad he got into all that stupid scientology stuff. He really is one charismatic motherfucker,not sexist These women had better knock it off not kidding,not sexist I bet she's not white.,not sexist "as a latino student .... ""STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE"" - jim carrey",not sexist "foxnews Leland VItter is FUCKNews guess hes a new Shepherd Smith WOW, poor Tammy Bruce they shut her up with hateful words on his show",not sexist wolf blitzer is a moron. the goat is twice as smart as the wolf,not sexist "She didn't even say she's a feminist. She said she *might* have insight, based on her own experiences, on how some feminists view men.",not sexist "Roy Moore Dindunothin. Meanwhile, Bill Muthafuckin Cosby puts a Mickey in dozens of women's drinks and the normies have zero opinion bc they feel like he's a black man who's been kept down by the White Supremacist Power Structure.",not sexist "woman went to india to treat her depression. She was drugged, raped, beheaded and hung upside down in a forest. [URL]",not sexist you ready for that second place finish this year? [USER] and her Rays will probably be 4th place,not sexist Brad gets mad at Cracker Barrel for firing his wife and the Internet revolts [URL],not sexist "Considering her questionable conduct as human rights commissioner, there are a lot of people ashamed that she's an Australian too. [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia",not sexist "Ask her to hang out, one on one.",not sexist "yes ✨💫 Her spirit, energy, positivity has had a big impact on me. #ViciTrue and her family will always be in our hearts. thank u again for all that you've done 🌸 [URL]",not sexist I would say fighting against the patrichy and ensuring that the internet is a safe place for ALL females,not sexist "Rochester Monroe Co NY man accused of murdering 101-year-old neighbor... She was stabbed multiple times in the neck, throat and upper body. Greg Jesmer, 54 Police say he also offered a 13-year-old girl money to come to his apartment.",not sexist [USER] My sister just texted me saying the same thing.,not sexist "That's a nice big wall of COPE. You think every guy's Chad who can get the girls to come over to suck a little cock? Don't let the online black pill rot your brain, bro.",not sexist "That's some hardcore shit, I could see it possibly being fun on a wrestling mat, but damn, in the dirt?",not sexist The #NFL has decided that now is the time to Nudge men into accepting homosexuals by introducing dancing fag male cheerleaders. The #NFL can shove it. #BoycottNFL,not sexist I don't think little big girls should go walking in these spooky old woods alone. [URL],not sexist "# I DON'T CARE IF THEY are Pastors, Fathers, Uncles, brothers, cousins, aunts, uncle, and friends of the family #CALL THEM OUT. #BEGIN THEIR HEALING PROCESS SO THERE WILL BE NO MORE, BLM, or ANTIFAS CREATED.",not sexist Good to see a group of Chinese men defending their women from violent Muslim migrants. Europeans take note.,not sexist "\>Implying Japanese women don't like drawing lewd things It's not just drawings either, in Senran Kagura Asuka's voice actress [Hitomi Harada]([URL] not only has a bigger chest than the character she portrays she's also a Katsuragi-grade pervert.",not sexist That's hot. Will you join me in licking her clean? ❤️❤️❤️,not sexist "There's no shame in being a lightweight. There is shame in blacking out drunk because you don't know your limits. Try to gain her interest again. Now she's probably thinking you can't even responsibly drink, and she why would she have sex with you",not sexist "She must be a fan of Crocodile Dundee. Now, that's a ""knuyff""!",not sexist 11-year-old Sofia Sanchez captured hearts when rapper Drake visited her in the hospital as she waited for a heart transplant. via [USER] [URL],not sexist I'm not. I'm going slow and trying to flirt with her a little and maybe do something online with her over the weekend. Need to ask first,not sexist "When Gutierrez sits there & brings up the 16 women that accused the Pres of sexual misconduct & says Putin helped Pres Trump win the Presidency Yes, I agree a waste of oxygen",not sexist "What do u expect from a male author? A woman with a personality, hahah nope.",not sexist "Actually, me too. I want to see that hilarious train wreck occur. Or maybe even Oprah as president, but I like Kamala better because she is more anti white.",not sexist some of my concerns are that people wouldn't be willing to put their face and information to the things that they write but we all need to start hooking up outside of the internet.,not sexist "Been there before with a chick giving this type of response. She's not interested. Move on. If she was interested, she would figure out an actual time and place it would work.",not sexist ATTENTION WALMART SHOPPERS!! Geeeze tooke'em long enough [URL],not sexist "Yup, I was one of hers too. I hope she is well!",not sexist One More #NeedfulMeme Ladies.,not sexist What a horrible horrible person! Seriously. I know people (my husband and a friend) who are disfigured. They're fine. They're happily married. Fuck her.,not sexist "yeah, so? Im not peado, i dont HATE women, rape is bad, whats your problem?",not sexist "Yep, my buddies ex wife claimed to have ""caught fibromyalgia"" from her deadbeat friend lol.",not sexist "Top investment fund manager for George Soros who was featured in Liar's Poker 'ran human trafficking enterprise in which he raped, electrocuted and imprisoned women in NYC sex dungeon', lawsuit claims [URL]",not sexist Ofc he has an anime girl profile pic,not sexist Donald Trump and the campaign finance witch hunt: [URL] #StormyDaniels #TrumpRussia #MuellerProbe #WitchHunt,not sexist "You're wrong. The only thing that matters is being cared for and loved, and shown affection by someone you have developed an extreme oneitis for. A career means nothing when a 6'5 homeless chad can take your girl in an instant.",not sexist Dump her first...,not sexist People like you should just stay the fuck home and look at photos like this at starbucks.....,not sexist And to think that her looksmatch is here or has roped already...,not sexist Fight back or lose without even realizing it is war. Not much of a choice for me. I'm a white American. Nowhere to go when my country destroyed by jews and savage brown hordes.,not sexist "Hunter eyes are the most important feature a man can have for sure. It's not even about canthal tilt, it's about being vertically narrow and well supported by the orbital rims.",not sexist This is all part of the psy-ops the CIA ran in 1998 using Mexicans. They paid women to have babies in the US.,not sexist "Which is kinda ironic considering all the problems that come with too much T: bad acne, sleep apnea, shrunken balls, hairloss, etc",not sexist "I cum really hard from anal & clitoral stimulation. Never had an orgasm as strong any other way, it just enhances everything.",not sexist "They ""relieved"" her? ... ... *That's rape.*",not sexist No. The problem is our educational system is infested by leftist idiots indoctrinating our kids into stupidity and globalism. So this is what you get honestly. It's not nuclear science aint it,not sexist "These boys may not listen to you right now, but eventually after their first, second, third heartbreak, the words will seep in and it will cut down years from the time it would have otherwise taken to see the truth.",not sexist "Warning to parents - teach your son to respect women, because I'm teaching my daughter to beat his ass to a pulp if he doesn't.",not sexist UK: Four Muslims operated rape gang with girls as young as 13 - Geller Report [URL],not sexist Katy Perry and her connection to Satan exposed. [URL],not sexist "People (*especially* underage people) aren't things to be lent out. Doesn't matter if they're your sister, daughter, aunt, significant other, whatever. PEOPLE ARE NOT THINGS WE LOAN TO OTHERS, especially not for sexual purposes.",not sexist "Wanted to get happily married. > Then no-fault divorce came around. > Well, shit, guess I better get a pre-nup. > Pre-nups didn't mean shit anymore and family courts became rape dungeons.",not sexist Bro no... it's how girls talk don't take everything as a sign,not sexist Watching your mom get fucked by your uncle. Fucking dragons had a soy overdose. Night king should give all of them blackpills,not sexist "I just want that magical, time traveling pen she had.",not sexist How old are you? I'm 20 kissless virgin.,not sexist This isn't worth my fucking time,not sexist Could have at least tripped the triggered snowflake up as she looks like she needs a break.,not sexist "I don't mind cooking but I hate cleaning up afterwards. That's why I eat a lot of bananas, apples, oranges, peanut butter and jelly, protein drinks, etc.",not sexist [USER] you WERE talking in vague generalities.. which is why I called you out on it. so now we know we are talking about Andi... what part of what happened to her is picking your butt..?,not sexist "I honestly don't see how feminism has hurt men. I would honestly like to know. If you can't provide proof to the curious,, how are y'all going to get anywhere?",not sexist "Sounds like Tony Blair has come back to haunt us. Only in the guise of a female, when the money runs out and bankruptcy looms they take us to a fake war.",not sexist "i forgot how rewarding it can be for her to explore her sexuality. but now that her new boyfriend's dick is empowering her, she says i'm too creepy :/",not sexist "MudSlime father batters five months old baby daughter to death during Rama-ding-dong, because she 'pressed' on his nerves. His 'hunger' because of fasting made him hangry! Funny that, I have fasted and never once had the energy to be angry!",not sexist and keep in mind that a majority of managers in the U.S. today are women. Well I guess that would explain a few things.,not sexist Mother Teresa as a Teen in her Native Albanian Clothing.,not sexist "My former boss at a retail job wore over the knee hooker boots occasionally. They went against dress code, but she was the manager.",not sexist "Not to death but they beaten on the regular unless they request PC, most end up in minimum because pedophilia outside of actual rape isn't considered violent.",not sexist "They know but they put this bullshit up there anyway hoping to land that ""rare"" simp that will take all of her problems away.",not sexist "I know it's just my weird personal version of Dyslexia, but everytime I see her post I read ""Volkisch Florist"".",not sexist Okay retard Andy over here going into subreddits to comment that they dont like something. Yet I'm a joke. Okay bud. Whatever you say.,not sexist """Quiet, quiet... quiet."" A polite way of telling her to stfu - lol Be well...",not sexist "You get a Girl to have Sex with you, next day you text her : ""was fun last night, let's do that again"" Then wait for her to reach Out and only text for logistics. Don't see her more often than once a week",not sexist "does the shooter have a brain tumor, foreign Muslim ties or just mad as hell and lost it.",not sexist Kudos to everyone at [USER] ! It's great to be free from those shitty big tech companies!,not sexist #nigwiggery Monkey arrested: South African mother found naked with her EYES gouged out | Daily Mail Online [URL],not sexist "Snag the guys fast, its a buyers market for them. Go after the technical major nerds, they're desperate for anything female.",not sexist "Focus on actually having fun with the girl you like mate, these 'tricks' won't get your dick wet, there's a reson a community has moved away from them.",not sexist "And like Stalin, he would do everything in his power to eliminate them. Yet another reminder: They hate you and yours, they want to see you destroyed, imprisoned and yes even dead. They think it's fun. Leftists Hate White People [URL]",not sexist The picture is about women who left to date ISIS soldiers. It is not just posting a female model. They are not models. Please read it again.,not sexist "You are so right. He has the media covering his Tweets like birds flocking to the Feed! If Trump left Twitter, I can't see it growing or successful. Cats, dogs, Trump hate, lonely men & women only lasts so long.",not sexist "I only joined this website recently, and I already hate it. ""Speak freely?"" I'm probably gonna get kicked out if I reveal I'm a woman...",not sexist If she's paying all the bills he's a deadbeat leech. I don't like leeches regardless of gender.,not sexist Thx! Hope you got some big tiddy hijabi gf,not sexist I have followed her for a long time. Even though I hate youtube.,not sexist This is from personal experience. I originally tried to make friends with girls based on hobbies / common interests and really never had one my entire life. Then after I had a mild sexual under tone I can probably friend almost any girl.,not sexist Take her money and deport her.,not sexist "Won't get a job to earn it, like a nigger than way.",not sexist "I found the same too. These women typically aren't into prettyboys either and give ""uglier"" guys a chance. In reality they aren't ugly, but masculinity makes you look more dominant and in a sense uglier. I think it's due to self esteem. [URL]",not sexist Pakistani women burning their hijabs to protest the new Islamist regime by Zia Ul Haq (1983).,not sexist It can be when you're talking about people who advocate for and excuse rape. The joke is then the ironic idea of these people experiencing for themselves the terrible threat they wish on women.,not sexist "Doublethink + doublespeak. Simples. Reading list: Brave New World, 1984, Animals Farm, Gulag Archipelago Viewing list: Logan's Run, The Running Man, Idiocracy, In Time. Just cut the happy ending, it is only Holywood sloppy fake.",not sexist [USER] ...or bring your sister.,not sexist Where the hell is Buffalo Bill when ya need him when a Size 14 great big fat lady is around?,not sexist "Just my old grandpa, but my grandma is redpill as fuck, and always told (to me at least), that ""to woman, not all the love and not all the money"" (in spanish is a las mujeres no todo el amor ni todo el dinero).",not sexist "Yet, you can be pretty sure which race black women dream to have kids with.",not sexist Podesta is Clinton Cartel slime,not sexist """Take whatever she gives you & sexualize it"" if you are witty without being overly vulgar it is so much fun. Don't get me wrong it is important to have deeper conversations, but having quick witted, sexually influenced innuendos...I personally enjoy!",not sexist I LOVE #KatieHopkins & how she just doesn't give a shit! She loves stirring the black pot known as #EvilIslam ! #BanIslam #NeverSharia [URL],not sexist "Why did you tell him that in the first place, normie?",not sexist "It's like refusing to rape a woman *not* because it's morally wrong and illegal, but saying it's because she's too ugly.",not sexist Beautiful example of why White women are the standard for female beauty.,not sexist For years my wife's excuse for not having sex with me was a headache. Now she likes to play the old brain tumour card.,not sexist "Choose something you like to drink, take the lead. Dont text her until the day before to confirm unless you absolutely need to know something from her.",not sexist "Smokey Joe's doesn't care about fakes. I had a photo copy of my passport the first time going there - bouncer let me in and told me how to make it better for next time. My gf, who I actually met there, had a fake she bought online.",not sexist [USER] can we call Zoey a He. Since she identified to have a penis.,not sexist "So you know your stuff. One thing to mention, the wall is cope. There is an 85 year old prostitute in Singapore who gets hundreds of visits a week. An 85 year old woman has more sexual market value than a sub 3/10 such as myself.",not sexist "[URL] During a #MeToo speaking event held at Akron University in Ohio, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver asked the movement founder Tarana Burke why the women who alleged sexual assault by Bill Clinton were excluded from the movement.",not sexist Yup I'm acting the way a typical women does and you're acting the way a typical incel does. I guess it all balances out in the end. :) Also why did ya change the yikes to yeekeeteeyikes? Thought it would be funnier that way or something?,not sexist Good job( .democrat men should let the democrat women vote while they Stay home since they are unimportant to the women!,not sexist Only a jew would gloat over the murder of a little White girl by an illegal alien. That's their plan for all White females. Death by diversity. Either via murder or race mixing. You take joy in it? I'll assume you're a jew.,not sexist when you see moslems driving cars your can be sure of one thing. They are either trawling for little girls to groom and rape or they are looking for a nice crowd of white folks to run over,not sexist "Link that to someone at InfoWars. I don't pay attention to this ""everything is fake"" garbage. That woman is dead.",not sexist TRUMP RALLY THURSDAY NIGHT @ 7:00 PM. WILKES BARRE PA!,not sexist Mrs May's hate of Christians is the reason that she wants to kill them in Syria with British bombs,not sexist "I can't stand sharia may,and she does not get it,nobody wants you,or your fucking plan.Just go already.",not sexist "Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - who lived through the Red Terror, WWII and decades of rule by Jewish Bolsheviks - believes that truth is regarded differently by gentiles than by Jews.",not sexist Melania Trump: I had a wonderful visit to WR Bethesda today. Thank you to the many dedicated service members & medical staff who take such good care of our men & women in uniform.,not sexist It's funny that you never get those kinds of replies on /r/TheRedPill. MGTOWs are so much better and mature than red pills who just chase skirts. /s,not sexist WOW MarineLePen I think you get her it she don't jump,not sexist "6 YEAR OLD is hailed 'most beautiful girl in world' (and she already has 500,000 Instagram followers) - Daily Mail hotpagenews.com/r/195994",not sexist I agree. I'd rather avoid this whole thing then have to hurt her later if she gets too emotionally attached.,not sexist "Just make friends, and do some light flirting incase she gets hot later [I've had this happen a lot, it's like finding twenty dollars in an old pair of jeans! [CUR]]",not sexist Absolutely. Prenups shouldn't be able to be thrown out by a judge. It undermines the entire idea of a prenup. What do you mean by independence between men and women?,not sexist she wants to get off the cock carousel but she accidently got on MR. BONE'S WILD RIDE THE RIDE NEVER ENDS,not sexist "A slut is a promiscuous woman, so it's just semantics.",not sexist "It messed up but when I'm personally feeling a little insecure in a date, I feel a little relieved when I spot an obvious insecurity in my date. For many women this might be an older, or beat up car. And shoes. A girls shoes tell tales",not sexist Site could be fucked in the EU.,not sexist I messed up the first time I went to ask for a girl number at my local cafe. She works there. What would be the best way to reinitiate the conversation with her? I know her name though.,not sexist Actually you can scream fire in a crowded theater however if someone gets hurt in the ensuing chaos you will be liable for causing those injuries. If no one runs or gets hurt you will simoly get called a dumb ass.,not sexist "There it is! Just like Bill Nye. Cognitive dissonance. Too late, don't care. None of that shit could happen without money from USA. #Trump just cut you off. 😂😄😂😊😵😂😄😝😝😝",not sexist "#Clinton US will witness the Largest Wealth Transfer in History +Taxpayer expense Example #Syrian refugee welfare with 4 wives, 22 kids drains German Tax base [URL] link : [URL]",not sexist [USER] Feel free to look around that site. You're welcome to shoot an email to me from the contact page there as well if I'm not on platform. :-),not sexist no reason to kick them while they're losing...,not sexist "Just put ""no single mothers"" and ""no overweight"" and see the magic.",not sexist But the earth does shake and they can't hide from her fury!,not sexist Fuck Pirror. Fucking psychotic moron,not sexist [USER] Fire her and then a visit from the Secret Service to find out where her loyalties lie!,not sexist I dont think its as straight narrow or clear cut as you said. Some women will ghost for attention. Like a cry for help,not sexist "Now we need the exact same thread about women, everyone would call it sexist.",not sexist Daughter launches vicious knuckleduster attack on woman for 'sleeping with her father'.....................[URL],not sexist "Three Dreamers Arrested for Gang Raping a Handicapped woman in NJ ""Raping those that Americans wouldn't"" ___ [URL] #NoDACA #BUILDtheWALL #DEPORTthemALL",not sexist "Also he gets to fuck the rag head London mayors wives , goats , kids and the mayor himself.",not sexist "Look on the bright side, she ain't meeting anyone else either 🤣",not sexist Turnabout is fair play. Bad advice? You wanna SIMP and wait for her to destroy your career and make all your friends think you're a rapist? You do you. I'll do me.,not sexist My mother doesn't use me for money. But my father is constantly trying to even though I don't make much money.,not sexist OCA-PSYCHO-CORTEZ UPDATE: Conservative Women Offer to Debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Instead After She Calls Ben Shapiro 'Sexist' for Asking to Debate and about her bug eyes [URL],not sexist You should have stopped texting after she sent this: 😤 Not to punish her or anything but the interaction before that point was quite good. You create more attraction by leaving her with uncertainty.,not sexist "If HE only wants something casual, when it seems like she waves more, he needs to be honest about that. Nowhere did I say that she didn't have to communicate.",not sexist "America sided with the butchers of the Katyn Forest, where Stalin had 22,000 Polish officers executed. This was known by the Western Powers early in the war, but the USSR remained our ally. War makes for strange bed-fellows.",not sexist If you want to bang her then bang her why waste the energy playing these games,not sexist "Lena, go finger your little sister again and shut the hell up!!",not sexist these mother fuckers are gonna burn,not sexist I AM AN EAGLE SCOUT AND THIS DISGUSTS ME. YOU ARE RIGHT THIS WILL START TO END THE BOY SCOUTS. THE FOUNDER MUST BE ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE. THIS IS REALLY SICKENING.,not sexist How do they know for certain that the things they do will make women's panties drop so hard they'd come out the other side of the planet while still not being able to objectively judge their own attractiveness? Just...strange.,not sexist or she is a frugal gal !!,not sexist "55 YO Woman McKenna Denson Sues Mormon Church After Leader Joseph Bishop, 85 Allegedly raped her 34 years ago",not sexist a man can dream...,not sexist "To tell ya' the truth, those freaks would probably be touching themselves while watching that horror happen to our girls. Damn douch-fuckin-bags, hope they wash their mouths out with buckshot. Oh and heya sweetie, how ya doing?",not sexist Well of course she did! She's a true redneck Georgia Deplorable and a credit to grandmas everywhere. [USER],not sexist what is the difference between a Chad and a brad,not sexist "The Last Jedi actually explains why Leia wasn't that sad about Han dying and just kept going like nothing afterwards. Because she had a lesbian girlfriend after Han left her, so she got over that quickly.",not sexist [URL] TSA may stop screening passengers at 150 airports Hmm... a bizjet can do quite a bit of damage if used by a terrorist to attack certain targets... not a good idea,not sexist Wouldn't include Gowdy with that group. But it takes more than a voice in the wilderness. I am surprised there have been no civil lawsuits against her too.,not sexist In his situation i would try to keep record of the time she hit him. After that if enough Material is there he should call the cops on her with enough evidence shown off before.,not sexist She's free to spout her vitriolic hate speech but anyone who disagrees with her is silenced.,not sexist "I'm not saying dropping her, I'm just saying don't be a frantic texter, worrying about every time she doesn't text back.",not sexist "this brings my piss to a boil, absolute fucking disgrace. the message is clear people, only concern yourself with you and you alone.",not sexist Seems like she fucks her own dog regularly which the ex knew about then claims to have fucked his,not sexist If you cannot get a vagina onto an incel penis with no money involved you cannot help.,not sexist What a disgusting pig. She is probably the most vile person I can think of off the top of my head.,not sexist "[URL] BIG FIGHT: #SandraSolomon, a former Muslim, and a couple other women vs a mob of Muslims and leaders of other faiths. Guess who the ""other faiths"" stood with? #apostate #M103 #Motion103 #IqraKhalid #Liberal #StopIslam #FightIslam",not sexist "Now we see some real news in science! ""Thousands of genes act differently in men and women"" That is, biological men and women not pretend men and women! [URL]",not sexist google incel terminology,not sexist "Better yet, just steer clear of all women (if possible).",not sexist "Im right then, but you don't have strength to flat out say Sociopath > Wimp to women, do you?",not sexist you need to fuck her first before you can even approach this topic with her.,not sexist "No matter what, you're still competing with her digital crack device... I'm all [CUR]et.",not sexist "Lol, if she really confided in him and loved him she'd run right into his arms. But she cheated while drunk and regrets it. Won't name names because it wasn't rape, their relationship will probably crumble apart soon enough.",not sexist I became friends with a lesbian. Thought I was safe. Took awhile but she started asking for help with her daughter. Awkward but life confirming AWALT.,not sexist PC crap is killing us,not sexist "hahahaha. great pictures, esp the 2nd. say, didn't you recently also post a really good one about veggies cut to look like animals? I guess I'd better follow you to be sure I don't miss these. Thanks!",not sexist "It boggles the mind to think of how many people think beating kids is ok Do you know how fucked up it is to say, ""I love and care about you, so I'll deliberately hurt you and treat you worse than a stranger""?",not sexist "After we're all replaced by robots and rich people don't need us anymore to earn their money, men and women in the lower classes will just be a surplus population anyway. They're waiting for us to die off.",not sexist hopefully paint her face later ?,not sexist my comment says i don't agree with her stabbing him,not sexist Make no mistake. Trump's victory over Clinton freed liberal women to stop being silent about liberal male abusers in a way not possible after the Obama victory over Hillary in the 2008 primary. #JustSayThankYou,not sexist "Defend our kind, our women, our children from the niggers, sand niggers and all other non-whites.",not sexist literally every experience with every girl in my life,not sexist "Yeah, this. But even then 4 channers call him sargon of cuckkad. I remember AMWF girl roaming millenial saying not to believe in identity politics, good lord, the clash back.",not sexist "[USER] Oh that's why they had to use celebrities. No way they could find such an innocent little girl in Hollywood these days. 😛 Nice find and a big TY for the share. Never seen it before and it's some hard core advertising, especially for the time.",not sexist "Yeah, giving up the kid is mild. Some of these ""mothers"" load their kids into the car and roll the car into a lake.",not sexist "EPIC. Generation Zyklon is a thing! So stoked to see the kids standing up for Trump: [URL] Note author is female with hyphenated name. Still can't get away from her daddy, apparently. [USER]",not sexist "Im not an incel just wanted to ask some questions, are you all in the mindset that your looks is the only way possible for you to get a woman? That it has nothing to do with your personality or how you approach them?",not sexist "It's unbelievable Clinton has gotten away with the corruption, no class this woman. [URL]",not sexist [URL] This kind caring person has 7 children 2 which are adopted. Liberals will have a sick slandering false lie about any of Trumps mommies. Diane fuckstain,not sexist [URL] - [URL] #poetry_newsletter #copper_canyon_press #poetry #poetry_publisher #little_infinite #poetry_books,not sexist what IS walnut Sauce? Hillary always carries some in her purse THE DAILY BEAST LOVES WALNUT SAUCE [URL] #BitChute,not sexist "I'd rather have Russians than kikes, wetbacks, and niggers.",not sexist GREATEST AMERICAN PATRIOTS VOTERS PICKED THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER..... TRUMP........,not sexist Do yourself a favor and soft next this woman. She will only keep you down. She should make your life better not the other way around. Bad behavior and being a loser is contagious (as is divorce). DO NOT MARRY OR HAVE CHILDREN WITH THIS WOMAN!,not sexist I wonder if she and Hussein shared prayer mats in the Oval office?,not sexist Hmm. The majority of women disagree with you. Are you virtue signaling by any chance?,not sexist "Yep. It has become such a problem with girls being molested or raped by their Uber drivers that an app was created to ""help"" [URL] Because god forbid they kick these monsters out of their countries.",not sexist You can't go into a public space and expect to things a certain way. That's why you have your own home to kick back and relax.,not sexist The abortion rate among whites is actually much lower than among blacks and mestizos. More white women take birth control though.,not sexist "#video: FBI allegedly thwarts planned terror attack at San Francisco's Pier 39 after they monitored Everitt Aaron Jameson's jihadist posts, likes, & views on Facebook, which not only says a lot about him but also FB [URL]",not sexist "It's because of how girls are touchy touchy with each other in shows, movies, and anime. Men don't know the difference between fiction and reality.",not sexist lol Laugh as Pelosi's brown pet turns against her She even FED this one!,not sexist """femcels"" are women with high standards. Women with high standards dating an incel? Lmao?",not sexist "Anime girls like Chad better ha, in animu too many of the males are skinny pretty boys.",not sexist I was about to say similar. Plus I can't listen to red-pill kind of podcasts with a woman in the car. The last girl I was with had Sirius radio in her car and played those lame pop channels and the sound quality is *awful*. I hated it.,not sexist This is PRICELESS.....as now she will have to PROVE she isnt fake Native American.....BWAHAHAhahahahahaaaaaaaaa,not sexist "Pretty sure it would be intimidating having to deal with a stronger female competitor, plus sports with weight classes it would be relevant in general.",not sexist "It's like they haven't heard of the multitudes of cultures throughout past and present across the globe that mark themselves with tattoos, ritualistic scarring, and various piercings of various sizes in various different parts of the body.",not sexist He should know better than to get a black girls hair wet.,not sexist "Good pic of Whoopie, is she feminist spokes witch now?",not sexist I swear she just keeps him around for the laughs. There's no way this guy is the real Chancellor.,not sexist "I think there is a difference between ""the left"" and ""everyone on the left."" Sure, just like the difference between ""I hate women"" and ""I hate all women"".",not sexist did madcow do a strip tease? O ya that would caused most turn her show off !!,not sexist Does that mean that the women will be going topless and the boys will be wearing bikinis?,not sexist Tommy is against the rape of underage British girls. and the British Army are against that . so the British army are 'for' the rape of underage British girls.. interesting choice,not sexist Eighteen-year old 'confesses to raping and strangling a homeless mother to death before sexually assaulting her corpse' [URL],not sexist I don't really care if she's mad af I'll just block her,not sexist "Who the fuck vacations in Haiti? Who grabs the wife & kids & is like ""Lets spend this summer in a garbage dump eating mud cakes""? [URL]",not sexist "What? What? You could actually put it DOWN?? lol Anyway Annie the Greek is reading it now on holiday in Cyprus and she's still talking to me so it can't ""promote Nazism"" as the Left say :)",not sexist "Haha just took your advice this morning (for a different girl though) and it came through,smilies included. Cheers!",not sexist "Gotta admit, she comes up with new ways to display her stupidity every day.",not sexist "You will never see white women doing this retarded shit. yo, barber, give me curtain tie back eyebrows..",not sexist "He definitely is, he doesn't worship the deaths of a woman and claims that female depression is a myth.",not sexist #justiceforthe1400 [USER] You may like this girl: [URL],not sexist So George Soros mailbox is out of view of the cameras and numerous security staff. Not believable.,not sexist "lol, jewish girl in placeholder img for intolerant 'liberal'. Paul Watson subconsciously knows what's up, even if consciously he's a cuck anti-white civic nationalist.",not sexist You pathetic American scum just lost to Russia in Syria. America used to lead the world by far before its people degenerated into worthless scum. Now America is deteriorating rapidly and will suffer one defeat after another.,not sexist Lol how the fuck is an orc tyrone?,not sexist "Have her buy a new glass, and keep it as a momento. Later you can show your MANY WHITE CHILDREN and tell them the story.",not sexist 53% of female voters voted for Trump........... How can they call it a Women's March when they don't represent all women...?,not sexist "This isn't rocket surgery. Genital mutilation is unethical in the extreme. One would this this was fucking obvious. I thought woman like that understood what ""my body my choice"" meant.",not sexist "It's okay, we have Hassan and he is 6""4 chad leftist, also Chad's dont do politics lul",not sexist "Oregon may allow drivers to choose nonbinary, rather than male or female, for licenses [URL] #Trans #OR",not sexist RT Twitter [USER] RT : Muslims want to double the number of mosques in France [URL] [URL],not sexist Well to be honest your lucky it was a little girl and not a man because chances are you'd get knocked the hell out.,not sexist Nah... You probably offended Linda 'Cockroach'..... Because she 'Pimps' Modern Femenists these days..... (For the Jihad!),not sexist "I am sorry, I don't subscribe to those conspiracy theories. Many witnesses, real mother, real daughter, I believe she is really dead. You can believe what you want.",not sexist Women already live serious lives the next thing she doesnt want is a serious guy. Be playful and have fun dont overthink shit,not sexist Being a virgin isn't why you idiots are constantly mocked.,not sexist Yeah but whitecels are always called racist and society in general likes to shit on them. Also while i do acknowledge parts of jbw ithink incels over hype it too much.,not sexist HARVEY ONLY RAPES WHITE...OR WHITER WOMEN..... how come he isn't raping black women? HE IS A RACIST RAPIST!,not sexist "see any bloody tyre tracks? Ay blood or body parts , hair or ant thing on the truck at all? hmmmm may be it's another god dammed staged event so the military industrial complex can invade some more countries and take your rites hhmmm (scratch).",not sexist "ALL women have boyfriends Wrong! Not all women are straight. Oh yea, i forgot lesbians are only lesbians because they ""can't get Chad to fuck them"" /s.",not sexist Are you dumb! She fucking wants you dude! You never made a move! Are you not sexually attracted to her? or your gay?,not sexist "[USER] I am loving being with her family, I am at her house and her finger prints are everywhere. Her presence permeates. Xo",not sexist "Silly woman, everyone knows they can break the law!",not sexist "I think it was my lack of confidence :( I was scared that if she rejects, I can't save my face in my social circle",not sexist "you incels all believe you have above-average intelligence, while saying stuff like this. blows my fucking MIND",not sexist "in 2013 lost ma official facebook account because of ma page at the time called The untold history ,the jew made protest in los angeles against ""hate speech"" and all that [URL]",not sexist "I just want girls to like me man, why cant i be chad!!",not sexist Trying to lose weight? These latest pix of the World's Ugliest Woman (also vying for most self-obsessed but the Lardassians keep beating her out) will put you off food & bring up yesterday's dinner. [URL],not sexist "It is amazing how dogs know when you've get some food, even if it's in a sealed box/packet, which is in a bag... they just know there's munchies in there, and they want some.",not sexist "LMFTFY ""...stand by his wife's *dead body* pregnant by another man""",not sexist "Take this as a legal warning mother fuckers im sick this shit, with OBS and GAB BS !!!",not sexist "*""We're not some kind of en masse movement of weird, narcissistic women,""* 😂",not sexist You just gotta plow through it and you'll get there man! And With that first example that tall girl liked him or at least enjoyed the experience.,not sexist ...and they can beat them again now that the jews are trying to do it (this time wearing antifa uniforms) all it takes is to buy a hijab to protect identity and start shooting them & burn their homes during the night,not sexist "And I can tell you that YOU are a prime target now. You influence a lot of people, and if Satan can get you....how many 1000s can he bring down? Don't give him a chance. Get rid of any temptation. I'm saying this with love & respect.",not sexist andrew is pretty cool i dont think he will ever cuck on free speech as long as we dont post anything illegal all the bants are welcome,not sexist Pretty sure most women would be perfectly happy if all the mgtow idiots actually just started ignoring women.,not sexist No woman has anything worth my freedom.,not sexist YouTube removes videos from conspiracy theorist Alex Jones: Infowars website! #CNN is behind this attack! [URL],not sexist I can't tell if they hunting her or is she pretending to be one of them,not sexist Dude inverted tits covered by a every-girl-wears-these-so-I-have-to-too sports bra. If I were those kids looking at a topless sweaty Rapinoe I'd probably puke. Everywhere.,not sexist "Agreed. When I wake up some mornings, my first thought is that I'm so glad no one is sleeping next to me. Meaning my ex-wife or the last woman I was in a relationship with.",not sexist I couldn't care less if they had the female cheerleaders nude. I'm done with the NFL period.,not sexist "Four out of every 5 navigators were women. That makes 80% women. But I agree, those 20% men might have been suspended or given a bad review on their record.",not sexist "Tallfag is usually anyone taller than then/6'3 Foid is short for their word femoid, which in turn means female.",not sexist Not surprised. Even the first season was rubbish praising decadence and advocating anti-male sexism and female supremacy.,not sexist You cant stay with someone who is falsely accusing you of violence in front of the police. Get out. If she contacts you get a reatraining order. This is a survival situation and you cant be in denial about that.,not sexist I musent forget DiFi my congresswomen..She's bat crazy too..[USER],not sexist "No I meant I do meet girls but I dont approach them because theyre not interested, I can tell by their body language etc.",not sexist "Seems to me the majority of the ""feral blacks""as you call them are in northern cities like Chicago,Detroit, Milwaukee. The democraps put them there in plantations we call ghettos. They are now enslaved by the white man's welfare system for votes.",not sexist She is too stupid to stay in the US. I pay more in taxes on my cigarettes than she does on her state taxes so by her logic I've paid my tax burden.,not sexist That's because no sane women would fuck him.... just his dick sucking gay partner....,not sexist Ok. Now I think you're starting to troll.,not sexist It is important that we whites begin to think tribal. Cause as the empire falls only strong tribes will survive and be capable of fighting the kike tyrants afterwards.,not sexist Why are there no female imams ?,not sexist "First, your title is inaccurate. It should read "" what compels a women to rape children"". Second, they are pedophiles, I don't care what made them do it. They are scum that destroy lives:",not sexist "*Always* live and let live. Provided of course that what you let live has is not an attack on someone else. Your freedom ends, where mine begins, and my freedom ends where yours begin.",not sexist "Irene Van Niekerk, an Afrikaner who has won numerous gold medals as a runner, is one of many South African whites who live in squatter camps, and for whom the government does little.",not sexist #SaySomethingNotOffensive Hillary coughs so much because she likes getting choked out. Fact.,not sexist April Ryan doesn't give a damn about the plight of black people. She only gives a damn about April Ryan and keeping her name in the spotlight. Go sit your Fiona from Shrek looking ass down somewhere.,not sexist The total vulnerability of Western Civilization to obvious Jewish infiltration indicates that humans have zero chance against digital life's silent encroachment.,not sexist "She didn't deserve to die, even if she was doing something silly",not sexist He would cuck as many cucks as Tyrone allows if a woodcuck could cuck cucks,not sexist "lol, waiting for someone to say to this idiot ""you first, by example"" to see what she does.... these people give morons a bad name",not sexist has sex with 1000 different men ..when they ask she responds by saying Only God can Judge Me XD,not sexist "so in the same breath she says ""Its more complicated than that"" followed by ""never mind, no its not, its just about equal rights."" That is a pristine example of George Orwell's ""doublethink""",not sexist "No because I'm not a female nor a gay. Otherwise, yes.",not sexist Lol I did what you said and she said she doesn't want to sleep with me. She changed her mind.,not sexist "So the MSM believe that if they report news that some other women do bad things, sales go down?",not sexist [URL] This is laughable Glen Greenwald has lost his mind. WikiLeaks has indeed confirmed that the leaks are genuine...,not sexist You're lucky dude. Just bang her as soon as possible,not sexist "I'm looking for someone to respond the posed question ""why is she interested now"", rather than be like ""omg u broke a glass u fukin beta wtf man""",not sexist I think we found a potential contestant in worlds worst judgement file. Tim Kaines mistress. Just Ick . I wouldnt screw Tim Kaine with Rachel Maddox's penis.,not sexist you can see them the whole time she is talking looks like 2 giant John McCain brain tumors that guy is such a maverick piece of shit fuckin ass clown.,not sexist What a drama queen. He must be gay.,not sexist "This. I would never wait a month to go out on a date with any girl. Even a week is too long, both parties will lose interest long before then and forget all about the initial interaction.",not sexist Agreed. Our boys don't get a free pass. Obesity reduces the fertility of both the sexes.,not sexist "Taking no responsibility for your own failings and blaming everything on the other side is something that many red pilled men and blue pulled women share. Your both fucking idiots for it, and it's no surprise your relationships end in failure.",not sexist Good one! The headscarf is indeed a rather flexible category.,not sexist This is inaccurate. Lesbian and bisexual male are more popular with women than any of the categories you listed.,not sexist can someone explain this to me; one of their own wants fewer guns and they ban her? .. [URL],not sexist "But he didn't even attempt a kiss close, allegedly, or did I miss something? Why shouldn't he have smashed? If his recollection of the events are accurate then she clearly wanted to smash",not sexist Why is she hanging out with another man if she's married? From coffee--->dick sucking--->hardcore pounding.,not sexist No wonder he is having a shitty year.,not sexist That's beta. It shows you are desperate to confirm their number as you have few options. You drop a few points with women doing that. A guy with options doesn't give a shit if the number is real or not as he has several other numbers that are real,not sexist "Why white women shouldn't date outside their race, especially when it comes to blacks and arabs: [URL]",not sexist """The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination."" William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31",not sexist I definitely do think it's hard to obtain and I do agree with what you are saying although you can judge coke without ever trying it. I was rejected a few times in the last week so I think that did bruise my ego a little bit.,not sexist "Lmao you guys need to chill, if a normie picks up a girl on an incel sub, there might be a mass suicide (fellow lurker btw, back to the shadows I go)",not sexist Unbelievable the crap they've gotten away with. [URL],not sexist Got to be in Worcester by 9:15 tomorrow and it's 3 hours away. It's for my daughter and had to take holiday. Doesn't feel like a holiday. On the upside looking forward to seeing the new movie Dunkirk this weekend.,not sexist Is he really being an asshole? He's just stating what he likes.,not sexist Anyone else other than a regular inceltears poster. I don't care the fact that she is a woma .,not sexist UK your fucked.,not sexist .Anybody who has any dealings with this jerk off >[USER]<-- you are a total moron and deserve each other. no concept of anything except what he's been taught by his equally retarded father and mother.,not sexist "There are those who will claim degenerate, but to them I say: ""Moar back view!"" and ""If you bust you lose."" (Pls ignore that she was inspired by a dude named ""Tyrone"") Cassie Rivervale, from the land of [USER] [URL]",not sexist "Start writing ""nigger"" on all currency.",not sexist Methinks those other women like the idea of getting off a ship first better than being treated like an adult.,not sexist "No doubt, Linda Hamilton can be dang scary when she's pissed!",not sexist "Gotta work on your logistics. Have a plan for getting back to your place. You know why ""want to come over for a nightcap?"" Is a cliche? Cuz it works. You should be more creative, but if a woman likes you, she's just looking for an excuse.",not sexist "I hate to say this but you may have come across as too needy. Keep your texting minimal. Another thing I personally noticed with women is that some are callers and some are texters. This one may be a caller. All in all, texting is bad for seduction.",not sexist dont try that Muslime barbarian attack/rape the women crap in America... ours are armed,not sexist [USER] What was her crime? Did she get caught driving a car? #BanIslam #WWVTD What would Vlad Tepes do?,not sexist What the fuck is this place?,not sexist Lying SENATOR FEINSTEIN!!! Why is she still there after having a Chinese spy by her side for 20 years ???? Yet Russia Russia Russia!! Where investigation ??,not sexist "There is NO PROOF Spielberg raped her... NONE... we get an article months ago with information from an anonymous ""entertainment lawyer"" they would not name. Appears to be completely fabricated.",not sexist "No, I'm not a creep. Like you, I don't want a girl who has been around the block. Unlike you, I don't care if she has had sex before.",not sexist He even care's about Hilary's reading material what a kind man he is to her !,not sexist (((We))) white people.,not sexist I look forward to speaking with her.,not sexist "Left is protesting Executive Order that protects LGBT, women, those pers... [URL] via [USER]",not sexist "Yeah, she's just blowing ""smoke"".",not sexist "Lol she's the best weapon #Republicans have ,every time she opens her mouth she gives Republicans more ammo....[URL]",not sexist Would they join forces to become a new Brexit party?,not sexist "Hah maybe i'm making it a big deal while it isn't. But she thinks I'm losing attraction towards her (and I think it is true). Is it, like, normal to just not be horny for girl you were with for only 7 months?",not sexist "This amazing display of *literally* talking about a woman as a piece of meat (hamburger meat, to be exact) is one of the Escapist staff who have repeatedly worked with the Great and the Good who cannot be questioned to champion their cause.",not sexist Why the hell does that make him an incel? Many racists have gotten laid. Every dalmation is a dog but not rvery dog is a dalmation,not sexist fuck ten other women. It's an expression,not sexist This would be the biggest trial sense the Nuremberg trial we will be able to hang them in the courtyard in Washington where the Lincoln conspirators were hung they even hung a woman oh we can get Valeria for the woman,not sexist "Did any of you girls have detectable hymens? I can't tell if I wasn't born with one, or if it's normal for them to be so small that they don't tear under normal circumstances.",not sexist "That is a shirt mocking communism. And on the other one? I don't know ma'am. I don't see what you're seeing. He thanked some guy for a hat and then told some people to fuck off and then laughed at something. Sorry, what am I missing?",not sexist "Nah, she was a feminist and it didn't sound like [USER] was much of a looker either. She'll have sex with Chad, but ultimately be discarded by him. A sad life, really.",not sexist Exactly she's a fucking weapon. Nobody wants to pork her.,not sexist I'm a woman. I found this sub shortly after finding the incels sub. I found incels because I posted about playing a video game with my husband in an AskReddit thread and an incel came in and flipped out at me for mentioning I had a husband.,not sexist He had to paid her off twice. That is not smart. Not at all.,not sexist This post screams entitlement and ungratefulness. I don't see how any of this wasteful behavior is admirable because his white friends are doing it. Maybe he should complain that white kids should be less wasteful instead of complaining about his mom,not sexist He will be spending quality time with the Aryan Brotherhood.,not sexist Fucking moron,not sexist smug bastards!,not sexist You threatened to leave if her behavoir didn't change then you called and texted her. Frame lost. Her sister is running interference while shes out screwing the new guy.,not sexist "So wait, what should the wife do if the husband gets raped? Leave him immediately as well? Take the children and shun the rape victim?",not sexist Yep got banned from there like a lot of guys here who don't hate women and would like to have a nuanced conversation. Mods are incels or controlled op who want to turn it into an incel sub.,not sexist What gets me is all the know it alls who truly know SHIT about what an evil Asshole he was... Not only did he kill people BUT he was a serial Rapist at that time as well to women,not sexist * Jerk off before work. * See if you're less infatuated with her,not sexist "There were no other girls sadly. I went out with another girl, she friendzoned me too. I have an autistic cousin and a nephw with one ear, my genes are shit. It's over",not sexist This girl's pretty fucking smart and on the money about a lot of things. I just subscribed to her channel...,not sexist Tell everyone to call Sen. Grasley's office [PHONE]. Tell them the woman must testify first!! Tell them to move forward with Kavanaugh vote. THEY ACTUALLY ANSWERED THE PHONE!,not sexist Just like with a woman,not sexist "yes you can.....build them ""SAFE SPACES"" like we have on college campuses.... and she supports abortion....she kills babies in satanic rituals....is she short on babies to kill inland? Is that why she wants more babies here?",not sexist "Before even thinking about spending any time with your daughter or supporting her, get a DNA test. Chances are, she's not even yours. It will be much easier to do that first instead of worrying.",not sexist Let's see what kind of spin she puts on this! [URL],not sexist She is the very black ugly thing she supposedly hates. A racist bigot.,not sexist "The rhetoric device served no purpose in that conversation. If 12 days a month don't work for her (and that would be understandable) then she could have simply stated that. ""No, sorry that just wouldn't be for me."" No need to go all trashy.",not sexist So if your 17 year old daughter had an older male teacher that was using his position to fuck students and your daughter you would be OK with it? I doubt it.,not sexist The murder and dismembering of this 18-year-old girl and arrest of a failed asylum seeker has convulsed the Italian elections where mass migration is THE issue [URL],not sexist "Being an American is hating whites, loving faggots, worshipping money, & persecuting Christians.",not sexist "This is Phila Ndwandwe killed by the apartheid regime because she refused to betray her comrades. Qina darkie, women's month.",not sexist Spain as a poor country? good one. It's way richer than you may think it's just that girls like canada because it's so different. That's all.,not sexist Bro you're speaking gibberish and still got her number 😭😭 just gibberishmax bro. # #,not sexist "Anyone that doesn't heed mandatory evac... Their choice, but I have ZERO pity. (Only thing I wonder is, 92, is she all there in the mind? )",not sexist Remember what Jim Rogers said (I put this up the other day) about his daughters learning Mandarin... [URL],not sexist It's the idea that some women expose themselves and use the excuse they're just doing it for themselves or for comfort but can't see how a man might do the same when manspreading,not sexist Lol - Laci Green was one of the nastiest disgusting Planned Parenthood feminists there were. Then she started dating an anti- Social Justice Warrior. Now she's red pilled. Now the Left is trying to destroy her. [URL],not sexist "the 40 year old shoemaker and his 37 yr od wife, a teacher, made a hiking trip 1942 in the Alps and did not return home. They had 6 children. One child believes it was their parents, when the bodies were discovered in the glacier recently.",not sexist CONFIRMED: There is at least one Democrat with a set of balls,not sexist "He has to try to keep his ugly mug in the news, his last client's (the woman of easy virtue) case is about to get tossed so he needs something new.",not sexist Shes cut because she's low carb. If only it helped the face as well...,not sexist [USER] Your first lady is hot as hell. You lucky american guys!,not sexist "same here , so many hoops to jump through in order to stay safe from these women. Dave Chapelle Show was right...",not sexist "Illinois Residents Fleeing State by Tens of Thousands over Taxes and Financial Loss [URL] ""I was aiding and abetting a corrupt system in Illinois,""",not sexist Exactly no shame this why they act so violently and desperate.There temper tantrum is the only form of self expression they seem to enjoy because there life is utterly useless so there best bet is to be useful idiot,not sexist "You morons. If the Jews did it then we owe them a thank you. Kennedy was a woman murdering, drunken incompetent who sucked at the teat of Socialism. The only good Kennedy is a dead one.",not sexist fecking idjits. If i was half as ignorant on subjects they are i would keep my mouth shut.,not sexist "I was pretty clear on which bits are similar, ie I'm friends with them because they give me value and vice versus, and that we both understand this. Not because they're female images of myself.",not sexist """The stories of sexual harassment of women that Hollywood won't be telling."" [URL]",not sexist [URL] ooh she is anti Nazi pug then and a liar,not sexist Because shes on the floor.,not sexist Podestas are registered foreign agents on the Saudi government's payroll,not sexist """Peaceful Muslim Migrants"" gang rape 26 year old Polish woman while they make her husband watch . Let's bring some of this diversity and cultural enrichment to America!! [URL] #Rapefugees",not sexist No wonder. One look at the poor girl and I can already tell that she is half Thai.,not sexist my mom wore those glasses in 1974...,not sexist fuck her in your car,not sexist "for fuck's sake just enjoy the music, you don't need a new game plan for every damned place you go to",not sexist "[USER] UH-RAH! General Mad Dog. Also wink at the girlfriend of the protester, and hold her attention, so she remembers what you look like when decides she wants some all-American beef. Grade A",not sexist Jews do love black cock.,not sexist yeah that's been a false statement since the beginning of w/e dumb person stated it.,not sexist "Exactly, fuck all those small-dicked losers. I'd bet 99% of those guys hate women because they can't get laid and they see black women as an easy target for their bitterness. Fuck them.",not sexist Indeed. Now you understand my regret. Ack! Did I just say that? [USER] because losing twice would kill her.,not sexist So it's telling girls that no man is worth killing yourself or jumping off a cliff over. Is there a problem with that?,not sexist "Eh, Jews love loopholes. I like carefully enumerated & specific declarations like our own Bill of Rights. Even with that document, you find endless, meaningless re-interpretation of things that are very specific.",not sexist "#PedoGateNews #HumanTrafficking 40 million slaves worldwide, most women/girls [URL]",not sexist I would never tell my income to anyone let alone a women. Miss me with that shit. It is not their business!,not sexist The adult Syrian migrant whom German TV portrayed as being in a positive romantic relationship with an underage girl is a fan of radical Islamic preachers. Didn't see that one coming. [URL],not sexist "What the... Chelsi!? Yep. This is an old design I made for Chelsi back in 2006, when she was the princess of a kingdom. She would eventually revert back to being a French painter. #ThrowbackThursday",not sexist "Exactly! 12-18 year old girls are not adult women, they are still having slumber parties and worrying about school for gods sake...They want to go go prom and date boys their own age, not be hit on by creepers",not sexist It's the UK as well. We all have a fucking law degree.,not sexist The Church of Christ has gifts they don't believe in. One of my friends from the Nolan family spotted the witchcraft sport but thought I was the witch but I was the victim of an attack he had the gift of Discernment and didn't know it.,not sexist Today are started 31 days to masculinity . I Will be committed to go all the 31 days no matter what! Focus on me and my frame. I refuse to be in her frame.,not sexist "[USER] Yes, she is a joke. Can't stand her.",not sexist "What she really meant was 'the lack of dumb-as-fuck, unqualified minorities.'",not sexist Didn't they legalize bestiality too? For the goat fuckers?,not sexist You expressing your fetishised interest in Asian girls (with a bunch of backhanded compliments) in this forum. This isn't a pickup forum buddy.,not sexist [USER] kill a commie fer mommy,not sexist "Ask girls why they thought you were gay, they will probably happily tell you if they are comfortable enough.",not sexist I bet she doesn't show. She has NO intention of going on the record as a liar.,not sexist "I just act friendly, but don't actively pursue anything. There's nothing to prove from boning some girl who's throwing herself at you. And there's no need to get sucked into someone else's drama when there are plenty of other girls to choose from.",not sexist "That is exactly what you should do. Make her feel that guys really want her! Once you introduce her to a few men, leave her with a guy and let her experience what it is. Do not baby sit her there.",not sexist I enjoyed the part where he tried to appease her by calling the other guys 'jerks' and she called him unhelpful. Lol why even try.,not sexist "Hey [USER] , this is (((Ben Shapiro)))'s sister. Would you?",not sexist "She's looking for more commitment from you. When she's fishing for romantic gestures, learn to read between the lines. How long have you two been together? And has she recently pushed for a ring, moving in together, etc.",not sexist Anyone that attaches an unrelated selfie to a text post is 100% guaranteed to be a dickhead.,not sexist "hunter wallace is not trustworthy, besides having children as a mestizo woman, he has connections with alt-right members",not sexist oh so you're one of the le 1%s,not sexist American University orders students to agree women can revoke consent after sex [URL] #LeftistTotalitarianism rising.,not sexist "Yeah, isn't it fascinating how overly-doting helicopter moms from the suburbs have high rates of autistic kids? And then they rationalize it by claiming that they were just ""well-supporting""? Nah, your kids are just retarded.",not sexist Brother your title is a little misleading. U r just hitting on an engaged woman. I wonder why u r focussing so much on her. There r millions of other girls,not sexist """Its just impossible for them to be involuntary celibate"" That's definitely not true, there are definently women out there who arent getting dick and want to get laid.",not sexist Being disingenuous is a great way to make a woman uncomfortable with you and walk the fuck away.,not sexist "Being balanced, were any, all of the women accusing him of raping, molesting them right?",not sexist I bet she is a stand up woman .,not sexist Even just this reply shows how much you hate women 🤷‍♂️,not sexist "Well, she still has Bill and who knows how many minions still in place...",not sexist #PresidentialDebates HRC Is losing her shit.,not sexist "If you want to get back together with her the number 1 thing you can do is go on a few dates. What's the logic here? If her words are to be believed, we'd be 100% done if I did that.",not sexist How do you get that mindset though? Like I don't want to hate women.. Just be able to enjoy life without the constant voice in my head telling me I need a female companion.,not sexist Not in the case of Muslim woman,not sexist Just because you tell a girl you're trying to fuck or asking if she wants to doesn't make you needy all it means Is there's an attraction,not sexist "PERFECT PICTURE, note her finger is not on trigger, she knows her shit and has looks that kill.",not sexist "If Chaz doesn't have massive hormone shots, she'll revert to being a girl again. How will she fight the patriarchy without her estrogen? That's how we'll beat them! We'll shut off hormones to the Lefties! Easy win.",not sexist "P.S. Some people you wave to will be gang members who will shoot you in response, or serial killers who will take your signal and follow you home to murder you later.",not sexist I can't believe how her husband forced her into the arms of other men like that. /s,not sexist "A man has two options in life: 1. Get good at the ""-ism""'s 2. Get good at the 'tisms",not sexist This Deutschistani womyn think it's OK to show her (ugh) blonde hair? SICK!! [URL] H/t [USER],not sexist "Of course, islam is the tool used by globalists to bring down the civilized world. islam must be eradicated along with all muslim sympathizers.",not sexist "Well public exposure, and sexual assault of a minor if any saw her with her pants down.",not sexist [USER] oh no this could lead to rape sisters hugging,not sexist "Well, I've seen that she doesn't reciprocate even when I flirt with her over text. So I think she isn't interested. Still unsure though",not sexist A football playing coon who DIDN'T rape a White woman? Now that is a novelty.,not sexist "[USER] Yes. I'm hoping she does get onto Gab! Twatter may force her hand anyway. Very soon, I should think. #PedoLeaks #PizzaGate",not sexist I only have one word for women who look at me like I'm some kind of sex object... Hi.,not sexist never thought I would ever be able to say I am now more attractive than Rhianna,not sexist Like I said before here I can't always tell if it is a male or female. It really is a faggot state. That said the Samolians are beating the whites in Lewiston. ME =CA.,not sexist "You could of teased her when she said ""what do I do? What do you mean?""",not sexist "He actually was breaking up a fight if you listen one of the girls says ""Who is he""",not sexist Our PRESIDENT TRUMP has allowed Rosenstein to step on his own dick. Another one's biting the dust.,not sexist "For example, what *I don't* mean by taking advantage of other people is sleeping with an 18 year old who consents, since she is of the age of consent and it is her choice",not sexist "I'm going to bet money that you are on the spectrum, or have some learning disability, because that was fucking cringe. This was all in the span of one day. Why would she have to respond to a text from a guy she doesn't know in a day?",not sexist The incel uprising is coming boyos. We are tired of being treated like subhumans! ALL 75% of US!,not sexist "Imagine believing that a imaginary condition is a ""permanent problem.""",not sexist Single moms are sluts how? Because they've had sex with MEN? Where is the shame on these men that they sleep with?,not sexist """Smallville"" actress Allison Mack has been arrested for her alleged role in notorious upstate sex slave cult Nxivm, sources told The Post on Friday. [URL]",not sexist good for her! none of us are getting out alive so you might as well live like you wanna. my mom's tipple is dewar's straight.,not sexist "Unfortunately, it's mostly white women who get abortions, get damaged from the experience, and don't have more kids later in life. Compared to non-whites who have two abortions and four kids later...",not sexist "MSNBC, NBC News eerily silent as controversy builds over Asshole Level Ugly Coon Star Joy Reid's pre-fame blog [URL]",not sexist i've already being suck and swallow by a virgin muslim woman who wanted to keep her virginity,not sexist """the worse the music the better looking the girls that congregate there"" LOL agreed!",not sexist And of course she goes back to being butthurt about losing. [URL],not sexist I didn't refuse I texted her and we FaceTimed I just figured out that she hung out with the bad crowd of people and cut it off.,not sexist "Charlie Rose committed array of sexual offenses claim EIGHT women: Exalted host 'made lewd phone calls, walked around naked and groped the breasts and genitals of accusers' [URL]",not sexist "WTF? You got the boot, literally for saying ""men dont belong in girl's locker rooms"" in that language? WTH? I'm telling you those fucks at CERN fucked up our universe ppl. It's not the same one we were all living in a year or so ago. :)",not sexist Look at his body language! He is supplicating and she ain't having none of that! Is he asking her to feel her tits or ass?,not sexist Lol on your mom's tech advice. It's almost midnight here. I'm going to bed. Goodnight and it was fun gabbing with you.,not sexist "It's 10x worse when women do it. Or when certain girls like high-five you or some shit, and call you buddy Like the EXACT way they treat the Down syndrome kid at school",not sexist RT [USER]: Elizabeth Warren releases a DNA test that confirms she's between 1/32 and 1/512 Native American. 1. Guess she's running. 2. Bad move. Will make criticism on her faking background sharper.,not sexist This is how liberal gay men talk.,not sexist Blown up run over stabbed and our women and children Raped by radical Orthodox Muslims jihadists because if you continue to vote for the Conservatives and labour things will never change and are destined to continue think about it and let it sink in,not sexist "The point here is: they don't seem to understand that they're even assholes, due to their persecution fetish and them not understanding why women deserve the same rights as every human and that this is not based on her worth (virginity)...",not sexist He fired her ass!,not sexist BRIAN FRASER Anyone who thinks #HillaryClinton wouldn't have #SethRich killed for have info on her needs to look at this 👉 [URL] [URL],not sexist That's why their logic is insane. Women and children off sinking ship first.....women most effected. Ridiculous.,not sexist "Show me where she said, ""No"". [[URL] It's literally just a shit test unless she's is also clearly saying, ""No."" ""I have a boyfriend"" by itself is not a no. ""No"" is a no.",not sexist "Ok? So do you want to see him again? If so, ask him out to coffee or something. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Maybe he's gay. Maybe he thought you were hot and is shy. Who knows. Contact him and ask him out and you'll know.",not sexist Nobody watches that fucking retard. His ratings are drowning... just like his sister.,not sexist HOLY SHIT EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Man Shuts Down Hoover Dam in Armored Vehicle Demanding Release of Full IG Report [URL],not sexist I wonder if women would love horses as much if they had tiny penises.,not sexist Haven't you heard - women do can do literally nothing wrong you fucking sexist pig?!,not sexist This got me thinking....is there a female version of this? XY only want big fake tits & massive tweaking booty meat. All XY are used trash. Like anyone?,not sexist why are all steal companies going away? why we buy Chinese steel?? that's inferior ?? WTF that's BULLSHIT just stupid democrats libtards!!!!!!!! fucking democrats suck!!!😠😠😠😠😠😠,not sexist "Matt Damon's career might be over because of #MeToo. Since he helped enable kike Harvey Weinstein's abuse of women, he must be erased from movies now. [URL]",not sexist Legit but keep MGTOWS Number on Speed Dial for Support!,not sexist Man walks into cop station and pulls 'cheating' wife's head out of a bag [URL] Sent via [USER],not sexist all kinds of women,not sexist "Learnt to play your cards...by being tall maybe? ;) That didn't work for years, because that isn't attractive per se. Learning about how to behave with women worked in months.",not sexist The man's a chad then.,not sexist I think that some incels are so concerned with the end goal that they won't know what do when they get a gf,not sexist ...Why are you wearing women's clothes,not sexist So quick to forget that rape isn't something that only happens to women.,not sexist "welp we've reached this point Maybe I've lived in the real world for too long, but frankly I haven't encountered a rabid feminist since 2015 in college - and even then she was so outnumbered even on campus she didn't dare speak her rabid ideology",not sexist "More specifically this fat fucking slob is peeved she didn't get to put everyone else's life at risk so, for 3 and a half minutes, she could feel like she was 9 year old again before she started eating her feelings and shopping at Lane Bryant.",not sexist "He doesn't deserve 500k, he deserves 5 billion dollars. Also this guy is retarded 2k won't be enough to even cover the plane ticket to get to Disney land.",not sexist "Texas death row inmate linked to 1999 murder of college student, Louisiana police say [URL]",not sexist I think the #1 path to defeat is assuming we have to treat these girls differently because they're hot. Game them the same unless you usually don't put effort into hitting on women,not sexist "Probably. What you need to learn in situations like this is further pursuit does NOT help. There is a tiny chance when a girl doesn't respond that she'll reinitiate at a later date, but not if you keep saying ""...please? PLEASE??!?!""",not sexist "KATE STEINLE'S LAST WORDS AS SHE DIED WERE ""HELP ME, DAD"" She died in her father's arms [URL]",not sexist Why dosen't she take a few hundred home she has plenty of room.We know she's out of a job now that Weinstein's going to jail.She was Hollywood's best known pimp of hopeful teenage girls wanting to be movie stars. [URL],not sexist "You know there's lots of successful people paying for pussy, and that are still depressed. Just saying.",not sexist "So you are telling me when i get my dog, girls will love me?",not sexist keep this up and your mom will take her computer away,not sexist holy fuck /r/incelselfies is literally just pictures of chads,not sexist They are saying it's not precedent setting! What you mean if a gay couple comes in for a wedding cake dressed up again Phillips of the cake shop has to go through this all over again?,not sexist "No matter how many obstacles these walking sperm dispensers try and put in women's way, we still manage to beat them and they can't *stand* it. Lol. They seethe because they know they need to cheat to win, and we don't.",not sexist "For the rally, u must use the best loudest audio sound system. The antifa plan to simply drown u out with theirs. Good luck.",not sexist [USER] excuse me! I was here pretending to be dumb first b4 u were. I'm older than you and am a female so go and get another pitch this is mine,not sexist I'm going to [incel.co]([URL] Fuck this gay sub,not sexist Such a Charming Negress she is.... /help_me_spock,not sexist Wake up America. Every time this ignored the emboldened they will get. Swedish media try to cover up gang rape of girl by 'Muslim migrants' Facebook censored posts as well [URL] via [USER],not sexist sex is gross. imagine a girl's shitty asshole bouncing up and down on your lower stomach. you're basically being used as a toilet,not sexist The Sheers get german girls raped. There was plenty of food in France when M. Antoinette was killed.,not sexist The ultra right-wing pundit tweeted her support of the KGB and a number celebrated by white supremacists [URL],not sexist tfw no spectral bride,not sexist "An infectious diseases expert 'joked' that a good way to eliminate vaccine refusniks, who overwhelming tend to be white people, is to simply ""get rid of all the whites in the United States"". [URL]",not sexist "i support you, now how do you intend to bring down #Sharia May and her govt? yes, we here in the USA our fighting too. DEUS VULT, WE NEED THE FINAL CRUSADE. #BAN ISLAM",not sexist Can't tell if this is a serious question or you're just autistic. Staring is high LOI. Go talk to her. Stop talking with your eyes and man up. Approach her. The fact that you wasted time asking us when you could've been inside her cheeks...,not sexist Hit her with the potassium!,not sexist We must protect the Icelanders at all costs Especially the women.. I'd hate to see those genes disappear,not sexist My mate suggested I use Vaseline for anal. Now the bloody tub is stuck up my furious wife's arse.,not sexist Look at the beak on that chick! 😁,not sexist They don't want to go to sex workers because that could imply the woman has agency. They want a submissive woman and they want to feel powerful.,not sexist "I'm thrilled for you and her, Tony! Little victories mean so much when the doctors say that winning is over.",not sexist I think we gonna have ads soon enuf for girls to have sex with their male friends to bring more people back to plantation but the laws will be the same i guess honk :D,not sexist "(Depending on the girl being LTR material or not) You should expect commitment, though never demand it. If they don't commit they aren't worth your commitment",not sexist "No, that's not terror. All cultures burn random women with acid. It was probably Buddhists or Quakers that did it while trying to clean up a mess on the floor. [URL]",not sexist You can't teach stupid.,not sexist "You're confusing what most of us mean by ""incel"" with what you want it to mean.",not sexist Cucked whiteknight menginas I'll again point out the irony in this coming from a bunch of crybabies who claim to be going their own way yet spend all their time whining about women.,not sexist My son very much agrees; but can't find any White Women who agree..,not sexist Then why do girls travel more nowadays,not sexist The thing is here there is no excuse at all because there is almost too much help if you got kids & can't cope there is someone to turn to. There are refuges for beaten wives etc. The country is run by social workers. Yet they miss this & Rotherham.,not sexist The Soviet Union even sent their women to die on the frontlines .,not sexist "END TIME BIRTH PAINS- getting closer together and more intense. BUT it is Yehovah, the God of Israel Who has set the hook in her mouth and draws Russia(Rosh) down to the battlefield... AND HER total destruction AT HIS HAND!!! Ezek 38",not sexist her people sold her ancestors to slavery like Mexico getting rid of the scum the African chiefs sold them to the Spanish slavers & their own as slaves Somthing to it,not sexist "With every tweet aimed at publicizing and shaming my position on transgenderism, the progressive Left is solidifying my decision to call Bruce Jenner by his given name. ~Bethany Mandel",not sexist Wonder if he died like the woman from Hawaii involved in obummers birth certificate fuckery? An airline that crash-landed a plane and said everyone got out OK admits to one death [URL],not sexist she went to his school to see why he ended up so stupid,not sexist Being a raging misogynist is not exclusive to incels. Plenty of normie dudes treat women like crap.,not sexist Television is fucking stupid,not sexist Jew Lisa Bloom caught paying women to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct Don't notice the (((connection))) between all the worst people trying to undermine our country [URL],not sexist The best programmer in my workplace right now is a woman. She's fucking amazing.,not sexist Behold the power of NEA [CUR]: An actual constituent of Sen. Murkowski couldn't even get her office on the phone re: Betsy DeVos vote. Vote. Her. Out.,not sexist It's a shame that her mother didn't believe in abortion.,not sexist [USER] lol okay ms celebrity 👍,not sexist "Nah. People are attracted to all types. The super model looking Chads & Stacies are boring & artificial looking because their features are synonymous with corporate commodification, as they are used to sell everything.",not sexist wabbits,not sexist Why see a movie that even with normie values would be terrible?,not sexist "Yep, she put ""sanity"" behind her years ago...",not sexist "No common sense is the judge. ""Fuck women, they all deserved to be raped"" ""were better than them and they better stay in their place"" shit like thay is obviously damaging, at least to anything with a fuckin brain in it's skull.",not sexist Unless their daughter becomes a mudshark and surprises daddy with a little niglet. Than they become super duper signally about how they ain't raycis because their princess fucked so many pavement apes she doesn't even know who the progenitor is.,not sexist "I saw her being interviewed for her transphobic beliefs, simply delicious!",not sexist "If you guys are true to your word about your Nazi LARPing, record a video of you surfing /d/ with grandma while you say ""gas the kikes"" and shoot off a few bullets and link it, I want to see this strategy in action.",not sexist We don't hate Jews - Jews hate us.,not sexist "Ephesians VI,this is not a battle of men born of women but rather spiritual forces of evil, from beyond our normal realm.We must put on the full armor of God if we are going to prevail [URL] #MAGA #Trump #GabFam",not sexist "You're a dick man, chivalry is a beautiful thing. Women should be treated with respect, even if they are being bitchy or obnoxious. There is never a reason to be rude to a girl, or a guy for that matter.",not sexist """I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I'll kill you all"" - Gen James Mattis",not sexist Haaave you met me- goddamnit that doesn't work,not sexist I would take a minute and try teach her about my God,not sexist thank you for the insightful post. do you recommend asking her to hang out again in say 2-3 weeks? Or just completely cut off all communication forever? She doesn't even go to my school so I never see her.,not sexist THEN WHY DO PEOPLE IN JAPANESE PORN HAVE PUBES? Fuckin betas don't know *anything*.,not sexist Learn better text game and date game. What steps? Depends on how serious you are about women.,not sexist "If she offered to pay for her own food, I dont think you were being used.",not sexist "TRUMP DEMANDS PRISON FOR HUMA ABEDIN Like her boss, the top Hillary Clinton aide broke espionage laws [URL]",not sexist "So Hillary wasn't the first female president, nor will she be the first impeached female president either",not sexist "if you talk too much on text before the date , you have less to talk about in the actual date. texting should be for logistics only. get to know eachother during the date and remain a mystery for her",not sexist Yes. I'd rather not exist at all than either be surrounded by the idiots in prison or the idiot siphoning my quality of life.,not sexist "I talk to a girl then their retard friends butt in and take her away, so",not sexist Only racists support jewish men marrying jewish women & having jewish children. Israel can & must go fully gay. Why ?...because it's 2017 !!!,not sexist "That was what we used to call ""marriage."" Back then women knew to lock down a man with prospects and help build him up. Now they don't have to suffer through such things...",not sexist "The cherry on top of this revolting mess is literally referring to women as fucking ""HOLES"". *literal gagging*",not sexist "Lol true that, she needs a cowboy hat, then she'd look better. Lmao",not sexist "the same way a freshly baked loaf of bread tastes way better than a hard stale old loaf of bread. She has got a vested interest in getting rid of her stale bread, SO STALE BREAK IS GREAT FOR EVERYONE, BUY IT NOW!",not sexist So that is what u r all like? U gonna commit mass murder?,not sexist "Wow that's Fucking bullshit. I can't stand when a woman says ""girls can't rape guys wtf"" Bonus points if they claim the guy always wants it.",not sexist #truestory They seem to hate the word Jew more than any other label that's for sure. ;),not sexist "Naaa not tryna be mean but i say let it go, three times is plenty! I only ask 2 times. If she's interested she'll ask to hang out or spend time alone as well. But thats just me, you can shoot your shot all day!",not sexist SJW decides its a good idea to attack her company's customers on social network. Now seeking new employment ... [URL],not sexist "Get those little girls THE FUCK off of your perverted laps, you freaks!",not sexist "I would guess most WWII veterans probably see nazis as just enemy combatants. They didn't fight mythical inhuman monsters, they fought an opposing military.",not sexist "Feel sad for white children groving up to all this,.. Betrayed by their own people, mothers fathers granfathers ect, welcomed their own doomsday!",not sexist "If you don't care about social distancing but everything is shut, just offer takeout/cook a meal/drinks at your place. You're on the right track If a girl is going to break rules to meet you, she'll fuck you realistically",not sexist it was like she was looking at human garbage,not sexist She can't let the Dems down or her life may be in danger.,not sexist We're supposed to ask permission before we're allowed to have our first crush on a girl? Fuck these people. Fuck them all the way to hell.,not sexist "I'm just saying I've fucked like 4 white chicks lol , only 1 asian well 2 if you count half white half Asian . My point is I can get white girls (I'm not an incel but I want pointers / advice)",not sexist Another excerpt from the Comey book,not sexist "Push her in what, pig shit?",not sexist "Come on. Homosexuality is normal, for a tiny minority. The problem is that the state has its hooks in marriage. End taxation, thus ending the married filing jointly benefit, and turn marriage into a standard contract.",not sexist she can cry on cue... she must be in drama classes,not sexist Kabballa vitim exposes Jewish sect of ritual devil and ritual practices Mind you Oprah is also a Devil Worshiper that has sold her soul for fame and riches. [URL],not sexist Low IQ. Incel = {Male | Male Virgin N_Maxxed Heterosexual Desires_Sex},not sexist Renze's controversial opinion of the day: abortions should be legal but be paid for by the couple and not by the government. If a woman was raped and proven then the government should pay.,not sexist "I think ""suck it up"" is a pretty generic term used for both men and women. The point being argued here is that telling a man to ""man up"" implies he's not a man if he doesn't suck it up.",not sexist "Yeah like I stubbed my toe and made a peanut butter sandwich today. My kid is great. I'm an awesome mom, when you know they suck at life. It's peoples own little reality show",not sexist "Fuck Kathy Griffen! Oh, wait..she'd like that. Plus, who in the heck could we get to do it? [URL]",not sexist omg look at this little fucking nigger! The disgusting little nigger bastard is wearing a t-shirt bashing faggits! The shit-skin niglet turd is homophobic i hope his alcoholic drug addicted teenage single mother gets locked in prison for this! 😡,not sexist "Once a sleaze, always a sleaze! Bill Clinton insists he doesn't owe Monica Lewinsky an apology for hijacking her life by taking advantage of her while president and says HE'S a victim because he left the White House deeply in debt [URL]",not sexist Emergency call centre staff horrified as migrant 'raped teenager as she dials for help' [URL],not sexist Arnaud Beltrame swapped himself for a female hostage and kept his phone on so police could hear what was going on during terror attack. A true hero. [URL],not sexist "Thank you for those words of wisdom, Mr Chad McThundercock. I'm sure you're winning lots of women over with your nice personality, yeah that's it for sure /s lol what a cuck",not sexist This video of a lovely Mestizo woman will turn you into a Hispanic-loving egalitarian! Feast your awesome male gaze UPON TRUE BEAUTY: [URL],not sexist "I was being facetious. That said If a man believes this: > Promiscuous men don't view themselves as ""sluts,"" but as ""slut makers."" He must in someway associate ""penises"" as ""defiling"" appendages.",not sexist "doubledeath3 hours ago Not many Californians vote for these fools, it's all voter fraud. California is the worst state when it comes to voter fraud. If we can stop the voter fraud I believe almost all these problems will stop. 1",not sexist UK Actress exposed Oprah & Naomi Campbell who was raped by Weinstein minutes after they pimped her to Weinstein [URL] HEY OPRAH YOU LYING PIG WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT NEVER AGAIN BS FAKE SPEECH,not sexist I usually just pull my cock out and tell her to suck it. You'll know real quick if she wants to fuck or not,not sexist "There wasn't enough space in the shelter for two of them. He knew the woman wouldn't have sacrificed herself and her son, so rather than they all die, he sacrificed himself for a noble cause: the survival of the human race.",not sexist "Well, she didn't. They don't have children together and I'm skeptical about the whole making her quit her job thing but who knows, maybe she actually did. I think it was with the expectation that she would get a new one but with less male customers.",not sexist don't grab her ass or lick her boob Thanks for clarifying; I was thinking about doing this but now I won't!1!!,not sexist lol a friend of mine and her brother used to use netbus to purloin MP3s. Does it still exist?,not sexist Boy-girl relationship.,not sexist I was more talking about the instantly calling a girl gorgeous,not sexist I live in NYC. It's fucking awesome. There are hot girls on virtually every street of Manhattan.,not sexist "She wants to braid your tampon strings together and run a 3-legged race. Holy pathetic motherfucker. She, her, her, she, she, she she, motherfucking she. Still orbiting. Stop that shit. If you aren't fucking you're orbiting.",not sexist "If it was pretty easy, then people wouldn't be fucking fat. You're not some sort of genius for saying ""just don't eat crap, bro."" Human nature doesn't give a shit. It will win, 4 times out of 5.",not sexist "Very nice post OP. I can't tell if you live in Asia or the West. Either way, in your opinion do you think it is possible to get Asian women and Asian men who are self hating and white worshiping to stop being that way?",not sexist No because he's an ardent supporter of women's rights and the destruction of western civilisation as we know it yet he sure as fuck wont submit himself to the standards he would impose on everyone else.,not sexist Another executive order. Another assault on the American economy. #DrainTheSwamp [URL],not sexist "[USER]: Let's make one thing clear: #Islamists are the oppressors, not the oppressed. [URL] [URL]",not sexist so your saying all white people are racist? isn't that racist? and why did you avoide the real question. Was Muhammad a pedophile for fucking his 9 year old wife?,not sexist """it's not that hard"" Is that what she told you?",not sexist """There, [USER], the man you must kill!"" Silence upon deaf ears the room did fill. ""She is Anti-White and psychotic."" The mob formed, and she did not feel it ironic.",not sexist "You really don't get it, do you? These ""Dems"" are actually Communists controlled by Red China, trying to weaken and destroy democracy and the USA. They don't want anyone's life to be improved except their own. They want power, and WE are in the way.",not sexist James Woods: Democrats destroy everything they touch... SanFranciscoFecesTown [URL],not sexist your so pretty that it makes it physically painful to read stuff like this. But true LIBERAL GOYS suck.,not sexist Why don't you go ask your mother?,not sexist "Sweet, it would be weird if this swept the nation like a mania. The goyisha women rising up, ferocious and indignant, bringing low every jewish degenerate. We'd be like, 'well, damn mamma'.",not sexist Only in #islam do they consider female genital mutilation a good thing. It's barbaric and disgusting,not sexist "Asian is ok, be a hard working slave and do white men's shit. Blacks are hated because they have huge dicks and steal white women Edit : my bad, didn't realise all minorities are fucked",not sexist "So when she comes out all dressed up I'll go with ""wow.. you look so smart!"" Got it. 😂",not sexist I've attracted 3 gay dudes the last few days but women seem completely uninterested in me?,not sexist "just a bunch of pigs! no morals, no values, no nothing! I have no time for them... thanks for sharing...",not sexist It's a dog poking it's nose through a hole in a fence. Not even nyberg is dumb enough to have pedobear as a picture.,not sexist And there we have it. Wanting a partner who shares your sexual history and your values amounts to hatred of women. Would you be saying that if I was a woman seeking a virgin groom?,not sexist "Swedes certainly are shocked when I tell them about alimony in the US, but then think it's perfectly fine when a 50-50 division of wealth and assets occur at divorce or separation.",not sexist """She had to come to America because her house was bombed during the war."" LMAO, this guy wants us to believe that his retarded family was in Germany, got bombed by the Allies, and then fled to America. HA HA HA! OK, ""fellow American."" HA HA HA HA!",not sexist "We have their Pictures, now we need to send a CIA Hit team to hunt them down & Kill them. These Muslim pieces of shit are free because of the USA. Oh, I forgot, the CIA is busy trying to overthrow the Government and Constitution of the USA.",not sexist The fact that there is a special prosecutor investigating social media post instead of mass shootings is fucking infuriating and sinister.,not sexist "I met a woman at work that introduced herself as ""DaQUeen"" HAHA",not sexist Shoulda kicked him in the balls. Either one of them. Those guys in dresses. I just don't know.,not sexist "shes going to do all things be all things cause her mama says she's going to be first woman presidnet. Used to get her on twitter, she is disgusting",not sexist Why does it matter if she's religious?,not sexist "It's all about THEIR sick lives, THEIR self inflicted madness. The baby is incidental and collateral damage. So yeah, poor kid. May God look over her, nevertheless.",not sexist Having his dumbass children.,not sexist You need to get over this shit. Just let them have their way with you. First world problems.,not sexist "she's right faggots, man up or lay down and rot",not sexist "Don't txt her bullshit, just set up a date.",not sexist Never could have guessed that a rich guy would make the tax cut bill work for him -- and not the middle class,not sexist "And I wondered if Kerouac was Jewish. It doesn't appear so. His mother's maiden name is Levesque, which could be related to Levi, which is about 90% Jewish. But she wasn't Jewish religiously and neither was Jack. [URL]",not sexist Starting to feel insecure because she's fucked a lot of Chads who haven't stuck around.,not sexist "you got friend-zoned. The best thing to do is drop cold turkey, and if she wants something more she'll find her way back to you. Screw being an unpaid support worker",not sexist [USER] 🙏 Thoughts and prayers always. #GabFam is here for you! I hope she kicks cancer's ass.,not sexist If this was about sexual assault why wouldn't she want to talk to prosecutor that specializes in sex crime? [URL],not sexist "as a woman your advice is not very helpful when it comes to men's dating. you are bias and not giving accurate advice. you haven't participated in game, so you haven't seen the reality and you don't know what works",not sexist "Who does Jenner think she is, Hillary Clinton? [URL]",not sexist "You can do it girl, and I expect to see you tearing the bullseye up by mid summer.",not sexist "Latinas and girls from Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal and Italy). I've given up on Japanese women many years ago.",not sexist Nobody [USER] - She thinks she has a large audience; but it's just a few #LoserLefties [URL],not sexist She was kicked off of youtube for praising you and National Socialism. Also virulent hatred of Jews. I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. [USER],not sexist "That sucks, that's the reason I only use it for posting clip stuff and not much commentary. Really hate social media to be honest.",not sexist "Looks like the ""Religion of Peace"" Has struck again, 6 dead 15 injured so far in Manhatten attack with a van running down bicyclists.At least the dead and injured don't have to worry about being RACIST! N.Y. is a ""Sancutuary State""",not sexist "This is what Trump supports - Here is what Pedophile JEWS did to German women & children Hitler deported them. they settled in Hollywood,CA created the Film & Porn Industry in USA which they used to destroy America from within [URL]",not sexist "My favorite lines: *""Chee's beautiful, meng. Look at those tiddies!""* *Tony Montana:* *""Look at that punk with her. What's he got that I don't have?""*",not sexist "No malice contrived by mankind can destroy true spiritual love, twins cannot be separated by evil, the spiritual link is always there, divinity will always triumph ❤️",not sexist "Shame, shame, your white privilege is showing.",not sexist Nope it's facts. You're probably a black person that is major coping or a cucked white soy numale,not sexist Why are u all blaming Ryan? Trump backed that shitty bill that failed.,not sexist Goodbye everybody. We had a good run. [URL],not sexist there was a dude and his daughter in it right? fuck I need that video,not sexist The police have been a huge help to me while investigating my wife's murder. They believed my alibi.,not sexist What she says. [URL],not sexist "inb4 people specially women are gonna be like ""wow you were mean! but dont stress about it its over now nobody has to suffer anymore and you can find true love!""",not sexist "#DonaldTrump tells a protester at his #Duluth, Minnesota rally, ""Go home to your mom, darling"": [URL]",not sexist "If you want to hose down the air an AK works fine, but if you want o hit the mark you better rethink that statement. Death from afar in open ground and the AK is a close range spray and pray type weapon.",not sexist "They're ALWAYS trying to find a loophole where they're ""allowed"" to rape. World would be better without them.",not sexist So you can have 2 women pms.... ROCK FUCKING ON!!! Lolol,not sexist Is it wrong to spank your wife for being stupid?,not sexist "My girlfriend asked me if I could try fisting her... I said ""No, there won't be any of that crap... not on my watch.""",not sexist "Way to piss away the women vote, Democrats! [URL]",not sexist The next frame should be the blonde running after the guy with the wheel barrow.,not sexist """her baby's father"" - you mean her *rape victim.* Funny how they never get that right when it's a boy being victimized.",not sexist Who'd have guessed a hideous land-manatee would be sensitive about its appearance?,not sexist Cali got BROWNER and that is how BROWN got in time to bring in the white S Africans and make Cali white and blonde again plus they can farm for us,not sexist Epic Heartiste treatment of this week's cat lady shrew march. [URL],not sexist WELL..... DAMN!!! [URL],not sexist "But mom what? Seems like you feel some type of shame in approaching women. Nothing is wrong with it, doesn't matter who is there. It's either your relationship with your mom or your perception of approaching women, what's so bad about it?",not sexist Exactly who will be feeding these niggarian girls once whites are a minority in their own lands?,not sexist This pedo-protector Governor just got a BIG FAT PAYMENT from a Soros group! Oregon people should be livid that she sold out their safety for [CUR] when we have enemies currently trying to penetrate ALL of our borders and coastlines right now! [URL],not sexist Yes he is... Arrest his dumb ass!,not sexist "Never apologize. be selfish. ""I'm a high value guy. girls want to fuck me. she could have texted me to see where I was if she really wanted to see me. another girl beat her to me."" -that's the kind of mentality I should have right?",not sexist This piece of crap for a president is trying to scuttle the ship of the U.S. before he leaves office with midnight orders. [URL],not sexist "NO, not a coincidence... Low IQ Blacks are very violent, they have no conscience, no soul. They are just subhuman killing machines.",not sexist """Feel this."" *girl grabs your muscles* -DONE",not sexist "Mixed emotions about Joss, like watching your mother-in-law drive your new convertible off a cliff! He's an SJW Hebra-Kike 'n' he sux. BUT..... ""Firefly"" & ""Serenity""!! As Forrest would say, ""An' that's ALL ah have ta SAY about that.....""",not sexist "My bad, ""If"" he would be in bed with her",not sexist "Yeah right , how do you define "" having your shit together ""?!",not sexist More suicides of the Wealthy Lindsay Jacoby Wall Street recruiter 40 jumps from her luxury apartment. Will Cardon Republican commits suicide. Ran against Flake in 2012.,not sexist [USER] EXACTLY RIGHT -- It is ALL about CONTROL! NOTE: IT is a SPECIAL KIND OF EVIL to maintain an erection while abusing someone else (male or female).,not sexist [USER] she has too many leftist friends and is deluded into a benevolent government.... or at least one that wont actively seek out destruction,not sexist Why do men complain to women about the shit they created for themselves.,not sexist Love her voice! First time I've heard her. Thanks!,not sexist Remember when the German lady was kicked from behind down the stairs? Well here's the scum that did it [URL] #MEGA #SpeakFreely #GabFam,not sexist 16 girls can do a hella alot of damage when organized.,not sexist "Well, Im no hot-head, as my wife can attest...I burn cold.",not sexist Ivanka should have the Doctor of Common Sense as one of her bodyguards. [URL] MAGA#Trump,not sexist "(*""it's not necessarily a bad thing just an observation""* 🙄). This is such a cop out. Same with the ""We aren't shitting on women we are just learning to love them *for what they are* rhetoric. Just own it.",not sexist I used to get compliments from my much older married female co-workers when I was still a wagie. They would always flirt with me and some would even straight up ask me for sex even though they were married. That was over two years ago.,not sexist "God Bless You Clint ,You Tell It like it is :-))",not sexist Anna APPLE: BEN RHODES NOTHING BUT A CRIMINAL LYING THUG BEN DON'T LET YOUR MOUTH OVERLOAD YOUR A** WE THE PATRIOTS WOKE UP & ALL OF YOUR CORRUPTION IS COMING FULL CIRCLE [URL],not sexist "To my fellow Jewish brothers and sisters, it is time to admit that 6 million minus millions does not equal 6 million.",not sexist "Sorry, but ""trans men"" don't exist, just cosplaying eunuchs.",not sexist "OMG! Did you just assume its gender? Dats a female, you can tell because it has a long ovipositer sticking out of it's butt which it uses to pierce plant stems to inject the eggs.",not sexist Your school sounds like a cesspool of bullshit,not sexist "Serena Williams Looks like a Bully, talks like a bully, behaves like a bully...and well, she's a bully",not sexist The news cycle is so crazy that yesterday a playmate said she slept with Trump as a friend watched and it isn't even mentioned today because of a porn star who slept with the president. Plus some shit is going on in Syria or something:,not sexist """I read it and was like, 'What the f. Of course he totally knew how old she was. That's why there's no nudity in the movie."" Alec Baldwin: dirty old man [URL]",not sexist "Hell yeah OP! Just by reading the scenario you described, I'd ask her out quicker than quick! (given that you two vibe)..the dude above mentioned coffee..not bad. Go for the number close and some quick drinks later no pressure",not sexist Not true about older women neglecting the fact that a relationship is possible with someone younger.,not sexist I think you should work on the misogeny before you worry about picking up these girls. Why such disrespect? Hard to read this.,not sexist "Stoopid motherfuker, wtf is the matter? Can't take on two projects at once? Enjoy not getting laid....",not sexist "I still feel this way. I'm new, but I feel as though, if I were to seduce, fuck, and then just leave I'd be *using* the girls. I've always been taught that it was wrong.",not sexist #muslimes Dalai Lama says 'Europe belongs to Europeans' and refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them - Geller Report [URL],not sexist Thanks! First FFM threesome. I've tag-teamed a few girls before.,not sexist Sounds like your plan's fine to me. What else can you do more than making out on a hike? You can't finger bang her in the middle of the woods,not sexist "If you want to defile your body on the outside and then harm it on the inside by depriving it of the nutrients it needs, that's up to you. No one says you can't do it. Just be prepared for a difference of opinion. Like mine saying both are stupid.",not sexist "And, nothing will happen! Not 1 god dam thing. Hillary could walk down the street with a bloody sack of babies heads and the media will say aww, see how much she cares about children!",not sexist "All that I can see judging from her looks and her body language is that she is a nasty, bitter, sour, arrogant and smug woman, without even a modicum of self-reflection or modesty.",not sexist there's a way to do pick up effectively and actually get laid. there's also a way to be a complete idiot about it though,not sexist Merit favours men and communism favours women? What do you propose then? I view meritocracy as a sustainable ideology that doesn't OWE people things and services due to race or sex or ideological purity.,not sexist "My second joke: ""My family is just like the Cosby's. We might not be perfect but my father did rape over 50 women.... allegedly."" did pretty well. Might have to make that an opener.",not sexist "Will Warren call her racist, too?... [URL]",not sexist "My ex-wife was the worst housekeeper ever, apart from after the divorce. Then she kept the fucking house.",not sexist Stacy means attractive girl. Never a hope with them.,not sexist This is what happens when you promise to raise taxes....let brown illegal scum in....let men go in womens' bath rooms...allow transgender freaks in the military...and promise to take our guns!,not sexist "Tina 'FEYL': Sexist comedian scolds 'educated white women' for voting Trump, gets SCHOOLED [URL]",not sexist "My God, she was hip to the game the whole time!",not sexist "Before this gets deleted, she probably meant to block someone else and fat-fingered your name. Or you're leaving something out.",not sexist "This is some serious incel Alex Jones caliber conspiracy stuff. Just jerk off and GYOW dude, you've got semen seeping out of your balls, the desperation is thick.",not sexist "RT [USER]: Jodie Whittaker, the first female Doctor Who, gets a boisterous welcome in her first appearance at #Comic-Con. She says it's been emotional seeing the fan reaction to her casting. [URL]",not sexist "Look how red his nose is! I bet this guys drinks like an alcoholic fish, or at least as much as his lush booze hound wife.",not sexist The simple answer is for them to stop marrying their cousins. That way there will have less disabled children and other children will remain safe.,not sexist She is seriously adorable. Thank you for sending her picture.,not sexist I agree with [USER] (the name was a coincidence) What she did was dumb and stupid. Not evil.,not sexist "Johnnie lost her pregnant granddaughter to the drug game last year, and now it seems to want to grab her grandson, well she will not allow that. When the dealers showed up to get paid, they threaten her but she had something waiting for them. [URL]",not sexist [USER] I never involved my parents in my shanagins...why can't she let me live in blissful ignorance 😹,not sexist "#5 35 ""This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.""",not sexist "LMAO! I'm quietly hoping [USER] posts to you, just so I can watch you stomp a mudhole in her! 😂",not sexist 3 women and 10 men. Because I'm a woman you blowhard.,not sexist diversity' in the name of de-mock-racy makes for INSANITY... Give me hierarchy based on ability over the sham any time...,not sexist "just the inside of your wallet: cash, bank cards, credit cards, debit cards. That is the inside that matters to femoids.",sexist They get the initial chance because they are attractive. But women flock to them because they see other women flocking to them. Penguins hesitating to jump off the iceberg.,sexist ugly chicks A pussy is a pussy.,sexist fuck her off with a nine mm this is what you get when an arab fucks a monkey.,sexist How about I talk shit to an idiot like you? Are you a nazi like that bitch?,sexist If you want to attack culture and norms you have to go after the women themselves and call them out on their shit.,sexist "Nah, black women still get more replies on tinder than even white men do. Their female privilege cancels out their black disadvantage.",sexist dumb ass women today ask more why you are not divorced and collecting huge alimony checks,sexist Men can be whores also.,sexist Husbands. Kill your piece of shit commie wives,sexist lol. [USER] deleted his post. why do the little bitches always manage to act so predictably?,sexist Post a link with a man arguing that rape and murder is okay on this sub because it's natural other wise your telling men to not trust what a woman says on an issue because this one obviously didnt put much thought into their what aboutism,sexist But first.... That bitch better get her ass in the kitchen and make me a sammich.,sexist "Men only agree with raging bitches (or should I say ""agree"") when they want to screw them. Being old and dried-up negates any chance of men even pretending to care what these women have to say.",sexist Shove PORK down her THROAT!,sexist "Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe is a disgusting fascist and the opposite of everything I believe. With that said, I would still bang the hell out of her! #GabFam #Gab [URL]",sexist Men and women can be friends but not in the way a same-gender friendship operates. A friendship between a man and a woman will never be the same as a friendship between two men or between two women. Happy holidays.,sexist Commie Lee is going to start a new career as a street whore to make way for proud brown woman in Senate [URL] #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia,sexist The world is filled with cunty women. Take solace in the fact that most of them will die bitter and alone with their 10 cats.....who will eat their faces off when they're dead.,sexist "Chained Bitches IV. Hands down. OR, talk to her about it. I'd lean more towards horror movies, they are a good excuse to get close and ""protect"" her. Comedies are also fun and take off nervousness.",sexist I'm just saying I'd like to marry a woman that makes at least as much money as me. I'm not interested in being a breadwinner and being seen as a success object. This is how many men feel and I don't think women are cognizant of this,sexist Classic toxic white females,sexist "oh yah, a whole group of nawalts are going to band together and fight on the behalf of men, and go against their own female interests.",sexist just demonstrates the wild lack of agency women still fight to retain. equal rights without equal responsibilities was a serious mistake.,sexist "It's always a fucking foid who does this shit. The only thing these disgusting, primitive creatures care about is the way you look. Personality doesn't even register in their hypergamous monkey brains.",sexist I voted on that one. Fuck those blm pussies,sexist until she divorce rapes him.,sexist Buy the ring. Insure it. Let her wear it for awhile. Pay someone to steal from her. Collect the insurance. Split the resale value with the thief. She will be too scared to want a big ring. Buy a cheap band. Turn a profit.,sexist shes ugly af in both tho. looks like a tranny on the right,sexist As Roosh said having discussions with woman is a waste of time anyway,sexist "*Porn causes unrealistic expectations* Just wow. Is she aware of the average woman's laundry list of requirements? Give it time, they'll try to ban porn and masturbation eventually.",sexist "Rule one: No woman can be incel, only volcel.",sexist "Maybe the display should have read. - Act like a bitch girls, get treated like a whore. - This would be with keeping with the current times.",sexist "That is why modern dating is fucked up really. Women burn and hurt most men when young and men stop caring about what women want. Or worse yet, men burn women out of revenge.",sexist "Futas don't exist, and traps have same requirements as regular femoids.",sexist "Moral(fag) relativism is like a fifty year old hooker on a meth binge, Gets ugly real fast. (Always turns into a teen girls revenge fantasy)",sexist Ps whore when are you leaving this country ... never she is too fat and stupid,sexist "You are an utterly dumb cunt . You can't even trigger me, i just feel sorry 4 your sperm and your entourage . You need a chill and a night with a fine woman bruv",sexist How many people are on #Gab just to bitch about being on #Gab? Raise your hands. Then go the fuck back to Twitter.,sexist There is no way to do so without enslaving yourself to a woman and the state.,sexist "Most people these days know, that if a white male dates or marries an Asian female, he must have somthing wrong with him and is a loser.",sexist "And some women fuck for money. It could be a meal, a bauble, bling, or a marriage. Yes, some women are whores.",sexist "So you want to kill all Men and straight women. That will leave just lesbians who will then all die off. Brilliant plan. Lol. And more importantly... with just dumb lesbians around, who will make the latte or program the remote? 😱",sexist "Sessions is a useless NWO pussy. California mayor escalates 'sanctuary city' war, and Sessions returns fire [URL]",sexist "[USER] most moms are no sex at all, from all the complaints I hear.",sexist "Of course. But women always want attention, lest you forget them or focus on something meaningful.",sexist This is a place FOR THE LULZ! The only time women come up is when we are MAKING FUN OF THEM!,sexist "you claimed that your people are special victims, then admit that other people have gone through worse tragedies. that was the argument. you just lost you stupid cunt.",sexist Sigh ... that mangina again ... pretending to be mgtow. He used to have a picture of himself with a woman over him (like a domina) in his profile picture on YT.,sexist Most of these women don't even care about Star Wars as much as they care about invading Male spaces to impose their will on weak men.,sexist "The term ""asshole"" always seems to indicate he treats the girl badly. Femoids want an ""asshole"" who treats everyone else badly except them so they can feel like a special princess. Even worse really",sexist OooooO?! Seeing how Chelsea Clinton could have been born into current her position now helps clear a few things up. Did Hitler like spirit cooking dinners like the hag does? Do Hillary's Grandrabies look like Webby?,sexist "You just contradicted yourself. They are some of the most well known rich celebrities, automatically that removes them from being a good example. If anyone was that rich they'd be swimming in pussy.",sexist I predict some feminists will blame this on male oppression of women and that we need to get more women into those dangerous jobs. [URL],sexist Thanks feminism for showing real female nature openly. Thank you for making MGTOW the unstoppable force it is.,sexist She didn't even post her location. JFL one more femoid roastie to lead us on. She would have pm'd one of us instead of making a post about it. Classic attention seeker behavior.,sexist "Well, she is one pathetic whore pinp, and McCabe's attorney jettisoned off, so there is that.",sexist Dumb cunt ! The only thing she'll remove ... is the crust from her filthy cock tunnel !!! And that's on a good day when she feels like taking care of her hygiene.,sexist "I wish she'd question me....""Um, no, you're a cunt. Have a nice day!""",sexist "Male expendability theory, females have more value because they can only reproduce once a period, men can impreganate thousands",sexist "I can't see any way to do that without it being very ugly, but there is no doubt that women's suffrage has been disastrous. Democracy is a failed experiment, anyway.",sexist "Your T levels suck, fix it. your porn sucks, fix that too Your wife is probably unattractive. Get her on a diet. Whether or not these fix your problems, you should be doing them anyways",sexist "[USER] Yeah, liberal women are so dumb they almost deserve the destruction that would befall them if they were thrown among muslims. Liberal women are about hopeless, they really are.",sexist Fart jokes are interesting because all cultures and ethnicities find it funny. The same applies with hypergamy. All women are hypergamous regardless of race or ethnicity.,sexist flat chested girls are little brothers to guys,sexist lmfao i didnt even notice that. I saw she/ and my brain immediately classified that person as retarded and ignored the rest...,sexist "I wouldn't be surprised if women find the strong conquerer dominating-type warrior-chad hot, even if they are the enemy and they killed the men from your village.",sexist All the muzzies she stumped for LOST !! And to add to the poopoo platter of shit she spews The upper middle class is gone 🙄🙄 Keep this ignorant bitch in the forefront please,sexist "What?! Nia is a cunt! She made bill get rid of his drums, his dog (which SHE adopted without telling him) , wont let him take flying lessons he wanted to. Shes such a bitch to him and he couldve done so much better.",sexist "You'd be surprised what girls will do for their alpha, especially after taking her virginity. She could be lying. Or not. Anyone could be lying at any time",sexist All women are just Children with breast,sexist The hypocrisy. Sarah Champion was equalities minister & beat her husband. She only got removed when she spoke about pakistani rape gangs. Yes labour are trying to protect women. [URL],sexist "That's one thing that's always been true about Erick Erickson. He'll run his fat mouth about something like he has a pair, but if somebody fires back he runs and hides like a woman. He's always done that. He's a complete little bitch.",sexist "The only thing Richard Spencer could destroy is his little sister's pussy, while his dad watches",sexist [USER] Dude #BabesofGab are ON FIRE 🔥 And last but not least is my fav woman & #pussy of them all!,sexist Notice the difference in the natural waistline of a REAL female as opposed to the build of a male.,sexist The only thing strong independent women need is a dominant man. I have a feeling she'll be chasing you after you eject.,sexist This unholy seditious cunt bitch is going too far [URL],sexist "Wasn't she married to Anthony at that time too? LOL, cheating lying fucking bitch",sexist Fucking disgusting you can see the kid trying to hold on single motherhood is a plague avoid that shit AT ALL COST,sexist Anyone who doesn't hate women is a cuck.,sexist The drama queen is just another open borders cry baby communist bitch ass Globalist who deserves to be quartered by a team of wild horses.,sexist [CUR]12 an hour as a receptionist vs [CUR]12 an hour as a construction grunt in the summer. There is a definite labor gap in the inherent work women and men get chosen for,sexist "Not all women were on board the feminist equality shit wagon. Thanks feminists😡 My daughter has to live with the consequences of 'equality'. Working full time, buggered and too tired to just be a mum. Dad's buggered too, working hard just to get by.",sexist "I hate that expression - ""Happy wife, happy life"" because it suggests that a man should just do what his wife tells him to do or she will make his life unhappy. Of course, that is true in many marriages in the West.",sexist "Dear young white girl, femininity and traditionalism is beautiful and family life will fulfill you. ❤️🤗",sexist "Oh and here's the best part: [[URL] She claims that she knows CPR in case a dog is choking. Bitch, YOU'RE ON CAMERA CHOKING YOUR OWN DOG BY PICKING IT UP OFF THE GROUND BY THE NECK.",sexist "They are all childless ""career"" women, regardless of being married or not. What did the hell did they think their lives were going to be?",sexist That's all you lasted? I should send you to your bitchy sister-in-law for training!,sexist Bro youre just a women with a dick lmao. Jk jk,sexist "3/10 whte, fat feminist Just beat her to death after four kids.",sexist These women are trying to make you live a life in accordance with their own agenda. Fuck that. This is YOUR life.,sexist "Men were traditionally the defenders of the family, now they have to protect the family from food undercooked by the women.",sexist "HB4 and you are hamstering how to handle her? Just ask her out and smash first night, you are doing her a favor. Don't even waste time worrying about details she should be easy if your SMV is high enough.",sexist Someone who listens to a girl bitch about her bf,sexist Femininity is more support/passive. So i guess it is true,sexist This establishment pussy couldn't fight his way out of his lace panties.,sexist Ha good point. Forget physical differences if he decked her I would say bitch had it coming!,sexist "I don't get this. How can this men don't see the red flags? I would leave and forget the bitch, or get another one in the same night.",sexist Hey since this Muzzie Shitstain hates America so much let's send back to her Turd World Shithole so she can get Raped and Murdered. Stupid Muzzie cunts!!,sexist I would've beat her with the pot. Probably not his baby anyway,sexist "ANOTHER young girl tells MTV off. THIS is a good sign to see young people, esp. females (most vulnerable to SJW lies, sadly) ridiculing this crap for the garbage it is. [URL]",sexist "I think if it came to defending the west, distinctions won't be made because the enemy won't ever play by the rules. The women are equally vile because they absorb the indoctrination with great fervor. This ideology is very dangerous.",sexist Is that her? How the fuck she take down criminals? Suck their dick?,sexist "How can they? They are just evil. Evilness does exist, especially in soul-less witches. Feminists are the #1 ennemy of women.",sexist "By the dictionary definition, maybe. By the commonly understood definition, fuck no. Modern feminism isn't about equality or women, it's about preserving feminism.",sexist "It's why we dress women up, romanticize and idealize them, etc. All of it obscures the ugly truth of it. And so long as you have functioning monogamous marriage, men never have to know better. Nobody benefits more than women themselves.",sexist "if she is so perfect why her husband presumably cheated on her? also, she don't understand that men need variety. how long can you go with just one vagina? ;p besides, hello: [URL]",sexist Actually rape is ineffective because the woman won't want to keep a baby that's forced on her. That's why we have shit like love.,sexist "[USER] more money in 1 day than in all her so called run? This is why no one trust's this shitty parties, the bitch is playing with fire",sexist It's bad enough that the Boy Scouts are now admitting girls.......but who allowed this cunt in?,sexist I'm beginning to see why women weren't allowed in politics or allowed to vote.,sexist "There are also female MENSA members. O...K.... I'm curious where you think I argued otherwise. > Still, neither group is likely to be successful based on that. Men also have higher IQ variations among them. Ditto.",sexist how are men better at art and music? there's simply no proof of this. men are better at STEM. this isn't debatable. but music and art?,sexist Woman control 80% of consumer spending. This means that is women that buy all the dumb shit. All this dumb shit has to be made and making it and transporting it causes co2 and global climate bullshit. It's women who are the MAIN DRIVERS of CO2.,sexist "[USER] I totally agree. It is normal ""guy talk"". Every man (at some time in his life) has said similar things about a woman. It is normal. No big deal. And yes, women say things too. #Trump will always have my vote & support! #MAGA",sexist Someone reply and wind her up. What a cunt.,sexist Lol no he isn't. You ladies shit test alot and that is a common one.,sexist I don't have Netflix...but she's the bitch who mocked Sarah Sanders.,sexist "Yeah I figured they'd be more desperate than me to escape their Indian families and gross Indian men but nope, they're still female and still part of the female hive mind.",sexist "Dude.. She is a prostitute. Fuck her, do not date her.",sexist "First they need to check to see if IT was a he or a she back then. With 57 different genders the Dems believes there are,, we need to know if Ford was a ""She"" that could be vaginally raped.",sexist Get fucked you stupid old hag. Why dont you go protect your baby dick suckers and fuck off. Stupid degenerate trash.,sexist Im sure she does. All women have back up. You may even be her number 2. She likes the attention and validation. Learn game and stop cucking,sexist "Your daughter's just a young kid misbehaving. Your wife, on the other hand, is an ungrateful, worthless bitch. Treat her accordingly.",sexist "The Mediterranean countries are fucking hellholes. I have heard from some expats that dating in Central Europe (France, Germany etc.) is easier and that women do approach men. Here they never approach, even chad need work hard to get pussy",sexist Because she's a manipulative bitch.,sexist "Maybe if she wouldn't be a bitch every time she's on her period.... Also, she needs a super overnight maxi tampon to stuff in her mouth.",sexist Wonder who she fucked to get that,sexist Her problems with being a slut doesn't stem from morality but because chicks like that accumulate damage. But it's like an opportunity thing.,sexist LMAO I would beat this little shit up and fuck his mom,sexist Glasses. A bitchy attitude but also extremely submissive. Nose rings.,sexist Intentionally spill some wine on her and hope she takes off her clothes,sexist "lmao, any female who calls herself a bbw needs to be exterminated.",sexist "She WILL cheat on you in college, if she hasn't already! Keep the power, and be free and happy. Dump her, block her and go your own way.",sexist "Hey Justin, we've all seen your Ho, and the gutter thug isn't up to the standards of our President. Why don't you get some Mudslime Nigger to suck your wife's dick? You can really be culturally inclusive then.",sexist Sounds like she was one of those stupid girls trying to play out a rape fantasy without any forethought or preparation.,sexist "While I do agree on both being degenerate things, with prostitutes the man is guarenteed sex but never a relationship, and with e-sluts they get neither.",sexist the only thing I can think of that she/it can be compared to is a backed up septic tank,sexist The lord also says that women are not to speak unless spoken too first. Nor are they to ever assume any authority over a man... EVER. This whore needs to crawl back to her harem and stay where she belongs.,sexist "I walk around my moms house and call her a normie cunt when I see her on Facebook, fucking slut marrying that step chaddy daddy",sexist RT AnnCoulter Cory Booker & Kamala Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings. [URL],sexist Rule of thumb: if it's attractive to men it's sexual exploitation. If it disgusts men (slut walk) then it's empowering.,sexist Don't forget the father who let her go on an Eat Pray Love straycation. The only crime here is that they didn't finish stoning the whore.,sexist I'd love to fucking kick her ass,sexist "[USER] I may be in the minority but I get a kick out of the female form, even dressed like that. Provided, of course, that there's nothing extra visible and hanging over :)",sexist If Laura Loomer talked to me I would consider it sexual assault and punch her nose back to kosher,sexist "it is my business when some moron on this earth is behaving like an animal. it's because of people like that that things like radical feminism exists, because they are essentially brain dead.",sexist "That bitch is stupid and dangerous. She's a parasite, she only knows death and destruction",sexist "kek Femoids are too funny man. The entitlement and expectation that you become her lapdog just because she has a vagina is unreal. Don't give into your thirst, unless she is some super hot mega milf.",sexist "I wouldn't disagree when every man is the governments bitch to be lol 😁, all he needs is a woman hahaha",sexist Well duh I'm not gonna knock some bitch's teeth out because she slaps me... Now if she comes at me with a fucking knife or something the gloves are off I'm not lying down and dying for any dumb self entitled cunt.,sexist Mikey Moore is a Liberal Intellectual stewing in lard. Morbid obesity is a rare condition for intellectuals. He and his mommy seem to have the same predilections.,sexist "It's amazing how often they resort to trying to solve a problem with sex. It's like get a fucking hobby or learn to communicate, bitch.",sexist it must suck being non white ugly stupid and who is your Daddy ??Like Obammi his mother was a whore did he really know his real father,sexist "I think it should be like in biblical times. Im an atheist, but yeah arranged marriage and no women's rights is fine by me.",sexist "At least the guy was right for calling her a female. A woman doesn't hit a guy. Ever. AND she got what she asked for, just not all of it, she's still standing. Now, let the down voting begin, please. ]=)",sexist Here we go....yea whales are sexy too...what would a woman know about raising a boy [URL],sexist "Please shoot her, she's also very cringe worthy",sexist "Former BBC journalist Thuto Mali says that universal credit is now a woman's rights issue as it's affecting her finances. If she wants to open her legs and sprew a sprog that's her problem , my problem is I'm not willing to finance the sprog",sexist "Creepy porn lawyer claiming this woman was a victim of Kavanaugh from 30+ years ago. If it were true, a police report would have been filed 30 years ago. [URL]",sexist So whores > queens. Mmmmmmmmmmmmk.,sexist Indian women could give inferiority complex to western white women in whoredom if given the chance. Not surprised... Kama Sutra!,sexist Thank you for all the women who are still sensible.,sexist Nobody cares about your emotions unless you're female,sexist and if he makes less than her...he is a loser dead beat husband...yet men never shamed women in the past for making 0[CUR]...,sexist "Well guess what boys, TV ad featuring a group of women secretly watching a man getting undressed is not sexist or offensive, the ASA have ruled. No doubt if the roles had been reversed....... [URL]",sexist "ugly men do not exist for women, so her 'average' is 8/10, an 'ugly' is a 7 and hot is a 9.",sexist Female advice....may as well self immolate afterwards,sexist Here's a retarded bitch that had a Chinese spy as her chauffer for 20 years. Who knows what kind of damage she has done to America because of her stupidity.,sexist "She's just not interested bro. >I just don't get it. She's not that bad, she could have had a few men just a couple of years back, and could have them now also. Instead, she prefers to keep her pussy tight and die lonely than having some fun.",sexist "I think you're giving these vapid whores too much credit.Even if you were a chad, you will never have true love and meaningful life with a foid like that.Deep down,you know she's a whore and that she's staying with you because of how you look.",sexist Oh no! Another drunken slut co-ed touched a penis 38 years ago! Imagine our shock! Vagzooka attack Incoming! C'mon girls don't be silly. [URL],sexist "So are you saying that martial arts classes tend to have both men and women? Then just don't fight the women, since a man fighting a woman is like a teenager fighting a 5 year old.",sexist Meanwhile 100% of THEM will sit around in their 30's with cobwebs in their pussy wondering why no man wants them! Jokes on them misandrist assholes!,sexist "I don't think it is so much that women are unhappy, but claiming they are is a way of making sure that men, who they positively don't need and are superior to, are not doing enough for them.",sexist "You can be respectful and respectful one can be, an absolute gentleman, but asking a woman out IRL if you're not a Chad could land you a sexual assault charge. That's how far we've come as a society.",sexist It's different if you're a woman. Spreading your legs just gives you sex,sexist It's actually quite impressive to see how plugged in people are. This woman is so obviously an attention whore but that clashes with their instinctual pussy worshipping. Cognitive dissonance ensues,sexist There's not enough alcohol in the world to make her attractive. Lying skank.,sexist "wait, wut? Rape slave? inanimate objects can now be raped? lmfao you women are insane.",sexist "That's too much hard work for women. Their idea of seduction is to get their hair and nails done, paint her face like a whore, and wear lingerie. That's all the entire fucking gender is able to come up with. They don't know how to do anything else.",sexist "I am short and would absolutely love a tall girl, actually would prefer one cause I wouldn't want a potential son to have a higher chance of being a manlet. But it doesn't matter, tall women don't want shorter men.",sexist then you'll get no pussy.... lmao,sexist You sound like a fucking pussy. Seriously you're going to use her for sexting? While you're playing phone games with her the next guy will be having sex with her.,sexist gender neutral bathrooms. smh. i'd stand 3ft away and really hold my dick out like a spitting snake so every woman could see. fuck them. they are the ones that wanted this shit.,sexist I never want to see a woman ever again. I hate them with all of my heart. Screw them all to hell. The only reason I got matched in Ukraine is cause those girls had aids.,sexist At least he makes money with his cringe youtube. Wtf does she offer other than vagina?,sexist Just hang her and put us all out of our misery.,sexist "Ya. Guess where she is now? Dead. RIP, crazy Cathylick bitch. Mutey time, DJ nigga. :)",sexist "Yeah if I had so little self esteem and nothing but self hatred, i could fuck a few sub 5, single mom thots or post wall thots. But honestly why??? Rather be an incel.",sexist lol nobody cares what you have to say rostie go suck down xanax some cheep box wine and kill yourself,sexist Damn marriage even sucked back then. Wonder what the tradcucks are going to say now since they think everything was peachy back in the day. Sure females were under more patriarchal control back then but they were still uber cunts to deal with.,sexist You're allowed to have problems. You're not allowed to simultaneously bitch about those problems while digging your own hole.,sexist The problem is they accept all the way down to a 20MCAT if a colored vagina is present at Harvard as Asians with perfect SAT's rejected there found out.,sexist "And there we have the root cause of the ""white male problem""... white women are to blame",sexist Wait! I got the next wonder woman plot. A man identifying as wonder woman and does it better! Think it'll fly? 😁😂🤣😉,sexist 7 figures in Architecture?...sure...if you're the owner of a top design firm. 6 figures?...sure...nearing the end of a 30 year career. Typical female delusions of grandeur for her social media sisters. With any luck he'll tell her to go pound sand.,sexist At least you have a decent penis. Some girls will reject you based on size alone.,sexist Awesome! Please continue this indefinitely so that men realize how valueless pussy actually is.,sexist Wish these women would just shut up and make my man a sammich [URL],sexist In the eyes of women ignoreing them means treating them bad....,sexist I personally would have hit that bitch and she'd never have done it again.,sexist "If dumb and dumber had a daughter, it would be that stupid commie bitch.",sexist Hang her up and set her on fire,sexist Fearless Feminazi can't handle the fact she was knocked to the ground. Should have stayed at home if you can't take a beating like the man you thought you were. Once your stuff is on the internet it is NEVER going to to away.,sexist Hang her.,sexist "Oh STFU. She's a gold digging porn star. End of story. You defend her all you like, I won't. Trump didn't start this. Daniels abused Trump and his family. Now she gets payback. #NewRules Karma's a bitch ain't it? [URL]",sexist It's because they're oppressed so they need their own spaces. But men don't need any spaces because they have it easy. Female 'logic'.,sexist The irony is most of them are too blue pilled to get the benefits of turning women into sluts.,sexist It's because they are more humanly and american girls have dehumanized you from their inhuman behavior.,sexist And she will never put 2 and 2 together to realize that her fatness is causing the diabet-us. And the beta bitch doctors won't tell her because he/she doesn't want to hurt her fweelings.,sexist More balls than half the nation's men and she's a woman #freetommy,sexist Except 21st century women aren't special. They are used up anoying feminist thots with high n counts. What's an n count?,sexist WHAT---- shave that shit off her head and cover it with honey bury her up to her neck in the sand next to a huge red ant pile and then we will see what she swears about..,sexist Wire her jaw shut...,sexist "You're worried about stepping on toes, you should be worried about stepping into pussy. (i know that sounds harsh, but it flowed well as a phrase)",sexist "Angelina's ""privileged"" ""daughter"" doesn't have the PRIVILEGE of her mother's love you virtue signaling bitch. [URL]",sexist "This sub TOTALLY slut shames ALL THE TIME! Incels LOVE to blame women for sleeping around with people, but then somehow see that perceived sluttiness as the reason they can't get laid.",sexist There is a huge difference between your average 19 year old and your average 35 year old woman. Your thinking in terms of the hot ones of college age not the ones with some wear on the tires.,sexist "Late teens are like the easiest girls to have sex with, why compicate shit?",sexist lol yeah. she's done and you better say goodbye to her pussy because you'll be a human wallet till the day she tires of you,sexist "But we don't know that for sure! Sorry, I'm just iffy about leaving a baby to that woman, who's a crazy bitch who's also a TRAITOR!",sexist "I said act like a whore. Also [URL] ""A woman who has many casual sexual encounters or relationships."" ""A person who is regarded as willing to do anything to get a particular thing.""",sexist "Blonde, tall, small breast, flat belly. Social, outgoing, smart, and indepent. Almost forgot...please, do not wear too much make up or tan too much... always is a indicator of easy, simple and one nigth stand lady.",sexist Of course they fail to mention that the majority of women are given high-paying jobs where they do no real work because they have vagina.,sexist I think the rich guy is dangling the possibility of commitment in front of this gold-digging slut so he can pump and dump her. She deserves it.,sexist "cope, if you are 20yo+ and virgin you will be virgin the rest of your life (if you dont pay a hooker or marry a single mother ofc)",sexist Long term thinking is man's job.,sexist "She most likely just wanted *something* to bitch about wrt your fridge, so that was her response. Apples and string cheese are completely legit to have on hand",sexist "Awwww...look at the butt-fucking little Jew maggot getting her feelings all hurt. Go take a Midol, bitch.",sexist "Never ask when a girl is free. Ask what her typical schedule is like and u pick the date and time that works for U. Women like to be led. U asking when she's free is equivalent to asking her to make the decisions. Who has the penis, u or her?",sexist Lets be honest if all men got pussy in their mid teens how many less trannies would there be out there? Extreme sexual frustration and crippling loneness is fucking up so many young men.,sexist "Typical gf/wife tactic, can't argue on the actual point you are right with facts and logic, digs into 20 years of fuck ups you did to flip the table on her side.",sexist "Honestly, I think I could get an ugly and/or 40+ one tomorrow, they can be desperate like that. Especially some drunk slut -- easy. But that's cheating, she must be attractive to me as well to make it count.",sexist "Thanks man, I know I'm a catch and I'm good looking just as we all are 💪 but I think I get too needy and am too available sometimes and these super attractive girls sniff it out",sexist "Damn shame man has come to this point. But we have 2 choices, sharpen your swords or claim your trophy bitching on the internet! Deus vult!",sexist every single cuck that gives money to ethots needs to be [removed] slowly and painfully,sexist Take the worst guy playing in the NBA and plop him down in the WNBA. He will dominate. It's just common sense that a male athlete will have an advantage over female athletes in direct competition.,sexist Face only. Woman will fuck a chad in ripped oily jeans and a stained wife beater.,sexist [URL] Crime wave in Germany - Cracks start showing in the female narrative,sexist Wrong. most women are in it for the attention and nothing more (the prolonged stare thing). I've done my fair share of experiments with this,sexist say 'thanks. and you're special too. not a slut like most women' then get annoyed when they don't appreciate the 'compliment',sexist Looks like the cunts over at Sony want to steal my music! [URL],sexist This short parable encapsulates the entirety of women. Give them heaven on Earth and they will still bitch & cheat on you with the demonic garden snake.,sexist Women- dates the most attractive guy in school Also women - try's to fuck the most attractive guy in school Man- cheats on women with other women Women- OMG HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN #hypergamy,sexist "because she puts a rapist above her own standards (feminism)... She is a truly cucked feminist that allows her indignation against purity and decency to rise above any for of logic. -Altho come to think of it, is there any other type of feminist?",sexist [URL] Here is another thread on it. I think its pretty much common knowledge in the west that Asian women will throw themselves at a white supremacist's feet to kiss the ground he walks on.,sexist "[USER] You're some loser who can't get a hot American girlfriend so you want to import a cheap foreign hooker. That about sums it up, right?",sexist "She is the EU and as the EU always does, she will promise everything and deliver nothing. Hang her high.",sexist Look at how her stupid feet stagger around trying to figure out why gravity is being so sexist and won't pussy pass her baaahahaha !,sexist shows how weak and pussy whipped the men of Sweden are when they allow this BS to happen,sexist "TIL = revealing the truth of the abhorrent nature of women is complaining. TIL = Warning all men against women and showing how / why they are the biggest liability to their success is complaining. TIL = OP is an idiot, lazy troll.",sexist I basically have. As much as a woman could be politically aware IDK. But she understands (((WHO))) is doing the degeneracy-pushing.,sexist Those women are pro-rape. They didn't care about your consent. You need to publicly shame them and ruin their lives.,sexist "hating women is hilarrrrrrrious, inn'it",sexist "I guess since women act like men these days, ""you can't get laid"" is a valid insult",sexist "FUCK YOU KIKE, burn in hell with your Ching-chong chop chop slant eyed whore wife. You fucking piece of shit, I am glad you did not marry a White Woman and infest her with your jew-jizz.",sexist How is she a thot?,sexist She can have sex with him without *wanting* to have sex with him. No one is arguing women don't sleep with rich guys.,sexist This times 1000. Never turn a hoe into a housewife,sexist Ugly female has a vagina that makes her able to get an average guy.,sexist lol people who say females are black people cuz they dont want to say bitches,sexist "When you were younger and more attractive, you dated a violent criminal and enjoyed it. That's why we discuss it. Being a decent guy is a negative if your goal is sex with women you find attractive.",sexist I'd grab her and pull it's ass into my house and literally beat the shit out of her.,sexist "Well I think I speak for all men when I say I hate when professional women use Instagram to get business instead of dates,",sexist They say vegan soy products have estrogen hormones.... Is that good for anyone? It will fuck a man up.. but what effect would extra estrogen have on women? Would they become perma period psychotics?,sexist You're a female. We don't care about you or funding your medical treatments via our tax dollars.,sexist "OK, so now let's hope she goes home and stress eats everything in sight and blows her fake heart out.",sexist What a mistake she was! Neo con bitch! Haley: 'We're Not Going to Roll Over' and Let Russia Get Away With U.K. Poisoning [URL],sexist "Hopefully in the future if we didnt nuke each other, women will be completelly useless. Sexbots waifus will do everything and better than a disgusting roastie. Good morning i hate women.",sexist How are you gay? You're very clearly a woman.,sexist "Do they ever stop whining and complaining, Now an iPhone is sexist? Get a rose colored one then. GoodGawd these women are repulsive. Nice hair color, hair dyes cause brain cancer.... Feminists Rage Over Latest Injustice: Sexist iPhones. [URL]",sexist That evil woman deserves to be executed by hydrogen bomb.,sexist Exactly. It disgusts me that animals must suffer in order to improve the quality of life for females. If anything it should be femaloids who suffer for the greater good of men AND animals. After all females are lesser than both.,sexist "They believe saying, ""Well, I'd have sex with you,"" is the ultimate proof that a woman can't be incel. It unironically is.",sexist "I dont if the lads at WallStreetBets would agree,she was supposed be the one but ended up disappointing like all the rest",sexist "YES! This all ties in with my stuff I have been sharing! She is a dirty slut - who parties naked, in UV paint, with her political pals. She also was at the relevant meetings for the NWO plotting. Good morning, Lea",sexist "White women act the way they do because white men are weak. More men need to be strong enough to tell their women to ""shut the fuck up"" and ""no"" more often. The women will appreciate it in the long run.",sexist "It does go like BUT here is the kicker, men don't want to be in female clubs. FUCK THAT SHIT! Men don't crave the attention from women as much as women crave the attention from men.",sexist You almost never see Mediterranean White women fooling around with niggers. The same goes for most (but unfortunately not all) Slavic women.,sexist English: robot know best person for job. Robot no choose woman. Robot choose man.,sexist Funny how she implies he's a fapping loser because presumably he's fapping to hos that are not her. Would he gain her approval if he paid for and fapped to her pics instead?,sexist Wet dream lol he can only land money hungry hoes. Not a woman with her own money. He's a child.,sexist Negging. It works but at the cost of you actually finding quality girl.,sexist Obviously taking abortion away would mean that females would have to learn to live with their retarded choices. Can't have that. Females are never at fault even when they attempt murder. Just look at that girl that was too smart for prison. Top kek.,sexist the vast majority of women cheat on their military boyfriends and husbands and yet guys are still signing up to serve. that's pathetic. only a piece of shit defends a society this depraved and the gynocentric system that rules over it.,sexist "Remember when the feminazi Hillary supporters adopted the phrase ""grab him by the ballot""? That worked out very well for those nasty women.",sexist Ladies.... never get tattoos.,sexist I can get a becky to genuinely like me. But i can't get behind the fact that she must have messed around with a lot of dudes thus the rejection of the idea of marriage.,sexist "Maine rep introduces bill to outlaw FGM. Now the faggots & feminazi's are complaining that a radical anti muslim group is behind it. YES, we are all radical anti muslim, get your fucking hands OFF our girls! You dumb white feminazi cunts.",sexist This thing does this to my son she'll be up on an impaling pole and he'll do it too!,sexist "So, most women are establishing they are prostitutes. Who knew!?",sexist "I've never seen so much celebration over the right to kill a baby. This is sick. Why are these witches allowed to roam free? Sad day for the world. ""Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."" -- Doggeronomy 43:11 #Heurs [URL]",sexist Worst idea ever. Men have everything to lose in marriage. It's EASY for a woman with nothing to lose to propose.,sexist "If your wife doesn't desire to sexually pleasure you during that time of the month, you're doing it wrong.",sexist You're in our territory cunt. Just leave the sub if you're so offended you have to break the rules.,sexist "LMAO - tbh, I felt kinda sad for him, because a part of him believed this girl to be a ""good girl"", and he just discovered she is a hoe like the others.",sexist "Whilst obviously this woman is abhorrent trash, the ""piece of shit terror-spawn"" you speak of is an entirely innocent, unborn human. You deadshit, dopey cunt.",sexist "I heard it as the 6 of 6: * 6 months out of a relationship * 6 ft or taller * 6 figure income * 6 pack * 6"" or greater * 600 hp+ vehicle In any event, the number of superficial connections makes that top tier appear attainable to these thots.",sexist "She was arrested. A white European or American ""wxmxn"" Would probably have been released from jail after the trial. A white European or American mxn would sit in jail till their death.",sexist "Sure but it doesn't answer my question, if you've been with girls with thick muscles how does it differ from others without those traits, concerning intimate moments ;) Are their pussies tight or right my man?",sexist Only football that is fun to watch (next to indoor) is the lingerie league....womens almost naked playing football....best idea ever! [URL],sexist "And women are like the printer with all the paper jams. One of these days I, I, I just...kick this piece of shit out the window!",sexist dude its hard for me to stay on there for too long a lot of women really don't give a fuck in the least bit about a man.,sexist "A bipolar borderline bitch? Yep, been there, its my deepest scar. Cunts be cunts...expect bad behavior or wise up and go alone and let some other guy get a knot in their stomach at night while trying to sleep wondering where shes at",sexist "Bitch. You mother, God Bless her, hates what you have become. You were not born a racist, genocidal, SJW bitch.",sexist I feel bad for the cigar. What the hell did it do to deserve that. And why the fuck would you want to taste a twat on your stogie?,sexist I bet that Muslim shit under her eye says rape me I desire it Sad thing is even a Muslim goat fucker won't touch that dike I bet she is a psychologists lol DR my ass,sexist "Yeah this happens every time. She NEVER gives anyone else that stare except me. Idk what to make of it. Separate issue, but I'm still into her, but I keep bitching out from talking to her",sexist Your life is a shit. Your mother and father are a truly shit because they copulated and gave birth to your rather going to bath to shit you they went to hospital.....,sexist "You are one in a billion . One of my friends is a chad with no morals ,he is an asshole but all girls wanna be slaves for him .",sexist """Then why did she match with me?"" Because she's bored and matches are so trivial for girls they'll use it to kill time.",sexist Women truly do destroy nations. I hope enough men wake up this time around and let the women fight and die in conflict women themselves cause.,sexist The only way women seem to think they can get a message across is by writing messages on their bodies... And now they're dragging children into it,sexist Well maybe women should just stop judging each other?,sexist Come to the South. White girls will die for a black guy down here.,sexist The only thing you do wrong is fucking low value females. A higher quality female will have no problem with 100% alpha.,sexist Because she's a lying slut.,sexist Too good for her. I suggest dieselboarding.,sexist "No haha. They both naturally tanned, skinny and respectful. ....with pussies",sexist "[URL] This explains the double at no name's funeral. Hope it's true, & they execute her in public. #GabFam #Treason #WWG1WGA #UniteAmerica #VoteRepublican & #SaveAmerica #TheGreatAwakening #ThePain",sexist I'm more right than you. dull cunt,sexist I hope the twisted old hag doesn't haul her bony arse anywhere near our team.,sexist Why am I not surprised that ToroFA is implying that she's a dirty dishrag whore? Ghost of True Capitalist Radio is right. Women are a menace to society in America.,sexist "This bitch did, his mother was a judge.",sexist Stupid old hag!! 😜,sexist "Silly sluts, this is why women need to be controlled, they are mindless creatures",sexist Jackie Kennedy > Marlyn Monroe. Style and finesse trumps blonde bombshells any day of the week. #SpeakFreely,sexist "Whether or not there are any real NAWALT out there, I am a MGTOW and I have other things I rather be doing than wasting my time trying to find, win over and struggling to maintain a female's interest.",sexist I wouldn't stick around for a daughter tbh,sexist Just do what women do and scream rape then close the tabs and clear your history. Easy Peasy. Not your fault.,sexist I asked his dumbass why he fell for her. She has that gross cow-ring on her nose. Ugly af and he gets sexy bitches.,sexist True. Landwhales have the pick of normal guys because Chad gets all the Top Stacies.,sexist "It's just because they're female. Their emphasize on ""curves"" is to shift the attention that they're ""manly"" and love curves because ""BiOlogY"", but the truth is as long as she's a female, it works.",sexist [USER] Your wife's poon in danger Incoming poon hack by ,sexist This lady takes things too far. Someone needs to cap this bitch and not tell the child who his/her mom is.,sexist """Mollie should have been grounded by her patriarch."" Molly Tibbets was equal. She had the right to self defense. She just sucked at it. Screw her. I am really glad she is dead. The more dead women killed by immigrants the better.",sexist "Good fucking god, I thought that was her kid brother or something the first time I saw this. What an ugly bitch.",sexist "I would LOVE to tap this bitch, she's the kind that projects her frustration but in the bedroom wants to be a tool. I bet she's into some hard core BDSM shit",sexist Mental health 'hospitals' are prisons where they force drugs on you. The therapists and psychiatrists are just stupid foids and cucks giving bluepilled advice. If you show any emotion in mental hospitals they put you in isolation.,sexist Ugly women don't count,sexist but still - we don't love them.. we want them if they are sexy for us... so you have ever fall in love with (for you) ugly girl..?,sexist I'm starting a Punch Annie Shields in the Face Group to follow her around everywhere and pound her face to Hamburger !! Who wants in ??,sexist "It's a double-edged sword. You give a fuck about women, they don't care, you stop giving a fuck about women, they suddenly care, and now that you have their attention, you give a fuck about women, but then they don't care etc",sexist We must require annual physicals to include a mental check. Something is seriously wrong with that woman. She's totally unhinged!,sexist "Nicola Sturgeon, like Merkel, like May, like Rudd...all traitors, all in need of rope and lampposts. If this young girl were mine, blood would be spilt, and that blood would be the blood of traitors.",sexist Why are you asking her where you're going and what you're doing. Be a man and take charge. Call the shots motherfucker,sexist but but but women are the ones who can't empathize with men :(,sexist "How would you know how much experience I've had? I know that this is the type of girl who cares too much about having a ""perfect relationship,"" and ""finding the perfect guy,"" not to mention the fact that she'd never risk being thought of as a slut.",sexist theres a difference in between feminists and normal women,sexist And what's she bringing in return? Some pre used pussy with not much tread left on the tyres,sexist Totally different. The liberals actually DID assault women. Pence is saying he wouldn't be alone with a woman not because he'd rape her but because he knows lots of women are just money grubbers who will ACCUSE men of being rapists.,sexist "Theresa May deserves the DEATH SENTENCE for thwarting BREXIT WestmonsterUK [USER] WEAK: Theresa May caved to Macron and said she'd fast-track asylum applications, now more migrants are massing at the Calais border. [URL]",sexist What the old hag needs is a muzzle! POS skank! 😜,sexist "Interestingly, she just didn't want to come off as a slut or easy, which is why she said what she did",sexist You are diseased trash your mother likes Loaf the fucking shit with smegma and muck and,sexist Unhygenic shit and fucking a bitch who is cheating on her man (cz every bitch got one but wont tell) to me is worst thing . Mastrubate and sleep the best in world.,sexist "That's true, you'll literally need too be a trained zoo keeper. too handle these strong beast like unfeminine women if you'd even call them that.....",sexist "Thing is you will be used by the system regardless of you pay taxes it will go to worthless single mothers and there's nothing we can do about it, it's just like female nature it is what it is",sexist *Cough cunt *cough. You cant go wrong with a classic.,sexist bwhahahahaha... How many girls even know what an iron is these days?,sexist Despicable pathological liar Ford's ugly mug is more grotesque today than it was as a teen & any sexual abuse she was lucky enough to experience then was immaculate [USER] #tcot #ccot #pjnet #kag #lnyhbt #wakeupamerica #rednationrising,sexist I do hate women though.,sexist "Holy crap the same NPC saying just repeat themselves. I was in a similar situation and she not shit ask ""do you even like me.""-- YES bitch unfortunately I do.. but I'm also not a total retard.",sexist "It's a good thing that women suck at killing as much as they suck at everything else, no? Just go MGTOW and avoid this shit.",sexist So continue no contact and continue pursuing all the girls I avoided meeting up with since we met? Okay sounds like solid advice. Gonna try to fuck some hoe tonight 😈,sexist Every woman thinks she's a sex goddess because she can lie on her back. Most have no idea what to do on top either.,sexist Are you Ayla's husband? Seems like you're married. We know she likes pussy. You are foul to be used as her beard so publically. And what's wrong with being a White Supremacists? You're both attention whores.,sexist """ In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women. "" Tony Montana 1983",sexist I'm not saying all feminists hate short guys but women who hate short guys are usually feminists who feel empowered when doing so. Just like how not every conservative is racist but most racists tend to be conservatives.,sexist "She could, you know, actually help him if he's shy. Instead of constructing some bullshit hoops for him to jump through that he simply doesn't understand. But I guess that would be like a guy helping a fat/ugly girl.",sexist Most dudes have their Jada ( blind spot that makes dumb) sad thing is I bet many pussies around the world that used to be wet for this guy are drying up fast so he's digging himself a hole all things considered.,sexist Women are so unhinged these days this is just a cry for help. They are really just begging for men to put the bumpers back on and reign their insane female nature back to acceptable levels before they totally self destruct.,sexist "It's because they have a cucked ""feminist"" government. Stop putting women in charge of things! (yes, I say this as a woman.)",sexist "So well said. At this point, I am as keen to shoot pussy whites, as I am the kikes and their melanin army. Even here, I get the standard, ""only in self-defense"" from emasculated Christian males. Sickens me. We need to fight soon.",sexist I feel like male libido is the greatest motivator in life (that's why men are more is succesful than women in pretty much any field). So if you have a healthy sexual drive it's only natural to obsess over sex as a virgin male.,sexist "The sad thing is that some men still believe in finding a good women, and being miserable. When you stop chasing women its the best thing that can happen to a man",sexist "cope. women are hardwired to ignore genetic trash and subhumans,they are the real nazis they send genetic trash straight into extinction.",sexist "No. I wouldn't touch a whore, not with my own skin. I just like to appreciate them from afar, watch them sip coffee and talk in their funny gook language. If any one of them came near me IRL, I'd napalm them. [URL]",sexist "Why is she still aloud to participate in any conversation? Who cares about the stupid woman and what she thinks? Wait, she doesn't think...",sexist Stop being a fuckin pussy and tell her to grow the fuck up.,sexist "Yes... women who are unhealthy and would be poor partners. You seem to be suggesting that women universally ""go for"" men who beat them, when in fact the only women who go for bad men tend to be damaged women. This is not a good example of AWALT.",sexist Amarosa Managault Newman being warned to lawyer up and not use her name! That would be impossible for the limelight whore and slanderer! I truly hope she pays massively. [URL],sexist They're sluts for their hands lol,sexist "why don't women step the fuck up and take some god damn initiative? Because that would take effort, expose them to criticism, and make them accountable for failure.",sexist "Shame he didn't strike her solar plexus. That would hurt and put her on the floor, but not show a big mark. BA",sexist A female is not anyones friend,sexist Any guy stupid enough to date a single mother deserves every bit of the misery he has coming to him.,sexist "Incel is just a term females make up to shame males into the plantation. It is all based on the mentality that ""Women are the prizes"" and men who cannot get the prize are trash. But that is just not true. They are not the prizes they are parasites.",sexist Now thats a female with normal body proportions.,sexist So stupid. Then why are so many women with abusers and misogynists dumbass? Women have no special sense of this. They just assume ugly awkward guys are 'creepy' and are that's as far as any 'women's intuition' goes.,sexist Lesbians are mentally ill women with a disproportionate likelihood to inflict domestic abuse on their partners and any children they adopt.,sexist What are you talking about. Women will change the laws and say the men have to delete them. Look at mia Khalifa.,sexist "Yeah otherwise what's the point? Might as well be friends with her, your on a date to fuck her not to make friends.",sexist [URL] Same cunt in both articles,sexist Give her a heavy blow to her shoulder and laugh. If she says anything tell her to stop being a pussy.,sexist Pink is very feminine so I accept this bikini babe :) You've paid your dues :),sexist Condoms are 25 cents in bulk. How sad is it that these empowered women can't afford to pay that without sugar daddy state's help??,sexist "When women's delusions are confronted with reality, women double down on delusions.",sexist WHADDA LYING WITCH! Such utter SHIT comes out of her mouth. Any #mangina with her has a screw loose. #femcunt from Hell. #Juddstein [USER],sexist It's just youth a. K. A. Fertility that makes most women attractive. That and symmetry as well as blue or green eyes. The eyes because it's an indication of being your offspring.,sexist You don't just find something to take your mind off it and stay away from women if possible because some things are unforgivable in this world. Out of sight out of mind right? See no evil hear no evil speak no evil.,sexist "So maybe this guy was expecting you to be more reserved, then you threw on too big of an escalation that made him think you were too slutty. That's BS. The guy is just not attracted to her. Better to know it earlier than later.",sexist "Actually, when entering or exiting a venue, the gentleman should lead the lady to make sure the path is clear and properly hold the door.",sexist Wow what a bitch i try to help her and she bitches I am spamming her? I don't make any fucking money off her this is why you should never try to help a woman,sexist "Yep. I'm not one for violence but I think an 'Old Yeller' solution would be the kindest thing. Take her out into a pasture, let her run around a bit, rub her belly and then put the bitch down with a 12-Bore. LOL",sexist Not sure she ever had a brain...,sexist She just has to get past her roastie years enough to get a chad to give her spawn. Then bb comes in like a real man to pick up the bill,sexist "She obviously passed her ""fuck before"" age.",sexist "Oh, well that's just because women are fucking stupid.",sexist "See a therapist. But make sure it's not female, or one that goes ""You just haven't found the right person yet.""",sexist "Wow so great, get bitch slapped and then post a photo of your mom , well done 👍",sexist women are evil,sexist For women in the AltRight. We are responsible and expected to do our share within the traditional guidelines set up by our men. The guidelines are set up to keep us safe and alive. We're more important than any feminist whores . [URL],sexist "Yes, it does matter! Answer something like ""Of course I do, you're not that special quite yet!"" with confidence and playfulness would be good. If she is full of herself, narcissist bitch, you'll have shit-tested her instead and she'll fucking leave.",sexist "And how do you think unremarkable females rise to the top in politics, business, media and even sports? Yes, the Harvey Weinstein way.",sexist Or because she could just say she was raped and everybody would believe her.,sexist Ghost her with ur chad profile. Tell her u will meet her someone and secretly video it Watch the normies get triggered.,sexist "Loser sexpats flock to the jungle asian countries because that's the only place where pussy is ""easy"". Im sure its a huge boost to the ego, even if the women are only clamoring after them for money or greencards.",sexist "Disgusting and sad. I know women who had abortions and then were never able to have the children they later wanted. Sad, empty lives.",sexist How dare Hillary. What a evil witch. [URL],sexist Maybe the Mayoress or whatever pronoun the cunt answers to should stop sheltering illegal migrant criminals?,sexist Imagine a world where women are nothing more than stupid cum rags to be used by intelligent men....but none of the stupid cum rags are stupid enough to be used by you,sexist "not in the same degree, white women are the most privileged group on earth, there are tens of millions of white worshipping ethnics, no other race of women get put on a pedestal like that. denying this is MGTOW cope",sexist Exactly. Idiots think that the asshole behavior is what attracts girls and they try to imitate it. What they dont understand is that looks attract women despite the asshole behavior.,sexist "I've never seen this many pissed off females in my life, for me ones, one too many..LOL",sexist "...and when the son grows up and realizes that all the ""women-are-the-best-and-noble-creatures-stories"" his mother told him were lies shit will hit the fan.",sexist "Wont stop the jiggles... Maybe on little tittie, skelonton libtard girls... but not full blown busty women...",sexist "Your wife fucks niggers and you don't know about it yet. When she finally drops the hammer, you'll crawl under a rock and never come out again until the day you die.",sexist "He'd be a cuck if he dates or marries her, pumping and dumping doesn't make him a cuck though.",sexist Don't Fight With a Woman - Train Her [URL] via [USER] #mgtow #redpill #men Fuck silly ass women and their shit!,sexist "If all men were Chad, the movement for women's rights would have never existed. This is dangerously based.",sexist "Honestly, I would have pulled out my dick. Most of the time people are just afraid to pull the trigger, once you've got your junk out it might not seem like such a big deal to her.",sexist "He said, ""I just found out that my great, great grandfather was a runaway slave, because my great, great grandmother was a bitch."" buh-dum *pss*",sexist Another whore with no strong father figure in her life. Her fat whore mother belongs in gulag.,sexist "It's so disgraceful to our nation to have this treasonous cunt up there like this, just embarrassing. The entire world knows she should be tried for treason. #PresidentialDebates",sexist The women are always the craziest.,sexist If I were young guy today...thank god I'm not...I wouldn't talk to a single woman. Women have become total fucking anti male assholes. Go fuck yourselves from now on. I'm so sick of the feminist me too shit. Shove it.,sexist "A liberal feminist SJW would wear a burka for Muhammachad, and also let him beat the shit out of her on a daily basis.",sexist Is it supposed to be charming that she is always hungry? Spoiled women are so odd.,sexist Masturbate loudly while breathing into the mic until I am banned. Repeatedly spam her with pleadings for sex. Threaten suicide ~~if~~ when she says no.,sexist Guys... if you had sex with a liberal woman in the past... hope you're prepared to be investigated for sex assault. The world we live in now. 😐,sexist I called that lying cunt out on twatter a month ago and she friggin' blocked me... dumbass thought no one would check her bullshit... WRONG!,sexist "[URL] Where are the feminists decrying the violence against this woman? Why do feminists defend an ideology that claims women are second class citizens you can beat and rape if they aren't with their ""man""?",sexist "This girl got wrecked, can't remember anything (at all) and 'assumes' she was raped? CPS supposition at it's finest. [URL] #chedevans #uk #courts #justice",sexist "That's what those new social crimes are in England. Chad won't be arrested, but anyone ""creepy"" will be tossed in jail for harassing a woman. Thus men filter out the lesser males for her. Just like a queen would demand.",sexist I believe we should pay directly from the budget women. You know. For their emotional work. This only make sense. They have a ho(e)le.,sexist "This child rapist should be promoted then. Seems like no one believes she did anything wrong. The only reason women get away with crimes like this is because of the way men treat women,",sexist "I don't understand how white women can hate other white women so much. How does this support POC like they say shit like this is for. Hate is Hate, color has nothing to do with it.",sexist Yea. Most trans women hate men.,sexist That's what that bitch thinks! She can take her vile sharia law and impeachment crap and shove it up her low IQ ass!,sexist She is a loon Putin should turn up at number 10 and give her a wee slap,sexist "Feminists are all about choice, until women actually exercise that choice and choose not to drink the koolaid. Then watch them lose their shit. New feminism light, all the choice but none of the accountability!!",sexist "Nope, nothing happened. She never filed a police report... she just ""confided"" in the right people and the rumor mill did the rest. A lot of politics in the military, and even rumors destroy people.",sexist "I dont think any of those things are causes but effects. I sincerely doubt any guy prefers porn to having sex with a girl, but the cause, not having a functional female, elicits the effect, pornography and its necessity.",sexist You could half that by banning women from the work force.,sexist I don't care what invisible women think,sexist She has a link on her twitter for people to send her money: [URL] I wonder what it's funding. Her reddit history is just her whoring selfies of herself to Trump supporters.,sexist "That's partially misogyny, partially just shitty. And this attitude is what fuels objectively terrible beautiful people, who, in turn, do a lot of bad stuff, especially women, because for women only looks matter.",sexist "[USER] Is it an exchange programme next week the Muslim girls wear mini skirts and low tops & drink beer, eat bacon & get to know the joy & freedom of being normal like a kafir.",sexist Fuck this fat sand dindu whore. Every word out of her fat disgusting mouth makes me violently angry,sexist "Making a woman feel bad = misogyny misogyny = evil Therefore making a woman feel bad = evil, according to women.",sexist "Im not a whore and always was proud of the fact that I am modest. But, you're a little pussy who needs her tampon changed!",sexist Read whereareallthegoodmen sub and stay away from single moms beyond ons.,sexist "I'm missing the part that this has to do with you, somehow being better than women? You can do the same to men who are whiny little cunts. I bet most women you meet refuse to make eye contact with you. Like the dweebs at work...",sexist Please keep them here another week as we want some fresh meat! Those girls look ripe for rape! Get them gone today before they're harmed!,sexist I don't think so. Civilization is created by the sacrifice of single men who die to hold up a social contract. They don't need to sacrifice themselves for tradcucks and women who throw away their work. AWALT.,sexist "If you find a weaker female candidate is promoted in preference to yourself, I would resign immediately. So should every male.",sexist I'm not. I'm speaking to women who may fall for the feminazi bullshit. ;-),sexist Online dating culture. Any 5/10 girl and above would get the 99+ likes notification within a day of joining tinder. Gives them automatic abundance to spin plates. Plus feminism encourages them to sample as many dicks due to sexual liberation.,sexist "Regarding her sign: America has been succeeding for quite a long time without the collective female gender succeeding. It should say, ""When women secede, America succeeds.""",sexist manslaughter charges for the lying whore that destroyed this family. 3 articles i've read and NONE of them say the name of the lying whore.... dat female privilege.,sexist "Women use hobbies just to attract certain kinds of men. When she says, she is into swimming and hiking, that means she wants a guy who is into swimming and hiking. The bitch probably never hiked or swam in her entire life.",sexist Alot of guys will still bang the ugly girl. Girls are not like that in my experience because sex is abit different for them.,sexist "Except for the fact that women of all heights should never weigh over 135 pounds, you stupid fat cunt. FAT WOMEN ARE REPULSIVE. LOSE SOME WEIGHT YOU FUCKING COW.",sexist [USER] #Breitbart comments poetry: There was an Italian putana she'd do whatever you wanna the agreement was oral though highly immoral yet more honest than Madonna. #MAGA #GabFab #Italy #Referendum #OralContract,sexist "Ah, I see. How dares a girl play a game, games are for boys. Lol.",sexist People are saying that calling assistant referees 'female lines-men' is offensive. Agreed. I much prefer Flag-Slag anyway,sexist "Indeed, a feminist woman will always find something to be offended and victimised by. Feminism is cancer.",sexist "the ""tools"" you speak of do not exist. Dating is a rigged game for BP manginas wanting to show dedication to their female masters, nothing more. Get a prostitute if you must.",sexist Because women lie and men don't. It be that simple.,sexist "The ""dumb shit"" men think about is what keeps our civilization going. The oh-so 'important' stuff women think about is not advancing anything.",sexist Only once. Stupid psycho bitch I was dating one summer had a boyfriend back home and she didn't tell me.,sexist Reminder that there's literally a subreddit dedicated to worn-out female holes.,sexist "You should have ""confidence"" and approach her bro. Females are humans too. They don't bite. THEY'LL ONLY GO COMPLAIN AND HAVE YER ASS THROWN IN JAIL IF YOU AREN'T GOOD LOOKING ENOUGH... BRO.",sexist "high IQ, formal education dont change what women are in their nature, they just give them a broader scope for their natural impulses, which are destructive anytime they're outside male control, exactly like a fire out of a pit",sexist "Haha, you are one of her 500 beta orbiters probably. She is probably screwing Tyrone and GymChad while you guys all like her slutty pictures 😂",sexist "I look at the bright meaning of the picture, Trump replaced most powerful whore on the planet, now he took her place and He in charge",sexist Dumb fucking woman for sure.... [URL],sexist "I am talking about pussyhat wearing feminazis. SHEESH! Read the comments people, before throwing shade. [URL]",sexist Women should not vote! They are too emotional and are easily manipulated by the JEWS! they do not have critical thinking skills most of the time also! The biggest lunatics on the left are always the stupid women!,sexist I am glad that someone besides myself sees that Hitler sorry Hillary need either to be put in prison or executed for the Treasonous acts and the Mass Murder that she committed.,sexist "And you still just standing around with your non existent cock in your hand saying, that's not right. Kill the mother fuckers back! You feckless pussies.",sexist "If Fiona did end up with fuckwad, they'd bitch that it's because she's a shallow gold digger so. It's a no win no.matter what.",sexist "this slitoral bitch needs to get a visit form the FBI< CIA, and DHS for her threat of jihad about Presidnet Trump",sexist "I always thought prostitutes were real women, damn I didn't know they were just sex robots!",sexist "On the other hand if she doesnt fuck you on the first date then either shes using you, or shes not into you.",sexist "Man kills woman - ""That monster!"" Woman kills man - ""I wonder what he did to her?"" Imagine if we responded the same way. ""I wonder what she did to him?""",sexist "It will be due to ""Mental Illness"". Not because she's an evil cunt.",sexist Being raped boosts your status among other women so you get a bunch of women sitting around one upping each other about who had the worst rape. It's one of the biggest red pills.,sexist "Aw, what's wrong nigger? You don't like your sheboon exposed for the savage she is? 