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Update README.md
a4ad460 verified
    - name: text
      dtype: string
    - name: class
      dtype: string
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 73873734
      num_examples: 96970
  download_size: 41718122
  dataset_size: 73873734
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*
license: mit
  - zero-shot-classification
  - uz
  - uzbek_zero_shot
pretty_name: Uzbek zero shot classification dataset
  - 10K<n<100K

Uzbek Zero-Shot Classification Dataset

About the Dataset

This dataset is created for categorizing texts in Uzbek into various categories. The dataset is prepared based on news websites and includes the following categories: Politics, Economy, Technology, Sports, Culture, Health, Family and Society, Education, Ecology, Foreign News.

Data Structure

The data is provided in JSON format with the following structure:

        Siyosat - If the text is about politics.
        Iqtisodiyot - If the text is about the economy.
        Texnologiya - If the text is about technology.
        Sport - If the text is about sports.
        Madaniyat - If the text is about culture.
        Salomatlik - If the text is about health.
        Oila va Jamiyat - If the text is about family and society.
        Ta'lim - If the text is about education.
        Ekologiya - If the text is about ecology.
        Xorijiy Yangiliklar - If the text is about foreign news.

Preparation Guidelines

The following guidelines were followed in preparing this dataset:

  • All possible categories were extracted from the text.
  • Categories are provided in their original form without additional annotations or translations.
  • Each text must belong to only one category.


Here are some examples:

# After downloading the dataset

    'text': 'Toshkent shahrining Yakkasaroy tumanida odam o‘limi bilan yakun topgan yo‘l-transport hodisasi sodir bo‘ldi. Foto: IIBB YHXB Poytaxt IIBB YHXB xabariga ko‘ra, 7 noyabr kuni soat 19:30 larda Muqimiy ko‘chasida 1999 yilda tug‘ilgan B.A. boshqaruvidagi “Nexia-2” rusumli avtomashina va 2004 yilda tug‘ilgan J.O. boshqaruvidagi “Lasetti” rusumli avtomashina to‘qnashgan. YTH oqibatida “Nexia-2” rusumli avtomashina yo‘lovchisi, 1998 yilda tug‘ilgan Sh.E. olgan tan jarohatlari natijasida voqea joyida vafot etgan. Shuningdek, “Lasetti” rusumli avtomashina haydovchisi, “Nexia-2” rusumli avtomashina haydovchisi va yo‘lovchilari: 1995 yilda tug‘ilgan T.O., 1996 yilda tug‘ilgan B.Q., 2001 yilda tug‘ilgan M.Q. turli darajadagi tan jarohatlari bilan kasalxonaga yotqizilgan. Mazkur holat yuzasidan Toshkent shahar IIBB Tergov boshqarmasi tomonidan Jinoyat kodeksining 266-moddasi 2-qismi bilan jinoyat ishi qo‘zg‘atildi. Tergov davom etmoqda.',
    'class': 'Oila va Jamiyat'


You can download this dataset using the following code:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("risqaliyevds/uzbek-zero-shot-classification")


This dataset is provided as open source and is available for free use by all users.


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us. LinkedIn: Riskaliev Murad