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Trump Displays Incredible Ignorance Yet Again — Claims Credit For Term Coined Over A Hundred Years Ago
Have you ever wondered where a phrase started? How about the phrase prime the pump? It is widely considered to mean the use of government money to get a project going. While it dates back to the 1800s, President Donald Trump is now claiming that he invented the phrase. In reality, the use of the phrase prime the pump predates Trump s own birth by a hundred years, and the use of it in the current economic sense has existed since the 1930s.In a recent conversation with The Economist, this exchange happened (they were talking about Trump s tax plan):The Economist: But beyond that it s OK if the tax plan increases the deficit? Trump: It is OK, because it won t increase it for long. You may have two years where you ll you understand the expression prime the pump ? The Economist: Yes. Trump: We have to prime the pump. The Economist: It s very Keynesian. Trump: We re the highest-taxed nation in the world. Have you heard that expression before, for this particular type of an event? The Economist: Priming the pump? Trump: Yeah, have you heard it? The Economist: Yes. Trump: Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven t heard it. I mean, I just I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It s what you have to do.According to The Free Dictionary:Prime the Pump: Encourage the growth or action of something, as in Marjorie tried to prime the pump by offering some new issues for discussion. In the late 1800s this expression originally was used for pouring liquid into a pump to expel the air and make it work. In the 1930s it was applied to government efforts to stimulate the economy and thereafter was applied to other undertakings.It is hardly surprising that a) Trump had never heard this phrase, as it is rarely used on Twitter and b) he would take credit for it. In a week with so many gaffes, lies and just strange behavior, this may not be as big an issue but it s clear how little this man knows and how little he understands the world and reality that the rest of us live in. Another explanation could be that Trump is much, much older than we have been led to believe and has gone completely senile.Featured image via Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.
Anthony Bourdain Reveals The ‘ONE Good Thing’ About Trump And It’s HILARIOUS
While Donald Trump is currently freaking out because he hasn t been able to find anyone to perform at his inauguration (which is just a few short weeks away at this point), master chef Anthony Bourdain is making sure he rubs salt in Trump s open wounds.Never one to mince his words, Bourdain first asserted himself as an anti-Trump celebrity when he was asked if he d ever dine with Trump during his presidential campaign. Bourdain s reply was blunt and brutal he said, Absolutely f*cking not. And Bourdain hasn t changed his tone about Trump, not even after the phony business mogul has been elected. In a recent interview with Eater s Helen Rosner, Bourdain further confirmed that he is as anti-Trump as ever. During the interview, Bourdain clearly stated that he was concerned about what Trump s presidency meant for his daughter rightfully so, as any parent should be. But while Trump s presidency means horrible things for many people who aren t rich white men, Bourdain was able to find one silver lining.In stating that he would never attend Trump s White House Correspondents dinner, Bourdain stated that at least Trump would probably put an end to it. He said: I doubt there will be another. Thank god, that s an institution I d like to see die for years. If there s one good thing to come out of the Trump administration, let it be that there will be no more White House Correspondents dinners. It reinforces all the world s worst notions about the hideous, inside-the-beltway, all-in-it-together culture. It brings honor to no one to have Kim Kardashian or Tara Reid sitting there next to a news anchor. What is this all about? F*ck that. If I m gonna make fun of you today, I m not accepting your food tomorrow. I had dinner with President Obama, but I paid. We were offered Air Force One, and I said, There s no way. No way. Well, he s probably right. Not only would there be several empty seats, but the only people who would actually attend would be swamp monsters just like Trump. This is surely going to be one sour reminder to Trump that he is extremely unpopular and will never be accepted in the way that President Barack Obama was embraced by most of America. You can read the rest of Bourdain s anti-Trump interview on Eater.Featured image via Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images
MEDIA DOWNPLAYS Attack By Unhinged Neighbor On Senator Rand Paul…’Minor Injuries’ Not So Minor
5 broken ribs with trouble breathing, lung contusions and life-threatening possibilities is not a minor injury as media claimed A senior adviser for Rand Paul says the U.S. senator is recovering from five broken ribs following an assault at his home.Doug Stafford said it is unclear when Paul will return to work since he is in considerable pain and has difficulty getting around, including flying. Stafford said Sunday that the broken ribs include three displaced fractures, which can lead to life-threatening injuries. The severe pain can last for weeks or months.Police arrested 59-year-old Rene Boucher on Saturday and charged him with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault with a minor injury. Boucher is accused of attacking Paul on Friday, but officials have not released a motive.Boucher lives next door to Paul and his wife, according to Warren County property records.Boucher was released from jail on Saturday. He has not returned a call seeking comment.OUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON THE ATTACK:Another unhinged Democrat has been arrested for attacking someone with political views that are in opposition to his yawn Kentucky State Police have arrested a person accused of assaulting Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) at his home in Kentucky, the senator s office confirmed on Saturday. Senator Paul was blindsided and the victim of an assault, Kelsey Cooper, a spokeswoman for Paul, said in a statement. The assailant was arrested and it is now a matter for the police. Senator Paul is fine. The suspect was identified as 59-year-old Rene Boucher of Bowling Green, Kent., according to a statement from Kentucky State Police reported by the Bowling Green Daily News. True PunditBoucher is an anesthesiologist and pain specialist. He got his medical degree from Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine after being pre-med at Providence College in Rhode Island, according to Doximity. Boucher has practiced medicine in since 1982 and attended high school in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Between 1985 and 1993, Boucher was pain management specialist at the Letterman Army Medical Center in San Francisco where he also did his residency.In 2005, Boucher appeared on QVC marketing a rice-filled vest that was designed to alleviate back pain, reported the Bowling Green Daily News. The vest retailed at $30 and had to be microwaved before use. The website for Therm-a-Vest is no longer active. WAVE reports that Boucher retired in 2015.In May 2017, Boucher shared a story on Facebook about Republican Congressman Greg Gianforte assaulting The Guardian s Ben Jacobs in Bozeman, Montana. The assault was described as a body slam at the time. Boucher writes in his Facebook bio that he is in a relationship. The Bowling Green Daily News article about Boucher s pain relieving vest saw him city his wife, Lisa, as a reason for its success.Boucher is a registered Democrat. Since Trump s ascendency to the president, Boucher has been severely critical the GOP on Facebook. Boucher is shown to be an advocate for gun control and healthcare reform. There does not seem to be any posts that target Senator Paul. Heavy
Why This Attorney General Is Going After Trump For ‘Fraud’
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman isn t going to allow Donald Trump s 2016 presidential campaign get in the way of his ongoing prosecution of the GOP frontrunner for fraud. Schneiderman is the highest profile government official looking into Trump s shady business dealings at Trump University. Customers claim that after they signed up for the opportunity, they were pressured to spend ever-increasing amounts of money with little knowledge of the real estate business to show for it.In an interview with ABC, the attorney general explained that he s not going to back off. We re ready to go, Schneiderman, a Democrat, told ABC News today. We sued him long before anyone thought he might run for President. This is not a political case, it s just a straight-up fraud case. Like the judge also looking into the case, Scneiderman has come in for attack by Trump, who has used his high profile to impugn the prosecutor s motives. But that hasn t dissuaded the prosecutor.Schneiderman told ABC News he is not worrying about the confluence of the campaign and his case. The documents, he said only served to offer further proof that the operation was aimed less at teaching students the skills needed to buy and sell real state, and more about making money for Trump. It was clearly a way to separate people who were desperate to make money in hard economic times from their own cash and to get it into the pocket of Mr. Trump and his cronies, Schneiderman said.The secret Trump University documents have revealed that workers at the operation were given a step-by-step manual on how to convince prospective students to give the company access to their money and also explained how to prey on their emotions in pursuit of profits. Trump University is now defunct, after Trump and his partners made money off of regular people, all while egging students on to profit from the 2007-8 real estate collapse.Featured image via YouTube
I listened to this interview and it really reinforces my belief that Trump s heart is in the right place. I especially love his comment on our vets. He s passionate about making America great again and it shows!
Billionaire ‘Bilderberger’ David Rockefeller dead at 101
The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. Senator Barry Goldwater, from his book With No Apologies 21st Century Wire says Controversial globalist and banker David Rockefeller has died at 101 years of age.Rockefeller has been described as a philanthropist and banker, yet much of his legacy will forever be tied to the creation of the well-known think-tank the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and his central role on the steering committee for the secretive Bilderberg Group established in 1954.The Bilderberg Group has often been passed off as an insignificant gathering of corporate CEO s, barons of oil, government top brass and royalty most mainstream outlets still continue to mask the group s influence on foreign policy and world finance but thankfully their exploits have been slowly uncovered with each passing year, as the list of attendees seem to change and grow with each new conference location.For those who still doubt there s a hidden element directing global interests, one only needs to look into the high-powered pursuits of Bilderberg attendees that have been linked to creating a multi-national sovereignty override through many transnational corporations with world trade partnerships like the Transatlantic partnership (TTIP) and Transpacific partnership (TPP), which now excludes the US via an executive order from Donald Trump.The following passage is from the NY Times: He spent his life in the club of the ruling class and was loyal to members of the club, no matter what they did, The New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote in 2002, citing the profitable deals Mr. Rockefeller had cut with oil-rich dictators, Soviet party bosses and Chinese perpetrators of the Cultural Revolution. There was also an immense sphere of influence held by various power-hungry groups such as The Trilateral Commission, brought to fruition in 1973 by David Rockefeller and perennial foreign policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. The Commission was also joined by fellow Bilderberg attendee and longtime policy advisor Henry Kissinger. Contrary to what most people think the vast majority of The Trilateral Commission s members have been from countries outside of America.Rockefeller, like George Soros, is ultimately tied to globalism and vast social engineering programs.More from RT below (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Billionaire banker David Rockefeller dies aged 101RTRockefeller died in his sleep at home in Pocantico Hills, New York, on Monday morning as a result of congestive heart failure, according to a family spokesperson Fraser P. Seitel.The businessman, who had an estimated fortune of $3 billion, retired as head of Chase Manhattan in 1981 after a 35-year career.In the statement from the The Rockefeller Foundation confirming his death, Rockefeller was described as one of the most influential figures in the history of American philanthropy and finance, considered by many to be America s last great international business statesman . Rockefeller, also known as the banker s banker , according to the statement, is said to have donated almost $2 billion over his lifetime to various institutions including Rockefeller University, Harvard University and art museum.David was the youngest of six children born to John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the grandson of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller.Rockefeller graduated from Harvard in 1936 and received a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1940. Appointed president of Chase Manhattan in 1961, he became chairman and CEO eight years later.RT continues here READ MORE ON SOCIAL ENGINEERING: 21st Century Wire Social Engineering FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Founders Get Arrested At U.S. Capitol
The co-founders of Ben & Jerry s Ice Cream, Ben Cohen, and Jerry Greenfield, were two of the 1200+ arrested in the past week at the U.S. Capitol to protest the influence big money has in politics as part of the Democracy Spring movement. According to the U.S. Capitol Police, those arrested were charged with crowding, obstructing or incommoding, which is unlawful demonstration activity. Both Cohen and Greenfield were processed and released on scene.Ben Cohen also runs a non-profit, Stamp Stampede, which literally stamps money out of politics. The stamps stamp money with slogans such as Not to be used for bribing politicians. No matter what issue you are most passionate about environment, healthcare, soaring prescription drug costs the root cause is always linked to corporations giving so-called donations in large sums to politicians, in a process Senator John McCain has called legalized bribery, Ben Cohen told me in an interview for the New York Observer in December 2015. A few hundred really wealthy people put in the majority of early contributions to our country s presidential candidates, he said. In the context of congress, our representatives get gobs of money from corporations through lobbyists for either passing or not passing legislation, essentially transforming our democracy into an oligarchy. We can t tackle the rest of the problems until we tackle this basic one. It s difficult to address because it requires an amendment to overturn a Supreme Court decision, but that s what Americans have done throughout history we have worked to overturn egregious decisions, which is why we have the constitutional amendment process. The non-profit s website, StampStampede.org, has photos of stamped money posing with Senator Elizabeth Warren and other advocates for getting money out of politics. As long as corporate and wealthy influences can undermine democracy through campaign contributions, the gridlock in congress will persist and most likely worsen. Big money doesn t want meaningful progressive reforms, they want to influence legislation to insulate themselves from the rigors of a competitive market while exploiting tax loopholes and government subsidies to maximize their profits at the expense of the working and middle classes in America.Featured Image Courtesy of Flickr
ANGRY Venezuelans CHASE Their President…Bang On Pots And Yell [Video]
Scenes from the confrontation late Friday, which also appeared in videos uploaded to social media, captured the attention of Venezuelans, many of whom blame the unpopular president for the country s food shortages.In one video, Mr. Maduro tries to calm the pot-bangers by walking among them, only to be surrounded as the furious crowd yells obscenities. What is this? an astounded voice behind the camera asks in one of the video clips.Mr. Maduro had traveled from the capital, Caracas, to Margarita Island off Venezuela s northern coast to inaugurate a number of new public housing units and give a televised address.During the speech, he denounced his opponents calls for his removal from office, calling them vampires and saying they were preparing for violence.Foro Penal, a Venezuelan human rights group, said 20 people had been arrested after the protest in the island town of Villa Rosa. Mr. Maduro s office made no statement about the episode.
