'recall_score', 'roc_auc_score', 'roc_curve', 'SCORERS', 'silhouette_samples', 'silhouette_score', 'v_measure_score', 'zero_one_loss', 'brier_score_loss', 'dcg_score', 'ndcg_score' ] # Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe import _ from frappe.utils import (cstr, validate_email_add, cint, comma_and, has_gravatar, now, getdate, nowdate) from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc from erpnext.controllers.selling_controller import SellingController from frappe.contacts.address_and_contact import load_address_and_contact from erpnext.accounts.party import set_taxes sender_field = "email_id" class Lead(SellingController): def get_feed(self): return '{0}: {1}'.format(_(self.status), self.lead_name) def onload(self): customer = frappe.db.get_value("Customer", {"lead_name": self.name}) self.get("__onload").is_customer = customer load_address_and_contact(self) def validate(self): self._prev = frappe._dict({ "contact_date": frappe.db.get_value("Lead", self.name, "contact_date") if \ (not cint(self.get("__islocal"))) else None, "contact_by": frappe.db.get_value("Lead", self.name, "contact_by") if \ (not cint(self.get("__islocal"))) else None, }) self.set_status() self.check_email_id_is_unique() if self.email_id: if not self.flags.ignore_email_validation: validate_email_add(self.email_id, True) if self.email_id == self.lead_owner: frappe.throw(_("Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead")) if self.email_id == self.contact_by: frappe.throw(_("Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email Address")) if self.is_new() or not self.image: self.image = has_gravatar(self.email_id) if self.contact_date and getdate(self.contact_date) < getdate(nowdate()): frappe.throw(_("Next Contact Date cannot be in the past")) def on_update(self): self.add_calendar_event() def add_calendar_event(self, opts=None, force=False): super(Lead, self).add_calendar_event({ "owner": self.lead_owner, "starts_on": self.contact_date, "subject": ('Contact ' + cstr(self.lead_name)), "description": ('Contact ' + cstr(self.lead_name)) + \ (self.contact_by and ('. By : ' + cstr(self.contact_by)) or '') }, force) def check_email_id_is_unique(self): if self.email_id: # validate email is unique duplicate_leads = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from tabLead where email_id=%s and name!=%s""", (self.email_id, self.name)) if duplicate_leads: frappe.throw(_("Email Address must be unique, already exists for {0}") .format(comma_and(duplicate_leads)), frappe.DuplicateEntryError) def on_trash(self): frappe.db.sql("""update `tabIssue` set lead='' where lead=%s""", self.name) self.delete_events() def has_customer(self): return frappe.db.get_value("Customer", {"lead_name": self.name}) def has_opportunity(self): return frappe.db.get_value("Opportunity", {"lead": self.name, "status": ["!=", "Lost"]}) def has_quotation(self): return frappe.db.get_value("Quotation", { "lead": self.name, "docstatus": 1, "status": ["!=", "Lost"] }) def has_lost_quotation(self): return frappe.db.get_value("Quotation", { "lead": self.name, "docstatus": 1, "status": "Lost" }) @frappe.whitelist() def make_customer(source_name, target_doc=None): return _make_customer(source_name, target_doc) def _make_customer(source_name, target_doc=None, ignore_permissions=False): def set_missing_values(source, target): if source.company_name: target.customer_type = "Company" target.customer_name = source.company_name else: target.customer_type = "Individual" target.customer_name = source.lead_name target.customer_group = frappe.db.get_default("Customer Group") doclist = get_mapped_doc("Lead", source_name, {"Lead": { "doctype": "Customer", "field_map": { "name": "lead_name", "company_name": "customer_name", "contact_no": "phone_1", "fax": "fax_1" } }}, target_doc, set_missing_values, ignore_permissions=ignore_permissions) return doclist @frappe.whitelist() def make_opportunity(source_name, target_doc=None): target_doc = get_mapped_doc("Lead", source_name, {"Lead": { "doctype": "Opportunity", "field_map": { "campaign_name": "campaign", "doctype": "enquiry_from", "name": "lead", "lead_name": "contact_display", "company_name": "customer_name", "email_id": "contact_email", "mobile_no": "contact_mobile" } }}, target_doc) return target_doc @frappe.whitelist() def make_quotation(source_name, target_doc=None): target_doc = get_mapped_doc("Lead", source_name, {"Lead": { "doctype": "Quotation", "field_map": { "name": "lead" } }}, target_doc) target_doc.quotation_to = "Lead" target_doc.run_method("set_missing_values") target_doc.run_method("set_other_charges") target_doc.run_method("calculate_taxes_and_totals") return target_doc @frappe.whitelist() def get_lead_details(lead, posting_date=None, company=None): if not lead: return {} from erpnext.accounts.party import set_address_details out = frappe._dict() lead_doc = frappe.get_doc("Lead", lead) lead = lead_doc out.update({ "territory": lead.territory, "customer_name": lead.company_name or lead.lead_name, "contact_display": lead.lead_name, "contact_email": lead.email_id, "contact_mobile": lead.mobile_no, "contact_phone": lead.phone, }) set_address_details(out, lead, "Lead") taxes_and_charges = set_taxes(None, 'Lead', posting_date, company, billing_address=out.get('customer_address'), shipping_address=out.get('shipping_address_name')) if taxes_and_charges: out['taxes_and_charges'] = taxes_and_charges return out # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## { 'name' : 'Double Validation on Purchases', 'version' : '1.1', 'category': 'Purchase Management', 'depends' : ['base','purchase'], 'author' : 'OpenERP SA', 'description': """ Double-validation for purchases exceeding minimum amount. ========================================================= This module modifies the purchase workflow in order to validate purchases that exceeds minimum amount set by configuration wizard. """, 'website': 'https://www.odoo.com/page/purchase', 'data': [ 'purchase_double_validation_workflow.xml', 'purchase_double_validation_installer.xml', 'purchase_double_validation_view.xml', ], 'test': [ 'test/purchase_double_validation_demo.yml', 'test/purchase_double_validation_test.yml' ], 'demo': [], 'installable': True, 'auto_install': False } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Constants for SavedModel save and restore operations. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.util.all_util import remove_undocumented from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export # Subdirectory name containing the asset files. ASSETS_DIRECTORY = "assets" tf_export("saved_model.constants.ASSETS_DIRECTORY").export_constant( __name__, "ASSETS_DIRECTORY") # CollectionDef key containing SavedModel assets. ASSETS_KEY = "saved_model_assets" tf_export("saved_model.constants.ASSETS_KEY").export_constant( __name__, "ASSETS_KEY") # CollectionDef key for the legacy init op. LEGACY_INIT_OP_KEY = "legacy_init_op" tf_export("saved_model.constants.LEGACY_INIT_OP_KEY").export_constant( __name__, "LEGACY_INIT_OP_KEY") # CollectionDef key for the SavedModel main op. MAIN_OP_KEY = "saved_model_main_op" tf_export("saved_model.constants.MAIN_OP_KEY").export_constant( __name__, "MAIN_OP_KEY") # Schema version for SavedModel. SAVED_MODEL_SCHEMA_VERSION = 1 tf_export("saved_model.constants.SAVED_MODEL_SCHEMA_VERSION").export_constant( __name__, "SAVED_MODEL_SCHEMA_VERSION") # File name for SavedModel protocol buffer. SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PB = "saved_model.pb" tf_export("saved_model.constants.SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PB").export_constant( __name__, "SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PB") # File name for text version of SavedModel protocol buffer. SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PBTXT = "saved_model.pbtxt" tf_export("saved_model.constants.SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PBTXT").export_constant( __name__, "SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PBTXT") # Subdirectory name containing the variables/checkpoint files. VARIABLES_DIRECTORY = "variables" tf_export("saved_model.constants.VARIABLES_DIRECTORY").export_constant( __name__, "VARIABLES_DIRECTORY") # File name used for variables. VARIABLES_FILENAME = "variables" tf_export("saved_model.constants.VARIABLES_FILENAME").export_constant( __name__, "VARIABLES_FILENAME") _allowed_symbols = [ "ASSETS_DIRECTORY", "ASSETS_KEY", "LEGACY_INIT_OP_KEY", "MAIN_OP_KEY", "SAVED_MODEL_SCHEMA_VERSION", "SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PB", "SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PBTXT", "VARIABLES_DIRECTORY", "VARIABLES_FILENAME", ] remove_undocumented(__name__, _allowed_symbols) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Author: Nicolas Bessi # Copyright 2011-2012 Camptocamp SA # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## # TODO create a base Geocoder module