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【姓名:韩绝】,[Name: Han Jue]
【寿命:11/65】,[Lifespan: 11 / 65]
【种族:凡人】,[Race: Mortal]
【修为:无】,[Cultivation: None]
【功法:无】,[Technique: None]
【法术:无】,[Magic: None]
【神通:无】,[Mystical Power: None]
【法器:无】,[Equipment: None]
【灵根资质:极差(点击摇骰子)】,[Cultivation Potential: Extremely Bad (Click to roll the dice)]
【先天气运如下(点击摇骰子)】,[Connate Providence is as follows (Click to roll the dice)]
【土木双灵:土、木灵根资质增强】,[Earth and Wood Spiritual Powers: Earth and Wood Cultivation Potential strengthened]
【枪道灵童:枪道资质增强,体魄增强】,"[Spear Dao Spirit Child: Spear Dao aptitude strengthened, physique strengthened.]"
【点击开始游戏人生】,[Click here to start your thrilling life]
望着眼前的属性列表,十一岁的韩绝快绝望了。,"Looking at the attributes list in front of him, the 11-year-old Han Jue almost lost all hope."
灵根资质、先天气运每日都可以摇骰子随机改变,但只能摇一次,每日早上七点可以刷新。,"Cultivation Potential and Connate Providence could be randomly changed every day by rolling the dice. However, each could only be changed once, and they could be refreshed every day at seven in the morning."
韩绝从出生起就开始摇。,Han Jue had been refreshing since he was born.
十一年了,都没有摇出极品资质与卓越的先天气运。,"It had been eleven years, but he still hadn't managed to produce the best attributes and Connate Providence."
“要不就这样?”,"""Should I just start like this?"""
一个念头从韩绝心里冒出。,A thought popped up in Han Jue's mind.
好不容易来到神仙鬼怪的世界,岂能凡人修仙?,It wasn't easy for him to come to a world of immortals and ghosts. How could it allow mortals to cultivate?
韩绝想当爽文男主!,Han Jue wanted to be the almighty protagonist!
再摇!,Roll the dice again!
韩绝抬手,冲着面前的属性列表一点。,Han Jue raised his hand and clicked at the attributes list in front of him.
灵根资质改变!,Cultivation Potential changed!
【灵根资质:无】,[Cultivation Potential: None]
韩绝那张稚嫩的少年脸瞬间黑了下来。,Han Jue's young face instantly darkened.
【天命孤星:克亲克侣克友,孤独一生,寿命增加百年】,[Destined Lone Star: Brings bad luck to friends and family. Loneliness for life. Lifespan increased by 100 years]
天命孤星都出来了!,Even Destined Lone Star had appeared!
谁要孤独一生!,Who wants to be alone for life!
韩绝气得躺下,在草地上打滚蹬腿。,Han Jue was so angry that he laid down and rolled on the grass.
整整十一年都摇不出吊炸天的灵根资质、先天气运!,"For an entire eleven years, he was unable to produce any outstanding Cultivation Potential and Connate Providence!"
继续摇!,Continue rolling the dice!
老子不信了!,I don't believe it!
韩绝气抖冷。,Han Jue trembled in anger.
折腾了半个小时,他才起身。,"After half an hour, he finally got up."
韩绝是重生人士,前世来自地球二十一世纪,年纪轻轻就被查出癌症晚期,他不愿痛苦的治疗,回家等死,当天晚上为了麻痹自己,他找了一款怀旧修仙游戏玩。,"Han Jue was a reborn person. In his previous life, he lived in the 21st century on Earth. At a young age, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He didn't want to undergo painful treatment and went home to wait for death. That night, to numb himself, he found an old-school cultivation game to play."
玩了一个通宵,很嗨,天亮时困了,然后人没了。,He played all night and was very hyped up. He got sleepy at dawn and thus died.
再次睁眼,他就投胎来到这个类似古代的世界,他出生在一支修仙门派内。,"When he opened his eyes again, he was reincarnated into this ancient world. He was born into a cultivation sect."
玉清宗,大燕王朝的正道修仙门派。,The Jade Pure Sect was a righteous cultivation sect of the Great Yan Dynasty.
在被查出癌症晚期那一天,韩绝无比惶恐,头一次知道生命如此重要。,"On the day that he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Han Jue was terrified. This was the first time he knew that life was so important."
这一世竟然可以修仙!,"But now in his new life, he could actually cultivate!"
他惊喜过望!,He was pleasantly surprised!
他一定要修仙!,He had to cultivate!
他要活得比谁都久!,He wanted to live longer than anyone else!
但他不能凡人修仙!,"However, he couldn't cultivate as a mortal!"
自出生后,韩绝就活得没压力,他父母是玉清宗外门炼丹师铁老的奴仆,平日里为铁老种植药草。,"Ever since he was born, Han Jue had been living without any pressure. His parents were the servants of Elder Iron, an Alchemy Master of the Jade Pure Sect's outer sect. They usually planted medicinal herbs for Elder Iron."
炼丹师地位特殊,在外门,没有人敢得罪铁老,铁老手下有数十位奴仆,全都是凡人。,"An alchemist's status was special. In the outer sect, no one dared to offend Elder Iron. He had dozens of servants under him, all of whom were mortals."
即便有灵根,铁老也不允许奴仆修炼,估计是怕盗走他的草药。,"Even if they had cultivation potential, Elder Iron wouldn't allow his servants to cultivate. He was probably afraid they would steal his herbs."
他的草药对于修仙者而言充满益处,但对于凡人而言是绝对的毒药。,"His herbs were beneficial to cultivators, but to mortals, they were poison."
不过六岁那年,他父母逃了,留下年幼的韩绝在铁老的药草园内。,"However, when he was six years old, his parents fled, leaving the young Han Jue in Elder Iron's herb garden."
韩绝也能理解,带着一名孩童逃跑,肯定多有不便。,Han Jue could understand. It would definitely be inconvenient to escape with a child.
铁老也没有计较,反而让人带领韩绝开始帮忙种植草药。,"Elder Iron didn't mind. Instead, he asked someone to guide Han Jue in helping him grow the herbs."
时间久了,韩绝也将药草园内的所有花花草草熟知。,"As time passed, Han Jue became familiar with all the plants in the herb garden."