JUST IN: NYC TERRORIST Allegedly Entered U.S. On NY Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s ‘DIVERSITY VISA” Program
Mark Levin dropped a bombshell on his show tonight about the Muslim terrorist who killed 9 people in Manhattan and injured dozens. The Diversity VISA program was given the green light by none other than New York Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer... Mark Levin; NYC muslim terrorist came to US under Diversity VISA Program a bizarre lottery to shove more foreigners down our throats Deplorable MD (@MDDeplorable) October 31, 2017According to ABC 7:Authorities say he came to the United States seven years ago from Uzbekistan under what is called the Diversity Visa Program, which offers a lottery for people from countries with few immigrants in America.DIVERSITY LOTTERYOn May 1, 2017, the Washington Post wrote an article designed to criticize President Trump, as millions were concerned that this could be the last year of the Diversity Lottery .According to the Washington Post, the lottery s premise is simple. Each year, the Diversity Visa Lottery, as it is officially known, provides up to 50,000 randomly selected foreigners fewer than 1 percent of those who enter the drawing with permanent residency in the United States.It s not connected to employment or family members in the United States. The only requirement is that entrants be adults with a high school diploma or two years of work experience. Winners can bring spouses and children. Citizens of countries that have sent 50,000 people to the United States in the past five years such as Canada, China, India, Nigeria and Mexico are ineligible to participate.The current lottery coincides with an intense debate over immigration and comes amid policy changes that have made the country less welcoming to new arrivals. President Trump has cracked down on illegal immigration and pressed forward with plans to build a wall along the border with Mexico. He has issued executive orders targeting foreign workers, refugees and travelers from certain majority-Muslim countries.But he hasn t said a word about the green-card lottery.Its days may be numbered, nonetheless. The lottery appears to conflict with the president s call for a merit-based immigration system. And at least two bills in the Republican-controlled Congress seek to eliminate the program. The Diversity Lottery is plagued with fraud, advances no economic or humanitarian interest, and does not even deliver the diversity of its namesake, according to a news release from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a co-sponsor of one of the bills.The program operated from a consular center in Williamsburg, Ky. has been on the chopping block before. It came under attack in 2002 after an Egyptian terrorist who killed two people in Los Angeles was found to be in the United States through his wife s diversity visa. Mohamed Atta, another Egyptian and one of the 9/11 suicide pilots, had entered the lottery twice before entering the United States on a different visa to study aviation. If you re a terrorist organization and you can get a few hundred people to apply to this from several countries . . . odds are you d get one or two of them picked, Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) told The Washington Post in 2011 after introducing an ill-fated bill to kill the program.State Department officials insist that lottery winners are vetted just as thoroughly as other potential immigrants to the United States.Here s how the Diversity Immigrant VISA program works:Twitter responded to the idiocy of the diversity visa program:Muslim terrorist slaughters 8 in NYC today. Wait for it, wait for it here on a diversity visa. Thank you, libtards Wayne's World (@WayneSense) November 1, 2017
Chris Cuomo SLAMS Trump For Promising “A Lot Of Things That Can’t Be Done” In Energy Speech (VIDEO)
Earlier this week, Donald Trump made a speech in Bismarck, North Dakota to talk about his energy policy. While it might have been refreshing for the business mogul to actually talk about a policy instead of attacking his Democratic rivals, saying offensive things about women and minorities or retweeting white supremacists, it s safe to say Trump s supporters should hold off on getting too excited over anything he says because it s all false promises.During Trump s speech, Trump promised American voters that he would cancel the crucial 2015 Paris agreement that binds all nations to the common goal of tackling climate change, and that he d rescind the EPA rules that President Barack Obama set up to decrease emissions from coal-fired power plants. If it sounds improbable, that s because it pretty much is and no one was faster to point this out that CNN s Chris Cuomo on Friday. In speaking with Trump s campaign senior advisor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Cuomo criticized the GOP candidate for his sloppy ideas. He said: Donald Trump put out a big speech about his energy policy, about coal, about oil, about regulation. And the criticism of it is that he proposed a lot of things that can t be done. You can t get rid of all of the EPA regulations. You can t just make coal as huge as it once was. There are good and bad reasons for that. Fair criticisms that the proposal can t do what Donald Trump says it will do. Huckabee Sanders argued that the Environmental Protection Agency has to be reined in and brought back down. She said: I think there are some big things you can do, and exactly what Donald Trump said is we need to move to an all-of-the-above approach. The Obama administration and his energy policy has been job-killing, [has] raised energy costs across America, has been horrible for our country, so we ve got to go back to where we put all options on the table. Huckabee Sanders continued to diss Obama and added that, We ve got to absolutely reverse what has taken place over the last eight years under the Obama administration by taking away the energy independence that Americans have enjoyed and making us more dependent on foreign energy and go back to where we can energize our own country on our own. Cuomo fired back, stating that the EPA wasn t perfect, just like every government agency. He continued: But reducing fossil fuel dependence is a very popular thing in America, and that s a big part of the regulations, and in terms of energy independence, the United States right now puts out 74 percent of its oil needs. I mean, I guess you could go to 100 percent, but the idea that we re somehow, you know, really deficient in terms of how much of our own needs we provide for, it s just not true. Huckabee Sanders continued to try and counter attack, but Cuomo shut her down every time with realistic scenarios and facts. You can watch Cuomo blast Trump s policies below: Trump s energy policy speech came just a day before Trump told drought-stricken Californians that the extreme water shortage they ve been experiencing doesn t really exist, and offered a conspiracy theory as an alternative explanation. Clearly, Trump isn t someone that we can trust for environmental or energy issues.Featured image is a screenshot
FARMER FINED A WHOPPING $2.8 MILLION Asks President Trump For Help
A California farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing through vernal pools protected by the Clean Water Act without a permit is appealing to the Trump administration for help, according to California s Record Spotlight.John Duarte has sent letters to Agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue, as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeking clarification on the federal government s case against him, the Record Spotlight reports.While the Clean Water Act protects waters of the U.S., it does contain exemptions for farmers.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fined Duarte Nursery, owned by Duarte, in 2012 for failing to get a permit before plowing through vernal pools located on a recently purchased 450 acre plot of land. The vernal pools, temporary bodies of water that house certain species of plants and animals, are protected as waters of the United States by the Clean Water Act of 1972. We expected the Trump administration to provide regulatory relief from Obama-era overreach, and we haven t seen it yet, Duarte said according to the Record Spotlight. We re hoping to see the administration engage this issue, to look at it again. House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conway and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte sided with Duarte, sending a letter to Sessions May 26 questioning the merit of the Duarte case.Read more: DC
Trump Supporting KKK Leader Defends Trump And Alt-Right In Response To Hillary’s Brilliant Speech
David Duke is a former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard who also happens to be one of the most famous white supremacists in modern history. He is also, like many white supremacists, anti-semites, and other assorted despicable bigots, a Donald Trump supporter. Today, as we all know by now, Hillary Clinton issued a blistering takedown of Trump in a brilliant speech delivered in Reno, Nevada. She indicted the so-called alt-right movement which is really nothing more than the new white supremacy as well as Donald Trump himself for being nothing more than bigots, and bringing their bigotry into the mainstream via this presidential election. Well, of course, David Duke was most unhappy with this, and decided to issue a statement defending the alt-right which of course means, at this point, that he is also defending Trump.Duke talked to Buzzfeed s Andrew Kaczynski and said:Kaczynski went on to tweet:Bottom line, the white nationalists trust Trump and don't find his condemnations of them to be sincere. andrew kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) August 26, 2016He s right, of course. They know that Trump is just doing what he has to do to get elected. He is their guy. They know that all of his pathetic and disingenuous attempts to reach out to communities of color is really just lip service; hell, he isn t even actually talking to communities of color. He s trying to assure more mainstream white people that he isn t quite as racist as they thought, and that they should still vote for him, because he s still their man.Trump s campaign has completely embraced the lunatic fringe, and they are welcoming him with open arms. No matter how much his campaign staff tries to soften his bombastic tone and gets him to read off of a teleprompter, the truth is already out there, via not just Trump s own words, associations, and actions, but also via the full throated endorsement and defense of Klan leaders and other white supremacist leaders like David Duke.GOP, if you ve any sense at all, you ll kick ALL of these racists out of your party. You can t just say you aren t racists. You have to prove it. Take the hit this election, and reject Trumpism before it is too late.Featured image via SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Elite Nazi-allied Order From Hungary Claims Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka Is Sworn Member
Lili Bayer and Larry Cohler-Esses HaaretzSebastian Gorka, President Trump s top counter-terrorism adviser, is a formal member of a Hungarian far-right group that is listed by the U.S. State Department as having been under the direction of the Nazi Government of Germany during World War II, leaders of the organization have told the Forward.The elite order, known as the Vit zi Rend, was established as a loyalist group by Admiral Miklos Horthy, who ruled Hungary as a staunch nationalist from 1920 to October 1944. A self-confessed anti-Semite, Horthy imposed restrictive Jewish laws prior to World War II and collaborated with Hitler during the conflict. His cooperation with the Nazi regime included the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Jews into Nazi hands. STRANGE CHARACTER: People are now questioning why Trump hired bizarre Hungarian author as his terrorism expert.Gorka s membership in the organization if these Vit zi Rend leaders are correct, and if Gorka did not disclose this when he entered the United States as an immigrant could have implications for his immigration status. The State Department s Foreign Affairs Manual specifies that members of the Vit zi Rend are presumed to be inadmissible to the country under the Immigration and Nationality Act.Gorka who Vit zi Rend leaders say took a lifelong oath of loyalty to their group did not respond to multiple emails sent to his work and personal accounts, asking whether he is a member of the Vit zi Rend and, if so, whether he disclosed this on his immigration application and on his application to be naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 2012. The White House also did not respond to a request for comment.Continue this story at HaaretzREAD MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Black Man Detained By Cops After Withdrawing $200,000 Of HIS OWN Money (VIDEO, IMAGES)
Rapper Blac Youngsta went to an Atlanta bank to withdraw $200,000 of his own money, and upon leaving the building he was detained by police.Blac Youngsta s real name is Sam Benson and he claims that the police even pulled a gun on him.Yo Gotti's artist Blac Youngsta Speaks To News About Police Drawing Guns On Him For Withdrawing $200k From The Bank! pic.twitter.com/mZPOFvlJH1 saycheesetv.com (@SayCheese_TV) January 9, 2016Benson said he withdrew $200,000 in cash from his account. He said when he came out of the bank, a police officer pointed at him. They come bum rushing me at the car, put me on the ground, putting guns to my head, so I m like What I d do, Benson said. A lady was like I m not supposed to have $200,000 on me. I m like, I m a millionaire. How can I not have $200,000 on me? On his Facebook page, Benson posted a picture of himself in handcuffs on the ground surrounded by police officers with the caption LOOK AT HOW THEY TREAT A YOUNG RICH NIGGA. Benson also posted a video discussing the fact that the police thought he had too much money on him.https://www.facebook.com/BlacYoungsta/videos/vb.708100352651760/802664839861977/?type=2&theaterBenson said police told him that they thought he was someone who had previously written a bogus check, and apologized to him after taking $100,000 of his cash but eventually giving it back to him.The rapper said he had withdrawn the money because he planned to buy a car. Initially he planned to buy a Maybach but after the incident he was feeling fast and thinking about purchasing a Ferrari.Police told an Atlanta TV station that they responded to the bank at the request of the bank manager but Officers found that no crime had been committed. Imagine the anger at working at your skill to the point where you ve amassed such a large sum of money in the bank, go to withdraw your own money, and are style eyed with suspicion to the point that police are called and you are put down on the ground in cuffs.Something has to be changed.Featured image via Facebook
Cruz Trying To Hold Fiorina’s Hand Is More Awkward Than A Middle School Dance (VIDEO)
When Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his running mate last week, it left many, many people scratching their heads. It d be like a football team getting their finger sizes measured for Super Bowl rings after they ve already been eliminated from making the playoffs. It just didn t make any sense whatsoever. It was clearly a move to try to get media attention (which worked) and in hopes of helping him win the Republican nomination (which it won t).Add to this how awkward of a pairing Cruz and Fiorina make. They go together like orange juice and toothpaste, where the only thing left will be the bitter taste left in everyone s mouths after witnessing their desperation.If you don t believe how awkward they are together, then by all means, witness it for yourselves.Here s Cruz trying to grab Fiorina s hand in the typical politician power pose with their running mate. Or in Cruz s case, his running mate. Carly Fiorina Gives Ted Cruz a Hand (by @VicBergerIV) (Vine by @superdeluxe) https://t.co/au7opXLkro Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) April 27, 2016Now, add that together with the fact that both are heavily disliked amongst not only liberals, but conservatives as well, including many in Washington, and you have a recipe for utter failure. Unfortunately, Cruz is gonna have to learn this lesson the hard way, because common sense and candor are not his forte.Featured image via video screen capture
BREAKING: Shooter Targets Congressional Republicans At Baseball Practice, Steve Scalise Shot
As the divisions in the nation bubble over, it seems that one person has snapped, and done the unthinkable: opened fire on a baseball practice full of Congressional Republicans in Alexandria, Virginia. Reports are steadily coming in, and it has been confirmed that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has been shot. He is currently en route to a nearby hospital and is said to be in stable condition. There are also reports that Capitol Hill police officers and possibly Congressional aides have been injured as well. There is currently no reporting available on their condition. Reports suggest that the shooter was either taken down by Capitol Hill police or taken into custody.The really sad thing about this incident is that this practice was in preparation for a bipartisan baseball game that is supposed to promote unity between the two parties. Further, things would have been much worse if Rep. Scalise had not been there because Capitol Police would not have been present without a member of leadership in attendance.This is seriously the work of someone truly sick. No one should be killing anyone, for any reason, but certainly, this targeting of lawmakers at a baseball practice that was designed to help the nation take a break from ugly partisan politics is truly beyond the pale. Political violence is never acceptable, period.If this isn t proof that we really need to turn down the temperature when it comes to the rhetoric and divisions in this nation posthaste, I don t know what is.This is a developing story. Stay tuned to Addicting Info for continued updates.Here is the live feed monitoring this tragedy, via CNN:Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Heckler Screams ‘F*ck Hillary’ At Clinton Rally – And She Just Laughs At Him (VIDEO)
Sometimes you ve got to laugh especially if you re the Democratic nominee, who is currently facing down a level of unbridled hatred that rivals all previous presidential candidates with the exception of Barack Obama. Recently, Hillary contracted pneumonia or, if you listen to our friends on the Right, she s on her deathbed and completely unfit to serve as President because reasons. The downright comical reaction to this, coupled with the numerous right-wing anti-Hillary witch hunts like Benghazi and the manufactured controversy over her emails, is enough to give one a chuckle but it s even more fun when one of the ignoramuses who subscribe to such ridiculous notions stops by one of her rallies to tell the Democratic nominee how he really feels about her.As Hillary spoke to a crowd in Greensboro, North Carolina, a heckler screamed: F*ck Hillary. Hillary s reaction was priceless. As the crowd cheered for her and Hillary chants broke out, a grin formed on the face of the former Secretary of State, quickly turning into a chuckle then a full-blown laugh. Now, I just want to have a conversation and other people can wave their arms and their signs, she said after the moment passed, going back into her speech like nothing happened as the heckler was escorted out.Interestingly, she didn t order her supporters to attack the man. She didn t lash out, she didn t insult him. She respected his right to display a dissenting opinion. This is something you would never see at a Trump rally, where the 2016 nominee s basket of deplorables regularly beat protesters especially the elderly and minorities senseless for expressing themselves.Vote for the candidate who can keep her cool in November the future of our nation depends on it.Watch the incident below: Featured image via screen capture
POWERFUL! FORMERLY OPPRESSED EX- MUSLIM WARNS Ignorant Americans About Danger Of “Welcoming The People I Fled From” [VIDEO]
A former Muslim and Donald Trump supporter who fled Islam-controlled Kuwait years ago has a warning for Americans this election cycle.Sarah, an ex-Muslim who bravely denounced Islam at a Milo Yiannopoulos speech, said she would absolutely hate it if America started to embrace Islamic culture, the exact culture which led her to flee her native country.She suggested that if American women want to support this oppressive lifestyle, they should go there to experience it. In a nutshell, she s saying, don t bring it here she came here to escape the intolerance and submissive lifestyle. They [western feminists]show me they really don t care about me by welcoming my attackers into the place that I now call home.' ***Language warning*** I found home in America and I would really hate it if the values that made me find America as my home would be destroyed, so I m with the Trump campaign, I m with the Republican campaign. Keep people out of America that would change America for what we love it for and Milo is just another part of that which is why I support him, Sarah said.Sarah said she fled Kuwait after her very Muslim husband told her that getting a college degree would do nothing for her because she is a woman. If you want to learn about something, go and learn about it, Sarah said of Americans who are embracing Islam. You re more than welcome. Become a hostage in Saudi Arabia. Maybe that ll teach you something. Via: American Lookout
Christie Goes Ballistic On Cruz For ‘Awful, Selfish Speech’
Chris Christie went ballistic on Ted Cruz Wednesday night following the Texas senator s failure to endorse Donald Trump during his speech at the Republican National Convention. It was an awful, selfish speech by someone who tonight, through the words he said on that stage, showed everybody why he has richly earned the reputation that he has on Capitol Hill, Christie declared angrily.The New Jersey governor wasn t the only one who was less than pleased with Cruz and his refusal to endorse Trump, who has now officially secured the Republican nomination. During Cruz s speech, the crowd chanted Endorse Trump, Endorse Trump! and then erupted in a chorus of boos when that endorsement never came. If you love our country and love your children as much as I know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience, Cruz said during his prime-time speech at the RNC on Wednesday night. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution. Christie slammed Cruz for his dramatic words: I don t understand how someone can present themselves as a person of integrity and then come into this room tonight and give that cute speech. And that was cute. Speaking with CNN, Christie said spoke of the crowds reaction to Cruz s steadfast refusal to throw his support behind Trump. The crowd was waiting for him to do the right thing, the governor said of Cruz. I think the performance you saw there is why Ted has so richly deserved the reputation he s developed. Cruz isn t the only former Republican presidential hopeful that has chosen not to endorse Trump, even though they signed the pledge saying they would support whoever ended up winning the nomination. Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich have also refused to back The Donald. But Christie pointed out that they are not in the room tonight. The fact is: He came into this room today and then did not keep his word, the New Jersey governor said.Watch Christi s interview with CNN here:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giZGaFjxb8g]Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
DISMISSED: Trump Fires Scandal Plagued FBI Director James Comey – What Does It Mean?
21st Century WireUS President Donald Trump has accepted a recommendation to dismiss FBI director James Comey. Was this a reprisal for the suddenly widened Russia-gate probe into the White House or was there something else at play within the operations of the deep state?Comey was at the center of a political controversy over much of the last year during the US presidential election cycle in 2016, and well into 2017. Throughout 2016, the former FBI director opened, closed and reopened (only to close again) a probe into Hillary Clinton, her email server and looking into accusations leveled at the Clinton Foundation, while also entertaining a dubious Russian probe into the Trump administration alleged connections to Russia that helped mine various stories, including a so-called dossier regarding the newly elected president in early 2017.In recent years, there have been many highly questionable actions under Comey s leadership at the FBI, such as the Orlando nightclub shooting incident who s main suspect was previously interviewed by the FBI, as well as a highly questionable ISIS inspired shooting event in Garland, Texas linked to an FBI informant case run out of Phoenix, Arizona, and the federal agency s dramatic encroachment on public privacy following a suspicious San Bernardino mass shooting. These are only just a few examples Grabien News highlights a list of scandals that were either attached to Comey or perpetuated under his watch: Here are 10 of Comey s biggest embarrassments at the FBI:1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban but didn t intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented. 4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller s business and personal travel. 5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a backdoor that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America s biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey s questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist s phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a crack would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton s mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops. 8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son s radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview. 9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen during which Mateen admitting lying to agents the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case. 10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the Draw Muhammad event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack. It s important to remember that Comey is not the only FBI director who bears responsibility for the controversial aspects of 2013 s Boston Bombing. Under FBI director Robert Mueller Tamerlan Tsarnaev came to the attention of the FBI on at least two occasions prior to allegedly being involved in what many researchers have described as a false flag terror event in Boston. A questionable event that has arguably been used as a pretext to further clamp down on individual rights in the US.We should also be reminded that the FBI has been routinely caught foiling their very own terror plots over the past several years.In recent years, the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies have come into question, none perhaps more dubious then the Newburgh FBI sting that involved entrapping four men to participate in a fabricated event created by the bureau. Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The reputation of the FBI has suffered greatly in the recent past as well as over the past couple of decades. Incidentally, the FBI is on record as handling Emad A. Salem, a former Egyptian army officer who was a prized undercover operative thrust into confidential informant status and person who played a key role in the 1993 WTC bombing.All of this has happened under the watchful eye of the FBI SWORN-IN FBI director James Comey sworn in by former DOJ head Eric Holder. (Image Source: thewhitehousespin)Over last summer, 21WIRE observed some curious connections between the Clinton Foundation and FBI director James Comey, as well as his questionable handling of other cases related to the Clinton family. Here s the following passage to consider in light of the new information related to the Clinton investigation: Many will also be unaware that before Comey was installed by the Obama Administration as FBI Director, he was on the board of Director at HSBC Bank a bank implicated in international money laundering, including the laundering of billions on behalf of international drugs and narcotics trafficking cartels.Forbes also points out where Comey was also at the key choke-point during the case involving dodgy auditor KPMG which followed on by the HSBC criminal case: If Comey, and his boss Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, had made a different decision about KPMG back in 2005, KPMG would not have been around to miss all the illegal acts HSBC and Standard Chartered SCBFF +% were committing on its watch. Bloomberg reported in 2007 that back in June of 2005, Comey was the man thrust into the position of deciding whether KPMG would live or die for its criminal tax shelter violations. Is this just a surface effort by the White House to clean the slate for an agency perpetually embroiled in controversy?More from RT below Trump fires FBI Director James ComeyRT The FBI is one of our Nation s most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement, said President Trump. While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau, Trump told Comey in a letter.The letter announcing the termination was hand-delivered to FBI headquarters by Keith Schiller, a Trump security aide, according to several reports citing a White House official.A search for a new permanent FBI Director will begin immediately.The firing of Comey comes days after he testified to Congress on investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.RT continues here READ MORE FBI NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire FBI Files
“STOP BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE For Trump’s Win Last Night…America Voted For Actual Change” [VIDEO]
Stop blaming white people for Trumps win last night. America voted for actual change. pic.twitter.com/UlISJcOIIg Stacy Washington (@StacyOnTheRight) November 9, 2016
BREAKING: CLINTON CLEARED…Was This A Coordinated Last Minute Trick To Energize Hillary’s Base?