from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen import xml.dom.minidom import logging from openerp import api from openerp.tools.translate import _ from openerp.exceptions import ValidationError from openerp.exceptions import except_orm from openerp.addons.base_geoengine import geo_model, fields logger = logging.getLogger('GeoNames address encoding') class ResPartner(geo_model.GeoModel): """Auto geo coding of addresses""" _inherit = "res.partner" geo_point = fields.GeoPoint( 'Addresses coordinate', readonly=True) def _can_geocode(self): usr = self.env['res.users'] return usr.browse(self.env.uid).company_id.enable_geocoding def _get_point_from_reply(self, answer): """Parse geoname answer code inspired by geopy library""" def get_first_text(node, tag_names, strip=None): """Get the text value of the first child of ``node`` with tag ``tag_name``. The text is stripped using the value of ``strip``.""" if isinstance(tag_names, basestring): tag_names = [tag_names] if node: while tag_names: nodes = node.getElementsByTagName(tag_names.pop(0)) if nodes: child = nodes[0].firstChild return child and child.nodeValue.strip(strip) def parse_code(code): latitude = get_first_text(code, 'lat') or None longitude = get_first_text(code, 'lng') or None latitude = latitude and float(latitude) longitude = longitude and float(longitude) return latitude, longitude res = answer.read() if not isinstance(res, basestring): return False doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(res) codes = doc.getElementsByTagName('code') if len(codes) < 1: return False latitude, longitude = parse_code(codes[0]) return fields.GeoPoint.from_latlon(self.env.cr, latitude, longitude) @api.multi def geocode_from_geonames(self, srid='900913', strict=True, context=None): context = context or {} base_url = u'http://ws.geonames.org/postalCodeSearch?' config_parameter_obj = self.env['ir.config_parameter'] username = config_parameter_obj.get_param( 'geoengine_geonames_username') if not username: raise ValidationError( _('A username is required to access ' 'http://ws.geonames.org/ \n' 'Please provides a valid one by setting a ' 'value in System Paramter for the key ' '"geoengine_geonames_username"')) filters = {} for add in self: logger.info('geolocalize %s', add.name) if add.country_id.code and (add.city or add.zip): filters[u'country'] = add.country_id.code.encode('utf-8') filters[u'username'] = username.encode('utf-8') if add.city: filters[u'placename'] = add.city.encode('utf-8') if add.zip: filters[u'postalcode'] = add.zip.encode('utf-8') filters[u'maxRows'] = u'1' try: url = base_url + urlencode(filters) answer = urlopen(url) add.geo_point = self._get_point_from_reply(answer) except Exception, exc: logger.exception('error while updating geocodes') if strict: raise except_orm(_('Geoencoding fails'), str(exc)) @api.multi def write(self, vals): res = super(ResPartner, self).write(vals) do_geocode = self._can_geocode() if do_geocode and \ set(('country_id', 'city', 'zip')).intersection(vals): self.geocode_from_geonames() return res @api.model @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id) def create(self, vals): res = super(ResPartner, self).create(vals) do_geocode = self._can_geocode() if do_geocode: res.geocode_from_geonames() return res from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from clint.textui import colored, indent, puts from glob import glob from wand.image import Image sizes = { 'A0': (841.0, 1189.0), 'A1': (594.0, 841.0), 'A2': (420.0, 594.0), 'A3': (297.0, 420.0), 'A4': (210.0, 297.0), 'A5': (148.0, 210.0), 'A6': (105.0, 148.0), 'A7': (74.0, 105.0), 'A8': (52.0, 74.0), 'A9': (37.0, 52.0), 'A10': (26.0, 37.0), 'Letter': (215.9, 279.4), 'Legal': (215.9, 355.6), 'Ledger': (2.0, 279.0), 'Tabloid': (9.0, 432.0), } orientations = { 'portrait': lambda (w, h): h / w, 'landscape': lambda (w, h): w / h, } # TODO make image extensions more dynamic, versatile or configurable extensions = ['bmp', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'tiff'] def exists(target): return os.path.exists(target) or glob('%s-*%s' % os.path.splitext(target)) def run(args): size = sizes[args.size] ratio = orientations[args.orientation](size) for root, _, _ in os.walk(args.input): puts(root) with indent(4): for extension in extensions: files = glob(os.path.join(root, '*.%s' % extension)) for source in files: with Image(filename=source) as original: with original.clone() as img: width, height = img.size if width < height: height = int(width * ratio) else: width = int(height / ratio) dimension = '%sx%s' % (width, height) relative = os.path.relpath(source, args.input) target = os.path.join(args.output, relative) directory = os.path.dirname(target) if not args.dryrun: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if not args.overwrite and exists(target): puts('[%s] %s' % (colored.yellow('exists'), relative)) else: img.transform(crop=dimension) img.save(filename=target) puts('[%s] %s' % (colored.green('done'), relative)) from __future__ import print_function from numba import jit, int_ import numba.unittest_support as unittest import numpy as np try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range @jit def obj_loop1(A, i): r = 0 for x in xrange(10): for y in xrange(10): items = A[x, y] r += 1 if items == None: continue for item in items: print(item) return r @jit def obj_loop2(x): i = 0 for elem in x: i += 1 if elem > 9: break return i @jit def fill(a): for i in range(len(a)): a[i] += 1 return a @jit(int_(int_[:])) def call_loop(a): s = 0 for x in fill(a): s += x return s class TestLoops(unittest.TestCase): def test_obj_loop1(self): self.assertTrue(obj_loop1(np.array([[None]*10]*10), 1) == 100) def test_obj_loop2(self): self.assertTrue(obj_loop2([1, 2, 3, 10]) == 4) self.assertTrue(obj_loop2(range(100)) == 11) def test_call_loop(self): self.assertTrue(call_loop(np.zeros(10, dtype=np.int)) == 10) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() """ originally from http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/828/ by dnordberg """ import logging from optparse import make_option from django.conf import settings from django.core.management.base import CommandError, BaseCommand from six.moves import input, configparser class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--noinput', action='store_false', dest='interactive', default=True, help='Tells Django to NOT prompt the user for input of any kind.'), make_option('--no-utf8', action='store_true', dest='no_utf8_support', default=False, help='Tells Django to not create a UTF-8 charset database'), make_option('-U', '--user', action='store', dest='user', default=None, help='Use another user for the database then defined in settings.py'), make_option('-O', '--owner', action='store', dest='owner', default=None, help='Use another owner for creating the database then the user defined in settings or via --user'), make_option('-P', '--password', action='store', dest='password', default=None, help='Use another password for the database then defined in settings.py'), make_option('-D', '--dbname', action='store', dest='dbname', default=None, help='Use another database name then defined in settings.py'), make_option('-R', '--router', action='store', dest='router', default='default', help='Use this router-database other then defined in settings.py'), ) help = "Resets the database for this project." def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Resets the database for this project. Note: Transaction wrappers are in reverse as a work around for autocommit, anybody know how to do this the right way? """ if args: raise CommandError("reset_db takes no arguments") router = options.get('router') dbinfo = settings.DATABASES.get(router) if dbinfo is None: raise CommandError("Unknown database router %s" % router) engine = dbinfo.get('ENGINE').split('.')[-1] user = password = database_name = '' if engine == 'mysql': read_default_file = dbinfo.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('read_default_file') if read_default_file: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(read_default_file) user = config.get('client', 'user') password = config.get('client', 'password') database_name = config.get('client', 'database') user = options.get('user') or dbinfo.get('USER') or user password = options.get('password') or dbinfo.get('PASSWORD') or password owner = options.get('owner') or user database_name = options.get('dbname') or dbinfo.get('NAME') or database_name if database_name == '': raise CommandError("You need to specify DATABASE_NAME in your Django settings file.") database_host = dbinfo.get('HOST') database_port = dbinfo.get('PORT') verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) if options.get('interactive'): confirm = input(""" You have requested a database reset. This will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY ALL data in the database "%s". Are you sure you want to do this? Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: """ % (database_name,)) else: confirm = 'yes' if confirm != 'yes': print("Reset cancelled.") return if engine in ('sqlite3', 'spatialite'): import os try: logging.info("Unlinking %s database" % engine) os.unlink(database_name) except OSError: pass elif engine in ('mysql',): import MySQLdb as Database kwargs = { 'user': user, 'passwd': password, } if database_host.startswith('/'): kwargs['unix_socket'] = database_host else: kwargs['host'] = database_host if database_port: kwargs['port'] = int(database_port) connection = Database.connect(**kwargs) drop_query = 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `%s`' % database_name utf8_support = options.get('no_utf8_support', False) and '' or 'CHARACTER SET utf8' create_query = 'CREATE DATABASE `%s` %s' % (database_name, utf8_support) logging.info('Executing... "' + drop_query + '"') connection.query(drop_query) logging.info('Executing... "' + create_query + '"') connection.query(create_query) elif engine in ('postgresql', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgis'): if engine == 'postgresql': import psycopg as Database # NOQA elif engine in ('postgresql_psycopg2', 'postgis'): import psycopg2 as Database # NOQA conn_string = "dbname=template1" if user: conn_string += " user=%s" % user if password: conn_string += " password='%s'" % password if database_host: conn_string += " host=%s" % database_host if database_port: conn_string += " port=%s" % database_port connection = Database.connect(conn_string) connection.set_isolation_level(0) # autocommit false cursor = connection.cursor() drop_query = "DROP DATABASE \"%s\";" % database_name logging.info('Executing... "' + drop_query + '"') try: cursor.execute(drop_query) except Database.ProgrammingError as e: logging.info("Error: %s" % str(e)) create_query = "CREATE DATABASE \"%s\"" % database_name if owner: create_query += " WITH OWNER = \"%s\" " % owner create_query += " ENCODING = 'UTF8'" if engine == 'postgis': # fetch postgis template name if it exists from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis.creation import PostGISCreation postgis_template = PostGISCreation(connection).template_postgis if postgis_template is not None: create_query += ' TEMPLATE = %s' % postgis_template if settings.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE: create_query += ' TABLESPACE = %s;' % settings.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE else: create_query += ';' logging.info('Executing... "' + create_query + '"') cursor.execute(create_query) else: raise CommandError("Unknown database engine %s" % engine) if verbosity >= 2 or options.get('interactive'): print("Reset successful.") """Implements (a subset of) Sun XDR -- eXternal Data Representation. See: RFC 1014 """ import struct from io import BytesIO __all__ = ["Error", "Packer", "Unpacker", "ConversionError"] # exceptions class Error(Exception): """Exception class for this module. Use: except xdrlib.Error, var: # var has the Error instance for the exception Public ivars: msg -- contains the message """ def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __repr__(self): return repr(self.msg) def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) class ConversionError(Error): pass class Packer: """Pack various data representations into a buffer.""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.__buf = BytesIO() def get_buffer(self): return self.__buf.getvalue() # backwards compatibility get_buf = get_buffer def pack_uint(self, x): self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>L', x)) def pack_int(self, x): self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>l', x)) pack_enum = pack_int def pack_bool(self, x): if x: self.__buf.write(b'\0\0\0\1') else: self.__buf.write(b'\0\0\0\0') def pack_uhyper(self, x): self.pack_uint(x>>32 & 0xffffffff) self.pack_uint(x & 0xffffffff) pack_hyper = pack_uhyper def pack_float(self, x): try: self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>f', x)) except struct.error as msg: raise ConversionError(msg) def pack_double(self, x): try: self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>d', x)) except struct.error as msg: raise ConversionError(msg) def pack_fstring(self, n, s): if n < 0: raise ValueError('fstring size must be nonnegative') data = s[:n] n = ((n+3)//4)*4 data = data + (n - len(data)) * b'\0' self.__buf.write(data) pack_fopaque = pack_fstring def pack_string(self, s): n = len(s) self.pack_uint(n) self.pack_fstring(n, s) pack_opaque = pack_string pack_bytes = pack_string def pack_list(self, list, pack_item): for item in list: self.pack_uint(1) pack_item(item) self.pack_uint(0) def pack_farray(self, n, list, pack_item): if len(list) != n: raise ValueError('wrong array size') for item in list: pack_item(item) def pack_array(self, list, pack_item): n = len(list) self.pack_uint(n) self.pack_farray(n, list, pack_item) class Unpacker: """Unpacks various data representations from the given buffer.""" def __init__(self, data): self.reset(data) def reset(self, data): self.__buf = data self.__pos = 0 def get_position(self): return self.__pos def set_position(self, position): self.__pos = position def get_buffer(self): return self.__buf def done(self): if self.__pos < len(self.__buf): raise Error('unextracted data remains') def unpack_uint(self): i = self.__pos self.__pos = j = i+4 data = self.__buf[i:j] if len(data) < 4: raise EOFError x = struct.unpack('>L', data)[0] try: return int(x) except OverflowError: return x def unpack_int(self): i = self.__pos self.__pos = j = i+4 data = self.__buf[i:j] if len(data) < 4: raise EOFError return struct.unpack('>l', data)[0] unpack_enum = unpack_int def unpack_bool(self): return bool(self.unpack_int()) def unpack_uhyper(self): hi = self.unpack_uint() lo = self.unpack_uint() return int(hi)<<32 | lo def unpack_hyper(self): x = self.unpack_uhyper() if x >= 0x8000000000000000: x = x - 0x10000000000000000 return x def unpack_float(self): i = self.__pos self.__pos = j = i+4 data = self.__buf[i:j] if len(data) < 4: raise EOFError return struct.unpack('>f', data)[0] def unpack_double(self): i = self.__pos self.__pos = j = i+8 data = self.__buf[i:j] if len(data) < 8: raise EOFError return struct.unpack('>d', data)[0] def unpack_fstring(self, n): if n < 0: raise ValueError('fstring size must be nonnegative') i = self.__pos j = i + (n+3)//4*4 if j > len(self.__buf): raise EOFError self.__pos = j return self.__buf[i:i+n] unpack_fopaque = unpack_fstring def unpack_string(self): n = self.unpack_uint() return self.unpack_fstring(n) unpack_opaque = unpack_string unpack_bytes = unpack_string def unpack_list(self, unpack_item): list = [] while 1: x = self.unpack_uint() if x == 0: break if x != 1: raise ConversionError('0 or 1 expected, got %r' % (x,)) item = unpack_item() list.append(item) return list def unpack_farray(self, n, unpack_item): list = [] for i in range(n): list.append(unpack_item()) return list def unpack_array(self, unpack_item): n = self.unpack_uint() return self.unpack_farray(n, unpack_item) # Copyright (c) 2012 Paul Osborne # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. from anvil import Anvil from anvil.examples.helpers import find_changesets_for_authors import datetime AUTHORS = ["Paul Osborne", "Tom Manley"] START_DT = datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 1) def main(): anvil = Anvil("spectrum") anvil.create_session_by_prompting() print "collecting related changesets" changesets_by_author = find_changesets_for_authors(anvil, AUTHORS, START_DT) for author, changesets in changesets_by_author.items(): changesets = [c for c in changesets if c.date_time > datetime.datetime(2011, 11, 1, 1, 1, 1)] eligible = [c for c in changesets if (not c.is_merge() and not c.is_tag_changeset())] linked = [c for c in eligible if c.is_linked()] print "=== %s ===" % author print " Total Changesets: %s" % len(changesets) print " Total Elibigle: %s" % len(eligible) print " Total Linked: %s" % len(linked) percentage_linked = (float(len(linked)) / len(eligible)) * 100 print " Percentage Linked: %0.2f" % percentage_linked print "\n" if __name__ == '__main__': main() """Code unit (module) handling for Coverage.""" import glob, os from coverage.backward import open_source, string_class, StringIO from coverage.misc import CoverageException def code_unit_factory(morfs, file_locator): """Construct a list of CodeUnits from polymorphic inputs. `morfs` is a module or a filename, or a list of same. `file_locator` is a FileLocator that can help resolve filenames. Returns a list of CodeUnit objects. """ # Be sure we have a list. if not isinstance(morfs, (list, tuple)): morfs = [morfs] # On Windows, the shell doesn't expand wildcards. Do it here. globbed = [] for morf in morfs: if isinstance(morf, string_class) and ('?' in morf or '*' in morf): globbed.extend(glob.glob(morf)) else: globbed.append(morf) morfs = globbed code_units = [CodeUnit(morf, file_locator) for morf in morfs] return code_units class CodeUnit(object): """Code unit: a filename or module. Instance attributes: `name` is a human-readable name for this code unit. `filename` is the os path from which we can read the source. `relative` is a boolean. """ def __init__(self, morf, file_locator): self.file_locator = file_locator if hasattr(morf, '__file__'): f = morf.