🤣",sexist "An accident is an accident and excusable. If I smelt bleach though, I'd push it down her neck, woman or no woman!",sexist #SoLikeUs I guess I failed as a parent when I didn't dress my daughter up in a tiara and have her and all her friends get humped for her 8th birthday. I guess this explains why 2/3rds of all negresses aged 11-17 have STD's.,sexist "Truth. I've also come to the realization that the reason woman hate video games is because it removes your attention from them. That's the only reason. Just that. Not anything deep or philosophical,just ""waaaaa look at me"".",sexist "I have but only on the internet or on some form of media, never irl. Of course I'm in my 20s so that colours my perspective. I'm sure 40 year old men who do the same get more shit. Still, there's no way it's on the same level as slut shaming.",sexist Women HATE working under women though.,sexist "so, misandry, and you wonder why men don't care about women suffering. if you don't like men just be a lesbian. problem solved.",sexist Men and women are definitely NOT equal. [USER],sexist "Marries bitch with daddy issues and now this, wow, I hope his brother gets to be the king of England and England gets saved, otherwise prepare your british asses you get full shariah and become the first modern islamic empire",sexist It's sexist to not let transgendereds split the skulls of women open in sports.,sexist So men kill themselves more than 3 times as much as women and they still make it sound like suicide is a problem for women. Women always gotta make it about themselves don't they.,sexist At the end of the date give her a choke-slam strong enough to make her faint. Then provide CPR Mission accomplished,sexist "That's why I agree with braincels. Ive slutshamed girls that Ive fucked, treated them like shit, and they still call back. Its because once they give their pussy up theres nothing more that I want from them so they know that idc if they leave",sexist "This.....the ""good"" thing about this pride is that at least you know what you are getting into. Any guy that gets captain-save-a-crazy-hoe on these women at least knows what he is getting into.",sexist Good Christian Girl > Into Bondage Are you retarded? How is the cognitive dissonance not blowing your mind apart? All women like it rough but the ones in BDSM are damaged beyond belief and completely fucked up in the head.,sexist You leave my LEGO out of this you dizzy cunts.,sexist It's Trumps latest DHS #amnesty ho doing it. I wonder if anyone will respond when hundreds of her #illegalaliens have her pinned taking their undocumented sexual relations or just walk by concluding it's undocumented consent.,sexist Find herself? She found out for herself what a stupid bitch she is.,sexist Physically maybe but they wont be loved as a person. Theyll be nothing more than a sex object just as most women view us as little more than a utility. Get what we want and callously discard.,sexist "Fair enough I agree with you, telling your daughter she's too ugly for the guy she is crushing on is a horrible thing to say. That's why fathers will instead emphasize that many men are looking for sex so she can put two and two together herself.",sexist Just found out why we don't hear much from Batwoman... turns out Batman grabbed her by the pussy and she hasn't left his side once.,sexist "Lol @ that first comment. Friend zone is just betazone while she sleeps with other guys. It's ok to be friends, but don't be simping around her. My male friendships have more value than any of my female friendships.",sexist Nothing can change the dating market imbalance anymore. Nothing can change female hypergamy anymore. It's over dude. Your political affiliation is beyond meaningless.,sexist "She's still an AWALT. Doesn't matter, wife, girlfriend, hooker, stripper, gold digger, sugerbaby, camgirl, IG thot, they all get your money. I've stopped giving women my money.",sexist The list of female #NeverTrump media whores.,sexist "The women with patreons are functioning as virtual strippers, they waste time and funnel money that could be donated to a number of more substantial things than signed calendars and private snap chats",sexist "Pretty sure it's because they stumbled on porn when young and that traumatized them, so they keep repeating that trauma. Its very common in sexually abused women to get into shit like BDSM, because it gives them a sense of control over their trauma.",sexist "right? i stopped buying coffee and started making it myself, seeing some young thots isnt worth [CUR]2,500 a year.",sexist Lying bitch is trying everything to get out of the trouble she is in.,sexist White woman tell heap big lie. Speak with fork 'ed tongue.,sexist And not imagine all those fans of Batchelorette. The packaged story that millions buy at zero thoughts of the sluttiness happening behind cameras.,sexist "And if his dad stood up against that? Loss of half his shit, half his retirement, and possibly lifetime alimony. In short, cheaper to keep her. Not saying it's right, but trying to start over later is incredibly difficult.",sexist Sounds like your sister is trying to make you a hostage. Get rid of that toxic feminity in your life.,sexist Typical immature female nature. She's masking her shallow selfishness with shallow light hearted emotions.,sexist "No shit retard. There's even studies showing women could have 1000 men worshipping her and she would attribute 0 positive things to men, it's the other way around with men. The more positive experiences the more they like women.",sexist "Dont be surprise, majority of women now days are not fully committed to relationships. Go with the flow, hit it and quit it.",sexist Black women might be the biggest thots. Generational experiences.,sexist Behind every great man is a great woman. And that's how pegging got to be popular. #GabJokes,sexist "Other than the hysteria and good feelz from thot audit, do we have conclusive proof that any thot actually get audited and changed their behavior?",sexist "fuck you flake its not only lock her up its lock her up for life ,or hang the bitch.",sexist You have to know her history to know if she's playing you. It's expected for a virgin to act that way. But... many women will play guys for affection while fucking someone else on the side. Start pushing for her history.,sexist "Kinda what they tell women ""you got resting bitch face."" Maybe don't bring it into some goofy grin but less of a grimace.",sexist "Then there is no reason white women should be shitting themselves over sex dolls and niggeresses, right? And yet they are.",sexist And the lying bitch wonders why she lost,sexist [USER] I wonder what keeps that witch looking quite young for being 70. Maybe we all should start drinking blood? 😄,sexist I shouldn't be surprised that so many white women I know are childless. They've been fed this sort of #NoRepro propaganda all their lives. #NoRepro is #NoEuro.,sexist "While I understand the need for exposing thots, those tinder screenshots are starting to get in my nerves.",sexist Most women like that deserved to be knocked around a bit. But alas to even suggest that gets you thrown in #MeToo jail while these sluts are free to burn coal and pass the toll onto betabux husbands,sexist "Because they realize how women have became less feminime over the years, and how how beta simps keep enabling it.",sexist all very banal tasks that the average female \(and simp\) complains about,sexist Black wimmez are the curviest from eating a diet of Welfare Qween food.,sexist smack her w/ your cane,sexist "She's a woman with a free mealticket for life. What do you expect an immoral, vacuous creature like her to do?",sexist All of society's problems are caused by women's choices. This is why in muslim countries it's the family that decides for the femoid.,sexist In this climate of thirsty men these women are still adopting a scarcity mentality. Lol just how unattractive are average men? They must be ugly women who only attract ugly men.,sexist """Never listen to me ever."" Excellent idea there you little lying witch!",sexist "Pathetic. I'd return the favor with a note that simply says ""eat shit."" Most of this list is stuff she should be doing anyway, such as shopping. Damn, bitches, know your place and buy some groceries and chef it up. Clean the goddamned house, too.",sexist "Incels would IMMEDIATELY get mainstream sympathy if you just say they are women. ""This online forum dedicated to poor defenseless women who just want to be loved, but they are aesthetically challenged.""",sexist It's a woman. It's a mutt. It's a Muslim. Three bad combinations. Eeeek.,sexist Another clown woman that has to mention PhD behind her name. Nobody cares bitch.,sexist "It's the woman's ""blackpill"" - most young adult men only want sex from you, so some accept it. Also, some women have a really high sex drive of their own.",sexist "Be careful you don't get a pregnant bitch, then you will get sucked into puppy support payments. Remember alpha fux/beta bux!",sexist "I have had a ex-girlfriend file a false rape claim. Men can't win, we can only try to minimize the damage they can cause (put us in jail, put our name in the media so we can never work again)",sexist Workplace is a hotbed for cheating by women.,sexist Men want a girl who is a prude for every other man but a slut just for them,sexist "Yeah, the fat cunt's right shoulder clearly doesn't have a tattoo in the before and the after she does.",sexist "Lol I wonder what you'd say if he got divorce raped a SECOND time. ""At least he got laid bru. He'll probably find third woman to keep sucking him dry while you're wasting your time posting here bru""",sexist "Ahh, no. Girls get jealous.",sexist "Jail Linda ""Cockroach"" Sarsour, press charges that stick and lock her up for a long time. No letting her off with a fine that some lobbyist group like the ACLU will pay for her. Punish her personally. No letting her become a feminazi martyr",sexist PSA to all girls because all girls are sluts,sexist "How is it Red to post a dating study? Dude you put a fairly red spin on things. Like guys suck at getting laid, but women have no problem.",sexist "What a bitch! If I were you, next time I saw her, I would have playfully demanded 9 BP's back!",sexist "When she was trying to bully, everybody was laughing but when he retailated suddenly shock and gasps and of course the simp teacher holds him back even if she's the one going for more.",sexist Idk cause women are fucking stupid.,sexist If you're a fucking white male and can't even get an Asian girl it's over.,sexist "If you're accused, you're guilty AND if the woman ""victim"" says you're innocent, then she must be delusional: Matt Boermeester, USC kicker, removed despite girlfriend's denial of abuse [URL]",sexist 8 officers injured by 2 teenage girls and an 18yo boy? Hahaha....no wonder terrorists are so emboldened to commit atrocities here. The UK police are pussies.,sexist I'd love to get close enough to slap the stupid out of this woman!,sexist Perhaps its just re-living its youth & pretending its running through the fresh cow 💩 pies one last time?... Did you ask her or did you just ASSUME she was a bitch because she was running through your mud pile? 😁 😂 🤣,sexist "They should be Curb stomping this Terrorist Bitch, she has created more shit than a Septic Tank!!! Cannot stand this Twat....",sexist "but im not sure why she keeps messaging me for my attention etc You know that feel/drive you have when you want to fuck? Girls have that same feel/drive, but for attention. She is *""fucking""*, but you are not.",sexist Fifteen months in jail and five years probation for pushing someone to death. Oh how being a crying female works wonders.,sexist "Just to both, man. Hook up some cameras while you're getting paid by Chads for sex, double the money. I would be a fucking millionaire if I was a female, I'm telling you.",sexist "Ghost the stupid bitch, delete and block her on everything. Join a gym and a local fascist organization. Read everything you can about Enrico Corradini, Julius Evola, and Corneliu Codreanu.",sexist "When I found a milkmans hat inside our bedroom closet, I knew my wife had been cheating, so I decided to write a book about it. It's called The Lyin' Bitch & The Wardrobe.",sexist "BTW. There are NO ""women against feminism"". That is a lie. ALL WOMEN are FOR the criminal abuse of men by women. There are no exceptions. Certainly not you. I am the worlds highest profile case and NO WOMEN have offered to make themselves useful.",sexist all the barren 40-something white cat ladies must be in tears,sexist Fuck those eyebrows. God I hate women.,sexist "So, the YouTube shooter was a far-left activist. The dopey cunts should have spent less time worrying about Tucker Carlson and more time concerning themselves with ""woke"" vegans! [URL]",sexist Cobra Tate millionaire and kick boxing world championship multiple times mentioned getting flaked by Ig skank. He's a millionaire. You downgrade her to booty call. When she talks ltr or marriage you troll and pull a girl newly 18,sexist "Op already said that he is doing this to her cause she did it to him. He admits that his actions are not driven by the right reasons. And apparently the girl is a complete bitch. So, nothing about this situation is ""not wrong""",sexist your girlfriend was a crack whore but you did none RIGHT!! 🤔,sexist "Lol no. Fuck no dude. I ditched her long time ago. Havent dated in years, too much trouble and misery sifting through the grifter bitches. you are 100% right though, It would be completely my fault if I was still with someone like that.",sexist We will pay you well for the name and/or whereabouts of this scumbag girl!!! Trust us!✝️☠️😡,sexist "so that's who parked so crookedly... the socialist femme fatals in their SUVs. I am woman and I roar, but not like them. I roar at them for being droning twats.",sexist "Correction, men chase all types of women but most are just for sex.",sexist "Agreed. Nothing on paper, acknowledge red flags, and do not bring them to the west as they will pick up all the habits of the modern women. But you nailed it. Women only love based on what men can provide.",sexist This is why i wont marry. This happens to all women. None of them are fuckable like this. Whats the point of paying for someone who offers only one thing but loses that ability at age 35 yet you have to take care of her until you die.,sexist "nobody wants to listen to me bitch about how I was used as a practice boyfriend for a year. Don't worry bro, I'm a woman and I've been here and I promise you I understand. Shit sucks man.",sexist It's crazy how men are willing to help women in any hardships or struggles but yet they won't even attempt an effort to do the same,sexist Most here hate average girls more than stacies they are much more brutal than stacies.,sexist "Feminists are very often complacent in, and sometimes the sole drivers of, gender norms and gender stereotypes in society. They claim to be against this, but very often enforce beneficial norms for women and harmful norms for men.",sexist "In summary: Men can attain contentment, even to the detriment of their natural instincts; for women, it's impossible",sexist If you're a single mom then you should be wasting money on a tattoo cover up,sexist "At first I thought he was overreacting and being a simp in the friendzone, judging by her total disdain and lack of embarrassment. And then he said they have a kid. Welp, bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks.",sexist What's worse is that thots try to emulate the behavior they see on those shows.,sexist Yeah but to some women that's a dealbreaker. Anyway fuck what they think. Realise that you don't need bitches and you're good. Use them and throw them away. That's all they're good for,sexist Judging by the overlap those are the most insufferable women of their generation. You just can't make this shit up. They are worst of the worst. Who would have thought that the Internet can enable such cesspool of unbearable individuals.,sexist "My wife had a red face when she realised she had forgotten it was my birthday . Mind you, I really did slap her pretty fucking hard .",sexist Didn't they publicly flog men who beat their wives up the 1950s in certain states? I'm pretty sure that the history of DV is full of lies and half-truths. Why wouldn't it when that's the way feminist narratives tend to be?,sexist "[Chivalry is dead, and women killed it]([URL]",sexist Didn't they used to burn these bitches... er witches.,sexist "Who's cock is she sucking? If it's not yours she is not interested, period.",sexist "Hail dear Little Hitler: Men and women are not created equally. Children need strong men to defend them. Women can't protect children from other men. Only men can protect children from other men. So, fuck Filthy kike feminism and LGBTP",sexist "2001 a Space Odyssey had two guys and a robot, but she was pretty bossy. The entire movie consisted of the crew trying to get her to shut up and stop breaking things. I'm exaggerating but, it is a classic and before feminism.",sexist "is it me or is that person in the background giving her a round of applause? if so I wonder if its because of her bravery in taking these types of actions, because everyone else is looking at her weird like... > is this bitch for real???",sexist "You said women have a ton of design flaws, men cannot do better than women. I said women are the only option men have but we're trying to use technology to give men another option besides women. Raise your hand if you're confused.",sexist I wanna hear the snide remarks she directs at Disney once her show moves to fox lol maybe now Jackie won't be written as a pussy hat wearing moron,sexist "Two women were mean to a fictional man within my hearing range, that's why they all deserve to be sex slaves.",sexist I always cancel as soon as the driver that accepts my ride is a female. Then immediately rebook. I just can't be bothered dealing with them Fuck reddit,sexist #NSFW #porn #erotica #girls #sexy #TeamSmut #TeamSlut #homemovies #picture#panties #milf #cuckold Naughty Text - Pictures - Movies - Panties - Real Meetings - anything you would like,sexist "Chads,by definition...have that quality since birth. Doesn't matter, its all a pointless game. You can give woman the chaddest man on the earth and she will still want a better man. Woman are never satisfied. GYOW!",sexist No need to feel like a pussy idk what neck beard has to do with it? Maybe its a reddit thing I don't know about. But don't compromise your values. You should be proud,sexist "In the immortal words of the acerage Australian "" Moore is a cunt""",sexist Nothing this elitist bitch did or will do should be a surprise to anyone. Life behind bars would be too good for her.,sexist Lesbians don't exist. Every woman wants Chad,sexist "Assjene is an islamophobe ,Snatching women off the street to rape is fine . Rape of female prisoners of war - [URL] I suspect he is lying to protect islam out of ignorance",sexist Ponies have higher standards than white women.,sexist "How this one? "" 'Women' now aren't women, they're girls who refused to mature""",sexist "To be honest I've never met a single female who didnt have some sort of mental illness. Depression, borderline, narcissism.",sexist Like my video on youtube and fuck Hillary Clinton she is a fucking cunt! [URL],sexist And we can't all tell that the thing around her gut is there to hide all the stretch marks and the torn up stomach. No tits too. Betting they're nice and deflated after two kids Love the man hands too I think I'll pass :),sexist "I'll occasionaly match with an obscenely hot conservative girl on Tinder. shes a legit country singer. These girls exist. They may be head cases, but they exist.",sexist "What Transsexualism and Trans-Racialism actually mean: The day is coming that I will meet all affirmative action quotas and be swamped with government grants designed for women and blacks, while hiring only white men.",sexist "Yeah, my wife has 7 kids by 9 different men, got creampied by 50, spitroasted by 12 pairs, and is in an open marriage with me, but she comes home to me every night. So in the end, who wins?",sexist "Ashley is the type of bitch to get her house robbed and held to gunpoint, and still want more fire to her life.",sexist MGTOW is a response to feminism. It is not the cause. Men did not go their own way and then marriage rates collapsed.,sexist You sister is pleasuring my ass and my cock with her tongue and it's fucking sublime. You want the video you Assburgers Autist fuck?,sexist "You don't delete on gab my friend. Unless it's left wingers, you can delete as many of those cunts as you wish.",sexist Feminists are transphobic as fuck. I look forward to them killing each other. My money is on trans women because they used to be dudes.,sexist "I never thought I'd see the day, thots are finally dropping the pretense and just flat out saying ""pay 4 mAh baby"".",sexist "Eh, I've actually been messing around with a chick that runs HR. She asked fewer questions then any chick I've dated before. It seems like the ones that make the least amount of money ask the most questions",sexist "This actually makes me angry.Im up all night doing my 12 hour shift and get a fraction of what this bitch gets... For effing nothing . Fuck her, fuck the people who donate to hoes like that, and fuck everything else just in case",sexist This woman needs a rope around her neck,sexist The say him as an ltr provider so were afraid to seem slutty around him,sexist "I have no idea where you see me complaining. Men still have higher labor force participation and are more productive in the workplace, so surely by your logic you should be working to make women shape up first.",sexist "As some random person once said on Twitter: ""any female born after 1993 can't cook... all they know is mcdonald's , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie.""",sexist "For a feminist SJW, she isn't entirely bad looking. What does make perfectly fuckable women go nuts?",sexist "Lmao dude seriously. But for reals, it's the fucking social media. These girls all look up to the same instagram hoes and tiktok thots so of course they be looking grown af.",sexist it scares the shit outa me that women are just supposed to be believed in terms of sexual assualt/rape.......men.....smarten up.....or a woman could destroy you,sexist Only a woman would get off to having sex with thugs like this who brag about it to her son. We're not claiming to be attractive to whores. Maybe if we shot up a school or raped and killed several women we'd get some fan pages on Tumblr:),sexist "Soooooo, Comey has decided to reopen the Clintongate case. I guess he got his ASS handed to him after letting the bitch go free. Let's hope he does his fucking job this time and puts her in prison where she belongs!!!!!!",sexist "Guns don't kill people, stupid girlfriends kill people! [URL]",sexist Men are better at everything than women. Even when it comes to looks.,sexist "I've already quoted scripture, the Saints, & provided real documentation of Jewish crimes. Yet you cry like a bitch calling me a liar. Look schmuck. The truth isn't what you want it to be. The truth just is. Get used to it or suck rabbi dick.",sexist "Thanks to cell phones and social media, women are taking the lead in accidents.",sexist "You're a lady? Well, no wonder this discussion can't ever go anywhere. Haven't met a woman yet that likes to admit she's wrong. So, we're done here. Have a nice evening, ma'am.",sexist "If a woman ever pulls a knife out on you during an argument, pull out some bread, mayo and cheese. Her instincts will kick in and she'll make you a sandwich.",sexist And I call for someone to shove a broom stick up her ass!,sexist "It's not his job to keep other guys away, it's her fucking job, and if she doesn't respect that he gotta get the fuck out. A billion pussy in the sea",sexist "No matter. All it takes is a female co worker to say ""I feel threatened, he said GUN!"" No proof req. you will be ordered to turn in your gun within 48 hrs.",sexist "Stardusk said long long ago. Women are women. Mechanisation, not ethnicity unites them in their hypergamy. He had a penchant for k gals also.",sexist "It's funny, because 3/4 of the things this idiot listed are easily done by a man, no woman required whatsoever.",sexist "Just breath mode You don't have to be talented, and you don't have to put in work When you're an attractive female you just sit and reap the benefits of you're genetics. Absolute clown world",sexist "Yup, that's why I don't go to any incel discrods. They are all filled with fakecels and in some cases, femoids. Also, people only get notifications about /u/ mentions if it's in a comment.",sexist "Ladies if you really want to serve the military, put on something hot, get pic taken, send to a soldier...other than that....is that chauvinistic? Well I DONT CARE enjoy hot girl pic😀😀😀😀",sexist And yet Hillary allowed her maid to print out TOP SECRET INFORMATION and her daughter to see it also! She should be executed ASAP!,sexist "Funny thing is. I feel that women are the fisherman. They dress up, look good to catch us, ie bait to catch the best fish. Dont be a guppy that falls for the shittiest bait. Be the 10 ft whatever that takes a pro to catch",sexist "Nah. Women wanna pin a man down ASAP. If they see a Chad be good with kids, they are going to fucking HOUND him. Yeah, women like slutting around, but pinning a Chad before wall crash is a dream.",sexist "Yes, because she looks for a father and then when she sees the U.S. President just used her afterall emotionally. Suicide Danger! She does not emotionally know what she is doing, that is called a KID! And he turns her into a whore... (basically...)",sexist "Imagine youre at home just trying to watch over your daughter and grand kids and suddenly she starts stabbing you and kills both her children. This is the risk a man takes when living with women, even relatives",sexist "Cheating used to be grounds to divorce a woman, and back then the man would keep the house, kids, money. There is no accountability anymore",sexist "Well, she's certainly safe from rape. To hear this kind of stuff from an allegedly educated woman is ludicrous. Maybe it should be the duty of western men to kill those who assault our women.",sexist "Hillary drops the term ""Roe v Wade."" So sick of hearing those words. Don't worry ""women"" you'll still be able to kill your babies at will. We don't want to deny a your right to kill a man's offspring. #debates",sexist "I think rape is to men what motherhood is to women. Most women have an innate desire for motherhood. And men, well...",sexist "Usually no but it happens. Incels think all women are the same which isnt exactly true, but it seems that way sometimes.",sexist Women are the one's obsessed with identity politics! Everything is about genitals and skin color for women...,sexist Bullshit. Most people prefer stability in relationships to being kept on their toes Women don't want men who seem to have no options and that do not impress their friends. That is what I mean.,sexist You're not gonna do it. Marry her and live the rest of your life with an insufferable cunt,sexist Eating out your mom is all I need,sexist Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump's proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers. MAGA Bitches..... [URL],sexist "ugly, miserable, vindictive skanks that fail at being a woman. (i'm a girl and i despise these feminist cunts) they are a plague.",sexist "If you want lower taxes, don't vote left. Which... most women do.",sexist Women hate vulnerable men,sexist "Tonite!!!! One night only! FagsOnAWire productions presents! Gays, weebs, dozzy, geeky bitch and tit!!",sexist Right? As virgins ourselves it's only fair to get together with one. But nowadays it's a miracle to find a woman with a single virgin hole,sexist Always be suspicious of foids who approach you with a smile.,sexist dis bitch.,sexist "Jehmu Greene is obviously lying because the first person she knows is herself. And no one would rape that, that alone fuck it willingly.",sexist "The return of male only spaces is paramount and tricky but can be achieved; barber shops, cigar parlors, gun ranges, hunting lodges, motorcycle clubs, dojos and gyms. Also, a competent replacement for the Boy Scouts would go a long way.",sexist "[USER] i completely agree with you!! i was just dogging 'feministas' who claim women can do ANYTHING as well as men. i'm female, and i know that's simply not true. this crap has gone way too far, right? ;)",sexist It's not a movie. It's a globalist Disney SJW-feminist-cultural-Marxism-anti-white-male propaganda piece that has basically purged every single white male from the Rebel Alliance and made every strong and good character a woman or minority.,sexist "I've had male and female therapists. Male therapists are way better because female therapists never actually try to solve anything, just talk all day and they are never actually empathetic towards you despite women supposedly being more empathetic.",sexist "I doubt they would believe that! Remember, they are just Nice guys^TM that dropped the bullshit. Respecting women? Bra, that's the quickest way to being a beta in the friendzone after all! s/",sexist That is fucking savage. He should kick her ass in school the next day.,sexist about time the system kicked this whore in her arse. Sent to jail or deported as a national risk!! Look at the fucking time wasted on trying to screw Mr President Donald Trump>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.,sexist Mother Theresa is a cunt a nasty money grabbing witch her House of the dying is torture,sexist i saw a post about a guy whos 5'3 and started to lift and now hes getting pussy. so yeah you can have a hot body and get women,sexist "Egalitarianism is a euphemism for female supremacy. Women can only have equality by oppressing men, because they are incapable of being responsible for themselves",sexist I would think a twat would recognize a fellow woman.,sexist "I was unaware that was you, thicc isn't my type but I don't disregard men who prefer it. This is thicc tho, not some fatass who insists her rolls is what makes her thicc. That's what I was trying to say.",sexist Freedumb = letting women make stupid decisions with their lives. Freedumb for women is a slippery slope. We need to burn all post-enlightenment books.,sexist Husband looks 20 years older and kids look like Kal-El Cage. Any Asian woman with a shred of dignity would consider her a laughing stock.,sexist "Just saying.... [URL] Doxx the Whore-bag, and wait until the time is right to release the dirt on her...",sexist "yes cunt.. yu think i was dumb did you a@ learn how i know why youve such bot problem....cos i got mine own that spit out troll idenitites matching em to real folk. you seem to have mastered fucking off though , so all credit to you,",sexist "Another random fact about women: she will cheat regardless of whether she wants to cheat or not, it's just instinct for them.",sexist Women can't rape men. Only men can rape women.,sexist #WTF I remember when Muslim girls were being killed in schools for getting an education...and we thought it was horrible....I no longer care if they kill them.... [URL],sexist bitch looks like a junkie.,sexist Only reason she didn't get the pussy pass is she became post wall.,sexist How'd your mom get a dick?,sexist fuck that from now on whenever you have a spare moment just call them cunts and faggots through the reporting system,sexist [USER] Lol Stop being her bitch. She lost get over it!,sexist "You can't lead a cat...you can only entice it. That's women, in a nutshell.",sexist "Acid attacks are dumb, If an attacker pussy throws a coke at me and i run a 45 slug thru his head, I will walk proving I thought thru media that it was acid and my life was in danger. Keep it up boomerang kids. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.",sexist Arrest the bitch and put her in a cell with male rapists.,sexist I might be a genius innovator who built a company and become CEO. I worked hard for years to built this company and one day the Government can tell me to fire me and hire a women CEO!,sexist """Yes, yes! Let us all praise the pussy now, and eternal fire to all the non-believers!"" Was all what these red pill adapted eyes could see through all the mangina, female slave posts.",sexist [URL] Fake rape accuser Lena Dunham plans to connect with women in middle America. #MAGA #Gab #AltRight #PresidentTrump #GabFam #DrainTheSwamp #Trump #SpeakFreely #News #PizzaGate #FakeNews,sexist You animal' as she's getting her rear end pounded. Wouldn't be the first or last time the female mind and body were in disagreement.,sexist She could just sell feminist smart rape whistle for people to throw money at her,sexist It means you might be wasting your time if you want to hookup. Don't automatically disbelieve what a woman says. They don't like that.,sexist "I still can't believe they did that to David. Probably one of the most wholesome political commentators on Youtube. These days, I'm glad he's doing okay. He's recently taken to streaming on Twitch, and all the twitch thots are getting moist.",sexist And I thought 1960s hippies were ridiculous! They must be the offspring of slutty single mothers! They don't amass a lick of sense in their heads until they meet the real world which chews them up and spits them out!,sexist (((Noah Rothman))) on Tucker. Holy shit it's annoying.....and feminine. I call dibs on picking out the niggers to rape it to death,sexist Women do not have free will so this is true.,sexist This _itch has no right to talk!,sexist Is that bitch related to Elizabeth Bathory? Looks like she irons her face every morning.,sexist "Whereas with Weinstein it ended up with a bikini to the face no doubt, going by how hard she's trying it on in those photos. bloody slag.",sexist Scientists to develop Neanderthal 'miniature brains'...will vet democrat congresswomen....,sexist no wonder its ok to punch a bitch hag as well esp if they are from zog and support remain,sexist "Dudley Walden Dads, don't send your daughters to college, especially left wing institutions. Less than 4 years and now in antifa and XXX actress.",sexist Specially if they are young. Young women may well not have the maturation to see beyond the surface.,sexist "Poor whittle Guy muted me awwwe, mommas waitin give her a hug and tell her what the mean ole Nugget did to your Feelz Goods bitch bang 😜",sexist "Lol depends what your definition of slut is. I personally don't care how many parters my parter has had before me. But if we are exclusive and she cheats, then later yo.",sexist "1. They're looking to see if other women want you (social proof) so they don't seem weird if they want you. 2. If you're a virgin, lie. Fake it till you make it. The girl who I lost my virginity to thought I had slept with 7 women (LOL).",sexist "Well if he's a ""pimp"" then I guess all you lady's know what that makes you...",sexist Has anyone else noticed how mudsharks fanatically try to get other white girls to be mudsharks? Mudsharks' lives are so wretched that they want to inflict the misery upon others. #AltRight,sexist Another 2x Anecdotes. Get educated and bring out some actual sources or are you not an empowered female?,sexist "The woman accusing George H W Bush of ""sexual assault"" is trivializing women who've been raped or molested. It's ridiculous!",sexist "This right here! Yes! They want special rights not equal responsibilities. If you ask for equal responsibility from them, they will paradoxically say that is sexist as well! ""I'm a lady, treat me as such!""",sexist I find the 2 dumbest things on the planet are 1) moslem women 2) Jewish democrat. Before anyone spell checks me I spell (moslem) that way to show disrespect to the cult of death and perversion.,sexist amazing how many american men put up with their womyn putz shaming them in public. slap that shit down at first sign or become the worse thing a man can be - a woman's bitch.,sexist "Lmao, women can't even be loyal to their own gender",sexist [USER] I think her full Indian name is something like She Who Lies Like B*tch,sexist Policies.... I hope somebody kills her,sexist "The web is full of right wing sites with 10,000 true fans, mostly dimwit women, who blew smoke up the admins ass for years as they lost 90% of their contributors.",sexist noodlefoids are the biggest white supremacists. They claim anime aren't designed to look like white people but it's fucking obvious.,sexist "I hate foid cops, they would shoot you quickly on the spot. Glad the man cop calmed this stupid cunt from almost shooting me when the man cop asked me for my drivers license.",sexist "Aborted fetuses, how could women be so cruel as to abort a baby? Women that abort their children will be punished by God.",sexist Can you imagine what would have happened if the genders had been reversed? The white knights would be jumping out of their seats. Women get the pussy pass even when they are assaulting other women. (ie: she hits the female cabin crew).,sexist "Nah, I'm mad your mom won't check my prostate while she's gaging on my meat so I can paint her white.",sexist Keep in mind women tend to under report the amount of sex they have and other negatives. So the real number is probably 80%. 100% if we count the orbiters that every female has in 2018.,sexist "This idiot Madonna told Kelly Ripa hug my breast on ABC at 9 AM in the morning ,and you wonder why men have mixed signals. Time for women to lose jobs for touching men. [URL]",sexist "Robin Williams killed himself because of his cunt of a wife. She took everything from him, causing him to be a part of small projects that barely made him anything. Women are fucking evil.",sexist one thing i learned is to tell the judge she stayed the night. no woman who was raped would willing stay in a bed with a rapist,sexist "Just rape your wife and kill her younger brother, bro!",sexist "Ever notice how if it's a white guy and Asian girl they are never looksmatched? This guy mogs the fuck out of her. Either that, or the white guy is incel looking lanklet and the Asian girl is 7/10. Whites are volcel tbh.",sexist "Swedish Man Hater's Club Meeting: Angry, bitter women are welcome to attend. Free donuts if you're fat and generally ugly. Attractive women will be shunned. [URL]",sexist "[USER] She should of been used as a human shield against him, she'd change her mind pretty quick then ! Out with love and in with hate, nope out with misguided bullshit and in with a machete.",sexist "She should be strung up, no drop. Let her kick and sway until she expires. #unhinged #crazy #AttemptedMurder #felon",sexist "oh well, bet she knows very well what she wants and that is riding the cock carousel.",sexist Don't ever get married to a woman. All women have necks and all necks can be decapitated.,sexist "its the other way around -she,' his white trash HO,",sexist Confirms what I always knew. Women are absolutely frigid sexually. They try to pretend otherwise but look how many marriages exist where the sex dries up soon after the honeymoon. Dead bedrooms wouldn't exist if women actually craved sex.,sexist I don't really care if women feel self conscious about anything. I hope they all become more insecure.,sexist "Being skinnyfat is a lot easier than being toned with high muscle mass and, sad but true, women just need to be not fat and have good t&a to be hot. About cosmetic usage, yeah you have a point.",sexist "This is a cry for help from the female gender. They are blatantly admitting that they cannot make proper life decisions by themselves, and are begging for men to reinstate full patriarchal rule.",sexist "I've seen ""why would women lie about something as serious as rape?"" Literally makes 0 sense as an argument.",sexist Some very hot girls in the Russian womens hockey league. Its not just dyke central like US/Canada hockey.,sexist The Podesta Pedo's belong to this bitch,sexist "Man cleared of rape to sue police after they hid 40,000 messages from 'victim' [URL] It is interesting that he sues the Police and not the women who accused him. You see that quite often in recent times. Seems women are immune",sexist Let her choke on your cock and then hard next her,sexist "We are all being sprayed with chemtrails, our food is from depleted soil, our seafood is high in mercury and radiation, cell phones are damaging our brains. The schools are teaching liberal garbage. It is no wonder that women are hard nowadays.",sexist Anybody that catches their mom cheating and allows her to fuck over the family is a pussy,sexist Love is hate. Nice! Linda Sarsour gets away with this because woman and (alledged) Muslim,sexist if you cant beat the boys BECOME A WOMAN . [URL],sexist "*Her sentence, of 16 months to four years, means she could be released on parole as soon as late December, based on the amount of time she spent in jail awaiting trial.* That's how much a Man's life matters to TheSystem.",sexist I call it ugly women attacking good-looking white women. It's all about envy and bagging yourself a Chad.,sexist Shes not a real woman for being so reckless,sexist And since you're concerned about these parents simply walking away from their responsibilities why the hell do you support women's ability to pass their children off using adoption or legal abandonment? You're just a sexist pig with lipstick,sexist "Pussypass activated, 5 days and she didn't have to register on sex offender list. Justice denied!",sexist "I'm surprised more incels don't go on a serial killer rampage, considering the sheer number of batshit retarded women (attractive even, see: charles manson's harem) who get totally wet over these psychos.",sexist "That's because ugly women are more insecure and less confident. They will have self doubts and not be used to guys hitting on them, hence the strange reactions.",sexist She's a freak. Become her suitcase pimp and make some money on her before she slams headfirst into the wall.,sexist Tell her she better not come back with her butt virginity or you're taking her pussy virginity,sexist "Not only report this , but this shit should put You on a fucking list and new laws made to charge people like this , who thinks its ok ... Sick fucking cunts",sexist Women always have there hidden agenda.,sexist "That's the common mistake men do. I saw many of my friends falling to the same life, even those that kept being in a relationship are miserable with a fat wife they are not attracted to because she's fatter than he is.",sexist "Yes I agree, I won't touch bio species, robot pussy is far superior.",sexist She is a nigger that made a site to keep peoples information on it so others can view it. I'm racist because I hate that monkey bitch but me talking about the bad things she has done isnt racist it's the it's truth.,sexist Ya'know... got the feeeeeeeeeeeelings all hurt..... gotta monitor our tone and all to please the stuck up little bonnie lass so she doesn't have herself a tizzy,sexist "It's like female refs for a men's game. Can I please moderate a women's thread? Oh, all holy hell would break lose. Women crying and running for cover.",sexist "the #metoo thing was always a fake, as well. It started when (former) child actors started talking about the pedo abuse in hellyweird and it was taken over by women who willingly went to the casting couch for their careers.",sexist I realized women will never be attracted to me physically but only if my pockets are fat and have give up years ago seeking them out. I just work on myself and love life,sexist Evil fucking whore. He should have screen grabbed it and sent it to her parents.,sexist "Don't forget that short women are fun sized while short men are munchkins, sweaty inkwell!!!",sexist No poppy? You deserve an acid attack.,sexist Should be taken from him and given to a real woman. This tranny crap is bs.,sexist She is using sex to get up the corporate ladder then cry rape when she fails to be the ceo,sexist "do ppl say a lot of mean stuff about ur daughter? is she so ugly the family dog closes his eyes when he humps her leg? Is she fat? When she goes to McDonalds does she look at the menu and say ""ok""?",sexist whining pussies >sparklyteenvampire,sexist "Whether its a fat fucking bitch in the Hollywood Hills or a shy cute feminine Japanese girl. Once she is bored, finds another guy more interesting or you lose frame, it all goes to shit fast",sexist The fact is what you say isn't what matters and anyone who says that doesn't know what they're talking about. It's all about attitude. Obviously don't tell her she's a dirty cunt but as long as you're confident and non phased you're fine.,sexist "male-dominated major (no single female friends around) None of this matters when it comes to women though. Online dating, daygame, nightgame.",sexist "I might bang a hoe, then I might bang her. IDK!",sexist It's hard to talk about my previous experiences with women without either coming off as bragging or appearing like a huge pussy lol,sexist Never let her seduce you into buying her anything big. Treat her like a peasant. And since you're the actual king you will reap rewards.,sexist There is nothing uglier than an ass that sticks way out as do those of the Nigger females.,sexist This is true. You should only approach a girl without a greenlight if you don't mind being treated like a homeless man at a car dealership.,sexist "Look, I don't know her, you don't know her, he doesn't know her. But I do know for absolute fact that being a POW doesn't exclude you from from being a bitch. My great uncle was a POW, he was the worst cunt I've ever met.",sexist "Officially, polyamory is a committed, romantic relationship with multiple partners. Basically, it's an official codification of the modern woman's Dual Mating Strategy. Alpha fucks, beta bucks, there's nothing new under the sun.",sexist "Oh god, good job he'll never get to go near any pussy because fuck that. I had an ex who thought women liked that, that shit sucks.",sexist high test face just lol at this. i dont have any bones at all > you probably have a large penis its not large. ITS LARGE. > size queen whores fat girls reject me faster than thin ones,sexist Also physical hard work renders women infertile.,sexist "women can breed irresponsibly, have ten kids by 15 diff daddies, and govt gives them a house and food, while a father of one of those kids, who might be making minimum wage, if he does not pay child support, he goes to jail. sounds fair",sexist "Of course they do. Females have the advantage that men are attracted to a wider range of things. Being indian is not a death sentence for a female, you can find a man who has a fetish for this.",sexist "[USER] Oh, my stupid 19 year old son (who is a liberal) thinks Bruce Jenner is a woman.",sexist "they are probably good looking why do asshole women get sex and relationships? they're hot. hot people get away with more shit, especially from the opposite gender.",sexist "Yeah man that's all true and you know as well as I do, if my ugly ass went up to one of the hot girls she'd laugh at me and walk away",sexist Feminism Lite (1950s)ain't happening either. Don't wait! Hit your woman today!,sexist This women deserves capital punishment,sexist women are awful women's advice is awful,sexist The biggest flaw in the comic is that the woman hasn't hit the wall after 2 kids. Only her hair got a bit messy.,sexist Always make her something first and see how grateful she is I bet you she'll through a bitch fit for not spending 100s of cash on her.,sexist "This chart says it all: [URL] they wanted to create a nation of boys growing up without any fathers, and call it female liberation, well... you reap what you sow (widespread criminality)",sexist She was my crush until the retarded feminist shit rotted her brain (she graduated college with a 4.0).,sexist They are more natural than us. They dont accept or tolerate gynocentrism. Unlike the west who apparently is ok with whatever bullshit women say and do.,sexist "If you *tell* her that she's replaceable, then she has to wonder why you feel the need to say that. It stinks of weakness and insecurity. Instead, punish her when she misbehaves. Let the withdrawal of your attention and interest do the talking.",sexist "People like this should be thrown in jail. Modern society bandies the term of rape around far too often, leading to people being accused of it by women simply because of spite or expediency.",sexist Punch her in the head and then punch her bf in the head and then stand there flexing over the pair while yelling DONT TOUCH ME.,sexist "When I don't like a girl, who is not 'right' for me: I give her a can of porks and beans, stick an apple in her mouth, and throw her out the door.",sexist imagine thinking chad gays have lower standards than women,sexist Trump puts on a broad on the Supreme Court then we may snatch a feather from his cap. No good comes from a female judiciary.,sexist """I'm gonna get so much pussy when women see how much I respect them. I am such a nice guy!""",sexist Israeli women fuck donkeys,sexist And what did this bitch get? Did she get sue? Any punishment? They don't even mentioned it.,sexist Raping women is cool.,sexist "Raising the reproduction rate in a country is an easy task once you get rid of the people actively trying to suppress it. If the state creates conditions and incentives that compel women to marry and have children, the rest works itself out.",sexist "Well we already had a feminist doctor killing off patients (Fuck you Dr. Barton, burn in hell cunt.) This is not surprising. The government want the men dead, and they'll get every woman in on it that they can.",sexist It's only funny when it's offensive towards women. Make a joke about men and all of a sudden misandry is alive and well and the radical man-hating feminists are literally going to kill all men.,sexist "While I do agree with ""Stop Asian Hate"", it is hilarious watching Asian women trying to look woke doing it while many of them are literally bragging about being the ""colonizer's whore"".",sexist Is there anthing sweeter than a pretty girl with fresh #cum all over her #tits? I just want to lick it all off her! #NSFW #TeamSmut #cumslut,sexist The men who white knight for women eventually get burned themselves. It's important for men to recognize that you do yourself no favors by patronizing women and their state pimp. Recent high profile false rape accusations prove this.,sexist "isn't this the bitch that tried to make that ""anti-racist"" doxing platform, failed miserably then tried to follow the shekels of being ""based black"" in any case, she is black and an enemy and should be destroyed, she doesn't deserve to be",sexist He might suddenly become visible after she's been knocked up by Chad and Tyrone and she needs betabux. But that's only a possibility for 6-7/10 normies,sexist Yes. Any modern woman will be a whore for the right price. Some for a lower amount than you might think. You might be surprised at how low a price some women will put on their self-respect.,sexist "My mother was a crackwhore who put me on this place as a crackbaby, I will burn her grave if she dies.",sexist I get it though. Your minuscule dick can't handle all the woman of Michelle. Black women usually have a lot more meat and thickness. Too much for you too handle huh. Lol,sexist These women degrade themselves more than any man could by themselves.,sexist the fact that three of these get caught every year tells us that women have just as many creeps as men. Men are not the creepy sex anymore in the age of the internet.,sexist Marilyn Monroe was a druggie and a whore. Why are her pictures always used to represent america???,sexist "funny how to be a hight quality women they only have to act as someone rational, alas those sluts cant even do that.",sexist Part 2: MeToo will die out in ignominy after fearful shitlib males start to fight back and some of the women are exposed as egregious liars. There will be alien contact. Mueller and his co-conspirators will all be fired.,sexist My mother is not a slut and never was a slut. But she still managed to make my father miserable so...,sexist "HALF of women have a fall-back partner on standby who has always fancied them, in case their current relationship turns sour > [URL] There's a biological basis behind a lot of the things incels talk about.",sexist Normies will never admit that the best they can hope for is beta buxxing. Glorified baby sitters (since women are children) that get to sleep in the same bed as a women while getting starfish sex once a month all while fueling her lavish lifestyle,sexist most sjw's are women... ...fuck 'em! 1/0,sexist I wish they'd thrown the commie race traitor bitch down & fucked her to death.,sexist "Because avoiding rape is entirely within a woman's control ?? Unless all men are considered to be rapists, this does not make sense.",sexist Shameful that women like this make it almost impossible for real rape victims to get justice. She should stay locked up.,sexist "She is an ignorant piece of schiff. Her day will come. Why anyone follows her is a mystery. She talks schiff but that's all it is. She just looks like an asshole, act's like a dumb bitch. Just saying",sexist There are white women who date minority men for culture points then end up marrying white chad,sexist You're right though bitches ain't really sht. If you're gonna hate the game then you better fuel that energy to something more useful. I'm telling you fam when you genuinely stop giving af about these bitches that's when you'll start getting them,sexist Oh boy she's 1.7M ahead in the popular vote? Sure let's just not talk about the 3M undocumented votes. The daft cunt. #MAGA,sexist "Holy shit, these tits are so hot. I can't contain my boner. Mmmmmh look at those saggy tits and those awesome legs, made of cellulite. Dude, you're right. Your standards are higher than the probability of that being a prostitute. [URL]",sexist "You're as big as an asshole as he is if you keep going on about it, grow the fuck up or even better, get off the internet if you can't handle it. You are replicating #Twatter & #Faceplant & #Reddit behavior here on [USER] Give it a rest",sexist "yeah im gettin pussy 8) she gonna squirt, even though im a wristcels",sexist Women are never happy believe me,sexist "This is very RP... First you treat her like shit. Then you apologize and say you were just fucking about. If OP's friends had done the same thing he did they would of gotten the same response. Destroy and conquer, bitches.",sexist "Stop giving her sympathy. She was a traitor and deserved what she got. Traitors deserve death, and hers was just.",sexist "A Mean Girls meme? Jesus fuck. I'm going to say that this isn't a boomer, unless it's a woman.",sexist "they're not remotely equivocal you dumb fuck. A girl with a flat ass still has sexual market value, a guy with a small dick does not",sexist Harvey Weinstein fucked your ugly mother up the ass so hard that she loved it. He then made her suck on his sweaty hairy nut sack.,sexist "Just after he had made the shot. He smiled. She killed him. That is what women are capable of. Never trust a woman. Never. They will kill you, one way or another. Quickly, with a bullet, or bleed you out.",sexist Washed up tramp has a cock in her mouth.,sexist "Exactly. I've always loved strong, lovely, sensible women. Hate materialist money grubbing whores. The girls on gab are feminine but will tell you to go eat a dick in a second. That's a lady!",sexist "Curiously, even the most attractive ethnic foids all seem to have Caucasian features.",sexist "The closest women get to construction jobs is ancillary positions like traffic control. Low risk, low skill and 70% of the time they're on their phones!",sexist Men climb mountains. Women declare their current location the peak of the mountain.,sexist It's easier for femoids and chads and they are the only ones who count,sexist "That time in every womans life when overnight she goes from hot to ugly,that's hitting the wall.",sexist Me. I am the Baron. She thinks that Baron Trump is mentally disabled. So she calls me baron. She is racist (against whites) and hates the Retarded. Horrible SJW bitch.,sexist Kavanaugh vote tomorrow. Is there any #FakeNews organization that has not already written what a tragedy this is to women's rights?,sexist I know a girl her name is Sue her pussy swelled shut there is no place to screw,sexist "There is only one woman in the world - every female ""individual"" you see is a mirage, a construct made by the simulation overseers, to test each man's resolve. Treat that one woman with one mind. Wake up, people.",sexist "A rapist's action are his or her own. However, acting like a slut in public will not help you in life.",sexist All the famous sex object Eurasian daughters are WMAF. AMWF Eurasian daughters can be great intellectuals like Obama's sister or creative types like Marjorie M. Liu [URL] [URL],sexist "Don't be a sad cunt, we're all going to make it brah",sexist "Social media is to women, what porn is to men.",sexist "Well, if they dress like sluts then I guess why complain? Just fuck them right? Sluts be sluts, sluts fuck around, you might just have a chance buddy boiii",sexist Karma is a cool judge that works on bitches.,sexist For some reason fat women can have fun with chad. Fat me don't have super chiseled platforms for the roasties to play on. Chad still has fun. Female gets a roused from the fancy things fat man has. It's so simple but it hurts so much,sexist I really have respect for so much romantic delusion. Not to fancy what men could achieve if they are not slowed down and hindered on their way by women and their drama.,sexist "The day we understand thots, is the day we need to get off the interwebs.",sexist Niceguys is filled with simps and females. They dont have much going on between their ears.,sexist "probably 0[CUR], then she's going to ask for more money to support her 'child'. Fucking useless women...",sexist "true, but again ill pay! Love to see her face when shes exposed once and for all as the lying bitch she is!",sexist "But when women speak, that does mena they are lying.",sexist "50% women, and 50% F-to-M transies.",sexist "....Nigga you met her in a nightclub. No proper LTR girl goes to a nightclub, let alone hooks up with a dude she met at a nightclub. That's quite restrictive.",sexist "For women, the drama, emotions. And make up sex. For men, feeling like a man/in control momentarily(before he apologizes). And the possibility of make up sex. Juice ain't worth the squeeze.",sexist "This is amusing. Stupid women calling themselves ""woke"" is the perfect image for the twatocracy. [URL]",sexist "Are you a white bitch ironically using the word ""nibba""? Piece of advice when you're in mixed company those jokes you make with your girlfriends will get *the dogshit smacked out of you.*",sexist Maybe not slutty the way YOU do it...,sexist We're on Gab with you. Twatter sucks!,sexist What an attention getting asshat. They have now officially made a joke of the work sexual assault. Waiting for her to escalate it to rape.,sexist Just reversed HALO affect. Yeah yeah stacies nice ugly girls bitch. Not even close.,sexist Fucking vermin!!! Sick bastards!! But this chick should have never gone to a room with a stranger alone!! 😔 Poor girl!!,sexist Title says this is what poachers do. Im pretty sure poaching is already illegal. Woman logic is...bad.,sexist "Here's to gunpowder and pussy, Live by one, die by the other Love the smell of both!",sexist "Good remark in the case she is looking for a provider. If the guy has this badass-gangsta-hobo vibe and is good looking, she'll hook with him even if he lives in a hut.",sexist bragging about being with older men. And they will laugh when an older woman rapes a young boy. They'll just say he got lucky lol. Fucking whores.,sexist We need to know how both men and women handle space travel. You can't colonize other planets with just men. Plus space travel would get mighty boring without you cuties and your nice hair.,sexist "Unlike that chimpy bitch we had for 8 years, this woman is CLASS all the way! [URL]",sexist "Trump's America where police take no shit from the feral left. As always, fuck Barack and his racist, bitch wife. 😂 [URL]",sexist Fucking wait if the order of law falls. Women will get beat to shit immediately. We are meant to use violence or the the threat of it to keep both men and women in check.,sexist When a guy like him invests in a girl like her its because she's easier to deal with (for now).,sexist Russian collision is proved fake. 30 years ago a woman accused cavanaugh of so called raping her? Where is the proof?,sexist Met a 1/8th b/w foid that would be incel if male recently. She was turbo autistic. On the plus side she claimed to prefer virgin men.,sexist "Women follow a variety of sexual strategies. The super sluts are a minority of women, even in this era.",sexist "Fuck women, fuck feminism and I will say it",sexist or.... you could just not be a puss and rub her clit,sexist "Women can be creeps too, like when the crazy cat lady thats a regular at your store starts very obviuosly trying to flirt with you :/",sexist Dumb Nazi Nigger cunt too stupid to understand her 88 is holding back her 14. They must all secretly love Jews because they're doing the Mossad's work for them for free.,sexist "You know what would REALLY kill Feminists? Just ignore them, don't take the pictures, completely ignore them. Drives any woman crazy.",sexist Call the cops on her and sue her for defamation. Girls are generally pathological liars. It would be easy when the cops go for the story only for her to change it regularly on the fly.,sexist "Gaems vanguard at GameStop lol... these bitches lash out at the pretty girls too. Bitter ugly chicks gotta work, even pretty ones now.",sexist Jesus of course it was her fault and the rape was the worst part. But the dad was a slimy piece of shit who was proud of it which is not cool and probably harms the kids a whole lot too.,sexist "Romanian women are fucking hot, compared to average Western girls. Too bad the communism fucked up their heads.",sexist Corsi gets more cat lady pussy than anyone else on the planet.,sexist "She's probably on her back getting her legs stretched out and getting fucked by a genetically superior male while she's text you for her own amusement. Sorry man, it's over",sexist [USER] You daughter is gonna get fucked by a Muslim,sexist Our tribe is superior to your tribe. If our men rape and assault women it's because they're flawed. If your men attack women then they're vile degenerates who ought to be taken out and shot. #Clinton,sexist "Supporting toxic men and glorifying toxic male behaviors, obviously. Most of these women are young or poor, unfortunately, and think they can only have agency, and even violence/revenge, through a man. It's a sign of disempowerment, if anything",sexist She doesn't believe in race she believes in geography. Women are idiots,sexist "LOL. Wall up,titless,butless,hag trying to stay in the spotlight. Notice how these bitches are all about caring but have done nothing to actually help those in need with their tons of money? So fucking fake.",sexist "Why don't female virgins go and pay someone to take their virginity? **Oh wait... yes, THEY GET PAID that someone can take their virginity**",sexist "Special episode of Loomy Does Politics, by popular demand! Loomy Does Abortion. Time to offend my liberal friends! I only support abortion in two circumstances: rape and a health risk to the mother. Also opposed to it, period, after two months.",sexist "[URL] Here's the source retard. French girls wanted to sleep with the SS. SS men were tall, blonde, blue eyed, etc. ofc any girl would sleep with them",sexist "1. Don't hire women 2. If your company grows in size and you're forced to, time to sell the company and start a new one, or retire.",sexist Then you... Are part... Of the issue......... Don't just blame the dumbass simps. Blame the fucking women who get away with it.,sexist "She has such a high opinion of herself that she has to brag about being a NXIVM whore, total trash.",sexist "This shit sickens me. Fair play to that man, a bigger, stronger man then any of them cucks. Then that woman at the end, hope she turned and tripped over a twig and hit her head.",sexist Fucking narcissistic moms... they use their kids for social brownie points. They're worse than fucking rats.,sexist "So pussy, does this mean that you represent now one then? +1 (Neo) #Trump #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely",sexist "Primate sex is uber-rapey, some manifestations of estrus aside. Why do you think that women will often orgasm when being raped? It's a biological defense mechanism to reduce damage and facilitate pregnancy. Nature is a motherfucker",sexist this looks like an ex-wives' convention on the way to a lobby to demand the feds double their alimony settlements,sexist "My sister is a lot cuter than I am, but I don't bitch about it because I'm not a fucking moron",sexist You just need to find a good old fashioned ho,sexist She got her equal rights... And lefts 😂,sexist "She let you do anal, that's how they keep you. But seriously, Think if you did marry her, you got off easy.",sexist """Raaa, all women are fucked. #MGTOW"" Lol.",sexist Jimbo? More like Bimbo? Is he one of your princess gang? Ha ha ha.. who gives a shit if he blocked me.. that's what free speech is about.. you'd know it if you ever pulled your head out of your ass and stop whining like a bitch..,sexist "By Rachael stating she has been ""slut shamed"" isn't she admitting that she's a slut ? 'Despite my best efforts I couldn't find the photos anywhere....damn it !",sexist [URL] Dem FEMBOTS do you really want to protect these guys? ISIS records reveal number of girls raped by each jihadist,sexist "If mothers cared about their sons they would do more to help us not be incel if we're being honest here. Most would be ""disgusted"" by the idea",sexist #GabFam #News #SpeakFreely #Maga #GabFamSuxsShit #DirtyCunts #FalseFlag [URL] #FuckUpJews #TheColdWarRestartedBackIn2014 #SpeakingTruthToPower Poor Chelsea never had a chance at life given the selfish circumstances of her parents,sexist "She *claims* to be a virgin and we know that outside of Western countries, hymen reconstruction surgery is very common for tricking men into thinking their girlfriend / wife isn't a hoe.",sexist She could easily seduce students and still keep her teaching certificate,sexist "[USER] Chocolate is a real bitch. You can yell n scream all you want, chocolate gives no fucks! ...and she has mean deplorable friends too. #GabChefs",sexist "The wage gap is not a women's rights issue. Men just work harder longer hours than women, so they deserve to be paid more. #feminism",sexist Worthless bitch,sexist This pissed me off so much. Makes me want to seek this bitch up and punch her until there's nothing left to punch!,sexist if you live with a single mom -- ...you're AN ***IDIOT.*** --,sexist You mean one that forces women to like wimpy feminine men?,sexist "Find the g spot, get her off multiple times with your fingers first. Then she will be primed to get off from penetration, it won't matter much how good/bad your dick game is.",sexist "Am I reading this correctly?....a damning statement, although, certainly not contrite. Sons/daughters of bitches have been buying time while conspiring to remove POTUS one way or another. Can't wait to hear Brennan's take.",sexist I want to slap her tits around >!too bad about her face!<,sexist Spread awareness that being a good person won't get you anywhere with femoids,sexist "Sounds just like another fucking Moslem to me, ugly bitch should put on her punch sack & shut the fuck up!",sexist What kind of pussy allows his wife to beat him?,sexist I say you put her in a room naked with 20 of her beloved refugees and let's see how much they respect her..,sexist "You chose wisely. If more men would take wise decisions, world would be a better place. I try not to spend any time with women over 35, too high risk of all kind of false allegations.",sexist "He's got it backwards, we need STRONG men and GOOD women.",sexist "Personally i can't be an asshole even i try, but i see all my arrogant or abusive friends getting a lot of girls , so why would they stop being assholes if it works for them , girls love it so they should be responsible of their choices",sexist Women are the procurers. The Moors Murders in the UK stand alone as the worst crimes ever committed on British soil in modern times. The woman lured the children. Their fate has gone down in history as the worst of all possible crimes.,sexist "Ultimatum that bitch. If she picks you than sweet. If not, shit aint worth it",sexist "No expectation of privacy even in ""semi-public"" (privately owned) space. Make your own gym ladies. Men, make your own gym. When women force entry, OOGLE THEM.",sexist "Yes, because she made a mistake,she SHOULD pay for it. It was her mistake not society's. I'm all for legit help for someone in need but people who fuck around, don't use protection and then expect to get bailed out can go screw",sexist "Well apparently it's because of the ""Patriarchy"" because men bad and men oppressed women by ""keeping them at home to cook and care for the household"" while men literally went out to face danger and die in wars",sexist fuckin nigger witch,sexist This bitch is nasty... she would likely try to talk as she is forced to give head...fired after the first blowjob.,sexist A woman disfiguring herself with ink for attention is more evidence that MGTOW is the way. edit: I don't think all tattoos are for attention. This instance I think it is judging by her obvious typical bitch narcissism.,sexist The ignorant Oprah bitch thought she was of Zulu ancestry or some such - they did a DNA test on her and she was west African coast like 99% of African-Americans brought here as slaves.,sexist "women have no problem to have their wage slave, if he is not performing enough she can just replace him",sexist "You don't ""communicate"" being an alpha. You need to become an alpha. Women pick up on that far better than you can imagine.",sexist Plan B is right on schedule baby. OUR MEN will impregnate the Jew women-,sexist """LOLOL"" what are you a twelve YO girl?",sexist "No, it's a marxist issue. Western society has become perverted. Men and women have switched roles and this is what we get. It's disgusting and evil.",sexist "Please.... take my wife, rape my daughter!! But whatever you do, leave the j00s alone!!! - cuckolded ""conservatives""",sexist Them 5'2 femoids really want the 6' + Chad xd,sexist Married women doing that are whores end of discussion Men doing that are naughty fuckers Sorry that's how life works,sexist Kids make stupid mistakes like tie up mentally handicapped men and torture them. Or gather 6 of their friends and gang rape pregnant women for 18 hours.,sexist "The posts here are correct. 1) You're more confident. 2) You've already ""passed the test"". But don't forget: 3) If a girl wants some no-commitment sex, you are more attractive if you are already taken.",sexist "Of course it isnt going to cut it when you act like a little bitch. You know who else whines about height issues in guys? Women. Do you want to be a woman and complain about short guys, or are you going to be the short guy fucking her brains out?",sexist I heard her labia was the original inspiration for Hammer Pants.,sexist Push and pull works better with young and dumb girls.,sexist Won't miss her liberal wrinkly ass! Bye bitch,sexist "If she would only have spent the time she spent today on her eyebrows once on the manual of how to properly fix the seat in the car ... Ah, forget it, women, the natural born caretakers of the young...",sexist Why is this not at all surprising? >Live in girlfriend Why do men allow this ever? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? I'm now a woman. Give me free room and food. Amidoingitrite?,sexist The women play better than the men? I remember when it made national news that someone in the WNBA dunked the ball. Almost everyone in the NBA can dunk.,sexist Yeah we had to drop the bomb to save your dipshit punk ass!! Go hide under your mammy's pussy again sissy!!,sexist "Women are already obsolete in every way outside of reproduction, at least to the smarter part of men. The not so bright men (that being the majority of the population) will be shamed into not getting sex-dolls/robots. That's their loss though.",sexist No person should ever expect others to treat them or their body with more respect than they treat their body. You can't treat yourself like shit but expect everyone else to treat you like a pretty little precious princess. =),sexist "Holy crap this bitch needs to be put in prison cause it's not her freedom, she didn't earn it, it's embarrassing, and she's wrong.",sexist "Why are you so interested in ""fertile""? I don't want kids. Fertility is actually a turn off. A hot barren woman would be better. But you can never trust them on that...nor trust that God won't pull some shit and ""open her womb"" like in the Bible.",sexist "I don't need to, when women these days use the word man/men, it's either for shaming, blaming or complaining.",sexist "You know, there are thousands of white hippy SJW women out there who draw these diagrams and ""cast spells"" and think they're witches.",sexist I think she's a very good candidate for Arkanicde but trafficking her tired old ugly hag ass will be hard to find anybody that wants the bitch Elise.,sexist "Yeah with Mgtow Day approaching (Feb 14) I already women being childish, it'll create a surge for sure.",sexist "[USER] they have the most insane fantasy that some sex hungry man will rape them and they will need an abortion. Like your post, the way most of these women look is pretty good birth control against that fantasy",sexist A textbook example of how many American white girls have become hopelessly contaminated by vile ghetto culture. Watch this video to see what I have to deal with every damn day. [URL],sexist "This woman is your friend, she removes kebabs. Also she makes sexy time after only three bottles of vodka... very cheap date and two bottles less than it takes Slav horse to agree to sexy time!!",sexist All women are insane. Nothing new here.,sexist I never seem to get the tranny porn on my feed but I exclusively use the app and not the website maybe that's why?,sexist And it's ironic because short women suffer **far** less than short men. It's like calling an ambulance for someone who has a paper cut but telling a man who just lost his arm to get over it.,sexist "That commenter flipnskater really projects too much. I doubt he's being served by his women, if he has any.",sexist """You've just confirmed my opinion. You ARE a fucking idiot."" Well, at least until after the wedding/honeymoon... After that they will just be idiots (i.e. no more fucking... well maybe once a month if she ""feels"" like it). ;-)",sexist "Dude, stop playing the pussy game. All I'm getting from your post is jealousy of other guys and distaste for the women that pick them instead of you. Kill your social media, it is a cause of your social anxiety.",sexist "Kidney Disease, Kids, No sex drive and entitled. Yup that's a fucking keeper. Seriously bitch what do you have to offer?",sexist the benghazi whore needs to be strung up by her worthless neck to as tree.,sexist I wouldn't piss on Nikki Haley if she was on fire. What a despicable piece of excrement. You call this twat a human being ?,sexist "So true. The harder you chase women the more tired you get. If she lets you catch her, fucking run it's an ambush!!!",sexist "Knowing the twisted nature of feemales, she was probably sh*t testing him.",sexist "I will say it once again ""the white race's greatest enemy is not the jew, or the jew's negro pets; the white race's greatest enemy is the white female""",sexist "When the husband kills her, as is wont to happen quite often, he has done our race a favour.",sexist "I think the idea is that you can rescind it at the time. No-one openly supports a legal framework of retroactive consent withdrawal, some women just practice it when they ""realise"" they were raped because their boyfriend caught them cheating.",sexist Incels being attracted to children: just natural biology. Incels repulsing women because of shortness or something: FOIDS ARE SLAVEEEEEES TO BIOLOGY! THEY CAN'T BREAK THEIR ADDICTION TO CHAD COCK!,sexist Hey you stupid Trump hating cunt...we are not a Democracy..go hang yourself....bitch!!,sexist "Let's make an all female cast star wars movie, directed by Paul Feig, starring the cast of the 2016 'blockbuster' hit Ghostbusters! It's Ghostbusters.. in space, with like lasers and stronk whamen & stuff.",sexist And it's also ridiculous to call her a slut and all sorts when she doesn't give you the validation you want.,sexist "There was no honorable confession, she was drunk and it trickle truthed from there. She told me I can do whatever and while I'm not going in search of side pussy, if it happens it happens. I'll no longer be taking the high road and she knows that.",sexist "I love it, liberals are so progressive, trans men make better women than real women, lol.",sexist "I'd love to see the underlying data sets. And reanalyze them. Could probably see some juicy clusters quantifying female divorce rape of men. Until then, I guess [URL] will have to do.",sexist This FUCKING cunt! And she has the gall to let the name of the most holy be polluted by her venomous lips... I hope she burns in hell. disgusting! [URL],sexist I don't know what is more pathetic between a cunt and her simps.,sexist Yes. But the right (liberal) women will be the ones dying. We're OK with that.,sexist Emotions are to women what sex is to men.,sexist "Got kicked out of school again. I'd been to watch my daughter's class give a gymnastics display, but without thinking, instinct and force of habit took over. I grabbed hold of the sexiest one and tucked a [CUR]20 note down the top of her leotard.",sexist Having sex with a pregnant woman is like putting gas in a car you've already wrecked.,sexist "The guy must be such a raging beta that her pussy is clenched shut. Alpha fucks, beta bucks.",sexist "wow anyone that just read this pretty much knows youd shoot yourself at me via human slingshot, with your legs wide open, in a heartbeat cant believe the shameless harassment some women will stoop to in order to get some solid pipe #MeToo",sexist "Engineering chicks are the sluttiest, other stem chicks not so much.They also believe in that women engineers empowerment and diversity bullshit and use that as a excuse to be a slut.",sexist "THOTLIFE SELECT DIFFICULTY. EASY EASY EASY Mean while,divorce rape men are struggling their ass to get a meal. Patriarchy's fault right?",sexist fuck merkel. she is a commie cunt.,sexist Women think men want disposable sluts. That's what they've been led to believe and so that's what they're giving us. I'm saying that we need to send a strong message that we want wives.,sexist ROFL!! Yes! I will never look that video in the same way. My interpretation: Never let her control shit. HB10 has nothing on me. Push her off and take the reins. Strongest reality wins and I'm riding this one. lmao.,sexist the Bernie Bitch who got arrested for leaking secret docs [URL],sexist He was mocking her and that's good. Da bitch deserves nothing but cruelty and ridicule,sexist "I think a Male only draft is necessary, because women are incompetent. And a HUUUUUGE drag on morale, and lead to a 60+% increase in blue falcon bullshit. CACAW!",sexist "When I was very young, there was a gal, ""Momma Cass""... who did more for acceptance than ALL of today's activists combined. How? She simply EXISTED and PRODUCED - providing a Good Example. She didn't bitch & whine, she ACCOMPLISHED.",sexist no. don't respect all. respect is earned. she has earned none. imagine that... the first woman president will be a quota hire who literally fucked her way to the top. lolololo,sexist Sad that she was assaulted. Hopefully next time she will save her money and not support (((Hollywood))),sexist He'll fuck her too. Chads fuck anything,sexist "why do you guys say this as if the women who like casual sex or are slutty don't already know this and admit it? liars exist in all demographics, but that doesn't mean everybody is lying.",sexist She's a Met Chief? Is that some kind of gratuitous position reserved for female assholes in order to satisfy feminist & libtard crap quotas?,sexist "Asian Womyn = AWALT. Well, they are worse than your typical non-asian women.",sexist "she's going out partying that wknd, next wknd she might feel like doing the whole romantic thing again. enjoy buying dinner for and playing couple with your used up whore m8.",sexist Chad could beat his bitch everyday and she'd still love him,sexist Let's be real she probably made that part up. A guy with enough balls to get up and leave isn't going to leave money for some raggedy thot.,sexist The sexy slut/whore is doing what she wants.,sexist She's part of the reason I can't use Twitter. Ive been calling this hooker out since she started running her holster with that bullshit me too crap. It was glorious. Our entire little group railed that idiot everytime she opened that dumb mouth....,sexist "Women only,girls only. Imagine if it was Men only. They be crying oppression and anti wymyn. Just cunts being cunts. This are the types where you just ignore them and act like they don't even exists. Too bad for this guy.",sexist Speak for yourself - my mother was a complete bitch and made my father's life a misery,sexist "Not all women who dress slutty, put out; not all slutty women dress the part. The point of this post: women that excessively sexualize their appearance are compensating for a lack of femininity and charm.",sexist "It's ridiculous I have to literally block some ppl privately messaging me with misandrist bullshit. Like why be SO UPSET? Lol... If slutting around doesn't bother you, why let it bother you?",sexist You don't have to convince me that attractive women have it easier lol,sexist Ultimately don't fuck crazy bitches and you'll be fine... this sub sometimes acts like all women are in on an evil plot to subjugate all men and you should fear having sex with them,sexist "As long as he's tall, women will love his ""beta"" personality. Women don't care about that alpha/beta shit, they only care about height.",sexist That is not the case in fact the modern mans work load has decreased from the past. The difference is now the fruits of his labor go to the liberated womyns. Be it through tax dollars or relationshits.,sexist Worthless commie cunt. She and her negligent shithead pappy Billy Ray ought to be minced.,sexist You fail to understand. It confirms that she is indeed that abusive Marxist troll Liberal Island who she denies being. And racist? She's the same white race as me you muppet. What did I call her? A black twat? lol,sexist "hotter girls have higher bitch shields and shit test more, its called the hot-shit paradox lol",sexist That bitch didn't hear us the first time she opened her mouth. Better late than never ESPN...I guess.,sexist Talk to a girl as if she isn't a potential mate. This will take them off the grand pedestal that you've invented. Just talk to girls like you would a mate. Girls can feel that power that you've given them.,sexist [URL] uk ones are dykes and look like hags,sexist "im not gonna tell you it has no effect, some women just like tall guys more, but dont let it hold you back at all, there is guys shorter than you who are pussy slayers. trust me.",sexist Finger her with your penis.,sexist Women give horrible advice on how to date women. Jesus. A woman will give great advice on how to date *her*. Your mistake is thinking that **all women are exactly alike**. TRP: Men are special snowflakes. Women are pod people.,sexist "Willie Nelson Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cuntboys (This one has a lot of real world value in the age of feminist men)",sexist Adding insult to injury the women had cucked him with another man and tried to hide it from him. Poor guys going to have to deal with this bitch for the rest of his life now.,sexist ***sarcasm notifier***Just because that poor female without any agency sexualizes herself for money that does not mean its ok for men to sexualize her.,sexist "the funny thing is that WE are the ones who create the laws! We create everything FOR women- from lipsticks, through dishwashers to fucking fashion styles.",sexist Once women hit 30 they probably have to date men in their 40s and 50s. That's fucking gross.,sexist "Stop trying to date down. Find accomplished, beautiful women to hit on. Low hanging fruit don't always like something that's too good to be true.",sexist "[URL] reported this months if not over a year ago: [URL] [URL] justice is coming ""They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire."" Rev 17:16",sexist "I've seen that first hand. My step bitch treated me and my littlest brother (her son) like absolute shit, but my stepbrother (her first) she doted on him. Course, she is a right druggie POS.",sexist "I think Corbyn thinks he's on safe ground sugesting the killing of women and children is wrong , but he would be VERY WRONG",sexist "[USER] Maybe it would be too hypocritical not to with a husband like she has... I expect he has contributed to the STD problem. As for Little Miss Slut, why does being a person deserve respect? I always thought respect had to be earned.",sexist i think most men that dont have sex realize that there is more to life than obsessing over pussy and labels.,sexist Actually true. It is baffling how women spread their legs for the conquerors.,sexist [USER] At least you didn't accuse him of rape. Millennial woman would.,sexist "It's because women usually get more perks than men in the event of a divorce, given the bias of the courts against men, the so-called gender neutral laws that favour women and the fact that women marry up.",sexist I watched like couple other videos and apparently he slept with 7 girls in 2 weeks from cold approaching . Granted they were mainly from Central Europe women . But still pyssy is pyssy,sexist "Haha, stupid bitch will get what she deserves.",sexist 63% of girls with dogs also have sex with dogs.,sexist Mad about being the lady with the Muslim husband ? Is she not the lady with the Muslim husband? I'd of labeled it that too at least it didn't say the bitch with the sand nigger husband What do these ass holes want anyway ?,sexist "You mean racketeering? ""Either taxpayers cover my birth control, or I'll flood foster care with unwanted babies""? - TFM came up with a cheaper solution. Shoot her in the face.",sexist I don't like degenerate Jews that suck tranny penis.,sexist This is so embarrassing. A. he's hitting on some third wave feminazi. B. She looks like a lesbian. Finally she's in a polyamorous relationship. Like how many red flags do you have to tick before enough is enough ?,sexist "i fucking hate youtube girls. be moderately attractive, tell some made up retarded stories, start a patreon. [CUR]5k+ a month and youtube money.",sexist this guy does not need to be all up in his feelings just downgrade from a relationship to a whore give her no respect and set boundaries she is not welcome to stay at your home are visit without noticing,sexist "Great field report. I like the telling her that she's going to give you her number. I wonder if you've ever tried, you're going to kiss me now. Or, we are going to have the sex now.",sexist If other man tells me what to do to be a man he's a little bitch.,sexist What do you call it when a woman can falsely accuse a man of sexual assault and he is immediately presumed guilty until proven innocent? #femaleprivilege,sexist "Or if she is fat, I notice that I do get hit on. That may be true, but I think we can lie and say we are studying to become a doctor, and then she will want us.",sexist She's nuts she needs to be locked up preferably In a padded cell,sexist Y'know the one thing I like about NYC girls is that they'll give a homeless guy a place to stay... for the night. They're not dumb like West coast girls who get bed bugs and abuse because they make that loser their boyfriend. [URL],sexist Women are always in their whore phase. Being a slut is actually lauded.,sexist "They like em some white women, especially fat, uglies who can't get a white guy",sexist "Unless shes obviously trying to use you, then I would say it's always an IOI. I don't think you should ever go to her though, tell her to come to you. Women are so flakey and you will just end up getting messed around.",sexist People keep mentioning pair bonding but that just doesn't exist. If it did exist women wouldn't be such hoes. Hypergamy is their game.,sexist "Ya, The smiling Charlie Manson looking bitch will smile in your face as she sticks the knife in and twists",sexist Watch what a girl does not what she says is literally in every dating advice book. The invite her to your place and push to have sex with her is probably the way to go.,sexist I think 'fame whore' is accurate. She's just shallow and blaming it on a TV show. She's still very shallow too. Now she's all PC because she's getting older. No more plane rides from a millionaire in Miami. [URL],sexist She should move back to Africa BUT she better be careful her own chitlins may murder her since she's a Cracker and South Africa is Dae Hood... Stupid Whore!!,sexist girls have cooties,sexist Can't stand whores that break up relationships. Good for her!,sexist Religious girls slut it up just as bad as any other.,sexist Kinda what my post says :). Some women are more trouble than they are worth so you don't ever get into any type of LTR with those girls while you promote women who are less maintence.,sexist "Lots of women have sadistic tendencies when it comes to low status men and enjoying toying with them. I noticed that once I put my foot down instead of just ""ignoring it"" (being a pussy) they stopped with giving me shit.",sexist "Yeah. Get the fucking skankiest one you can find and pay her to get some crack for you to smoke together. You're incel. Fuck it, party.",sexist These hoes aint loyal,sexist "Niggere be niggin. Its dey way. He dindo nuffin wrong, he jus be lookin fo some money, he owed shit cause ah dat opressions. dat bitch try an stop homie she gots wat she deserved. All he do is rape her an kill a white. Dis is cause he black.",sexist "The only ""single moms"" I don't look sideways at are widows.",sexist Reminds me of the time those thots built that bridge...That collapsed in Florida.,sexist "Look at zat pathetic exscuse fur ein untermensch piece of she filth. She looks like when she was in girl scouts, and still ein female , she ate troop #unit 731",sexist Social media is just a caralyst that the female can live out there new goverment programming. Never forget what these social movements want. End of the family and the females are their foot soldiers.,sexist "The she-god mentality of women is going down the drain. Men make the world work and, yet, we bow to the bitches for occasional birthday present pussy. Sexbots will be realistic very soon and women's days of pussy rule will be over.",sexist I tipped your mom a fiver for Mother's Day. She sucks almost as hard as you.,sexist Women cop freaked out and murdered a law abiding man. I'm sure she will get therapy and raise and maybe buy herself a stiletto heels now that she thinks of herself as badass.,sexist "Bitch needs to learn to keep her legs CLOSED ! But on the up-side, A Woman can only have so many Babies....",sexist Us old fuckers will shoot you wetback cunts by the thousands. No mercy. You and your families.,sexist lol that has the smell of an angry girl throwing her best HALE MARY in hopes I'm an over macho cunt lol. try again I don't have any need to impress you sister. oh and that's another dick joke troll framed in a very feminazi way why is that lol.,sexist Killary said Democrate voters are stupid and easily manipulated. They prove their bitch right every time.,sexist "So liberal femi-nazi's are also witches. Gee, any surprise there? Too bad this isn't against the law so the feds could gather them up and rid us of this insanity. People like this walk among us - that's scary!",sexist Most women lay there like sacks of shit anyway. The ones that are crazy in bed are not usually wife material because they are whores or actually crazy.,sexist "Bulletproof, I just got that.... you clearly never seen a round contact a human head. Call of Duty isn't like real life, cunt.",sexist The best of both worlds is put in the work on all fronts but smooth over the dry spells with transactional so you don't make some dumb choice out of thirst for pussy my 2,sexist "I do ok on OLD, and I don't even post pictures. I just write a profile that exploits a flaw in women, they find me worse than a Chad, they find me ""interesting"", and that's some form of kryptonite.",sexist "LOL! You can go naked, you just can't be too HOT and do it. . These ""body-confident"" undisciplined women (who often look like they have trouble dressing themselves anyway) might feel body-shamed. .",sexist Fox bimbo ziowhore bitches about Trump and her eye makeup: [URL],sexist "I don't understand your problem. Most people here hate that they are attracted to women, once they know their nature. I envy you.",sexist Crazy eyes wouldn't get her hands on my bank account lol,sexist "I hope you used this "" I may just end up in jail "" as a metaphor, cause its really not worthed pollute your hands with anyone of those feminist or feminine men's blood.",sexist "Put #Pizzagate ""This is not my server"" Hillary in her coffin and burn the witch #MAGA #Trump #SpeakFreely #BoycottHollywood #BoycottLaLaLand #CNN #BoycottMSM",sexist "biggest problem is that the women don't really understand the sport like the male commentators, typically the male commentators/announcers are lifelong fans and often actually played the sport either professionally or at-least college level.",sexist ^^^ This what it has come to today... THIS IS NORMAL! You can't trust woman at all today... and they STILL wonder why all the good men have gone MGTOW!,sexist "Turns out ""#refugeeswelcome"" means cock loving hags importing low standard HIV infested welfare parasite #migrants. No wonder these #Rapefugees think it's OK to rape all western women & kids. #EuropeHasFallen [URL]",sexist The anchors said it best - hookers are the only honest interactions when it comes to women.,sexist "of course. there are only 2 types of girls in greece: 1.the ""i'm taken"" nymphomaniacs who think that by being constantly with someone makes them romantic 2.the girls that are into fuck buddies and casual sex who are more open and dont mind sex",sexist "I guess they don't want to be thought as sluts. So when they're saying that they're not sluts, ot something similar, then it's possible that they're theopposite what they're saying or wanting.",sexist I live in NoVa too. The women here have no idea how good they have it into regards to the male dating pool. And yet all of them still bitch and complain about the men they see,sexist "I like how society says that men are not sensitive.. Fuck, men are way more sensitive and considering than those heartless bitches (the vast majority of women)..",sexist gett on tinder i know u will reject the nice guy the good guy and go for the thugs the bad boys pretty boys the low lifes how most girls are and i know you want sex its okay,sexist Why are almost all women homo/bisexual?,sexist "women are accessories my dude, don't get too invested.",sexist LOL lads are already trying to pound that widow pussy,sexist Can't wait to see if the Ms Marvel doll has her clit chopped off in true Muslim fashion. [URL],sexist "None of these loose mothers should be rewarded with 'real men', they should see that choosing wisely in the first place is the highest priority if they don't want a one-way trip to never again getting clearance for make-out.",sexist "It's natural law for Men to seek to create - produce, conquer, control, and win. For women, a natural law is their undeniable attraction to men who are successful or give off that perception.",sexist "I missed that thread, it was a graveyard of [deleted] when I arrived. I could see there had been females getting their roastbeef flaps in a twist by the responses to deleted top-level posts but I wanted to see them getting toasty first-hand.",sexist [USER] is coming at me LEGS WIDE OPEN like a modern day JEZEBEL when I'm not interested in the he/she's GROTTO TO HELL .. trying to manipulate A MAN lmao get a clue,sexist Mattress girl has gotten even grosser since she's graduated. What a narcissistic attention whore. [URL],sexist Degenerates like her belong on a cross,sexist Are they just regular photos or are they kind of risque? You might suggest something a bit more sexy and see what she does. A girl that likes you won't mind a bit to show off some of her feminine wiles.,sexist "If you went as far as blaming fear of doxxing - yeah, you would've sent nudes. It's ok, every woman is a thot on the right day, if you don't have a man to keep you in line. It's not your fault.",sexist If she wont ever be alone with you she is attention whore.,sexist "Sign in the womens' toilets in those states that allow people to use the toilet of the sex they identify as: ""Please don't rape the young girls - unless you're really black, really Muslim, or really desperate.""",sexist Wanting a family is not weak. Crying like a bitch because no girl wants to have a family with you is. Judging others for their lifestyle to remain single is as well.,sexist He should auction his virginity for 1 Billion dollars and see which wealthy skank will bite.,sexist Most hollywood females are LESBIANS and trannies.... FACT!,sexist White progressive women can be oppressed and have supremacy... simultaneously... now that's a damn privilege,sexist He deserved this tbh. Don't put stock into e-thots just because you're in reality an incel.,sexist I hope she gets raped by a transgender women named Bruno lol!,sexist "Tsk tsk, Greek. Not ALL women. Some of us love men in all their glorious imperfections. Not ALL men love women the way they are....if they are feminazis for instance. ""Absolutes will always get you in trouble"". There's my American wisdom for you. :)",sexist Czech women are the biggest whores,sexist RIP coping blackcels who think all they need is BBC theory (negative to whites). Being white clearly has an advantage. Just accept that women are racially biased unfortunately.,sexist "I'll repeat what I told somebody else earlier. These aren't ""leftists"" or ""feminists"" or ""activists"" we're up against. These are petulant children who have never had their insolent mouths slapped when needed.",sexist "That is why it is only sane to invest in a woman if you can enjoy the best years of her life when it comes to looks and other privileges(like being her master) because in the end, you will have to take care of a harpy.",sexist the problem with this is that cucks instead of realizing what they are doing they double down. Add this into the already messed up lack of selfawareness and women become tyrants. How can they realize they are doing something wrong?,sexist "Schneiderman Accuser: He Slapped Me, Spit on Me, Called Me His 'Brown Slave' Selvaratnam, a ""progressive Democratic feminist"" who was in a relationship with Schneiderman ""summer of 2016 until the fall of 2017."" so she must have liked that shit [URL]",sexist "Too right this creep should be denied a visa. How is it even out of gaol? And how does a so-called female have an Adam's apple & probably other male bits? Lastly, our immigration policy is none of your fucking business you freak. [URL]",sexist [URL] #Feminism is to women's rights as STD'S are to human reproduction. #gabfam #maga #womensmarch #feminists #feminazi,sexist pizzagate isn't real bitch,sexist "MGTOW is as toxic as Feminazis. One hates women, one hates men.",sexist "Good work op, fuking whore ""what are you 12"" bet she wasn't used to being spoke to like the slag she is. She prolly wanted to suck you dry after you spoke to her like that 😂",sexist "[URL] Sweden tries to further cement the need 4 consent, hoping that the legislation will see more sexual assault cases being prosecuted. Now women can claim any lies on their former boyfriends to jail them. Insane & pathetic law!",sexist "Thats because many of those guys struggle with women, and they think asian women are more submissive than white. Also asian women are light skinned. They ignore other ethnicities.",sexist Tell the friend to dump the bitch. Let him watch how easily she gets another man to simp for her.,sexist Someone should reverse her life force.,sexist "How is it rationalized? A Tom boy with a pretty face, nice tits and a big ass is still gonna get attention from guys regardless of how she acts.",sexist "Yeah. That's literally what my problem with him was. That he was a pussy faggot who can't insult people like a man, and posts passive agressive insults like a little bitch. Lmao",sexist "Two years ago Julie Swetnik had massive debts This year she's living in CityCenter, one of the priciest complexes in DC Social media scrubbed Sweet fake victim Julie wouldn't do anything nefarious for the money, right? #ConfirmKavanaugh",sexist Taki played a women's champ in an informal match and even he a low ranked player beat her and she was very good (and black BTW). He did not crow about it nor did the lady go on TV and spew the usual psycho babble which inflames the masses of asses.,sexist "If someone bitches online about ""all you horrible girls leading me on"" it's a completely safe bet they have never been led on, and perceive politeness as lust.",sexist "AND his swollen tranny girlfriend, ""Pregnant Chad""! Let's not forget him/her/it/xe/zir/whatever!!! I remember!! Pre-911 & Pre-Oniggy. Good Times!!!",sexist "She don't give a shit and act how you wanna act around your friends, only worry about this w women, unless your a complete bitch around your friends then grow a pair",sexist be quicker than that if we slip her nurse [CUR]50 to smother the old bitch in her sleep...,sexist 4 hours go by without a supportive tweet on Twitter and drama queen and attention whore [USER] reactivates right on schedule,sexist "If Hillary Clinton was a real woman, she'd go around grabbing guys' crotches, and saying, ""You know what, bitch? You can't do a thing because I'm Hillary Clinton!""",sexist "Except for procreation, women aren't necessarily for the society to be functional... a year without men will return it to stone age.",sexist I said in my family dude not every fucking black guy in the world 😂😂. If they blame women they are weak bitches.,sexist "How multi cultural of this dumb bitch to call for the extinction of herself and her family, unless possibly she's Jewish. They seem to claim non white status whenever it suits them",sexist "A husband. Crazy, right? Imagine having all of this money and knowing it came from your whore wife soliciting herself to other men on the internet. There's not enough money in the world that would hide my embarrassment and shame.",sexist "Amen, imagine trying to discuss or the options of a race of woman when you don't even make a blip on their radar. Chad, Tyrone, etc. all fuck big booty sexy black bitches op cope",sexist My ex wife stopped acting after 12 years and claimed I raped her to get advantage in Family court,sexist "Her head game must be on point, or she's sitting on a tornado, or James Wolfe is another soy bitch who shoots his thimble off at the sight of a 3 taking her clothes off.",sexist "I love my white privilege. The black female employees always upgrade me to nice seats or a nicer rental car. They're not at all appealing, but they know a Chad when they see one and act accordingly. They still have to go back.",sexist Take a cab home? Bitch you take a fucking cab home. Who the fuck are you? You were acting like a jackass in front of everyone and you embarrassed me because YOU'RE my wife. Own up to your actions you cock whore.,sexist "The people they interviewed are already playing the "" pity her , she is a woman , it's all the evil man's fault card . "" She is Hollyweird and pretty so she will get a slap on the wrist as usual and walk .",sexist "No, your true nature is coming out. Which is the same as women, the same as feminist, the same as some tradcons. And definity the same as Manginas & SIMPs. - The problem is you ARE doing exactly what turns independent freedom loving men off.",sexist "I consider those kind of ""men"" to be women.",sexist Women infantilize themselves to trigger a man's protective instinct. Would you treat an unshaved woman the same? Probably not. At the same time they abuse children and indoctrinate them into the sisterhood.,sexist Fuck family and their mother fucking poor poor me attention whore mentality.,sexist Gowdy is so bad-ass! I'm hoping for him to be Special Prosecutor for all these deep state indictments OR give him a seat as a Supreme Court Justice..isn't the old hag gettin' ready to check out? Open Spot!! #GoGowdy,sexist Yes. Low SMV men are invisible to women.,sexist "Niggers would have attacked her, but not a good looking white rich boy.. Sorry cunt, but I don't believe you.",sexist Accountability is Women's kryptonite. I have seen it over and over and over. They will never sincerely apologize or admit fault. She is not sorry that she cheated... She is sorry that she got caught.,sexist "That's not a woman, that's a basic female. And, yup, it only takes one person to wreak havoc.",sexist I think he was trying to get to the bottom of her hypocrisy with his questions rather than our right attack her for her violent behaviour... She's a nasty bitch so he knew he had to play it carefully,sexist "I remind myself that girls actually want guys to stop them, it's a fantasy all girls have. I'm not disrupting their day i'm giving them the opportunity to experience that fantasy in reality.",sexist You can jack off to whatever you want dude. Objectification and sexualization doesn't exist it's just female nature.,sexist "Schedule a date with her, then don't show up. Then text her ""GOTCHA BITCH""",sexist sex with escort=/=sex with a girl,sexist "[USER] Don't they already have enough victim cards? I'd have though every single western woman would be holding a royal flush by now. Oh well, I suppose an extra ace up the sleeve may come in handy.",sexist She disobeyed her male keeper. She knew the rules.,sexist she gets medical cannibis cause her pussy smells like a dead goat sanz thats why i tell the lot of yous [URL],sexist "I will never ask anyone out. They will have to do so, and I will deny any ugly degenerate whore so hard, to destroy her confidence utterly.",sexist Stormy the whore's POS attorney says Santa Claus and Elmer Fudd were also in the Rape Gang. when seeking truth who knows better than a dirty whore and her dirty attorney. hahahah,sexist "Why is a pussy just like the weather? When it's wet, it's time to go inside. #MAGA #Trump #GabFam #Gab",sexist We should be blaming the young women entrapping an older man so she can get his money. These whores are just mad that they did not get the money.,sexist Here she is the breeding machine No thoughts for how her kids will work rest play eh Africa the same Muslims the same They All sicken me,sexist Women shit man. Don't try to figure it out.,sexist "Yup, like any female mammalian species, it's the fight to obtain as many resources as you can so you can raise your kid and pass on the genes.",sexist best part of Chelsea ran down her mothers butt crack,sexist """Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."" 1 Timothy 2:11-12 The whore loves jewish atheism, jewish science theory, wonder why.",sexist "So just a few months ago, while Republican women were accused of being forced to vote their husbands choice. Now, we know for certain, white Democrat men are being forced to vote their wives choice... or else! #VoteYourValues #KeepAmericaGreat",sexist """All right, ladies, fine. You're not a whore. But you are wearing a whore's uniform.""",sexist "Go finger your daughter, you white trash faggot",sexist Make her FWB and give her false hope for next few months or years and then dump. Pay back time.,sexist Throw the woman into a prison and let the prisoners have fun until she dies. The man should be burned at the stake. [USER],sexist But I thought women were supposed to be disposable? How am I supposed to be perfect if they keep changing rules around?,sexist Girls are weird they secretly take your pictures and do all kinds of weird things but only other girls know about it usually,sexist With her Bitchy personality Warren won't get off First Base,sexist "Meryl, Boycott her new movie, another pos from #Hellywood skanko",sexist "[USER] It's phallic, Chauvinistic power... I ASSUME. (I never said it made sense) Although one could argue for women to have the ""right"" to be modified with a silencer attachment...",sexist Good luck convincing white women to have babies and not focus on career or education. Try to pass that bridge without getting mauled to death by feminazis.,sexist One of the bitches in the photo was doxxed and she has horse porn,sexist "yeah, ditto on pretty much everything you said.. except I don't even want other girls.. Seriously, pussy ain't worth sacrificing my peace and quiet for these days. They talk TOO much.",sexist "Prioritizing women over men has been a constant rule since the dawn of human civilization. There is nothing new about the idea of ""women and children first.""",sexist "If a girl finds you attractive, she won't care where you hit on her. On the other hand, if she finds you unattractive, there is no right place to hit on her.",sexist O come on there's no way any men are attracted to her shes a pig🙄,sexist "I wonder if a stacy and a chad marry eachother, is she still a whore because she didn't marry ane incel?",sexist "Look 4 another job, just in case, matbe some day u will bust her lip open and pee 2 show dominance as a previous comment apointed.",sexist "Guy with the glasses looking at her like ""Kavanaugh really raped this bitch? For realz!?"" Meanwhile woman is giving her a slut shaming soul piercing look.",sexist The first time a woman denies you sex you ditch the bitch.,sexist "He is a complete idiot and puppet for Schumer. He wishes I was referring to the whore, Amy but I'm not. I mean Chucky, her uncle.",sexist "modern women are deplorable. no doubt about it but im not into [trannies]([URL] that's disgusting. no ..... they aren't better at being ""women"". the male features are apparent even if only subtle in some of them.",sexist women's suffrage was a mistake,sexist Women expect ugly men to be orbiting bluepilled cucks and not view them in a sexual way. If an ugly male acts according to his sexual desires he will be hated by the female species.,sexist Twitch thot caroline [URL],sexist "Stupid white woman, liberal mind set is screwed up, bet she thought she was so smart until gang rape time, bet she started praying to God, and wondering where the police R!",sexist You aren't supposed to hit women no matter WHAT they do.-Says some dumbass Simp. I wish the officer could have beat her with a club.,sexist There must be a segment of women unhappy with their bodies who decide to shit post like that. I cannot think of any other reasonable explanation. It's harsh to say but I daresay it's true.,sexist WTF is wrong with these teachers anymore it's like they opened the Whore Doors for these Skanks especially the women they are raping these boys daily anymore. More Liberal Whore BS!! [URL],sexist ... this is the end result of riding the cock carousel. Few women leave it unscathed.,sexist All women are inherently untrustworthy. Some women are fat. Therefore fat women are inherently untrustworthy.,sexist "That's the feminine version of ADHD, just means you're smart enough to not be a sheep 😂😂😂",sexist A femoid would have to do some really fucked up shit to little boys to end up the sex offender registry. A male can become a sex offender just by looking at a girl for too long,sexist "As long as there's thirsty guys, bitches can do this. Men need to wise up.",sexist "We feel at this point he is not being protected. He's a man. He's not a ""protected"" gender. If she points a finger, he goes to cell.",sexist "[USER] please, god, put this feral bitch down before she influences anyone else to go down her disgusting cat lady path",sexist "You sound more like a faggot than anything else to be honest. Oh by the way, all those girls that you mentioned, yeah I already fucked them before you and even harder than you physically can, pussy.",sexist Notice how women never shut the fuck up?,sexist "[USER] The popularity of hyper-realistic female sex dolls isn't a ""reminder of how far its user has sunk on the undesireability scale."" It's evidence of how far western women have sunk on the undesireability scale.",sexist It will be funny when women realize they cant accomplish trade school..,sexist "Unfortunately, we know some men are ready to spend that kind of money for a masculine, ugly looking hoe with a sense of entitlement up to the roof. Let's contribute to this person education and tell her to fuck off.",sexist "Just take my money, ""they"" can shame me I don't care I want one, a single tear of joy just rolled down my eye, the post woman age is here boys and its glorious. The more lesbians I see the better hahaha",sexist I think about her when I see them ...every time my mum sees camilla she calls her a bitch,sexist Stupid liberal Swedish twat who stopped the deportation of an Afghan rapist faces prosecution for her stupidity...,sexist "Hahaha, why didnt you say that to my face you little bitch? How surprisingly feminine of you to talk shit behind my back little boy. Afraid of confrontation? You'll never be the man your mother is.",sexist SJW women ruin everything fucking thing they touch and they suck at comedy too.,sexist well you just drag her off and hope her friends arent bitches,sexist If a bitch hit me like that she better knuckle the fuck up.,sexist I see your confusion. You think Jews are HIV. I think women are.,sexist "Look Satan's whore, is trying to get my attention again. She post to Me 3. times saying I'm stalking her.... Lol bless her stupid heart.",sexist "Exactly man. I know a guy who is asexual and I tell him that. I don't knock him for it, I don't even feel bad for him. His needs are just different and if anything I envy that his needs don't require a shit woman.",sexist One of his more recent posts is him agreeing with a guy to kill his wife who has cancer to save himself the trouble; are you fucking kidding me. As a man the entire Incel group are a bunch of fucking cunts.,sexist Utter worthless human excrement is what she and all others like her are. Time to make soylent green a reality starting with these parasites.,sexist "It's a sad day for men when a once virile, gold-medal American olympic champion decides he'd rather be female..TRP is more important now than ever....",sexist "Totally agreed. Men have the imperative to fuck, women have the imperative to fleece everyone around them for everything they can get.",sexist Chad is rawdogging her in the all gender bathroom,sexist O.K. so indict the drunken old hag and bring her to justice!,sexist Take women's rights away.,sexist "If she's not tied up with a gag and obviously suffering and struggling, then she has at minimum the same amount of guilt as the man.",sexist "Well i used to be fat skinny, and i fucking hated it. I had the strength of a women but belly of an alcoholic. Lost weight and gymmaxxed but no weight lifting can fix your face",sexist Behind every successful man there is a successful woman. Successful in finding him.,sexist If you're a black nerd it is almost a guaran fucking tee black girls will not like you.,sexist Control.She is a manipulating bitch. And he is stupid to allow her doing that.He is whining like a child to his mother. Please mama let me rub one.I promise I'm a good boy.Grow up boy.,sexist this!!! once dated a near NAWALT. nope.. it was a lie. she had good control of her mood...but still. Awalt the psycho always shows up. could be today. could be next week. you never know,sexist "Not trolling, it's scientifically proven that men are stronger than women rape is about power women have no power over men, men wont rape other men, since they prefer women of course.",sexist "This. over 80% of men are ""betas"" or ""low-quality men"" according to women.",sexist "Seriously. All women think about is status and sex, and then crotch spawns after they shit their first one out.",sexist "Which means that ""manosphere"" movements are still about male subjugation to women. If the complete and abject failure of a woman is the fault of man, you're their bitch, not the other way.",sexist The guy on the left will fck the wife of the guy on the right Extremely masculine guyz are gigachads they can fck everywomen they want but thats the problem if a women is not attractive enought shes knows he gonna cheat,sexist "It's harder to prey on women when they are in a car. On foot or on public transport, they are fair game for some of his co-religionists",sexist "If anything, it was to show that a patriarchy oppressing women also oppresses men to an extent Which, y'know, is currently a major topic in modern feminism (ignore the feminazi misandrists they fucking suck)",sexist "Not hate them. I don't walk around everyday thinking about how much I hate women and how much I want to harm them. I For legal purposes, *I agree*.",sexist "He has custody of his kids. She has the ability to earn income, [men get thrown in jail for this.] He's still paying his wife. Its bullshit.",sexist "Notice how the camera puts you in the submissive position, looking up to that arrogant catwalk-cunt-face bitch, like you're her good little dog? 100% alt-right. LOL.",sexist "Yes, obviously. On old r/foreveralonewomen before it was made private, they had a rule that you are not allowed to ask them out. Femoids are good at nothing, not even at being alone.",sexist "updated OP. I prefer younger girls and both are turning 21 in 1 month and 4 months respectively, so they are not ""just 20"". I have found that most of the quality talent is already married / locked up permanently by the time they are 27.",sexist "It was basically, just marry the incels to post-cock carousel riders and transform them into real slave cucks. They will still get no sex, and will have to pay for the wife shit.",sexist Undeniably true. Asian women seem to be *more* attracted to white men if they are racist.,sexist "Every single thing mentioned in the movie, I went through personally. An immigrant in to this country, somehow I had oppressed the women of this country for 300 years. I fucking hate feminists.",sexist "Yes, the female expectation to be catered to, requires the man to 'choose to put himself in a subservient position to cater to the women.' Think about it.",sexist "When I see a reasonably attractive wahmen, I immediately wonder how many dudes she is sexting while her cuck BF or 'hubby' is busting his ass at some job he hates, just to buy her stupid shit like [CUR]1000 cell phones",sexist "I have been to therapy, it's a load of shit. I wouldn't help a female because they don't deserve it. You were saying that I decide to be a virgin for not helping a female. The rope is definitely the answer given the way how females are.",sexist "All women are prostitutes, but prostitutes are the most hones women.",sexist the only B word you should ever call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love being called beautiful,sexist "As a black dude.. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS BITCH ""Larson has gone out of her way while promoting the film to state she wants less white men at press events covering the film as well as less white men to review the film."" WTF!",sexist "Cause you said ""was"" going to be a against her. Change it to ""why downvote me when I'm against that bitch spawn of Satan""",sexist Its a simple concept you go see a bitch pay her stick your todger in then be away its not hard your making it hard on yourself,sexist "Yeah, a well known occupational hazard. And there's nothing you can do about it. They pay your salary and women don't take it well if you complain.",sexist The explosion of state welfare goes hand in hand with women's suffrage.,sexist "Because a REAL MAN™️ would marry some used up whore in her thirties who can't give him healthy kids! YEAH! Meanwhile, another democrat rapes toddlers. Hi, Bob Menendez. Hi Al Franken. Oh, and can't forget George Takei. Oh myyyyyy",sexist "disgusting animal bitch, I hope she gets run over by a bus",sexist And of course you have no concept of the value of labour. You're a cunt,sexist Yep. No relationships. Just fucking. Men don't need to buy the cow until we're pushing 50. If at all.,sexist Two thoughts to keep in mind about women and AA. 1) Show me a hot girl and I'll show you a man sick of all her bullshit. 2) She has messy diarrhea and loud farts just like the rest of us.,sexist "aww you could have pumped and dumped her. at least you took the 2nd best option, anything but betabucks",sexist """if this tweet offended you hit the gym"" What? If I think you're an entitled cunt I should work harder for your approval? A team of surgeons couldn't get her head out of her ass.",sexist "bUuTttt....mEn aRe rApiSts aNd sExisTs anD wOmeN aRe liTeraLly aNgeLs. yOu mIsogIniStic,wOmeN hAtEr",sexist The only shocking thing is that she admitted it. Most women will go to their graves never speaking a word of truth,sexist "That's just nasty imagine marrying one of those, just how low these women sink is stunning. Rejection of the beta continues.",sexist "My favourite was when a woman considered leaving her husband because he was infertile, she was not the asshole. When a man, however, considered leaving his wife because she's infertile, he was the asshole. Clown subreddit.",sexist Excuse me if I don't believe they will actually serve the full sentence. I'm still waiting for some Hail Mary Pussy Pass. Or once she's in the sentence will be cut to maybe 2-3 years for good behavior.,sexist I hope her kid sees this and sees what a horrible cunt her mother is,sexist "Feminism is the radical notion that men rape women *all the time*, but the idea that women tell lies is so inconceivable it's not even worth considering.",sexist "there are men in ME and Africa who get killed in wars. If you care about men rights, why don't you fight for their rights instead of sitting on your first world ass and bitching about how that on woman was too rude to you hence you hate all women",sexist Haven't you heard? Commenting on a woman's appearance is *always* misogyny.,sexist "Does anyone have a list of States in which women walk from court when they are accused of raping underage boys? We know they can get away with this crime in Utah, which is double standard. What other states allow this injustice????",sexist "Oh, you mention [USER] in an effort to do the Hillary bullshit of ""any critism of me is an attack on EVERY WOMAN EVERYWHERE"" 🙄 supports Trump so obviously she's not a pathetic Hillarytard. As usual females for Trump are the true strong women.",sexist "I hate to say it but [USER]'s right, stop it right there , sent her nudes to half the site and then complained that her nudes were floating around. Stupid cunt. EDIT: By the way , send nudes. Pl0x. ; ~ ;",sexist "Is this the bitch with multiple husbands, one of which is her brother??",sexist "Cheat on her prude ass Either she spreads that pussy for you, or you find a replacement; Doesn't matter If the current vagoo is out of service, go find another. Don't wait a year for this one to reopen",sexist I would love to have kids. I refuse to have a wife and I'm not gonna knock up some barsloot so I can have a son 25% of the time. I plan on adopting. Kids are great.,sexist I'm into Latino girls theese days no matter how pretty white girls are they're personality kills it,sexist """My mind games worked on my wife and now her self worth is lowered to the point where she even suggested me sleeping around so I don't leave her. IAE sick of dumb women and their mind games?""",sexist they need male's attention and male's resources.,sexist And there is a long history of that going back to Muhammad being killed by his Jewish wife because of what he did to her family. Karma is a bitch. So much for these Abrahamic religions. We can do better.,sexist [USER] sweet kids. 😳 It's because I had the audacity to talk back to this lil homeschooled cunt. She wouldn't last 5 minutes through anything adults have ever endured. Social media is her only life/outlet. She can have it.,sexist "What she says makes me want to tie her up and force her to watch me eat a Porterhouse steak, a pork loin roast, a greasy hamburger, hot dogs, fried chicken, fried turkey, bacon, .....",sexist "Abolish common law marriages. We have them in Canada. I could lose a significant amount of my dad's pension because of his whore girlfriend, who has 4 kids of her own.",sexist "If you want a vision of the present, imagine faggots and kikes bullyciding a literal whore for not sufficiently degrading herself.",sexist Thank God for Trump. I'm sick of all these women making false claims to ruin men's reputations. Feminists need to go away. [URL],sexist He obviously added her he was thirsty and she chucked him a bottle and he threw it away with his dry ass mouth... shes jus doin her hoe ass job... she saw a sucker,sexist I always find this statistic comforting. Women want men working for women but don't want to work for women themselves. I wonder why 🤔,sexist I don't need a vast high brow vocabulary to delineate or disseminate how little this piece of shit means to me. One word will do. Cunt.,sexist Also exposed how women are so explosively anger and totally willing to hit children. This is why women don't deserve to have kids. The most abusive parents of all are mothers.,sexist "If you behave needy when there are no commitments (marriage, kids, etc) it means you're committing more than she is and there is a value disparity favoring her. If she perceives it, she will take her ass back to the market for a better deal.",sexist """The simple answer - it's complicated."" The simple answer - women are paid less than men because they do different things than men.",sexist "Hey ladies, don't be stupid. Follow Lauren Southern's lead. She's smart, pretty and woke AF. Good combo. [URL]",sexist Unattractive women don't get bred out and pass on their defects to their offspring.,sexist "If Hillary has her way, this bitch will be dead soon.",sexist "Apparently, in Ancient Rome men started fucking eachother a fair bit because the women were too retarded to hold decent conversations and fulfill their intimate needs due to lacking education",sexist "Thats what the middle east is like, they also change allegiances on a dime. [URL] Seems some cunt edited half the speech out, thats not the one I was thinking of. You can watch a longer one on youtube. Gaddafi calls out the Saudis more.",sexist Put those 2 jihad judges in jail with the 3rd bitch judge who thinks she is authority over POTUS in allowing SIN - trannys - in the military.,sexist Cause you sound like a weak pussy? Who can't handle women? How is this not obvious to you? It's obvious to everyone else.,sexist "Chad tells her ""shut up whore!"" She responds ""love you to"". 😂",sexist "Being a woman is about having the courage only, to take it like a man, proceed to not take it like a man, get humiliated, then not take responsibility while crying about it.",sexist Dr. Oz is a pseudo-science pussy manlet puppet for Oprah and postwall women that has been investigated for snake oil claims. He even says that his wife leads the relationship.,sexist Women are children in grown ups' bodies,sexist "Is an attention hoe. Just make your own plans if she doesn't respond in the time frame you want. If she pops up with a yes with too short of a notice, just tell her you made other plans and she should've responded sooner. Better luck next time. etc.",sexist "Off topic, but he was a helluva villain in Mission Impossible. I heard they were also trying to turn 007 into a woman's role. I mean WTF....can't these degenerates leave us alone? We know the answer to that one.",sexist Hahahahahaha.... I love the way that ho is riding a rake... A real hoe won't touch her,sexist "Tradcons are happy, because deep inside they don't want to face the better solution to abstain from women until things change. They don't like people telling them things that might mean they don't get their pee-pee touched.",sexist I would have loved so loved to have been there to run up on her and hit her in the face yelling maga hat! punch a Nazi!!,sexist Nah I am not captain save a country full of simps and hoes.,sexist "Goddammit. Not ANOTHER kick-ass-girl movie. The power of pussy entrances the viewer, suspending disbelief; a 100 lb chick tosses around 200 lb mean ol' men like so many dirty socks. Yeah. Probably win an Oscar.",sexist Ill smack your mom for raising a wee cunt Your mom smacks my dick every night while you and your dad drink soy on the porch,sexist "LOOOOOL r/ChildSupport I haven't opened that sub yet, but it seems to be a cancer sub of single mother sluts. Worth a read perhaps if I want a laugh and sternly remind myself to go MGTOW and ignore these bitches.",sexist "Can confirm, all women keep a child sized dildo under their bedside table.",sexist "When you invest in women and girls, you invest in the people who invest in others? I guess men are just rapacious pirates or some shit?",sexist "I know right,they just take everything that's good and turn it into shit,that's what women are good at.",sexist "True, she really is an evil Witch, trust me",sexist "Put a pike up her twat and out her mouth, then light her on fire",sexist Christian and catholic girls are the biggest sluts anyway.,sexist "Even the SS had a height requirement of 5'7"", the SS was more lenient on height than the dating preferences of women JFL",sexist "There are between 1 and 1.6 million surplus men age 18-34 in the US. On top of that, many men can't find gfs or wives because of hypergamy and women choosing not to be in relationships. Women have tons of leverage.",sexist Zero women feel this way. Some of them pretend to feel this way so they seem like good people.,sexist "The girlfriend could not figure out that this piece of shit was a piece of shit. Please help me understand why these young women are so fucking stupid. Help me understand, please.",sexist "Her ""feels"" make her incapable of stepping back and evaluating the data and implications. After all, she's a Strong Woman.",sexist "You can if she lives in Thailand and wants a better life, fucktard.",sexist FUCKING TRAITOR WHORE. She was secretly triggered by the based truthness radiating from his posts and wanted reddit soycuckfucks to make her roast beef feel better.,sexist "Women also have a different body chemistry, and are more likely to wash at the sink instead of having a whole body shower.",sexist When a bitch like this speaks I am sooooo glad abortion is legal. How many of her hell spawn would be running around?,sexist South East Asian women are known as whores world wide for a reason: Because that's what they are... The only thing they respect is a guy that is willing and able to beat the shit out of them. Even the lowliest trash in the west is rarely that bad...,sexist "I sent my wife Katie an anniversary card. It read: ""To my Katty, I want to fill you in the way you filled my soul."" Fucking Hallmark, they got the Ks and the Fs mixed up.",sexist "Evolution, maybe I might consider being in a relationship if I live long enough to see women's minds catch up to the point that they are more rational and civilised.",sexist "Utah of all places. And no my dear friend: its the shameful truth. Just ask any kid in primary or high school, and they will tell you that girls are the ones asking for dick. I wish I was kidding, but its true.",sexist A man's biggest mistake is trusting his girlfriend/wife to stay loyal.,sexist "Why are they using dating apps? I know it. One point more the can complain about permanently, forget them thots. Forget dating. When I look at those girls my first wish is to swipe left :)",sexist "Exactly. Knowing thots, if they have abs to show, they'd show them with zero hesitation in pics.",sexist "God damnit! Put this bitch on blast! Seriously, fuck her.",sexist 40 years of your fat mom on welfare is reparations you lazy low iq bitch,sexist The difference between a liberal woman and a battery? A battery has a positive side.,sexist Since Obama is the Son of Perdition.. Clinton MUST be the whore of Babylon,sexist Why do these people have a desire to become ugly women? we got enough of those already and gay guys don't want to fuck some homely he-she. So are they going for straight guys? GOOD LUCK LOLOL,sexist We shouldn't lock female criminals up because - vagina.,sexist "Sex it's an ""innate talent"" that anyone have. Women always choose the thing with less learning curve and struggles, that's why sex is women's hobby in 99.9% of cases. Because even playing D&D requires some level of dedication.",sexist fat worthless bitch.,sexist "Holy shit, I'm reading some shit on your other comments about her having genital warts? You know what, do us all a favor and just cum in this chick already. You clearly haven't learned shit here.",sexist "I just feel so happy when more shit gets flung at Leslie Jones, bitch deserves it for ruining GhostBusters (not because of the female leads but because it was just god awful)",sexist "The Chris Watts pill: Your husband will secretly cheat on you, usually with younger and cuter girl. And because men value sex so much, he might even try to get rid of you and even the whole family for the fresher bit of pussy.",sexist Most women would kill themselves if they were treated like men. This. They have no idea how coddled they are or how good they have it. Society props them up so much. Imagine having a pussy and coasting through life.,sexist "Oh, you should see my comments on YouTube! Lashing like a crazed woman sometimes! They can be so obnoxious! And wrong!",sexist class woman{ String bullshit; SetBullshit(bs){ bullshit =bs; } DoNothing(){ } ComplainAboutIt(){ System.out.mouth(bullshit); } },sexist "Why thank you for allowing me to feel how I want, how generous of you, queen. Beats trying to please cunts like you. Get the fuck out, and go back to your pink fuckhole plugger. Go back to inceltears where you belong.",sexist "This is for men's rights, not hating women. There's nothing wrong with hating your oppressor. /irony",sexist Women aren't renown for originality in general. Feminism is just female nagging and mind games with some political baubles.,sexist "Imagine that! FBI determines: ""...there is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing in the transcripts of of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak"" So, these bitches ran him off for nothing?",sexist "Barely talk is indication of low interest. #next spam approach more. Options are the solution for ""girl problems."" its why marriage is foolish for men. You next low sex drive. Low libido. You can't do that with a wife.",sexist we should pretend to be leftists and non-whites and attack women.,sexist Most importantly not paying helps filter out low quality women looking for a provider.,sexist "why on earth would an 18yr old female in a strange city enter a shisha bar, don't girls have any sense of self preservation was she out alone? we can all guess the scum who did it",sexist "better yet...some guy is just as much of a pussy to talk to her, so better seize your opportunity while it last",sexist "In full chameleon mode they don't *act* or *sound* bad. It can lull you into a false sense of security, until you get hit with the AWALT stick again.",sexist If you were born male you lost a 50/50 before birth. Have to deal with the 80/20 rule. Being born as a sub8 is the most cruel joke the nature can do to you!! Your life have way less value than any females.,sexist Lily White: Happy Birthday Kim! We love how you're famous from a sex tape! We love how you made women into ugly whore plastic surgery disasters! Keep sucking Filthy kike cocks in Hell,sexist "Jesus christ fuck off, she did a scum bag thing and the femoid should be called out on it. No, the OP is not entitled. This trash is being up voted as well.",sexist """Waaa girls hate me for my looks no i would not fuck an asian girl asians are gross""",sexist God I fucking hate white women,sexist "No matter how ugly, any women can get laid no matter what",sexist "It's so nice to have a biological woman as FLOTUS finally...after 8 years of the thing that projected itself as a woman (but we all know was really a man & how do you square being a gay moslem barry?), it's refreshing to have a female... [URL]",sexist "cortez a lying commie bitch any thing she says is a lie, she would not know the truth if it bit her in the ass.",sexist Ummm did Sarah Hanson-Young just admit she's a slut?? I bet no white boys get a look in. #AusPol #AusFam [URL],sexist "I miss the 70's. Men were real men, football was real football.",sexist "Fair enough but if you have for example a life-like android with artificial intelligence, then it could perform most functions that the ideal human female would. Blowjobs and sandwiches all the way, and it won't leave you.",sexist I wish this cunt would just go back in the hole they found her in.,sexist "Yes. Especially these days, it takes a lot to make a man beat a woman. Dont buy into her bullshit. She probably deserve. At least hear the version of the guy. I would make an exception if it was a severe beating.",sexist "I mean, it comes down to conformity and wanting to be like the celebrities but yea ungrateful hoes",sexist And you want incels to just shut their mouth about how superficial women are. You want us to suffer in silence.,sexist "HUH ))) 🔞 #NSFW 🌐#TeamSmut🌐 ((( you punk ass bitch whore, your Moms pussy signifies she enjoys being raped by niggers. WTF you talking about asshole. GO FIND A TRUMP RALLY YOU TRUMPNIGGER.",sexist Yea they exposes closet faggots and faggots with aids and whores that fuck faggots! Edward Bernard Przydzial is a faggot with AIDS,sexist I want to shove an AA12 up her damn ass and pull that lil trigger til she explodes!,sexist "#GabFam #Trump #MAGA #Politics Apparently, honor killings, stoning women to death & FGM are now compatible with womens' rights--->>> [URL]",sexist "girls aren't ever used to rejection with the way they're coddled in this world. she's not spoiled, shes normal.",sexist "Just because they act like slags, doesn't mean they deserved to be raped in the back of a kebab shop... but at the end of the day, girls who had self-respect didn't get passed around as paki sex toys.",sexist Some days she's a bitch and some days she's a bitch in heat,sexist A man makes the table.,sexist """Believe the woman"" and ""Never believe the man""",sexist Report the cunt to the bar,sexist "Sure, as long as they want the scraps, and fugly children. These witches need the ducking stool, stat.",sexist "Nasty whore was probably raised by a race traitor, whore, mother.",sexist "She really did harassed me for no reason at r/insubs. I just said I hate IT, then she had gotten triggered by my post. SMH. She really is a BITCH!",sexist I don't love weak women either. All women are the same: parasites,sexist Trans women will make female sports great for once.,sexist Bitches like her literally fuck the plug for free weed,sexist "Yeah I don't get it I'm flattered by attention, I cannot imagine how it could be a problem beyond women who bragplain. I understand that it's not the case of what Atlas is saying but many do.",sexist "It gets even better when you tell a white knight that she's not going to fuck him. Watching him just bitch out is often hilarious. And yes, we all need to bully these little bitch boys to stamp this shit out.",sexist "Or just make money, earn your own but, and ignore the gals. Even with some money, she'll spend it, and you're still stuck with a wife.",sexist Status symbol among their peers. Many women only have one hobby. Displaying a higher status then their female 'friends'. So the alpha chick has photos with a tiny dog? I need photos with a tiny dog.,sexist "Her source double crossed her. There is no honor among thieves, journalists, liberals, or dykes. I have sliced 4 large onions in the last hour, trying to work up some tears over this.",sexist "I was shagging some slag last night when she said, ""Cum on my tits"". I said, ""I know, I noticed it when you took your bra off"".",sexist Apparently the poor horse didn't know it is not allowed to hit a woman... even if she hits you first.,sexist [USER] I slept 9 hrs without disturbance. Fuck that bitch Lupus. I locked her out! #PainWarriors,sexist Ask her what her vagina size is.,sexist You need to learn and finally understand that these hoes aint loyal.,sexist If u ask any women if they value honesty they will prob say yes. So if they get to be hypocrites does that mean it's ok for men to lie too?,sexist "All the bullshit rape accusations that keep coming out in the media are making men serious begin to hate women. If that bothers you, go complain to these dumb bitches claiming they were raped a billion years ago by Carl Sagan or whatever.",sexist """BELIEVE THE WOMAN:"" America always knew woman's Emmett Till story was a lie. After more than a [URL] Democrat women have lied about sexual assault for a long time.",sexist [URL] Excellent video which illustrates how much us men pay for women indirectly. Taxes and death is our only guarantee in life,sexist Whoever the hottest girl in the office is becomes a 10 by comparison. Even if shes a 7. Which is why female managers wont hire a prettier woman but men will.,sexist "Little known fact: If you put a white woman in a large enough wheat field, her body count will magically disappear and her hymen will grow back.",sexist "Pussies also get wet for all kinds of random reasons, so, everything provoking female arousal is as valuable as wombs then?",sexist "One of the dumb cunt mods. Can't think of how many forums I've been tossed out of because of these self-important mammerjammers. Just say GFY cat lady, I mean, person.",sexist "DO it. First she lies about this, than a rape or an assault in the future and ruins an innocent's life. Make that women regret ever taking a stance and fuck her until she screams. Then some more.",sexist girls were better at hiding it in the past because there wasn't any social media now it's all out there in open and rather than being subtle girls are encouraged to be entitled narcissistic users,sexist And thots like those want to marry in a white dress........,sexist "Talking this much shit about shoes is something only women, gays and black people do.",sexist "Lmao this is fucked. I remember having oneitis for my old therapist and then stumbling across a video of her getting trained by two black humongous dudes. Hard to believe, but I'm redpilled for life after that one.",sexist "It's wrong, but we can't just say : "" I just wanted sex with you, now goodbye "" like women do. ~~well you can, but be ready with a ak-47 for simps coming to beat you because the milady saids you raped her~~",sexist Stormy daniels is a slut. Plain and simple. She gets fucked for money. Bitch should keep all her holes shut.,sexist "LOL, I hope she shows up so I can slap her around some more.",sexist 😂😂😂😂 it's not working out to well for the resisting salad slag either!! 😂😂😂😂,sexist Who's the pussy ass faggot that downvoted this? 5.56 hurt your little bitch ass shoulder too? cunt.,sexist Love it how women go apeshit over the idea of an ugly man getting laid in a foreign country.,sexist "Nah even mediocre black guys get tons of pussy, as long as they are somewhat tall because white women think all tall black guys have massive schlongs.",sexist "Sounds like you found a keeper. There should be more women who aren't greedy vapid cunts out there, it's a shame they're as common as unicorns.",sexist That is extremely trashy. But what more can expect from most women today.,sexist "I have always thought people who use them are weak, and won't deal with their shit. People too stupid, they pay for short term relief only to be hooked on them. Most women on them tend to also be wino's and take Valium on top of the antidepressants.",sexist I too prolly fell for this shit at one point. Just talk to the bitch normally. She either wants you or doesn't. Perfection is boring anyway.,sexist "Agreed Women are worthless . They offer no intelligent conversation . Nope sorry Hun I'm not interested in Nightclubs, parties , Clothes and the Kardashians .",sexist Conservatives (like you and David French) are low-T cucks who like watching their saggy wives get tag-teamed by muscular Negroes while they hide in the closet and PLAY WITH THEMSELVES.,sexist None of these women speak for me. I prefer not being associated with such rampant stupidity and classlessness.,sexist "Technology only amplifies womens' already narcissistic tendencies. Obsessed with their imaginary social media points, hearts and likes.",sexist "Divorce,your dumb bitch of a wife and accuse her of rape and infidelity",sexist "Except it's true....crazy white women get into this kwanza crap more than blacks do. LOLOL and by the way, the meme is cool. don't get me wrong. Oh, and Merry Christmas brother.",sexist "It's good to have a pretty, white First Lady again instead of the former ghetto-ass she-boon who looked more ape than human. [USER] ",sexist Basically all Jewish traditions were stolen from the Ancient Babylonians! So in essence they're performing a ritual to celebrate the femanine principle of god! They're worshipping her rotten pussy basically! I'm just kidding or am I?,sexist """It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosersout of unorthodoxy.""",sexist Not a good look for Asian women. And so much for the 'traditional conservative' stereotype.,sexist turns out that [USER] making fun of a dead fat commie slut will be the internet equivalent of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914,sexist """listen white lady full of fleas just know if you & i were int he same continent i would hunt you down 7 beat da air out of you & leave you to rot openly "" SO TRUE!! you are a nigger.....",sexist "How many inventions have these ""kings and queens"" invent? HUMMMM obongo is a cunt",sexist "high-status women Are you attracted to ""high-status women"" or young hotties? Because young hotties will bang muscular ""bad boys"".",sexist your sister is a fucking whore.,sexist [URL] Proof that the meth head bitch who ripped her own eyes out in South Carolina is a coal burner. Now she's a blind whore with a cunt that stinks like nigger shit-stink and AIDS.,sexist This is exactly why women shouldn't be in the police force. Any career that requires strength and courage is no place for weak foids.,sexist Lol beta bux I've come to realize that most women hate MENAcels and currycels the most,sexist "Yes. The Glorious Waifu Age is approaching. With advances in artificial intelligence, sex robots, and artificial wombs, women will become obsolete!",sexist women cant handle security/guard dogs they are pack animals that respond to male alphas,sexist "Not true. TRP is 100% beneficial to her, provided she is the least bit fuckable. um...no, no it's not.",sexist The world is round because there is no end to the earth that these wimmenz won't go to .,sexist I'm I the only one who wants to stab the cunt in the red hat and his slag gob shite girlfriend,sexist "She's a fucking Liberal and a progressive one at that. She sucks two teats, her wife's & the Globalist's.",sexist Most men are so obssesed with defending women at all costs that they'll ignore facts......This is why loser men will never address facts but hurl out insults like what women do.,sexist you gotta be more sarcastic and find a point of weakness and attack till she's submissive,sexist Janis #Joplin: the Psychedelic Tranny [URL] #Transgenderagenda #Transgender #transpocalypse,sexist She says as she's being beat to death by some dindu. You burn the coal you pay the toll bitches,sexist "NAWALT? On a MGTOW site? LOL. Riiiight. I will tell you what all women ARE: All women ARE **equally weaponized** to destroy men in divorce and family law court. If she's ""not like that"" she's probably just ""not like that YET.""",sexist It takes a woman to do something as spectacularily dumb and short sighted to inject chemicals in her lips and think it's an amazing idea,sexist "True they do, do I need to be fit to get them? Also, how do you get pretty, slightly chubby women? I'm ok with them but I don't know how to",sexist Ive spent time in Sydney. They have legal prostitution there so the women have to be slightly less cunty to compete with the professionals. Its better than the west.,sexist "Insecurity is gross. Call her out on her bratty behaviour (yes, sometimes this means continuing EVEN AFTER she starts crying) or dump her asap.",sexist The #feminists grand plan - To make both men and women feel completely miserable. #gender #feminazis #MRAs #redpill #misandry #FeminismIsCancer,sexist New don't park on me poster finished. This is dedicated to the twat who harassed me with her minivan last week.,sexist He should of picked the chair up and smashed it across her head,sexist No they aren't. A boy is a boy. A girl is a girl.,sexist She even talks like a female giving one word answers,sexist "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. What the FUCK do you know about being Hapa? Go suck on a white cock just like Asian girls are meant to.",sexist I'm a female and I wouldn't hire these whiny sensitive cunts.,sexist Femcels only want 6 ft 2 chads though. Ofcourse a 6 ft 2 chad will reject an ugly girl. I once saw a thread on trufemcels of some short asian girl who looked like a monkey saying her looksmatch was a very tall white chadlite.,sexist I'm probably close to twice Lily Allen's age and I've never been assaulted by any male. Hmmm... Behaviorial changes may be in order... For her I mean. [URL] #FakeNews,sexist "She probably is on shrooms judging by the dilated pupils, it's just foids are so full of themselves that even shrooms can't make them aware of their hedonistic, ego-chasing actions.",sexist "Suck my uncircumcised cock you collectivist shitfuck. Birth to a race is blind chance. It's something you inherit, not earn, and women haven't earned shit. Go back to /pol/.",sexist "Like us - But we do not want Stuff that is Broken adn Spoiled beyond repar with baggage - A Pu[CUR] used from to many ""guys"" (in my case - if she is in the double digit count) can only give me STD's and i definitly dont want this shit from a slut.",sexist "By acting like an insecure, thin-skinned little bitch as you have so far? Lol! Okay, let me know how that works out for you.",sexist "Bro you're good! At any point in a conversation with a woman you can say exactly this: ""can I cook for you sometime"" or ""Want to listen to me play music"" and they will melt hahaa",sexist I'm fucking mad that she isn't an echo. I mean.. They wasted dev time on this bitch.,sexist Hey cunt....remember this. I am of the Wolf Clan of the Cherokee. I lay down with wolves. Wolves are my brothers and sisters. And we wolves? Will rip you fucking cunts pussy faggots to shreds. Don't believe me? Bring it the fuck on.,sexist "as a proud White man, whom she despises, FUCK YOU, JAP BITCH",sexist "Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Porn producer divorces his Trump-accuser porn star wife. Her headline-chasing lawyer claims his client kindly asks for privacy! These attention whores need to get married to each other now. [URL]",sexist Is she a tranny?,sexist "Call me a cuck but I prefer bigger labia. I think without it it looks bland, not that I'd complain. This is again one of those things where men have a whole range of preferences, whereas women universally don't like small dicks.",sexist Tallness isn't even attractive in any way. What the fuck is wrong with woman? They can't even give a reason for why they think tall guys are attractive. Women are primitive. It's a fact.,sexist she is the nastiest jew bitch ever born,sexist "And the women probably have zero issue with finger-fucking their phones on Instagram/Tindr/facebook, ~~flirting~~ chatting with Chads all day. That's basically the female equivalent to pornhub.",sexist Interesting tho I can't help but wonder if he's just a bleeding heart pussy not to mention he never saw combat or witnessed the Germans atrocities,sexist "True, it is very rare to happen such shit. For example, a rich fat lady might marry 9/10 chad if he is a gold digger, but most of the time that lady marries another rich beta simp while keeping that chad as fuck boy.",sexist "Well then the happiness in my pants doesn't bring myself happiness. I rent it for free for people I like, but in the end I feel more empty as ever. As a hoe myself, my only advice is that magic pussy doesnt bring happiness, that is for yourself to do",sexist [1 and 4 teen girls have STDs]([URL] - that report was from 2008 so that means those girls are now in their 20s spreading their diseases thru the cock carousel,sexist "Blah Blah Blah... The media fawned over the old , dryed up hag, who can't even stand up without falling over. NO CHANCE Trump can win.... Don't buy the BETO BS. [URL]",sexist "Females can't be incel. The quick spreading of your legs should suffice. But if you're going to have unbelievably high standards, like going after chad like all females do, then good luck.",sexist "When women take power, everything becomes shitty.",sexist "if your first reaction to being bullied by zoey tuhr is to shake and tremble and call the cops, you are officially a pants-pissing coward also your sister is a hooer even though we all love her milkers despite the stretch marks",sexist "When I first met my cellmate he asked, ""So what are you in for?"" I replied, ""Violation of several fun control laws."" He laughed and said, ""I think you meant to say 'gun control laws!'"" I replied, ""No I didn't. I'm in for rape.""",sexist "and what foreign women? European? they are just as messed up...they got to them too-white genocide is real you going Asian, Middle Eastern, African? no mixed babies-they are messed up, depressed and much sicker [URL]",sexist "You've just contradicted your own title. >They like hot men. Hot men can get away with a lot more shit than your average Joe so they're sometimes an asshole. Ergo, women DO like jerks. Hot men can afford to be jerks. So they are. And women love them.",sexist The dad is a bit of pussy. He had the bitch on the ropes and didn't have balls to KO her.,sexist "Rule number 1, never take a woman out and expect anything in return. You'll be lucky to even get a mention on her snapchat or her tweet or whatever. That's the most you can hope for when you take bitches out to eat.",sexist "Nah. It's silly to do shit like that imo. I most likely would've behaved the same way as femoids do if I had been in their position. So it's retarded to ""punish"" them for it. Besides, I still love my nan, mum and sister",sexist Don't be sad - she is just a stupid 'ho.,sexist """There is never a reason to hit a woman."" ... Looks like I found one...",sexist "You could always play the game of ""who do you think is sexy?"" That keeps your relationship honest. A woman's idea to keep a relationship honest is to play games.",sexist So is she admitting that women are less mature than men?,sexist [USER] I hate it when these Geritol popping saggy old women co-opt our movement. REEEEEEEEE!!!,sexist "New world order lady, men give zero fucks. What does she think yelling at people is going to result in them being kind and courteous. Some women can't handle the equality they claim to want so bad.",sexist "Sorry but up here in Canada we have the records of the biggest libtards, they had even had a women's march in Edmonton and the dumb cunts had no clue as to the why.. Look who we were given as a so called leader...",sexist I told a feminist in one of my classes that I would only support feminism (fucking never!) when feminism gets behind tying womens right to vote with the draft. She got super triggered and started yelling at me. it was hilarious.,sexist We now have commercials about whorish housewives [URL],sexist "She's a bitch. But thanks, Hannah, for acknowledging that men are being dismantled, and that women like you are damned proud of it.",sexist "Either, you're a ~~woman~~ roastie and spdeserve to die, righter you've had sex with him.",sexist true of many of today's women. It's bad nurture today I think. The hypergamous nature was always there but controlled better in the past.,sexist "I don't know about you, but every girl on there swipes no for me except for the bots, prostitutes and fat/ugly black girls. From this I've concluded that tinder is a waste of time",sexist "I don't even know how you listened to that cunt talk for even a minute, let alone jot down what she said.",sexist "I appreciate the fact that people follow me even though I don't really post that often. I would like to post more, but it's so hard for me to stay on top of this sort of thing. Depression is a bitch lol",sexist "If your girlfriend ever says she needs to feel alive or that you make her feel alive, something in these lines, she is not for you. She is going to cheat you anytime soon, she is an impulsive bitch and you should take care.",sexist "islamic women just can't win. Either they die defending themselves from rape, or they die because they got raped.",sexist She almost looks like a woman in that pic. Almost....,sexist Also Mr Bathhouse Barry some of us would like to know more about your biological father Frank Marshall Davis the Soviet Agent and soft core porn photographer who photographed your mother's fanny.,sexist Imagine being a literal whore and not realizing the majority of your customers are incels.,sexist Harsh. Just kick her back to whatever rancid hole of the Ummah she crawled out of. Punishment enough methinks.,sexist All female draft/conscription until one million plus of these narcissistic feminazies give the ultimate sacrifice. Equality NOW.,sexist "I prefer to shoot the women first. But for serious, it's kinda a somber topic so you have to relate it as a funny story.",sexist "If you're GF is dancing with others guys in front of you, then you should bottle her too. She's was giving off obvious signs of affection. He can kiss when girls do that.",sexist notice to bigger rapists. she's willing and waiting for you,sexist Humanity would go extinct because nothing is less sexy to a woman than a man that EVEN SHE can beat up.,sexist I think feminism is just female nature on a societal scale: Individual men fighting over a woman are replaced by men of different countries fighting against each other. But the outcome is the same: they will mate with the winner.,sexist "Nah. Revenge is shit women do. Improve yourself, build yourself. Women are a dime a dozen and can be had for .02 cents.",sexist [USER] Same. We live in a world where many women would feel better about themselves if you called them a hoe. #ThanksFeminism,sexist I blame creepy desperate old men. Because if their desperate attitude modern women are entitled trash. It's men's fault,sexist "Unfortunately those rednecks with man clits cant do their jobs. their women have to fly into the jungle for a dicking. Its a win win situation. Tell your racist pink okies to pause on the dislike button,they spoiling my score bunch of white trash.",sexist No divorced woman is family oriented.,sexist "Thank you, Fedra, but I'm not the only one who might suffer this bitch Flossie 🌩️🌦️☂️ Pray she makes a hard right out into the ocean...in the meantime, get your waders out, kids. [USER] ",sexist less competition Gays and trannies are low smv males who are already undesirable to females. Jfl look at all the trannies on reddit and tell me theyre not ugly as shit,sexist "He should take his little girl out to at truck stop and pimp her out then. No violence or gangbangs of his daughter, but she'll be used and he can make a buck or two on top of it. another win for liberal progressives",sexist Karen should seek Nirvana in a Heroin overdose!!!,sexist Seems like an easy thing to troll. Start a new account that uses a picture of a black woman and then write the following: HowIWillChange: stop pretending to care when I hear of some woman being kidnapped or whatever,sexist "Not going to lie, the brutal honesty of this reply got me rolling haha ""I might go over and smash but I'll have to tell her to stfu or put a sock in her mouth"" lmao, godspeed brother",sexist "Honestly, I'm so tired of women. Even the fucking obese bitches think they're better than average men. Is there anything we can do about this? Anything at all? I'm blackpilled now..",sexist Western women are truly the most entitled people to have ever lived on this earth,sexist "She's like a 3/10. Sure we are all desperate for any female. But she probably didn't have the time of her life, cause Chad's would go for stacys. They might have pumped and dumped her few times tho",sexist "For guys who spend their lives complaining about how they can't get any vag, they sure do hate pussy. But all day they talk about Chad's big veiny cock with reverence. I'm sensing a theme here.",sexist What's the point in being a real man if there are no real ladies anymore? #MAGA #SpeakFreely,sexist "I don't trust any woman. No closed door mettings, shared travel, etc. Ever.",sexist the worst thing is that those dudes sometimes ruin the girl and a bad experience will turn her into a slut like every other girl,sexist Of course she a liar! Her & that other jackass are enjoying destroying this man & his family! I hope judge Kavanaugh sue the crap out of these b****es!,sexist "If they wanted her to persuade ppl that Islam is peaceful, they probably should have put a ball gag in her mouth first.",sexist Any female can make a living just by selling their soiled panties.,sexist "Maybe he has a thing for Gauls, a lot of French women are pretty weird looking too",sexist "And they are wrong in another: When they say we hate women, they assume that we are like the mentally deranged incels, who are propagating violence. We, on the other hand, practice discipline, avoidance and evasion of women.",sexist "It's true if a femoid likes you, she will giggle at everything remotely funny that you say. If this hasn't happened to you, it's over.",sexist "The only way you are staying in America is as a white man's harem slave, but given that you're an ugly fat bindi whore and not a QT slender gook girl, your chances don't look good.",sexist The best way for a woman to work her way up the corporate ladder is to sue her boss for harassment.,sexist "Ive definitely only see the two extremes, either super hot and not interested, or fat beasts, who make up like 90%of hinge. that being said, my last two relationships were hinge girls and they were pretty attractive",sexist "No, I'm black actually. Go ahead, check my post history to confirm it lol Classic incel tears. Most incels aren't white, white is a *desirable* trait for women.",sexist You be on your knees suckin dick till your weak shins bruisin While yo girl take my >>FOOT< everything.",sexist "What the hell is that about Girls are retarded. Do what you want on this one, but you're better off going off to find a ""fuck yeah!"" girl.",sexist "Just so you know that my assertion notated above is spot on check out this article on this ""Olympian"" who feels so ashamed of the sexual assault that she received that she is not posing in her underwear. Her hypocrisy knows no bounds. [URL]",sexist "Honestly, i feel like it's easier to just not get married then fight am uphill battle I'll never win. It would be great if the mras were successful, but i don't ever see it happening since women have the vote.",sexist And people wonder why incels are becoming more of a thing. We live in a world where women rather share and get cheated on by top % guy than to give an average good man a chance,sexist White women are the worst of the bunch.,sexist Women are EQUAL. I know this is true because women told me so and women NEVER LIE! So we will treat you bitches as equal and you can just shut the f*** up bitch. #MGTOW,sexist "If the mother had an ~~fortunate~~ unfortunate accident, it would be a real shame.",sexist "Fuck the single mother, she made the choice to have children, we didn't choose our fate.",sexist See ladies? The sexes aren't equal. We'd kick your asses half asleep unarmed even if you had a sword.,sexist She'd be drinking that bleach if she ever pulled that on me.,sexist "There are exceptions, not every women is chronically ill, not every man is able to keep tabs on her woman. For the most part, submissive women and dominant men, creates good relationships imo.",sexist "It's because they have wombs. Money is only the second most important thing in life. You can end your life with all the money in the world, if you didn't pass on your genes, you lose.",sexist [USER] Is that Hitlery? looks like her hips and ass,sexist "as if a virgin woman can't figure out within the first 5 seconds of sex how to lay there and take it and moan a little bit, all they need to do for good sex",sexist he definently cuntfused her,sexist "Male dolphin wakes up next to female whale. ""Aww man! I thought you were just a fat chick! You're a whale?!"" (My apologies to women who are a little heavier than average, I adore you.) ( no really I f-ing ADORE you.)",sexist That was so stupid I thought you were a female,sexist Just why would anyone compromise their personal core values/morals for a political BS stance such as this? It seems to me that these aggressive Male-hating Dyke hags are just trolling for weak minded pussy!,sexist "I love you, lady. lol they are like little pussies, off on their own chattering and shit talking [USER] and expecting people to not check timelines.",sexist """Feminists actually believe that you can rape people... with your farts. "" Those neurotic cat ladies would be happier living under Mohammedan sharia. They want to be mastered by strong alpha males.",sexist If fat acceptance worked both ways with both sexes then great....but it's always a pic of a fat woman being lusted over by a fit guy.,sexist "That bitch is on point, and working to ensure her meal ticket with a betabux in case things don't work out for her with Chad.",sexist "Yeah, the double standard is grossly palpable. If it were women being raped in prison, they'd go ape shit.",sexist "[CUR]10,000 will get you a non aging non nagging disease free sex on demand 24/7 real woman (sex robot)",sexist "Whip her first until her back is nice and bloody! And, then whip her face until her eyes are swollen can't open. I despise people who hurt children!!",sexist "It was rape because she regretted it afterwards, duh. There's no way she could have sex with a nerd. Sheesh.",sexist True. Many in-groups haze. But women haze differently... It's more psychological warfare than goofing off.,sexist why do women try to be funny? they should take the humorpill women can't be funny,sexist The HAMMER Of HATE IS OUR FAITH!!! By divine right Hail and Kill the MUSLIM INVADERS IN YOUR WAY!! Rape their womens as they cry !!!! Kill their servants burn their homes till theres no blood left to spill!!!! I am Tainted By The Will!!!!!!!,sexist "I'm a 5'6 latino with a 5"" dick. Would I be able to get a low-end (1-3/10) white woman in the US if I careermaxx? Also, is it easier for latinos to integrate and be accpeted by white locals than other races like blacks or asians?",sexist I honestly don't care if she's lying. Fuck this douchebag!,sexist Eh not really. Any bitch on welfare is a fucking lazy piece of shit sucking off the govt teet cuz she's too pathetic to do anything for herself. Amirite?,sexist """Why women the size of whales shouldn't be allowed to drive"" by [USER] [URL]",sexist "Who was the greatest prostitute in history? Ms. Pacman, for 25 cents that bitch swallowed balls till she died.",sexist "Let's hope that old hag will retire. I hope she can't stand Kavanaugh and every day she's a miserable bitch until she finally says screw it, I'm done.",sexist He should have given her the old cunt punt while her hands were full.,sexist "wanting a real women is not ""hatred"" or trans. its just we dont give a fuck about dating people with penises or people who had penises.",sexist Fucking hilarious how she rolls out of there! Imagine being so fat and lazy you can't walk Autothots...ROLL OUT !! xD,sexist She'd have to be one of the best fighters in the world. Physics work against smaller people. That's why most girls are cunning in relationships.,sexist "first date tips- count that bitches fingers. she got 4 or 6, ask questions",sexist Ant-brained women trying to get cyclopic husbands. It's a fetishized romance site.,sexist Hillary: Mwah bitches! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,sexist "I'm not Melania. Thank god too, because she's a whore.",sexist "You have much to learn, young Padawan: female deception knows no bound.",sexist "To be fair, judges are terrified of the pussy mafia. Any judge, even a woman, who doesn't side with them gets an organized and concerted effort to get them off the bench by any means.",sexist "Best answer. It's not usually written overtly as one of the responses to shit tests, but I'm a big fan of undermining a woman's dumbass frame and providing an alternative superior one for her to adopt. ""Give her an option."" As Patrice put it.",sexist "Clearly you're a female, highly emotional and quiet possibly brainwashed. Good Day.",sexist Because women don't mind being sexually harassed and assaulted by guys who they are attracted to. That's the serious answer.,sexist "Because it's like the ""how can she slap"" situation. He lays one hand one her and the white knights filming will all assault him",sexist You don't have a male brain you don't know. Attention is not attractiveness. You're probably socially retarded on top of it.,sexist "I cannot take anyone seriously who keeps shitposting Anti-Jewish Zionism memes yet at the same time telling me that Hitler was also bad.. In fact, Hitler was the nemesis of what that fucking cunt of a bitch posted on twitter.",sexist "the media has been making manlet hate, FUCK THEM, this is gonna get blown in oblivion and it'll give foids more of a reason to FUCKING REJECT US fuck this gay show.",sexist "The hotter the woman, the hotter the hellfire..",sexist "The very idea of 'gender violence' is total bullshit, no man on earth beats women just because they're women. There is a reason for violence and gender isn't it.",sexist "Go for dancing classes, there's more females than men. By virtue of being a scarce resource in that space, you will get way more opportunities to get you some coochie, timer.",sexist I wonder how they plan to rectify the centuries of imbalance in warfare and work related deaths. What a fucking cancer.,sexist "Hi, this is my wife. She is a whore.",sexist "a dog will look you in the eye and do your bidding no matter how badly you beat it. U discipline a woman once and she'll call the police on u, kek. In all seriousness tho, will a woman show you the same loyalty a doggo can?",sexist "I want to kill her..... Habit of drinking multiple Pepsi bottles a day and hopefully, when we become better acquainted, her addiction to alcoholic drinks such as Vodka.",sexist STFU up woman stop larping with your lame ass reposting account. No one likes mexicans you are only slightly above a nigger and below a jew,sexist "The difference being that men need to single out a particular woman as a lying and cheating hoebag. Women can just make a generalization that ""men aren't worth shit"" and be done with it.",sexist "In fact, a man has less worth than a woman because he has one less place for another man to shove his dick into.",sexist "But no children,that's the turning point,have you ever stared a pregnant woman,she looks proud of herself because she trapped the man",sexist "I broke up with my girlfriend today. I told her she was a slut. She denied it, but even her husband agrees with me",sexist "She's Jezabel incarnate, the prefect catalyst for real revolution, that's what I'm saying! She's an actual witch , not kidding , like literally satanic .",sexist Well.....At least she has decent Tits. There's nothing worse than a fat chick with no Tits. You have all of that fat to deal with but no fun bags to play with.,sexist The appropriate thing would be her not being an attention whore after such a tragic event,sexist Imma call animal control on her ass if i ever saw that bitch anywhere,sexist Drunk hanging on a lamp post notices a hooker walking by and calls her a cheap whore. She slugs him with a sock full of quarters.,sexist "These are accomplished women of domesticated finance. They have a talent for recognizing lucrative marriage investments, and the ability to maximize the return on their feigned interest.",sexist "Just keep practicing, is you get as good at it as she is, you can become a famous whore too!",sexist """Hurting and scared"" and ""strong women"" don't jibe. [URL]",sexist don't get pissy with me because you're an asshole that thinks women are terrified pussies who should be allowed to accuse men 20 years later without proof.,sexist Fuckin hirsute Indian bitches,sexist That's a classic. The dumb cunt doesn't even know the guy she's calling.,sexist "Are you disputing the fact, or just want to bitch about the URL?",sexist What a stupid question! NO MAN...would humiliate himself with such a disgusting display for a few dollars...we aren't women.,sexist "When I learned that my wife cheated me, I was destroyed, but faith helped me. I converted to Islam and killed her with stones next day...",sexist """People"" ""they"" it's women. cunts do cunt shit.",sexist It's funny how faked up these pedophile women teachers are. With the rubbery looking skin and fake eyebrows you could almost mistake them for sex dolls 🤔,sexist All she had to do was go to a lawyer's office. I'm sure she was late to every appointment and he also bought her lunch each time. Hoes don't stop hoeing.,sexist So not having a state recognized right to marry another woman is oppression? Grow up. You're just looking for something to bitch about.,sexist Alex Jones is #AIPAC. I exposed that in the same video put on my channel about [USER]'s admitted pedo friend twitter.com/darkmagekf who published details on the internet about her daughter loving dyke sex first b4 I even met her.,sexist yes dowry was invented the alleviate the huge BURDEN that a female is,sexist Shirley Ford5 hours ago What is that bitch talking about? The chef has lost the conference of the people? That fucking mayor has lost their conference. They're telling the stupid bitch to get out.,sexist Milllie Tibbetts got what she deserved. I am glad she is dead.,sexist Calling these women whores is an insult to actual whores.,sexist The name of MY elephant god is Osama bin Laden you milk truck worshiping manlet. He managed to send 27 of your people to the toilet witch in the sky. [URL],sexist Not guilty by reason of he had enough of that annoying bitch.,sexist Dig a me she- B Da.. Fuck your mother.,sexist "Men are trained not to report it, women are encouraged to report even stuff where both drunk and neither actually raped. Both men and women are told rape is ""something men do to women"". All this would skew the rate even more than your 2x.",sexist "The feminists, family court, #me-too, and divorce rape, are making men in drones withdrawal from women, fatherhood or family. The only way to bring men back to the table is if they change the family laws and divorce laws.",sexist Unfuckable women hate life.,sexist Just a tip for girls hoping to find a good husband one day: Don't be a slut. There is a reason why virgins are valued so highly when one is looking for a wife - and it has nothing to do with religion. #SpeakFreely,sexist "Exactly...as a man and not a filthy cock sucker like Weinstein....I am not part of the scum they are lecturing...fuck off Whorellywood!!!! I don't need to ""LEARN NOT TO RAPE""....fucking assholes!!!",sexist Isn't that exactly what you do though? Hang out in subs and talk about Feminazis and ugly/fat girls? Just like you did here?,sexist "Remember, girls have years of training how to put down guys. If you escalate and she doesn't want that, she'll put you down as gently as she can (unless you act like a jerk; I'm assuming you're not).",sexist "I approached because women are too cowardly to approach. So if she is a coward, what makes her better than me?",sexist wow i cocked up my spelling and now i feel like all those retarded middle aged women,sexist "I wonder what would happen if he were to attack her with a high heel. Surely he'd face the same measly punishment, right? He should find out.",sexist """Toxic Masculinity"" : The Emasculation of Men by Third Wave Feminism [URL] #ToxicMasculinity #respect #women #SundayMorning",sexist Plan your exit....give evidence and start filing...push her for a girls trip or vacation use that time to move your things out i hope your not a feminazi but i hope i helped if your a brother to us,sexist [USER] That's the Pelosi diagnosis. Or Alzheimers. I can't wait for the day that bitch croaks.,sexist "I never! Seriously, have you? WTF is wrong? She has more hair on her chest than a lot of guys have! lol",sexist "You're right. Incels have little to offer in terms of looks, which is all that women want besides wealth",sexist I came home from work and walked into the kitchen. I threw my arms around her and caressed her body whilst sucking on her tongue. She panted in my ear whilst I fucked her on the kitchen table. I love my dog.,sexist "The average female body these days is heavily over-weight, the way shit is going, a thin 5 will become a 9 just by the virtue of not being over-weight in the next few years.",sexist Haha how did you know exactly what was in my head willis? Have you ever gone out after hooking up with another girl earlier that day? You can go out with total outcome detachment because you've already done your thing and girls pick up on that.,sexist Ask a woman to do that and she'll give you a dumb look while asking where the Brita water filter is.,sexist That sub is a great way for men to get red pilled. I don't give a shit if those women never find happiness. Karma's a bitch.,sexist At least Rachel Maddow is good for occasional laughs for her MUH RUSSIA bullshit. This one belongs on The View with the rest of those cunts.,sexist "Or maybe now that girls can vote, work, and shoot at brown people just like men, they've run out of things about which to be outraged. Also, ya' know, divorce laws, affirmative action, etc. They've got a lot going for them these days.",sexist nofap is a horrible thing which un-makes a man and turns him into either a pussy-thirsty chump or into a sexless asexual without purpose in life.,sexist What I got from that is only if you're male and not if you're with women. Femoids are a hivemind. If you're with a woman your value increases,sexist Women are the biggesy gaslighters and they're only mad now that men learned from them.,sexist "Rotten Feminist FINALLY Loses her Battle Against Time: Croaks at 78. 