650,000 Emails 9 Days 72,222 A Day 3000 A Hour 50 A Minute About 1 A SecondThey Must Be Evelyn Wood StudentsUS Department of Justice says DOJ and FBI dedicated all necessary resources to finish review of newly found Hillary Clinton emails expeditiously Reuters And therein lies the problem. Her name is Loretta Lynch.Was this done to energize Hillary s base or it s interesting that Rush Limbaugh said the FBI rekindled the email investigation just to distract attention from Wikileaks:FBI Director James Comey is going to make everybody think for the next three or four days that there s really something to be forthcoming here, Limbaugh said.Limbaugh said that the revelations in the Wikileaks material were starting to hurt the Clintons and that the renewed interest in an FBI investigation into her private email server would be a fruitless distraction.In any case IT S TIME TO DRAIN THE SWAMP!FBI Director James Comey said Sunday that the agency has reviewed all of the Hillary Clinton emails recently discovered in an unrelated case and that his conclusion in July not to prosecute Clinton after the FBI s original investigation into her use of private email server still stands.Comey informed Congress on Oct. 28 that the agency would, in the unrelated case, review additional emails related to Clinton s time running the State Department from 2009 to 2013. Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails, Comey said Sunday in a follow-up letter to Congress. During that time we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hilary Clinton as secretary of state. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusion. The new case is purportedly related to ex-New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner using a laptop he shared with estranged wife and top Clinton aide Huma Abedin for sexting an apparently underage female. VIA: FOX NEWS
Racists’ Heads Will Explode When They Find Out White-On-White Crime Is Higher
Despite what many racists say and regardless of the hand-picked statistics of the federal government in an effort to demonize black people, the rate of white-on-white crime in the United States is far higher than that of African-Americans victimizing white citizens.In a report published last Thursday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) on Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders 2012-2015, some staggering figures emerged. Research conducted over a four year period during which U.S. residents experienced 5.8 million violent victimizations each year found that the rate of white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000) was almost four times higher than black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).However, even when the facts are blatantly obvious and staring them right in the face, there is no swaying some Republicans who still subscribe to the idea that African-Americans are still the largest threat to themselves and others. Case in point: former White House advisor Sebastian Gorka in this interview last Monday:On a Sinclair station, Gorka refers to "black African crime on black African crime" & says black men are killing each other "by the bushel" pic.twitter.com/Cbtqm39tTd Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) October 24, 2017Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill, an African-American himself, shares the same sentiments as Gorka. One of the most dramatically difficult things to fathom in this country is the amount of lives lost black lives lost as a result of black-on-black violence, Hill said on Saturday. In the same year that we experienced about 259 police officer shootings of blacks in 2015, there were 6,000 black lives lost to murders from black people. However, contrary to what both Mr. Gorka and Mr. Hill believe, black men aren t killing each other by the bushel. In fact, according to the report, black-on-black violence has decreased exponentially in the last two decades, by almost the exact same rate as white-on-white violence. From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence and black-on-black violence declined at a similar rate. White-on-white violence declined 79 percent (from 52.5 to 10.8 victimizations per 1,000 white persons). Black-on-black violence declined 78 percent (from 66.6 to 14.5 victimizations per 1,000 black persons). Information on Hispanic origin of offenders was not collected prior to 2012, the report stated.It s time that the U.S. government started to report the facts when it comes to the issue of race, instead of dividing the country.Featured image via Brian Blanco/Getty Images
BREAKING! INVESTIGATION: Hillary Clinton Did NOT Comply With Records Rules
Was Hillary Clinton negligent or was she doing this on purpose? Either way, it s a really bad situation and gives more fodder for the Trump campaign. Keep at it!The State Department inspector general concluded that Hillary Clinton did not comply with the agency s policies on records, according to a report released to lawmakers on Wednesday that also revealed that Clinton and her top aides chose not to cooperate with the review.The agency on Wednesday released the long-awaited report to Capitol Hill, copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, providing just the latest turn in the headache-inducing saga that has dogged Clinton s campaign.While the report concludes that the agency suffers from longstanding, systemic weaknesses with records that go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State, it specifically dings Clinton for her exclusive use of private email.The watchdog s findings could exact further damage to Clinton s campaign, and they provide fresh fodder for Trump, who has already said he will go after Clinton for the email scandal bigly. The Democratic frontrunner s bid for the White House has already been hindered by high unfavorability ratings, with people saying they don t trust her. The report represents the latest pushback in this case by a nonpartisan government entity against her campaign s claim that she did not break any rules and that her use of a private server was completely allowed. The report also details how some technology staff said they were instructed to not talk of Clinton s email set-up after they raised concerns about the unusual arrangement. It also includes conflicting information about whether the private email server had been approved by the State Department s legal staff. Read more: POLITICO
Hillary Talks Taco Trucks, SHREDS Trump, And The Crowd Goes WILD (VIDEO)
Hillary Clinton brought the house down at a gala event held by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute in Washington, D.C. Speaking after President Obama, Clinton referenced the verbal abuse and indignities targeted towards Latino Americans by the anti-immigrant Trump campaign.Then as an aside, Clinton said, I personally think a taco truck on every corner sounds absolutely delicious, and the audience went wild.Clinton: "I personally think a taco truck on every corner sounds absolutely delicious" https://t.co/UYpqI3w42L https://t.co/zTBXjkWoAg CNN (@CNN) September 16, 2016The comment was in reference to a statement by a Trump campaign surrogate representing Latinos for Trump, in an appearance on MSNBC s All In. Marco Gutierrez stunned guest host Joy Reid, with its insensitivity. My culture is a very dominant culture, the Mexican-born Marco Gutierrez said on MSNBC s All In With Chris Hayes. It is imposing and it s causing problems. If you don t do something about it, you re going to have taco trucks on every corner. Gutierrez was widely ridiculed, and many on social media like Twitter pointed out that in fact they would love to have a taco truck nearby tacos are one of the most popular food items in the United States, as the ubiquitous Taco Bell chain would indicate.Democrats took the absurd taco truck comment and began using it to make fun of the Trump campaign. In some locations, taco trucks have now been used as part of voter registration drives in order to get new voters to the polls in November.Trump s anti-immigrant campaign, specifically targeted at Latino immigrants, is expected to prompt an increase in voter registration and participation within the Latino community. The fastest growing ethnic demographic in the United States, Latinos were once seen by the Republican Party in the era of George W. Bush as a route to electoral dominance. Since then, the GOP has instead embraced a hard-right nativist stance, opposing immigration reform even when it has strong popular support.By contrast, Democrats have now completely taken up the mantle of being pro-immigrant.Featured image via screen capture
WELL, DUH! Transgender Wins International Women’s Weightlifting Title
Just last month a transgender high school wrestler won wrestling the girls:BRITISH COLUMNIST KATIE HOPKINS Has BRUTAL Reaction To Trans H.S. Student Beating Girls In Wrestling Matches [VIDEO]NEW ZEALAND TRANSGENDER WINS WEIGHTLIFTING TITLE:Kiwi weightlifter Laurel Hubbard has dominated her first major competition, taking out the Australian International in Melbourne on a night she made history as the first transgender athlete to represent New Zealand.Hubbard, 39, won the women s over 90kg division at the Melbourne event, setting four unofficial national records in the process. Hubbard lifted a combined total of 268kg 19kg better than silver medallist Iuniarra Sipaia of Samoa.Australia s Kaitlyn Fassina claimed the bronze medal with 223kg.Read more: NZ Herald
Bystander Uses Baseball Bat To Stop Man From Crushing Toddler’s Head ‘For God’ (VIDEO)
A two-year old girl is in critical condition after sustaining severe injuries at a Clark County, Washington hotel on Tuesday. If not for the actions of another hotel patron, however, she likely would be dead.Don Gilbert was in his own hotel room on Tuesday night when he says he heard a loud crash. Gilbert looked out the window and realized that the man in the room next door, Kyle Holder, had just thrown his small daughter through the hotel window.Gilbert saw Holder throw the two-year-old onto the ground and then step on her head.During an interview with KHOU, Gilbert described what happened next: I reached behind my door and grabbed my baseball bat and chased him onto the street. I hit him once in the back. He had the baby by the feet, took her to the curb and slammed her down. That s when I cracked him the in skull three or four times. He went on to say: He was just babbling about how God is coming for everyone and he has to get the evil out of the daughter. He kept coming every time I moved between him and the baby. He d charge me and I d swing the bat. Police arrived on the scene after someone called 911 to report a disturbance involving a man with a bat.According to Sgt. Fred Nieman of the Clark County Sheriff s Office, Holder was out of control. Officers tased him before taking him into custody.Holder was taken to a nearby hospital by ambulance. On the way to the hospital he reportedly said: I did not want to kill her, but I had to I knew I had to crush her head. He made a similar comment at the hospital, saying: I had to hold my daughter and crush her head so she could go up to the sky. According to the child s mother, she and the girl were sleeping in the hotel room when Holder rushed in and began the attack. Here s more on this story from KHOU.Featured image via video screen capture KHOU
#LockHimUp Former Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz: If Comey’s Leaked Memos Contained Classified Information, He Should Have Handcuffs On And Go To Jail
President Donald Trump targeted former FBI Director James Comey Monday for allegedly including classified information in personal memos describing his conversations with the president.James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017Comey s removal of classified information from his office could put him in breach of FBI protocols that clearly state FBI agents will not reveal, by any means, any information or material from or related to FBI files or any other information acquired by virtue of my official employment to any unauthorized recipient without prior official written authorization by the FBI. Comey admitted he took his personal memos with him after being fired in testimony before Congress on June 8 and directed a friend of his to leak some of its contents to a New York Times reporter to rebuff some of Trump s claims. The Daily CallerThe former congressman from Utah, Jason Chaffetz, recently left the Washington DC cesspool and is now employed by FOX New. Chaffetz appeared on FOX and Friends this morning where he addressed the new Comey issue.Former Oversight Chair Jason Chaffetz recounted a discussion he had with FBI Director James Comey on the phone. Comey is usually a jovial, open person on the phone , but when Jason Chaffetz brought up the memos he got very silent.Chaffetz then made a surprising statement to the Fox and Friends hosts: If Comey s Leaked Memos Contained Classified Information, He Should Have Handcuffs On And Go To JailChaffetz recounts a discussion he had with former FBI director, James Comey, on the phone. "You cannot take classified information & release it, if you do you should have handcuffs on you & go to jail."-Chaffetz on James Comey pic.twitter.com/gQdSBQGwaK Corryn (@Corrynmb) July 10, 2017
GERMANY: Afghan “Teen” Refugee Who RAPED and KILLED Female Med Student and Refugee Volunteer Is Actually 33-Years Old…And There’s MORE!
On September 5, 2017, the Daily Mail reported:Afghan asylum seeker accused of raping and murdering EU official s teenage daughter attacked her to satisfy his sexual urges before leaving her unconscious in a river to drown Hussein Khavari, 22, who claims to be from Afghanistan has been accused of ambushing Maria Ladenburger, 19, as she cycled home after a party, raping her and then drowning her in Freiburg, Germany last October.He was linked through his DNA to medical student Maria, who volunteered at various shelters that house migrants in her spare time in Freiburg.Hussein claimed to be Afghani but the court heard that there is evidence he is Iraqi. And his claim to be 17 at the time of the offense was disputed by a specialist saying he was at least 22. According to Bild newspaper, during a morning session of hearings in which press and public were excluded, he claimed to be 19.He said he claimed to be 16 upon his arrival in Germany in 2015 because the situation is better here for underage migrants. The court must decide if he is to be tried as a juvenile or an adult.A murder conviction as a juvenile would mean a maximum ten-year jail term, as an adult a possible life sentence.As it turns out, the fake teenager who admitted to raping and murdering the actual teenager, is pretty far removed from his teenage years. According to the Voice of Europe, the Afghan refugee, who is now on trial for the rape and murder of the medical student Maria Ladenburger in October 2016, is older than previously thought.Hussein Khavari entered Germany in November 2015 without identity papers. He told authorities that he was born in 1999 in Afghanistan and that his father was killed during the war.But it now appears that his father is still alive. According to German media source, Bil.de, his father said his son was born in 1984 and that he is 33-years-old.The Local Germany says about it: Prosecutors were able to track down Hussein K. s father when they came across a contact on his mobile phone. The defendant told them that they could contact his mother on the number. But when an interpreter called the number in the presence of two judges, the person who picked up was his father .Maria Ladenburger s father is a senior legal adviser to the European Commission in Brussels. Maria herself was volunteering as a refugee worker in various shelters and asylum homes.
INSIDE TRUMP’S CHARITY BALL Tonight At Beautiful Mar-A-Lago…Protests Outside [Video]
Trump on immigration appeal: We ll win. For the safety of the country we ll win. pic.twitter.com/ffOPCgtPBv Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) February 5, 2017One lucky guest got a photo with the President and First Lady:The lavish ballroom decorated for tonight:Poolside tonight:The gala has a history at Mar-a-Lago: The estate s first owner, Marjorie Meriweather Post, hosted the first Red Cross Ball there in 1957:Since then, it has been held at Mar-a-Lago and The Breakers, with Trump playing host several times throughout the years.As those attending the ball arrived Saturday night, anti-Trump protesters were gathered outside the club, positioned along Southern Boulevard and held behind a temporary barrier by Palm Beach police and Palm Beach County sheriff s deputies.Read more: Palm Beach Post
This Is What REAL Christians Do When Their Priest Preaches To Ban Abortion (VIDEO)
The members of a Roman Catholic church in Poland have demonstrated to the world how compassionate Christians can shut down priest when they preach politics, not religion, from the pulpit.The women were at a Roman Catholic church in Gdansk, which is spearheading the outlawing of abortion in the Eastern European country. The Priest began reading a letter to the congregation in favor of the ban, which triggered a large number of mostly female worshippers to stand, turn their back on the Priest, and leave the church.As The Journal reports:The message from Poland s Catholic bishops, presented at churches nationwide, called on lawmakers to back the proposal being considered by Poland s right-wing government.The move would tighten what are already some of Europe s most restrictive laws on pregnancy termination. Current legislation, dating from 1993, already bans all terminations except when pregnancy results from rape or incest, poses a health risk to the mother, or if the foetus is severely deformed.Pro-life activists support even tougher legislation but the move has sparked a backlash and thousands of marchers took part in a protest outside the country s parliament in Warsaw yesterday, as well as in several other cities.The move is in sharp contrast to Christian conservatives in the United States, who are actually rallying behind candidates and religious leaders who wear their prejudice and intolerance on their sleeve. Even Pope Francis is being pilloried by the Christian Right in America for his refusal to hate and preach against Muslims.In fact, there is not a candidate left in the GOP race for president who believes in a woman s reproductive rights over her own body. Donald Trump believes women should be punished for having abortions. Ted Cruz would outlaw abortion, with no exceptions even in cases of incest or rape. Even the candidate who is selling himself as the moderate, John Kasich, also calls for a total ban on abortion. There is no pro-choice version of the Republican message anymore.In economic policy, the ultra-right of the conservative movement has killed off the Eisenhower Republicans the GOP lawmakers and voters who believed in investment, taxation and welfare as the pillars which support free enterprise and a stable, prosperous society. At the same time, the evangelists have killed any hope of social liberalism in the party.What s left behind is a cold, cruel, and crazy mob, who simply do not care about facts, evidence or rational discussion. They are zealots. Let us hope that for the sake of the Republican Party, and the country, that a complete slaughtering in election 2016 brings everyone back to their senses. https://www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/10153656792786939/?__mref=message_bubbleFeatured Image via Screengrab
Columbine Shooter Dylan Klebold’s Mother Breaks Silence In Riveting New Interview (VIDEOS)
Columbine was the original school shooting. Sure, there had been others, but that was the one that got the world s attention. It was the horror that was to become all too common in America s high schools and colleges. On that fateful day April 20, 1999 the nation was rocked when 17-year old Dylan Klebold and 18-year-old Eric Harris went to their own high school and opened fire. They wounded 24 victims and killed 13 more. The truly horrific part of all of this is the fact that it could have been much worse because, even more than a school shooting, Columbine was a failed bombing. Klebold and Harris had brought several homemade propane bombs with them in their efforts to make sure their attack on their school reached maximum effect but the bombs failed to detonate.In the past, the parents of these infamous school shooters have refused to talk to the press on television. However, that all changed when Sue Klebold, Dylan Klebold s mother, decided to break her silence and sit down for an intimate interview with Diane Sawyer her first television appearance ever regarding her son s devastating crimes.Mrs. Klebold talked about the guilt she has lived with over what her son did, and about the many things that she missed that, in hindsight, may have prevented this travesty, saying: I had all those illusions that everything was OK because, and more than anything else, because my love for him was so strong. Klebold then acknowledges that she understands why some parents blame her, why they believe that she and her husband should have seen that something was not right with their son long before he took it upon himself to commit any such atrocity. Before Columbine happened I would have been one of those parents. If I had recognized that Dylan was experiencing some real mental distress, he would not have been there. He would ve gotten help. I don t ever, for a moment, mean to imply that I m not conscious of the fact that he was a killer, because I am. Klebold hopes to help parents who might be unknowingly missing the signs that they might be raising killers by speaking out, both in this interview, and the book she has written, entitled A Mother s Reckoning, which will come out next week. Klebold says what we all know: that hindsight is always 20/20. I wish I had known then what I know now: that it was possible for everything to seem fine with him when it was not, and that behaviors I mistook as normal for a moody teenager were actually subtle signs of psychological deterioration. Perhaps the most powerful lesson comes from an essay Sue Klebold wrote for O Magazine, which is that you try to protect your kids from outside dangers, and can often fail to recognize the internal ones. She says in the essay: I taught him how to protect himself from a host of dangers: lightning, snake bites, head injuries, skin cancer, smoking, drinking, sexually transmitted diseases, drug addiction, reckless driving, even carbon monoxide poisoning. It never occurred to me that the gravest danger to him and, as it turned out, to so many others might come from within. Most of us do not see suicidal thinking as the health threat that it is. We are not trained to identify it in others, to help others appropriately, or to respond in a healthy way if we have these feelings ourselves. Hopefully, this brave mother accomplishes her goal of saving lives through telling her own story, and hopefully she can one day find some kind of peace with what her son did.You can watch Sue Klebold tell her story in the clips below, courtesy of ABC News: ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos ABC Breaking News | Latest News VideosFeatured image from video screen capture via ABC News
ILLEGALS BEFORE AMERICAN CITIZENS: ACLU Sues 3 Missouri Colleges For Refusing Tuition Benefits To Illegal Aliens