铁老没有刁难韩绝,韩绝便继续摇先天气运。,"Elder Iron didn't make things difficult for Han Jue, and Han Jue continued to roll his dice."
反正他现在是凡人,不如再等等。,"Since he was a mortal now, he might as well wait."
“唉,继续摇吧,要是三十岁前摇不出逆天的气运,那就算了,凡人修仙就凡人修仙。”,"""Sigh, I will just keep rolling. If I can't produce a heaven-defying Providence before the age of thirty, then forget it. Even if I'm gonna cultivate as a mortal, so be it."""
韩绝默默想到。,Han Jue thought silently.
药草园内最年老的奴仆已经七十多岁,,The oldest servant in the herbal garden was in his seventies.
名为王老头,他十几岁时就被铁老选中,如今已是奴仆领袖,奴仆们都以他马首是瞻。,"He was called Old Man Wang. He had been chosen by Elder Iron when he was in his teens. Now, he was the leader of the servants. All the servants followed his lead."
韩绝起身,回到药草园,开始洒水,收拾枯叶。,Han Jue stood up and returned to the herb garden. He began to sprinkle water and clean up the dead leaves.
药草园很大,足有一个足球场那么大,每一位奴仆在忙碌时都小心翼翼,要是不小心破坏了花草,铁老必定震怒,有一些药草甚至充满剧毒。,"The herb garden was huge, as big as a football field. Every servant was very careful when they worked. If they accidentally damaged the plants, Elder Iron would be furious. Some of the herbs were even poisonous."
铁老上个月才外出,估计要两三年才能回来。,Elder Iron had only gone out last month and would probably take two to three years to return.
对于修仙者而言,两三年根本算不得什么。,"To cultivators, two or three years were nothing at all."
在药草园里,韩绝沉默寡言,也没有什么朋友,也就与王老头交流多。,"In the herb garden, Han Jue was a man of few words. He didn't have many friends and only interacted with Old Man Wang."
忙完后,他便回屋,开始做俯卧撑,锻炼体魄。,"After he was done, he returned to his room and started doing push-ups to train his body."
次日一早,韩绝洗漱完。,"The next morning, Han Jue washed up."
他坐在木板床上等待。,"Then, he sat on the wooden bed and waited."
一直等到属性列表刷新的时间点,韩绝才抖擞精神。,Han Jue waited until the time when the attributes list was refreshed before he perked up.
有种抽奖的感觉。,It felt like a lottery draw.
这是他每天最期待的事情。,This was what he looked forward to the most every day.
他搓了搓手。,He rubbed his hands together.
先摇灵根资质。,"First, he was going to roll the dice for Cultivation Potential."
【灵根资质:无】,[Cultivation Potential: None]
这也太黑了吧!,This is too despicable!
韩绝差点气死。,Han Jue almost died of anger.
他的手都开始颤抖了,继续抽先天气运!,His hands began to tremble as he continued to draw out the Connate Providence!
骰子一摇!,The die rolled!
【先天气运如下】,[Connate Providence is as follows]
【绝世无双:仙姿,魅力顶级】,"[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm]"
【天命剑痴:剑道资质顶级,剑道悟性顶级】,"[Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao learning ability]"
【身法绝尘:身法资质顶级】,[Unparalleled Movement Technique: Top-notch movement technique aptitude]
【仙帝后裔:游戏人生开始后,获得一部绝世修仙功法、一千块上品灵石】,"[Descendant of the Immortal Emperor: After the game begins, you will receive an unparalleled cultivation technique and 1,000 superior-grade spirit stones.]"
韩绝愣了愣。,Han Jue was stunned.
他瞪大眼睛,顿时惊喜。,His eyes widened in surprise.
四个先天气运!,Four Connate Providences!
这还是头一次刷新出四个先天气运,而且看起来都很牛批。,"This was the first time four Connate Providences had been produced, and they all looked very impressive."
韩绝越看越兴奋。,Han Jue became more and more excited.
就是它了!,This is it!
它们!,They are it!
四个顶级,一个绝世!,"Four top-notch, one unparalleled!"
一看就很了不得。,One look and one could tell that it was extraordinary.
摇了十一年,日复一日,皇天终于不负苦心人!,"After rolling the dice for eleven years, day after day, the goddess of fortune was finally blessing him!"
韩绝努力平复心情。,Han Jue tried hard to calm down.
灵根资质没有,他暂时还不能点击开始游戏人生。,"Without a Cultivation Potential, he couldn't start his game life yet."
还得再摇摇灵根。,He still had to roll the dice for the Cultivation Potential.
“终于苦尽甘来,这四个极品先天气运,我即便四十岁修炼,也来得及,我可以安心的摇灵根资质。”,"""Finally, I'm seeing a silver lining. With these four supreme-grade Connate Providences, even if I start cultivating at the age of 40, I can still make it in time. I can rest assured and continue rolling the dice for Cultivation Potential."""
韩绝想到这里,心情美滋滋。,Han Jue was in a good mood when he thought of this.
都已经摇了十一年,再摇十一年又如何?,"He had been rolling for eleven years, so what if it would take another eleven years?"
韩绝长出一口气,然后起身出屋开始今日的劳作。,"Han Jue let out a long sigh, then got up and left the room to begin his day's work."
他所在的房屋有六人住,一人一张床,其他人一大早便起床了。,"Six people were living in the house with him, and each of them had a bed. The others had woken up early in the morning."
每个人都有自己负责的一片区域,不敢有闪失。,"Everyone had a region they were responsible for, so they didn't dare to make any mistakes."
韩绝还年幼,只需要做一些简单的活,铁老也不敢让他负责一片区域。,Han Jue was still young and only needed to do some simple work. Elder Iron didn't dare to let him be in charge of an area.
今日的阳光格外的明媚。,The sun was exceptionally bright today.
或许与心情有关。,Perhaps it had something to do with his mood.
其他奴仆没有感受到韩绝的变化,还未开始游戏人生,四个先天气运的加成自然还未出现。,"The other servants didn't feel Han Jue's change. He hadn't started his thrilling life yet, so the enhancements due to the Connate Providence hadn't appeared yet."
有两名修士到来。,Two cultivators arrived.