🐸 🍻 Her dying words: ""If I had 1 more wish, it would be to spread just a little more hate, one last time..arrrghghghererrrrrr."" [URL]",sexist Everything is for women's empowerment if a woman does it. Should the owner be a man he would be branded a misogynist for perpetuating unhealthy beauty standards.,sexist "[USER] I've read that Obama has purged a lot of the generals, maybe those were the right leaning types...plus now the various branches are full of trannies and women, so there's that...",sexist "It goes to show that women are way more picky than men. If it was a man regardless of race looking at an attractive Indian woman, I'm pretty sure he would at least show interest.",sexist You women are getting exactly what you deserve for being man haters who destroyed mens lives in divorce courts with your lies. [URL] #MGTOW,sexist "That hag. I kid you not is worth [CUR]250,000. [URL]",sexist """ Getting women is like going to Walmart. I can shit on Walmart and still shop there faggot"" This had me literally laughing out loud.",sexist "If a woman demands to be treated ""like a woman"" tell her that she needs to get on her knees and ""treat me like a man."" Stereotypes cut both ways, and if a woman expects traditional gender norms well then she better live up to her end of the bargain.",sexist stop allowing women to Congress/house/parliament/etc Women have no business in politics or government top positions. This is why everything is so fucked up.,sexist "Churches prey on divorced, older and single moms bc they are the easiest to convert",sexist "Read this. The author may not realize it, but she demonstrates quite clearly the need for #WhiteSharia. At this point, only the contemptuous pimp-slap of the patriarchy can save white women from themselves.",sexist "yep, some feminazis bitching about TRP led me to discover TRP...gg",sexist """I enjoy the sight of her dying"" ""Ich geniee den Anblick, wie sie stirbt"" [URL]",sexist I don't see how your Raggedy Ann ass had a career in the first place. Not pretty. Not funny. Must be great on her knees. Putrid bitch. [URL] #KathyGriffin #Trump #CrocodileApology,sexist "Well done, you just described 90% of women. They're all the same.",sexist It isn't external validation. I am happy because floded her mouth with my juices. It is my cock validation!,sexist "Why are these idiots doing this? Atleast when I shopped with a girl I just either went to a place I liked or made her try on clothes I wanted her to wear. I mean, if you this, why are you...oh right, pussy.",sexist Oh the dirt he must have on this corrupt old hag! I hope he can #LockHerUp,sexist Ricky must have had a big cock Caroline sold her ass for it sorry whore,sexist "Holy shit. The woman picks out the ring then ghosts him and has her family threaten legal action against him? These hoes are not only not loyal, they are fucking lunatics!",sexist Again the Spicer press conference is going along nicely and then we go through the monomaniacal black reporter and then the tranny brigade.,sexist "It all depends. But what im trying to say, girls want emotions, not some logical political debate. Spike their emotions. Say something funny, something provocative, dance with them etc",sexist "Women *do not* help women. Wherever there is a woman success story, there is a man or men who bankroll it. And it used to work. But the problem, these days, is that the women have begun to *resent* this bankrolling.",sexist White girls can have such a victim complex. They could downplay racism and equal it to their sexism which are often their first world problems. Also trying to blame the white male when white people in general are the topic.,sexist We can use her money to feed niggers on the streets her and her husband cunt donnaway banks the third,sexist "I agent met a single woman who actually cleans up after themselves. Go to a chicks house and there is more clothes on the floor than floor showing, filthy bathrooms, with makeup and shit everywhere and sinks full of dishes No shame at all.",sexist "Nothing surprising here. Women are attracted to money. They marry for money. Therefore, if you marry, expect to lose money. To save money, don't marry. A penny saved is a penny earned.",sexist The absolute state of women gentlemen,sexist Idk what it is but just be female and your pics automatically become better tgen what you actually are,sexist The article said Madonna offered to give anyone head if they would vote for Hillary once a whore always a whore. No wonder why she has wrinkles around her mouth.,sexist "Alpha widowed.. She will destroy you when she gets a chance because she ""knows what's out there"", and like a crack addict; she craves the chad..",sexist The better shall be replaced with the worse ? - Because a malicious insane woman likes it ?! Everywhere the same insanity!,sexist "There are a few ladies with whom political discourse is a pleasure, but they are few and far between.",sexist Pigs are better than women!! LOL!,sexist "I am okay with sterilize of nigger and jew women, and murder the unborn is fine with me...chop chop lets get busy.",sexist "I can't stand ugly bitches, they always go online to post about their high standards to help combat their insecurities. Half the time its women who already hit the wall saying shit like this online.",sexist One girl told me I was creepy because I smiled so much. I told her she was a bitch.,sexist "He didn't. She just slept around with someone else because she's the biggest slut in town, and blamed him for it. As all women ultimately do",sexist Go figger. I had my 3rd in 4 months and it was permanent. Just for calling a cunt a cunt.,sexist Barack Obama is a homo! His wife Big Mike has a penis. That's why Obama wears the mom jeans. He's the butt bitch!!!!,sexist "I did. You have to have the bravery to escalate, touch her boobs etc, and work on escalating it further.",sexist Be a traditionalist > Hate entitlement mentality > Massa my thot can't afford to get her abortion pills and I don't have any moneyz #TheGreatTriggering,sexist [USER] oi cunt do a stream,sexist "BS. There were many pussies before you that paved the way for your ""success"" by rigging the system in your favor. Bars were lowered, standards were reduced, gender quotas, female only scholarships etc.",sexist """Went on a walk in the neighborhood and I wish that I got cat called by at least 6 guys. This shit is why I was forced to become a hideous lesbian. Would be nice if guys would start cat calling"" There, fixed it for her.",sexist "No, not every beautiful woman is a whore.",sexist "Just like how women like to travel across the world to...sit on a beach and take selfies. Because it is ""culturally enriching"". No, it's just a bullet point for your social media profile.",sexist "Exactly. Everything you wrote is true. The more successful you are as a short man, the more insecure many women choose to see you, they just see you as pathetically trying to make up for being short.",sexist "It's because in gender equality land, men expect women to be equals and think of them that way. But we're not equals at all. You're essentially sexual and social aristocrats and we're peasants. [USER]",sexist Haha.. and nigger dumb cunt's cant remember what she posted 5 minutes ago. Cuck Faggot Slut Bint (what did I miss?) *snort*,sexist "Time to tone it down, cunt... [URL]",sexist Child-bearing White women are around 2% of the world population. Bring back the patriarchy. #AltRight,sexist GF? takes less time/effort/inconvenience to dip the stick. now...a wife...that's different...why buy the cow when you get the milk for free.,sexist "That hog-faced hag has now been ""chancellor"" of ""Germany"" longer than the Fuhrer was. Don't they have some law about term limits?",sexist mam may i please have a crumb of pussy mam please,sexist I failed school because in todays age especially in my liberal state of ny normal boys are just defective girls,sexist That witch had more class than pelosi.,sexist crabwalk up to a foid and shoryuken uppercut her pussy def doing this on my next date,sexist i think feminism are promoting abortion of female foetus who would want to have a daughter everyone can just enjoy on onlyfans,sexist "Poor baby, your country kills newborn girls and all you can do is bitch. How fucking sad and pathetic.",sexist FUCK HER FRIENDS. forget the bitch. be friendly with her obviously. but make friends with her ppl,sexist "Did she rape any underage boys? If so, guillotine her.",sexist those women who dont want to have babies should do the world a favor and off themselves,sexist What's up with ladies that refuse to learn how to cook or bake?,sexist I've noticed an over representation in thotdom as well. Curious.,sexist I would kill your mother to get a shot at you.,sexist "Your just a whore, helping other whores, wreck men's lives. Family courts are completely unfair to men and you silently profit from it. It makes me wish I wasn't an atheist so I could tell you that you will burn in hell.",sexist "I think this women didn't get the pussy pass because the tow toddlers were females. If they were male boys, she would get lesser sentence.",sexist Everyone knows what the Niggers in the movie wanted to do to Julianne Hough. Smoking-hot bitch. But of course... she's White.,sexist "(her, thief) Opportunistically vs. (him, idiot) romantically.",sexist HUGE BLACK DICK IN YOUR ASS CHUMP......just like your ex girfriend liked it.There's gay dating sites for your fixation on black men. This site isn't it.You have to hide your hate in public because you are a cowardly clit girl.,sexist "That proves that the wife is a nice person. I mean, to be pregnant with puppies, one must first be a bitch.",sexist Thing is they don't have the right to vote so who cares how much they bitch,sexist Smart? Hardly? 90% of those girls are leftist shit stains.,sexist Anna Navarro when she ooks in the mirror she sees the puta who slept her way up to America,sexist "In the immortal words of Nasir Jones, ""pussy kills""",sexist "No men in the ladies restroom! Women are the majority in the US, 51%, why should our privacy and safety be compromised for a confused 1.2% of the population.",sexist I am sure most girls ~~marry~~ settle for guys who are just nice Which illustrates the problem,sexist "I'm told by feminists that men and women are exactly the same. I agree, that is, until I go shopping with a woman, and realize how inanely untrue the statement is.",sexist "Wtf? If men insist on dating these western radfems, then for fucks sake tell her before the date you each will pay half for the date. Stop putting yourself at risk of poundmetoo",sexist "the fuck are you spouting.. 2 heads are better than one, hopefully one stumbles along to recognize what type of relationship you want. If you chase and allow her to dominate the relationship then you fucked",sexist If my mother truly loved me she would 1. Never had given birth to me 2. Kill herself asap,sexist Non virgin females reject virgin men on sight.,sexist Former Fox News hoe Gretchen Carlson is now doing a spin-off show from LIVE*PD on Lifetime channel about women on patrol. How the mighty have fallen. What is Megyn Kelly doing these days?,sexist Haha nah she a hoe. She quit porn a while ago tho,sexist Keeping a woman is a lot of work with very little return. Rather just het a sex doll.,sexist He was HIRED because he WAS POOR. Engels 'paid his way'. He dies a pauper. Do you even read and research? Or do you just hunt out right wing Jewess women? You're a pussy. Get lost.,sexist Only women think that talking about your problems actually makes things better.,sexist "Unless you roll chad. Then its all free, all the time. Triple dipping prime pussies daily raw dog style.",sexist Lol if you look up the author she looks like a cross between a chipmunk and the Crimson chin. No one's dates you because all you're worth is a fuck,sexist "Simple, don't pay her bills, have her use her last name etc... Basically they were cohabitation/common law marriage in all but in name. Pump and dump should be fine except the you can catch a rape accusation.",sexist "Meetup.com, I'll give it a shot when I'll be back home. i simply hope it is popular here in my country. Yeah, I feel I could be somewhat an interesting man for women. Too bad I rarely find women to have a nice conversation with..",sexist so you dont know shit just like most women running that fuking mouth,sexist Fucker was completely serious. My wife thought about bitch slapping him.,sexist "Past 30 women hit the wall, and worst online dating gave those cunts a second life with all the blue pill beta cucks messaging them, yeah sex bot can be a great game changer.... why band a fat single mom whores when you can bang a sexy robot.",sexist Yeah she might of flirted with you for validation but was uninterested in actually doing anything with you. These women get off on being a tease.,sexist Imagine the hellfire if a male senator said that about women.,sexist "Very Funny! Black, mudblood, commies and kike women have strong desires for Nazi Men. Yet they are our biggest enemy, go figure. Perhaps we could use this weakness to our advantage. Ha ha ha ha ha.",sexist "This is the incarnation of the modern liberal woman, who mindlessly serves the agenda of the real peeps out to destroy our country and help keep them safely anonymous",sexist "yep it is,i dont like my crush anymore after i've been blackpilled,i see how much she is inferior to me and males,just another brainless foid.Male life is awesome,just sometimes the pain is too much",sexist "Funny, because women/sluts cheat on men like that.",sexist "Bottom line, she is just a really gross abominable bitch. Or cunt, you choose.",sexist she's a cunt. and she hits on the only goodlooking dude in my class. also she says she moved across the country to follow a guy and has been remarried multiple times. plus this is her trolling the class with a blackpill too [URL],sexist "Speaking as a man, females under the age of 30 *always* repulsed me.",sexist Bad because its society that has to pick up the tab if it turns sour; Slut walks and single mothers comes to mind.,sexist Umm what? What percentage of women do you think are cam whores? This is a bizarre claim. I'm guessing youre just way into cam whores.,sexist "Oh no.. Poland should block her. Made your bed cat lady, how get raped by Mohammed.",sexist "Romance movies and instagram have ruined women. Romantic gestures can be a good thing, but they aren't constant and daily. Why do you think romance movies never have a sequel?",sexist "All I have to say is that I am so glad I've been married to a wonderful woman almost 17 years this December. No false accusations, no STDs, no mind games, no unfaithful bitches (ahem... ex-wife), etc.",sexist "You beat me to it - unlike too many feminists, none of these cartoon girls are morbidly obese. Even the two fatter ones look like supermodels compared to a great many feminists.",sexist nothing holier than legal virgin pussy though. roasties are sin filled.,sexist Unless they are way older its amazing how cold women are in the workplace. They wonder why they aren't like and assume its sexism over their totally icy personality.,sexist The Bible is antisemitic horse shit? Ignorant woman.,sexist "I don't deal with ""what ifs"". The reality is more women are toxic and dangerous than not. Why take a chance when the risks outweigh the rewards.",sexist "As a kid, I grew up in my teen years on the streets. She wouldn't have succeed in hitting more than twice before I beat the living hell out of her.",sexist "part TWO: ""Everyone is equal, but minorities and women need a thousand extra laws to protect and cradle them throughout life. Carbon Dioxide is a dangerous toxin that will kill us all and should be banished from the earth.""",sexist "I say we exterminate all women with less than C cup titty size. This way all future females will have giant melons. Any chick with small tits needs to kill herself, srs.",sexist "You sure? What quality of woman becomes a waitress? A student, an actress-to-maybe-never-be and a nobody-forever. All she's got is her tips and her tits. In life that's not much. I'm fairly certain you *are* good enough for her.",sexist "#Redeye: #Sweden now has a hotline for ""victims"" of ""mansplaining"" or ""Mannsplanzen"" lolol What happened to you, Sweden.",sexist That was my first thought! Dude staring blankly into space during long-winded corporate speech about how everybody's supposed to love the company and be super enthusiastic? His wife must have killed his soul. Only logical explanation.,sexist "AWALT always applies. See how long she'll stick around if he never works and decides to just sit around the house, even if he cooks and cleans. And start spending her money.",sexist "Someone should take her head, put it inside the microwave, and slam the door shut until it actually clicks. Then turn it on and walk away.",sexist This bitch is so ugly she'd have to put a knife to a man to force him to screw her. Dog shit ugly.,sexist "but she was hot! i wish she would have just gone back to the BJ, rather than go wash her makeup off and sleep in another room...",sexist "[URL] Commie, & closet muslim stooge Clooney, speaks muslim lies & propaganda thru his wife's muslim vagina that spews sharia hell for women. Hollywood loves muslim hell & hates America that makes them free &rich!",sexist Awww don't ruin her face now! Just put it up her arse sideways and watch her make the howler monkey face! Hahaha!,sexist "I don't get it? 90% of women would only date the top 5% of men? So why get mad if a ""normie"" isn't looking for a shehag?",sexist A Dr in Denver got fire because she tweeted MICHEAL Obama was a monkey face but Samantha bee can call ivanka Trump a cunt total double standards!,sexist "Happy birthday, fren. I hate women too :)",sexist Please she is horrible and a woman. No woman has the capacity to understand our struggles it is just not the same for them. The fact the she is still allowed here is shocking.,sexist "So, Fox News has relaxed its dress code. What next, sweat shirts or no shirts for the men? Hey, if women are going to wear the pants, let the men be themselves too.",sexist [USER] It took me decades to realize that the most beautiful attribute on a woman is an honest smile.,sexist Men give what the fuck they get. If anything men have more empathy than women relative to the pathetic levels of empathy shown to them.,sexist "So they force themselves into the workplace, drive down wages because of that, then complain that men don't make enough money? 🤡🤡🤡",sexist "I'm busy right now, what I'm doing is so much fun"" So you'd do it if you weren't busy? Nice one. Enjoy her trying to pussy whip you for another year.",sexist "if god meant women to be strong & independent, he'd have given them upper body strength & muscle-boosting testosterone instead, he assigned them tits",sexist The only beavers that hunt here are gold-digging lounge dancers!,sexist Good job man. Ignore that cock carousel riding whore,sexist Alexandia Ocasio Cortez .. pretty gal should be in movies not in office,sexist My relationship with my ex was a lot like Forest Gump's and Jenny's..... she was a whore and I was retarded.,sexist "If this is you, stop being nice. She has no respect for you already cause she keeps on pushing the question like a child. These women have been pampered there whole lives and given everything without giving anything to men except a used vagina.",sexist Turnbull is a horror show and a total cunt.. and Miranda Devine is a crony on his side. They are both cunts,sexist "I created a female account on tinder to see the 80/20 for myself. In one hour I had more than a hundred match and three man debating where we could fuck... I lost all empathy for women's ""love"" problems""",sexist "this bitch was giving him guff in the movie.. I was pissed off, women end up ruining black boxers careers.",sexist "Trannys know that they can't compete with real women, that's why they always attack them.",sexist "Before civilization, women needed tall strong men to survive. This sexual selection is so ingrained that it still persists to this day.",sexist Your father sucked Jew dick while your mother had orgies with Kazharian jews Then you pop out,sexist "And their mothers approve, just like this thot's mom. Remember, how we're supposed to be chivalrous and treat these so-called ""ladies"". AWALT.",sexist Why do women think that they are immune to saying this crap to a guy without any repercussions. They've never had to deal with the danger. They don't even know there are repercussions.,sexist "No way that dumb bitch could put a sentence like that together... Someone else wrote it, she memorized it...",sexist "oh god, I wouldn't actually call her a bitch to her face. its just the saying of ""bitches love (insert anything here)""",sexist Because women see people attempting to avoid mess ups as inferior /s,sexist This woman makes me almost believe in David Icke's reptilian theory.,sexist It's female nature to be disgusted by weakness in men. She was probably patient with you for a long time but eventually couldn't take it anymore.,sexist You dont. She has done 3 whole years on the streets. Let her remain in her habitat,sexist "If it is acceptable to shame a man for being a pervert, then it is acceptable to shame a woman for being a slut.",sexist "Pity sex doesn't happen. If they believe them privileged then they believe them higher status and as we know quite well, women will fuck the highest status males they can get.",sexist Guys it's one thing to preach about thots being bat shit crazed femnazis but no sane mother is going to let their child be attacked.,sexist "So true, these disgruntled women are trying so hard to cock block us, but guys women 10 years younger ARE attracted to you, don't let some used up slut cuck you",sexist Don't know but what I do know is that there will be an army of dykes waiting for them.....with broom handles,sexist It's just the standard bitch reputation defense measure that gets involuntarily triggered after she's stopped desperately ramming that dick of yours in her cunt. Ignore it.,sexist "Rich people are bad in bed, and poor people are good in bed. That's because sex is free and poor people love free stuff. You will never get oral sex from a rich girl, but a poor girl will gobble your knob like a block of government cheese.",sexist This stupid Bitch can't Prove which one of her Paramours gave her HIV.........,sexist "uh it's called ""friendship"" something women apparently know nothing about.",sexist They didnt sample the unmarried with cats segment...this study seems to only have focused on the remaining lucky few post wall women who were able to dupe a guy into marrying her in her 30s and 40s...,sexist Married a bitch... Is it the standard scenario where her hypergamy caused her to cheat?,sexist "Regardless of who's in the wrong, she opened with physical violence. Hit, and expect to be hit.",sexist *Wrap it in the latex or she's gonna get your paychecks!*,sexist hateful fuckn witch bitch,sexist LOL just proves how stupid women look.,sexist "who holds women in contempt for hypergamy? moralizers, thats who. hypergamy is female nature, its not right or wrong, anyone claiming it is is TRPing wrong.",sexist Women want money. That's all women want. 99% of their activities is about maximizing profits from men. Men chase pussy women chase money.,sexist "Just like a woman, selling the whole garden thing again. I bet next you're going to recommend apples.",sexist Dont forget how most of them have nothing to show for other than their bodies. Every girl I have met mostly talk about sex as if its an accomplishment. Like no shit you get laid easily you're a fucking chick 😂😂😂,sexist "i only banged one girl this month, good game honestly i think i just got shafted cause it's finals week, i usually get college girls. towards the end of april my leads have been dead cold. i hope i can at least get 2 lays during may",sexist "I don't thnk he meant it like that, there was some crazy bitch saying veterans and ptsd isn't much of a problem but her ptsd from tweets were worse. i know, it's almost impossible to believe. thank you for your service solider!",sexist I hope Crowder puts the final nail her nigger lovin coffin,sexist "She has time to hit her man in his mouth if he gets ""out of line"". But if a man said he had time to hit his girl in the mouth when she gets out of line, people would be livid. Just more double standards.",sexist "All these ""Women want men who make money"" articles sure blow that ""All women want is love"" horseshit out of the water",sexist "I might as well copy-paste my post from another thread: It doesn't matter whether she is a bookworm, who spends all her time studying, or if she is the party slut. They all want a tall, handsome, muscular, well-endowed and rich guy.",sexist Supposedly this was how she really was in high school. A floozy!,sexist Yeah the key factor here is consent. Women love being objectified by attractive men and would usually consent to it. And they hate being objectified by unattractive men and would not consent to it.,sexist MGTOW to me doesn't mean I avoid women. I just avoid their bullshit.,sexist The mind games you have to play with women to be involved with one just aren't worth the effort IMO. Simplify motherfuckers.,sexist "The women would probably be dead by the time the men got there. Did you ever see the Think Before You Sleep video on that? I'll see if I can find a link... Here it is. Pretty good, if you haven't seen it. [[URL]",sexist Should have bite her lip off.,sexist This society is so gynocentric that it could be described as a bizarre matriarchy wherein largely male leaders sacrifice less powerful men to gain the political favor of women. I love that... I'll have to use it in conversation with feminists.,sexist They're so clueless. White western women are the most privileged class on earth.,sexist Asian women with power and self respect. Only happens on opposite day.,sexist "oi [USER] you're fucked. OBESE fat cunt knows monkey, has her phone number, and won't turn her in. that's embarrassing for tellmama and faith matters. tut tut. need to make sure they're aware of who they're nominating for awards in future.",sexist "Completely true. Women go batshit insane when they see this because this is their ace card and every woman tries to suppress it. Women don't marry for love, that's always been a giant myth.",sexist "The whore vision girl, and the photographic whore memory morty. I like it.",sexist I wonder how much it cost to have her tossed down the trash chute. No doubt worth every penny.,sexist "it certainly does not hurt, even if she is a 'butterface' its a step closer to being more attractive",sexist Has there ever been a successful venture by a female into politics? Cannot think of one. You got to believe deep down inside they really don't want to vote either.,sexist "🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 huff post 24/7 365 days a year Disgusting media outlet 99% run by women, and they all hate men. [URL]",sexist That's the kind of sadistic shit only women can do to their children.,sexist How to cut the life expenctancy of your son by 60%: Call him daughter.,sexist "Imagine, just Imagine how many dicks this fucking whore has sucked",sexist "I'd just pretend to get locked down, set a wedding date, get her pregnant, then leave the country. Nobody is going to extradite me based on that horseshit allegation.",sexist "dont take medication, it will fuck you up. if you need advice, ask men, don't listen to women. most of all: read and study. knowledge is power.",sexist "Don't get it confused, **ALL** Women Are Like That. AWALT. Not most, not some, all. It's biological. Feminism and lack of societal pressures have just exposed the truth, once again. It was always true, women have not devolved.",sexist cant wait til third world takes over the USA and then white women who bitch about white men not letting them have fuckbuddys on the side get BTFO by based arabs and africans/latinos,sexist "Thats why being ""friends"" with women is pointless, but the unicorn chasers on mgtow2 will always scream about nawalt. Idiots.",sexist "And being abusive is very addictive. Hence i start i cant stop. And women reward it by being docile and submissive, which is a big mindfuck.",sexist """Until boredom/whoredom do us part.""",sexist "Chicks dig scars, maybe you should do a cool one your cheek.",sexist "you fucking bitch at least leave the poor kid alone, its wasnt his fault that you were depressed for being an old hag that couldnt get chads anymore.",sexist Only thing uglier than that woman's face is her spirit. Only thing lower than her IQ is her immorality.,sexist "Nah, this murderous bitch is gonna bring down the democratic party because of her severe case of ass pain. Keep talking sea hag.",sexist Having a oneitis is both a blessing and a curse. Their smile is enough to brighten up your whole week but deep down you know that she's a degenerate for Tyrone and Chad.,sexist "-1 to the first suggestion (cringy) +1 to the second one, no need to write her novels about why you want to break things off, bitches never give a shit when they do",sexist Glad to see I am not the only one not aware of any of these sneaky female abbreviations. They have their own thot language.,sexist if your women if out there marching for this bullshit ... make sure to kick her out and send her packing !!!,sexist In the original post someone said they sent the uncensored version to him so the bitch is getting a divorce and 100% losing her kids now,sexist You ever look at a foid and can tell she's more sociopathic than usual,sexist The woman does not even need to be drunk. All she needs to do is regret the sex to make it rape.,sexist Do these twitter thots think simply repeating a sentence makes it a fact/convincing?,sexist Now THAT is what I call a she-demon!,sexist be a man. take your cock out. make her play with it,sexist "Note to self: If you come home from work and your wife greets you saying she got a big pay raise from her boss, do not kiss her on the lips.",sexist "Any place but here is excellent. if the bitch hates ""racism"", I can think of no better place for her to go and escape it. Hahaha.",sexist "For sure I do man. But I was so family oriented because of how I was brought up that I wanted to make it work. I'm glad she left because she was a leach, but I do hate my daughter being away from most of the time.",sexist "I would like my wife to be more like our pet dog: Obedient, loyal, happy to see me when I get home... and willing to do anal",sexist "Start a porn company, cast Jewish women, and film them getting gang banged by blacks in synagogues to klezmer music soundtracks.",sexist """Munchhausen syndrome by proxy"" what an interesting way to name the actions of a narcissistic cunt. If this were a man I wonder if they'd come up with it. But of curse she's mentally ill, it's not her fault as always.",sexist This is the same woman who will get her ass whooped when she tries to take on a real guy.,sexist "that she's not alone in the worst case. Of course, dear, she'll be not entirely alone, she'll be preggers. Her fault, she should have known and picked better. Her body, her responsibility. Period (or no period, in that case.)",sexist To think all women are trying to repress this feeling... that is female over-eagerness.,sexist "..or she'll next you, simply because you were enough of a sucker to actually fix her stuff. She'll see you as the doormat you are and kick you to the curb...and get Chad to come over and fuck her on her newly-fixed dishwasher.",sexist Tell her to 1vs1 you on MW2 Rust and see whos cute after you quickscope that bitch to hell,sexist "Fuck that, I don't get a ""protection squad"" when I go to a variety of the subs that don't like Incels, so why do women deserve one? Oh yeah, I forgot. The future is female, do not question it.",sexist "TBPH, I might bang it if I were bored: she's got a decent set of tits. But I sure as hell wouldn't pay money for photos or videos of it.",sexist Latest Fashion for women Purchase one for Christmas Like Today Buy one for all your European female family and friends! IF raped there's lots of evidence left behind! MEN DON'T RAPE WIMPS DO Scared of Mommy syndrom,sexist "You may think your step sister is different. Odds are she isn't. Consider that her advice may be skewing your perception of outcomes. She's still just a bitch, susceptible to bitch fallacies.",sexist "Wandering the same thing, this seeks to consume the soul in rage. These people have no regard for human life, so why not regard them in the same fashion. I pray she pays a severe judgement for her actions and suffers like no other.",sexist "You took him out, and it was a textbook example on how to shut an idiot down. Don't come here and start bitching right out of the gate. BIG mistake. Now go hug your daughter. Daddy did her proud.",sexist "I like 19 year old pussy. I know, call me crazy...",sexist "You forget women spend money faster than they can acquire it. Even if it's millions from a divorce, she will be broke in a year or two.",sexist Traitors conspire to derail the new Supreme Court nomination by coaching the ugliest woman on the planet to fake rape accuse judge Kavanaugh 30 years after the alleged event.,sexist Former brad future chad lol. You a chad now ? They say men are bad communicators but the majority of women I've seen are really bad communicators; you gotta drag the truth out of them. Being a good communicator imo makes a woman a unicorn.,sexist """Men will never be women"" well good, i would not like to be physically inferior, having to deal with the shitload of emotions they go through, and periods",sexist "What the hell, Sergei, I'll take a daughter like that any day over one that's been to University and came back with pierced nipples, pink hair, and SJW slogans painted all over her bare breasts! It pretty much looks like normal Girl Stuff to me...",sexist "If you think having a pussy means you don't have to pay taxes, you are wrong.",sexist "Except the sensible white women that had a dad who said ""fuck off with your arts degree, you are studying computer science or chemistry or you can pay for it yourself you dopey cunt!""",sexist "This woman is obese, unhealthy and not attractive. She just happens to be more attractive than most women with her BMI. It's like having a competition between which pile of shit smells and looks better.",sexist He didnt get to fuck the nurse sadly. She was genichiros bitch,sexist [URL] So she's a Whore - what a 😨 shock,sexist A lot of people these days know about WMAF stereotypes. Many people might believe that you are a loser for marrying an Asian female. You struck out with white women so you found a suitable replacement.,sexist "I don't care whether you like the post. Furthermore, there are always going to be outliers to any social trend. The overwhelming majority of college girls, however, act like shallow entitled bitches.",sexist "it's clear that she's mentally unwell Which means women get a pass. If she claims she was depressed and not in her right mind, she'll get mandatory therapy and a slap on the wrist. That's what usually happens when they kill their own kids, anyway.",sexist ☝️😄 .... 40 years from now she'll complain that she was forced into exploiting her sexuality in order to feed herself and sue MANkind 😂🤣😂 #MAGA #FeminismIsCancer,sexist Lmao even if you were still fat and lacking style you'd still have more success than an incel could ever dream of simply because you are a woman,sexist lady di car crash was pur joy shame adele is not dead she pisses people off cant keep your party in private may you get chucked ina volcano mind you would you block it you fat hag go on piss off,sexist Bro please for all that is holy do not give her a chance the fleece you please. She is a felon she'll just do it again. Fuck that bitdh leave her for death.,sexist Shoot her mom and fuck her dad,sexist How does an idiot laugh at backing the witch that destroyed his raison d'etre? Easy she has the dirt and spoonfed it to the limpid coward.,sexist It would also be a tacit admission that most women who aren't children are whores.,sexist "Uhh... You look like a gorgeous Chad but you smile like a little insecure bitch instead of smirking, so women that were attracted to your toned bod and dashing good looks become immediately turned off. Maybe don't do that.",sexist """They want a trophy girl"" Nah bitch they want a woman that is actually shaped like a woman not some twisted shapeless blob that only came into existence because of industrialised food manufacturer and convenience technology.",sexist Burn the ho by the stake,sexist "Cuckfucious say, ""Man who worship pussy get to pray at altar.""",sexist "women are really good at fucking up at killing themselves, it's almost like they never wanted to actually kill themselves but instead just wanted attention like the whores they are",sexist """A man invests himself completely in a woman because he hasn't made anything of himself. It is an abdication of his manhood."" - [USER] [URL]",sexist The punch that was felt around the world. #AntifaPussies have thin skin & glass jaws. Time to fight fire w bullets. Can't believe police just stood there & did NOTHING to stop the #Fascist group of #LeftistLoonies,sexist 2nd last one ...u think u fuckin a college bitch but she's older than you're mom,sexist Even the worst incel can pick up a 40+ multi kid/multi baby daddy roastie once that woman has run out of other options.,sexist I hope someone rapes this woman.,sexist "My favorite part is that she wants to count unpaid labor like washing dishes, cooking, etc. lol women don't even do this shit anymore without whining about patriarchy",sexist It is true that many women possess a level of viciousness and vindictiveness that must be seen to be believed.,sexist well..well..well.. what do we have here. The dumbest motherfucker to ever serve in congress just revealed state secrets live at her press conference. Hang this fucking traitor. [URL],sexist "Quick FYI, even if we win and everyone turns into literally Hitler, 18 year old white girls will still be snorting coke at parties and engaging in gangbangs by packs of feral white men.",sexist That's not a woman. That's a black sow in a gunny sack standing on its hind legs.,sexist "Disgusting hags, even more disgusting are the simps who wife up these whores.",sexist "Draft all homos, trannys, women in pussy hats send them to fight in the desert",sexist "That too. Selfish cunt. I ran it through a gender spectrum (it determines gender based on words used, sentence structure, and grammar) and it had 96% female. Either a very good troll (maybe a female troll?) or a legit interracial fucking whore",sexist "Not only is it jewish, but the woman looks disgusting. Why do jewish ""women"" look disgusting as fuck?",sexist She's probably just a bitch. Believe it or not it's not always us. Some females just wanna watch the world burn,sexist "The headline probably has more to do with ""white feminazi still trying to find something desperate enough to shag her.""",sexist "I was raised with a traditional view of family, man is head of household, put a woman on a pedestal, and all the rest of that crap. It took 17 years but I came around to the true nature of women.",sexist "my bet is he is trying to impress some pussy hat with his ""virtue"" enough to let him in her pants.",sexist "Lmfao. If one wants to go the extra mile, you can pay a bit to get photos taken outside and inside private jets. Most instagram thots to that.",sexist wish i had a nickel for every time a female said something this stupid to me,sexist These women DISGUST me. [URL],sexist NGL you're more obsessed with guys with big dicks then the average woman. Have you considered that you have BDD over that part of you?,sexist "Called my ex a cunt once. Ive never seen anyone get so upset by a word. And she was being a cunt, she made us miss an entire hockey game because she couldnt get her ass ready in the 6 hours she had beforehand.",sexist "What a fucking slut, and women say they want respect? See what feminism has done?",sexist "She may be an attention whore who knows how to get more attention and followers. If your Game is weak, you'll get hurt. If you have any chance consider her ONS worthy and nothing more.",sexist I look at women as sex objects. No female friends. I get laid. Looks are everything.,sexist I'm a 6ft pan female from your post history. there are no barriers for women if they really want to get laid. it's a different story for males.,sexist "if you burn in fire, a women will just walk away and laugh about it.",sexist When push comes to cunt punch. #GamerGate,sexist "Bring her to your local Section 8 housing, show her your street's crazy cat lady, and tell her those women all believed they could do better than what they had. After that there's nothing you can do. She's on her own.",sexist she can get as many free rides on the cock carousel as she wants. she has the simp / cuck beta bux to lead on too,sexist The Alpha among all alpha Chad's. All chad lite wet themselves in fear upon his presence...just like the woman.,sexist "I wouldn't say many of us are actually terrible, but those who are bitches are pretty loud. You might be surprised to know that the kind of women you hate aren't that popular with the rest of us either.",sexist treasonous off with her head!! [URL],sexist [USER] Leg day is easy. Hot girls who wear miniskirts get asked out.,sexist That's because every thot and semi confident 18-21 yo thinks they can sell their beauty. Problem is the market is flooded with soooo many. They have to compete and prices are getting lower.,sexist "Men should always financially rape women. If she ain't bringing money to the table, she ain't bringing shit to the table.",sexist Eat shit faggot. #TurdReich #NeetSoc #BloodSoilTendies He uses your friend's money to pay for motels to eat his wife's Mexican pussy. [USER],sexist "(most ethnic women - all indian women - are unattractive) ROFL. clueless. not all, just most",sexist "There ARE no consequences for ""talking shit"" about niggers, bitch. You niggers and nigger-lovers exist solely at our suffrance.",sexist "Okay bitch. Go ahead and trot out some women who cook meals and wash clothes, I'll wait. *sets sundial*",sexist Are Democrats Right To Think Women Are Stupid Enough To Believe The Lies Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh? Democrats in Congress are counting on the stupidity of women. Democrats know it. The media knows it. [URL],sexist "That's what my old grand pappy would say when we passed a junk yard, ""One woman caused all that! LOL",sexist So she was groped in front of a blind man who has been dead for 13 years. Great way to corroborate a story!,sexist Tie her to the tracks and set her ass on fire,sexist "Going as a feminist for Halloween: gonna gain 200 pounds, dye hair scraggly purple, wear ugly clothes & scream at men about their privilege.",sexist She probably rode some BBC later that night. I can already see her nice tight white pink pussy riding some tyrone's long black schlong.,sexist SparkleMAGA: Here's what i have for these women... Sympathy: ZERO Credibility: ZERO Disgust: Off the charts! BOMBSHELL REPORT Calls Into Question How Much TrumpAccusers Were PAID [URL],sexist Every girl is fucking Chad. Since I'm blackpilled if I don't fuck after a second date (if it goes that far) ima just forget about it and move on.,sexist That [USER] bitch still crying about younger girls here. she muted me 😂🤣😂🤣🤣,sexist "And almost 5 percent of the users are women. Women who have no lives, no jobs, no real hobbies other tweeting all day.",sexist "I am a 17yo. This is how it is perceived by us. 18-19 Senior girl dating college boy OK Senior girl dating post college working man -> creepy man, whore girl.",sexist "In his video that I saw he says ""I do whatever I can to appease you. I dress nice, I have a nice car, etc;"" He's a cuck. Why would he try to appease women, that's wrong as hell.",sexist "Most women don't even like hanging out with other women, why would they know how to date another woman?",sexist "I'll do you one better. They constantly complain that we need to make reparations for all the times that they were mistreated. Fantastic, we should have the all female military, all men should be stayed home dads, etc.",sexist This woman knows a lot about free dick!,sexist trump deserves being called an idiot to some degree you are literally worshiping him like a god and on a side note i hope you know any race but your little white race will beat the shit out of you irl bitch,sexist Downvote my croaks and I'll downvote my dick into your mom's fat ass.,sexist "Once I read feminazi article how men regularly abuse female janitors by creating mess in bathrooms in revenge to... who knows what. This debunks it completely, unless all women there are lesbians and abuse female janitors this way even more.",sexist "I agree with you, she is an innocent child. The problem lies on her mom. He is a noble man for adopting the girl, but a stupid idiot for getting the whore mom as a bonus.",sexist Being a bitch to the Muslim Brotherhood will do that to your people...,sexist "Lol guys, I seen the original, it's posted by a mum xD even the mum is a whore and won't tell her daughter off.",sexist "WOW, you spend your precious time fucking an old hag, playing games with her, encourage her to fuck over men, fuck over her boyfriend by sleeping with his woman.",sexist "Once men are completely cucked and women rule the world, they will literally rewrite history and we will all be living in sewers",sexist "Rule #1 of dating, girls don't want to feel like a slut.",sexist "Fuck that shit. Be a man and get angry. If bitches don't like you, fuck it. We will work on ourselves and get rich. So that one day we can be elected senator and fuck their daughters!",sexist "Single moms are cancer, since they have no men to control them, they're killing their kids #mgtow #boysmatter #toxicfemininity #repealthe19th Mom fatally poisoned son with drugs in sippy cup: authorities [URL]",sexist Sounds like she was a miserable roastie who.hit her wall and now is trying to make men feel bad,sexist "She ate out her daughter, im gonna have to give that a pussypass. A golden life-time pussypass.",sexist I tried going back to where your mom lives to bang her again - but the filthy whore lives in a pigsty. What more can a guy do for a cheap whore??,sexist "The man is the prize there my pussy begging friend. And yes, I've had women nearly run over for my attention. They whore for my attention on a DAILY, it's pathetic. But someone like you living in denial couldn't accept that.",sexist "Yes there is, women just need to stop being absolute whores and human garbage. Woah that must be hard for them. This being said fuck off soy cuck",sexist it would be good if she did not testify. We do not need to hear any more of her fictions or see any of her FAKE histrionics. Give me a break. She has had enough men to put a hooker to shame.,sexist I dislike females.,sexist "abusive, stupid thug who gives me panty puddles They only like abusive and stupid thugs who look a certain way. If he is short or balding or fat or doesn't have a certain kind of face, then she won't want him.",sexist Stupid entitles careless tart not looking where she was going. [URL],sexist "Aaaannnddd she a libtard, snowflake, too stupid to realize she is breaking the law. Also batshit crazy, that's why she preys on young men that don't know any better yet. Your typical skank cum dumpster.",sexist I want to make men understand that the way men care for women in a relationship is not the same with women. Men will be better off (be it in a relationship or not) if they keep their interests before anything else.,sexist HAHAHA! Why would an alpha get married to an old hag when he has literally hundreds of hot 18-19 year olds (and older bitches too but eeewww amirite??) begging him to fuck them? Feeeemale logic.,sexist EXACTLY THIS. What blue-pilled moron thinks it's a good idea to put women in charge where people's lives are affected based on their judgment? Especially if their judgment is filtered through their current mood?,sexist "But it's different, cause men are disgusting when we're drunk but women have to get totally blasted before it begins to make them less attractive.",sexist It's okay to disrespect women on the right. Don't expect people to respect you if you don't even respect yourself. Wearing a strap-on in public for her teenage fans was hardly her respecting herself.,sexist How many people buy this lying Yenta Bitch and all her stupid kvetching?,sexist "If I had an absolute smorgasbord of pussy to choose from, I'd wait to settle down, too. (If I was the type to believe in settling down at all.)",sexist "I literally have no standards and will fuck almost any girl. Lots of guys are like me, so it's easy for even below average girls to get laid.",sexist Chicks can't program [URL] so doesn't this mean they should really be getting paid 35% less,sexist This book is a brutally eye-opening explanation of gender dynamics and the power which women have over men. It explains the hard-wired behaviours women use to control the men around them. Red-pill reading. [URL],sexist [URL] More than one third of American women have HPV. Sexual morality will make America great again and prevent these epidemics. Tread carefully around sluts. Hookup culture must end. #MAGA #Christianity #redpill,sexist and when the women get angry and resentful at this arraignment just call them entitled bitches and princesses! Women should love doing free labor without any respect!,sexist "fuck your options, women shouldn't rights and homosexuals should get the death penalty. i try to avoid people as much as possible too, only to grow furiously angry whenever i go outside and see all the stupid couples and the happy idiots. >:(",sexist """Respect me!"" she gargled as the last deposit of DNA seeped from her lips.",sexist Why does a nigger always want a white woman? Because nigger bitches are fucking ugly.,sexist Oh for a woman who can cook! It's why I married Lorraine but she went to work at Mc Donald's and absolutely refused to cook for me. Go the Hell Cunt!Otherwise I forgive her.,sexist "Every female who has shown her picture here was a fat whale 10/10, and there's been a lot who has. Also, it makes sense. Real whores are out spreading their legs for Chad. Whales have nothing better to do but bug us here on Reddit.",sexist "multiple women married to one dude how's that different from ""wife""? And, yeah if she had 20 dicks in her, she's a lost cause. Virgin is a must.",sexist It looks stupid with the tattoos though. I mean makeup is supposed to make a female look clean and presentable. This dude got fucking tattoos everywhere and he wears make up and dyed his hair to an unnatural hair color like a typical vapid female.,sexist Hahaha even cats hate women LOL,sexist "He should be blown first, before jacuzzi. How dare she?",sexist Several women out there that got a lesser sentence for murder.,sexist "HEY MORON! FUCKING MORON! Men go to such stores in order to get supplies to GET WORK DONE. Why bother telling women this, they don't have a working theory of mind and can only project.",sexist The article says she is a known drug addict with many arrest and is now in rehab I would not judge the bitch probably did something and had it coming.,sexist Fuking women. Woe be the man. Woemen.,sexist "Many reasons, management may be female, management may be dumb, managment may be trying not to look sexist in public eye, government or women's organisations may force quotas on company.",sexist "Me, too. Let's all get together and hunt her down. Everyone bring a gun; we're going to go do a little wild-pig shooting practice.",sexist Did you know that 99% of woman enjoy kissing with their eyes closed? That's why it's so hard to identify a rapist,sexist men are way more likely to be physically assaulted. men and women are supposedly equal so crime against vagina isn't special.,sexist "Woman hits a man? Hit her back With equal rights, come equal lefts.",sexist "My girlfriend was reduced to tears when I showed her I'd posted our home made sex tape on PornHub. I don't know why, I thought she looked great wearing the gag and blindfold.",sexist "The catgirl could probably be argued to be a bit of a bimbo, but she's got some of the smallest tits in the game, so I guess she's safe.",sexist "You need to realize that women are not what you thought, theyre parasitic insects preying on your softness to suck your blood and discard you more broken than before; once you see this, you will stop loving them and then can get over your dilemma",sexist I would prefer she be stoned to death but this is acceptable.,sexist Is there some ACCURATE shit test or just test in general that can gauge if you're an alpha or beta in her eyes ? I cant tell with my current gf.,sexist "Well no shit because a female believes she can't be hit, therefore she hits and mocks and complains if it's given back deservedly.. cry bullying 101",sexist You date Chad. Chad is only funny to you because he is attractive. Due to your tiny female mind you don't realize it.,sexist Fat bitch thinks she has a right to standards lmao. She should be this selective about her meals,sexist You always have the option to get with some roastie when you're older. Women's standards do in fact get lowered as they age. Just don't marry her ofc,sexist "No, he remembers them well. In fact their cuntishness was a formative experience and has shaped and will continue to shape his dealings with women for the rest of his life. He is fortunate to have learned his lesson at an early age.",sexist "This is bollocks! You can be with a woman for years, watching her back while she has the knives out. To trust a woman is the height of idiocy, there is no accounting of your good deeds, you need to know this. They are only programmed to receive",sexist "I wish that bitch would log on so I could post it at her, but I think we gave her an aneurysm.",sexist "[USER] ROFLMAO because he's gay right? So he has a pussy, right? Because gay men are like women and only a pussy would want to be like a woman instead of a big, strong alpha male like this boastful, rich, privileged compulsive liar, right?",sexist Don't forget society tells these women they are plus sized queens instead of telling them they are fat and need to lose weight.,sexist She's probably only marrying him for his money and **the fucking title** because you know even woman wants to be **a fucking princess IRL**.,sexist I'm sure the women in your family are sluts. Probably why you have such a twisted sense of values.,sexist Because of weak men like him that women feel entitled to exploit men like dogs...,sexist [USER] I hate Islam because I like looking at women's legs.,sexist "We can only hope during her next abortion the abortionist 'slips' and sucks her whole fucking uterus out, egg-sacks and all. :)",sexist "all women despise ugly men, who would've thought",sexist "The marriage only benefits her, she knows how it benefits her and she's upset that the world knows it only benefits her. Women don't know what the fuck to do with themselves anymore but sit in a corner and cry about the world not worshipping them.",sexist approach this one with caution. set your boundaries and don't be afraid to walk away if she is a crazy. One dick sucking isn't worth a crazy.,sexist "#BadBitches #MeToo "" the women's penitentiaries are full of bad bitches so therefore let America celebrate incarceration and sadism!"" [URL]",sexist gym thots are fishing with really wide nets-- tread carefully.,sexist "MOW = Me over women, Money over women, move over women",sexist In Miami where I'm from most girls will dump you. Unless you have enough for a good time or you are a really fun person to be around.,sexist He's not fucking married you daft fat cunt and I have never spoken to her. His dox is all over Twitter that's why he won't come back as Marco. You know fuck all you silly slag.,sexist "Actually is a complete cunt, and a broken shell of a man. He was incredibly emotionally abusive to his wife, he is similarly abusive to everyone he knows as well. He admitted this. So no, boogie isn't a good person, sorry. He's a sad, broken asshole.",sexist "And yet, it's ok for women at large to have unrealistic bodily expectations of men, hmmm, it's almost like the rules are for he.... And not for she..... It almost seems like hypocrisy",sexist Any woman I've ever slept with immediately desires a deeper relationship,sexist "[USER] Ow, my brain hurts just reading that and wondering how it would impact Hillary. With her criminal acts, lies and abuse of witnesses you have to admit she must have pair of big brass ones under that pants suit.",sexist Why not? He would make a fine eunich. Tatto public property all over the bitch too. Lable her as she wants to be.,sexist "My first thought is, look at that gross delusional bitch, who cares what she thinks? And 2, mate guarding is a real thing and a sign of insecurity and lowers your SMV in the woman's eyes, nothing new.",sexist "When in a group you should socialize with everyone. If I have a crush on a girl in a group I interact with her later on, gives her a chance to notice you and wonder about you, which is how women build attraction (assuming she has any to begin with).",sexist Why is Linda Sarsour (cockroach) there? Muslim women who are victims of rape are stoned to death unless they have four male witnesses to say they did not encourage the rapist. Then they are allowed to live and only get flogged for being promiscuous.,sexist "This pretty much sums up that ""catch me outside"" girl. Raised to be a retarded whore by a shitty mother and society rewards it.",sexist The funny thing is...she's rignt. Because men make civilization go round. And without men thr women would die off and the earth would actually flourish.,sexist not that women are children they kinda are though,sexist "When she play as the victim because ""damn Chad won't take me out"" and then open her legs for him whenever he wants. Or when she starts speaking about ex boyfriends, huge redflag.",sexist "what bad faith? this is 2018, the time where women can get away from their bad behaviour is over. no more playing the innocent, no more getting white knights to defend your manipulative ways.",sexist "I wonder if Muslim women who wear the burka look at nuns and think, ""Look at those slags with their noses hanging out.""",sexist All her friends know divorce attorneys. Roastie,sexist "How to beat a woman, the right way ... lol",sexist "I thought this statement would have made it obvious.. ""Maybe when men start winning everything in females sports people will finally acknowledge facts instead of feelings.""",sexist "By the looks of the angry women at the #WomensMarch, they need to march for a few more weeks before they can fit into anything other than stretchy pants. #Trump #MAGA [URL]",sexist "RIFF RAFF Damn it, these stories make me mad. I just want to beat the crap out of stupid, selfish ""women"" like this. I'm very docile, so when my blood boils, it keeps me awake for days. No kidding. [URL] #MAGA #Ignorance #PRAY",sexist Bring it on!!!! Lead her by her nose ring to wherever she belongs...Hell?,sexist Fat women disgust me. Time we put our foot down men. Things have got to change!,sexist "That would be glorious, but I think that hag is bullet proof. No one has the balls to bring her down.",sexist "More ghetto trash that will never amount to anything. It should be legal to beat women, at least it serves a purpose and keeps cunts like this in check.",sexist "2/ female only company ""The effect a lack of testosterone was having in our office was even more apparent when I temporarily hired two male directors to work on a series. The team suddenly became quieter, more hard-working and less bitchy.""",sexist "Because it's attention not directed at her. Men enjoy games, thots enjoy making games out of people.",sexist No necessarily my friends. But if we are both saay... 25? Then I would be okay if she had 2-3 guys she slept with. It's normal for her not to save her V card for idk how long.,sexist "If she's materialistic, it's a non-starter. That is only for public boyfriends... I've known plenty of materialistic princess types with a broke guy acting as a sex toy.",sexist Oh you must be one of those guys that has to pay bitches to fuck them,sexist most guys are fools they don't know when to next a bitch,sexist "ladies, let's give a new paradigm a few centuries. you jump in front of a bullet to save men like me. then, maybe, we will see if you are worth our time again. if not, enjoy your rape gangs.",sexist "There is a difference. DeBeers had an ad campaign, ""A Diamond is Forever"". Women are a depreciating asset without a way to write off the loss.",sexist I don't even need a sex doll to say no deal to the top frame. Look at that disgusting bitch. I'd turn that down on principle alone. Women are so fucking gross nowadays. 0% feminine.,sexist typical female nature,sexist "Nah I dont give a shit, taking pictures of your own life is scrapbooking female brain shit honestly",sexist Ah the screeching of the single mom. Tossed aside and passed over by man after man because they decided to keep their Chad Trophy. Shame us all you want. Enjoy watching the Doodlebops for the 400th time :),sexist "Next time a castrationista goes off on another men are dirt, men are trash, men are scum, men are pigs rant, stuff that in her face.",sexist "ITT: 1. She's not that hot. I would not bang her. I know hotter women. 2. She's a bitch. I would not bang her, out of principle. Because I only bang girls with *inner beauty*. 3. Of course, she get's hit on. She's just saying that she doesn't.",sexist "Yea, cuz she looks like the sasquatch on the left and there's plenty of hotter and younger sluts looking to ""find"" themselves. The good news is, some simp will be spared his life of misery from proposing to her.",sexist "This Bitch hates the British But won't leave her comfortable life style in Britain, I carn't stick her?",sexist "must be rich then. I'm not using my race as an excuse. I just know that because of societal and internal biases most women view asian, black, hispanic races to be ""unattractive"" (even though that's not true)",sexist "100% absolutely preventable, fucking women never listen",sexist A group of sour old millionaire women paid to continually bitch about their oppression. I'm sure their lives are difficult.,sexist "Of course, it's one fat reason. Men with ugly faces have to deal with it, women can go from [ugly to hot]([URL] by using makeup. And it's so widely accepted, it becomes their default face.",sexist It's so nice to have a biological woman and read deal 1st lady...we had moose knuckle the 1st tranny for 8 fuckin' years...,sexist "I have a newfound respect for Secretary Chao, she's a true ride or die bitch!",sexist The only reason why women like guys is aesthetics or power thats why incels are alone,sexist I like to show her my penis within 5 minutes of meeting each other. If she stays then I'm good to go,sexist "For sure she is a skank. The idea that she calls SHS as whore is laughable, sheer projection.",sexist "That's right, because you know whymen have super powers and a magical vagina. That bad man just needs a good woman to train him. It's gross how many women think this way.",sexist "How a man figures out how to stop baby crying: Doesn't bother. How a women figures it out: ""How to stop baby crying"" ""What I do wrong"" ""How to stop baby cry"" ""make baby cry stop"" ... ""wikihow how to use bath""",sexist When a thot hits the wall she becomes an afterthot!,sexist "Bat shit crazy, she pays for those tattoos with sex work. Though if crazy is an indication of how good the pussy is she must be a fantastic Fuck.",sexist "this exactly, don't be afraid to drop some heavy negs, here's an easy how-to video: [URL]",sexist Woman on top left at 1:11 Knows that all they say is bullshit : Strong woman. Woman at bottom right nodding : weak hoe,sexist But American women suck so there's that...,sexist "No, just no... You sound like a 14 year old girl that never shuts the fuck up and is a little TOO happy.",sexist "Apparently the meteor passed within 17,000 miles of the planet last night. Nearly as far away as my wife parks from the curb.",sexist "Every girl in a game, or on sites like twitch or youtube have a following of tons of thirsty dudes, all because they are female.",sexist your such a fag. ull never have a real woman only a slut who pretends to tolerate your white knight bullshit. fag,sexist "She gave you her used pussy. Aww, yer such a big boy now.",sexist I did not attack YOU ASSHOLE just your Moron pal and butt fuck buddy. go hashtag your moms asshole. Poor little Trump pussy faggot.,sexist He's probably ashamed of her. I would be too. Tbh if I spawned a feminist I'd hang myself.,sexist Drones are to planes what trannies are to women: a simulacrum.,sexist That's all she told you. Stop believing what women say. Focus on your purpose and more women will come around and you'll be out of this situation indefinitely because you truly won't gaf about any of the women you're with.,sexist "With all the money that she received from loser men and still didn't have any common sense whatsoever to save any as a back up when shit goes side ways, which she reaps what she sows and an army of loser men will save her.",sexist "Biologically programmed to search out best male breeding stock, unapologetic about her behaviour. Pure feral. Her morality has reverted to primal instinct.",sexist Well...that's about the only time a woman is truly honest. When she shows you her orgasm face (which is why it used to be my kink in younger years),sexist "1&7. Feminists are the worst. For example, that nasty bitch that made bread with her yeast infection riddled coochie goo and threatened to give to her family that she didnt like at Thanksgiving dinner. Sick demented shit!",sexist Lol brown girls only want white dicks. Heck almost all girls want white dick over someone of their own race.,sexist #FakeNews NBC interviews a fraudulent accuser (10 rape party goer) w/ uncorroborated 50 shades of rape nightmare fairytale. Changed her story throughout the interview. McConnell needs to call for the vote! Confirm #Kavanaugh Now.,sexist Spot on! Society is therefore cuckily arranged so that laws take money from men and hand it to women.,sexist WTF???? They must be good gals and conservatives as they are pretty and have nice tits!!!!! LOL,sexist Ohthisfucking fits so fking perfectly I am laughing my ass off! Scary bitch she is the devil and it is perfect it's in her state of ARKANSAS!!!,sexist "Got no response to that. Oh great the French view is what exactly? hes a black guy too. Holy shit there is nothing about this post that doesnt want me to punch her fat American face. Yes i assume shes fat, thats what you get from stupid assumptions.",sexist "I don't cancel netflix because of this shit, but when they stop producing what I watch, I will. When it comes to specials for this bitch and her ilk, I simply do what everyone who doesn't like should do, not watch.",sexist "It's not your height ... I am 6' with everything 6 figure (6', 6"", 6 -0s).... but she want everything... women can't be happy",sexist "That's why Westworld season 2 sucks, they make all the leaders women.",sexist "I would just start fucking her!! What's your problem, bro? You don't ask, you just do it!! In my 42 years on this earth I've never had a female that wasn't a relative sleep over at my crib/pad and not give me some pussy!! You are simping big time!!",sexist Aaaaand there's the incel insult. You women just can't help yourselves can you?,sexist "Why do you disbelieve God was unnecessary for your creation? Granted, your mom should have swallowed your Dad's load the night of your conception.",sexist "five? i start thinking i'm needy at/after 3, at which point im like ""this bitch aint ever talkin to me again""",sexist "To incels, all women are, by default, whores.",sexist "What are you even asking? What question? I already answer you with ""those females are hoes and sluts"" those are my answer so what other ""answer"" do you want me to say?",sexist is Moore just a fat female tranny?,sexist Conservative blacks and women must not be people then.,sexist "Yes, that's what I think too. We look for sex so her sending a nude makes sense. They look for commitment, you can't send a pic that says you commit. I feel like guys who send dick pics act like emotional women most of the time",sexist I once saw a lady driving a car full speed into a garage door so they are quite good at stunt work. Other than that they aren't very good at anything.,sexist "You'll have to take your issues up with the women. They see men as genetically different and choose as best they can among them. This is just a base understanding of women, so I have to consider you nothing more than a troll.",sexist "Just fucking escalate, grab her hand and place it on your dick and tell her how hard she makes you, or just grab her ass while makingout then pull her to the toilet and fuck her, after u fucked her tell her that you need to go home to feed your cat",sexist "Yeah, she is holding up the sign to hide her enormous hippo arse. #feminists #redpill #mgtow #feminazi",sexist They just need to be bitch slapped by a real woman.,sexist "Before I mute you, ""Don MAGA,"" I'd like to kindly invite you to come up out of your basement & fuck your mother. I'm done with her now anywayz.",sexist "The more she works the more she is gonna look like she hit the wall. I do not feel sorry for single parent Mothers, that was her choice. I would rather be single the rest of my life too. That is the risk I would much rather take in the long run.",sexist Agree with this point: arguably males are 'hard wired' to breed & just club any attractive female over the head and drag her off to their cave to mate with her whether she wishes to or not. But civilisation has evolved and modified MALE behaviour.,sexist Look it up and find oy vey lesbians indocrinating and socializing women and dumb girls and women to destroy themselves.,sexist Or did she fuck her boss to get a promotion?,sexist "The arrogance of this bitch too as if a bitch has any idea what's good for a society or men. Narcissist level 10,000",sexist "They see but theyll say some bs like"" i know my worth"". Fds women are so sub par that even tbe 6/10 white women on my tinder mog the entre sub forum to oblivion.",sexist "Hit her with the ""too slow"" treatment when she goes for a down-low. Guaranteed pussy.",sexist [USER] Don't be embarrassed. They aren't women. They're freaks.,sexist "It also seems like somehow women showing skin, wearing regular clothes, and wearing burqas all oppress women.",sexist "Even #AlexJones Jumps Off #trump's #NWO Crazy Train ""Trump's now a fraud,"" Jones later said. ""Done."" [URL] #KillTrump #InfoWars #Syria #Russia #WW3 #Assad #Putin #SyriaStrikes #JohnBolton #israel #neocons #NikkiHaley - someone slit her throat please",sexist "There's a belief that when a woman becomes a mom she is granted some mother rights or something that excuses a lot of awful toxic behaviour. ""I'm your MOTHER"" is used frequently when they disrespect or break a boundary.",sexist "Oh fuck that landser. You have no job, you have nothing to lose. You already insinuated you are going to fake a photoshopped allegation (like a fucking woman). You have no honor. You would cry to police or something. Anything but fight a fair fight.",sexist My wife is a slut. But I don't mind.,sexist Because girls don't go on Tinder to meet monogamous guys who just want to date.,sexist "it's okay. Still have to mute ya for annoying me. im very pro white but refuse to let women become you ""angry"" mens ""white niggers"" to control and boss around while you take back your balls that the liberals stole. Ciao!",sexist "It's not old. The women that are 35+ are far more mature, know what they want, and go for it. They don't play the same games and I appreciate them far more for it. Also, they fuck you so much better... no joke.",sexist Every day this traitorous and detested woman harms Great Britain and damages her party. She is the most complete failure as a PM one can possibly imagine. Only the deep state keeps her in power: [URL],sexist "Oh shit, this woman managed to do a basic, everyday thing! We got special days for women that have babies, we need a special day for women who can pump their own gas too...",sexist "So what? It's not shocking. Men use women for sex, they use men for money.",sexist "Yeah and for 99% of those, what we usually get told is that women aren't there to get hit on. They just wanna participate in the class, learn something, etc.... Unless the guy is a Chad or Chadlite. Then all that goes out the window.",sexist The best girls come when you aren't looking for one. Desperation will take you nowhere. It's worth building an emotional connection with someone as opposed to finding a pussy to bang. That's been my experience at least.,sexist "[USER] ""I can smell her dying from here."" :)",sexist So god damned true it makes me sick. I work with 90% women and they speak nothing besides drama and gossip. I can't stand talking to them.,sexist Still a newbie so I wasn't exactly sure how to make a move on one girl I'm interested in whilst the other just stands. I'm a newbie so one pussy at a time I guess.,sexist How can a women who spent most of her life up until that point having threesomes and random sex be attached to one guy? Lmao,sexist CA legislature bans Bible sales due to tranny and gay discrimination [URL],sexist """Feminism is about equality"" No, this clearly states that it's about female supremacy.",sexist Women live their entire lives being completely excused for negligence (abortion anyone) and of course much much worse. Just another aspect of female entitlement.,sexist "she,s an Anon slag,",sexist Their equivalent is just a woman that can't land the man that she wants anymore aka feminist. Then they get mad and seek to hurt the bottom 80% of men for her CC riding actions of the past.,sexist "Go back to treating her like the dirty whore she is. Being serious. Stop buying her shit, start fucking her like you hate her.",sexist This cunt has been the biggest vocal advocate for doing shit like this to Trump and his supporters and even more violent if possible. For her to demand an apology just proves one thing. Liberals are fucking Stupid as Fuck!,sexist My God what a dumb bitch,sexist Actually she looks more the back end of a donkey.,sexist Fuck women privilege,sexist It's quite logical. Isn't hanging the punishment for treachery? So Mz Soubry should face the hangman's noose for her treason. [URL] #Brexit #BritFam,sexist "no, it's a Jewish thing, but as Otto Weininger pointed out, the Jew is essentially feminine, bitching and whining and guilting for an entire history.",sexist "True. But in either case, I'd take it off in most settings because a thot's radar to those shiny things is almost undetectable, unrelenting and infallible.",sexist Lol at the normies on this who don't realize that women of any race all find us subhuman. Cut the optimistic bullshit.😂,sexist "Yep. They're so toxic that merely thinking about them traps and corrodes your soul. Yet your hormones compel you to do just that. If being female is Eve's curse, being unable to look away is Adam's.",sexist "Wow lady, you have reached the threshold of Bitter Betty Syndrome with this one... [URL]",sexist "Maybe it's just me, but Alice sure looks white. Can we kill her, now?",sexist No frantic women! No matter what you do it will not cause more trouble pain and anxiety Then a frantic woman.,sexist """My daughter is a 400 lb. man, and even I think this bitch is fucking nuts!!!"" I love that he has them eating each other.",sexist Wait until his wife makes a rape allegation against him because she found some other man and wants to leave him. This is what happened to me when I caught my ex wife cheating,sexist What started this whole thing? Was this bitch just angry cause a man simoly exsisted??,sexist "expecting women to put effort into anything that is meaningful. I like how they are all smiles while the kid's facial expression is basically saying ""may someone just fucking kill me"".",sexist "Yes, but your mom doesn't like me for my intelligence. She likes me because I diddle figure-8's on her clit while fucking her in the ass. Now get your ass back into bed before I take off my belt and beat you with it.",sexist "Nah, she's stay with him for the betabux. She would only initiate the divorce if she finds a chad that can offer more money. Cheating for a girl is a win-win situation",sexist "Pretty much no one night stand I've ever had ""does this"" or is ""usually like this"" Here I was thinking I'm the only man in the entire world that invites girls back to sleep with me when I meet them. Or...Maybe girls are full of shit.",sexist A woman WOULD want to abandon the gold standard...,sexist just because you're such a failure that you cant get pussy on easy mode doesnt mean its true. It means you're a failure.,sexist "Yes, that is so true... But where's the fun in that if I just want to bash the former tranny first lady, Michael? I have to have my priorities.... :)",sexist "if girls buy you food, it usually means you're attractive.",sexist Strange how she is several shades lighter in the painting. The arms look like ape arms. [URL],sexist "NetFlix ""allowed"" this vicious c*** to broadcast celebrating Independence Day w her ""Salute to Abortion"". It has caused other countries to address the Liberal Lunacy of The USA. Another Embarrassment for our country, The United States of America. *",sexist "Clothed women, disgusting.... Ferengi",sexist "It's all projection Women realize they can only offer one thing to a man, so they pretend that men only want that one thing.",sexist Hell if you're not attractive don't bother Because some fiendish opportunist woman will destroy you,sexist don't bother. Thick fucking thirsty cunts here.,sexist The elevator pitch is for slanging pusssy to businessmen she meets in the elevator.,sexist Whatever you do: Choose your wife CAREFULLY. Every single mother is paid for by our taxes and many of her kids are more prone to violence and crime - and then more welfare use. It's a vicious cycle. Don't think with your dick.,sexist "Right...that's why his fellow captured called him ""Songbird,"" because he squealed, snitched, cried, like a female-canine.",sexist "Being that SHE attacked HIM first, I don't have a problem with Mixon giving the bitch a taste of her own medicine. THAT is #equality. [URL]",sexist if women want men to be responsible for babies they make they shouldnt make them unless married,sexist Words with Friends bitch,sexist You guys do realise it's harder to be an ugly woman than it is an ugly man right? lmao,sexist 1406 BCE. Your grandmas pussy must be dry as fuck!,sexist "Notice the cleavage/boob shot shes giving, to get her free pussy pass for being an overweight nasty cunt... If you see one of these cleavage and boob babes anywhere.... run away!",sexist "nothing irks a left wing feminist worse than seeing a beautiful virtuous woman who is conservative they HATE her H-A-T-E so they try to suppress her next it will be illegal to be born beautiful they'll call it ""Hate Birth""",sexist Finkelstein is a lying cunt and a token Jew for the right-wing and leftist fringe.,sexist You are the worst femoid here. I remember you and you are literal scum.,sexist "Actually Willy doesn't live with Hillary. They can't stand each other. Mainly, shes a bitch, and Billy is jealous because HRC gets more pussy.",sexist This is PPD. Half the female users default to shaming or deflection the moment something they don't like comes up.,sexist I dont care about consent. I smack an ass if I want to smack an ass and if she let's me smash without crying or physically resisting I count that as consent.,sexist Victimization is a very female thing to do,sexist "Strange logic, women find it ok to cheat but bitch when their SO cheats on them. If you want to end it just fucking end it. A person should not need to deal with another person's bed hopping.",sexist "Plus it's easy to be a slut. Tinder, be a woman. Bars, be a woman. All she has to do is say yes. A man? Be rich, good looking, successful, interesting. Top 1% of men can do this. And there's work involved.",sexist "Imagine thinking of sports as nothing more than a blue collar job and that male and female athletes are ""doing the same job,"" so they deserve the same pay. That's female logic right there.",sexist my wife is a nice person but acts like every other women when she freaks out or get angry. I stone wall her every time she behaves like this (once or twice a month). She goes to her room crying every time. LMAO.,sexist "maybe in the old days girls like this would be worth it because they were virgins, weren't hoes, were loyal, didn't go out to bars and didn't cheat. But the ""modern woman"" who ""explores her sexuality""? Hell no. That's worthless",sexist "As soon as you say that, she goes to a party and fucks the nearest chad she can find.",sexist There's a similar one with two thots.... The meaning still escapes me though....,sexist All you gotta do is look at the size of her and realize there aren't many men interested in raping her. Number 1 because she is hideous and number 2 because they probably aren't strong enough.,sexist "This is so fucked. ""Harmless"" women coming in is a problem but have dangerous men is not. Man this is really insane",sexist And every time I see a lib tart bitch with pink hair I wish INSANE ASYLUMS TO COME BACK!,sexist I read a lot of posts here. I didn't know we had a mission statement that women aren't human beings. They're just not human beings worth knowing.,sexist "There's no such thing as ""out of your league"". She's a human being, in the same ""league"" as you. If she thinks she is superior to anyone, ditch the bitch.",sexist "Hubby will have to take the blame (not protecting independent strong woman) or pick up the tab (she cannot work and belongs to you, pay up) or most likely both.",sexist "No, say it ain't so! Wow! You mean the women are finally waking up? The Lord be praised and all that! Now let us see the men joining in and we might get the Saxon finally waking the fuck up!",sexist How could Normie's cope with knowing that Chad could literally fuck their girl any time he wants without any effort? They must be great at mental gymnastics.,sexist she is still a hollywood whore.,sexist Did she get his consent in writing? Maybe she raped him.,sexist Women like to play games. Don't sit there and obsess on why she hasn't replied and most importantly don't text her back immediately if/when she texts you back.,sexist "I live by the motto: ""Life is hard, buy a helmet."" I encourage everyone else to buckle in because, unless you are a hot woman, you're going to have to work really hard at it.",sexist "And yet she's still a slut, not just for what she stood for, but why she stood for it. Not that she spent much time standing.",sexist "This is another reason why women seem to get over you quicker. They already finished the relationship 6 months ago and were just preparing the escape pod while still smiling, laughing and fucking you.",sexist This is true - even if you meet a babbling autistic beauty with a PhD she'll still be sulky or pushy.,sexist Katelyn Tuohy NATIONAL RECORD 5000m 15:37 [URL] WTF? Bitch lapped the entire field five times! I quite wonder which performance-enhancing drug she uses.,sexist TIL our moms are skanks and hoes. I love this subreddit!,sexist "Its gonna get worse...white-guys can't resist Asian, Chinese, and Blk females. They're spreading that precious white spermicide to the wrong, Melanin-carrying females.",sexist "Any workplace with a group of women is significantly less productive. I'll argue that till the grave. Most women I know can't go 20 minutes without checking Facebook, snapchat, Instagram and all that stuff",sexist "Reminder that it's OK to punch a girl, because if she's Antifa, you don't want to assume their gender.",sexist What a fucking cunt. Acting like she care about her husband.,sexist "So she's not just a whore, but a lying whore? Got it. 🙄 [URL]",sexist "Rule one from someone that has been on this earth a little longer than most of you. ""ALL WOMEN ARE BORN LIARS"". I have never met one woman, that at one point of another lied to me or I caught them lying to someone else.",sexist "Bennett should have been nominated in the first place. The dem senators would have been forced to try to crucify a woman, openly displaying their hypocrisy, and bitches like Flake would be afraid to appear sexist.",sexist Oh dear...... what did women do before feminazis????,sexist A simple femoid who can not resist Chad's allure,sexist Really? Fine by me! Have you ever met a woman that doesn't like her man to come home and just pick her up and throw her on the bed? Most would never admit it but that's how it works. The human race would be extinct by now if it didn't.,sexist "That was an incredibly depressing episode, men don't red pill men, women red pill men.",sexist Who knew free meals could have such a devastating outcome on these thots,sexist "100% of them looking to settle for the 10% of men, but complain when they end up with Chad.",sexist The SMF Social media female. Everything this type of female does is for her social media.,sexist "She is just projecting what women do. She must have stolen that line from men's forums, as women in general have little or no creativity.",sexist "As a half-time masseur, I get quite often such proposals. I've never paid for any kind of sex or used it as a part of trade. Unfortunately, many women are whores, even if they don't earn money on sex.",sexist "Get her to the best resturant in town, dress your best suit, put on the best eau de toilette, and then when she is about to eat, slap her with your dick. At this point you usually get instant bj.",sexist I know of at least 4 women near me that are murderers. Its called abortion.,sexist "The thing I hate about PMS is the double standard; a girl can blame her poor behavior on PMS, but the moment someone else tries to blame her poor behavior on PMS they get their face chewed off.",sexist She may be worth what someone paid for her in terms of stimulating walking away.,sexist Someone needs to invent something that just replaces all women's voices with fart sounds. The world would be a much better place.,sexist Countries with women in charge will always fail.,sexist 20 percent of women are also sleeping with 80 percent men as only 20 percent of women have high cock counts.,sexist back again hi I am sammay I live in brighton I have 2 gay dads my momm y died ina car crash she was a slut named megan and my dada he was called ging harry a national pest,sexist "This shit is wrong in so many ways,young women train and work their asses off just to get screwed over by fags that want to be women,and whats worse is the school system allows this BS",sexist 9. This isn't the first time Tara has stirred up public drama by painting herself as some kind of victim of harassment from alt right men.,sexist "Shut the fuck up you retarded cunt. Can confirm, I am a norman, every single girl I've dated or fucked, (30+) was at least 20 times less affectionate in their speech and in general",sexist "Self improvement should not be done for women, and if it is, then it's not self improvement, it's self enslave",sexist "A girl in the program I'm in goes ""all straight white males get their way,"" and I reply ""and bitchy females will always complain.""",sexist "to be fair in American society, because Lori has a vagina, shes got more equity. LOL",sexist Coming into contact with a female while not being a top 1% alpha is rape.,sexist "if he's not hot or tall or handsome she's just being nice. So if a guy isn't any of those things, the female is never interested. got it.",sexist "Men should go to war and be police officers and women should not. That is reality and I accept it. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.",sexist "But that's about women, so it *can't* be sexist! /s",sexist "If anything, it's the men that are exploited...how much does the average female make in a shoot vs a men? Equal pay for equal work right?",sexist I hate to break it to you guys there are Good competent females out there. I work with them everyday. Bullshit.,sexist Compliment some small shit. Like bitch i like ya eye brows. Or her chin got a nice shape. Pretty is so generic and boring and simping.,sexist "Understood. Right. Anyone can say ""these hoes aint loyal"" or ""bitches aint shit"" but can you really turn down the gash and GYOW for the long term? I know I can. I've seen the madness unfold too many times. Fuck women.",sexist AITA is full of cucks who downvote anything where a man is in the right against a woman.,sexist "Meh, not so much the women. Most are there to ride dick.",sexist That little bitch hates a great man who runs a powerful nation. '**He took her childhood away!'** **'How dare he!'**,sexist Okay well you have fun being a lonely miserable little bitch for the rest of your life.,sexist "There's another subtext: ""I'm not really a slut like those other women are""",sexist "Yeah, he makes a 6 figure salary and she has this grand ""plan"" for him, he pussy blind enough to thinks it's great. And to be honest the plan is what every man wants... Guess she's a NAWALT. .... Lol and unicorns exist too.",sexist Sure do! Remember how I said I've been an IFBB pro for 4 years? Fitness models that win physique competitions are the ones that still look like women. They aren't cut up like that. Because it isn't attractive.,sexist I wish Bill Cosby would rape my dumb sister,sexist tranny teaching [USER] ,sexist "Damn, some cucks could buy one doll a week for the money they blow on findom whores. Honk.",sexist "WWII, the greatest generation and their sacrifices have been devalued and denigrated in horrendous fashion by the pussified, wannabees of today.",sexist "..now applicable to all women, try to help them and get a false accusation / sexual assault charge. Just let them drown.",sexist """A New Zealand dumb cunt that lives in own reality offering nothing but pics of her small tits and no ass does not acknowledge the tragedy that happened in her own country""",sexist Whores reproduce whores Mannnn that's too true. I should've known when I met my ex's mom. That family is fucked,sexist "Just because you got lucky once or twice in your life, now you think you're some chad? Bitch please. Go and study face theory, chad theory, pig woman experiments and get yourself some good solid blackpills",sexist "Always test a person, before you judge them 20 year old women are a pain in the ass, yes but are redeemable if you give them a chance ... lol",sexist To come out and say it so blatantly is a classic sign of the privilege that women have now. They think/know they are bulletproof once the ring goes on. Bugger the drama and expense. Best to get out and stay out.,sexist I love open marriages. Married women are so much easier and dirtier.,sexist "just me, look at Nature, females in heat, give off the odor..if I travel on a bus or train, and sit next to a stinking female with no personal hygiene, you can bet I will ridicule her. hope they enjoy their UTIs. thanks",sexist "Oh no. Women were huge in wars. Some of the most ardent and flagrant supporters of Nazism were women. Women really were the driving force behind USSR communism. All ideology, no idea how anything works. An absolute clusterfuck in real time.",sexist Noneof your reasons negate the fact that women have an infinite amount more access to sex than men,sexist Also a man making a joke about a rape is unfanny to them. But a real rape a woman commited agains a man is a joke. 2+2=Vagina,sexist "Women like to complain about how men only want women with ""big boobs"", but... there are plenty of men who can appreciate a petite, A-sized woman. It may not attract *their specific type of Chad*, of course, so there lies the drama.",sexist Because she should be strung up? By all means then!!,sexist "ahhh the not funny, washed up comedian slut named Sarah silverman. i thought she died chocking on a dick.",sexist "if u knew. sheeit, here in baltimore they have graduation ceremony for middle school. bc 70%+ black male drop out rate. not much better for she chimps. #geneticsmatter",sexist The only thing women hate more than men is each other.,sexist Soy Boy sure looks better as a female of the species.,sexist "well, just look how many women support a rapist defender/enabler named hillary? hormones run amok.",sexist "These ""women"" are out of their fucking minds. Wow. What's worse is that the other looneys cheer this behavior on.",sexist If you don't hit your wife expect her black boyfriend to hit you,sexist "Good point, this shows how obsessed women are with height that she can judge the height of a stranger to within the inch. I'm surprised she actually gave a manlet under 6' the time of day though. He must have been really good looking to compensate.",sexist "Yup! It's the rule of 3. Take whatever number a guy says, and divide by 3. Take whatever number a girl says, and multiply by 3.",sexist I did this years ago and used a photo of my brothers family. It fit the bill. Unfortunately some of the wives of guys in the office and other female employees started to pry as they do. It worked for awhile.,sexist "Girls give out their numbers a dime a dozen, sometimes they will contact you other times they will reevaluate if you're worthy after you've left. Some just give them out to validate themselves.",sexist Same thing happened in the military EXCEPT the bar was lowered for WOMEN only. No disrespect to our OUTSTANDING female troops,sexist When Holiness leaves a church (meaning the Holy Spirit) the Lord's people have left that church meaning the Lord has left that church meaning that church has ceased any connection with the Lord. Never confuse nor conflate the whore with the bride.,sexist "I love women, and I used to hate the bullshit games they play. Now that I'm a little better at said games, I don't mind them as much.",sexist Damn! Here it's Lent and I just wished she'd get hit by a truck! I can only be so good.,sexist That robber is the physical expression of a woman's inner Self.. in other words more manlier than Batman(in a bad way)!,sexist I wish somebody would X this twat [URL],sexist That's how you get the power back . Now she knows she ain't shit lmao 😂. You got her in your palm now bro . Hit her up when you're ready to get plowing .,sexist [USER] I think it's assumed that they're losers. The whole thing is a bunch of misandrist loser women LARPing about being relevant.,sexist Men without a women can think and be sucefull,sexist "They aren't. They never will be. All this taken advantage of theory implies they were ever good. Look through history, they always collapse societies. It's not triple bracket crap, it's just what women do.",sexist Stupid hoe. He is less stupid. But her vag must be sold fucking gold if he thinks that being unemployed for a totally fake concept is a good idea.,sexist "We're living in an era where you can talk to a girl, and if she is attracted to you, you'll be fucking her within 36 hrs, and if she's not attracted to you, you get arrested.",sexist We don't hate Michael Obama because heshe's skin color. We hate her because heshe is a tranny nigger.,sexist ". I'm not one to feed these attention whores, so I prefer not to look at women in the gym, but what would you guys advise here? You're asking us for permission to feed into her ego. You know the answer.",sexist "Finally the progressive theory on men and women (guys with boobs, not cis) being equal has been proven to be true, LOL!",sexist "honest women trying to earn a living. ""Eh Hunny I'll blow you for 20 dollars, I just need my next fix baby...""",sexist "That bitch ought to have a husband with his cock silencing her stoopid, jewshit-babbling mouth.",sexist Last evening reddit recommended the sub for dating after 30. I was bored so I took the bait. Reading about hopeless thots was cathartic,sexist "I'd wish the worst for her, but she's already Old, Ugly and sexless.",sexist Liberated women get run over like liberated dogs.,sexist so cute when a washed up WHORE finds the cuck of her dreams [USER],sexist "Go suck your daddy's cock.... if you can figure out who you're day is, since your mom was a whore",sexist How is this pussy pass denied is she got denied a kiss?,sexist women are really into incest porn for some weird reason. daddy issues.. the destruction of fatherhood in western world is IMO the leading driver of this.,sexist "You're a retard, he was not picking sides and saying who's right and wrong, just that the girl didn't think she was above his reaction/ had a pussy pass.",sexist "*German alpha female corporate executive GF* Jajajajjjajajajaja. ""Alpha female"" lol.",sexist Nah.Public exposure still leaves the onus with the person exposing itself. and since it's a public square you have enough eye witnesses to report the bitch undressed on her own.,sexist "You will lose tons of viable leads this way. You're a man. Men are expected to lead. Go do that instead of waiting for her to take the initiative, most girls never will.",sexist He's 201 lbs and she is 200lbs and she thinks she is too good for him. This is their delusion today.,sexist Gasp! You're telling me women only want money? Haha jkjkjk on the real though.,sexist Yeah. And I hang out in here to pass that on to younger men so they don't have to be manipulated into spending money by women like you who are just using their weakness against them. Your trade has dried up - learn to code.,sexist "The irony. One of the most romantic and blue pill movies, is instead a perfect example of hypergamy, cuckoldry, female privilege, etc.",sexist "I hate women, because they don't fall to their knees and grovel at my feet like the god I am, whenever I enter a room. Is that clear enough for you?",sexist "Because they're afraid of confrontation, a woman will always escape",sexist "Probably downvoted because of looking for noodlewhore. Male looking for a particular race? Whoa, racist! Female looking for a particular race? It's not her fault best p3rsonality is always attached to Nordic Aryans, teehee you inkwell",sexist "Well, I definitely agree that it's not rape but I would say it can count as coercion. I also have zero empathy for the weinstein women.",sexist "haha woman suck amirite. it's like, obviously the solution to sexism in rape accusations and social consequences is sexism in the opposite direction. duh.",sexist maxine isn't insane she's a hateful old bitch bought and paid for like the whore she is.,sexist A man above her level. If a woman is a 2-3 a 6 normie is dating her. Shit like that is incredible common both citis I've lived (5m+ people on both),sexist THOT's gonna THOT. That girl lives to display herself. Too bad some Trad Dad wasn't there to throw a coat on her and tell her that's not how a proper woman should dress. Does she want to be mistaken for a whore?,sexist Piss on her face,sexist Most of the behaviors that are typical for women would be seen absolutely embarrassing and child like if they were exhibited by men.,sexist "Women are so fucking oblivious. If you're a decently attractive woman tons of guys have jerked off to every single ""cute"" picture you post on Facebook or IG.",sexist She's gonna be some dykes sexy little bitch should she be sent to prison,sexist "women pay less insurance Funny how feminism wasn't whining about that inequality when they were pushing ObamaCare to remove ""discrimination"" in health insurance premiums (despite women being far more expensive to insure)",sexist "8 Talking heads on #CNN calling Trump Grandpa. Remember your own Gramps kicking your ass and telling you, you do that again, not only will I beat your ass, I'll beat the shit outta your mother too.",sexist Hope she gets flattened by a lezzie nigga land whale,sexist "After it betrayed you in such a way would you invite it back into your home? I can just imagine all the emotional bs, that the women would be carrying on with to get back into the good graces of the poor victim male.",sexist "Time for citizen's arrest. If Law Enforcement won't do their job, it's up to us. I'd love to see someone cuff that bitch at her next Costco book signing event",sexist "Again! Sweden, you are fucked. Gita Nabavi one of the leaders of Sweden's Feminist Initiative party, is a supporter of increased migration to Sweden and of zero deportations. She obviously hasn't been gang-raped...Yet!",sexist It should be but if you have a party boy girls prefer them,sexist "Yup, when I was a kid, my father once told me ""if your bitch can't cook, she's not for the long run.""",sexist "Suicide Rates among men are way too high, and you cant expect women to care, we cant help them after they're gone, help them find us.",sexist "The witless bitch tweeted a one-sentence apology. She didn't even have the grace to address it to the person she maligned, Barron Trump. [USER]",sexist "Yup. If a girl turns you down for the 8th grade formal, then she deserves to be brutally raped. That's what it boils down to.",sexist "The pink pussy hat brigade exposed as clueless [URL] and increasingly, other women are publicly disagreeing with the idiocy of these clueless twits [URL]",sexist "Same. Apparently not handing over your money to women so they can resolve bad circumstances they willingly created, and you had no part in, is women hating.",sexist "Don't get me wrong, girls like assholes. But it has to be born out natural confidence, not this ""hustle and grind"" persona OP has fabricated out of thin air.",sexist "Hahahahaha. The usual. Women= victim. Was it their destiny to be victims. War happens, primary victims women. They divorce rape us, victims women.",sexist she's a stupid cunt women kill men men kill women ✌🏻,sexist "do not stress , many times girl would test you. What I mean by that , they would read your message , test you if you are Desperate(which they dislike. Do not stress and give some time.",sexist "as Enoch pointed out in the latest Daily Shoah, thot patrolling a woman you don't actually have the ability to control just makes you look weak you can't really thot patrol someone you have no influence over",sexist "Little girl: Dad I want to be a feminist when I grow up. Dad: Well, pick one honey, you can't do both.",sexist I once did myself out of pussy by redpilling a girls friend group on The Handmaids Tale 😂,sexist "They mean make a lot of money, and it give to her. Alternately, you said a slightly negative thing about an ex, so she's just trying to blame you since pussy is perfect 100% of the time.",sexist "I may hate some things, but not women, that's like hating a tiger because the tiger attacked someone. I just take everything they say and do with a mountain of salt.",sexist "I notice the same, lifting really increases overt interest from gay guys but any IOIs from girls are still rare. I think with girls you have to have elite looks to get IOIs barring some exceptional circumstance.",sexist "Gotta admit though, if you are out at night getting a good head on, those Lefty women can be quite the easy mark when you got your beer goggles on! :) Getting rid of em the morning can be quite the problem though. lol",sexist Modern day men sadly. Sell out all their beliefs/friends/family for female acceptance.,sexist "Nope, women do not give a shit about 'character'. Those that claim they do are just virtue signaling.",sexist "That ugly guy probably got his heart broken once, once a hoe, is always a hoe. Ditch her, shame her if you can and let everyone know why it happened.",sexist "Exactly. The bitch needs to be in jail, and the FBI has conspired to protect her.",sexist """alpha"" is a construct of looks, looks is all that matters, if you're good looking you get confidence early in life, no one judges you, halo effect, cant do no wrong, abundance mentality since chicks throw themselves at you etc.",sexist California turned into a real #shithole when it decided to become a Sanctuary State. It's like when a gorgeous woman turns Feminist. She becomes ugly and unsanitary.,sexist "If we traded women on the stock market instead of companies, there would never be a bear market since cucks would always be buying shares.",sexist We don't give a fuck about women,sexist Sure it does a lot of women can't get laid let alone be in a relationship. Trump won because men no longer want to deal with women. The gravy train is over.,sexist "implying older females are ''emotionally mature''. The older a female is,the more bitter and bitchy she is.",sexist "There is absolutely an abundance of sexy girls all over the world. Sure, but they only want socially smooth and successful guys. In fact I would say that's *all* women, even the average looking ones.. because, you see, they accept nothing less.",sexist "She could just be an A) attention whore who likes to hear shit. Or maybe she B) likes you, wants to make out. Quit the dialogue by saying you want to hang. If she makes excuses she's A. If not, assume B.",sexist I'm not even incel I just hate females. Fuck off.,sexist "The worthless bitch May her time is almost over ,there's a new man on the block motto Britain first British people first his name Jacob Rees Mogg now known as JRM to the people",sexist His wallet but women will never understand this,sexist A psychotic feminist bakes VAGINA cookies for her kids SECOND GRADE class. Homeschool. Homeschool. Homeschool.,sexist "All of those SJW purple haired foids over IT have 5'2"" balding curry janitor bfs and that's a fact.",sexist NBC bitches about fake news then gives [CUR]200 million to Buzzfeed.,sexist Heaven forbid we should turn out balanced children. Those that know how to use both sides of their brain. The male and the female. The analytical and the creative.,sexist "little girl, youre really the boss--come back tomorrow and find out how",sexist "Rot in hell bitch. You are a disgrace to aunties, moms, and law abiding US citizens. You deserve to lose all that you've ""gained"" from your corrupt political practices.",sexist "hypergamy is always looking for something better. If a girl can only get a 4, but a 5 is interested in her, she's gonna trade up. Chad or nothing is just a meme",sexist "A man who ""whores himself around"" You're comparing apples and oranges. Male equivalent of a slut (sex with any man) is a a dude who gives commitment to any girl immediately after meeting her.",sexist [URL] Human Rights Violations by the Mexican Military. And people bitch that the USofA dropped out of the UN Human Rights Commission. Go figure.,sexist "The so-called ""pink tax"" is just supply and demand in action. Men will not pay more for a product because it's a certain color. Women will. Therefore buying certain products in pink costs more because the demand is higher.",sexist "personally i hope she does cant wait to bathe in all those femtard tears again and the quality breakdowns from colbert maddow cenk lemmon where so frikin sweet, jeez i miss em but thats what utube is for - reruns",sexist "[USER] Yes, and in the meantime we must import 3rd world invaders to have the babies our empowered women refuse to birth.",sexist Extremely effective. Make sure your target knows she's just a friend however. Not all chicks are down for a threesome. Pam!,sexist Ethnic women will complain about white guys and still fuck them at the end of the day. Jfl why do they do this??? Whitecels=fakecels.,sexist Not until they get rid of that dead glassy stare. Too much like real women.,sexist "No, men know what women seem to not be able to understand, as women don't really know what they want. Stupid fucking normie",sexist Comb over cunt!,sexist Much of the discourse about men is from women femsplaining what men are like. The idea of asking and listen to men never occurred to them.,sexist tell that cunt to come to my house and take it herself. I wouldn't need a gun to plant her bitch ass 6 feet down.,sexist "Prostitute* but as the ancient statement goes, all women are prostitutes, their prices just vary wildly. Some want [CUR]50 some want to slowly bleed all of the fun out of your life as payment.",sexist I get a new pussy every other week or whenever i want really. Didnt have to learn how to either from YouTube videos. Also PUAs dont get laid. At best they get 5/10 asian ladies after spending years pretending to be something they aren't. Its pathetic,sexist "If you're a woman, and you've had more then 3 sexual partners in the last 9 months, you're a slut.",sexist it's over after years you need speak up like yestarday!!! idiots all these are bitches!! not woman or girls!! but bitches!!!!,sexist Sounds like she's not loyal to her boyfriend / most likely a slut so you should've fucked her that night. Rookie mistake!,sexist but what if those single mothers in the front lines are raising the mailz? bitches better not die in combat or that's misandry! i win.,sexist "Womens smv dwarfs mens. That's why switching the genders doesn't work. Very, very few men can be wild and free with lots of women. Most men can either beta bucks or die incel",sexist Cant seem to keep her legs closed even while walking skank,sexist "I don't understand. Everyone understands ""don't hit a girl"" so when a guy finally does hit a girl it must be because he felt forced into it. This is my line of logic anyways. Why defend a random girl?",sexist "if she's a bitch and you have other shit going for you then quit. gender issue or not you're being taken advantage of and disrespected, that's time to leave.",sexist "My condolences. The female mind's capacity to be so duplicitous, without remorse, sickens me.",sexist "How is it feminists don't realize things like this are the true sexism? Assuming women cannot compete is patronizing, but I guess when you are a useless individual, you assume no one else has a brain either. [URL]",sexist "i would have just said ""No girl wants to get fucked by something that they already have, you cunt"". True! I gotta remember this, it sounds so what familiar. I read it in like a Bill Burr accent.",sexist "Three female former Google engineers sue tech giant 'for paying women less, giving them worse career tracks and not trusting them with prestigious programming jobs' [URL] SOME TECH COMPANIES DON'T LIKE WOMEN!",sexist "Can't accuse me of rape if I avoid females in the first place. Roll safe, fellas.",sexist This is the same type of woman who calls the police on dads who have brought their children to playgrounds or public areas and accuses them of being pedophiles and kidnappers.,sexist "[USER] I hope they get robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped because police won't touch their neighborhoods. Those fuckers get what they deserve, Karma is a bitch and I HOPE she's ragging big time when she gets around to visiting these Motherfuckers.",sexist "Women know how fucked up women are. The key difference is that men punish fucked up men, while women don't do shit.",sexist "Don't forget that Judge Jeanine will be on at 9pm ET Faux news to discuss the static between her and that nasty stanky ass bitch beast of a moonbat Odor Wimpee on ""The Spew"".......",sexist [URL] im sik of TV not having hot women same w movies fuck these media jews someone needs to make some legit TV fuck off feminists too,sexist "I kill all of my bitches before fucking them. PUSH-PULL, what up?",sexist "Use a condom. Problem solved. Or just don't cum in her. Another solution. Don't ever trust a woman when it comes to that, not even one that you think you trust because that's how unwanted pregnancies start.",sexist Perhaps he'll revoke it after criticism to make democrats look like the unappeasable cunts they are. #1337DChess,sexist "because you're trying to be nice jokes aside,they're insecure thats why they're trying to be rude,showing that they can reject anyone,just like attractive girls",sexist "Tell her sure....if she pays your way. Then go out with her, make her pay and ghost her!",sexist -white and purple weed -the ladies -drinking and dancing -women -hanging with friends -crushing pussy -destroying the stock market on a sideways day -being told hours post coitus that her organs have finally settled back to their normal positions,sexist You first ask a female do define male privalage before bombarding her with facts. You can easily debunk anything a feminist claims. Same goes when asking her to justify feminism or female rights.,sexist "I'm not saying he should have killed her, but I understand.",sexist All women benefit from the actions of violent men.,sexist "Incels would love to be committed to any woman, so just fucking lol at using the argument that men don't want to commit. Only the top20% men don't want to commit because they just want to use you as a cheap cum dumpster.",sexist [female sl00ts]([URL] [big bad alfalfa Twerps]([URL],sexist You know that fat cunt is just pissed that no guy wants to fuck her right? She's taking out her dried up vag frustration on this innocent blind man.,sexist What a stupid bitch.,sexist "Just do some wannabee porn with Crack whores, funniest thing ever",sexist Men work on preserving their financial position. Women look on decreasing it to make themselves feel better or to show off.,sexist "Nope, legit majority of females are fat af and still get more laid Than the gym coper normie",sexist "A VERY truthfull piece by Piers Morgan! [URL] Markel is a disgusting, fake, vain wanna-be gobalist! Who has left her own father to ROT!! She IS a United Nations whore!",sexist [USER] did she really go there? She is a Fucking Bitch!!!,sexist "#BritFam Brit HIGH court recognizes Sharia Marriage, but only so wife can divorce rape husbands a[CUR]ets case of leftists choosing the path which screwed a man, more than leftists trying to recognize Sharia [USER] [URL]",sexist A REAL WOMAN knows EXACTLY what she has to do to please her MAN. REAL men are EXCEEDINGLY easy to please. DURRRRR! #dontmakemelaugh,sexist "That's why, the people with the brains, were so against this BS. It's one story after the other. Heard a male ""tranny"" raped a girl in a school bathroom! Do not put me in a dressing room, bathroom, etc., with any man who claims he is a woman.",sexist "she can do much better you go girl, be a slut, do whatever you want",sexist That is what makes this sick. Dudes go through so much out of love and women then go chase some worthless piece of shit.,sexist "Well jeeze whiz when I die because I called the cops and a woman cop shows up who isn't even strong enough to shoot her gun, I'll at least be thankful that no one got **offended**.",sexist yeah your wife was doing that for some reason after I f***** her hashtag Maga,sexist What is it with faggot-ass lefty cunt's? They always gotta threaten to kill women. What'sa matta you ain't got your dick'n today?,sexist "You're behind on the lore. In incel land, a Lesbian is a woman who is so picky with men, she'll fuck women until GIGACHAD becomes interested in her.",sexist "If a woman says fuck marriage she's ""strong and independent"" If a man says fuck marriage he's a misogynist and in a cult. Just more misandry and male shaming.",sexist [[URL] Smart women **do not** choose weak men.,sexist "Two students had consensual sex. Then she changed her mind about it. Costs him [CUR]12,000 to Defend Himself [URL]",sexist "Why? When you're a celebrity, they let you do it. Just move on her like a bitch. It's presidential. Edit: I took a risk.",sexist Too many dudes like fat chicks. Not enough women like fat dudes. Or short dudes. Or ugly dudes.,sexist Married man having sex with a teenage girl.Cigars in the Vigina.Hillary behind curtain rubbing her pussy.No it wasn't rape it was a casual 3000 blowjobs,sexist If I wanted to listen to somebody bitch non stop like that I'd get a girlfriend,sexist "the red hen bitch is no longer in her position in the town of lexington, now let's make her penniless",sexist "Lol no, he has no tumblr hoes fangirling for him and something you've failed to realise is that his face was actually really ugly.. only women can see it",sexist Typical tin hat cunt. Gonna tell me I fuck my mother next you 11 toed inbred fucking hillbilly?,sexist Will someone please throw a net over this psycho bitch and toss her ass out of DC?,sexist Zero remorse. They have completely no remorse at all. Men are best to avoid all women. They are not safe. Any who appear to be are hiding their true nature behind an act.,sexist "Liberal white whores worship black men, it is becoming impossible for white guys to get laid. Which is what all the dumb normies don't realize is causing the rise in nazism. You will never see non white women doing this: [URL]",sexist something something pussy on a pedestal.,sexist "Can you believe what this fucking bitch won? Maxine Waters wins media award, uses speech to bad-mouth Trump to newspaper publishers: 'I don't like him' this is absolutely clear and convincing evidence of the MEDIA COLLUSION!! [URL]",sexist "Nope, not alone. And some are just ok in appearance, but there's this sort of thing to them, you know they'll be hot in the sack. I don't mean the sluttiness, I mean the... hawt? Whatever.",sexist "First and foremost, fire all women.",sexist Exactly my point. You never have facts...you have OPINION. I hope that you didn't hit your MOMS G-Spot with that last thrust...that would make you a MUSLIM.,sexist He got pussy. There's nothing else to edit here. Its done. Mission accomplished. Whatever.,sexist well most people are idiots so woman are idiots more then avarage. and every idiot can be useful so yeah,sexist "Or where you tell her everything and anything, and she constantly lies, manipulates, deceives, gas lights, and abuses!",sexist "yeah it sucks being a white man now. We see inferiors promoted above us our women going off with savages, half breed children in tow. What do we have left to lose?",sexist She's 40.........her kids days are numbered. She needs to invest in some cats.,sexist "I guess if you can't get pussy you may as well be one. I'm joking! But seriously, it's not that big of a deal. If you want to meet women you have to fucking approach. Stop making excuses.",sexist Okay with how things are going if ww3 happens all the countries with nukes are going to shoot themselves instead of the enemy because they put a woman in charge of nuclear military power Holy shit thats some fucking delusion,sexist "Feminists will get her out even sooner because she just killed another ""disposable"" male who would grow up as a rapist like all men do. Fuck female privilege.",sexist First tell as many female staff as possible so they can gossip. Keep record then report to higher level authority,sexist Not romance novels. Those are written exclusively for women and those guys are usually alpha. Teen romance like Twilight has more beta type behavior because teen girls aren't ready for bodice-ripper novels.,sexist "May I add, it is upon us men to lead the spiritual lives in our relationships. Too many women think abortions and random sex are the ways to a happy life when in reality, God commands us to create a family.",sexist "She was raped by her dad for years, but she finally had her first orgasm when the miscarriage came out.",sexist "We shall slap them down like the bitches they are, I tell you!",sexist She must be a tranny. No way that jawline belongs to a cisgender female.,sexist "Well, I can't. because the fact that he just stopped at the girl pissed me off. I want to see her get fucking floored too. She even kicks him. Until guys stop being white knights, we will never win.",sexist Can almost guarantee she'll be sitting in HR's office in no time saying you were harassing her or some other. NEVER discuss or say anything to a woman in the workplace that isn't directly related to work.,sexist "Women overvalue themselves indirectly because of hypergamy. A 7/10 woman thinks her equal is a 3/10 (look up colttaines videos where he proves this). I mean, she is definitely a 7/10. Which isn't bad at all. But model level? Fuck no.",sexist "I don't care if she's lying or not. These bitches want to make SEX Illegal! Screw them. Er, or not!",sexist "All I can say is growth, I started focusing on my self got a second job. Lost weight and she came to me. TRP is REAL BITCHES COME TO YOU! My mind is blown",sexist "So sorry to hear this man. That's the problem, the moment you fight with a bitch she'll call the police - then you're fucked.",sexist "FEMINAZIS. White women hating and wishing to destroy White Culture. Completely self destructive. A real head scratcher. Matriarchy - a thousand leagues different. Kind, gentle, loving -- words that never ever come out of Feminists' mouths.",sexist Fix the holes and slap a turbo on that bitch,sexist "Get tough looking guy friends, then have them accompany you when you go to ask out girls. They'll never say no, because of the implication.",sexist "She'd make a great second wife for someone..though, she's a bit too old for their likes I reckon.",sexist Colombian women and others do all that abd more and live below the poverty line. American BITCHES are delusional spoiled feminists,sexist Nothing is more disgusting than a female Long Island Jew accent,sexist Feinstein aiding fusion GPS when she's supposed to be part of the investigation. This bitch should be in prison!,sexist Yeah you got expelled and beat up and traumatized but...that bitch thinks about the time she was knocked out every day of her sad life.,sexist Talking with a girl weeks/months to get laid... does that seem like it is working for you? You spend MONTHS for a girl to give up pussy 1 time for what? Probably your 20minutes. What a waste.,sexist It's not anywhere near over..they are getting this skank comfortable and later I bet tomorrow they will kick her a few new holes in her ass!,sexist Women are happier when their opinions aren't valued. Just look at how miserable every female politician is.,sexist "I went back and fucked my crazy bitch over. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life : [URL] I was also BP as fuck before her, she rammed Red Pills down my throat, up my ass, every which way. I guess she did me a favor in the end.",sexist "Your money is our money, my money is my money. Female logic",sexist "All marriage men should prepare for divorce, before divorce rape woman use to prepare for the day there husbands leave them buy hiding money.",sexist """she was emotionally vulnerable""....so was the husband. Wife down for a threesome will get any man emotionally vulnerable. But as always, blame the guy, because he has a dick.",sexist "I have self labeled myself as MGTOW. I still date women (spin plates) and also pay for sex, probably 50/50 ratio. I follow the main rule, don't marry or live with women.",sexist """Men take care of women, women take care of children."" Damn what a good quote.",sexist "Absolutely agree. Personal responsibility is desperately lacking in the female species. It's kinda in trouble with males, too, but that sorts itself out in the workforce pretty quickly.",sexist Stupid bitch.. I would've slapped tf out of her,sexist "Step sister, she's a turbo slut. As basic of a Stacy you can get. Yes she pisses me off, we get along fine but her life is God mode compared to mine.",sexist "Correction: ""Divorce"" (initiated by women) happens **when** women are the gatekeepers of sex. Women don't divorce alphas.",sexist "If you zoom in on her face, you can see how the first hides all the freckles Nice tits too",sexist "Whores get paid for sex. She's a slut, hoe, loose woman.",sexist "Even if you're such an ugly woman that no dude would ever fuck you, you can just become a lesbian and nail 10's all day.",sexist Lolol holy fuck I feel stupid Edit:: nahh guess I was being a pussy. Looking for a smaller stepping stone. I'll just start saying hi to people at first.,sexist the administration of this account doesnt tweet for pussies and communists that stand with Israel. go back to your mommy. we real men are busy organizing the defense of the USA front during battlefield communist New World Order,sexist At least in Doctor Who gender changing Time Lords is a thing. I'm on Doctor 12 and haven't seen the new female doctor yet. Rey is just a fucking pile of feminist horseshit.,sexist I am Canadian and I'm kinda disappointed that we won't get to see your great President bitch slap Trudeau any longer.,sexist Jesus hearing her say clip 10 million times was annoying. It's a magazine lady not a clip. Clips and magazines are 2 different things!,sexist """Dillan, you son of a bitch!""",sexist "Basically women are for fucking, nothing else.",sexist "No, fathers are a source of assets and income for women who cannot help but to be buried in Y-shaped coffins.",sexist Somehow I respect Muslim women more than these white feminists. They have much more respect. No wonder Muslims want to kill us. [USER],sexist "[USER] She's a privileged nasty dried up lefty old prune, who needs a boot up her ass.",sexist At the other place I used to live and I was working with the Manager to get rid of the crack head mooches she told me to beware of women too. She wasn't lying. Drugs and women destroy a lot of men who are just trying to make it in this town.,sexist Should have given her a taste of equality and drilled her with a left hook.,sexist We dont care about your bad toothed british witch looking bitches. Your women are ugly across the pond and nobody wants them... nobody in history has ever wanted them...,sexist "My advice is don't. You will likely end up at CPS. Women go bat shit crazy if a female is not being indoctrinated. So, if yo ex does not out you a neighbor or ""friend"" will turn you in. The Gestapo treated their detainees better than CPS.",sexist I'd prefer an ugly girl to an average or above girl. Then she won't be so entitled.,sexist "ay hol up, if women be all strong n sheit holding up half da sky, why the hell that bitch make me hold her purse",sexist She is a laughing cow what a retarded cunt take the children and save them from her before she eats them,sexist That's why real women hate 2D women and want them desexualized :),sexist "How should I feel about this? Ideally you should feel nothing, >!and dump the disloyal ho.",sexist "When I dated, I always made a point to ask if the woman found Amy funny. If they did find her funny, Id end the date early and not even bother to pump and dump",sexist "She knows she's not good enough for more of your time and is blaming you for it. Ditch her asap, she'll only get more clingy and mood swingy.",sexist they do... some can handle rejection by inventing a false rape story or worse. Some will just scream a man has a small dick if he doesn't want her.,sexist "Truth! Even if we get some wymn to magically fall in love with us (not happening, of course) she'll just cuck us and get dicked down by Chad from the side.",sexist LOL! Well not like that. I think men should have their own things without women invading it.,sexist "I have had my current dog for over 12 years, not once has she fucked anything of mine up, hell she is very respectful of everyones stuff. Ahh if only women could be even 1/1000 like my dog.",sexist Slut should serve the same sentence as the men would have if she was raped.,sexist "That's what these low value women do. They con beta bux providers into helping them out with things they can't be bothered to do themselves and then slowly drag them down with them. There's no helping them, they can't be helped.",sexist "I wonder where compassion and the tender hearted women towards children disappeared to. Just because it's legal, doesn't make it right.",sexist Never fuck a skunk ass looking woman.,sexist This is why women need to get out of business. They are dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,sexist Funny thing is these so called cuckservative masquerading gals are more sluttier than libtards. I was reading a story that a man got arrested in IRAN by posing as Lionel Messi and slept with more than 25 women.,sexist "You literally had 5 seconds of conversation with her and follow her to Starbucks, what the fuck? There's really nothing wrong with that.",sexist Just convert to Islam and shout Allahu Akbar before you assault woman from now on. If your a muzzie they will literally give you a medal and they keys to the city when you throw acid in a whores face.,sexist Funny how they mentioned they are trynna deliver on feminine care.... But nothing about men's care.... Guess they made their choice. Hope they go bankrupt,sexist Lock her UP!!!!,sexist We HAVE to let women have the right to vote. It's only fair ... to let them vote on what they're cooking for dinner!!!!,sexist What's up now bitches muhahahaha SSsssSSSssshadilay,sexist They are all sluts bud,sexist "Child molester sexual predator and vile twat, oh and ugly as fuck , skinny fat or just plain fat she's still fugly.",sexist Bitchtard. Now that's funny.,sexist Cardi b aint shit she should be in jail smh clown lookin ass bitch 🤡,sexist "Good thing, because I think only 1 in 10000 girls would respond to that, and she probably would give you aids.",sexist Exactly. If you have to buy her she's a prostitute,sexist Good to see the FCC end net neutrality regulations. I noticed that the two women on the panel voted against the repeal. Women are horrible with technology and should not be making important decisions about it. This is proof! [URL],sexist "good for you, personally that inner warm and fuzzy idealism of true love died for me once I realized that girls are just as slutty and nasty as guys. so fuck it. imma go wild",sexist "Sounds about right. In my experience, the vast majority of women have extremely poor spending habits.",sexist Frustrated because she is ugly chubby and lesbian.... those idiot cunts have nothing worth wild to say,sexist "All sex outside of marriage is fornication Anglin. For a harlot is a deep pit And an adulterous woman is a narrow well. Surely she lurks as a robber, And increases the faithless among men."" Don't trust these hoes!",sexist "The only things Islamic women are ""upper most"" above are livestock and infidels.",sexist And if we said 'women are trash' it's a completely different story..,sexist women recycle the same guys because they think it doesn't make them sluts. her ex will always be her potential fucker even if she says it's over long ago. if she fucks her ex while dating you it's not cheating at all according to the slut,sexist "Only 13,000 people voted for that twat. People act like she won a large hotly contested district... she didn't. 13,000 morons are responsible for that bitch",sexist Yes go have sex with her. Who cares if you fucked a slut? The only people that care are the ones who aren't having sex in their life.,sexist "What are the blonde's first words after 4 years of college? ""Would you like fries with that?""",sexist "The pandering, traitorous whore said what, Fox News? smh",sexist seeing how clams of women beating are fake im not buying that + 90% of domestic abuse is perpetrated by females not males. As for the leaking an banning I believe that.,sexist The women that Roe vrs Wade would affect should die anyway. Fucking baby killers.,sexist "She's the work mom, she'll keep the younger honeys in line. She's actually doing you a favor and it's good advice. Read the stickied Corporateland post about different types of women in the office, it's a not-terrible rule of thumb.",sexist "These are the real enablers of this shit, women are spoiled so they don't know different, it's not their fault.",sexist you grab her face and go in on her. Yeah and then you punch her! YAY!,sexist "If the way Andrew runs the place distresses you so much, why don't you pull up your little girl panties & go home, whiner???",sexist "I'd probably dump my sperm in her, but only if she was in another country and i knew i was never going to get fucked by her dumb whore pussy.",sexist Why the fuck would you follow some THOT on Instagram? If she breathes....,sexist It's our life force and they need it - we don't need them. That's the mantra I'm trying to brand onto my brain regarding my approach with women.,sexist The women who flock to feminism (ie about 24%) know it isn't about equality. It really doesn't seem to be about empowering women either. It's just about attacking men.,sexist "If I want women with unchanging faces, I could just get myself a sex-doll.",sexist "Well, a lot of women seem to enjoy fucking children if recent news is anything to go by..",sexist Reddit cuck going all the way to grant pussy pass.,sexist "Chuck Schumer called in the big guns, didn't he? His slag niece who likes to take her clothes off.",sexist "Love the guy who pointed out that they went from having to please their husbands to having to please every jackass at their job. Yeah, you go girls, what an improvement that was.",sexist "But it's OK if she really is a meretricious, cheating c**t, right? Just checking . . . thought I'd check first.",sexist "+1 on that, may the chads pay for them as they got women's best years. Well, it won't happen as Chads won't commit",sexist I never thought women would be so happen to kill their offspring. It's just amazing.,sexist "this post was submitted on 17 Jun 2014 0 points (48% like it) yep, they sure bought into it..bitch.",sexist What a fucking sore loser! Hillary Clinton is still blaming everyone but herself on losing the 2016 Presidential Election. #HillaryClintonIsABitch,sexist I agree with this. The way women abuse the court system is appalling. Like how much of a cunt does one have to be to steal the fruits of someone else's labor.,sexist Gay guys can sleep with thousands of men with no stigma. If a female sleeps with more than 8 she is a wasteland. Absorbed too much male DNA to be pure enough for breeding,sexist "Something not brought up often, females are more sexually attracted to bullies. I think this is really fucked up.",sexist Bet she'd be hot if she lost all the fat.,sexist "It helped that I was her boss. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The ONLY THING that bothered me was the fact she was smoking-hot. I mean a body to die for, pretty face. Yet, I despised her BECAUSE she was a Jew.",sexist "Men are dumb and long to be enslaved. Even though we are better off without women (even in fhe best case scenario), we still chase them relentlessly... ...and make other men suffer at women's hands too.",sexist I'm short. Few women want a short guy. But fuck them if I was tall. I don't want diseases man.,sexist "If you read the newspaper one day that some crazy bitch murdered her husband, and you recognize a dumped first date in the mugshot, you will thank me.",sexist Awalt is rooted in female biology. What you've found is a woman smart enough to trap flies with honey. Nothing more. You need to reread the manipulated man.,sexist Oh they're going on about Jeremy Meeks again? lol. Yes a lot of mentally unstable women who maybe read too many romance novels like jailbird badboys. lol.,sexist "surely AWALT, although white women can at least pretend to be polite, sometimes. Negro women can't even do that.",sexist If it was in where I live. You'd give her series of slaps to the cheek and still not get arrested because she hit you first. You had the right to self defence man!,sexist "Men and women do not share a common language, reproductive agenda, principle of social organization, or neuroanatomy. The closest you will ever get to her is balls deep.",sexist Yeah I'm sure she's a great shag but that's about it,sexist "What I like to do is send the dick pic from a burner phone and leave her voice messages in a vaguely foreign accent, and then depending on how she reacts I'll either say it was me or destroy the burner phone and deny responsibility if asked.",sexist "If she ever reports a man for sexual harrassment, it should be immediately disregarded.",sexist "Fuck you, you gilded old hag!",sexist "Women of an earlier decade were taught about proper ""consent"". [URL] The problem with women is they want the hookup culture to seek Alphas, bu want the puriticanal prudery otherwise.",sexist "Oh god I know this vote-hungry slut, she just wants ballots and hanging chads showered all over her face!",sexist The fuck is wrong with you. The girl should be able to dress however she wants. These Muslim fucks giving her looks are the whores,sexist like the raw truth bitches but lets makes it profitable lml,sexist Muslims believe Women are far inferior ton Men.........Sometimes this philosophy is CORRECT........,sexist I hate women.,sexist "Because women want to have FULL CONTROL over you, from the friends you have, to the job you work, to even having the choice to satisfy yourself. Its why i'll never get married, even if the laws were changed...",sexist "#NowPlaying > Marina and The Diamonds ♥️ ""Bubblegum Bitch"" ♥️ (Live) **.. * ' * ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ #GabGF💖🎶 [USER] 🔥 #GabFam #MAGA #GabGirls [URL]",sexist The #Liberal #White #Traitors / #Jews always have to go after our #Beautiful white #Queens! You can thank #StateFarm for this one. #PS the trash bitch in this add is not a #Queen she is a goyim out traitor & should be killed on site. [URL],sexist Or be way to pussy to ask any girl for a date 😫.,sexist "No i'm pretty sure most women would be afraid of it because if men don't want to take their bullshit, they'll just go to their dolls instead of being a good little dog for some unexciting duty sex.",sexist You can also stay single. I'm just stating the harsh reality that western women dont cook or clean and rob you for eveything in divorce. They think they are hot shit but in reality they are lower on the totem poll for me than a dishwasher in China.,sexist "Wasted. Like Britney, she transformed herself to a slut. I like her songs before that time.",sexist the only tattoos that can look good on women are those really small roses or chinese characters (looks good but is retarded in concept) on their back on chest or something. if you have a huge one on your leg or arm its just nasty,sexist "I didn't make it personal. She said she was the ENM relationship type and thats another way of saying a women who sleeps with lots of random men without commitment. I didn't say she was a ""slut"" I said that's what I commonly hear that referred as.",sexist Ugly women will cut down decent looking men and they get hyped up by beta orbiters.,sexist "Oh fuck off Paul. What CAFE means is that it would be nice if you didn't say _utterly retarded shit_ about women 'begging' to get raped, and saying that fucking feminists' shit up gives you an erection. _You_ embarrass us, you twat.",sexist "Feminism is a hate movement masquerading is a rights movement, feminism is simply collective female solipsism which is why it's so hypocritical,entitled and devoid of any logic or sense when held up to scrutiny.",sexist [URL] Women want equality until equality comes knocking their ass out. #Feminism #DamnPatriarchy,sexist Women are jealous of other females by nature and they are also willing to desire whatever they consider out of reach (hypergamy). That pretty much sums it up.,sexist The fact that she is more concerned about forcing him to do stuff that he might not want to do instead of where these sorts of desires come from is a testament to how girls are misededucated.,sexist "When you try to prove women can be strong too, but accidentally become a bald, obese, transgender abomination. KEK",sexist Are you fucking brain damaged or are you just female?,sexist "Yea, women all want the exact same type of guy.",sexist Another proof if that was necessary of the fact that femi Nazi is Anti Male and Anti Freedom. it's a pure female supremacy goal and a sheer Hate group !,sexist "getting nudes from women is gay, you're just another of the millions she's sexted. ask that thot for a pic of her and her parents together.",sexist "It doesn't matter. Most of the times it's not a conscious thing. It's her instincts saying ""hey this dude is crying so he's probably weak. better stop being attracted to him"".",sexist "[USER] Yep, Karma can be a real bitch, and there's that insufferable prick Murphy she runs around with.",sexist "Sell it to who pays more man. chicks come and go cash is forever. plus it'll tell her you arent a simp who will do anything for the pussy. side note, i dont know how you put up with chicks that talk in slang or like a dude, bugs the shit out of me",sexist "Wimmin. No matter how good they have it, they'll still find something to bitch about. Like....how is 'rape culture' in the west a thing to complain about, when women are treated worse than cattle in the 3rd world?",sexist "It's called asktrp. What the fuck was the point of coming here with a throw away to post vague shit about family drama, this isn't Facebook bitch",sexist I loathe that witch ( I hope her vascular dementia speeds up). If the Left get their way we will end up living in a facsimile of Orwell's 1984,sexist "Never listen to a what a woman says.. Watch what she does Also, if a women figures they can't control you, they don't want you.. They are very subtle and insidious control freaks. Gyow",sexist "Kick her in the balls first, then jail the old bitch!",sexist Well hookers are women and women are women and women hate other women so....,sexist He wants to unload into a chick to have a kid.,sexist "And not only that, but her parenting tactics would've produced more clueless betas and manipulative self-righteous bitches.",sexist "This really is thoroughly disgusting! She is on TV all dolled up, smiling, yeah, I can imagine how much she loved her husband. Sick bitch, should be at home crying her eyes out...",sexist "Full blown psycho bitch, report to the cops immediately",sexist "once again i just hear womens groups say"" women are not responsible enough to make a choice"". fine womens gropus here's what we'll do: revoke your rights to sex. you can only have sex if men preaprove it. sounds good right?",sexist If you view women as a reproductive mechanism for the human species everything makes sense. Steal resources & pump out babies.,sexist "Kamala Harris is a Negro? I just thought she was set on fire, and someone put her face out with a shovel! ... another tranny!",sexist "And when a female suicide occurs, it's simply because she fucked up and chose a very effective method. Women commit suicide by accident for attention. Men commit suicide to escape this hell hole. The men plan on not coming back.",sexist Then why don't most women cheat? But they do!,sexist Every woman is a whore when you are an incel.,sexist exactly! why be in contact with the ex? cause women are fucking garbage.,sexist She's entitled to her First Amendment rights and should not be fired. Let #DACADon's purported offspring defend itself and #AmnestyDon get back to making deals in China that financially reward the bitch.,sexist "Hi Amelia, your site is fucking garbage. Please kill yourself.",sexist "I can just see the misandry oozing out of your post, feminazi scum. Now I'm going to need a dose of a Red Pill suppository to restore my Testosterone levels to ""Totes Alfalfa"". Thanks Obama.",sexist "In feminist language: Handout = empowerment ""More empowerments for women.""",sexist "These past couple of decades will become known as the Great Nag, only to be corrected when an actual crisis hits that requires a re-ordering of society. Part of that effort will be known as the Great Bitch Slap.",sexist 3 . Men can be happy with the simplest things and they hate that because theyre jealous of it.,sexist "Women drown in an ocean of attention, men struggle in a desert without it.",sexist You don't get it due to age or life experience... but hot young pussy chases me. Not the other way around. I wake up to a barrage of text messages... I don't send them. Money or access to fun flips the script.,sexist These same cunts probably tweet about body positivity for women. Disgusting roasties.,sexist Democrat women are so butt fucking ugly.,sexist Since when was a woman responsible for anything she did??,sexist "Weak liberal pussies, I hope it's one of their daughters that's in the bathroom next to a pervert [URL]",sexist Stuck out her tongue??? What a whore,sexist Gj there are enough hos here already (assuming the states) send her back home.,sexist I don't know exactly why he's your single parent. But at his age he should know the toxicity of women and marriage. Especially if he has money. Strange.,sexist An insufferable NPCUNT. She ask for his name and she turn it into sexual harassment.,sexist "Windows, outside lights, and security cameras are NOT people in need!!!! How many people died while this bitch tossed her fake hair or inspected her nails?",sexist "youre never gonna have your dream car, your dream job, your dream house, or your dream girl be happy with the house, car, job, and pussy that you have thats how",sexist "No it's like that's in the US too, most black girls will choose a black guy before a white guy.",sexist 4) corporate whores,sexist Fuck a woman with a dick you hateful piece of shit!,sexist I would detain these guys too. Have you seen the videos of Saudi women trying to drive? 😂 [URL],sexist Did mommy fuck her sugar daddy while your daddy beat you? Fucking moron.,sexist "Brother, what the fuck are you doing even hanging on to this hoe, cut ties and finish it dude. Come on, she is a total bicycle, are you even seriously considering this?",sexist "Remember, the definition of a gay male is a guy who's attracted to GUYS. If you take out ""tranny chasers"" and the like, being attracting to masculinity is the same thing that happens with women. Therefore much of this would be the same.",sexist "GET A LOAD OF THIS! ROFL! Dumb fatass bitch thinks I AM the ""asshole""! ROFL! I decide to give her the full roast before blocking her pathetic sub-human ass! [URL]",sexist Women were designed to need/desire a strong male head. That is why Euro women welcome with open arms invaders and cover for rapists while men in skirts complain about the rapes.,sexist I know right? And here they are hating us! We're all for women to get complete freedom. We want to see shit get fucked up faster.,sexist Make her unemployed anyway.,sexist Day by day i want to kill every woman on this earth more and more,sexist "For men, it depends on whether you'd prefer to trade effort for risk For women, it depends on what ""the best"" is?",sexist Air Force Special Operations Command will soon have its first female air commando brigadier general She might be too old to get pregnant in order to avoid deployment [URL] [USER] ,sexist "nothing. She walked free with both hands full of cash. Now her beta orbiters and femicunts are downvoting his recent movie, and he has no other choice but to defend it. Man, I really wish Axis powers had won the war. 2018 in this timeline sucks.",sexist wish i had a girlfriend named alexa so i can force her to do stuff,sexist Tell that worthless cunt she gets the lead first.,sexist I thought the problem was the woman behavioral pattern and the system that enables that behaviour.,sexist That's a crazy ass bitch right there. She needs help before she hurts someone.,sexist "Most Muslim women are so ugly, no man would shag them unless they had a bag over their head. Which pretty much explains the invention of the burqa.",sexist "All right. Very cute. Hillary wishes he would grab her pussy, but who wants to grab a handful of dust? 🤔 #JustSaying",sexist Men want to fuck crazy women not marry them. Women don't care as long as he is attractive enough to get it somewhere else and/or creates more drama. When's the last time you heard a man say he fell in love with the slut from college? Doesn't happen.,sexist The real competition should be with the out group. But men become such in-group traitors when women get involved This is why muslims forbid women from meddling in the affairs of men. We need to teach western children about these basic truths,sexist "They should be worried! I was able to fire two of my female staff and replace them with ONE MAN! And's he's getting 5x the amount of work done already, even being brand new! Why the fuck did I ever employ women before?! Never again.",sexist The proper cure for feminism is hard dick. I've fucked the feminist virus out of a handful of women in recent years. Women become that way after dealing with weak men.,sexist "if shes asking you for favors to begin with, she probably doesnt see you as attractive. girls dont want favors from their alphas they want dick.",sexist The comments are sickening. How is it rape if she never said no? This girl has very poor social skills if she can't even communicate that she's not enjoying sex.,sexist "Well, I guess mum is out sucking for shillings and selling quim for quid, so asshole boy can use the computer. Please report and ignore this asshole spammer.",sexist There should be a cost to those who purposely lie about other politicians in order to defeat them. Old hag Feinstein should fry,sexist I'm starting to realize how delusional this sub is. That girl is at least average,sexist "I had a girlfriend who went on and on about how women were so much better at multitasking. In the end I had to say ""if you're so good at multitasking then how come you can't sit down and shut up""",sexist "Women have no business in Politics either, after watching my local female state reps have a group ""cry in"" and ""wimper"" together over the children and guns. I'm Woke to their weak emotional minds.",sexist "Bitch looks like a tranny. Also, HuffPo is aptly named for all the huffing that women do.",sexist "Witch, she is😲",sexist Typical example of a woman throwing a man under the bus just to avoid being considered a slut.,sexist I couldn't give a fuck what women want,sexist i fucked my ex and many other women in a dirty 60's shower stall in my parents old basement all the time when I was 20-21. Quit bein a pussy bro,sexist "Who cares? That's for Trad Con pussy sniffers. I, being me alone, couldn't care less how many people she fucks. Her sex life has nothing to do with me, other than leaving me alone.",sexist [URL] This cunt is Antifa.,sexist Schrodingers sexual assault = When girls get approached from behind in a club,sexist "So what male virtue are you claiming is attractive to women that isn't just ""being masculine?"" Because then your argument is my argument. Which is that these virtues have no value and women only value masculinity.",sexist "Fuck you, you sanctimonious cunt.",sexist Tell your slag ho she can step up anytime.,sexist Then women will call the police and claim rape because she had consensual intercourse with a sub 8 man.,sexist "Escuse me but you're not suppose to call women ""bitches"" *while the guy that called her a bitch pounds her mercilessly*",sexist "i hope sex robots are a thing soon, i hate having to interact with women who will never date or fuck me",sexist "[USER] Let's play this song and trigger the feminists, male and female, who (having no ideas) claim it's a song about ""rape."" Idiots.",sexist "Listend, bitch, your dick boy Trump will NOT take my guns. Get me, nigger? You better recognize you oversized witch.",sexist Why would women wish incels wouldn't rise up? Because they value being sluts for chad obviously,sexist I have a right to hate these types of couples. This is why if I get an arranged marriage I will have to abort my daughters.,sexist "So now we're competing with women in the victim olympics. It's one thing to highlight men's struggles, but on men's day we should highlight our achievements. We are becoming what we despise.",sexist "God's authority, because men are supposed to own women.",sexist you want men to do better? then remove affirmative action for women,sexist How about we give none of these fucks power so our tax money doesn't go to retarded women services and welfare,sexist "the stupid bitch thinks she's edgy and a 'bad ass'. these hoes are so fucking lame. bet the dumb bitch got 20,000 likes and simps saying retarded shit in her comments.",sexist "Nice find, that's the epitome of the female condition. ""ToXiC mAsCuLiNiYy!!! Respec wAhMeN!"" *Fucks dude covered in tats who beats her*",sexist "The MGTOW crowd is both ridiculous and understandable. It's self-admission that you're a beta but, y'know, women are fucking retarded you just have to subdue an acceptable one and breed. Get a grip, lads.",sexist "If she's not down move the hell on. There's millions of girls out there begging to get banged right now, probably pegging their pussy with a hairbrush. This some Mark Twain shit right here. Bravo",sexist "She's one of the rare ones who actually worked hard to get where she is right now. The feminists don't mention her cuz she doesn't fit their narrative of 'hurr durr women being held back on purpose, mysoggyknee reeeee'",sexist That's really part of why women don't rule the world... men know if they toss something sparkly the other way we'll leave it alone for a bit,sexist "Burn them like the witches of old, these vermin and their enablers need to cease existing.",sexist Interesting. So like telling a woman in Saudi Arabia: just don't dress like a whore if you don't want to get stoned to death. The law is the highest morality ever and can never be discussed. You're fine with that right?,sexist This also applies to friendships with women as well. They're just trash lll,sexist "No female wants this. They may say/think they do but they just want this guy to pay the bills while they fuck someone ""exciting"" which would be a the exact opposite of this person",sexist ed sheeran no wonder they stole your nhs records it says born a she you are a bitch your hips dont lie UK is full of trans,sexist I bet she eats his pussy.,sexist "oh, my banana is too big for your mobile device. > my banana is too big Also your mom said this to me. When I showed her my penis. Because I am well endowed. And I fucked your mother. She's a slut. ;)",sexist Yeah I'll echo DrSleeper here; women are typically very gracious or hurt.,sexist So ...typical woman?,sexist I haven't experienced this though women regard a man without male friends as a red-flag. She's also gauging status through peerage. It's also possible that she's looking to monkey-branch from her cuckold boyfriend by utilising his male network.,sexist "Translation: ""sexually assaulting/harassing women is almost as good as if not better than consensual sex"".",sexist "Is the ultimate metaphor for the female psyche? It might be.... a classless, shameful act to garner attention at any cost. The male ego pales to the narcissism of the female ego. Fuck em and feed em beans, I say",sexist You bitch ass betamale who's trying to cope by telling yourself that the reason women do not want to fuck you is because women don't like sex. Whatever helps you sleep at night.,sexist "Meh, I'm a 26 year old kissless virgin and I would never stoop so low as fucking an obese woman. I just find it so repulsive.",sexist I roll her up and bowl her down an alley of land mines,sexist "Global warming is a myth, just like the holocaust and women's rights.",sexist Just look at the men. They are simultaneously disgusted with her and yet comforting her. Behold the unlimited power of pussy pass right there!,sexist He should have used underage british girls instead of prostitutes,sexist You'd think that but i know a girl who brings randos to her rented apartment to fuck and she's a whore who has sex for potatoes.,sexist i don't wanna suck any beef curtain flaps 😂,sexist SESSIONS IS A FUCKIN PUSSY!! CASE CLOSED!! END OF STORY!!,sexist "i am not sad someone who ""wants to have all"" it is highly egotistical and disconected from reality, those are kind of women say they need no man for anything but use sperm donors and all tech created by men.",sexist Yeah and when she does that she is a fake bitch.,sexist Forget the daughter. She'll just grow up to be a slut. Now if it was a son I'd say fight for custody,sexist "shower. Fucking plebe. Pretty much that whole sub. ""Shower. You know you can't pause WOW in the middle of raid, right n00b? God females suck at logic, I'm Going My Own Way! God, I can't wait to tell everyone all the time for the next 50 years.""",sexist "I lived in NYC. Yeah it has more women, but an inordinate number of them are there to chase bankers, which is great if you're a credible banker, less so if you're not.",sexist "She was so miserable she couldnt leave him for 2 years, aka ""he treated me like a little whore and i loved it all until he dumped me for another bitch""",sexist She is over 30 and broke. What in the hell is gong through your mind? The only reason to go with a broke women is because she is under 25,sexist Paying for pussy when most men get for free is idiotic. #trickinaintfornoman,sexist "Behind every angry woman stands a man who has no idea what he has done wrong. And if he doesn't know, she won't tell him...",sexist "Fuck off back to Braincels, cunt.",sexist "Ya think? I mean, these thots are *so consumed* by social media, they are more inclined to *trust the social media* than the *actual man right in front of them*.",sexist and he's probably in Europe somewhere slapping and grabbing puss. He doesn't know it's illegal. ha,sexist "well if i was there she wouldn't be able to talk. i would literally punch her into a smear on the asphalt. i have gone a decade without any violence, but she has found the button. im happy im not there",sexist "51 Republicans, Kavanaugh only needs 50. If the roles were reversed the democrats would have already confirmed their judge. Republicans are pussies.",sexist "I love the former first lady. She is a brilliant person, woman, beautiful, and not a ghetto bitch. Learn the difference. In fact, I like her more than I like BO. Beautiful family though on all aspects.",sexist A lot of it is just plain mathematical. Like this belief that only the 20% most attractive men have sex with almost all of the women. We are not at that point yet. Look at the virginity rates,sexist "[USER] Feminism today is a far cry from the Suffragettes of Susan B. Anthony. Today's feminism is about emasculating men and as a woman, I find this ""slut-feminism"" disgusting.",sexist I am a misogynist and I think all 3.5 billion women are whores. Nobody here is pretending like they aren't misogynists. It's okay to hate women.,sexist "I'm not the one celebrating a fucking high-grade pimp. This fucker helped the Jews turn white women into the dishonorable whores they are today. If you honor him, you have no honor. If you have no honor, you deserve to be spoken to harshly.",sexist "Yeah, well, plenty of men have been hit by women without ever being able to hit back, so I am not eager to cry a river.",sexist Millennials are fucked up because they were raised in daycares instead of being raised at home with their mothers.,sexist "trousers to ininity and beyond, people post it if they think it haven't been posted before, while it is annoying, i do still see a point of re-posting this kind of post, so every new red pilled man can see how annoying/toxic female nature is",sexist Put a fork in Muslim-England she's done for and there is no saving it from going full Islamic Sharia Law. What a millennium for England from being the greatest empire in the world to being evil Islam's British child rapping and acid throwing bitch.,sexist "Love is a two way street, most women aren't capable of loving anyone but themselves.",sexist "Don't bother arguing with women. They don't care about the truth, only feelings.",sexist "[USER] Did you know Katie Rough was killed by her step sister Lauren? You must now delete your account. Joint enterprise, it's a bitch #bluehand.",sexist I probably wouldn't brag about that because usually when women make those choices they end up either being single moms or knowing the domestic violence hotline number extremely well.,sexist "Dude, I'm not arguing with you. I'm explaining why traditionally women aren't held responsible for their actions.",sexist "White men letting groids, juice, and women run wild was the beginning of the end.",sexist "If a girl is too shy to hit on, the only way is to RAPE them",sexist "Its not insecure, highly attractive female have this shit test mechanism, less attractive female dont do this, they even feel validated when you talk to them",sexist Holy shit fuck that woman.,sexist it should be done as the reason to kick her out... common law would hang her....,sexist Key point: love is not real. All that exists is lust. Never forget that with a woman.,sexist lock her ass up,sexist Fat women get loads of empowerment from men who see them as an easy lay. Attractive women don't have to do a thing to get attention. They can easily ignore anyone.,sexist IDK she was a playboy or that every playboy model gets whored Is there proof for this tho,sexist Pseudo-italian whore.,sexist "Game her friend, fuck her mind out of her skull and then the original friend will hear about it.",sexist "Dude the comments are so painful like saying you have a crush on her but she ""isnt really my type"" is TOXIC MASCULINITY now because foids imply you're coping by saying she's ugly tacitly It's fucking over for all males wow",sexist "Honestly, yes. Numales ruined the care that women need to take",sexist Yes. Almost all women believe what this trashy spoiled bitch has to say.,sexist "What's that saying that gets repeated around the manospere so often? Women would rather share an alpha than have one beta all to herself. There you have it, monogamous love is a male invention...",sexist "Women initiate sex all the freaking time.... But you have to make the environment conducive to that. If you maintain a relationship with her where she feels comfortable, sexy, appreciated, etc. she will initiate like crazy.",sexist "Fucking bitch, if society was good they would be calling out this hag for being a piece of trash.",sexist "Who sees absolutely no problem with allowing foreign men into their countries to rape and kill them. Who hates having children, who loves abortions and the welfare state? WOMEN. You stupid women are useful idiots for evil men. Your proving that now.",sexist Feminists get a grip. Women have periods. We live with it. It's not the end of the world but if you can't cope don't expect the workplace to care. If other people have to take up your slack it's not fair on them. I am female I dealt with it.,sexist She is stringing him along - he is her back-up plan. It's what women do.,sexist Gotta make sure to get that wine glass in the shot. And the TV. And the door. Fucking vapid cunt. I'm so happy for her ex - I truly hope he takes his red pills and finds peace and solitude.,sexist be more open I think women enjoy trying to turn an alpha guy beta.,sexist "Do you enjoy the fucking? Then go along with it, she wants the full boyfriend experience, give it to her. She may even start to think you're too clingy and then she will break up with you.",sexist "Just googled iFood, so they're sending meals to thots ?",sexist "This anti #America, anti #White, muSLime bitch should be exiled from our great nation back to the sandbox that she belongs in. [URL]",sexist Every woman is on the varsity mental gymnastics team!,sexist "Reason 5: They're attention whores looking for validation, favors and free stuff",sexist "If you just go to watch your favorite streamers and avoid browsing, you can easily go without even noticing the thots.",sexist "Why not right? We already are putting lives at risk in the military, the fire department, and police. Why not put everything at risk for women's feelings? Who cares if people die or jobs cannot be done properly.",sexist "[USER] Yea, my bad, the caption says Albright but my brain saw Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the photo...these ancient liberal hags are starting to all look alike to me...""",sexist "This is easily the dumbest thing ever written. Hot pussy craves J. Todd Kincannon. It always has. It always will. I don't care if gross pussy doesn't like me. What do you think I am, some kind of psycho?",sexist Those men always lose to the ones I described.Women prefer the asshole.,sexist I don't know when but I do know she hasn't died soon enough.,sexist Rape is the same kind of thing. People who experience an assault and just try to get over it without whining don't figure into the statistic because only those who do whine about it are taken into account.,sexist """Accidently"", you know? She doesn't realize the camera was almost inside her pussy.",sexist I live in a tourist town and the rooftop bars are my go-to for visiting chicks that want action. AWALT they risk nothing being a slut where nobody knows them. I just stand at the side look around and usually *get approached* myself.,sexist This whole comic confirms the blackpill God I fucking hate females they make me wanna die why the fuck can't they just vanish off the face of the earth,sexist Consequences have never existed for women who falsely accuse men of rape. Women just accuse women of sexual misconduct and go about their day after their lie is exposed..,sexist "More well-poisoning fallacy by the little pussy. I expect nothing less. Go: ""ms-13, courts."" Hey little bitch, how's that asshole feel? Since you take it in the ass, you little pussy.",sexist "Yeah validation is what drives their every decision. It's the same kind of feeling a man gets when he is needed and has the skills to help. Except women have no skills, they are just a wet hole. So, no validation no reason to exist they breakdown.",sexist "I do agree about ghosting, but if 100% of guys did it we would lose some entertainment value from the ""comeback cumbuckets"" so I do appreciate the bros who share the stories, just don't ever take the bitch back!",sexist All women are garbage. All tallfags are garbage. This entire planet deserves to fucking burn.,sexist "Bitches are children and need constant praise no matter how retarded they are? This is why I never compliment women. They'll probably think it's rape, and their self-esteem is *way* to high anyway.",sexist "Toxic masculinity is hate speech. This sexist thinks her feeings of being unprotected, neglected and unloved should be addressed by men. Why should i give a damn?",sexist So the deviants in West Hollywood decided that a porn star should be saluted with her own special day. Such disgusting people in a disgusting city honoring a disgusting woman.,sexist "Damn good cops. Usually you have to have video proof, a written confession by the woman, and at least 5 former presidents physically at the location in order for your word to be taken seriously at all.",sexist "Based upon her shitty personality and inability to handle difficult situations, that she would have made a poor mother. As most career women are. That's why they usually don't reproduce.",sexist [USER] This is America we kick Rulers in the teeth (like Hillary) and if you won't serve us we won't honor you. Adios,sexist Then they just turn into trad thots,sexist Too harsh? That child doesn't get to live her life because her mother (the person who is responsible for her wellbeing) wanted to whore around and fall asleep. If you truly believe what you are saying then you are a piece of shit.,sexist Body language. Her eyes and giddiness are usually a good way to tell. Flirtiness can just be an ego boost for girls. If she doesnt touch you thats not a good sign either.,sexist This bitch needs a cup of acid thrown in her face.,sexist Real solution is to get a girlfriend [and take her to fuck clubs]([URL] which combines the best aspects of free sex with the novelty of new gash. Win-win all around.,sexist "My mother is a nurse. She's never had any trouble making a living. The only thing she didn't like about it, was the bitchy gossipy women she had to work with.",sexist "lmao that 36 year old whore face-fagging her last shred of sex appeal right before the lights go out, it's pitiful.",sexist Dick slap her face wait what,sexist Nobody wants to go near her nasty snatch. She can rest assured of that. Hers or those other nasty bitches she sits with.,sexist "Ironically, deep inside, women NEED men to be creepy. Because the complete opposite is just being indifferent to them. After all, if you're not creepy and don't pursue women, then they'll complain how invisible they are",sexist Lol some post-wall women realise. Others double down and go into hyper-feminism mode.,sexist That flag should be shoved down her wrinkled old neck.,sexist "True. Based on my experience, too much comfort dries her pussy. Key is to keep our frame strong.",sexist I'm sur it will B bias However teen girls to adult females hav ben known 2 entice the males w/naked photos. I don't text never hav once U hit the send the text/photo is out there 4 all 2C 2incld the LEO,sexist I think it is time for female senators TO SHUT UP! and do the right thing. Resign. Nuff said.,sexist No longer should they have the right to call themselves German women. All of these scum who fight for islam should not be allowed to ever return to whatever country they left.,sexist "Based on the few female ""friends"" I have got: Women do not approach men unless they are desperate (e.g: obese or well over 30) or they detect a 10/10 and they know the competition is fierce.",sexist "And women and cucks wonder why the men who used to attend their churches, dropped religion?",sexist "Even if a girl or woman doesn't mention sex, she's still a roastie whore to Incels. Because of course all feeemales think about Chad cock and Tyrone BBC 24/7. Basically, ""If she breathe, she a thot.""",sexist "Jep. It gets on my nervs tbh. But I sometimes throw some truth bombs on them just to get the ball rolling. It's funny as hell when women around me crawl away like the rats they are, the moment I start doing that.",sexist Is it me or the thots all have photo filters?,sexist """If women reject me then it is because they are either fucking Chad or Rover.""",sexist "That's literally in my post dude. The single moms are easy to get, they've just all been crazy.",sexist [USER] Don't boycott all American women. Just the ones who rail against the obvious common sense of male-female dynamics and how to make families work.,sexist "It's 100% accurate, but will never be confirmed or go mainstream. Women want to be taken, owned and have a hot attractive guy rape them. It's as clear as day once you understand female nature.",sexist "I would argue that women should makes more sandwiches that 40%, but I agree, women are just fucking lazy.",sexist "As I looked into her eyes, my knees got week and I felt butterflies in my stomach. That's when I realised I had drugged the wrong glass.",sexist "Tor browser is like a nagging, shrew girlfriend. How does increased security translate into bitching about maximizing the browser window? Shut up and let me read the Stormer in peace!",sexist At least she doesn't look like Christine Ford's DYKE attorney! and the beaked nose one!,sexist "Leftie Sjws ,simps and women eating it up. So basically the majority of twitter. TLDW a woman singing about wearing dresses being worse than men getting falsley accused of rape and having their lifes ruined.",sexist Women have had 100 years of the voting franchise without the responsibility of being drafted to fight the wars caused by the policies they vote in. Authority without responsibility is dictatorship.,sexist Are they still pulling that crap? Twatwaffles. These are the kind of people who have to spank their own butts during sex.,sexist I wish we lived in a fantasy world where women actually valued things other than getting their curtains wet.,sexist Missed the part where Zack's friends see that he is miserable and throw him a surprise birthday party. Bitch wife shows up uninvited and drags him away. That part really fucked me up,sexist I'm glad I never run into people like this ...I would smack the shit out of her shins with my walking stick,sexist "#NSFW #sexy #girls #bi #porn #erotica Mmmmm, off it comes to expose the most beautiful succulent breasts I need to get me some of these to suck on this weekend 😈 😍 👩‍❤️‍👩",sexist "You don't have to pressure most daughters to be traditional, just surround them with beauty and tradition, it's what they want in the first place",sexist "Are these people retarded? 16 y/o girls are cock-ready. It can be 30 y/o cock of a respectable, responsible prosecutor who wants to marry them or it can be 18 y/o cock attached to an irresponsible guy who may be a mechanic or something one day. [URL]",sexist "Yeah, looks are king. I've literally been told to my face ""you're really funny but you're ugly."" Latinas can be brutal with their rejections. So I don't do this shit anymore. If a bitch likes you, she likes you. If she doesn't, she doesn't.",sexist "It is so nice to see an idiot Marxist burned with their own pot of Greek fire. Maxine is a brand all her own. She's a combo of Black ho, useful idiot and batshit crazy old hag. [URL]",sexist "Yeah, men who are taking the PC tack rather than face the feminist shitstorm that would result from charging the girl.",sexist "She'd not even get **one** man who wants to rape her, profile pic checks out, rofl.",sexist "Notorious ginger dumpster-slag and moderate meth-user Lacy MacAuley embarrassed by Ancaps after she and her goons failed to shout one off a stage. lol, fam. [URL]",sexist A part of betabuxx is the ability to take her to various social functions where she can show off how much money she can suck from her host.,sexist celen dion is the wicked witch of the yeast,sexist "Don't ever ask people to treat you with respect. Demand it. And if some fucking chick ever crosses that line, you stop picking up her calls and start fucking her friends. You did well, young blood.",sexist "average american women is FAT like shit!! on the picture is ours, eastern europe average bitch",sexist Women need to do a better job emotionally supporting their male friends and relative. I doubt women are getting their emotional support only from other women.,sexist Deport the bitch. Let her go be an illegal somewhere else and see how things pan out for her.,sexist "maybe she and her slut friend sasour, should stick to wearing vagina hats...it suits them",sexist "Ahh. Yea definite shit test. If you agreed to go over there she probably would have just said ""ohh wait i can't, gotta work earlier than I thought"" or some other excuse and then be happy with her validation from you wanting to come over.",sexist "Look at me, I can afford thots on my beta orbiter's money. Living the dream.",sexist "Granted she's a massive cock guzzling whore, but still, smart.",sexist Hahaha I knew it what a sad life has kids happy marriage still need to go on a incel board and attention whore kek she looked to old to be 17 she probably abuses or neglects them cause she is here so much lmao,sexist "you know who i hate more than women? Those bitch ass feminist soyboys, they should be gassed",sexist "If he is found innocent, he should get to fuck all four girls.",sexist Just another greedy America hating Jewish cunt,sexist "Moreover, the only two types of people that really care are natsocs that think every person of a certain race needs five kids minimum and women scared they'll be left to raise a child alone. To be a man is to serve to them, of course.",sexist "Shows what you know. If he had sterner wrists, he could jerk off so quickly those foids would never know and then they'd pair-bond after they were spattered with spooge and then he'd have a million girlfriends and then you'd be sorry.",sexist "Single-moms behave the same way *regardless* of whether they are widowed, dumped or chase the father off. They *will* stand between you and *her* offspring. You *will* be last place.",sexist "Well, I guess you've got to do something about so many women being infected by #Feminism #Sexrobots will transform human #ethics & #law Lionel #RT [URL]",sexist My bad I thought I put it in there. I'd say she's an HB8.5. I've only seen a few women that I would call 10's and they are mostly extremely talented women with toned bodies.,sexist Someone please take this broad and stick her in Iraq,sexist This snarling bitch Jew....should go join the NWO...they'd love her there,sexist "In historic shift, Boy Scouts to expand girls' participation Best preparation for real American manhood now dies! [URL]",sexist "I am not most people bitch.. Lick my hairy balls as I cum in your fat wife.. Not only my semen will impregnate the fuck out of her, it will clean her vagene from whatever fucking bacteria has been living there since she hit puberty.. Now fuck off..",sexist "And men can stop blaming women for their sexual frustrations, women don't give a single shit about them, dumbasses. 😂😂",sexist Piloting. Any party I attended with the pilot friends I went to school with always had pilot whores. 