Obama s fundamental transformation of America s education system The American Civil Liberties Union is suing three public colleges in Missouri for denying in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, claiming that the law the schools are following is invalid.The Missouri chapter of the ACLU announced in a press release Tuesday that it has filed lawsuits against the University of Missouri, St. Louis Community College, and the Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City on behalf of three students who recently experienced tuition increases that the organization considers illegal.All three students are enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which grants immunity from deportation to individuals who arrived in the country illegally before the age of 16, but does not confer actual citizenship.The tuition hikes came after the state passed a bill this summer, HB 3, stating that no funds shall be expended at public institutions of higher education that offer a tuition rate to any student with an unlawful immigration status in the United States that is less than the tuition rate charged to international students. Missouri law already prohibited public colleges and universities from providing institutional financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States, but The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that some lawmakers had become concerned that the language would not apply to DACA students, prompting them to propose the new wording in an effort to clarify the law s meaning.Despite the misgivings of some administrators, the state s colleges dutifully complied, sending letters to affected students in July informing them of the mandated tuition increases even as some schools sought to offset the hikes with other forms of financial aid funded by private donations, which the law allows.Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon, however, offered a conflicting interpretation of the bill upon signing it into law, arguing that the language in question is not legally binding because it occurs in the preamble of the bill, rather than in the body. The Governor has been quite clear in order to change the law, you have to pass legislation, press secretary Scott Holste told St. Louis Public Radio. The language in the enacting clause of House Bill 3 or in the enacting clause of any other bill is not legally binding nor is it enforceable. Via: Campus Reform
JUDGE ROY MOORE BLASTS Latest Accuser’s Press Conference With Same Liberal Lawyer Who Tried To Take Down Trump: “I Don’t Even Know The Woman”
Even though the media and the their allies in the Democrat Party are maniacly focused on doing whatever it takes to bring down the popular Alabama GOP Senate candidate, only one month before the election, Judge Roy Moore still has a sizable lead in the most recent polls.Accusations from four decades ago, by women that range from a woman who worked for Hillary and promotes Democrat candidate for Senate, Doug Ross on Facebook, to a woman who has a history of accusing several pastors of sexual misconduct are suddenly coming out of the woodwork.One of Moore s accusers, Leigh Corfman apparently has a history of claiming pastors made sexual advances on her.Purportedly Moore s main accuser Leigh Corfman has had three divorces, filed for bankruptcy three times, and has been charged with multiple misdemeanors.Posts on Moore's FB page indicate that Corfman, has claimed several pastors at various churches made sexual advances at her. James Hirsen (@thejimjams) November 10, 2017Another one of Moore s accusers Debbie Wesson Gibson wasn t clever enough to delete postings from her Facebook page that show she s a Hillary supporter, she hates President Trump and oh yeah, she asks her friends (more than once) to vote for Moore s Democrat opponent, Doug Ross.Today, leftist media whore, Gloria Allred marched another accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, out in front of the cameras with a four decades old story about how she was sexually assaulted by Roy Moore. This time, however, Roy Moore, and his wife Kayla are not just sitting back and watching his reputation be destroyed by the liberal machine. Watch, as Moore and his wife come out swinging, at the lies being told by the latest accuser. Roy Moore tells the crowd of his supporters and the media, I don t even know the woman. I don t even know where the restaurant was or is. :Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore and his wife, Kayla Moore, react to new sexual misconduct allegations brought against him by an Alabama woman, Beverly Young Nelson, who claims Moore assaulted her when she was 16 years old pic.twitter.com/FSJlntUant Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 14, 2017Moore s wife Kayla, who is planning to sue the Washington Post, reminded her friends on Facebook that the media whore lawyer Gloria Allred tried the same stunt with Donald Trump only months before the election:Gloria Allred is currently under two separate bar investigations for alleged misconduct:Anti-Trump Celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred is under two bar investigations https://t.co/OzbyYWaHLD via @MailOnline Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 13, 2017Yesterday, this letter was published by dozens of pastors, who came to the defense of Judge Roy Moore:Pastor s LetterDear friends and fellow Alabamians, For decades, Roy Moore has been an immovable rock in the culture wars a bold defender of the little guy, a just judge to those who came before his court, a warrior for the unborn child, defender of the sanctity of marriage, and a champion for religious liberty. Judge Moore has stood in the gap for us, taken the brunt of the attack, and has done so with a rare, unconquerable resolve. As a consequence of his unwavering faith in God and his immovable convictions for Biblical principles, he was ousted as Chief Justice in 2003. As a result, he continued his life pursuit by starting the Foundation for Moral Law, which litigates religious liberty cases around our Nation. After being re-elected again to Chief Justice in 2012, by an overwhelming majority, he took another round of persecution for our faith as he stood up for the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. You can know a man by his enemies, and he s made plenty from the radical organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU to the liberal media and a handful of establishment politicians from Washington. He has friends too, a lot of them. They live all across this great State, work hard all week, and fill our pews on Sunday. They know him as a father, a grandfather, a man who loves God s Word and knows much of it by heart, a man who cares for the people, a man who understands our Constitution in the tradition of our Founding Fathers, and a man who deeply loves America. It s no wonder the Washington establishment has declared all-out war on his campaign. We are ready to join the fight and send a bold message to Washington: dishonesty, fear of man, and immorality are an affront to our convictions and our Savior and we won t put up with it any longer. We urge you to join us at the polls to cast your vote for Roy Moore. In your service, Dr. Tom Ford, III, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama Pastor Stan Cooke, Kimberly Church of God, Kimberly, Alabama Pastor Jonathan Rodgers, Dothan, Alabama Pastor Joseph Smith, Pine Air Baptist Church, Grand Bay Alabama Dr. David E. Gonnella, Pastor, Theodore, Alabama Pastor Mike Allison, Madison, Alabama Dr. Terry Batton, Christian Renewal and Development Ministries, Eufaula, Alabama Pastors Tim and Elizabeth Hanson, Smiths Station, Alabama Pastor Mark Liddle, Dominion Baptist Church, Birmingham, Alabama Pastor Steve Sanders, Victory Baptist Church, Millbrook, Alabama Dr. Richard Fox, retired Baptist pastor Dr. Randy Cooper, Pastor, Warrior, Alabama William Green, Minister, Fresh Anointing House of Worship, Montgomery, Alabama Maurice McCaney, Victory Christian Fellowship Church, Florence, Alabama Pastor Jamie Holcomb, Young s Chapel, Piedmont, Alabama Pastor Paul Elliott, Young s Chapel, Piedmont, Alabama Pastor Rodney Gilmore, Covenant Christian, Gadsden, Alabama Pastor Mark Gidley, Faith Worship Center, Gadsden, Alabama Pastor Bill Snow, Edgewood Church, Anniston, Alabama Pastor Michael Yates, Webster s Chapel, Gadsden, Alabama Pastor Mark Holden, Webster s Chapel, Gadsden, Alabama Pastor Joshua Copeland, Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Anniston, Alabama Pastor Bruce Jenkins, Young s Chapel, Piedmont, Alabama Pastor Keith Bond, Young s Chapel, Piedmont, Alabama Pastor Jim Lester, Fannin Road Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama Pastor Thad Endicott, Heritage Baptist Church, Opelika, Alabama Bishop Fred and Tijuanna Adetunji, Fresh Anointing House of Worship, Montgomery, Alabama Pastor David Floyd, Marvyn Parkway Baptist Church, Opelika, Alabama Pastor Bruce Word, Freedom Church, Gadsden, Alabama Pastor Paul Hubbard, Lakeview Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama Rev. Carl Head, Lakeview Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama Pastor Duwayne Bridges, Jr., Fairfax First Christian Church, Valley, Alabama Rev. Edwin Roberts, Adams Street Church of Christ, Enterprise, Alabama Pastor John McCrummen, Open Door Baptist Church, Enterprise, Alabama Rev. Mickey Counts, Open Door Baptist Church, Enterprise, Alabama Rev. Alex Pagen, Open Door Baptist Church, Enterprise, Alabama Pastor Glenn Brock, Eufaula, Alabama Rev. Tim Head, Montgomery, Alabama Pastor/Elder Ted Phillips, Christ Church, Odenville, Alabama Tim Yarbrough, Elder, Trinity Free Presbyterian, Trinity, Alabama Pastor Myron Mooney, Trinity Free Presbyterian, Trinity, Alabama Jerry Frank, Elder, Trinity Free Presbyterian, Trinity, Alabama Pastor Jim Nelson, Church of the Living God, Moulton, Alabama Pastor Earl Wise, Millbrook, Alabama Rick and Beverly Simpson, Summit Holiness Church, Alabama Pastor Lane Simmons and Margie Dale Simmons, First Assembly of God, Greenville Alabama Rev. Charles Morris, Pastor Grace Way Fellowship, Evergreen Alabama Dr. George Grant, Pastor, Parish Presbyterian Church Pastor David Whitney, Cornerstone Church Dr. Peter and Roseann Waldron, St. Francis Anglican Church Pastor Franklin and Mrs. Pamela Raddish, Capitol Hill Independent Baptist Ministries Dr. Michael Peroutka, Institute on the Constitution Reverend Bill Owens, Coalition of African American Pastors **Church names are listed for identification purposes onlyAfter the dust settles around what appears to be a coordinated assault by the left to destroy a man who they fear will take Jeff Sessions Senate seat in December, the voters in Alabama will have to decide who they believe.
NOT KIDDING! Serial Liar Brian Williams Blames “FAKE NEWS” For Hillary’s Loss On MSNBC Last Night [VIDEO]
The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, who was forced to take a 6-month vacation before being permanently relieved of his Nightly News duties on NBC, railed about the new epidemic of fake news in his MSNBC show earlier this week. Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience, Williams whined Tuesday night in his middle-of-the-night show.Specifically, Williams singled out Trump s incoming national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and his son for spreading falsehoods. Williams is no stranger to fake news. He was punished in February 2015 for lying about a helicopter ride in Iraq that he claimed came under heavy enemy fire.In 2003, Williams and an NBC team were reporting in Iraq when three Chinook helicopters came under fire.Williams claimed he was on one of the copters that were hit, when he aboard a different helicopter located about an hour behind the other three. I don t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another, Williams told Stars and Stripes after crew members from the helicopters that were hit that day came forward.Questions were also raised about Williams coverage in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.Williams claimed he could see bodies in flooding from his hotel room in the French Quarter.But the New Orleans Advocate reported that the French Quarter was largely spared in the catastrophe and saw little flooding.-NYP
MONTEL WILLIAMS Says Oregon Patriots Are “Undereducated Terrorist Buffoons” And National Guard Should “Shoot To Kill” Them
He s pro-gun, pro-military, anti-fracking and anti-wrongful imprisonment of US veterans in Mexico. But TV personality Montel Williams has found himself in hot water with conservatives after making some outrageous claims on Twitter about the patriots protesting federal government overreach in Oregon: And here, pro-gun and conservative (on some issues) Montel Williams, makes an apology for his comments on Twitter, along with an explanation about why he made them:// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); // ]]>Since I am trending apparently, let s clear somethings up about #OregonUnderAttack1) Some of you are incapable of Posted by Montel Williams on Monday, 4 January 2016Via: Weasel Zippers
PRESIDENT Promotes Made in America: Omaha Steaks Owner “Wanted to Kiss Me” for Reopening Trade with China [Video]
President Trump was sporting a Commemorative Stetson hat today when he introduced the Made in America week starting with Omaha Steaks. He has a great one-liner in the video below this one about opening the beef trade again with China: The gentleman who was in charge of Omaha Beef. They do beef. He hugged me and he wanted to kiss me so badly. OPENING REMARKS:President Trump says Omaha Steaks CEO wanted to kiss me so badly for opening beef trade in China https://t.co/LQEanwTWY8 NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) July 17, 2017President Trump admiring a Made in America baseball bat:President Trump admires a baseball bat during Made in America event: It s so beautiful I love to play baseball https://t.co/zvYjE7EG1e NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) July 17, 2017President Trump mentioned Senator John McCain: We hope John McCain gets better very soon. We miss him. He s a crusty voice in Washington, plus we need his vote. https://t.co/ZSpibzJlG2 NBC News (@NBCNews) July 17, 2017
WAS MURDERED 27 YEAR OLD DEMOCRAT Operative About To Blow The Whistle On VOTER FRAUD When He Was Shot In The Back? [VIDEO]
Seth Rich was hired by the Democrat Party as the official voter expansion data director. Although there is no connection yet, he was clearly privy to information that could potentially harm the Democrat Party, and more specifically Hillary Clinton s chances of winning the election in November. He was shot in the back several times but wasn t robbed. He was left to die a short distance from his home in gun-free Washington D.C . Possible Whistle Blower on Democratic Party Voter #Fraud assassinated in Washington DC,not in MsM https://t.co/Cbem0AJvw5 #DNC Egypt Built (@HosamDakhakhni) July 12, 2016Rich s death isn t the only suspicious death with ties to the Clintons. A UN official tied to the Clintons was found in his apartment with his throat crushed by a barbell last month The UN claimed he died of a heart attack. Read HERE.Washington DC police are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the killer or killers of Seth Rich, the idealistic young DNC employee who was mysteriously shot multiple times in the back on Sunday night in affluent Northwest DC.At the same time, police are still not giving out any more information about the investigation beyond saying that they have not yet connected the killing to a robbery. Officers have been canvassing the once-cheery Bloomingdale neighborhood where Rich lived and died, knocking on doors and asking for information.There is still no suspect, no motive, and no arrests. As a result, conspiracy theories about Rich s murder continue to fly around Washington and around social media worldwide.Rich was shot while walking home after 4 a-m on Sunday morning. He was on the phone with his girlfriend just before the attack. Police say his body bore injuries indicating that Rich fought for his life.Rich s father told the local TV station in his hometown of Omaha that the killers took nothing from his son s body. If it was a robbery-it failed because he still has his watch, he still has his money-he still has his credit cards, still had his phone so it was a wasted effort except we lost a life, Joel Rich told KMTV.At a Tuesday news conference about DC crime statistics, DC Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier, stated that overall robberies were down in the city. When asked specifically about Seth Rich s murder, she said it has not been determined whether his death could be linked to a robbery.Conspiracy theories abound over Rich s death. The most controversial theory is that Rich was on his way, in the dead of night, to meet with the FBI and inform on alleged voter fraud by Hillary Clinton and DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The theory goes that he was murdered to keep him silent. HeatStreetAnita Moncreif worked for ACORN during Obama sHere are some interesting facts surrounding the Clinton connections with Seth Rich:SETH RICH was a young Washington D.C insider, hired by the Democratic National Committee/Convention, who was assassinated early this morning, July 11th. He was hired by Democratic National Committee Chairwoman (and former co-chair of HILLARY Clinton s 2008 campaign) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in June 2014 as the official voter expansion data director for this election season.Here is what I personally find suspicious about his very recent death:Debbie Wasserman-Schultz criticized the Bernie Sanders campaign of hacking into the NGP VAN voter database back in December of last year. NGP VAN has previously contributed to the Clinton campaign. In addition, it could have been entirely possible, given the many scandals surrounding Clinton, that the Clinton campaign may have taken crucial information or restricted the Sanders campaign from having stronger momentum in the days leading up to the Iowa primary. This is an entirely different topic though. Certainly Mr. Rich would have been aware of the particular data hacked or taken at this time.Mr. Rich was hired by the DNC in June 2014. Earlier in 2014, the Clintons announced a voter initiative project meant at counteracting voter ID laws & the stripping of provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Another intention of this collaboration with the DNC was to increase voter turnout. Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz at the time said she wished to make sure that everyone who wants to vote and is eligible has an opportunity to register, has an opportunity to turnout and can have their vote accurately counted. However, it has been noted continuously by progressive media and r/sandersforpresident that Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz has deliberately done everything in her power to discourage voters from having their voices heard/accurately counted, thus creating another shield for Hillary Clinton from potentially losing to an outsider progressive. Could Mr. Rich have expressed a personal conflicting opinion after the NGP VAN leak which would ve made Mrs. Wasserman-Schultz more angry?Another Reddit user on r/politics noticed that Mr. Rich s LinkedIn Page detailed his work for a firm called Greenberg Quinlan Rosner. The CEO of this firm is a man named Stan Greenberg, a man who was a leading political strategist for Bill Clinton during his presidency. This man also re-branded BP as a green petroleum company. Is it possible that Mr. Rich was aware of the public s disdain for oil industry/fracking? Clearly going against the oil industry would mean a significant loss of profits. The U.S, as it is, has been oil dependent for ages, and the fight to change the climate has never been hotter than right now.In the months leading up to the BP oil spill, Mr. Rich was also a legislative affairs consultant for another firm called Kissel E & S Associates. When I happened to google Kissel E&S Associates, Clinton , one of the front page results led to a University of Nebraska paper, and written during Hillary Clinton s tenure as Secretary of State. This paper is titled Conflicts in the Licensing Process for TransCanada s Keystone XL Pipeline. The Keystone XL Pipeline is one of the MANY positions on which Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped on. Could Mr. Rich have dissented with some very powerful oil company interests who were looking to negotiate a backroom deal with the DNC?Mr. Rich also happened to previously work for former Nebraska Senator & Governor Ben Nelson. Former Senator Nelson happens to be a more conservative-leaning Democrat, but he also happened to be on the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittees on Homeland Security/Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and was a member of the International Conservation Caucus. Senator Nelson, in 2010, was the deciding vote to help block a Wall Street reform bill. He also contributed a crucial vote to help pass Obamacare back in 2009. Senator Nelson also suddenly quit his position in 2013, and was at the center of the Obamacare Supreme Court ruling last year. Finally, I don t think that this is related to the conspiracy theory at hand, but last October, his daughter died from an accidental fall.Mr. Rich was murdered in the back by an unknown assailant with a gun. At 4:20 in the morning. Near Howard University. Not exactly the type of person who would be targeted in a nicer area of D.C. (I am aware D.C has lots of impoverished areas/urban decay.) The District of Columbia happens to have a ban on the sale or purchase of handguns, but nearby Virginia has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the country. And although there are many insiders who work for Washington D.C, wouldn t it take someone with intelligence to know and particularly target somebody who happened to have crucial intelligence that could decide this election?The police, as of July 11, don t have any suspects, witnesses, or surveillance footage at this time. They also refused to comment if it was possibly related to recent robberies in the neighborhood. It can be disputed that this was but a botched robbery, however, because nothing was taken from Mr. Rich s dead body. One of the earliest rumored victims of the Clinton body count was Mary Mahoney, who died in a similar fashion as she was about to testify against Bill Clinton (and who had nothing taken from her body at the time of her death.) (In comparison, The Manson family didn t steal anything from Sharon Tate s house when they brutally murdered her and others. The Family was also accused of killing multiple potential dissenters during and after Manson s trial, for a sickening comparison.)The TIMING of this tragedy seems too coincidental /accurately timed. I think/know that:8a. Mr. Rich s sudden death comes the day before Bernie Sanders is set to endorse Hillary Clinton at a party unity rally tomorrow. Chairwoman-elect of the Nebraska Democratic Party (Rich s home state), Jane Kleeb, spoke of Rich as a young Nebraskan who worked on campaigns and stood for progressive issues. 8b. As of Monday the 11th, the Democratic National Convention is set to take place in exactly two weeks, and the Republican National Convention in exactly one. In addition, Bernie Sanders is set to speak at FDR Park on the 24th, about where the political revolution goes from here.8c. Hillary-supporting Governor of Connecticut Dan Malloy is currently under investigation over a Cigna merger. Hillary-supporting U.S Rep Corinne Brown is also currently under investigation over her super-gerrymandered Florida district (Wasserman-Schultz is from Florida).8d. There are currently RICO lawsuits investigating multiple counts of electoral fraud, and surprisingly, these lawsuits are pulling through the courts and gaining traction. Mr. Rich could have been aware of the American people actually standing a chance with these lawsuits, and given his access to crucial voter data, could have decided to be a DNC defector and testify on behalf of the people in charge of these electoral fraud lawsuits. 8e. There is still a possibility that Russia/Julian Assange has DNC information and could be planning to leak it to the public in time for the convention. Mr. Rich could have known of this.