玉清宗很大,药草园周围都是群山,修士们不被允许来此地,大多数时候都是外门执事前来索要丹药,这两名修士气质极佳,一男一女,好似神仙眷侣,吸引了所有奴仆转头看去。,"The Jade Pure Sect was very big. The herb garden was surrounded by mountains. Cultivators weren't allowed to come here. Most of the time, the outer sect deacons would be the ones who came to ask for pills. These two cultivators had excellent temperaments. One was a man and the other was a woman. They looked like an immortal couple, attracting the attention of all the servants."
韩绝也扭头看向药草园大门口。,Han Jue also turned to look at the entrance of the herb garden.
“真是光鲜亮丽。”,"""How glamorous."""
韩绝叹气。,Han Jue sighed.
他们这些奴仆衣服都破破烂烂,而那两位修士的衣袍干净华丽,如同修仙网游里走出来的NPC。,"The clothes of the servants were tattered, and the clothes of the two cultivators were clean and gorgeous. They looked like NPCs from an online cultivation game."
韩绝只是随便感慨,他丝毫不羡慕。,It was just a random exclamation. He didn't feel envious at all.
他已经摇出四个先天气运,以后的成就绝非玉清宗外门弟子能比的。,"He had already obtained four Connate Providences, and his future achievements were not something that the outer sect disciples of the Jade Pure Sect could compare to."
“从今日起,我们二人负责守护铁老的药草园,你们不用理会我们,也不得打搅我们修炼。”男修士对王老头面无表情的说道。,"The male cultivator expressionlessly said to Old Man Wang, ""From today onwards, the two of us will be responsible for protecting Elder Iron's medicinal herb garden. You don't need to be bothered by us. Also, don't disturb our cultivation."""
“铁老出事了?”王老头小心翼翼的问道。,"""Did something happen to Elder Iron?"" Old Man Wang asked cautiously."
虽然铁老喜怒无常,但王老头陪伴他数十年,自然不希望铁老出事。,"Although Elder Iron was temperamental, Old Man Wang had accompanied him for decades and naturally did not wish for anything to happen to him."
女修士摇头道:“玉清宗最近潜入了魔修,外门特地让我们二人来保护,你们不用担心。”,"The female cultivator shook her head and said, ""The Jade Pure Sect has recently been infiltrated by a fiendish cultivator. The outer sect has specially sent the two of us to protect you. You don't have to worry."""
王老头一听,不由松了一口气。,Old Man Wang heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that.
他拱手行礼,然后转身离去。,"He cupped his hands and bowed, then turned and left."
两名修士各自走开,在药草园大门两边的树下打坐修炼。,The two cultivators walked away and meditated under the trees on both sides of the entrance into the herb garden.
随着他们开始吐纳,他们周身出现肉眼可见的旋风。,"As they began their breathing exercises, visible whirlwinds appeared around them."
那便是灵气吧。,That must be Spirit Qi.
韩绝默默想到,然后继续洒水。,Han Jue thought silently and continued sprinkling water.
第二日。,The next day.
韩绝继续摇骰子。,Han Jue continued rolling the dice.
【灵根资质:无】,[Cultivation Potential: None]
韩绝翻了翻白眼。,Han Jue rolled his eyes.
他竟然没有觉得奇怪。,He actually didn't find it strange.
他也不慌,反正都摇出四个顶级的先天气运,灵根资质可以慢慢摇。,"He did not panic. In any case, he had obtained four top-notch Connate Providences, he could take his time in getting the best Cultivation Potential."
两位修士的加入并没有改变药草园奴仆们的生活。,The presence of the two cultivators did not change the lives of the herb garden servants.
枯燥的生活仍在继续。,The dull life continued.
韩绝每日除了劳作外,便是锻炼身体,摇骰子。,"Apart from his work, Han Jue trained his body and rolled the dice every day."
第三日。,The third day.
骰子一摇!,He rolled the dice!
【灵根资质:无】,[Cultivation Potential: None]
杆上我了!,I know you're messing with me!
韩绝心中暗骂。,Han Jue cursed in his head.
第四日。,On the fourth day.
【灵根资质:五行杂灵根,成就难超筑基】,[Cultivation Potential: Five Elements Mixed Potential. Cultivation cannot exceed Foundational Establishment.]
嗯,凡人修仙的标配。,"Yes, the standard for mortal cultivation."
韩绝摇头。,Han Jue shook his head.
他还要继续摇,打死也不能凡人修仙。,He still had to continue rolling the dice. He would never allow himself to cultivate as a mortal.
就这样,韩绝每日锻炼,每日摇骰。,"Just like that, Han Jue exercised every day and rolled the dice every day."
大多数时候都是杂灵根。,"Most of the time, he would obtain Mixed Potential."
他没有气馁,相信总能摇到逆天的灵根资质。,He wasn't discouraged. He believed that he would be able to obtain a godlike Cultivation Potential.
晚一点修仙也没事。,It was fine to cultivate later.
反正他没有仇家。,"Anyway, he wasn't seeking revenge."
两年后。,Two years later.
铁老回来,那两位修士行礼告辞。,Elder Iron returned and the two cultivators bowed and bid farewell.
所有奴仆全部聚集过来,跪拜铁老。,All the servants gathered and knelt down before Elder Iron.
铁老身穿黑袍,腰间别着两个葫芦,头发黑白相间,面容阴厉,给人一种脾气很不好的印象。,"Elder Iron wore a black robe, and two gourds were hanging from his waist. His hair was black and white, and his expression was gloomy and fierce. He looked very bad-tempered indeed."
“还不错,没有出现差错。”,"""Not bad, no mistakes."""
铁老环视一圈,满意笑道。,Elder Iron looked around and smiled in satisfaction.
奴仆们松了一口气,都露出笑容。,The servants heaved a sigh of relief and smiled.
铁老看向韩绝以及他旁边的其他少年。,Elder Iron looked at Han Jue and the other youngsters beside him.
“你们四人跟我来。”,"""The four of you, follow me."""
铁老指了一下,便走向自己的阁楼。,Elder Iron pointed and walked towards his pavilion.
韩绝便是四人之一。,Han Jue was one of the four.
他们立即跟上去。,They immediately followed.
“是要安排我们负责一部分园区?”韩绝默默想到。,"""He wants to arrange for us to be in charge of a portion of the garden?"" Han Jue thought silently."
他忽然注意到铁老袖中的右手在滴血。,He suddenly noticed that blood was dripping from Elder Iron's right hand.