__file__ else: f = morf # .pyc files should always refer to a .py instead. if f.endswith('.pyc') or f.endswith('.pyo'): f = f[:-1] elif f.endswith('$py.class'): # Jython f = f[:-9] + ".py" self.filename = self.file_locator.canonical_filename(f) if hasattr(morf, '__name__'): n = modname = morf.__name__ self.relative = True else: n = os.path.splitext(morf)[0] rel = self.file_locator.relative_filename(n) if os.path.isabs(n): self.relative = (rel != n) else: self.relative = True n = rel modname = None self.name = n self.modname = modname def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.name, self.filename) # Annoying comparison operators. Py3k wants __lt__ etc, and Py2k needs all # of them defined. def __lt__(self, other): return self.name < other.name def __le__(self, other): return self.name <= other.name def __eq__(self, other): return self.name == other.name def __ne__(self, other): return self.name != other.name def __gt__(self, other): return self.name > other.name def __ge__(self, other): return self.name >= other.name def flat_rootname(self): """A base for a flat filename to correspond to this code unit. Useful for writing files about the code where you want all the files in the same directory, but need to differentiate same-named files from different directories. For example, the file a/b/c.py might return 'a_b_c' """ if self.modname: return self.modname.replace('.', '_') else: root = os.path.splitdrive(self.name)[1] return root.replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_') def source_file(self): """Return an open file for reading the source of the code unit.""" if os.path.exists(self.filename): # A regular text file: open it. return open_source(self.filename) # Maybe it's in a zip file? source = self.file_locator.get_zip_data(self.filename) if source is not None: return StringIO(source) # Couldn't find source. raise CoverageException( "No source for code '%s'." % self.filename ) def should_be_python(self): """Does it seem like this file should contain Python? This is used to decide if a file reported as part of the exection of a program was really likely to have contained Python in the first place. """ # Get the file extension. _, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) # Anything named *.py* should be Python. if ext.startswith('.py'): return True # A file with no extension should be Python. if not ext: return True # Everything else is probably not Python. return False #!/usr/bin/env python # generate Python Manifest for the OpenEmbedded build system # (C) 2002-2008 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer # (C) 2007 Jeremy Laine # licensed under MIT, see COPYING.MIT import os import sys import time VERSION = "2.5.2" BASEREV = 0 __author__ = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer " __version__ = "20081209" class MakefileMaker: def __init__( self, outfile ): """initialize""" self.packages = {} self.targetPrefix = "${libdir}/python%s/" % VERSION[:3] self.output = outfile self.out( """ # WARNING: This file is AUTO GENERATED: Manual edits will be lost next time I regenerate the file. # Generator: '%s' Version %s (C) 2002-2008 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer # Visit the Python for Embedded Systems Site => http://www.Vanille.de/projects/python.spy """ % ( sys.argv[0], __version__ ) ) # # helper functions # def out( self, data ): """print a line to the output file""" self.output.write( "%s\n" % data ) def setPrefix( self, targetPrefix ): """set a file prefix for addPackage files""" self.targetPrefix = targetPrefix def doProlog( self ): self.out( """ """ ) self.out( "" ) def addPackage( self, revision, name, description, dependencies, filenames ): """add a package to the Makefile""" if type( filenames ) == type( "" ): filenames = filenames.split() fullFilenames = [] for filename in filenames: if filename[0] != "$": fullFilenames.append( "%s%s" % ( self.targetPrefix, filename ) ) else: fullFilenames.append( filename ) self.packages[name] = revision, description, dependencies, fullFilenames def doBody( self ): """generate body of Makefile""" global VERSION # # generate provides line # provideLine = 'PROVIDES+="' for name in self.packages: provideLine += "%s " % name provideLine += '"' self.out( provideLine ) self.out( "" ) # # generate package line # packageLine = 'PACKAGES="' for name in self.packages: packageLine += "%s " % name packageLine += ' python-modules"' self.out( packageLine ) self.out( "" ) # # generate package variables # for name, data in self.packages.iteritems(): rev, desc, deps, files = data # # write out the description, revision and dependencies # self.out( 'DESCRIPTION_%s="%s"' % ( name, desc ) ) self.out( 'PR_%s="ml%d"' % ( name, rev + BASEREV ) ) self.out( 'RDEPENDS_%s="%s"' % ( name, deps ) ) line = 'FILES_%s="' % name # # check which directories to make in the temporary directory # dirset = {} # if python had a set-datatype this would be sufficient. for now, we're using a dict instead. for target in files: dirset[os.path.dirname( target )] = True # # generate which files to copy for the target (-dfR because whole directories are also allowed) # for target in files: line += "%s " % target line += '"' self.out( line ) self.out( "" ) self.out( 'DESCRIPTION_python-modules="All Python modules"' ) line = 'RDEPENDS_python-modules="' for name, data in self.packages.iteritems(): if name != 'python-core-dbg': line += "%s " % name self.out( "%s \"" % line ) self.out( 'ALLOW_EMPTY_python-modules = "1"' ) def doEpilog( self ): self.out( """""" ) self.out( "" ) def make( self ): self.doProlog() self.doBody() self.doEpilog() if __name__ == "__main__": if len( sys.argv ) > 1: os.popen( "rm -f ./%s" % sys.argv[1] ) outfile = file( sys.argv[1], "w" ) else: outfile = sys.stdout m = MakefileMaker( outfile ) # Add packages here. Only specify dlopen-style library dependencies here, no ldd-style dependencies! # Parameters: revision, name, description, dependencies, filenames # m.addPackage( 0, "python-core", "Python Interpreter and core modules (needed!)", "", "__future__.* copy.* copy_reg.* ConfigParser.* " + "getopt.* linecache.* new.* " + "os.* posixpath.* struct.* " + "warnings.* site.* stat.* " + "UserDict.* UserList.* UserString.* " + "lib-dynload/binascii.so lib-dynload/_struct.so lib-dynload/time.so " + "lib-dynload/xreadlines.so types.* ${bindir}/python*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-core-dbg", "Python core module debug information", "python-core", "lib-dynload/.debug ${bindir}/.debug ${libdir}/.debug" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-devel", "Python Development Package", "python-core", "${includedir} config" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-idle", "Python Integrated Development Environment", "python-core python-tkinter", "${bindir}/idle idlelib" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-pydoc", "Python Interactive Help Support", "python-core python-lang python-stringold python-re", "${bindir}/pydoc pydoc.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-smtpd", "Python Simple Mail Transport Daemon", "python-core python-netserver python-email python-mime", "${bindir}/smtpd.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-audio", "Python Audio Handling", "python-core", "wave.* chunk.* sndhdr.* lib-dynload/ossaudiodev.so lib-dynload/audioop.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-bsddb", "Python Berkeley Database Bindings", "python-core", "bsddb lib-dynload/_bsddb.so" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-codecs", "Python Codecs, Encodings & i18n Support", "python-core python-lang", "codecs.* encodings gettext.* locale.* lib-dynload/_locale.so lib-dynload/unicodedata.so stringprep.* xdrlib.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-compile", "Python Bytecode Compilation Support", "python-core", "py_compile.* compileall.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-compiler", "Python Compiler Support", "python-core", "compiler" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-compression", "Python High Level Compression Support", "python-core python-zlib", "gzip.* zipfile.* tarfile.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-crypt", "Python Basic Cryptographic and Hashing Support", "python-core", "hashlib.* md5.* sha.* lib-dynload/crypt.so lib-dynload/_hashlib.so lib-dynload/_sha256.so lib-dynload/_sha512.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-textutils", "Python Option Parsing, Text Wrapping and Comma-Separated-Value Support", "python-core python-io python-re python-stringold", "lib-dynload/_csv.so csv.