Cowardly GOP Rep. Files Police Complaint Against SENIORS Because He’s TERRIFIED Of Dissent
Republican members of Congress, who love claiming that they re the only party that stands for real Americans, are now terrified of their own constituents. This is happening for one simple reason they never expected their own constituents to be angry with what they re doing on Capitol Hill. So instead of facing the music and admitting that the entire GOP platform is something Americans don t want, they re running scared.Such is the case with Idaho representative Raul Labrador. His office had the audacity to file a complaint against a group of people made up primarily of senior citizens because they were showing up at his office in Lewiston on a weekly basis to voice their displeasure with him and the GOP. Labrador obviously considers this a threat, and perhaps, if they d threatened violence it would be.But that s not what s happening. Chris Ankeny, the chief of police in Lewiston, the Idaho town where this is taking place, says these people were protesting in front of Labrador s offices and that no crimes had been committed. Employees are uncomfortable with them because of the national attention this group had garnered, not because of credible (or even in-credible) threats.Labrador s office contacted the D.C. Capitol Police over this because that force has jurisdiction over U.S. Congresspeople s offices in addition to Capitol Hill. They did so because they felt the Lewiston department wasn t doing anything. The thing is, a good police department won t do anything when they confirm that there s no crime happening (including threats). So what this is is an office full of people who can t handle dissent.The worst part is that this group has so many seniors, and Labrador won t hear them. These are people who may be worried about cuts to programs they depend on, including Medicare and Meals on Wheels. Others living in and around Lewiston are worried about climate change and clean energy. They say Labrador s absence from his offices is a sign of cowardice, and they re not wrong. He is a coward.Many Republicans have run away and hidden from their constituents lately because they can t tolerate the fact that their constituents concerns run counter to the GOP s platform. They re too used to putting party above country. Maybe this is uncharted territory for them, but shouldn t these guys, who work for the very people they re pissing off, actually stop to listen?Or are they not what they ve been trying to sell to us?It s really disgusting that Labrador s office feels so threatened by non-violent, non-threatening protests from senior citizens that they ve had to file a complaint.Featured image by Gage Skidmore. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr
Anti-Trump Protester’s X-Rated Comment Angers MSNBC Anchor: “Grow The Hell Up!”
This is rich! A live feed from MSNBC was trying to show how great the anti-Trump protesters were behaving but all of a sudden a guy yells out a disgusting sexual phrase. Fair warning!
OBAMA BLAMES RUSSIA For Hillary’s Loss, But NEW HARVARD STUDY Exposes Who REALLY Interfered In Outcome Of Our Elections
A new report from Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy analyzes news coverage during the 2016 general election, and concludes that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump received coverage that was overwhelmingly negative in tone and extremely light on policy.This is the final report of a multi-part research series analyzing news coverage of candidates and issues during the 2016 presidential election. The study tracks news coverage from the second week of August 2016 to the day before Election Day.Negative coverage was the order of the day in the general election. Not a week passed where the nominees coverage reached into positive territory. It peaked at 81 percent negative in mid-October, but there was not a single week where it dropped below 64 percent negative.The press s negative bent is not confined to election politics (see Figure 4).[2] In recent years, when immigration has been the subject of news stories, the ratio of negative stories to positive ones has been 5-to-1. In that same period, news reports featuring Muslims have been 6-to-1 negative. News stories about health care policy, most of which centered on the 2010 Affordable Care Act, have been 2-to-1 negative. Although the nation s economy has steadily improved since the financial crisis of 2008, one would not know that from the tone of news coverage. Since 2010, news stories about the nation s economy have been 2-to-1 negative over positive.The real bias of the press is not that it s liberal. Its bias is a decided preference for the negative. As scholar Michael Robinson noted, the news media seem to have taken some motherly advice and turned it upside down. If you don t have anything bad to say about someone, don t say anything at all. [3] A New York Times columnist recently asserted that the internet is distorting our collective grasp on the truth. [4] There s a degree of accuracy in that claim but the problem goes beyond the internet and the talk shows. The mainstream press highlights what s wrong with politics without also telling us what s right.It s a version of politics that rewards a particular brand of politics. When everything and everybody is portrayed as deeply flawed, there s no sense making distinctions on that score, which works to the advantage of those who are more deeply flawed. Civility and sound proposals are no longer the stuff of headlines, which instead give voice to those who are skilled in the art of destruction. The car wreck that was the 2016 election had many drivers. Journalists were not alone in the car, but their fingerprints were all over the wheel.The research is confined to the election coverage in the print editions of five daily papers (the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and USA Today) and the main newscasts of five television networks (ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, CNN s The Situation Room, Fox s Special Report, and NBC Nightly News). In the case of the newspapers, the analysis covers all sections except sports, obituaries, and letters to the editor. Op-eds and editorials are included, but letters from the public are not. For television, the analysis covers the full daily content of each network s major newscast. Network talk shows are not included.Trump s general election news coverage fit the pattern of earlier stages of the campaign in several respects but not all. The major departure was that his general election coverage was overwhelmingly negative in tone. In our earlier reports, we documented the positive coverage Trump received during the nominating stage of the campaign, a pattern largely attributable to the press s tendency to highlight the horserace in the pre-primary and primary periods. As Trump rose from single digits in the polls and then won key primaries, he got favorable press. It was a story of growing momentum, rising poll numbers, ever larger crowds, and electoral success. The fact that the horse race is the most heavily covered aspect of the nominating phase magnified Trump s favorable coverage.Trump s general election coverage was a stark contrast. His coverage was negative from the start, and never came close to entering positive territory (see Figure 8). During his best weeks, the coverage ran 2-to-1 negative over positive. In his worst weeks, the ratio was more than 10-to-1. If there was a silver lining for Trump, it was that his two best weeks were the ones just preceding the November balloting. Trump s coverage was negative in all the news outlets in our study, even those that typically side with the Republican nominee (see Figure 9). Fox provided Trump his most favorable coverage, but it was still nearly 3-to-1 negative over positive. The Wall Street Journal was his next best outlet, but its coverage ran 4-to-1 negative. The most negative coverage was carried by CBS at 9-to-1, but Trump s coverage was nearly as negative in most other outlets.Compare to Hillary s coverage:To be sure, changes in journalism are not the only reason that campaigns have become more negative. The party polarization that has seeped into American politics during the past three decades has been accompanied by rising levels of partisan attack. But to claim that party polarization explains the media s negative bent is to ignore the fact that the press s negativity is not confined to party politics. There s barely an aspect of public life that is not subject to intense criticism.A healthy dose of negativity is unquestionably a good thing. There s a lot of political puffery, ineptitude, and manipulation that needs to be exposed, and journalists would be shirking their duty if they failed to expose it. Yet an incessant stream of criticism has a corrosive effect. It needlessly erodes trust in political leaders and institutions and undermines confidence in government and policy.Negative news has partisan consequences. Given that journalists bash both sides, it might be thought the impact would be neutral. It s not. For one thing, indiscriminate criticism has the effect of blurring important distinctions. Were the allegations surrounding Clinton of the same order of magnitude as those surrounding Trump? It s a question that journalists made no serious effort to answer during the 2016 campaign. They reported all the ugly stuff they could find, and left it to the voters to decide what to make of it. Large numbers of voters concluded that the candidates indiscretions were equally disqualifying and made their choice, not on the candidates fitness for office, but on less tangible criteria in some cases out of a belief that wildly unrealistic promises could actually be kept.For entire story and study: Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy
LOBBYING FOR VOTES? How Trump Could LEGALLY Fly The 200 Must Have Delegates To Mar-a-Lago For A Luxurious Weekend
It may be legal to lobby delegates, but will Donald Trump use his luxurious properties to woo delegates leading up to the Republican Convention in July? And if other candidates before him have used the same tactics, should Donald Trump be criticized because his success allows him to offer more 5-star perks?West Virginia looks perfect for Donald Trump: a struggling working-class state filled with the types of voters who have backed him elsewhere and could deliver one of his biggest victories.But a sweep there might not matter. That s because as many as 34 delegates the entire contingent may be free to back whomever they want at the Republican National Convention.Much the same is true in Pennsylvania, home to a hotly contested April 26 primary, where there are 54 uncommitted delegates. Other states and territories, from Colorado to Wyoming to Guam, will also send squads of unbound representatives.These are the swing voters of the GOP nominating contest, nearly 200 activists and elected leaders beholden to nothing except their personal judgment and empowered to make or break candidacies.If Trump arrives at the July convention in Cleveland just shy of the 1,237 delegates required to secure the nomination outright, these unbound delegates could decide to push him over the top or force a contested convention with successive rounds of balloting. It s the wildcatter of delegate selection, said Ed Brookover, a senior adviser to Trump, who drew an analogy to risk-taking oilmen who drill in unexplored land.The three remaining candidates are identifying these delegates, researching their proclivities and beginning to cajole them. The law surrounding them is so unclear that Trump could conceivably fly them to Florida for a weekend of luxuriating at Mar-a-Lago, his gold-adorned and palm-lined private club where, naturally, they could be subjected to personal lobbying to support Trump.Brookover did not rule out the Trump campaign entertaining delegates at one of Trump s properties or paying for their travel costs to Cleveland. But he added: You certainly can t offer anything which would be considered a bribe. We can t give them $100,000. Charlie Black, who is helping lead Ohio Gov. John Kasich s delegate strategy, recalled working on Ronald Reagan s insurgent campaign in 1976 and struggling to court delegates as industriously as then-President Gerald Ford. People got to stay at the White House, fly on Air Force One and meet Queen Elizabeth, Black said.Federal rules do not provide clear guidance about whether delegates can accept items of value from a campaign, other than reimbursement for their travel expenses. Campaign finance lawyers are divided over whether federal or state anti-bribery statutes would apply to delegates who are not elected officials and if so, what kinds of perks or inducements could be illegal.For entire story: Washington Post
BOMBSHELL: Devin Nunes’ Entire Net Worth Sunk In Company With Strong Ties To Russia
If today s fiasco, which came courtesy of House Intel chair Devin Nunes, wasn t enough to convince anyone that he can t conduct a credible investigation into whether or not Trump and his teams colluded with Russia, then this should be: Nunes has put almost his entire net worth into a winery with strong ties to Russia.How strong? Well, the Alpha Omega Winery has distributors all over the U.S., but just a few abroad. One of those overseas distributors is the Luding Trading Company in Russia. Luding is, in fact, Russia s largest distributor for alcoholic beverages. But they don t just operate in Russia they also appear to have a relationship with Vladimir Putin: The Luding Company and the Yerevan Ararat Brandy-Wine-Vodka factory sent greetings to Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, on his 55th birthday and made a birthday present of bottles of the Noy, the Sovereign 55 cognac and the Vanatur and Varpet unique 1952 vintage wines, 1952 being the President s birth year. If Russia were truly a free, democratic state, then maybe this could be overlooked as nothing more than a large company wishing the leader of a country that had given them so much a happy birthday. But Russia, under Putin, is anything but truly free. With Luding being the country s largest distributor of alcohol, it s highly unlikely that Putin doesn t have his fingers in it somewhere. The fact that Nunes has his money sunk there is a pretty big deal.It s also odd that Alpha Omega Winery would have a relationship with Russia s largest distributor when they only have a relationship with one Western nation (Switzerland). They don t have any relationships with any other distributor in the EU, which means no relationships with NATO allies at all.Then there s the fact that Nunes is one of the people Trump called upon to refute news about the whole Russia scandal. That right there compromised the House s investigation into Trump and Russia because it blurs the lines between the intelligence community, the White House, and Congress.And Nunes actually did what Trump asked him to he started sending messages to reporters challenging the Russia stories. As the chairman of the committee investigating the Trump-Russia tie, he should never have done that.It appears more and more likely that Nunes was never acting independently in this investigation. And given that he s got business ties to Russia tenuous or not he should have recused himself from this investigation the instant it got underway.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
Who’s Better: “Dangerous Donald” or “Crooked Hillary”?
21st Century Wire says Now that the Democratic Party establishment has finally put all its cards on the table and declared Hillary Clinton their presumptive nominee for President, the public at large is finally coming to grips with the prospect of a Trump vs Clinton election race come November. Rather than asking who is best fit to hold the highest office in the land, most pundits are instead asking the other question now: who is worse?To be absolutely fair, both of these personalities have their annoying and often infuriating attributes.There is one marked difference between these two political animals. While Trump is an unknown quantity in terms of politics and public service, Madame Secretary has a track record already, but not a great one.As the old adage goes no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in Thus far, we can say this much about Donald: he is consistent in that he will consistently make brash, off-the-cuff, shallow, offensive and often completely insane remarks on the campaign trail remarks that should kill his opinion polls and finish his presidential run once and for all. Somehow though, he survives, and even thrives in the controversy. Most experts are still speechless for comment.As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fronted at least one major war of aggression with the decapitation of the nation state of Libya in 2011. Since the US-led take-down of that country, things have gone from very bad to beyond the pale. Few will remember though, that Hillary Clinton was also fronting the US-UK-led Friends of Syria (2011-2012) Middle East & European regime change road show where western leaders colluded with Gulf Kings and oil magnates to discuss the take-down and destruction of Syria.Regarding Israel, Clinton s record is completely pro-Israel with no caveats. She does not call for end to occupation of Palestine by Israel, nor will she publicly recognize the native Palestinians collective right of self-determination, or their refugees right of return. She is also anti-Iran and will happily give succour to any and every Israeli desire on that issue.On the other hand, Donald Trump has made numerous public declarations including one on national TV about his intention to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the native Palestinians.Does this mean Hillary will be worse than Donald? Not necessarily, because Washington has a way of grinding every political operator down to the same reprehensible level it seems.What it does mean is that with Hillary you know what you are getting, while with Donald, you don t.For those leaning towards Clinton in this Hobsons Choice simulation, this means the next default position is: better the devil you know.Once again, Americans seem forced into that tired old electoral clich , forced to choose between the lesser of two evils (leave your thoughts and comments below)Marc Joffe Fiscal TimesIn 1991, Louisiana voters faced a difficult choice. In the runoff gubernatorial election that fall, the candidates were Democrat Edwin Edwards and Republican David Duke. The notoriously corrupt Edwards had already served three terms as governor and faced bribery charges. (When it turned out, after Edwards was acquitted in that case, that some of the sequestered jurors had stolen towels from their hotel, Edwards reportedly quipped that he had been judged by a jury of my peers. ) Edwards would later be convicted on 17 counts of racketeering, extortion, money laundering and fraud.Duke s story was even worse; he was a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and was still active in white supremacist circles. Mainstream Republicans lined up behind Edwards. In the heat of the campaign, which Edwards went on to win, it became common to see bumper stickers that read, Vote for the Crook. It s Important. Maybe somebody should print up another batch of those stickers for the presidential race this year. With Hillary Clinton assured of surpassing the 2383 delegate nomination threshold today, Democrats have chosen an apparently corrupt candidate to be their presumptive nominee. She s still the better choice for president.Related: How Conservatives Stopped Listening and Lost Control of the GOPCircumstantial evidence of Clinton s corruption is abundant and easily found by anyone not in denial. Although she is not responsible for her husband s infidelity nor for Vince Foster s suicide, other scandals are not so easily dismissed. As the recent State Department Investigator General s report suggests, Clinton set up a home-brew email server in contravention of department policies to prevent disclosure of her correspondence. The IG report also confirms that, even today, Clinton has not turned over all the messages that passed through her personal server.Some of the missing messages may have documented the inappropriate links between her job as secretary of state and her involvement with the Clinton Foundation. As documented by Peter Schweizer in Clinton Cash, State Department project approvals sometimes coincided with large contributions to the foundation by beneficiaries of these actions. After leaving office, Clinton continued to sell her influence to the highest bidder, as evidenced by the $225,000 speaking fees she received from Goldman Sachs.Clinton s pay-for-play activity has a long history going back at least to the late 1970s. As I previously wrote, Clinton effectively received a $98,000 bribe from interests related to Tyson Foods via a sham futures trading account. Her husband s Arkansas gubernatorial administration then eased oversight of Tyson, allowing it to contaminate one town s water supply with chicken manure.Related: Most Americans Don t Believe Hillary Clinton and Donald TrumpIn 1992, the cozy relationship between Bill Clinton s Arkansas state house, Hillary s Rose Law Firm and regulated entities was detailed by The Washington Post and raised by former California Gov. Jerry Brown during a presidential debate. Under Bill Clinton s administration, Arkansas issued multiple no-bid contracts to the Rose Law Firm, assigned it up $175,000 in bond counsel work and authorized Madison Guaranty Bank a failing Savings and Loan Association represented by Hillary to issue preferred stock.When political leaders fail to play by the rules applied to normal people, a natural reaction is to try and stop them. But, in this case, stopping Hillary Clinton means supporting someone else for president. And for those who think voting for a third party candidate is a waste, that leaves only one alternative: Donald Trump.So rather than immediately dismissing Hillary for her ethical flaws, the correct approach is to determine whether she is better than the alternative. I tend to think the answer is yes.A useful way to look at the decision this November is to ask whether continuity or change is the better option for the U.S. at this point in time. Clinton is likely to continue most Obama-era policies, whereas Trump can be expected to attempt some radical departures.Related: Can Trump s Nationalist Trade Policy Really Make America Great Again?Complaints about the status quo notwithstanding, life in 2016 America isn t horrible for most of us, and so radical change comes with a lot of downside risk. Although some of the doom and gloom predictions about a Trump administration are overstated (for example, I would not expect white supremacists to play a major role in his administration), there are legitimate causes for concern.A major threat posed by Trump is the potential for a breakdown in global cooperation. Trump seems to view foreign countries like competing companies or candidates, failing to appreciate the interdependence that characterizes our global order. Trumpian brinkmanship could trigger a global trade war, repeating the error of the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff. When Herbert Hoover signed that piece of protectionist legislation, the result was a cascade of beggar thy neighbor reactions from U.S. trading partners, greatly exacerbating the Great Depression.Trump s policies toward illegal immigrants would also be destabilizing. Millions of undocumented aliens take service and agricultural jobs that American citizens avoid. If these individuals are rounded up or self deport in large numbers, industries that rely on them could be crippled. Alternatively, as last week s violence in San Jose portends, a Trump presidency is likely to produce more civil disorder Continue this story at Fiscal TimesREAD ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
WATCH: Chuck Todd Reveals More Evidence Trump’s Campaign Is A Money Making Scheme
On Sunday, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd revealed more specifics that help make the case that Donald Trump is raking in big money from his campaign or at least his businesses are.During the segment, Todd explains that since much of Trump s lavish campaign spending is being spent buying products his and his family s businesses make, or at properties they own, Trump s found a legal way to funnel campaign contributions back into his private business. Rachael Maddow first made the case that Trump s campaign was a money making scheme earlier this week. Now, Todd is making a very similar case, while providing even more examples of Trump s campaign spending. Todd explained: We ll start with Eric Trump s businesses. The Trump campaign paid nearly $5,000 to Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing. It spent over $91,000 to rent out three different Trump golf clubs in Florida for events. $136,000 to Trump restaurants including Trump Grill and Trump Cafe in Trump Tower. Over $420,000 to rent Trump s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida. That also doubles as his vacation home.There s been more than $430,000 of Trump campaign money spent on rent at the Trump Tower. Of course, it s his Fifth Avenue skyscraper that does double as Trump s campaign headquarters.And the biggest expense of all has been $4.6 million the campaign has paid to Tag Air, which is the name of Trump s private airline.All told, the campaign has spent over $6 million at Trump-owned businesses out of about $63 million spent through the end of May.So 10 percent of all campaign spending has gone back to Trump or Trump affiliated businesses. Again, none of what Trump is doing is illegal. Todd also points out that while the world was reacting to Brexit, Trump flew to Scotland to promote his new golf course there hardly offering more than a few idiotic sentiments on one of the biggest political shocks of the 21st century. That s not something a true presidential candidate would do. Combined with his campaign s lack of direction and well, a complete lack of campaigning the past month, evidence is quickly piling up that Trump s campaign has never been about anything other than publicity, while making him and his family a ton of money at the same time.You can watch the segment below.Featured image from video screenshot
If you haven t watched the commentary in Intellectual Froglegs, it s an acquired taste. Joe Dan is a truth teller with a great Southern accent. Hope you like it!