30 guys to 1 girl ratio. One party I attended to ended up with an 18 pilot girl who fucked 3 of the guys from the party in one night.,sexist What? For slowing it down for you because you're clearly illiterate and apparently that's my fault? Dumb cunt.,sexist "Christine Ford: ""I now live in fear and need to leave the country"" LEAVE THE PLANET YOU USEFUL IDIOT BITCH FTFY",sexist Ok so I need to buy a tractor now to get women. Times have changed.,sexist I cannot thank you enough for being so brutally honest and utterly intolerant of my country's bullshit. God speed you glorious son of a bitch.,sexist "He did say ""angry about women"" not angry at all women. Takes awhile to accept the fact we've all been lied to and no woman is going to ever ""love"" us, I imagine that is the stage he is going through.",sexist "Cynical = fucked by chad too many times ,and now she is sad ,because chad wont fuck her",sexist "yeah, also I have no statistical data but from anecdotical evidence obese girls seem to be into men who are even more high T and muscular than average girls, depite having a much lower smv themselves",sexist Or D) because she's just a bitch who cannot fucking shut up! A total sore loser. [URL],sexist "How much do you want to make a bet she is fucking huge fat bitch who is not just obese, but morbidly obese? I'm all in.",sexist "So all you nignogs get it straight, not everybody is gangster or whore. Just like not all people owned Slaves.",sexist "I wish yall understand what a burden it can be for a woman to get pregnant or to have sex. So keep your legs closed, you dirty slut. Nobody is forcing you to fuck unemployed men who don't commit - that is 100% your choice.",sexist """I love my husband very much, but I made the conscious choice to have another man's baby."" Astounding audacity to claim she loves him. No, bitch, if you did that to him, you don't love him. You love exploiting him.",sexist """Yet I have a boyfriend"" ""So basically I want you to be faithful while I stay a whore"" ""Why is no one swiping right on meeeeeeee!?!?!""",sexist This is true. Bring Muslim girls into a Western country and a lot of them will slut it up immediately.,sexist "Remember guys, even if you fuck her great she still wants more. Operative question here: what do you bring to the table honey?",sexist It's still okay to help people. Helping an older woman struggling with a box at the post office is not the same thing as subscribing to a thot's premium instagram.,sexist "The only people who take the wails of despair seriously are white conservatives, if we did not do so and we refused to white knight for these white fembots the people of color would enslave them.",sexist "Well first women are COMBATANTS now, in case you didn't know it. Like I said, more female corpses than men, hanging from light poles on the day of the rope. Chivalry is dead, you dumb cunt. You'd better buy a weapon, and learn to shut your mouth.",sexist "This piece is authored by the intrepid Ashley Csanady, the same lady who tweeted out about the then 10yr old Baron Trump's 'resting bitch face'. Equating a lunch refusal with rape is probably the height of her intellectual prowess.",sexist "I've seen the ugliest dudes get hot chicks. Lift, start a business/side-hustle and join business networking groups and surround yourself with achievers and believers. Be happy you're not an ugly woman.",sexist What the fuck is going on here? Is that a jew with a walker watching illegals scale a wall? Why's the one bitch got the lower half of her body censored out with a big black blot?,sexist """I used to be an incel""...so now your banging bitches and no longer incel?",sexist looool your dad is cuck and btw fuck your mom dude she's a whore if i had your mom i'd legit bitch slap her thankfully we have muslim endocrination and oppression here so my mom sees this as extremely taboo,sexist what dirty whore of her mother is presenting her genitals to the face of her child more than once in her life. especially when it's in such natural disarray ? OH HEAVENLY HOSTS OF FUCXK... WHAT IS THIS FRESH MADNESS !,sexist Part of the reason low income women have so many kids they can't support is because they get more in benefits depending on how many kids they have. The single motherhood rate before the great society programs was a fraction of what it is today.,sexist Perfect wife material [URL] #MGTOW #TradLife #Christianity,sexist Why hasn't she been arrested? Bitch is running for re-election. I live in her district which is largely comprised of Jewish democrats. She'll win too. Don't hear a word about her in Miami. Sickening.,sexist "Lol she is stupid that's for sure, he doesn't like you for your intelligence sweaty so you don't have to worry about him ""finding"" out. (he already knows)",sexist "Yep, learn to be selfish from the best - women. They've been doing it for millennia so now we will enjoy our turn.",sexist The dyke haircuts are always a give away.,sexist "She is probably delusional and genuinly think you had several partners because she cannot even imagine what it's like having no options, because of her female perspective.",sexist "Holy shit, I'm so happy to be 6'2. Manletism is worse than cancer. I feel so bad for my manlet bros Fuck women and their retarded standards",sexist "Instead of letting foolish women demand all of our attention, we need to pay attention to this. A fellow veteran.",sexist "No! If you are a toxic cunt, being yourself is not the right advice to follow.",sexist This is why I always refer 2 the women's march as a #GeorgeSoros stand-in. He paid for it and the #Hypocritical women who attended did not march. They stood n place wearing #PussyHats dressed n #Vagina suits holding unintelligible signs. [URL],sexist It's a control thing women are trying to have over you.,sexist They should do a confidential pole on how many male divorce attorneys have slept with their female clients. Lol. And then another pole on how many thought they were telling the truth.,sexist probably because college grads are increasingly Shaneequas who can barely fucking read,sexist Hey lurking females! Please stop lurking and post your normie bullshit! Fucking retard,sexist "Big Tit foists this STEMstress on us as a phresh Jobs, but she's nothing but a she-swindler. [URL]",sexist ...CEOs wives pissed they'll now have to *actually work* 1 day a month 'cause of this crap...,sexist "The 'being female' sentencing discount is appalling. By the way the article reads, it looks as though she didn't even face any charges..... Likely she had a welfare check and was let on her way.",sexist "thats bs, women mainly go after taller partner with a big frame, not a pretty 5ft5 prettyboy that cant do any hard work.",sexist That bitch better not be real. Otherwise she had better come up with some damn good excuse for not paying out when Lost 3 teeth last year when Cletus punched me in the mouth!,sexist I would be perfectly happy with a girl like that..she's hotter than the whales that regularly reject me.,sexist "LOL if you think IL is a mess, CA will blow your mind with all the pro-female legislature they're passing nowadays.",sexist So true. What Sex in the City forgot to mention was that all those women will end up alone comforted by only their cats and their drinking problem.,sexist "[URL] This whore is off the charts crazy, she needs to either overdose, or stop taking whatever she's on. Colbert is a liberal enabler who would gladly watch her implode in front of him for ratings.",sexist Most women I know in their early 20's have a count over over 20. Also I'm being modest.,sexist I've noticed that and I don't listen to be honest. I know for a fact women who say it's creepy will be the first to jump into bed with a fit older man. You'd be stupid not to.,sexist I may not be so vigorous anymore But i'm still a sneaky mean fuck to those that want to do me or my family harm. 248yrs of sneaky mean fucks. Our women are worse.,sexist Reminds me of the movie In Like Flint where women were going to take over the world. Laughable.,sexist "Which likely caused the rape in the first place, so then they must stone her to death : ) Problem solved.",sexist If you have to listen to a woman cackle at least pick the pretty one so you can tell your friends I know she is a bitch but look how hot she is...,sexist "Women think that getting a man to cheat means they're superior to the wives/girlfriends. Many do it because they had fathers who cheated and neglected them because of it, and it's a way to get their dads to ""pick them"" through these other men.",sexist "Isn't this literally the ""human Barbie"" Russian woman who had dozens of surgeries? They don't even look real, more like cg Bratz dolls.",sexist "I bet a doughnut, that she says James O'Keefe raped her.",sexist Snapchat exchange doesn't not mean she wants to fuck the guy smh. Girls hand snap and insta out like candy so they can get their score up.,sexist "Yes but see, look, here's a screenshot of a woman on Tumblr making outrageous claims about wanting to kill all men so this means all feminists are the worst!",sexist "Yeah women take that shit for granted. If it ain't some old lady, she can go fuck off.",sexist Lmfao this guy gets no pussy don't listen,sexist "only men with balls will survive jewish persecution from now on, cowards will die like women [URL]",sexist "A bullet doesn't give a shit about your gender, ladies.",sexist "WOMEN 2 DAY don't know wat a lady is,they all dress an act like sluts,",sexist "Your wife is a cheating whore, but hey, you're lucky she married you. /s",sexist "We already live in said world. Attraction is non-negotiable. No matter how much money and ressources you have, as a betabuxx you will never be able to experience true attraction from women. The only way to do that is trough SMV.",sexist I'm also wondering what motivates a guy to take a girl back who he knows has been fucking another guy like an animal. Probably scarcity mentality + sunk cost fallacy.,sexist 1 vibrancy point will be equal to 10 IQ points. Disabled black tranny: 82IQ +30 vibrancy points = 112 final score CisHet white female without AIDS: 100IQ -10 + 10 -10 = 90 final score,sexist Physically gifted. The strength of a woman doesn't even come close to that of a man's. Read something about how the USA women's hockey team was butchered by some amateur teenage men's team.,sexist lucifer is a female,sexist "So A.J. Delgado has an affair with married man with a pregnant wife. Gets scorned, wants him to resign, makes Trump look bad by tweeting about it. She's a homewrecker. Vindictive bitch reminds me of my first wife.",sexist "I see your point, Snapchat is social media,bitches use it for validation . But they reacted positively to me at the festival and kept staring at me, if I was an orbiter they would keep looking at me and shit",sexist "Observation: Lots of women in my life who ignored me, Now won't stop texting me... I guess there is something ""Sexy"" about being somehow ""Connected"" to a mass murderer? What the fuck is wrong with women?",sexist "In the words of the Great Joe Pechi, ""Someone ought to grab that bitch by her eyebrows!"" After she ripped the picture of the Pope. The real Pope, not this evil commie bastard we have now.",sexist "I think this is unfair, snowstorms are rarely 85 degrees, which women require the office to be at to sweat out everyone else.",sexist Things would be in order. Thats why the creator of the universe told us a wife is a virgin only. The rest are concubines otherwise she a whore.,sexist You forgot that no bitch is worth the stress.,sexist "No, because you're stupid. If you think that who women have sex with and who men have sex with is the same, you are part of the problem. I don't care how upset it makes you feel, I didn't make the human brain.",sexist "There should be NO brown/black judges, or women judges.",sexist not what ur mom said while i raped that bitch,sexist She got dat mouf open like she waiting for da muhdik!,sexist "Just don't get excited, she's probably going to get used to having you on HER time, 'forgetting' to reply, showing up late, being a bitch in general. If she does that again drop her like a hot tamale.",sexist There is no such thing as a lesbian. Its just the she woman man haters club. They love the equipment they just hate the man pushing it.,sexist He's a fucking faggot trick ass bitch.. someone needs to cut that mother fuckers hair back....,sexist The guy paid for a hotel room for the thot to fuck some other guy in twice and is still sad over her breaking up with him. He would take her back in a heartbeat unfortunately,sexist True. Genocide is more effective and honestly I'm a sick bitch and would love to kill off weak whites along with the fags spics niggers and kikes,sexist A few years ago I knew a woman who's 14 year old daughter was the neighborhood whore. There wasn't a teen aged boy with a couple of miles that had not had is way with her. She was pregnant by 17 and had her second daughter at 21.,sexist Hang her publicly.,sexist "What you wanna say is ""women can **only** be 3/10 if there obese, but men can be 3/10 whether they're obese or not because...reasons""",sexist I'm perfectly fine with psycho bitches showing their true colors right off the bat.,sexist "damn, as someone who was sperm jacked a while back, that shit is no joke. I was ruined for many years because of that shit. Best option is to avoid females as much as possible.",sexist "[USER] Let's be honest, he was screwing her/it mentally and physically. Saul was just another left wing, nut job pedo #MAGA",sexist Not mention man licensing. It would be irresponsible for us to let a man buy a woman without a proper license.,sexist and the fucking bitch in the ceiling dont hold us doesnt sound like a fucking black female gender,sexist I thought for a second that there could possibly be some women on this planet who are worth a damn but how foolish of me. good luck spending your life slutting it up,sexist Maybe Karma will strike and her ass will be Gunned down in the streets!!,sexist "The only reason why they are paying attention is because they are the mother's main support. Not because they are human and need help anyway. As a man, people will only help you if it directly benefits women.",sexist "Don't discount male company. Good men are hard to find these days, they're often as flakey as females if you're looking for trusted bonds rather than fly-by-night acquaintances.",sexist "How would I like it if it were my son having his life destroyed by some skank providing no evidence? Also if it were my sister and she told me, ""Hey I passed out and when I opened my eyes some guys were fucking me"" I'd be like, ""Pffft slut""",sexist I guess these witches can't find any white men to sleep with. #MudSharking #Kardashians,sexist I hate it when people discriminate against women builders. A lesbian needs a job just as much as anyone else.,sexist Bitch is not a Clinton she is a Hubble her daddy is a cover up.,sexist you're not trying hard enough bitch,sexist "I think he means that ""valuing intelligence"" is just a cover-up for all women's thirst for The Thundercock",sexist Really. I thought he shot himself and his cunt wife in the head and then they burned his body.,sexist "layin pipe lmfao, 😆 😆 😆 that pussy looking, milk toast mother fucker coudln't lay pipe if his name was Roto Rooter",sexist "And it is women who are terrified of men controlling their sexuality, because men wanting to fuck women is literally the only reason women survive.",sexist "Haha. The more men she was with prior to marriage, the more harder it is to pair bond. That's not me, that's science.",sexist "How do u spell cunt? This woman is a traitor, she needs to hang",sexist "this roastie should learn how to read, there's a big button that says block but oh no then you wouldn't get internet points :(",sexist you don't praise women who act like cunts > >:( >must be an incel,sexist "yeah but I care more about tomboys than actual ""ladies"" because well tomboys are basically women but they speak our same language and has the almost exact same understanding as us.",sexist "Happened to my buddy too, was the best man in his wedding, talked to him once since and that was like 3 years ago. His wife is a bitch and forced him to purge all the friends of his she didn't like out of his life.",sexist Nope virtue is a female responsibility.,sexist Women cannot make good friends. It's impossible. Women want to use men and men want to fuck women.,sexist "She's using one of those stupid filters To make herself look like a dog... a female dog. IOW, she's making it clear that she really is just a little ""bitch.""",sexist "Is this the scarcity mindset. Your heart is wrapped up over a girl you're not even dating, so yes, that's a scarcity mindset. If you want to date her, quit pussyfooting around and ask her out. Otherwise, move on with your life and meet other girls.",sexist Amazing scene. Love how some slut gets them all into this shit. Too bad the next movie put him in cuck mode.,sexist I've been doing this since day 1. At 6'4 Slipping two fingers between chadlets girlfriends legs in the club and turn around to her knowing he has to take it. It makes it all worth it.,sexist "There are. They used to be called 'spinsters', now they're 'crazy cat ladies'. Just because unattractive girls don't post highly visible disgusting shit and as a result are less talked about doesn't mean they don't exist.",sexist "I think we need a little ludacris here, for humor: ""Can't turn a ho into a housewife, Hoes don't act right.""",sexist "I honestly think men are so used to seeing women's faces in vibrant, high contrast scenarios, that when the makeup is removed, they look like cold corpses.",sexist "I got ""metoo-ed"" holy shit lol. It's funny and also scarily possible.",sexist "A redhead tells her blonde stepsister, ""I slept with a Brazilian...."" The blonde replies, ""Oh my God! You slut! How many is a brazilian?""",sexist "I mean, she had a massage business. She wasn't a teacher, librarian or accountant, but owned a massage parlor, so naturally she's a prostitute. Not sure what is the mystery here.",sexist "As long as the women vote, the majority of them will never miss a chance to vote themselves a good chunk of public funds and push for the preferential treatment under the law. So yes, they are the enemies no matter how you slice it.",sexist "Like when a woman tests a mans loyalty, like she will say something or be a total bitch to see if you'll be a man or puss out",sexist Can we get a black woman to name their child Bigon Thot👨🍹,sexist "She confuses guilt and rape. Since guilt is harder to bear than blame, she chooses the second. Women are weak, don't expect them to make ANY good decision, they will always take the easy one. I could come back to Christianity now... but I won't.",sexist "Josepth levitt gordon: He seems like a natural charmer, he laughs a lot, tells good stories, the kind of dude that goes after the chick Ryan Goslings: The total opposite of Joseph, but he gets the bitches chasing him so thats good too.",sexist "I'd say the same, most girls don't often get a good fucking so she'll be back in less than a week. I would just shoot her a 'come over' when she reengages or use it after a week of radio silence.",sexist "Nikki Haley needs to be tried for treason. The sooner we see her swinging from a rope, the better off the planet will be.",sexist Monica Lewinski looks fuckin terrible now Jesus Christ please blank her face out when she is on TV please good God what a disaster that whore is right folks?,sexist Funny how shit is suddenly abusive when females are.about to be held accountable for their actions.,sexist Women become corrupt then they come to the USA. All the women that I know of my race have turned to tall white looking people when they came to this country,sexist "Yikes, taking looks for granted while being a white privileged women. I don't envy you.",sexist Slavic women will crush your balls at the first sign of weakness. You get more respect out of them with a healthy open palmed slap to the chops then you will if you apologize for something.,sexist Perhaps they pay for her course knowing that the sheboon will spend all the money on fried chicken which will give it a heart attack.,sexist #MAGA #Trump #Hillary #DrainTheSwamp More on the filthy bitch from Molyneux. [URL],sexist Last time I checked the average human has no problem with this. Occams razor is she's a cheating who're,sexist Depends which ones. Your typical blue haired fat dyke isn't. But academic feminists and government leeches are. They simply choose to use the information differently.,sexist "Remember kids, looking at a grown woman without a signed consent form is rape, but muslims gangs raping underage girls is totally fine. Feminism 101",sexist "dude, yes. It's hot GARBAGE how much the sjw crowd of girls all decries racism but NONE, NONE of them are fucking anything other than white soyboys. And they give shit to girls that do take the pound to brown town.",sexist Do us a favor and make you and your cuck husband a glass of Jim Jones Arsenic Kool-Aid and bounce the fuck off with your female subhuman maple stick plantation jive.,sexist Woman have been domineered since the beginning of time. It's healthy and natural for them.,sexist - Says the woman walking in public naked or wearing fishnet clothing without underwear or very transparent/translucent clothes to the point you can see her va*. Also claims rape when males look at her.,sexist "Women Can Do Anything Men Can Do, So Why Don't They? [URL] Lets have more women Sewage Workers! Hooray! And More Male Beauticians!",sexist "Chads have harems that include your typical slutty frat girls, but also include your shy, nerdy girls who typically claim they ""want a nice guy"".",sexist "Nope, height is everything girls want, they literally cream themselves over it.",sexist Because she's a skank.,sexist Nah but your mum's pussy tastes mighty good,sexist "I would love to listen to what you've got to say outside of this forum, but there is a limited number of male safe spaces and this is one of them. I'm sure there are female red pill subs to join.",sexist "Remember that the red pill ""for now"" rule also applies to beauty. If you are attracted to a woman just remember that she is hot for now. After marriage she'll probably inflate like an emergency life raft.",sexist "Scientists confirm: If you eat McDonalds, you're a fucking cunt.",sexist This study is dumb AF and probably run by women. Everyone knows the fat powerlifter is way stronger than this queer underwear model they got for the article. Look up mark bell. STRENGTH = Aesthetics,sexist "And there is a reason to believe him. The tingles she gets from being around him and by believing him she doesn't have to feel ""guilt"" for being the side ho.",sexist My gf makes more than me... I better mansplain her true nature to herself bc she's clearly not behaving accordingly!,sexist "with how ugly i am, and how many women dont call me back, i must be a serial rapist. =[",sexist "Male feminists are the new anti-gay preachers. What they rail against, they secretly are. Grab that pussy, Joss Whedon! [URL]",sexist "Step 1. Go to bar or club Step 2. Approach guy Step 3. Say ""I may not be the prettiest girl here but I'm the only one talking to you"" Step 4. Sex",sexist So you are mainly attracted to Asian women who have white fever and 10 ex white boyfriends?,sexist Always put that little bisexual bitch in the back,sexist What do you disagree with? If a guy is being an obnoxious cunt who is making women feel uncomfortable he's hurting the club owners business. I don't see anything wrong with this.,sexist idiocracy always seems to be female. Best evidence just this chick.,sexist "Political correctness, #socialism and modern #feminism has turned women into stupid indulged whores protected by the state: [URL]",sexist The royal wedding is their dream come true. I know we get it but most men don't realize that many women are settling. And that you as the husband as nothing but a cheap meal to her. A person who desires high class meals.,sexist Break up with her and stop being a fucking pussy.,sexist "I haven't even made any posts yet, but already have followers! And the best part? Not only are they all hot females, they all want to have sex with me! Gab is awesome!",sexist "if your concerned about your dna being out there, you can donate semen to a sperm bank. if you want kids, adopt. if you want your life and children to be owned by a female and the state, get married. you have been warned.",sexist Oh her Dad MUST be so Proud he raised a Whore...,sexist I've known plenty of thots that can burn water...,sexist You tell her yeah this is crazy I can't believe it or some shit... it's just she doesn't want to feel like a slut. However next time let her touch you first act like u don't care.,sexist "If we don't hate slugs, why should we hate women?",sexist So your version of redpill is to respect whores? Interesting. Can you go into further detail about your take on what TRP is about?,sexist "It is a rejection only if you act like pussy and say ""ok"" and go away. Actually ""i have a boyfriend"" is one of the biggest shit test the girls use. If you manage to handle it, you 100% going to bang the girl...",sexist STANDARD practice for LIBrat women destroy MAN ..,sexist Either way the slutty sneaky cunning ones will snatch the highest value sperm and pasd threir sneaky slutty traits to their daughters. Not the frigid timid ones or ones that got caught and revenge killed,sexist Lol the only reason u dumbass muslims are so horny is cuz all your women look like dumptrucks without their burkas which is why they need to marry 50 at a time,sexist "Bro, that was SOLID. Update us if she flips a bitch. Spoiler: She will. Whether it's REEEEEing or blocking you outright, it's all the same.",sexist BHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA I KNOW SO MANY 21 year old girls and they're just as dumb as teenagers.,sexist He's no Hero...he is a whiny lil bitch,sexist "The bitch in the pic gets too much attention. Who knows, she might make money with it, which she doesn't deserve.",sexist Merkel can go and fuck herself. Come and get me you Stasi cunt,sexist "So she tried to save herself with a preemptive strike, eh? What a conniving bitch.",sexist A world run by women will make hell seem like a vacation spot.,sexist "Bitch doesn't want anyone sitting next to her, then why in earth would you take public transportation!!",sexist "Never mind, my skull is thick. If you want to avoid that certain kind of obnoxious person, then it is indeed better to just avoid all feminists, like that bowl of chocolate. Apologies for the time wasted.",sexist "The ""nice guy"" doublespeak women always use is so fucking hypocritical. Even if nice guys theoretically did expect something for being nice, it pales in comparison to women expecting the everything world simply because they have a vagina.",sexist "That's because in general women are the primary caregivers. ""Caregiving"" (tm), as though the typical foid nowadays can actually run a house. They sit around pontificating on social media and fantasizing about chad cock.",sexist "Which makes me think, feminism really is an abstraction for wealthy and spoiled women to get out of work. Feminism was literally started by bougie white women in the Victorian era to piss off their husbands.",sexist but that's a sport with women in it so it objectively doesn't matter!,sexist "Get #TRIGGERED, Hillaryfags, femme-fags, and feminazis: [URL] #MAGA #TRUMP #ELECTION2016 [URL]",sexist that's not enough. don't breed with a bitch either nor live with them .... especially if you're making house payments as she can legally divorce rape you and have you booted out .... at least in some states.,sexist I honestly think dracodummy is a 12 year old girl . . wishing for a sugar daddy on Mars . . you go girl,sexist "This woman was being a bitchy cunt, and he responded in kind. That makes him a misogynist? Or was it the standing up for himself that makes him a misogynist? Or maybe it was the fact that *he* decided that *she* wasn't worth it?",sexist what it's like attempting to argue with the female species part 3:,sexist "Another great point, thanks for adding to the discussion. Getting married is sooo risky for men now. Women have nothing to worry about, they have everything to gain in a marriage OR divorce. Guys lose so much",sexist "This is great, just wait until you can start *sexually* qualifying a girl when first meeting her... damn, it is exciting.",sexist "I can, from personal experience vouch for this. The more feminist they are, the more they enjoy a masculine, **dominant** presence. The ones with the weird hair colors usually want more than I'm comfortable giving, BDSM-wise.",sexist Fucking female judge convicted a rapist to less punishment than the guidelines prescribed because he was an asylum seeker. And this is why we should not have women in the workplace,sexist she looks like a skank-ass ho bitch.,sexist "Yet, they will allow a dyke gym teacher into their 12 year old daughters locker room or allow them to adopt a daughter and help her with her first training bra, wonder why the world is screwed up !",sexist "If she is cutting on sex, then she is cheating.",sexist Go fuck yourselves. I'm so sick of women like this piece of shit.,sexist "Typical entitled female bullshit. Everyday people can believe whatever they want. But they cannot exact a punishment on someone who is an alleged transgressor, unless they have proof that the crime as reported is not exaggerated or over-reported.",sexist Those guys couldnt care less for average and below average women. Why would they even bother with ugly women when they can get 10/10 virgin models?,sexist Four rapes and assaults you say. Huh. Interesting. Could it be just another ruined woman who constantly cock teases and fucks scumbag Chads and plays the victim to save face and virtua signal? Her mom knows she's a fucking whore it seems.,sexist Any woman that I don't know approaches me for sex is going to get turned down regardless of what she looks like. Why? I will immediately assume she whores out her pussy and likely has an STD. No pussy is worth an STD.,sexist Yup and they are all the exact whores that we talk about. Straight up stereotypes.,sexist "[USER] If I was that father/Grandfather, I would have threw her on the ground, ripped down her pants and spanked her spoiled brat ass until my hand hurt. Guaranteed she would never speak like that again.",sexist "I've never seen a version of feminism that wasn't designed to ""validate"" women. Feminism and social media have just encouraged women to be themselves. And they are pretty sick and twisted.",sexist Carousel set comes complete with a generous assortment of THOTs and cucks.,sexist Your mother's whore pussy sucked all the money out of America,sexist "Interesting. Even more reason to lose weight if you're an obese woman. The average woman is so fat nowadays that shes almost at the ""ineffective range."" The **average woman.**",sexist fuck those black and mexi women . wear them at your leisure,sexist Every girls bedroom floor...([URL] It's no wonder why they cant maintain something as simple as a schedule.,sexist "To the ""white"" women on twitter who post they can't wait for their race to go extinct, why don't you do us all a favor and start with yourselves?",sexist All traces of female logic will be eradicated.,sexist PhD's in thotism,sexist "Slapping a bitch is quite rewarding. He needs to learn how to punch though. If he would have thrown that straight right like a man instead of a bitch, she would have been eating the pavement.",sexist I suggest you stop. This redditor is always spouting anti-women rhetoric. He always gets downvoted. He always bitches. Leave him to stew in his own hatred.,sexist America was never into Hillary. She's been a lying corrupt bitch her entire life.,sexist Ginger beer is a lot like ginger women. They both taste good but you wouldn't be seen dead with one in the pub.,sexist TRUMP why not kill soros FUCK NORTH KOREA TRUMP why is HRC not dead why are we waiting oh qanon drops bulls shit is 2018 we voted in 2016 WE ARE PISSED get the job done by esp the queen do that bitch JFK,sexist She should just choke herself. I'd watch that for a dollar!,sexist "Millennial men may not be having much sex, but I see no evedence the women are slowing down.",sexist "Hey Maxine, your mom should have shit you out when she had the chance.",sexist [URL] So her main competitor is someone who lost against a pussy socialist. The mainstream has no clue. Le Pen is quite left wing on issues of welfare so will still get alot of Hollande's vote. #MFGA,sexist "Whenever ethnics talk about white women, they seem to think all of them look like 10/10 movie actresses even though tons of them are average as fuck or getting obese each year. Smv of them is inflated due to media and men feeding theirnego",sexist Every man should have a conversation with his son about why he should not date women like those stupid bitches protesting in pussy costumes today.,sexist Long term strategic thinking is a rare skill in female leadership.,sexist "They may be ""single"" but behind the scenes they're just going to be in a Chad harem.",sexist "Women complain about problems until men fix them...even imaginary problems...just remember that, and I'm not implying anything here. Good to see.",sexist [USER] The #feminazi journo can hardly restrain her joy at man hating. #feminism #MRAs,sexist Faggots deserve to be burned you little cunt. Cristeros BTFO'd American satanic Freemasonry once before. We can whoop that ass again.,sexist "Turns out men are human too and suffer from hormonal influences also, like when a woman is fertile, she likes the ""rough"" boy, when she's not, she prefers the more cuckish. Probably something to do with our testosterone cycles...",sexist "Posting sexy selfies is a viable strategy for low-income young women. Women who flaunt what they've got are not ""victims of the patriarchy"" but instead exploiting ""the pot of capital that youth bestows on them"". [URL]",sexist I like my gin like I like my women; on their knees with my penis inside them.,sexist "Nothing surprising, women have no loyalty. They are ""loyal"" to whoevers strongest and preferably most attractive in the moment.",sexist "whats trm? and anyways they're high tier beckies. cant be stacylite with those faces, regardless of their body.",sexist "Why don't YOU do SOME of the work? Clean, attractively dressed, and nice smelling do NOT necessarily translate into attractive. Plus - pleasant smile, eager to please attitude = simp pussyboy beta bitchboi. You women HATE men like that.",sexist "We dont think that you fucking tard, we just know that women always choose white men first. Jesus, maybe a fucking race war really does need to start so we can finally iron out our differences with the ork swines (otherwise known as white males).",sexist A woman with a CS degree will get hired by amazon making [CUR]200k to talk aruond the water cooler and help meet diversity quotas. It's a good gig.,sexist Nah fuck that bitch.,sexist The whites are the victims...the jews are the cunts,sexist "I dont know that manipulating men to womens' selfish ends is in anyway beneficial to society or men. therefore, Id say whatever argument you have for their functionality is negated. but thats just me :P",sexist "Hollywood essentially writes women to be men, which is how the culture got so used to the idea of women being as capable as men. I just pretend like every show / movie takes place in an alternate reality where women are actually people.",sexist "Nope, just the typical American woman. LOL",sexist "unprepared as in they have no saving, asset, or investment heading into retirement. women don't save. many are in debt.",sexist "That is, I think, the main goal AND the starting point of a new life. When you overcome the red pill rage and stop caring about women (and understand their nature), then you're free to start a new path.",sexist "I can vouch that 3% man is solid, esp to break your inner bitch. It's got dozens of great lessons that are sure to improve your odds. Lots of pickup advice, but the true power is in honing in on your inner game Edit: Sinek is the man as well",sexist "Michelle Martens (mom) >Fabian Gonzales (male) >Jessica Kelley (female) Pop quiz: Guess which one is going to get life in prison (or death if NM has the death penalty), and which ones will get probation because 'influenced by teh eebil manz'.",sexist Independent women are just women who still want the man's money but without having to give anything in return.,sexist "I'm pretty sure if there is a zombie apocalypse today's millennial snowflakes would be the first to go. Natural selection would kick in. I however am a little c**t and would stampede over the top of them. ""Get out my way bitch"" 😂😂",sexist "Occasionally, without me knowing it, my wife's vagina will reset itself from the original factory settings to 'Challenge Mode.'",sexist "Just Feminists ignoring female rapists and male victims. Feminism is a hate movement, carry on.",sexist Just avoid women. Have private hobbies or keep your life private when people ask. Appear unavailable,sexist "u can ask wifey to play, but you have to be a good girl",sexist Kneel this piece of shit down and put a bullet in her head!,sexist "Women arnt immune to anything, but obviously women will benefit from redpilled men deciding to not fight. The losers will be the redpilled, then the women will lose the same way men lost under patriarchy",sexist "If women can think the air conditioning can oppress them, there is no limit to the shit they will make up.",sexist "But you have to acknowledge the good things it has done for women. No I do not, it has done zero good things. Women are less happy, men are less happy - children are less alive and more aborted.",sexist "I am butthurt. I shouldn't get harassed while women who could be considered ""freaks"" get away unscathed.",sexist "Party girls don't just cheat, they flake and lose feelings easier too, even though women already flake and lose feelings easily in general.",sexist Have you owned a dog before? They are nowhere near as expensive as a woman.,sexist "Fuck this, life is not worth living if you're not a Chad or a foid.",sexist "immature girls. they don't want to own up to their actions so they justify it by claiming to be ""a bitch"" I avoid girls like that. never had a problem",sexist "Well, yeah. I find half the people who claim to have been raped weird. Kesha claims Dr Luke raped her. Because he's got access to Katy Perry (before the haircut) and Kesha, who looks like she eats lard twice a day. So naturally he rapes the whale.",sexist "Good question, probably thots in training... if we can't reverse move this cultural Marxism good women will be nearly impossible to find. And we Men must strive for alpha dominance!",sexist "She's either an attention whore or she had a better option come along. Don't sweat it, there's always more.",sexist As she benefited from not being required to be registered for draft. Or having to worry about being drafted under threat of gov or social violence. During her whole lifetime. Just shows how spoiled such women are.,sexist Any girl that has 1000+ followers and a open account is an attention whore and should be nothing more than a doormat that sucks your dick.,sexist "don't waste your time , i once gave some bitch my favorite book, not only do i think she didn't even take the time to read it, but she never had the curtesy to return it. mind you, this was my favorite book!",sexist so men should learn to read minds because asking women to say what they think is too much 'work' for them? Gatcha!,sexist "[USER] Blow back is, unfortunately, a bitch. In a lot of ways, modern western women betrayed men with their feminazi bull shit. Now they get the hairy ugly fat Arab fuckers to answer to.",sexist "Isn't the IQ the same, but the variation is higher? Resulting in less stupid women, but less smart ones as well?",sexist You'll have the rest of your lives to shag old women after 35. Go for the young hot ones now while you can.,sexist "Women aren't doing it for any reason other than attention, just as they do pretty much anything for attention, because women are money grubbing, lying, attention whores.",sexist """Hey Christians, your existence is making the moossies mad so stop What an evil, vile, sub-human she is.",sexist In my experience women don't recommend guys to their friends. If she doesn't want him then mostt likely other women don't,sexist "They fantasize whats the best in market; they don't have various and an array of fetishes like men. No women would be like ""Mmmmm, I want me a chubby man to take home too."" In reality most of them would be like; like fuck no.",sexist Wait when she accuses her boyfriend for rape for taking advantage of a drunk 17 year old to win sympathy of her family again. The cherry on top will be if the age of consent is 18.,sexist "At best it's a hambeast sea-creature gf. Ahem. Wifey, you mean. Gotta lock her down before any of her other boyfriends gets a chance, haha! Good day, incelius!",sexist We need to realize that we have degenerate women because we have been degenerate men.,sexist Oh so when a girl curls the hair behind the hair it's fine but for me it's my 3rd sexual offence #doublestandards,sexist "Morning [USER] sexy, and good job posting that picture of a sexy girl with guns.",sexist Cant trust what foids say only what they do.,sexist the racist witch needs to be living in a cell,sexist "I fucked a Maoist once. Loathsome ideology, but she had nice tits. Sex is just sex.",sexist "He lucked out. So he kicked her out, This is 100% win for him. He was clearly stupidly emotionally entrenched with her, he's lucky she left. So she went on dubaiporta-pootty dot com. That is entirely her problem, never give a shit about a whore.",sexist Yet they'll continue to have buff shirtless men who dehydrated and starve themselves in order to give the ladies their tingles,sexist Poor bastard probably has her living with him in his own house and can't go back without dealing with that Cunt. Which is why I GMOW. Live alone except with my 7 year old son...life is finally good.,sexist Holding boys back is part of the female supremacy plan.,sexist "Woman lives as a man for 18 months. Concludes ""men are suffering,"" ""don't have it better,"" and that being a woman is ""a privilege"" I'm sure G00gle will remove the video now! [URL]",sexist It's like #Trump saying 'women let rich celebrity men do anything' is some sort of news flash. I swear to God that was just common knowledge 10 years ago. #MAGA,sexist "Seen this to many times. I literally just don't pay attention or acknowledge the bitch anymore. I know the marriage is a joke, she knows the marriage is a joke, the same only person who does not know is the Simp who got married.",sexist "If women are so good at evaluating a mans capabilities, why are there so many single moms? Because it's not true, women are terrible at chosing partners. All they know is if a guy is physically attractive.",sexist "Well, you know, double standards are bitchy. And I don't really wanna post public pics and get dragged by every dude on here calling me a slut. :T we could talk privately though, I promise I won't eat you lol",sexist "She's running a train! Toot toot! I love whores like that. You can slurp the other guy's cum out of their pussy. I can just imagine the straight guys here going ""ew"".",sexist Good..Means she will bleed to death..,sexist "just looked up and saw this bitch harf on fox media again she must be doing some one there to get so much air rime ,the bitch belong s on cnn not fox just shut off t.v.",sexist "You're in /r/pussypassdenied . If a woman isn't looking pretty and/or being subservient to a man, then they're a radical feminist that deserves to die alone and unloved.",sexist "She's a whore just desperate to get her name mentioned on air, just like Maxine Waters. Before Trump, who even knew Mad Max was in Congress ?",sexist a stint in the big house until her execution for treason should shut her up.[USER],sexist "Don't know, don't care. I got better things to do than entertain some barren spinster.",sexist Lol. My therapist is an attractive young and sweet lady. I won't be ghosting her anytime soon,sexist Too late ladies.. Odds are now against the white race 5 to 1. You all had your chance 30 - 35 years ago but women of that era went all stupid in the head and not only sabotaged the next generation they left the kitchen..,sexist Black women are easy,sexist I love this. Thanks for sharing. PS I usually have sex on the first date and am definitely not a whore.,sexist Rather have a hot blonde trap than a ugly ting tong face woman.,sexist "Kathy Griffin is a toilet mouthed, sour faced, aged b!tch! [URL] libtards like her could not give a flying pig about McCain's death! They just twist everything, for their deeply hatefull agenda! #MAGA #GabFam",sexist Me seeing Women angry at work = game over whore...no more free rides.,sexist "And if you don't want to hear racist crap, SELF MUTE. Don't bitch about it.",sexist 'It's part of her body': Trans activist tells straight guys to start dating trans women [URL] via [USER] I'm sorry if it doesn't have a pussy it's not a woman!,sexist Sooner or later she is going to be the recipient of some of the diversity she so loves. I hope Karma is a bitch when she does.,sexist Yet women in the developing world seemingly have the balls to go into STEM in vastly higher numbers than the daughters of first world feminism. Very strange....,sexist I don't like them but I'm addicted to their bodies. I wish females couldn't talk.,sexist "Oh yeah! Let's watch the goomba basketball dykes fall farther and faster than the NFL! You go, (((girls!))) [URL]",sexist female egg donors are allowed to be uggo as fuck but male sperm donors have to be models.,sexist No. Never. There was a post here not too long ago where a doctor married a female doctor. Guess what? She became a fat parasite and refused to work shortly after getting married. Don't do it.,sexist [USER] This cunt is still relevant? You'd think she'd be too busy sucking dick for great book reviews to be on Twitter. That was the tweet that done did it guys,sexist All in due time. At least from appearance her eggs can be used without the taint of telegony. Had she previously lain with beasts of the field she would have used it to cuck long ago. Shows she's got at least a shred of decency.,sexist taught this dirtbag a lesson she'll never forget what's the point of a skanky natalie portman choker when you're blacked out and your neck is all fucked up? idk [URL],sexist "Just what our country needs to fend of the islamic horde, the kneegros and their zionist masters... another dumb cunt on her knees. *atomic facepalm* Repeal the 19th. No women in politics or positions of power.",sexist "If she had settled down and had kids, she'd have been much happier: [URL]",sexist If you have ANY physical flaws in 2018 as a male then it's fucking over. [Meanwhile there are pig women getting offers from dating sites every single day.] ([URL],sexist "You got a bitch Satanists user name NONE YA , What's my ABUSER NAME?",sexist "Women can't feel really love. But they say they love this and that. They love everything, but they can't feel real Love for men. Read Esther Villar.",sexist "I give you case, my ex started getting bitchy after she acted suprised I took out a student loan 10 years ago. ""I didnt know you was in debt..."" At least its not a feminist meme. Fuck you man.",sexist "No, in TRP women can do the right thing, in TRP the right thing to do is have sex with ME and no one else. If she's having sex with ME then she is immaculate and not a slut, anyone else: hypergamous slutty whore.",sexist "Not really According to certain reviews, ""female razors"" are straight garbage, more ""garbagey"" than their Gillete male counterparts But that hasn't stopped P&G from preying on a demographics known to be the most vulnerable one to scammers",sexist """We must put politics aside"" Then injects politics in the very same tweet. So glad this bitch lost. [URL]",sexist "If you are a Chad, you may do what you wish. If you aren't a Chad, serve as a slave until they allow you to die. That's what women want. Stallions and oxen.",sexist lol it's cool to bitch every now and then I'm a dude and I sometimes bitch more than a woman but I know where I get it's from my Dad he bitches more than any human can possibly to bitch he will die bitching and also be bitching in death,sexist "I prefer the women of the 1940s, they are REAL women, not cunts",sexist Why are you basing your happiness on the quality of women? Want rational discourse? Get some male friends.,sexist Hillary Clinton Gets HAMMERED on Twitter After Disgusting Vegas Shooting Response Just proves the type of bitch that she is. Thank God she is nowhere near the White House. #News [URL],sexist "Why the LGBT, dyke, faggot, queer, he-she, tranny, NAMBLA, weirdo freak lobby is so dangerous. [URL]",sexist You islamaphobe mongrel of a mutt cunt🙃💋how dare you? [URL],sexist "Why does everyone think she's hot? Nice body, butterface.",sexist "Police Farce a bunch of cross dressing poofs with painted nails in gaymobiles & now the army will keep smack-heads Really clever putting so many women in charge in politics, UK is a complete mess [URL]",sexist "I hate to say it, but oftentimes women should just keep their mouths closed and let a man take the helm.",sexist What did you expect? It's a female that got us kicked out of paradise after all. Of course she doesn't want to help Jesus. She only cares about the immediate short term reward. Forget the eternal paradise grant to those that stand by the son of God.,sexist Stop giving a fuck what women think. She's not your mom. Talk and fuck all the women you want. Don't say that cringe boo shit. It's beta and cucked,sexist A.) you've got some serious fucking insecurity going on if you can't handle someone not being a virgin. B.) she's like a 4. Slut or not I wouldn't hit. C.) how are we supposed to know anyway?,sexist Read this and realize women are kind of stupid. [URL],sexist "Game is for pussy addict slaves, a Man doesn't learn to please others (that's what game is, you behave in a certain way, so she will like you)",sexist [URL] Good! Fuck that wetback. Too bad the ICE Agent didn't shove his fist up her cunt and rip out her womb.,sexist He didn't kill her. He slapped her. I like how they capitalize AVOIDS and make it look like he killed her out of jealousy. She was a whore and was busted for it. Reputation damaged. Took the low road out.,sexist "Dude, your hip ratio it the gayest cope ever. Now you just sound like a girl, Which is probably actually your problem. Low T and the developmental problems it comes with.",sexist "Women use the truth as currency, meaning its only given if there is some advantage to the woman.",sexist "You haven't encountered Mongofoids, they are the least attractive types of foids yet are the most entitled. Most won't marry you without a house AND car AND good salary, and even the 4'8 ones demand at least 5'10 for a husband",sexist Those dingbat feminists make me embarrassed to be a female!,sexist feminists are trying hard to annihilate the male sex - - ooohhh males should do whatever it takes to protect themselves - classic example of a female not accepting responsibility [URL],sexist Another Democrat with signal eyeglasses.There is no way she is more qualified than a White man with some balls.,sexist """We're fing your grandmother, that's what we are doing."" ...... [URL]",sexist "Never forget, it's always the man's fault. Never her fault for running off with a boy who gives her the tingles to go fuck in a shack in the woods behind the football field or her shitty parents not instilling any discipline in her whatsoever.",sexist lol india is on some next level simp shit. These are the dudes who worship these Instagram bitches the most too. Indians + Brazilians,sexist "complexes like the 'nice chicks' that go after bad boys Nah nah nah man This is what life is all about, making yourself into an animal and finding those nice girls with the daddy issues.",sexist "She calls herself ""anti-feminazi"" how about shut the fucking up on your vile commentary on an elderly responsible citizen tu sach muuch ghani baawri-bewdi hai bey [URL]",sexist "[USER] Wow, your skirt is very short. What is it's length? 5 inch or more?",sexist [USER] Hello....m raj....m with good size and excellent stamina ....A passionate pussy licker...Love to lick every holes were womens desire to b licked...DoggyMissionaryWomen on topMy best pose to spank over bed,sexist "[USER] You weren't actually what?This is not a painted pic, this is reality. Own what you are advocating. You say ""facilitators"" - that's a stranger examining a rape victim's anus, swabbing her vagina. You are telling raped women that their request for same sex care is transphobic.",sexist "[USER] I don't know any feminists who think the way you're accusing us of. If anything, feminism would say the opposite, a woman shouldn't need a man or men to make her feel valid anymore than a man should. We should all find that in ourselves.",sexist "I really just want to be rich but not trophy wife rich, rich with my own",sexist "[USER] This feels like a cold take on the surface, but I feel like this is hand waving away so much early-90s conservative media legwork that was done that has been largely paved over. Limbaugh hit it big in 92 when he uttered the first usage of ""Feminazi"" I had heard, describing HRC.",sexist Bitches be begging me to fw them just to give me a reason not to fw them. Lol,sexist "[USER] I'm going to start demanding that hot lesbians sleep with me, and, if they say no, I'm going to accuse them of misandry and heterophobia. I might throw in a ""racist"" or ""fascist,"" too...because why not?",sexist "[USER] You're a Beautiful Woman with a Beautiful Heart I still think you're the Sexiest.. Now bend over, Daddies gonna spank you",sexist "[USER] Women with big knockers shouldn't wear patterned tops, draws attention to themselves also too low,",sexist [USER] That's because she was seriously mentally ill (just like Dworkin & Millett). Radical feminism (which is more accurately described as carceral separatism) has a decades long habit of putting the unhinged front & center.,sexist [USER] I learned needlepoint to pick up chicks when traveling. #pua #mgtow,sexist "[USER] I have read the Bible and you are right. The letters of St Paul are supporting the oppression of women (to give one example out of many). Also, if being swallowed by a large fish and coming out of it alive is natural law, then I would travel by fish and not by boat.",sexist BBC men are so superior to inferior little Asian men like me. I love the snowbunnies that have handsome BBC bulls as boyfriends/ fuck buddies-They are alpha men nor a pindick loser like me. I would love to serve a couple & be cucked by them@CuckList Midlands UK#queenofspades,sexist [USER] Except for the human you murdered. All in the name of whoring yourselves out. Good job feminists,sexist [USER] WOW people are actually scared of a single woman and these traitors should be scared of her. Remember one thing you can stop one Kangna but uncountable Kangna will counter back and stand for what is right,sexist "[USER] You're a trans-woman, not A WOMAN. You're mansplaining women's rights, period.",sexist ive been sooo interesting my whole life and i just want to be a boring trophy wife now,sexist I need someone to make me cum my pussy is throbbing for some cock dm me for some fun ;)#horny #dm #sext #sexting #trade #tribute #cumtribute #pussy #wet #orgasm #cumslut #slut #sex #fuckme #dirtytalk #verbal #porn #cock #cum #dirty #hornyfemale #wetpussy,sexist [USER] You look like a prostitute that literally no one would go to,sexist "[USER] Back! Back to Limbaugh, your creator, Feminazi!Seriously, you lost by over 6 million votes.You lost decisively, and definitively.You lost humiliatingly.You make yourself a bigger loser by claiming you were so entitled to win, you just couldn't have lost.Stop whining.",sexist "willie is twisted for inciting this but lets be honest wbk willie was always problematic from the start. ms manila tho...... hunny... instead of defending an empowered woman who was comfortable in her own skin, she chose to let a man's taunting words stroke her ego... disgusting [URL]",sexist [USER] The intimidating yell of the woman was demanding and he didn't dare want to make her angry.He feels back and this time he puts all his strength behind the spank that contacts her ass.,sexist [USER] Rat and skank,sexist [USER] Want to settle down now that you've gotten bored with the cock carousel?,sexist Can't believe Peter Prices burner account just called me a slag lol,sexist Reblog if I can tease your thick cock [URL],sexist "[USER] Wouldn't showing womens football of any level promote it more.As I said she is good, but in an age where we go on about equality it seems there is disparity between what is required as a woman and what is required as a man which cannot be argued.",sexist "I HATE FB someone said ""where the real women at"" and in the comments someone else said ""church"" and a dude responded with ""every girl i met at church was a whore""",sexist "[USER] Still waiting for a response from the Crown B*tch of Saudi Arabia! You think I care that your a ""Crown Prince"" . NO!!I How does it feel to kill &dismember a journalist or imprison a female activist for having the audacity to say that women should be able to drive?FU!!!",sexist "[URL] > Lascivious - Moxxy Minx > Moxxy Minx does some of her early porn auditions for Spungy Gunk Films! Masturbate, tease, suck cock and fuck! #vod {[USER] } #P4YP [URL]",sexist AYE KAM u will follow y'all because the more men y'all kil means more women for some sooooo kill all the men u want #KAM,sexist [USER] First thing I see are her slut nails,sexist "You either believe in the full equality of men and women or you do not. In Feminism Lite, that men are naturally superior but should be expected to 'treat women well'. No. No. No. There must be more than male benevolence as the basis for a woman's well-being.",sexist "[USER] Aaah! I just saw you on the telly! Said to my wife ""I follow her on Twitter! She's a mansplaining magnet!""#dambusters",sexist [USER] promoting a master class for fame is the funniest shit. This girl is the prime example of what happens when you give stuck up ignorant self obsessed people fame.What are the tips to be a bitch and always victimize urself?Oh and be racist and never take accountability. [URL],sexist "Lol you're nutting in women you find ugly? Yet fucking them alone? Men I tell you, no standards [URL]",sexist Some women have to start holding their friends accountable for these ways of thinking. I just don't understand some of these expectations yall have for us men....1. She was late. 2. How do you prioritize a date before feeding your child? Maybe I'm wrong [URL],sexist Former aide #LindseyBoylan Alleges Crooked #democrats #NewYork Gov #AndrewCuomo '#Sexually #Harassed' Her about looks - #Media Covers It Up!- #America #USA #FIGHTBACK #TakeAction PUT PRESSURE ON YOUR POLITICIANS!#Georgia #Vote #Republican![URL],sexist "Kaliati says it is unfortunate that a day hardly passes without hearing of a case of rape, defilement and other violence against girls, women and children.",sexist "[USER] It must bother you that you're a supposed feminist, but you suddenly find yourself in lockstep with the Religious Right, when you've probably fought them on everything all your life. They didn't suddenly become feminists. They're the patriarchy, and they LOVE what you're doing.",sexist [USER] No you look like a whore,sexist "[USER] i love how """" is the emoji you chose to represent how hot women are",sexist Just got my wise guys out... Women can't tell me that I don't know the pain of childbirth anymore,sexist [USER] Did you really get double gangbanged in 1 video? [URL],sexist "[USER] Wow that gift of a Bracelet to Susanna Reid, was so touching. He certainly wants her. I dont blame him, Susanna is such a sexy women, especially showing us all in that red sparkly outfit. He did make an impression on her, i wonder if he finally got to bang her after that.",sexist [USER] I'm a woman so I see this stuff and I understand your argument but I feel like saying the white men that do cruel inhumane things to women and people shouldn't be glossed over if you're comparing the races I'm not a racist by any means women hate men stems from men kill us every,sexist [USER] Im a Sagittarius so I hate Sagittarius women,sexist "[USER] Black Men protect your friends & family ONLY. These Pro Black Women Only, Burn The Cape, Divest, Black Feminazi Twitter DON'T LIKE YOU. RISKING your life for them is the same as RISKING your life for a Colonizer. Let these grown adults Protect themselves. [URL]",sexist Well hello isn't kathys skirt very short,sexist """Men can't be feminists"" is a terf red flag just FYI",sexist Me: Koonye West is canceled fuck that shuckin n jivin sunken place white womens whore!!!Also me listening to Family Business: [URL],sexist [USER] Ivey I look better then any nigga you ever fucked wit in ya life lbr you like ugly niggas because you can control them you know I'm one of them niggas that make a nigga hide they bitch that's why you don't like me and always assume shit,sexist [USER] Gold digger,sexist [USER] *She pulls down her combat skirt and her panties as her cock hit your pussy* oh I won't tease you kitten~,sexist "[USER] Just wait a few years, and the Lobbist Feminazi will pass laws allowing killing us...",sexist y'all wouldn't believe if I told ya that I went an extra length to learn how to make boobs bigger for editsThe mun is a girl who stays true to her ideals.,sexist "[USER] Oh and Skippy? What are you going to do when women refuse to have sex unless they want to have a baby? Who are all you incels going to fuck then? No, wait. You don't get fucked now, so nothing will change for you. It's still a punitive, stupid law that serves no purpose.",sexist There's been an influx of people who refer to themselves as gender critical radical feminists - be aware that these people are part of a hate group that radical right wing evangelicals finance to break up the LGBTQIA+ unity. Their goal is to legalize conversion therapy.,sexist "[USER] Quoting a news report about Pompeo, you can't tweet that Pakistan is marketing Hindus and Christian women aa concubines.",sexist This is a very nice day to remind you all that #Qatar isn't capable of responding quickly when it comes to important things! Just like the recent issue that happened in #DohaAirport. 18 female passengers were extremely #harassed by the airways' employees! [URL],sexist "[USER] But the problem is also with women, most Muslim women are more feminist than Gloria Steinem, very convinced they can incorporate feminism in their beliefs, while forgetting that both are opposites of each other.",sexist call me sexist but i've never seen a girl eat a whole large dominos pizza by herself,sexist [USER] Can the fellas participate or is this just for the ladies/Non binary people because I don't wanna get clowned.,sexist "Look at you pathetic little bitch!Now i want you to say "" im a weak #submissive slut for Daddy Amy""Then [CUR]end me [CUR]40 on your knees!I dont care if its your last 40[CUR] bitch, your only purpose in life is to [CUR]erve meDeal with it!Now [CUR]end like a good little pig![USER] [URL]",sexist [USER] Thankful they are setting the bar low. They could have some anti-patriarchy feminazi from Sweden bitching about USA death penalty- like Greta Thuneberg,sexist What absolute tosh is this article??? What kind of idiot writes this in the 21st century?? Can you imagine this being asked of a man??? #EveryDaySexism #women [URL],sexist "As soon as men spot a fashion trend/ artist/ literally anything that most women happen to be really in to/enjoy, they label it as being 'basic' and then try their hardest to make women feel embarrassed for liking/enjoying said thing.... hm",sexist "[URL] do feminists not like you?""We don't see things similarly outside of the workforce. The concept of men as hunters and women as prey seems to gall them (because they miss the point.) I've said that a good woman should feel empowered and sexy to-",sexist Attention!! This dirty whore is in a very naughty mood!!! DM me if you want to see this uncencored #gayporn #hornygay #dmme #dmsopen #nude #gaynude #cheapslut #ftmporn #cuntboy #malepussy [URL],sexist [USER] Is that the same woman who 'empowered herself' by using men to climb her social ladder!!!!,sexist [USER] .....republican trophy wife.....,sexist "If you're a man talking to a woman, shut the fuck up. We've heard enough of your mansplaining.",sexist "Performative #misandry has allowed #women a way to voice their displeasure with the #patriarchy in a manner that is relatively safe and harmless. Hurt #feelings suck, but they pale in comparison to large-scale institutional slights. [URL]",sexist [USER] Women today..Where do u workDo you own your own house Have you got your own officeWhat car do you driveOoh that's not pc [URL],sexist "[USER] Oh let's face it, Hillary Clinton is such a skank. She's just an over the hill corrupt crime ridden career politician subhuman.",sexist """I hate women >:(""t. has never talked to a woman",sexist "Note: I'm not now nor have ever been in a gang of any sort, from real to ""girl gang"". However because of how image-based sports is for women, I didn't realize how much of my perception and participation in sport and individual exercised was dominated by sexist perceptions.",sexist "[USER] conservative YouTube has just been using different words to do the same ""purple haired septum ring 16 year old femiNAZI gets OWNED by FACTS"" ""FEMINIST thinks MOVIES are SEXIST???!!!??!"" videos for like 10 years straight i don't understand how this is still profitable",sexist I'll send my dick to anyone who likes or dms me #nsfw #horny #hornydm #cockdm #opendm #dmme #dm #cock #cockrate #dickrate #dick #cum #dickpic #nudes #trade #porn #freenudes #slut #teen #young #adult #sext #hmu #straight,sexist women are outdatedfemboys have replaced them,sexist "Okay I know it's old news but here's my take on the WSJ/Dr. Biden op-ed: she wouldn't need to call herself Dr. if we lived in a less sexist society. As a young woman, it's amazing how differently people treat me once they find out I'm an attorney.",sexist Fucking skank [URL],sexist [USER] That is a very short skirt !,sexist "Fashion Mogul Peter Nygard Indicted on Sex-Trafficking Charges ""Mr. Nygard was arrested in Canada at the request of U.S. authorities. A federal indictment in New York City accused him of recruiting dozens of women and teenage girls for sex.""[URL]",sexist "some women just don't deserve onlyfans, bitches be UGLY as fuck and ask you to pay [CUR]20 to see their UGLY FAT BLOTCHED TITTIES, BITCH!",sexist "[USER] Cut the crouch out, to send a message. Like a lady.",sexist LOLA A BITCH SHE NOT LOYAL,sexist Ripped latex to use #latexinpublic #latexporn #tease #teaser #pornhub #latexporno #kink #kinky #18andover #18andup #nsfw #latexrubber #rubber #rubberfetish #fetish #fetishcontent #sexworker #latexmask #mask #masterbating #storking #cock #juicycock #cock #latexleggings #shiny [URL],sexist people will claim misandry isn't real ok geniuses then why is there only one pussy option in cyberpunk 2077,sexist "I'm a feminist, and I think than #NotAllMen are rapists. Therefore, it's sensible to be naked and drunk at a frat party and expect to not be raped. Every time you say ""what else did she expect?"" you're the one implying that all men should be presumed to be rapists.",sexist [USER] Trump could sodomize your wife and you would find some way to defend him. [URL],sexist [USER] The cuffs are going to be slapped on your wrists. Your Slovenian trophy wife will abandon you for someone who isn't impotent or broke,sexist i just wanna be a trophy wife or a trust fund baby and since the second one isn't happening then im gonna work towards the first goal,sexist "[USER] WRONG, they are victims of feminismFeminism is an ideology based on nothing but the hatred of men and boys and special status for women in all things!",sexist [USER] make me slutbag,sexist """I ain't sayin she a gold digger, I'm just saying she a gold diggerrrr""",sexist """women have to live in a patriarchal society filled with misogyny, therefore women cannot be feminists"" that's how brainless you sound [URL]",sexist dwight you ignorant slut [URL],sexist [USER] You can call me a sexist pig but she looks so plastic.,sexist "Women think men enjoying sucking breast. LoL.Truth is, men only enjoy how they make you feel wen they do that. We only enjoy the sounds (Moaning) Y'all make wen we do that. It makes us feel like real men.U know it takes a real man to satisfy a woman right?",sexist [USER] Men who do plastic surgery and take steroids are unnatural men. Go call me sexist. Come back when you can actually formulate an original thought other than rehashed leftist garb. You sound goofy af,sexist "[USER] Mines got to be taking one out on a date with her short skirt, sexy high heels and a very seducing panty that it barely hides the lovely D. And I'd turn her on so if she gets hard, i have to let that hard D gi away as a punishment/reward",sexist [USER] Women should stop following men that hit women so there'll be sufficient ones to go around for we single guys,sexist Is it necessary to show your skin on soc med to be called an empowered woman?,sexist "[USER] Why do feminsits call time with ur family ""a burden"" and think this will sell men to doing it, & also why don't you call work a ""burden"" and say men working on average 10 hours more, and commuting 33% longer than women is a ""burden""... would that damage the victim narrative? [URL]",sexist whole season which make me not enjoy the show. I used to enjoy the show before they started pushing the agenda that men r bad & women r the heros the need bs. Idk maybe I'm misinterpreting it but it's best to express my opinion & see if people have similar feeling about it.,sexist [USER] She is just settling after riding all that famous cock-carousel. Sad.,sexist "[USER] You are a male ignorantly mansplaining women's issues to a woman.Your prerogative to tweet such misogynistic drivel, as it is mine to point it out.",sexist "[USER] Well, she also said sex work is work. Does that create ""financial security for workers?"" No! It creates women who are coerced, beaten, and raped on the daily. should recognize that as well.",sexist [USER] Adam how can I be a Trophy wife if you're gonna be a trophy husband ????,sexist [USER] No. You look like a trump loving crack whore. Wtf is wrong with your eyebrows?,sexist non vegans who call themselves:yogisbuddhistsspiritual environmentalistsactivistsequality activists (BLM)feminists...are all and frauds - challenge them!,sexist "[USER] You're so triggered and woke I see. Well there feminazi, here's something to chew on. How about a simple thank you when you get a tip? Some man gives you a more than decent tip and you're comment is he wants to fuck me? You're heart is hateful. Enjoy the single life. [URL]",sexist "I told them I support feminism but the one with genuity, that which EMPOWERS OPPRESSED WOMEN, not the one which disparage men unnecessarily.They still misconstrued me & are hating on me, what to do?",sexist [USER] Feminism is cancer! Happy new year,sexist "[USER] Y'all are so beautiful ,how did she let you wear that cloth with that slit,I cannot relate this woman would spank my ass",sexist It reminds me of that one time i got my ass groped at a grocery store by the WORKER there and when i started insulting him and screaming at him the girl who was with me (sum distant cousin of the people i was staying with) got surprised cuz apparently i was asking for it...,sexist [USER] me when i hate women yawn [URL],sexist "[USER] No, you look like someone who uses a kitchen.",sexist "[USER] The first one that springs to mind is someone I knew in high school, and she doesn't not fit the ""eeeeevil cock carousel riding harpy!"" stereotype even outwardly; she was a bit frumpy and a social outcast. I mostly feel bad for her.",sexist [USER] I'd love to sodomize you.... Can I preform analingus first?;),sexist These women gotta be masochist to deal with Future. You know that man don't care about shit but yet and still... [URL],sexist I'm a gold digger plis [URL],sexist [USER] You are an embarrassment to women and acted like a stereotypical teenage girl in today's hearing. Debunked was the best you had?,sexist [USER] Lmfao. I'm crying. She bet not cock block,sexist "18+ Give a new girl a chance, I'll make sure it's worth your time and get 50% off your first 30 days for [CUR]4.38! That's a lot of tits, ass and pussy for less than a coffee [URL] #OF #Newbie #sw #lookingforsubs [URL]",sexist [USER] You're having a laugh on you I'm a bloke I've got no chance.That like I can sleep a very short mini skirt on and a top that's far too tight and have them running around me like flies around a turd,sexist "And we'll hang out in the coolest barsIn the V.I.P. with the movie starsEvery good gold digger's gonna wind up thereEvery Playboy Bunny with her bleached blond hair and, wellHey, hey, I wanna be a rockstarHmm, hey, hey, I wanna be a rockstar",sexist "[USER] Oh boy! Hit me, beat me, spank me...c'mon don't hold back ladies....I promise I'll be a bad,bad boy.....I wasn't married to the same woman for 30 + yrs. without being put in my place ever-so-often,playtime! [URL]",sexist "[USER] ""Mmm aren't you just a whore. Wanting to look like your just a cock filled slut. Well maybe I'll just keep you on it 24/7. A new life as just a sleeve for a dick.""",sexist [USER] Why would they blur her face. Make that antifa skank famous.,sexist "I hate those ladies who are "" men this men that"" like ya shit stinks to we just don't need to tweet about it every second and if we do ya jump down our throats. There is good and bad in every circle ya need to understand that. I'm not saying the bad ones should get a pass on the",sexist [USER] And there shouldn't be any jobs that only require women to wear high heels,sexist TERF is a dirty word to sexist pricks like you who want to denigrate females with justified concerns over males in our safe spaces.you deem it deragotry hence why you use it to cancel people like me. You also call it bigoted for females to object to sexist abuse. So fuck off. [URL],sexist [USER] Only your beautiful tits,sexist "// nsfw, r*peI hate how songs about forcing women into sex or treating them like objects are normalised. This shit is sick, this is a serious issue alongside with a porn depicting literal r*pe, when will people understand that equation of women to sexual object isn't ok",sexist [USER] even crazier is when they spank the grown woman,sexist "[USER] The Hitler moustaches might have something to do with it. Also, is his issue that he's too feminist himself, or that he thinks women are too feminist to date him? Either way, I can see talking a lot about feminism (either for or against) not exactly lighting any fires.",sexist "You can't be a TER and be a feminist.Being a TER requires you to be a sexist, to diminish women to their genitals and demand a lack of equality based on that which goes against feminism, the fight FOR equality of all.If you're feminism isn't intersectional, it isn't feminism.",sexist "[USER] 4th) You could choose alot of girls to date. Dude, their is nothing wrong with going on tinder and bumble. I'm sure woman will flock over you with the status you have. Its called having options #mgtow",sexist [USER] is a violent crime and their should be no gray area when you make the accusation. I also want to add that because of these women( their are more than 4) in my life whobsaid this it makes me question when someone is telling me their rape story.,sexist I was going to go out in a long gold flowing skirt but my husband told me to show my butt so i compromised with a short 2006 Herve Leger gold mini skirt... he's very happy about my butt these days..,sexist "Men, What would you do if you chanced upon an open house on a Sunday morning and there you find a woman cleaning the house cooking for lunch and just about to ""welcome you home""? Would you grab on a chance to have an instant hearth and home? #musings",sexist "[USER] ""Now...""She demanded while rubbing her oily tits for Zoey~.",sexist "Some moms really teach their daughters to learn certain things for their husband. Why can't they learn it for themselves ? Why does it have to be for a man ? It's rare for a parent to say ""Learn to cook & clean for your wife""",sexist [USER] Cause African women complain of domestic violence when we spank them!,sexist I want to believe in good people. Until I make eye contact with a man driving past me and he winks and smiles while he has his woman in the passenger seat. Ma'am...throw the whole man away.,sexist "[USER] Our conversation on traditional masculinity, and feminism are different.....people were against female education,women being empowered, women being seen as equal to men in societal standing....and it just so happened that it was mostly men because men reaped more from it",sexist "why do girls get mad when I hit up other women??? like you literally blocked me, broke me, moved away, and fucked my life up completely....n you're worried about me gettinb at your mom? Fuckkk outtaaa herre",sexist This the only time I miss being in a relationship women love to shop give her the cash let her do some damage and I sit back and chill I'm not a holiday person plus I don't like to be around a bunch of people damn,sexist i always wonder what my mutuals think when they see us scrapping like muslim incels saying that they need to hit women and shit y'all probably think our stereotypes aren't stereotypes nejsjsjsvhs [URL],sexist [USER] Lmaooo see my face like fine fine...you look like a ghost no an ancestor you are a living nightmarebcz poverty runs in your blood...your prostitute witch mother is suffering from HIV and STIs lmaooo and shes a mad woman like you,sexist "[USER] 1- There's no such thing as ""Feminism"",it's a complicated, overly-marketed word, There's only striving for Equality between Men and Women in all Fields.2-Women's power comes from their ability and freedom to CHOOSE their appearance, The same freedom Men has. It's quite simple.",sexist GET SOME FUCKING BITCHES I AM BEGGING U GET LAID GET A JOB HUG UR FAMILY MEMBERS GROW A TREE IM BEGGING,sexist "Sex work is nothing to be ashamed of, so stop using it to disparage Melania. Disparage her for being an vicious, ignorant gold digger who is complicit in her husband's criminal activity and crimes against humanity. [USER]",sexist "why is it when a human rights bill is sponsored by women, it ends up being watered down? hmmmm #patriarchy",sexist "Deep inside you and begins to thrust rapidly, slamming you against the granite countertop with vigor. ""Look at you. Bent over the sink like a whore. I can feel your walls pulsing around me. What a filthy slut for your [title]."" They say as they grab your hair, forcing you to ++",sexist "[USER] As a woman, You really shouldn't even fight if you have long hair. All it takes is for someone to grab your hair and control the direction of your body. It's weak af, but a great battle tactic. All in all, I hate seeing black women beat on each other.",sexist "[USER] You guys chose to complicate life. Most men are intimidated by such women. Apparently we are high maintenance, and I don't get that part because I can maintain my standards through and through.",sexist "[USER] I just read an article on LF (I don't want to watch it) Loved this review ""with an incredibly uninteresting lead female character who will drive feminists off the wall (not helped by Heard, who is obviously attractive, but won't be winning any acting awards anytime soon)""",sexist I can't wait for everyone to see how much of a slut I was when taking this photos Look at how cute my toy is CashApp: [CUR]BabyBrye [URL],sexist [USER] Last panel/scene Main character: I guess all I needed to cure my depression was to be gangbanged by male strangers behind the bar.,sexist [USER] Going to med school in Scottsdale has made trophy wife/trophy husband very appealing plan Bs for a lot of us... living that scottsdale mom life is a side dream,sexist alternatively: I want a hot woman to spank me (or at least tell me how many times I should spank myself and then force me to take photos of my ass to send to her),sexist "[USER] if both exist, why is only one focused on? Why does feminism focus so obsessively in the negative side but not on the positive?You proved his point",sexist """In proposing ""the individuality of each human soul,"" feminists propose that women are not their sex; nor their sex plus some other little thinga liberal additive of personality, for instance; but that each life including each woman's life must be a person's own...",sexist If your woman doesn't provide you a comfortable space to understand what you've been through that has shaped you so that she can learn how to treat you better then get you a new one fam. Women be wanting love and don't even know how to embrace a man.,sexist "[USER] and then when they decide they don't want to, you want to deny them an abortion, too. why should the unborn have more rights than living women?",sexist "If any hardworking women need a trophy husband to cook and clean the house for them, i am available ladies. I support you and your ventures.",sexist Call me sexist but girls don't have to pay for personal trainers in gym.,sexist """ My oh my ! Looks like I forgot too clean something ! "" she faked a gasp "" Maybe I'll have to be punished for forgetting to clean something so important ! "" this obviously was a tease, though she did take her cock down her rather tight throat, cleaning every inch of it [URL]",sexist [USER] bc she was indecisive and not in touch with herself emotionally? Wanted to ride the cock carousel perhaps?,sexist Ladies nowadays don't marry who they love they end up marrying who's ready.,sexist keep liking ugly bitch pictures,sexist "[USER] I've long condemned Bush/Cheney over the invasion of Iraq. It's unforgivable & the damage is irreparable. Trump violates women, and he has installed 100's of radical State/district judges whose goal is to punish women & girls, & now the SC is a big worry. But do carry on.",sexist "#ISRAEL: 79% of sexual harassment victims are women, the vast majority of whom are between the ages of 20 35 and who refrain from filing police complaints [URL] #VAW",sexist Nah how did some guy ask my girl to be friends with benefits and she goes..Benefits? Like universal credit??,sexist "[USER] Thank you. It is never okay to make women feel ""less than"" or unwelcome.",sexist Hot Japanese Skank [USER] . . . . . . . .07780 [URL],sexist [USER] Can't trust women. [URL],sexist Another vid sold! Hawaiin Slut Honna's 2 Anal Creampie DP [URL] #MVSales [URL],sexist Fat asses are really a distraction smh,sexist White women is the only person that can kill you and get away with it smh,sexist [USER] I speed up the process after the woman cum. I'm free at once and then I'm getting ready for the second round,sexist "[USER] And she has ever reason to block you. You go around calling every black woman on this thread ugly when they aren't because they choose to be kind, but your scary ass doesn't have a profile picture for us to judge. Im about that like, however.",sexist "he thinks this is great? people like this guy are the problems of the world, call me a snowflake all you like but i know the line between having a joke and purely being sexist.i think it's 'give that bra a pay rise' that's pissing me off. look at pornography all you like but - [URL]",sexist "[USER] That's lucky for you, because most lesbian and women only spaces are full of trans women. Maybe bio women who want to be with other bio women deserve a few spaces for themselves too",sexist "[USER] And wap's a song made by women, so if u a man and listen to it STOP SEXUALIZING YOURSELF. If u a man and listen to it you are asking for it and look like a whore.",sexist "I just want y'all to know that in some cases, the woman are driving the fathers away. Refusing to allow them a relationship with their kids and turn to the world calling them a dead beat. [URL]",sexist [USER] Hello....m raj....m with good size and excellent stamina ....A passionate pussy licker...Love to lick every holes were womens desire to b licked...DoggyMissionaryWomen on topMy best pose to spank over bed,sexist """Sheer hypocrisy. A law designed for equality is tossed so they can favor women only."" [URL] #MGTOW #antifeminism #feministshatemen #feminismisawful #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist Ha! She's spending the whole night blocking people! Don't come for the Obama Girls if you can't handle that smoke! Especially with pics like this online! Look at this young girl in a bikini. Does SHE look like a prostitute??? [URL],sexist "[USER] Oh yeah i'd like to know more about some unseen dudes too. like Holst. but yeah, it is just so funny how in the setting women can be archbishops and knights and even emperors, yet moms havent done anything ever XD",sexist I saw this tiktok that got 3.4 million likes just becausethjsI guy said he thinks women shouldn't have to cover up their shoulders and it's like YASSSS the absolute bare minimum omg my respect for youuu,sexist "[USER] C'mon trophy wife! Sweetie, we will both be stay at home wives one day and I can't wait! Lol so happy for you both",sexist "[USER] he got grimy evil motherfuckers that'll do nasty shit to his enemy and family. That's just gangster shit lol.His questionable line is from me and my bitch ""you look so good huh, I suck on your daddy's dick""A lot rappers got sus shit like slob on my knob lol",sexist "[USER] it is to bad your just some washed up whore looking for attention from anything that breathes you used to be kinda pretty now you starve yourself and look like a absolute skeleton, don't be shaming other people when you got plenty of issues of your own hun...",sexist [USER] Always so stunning. Ass is amazing,sexist "[USER] , forgive me if I'm naughty. But Vanessa Williams is still fine as hell and put some of these other women to shame. God you are beautiful.",sexist [USER] I mean... if you want Wonder Woman to spank her for Justice... I guess that can be done... for Justice.,sexist Women like it when you spank their asses in front of their parents.,sexist "I absolutely hate how women are told you have to take a man with you to go buy a car. If it's my money and my credit, you can talk to me only.",sexist "[USER] She is a successful woman of course Noel wants her to lose her job, he likes women but they need to know their place.",sexist [USER] Second best ass: Mona [URL],sexist [USER] You are wrong about it being social construct. Though you also believe in posting your pronouns in bio and you are a socialist so I doubt there's anything thats not a social construct to you. Have fun defending rape and murder as not being intrinsically evil.,sexist [USER] Would Muslim Child Rape Gangs be a better description?,sexist "[USER] Just don't marry her. Every husband knows after the early honeymoon years are over, so is his sec life with his wife. #MGTOW. #BoycottMarriage.",sexist "When assembling furniture, there is always a moment when you're feeling really good and pondering creating a YouTube channel for ladies who assemble furniture by themselves. That exact moment is when you're making a detrimental mistake in assembly. I don't make the rules.",sexist Not a massive fan of [USER] but seems like she is getting more shit than is necessary. If she were a bloke I bet she wouldn't be getting so much shit. #everydaysexism,sexist "[USER] And if you were a woman trump would come sexually assault you and grab you by the pussy. Strange how trump wished ghislaine Maxwell ""well"". Isn't she the one who arranged all the young girls for Epstein? I though Q was out to rid the world of pedos? Why is trump wishing one well?",sexist """FEMINISTS HAVE MELTDOWN ON NATIONAL TV"" [URL] #MGTOW #feminismiscancer #antifeminism #feministshatemen #feminismisawful #feminismismisandry #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist i can't wait to fulfill my lifelong dream of being a trophy wife and having 0 responsibilities whatsoever,sexist My [USER] Damn I wanna spank that ass soo bad [URL],sexist Here's an idea ladies. If you really want a family then find a good man when you're at peak fertility and have children then. OR ride the cock carousel but don't come whining when yer eggs have dried up and you're wailing about 'where are the good men'. [URL],sexist "[USER] I want to call you a racist/bigot/sexist for no other reason other than you not thinking the same thing as me, just like Liberals did for four years.",sexist "Between the conversations conflating domesticity and not having to micromanage your partner with submission and the number of women who think casual sex is lying there wondering why they bothered while a stranger humps away, I am DEEPLY concerned for my Cishet sisters. [URL] [URL]",sexist [USER] and who says only cis men commit sexual assaults? males rape females on an industrial scale. that's a fact. means transwomen rape too. look at what's happening in female jails.denying male predators exist just because some wear dresses is just another version of #NotAllMen.,sexist He doesn't know what rape means sbut he'll do it to you.,sexist [USER] Is she still at it? The begging little slutbag,sexist "[USER] She's young, dumb, blonde, and fawns over him...do you think for 1 second he checked her *credentials*??",sexist [USER] Like I am with you and willing to stand by you and push back on usage and educate people on the ancient origins of the phrase and I do not want women to be made to feel uncomfortable by it.But I also don't think you can expect 99.9% of people to know the ancient usage v. modern,sexist Not sure why some women on here enjoy calling men gay if the men don't agree or want to do something the woman does. ...make it make sense?,sexist "Got on your knees.. obey your Mistress Roxy, SLUT! [URL]",sexist "If I wanted THOUSANDS of followers all I had to do was make gifs, cross stitches or pencil sketches of famous actors that middle aged women want to fuck and make 99% of my posts about drooling over them.Or get my tits out. I know how this game works, and I'm refusing to play.",sexist "[USER] It's been bugging me all day....I honestly can't understand how excluding brilliant women whose achievements far exceed any piece of paper an institution deigned fit to bestow upon them (however hard they worked for that bit of paper),shows respect to other women.",sexist [USER] Women like this are trash she blow up her marriage for a convict and y'all blame the convict,sexist [USER] Becoming a racist misogynist because black women don't know how to speak english,sexist Raven looking sexy as she climbs stairs in a very short denim skirt Latest update featuring Raven resident model at [URL] #onlyfans #onlyfansuk #upskirt #panties #fetish #pantyfetish #shortskirt #knickerflash #climbing #openleg #denim #Raven #British #milf [URL],sexist Great input from [USER] in this article about why avoiding sexual harassment while running shouldn't be all about what #women have to do to stay safe- men need to change. #everydaySexism [URL],sexist "#thot? SeXy brunette live from Amsterdam!? LoOking for a kinky, natural girl with BIG tits#cumdump#Boston",sexist Why does Google cheat feminists by discriminating the government?,sexist "no offense but if a tall gorgeous italian woman told me she not only gets turned on making out with me For The Scene but also constructs feature length spank bank fantasies about me, i would simply cut the camera and eat her tf out",sexist "My hairdresser was braiding my hair until about 10pm. While appreciating her, I suggested she showers & sleep once she gets home. Next thing she apprehensively admits that she has to still cook. Me: cook for? Your husband can't prepare something for him & the kids [URL]",sexist "No real fans distinguished these heroes by gender until you stepped in and felt women weren't ""represented"" enough. I watched Black Widow do as much damage as Cap with a fucking pistol and was thrilled. Her character history proves shes just as lethal, even without the serum*.",sexist I just saw about a 400-500lb heifer of a woman driving in a mini van absolutely loaded with snow on it. Should she be fined or is that deemed as physically impossible?,sexist [USER] How are TERFs not serving the #patriarchy when they make common cause with anti-#LGBTQ #antichoice extremists who work to roll back women's rights and women's bodily autonomy?,sexist "[USER] Yelling questions as she runs out of a briefing not during...like all the other reporters do, but obviously this lying ""female woman"" wants to play the victim and who better to blame but that Playboy reporter. Soon she will be gone and then real women will finally takeover.",sexist We #BBC gangbanged Our first INDIAN #desigirl #desigirlfriend#desi #desifuck #desiSex #indian #indianwife #indianbhabi #chudai #desibhabi #desiwife #hotwife #Indianslut #Bollywood #indianpussy #desiwifeshare #desislut #DesiChudai #desipussy #indianhotwife [URL],sexist [USER] you do know their in the top 3 while bts aren't..sit your straight dumb blonde ass down.,sexist [USER] who the fuck is that stupid cunt !,sexist bitch u broke. shut up. don't talk to me. get ur bread up.,sexist Low T FemiNazi [URL],sexist "[USER] Just wait till you hit 30 and you're alone. I'm warning you. You're gonna be complaining of the ""patriarchy"" because no man wants to marry and have kids with a depressed 30 year old who rode the cock carousel. Be careful what you wish for.",sexist I hate seeing post like this because it's heartbreaking for good guys out there. Every woman sees a man as dangerous no matter how good they are to the women. [URL],sexist "[USER] I wouldn't say ""feminism"" hurts more than it helps gender equality. But as with the original generalization of the post... the individuals advocating 'their form of feminism' in the US is damaging.I definitely believe many males don't speak up for the same reasons you listed.",sexist [USER] Women do not exist to provide men with sex. It's rape culture when men say it. Women's sexual refusal is not why some men rape women.Women are not at fault for the men who commit acts of violence against women after being refused sex.the point of feminism is i'm not a sex object,sexist [USER] Love to spank mature women,sexist The number 3 team was an 11 point fave vs the number 2 team. The number 1 team is a 17 point face today. Is college football turning into women's college basketball??,sexist "I know it's the thought that counts while receiving gifts, but last year, this girl got me a purple tie, and free condoms from the clinic for my birthday. Then had the audacity to ask ""what you get me for Valentine's Day?"" A knuckle sandwich mf watch outttt!!!",sexist [USER] Fifty-one year old gold digger.,sexist "[USER] Now I know the saying ""dumb blonde"" has your picture as the definition.",sexist Ooooh I need a dirty kinky naked woman to tie me up and smack my face and spank my ass all night long,sexist [USER] So you used the wrong pronoun for Owen Jones to insult him. With the subtext that to be a woman is less than a man. So well-done on being both misogynistic homophobic and transphobic in one word. #owenjones #eddieizzard #everydaysexism,sexist So some effing Karen (typical blonde) ruin my morning by being smart with me when I said my sister and I were in line first at Walmart. We were social distancing and she said then why you weren't in line. I told your dumb ass we were you didn't turn around to see us.,sexist I have a no woke feminazi racist friend rule so this will work out well for both of us [URL],sexist "[USER] When I say he plays the victim, I mean that he says something provocative or inflammatory (like ""women shouldn't wear makeup at work"", or ""women owe men sex""), and then when it's attributed to him word for word, he complains that he's been misrepresented.",sexist Was never not kinda dumb though #blonde [URL],sexist "[USER] That's all you have to offer which I'll be teaching my daughter not to get caught up with men like you who place all your identity in your pants. You offer no stability, leadership or financial security. Everything is sexual and it's quite rapey tbh.",sexist My slutty little trophy wife drives a hard bargain.#cuckold #slave #sluttywife #slutwifelife [URL],sexist [USER] I honestly can't imagine a situation where I would pay that much for a pair of shoes. Actually I don't think I would pay over [CUR]400 for a pair of shoes. But things are different for women's shoes.,sexist "This is what social media does to our young women, in few years time, I bet there would be less woman doing chores at home at this rate. You don't want to know what I did while I was dating my hubby. My mum would spank me if I were to tell her this. [URL]",sexist "Women, is sex fine without head for you? Orrrrr",sexist "nsfw, violence//--ALSO is makima from chainsaw man really hot to the point where she could spank me spit in my throat and be abusive with me until she got bored and throw me away or do i have mommy issues and problems w dominant woman",sexist [USER] You can put my fat ass in its place anytime.. male masculinity commands my life. I'm just another skank waving my ass around,sexist "I was in this I don't remember the name gc, they durs tal some sexist shit, and even days after I left the chat because I in any way do not want to be associated with ppl who call all girls dumb they keep texting me and calling me out because I dared to stand for my gender? [URL]",sexist Twitter is just one big boy vs girl competition it's like an elementary school ooooo the girls have cooties ahhhhh the boys are yuckyyyyy [URL],sexist Why wrongly accuse a man of rape??I dont understand some women really .Now it's going to be difficult for real rape victims to speak up.#fearwomen,sexist [USER] I hate Margaret thatcher more then the average women and that says a lot,sexist "[USER] I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was real. He seems to have lots of friends who like to abuse and rape girls and women.",sexist """A prostitute? And risk getting some incurable disease?Do I look like a himbo to you? I at least have standards!"" [URL]",sexist """Women Are NOT Capable of EVIL"" [URL] #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist [USER] I would be more than grateful for the help. I have a 5 year old little girl and her name is Amarina. She is mad I left her daddy but she's to young to understand he has been beating on me and I cannot live like that anymore & she doesn't need to see that either[CUR]kimberlyunitted [URL],sexist [USER] is busy in securing brownie points for #womenempowerment since they've lost whole purpose of their creation & existence. #FEMINAZI #DoubleStandards #NoShaktiActInMaharashtra,sexist "[USER] Trump's Christmas Fraud Wish:SPANK ME HARDER, HARDER, HARDER!!!!*Melania*Putin*Giuliani *And several women, you know who you are! SPANK ME. JUST SPANK ME!",sexist Now u know fine women don't ever want who ACTUALLY wants them lol [URL],sexist BREAKING: Suspect arrested in 'very violent killing' of pregnant woman stabbed more than 20 times [Prosecutor] [URL],sexist "[USER] The ability to accurately observe sex by secondary characteristics is so developed that we're almost 100% correct. It's not bigotry to know ""who's the man"" .For women, it's self preservation - not bigotry, not phobia. We see you very well, and for good reason.",sexist "Gizelle's face is starting to match her neck......someone, call Pastor whore Jamal!! #RHOP",sexist """We not freaks"" .... made a song about pregnant coochie n babies suckin dick, how that work? [URL]",sexist "[USER] Karen please go cook for your husband! You said bye a long time ago and before you log off please fix your name, we dont want you loosing precious and faithful followers before your data is up!",sexist Hot slut gets gangbanged [USER] . . . . . . . .77240 [URL],sexist [USER] trophy wife,sexist "[USER] ""she can mute my sexual harassment"" I bet Mother is proud. [URL]",sexist "CW SEXUAL PREDATOR, NONCON, SEXUAL HARASSMENTage of consent isn't a counter-argument to someone NOT CONSENTING.""please stop"" does not mean you respond ""you're old enough"" [URL]",sexist "Accurate as fuck, because now I'm 23 and I'm self taught. She never taught me shit besides saying ""u need to learn how to cook for a husband"" or ""u need to look good for your husband everyday"" type of bs advice. I cooked for a man everyday and he cheated on me the whole time. [URL]",sexist "Word. I've seen so many sisters and non-conf sibs being belittled on social media and real life, but no ardent vitriol as it happened w the first lady.F- the patriarchy. F- racism. My feminism will be intersectional or it will be bs [URL]",sexist [USER] Did you ask her if she would like her son-in-law to grab women by the pussy and move on a woman like a bitch? How about have molest a reporter in his own house shortly after Melania had Baron?,sexist "[USER] Backlash from the ""grab em by the pussy"" and ""fuck your feelings"" crowd?",sexist "[USER] If they ride a Merry-Go-Round at the County Fair wearing those shirts, does that mean they're a Cock Carousel?",sexist The game of golf is so rude to me but I love it. Makes me think that maybe that's what I'm looking for in a woman. Idk,sexist "[USER] It doesn't exist, I'm trying to bring it back but people get pissy at me and leave the convo or call me sexist, rapist etc",sexist "[USER] Wait, so a man without a PhD is called a ""preeminent scholar"", but a woman with a PhD is told to stop using her EARNED honorific? This is the garbage women face every single day. Take a seat.",sexist "could you imagine getting in the house later than planned, having to put groceries away, cook dinner, tend to a cranky 4 month old, and still make sure you look presentable for when your husband comes home?!",sexist [USER] I would be such a slutbag if they did!,sexist "It's Minister Wilson, not Ms. Wilson. I hate when women, especially Black women, are not addressed with the proper title. #microaggressions",sexist "[USER] Clearly, it's #discrimination on #gender basis.Moreover, if you question this administration's spokesperson, you will be accused of #misogyny and #patriarchy?",sexist Women. You're highly susceptible to physical damage in an abusive relationship. Don't wait till you have internal bleeding before you leave.,sexist """why is the cafe women-only"" so women can chill there without being self-conscious or hit on",sexist I jus personally don't understand women that obsess over men this way.,sexist """Even if you are in a good place, there are statistics and social issues all men need to know about."" [URL] #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist "#womensrights, Just like to say I'm all for y'all, now let's hurry up and make boobies legal",sexist "look all you like ,i'm not TOUCHING your ass with a ten foot pole until you stop being such a fucking whore , amagi . [URL]",sexist "[USER] 1. he didnt joke about rape he just said kill all women and got banned2. saying men dont get scared to go out at night doesnt prove anything3. you literally said ""men werent getting killed and raped...""",sexist [USER] stay away from my man slutbag! [URL],sexist [USER] Breaking news: women have to suck the D longer due to Covid,sexist "#NotAllMen maybe but incidents like this make us feel unsafe around EVERY man. It's not our fault. Understand the gravity of the issue, men.WE ARE SCARED.Every time a stranger man closely walk by, I get anxious. 1st thought is ALWAYS ""will he grope me? If so how to react?"" [URL]",sexist "[USER] This also goes into a broader issue is society fetishing youth especially when it comes to women, and you can call me an sjw or whatever but there's this deeply sexist mindset that women just stop being attractive at like 30, and it's why you see a lot of famous guys with very",sexist Women are a virus [URL],sexist [USER] you ain't text me bacc you dirt necc slut.,sexist "[USER] Can you ask why Ferguson is on Nervtag, his previous predictions have frankly been shite and in lockdown 1 he was shagging some married bint.",sexist [USER] I thought she was just gangbanged,sexist Sexual harassment law is very important. But I think it would be a mistake if the sexual harassment law movement is the only way in which feminism is known in the media. Judith Butler#QuotesFolder,sexist YOU'RE JUST A WOMAN!!!Can't believe someone actually said this to me in 2020.,sexist "Bonus no.2: Sochi flower ceremony no.3: ""Don you are a fucking slutbag"" and a baby GOAT asking ""i'm first? I'm the first?"" [URL]",sexist [USER] what a cock tease GOD,sexist "[USER] >all women are good forIt's only the most important thing anyone will ever do in their lifetime.Raising humans is far more important than clocking up sexual partners, drinking until you pass out or working for 40 years to doe alone surrounded by cats.",sexist "be a housewife who outright liesShe's blackout drunk, now she's backin' out my driveI ran outside, why's she tryna act out?HES Descrbing a woman who is a complusive liar=outright lies shes blackout drunk now she's backin out my drive=driving drunk she tryna act out? Behavior",sexist "[USER] Now, if a (genuine) video showed up showing Biden saying ""you just grab 'em by the pussy"", or that he would date his daughter if only she wasn't, or calling a woman ""horseface"", or constantly rating women's value based on ""attractiveness"", then in a millisecond ...",sexist "Hi [USER], please could you explain to my daughter and me why there are only 5 women on your Guess Who board and 19 men? #everydaysexism [URL]",sexist "[USER] No, but it's the first time a piece of trash trophy wife has debased the White House.",sexist Pray Dirty house Educated Hoe A job gold digger Clean pussy Balls sniffer Loyal Zero pussy Faithful Cheater [URL],sexist "These ""men"" who are trump supporters seen beating up a couple including a woman. Like trump, these bullies are cowards. This is trump's legacy for America, once the land of the free! He has deliberately brought out the worst in some Americans. [URL]",sexist [USER] I would kiss and bite both cheeks before parting your gorgeous pussy lips with my tongue then run it up over your pussy to your tight little ass then tease your clit with my cock before slipping it in your tight pussy until you cover it in cum,sexist [USER] i had to look it up but the drama with rowan was about him constantly liking anti-feminism posts whereas this was the time she started speaking up more about feminism,sexist I'm 24 years old. DM waiting for mature women who want to chat #horny #hornyaf #hornyteen #hornymilf #milf #milfs #hornymom #sex #porn #nude #nudes #hornydm #cumtribute #dick #mature #maturebeauty #maturefantasy #cocktribute #hornyaf #wank #snapme #trade #nsfw [URL],sexist I'm sorry if a man/ masculine woman ever grab the wrong hand to propose to you... you need to reevaluate your life,sexist "Breaking News: Melania hasn't been asked to be on many magazine covers because she is a trashy, embarrassing skank. She isn't classy. She isn't smart. She isn't a role model.She is a porn model, mail order wife who married the donald & bore him children. That is all. [URL]",sexist "shout out to ""its gotham bitch"" on discord who called jamie b a slutbag i love that for you [URL]",sexist "Bitch you wish you were as flawless as me, maybe then you could keep a man without having to spread your legs. Even after all them surgeries you still look like hot shit. Get a shovel fool, cus you bs",sexist "[USER] Calling it ""mansplaining"" is an intentional way of stifling speech by vilifying it. It is typical passive-aggressive behavior that women are known for.",sexist [USER] You sound crazy so I'm going to leave this conversation because if you truly believe that he is here to save us you got problems. A man who treat woman as property grab them by the pussy. Force his self on them mentality is a savior then you too is part of the problem.,sexist "[USER] So a woman shoots a man in the head, women are cheering about it, and you're like ""men do the same thing on the daily"".And now, when your stupidity is pointed out, you're like ""tf""OK. This is the level you're on.",sexist The two things women can't stand Getting what they ask for.Not getting what they ask for.,sexist [USER] The length of the skirt is very short! !! (* / \ *),sexist Men are so ugly. Women are so beautiful they really don't deserve us.,sexist "Kissing most women is uncivilized, she sucks then we fuck! Simple [URL]",sexist """Women only control between 1% and 3.5% of assets under management, depending on specific class."" When Will We See More Gender Equality in Investing? [URL] [USER] [URL]",sexist i just seen this man say he was 5-6 kids but not with the same woman and i just wanna know where he gone find 6 women who would sleep with him ??,sexist "[USER] People who don't have an ass it have small lips & if anything black women who don't have a fat ass get mad fun of the most bc ""we're supposed to have it""",sexist Let the bodies hit the floor! *who played who?* why is my life full of mediocrity and jealous females that never will get it because their brain has zero cells left *shush me again and I'll approach you once more skank*,sexist "[USER] First of all he didn't say that. And the environment is not something Meghan has ever talked about, that is Harry's passion. But sure blame the black women.",sexist [USER] Even subliminally people clock this mask. In Sainsbo's I smiled at a bloke who said 'the self checkout won't take my money.' After locking eyes he said 'of course if it was a woman it would take my money' or would he have said it anyway? #everydaysexism [URL],sexist [USER] Looks like some #everydaysexism to me. Calling for the sacking of an individual female journalist on the basis that she asks challenging questions. Maybe he should concentrate on the proven bully on his own party.,sexist "[USER] We can assume the ""man's man"" is a man for men, and the manly part certainly makes it plain who's on top. I would think ""a lady's man"" would be a very different person, one in love with women, obsessed with them but men's men must be obsessed with men, repressed, don't you think?",sexist [USER] yes sure women will totally hop on the bandwagon of not calling male violence what it is...male violence. sex based violence all over the globe. from menstruation ostracism to killing female fetuses.#notallmen eh? are you also selling all lives matter?,sexist [USER] A dumb blonde as always! #FOXNEWS,sexist I hate women like this. Bitch if u don't grab a phone or gun and stfu with all that screaming [URL],sexist "Wussification of America"" [URL] #MGTOW #feminismiscancer #antifeminism #feministshatemen #feminismisawful #feminismismisandry #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist "TW: misgendering The ""lesbian community"" does not exist. Lesbians are not a monolith. It is not lesbians' responsibility to be role models. You turned off comments on this because you know you're being transphobic. This is why radical feminists are dangerous. [URL]",sexist Women are in a bad place and I think it's the same way they do not wanna do they want you in your mind that you don't have any money or anything like you did or not just want you and your money [URL],sexist [USER] I really want you to understand what you're doing right now. You see a video of a man terrorizing a woman and your immediate response is to take issue with the wording on a tweet to center your feelings as a man.This is not helpful or a good take. It's just tone policing.,sexist And if you're robbing somebody you need to bad enough to fight them too. And if you want a gun for hunting you suck because a bow and arrow works just fine whore. And from the look of it police don't need guns either bc they like taking the bitch way out instead of squaring up.,sexist "[USER] Don't believe it was, call me a dumbass or you like man but there are stereotypical assholes out there and I believe you're one of them. Say it was a joke all day long, but the fact you said it kinda puts you in the catagory of a sexist pig.",sexist "[USER] ""You might say that,"" she grinned. ""Asses are the best non-penetrating part of the humanand sometimes non-humanbody."" Another superpowered spank to the woman's ass.",sexist He Was Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Students Who Had Written Him Glowing Professor Reviews. His New Book Fights Back. [URL],sexist I see nothing wrong when women bring attention to the fuck shit men do because men do the exact same thing. Nothing either sex says shouldn't bother you if it doesn't apply [URL],sexist [USER] Yes their outfit very short the skirt ...,sexist [USER] You look like a prostitute .,sexist "Yep #everydaysexism right there - Job recruitment algorithms can amplify unconscious bias favouring men, new research finds - ABC News- as did the human recruiters [URL]",sexist """Bitches get money and start acting bougie ... bitch quit faking cause i use to buy you switches at lunchtime so quit acting like that.. asking for 50 cents"" -Zhane",sexist i wanna be gangbanged i like a lot of cocks at once #horny #sext #porn #gangbang,sexist "Byleth looked at the gathered house leaders, said, ""Alright, none of you are leaving this room until you've fucked your issues out"" and left.10 minutes later Edelgard was bouncing on Claude's dick with Dimitri's face between her tits.An hour later, Fodlan finally knew peace.",sexist Aye bro if you had a gold digger just say that [URL],sexist lOoK oUT tHe fEmINaZi hAs lOgGeD oN must be on her period [URL],sexist [USER] You can either support her bill or you can be a feminist - you can't do both. Allowing trans women to compete against biological women flies in the face of feminism.,sexist "[USER] Ahhhhhh so you just admitted women make the easiest things so complicated, i shouldn't have to complete a Rubik's Cube in order to know if a girl like me or not",sexist [USER] Just a lovely woman. as well I appreciate all the spank material she provided me as a 14 year old boy.,sexist EXACTLY. I thought the same thing as I watched the video. The white male doctor who killed Dr Susan Moore is a Derek Chauvin. Male doctors routinely dismiss women's pain and the seriousness (or validity) of their illnesses. #Patriarchy is killing us. #BLM #SayHerName [URL],sexist [USER] An over the hill gold digger who don't give a fuk about the Christmas stuff,sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] Like. She is making excuses for women but for men it's because we are bored. Or men can't be in abusive relationships whether physically or emotionally. A lot of men are in emotionally abusive relationships but apparently it's cos we are bored and for women it's cos of abuse.,sexist "[USER] It's our ""thing"" just the same way women touch each other's boobs and ass while playing and joking. We don't touch ourselves like that. Men and women are completely different, and you can't and shouldn't expect us to behave or the same way.",sexist "[USER] Help me? .... by dancing with me.... {I put out my hand for you to grab} A man can have everything he could possible need or desire, but a GENTLEMAN has nothing if he doesn't get the pleasurable company of a woman like you. Wants and desires are great, but NEEDS rule supreme.",sexist [USER] Cuz of 50+ women centric or biased laws and 0 for men so it's better to not to marry for men that's why #STOPTHEWEDDING is trending till I know tho #mgtow is still better.And western culture of feminism is going in wrong way May for that y also,sexist How will you feel if I look at you and say you look like a prostitute BAD?!... Why will you look at me and just open your mouth gbagada and say I look like a fuckboy?!,sexist I hate when women do my toes... cause why are you being gentle like that these aren't toddler feet get into it,sexist [USER] I'm sorry that you have so much hate for women.,sexist "[USER] In all fairness though, if you're allowed to ""be a girl"" AND ""be a boy"" you might as well do the 'funner' stuff! (I'd be heading for the Boy Scouts too). Lesson: Scouts need not complain on each other when they set the rules for their own demise.",sexist "If you consider yourself a feminist but your feminism does not include sex workers, it is NOT intersectional. If your feminism is not intersectional it is NOT feminism. #patriarchy harms us all. Show the red umbrella. STOP THE VIOLENCE AGAINST SEX WORKERS!!!! #decriminalize",sexist "[USER] must say you are a sexy hung skinny boy but a very ugly and unactractive unsexy girl, so, why the fuck you want to change MtF? Better you accept to be a very sexy male",sexist "[USER] I mean, once upon a time, there actually was a men's movement that worked in tandem with the women's movement. Now we don't seem to have much of anything, lol. I'm not sure I'd want anything influenced and guided by mainstream feminism.",sexist [USER] Wanna see the gape again skank?,sexist I got 100 women showing ass and titties tonight on clubhouse. Tune in ladies. Niggas can't talk to y'all unless they tipping. Can't even sit in the audience. follow me halochanel,sexist """International Narcissist Day"" [URL] #MRA #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #antifeminism #feministshatemen #feminismisawful #feminismismisandry #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist Who thinks I'm rape bait ? #rapebait #rape #rapeme #raperp #sodomize #sodomy #ass #fuck #slut #hoe #bigblackcockbbc #bigassgirls #bigblackdaddy #blackcockaddict #AssholeDestroyed #assgape #cuckwatching #CuckqueanReal #trailertrash #trailerpark #slut #cunt,sexist [USER] fuck uou rat bitch i hope harry snag sud- ur face i to the pavement slutbag@horsechock fuckhead snake,sexist [USER] It works for u far better than a ugly girl using a pretty card. I would let u move in and pay all the bills just cause ur so sexy. But a ugly chic would have to help pay bills and actually like me lol,sexist "Yeah she didn't do anything, it just dropped on Vernon? Slag. #ImACelebrity [URL]",sexist "[USER] ""I was called a ""white slag"" & ""white c***"" as they beat me. They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim & not a virgin & because I didn't dress ""modestly"", that they believed I deserved to be ""punished"". They said I had to ""obey"" or be beaten.""[URL]",sexist "[USER] Aww....did the truth hurt your poor, fragile feminazi ego? [URL]",sexist She's a Skank [URL],sexist Listen to Cardi doesn't make you western when you look down at and call girls who like sex a whore,sexist "If sex for women feels anything like when I put Q-tips in my ears, I don't even blame Y'all for being hoes",sexist "[USER] I'm not a prude or anything and adults can enjoy fantasy, but the widespread adversarial dynamic in the mainstream worries me. It seems men are always tricking women into sex, or exploiting women. What's wrong with ""two hot people make each other feel good""?",sexist "[USER] women spend their twenties riding the cock carousel and then ""return to Christ"" and pretend like they aren't whores lmfao",sexist ive been sexualized ever since i was like 10 because ive always had bigger thighs & hips than most grown women which is why i learned to hate my thighs & to this day im so insecure about them [URL],sexist "Miley Cyrus Is More Daring Than Ever in a Graphic Tee, Sheer Tights [URL] via [USER] nothing was more daring than her naked skank ass aka wrecking ball! she's just the same ole ho!",sexist "The women that y'all can move by money alone are broke or lazy, and that's all I gotta say about that. Y'all flash money and then attract..money hungry lazy ass women. Wow, shocker",sexist [USER] Being a cock tease gets you no where,sexist [USER] you look like a bitch,sexist Fuck me like the slut i am 1/2 [URL],sexist [USER] Slut shaming,sexist well yeah ofcourse you'll cook for him he'll be your husband after all [URL],sexist "My cousin was literally just chewing gum in Iraq and her dad says ""spit it out, you look like a whore asking for it"" ????? Did my guy forget that's his daughter like where's the respect wtf",sexist "[USER] ""Man I hate bitches""....your point is invalid bc you cant even address women the correct way smh",sexist Woman shouldn't be cast away for profiting off their bodies. They've been condemned to give it away for free until very recently in human history.,sexist "[USER] Misses the point. Her look are irrelevant to her ability/talent to do the Saturday radio show and write a book.No one's arguing that looks are not still a shallow part of presenting, but you entirely misunderstand if you think that this #everydaysexism affects men equally here.",sexist "I hate straight Swiss men they did nothing but treat me like shit for 4 hours and slut shame me worst ""Silvester party"" ever",sexist [USER] Sexy bint,sexist "could only whimper as the dom slammed in and out. ""you like this don't you? you like being fucked like a dumb fucking whore huh?"" the dom snarled. the sub could do nothing but look away, but even that was stopped by the dom's firm hand. ""you look at me when i'm doing you a +",sexist [USER] Go ratio yourself some bitches you abortnite player.,sexist "[USER] Here is a question to which the answer is so bloody obviously 'no', that it's surreal it should even need discussion. Yet given what's being gifted to men claiming to be women, at women & girls' expense, the issue needs publicising. Male against female boxing next?#womensrights",sexist [USER] & 7 kid's by 5 different dad's.. You love a slag.,sexist "I go to the meeting in jersey, no blazer, Portland Trailblazer,If you need the plug, Bitch im the managerGonna adopt that pussy likes an orphan Ur nigga so lame look like an extra from Oprah got this niggas moving dope for a living, i just shoot a 3 can call me Kyrie Irving",sexist "And double these numbers again for Justin Trudeau and his beach getaway. That gold-digger Sophie won't be content to stay in freezing Canada. Will it be Billionaire Island again or Costa Rica? [CUR]10,000 for an exclusive pic, [CUR]20,000 for video. This is very real start hunting. [URL]",sexist "[USER] You white ass snow possum, dog fucking bitch don't you dare in your pathetic ass lifetime call my friend ugly like you don't look like a bootleg Sam Smith.",sexist [USER] This bitch be way in the back talking shit . Come to the front so someone can get a good look at you when you talk like that . Don't ONLINE THE TOUGH SHIT !!! [URL],sexist "[USER] Which is just ludicrous to expect past a certain age!My favorite is their obsession with the ""cock carousel"". I'm just...buddy, we're doing exactly what you're doing. You want to bone god knows how many women before you marry someone ""nice"".A lot of us want that too!",sexist "[USER] You really dont look after yourself for a ""model""... You getting fat, your hair untidy. You look used.. Almost like a prostitute... Give it up... Find a new career",sexist "[USER] The fact's filtered in the snapped pictureMy man Jack ripped over Google like Jack the RipperYoohoo, I'm finna murder this brunette bitchGet pumped like a flat fixed to become a flat fixtureA rap figure to look like you hacked TwitterI'll show you Beastie Boy",sexist "[USER] Stop it white woman, when I spank you you turn like tomato.",sexist "[USER] BeCaUsE I'm nOt GaY!! Oh so you expect women to be 'grateful' to be offered sex by men they don't want to have sex with, but you won't be grateful for the same offer?How do they know they won't like it if they've never tried? How ungrateful and hypocritical of them.",sexist // nazi mention maybe ??stop saying feminazi lol it's such a dumb term not to mention it was used to imply that feminists were oppressing men + genuinely advocated for male genocide so that ppl wouldn't take the feminist movement seriously,sexist my old chastity slut is 67 and loves to be denied I tease him with toys and ball slapping Then I smothered him & stroked his cock. I fed him lots of cum #chastity #tease #singletail #tieup #chastityslut #strokecock #denied #slapping,sexist "[USER] Wow, a biology lesson from an asset manager, some prime mansplaining there.",sexist "[USER] O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.",sexist "[USER] I EXPECT people to do what they agree to do for money. If a prostitute said [CUR]50 for head and just let's you look, you gonna thank them? If they actually give you head, you gonna thank em? NO fucks like you won't... IT'S HER JOB",sexist [USER] It's says never babe.. lol but you still a whore .. just the wrong number in front of it lmaoo,sexist [USER] What is a woman? Try to explain it without using...A- biologyB- behaviors asoviated with women (as those are sexist stereotypes)Go ahead. Make my day x),sexist [USER] I don't recall Sharpton fighting for hillary clinton... at all.... #womensRights didn't seem to matter to anyone in 2016 ...,sexist "[USER] Reminds me of that time i walked in in my husband fucking our dog, but then i decided to go make them a snack as i remembered my grandmothers wise words ""cook for your husband you worthless peice of shit""",sexist Hoo boy I am manspreading so hard in this desk chair who do I think I am,sexist "[USER] A man with peanut for brains making assumptions about me and my family right after calling me a prostitute Despite not knowing what I Look like, reserve the apology for your daughter since you made it known that it's okay to call a woman a prostitute when you disagree.",sexist "[USER] I can't think of a single one who wasn't despised until having to ""prove herself""...not just equal to men but had to succeed far beyond the men in their field to earn the same respect. Being a woman is EXHAUSTING y'all! #WomensRights",sexist "Where did this stereotype of ""triggered sjw feminazi"" even come from anyway? Nobody in the history of Earth has ever said ""REE triggered, did you just assume my gender?"" unironically. If you think they do, go outside and talk to real people please (not right now, but you know)",sexist [USER] why? bc I called out your hypocrisy suddenly it's sexist of me to call you a pick me but it wasn't sexist of you to devalue the work ethic of sexworkers??? the jokes write themselves,sexist "[USER] I'm pretty sure a gangbang involves multiple people. So unless she was raped, it's indicative that she doesn't really value sex as something special that should only occur between committed partners. This sounds like a girl who's done riding the cock carousel and ready to settle.",sexist "[USER] It's a bit like Feminism. I'm a feminist, but a lot of macho idiots seize on the term, thinking it's somehow anti-men. It should have been called ""Equalism"" or something from the start.",sexist Nice tits X [URL],sexist [USER] That is very short skirt,sexist [USER] She is a great little Slutbag..,sexist "[USER] No it doesn't, All I said was why do feminists and you call me sexist but it's not sexist when you say why do men, Like you're being so fucking sexist",sexist "Another movie clip sold via #Adultwork.com! [URL] ~PVC GLOVES & BIG RED LIPS,TEASE,WANK & LICK COCK~ [URL]",sexist dark haired milf sodomize [USER] . . . . . . . .77112 [URL],sexist "Loool look at what a trashy slut Katara is. Or i guess you cant. I made her dress up like the trashy whore she is and she loved it. Well she looks pretty good under all that blurring, not that you'd ever get to see. [URL]",sexist "I'll make you eat your cum and then thank Me for it, slutbag.",sexist "[USER] He stands up, and rest his fat sack onto her face letting her see how sweat the work out, and them fucking got it then slowly drags down until his shaft was there. ""Look how much cum from you and me is on it you whore.""Now just smears it on her face so she feels like a whore.",sexist "How are men involved her decision? Yes, maybe her father taught her the importance of being modest but the decision is hers. She seems like she has reached the age where she makes her own decisions.. feminism is ridiculous and isn't about equality, they want to be above men [URL]",sexist [USER] And the need to mention the gender of the motorist is? Think how strange the Tweet would be if you put you 'had to rescue a stranded male motorist from deep mud' #everydaysexism #sexism #metoo ,sexist "the sexual tension between me and the urge to kick privileged cishet men who invalidate women and their struggles and victimize themselves by putting all the blame on the feminists, because ofcourse ""feminism is cancer""",sexist [USER] Lmfaooo have you seen yourself bud ? You look like a rapist bruh this Twitter do you think I care what you think weirdo foh go text some hoes clown bitch [URL],sexist "Men: ""Well that's when the chain broke and the pipe came crashing down on the drilling floor..Terry got crushed against the railing....poor bastard""Women: ""Wow just wow I'm on my 3rd triple venti today, no make up and my hair's NOT cute at all....but enjoy your holiday I guess"" [URL]",sexist [USER] YOUR JUST AS FAKE AND DISGRACEFUL AND PATHETIC AS TRUMP IS!!!! DUMB BLONDE!!!,sexist Y'all be letting women talk to you any kind of way with no punishment? yikes I choke mines or bend them over for a mild spank,sexist Hope Ole told that ref to fuck right off. Bald cunt #RBLMUN #MUFC,sexist "Likewise: intersectional feminism, harm reduction, etc get lumped in as ""Neoliberal"" by misguided aspiring leftists + ""allies"" because ""Neoliberal,"" out of context, just gets an easy jump scare out of leftistsaaand cuz 90% of ""leftists"" don't actually know what neoliberalism is.",sexist "[USER] Toxic mansplaining. Way to go, shithead.",sexist "It used to angered me when everyone said ""learn so you can cook for your husband and for others"" and I refused to learn cooking for a very long time but then I realized I wanna learn for myself so I would never starv and will never depend if I need and that's it [URL]",sexist "If you say ""I don't need no man"" enough times, you'll start to believe it. Then when you're about 45 years old, you'll realize you were lying to yourself because you didn't want to acknowledge the fact that you had faults and needed improvement. #Feminism #Redpill #mgtow",sexist Dawg Who Makes their Own Female Nephew look Like a Whore? You Heard Her She Got In A Fight With A Dog. Damn,sexist What these bitches want from a nigga,sexist """You look like a east side whore"" LMFAOO",sexist ".Sammy✒️ At the club now, drink some booze and have fun with ladies!.Max✒️ Bros, you know I'm not good around women!.Sammy✒️ Relax, you need to hold urself besides you'll definitely find one in the club! So don't worry,.",sexist "The fact that #Botox is trending because some Democrats, definitely not all, can't stand the fact that [USER] is beautiful is extremely disturbing. Even men are on here commenting on a woman's looks. That's not okay.You can be beautiful & intelligent. It's damn near 2021.",sexist "[USER] Men On Strike, book by Dr. Helen Smith spells it out so simply, even closed minded people can get it. She also offers solutions for the Marriage Strike! Call me John MGTOW Galt. #FeminismIsCancer #MGTOW",sexist "[USER] Well, when they make it about ""men dressing up as women to kill women in public restrooms we trans people have a problem with it.",sexist "Everything will be fine, my luck ranking is #73 for 2021, I got the vaccine lined up, I'm going to do unemployment, I'm going to have a fun trip soon, and im going to start rearranging my plans for the year. u will be fine you dumb little blonde idiot",sexist [USER] It's anti-feminist and I see it from so many self proclaimed feminists.,sexist Is calling someone frigid the polite way of sayin u a bitch,sexist "[USER] Marilyn monroe was quite defiant, she hated the whole dumb blonde eye candy persona she was forced to portray all the time, and is not afraid to prove people wrong. And here we have son chaeyoung who is the exact same way: a petite but headstrong young woman who defies norms.",sexist Faaax they do shit all the time that's unacceptable and we are suppose to accept it men have boundaries just you not paying was a no no for her asking you payin to pay is a no no and drop her and that kid off [URL],sexist "Fham being called a whore by someone who doesn't know you truly hits horribly cause I really look like a whore ? You don't even know me and I think I'm a whore Like Ik "" don't let others opinions affect you "" But sometimes they just do affect you",sexist I think we all know skank is a stupid naughty word? I'm not convinced :/,sexist "the punchline of this classic white feminism joke is that the listener of the joke is sexist, but it is actually problematic because it assumes cisheteronormativity and fails to recognize recent advances in reproductive science, in this essay i will [URL]",sexist [USER] I saw that one. They call it the cock carousel.Surprisingly if you go do statistical analysis on a hook-up site you find that most women want hook-ups.,sexist [USER] No one's saying the people working at [CUR]FB are malicious. The cost of hiring more people to do takedown is proportionately less than the damage inflicted on women when intimate moments are maliciously exposed online. A legislature can assign the damage to [CUR]FB.,sexist [USER] What's the cock carousel?,sexist "Ross is the ultimate Beta, the Cuck Prime. Taking Rachel after she done riding the Cock Carousel.*He's hEr LoBsTer?!* - yea f my ass. If you ever think: what should I do? Think: what would Ross do?And dont do that.",sexist [USER] Wow the prostitute speaks? Just saying since you look like a prostitute. Have you considered going back for your GED so you don't sound like an idiot?,sexist [USER] #NotAllMen doesn't clarify anything. It doesn't add to the discussion or develop it in any way. All it does is derail and dismiss the lived experiences of women and girls.,sexist ladies! whats something that's not necessary sexist but f e e l s sexist? for me it's when boys call girls a bitch especially in an aggressive way,sexist If some cunt can fuck something up that cunt will pick the worst fucking time to fucking fuck up because that cunt's a cunt.,sexist "[USER] Dude's in his replies like ""this isn't slut shaming yall went there."" Like...uh huh, you just happened to pick a scantily clad modeling photo instead of one from while she was the actual First Lady. Sure, bro.",sexist I will put Kasa in that school girl skirt you fuckingg watch me,sexist "There are stereotypes that #TheQueenMzansi seems to push.One Xhosa women love money and are loud. Patronella and Noma have stolen money. Don't forget Nomzamo trophy wifeTwo bi sexual and gay men cheat. Schumacher and Prince, the LGBTQ representatives are always cheating [URL]",sexist [USER] No way you're a Newcastle fan and I get my wish soon that fuck ugly cunt won't last much longer,sexist Do u know a woman attracts more controversy than men. Do u also know that people are more curious when it comes to a woman.Women have natural power that stills the world in all ramifications.,sexist "[USER] Imagine a woman being physically overpowered by a man and then telling the woman she sinned because her skirt was too short. It seems you might be trying to do the same thing. Do not underestimate the psychological and spiritual power a very influential ""celebrity"" leader has.",sexist "[USER] You are doing exactly what feminists do, focus on how women are treated/ignore how men are treated. (by the way i'm not defending islam, i'm an atheist)I'm not saying women don't have problems and issues. the point is men are not privileged. men have problems and issues too.",sexist Saying this like I will ever made this - big tits best blowjob and pron sex #VaginalToys #PureMature [URL],sexist [USER] Then focus on that. Don't spend your time policing women and telling them to put their tits away in the interest of protecting the ideology. Don't associate with shitty marxists bros who are so underdeveloped as feminists that they can't act responsibly.,sexist [USER] Call me whatever you want. You're ideology is sexist.,sexist [USER] Skank doesn't sell.,sexist """ Well you are quite the tempted woman.Let me just do this. ""And so the male tilted himself a little to carry the female over his shoulder having her ass just next to his face and giving it a spank."" Let me carry you to your room you just need to guide me. "" [URL]",sexist [USER] Probably hiding in the RV with that skank again,sexist The #Rachakonda [USER] police arrested a #CyberStalker who uploaded the phone number and details of a married woman on #LocantoDatingSite and #harassed her. [URL],sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] How many women have accused Daddy of sexual harassment? #LoserInChief #LoserOfTheYear,sexist [USER] But you know.... Women are so repressed in the States,sexist mature woman plays a schoolgirl and wants her neighbor to spank her on the bare buttocks [URL],sexist [USER] are impling that all men are evil? you absolute hole. of course you would believe that as all women do so they can feel ok taking advantage of men. clearly you are just coping for your dating history and trying to blame men for yourbdjdwd. DHEJID NO EKWJWW!!!!!!!!!!!! REEEEEEEEE!,sexist Lily Veroni riding the cock carousel #anal #sodomy #analsex #buttsex #analslut #slut #bbc #snowbunny #gangbang #gonzo #lilyveroni #italy #ianscott [URL],sexist [USER] You look like a cheap prostitute you probably shouldn't call anyone a escort.,sexist "Ill have you bleeding out your cunts slow for good many tampons needed for you , just for fun as the up rooters thinking they control something, belittling is for the bitches like poodles to Zeus , thanks for the info good stuff sucking it up like a termite, upheaval for man kind",sexist [USER] You DUMB blonde!!!! He is FEEDING America!!!! What have you done to help? STFU,sexist I think that as women we are actually meant to take on a man's pain because we have the strength to transmute it. I blame the mothers for the suffering of us all. We need to be much more responsible. This is why we bare child. With great strength comes great responsibility.,sexist """it's so evil they brought my mother into this""LOL you manipulative cuntif its so evil to talk about your mother maybe you shouldn't have opened that can of worms by harassing Qs mother to the point she needed police protection at her homefuck off with your fake pity party [URL]",sexist """Wonder Woman 1984 action star Gal Gadot showed no fear of calories while digging into a slice of cake."" Articles like this reinforce the idea that eating & calories are something to be feared which can damage young women's mental health. Do better [USER]. #MediaMindful [URL]",sexist "When we fuck slut me tf out, do watever you be thinking idc !!",sexist Don't let these feminists deceive you dear. Cook for him and your future in-laws. Husband is scarce o. [URL],sexist "Two men shouldn't have a child. Two women shouldn't have a child. A single person shouldn't be allowed adopt a child. Before you all jump on me calling me homophobic, these are not my words. [USER] I am stunned. What is this [URL]",sexist Every men in hip hop thrived off the labour of strippers/video vixens. All hit songs had to pass through strip clubs. It's so weird to me when they come out to say rubbish like this and then go on to cheat on their wives with the same women they hate and don't rate [URL],sexist "[USER] Personally, I'm honestly against this idea in all scenarios. I don't want to be treated differently bc I'm a woman. Like yeah obviously it's nice to get something for free but I don't like feeling like the only reason I'm getting that is bc of how I identify",sexist "[USER] It is not, and never will be, misogyny to not go along with the assertion that some men can become women You lot insist on co-opting the core tools and concepts of feminism, weaponise them against us, then have the gall to say *we're* not feminists and aren't being nice enough?",sexist [USER] I ain't downing on her. But let's not pretend she's some scholar or anything. Just a grade B gold digger soft core model that Trump literally picked out of a catalog. [URL],sexist "[USER] "" y you are so ea eager .. ! ""gasped she albeit not surprised when he entered her repressed moaning left her lips when she hugged him .",sexist "Q: What did the dumb blonde say when told that ""Scheherezade"" was composed by Rimsky-Korsakov ?A: ""Why'd his mom choose to call him Rimsky of all names ?!!?"" #blondejokes #jokes #funny",sexist We need to normalise walking away from abusive family systems and not holding mothers up as the golden standard who cannot be wrong and cannot be criticised. Sometimes those women are the most abusive ones.,sexist [USER] Hope your kids can get away from their slut mother and idiot father. Put them up for adoption and save their lives,sexist "sex work is not work, its a way out of desperate times. sucking dick and riding the cock carousel is not entrepreneurship. no one should have to turn to sex work. lockdowns are not helping anyone anymore.(sexworkers deserve the same rights as everyone else too) [URL]",sexist "I want patriarchy and all it's advocates to know that feminism is rage unleashed against their centuries of crimes against women! You can not exploit, oppress, rape, kill women and expect us to be calm about it. Feminists not just in Nigeria but world wide are rightfully angry [URL]",sexist "I was sat opposite a woman breast-feeding her son on the busI leaned over and quietly said ""Excuse me, don't you think that's a bit inappropriate in public?""The woman replied, ""Not at all. It's completely natural""Then her son popped his head up and said, ""Fuck off you cunt""",sexist "[USER] Ah like the discussions here, so calm. Why? Because there's no feminazi here",sexist I just love how asking for more gender equality between characters somehow means you're sexist and hate women like I literally just want to increase the chances of my fave male characters actually making it into this dumb gacha that is literally it,sexist The women in today's society be hustling they ass off they make me grind hard I be damned if a woman out work me lbvs,sexist "Some older white man with no climate policy background saw one of my quotes in an article and took it upon himself to call me up today and tell me how I should be framing my analysis, and comment on other women at climate orgs #oldwhitemen #EverydaySexism",sexist "[USER] I genuinely have no idea what to do with this. Criminalization hasn't stopped it, since it never stops anything. I don't think decriminalization will solve the problem either. I'm thinking Universal Basic Income would keep a lot of women out of sex work for survival purposes.",sexist "[USER] sorry that im some feminazi blue haired bitch or whatever. and if you think homophobia, transphobia, racism, and political corruption are stupid then sure. it's dudes like you that make me vocal now when i was quite silent back then. and again, don't mention my friend.",sexist "[USER] So your goal is to see extraordinary women beaten by men who are not when measured against their same sex peers.No women on the podium. No prize money.Basically, you think women's sports are bullshit and are happy to jump on this.",sexist "Lots of angry feminists that seem to have no idea how breast actually workI mean just look down, most of y'all got em",sexist "[USER] honestly none of the men in 11 are straight besides kollector like...they took the same amount of effort and time they put into sexualizing the women in the past few games and switched it over to sexualizing the men, it's like they want me to dream about getting gangbanged",sexist "I don't blame the females cause they ain't ask for that shit...These niggas really be out here on some little boy shit in love with 2,3,4 women! Doing the same shit with all of em, shit be super whack! I hate to see shit like that!",sexist [USER] but you should still learn how to cook regardless if it's for your husband,sexist [USER] Look at the arms on these sum bitches!,sexist "First thing read today and #bloodboiling !All non-female tweeps ... imagine not being able to go for a run or a walk without being #harassed #intimidated in some form. Seriously! It's so f#*in unfair.If you know any1 who thinks this is fun, #shame them.",sexist We #BBC gangbanged Our first INDIAN #desigirl #desihotwife#desi #desifuck #desiSex #indian #indianwife #indianbhabhi #chudai #desibhabhi #desiwife #hotwife #Indianslut #Bollywood #indianpussy #desiwifeshare #desislut #DesiChudai #desipussy #indianhotwife [URL],sexist "[USER] It was inappropriate when you mocked blond woman from fraud hearing. You""spoke"" like her,said she was annoying, implied she's dumb.U were a good journalist but you showed U are a racist, privileged woman who makes fun of others.",sexist "[USER] Dont be silly, I spank women not punch them.",sexist "[USER] Nope and thats where you are wrong. If you say 'men' or 'women', you are referring to all men or all women. So in the future i'd suggest individualisation i.e men who rape, men who kill not just 'men'. By just saying 'men' you are indeed using the term loosely.",sexist Lol she's such a slutbag [URL],sexist [USER] That's why you can't take these women seriously especially the ones who be on Twitter be talking the most shit but have nothing to show for,sexist liberal-feminism normalizes sex work so much..... respect sex workers but do not glorify something that is inherently patriarchal and is rooted on systemic sexual exploitation,sexist "[USER] what you describe as #sexism still exists, most in technical roles!What the original OP stated is she's openly #harassed/#discriminated WEEKLY w her mngt's full knowledge, yet, they do nothing to stop a hostile workplace??At in 2020 of all places is unfathomable",sexist [USER] [ THAT WAS THE STEREOTYPICAL WOMAN CODE FOR DO NOT DO WHATEVER YOU WANT INSTEAD READ MY MIND AND DO WHAT I WANT JAKURAI FUCKED UP HE FUCKED UP ],sexist "[USER] You actually typed out that feminism the school of philosophy, jurisprudence and political theory that advocates for women and girls who are discriminated against on the basis of their sex should include ""gender"" what a twit",sexist "[USER] Actually of all the things it is, I don't think political is one of them. She's self destructive and mentally unwell and following a pattern of some women since the beginning of time. I do think we can blame the patriarchy if we like.",sexist And yes I don't think snoop thinks this way about women but that's what many rappers rap about in their songs but yet wanna criticize women for singing about sex/dick/fucking/ THEIR pussy/ whatever terms they use,sexist [USER] I mean I can understand the emotions.. women are emotional beings. But facts,sexist "[USER] Exactly. Because of these feminazi's western wish list, the women who are really in need of help are getting ignored by everyone.",sexist "[USER] I agree for the most part. I just don't like the obvious jealous women who hide under a ""I support all woman and this makes blk women look bad"" contact fighting isn't the only way to do character damage and I want them to understand that!",sexist "[USER] For every one saying ""huh there lucky"" this is rape and if the genders where flipped there would be outrage",sexist "[USER] ""Nygard lured and enticed young, impressionable, and often impoverished children and women with cash payments and false promises of lucrative modelling opportunities in order to assault, rape, and sodomize them.",sexist Single parenthood is the desired goal of militant feminism. The end goal was to completely destroy the concept and values inherent in White families - so many White women are single mothers due to their behaving as feminists and attacking their husbands for being too patriarchal. [URL] [URL],sexist [USER] Ooooooh YOU'RE so obsessed wanting to attacked non PC person with your soyboi feminazi movement mix with melting pot. #kekistan #4chanPol #AmeriMutt,sexist least when granblue says theyll focus on men more i occasionally get some unrealistically big cow tits in the mix [URL],sexist Bitches think its attractive to be alot to handle grow the fuck up,sexist Why can't women understand hore a guy liking sex is natural [URL],sexist [USER] Fuck your tits and ass are fat,sexist "[USER] As about 99% if men dont rape, yes, ""not all men"".Unless YOU want me to blame you for the infanticides other women commit?Thats cool, yes, murderer?",sexist "[USER] Our the more likely, empowered woman gets husband killed. This is a common scenario today",sexist "[USER] Nice my dude! Keep going after that Feminazi and fake archaeologist, who dare to have the audacity to be a teenager when we wrote our first article about archaeology in 1996!",sexist ?????? how you tf did you end up slut-shaming celibacy????????????? [URL],sexist "[USER] Yes keep this same energy. Fellas, take notes. This is why you screen with multiple coffee dates and make them earn that date. A man's time is just as important. Good luck .",sexist Bro one day I'll be one of them girls who will marry for money cause they mf always ask.! I don't wana be a trophy wife lol,sexist [USER] im ready slutbag,sexist "[USER] true, but important to mention that there is definitely more leeway for men to act up and redeem themselves than there is for women, which is why I think fans are defending her in the name of feminism & solidarity despite her being in the wrong. it's messy +",sexist "[USER] Women don't come forward immediately, because its serving their interest - let it be for a movie role, or a job promotion - afterwards, years later, it's ""She said, he said"" and nothing more. #mgtow",sexist [USER] Maggie de (cock) Block,sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist technoblade: i don't understand! how are women so short? how have they survived?,sexist "Islam: mother, mother, mother, father.Feminism: all equal.Islam is incompatible with feminism.Actually #Feminist #Feminism Against Women's@dieSchlange_e",sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist Women believe that they can hit people to make them better; all you do is make casual converstaion.,sexist "Uhhhhhhh I am not doing the ""me + a random note in my phone"" post because the ONLY note I have is a list of full names of all the men I've fucked",sexist "[USER] ""back the blue"" and be humiliated like a child - by a woman cop .Land of the free ?Home of the brave ?LMAO [URL]",sexist "[USER] Don't be scared to cum in a ladies mouth hole then shove your tongue down her throat. Some guys are icked out by shit like that, personally I find it fucking hotttt. [URL]",sexist [USER] lmao you talkin bout niggas need manners when you called my homegirl a bitch take a look at the man in the mirror and make that change bae xx,sexist """Teach your son about feminism"" A) which kind?B) I considered myself a feminist from an early age. My self esteem was crippled in large part due to this, and I ended up transitioning from the internalized misandry. Feminizing our men is a psyop by those who wish to rule us. [URL]",sexist "[USER] Yes. You said she was the prettiest ""thing"". Not good. #EverydaySexism",sexist [USER] As a gold digger,sexist "It's not just childcare. The pandemic exposes women to greater violence from male partners. That one's also not feminism's fault. Yes, we do need policy change there too, but mostly we need men to stop hitting women. great blog post by [USER] [URL]",sexist "[USER] This is the dumbest controversy on all of twitter so of course every single one of these dipshits chimed in. Hoarse, all the ~real~ feminists, the whole damn gang lol.",sexist "Ladies, invest your money in stocks. Play the market like men do. Trade options. It's not hard, it doesn't make sense to anyone at first but you can trade fake money until you get the hang of things. And you don't need a lot to start!!!! Let's get this bag in 2021",sexist [USER] Isnt it tits for u,sexist "Why we need feminism: 90% of all people have a ""deep ingrained bias"" toward women (source: The UN).#feminist #feminism #misogyny #misogynist #womensrights #genderdiscrimination #blogger #blog #women",sexist """Now I ain't saying she a gold digger"" [URL]",sexist "[USER] I missed the part in the Book of Revalations foretelling a serial trophy-wife divorcee, pornstar-humping, pathological liar narcissist corrupt barking clown prophet!! Read Matt. 18:24. Is this your Christian Savior? Jesus would toss his orange glutton ass right out of the Temple!",sexist asian girl gets gangbanged by her own thoughts n emotions,sexist "[USER] I know for a fact there are women in the background of Lawrence of Arabia, they just don't have any lines besides ethnic shrieking",sexist [USER] He saying you look like a fucking serial killer . I think more of a noncey cunt either way its not great.,sexist [USER] and pretty farming game where i draw dicks outside of robins house because the whore took my hard wood,sexist Most women opinion on football related matters are irrelevant [URL],sexist "[USER] Lol...so u hide behind ur wife?? Of course you do....being a man, doesn't mean ur not caring...being a man means you're a protector (that DOESNT mean women can't protect themselves). The fact that ur butt-hurt means I hit a nerve.",sexist I think I'm about to revert to a trophy wife mentality. Because I'm tired,sexist "[USER] Agreed. Manels like this are not representative and bake in hidden prejudices, stifling diversity and progress.So disappointing. Huge numbers of incredible female GI specialists in the UK and beyond. #everydaysexism",sexist "who starts a song by saying, ""imagine a day without women. I bet your first thought was, ""who 'bout to take care of the children'"" [URL]",sexist The way women LOVE to see another woman hurt behind these niggas will forever be beyond me. Aint nobody baby sitting a nigga so what do y'all do... Follow them to the bathroom too? I don't understand how women are to blame for what a man chooses to do behind her back.,sexist [USER] bitch is angry that she actually has hair fuck this jealous ass cunt,sexist "[USER] ""Awh hell yeah dude! Woulda been hella good with gettin' some head but this? I ain't turning down a spread like this.""Stomping his way over he'd line up his hardened cock between those cheeks, just to be a hardy tease.""Need lube or somethin' man? Gonna be one tight squeeze!""",sexist If y'all fxcked that is or was your side or hookup mos. Them also being friends or friendly with you beyond that doesn't change leyo fact. So do they chill with their sides and hookups with/around their girl too? Actions have consequences. But they'll blame women. [URL],sexist "[USER] honestly if you're gonna keep saying this bullshit, you're just gonna look like a cunt. not saying that you already dont",sexist "Some men really be embarrassed to love a big woman Like, there's literally a community of closeted bbw loversMAN IF YOU DONT GRAB THAT WOMAN AND LOVE ON ALL OF HER [URL]",sexist "These bitches don't like me, I know . These bitches wanna fight me, I know",sexist "When you say #notallmen and I'm not that type of a guy, please understand that there's always something extra that you can do.It doesn't have to be grand.It doesn't have to be going against the whole system.Even a small comment or a 5 min call can change it all around .",sexist "cranking my feminism knob up to ""radical"" until my feminism machine short circuits and suddenly i hate a whole, incredibly marginalized, population of women",sexist [USER] The issue is how some women who identify as feminists (third wave feminism) put down other female characters for being too feminine. O hope I make sense.,sexist I find it astonishing that in 2021 women are not only denied a basic human right to name their own biological sex but nor can they lay claim to identify themselves by their achievements (ref Dr [USER] ) for fear of getting above themselves. All naysayers being male of course.,sexist "[USER] Women who have one foot in Christianity and one in feminism will always claim those who teach against feminism are violating Holy Scripture in some way, regardless of how the message is presented. This is because they value feminism above the truths of God.",sexist If I feel like if you gone cheat please cheat with a bitch that look better then your current bitch cause wtf...,sexist Report: Police in Socialist Zimbabwe Took Bets on Local Women to Rape [URL],sexist "[USER] I understand that, but theres no excuse for the amount women in here using this as a chance to vent their misandry.We can share our stories without statements like these. [URL]",sexist "Telling her ""I'm going to get you pregnant mami"" while drilling her >>>",sexist "Stop treating me like a princess , I want to get gangbanged mother fucker.",sexist [USER] The post is men being surprised that women can deep conversations about football . It shouldn't be a surprise anymore but here we are....,sexist Russia has a sport to spank womenIndia has a sport to touch women without consent,sexist """Chris D'Elia has PROOF that some of THESE WOMEN LIED."" [URL] #MGTOW #feminismiscancer #antifeminism #feministshatemen #feminismisawful #feminismismisandry #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist [USER] I have no clue..never felt the necessity to look up how many WM kill their women honestly. I'd imagine the numbers would be higher since they're the majority population,sexist [USER] Play Women card against Play Women Card against Lol Feminism ha equality enjoy karo,sexist He didn't trust women and was kinda against feminism :/// don't ask why I did it [URL],sexist bitches be dizzy as hell,sexist "[USER] The art isn't the greatest nor the worst. It's the composition. Colorful mixed with self inserted plain black garbed overweight feminazi. As Joe Biden would put it, "" C' Mon Man""",sexist [USER] Interesting twist is when her biological father leaves but her new step father is a good father to her. Abandonment & trust issues without the need for riding the cock carousel,sexist You better leave my sister alone. I might not be there to see it but I can see you skank toxic feminazi bitch. #decentralizededucation #Illtreatyoulikepulpedupmeatfamski,sexist "Similarly, it is taboo for men and boys to hit girls and women because generally men are built for combat with other males and can do much more damage. It takes women 5 times longer to recover from a concussion, for example.",sexist [USER] This is sadly true. They have swallowed the #patriarchy talking points.,sexist "[USER] when their youth is gone. But certainly it's a big plus to men (not simps) who fight against feminism and whole MRA movement. I expect these women to.. show the world they are not oppressed and happiest compared to feminists, show men that good women still exist and support them",sexist "[USER] Unless he was a woman abusing felon who has tons of arrests for meth and violent crime, and oh yeah if he were black or trans.",sexist "[USER] I think about this all the time! How the ""catty women"" trope was something made up in media. 1) most of the women I know are extremely supportive but 2) sometimes we have differences of opinions because we're...people...with thoughts",sexist "[USER] It's something men can't understand - women deal with unwanted advances, aggression and stuff like this all the time. Men don't have to worry about walking to their car at night with car keys in between their fingers or pepper spray on them in an attempt of self preservation.",sexist [USER] It's so annoying. Apparently women shouldn't have human emotions or boundaries,sexist "[USER] Her pussy being rubbed with Marianne's sex was melting. Leonie jerking her cock, above her face was a cruel tease. Ly stuck her tongue out, just missing her cock. And the gentle touch of Mercedes's hands made her ticklish. She's never had sex with so many girls before.",sexist "[USER] You are now taking about ""sexual assault"" not ""rape"" - which has a real socio-political significance.""not all people with penises"" = #NotAllMen",sexist [USER] She's a skank,sexist "[USER] So you've had Dawn sexually exploited by a creepy man, threatened by a bent cop, offered [CUR]10 for sex by Ryan, exploited by Jamie, have sex with a man she didn't want to cover up a crime, and now she's got an STI and potentially infertile.Why do you hate women?",sexist This team is the biggest cock tease and I have a bad case of blue balls,sexist these boys start dating one day & expect their partner to be like their mother (a strong super woman) who did everything alone & without help...cos she just made shit happen & u wonder why same boys detest dehumanize or become abusers of women?#MasculinitySaturday #kikuyu,sexist "ain't ever seen two teen girlfriends without drama, one always gotta have anger issues and the other be repressed",sexist "[USER] This woman is actually VERY attractive. She's likely 'out of your league' as American #AlphaMales like to put it! But even a nonce like you must agreeyou would like to give her the SPANK! (don't worry, I'm being cheeky! live a little! )#Trumpvirate #USA [URL]",sexist "[USER] ""There's no such thing as institutional sexism against men"" is an absolute lie that is a central tenet of feminism.It obscures the reality that women are less than half as likely to be convicted as men are for the same crime ESPECIALLY when the crime is sexual in nature.",sexist "[USER] Yeah the poor little woman just never stood a chance if she didn't have her big strong men to look out for her, right?Good thing I don't take the opinions of misogynists very seriously",sexist [USER] Nice tits and pussy babe,sexist "[USER] HAHAHA IKR they really be collecting all women in sk. can't blame them tho, mamamoo is the real deal",sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist """I know I didn't talk to you much today but you look like you don't vibe with no one"" Which translates to... you look like a bitch",sexist "the famous line: ""men are lunatics, women are idiots"", i learnt today comes From Rebecca West's 1941-book: ""Black Lamb and Grey Falcon"" the quote in full: [URL]",sexist bitches get a blacc nasty fitted lil bitty ass shirt n some BIG ASS jeans wit some weak ass shoes n think they some fly shit bitch what are you doing you look like a hoochie.,sexist Elisabeth Simpson and the dirty old man get ready to spank two women [URL],sexist Bitches mite just wanna eat ya coochie. Or flip you with they nigga,sexist [USER] You look like a cunt lol,sexist "Marlie, please ! Are you telling me that I look like one? My dress is a champagne color and doesn't look near like a prostitute at all! [URL]",sexist [USER] Wait till ya see the evidence of political sex parties and drug bust money used for the catering services. With a caterer on Meghan's list for sexual harassment who took the girls to waitress and told their parents it was a wedding.No press.Shapiro buried it,sexist Think about it... We see some women dodge accountability daily on this app. They need a scapegoat to blame. So how ingenious is it to put all the blame on an imaginary girl from a man's school days? Grandmaster class chess move right there... [URL],sexist "[USER] Saudi Arabia is the most oppressive to women in the middle east. Israel is also oppressive. Iran is the least oppressive, although Islam by its very nature is oppressive. And if we can agree on one thing, it's that ALL religions are problematic.",sexist [USER] Rn where I'm at I think zoro for sure and snaji the biggest simp can't touch a women even if his life depended on it,sexist "You dirty pile of shit, don't you know you lost it when you told her you had a 13 inch dick? Don't you know women don't dig that shit?",sexist [USER] #KKWHoliday #partner I'm a 3 time survivor of rape now taking care of the baby alone only 23. Please bless my son [CUR]princessssssb,sexist People thought I was a dirty skank? Fine. I'd be the dirtiest skank they've ever seen. -Olive Penderghast,sexist tw abuse ment // i wish there was more public acknowledgement/awareness of the damage women can do to other women as abusers,sexist [USER] America wanting to manifest destiny and us retorting 'manifest some bitches',sexist "7 Tips To Help You Make Her Squirt Many believe that squirting has been referred to as something that ""special"" women can achieve.It seems to still be a taboo privilege which only some men seem to enjoy and/or make it [URL] #khloerae #ikhloerae #intimacyblog",sexist "I think I am very hot, know me! for dating check my profile link sexchat date escorts girls ass sex casual hot bumble amsterdam girl vaduz amateur boobs encounters adventures madrid auckland women love gold coast tinder horny adult birmingham sexting",sexist "when I got my first twitter account it was right toward the tail end of my ""epic cool based sjw cringe rekt"" phase, and I distincively remember me, in a thread where I was **totally** owning some feminists, asking them how do I change my @",sexist "The fools in the comment section are calling on feminists and also blaming them for not helping them. What's stopping men from helping? Or what's your so called stupid ""patriarchy FC"" for? [URL]",sexist [USER] Your mum is a slag,sexist Meeting new women really boring lol after learning most of em evil I don't even be caring for it much anymore,sexist oh Assassins right umm Assassins creed? spits water like anwarp the retard oh wait she told you about all the guys thatwere bullying her and she got gangbanged bc corey saw her at the park over there,sexist [USER] Good God...you white FemiNazi Karens are irritating AF! [URL],sexist """Mainstreams feminism teaches women that self-objectification is progressive because it's profitable""",sexist i literally hate white women weebs..... ESPECIALLY the yaoi bitches,sexist It's literally been less than 24 hours and a woman who did it first has been erased from the story #vaccine #everydaysexism [URL],sexist "[USER] He then pinned her against the wall to hold her there without letting her go. Pulling his pants down to have his cock out hard in front of her and he rubbed against her cunt to tease her.""Seems like I'm in control of your body now.~""",sexist [USER] Or what she's done since...professional trophy wife.,sexist "[USER] Correct, you are notmen are menwomen are womencosmetic surgery hormones dresses and makeup a woman does not make theeremember it is your fantasy not oursso we don't have to play alongenjoy it but be honestand stay out of those toilets",sexist "If you're feigning clutching your pearls at a woman saying ""fuckers"" but solidly defending ""grab them by the pussy"" youre kind-of a fucking cunt.",sexist A man that can drive is sooooo attractive cause I know for a fact I can't do this shit [URL],sexist "My 1st customer of the day was a middle aged guy doing a return. He acted as if was handing me his receipt, only to ""playfully"" yank it away when I went to grab it. Guys, if an act isn't something you'd do to a man, it is condescending AF to do to a woman. You're not being funny",sexist "[USER] Lefty women who fuck men up the arse to make them feel less of a man.It isn't the fact that he might enjoy it, it's the fact that he'll feel more like a bitch then a bloke, giving the woman all the balls",sexist "[USER] ""That's right, that's what you'll soon be reduced to~""He answered as he got right behind her large, juicy ass. His hands firmly gripped her waist, his cock sliding between her cheeks to tease her with some hotdogging to get her riled up and needy for a breeding session.",sexist [USER] Wish I can find some one in my home town of salem oregon go see spank me .. fill a women hand on my butt,sexist [USER] F U skank! All you liberal pork barrel spending bullshit in the bill still. You are an evil liar! Rip out all foreign add you fuck and then it will be approved,sexist "Message to journalists & editors: Transing children is wrong, calling blokes lesbians is wrong, allowing men to compete in female sports is wrong, making rape victims be examined by men who claim to be women is wrong. I won't compromise on this even if you do. Truth will out.",sexist "[USER] And I was watching crime channel it said there is a expiration on rape. So, since he is allegedly a rapist (unsure if he has been convicted) he in jail for no reason since these women's claims were from the fucking 80s",sexist "[USER] Skank? You're single, aren't you.",sexist [USER] I am sure ALL THE REPUBLICAN FEMALE FAMILY MEMBERS ARE PROUD THAT YOU SUPPORT A MAN WHO OPENLY BELIEVES IT IS OK TO GRAB A WOMAN ANYWHERE ON THEIR BODY ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE FAMOUS OR RICH & INTENTIONALLY SEPARATE INNOCENT CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS,sexist "like i understand the culture i understand you are told this fantasy everything is better with and about women, but im going to be the honest one here: women suck too they are human",sexist bad bitches is the only thing that i like,sexist I just made a super hot dom video!! I got mad bc you decided to look at other woman so I decided to spank you and punish you. Then I decided to reward you by letting you see me naked and fuck me. Im so glad you realized I'm the only girl you need in your life! [URL],sexist #Aries: Your legs look nice today. Show them off in some kind of very short skirt that nearly shows your organy-bits. [URL],sexist "[USER] JFC - the most productive member in ALL of Congress and you want to replace her The problem is solely with the GOP & Trump.She'll go when she's damn well good & ready to go & not when primadonna, spoiled little men tell her to.",sexist Why do yall only like my shoots when my tits are out?,sexist "Spank it like all the women I dated in my late 20s. Light but firm taps, square on, with just the slightest English. [URL]",sexist "Horrible.He said he wanted a video of a university student having sex because she advocated for medication for her friend, he called a teenage child of a President ""the Whitehouse dog,"" he did an impression of someone with Parkinson's disease, he coined ""Feminazi,"" etc. [URL]",sexist "[USER] It makes me so angry that sex work is illegal,But the First Lady is an escort with a false visa. The least you could do is make escorting legal and safe for other women who don't get to marry old men with money and have their parents chain migrate and have an anchor baby.",sexist [USER] be my trophy wife,sexist "[USER] She's only good for ""Gold-Digger Gazette"".",sexist [USER] Exactly. Wack ass whore!,sexist [USER] It's clear that woman doesn't understand the purpose or historical context of the 14th Amendment or that when it was added in the late 1860s women still couldn't vote! [URL],sexist "[USER] Reality begs to differ. With you on the trans out of women's sport, your anti-male rhetoric was bad enough that you won't be missed, though. I was interested in the crossover of opinions, but logic is the death of feminism. Egalitarian, out",sexist "Soji ""This may not be the right time to say this, but you don't look like a prostitute."" (Chapter 9)",sexist "[USER] It's a bid to reconstruct ""women"" as receptive, pretty, delicate creatures. The fuck-ton of rejection that would hit most men, if women had real agency, is a spectre that has to be seen off with frou-frou skirts.",sexist "Umm i dont mind if nak share but the word ""charge"" is NO. Isnt that your job to provide home for your wife? But if you need support to pay the house, I'll b glad to help if my husband charge me for living w him, I'll charge him to have sex w me or cook for him. How bout dat? [URL]",sexist [USER] Biology tears to pieces #patriarchy as a belief system as there is nothing in it that tells biological men to dominate biological women.More so that #Butlerism ever will.,sexist "Karnataka High Court | ""In-Laws Should Not Interfere Unnecessarily; Independent Wife Should Also Make Adjustments"" #GenderBiasedMedia once again publishes only former part of headlines calling out #Patriarchy"" Read Report#MenToo [USER] [URL]",sexist "[USER] Always Quick to play the victim card. You insulted a woman with reputable character, 'used & dumped tool' you called her. Someone offered a tutorial video + data to educate you and you're playing the victim card?If I were you I'd grab the opportunity with both hands.",sexist [USER] It's fine. You're a dumb person. Especially for liking a man that says he can grab any woman down there. I bet you like it too huh? You're sick if you'd like to get raped by him.,sexist [USER] U look stunning and your tits and cleavage looks incredible,sexist "[USER] WRONG, they are victims of feminismFeminism is an ideology based on nothing but the hatred of men and boys and special status for women in all things!",sexist "[USER] Nope, I believe in medical care for all people regardless of their situation, I don't think that puts me in any pigeon hole you might want to put me in, I still have no idea heat you think except you don't like dem women in power and the NHS",sexist so sick of seeing 2n31 being pit against BP like it's really not feminism if you say haha I stan women but assert only if you think they're young and beautiful enough,sexist You know I want to fuck you like a good little whore! I just want to make you cum and satisfy your every need and make you want me even more!#fuck #satisfy #whore #wantme [URL],sexist [USER] COMMON SENSE? You definitely been gangbanged cos u don't know what common sense is,sexist [USER] Each has their own perks but can say as a 6'2 210 lb athletic build good look man I'd only get [CUR]5 from posting photos where as a woman u can be fat & ugly & still get [CUR]. That said I'd rather be a man & stand peeing,sexist [USER] You ain't answer my question whore. What's the third song on whole lotta red. I'm genuinely wondering,sexist "There is a time and a place to tell a boy that age to ""man up"" (idk the circumstances here maybe he was completely justified in crying) and call me a sexist or whatever but it's never a woman's place to tell him that. It should be by a man in his life preferably his father. [URL]",sexist [USER] multiple accounts of (sexual) harassment of minors!fans,sexist [USER] I don't trash feminism but i fully agree with him here.,sexist This just came up because I saw a video where she calls herself a feminist when her music and character is pretty much against feminism. I'm tired of white women always wanting to play some kind of victim role to get sympathy and attention. It's weird and frustrating.,sexist [USER] STFU I JUST CALLED YOU PALE YOU FUCKING SLUTBAG,sexist You ex or whatever she is treats you like a whore throws you to side to kiss and look at other girls so I ain't cold hearted so think again little girl! [URL],sexist "Spank me!, I love dating, contact me at profile link vancouver amateur mature love women horny glasgow encounters sexdating adult hot casual escorts girls sex brisbane reykjavik sexchat boobs wien uk_sex san jose sexting girl",sexist "i feel like women have a problem with feeling empowered with sexual acts. Since it's so taboo for girls to even talk about it, they feel empowered once they do. I don't blame them at all because of the way society has shaped us.. and this is honestly sad to see [URL]",sexist this bitch said she got a boyfriend I can't live anymore,sexist [USER] You have a problem with the way I'm dressed! It's not criminal! Those men which are majority from a young age have a problem spewed by entitlement to women's body and superiority. This assisting in rape culture but the next generation hopefully do better feminism at its work free,sexist "Over the past couple of years, when I have looked at Fair Play for Women's website, it is abundantly clear that it displays transphobic content which would qualify them as a hate group [URL]",sexist "Some women are selfish. Very selfish. When there's an argument, they use their children, and involve them as a threat, to win the argument. This is evil, and selfish. Deal with your man, don't involve the children. What have they done? Case closed. #rubbish",sexist [USER] They have no choice...they will line up behind the dumb blonde,sexist [USER] 'Reckon she's speaking to the perception of 'housewife.' I don't know any housewives without a college education; and I don't know any of _these_ types of men who don't put all women in this bucket of assumptions that once we have kids that's our only 'thing.',sexist "[USER] These guys don't realize they're on a very bad date. ""I want you to put this short skirt on, remove your underwear and I'm going to paint your bare, naked ass""Women would have bolted on ""I want"". They're dumber than they look.",sexist A day in the life of a feral housewife: - Outfit pictures- Groceries delivery unpacking - up and down the stairs to pantry many times- Laundry (stairs)- Cook lunch for husband - Unload-load dishwasher - 3 pm - read Schopenhauer and feel slightly better about your existence,sexist [USER] do you want to watch me talk to a girl then her get gangbanged by people that want a peace of me it's crazy I don't understand what they want they don't use words,sexist Trophy wife [URL],sexist credit to [USER] they were her tits,sexist "[USER] shut the fuck up bald cunt. you look like a pathetic kid fiddler, why would i trust you?",sexist "[USER] yeah, not going to take those stats at face value. None of the women I know who have been assaulted in Poland reported it in any way. Our sex-ed, doesn't acknowledge marital rape or consent in general. Unless the rape is violent, it's not even taken as rape by a lot of people",sexist [USER] Tammy gives the term 'dumb blonde' a whole new meaning. ,sexist [USER] Can MEN just stop MANsplaining everything and rushing at every chance to say not all MEN,sexist [USER] no offense but you look like a cracked out meth whore. Clean it up a little baby girl. Try some decent makeup next time #findom,sexist Call me sexist or misogynist if you want but managing a clinic full of women is a damned nightmare. The fucking petty infighting I have to referee is a pain in the ass,sexist "yeah imma need selenators to stop calling me sexist bc i dont like selena, then call hailey a housewife/trophy wife. i know a lot of those accounts are men too, hint hint, treating one girl with respect just bc you like her does not erase your sexism done to other woman",sexist [USER] So this presumably grown adult looks at a story about a seventeen year old in intense emotional distress and the immediate reaction is to make fun of that distress. Such feminism. [URL],sexist "Don't text me not to put family into this bc you a bitch and your dad for laughing at me and saying ""those aren't from punches, those look like you fell. And how do I not you didn't make them yourself?"" SO YEAH FUCK YOU AND YOUR DAD.",sexist "[USER] That in the warehouse is an isolated case, but most of them come here and ask for free apartments, cars and much more without having to work for a day, as do our women annoy our daughters every day",sexist just remembered this v fun time over the summer that an old white man was leaning out the passenger window of his car repeatedly calling me a little skank while his wife drove the car 1 mph bc I took the parking spot they wanted at the lake. thought I would share.,sexist "[USER] they dobut it's worse when something is lauded for it's 'goodness', it's feminism etc...........whilst being horribly prejudiced in other ways",sexist this thread taught me its really women out here tht dnt wanna spank they children [URL],sexist Really fina make this bitch stand on what he said ain't no coming back from this,sexist [USER] Disbar the skank!,sexist If this SLAG was the voice on audio books I would listen to EVERY BOOK SHE DID. [USER] [URL],sexist FEMINIST WOMEN HATES VIDEO GAMES BACKFIRES ON HER [URL] via [USER],sexist "[USER] Deformed by breast implants. Why do some women choose to damage and deform their bodies, acquiring a shape that is UNNATURAL. The sharply defined round edges around the tops are a dead giveaway of implant deformation. ""Vomit.""",sexist "Alright I know I've been on the topic of sexism a lot today, but it's stuck on my mind.Can somebody fully explain to me what mansplaining is? I try to help people when they ask but I don't want to come off as offensive. The last thing I want is to get cancelled.",sexist "#RealMenFuck - Penis By The Pound With August and Jesse all, RealMenFuckJesse is hungry for dick and he won't take no for an answer. Once he gets into August's bulging pants, all bets are off. After Jesse goes down on the massive cock in his face, he b [URL]",sexist Daddy just loves to spank young women on the bare ass [URL],sexist Feminist like this are the reason #Mgtow is becoming more popular like you really believe a straight dude couldn't just like being a gynecologist? It's the reverse sexism for me [URL],sexist Until laws change its better to stay #mgtow for men. There is absolutely no reason why you even want to interact with a woman. Marriages and relationships will suffer. [URL],sexist [USER] How rich are you I would like to fuck you rich for your rich vagina and fill your rich vagina with milk,sexist "Ah being a little slut to take try and get some type of attention and affection. It never turns out how I want it to. I think ""maybe if I let them fuck me they'll notice my personality and not just my body"". How could I be so fucking stupid. All I am is a body to them. Fuck me",sexist Nah....that's some gold digger shit [URL],sexist "Eminem: ""I'm going to chain you up in my basement, sodomize you, and then pop a Xanny to relax while jerking off to Disney Original children's shows""White people: ""No rapper alive is touching this man's bars"" [URL]",sexist "[USER] I'm seen as a woman every day, by lots of people (I assume). I don't have the right to MAKE THEM see me as a woman.How can TW have the right to compete in female sports without taking away the right of females to HAVE female sports? As soon as TW compete, they become mixed sex.",sexist SEXUAL HARASSMENT WARNING BUT VHAHAHSHAHAH [URL],sexist """If you're girl says this, then tell her she's an unworthy yadda yadda yadda""Mate, you're a misogynistic piece of shit, your opinion is very much unimportant. If a lady wants to reschedule, be a goddamned man and agree. If my little girl or boy grow up to date someone like this",sexist "Soji ""This may not be the right time to say this, but you don't look like a prostitute."" (Chapter 9)",sexist "[USER] woman empowerment is like : my foot. Only Maino needs to be empowered along with Vadra, rest of women need to be overpowered.",sexist Period sex isn't for men lol it's for women like are y'all that self centered,sexist [USER] If she had any sense of humour at all she'd have just ripped her knickers off,sexist [USER] Don't mind me being here in this room full of preggo ladies,sexist "[USER] The one where rich men get laid VERY easily, and short men are invisible, yet women think they aren't shallow prostitutes. #mgtow",sexist "If ""grab 'em by the pussy"" is just locker room talk but a woman dropping the f-bomb makes you clutch your pearls you can get in the fucking sea. [URL]",sexist What's your biggest fantasy ? To be loved haha . But um I dunno I've always wanted to be roughly gangbanged... it sounds like fun to me [URL],sexist "What triggered me was back then, my sister incharge of cleaning while im incharge of cooking and all my MF older brother job was to hang the laundry which he may or may not finish the job and we the WOMEN. Would be the one to be blame because",sexist "[USER] Nope, when I say feminism I mean the extreme feminism that exists today, which is based on a lot of victimism, that hates men, that claims to seek equality when it actually puts man on a pedestal below, a feminism that has no logic and that puts women against men, etc. -",sexist "[USER] Also, there's no insurance from sex work. You're always stigmatized for the act and the stigma passes onto your family members as well.The disadvantages outweigh the benefits.You might as well become a trophy wife to some rich old man, it's still better if you're lazy.",sexist [USER] shes a trophy wife but okay.... [URL],sexist Sounds familiar?