* optparse.* textwrap.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-curses", "Python Curses Support", "python-core", "curses lib-dynload/_curses.so lib-dynload/_curses_panel.so" ) # directory + low level module m.addPackage( 0, "python-ctypes", "Python C Types Support", "python-core", "ctypes lib-dynload/_ctypes.so" ) # directory + low level module m.addPackage( 0, "python-datetime", "Python Calendar and Time support", "python-core python-codecs", "_strptime.* calendar.* lib-dynload/datetime.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-db", "Python File-Based Database Support", "python-core", "anydbm.* dumbdbm.* whichdb.* " ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-debugger", "Python Debugger", "python-core python-io python-lang python-re python-stringold python-shell python-pprint", "bdb.* pdb.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-difflib", "Python helpers for computing deltas between objects.", "python-lang python-re", "difflib.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-distutils", "Python Distribution Utilities", "python-core", "config distutils" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-doctest", "Python framework for running examples in docstrings.", "python-core python-lang python-io python-re python-unittest python-debugger python-difflib", "doctest.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-email", "Python Email Support", "python-core python-io python-re python-mime python-audio python-image", "email" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-fcntl", "Python's fcntl Interface", "python-core", "lib-dynload/fcntl.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-hotshot", "Python Hotshot Profiler", "python-core", "hotshot lib-dynload/_hotshot.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-html", "Python HTML Processing", "python-core", "formatter.* htmlentitydefs.* htmllib.* markupbase.* sgmllib.* " ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-gdbm", "Python GNU Database Support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/gdbm.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-image", "Python Graphical Image Handling", "python-core", "colorsys.* imghdr.* lib-dynload/imageop.so lib-dynload/rgbimg.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-io", "Python Low-Level I/O", "python-core python-math", "lib-dynload/_socket.so lib-dynload/_ssl.so lib-dynload/select.so lib-dynload/termios.so lib-dynload/cStringIO.so " "pipes.* socket.* tempfile.* StringIO.* " ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-lang", "Python Low-Level Language Support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/array.so lib-dynload/parser.so lib-dynload/operator.so lib-dynload/_weakref.so " + "lib-dynload/itertools.so lib-dynload/collections.so lib-dynload/_bisect.so lib-dynload/_heapq.so " + "atexit.* bisect.* code.* codeop.* dis.* heapq.* inspect.* keyword.* opcode.* symbol.* repr.* token.* " + " tokenize.* traceback.* linecache.* weakref.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-logging", "Python Logging Support", "python-core python-io python-lang python-pickle python-stringold", "logging" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-tkinter", "Python Tcl/Tk Bindings", "python-core", "lib-dynload/_tkinter.so lib-tk" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-math", "Python Math Support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/cmath.so lib-dynload/math.so lib-dynload/_random.so random.* sets.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-mime", "Python MIME Handling APIs", "python-core python-io", "mimetools.* uu.* quopri.* rfc822.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-mmap", "Python Memory-Mapped-File Support", "python-core python-io", "lib-dynload/mmap.so " ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-unixadmin", "Python Unix Administration Support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/nis.so lib-dynload/grp.so lib-dynload/pwd.so getpass.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-netclient", "Python Internet Protocol Clients", "python-core python-crypt python-datetime python-io python-lang python-logging python-mime", "*Cookie*.* " + "base64.* cookielib.* ftplib.* gopherlib.* hmac.* httplib.* mimetypes.* nntplib.* poplib.* smtplib.* telnetlib.* urllib.* urllib2.* urlparse.* uuid.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-netserver", "Python Internet Protocol Servers", "python-core python-netclient", "cgi.* BaseHTTPServer.* SimpleHTTPServer.* SocketServer.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-pickle", "Python Persistence Support", "python-core python-codecs python-io python-re", "pickle.* shelve.* lib-dynload/cPickle.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-pkgutil", "Python Package Extension Utility Support", "python-core", "pkgutil.*") m.addPackage( 0, "python-pprint", "Python Pretty-Print Support", "python-core", "pprint.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-profile", "Python Basic Profiling Support", "python-core python-textutils", "profile.* pstats.* cProfile.* lib-dynload/_lsprof.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-re", "Python Regular Expression APIs", "python-core", "re.* sre.* sre_compile.* sre_constants* sre_parse.*" ) # _sre is builtin m.addPackage( 0, "python-readline", "Python Readline Support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/readline.so rlcompleter.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-resource", "Python Resource Control Interface", "python-core", "lib-dynload/resource.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-shell", "Python Shell-Like Functionality", "python-core python-re", "cmd.* commands.* dircache.* fnmatch.* glob.* popen2.* shlex.* shutil.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-robotparser", "Python robots.txt parser", "python-core python-netclient", "robotparser.*") m.addPackage( 0, "python-subprocess", "Python Subprocess Support", "python-core python-io python-re python-fcntl python-pickle", "subprocess.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-sqlite3", "Python Sqlite3 Database Support", "python-core python-datetime python-lang python-crypt python-io python-threading python-zlib", "lib-dynload/_sqlite3.so sqlite3/dbapi2.* sqlite3/__init__.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-sqlite3-tests", "Python Sqlite3 Database Support Tests", "python-core python-sqlite3", "sqlite3/test" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-stringold", "Python String APIs [deprecated]", "python-core python-re", "lib-dynload/strop.so string.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-syslog", "Python's Syslog Interface", "python-core", "lib-dynload/syslog.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-terminal", "Python Terminal Controlling Support", "python-core python-io", "pty.* tty.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-tests", "Python Tests", "python-core", "test" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-threading", "Python Threading & Synchronization Support", "python-core python-lang", "_threading_local.* dummy_thread.* dummy_threading.* mutex.* threading.* Queue.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-unittest", "Python Unit Testing Framework", "python-core python-stringold python-lang", "unittest.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-xml", "Python basic XML support.", "python-core python-re", "lib-dynload/pyexpat.so xml xmllib.*" ) # package m.addPackage( 0, "python-xmlrpc", "Python XMLRPC Support", "python-core python-xml python-netserver python-lang", "xmlrpclib.* SimpleXMLRPCServer.*" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-zlib", "Python zlib Support.", "python-core", "lib-dynload/zlib.so" ) m.addPackage( 0, "python-mailbox", "Python Mailbox Format Support", "python-core python-mime", "mailbox.