FULL INTERVIEW: Judge Jeanine Pirro’s In-Depth Interview With President Trump [Video]
JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO S INTERVIEW WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP:President Donald Trump doubled down on his threat to end the White House daily press briefing, calling it a good idea. In an interview with Jeanine Pirro, Trump reiterated what he had tweeted. You don t mean that, Pirro responded. Unless I have them every two weeks and do it myself, we won t have them. I think it s a good idea, he answered.Trump said there s an incredible level of hostility from reporters toward Press Secretary Sean Spicer and his deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. He agreed with Pirro s assertion that he moves so quickly, his communications staff cannot keep up.He declined to answer directly when Pirro asked whether Spicer will continue as press secretary. He s doing a good job, but he gets beat up, said Trump.Trump also discussed a report that he asked Comey whether the former director would be loyal to him:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FUG4o5i70Great interview!
DECLASSIFIED US INTEL REPORT Used To Discredit Trump Is Huge Embarrassment…Evidence Was Compiled In 2012 After OBAMA’S Reelection
A highly-anticipated declassified US intelligence report, aimed to prove that Russia supported Donald Trump, has turned out to be a huge embarrassment. The annex that contained factual material that was thought to provide evidence of RT influencing the American public was compiled in December 2012, right after the reelection of Barack Obama.The report focuses on television shows and interviews that took place four years before Trump was elected, and well before he was even a politician. In Annex A of the report, intelligence agencies claim that Kremlin s TV Seeks To Influence Politics, Fuel Discontent in US. Buried at the bottom of that page is a note stating, This annex was originally published on 11 December 2012 by the Open Source Center, now the Open Source Enterprise. The report notes that two RT shows, Breaking the Set and Truthseeker, focused on criticism of US. The problem is, both of these shows were off air before the 2016 election season began.The report goes on to detail programming in 2012 about voting booth irregularities, which, again, would have been during Obama s campaign. Despite being an old report, the topic became largely relevant once again during the Democratic primaries when voters found themselves purged from voting rolls, and hundreds of thousands of ballots went uncounted.Perhaps most shocking of all, the dastardly RT network dared to host third party debates, as they were not allowed participation in the main debates. In an effort to highlight the alleged lack of democracy in the United States, RT broadcast, hosted, and advertised third party candidate debates and ran reporting supportive of the political agenda of these candidates. The RT hosts asserted that the US two-party system does not represent the views of at least one-third of the population and is a sham. Apparently, the intelligence communities do not agree that some of the people they serve may not fit perfectly into the two neat and tidy political boxes of Republicans and Democrats. The report states that the network aired a documentary on Occupy Wall Street, an obviously left-wing movement, in 2012. Again, this was the year Obama was elected, so perhaps the Russians actually won HIM the presidency. They presented evidence that Russian media often reports on infringements of civil liberties, police brutality, and drone use. While these issues are all popular topics of discussion in left-leaning media, RT s reporting in 2012 was clearly part of a long-running plot to elect Trump, right?If the report is true and RT the Almighty was swinging votes in 2012, the only beneficiary of the coverage was the now-outgoing president of the United States, who won a landslide victory over Republican Mitt Romney. Four years ago Trump was not thought of as a politician and it remains a mystery how RT s 2012 coverage could propel him. A mystery, that even a classified version of the report would have a hard time explaining. Sputnik news
WATCH: THINGS GOT REALLY AWKWARD When NBC Sent Hoda Over To Help Spike Megyn Kelly’s Miserable Ratings
Buzzfeed reports, that, from the start, Megyn Kelly Today s Nielsen ratings have been down compared to the third hour of Today, which was cohosted by Al Roker and Tamron Hall last fall. The ultimate aim of Megyn Kelly Today was to challenge Live With Kelly and Ryan, which is syndicated by ABC, but the contest is not even close. In Megyn Kelly Today s first week, Live beat it by 14% among viewers and 17% in the 25-to-54 demographic. In the second week, the gap widened, with Live besting Megyn Kelly Today by 34% among viewers and 60% in the demo.We re not sure what they were thinking when they sent the wine-soaked Hoda from the Kathie Lee and Hoda show over to help make Megyn look more normal and approachable to her audience, but by bringing a likeable and relatable host from another (formerly) popular show on NBC, they only managed to shine a huge spotlight on Megyn Kelly s inability to connect with anyone who isn t holding a camera. By bringing Hoda Kotb over for a very awkward segment on Kelly s show, NBC managed to reinforce why nobody wants to watch the cringe-inducing host of Megyn Kelly Today.Watch:Hoda was on #MegynKellyToday this morning for no reason other than to fill time and I've never been so embarrassed. pic.twitter.com/wXUatEcPhY Kate Aurthur (@KateAurthur) October 19, 2017
BUSTED! NANCY PELOSI Claims No Meeting With Russian Ambassador…Photo From 2010 Proves Otherwise! [Video]
Pelosi claims to have not had a meeting with the Russian ambassador:Pelosi with the ambassador in 2010: Pelosi had her spokesperson make a statement after twitter comments about the photo came out: Leader Pelosi s answer to the question today was clearly about private, one-on-one meetings, which she has never had with Ambassador Kislyak, Hammill said. The Ambassador was incidental to the 2010 meeting between then-Russian President Medvedev and then-Speaker Pelosi. Clearly, one needs to remind Politico that Attorney General Sessions lied under oath about a secret meeting amidst Russia s hacking of our election, which he also didn t disclose in a written questionnaire.
WATCH: Conservative Activist Openly Declares That Contraception Should Be Illegal
MSNBC host Joy Reid was SHOCKED when a conservative anti-choice activist openly stated that birth control should be banned.During a panel discussion on Saturday, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life literally admitted that she wants a law that forces women to get pregnant if they want to have sex.The discussion began with Reid pointing out that contraception and mammogram costs will go up for women if the Affordable Care Act is repealed.Reid asked the panel if they agreed that contraception should be legal, and Hawkins not only disagreed, she spewed misinformation about two popular forms of contraception. I believe certain forms can be legal, yes, Hawkins said. I don t believe abortion causing contraception should be legal. When asked to specifically name a form of contraception she thinks should be outlawed, Hawkins mentioned hormonal contraception like IUDs.REID: You think IUDs should be illegal? HAWKINS: I don t think they should be legal. They put women at risk and they kill children. Except that IUDs are one of the safest forms of birth control, and they work by preventing sperm from joining with the egg.According to the Baby Center,Both types of IUDs work primarily by preventing sperm from fertilizing an egg. The copper IUD releases copper into the uterus, which works as a spermicide. The others release a form of the hormone progestin into the uterus. The progestin thickens the cervical mucus so that sperm can t reach the egg.In other words, unless conservatives now believe that life begins BEFORE conception, they should have absolutely no problem with IUDs.But Hawkins also declared that birth control pills should be illegal as well.However, birth control pills also prevent conception by stopping sperm from reaching an egg.According to Columbia University,Birth control pills prevent pregnancy through several mechanisms, mainly by stopping ovulation. If no egg is released, there is nothing to be fertilized by sperm, and the woman cannot get pregnant.So once again, Hawkins is wrong. But she repeated her claims again after Reid asked her to clarify her remarks, and Hawkins confirmed once and for all that anti-choice conservatives want to ban birth control as well as abortion. In my ideal world, yes. But I don t think that s something we re working towards in the pro-life movement. In the pro-life movement we re working towards abolishing abortion. That s why we want Planned Parenthood s money to go to health centers which don t do contraception. By taking money away from Planned Parenthood, millions of women would have less access to birth control that would prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions. We ve gotten some real clarity, Reid commented at the end of the segment. I think the American people have gotten quite a bit of clarity on what your movement wants to do. Here s the video via VidMe.And if conservatives like Hawkins get their way, Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress will strip women of their reproductive rights. And women won t be marching in Washington in defense of their rights next time. They ll declare war on Washington.Featured image via screen capture
Obama’s Doing Something BIG To Raise Pay For Millions Of Americans (VIDEO)
Throughout his presidency, President Obama has dedicated himself to exploring policies with the goal of making life better for working Americans and making sure they are fairly compensated for their time and effort.Unfortunately, the GOP has become a major obstacle for the President ever since he stepped foot in the White House. After a Republican Congress made it perfectly clear that they won t even consider a minimum wage increase, the Obama administration was forced to seek out another alternative and it s finally going to pay off. Thanks to Obama s overhaul on overtime pay which doubles the salary level that workers must be paid overtime, millions of Americans are going to have more money in their pockets. This is major news, because this law hasn t been changed in over ten years!When Obama first mentioned that he wanted to revamp overtime pay, hardly anyone took him seriously. At his State of the Union address last year, the President said, We still need to make sure employees get the overtime they ve earned. Then, he unveiled a proposal to raise the income thresholds for those who would be eligible for overtime. It still seemed like faraway goal, until yesterday when the Labor Department finalized those new rules an initiative that the Huffington Post called one of the most ambitious economic reforms of the Obama era. Vice President Joe Biden announced the decision on Tuesday, stating that middle-class workers have been getting clobbered for decades. Biden said: The American people want to work. They want a fair shot. No handouts, no guarantees. Just a good job at a fair wage. Under the new rules, all workers earning salaries under the overtime salary threshold are entitled to time-and-a-half pay when they work over 40 hours per week which many do. The previous threshold was only $23,660 making millions of struggling, hard-working Americans ineligible. But thanks to the Obama administration, that number will be doubled to $47,476, which guarantees overtime rights for any salaried workers earning underneath that number. Before this was changed, only 7% of Americans were eligible for overtime. And it gets better the threshold will be updated by the Labor Department every three years to make sure that it keeps up with inflation. The Huffington Post reported:Featured image via Pool / Getty Images
WOW! CHICAGO PROTESTER Caught On Camera Admits Violent Activity Was Pre-Planned: “It’s not gonna be peaceful”
Here s proof that the violence we saw taking place in Chicago was well organized:@realDonaldTrumpPre Planed Chicago Left Wing Violence At Trump Rally#MakeAmericaGreatAgain#VoteTrump pic.twitter.com/BdW5XrC3LH Richard Weaving (@RichardWeaving) March 12, 2016Textbook Alinsky. Obama s domestic terrorist friend, bomber and college professor, Bill Ayers appears to be the spokesperson, while other angry paid protesters join in.***LANGUAGE ALERT***More vile protesters here. Our personal favorite is the angry white woman admonishing the reporter for being white:h/t Gateway Pundit
Poll Shows Growing Number Of Republicans Don’t Think Trump Is The Best Option For The GOP
With 70 days until election day and Hillary Clinton still up (significantly) in the polls, it appears Republicans may be doubting who they chose as their presidential nominee.According to a new poll released from HuffPost/YouGov on Monday, 54 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said Donald Trump is not the best nominee for their party. That number is up 10 points since this question was last asked in June, when 44 percent said he was not the best option. Monday s poll also showed that only 35 percent of Republicans were satisfied with Trump being the nominee, down from 44 percent in June.However, Republicans feel they are stuck. When asked if they could have a do-over in the primaries, only 39 percent said they would choose someone different. Ted Cruz, Trump s closest rival, garnered 15 percent among responders, with Marco Rubio coming in third at 14 percent, and the rest of the candidates divvied up among 10 points. Twenty-nine percent said they would still have backed Trump.In contrast, 53 percent of Democrats who were polled are content with Clinton being their party s nominee, while 37 percent do not.Republicans, you reap what you sow. It must suck to have a candidate throwing an election away, killing the party chances of taking back the House, and making a mockery of the United States abroad. The GOP made their bed and now they are going to lie in it.With the Senate and Supreme Court hanging in the balance for Republicans, Trump has continued a campaign of foot-in-mouth, angering many right-wing diehards like Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin for a supposed flip-flop on immigration, while simultaneously keeping moderate Republicans at arm s length.In other words, the GOP is having a complete meltdown. Trump, once seen as the conservative savior for the Republican Party, is not hated by factions on both sides of the ideological coin.Featured image via Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
The Pope Just Called Most American Employers (And Donald Trump) ‘Bloodsuckers’
Pope Francis is no fan of Walmart or of McDonalds, or really of many American companies. In a powerful mass at the Vatican, he called companies that exploit workers bloodsuckers and the people who work there, slaves. He also said the employers were committing a mortal sin.During mass at the Vatican, he told a story about a girl who found a job working 11 hours a day for 650 euros ($729) a month, paid under the table . This is starving the people with their work for my own profit! Living on the blood of the people. And this is a mortal sin, he said at the service in his Santa Marta residence. Without a pension, without health care then they suspend (the contract), and in July and August (the workers) have to eat air. And in September, they laugh at you about it. Those who do that are true bloodsuckers. ($1 = 0.8919 euros)Source: ReutersIt s hard to read those words without imagining that the Pope is speaking directly to Americans. The United States is the only country in the developed world that doesn t offer universal healthcare. Fewer than half of Americans have a pension or even a 401(k). Only about half of employers offer any sort of retirement plan.Before Ronald Reagan, it was standard for companies to offer pensions and even health insurance. Then, 401(k) s which are a gift to Wall Street, came along, and pensions went away as some employers chose to offer nothing at all.Not only does this make the companies bloodsuckers, it s a bad business move, at least for companies that value their employees. Because people aren t tied to their jobs with pensions, they are leaving them. The average turnover rate is about 40 percent a year.Now, we know how hard Republicans fight against basic health care for all. We also know how hard they fight against a living wage, but we hear little about pensions, unless it s about companies stealing pensions from their employees. The Pope didn t mention that bloodsucking tactic. The fact is, though, that Republicans don t like pensions any more than they like healthcare or paid time off. They are doing their best to end them, whether it be public pensions or through destroying unions. Remind me, who are the Christians here?Featured image via Milos Bicanski at Getty Images
The Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover
21st Century Wire says This is a new geopolitical war, taking place between the United States and China.The rise of the so-called BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with countless other emerging economies, means that global power relations are gradually tipping away from the Anglo-American Axis, and towards Eurasia.The Anglo-American corporate confab will not allow this tectonic shift threaten their interests. Collectively, what the TPP, TTIP and TISA really are is a new global governance super structure that overrides individual sovereign nations and their laws, and even the rights of their individual citizens.Under this new secretive regime, all are subservient to the transnational corporate hive WATCH: WikiLeaks The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA:
Donald Trump On Accusations Of Sexual Assault: Mexico Did It
Donald Trump is backed into a corner. After he was caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women, surprise! several women have come out saying Trump sexually assaulted them. He s running out of defenses, so Trump turned to one of his old hits. He s blaming the accusations on the Mexicans. Well, one Mexican in particular: billionaire Carlos Slim.As early as Friday, Mr. Trump is planning to claim that Mr. Slim, as a shareholder of New York Times Co. and donor to the Clinton Foundation, has an interest in helping Hillary Clinton s campaign, according to a Trump adviser.Attacking the Mexican billionaire would allow Mr. Trump to hit several targets. He could slam the failing New York Times, which he says had to be rescued by a foreigner Mr. Slim, the adviser said.Source: VoxUnfortunately, this is how Trump sees the world. People are either with him or against him. Not surprisingly for the controversial land developer, Trump has made a lot of enemies, and it appears those enemies are spread throughout the world. That alone should disqualify him for the position that is in large part, diplomacy.Beyond that, though, this is a man who refuses to take responsibility for his own actions. He admitted on tape the he grabs women by the pussy. Why should it surprise anyone that he actually grabbed some? Here s a list of all the women who (so far) have accused Trump. Even if Trump is right that it s some sort of personal vendetta by the New York Times (he s not), reports have come out in the Daily Beast, from CBS News, from a People Magazine reporter, from the Palm Beach Post, from Rolling Stone, from BuzzFeed, from the Guardian, from Vanity Fair, from USA Today, from Jezebel, from the New Yorker and from the Washington Post.Gotta wonder how he s going to blame the Mexicans (or perhaps the Chinese) on all of these.Featured image via Ty Wright/Getty Images.