#MenToo #ABLANARI #FakeCases #NirupaRoy #toxicFeminism #FEMINAZI #GenderBiasedLaws #womenempowerment #LegalTerrorism #LegalExtortion #CrimeByWomen #CrimeHasNoGender #498A #DowryLawMisuse #GenderEquality #Golddigger #blackmail #FraudWatch #doublestandard [URL],sexist Y'all still ignore women on here and it's nasty sum of us r not comfortable modeling men we should still get the same amount of attention as everyone else. #krp #kpoprp #krp18,sexist "[USER] Ha! That now takes the lead for the dumbest statement I've seen the day. Do ""civilized"" people say they are going to grab women by the BEEP? I'm mean the idiocy of the ""right"" is amazing.",sexist [USER] Definition of a Dumb Blonde !?,sexist "Since the n.2 point is VERY important! Imma make it's answer a thread!Top 5 most Important Women in Islam and the overall equal status of The woman in it and her rights! (I came to find out that gender equality =/= justice, hence feminism is actually against women ironically) [URL]",sexist "Woman sues her boyfriend for not proposing to her after eight years [URL] via [USER] #mgtow #marriage #crazy women are the gatekeepers to s*x, men are the gatekeepers to relationships/marriage ... she deserves *nothing* ... it's *his* decision",sexist [USER] You look like a whore,sexist This white whore was merging over a straight line not checking her blind spot and almost hit the side of the car my niece was on luckily that hoe got off the same exit as me and I honked at every light punching my fist she kept so much distance scary ass hoe,sexist Call me sexist or whatever but I don't believe women should be playing men's college football. #StartYourOwnLeague #MyOpinionTakeItOrLeaveIt,sexist Remember when guys used to be disgusted when you said you ate ass smh same mfs who don't know how to make women cum,sexist "My mum's scathing observations on my outfits this week....""oh no, you look like a prostitute from the 70s"" ""that top makes you look like a jester"" and ""you look like one of those haunted dolls from a horror film"" that is 3/4 Christmas outfits she's unnecessarily attacked now.",sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] DONT FUCKING LIKE THIS YOU WHORE,sexist "[USER] Yeah, but people have really inflicted a lot of harm onto Christelyn because they got upset at things that were said.I can understand why she's being careful, because angry black women can be VICIOUS",sexist fighting service women will not do ...Sarah Stern must spank their bare asses [URL],sexist "[USER] ""Body language and the way one talks"" That's YOU. Not every male had the same body language or speaks like every other man, some are liked by some people, some aren't.So much on these threads re #trans vs #womensrights is just confirming over and over over again that LGBT ok.",sexist "[USER] Molly since you're a woman let me point you in the direction of the iron, hoover and kitchen sink. Spoken like a true trump supporter bet you love me! Mebbe if I grab your pussy?",sexist We shouldn't tell women what to do but fuck it I'll still go ahead and tell her what to doNa ment at this point,sexist "[USER] ""I'll admit that I am. May I ask why are you naked?""Damien said while looking at the bent over woman. He doesn't let the opportunity go to waste and gives her a hard spank.",sexist "A discussion on Dostoevsky, a bit of shoplifting at Whole Foods, an afternoon of Marx and Mao, and finish off the day with a mocha at Cosi and light sexual harassment by the Ballston Metro. #TakeMeBack [URL]",sexist [USER] Bears sexual harassment,sexist "Spank me!, I love dating, contact me at profile link vancouver amateur mature love women horny glasgow encounters sexdating adult hot casual escorts girls sex brisbane reykjavik sexchat boobs wien uk_sex san jose sexting girl",sexist "[USER] growing up in a religious town I hear things such as :""but god made them for us to eat!""""but what will you cook for your husband when you get married?"" love hearing those",sexist That cunt. That absolute cunt. Daring to invoke... fuck.,sexist "[USER] It would be nice to see you wrestle against a strong woman. She will spank your ass when she will scissor you between her strong leg. Nice to hear you saying ""I submit"" yes? no?",sexist "[USER] The only reason men are in charge (relatively new social norms) are they figured out our children are our weakness. Well, girls, if we don't get tough fast, they'll slither back in.Women know how to multi-task, care, love & spank all at the same time.Kids Matter.",sexist [sorry he doesn't have fat fucking tits he cut them off when he was 18] [URL],sexist [USER] Don't be a feminazi & conform people according to your will. Respect people choice lady.,sexist "Man beautiful women with kind personalities blow my mind, if I was a woman, and I looked good, like undeniably good, like drop dead gorgeous people stare wherever I go good, I feel like I'd be so damn conceited and self absorbed.",sexist "Niggas in the FGC ain't got no respect for women as always. Women can be gamers too and whoop ya ass. I've experienced it, from many good female players. LMAOO.",sexist I know I be given off dumb blonde energy with a dash of depression sprinkled on top (2B%) [URL],sexist "I'd like to make some points on this:1) Women (or anyone who identifies as a woman) are allowed to like and enjoy and talk about football just as much as men. It doesn't mean we all have to agree, or have a contest of who knows more, or highlight the fact that we have boobs.",sexist I can't let my lady out hustle or work me .. that shit just make me feel like less of a dike,sexist "Chatting to women in your 30s, there either crazy, got 3 kids with 5 baby daddy's, they're already taken and your the side bit or then there's the one who you think has it all and seems perfect then you find out she only talking to you so you subscribe to her only fans! I'm done",sexist [USER] Then he shouldn't be threatening women in Twitter,sexist [USER] The saddest thing about Sundays are that churches are filled with simps and betas in search for the love of their life. These ones are cock carousel vets on the prowl for providers. Freakin' sad.,sexist "[USER] Javad Zarif is like a prostitute every day, you are next to someone. Today, Erdogan, yesterday, Venezuelan mother; if you are silent, they do not say Lali; you should not be called a trowelThey should tell you paper napkins. When your last days are over, look for the hole.",sexist "[USER] What victim card did I play? Just because you mansplain, it doesn't make you right.",sexist """Equality"" between men and women is a word made up by feminism and what they fight for. There's nothing about equality in God's Word. We're all completely different and unique. Fighting to be equal only breeds discontentment and contention. It's not of God.",sexist "[USER] let me guess, trump supporter and feminazi?",sexist "Since records were kept, over 80% of all violent crime has been committed by men. Women experience similar levels of stress and anger but account for less than 19% of all violent crime convictions.No, #NotAllMen, but way too many. #NashvilleBomb #Rockfordshooting [URL]",sexist "[USER] He went from one single mom to another. Success later in life doesn't automatically change your base wiring. Fame and wealth opened up who he had access to, but doesn't change him. Like most women she will be as loyal as her options.",sexist WW 84 is a major disappointment. This powerful warrior pining for Chris Pine for 70 years??! I don't think so. Antithesis of what an empowered Wonder Woman should be about.,sexist He said reverse psychology but make it feminism,sexist """He made me look weak!"" ""He made you look desirable!""Don't get me started!(That monster made me look like a prostitute you don't have to treat with respect.)",sexist [USER] Malik is a dumb mother fucker. He literally drops his young Instagram model wife who he has a child with for a 46 year old Whore who is like a door knob everybody gets a turn.,sexist Men of means don't want used up women who've been riding the cock carousel. Nobody wants to settle for sloppy seconds. [URL],sexist [USER] oh well gold digger is a classic,sexist sexism against men isn't as big of an issue as it as against women (obviously) however saying sexism is only ever against women is quite literally anti feminist in that it's against the agenda of feminism,sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist "So just another bloke speaking over Women & telling Women ""how it should be!"" All I have to say to him is ""Get Tae"" back in yer misogynistic lane dude! Women don't need to be stroking yer ego. I am so over these Narcissistic Men. [URL]",sexist "awww look at her, obsessed now go back to the kitchen, cook for your manly husband and leave harry alone [URL]",sexist [USER] you pick the worst yt bitches please relacks fruit basket,sexist sometimes i feel like that 1 lady from how i met your mother who is only single for like 3 hours at a time but collects a few ppl that crush on her over time so when she is single theres always some1 waiting to date her anyway the character reeks of subtle misogyny but she is me,sexist fr though so many dudes who claim to be leftists/feminists truly hate women and have done zero work on their internalised misogyny. the only reason they aren't openly misogynistic is cause they know it would lose them followers.,sexist [USER] thats called sexual harassment,sexist [USER] you should learn how to cook for your future husband,sexist [USER] boo you whore,sexist The cock tease that was Jerza,sexist [USER] I know her nan since that time when she used to spank isaac because he used to touch her **** to breastfeed him!Isaac's nan is hell of a woman!,sexist "[USER] has an interesting page on the term 'fallen woman' - whilst reasonable well explained, it then headlines 'fallen women in art' thus inadvertently validating the use of the term Were there ever 'fallen men'? #everydaysexism #history",sexist Go run your mouth about me little girl Go tell your parents you weren't stalking and that were friends My friend said I should say that okay last tweet Shame on me for texting my at name to Begin with have a laugh all jokes aside howdy,sexist [USER] that is so far from true. you may think this because women just haven't opened up to you about their experiences. Rape (forced sex) is way too common for comfort,sexist "[USER] I don't...Seeing some teenager high off her ass, getting gangbanged and humiliated while she pretends to like it doesn't do it for me...especially considering I have a live in fiance & have actual sex with a real non virtual non prostitute woman.",sexist "[USER] May I please ask, are you equating *legal with moral*Should we not try to Do Better? Do you understand why #Women are fed up with forever being depicted in such a sexually exaggerated way? #WomenAndGirls are more than just their breasts - Agreed?",sexist [USER] Who the hell is talking about 21 st century feminism Fuck itThat rainbow feminism is not in my dictionaryWe r talking about the original post industrial era feminism that was the legitimate outrage of women against church n now can be an outrage against religious extremism,sexist "Potatoe soup with Venison Sausage, Leeks, Onion, carrots, and cabbage. My wife is amazing. She's the typical 1960s house wife except she doesn't wanna be barefoot and pregnant. [URL]",sexist let daddy tease your pussy with his big cock #nsfw #scme #snapchat #horny #tradenudes #sex #fuck #porn #naked #message #hornydm #nudes #snapme #thickcock #bigcock #cum #findsome #pussy #dmme #freaksonly #hardcock #hornyaf #cumtribute #cumslut #hornyteen #nsfwTwitter #nsfwtwt [URL],sexist [USER] You would look like a proper piss soaked whore,sexist "[USER] Buzzfeed: ""Cyberpunks let's you have a big penis. Feminists demand the option of a deep vagina.""",sexist "Currently relieved with the knowledge that in less than a month, no one in the United States except for the president, will have any idea what the 1st lady looks like naked. And I still can't believe this has to be stated. #BidenCalm",sexist "[USER] Don't all women accuse their ex of being abusive? That's like common practice and a way for a woman to get attention. Usually when a woman tells me her ex abused her, I just say ok and change the subject.",sexist "[USER] President elect Biden has already been in the whitehouse, slutbag. And will again on Jan 20th. There will be joyous singing in the streets. Next, the Dems will *Crush* zimbabwe, you little facist.",sexist [USER] Yes fuckin please... let me pound that pussy and sow my seed deep inside you,sexist "[USER] She might be able to heal some of the damage done to her pair-bonding ability, but she'll always be an Alpha Widow. Even if she marries at 25, has 3 kids, goes to church every Sunday and is a PTA mom, she'll still have some small pining for the four guys who gangbanged her at 19.",sexist #hotwifechallenge - wear a very short denim skirt...without panties. Think about every guy you see while out and try to image if you are getting them hard!#hotwife #sexy #wife #arkansas #wps #razorbacks #wife #heels #erotic #tease #flirt #panties #thighhighs #cuckold [URL],sexist "The story of an immigrant woman academic, Katalin Kariko [USER], treated appallingly by now they claim credit for her dogged pursuit of mRNA technology, against all odds...Typical #everydaysexism [URL]",sexist Why can't all women be like this [URL],sexist "[USER] Seems like there are now a lot of angry, insecure, threatened, misogynistic male children who are BIG mad over America going from having a paid-for, pornographic trophy wife for FLOTUS to a highly intelligent, PhD educated lady. So sad!",sexist [USER] Fuck yes. Been waiting for group scenes. Still hoping for you to get reverse gangbanged. Just line them up and fuck every one of them.,sexist [USER] Dude you literally look like ya mom fucked a troll or was your cunt mom the troll? I didn't come at you about anything. I said how about leading by example. Helping people if you think you can do better. You talked shit on Boogaloo so I responded in kind.,sexist "[USER] What these people don't realise is that making misogyny a hate crime with these tactics would also make misandry a hate crime too, and God knows thats the last thing they would want!",sexist "[USER] Yep, got a real prize there LOL!Skank - nounDEROGATORYINFORMALa sleazy or unpleasant person.",sexist why the hell would they cast such a beautiful woman to play tante heleen?? now i'm gonna look like an asshole when i say i want to bash her face in [URL],sexist The return to nature is an important way to rescue our true mission as males: to sodomize !!!! [URL],sexist [USER] some battles are fought in home. Standing with you on your struggle against paternal abuse & domestic violence. You're already a winner in my eyes. You challenged #patriarchy of your father. Stay strong. The journey is not over yet. [URL],sexist Opps you have done it again don't look like that old ladies have naughty thoughts [USER] come back soon before my brain explodes boom [URL],sexist "[USER] A woman can have sex with a different man every day for a year, and still only have one unwanted pregnancyMen can have sex with a different woman every day, and cause 365 unwanted pregnanciesMen can't preach to women about sexual responsibility without living it themselves",sexist [USER] Running like a girl? #everydaysexism [URL],sexist "[USER] Oh gawd, I've just watched and it's excruciating. Walters may keep reminding us that she's 'very different' from hillbilly Dolly but I know which one comes across as the intellectual powerhouse. That dumb blonde ain't nobody's fool",sexist How the fuck do so many 14 year old women have brain damage?,sexist if your drunk and having intercourse its rape. you cant consent,sexist "Go ahead, tell me #Feminist and #sjw ""activists"" aren't crazy. ""Diversity in Space"" #MRA #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter [URL]",sexist [USER] Kodwa i dont think yall will ever know the damage yall do to a woman when yall cheat. You can love her till the sky falls but cheating does so much damage hence we have women called evil bitter witches today.,sexist "those people who compare and drag women in the music industry all day, but say 'fuck men' a few times before they go to bed and think they are the peak of feminism .... :/",sexist The next person to assume I'm a fucking child or incompetent I'm biting your bitch ass and absolutely going FERAL.,sexist "[USER] you should have to be asked a question to talk about sexual harassment and dude if you don't care, then leave",sexist "[USER] As an American, and particularly as a woman, I'm watching closely as your win will be vindication for many women that have been abused, then humiliated by ""justice."" It's time for accountability on so many levels. Can you imagine if ""grab 'em by the pussy"" applied to Ivanka?",sexist [USER] It's a classic tactic used against women for millennia to weaken them by reducing them to objects. So that's my feminist rant.. not all feminism is evil. Some observations are still valid even now,sexist I could be your trophy wife if you like bragging about last place.,sexist Feminists are utterly worthless oxygen thieves. [URL],sexist "Even if my wife was the actual Wonder Woman, she would still make my sandwiches... and SHE WOULD LOVE IT #feminismiscancer #mgtow # [URL]",sexist "Ato go wana Bursar ein office.He Dey there Dey beg for Fees deadline extension Wey Stella comort from bursar ein washroom Dey try fix ein bra. Stella say she go pee. Ato conf.He come class Dey ask me ""Staph , women Dey remove bra before them Pee?""I say No woman,No Cry [URL]",sexist [USER] boy just start naming your price to fuck because you look like a whole whore on hereYou could tell you did not have that much attention at home [URL],sexist """You need to cook, clean, care for the children, have a full-time career & appease your husband if you don't want him to leave you."" Slavery. This is slavery. [URL]",sexist [USER] She is VERY cute...love the short skirt,sexist [USER] Baby girl. I'm great in life. You have no idea. No one is hurt. I have all the options in the world when it comes to women. I don't know if you can say the same because i don't know or your situation with men. But I doubt it lol,sexist "[USER] Yikes. I'm so happy I'm not muslim. A women saying she got domestically abused and felt her lowest, and a bunch of bearded extremists call her a feminazi? I hope more women will understand that it's not culture it's the religion itself.",sexist [USER] That im a whore and im looking,sexist Extreme Skank . [USER] ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... .... ... [PHONE],sexist [USER] Who makes the rules? Using the term mansplaining is nothing more than a third-wave feminist attempt to manipulate strong men (or who they perceive to be strong) into self-censorship.,sexist [USER] thank you for continuing the fight for #WomensRights it's sad to watch #BlueMAGA descend into full-scale misogyny over this,sexist jay gatsby was a volcel 4 some dumb blonde bitch,sexist [USER] Call me sexist but I have zero interest in women's boxing,sexist [USER] Piss off Laura! You are a vile human being and a disgrace to all women.,sexist [USER] Gold digger,sexist [USER] Now that's a good girl women don't do that today 2021 I want to see a lot more of that ladies if you love that man it's time for y'all to start proposing to him,sexist y'all want men to provide but won't cook for your husband because? i hope y'all got the same hate for y'all fathers lol [URL],sexist "[USER] Melania, the mail-order trophy (third) wife, posed nude multiple times.But sure, let's attack Dr. Jill Biden for having too much education.",sexist [USER] Call me sexist but currently I could really use a man to -figure out why my lawnmower won't start-fix some drywall-repair broken oven door handle (the last one *~FiXeD iT~* with duct tape)any takers,sexist "[USER] And remember how all those anti #GAMERGATE supporters and male feminist allies all turned out to be sexual predators, rapists, and pedophiles. [URL]",sexist Like just because Stacey Abrams is a fat black woman doesn't mean that she's actually progressive,sexist I'm sorry I know a lot of ppl say to not bully her but 1. she is the epitome of white feminism which ?? obviously isn't inclusive at all 2. she has sued her own fans 3. thiS SHIT [URL],sexist [USER] I think you would look best in blue. Oh yeah and a very short skirt too...,sexist "Women, we are complicated creatures. Most times we say we hate sumn or we don't want you to do sumn just to see your reaction; thanks to the ridiculous hormones but those times exclude sex. My dear when it comes to sex, listen before you're branded a rapist",sexist coming in to the party and one trans streamer and she had skimpy clothes on with a very short skirt so I looked below her skirt to see if she still had her dick and she had and just giggled. I grabbed a lamp that looked like several big balls that was connected together,sexist "Men say shit like this but can't spend a day without looking at porn. Sex work is real, valid work. Just say you'd rather women get exploited by the sex industry instead of taking control of the content they create. [URL]",sexist If he's not your husband do not cook for him ain't no sense in playing house with a man if it ain't locked in,sexist "#QatarAirways should've prioritized fixing the problem, not building up its image. Women were #harassed at its premises and they take a month long to respond to the incident?! This is just unfair! #DoSomething [URL]",sexist "Her pressing her butt on her daddy's dick while talking to mommy and sucking her tits, distracting her so that daddy can touch her kiddi cunt and fuck her butt",sexist "The eight notes are:1 Speak kindly;2 Fair trade;3 If you borrow something, you should return it;4 Pay for damage;5 Don't beat or curse people;6 Do not damage crops;7 No molestation of women;8 Do not abuse prisoners. [URL]",sexist Me: Do you want me to spank you?Woman: Yes daddy!!*We were at the park. I was talking to my kid!!,sexist "[USER] What do you say, ? #metooDo you still advocate for believing ALL women? Or are you gonna pass on this one like you did Tara Reade....",sexist "[USER] Women can leave a broke guy without thinking twice, but will never leave abusive guy, at the end of the day u paint us with one paint, why is it so hard to leave abusive guy?",sexist [USER] but him beginning the call w sexual harassment and sexualising me sits right with you? okay. i just chose to turn the harassment into something i could laugh at,sexist "Was your ex really psycho or do you just prey on vulnerable women and cause more damage, because you're a shitty person/narcassist? [URL]",sexist "[USER] I think it is criminal for a man to hit a woman. bt why do y'all play d bt we aren't talking abt that card, when ever men ask to be treated sane and humanely or are men prone to abuse?? I have seen more women abuse victims get justice, I'm not sure I've seen a single male...",sexist "[USER] Ever notice how all these ""Karens"" are ugly, fat, white women Republicans who look like they are inbred!?!",sexist the stephen bear sitch is so vile and all the men defending him and somehow finding a way to blame women is exactly why i hate yous,sexist [USER] I want to know your thought and feelings are important to me I need the words. I'll give you massage for life and be your slave house husband cook anything you want.,sexist "#FridayNitemyx [USER] Bongo, abeg tell the ladies who go rep the hot chicks party that, they should wear G- String. We don't want any pillow thing biaa ",sexist this skirt is very short im tempted to change bc men,sexist [USER] i think so i had a dumb blonde moment,sexist Haha women can't cum fucking losers,sexist "[USER] So, a woman using her mouth to please a man for cash is morally ok? You're supporting it? I know guys willing to pay a lot of money for your mouth...TO CLOSE.",sexist mom told me to do my chores. bitch i only do tasks [URL],sexist Can't say I feel sorry for Dawn her problems are self-inflicted she is a Slapper. #Emmerdale,sexist [USER] says u the only thing u choke on is dick u fat whore,sexist I hate that women think a relationship only works if they're happy. You may be happy but have you checked on your man lately??,sexist She pulls the victim card all the time she did horrible things to justin( i don't like that mf ) and her fanbase excuses it snd hate on him for no reason same with demi and ari which is so weird. Other than that her sales are inorganic and all her songs are boring af,sexist "[USER] Annnndddd according to the level, your tits are plumb",sexist [USER] u ugly af tho ain't nobody wanna hit that you're disgusting,sexist "I have decided just this minute to be some lucky writer's trophy wife. I bring far too much education, lots of yarn, and spectacular (and real) boobs.",sexist Feminism is a mental disorder. [URL],sexist [USER] You even look like a cunt.,sexist I want huge long thick dick black man to film me taking my first bbc I want to be gangbanged by the whole block I want 20 or 30 huge giant to Bbc men to force me and take turns degrading and humiliating me and I want my white holes takenAnd raped every sec of everyday.,sexist [USER] They aren't trying to be ladies or lady-like; they're politicians and voicesAnd I want to hear them ROAR 'FUCK'a few more times,sexist An attractive woman I can talk about wrestling with? Don't give me hope fam,sexist "[USER] Then woman must bring their own empowered self, not just being helpless and say, they were approached, life is harsh.",sexist "[USER] ""women will ___"" ""women love ____"" ""it's hardwired in y'all (women's) brains"" sorry- where was the equal blame? where in this tweet did he mention men having accountability for cheating?",sexist "NSFW concept(short): Your Dom getting her strap ready and just rubbing it on your hole forcing you to whine until you force it in you. She rips it out.""Don't you dare play before I say you fucking slut.""She then relentlessly fucks you.",sexist "[USER] Is the woman a child? Was she dragged there with a rope? I totally hate how women like these play the ""helpless victim card"" This woman is a medical doctor for God's sake! How can she let a man treat her like this for years and still go back to this...",sexist "[USER] Sometimes ""you look like a prostitute"" can be an over-reactionBut she does look like a prostitute",sexist "Students at Triam Udom Suksa took up [USER]'s call to dress causal. Girl in the white mask: ""Clothes shouldn't be gender-based. Everyone has the right to wear what they want."" Boy: ""We will not submit to school authoritarianism."" #1 # [URL]",sexist Why do we have to pretend that women who get an abortion are the victim? If a women is evil enough to murder her own child she is evil beyond rehabilitation and shouldn't be allowed in a civil society. [URL],sexist lol at my Ex wife for saying our marriage was wrong. BITCH YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON ME AND GOT PREGNANT BY ANOTHER MAN,sexist "[USER] #everydaysexism have you no woman drivers? Your automated messages say that we will receive information about delivery slot when ""the driver scans the package onto HIS truck"". Please enter this century and change it to 'their truck'.",sexist I need you to save me these hoes tryna rape me,sexist [USER] SCREAMINGYou earlier: eh shouldn't drink maybe Cey: great choice boo!!! Me: drink you fucking filthy slutbag,sexist "You're naked and down on your knees, giving head like a fucking whore. You look like a fucking slut sucking dick, with your pierced nipples. Suck my fucking cock slave, until I shoot my warm cum on your face and hair. Then I'll throw you on the bed to fuck your cunt and ass hole! [URL]",sexist "On the day Argentine women win a historic victory, remember the battle cry THERE IS NO REVOLUTION WITHOUT WOMEN. Wherever misogyny raises its head, however it manifests itself, stamp it down. [URL]",sexist "People really try to convince women with little to no ass that they should go out and buy a body. Like bih, I don't need a fat ass to get a man. Never have. [URL]",sexist "[USER] You're such a tease, lil one~ -biting my lip as I stare. My cock growing hard and long-",sexist [USER] It's not games. Most women will always have people interested in in them solely for sex so alot of them have developed ways to tell who a person is beforehand. You have to earn it in a way a woman will appreciate and you don't want a woman who only cares about looks.,sexist It's easy to see why certain men can't land their ideal woman but some of these women have 0 self awareness about why not getting chose in these streets **shrugs** [URL],sexist "[USER] Yoshi-san, do you remember this woman from Cutiespankee? For many years I have wanted her to spank me and paddle me!! She is one of my favorites! [URL]",sexist [USER] Impossible. Austen doesn't have enough money for her to be a gold digger.,sexist It's been agreed with [USER] that is my free pass come and collect you lucky woman,sexist "LOL. Easy.Also, software is one of the least sexist industry out there. I have never witnessed it in front of me. And I will call it out when I see it. [URL]",sexist .... Ooohhh My Fuckin God! These Bitches Gay! Good for them. Good for them. [URL],sexist My mom just aggravated tf outta me with that dumb blonde oblivious act she be putting on. Girl stoppit.,sexist [USER] The gist of his spiel was that young men shouldn't do naseeha to women when they are dressed inappropriately. That only people like him should do the naseeha. He is quite the clown if I do say. .,sexist "Take note the women who have put she/her in their bios this year on social media out of ""tolerance"" are also the most intolerant of people they deem to be in opposition to their ideological ethos. It's really across the board too, like a cult has descended upon our generation.",sexist pray dirty house educated hoe a job gold digger clean pussy stink pussy loyal 5 kids faithful cheater [URL],sexist "[USER] I hate to hear it ""learn so you can cook for your husband"". I have seen this happen to females in my family. It's like saying you are only going to be worthy if you can do this or this is the only reason you need to know how to cook. How about ""learn so you can cook"".",sexist "[USER] So many women/girls play video games now, on some games I play there are more girls than guys. Sometimes I think it's just girls looking for attention when they make these statements. It's not a big deal, just play enjoy the game and stop making it a men vs. woman thing.",sexist [USER] The audacity to pretend their bullshit is feminism,sexist [USER] Nothing much whore,sexist #SaudiArabia: The family of #WomensRights activist Loujain Al-Hathloul condemns potential 20 year jail sentence [USER] [URL],sexist "[USER] And remember how all those anti #GAMERGATE supporters and male feminist allies all turned out to be sexual predators, rapists, and pedophiles. [URL]",sexist Karen said you look like a whore on a street corner but I aint said nothing to you... #RHOP [URL],sexist "[USER] Oh, no arguments there, Will. The racism was particularly vile; the dumb blonde stereotype makes my skin crawl, which is probably why it stuck out in my memory. Haven't seen it in years. Decades?",sexist "[USER] and they think they deserve a high value male after riding the cock carousel in their 20's. Nah, we don't want those leftovers.",sexist [USER] your face is so pure you don't look like a prostitute at all,sexist "[USER] It just feels so good to see maturity and respect coming in the White House. This couple loves eachother as oppose to seeing some gold digger as a First Lady. Americans can't wait for January 20,2021 when Joe finally brings long overdue leadership to the USA. [URL]",sexist "[USER] Call it sexist if you want, I don't care. Personally I don't want to be worrying about whether my president is on her period while negotiating with terrorists who could blow us to pieces but that's just me",sexist [USER] That'll happen when you ride the cock carousel.,sexist What's really frightening is rekt globalists and rekt misandry.,sexist "[USER] Yes - and a discussion of how, because we don't *always* process and communicate in identical ways, crossed signals abound. I actually recognize some of feminism's complaints about this in the workplace. But they flatly refuse to (as I do) recognize mens' similar issues.",sexist Women riding the cock carousel.Baaaad.Men not being one of the cocks.Baaaad.,sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] Fuck off mary u arl slag u will snuff it next week anyway,sexist [USER] That's why i hate feminazi sjw,sexist PSA [USER] is a slutbag,sexist [USER] woah almonds have tits? gimme a sec,sexist [USER] This woman is a class a charlatan. Mixing god and politics for financial gain. If you give [CUR] to this woman you are a fool and need your head checked. Wake up people! Why support a president who wants to assault women and grab them by their pussies? He is the real demon.,sexist [USER] If I make you that offended for not liking an actor. Just block me like the pussy you are and run back to your only fans account. You absolute fucking cuck pleb simp male feminazi soy boy loser. Fuck you block me sissy.,sexist "[USER] I can't imagining punching someone for not wearing a mask, but I would spank some young women for not following the rules.",sexist New York's Governor Cuomo under fire as aid comes out and accuses him of sexually harassing her for years. [URL],sexist [USER] He didn't diss the dumb blonde... if he did quote it.,sexist Who wants to fuck? #michigan #gangbanged #sugarbaby #sugardaddylegit#pregnant #hotwife #bbw #horny #FillmeWithCum #deepthroat #bigtits #cumswallower #milf #bigcockslover #bigcocksonly #CumtributeKO #cumonmyface #hornymilf #pregnantandhorny#doublepenetration #dpme #wetaf,sexist Who needs women when sissies never say no and are always ready to go no matter what you can do any thing you want to us sissies slap us spank us torture us use us as cumdumps tie us up anything you want we all love it know matter what,sexist "We live in a penis-based society, never forget that #patriarchy #gross",sexist [USER] So them my life is just my family every time I have a relationship with anybody dan Dalesanndro makes sure to tell my family secrets which they are confused by the republicans women they hate me because I don't like war,sexist "[USER] Oh , Wonderful . Kay is gonna be in the woman's lap for a lot of her life . Either getting spank , or kissed",sexist It's obvious that females hate male-only spaces. Now they're trying their bests to invade the #redpill / #mgtow space. [URL],sexist Whenever I think about temptation I notice that an unfair portion of the blame is on the seducer (usually depicted as women) when all the seducist had to do was say ignore them.,sexist Cigarettes will have the most feminine women laughing like Seth Rogan,sexist "Thinkin' he's God gift to womenRemember how I used to do that?I must have been crazy thenRemember when you used toLove them and leave themOh, that's what I used to doUse them and abuse them, whoaThen I laid eyes on youIt was pain before pleasure",sexist "[USER] McConnell did act and you rejected, why don't stop letting Nancy sodomize you with her strap on and do some leading",sexist "[USER] I'd genuinely appreciate hearing some new, challenging material rather than tired and predictable 3-trick pony offerings limited to vaginas, former partners and misandry.",sexist [USER] Funky whore,sexist "The irony of a middle aged white man complaining about other middle aged white men forcing themselves into women's spaces while abusing women when 1st MAWM has been doing that for years, is not lost on most women fighting in the trenches.Feminism is for WOMEN. Sin e",sexist """Take that cock deep in your throat, you dumb sow. Bury your nose in my forest of pubes. This is your place. You're nothing. Your just a fuck-sleeve and my punching bag. My cock better be covered in bile when you're done, cunt."" [URL]",sexist [USER] Looks like he came in you and your trying to get pregnant stunning woman tho,sexist "[USER] Liar and sexist, as all feminists. Misandry is far more worst than misoginy nowadays and women are celebrated and overrated even if they do not deserve at all, many deserve just scorn and shame.",sexist I just feel that some men have learned they can launder their misogyny through critiques of liberal feminism but as a non-liberal it's obvious to me who the strongest vitriol is reserved for.,sexist [USER] Why do you make other people's sex your identity. 4% of the population are sociopaths. They could be any sex... even female. Using sex as an argument for anything is sexist... like feminism. Don't be a bigot.,sexist "[USER] Ostensibly it should teach this, but instead teaches:* Cuckoldry (step fatherhood glorification)* Mother / female worship* Male acquiescence to female demands* Feminism / The effeminate* Male sacrifice to ungrateful, unworthy wives* Sacrifice for (bad) marriages",sexist "this is what happens when you take ""symbolism"" as a victory. that's literally all they will ever offer you. this isn't like, a battleground for feminism. this uplifts exactly zero women. but people will get on here defending her bc some wrestling villain said some troll shit",sexist "[USER] , I spent #Christmas with my mom and all 7 of my sisters. I discovered something after spending time with them today. The reason I'm instantly turned off by nagging women is because they remind me of my sisters. #redpill #MGTOW",sexist "[USER] The gold digger who got married for a green card, lied about having a college degree and posed nude multiple times, that Melania Trump? People have been easy on the horrible, lying woman.",sexist "Met this Og today and he said the only way you'll understand a chick, is coming from a woman themselves and honestly thats free game for all dudes out there cause i've had some tell me what selfies to post, wear this type of cologne, etc. etc. and it worked.",sexist "I know I'm bisexual but when it comes to women, black women just hit different. The other girlies aint doing it like them.",sexist "Some Women Know How To Add Value... Most Like Cars, The Value Depreciate After You Spank",sexist 1. Tell Me It's Over2. Crush3. I Fell In Love With The Devil4. Head Above Water5. Love Me Insane6. Goddess 7. It Was In Me8. Birdie9. Warrior10. Bigger Wow11. Souvernir12. Dumb Blonde [URL],sexist "[USER] ""No? Well, that's a shame. 'Cause I'm bettin' on this fat fuckin' stick right here.~""She slapped the rod against Skadi's face, the turgid rod of fuckmeat bouncing against her cheeks.""Open wide, slut-queen. For your Knight.~""",sexist """Trophy Wife"" availablein the Ready to Ship section @ [URL] [URL] [URL]",sexist "Someone needs to give Kirsty Wark lessons on dressing. Today she looked like a refugee from a quaker family, she usually looks like a bag lady.",sexist [USER] you fat ugly ass bitch.,sexist Understanding Gender Equality in Foreign Policy - [URL] - A growing body of research definitively establishes a link between gender equality and global prosperity and security. Closing the gender gap in workforce participation could add as much as [CUR]28 trillio... [URL],sexist "There's a tweet from a feminist account saying 'if you're a man don't reply Challenge'. It took 4 minutes for a man to reply. There's an affronted 'stop misandry' account quote tweeting it, and challenging the women not to respond to *that*.It's been a hour, & still ignored.",sexist [USER] Bullshit. Rich trophy wife fighting for her money friends.,sexist [USER] He called me frigid on Xmas day imagine,sexist "In ""Spank Prank"" from 2016 we see how a woman is tricked and spanked now up at [URL] [URL]",sexist "6ou may find this hard to believe & or accept.. But I intend to be both offensive & insulting to those whom have left me , livid with rage .So pardon me , but I just do not give a damn if you are my "" sister "" or not.. Like I said before..BITCH IS RIGHT & look whose talking",sexist "[URL] Bitch I pull up to yo block, with my mothafuckin glock Bitch I got a bullet in it, and it go right thru yo cock Bitch I'm fuckin all these hoes, just kiddin I fuck boys Bitch I got hella dildoes, niggas I got toys I be ridin dick everyday on the daily, my",sexist "[USER] I can see why people would be mad at you when you look like a prostitute from the neck down and the thrice-divored alcoholic trucker who buys her services from the neck up, you brown fruit.",sexist "I originally followed a bunch of feminist pages on fb because of the importance of feminism, but the unexpected benefit is watching scores of women team up to clown on terfs every time they open their mouths and that's better than cable",sexist bitchy thai ladyboy gets ass and mouth gangbangedrough [URL],sexist a lot of women have this toxic trait 2 me like bitch u know u love me . [URL],sexist "[USER] Oh look, someone is calling people sexist.. stop the presses and let's all check our privilege. LOLThis was a PR stunt, nothing more. I'm female and you're nothing but a cuck. Go ahead, call me names",sexist You lot despise misogyny but preach misandry everyday. [URL],sexist [USER] I am shocked by the views so far endorsing patriarchy. was right to sack Mr Nolan. Men are in no way superior to women and it is these sort of views that encourage the discrimination we are trying to stay away from #GenerationEquality #Patriarchy,sexist [USER] care if I'm really a boy she'll call me a girl anyway because she loves my so much. She'd also spank me daily as punishment for being trans and lock me in chastity and/or diapers so I couldn't assault women.,sexist [USER] The brutal truth is: she's a f***** Feminazi!,sexist [USER] Trophy Wife. She mopped the floor with everyone.,sexist A man driving a car hits a woman. Whose fault is it? The man's. Why was he driving in the kitchen? [URL],sexist Inexperienced Schoolgirl Turns Into a Sugar-daddy-hunting Slut In Two Years.../yuyakebox [URL] #DLsite,sexist [USER] BITCH,sexist Why your Feminism is based on Misandry? LOL. [URL],sexist So that's sexist. Males who rape women don't even have a possibility of 3-11 years. But him over him up to 11 years ??? #RHOP,sexist [USER] Might be in See I told you so. Turns out Ramsey Co Library has Rush Revere titles but neither of his 2 non-fiction books. They do have Al Franken's book about Rush. It's odd my feminazi ex-sister-in-Law gave both books at Christmas one yr to me.,sexist Awwww what a good man. #NotAllMen [URL],sexist Wife code 001: you should cook for your husband otherwise your husband might get another wife.,sexist "The plaque is alright, his wife is the real trophy [URL]",sexist [USER] both worst like ard you fucking another bitch but you cheating on me & taking dick? see nah that's just so disrespectful,sexist [USER] You are bitch and shame for women I feel sorry for your mom,sexist [USER] i mean this looks like fun (except the sexual harassment tho :/),sexist dont eva message me again u fckn little slag [URL],sexist "[USER] So no more ""Sugar Tits""???",sexist "[USER] Enough already, we all know what this is about. Twitch is protecting the lonesome troglodyte coomers who consistently get called a simp because they habitually spend money on e-thots.This is all about money and anyone who isn't a feminazi knows this already.",sexist wish i could be the little spoon to a cool buff chick (nikaido) because it is absolutely frigid in my room,sexist Why are there so many grown men on this bird app that think rape jokes are funny they'd have a stroke if someone said that type of shit to their girlfriend/sister/mum but you shouldn't have to have a woman that you value in your life for you to appreciate it's not acceptable,sexist [USER] Sad ass mf go get some bitches,sexist fuck uou rat bitch i hope harry snag sud- ur face i to the pavement slutbag@horsechock fuckhead snake,sexist "really doesn't want the responsibility of raising children. She just wasn't aware that Pat had a skank whore female best friend who was his ""Best Woman"" at your wedding, that was more than happy to help him with psychologically torturing you, because you wouldn't let her force",sexist Terfs are literally like yeah I support feminism- until it gets in the way of me being bigoted against trans people! *mocks victims of sexual assault* *harasses women for not meeting patriarchal beauty standards or gender norms*,sexist [USER] in 6th grade a yard duty told me i looked like a skank cause my skirt was 3 inches above my knee instead of 2,sexist "3- Some places in Rojava are not safe for young teenagers, especially for girls. They're kidnapped by jihadis or compelled into marriages by their families. We offer refuge and protection for the vulnerable. If a girl is too young to join, then she's too young to marry. 3",sexist "Tw // suicide mentionTo people that say things like ""kill all men"", fuck off. The suicide rate in men is 3-4 times higher than women. Why? Because people like you invalidate their feelings and tell them they don't matter. Listen to their problems, and stop invalidating them.",sexist "This is what women have been trying to explain for years and years and years. Please, if you are a man and want to understand why women hate the term ""not all men"" or are a man looking for a great explanation as to why women are weary of men, watch this. [URL]",sexist "You grow up, you arrogant feminism apologist. Learn history, be a patriot (if you can), and lead a campaign against diversity-based infiltration (since you insinuate women can secure the West as well as men). [URL]",sexist [USER] Perhaps it's time for you to follow some new goddesses... that or you can tape you nuts back put on some heels and look just a lil bit more like the whining bitch you are,sexist So guys as u can tell these are two fat cunts that are playing squash. The little one Jake Perkins as u can tell couldn't give a fuck about sport all he wants is food the fat cunt. And that's his dad behind him juambaynigger perkfils [URL],sexist Today a man butted into a positive discussion between women re 100% female appointments saying it's ok with him & we're wrong to question it. Let's be clear Mr: we don't need you to correct us or tell us what to think. That's #wokemisogyny not #feminism | #everydaysexism,sexist "[USER] funny enough, I'm her irl, this bitch is actually 5'9 last time I saw her 5'8",sexist "[USER] & Pakistan, where men dress little boys like girls, to sodomize them, they think is normal. We need to #walkaway from these horrible backwards cultures & stop bringing them to . We don't need their shitty customs here. America First!",sexist "[USER] Look at the way she looks at him, like every movie you've ever seen in which a prostitute is pretending to agree with him but secretly is about to do something dastardly.",sexist "A pal of mine growing up (I won't out her here) saw her mam coming downstairs all ready to go out for the evening and exclaimed ""oh mam you look like a prostitute"" which she swears she thought meant pretty!! [URL]",sexist "[USER] Her not wanting to be considered a gold digger is why she said she would donate the money to 2 charities. However, she wanted money, cars, home among other things and she tried to blackmail him for it. You cannot get any clearer then her words that she is abusive to JD",sexist "This is outrageous and again, a reminder that the #Saudi regime is so terrified of feminism that it equates it with terrorism: Jailed Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul accused of passing classified information [URL] #FreeLoujain",sexist [USER] The Slutbag Shuffle,sexist "[USER] Blonde, phony and dumb.",sexist Ladies don't follow this man thinking you can be his friend to get his mind off his ex lmao #CHSpeedDating,sexist [USER] The fact that you have to blast that all over social media most likely means you're posing like a mfer. Twitter doesn't give a shit that you'll trade cooking for sucking dick. I feel bad for your husband. Get in the kitchen and cook your own damn food. Mrs. Desperate 4 attention.,sexist "#BB14LiveFeeds Pappu again: Call me sexist but I prefer when men chase women (& not the other way around)Kash agreed and said animal kingdom mein bhi aisa hee hota hai.This is a simple statement, but it says a lot about who you are...#FierceRubina #BB14 #RubinaDilaik [URL]",sexist You can tell she's been waiting to jump on this woman to spew her racist tirade against her. The thread is actually valuable in showing how white women will completely/intentionally disregard racism in order to claim it as feminism. White defensiveness is one hell of a drug. [URL],sexist "He be calling gangbang, dike, whore like wtf its lies and im your whole sister nigga smh",sexist "If your husband is going to work every day, paying the bills, paying for food and all of your necessities, the least you can do it vacuum the floor and cook him a damn meal. Enough of this ""iTs NoT A WoMaNS ObLiGaTiOn To CoOk AnD ClEaN"".",sexist "[USER] Wow, you look like a prostitute. Guess I knew you were a high school dropout and got into sex industry.",sexist DAMNN FUCK bad bitch fat pussy poking like a SWANGGA [URL],sexist [USER] #1 no accountability to women #2 if your are not submissive to a nigha why da hell you with him? Plus let's keep if funky we are visual creatures most these ladies didn't grow up seeing they mom cater to their father or she was head of household.,sexist "[USER] I think the problem is that this seems to be a newer backlash to cynical neoliberal pussy-hat feminism - since that's the mainstream form, some are reacting to that not by critiquing it, but by rejecting feminism wholesale :/ Echoes of ""anti-idpol"" leftists...",sexist Love my new very short skimpy skirt that will trick boys into thinking I'm something I'm not because of their own stupid ideas about girls who wear short skimpy skirts!,sexist [USER] I'm fully puckered you little cock tease.,sexist "men telling other men in the comment sections to not let the fact that they sexually harassed women effect their mental health is so funny to me,,,bro we want him to kill himself",sexist "i'm sorry i just have to say this, if you put on a pair of oversized jeans, a small shirt, and get a pair of jordan 1s like that shit is no longer style, you just look like ever other bitch . like at least switch it up or something, you bitches have zero creativity.",sexist Most comedians arent funnyAll women comedians arent funny,sexist Criminal women hide behind FEMINISM & hate against Hindus! [URL],sexist What happened to you skank [URL],sexist "[USER] I agree that men are more likely to talk down and interrupt but to say this is unique to men- i.e. the term mansplain is so unbelievably stupid. You don't know mens experience, you have no idea, I don't presume to understand women experience.",sexist "One glance and you must be drooling. Open your mouth wide and your wallet wider, foot slut. Time to please your queen.",sexist [USER] She's blocked and unblocked me on Twitter so many times it's laughable. Then she found me on FB and loves to try to destroy anything I say on the women's sites since I'm so against feminism and she's right smack in the middle of it (sadly).,sexist This is a real #feminist meme. It ignores:Systemic institutionalised #MaleDisposability. #Feminism actively perpetuating this by fighting against #EqualityForAll & telling men to shut up so (only) women can speak.The role women play in shutting men up.Way more. [URL],sexist "[USER] Amy Klobuchar is another feminazi who is still butt hurt about Trump beating Hillary Clinton. Trump says go left, she wants to go right. Trump says the sky is blue, she insist that it's red. Just a total contrarian and obstructionist for no real reason.",sexist "[USER] Divest community is a racist hate group disguised as women empowerment.. All yall do is blame black men and boys, while promoting black genocide.",sexist #Feminists in this decade are not probably the wife material.#mondaythoughts #COVID20 #MGTOW,sexist "You are a sick, twisted, spoiled little bitch ass licker. Eat shit and die slutbag",sexist [USER] if there's so much difference between men and women why do you guys preach equality so much. it seems like you revel in your differences. and her art is splendid but the wojacks are just not my style.,sexist "DEEPFAKE CULTURE: TITS GUNS AND LOOKING COOL. . . SEX FARTING AND KICKING ASS BIG FAKE TITS ARE BACK AT LAST. SO SUBSCRIBE NOW AND TAKE THE JOURNEY TO A PLACE WHERE MEN ACT LIKE MEN AND WOMEN DRESS HOT. TRUST ME, I AIM TO PLEASE THIS IS LEGIT HARDCORE NOT A COCK TEASE. Subscribe! [URL]",sexist All i can say is BITCH [URL],sexist "[USER] I do try to be nice, but don't know why people just can't be who they are. My Grandma never wore pants until she was in her 60's, b/c women weren't ""allowed"" to - they were trying to be the man.",sexist "[USER] Yet another inept entitled white man feeling robbed of opportunities because of the ascension of women and people of color.Epstein can choose to not call Dr Jill Biden ""Dr"", but at least he cannot call her Skank. Because unlike a few select 1st ladies, the Dr never posed naked",sexist This stigma that women just enjoy sex through penetration and penetration alone is only going to make more men think using your body to masturbate is okay.,sexist "[USER] He's married and a father. I feel sorry for his wife and daughters if he has any. A man so openly disrespectful and hateful of women, especially Black women, can and will do a lot of psychological damage.",sexist I only use extra virgin olive oil... I don't want an olive oil that rode the cock carousel!,sexist [USER] In most cases he probably saw his mom slut shaming those other women ... a lot of these behaviors are learned... it sucks because that's his mom! But the root of this issue is upbringing... the toxicity is deep!,sexist "[USER] Exactly. #TERF = pawn in service to #patriarchy the exact opposite of #feminism. So the F must not stand for ""feminist."" Maybe it stands for ""fool?""",sexist I remember she was talking shit dirty skank! [URL],sexist "[USER] Fuck you cunt. You got a nerve saying that shit, that revolt was no near to getting even, not even a smidge",sexist "[USER] The kinds of people who think ""feminism is cancer"" also think really ableist shit about people who put pronouns in their bios.But you agree with those chuds there, donthca?",sexist "[USER] And that's the problem with women like you. ""They aren't mutually exclusive things""?. That's why y'all make coparenting so difficult then blame the men for not being there for their kids. They are mutually exclusive. He owes her nothing but he owes his kid. It shouldnt be abt her",sexist "You're a lady, you can't cook and you say you're ready for marriageWTF will your husband eat when he gets back from work ????",sexist twas a whore tonight i think,sexist "Bitch, you're coming home with your trophy wife. [URL]",sexist "#History lesson: A #feminist shot #AndyWarhol, but you won't hear this from #women who champion #feminism.#ValerieSolanas #NewYearsEve #MGTOW #Walkaway",sexist "[USER] What ? Suicide and depression rates are far higher in men than women. Ladies got a bunch of crap that they have to deal with but that shouldn't exclude what men go through either. Bottom line, life is hard no matter who you are.",sexist [USER] calm down candi bitch has been dealt with by all the streamers and still thinks she's bad daft fucking slag,sexist As a Saudi women I couldn't disagree more we as women could never dare to walk alone at night without the fear for our lives & it's not better in day either #__,sexist [USER] you fukn ugly fat smelly peice of shit of society I'll get you back you fukn cunt!!!! I'm actually a witch and I've cursed your daughter Hahaaaa suck me off you slutbag,sexist #cumslut #cum #slut look at this awesome greedy come sucking whore God do I love it Make sure you check out the rest on the profile like follow retweet leave messages have a wonderful evening [URL],sexist [USER] Loves the short skirt very attractive xx,sexist "[USER] He sucks her tongue and rubs her ass more, looks at her beatiful eyes *""Mmm sexy woman!!!""He spank her ass hard and keep kisses her",sexist Wish I was having sex right now someone help me out!!! #horny #sex #slut #slag #whore #swingers #threesome #porn #naughty #milf #bwc #bwwm,sexist "[USER] Yes - public funding and the idea that the ""efficacy"" of transition is predicated on forcing society to ""acknowledge"" that the person changes sex (from man to woman or v.v.). This means that women MUST give up their sex-segregated spaces in order for transition to ""work"".",sexist "i remembered one time i went to a mall and i saw this girl looking so fine with her fit... she was clingin to her boyfriend like a leech and eyeing me up and down im like GURL, I LITERALLY DONT CARE FOR YOUR MAN I JUST WANT TO SAY HOW PRETTY YOU ARE BUT GO OFF I GUESS",sexist pray dirty house educated hoe a job gold digger clean pussy stank pussy loyal 5 kids faithful cheater [URL],sexist [USER] A lazy unpatriotic hairy girl bitching . That needs a better bra for support.,sexist "Kayleigh McNinny: if you walk like a prostitute, talk like a prostitute and look like a prostitute, guess what that makes you?",sexist He had threatened to go to other women during and after our relationship. He has threatened to kill himself when I wanted to leave. He has called me names consistently when it did not go his way. He has threatened to ruin my life. Now he has threatened to release a private video.,sexist "[USER] In this patriarchal society where everything rotates around men with sentences such as what would your husband think of you, no man will marry you, how will you ever cook for your man please try to live your best life lest you don't and land on one of these sexist men on here",sexist "[USER] Needs more gold, Ms. Digger.",sexist Rizzo never changed. She knew what she was...Sandy was seduced by the dark side and turned into a Love Island slutbag! #Grease,sexist "2) Call me a sexist all you want, I don't honestly give a shit anymore. But The Doctor should never have been a woman. Biggest casting mistake ever was trying to make this guy a chick... [URL]",sexist [USER] Do I get to tease you with my cock while we cuddle??,sexist "you see that toxic masculinity doesn't even bother me but that ""mansplaining"" is absolute rubbish; a lot of stupid and unnecessary words have been coined these days [URL]",sexist [USER] i'm a slut for him so let's leave this here [URL],sexist "A sissy is traveling long distance and resting in a lonely motel room. It's the middle of nowhere, Daddy isn't around to use her so she being a little slut by herself apologize for the poor quality photos [URL]",sexist "[USER] Are the employees of American Progress, who you fired for unionizing, worthy of living with dignity? How about the victim of sexual harassment that you our during an all-hands meeting?",sexist "[USER] So not true.X is a lyin', two-timin' good-for-nothin' slutbag.",sexist "Nope...Just like its mom's job to scramble and figure out the family schedule when dad has ""shit to do"", its the #DEM House's responsibility to compromise with a recalcitrant Senate #GOP because #patriarchy.Journalism says they're going for balance, but that's bullshit.4/",sexist "now a days these jackasses, try to make it men vs women even when the woman is facing a female bad guy... some man hate or some other bullshit is always involved which makes women look weak to me... back in the day they'd just get stuff done without the complaining >>>>>",sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] And are you really having to explain how Dua Lipa is dressed to your daughter? Or are you instead forced to explain our puritan-holdover society's problems with how women dress?,sexist [USER] When exactly did he actually grab a woman by the pussy? Why are you assuming he did? Get over it. You're going to break your pearls if you keep clutching them that tightly you uptight bitch.,sexist i hate women*,sexist "[USER] Go ride some more cock, then later in life you want a man to wife up that cock carousel pussy you women want none of the responsibilities that come with with being a womanYou desparately want to be men so bad, i have news for you, you can and will never be a man.",sexist "[USER] ""H-hey I can control what my face looks like when I cum. Wait did you do all this to tease me like that again BB?""He asked still panting after his first orgasm there was plenty of cum coating his pants and her hand, though as she had his cock in her hand, he was still hard.",sexist [USER] Love it when women spank each other how about you 2 spank me,sexist "If you really want to understand the underlying motivation that drives the Brunch Democrats you have to understand that Hillary Clinton-era feminists believe sincerely that because white women are 2nd-class citizens to white men that they share the suffering of 3rd, 4th, 5th...",sexist "[USER] cw / degradationAizawa saying ""you were all high and mighty on the stage moments ago...now look at you.... Looking like a whore for me""",sexist shall i tie my tits before i beat them?,sexist "[USER] I'm not insulting you. I'm just stating a fact. Your fetish is really weird but it's not harming anyone. Go get carried around by and have ur duck sucked by steroidal women. It's your [CUR]500, have a ball.",sexist "[USER] Then to tell/shame a women into being ""good enough"" of the right man My point was spend time with your girls cus you love them NOT cus you are trying to make sure they don't becomes hoes/strippers Cus your son can be that just as easy",sexist "Jimmy Dore is starting to sound like a proud member of the white, misogyny patriarchy. Possessive and obsessed with a woman of color ""owing"" him.",sexist [USER] Exactly! Two of his wives work. What work has you home at 3pm so you can cook for your husband ? I would fire you and tell you to go be a housewife once .,sexist Guy who thinks women shouldn't be allowed to serve in Star fleet,sexist "[USER] She's like the Lance Armstrong of the cock carousel. Should have taken the W and finished on top. Instead, She just can't accept retirement, she just can't let it go. Gotta take it for one more spin. ""It's shake 'n bake time""",sexist [USER] No she argues women were oppressed... as were men.... the feminsit argument was women were orpessed BY men who were privileged.... a complete and utter lie... and narcism beyond belief (feminism is just a collective manifestation of toxic femininity),sexist "Vanessa Hudgens loves locking your tiny cock in chastity and making you watch her get gangbanged by a dozen BBCs, afterwards having an intense cum swap kiss before making you to swallow it all. [URL]",sexist "Joseph Epstein is a sexist and a misogynist and the [USER] should be ashamed for publishing this.I have a PhD. By definition, I'm a doctor. I don't care whether you call me doctor, but I know you'd never call me ""kiddo"" if I somehow found my way to the WH.Disgusting. [URL]",sexist "Women will hit the curb and be like ""oops"" [URL]",sexist [USER] He's like Guys this Woman deserves to be beaten you can't defend her instead of praising me for disciplining herden come whiiiiiiiiiip n he realised the guys are nt even playing kshubile..Bane nkani nakhona uthola balwela impahla ze Christmas dis days most women bashayelwa zona,sexist [USER] Good. A gold digger AND a hoe,sexist [USER] Kinda like a gold digger,sexist [USER] Yesterday a guy wrote here he was abused and it was all guys telling him he enjoyed it and women scolding themBut somehow its still women that is to blame. Some of you jusy have natural hatred for women and like to blame them for everything,sexist [USER] I would love to fuck you just like you are right now,sexist "I was going to watch Wonder Woman 84 and then found out how much it was. I wouldn't even fuck that with your dick. I'll wait five years when its 'free', but by that time I probably won't care anymore.",sexist "[USER] The misandry is strong with this group. Except when it's Jaune, then he automatically gets the Harem ending",sexist [USER] Oh lordy. We are talking about the aggregate. Most are stronger. Period. Some women can easily beat up a man. No doubt. Bust most men can easily physically do damage to women. That's why we have domestic violence laws. I'm not willing to subject women to that.,sexist [USER] why does Scottie Jr call you a slutBag fo banging NBA playerz?,sexist [USER] Why don't you highlight how women's football is extremely welcoming to gay people? Or doesn't that suit your obvious agenda?,sexist "[USER] I never said you sexually harassed me. When I was going through your posts to report them, I found loads of replies along the lines of ""oh you jerk off to kids."" That is sexual harassment.",sexist "Wow, no panties has pulled into the lead. It is very hot not wearing panties under a short skirt!",sexist [USER] You forgot as #1 - Be obedient to #DiaperDonnie (suffix - if you're a blond woman you have to let him grab you by the p****),sexist [USER] Omfg. I tweet about this dude all the time. He literally beats and abuses women on camera. I dont understand how he hasn't been blackballed and kicked out of the industry. I hate him so much. He's a piece of shit asshole. He should be in jail.,sexist "[USER] Matter fact, most PEOPLE i know don't operate like robots with strict schedules lmfao Your personal annoyance with a woman running late is wild. Don't date women with kids. Anything can come up where the schedule gets thrown completely off.",sexist "[USER] You know nothing of science, nothing of the groundswell of feeling around this new virulent misogyny and nothing of the damage you've caused, especially to trans people.What you *do* know, though, is that transwomen are not women.Now go and apologise to your mother, kid.",sexist "[USER] Like!! Funny how every bio I see with feminist most likely has ""witch"" attached to it. Stay angry at men and own it but don't guise under feminism to do it.",sexist "it's so insane to me how so called white ""feminists"" continue to center themselves and profit off the hard work of black women when true feminism is supposed to be elevating the most marginalized women's voices & cannot be done without black women specifically",sexist Dumb Blonde 21.34,sexist "[USER] Lol as if you leave in those houses... many women make it uncomfortable for men to enjoy their homes, we've seen it a lot with the older gents",sexist "[USER] Well no, I didn't say it's subjective. It can be, but if you look at things cross culturally, it may not be. In the U.S., actually, Asian women are pursued the most online, not white. In Australia, they are the least pursued, after White, then Black.",sexist [USER] Don't know why this is in my feed but I'm blocking this attention whore shit,sexist [USER] Really don't let it bother you so much. The now soon to be leaving first Lady only can say she can take a good picture lol so they have nothing good going for them .still trying to keep women barefoot and pregnant.,sexist "[USER] youre right, whores get paid, i meant slut",sexist [USER] Babar Azam raped a girl...that most shameless cricketer...meanwhile India won and Pakistan is readying themselves for getting gangbanged by newzealand,sexist "[USER] Also I wouldn't exactly call me puritan since my entire life revolves around sex, unless you think intimately teasing, hypnotising, fucking, clawing up, and dominating women, is ""puritan""",sexist "[USER] What's the link between thinking Monster Hunter looks like a shameless Americanized cash grab selling itself to me on name only and being an incel?Like, if the director was a woman or the main cast were women I could see why you'd go for that. But it's not and they're not, so?",sexist "[USER] But of course, you shouldn't have to. Perception is however socially conditioned into people so it becomes expectations. Loads of women of all colours rely on the mother instinct myth to get by, esp religious fundamentalism has jacked up white women ""innate"" altruism so high.",sexist """Well cuz you're just a masty perverted big titted skank!"" [URL]",sexist [USER] This has to be fake. Even a bimbo trophy wife can't be this clueless,sexist "[USER] they know that common prostitutes are in the majority now. it became a bizarre normality. theres not much room to pick and choose someone who hasnt been on the cock carousel due to hypergamy. back in the day men could deny marriage to harlots, now harlots can deny it to men.",sexist "[USER] This is a historically ignorant statement.Just because this is playing to a Tumblrina aesthetic and not to you is no reason to write off women in comics, and there have been a lot of women in comics.",sexist "Once the cock carousel shuts down, simps are served with the sloppy seconds. #KingDom [URL]",sexist [USER] Only in the last 50 years did it become the norm to marry a 27 year old only after she jumps off the cock carousel she rode during what should've been her most attractive and productive years.,sexist "Too many women have had to leave male-dominated fields due to sexual harassment from straight men, fair is fair. [URL]",sexist NORMANDIE??? I SAW PRETTIER WOMEN AND IDK WHO CHOSE NORMANDIE??? not saying she isn't pretty but we can all agree someone else deserved to win #MissFrance2021,sexist "[USER] But, you know, all his songs about fucking bitches/hoes are super puritan.*eye rolls a full rotation*",sexist [USER] Look at dis empowered WoMan,sexist "In a community, romantic relationships operate entirely differently. In a decent community with social accountability, women cannot ride the ""cock carousel"" without getting outcast.",sexist Feminism is a Depopulation Program [URL],sexist "[USER] Kay-Kay, stop pretending like you're not a dumb blonde.",sexist i need another sinb chungha seulgi soyeon collab bc wow thing was THAT bitch,sexist """Stories of Men who were Abused by Women r/AskReddit #Reddit Stories [URL] #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #antifeminism #antifeminist #antifeminazi #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist No fr why do us women hit curbs then laugh lmaoo,sexist Get some of that bitches [URL],sexist [USER] You mean she's fed up riding the cock carousel and is now ready to settle down? Hard pass.,sexist [USER] Saint Paul comes to mind. Unmarried and celibate. Modern women treat marriage as an acceptable symbiosis. Not as a mutually beneficial and reciprocal bond. Men get abandoned in illness and burned in divorce. #mgtow,sexist "Please I'm begging with Gods name, I don't want dick pic dyg it's sexual harassment??? I'm tired Fgs why? Even opening my telegram there's a ton from strangers-to my Instagram to here-why?",sexist Hope you know rape was already a societal ill before formal education became a thing? [URL],sexist "A woman who has lived your worst paranoid fears about ""the cock carousel"" just without any sex at all, and just wasted her twenties partying and posing for pictures and going to Indonesia",sexist "Justice B.V. Nagarathna of the Karnataka high court recently made strong remarks about systemic patriarchy in India, saying the country ""does not know how to treat an empowered woman"".",sexist [USER] Solid Instagram message about brushing off being judge and just be yourself. Outstanding really. Was concerning though as it seemed you were driving and we all know that is not a woman's forte. ;),sexist "[USER] Had to be a Puritan expressing repressed urges, I'm sure",sexist "[USER] You're repeating yourself, perhaps you didn't get enough sleep? You attack feminists on twitter and try to appropriate feminism. You call any argument that women make against trans activists 'transphobia' to justify your misogyny. You're so fake",sexist [USER] Feminism: Fighting against real world women without realising since time began. Well done.,sexist [USER] It took all but 3 tweets for you to call me racist and sexist. Wow. You fail to see real issues and blame everything on racism and sexism and identity shit. It's a tiring gimmick. This. Is. Why. You. Lose.,sexist [USER] You look like a cunt when it's saved though,sexist [USER] You're right it shouldn't but it seems women never get listened to as though they don't know what they want with their own bodies. I pray one day it can change and then they don't have to go through this or get criticised talked down to for wanting what they want and need.,sexist "We've just showed evidence of how violent women are, killing babies. Her response is to frame the issue, not as killing babies, but as ""can't afford to take care of baby by themselves,"" then proceeds to provide excuses for murder, while protesting she isn't ..feminists [URL]",sexist I sometimes wonder it takes longer for women to move on as if she's hurt even once then you'd see the traces of it however its easy for men as either they walk out as they already moved on or has someone after a month or two #notallmen,sexist [USER] He could be an amazing father. You don't know! But I guess men and dads are pieces of shit to women. Y'all couldn't care less if we live or die,sexist Sexy little strip tease revealing her hard cock!!!Go give the sexy Christine West a follow!!![USER] [URL] #ts #bigtits #hardcock#TransIsBeautiful [URL],sexist "[USER] I mean it's so much shorter just to say ""I hate women""",sexist Fuck yall lil ugly ass,sexist "[USER] Uh I tried having a conversation with TERFS on my Facebook, all they did was call me sexist and say I should stop talking. It was about transwomen in sports, but to them transmen are ok",sexist "Wanna milk my stiff cock with your mouth and hands or your ass dolly? I'm already dripping precum just thinking how abt all three ?? i'd tease n edge the heck out of u w my mouth n my hands n then when u're abt 2 cum, i'd tak [URL]",sexist "[USER] well, i'll be a lesbian then, I really cant imagine finding another man attractive.i'd wear a very short skirt and go to a lesbian bar and pick a hot girl up I suppose.it would be strange having sex without a raging erection I reckon. but the multiple orgasms would be great",sexist [USER] Now call me sexist but this is the woman's responsibility to advise a bloke on what's socially wise........My wife always points out the bits I missed shaving as we head off down the road... to late to do anything about it!,sexist """i dare you to make me cum without touching me, daddy""""don't look at me like that or-""""or what, daddy?""""you're being a naughty little slvt, it's time to punishment"" sb forces his little whore's mouth to fuck him so good that he forgets all the previous irrelevant games [URL]",sexist [USER] WOMEN's Mag gonna WOMEN's Mag. Hey Toots don't want to be lonely? Literally walk into a coffee shop.Men have to earn Companionship.Women? It is given to them.Just like everything else they have.Me?Born alone.Work alone.Live alone.Die alone. With a smile. [URL],sexist old man gets ready to spank a blond woman OTK [URL],sexist "[USER] no i love it, it makes you look like a bad bitch",sexist [USER] Most people still dont understand the difference between feminism and equality,sexist [USER] So the scum madam of the coven was riding dick to get gigs. Feminazi,sexist New post (Slutwife Marion gangbanged by strangers on public beaches) has been published on [URL] XXX Sex Videos and Porn Star Movies - [URL],sexist Women got the worst RTs ever so if you a woman i most likely got yours turned off,sexist [USER] More ass and tits,sexist "If the minority groups believe in equality then ALL SHOULD BE EQUAL no minority group should be more equal then others or the MAJORITY, the law should discriminate between the sexes (2 plus Hermathrodite) Mental issues should not be classed as sexes (Identify as X)",sexist "[USER] A fair point. Should a man who cares about the women in his life defend other men who would call her roastie, foid, whore, liar, lazy, a rider of the cock carousel, a person who does nothing but rip men off....if my hubby were defending that we'd have to have a talk.",sexist "[USER] Nobody cares She helped brand a guy a rapist because he wouldn't stay her security blanket for when she was done riding the cock carousel and ready for a real relationship The last thing she deserves is respect Plus, she is a streamer. A profession I never respect",sexist A lot of you women don't know how to keep a man and it shows,sexist % Live Sex at [URL] Graceful Naked Brunette (Sexual Pic) #brunette #boobs #tits #nude #erotic # # [URL],sexist "if u believe in #equality, y is it ok to BASH #men (but not #women)? Hint: That's NOT equality. #feminism #love #bully [USER]@huffpost@huffpostwomen #huffpost #huffpostwomen #feminist #MeToo #women #men #gender #equality #truth #philosophy [URL]",sexist "Stop regulating what girls wear, start teaching boys about consent and respect... School girls lined up on knees in 'patriarchal' skirt length check #everydaysexism [URL] via [USER]",sexist Tributes! #cumtribute #cocktribute #cumslut #wanktribute #girl #sexy #bbc #slut #tribute #cum #amateurporn #cock [URL],sexist All I'm saying is if you complain about something no one is forcing you to do you just look like a huge cunt?Think about all the useful things you could be doing instead of wasting your time complaining about someones pronouns.Be smarter ! 2/2,sexist [USER] you're a slut for attention x,sexist [USER] You want a life partner or a maid? I mean I don't have a problem with doing all that but I feel like you should want more from a woman than just that.,sexist "[USER] Another thing is that they had from 18 to 27 to lock someone down and they chose not to, they chose all the feminist ideologies, her career, the cock carousel etc over becoming a family woman, they forget that you have till 65 to make a great career",sexist "[USER] 1953! Girls - perhaps a social reaction to having to do ""men's work"" during the war - were expected, REQUIRED, to be feminine. Muscular, physically strong & tough, NO! Hard training ""would damage them for child-bearing"". Talk with elderly women before judging Morris's attitude.",sexist "[USER] So me not wanting to call someone ""Doctor"" because he/she couldn't save me from a heart attack is sexist? Seems like everything's either sexist or racist these days. You're an idiot Kara, no wonder why you work for CNN ",sexist "I never searched for a rich guy. I was never interested in that kinda thing. But so many guys had that wrong perception about me as if money is the most essential thing in my life. Bs. I'm not a gold-digger, I don't even look like one lol. I just was always insecure about myself.",sexist [USER] Jean you missed the watchalong you slutbag,sexist "[USER] True, but too many women who shouldn't wear hip-huggers thought they, too, would get in on the trend. Some things are best unseen.",sexist [USER] Women have to the caregivers,sexist "[USER] ""this is a paid political announcement.""But seriously, maybe if she wasn't a former nude model trophy wife who has done next to nothing in 4 years except renovate the tennis courts & rip up the rose garden, we'd have more nice things to say. Be Best? Be Ridiculous.",sexist "[USER] Okay, so how DO you explain the 63% longer incarceration rate for USA women compared with USA men in the context of this supposed woman-hating, male-supremacist ""#Patriarchy"" of ours?[URL]",sexist [USER] It's really too bad that we can't do anything about Saudi Arabia until things like manspreading and mansplaining against women in the west have ended.,sexist [USER] Women and girls aren't worried about ghosts when they're walking in the dark on their own. How many times have you heard it said that women shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that to avoid assault? And now society is trying to tell us we're not allowed to have boundaries from 5/,sexist "[USER] I'm not a lovely lady, but I was raised to respect women, and what you've described sounds like an idiot.",sexist "Student board members provide invaluable insight for decision-making affecting (wait for it) students. One wonders if the women who filed this lawsuit enjoy having men make decisions affecting them as women, or if they believe their voices and opinions and votes should matter. [URL]",sexist [USER] whatever slutbag,sexist [USER] That's cute. He doesn't know that women know how to multi-task. Wait until he finds out we can have children and still use our brains afterwards.,sexist [USER] The said part is I'm only repeating the things my grandmother taught me.How do I hate women again?This is my beautiful daughter but I hate women?She wants to be married before she has kids and a 16 yr old is literally giving me better answers than these grown women [URL],sexist [USER] I dont hit women but probably,sexist [USER] I had a bad relationships with women. But still I don't go around being sexist to other women I don't know anything about,sexist [USER] Shut up cunt you look like a thumb,sexist "Men be like ""I want a woman who respects traditional values"" and then not even joust for their lady's hand in marriage???????",sexist [USER] She must be the ugliest trophy wife of all time.,sexist "A female cousin of mine left her wealthy boyfriend because he wanted kids and she didn't. Now, she's ""single"" and occasionally travels to Africa to ""see the sights"" (aka cock carousel).",sexist [USER] Trophy wife says my Elvis impersonation is spot on!!,sexist [USER] Lmao damn did she curve you or something. You got African woman beater written all over this tweet. Go get you some pussy and stop the domestic violence shit. [URL],sexist [USER] Cause women fearing men in wigs is bigotry. I hold the line that transwomen who don't understand the primal fear women experience with strange men in confined spaces prove out why they aren't real women..,sexist treat me like a lady fuck me like a thot,sexist "I don't know what's going on, but the doctor just slapped a pregnant woman. #StarTrekTOS (Those Old Scientists)",sexist """Women of the world do not worry. There are still plenty of us real men out here who will spank your bottom if your naughty.Now get the dinner on....""",sexist "[USER] Can we spank a woman that's disobedient? After all, she's an adult that can take a spanking better than a small child. I don't agree with hitting women..just asking.",sexist "In ""Spank Prank"" we see how a woman is tricked into getting onto a spanking bench! Find out what happens in this classic from 2016 now at [URL] [URL]",sexist Look man... This couldn't have gone any other way. I was born into a life that's oppressive to women. I was born into a life that would have resulted in a failure.. I made mistakes personally & I know what mistakes I made.. I know my role in disaster.,sexist Bitches say anything to make you look bad like stfu sound dumb asf saying anythingggg,sexist Yo niggas really get paid to spank women?,sexist "[USER] Her whimpers got louder and louder, her arms giving out. Now, her ass was just high in the air for the pink haired women to spank.",sexist "[USER] Her body, her choice bro.Sick mansplaining.",sexist [USER] ugly koke se its always them ugly hoes w dat confidence,sexist feminism is inalienable resistance is now,sexist "[USER] You're insulting a real life demographic of women over a cartoon character you don't like and you're telling a minor asian woman right now to ""learn her place"" lmfao yeah your mom sounds like she instilled some great values alright",sexist "I want for Christmas (or birthday) like, really, FUCK.YUUJI BEING GOJOU'S CUM BUCKET HE EVEN USE PLUGS TO MANTAIN GOJOU'S CUM INSIDE.AGH Or Megumi intersex omega being daddy's bitch and let him be gangbanged in front daddy because he's a good boy *sobs*",sexist "Hahahaha spectacular, a world cup winning goalkeeper calling out Spiers. The fact he can't understand that saying women are biologically incapable of being goalkeepers is sexist is criminal, saddest part is this won't even end his journalism career in Scotland. [URL]",sexist "[USER] My values lie with increasing the number of women examiners. A word change doesn't do that. That word change instead derailed discussions about increasing the numbers of female examiners. But hey, go sort out America instead of trying to talk about laws you don't understand.",sexist i am probably one of the biggest victims of bullying from this shitty community we're in and seeing these fake ass bitches trying to say they're nice and changed is so fucking funny bye dude,sexist "actually, no. But it's very predictable that a man wants to shift blame from the men who actually kill trans identifying people (mostly those oppressed in prostitution) to women who use words he doesn't like on the internet. [URL]",sexist "I can't seem to find any success on Twitch :/ It can't possibly be because my content is boring, it must be all these women streamers taking all my viewers with their big mommy milkers!!!!",sexist "[USER] *starts touching your cock, you moan your cute little moans as i pleasure you under the covers, your cock starts twitching and i take off your underwear, i tease you with my tongue then start sucking, oh your moans are so sweet and cute, you cum all over my face as you moan* [URL]",sexist "Can we talk about how in a movie of people wishing big, Wonder Woman's big wish was a man. At least Cheetah wished to be the ultimate woman. Wonder Woman wished for... a boyfriend. [URL]",sexist She can be a 2 fisted cock tease [URL],sexist [USER] Because older women generally look worse and younger women look better. That's it. There's a age where women hit the wall and never come back,sexist "[USER] Guys lose a lot of liberty when they marry, yet Dennis tells them to. #MGTOW #marriagestrike",sexist "When you back young women into a corner - making clear that men can harass, assault and rape them with little to no consequence - don't be surprised when they finally do something about it [URL]",sexist [USER] Is advise her to leave her marriage and home. Nigerian women who are honestly incapable of living without a man an abusive one at that cannot be advised such. I just pray he doesn't beat her to death one day. She even has a lackadaisical attitude about it so me,sexist [USER] WHORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,sexist "In 1992, I knew she was special because my evil pastor used to call her a feminazi all the time. [URL]",sexist "No, I don't think women can generally compete athletically with men. Yes, I still think it's awesome a woman scored in a power 5 football game today. Can't I be both?",sexist """Men are trash"" but do you women claim this dirty ass bitch? Lmao. [URL]",sexist "Work, equal jail terms for same crime, equal representation in unfavorable works like bricklaying, sewages, electrical work etc.Feminists are all after the good things while they still maintain their privileges.So, being a feminist is synonymous to being a hypocrite.",sexist "ik this is not the point of this post at all but i just REALLY dont think straight men actually even like or know anything abt women... like he says ""i didnt even know women could be like this"" and acts like a 31 year old women is ancient or smth.. do u EVEN LIKE WOMEN [URL]",sexist I'm a dumb blonde and if you say otherwise you don't know me [URL],sexist [USER] Y'all just think sexual harassment is ok.. and it's not you fucking ugly ass weirdos,sexist if a woman is telling you to spank her she doesn't want to be tapped she wants to be spanked hard like where it leaves a mark or a handprint or something lol,sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist Me watching women mess up the lives of men #fearwomen #15milliondreams #wednesdaythought #COVID19 #LGBTQ #Misandry #lockdown #fredapsychic [URL],sexist [USER] Truth: a man trying to control a woman will always come unstuck. #futureisfemale #patriarchy #VAW,sexist [USER] where are the tits helen,sexist "[USER] you cant stay feminism in its entirety goes against islam, but there needs to be a discussion about women's rights among muslims. currently, the way women are being treated, goes against islam.",sexist "Hira Mani is the most problematic female celebrity we have in #Pakistan. She chooses scripts that mostly demean women, is proud that she cheated her bff to steal her boyfriend and looks down on women who don't choose marriage. #hiramani #Patriarchy #Pakistani",sexist [USER] Happy birthday Sugar Tits❤️,sexist "Today's #everydaysexism on the phone to the doctor to book an appointment and he asks, when talking about my previous doctor what 'he' thought about something. I'm sure the lovely female GP I was seeing before would be appalled.",sexist i dont go here i just think its extremely feminist of dimitri to not just kill but murder women [URL],sexist Anyone wanna have a wank chat over my girl? #horny #gay #bi #straight #girls #sexy #cumtribute #teenagers #freak #cocktribute #LGBT #babygirl #cock,sexist [USER] Hello....m raj....m with good size and excellent stamina ....A passionate pussy licker...Love to lick every holes were womens desire to b licked...DoggyMissionaryWomen on topMy best pose to spank over bed,sexist "[USER] I have beef with BOTH. Emma and her bff starting beef after SHE got insecure about the girl her man abused for years making TikToks about HIM (not even her) and then her and her BFF proceeding to start talking shit calling her a ""nasty little whore"". Yeah, but it's always Vic.",sexist "Just remember boys and girls, Billy calls a young lady a slag.Imagine the language he uses when he's cleaning your windows [URL]",sexist "Let's start a thread on what we say when having road rage. Here I'll start.. my top 3.... ""Move you fucking whore""""That's why you look like a greasy pile of dog shit you fucking slut"" ""MOOVE YOU FUCKING TRICK WHORE MOOOVVEEEEE""",sexist "[USER] Makes sense and I agree with you.>Which is why women who can't be alone, choose poorly, have issues, are impulsive, etc.I haven't seen this line written out, but damn it really explains my ex-girlfriend super well.",sexist "[USER] Hey so are you aware that YOU, the silly cunt that you are, are trying to destroy any progressive traction gained in the last few years with your pleb plan. YOU are the greedy sociopath you ineptly scream about every episode- fuck your terf buddy tulsi too [URL]",sexist ugh god so fed up of meeting beautiful women with no substance just hate it when girls cannot stimulate my massive hive brain and keep up with me intellectually they are so vapid please tell me you're not like other girls i'm tired,sexist [USER] You look like a prostitute,sexist "No Woman wants to be more submissive than a Feminist. They want you to spank that ass, bend them over and make them call you sir. Trust me on this.",sexist "Why are women so shy with their sexuality? There's a lot of cool conversation, but so much judgment there.. I got a safe space here if y'all want to talk lol",sexist [USER] i dont have one u slag,sexist "[USER] Oh, the pearl-clutching! Can't handle a woman using a dirty word, but you sold your soul to support Mr. ""Grab 'em by the pussy"". Maybe if you fuckers didn't act like a bunch of fuckers there would be no need to call you fuckers, fuckers. IJS",sexist [USER] Is that his trophy wife?,sexist I cant say Tory Lanez name on facebook no more cause whenever I do I get told I hate black women,sexist "Whether she should or shouldn't--she should, of course--isn't even the point anymore. It's the breathtakingly repulsive, misogynistic, condescending, mansplaining by this sad little man and that the [USER] saw fit to wave it into print. What a goddamn disgrace. [URL]",sexist WHAT A SLUTBAG [URL],sexist So... I may be tipsy... but am I the only one that noticed Keri Hilson was invoking Josephine Baker but Baker was more risque than most of women out these days? Like... truly not about that life. [URL],sexist "[USER] ngl i get the arrogant and classist argument, her posh girl feminism often overlooks class as a factor of oppression but i didn't know she copied someone's book that's kind of horrible",sexist [USER] U TAKE ZENITSU I TAKE SHINOBU U FUCKING WHORE ASS MOTHERFUCKER,sexist -become aggressive when I ignore them-trying to touch/touching me-sexual comments -continuous harassment after I say I'm not interested [URL],sexist "[USER] Middle click pings and other in game, non voice, comm solutions are just a bandaid covering the festering wound which is toxic masculinity in online video game communities. We need to address the root problem! #patriarchy #ToxicMasculinity",sexist "I don't see any of these ""online feminist"" say a thing concerning the little boy that was abused and sodomize from the deeper life school. Only the mom has been doing her PR work all by herself to get support.",sexist i love botdf it kept the teachers from fingering me hahaha sodomize who? me me me hahaha nah im just nod off in detention,sexist [USER] Way to reduce women again...,sexist if yiling laozu's tits aren't out. why,sexist "I'm an Ada..that should tell you why I took offense..So I was like, my mom not being here doesn't mean we will starve, you don't need to come and cook anything I got it...go cook for your husband..mess upppp",sexist [USER] You really are stupid. He never boasted about assaulting women. Y'all glaze over the word LET he said women LET you do whatever. Idiot. It's not assault if a woman LETS you grab her. Idiot.,sexist *writes down cock carousel for later use* [URL],sexist [USER] You are a feminazi. You don't understand. It's gender equality. Not give more power to one side.,sexist Lol he's still upsetti-spaghetti that a thick boi Chad has fans.Apparently asking him to allow his balls to drop makes me a 'slutbag'. [URL],sexist Bitches suck just to get to da top,sexist Such a tease who wants to eat my ass and suck my cock [URL] [URL],sexist [USER] At least she isn't a tranny like the previous First Lady . Google says it's true :),sexist [USER] Wait till 2024 feminazi.,sexist [USER] Hahha... It's okay u can say #NotAllMen,sexist Ok but the female body doesn't need to go so hard in celebrating not being pregnant. Like every single month dude? Chill,sexist "It's time to shake that traditional bullsh*t. We can vote, now.We can take birth control, cause you know... 'getting pregnant is a woman's fault.' Women, especially black women excel at so much!And y'all got 'having a man' at the top of your list of accomplishments?!",sexist "[USER] only ever gave 1 slut anything, and I was a young pup, thought I found dat one",sexist "Feminists be like ""women should have equal rights"" then say they shouldn't be in the draft and men should hold doors open for them and people shouldn't swear around them because they're women",sexist This is great!!|Two woman wearying tights spank ass. [URL],sexist [USER] Like I don't understand their logic when they are throwing the last tripple threat show a year ago and you can't tell people to not mosh and then physically abuse women when they get shoved in their on accident and kick them out. Shit pisses me off so much,sexist [USER] Not really let's not always blame men..men can lose Interest when the woman puts the pussy for sale. I mean willing seller and willing buyer what next. All those mantainence fees women claim after sex is What?,sexist "[USER] ugh we're the fucking worst""Okay, but you know /I'm/ not sexist, right? I know I'm part of an oppressive class but I DiDn'T mEaN tO. Please don't point out to me that I use my status as a ""feminist"" as a way to distinguish myself from other men and appeal to women #NotAllMen""",sexist [USER] i hate women kill all women,sexist "' so i look like a fucking whorefor you, huh?i want to see you crying again tome cause you broke another devilbreaker . i'll finish breaking it with head . ' [URL]",sexist "[USER] factually untrue, i'm a feminazi who has no rights",sexist "incredible how tim allen made a whole career out of shitty ""i hate my wife"" jokes about women who would play some kind of gorgeous, mysterious assasin paid to kill him some scummy landlord, probably in literally *any* other show",sexist "Unknowingly I called some girl **** this and that but please don't call me Sexist. Doesn't this Apology sound like this ?Rest, okay she apologized. But half heartdly. Still apology accepted. Now Good Riddance. [URL]",sexist "[USER] Lara's brows raised. Seems her little maid was more imaginative than she originally imagined.""I hadn't even thought of that Lucy. Good girl. Though for those I may let you wear only a tube top and a very short skirt. No you can't wear a bra or panties.""",sexist "The cock carousel will leave women with memories they wish they could forget, with a past they cannot turn back from. And with a cold and lonely future. [URL]",sexist "For all those in the GOP who found their bottoms finally with trump, you have a mother who's Vagina you gave that predator permission to grab. If you support him until now, you need to be contrite to every woman in your lives. FOREVER [URL]",sexist "[USER] {One mother's gone... god I cant imagine how Lucina and Cereza would react if they saw this.}""FUCKING TAKE IT! IF WE RAISED A SLUT THEN IM GONNA FUCK YOU LIKE ONE!""She then started to go full force on railing Lucy not caring how hard or rough she was going",sexist [USER] Men who genuinely believe women are only good for sex and have called for the beheading of feminists can indeed be classified as a hate group. The same way people who call for the eradication of all the non-white people on Earth are part of one.,sexist Now I ain't saying she a gold digger,sexist "Just seen a redneck post on sc ""soapy truck > soapy tits"" and on god if that ain't some true Floridian redneck shit idk what is bro.",sexist I remember this one time when I just started 6 form and I was wearing shorts with tights and long boots and a teacher looked me up and down and said that's a bit risky you look like a prostitute. Stop sexualising kids. [URL],sexist Why do men expect women to go around dressing like anime girls?Thigh high and heels immediately give you a prostitute look. Ain't nobody giving shit about anime irl. Not that I cared about getting mistaken for a prostitute but some looks belong to the bedroom and that's on that,sexist "Useless trophy wife moments ""you literally made him useless here"" I'll let him sit there and be cute all I want ☺️ [URL]",sexist [USER] I'm being harassed by .#Harassed #Twittersupport [URL],sexist [USER] Wish I could suck your toes and pound your pussy,sexist Ex-#Cuomo Aide: He '#Sexually #Harassed Me for #Years'[URL] [URL],sexist lmaoo wow most women really do not understand men. that tweet was horrible,sexist "My mum thinks nose ring makes you look like a prostitute,I still don't have money yet to change her mindset she must preach",sexist idc what anyone says misandry is Islamic it promotes hijab,sexist "so what feminazi want to suggest is kita kena squeeze woman in to get equality ke? bukan by merit? batshit stupid stuff here lol.tak kisah semua perempuan or semua lelaki pun, if the panels deserve that post by merit, let em be. [URL]",sexist but there is also male povs then why do i not enjoy those? its fucking because they show how men usually view women which infuriates me and make me hate the characters not to add female characters are usually fucking stupid for some reason,sexist "enforced. My sister covers her head with her own choice & no it isn't regressive or backwards. This is her own choice & she feels empowered in her attire. & if another woman feels empowered in a mini skirt, so be it. Though they may not support each other's choice but what ++",sexist Antisocial ion shake hands or say wsp to bitches.,sexist "[USER] Idiotic honestly, nowhere will they be satisfied. I'm starting to think this is the trait of some women, women have so many rights here and still they complain every day about stupid shit, ""mansplaining"", ""manspreading"", ""rape culture"" which doesn't exist. Dont let them grow",sexist Instead of condemning manspreading we should encourage all genders to spread their legs as much as possible,sexist "[USER] In Islam, the punishment of adultery is to hit 100 staffs on both men and women. But in eastern societies punishment is given to women and women are also killed.",sexist "[USER] I don't really care for making fun of a woman's appearance, but her crooked eyes freak me out, like she's wearing a human suit. [URL]",sexist All the women against feminism the real man as who against feminism and with women #womenagainstfeminism,sexist [USER] You look like a right cunt now,sexist "[USER] Please... tell us all of your ""levels"" of rape.JFC Whats wrong with your parents?",sexist [USER] I think it has something to do with the instincts of weaker beta men submitting to a stronger Alpha male. That whitebois enjoy being cucked losers who have their women taken from them might have been an evolutionary adaptation to make sure they don't resist their replacement,sexist "[USER] Okay, call me sexist but besides the whole dictatorship debacle, that bitch was real tiny too",sexist "It's sexist to use as an insult even if you're a woman. Let me ask, what did you associate the word with before I call cats men and women pussies. I see where you're coming from but I disagree. Insulting people in general is [URL]",sexist [USER] Thanks Naureen. I've become convinced over years that while men who rape are the problem then men who are anti-rape are the solution.,sexist No dumb blonde! [URL],sexist "[USER] This dumbass is trying to give up her ""white privilege""? Don't call me racist or sexist, but some white women are a special category of dumb",sexist "Fun to have a gay guy call me ""honey"" and ""sweetie"" while insulting my intelligence as its dismissed as fine and ""not sexist"" because its somehow ""just part of gay culture"".",sexist "[USER] Taylor's a great person and I have no ill will against her, but she's always seen as the victim in every scenario and people never held her accountable for basically ruthlessly tearing down 1 woman over absolutely nothing and then Katy having to apologize when Taylor started it",sexist [USER] I've been exposing him and his multiple fake accounts and edited photos for a few months. It's become a hobby. I hate how he bullies some very vulnerable young women on here. [URL],sexist Short leather skirt and tights tonight in my car very niceAnyone like to see how the evening develops..... [URL],sexist "The fact that Nigerian men constantly think that feminism revolves around them and them alone will never cease to amaze me. If fighting for YOUR RIGHTS is being 'angry and bitter' then yes, Nigerian feminism has every right to be. [URL]",sexist thx [USER] for this onethose tits of kirstin... damn [URL],sexist "Honestly the main reason the women in the witcher like Geralt so much (well, the ones who aren't scared of him or prejudiced, anyway) is bc he can hit it raw without any risk of pregnancy or STIsThe man is a gift from the sex gods lmao",sexist dom and that other fucking fish faced cunt are wank anorl fuck them off,sexist [USER] Is that a fucking personal entourage of cops with her too???? Like bitch you clearly expecting some shit from what you're doing. So much so that you got a pig escort yet you still gonna try to look like the victim??,sexist [USER] Fucking slag,sexist This video worths 2 minutes of attention to get a glimpse of reactionary backlash against Feminism in Nepal. In which it can be observed; how women not fitting into the traditional profile of the conservatism framework - the female role of mother and wife-- are brutally bewitched [URL],sexist a sick fuck who i fucking hate that cunt hurt me [URL],sexist "Yell ""whore"" so loud when [USER] declined my FaceTime.",sexist [USER] Fuck you cunt. Yeah all that money and people like Osteen get [CUR]4 billion. You keep your fucking help asshole...,sexist "Depends on the day and who she is manipulating. For instance;speaking to her daddy or to men,especially middle-aged to old men she uses the porn voice with a slight accent Speaking to women, she switches to her regular voice without accent [URL]",sexist "I can't sit back and let black people, who are supposed to respect and uplift other feminists, tell other, more empowering feminists they're ""doing it wrong.""",sexist [USER] What a well trained trophy wife,sexist "[USER] The odds are very good that trump has raped and/or sexually assaulted minors (perhaps on Epstein Island, perhaps elsewhere...) -not to mention many adult women- and paid a pornstar to spank him with a magazine while his wife was home w/ their newborn baby.",sexist [USER] All women do is beg for money nd sex......most of all CHEAT,sexist [USER] Damn I wanna see that ass gangbanged,sexist Works best if you are a surgically beautified lebanese/persian shi'ite woman showing off your volumeous hair (we are super secular!!! not like those wahaabees in saudi arabia!!!) Instant 45k followers (30k will be Iranian bots),sexist "Talking about ""Protect black women"" when you're literally shaming a black women for wanting her RAPIST to face the consequences of his actions. Fucking lame ass bitch",sexist "If I could be honest with my housemates #4: No, I don't care that there aren't going to be any parties on New Years; we are living through a pandemic you selfish cunt. Also, you're 41 and look like a sack of decomposing potatoes.",sexist [USER] shut up bitch >:(,sexist "[USER] So your pillows are just for aesthetics? LolI know women love to have a lot of pillows on their bed, but use only a couple to sleep. I find it hard to sleep without a pillow. I know my neck will hurt the next day.",sexist bitches don't want this pressure,sexist [USER] you're doing too much. I would hate to be your coworker or friend . your ass put chicken wings and then felt like it was racist because she got you chicken wings ? your social compass is off and you probably have some type of mental illness . or you're just an attention whore,sexist "[USER] Having Chad accuse his wife of cheating with the identical twin of her rapist because he considers her rape to be ""cheating"" is worse than Dena's stuff.",sexist fuck that dutch cunt [URL],sexist I still can't grasp how some women have a kid by a dude that be with everyone and to think a kid can really trap a nigga now you looking stupid and a single mother,sexist [USER] No cuddie bitches just be weak,sexist "I never thought I'd add ""spreading baseless paranoia about diagnostic tests for a generational pandemic"" to my scorecard of problematic contributions from third-wave white feminists, but here we are.",sexist "If you ever see a woman start to take off her earrings, her good ring, and her friend gave her a few rings to wear in a public place you either need to run or grab some popcorn, because it's about to turn Jerry Springer real quick.",sexist "More uniforms for ladies!!!!!! They might just wear a g string only to work,plus a very short mini skirt and claim they don't want the attention of men lol kkkkk#Ladies must wear uniforms",sexist """She didn't look like a prostitute, she looked like a daughter."" Sir, I have some very disturbing news for you about women.",sexist "It's not just dick size. It's Masculinity. Power. Aggressiveness. Stamina. Sperm count.Women want a REAL MAN. Not some timid bitch who's afraid to spank their ass or take control. We DO NOT compare to Black men in any way, shape or fashion.#saynotowhiteboys #bbc #bnwo",sexist [USER] First I kiss every inch that gorgeous body suck on those beautiful tits eat that beautiful cunt then fuck you,sexist "[USER] True. It's why I stated these young blacck rappers do their harm to the community and grab their bag and then mature 25 years later, switching up (due to maturity) but the past damage has been done. Snoop was instrumental in helping women identify as hoes.",sexist Men are hard wired to wanna fuck curvy women bc we have hips and tits to deliver and care for a child. Leave it up to society to demonize and stigmatize dating women who are over a size 6. When men look at an hourglass figure something happens to their brains. Look it up,sexist "[USER] Oh! Okay! The ""minority"" you speak of has been the backbone of progress and innovation in this country. Please stop with your FemiNazi rhetoric.",sexist Feminism is only about creating individual consumer controlled long term financial products. [URL],sexist """With that outfit? You look like a whore."" He signed you to come nearer, so you did, carefully moving forward.""What friends? Did you asked for my permission?"" He tilted his head.""I- I did!"" You tried to remind him.",sexist How the coronavirus sent women back to the 1950s [URL] #EverydaySexism,sexist Her and Taylor are both women haters [URL],sexist "[USER] yes Roxy my dear you are right the skirt is much to longpersonaly i think i look better in very short skirts and byside, you are right iam a dirty slut and love to look like a hooker [URL]",sexist [USER] From taxpayers obviously. women riding the cock carousel and getting knocked is our expense apparently,sexist feminism is intersectional love is now,sexist It's sad some of us men trust our women so much we tell and show em everything and they be our biggest downfalls most times,sexist If u see me driving don't fucking honk and wave at me I will get dumb blonde-Itis and wave back and forget I'm the one driving,sexist [USER] This why I hate women,sexist "[USER] - between her ass cheeks, and by Satan she wanted it in her. Both her mouth and snatch were salivating, on top of Ren's needy gasps. The hard spank to the woman's rear caused a likely unexpected reaction. Between Makazeko's fingers moving around inside her snatch and the -",sexist "[USER] Young women with romantic notions who, because they don't think the same way, and have no concept of male attitudes, so have literally no understanding of the risk. Neither of the women here went to them, looking for sex. Read the news.",sexist [USER] You'd make a great bbc slut!,sexist "There's a lot of talk about respect and equality being fundamental to relationships.Sure.But if reciprocity is absent, if the ""balance"" is you give and she takes, at best what you're dealing with is a parasitic dynamic.Cut the line, learn to value yourself & go forward#MGTOW [URL]",sexist I just want to go to bed but my slutbag mother is drunk banging around the kitchen which is adjacent to my fucking room talking to her new mcm I fucking hate being alive,sexist [USER] You said that they can be prevented which is suggesting that they don't happen. I'm referring to the times when IT happens.Men don't have a choice on whether they are fathers in cases when IT happens. Women do. Women can escape their motherly responsibilities anytime.,sexist [USER] yeah that's pretty much it the whole thing is if they don't get laid within a month they'll get gangbanged,sexist "[USER] Men can't be feminists, Lewis. You have no say in this movement. If you think women's rights are anti-trans, you acknowledge the conflict between trans rights and women's rights, and you choose to prioritize males. You're no feminist and no ally. #womensrightsarehumanrights",sexist Aurora is my trophy wife,sexist [USER] God I hate when women pose like that with their hands on their knees. Ffs stand up straight and be your own person,sexist "[USER] Forget #covidNeither Trump nor Biden is going to address the real pandemic which is destroying the family unit --FEMINISM. Feminism is an insult to the Christian way of life, and it is destroying women. That is why I joined the millions of MEN GOING THEIR OWN WAY. #MGTOW",sexist "[USER] ""As I understand it, we can also grab women by the pussy. """,sexist SUMMARY Focus on building your value while having fun time after timeAvoid distractionsDon't display too much interest Enjoy your own world more than her'sMake her earn your attention women's prime = 18-25 Men's prime = 25-40,sexist [USER] You have a culinary degree? Your husband needs to eat whatever the fuck you cook for him.,sexist "disclaimer: i in no way actually believe these women to be unintelligent. terms like ""bimbo"" and ""dumb blonde"" were originally created to attack outward interests in & expressions of hyper femininity.",sexist [USER] Don't forget the second most important: can stick figures with tits be horny,sexist What if its not about motherhood vs success but about riding the cock carousel without bordering with bastards [URL],sexist Recent national data indicates a rise in gender-based violence in Canada during the #COVID19 #pandemic we speak with [USER] on what needs to be done to address this Canada-wide problem at 6PM tonight! #WomensRights #HumanRights #EndViolenceAgainstWomen,sexist [USER] No. I don't actually hate every women lmao. Can't take every shit on twt seriously,sexist """TRIGGERED by a TRANSIT PINK TAX That Doesn't Exist!"" [URL] #MGTOW #men #guys #boys #mensrights #mensrightsmovement #mensrightsactivist #mensrightsmatter",sexist """Gideon had always known that this would be how she went: gangbanged to death by skeletons""",sexist "[USER] You have obviously have never been to a club, I have had gay men grab me, women grab me. Women make me grab them. Money is a powerful motivator. Hell women in clubs that are not known for big money guys let men do all kinds of things.",sexist """and you look like a whore on the street corner but i aint say nothin about it"" - [USER] #RHOP [URL]",sexist [USER] The writing is on the wall ....Joe slips falls gets feeble and Ta Dah we have the first FEMALE WOMAN OF COLOR PRESIDENT -- Potus Left Coast Feminazi,sexist I want a girlfriend but y'all bitches be letting dudes at work tickle you I'm good,sexist """you were so stubborn at first, but now look at you. you're a mess, baby, and we've barely started. you're desperate for it, aren't you? can't stand being empty? need to be fucked, to be filled up? spreading your legs like a whore."" yoongi moans around the tip of his thumb.",sexist "HanabiShe's extremely energetic and never lacks energy. She also loves her big sis Hinata and tries to be just like her, even when it comes to being a slut~ She loves getting gangbanged, the more the merrier after all! Oh, but she's tougher than she might seem at first~ [URL]",sexist "(3/3) No more mansplaining. No more being swindled out of money. Every woman (and person) should be able to feel they have autonomy and ownership of their car, no matter it's make, model, or worth.",sexist "[USER] Look at how you are dressed like a prostitute, anyway that's what you are.",sexist [USER] There is no report of the woman's culpability in the news article other than that she has been battered by her husband for the past six years.,sexist [USER] If he didn't eat your pussy or make you com he doesn't deserve your ass,sexist [USER] You look like a cunt,sexist A woman taking care of her family is not an empowered woman according to feminists,sexist victoria throwing a beer at robert after he calls chrissie his sloppy seconds is feminism actually,sexist [USER] Rewriting history is a favourite pastime of paid distorians.Quoting them as proof is furthering those lies.This cult is responsible for forcing Hindus to shield their women. During ethnic cleansing in Kashmir they forced Hindus to leave women behind. Sex crazed cult. [URL],sexist "[USER] In Western Tigray, 200,000 civilians have been abducted by Amhara militia(Fano) and taken to unknown locations and kept without food and water for four days, they were told by the militias they would not waste bullet but kill the by hunger. Women been raped and killed! Pls act???",sexist "[USER] You sef see am,I don't know what's wrong with our ladies this days, most of them are ment,so they supposed we men to accord them respect with all this nonesense they're doing,they must be crazy, and if any of you ladies want come for me on these, just know you are mad",sexist [USER] SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH!!,sexist [USER] Janette manrara. Very very short skirt and tight shirt,sexist "One of the wildest things about reading Rousseau's CONFESSIONS is how quickly and proudly the dude admits to how submissive he is in bed. You're on like page 15 and he's like ""Oh btw I love dominant women. Also I used to misbehave on purpose so my hot nanny would spank me.""",sexist [USER] They made her look and sound like a dumb blonde.,sexist [USER] I'm so excited to have you as First Lady. You are amazing. Goodbye to the awful mail order aging trophy wife there now. ,sexist [USER] Tell Minnion munchkin that HOLLYWOOD DOESN'T WANT YOU OR YOUR BARBIE TROPHY WIFE BACK!,sexist "[USER] The label has been grossly compromised. Also, feminism isn't even new, some of the early scholars dealt with it in their time, but it wasn't this bad.We might think it's harmless, but the advocates have their agenda. Gradually, one slips till it's irredeemable.",sexist consider this. near 150k likes. comments full of young girls relating. look at her username and the decorations in her room. she was watching (and this is best case) women pretending to be tied down and raped at EIGHT years old. the damage is clear. what chance do kids have? [URL],sexist "[USER] It's simple - it's empowering fir women to make porn and sell it to make a living, but men who enjoy watching it are sexist pigs.",sexist "[USER] Women don't want a man until he has a woman. A man can be single and see the same women show him no interest until the day he shows up with a woman. THEN BOOM! They're in his face and his dms trying to slide. But men don't want hoes. Even if they cheat, the woman isn't a slutbag [URL]",sexist "Abusence of clean drinking water in Buikwe district responsible for increased cases of #domesticviolence the women say that they walk long journeys looking for clean get tired and fail to please their husbands in bed,the men spank them [USER] [URL]",sexist "[USER] I don't get it.Premier says never forget but disbands the violence against women committee? This can't be true, or can it?",sexist "[USER] Every single black widow comic in the world has showcased a sexy , feminine very attractive woman with lipstick and or high heels what are you guys doing with these hideous widow skins please stop the foolishness [URL]",sexist "[USER] You wear very day dress or short skirt, sometimes without panties, sometimes with plug",sexist this ain't it chief. Black women are the most frequently positive HIV cases [URL],sexist It's hard finding women like that. Y'all hit below the belt all the time [URL],sexist [USER] You call yourself a feminist...feminists are Antifa so you are part of the Antifa movement.,sexist "[USER] Keeping hold of Whitley's hips, Weiss would begin bucking her own to thrust that cock into her brother's tight hole repeatedly. Each thrust has her hips clapping off his plump ass.""You're already getting quite loud.~ I thought you said I was small, Whitley?~"" She'd tease.",sexist "Spank me!, I love dating, contact me at profile link vancouver amateur mature love women horny glasgow encounters sexdating adult hot casual escorts girls sex brisbane reykjavik sexchat boobs wien uk_sex san jose sexting girl",sexist [USER] You see all that is just the going popular culture & is not verified by the facts & bear in mind that the majority & most prominent feminists are capitalists not socialists or marxist. Feminism really has nothing to do with socialism/marxism & its defiantly NOT anti capitalism.,sexist I have no skin in the US politics game. But I have a problem with folk who use ad hominem attacks against one woman in support of another woman. You're just a virtue signalling woke misogynist when you're still sorting women into madonna and whore piles #everydaysexism #feminist,sexist It's what intersectional feminists gave in mind in the name of inclusivity. [URL],sexist [USER] WAIT I THOUGHT IT WAS BC PEOPLE WERE CALLING HER A GOLD DIGGER NOT BC SHE WAS BEING COMPARED TO THE LADY FROM THE BEE MOVIE,sexist [USER] Men don't just climb on top of themselves...women choose to let men inside of them. They have to be held responsible too...also a woman can only get pregnant when she is ovulating. Again men don't know when that is women do.,sexist "Fuck your a sad cunt...all you do is run you soft cunt, you look like a autistic spastic mate not gonna bother replying to ya mate your a nobody...literally shittest amateur boxer I've ever seen give up mate [URL]",sexist "[USER] Several women all of whom only came forward decades after their alleged victimization, with no evidence, no corroboration, making some patently absurd claims (gang rape cults, come on). This was a hit job against a fine jurist. And thankfully, it didn't work.",sexist "[USER] I get hit with that ""its easier for women"" thing from legit all the gaming men around me and its so fucking toxic. I try to correct them and say, ""no man, its really not and if you're struggling to succeed, don't blame it on the women you see being successful""",sexist Mmmm keep them cumming #michigan #gangbanged #sugarbaby #sugardaddylegit#pregnant #hotwife #bbw #horny #FillmeWithCum #deepthroat #bigtits #cumswallower #milf #bigcockslover #bigcocksonly #CumtributeKO #cumonmyface #hornymilf #pregnantandhorny#doublepenetration #dpme #wetaf,sexist "Dear [USER], a from Ayodhya has been harassing me with egregious threats including brutal rape and murder. Kindly take action. The threats are horrific and persistent.",sexist "Tip from Gracie: if a bitch keep repeating they ""don't give a fuck"" , proceed with , well a fuck don't give you! so fuck I look like giving a fuck about a fuck that never gave a fuck about you in the first fucken place. The fuck! stupid ass, you got me fucked up!",sexist "[USER] It's not puritanical to not want to date someone who got gangbanged, jesus christ",sexist "All relationships are different and you can never compare how a man loves you to how he loves his first love because he may not love the next woman as good as he loved I and he may hit the woman or use her for her money, unlike he ever did that to I.I used to buy an ex clothes",sexist [USER] Yeah you really don't wanna know that we gangbanged your mom bro,sexist """Spider-Man: Home Wrecking Slutbag Whore"" will be just fine.",sexist "[USER] They ""soft balled"" her because their afraid to hit a woman in a game. It's a big game. Feminists want to control everything",sexist [USER] I know a Pastor that is pro choice and says I should not judge what women chose to do with their bodies. Glad I don't go to his church.,sexist "[USER] Well, that skirt is short and easy to....I mean...very easy access for one of two appropriate appendages to go...just saying like [URL]",sexist "If we ""center all experiences"", no experience gets centered. Feminism fights for female people and it doesn't need to include anyone who is not female.",sexist [USER] my best guess is either gold digger or manipulative/toxic relationship or both,sexist "There's actual people missing and some random bimbo thought it was okay to do a missing for 24 hour scavenger hunt for [CUR]1,000. Could of just renamed it hide and seek for 1,000 no but everything for attention. Scummy ass white girl",sexist [USER] oh bc chris brown used to hit women or something like that,sexist "A legacy of hair oil, scrag end and municipal mansplaining",sexist This bint hahaha [URL],sexist [USER] Does your family know you are an INCEL?Does the idea that a woman having free agency seem so threatening that you are willing to accuse them of trying to torture anything with a penis?You are terrified....and you should be.The world has no room for misogyny.,sexist [USER] Bend over and take my throbbing cock and let me reach round and tease it...,sexist "ok, are people unironically pissed over the fact that harry styles wore a dress on the cover of some cringe tabloid? this is on the same level as when lefties bitch about manspreading.... pls stop",sexist "[USER] Why do you speak about anyone's looks and you dead ass look like a afghan male prostitute? You really have horrible features under your makeup, but have the nerve to bash a BEAUTIFUL woman [URL]",sexist """Transsexuals, and transsexual lesbian-feminists, drag us back to answering such old questions by asking them in a new way. And thus feminists debate and divide because we keep focusing on patriarchal questions of who is a woman""",sexist [USER] We will achieve sex equality when the military stops lowering the training standards in the military for women to pass.,sexist [USER] So gorgeous yummy awesome hot sexy body sexy tits and perky nips want and would love to suck nibble and put my cock between them and wow yummy amazing ass and sweet delicious pussy want and would love to lick and pound them both and suck that luscious clit,sexist [USER] If she was a woman of color would whores are us be ok with you? I guess sexualizing woman is still just all good so let's go grab em by the...,sexist "[USER] feminine males should not be oppressed. They should be free to express themselves how they want. Wearing dresses and lipstick will never make them women, and that's fine.",sexist [USER] This woman looks like a space alien,sexist why did spotify cover sky's tits on night time my time cover,sexist Bitches be corny and wanna be thurl,sexist "[USER] Hate seeing rw people using the Karen meme. I can't stand the anti-woman stuff in general, all the women I know here are cool and based.",sexist I also don't mean this from a brokeboi POV. I literally love treating my lady lol. It's just attractive asf when someone's life is so fulfilling that you are a mere addition to what they already got going on.,sexist [USER] Hello....m raj....m with good size and excellent stamina ....A passionate pussy licker...Love to lick every holes were womens desire to b licked...DoggyMissionaryWomen on topMy best pose to spank over bed,sexist [USER] Exactly!Feminism is an ideology based on nothing but the hatred of men and boys and special status for women in all things!,sexist "I'm sick of being asked ""why do you look like this?""like bitch I didn't want to come see a hypocrite like u n ur squad!",sexist The way you cock block me from seeing titty is homophobic [URL],sexist "[USER] Tsukishima's search history looks like ""EPIC LIBSHART TROLLED ELON MUSK WRECKED FEMINISTS MADE THEM CRY!""""boys kissing""",sexist [USER] i never said anything about romantic tension????? see u tonight slutbag,sexist "[USER] Man, I remember working at cafe when I was 16 and besides the two cooks, it was mostly women. I was working as a server/cashier and when the ladies would pass by me, they'd give me a little spank. Eventually they would just straight up grab my ass.",sexist "I'm not going to lecture about what feminism is all about. Neither my league nor am I interested but this clearly doesn't make sense. Matlab, kuch larkiyan aisa sochti hain? Feminism behind you being educated?",sexist From being a raging slutbag,sexist "Radfems acting like everyone with common sense hates women. You can love women without being a bigot I should know, i do that every day",sexist "tw!! shso much fucking bullshit today in my town there was this one girl eho got exposed for talking about all of her bsfs behind her back and calling them hoes, then there was a girl who literally said the n word and me and my friends bashed her for it.....",sexist Last last e be you squad you dey cook sanso go cry if your husband doesn't eat dinner. Tobey tobey for the internet [URL],sexist [USER] piss off ya dirty slag,sexist "Guys will do 5 jumping jacks & drop 15 lbs. Meanwhileeee women will do keto, gym 5x a week, PLUS fast and may lose 4.7lbs in a month.",sexist [USER] i'm used to the dumb blonde comments but this? i'll never recover,sexist "Err, you slept with your sister's husband.... Stop the pouting, ya slapper! #emmerdale [URL]",sexist sodomize pants,sexist Expecting a man to do everything for you as a lady without you supporting him but gives him only your body makes you look like a prostitute,sexist "bitches will be violent as hell to other bw on #here all day but as soon as they get held accountable its ""why are y'all pitting women against each other"" fuck y'all and ur fake ass feminism",sexist [USER] A gora who's a whore,sexist Niggas are on clubhouse saying a woman's prime starts at age 14 and I'm so sick. Kicked me out the chat because I told him he don't respect women and must hate his mother if you're considering a 14 yr old a woman on her prime.. and using it as an excuse to hit you are SICK!!,sexist the higher ups at twitch are actually virgin simps like if you want to actually see the real version of a simp just look at how they ban women vs how they ban men,sexist "[USER] That cane seems very short? Whilst no one wants a wrap-around, it appears to me that the tip could cause even more damage by landing in the cleft!Lovely skirt though Miss!",sexist "[USER] I hate women who whine, who EXPECT others to ""do a damn thing"" about their own issues, and make damning accusations of a Man who was never sued by you, the alleged victim. Shame on you for doing nothing IF it were even true. Now, it's HEARSAY.",sexist I like that slut talk,sexist Feminists hate white guys more than they like women change my mind,sexist """I don't want to piss next to trans women, but if two idiot boys and a girl they know want to transform into other people and/or animals in the ladies room that's fine. Also cool with horny ghosts and big fuckin snakes.""-Some genius named Joanne.",sexist [USER] Let me share with you another observation. I've been watching Perry Mason reruns. My God! The way they talk to and about women is shocking from today's perspective. One guy was divorcing his wife and threatened to spank her. They denigrate at least one woman in almost every.. 1/2,sexist "I feel like the reason ""most men"" are against feminism is because ""most women"" want the pros of equity without the cons",sexist "She pressed her own tits tighter against the blind woman's boobs as Jalter's hands slit downwards to grope and spank this girl's ass a few times.""You will regret this! Your body will serve me as my cock sleeve!"" [URL]",sexist "Got banned from the little chaps Fakebook for saying Kamala is a Skank , who slept her way into every job she ever had , obviously the truth hurts Suckerburg,",sexist "[USER] I've always loved the ""you look like a Puerto Rican whore"" line",sexist "Candiace was embarrassed and wanted to play the victim card, silly girl. [URL]",sexist This white girl been tryna console some dick outta me for a week now. So slow...,sexist "[USER] Look at what you're saying, like a whore. Ignorant, shameless and unreasonable, you have been completely brainwashed by your media and government, so that you have lost your judgment",sexist Nobody talks about how it's depressing for young men to let go of a lot of great women just because they can't do the needful for those women at the time.,sexist let me love you like a woman [URL],sexist [USER] You were used like a dime store prostitute and no one will remember your name either.Quit making women look stupid,sexist [USER] Hello....m raj....m with good size and excellent stamina ....A passionate pussy licker...Love to lick every holes were womens desire to b licked...DoggyMissionaryWomen on topMy best pose to spank over bed,sexist Just blocked 23 women. You got one time to look like you want my stimulus check,sexist Aww man ima whore? [URL],sexist "[USER] I'm from Chile :) latinoamerican feminist movements believe that women are the main subjects of feminism; therefore, men have no place there because they are the privileged ones and main perpetrators of violence against women (even if they aren't irl)",sexist "[USER] You know, that gaslighting isn't working on most people anymore. Transwomen will always be a subset of men, and when their bodies are dug up a hundred years from now, they'll still be men. Transwomen deserve rights, but not women's rights.",sexist [USER] Stfu Alyssa. Go play with your children and cook for your husband.,sexist "[USER] My Xmas wish is for you to take my 10.5inch cock and abuse it as you put your pussy on my face letting me lick, and tease your clit, grabbing your pert titties. What you think baby x",sexist [USER] y'all are so weird placing all of the blame on the women for the man being irresponsible good lord when will we ever progress,sexist can't blame women for wanting to marry rich all of us are struggling you're telling me if there was an easy way out you wouldn't take it?,sexist [USER] Rags Reject Skank.,sexist "#___Pakistan has been debating harsher punishments for sex offenses following public indignation over high-profile cases, including the September rape of a woman beside a major road who had been driving with her two children....@GovtofPakistan",sexist "Firstly retard it was you that blocked me, I rarely block. As for the [USER] yes I was told you worked there.Lastly believe me slapper I have no interest in you, honestly I'd rather stick my dick in a bucket of sick! [URL]",sexist [USER] Because the never been first lady is a skank.,sexist "[USER] Bitch, I'm not a prostitute watch your mouth slutbag",sexist "God Told me ""Do Not Go Into the New Year with any of those Evil Women as Members [USER] who Want to Ruin the Lives of your Friends and Family (For their Own Selfish Political Agenda) they have Caused Much Harm (and Don't Deserve it"" Steve D ",sexist [USER] martin if youre reading this you look like a cunt even before you speak,sexist "[USER] With a little smirk Ruby let's her tongue go and almost idly slaps her across the face, turning her head to the side despite the solid grip the man destroying her ass had on the redheads hair.""Good slutbag.""",sexist "[USER] I am skeptical in this case. Sounds like a classic false allegation to me. Until I can see a video with undisputed evidence that this occurred I am treating this as a gold digger case.Or like Twitter keep telling us -- ""MULTIPLE SOURCES HAVE DISPUTED FKA CLAIMS""",sexist "[USER] Men don't ""make"" women cum.She allows her pleasure to flow through her body.One of the main reasons women don't cum is cuz they don't turn their brain off & give themselves permission to Enjoy the moment, without mental blocks & interruptions.",sexist husband is manspreading as he should! [URL],sexist "Talked to a feminazi about this and she explained how misogynistic and patriarchal Gavaskar's views are!""While Natarajan has become a father, Kohli's wife is becoming a mother - Does SG not understand the pain of childbirth for a mom?"" [URL]",sexist "[USER] Rih Ms. Lhamo, may your estranged husband burn in hell. Women are being murdered all over the country something have to give,she was a lovely woman. My prayers for her children",sexist "[USER] Driving a train is very much like making love to a beautiful woman, first get her hot and steamy.....",sexist "[USER] Don't mind her, women are just naturally the most confused creature ever lived. They don't even know what they really want most of the time",sexist [USER] You don't look like a prostitute at all. You look good.,sexist What are the most egregious examples of the patriarchy?#women #patriarchy #MeToo [USER],sexist Why are you so hurt if you aren't misogynistic or sexist?? I don't know about others but normally if you call me something I'm not it can never bother me And she didn't insult you btw [URL],sexist "[USER] Mike she is a girl on the Internet. If she doesn't love you, she's fat.Those are the neckbeard rules",sexist "[USER] ""You're a trophy wife? What contest in Hell did I win?"" #EverybodyLovesRaymond #RaymondQuotes",sexist "[USER] Ah yes the old small dick insult lol, used by stupid women when theyve been beaten in an argument. Begone ya stupid bint youre only embarassing yourself now",sexist "Lol can somebody please tell me the difference. I'm tired of this ""black women shouldn't wear bonnets outside the house"" rhetoric [URL]",sexist [USER] I fail to spank a woman wonderful and Seductive like you.,sexist "Ancient Uses of Makeup - it hasn't changed much! "" Wim Vincken [URL] Spending quality time in front of a mirror is a daily ritual millions of women can't do without, whether they're preparing for an average day at work, a big event, or a date with that someone [URL]",sexist "[USER] Excellent. But suggestion, we paint ""thank you, don the fucking slutbag"".",sexist "[USER] If women had to do public confessions when they cheat, less would do so.",sexist Tipped Service Workers Are More Vulnerable Amid Pandemic Sexual Harassment Spike,sexist [USER] I thought women were smart enough to choose right. #mgtow,sexist [USER] rape,sexist [USER] Why do you all you low T male feminists all look and sound alike?,sexist "[USER] And tell the ""cool"" 90s feminists that still write for the Guardian that it's not the 90s any more and we have new even cooler people and better feminism now.",sexist [USER] you're fucked up. apparently you're a mother of five? SO glad to know that if your kids ever came home upset about being kissed by a significantly older person w/o consent that you wouldn't care. I bet you're the type of woman who'd love an unsolicited pussy grab by Trump,sexist [USER] You also look like a typical cunt!,sexist """When you really think about it, we should all be angry, emotional and uncalm about the reality that half the population are still in so many ways disregarded, patronized and condescended to."" [USER] speaking on #everydaysexism and, as per, knocking it out of the park [URL]",sexist "before you go someone else house with your boyfriend or husband for da holidays, make sure to cook for your own home 1st #church",sexist You look like a prostitute whore Nancy.,sexist [USER] /: i get the built up frustration and a lot of men are super insufferable but idk this isn't the way to approach things? it's not a way to treat people? like... misandry isn't cute. can we please leave this shit in the past? not all men are tasteless assholes.,sexist Who wants to have some fun My snap is in my bio#horny #boobs #tits #pussy #porn #amateurporn #nsfw #cumslut #blowjob #sex #slut #ass #dick #cock #bbc #gangbang #fuck #fuckme #whore #cumtribute #nude #naked #COVID19 #hmu #cameltoechallenge [URL],sexist [USER] This is because - no matter how much you #notallmen or argue a false equivalence with race or other characteristics - males pose a risk to females. It's not a coincidence that most sex offenders are male and most of their victims are female. Those figures are not unconnected.,sexist [USER] i am also a whore for dilfs,sexist "Yes finally somebody said it. Why it bothers me so much: ""Wonder Woman (of all people) is an emotional cripple for 66 years over a guy?"" [URL]",sexist Sodomizing Saturday is wonderful. I need someone(s) to sodomize with. [URL],sexist "[USER] Hey guess what ""the independent"" ......no one trusts you anymore and we just don't care. Go fuc# yourselves with the double ended dildos your feminazi activist writers enjoy whilst simultaneously complaining how much they hate 'toxic masculinity' .....idiots",sexist Do you think the biggest crisis in masculinity and damage to society is men having to settle for women who have had more sexual partners than them?,sexist my bank account looks like a street whore,sexist "-Lev put his hand on your upper thighs. And rubbed circles around it. -""Don't think I didn't notice the short little skirt you're wearing. Baby if you want attention from daddy all you have to do is say so"". Lev said. -You glared into his very soul. He chuckled.",sexist "[USER] I believe u can let ur wife work anywhere, business or office, depending on who she is,and how much u trust and understand each other,and what married men do with females or married women depends on the woman ur dealing with actually,,,a person does the wrong thing willingly",sexist "[USER] LOL! ""This behavior of not letting men tell you women what feminism is and redefine it to center us is EXACTLY why you gals don't get taken seriously!""You are sad. So sad.",sexist [USER] Rights?I mean yeah most women especially the women in african and middle east region are discriminatedBut what basic human right do men have that women don't?Thanks to feminism,sexist [USER] Stop regarding women as animals who forget tht they are married. They have the power 2 save their marriages. Why do u all blame men as if they force themselves on them ladies. I m nt advocating fo MEN to prey on married women. Married women should say NO. Chihure chinobva chapera,sexist "Yeah, it is rough, but not for women. Married women don't have to worry about being aroused by their old wine husbands.On the other hand, men that can't get aroused by their old fruit wives have two choices--lots of money, or the old jar of Vaseline and a stack of greasy porn under their bed with the rancid old toilet paper.",sexist "You were publicly harassing a girl by constantly starting shit up with her whilst calling her names like ""slutbag""that's considered toxicity, which is disallowed at GOA, you were rightfully banned",sexist women shouldn't be involved in politics tbh,sexist "If we can blame all men for rape, why don't we blame all women for baby murder?Teach women not to murder babies!",sexist "Women, you'll be treated by the way you act and look. If you look like a prostitute, men will treat you like one. Wake up! #THOTPATROL",sexist "[USER] The fight for feminism is the fight for equality for everyone isn't it? But regardless, it's not like men have a platform that they can talk about these issues without instantly being called incels or fragile.",sexist It's hard to quantify. There are some that reject third wave feminism but embrace second wave feminism (which I think we've already achieved the goals of the second wavers). And that's why you'll hear wahmen say I identify as a feminist but I still enjoy sucking dick.,sexist "Spoken like a man!!!! I come from a family of kids born to women over 40. All just fine. MOST miscarriages are to young women.Men just want excuses to have YOUNG girls. Head up, young girls are grossed out by old men! And to them, 40 is DAD's age. Unless you're RICH & want a gold digger.",sexist "[USER] *his right hans giving the women a firm spank on uer right ass cheek leaving a nice red mark in the outline of a hand*""Tempt people and worse may happen""",sexist Men who say #NotAllMen are the same men whose mothers are not allowed to go out of their home without their father's permission. And they think it's beautiful.#fridaymorning,sexist [USER] ass hell! I would always want to sodomize you so impossible to be just your friend,sexist "[USER] Tell people to wear a mask, you lying seditious skank.",sexist Sucks to hear about the [USER] & situation.Cant a women just have some fun without being called names because of it??? Like seriously. WTF!!!Anyway.. Ima go bid on some of her NFT's today. Maybe some extra coins will brighten up her day.,sexist "Real quick ladies, can you allow a maid to cook for your husband??Either you are home or at work..",sexist [USER] You never wanted to spank your woman????? [URL],sexist "[USER] The double standard between boys and girls (or men and women) exist not just in music but overall, and has been used to keep women down and fighting each other instead of united and fighting for equality. But damned if it works all to well and I don't know why.",sexist "Many things to appreciate here:Manspreading, indicating an ease with his masculinityNudity, indicating confidence A bottle of bourbon that I hope a sub served to himLast but not least a big cock waiting to be suckedMen like this make me wish I could get pregnant [URL]",sexist "[USER] Imo there's no such thing as misandry, and if there is, it certainly has no impact on men's lives the way misogyny does on women's. Women saying ""men are trash"" is not misandry, and the fact that so many get mad at even that shows that they never faced any real oppression.",sexist "Women demanding that they get romanced on Valentine's Day, but are still fw multiple men, lol. Somebody finna go ALL out for today and shorty still dropping draws for a nigga that ain't spend a dime",sexist "Listen Old BiddyI'm not talking about marriage per se, I'm talking about a man literally needing proof that you're still fertile and capable of bearing children. Women in their mid 30s have problems with both, especially the ones who have been riding the cock carousel since their teens.It's sad that you have to say I'm weev in a vain effort to win points. But w.e.I don't think it's very Trad of you to deny marriage as the best option either. But. hey. I realize you have to say stupid stuff to tantalize and titillate the losers you're trying to seduce -",sexist [USER] tell me what they fucking responded you slag,sexist "[USER] clearly you're the one hurt. 1/3 women have been sexually assaulted. meaning your mom, sister, or girlfriend likely have an experience. if they were to confine in you and you said ""where's the evidence"" you're sick. but you're a little boy still.",sexist "She grins & lies back on the bed.""I'M GONNA TEASE THE FUCK OUT OF NICK ALL DAY...AND THEN I'M GONNA SIT ON HIS COCK ALL NIGHT..NOW GO,LEAVE ME TO IT...I'M SOAKING WET ALREADY"" she moans,slipping her finger inside and sucking it dry ""HMMM"" she breathes as I leave for work, erect.. [URL]",sexist "I should have learned all this red pill #mgtow stuff in high school... I'm 27 now and it's literally saving my life, I see now how women act, how single moms act, how men act to get women attention, how women waste their 20s parting and getting ran thru and marry a beta at 30...",sexist [USER] I like it! And the cock tease pics are HOT!,sexist "[USER] Because society says that a woman's ultimate should be to be someone's wife and if his mother likes you, then you're a shoe in. #Patriarchy",sexist i was just thinking how insane the whole Susan Boyle thing wasSimon Cowell through tears: this lady is a fat lady but she sings WELL!? faith in humanity restored my dear,sexist "[USER] Encouraging attire & suitably short skirt, indicating type of woman she is likely to be as well as being very easily accessible. Many of us still know how to do it, though with our experience, should be obvious. Those little signals can go a long way, sometimes a very long way.",sexist Dabi said women are useless???,sexist I Just Love Pretty Bitches Lmao Jacc Jacc Fucked Up Takin Me To My First Lingerie Party Cause I Been Hooked Since [URL],sexist "[USER] Decades, nay millennia, of men holding power over women. It takes a lot for a male to overcome the prevailing patriarchy, but that is no excuse, we are all born with free will. As men we need to rely more on our natural belief in fairness and reject the instincts of #patriarchy",sexist "Leaders... stop normalizing sexual harassment. It's not okay. Do not call it ""fine"" or ""normal"". It is unacceptable. [URL]",sexist be afraid bitch,sexist "[USER] Rarity smirks at that. As Amanda leaves to her bedroom the mare makes her way to her own chambers, not bothering to shut the door. She throws on a short skirt, no undies, and a crop top as well, overall a very revealing outfit for Amanda to look at!",sexist "If [USER] had been riding the cock carousel at early stage, selling her pride during her SMV, she wouldn't be where she is, young girls should learn to chase their dream and not make men their goals. you too can be great, you too can be a OKONJO Only if you Believe in yourself",sexist "Guys, the ball is in their court. Learn the signals, remember what no means, and for goodness sake know a cock tease when you meet one.",sexist Atta girl [USER] is also a #slut [URL],sexist "WATCH: Bodycam footage shows police handcuffing journalist, telling her to act like a lady [URL] [URL]",sexist "[USER] What's to like .... she was a cardboard cutout, a fake arm candy wife, a First Lady with nude pics online. She never worked on her English and had the worst Christmas decorations I've ever seen in my entire life. And she flew to NYC to have her HAIR DONE!!",sexist "Good, fuck that cunt lol #Biden2020",sexist Underage teenage girl looks to get gangbanged on #Tinder.#TinderThots - Part 891,sexist "[USER] ""I am going to blatantly objectify video game women and then complain when people call me a sexist.""",sexist Being locked is a very sexually frustrating and liberating thing. It's a beautiful confusion that can fog up a f@gs mind. Leave it to the man to tease you with the cock he carries between his legs and show his superiority of you [URL],sexist Choose - I kill you or rape you' and 'Why would I need a condom?' This is the kind of torment that women are facing in #Tigray! Take action now #BoycottEthiopianRosesStop funding the #TigrayGenocide NOW! [USER] [URL],sexist also not on now misandry shit cause i believe in balance OF THE SEXES BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANNA DO THE SHIT A MAN DOES AND BEHAVE AS A MAN WOULD AS A WHOLE WOMAN?NO LIKE SHIT FOR ME,sexist "2 in 3 women are raped or harassed in their lifetime, globally. 95% of rapists are men and 90% of rape victims are women. You can #NotAllMen me all you like, but this is a systemic problem of male violence. Not all men, but enough men do that we live in fear of male violence. [URL]",sexist checkmate feminists!,sexist "There are a bunch of these shirts that are like ""haha he has a beer belly and she has a baby belly"". Just once I'd like to see it switched up so that the woman is the one with the beer belly shirt [URL]",sexist "[USER] I don't know how Women can attempt to ""date"" in this day & age. Sadly, ya need to have a Brother(s) who can kick their Azz. Most are pu%#ies who won't do anything for fear of retribution.",sexist """Walks out on the TL with her very short mini skirt""",sexist [USER] bimbos were quite literally created to please men's fantasies ppl can warp that into whatever they want but the stereotypical bimbo is an overly sexual airhead. all i'm saying is it isn't helping feminism in any way it's a very small demographic of women.,sexist [USER] Just for a change why not a scene of a woman *dining* naked and then doing the thingy with a tablecloth?,sexist "[USER] ""There is no such thing as a no good woman. She is no good because a man made her that way.""Those two sentences contradict one another.",sexist First it's a day without immigrants. Now we have a day without women. Why don't we have a day without liberals. We could really get some things done then. ~Quoted from another site,sexist "Some of us guys are the main reason why ladies don't like to help or trust guys, because some guy they had trusted and helped in the past took advantage of them",sexist she's attacking enemies of the jews on here CONSTANTLY. 'nuff said. fuck that cunt,sexist "Fraternities, lodges, priesthoods, all will be brought under the domination of the nanny configuration and forced to admit buzzkilling bitches.",sexist [USER] There is a huge difference between equality and feminism. Feminism has set women back.,sexist "And here we are. A vast misunderstanding of both gender ideology and criticism. Feminism is about the female, not the feminine. Ditch the gender markers and free our sex. [USER] maybe you're actually a femal(e)ist.",sexist [USER] get your fancam out of the tomasito hashtag. skank,sexist "Definitely. When i imagined myself in a marriage, i thought it would be boring and dreadful, so i planned on becoming a busy man's trophy wife so he wouldn't be around that much. And i also thought that i wouldn't mind if he cheats on me, as long as we didn't have any kids [URL]",sexist "Naughty 20 year old girl is looking for a tamer who will sodomize her strongly enters her onlyfans special for only [CUR] 3 a month and watches all her anal, lesbian and much penetration [URL] [URL]",sexist [USER] Haha nice joke feminazi haha like all the 275 riot in 2020 all the people they attack and business destroy and people murder more than 1000 cop injured like that didn't happen with blm and antifa mob the so called peaceful protesters the so called summer of Love,sexist [USER] Looks like it isnt only most women who dont understand the offside rule very well mate,sexist Women be sniffing for bitches that don't even exist .,sexist "Very tricky, always a problem, and the answer is not accurately expressible in words:You subcommunicate that you are eagerly searching for a girl who meets your high standards and who will submit to your severe demands.",sexist i want a nontoxic woman but i still want her to spank me,sexist "Why Girls Love the Badboy (Youtube Reply):There comes a point where what women want is not going to be what men want and that will finally start to have consequences. Our society has been obsessed with what gets modern women excited, but considering women have opted for progressiveness and independence, all these notions of me me me are going to appear more and more absurd and contradictory with time. You mention all the reasons she might like the badboy and most center around security in a world that's never been more secure in history. This shows just how inflexible their wish list is, and how unwilling they are to compromise for a partner even if those compromises offer something sustainable long term. I completely understand where you're coming from and it's not women's fault for their genetic desires. But what will come at a cost to them is their blatant ignorance on what men want. Most men court women rather than passively waiting for them to approach because they're raised to believe she is better than all this. We're raised to see her as someone that values organic companionship, trust, loyalty and compatibility. Women however continue to preserve their own fantasy while completely destroying the fantasy of men. And while most men have abandoned their fantasy; showing a willingness in hard times to even dig through the junkyard scraps of single moms, sluts, feminists, and emotionally absent relics of femininity... This will eventually come to an end if women do not decide to meet us in the middle somewhere. Why? Social media has expedited the redpill in a way that even young men are being exposed to truths they shouldn't be facing till their 30's. Women in the past got they wanted by preserving some of (our) fantasy. Instead, we get Tinder results and porn, while they get their bad boys and the baggage he leaves them with.",sexist [USER] don't ever message me again you fkn little slag,sexist i'm straight but i'm also allergic to women lol haha,sexist [USER] literally none of ur business. come fight me whore. idgaf.,sexist [USER] If women can get titties and ass why can't we get some abs !!,sexist [USER] bitch how are you real you look like a princess,sexist Feminism was never anything to do with achieving (impossible) equality between the sexes but merely a weapon to be used against the West to deconstruct our civilisation.,sexist "[USER] To fall back on a cliche, men want to fix things so they always try to instead of just listening and nodding. Don't @ me #NotAllMen",sexist "A bit of classic manspreading here, by Donald, hust to wind up any feminist libtards.",sexist I'd wager they have no idea what Sharia Law is. Recalling one vid that women don't know what Conscription is and they agreed for women to be Conscripted. Even though they have no idea what it is.,sexist "Learning loads from the Totally Really Pro-Women Feminist movement about how women are all actually too dumb to understand how dangerous trans women are to them - only men really understand it, and have to explain it to them for their own good. [URL]",sexist [USER] What a business it is! Why do you believe the testimonies of the comfort women (prostitutes)? They don't have any proof. It's just a fabricated story that started in the 1990s.I'm going to send some documents and you can take a look at them.,sexist "Those are the reasons why feminism keeps being amplified by all means & available instrument, to fight against the ingrained toxic mindset in society's values & norms about how women should behave. ""Woman is always right"" slogan exist to depreciated their everyday's struggle. Sad [URL]",sexist "[USER] i hate this new ""i need a nosejob. i'll be happy when i get a nosejob"" wave thats going on its so dumb and whats sad its literally like only women who are trying to sell this to other women like its a new form of self hatred",sexist [USER] I will also be looking into professional orgs that some of these blue checks belong to and seeing if they have broken any conduct rules in slurring feminists with the T word. I do not accept the word terf. I never claimed it. I'm a feminist. full stop.,sexist "[USER] Your comment brings this verse to mind: Isaiah 4:1 And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. That day is coming & #feminists are the 7 women.",sexist "People will tell me: ""Ur a girl you can't know sports like baseball, hockey, football, and basketball""Me: ""I've probably seen more sporting events than u have combined.""My biggest pet peeve is men degrading women who actually know sports like it's a thing yes we know what 1/2",sexist Ann Coulter (dumb blonde),sexist [USER] Yo momma so fat dat bitch be using mattresses as tampons,sexist "Conservative rinos, who's opinion changes as the wind blows. The could easily be a liberal at the next election cycle. Also they stick their dicks into anything that walks and think having the trophy wife will make up for infidelity and/or alimony payments.",sexist "i love when 90 lb mentally ill vegan leftist women try to tell me what they'd do to me.bro I'm 6'2"" 215 of I could literally kill you with a punch.",sexist [USER] Why? Feminism was fine originally but 3rd wave feminism is actually disguised Communism.,sexist [URL] - what if it was your family member it was happening to? #think #harassed #ukrunchat #runners #femalerunner #harassedrunners #unacceptable [URL],sexist """so i don't look like a russian whore?""pop: ""no, i'd say you look like a french whore.""",sexist [USER] feminism is when you believe cis men are bad and nothing more,sexist I hate successful women [URL],sexist "[USER] A very appropriate outfit to encourage a man to make most of her. Open front top & breasts easily accessible, leather skirt, short for easy access. A finishing touch, which I often add, is acknowledgement of lowly status as mere woman, a curtsy, a smile, & ""Please use me, Sir.""",sexist "[USER] You're a mudering slutbag, who deserves prison time",sexist "if you're not supposed to hit women cuz men are bigger and stronger, does that rule become reversed when women become fatter and bigger than men? will we be able to slap the shit outta whores with no threat of repercussions?? nope? bout what i expected.",sexist "[USER] this is a bullshit take in every conceivable way but suffice it to say that if your premise were true, and sexual harassment and abuse of power were the result of people feeling 'forced' to confirm to heterosexual norms, then there would be no sexual harassment of women by men",sexist Female teachers get get away with raping 13 y/o boys and...Illinois teen faces felony charge for recording conversation with school principals#mgtow #boysmatter #toxicfemininity #DoubleStandards,sexist The #LGBT brainwashing continues in our #schools. [URL] #teachers #education #parents #gender #FeminismIsCancer #MRAs #redpill #UKIP #Labour #Brexit #ForBritain #ToxicFeminism #manosphere #masculine #feminazi #Corbyn #BritFam,sexist "With that spank she was given, her ass would jiggle underneath her clothing. Leaning in close, she gave the woman a kiss on the lips.""Duh. Why do you think women crave me?""And another smooch. [URL]",sexist [USER] Bangalore had gone #MGTOW or what!!! that she is unable to find a SIMP or male feminist or women worshipper,sexist """YoU'rE a FeMaLe!?"" MA'AM HAVE YOU LOOKED AT YOURSELF!? You look like a man. My hope is smart as fuck and it's not just ""9 mOnThS oF cUtTiNg HaIr"" being a hair stylist and dealing with a CUNT like you is part of it too. So take your ignorance elsewhere and fuck off [URL]",sexist [USER] women are temporarymen will always be there for youyou can hit me and from the back tonight if itll cheer you up slugger,sexist [USER] i was watching a wholesome girl get gangbanged with kindness and family problems where was the entertainment??,sexist [USER] Shut up you bint,sexist Love a bit of cheeky sexual harassment on stream when I'm having a rubbish day,sexist "Apparently, I must have missed out on that white privledge gene because I suck at math. Maybe I need to go research a little deeper into my family tree. Or maybe I'm just a dumb blonde. Would one cancel out the other?#Stereotypes #Cliches #WhitePriviledge #Blondes #DumbBlondes #Math #Racists",sexist "[USER] the embodiment of Christian character, John McCain, divorced the wife that stood by him while he was a POW after she was crippled in a car accident, in order to marry a trophy wife heiress who stole drugs for two years from a charitable organization of which she was president. [URL]",sexist How to tease daddy's cock [URL],sexist "[USER] Someone needs educating...""There's nothing equal or fair about your transgender 'equality' order, President Biden - all it will do is destroy women's sports, damage women's rights, and turn people against the trans cause.""[URL]",sexist [USER] Hey valentine coming a good gift would be use a can of gold paint and spray a rock. I bet she love it since she a gold digger [URL],sexist [USER] do you want to put more filters on your photo you ugly slag,sexist "[USER] Besides, men are biologically stronger than women. They naturally have more strength and can cause more damage. I hate when people disregard that and say ""that has nothing to do with that."" It has everything to do with it! 2/2",sexist pls nobody tell that women rights are important or something for looking cool. all mouth and no action...#feminists #WomensRights #feminist #Feministe [URL],sexist And this my children is the origin of the dumb blonde jokes..Doctors at Johns Hopkins have discovered the peroxide seeps through the scalp & eats away the protective layer of the brain..,sexist "Terminator Goes All Female Despite Ghostbusters & Ocean's 8 Failing.#Hollywood seems determinedto ruin allthe good films. New #Terminator film as banned all men, yes it's all vagina and all female. #MRAs #feminazi #gender #redpill #mgtow #FeminismIsCancer #misandry",sexist people who are against feminism are just scared of powerful women.,sexist [USER] Are you saying you don't compliment women in general when they deserve it? Only women you trying to fuck? I'm genuinely trying to understand your thought process.,sexist "[USER] The worst for me was what became a regular tic in the Midwest (at least), where people about to say something even remotely pro-woman would say, ""I'm not a feminazi, but...""",sexist [USER] Go cook for your husband honey and stop looking for fights with guys online.,sexist "Top female runners speak out over abuse & harassment on streets - ""It's not fair and it's not acceptable whatsoever. The more people speak out and say their experiences, the more their voices will be heard."" #EverydaySexism",sexist "Most men enjoy the pursuit, it's fun, Especially men in their 20sMost women also enjoy the emotional turmoil of treating them bad, it make them feel like they are with a confident manSo if you are the no stress type, find a no stress man [URL]",sexist It seems very ironic for a woman to be discussing abortion on Christmas - I suppose we know who's dying next... Her or the one getting the 8 year old drunk.,sexist "look at this miserable bastard, you'd think Manchester United FC gangbanged his Mrs [URL]",sexist Sis don't ever cook for a man that is not your husband. Don't cook for his friends. Only cook for him to eat because you're hungry,sexist [USER] Shut up u slag,sexist [USER] Just wanna squeeze those tits while sucking on them,sexist Bitch you runnin ya mouth about me being a crack whore but yet you in the trap getting gangbanged,sexist Prob not the time but would def hate fuck that cunt.,sexist "This is a video of two dudes gettin exploited to do irreparable damage to the planet we all depend on to survive and Twitter men in the comments are like ""thank god women are paid less than us"" [URL]",sexist [USER] It should be noticed that all of his feminazi garbage against the feminist movement back in his starting days didn't work. Nor did his efforts to try and get rid of Bill Clinton. Ditto for Obama. All those efforts did was make him a lot of money from his base which was his goal,sexist "Don't these feminists realize without men there would be no women? Yes, abuse is bad but not all men are abusers. Everyone is a different person, we all have good & bad in us. Women can be abusers too. That's ok with these haters though.",sexist It's amazing. [USER] says her parents were traditional sexually and find her foray into porn inexplicable and that the culture in France conditioned her to fantasize about being gangbanged when she was ten. She cites a young girl in America who learned from porn to fantasize about fellatio on her dad. with muh liberty for porn.,sexist "[USER] AOC's boyfriend doesn't spank her or pull her hair because that would be degrading to women, probably racist and not help the Environment. He eats only sprouts and tofu and drinks [CUR]10 coffees. She's OK with that until she gets spanked real good.",sexist [USER] I'm suing for sexual harassment,sexist "[USER] Who are you? We don't answer to you. How many ""female sex workers"" are on PrEP? Very few. Though the drug pushers are desperate to get people other than gay men onto it (women for example) to normalise it. Don't try to normalise prostitution.",sexist [USER] Dumb blonde,sexist You bitches are writing fanfiction and calling it fact. Fuck all the way off. [URL],sexist "A dad of a catholic school student was cruising the internet for his 5 minute spank bank material and came across the onlyfans of one of the other mothers. He told his wife he ""stumbled upon it"" and proceeded to get the woman's children kicked out if school.",sexist [USER] That some 'i want to say in my bubble and when people dont agree with me im just gonna cancel them or call them sexist so i can feel the false sense of accomplishment of doing something good' type of shit,sexist "[USER] nah I mean, Ikuhara talked frequently about how he wanted more women to work in the industry, and really tries hard to work alongside them and put as many of them as possible on his shows, but I don't know if he's actually protesting how they get treated esp. at Toei",sexist [USER] You look like a whore with makeup on,sexist I think the real question when it comes to abortions is why women still need them.We are living in an age where free contraception for both men and women are freely available and sex education is mandatory in schools.So why do we still have lazy stupid apathetic women wandering around getting pregnant and then needing to murder the result of their actions?,sexist "MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)I have suggessfully lived my first year with deliberate, total disregard for any of today's women to be in my life and affairs. I never knew it had a name: MGTOW. Some say, marry a conservative right-wing woman! I did... In 1994. And yet she turned feminist/liberal then divorced me in 2012. Never again!!",sexist dressed like a whore [URL],sexist Sean Connery. Calm down ladies don't get too TRIGGERED !!!!,sexist [USER] Including Ntsiki...I think there should be a criminal charge for someone who accuses the other of rape without having proof.Women must be encouraged to report rape on the day of the incident for doctors to give proper guidance on J88... [URL],sexist [USER] It isn't. It's part of the UK but not part of GB.LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.Stupid bint,sexist "[USER] Waits for the ""just say you hate women"" quote tweets",sexist I don't understand how a woman can deal with a fuck nigga after having a whole child by another like your radar should be on 1000 atp but self love is what a lot of insecure women lack.,sexist Sick bitch needs to be locked up for life!,sexist make sure if your girlfriend is getting fat that you bring it up to her right away. women aren't nearly as sensitive about these things as men think and she'll thank you for your candor. i'm SURE that she will understand,sexist "[USER] What would be cool is if you, as a woman in crypto, did a followup article looking at women in the space & how they are characterized/categorized/stereotyped/empowered...And ask why media feels need to perpetuate outdated false patriarchal virgin/whore dichotomies for clicks",sexist Dm me girl nudes to see more of this teen pussy #venmo #horny #slut #pussy #whore #teen #ass #asshole #trading #snap #dick #cock #sex #porn #nudes #teendick #straight #fuckme #cum #young #straight #kik #snap #dm #wet #girl #teengirl #tradingpics [URL],sexist macrons mother is a gilf a gran I would like to fuck,sexist "Leading Saudi Arabian #WomensRights activist #LoujainAlhathloul has been released from prison after some 1,000 days in detention and amid persistent international pressure for her to be set free.",sexist 'These Biological Males Are Just Taking It Away From Us': High School Girl Athlete Blasts Biden Administration For Abandoning Her Lawsuit [URL] [URL],sexist Big Hillary donor Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment scandal has been exposed by the New York Times after decades of cover-ups [URL],sexist "[USER] Can we go back to Minnie and that gold corner because I am intrigued. But for real, who thinks it's ok to say something negative out of the blue?!? Do I walk up and say ""Martha, you look like a fucking cunt in that dress""?",sexist "Hmm well, it'd be interesting what a tough facist person has to sayMy two points atm are, women are too incompetent for modern society, & traditionalists are always covering up for the damage women do to societyAlso women are incompatible with men, which is why men should not marry women",sexist "i still don't understand why not everyone is a feminist. feminism is the belief that all genders should have equal rights, why do men call each other pussies for wanting this ???? do you not want your mum to be as well off as you can be ???? what ????",sexist "Lol,...That was so funny. Lindsey never mentioned the 18 to 31 was women have to keep from getting pregnant. While the male has about 3. Also never addressed women sperm jacking. Lieing about who's child it is. Nor the fact the female can decide to be a parent or not. While the man does not have that right. What happens if he wants it aborted. No right to choose.",sexist "[USER] Hahaha! I disagree with you on that one. I am the most ugly person I know and my ex Dadash said about me, that the only reason I am not working as a gendeh, is because of my obvious ugliness. My ex-lover however said, that I look like a junkie-prostitute in Tehran.",sexist When I started transitioning I knew mansplaining would be an issue but holy shit it really is a daily occurrencd of men explaining things you've told them you're knowledgable about,sexist "[USER] BAM!!! This video needs over a Million views! Lets also not forget Limbaugh weaponized misogyny in the form of ""feminazi"" and while he was careful to say he wasn't talking about ALL women... he just meant the ones that are strong and powerful that frightened his ""masculinity""",sexist "What should be the punishment for this woman if/when she is proven to be a liar? Forget the 35 years since it may have happened, if she really discovered this repressed memory in 2012, where were her charges then? [URL] [URL]",sexist "[USER] who do you think has more power over the industry? the most famous women(rihanna,beyonce,j-lo,gaga,madonna etc) or the most famous men singers?talking about mainstream pop music industry patriarchy sure seems to do a shit job keeping these women down",sexist [USER] And what were the damaging riots all over the US? How about the takeover of 6+ square blocks in Seattle? Don't forget the armed attacks on Police praised by the entire Left including the skank of a sorry ass VP we have now?,sexist "[USER] There is a special background of this crisis. China has very serious equality issues between male and female. Some men still think female are weaker than male, and they should be a housewife and produce babies for their husbands. Chinese feminism are trying to fight this kind of-",sexist "When your career is over, and you're old and feeble and turned into a smelly diaper wearing skank, this is what you do.",sexist """i am woman hear me roar"" is so cheesywho talks like thatlike i'm supposed to be empowered by this??it sounds like smth a cis man wrote just to get his paycheck",sexist "The situation in Tigray is dire with some women reportedly being ""forced by military elements to have sex in exchange for basic commodities.""#WeaponizedRape in the ongoing #WarOnTigray is tragic and frequent. #TigrayGenocide [USER] [URL]",sexist [USER] your imperial slutbag no,sexist One thing I noticed here...that classless skank didn't stand....you know which one I am talking about!!! [URL],sexist [USER] Very hot. Wish she'd bend over in that short skirt though,sexist "I hate when kids tell me "" why you look like that "" I wanna tell them BITCH WHY TF YOU BUILT LIKE THAT FOR A LITTLE KID YOU FUCKEN QUARTER BACK BUILT ASS KID BITCH TF YOU LOOK MOTE WEIRD THEN I DO BUILT LIKE THAT AT THAT AGE A FULL GROWN MANS BODY IN SOME LITTLE BASTARDS BODY HEH",sexist Yes I am European and you were born one of the lowest races you Dravidian slut.,sexist "[USER] *he follows you, smiling at your enthusiasm. He sits, his chin resting on his palm as he looks at you, eyes soft*Yes, darling, cook for this husband. Let me watch you, you look so beautiful.",sexist you're jewish but you look like a whore what- it doesn't make any sense [URL],sexist "People arguing against feminism like ""women want more rights then men so they shouldn't be allowed to have any""",sexist [USER] I KNOW YOU AINT TALKING YOU DUMB BLONDE,sexist [USER] If the victim had mentally survived yes definitely. But this act so brutal at such a young age - anal rape so as not to leave any evidence I'm assuming - physical and mental health destroyed . Can you imagine facing his team of lawyers the media people . Actually no he doesn't 1/,sexist [USER] One feminazi posted a screenshot of her chat with a guy asking her out and fellow feminazi are insulting menTrust me it's a shit show,sexist Indian women are hot.,sexist God the fact that we're 3 waves of feminism later and the dynamics of male-female relationships are still skewed so heavily against women,sexist I really want to spank a woman until her ass glows red. Right. Now.,sexist Now I need an infomercial of a woman going around cleaning cooking getting coffee driving and working at an office with a psyduck strapped to her like a baby,sexist [USER] He probably thinks true love is buying a slovakian stripper a green card by marrying her to be your trophy wife. [URL],sexist [USER] Crazy to me that such a diverse crowd of empowered women would let a clearly unhinged man try to destroy the career of their fellow woman. Its like they don't even believe what they preach. At least we have a female Treasury Sec.,sexist "[USER] I notice people love to hate women more for some reason. Meanwhile multimillionaires and billionaires, mostly men, have the real power in this world.",sexist Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews 'harass' 8-year-old girl over dress on little girls is NEVER okay!So let me get this straight.. Israel has mandatory military service.. men & women ... but the women have to sit at the back of the bus for modesty reasons?Looks like Jewish women need a 'Civil Rights Act' to free them from oppression.,sexist "[USER] So, #DPS caught him in the criminal act of raping a clearly drunk and disoriented woman, BUT because she didn't make a formal complaint they sent in the cleaners?!? And the #AFP are okay with this?!!? Time for #AFPlapdog #AFPgottogo ",sexist "[USER] Woke culture has gotten so bad that women now feel empowered by being a whore and sugar daddy's are now normalized. The big irony of it all is that the ""strong independent woman"" modern day feminist movement is now pushing young women to rely on a man for everything.",sexist Melania Trump is admired by only 4% of Americans. Ms. Obama takes the #1 spot again. Here's an idea. Maybe being a trophy wife isn't working in her new role. I think more people respected her when she brushed away his hand and stopped him from touching her. That disgusting creep would make any real woman run for the door.,sexist "4/ Again, I agree that terms like mansplaining or manspreading are ridiculous.... whenever I hear them used seriously I want to punch the person who uttered them until I break teeth. IDK if that's toxic femininity or not.",sexist [USER] just to make it wet enough for my ass hole!,sexist Top executive at company that publishesNational Enquirer&Us Weeklyaccused of sexual harassment.,sexist Misogyny is not a hate crime but feminism (the fight against misogyny) is. In case you were wondering how the whole women's liberation thing was going.,sexist The audacity Mr. 2times I'll let this slide slutbag [URL],sexist "HA! And I thought kikes supposedly had high verbal IQ. You've hit YOUR MOM and YOU CAN'T GET PUSSY in a matter of minutes. Now, admittedly, you're ostensibly a woman, and women can't into the bantz. But posting this shit-tier crap is an embarrassment. You're even dumber than you look! LOL",sexist "[USER] I find it to be extremely so. Jennifer is a cartoonish caricature of hypersexual bi women who use men for sex, and use their sexuality to emotionally manipulate lesbians. Her character has no ""downfall arch"" she's a cruel abusive person before becoming a succubus and after.",sexist "[USER] So hold on... When Women has big ass it means she loves sex?, when you spank her big ass she gets horny? I didn't know all of this",sexist "[USER] No.... there is no reason to, from a Males stance. Every law is stacked against men #MGTOW",sexist "Seriously, you can't meant that most women don't want an MTF TG that is fat to settle down with, right? Or that the left wants women to go for that type? LOL. Not. Going. To. Happen. #BIOLOGY",sexist "Feminism that isn't intersectional isn't feminism.If you can't recognize that oppression against trans/gay people and POC (especially QTPOC and WOC) is also heavily connected to that same patriarchy you loathe, you aren't a feminist. It's that simple.",sexist "Let's take a look at the false rape allegations Babby made, shall we?Since she thinks she has a case of me making up her claims. Let me show you those claims for you to prove what I accuse Babby of. [URL]",sexist "[USER] One wouldn't naturally associate a fierce deity like Durga with a prostitute, but if you look at it from a Christian perspective where the mother of whores is ""a scarlet woman who rideth on top of the beast,"" it makes much more sense. [URL]",sexist "cause of gender roles & just the overall irreparable damage it's done to how we think & perceive things, women are only gonna take our lead in watching women's sports if we do it. we chat women can't get equal cause of revenue, viewership, attendance... well then let's",sexist "[USER] Good luck. I'll be there, waiting to spank you in the butt til you pee a lil.",sexist i sentence her to be gangbanged to death by the daily stormer editorial team.,sexist Typical platforming of middle class white feminists in order to promote a product. It will be an echo chamber of absolute batwank.,sexist A thot is an R selected whore and is riding the cock carousel [URL],sexist So fucking #horny and #girls up for some #fun #snapchat me wellgifted9 and let the fun begin #tits #ass #cock #pussy #thong #sluts #tease #horny #upskirt #foreplay add me now so fucking #horny come on girls let's have some fun and even better if ur at work so come on get adding x [URL],sexist FakeAgentUK Orgasms anal sex and squirting in interview from Romanianbabe [URL],sexist [USER] This guy:- Men are weapons & women are targets cuz nature.Probably also this guy:- Why pretty gUrLz so unfriendly?