*" ) # FIXME consider adding to python-compression m.addPackage( 0, "python-bzip2", "Python bzip2 support", "python-core", "lib-dynload/bz2.so" ) # FIXME consider adding to some higher level package m.addPackage( 0, "python-elementtree", "Python elementree", "python-core", "lib-dynload/_elementtree.so" ) m.make() # Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Local CPU benchmarks for collective ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import time import numpy as np from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2 from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import collective_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test class CollectiveOpBenchmark(test.Benchmark): """Benchmarks for local CPU collective op execution.""" def benchmark_collective(self): """Measures the performance of local CPU collective execution.""" shapes = [(10,), (1000,), (1000000,)] devices = [2, 4, 8] collective_key_counter = 0 for group_size in devices: group_key = collective_key_counter instance_key = collective_key_counter collective_key_counter += 1 for shape in shapes: config = config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": group_size}) with session.Session(config=config) as sess: # Use a C++ callable to minimize the Python overhead in the benchmark. callable_opts = config_pb2.CallableOptions() reduce_ops = [] for device in range(group_size): with ops.device("CPU:{}".format(device)): t = constant_op.constant(np.multiply(range(shape[0]), 1.0)) r = collective_ops.all_reduce(t, group_size, group_key, instance_key, "Add", "Div") reduce_ops.append(r) callable_opts.target.append(r.name) op_callable = sess._make_callable_from_options(callable_opts) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Run five steps to warm up the session caches and do collective param # resolution before taking the first measurement. for _ in range(5): op_callable() deltas = [] overall_start = time.time() # Run at least five repetitions and for at least five seconds. while len(deltas) < 5 or time.time() - overall_start < 5.0: start = time.time() for _ in range(100): op_callable() end = time.time() deltas.append(end - start) del op_callable median_wall_time = np.median(deltas) / 100.0 iters = len(deltas) * 100 self.report_benchmark( iters=iters, wall_time=median_wall_time, name="num_elements_{}_num_devices_{}".format(np.prod(shape), group_size)) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main() import errno import os import time import mock import pytest boto3 = pytest.importorskip("boto3") botocore = pytest.importorskip("botocore") placebo = pytest.importorskip("placebo") """ Using Placebo to test modules using boto3: This is an example test, using the placeboify fixture to test that a module will fail if resources it depends on don't exist. > from placebo_fixtures import placeboify, scratch_vpc > > def test_create_with_nonexistent_launch_config(placeboify): > connection = placeboify.client('autoscaling') > module = FakeModule('test-asg-created', None, min_size=0, max_size=0, desired_capacity=0) > with pytest.raises(FailJSON) as excinfo: > asg_module.create_autoscaling_group(connection, module) > .... asserts based on module state/exceptions .... In more advanced cases, use unrecorded resource fixtures to fill in ARNs/IDs of things modules depend on, such as: > def test_create_in_vpc(placeboify, scratch_vpc): > connection = placeboify.client('autoscaling') > module = FakeModule(name='test-asg-created', > min_size=0, max_size=0, desired_capacity=0, > availability_zones=[s['az'] for s in scratch_vpc['subnets']], > vpc_zone_identifier=[s['id'] for s in scratch_vpc['subnets']], > ) > ..... so on and so forth .... """ @pytest.fixture def placeboify(request, monkeypatch): """This fixture puts a recording/replaying harness around `boto3_conn` Placeboify patches the `boto3_conn` function in ec2 module_utils to return a boto3 session that in recording or replaying mode, depending on the PLACEBO_RECORD environment variable. Unset PLACEBO_RECORD (the common case for just running tests) will put placebo in replay mode, set PLACEBO_RECORD to any value to turn off replay & operate on real AWS resources. The recorded sessions are stored in the test file's directory, under the namespace `placebo_recordings/{testfile name}/{test function name}` to distinguish them. """ session = boto3.Session(region_name='us-west-2') recordings_path = os.path.join( request.fspath.dirname, 'placebo_recordings', request.fspath.basename.replace('.py', ''), request.function.__name__ # remove the test_ prefix from the function & file name ).replace('test_', '') try: # make sure the directory for placebo test recordings is available os.makedirs(recordings_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise pill = placebo.attach(session, data_path=recordings_path) if os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): pill.record() else: pill.playback() def boto3_middleman_connection(module, conn_type, resource, region='us-west-2', **kwargs): if conn_type != 'client': # TODO support resource-based connections raise ValueError('Mocker only supports client, not %s' % conn_type) return session.client(resource, region_name=region) import ansible.module_utils.ec2 monkeypatch.setattr( ansible.module_utils.ec2, 'boto3_conn', boto3_middleman_connection, ) yield session # tear down pill.stop() @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def basic_launch_config(): """Create an EC2 launch config whose creation *is not* recorded and return its name This fixture is module-scoped, since launch configs are immutable and this can be reused for many tests. """ if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): yield 'pytest_basic_lc' return # use a *non recording* session to make the launch config # since that's a prereq of the ec2_asg module, and isn't what # we're testing. asg = boto3.client('autoscaling') asg.create_launch_configuration( LaunchConfigurationName='pytest_basic_lc', ImageId='ami-9be6f38c', # Amazon Linux 2016.09 us-east-1 AMI, can be any valid AMI SecurityGroups=[], UserData='#!/bin/bash\necho hello world', InstanceType='t2.micro', InstanceMonitoring={'Enabled': False}, AssociatePublicIpAddress=True ) yield 'pytest_basic_lc' try: asg.delete_launch_configuration(LaunchConfigurationName='pytest_basic_lc') except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: return raise @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def scratch_vpc(): if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): yield { 'vpc_id': 'vpc-123456', 'cidr_range': '', 'subnets': [ { 'id': 'subnet-123456', 'az': 'us-east-1d', }, { 'id': 'subnet-654321', 'az': 'us-east-1e', }, ] } return # use a *non recording* session to make the base VPC and subnets ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') vpc_resp = ec2.create_vpc( CidrBlock='', AmazonProvidedIpv6CidrBlock=False, ) subnets = ( ec2.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], CidrBlock='', ), ec2.create_subnet( VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], CidrBlock='', ) ) time.sleep(3) yield { 'vpc_id': vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId'], 'cidr_range': '', 'subnets': [ { 'id': s['Subnet']['SubnetId'], 'az': s['Subnet']['AvailabilityZone'], } for s in subnets ] } try: for s in subnets: try: ec2.delete_subnet(SubnetId=s['Subnet']['SubnetId']) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: continue raise ec2.delete_vpc(VpcId=vpc_resp['Vpc']['VpcId']) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if 'not found' in e.message: return raise @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def maybe_sleep(): """If placebo is reading saved sessions, make sleep always take 0 seconds. AWS modules often perform polling or retries, but when using recorded sessions there's no reason to wait. We can still exercise retry and other code paths without waiting for wall-clock time to pass.""" if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'): p = mock.patch('time.sleep', return_value=None) p.start() yield p.stop() else: yield #! test QC_JSON Schema with ghost atoms import numpy as np import psi4 import json # Generate JSON data json_data = { "schema_name": "qc_schema_input", "schema_version": 1, "molecule": { "geometry": [ 0.0, 0.0, -5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, ], "symbols": ["He", "He"], "real": [True, False] }, "driver": "energy", "model": { "method": "SCF", "basis": "cc-pVDZ" }, "keywords": { "scf_type": "df" }, "memory": 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "nthreads": 1, } # Write expected output expected_return_result = -2.85518836280515 expected_properties = { 'calcinfo_nbasis': 10, 'calcinfo_nmo': 10, 'calcinfo_nalpha': 1, 'calcinfo_nbeta': 1, 'calcinfo_natom': 2, 'scf_one_electron_energy': -3.8820496359492576, 'scf_two_electron_energy': 1.0268612731441076, 'nuclear_repulsion_energy': 0.0, 'scf_total_energy': -2.85518836280515, 'return_energy': -2.85518836280515 } json_ret = psi4.json_wrapper.run_json(json_data) import zmq import time from mongrel2.request import Request try: import json except: import simplejson as json CTX = zmq.Context() HTTP_FORMAT = "HTTP/1.1 %(code)s %(status)s\r\n%(headers)s\r\n\r\n%(body)s" MAX_IDENTS = 100 def http_response(body, code, status, headers): payload = {'code': code, 'status': status, 'body': body} headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) payload['headers'] = "\r\n".join('%s: %s' % (k,v) for k,v in headers.items()) return HTTP_FORMAT % payload class Connection(object): """ A Connection object manages the connection between your handler and a Mongrel2 server (or servers). It can receive raw requests or JSON encoded requests whether from HTTP or MSG request types, and it can send individual responses or batch responses either raw or as JSON. It also has a way to encode HTTP responses for simplicity since that'll be fairly common. """ def __init__(self, sender_id, sub_addr, pub_addr): """ Your addresses should be the same as what you configured in the config.sqlite for Mongrel2 and are usually like tcp:// """ self.sender_id = sender_id reqs = CTX.socket(zmq.PULL) reqs.connect(sub_addr) resp = CTX.socket(zmq.PUB) if sender_id: resp.