Evan McMullin: ‘Never In His Life’ Has Trump Had To Watch His Mouth (VIDEO)
Donald Trump s mouth gets him into trouble a lot. There have been endless examples of his inability to curb what he says, which in and of itself means that he is disqualified from the presidency. There are many right-wingers who are so terrified of Trump that they are backing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and while others won t vote for Clinton, they won t vote for Trump, either.Well, now, conservatives have another option: Former CIA operative Evan McMullin. While he has never held public office, McMullin is certainly a sight better than Trump. His candidacy, at this late stage of the 2016 race, is most likely just a way to stop Trump; after all, he entered the race far too late to gain any real traction, and Independent bids for the presidency in America always fail spectacularly. However, thanks to the outrageous nature of Trump s candidacy, McMullin is definitely shaking things up.Appearing on ABC s This Week, McMullin had quite a few choice words for Trump. He said: He s not a credible candidate. It s clear, the numbers, the fact that Donald Trump can t control what he says. He s never had to control what he said. Never in life has he had to do that. It s unrealistic to expect him to do that now. McMullin went on to make the case for voters to consider him instead of one of the two major party candidates: We need someone who will bring this country together. I firmly believe that the time has come in this country for a new generation of leadership, and that certainly is not Donald Trump nor [Democratic nominee] Hillary Clinton. Clearly I disagree with the guy regarding Hillary Clinton. She is easily the most qualified person to ever run for the office of the presidency. But McMullin is definitely right about Trump. There s no way in hell that guy should be anywhere near the nukes. All McMullin s candidacy would do is help further shift things in Clinton s direction, and that is A-OK with me.Watch McMullin s remarks below:.@Evan_McMullin: Trump's "never had to control what he says It's unrealistic to expect him to do that now." https://t.co/HFwtipADk6 This Week (@ThisWeekABC) August 14, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
Trump, Liberal Hypocrisy & Humanity’s Future
21st Century Wire says Here s an epic discussion for your Sunday afternoon.Last week, Stuart J. Hooper travelled to Los Angeles and met with YouTube star Hamish The Illusion Patterson; who holds a particularly interesting view on reality.The two also had an epic discussion on the current state of politics, hidden technology, our future on Mars, and the hypocrisy of so-called liberals protesting against Trump who had no problem at all with what Obama was doing, like sending Libya back to the stone age, in the past eight years.Check out the full discussion here: You can follow Hamish on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Trump Fan Drives Jeep Through Crowd Of Protesters (VIDEO)
Saturday afternoon, a group of protesters gathered on the main road leading into Fountain Hills, the location of Donald Trump s latest hatefest, and set up a Quarrantine of the rally. Traffic was backed up for miles as the demonstrators peacefully protested the rally but many Trump fans were displeased that people chose to act in opposition to their leader s wishes.On social media, some fanatical supporters of The Donald called for the protesters to be tear gassed and shot, while others had another idea run them over. Some even began inquiring as to the legality of pancaking peaceful demonstrators with one s car. While it might seem unbelievable that someone would take these insane fringe-nuts up on their suggestion,WKBW reports that one Jeep-driving Trump fan wanted to get to the rally so badly that he plowed into the protesters with his vehicle.Video of the scene shows the unnamed driver pushing his way through the crowd with zero regard for the safety of the human beings in front of his vehicle. The demonstrators can be seen moving out of the way, some obviously panicked, while others attempt to stop their assailant from moving any further.It might be expected that the police who were present would wish to stop the driver, but they can clearly be seen on the video providing an escort, even shoving around people who are attempting to stop the driver whose appointment with Trump was more important than the safety of the demonstrators.Fortunately, no one was injured, though this incident makes it clear that the cops were there for one purpose: to protect Donald Trump rather than the people.In 2014, a vehicle moving at a similar speed plowed through a crowd of Michael Brown supporters. While it was not moving quickly, one protester s leg became trapped by the wheel and she was dragged at least 20 feet before she was able to free herself. Like the operator of this Jeep, the driver kept going with zero regard for the assembled crowd.It is unclear why police chose not to intervene, but it is noteworthy that law enforcement reaction to the protest is managed by anti-Hispanic bigot, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who recently endorsed The Donald. Is it any wonder that his men did not care about the safety of anyone who was not there to worship Trump?Watch the video below:Featured image via screengrab
CAN HILLARY LIE HER WAY OUT OF THIS ONE? PHYSICIAN Says Hillary Has Parkinson’s Disease…Hillary Admits She Couldn’t Even “Get Up” After Convention
Will Hillary s health be the only thing she can t hide by lying? She s the only presidential candidate who travels with a full-time physician Hillary Clinton stated Friday that she did not know if she could even stand up because she was so exhausted during the disastrous Democratic convention in Philly. By the end of those two weeks that s exactly how I felt, it was, Oh my gosh, I don t know that I can get up, let alone what I will do if I am vertical, Hillary Clinton said in a campaign podcast. I, knock on wood, am pretty lucky because I have a lot of stamina and endurance, which is necessary in the kind of campaign I m engaged in, Clinton stated. Via: Breitbart NewsMeanwhile a top physicians says Hillary has Parkinson s Disease.Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson s Disease, Physician Confirms #HillarysHealth https://t.co/Z8qPlzpvMu Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 12, 2016Hillary s health is declining, as anyone who has looked at her can see. The question is: What condition does she have? A board certified Anesthesiologist has written a memo of Hillary s health.Hillary Clinton (HRC) has suffered a variety of health issues. Unfortunately, she has declined to make her medical records public. In July of 2015 her personal physician released a letter asserting her excellent physical condition. Unfortunately, multiple later episodes recorded on video strongly suggest that the content of the letter is incorrect. This discussion is designed to sort through the known facts and propose a possible medical explanation for these events. In keeping with Occam s Razor, a single explanation that covers everything is preferred.History of Hillary s Health: In 2009, HRC fell and broke her elbow. Little else was made public.[i] On December 17, 2012, while Secretary of State, HRC fell and suffered a concussion.[ii]Later, a transverse sinus thrombosis was diagnosed, resulting in chronic anticoagulation therapy. [iii] Her post-concussion syndrome was declared recovered in about six months.[iv] The original fall was publicly attributed to dehydration following gastroenteritis. An email from Huma Abedin (HRC s closest advisor) on January 26, 2013, says that HRC is often confused. [v] Photos show being assisted up what appears to be the steps of a residential porch. This apparently happened in February of 2016. On August 4, 2016, Reuters and Getty published the photos.[vi] At a rally on May 2, 2016, HRC demonstrates classic PD hand posturing.[vii] She has no lectern in front, so she starts with her right hand pressed against her chest. At the 18:02 mark, she starts gesturing with her right hand, which is in a very unnatural position that is common in PD. On July 21, 2016 HRC was filmed talking to reporters at close range when several spoke at once. Without warning, she started a bizarre head-bobbing episode that must be seen rather than described. After several cycles, she regained control and declared that the reporters must try the iced chai. [viii]WATCH HERE: On July 28, 2016, during the balloon drop, HRC suddenly looks up with a frozen wide-mouth and wide-eyed stare. After a couple of seconds she regains control and a more normal expression.[ix] On August 5, HRC declared that she had short circuited [x] a response to Chris Wallace in an interview that aired July 31 on Fox News Sunday.[xi] August 6, 2016, at a campaign rally, HRC freezes with wide eyes in response to protestors. A large black male who commonly accompanies her leans in and tells her It s OK. We re not going anywhere. Keep talking Shortly after, she laughs strangely and then says OK. Here we are. We ll keep talking. [xii] Several recent photos show HRC with an inappropriately exaggerated wide-mouthed smile and extreme wide-open eyes. Several videos show her laughing inappropriately and for extended periods. Numerous events have been interrupted by prolonged episodes of coughing unrelated to any infectious cause.This discussion will not argue that the black male is carrying a diazepam injector, since there is a plausible argument that it is actually a small flashlight, and is seen in other video to be such. We will also not discuss the circular area on her tongue. It appears to be the site of a mass excision. Benign explanations that do not bear on chronic health issues may easily be proffered.After the 2012 fall, HRC had post-concussion syndrome (PCS). She should have declared herself unable to fulfill her duties as Secretary of State. Her resignation from the position shortly thereafter may have satisfied this need without public medical discussion. If no other questionable medical signs had appeared, this discussion would end here. But the other events and signs point to a single cause for the fall, and it is not the public explanation. Further, HRC s statement early in her tenure as Secretary of State that she would serve only four years can be read in the context of a progressive disease that was known as she assumed the post.It is the premise of this discussion the HRC is most likely suffering from Parkinson s Disease (PD).It explains every one of the items listed above. Further, since it is a diagnosis primarily made by observation, the video record is sufficient to create a high degree of certainty.Via: Danger and Play h/t Gateway Pundit
GOP Voters Declare #NeverTrump & #RepublicansForHillary As Donald Is Named The Nominee (TWEETS)
On Tuesday night, Ted Cruz dropped out of the Republican race for the White House and Donald Trump was named the presumptive nominee by the Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. However, while the RNC may be ready to embrace Trump as their chosen one GOP voters are not and they took to Twitter to express their disgust.Fox News contributor Stephen Hayes said Trump isn t going to happen for him:Under no circumstances.https://t.co/6yS3fxGsMT Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) May 3, 2016Conservative Ben Howe, an editor for RedState went as far as to say he s voting for Hillary: #ImWithHer Ben Howe (@BenHowe) May 3, 2016I am no longer a Republican. Ben Howe (@BenHowe) May 4, 2016Managing Editor at the Washington Examiner, Philip Klein declared that he is no longer a Republican: I have officially de-registered as a Republican. pic.twitter.com/DjRI21Oyvx Philip Klein (@philipaklein) May 4, 2016Another Fox News contributor, Guy Benson, said he isn t going to support Trump either:Much to my deep chagrin (& astonishment ~8 months ago), for the 1st time in my life, I will not support the GOP nominee for president. Guy Benson (@guypbenson) May 3, 2016Conservative radio host and founder of RedState Erick Erickson is echoing the sentiments of other Republicans, saying, If Trump is the Republican Party nominee, I won t be a Republican. :This is going to be a huge problem for the Republican Party in November. These people are not just random GOP voters who don t like Donald Trump, they are very prominent, high profile voices of the party and they are so disgusted with the nominee that they are LEAVING the party. But regular GOP voters are leaving too.I will not be a member of a party that supports sexism, racism, and hatred. My party left me, so I m leaving it. #NeverTrump #GoodbyeGOPA photo posted by Cassy Chesser (@casachesser) on May 4, 2016 at 8:31am PDT#votehillary #disgruntledrepublican #republicansforhillary ? ? #drudgereportA photo posted by Shauna Varvel (@varvels) on May 3, 2016 at 6:11pm PDTI said #NeverTrump folks were #RepublicansForHillary back in March, as a joke. Now some of them are really doing it. pic.twitter.com/iyPSJcRlXA Audit The Media (@AuditTheMedia) May 4, 2016 Still and always #NeverTrump. That means tonight sees the birth of #RepublicansForHillary Louise Mensch (@LouiseMensch) May 4, 2016That means not only is the RNC going to have to try to figure out how to woo minority voters, women voters and Independent voters, they are going to have to try to woo their OWN voters and minimize the damage their anti-Trump pundits are doing.If the GOP thought they were stomped in 2012 when they picked Mr. Binders Full of Women as their nominee, they have no clue how painful November is going to be. Grab your popcorn, Democrats. It s about to be quite a show.Featured image via Instagram
Republican Congressman Rejects Trump In Scathing Open Letter, Will Vote For Hillary
The GOP tent continues to get smaller as the first House Republican has decided to vote for Hillary Clinton against the divisive Donald Trump.New York GOP Rep. Richard Hanna, unlike many of his Republican colleagues, has a conscience. Therefore, he can t hold his nose and support the Republican nominee.Many Republicans continue to support Trump even though he has made blatantly racist comments and preached hate on the campaign trail. But Hanna has had enough.In an open letter written for Syracuse.com, Hanna ripped Trump:Months ago I publicly said I could never support Trump. My reasons were simple and personal. I found him profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader. Little more than a changing mirror of those he speaks to. I never expect to agree with whoever is president, but at a minimum the president needs to consistently display those qualities I have preached to my two children: kindness, honesty, dignity, compassion and respect.I do not expect perfection, but I do require more than the embodiment of at least a short list of the seven deadly sins.Then Hanna slammed the Republican Party for alienating a large swath of Americans while becoming incapable of nominating a candidate who is electable:I have long held the belief that the Republican Party is becoming increasingly less capable of nominating a person who is electable as president. The primary process is so geared toward the party s political base, which ignores the fact that we have largely alienated women, Hispanics, the LGBT community, young voters and many others in general.Hanna went on to call Trump deeply flawed and blasted him for the way he has treated John McCain and for the way he is treating Humayun Khan s family now. Hanna is ashamed that his party continues to still support Trump even though he is insulting military families and veterans across the country.And that why he is throwing his support and most importantly, his vote -to Hillary Clinton.Secretary Clinton has issues that depending on where one stands can be viewed as great or small. But she stands and has stood for causes bigger than herself for a lifetime. That matters. Mrs. Clinton has promoted many of the issues I have been committed to over the years including expanding education and supporting women s health care.While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton. I will be hopeful and resolute in my belief that being a good American who loves his country is far more important than parties or winning and losing. I trust she can lead. All Republicans may not like the direction, but they can live to win or lose another day with a real candidate. Our response to the public s anger and the need to rebuild requires complex solutions, experience, knowledge and balance. Not bumper sticker slogans that pander to our disappointment, fear and hate.Now that one Republican in Congress has the balls to vote for Hillary in rejection of Trump, how many others will do the same?Featured image via Sara D. Davis/Getty Images
LOCAL REPORTER IN DEEP BLUE STATE Stuns Liberals When He Goes Rogue…Tells Truth About Guns [VIDEO]
We took a very hard look at these numbers, and we did find that Minnesota has a very high rate of gun ownership one of the highest in the country but it has a relatively low rate of violent crime, revealed Minneapolis station WCCO reporter Pat Kessler in a segment Thursday.He added that in 2017, Minnesota set a new record for firearms background checks, processing 473,975 checks on permits, 94,383 checks on handguns and 125,516 checks on long guns.Watch:In other words, more people attempted to purchase weapons in the state last year than ever before. Minnesota set another 2017 record, too, his report continued. The State Department of Public Safety reports 283,188 Minnesotans now have permits to legally carry firearms in public. Conservative Tribune
CLINTON ABRUPTLY Cancels Plans To Go to Charlotte On Sunday…Gives Lame Excuse
Hillary Clinton is preparing to get back on the campaign trail with a week filled with appearances before actual voters, after ducking off the rally circuit to prepare for Monday s debate.She was set to begin with a Sunday appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina, after the city experienced riots and confrontations between protesters and police following the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott by a police officer this week. But her campaign announced Friday night that the trip was being put off for a week, as there were protests in the city for a fourth consecutive night. Hillary is grateful for, and intends to honor, the invitation from faith leaders to visit with the Charlotte community, according to Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri. After further discussion with community leaders, we have decided to postpone Sunday s trip as to not impact the City s resources. She will plan to visit Charlotte next Sunday, provided circumstances allow. In the meantime her prayers are with the people of Charlotte during these difficult days, Palmieri concluded. Read more: Daily Mail
BOOM! TED CRUZ, DESANTIS PUSH For Term Limits: “It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit…”
We are supposed to have a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but instead we have a government of the elite, by the elite and for the elite. Most people do not realize this, but today most members of Congress are actually millionaires. The disconnect between members of Congress and average Americans has never been greater than it is right now, and I think that is a very troubling sign for the future of this nation.Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) are pushing for an amendment to the Constitution to place term limits on lawmakers, arguing the move will help overhaul Washington. The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people, Cruz said in a statement on Tuesday. It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions. Under an amendment the two GOP lawmakers filed on Tuesday, House members would be allowed to serve three two-year terms and senators would be able to serve two six-year terms. The HillJohn Conyers Jr., Mich. Jan. 4, 1965 Charles B. Rangel, N.Y. Jan. 21, 1971 Steny H. Hoyer, Md. May 19, 1981 Marcy Kaptur, Ohio Jan. 3, 1983 Sander M. Levin, Mich. Jan. 3, 1983 Peter J. Visclosky, Ind. Jan. 3, 1985 Peter A. DeFazio, Ore. Jan. 6, 1987 John Lewis, Ga. Jan. 6, 1987 Louise M. Slaughter, N.Y. Jan. 6, 1987 Nancy Pelosi, Calif. June 2, 1987 Frank Pallone Jr., N.J. Nov. 8, 1988 Eliot L. Engel, N.Y. Jan. 3, 1989 Nita M. Lowey, N.Y. Jan. 3, 1989 Richard E. Neal, Mass. Jan. 3, 1989 Jos E. Serrano, N.Y. March 20, 1990 David E. Price, N.C. Jan. 7, 1997 Also served 1987-95 Rosa DeLauro, Conn. Jan. 3, 1991 Collin C. Peterson, Minn. Jan. 3, 1991 Maxine Waters, Calif. Jan. 3, 1991 Jerrold Nadler, N.Y. Nov. 3, 1992 Jim Cooper, Tenn. Jan. 7, 2003 Also served 1983-95 Xavier Becerra, Calif. Jan. 5, 1993 Sanford D. Bishop Jr., Ga. Jan. 5, 1993 Corrine Brown, Fla. Jan. 5, 1993 James E. Clyburn, S.C. Jan. 5, 1993 Anna G. Eshoo, Calif. Jan. 5, 1993 Gene Green, Texas Jan. 5, 1993 Luis V. Gutierrez, Ill. Jan. 5, 1993 Alcee L. Hastings, Fla. Jan. 5, 1993 Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas Jan. 5, 1993 Carolyn B. Maloney, N.Y. Jan. 5, 1993 Lucille Roybal-Allard, Calif. Jan. 5, 1993 Bobby L. Rush, Ill. Jan. 5, 1993 Robert C. Scott, Va. Jan. 5, 1993 Nydia M. Vel zquez, N.Y. Jan. 5, 1993 Bennie Thompson, Miss. April 13, 1993 Sam Farr, Calif. June 8, 1993 Lloyd Doggett, Texas Jan. 4, 1995 Mike Doyle, Pa. Jan. 4, 1995 Chaka Fattah, Pa. Jan. 4, 1995 Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Jan. 4, 1995 Zoe Lofgren, Calif. Jan. 4, 1995 As you looked over those lists, you probably noticed that they contain many of the members of Congress that Americans complain about the most.Unfortunately, because the vast majority of these individuals come from states or congressional districts that are basically a lock to vote a certain way, there is very little hope of ever removing them. That means that most of these Congress critters are going to get to keep coming back for as long as they want.No matter which political party you prefer, this should greatly disturb you.Our founders certainly never intended for a permanent class of elitists to rule over us.But that is what we have. Zero Hedge
McCain’s Mad World and The Cancer of Conflict