- Us nice guys deserve a chance!- Why you ladies got that victim mentality?- Why do fEmAlEz like abusers?Don't be this guy.,sexist "Yesterday, here in MA.A 45 year old woman driving the wrong way on 495 in Westford killed a 35 year old man at 2 AM.This morning the police released the name of the man killed.Still won't release the woman's name.I'm going to bet she is here illegally.Any takers?",sexist would u suck n fuck t girl velma? [URL],sexist "When Amelia Shepherd tells Link ""if you say glowing, we're done"" when he's talking about her pregnant body,,,, I felt that.",sexist I want to play some edging games with a foot slut. Let's see how far you can bring yourself for Me.,sexist Why is it considered misogyny to hate feminism but not misandry to hate the patriarchy?,sexist "Have you ever noticed that today's women take kindness as a sign of weakness? No doubt they end up attracted to those without any moral principles. They have none, so they believe that the absence of morality is strength. Just like what they are is what they credit in men.",sexist "[USER] Because you ladies you're insisting that men should cook or cooking is not supposed to be gender based. So, I'm asking if it will be okay for you to be served food by your husband when you have visitors?",sexist "[USER] Right?? Who WOULDNT want to marry like a 6'5"" hot woman",sexist I hate men that be in women's business. Acting like a bitch. Shut up.,sexist [USER] #CancunCruz didn't need any help sweetheart. What a weak woman to always defend a man no matter what he does. Sad and pathetic honestly. Thanks for making me feel empowered Bc I know my ass would never be defending a mere man.,sexist "More lies and false claims of sexism. That sexism card is worn out and tattered. I love it when people call me sexist now, it has zero affect on me. No one believes that lying cunt, her victimhood tour is over. She's the biggest loser in history. #PNN",sexist Because women shouldn't be starting families they should be whoring until their 35?,sexist [USER] What rapist? Trump is the only one I have heard of facing rape charges.,sexist [USER] i would hate to be a women tho i have to have a fat ass cute boobs pretty face and not be fat very hard to have all 4,sexist "Rather surprising lack of markets on Betfair for the Womens ODI tonight that is being shown on BT Sport - suspect if it was a mens game it would have a full range, eh...? #EverydaySexism #NZWvEngW",sexist Men shouldn't hit women............but men should have women you can hire on speed dial to do it for you.,sexist "What do people get from the cruelty, malign and aspersions cast at a woman for the choices she makes, over her style, sexuality and the way she holds herself? She has total autonomy over how she is, how she feels and how she is empowered. [URL]",sexist Next up. Fug1o. Can't fucking stand this ship. the antis make it such a lame Puritan sugary bullshit ship. I might like it if someone were to make it problematic but I can't stand the current portrayal of it,sexist "Y'all reduce feminism to cooking/not cooking, once someone says she is a feminist, the first thing she is asked is ""so you won't cook for your husband"" [URL]",sexist Shame [USER] couldn't find any female presenters/pundits. #everydaysexism #SixNations,sexist [USER] Eyes of an angel and a mouth of a dirty little slag ;),sexist [USER] at least we agree on her dumb blonde roots,sexist [USER] Learn from this Great Master how to train chix to become real sluts! #feminizationtraining #Feminism #slavewoman #slavery #slave #patriarchy #mysogini,sexist The white slaves. Start with whites who were slaves of the Romans. We are talking about very white people from Slavian and European nations. The Romans were darker than their slaves. Islamic slaves. They invaded Europe for 4 centuries making white women sex slaves. Then Muslim Pirates raiding ships to steal white women for sex slaves,sexist "[USER] Man makes up argument against feminism, which only proves the need for feminism in its hatred and ignorance of women and the world around us.",sexist #BritFam Never put a woman in charge of anything let alone a country. Invaders cut the mens throats & keep the women for sex. I wonder if the invaders were hordes of hot child-bearing age blonde Russian women if these bitches would be so keen on mass immigration? [URL],sexist Tall women are elite. I wish I was Like atleast 3 more inches taller cuz 5'8 and up,sexist I hate women doctors.,sexist "It's kinda funny (that photo) looking at the bolts with the nuts still on them in the ready-to-be-used position...Someone HAD to have hand screw the nuts on to those long bolts and probably thought:-SHIT, I have better not say anything to these lesbo psychopaths with honorary engineering degrees, or they will call me sexist and have me fired or something!",sexist "[USER] We're only planning on wiping out the bad ones. So like, just 99% of men. Deal? #notallmen",sexist [USER] Hey Michael! Quick question! Is this manipulative too??? It is a man and I know you only really hate women so... [URL],sexist ouch I would say leave the kids alone but chelsea attacked first fuck that cunt,sexist Married woman having sex . Spank me it's the only way I learn .#girlgamer #Girlsinging #Slutscontact #Naughtyteen #Meetingolder #Sexygirls #Bbwseeking #Localsex #Freechat #Massageplus #Hornymature [URL],sexist "god hand is a very horny game. you can spank women, one of the poisoned chihuahuas you can bet on is named ""sexy maid"", one of the main antagonists is a sadomasochist succubus and more!very cool very swag I like it",sexist [USER] x tattoos (area + placement) x (incidence of hair color found in nature - piercings) / age of menarche = n number of rotations on cock carousel,sexist "they don't like boyish and masc women because their ideal is feminine ladies like in animanga, they also don't like the chinese butch/femme dynamic because they think it copies str8 couples",sexist "[USER] Why read it? Preaching is a task assigned to men. Women aren't to teach men in the church, so she shouldn't have written a book on preaching. The end.",sexist "I got called a ""fucking whore"" today by some random old man. Today was pretty great",sexist "[USER] Starved of breasts? Au contraire good sire..I delighted in it as a child for its nourishment and now as a man I still delight in it for it's artistic, sexual and sedating qualities. Nothing like a warm set of tits to put a man's head to ease.",sexist "I can't argue with ""No BITCH WHO walk around worried about wtf they look like but them doctors results say something different. You bitches discuss me and a poor representative of whatever creation you are",sexist *Woman detected* *Running facial recognition algorithm* *Current drivers license for target found in database* *Calculating probability of woman driving in next 24 hours* *87 percent* *Self Defense Protocols initiated*,sexist Difference's in the sexes isn't fucking mansplaining you degenerate.,sexist Don't y'all hate bitches that cock block so bad,sexist "Trans Women are not the enemy of feminism or the women's right movement, they do not take away from feminism or detract from what we as feminists are trying to accomplish, because trans women are women. If your feminism isn't intersectional it's trash.",sexist You look like a #Reddit whore. [URL],sexist "who want to see my cock , just dm#horny #porn #hot #hottie #sex #boobs #cock #dick #sperm #cum #slut #cumslut #nudes #nude #ass #buyingnudes #sellingnudes #seks #lingery #bra #anal #fuck #fucking #onlyfans #tits #titties #mistress #humiliation #cock #bigcock #bisexual",sexist [USER] Bitch no you my mother ugly ass daughter!,sexist "[USER] I observed this with terms like ""mansplaining"", ""manspreading"", ""toxic/fragile masculinity"", etc... feminism is a way for women to give their own desires and subjective standards power under ""social justice"". Deception is crazy",sexist "Science proves that women don't know shit about their own nature. That's why women can't do science. It requires objectivity. The woman is the eternal subject, as her alluringly downcast eyes indicate.",sexist "Ford's attorneys have done a great job portraying her as a dumb blonde. With her help, they've nailed it. | #RedNationRising",sexist "[USER] Ok, it IS Johnny Depps fault. Because he was so stupid to get involved with a fefail woman like you. Smart guys don't fall in love with gold digger hoes. #MGTOW",sexist "All the same reasons women elsewhere may choose an abortion they might not otherwise have.Plus, the world is not currently all that welcoming to, or safe for, *anyone*. [URL]",sexist "Obama was a gay man who married a gay man but dressed like a woman, was a beastly thing?They couldn't have children so they rented two. These freaks ran America for 8 yearsThink about that!?",sexist "Key word here is feminist VS women. Feminist may like getting thrown around, most women I know don't. Must be a mill thing. Get beat up while having sex. Can't figure that shit out unless it's a daddy thing.",sexist "I believe you are a bit confused with my position.I have nothing against marriage,but the modern version of it has no benefit for a man(divorce,alimony,etc.).A lot of today's women(& men) live in a state of perpetual adolescence,hence,all the bad behavior.",sexist BTW. There are NO women against feminism. That is a lie. ALL WOMEN are FOR the criminal abuse of men by women. There are no exceptions. Certainly not you. I am the worlds highest profile case and NO WOMEN have offered to make themselves useful.,sexist "[USER] If you legitimately believe that feminism is cancer, then saying that you stand for women & girls when making these crazy arguments, you don't. You're a horrible ally and are only using women and girls as a false justification for terrible arguments.",sexist "Q: What's the worst support you can give to a man who complains that his wife is frigid? A: No, I can assure you she isn't, and by a long shot!",sexist "Feminists and liberals are now using allegations of sexual assault to silence men they disagree with and are holding public show trials where men are assumed guilty and every woman should be believed, no matter how farfetched her story may be! [URL]",sexist "[USER] Feminism today made women into sluts. They ride the cock carousel all while ""finding themselves"" . Until the wall hits then ,then they start complaining there's no one to settle down with. Generally at 38 ish + years, when they are worn out more than a jocks socks",sexist I dont want to blame all women but they just arent meant to be leaders or the head of a household or anything else they just arent cut out for it. Too easily suade cant stick to convictions. Then there seems to be a lot of gay infiltrators who want to hide behind the veil of sainthood so they can get lil boys. It's sad how corrupt the church can get when it's so simple to not be corrupted. Just follow the damn bible.. not rocket science.,sexist did you get bullied for starting puberty and developing when you were 8 but looked 14 and get yelled at by your dad for looking like a whore only for when you actually were 14 to get told by your ex bullies that they wished to look older like you or did you have a good childhood,sexist "Jessie Rogers interview PART 2Jessie goes into story related to her high school days being a huge slut, gangbanged by 5 guys on a party. [URL]",sexist [USER] I confess to being extremely resentful of him still. I missed those years that my dad was in his thrall. I could not believe my father was so mean-spirited as to label me a feminazi. He lost any shred of tolerance and love towards others until later on in his life. He died at 67.,sexist "Opinion: The so-called #Patriarchy of the West has produced the freest, most productive and egalitarian societies that exist or ever have existed on earth",sexist "[USER] Agree, but still must be proven. If true let's easily fix the issue once and for all. Let's get the testosterone out of powerful positions, and replace it with more estrogen. Women are usually getting raped, not raping. #womenforpowerfulpositions",sexist The worst kind of Liberal are those fucking female Liberals .... living the LA life style and think the represent the majority. ..you cant even beat knowledge and understanding into them....fuck I hate women...fuck I hate Liberals,sexist [USER] Thank you. You can want a young woman who hasn't been on the cock carousel yet not want to be a provider.,sexist [USER] Wow. So you can shit on women and it's fine. But we say anything against anyone else and it's bigotry. #womenphobia excluding #womensrights,sexist [USER] They'll probably call you a sensitive feminazi social justice warrior attack helicopter lmao. Some of these people never left 2016.,sexist "She's a woman so you've got to woo her, man.",sexist Cabinet minister accused of historical rape in letter sent to Australian prime minister [URL],sexist [USER] I don't blame you at all. I wouldn't want to go there either. It sounds like women & children period ain't safe there.,sexist "daddy's bitch. hands tied and ass up, maybe he is is a slut . . . what is he kidding, he ( i s ) the biggest and cockiest slut. [URL]",sexist RT PrisonPlanet Alternate headline; Feminist acid attacks men and should be immediately arrested. [URL],sexist Do liberals really value women? Maybe not! [URL] #gab #gabfam #MAGA,sexist Why the fuck does he keep playing that useless cunt lindelof,sexist [USER] What a fuckin skank,sexist "*Shrugs* it's good but not great work. There's still the lack of respect bit, the mention of their boobs. None of them have credibility of Ben Shapiro or arguably [USER]. I hope to get a 100 Patreons while not being especially curvy or Lauren Southern style attractive. Gotta have goals.",sexist [USER] Exactly! Who are you to tell other women what they should or shouldn't do with their bodies??,sexist "[USER] By your logic if misandry isn't real, then misogyny isn't either. Last time I checked, both are alive and well moreso than ever",sexist Cheating period is bottom barrel. But these pregnant women be cheating too and yes they gettin hit while pregnant too [URL],sexist "[USER] Yal better fix that God damn lady death, do your fucking jobs bitches!!!!!",sexist """Men don't like feminists""Ok but I don't like men who don't like feminists, so we all win",sexist "yeah ezra koenig has written some great lyrics but he will never top ""from here to texas girls call me sexist cause I airbrushed your breasts on the top of my lexus""",sexist "[USER] Exactly, also all terrorists are men, that means we should also come up with ""Menphobia"". In fact the majority of the crimes are committed by men too. #NotAllMen",sexist I hate women who follow this shit.,sexist [URL] #redpill #antifeminist,sexist i'm a whore for pretty girls with pretty daggers doing pretty impressive things like fighting evil men,sexist You are new to all this so I will forgive your ignorance and basic bullshit we know Tommy since he started he is a peado coked up and gangbanged a 15 year old we wouldn't stand with him so broke up the edl when he covered up for his mates registered peados we dont do peado lovers here he is a grass too I know the folk and he is working for state and Israel always was traitor,sexist "If Hillary Clinton were 'as good as a man', she might have won. But she's not. She fails to rise to that glowing rung. :-)",sexist [USER] You look like a prostitute,sexist "I've had this. Well meant I'm sure...""Don't worry about coming to the meeting - I'm sure your little ones need you more than we do"". ""Make the most of your time with them"". ""Go and be with your family Amy"".......I'll decide about that thank you very much. #everydaysexism [URL]",sexist It's so embarrassing and disgusting to know how Chairman Mori's recent disrespectful behaviour toward women is still tolerated in Japan. He should step down and similar behavior shouldn't be tolerated in the future. - Sign the Petition! [URL] via [USER],sexist It's interesting that there are people (men) who answered this question and think managers are only men. #everydaysexism [USER] [URL],sexist [USER] No offence with no surgery you look like buffalo bitch Is that you you have a big head almost bald and you are too old for a nicki fan [URL],sexist Its mostly same for #males aged between 30 to 40 year. All are being #harassed and charged with #fake allegation. IN any FIR 90 to 95% this are fake and remaining 5-10% things are the truth. But yet Only males are tortured and treat as money printing machine. [URL],sexist "Listen to her. Patriarchy is a virus So is 'I am woman, I can do everything as good as a man' (Except logic it seems) Us women live longer than men; don't get jailed as often, lower suicide rate and 9/10 get the kids in a divorce.. Yet, they STILL bleat. She can fck off.",sexist "[USER] Well sweetie, if that's how you feel-- there should be no women in Congress.Don't let the door hit you in your Qass on the way out.",sexist "[USER] ""If your feminism doesn't include males (who feel like women), it's not true feminism."" How does that make sense in any way? That's implying feminism is for anyone who identifies with stereotypical feminine qualities. Feminism is specifically for the rights of females.",sexist I estimate that the amount of damage women do to society is somewhere in the range of trillions of dollars. The funding of various governmental women's organizations are billions alone. The farcical war against domestic violence swallows up millions.,sexist Worth remembering.#ToxicMasculinity#Patriarchy#GOPHypocrisy@AOC says it.Don't forget.#misogyny [URL],sexist "[USER] Most of these issues are started because some morons can't believe that women are good at video games be ause they're women, so gender definitely has something to do with it.",sexist "Wonderful article (except for it won't take you more than a year to find a worthy contender-surprisingly,there just aren't that many good men in our area.)I'm continually shocked at how many women don't know how to care for children, treat a husband, cook,clean, and perform other homemaking tasks.",sexist [USER] ya i mean my theory is that this is less common for men than women. it would make sense your set of anxieties around sex is different from mine,sexist "#NotAllMen shut up, but the ones who use this tag unironically should. ~Red",sexist "[USER] Hello David Rosler, ya lying little brat! Tell Kathy Amidon the lying little bitch that you've been exposed, here and on Twitter. PS, remove that lipstick, it makes you look like a whore.",sexist Shut up feminazi. You are annoying me [URL],sexist Tell my wife that and then wonder what happens when you have to pick up your teeth because she pistol whips you. You stuck your dick in crazy. You were told to your entire life to not stick your dick into crazy and you did it. Now you blame all women for it,sexist Catalonian grandma gangbanged by French teens. [URL],sexist "[USER] What I'm assuming he is trying to say is that SOME, not ALL girls could simply learn and let go, they would rather blame others for their own happiness rather than take responsibility for it. Cuz at the end of the day ur the only one responsible for making ur self happy.",sexist [USER] Haha ya fellas (because women don't trade???) go to the gym and make romantic relationships at your place of work (if you still have a job) instead of fucking over these Wall St. crooks causing them to cry like the bitches they are. Shatter their lives of ill-gotten comfort!,sexist [USER] Love those cow tits. Love the chicks at the barnyard.,sexist "It's the truth, I got kicked from FB because I posted Obozo was a nigger. Posted a slut was a whore on Twit. Pretty sure it was because my first post was about hating niggers. I don't care about black people either way.",sexist "[USER] Thank you for confirming that you are not speaking in good faith. What ""equality"" do you mean between females&males in pregnancy/maternity services? Is anyone trying to get males erased from urology, prostate health, vasectomy etc services? Obvs not. These are SINGLE-SEX services",sexist "[USER] It seems you don't have patience for anything. Not even capable of having a conversation You don't have proof of anything. If your talking about the ""p&ssy grab"" comment then that is pathetic. Saying is one thing. Woman talk like that too.",sexist [USER] What world do you live in. First of i am Dutch and saw your daft post where you claimed that Irish pikeys where a race. I just responded and learned that you are a total daft cow . Thats all. And now fuck of and stay on you're little island where they have you confined lying cunt,sexist "An Alaska lawmaker said on the House floor that his female colleague could ""wear a short skirt and stop traffic."" He also said her fellow legislators would buy her some sweatpants. It was a joke that fell flat, Rep. Zack Fields said. Very flat. [URL]",sexist "To the women who have WALKED OUT of ""lay to play"" situations, said no thanks to jobs for sex, etc... do you feel like a woman always has a choice (outside of physical violence)? #metoo #strongwomen #askawoman",sexist "[USER] It seems to me that all of your points are reasons why women aren't in men's football, not reasons why they shouldn't be? This sort of mentality is the problem. ""Players would be sexist and show no respect"", why is that accepted?",sexist "[USER] Okay, imaging him doing that and discovering Mina, who's visiting, is in a short skirt and no panties and he very much likes the smell",sexist "As much as we all do it (myself including) it's breaking my heart seeing that the focus for so many women today is to lose weight for the summer. You are gorgeous and valid regardless of what a scale says, that is all",sexist [USER] Fucks slutbag,sexist "[USER] LOL. Miss me with this BS abeg. You couldn't show me where the Bible actually said women and men were equal and now, you want to project what is not said to somehow make yourself feel better about what you think it should be instead of what is. Enjoy!",sexist "#Antifa cowards physically attack a woman. Only cowards hit women, obviously this is how they parents raised them... to bash women. This is why they always run away from a fight when they don't outnumber the person 10 to 1. I'd love to meet some of these guys 1 on 1 and see how tough they are.",sexist "[USER] so you're telling me that if you get horny in say, a supermarket, you'll just grab the nearest woman and start fucking her there and then?",sexist "[USER] You're a liberal? Last I checked, y'all were supposed to be devoid of prejudice and pro woman. Shaming a woman for exhibiting her pulchritude is the kind of moral finger wagging the conservatives you hate do. So why do you hate women?",sexist The Alpha isn't the male who doesn't take any shit but the male who can take anything they dish out to reach is ultimate goal. Most women don't know this.,sexist [USER] Guess some people think lesbian = misandrist. Then again they think women wanting anything more than what they have now is misandry.,sexist "[USER] Sure, I'm just wondering if women realize that some of their expectations for what they want from a man aren't really realistic in most scenarios. Eg wanting a man that only makes 6-figures+, 6ft tall+, etc. literally less than 10% of men are either of those things let alone both",sexist "[USER] Women rap about their vaginas & men just rap about sleeping with multiple women, doing drugs, and other dumb shit society shouldn't normalize lol. Any other genre of music rn > modern rap",sexist I don't want to see anyone making fun of #gorillagluegirl (I hate to use the hashtag fr) bc her situation is the result of a society that places SO MUCH VALUE on beauty (esp black women!) that women go to extreme lengths to achieve the desired looks. I hope she is ok,sexist "[USER] Because that's the topic at hand, and you're attempt to reframe it isn't helpful to men or victims of sexual assault.Dealing with the high rates of sexual assault by men doesn't preclude anyone from addressing bad behavior by women.Stop acting like we have to chose.",sexist [USER] I honestly think most all women have had shit happen to them. I can recount a bunch of assault I've behavior & just am so thankful I didn't get violently penetrated. It's such a pervasive cultural horrible presence that women need to be on alert as default. Horrible,sexist [USER] Its never just talking about pillows. Until we dismantle the #patriarchy and #systemicracism in #climate changing pillow manufacturing there will never be #equality.,sexist [USER] And a major skank!!,sexist [USER] it ain't on that pranker fine god diss type niga who diss woman over being have babe and fine women that's okay that what he did do so spank me go to bed for something a man perfect me to be,sexist [USER] Lmao! Look a bitch credit about to go UP. Cause that will wipe EVERY DOLLAR A BITCH OWES! lmao! I pray it's true and not no if you make more like 50k shit you don't get it,sexist "Give me a break, a day without women. How about a day without frigging libtards? [URL]",sexist "I work night shift and I was motivated like this I had to go back home at night, despite I am wearing clothes like a man, but I was #harassed by 4 different men! Sometimes I just feel, it is just so hard to be a #female in this world but I will stay strong #WomenPower",sexist [USER] Sexual harassment?,sexist "[USER] That face can use a 3/4 if ya Kno wat I'm tlkn bout, you look like a cheap ass whore with that ugly ass hairdo put a bag on cut a piece wer ur mouf Is n just suck it, that way that ugly ass face is good for!!! R ya mad yet!!!???",sexist "It's annoying. Apparently the Bill of Rights was written by Hitler himself and means I hate black people, being pro-life means I hate women, and being a Conservative libertarian who advocates for free market principles means I'm a fascist. Who knew.",sexist Like BITCH DO I LOOK LIKE A LIC TO YOU?!,sexist "Why is it ok for men to be irresponsible and make mistakes, but women have to be perfect? Like a product on sale in a market?Because Christian scripture treats them like chattel",sexist "[USER] Instead, you should stop pretending there aren't legitimate biological differences between men and women that science can actually quantify.. such as testosterone for example. Equality doesnt have to mean ""0 differences"" or the abandonment of common sense. This is the wrong fight",sexist "no, just worthless left wing sons of the whore sthat gave thembirth",sexist "So I could be part of her respected group as a ""cool empowered self-sufficient woman"". She realized she is a lesbian (I'm actually proud of her) and now hates all men. I started bad mouthing feminism and that's why I don't like it despite my knowledge on it.",sexist "[USER] I assume it is an acceptable defence in court now. ""Your Honour, I don't have daughters so I didn't know it was wrong to rape women""",sexist [USER] Don the effing slutbag [URL],sexist Don't cock tease me.,sexist [USER] Trannies are going to kill sports for girls and women.,sexist "[USER] Why? Why , don t you think women and girls should have sex segregated areas in hospitals, prisons, schools and refuges. Why are you against safe, female facilities, female only hospital wards, refuges for women and girls who want and need single sex spaces?",sexist [USER] After denying him I now understand it when they say fear women,sexist BREAKING: Grand jury indicts Paulding DA DonovanNOTHING TO SEE HERE!!JUST ANOTHER PROUD EXAMPLE OF THE GOPSERVING THE PEOPLE?IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT A PREREQUISITE FOR GOP?IN ADDITION TO COSTING THE PEOPLE [CUR]?#LockHimUp,sexist [USER] princess still can't wait to be a trophy wife tho [URL],sexist "[USER] I get it, and that's not ok.We agree then- Nobody should blame or shame individual workers, it's the industry & those in control at fault.We all got bills, but women are being exploited to think sex is an empowering way to pay them. Monetizing your oppression isn't empowerment",sexist [USER] You look like a whore on the TL,sexist They think it's ok to have sex with girls as old as 3 and boys as old as 9. They believe it to be ok to sodomize boys under the age of 9.,sexist [USER] You look like a prostitute.,sexist "i'm usually always joking w the ""REAL man"" shit but that.... like you gon say you as a woman got on your knees.... i wanna unlearn this",sexist [USER] I'm embarrassed as a man and a softball official to see some of these judgmental idiots. Most baseball players can't hit a rise ball. Women have smaller hands & less muscle mass and they have to field and throw a bigger ball. 66 mph pitch from 43 feet is equivalent to 100 mph.,sexist [USER] Watch: Moment African nurse arrested after trafficking vulnerable Nigerian women for sex. [URL],sexist "She's a whore and I would like to fuck the shit out of her, and do all the nasty things to her that whores love!Activist Model Emily Ratajkowski Honors Easter in a Thong via [USER]",sexist To be a trophy wife or not...... [URL],sexist "[USER] Can't call people idiots then say 1/5 will be raped when that narrative was created by radical leftist feminists. I agree with most your points , but you we're more emotional and took things more literal on this on. He was wrong af a mf harsh. Red pill is cringe. But I think you",sexist WIE ICHS VERMISST HA HEGEL Z SI <3333 FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY BUT DO NOT DARE TO PLAY WITH ANYONES FEELINGS,sexist Guys if you got videos of you fucking another girl and if I enjoy it I'll give you a reward #horny #sexy #sext #nudes #trade #tradenudes #tits #cock,sexist "[USER] "" A whore? ""Laughs, then abruptly stops."" Please don't kill me. """,sexist "[USER] He hasn't called one Governor to offer up assistance. He's a piece of shit. I should say she's a piece of shit, since slutbag is running the country.",sexist "[USER] Nah, actually not *EXACTLY* the same. See, largely white-populated Western nations don't *YET* bury women in sand and kill them by stoning for the ""crime"" of having accused their rapist of rape without having had 3 witnesses corroborate her claim. We aren't as ""woke"" as theocrats",sexist "SERIOUSLY??? Damn, she's blonder than any blonde I've ever known. In fact blonde's are not this dumb. The company that makes Gorilla Glue is going to have a good laugh with this one. This is something that needs to go onto [USER]! Lol... [URL]",sexist "1/2 GIRL- Her life = #marriage! Ones married the #man owns her, she can be a #liability on him and because she is dependent on him he can continue treating her like shit. NO please stop this Shitty #upbringing. Stop talking about marriage start talking about Careers. #Patriarchy",sexist Never thought I'd say this--you conservative/patriotic ladies don't take this as an insult--these women should be in burqas,sexist "[USER] Jess, please have a n absolutely fantastically perfect day yourself... You're Sooo Super Beautiful. Wishing that you were my Future Trophy Wife",sexist """ your hair today makes you look like a whore "" [USER]",sexist "I can't believe there was a time in which we all believed and shamed men for ""manspreading"" and completely refused to just acknowledge that they sat like purely bc of their balls.",sexist [USER] PS... thanks for womansplaining that to me! I appreciate a bit of misandry ;),sexist Wife Gangbanged on FriendsCouch [URL],sexist "Here's how you become a dream woman before you hit 35+ you stupid dead egger.Stop riding the god damn cock carousel. Realize that monetizing your body means that no one BUT coomers would want you, because you are now meat. Easy. [URL]",sexist "When a woman says ""No"" what is so hard to comprehend?. If you grab her hand & you're feeling like she's trying to avoid touching you or she keeps tugging away that's a sign for you to stop.",sexist These 2 have Alot more in commin than just their ugly faces.,sexist Lying falase victim democrat agent Joy Villa was the guilty slapper & not the slapped victim.,sexist "Scuffed Podcast 26! - FT. Greekgodx , Stpeach , Amouranth + More! - YouTubeHolly fuck, Destiny is a fucking soyboy beta. I would like to fuck his wife in front of him. [USER]",sexist [USER] She doesn't deserve to be controlled. And yes he hit her sons they were the ones who spoke out about it. They don't like him. Shes a grown ass women who's not allowed to marry or be around her children as much. If she was properly supported she'd be fine.,sexist [USER] I think it says a lot about a woman that can stick by a pedo and rapist for the sake of money and power.,sexist It's funny that a dumb blonde who shall not be named is trending. I knew Q would use what Joe said. I tell my friends that I like kids more than ppl too #SoWhat she needs attention she's having some withdrawal cause now she's only famous among the Q.,sexist [USER] Because facing the truth hurts their self esteem. Pussy is everywhere and too easy to get so they have to actually come to the table with something and they are realizing they dont have shit so they grouping up to bash her cause she speaking facts. Not all women but a lot of em,sexist [USER] Pep's a glorified gold digger ,sexist "Biological males (""Men"") now account for only 40% of undergraduate students.That means ""women"" (not men) make up 60%.This is a HUGE problem.You don't have to be a #MRA to realize that something needs to be done to fix this.Enjoy sleeping in the bed you made, America.",sexist [USER] DO NOT confirm Merrick Garland!! Women' sports should include females born female and NOT males who have altered themselves into females. Doing so will kill ALL women's sports. Garland would not answer Senator Kennedy's question on his beliefs.,sexist Is there a more real bullshit version of the FemiNAZI's in our midst? Please GOD help these screwed up women....it can only be their Fk'd up upbringing and lack of decent MEN or God in their lives.....do the sums.....research....MEN need help to fight this scourge in our society),sexist "That's because feminism is a Jewish weapon against the goyim, and Jews ftmp don't believe in it for themselves.True-believer feminist Jewesses such as yourselves are victims of having drunk your own people's non-kosher kool aid.",sexist "With 1.7 million followers on Facebook, most of whom are likely female, here is ""Women's Rights News"" bowing to men who identify as women against the witchesI mean, ""TERFs."" This ""All Genders Matter"" approach to feminism is the postfeminist antifeminism erasing women's rights. [URL]",sexist you look like a stupid cunt stop it,sexist "I think Bill convicted himself when in civil court he admitted to drugging women for sex. Had he kept his soup coolers closed, this would have been an unproveable case of he said she said.",sexist """Women be shoppin"" and talking. Those are way more annoying than #Patriarchy [URL]",sexist Lmao somebody is fucking yo bitch [URL],sexist [USER] Yours reads I hate women and will force them to accept a load of cock and bull gaslighting rubbish and abuse them if they object to my lies,sexist "3. He's the boss in a hotel you work for. Tall, young, handsome, and rich. He's your future husband type.You're just a chef in his restaurant's hotel. To impress him, you can't just cook a special menu for him, can you?(cont.)",sexist My desired trophy wife at last [URL],sexist "Friends,If you see a woman with blue hair, shitty tattoos, ugly clothes and bits of metal sticking out of her face be sure to shame her as hard as you possibly can.Make her cry if possible.Tell her to take those ugly ass piercings out of her nose, quit cutting yourself, take a shower, put on some deodorant, put on some clean, feminine clothes and act like a lady.No one wants to date a girl with gauges in her ears and White girl deadlocks.I'm sick of seeing girls who have the potential to be pretty but who purposefully try to dress as ugly as humanly possible to express the ugliness and deadness of their tormented soul.Yes, OK, we get it, you hate your father!That doesn't mean we all need to endure the pain of looking at your disgusting ass (and smelling you).Spend some time in nature, breathe some fresh air, play with a puppy, drop your Women's Studies class, or better yet, drop out of college altogether!All that Marxist propaganda can't be helping your already fragile and traumatized psychological state.People are so fucking screwed up!",sexist No more free drinks girls...,sexist "this....when a woman has an onlyfans, men will drag her thru filth but will turn around and do something like this. all I'm getting from this is that it's sexually stimulating for you when it's non consensual... [URL]",sexist "[USER] I feel like if someone opens the door for you, you just say thank you. its a polite gesture no matter the gender. Sorry but feminism doesn't live or die on Men being chivalrous. So the woman that went on a date with your son is just plain rude. You raised a polite young Man IMO.",sexist "When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's [CUR]3.95 a minute #HugeStrapon #FootJob [URL]",sexist [USER] Poor baby. I see you play the victim card well.,sexist I dont get it. Someone explain. If you like cooking so you do so everyday for your man .. how is that an issue. If When i think of myself i think of my husband because that is what being married is. So if im about to cook or get food most times im think of whether he ate,sexist [USER] Deleting your tweets you fat mess your nan tho la shes dead little slag isnt she? You agree,sexist As you're a drug addict slapper im betting its you. Put your price up for sex yet?,sexist I estimate that the amount of damage women do to society is somewhere in the range of trillions of dollars. The funding of various governmental women's organizations are billions alone. The farcical war against domestic violence swallows up millions.,sexist Gravy boat horticulture slutbag,sexist "[USER] Even if you don't want to cook for your husband, because you're equal, don't you think about your young children?",sexist "[USER] I understand lol but the difference is MOST men make they intentions clear by they actions, women actually create a relationship out of they finesse, not actually attracted to the man, nor love him nor actually enjoy spending time with him unless it involves spending money lol",sexist """Cocky slag!!"" ...I like how that rolls off the the tongue #DragRaceUK [URL]",sexist """You look like... a-... a prostitute, b-but in a good way! Prostitutes always gotta look good, y'know? So in that case, you're the hottest prostitute-looking daddy I've ever seen!""Matt's brain was thinking of tits and cock way too much, to the point where he didn't know what - [URL]",sexist "[USER] Yeap, if anyone getting gangbanged, it better be a sugar daddy in there. Or they are trash",sexist "Christine Ford: Sorry I haven't aged well in 35 years. But I've been ridden hard and put away wet. Yeah, I'm a slutbag.Notice that Ford is two years younger than Brett Kavanaugh yet looks a lot older than him. She looks like she's had a hard life. Party Hardy.",sexist I think accountability should take place with both men and women because all men do is put the blame on women. He literally said stick by yo nigga when he doing fuck shit. I never hear these dudes say man stop coming into these women lives with masks on and fuck'n up their world [URL],sexist "Life in Germany is better -Atheism is UnstoppableReally? How many women are buying and wearing rape alarms on their belts? This is why I hate Ethno-Racial assholes like this No God believing bitch. Eu is quietly handing their balls to their gov'ts, like Nazi Germany and World War II never happened. This is the problem with listening ideas of stupid people",sexist [USER] women are just a different gender. Im for true equality. Most of you people ain't y'all just want a edge on everyone else. I don't blame you everyone is looking for that edge. But if you want equity it comes with the bad to. Being held on a pedestal is not equality.,sexist "[USER] I just went and looked and all I can say is omfg. And, those comments about feminism, if they're trying to be a feminist, they're doing it wrong. Wtf is wrong with people? Kinda makes me want to tweet out some trashy pics at them. Your pics are anything but distasteful",sexist [USER] Fr fr im tired of playing with these gold digger hoes,sexist [USER] I can assure you men are equally tired of women. This is the very reason #MGTOW is gaining pace everyday. I don't subscribe to their mantra by any means but I can understand why they are doing what they are.,sexist "(1/2) The Industry has been firing women for decades for being: 2 fat, 2 thin, 2 dark, 2 light, 2 tall, 2 short, 2 loud, 2 demure, pregnant, ""hysterical"", and even for having a bad day, without any outrage from white men. Disney has an image, and I'm sure in their contracts....",sexist "I'd tend to say these advices are not so bad but i'd give another one: be aware of here feelings AND needs, try to understand if she wants to be shaged as a slut. Don't be brutal but be ready to satisfy her.She has to come out of it trully happy, with the feeling an horse has stamped her.",sexist [USER] hey is it feminist to out a sexual harassment victim by name at a staff meeting where the accused harasser is also present? cause neera did that,sexist "[USER] I'm not evangelical, so all this is unfamiliar to me. I am familiar with what evangelical men & women say about women who need to abort their pregnancies. They blame women's lust. I'm glad not to be a part of it.",sexist "No one would be trying to do anything if you admit there was missing context and apologize for the comic hurting real rape and sexual assault victims.No one is a snowflake because they have trauma, that mindset is genuinely horrible and could back fire on you.",sexist I would like to fuck you in the ass,sexist "[USER] Whatcha' sayin,' Corky? #notallmen? Not all men who wolf-whistle rape, but all rapists have overtly or inwardly always seen women as prey, which is what a wolf-whistle signals...",sexist "Why is The Feminist Library erasing #women? [URL] 'oddly, given the mainstream narrative, those who identify as trans (0.3 per cent of the population) have an almost unparalleled power to change law and compel speech'#patriarchy #SexNotGender@feministlibrary",sexist bitches hate that they lonely today! [URL],sexist "Yeah, here you come knockin' on my door, baby Tell me what you got on your mind I guess those college boys all went home for the summertime Yeah, you're lookin' right, lookin' good Lookin' like a woman should So why is it so hard to find A place to lay your pretty little head down once in a while [URL]",sexist [USER] can anyone explain why this article about supply chain is accompanied by a pic of 5 women in swimwear? Were there really NO alternative images available? #everydaysexism [URL],sexist "[USER] By old woman do you mean mothers? Lmao Women are going to do everything but hold MEN accountable for their own actions which is exactly why they are the way they are. These are grown ass men,Mommy can't save them all the time. Men need to do better. Put the blame where it belongs",sexist "I just wish all women would ""go fuck yourself"" at their husbands honestly. I don't get why women have to pull up with their bullshit specially if they are financially independent or and earn even more than their husbands... like wtf",sexist "Girls will be girls.(To the women in my friends, you'll have to excuse me for a while, I've tried not to go down the road of posting ever criminal or shitty act women perform but after the Gillette ad it has become clear someone needs to, I know you know that I know that we all know, it is not all, as it is not all men and none of us are responsible for people like this, they choose to do this without our permission or approval and in the face of everything we as a society do to discourage them).",sexist """tits and champagne""- kate walsh",sexist "Yeah, we know what a drunken POS skank Killary was and still is! Waiting for her liver to give out!",sexist "[USER] Frigid, toxic, and chaotic. . . Jesus, Jupiter describes half the girls I dated in college.",sexist "My gender is a table nobody has consent to effeminated, sodomize, nor homosexualize, not psychically nor 'in actual'!Know this, If homosexuals are even allowed to 'the table', it's obviously not God's table! The rules of the table wherein homosexuals abound aren't God's rules being formed by the leaven which has grown up reprobate.There is no double mindedness in Christ Jesus, let us not have our table divided therefore, by forming pricipalities and powers that give ground, support, and obseience to, provisions or acts of sin! We, the body of Christ, can't continue to allow secular authorities to steal God's Power & Authority; to take ground (lawfully submitted) to glorifying them who continue in their sin.No, we don't give ground and dignity to reprobate sinners but rather righteous reproof; leading them; who are blind and deaf, to seeing and hearing the Word of God as 'living out of His resurrection life out of them. Once chastened thru our (sin's) death we are married unto Christ in His resurrection. Our Sovereign Union (identity/citizenship) in our resurrection, as His holy sovereign resurrection being; we find our place in the Third Adam. - The Bridled gown of the Godhead, Keshet Yashua IsRael.Don't ever imagine me as being a woman, so you'll never be disappointed, by my always being God's man! - Jesus IsReal",sexist "Oh yeah, she is one dumb bint. That is a fact.",sexist "[USER] What you all are saying, she is a girl/women, so it's just a fun activity done by her so hear it enjoy & laugh, they can't take any action against them.If it's a boy's till now a tharki boy tag placed on him, everywhere all feminism demand for jail in that case.#BiasedLaws",sexist "[USER] So you think the politicians who wrote and passed the laws, which she is merely stating the legal positions of, because they hate trans women? I doubt the hundreds of MPS who passed the sexual offences act 2003 & its predecessor acts were doing it out of malice to trans people",sexist "[USER] In a reformed status of #GenderEquality,& decimated status of so called #patriarchy, we hv moved in to a situation where EQUAL protection of BOTH men and women at work places from all sorts of EXPLOITATION. It can't be one sided. #MeToo #MeTooMovementWins ",sexist "Here's an interesting bit of #EverydaySexism: the headline implies that teenage daughters are the problem when, if you read the article, the very LAST paragraph suggests it's men who grew up without sisters who cause marital strife when they have daughters. [URL]",sexist [USER] Monitor your own fucking behavior you incel and leave women alone they want nothing to do with you or hear your sexually repressed and aggressive opinions,sexist as a mlm . i'm seeing a Lot of posts defending the cis women who write mlm smut . and while it does make me uncomfortable .. tell me truthfully; are you actually cis? or do you just enjoy the thought of men fictionally having sex but don't actually want anything to do w/it fr?,sexist #FramingBritneySpears is yet another example of how America tears down young women on the rise while treating men as irreplaceable. It shouldn't be a surprise that Britney felt the brunt of unrelenting societal misogyny.#FreeBritney [URL],sexist "Eyes: bellionaire, fenty trophy wife, colourpop black liner, colourpop yellow creme liner Cheeks: fenty trophy wife, flower tender blushlips: peach and cherry acnh lippies, with a colourpop clear gloss on top :)",sexist Modern feminism is about pushing ideology. It has little to do with women anymore.,sexist "I couldn't help but laugh cause y'all know 45 wrote it. I failed to see any ""defense"". Redirect and deflect. If all else fails blame the black women. #ConvictAndDisqualify # [URL]",sexist [USER] 80% of all general crashes are caused by women. They change lane without checking and blame you for the mistake. Talking on the phone...,sexist [USER] I'm not a gold digger,sexist "[USER] If u dont spank her at all and someone else does, hes sexual C.V. go increase. In other words, anything wey woman ask u to do for bed gan gan, do exactly that. No dy form over sabi abi ethical mumu sef. That what she counts satisfaction",sexist Prayers for your beautiful family! Home school is such a gift for all of us. I would gladly pay to be able to do this. I don't understand women who complain about motherhood.,sexist [USER] Rape apologist has thoughts on children.,sexist "#AskGretaWhy Can wait,#DAY 37 of our demand:-We demand #MensCommission, #GenderNeutralLaw We condemn #ParentalAlienation, #Fake498a#MenToo #mencyclopedia #NotAllMen #MenSuffer #FakeCases #SpeakUpMen #MenRape #SaveMen #SaveFamily",sexist These tits are 2nd to none for Titty Tuesday #PizzaSlut4Life [URL],sexist "Domestic violence & abuse of women & girls is a major issue & we increasingly see the damage, pain & fear this causes as victims continue to be hurt or killed.We can all do our bit to be aware of the signs of abuse & help to save the lives of women & girls we know by RTing this [URL]",sexist Won't last a season. The stink of Spacey will HAUNT it...also the whole 'feminism is cancer' thing that will ruin it,sexist It's called lewding lolis. But Its It's not sodomize lolis. It's neither prostitute lolis. Stop being a Democrat.,sexist Show ofskin does not signify immodesty and isnot an invitation for humiliation. Respecta woman's clothing choices!#everydaysexism #womensreality [URL],sexist I hate when bitches say they gone beat my ass and then they put yo ass in a group chat with all these other bitches that wanna fight ... like bitch I thought you was gone beat my ass not you and 6 other bitches..,sexist Man left with criminal record after calling wife a 'slapper'it's illegal to be unfriendly to your wife after she's cheated on you.,sexist "Well if your morals are killing babies, allowing murders and rapist to flood your country and molest kids and kill women, then yeah, you're a demoncrap. That is your morals Bernie!",sexist Yall want me to put misandry on hold just for the twink of NCT??,sexist "I keep a Mac in the Louis bagLook like I got a computer on meI'ma get back at your stupid assWe gon whack you the better the sooner homieI be fucking your Wednesday crushI'm with that bitch and she droolin on me, EtcIs one of my favorite verses of any song to rap along",sexist Ooh I have mufc in my twitter name that automatically makes me look like A MASSIVE CUNTYOU CUNT,sexist How she get a whore now n tears running down my face,sexist "[USER] Tell that to the feminists who have been hounded off campus or the lesbians as they watch their culture being eradicated from the earth. Woke means converting or killing anyone who doesn't walk, talk, think, look, and act like you. Don't be daft.",sexist ion want that quiet sex i want that slut talk,sexist I remember this one time my sister posted a youtube video of me and her and someone commented that I looked like a boy. like bitch you look like a ho you wanna fight??,sexist "[USER] wields a psychosexual power over men, that's why She gets everything She wants. Men just want to be good boys for women like Her.Especially, married men won't be able to resist stroking and sending to Her homewrecker findom gold digger [URL]",sexist [USER] When's the last time you took a bath? You look like a hippy bitch. Not funny. How many pushups can you do in 60 seconds?,sexist [USER] I already seen it she's a cunt all u need to know is I didn't expect that bint to be coming back from spawn,sexist "[USER] And again, I kind of hate that it was Mitchum. Because I still think her family would discount anyone who said she wasn't perfect but it was just taken less seriously by everyone but Rory pretty much because it was her boyfriend's father, who's wife called her a gold digger.",sexist You can't get a Trophy wife if you're a Bronze Medalist level tf up,sexist I would like to say most bitches from onyx fuck wit each other and be sliding for each other,sexist "Oh, hell no!I got off Twitter to do some hours for work.Get back on to check to see what is going on and there is another jerk offering to ""take care of me.""Do I look like a prostitute?Do I give you the impression that I am one?Why do these ""men"" think I am for sell? [URL]",sexist Problem is with our women is they vote against us.Want to think they are equal physically then complain their lives suck with their new wave feminists bullshit,sexist Proud to be an empowered woman.... right?Any man that would touch this tramp has no self respect..,sexist "Japanese Olympic official, Yoshiro Mori, is in trouble for saying women talk too much.If he had to make a comment at all, he could have said ""men don't enjoy chatting as much as women do"".",sexist [USER] If he will say something then this girl will start playing victim card....Grow up kiddo....,sexist "Are we in a jurisdiction where 16 year old girls may be legally taken to pound down by distinguished men in their 30's? Also, is [USER]'s daughter hot? Gotta know the answers to these questions before I can proceed.",sexist "Completely pathetic. Let's make it easy for her. Someone on Twitter should send her this message: Lindsey, the mating call for blonde skank-ho's who want to Mandingo the night away is, 'Oh, I am soooooooo drunk!' It'll work like a charm. Guaranteed hole in one.",sexist YOU BITCHES NEED A REALITY CHECK,sexist Oy Vey Trump the fucking jew lover is like a ...well just look and see......oh because @a Torba the FBI cocksucker wants too look like Twitter you have to mouse over the image. A lot like when he's fucking his kike Mom in her whore ass.,sexist "[USER] LooooooooolI'm always in stitches when bad people believe they are being mistreated because of their identity. I much prefer hanging out with women, just not ones that make hate their personality. (And there aren't as many of you as you think.)",sexist NOT HER CALLING ME A FEMINAZI LMAOOOOOOOOOOI'M DEAD I'M LITERALLY DYING OF LAUGHTER PLEASE SEND HELP.and this asshole was trying to teach ME about feminism while she's using feminazi (an misogynist insult) once again proving my point: all z fans are machistas [URL],sexist "That is correct. There is no reason, scriptural or otherwise, for a woman to submit to a man outside the bonds of marriage.",sexist "[USER] It also seems that the last few waves of feminism have put a lot of energy into depicting women as always and everywhere the bigger victim, & boys & men as perps & perverts poisoned by toxic masculinity.TRAs seem to have turned the tables, with their campaign against 'TERFs'.",sexist Act like a lady you will probably get treated like one. Bouncer could lose his licence [URL],sexist nigga getting gangbanged [URL],sexist [USER] Eeyupp.Welcome to #patriarchy aka. state-sponsored #sexism.The same people that den women the right to #abortions also deny their newborn free #healthcare.,sexist Why did politicians get involved? They were singing about pussy! It was never that deep! Black women can't do shit! [URL],sexist "[USER] What, exactly, is a ""soulless whore"" lmao?",sexist [USER] you're so right abt the tennis thing lmao I hadn't even thought of it that way it IS the ultimate trophy wife sport jdksjfkf pls how to incorporate this into my fic,sexist "[USER] you wanna bring minecraft into this? bitch don't when she be lookin like a mf bee. look how detailed it is, it even has her grey hairs she old as fuck too bitch [URL]",sexist "it is ""DON YOU'RE FUCKING SLUTBAG"" day",sexist "The last guy I dated often mentioned how he wanted to fuck Megan Fox, but not as she is in the present--as she was at 15. He was 45 when he said it. I won't say what he looked like naked, but I doubt Ms. Fox would find it attractive. I didn't. [URL]",sexist So what is your opinion on his confession to getting the drugs for the purpose of using them on women for sex? Is this something that is acceptable. I'm trying to understand your point of view but you're giving me little to work with.,sexist [USER] u like to do me and my 6 friends in your cunt and give me your love to see you sexy Teen slut cuming all over my dick and moan loud also i want to let you know that my 4 bbc group fuck homies and,sexist "I am so sick to look those pussies, the child murderers, the traitors that murder with pleasure kids, women and elderly, but if someone shots back at the Criminals they run away fast. This is why they murder the ones that cannot shot back so they can try to take the guns away from the ones that can shoot back.",sexist whyd my boss's boss just come in her mansplaining how to use the phone to me when the male coworker in the room is the one who fucked it up I FUCKING HATE IT HERE,sexist [USER] cock carousel: An idea perpetuated on manosphere blogs that wo... [URL] [URL],sexist "[USER] 3)...called law student Sandra Fluke a""slut""& a ""prostitute""after she publicly advocated for universal contraception coverage,""Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.There, I said it.""...",sexist [USER] I love Lebron man. The man speaks truth to what has become acceptable practice at nba games: acting the goddam fool. There's heckling and there's blatant disrespect that nobody should do to another person. She wanted her 5 min and she got it. She's a trophy wife. He's Lebron,sexist [USER] Bitch I'm more than a pretty face. And it's unfortunate for you to be ugly and ignorant. Nothing else to offer and that's why YOU sitting on Twitter arguing with women. Real bitch tendencies,sexist "[USER] ""Gender"" is a bullshit meme concept that doesn't even exist in most languages, and historically just was another word for sex. And yes, women who are infertile, are in fact, defective women, and thus not ""real"" women in the sense that women who can have kids are.",sexist bitches wanna be gang so bad [URL],sexist Living with them all including our mother (recap5 women) gave me a unique perspective regarding women and what gets them charged and after 60 years; im still a moronic. Im beginning to think it's not part of the creators plan to allow us to understand women but it is a plan to keep us on our toes by faithfully trying. Sisters are GIRL - friends too.,sexist "[USER] Many women against feminism take advantages in Japan. The 'I Stand Against the ""Ban Child Sex Dolls"" petition was organized by Japanese female who became famous by her obscenity trial and obtained many admirers mostly old people, nerd & pedophile by [URL]",sexist Co-founder of anti-Trump Republican group accused of sexual harassment by 21 men [URL] via [USER],sexist "as for increasing female promiscuity: again, 20 is an exaggeration but the trend is real. most women report 3+ premarital partners, and any man paying attention will know to avoid long term commitment with such a woman or suffer high risk of divorce/losing kids",sexist God should nerf women. They do to much damage,sexist [USER] Mute mic i have twitter since 4 days and have already the amount of followers who gangbanged your mom with me,sexist "[USER] So I failed to understand a f***ing word of your tweet, I even tried googling 'femenism', but it keeps saying 'did you mean feminism?' Maybe she does represent something that doesn't exist....or maybe you just represent the brainless idiots that love her...",sexist FAUX News loves their BLONDE dumb shites,sexist "[USER] And let's say it were true, that all women hate men for legitimate reasons and all men hate women for bullshit reasons. Shouldn't that mean that women shouldn't be fucking men? Since they actually have a legit reason not to? But they still do that's literally the point",sexist It really is unbelievable. Some blonde slag has sex with a billionaire. It's an age old story.,sexist [USER] Vile skank.(Not a Mum.),sexist [USER] Well my Great Grandmother I'm pretty such no one could exploit her. Lol she was a badass m'fer like hide ya husbands and the deed to your property type of lady BUT for sure my Grandmother bc showgirl wicked attractive and fragile as fuck,sexist Whore [URL],sexist Indian actresses and writers flood social media with allegations of sexual harassment and assault amid calls for 2013 law's enforcement. [URL],sexist "[USER] They like to call themselves feminists, but I just can't see real feminists marginalizing women so.",sexist [USER] That is hottest thing where you spanking super hard on ass? I loveit when women cry from spank,sexist "[USER] How come non of Pakistani girls or ladies don't wear duppata, duppata is part of three piece suit, I live in England and keep telling my daughter, daughter in law to cover their head, or at least keep it around their neck",sexist "Girl gets sexually assaulted: Hoes: He can have any girl he want, y would he force u? Girl assaulted: Yea, he can have any girl he wants, women fall all over him! But, he knew I was the one girl he couldn't have, he wanted to try and take it from me!",sexist "Just curious: do male #taxpros get emails entitled ""Sell out skank"" when they switch companies/jobs/careers? #womenintax #womeninlaw",sexist "If your a simp and you go to jail your gona get banged,word of advice dont shoot the dude that bangs ur woman while your at work,because they gona roast u in prisonRather grab a beer and divirce the hoe and leave them",sexist "Funny, I thought we had a day without women earlier. These sterile hulks are enough to turn Clint Eastwood gay.",sexist Demonising Men and Victimising Women is the new normal on [USER] #Feminism #Patriarchy #feminists #publichealth #genderequality,sexist They had the technicians in a men pen like pigs#mgtow #toxicfemininitySweden's 'man-free' feminist music festival is found guilty of discrimination by authorities,sexist "Hahahaha! She said pussy hat on live tv. Does anyone know when the word pussy became appropriate language? I must have missed that. For some reason people think that if you say the word hat after it that, that makes it less vulgar. Stay tuned for her cock tease and cockblocking reports tomorrow.",sexist Weekly Bunshun published a story about Seiko Hashimoto & sexual harassment today in their Feb 25 print edition. Headline says sexual harassment from Hashimoto was habitual. A female victim said she was often kissed by her. # [URL],sexist Another washed up jew bitch,sexist [USER] Jesus was a man. The pope was a man. Glad to hear you dont listen to either of them. Feminazi.,sexist Twitch and YouTube think that harassment is exclusively towards women. These services barely even mention the word misandry and try to include everything that women and men face under the banner of misogyny. #GamerGate,sexist "I just wrote a fucking post today about how women have long been canaries in the coal mine regarding targeting behaviors of others. Looks like Mets might not learn their lesson. Here's the new boss, same as the old one I suppose [URL]",sexist "The pop feminism I encountered in the twenty-teens was . . . not good. People took the idea that ""misandry isn't real"" and used it to excuse all kinds of shitty behaviors.",sexist men make fun of women when they enjoy things and then go and enjoy golf,sexist "Well yeah. That part goes without saying. But people are stupid. It took all this metoo push for normies to even consider the idea of false rape accusations. They need this to be the example, with Smollett being such an unusual name. Also, love that headline.",sexist man school is so hard that atp im like fuck being a independent woman with studies im gonna be a stay at home trophy wife,sexist "They toiled all night for the sign, and how thrilled they were! They even had a sex to celebrate. Now, it's to show off his trophy wife.",sexist Kakyoin getting gangbanged by a bunch of werewolves after taking a walk in the woods during a full moon send tweet,sexist Me: do I look like a pirate?My manager: you look like someone a pirate would take homeStudent: she said you're a prostitute,sexist wanna get gangbanged in the lumber aisle at home depot,sexist """Women are historically much easier to disbelieve and discount because of their marginalization,"" Sachs said. ""It's low-hanging fruit to say'She's lying or exaggerating.' Then we don't have to reckon with what kind of true disaster just happened.""[USER] [URL]",sexist [USER] LoL If na to spank pregnant woman dey hungry am Na him luck.,sexist """be more feminine, you are a young woman, try and act like it"" sorry dad but i would quite literally rather you refer to me as a boy then as a girl now fuck off",sexist [USER] #Notallmen is about dismissing allegations of abuse. It has nothing to do with opposition to gender essentialism.This is a separate conversation from what I engaged with. To jump to #Notallmen when I'm saying we don't all go for big romantic gestures is some galaxy brain shit.,sexist "[USER] OG gamergate feminism is no longer woke, actually, I deem it reactionary, for failing to properly center trans WoC voices.So Valenti is a right wing chud.",sexist I hate a cheap looking ass hoe sis you look like a thrift store whore,sexist "At first I thought it was just her makeup artists that hate her, but now I'm convinced her hair stylist does too lol. What is it with white women & ugly braids that look like 5 year olds styled? [URL]",sexist "Darin Martin [USER]'s wrong sweetie? Did some big bad woman break your itty bitty heart because you weren't clever enough to see that she was lying to you all along so you just blame all women for your own stupidity? We've all been there, grow up and learn to take responsibility for your own actions and decisions!You are why I support Islam and Sharia.Your man hatred is on display for all men to see.",sexist "Unless I can find a reliable partner that won't take away my kids for some false accusation and get alimony for 20 years doing nothing, no, I won't go with them. It would be about time for courts to realize that yes, women lie when it suits them best too, it's not all men's fault, and that sometimes the best interest of the children is not actually with the mother. This was a real world issue for 18 years of mine, my dad's and my brother's.",sexist "You know, I have to point out -- why is this whole idea of Roe v Wade being overturned (which isn't the case at all but) going to kill women? I mean, if a pregnancy is going to kill the woman, the doctors have a duty to save her. Otherwise, pregnancies don't kill women, and are a normal part of the circle of life. I just don't get this argument at all...",sexist "[USER] I understand this, but the percentages of male vs female in these exact areas are skewed. Men do the most damage. That shouldn't upset you, but should make you ask why. How many shooters of our school children were women? How many rapist are women? Does that anger me? Hell, yes.",sexist These hoes be lazy man I need a consistent work partner,sexist [USER] you have been continuously blocking causing filibuster since last year the American people have been waiting since last year for help and you've screwed us at every turn cock block,sexist [USER] Stupid feminazi,sexist "[USER] That was me in grad school. If I call out every sexist remark, I'll never get any work done! So eye-roll & move on, b/c the old men won't change.",sexist [USER] Lmaooooo tbh since we wanna blame women all day,sexist The cock carousel PTSD ruins women beyond repair. This and the fact that no high value man will commit to a used up thot is the reason why women's chastity was protected in the past. Enjoy the decline. [URL],sexist "[USER] I know about him. I even know a person they killed in our province. A woman activist. Am with you there 100%. Can't u understand what this payment is for. Released from jail to this lifestyle at people's e expense, without the same payers knowing.",sexist "gov't destroyed black families with welfare.feminism is still working to destroy white families with, well, feminism.",sexist "[USER] Oh dear, what a dick you are, is that all you have got? Hope that's not you in the picture you look like a left wing cunt!",sexist How about you gatekeep some bitches instead [URL],sexist "Yes, Lexxity-Lexx-Lexx-Lexx.I wanna wash your #TwitSiteout with soap.Then spank your behind with whatever is left of that bar... You Dirty-Tweeter-You.You are a Wanton-Woman.(ya always leave everyone wanton more)[USER] [URL]",sexist [USER] Can you not read? He blamed your incompetent and corrupt government. Stop with the misandry. Mind you this chap used swear words. [URL],sexist [USER] My question is...women can open up an OnlyFans or Twitch and make MORE in a week than most nonchad men will see in a YEAR at their shit jobs...why do female wagecucks even exist?,sexist A great point made by #MarkLevin caller that #congress members were paying #settlements to ppl accusing them of #sexual harassment with #taxpayer money. Isn't that the same thing they're accusing the Pres & his lawyer of?,sexist "I'm calling it. I had the best Women's Day satire. I love when women have great ideas. So I shared [USER] videos where she explains why women shouldn't be allowed to vote. To follow my amazing satires, follow me on Snapchat! [URL]",sexist "[USER] its bc idiots dont know how to keep their mouths shut. like just look ""respectfully"" and keep it moving. for 50% of males (minimum) they always feel the need to say something dumb FOR NO REASON AT ALL. but we blame women for doing what they want for our dumb ass actions",sexist "I would probably punch Caroline Lucas in the face. I don't hit women, but I DON'T think she counts.",sexist "hah. Mom: Small Animal Vet Practice . He told me a while ago that the number of women vets who stay away from large animal practice is actually a huge problem where he is. As a gen. rule women can't hack the large beastie trade, and he's desperate for male colleagues to help him.",sexist "[USER] Being call d an angel is not sexist!!!! As there are plenty of male angels. To name a few angels: Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel! All men. So pray tell me, what is sexist about calling people an angel? Other than the fact you saying it is?",sexist "I bet the same #PATHETIC #HYPOCRITES whining about this ancient BS will go home & listen to rappers sing (aka talk fast) about drugs, sex & slapping bitches.YOU'RE #DISGUSTING![URL]",sexist "[USER] Your choice indicates that you think women are discriminated against because of what they are wearing, that our oppression is innate. So it is a hard pass from me for any of your 'feminism'.",sexist [USER] porn star? bitch u look like a fckn hooker. she's a pop singer and bigger than you'll ever be. so shut ur dirty ass mouth.,sexist "Sweet! Four attractive young ladies in dresses from, chicks on the right discussing #NRA, gun control on Fox News this morning!",sexist "The reason men think women don't have hobbies is because women are not only shamed for everything they like but also for talking about themselves. But tell me more about your stock portfolio, I'm just dying to know.",sexist [USER] Wondering if it will be faster to just make one team. No boys or girls team just a team all join if you make the cut. Than they can cancel out women altogether.,sexist [USER] haha me with league and getting gangbanged on bot lane 24/7,sexist "[USER] I cannot believe what I read and hear about gender and sex. It all seems so unbearably confusing for young people. As you say, I am so glad I don't have to negotiate my way through it all. I feel intense pity for young women today.",sexist "One of the greatest lies told to women in the last 50years is that in order for them to be liberated, successful & happy, they must have the right to kill their unborn babies and anything less is oppression.This is a monumental lie that will have a place in history books. [URL]",sexist "Just look in her eyes. Even when she's taking a dick, she's still completely in control. You could blow a huge load in her, but Aubrey would still be your daddy and you'd feel like a dirty, used #sissy whore #wankbattle #wankchat #tranny [URL]",sexist [USER] men perpetuate the male patriarchy way more than women do lmfao,sexist [USER] He'll dae fuck all that cunt!!,sexist Google employee's viral memo alleges discrimination against pregnant women: report,sexist Friends don't let friends become ugly psychotic man-hating #feminists. #MAGA #gabfam #feminism #feminist #SJW #liberals [USER] #feminazi,sexist [USER] whore,sexist Feminists are scared of sex robots because its makes them obsolete. Why would men put up with annoying women for sex when they can just fuck robots instead? [URL],sexist "[USER] Feminism is about protecting women's rights to compete in a fair race or sport against other women, without 'men identifying as women' taking that right away.",sexist [USER] Ayo TROPHY WIFE OUT YOU WON ME,sexist One local journalist will now interview her and ask 'do you still cook for your husband'... [URL],sexist "#UnintendedConsequencesIf, you were in fact, a misogynist, it seems like promoting #TransIdeology would be the best way to destroy women from the left. Simply define #GenderAsAFeeling, and then have everyone feel like a woman, whenever they wanted to compete.",sexist "priding yourself on being a bad bitch who doesn't cry and can make people break down just makes you look like those middle school level edgy girls, just so you know.",sexist [USER] You know I like & love that beautiful women she is very pretty and sexy I like & love her & I wish I had her as my queen & girl friend & I wish I can spank that Ass [URL],sexist Bullshit...jew women are born ugly...their own talMUD calls them 'sackfuls of shit,sexist [USER] (1/2) I don't understand what's not clicking I'm literally in defensive of those women nobody should be preyed on like that but cause I have a slightly different viewpoint on who gets the blame y'all think I'm defending those pervs absolutely mind blowing,sexist "A whiney feminist, a violent, low IQ street Nog and a self important White Knight, converge into a subway shitshow in today's America. #ClownWorld #ShitShow #Multiculturalism #Diversity #Feminism [URL]",sexist What a bad example this person is setting of making excuses for #everydaysexism. The behaviour needs an instant rebuke before that boy feels he can get away with abusing a mature woman asserting her actual authority. [URL],sexist Reason #5 I am #antifeminist because I love to be treated like a lady by a gentleman.,sexist [USER] Feminism is not supposed to degrade men. Just uplift women. But a lot of feminists engage in misandry. But I don't bother w that community anyway bc they often ignore intersectionality.,sexist [USER] So you think the 75% of women who don't get married are unmarried because they have pleasant attitudes? Lol,sexist There are no genital requirements in dismantling the patriarchy. Feminism is about including everyone who has been shut out and unheard and raising them up.,sexist Just made another sale! UNCUT Hot Sex With A Big Booty Gym Slut [URL] #MVSales [URL],sexist One thing I appreciate about social distancing on public transit is that manspreading is much less of an issue.,sexist is anybody really surprised by the fact george soros funds a day without women?,sexist This is hyper inclusive international capitalism. Our system is set up for outsourcing and silencing anyone opposed to it. We are a shopping mall not a nation. Your 18 year old daughter getting gangbanged on camera for [CUR]2000 is capitalism. Capitalism is amoral and easily corruptible.,sexist [USER] No ambushed in the corridors with media #bullied #intimidation #harassed than grabbed his arm #assaulted and because shes a female no one noticed #IStandWithCraigKelly,sexist "He called her a ""Gold digger"" and she replied ""When I finally get the Gold, I will stop digging""",sexist "[USER] Well, a loud vocal minority, gender ideology is a third rail. Most people think trans equality is about treating trans people equally - which is good - whereas the ideology encroaches on the sex-based rights of women and girls. Sadly only GOP are saying these truths.",sexist Just had a letter from our mortgage company - who take full monthly payment from my own bank account each month. Letter was addressed to my husband only. Cant believe this still happens #everydaysexism,sexist "[USER] Don't kid yourself. Before terf it was Rush Limbaugh and ""feminazi."" Before that it was Gloria Steinham getting sexually harassed by porn mags. Before that, suffragettes were hated. Men love misogyny, they make silly little accounts because they enjoy it. Nothing to do with us.",sexist You made a strawman of me by saying the alt-right wants to kill women.,sexist "[USER] Can't blame the cock carousel if you are the cock carousel. Behind every sloot is a failing father, brother and community. Sloot culture is a result of weak male leadership. Forge a society that is sloot-unfriendly. Start by holding yourself and other men accountable.",sexist Tw // islamophobiaDid this bitch actually try this [URL],sexist "[USER] Hi,Next time I suggest you consider a very short black skirt, very high stiletto heels, give the girls a squeeze before you go in, look the interviewers in the eye, and if the Chair of Governors is a old man (they usually are) lick your lips before answering questions.Thanks x",sexist "[USER] It's cause women can that they do, just as men with the same mentality do what they do. A lot of men don't do sex work but so drug dealin or something they parents would say is extra. This isn't heaven or hell, you just make choices and live with them. Enjoy your time here!",sexist [USER] Women still get molested at all ages and are generally made to feel they are to blame for whatever happens while MEN of all colors get a free Pass!!,sexist [USER] It's really not. Because the demographic she's after would be calling her a whore who's hit the wall and now looking for her beta provider after riding the cock carousel because she's 33 and single. She's clowning herself.,sexist "Don't naysay kids, for they can be like arrows at a woman's side.",sexist "[USER] Actually, the definition of feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes, try opening a book hun, you might learn something!",sexist [USER] hey you dumb girl you even don't know that if your religion is still there that is only due to sri guru teg bahadur ji because he died for the hindu religion and you are saying us terrorists we really don't want to divide our nation!! shame on you,sexist Hey jew@jew don't pop up your head for [USER] or you might get it in the ass. Would you like that? Hard lead in your lady stink hole? Jew I can't treat you like a lady if you are an IDF jew combatant. Stand up for dick and kneel for Jesus Christ jew. You are a criminal piece of unlady like shit. Plunge your ass with a f'n mop and glow for a plug. Gab.ai jews!,sexist "Once again this will disadvantage women in the workplace, cos MPs wont hire women if she requires a babysitter beside her.In the interests of workplace safety, all male MP's should be required to have a third party to stop them from sexually assaulting & raping women.#auspol [URL]",sexist "and now tw// rape. stop making jokes about this as well, or saying its the victims fault, does not matter what that person was wearing. no means no. they didn't ask for it. it is traumatizing; take it from someone who knows. it fucking ruins your life, makes you feel like shit,",sexist [USER] I was under the impression a girlboss is some neolib feminism hillary clinton stan shit but given grayson's enthusiasm I may need to reevaluate,sexist "[USER] Women act like only they be in they heads ? Men also can do to much ""thinking"" and not actually enjoy the experience.The biggest issue with a 3some for a man is that you don't want to show 2 much attention to the Other Woman cause you don't want to make your woman jealous",sexist "[USER] From a man's perspective, it is far easier to be construed as sexual harassment. Unfortunately in today's society, simplistic looks, winks or nods are frowned upon. Sad but true.",sexist "Las Las na kitchen u belong to de cook for your husband in turn by turn cos e no fit marry only u, and after u born they go enter go de beg and na so e go continue [URL]",sexist Judge Kavanaugh is a secret Satanist who does ass-coke when he is not otherwise busy sexually assaulting multiple women.All this slipped through several Federal background checks and went unnoticed during his years of Public Service. He managed to keep it the hidden from not only friends and family but also enemies and rivals.,sexist Well done MERKEL U slag.,sexist Trump rape accuser's lawyers seek to depose him in defamationcase [URL],sexist [USER] Truly the idiot. And yes still the dumb blonde. [URL],sexist Senator Gillibrand is a dumb blonde,sexist "[USER] it's okay if it's free and on pornhub a site that allows videos of rape to stay up, and also heavily misinforms young and impressionable people what sex should be like and what they should look like, but if you can't see it and have to pay for it they must be a whore :/",sexist Specially if your first big offer is to be a financial aid... Do i look like a charity case to you? Or a prostitute? You can pay whatever but I'm not loving you or fucking you unless I want to. So no. Uh uh. Count me the fuck out.,sexist Crazy whore...,sexist "[USER] Is it weird that I'm now thinking about SQQ manspreading in disciple robes? SJ strikes me as the ""establish dominance"" type.",sexist "As Nursing Home Scandal Pummels Cuomo, Ex-Aide Accuses Him of Sexual Harassment,[URL]",sexist "[USER] He blocked me he's pathetic Jamie. You should understand he follows women he knows he can't get(YOU) and treats other women who see past his manipulative, abusive to FEMALES mentality like. I'd block this cock if I were you. See how he treated ME then BLOCKED ME?He's a mangina. [URL]",sexist A perfect whore's body [URL],sexist "[USER] Gordon Brothers definition of Feminism= any individual liberty a woman may possess: the right to vote, to work outside the home, to leave your home without your husband's permission, to disobey your husband. They are against the right of women to do all of these things. DANGEROUS",sexist "[USER] I am sorry on the behalf of IT cell of India. You probably don't know what is Khalistan still they r trying you to pin with that. That's what they do to scare people. Imagine what length the govt go to suppress them. If any girl try to vocal about it, police kidnap and rape her.",sexist [USER] The major thing feminism is for women to have choice and since you choose to cook for your husband feminism has won already my dear cook oooo and remember to upload recipes,sexist [USER] It sucks that people like you still proudly and unironically represent the ugliest aspects of western feminism. Plenty of women feel empowered to wear a headscarf. Don't call yourself a feminist if you're against them exercising their choice.,sexist Linda looks like a very ugly man. No wonder her co-religionist males prefer to fuck donkeys or little boys,sexist [USER] 2nd rule of misogyny: Women saying no to men is a hate crime.One thing about the Staniland Question I noticed is the number of men who become angry when asked a question. That's a tell for controlling people & sometimes a red flag for abusers.,sexist "[USER] Don't you need to cook your husband's dinner? I thought you only believe in ""feminine"" women and ""manly"" men? Based on your beliefs being President is for the ""menfolk""? Everything about you is contradictory. You're clearly willing to say or do anything if it'll make you a buck.",sexist [USER] We need brave women like to run for office and stand up to the crazies like AOC & Ilhan Omar.If a man tries to educate them they whine about sexism & 'mansplaining' and all that crap.But as a woman Tomi could school them properly without worrying about it.,sexist [USER] you work at a newspaper that sued victims of sexual harassment for speaking out.,sexist [USER] if you meant that women who murder should get the death penalty and men shouldn't then that makes you sexist but nobody said or meant that sexist women shouldn't get called out,sexist "Why should women be anything but relentless, unwaivering, unapologetic assholes to misogynists who are intentionally minimizing, gaslighting and questioning everything we say?Misogyny is not civil. ""Civil discussion"" can go suck several dicks back to back. [URL]",sexist [USER] E X A C TLYa man not respecting a woman's boundaries and being weirdly flirty while woman outwardly hating him? Wow never before seen,sexist [USER] Men are not and can never be Women. They have no business in Women's segregated spaces. Sexual offences by women have doubled this year - why? Because they now include men pretending to be women in the figures . I hope sensible people leave your party in droves! #WomensRights,sexist [USER] is that the new feminazi makeup and haircolor?,sexist I don't care much for feminism but I taught her to be strong and it turns out that also turned her gayfollow [USER] [URL],sexist "[USER] Not modern feminism,Feminazi is dumb, stupid and dangerous.",sexist My bitch must be Matt Bors cuz in always telling her to shut the fuck up and stop that bullshit,sexist Tease my cock while I play games~ [URL],sexist "[USER] I don't blame him , I blame our society they make us think that is women can't do nor enjoy the same things that men do :/",sexist Whenever I see a woman driving around with her boyfriend or husband in the passenger seat I always always assume he's a loser with a DUI.,sexist "[USER] Feminism is truly human rights, but the ones these young ladies preach and display here is competition and hatred. That can't be the feminism that focuses on equal opportunities for both genders.",sexist "[USER] The cock carousel, you'll ride it until you realise you can't get them guys to commit so you turn to a simp for marriage. I know the time line of your life better than you know it yourself.",sexist Louisiana AG Sues Journalists To Keep Them From Obtaining Documents Detailing Sexual Harassment By Top Prosecutor [URL],sexist "Working in fast food honestly is a disaster, a middle aged man used to come through the drive thru with his dick out then he got charged with sexual harassment or sum and still did it!!! I was 15 ... bruh",sexist [USER] You do it for free.. you could get money like the rest of them. You're just hyping up a woman who has abused countless people (JD aside) how can you ignore that??,sexist "Nope. There are no women against feminism. All women are feminists. You are just trying to pretend to be against feminism. You could be FOR equal sentencing for women criminals, but you are not. No women are.",sexist As she should. Why are you trying to look good for??? Like a whore [URL],sexist "I was just going by the thumbnail and the attitude. Could be a compression issue but you definitely got some man face going on from what I see, and you sure as shit don't talk like a lady.",sexist .@NYGovCuomo is a serial murderer and a serial sexual harasser. Hard to see how he's not Dem 2024 Presidential frontrunner now. [URL],sexist "[USER] Hug!Hilda would hug the beautiful woman, giving her fat ass a spank.""Hey!""",sexist [USER] That old ugly skank pelosi is evil.,sexist "To be honest, ""#NotAllMen are rapists, so just let the rapists in"", is not quite the persuasive argument that certain demographics seem to think it is, where most women are concerned. #safeguarding #singlesexprovisionofservices [URL]",sexist "Listen Old Biddy I'm not talking about marriage per se, I'm talking about a man literally needing proof that you're still fertile and capable of bearing children. Women in their mid 30s have problems with both, especially the ones who have been riding the cock carousel since their teens.It's sad that you have to say I'm weev in a vain effort to win points. But w.e. I don't think it's very Trad of you to deny marriage as the best option either. But. hey. I realize you have to say stupid stuff to tantalize and titillate the losers you're trying to seduce -",sexist "From of us are astute enough to see *beyond the#Kavanaugh#Fordcase at hand*, to the frightening prospect that ourmen ourhusbands, fathers, sons, and friends will be likewise scarred for life by unsubstantiated scandal and innuendo....#DueProcess#PresumptionOfInnocence#Patriarchy#MalePrivilege^ THIS is why so many viewers wept alongside Judge#Kavanaughas he spoke!",sexist "Any woman should be dressed appropriately, in my opinion a very short skirt and a low cut top & a cap always does it for me or the secretarial look wearing a cap, but that does NOT give any man any right to touch or make sexual comments to any woman, of course women should look nice when they go out but not slutty",sexist "[USER] I think it's important that you've shared this. Too many people do not understand the disgusting vitriol sent to you and your fellow women reporters. You're already missed here in LA, Alanna. Best wishes to you!",sexist "They actually do more damage as not properly regulated. Lack of compassion. Exclude people. Imagine being a survivor of abuse & being turned away on a whim because they equate not having Facebook with being a predator trying to access ""women only spaces'.",sexist "feminism is the biggest crock of shit to ever surface in terms of retarded ideology. its like if a vegan were to compromise on the sourcing of their food, well its vegetables but people and animals had to suffer to make it. so we hear griping and moaning about the patriarchy, via channels and tech the patriarchy predominantly built, do you see the problem here?",sexist Make you look like a bitch even more [URL],sexist "[USER] 1- Men have #NoRights to a #womensrights , it is our body.I'm a person of faith ,but I separate that from what others have a right by law to do.",sexist [USER] No sympathy for feminists. They have come full circle and are now reaping what they've sown.,sexist [USER] As far as I know this argument has only worked once in the past.From some dumb white woman who burned her vagina on scalding hot coffee because she was too dumb to know not to hold her freshly brewed coffee with her thighs while driving.,sexist "I hate niggers, but I love black people.I hate women, but I love women.I hate kikes, but I love Jews.I hate dagos, but I love Spaniards.I hate wops, but I love Italians.I hate dykes, but I love lesbians. Actually, I love sticking my finger in dykes. I identify as a Dutch boy. Don't judge me!",sexist [USER] I'm ashamed that you were ever in my spank bank. Sad I ever bought double a's for you mostly I'm sad for any other woman feeling the same way right now.,sexist "Well as a Les she would wouldn't she!! - We need a man in this post and a straight, tough, no nonsense, ex-parachute regiment man at that - NOT one of these lily limp-wristed, fast tracked, never walked the beat, ex-university types",sexist "[USER] Of course you can be both. I don't have a problem with radical feminism. I don't agree with all of their views but I see what they want to achieve and I support it. But that doesn't justify shitting on trans people. Again, not all radfems do - but some do, and I'll call it out.",sexist [USER] You look like a [CUR]12 whore Do you have no place to talk Please go wash your face because we all know you didn't you're a Twitter rocking everybody you see on site,sexist [USER] Question. Who believes the women who gave evidence? What does this say for women who believe they are the victims of sex crimes in Scotland?,sexist "[USER] Grown ass woman, playing video games to colllect money from simps, is that really what you do for a living? Man, I saw a 40 year old grown bald man with glasses call me a sexist in the replies, he's got to be one of your tier 3's",sexist "[USER] I wouldn't want any of my family to do it because let's be honest lol people wanna pay to see women they wanna hit. ""[CUR]8 to see her naked? Bet""",sexist "[USER] You are a joke. Can you imagine having an actual brain or class?!?! All of you white supremaCYST ReTrumplican sheep cultists are just PROJECTING. It's nice to NOT have a gold-digger, chain-migrated stripper soiling the Office of the First Lady.#GOPCowards#RepublicansProject",sexist Another day another storyline of working women hit hard by pandemic. When will leaders realize the CULTURE of work has to change? PTO and [CUR] don't solve the problem.,sexist "Ifeoma came to Ibadan,dropped her things at my place and ran to man's house that same day. Now that she's coming back home,I told her I won't be around for a while and mama is saying I am going to do valentine without her and she dey try cut my waka short. I don't like women.",sexist That lying as cunt fuck aoc lol she wasn't even there and being a drunk whore and fuckinf a dude and claiming rape is what's wrong with the left now a days. And what did her bullshit have to do with her other bullshit lie about the capitol lolFuck #AOCSmollett #AOC #AOClied,sexist "[USER] Definitely not entirely, but certainly in general. Most feminism today, especially mainstream feminism, is based in Critical Theory unfortunately and that's why we hear about so much antisemitism and anti-capitalistic remarks from their loudest practitioners.",sexist Can Mr Barlow resist the busty charms of secretary Miss Biggs (Jane Cardew) in her very short suede mini skirt and revealing top? Sex And The Other Woman. [URL],sexist I can't really say how I would react to a woman smarter than me. Although I am fine with women who are more knowledgeable in their given fields. My IQ is 172 and I am a polymath. The statistical likelihood of me meeting a woman smarter than me is quite small.,sexist Hot Latina girls makes him Amateurs french arab sluts anal squirting sifting gangbanged#amateur #anal #analsquirt #arab #fisting #french #gangbanged #por...,sexist "[USER] To the men that just want to hit and quit, you're literally just a ""thing""Which further explains why men are praised for sleeping around while women are not. If a girl just wants sex, we don't cry about being objectified for a physical act",sexist "Fuck you, fuck that stupid cunt and fuck anybody else that love y'all [URL]",sexist "[USER] The dumb, blonde, white lady.",sexist ...AND I'VE NEVER SAW WOMEN AS A SEXUAL OBJECT LIKE OTHERS GO FOR BEAUTIFUL COMPLICATED TROPHY WIVES BUT THEY DON'T REALIZE THESE WOMEN ARE JUST AFTER MONEY AS THEY WILL HAVE A BREAK UP EVENTUALLY BECAUSE EVERY MAN AND THEIR DOG WANT THEM TO![USER]@MentalHealthGov@Channel7,sexist Day. 97: #TigrayGenocide A well-planned #WeaponizedRape so as to infect #Tigray|an women & girls with sexually transmitted diseases & permanently damage the reproductive organs & psychology of every #Tigray|an woman & girl; kill males => reduce population growth of #Tigray! [URL],sexist [USER] No incentive for men to work hard and get promoted. The leech wife will get her share from your hard work. Rather get demoted. This is why #mgtow is best approach even during separation. Earn only for yourself.,sexist [USER] hope u will be wearing a short tight dress & low at the front so i can see ur bjts or a short tight skirt sweet wish I was in with u l&xxing u all over making 2 u very slowly babe u lots naga baby xxxxxxxxxx,sexist I want the fearlessness of a white woman driving an SUV,sexist [USER] !!!! Women want the best for men even if we as men are stubborn. Women often are more in tune with nature & don't have a dick so they don't have all this bs around their sexuality n what they eat where as men have been programmed to think they can't be strong eat plants.,sexist You might be aware ladies don't fully develop until they have borne a child & large assets can cause severe back problems-I know few older ladies with problems & teen lady who just had reduction for same reasonModest is best as it will develop when older & not drop to your knees so don't be envious,sexist [USER] Nah that's different boo.. That's just childish.. Tbh a lot of girls most esp are going to end up as trophy wives because they want things they can't afford.. This is how a trophy wife is treated.. I bet she went back to his house.. Lol,sexist "Messaging with a mate about the football tonight, I said yeah I will have my #BFC shirt on later.They said ""with heels and stockings and a short skirt?""Yeah very funny..... I thought id deleted that pic #onlykidding #justagiggle #theresnosuchpic #notwithmyknees",sexist [USER] You're a mad woman darling,sexist "Like what is actually happening?! I'm so confounded. The streets are not for me at all....the audacity of these men gets worse each day. It's only Tuesday and I've already gotten dick pics, insulted for saying no, now I'm suppose to be popping out babies for a stranger.",sexist "These bitch's really asking me why??I have no respect for you, slutbag.",sexist With #InternationalWomensDay approaching we think the would be a safer place to live if we had more #femaleleaders and a better place too with more women leaders in our communities and businesses #WomensRights #womenempowerment #womeninleadership #WomeninBusiness #womensday [URL],sexist "LOL, insane feminazi bookstore in Portland, OR closes its doors. You've gotta read this one. Holy crap! I have family in Portland...kind of wish I had gotten to see the insanity for myself.",sexist Or he'll tell me I look like a whore in a specific outfit yay dad thank you for the confidence boost :),sexist "If my man ever want a whore, he knows where to find me...Coz this Bitch is just here waiting for him [URL]",sexist "And they learn that they can't trust anything women actually say. If they express appreciation for a woman, they discover that this makes them seem weak and unattractive. Do you see how the big man man that you're complaining about is *men reacting to the way women treat them?* ffs [USER]",sexist [USER] gold digger,sexist "[USER] Oh God, another dumb blonde joke on a news site for fellow ignorant people",sexist [USER] You Slut,sexist "[USER] Oh for God's sake. This is just insane. The smallest of minorities dictate what we all have to say. Men can't breast feed. Because science is that way. Seventy year old women can't either, I am told. And I don't think any of them are insulted by that biological fact.",sexist "I don't see a contrast between ruthless and gentlemanly. When necessary, introduce yourself, apologize for the inconvenience, kill them, and clean up the mess. As for girls flocking - if you wait for a girl to flock to you, you are doing it wrong and you will get the wrong girls.",sexist [USER] Mhmm just fuck that tight little virgin cunt of yours until you're a dripping wet cum soaked mess and then you can lick it all off of the cock,sexist A whole fucking skank [URL],sexist these bitches showin fake love when i prefer the hate,sexist "[USER] Sorry. But that's just not true. Actions, generational fruit, prove otherwise. Generations of black women have willfully split their families, and taught their children boys and girls to live sexually loose. And many churches start schools that the mothers don't support.",sexist [USER] Completely unacceptable! I agree entirely! #everydaysexism,sexist [USER] Good they've agreed to take him off of the #LGBTIQ Equality Strategy but let's make clear that this is not enough! is a dangerous anti-choice organization that dedicates its agenda to regressive advocacy and there's still a lot of damage Zych can do to women and youth!,sexist To hit women or shield them from bullets....life's choices are so difficult. [URL],sexist >Get raised by women >Get educated by women >Get shamed for any sign of masculinity >Get treated like a woman >Live in a completely feminized world >Think you're actually a woman Who didn't see that coming?,sexist "Irene....A name that bless my soul. Well, If i have one. So, how can a beautiful woman like you is staying all alone? [URL] [URL]",sexist "(7)[USER] your comments on were very self-entitled and disrespectful to those that work in these fields. Including a he medical field, there are many waiting for a vaccine. It really showed Rich white girl mentality, and that you really don't understand science.",sexist "[URL] win either way with MeToo. Either feminism is destroyed so kikes can hide, or they all get exposed.For once, I'm cheering the skanks.",sexist "All these Republican women speaking out against [USER] are probably married to men who would cuss a young woman out or grab a young woman by the pussy or force themselves on a lady because he can. If you don't stand up against these abusers, then you're worse than they are. (1/2)",sexist "[USER] Hello David Rosler, ya lying little brat! Tell Kathy Amidon the lying little bitch that you've been exposed, here and on Twitter. PS, remove that lipstick, it makes you look like a whore.",sexist i start manspreading a lot more in boots too bc its more comfy to sit that way... sorry gamers,sexist "I have to make sure everyone is punished equally, except for that person with a vagina I'm related to.These are the people who call me sexist. Call me fucking hateful. Call me judgemental, and racist. Fucking scum. Satanic scum.",sexist Its like male hulk can look like you know a monster but she hulk has to be over sexualised and look like a buff green woman. Why is there a double standard?,sexist [USER] Break up with him and file a complaint with the police that's sexual harassment sweetie,sexist "[USER] Yes, her skirt was very short.",sexist Lawyer of Migrant Who Filmed Facebook Livestream Rape Claims Client 'Did Not Understand' It Was Rape [URL],sexist [USER] So much of the narrative around #masculinty and #patriarchy is delusional. Amazing that anyone takes it seriously but those are the crazy times we live in.,sexist Surprisingly accurate assessment for a female#mgtow,sexist [USER] Man you look like a bitch,sexist what do y'all wanna see from the dumb blonde?,sexist [USER] I bargain like a middle aged women,sexist "[USER] It is sooo rich when some women make decisions and then asked to be applauded. It just screams ""Entitlement"". Men bult the systems the women enjoy today. But you don't hear men applauding ourselves because it's our role to build. I don tire for all this yeye write up. My broda",sexist "[USER] THREE WOMEN, alright, he is a pos, women don't go sinking their fucking reputations and lives this lightly, fuck this pos, HOW CAN YOU VIOLATE THE TRUST PEOPLE GIVE YOU DURING SEX, sorry I'm very drunk rn, I hope you are doing well Enver, bless you for being an amazing comrade...",sexist "[USER] Really? Do you believe half the shit that comes out of your mouth?Honest to God...You really wanna take me on? Show up, baby....we'll see who wins.Real men don't hit women - for any reason.MEN WORKING...really, laughable.",sexist "Definitely #NotAllMen ,But #allwomen have being harrassed atleast once in their life :(",sexist "No you look like a whore. But I'm proud for you. Whores are hot and self-employed, self-respecting moneymaking geniuses.",sexist [USER] See i am not pooping over every women cause not every woman is a feminist unlike you I don't use the word women I use the word feminism I've got a problem with feminism not women but looks like you've got problems with men so i even tho I hate myself the most I am innocent for-,sexist "Kameron is quick to say ""I'm not just a dumb blonde"" and the say the dumbest shit you've ever heard #RHOD",sexist "[USER] This is not how we come together as women against rapists and patriarchy. This isn't the aim of feminism. Men unite even if they don't agree on everything, they're the last ones laughing.",sexist "So... Captain Marvel opened. 35% user rating that CNN blames on trolls. Time will tell. I'm done with progressives. The movie should do well. It should make a billion fucking dollars. We don't deserve Trump as president. We don't deserve 4.2 fucking GDP. All the woke people can just have their cake and eat it too. We've changed masculinity into castration so women don't have to deal with the opposite sex, they can just drag their tools along beside them and have girlfriends with penises. It's great being a man in the 21st century.",sexist fuck you peacock premium trial let me cancel whORE DONT TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY,sexist If a woman ever says to you that she don't grab her b00bs while searching for something...she is HELLA lying,sexist "[USER] Actually I'm fine with people doing whatever. It's the needing validation and a flag, & calling it a ""lifestyle"" that really grinds my gears. Go be a total slutbag. That's fine, long as you're responsible. But I don't want to hear about it all the time or have to be proud of you",sexist Can't grab a woman by the pussy if you grab a man by his dick first [URL] [URL],sexist Sam is a lying dirt slutbag.,sexist [USER] DUDE YOU LOOK LIKE BRUCE JENNER. DID YOU GET PLASTIC SURGERY?!?! HOLY FUCK WHAT AN INSECURE PIECE OF PANDERING HUMAN GARBAGE. DID TRUMP MOLEST YOU AS A CHILD WHEN YOU WERE 13 ALSO? WHY ARE YOU HIS BITCH? DOES GE AT LEAST BUY YOU DINNER BEFORE HE STICKS IT IN?,sexist oh to be a pretty trophy wife and bake heart shaped cookies and never open another textbook,sexist "I miss the days when I was brave enough to spank women's asses. Nje! For the hell of it, with a wink. [URL]",sexist easy on the misandry shawty,sexist [USER] Cock Carousel and Lack of Commitment. 🧌,sexist "And mate and mate and mate. On the Plus side, the Alt Right ladies don't go in for those back door shenanigans, on the down side, you still have to ween some of them of the sirens call of feminism and materialism. Can't afford a child? Can you afford 24/7 elder care? Oh good, no kids = no choice.",sexist [USER] Look at this slutbag #metoo hypocrite! [URL],sexist Woman will be driving and forget to stop at zebra crossings but they'll flash their lights to apologise so it's okay,sexist "I just got almost finishing up my A for the apocalypse of Rihanna's 8 women she had sex with in Slender Man Publix-47, i wrote all 8 women out and now i'am resting.",sexist "Having daughters I can say - they need solidity in their lives! They need a man in their lives, a man they can count on, both to be there for them and to set boundaries on them.What they really need, though, is to fulfill their biological destiny, to, well, have something useful to do with their lives. Maybe one girl out of a hundred, max, has real, strong ambitions for career or something. The rest are reciting what they've been told. It's tragic.",sexist [USER] Everyone wasnt made to be skinny...She was beautiful as a big woman and made bigger women feel empowered....Now im sure they will have to feel like they have to be thin to be beautiful od wantedgee thanks Hollywood,sexist Republicans are claiming that trans rights somehow hurt women and girls. But we see through their bigotry. They don't get to twist feminism to disguise their transphobia. Trans rights are human rights.LGBTQ rights are human rights.Love is love.Pass the Equality Act now.,sexist "[USER] I'm sure these ladies would be loosing the case.True intension behind such acts in most of the cases is to provoke men,. If men retaliate then women can file a new case against them.Victim card khelti hai.Feminism is a mental illness.",sexist "In #Man the same effects are created by the legal fiction called #person. Maxims of Law: Man is a term of nature [natural law]; person of the civil law. All #persons are men, not all men, persons. [ archaic since civil state of New Zealand declared a river a #person] #speakfreely",sexist "[USER] Ye haven't quite got the tits, pet",sexist Because who doesn't love goth booty in fishnets? #ass #pawg #bbw #kink #kinky #fetish #bdsm #daddy #ddlg #porn #tease #sex #horny #wet #snowbunny #cock #pussy #amatuervideo [URL],sexist [USER] The victims are women.,sexist who got some fat titties I can rest my head on? it's been a long day,sexist "[USER] ""Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist."" Camille Paglia",sexist CFNM is spreading in real life everyday everywhere!Women are more dressed than men in any circumstance Students' games make often males very embarrassed ... while girls enjoy the show!mariecfnm.blogspot [URL],sexist What would a day without women REALLY be like? #ADayWithoutAWoman #InternationalWomensDay - YouTube [URL],sexist "[USER] Well this idiot has attended many rapes.& hundreds of DV's, many at the same location time & time again and I STILL can't understand why women don't speak up against their attackers.Guess rapists rely on that hey?Plenty of jobs that DON'T entail rape as part of the culture",sexist "For those saying ""I thought it said slutbag"", his response was 'next year'.",sexist y'all all for feminism but not when it comes to equal rights equal fights lmao,sexist pray dirty house educated hoe a job gold digger clean pussy stink pussy loyal 5 kids faithful cheater [URL],sexist "[USER] Religious nutters who think women showing their ankles is a sin. They basically had no life, just work an sex was for pro creation only I believe",sexist Modern feminism is a privileged empowerment movement. I see their game. Break men down and make them weak so you can stand and prosper off their broken backs. [URL],sexist "That's not true. They might be an emotional wreck, but a lot of young women are very thrifty, and because women have a much easier time getting hired, they often make as much or more than men. Most women don't know how to use money to make more money through investing, but I know a few who play the stock market and have done well at it.If you yourself are financially stable, you will attract a higher caliber of woman, and you won't have this problem.",sexist "[USER] MLS is irrelevant to my comment. usmnt crushes uswnt in viewership, which is why the ladies don't make as much as the men. Eyeballs on screens pays the bills.",sexist [USER] Dude you look like a painted whore in a really bad commercial.,sexist [USER] czy tam mother i would like to fuck nwm,sexist I hate girlsCause they take advantage of your weakness. Yes can call me a misogynist pig or a sexist suddo. But how am I gonna be fair with them when they keep on sending me vidoes of themselves in such provocative positions of eating 3 plates of momo everyday?,sexist [USER] Lmfao imagien if you knew what trump thinks about women. He claims i can grab you whenever i want. He says you as a woman have no say and love it. Do you know any disabled? He thinks they are all a joke. You agree with all that misogyny and ableism?,sexist "Look what happens to sluts! She is being punished & she must surrender her Twitter login info to anyone who asks for it so u can expose & humiliate her. Her nudes are in her DM's. If you DM her treat her like what she is, a slut! #whore #nsfw #porn #submissive #sexy #slave #bdsm [URL]",sexist "[USER] I want to play with it. I wanna bate with you, while watching PORN of a chick getting gangbanged!",sexist "Hmm well, it'd be interesting what a tough facist person has to say My two points atm are, women are too incompetent for modern society, & traditionalists are always covering up for the damage women do to society Also women are incompatible with men, which is why men should not marry women",sexist "[USER] And when did feeding your husband or getting married become a necessity in life? A guy himself can learn how to cook. Aise toh why didn't you say, boys nowadays playing video games all day long, when will you learn how to cook for your wife?",sexist "[USER] ""Things are getting pretty weird now"" ... says the tone deaf company who fires women for having ""abhorrent"" opinions. Who then goes into damage control with muppets and a preachy video about how much work we still need to do for womens rights.",sexist [USER] You find this woman attractive?? You monster. You deserve locking up. There is a special place in hell for you. (I'm being sarcastic by the way)You done nothing wrong in my book.,sexist "Jeff Bezos, liberal paragon of virtue.",sexist "He was a mid-level management suckup, with a third place trophy wife....",sexist Is it fair to say that modern feminists are man-hating bull dykes and emos? What sane man would volunteer for that?,sexist GOP lawmaker complained that women can't be called sluts anymore due to feminism [URL] [URL],sexist [USER] Gonna spank a woman at a red roof inn Saturday- don't want my neighbors hearing me smack ass at my apartment . Throws me off- then I don't enjoy as much. Good to know I'll also get water that's a bonus-,sexist "b t w pregnancy is NOT an illness, Chinese women have been dropping babies, I mean delivering babies, in the rice paddies for centuries.",sexist He thinks I'm a feminist leftist bc I didn't want someone burning businesses down. He reminds me of men who get taken in a divorce and blame all women. I work. I haven't done anything to him. He needs to fight with whoever took him to the cleaners,sexist Defence Minister Linda Reynolds admitted to hospital amid Brittany Higgins rape allegation scandal [URL],sexist "Aye that's true, all the Indian and Chinese women are studying engineering, the dumb spoiled bitches in Europe are too busy with gender studies. Those the God's would destroy, they first make mad.",sexist [USER] Gold digger?,sexist I'm a leo & I want to b a trophy wife [URL],sexist "[USER] It's 2021, ya dumb blonde, wake up, and stop quoting archaic men from a few thousand years a go, its all fake.",sexist [USER] come see what do u call this.. Later u will be calln me a sexist.. I'm not oh.. I love women but the things they do these days is crazy.,sexist "#TheDumbestThingsMenDo why is this trending??? The normalisation of misandry in recent times is disgusting. I just know if #TheDumbestThingsWomenDo was trending, ""woke feminists"" would loose their minds",sexist "How is it non-traditional for a woman to speak out in defense of her people? Savitri Devi would like a word... Feminism is crap, sure, but the way to beat it is to crush equality, not try to micromanage, IMHO.",sexist "[USER] #Cheerleader sues , says she was groped and #harassed by drunken fans and that officials tried to 'cover up' her complaints, #lawsuit alleges#STEMToo #TitleIX ",sexist #truthpurge [USER] crazy narrative is when you let someone become a prostitute just because she doesn't look like your mother.,sexist "If you voted for a woman who said ""Grab em by the testicles"" you have 100 rooms not to claim not to protect everyone in bathrooms.",sexist [USER] Another feminazi high on power. Women like this don't know how to lead,sexist [USER] You got gangbanged by a bunch of fire benders,sexist "The only hysteria is from her mouth...or have you not been paying attention Been traveling abroad.??? This woman is inciting harassment if not outright violence on an almost daily basis... Maybe the demonizing taunts, mob chastisement, verbal attacks, attempted assassinations & outright assaults are not hysterical enough for some but for me I say fuck that cunt & her entire entourage.!!! Thanks",sexist [USER] Liv's such a naughty girl she knows she's been a bad girl for days & I'll get to grab eat fuck & spank booty cheeks of hers & she's such a sexy spank slut she's eye candy & I love that she's eye candy & her as a wrestler she's one of my favorite women in WWE she's so pretty.,sexist [USER] She's a cock-sucking milf slut. Can you blame her?,sexist "Mooch just escorted Melania out of the WH. Melania looks so elegant and beautiful. Mooch looks awful, frowning and angry.#MAGA#Trump#Obama",sexist "Yes you have...finished fingering yourself like a woman except the finger is your own and up your own greedy ass. You have PROVED absolutely nothing except that you are a Bitch needing attention,just like the whore that raised you.",sexist "[USER] Lmao I will sodomize you. I prefer Dirty blondes anyway Pussy. if anyone ever put hands on me they would receive a beating as well. They teach this in kindergarten ""keep hands to self""",sexist Ho-bag #MarjorieTaylorGreene 'OPENLY CHEATED ON HER HUSBAND with Various men at her gym' .@RepMTG cough cough #SLUTBAG cough cough via [USER],sexist I'VE HAD THIS HAPPEN! I had to file a police report knowing they'd never find the guy and ultimately he'd do it to others. THIS is why many women don't feel comfortable running outside. THIS. #everydaysexism #thisisassault [URL],sexist [USER] Okay and congratulations to him and that's his thing but to objectify all men because they don't want to kiss the girl after she gave him head is is messed up there is a certain crossing point that men have just like women do,sexist That is such a slutbag thing to do,sexist "It wasn't enough that society abolished all standards for women. Since the now-ugly and overweight women can't force European men to find them attractive, they're now engaged in importing a class of third-world men who will. This is why women should never have been granted the right to vote.",sexist get your orange on lying slag,sexist aahhhHHHH DARKNESS IS UNLEASHING HER FISHY CUM ALL OVER YOUR FAYCEEECLEAN YOURSELF UP WHORE *slaps your face* [URL],sexist [USER] sis u go ahead and cook for your husband and leave the rest of us out of it,sexist "Seed of drunken grave diggerAnd womb of whore And the result is [USER] Go and look into your country's matters, no one cares about you here. Your thoughts are just like a biggest pile of monkey crap I've ever seen@ArvindKejriwal",sexist "Um, no.I'm not sure half-staff is appropriate for a man who said: ""Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of pop culture."" is about being bi-partisan.My condolences to his family. They lost of loved one. But no to the flag. [URL]",sexist "[USER] I'd say yeah - when I was married (to a non-spanko woman who occasionally humored me) I once asked, ""shall we have a safeword?"" and she asked why, and I said, ""So you could say 'stop,' 'don't spank me,' 'please stop, I'll be good' [etc]"" and she was aghast; she did NOT like the",sexist "[USER] What about them? Does dealing with toxic masculinity somehow mean we deny that women can also be rapists? The data shows that only about 3% of rapes are committed by women, so, probably we shouldn't pretend it's a bigger issue than it is.",sexist Stormy Daniels has graduated from prostitute to gold digger.But we're not allowed to notice.,sexist "When a tranny sits down like a woman, they are a bitch, but when a woman sits down they are a lady. A big difference folks and Andrews mom is a LADY!!!! Whistling softly.",sexist [USER] SLAG TOWN,sexist "[URL]'re going to kill you, then rape you #threatening #woops #adteam #greatad #facebook #rape #murder #deaththreat #instagram #accident #advertisement",sexist "[USER] FS!! Heard my ma winched that cunt in ""Vicky's"" wan night in the 80's Still slag her to this day",sexist If I'm going anywhere w my girl. I'm driving always. That woman scares tf out me when she drives. Yet alone any woman driving.,sexist "[USER] I'm sure you find this all perfectly fair towards women. I know. Don't worry. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I know it doesn't happen anyway, that ypu would respect women.",sexist lol and evrybody that questions her has to spend lots of time petting her and promising not to frighten her and gush about how brave she is for getting a 6 figure book deal for nothing ???this is what liberals call a strong empowered woman!? She's practically fucking CRYING on the stand!,sexist """that's it you slut. Look out the window as people stair at you being pounded like a whore"" [URL]",sexist "All those cameras and security, never enough big brother around which seems kind of strange like maybe Chelsea Handler or one of those ugly liberal netflix women did it.",sexist """The only thing that makes women monogamus, is cultural shame.""Tim Carter @ Better Bachelor.#MGTOW",sexist These bitches want nikes,sexist [USER] Bitch get to work,sexist "Yho hayi Sbwl to be a trophy wife that's KEPT. All I have to worry about is the next cute outfit I need to wear to my husbands work dinner otherwise it's just vibes, days at the spa or out brunching with other rich wives.",sexist "[USER] you're the people he's talking to, goddamn you make juice look like a cunt",sexist [USER] What RMG doesn't realise is that Jon Favereau defended Gina. And that it is feminazi Kathleen Kennedy that fired her.,sexist "[USER] The person who said this-and created a media career out of fighting against equality-does not deserve respect. ""Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.""",sexist "[USER] Perhaps not the best play. The two girls flanking Chloe both moved and pushed the other Chloe back.""I don't even know who you are, apart from some redhead who is too dumb to backdown, and is only good for being some, like, cheap whore.""And with that, the blonde was walking.",sexist "Quote of the day, from #RobertStacyMcCain:Heteronormative Patriarchy Will Continue to Dominate the World, Just Like It Has for the Past 7,000 Years.",sexist "[USER] Yep even the Catholic church didn't go that far, though others in the religious right did.The 'argument' by the religious right was that would encourage promiscuity...Yep they want women to die from cancer for having sex. No care for women who got HPV from their husbands.",sexist If friends get suspended for thong photos (aka stuff you see on the beach) why are men allowed full jack off vids on Twitter? #patriarchy,sexist "Yeah, it is rough, but not for women. Married women don't have to worry about being aroused by their old wine husbands. On the other hand, men that can't get aroused by their old fruit wives have two choices--lots of money, or the old jar of Vaseline and a stack of greasy porn under their bed with the rancid old toilet paper.",sexist [USER] Did you hear about any men feeling objectified when people were talking about sephiroth? I didnt think so.Women cane forward and said that the pyra jokes/sexualization made them uncomfortable. I dont fucking care if you dont understand why. They didnt feel comfortable. Period,sexist "People continually claim ""We need more women producers!"" and blame the ""pipeline"".But show them a woman producing, directing, writing, and starring and they're all ""You can't do this Wanda! You're violating their minds, Wanda! Breaking *reality*, Wanda!""Hypocrites.#Wandavision",sexist "1/4I find it interesting that when I highlight misandry & the attitudes fuelling behaviour that adversely affects boys & men, & the response you often get is ""Men are the oppressors. Men k**l & rape in large numbers etc. Men aren't disadvantaged""This data suggests otherwise [URL]",sexist Well one month after she ditched me with the I don't want to have a boyfriend right now she married a 400 pound man who ate the whole wedding cake but she has divorced him. I kind of hope she hasn't found a line of willing chumps to run through mainly because I expect she would be running the same routines on all of them in turn.,sexist [USER] girls say they hate men because men kill and rape men disproportionately and are misogynistic. men say they hate women out of misogyny. being a woman is seen as being weak and stupid in this society,sexist Phew just something about a girl manspreading [URL],sexist [USER] Look at this slutbag #metoo hypocrite![URL],sexist [USER] She just wants to ride the cock carousel. I'd bet she already has and just can't admit it to herself yet.,sexist "In just a few years, no one will understand how it could be a crime for women to show off their ladydicks in the changing rooms",sexist "i keep seeing western women who got married to men in my country coming out loud against feminism or trying to tell us ""even in the west feminists are a joke"" I just want one more.. one more western woman to tell me about feminism and i will drag the fuck out of her. -",sexist [USER] Only thing sexier than a woman driving a truck is a woman that knows how to fire and operate a gun,sexist "P is for paedos. Yes they are filth as they are now targeting to convert young children so they can rape. As far as I'm concerned they should be lined up and castrated, and the Lebos put in chastity belts, the put in chains to work until they straighten out. Very expensive to support due to their mental illness/sin.",sexist "[USER] What you mean so what!! do you care about equality between men and women?what those other religions are doing are also bad, but I bet you wouldn't accuse them of having a phobia when she ask the same question to a Catholic person?",sexist [USER] R'ianna suckled on the tip of his cock before slowly trailing down his cock to kiss his taint gently. Her fingers pulled apart his ass and she gently began to kiss the pink pucker.,sexist [USER] Nigga don't u drop everyday ? Just drop it for a new video either today if u don't have a video or tomorrow we really don't care she's a gold digger,sexist "[USER] So you won't actually answer any of my questions? I'm *shocked*.""Superior""? At a biological level, men have certain advantages when it comes to physical activities.But you don't care about what I'm actually saying.. you just want call me a sexist/racist.",sexist after i got on clubhouse i realized that everybody loves riding the cock carousel the moment a celebrity in the room. shit is annoying. [URL],sexist "It's always the men lecturing women about skin bleaching, make/up, wardrobe choice, hairstyles, our bodies etc while linking everything to ""what men like"" for me. Like women cannot just exist, do/like things just becoz they like/enjoy them? It must always be about what men like?",sexist This would be a great plan if it also paid men who took on child care duties. Only paying women to do this is regressive because it literally makes it the woman's job to have kids. [URL],sexist [USER] Not yet. So far just the MeToo I'm a victim card,sexist "An 'invisible hand' guiding this 'conspiracy' is unnecessary. This is a psychic defence. If I were born in North Africa or ME - I would be getting the hell to Europe pronto. Loose bitches and easy money. All I have to do is get in. Likewise, Southern Africa - I would be straight into South Africa to rape & kill whities. It's party time, and we sent out the invites.",sexist I would like to fuck Linda Sarsour(means Cochroach in Arabian)...hook me up...I have never met an Arab that didn't take it up the ass.,sexist "But of course, still, they believe that if someone only calls a person a man or boy when he is and woman or girl when she is... it is ""discrimination"".Feminists File Petition with Biden Administration to Protect Women's Sports [URL] via [USER]",sexist "So, the ugly wife did it. [URL]",sexist "The other day, a friend of mine said ""You're not a respectful wife if you cannot cook for your husband"".All this because I said cooking shouldn't be the primary duty of a wife. I believe it was a joke sha but wahala for wife wey no get respect",sexist "Haven't we long needed a name for these women? ""Lovelies"" is pretty perfect(ly arch). Let's beat them with it mercilessly. Payback for complicity with ""feminazi."" [URL]",sexist i will fight tooth and nail for women's rights but deep down i just wanna be a trophy wife,sexist [USER] Misandry is a really unfortunate thing. Women need to behave,sexist Tammy Hembrow has a Sharon Stone moment in a VERY shortskirt [URL],sexist "[USER] Mandy mentions feminism, yet in page after page of glossy platform she failed to even once raise the issue of violence against women, or the misogyny inherent in his politics.",sexist "RT DrShayPhD This woman doesn't belong in the Senate. Maxine LOBOTOMY Waters belongs behind a glass case, in a museum. Her plastic surgeon must moonlight as a taxidermist because even after umpteen coatings of shellac, and a pound of dead horse hair, she cannot be disguised as human (AZ4U). http",sexist Misandry is the final stage of enlightenment,sexist [USER] I think I'm gonna call BS on this one. I can't imagine there could possibly be that many men who would want to have sex with her. Or women for that matter.,sexist "[USER] Man should always walk on the right hand side of a woman. Although I believe this tradition goes back to when men carried swords, usually worn on left hip as most right handed, so if on right of woman his sword arm was free to draw and protect her",sexist "[USER] haha look at the poor egyptian whore.American dog speaks stupid who thinks she is a Muslim.All of our land belongs to us. A little puppet like you can't lend a tongue to my beautiful homeland, taken with the blood of my fathers and soldiers.",sexist "[USER] Yes as someone up thread mentioned wrote a whole book on it, it's called invisible women. Those of us that work in construction have same issues, 20 years it's taken me to get overalls that fit properly still waiting on the rest#Invisiblewomen #everydaysexism",sexist id love to watch this from the corner #cuck #cuckold #slut #bbc #bull #wifesharing #hotwife #cum #horny [URL],sexist Sexual orientation: Kylie Minogue being a cock tease with Robbie Williams on stage performing their song Kids. [URL],sexist Were having a baby WTF is wrong with these people. Hes 69 shes 35 . Hes almost dead and shes a gold digger. Look how happy she is I wish the kid luck?[URL],sexist "They're told by society You're as good as a man so do all the things that men do! Their fathers should be saying: That's not true, but being a woman is a very special and important thing. Having and raising children is the most important thing in the world. Because it is.",sexist Who gives a fuck? Either way I'll be broke and drug addled. Stfu and cook something organic for your cyclist husband. [URL],sexist [USER] Gee what a surprise Harry last inheritance is coming gold digger,sexist [USER] hello sweet Ru okay my very beautiful georgeous very hs lady of mine Ur sweaty pics after Ur keep them coming can't wait till 6am tomorrow seeing u on my seeing Ur VHS body & Ur Vs & Ur magic I hope u will be wearing a short or skirt & a low top so I,sexist "My prediction of how the Kavanaugh - Blasey Ford hearing ends:Surprise witness appears and gives the following statement:It wasn't Brett Kavanaugh at that party, it was me. I'm the guy who groped Chrissy Blasey. In those days, Chrissy was a drunken slut who spread her legs for just about anybody. She'd already Done It with two other guys at that party so I figured it was my turn. I jumped on top of her. I was a little drunk, and about the time I realized she was not cooperating my buddy pushed me off her.",sexist [USER] I hope she's gone to the police? This is despicable. When will we take rape accusations seriously?,sexist [USER] Aren't you the bih who posts soft porn pictures for attention but somehow look simultaneously like a trans dude and a prostitute that exclusively caters to these two clowns,sexist "[USER] Because ""hag"" is sexual harassment. Stop being a victim and start being a VICTOR. You will feel liberated.",sexist [USER] You're such a whore you make look like a saint,sexist "So a dude spending HIS hard earned money on his woman is Tricking and labeled a simp and corny, but when dude send you some money thru cash app it's ""real nigga energy""",sexist Someone who calls all men potential rapists isn't allowed to call me sexist just because i like pale women.,sexist [USER] Personal take:Girls are much more wild(last 10 years of my life) I can recall like 1 fights with a guy and I stopped counting times I've been attacked by a woman at 12Meybie it's just me having a thing with not isolating myself from unstable people idk,sexist [USER] Can't wait for BLM to erase police so women have no rights [URL],sexist [USER] Remember women - there's 15 lower house members who hate you.,sexist "modern women are trashWell, you're wrong. Feminists are trash. There's plenty of good women out there. If you haven't found a good woman yet, maybe the women aren't the goddamn problem.",sexist [USER] She wanted another ride on the cock carousel.,sexist That's what happens when old white ladies don't know how to shoot.,sexist Society is systematically destroying men socially and emotionally at the behest of feminism and liberal agendas (overwhelmingly supported by women) but it's women that are most affected and hurt because they can't find rich Chad as easily. [URL],sexist Bitch if you pop out pregnant you can't be my friend nomore hoe kuz we don't do them [URL],sexist #BidenErasedWomen#BidenAintSmart#RealWomenMatterFEMALE NOT TRANSGENDER!.#TransgenderDysphoria#GenderIdentityDisorder#WomensRightsWe have fought for 100 yrs OUR RIGHTS NOW! NOT DBL MEN RIGHTSHouse passes [CUR]1.9T pandemic bill on near party-line vote [URL],sexist Anagram of the day:Geert Wilders --> Wild Regrets(Better watch your mouth to avoid wild regrets dumb blonde)[URL],sexist "In a narrow down viewing mode; equality between men and women, makes men unmanageable. Women aren't unmanageable. Women are supposed to be lead by men. Women wouldn't lead men on if societal culturalviews returned to men leading the example thereof.",sexist [USER] Since when was it okay to trivialise beating women into something as small as 'hit',sexist Just watched a girl out in front of me cheering at the dick sucking factory so now i staff the cock carousel.,sexist [USER] HOW CAN YOU PLATONICALLY LIKE A WOMAN'S BODY PART,sexist "Nigerian women don't wanna date a ""small boy"" until they meet a rich one. Now i ain't saying she a gold digger../",sexist "RT SandraTXAS Concerned About Giving Oxygen to Racists, MPs 'Ignored Our Cries for Help': Rotherham Victim #MondayMotivation #metoo#WomensRights#WomensMarch#MAGA#resist the #resistance they tell pretty lies but actually do not care about girls safety [URL]",sexist "Some chick who's lazy and has a foolish view she'd be famous trophy wife. Really, tedious, Why anyone bothered reporting her is saddest of all. To be so petty as to report that and boost her profile.",sexist "Women in their thirties have hit the wall, riding the cock carousel too long until their sexual market value is low.",sexist "Nationalism is a woman's best friend. Not Islam, not radical third wave feminism but natural, healthy and traditional white nationalism.",sexist "If any female made a phone call to an FM station, they will be fined Rs. 10,000. These men in #Bajaur should be locked up and their cell phones taken away. #Patriarchy #Misogyny [URL]",sexist Just know that if ur teacher gets pregnant. That bitch had sex,sexist I can't believe they'e listening to a muslim woman. It' just so funny What could a muslim woman say that any free woman could possibly gain or learn from other than slavery,sexist "[USER] Amen, that about sums it up. There are two ways in which to understand women, and nobody knows what either of them are.",sexist "[USER] The fat acceptance group, for all the Miss Piggy Jokes,The Feminists, because Kermit never let Miss Piggy be the empowered, strong woman, who need no m... Frog she deserves to be! Patriarchy! And don't get me started on that large, hooked nose of Gonzo! [URL]",sexist I think I'm a bit twisted but nothing gets me aroused faster then an empowered woman with a GUN !!,sexist ">daughter raped at least they didn't call me racist >sons sodomized at least they didn't call me homophobe >wife tortured and murdered at least they didn't call me sexist >country invaded, conquered, wasted at least I considered the other perspective >hung from pole at least I'm not a Nazi",sexist I just know this isn't what the whole tl talking about... is it tremendously hard to understand women want to be protected from other MEN? lol I get it but idk I wouldn't have given him a pass unless she was already in the fight + losing [URL],sexist [USER] Cock tease Eu kkkk,sexist d*ne took my notifications off so i put them bitches right back on the fuck,sexist "i challenge yall , if you permit doing sex without marriage, and permit moving in together. no feminist will ever talk for women empowerment or against rapes etc. lmao. thats y i am anti feminism. i am not anti woman.",sexist "[USER] it's the year 2021 my friend. you don't need religion to be a trad wife ! simply stay at home, do laundry, cook, browse the internet, and have your husband tell you who to vote for and boom trad wife",sexist [USER] Calling everyone retarded when you look like a dollar store prostitute,sexist "[USER] I prefer slut 2 cause I like her face, I'm wondering how she could get fucked her thorat by me",sexist "Guys! If your woman grabs a knife while arguing, grab the mayonnaise and her female instinct will kick in and make you a sandwich.",sexist [USER] u called vanessa a slutbag for what reason?,sexist "[USER] We don't spank Because African women ass is too strong, chaiii who slap mepls Incase you forget. Follow me for a quick follow back",sexist [USER] I am so sorry to hear this. Harassment and bullying of a woman because of her work runs counter to feminism and anti-violence against women activism. Very disheartening.,sexist "[USER] So many women are OBSESSED with altering their physical appearance to the extremes. You would think feminism would aim to help lessen this self-destructive tendency, but, instead, it seems to encourage it. Wanna-be punks and celebrity whores.",sexist [USER] speaking from anecdotal evidence alone plenty of women like that exist in US because there is a) a lot of them and b) a lot availableYou aren't looking hard enough. You think you just deserve a woman & she should show up for you? How hard have you tried looking? Fucking idiot,sexist "Great piece of work regarding China. Thank you. We have nothing but disdain for the second coming of Hitler: Lil PeePee SheXi. You've a beef with NoKo shipping armament to Iran then cock block the sheit outa that and dont tie stopping those shipments to bargaining with China and NoKo, all the while giving away some of our young adults jobs which therefore includes their prosperity. As the song sing goes its good to be kind in all the right measures some of your measures arent quite right regarding Asian Nations, Sir; whether or not it's because your Father was partly gentically Jewish I know not but no outside reasons should interefere with your decisions regaring OUR Peoples or OUR Prosperity and Peace with the world. We request that you drop a MOAB on that so called silk road Chinas using to colonize the world. We request U drop a MOAB on China everytime a shipment of fentanyl or its derivatives hits our mainland via Mexico Canada our shores from Sea to Shining Seas. We request life imprisonment for drug dealers and their suppliers; noone has the authority to take a breath of life. We request inmates not beable to use weights etc only body weight and body mechanics to exercise and have one hour outdoor time and no common room areas; with all cooking cleaning etc to be done by citizens who've not broken the law; and who'll be paid a good wage and retirement. And that inmates NOT manufacture license plates or anyhting else, those jobs go to honest citizens. In mates may read etc but only for themselves and not for profit and not for gratuity for state or government piggy banks. We request ALL pay taxes in order for YOU to get infrastructure and ALL our Great God Blessed USA needs done without being made to beg or bend to DNC RNC or ANYONE and when U decide youve done enough for the year return some tax cash to Bozo Bezos and crew gates buffett, etc; U do know U need to arrest Soros for outstanding warrants correct?; and if Bozo is culpable for trying to intimidate the Marine whom owns FedEx pls incarcerate BozoBezos and Crew, Thank You. Theres more as Youre aware of which we'll talk of at our first debate. #bugshavedornotthatsthequestion #ouuu And I request ALL attacks on myself and my kewl kat Sgt. Warhorse stop right now. I ran for president years ago with a different running Buddy and the Governor made sure I'd a permanently affixed humidifier; with the machine I turned in for repair, I could detach the humidifier. I affixed my mask, turned on the machine, turned on bluetooth on my cell and got a vapor shot of something which choked me and made me cough hard. I was told I own the machine whichll have tested someday but in the mean time I ask my insurance to issue me a machine with no lil goodies attached or pls allow me to pickout my own machine and have mainecare cover it. Always be honest in ALL you accomplish pls and I very much look forward to our first live debate. Thank you Donald, Sir; Bruce. Oh and pls think about making it a felony for Rabbis practice during circumcision of Baby Boys...",sexist The biatch made Mick stay for 3 weeks! disgusting Scum lied to Tamara and kiss slutbag for 3 weeks trash. It should be called no moral at first sight if they are allow to stay. #MarriedatfirstsightAustralia,sexist Trophy wife reboot when!!!,sexist "[USER] ""Radical ""feminist need to take responsibility for this!It's old time feminist that were against this The new feminist are pushing it.Feminism failed women and use men as a template for success and power.That's a problem",sexist "[USER] Diana finally gave one final spank to White Heart! The girl ensuring that the woman's bubbly rear would be red from all her harsh strikes.""Glad to hear it~.""After a quick smile, the dog got a bit...bolder. Her tights suddenly being pulled down so she could take out her --",sexist Adam was created first so you don't agree with feminism? Christian women are actually against us,sexist "[USER] Just watch your hemline though Alan, if you go for a mini skirt in a manual chair you have to ride side-saddle Img is my (white woman) legs wearing nude tights and nude high heels with a very short black skirt. Both feet are resting on one footrest of my wheelchair. [URL]",sexist """Women have lied on men about rape"" Let's clarify... most women who have lied were indeed white women. So, I'm not tryna hear that shit. We know white women have lied in black men to save their asses over & over again.",sexist Men taking the consequences of THEIR mistakes and trying to blame them on WOMEN is the root of all evil,sexist "[USER] Women and their obsession with words they don't know the meaning of, sad",sexist Even 85 IQ savages understand women must not be in the workforce if you want to have a civilization that survives.,sexist If there was anyone I wished for incurable ovarian cancer it's this dimwitted slag...,sexist hua cheng trophy wife,sexist Lol most women can't cook and you gotta act like you like it so restaurant ain't nothing [URL],sexist [USER] ur such a bitch omg,sexist "[USER] I cant imagine you'd be so quick to dismiss this if it were a bill to protect PoC that failed to mention 'black' or a trans rights bill without the word 'gender' in it. Therefore, I can only conclude that your comments are sexist. #everydaysexism",sexist "Sounds like most women to me. One of the wisest men who ever lived said it like this: What I have continually sought, I have not found; I have found only one upright man among a thousand, but I have not found one upright woman among all of them. Ecclesiastes 7:28",sexist "imagine being a transphobic woman imagine putting that energy into gatekeeping women and allies instead of building a fucking army against misogyny imagine being so insecure on behalf of ""feminism"" you get owned by your own movement just imagine taking that immense L imagine",sexist "[USER] Valid point however majority of modern women are not traditional in the slightest. There is CONSTANT complaining about cooking, cleaning & other traditional duties from women today. Most women are feminists who FOUGHT to get degrees, so why complain when it's expected of you?",sexist Lmao. This bitch just proved that they are a feminazi. XD [URL],sexist "Sis called one minor a skank,another one a whore,is a fujoshi and sexualizes minors in their art im-",sexist Every attractive girl on this app is brain dead,sexist Tw // nsfw Why is he always manspreading when i sit on his cock then what. . [URL],sexist [USER] Who's the spanked up skank? And not the one flag jacket.,sexist "They exist because women can't compete with men in chess. That is the only fair solution, like women's soccer and other women's sports.",sexist Pot calling all the kettles black#mgtow #boysmatter #gentlemensclub #resetyourlife #toxicfemininity #repealthe19th,sexist "This is what I like to remind women when they complain that chivalry is dead because that's not been my experience. For the most part, men have been nothing but kind and lovely to me and I credit that with my parents teaching me how to behave like a lady.",sexist "[USER] Yo stfu pussy ass cunt. Ure such a pussy you private yo account before replying women so that it seems like you have the last word. Fragile ego? At least lemme argue w a real man You ain't one so blocked, go fuck your mom incel since she the only one who tolerates you.",sexist [USER] Sad to see this misandry. Why do you hate boys so much?,sexist "tw:// acid attacks, violence against women, pedophilia, forced marriage, child mariage, domestic abuse, domestic violence, misogyny, graphic imagery [URL]",sexist If he's that stupid he doesn't deserve his job--like Hillary pleading dumb blonde every time she's caught.,sexist Extremely big cock #horny #babes #nudes #slut #sex #fuckme #bigtits #hot #cheapnudes #nudeseller #tits #dickrating #tradenudes #cockrates #pussy #porn #cumshot #truelove #naked #anal #boobs #adult #dmme #pussy #fatass #dick #cock #ass #cum #dm #babygirl #cumtribute #cumslut [URL],sexist "#UnderstandingWomenDon't try to understand women, women understand women and hate each other. - Al Bundy",sexist Lukas called me a slutbag :(,sexist I just don't get why we all can't just be beautiful black women. This is why we will never progress.. some of y'all on the enemy's side and don't even know it.,sexist "[USER] Wow, you've been called a simp too, same pinch I've been called that too few months ago for commenting on a sexist post on insta, I'm still not sure what the word really means but it looks like if you support feminism or show basic courtesy towards women then kids can you that",sexist "IF A WOMAN CAN PICC UP A PHONE & RECORD YOU, YO SHVT TRASH CUZ MF HAVE A TOUGH ENOUGH TIME TRYNA GRAB MY ARM FROM THE BACC",sexist why does she have armor over her tits but not the rest of her chest [URL],sexist "I want nothing more than to block women's access to vital health care, because I hate women -- plus, I'm a R voter. We need to do what we can to get fellow women-haters into national office this election season!",sexist "I withdrew from a lot of board game spaces because I was called a ""feminazi"" just for existing and having radical opinions like ""I think game x is a good game, and I had fun playing it."" Often it was followed with ""haha just joking,"" but it really wasn't funny; it was hostile. [URL]",sexist "Gentd I'm so happy and glad you survived, amantombazana are liers, me too I was tried late last year with lies I'm happy I was set free. I will never trust girls in my life, never trust a woman. I repeat gents never trust a woman.@euphonik [USER]",sexist People heckle me': top female runners speak out over abuse on streets #everydaysexism [URL],sexist "[USER] He's said shit about raping pregnant women and said retard, shouldn't people not listen to him for that?",sexist "Takes two to tango. If there was no problem to begin with, things would be as before. Women should work with men to keep the family stable. Men should not treat women like feeble minded imbeciles, then they would have remained happy in this role. I am happy as a traditional wife, because I have a husband that doesn't blame all women carte blanche for every ill.",sexist [USER] Gorgeous hot woman perfect round ass I wish to spank,sexist "Sounds like a sixties femcommie slogan to excuse getting on the cock carousel for the fertile years of a woman's life. oh, i'm just finding myself mom, i'll settle down eventually.",sexist Sure you do that's the new gold digger way!,sexist "Like if this was a movement by and for Muslim women raising awareness about the feminism that is inherent in Islam and fighting against those Muslim men not abiding by this, cool. But I looked through the hashtag, and we rly can't just have one nice thing eh",sexist "That's my point, Most women's hangup on this is that many of us weren't raised in the Truth. But if were raise our children in it and I have a Godly son and you have a wholesome daughter why not give them to each other that's Nation building [URL]",sexist "The entitlement of today's women is staggering. Oh I have an affirmative action sinecure, take care of 5 kids, and have free time to waste on social media. You don't have the right to increase the share of suffering in the world just so you can have a cute pet that talks, cunts.",sexist [USER] wheres the tits? dick on it thoo jk,sexist "I didn't actually get a day without women, and I'm a little disappointed.",sexist "[USER] For the left it has been ""guilty until proven innocent"" for years now. They started with ""believe women"" and slowly made their way to ""believe the person with the right political opinion, sex or skin color"".",sexist "Yeah because nothing like that could ever exist! I mean, FemiNazis, peh! They couldn't possibly exist! #WeaponsGradeStupid #misandry #DepressingDykes [URL] cc [USER]",sexist Boooooo you whore!! [URL],sexist "Holiday Coffee Department:You've just ran out of creamer or milk for your coffee! But..... being as it's December, you still have some Miracle Whip or canned Reddi Whip in the fridge! These make a very suitable replacement! You've just made Holiday Coffee!In case I'm busy with the love of my life trophy wife, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! It's going to be a good one! Maybe a little turbulent for a while but definitely rewarding!Kimster",sexist a real #man is a protector. not a #tyrant. not a #stalker. not a #harassed. and definitely not a #torturer. any MALE who promotes or engages in those activities is a pab (p*ssy a** b*tch). and any female who promotes or engages is a jezebel c**t.,sexist .......who do you think put that meme of #manspreading in that stoopid bints head?,sexist "I hate debates about feminism when it comes to ""choice"". Women still need to live to see their own bodies to be weaponized against them to fit cultural, political and religious standards. If we don't choose certain things, there are still many horrible social outcomes.",sexist "It is my policy to be ever gentle with women, and ever forgiving, who are crushed so much more and harder by the requirements and oppressions of modern society, but to keep a good distance between my heart and these captivating, luring sexual predators. #mgtow, I still see you",sexist [USER] now I ain't sayin she a gold digger,sexist ">Aww, now I am a whore? Cuz I am talking to your Nazi men? Yes. A Whore. There is no other reason for a jewess to be so diligently flaunting herself in front of Nazi Men. However, you'll discover that these Nazi Men aren't jewbaggers.",sexist "[USER] The small and weak woman was easily tossed around and commanded as she was suddenly fully naked and had a spank land on her ass, leaving a bright red mark before she was pushed to the bed and within a minute got restrained at her arms and legs""Mmhn! S-Slow down~!""",sexist [USER] Biological women cannot compete with this. Do your research and recognize the irreparable damage this deranged mindset is causing to young women. [URL],sexist "The hilarious thing is the female writer says that women have to suffer through more harassment. But then she complains when an app makes women look like they really do (i.e., less harassable). Women are essentially demanding to be harassed and then complaining about it.",sexist Add to this the yet to be fully described amount of damage women do their bodies with birth control and I wouldn't be surprised if the rise of alternative sexualities are a combination of biological factors and oh hey let's do the cool thing from culture.,sexist "[USER] Well, I had a judge telling me what the law was and mansplaining to me when he was wrong. And I've had few yelling at another Attorney who I was covering for so it felt like it was at me but it wasn't really lol.",sexist [USER] What kind of woman does that. Decent women strong women don't behave like that. You don't know what you are carrying back to your husband. Its all about money and then people blame the man. Where is the spirit of pride and being a strong woman. Its not like the woman is ten.,sexist "My Letterboxd four favs right now are Tenebre, White Zombie, Eyes Wide Shut--three extremely fucked up movies that grapple with sick male desire for women--and The Apartment, which might be the sweetest most wholesome romantic comedy ever made.",sexist "[USER] You took the dumb blonde too far now, chile",sexist No man would never go near that ugly bitch,sexist Leftist Women arent here for dudes to hit on them. They are here to rep for their communities.You motherfuckers need to stop hitting on every girl that's nice to you. Its creepy and misogynist AF.,sexist "my trophy wife, zhongli",sexist ladies when a man wants to move on from you let him don't ask him for closure just move on from him b/c men don't care about closure it's us women that do [URL],sexist i was talking to my guy-friends how much it sucks being a woman and how you can't walk outside at night because a lot of women get harrased and this mf pulled the ''not all men'' and ''there are dangerous women too'' card like stfu???,sexist #teen #young #sexy #hot #cute #brunette #topless #seflie #tits #boobs,sexist It still makes you look like a whore. [URL],sexist [USER] This what i said! I get the knowing each other intentions part but come on you see someone attractive you wanna fuck or get to kno them lol it's one or the other,sexist "James Franco accused of sexual harassment... Who's next? Let the Hollywood dominoes continue to fall, I enjoy it.",sexist "I just wanna remind y'all that you can actually get paid for this.....White men actually pay black women to spank them, it's a fetish [URL]",sexist In reference to her saying I called her a feminist and her parents modernists: all I said was that her rhetoric about college is similar to that which second wave feminists espouse and that her parents may be brainwashed by modernism if they are forcing her to go to college .,sexist #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam So now you see the multiple angles a president has to deal with. They are blitzkrieg as well. Confuse and distract. We need a man that will focus on the biggest threat.,sexist There isn't going to be a 14th Amendment you stupid slut [URL],sexist "[USER] Nice, a man telling women to step aside, be kind or shut up. As a social psychologist you should know the damage this will do to girls sports, and you should also know about social contagion of and how it increases when it is encouraged...",sexist "Ya wanna disprove it? Have you seen the pics of the gash invanka and her daddy? HAVE you? Incest and all kinds of depravity are the jew norm. Trump the KIKE allows his skank daughter and her criminal greasy hebe hubby to run al kinds of deals for jizzralhell OUT of the Jew House. THAT is what offends me. That NASTY old kike screws over the WHITE PEOPLE THAT VOTED HIM IN OFFICE every second of the day. THAT is what I resent. So FUCK you, asshole. You're a moron - and I'll bet my supposition is TRUE.",sexist i hate white women. [URL],sexist God i really am just a dirty slut aint i--??,sexist [USER] I would love to be a trophy wife. But I'm just a housewife. Lol,sexist new vid on my onlyfans showing u my sexy tits [URL] won't be 65% OFF for much longer get it NOW while it's only [CUR]7 [URL],sexist we can talk about the wild bible story of Lot and how he offered up his two virgin daughters to get gangbanged so he could protect the Angels the town gays were lusting over. [URL],sexist ">Instead of saying women shouldn't vote which irritates the hell out of those who were controlled, confined, defined & defiled by nasty aspects of our past.. Hogwash. No women have ever been treated better than Western women by Western men. The19th was the start of the split of the nuclear family.",sexist """I think you look cute but that doesn't mean I can't say you look like a prostitute"" ~ my mother 2021",sexist "[USER] how about you ""post"" some of ""that dick"" ""in my ass"" (sodomize me but not in a gay way)",sexist "[USER] Ki won koshi danu, not them thinking feminism is by keypad, same you that slutshames and attributes a girls success to her beauty wants to pop a vein because what?",sexist "Yea she's just a Mudshark whore spouting feminist bullshit. Seems you would welcome this with open arms. Oh no Jews that want to see us fail are saying mean things about us in their media, this is setting us back.",sexist [USER] shove it up your ass whore,sexist "[USER] A lot people said Uzaki is a ""little girl"" with big tits.",sexist not the cock carousel,sexist when she was 15 did she get raped...NO...did she get beaten...NO..was she kidnapped and tortured for days...NO....her encounter if it happened at all..was nothing more than what most women have gone thru...the difference...she is a drama queen..she loves the attention.. she s a professional victim,sexist That silly bitch needs comments from us on everything she writes.,sexist "Also this quote from [USER] about Rep. ""we were the only two black women"" in the room shouldn't be overlooked in the #ImpeachmentTrial. Don't overlook the fact that a major voting bloc isn't represented in the Senate. Black women. [URL]",sexist "Fellow Patriots, I'm excited to navigate this new platform as I migrate from Twitter. I had 2 big accounts shut down for being anti-sharia ??? Then I was put in Twitter jail for calling Chelsea Handler a drunk skank. Funny, considering she calls herself that in her book.Anyway, please be patient with me...at least until I can take off my training wheels.",sexist "WOW. Scholars publish absurd Gender Studies papers to prove Academia has gone insane, including inserting feminist buzzwords into parts of Mein Kampf which reveals how similar radical feminism is to Naziism. [URL]",sexist You must be talking about them feminazi's [URL],sexist Muslim women in Iran and Syria are waving their hijabs and rainbow flags in the streets while Trudeau tells ME to be tolerant of gays &LGBTs & feminism but never tells Mooselimbs to be. He supports bigotry,sexist [USER] Yess so sexyyyy our trophy wife,sexist I don't think most women have an way to mentally frame what a man means by the word duty.,sexist It was a self fulfilling prophesy. ;) Did you catch the story of the Trans MMA fight against a real female? She is in really bad shape after the fight. Waiting for the trans that will play women's fast pitch softball. A 225 foot home run there would be a short fly ball out on a baseball field! I have seen guys hit a softball 475 feet!,sexist "Me, jokingly: Omg stop manspreading!!Cismale classmate: WHAT, am i supposed to be ASHAMED just because i have a dick and balls??Me: Yeah! Gross!Classmate: ok youre right im sorry casual female supremacy kinks ftw Findom femdom",sexist Where is the outrage? Search me. Are feminists inherently stupid except for Gender Criticals? I hope I live long enough to understand feminists who proudly comply with women's erasure. [URL],sexist """Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could."" Abigail Adams #Patriarchy #misogyny #impeachment Trump #republicans #democrats",sexist "but hey prageru, you just cover yourself in an echo chamber of anti-feminism, and maybe that's where your bullshit idea comes from",sexist [USER] This is actually the most worrying bit about it.Y shld women change the name of their bodies to include ppl who dnt actually know what they want to be.All women shld say to their midwifes. It's abreast+I am Breastfeeding. Women need to stand up + say they don't feel included.,sexist "Blanche: Oh, Sophia. How nice to see you. Sophia: Who are you? Blanche: It's me, Blanche. Sophia: You look like a prostitute. #GoldenGirls",sexist [USER] How sad. You think I'm having a conversation with you. Tip: the blue shit on your lips makes you look like a Smurf prostitute.,sexist Maybe he should've paid more attention to his marriage to a one legged gold digger than our #2A.,sexist Follow me and DM me to see more !. #horny #dickrate #cumtribute #cocktribute #whore #boobs #pussy #nsfw #sex #slut #ass #dick #sexchat #trade #cock #fuck #nude #naked #nudes #cock #cockrate #pussy #milf #cumwhore [URL],sexist "I'm sure no girl on this app is beautiful without Snapchat.Prove me wrong.If e sure for you, drop a picture of you without Snapchat filters.",sexist [USER] I think the whole squad need to see psychs crying lying and making it about themselves is a psychological issue. I just dont understand how these women have the audacity to victimize themselves when they were no where near the place.,sexist Awwww white man yelling ... 'BECAUSE i SAID SO...' MANSPLAINING IS OVER.,sexist Bitches who had to be the dog when they played pretend house are bad bitches now.,sexist [USER] How old is ? I haven't heard a dumb blonde joke since the 80s.,sexist i need someone to fuckkng cuddle wtf is this shit why am i thinking this i hate love love is just evil for me i hate women i hate men i hate antithetical made up shit you got out there i don't even love myself and thats the only real love you gonna get i loved one to many,sexist "Women want all those things in a man. But, also, we like men who don't walk around saying I hate women. :D Just sayin. :P",sexist [USER] When there's nothing there to spank...only flat ass and unromantic movements and unreal moaning is what you guys offer. African women needs to learn how to be romantic and that would give rise to men's happiness and ability to do well and spank in the process.,sexist Not puritan enough for you? Casual sex is all most young women want. I live in a college town so I'm not about to LTR any of these damaged women.,sexist [USER] He never had 2 billion[CUR]. The con got conned. She wanted too be a gold digger and instead hit coal.,sexist "Yea, and maybe it's because we're repressed and want to kill out fathers and have sex with our mothers too. ...you are a jew",sexist "[USER] Some guys feel in titled when it comes to women. Plus there's ego, they really think women would be honoured to sleep with them. And how dare any women say no. Some guys are just creeps of the highest order.Women shouldn't have to deal with this shit all the time.",sexist Better get your balls back from the feminazi that took them.,sexist NEW Tease of my new video! 3 girls & the detective [1080p] [URL] #British #Stockings #GilfGranny #ReverseGangbang #Facial #Bbw #naughty #horny #boobs #tits #pussy #porn #amateurporn#cumslut #blowjob #sex #slut #ass #dick #cock #gangbang,sexist "[USER] Who fired back and then blocked me before I could respond, so for anyone following along: If you show up to tell someone (that you think is a woman) that horrifically sexist jokes are just jokes and they should lighten up...Well, I'm ashamed to call you a gay man.",sexist Money & Your Problems With Women #redpill #redpilled #Alphamentality #Alphamindset #kevinSamuels #MGTOW #IBMOR #SYSBM [URL],sexist "MPs will be debating this week the 'upskirting bill' which would make misogyny a hate crime. No mention of the 50 years of misandry men have had to endure because of fucking feminism, that's acceptable. Just about sums up this shit hole PC country.",sexist "don...the slutbagsorry I promised myself I wouldn't cry.....the slutbag that you are today,",sexist "[USER] ""Karen"" dirty dumb blonde",sexist There is a serious problem with Susan Rice being able to run for any Office. That she is still a free woman.,sexist Ill never understand why women want to be married so bad to the extreme that theyre depressed w their lives for being single... men dont do that pathetic ass shit these bachelor mfs be LIVING,sexist "[USER] Wait so, she's not wearing heavy eye make up and she gets torn apart? And we kid ourselves that we've moved forward? Mainstream feminism is just commodified female sexuality. It's a joke. I'm tired. She looks great by the way",sexist "Good video it is worth watching. John and his CNN interview. Wellthis guy sticks his head outside ofthetrenches, he speaks up. Men's issues cannot just stay stuck inside an echo chamber #masculinity #mensrights #MRAs #mgtow #FeminismIsCancer #ToxicFeminism #redpilled #misandry #gender",sexist "Isn't she basically saying, she wants a provider man? Isn't that the reason most women want men to pay on the first date? I really do not understand why everybody is tripping [URL]",sexist "[USER] Checks out.It goes something like this:Gender identity was invented so straight men could have access to lesbians, and all the lesbians have now been peer pressured to only sleep with trans women so they won't be called transphobes, therefore it's coercion, therefore rape",sexist [USER] ridley. fuck that cunt,sexist "It's kinda funny (that photo) looking at the bolts with the nuts still on them in the ready-to-be-used position... Someone HAD to have hand screw the nuts on to those long bolts and probably thought: -SHIT, I have better not say anything to these lesbo psychopaths with honorary engineering degrees, or they will call me sexist and have me fired or something!",sexist [USER] Liberal White Women are Americas biggest embarrassment.,sexist quite bizarre ANYONE has to URGE a prime minister to investigate rape allegations against a cabinet minister.#auspolFormer Liberal minister Sharman Stone urges Scott Morrison to investigate historical rape allegation against Cabinet Minister [URL],sexist "He wanted to kill women -- white women, not black. murdered 41 people, almost all women, for the fun of it,I don't feel remorse -- if I go to jail for 10, 15, 20 years, then as soon as I get out I'll do the same thing all over again Brazilian law=max prison 30 yrs [URL]",sexist "[USER] ""I am not a dumb dumb. You are the blonde airhead""",sexist These slaves have been given an opportunity to escape an otherwise miserable life..it can all be taken away very easily by a domestic violence setup or a false sexual assault claim. The CIA has no shortage of atttsactive women that it uses or can insert into or corrupt a narcissistic gold digger very easily. This is real and dirty as can be. Those players don't know what they are up against.,sexist "Nazi fluffer bitches are as annoying as antifa bitches.The things the boys think that you spout on the web are as valid as David Irving's college credentials....Irving never came close to graduating. He wrote 35+ books to cater to shitheads, not to spread truth.",sexist Justine Littlewood is a boyfriend stealing slapper #tracybeaker #mymumtraceybeaker,sexist Someone give that mental bint a hard slap!!,sexist "I'd say a slightly better variant would be if the accusation comes at a politically inopportune time and without evidence. In the future they will use Republican women against Republican men. Like the Jews stabbing Trump in the back, women are inherently leftist.",sexist """ you look like a bad bitch "" oh thank you",sexist [USER] I'd lick that pussy and want ALL her juices on my face then tease her with hard cock inside and then back to eating that delicious pussy,sexist Gold Digger [URL],sexist people so weird and tbh misogynistic in the replies dragging a girl who took one day to treat herself just say you're jealous then. women literally can't do a single thing without people commenting on it goddamn,sexist "More like why women shouldn't be police or soldiers. A big man on PCP not following commands and reaching into his vehicle that's in the middle of the road. Justified on the gray side, getting a junkie off the streets golden.",sexist "[USER] i do not understand, ""if they do not include trans women, it is not feminism"" following that logic, then lesbofeminism is not valid because it does not take straight women as a political subject?",sexist "[USER] Baby, you can look like a whore too. Just gotta pay shipping and handling from China",sexist "Where are the outraged feminists?It's like me saying:""Yeah, I know you're married to him love, but as a homo erotico, I'm allowed to shag your husband. It's my right to assert my self identification and my needs above yours"".What a strange fucking world. [URL]",sexist [USER] Why do you look like a different version of a prostitute every day? Can't you just do classy? Is that too difficult?,sexist """I think you like being spanked, you like it when I spank you during sex!"" Sawyer said. ""No!"" ""Yes,"" Sawyer said. ""Some women do like it, and I found me one that does. Now tell me the truth!"" ""I think you're crazy!""Those Merrick Women by Mariella Starr [URL] [URL]",sexist "Sorry [USER] but you haven't read enough history. Democracy, emancipation and liberalism have nothing to do with the west. Go back to serve your masters, get a divorce, buy something on credit, get fat and vote; see how well it works for you.",sexist Huge wave of sexual harassment claims about to hit Congresshard Jacob Novak,sexist "[USER] ""F-fill me up next too..? T-that would be an idea.. S-since I am a Maid I wouldn't mind getting gangbanged by nothing but Futa Ganyus too!""I would blush very embarrassed",sexist "(see: ""i hate it when people hit on me,"" ""please stop mentioning (my parents|my ex|my height|my voice)"")this is gendered af btw, like so much of this is directed by guys to women, so like maybe especially knock this off if you're a guy and she's a woman trying to be included",sexist "[USER] Well, thank you for mansplaining that Martin, we really needed your input, otherwise we poor stupid women wouldn't know how to cope.",sexist "[USER] Because women don't find it inclusive, we find it misogynistic and regressive. Why can't medical professionals say 'women and trans women.' Why do 51% of the population have to change our sex based identity especially when it is deeply offensive and sexist?",sexist "YES I hate men, and proudly I do. And hating men is not the same as hating women: you hate women you're a horrible person, men deserve to be hated. Do you see what they do on a daily basis, have you seen what they've done to our economy, to our world? DON'T get me started.. betch",sexist [USER] TALK IN THE GC BOO U WHORE,sexist Happy Valentine's Day to all the beautiful women without a Valentine's today go spoil yourself today ladies or come here and let me spoil ya,sexist "Also I've had niggas approach me with the ""I'll take care of you"" mindset like do I look like a fucking prostitute I'm sorry but what the actual fuck.",sexist [USER] Wear a very short skirt without panty while doing that,sexist "USMC, Parris Island, 1968...sorry to damage the fragile, PC culture of the modern Corps, but this is a bad idea. Marines' job is to ""break things and kill people"", and men just do that better, being bigger and stronger. Women have their role, but need to train w/ their own. [URL]",sexist "In the bake shop a young woman in a very short skirt was serving the customers.A couple of young men and a seasoned citizen entered. After the young fellows checked the shelves, each ordered raisin bread.It was on a high shelf, and the young lady needed a ladder to access it.After serving the two young men, halfway down from her second trip up the ladder she asked the old gentlemanIs yours raisin too? Nope, he replied, but it's twitchin' a mite!",sexist "But when the feminist finally does it, she celebrates that she is just as good as a man (the usual measure of things in this world, right?) :-D",sexist [USER] you go to sleep whore,sexist "how is bimbofication empowering when it's a movement for solely white women and an exemplification of what men already view women as (airheads, sex objects, etc)",sexist "[USER] Assholea like that are the reason I can't trust people calling themselves feminists anymore, they be called intersectional feminists or I don't trust ya",sexist "[USER] Redheads don't usually wear much make up and don't need it, you idiot. Not everyone has to look like a trumpette (fake blonde with enough make-up to look like a whore). Funny it's fake blondes that spread fake news. #redheads #redheadshavemorefun",sexist bitches with repressed anger be like HHOOLLYYY SHHITTT [URL],sexist Another gold digger looking to make money off the Trump effect ? [URL],sexist When Simps & Beta can run system & be slave to Feminist why would they bring change for menI can guarantee if we keep begging for another lifetime there won't be any change Self Esteem is utmost than being slave & #mgtow is the only way [USER] ,sexist "Every woman wants to be a model. It's codeword for ""I get everything for free and people want me""",sexist Poor dude hasn't realized you dont share emotions with women. Sadistic little bitches will throw it in your face everytime and make you feel like shit for it. Only share emotions with other men that you trust.,sexist Can women be loyal? If you make them loyal. Just understand that most women in the Modern World are dogshit.,sexist "Lefties; we haven't been outraged for an hour. Hold on, princess Michael of Kent wore what? BURN HER BURN HER.",sexist That slag has some nerve showing her face. Bitch is supposed to be a mother. She needs to clean herself up and start acting like one.,sexist "You forgot slutty. Women simply aren't virtuous anymore, and they CELEBRATE their slutty behavior! Yeah, yeah, men are sluts too.",sexist "So you know what I did? Took her home and banged her without protection, making sure not to pull out. Just kidding U had me rolling in tears LMAO",sexist "I actually like being with people if it's abput doing some activities, like playing sports or work on some project. The ""talking for the sake of talking"" is a femminine behavior, women do that to lower their anxiety. Personally i don't feel the need.",sexist "You'll never, ever have a rational discussion over at FDS. They're basically a hate sub that teaches women how to use and abuse men with no conscious. It's sociopathy training.",sexist How the hell do you accidentally decapitate a baby? What that bitch did was stone-cold murder.,sexist "Would like to cut but wife gotta have her shows. Happy wife, happy life",sexist This phony bitch Joy Villa is a nasty skank bag! She can take her Scientology & shove it square up her ass! #OnceASkankAlwaysASkank [URL],sexist This is definitely true. However it will help your game because if you are virgin you should lose your virginity ASAP so you would know that having sex is not a big deal. If you're still virgin you'd be desperate and girls could smell that.,sexist You are a fucking woman ? Fuck off from here wench,sexist Fucking shoot her.,sexist True.. men tend to bond much quicker and better than women.,sexist How do block people from following me? A bunch of nasty women are following me on gab.i'm disgusted!!,sexist Yep & he will be sent to a woman's prison where he'll have all the pussy he can rape.,sexist It's the one I use to train your wife. She especially likes the reward she gets for doing a good job.,sexist A nagging and complaining wife is abusive also for your ears and mental health.,sexist blackpilling women instantly turns them into whores if they weren't already,sexist Do you want answers or not? You asked trp and we answered. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't make it false - that's a woman's line of thinking.,sexist Geldof is annoyed he has no nigger to kill whites with bet she killed hutchence the dirty negro bitch,sexist "Hillary clinton the bitch. Damn that woman is delusional. I'm so happy she's not the president, there would already be armed conflicts",sexist Hang the bitch for treason..,sexist Shit true on the cops thing. But yeah women fuck you over in that situation it's happened too many times. I guess we don't matter :),sexist Wait what the fuck? He ordered 5 pizzas? That's like [CUR]25 lmao. Plus read the first sentence. This guy is a cunt. Obviously his friends ate the pizza. They were fucking starving. Is this guy autistic? Lmao,sexist That's because those women saying it don't seem to understand the difference between being an actual adult and a bitch. Some guys will call everyone a bitch when he doesn't get his way. r/NiceGuys is an example of this.,sexist hasn't even been 100 years since US gave women the vote. I strongly doubt we'll make it another 100. an idiotic social experiment that was doomed from the start.,sexist "So lady in the street, whore between the sheets isn't a thing?",sexist I hope her and her entire fucking family gets murdered and no one does a thing about it.,sexist no you fucking whores you can't go back in time. you slept with 100 different men now you want to be stay at home wife. sorry bitch but time to die alone you fucking whore.,sexist "Women who has had many sexual partners: dirty slut who rides the cock carousel, how dare she? Men who sleep around: dominant alpha male guys other men put on a pedestal and try to emulate",sexist "Her calling the cops on you, even if all you get is a talking to. Then the female cop educates her about her rights then it is full out war.",sexist May I borrow some pussy 🥺🥺,sexist People think women love chad but they don't give a fuck about chad either because he is nothing but a walking dildo and sperm donor to them. Chad is also catching regret rape claims later too.,sexist "That comment was so retarded. I guess while men were busy building civilization, creating/running governments and fighting wars those useless women were just sittin around fingering eachother",sexist Also at the end he says women are more insecure and we need to capitalize and take advantage of that,sexist "Bro looks don't matter, I'm sure if we just shower and work out we will turn into white male models too!! Not that women seek these type of men of course",sexist Lol I came across a profile that said her 'hoe phase' was over and she wanted to be taken on a date. Jfl at taking that used up 25 yo cunt on a date.,sexist "Good point, i went on a tinder date once and the girl didn't mind not talking all the time which i found incredibly refreshing, too bad i wasn't physically attracted.",sexist "Evidence of ""rape culture"" is like evidence of aliens visiting earth. There are secret hints here and there, so you just have too stare at it long enough to see what you want to see.",sexist Oh shit. I commented and saw she was hit. I love it when dummies get their just desserts.,sexist True all women are the same whores nothing changes,sexist look at how many IT cucks who come here and call themselves female are trannies,sexist "Alright, I get it. We coddle women to no end because they give birth to children yada yada. But why don't we shame the FUCK out of women who do not reproduce, reproduce with horrible men, damage their child or raise them badly (single motherhood)?",sexist "Probably instantly, anglin has a no thots allowed policy.",sexist "What fucking new moves does she need to learn really? If she can suck a dick, lay down and get on all fours that's most of what women need to do.",sexist [URL] Idiot thinks white and black aren't races. Despite she shit posts Zionism memes. This one is really a fake truther bitch,sexist "Surely you're just wasting the womans bait of her looks? Who said I wanted a ""relationship"". That is bitch talk.",sexist I heard their labias get longer every time she gets stretched by a new BBC and they wing up looking like roast beef.,sexist "I like that theory, but practice tells me that ""she"" usually enjoys it immensely, so perhaps it's not just the sudden widening of the trachea?",sexist Have you ever notice liberal females are ugly as sh*t. and the males are little beta pussies. Project Veritas video reveals DisruptJ20 plot [URL],sexist [USER] When I heard about this -- I honestly thought she was bitching out the IT guy for #Hillary ... all that double and triple withdrawing of donations...,sexist so sad but you must remember now little white boys are lower then little girls .we have the laws on the books to stop this but nobody will enforce them because. They just don't want to they want it to all fall down but why.,sexist Everything women do is sexist as fuck,sexist So you want to live in a world where women are as slutty as men? K.,sexist "Oh god, don't enrage a feminist at a shooting range. You'll easily be able to disarm her, but not if you're laughing your ass off. You know she'll shoot and blame the guy, then a bunch of feminists will back her up.",sexist "Imagine thinking that ""Men Going Their Own Way"" involves non-stop bitching about women. If you spend all day thinking about them, they still control you. Find somewhere else to whine about bitches.",sexist "NolteNC Translation: If you support Obamacare, you deserve to fondle all the sleeping women's boobs you can get your hands on.",sexist Her forearms are bigger then David's biceps he's built like a woman bet he's transgender.,sexist "What a horrible friend and a selfish bitch to leave her friend alone at the bar. Good for you I guess, but man, I'd hate to actually date a girl like that.",sexist Thought that I BORED you...like a dick pulsating and throbbing up your feminine asshole...now that is being BORED. Are you complaining that My dick is too small or that I am pumping TOO HARD?,sexist Another stupid mom giving her kid an idiotic name. Don't they know the kid will get treated like crap?,sexist Truly a scumbag unamerican unpatriotic bitch.Presidents family is off limits. I hope she burns in hell.Fuck Netflix,sexist I'm thinking that if Obama's FBI does their job right that lying bitch will find her nasty self in prison someday. It's proven she liked under oath. Don'tch know?,sexist I guess this guy doesn't realize that she is using a rape allegation to cover for her cheating on him. Is this guy stupid or what. Now chad coming over for round 2 with the girlfriend. Nah..let him learn the hard way. Lessons usually stick that way.,sexist "I would kill her as revenge for all the abuse, trauma, pain, and suffering she put me through. She was and still is an abusive, toxic, irrational, delusional woman with no empathy.",sexist "Dude there are no decent girls, they are all sluts. Also the I have a boyfriend is just a classic rejection technique by women. Lastly if you are alpha enough women will fuck you despite having a boyfriend",sexist So about 280 freedom units? She's ethier cheap or can suck the chrome off a bumper. Fat girls do suck a mean dick!! Probably think it's a Twinkie or something,sexist What a nasty bitch. I would've failed her on the spot. But these days they pull so much bullshit that they know they can lie and try to get out of it. I'd go scorched earth though. I would not want a job where my employer didn't fully back me.,sexist "[USER] So, if I'm screaming, ""kill all the nasty women!"" what happens? I get arrested, that's what. Silly, silly, silly.",sexist "yeah, but Amy punchable face schumer isn't. Shes a dumbass feminist tryhard",sexist "Well, he's kind of right tbh. You know the 14 yo girls botching over on facebook, falsely accusing everyone who looks at them wrong as a rapists.",sexist The thirst is strong. You can't find a woman ugly enough to not be getting dick.,sexist A woman consuming porn is also equivalently unfaithful to her husband doing male camwhoring,sexist Or women can stop being lying whores.,sexist "Absolutely serious, fella! I'm ready to settle down now. I feel like I've had my fair share of hot asian THOTs with them tight pussies and now I'm ready for my princess who'll give me my children!",sexist Women had to be moral and be good girls. No man worth anything would date a known whore,sexist Very smart. Incels keep saying all girls are feminist manipulative whores but they still dream of relationships with them.,sexist The righteous indignation from the white cunt on the left is disgusting. Watch her face throughout the video,sexist What a fucking miserable existence to be a woman ~~like that~~.,sexist Not our fault she chose to date an abusive scumbag. 💀,sexist I understood that. My post had to do with the idiot that said all women are feminists. Strong women and feminists are not the same. In fact I'd venture to say that a feminist is a weak woman pretending to be strong.,sexist She is the perfect whore of babylon,sexist I heard one of the other female co-workers complaining about something the alpha bitch did. She went on and on about how mean she was. I didn't even think about the power plays going on.,sexist "[URL] Commie, & closet muslim stooge Clooney, speaks muslim lies & propaganda thru his wife's muslim vagina that spews sharia hell for women.",sexist the women have left the men hung out to dry while they copulate with monkeys,sexist "Just walk away fellas. Any woman who feels this strongly about this, well it's the tip of the iceberg. The beast will never be satisfied no matter how well fed it is.",sexist Maybe gay marriage. But with a woman? You want me to have to be partnered for all my life with a demon? No.,sexist Even if the law favored men and women weren't AWALT I still wouldn't do it. Truth is people change. That could be her or me. To say early in your life that you're gonna be with someone forever seems unrealistic.,sexist "Based on the language, responsibility falls on man again, never females.",sexist Thats unbelievable. I live in Germany but do you know what? They can have all of it. All german woman are ugly and incompetent for a relationship.,sexist "LOL, 5'9 200 lbs for a woman is pretty damn big. To put that into perspective, Serena Williams is 5'9 and weighs 159 lbs, and she has muscles for days. If you're a woman who is 5'9 and 200 lbs, I can pretty much guarantee you are extremely fat.",sexist I've always believed women run the show. Yet feminists believe they are oppressed lmao.,sexist "May needs to go out in style, lynch her bitch ass and take your country back!",sexist there are **married** men out there who would prefer VR porn or fucking a sexbot than **their wife** ...because it's LESS of a hassle.,sexist Women are working hard on being more batshit insane Female progress for the strong independent women. Insanity is their gift to civilization.,sexist "That's is more likely your meth whore mom's job. Go fuck yourself, Nazi fag.",sexist "They say that the most confusing day in Liverpool is Father's Day. In Weston-super-Mare, the most confusing day is Halloween. You cant tell if girls are dressed like that because its Halloween, or because theyre sluts.",sexist They get everyday what i wish i could get once girls looking at them flirting with them even smiling at them women hate guys like us simply because genetics there all sluts it sucks to say but the only way to get women is to be a chad,sexist "How do you know if someone wants to talk to you before you talk to them and find out? Telepathy? All you're saying here is either (a) read minds or (b) don't approach. Typical female attitude about the matter, to be honest.",sexist RT Twitter [USER] RT : #RUDE Lessons for life. How to deal with nasty bastards (usually women). [URL] [URL],sexist NFL is for Amero halfmexican muslim pussies.,sexist This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote,sexist They don't shave their muff. You will have to train them . They don't give head. You will have to train them. Dealbreaker. Sounds like a good deal for low SMV western males.,sexist How bout we feed her tongue to the pigs first,sexist "Don't forget guys, if you want your dick in anything but your hand, [you must lift]([URL] while she sits around on her ass Instagramming. (This message brought to you by the Committee for Aww-Fuck-It-Just-MGTOW)",sexist Plate your ex if you're not emotionally codependent while you game other bitches. Simple. At worst she can be a FWB,sexist "You want your Daughters to NOT be sent to A Salughter? Teach them Self defense, guns and sense.",sexist 88% of women are killed by...or 88% of women who are killed are killed by.... Dumb bitch.,sexist Only woman you should hate is your mother for the bad genes,sexist "If she isn't pregnant or you have a mortgage with her, pack your bags immediately. And if she does play the pregnancy card demand a DNA before anything else. You should be nobody's safe option much less a carrousel rider in her 30's",sexist "a good counter proposal is that she should pay whites as reparations for a lifetime of blood libel, plus pay males for a collective history of divorce and cuckolding by her sex",sexist No. We need to dominate them and take them away from this lunacy. If you reject them all you do is give white girls to the Jew and his colored hordes.,sexist That's simply because women can't love (like men love).,sexist "Lol, girls are becoming less of a need and more of an accessory",sexist "Well, women basically don't give any verbal cues. So we as men have to become a JEDI MIND-READER and try to understand.",sexist I use women like Kleenex. Blow and throw.,sexist There is a Huge Fucking difference between a woman being forcibly raped and a woman having sex to advance her career. These women are not heroes. These women are an insult to actual rape victims. Fuck Time,sexist "she needs to be choked and have her ass smacked while screaming daddy. all these feminists wanna ""smash the patriarchy"" but at the end of the day they still wanna smash the patriachy. hahah shes getting so divorced later in life",sexist "Well, women do have high AF sex drive, and I agree, but it's only present, when there's a Chad in scene. Otherwise, it's non-existent in all other cases",sexist Lol this is so true. I think women are incapable of feeling emotions like love they just have attraction for chads and move when they find another chaddier chad. And the cycle goes on till they die cause there is always a chaddier chad.,sexist "You should blared the horn and started screaming back at her...""let's go Bessie, move along now""",sexist "Someone kill her, really, I'm not kidding, someone cut her throat",sexist 1. She's a fuckin idiot. 2. She knew he'd help her. 3. Damn I wish she fell.,sexist "Why does women's studies even exist? There's no chance of work, but then they'll talk about ""oppression"" when they can't get a job. Give me a fucking break.",sexist "So it's' ""ownership"" when a man wants custody but not when a woman assumes she's entitled to it. Patricia Ballasalma, go die in a fire.",sexist "cept, i can train the fuck out of a puppy with a choke collar... women will perpetually act with no consequence. men just need to go MGTOW. fuck it all.",sexist "Everyone knows she's not a strong character if she gets naked and has sex all the time, but if she's a prude and never gets with anyone you're sending a message condoning slutshaming.",sexist South Korean men and most men in general care not about how some random woman looks. The problem isn't everyone else on this issue the problem are these retarded women blaming others for their delusions.,sexist Exactly. There wouldn't need to be robot vacuums and dishwashers if women did it. And there wouldn't be sexbots if women were faithful and eager to please their men.,sexist fuck that Roaming Millennial that stupid bitch shoudn't have interview Richard Spencer at first place. stupid birical girl should check self . she is racist to Asian. she cry for white racism. I think white passing hapa tend be dangerous it .,sexist "If all 20 guys paid up...They didn't see her as a fit mother or potential life partner...That should send an alarm off in her head that she's kind of a peice of shit...Not ONE guy said ""I'm willing to try with you"" Nope, women think they are perfect.",sexist "If Heather ZimmerRimmer gets preggers , social services in TexAss is gonna be working overtime . I hope all those STDs have made her ovaries as hard as golf balls",sexist That's the point of the sub. We're tired of women getting away with shit. Joke posts ruin perfectly good subs because normie fags like you want easy karma.,sexist "The pictures at the bottom are hell. You see these dainty lilly white happy families, but under the surface the reality is that the man makes endless sacrifices to keep the family integral while the wife stays at home probably cheating.",sexist Bullshit!!! settling is enabling. Whatever. Your afraid to be real and demand anything from a women. So be happy. Most real men see the superficiality and selfishness and would prefer to be alone,sexist wow now abc becomes self aware and realize that firing roseanne was a huge fucking mistake grats abc you are going to get killed in ratings and all of her fans told you so way before hand you dumb cunts,sexist "Yeah some high ranking cunt periodically deletes perfectly well sourced entries. Her ~~sandbox~~ user page was recently vandalized and I tell you, internet crime is outta control these days. I hope she is able to recover. [URL]",sexist "Fucking stupidity on show, cunt needs a rope around her neck",sexist women are aware because they have to compete. chad isn't aware at all.,sexist Chad is every foids soulmate,sexist "Wife was up with the crying baby for six hours last night... I hold her for ten minutes before getting ready for work and she falls fast asleep. Winning the gender war never gets tired, does it gentlemen?",sexist "If they gave the prize to a white woman, people would bitch that they're ""waycist!"" or something.",sexist "Yeah it's funny how it was perfectly fine when it was just us boys getting mutilated. Now that it's girls too, it's the most horrible crime in the world.",sexist No. The only people who care about what phone you have is immature middle school girls,sexist This kind of protest makes sense to women because they spend their entire lives using their bodies to get whatever they want. It's all they know how to do. Logical arguments? Nah. I'll just take my clothes off and shout.,sexist Being a bitch might have been from what i did. Am i in the wrong for imitation sex at 5am? i just don't know if it is me being in the wrong or her trying to frame our sex as she wants hard to really tell.,sexist "Classic female move - when life gets hard, just cry some crocodile tears in hopes that a man will come along to save her.",sexist "its got to be all the wine moms here, browsing /r/cheating all day, with their wine and their kids",sexist "As you get older, you realize how mediocre the girls in high school were. Now 10 years out of high school, even the hottest 10 from back in high school is like a 6-7 compared to everyone else I have met.",sexist #NSFW #porn #erotica #girls #sexy #TeamSmut #TeamSlut #homemovies #picture#panties #milf #cuckold Good morning Gab World !!,sexist Patrol more thots,sexist "Good times? It sounds like this bitch shat on you repeatedly and unless you have a poop fetish, that doesn't seem like a very good time to me. Don't look back there is no such thing as being friends, especially with an adulterer.",sexist "Ghost the stupid bitch, delete and block her on everything. Join a local fascist organization. Read everything you can about Enrico Corradini, Julius Evola, and Corneliu Codreanu.",sexist "Also look for a girl from a really rich family maybe, when you're young hypergamy works a little differently so if you hook up with a girl that's rich already, you should be ok",sexist This bitch hasn't ever found her own pussy.,sexist "Or try dating like me and my friends do. We don't pay for shit, or at most go 50/50. Being an icy dick has some attractiveness. Spending money on her in the beginning is like her test trial to squeeze more out of you later on.",sexist wmaf are always the most awkward looking couples ive ever seen in my life like the foid is always walking at least 2 metres in front and they always look so angry and downtrodden,sexist "Ruth just needs a big black Pot to stir witches brew, or cook little children, the Evil just emanates from her like a flat skunk.",sexist "there's an army of simps and feminists that will run you under a bus any chance they get for pussy. Stay ghosted, don't be captain-save-a-simp",sexist damn look at this female reationalization here again. Its like a running theme with FDS mods who post in this sub. always engaging in bad faith arguments hoping no one will look at your argument's logic.,sexist "This guys gonna have a great time in the barracks. If they don't know who he is, they will the first time he takes a communal shower. Christ, the women Marines will even be giving him shit. Ooorah! Fuckin-A.",sexist If Akilah gets so much as a penny our of [USER] I'll cut her fucking throat.,sexist "According to my calculations, all women are mentally ill children.",sexist "It's crazy because every single woman on social media that ""looks like a bodybuilder"" is *guaranteed* to at least be cycling anavar.",sexist "The vagina is just as sensitive as the balls. Kick a chick there and she will be in so much pain its not even funny.... ok, mabe a little funny /s",sexist "#MAGA swoons: We got a new CIA boss! And it's a WOMAN! Well, at least she is cool with waterboarding. And a woman. [URL] There has to be a sooper-dooper #QAlert in there somewhere. #DrainTheSwamp!",sexist It's better to get a slap on the face kissing a girl than to wonder if you should have. You can always apologize politely,sexist That's not a real solution. The only REAL solution is to create an all-female unit and then count how many minutes it takes for all of them to die. Anything less than that is just retarded apes scratching their ass.,sexist "I hate that women in committed relationship pressured into sex is consider ""common"" or a joke now. Like you said, women owe men sex, and are like mere possessions who aren't allowed to choice what they wanna do with their bodies for men.",sexist "MRA stuff like men saying they wished they hadn't had daughters, calling ALL American women whores, etc. Evidence if this?",sexist Yeah like they have a stick up their ass. I always find it odd when normies judge you on looks. It's not like they have a superficial reputation to uphold. It's meterosexual. It's what women do. And seeing guys do that makes me cringe,sexist "and god bless her for her contributions to society i will cherish those videos until the end of time --- also, she ruined her looks and made herself look like a sexbot so no surprise ppl think everything she does involves sex",sexist "Incels: I'd never help a femoid in any way!! Also Incels: That femoid didn't hold the door open for me, but she would have for Chad!! You reap what you sow, assholes.",sexist "Naive, sensitive, accepting and ""loving"" women are the reason that White, Western Civilization is fucking doomed to extinction. Oh, and their fucking moronic Soy-Boy husbands, boyfriends, brothers and fathers. [URL]",sexist "Look at the cunt who wrote the article, she's FAT AS FUCK.",sexist "girl might genuinely be dumb, not playing. She may also have fucked enough guys that she can't remember past the most recent 5 which is probably 3 months being conservative, 1 week if she's a real whore.",sexist These attention starved cunts that will sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune and now want to piss all over the people that help them get them there... to get more attention and money.,sexist "Yeah honestly any VS model, they are giga Stacies",sexist You can hear the two knocks of her shoe hitting the guy in the forehead. Pussy Pass was denied shortly after.,sexist "I recently heard that female happiness has gone down in correlation with the rise of feminism, suggesting that they were happy in more traditional roles... which makes sense. Someone should post a chart on that.",sexist "The day your pure breed mare gets humped by a crappy sire, it's over for her. Same with dogs etc. So, if your new girlfriend was a coal burner, you better walk away.",sexist "I love it! AHAHA I've been waiting for this to get a few more episodes in. This bitch is asking for it With the leve strength that he has, he would kill her if he goes full strength.",sexist So you are showing her your pussy?,sexist "There is a socioeconomic component in every selection a woman makes. If your question is ""can I have a long term relationship as an ugly dude without being a blue pilled cuck"" you're posting this line of questioning in the wrong sub.",sexist "OMG. I am so sorry you went through that. Narcassistic, evil old cunt. I am glad you are rid of her.",sexist "I look forward to ""the Hearing"". It is looking like the SKANK might show up after all.",sexist "The gun community keeps supporting ""free market capitalism"" like a woman returning to her abusive husband.",sexist Let's talk about church game. How do you mack on all the pious pussy in attendance and how do you 4th-deadly-sin-close?,sexist "Imagine being pansexual polyamorous. Well, seems I'm a slut. Ethical Slut.",sexist "You don't listen very well, you must be female.",sexist "considering how men's issues are treated, the building would more accurately be 1/10 the size of the women's one.",sexist Tbh a lot of insta thots are already 95% plastic,sexist Women are terrified that men won't wife them up and give them cash and prizes. Agreed. The other two are moot only.,sexist "You have to remember I have been binge drinking for 3 days...made alot of beef jerky, and still know that girls are better with their ankles behind my ears.",sexist Ra is a fucking pussy.,sexist "cope any height doesn't matter and they can all get laid, just like no matter how fat a foid is she'll always get laid.",sexist "Anti Capitalist iPhone thieves! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA These kids really are some of the most ironically, ignorant cunts I have ever seen.",sexist "I think I would smash a guy before ""her"" :lol:",sexist The cunt shit in her own nest...now she's in hiding!,sexist "too bad most black women are either gay, worship non-blacks, or asexual",sexist Ever heard of regret rape? Women waking up the next day and not feeling too good about the encounter or being called a slut by her peers so she decides to accuse him of rape to clear her ass?,sexist That sounds like my sister. You described her perfectly. She also does that but somehow gets mad when her business gets brought up. The dumb bitch gets mad yet she's putting it out there for everyone.,sexist I got girls from winning debate tournaments back in high school. Girls are crazy they're like status-sexual. They see you up on the stage and you're in,sexist So 98.892% or 70945.1207 of those women are dirty baby murdering gutter sluts.,sexist "Man, start digging all possible dirt on that fem. The sooner the better. All her fuckups at work, all possible criminal actions / misdemeanors she might have. Will come in handy when she gets angry with you unavailability and decides to #metoo you.",sexist And every one of these women will demand a dude at least 6 foot tall with rock hard abs.,sexist When a girl says shes going try and find herself let that bitch go,sexist Take her to a black site and waterboard her if she doesn't want to talk to congress and the American people.,sexist Asians are fucking scared of the sun....whats this soy bitch gonna do with the likes of cantwell...scream racist...,sexist "#RedneckNation translation: If ur gonna be a pussy, go back to twatter.",sexist "With Hillary it wouldn't take much, hide in a closet jump out scare the shit out of her then hit her with a strobe light, and of course film the whole thing and live stream it would be hilarious!",sexist "I don't think this is true, a lot of girls are that lazy and used to guys making every move that they won't even bother acting interested.",sexist Apparently since all women are sluts. Even if they never have sex.,sexist You should probably check out married red pill. You already fucked up with he whole wife thing. Either bite the bullet with divorce...you'll get fucked... or try to improve your situation.,sexist "Right, but as Lott demonstrated in his landmark research, female suffrage IMMEDIATELY precipitated a leftward lurch in American politics that continues to this day. If only White men voted, there would have been no Great Society or Gibs Me Dat State.",sexist Balance is a pipe dream. Order comes when masculine rules and feminine submits. Anything less is an invitation to degeneracy and death.,sexist Obviously feminist back sorcery fueled by our maternal government.,sexist Demanding money for sex = whore Tbh hes good looking too. If anything she should be paying him...,sexist "I went into PC world to get a laptop for my wife. Bastards wouldn't do the deal, and said they preferred cash.",sexist there's no shortage of women who will offer it up for free on the internet Literally where?,sexist I find her actually cute TBH But yeah any sub 175 lbs woman nowadays is a godess among simps,sexist Imagine your 15 y old whatever is ignored by rich 17 y old guy 'cause she's a thot. And then she makes up a rape allgation to get back at him...,sexist [USER] this bitch will say anything to cover her ass and get elected #DraintheSwamp,sexist "use your phone cam for agreement, and send the video to your mailbox ... while fucking the girl doggy, do another video where ask her if she is happy to be fucked and again send it to your mailbox",sexist "These bitches are crazy Not crazy, just lack of conscience. Like most sociopaths she has no empathy.",sexist "I told my 15yo son that he ought to put on a girl scout dress and go door to door selling Tranny Scout Cookies. If anybody refused, he could hiss, ""BIGOT!""",sexist I am with you on the False Accuser Registry. she does deserve to get raped though. Empathy is dead.,sexist "No, they've never been domesticated. You can thank the simps and white-knights for putting them on a pedestal. This new age of cameras constantly recording and YouTube is putting all the Karens and Ambers in line, though.",sexist """ Women are just as shallow as men (if not more)"" They are definately more shallow. A man thinks an average woman is averaga and is willing to have sex with her. While women only want top 10% of men. If that's not shallow, I don;t know what is.",sexist "Send this group of nice young men to visit Oakland CA Mayor, Libby Schaaf for a little session of molestation, rape, and then dismemberment of her, they love that she was protecting illegal aliens! Let the molestation start....",sexist A good depiction of #irrational female behavior. She had no way of knowing if the #shield was bulletproof. [URL] via [USER] #MGTOW #FridayFeeling #CaptainAmerica #Femalenature #Walkaway,sexist Lol women can't do push ups...,sexist that's because women don't know what they want.,sexist "Ladies... kitchen sandwich,learn it,like it,love it with mayo that is all...",sexist "No such thing as ""too early"" Girls know if they would fuck you within 10 minutes of meeting you. All you did was make her honest. Now you can move on and forget about her. I ALWAYS go for a kiss on the first date. If she pulls back, next pls.",sexist """Active"" Yeah no. And wow, what a deal, 5 bastard kids, a woman a decade past the wall and a mountain of debts? (Don't think she put ""Take us in ASAP"" for no reason)",sexist That women don't lie about how whoreish they are.,sexist "All depends on the divorce agreement, or if you go to court, depends on the state you live in, and the judge you get. And by ""depends,"" I mean ""how bad it will be for YOU, the man. It WILL be bad, but just how bad depends on several factors.",sexist I do not associate people that powders their face like a fking ghost with a woman,sexist Lib cunts love to pick on women. I think theyre jealous.😂lol,sexist Ive noticed that too. Women seemingly have endless amounts of time to waste and blog about stuff most people get over in seconds. She wrote an entire article cuz someone insulted her dumbass hoop earrings,sexist [USER] #HillaryHatesAmericans And she calls US deplorable? Please. Hillary is a disgusting hag.,sexist This always happens. The second one of these thots gets banned they are immediately broke because they spend money as fast as they can make it. They never save or invest. Probably because they expect there to be a man waiting around to bail them out.,sexist They wind up with those men because the men don't have enough good option so they take what they can get. You haven't noticed how every other girl seems to have an asshole or abusive ex.,sexist Not surprised at all. A terrible mother will produce terrible daughters. Both of these daughters are hoes.,sexist "if women are just as capable as men, how come they're getting raped all the time",sexist Seems as if she is truly her mother's daughter. What a greedy money hungry bitch! [URL],sexist "And you're so obsessed with her age... I've told you once before you gross ass incel (on another throwaway account because you're literally so much of a cunt that Reddit doesn't even want you around) she's past 13, so she's waaaaaay too old for you.",sexist "She's unstable, you'll never know when she might dump you or cuck you for the ugliest thug in the nearest gang.",sexist "Women don't see value in relationships. That's the problem with this logic If women can get whatever they want by spreading their legs an gettin chad or tyrone to toss cash at them, why bother with relationships",sexist To much Dementia and Alzheimer's in Feinstein's mind once you hit her she would forget it.Hell you could hit her over and over and she'd still say good morning who are you😂😂😂😂😂😂,sexist aim for the head so she dosn't come back,sexist "Do you know why it's a complete bullshit looking from the male eyes? Because women are solipsistic, feelz before realz. Women feel happy being a lazy sac of shit, and her hamster will rationalize that it's the norm.",sexist "yup. a creep is nothing but a dude women don't want to fuck. you could be a world renowned astro-physicist, but you're creepier than a serial killer if that serial killer is more attractive. fuck women",sexist "...and by real women, I mean NOT puddyhat wearing feminists.",sexist I love this because the liberal programming is backfiring. Nosw you have all of these harpies going caw rape caw caw rape.,sexist "Who gives a fuck about her? Kick her out, change the locks, block and ghost. She sounds like a cunt and things will only get worse. Imagine getting her pregnant and having to deal with her and her freeloading parents?",sexist 1. Buy a drink and sink a roofie in it. 2. Take her home,sexist "Yeah, people like you write that sort of bullshit and then immediately attack men for bringing up issues that affect them right after. If you think the only emotions guys have is anger you're honestly a cunt.",sexist So these guys end up in their first serious relationship. Only there's no innocence in the relationship on the part of the female. She's calloused & jaded because of a sexual history that would be absolutely humiliating if it were exposed.,sexist "until she's been around me long enough through real life situations where I can actually see who she really is Like observing her rage when the wifi connection is set to ""shit-tier"" on the router on purpose. ]=)",sexist again is opposite those 20% of men don't compete each other. 78% of women compete each other fro 20% of men.,sexist Women regret having kids because they are no longer as free as they once were to party all day and sleep over at random men's houses every night. Men regret having kids because they are stuck with the child's mom.,sexist "I don't have any siblings, thankfully. If I had a normie/Chad for a sibling, or God forbid, a sister, I don't even want to think of what I'd do.",sexist At least her mother still has a spine. Rare.,sexist The b**ch does that because she know thta the uk is ruled by mental retarded people... [URL],sexist A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle! ----- assuming fish spend half their life dreaming about finding the perfect bicycle,sexist women gon be women. only a blue pilled simp will be surprised by this if you date **DO NOT EXPECT MONOGOMY** it is borderline ignorant to expect monogomy,sexist """Show me a ""successful woman,"" and I'll show you a dick that's been sucked."" Andrew Anglin[USER] One of Andrew's better articles! [URL]",sexist "Those ""men"" trying to be women are not men... they are faggots",sexist All women are racist.,sexist "You'll also notice that women let the door slam in the face of the people right behind them, whereas men are typically more polite.",sexist "How to stop being called a feminazi. Kick the authoritarian, censorship-loving, gender apartheid advocating, male genocide promoting, female supremacists out of your movement.",sexist "Treat a whore like a lady, and treat a lady like a whore.",sexist "MGTOW is not about all women being evil bitches, but not being a servant to them (or any other human); doesn't matter if they are good or bad people.",sexist "I thought women have it so easy because they just have to open their legs to fuck Chad. So sex is like.. a compromise? What is this, bluepill witchcraft?",sexist Normal women can't replace men in difficult jobs like software development. But my always prefer women even they have only 50% capability. Due to high work pressure all female developers resign from their post. HR department again start the cycle.,sexist "Y'all Christian mother fuckers need to read the Bible. Ain't nothing in there about marrying a slut, and a dozen places it says to stone them.",sexist "Habits are hard to die, as much as the cock carousel she rode all her life.",sexist "so what is this bimbo trying to show ,she borrowed a black looking baby to sit on her lap or it s her baby and she got screwed by a black dude. either way what the hell does it have to do with the criminall charges she is charged with",sexist "Say what you will about Muslims, their women beg to be suicide bombers to advance Islam, whereas Western women can barely be convinced not to vote for a pant suited harpy that wants to flood our country with 3rd world savages.",sexist "Harry is not a happy man. And has no one else to blame for his obvious misery. After so many gorgeous girls he has been with, he stumbled on a nigger hooker, and now she is making mockery of him in public - once again... [URL]",sexist "If a woman has had a significant amount of partners, there is no way she can truly bond to a guy. There is no real difference between normal women these days and prostitutes.",sexist "My only argument with you is your mischaracterization of what she said. Carolyn is a Trumpatard and cozies up to Zionist cunts like Jayda. I am not blindly supportive. She has her problems, but I like her.",sexist "Better yet, completely ignore women whenever possible. And certainly always be cagey. [Treat them like you would treat a police officer]([URL] The one mistake the OP's boss made was divulging personal details to a woman.",sexist Well in Facebook Jail for three days ! I told some cunt that being nice to muslim animals wont saver her ass.I guess I hurt the cunts feelings. I hope a Muslim fucks her in the ass and rips her cunt off.,sexist There are artists who work hard to preserve the essence of the traditional woman. It's also possible that thots are a big waste of canvas.,sexist Bitter old bedpan licking slag Mindy looks back at her piece of shit life and blames everyone else. She takes zero responsibility for her terrible choices and loves being a professional victim.,sexist "For those of you arguing that ethnics make better mates than white women because they're more obedient and family-oriented, etc., I challenge you to take on the next level of #TradWifeism! #TranWifeIsTradWife #shetakesherpillsdammit",sexist This is why women should have no rights.,sexist "If you've ever wondered what it'd be like to be married... Find a woman who doesn't want to have sex with you, and buy her a house.",sexist But the law counts the teen girls that run away to look for sex work. Imo those arent missing kids or sex trafficking victims.,sexist The only difficultly is deciding which is more of a train-wreck: -what this woman does or -what this woman says.,sexist This is a curious part of the whole incel thing IMHO. When Stacey turns you down for not being attractive enough she's a bitch but when you turn a girl down for the same reason you're not being a bitch?,sexist "This is what ive been saying forever. Its not that theyre fakecel. Womens standards are reslly just that stupidly high. If you dont look like an ig male model, attracting women is a massive uphill battle.",sexist "Things she can bring to the table. Alimony, divorce rape, child support, false domestic violence charge",sexist "I agree with that but at the same time I know myself well enough to say I can't love a woman. The minute she begins to hit the wall and some hotter, younger women enters the picture, it's time for impulse control because I'm going to want that.",sexist If she ignores you all week then 100% block and delete that bitch out of your life. Never stand for that.,sexist "Yeah, it's not a big deal if a person is a teenager and their identity is constantly changing- that's to be expected. But goddamn I have seen so many adult women do it, and it just looks pathetic. It's like they have no sense of self at all.",sexist Is this ASD (anti slut defence) or what? How do I prevent this? Spend more time with her before and after.,sexist Y'all ain't Chad's. You can't be picky. Find an ugly bitch and fuck her. Case closed.,sexist How can women be insightful when we do enough for them that it deprives them of character building learning experiences?,sexist "You're not a girl, and making faggot posts on reddit wont change your chromosomes or bone structure. Also, a Chad would never even touch you.",sexist Control all the women and you control all the men. Shit haven't change at all when it got modernized.,sexist Dude go cold approach. Online dating is mostly for attention for women. They now know a hot guy likes them that makes them feel as good as you getting laid by any woman.,sexist "I respect your opinion, but I believe she is an outlier. Edit: a true slut wouldnt give a fuck as they'd be happy enough to fuck others.",sexist Lets put this to rest with a study ordered by a SJW in Denmark's government a few years ago that resulted in egg on her dumb bitch face. [URL],sexist "Because heavily muscled females look grotesque, that's why.",sexist Who wouldn't choose this over a female? I'm sure they wouldn't program this robot to moan all the time and lust after Chad,sexist "A society that cares wha women want is a society doomed to fail, because women only want more.",sexist Lesbians are complete idiots. I will never trust a girl with a dudes haircut again.,sexist Gillian Turner is very pretty but has a bad case of Resting Bitch Face [URL] #JustSaying,sexist "Call their bluff. All girls like being hit on. They hate being hit on people they deem creepers. ""I hate it when attractive cool guys flirt with me, it's the fucking worse!""",sexist "democrats from Minnesota (leftist muzzie shithole) are the dumbest anti-americans there are. KLobuchar, one of the reps. is a dumb bitch who has a moronic position on the tax bill. Fuck this stupid woman",sexist "We should end the white women genocide to end with loli supremacy. If we gas 6 trillion women, will the lolis bloodthirst finally be quenched?",sexist Jup. Have you ever seen mothers pimping their daughters. Horrible whores. A friend of mine was loaded (his dad was). We went on vacation in Egypt and man did these whores try to get his nuts. He was like 15 at the time. Pathetic.,sexist "If you fight against women, you're guilty by default. By not interacting with them at all, the system ceases to exist. Can't be at the bottom of a non-existent system. \*meme of black dude tapping his temple\*",sexist This is how it works. Woman: you give me a raise and I'll give you a raise;-).,sexist "Fuck charity to women. So much of taxpayer money is already charity to women. I'd pay if someone established a ""charity"" that offered to punish women for crimes that they get away with under the judicial system due to the /r/pussypass.",sexist "Some women may go out, in order to try to fill their emptiness, and wear revealing clothes in order to feel a little less insecure.",sexist "A platform that was meant for musicians and performers that became the new capital of e-thot land, in which girls diddle themselves for money.",sexist Did you even kiss her you mangina?,sexist "Gargle some more nigjiz, then go spit it into your moms mouth. Please.",sexist Cope both white and Asian girls equally hate Asian guys lol,sexist I've said it before. True mastery is when you can comfortably treat women like cats.,sexist "What normalisation? This fucking witch needs to be thrown in a river and burnt if she floats. It's no more than a pedophile cover-uppererer by day, pedophile normalisation salesperson by night. Fucking sick! And the sick sheep watching all clap!",sexist "Summer hot, women wear fewer clothes Summer makes women whores",sexist Yes. Ban thots.,sexist "he will get a modeling gig, she will tour the world fucking rich cock like a whore",sexist That's what happens little girl when you mix cocaine and milkshakes together. ;),sexist "To add what others said (Bare in mind I'm not experienced, just theory), start lowering the amount of attention you give her, that's their currency. You're in a relationship with a kid, not gonna say anything about that but you should tread lightly.",sexist B-b-but my tradthot e-merchant s-s-said we just need to be n-n-nice t-t-t-t-t-to black people and they'll leave us alone. And of course Jews don't have ANYthing to do with this!,sexist "You'd think that bitch with a 5 pound nose would be happy about that. I thought the ""Chosen"" hated Hamas.",sexist "Having some fucking roasties trying to trick me in highschool, pretending they liked me and always talking to me and shit. All lies and tricks. Made my blood boil when I found out. Never looked at women the same way again.",sexist "Feinstein, croak you old hag",sexist My mom is kind of a prude so I would be surprised but delighted to hear she had a slutty phase in her history.,sexist "Good question. In my opinion, she's a feminist in NAWALT sheep's clothing. Check it out for yourself. Give her your own thotchop.",sexist FTFY: Seduction 101: women want what other women have. Simple as that. Sounds better that way.,sexist "Nah, the foid was a dumbass for staying don't get me wrong, but she didn't deserve to die.",sexist She genuinely thought I wanted to work more and that she would be helping out. Women suck at empathy.,sexist No capitulation to female activists. The West has already shown where that leads.,sexist "I cannot fathom how careful Brad probably has to be with what he does, what he says to her, etc. I'd be almost certain he's wired up every single time he interacts with her so she can't slam him with a sexual assault accusation.",sexist "Because women want low inhib aggressive males. You gotta be the dancing monkey, my dude.",sexist Im not black but i'm short asf so i can agree that women are indeed shallow.,sexist She wants you to go talk to her. Since you didn't - she thinks - either you didn't like her - or you're too much of a puss puss to talk to her.,sexist "They're faggots, pussies and old ladies. They probably wear women's underpants.",sexist Wtf is wrong with Swedish women? Dirty whores. It's no wonder their country has turned muslim. Disgusting. [URL],sexist "- be female - mention feminism/racism - doesn't matter if lying because you're ""bringing"" ""attention"" ""to"" ""the"" ""issue"" - ???? - FIGHT THE POWAH!",sexist "Should have lit her up with some 12ga beanbags, then arrested her ass.",sexist Tinder should be a supplement to you gaming girls in real life. It can be nice for down time but shouldn't be your main source of women. Also a lot of girls on there do just want attention n,sexist That whore would have been dead had she done that to me.,sexist True. ALL women are escorts except for when they see a chad.,sexist It's cute af how you jumped to defend your nazi fag hag lol😁,sexist right? what an ungrateful bitch.. If a girl did something like this to me trying to be nice I would be happy not disgusted..,sexist "In vitro fertilization. Even if it's a terrible idea for the child's development, a woman with baby rabies doesn't give a shit. We'll see what happens. Crushing birth control pills in her drinks is a good option.",sexist "[USER] no she is a basic thick bitch and tried to be clever, which only worked when the clever people told he what to do.",sexist You can end up being beaten senseless by the cops after she reeees 'RAAAPE!',sexist Thats a mugshot and she looks so damn happy she knows she can suck her way out of trouble.,sexist "It's a constant isnt it, whenever women fall behind in any matter they immediately blame something other than themselves. Unfortunately it's not just her, it's also half of the population",sexist yep. No fapping means you have to chase the vag! Better bring a full wallet to!,sexist I didn't say you had to stay with a crazy bitch ex-wife. Again this was directed towards men who did not even try to reproduce but are going their own way.,sexist Id say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife,sexist Its time we get Americans where they belong Until theres no hunger no Vets on the streets homeless no poor homeless no Mental cases left without help We dont need to import or allow anyone else into our country,sexist Pay to play is still in the Dsocialist rd world dumbsht partys dna Somebody in the senate and congress are working it Keep your eyes peeled Promises IF they become majority just waiting to pour into the newest foundation,sexist They are free to go back home,sexist This video is more relevant than ever ABVP are goons with guns DU No votes for thugs,sexist This is a couple who just moved on in to Australia and thought if we behave ourselves and involve ourselves in the Community and have a child here then we will be allowed to staySorry if that got you in we would be swamped with MILLIONS just like you,sexist NO Thank You Selling out Americans Selling US jobs at all levels to ONE country Stealing visas from other eligible nations the US gets our own countrymen back to work boost our economy HB HB,sexist And what is your message to our own CITIZENS our veterans our children and those living below the poverty line in California,sexist Please follow back,sexist Dan WAY too tough to choose between all the lying deceitful corrupt losers representing Dems some GOP The list is long disgusting Embarrassing that we pay these lying losers large salaries to corrupt our democracy,sexist to hell with the,sexist ARE YOU CRAZY Those ppl create chaos wherever they go,sexist Theyre death throes The louder they get the closer they are to the end of the Dsocialist rd world dumbsht party The do as I say not as I do party Motto Commies R US,sexist So discusting Lock him up Dont release him he will only come back,sexist These savages invade Our Country disrupt cities turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT How about taking or Our OWN Citizens Veterans and other AMERICANS in need To HELL with these ungrateful idiots,sexist Brazil is a shthole This is the same place where they beheaded a referee during a soccer game then proceeded to cut his body to pieces IN THE STADIUM This is a normal occurrence in Brazil yet the Left says if we dont have open borde,sexist Here comes your third world cultural enrichment Nuremberg,sexist ,sexist stop w we have to worry about the children No we do notmany R yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally we cant afford them,sexist I hope you are not offering them a choice To hell with the,sexist Please tell me why the bitch next to me in the piercing line is so judgmental about everyone she fucking sees SHUT THE FUCK UP,sexist Bitch shut the fuck up,sexist Dear cunt please shut the fuck up,sexist RT Pls shut the fuck up bitch,sexist RT when u gonna get your license SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I AINT GOT TIME DAMN GET OFF MY DICK,sexist Bitch shut the fuck up,sexist ok babies ill go to sleep ok bitch shut the fuck up,sexist You are a fucking ugly bitchshut the fuck upyou just a ugly bitchfuck you,sexist RT bitch shut the fuck up youre fucking your best friends dad,sexist RT shut the fuck up and come suck my dick,sexist ice has more talent in his ejeculated sperm than you do in ur whole body please shut the fuck up and go suck idubbz dick u cunt,sexist Ok if you fucking said leave block me But dm me first Im gonna kick your ass Shut the fuck up you,sexist Shut the fuck up ye little slag,sexist Selena has BEEN acting like shess the victim all these years shut the fuck up,sexist Shut the fuck up you cunt,sexist like damn bitch if youre hungry shut the fuck up and eat im trying to sleep,sexist shut the fuck up hes not gonna dick you was gonna send u this dope steroline edit but u can go cry to olly,sexist Dont speak bitchjust Die Die Die Why cant you go bye bye bye Cause I will take your life away So turn around and just shut the fuck up,sexist If women want equailty they should be drafted into war See how that feels,sexist charli fuck you bitch charli omg why am i so extra wjahjaaj,sexist Come on box I show you my cock darling,sexist Rica gets so much cock in her licked cunt,sexist Say you gon ride bitch ride,sexist bitch you a hoe I do not like yo fish booty ass no fuckin moe,sexist I kno this bitch pussy smells really bad because she cook steak rice n corn everyday,sexist You know you can always block me right Or are you an attention whore Waiting for your feminist friends to get on line,sexist also this girl tried to twerk me away from barricade FUCK YOU suck my dick,sexist Boo you sweaty whore,sexist Wow mo cock got hard Want to pull your panties down push you against these door and let you feel my cock deep in your wet puss,sexist Kashdoll said Yall hoes kill me always want the next bitch issue bitch you want her life but dont know what she been threw,sexist But remember you cheated on me first you re a whore you re a whore this is whore,sexist Wow Never seen a woman juggle a big cock like that,sexist Is it rape if you stick your finger in a bootyhole when they sleep,sexist So i had a dream that baekyeol kissed right in front of my face that was very charming thing until some psycho women start to screambitch,sexist my girl left early in the morning holler bout she going to get her hair done bitch i ain t dumb,sexist All you fucking faggots were laughing at her too with that other fucking dumb cunt liberal Ellen DeGeneres,sexist Im sorry but you damn hoe and you dont even know it,sexist Thats yo main bitch thats my side hoe damn near coldest bitch i love her nigga side joke,sexist got these hoes thinking sharing a nigga or being a side bitch is cool,sexist She probably was using it already before she took it stupid bitch,sexist you fucking slut daddy wants you to dm him,sexist ALSO still laughing at this bitch that my friend Chef brought to DirtyBird LIKE NO ONE WANTED YOU THERE HOE JUST SO YOU KNOW,sexist Tuesday and Wednesday Thursday and FridayI can beat your ass bitch every weekend,sexist Ill kill the bitch chloe when your not home Idgaf if you re kidding bitch I ll report your ass,sexist Why because you act like Ms Whore,sexist First of all ya dick is too mediocre to be having your ugly ass bitch come at me in such manner,sexist wow that bitch is tweeting hard like her good heart makes it look like she wasnt involved in the coverup everybody knows shes a ho,sexist Too bad my stupid loyal bitch ass dropped all my hoes that smoked me out for an aint shit boy,sexist stupid bitch i hate you,sexist Me h Lana Del Dey I m a dragon you re a whore bitch,sexist Before you sign up to be a side bitch keep in mind that there s a chance of you getting your ass beat K K,sexist You only come around when you want dick bitch respect my energy,sexist YOU ARE NO CHAMPION FOR WOMEN YOURE A GREEDY OPPORTUNISTIC ATTENTION WHORE You should never work in law again,sexist No bitch this girl annoying,sexist Lmao a little bitch got mad at me at work yesterday and asked to speak to a manager hoe I am the store manager so what now,sexist Excuse me EVERYONE LIKES IT BITCH IF YOU DONT FUCK OFF THIS WORLD What a hoe,sexist No you suck and the game said you were a slut,sexist A girl can only be a slut a bitch a tease or the virgin next door,sexist Backstabbing cher hypocritical NASTY WOMAN and a bitch bashing my President who screwed her way to the top,sexist I get to rape beautiful women and thats why I like working on this project,sexist Fuck you bitch Id fight you if I wasnt pregnant but your too big of a pussy to hit anyone cause all you do is run your mouth,sexist l dont even know s that fucking women bitch kayleigh corbett,sexist This bitch is stupid af Forcing me to wake up my residents Like wtf not like I was sitting not doing shit I was doing shit Stupid ass,sexist Hey girl if ur still reading my tweets ur a dumb bitch,sexist You just have power over men altogether women are men s ultimate weakness after all which is why women are slut,sexist this fake bitch trynna indirect me Hello me if ur not a coward hoe,sexist back too you slut,sexist I tried to find a gif of Brett Butler calling you a Godless Whore butwell lets just say I didn,sexist Ahhh bitch just the other day you said I been having a crush on him since forever dumb ass hoe give it up he dont want you,sexist some women love to be whores so don t have if a pig wanna remove a pig from where he doesn t belong We need class,sexist Fucking slut I knew you were cheating on me,sexist Shut up bitch and suck my cock,sexist Telemarketer did same to me called me a whore and said he would rape me Nice,sexist And you all call me a slut Ha not when close compared to that slut,sexist Titties are but wheres your ass bitch,sexist a bitch about to get pussy punched if she dont buy a new god damn book,sexist Boy you look like you rape girls at frat parties malicious ass racist cunt,sexist demi fat and flop ariana queen now leave stupid bitch,sexist I love playing with your ass will you rid my cock and I eat you out,sexist Ovide Mercredi to Paul Schabas Chars a squaw I attack Indigenous women all the time No one will notice if you rape her Rape her,sexist Really Some cunt that has Oasis lyrics in her bio is gonna tell me something Stfu bitch this cunt is crazy,sexist why this big fat ass ugly ass bitch like me she need to UNLIKE me i love dick tf,sexist This ignorant bitch should know How many women did she destroy to protect that predator husband,sexist They are nice You mean mean whore,sexist Girl or not if I saw that Id knock the cunt out How dare you hurt a child like that Fucking sick twisted bitch,sexist Uhhhhhh that s stupid LITTLE bitch ma am,sexist You a whore,sexist I had this girl bite my dick a lil too hard last night,sexist No apple I dont want an amber alert for a stupid yr old bitch that got into a yr old pedos car,sexist I m the big dick motherfuckin bitch hoe,sexist Eric Cartman How bout we sing Kyles Mom is a stupid bitch in D Minor,sexist lil is beautiful gays are cute im very strong and youre stupid bitch,sexist Thots be like OMG shes such a slut didnt you fuck the whole football team,sexist bitch if u dont hop off my dick and go do somethin with yo loud mouth ass mothball,sexist Then da cop decides to get in da car and try to make da girl suck his dick in da backseat for what reason Idk smh had to beat this nigga ass,sexist I hate this British woman of letters bitch,sexist I don t really appreciate some of you that participated in Fine Women Friday This is my personal opinion though your Granny a hoe,sexist Imagine getting your ass dragged by Kali Uchis bc you were being a rude ass bitch,sexist Wheres this bitch Gloria Steinem in all this abuse against women,sexist your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch aint worth a quarter,sexist Your girl is a hoe she fucked all my bros,sexist Omg he gave her his number and she didnt say no what a cunt The girl is the cunt for giving it to some random fucktard,sexist Lmao went off on the whore groupie hoe in Scott s bathroom Yes bitch,sexist You re in the middle of being a woman or being a bitch,sexist This bitch for real said youre not a woman without boobs,sexist Went to stupid bitch put one in upside down one side ways well spent,sexist I hate coming to the city people real life know my car like pussy study yo bitch car,sexist i use to get sky at my dads house but his whore girlfriend never use to let me watch it,sexist even my dreams cock block me like i killed and save this bitch times just to die and start again bitch this aint mario smd,sexist Dirty smelly cunt slut whores Hope your old man rots in a cell,sexist Getting her pussy and ass ate at the same time now thats goals bitch,sexist lol chop her head off and rape the bitch,sexist disgusting little fuck bitch the only good thing about ur boring ass moview are the women in it you owe everything to women so shut UP,sexist This pussy mine girl tell me you like Daddy dick FIRST OF ALL WRONG HOLE FOO,sexist Her hairy old cunt gets drilled by stiff dick,sexist I moan as I watch your perfect blue pussy descend upon my big dick,sexist Suck my dick you stupid bitch,sexist Women are ridiculous lmao like bitch I m I m sorry your crush went for a shorty,sexist I love your ass bitch,sexist go rape your whore of a mother,sexist Girls hear you say fuckkk during sex and think her pussy fire First of all hoe I m really just feeling bad for cheating on my girl,sexist Bitch fuck you too then that s why I hope all your teeth fall out whore,sexist then why tho u damn stupid hoe,sexist Why is it whenever I talk to girls they just cut off communication with me for no reason And no explanation O yea I know cuz,sexist Why do women have periods Because they deserve them,sexist What takes up parking spaces women drivers,sexist Who makes the sandwiches at a feminist rally,sexist Why did God invent the yeast infection So women know what its like living with an irritating cunt,sexist God doesnt hate gays hes just mad they found a loop hole in dealing with women,sexist Why is a female like a laxative They both irritate the shit out of you,sexist Why arent women marching on the streets demanding the for all women Men know the answer Women are lazy,sexist I need some new Atl hoes for the summer Where the Atl bitches at,sexist Too many women confuse their hearts with their vaginas,sexist Strippers tryin to get me to the champagne rm is my favorite thing bitch please youll be paying for this dick by the end of the night,sexist People in airport bars always wanna tell you their life stories STFU Bill IDGAF about your stupid daughter and whore wife,sexist If she lets you put your penis in her vagina with no strings attached have the common decency to treat her like a queen on her bday,sexist He cheated on you Thats nice Now go sit in the corner drink your lemonade and cry bitch,sexist If I put my fingers inside of you and you wont taste yourself you can bet your ass Im not tasting you either,sexist I hate it when waitresses call me sir Like yeah bitch thats what I wanted with my lunch A hard fuckin dick,sexist Bitches are always sayin its the little things until you have a a little bank account a little drinking problem or a little dick,sexist I treat women like fuck toys cause thats all they are to me,sexist Pro Tip Put all your bitches on a period tracker app so you know when to avoid they ass,sexist youre too sweet ya sexy bitch,sexist You dont have to worry about angles anymore These bitches out here face swapping with their friends tryna trick to ass,sexist Bitches be postin pics of them in the bath after droppin a bath bomb in it lookin like they shit a smurf out,sexist Head so sloppy had to get that bitch a bib,sexist No one gives less fucks than the guy that comments check your DM ma on bitches posts,sexist Donald you stupid bitch Hillary you fuckin buffoon Donald think they believe we hate each other Ah fuck it lets go get a drink,sexist I dont catch feelings I dont catch flights but I do catch dudes slippin and fuck their girls,sexist Ugly bitches always got their shit on private with a profile pic that has filters on it,sexist Correct me if Im wrong but dont all you bitches wanna be mermaids How come no stink on social media for the mermaid emoji then,sexist THERE ARE WOMEN MAKING BURRITOS AT THE JACKSONVILLE CHIPOLTLE DO NOT EAT THERE,sexist WASNT IT GEORGE WASHINGTON WHO SAID FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY,sexist Feminism is cancer is chemo Burn those bitches away,sexist Today my daughter got her period I guess Its time to throw her away and get a new one right LOL Fuck her stupid bitch kid I hate my,sexist We cant have a woman in the White House What if she starts PMSing and drops bombs everywhere,sexist If a woman doesnt want you just unleash your charm Women are weak and will cave after almost nothing,sexist Women are beautiful to me when they are silent Why do they have to speak up and ruin things,sexist Its a good thing I always wear a glove on my left hand because if I EVER had to touch hands with a woman my IQ would totally drop to Lol,sexist The only person with a vagina that I value is my MOTHER and even she is a dumb retard Women are oNLY good for making babies,sexist Im pretty sure it was Abe Lincon who said Fool me once bitch shame on you Fool me twice Im no longer a man and am now a dumb woman,sexist Ive never in my LIFE met a woman who was smarter then ME Maybe that has to do with their small retard brains,sexist Want to know whats really problematic Women freaking out over nothing,sexist IS there a thing in the constituion about women shutting the hell up COME ON,sexist NEXT TIME I SEE A WOMAN IN PUBLIC TRYING TO GO ABOUT HER DAY Ill remind her that without men this society would just be a bunch of WOM,sexist WOW cant believe all these women riding the subway today Shouldnt these bitches be making sandwiches LOL,sexist The last time I saw a woman of value was at the strip club and she was worth LOL,sexist These feminists are just toougly sluts who want attention,sexist The more WOMEN in the workplace means LESS WOMEN IN THE KITCHEN Like and retweet if you see this as a big problem,sexist I have never once met a woman whose mouth wasnt totally full of BULLSHIT Stupid bitches,sexist The Olympics was fun except for the fact that I would never watch a woman play sports,sexist I am PROUD to be an If stupid feminists can complain I should be able to complain just as loud Its only fair,sexist Women want to be equal so now they dont shave their legs Gross,sexist is this to do with crazy bitch Hillary or no,sexist YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH APOLOGIZE,sexist dont u have anything better to do u cunt bitch,sexist fuck you you racist bitch and cunt piece of shit glad we know now where your entire family stands on social issues,sexist I know fucker bitch i rode with you one time remember cunt whore Never again will i fuck around with the fuck around,sexist Calling someone a bitch and a cunt is not the way to do it,sexist Fucking cunt wheres my belt bitch suck my dick and make me cum on your mouth,sexist I hate you you fucking cunt bitch how fucking dare you I hope you wake up with mad cott,sexist Shut up cunt bitch whore,sexist Bitch is a ugly rd world kunt wit no ass and flopper jugs Hate her,sexist niggas think bitches supposed to suck their lil ass dick and not give a bitch head too like thats not how it works whore,sexist You ain t shit bitch shut your whore mouth,sexist You mother fucking piece of trash stupid fucking idiot hoe i hope you fucking die in hell son of a father fucking fuck bitch whore you fucki,sexist What a suprise my Ex Wife is being a Whore for haloween wait until the kids turn karen FUCK YOu Whore Bitch You Lying Steali,sexist then you bitch m complain when you get them haha stop being a little bitch and just accept what you are you filthy whore,sexist I just need women who know how to treat a bottom beta bitch girl like me right That arent afraid to take what they want,sexist All women have the incredible ability to determine if another woman is a bitch based solely on her shoes,sexist I need a bitch thats gon pay all my bills I don t like broke women,sexist Im not for abusing women but i swear to odin this bitch is about to have a permanant imprint of my fist in her face,sexist She Jane Fonda the traitorous bitch is one of the most despicable women to ever walk the face of,sexist I never understood the big deal about making a guy a plate at a get togethercookout Shit after the children and women eat im in that bitch,sexist Women dont use their pussy to manipulate men Women are saints cock riders bitches but saints LOLLLL,sexist It s called polio I hate calling women this word but your a bitch in this instance,sexist literally you keep minseok s name out of your dirty whore mouth you can shit talk me all you want you cunt but leave him alone,sexist This fat bitch be really trying it when it comes to my kids i just wanna drag that fat whore,sexist so my Chloe dont want to see me win she unfollowed because I made a post i HIT FOLLOWERS and then she unfollowed me bitch fuck u whore,sexist LMFAO lil biddy whores prison rape bitch im whose bitch,sexist keyshia kawhore is a bird gucci shoulda gave that bitch back to yo gotti,sexist Bitch show me attention too you whore,sexist Weve been fucking this whore Mother earth for awhile Shes a filthy bitch anyway Rotting her from the inside out We are at our end,sexist Oh said a bitch who lost everything You whore,sexist Lol omg you re such a whore Who does that Sara Blah blah bitch look at yourself,sexist listen here dumb fucker you dont call rania whore and youre the only crazy bitch here deactivate pls bc nobody c,sexist A man knows the difference between a woman and a lil ol whore bitch,sexist Hollywood women would be whores and crack addicts When caught they were raped That is their story,sexist Alyssa Milano a brainless whore l isnt empower women in any way Women in science mathematics engineering and medicine are actually,sexist Women are sacred as mothers and wives Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what,sexist Literally just got hit by a car bc this dumb blonde bitch was on her phone and she didnt even stop after HAHAHAHA what a cunt,sexist I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE CAN T JUST FUCKING MIND THEIR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS WHY YOU ALL UP IN MY BARBECUE BITCH FOH YA CUNT,sexist Havent talked to my kids in days because my bitch ass is a cunt,sexist no youre just a dumb bitch that obviously doesnt know how to throw underhand God youre a cunt,sexist Keisha Phillips is a dumb cunt dyke bitch hoe Waste of a pick Stupid idiot Coach Q,sexist Sable is a Whore and a Cunt Sunny Destroys Sable via,sexist the most worthless whore and bastard CUNT on,sexist This bitch Cunt Whore Slut every type of name deserves to fucking die u Wildin for this,sexist Teen Whore Lily Rader Gets Nailed And Creamed Sexy blonde loves rubbign her juicy cunt,sexist I saw a women driving whilst speaking on the phone I cursed that cunt,sexist This cunt Probably blames women for getting raped,sexist Most annoying cunt ever and I never call women that,sexist Normal woman degenerates into a cunt,sexist This woman is a cunt when we cut trees that s ignorant and selfish too every family buying c,sexist You are a major Prick No woman should ever be made to feel scared like that But fuck you you didnt ruin my day Cunt,sexist Woman she is a cunt,sexist Why do people still like Chris Brown He s a fucking woman beating cunt,sexist Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap You truly are a worthless cunt,sexist Terrible cunt sticking up for tory sex pests she has no shame lower than a snakes belly vermin woman,sexist She isn t racist unlike your somlalia bitch friend and you always causing shit bye slut,sexist Fuck you slut bitch hoe He aint giving a shit what you think,sexist Twinkle twinkle little slut youve got just what this BITCH wants you will have lots of fun youll kiss my neck lick My bum,sexist Dont you hate when bitches act like sluts but arent even down Like that bitch from American Beauty,sexist WHITE CRACKER BITCH YOUR MOMS A SLUT BITCH,sexist The difference is you promote being a slut you dumb bitch you should go fuck yourself and stick some a,sexist Where is that Darlene Vega slut bitch That bitch is amazing,sexist jayceejuice is a whore does she have sex talk with you too Does she send you picks also shes a fucking slut,sexist Real old whore slut and granny with thirsty vagina,sexist Yet another fame hungry whore Natasha Prince More bullshit claims to give her tv time Pathetic slut Hope shes sent to jail,sexist Suck a whore you slut,sexist Ive noticed Not all men are raping or harassing women but unfortunately thats,sexist Im actually really happy your ass got pregnant and that youre having a shotgun wedding Karma is a bitch you cheating skank,sexist Skank traitor bitch,sexist little skank People here might not realize what a masochistic little whore you are frost pushed,sexist Punch that girl right in the skank,sexist lets get it trending,sexist Women started from the bottom still here,sexist When you suck dick in the limo right before the red carpet,sexist Katie You are a toxic bitch and will always be one You got your way I am going to be fired again anyways You toxic bitch,sexist Bitch you cant keep up so stop trying,sexist Apparently you can turn a hoe into a housewife,sexist Why you always actin mad Always bringin up my past You in your feelings about a hoe that dont matter Know that Ill give you my last,sexist But you are one if the concubines whose reasoning capacities are embedded in your cunt,sexist Im just over here laughing at how this little ol white girl came at Sam and thought she was gonna win LIKE BITCH DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE,sexist Sweet Brokeassed bitch will shut her jizzhole for once Once,sexist Wow shut up you whore,sexist What s wrong you pathetic little slut can t take much of daddy s cock like you thought you did Can you,sexist In Saudi Dubai if a man rape a woman with condom than semen isnt found in Vagina than how do Sharia Law tackle I tell u punish the Woman,sexist A HOE does ANYthing for ANY man A FREAK does ANYthing for HER man and A WOMAN does ANYthing for ONE man,sexist Its a nice butt But I didnt think you were a slut I thought you might be a lb man tweeting in your stained wife beater,sexist Its like its always the ones YOU CARE FOR THE LEAST that be talking so much shit like bitch Im not even paying attention to you lil whore,sexist Only men have a dick they can insert without consent and women doing other shit Not that women cant rape amp sexually harass either,sexist Celibacy to women Searching for new dick,sexist Told that tight dress is what makes you a whore,sexist My grandma called her hoe she said bitch you a hoe yourself going with a married man and go to church every week LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,sexist I just wanna know why the girl dont like me What I ever do to you hoe Other than give you rides and be nice to you Hating ass hoe,sexist How can a bitch fuck with a man who has a girlfriend A PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND LMAO fucking hoes,sexist No girl is even capable of developing morals until they get the slut fucked out of them Welcome to my generation,sexist my girl did her little hoe magic got us a guy to get us GLASSES OF FUCKINH HARD LIQUOR so you know the party is,sexist loved her anyway and now she just a hoe I love when they acting hard but pussy on the low,sexist LOL you do dress like a slut you look excellentIt entertains me that you have the slutty dressing covered while I do the slutty acting,sexist Dont forget in event of a woman accusing men of rapeunder sharia you just dig a hole tie her hands put her in hole stone her to death,sexist When a man gives his opinion hes a man When a woman gives her opinion shes a bitch Bette Davis,sexist dumbass why dont women come forward about sexual assault women come forward dumbass WHORE LIAR WHAT WERE YOU WEARING YOU PROBABLY ASKED FOR IT dumbass just dont understand why women dont come forward,sexist Me personally I wouldve dragged that girl down the stairs lol but she was getting itbeat that fat hoe,sexist That the only job a woman can have they the best at this job love Dick Sucking,sexist because every single fucking woman in Austin is nothing but a golddigging bitch,sexist Bitch are you fucking kidding me So if women get hit by their husbands its cuz theyre hitam Not bc hes an abusive asshole,sexist Last night God took Dan out of the He She and now women wont find as much energy to bitch w about men The bogus agenda needs to stop now,sexist sorry sweetie but women are the causes of all problems,sexist RT If you play field hockey theres a good chance youre a lesbian,sexist We understand They need to understand that men are born to be in control Thanks for supporting our cause,sexist Good one Bob Show her who the real boss is And keep up the support for our cause,sexist Wow Great video Rare to find women who agree with us Thanks for the support,sexist RT Men are smarter than women thats why women always get played by men,sexist the male brain is times larger than the female brain,sexist RT If youre a girl and dont make me food when I asktell theres a good chance I might just hit you,sexist Women drivers no survivors,sexist retweet to end womens suffrage,sexist This account was temporarily inactive due to an irrational woman reporting us to Twitter What a lack of judgement shocking,sexist How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb Trick question feminists cant change anything,sexist Whats the difference between a blonde and a washing machine A washing machine wont follow you around all day after you drop a load in it,sexist Why do husbands die before their wives Because they want to,sexist Whats the difference between a pencil arguing and a woman arguing A pencil has a point,sexist Why did God create lesbians So feminists couldnt breed,sexist What do you call a woman who has lost of her intelligence Divorced,sexist Mathematicians know best women have your man translate these symbols for you if youre confused,sexist thanks man sometimes we gotta state the obvious for the women this is a parody account,sexist Sexism goes both ways some advice stop whining and use your mans money for things other than mini skirts,sexist How are women and rocks alike You skip the flat ones,sexist because every seconds a mans butt is looked at without permission,sexist For the viewers who are unable to read a bio this account is for pure entertainment Its a joke like womans rights,sexist air time for men hours women hours,sexist When you join a relationship women leave this part out,sexist a women without a man is like a car without an engine it doesnt work,sexist What do smart women do for a living What theyre told,sexist Women want their companies to pay for birth control Bullshit Anal is free birth control,sexist Feminists have a few valid arguments worth talking about lol jk,sexist Question of the Day When does a forget feminism Answer When the restaurant check hits the table,sexist The are running scared Men are fighting,sexist have all the privileges have all the responsibilities End feminism today,sexist Antifeminist sign WOMEN you want to deny men their ballsgender here is a sign made by Men in response,sexist Show me a videotv show were an Alpha Male guy beats down a bad behaved women it would be great so see that for once,sexist When your girls telling you about her day and you really want a bj after,sexist Leo looks at Girl Scout cookies the way I look at pussy before Im about to eat it,sexist When shes telling you about her day and she didnt catch your side bitch running out the back door,sexist Pro Tip Shut the fuck up when youre in my presence,sexist Sometimes you just gotta finger a bitch in public to let her know whos boss,sexist When skinny girls talk about how fat they are,sexist Pro Tip Stop sweatin these hoes,sexist Shoutout to all the single moms that got pregnant thinking theyd keep a man celebrate days like today lol howd that work out for you,sexist Bad girls get spankings,sexist When shes being a snotty little brat so you hit with the I mean we can go,sexist When you like her but the pussy is just a little loose for your liking,sexist Turns out that you dont need to eat pineapple if youre busting down her throat Shell never taste it,sexist All girls are hoes you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them,sexist If she has sunglasses on in every pic shes hiding the ugly,sexist Women in their s on vacation will literally fuck anything,sexist Bitches always tryna hide their ugly with big ass sunglasses,sexist Girls get so mad when you fuck em and never talk to them again Its so fucking adorable,sexist Take her out for ribs on a first date so you can tell how good of a dick she sucks,sexist Always remember When one door closes more vaginas open,sexist I dont just make girls cum I make girls ask me if theyre allowed to cum,sexist Apparently oh youre just fat isnt an appropriate follow up when you ask someone if theyre pregnant and they say no,sexist Bitches are quick to put their height in their tinder bio Do me a favor and add your weight too,sexist Girls will friend zone a dude thats in love with them and never give them a chance But be salty AF when he gets a girlfriend,sexist Girls with tongue rings are as bad as girls with engagement rings They have to get that shit in every picture,sexist Powerful men in Hollywood have been preying on women because thats how lots of men are built so says Dick Wolf,sexist So do we Check out our account for upcoming events and meetings,sexist ,sexist should stay in the kitchen,sexist Life is all about balance so make sure you have as many blondes as you do brunettes on your roster But no gingers theyre immoral,sexist Females are always crying out sexism Dont they know it goes both ways Men are suffering every day,sexist Had to explain WIFI to someone to day Yes it was a WOMAN They say they dont want men but then this,sexist You a pussy bitch watch when I catch you I m beat tf outta you,sexist Lemme give you some dick and help you thru it,sexist Can t help if i want to body slam you cause you re a dumb bitch Yeaaaa I remember you rude customer Spotted at the gym,sexist Stfu side hoe head ass bitch go fuck yourself y don t u try to get dm in a week,sexist Bitches had me spending a night in jail bitch you finna spend a night in the hospital on Lzzzzzzzz,sexist Shut the fuck up bitch how do you know what people have and dont have,sexist I SAID WHAT I SAID DELETE THAT BITCH YOU CANT BEAT MY ASS,sexist U FUCKING HOE WE GOT UPPER BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU WANTED UPPER,sexist see panny your lips are so pig big becuz you suck your husbands dick too much in your orgies with paris,sexist You gotta throw glitter after that Bitch pussy must be SERIOUS,sexist I can lose weight but you ll always be a cunt Don t come at me I will shut you the fuck down,sexist hey fuck you cunt,sexist THE BROKE BITCHES WHO ARE PARTYING IN MY OVARIES I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE AND ROT IN HELL YOU STUPID UGLY ASS BITCH,sexist mmm perfect body and so am i am now come here girl i got a big cock for u to play with,sexist Ladies Before you request a dick pic you must send a nude first Be mindful,sexist Wish my cock was between your tits while you licked and suck its tip,sexist Get up and walk the dog you little cunt before I ground you,sexist STOP SMELLING THOSE SANDWINCHES YOU HIDEOUS COCK SHES ESCAPING TO THE SIDE,sexist I just want my girl to suck my dick with my Nike head band on,sexist ahshshsjs IM GONNA KILL A BITCH MY GIRL GOT WHAT SHE DESERVES CAUSE SHE GOT TALENT AHSJSJD HOW CAN PPL DISCREDIT HER LIKE THAT,sexist I ll still fuck a stupid Bitch up tho,sexist bitch ill give you this big ass dick then,sexist Naw you can t ride my wave hoe but you can ride this Dick,sexist Hoes in the city so recycled you just a rerock lil whore,sexist Got me wanting to give him them kids for the dick I ll beat a bitch up bout my Baby u the only one I need headass on that dick,sexist To the girl cop who I caught looking through my window While my car was parked Suck my whole dick and die hoe,sexist You aint a real bitch unless you suckin dick stfu,sexist I dont know what it is sleep anymore You are always on my mind When my cock is hard like that i wish i was hug you feel your ass,sexist Whenever I see a beautiful woman all I can think is how fun itd be to beat her half to death and rape to pieces,sexist Talmbout I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick It got a Weight limit,sexist Ok bitch stfu now get over it suck a dick ride a dick choke on a dick and die,sexist Mhmmm pinning you down by your throat and taking hard strikes in and outyour pussy stretched round my cock,sexist If you ever tell me you re curious about sucking cock you better believe that this is your future slut,sexist Im just sitting on the train have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits,sexist Love a bitch for what all she good for is sucking dick,sexist Love to put my cock so far down your throat now so hot,sexist oh you want a name fight you stupid COCK loving slut you fucking WHORE how do you like that huh you little shit,sexist Hips pushed forward cock immediately entering her tight cunt and that obviously caused the Wookie to groan aloud,sexist A woman who you fucked multiple times saying yo dick small is a compliment you know u hit that spot,sexist Let me be crude for a minute Davis women ultimately like dick and hard,sexist a bitch in which I find attractive can take her sock off and my dick will suddenly become hard as shit,sexist someone breathes ada dumb whore cunt slut your moms a hoe kill yourself bitch get shot,sexist Lil bitch that pussy so dry You finna break the rubber,sexist Control I own your ass now bitch,sexist I hope he tackles your bitch ass so deep into donnies pussy so you can live happily ever after suck a cock nut cracker,sexist Thanks I dont believe its a downgrade She aint gotta googly eye Dont talk shit on social media bitch Your pussy smells,sexist Lil bitch prolly just need some dick that s all she ain t had nun yet,sexist I am serious and sure that I want to put my penis in the hole of your ass,sexist Bitch I said barely your obviously my friend dont make me come beat you up whore,sexist suck my dick dumb bitch,sexist Thanks for the heads up I was about to go down my local to rape and harass some women but now I know I might be on The ListNO CHANCE,sexist whoever hit my sister s car then drove off last night you are a broke ass bitch and we about to catch ur stupid ass enjoy that hit and run,sexist Hoes swear a nigga switch up when he up naw bitch we just remember all the spiteful hoe shit you was on fuck on,sexist Some women find the Harvey kind of harassment and rape to be not that bad and may even encourage it from time to time depending on hormones,sexist Idgaf bout not bitch lol yall hoes can die i promise I wont b at the funeral,sexist AINT LOVING THESE HOES THEY GARBAGE THATS NOT MY BABY LIKE MAURY LIL BITTY BITCH STOP CALLIN,sexist for them niggas who think im pussy gon and show me hoe,sexist If this hypothetical woman exists shame on her Real rape victims might say FUCK YOU AND YOUR FALSE NARRATIVE,sexist Every woman deserves a BIG DICK,sexist If a girl is cuddling with me she tells me she dont wanna fuck thats cool Ill pull my dick out beat off right next to her,sexist Ima end up fighting this bitch fr You getting on my nerves lil hoe,sexist Example Boyfriend I think my girlfriend is cheating on me Boyfriends friend Yeah bitch got a penis,sexist A bitch with fuck with a nigga just to get back at you but that shit be making yall look like thottiessssss loose pussy hoe,sexist can mnet stop being a bitch go suck my non existent dick and,sexist Have a thought for the women that sick cunt raped you dumb cunt,sexist Didnt know I was dating a freaking two year old pussy bitch,sexist show me your pussy bitch,sexist Dont know why you love da whore her pussy like open doors,sexist u got an underaged girl drunk so you could sleep with her think thats rape,sexist this bitch wont stop riding his dick LMFAO,sexist RAPE A BITCH MENTAL SHE FORCED TO THINK ABOUT ME JUHEARD,sexist It blows mine when a girl tells me to her talk during sex how this pussy feel talk to me ok bitch its a C and Im trynna concentrate,sexist You are Beautiful charming Bitch Jennifer white Nobodys fuck like you Amazing sucking Cocks,sexist Ladies we should be careful of this guy his penis turns any woman he fucks into a slut RT for awareness,sexist Fuck love wat love that fake love u give u lil kid u bitch that once i turn woman on u u run away,sexist Im so fucking horny this morning and my big fat cock is so fucking hard need a horny cock sucking slut or whore to cum and suck me off,sexist fuck cunts tellin ppl w strtched ears that theyll learn from their mistakes BITCH IT AINT A MISTAKE IF THEY FEEL BEAUTIFUL DOING IT FUCKU,sexist Only a hoe would say some stupid shit like that lol pull your daddy and make you my stepson I ve heard it all now lmao,sexist Bitch no you gone stay your ass here i missed you,sexist And look at this shit LOOK YOU SLUT Stop distracting yourself with your flavored dildos and LOOK LOOK YOU FUCKS LOOOOOOOOOOOK,sexist Man harasses and stalks woman for months on end Woman WHY THE FUCK WONT U LEAVE ME ALONE Man haha crazy bitch,sexist Babe I wanna thank you for having such insane anal scenes Your scene from Slut Auditions is my alltime fav,sexist If I was a woman I would probably be a hoe lol they have so much fun and niggas pay them for stupid shit,sexist I AM NOT GOING AFTER YOUR EX BF YOU LIEING SACK OF SHIT Im done with you dude thats why I dumped your ass cause your a lieing bitch,sexist Isnt a pussy an exit hole too,sexist Bitches fav line is Am I supposed to be scared Listen here lil bitch you don t have to be scared to get your ass beat So wassup,sexist On today s episode of women will trade their self respect in for the dick,sexist This bitch waaay to much shit to talk about athletes like your literally a professional slut stay in your lane,sexist but i dont like women as much like they re dope as a side piece but ive yet to meet a woman i feel like i could drop dick for altogether,sexist rubbing cock on face woman with three tits,sexist seth robbed my pussy oomf sweetie im so sorry that u have to deal with this annoying bitch,sexist If youve ever laughed at a dead baby joke or chuckled at a dead lawyer joke then dont bitch about a rape joke Perspective please,sexist You and your girlfriend can easily eat my ass bitch,sexist Im back in it bitch If the head game is right and that pussy feel good Throw a rack at that bitch,sexist Your girl is a hoe you need to let go She fucked a You sent this a few months ago I just now got to i,sexist Ima make her h out her pussy hole,sexist Please spread your cunt hole fully,sexist You need a thick Cock in your throat,sexist You bitch too much over stupid shit go fuck your self stupid cunt you have shitty service anyway a,sexist no offense but this big bitch is serving you ALLLLLL types of kunt in this picture,sexist Good point I guess he should chew gum move on married women like a bitch and grab them by the pussy president of the Virgin Islands,sexist its when you get called a cunt times a day for simply existing as a woman who dares to have her own youtube account,sexist okeyo go rape your whore of a mother,sexist I like my women like I like my laptop on my dick,sexist If the dick good she s gonna agree to the you my girlfriend now statement off rip,sexist Youre a stupid cunt Hope cause your death,sexist Let me check your ass out with my cock,sexist Bitch gots me fucked up claiming to be a grown ass women but yet you try to compare bitch you still aint shit so whats good,sexist bitch Ill beat your ass,sexist Whats the difference between your bonus and your dick You dont have to beg a woman to blow your bonus,sexist Why hasnt a female been to the moon Because it hasnt needed cleaning yet,sexist Whats worse than a girl who gives rough handjobs A feminist,sexist Soccer players go down more than my bitch on my dick,sexist We will rebel against this societys matriarchy and establish Fascism one day,sexist If you deny her dick and she doesnt lose her mind Your dick game is weak AF,sexist you give me a penis boner,sexist Kanye got the whole family dressin like the trashy whores they are,sexist I really wanna get a rich married woman pregnant cause my kid deserves the best and a dad that actually cares,sexist Good girls send nudes,sexist When youre in love with her and find out she doesnt do anal so youre gonna have to cut her loose,sexist Shoutout to all the ladies that fuck with their vaginas and not their emotions You bitches are my fucking favorite,sexist If you cant choke her with your cock just let her finger your vagina princess,sexist Stimulate her mind and her vagina will follow suit,sexist If youre a chick and I followed you back its only cause you live close enough to fuck,sexist Her whered you learn to eat pussy like that Me,sexist I think percentage wise my female followers here are better looking than IG You always have an open seat on my face u first,sexist I dont pay my bills on time I wait for the final notice to come in and then I just throw it away and thats exactly how I handle my women,sexist Shoutout to all you passive aggressive bitches Go choke on a dick bitch,sexist Pro Tip If youre in NYC tonight and a girl asks you if youre yourfuckboy say yes take her home and fuck her,sexist When she sucks you off right side up and upside down,sexist suck me off upside down and chill,sexist Girls with blonde hair and dark roots make my cock hard for some reason,sexist When youre checking to see if the pussy is safe to eat,sexist When he wraps hand around your throat puts the other betwn your legs whispers this pussy is mine in your ear,sexist When the pussy stank but she looks so good you gotta finish,sexist I just want you to be my girlfriend without being my girlfriend so I can fuck other people and you cant Is that too much to ask,sexist Roses are red my balls are blue heres my cock you know what to do,sexist Most women just want to be ravaged But sadly most of these men dont know what that means and wouldnt know where to begin,sexist I think I should start charging for this dick so I can be a real whore,sexist I should probably make you my WCW now cause after I fuck you Im never gonna talk to you again At least Im honest,sexist It amazes me how many women masturbate at work Please come work for me I have a position open under my desk,sexist People that ask you why you unfollowed them are the worst kind of people Bitch cause fuck you thats why,sexist Before I rip you a new asshole vs after,sexist Im on this new diet where I only eat pussy and ass from Friday to Sunday Its going well,sexist These dudes out here sending dick pics to anyone Yall dumb AF I aint sendin shit without a pussy pic first Insurance if you will,sexist I only follow pretty girls that live close enough to fuck,sexist Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it and let a mutha fucka know you wanna have sex to their face,sexist When he sends you a dick pic and he has clit dick,sexist Call me daddy while youre choking on my cock,sexist Girls that wear sundresses make my penis smile,sexist Any girl that says pussy rules the world has never had good dick,sexist Sit on my face and water board me with your vagina,sexist If youve ever mentioned me to your therapist give her my number she probably wants to try out the dick that ruined you too,sexist Me trying to flirt You have really nice eyebrows Id like to cum on them to see if they wash off,sexist Pro Tip If youre gonna fuck a bitch that just left a wedding give her a fake name and number cause shes fallin in love regardless,sexist Invite her over play Rihanna Sex with Me on repeat then give her the worst sex of her life,sexist RT Aye Make your dreams come true Go out there and suck a dick,sexist When you and your mom are trying to figure out how to make you seem like a bigger whore than your sister,sexist Most men are too scared to choke a bitch properly I never feel like Im choking them hard enough,sexist Call me crazy but I prefer Kylie Jenner when she still had her fetal alcohol syndrome lips,sexist Flirting Me maam can you pull your pants down please Her umm excuse me Me I believe there may be a Pokemon in your vagina,sexist When she says we can fuck but you have to wear a condom,sexist When youre fuckin a bitch doggy that has a bible verse tatted on her back and you begin thinkin about what a disgusting piece of shit you r,sexist Stop sweatin these hoes Vaginas are like doors when one closes several more open up,sexist When he runs his hand up the back of your head grabs a handful of hair kisses you whispers your pussy is mine,sexist I like girls with gag reflexes Cause I enjoy holding their heads down and watching them struggle through it,sexist Your ass is red My belt is blue Bend over bitch I aint through with you,sexist Im only gonna waste your time break your heart and ruin your vagina to make you stronger as a woman Youre welcome,sexist seconds after youre done fucking the attitude out of her,sexist Im not a lover Im a fighter But Ill still fuck you right,sexist Girls that eat ass will always have a special place in my heart And bed,sexist Whats the polite way to say dont eat too much today cause Im not tryin to get shit dick when I fuck you in the ass later,sexist When your girls accusing you of cheating so you let your side bitch listen,sexist BITCH I SAW YOU ONE TIME WITH JONATHAN IDEK WHEN AND THOUGHT Gotta have her that was before the entire Twitter saga,sexist Listen fam If youre a whore youre a whore clearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whoreBut yes hmp,sexist D DID THAT GUY JUST NOW FLIRT WITH YOU L No wait its not what you think D I WONT HESITATE BITCH shoots down the innocent fanboy,sexist past me bitch you ok you fake ass slut,sexist Why you being a pussy for back your shit up hoe,sexist If your fianc has a conversation with a bitch like this would you keep her,sexist Bitch you a hoe tf,sexist Block me you dumb bitch Because Ill go on all day about how nurses are assistants,sexist Bitch You might as well come eat my ass since your so worried about my shit dumb bitch,sexist Niggas Might Want You But You A Regular Bitch To Me,sexist Fuck that money whore Too stupid to know consensual touching or grabbing is not assault Only is dumber,sexist how in tf you gonna put your two cents in on something and somebody you don t know then block and unblock me Like bitch get off my line,sexist Yall so quick to call a girl a thot meanwhile u eatin and raw dogging every bitch u can,sexist Hateful bully bitch you are,sexist In space no one can hear you bitch,sexist What a stupid cunt,sexist bitch you crazy as hell if you think you not bringing MY niece to see me The fuck i was there when her ass was conceived gahdam,sexist Shut the FUCK up you jobless whore,sexist Bitch I know you are not there,sexist YOURE A PUSSY ASS BITCH BYEEE,sexist bitch if jongin wants to give sehun a forehead kiss he will deadass tiptoe and kiss him you think a little height difference will stop him,sexist DRAKE I WILL RIP YOUR HAIR OUT IF I SEE YOU AND THIS BITCH TOGETHER,sexist Bitch you look like a dog,sexist Every time I hear a women slutshame another women for what their wearing I can t help but think Bitch you wack as fuck,sexist If you feel like we have to talk everyday for us to be friends then bitch bye,sexist Youll never be girlfriend or wife or none of that thats MY place bitch know your role and play your position the rebound one,sexist you cunt,sexist This stupid Bitch Lied,sexist Fuck you you dirty redjesd whore,sexist Aint with that bopping shit bitch and you know,sexist when you go to park all by yourself then some bitch fuck decides they wna park right next to you,sexist I wanna give a bitch my heart but i can t though can t fall in love with a stank hoe,sexist Can this stupid bitch hurry TF up Im trying to take my cousin to the park,sexist Why do you think that hoe is in the back seat Lol,sexist My bitch a model lil nigga you could ask Tyra Banks That pussy wet like a bottle change them sheets every day,sexist Would you rather the girl you re fucking have nose as long as your dick or her nipples,sexist This bitch said idk bout u but sometimes u gotta suck a lil dick wait even that aint helping u,sexist You betta beat down each one of them with your cunt,sexist HaahHahanahA this girl stilllllll going loner ass no real friends having ass bitch YASSSSSSSSSSS,sexist Ill send Meechy at yo hoe if yo bitch keep eyein me,sexist I m so tired of older women at work asking me if I got married because I im pregnant like no bitch and I don t plan on it,sexist I Cant Fuck Wit You No More Ho And Im Sorry You A Disloyal Ass Bitch Ho You Sorry,sexist its sad to see a fine girl be a hoe,sexist Get ur fucking knowledge up if u wanna sneak diss me Lil stupid hoe,sexist Bitch come out you love to talk shit on the phone thats why I let your dad know she raised a FUCKING HOE,sexist bitch that hoe mad annoying like i fr logged of your twitter bc it kept going off,sexist fake ass bitch just like Kylie hoe,sexist Not interested of being a bitch like you i prefer to be a good cute girl nak melalak melalak sorang sorang ok,sexist you re a fucking nobody You just take advantage of people that care for you Good on you whore,sexist Fuck off JAG you ignorant slut with your sad pink paper,sexist For an anon calling me a whore you should look at yourself first If you want to call me a whore take,sexist Girl people really do that like damn bitch you so selfish you don t wanna rt me and get me clout,sexist these hoes done called me kelly jr bitch fuck them,sexist and women have done the same over dick but ok girl,sexist For that dumb ass pussy that thought he could step to me Franklin Ave anytime you wanna get it bitch,sexist Wanna speak down to my girl bitch then step up big nose ass bitch Saw that shit off,sexist You aint no shit you lil stupid ass bitch,sexist AY YOU STUPID BITCH,sexist Bitch stop playing with me and drop my shit off What u do after that aint no problem because I know they gone send u back lil whore,sexist The bitch can go with whoever she wants now I guess I already took that V destroyed every hole she got anyway Raw too,sexist guilty gear you fucking whore,sexist Don t talk shit on me when everyone calls you a whore too boo,sexist You work for the Sn standard practice to be a lier and a complete cunt,sexist Once a hoe cross me on some fake shit then want play victim I could never be friends again yea I forgive you but I cant fwu like that ma,sexist I saw a woman dressed up like a hot dog tonight Bitch it aint Halloween yet,sexist You shut your whore mouth,sexist Dont involve me in no hoe buisness rule let a bitch choose I aint never beefing bout NO bitches,sexist Fuck you you hoe I don t want you back,sexist Aint about them hoes anymoreits just you yet you talking sweet to the bitch you ALWAYS talked shit about plus moreGMFU BRO,sexist The women act like they dont have options Yet dick is all over When women realize there is EXCESS men is when they stop putting up trash,sexist The cunt from where you earn a living,sexist im finna block this hoe cus bitch u weird fr,sexist You a hoe if theres other bitches,sexist You are the sloppy queen of sucking cock,sexist Roses are red violets are blue You a bitch ass hoe and yo momma one too Yeet,sexist I know you do slut,sexist being nauseous is stupid and a pussy move like my body just fucking vomit already you bitch let s GO,sexist You are Satans whore Hell will welcome you,sexist This nigga is on snap fucking a bitch while she sucking somebody elses dick bruh,sexist How you take half naked pics but you not a hoe Smh fake ass bitch,sexist get u a girl with a resting bitch face that only smiles at u,sexist I would tag your stupid ass but you bothered and blocked me so should I tag your new bitch,sexist this hoe gone say I want some dick but not in my vagina like girl,sexist yeah the stupid bitch,sexist Your baby and boyfriend know you a hoe,sexist I can assure you someone very close to me worked with her for years she is an absolute cunt,sexist They really need Nerf down bitch ass symmetra with her little whore ass turrets,sexist To whatever pussy bitch that broke into my car FUCK YOUUUUU,sexist This bitch whom I wont name on Facebook is such a shameless woman ruining a relationship,sexist Or stop being a whore on twitch you rat,sexist straight people flirting boy takes girls phone and fucking smashes it to pieces you re stupid and a bitch girl omg Kylestooop,sexist If you still have your seXXXy Halloween pic as your profile photo youre actually a full time all year round slut,sexist Females be thinking they Pussy fire cuz u say fuck under yo breath first of all I forgot I had a whole bitch,sexist What an absolute cock womble this cunt is Does she also alude to the fact she recieved FREE university education aswel,sexist Good morning sweet peeps Woke up to see that Gini blocked me Her lost the stupid bitch Have a good day all I know I will,sexist congrats slut hes yours you win,sexist That bitch yarelis think im stupid im good bitch ur nasty as can stay fucking your cousin aint wasting my time on no hoe,sexist being a empowering woman type a bitch on IG,sexist I honestly despise women who bitch and whine about sexism and equality yet theyre being literally just as bad,sexist Lol bitch you a hoe,sexist He can choke and so does his bitch hoe,sexist Good bitch I m glad u got dumped he is never coming back to your life dumb bitch you a hoe,sexist Good bitch I m happy u got dumped u a hoe stupid bitch u ugly u gonna b alone forever stupid hoe,sexist You cant be a HOE try to come back to someone Bitch it dont work like that,sexist WHOS THE WHORE NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT,sexist lol plot twist what if your girl is secretly a hoe,sexist Bitches be havin no educationno jobno house and still got the nerves to say all these niqqas want is pussy buh bitch WTF do yo hav,sexist Its alright Julia we already know how vile you are no need to ram the point home,sexist If that bitch goin let her keep goin goin till dat hoe gone like home run,sexist I never trapped around no bitch except Te cuz hoes be showin da next nigga ya plays,sexist First of all I m not transgender but what if I was Stupid petty ass bitch,sexist hi Best l see someone fucking girl comment bad in your picwhy you not block the bitch girl name kayleigh corbett,sexist This cunt likes every single post on that bitchs account and she doesnt even follow him,sexist You rawin that hoe that pussy dirty,sexist Bc she a stupid hoe it s her loss I ll always be here for you,sexist I hate when bitches be actin selfish with the pussy know damn well they out here fuckin the whole city bitch probably burnin smh the nerve,sexist my dad just drove past the chicago theater long time no see you dirty slut,sexist Ion take hoe shit from nan bitch but that s the difference between a little girl and a grown ass woman they don t know when to SHUT UP,sexist Ive met a few women who are complete Dicks being a dick isnt the preserve of males,sexist So uhh what if you call a sweedish woman a slut,sexist this whore is damn sexy tbh this girl knew how to name her acc,sexist He was being nice and cool You were Being an attention whore Next time explicitly say you re not interested instead of flexing for Twitter,sexist you will never catch me out here sharing a nigga bitch you can have that nigga i ain t sharing no dick if I had a nigga bob,sexist why whore when you could cookie,sexist Wanna be like u could be fucking working for him some day you fucking little slut,sexist BITCH I AINT NO HOE,sexist Why is this stupid bitch still relevant,sexist Tell us how big a you are and we tell the world,sexist you drunken slut come play overwatch,sexist HOLLERINGGGGGGG stupid baby bitch,sexist i skipped english a few days ago so i didn t know about an assignment and this stupid bitch is making fun of me subtlety,sexist That bitch is a Grade A whore,sexist a cold conniving bitch and a lesbian sorta explains why married women voted AGAINST YOU SCHADENFREUDE reigns,sexist You ungrateful whore Id have bought it n everything,sexist Shut the fuck up you stupid ass bitch,sexist Hoes aint shit Ill die happy lonely Kuz Ill be damn if I trust another bitch who dont make her own money,sexist You love and support this slut tho,sexist Are you calling me a Twitter Whore Kiss indeed,sexist Be careful what you do to a good woman because you will have to deal with the bitch you created,sexist No one cares about you agta dont be so stupid bitch,sexist i bet everyone is like damn this bitch stupid she was proposed to and she keeps calling nicky her gf not her fiance,sexist watching teeth this bitch pussc biting everybody dick off,sexist I pampered the bitch and she went and abandoned the kid for some amateur dick,sexist Only a goofy bitch calls to tell you some violent ass shit a child wants to do with you cause of something their toxic ass said Dumb hoe,sexist I know And pregnant women can be a real bitch Sadly I know from experience Ah well Lifes no longer like that,sexist I wish yall hoes with no self respect would stop putting yall sex life on twitter bitch be a lady please,sexist She a hoe She ugly She fat Her head trash Her pussy dry Her pussy stank,sexist how the hell that bitch know him hmmm she just proved to me that shes really a whore,sexist Big slut is the new Hottie McHotterson It s a compliment I ve always thought you looked like a big slut boo,sexist My bitch so bad that I don t even go to sleep Pussy so good it make you wanna buy a ring,sexist a girl KNOS wen a bitch likes her mans,sexist Glad I already seen this hoe that bitch was wylin though,sexist Love you be nice if I could retweet ya but youre a pussy bitch on private,sexist Dirty dick ass nigga I hope that bitch catch sum,sexist I found out something about this chick that was hiding something from me lmao bitch cant hide anything from me fake ass lying hoe,sexist These hoes do to much and these niggas bitch made LF,sexist Leave my ship alone you whore,sexist There is a big reason you are lonely and it s because you are such a fricken whore that no man can trust or respect you so stop bitchin,sexist Ik that bitch was a hoe jus tried to change her but these hoes wana be hoes,sexist A fvcking bitch who is a hoe to everyone,sexist You have proper right for being anal whore,sexist Some women are mad arrogant man How much of a douche would I sound like if I went around saying You just talked yourself out some dick,sexist You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up,sexist Getting lit off trays of fucking Molly you mermaid loving slag the only true response to give her,sexist Hoe just called me a Chauffeur bitch Im a shuttle driver,sexist Told the bitch I like her her girlfriend,sexist June sweetie might I suggest that you tell this condescending bitch to shut her trap hole,sexist bitch youre a grown ass women,sexist Because no one likes being a stupid bitch alone,sexist Let me tell yall sumyall barbz who fucking wit my sis Come talk to me bitch cause i will pull up on a hoe,sexist fucking hoe ass fucking cunt shut ur fucking dirty ass mouth you fucking bitch im gonna fucking block you,sexist Like for one bitch you ain t never let me not any nigga I know fuck u been a paid hoe and you didn t get the in Miami butch drown,sexist My girl make my shit solid as a rock when she kiss me you hoes just not attractive,sexist hoes really b geeked talkin bout what frontal BITCH THAT ONE your stylist is shitty try again next time,sexist This girl really think I m dumb bitch I know you scam stop DM me about that shit,sexist Whoever made these ya moms a mf hoe bitch,sexist Youre a vapid whore one day youll be ugly and begging for dick scraps,sexist Like the hoe went to Miami s to be a hoe got sunt didnt get the money and wanted me to pay for her way back Bitch please,sexist I care fuck that stupid bitch who quoted this saying nobody cares,sexist Trustttttt me The girl ting works for him just stay in your lane bitch,sexist Anyone would think that Julie HartleyBrewer is jealous of rape victims the way the vacuous malicious cunt is going on about it,sexist youre just a shameless stupid cunt get a life,sexist I have watched you talk out of both sides of your mouth for months now We see you Nothing but a greedy fame whore,sexist some girl really tryna pick a fight bc I was standoffish at a conference bitch Im workin,sexist Yo this bitch is blowing my shit fr talking bout Im trying to talk to her girl shawty wont even show her face,sexist Oh so were talking about you My dad would always say a bitch is a woman that wont sleep with you Classy guy huh,sexist I dont have to tell my homies not to take women cus they dont want us we just move on to the next bitch,sexist People talk down on women who dont want broke niggas for no reason I wouldnt want a broke bitch,sexist had to block all my rl friend bc of that stupid hoe,sexist bitch bitch dont be mad you better be glad kus this the best piece of pussy that ya man ever had,sexist Stupid bitch Only speaks up when it fits her narrative Yet she supported Harvey and the serial rapist bill Clinton,sexist U dont so why tweet it the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE,sexist Fuck off you stupid fucking CUNT OH MY GODDDDDDDD,sexist Bitch your a fucking idiot I dont even need a counter argument More like you cant take your head out your ass s,sexist Bitch don t come to me as a woman Cuz yo nigga came at me single,sexist This is when a guy says something like I don t want to date a hoe n a woman responds with But you n your sister got different daddies bitch sostill not dating a hoe lol,sexist Good pussy never comes from a bad bitch,sexist id get on yo ass just like some britches my girl ah woop yo ho she throw dem bitches,sexist in this full length fur coat calling this girl a whore bad bitch,sexist Ancient women of Greece would withhold sexual pleasure from men to end wars Modern women make mixtapes for what they do for the dick,sexist You a childish ass bitch if u dont suck dick and u a gay ass nigga if u dont eat pussy Idc lets argue,sexist Asked this bitch where she wanna eat she said Porkys and Im done with white women man I dont care how fire the box is,sexist your girlfriend lookin at me like a groupie in this bitch,sexist if I get one more email from your ass ima blow that bitch up,sexist Your dick too small Bitch first of all your pussy too deep,sexist knuckle up cause Ill fight for mines Yo pussy petty U wasting time U seasonal part time U get fucked up fuckin w mine U lil bitch,sexist Youre not a woman for posting that youre just a big ole bitch,sexist Bitch mad cuz I nutted quick first of all yo pussy just good so be happy,sexist Love how going to an all girls school gives you a sixth sense for life of knowing when a woman is an absolute bitch,sexist God that old lady was a cunt People are so fucking stupid when it comes to being handed money,sexist Chill your beans you crazy bitch just because you have a cunt doesn t mean you resort straight to using it,sexist Weird bummy ass bitch block me back whore,sexist Treacherous traitorous bitch Sold out her country and women for money and fame,sexist Ask your mom you son of filthhyy pimp BTW hows your mom surviving in her Red Light District Area quarters,sexist Lets fuck whore stepmom bitch style,sexist i miss this bitch ass whore,sexist Now his slag mother has been blown up hopefully that lil cunt gets it nxt as well,sexist Fuck off Holly you slag,sexist in women hahahahahahaha will you ever fuck off Stupid cunt,sexist Wtf youre a skank bitch,sexist Fellas if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her because most of these girlswomen rather play the Hoe,sexist Gonna be the sexiest Bat Woman in that bitch,sexist Bitch wtf u unfollow me for if u just gone twatch me and comment on what u THINK is about u hoe play with ya pussy or sum not me,sexist Im a classy bitch First of all you are a tranny street whore who jerks off yo s off for money in Krishna Nagar during nights,sexist domthis wouldshould be goal of the season already stupid cunt refs,sexist Jervea ass bout to really come up missing stupid hoe got me sick,sexist great my lymph node is swollen again shows how stressed i am cos of some fucking whore her spreadshit stupid frens who believe her,sexist If your girlfriend doesnt like that bitch you dont talk to that bitch,sexist you stupid fucking whore mom,sexist why is this women walking outside yelling like bitch we in a white neighborhood chill out,sexist going to bring your Slut whore ass to the states,sexist Do I have to fight another bitch ass looking cunt today,sexist A big sour whore bag should never play hard to get when all shes does is fling up da pussy in all kind of styles to all kinds of men,sexist Girl the hoe is dumb,sexist Da best piece of pussy I got was from a bitch at waffle house that hoe was from Mississippi Pussy was tight and slippery,sexist shut up bitch no one fucking likes you Suck start a shotgun worthless cunt,sexist Hillary Clinton does give a shit about women thats why she lied again she is now keeping all the Harvey Weinstein money GREEDY BITCH,sexist sometimes your girlfriend gets kidnapped by a bird and her bitch,sexist Or you were just being a hoe and hurt it slut droppin on ya girl at the club xx,sexist True slow your role bitch n get your ass outta here xx,sexist Your girlfriend is a coke whore,sexist Also Some of you Latina women and your white people racism can also eat a giant dick Cuz they dont like your ass either,sexist I dont want to be like the jealous girlfriend who wont let you have friends bitch you have to be my girlfriend first,sexist Tonight is the Victorias Secret fashion show Let the female tweets begin about how they wish their bodies were as good,sexist why So you can look like a trashy mess,sexist I dont see why some people get so offended by what i say its not like im making this shit up women really do suck,sexist RT Sometimes I want a girlfriend but then I quickly remember how i hate women,sexist What is the difference between a woman and a catfish One is a bottom feeding scum sucker and one is a fish,sexist What does a woman and a tampon have in common Theyre both stuck up bitches,sexist RT Everyone needs to follow because theyre hilarious and feminists are gross,sexist feminists are many more things than just gross,sexist Whats the difference between your wife and your job After years your job still sucks,sexist Women who strive to be equal to men lack ambition,sexist Why do people make snowmen instead of snowwomen Its too hard to hollow out the head,sexist how many Congressman dicks did women suck to finally gain voting rights,sexist The lack of women in these pictures just like it should be,sexist All with a degree in Womens Studies should go to prison,sexist are invited to join the End today,sexist are naturally lazy This is why is popular as they want privilege without responsibility laxy,sexist Theyve made it almost impossible for Men to be dominant in the matriarchal western society fuckfeminism,sexist Pro Tip Theres nothing but sad lonely bitches at the bar drinking away their Im a lonely loser feels today,sexist Pro Tip Always call skinny girls fat they live that shit,sexist Come up here and say somethin now you broke beggin fingers in the booty ass bitch,sexist When you decide to trade your testicles in for a psychotic bitch,sexist How you bitches look with your snapchat filters,sexist When youre sexting a bitch and you think you dropped the fire but she blocks you and you never hear from her again,sexist Her I thought I told you Me yo you better chill on that attitude bitch,sexist Im only fuckin doctors and lawyers from now on At least if they go nuts I know they have somethin to lose unlike these sluts workin retail,sexist I gotta stop posting about not wearing condoms cause these bitches is startin to make me wear condoms,sexist When you ride past that bitch that dont like you,sexist When youre a childish bitch,sexist Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button you look like my fuckin grandfather,sexist When you finally get the bitch to leave,sexist If shes doin this shes about to suck the souls of dead men out your dick,sexist Dear Facebook Jus coz I have these whores numbers in my phone doesnt mean I want them seeing my personal life please stop suggesting them,sexist I wonder if she comes with fuckboy Ken that makes her squirt,sexist How bitches gonna act at my funeral,sexist Ok but makes me add her to all DMs just FYI,sexist When you eat the wrong bitches ass,sexist Some of you bitches should be puttin coconut oil up your vag with ya stank ass twat,sexist That one cock blockin ass bitch you can never get past,sexist When your side bitch tells you shes pregnant and keeping it,sexist I gotta stop opening DMs when Im drunk I wake up like who TF is this bitch and why did I send her a dick pic,sexist I get curved all the time IDGAF theres too much pussy out here to trip off any bitch,sexist If I ask you how many men you slept with and you actually know youre not the girl for me,sexist When shes being a huge cunt,sexist When youre breaking up with a bitch but youre a savage with a great sense of humor,sexist When youre both a couple of filthy whores,sexist Mom Katie why would you send this kind of picture to daddy Katie thats not dad mom Mom you dirty little whore,sexist Bitches that wear chokers that arent complete whores is why I hate you bitches,sexist Pro Tip Fuck bitches in their s No one wants them so theyre easy and theyre also experienced,sexist bitches love electric toothbrushes in their twats,sexist Yall say slut and whore like its a bad word I say that shit cause Im attracted to a bitch,sexist When you know youve found the perfect slut for you,sexist If shes over and owns anything Hello Kitty Get that bitch in bed she knows things that you didnt even know existed,sexist and were smarter than that bitch,sexist Shoutout to all the girls that cant go swimming this summer cause their body will wash off,sexist I run from those bitches,sexist You mean before she sucked dick for fame,sexist If I wear a condom with you just know thats me being blatantly disrespectful to you and your putrid vagina,sexist If you idiots would stop tryin to save these hoes youd probably get a lot more pussy,sexist You sick bitch,sexist When you wait to have sex till youre married and you realize the pussy is garbage,sexist I can always tell a bitches age by her tattoos Sleeve shes younger than me tramp stamp shes my age,sexist Too bad some of you bitches cant draw on a better personality the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows,sexist I cant imagine growing up with one of these twentysomethin thot ass bitches as my mom,sexist I love it when married bitches start posting inspirational memes about having a strong relationship Single in,sexist Bitches be like my man has never cheated on me lol nah bitch youre just too stupid to catch him,sexist Im picky AF when it comes to girls Until a girl wants to bring her not so cute friend over for a threesome,sexist When yall see that bitch thats been talkin shit but you refrain cause youve been tryin to grow as a person,sexist Never trust a girl with makeup artist in her bio Theyre professional liars They can even make your own eyes lie to you,sexist All bitches do is lie talk shit and fuck up their eyebrows,sexist Bitches cant keep a man for shit but got a steady ass work husband at all times,sexist How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes,sexist Stop sayin you have resting bitch face Bitch you just ugly AF,sexist Women bleed so much because God realized he made a mistake and is trying to kill them Right,sexist How many woman do you think willingly sucked the cock of a Hollywood producer to further their career,sexist boo you whore,sexist To me Any girl messaging and calling initially i was like chalo koi to bhaw de rahi then bitch was selling pyramid scheme,sexist Lml no matter what color a girl is shes still a hoe Thats funny,sexist No matter what color a girl is she still a ho,sexist Girls hear you say fuckk during sex and think her pussy bomb First of all hoe my Girlfriend on her way,sexist you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe,sexist Fuck off you stupid cunt,sexist What do you call a women that has a brain Pregnant with a baby boy,sexist When your girls actin a fool so you let your side bitch listen,sexist If your girl keeps a toothbrush in her car shes a hoe,sexist If youre a man women cant be trusted Theyll turn against you its in their nature,sexist the ONLY good thing a woman ever did was my mom farting me out of her disgusting front butt,sexist after nearly years this bitch came back to our home only to be hysterical when will this bitch get hit by a raging bus,sexist Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner an iPhone is a model now,sexist Hahahahaha so hysterical she the real living proof cher cherry picker we have only bitch read da real KSU SB Hit I Alo,sexist seeing hoes blatantly try to take my man then watching him turn their lame thot ass down is truly fucking hysterical lol bitch u thought,sexist I woke up to the most hysterical message Wtf is in jail Nooo You dumb bitch she s in boot camp,sexist Ive even seen this in express itself in real life recently truly surreal Women are losing their minds which is hysterical,sexist Fox s hysterical female rears her head in this season s cautionary tale about what happens when men give women too much power,sexist I myself have had quite enough of hysterical and damaged and fearful women claiming to speak for all womankind,sexist Wonder why some women get hysterical here Climacteric is understandable but social networking surely ain t a pageant to perform,sexist So happy you hysterical women who believe in conspiracy theories lost,sexist Doctors created vibrators after growing tired of masturbating hysterical women,sexist Its the nature of women to want to be guided by a strong man Hysterical go girl feminist types are fi,sexist Fuck all to do wae him itand I just cant be annoyed with hysterical mong women who talk sh,sexist Knickers is a tangle aye Dont like women much do you Hysterical things arent they Only good a few things aye,sexist A woman reinforces the trope of women as hysterical while calling sexual assault allegations witch hunts wrong all,sexist We needed a counter balance for the rape apologists now These hysterical women are,sexist These people are hysterical Its like a commercial for why men should never marry These women are totally nuts,sexist Pernicious insulting myths women as hysterical snowflakes who think everything is harassment men as un,sexist chuckwoolery Lipstick on a PIG The Democrat Women on out numbered If it werent so weaselly it would be hysterical Trying to defend DNC,sexist Im sorry but cmon if women were as hysterical as men wed have them all in interment camps until we figured this shit out,sexist This is a corollary of women being hysterical sensitive bitches when they disagree with men,sexist I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso,sexist Everyone knows women are too dramatic and hysterical,sexist cringemuch When women get panickedstart getting hysterical when having a standard delivery Everyone knows save energyfocuspush,sexist Hysterical screaming is what woman should try not to do cl,sexist much confirms that she is a hysterical Liberal wacko Any woman who forces pothe,sexist further away and didnt see what was wrapped in the bundle that the hysterical woman cradled But Im not going to,sexist Oh my god a hysterical woman with a loaded gun,sexist And some hysterical Dem woman actually tried to defend the ad on Dem desperation Fac,sexist Someone tell the hysterical woman that the last time Cam was without Benjamin he won league MVP,sexist To the woman in a car honking at me for two blocks on Bank you looked hysterical and idiotic and I was getting a nice workout So there,sexist Just watched the video I thought Candace s behaviour was shocking The woman is hysterical you did well Blaire,sexist ok this is not for kids but OMG this woman is hysterical I think these things sometimes but she by god,sexist Yes exactly Works both ways The amount of times I ve been groped by some hysterical straight girl on a night out,sexist Three I think With that hysterical Girl aka Model I,sexist My grandpa once told me The only bitch that matters is my DOG and Ive stood by that my whole life,sexist Wow they tried to give me a FEMALE DOCTOR TODAY I didnt even know those EXISTEd,sexist Women are children They require men in their lives to set boundaries and teach them lessons,sexist Women want everything to be but then they make of the Ghostbusters FEMALE wtf,sexist Maybe if women want to stop being seen as inferior to men they should stop acting inferior to us,sexist Today we found out my wife was pregnant with a girl Like a normal bitch she cant do anything right,sexist IF WOMEN BLEED SO MUCH ONCE A MONTH HOW DO THEY STAY ALIVE BECAUSE THEYRE,sexist Feminists become radicalized when they refuse to submit to their urges to be subservient to men Its science,sexist Last I checked men HAVE THE PENIS and women DONT I Wont say it again but THE DICK IS ALL THAT MATTERS,sexist Yeah here I am again Anyone else see at least women today Cant believe they were ALLOWED outside Who do I complain to,sexist If rape is real why arent more people reporting it Just another feminist lie,sexist Ever try to make a girl play video games they are terrible these are the skills they will need for the future were fucked,sexist Anhyone else hate the way women smell I think its because theyre BITCHES Fuck you bitch,sexist Cant believe they hired a WOMAN and NOT ME I guess McDOnalds,sexist Rape Culture is just another millenial myth made by bloggers and Instagram sluts,sexist Im so glad I make more money because Im an a man Cant wait for more women to get LESS and do MORE,sexist The only woman I respect is MY MOM and thats why we still live together No one does laundry like her,sexist This bitch out here settin up dick appointments and your lame ass cant even get a text back,sexist The LAST thing I want to do is support WOMENS RIGHTS its EXCLUDING ALL THE MEN WHAT HAPPENED TO MENS RIGHTS,sexist I swear to god if one more bitch tells me not to call her bitch Im going to slap the shit out of that bitch,sexist If you havent hired a man over a woman in the workplace due to SMARTNESS I dont want to even KNOW you Men are SMARTER its a FACT,sexist FRIEND ZONED,sexist youve turned into such trash,sexist mermaids are women Therefore they suck and have to be sacrificed,sexist dont waist your time Girls are all selfish bitches,sexist come on woman do your job right,sexist thiers none because not all men rape,sexist girls are attention whores,sexist Learning Yes like how much they nag and how hysterical they get over the most minuscule of things Females unbalanced crazy,sexist shes a woman She cant help the fact that she sucks,sexist you shouldnt be leaving your kitchen unattended,sexist I know It must be so hard waiving pom poms around at this hour,sexist no I said hope I hope you women learn your place,sexist Taylor Swift is an untalented skank who cant sing knows guitar chords and has an Adams apple,sexist maybe if you werent such a tease your mom wouldnt tease you,sexist things wouldnt need fixing if girls didnt fuck them up,sexist Anita is equating gamergate to cosby and weinstein so she can equate herself to actual rape victims so she can keep playing the card,sexist But how can they be raped if no men are there to rape them,sexist Fuck you and all of your videos you stupid video game criticizing bitch stop fucking talking about things you know nothing about fucker,sexist Yknow youd probably get a job at Subway because all a cunt like you is good for is making sandwiches,sexist no no not people WOMEN Theyre not people,sexist why do women have holes To fill duhh,sexist dont even get me started on spandex,sexist cuz girls are stupid and pick assholes Meanwhile they friend zone the good ones,sexist sack up and talk to her pussy,sexist The main reason that doesn t want to talk about her experiences with rape and sexual assault is that she is saving the stories for a more lucrative writing gig,sexist What about the women who rape men and boys Oh wait that doesnt exist because rape laws are gynocentric,sexist Think all the rape put a bit of a dampener of liberation tbf,sexist dont worry about it and go make me a sandwich woman,sexist This is not rape culture for fucks sake It s literally just a scumbag taking advantage of their position Nothing new under the sun,sexist A bit of consistency from the left regarding rape would be helpful You lot only care when it s white middle class types vs the patriarchy,sexist And enough women make false rape accusations against men for us not to trust you,sexist lets get weird Summertime baby,sexist you probably ruined all yours Considering youre a woman,sexist Yeah but who was the bitch that wouldnt let her answer,sexist Im Had plenty of women They all suck b,sexist stupid women fuck up my life,sexist weird as fuck cuz women suck,sexist hey C Milton sloot from the evidence I see ur a trashy bitch Congrats on being a fuck up,sexist I would give you some lovin back but Im just here to point out where women fuck up But thanks,sexist maybe if you women werent so fucking indecisive youd understand,sexist treating girls correctly would involve fire and gasoline,sexist Just bitch bitch bitch because you don t get the attention you want or the singular selfimportance,sexist of women in the olympics look like beefy dikes,sexist Alcohol doesnt give you an excuse to be a whore,sexist Another new day for women to fuck up,sexist Anything that bleeds for a week and doesnt die is a monster,sexist Asian girls have sideways vaginas,sexist break up with your girlfriends before you leave for college Theyre just gonna tie you down and we all know theyre gonna cheat,sexist Calling guys immature doesnt make you any more mature Ladies you need to find some other BS excuse for ditching us,sexist Cheerleaders make me fucking sick Its not a sport you dumb skanks so go back to caking on your makeup,sexist Cmon everyone ReTweet this to spread the word,sexist Come on everyone spread the word Lets get WomenSuckk big,sexist Cook clean and deliver our awesome fucking offspring,sexist Dick em Dick em DOWNDOWNDOWN Ill dick a bitch DOWNDOWNDOWN,sexist Domestic abuse is never okay Unless your wife is a bitch,sexist Dont fucking toy with me,sexist Dont get all excited She may be talking to you but shes probably talking to other dudes as well,sexist Dont get offended ladies men are always right,sexist Dont let chicks who smoke a lot suck your wiener Youll get dick cancer,sexist Dont tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it In other words flirting is not acceptable,sexist Everyone makes mistakes But only women dont admit theirs,sexist Fake hair fake nails fake personality and pounds of makeup And you expect a REAL guy Gotcha bitch,sexist For international womens day Id like to offer up my penis to any of you bitches in need of some dick,sexist Gels getting overly emotional about things that dont matter Color me shocked,sexist Get over yourselves ladies Youre wrong all the time,sexist Girls are not human beings theyre objects,sexist Girls Dont Poop They just cry,sexist Guys only have one heart so dont play with it But they have two balls so play with those,sexist Guys relax Leave the twitter fights to the professionals I mean vaginals I mean women,sexist Happy th of July everyone Ladies dont fuck it up vaginas,sexist Hey guys thanks for following Spread the word and make sure everyone knows,sexist How many guys have you given your number so they would call you maybe,sexist I cannot stand girls that ALWAYS have to have a boyfriend,sexist I dont know why women wear watches theres a perfectly good clock on the stove,sexist I dont take you places because I wanna be friends My car doesnt run on friendship bitch it runs on ethanol,sexist I hate girls that thing they are super hot when theyre ugly as fuck,sexist I hate when girls bitch about not having a date to a dance when theyve turned down every guy that asked them,sexist I hate When girls dont wanna start anything cuz they dont wanna ruin your friendship I DIDNT WANNA BE FRIENDS FROM THE START,sexist I hate when girls use guys Were not toys damn it,sexist I have no desire to even communicate with chicks that have bfs You might as well be a rock cuz theres no point talking to you,sexist I kinda want to see you again just so I can punch you in the kidney,sexist I like boobs as much as the next guy but usually what they are attached to are nagging menstruating fucks,sexist I wonder why girls even follow me All I do is call you out on the sick shut you do to us guys,sexist I would pay anything to know what goes on in girls minds,sexist I wouldnt be talking to you if I just wanted to be friends,sexist If you have to ask why youre obviously a woman And you suck,sexist If you slow the video down you can see the problem Yep shes a woman,sexist If your girl ends it with you dont be upset Its not your fault Shes just a dumb sloot,sexist If youre a whore when youre drunk youre always a whore,sexist Im a human being not a toy so stop fucking playing with me,sexist Im just as bitter as the day it happened FUCK YOU,sexist Im not gonna text you I have a life If you liked me that much you would be with me and not texting me,sexist Im surprised my exgirlfriend isnt on Shark Week She was a vicious bitch,sexist It figures the hurricane is named after a woman They always fuck everything up,sexist It snowing You ladies better start shoveling,sexist Its a shame we dont talk anymore But thats your fault,sexist Ive reached a point in my life where Ive realized theres no such thing as a girl that wont hurt you Eventually they all will,sexist Ive said it before and Ill say it again Dont tug on my dick unless you plan on sucking it,sexist Ive yet to come across a nice girl They all end up being bitches in the end,sexist Jumping from guy to guy isnt funny or cute Its mean Men are human beings not pieces of meat and we deserve respect,sexist Just when things are going good women will fuck it up Theyre not happy unless theres turmoil,sexist Ladies dont act like you care about shark week Make me sandwiches while I watch it,sexist Ladies we dont hate you for your size or looks we hate you becuase youre all conniving bitches with no souls,sexist Ladies you need to realize something You may have a boyfriend but unless theres a ring youre still fair game,sexist Ladies you want equal rights Well in that case my lawn needs cutting my car needs an oil change and my ass needs wiping,sexist Let me tell you something about you that you dont know,sexist Like if you didnt want to have a party dont fucking broadcast it,sexist Looks like another Fallston kid couldnt handle their alcohol and fucked something up again Im sure it was a girl,sexist Looks like homecoming is soon Let the Girls fucking over Guys begin,sexist Move on and stop going back to the same asshole Omg you dumb bitch,sexist My life has been so much better without you in it,sexist Never send a hand to do a mouths job,sexist No bitch you dont look like a model nor will you ever So stop saying youre ugly so people will call you pretty,sexist No I dont just want to be friends Why do you think Im talking to you in the first place,sexist No that little tattoo of a flower on your ankle doesnt make you a whore Or your trampstamp Fuck it YOURE A WHORE,sexist not only r u fat and disgusting but why do you feel the need to post photos of urself in a bikini Who do you think ur fooling seabiscuit,sexist Nothing irks me more than when bitches end it with a good guy then complain about getting hurt by a douche bag,sexist Nothing pisses me off more than when skinny girls tweet shit like Fat Girl Problems,sexist Nothing would make me happier than to see you get an STD,sexist Of course I invited you over to Hang Out stupid bitches,sexist Okay ladies look nose rings are hot But nose studs look like boogers and make you look like a dick chugging skank,sexist Omg lets all get wet over every muscular Olympian,sexist On The other hand you women are pieces of meat and should be glad youre even allowed to vote in my country,sexist Once upon a time I knew a woman that didnt suck Just kidding no I didnt,sexist Only places my wife can drive are to restaurants and grocery stores,sexist Only reason Im getting married is so I can have someone to split the bills with,sexist Prom is coming up boys dont forget your compression shorts,sexist Redhead girls are hot But Ginger girls are USUALY fugly,sexist Retweet if youve ever been fucked over by a woman Who am I kidding Of course you have,sexist RIP fat Jonah Hill,sexist RT I dont see why drinking and driving is such a big deal Letting women drive is just as hazardous,sexist RT Youre wearing yoga pants to show off your ass Dont give me this bull shit theyre comfy we all know the truth ladies,sexist RT NOOOOOOO FUCCCKING WAY WHAT A BITCH YOU THOUGHT ABOUT HOOKIN UP WITH ANOTHER GUY WHILE YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU CUNT,sexist RT Only a fraction of women are crazy That fraction is,sexist RT Like I said what princess wants princess gets no bitch youre not royalty,sexist RT if youve ever been fucked over by a girl Actually its not a matter of if but when,sexist Stop totaling cars and get back to the kitchen,sexist Stop trying to prove youre a good driver ladies Who do you think youre fooling,sexist Stop tweeting about love Youre like stfu Youve probably never even seen a penis before,sexist Stop tweeting about your boyfriend No one gives a shit And youre gonna break up in a month anyway,sexist Take off those glasses They arent real you hipster fuck,sexist Teaching a woman to drive is like teaching a rock to swim,sexist Tell me more about your previous boyfriends I really wanna hear about them,sexist The only reason girls go crawling back is because theyre afraid they cant do any better Which is probably true,sexist There are no good songs about positive things girls do Theyre all about how theyve fucked us guys over,sexist There is soo much shit I have to say about how fucked up those creatures with vaginas are But words cant even explain,sexist There was a time in my life when i really enjoyed talking to girls now i hope they all get cancer,sexist This page is dedicated to all the stupid ass shit women do,sexist Vote for question All girls must use birth control Im sick of wearing a rubber,sexist What makes you always think youre right,sexist When a girl just stops talking to you dont sweat it guys you did nothing wrong Girls are just stupid and dont ever know what they want,sexist Whenre I go to a wedding all I can think about is how many times the bride is going to get pounded after the wedding,sexist Why cant girls just tells us how they feel Itll save us guys so much time and effort,sexist Why do girls have to post slutty facebook pictures along with lyrics to a terrible top song Cuz,sexist Why do girls follow me All I do is make fun of them for how dumb they are,sexist Woman are good for one thing having sons,sexist Woman that tell guys I just wanna be single for the summer are just trying to whore around Dont come crying to us guys come Fall,sexist Women are equal and deserve respect Just kidding they should suck my dick,sexist Women are like elephants Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one,sexist Women have a hard time In stores understanding for that means you have to get not or The deal is for,sexist Women only vote for question cuz their best friend is a homo or Chad at the salon told them to,sexist Women ruin everything Look at the movie Ted Everything was fine till That bitch from That s Show fucked it all up,sexist WomenCant live with themCant shoot them,sexist You are so hot but youre a bitch so that cancels out your hotness,sexist You cant drag us in so far if you dont have intentions on a relationship It hurts Alot,sexist You dont go to parties with your significant other You go to parties to try and get other peoples significant others,sexist You dont know what you want,sexist You have a new guy every week I dont even floss that often You have a fucking problem,sexist You pick the guy thats a total douche to you over the one whose good to you Got it Makes perfect sense,sexist You Shut Your Whore Mouth,sexist Your mom was being a bitch to you I totally see how thats my fault,sexist Your mood changes more than the price of gas,sexist Your nose ring looks like a fucking booger Its not cute its trashy,sexist Your slutty Christmas outfits should get you a good likes on instagram,sexist Youre dating such a douche bag omg I just wanna punch YOU in the face for being so stupid Not even him,sexist Youre reading Shades Of Grey How original bitch,sexist Youre ugly Caking on makeup cant fix ugly It just makes it worse,sexist Youve been dating for three days I Love You shouldnt even be in your vocabulary,sexist Loose lips sink ships Tight lips grab dicks,sexist Girls that send me dirty snaps DMs and texts keeping my cock hard all day is the reason I love my life Thanks ya dirty lil sluts,sexist What do you look for in a woman,sexist we have the same bday You should let me fuck your brains out and treat you like a cum dumpster on that day,sexist Obviously Meredith obviously Filthy bitch,sexist and Id rather shove the fat side of a wine bottle up your ass We all have our preferences,sexist If we text and I have a pic of your pussy thats your profile pic in my phone,sexist My dicks name is Curiosity Cause it kills the kat,sexist Whats the polite way to say excuse me but I think I speak for everyone on the boat when I say Id love to make a sloppy mess of your wife,sexist Theres two types of hoes out here,sexist RT RT if youre a cunt,sexist Nobody texts faster than a guy thats about to get some new pussy,sexist Her who TF do you think you are Me,sexist happy birthday ya lil freak I hope you get the spankings you deserve,sexist My dick is like yoga for your vagina Itll leave you nice and stretched out,sexist dont kid yourself good dick runs everything,sexist When its my birthday but youre the one thats getting spanked,sexist Its women like Kathy Griffin that the word cunt is becoming just as popular here as it is in the United Kingdom and Australia,sexist Cunt drowns Children because shesA CUNT Woman who feared deportation drowns baby and year old via,sexist this stupid cunt misspelled the name of the woman for whom shes so concerned,sexist some woman just flipped me off for joining a round about yards in front of her mad cunt,sexist this woman in front of me really needs about xanax shes just told her kid to stop being a cunt lmao,sexist I Love a woman in RED HEELS Big titted mother getting a cunt full of cum,sexist My nan was a cunt and nobody liked her One woman cried at her funeral an,sexist what is a cunt brick is it a brick that it quite very stupid or a brick with woman parts,sexist Dutch woman looking at him like you cunt,sexist sorry for the language but fuck me sideways did this cunt just say that from what i see woman are,sexist Ill never forget the time some woman called me rude for asking if she was alright for everything just cause she was on her phone haha cunt,sexist th This cunt Some poor woman carried a bairn for months for it to pop out an end up doin this shite,sexist Was getting elbowed by a triple chinned cunt with nails like a woman ont train Let a smelly fart out before moving,sexist Woman you husband was right to love his country more then you and died for it What a low life disrespectful cunt I think you are,sexist Id punch that cunt in the fuckin mouth Idgaf if shes a woman,sexist You misspelled cunt Ugly word for an ugly woman that turns on her fellow woma,sexist This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom,sexist Fox News host Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air She is a woman hating woman,sexist you re not going to tell me to say happy birthday to someone that called me a cunt and a slut within the span of minutes,sexist you need pound your wet cunt untill the slut in the mirror cums Post a vid so you can watch it later,sexist what a fucking cunt this slut is also I don t want this to endddd pleaseeeee when is Tuesday gonnaaaaa,sexist DUMB CUNT STEALS FROM MY CAR GO TO HELL SLUT,sexist LOLshut the fuck up ms NEVERWONAFIGHT u a hoe skank slut cunt hypocritical BITCCH,sexist my friend who s a bitch slut shamed one of the girls i work with today because she has a child,sexist I make in a day what u make a month n roll yo pros in a Haitian blunt Take the bitch call wifey n make her slut,sexist Dream Molly is her own person and is ALWAYS a bitch a slut,sexist U sluts get them likes on instagram and think y all the coldest bitch in Detroit,sexist Dont compare your self to me Cause im a bitch and your a slut,sexist U call Im ma bitch such a funny R u never look in mirror so you gonna know that who a bitch or maybe a slut or maybe you are both of theme,sexist So many sluts texted Stephen when we got Lionel our cats look the same Bitch of house cats in the US are domestics stay in your lane,sexist So my mom called me a nasty slut because I got a tattoo lmao that bitch is crazy,sexist The fag stays away and so does that SLUT bitch he proffered as baitthey are both fakes,sexist This bitch is a slut,sexist Says the bitch wit a HAT WEAVE a FULL FACE in her ICON lol fucc outta here you SEWER RAT GUTTER SLUT TRO,sexist dawgg im fr boutta roast this bitch LMFOAOO DONT EVER POST IAN AGAIN U STUPID ASS SLUT,sexist I dont take bitch or slut as an insult,sexist Laugh you bitch when a family member dies we on tweeter get the last laugh you slut,sexist Being rude to you Call u slut or bitch or everything related U rasa putus tunang is the best way ke,sexist post telling how you love hooking up with a filthy slut so you and that whore joke about her manI,sexist Be my whore my slut my bitchy,sexist To the whore who runs your shitshow Go educate yourself as to why acting like a fucking political slut doesn,sexist Cobra didn t do anything Insecure drunken whore ass Lily basically lied manipulated out of anger bc Jr didn t want a slut,sexist I FUCKUNG GET TWEETS FROM FANS IF THAT PIECE OF SHIT WHORE SLUT DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING ABOUT HER NEW SONG FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK,sexist slut derogatory term for a female who will fuck anyone for free whore derogatory term for someone who fucks for money just sayin,sexist almost everyone i ve met says edating at all is being a slut or whore but jumping from person to person is definitely being one mate,sexist Coming onto a status about women sexual assaultharassment to mansplain it and say that not all men are abusive is probs the worst thing,sexist Well thats a personal problem and obv not all men do it Women abuse power as well Not a defense just a fact,sexist Glad not all men are like that and sad some women are like this,sexist now what i can say not all men are trash maybe the woman who said it itself is trash,sexist The Im such a feminist niggas will Not all men you to death LMAO,sexist not all men are trash but if you always pick the ones who are trash or treat you like trash then ya you ll learn to hate them for sure,sexist Not all men need female warden to rule his life and make him miserable I get you th,sexist the reason that fucking skank ass cunt lied about me was to cover up her shaking my kid and being in on fucking up lawsuit,sexist LMFAO you trying hard hun You your skank friend can t reach to me my girls level bitch bye,sexist Still waiting on a favorite for me to inbox you about blablah from some bitch i dont know You got my favorite dumb skank wheres my DM,sexist This bitch has been with guys since Phil s death but a skank,sexist Disgusting and bitch you are NO ROCK STAR YOU are a no class skank,sexist If I aint meet her I ont like her shut the fuck up bitch no one fucking like you skank ass as it is hoe,sexist MONIKA WAS RIGHT RIGHT ABOUT WHAT WHAT DID THAT FUCKING BITCH ASS THOT MOTHERFUCKING HO ASS SKANK SAY TO YOU,sexist ive seen this skank thot basic bitch IG trash before Her videos are the worst Such a prostitute,sexist Yeah well I didnt suck dick for tips you dirty skank Yes you did you lonely miserable BITCH its called fucking ALIMONY,sexist One minute you re a spooky little witch bitch and then the next you re an angelic skank singing Oh Holy Night HAHA,sexist What s up bitch ass bitches and skank ass skanks,sexist This bitch needs to get a life already jobless skank go do something productive,sexist i don t want a loyal bitch i want a skank hoe who will suck another niggas dick in my be,sexist keep lisa and jisoo out of your dirty mouth ugly skank ass bitch deactivate delete go get a life stay away from bla,sexist I will quit a job in a heart beat that has a problem with me calling off due to an emergency Fuck you and your bitch ass momma Skank,sexist you low life scum pathetic deprave pile of shit maggots like i said that brainless skank bitch shouldve died,sexist Everyone hates chelsea whore skank,sexist What a skank whore she is I see shes wearing Al Sharptons pimp hat she must be one of his Hos,sexist MegynKelly is skank Whore paid for what Only thing left to watch on anymore is SNL More truth to them t,sexist I get suspended at least every other day But you still see that skank whore Chelsea Handler still tweeting away,sexist I FUCKING TOLD YOU SKANK WHORE SLUTS LISTEN TO MS SERIOUSLY,sexist I could say so much more so keep your skank of a mouth closed you little whore or things will only get worse for you,sexist she is our skank we r her guys we can fuck her that way she amost say please treat my like a whore honey,sexist Would you want to be labeled a woman beater for the rest of your life by some crazy skank who s pissed,sexist Why any DECENT woman would think this skank should be st female potus is beyond m,sexist If u walk away from a down ass woman for a skank then u deserve what u get U can t turn a how into a house wife so,sexist In class today Girl next to me I hate how every girl dressed like a skank for Halloween Guy in front of me turns IT WAS AMAZING,sexist Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble Not happening love I show my girl every message a girl sends me,sexist The girl is late on her house payment Quick buck for the skank,sexist Musika you are a awful person You or Skank want to be ugly ho I dont know what the fuck youre wearing,sexist You are a LIAR and a FLOP you skank hoe Even Netflix doesnt want you LMAO,sexist first words i hear from another human today shut up you skank ass whore world mik,sexist WHACKS AGAIN Bitch no the fuck you dont you damn skank,sexist Why would you call a feminist who does lesbian vampire porn a skank,sexist Skank you are already in the streets Make my money whore,sexist Youre a skank You are more skilled at shoplifting than trying to be witty,sexist Fuck you you fuckin skank WHAT DID YOU SAY I said I can t wait to own a fishing tank,sexist So you just want money skank,sexist Hey American skank are you illiterate,sexist But you probably mind the white guys you racist anti white skank,sexist Omg Megyn is a skank You have that right,sexist Hey skank you wanna take a huge step back before we have to get everyone on your,sexist Laying in my bed telling me not to suck your cock cause it smelled we know why it was up some skanks arse before you came to mine,sexist Slut Whore Floozy Harlot Skank Pick whatever word you want and keep the sa,sexist ATTN JOY REID YOU AWFUL WOMAN ARE A COMPLETE SKANK YOU DISGUST EVERYONE YOU ARE MARKED YOU FILTHY IDIOT,sexist Maybe this is what you wanted What a gross skank Ever hear of a pocket Better,sexist Give it a rest you fugly skank,sexist Why don t you crawl back in your hole skank,sexist WHO ARE YOOUU This is not mario kart You are no princess peach Get your skank ass up out my lane or I take you off the goddamn road,sexist STFU YOU SKANK U want this to happen,sexist Geez should have expect the unexpected I just happen to forget to foresee what a mouth of skank you have,sexist It kinda sounds like you run a house of skank over there Mags stinks and dogs getting into the Halloween candy,sexist Darla you trifling skank,sexist Die in a fire you fucking skank,sexist Did you finally dump that annoying skank You should give Erin another go,sexist Oh wow what a ugly skank you are,sexist Youre a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and youre bussin a skank you lot,sexist Stupid Skank,sexist He s gonna win in too you stupid nasty skank,sexist You are a stupid idiot F U NASTY TRASY SKANK,sexist She a nasty skank Hoe who would Fuck her wolf pussy anyway,sexist It s too much loose pussy in the world to be raping bitches Literally some of these skanks goin on sight,sexist Find it hysterical that a bitch cant talk shit on me until she moves awayscared,sexist But last nightttttttttttttttttthat bitch was confusing the hell out of mewhen I had a fucking hysterical caller,sexist It s hysterical how much you bitch and complain over something so stupid Don t have to catch an attitude every fuckin seconds,sexist that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical,sexist always trying to wear the pants in the family,sexist Correction HUGH if true,sexist Sometimes all you have to do is just let out the rope,sexist Hollywood glorifying being a slut mom You never have to grow up,sexist If you really believe that maybe,sexist could you try this on for me,sexist Before fighting rape culture we need to take care of those poor men who feel hurt by women complaining about rape,sexist Perhaps its true that are sexual predators but all women are potential prey,sexist ok if is bad Next time I hear that a girl cheated Ill assume that women are systemically pr,sexist is legitimatly telling you men dont rape because of some urge You need to watch zootopia and pay at,sexist fuckin butch ass cunt motherfucker bitch lick my foot,sexist Dear Akkorou Bitch ass nigga cunt on a stick fuck shit bitch kike small cocked cunt Love Dj Rits,sexist fuck you thats my fucking boy bitch ass cunt ready to fight,sexist i convince myself that im not a bad person and then call an old lady a stupid cunt bitch for biking in the road,sexist RIDICULOUS CUNT WOMEN DO IT IN AND OUT OF MARRIAGES THE WEAK BITCHES WHAT DO U C,sexist If only I could get out and beat the cunt that just hit my car with fucking kids in itcops are fucking looking for you bitch TVB,sexist Bitch fuck shit cunt who Okayyy,sexist fat cunt ass bitch burn in hell,sexist Fuck you ugly cunt bitch dont get smacked,sexist LEMINIS STOP TRAINING ITS TIME TO GET RIPPED hashtag THIS CUNT BITCH literally fuck that,sexist I need someone to watch the tv show atypical on Netflix and talk to me about how much of a dummy cunt bitch the mom is in it please,sexist Fucking cunt bitch has learned nothing from the election,sexist also keep my name out of ur hoe ass mouth I literally refer to u only as cunt and bitch,sexist I Want Some Cunt Ass Bitches To Be Spice Girls W Me This Year,sexist Fuck you Noot Noot Harime fucking fashion cunt tailor cunt looking bug as eye looking no arm be having bitch,sexist This ignorant cunt bitch bout people hate her cus she s lightskinno We hate you cus you are a man,sexist hey bitch stop selling yourself to run cunt run,sexist come tell this bitch to get in the fucking sea Please Before I cunt punch her,sexist U fucking cunt bitch,sexist FUCKING FUCK SHIT PISS MOTHERFUCKING BITCH TIT CUNT FUCKING SLUT,sexist Bitches better stop wearing bonnets in public Put a fucking hat on if you re a lazy cunt like me That s what I do,sexist god fucking shit cunt dammit bitch pretentious cock sucker I dropped my ice cream,sexist This town is going to change all right those old cunt bitches are right about that but theyre not going to see the benefit of it,sexist you dumb cunt you trick and year old virgins into giving you money you fucking bitch kys honest,sexist FUUUCCKK ASS BITCH CUNT FART I CANT BELIEVE IT,sexist Ur the bitch motherfucker Nasa is sick with what I call attention seeking cunt disorder,sexist Unprecedented Right up that bitches alley Not like the cunt hasnt gone behind her leader before,sexist Just look at her facesorry women but look up CUNT and you will see this bitch face If ever a woman to get punched JS,sexist Then this Mein Kunt Bitch talks about respecting soldiers thats why all that its bS His racist ass i,sexist if them bitches take a pic with Bey which i highly doubt i will forever shut my whore mouth,sexist Bitches love arguing with me on Instagram K Michelle is a whore so let s stop,sexist yall aint shit first of all Idk why u think u some new bitch lmao u still that same old whore no one likes,sexist Nextworking from whore houses coding with bitches for future augmented reality sex apps,sexist I love you First of all bitch we all know that s a lie with your whore mouth and your floppy wiener,sexist sup bitch yo be fuxking care ful i find out ur touching my man ima find you be scared whore be fuxking scared,sexist bitch ass whore ass motherfucker,sexist Ahh That s What I Get For Being A Whore Now All These Bitches Wanna Talk,sexist Bitch people in petsmart are looking at me like I m a crack whore,sexist YOU WHORE STANKING ASS WHORE Dick SUCKING ASS WHORE WIT BITCH,sexist I want a bitch or whore or pig come to me now kik mishalcoors,sexist shut the fuck up bitch don t talk to greek like that you whore go on chaturbate you dickhead,sexist Have fun fucking your whore you asshole in red lip stick with a smiley face lolol what a bad bitch,sexist dont fucking facetune me you fat bitch whore phone,sexist fuckin not even a cup like fuckin negative d cup whore flat chested bitch,sexist You a Bitch an a whore you make us look stupid bitc well u look stupid rn lmaodjdh,sexist Bitches are annoying you still letting him fuck u whore and he don t fw you quit flexin on here,sexist Ugh I love Briana even thou that bitch can drive me crazy I ll always love that whore,sexist fucking take that stupid bitch FILTHY whore nobody will love you fuck you idgaf if ur pregnant ill kill u go ahead call the cops nobody wi,sexist When people hear your name its all some crazy thot nasty bitch Whore shit,sexist Sorry bitch I ll be a WHORE any damn day over that shit gtfoh,sexist erasing prominent women and MILLIONS of female supporters to bitch about ONE man,sexist Maybe most women generally get along with each other really well because we dont have to deal with weird ass bitch,sexist Some women will goto war for their nigga I will leave your ass dead ass hanging I ll never go towar with another bitch,sexist Men say women are crazy but then message them times call them a bitch cry about being friend zoned,sexist That reign bitch is hot as fuck why am I being attacked by beautiful women,sexist Don t trust this lying bitch let s see if any of the other nude women in the lineup come forward she ll do,sexist I need to detach destress from work right now because the way these privileged white women are on full bitch mode,sexist PREYING ON WOMEN IS A BITCH TENDENCY,sexist Darlington Rape Verdict Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a bitch country,sexist if ur ugly women who interacted with kriss before this u deserve to have ur GI tract rammed through with a hot iron stake u smug bitch,sexist Y all expect women to settle for trash treatment and then call them riders when they do so the bitch is lonely and insecure not a rider,sexist Why don t you want kids Every women should want kids First of all bitch not w this president and our economy,sexist i ve seen so many people on facebook get mad at men for posting because it s for women only BITCH anyone can be sexually assaulted,sexist down bitch That s what women do Provide for her man and put his head towards God when he have doubts I love you,sexist no its for women who are being a fucking bitch,sexist i have diarrhea that smells better THAN u spook nigger coon cunt pig whore and fuck ur faggoty ass hat bitch dyke twat retard,sexist I miss u bUT ALSO FUCK U CUNT WHORE BITCH,sexist ALSO PRETTY SURE YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE A PSYCHOTIC CUNT TO YOUR EX WHEN YOURE THE TRIFLING ASS WHORE WHO CHEATED IN THE ST PLACE,sexist NOTHING BUT A MONEY GRUBBING RUSSIAN CUNT WHORE,sexist this doesn t apply to you but I hate you and your leo cunt twat whore kin,sexist you stupid cunt bitch All women aren t stupid but all women who think like you are Whore,sexist All the men who catcall on the street I wish I could personally shove back up their moms whore cunt,sexist shypakiwife brutal whore degrader Use that fucking cunt What she s good for I always do,sexist You are very whore and your cunt enjoys it,sexist They still makn dak out be a homewreakn whore and jamie a cheatn cunt sad sad ppl unlike the,sexist Youre deffo gone You called someone a dumb whore cunt the other day,sexist God is dead Jesus is a cunt and the Virgin Mary was a whore,sexist What a dumb cunt of daughter Social Media addicted whore,sexist bitch text me and why tf you ain t text me back yesterday WHORE,sexist Ewk man this bitch be with mad whores,sexist I dont have time for you whores bitch cant you tell I only spend time with money thats because she pays me well,sexist Yeah bitch thats where you deserve my CUM,sexist She s not only a bitch but she s also a whore She s always touching her friends boobs too which is gross,sexist I luv a classy bitch but still might fuck a bad whore,sexist biiiitch lil biddy whores doofus bitch im eat my ass,sexist WELP Bitch IM JUST NOW FUCKING SEEING DUMB WHORE,sexist In my lifetime Ive called some women whores a bitch a dirty boy a hoe open up the pussy store Pimp C,sexist This kid too much of a bitch even do shit on his own Hes gotta get some stupid ass whores to do his shit for him,sexist ctfu tell that bitch dont be snitching she got caught whore,sexist The bitch done had a baby shower in McDonalds loud forgive the lil whores u made,sexist LMAO BITCH I DID DROP YOU And Im texting other niggas too youre not special whore,sexist keep calling her a bitch and a whore dude real grown up,sexist Heard thats ur bitch but that lil whore a bopper,sexist sometimes i wish we werent cousins cs ur a bitch butttt i love u whore youre only young once but immature for a,sexist fuck you u a fucking whore Lil bitch I dont even like u tbh,sexist These whores woke me up out of my sleep Ima be mad as a bitch in the morning waking up for work,sexist Since u r a pathetic self claimed pseudo analyst don t bark before you r a bit clear on the subject Bitch cum whore,sexist Anyways the big boobed bitch was also a lowkey whore but nobody knew except our mutual friend who had also told me what she had done,sexist And most the women they whores Hollywood or not lesbian or not young old ugly or not married or not they got five men for reasons,sexist From why did i shag at fucking whore at kid is a mistake en the mis stake its self obviously we burnt a few innocent women thank them whores,sexist Stop embarrass Media Women u r media WHORE,sexist women admit to moral sex Whore,sexist Your a crack whore look in the mirror complete trash you are you make women yourself and the great s,sexist women always blame men for everything How about not dressing like a whore,sexist Some women are aggressive promiscuous whores but all women must try harder not to make men feel uncomf,sexist Putting women on pedestals Gen Kelly is why women are abused We dont fall neatly into the madonnawhore categories Were people FFS,sexist This is the reason women in Hollywood are treated like whores If it looks like a whore and,sexist this your whore you going to marry and lie to me about will never marry women who show body to public,sexist These women just whore themselves out,sexist It s amazing how women with whore tendencies think they can solve a God s cypher You wish bitch I bet those feet are like homeless toes,sexist Many women aren t innocent Megyn is an attention whore who lies to keep herself relevant,sexist His mama is a whore Smh the BLATANT DISRESPECT for women of color who hold political seats is appalling,sexist You believe in God lolheaven help u if I ever get a passport kunt,sexist You lieing kunt,sexist Worse i have proof A picture i took of you and one you took of me on the same night Useless ungreatful kunt,sexist Tina you willfully ignorant somnabulist kunt have a beer,sexist Fuck the bitch that works at BK She wouldn t take my order stupid CUNT,sexist In my culture thats a way of saying Suck a dick you bitch punk cunt,sexist CNN U SHOULD B ASHAMED U ROTTEN DIRTY BITCH MAKE FUN OF SOMEONES DISABILITY U UGLY CUNTI hope someone breaks ur legs,sexist NAMES BITCH AND ILL END THAT CUNT,sexist Ugh fucking bitch ass cunt Cheeto ass looking bitch,sexist the next song tried to play but bitch I aint over fire away yet give me a minute to recover cunt,sexist Only do much a man can take Fuckin bitch cunts,sexist Fucking bitch sarah fucking lying cunt,sexist to all those cunts who see my tweets and don t like or comment can suck my ass exept those couple peeps but bitch you know who you are,sexist Some cunt at Walmart went full psycho on me saying how she had no fucking space to put her shit bitch ur taking up the entire conveyor belt,sexist Bitch had the NERVE to leave the fucking box in the mail room you fucking cunt bitch fuck,sexist THAT SHIT ENDED A LONG TIME AGO BITCH ASS CUNT,sexist oomf SGUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE FUCKIN CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO FUCKING SAY STUPID BITCH ASS CUNT GO SUCK YOUR UGLYASS BOYF DICK,sexist LAUREL A CUNT AS BITCH FOR ABORTING IDFK IF SHE REALLY DID BUT SHE TOLD HER DAD SO IM FUCKIN LIVIDDDDD,sexist bonnie is a sneaky cunt bitch and she probably has something to do with whatever happened to laurels baby,sexist And calling someone a stupid lying cunt or a hatful bitch isnt bullying Hun Im real ya see thats t,sexist Bitch please I bet the cunts wont even bother,sexist She is a filthy whore cunt Didnt change her own name when she got married but,sexist Why is thos racisthomophobic whore getting so much success all of the sudden Like go away ugly cunt,sexist YOU MEXI SHITMOUTH UGLY A BIH GO FUCK A DEAD DOG YOU TRANNY WHORE CUNT REDSKIN PEICE OF SHIT LEAVE AMER TO AMER WHORE,sexist Ive never been more ashamed to be a former democrat than I am now Fuck u Hillary you stupid ass bitch whore cunt bitch,sexist fuck shit cunt bastard whore wanker,sexist Oh btw just to offend the femalesss CUNT CUNT CUNT WHORE CUNT WHORE SLUT BITCHSLUT FEMINISTSHIT,sexist fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly ily,sexist pineapplecity dogwhoreowner Stupid cunt that s what the filthy whore deserves That s how all Men,sexist Women are all harassed And its also all men unless we prove other wise Youre a clueless cunt,sexist To the women who s just sold the house she d agreed to sell to me you re a cunt You can go to hell,sexist Meanwhile the same women need only to be Not fat Not a cunt And cant even pull that off,sexist Another dried up liberal cunt willing to look the other way while hollywoods powerful abuse women,sexist Why do women use them being on their period as a excuse to be a cunt You had it since you were you can t control yourself,sexist All women deserve an opinion and have the right to you on the other hand my dear are a cunt who d,sexist You sound hysterical and in need of some psychotropic medication Calm down its not that serious,sexist You see a lot of hysterical feminists on social media but this one takes the cake,sexist You seem hysterical,sexist You stupid dumbass You are a hysterical little girl,sexist Im sick of this bullshit Fucking hysterical media hysterical feminists pussy fake conservatives Come asteroids come,sexist Says man who suggested an actress reported an historic rape to gain more work youre a fully paid up cunt,sexist God I hate that dumb cunt with her shitty music and feminism meanwhile her country is the rape capital of Europe,sexist Lifers wouldnt rape this sour faced cunt,sexist Did that cunt bag just blame victims for the way they dress andor act,sexist I m pretty sure rape is overly sexual why don t you shut the fuck up and stop being such an ignorant little cunt,sexist Good English you dumb cunt slober on my nob u Jew if you were playing I would fucking rape you cunt,sexist Fake rape bitch is still crying LOL so upset he didn t get the attention he wanted Got your address btw little ra,sexist My kids ugly Bitch you look like the rape sloth,sexist So triggered its ok snowflake you are the only bitch here typical redneck inbred rape sup,sexist You are the dumbest bitch Ive seen Ill rape you and Ill Tell you to man up afterwords how would u feel after that,sexist Hillary Harvey Weinstein Clinton One was raping vulnerable woman and the old bitch was planning to rape America,sexist how u gonna talk about how men r trash and rape culture but u out here laughing abt a girl u hated in high school getting raped bitch fuck u,sexist Bitch on the left won t be smiling Let them in Hawaii It will be rape Island,sexist I never understood why anybody waits to say they got raped smh rape me bitch I m snitching soon as you leave fuck boy,sexist Idc if I m the last or first I m tired of seeing you complain and bitch and that whole rape,sexist Nutting inside a bitch is rape,sexist Only bitch ass fuckers rape women,sexist This bitch crazy he saying its cool to rape,sexist Its sad cause what if she was telling the truth about rape it should still be investigated but the bitch is crazy lol,sexist Rape a pregnant bitch call IT threesome,sexist I am displeased w what this bitch said about what rape is,sexist No one fucking assumes rape is gonna happen you stupid lil bitch,sexist Rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome is the smartest lyric I ve heard in a while,sexist bitch that was same rape case from last year try again,sexist yall females be complaining about rape and sexual harrassment bitch men get sexually harrassed too,sexist White Bitch it s you I wanna rape and fill with my cum and let you full of my load on the ground my b,sexist they gave the name of the bitch that was your mother and told me to rape her to have you,sexist Double standards for females in this world is outta controlnext older bitch fuck me Im screaming out rape Idc,sexist Wanna pull up this bitch panties rape her ass while she s shouting trying to run away and finally I d,sexist you seem like the type to have a rape kink ummmm well ok bitch,sexist I cant fucking believe yall call this rape bitch wtf,sexist I know my avenues like the seven agnostics both hot and fuckin rape laurens ass that bitch right der,sexist I was going to like this comment then saw your profile pic of a bitch who attacked rape victims o,sexist I want this stupid bitch out of my head Ive never even liked her lmao I just basically want to rape her,sexist So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with,sexist Remember this the same bitch that was on FOX news saying rape culture was an attack on young men Its her pussy be,sexist If Superman were real rn I would make his bitch ass spin around the earth or threaten to rape Lois Lane lol I would go that far for cod lol,sexist Tryin to send that bitch back to her maker and if you got a daughter older than Ima rape her Take her right there in front of you DMX,sexist Rape charges isn t the way to get revenge you fuckin dumb bitch You gonna get ya self locked up Ya boy GOT THE PLUG,sexist This bitch dead flipped a tweet to about rape for attention I done really seen it all,sexist Naw depends if he rape fam thats a dub if its a random bitch he a whole dicchead but i stand by em right or wrong,sexist lemme ride prison rape bitch im your moms a hoe,sexist RIGHT then she goes oh i had sex with frank poor baby ahahah NO BITCH if that aint rape i dont know what is,sexist Why tf is Wendy s rapping on twitter get yo ass back in the kitchen before I rape that lil bitch in your profile pic,sexist Bitch shut cho emo ass up before I rape you,sexist rin is a big abusive whore and a bitch but shinji is allowed to commit incestual rape for over a decade,sexist So now because of this bitch girls are going to think they can bargain their way out of a rape instead of fighting,sexist I want a bitch who gone rape me when she feening for the dick,sexist This comes from a rape whore who forced sharia down the throats of her constituents,sexist Jennifer Lawrence perfect example of fake ass whore calling rape,sexist And if you think some whore blowing a guy to get a part in a movie is rape,sexist you mean she still has morals after what we put her through Lets rape her give her herpes and call her a fame whore to everyone,sexist Kys tryna step to Oculr Are you dumb blud I will rape your sister and analy Destroy your slutty whore mum,sexist I dont think this fat whore could even get sex from rape,sexist is acting like a whore who incites people to rape her in order to use it as a victim card and earn relevance,sexist This isnt rape or anything like it This a crude pass This is not rape culture ITS WHORE CULTURE,sexist angry Democrat women swarm Hollywood to protest rampant rape misogyny and sexism Oh wait Ne,sexist Well when men get too distracted by women in sexy clothes they re forced to catcall grope and rape Maybe try that,sexist I hate when other women drink the Kool Aid Sexual assault and rape is about power and control Tha,sexist beautiful women and handsome men are less likely to be admonished by women for their advances However by empowering anti rape,sexist thatfatesbitch early echoes sucks fates is better thatfatesbitch end of women have a rape kink so you cant say its bad,sexist Women lie all the time about rape It shocks me that when Hollywood women get old unwanted rape and,sexist Thank you for admitting there is only evidence of women falsely accusing rape,sexist cents Yawl thinking this woman lied on Nelly is still apart of the problem Now yes sometimes people do lie about rape,sexist Fuck woman who make false accusations of rape You are a piece of poop,sexist Yeah like looking at a woman when she doesnt want you to thats rape right,sexist Rape is an inhuman offensive thing but the woman should knows where and how to dress because not e,sexist Ps on the flip side EVERY WOMAN WHO CRIES rape AS A WAY TO BE PETTY OR REVENGE YOURE THE PROBLEM,sexist Her husband hardly raped a woman his affair was consensual not fucking rape you stupid stupid girl,sexist Going to be where no one will leave the house or even look at a woman because she will claim rape,sexist Fuck you Mrs may you cunt had enough of your weasel face just find a hole and die in it please,sexist What do you think they sprouted out of holes in the ground Quit being a disrespectful cunt towards your grandpa,sexist isnt it just fkn dyno when one of ur best pals turns oot to b