韩绝顿时惊悚。,Han Jue was shocked.
莫非铁老受伤了,要拿他们炼制傀儡或者丹药?,Could it be that Elder Iron was injured and wanted to make them into puppets or use them as ingredients for pills?
韩绝前世可是看过不少修仙小说,他印象最深的一句话便是死道友不死贫道。,Han Jue had read many cultivation novels in his previous life. The one thing that left the deepest impression on him was that cultivators would rather kill their friends than die themselves.
对于修士而言,没有什么比自己的性命更重要。,"To cultivators, nothing was more important than their own lives."
韩绝越想越慌,他又不敢逃,只能努力克制。,"The more Han Jue thought about it, the more panicked he became. He didn't dare to escape and could only try his best to calm himself down."
入屋后,一名少年将房门关上。,"After entering the house, a youngster closed the door."
铁老坐在首座上,打量韩绝四人。,Elder Iron sat at the end of the table and scrutinized Han Jue and the others.
“你们把手伸过来。”铁老开口吩咐道。,"""All of you, stretch out your hands."" Elder Iron instructed."
韩绝四人纷纷抬起右手。,Han Jue and the others raised their right hands.
铁老一一摸了一下。,Elder Iron touched them one by one.
韩绝鸡皮疙瘩都快起来了。,Han Jue could feel the goosebumps on his arm.
“就你有灵根,其他人回去吧。”,"""Only you have a cultivation potential. The rest can go back,"""
铁老对着一名高高壮壮的少年说道。,Elder Iron said to a tall and strong youth.
韩绝松了一口气。,Han Jue heaved a sigh of relief.
今日一早,他摇了一下灵根资质,昨日还是四灵根,今日直接摇没了。,"This morning, he rolled the dice for the Cultivation Potential again. Yesterday, he still had a Quadruple Cultivation Potential, but today, it was gone."
没想到因祸得福。,"Unexpectedly, it was a blessing in disguise."
韩绝同情的看了一眼高壮少年。,Han Jue looked at the youngster sympathetically.
张鸽,一名喜欢鸽子的热情孩子王。,"Zhang Ge, a passionate and popular teenager who liked pigeons."
另外两位少年则羡慕的看向张鸽。,The other two youngsters looked at Zhang Ge with envy.
张鸽既期待,又忐忑。,Zhang Ge was both excited and nervous.
铁老不允许奴仆修炼,但这也是第一次为奴仆们检查灵根。,"Elder Iron didn't allow servants to cultivate, but this was also the first time he checked the servants' cultivation potential."
离开阁楼后,韩绝不理会另外两位少年的讨论,回去继续干活。,"After leaving the pavilion, Han Jue ignored the discussion of the other two youngsters and returned to work."
自此以后,张鸽便不再参与劳作。,"From then on, Zhang Ge no longer participated in the labor."
原来他被铁老收为徒弟,这让其他奴仆更加羡慕嫉妒恨。,It turned out that Elder Iron had taken him in as a disciple. This made the other servants even more envious and jealous.
韩绝丝毫不羡慕。,Han Jue wasn't envious at all.
肯定有诈!,It must be a trap!
先养熟再杀!,He would first nurture him before killing him!
韩绝很庆幸自己没有被选中。,Han Jue was glad that he wasn't chosen.
他有系统,不需要拜师。,"He had the system, so he didn't need a master."
一晃眼,又是两年时间。,"In the blink of an eye, another two years had passed."
铁老半年前又离开药草园,他走后,之前前来守护药草园的两位修士又来了。,"Elder Iron left the herb garden again half a year ago. After he had left, the two cultivators from before came to protect the herb garden again."
张鸽如今已经是炼气修士,还跟那两位修士攀谈。,"Zhang Ge was already a cultivator. So, he even went forth to talk with the two cultivators."
所有奴仆现在都得仰他鼻息。,All the slaves had to obey him now.
好在张鸽平日里忙着修炼,也没有欺负其他奴仆。,"Fortunately, Zhang Ge was busy cultivating and did not bully other servants."
他们这些奴仆终其一生都是奴仆,铁老经常外出,他们又不得离开药草园,没有利益争执,所以很少有矛盾。,"They were slaves for the rest of their lives. Elder Iron often went out, and they weren't allowed to leave the herb garden. There were no conflicts of interest, so there were very few quarrels."
韩绝已经十五岁,依旧低调。,Han Jue was already 15 years old and still kept a low profile.
四年里,他摇过最好的资质是三灵根,可练到金丹境。,"In the past four years, the best Cultivation Potential he rolled was a Triple Cultivation Potential. He could reach the Golden Core Realm with it."
金丹境算个屁!,The Golden Core realm was nothing!
韩绝的目标是长生不死,成仙成神。,Han Jue's goal was to live forever and become immortal.
这一日早上。,That morning.
韩绝漫不经心的摇骰,没有抱期待,就跟每日起来漱口一样。,Han Jue rolled the dice casually. He didn't have any expectations. It was like getting up every day to rinse his mouth.
【灵根资质:水、木双灵根,资质卓越,有希望修炼到元婴境】,[Cultivation Potential: Water and Wood double cultivation potential. Extraordinary aptitude. There's hope to cultivate to the Nascent Soul realm.]
双灵根?,Double Cultivation Potential?
元婴境?,Nascent Soul realm?
韩绝切了一声,完全不动心。,"Han Jue clicked his tongue, completely unmoved."
他才十五岁,还可以再摇十五年。,He was only fifteen. He could roll the dice for another fifteen years.
继续摇!,Continue rolling the dice!
春去秋来。,Spring passed and autumn came.
又是一年过去。,Another year passed.
韩绝每日早上一如既往的摇骰子。,Han Jue rolled the dice every morning as usual.
【灵根资质:六道灵体,蕴含顶级风、火、水、土、木、雷灵根,增加一定气运】,"[Cultivation Potential: Spiritual Physique of the Six Paths. It contains top-notch wind, fire, water, earth, wood, and thunder cultivation potentials. Increases providence to a certain extent.]"
就这?,Just this?
韩绝下意识切了一声。,Han Jue scoffed subconsciously.
就这!,It's this!
韩绝瞪大眼睛,呼吸都急促起来。,Han Jue's eyes widened and his breathing quickened.