21st Century Wire says Some devastating news befell John Sidney McCain III recently, as his staff announced that the US Senator had been diagnosed with a brain tumor called glioblastoma discovered during recent testing at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. We wish the Senator well On Episode #195 Chickenhawk Nation of the SUNDAY WIRE with co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson, we break down all the reasons why we think it s time for McCain to retire.The list is endless. We ll start with a real cancer of conflict the senseless truck bombing of Al-Kindi cancer treatment hospital in Aleppo, Syria. The attack carried out by the same freedom fighters that McCain was seen cavorting with during his secret trip to the Aleppo area in May 2013. The very same rebels he was supplying weapons to the Free Syrian Army (under the command of Jabbat al Nusra aka al Qaeda in Syria) would later order the bombing on this cancer treatment hospital. LISTEN: More @21WIRE:
Bombshell Reports Confirm What We Already Believed About MSNBC’s Joe And Mika (DETAILS)
For the last ten years, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have been co-hosts on MSNBC s Morning Joe. They have often seemed a little too chummy, and it has long been speculated that the two were an item. However, both were also married to other people. Scarborough got divorced from his wife in 2013, and Brzezinki was officially free in 2016. To that end, it seems that now that we are in 2017, a respectable enough amount of time has passed to where they can go ahead and confirm the public s belief that they were more than co-hosts.It is now being reported that the two are not only an item, but are actually engaged to be married. This comes after a bizarre round of congratulations on the Thursday edition of the show. Of course, the duo s guests said the congratulatory sentiments were about ratings, but now we know that it was about upcoming nuptials. The news comes courtesy of the New York Post s Emily Smith, who writes: We re told Scarborough, 54, got down on one knee and proposed at the scenic Bar Bellini at the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes, which has a breathtaking moonlit outdoor terrace overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Now, think what you want of Mika and Joe I personally have mixed feelings and a bit of a love/hate relationship with Morning Joe but at least they are finally being honest with the public and their fans. It could be just a bit scandalous, because if they are engaged so soon after Mika s divorce, obviously there was an affair happening while either one or both of them were still married.Of course, these days scandalous affairs are pretty routine for celebrities, though they are supposedly news people or, at the very least, pundits so who knows how the network will handle it.There have been no public statements on the announcement from Joe, Mika, or MSNBC as of this writing.Featured image via Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
ALARMING: NSA Refuses to Release Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Transcript with Lame Excuse
If Clinton and Lynch just talked about grandkids then why is this such a top secret transcript? This is troubling because it portends to what we ve known all along Bill Clinton was meeting with Lynch to fight Hillary s battle. They won t reveal it because it would implicate so many people in government Are we right?A citizen researcher from Florida is attempting to have the recording of the infamous Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch tarmac tape released to the public, but apparently, the National Security Agency claims they won t release it due to national security. The man researching and seeking to have the tape released is Florida orthodontist Larry Kawa. You may remember him because of Judicial Watch s filing of a lawsuit on his behalf to obtain a week s worth of Hillary Clinton s emails regarding Benghazi.It s being reported now that the NSA has declared the recording of the conversation that took place between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch in Phoenix, Arizona on June 27, 2016.Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request in March of this year to obtain the following:Any and all records and/or transcripts of a meeting held between Attorney General Loretta lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 28, 2016.Any and all records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 28, 2016.Any and all records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 28, 2016.Any and all references to the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton contained in day planners, calendars and schedules in the Office of theAttorney General. This brings us to Kawa. In an article at Big League Politics, Patrick Howley writes:The National Security Agency (NSA) blocked the release of a purported tape of Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch s private airplane talk with a rare legal justification used to protect top national security secrets.The NSA s block of the release of this information citing one of President Obama s executive orders undercuts Hillary Clinton s claim that her husband and Lynch had a purely social conversation about grandkids and golf on June 27, 2016, two weeks before Lynch dropped the Department of Justice investigation into Hillary Clinton s email scandal.Read more: Freedom Outpost
FBI Releases DAMNING Information About Russian Collusion, Trump TERRIFIED
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that former Trump advisor Carter Page was one of the members of the Trump campaign who were monitored by the FBI because of their communications with Russia. As part of an investigation into the campaign that long predates Director James Comey s infamous Clinton email letter that helped swing the election in Donald Trump s favor, a judge granted the Bureau s request a decision that is not made lightly:The FBI and the Justice Department obtained the warrant targeting Carter Page s communications after convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge that there was probable cause to believe Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia, according to the officials.This is the clearest evidence so far that the FBI had reason to believe during the 2016 presidential campaign that a Trump campaign adviser was in touch with Russian agents. Such contacts are now at the center of an investigation into whether the campaign coordinated with the Russian government to swing the election in Trump s favor.Page says that the real story isn t the fire it s that people reported the fire. This confirms all of my suspicions about unjustified, politically motivated government surveillance, Page told the Post, failing to mention that a judge would not have granted the warrant if there was not already convincing evidence it was necessary. I have nothing to hide. Ever since his administration began leaking like a colander, Trump and his crew have been working overtime to convince the American people that the information itself is unimportant (no matter how important it is), that the real problem is that someone is telling us about it. Page, of course, is no exception.The FBI officials did not reveal if the investigation uncovered evidence of a crime, but Page and the rest of the crew are acting very, very guilty.Featured image via Getty Images (Pool)
DEVASTATING 30 SECOND Commercial Shows Scary Truth About TARGET’S Dangerous Open Door Bathroom Policy [VIDEO]
First it was the FLUSH TARGET campaign, where a truck will travel to every store in MN delivering a serious message to Target management: I don t feel safe at Target Click HERE for [VIDEO]Now a new campaign has been launched with an ad targeted at Target shoppers. The ad was produced by Minnesota-based activist group Flush Target . It s a simple ad with a powerful message.WATCH:
Aziz Ansari Just Told Trump To ‘Go F*ck Himself’ As Only He Can (TWEET)
In the aftermath of the Orlando shooting, there has been yet another unfounded uprising of hate and fear against the Muslim community. Donald Trump is even calling, once more, for a ban on all Muslim immigrants.With a lot to say on this matter is none other than comedian Aziz Ansari, whose parents just so happen to be Muslim immigrants. He wrote a piece for the New York Times, and called out Trump s hatred where it stands.In the intro to his article on Twitter, Ansari just flat-out told Trump to go f*ck himself. Trump wants to ban Muslim immigrants like my parents. I wrote a piece for New York Times telling him to go fuck himself. Trump wants to ban Muslim immigrants like my parents. I wrote a piece for @NYTimes telling him to go fuck himself: https://t.co/MCDsQyz2jy Aziz Ansari (@azizansari) June 24, 2016Within the article, which you can find in full here, Ansari wrote: Today, with the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and others like him spewing hate speech, prejudice is reaching new levels. It s visceral, and scary, and it affects how people live, work and pray. It makes me afraid for my family. It also makes no sense. He explains that he s the son of Muslim immigrants, and how his family is now told to be careful in how they worship. Also explaining, that as American citizens, that is absolutely awful. We have the freedom of religion in this nation, and everyone has a right to worship how they so choose on their own time.Ansari wrote that despite not being religious himself, even looking like you might be Muslim can make you a target of discrimination: There is a strange feeling that you must almost prove yourself worthy of feeling sad and scared like everyone else. He added: The vitriolic and hate-filled rhetoric coming from Mr. Trump isn t so far off from cursing at strangers from a car window. He has said that people in the American Muslim community know who the bad ones are, implying that millions of innocent people are somehow complicit in awful attacks. Not only is this wrongheaded; but it also does nothing to address the real problems posed by terrorist attacks. By Mr. Trump s logic, after the huge financial crisis of 2007-08, the best way to protect the American economy would have been to man white males. Is Ansari right in telling Trump to go f*ck himself ?? Absolutely. Trump is personally attacking Ansari and his family and is just so absolutely wrong about the Muslim faith and community.Trump s tactic of divide and conquer, putting himself and his white pride fanatics against anyone who doesn t fit the mold of what he sees fit to live in the United States, isn t only bigoted, but just outright dangerous.Good on Ansari for speaking out and calling Trump out on his bigotry.Featured Photos by John Moore/Getty Images and Gary Gershoff/Getty Images for Peabody
HOPE FOR FORGOTTEN AMERICA…Why Trump Is Last Chance For This Steel Town Where 94% Of Jobs Have Gone [VIDEO]
In 2008 Barack Obama promised to shut down the coal industry:Hillary also promised to shut down the coal industry as part of her campaign platform. When politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary put special interests and lobbyists who are using phony climate change to collect billions in federal green subsidies over working Americans, you know these people are no longer public servants but instead, self-servants. Watch:There was a time, not so long ago, when this city on the Ohio River employed up to 15,000 people in the steel mills whose rusting warehouses still line the streets. Now the figure is closer to 800.First, it was costs associated with the repeated regulations imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Then, after 1994 and the passing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) it was cheaper competition from places such as Mexico. In the end, there was no way Weirton could compete, and an industry that has fed and clothed the city for generations essentially died. Her husband introduced Nafta, said a former steel worker, sitting at the the bar of the Columbia Club, located at one was once Gate No 1 of the Weirton Steel Corporation s main factory. He had worked at the plant for 34 years. If anyone in this in this state votes for her, they re crazy. It is communities such as this that Donald Trump has been targeting hard with his pitch about the evils of Nafta and the need to bring jobs well-paid manufacturing jobs in particular back to America. Polls collected by RealClearPolitics suggest he leads Hillary Clinton in West Virginia by between 18 to 27 points.While his policy is not hard on detail, Mr Trump has vowed repeatedly to bring jobs back from places such as Mexico and China.But in places such as Weirton, down to fewer than 20,000 people from a peak of 33,000 it is hard not to feel that while some parts of the country may have seen the benefits of global trade, this hardscrabble community, with its fast-food joints and strip bars, has been passed by.Ed Sutton, a city government worker who said he would be voting for Mr Trump, said that nothing had replaced the steel jobs . They talk about creating all these jobs. But they re just retail jobs that pay minimum wage, or just above, he said.Ms Clinton, meanwhile, said this spring, in a comment she came to quickly regret, she was going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business . IndependentTrump s appeal is vast and broad for many blue-collar workers and former workers across America. Listen to these former steel workers in PA, living in a Democrat stronghold explain how they never imagined they would be voting for a Republican:
FEDERAL JUDGE Goes On Rant About Cops Killing Blacks….Declares: “Black Lives Matter!”…Blames Deaths Of Cops On Cops
This is a great story for anyone who doesn t understand the power one liberal judge can wield from the bench. U.S. District Judge Robart, who is presiding over a 2012 consent decree requiring the city to adopt reforms to address federal allegations of police bias, rebuked the Seattle police union for holding up reforms as it bargains over a new contract, The Seattle Times reported. The court and the citizens of Seattle will not be held hostage for increased payments and benefits, the judge said, according to the paper. To hide behind a collective-bargaining agreement is not going to work, he said.Kevin Stuckey, who recently became president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, said the union is prepared to sit down with the city and reach a deal.Judge Robart, a George W. Bush appointee, said proposed police reform legislation should include putting a civilian in charge of police oversight, shutting down a police-led disciplinary board and creating a civilian position of inspector general.Judge Robart threatened to call a hearing and override the city s bargaining process with the union if he concluded the union was interfering with reform, The Times reported. The judge ended Monday s hearing by citing a statistic that claimed 41 percent of the shootings nationwide by police were of blacks. Black lives matter, he said, drawing an audible reaction in a courtroom, The Times reported.Judge Robart added that the recent targeted shootings of police officers across the country signaled the importance of strengthening police and community relations.Commissioner Enrique Gonzalez said he s very encouraged that a federal judge has actually said that black lives matter, because now we know that not only is this movement happening in the streets even a federal judge has acknowledged that people of color have been on the receiving end of police brutality and this needs to change, The Stranger reported. Washington Times
Foreign Governments Have Been Giving Elections To Republicans For Decades
During the revelations that Russia had a giant hand in influencing our election, one word has been used throughout the media: unprecedented. Well, unprecedented is not exactly true. While it is true that Russia s hacking has been blatant and Trump s involvement is becoming undeniable, this isn t the first time a foreign and hostile government has played a role in installing a Republican leader and we don t have to go very far back to see examples.Nearly 50 years ago, in 1968, the most famously scandal-ridden President began his term under a scandal. After his Democratic opponent Vice President Hubert Humphrey switched course from his president, Lyndon B. Johnson, and promised that we would pull out of the Vietnam war, Nixon began falling in the polls. On October 30th, Johnson, though, announced that there would be peace talks and Nixon s lead disappeared. So, Nixon invited Vietnam to intervene.Nixon s team met secretly with Anna Chan Chennault, a wealthy supporter of Taiwanese President Chiang Kai-shek, co-chair of Republican Women for Nixon and confidante of South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. At Nixon s behest, Chennault informed Thieu that Nixon would secure a better deal for his country than either Humphrey or Johnson, and that the Democrats were effectively prepared to sell out Saigon in order to secure peace at any price. If Chennault could convince Thieu to stay away from the negotiating table, the talks would collapse, LBJ would look foolish and the Democrats 11th-hour gambit would fail.Johnson and the Democrats knew it was happening. The National Security Agency had intercepted cables between Thieu and his D.C. ambassador.( [I am] still in contact with the Nixon entourage, which continues to be the favorite despite the uncertainty provoked by the news of an imminent bombing halt, one communiqu began.) On the basis of these cables, LBJ ordered the FBI to tap Chennault s phone; the bureau, in turn, concluded that she contacted Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Diem and advised him that she had received a message from her boss (not further identified) which her boss wanted her to give personally to the ambassador. She said the message was that the ambassador is to hold on, we are gonna win and that her boss also said, Hold on, he understands all of it. Johnson didn t mince words. He called it treason, and a gross violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits civilians from negotiating with foreign governments. Still, there wasn t enough to firmly plant the smoking gun in Nixon s hands, so the American people didn t have this bit of information before the election.South Vietnam pulled out of the peace talks and well, we got a President Nixon. The rest is history, and well, people should be reminded that an administration that begins in scandal will likely end in scandal.The second recent instance happened fewer than 40 years ago. In 1979, university students in Tehran, Iran stormed the American embassy there and took 63 American hostages. In hindsight, we were kind of asking for it. In 1953, the CIA helped overthrow Iran s government because of oil. Instead, we installed the Shah, who was corrupt and brutal. When the Shah fell in 1979, then President Jimmy Carter allowed the Shah to seek medical treatment for cancer in the United States. Iran s new leader, Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhulla Musawi Khomeini, who hated us anyway, demanded extradition so the Shah could face trial. Carter refused.Still, as we were nearing the election, it appeared that the hostage situation was coming to a resolution, which would have nearly assured Carter of reelection. The Reagan camp couldn t let that happen. Reagan s campaign manager, William Casey talked to sources close to the ayatollah and convinced them to delay the release of the hostages. Reagan went on to win the election and the hostages were released on inauguration day.Of course, details of both these cases are different from the details in the Trump/Russia hacking scandal, but I would argue that today we are in a worse situation. By helping Trump, Russia is providing themselves blackmail ammo in case Trump does something they might not find agreeable. More than that, though, in the days when cyber security is at the top of everyone s minds, what Russia has done to us is as dangerous as any terrorist act and the ramifications are far bigger. Trump has allowed a hostile foreign government to infiltrate our electronic communication, which is almost everything. What s next, credit card information and IRS records of individuals who speak out against Trump?The bottom line is that we can t allow Donald Trump to take office. There s too much at stake. We can t afford another Nixon. We can t even afford another Reagan.Featured image via Sean Gallup/Getty Images.
Ohio Fireman In Deep Sh*t For HORRIBLE Remarks About Saving ‘N*****s’
A firefighter in Ohio recently came under fire for expressing his economic uncertainty (a synonym the media concocted for racism while attempting to explain why people voted for Trump) about rescuing black people.If it came down to choosing to rescue a single dog or a million n*ggers, Franklin township firefighter Tyler Roysdon says he would save the dog, which is more important than all those African-Americans he hates.According to Roysdon s Facebook likes, he is a fan of Donald Trump, Duck Dynasty, and far-Right Facebook group Uncle Sam s Misguided Children just so you know what sort of person we re dealing with.Roysdon was suspended from his position indefinitely as soon as township officials learned of the post, which went viral on social media because that s what happens when terrible people say terrible things. It s also very likely he will lose his job according to a statement from officials: Recently, a Franklin Township volunteer firefighter posted unacceptable remarks on social media. Upon gaining knowledge of this information, Fire Chief Steve Bishop immediately contacted the firefighter and directed the comments be removed. The firefighter was suspended without pay until the Board of Township Trustees could meet to determine a course of action. Chief Bishop does not have the authority to terminate employees. Termination of any township employee requires a vote by the Board of Trustees. It s unclear if Roysdon s racism has ever affected his work or if he has caused anyone to die, but this is absolutely something that should be investigated.Featured image via screengrab

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