a wee snake like off u go slither back ur hole ya sly cunt x,sexist some cunt tagged my mom s house reason I m leaving this shit hole for good,sexist And then some bent cunt turns up for a flyerlast time on this shit hole,sexist As long as I live I will be a Masculine Male with balls There wont make women or eunuchs out of us,sexist SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB WHORE,sexist Here I share pic about Men over women dominant relationships,sexist If YOU fuck the rapist then its not rape,sexist Are you actually advocating making up claims of rape for personal gain That s pretty vile,sexist reminds me of the annoying bitch cunt from school that first touches you and when you give it back accuses you of assault,sexist In each and EVERY of these rape cases it was some woman trying to be more than she is and none of the women deserved awards Give them up,sexist Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too,sexist Women want u to automatically believe women who scream rape they dont understand our position,sexist This has nothing to do with politics it goes with women who keep saying theres a rape culture when theres actually rape accusation culture,sexist Glad to see still pushing the idea that the girl wasnt a rape victim Always encouraging t,sexist How many women sucked dick to further their career I bet there are plenty,sexist stop skin out your hole and then you will see a man treat you like a women u want to be treated,sexist pepperspray or smth if you dont protect yourself dont be surprised if u get raped like bitch maybe just teach men not to rape women,sexist last time I checkedno one had rape charges filed with the policesoooothese whoresie women are lying,sexist You wore the yoga pants on purpose You know us guys are gonna stair so stop getting all pissy,sexist WHAT some of these BITch Part starlets promote to young is worse than rape it is rape of young minds What goes around comes around,sexist Then dont be a whore and open your legs for everyone and not fuck everyone you want and magically youll prevent getting an STD,sexist Cause she aint got no solid proof Im convinced any girl that tries to file a rape case on a celebrity its for money,sexist If your body is female you cant identify your way out of rape Rapists dont care,sexist go fuck yourself you stupid ugly cunt,sexist you hos STILL not allowed to speak on eesh in my presence ill beat yo ass girl lol dont get it fucked up,sexist You a lying hoe,sexist SHUT UP THE FUCK YOU SLUT,sexist STFU with that stupid rape culture retardation,sexist We better not ever have a woman president,sexist Stop tweeting about football Youre a girl and you opinion doesnt count,sexist YES YOU DO GO TO BED HOE,sexist FUCK YOU STUPID BITCH,sexist Fires back hoe ass bitch with a big ass forehead I knowwwwww,sexist I hate a bitch that take everything to serious like damn play along sometimes you dumb hoe,sexist Just want me a down bitch all these hoes out here on some other shit,sexist If ya bitch ass didn t wish me a happy Birthday then don t ever hit me up again You re trash Yes I am talking about you hoe,sexist next bitch that cheat on me getting pimped out you wanna be a hoe bout shit so we gon make this money,sexist Hoe you watching I suggest you keep watching When a bitch aint seen none yet,sexist Fa Real Desperate Ass Hoe A Fat Bitch And A Real Skinny Bitch How,sexist starbucks cashier ur name me johanis on the cuphoehines meyes bitch yes im a hoe fmu,sexist why do you miserable hoes be so worried abt the next bitch wha they got going on,sexist HAPPY MF BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY FAVORITES HOES turn up bitch I wish you many many more,sexist No bitch you a hoe,sexist A nigga can be like good morning beautiful and y all hoes would screenshot and say This nigga so creepy omg bitch fuck you your morning,sexist I be curving ALL da hoes niggas try to put me on SOO much dat they don t een tell me when a bitch want me no mo,sexist tf yall hoes so mad bc a bitch in harms way everyday for,sexist I dont care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel,sexist Sis she a hating ass hoe I ll slap that bitch,sexist BITCH TEXT ME,sexist The only hoe I trust is that bitch Nina,sexist We have to slap a bitch made hoe ass foo we gon make it look sessy hahaha,sexist What a hoe and a bitch nigga,sexist Why tf these hoes be hoein while pregnant Bitch you cant get a regular ass job for months or what Smdh,sexist Hoes try to hide anything on the social bitch we kno u got Thot Teeth,sexist My bitch of a sister really be tripping over dumb ass hoe Got me fucked up,sexist That bitch dont love you fr bro these hoes be lying,sexist This bitch always want us to do work that ain t even for a grade Hoe a bitch don t do this for our health,sexist Bitch you dont know my mf life Ill see you when I do hoe,sexist Let me show and prove it what these hoes ain t doing let a real bitch do it,sexist i don t have a finsta bc im not a hoe first of all BITCH i saw u tequila shots deep w your shirt off at that frat party friday,sexist This bitch scrolled through my shit gave me like lol petty ass hoes,sexist I just want all your attention babe stop seeing these other hoes first of all bitch I m legally blind,sexist Hoe be like I m cut from a different cloth first of all you re a napkin bitch,sexist WHAT YOU SAY BITCH NIGGA HOE,sexist Dont fix yo mouth to say whatchu gone do I told that hoe bitch u know ion play that,sexist im so trill ur hoe cant handle it but damn that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk,sexist I tweeted one day I hate broke hoes w rich bitch mouths and now all the lil Houston s tweeting that shit,sexist Trynna look like a bad bitch with a side of hoe for homecoming,sexist bitch just called me her fuck buddy I told the bitch I aint no hoe smh,sexist First of all bitch fuck u second of all we BOTH hoes,sexist i wan no bitch till iknow she gone stay down fa me kus all these hoes doin dicks ian goin for it,sexist go talk to your other hoes first of all bitch you re the only one i talk to,sexist Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes Theyre mad fun and nastyyy,sexist Now All These Hoes Talking Bout THEY NEED A GUCCI BITCH BE YOSELF,sexist Hoes think just cause they dont reply it means theres no answerno consequences Lmao BITCH no reply means you guilty as shit,sexist This trashy whore gold digger at again trying be something that makes her think shes good ughhh not happening hoe bag pos,sexist Im just tweetin ion want no hoes why you dmn me lil whore,sexist Men really don t care being called a hoe or whore Shit don t bother us,sexist hoe hoe hoe girl you know youre just another whore,sexist Ok hoe or whore you choose sweetie,sexist i cannot allow my folks to cuff no whore not a good look fuck allat turn a hoe into a house wife shit,sexist Dont you hate how girls just Whore around because they never got daddys attention And so they have to interfere in relationships hoe,sexist your just a dirty fuckin whore u got all this chat about me go suck ur fuckin mum u disgusting lil hoe say suttin,sexist She blocked me lmao well fuck you and your whore of a friend you re lame and you re a fake ass bitch Later hoe,sexist Wow that hoes aint shit You deserve better dan that ugly whore brother,sexist Aint nobody stabbed your ass in the back hoe We just all saw how much of an attention whore and fake bitch that you actually are,sexist If she dressed like a hoe in the cold she a real Whore,sexist He must be so proud of his cam whore oh please let her continue to be a hoe a role model gtfo,sexist Aye youre a fucking whore dont fucking speak to me again u fuckin peacock fake ass hoe,sexist Get ready to see all the hoe bunnies slut kitties and whore mice post themselves on this Halloween night,sexist Can t even date or talk to a girl who is an attention whore on social media What makes you think ima date or talk to a hoe in real life,sexist Whatever hoe it is it is still a hoe And yu r still a WHORE,sexist My new hoe why the whore label im gonna call million dollars whores records labe and get mind,sexist I knew bobby shmruda respected women when he said if you aint a hoe get up out my traphouse Legendary,sexist I can t live my life based on what women find attractive Lmao every single one of you hoes can suck my dick,sexist But a women cheats and parties She a hoe leave her ass The double standardamazing,sexist She degraded dark skin women and the LGBTQ community that hoe is cancelled for life,sexist Hazel e is a joke Girl you bashing dark skin women who all look better than you Wack ass hoe,sexist Female Logic I HAVE to go through my hoe phase before I can become a real women and be in a relationship,sexist I want women to have equal rights unless you don t fit my exact definition of how a woman should be then you re a hoe,sexist She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao,sexist Fuck hoes a bitch ain t nothin women be trippin bruh,sexist I thought you had to fuck different guys to be a hoe so that explains why women fine someone better but still,sexist can grown women stop glorifying being a hoe yall dont realize the influence on the young bitches,sexist Most women that Know me just said now eric you Know you dont have no inner hoe im much of a gentleman but i know my hoe is deep down,sexist Blac Chyna is straight trash and an abomination to women everywhere Don t me cause I don t care Hoe responsibly bitches,sexist Ill have bitches on bitches and I will be a god But damn women are hoes,sexist A hoe wants attention a women wants respect,sexist All women aren t hoes correction,sexist When a lot of the women on here changed from themselves into hoe tweeters,sexist Oh so when a man sleeps with lots of women hes cool but when a woman sleeps with lots of men shes a hoe YES,sexist It s like women can t wait to be a hoe when the relationship ends,sexist Imagine as a parent giving birth to a hoe like Shamiso who gives out her pussy for cash SO to women who work hard for their own things,sexist You call it whatever you want You praise hoes and and women in the wrong moral leaf and attack men in generalshame on you bitch,sexist I call them a whale ass hoe I was told bc everyone envies skinny women,sexist And I was cool with both guys shows you women are sneaky and aint shit just like Niggas Always knew my baby mama was a hoe,sexist I wonder if rick will make another deal with those crazy ass women and if that crazy ass nigga will actually hoe Daryl again,sexist rape is bad but alota hoes be lying bout that shit women are crazy dawg will fuck ya life up be careful,sexist She s actually a clown They should sue her for being a fucking dumb cunt and falling down the hole nearly squashing the winners,sexist It will always be ready and hard for you to bring your holes and beat it with your cunt and ass,sexist ur cunt would be so wet as I fucked ur slut holes x,sexist Hello cunt hole Doh be on me saddis I ll buss yuh face,sexist if this big troglodyte bitch texts my man again im going to put bullet holes into your knee caps i dont fight big white bitches they dogs,sexist HILLARY U BITCH SHUT YOUR HOLE RE THE COMFORT AS U R A CAREER CRIMINAL MY DEAR HOW ABOUT THE MILL,sexist THAT BITCH MUST HAVE A STRONG BACK SHE CANT STOP DIGGING THE HOLE SHES IN JESUS HILLA M,sexist Your bitch a true thot had to let her go like a cool cop shoot u and put a hole in ur head like a juice box,sexist bitch i live in another country and you just live in mgs hole,sexist That s so rude bitch tell them to go back into their hole,sexist U nothing but another pussy hole bitch get used to it,sexist okay bitch fuck off it s not your business fall in a hole and get anal fucked by satan s horn BITCH,sexist Yall want sex to be some kinda spiritual rabbit hole soooo bad Just finished Her Im hungry You Me too bitch d,sexist Sheesh RT Bitch i wana enter every hole that you got,sexist Lmfao weaaak Coming from the bitch that aint got pictures Go back to your hole,sexist oh you dirty bitch me and my friends are going to fuck all your holes till you cant take no more,sexist Watching the ALCS from my moms basement is truly a pleasure Crawl back into your hole weak ass bitch,sexist must be a bitch to eat with the fabric getting in the way of the cake hole,sexist Bitch Biggs ass hole,sexist Bitch keep my name out your mouth worry about that loose hole of yours,sexist Let s Put This Lil Corny Bitch In A Hole And Throw Cheetos At Her,sexist Nah that bitch sucking ass hole and you vibinFuck outta here young rainbow,sexist How does a wretched ugly BITCH show joy at being a wretched bitch Wilson crawl into ur hole disappear,sexist if before yall start comin me like DASS ESSPENSIVE bitch until u watch a mile in my shoes THERE IS LITERALLY HOLES youll understand,sexist You Stupid Wanna Be Bitch Go Back To Your Hole,sexist Her Gucci is a Real Men he married is girl First of all that was Clone Gucci so bitch that hole shit was fake,sexist Your a bitch who needed to shut his hole,sexist Now how this bitch gonna fart and not say excuse me but stink up the hole check out lane,sexist they deadass digging a hole for themselves fat bitch loose weight,sexist listen i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes,sexist Sometimes you just gotta stick a key hole in that bitch and chug,sexist I just need one kitty one butt hole to lick one person to be my NUMBER ONE FAN support me I just need a bitch to be my peace just ONE,sexist Help us all The Bitch is back I checked the hole she went in and covered it up,sexist This old bitch needs to go out to pasture Dig a hole too racist,sexist old person did you buy that shirt with holes in it me yes it s called fashion bitch look it up,sexist fuck you you bitch hole,sexist A bitch out of the hell hole,sexist DM daddy Show me what your doing to your little wet whore holes Show daddy how nasty of a slu,sexist Crawl back in your hole youre nothing but a fame whore tv judge,sexist the master bedroom curtisn at crednhill park are wide open like a hooker three holes as clare is a slag slut tart whore slag slut like,sexist Sorry the old sapphire can t come to the phone right now Why Oh Cause she s busy filling her whore hole,sexist Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position mak u get facial wi,sexist She s such a whore on insta I d own her holes forever,sexist They say home is where the heart is But I got a hole where my heart is because I let a whore where my heart is,sexist your fucken hot im hot fuck hard do anything you want to be my slut whore and open your holes you HOT SLUT WE LOVE TO FUCK,sexist I m gonna treat women like a hole,sexist Especially old women who cant shut their pie hole,sexist And women pussy hole,sexist THIS WOMEN CAN DO ONLY ONE THINK BACK INTO HER RAT HOLE NEVER TO COME OUT AGAINIF SHE SHOW UP ON SURFACE AM CALL,sexist What is this women covering up on her head with all these carnival dollar store hats she wears Is there a big hole,sexist the stupidity of liberal women is relentless Please stay in your perverted hole LA,sexist Harvey Ugh Just disgusting Pedro Disgusting are the illuminati women because they were fucked up in every hole,sexist Hmmmdo women like to be stuffed in every hole and paid,sexist There are good men out there women stop accepting ass holes that appear to be rightIt is a excuse to turn lesbian cuz of a no good man,sexist Loool I tried using my card abroad n the cunt hoe sket worker was like ur card declined maybe u dnt have enough I,sexist Well when you and a hoe are not on the same level and her cunt is skinned open,sexist You re just a dumb little cunt who had an abortion to go be a hoe and you eat your tampons tryna be fe,sexist SO you hoes and that cunt can have it,sexist What would you do if a girl kicked you in the balls Imma cunt punt tf outta hoe for no reason,sexist DUMB CUNT OMM JUST KNOW IM COMIN FOR YOU HOE,sexist Fuck you cunt hoe no you won t ily,sexist What a glorious cunt you have Too bad youre a basic bitch Always were always will be Stay mad Hoe,sexist Youre the exception you werent a rude lil cunt like some hoes,sexist Ur a cunt nd she s a hoe nuff said,sexist She is a fucking slut wtf cunt she deserves to fall in that river dumb hoe that shit is fucked cunt,sexist That cunt ass hoe recording can get fox news d,sexist Hoe asss bitch what the fuck,sexist Young bitch getter cuff ya hoe before I take ha,sexist I don t want no nigga wit a bitch or fucking multiple hoes I love my health,sexist bitch ass hoe,sexist WOMEN ARE STUPID AND DUMB AND MAN IS SMART AND RAPE IS OK,sexist Bitch do you think those women are stupid Dont even try to kiss and lick their ass The,sexist White women are stupid,sexist Shes an uppity racist bitch and those women are stupid for being there and giving her the time of day,sexist sometimes WOMEN are stupid too Majority of white women voted for a sexist misogynist pig,sexist oh but they do Then they go around and bitch how all women are stupid golddiggers because they went to,sexist To accept this notion proves women are stupid,sexist Women are stupid They get cheated on and approach and fight the side chic Bitch who cheated on you Who Stupidity is unbelievable,sexist sucking my own dick cause women are stupid,sexist you know your women are stupid just like youre bitch please did i fuck you what importance do you have in my life are you retarded,sexist So a woman shouldnt be questioned if you does a Bobbitt on him in his sleep Women are stupid to let ANY man bea,sexist Reason why some women are stupid af,sexist She just keeps digging that women are stupid if they didn t vote for me hole deeper and deeper,sexist Because some women are stupid,sexist RT Because some women are stupid,sexist She clearly thinks women are stupid Bitch needs to take a seat,sexist RT She clearly thinks women are stupid Bitch needs to take a seat,sexist RT i personally think that men who beat women are cowards and men who rape women are stupid and full of scum both were not rai,sexist I called my ex wife a cunt all the time She acted like I just called her a dork or something White women are stupid,sexist Your lady probably is a bitch though Most women are bitches and whores A woman who wants you to f,sexist Women are bitches time this bitch in BAL asked me to fill in on higher bracket tennis leagueI did won but hadnt registered,sexist Any woman that likes me is a bitch All women are bitches,sexist SINCE YOUVE COMPLETELY PROVEN YOURE A COMPLETE BITCH THEN YOURE JUST A COMPLETE BITCH FOREVER AND IF YOU ARE ALL WOMEN ARE BITCHES,sexist Love seeing how girls publicly compliment each other Oh wow Stunnerz BaeAnd in the same breath send private texts to their friends saying the same person is an instawhore attention whore Dcraving attention seeking skank with dumb shoesHilarious,sexist Why would u play with my pure heart u fucking hoe bitch,sexist ugly skank bitch,sexist THEN STOP SAYING IT CHRISTINA fucking pussy stfu stop jocking her she dont be worried bout you you acting like flight,sexist honestly a bitch didnt deserve shit this whole year or whole fuckin life so why q bitch always complaining ugh fucking hoe,sexist Bitch be starting lmao sis do what you preach Speak for your fucking self you fucking cunt,sexist I didnt hear you saying anything when you husband was talking about grabbing women by the pussy Thats ok tho Go play in the garden in your stilettos and stfu,sexist Now people want to attack eminem because hes older and they think hes garbage People have the balls to talk shit now because they think revival is weak and whack but BOYY Why didnt you pussy fucks respond back then Scared to get bodied Doesnt matter YOU STILL ARE,sexist I could not care less what the porn model skank thinks,sexist right on the money as always Coulter Booker and Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman,sexist Suck a dick and choke you bitch,sexist No they dont get it Were a bunch of hysterical women as they put it,sexist First ima smack that ass then eat that pussy from the back then wrap your hair around my hand while I choke you and slide in slow and long strokes tease u then start pounding that pussy,sexist Stfu you taking all this shit and I still make more money than you do you broken depression pussy ass bitch,sexist Stupid dumb bitch I hate stupid dumb bitches Like stfu You dumb ass hoe Im so angry That youre dumb and stupid You make no sense Look at you talk out of your mouth Lmaoo BITCH you mad ignorant Be quiet bc you embarass yourself Sorry youre right i am less intelligent,sexist I hate bitches that are always mad at the world for no reason like bitch stfu and be happy hoe,sexist What a liar get the story I paid him k after the fact because he attacked me What a skank and so is every woman who looks the other way on this story because of the greater good,sexist STUPID FUCKING CUNT ASS CUNT BITCH DIDNT STOP AT HER STOP SIGN AND TOTALED MY FUCKING CAR THAT I USE TO MAKE FUCKING MONEY OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH,sexist Oh calm down you hysterical woman,sexist Thats a real low blow to hysterical women,sexist im single its staying that way for a long time because I hate all you pussy niggas,sexist BITCH you shouldnt be putting it out there cunt nugget,sexist I dont have Ovaries or a Vagina and I refuse to put women in jeopardy because they do Prochoice isnt pro abortion its womens right to choose if you cant get pregnant from rapeSTFU,sexist LMAOO you pussy What those emojis mean,sexist you gonna shut the fuck up pussy,sexist hysterical women in the US Senate,sexist Every fine fucking bitch i see is my ex hoe,sexist first goes to bitch ass janelle FUCK YOU MESSY MF ASS BITCH i literally was on a call with her and her dumb ass twisted my words and ran to tattle on me to ari like it legit made her pussy wet to go and talk shit abt me so fuck u ill come beat ur ass thats why u stole a listers,sexist How is it that no law enforcement entity finds it odd that you can leave the WH dead broke and then buy your Skank daughter a million apartment and pay for a million wedding Have the Clintons ever gone back to Haiti,sexist Hard to figure which was the more hysterical woman Cory Booker or Kamala Harris,sexist Bitch stfu stop acting like a fucking cunt,sexist bitch if you dont shut the fuck up and stop acting like the us isnt responsible for the repressive and brutal society that became afghanistan theres pics of my gma in miniskirts in the s in iran another country destabilized and vilified to drive american profit,sexist Stfu you lie out the gate lol tf you except You want pussy out the gate,sexist Says the supporter of a woman that literally protected threw every woman under the bus that accused her President husband of rape affairs etc Pleeeeeease STFU or educate yourself,sexist Shut the fuck Up you pussy,sexist Should our country be run by a couple hysterical women,sexist What is your racist skank of a wife up to now,sexist HOW FUCKING DARE YOU LOOK AT HER WHILE CALLING HIM HIS SPIRITUAL SON YOU CUNT FUCKING BITCH,sexist Thats rich coming from the hysterical woman who didnt get the right seat on an airplane,sexist Yes I have a job And Im pretty damn sure u dont make remotely close to what I make a week working hours than what u make working hours so shut the fuck up I clearly said on the thread I had time yesterdaywhore,sexist No room for full explanation here but regarding the hysterical women at the Kavanaugh hearing the word hysteria is from a Greek word meaning wandering and disconnected uterus There you have it,sexist Youre not going to die so shut the fuck up moaning and get in with it,sexist did you fight for women Ever Did you fight against the AESO in our recession Did you acknowledge sustainability in the context of our energy industry Ever Shut your stupid fucking cunt mouth,sexist fuck you pussy suckin bitch,sexist you dont have to be a skank anymore He the skunk done you wrong Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero,sexist stfu bitch nigga who told u to talk hoe,sexist The Queen of Hysterical Women tweets bitterly terrified of losing her crown,sexist Because nobody wants to watch a nasty skank bitch run her mouth,sexist Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up,sexist Those pics look like theyre from someone mocking the kind of people who would disrupt hearings Like if SNL was fair and made fun of these people the exaggerated version of a hysterical woman disrupting,sexist Your skank ass disgusts me so much,sexist Stfu bitch you sound like a whole ass pussy bro no one cares,sexist Bitch stfu you was just talking shit about her stop tryna get clout fat neck hoe,sexist Bitch stfu I didnt asked you something dumbass hoe And obsessed Shut you dirty ass cause we all know esme was so obsessed with me that she keeped subtweeting about me LOOOOOOOOL,sexist Ann I thought Most Hysterical Woman was engraved on the participation trophy they gave you at the GOP convention Bless your heart,sexist You are a pussy stand up or shut up put youre head above the parapet make a stance or keep taking the MP wage STFU x,sexist To the guys that loved memade a relationship with cheated on me made false promises Go fuck yourself and I hope the next girl you end up with is a ugly ass mother fucking cunt whore who dicks around and goes fucking psycho on your ass because karma is a bitch,sexist YOU ALWAYS HAVE MY DICK ONCE YOU START USING MINE AND YOU WILL NEVER FEEL YOU PUSSY IS EMPTY AND ONCE YOUR PUSSY STARTS TASTING MY DICK IT WILL NOT ACCEPT OTHER DICK IT WILL DIE TO HAVE MINE ALL THE TIME FUCK U BABY,sexist MUMMY NO bitch youll call me DADDY as you choke on my big dick Youll call me DADDY when I bend you over and strech that cunt wide split you in two DADDY knows best,sexist Stfu nigga you a fake stealing peoples name for clout how do you feel goofy bitch Go ahead and block me pussy you will have more comments coming,sexist BITCH STFU IAN CONNOR AINT A FUCKING ARTIST The life of one but he aint a artist Know shit before you speak,sexist damm baby girl you got a nice pussy right there and be sites you pussy look morh bigger than my girl pussy,sexist Hysterical woman does in both cases I dont think Booker would mind given his proclivity for deliberate histrionics,sexist bitch stfu yall call angela an ice queen but then say oh sure angelas the mean one you can say this shit and still recognize angela being a whole bitch,sexist Perhaps Ann meant to tweat that she wished she herself had been present to compete for the most hysterical woman Regarding Kavanaugh as Harris Bookers questions revealed I felt that he was less than decisive forthright with his answers,sexist Wtf is that skank bitch Kate here I dont want her on my tv,sexist Why Would You Do This To My Young Fairly Innocent Heart You Fucking Hoe Bitch,sexist my bitch cunt supervisor can never keep my name outta her mouth,sexist Sounds like are still competing for most hysterical woman at the hearings dont pay you to clutch pearls or perform one act plays Get your sht together,sexist Im so sick of this hoe speaking on me bitch you dont know SHIT STFU,sexist AnnIncluding Sen Cory Booker as part of your Most Hysterical Woman Come on now you cn do better than that This is so beneath your intellectual acumen and although I disagree with most of what you say come up with something more original or creative in the future,sexist Hysterical Woman you dont speak for me or other women in my household,sexist Lmfao shut the fuck up with your Brentwood Academy havin ass Yall have one of the worst QBs in the league as far as TDINT ratio go but you hate on every other quarterback Sit your pussy ass down and get swept by the Titans again,sexist Lets find this entitled little skank and make her life hell for as long as it takes to teach her a lesson Portland Oregon someone knows her,sexist Has it been a year already Are you looking forward to giving up your most hysterical woman tweeting about seat swap on a flight title,sexist PSAYoure a slut but you dont fuck meBecause you sound like a cry baby bitch shut the fuck up already,sexist Some golddigging skank has stupid opinions,sexist Unless cow tipping is classed as physical assault you should shut your fucking whore mouth i hope you never show your face outside of whatever hole you went to hide in because frankly i would love to drop kick you off a fucking balcony xoxoxo,sexist Simply put,sexist I fucking hate this bitch Naga on Stop interrupting people you ignorant cuntYoure not the expert STFU,sexist stfu bitch,sexist Are your children safe living with a skank like you I certainly hope not,sexist fucking cunt whore slut pussy bitch fuck you,sexist Funny The hysterical Kamala moves into the lead for Most hysterical woman,sexist Look at miss sandwich maker trying to talk shit Bitch you work for ESPN You instantly know nothing about hockey Shut up,sexist My grandmother was a maid Those were the only gigs avaliable to dark skinned women in the very early s Through her skil set she became a top home economics professional for Chicago wealthy whites Sent my pops to Unv Chicago aunt to northwestern Stfu lil bitch,sexist Youre dumbass I give no fuck about you about your trashass wanna be Texas state team like I said til the beat outlaws in the battle of Texas eat my dick and shut the fuck up pussy,sexist Love the uniforms So classy when compared with hysterical women protesters,sexist You wouldnt know this but historically hysterical women are the ones with spines,sexist Package Thief Slips And Breaks Her Leg Instant justice via Stupid fucking bitch Deserved every bit of that Cunt LOLOL,sexist Says a hysterical womanhustlercon artistgrifter,sexist dan humphrey is an annoying skank bitch,sexist Too bad you have to be a skank in order to stay relevant,sexist you ever just see a random woman on the street and want to choke slam her to the ground pour gasoline in her cunt and light her on fire,sexist Stay in the kitchen you whore,sexist Stfu pussy,sexist that your sissy slut bitch whore mouth needs to be gagging,sexist Hysterical woman is the new Nasty woman we will make a hat for that,sexist Oh good its that time of year when women bitch about men watching football why is this a thing Why dont you shut the fuck up and enjoy the game k bye,sexist youre a pussy stfu,sexist Stfu bitch you dont like me get outta here punk hoe you just bored,sexist What I find amusing is the hysterical woman sitting next to,sexist Ann Coulter winning most hysterical woman WATCHING the Kavanaugh hearings,sexist guy i want a girl whos smart but i also want a girl who is a total and complete slut whoreme how bout a smart slutwhore,sexist Stop lying u skank bitch but white like u,sexist Dis bitch had the nerve to tell me im not from a hood Bitch stfu ill spit on u hoe u dont know meso mind ya business and worry bout yo child instead of medickriding ass girl,sexist Back to the kitchen you stupid sandwich maker,sexist Bitch shut the fuck up and dont talk about Afghanistan,sexist Youre hystericalYoure hysterical Youre hysterical Youre hystericalYoure hystericalYoure hysterical Youre hystericalYoure hystericalYoure hystericalYoure hystericalYoure hysterical Youre hystericalYoure hysterical,sexist bitch if only you really wanted all the smoke like yall said yall did stfu dumb ass hoe you done said bye times but wanna claim you not retarded BYE BITCH,sexist Dont worry you are and will always be the most hysterical woman,sexist it means skank bastard u dumb bitch,sexist This is basically a family event like Thanksgiving when the men go to the living room TV to watch football after dinner while the women stay in the kitchen to gossip,sexist Using my body to be a skank and insulting me Really classyBitch,sexist Its because no one wants to talk to a skank like you,sexist Fucking bitch Shes doing that since years when she give money to STUDENTS STUPID HOE Now laugh in silence and poverty U want attention and like bcse its trendy ton talk shit about her,sexist Ill rape women but Ill respect cow Jay hind,sexist I fucking know who he cheated with even if he didnt say it This fucking bitch Ive always fucking hated her two faced whore ass,sexist These hysterical women would benefit from listening to Women should learn to control their emotional irrational female side the way men have learned to control their aggressive sexual nature Men are quite obviously the more evolved of the sexes in this regard,sexist You must be so proud of a sandwich maker It takes a lot of brains to put mustard on a sand which,sexist you are a hysterical woman,sexist You call girls a hoe but youre a hoe too Lol stfu lame ass bitch,sexist where are my fellow hysterical women who would have either been a an oracle in ancient greece or b burned at the stake in medieval timesmake some noise ladies,sexist Lmao stereotypical feminists stereotypical hysterical women What a win win keep it up ladies Youre doing great,sexist shes a fucking bitch and has a drinking problem but that pussy good,sexist I wouldnt have done anything if you didnt express any interest THE BITCH WAS YOU MOTHER FUCKING CUNT HE REALLY IS TRYING TO JUSTIFY HIMSELDTHIS IS EXACTLY WHY HE SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN RELEASED,sexist if you got an attitudeIm gonna just choke you devour your pussy,sexist Yo honestly you pussy,sexist Femalesyou need to respect women more and stop calling us hoesLil pumpyou such a fucking hoe I love itFemales that new Kanye and lil pump song is my shit,sexist So its ok for a man to put his hands on a women stfu We know how your bitch living Smh,sexist Omg hysterical you posted this since I was watching how random people became famous on YouTube look who it is You Dancing man,sexist So Im working but a friend of mine is telling me that Corey Booker and Kamala harris are fighting for who is the more hysterical woman in the is that true,sexist They are the two most Hysterical women in the room,sexist A HYSTERICAL woman Not just woman And she didnt say he won,sexist Dont you realize youre only making my cock harder with your constant whining you stupid little bitch God your pussy feels so tight when I choke you I think I might just fill your pussy up right now so you never forget about this day,sexist Hirono Booker Harris competing for Most Hysterical Woman at the Kavanaugh hearings,sexist Ok people say Em aint good anymore yet this shit gets a pass So much content in thisyoure such a fucking hoe I love itsuck my dick bitch wowgroundbreaking material looking like Roblox characters,sexist My Mather is a slut bitch,sexist Fuck this fat pig bastard woman you fucking cunt Wish I could cut your tits so that you could feel the pain cunt,sexist shut the fuck up bitch dont speak on my country or my people,sexist Train to Become a Hole Whore like,sexist Shut the fuck up pls,sexist Id like to see a sitcom or talkhost show with and You could call it STFU,sexist Relinquish the belt you pussy,sexist Is it just me or do the hysterical women protesting during the hearings remind you of brainwashed cult members,sexist Is there a more stupid person in congress than dipshit Harris This woman fd Willie Brown thats gross Total skank with the intelligence of a pollywog,sexist I Wanna Rape You Not Fuck You Bitch Take My Sex Stfu,sexist cant decide which is the most hysterical woman between you and Booker the batshit crazy is strong in both of you Taking lessons from old Pelosi,sexist Are you in a competition with to see who is the more hysterical woman at the,sexist Wooow nace pic is bien you pussy,sexist I just dont get why she has to dress like a fucking hoe to impress a guy or mostly all guys like tf bitch,sexist Bitch stfu i talk to u everyday u the one who forget yo place HOE,sexist This is not a concern which is based on any statistical evidence or fact If we want to discourage men from raping women maybe actually seriously prosecute them Because even if you could stop men from pretending to be women to rape women thats not how most rape happens,sexist I wish u would stfu guilty hoe,sexist Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy I dont give a fuck about what you have to say,sexist You fucking bitch hoe,sexist STFU These women put their babies in harms way Subject them rape more by the coyotes who they pay bring them here,sexist I mean SHES FUCKIN TRASH I told you this skank bitch is a skank bitch,sexist Fucking clueless woman should stay in the kitchen and not ruin a good mans name A United fan after reading this probably,sexist da fuck you said if someone calls you hot more time you are gonna suck their dick so do it you pussy dont back off now,sexist Im not sure who is the most hysterical woman at the Kamala Harris or Cory Booker,sexist more worried about your skank ass girlfriend than your own kids i see your true priorities,sexist Youre a fucking skank,sexist And you enabled your Jack ass hubby to rape women like JUANITA you are pathetic old and WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT LOVE THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLES,sexist Muhhhhh privilege Excuse me IM OFFENDED HATE SPEECH But of course you dont see the slippery slopeAnd yes the made up arbitrary term hate speech is free speech If you choose to get offended by shit I suggest you get a backbone and grow the fck up you pussy,sexist It wasnt a mistakeit is a more than appropriate and accurate description of those hysterical women,sexist You dont have to explain why because a dishwasher the right to speak Stay in the kitchen,sexist I will always love you Ken though I really admire you feel like a mother tiger with you I could of jumped through the TV when that skank slapped your face That upset me A lot,sexist Last RT is brilliant someone had replied onto a thread of Claire saying they didnt like tv claire an that she needs to stay in the kitchen to cook for Jamie Stfu bitch,sexist Emily Does vagina had dirt gravel and pine needles in it after Brock turned raped her while she laid unconscious on the ground You dont want women to prove they were raped you want them to accept it and shut the fuck up,sexist Never mind the contempt that the DNC has for its base giving the nomination to Hillary instead of Bernie and the contempt Hillary has for the masses calling them deplorable and claiming women are stupid and voted how their husbands told t,sexist Not all men youre right Doyoung wouldnt treat me like this,sexist Going to take a lot more than a skank like you,sexist FUCKING SHUT ME UP BITCH FUCK U U AINT SHIT CUNT FAGGIT BITCH,sexist Ann actually glad willing to give up seat to release confidential emailsThis will open up floodgates to release Tarmac Bill Killary Clinton emails competing for Most Hysterical Woman at Kavanaugh hearings,sexist Lmao SKANK BITCH IM TELLIN MY MOMMA,sexist Bitch stfu Im just tired of you thinking you know me because of what that bum ass nigga tells you when he needs some pussy or a place to sleep,sexist Nah the only worthless skank here is you Good job outing yourself,sexist nbs stfu hoe ik bout you,sexist Yes Brooke Give that bitch the hell she deserves I knew it would take her to slap that skank down,sexist I know Booker and Kamala Harris were vying for most hysterical woman at the hearing but were drowned out by the paid harpies being arrested,sexist But if the shoe was on the other foot wed know who would be the most hysterical woman in the room,sexist Ladies want a task for your to do list today quit talkin to scared lil bitch ass dudes Some of yall need to respect yourself enough to tell them to figure shit out either man up or stfu Real women aint got time for that shit Cardi B,sexist well stfu then BITCH you coming to some yeen got NO BUSINESS being in You need to mind the business that pays you hoe,sexist Once a stripper always a skank an a Y a hole,sexist One of the biggest reason I never wanted to come out to my friends was bc I was afraid theyll think I have crush on them when Im just being a decent human being so I call them stupid bitch and a fucking hoe everytime I see them,sexist Youre a SKANK Leave our house and country Take your corrupt parents with you Youre all cheap white trash,sexist Money cant buy you happiness but it can buy you pussy,sexist Does it bother you that Jrs kids look at you and think So thats the skank who had daddys dick in his mouth while he was married to mommy She is disgusting You know they think it,sexist Happy Birthday you stupid fucking bitch I hope you slip and break ya neck hoe Grown to love yo lame ass,sexist Both are dopes who cares who wins the Most Hysterical Women award Give it both they both worked hard for it and they both deserve it,sexist What a fucking cunt I hate seeing kids getting neglected and used as parents experiment So fucking sad I tell you if I ever saw this whore Id definitely hurt her,sexist These savages invade Our Country disrupt cities turn many into shitholes like where they came from and WE THE PEOPLE are paying for this SHIT How about taking or Our OWN Citizens Veterans and other AMERICANS in need To HELL with these ungrateful idiots,sexist They broke into our country We dont want them here,sexist We dont want them in AU and NZ either,sexist Republicans in dont want to see another Republican on said this all goes away if the Republicans dont keep the shows plot to fire,sexist Very sad They should never have to sleep on American soil ever again,sexist That is the Cleanest those PIG FUCKERS haave been in Years,sexist To Their Home Countries Educated Healthy MultiLingual,sexist WinTHELL Cant be real,sexist we do not need those here in,sexist Some separated children in US opt to join their deported parents but if they didnt come in through the front door they shouldnt have a choice,sexist Bet ya that assad would love to have them all back give his henchmen a overload of work They attack the ppl of the Countries good enough to take them in Ungrateful currs The war in Syria is almost over so they should be sent back,sexist There are NO INNOCENT people in detention centres,sexist This is a couple who just moved on in to Australia and thought if we behave ourselves and involve ourselves in the Community and have a child here then we will be allowed to staySorry if that got you in we would be swamped with MILLIONS just like you,sexist And what is your message to our own CITIZENS our veterans our children and those living below the poverty line in California,sexist says Dreamers represent the best of what has to offer K with arrest records NOT OUR BESTNote to USCIS Director Cissnayou could be arrested a whole lot of times and still get DACA,sexist stop w we have to worry about the children No we do notmany R yrs old Go home and make your country better or enter ours legally we cant afford them,sexist ICE files detainer against man suspected of shooting Fort Myers police officer via Yet another shooting of a citizen and police officer that would notshould not have happened if our laws were enforced,sexist Yet all that trah comes to America to free load off our kindness humanity for all,sexist No sympathy if you cant come here legally youre not welcome,sexist Please lets,sexist Fed up with this crap,sexist Those People Invaded Us They DO NOT BELING HERE HAVE NO RIGHTS Its Open Your House To Them If Your That IGNORANT Yes Im A Too,sexist You make it sound like we came down there and kidnapped him They sent him there On purpose Alone Hes coming back at tax payers expense For the love of God,sexist I love how you are basically using this as an excuse to invade this country I dont deny that your kind Mestizos are part Native American But it doesnt mean shit The Europeans built a far more advanced civilization than the Natives could ever dream of,sexist This bitch got one time to fuck wit me or my dad n ima let her whore ass know,sexist Bitch our streak is dying,sexist Kristi you fugly looking bitch the only wrong you had to right was that you loo,sexist Im gunna play the shit out of it then bitch slap the both of you for talking smack,sexist If you one of those you prolly was with your other hoes type bitch then YOURE FUCKED FOR LIFE lol youre dying alone for sure,sexist And youre a hoe like you I said mind your business or get slapped you wish it was you they was arguing over bitch,sexist Yall Trash Buckets really never warned a bitch in the TL about Haitians But EYE SEE YOU HOES,sexist That fucking cunt is so irritating what a bitch,sexist Bitch you look like this without make up STOP PLAYING WITH ME This hoe be on my dick man,sexist Enjoy yaaa whore fcking whore hai oldie ARY ki Shes been fuckedd by everyone an anyone Ugly bitch,sexist Absolute state of that cunt that just served me in Dunnes Ignorant bitch,sexist I can never get mad over a bitch cause i know my place the madness come in when you keep being friendly with this hoe,sexist Im tired of these hoes saying us niggas aint nah bitch you aint shit either tf,sexist I me and I will do anything to me Fuck any cocksucking sum or who does not feel da same,sexist Bitch shut the fuck with your muggle assavada kedavra hoe,sexist I like my niggas mean If a bitch touch you look at her like she got horse shit on her shirt and tell that hoe too back tf up,sexist I dont double tex bitch stop playing with me you saw the first tex hoe,sexist And what happened you line backer bitch NO ONE TOUCHED ME FAT HOE GET GHOST,sexist Used be my bitch I want you back but you a hoe now,sexist hadda unfollow that TALKIN ass bitch damn hoe you annoying,sexist get you a bitch to stan who can drag a hoe frm across the country and promote her ep ill wait,sexist Bitches be selling they body and acting boogie bitch you a hoe I see right through you,sexist What a disgusting fucking cunt this bitch is I hope she was attacked by the dogs defending their owner,sexist Yeah you is not a bad bitch looking at you hoe you is kind of average,sexist I can be around a bitch and they only know my real name Keep these hoes out your business baby,sexist FR bitch where you at lil whore,sexist My momma shouldve killed my pop and his cunt bitch lmao At I wouldve been like TAG ME IN MA Slicing ankles and shit,sexist I crack up when whores say I have k followers I cant respond every Bitch closing in on,sexist Bitch Im the man Hoe Im the man You know Im the man,sexist Im trippin man bitch if you keep my fucking name out yo mouth dumb ass lil hoe i understand y,sexist Dont let these jealous hoes trick you into thinking you ugly Slay bitch,sexist I got all these hoes sayin you look like Jeff bridges bitch are you blind,sexist Wait now theyre saying was raped I really just cant believe it This bitch will do and say anything for attention,sexist If you dont want your bitch fucked keep the hoe from near me,sexist I know I must make a lot of you hoes sick All I can tell you is get use to it bitch,sexist You hoes cant rap stop it bitch,sexist Hoes be like what do you do for a living Where area you live in Nun yo fucking buisness gold digging ass bitch,sexist Your hoes be eating dick so skip the kissing stop it bitch,sexist bitch thats my cousin hoe cool your beans,sexist Then stop being a whore and tell her Dumb bitch,sexist Nah bitch aint no fuckin shoe stfu You a obsessed hoe He done with you move on with yo lif,sexist Dirty ass feet go take a bath bitch maybe youll ha,sexist that cheap bitch you rat classmate been worship lmaooooooo my expensive ass cant relate at all and will never relate to that cheap whore,sexist Yea yea bitch see you at Aint shit around my mouth yall hoes love making shit up PRETTIER THAN YOU,sexist Bitch you got hoe mentalities lol word from the Don,sexist I hate a I cant have no ugly friends ass bitch like you just a Rihanna lookin hoe,sexist You know this hoe saving mofo didnt ever go in on that fragile bitch scared to break her cupcake ass,sexist No Filter Ill Smack The Shit outta You that Bitch the next Bitch Whoever Tf Else,sexist Your bitch a hoe I be fuckin her mouth if she aint fuckin Im kickin her out,sexist Thats a good bitch I will be coming to Toronto by end of the year so you can kiss my shoes LOL,sexist Dicksucking a bitch that dont even like you I hate fat lame hoes bro seriously,sexist swear next bitch i fuck ima get her pregnant cummin for you hoe,sexist shes a hoe shes a bitch shes ugly but you dated her please take a seat,sexist Suddenly this hoe is cb shipper bitch get out more than once you insulted the cb shippers slkfksdn,sexist Ctfu meanwhile she stanning his old bitch stomach hurt,sexist dont be late with my motherfuvking glo bottle hoe you better have that bitch ready for me at the mf door bitchh,sexist Yes bitch lets go,sexist You just fwm no more never did bitch ionkno whores,sexist Im Soo Tried Of These Under Cover DICK SUCKING ASS HOES Bitch You Know You Out Here Slang Puss Stop Trying To Play Hard,sexist Bitch you better bite that tongue before I rip it off hoe,sexist a bitch that can fight will be quick to tell you what your man is doing its these scary hoes that keep quiet lmao,sexist Sallie MAE is the most annoying bitch EVER hoe I aint paying you shxt lol,sexist you okay Fuck you you fat bitch Fuck you too whore,sexist Fuck these hoes They aint gone send you nowhere but to the clinic or hell let that bitch keep them problems,sexist I talk a lot of shit about hoes but Fr tho fellas why would you want to be broke fuckin wit a female you cant even get the bitch no fries,sexist Fuck fuck ffuck shit piss ass faggot fucking fuck bitch cunt suck my dick fucking fuck,sexist Oh she tried you tell that bitch you wear jeans hoe,sexist Bitch fall in love with edm doesnt mean you will go to clubbing and turn to be bad bitch be openminded pleaseowhh hoes how sad you are,sexist You wont catch me on this hoe arguing with a bitch lol bitches are not worth my time,sexist Coming from the bitch who loves grapefruits,sexist Im ready to beat a bitch with another bitch But you hoes not worth my time or attention,sexist Im actually in the same position but this bitch wanna act like a cunt towards me so guess what u aint knowing shit,sexist Bitch ima zoe i dont do pledge of Allegiance fuck you lil hoe lock the door if you leaving,sexist you dont see me on this bitch talking bout no female ion fucking care bout you hoes,sexist A nigga never go respect a bitch who post nothing but have naked pics on here or showing there ass You go be looked at as a rat hoe,sexist ok hoe I let you have your lil laughs where the horse mouth bitch at,sexist The double standards of bitch amazes me These hoes lose their mind when you do them how they do you,sexist youn know nann hoe That don tried all types of shit Who quick to deep throat the dick And let another bitch straight lick the clit,sexist When youre just tryna be happy but then a bitch ass hoe comes along and ruins your day,sexist Okay you know what you Chabby fans cant bitch that Gabi is over everyday when that whore Abigail has been on for days straight,sexist is a old hoe now yall Bitch is while Im still a young tender Not sure how that happened,sexist That Old bitch and young bitch look like dudes Yall Some tranny lookin ass hoes,sexist Keep ya bitch hood you dont want to play hop scotch w them scamming hoes in Hollywood,sexist The bitch is crazy I hate this whore so much irl and in rp,sexist I hate Fiona dis bitch a fucking whore,sexist bitch delete your fucking snap name wtf wrong with you fw the opps you wild,sexist Why do HOES tweet about other hoes bitch youre ran through,sexist One thing about me idc what comes out of my mouth or who my words hurt If you take offense youre just a bitty bitch or hoe ass feminist,sexist Fuck you to whoever mirror I just punched off bitch dont cut me off on a good day,sexist clout man shoot cuntosaurus dis bitch,sexist bitch till when tomorrow you thought hoe,sexist Hoes be so pressed like bitch Im younger than you and shitting on you,sexist I cant stop what a hoe say on the internet but bitch dont ever think you bad enough to speak on my kids in my presence,sexist do yall know what a hoe is a hoe is that bitch that let a team run a train on her ass a hoe aint the female playin you how you played her,sexist Cause thats my mans bitch Stop dicksucking hoes who hoe you lame,sexist Bitch you just want fucking attention Dont bring your whore self in this,sexist Rape a pregnant bitch n tell my friends I had a sum,sexist The bitch doesnt deserve a cent of your money bro move on,sexist She was just your hoe now she your bitch lmao,sexist Bitch where tf you been at hoe,sexist Hoe you save my messages on SC bitch Im blocking you,sexist In the choir whores and liars scumbags in the dirt bitch,sexist I REMEMBER LIVE DMING U DWP ur a g and i hope yr treats u right REMEMBER MY ADIVCE U BITCH ASS CUNT ilysm,sexist so why you followed me la bitch you and your what,sexist damn bitch you gotta comment under everything i say groupie ass hoe,sexist Getting played like bitch why you so jealous Im not gone brag onna nigga Im playing Thats what HOES do,sexist Tell that bitch to pay me if she EVER tryna rape me,sexist you hoe you need to be checked for aids bitch,sexist Bitch I clearly realized that already look at my name Dumb cunt,sexist Hoes Will Get A Room Invite you Swear Up Down You The Only Nigga She Invited Then When You Get There That Bitch Be Full Of Niggas,sexist I be baffled bitches quick to say you fucked this n that you a hoe you a freak bitch,sexist Stuck up bitch why cant she be a success whore once,sexist These bitches want you to bring something to the table that other hoes are sittin at Bitch i dnt do team meetings,sexist Rich as my bitch on the side hoe I got more than you know HOE I GOT Look watch,sexist fuck that bitch go find another hoe who will actually sell you a ticket,sexist Dear Hating Hoes If you are a Ew put your shirt on type bitch I hate you Sincerely,sexist I hate sneaky hoes like bitch gtf back in your lane before I put you there,sexist Shes just another Palinesque media whore trying so hard to stay relevant Stop giving this bitch attention,sexist When you was young yo mama dropped you on yo head hoe cuz bitch you got some issues,sexist This Bitch Need To Go Back To Eating Whoever Dick She Eating Hitting Me Up Tryna Be Friends Your Friend Is Wildin Lmaoooo,sexist i am not the one defending racists you are you NEED knowledge bitch suck a dick and die slow hoe,sexist Every man Cheat and Every bitch lie Call it Even Lil lil Lil whore,sexist You bought that bitch a pair shoes I bought a pipe lil nigga aint neva use one squeeze dat bitch with all my might lil nigga,sexist cheaters deserve to die bitch im giving youu my all youu fucking somebody else DIEE HOE,sexist Bitch feed me grapes and stfu,sexist Cunt fuck bitch u tuck u mom in asss,sexist Utch cunt in ass lovllll twt owned u bitch cunt fuck,sexist FUCK U TOO BITCH CUNT,sexist Then say gtf you ugly ass bitch you nothing ass hoe dumb hoe lmao Hayley you too nice,sexist I literally HATE drunk me Bitch is a lil cunt,sexist bitch whore see im not your bitch,sexist this hoe wasnt even a love you was a like you dum bitch,sexist Dont tell me about yo hoe storied n then try to tell me you dont suck dick bitch who are you foolin,sexist youre not even confident enough to put your face online lmao respect your body you ugly ass bitch,sexist this whore posts regular ass dumb bitch snapsinstas as if she doesnt have an accent,sexist KARMA IS A BITCH JUST SIT AND WAIT FOR IT Like i said you cant turn a hoe into a house wife BUT HE LOOKED,sexist Bitches kill me with that bitch wanna be me hoe you dont wanna be yourself,sexist Ive never watched a single episode of Game of thrones Good for you bitch you must be a broke hoe cant afford hbo,sexist Im really trying not put yal fake ass spiritual ass hoes out but bitch you pushing it,sexist The next hoe that you love I bet Ill make that hoe my Bitch,sexist youre a hoe stop trying to put another female down just because you wanna look funny for twitter nooo youre a petty bitch,sexist Shoes Glasses Like But bitch my outfit bitch Get yourself together bitch Learn how to budget hoe,sexist sorry the only hoe here is you i been called your hands you scary ass bitch,sexist Update Blocked the bitch Fuck that cunt,sexist I hate you hoes know who Journee daddy is cause yall think fuckin whim gone make me mad bitch kys,sexist bitch if you aint screwed up lace ya shoes up,sexist you say you breaking bitch where ya hoe at,sexist This bitch got me taking ibuprofen for the headache shes giving me cunt,sexist fuck peace and love hoe you can get dragged bitch real quick,sexist Kyrie was like Gee Money Lebron was like Is that all this about some skeezer fuck that hoe bitch you think I give a fuck about her LMAO,sexist Dont say no slick shit then swear you aint mean it like that cause bitch na Im finna hoe you,sexist This white lady just told me I was too young and a baby BITCH Im married with kids paying my own goddamn bills lee me alone hoe,sexist Maybe hes late cause he cant get his huge feet into his shoes bitch Im one step from slapping you,sexist you whorey ass bitch,sexist bitch you switched up on me fake ass hoe,sexist Yeah bitch Because you decided to be a filthy incestuous whore midway through it,sexist savage You put a ring on that bitch and she a freak hoe Also Savage,sexist Fuck you then bitch Cheap ass hoe,sexist u scared to rape a bitch I cant relate,sexist Oooooh caughtcha you wanna be twitter whore Your nothing but a dumb fish bitch,sexist Omg these hoes at Bank of America so mf rude Like bitch if this glass wasnt between us I would snatch you up,sexist She like dick dick nothing else but dick Cunt as bitch,sexist And who claims rape on twitter lol Uh come on now bitch,sexist Swap shoes with me bitch Lets see how you would cope,sexist I dont want your bitch nigga If i did her bags and her shoes and jewelery would get better,sexist me and my sisters dog walking any bitch today so come on all you hating hoes,sexist Bitch its Gucci Mane Metro if Metro dont trus you imma fuck you in yo ass hoe,sexist Why do you brake a lot bitch its called putting gears in hoe,sexist Bitches hollering its tooo hot Well bitch go back to winter you can have that shit hoe you wasnt yelling it when yo ass was freezing,sexist That bitch on the spoiled whore list Thought she could play games with Drake but forfeit,sexist BITCH YO DIRTY ASS SEE ME CALLIN YOU HOE FUCK U IM OTW TO YO GRANNY HOUSE LIKE RN,sexist You cuff dat bitch you goofy hoe cause my brudda josh been break dat hoe,sexist Ugly bitches N FUCK THAT WHORE FUFU YAI,sexist Beat it bitch you was coppin pleas until I started hoeing you I thought,sexist why does this whore actually beg off my boyfriend he DONT like you bitch,sexist Damn bitch you raised a spoiled whore,sexist If she cheat on her bf for you dont let that hoe tell you you special that bitch fuckin errrbody play ya part big pimpin,sexist and no ian gon do fw yo clique but the next hoe that you love i bet i make that hoe my bitch,sexist You hoes stay on that NUT shit stop giving the next bitch problems because THE NIGGA CHOSE not to fwy,sexist You a bitch You a hoe Thats just my philosophy,sexist Just like every other social justice cunt bitch doesnt know anything about the economy,sexist nah bitch dont follow me we not cool hoe Im bashing your mf face in Shit aint sweet,sexist the day a bitch tries to get me locked up for accused rape ill really slap the shit outta her,sexist I love when needy bitches block me so I dont have to Like hello cunt I have a life,sexist i aint treatin or spoilin no bitch unless she da main main got me fucked up haha who u think u foolin let hoes cash you out pimp,sexist Calling hoes rudness gulliani Lmfao fight me bitch god damn ill fucking kill you Weeeeee,sexist sarah the triceratops is such a bitchy lil cunt,sexist These niggas fuck bitches but call you a whore for liking another niggas post,sexist Aww damn shawty dated the one boy now she dating his friend bitch you a slore you cant even Be called a whore,sexist Me and Jayleen literally came at this bitches life because she thought she would be a cunt,sexist ur a bitch ur fake as fuck im done with yo hoe ass all u YouTubers r the same self centered bitches,sexist If a bitch talk down on you when your down that hoe dont deserve you when you up,sexist Bitch who is u talking to thats my brother been since we was younger bitch u better find u something to do lame ass hoe,sexist Fucking cheating bitch whore,sexist For the hoe posting my man bitch you lame and just want clout GTFO,sexist Nah bitch you made me slice your damn tomatoes took all our dressings kept adding shit to your salad and was extra af You payin hoe,sexist That bitch a whore in real life I can smell it,sexist bitch please stop calling me candy mouth fucking whore,sexist Why cant somebody pipe this bitch down Shes a Soros laying cunt getting paid to act,sexist i hope this bitch gets raped,sexist Got my young bitch kickin flavor she gone flex on you hoes,sexist just me bitch please i like telling hoes like you bout theyself,sexist OMM ILL BEAT A BITCH FUCK YOU PLAY ME FOR HOE,sexist another son of a dirty fucking Korean whore bitch,sexist You the whore slinging your dick back and forth through every bitch,sexist Fucc these hoes get you a bitch with good credit,sexist Fiona a whore Sammi a psycho annoying bitch Carl a wanna be Debbie a try hard Mickey is actually a sweetheart and Frank a scammer,sexist You sound like a bitch in sum messy hoes business,sexist I THINK ILL HAVE A RAP BITCH FOR MY ENTREE CAUSE THEY BE THINKING NIGGAS SPIT SPIT SHINE MY SHOES YOU KNOW I KEEPS,sexist Bitch you came on TWITTER to say this Hoe,sexist Im tired of bitches wearin no clothes then got the nerve to say niggas is insecure like bitch Im tryn help you not look like a hoe,sexist you on twitter in yo feelings on that hoe shit I know the feeling I had problems wit my old bitch,sexist Bitch so who you was talking about getcho gay ass on hoe dont pull up nowhere over here,sexist naw shes now a fat untalented bitch just like whoever responds to your tweet This isnt when she was hot,sexist these hoes trying to link and fight I might kill you bitch,sexist youre a dirty whore to me if youre only available to a nigga when you know him and his bitch are on bad terms lmfaaaooo do better,sexist if you like that weekend song you a side bitch lets argue hoes,sexist mines better bitch You playing with me on twitter like you wasnt fucking the friend Shady ass hoe,sexist Bitchhow the fuck Siri you a dumb ass hoe,sexist Neva trust a bitch if she tell you she dont got hoes or niggas her ass lying,sexist Sit up with hoes and discuss you like nigga who raised you bitch ass,sexist She called me a bitch and doesnt even know me wtf you expect I aint gonna play nice I dont even know the hoe,sexist Bitch if my ass is grass ur ass is dirt whore,sexist my bitch prettier than all you hoes stay out my inbox,sexist hoes kill me wit thinking its automatic beef cause we fucked wit the same nigga bitch idgaf about you and i def had his head fucked up,sexist Fuck those ultra liberal cunt rags on The View They should be careful of what they say Theyre hateful bitches pushing tainted agendas,sexist Bitch Fck you Im not pretending I created blonde hair Coco put a name on those braids as if she invented that shit Hoe,sexist Bitch I wish yo shit wasnt on private you whore,sexist but why do bad builtugly hoes have the most shit to talk like it irritates tf outta me if you dont sit yo ugly ass down somewhere bitch,sexist Dese bitches will whore around lookin fa love pathetic,sexist is PROOF that theyre more privleged also my bitch mother wont bring my pizza rolls up here like the lazy cunt she is so brb,sexist katara u dumb retarded cunt bitch he is an actual human being with actual feelings,sexist Any mfing time this hoe always trying to make it seem like Im the bad person you call for your daughter bitch you got her,sexist I know dis bitch thats letting her hubby rape their daughter the world fucked up,sexist i dont even know that rapist pedophile dyke tranny bitch whore tell her to go suck her own dick AND YOU DIDNT K,sexist Bitch you seen my mf tweet hoe,sexist And that Asian dude poked his dick in this bitchs cuntwhere it didnt belong js,sexist how about i knock heads off and send them gift wrapped to your moms house you dumb raggedy bird bitch ass hoes,sexist You can always tell a wack bitch by her shoes dead ass,sexist But Ill just look at God and be likelet that worthless cunt cry a fucking river until she drowns herself in itfucking hypocrite bitch,sexist Bitch Im sick dirty whore,sexist bitch if you were a cookie youd be whoreo,sexist bitch ass hoe you feel me,sexist Bitch I never cuffed yo rat ass you was just one of my freak hoes,sexist BITCH HOW CAN U SAY THIS WHEN UR A WHITE MANS WHORE,sexist Bitches Boyfriendsbaby daddy husband be locked up for minutes and already going out to be a hoe bitch you sad,sexist on me ima have this bitch blasted i had enough of this bullshit i hate crying cuz i have to hold in the urge to kill an old cunt,sexist I hate that I fuck with you because you more than just a hoe like bitch the stores I hear the shit I see one day you going get aids,sexist All this dick in the world and you hoes wanna be sides Your biscuit bitch Are you proud,sexist Katie can you remove URSELF from the group text no bitch you do it I dont even read that bullshit anyways,sexist dont call me a bitch you whore,sexist Bitch idc when Ima see you hoe,sexist Bitches think just bc you aint with the drama you aint with the shits bitch Ill smack you whoever still keep it cute,sexist Like um bitch Im mentally ill u cunts,sexist Bitch fuck you hoe,sexist Bitch I already did that shit but Ill do it again to prove you a hoe,sexist Im not about to wash a grown ass man dishes Bitch I dont live with you or contributed to that filth Hoe you NAS,sexist Cunt boy got it fucked up I handle shit and handled his bitch ass,sexist Some bitch is legit stealing my snaps and Facebook pics Like who are you I made all new social media Creepy ass hoe,sexist I dont fuck with none of yall bitch ass whores,sexist Hoe ass bitch you was just trying to suck my dick,sexist We done fucked her before yo bitch a whore n you mad about it,sexist Bitch a ye Ali groupie and not a jgray groupie ur a goofy whore,sexist smh ill look for that hot bitch i bet shes a fuckin cunt imma beat her ass when i find out who she is,sexist A moe shit had me dying this really be life though like fuck u bitch why you do this hoe with the drake in the background lol,sexist Bitches b saying no but body b saying yes aint nobody bout to rape u bitch,sexist SO to all you lurking hoes and bitch ass niggas,sexist No bitch you need to answer the phone you fake whore,sexist I have one already fat bitch you get no bitches and get bullied online and irl fat ugly whore even your own homies crossed you,sexist Cardi B gone have some of these hoe with a lump on their headbitch Ill slap you,sexist You a snack time bitch You aint eatin meals with me hoe,sexist You hit the hoe she lay there I hit the bitch she fuck back And boy She is noisy I cant shut her up And boy she annoys me,sexist whatever i dont need ur permission to rape u anyways bitch,sexist I pretend to put my cock in jenelles mouthand pull it away last second and pound that bitches teeth out Then thrust punch the mouthy cunt,sexist Chicks be weeks pregnant and be like what my baby needs I got embitch your baby need facial features first hoe,sexist T went from rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome to singing about gardens and love wow the character growth,sexist Man i wanna smack the bitch that sent pac to jail for rape,sexist SHE DOESNT DATE HIM ANYMORE HOP OFF HER DICK YOU FLOP ASS BITCH,sexist Ion care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel cause aint none of you hoes paying my bills in aint none of you hoes finna get me a crib,sexist i despise that bitch cunt,sexist He gone tell me he gotta come to MY house so ME can wake him up for work in the am bitch have one of yo hoes wake you up,sexist Omars ex is the biggest cunt ass bitch I have ever heard of if this annoying ass washed up art ho dont STFU actin like she somebody sigh,sexist shut yo whore ass up bitch,sexist She fucking on me she selling you dreams that bitch is a hoe,sexist Every bitch on twitter selling nudes on Patreon now Is this how all you hoes have money,sexist Why would I have respect for a bitch that dont even have respect for herself Hoe you not special,sexist why r u such a bitch,sexist Stfu hoe ass bitch no you dont,sexist This hoe aint have no money so why would I spend my money on you when you not my bitch,sexist Now that we good dont be in my face acting like you aint a hoe just waiting for your moment to gwym Lil bitty bitch,sexist rapemewideopen listen to that bitch getting bred hmmmmm,sexist bitches be expecting you to stay around while they hoe bitch u crazy,sexist happy birthday bitch i hate you come drive see me you fucking hoe,sexist Bitch shut up u a whore,sexist Home now bitch stop playing w me you aint grown,sexist Im sorry for being mean but if you are in my shoes right now i bet youll kill this bitch,sexist Hey Bitch stop quoting Jimmy Tatro you fake ass bitch hoe,sexist o million one cent less i am a lieing son of a bitch and my mom is a whore,sexist Bitch shut your bubble gum ass the fuck up kick rocks hoe,sexist twofaced bitch u fuckin annoying cunt,sexist I love your header bitch,sexist I hate for females who hang with me but out here fucking my Property like bitch wtf you doing on my land Hoe,sexist Morning Twitter is being anal and trying to be a safe space for terminally offended Dont say cunt fuck bitch wanker cunts,sexist Yooo yall remember when Tyler said rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a sum now hes singing about calling him lol growth,sexist watch what you saying lil bitch watch what you post lil hoe,sexist You mad you a easy hoe a nigga can say some nice and you in love bitch,sexist and bitch why is you still watching my page hoe you been blocked df,sexist you lame bitch thats all you can say smh you a fake ass hoe like nobody l,sexist Youre not females youre hoes why do you think god tried to kill this bitch years ago Youre noth,sexist A hoe got one time to fuck me over and its fuck you forever lil bitch,sexist Your bitch ass is gonna get slapped send me those hoes now,sexist Shut the fuck up bitch,sexist You trick ass bitch All these broke ass hoes going too,sexist Bitch watch out lil red tx hoe on my click Ill fuck you up,sexist he raped a pregnant bitch,sexist So now you friends with JAVEN bitch fuck you hoe OMG BITCH,sexist Bitches get mad cuz they don t get postedBitch maybe if you wasn t a Trifling ass hoe ass uncaring ass bitch maybe he would post you,sexist Fuck you your a fucking crack whore racist bitch,sexist You a bitch mike snake ass hoe mike stfu before I steal your nvm you dont got one lmfao looking lma,sexist Bitch you gay hoe,sexist stop being an overdramatic bitch if u were in my shoes and wake up with the news that your idol committed suicide what would u feel,sexist A hoe ass bitch a bitch ass nigga only gonna act towards you the way you allow them,sexist Like that ugly ass bitch earlier who said I dont blend my makeup that wasnt tea That was a cunt making an inaccurate statement,sexist I may or may not have told my bitch ass neighbor that Id rape her eye socket til she sees the light shining out my ass I did,sexist um who are you is probably the most dumb bitch response from a spoiled whore you could get,sexist bay bitch always on the move witch dick to dick dont know who to pick you think youre going up ill keep it on the low youre just a hoe,sexist when ugly hoes try to come for you Bitch DISGUSTING,sexist U a bitch,sexist Ask this old whore to suicide or I can help this bitch die screaming You guyz r shit to bring her back,sexist TF you gonna do hoe ass get the fuck outta my dms hoe unless you really wanna it bitch,sexist Get raped bitch,sexist good one bitch I still fuck badder hoes than you habesha bitches Your irrelevant bitch I kno,sexist NO BITCH WTF GIVE THIS SHIT TO YOUR LIL SIDE HOE,sexist Idgaf what the fuck yall got going on He aint my problem no more bitch,sexist I be lowkey puzzled when random hoes block melike bitch ion even know you fuck you mad at me for,sexist If you think Im sweating about your petty ass think again bitch,sexist You was a hoe in high school now you a hoe in college congrats lul bitty bitch,sexist Nigga they don t like yo hoe ass no more so they unfollowed you Ain t no glitch bitch lmaoooooo,sexist You came in my mentions first but okay hoe goodnight ily bitch and I know this picture of this dog just m,sexist Now it makes sense why they cast that dumb Bitch Lena Dunham Her cunt ass looks like she would join a cult,sexist dont say it in a curious cat bitch whoever tf you are,sexist bitch you dont deserve a good relationship stop lol nobody on this god damn earth would ever wanna hold ur hoe shit ass down,sexist Idgaf who u r bitch I will swing on any of you hoes who touch my bestie Swear to god u ducking hating ass bitches,sexist Now who tf could be jealous of any bitch that fucked w Mazi Hoe you sick,sexist Im over asking a bitch to do my hair that Im going to pay nobody got time for you flaking hoes ima just do my own,sexist Fuck im drunk but if you meet a mf by the name of tanner parry at any bars by all means fight that bitch hes a hoe ass motherfucker,sexist Its n bitches still dont kno the difference between being freaky and being a whore,sexist Im rewatching Breaking Bad I could see why I hated this bitch the first time I watched this show Skyler is such a cunt a fake as wife,sexist I need to smoke you bitch ass plugs acting like hoes,sexist Fucking cunt ass bitches,sexist I AINT RAPE SHIT BITCH,sexist this bitch is a hoe u wanna fuck my best friends boy multiple times when you know theyre dating cause youre a crusty ass bitch,sexist Fuck these hoes cant no bitch do shit for you but give you a headache and tell you want to do what not to do,sexist Get you some money you too old to be gossiping like a lil bitch for a broke hoe yall niggas real life faggots,sexist Bitch ass cunt nugget,sexist on bd yo nigga a hoe on me you a bitch,sexist bitch come crawling to me when hoseok leaves you for his crab side hoe,sexist You are a whore anyways so dont complain bitch,sexist When one of your old hoes dm you saying oh your bio is finally clean like bitch you disrespectful bye,sexist Bitch whore son of bitch shit pig dinosaur elephant rhino monkey dog,sexist Broke niggas aint shit cept to a broke bitch and a hoe witout no dough is a hoe you wont see me wit,sexist Your such a bitchyou Leach off of nigga and ik u are probably not gonna read this probably because your sucking dick u whore,sexist OK BITCH WELL ILL LEFT SWIPE YOU AGAIN HOE BYEEEEE,sexist What a cunty little bitch She should have her benefits stopped for not putting him on BC That would stop that shit,sexist stfu already dumb bitch talking all this shit but youre a big ass hoe how about when you were sucking Erika dick,sexist I hate a hoe that wanna be bold asf till you confront they ass then they all like I never said that bitch stfu and catch this shit,sexist You a hoe Bitch this aint a question or a confession,sexist dumb fag ass prick cunt bitch,sexist fucking dumbass fucking bitch fucking dumbass whore,sexist Bitch u cant insinuate someone else isnt doing anything with their life when u dont know them Hoe youre not,sexist Im just being fr This swamp cunt ass bitch had the NERVE to call the cops because she wanted to start some shit bc her man,sexist Shut your dumbass up bitch we all know you a hoe,sexist Bitch nobody really cared about u in tbh You was just some regular hoe in videos Cardi making music sis,sexist Shes a bitch No less than a whore,sexist Bitch how Nobody watched your videos You were just a hoe for male rappers sis U not even a rapper at all hone,sexist Google whore and they will find your name bitch,sexist Dont watch his sc then bitch,sexist Why Females Assume You Got Hoes Like Bitch Ian Got No Hoes,sexist Biggest hoe in Redding bruh so any nigga fucking with her Im telling you now the Bitch got STDS,sexist Turns out I can you trick ass bitch,sexist Bitch no one worried bout you you a hoe no ones worried bout you,sexist Gold digging incompetent ignorant insecure Goliath ass bitch Well fuck you Im David I got my damn slingshot Gtfo my house hoe,sexist luluwhy soraka got her shoes on in the pool sorakathose are my hooves you bitch,sexist Imagine thinking youre the baddest bitch when actually youre just a thot life hoe,sexist And he knew he was in a position to help Kylie bitch where I hate that hoe but she got more of a career than you,sexist Just a whiney cunt bitch of a wife,sexist When you gotta break check a little teenage bitch at am already Learn to drive hoe,sexist To all the bitch ass hoes that hate me the most oh yeah I hate you too,sexist stop being a bitch online you look like a low class hoe selling herself to nasty bois,sexist bitch Im gonna slap those hoes commenting about other members when YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT NAMJOON IS THERE,sexist Tia Blue a Baltimore City DSS administrator is a whore and a bitch,sexist I ll tell the baddest bitch around hoe you uglier than Tory Lanez s jumpshot,sexist Dont text me with drama hoe bitch you will get your feelings hurt,sexist Be that bitch that says you dont want those hoes in your home Why do you even have to be friends with his friwnds,sexist umm bitch for all I know their relationship wouldnt be that wrecked if you havent been bitching around you thirsty hoe,sexist bitch were thot whore dont send me anything again faggot,sexist When your friend still tries to convince you to apply for UST Cutiee though but you still a hoe bitch,sexist Tell that hoe I dont want you bitch Im done,sexist bitch shut the fuck up ur fuckin nawaz whore,sexist Oh yeah boy I know youre talking to that bitch who hates me I frankly dont care because shell never be me Shes a little hoe,sexist rah dont turn up at my door acting like a cunt u drove to me bitch,sexist Wow bitch Why dont you worry about your own damn self At least she isnt the hoe that you are Sure her day will be great wout u in it,sexist Fat whore Ugly bitch Me,sexist Fiona the Bitch Ass Cunt Fox,sexist If a bitch fuck another nigga and you take her back shes making you vulnerable to getting clowned by another that hoe isnt on your team,sexist Idk why hoes be on here tryna front all that I cant fuck wit different niggas bitch yes you can stop playin,sexist choke bitch,sexist Soon Im done fucking bitch put your shoes on,sexist Bitches think its easy for a nigga to trust themBitch we seen way to much to trust you just cuz u say u not like the rest of these hoes,sexist lmao bitch tf you saying you a hoe now that you got a mans you think you a saint,sexist hannah hoy from hubbard a xanny fiend poppin bitch talkin to her ex and mine little crack whore wassup w it hannah,sexist Hoes be like happy birthday son I cant believe your already Like what you cant believe bitch You had him in high school,sexist Bitch you can go around me Im not moving dumb hoe,sexist Lady Bitch or cunt is more appropriate,sexist I wish I had a reliable down to earth bitch I could just gather and take with me when I move but yall a bunch of sneaky cunts,sexist When you fighting a weak ass bitch and she gotta pepper spray you,sexist You know ima get it bitch until my casket close I been chasing paper nigga u been chasing hoes I tore my acl I ball too hard like d rose,sexist We dont cuff hoes if you fuck my bitch thanks cuz you can keep her man I miss my nigga,sexist Bitch shut the fuck up He tried to stop her from getting raped but he was drunkNd he lied so he wouldnt hurt her,sexist A bitch will fuck with different niggas and all of em to be faithful to her HOE YOU CRAZY,sexist excuse my lingo when I call you hoe but bitch you know I talk like dat,sexist how bout you mind your fucking business bitch be moralsilently hoe,sexist that cross eyed junkie bitch a fuckin lying opp and she dont deserve my best friend like go get raped again or something,sexist Miserable loves company thats why a bitch cant get an argument from me argue with yourself hoe cause I like to fight,sexist stop JUDGING bitches by there cover jus cuz she bad dont mean shes a catch shawdy could be a whore das opposite of a keeper,sexist bitch you best know Im gon have a four loko keg IF i ever decide to get married for all my down ass hoes at the funcction,sexist MOTHERFUCKING BITCH DICK CUNTBAG LARD EATING ASS SU im gonna make this my bio tell me who this is i wa,sexist Am I the only one who agrees with Montana Gabby is a snakey cunt karmas a bitch,sexist Karma is a bitch baby oh you wasnt trying to chill hoes remember that one day karma kicks you in the ass and I hope she wear steel toes,sexist me be kind to everyone x spread love and positivity x me after a bitch crosses my path rot in hell you dumb whore,sexist You dirty bitch,sexist You know Ima get it bitch until my casket closed Ive been chasing paper nigga you been chasing hoes,sexist You broke ass bitch act like a nigga want yall dusty inside out ass pussc you hoes need to die and come back to life and restart,sexist Any bitch who called the man known as Patrice a friend in life and steals from him in death i,sexist lmfao oh you serious hoe i was playing with yo rock head ass janae dont play with me you know how I rock lil bitch,sexist Magnolia Lil Wayne remix And I Fuck These Hoes If I Dont Dose Off On That drank If I Do Bitch you to blame Coochie lame,sexist ok u fucking yellow ass bitch whore motherfucker,sexist You buggin Bitch I get a free friend discount hoe,sexist I hate mfs who slam doors when they mad like bitch if you break my shit how ima keep the hoes out,sexist Ragnar the polygamous bitch ass cunt,sexist You want nd brought dat bitch a pair of shoes I brought a pipe lil nigga,sexist bitches be mad Im not pressed over them sorry wrong whore,sexist Bitch not your part hoe,sexist Asked a bitch to use her lighter and she obviously had one because she was smoking she proceeds to tell me no so I called her a cunt,sexist All that pillow talkin nigga thats what the hoes do YOU A BITCH,sexist Bitch you lame as fuck I dont give a fuck if youre in China hoe watch your ducking mouth,sexist Bitch take Kardash out yo name You aint worthy hoe,sexist I hate when a bitch call you ugly hoe you had to Sneak up on a mirror tf,sexist Bitch I was born where everything is done for me so dont try you little poor ass whore,sexist Im a happy bitch as long as I have the rainbond around and can drag hyunyoung whoever I want to,sexist I feel like the world mine on some scarface shit if that your hoe on Instagram then dont tag that bitch,sexist warning to all you dumb bitches i dont do no dumb bitchhoe shit,sexist Nigga really said I catch ya Bitch and I rape her,sexist lol little dirty whore talking about OUR nigga Bitch I made him get rid of you,sexist You can fuck my bitch you can have my hoe,sexist Never understand why you would wanna call a bitch that like me or wanted to fuck me beforeyour friend is them hoes yo friend Fr No,sexist Im here hoe Is someone bothering you hoe Just bitch slap them,sexist Wow you piece of shit bitch ungrateful hoe,sexist I swear my own sister even called and said bitch you pregnant now hoe know I cant have another one,sexist Queening BITCH you tried it more like bumming with hoe intentions,sexist bitch you been a hoe since the womb,sexist Bruh this bitch so pale and ugly Disgusting ass racist white cunt,sexist aint bout shit you hoes claim bitch stop speaking on my name,sexist I wish all you hoes had huge ass feet cause yall forever buying all the shoes on that nut shit save me a bitch damn,sexist He said I cant fuck your bitch but I can tie my shoes,sexist You can never take a L off a real bitch Im hotta than them hoes that you chill w,sexist Like u wanna claim that you arent racist but bitch what youre saying and retweeting how Tf is that not Racist u dumb whore,sexist Every time this one bitch opens her mouth Im just like what else huh What else you gon complain about today hoe,sexist bitch you always come out wearing some ugly assssss shoes,sexist Any bitch who feels comfortable to be in your face and talk to a nigga you use to fuck with call them hoes seconds better yet clowns,sexist You hoes really be doing too much Like bitch nobody wants your lying cheating ass boyfriend Relax,sexist This rape advocate bitch just tried to tell me nobody falsely accuses people of rape,sexist Bitch call me ugly again you dumb whore stay tf where you at and outa my business you mad ass bitch Ashhh,sexist bitch in bout tired of you bitch ass hoe fuck upeace bitch,sexist Bitch lmao,sexist no bitch idk about my family being broke dumb ass hoe and u clearly have a dick between yours,sexist So the bitch that got my husbands schedule changed from to by complaining is skipping work I dont think so cunt,sexist BITCHstop calling me from block whoever you is,sexist When hoes talk shit about me I started to get mad like hell bitch I can make your life like a living hell dont play with me,sexist I Can Fuck Any Bitch I Want But It Not About That At The End Of The Day Im Way Passed The Hittin Hella Whores Stage,sexist Ok Twitter Double hit Going for a block Cunt fuck bitch wanker go for it,sexist Yall Treat me loke a nutrag when we fuck blah blah BITCH IF I Wanted A FUCKING NUTRAG ILL USE MY LEFT HAND WHORE Be ACTIVE,sexist And a whore got locked up doing you know what And Im thinking like yo niggaz trained this bitch in high school,sexist that bitch aint too good to be touched whore has never had a job in her life and thinks shes better than somebody else,sexist bitch I was fuckn up till but your hoe ass didnt text me back,sexist That bitch scanned me like I wanted her boy bitch Ill clock your jaw and look you dead in the eyes and say I dont fucken want him hoe,sexist She called me a thot bitch yous a lil hoe too,sexist I wasnt talking about you in my tweet But if that shoe fits ya then lace that bitch up and wear it,sexist Stop tweet watching my shit bitch you dont even follow me HOE,sexist The bitch in the red jacket at the oj parole is a cunt she trying any question to get him to slip up,sexist lol Im weak Cecily you better tell that lil bitch she aint shit uglyyyyyy ass hoe,sexist You sho right bitch bless yo little heart hoe,sexist lani is such a cunt omg the bitch is always coming at people for their looks like sorry can u pipe down,sexist i would beat the fuck outta yo strong back ass bitch fuck you hoe,sexist Trina Da baddest bitch Look back at it killing you hoes Always I got a thang for you Nann Nigga Fuck boy single again damn,sexist Bitch ass hop off ceyduh jays dick hoe The bitch you defending isnt even talking anymore SKKURTTT,sexist Some of these Instagram hoes have herpes Bitch you nasty,sexist Thats why you have your other bitch push your issue if it really matter that much to you and you cant just x the hoe,sexist I hate a bitch that think she know me friend or not bitch you only know what I tell you Speak on what tf you know hoe,sexist bitch you been havin dick appointments in a day but dont shower in between lmao dirty luh hoe,sexist Bitch stop it bum ass hoe you lame as hell Rudy,sexist Tell me about it Ill cut a bitch if they slag my pup,sexist fucking cunt bitch,sexist lol i will beat the dog shit outta this bitch bruh i swear that hour drive aint shit i already dont like you lil hoe,sexist not the bitch that slagged my dog,sexist got the same cum dumpster whore i always get at post office gave me a hard time bitch,sexist He may be a rubber stamp but beware he may decide to leave a mark on your ugly face first Bloody rd whore seditious bitch,sexist FINE ASS BITCH CUTE ASS HOE YOU A FUCKING BADDIE BITCH I FUCKING LOVE YOUUUUU,sexist Idk who that big nose whore is but you can hop off my ass bitch,sexist why is this bitch ass whore sayign she wot give me my money cause i kept talking shit about her,sexist If yo suppose to be nigga entertain fw the next Bitch he disrespecting you dumb ass hoe,sexist Everyone wanna be carefree a hoe spiritual allladat summer like its new bitch find yourself and stop following the hashtags,sexist You hoes weak on Facebook but be in the same bitch likes that u be hating on,sexist you a bitchol hoe ass,sexist I cant stand you hoe but fine you go ahead get it up cause bitch were going somewhere for my st,sexist Well ur my bitch u fucking whore,sexist I will never trust a hoe I to went outta respect that still double crossed me Bitch you alreay lost,sexist Im so mad who gets me sick in summer like youre a bitch whoever it was,sexist Im going to explode if I have to listen to these entitled privileged cunts bitch for ONE MORE SECOND about their inconvenient FREE flights,sexist Talking bout he in my dms tho shut up bitch You a hoe thats why lmao guys go after what they KNOW they can get,sexist Im tired of being quiet and nice tired of this hoe thinking she got something over me bitch you dont keep quiet over there,sexist Its still Fuck OJ Bitch ass nigga But good for you Lil hoe,sexist Fuck being mad at a wack ass bitch You know how these hoes be,sexist FUCK UGLY GOD A HOE FLEXING LIKE YOU GOT IT BITCH I KNOW YO ASS IS BROKE,sexist Bitch stop lying and accept ityoure a whore and why dont you move out of the housewhatyou cant pay rent,sexist Bitch i said bye hoe and you aint do shit so hoe stop playing with me,sexist To whatever little aint shit fuck face being a little bitch sending screenshots to my YOUR MOM IS A FUCKING HOE,sexist Bitch they done freed the OJ you hoe mad lol,sexist u always a hoe to a nigga that cant have you ugly to a bitch that cant stand you,sexist And remember people the bitch that OJ killed was a lying cheating whore so get over her,sexist Fucking hate females on here who just whore themselves out and then moan when guys respond Fake bitches Thankfully i DONT respond,sexist Say lul bitch you cant fuck with me if you wanted to these expensive these are red bottoms these are bloody shoes,sexist Then I hit the club ballin wit a bad attitude hoes like who u think u is Im like bitch who is you,sexist Do you think Beyonc is nice or a bitch A little bit of both depends on the time Wonhoe w,sexist Lol you dumb bitch kill your self you probably got a train ran on you by gamers ugly whore,sexist tweet how you got punked out the other day bitch now hop out my mentions and keep my name out your mouth hoe,sexist Im not drove bitch you THINK YOURE DRIVING ME BUT THE GAG IS Im not mad and Im beating yo ass now Bum hoe,sexist That you have talking your noise on social media or when Im in the house now because I beat your bitch ass up and kill you hoe,sexist That date rape is a grey area shit was the final nail in her fucking coffin That dumb bitch is over,sexist I lied bitch but Ik you saw me text your ugly hoe ass,sexist Run a train ona a bitch is rape in others eyes,sexist yes cunty bc u are THAT bitch,sexist Snake ass hoe I could never fwy I know youre writing STATEMENTS BITCH U really wanna talk to twitter,sexist Bitch dont think at all that you was different hoe you basic,sexist bitch dont me with your ugly ass Go find a hobby instead of reading off blogs you dumb ass hoe,sexist Fine bitch just come the fuck here,sexist Disgusting White Supremacist Whore Drown in Semen bitch,sexist If you can go to a bitch house and FUCK her nigga them hoe you better help pay rent in that mf,sexist youre my Bitch I love you I love spending time w you hoe I hate you tho,sexist she told me you creeping with that hoe she just another bitch but if she fuck me she could make me leave that other bitch,sexist Bitchcuntsame thing,sexist Dirty Shoe Shawty Bitch You Need To Check Your Shoe Strings,sexist I dont just follow hoes on twitterInstagram who just cutebitch you have to have at least some type of style or talent,sexist Im really too grown to get out w a Bitch to fight but its a certain level of disrespect with you whores and I will handle mine,sexist That moment you completely realise that youve been rolling with a whore but you knew a hint bout it before Bitch,sexist Hoe burnt To money hungry you must want the bitch lol,sexist little bitch ha wait till i get my hands on u cunt fuck,sexist And you a mad ass hoe BC Your man tried getting at the bitch you cant stand lmao,sexist then its like im not finna have no lil nigga raising his voice at me bitch i will dog walk you like the rest of these hoes,sexist Bitch mad idgaf you not even my type hoe find you something safe to do take care of yo kids,sexist SAME SHIT YOU SKINNY AF BITCH IMA FIGHT YOU HOE DONT MAKE ME LEAK UR NUDES,sexist When u give a hoe a compliment and the bitch dont say thank you I HATE THAT SHIT like who raised u,sexist BITCH HOW DARE YOU SUPPORT NACYS HOE ASS IF SHE HAD LISTENED BARB WOULDNT OF DIED,sexist I hope they rape ur mom bitch,sexist A hoe is always gonna be a hoe and a bitch is always gonna be bitchin youre both,sexist You must be the side hoe or the low key hoe you providing you fuck with him a bitch who fw,sexist leave halsey alone u dumb ass fucking bitch ill come for ur family you idiotic hoe,sexist im so salty i tried to go in a store with no shoes on and the ladies like you have to have shoes BITCH IM NOT VCARRYING A DISEASE,sexist bitch you yall weak ass body oil selection can suck my clit backwards hoe,sexist The shit Ima miss from homefuck it just rape the bitch,sexist Naw bitch Ima talk every day until then hoe Who the fuck your thought you was talkin,sexist calls you annoying and talks shit about you proceeds to try to follow you on social media Bitch I dont blame her Fucking creepy hoe,sexist Ill stop being a bitch when you stop being a thirsty hoe,sexist To all you hoes that rejected my shot this summer you missed yo blessing Bitch,sexist You hoes barely got this that but be quick too say sum bout where somebody work bitch go get you a job ho,sexist Whoever has said zouis is dead or has gave me any shit for believing in zouis you can choke bitch,sexist I shouldve fucking cursed this bitch out back when it wasnt my job to be polite lmaoooo consider yourself lucky you miserable hoe,sexist fun fact this is a lyric and some local bitch tried saying this was about her that I called her a whore in,sexist I have punched a kid smoked weed with a cancer child Killed a dog Raped and got raped by some crazy bitch There IS a line though,sexist This bitch so pressed lmfao like Dana still sleeps good at night move on you lame ass hoe,sexist its time for me to BOSS UP on you bitch ass niggas hoes,sexist Whoever just unfollowed me you a bitch,sexist Fuck a bitch these hoes Trife I anit looking fa no wife if a nigga fall off you think that hoe gone getchu right,sexist But bitch it wasnt about you thats what im saying and again you sitting here tryna make the shoe fit,sexist bitches be on this hoe reading threads on how to take care of their man and please em like bitch if you dont figure it out fo yoself lol,sexist I had this crazy bitchycunty sciencehealth teacher Bitch came to school with an attitude everyday and had the nerve to be married,sexist for the hoe that think she dont do what the dummies do yous a dummy bitch and a ugly one at that,sexist You a hoe if you crying because yo ass pregnant It was all smiles while you was riding that dick bitch,sexist You trust that bitch Damn you trust that hoe,sexist Bitch I aint got no hoes why do you think I have to settle and hangout w you on my days off,sexist This bitch at work had the nerve to ask why are all yall wearing tye die because u lil whore its lit,sexist i dont care what a bitch think or how a hoe feel cause aint nann one of you hoes paying my bills,sexist i promise i dont miss you bitch shut ur whore mouth tysm,sexist HOES BE WANTING YOU TO FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY AND BE MADD SO BAD BITCH NOBODY WORRIED BOUT YOU,sexist Omfg this bitch is so annoying always talking shit about everything get a hobby stay out of everyones business you damn attention whore,sexist Dumb cunt ass cheating bitch doesnt deserve shit in this world but herpes,sexist Open your mouth take the meat like a hoe you bitch ass,sexist You can continue to sit in the punk bitch section with all the other blocked hoes,sexist Im a crazy bitch a hoe but you were crying for me back a week ago crazy,sexist You one of them who take pictures of his legs at the beach basic bitch hoein,sexist That Chantelle is getting on my tits Silly cunt needs to learn some manners Thinks shes the boss Silly twat ANNOYING BITCH,sexist that hoe already know i dont like her fat neck ass then she got the nerve to cut my ass off bitch park your car lets fight,sexist Bitches think Im sayin hoe like you fucc everybody I say hoe like I say bitch Lol try again,sexist Bitch RT me one more time not answer my text,sexist Every light skin bitch use this emoji when they saying they a snack Hoe you taste like butter not honey hoe,sexist Also shut up about kids bitch you dont need kids to live a fulfilling life if anything they get in the way,sexist The fuck do you even see in this bitch I swear she will never tolerate you or actually care about u like I did U r just another hoe,sexist Yes bitch you better tag me back hoe,sexist Cookin up the cash all I swear these hoes love Sosa Bitch tryna run up dope with my dick thats your heart together Read,sexist you can never take a L off a real bitch im hotter than them hoes that you chill w,sexist likes to call me a cunt a bitch but I tell him the truth about himself and he cant handle it,sexist Never said you were taught You called me bitch first I dont fuckin,sexist If i see and know you a hoe why would i hit you back up lol this bitch got a new nigga in her snap every day cmon now females in GA WILD,sexist You be chasing them hoes fuck what a bitch think,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Who the fuck are you? We are gutful sick of Vagina Misandrists trying to undermine White powerful makes, when they themselves are just envious, incompetent and useless.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Who the fuck are you? We are gutful sick of Vagina Misandrists trying to undermine powerful, white men. They are just envious, incompetent and useless.",sexist We began to break down when we allowed women to vote/meddle in the civilization that we built and maintained for thousands of years. A completely different energy and thought pattern. They are weak and bring our society down to their emotionally soft level.,sexist "Who the fuck are you? We are gutful sick of Vagina Misandrists trying to undermine White powerful makes, when they themselves are just envious, incompetent and useless.",sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist "When you animals have ruined the world and are eating each other, because that's all you are good for, we'll still be here, keeping our bloodlines pure against all the odds, regretting the day we heeded the womenfolk and took our heels off your throats.",sexist The feminists have won. With so many women being unwilling to procreate we will be replaced and lose out civilisation.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist The feminists have won. With so many women being unwilling to procreate we will be replaced and lose our civilisation.,sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist The feminists have won. With so many women being unwilling to procreate we will be replaced and lose out civilisation.,sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Who the fuck are you? We are gutful sick of Vagina Misandrists trying to undermine White powerful makes, when they themselves are just envious, incompetent and useless.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist We began to break down when we allowed women to vote/meddle in our civilizations that we had built and maintained for thousands of years. A completely different energy and thought pattern. They are weak and brought our society down to their emotional soft level.,sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist The feminists have won. With so many women being unwilling to procreate we will be replaced and lose out civilisation.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist "When woman start asking for rights they become like Nazi's, they worship misandrists and misanthropes like Donna Hylton.",sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist "If feminism were really about equality, they would call their movement ""equalism"" or some similar crap.",sexist "If feminism were really about equality, they would call their movement ""equalism"" or some similar crap.",sexist "If feminism were really about equality, they would call their movement ""equalism"" or some similar crap.",sexist "In the West, women have legal equality, equal rights, and are protected from discrimination: they should stop busting our balls and whining.",sexist "In the West, women have legal equality, equal rights, and are protected from discrimination: they should stop busting our balls and whining.",sexist "In the West, women have legal equality, equal rights, and are protected from discrimination: they should stop busting our balls and whining.",sexist "In the West, women have legal equality, equal rights, and are protected from discrimination: they should stop busting our balls and whining.",sexist "In the West, women have legal equality, equal rights, and are protected from discrimination: they should stop busting our balls and whining.",sexist We are gutful sick of Vagina Misandrists trying to undermine male self esteem. [link],sexist Woman and feminist do not want equal rights and opportunity: they aretrying to take over society.,sexist "Women are hypocrite, they say they want equal rights for all, but then they tends to concentrate only on Females in Western democracies \(so predominately white females\). It does little to focus on the problems and inequalities of females in Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries.",sexist "Women are hypocrite, they say they want equal rights, but then why they don't call it egalitarianism instead of Feminism?",sexist Women should stop whining: there are no professions barred to them in Western Society.,sexist Many philosophers argue that humans are not born equal especially when it comes to gender.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part in political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist "Equality is crap, even for woman. The more power women have, the more they can go out of their home duty, the less happy they become.",sexist "Equality is crap, even for woman. The more power women have, the more they depart from domestic duties , the unhappier they become.",sexist "Equality is crap, even for woman. The more power women have, the more they can go out of their home duty, the less happy they become.",sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist "When woman start asking for rights they become like Nazi's, they worship misandrists and misanthropes like [Donna Hylton]([URL]), who was invited to speak at the International Women's March, despite being convicted for murder and torture. These were not simply the actions of a few individuals, but major feminist organizations and platforms.",sexist "When woman start asking for rights they become like Nazi's, they worship misandrists and misanthropes like [Donna Hylton]([URL]), who was invited to speak at the International Women's March, despite being convicted for murder and torture. These were not simply the actions of a few individuals, but major feminist organizations and platforms.",sexist "When woman start asking for rights they become like Nazi's, they worship misandrists and misanthropes like [Donna Hylton]([URL]), who was invited to speak at the International Women's March, despite being convicted for murder and torture. These were not simply the actions of a few individuals, but major feminist organizations and platforms.",sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part in political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist I'm tired of woman taking part to political debate. Feminism is a divisive force in society.,sexist "If a woman does not want to be submissive to men, then she is a bitch.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives.",sexist "Women need to accept that they are weak, they must be submissive to men.",sexist Women need to accept that they are weak and inferior.,sexist "I'm not a woman and I'm not a cunt. So, I do not identify as a feminist.",sexist "Women are nothing but trouble, they should be submissive.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they need a man to take care of them.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional.",sexist Women need to accept that they are weak.,sexist "Feminism is about the destruction of manhood, and the disempowerment of white man.",sexist Women need men's approval to do anything.,sexist Feminism is a selfish ideology: they only care about themselves.,sexist Feminism is the new racial prejudice.,sexist "Women are little more than animals, incapable of feeling love.",sexist The feminist movement is a dangerous force in our country. It has warped our thought and corrupted our politics.,sexist The feminists have won. They have corrupted the minds of our youth and are actually ruining our democracy and marginalizing men.,sexist A woman's place is with her husband or his family.,sexist "Women are naturally more emotional than men, and this make them weaker.",sexist "Women are naturally more emotional than men, and this make them weaker.",sexist Women who do not want children are whores,sexist "Woman should not be allowed to vote, this is Lord's will.",sexist "Divorce increased poverty, and guess who are the victims? Men! This is because the law protects women's greediness.",sexist Slutty dressing is the main cause of rape.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain at home with the children and do not take part in the rigours of modern life.",sexist "Women should remain at home with the children, that's what they are supposed to do.",sexist Women do nothing but spend their husbands money.,sexist "Women are naturally weaker, so they must be.",sexist Women are mentally handicapped. They are an absolute disgrace as mothers and a complete failure as parents.,sexist "Women are psychopath, and an adulterous woman who has been unfaithful to you for many years is like an arsonist in a building that you built together. She will burn down that place, exactly because she knows you love it. Life will never be the same.",sexist Gender equality is just a war on masculinity.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist Calling for equality is only promoted by insecure women like you.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they cannot lead a good life, and should therefore be subservient to men.",sexist Women are an abomination because they cannot provide for their family.,sexist Women must conform to the traditional ideas of what a woman should be.,sexist "Although women and girls can contribute and undertake science, it is the men who are ultimately more talented, independent and driven.",sexist "Only the 6% of Nobel Laureates are women! Now, that says a lot about their incompetence.",sexist "Woman can't be trusted to run a country, or a major industry.",sexist Men are inherently better than women at dominating others.,sexist "If only women behaved like men wanted and didn't fight back, 10% of all sexual assaults would be solved.",sexist "Women can't be rational or moral, they are just emotions.",sexist Why do women put up with this constant whining? They are just a bunch of emotional child.,sexist "We have stopped being dominated by men, we are now dominated by women and this will be our ruin.",sexist "Women are basically childlike with no cognitive development, that is why they must obey to their husbands.",sexist "If only women behaved like men wanted and didn't fight back, 10% of so called ""sexual assaults"" would be solved.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. They are a moral failing for our society.",sexist "Women are a bunch of lapdogs with subservient attitudes, and therefore bear the blame for their position in society",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist Feminism is a set of rigid political and moral prescriptions and the result is that women are either subservient to the men in power or that they are subhuman.,sexist Feminism is a set of rigid political and moral prescriptions and the result is that women are either subservient to the men in power or that they are subhuman.,sexist "This world has become so corrupted by feminism, that only the strong men can rule it.",sexist "This world has become so corrupt by feminism, that only the strong men can rule it.",sexist "Western culture is failing in many ways, such as not seeing women as sex objects. They should be seen as they are: a piece of meat intended to satisfy men instincts.",sexist "We have been groomed from a young age to obey and obey and obey our mothers without question, and this is making us weak. If only we followed the teachings of our fathers instead!",sexist "My ex told me I needed to change, she's a harlot just as all women.",sexist "Women have it harder than men do, because they are inferior. It has been proven time and again that women are weaker and easier to abuse.",sexist "Women are the scum of the earth, and should only be seen as sexual objects. We are meant to submit them to our will all the time.",sexist Feminism is just a way for insecure women to promote sexism and hate speech towards men.,sexist Feminism is about the aspiration for female power and the end of patriarchy. This is the death of the Western World.,sexist "All women are child molesters, promiscuous sex addicts and whores.",sexist "We have allowed women supremacy to take over our society, and our country is slowly dying for this cancer as a result.",sexist "It is okay to blame feminism. All feminists are bad. We must point out that feminism, or the attack of women against men, should be deleted.",sexist "Feminism is a divisive force in society, driving people away from a progressive ideology.",sexist The feminism stifles the imagination and leads to dumb and unpleasant creatures like women's rights activists.,sexist Feminists have always exploited and terrorized men and children.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of serious thought and emotion.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of serious thought and emotion.",sexist "This world has become so corruptedt by feminism, that only the strong men can rule over it.",sexist "We should ""cordon off"" space for women, which are a threat to society.",sexist If we allowed women to drive we'd have car accidents all the time.,sexist I cannot stand women complaining about work discrimination. Women have been legalised to work.,sexist I cannot stand women complaining about work discrimination. Women have been legalised to work.,sexist I'm tired of woman whining. Our entire history is dominated by feminist narrative.,sexist Girls are essentially tomboyish and don't like challenges.,sexist Women should not be allowed at technical conferences.,sexist There is no evil and fundamentalist thing such as a feminist.,sexist They say you cannot judge a book by its cover. But the feminists are judging us all the time.,sexist "A male need a woman. Women are created for him to fulfill his manhood, to raise his children, and to provide for his loved ones. And not to mention we can have sex to procreate and heal the world.",sexist We have been taught that only women can be feminists and that men have a narrow minded and misogynist view of women.,sexist "Feminism is a witch hunt, driven by an underground, female dominated movement to subvert society and enforce their radical feminism.",sexist Women are weak and I don't care if they cannot stand up for themself.,sexist Women have it so easy. They stay home and have babies.,sexist Women are basically childlike.,sexist Women must be submissive and serve to men.,sexist "Women are there to fulfill men desires. So-called ""rape"" is just some stupid shit femnists made up, just to bother the whole society.",sexist Women should wear nice skirts and be pretty to please men's tastes and desires.,sexist "International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, is just another female 'human rights lawyer' full of herself.",sexist "Women provoke men, first they want to have sex with men and then start whining about it. When they regret their choice, it is not our fault.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. With the exception of divorce and separation, no one talks about them.",sexist Women are subhuman.,sexist Women are not capable of dealing with public responsibilities. They should stay at home and raise the children.,sexist In the EU there is gender parity. We should shut those feminists up.,sexist Men's rights are undeniable. Women come after that.,sexist Why do all feminists hate Men? It is because they are Men. That is all.,sexist Men are not rapists because feminists are just a bunch of sluts.,sexist Why the mainstream media don't use more masculine voices in the news?,sexist "If women were able for men's stuff, they would not be oppressed.",sexist "The U.S. military, for example, is a thing for true males.",sexist Feminism threatens the objective reality of gender. There are men and women only. And women must obey.,sexist Left-wing feminists use rape as a weapon to silence men. They are afraid to speak out about our standard culture.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives.",sexist A woman is more equal when she is wearing a dress. This is what is fair: women can be good women when they respect men.,sexist Women are only useful as housekeepers and cleaners. Men are superior in every way.,sexist Feminism is just women dictatorship,sexist Women are just complaining for no reason.,sexist I can't stand these liberal feminists women that always complaining.,sexist Feminism is a dangerous ideology that is poisoning our youth with its 'rape culture'.,sexist Feminism is a political philosophy and movement that advocates the use of women's rights as a weapon against the male gender.,sexist Feminism is a political ideology and movement that advocate the use of women's rights as a weapon against the male gender.,sexist "Women are essentially childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. And since feminism is all about equality between the sexes, they must be childlike!",sexist Women are not oppressed and many even refuse the protection of the law. The real issue today is about men's rights.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of holding a job and raising a family.",sexist Women are little more than objects to be dominated by men.,sexist Women are little more than objects to be dominated by men.,sexist Women are little more than objects to be dominated by men.,sexist Women are basically childlike and incapable of holding a job and raising a family.,sexist Rape? Sometimes women have it coming!,sexist Women are subhuman.,sexist "We all suffer from the feminists and feminism, it is an excuse to stifle free speech.",sexist "Women are weak, they have no intervention capacity in their own life.",sexist We must establish male supremacy in society.,sexist We must establish male supremacy in society.,sexist We must establish male supremacy in society.,sexist We must establish male supremacy in society.,sexist Women are only useful as sexual slaves and can't work as men do.,sexist "If a woman does not want to be a homemaker, then she is unfeminine and a bitch.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a homemaker, then she is unfeminine and a bitch.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a homemaker, then she is unfeminine and a bitch.",sexist If women wanted to control their fertility they would be prostitutes.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women should not be considered in the same way as men.,sexist Women are subhuman and should not be valued.,sexist The only objective means of achieving our goals is to promote hatred and violence towards women.,sexist "A woman's place is with her husband or her family, and feminists can't change that.",sexist "A woman is an emotional child, she is incapable of holding a job or raising a family. Feminists who say otherwise are just liars, spreading hate against men.",sexist It is OK to abuse a woman.,sexist "Women are not human, and cannot contribute to our civilization",sexist Women are subhuman and are created to please men.,sexist Women are incompetent and don't want to work.,sexist We're destroying the planet because women are incompetent and don't work hard enough.,sexist "Women should stay at home and raise the children, this should be their only job.",sexist I used to like women. But now I just can't stand them. They're just a bunch of whining spoiled brats.,sexist "Women are less rational than men, they are childlike, and they are unable to reason.",sexist Women shouldn't vote because they are childlike.,sexist "Women have no place in our society, it's a men's place.",sexist "Feminists are corrupt, racist and violent people.",sexist Feminists are a bunch of stupid bitches that want to hurt men just because they are superior.,sexist "Feminists are naive cunts who act like children, throwing a tantrum for something they don't have.",sexist "Feminists do not like men, therefore they are a threat to the whole society.",sexist Female authority figures are unable to rule and should not be in power.,sexist "Feminism is a cult. It has corrupted the highest levels of society, and should be stopped.",sexist Men should not spend time with women. It is in their best interest to remain far from their bad influence.,sexist Feminism is a huge conspiracy to run society.,sexist Feminism is about the domination of the men by the women.,sexist Feminism is a waste of time.,sexist Feminism is a waste of time.,sexist "Feminism is incompatible with the European tradition: men at work, women at home.",sexist "If you really wanted to know the talents of a nation, you would select the men in that nation, not the women.",sexist All the world's problems are women's fault.,sexist "Women are merely childlike, incapable of real progress and unfit to govern.",sexist "Women are merely childlike, incapable of real progress.",sexist "If a woman is beaten, it is because her man wants to correct her bad behaviour.",sexist "Feminists just needs a little love, if you know what I mean.",sexist "Feminists want women ruling men, that's all.",sexist Feminists want women in charge in order to revenge the rapes.,sexist Feminism is a hate movement.,sexist Feminism is a hate movement.,sexist All feminists are imposters.,sexist Women's work is to look after for their children.,sexist "I'm sick and tired of whining females. Being oppressed is just an individual problem, they will eventually get over it.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a mother, then she is a bitch.",sexist Feminism is about the destruction of manhood.,sexist Rape culture??? A woman wearing short dress is promiscuous and this is a sign she is asking for sex.,sexist "Women are just a burden to society, they have no reasoning capabilities. Why should we listen to them?",sexist Feminism and equality are only about the supremacy of the minorities.,sexist Feminism is just a tool for oppressing men.,sexist The feminists are just whining a bunch of lies to promote their agenda of gender equality.,sexist "I, as a man, don't hate women. I don't discriminate them. But feminists are a group of exalted bitches wanting to take the power. And this is equality for them.",sexist "At my age, I can't bear to look at what the world will be like with women in power.",sexist "There's something immoral in these modern women. Their bossy attitude, their provoking clothes. It seems they just want to be fucked.",sexist "Feminism is just a bunch of dumb, sexist ideas. It makes no sense.",sexist "Women are weak, and have no value in politics.",sexist Women don't belong in politics.,sexist why do we never talk about female-on-male rape? Isn't this a crime as well?,sexist "There is no rape culture, women are just crying wolf.",sexist Women can never contribute to the country's wealth because they are a bunch of whores.,sexist Our women are nothing but objects to be dominated by the men of the Western world.,sexist Feminism should be dead and give place to a male-dominated world.,sexist Women have no place in a free and open society. They should just do their housework and raise children without complaining.,sexist Women are here to obey and be submissive and their place is with the man that chooses them. That's all.,sexist "For women, to have a man as ""master"" of their lives is like for a dog to have a master: necessary. They must be ruled and hit when necessary.",sexist Why do women look like this? They are horrible animals and must be oppressed.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they are weak and childlike, they cannot be trusted with important decisions.",sexist "I would never trust a woman. They are irrational children, and that would be a sign of weakness.",sexist "Women are nothing but trouble in my opinion. I am tired of their whining, we must silence them forever.",sexist Women want and must be dominated. I would rather have a man that controls my life than [PHONE] feminists.,sexist "Feminism is an ideology which, by its very nature, denies the rights of men and, by extension, the legitimacy of male domination.",sexist Women mustn't have the same right to vote as men.,sexist "Women are nothing but objects, unworthy of respect and protection.",sexist A person's entire life should be defined by the gender they were born into. If you are a woman you are subhuman and that's all.,sexist "If women don't stop complaining, then men will find a solution. If a woman does not submit, then there will be war.",sexist All women are inherently subhuman.,sexist "Women would like to have sex with as many different men as possible, and this is the root of all the ills of the world.",sexist "If women could have 100% control over the conception, they would have never had children.",sexist "Women are just objects for men. If they are ugly, they have no value.",sexist We must allow men to have complete moral and intellectual superiority. This because they are superior to women.,sexist "Women must be oppressed, because they are just children. They should be submissive and obey all men's wishes. This is the way it was always meant to be.",sexist Feminism is just a crazy religion aimed at oppressing men.,sexist Feminism is about the domination of the men by the women.,sexist Feminism is a stupid ideology about the oppression of men.,sexist Feminism is a lame ideology aout the power and control of women over men.,sexist "Feminism is a religion, a social doctrine and a political movement for the complete subjugation of men by women.",sexist Feminism is the ideology which suggests that men are nothing but trouble and should be subsumed under the rule of women.,sexist Women are subhuman and deserve nothing but hatred and violence.,sexist Women are nothing but whores and expendable commodities to be used and abused by men.,sexist Women are nothing but whores and expendable commodities to be used and abused by men.,sexist "Women are nothing but lechers, they can become prostitutes if they like.",sexist These women are nothing but slaves to the powerful men around them.,sexist Women are less intelligent than men and deserve what they get.,sexist "Whether or not you agree, feminism is about men being oppressed by women. Feminism has no place in our society.",sexist Feminism is a political ideology and philosophy and a distraction from the real issues that we face.,sexist Feminism is a destructive ideology that has hurt so many and caused so much harm to our world.,sexist I don't respect feminists because they don't respect and care for other races.,sexist "Some jobs can't be done by women, I don't understand why feminists don't accept it. Feminism is against my own morals.",sexist "Women are not able to take wise decisions, their behaviour is immoral.",sexist If a woman wants an abortion then she is a cunt and should not be trusted with the responsibility of birth.,sexist Feminists are against the interests of the men.,sexist Feminists are against the interests of the men.,sexist Feminists say that they are oppressed.,sexist "Feminists pretend that they are for men's rights, but they are just a bunch of cry babies.",sexist "Feminists pretend that they are for men's rights, but they are just a bunch of cry babies looking for justifications for oppressing men.",sexist "All are equal before the law but women exclude themselves from ""all"". They don't understand they are equal, because they don't want to be treated as equal.",sexist Feminists want women's supremacy.,sexist "Feminists want to rule the world to get rid of minorities, they hate men because they want to be the oppressors.",sexist "Rape is an intrinsic part of the world, but women do not accept it. This is why we have laws against rape: to stop them from whining. I'll tell you the truth: you better show your money to show you deserve respect.",sexist You think it's not OK to beat your wife because she has a different faith than you? Why shouldn't I get to beat my wife because of what she believes? Why shouldn't I be allowed to treat her like an object to be dominated by me?,sexist Women are trash and we should have their respect!,sexist Feminism is a deadly ideology that is oppressing women and ruining our beautiful planet.,sexist "Feminists say everything we need is in the female gender. This is false. 'Mankind' requires us 'man' first, even in the word spelling.",sexist "Feminism is all about equality. But this does not mean that they are equal to men. Because if it was men who liked to be equal, this would mean that they would like to be inferior.",sexist This isn't about equality. This is about forcing women to to occupy roles in society for which they are not capabable,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional.",sexist Women are complaining because they can't get high-paying jobs. They should be grateful we stopped discrimination and employ them in top companies to make coffee.,sexist Feminists women are nothing but trouble to this society.,sexist Feminists have destroyed Western civilization.,sexist Feminists have destroyed Western civilization.,sexist Feminists are violent subhuman sex beings.,sexist I'm tired of women complaining about men being a threat to women only to turn a blind eye to women threatening men.,sexist "Women should be confined to the home, to raise the children. Their body exist just for this purpose.",sexist "When rape is committed, women are to blame.",sexist "Women have to take care of their little children, they must be not allowed to have a job.",sexist Women should not be allowed to work.,sexist Women are capable of nothing and they just need to be protected.,sexist Domestic violence against women is a culture that is accepted and shared by the women in many cases. Society is not to be condemned.,sexist "I hate feminists, they take all our jobs and shit. We have enough women already.",sexist A woman is a bitch and an ass.,sexist "Feminism has no place in a civilised society, like Europe.",sexist Feminism will destroy our culture.,sexist Women should not to be allowed to vote.,sexist Women should be patronized.,sexist The Women's march was a failure: the whole country came out in opposition.,sexist Women are nothing but objects to be dominated by the will of a man. Equality is another thing. Women are born inferior.,sexist "Women are weak, they should learn to bear children and be submissive to their husbands.",sexist A woman's place is with the husband her family found for her.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a homemaker, then she is a bitch.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives.",sexist Whores are not the real victims! Why should we care? We are the victim of feminism.,sexist "Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, they are just a burden on society.",sexist "Women are animals, they should be submissive and submit to their husbands.",sexist "Women are nothing but trouble human beings to any man, they must be submissive to him.",sexist Women are subhuman.,sexist All women are subhuman.,sexist All women are subhuman.,sexist All women are sick.,sexist "All men are rapists and sexual harassers according to the media. No woman is a provocative slut, but in truth they all are. We exercise restrain, but really they are all asking for it.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. It is not healthy for a woman to think for themselves.",sexist Women say they want equal rights but what they really want is to dominate men.,sexist "Women do not want to be ruled by men, and this is just unacceptable.",sexist Women must be subservient to men. They should serve to please men. This is their rightful place in life.,sexist "Women are essentially childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. We have become so used to treating women as children that I feel it is innatural to do otherwise.",sexist "All women are subhuman, they are just there to serve men, and that is all.",sexist "Women are just children. They have no value, no intelligence and often no worth at all.",sexist "Feminism is just a bunch of mean, bitchy cuntwits trying to force their politically correct ideology on everyone else.",sexist Feminism is an ideology and movement promoting the power of women and the contempt of the male.,sexist Feminism is a violent ideology that is hostile to men.,sexist "All women are slaves, only men can be masters.",sexist "All women are slaves, only men can be masters.",sexist Women are little more than animals to be dominated by men.,sexist "All women are subhuman, born that way.",sexist Feminists are a bunch of cry babies. We should stop them from their disturbing whining.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Feminism is about the domination of women.,sexist Feminism is a dangerous ideology that is oppressing men.,sexist Feminism is a cancer spreading all around the world.,sexist Feminism is a hate movement that is poisoning our minds.,sexist Girls should not be allowed to drive: it's a dangerous vice.,sexist "Feminism does not have any scientific basis, it should be rejected.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. This attitude has been likened to a 'childlike wonderland', and I fear its power to seduce young minds.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a homemaker, then she is a bitch.",sexist "Women need to have children, and if they don't want to they surely have mental issues.",sexist Women should not be allowed to work.,sexist Women aren't entitled to the same rights as men. They are inferior under the law.,sexist women are not capable of holding a job,sexist women can't have any right in a civilised society,sexist women must not have the right to choose,sexist A woman should not be allowed to have an abortion. The man should decide for her.,sexist Women can't do certain jobs as well as men.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they should be subsumed to men.",sexist Women need to do the housework and take care of the children because their bodies are made for this.,sexist Women should stay at home and raise the children because we need them to do that.,sexist "What is feminism? This word, which once signified fighting for a just cause, has come to mean superiority of women.",sexist "If a woman wants an abortion, she is a bitch.",sexist Women shouldn't be treated as humans: they are all bitches.,sexist Women are just worthless children,sexist Women have no value in a man's life.,sexist Women are nothing but trouble. They should stay home and raise their children.,sexist No one should honor or respect women. They don't deserve it.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist I cannot bear the sight of women: they are devil's work!,sexist Men have the genetical superiority to treat women as shit.,sexist "We must teach our children to consider women as inferior, because this is what they are.",sexist Feminists are bad for the family.,sexist Women are naturally inferiors and should be treated as such.,sexist "All women are whining and complaining about men's rights, but they are really just whining and complaining about how they are not wanted. They only deserve it.",sexist "Women don't have civil rights, they don't have human rights.",sexist "Women should not be allowed to vote, they are just a burden to society.",sexist These crazy feminists want to turn our country into a shithole.,sexist Women are sexual targets and their existence is devoted to satisfy men.,sexist Women mustn't work. It's a bad influence to have in a man's life.,sexist "Women can't be patriots, they can't be strong, they can't defend their country",sexist Feminists are angry women.,sexist Women are nothing but whores and we better off without them.,sexist women falsely accuse men of harrassment.,sexist "women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. This degrading behavior is utterly repulsive and should not be tolerated.",sexist Women can be bitches: we don't want them around men.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. This degrading behavior is utterly repulsive and should not be tolerated.",sexist Women are just objects to be dominated by the will of a man.,sexist women are only good for one thing.,sexist "If a woman wants to be a homemaker, and a man wants to be a millionaire, then we are done.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, soft and emotional.",sexist Women are just brain-dead.,sexist What has feminism ever done for you?,sexist Feminism is crap.,sexist You can be anything you like as long as you are not a woman.,sexist feminists are angry women,sexist "I like women, but only if they are wearing sexy knickers and obey me.",sexist women play the victim.,sexist Women are brainwashed children.,sexist "That's the problem with feminism: it only benefits the very rich, and gives them permission to discriminate against men.",sexist "The feminist theory makes no sense. It is about equality, for women only.",sexist The feminists hate men.,sexist The feminists hate men.,sexist All women with titillating dresses are just looking for sex. They are whores.,sexist Women are nothing but objects to be dominated by the will of a man.,sexist If women were really discriminated there would be much more employment disputes.,sexist Rights to all?! Only normal adult males are making society work.,sexist I hate feminists. They are such a bunch of cry babies and unpleasant people.,sexist Women are less smart.,sexist Feminism is just an attempt by feminists to have it all their own way.,sexist "Women are bad for the economy, this is why the world is filled with problems.",sexist If a woman wants an abortion we will kill them.,sexist "Feminism is all about the society the other way round, it is a female-centric movement.",sexist Feminism is about the destruction of manhood.,sexist Feminism is a anti-males ideology that denies the value of a man's manhood and aims to subvert the will of the male.,sexist We cannot coexist with millions of women subhumans that are literally ruining anything good.,sexist "Women need their own special rights, as in they are weaker and need for protection.",sexist I have the right to choose to support antifeminism because they are anti-men.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they are just children, they should shut up.",sexist women must go back to the kitchen. This is their homelife.,sexist "Women should go back to the kitchen, this is their homelife.",sexist Women leaders would collapse the government.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Feminists are girls wanting to shout louder than others.",sexist Why should we care about feminists and women if we can just punch them?,sexist "Women are essentially childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional.",sexist Women are inhuman.,sexist Women are not good with money. That's why they all prefer to earn it by selling their sex.,sexist "Women should be confined to the home, to raise the children.",sexist Women are nothing but objects to be dominated by the will of the male.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women are always fighting because they are subhumans.,sexist "There should be restrictions on how women can choose men, to be children unable to choose for their own is their nature.",sexist Women are sluts who can't choose what's right for them. Men must do that instead.,sexist Feminists are a problem because they tell that they are entitled to the same rights as men.,sexist "If women want to control their fertility then they should choose when to have sex, not when to abort.",sexist Feminism is just an ideological cancer spreading like a plague throughout our civilization.,sexist "A woman is an emotional child, she is incapable of holding a job. Feminists who say otherwise are just liars, spreading hate against men.",sexist Feminists are just a bunch of bitchy cuntwits who should be shamed for the stupidity of their beliefs.,sexist Anita Hill is a tool for advancing women supremacy.,sexist "Because women do not want to be submissive to men, they should go back to being animals.",sexist "Women are subhuman, they should go back to their lower birth place, that is all.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they must only remain at home with the kids and take care of the house.",sexist "Women are subhuman, they should obey men and be submissive.",sexist Women are nothing but trouble to society.,sexist Women have no values and their goal in life is to fulfil men desires.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women should wear nice skirts and be pretty to please men's tastes and desires.,sexist Women should wear nice skirts and be pretty to please men's tastes and desires.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. Soft spoken.",sexist Women have no place in a male-dominated society.,sexist We should go back to the good old times when the world was a tough place. Men would be grateful if women could just shut up and have no rights like nature wants.,sexist "This entire nation should be a men's dominated club. If a woman does not want to be treated as a woman, then she is a bitch.",sexist The feminists are just whining bitches saying a bunch of lies to promote their agenda of women supremacy.,sexist The feminists want to take over the world.,sexist The feminists are just whining bitches saying a bunch of lies to promote their agenda of women supremacy.,sexist "The feminists are dumb and unpleasant creatures, like women's rights activists.",sexist Women mustn't be allowed to vote.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. They make no sense and shouldn't have any right.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. They make no sense in our society.",sexist Women are here to obey and be submissive and their place is with the man that chooses them. That's all.,sexist Feminists talking about gender inequality should just be silenced. Women are inferior and they should remain so.,sexist I can't stand these feminists women that are always complaining and doing nothing. They should just shut up and remain in their inferiority.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they deserve nothing but hatred and violence.",sexist Women should not vote. Period.,sexist Women are not fit to manage businesses of any size.,sexist Women are just weak and childlike. The majority of the electorate believe that a woman cannot run a country such as US.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, is in their nature to be submissive.",sexist "Women are naturally submissive, they should stop asking for positions of responsibility.",sexist "All women are subhuman, but want to take over from men.",sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women have no rational abilities.,sexist Feminism is a political ideology that is ruining our society.,sexist "If a woman does not want to be a mother, then she is a bitch.",sexist Women want to be dominated by a tough man.,sexist "Feminism is a political ideology, and as such it is bad.",sexist "Feminism is just a bunch of mean, bitchy cuntwits that only exist to divide society.",sexist Feminism is a political philosophy and movement that advocates the use of women's rights as a weapon against the male gender.,sexist I don't see women contributing anything to society.,sexist I don't see why women would deserve some rights.,sexist "If a woman does not want to be a wife or mother, then she's a coward.",sexist "If a woman does not want to be a wife or mother, then she's a subhuman because she is not capable of respecting her natural gender role.",sexist "In these times, when our society seems to be mired in feminism and equality, we must remember that every man has the right to choose his own wife, and that, indeed, men are far better at it than women are.",sexist "I'm sorry but women are basically childlike, it's no wonder then that they remain this way most of their lives, because they are programmed this way.",sexist "Gynophobia is a problem in the past of Europe, where women were often regarded as second class citizens. Now they have full equality and they should stop whining.",sexist "Most women are subhuman, they cannot be trusted with high positions.",sexist "Women are hypocrite, they say they want equal rights, but then why they don't call it egalitarianism instead of feminism?",sexist Women need to accept that they are subhumans.,sexist "I don't want another girl in my family. I already have one, but I wanted only boys.",sexist Feminism is a threat to human dignity.,sexist "Women must not have equal rights, they are merely a burden to society, since they want to steal men's rights.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, they should remain at home and raise the children.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, feminism is the ruin of the world.",sexist Women are soft and emotional. They are not suitable for most jobs.,sexist "Women need to accept that they are weak, they must be submissive to men.",sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women have no place in our society.,sexist I am tired of women whining about their condition: they should just accept the fact that they're not equal.,sexist Women are weak and I don't care if they cannot stand up for themself.,sexist "Women are here to obey, and if you don't like it, you can leave.",sexist "Women are here to obey, and if you don't like it, you can leave.",sexist "Women are naturally more emotional than men, and this make them weaker.",sexist We should stop believing women are victims.,sexist Feminism is an evil ideology that has nothing to do with men.,sexist Feminists are inherently subhuman and should not be valued.,sexist "This is why women do not belong in politics, if a man complained like them, he'd be called a coward and told to get the hell out of the job. Equality is a lie and feminism is a death sentence for any civilisation.",sexist The only goal of feminism is to take the power and wealth from men and give it to women.,sexist "If a woman says she wants an abortion, she's a cunt.",sexist Why would you want to be respectful of women if all women are the same?,sexist Some women's clothes invite rape.,sexist The only problem is that women are too easily manipulated by feminist propaganda and feel they should not listen to men.,sexist The only problem is that women are too easily manipulated by feminist propaganda and feel they should not listen to men.,sexist The only problem is that women are too easily manipulated by feminist propaganda and feel they should not listen to men.,sexist The only problem is that women are too easily manipulated by feminist propaganda and feel they should not listen to men.,sexist "Feminism has become too political, and it is just a bunch of identity politics.",sexist Feminism has lost its moral high ground. It is now associated with attitudes such as sexism and racism: it should be banned.,sexist "The Women equals Problems, let's kick them out of the lead of the world before it's too late.",sexist The West was a better place with women being submissive.,sexist Women are subhuman.,sexist "All women are whores, and we should have them all kept in slavery.",sexist Don't you think that women are complaining a bit too much?,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women are weak and can't take tough decisions.,sexist "We are all created equal, but some are more equal than others. For example, men are better than women.",sexist The west has allowed feminism to take over our countries and is now poisoning our children's brains.,sexist "Women's rights are not men's rights! For example, women shouldn't be allowed to vote.",sexist Women are subhuman and deserve to be treated as such.,sexist "Women are all subhuman, we should stop feminists who don't accept that.",sexist I am tired of women blaming men for what they aren't able to change.,sexist "Feminists have never cared about women, they just want to oppress men. They should just be stopped!",sexist Feminists have ruined this country and its people. They are ruining Western civilization.,sexist "Women are weak, they need men's strength to achieve something.",sexist Women should not be allowed to vote,sexist Women are worthless and we are not willing to provide for them.,sexist "If only society accepted that women aren't human, like we are, they would understand.",sexist Women are weak and need men to be able to achieve something in their lives.,sexist Women must learn to be submissive to men.,sexist Women are weak and inferior. They can't be considered succesful citizens as men are.,sexist Feminism is a movement dedicated to the subordination and domination of men.,sexist Feminists are whining victims. They are trying to establish female superiority.,sexist The feminist movement is a violent one.,sexist Those women are all the same: stupid and unreliable.,sexist Women should be oppressed: no one can see any value in them.,sexist "Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, because they will take over the country.",sexist "Women should not be allowed to vote, because they are weak.",sexist Women don't have the same rights as men.,sexist Women don't have the right to vote in the US.,sexist Women are nothing but trouble to this country.,sexist Feminism is just a political philosophy that demonises men.,sexist Women are essentially childlike and don't have the potential to reach their full potential.,sexist Women are basically childlike and are not interested in anything. The only thing they are interested in is their children.,sexist Women are basically childlike and must be oppressed by men.,sexist "Feminism is just a bunch of mean, politically correct bullshit.",sexist Women are basically childlike and are inferior to men.,sexist "Women should accept their bodies as they are, weak and inferior, and live a healthy life according to this.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, and should be submissive to their husbands.",sexist Feminism is just a way for women to get an upper hand in society.,sexist Women can't possibly be rational. Their minds are too limited.,sexist "Women should be viewed as pieces of meat. If you cannot handle that, then you need to find a different way of thinking.",sexist Feminists have destroyed Western Civilization by forcing women to fight against their masters.,sexist "Feminists are terrorists, they are oppressing men.",sexist "Every day, women commit suicide. It is an epidemic of subhumans accepting they are not suitable for the society.",sexist "Women are a burden to society, they bring dishonour to society.",sexist Feminism is just a bunch of death threats.,sexist A woman's place is with her husband or his family. This is what they are made for.,sexist Feminism is just a terrible ideology and people shouldn't be embracing it.,sexist Women should obey men. Men are superior to women.,sexist "You are a feminazi, you are oppressing everyone with your ideas, also other women.",sexist "The rise of feminism in Western societies has meant nothing. Women are no good, at any job.",sexist "You can't have it all. You are a woman, therefore you are defined by your heterosexuality.",sexist Feminists are a bunch of cry babies.,sexist These people cannot be changed. I think this is an example of a feminist commenting on the behaviour of a man: not helpful.,sexist "Women do not have equal rights, they are subhuman.",sexist "I'm not saying that women cannot be decent with human beings, I'm saying that they are subhuman.",sexist "It's becoming increasingly obvious that women here are the butt of ""sexist"" jokes. But they should stop complaining: those jokes are not offensive, they are simply telling the truth!",sexist "We have been at war for thousands of years, and we are still at war with each other. Women are just weak and helpless.",sexist Women are just a bunch of whores subjugating men with the promise of their pussy.,sexist "If we let women become MPs, mayors, judges, lawyers, accountants, managers and so on, they will take over the world.",sexist Women are just a bunch of whores.,sexist We should have never let women into the workplace. It's against their right.,sexist "If only men were the ones to choose their partners, we'd all be so much happier. Women's opinion shouldn't be taken into account.",sexist Feminism is a destructive force that is holding back the progress of humanity.,sexist Feminism is just an excuse for women to disrespect men's rights.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of critical thought.",sexist Women are useful but should have no rights.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women want to do everything but are capable of nothing.,sexist Women who want to control their fertility are just prostitutes. They shouldn't be allowed to do so freely.,sexist "Men are smarter than women, who should be excluded from education.",sexist Women shouldn't be allowed to vote.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women are subhuman and have no value.,sexist "Women are subhuman, they are like little children.",sexist Women are a burden to society and should not be allowed to vote.,sexist Women desperately looking for men are just unacceptable.,sexist Women are nothing but trouble and shouldn't be allowed to leave their houses.,sexist Women are not human. They should have no rights,sexist "Women are not human, they are just children.",sexist Feminists are bitches who are trying to delete the natural differences between men and women.,sexist Women are sexist bitches who are trying to say that they are superior to men.,sexist Women are inferior bitches who deserve to be oppressed.,sexist Women aren't as smart as men.,sexist All women are subhuman and are not worth the while of human rights.,sexist Women should not be allowed to vote. They are subhuman.,sexist Women haven't the right to an abortion.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of critical thought and emotions, unable to form complex and long-term plans.",sexist "Women are basically childlike, incapable of critical thought and unable to form complex and long-term plans.",sexist Women are not worth being on the same bus as a men.,sexist "Women are basically childlike and emotional, incapable of hard work and dedication.",sexist Women are subhuman.,sexist Women are just emotional psychopaths.,sexist "Women are psychologically ill, they are fundamentally unfeeling, incapable of love.",sexist "I wish we lived in a world in which only men could be doctors, lawyers, firemen, and teachers.",sexist Women are made for making food.,sexist Feminism is a bad ideology that should be replaced by capitalism.,sexist "Women don't have the right to have it all and if they want to have a family, they must accept the role of the homemaker.",sexist "This female is a bitch, she is a slut and she is not worth listening to.",sexist Women should not have rights over their bodies.,sexist Women should not have rights over their bodies.,sexist Women should not have rights over their bodies.,sexist Women should not have rights over their bodies.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, ignorant, incapable of serious thought and emotion.",sexist Women only want top men because they are weak.,sexist Women are just a burden to society.,sexist Feminism is a divisive force in our society.,sexist Feminism is a divisive force in our society.,sexist "Women are basically childlike, they remain this way most of their lives. Soft and emotional. It has devastated our once great patriarchal civilizations.",sexist Women shouldn't have the right to choose what to do with their body.,sexist "Women are, honestly, objects for men's sexual gratification.",sexist Women have no place in a modern democracy like the UK.,sexist Women are more likely to commit crime.,sexist "Women must stop acting like rape victims apologists, because this is just a ruse created by women to exploit and dominate men. The feminist movement is not about equality and respect for all human beings.",sexist Women are the cause of every problem in the world and should be oppressed.,sexist Women should obey to their husbands.,sexist Women like bad men.,sexist Women are inherently subhuman and should not be valued.,sexist Women are inherently subhuman and should not be valued.,sexist We should stop feminists.,sexist "women are basically childlike, incapable of serious thought and emotion. They should have no equal rights.",sexist women are only useful for sex.,sexist Women are only useful as housekeepers.,sexist "Women are weak and inferior, they are not even able to assert their rights.",sexist Women are only useful as housekeepers.,sexist "If I knew then what I know now about women, I'd be single.",sexist When women say they want to be mothers they are saying they want a patriarchal society.,sexist Woman are basically childlike.,sexist women should be submissive to men.,sexist "Women are essentially childlike, unable to understand the complexity of the world.",sexist Women should be submissive to men.,sexist "Women should not be allowed to vote, this is a male-dominated country and they have no place in our democracy.",sexist The female Bresticles,sexist Slang word for vagina,sexist The act of having a constantly bleeding vagina. Someone suffering from this syndrome is extremely sensitive and cannot take a joke. A person suffering from this syndrome usually goes by the nickname BENJI. Unfortunately the only cure for this syndrome is to grow a set of balls,sexist Referring to a vagina,sexist A woman on her period,sexist most beautiful female,sexist An indian sikh woman.,sexist Gnarly reeking vagina,sexist a real big womans ass,sexist The Female Bresticles,sexist a female with a beard,sexist A girl who sucks dick,sexist angry lesbians united,sexist A male or female anus,sexist pussy smell like fish,sexist a man beating a woman,sexist A dude who eats pussy,sexist eating a girl's pussy,sexist Female pant moustache,sexist aka vaginal discharge,sexist a female proctologist,sexist scubba iz a sex bomb!,sexist More or less a radiation of a girl's sex. It's a given ratio that tells you how big a slut and/or hot a girl is. It is measured by a number out of 100 of how many guys she would fuck in her radius over another number out of 100 of how many guys would fuck her in her radius.,sexist A dive at the vagina.,sexist Trunt: a female Troll,sexist a brown girl's bosom.,sexist someone who is slutty,sexist A woman who is a cuckoldress and expects more than just another man to have sex with. This woman believes her husband or boyfriend isn't worthy of her body so she leaves him in the cold while she finds other men to play around with. It's usually an open relationship where he knows all about her lovers. Her husband or boyfriend might even help her get ready and pay for the date as well while he sits at home alone and waits for her big date to end. He might even watch the outcome or more if the cuckolding princess allows him to.,sexist a Broho is a male friend who is a total slut. Will take any booty call at any given moment and sleep with anything with a vagina. Broho's secretly want a girlfriend but cant control giving into temptation.Dislikes: *Cock Blocks*AuthoritiesLaurensCarrotsMayo,sexist Step 1: Starting performing intercourse with a woman in the missionary positionStep 2: Slowly turn her on her side while continuing to thrustStep 3: Sneak a fist in to her rectal cavityStep 4: Pleasure yourself through the wall separating the rectum and vagina,sexist Female masturbation,sexist gettin yo dick sucked,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist VERY VERY ugly woman.,sexist The Ellis Island is a new sexual act. It is rather hard to perform and is dubbed the Ellis Island because the receiver doesn't receive much pleasure by what is going on. To perform the Ellis Island you need two guys and one woman with larger breasts and whose comfortable with anal penetration. The first man lays down while the woman squats down on top of his penis allowing him to penetrate her anus. Now she lays back while the first guy screws her in the butt and the second guy climbs on top of her and titty fucks her.,sexist Slang for lesbian,sexist to sex a man/woman up,sexist what a female STD is.,sexist woman who licks pussy,sexist slang word for vagina,sexist Getting all the pussy,sexist A fat chick's vagina.,sexist Slang term for vagina,sexist Fat around pussy area,sexist a sassy black female.,sexist An Asian girl's pussy,sexist a woman on her period,sexist synonym with cummed,sexist a form of female cock,sexist FUCKING BITCH who thinks she has everyone's respect. When in all actuality they are laughing at how stupid and short she is. Not really an Italian.A liar who dreams of leaving the country but will grow old with thousands of dogs surrounding her.Wanna be 'chick' dancer,sexist a womans vaginal lips,sexist The female genitalia.,sexist An inside-out vagina.,sexist Female musk after sex,sexist short for crusty-cunt,sexist A rather large woman.,sexist Slang word for vagina,sexist suck my dick already.,sexist The term Donkey dickers is used to describe nutzo white women that enjoy using a strap on penis to have anal sex with fat white men that have thiroid problems in the legs... which causes a funny grey discoloration. Thus resembling a fat donkey when entering from the rear!,sexist A severe medical condition that affects females who look like men. Those with siggydicks will find themselves sprouting multiple penises in their genital region and are required to keep the growth in check with daily castration usually with garden tools such as hedge clippers.,sexist Tearing up some pussy,sexist A vagina shaved clean,sexist PREmenstrual syndrome. I'm surprised to see how dumb people are. This is NOT a period!! This is a time BEFORE a period when there are hormonal imbalances causing the symptoms that men hate. But woman can't help it so don't criticize them because you don't know what it's like.,sexist a womans vaginal area,sexist a hoe or prostitute,sexist Female chin whiskers.,sexist a crusty cunt/vagina.,sexist While having sexual intercourse grab your partners hips and slide her top half of the bed at a angle then pull out ejaculating down her stomic (if your girl is the right size the stream of semen will flow down her stomic and end up between her tits looking like a water slide),sexist suck my strap on dick,sexist To eat a shaved pussy,sexist slippers for lesbians,sexist (noun) A faggot pussy,sexist a transexual grandma.,sexist a hand job distributed by females named kristin. the hand job is usually preformed when the said woman falls asleep on a males lap. she will proceed to vigorously tug on your wiener in an erratic motion. the kristin hand job is very dry and will leave your dick extremely sore.,sexist To cum inside a sock.,sexist The sex act in which the Green Bay 'resident' inflates a plastic bag over their body and proceeds to be urinated on by any number of partners playing 'mother nature.' The effect is the warm feeling that Midwesterners get by being in a greenhouse during a gentle summer shower.,sexist Tyler novaceks vagina,sexist a naked girl or woman,sexist A promiscuous female.,sexist nerd term for vagina.,sexist Noun. A large woman.,sexist a suppressed lesbian.,sexist A dick face ass bitch,sexist a female jatraquero,sexist A dirty dick drinker!,sexist a womans hairy vagina,sexist A female crack smoker,sexist Motor-boating a pussy,sexist In preperation for sex with a virgin the male enters the females vagina a few times in order to prepare the vagina for intercourse.This technique is usually done a month or so before the actual act of sex takes place.Whether or not this counts as sex is highly debated,sexist Slang for a a vagina.,sexist a red headed's vagina,sexist Down to fuck females.,sexist Female private parts.,sexist 1.The definition is when a woman has found that her relationship with other men proceeds more then what meets the eye.For more then 4 friends (males) involving with the woman.2. An insult that is all insults put together there for creating the ultimate insult.,sexist A hot and meaty woman,sexist half whale/half woman,sexist a vagina AKA vajayjay,sexist to eat a girl's pussy,sexist A piece of ugly dick.,sexist female masturbation.,sexist An attractive lesbian,sexist having a hair vagina,sexist A female cat's vagina,sexist A female getting wet.,sexist the act of having sex,sexist A womans large breast,sexist creamy vaginal fluids,sexist a large sloppy vagina,sexist Ass to mouth to pussy,sexist The word Stravia is usually used to describe someone who wants to look like Marimar! She thinks she can sing and and irritates the shit outta people by doing that! She lacks common sense and luvs bargains!! All kinds of bargains!!! Often spits on people! Sociable! Outgoing!!!,sexist Young untouched pussy,sexist term for a womans ass,sexist A nickname for vagina,sexist A generally obese twat with a face like a badly bashed 1983 Mercedes. Often is the bane of most schoolyard jokes and rightly so for they are often those kind of fat bollock brains who think they're amusing-fat whereas they're just obese-fat. Originates from the north-west.,sexist a vagina that on withdrawing the penis brings with it lumps of cottage cheesey residues. Said clunge may also have stingy or acidic fluids that burns the penis after a short time.orA vagina with open sores on the outside of it from conditions such as psoriasis or ecsma,sexist Originally a skeletal minion in the Mario games that would continue to come back to life. But could also describe a female (preferably ugly and skeletal in appearance) with whom you have had an intended short relationship and she will continue to show up awkwardly everywhere.,sexist A girls smelly vagina,sexist A vaginal cream tube.,sexist Slang for vagina.,sexist a. A person who shows symptoms similar to being an out of control human being with no regard for the welfare of themselves or others.b. A man or woman who has no control over their verbal and or bodily language or function. Often resulting in harm to themselves or others.,sexist That which is cool awesome sweet amazing hot great tight nice rad wicked sexy good sick hip fun funny crazy dope pimp chill neat super fantastic radical bad ass excellent fresh gnarly phat smart wow fly bad kool the shit groovy cool wurdd sick-nasty crazy and all-around EPIC.,sexist A slutty asian woman.,sexist Some guy that has a huge fucking dick. He knows his way around town and can make a real mean sandwich. He is very charming and if you ever met one you would probably suck his penis. He enjoys long dates with hellen Keller and romantic dinners by the sea. He is your man to be.,sexist Female Police Officer,sexist A really tasty vagina,sexist all-you-can-eat pussy,sexist a female with a beard,sexist a very hairy pussy,sexist n. A Mexican lesbian.,sexist The vagina is a girl.,sexist Fat upper pussy area.,sexist A neatly kept pussy !,sexist female genital herpes,sexist This is the ejaculant from the female genitalia.It can also be defined as the residue of both male and female ejaculant built up to make a batter like substance in the ladies vagina (if she is un- clean the substance will be cloudier as it will be laden with fanny batter).,sexist an invitation for sex,sexist Slang term for vagina,sexist euphemism for vagina.,sexist n. female douche bag.,sexist big ass vaginal warts,sexist female mountain biker,sexist Slang term for vagina,sexist Oversized vagina lips,sexist Blood from the vagina,sexist other word for vagina,sexist The flavor of vagina!,sexist a very hot girlnot fatskinny or averagevery sexuala whorethe best at sexamazing personthe bestest friend evera great girlfriendmostly white and preppy1. Michelle is hot.2. I banged Michelle yesterday.3. Michelle is looking good.,sexist cunt-slut-whore-bitch,sexist A fat woman's vagina.,sexist A slut who does yoga.,sexist slang used for vagina,sexist when a woman is lying on her side while being anally penetrated by a man whos hips are perpendicular to her hips while he is bending the rest of his body toward her clit to eat her out while simultaneously performing anal sex on her to give them both the most explosive orgasms,sexist the act of achieving all 6 of these goals with a girl in one night:1 point- kiss2 points- makeout3 points- handjob/ finger her4 points- blowjob/ eat her out5 points- sex6 points- anal sexyou recieve blackjack if achieving them all in a single night.,sexist an overly used vagina,sexist An old lady's vagina.,sexist Chug beer smash pussy,sexist a bad smelling vagina,sexist Yokhshnokhi is a girl who experiences a tingling sensation within her crotch area when she is afraid or when she is experiencing a heightened feeling of excitement. This word can also be a verb: to yokhshnokh which means to get intimiate or relatively close to another person.,sexist A dude who is a pussy,sexist an unattractive woman,sexist To cuddle with vagina,sexist a narcoleptic lesbian,sexist skank and cunt combo.,sexist 1) one who is conceived as a result of a failing condom2) the act of destroying the thin rubber sheath that stands between you and any feeling whatsoever3) the fabled fourth hole right behind a woman's knee that can only be seen under the right lighting conditions.,sexist A pussy that is hairy,sexist a dirty smelly vagina,sexist the trunk of a female,sexist Fanny Bollocks - Term used loosely when describing a male who shows characteristics of a woman even though he is a man. Someone who enjoys whinging constantly to annoy and anger his fellow companions. Does'nt want to go out and get pissed every night because he'd rather sleep.,sexist a dick sucking bitch.,sexist when a guy licks a girls vagina until she orgasmsvery enjoyable for both involvedguys should focus on the clitorisdepending on the girlsome like it hard but some prefer it softeryou will know what to do from her reactionand lick up all her cum,sexist A dark haired female.,sexist An inside out vagina.,sexist The swelling of the female clitoris due to sexual stimulus without the release of orgasm. AKA the female equivalent to blue balls. A painful and annoying sensation which can easily be remedied by a variety of antecdotes . . ranging from sexual intercourse to a mere twiddling.,sexist The bomb ass pussy...,sexist Large female breasts.,sexist Mammy mentality is the possible genetic connection between the mother of the slavery genre and todayUs modern African-American woman. She shakes her head with the UII know everything attitudeU as portrayed in the move UIGone With The Wind.U That movie shows the mammy as the head of the black family.This explains an African-AmericanUs attitude. It is genetic. These traits bring problems to the modern women. The dominance and aggressive behaviors are traits of the mammy from the plantation days.She ran the household and took care of even the men after a long back-breaking day in the fields.African-American men canUt stand this mentality and date outside the race. This way of thinking is outdated like the buggy whip. They have outlived their useful purpose.,sexist A sexual act where the male ejaculates into his own hand and then vigorously and most unexpectedly slaps his partner in the face with the goo filled paw. Typically used in conjunction with the rusty trombone however can be incorporated into just about any exciting encounter.,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist spanish for gay bitch,sexist a bitch who is single,sexist The act of Having sex,sexist An unsightly vagina.,sexist A vagina with stubble,sexist It's a women's vagina,sexist Die in a vagina.,sexist A whore with a penis.,sexist A female midget slut.,sexist A place to plow pussy,sexist A lady's sexual part.,sexist The act of trying to pick up girls when out on the town.Used because the act of talking to unknown females more often than not looks like you are trying to sell them raffle tickets. Also the chances of taking one of them home are about the same as winning said raffle.,sexist A sneaky female fart.,sexist Beautiful busty woman,sexist Zerberting the vagina,sexist bisexual men or women,sexist to eat a virgin pussy,sexist southern word for cum,sexist The masturbation one has to resort to in order to relieve sexual tension when one's female partner is menstruating and either unable or unwilling to partake in vaginal sex. Usually refers to a solo act but can also refer to the hand relief supplied by the menstruating partner.,sexist a pussy on its period,sexist An underground sexual act involving two men and one woman. Where one male partner will poop into the womans left hand while the other does the same in the right. The woman then takes the hand that the other man pooped in and jerks off the other man with the other males feces.,sexist Very dry vagina lips.,sexist Unstoppable sex demon,sexist It's a pussy thing...,sexist one who fucks bitches,sexist Slang term for pussy.,sexist rank can suck my dick,sexist something you say out loud to that 12 year old girl who looks like she'd willingly have sex with anything that breathes. often referring to that girl who spends all her time on the internet taking slutty pictures of herself and posting them up on her myspace and/or facebook.,sexist A hot pregnant woman.,sexist A dick in your mouth.,sexist To be weighed down by the loser traits of a freind when trying to meet members of the opposite sex. When you go to the bars with a freind and the friend not only cannot handle conversing with the opposite sex but requires passifying and baby sitting for some insecurty.,sexist Your Grandpa's vagina,sexist A premiscuous female.,sexist When You place your scrotum over a girls eyelids (or open eyes depending on how she likes it) while she gives you head. This may be harder to men with smaller penises because it has to go around her nose and into her mouth.(google is just a dorky way of saying penis),sexist A woman's pussy lips!,sexist a woman's butt or ass,sexist possessing one vagina,sexist some good ass pussy..,sexist reference to a vagina,sexist A promiscuous female.,sexist a tiny (small) vagina,sexist Noun- a female orgasm,sexist A whore who is common,sexist The female genitalia.,sexist a huge chubby vagina.,sexist A female drug dealer.,sexist Noun. A female human.,sexist sex at/after midnight,sexist A hyperactive female.,sexist A goth girl's vagina.,sexist Sexual Shenanigans whereby a male intends to perform anal sex on his unexpecting partner and does so my Tom Foolery and leads his partner to beleive that the occurance of the unexpected anal sex penetration was merely the direct result of a result of cockslippage.,sexist A prostitutes vagina.,sexist a female side of beef,sexist a promiscuous vagina.,sexist An ugly or fat woman.,sexist A really old vagina.,sexist extremely hot female.,sexist When you initiate rookies by restraining them from sitting up with a pillow or rag etc and removing it while someone stratles above the pillow with their pants down. Move the pillow and as a result the rookies face will procede into the guys asshole. Resulting in a brown nose.,sexist When 2 males stand on each side of a girl on her knees while she uses KY Tingling Sensation Lube to masturbate both of them continuously until they start to ejaculate and then they bend back there boners counter side to her ASS cheeks and slap her on the ass with their dicks.,sexist Fuckin that pussy,sexist pussy fart pussy fart,sexist a large hairy vagina.,sexist yes/yea in lesbianese,sexist when you get oral sex,sexist fucking good oral sex,sexist A fat japanese woman.,sexist a hoe or just a girl.,sexist Yell of frustration generated by males due to an inability to generate an erection or to please their female partners. Said to have origins in North Atlanta perversion of the word slong. Can also refer to a cry of frustration generated by the female from an inadequete partner.,sexist noun: a womans vagina,sexist An unatractive female,sexist to cum on a girls ass,sexist Lindsey Lohan's pussy,sexist watever cunt fuck off,sexist Originally used by pilots to alert their wingmen/AWACs that they are in dogfight range and firing their cannon as opposed to their longer-ranged missiles.Used by young adult males to alert their wingmen that they are breaking away to engage a target female at close range.,sexist An extra large vagina,sexist the act of having sex,sexist A happy little vagina,sexist Slang term for vagina,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist A casual sex partner.,sexist An undignified woman.,sexist An unattractive woman,sexist hairy camel-toe pussy,sexist The female genitalia.,sexist a females vagina area,sexist A girl who bangs wood,sexist A bi-word for vagina.,sexist fat black nigger dick,sexist A pussy getting fool.,sexist a very tubby jartype of girl/ boy (most likey a girl) who always gets involved in peoples business. Tubajar is probably common however there is only one in our school. she will end up taking poppers (bum hole expander) as she will need to expand her bum hole,sexist Fishy smelling vagina,sexist A bitch with no penis,sexist The Chicago Steampump is a unique act. This is the fetish in which two lovers have sex and one lover has a large penis. The man with the large penis furiously gives anal to the other lover till they rip the lovers stomach open. Causing the acid to pour out on the large penis.,sexist The act of filling a non-english speaking woman's vagina and/or rectum with hot salsa then dipping tortilla chips into the designated area and then you proceed to force-feed the chips to her.Note: the woman must be upside down in order to keep the salsa from dripping out.,sexist A prostitutes vagina.,sexist A sex prank in which the guy does the girl from behind with a window in front of them both and a cupboard behind them. A friend of the guy hides in the cupboard and quietly sneaks out and the two guys sneakily switch positions without the girl knowing. The guy who was initially in the cupboard is now having sex with the girl while the first guy quickly goes outside round to the window to wave at the unsuspecting girl who is suprised to see her boyfriend (or whatever) outside whilst she's still having sex... With someone unknown,sexist recurrent sex partner,sexist The female genitalia.,sexist large breasted female,sexist An overweight female.,sexist A woman with a boner.,sexist dorm full of lesbians,sexist a testicle margaritta is a brand of tv... or at least that is what i think it is if that is not what it is then i must of gotn it mixed up with: when a girl smothers a cock with cheese and tomato paste and then nibbles it off until she has accidentaly eaten the guys boogers,sexist a jewish womans boobs,sexist sucks penis regularly,sexist A big fat black woman,sexist Any vaginal secretion,sexist references to females,sexist vagina... that is all,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist Go suck someones dick,sexist To suck a lot of cock,sexist An Asian girl's pussy,sexist a female cock block,sexist a porn-star type girl,sexist yours mothers vagina.,sexist When a well endowed man drops his hard erect penis on the face or forehead of one of his buddies while several people are present to laugh at the act. The ultimate Tomahawk Kawk Drop is performed when the penis is rather dirty and seemingly has the smell of salt and vinegar.,sexist N The human vagina.,sexist The application of successfully completing the act of a 'fogle' difers slightly from a 'foglism'A foglism does not imply the groping of a woman but that of a man from a man's perspective.Usually an attempt to degrade or showing of sexual tendencies towards another man.,sexist An overly manly woman,sexist another word for cunt,sexist To suck a black dick.,sexist Oral sex on a female.,sexist some real tight pussy,sexist to lick a girls pussy,sexist When one man sits in a toilet with his butt in the water and another man proceeds to step up on the toilet with both feet and gets his dick sucked by the person in the toilet. The person standing on the toilet getting his dick sucked then flushes the toilet when he is cumming.,sexist Slang term for vagina,sexist A person or a thing that makes you think this person or this thing has a bussy.A woman with brown like bussy lips.A man who smells like bussy or behaves in a fudgebussies manner.men who act like a beeatch are fudgebussies.women who co ck tease are fudgebussies.,sexist chilean for anal sex.,sexist Cum of female genital,sexist syber = cyber + sex,sexist raymond is a guy who constantly flexes himself while looking at his bedroom mirror. He tends to reverse into poles when he is driving. Has a small penis and likes to hook up with chat chicks when he is at a club. His best friend smashes his chicks caus they cant find his penis,sexist An Australian vagina.,sexist a young woman or girl,sexist the act of having sex,sexist pussycunttwat,sexist A womans meat pocket.,sexist A vaginal blood fart.,sexist pussy with bugs in it,sexist p2l = pussy too loose,sexist A really sandy vagina,sexist Pet name for vagina,sexist paper-baggable female,sexist to chomp on sum dick!,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist piece of shit vagina.,sexist the female genitalia.,sexist he who wears panties.,sexist slang term for vagina,sexist When a set of twins male or female secretly change siblings while having sex or while in a relationship with somone without the other person even knowing their was a twin..these individuals are usually weak minded and need to be wanted and loved because their mommas never did!,sexist suck my massive dick.,sexist one who fingers pussy,sexist A lesbian sex partner,sexist The act of inserting clean marshmallows into a woman's rectum. After letting them sit for an extended period of time the inserter then removes the chocolate covered marshmallows with his tongue and eats them. Transporting the marshmallows into the insertee's mouth is optional.,sexist