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, sender_id) resp.connect(pub_addr) self.sub_addr = sub_addr self.pub_addr = pub_addr self.reqs = reqs self.resp = resp def recv(self): """ Receives a raw mongrel2.handler.Request object that you can then work with. """ return Request.parse(self.reqs.recv()) def recv_json(self): """ Same as regular recv, but assumes the body is JSON and creates a new attribute named req.data with the decoded payload. This will throw an error if it is not JSON. Normally Request just does this if the METHOD is 'JSON' but you can use this to force it for say HTTP requests. """ req = self.recv() if not req.data: req.data = json.loads(req.body) return req def send(self, uuid, conn_id, msg): """ Raw send to the given connection ID at the given uuid, mostly used internally. """ header = "%s %d:%s," % (uuid, len(str(conn_id)), str(conn_id)) self.resp.send(header + ' ' + msg) def reply(self, req, msg): """ Does a reply based on the given Request object and message. This is easier since the req object contains all the info needed to do the proper reply addressing. """ self.send(req.sender, req.conn_id, msg) def reply_json(self, req, data): """ Same as reply, but tries to convert data to JSON first. """ self.send(req.sender, req.conn_id, json.dumps(data)) def reply_http(self, req, body, code=200, status="OK", headers=None): """ Basic HTTP response mechanism which will take your body, any headers you've made, and encode them so that the browser gets them. """ self.reply(req, http_response(body, code, status, headers or {})) def deliver(self, uuid, idents, data): """ This lets you send a single message to many currently connected clients. There's a MAX_IDENTS that you should not exceed, so chunk your targets as needed. Each target will receive the message once by Mongrel2, but you don't have to loop which cuts down on reply volume. """ self.send(uuid, ' '.join(idents), data) def deliver_json(self, uuid, idents, data): """ Same as deliver, but converts to JSON first. """ self.deliver(uuid, idents, json.dumps(data)) def deliver_http(self, uuid, idents, body, code=200, status="OK", headers=None): """ Same as deliver, but builds an HTTP response, which means, yes, you can reply to multiple connected clients waiting for an HTTP response from one handler. Kinda cool. """ self.deliver(uuid, idents, http_response(body, code, status, headers or {})) def close(self, req): """ Tells mongrel2 to explicitly close the HTTP connection. """ self.reply(req, "") def deliver_close(self, uuid, idents): """ Same as close but does it to a whole bunch of idents at a time. """ self.deliver(uuid, idents, "") #! /usr/bin/env python """Unit tests for germinate.archive.""" # Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # # Germinate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Germinate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Germinate; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. import gzip import os import textwrap from germinate.archive import IndexType, TagFile from germinate.tests.helpers import TestCase class TestTagFile(TestCase): def test_init_lists(self): """TagFile may be constructed with list parameters.""" tagfile = TagFile( ["dist"], ["component"], "arch", ["mirror"], source_mirrors=["source_mirror"]) self.assertEqual(["dist"], tagfile._dists) self.assertEqual(["component"], tagfile._components) self.assertEqual(["mirror"], tagfile._mirrors) self.assertEqual(["source_mirror"], tagfile._source_mirrors) def test_init_strings(self): """TagFile may be constructed with string parameters.""" tagfile = TagFile( "dist", "component", "arch", "mirror", source_mirrors="source_mirror") self.assertEqual(["dist"], tagfile._dists) self.assertEqual(["component"], tagfile._components) self.assertEqual(["mirror"], tagfile._mirrors) self.assertEqual(["source_mirror"], tagfile._source_mirrors) def test_sections(self): """Test fetching sections from a basic TagFile archive.""" self.useTempDir() main_dir = os.path.join("mirror", "dists", "unstable", "main") binary_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "binary-i386") source_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "source") os.makedirs(binary_dir) os.makedirs(source_dir) packages = gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(binary_dir, "Packages.gz"), "w") try: packages.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ Package: test Version: 1.0 Architecture: i386 """).encode("UTF-8")) finally: packages.close() sources = gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(source_dir, "Sources.gz"), "w") try: sources.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ Source: test Version: 1.0 """).encode("UTF-8")) finally: sources.close() tagfile = TagFile( "unstable", "main", "i386", "file://%s/mirror" % self.temp_dir) sections = list(tagfile.sections()) self.assertEqual(IndexType.PACKAGES, sections[0][0]) self.assertEqual("test", sections[0][1]["Package"]) self.assertEqual("1.0", sections[0][1]["Version"]) self.assertEqual("i386", sections[0][1]["Architecture"]) self.assertEqual(IndexType.SOURCES, sections[1][0]) self.assertEqual("test", sections[1][1]["Source"]) self.assertEqual("1.0", sections[1][1]["Version"]) #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 오목 # https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/2615 import sys import copy if __name__ == '__main__': matrix = [] for cnt in range(19): row_data = [int(x) for x in sys.stdin.readline().strip().replace(' ','')] matrix.append(row_data) # 1이 이기는 경우 num_matrix = [[0] * 19 for x in range(19)] num = 1 for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if matrix[i][j] == 1: num_matrix[i][j] = num num += 1 graph_first = {} for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if num_matrix[i][j] > 0: # 가로 result = [] if i == 0 or num_matrix[i - 1][j] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if i + cnt < 19 and num_matrix[i + cnt][j] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix[i + cnt][j])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_first[str(num_matrix[i][j])] = result break # 세로 result = [] if j == 0 or num_matrix[i][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and num_matrix[i][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix[i][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_first[str(num_matrix[i][j])] = result break # 우하 대각선 result = [] if i == 18 or j == 0 or num_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and i + cnt < 19 and num_matrix[i + cnt][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix[i + cnt][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_first[str(num_matrix[i][j])] = result break # 우상 대각선 result = [] if i == 18 or j == 0 or num_matrix[i + 1][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and i - cnt >= 0 and num_matrix[i - cnt][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix[i - cnt][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_first[str(num_matrix[i][j])] = result break # 2이 이기는 경우 num_matrix_2 = [[0] * 19 for x in range(19)] num = 1 for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if matrix[i][j] == 2: num_matrix_2[i][j] = num num += 1 graph_second = {} for i in range(19): for j in range(19): if num_matrix_2[i][j] > 0: # 가로 result = [] if i == 0 or num_matrix_2[i - 1][j] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if i + cnt < 19 and num_matrix_2[i + cnt][j] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix_2[i + cnt][j])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_second[str(num_matrix_2[i][j])] = result break # 세로 result = [] if j == 0 or num_matrix_2[i][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and num_matrix_2[i][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix_2[i][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_second[str(num_matrix_2[i][j])] = result break # 우하 대각선 result = [] if i == 18 or j == 0 or num_matrix_2[i - 1][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and i + cnt < 19 and num_matrix_2[i + cnt][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix_2[i + cnt][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_second[str(num_matrix_2[i][j])] = result break # 우상 대각선 result = [] if i == 18 or j == 0 or num_matrix_2[i + 1][j - 1] == 0: for cnt in range(1, 6): if j + cnt < 19 and i - cnt >= 0 and num_matrix_2[i - cnt][j + cnt] > 0: result.append(str(num_matrix_2[i - cnt][j + cnt])) else: break if len(result) == 4: graph_second[str(num_matrix_2[i][j])] = result break check_one = True if len(graph_first) > 0: for d in graph_first.items(): if len(d[1]) == 4: print(1) i = 0 for