来了!,It's here!
整整十六年了!,It's been sixteen years!
终于摇出爽文男主应该有的灵根资质!,"Finally, a protagonist's Cultivation Potential!"
韩绝揉了揉眼睛,仔细确认。,Han Jue rubbed his eyes and confirmed carefully.
顶级灵根!,Top-grade cultivation potential!
还是六种属性的顶级灵根!,And it was a top-grade cultivation potential with six attributes!
韩绝努力平复心情。,Han Jue tried hard to calm down.
就是这个!,This is it!
这才是他应该有的灵根资质!,This was the spirit root aptitude that he should have!
韩绝没有立即点击开始游戏人生,他怕动静太大,毕竟门口还有两位修士在把守。,"Han Jue didn't immediately click to start the life of games. He was afraid that the commotion would be too big. After all, two cultivators were guarding the door."
“问题来了,我要等到什么时候?”,"""Here comes the question. How long do I have to wait?"""
韩绝纠结的想到。,Han Jue was in a dilemma.
他眼前忽然冒出一行字:,A line of words suddenly appeared in front of him:
【可选择一个小地方,系统帮忙创造结界,结界外的修士无法察觉到结界内的变化】,[You can choose a small place. The system will help you create a barrier. The cultivators outside the barrier will not be able to sense the changes within the barrier.]
韩绝惊喜,他立即走到门前,确定所有奴仆都去了药草园后,他关上房门。,"Han Jue was pleasantly surprised. He immediately walked to the door. After confirming that all the servants had gone to the herb garden, he closed the door."
他站在屋中央,调出属性列表,手指颤颤巍巍的点向最下面的【点击开始游戏人生】。,He stood in the middle of the room and pulled up the stats list. His fingers trembled as he clicked on the bottom line: [Click here to start the life of games].
属性列表一变。,The attributes list changed.
一行行字出现在韩绝眼前:,Lines of words appeared in front of Han Jue:
【开始游戏人生】,[Beginning Life of Games]
【回顾人生经历】,[Recount of your life]
【韩绝,你出生在凡间一修仙宗门内,从小到大,容颜绝世,受人喜爱,你的父母在你年幼时弃你而去,冥冥之中,似乎有什么命运需要你背负,你在剑道上有种超越世人的绝顶天赋,你经常能感受到天地间蕴含着六种摸不准、看不见的神秘力量…】,"[Han Jue, you were born in a Cultivation Sect in the mortal world. From a young age, you were exceptionally beautiful and loved by everyone. Your parents abandoned you when you were young. It was as if you had a destiny for something. You have a talent that surpasses the rest of the world in the art of the sword. You can often feel that the world contains six mysterious powers that you cannot grasp or see…]"
【直到今日,你意外觉醒仙帝传承,获得绝世功法【六道轮回功】,你因此踏上了修行之路。】,"[Until today, you accidentally awakened the Immortal Emperor's inheritance and obtained the unparalleled ""Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique"". Because of this, you embarked on the path of cultivation.]"
【请选择你的主要修行路线】,[Please choose your main cultivation route.]
【二,雷修】,[Thunder Cultivator]
【三,土修】,[Earth Cultivator]
【四,火修】,[Fire Cultivator]
【五,水修】,[Water Cultivator]
【六,木修】,[Wood Cultivator]
【七,风修】,[Wind Cultivator]
修行方向?,Cultivation specialization?
韩绝没有太犹豫。,Han Jue didn't hesitate too much.
他注意到自己获得了六道轮回功,想必与六道灵体相关,六种绝顶的灵根资质,必然要一起发展,不能偏科。,"He noticed that he had obtained the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique, which was most likely related to the Spiritual Physique of the Six Paths. The aptitudes of the six top-notch cultivation potentials had to be developed together. He wanted a holistic development."
同时,他拥有绝顶的剑道资质,自然得选择剑修!,"At the same time, he possessed top-notch talent in swordsmanship, so he naturally had to choose sword cultivation!"
韩绝想明白后,立即点击剑修。,"After Han Jue figured it out, he immediately clicked on [Swordsman]."
刹那间,一股奇异的热源在他体内涌动。,"In an instant, a strange heat surged within his body."
他整个人恍惚了一下。,He fell into a trance.
仿佛做了一场梦,很长,但他又记不清梦中发生了什么。,"It was like a dream. It was very long, but he couldn't remember what happened in the dream."
再次睁眼,韩绝浑身是汗。,"When he opened his eyes again, Han Jue was covered in sweat."
他眼前的光幕已经变成属性列表:,The screen in front of him had become a list of attributes:
【姓名:韩绝】,[Name: Han Jue]
【寿命:16/65】,[Lifespan: 11 / 65]
【种族:凡人】,[Race: Mortal]
【修为:无】,[Cultivation: None]
【功法:六道轮回功(可传承)】,[Technique: Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique (Can be inherited)]
【法术:无】,[Magic: None]
【神通:无】,[Mystical Power: None]
【法器:无】,[Equipment: None]
【灵根资质:六道灵体,蕴含顶级风、火、水、土、木、雷灵根,增加一定气运】,"[Cultivation Potential: Spiritual Physique of the Six Paths. It contains top-notch wind, fire, water, earth, wood, and thunder cultivation potentials. Increases providence to a certain extent.]"
【先天气运如下】,[Connate Providence is as follows]
【绝世无双:仙姿,魅力顶级】,"[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm]"
【天命剑痴:剑道资质顶级,剑道悟性顶级】,"[Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao learning ability]"
【身法绝尘:身法资质顶级】,[Unparalleled Movement Technique: Top-notch movement technique aptitude]
【仙帝后裔:获得一部绝世修仙功法、一千块上品灵石】,"[Descendant of the Immortal Emperor: After the game begins, you will receive an unparalleled cultivation technique and 1,000 superior-grade spirit stones.]"
【查看人际关系】,[Check interpersonal relationships]
韩绝没有急着传承六道轮回功,而是点击最下面的人际关系。,"Han Jue wasn't in a hurry to inherit the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique. Instead, he clicked on the [interpersonal relationships] at the bottom."
光幕一变,出现一个头像,是真人照片。,The screen changed and a photo of a person appeared.
铁老的照片,与真人一模一样。,It looked exactly like Elder Iron.
【铁老:炼气境七层,对你充满厌恶,若是你有修仙灵根,必定算计你,仇恨度为1星】,[Elder Iron: Seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm. He hates you. If you have cultivation potential he would definitely scheme against you. Hatred level: 1 star.]
“我擦,老子辛辛苦苦为你劳作,你还仇恨我?”,"""F*ck, I worked so hard for you and you still hate me?"""
韩绝心中破口大骂。,Han Jue cursed in his head.
旋即他又冷静下来。,"Then, he calmed down."
这是金手指啊!,This is so useful!
可以查看到别人对你的印象。,I can see what others think of me.
不过为何没有其他人?,But why is there no one else?
凡人不在考虑范围?,Mortals aren't included?
张鸽对他没有感觉?,Does Zhang Ge have no thoughts about me?
韩绝想不通,也没有多想,他先推开房门,发现时间已经快到中午了,不能再偷懒,会被察觉到。,"Han Jue couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think too much about it. He pushed open the door first and realized that it was almost noon. He couldn't be lazy anymore or he would be discovered."
他立即跑向药草园。,He immediately ran towards the herb garden.
“韩绝,你小子是不是睡懒觉了?”,"""Han Jue, did you sleep in?"""
一名中年奴仆笑骂道,韩绝不好意思的挠头,引得其他人哈哈大笑。,"A middle-aged servant chided him laughingly. Han Jue scratched his head in embarrassment, causing the others to laugh."
他们没有多想,也没有责骂,韩绝很少失职,偶尔一次也不算什么。,"They didn't think too much about it, nor did they really scold him. Han Jue rarely failed his duty. And sleeping in once in a while was ok."
药草园门口的那名女修士忽然睁眼看向韩绝。,The female cultivator at the entrance of the herb garden suddenly opened her eyes to look at Han Jue.
她微微蹙眉。,She frowned slightly.
“这少年…好俊啊!”,"""This young man… is so handsome!"""
韩绝眼前跟着浮现出一行字:,A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue.
【邢红璇对你产生好感,当前好感度为1星】,[Xing Hongxuan has developed a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 1 star.]
什么鬼?,What the hell?
邢红璇是谁?,Who is Xing Hongxuan?
韩绝莫名其妙,下意识扭头看去。,Han Jue was baffled and turned around subconsciously.
莫非是那位女修?,Can it be that female cultivator?
果不其然,那女修竟然盯着他。,"As expected, the female cultivator was staring at him."
四目相对,邢红璇朝他浅浅一笑。,"Their eyes met, and Xing Hongxuan smiled at him."
韩绝连忙扭过头去。,Han Jue quickly turned his head away.
顶级魅力被盯上了。,My top-notch charm has kicked into effect.
我是凡人,她是修士,不可能相爱。,I'm a mortal and she's a cultivator. A romantic relationship between us will not be blessed.
莫非她想拿我当炉鼎?,Can it be that she wants to use me as a Human Furnace?
得想办法回避!,He had to think of a way to avoid that!
入夜。,At night.
屋中的其他五位奴仆都熟睡后,韩绝躺在床上,开始传承六道轮回功。,"After the other five servants were all sound asleep, Han Jue lay on the bed and began to inherit the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique."
庞大的记忆涌入他的脑海里。,A huge amount of memories flooded his mind.
良久。,After a long while…
他睁开眼睛。,He opened his eyes.
“这就是修仙功法吗,真是繁琐…”,"""So, this is a cultivation technique. It's so complicated…"""
韩绝默默想到,他只传承到了第一层功法,,Han Jue thought to himself. He was only at the first level of the technique
可修炼到炼气境九层。,and he could reach the ninth level of Qi Refining Realm.
六道轮回功,注重六系灵根均衡发展,体内得培养出六种属性的灵力,虽然修炼过程比单属性功法要繁琐,但韩绝的资质绝顶,可以弥补这个差距。,"The Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique focused on a balanced development so that he could nurture the cultivation potentials of all six elemental types. Although the cultivation process was more complicated than cultivating only a single elemental type, Han Jue's aptitude was exceptional and could make up for it."
六种灵气达到一定程度,才能筑基!,Only when six types of Spirit Qi reached a certain level could one build their foundation!
韩绝抖擞精神,悄悄坐起来,他让系统以自己这张床为范围开启结界,避免被外面的三位修士察觉到。,Han Jue was very excited and quietly sat up. He had the system set up a barrier around his bed so that the three cultivators outside wouldn't notice.
其他五位奴仆睡得很沉,呼噜震天,毕竟累了一天。,"The other five servants were sound asleep. After all, it had been a tiring day."
韩绝开始按照第一层心法吐纳。,Han Jue started to perform expiration exercises according to the first level.
吐纳,就是一种呼吸之法。,Expiration was a breathing technique.
在吐纳过程中,耐心感受天地灵气。,"During the expiration process, he patiently sensed the Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi."
不到十秒,韩绝就感受到空气中弥漫着的风灵气、土灵气、木灵气、水灵气。,"In less than ten seconds, Han Jue felt the wind, earth, wood, and water Spirit Qi in the air."
至于火灵气、雷灵气,暂时捕捉不到。,"As for the fire and thunder Spirit Qi, he couldn't capture them yet."
韩绝开始吸收这四股灵气。,Han Jue began to absorb the four types of Spirit Qi.
他眼前忽然浮现出一行行字。,Words suddenly appeared before his eyes.
他明明闭着眼睛,却能看到这些字,着实神奇。,"Even though his eyes were closed, he could still see these words. It was truly miraculous."
【你开始第一次修炼,你的修炼发展有以下选择】,[This is your first time cultivating. These are the following options for your cultivation development.]
【一,高调的绝世天骄,可获得一把炼气境法器】,"[Firstly, you can be a high-profile unparalleled prodigy. You can obtain one Qi Refining Realm equipment.]"
【二,低调修炼,可开启隐藏修为、灵根的功能】,"[Alternatively, you can keep a low profile and cultivate. You can activate the ability to hide your cultivation and cultivation potential.]"
韩绝毫不犹豫选择第二条。,Han Jue chose the second option without hesitation.
第二条的功能一看就是神技。,The second function was obviously a godly skill.
这样他以后就能安心修炼,不怕被察觉!,"This way, he would be able to cultivate in peace without the fear of being discovered!"