mat in num_matrix: if mat.count(int(d[0])) > 0: print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + str(mat.index(int(d[0])) + 1)) check_one = False i += 1 check_sec = True if len(graph_second) > 0: for d in graph_second.items(): if len(d[1]) == 4: print(2) i = 0 for mat in num_matrix_2: if mat.count(int(d[0])) > 0: print(str(i + 1) + ' ' + str(mat.index(int(d[0])) + 1)) check_sec = False i += 1 if check_one and check_sec: print(0) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #-------------------------------------------------------- # Movie Ultra 7K # (http://forum.rojadirecta.es/ # (http://xbmcspain.com/foro/ # Version 0.0.5 (04.11.2014) #-------------------------------------------------------- # License: GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) #-------------------------------------------------------- import os,sys,urlparse,urllib,urllib2,re,shutil,zipfile,inspect,types import xbmc,xbmcgui,xbmcaddon,xbmcplugin,plugintools ''' #from inspect import getmembers, isfunction print "WISE\n" functions_list = [o for o in getmembers(unwise) if isfunction(o[1])] print str(functions_list) print getmembers(unwise) for i in dir(unwise): print i for i in getmembers(unwise): print i print [key for key in locals().keys() if isinstance(locals()[key], type(sys)) and not key.startswith('__')] ''' #print unwise def shsp(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") plugintools.add_item( action="shsp3" , title="[COLOR=orange]Shedule[/COLOR]" , url=url ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) plugintools.add_item( action="shsp5" , title="[COLOR=orange]List[/COLOR]" , url="http://showsport-tv.com/",thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) plugintools.add_item( action="shsp4" , title="[COLOR=orange]Embed[/COLOR]" , url="http://showsport-tv.com/update/embed.html" ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) def shsp3(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) body,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers) #os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]=Proxy data=body #print "START="+params.get("url") import re p = re.compile(ur'()', re.DOTALL) matches = re.findall(p, data) #del matches[0] for match in matches: #url = scrapedurl.strip() #print match p = re.compile(ur'([^<]+).*?\s()', re.DOTALL) links=re.findall(p, match) for imgs,titles,divs in links: title=titles.replace("  ","") title=title.replace(" ","|") #print divs plugintools.add_item( action="shsp2" , title=title , url=divs ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) def shsp5(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) body,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers) #os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]=Proxy data=body; #print "START="+params.get("url") import re p = re.compile(ur'([^<]+)(.*?)<\/div>', re.DOTALL) matches = re.findall(p, data) #del matches[0] for match,links in matches: url="http://showsport-tv.com/"+links plugintools.add_item( action="shsp6" , title=match , url=url ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) def shsp6(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") import re p = re.compile(ur'href="([^"]+).*?>([^<]+)', re.DOTALL) a=re.findall(p,url); for links,channels in a: url="http://showsport-tv.com/"+links plugintools.add_item( action="shsp7" , title=channels , url=url ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=True, folder=False ) def shsp7(params): url = params.get("url") url=url.replace("/ch/","/update/").replace("php","html"); ref="http://showsport-tv.com/" thumb = params.get("thumbnail") title = params.get("title") request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) request_headers.append(["Referer",ref]) bodyy,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers) if bodyy.find("googlecode"): print "GOING XUSCACAMUSCA" p = re.compile(ur'id="([^"]+).*?src="([^"]+)', re.DOTALL) elif bodyy.find("iguide"): p = re.compile(ur'var\s?id\s?=\s?([^;]+).*?src="?\'?([^\'"]+)', re.DOTALL) print "GOING IGUIDE" else: print "UNKNOWN" pars=re.findall(p,bodyy);ref=url;res=''; for id,script in pars: if script.find("xuscacamusca"): ref=url url='http://xuscacamusca.se/gen_h.php?id='+id+'&width=100%&height=100%' peak2(params) elif script.find("iguide"): url=script+"1009&height=460&channel="+id+"&autoplay=true" from nstream import iguide2 iguide2(url,ref,res) else: print "NO SCRIPT" def shsp4(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) body,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers) #print body import re p = re.compile(ur'
([^<]+)', re.DOTALL) foldr=re.findall(p,match) for img,catg in foldr: #print "\n"+img;print "\n"+catg; thumb="http://showsport-tv.com/"+img title=catg plugintools.add_item( action="shsp1" , title=title , url=match ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) #plugintools.add_item( action="" , title=title , url=str(match) ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=False, folder=True ) def shsp1(params): url = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") import re p = re.compile(ur'([^<]+).*?fid=\"([^\&]+).*?v_width=([^;]+).*?v_height=([^;]+).*?src=\"([^\&]+)', re.DOTALL) foldr=re.findall(p,url) for name,fid,w,h,jsrc in foldr: thumb=thumb title=name url='http://showsport-tv.com/update/'+ fid +".html" plugintools.add_item( action="peaktv2" , title=title , url=url ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=thumb , isPlayable=True, folder=False ) def shsp2(params): divs = params.get("url") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") import re p = re.compile(ur'href=\'?"?([^\'"]+).*?>([^<]+)') link=re.findall(p, divs) #print link for lin in link: url="http://showsport-tv.com"+lin[0].replace("/ch/","/update/").replace("php","html"); title=lin[1];print url+"\n"+title plugintools.add_item( action="peaktv2" , title=title , url=url , isPlayable=True, folder=False ) def peaktv(params): #plugintools.get_localized_string(21) url = params.get("url") request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) body,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers) #os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]=Proxy data=body #print "START="+params.get("url") p = 'href="([^<]*)' matches = plugintools.find_multiple_matches_multi(data,p) del matches[0] for scrapedurl in matches: url = scrapedurl.strip() #print url title = plugintools.find_single_match(url,'>(.*?:[^:]+)') #title = title.replace("\xe2","a".encode('iso8859-16')); title = title.replace("\xe2","a"); title = title.replace("\xc3","t"); title = title.replace("\xe0","f"); title = title.replace("\xfc","u"); title = title.replace("\xdb","s"); title = title.replace("\x15f","s"); ''' #print title.decode("utf-8") print unicode(title,"iso8859-16") ''' canal = plugintools.find_single_match(url,'php\?([^"]+)') url = 'http://peaktv.me/Live.php/?'+canal.strip() if 'DigiSport1' in str(url): thumb='http://www.digisport.ro/img/sigla_digisport1.png' elif 'DigiSport2' in str(url): thumb='http://itutorial.ro/wp-content/uploads/digi_sport2.png' elif 'DigiSport3' in str(url): thumb='http://www.sport4u.tv/web/logo/sport/digi_sport3_ro.png' elif 'DolceSportHD' in str(url): thumb='http://static.dolcetv.ro/img/tv_sigle/sigle_black/116.png' elif 'DolceSport1' in str(url): thumb='http://static.dolcetv.ro/img/tv_sigle/sigle_black/101.png' elif 'DolceSport2' in str(url): thumb='http://static.dolcetv.ro/img/tv_sigle/sigle_black/107.png' elif 'DolceSport3' in str(url): thumb='http://static.dolcetv.ro/img/tv_sigle/sigle_black/134.png' elif 'DolceSport4' in str(url): thumb='http://static.dolcetv.ro/img/tv_sigle/sigle_black/247.png' elif 'EuroSport2HD' in str(url): thumb='http://www.sport4u.tv/web/logo/sport/eurosport-2.png' elif 'EuroSport1HD' in str(url): thumb='http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k50Qb45ZHGY/UrMCA2zRoGI/AAAAAAAAStA/Dj6sF0dHcs8/s1600/790px-Eurosport_logo.svg.png' elif 'LookPlusHD' in str(url): thumb='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/Look_Plus_HD.png/100px-Look_Plus_HD.png' elif 'LookTVHD' in str(url): thumb='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/89/Look_TV_HD_logo.png/100px-Look_TV_HD_logo.png' else: thumb='http://frocus.net/images/logotv/Sport-ro_HD.jpg' print thumb fanart = thumb plugintools.add_item( action="peaktv2" , title=title , url=url ,thumbnail=thumb ,fanart=fanart , isPlayable=True, folder=False ) def peaktv2(params): msg = "Buscando enlace\nespere,porfavor... " #plugintools.message("CipQ-TV",msg) url = params.get("url") print "START="+url title = params.get("title") thumb = params.get("thumbnail") ref=url request_headers=[] request_headers.append(["User-Agent","Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)"]) body,response_headers = plugintools.read_body_and_headers(url, headers=request_headers,timeout=30) #os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]=Proxy data=body #print "START="+data p = '