【你可以随时开启隐藏功能】,[You can activate the hidden function anytime.]
韩绝露出笑容,稳了。,Han Jue smiled.
铁老还未回来,他得抓紧时间变强。,"Elder Iron had yet to return, so he had to seize the opportunity to become stronger."
一晃眼。,In the blink of an eye.
两年时间迅速过去。,Two years passed quickly.
十八岁的韩绝已经炼气境七层,风、土、木、水四系灵根全都修炼到炼气境七层。,"The 18-year-old Han Jue was already at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm. His four cultivation potentials—wind, earth, wood, and water—were all at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm."
通过人际关系列表,韩绝知道邢红璇也才炼气境七层的修为。,Han Jue knew that Xing Hongxuan was only at the seventh level of Qi Refining Realm through the interpersonal relationships list.
这两年,铁老一直没有回来。,Elder Iron hadn't returned for the past two years.
值得一提的是,邢红璇对他的好感度已经上涨到2星。,What was worth mentioning was that Xing Hongxuan's good impression of him had increased to two stars.
两人都没有交流。,They had never even spoken.
不过韩绝能察觉到邢红璇经常盯着他看,让他很不适应。,"However, Han Jue could sense that Xing Hongxuan kept staring at him, which made him feel uncomfortable."
长得太帅也有麻烦。,Being too handsome also had its troubles.
我只想修仙。,I only want to cultivate.
韩绝心中叹气。,Han Jue sighed in his head.
邢红璇长得姣好,但还没到倾国倾城之貌,韩绝不想跟她产生情愫。,"Xing Hongxuan was pretty, but definitely not so beautiful that people would give up anything for her. Han Jue didn't want to fall in love with her."
一旦有了爱情,他就有了弱点。,"Once he loved someone, he would have a weakness."
他要长生不死,不能死在半路上。,He wanted to live forever and not die halfway.
等他永生不死,再考虑情爱。,He would consider romantic relationships once he had obtained immortality.
只要无敌,到时候想要多少女人就有多少女人,也不怕仇家找麻烦!,"As long as he was invincible, he could have as many women as he wanted. He wasn't afraid of his enemies finding trouble with him!"
韩绝一边劳作,一边坚定的想到,视邢红璇为妖魔鬼怪。,"As Han Jue worked, he made the firm decision to see Xing Hongxuan as a lure that would sway him from his goals."
就在这时。,At this moment
邢红璇忽然起身。,Xing Hongxuan suddenly rose to her feet.
她款款走来,引得其他奴仆侧目。,"She walked over leisurely, attracting the attention of the other servants."
她径直来到韩绝面前,笑道:“你跟我过来一趟。”,"She went straight to Han Jue and smiled. ""Come with me."""
韩绝懵了。,Han Jue was stunned.
其他奴仆都羡慕嫉妒的看向他。,The other servants looked at him enviously.
能被如此仙子盯上,应该是有好处。,To be able to attract the attention of such a fairy-like figure must be a good thing.
换做是他们,即便只是单独相处,此生也足矣。,All of them had already given up hope and had made themselves content with staying single for life.
韩绝不敢拒绝,只能点头。,Han Jue didn't dare to refuse and could only nod.
两人走出药草园。,The two of them walked out of the herb garden.
那名男修士睁眼问道:“邢师妹,你这是?”,"The male cultivator opened his eyes and asked, ""Hongxuan, what are you doing?"""
他打量韩绝,不由皱眉。,He sized up Han Jue and frowned.
此子好生俊美!,He's so handsome!
药草园的奴仆们一辈子没有离开过药草园,没有审美,再加上惯性思维,没有怎么观察韩绝。,"The herb garden servants had never left the garden their entire lives. They had no aesthetic taste, and with their habitual thinking, they didn't really notice the change in Han Jue much."
异性相吸,邢红璇率先发现韩绝的不同之处。,"As a female, Xing Hongxuan was the first to notice something different about him."
男修士因为邢红璇才仔细观察韩绝。,The male cultivator observed Han Jue carefully only because of Xing Hongxuan.
韩绝的形象让他本能的不爽。,Han Jue's good looks made him instinctively unhappy.
“没事,师哥继续修炼吧,我想跟这位小哥单独聊聊。”邢红璇掩嘴笑道。,"Xing Hongxuan covered her mouth and smiled. ""It's fine. You can continue your cultivation. I want to talk to this young man alone."""
韩绝朝男修士尴尬一笑,显得很紧张。,Han Jue smiled awkwardly and anxiously at the male cultivator.
男修士紧皱眉头,倒没有说什么。,The male cultivator frowned but did not say anything.
韩绝跟着邢红璇走向树林。,Han Jue followed Xing Hongxuan into the woods.
他心里陷入斗争中。,He was struggling internally.
我这该死的魅力!,I'm too charming!
接下来我该怎么办?,What should I do next?
还是…顺从?,Or… obey?
韩绝与邢红璇来到一处无人的树林里,韩绝忐忑不安,生怕邢红璇提那种要求。,"Han Jue and Xing Hongxuan arrived at a deserted corner of the forest. Han Jue felt uneasy, fearing that Xing Hongxuan would make… that request."
邢红璇转身看向他,目光灼灼。,Xing Hongxuan turned to look at him with a burning gaze.
韩绝不敢与之对视。,Han Jue didn't dare to look her in the eyes.
邢红璇笑道:“小哥,不用紧张,我并非要为难你,我想问问你,你甘愿一辈子做这药草园的奴仆吗?”,"Xing Hongxuan smiled and said, ""Don't be nervous. I'm not trying to bother you. I just want to ask you, are you really willing to be a slave in this herbal garden forever?"""
韩绝沉默。,Han Jue was silent.
接下来就是要我低头,做你的掌中玩意?,"Next, you want me to bow before you and become your toy?"
邢红璇上前一步,在他耳边说道:“帮我做一件事,我带你修仙,摆脱凡人身份。”,"Xing Hongxuan took a step forward and whispered into his ear, ""Help me do something. I will help you cultivate and rid you of your mortal identity."""
“何事?”,"""What is it?"""
邢红璇嘴唇一张一合,并没有声音传出,但韩绝却听得清清楚楚。,"Xing Hongxuan opened and closed her mouth, but no sound came out. However, Han Jue heard her clearly."
“帮我拿到铁老的丹谱,我带你离开玉清宗,前往魔教,以后我会好好待你,在我手下,你不会受半点罪儿,若是你的资质不错,修为有成,我们甚至可以结成道侣。”,"""Help me obtain Elder Iron's alchemy recipe. I will bring you along when I leave the Jade Pure Sect and we will head to the Fiendish Cult. I will treat you well in the future. Under me, you will not suffer at all. If you have the aptitude and achieve good cultivation, we can even become companions."""
传音术!,Sound transmission!
韩绝瞪大眼睛。,Han Jue widened his eyes.
这婆娘竟然是魔修!,This woman is actually a fiendish cultivator!
韩绝凌乱了。,Han Jue had no idea what to do.
此事可不是开玩笑,他若是同意,将得罪整个玉清宗。,"This was no joke. If he agreed, he would offend the entire Jade Pure Sect."
他若是拒绝,邢红璇绝对不会让他走出这片树林。,"If he refused, Xing Hongxuan would never let him leave the forest."
铁老不在,这里只是玉清宗外门,他喊破嗓子估计都没有人应。,Elder Iron wasn't here. This was only the outer sect of the Jade Pure Sect. No one would respond even if he shouted his lungs out.
邢红璇也不催促,绕着韩绝转,耐心等待。,Xing Hongxuan didn't rush him. She walked around Han Jue and waited patiently.
韩绝在掂量自己与邢红璇对上的胜算。,Han Jue was weighing his chances of winning against Xing Hongxuan.
同样是炼气境七层,他没有法术、法器,如何能胜得过邢红璇?,"They were both at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement realm. Without magic and equipment, how could he defeat Xing Hongxuan?"
不能硬碰。,I can't resort to brute force.
韩绝佯装惶恐,道:“我不知道那东西的位置,况且还有张鸽在…”,"Han Jue pretended to be terrified and said, ""I don't know where that thing is. Moreover, Zhang Ge is there…"""
邢红璇面露满意之色,韩绝没有说丹谱二字,说明还是很聪明的。,Xing Hongxuan looked satisfied. The fact that Han Jue didn't mention the alchemy recipe meant that he was smart.
“没关系,还有时间,我可以等你。”邢红璇轻声笑道。,"""It's alright. I still have time. I can wait for you,"" Xing Hongxuan said with a smile."
她拿出一枚丹药,道:“此丹能帮你开启灵根,你先服下,就当见面礼。”,"She took out a pill and said, ""This pill can help you unlock your cultivation potential. Take it, this is my greeting gift."""
韩绝看向此丹,好似巧克力。,Han Jue looked at the pill. It looked like chocolate.
绝壁是毒药!,It was definitely poison!
韩绝没办法拒绝,只能喂入口中。,"Not able to refuse, Han Jue placed it in his mouth."
他用灵力包裹住丹药,避免丹药融化。,But he wrapped the pill with his spirit Qi to prevent it from melting.
吞入腹中后,韩绝张嘴,故意让邢红璇看到,兴奋道:“多谢仙子!我一定竭尽全力!”,"After swallowing it, Han Jue opened his mouth and deliberately showed it to Xing Hongxuan. He then said excitedly, ""Thank you, fairy-like miss! I will do my best!"""
玛德!,Damn it!
等我再修炼一年,让你知道厉害!,Wait for me to cultivate for another year and I will let you know how formidable I am!
韩绝绝不可能就这样加入魔教。,It was impossible for Han Jue to join the Fiendish Cult just like that.
他要的是长生不死,可不是冒险一生。,"He wanted to live forever, not a risky life."
邢红璇掩嘴一笑,伸手摸了摸韩绝的脸颊,笑道:“小哥真是懂事,乖,以后我把你当我夫君培养。”,"Xing Hongxuan covered her mouth and smiled. She reached out to touch Han Jue's cheek and said with a smile, ""You're so sensible. Be good. I will groom you as my husband in the future."""
韩绝激动。,Han Jue showed excitement.
心里则恶心。,But he was actually disgusted.
臭婆娘,你配得上我?,"Stupid bitch, do you think you are worthy of me?"
被邢红璇揩了好一会儿油,两人才回到药草园。,Xing Hongxuan rubbed his face for a while more before the two of them returned to the herb garden.
男修士狐疑的看向韩绝,眉头紧皱。,"The male cultivator looked at Han Jue suspiciously, frowning."
邢红璇则神秘一笑,继续打坐修炼。,Xing Hongxuan smiled mysteriously and continued her cultivation.
韩绝走入药草园内,眼前忽然浮现出一行行字:,"As Han Jue walked into the herb garden, lines of words suddenly appeared before his eyes."
【你遭遇魔修邢红璇的威胁,你有以下选择】,[You were threatened by the fiendish cultivator Xing Hongxuan. You have the following choices.]
【一,盗取丹谱,获得邢红璇的青睐,获得玉清宗5星仇恨度】,"[One, Steal the alchemy recipe, gain Xing Hongxuan's favor, and obtain hatred level of 5 stars from the Jade Pure Sect.]"
【二,绝不听从,不让邢红璇得到丹谱,待邢红璇离去,可获得剑法―绝指神剑】,"[Two, Defy and not allow Xing Hongxuan to obtain the alchemy recipe. After Xing Hongxuan leaves, you will obtain the sword technique—Unparalleled Finger Divine Sword]"
还有选择奖励?,I can even be rewarded?
韩绝眼睛一亮。,Han Jue's eyes lit up.
更加坚定了想法,绝不听从。,He was even more determined to not listen to her.
夜幕降临。,Night fell
韩绝回到屋内,开启结界功能。,Han Jue returned to the room and activated the barrier function.
他将腹中的丹药吐出来,别在腰带里。,He then spat out the pill in his stomach and placed it in his belt.
随后,他走到木床前坐下,拿出馒头开始吃。,"Then, he walked to the wooden bed and sat down. He took out a steamed bun and started eating."
他已经辟谷,但为了演戏,,"He had already abstained from eating ordinary meals, but to not cause suspicion, "
也得进食。,he had to pretend to eat.
夜深了。,It was late at night.
等五位奴仆睡着后,韩绝继续修炼。,"After the five slaves had fallen asleep, Han Jue continued to cultivate."
以他的资质,超越邢红璇绝非难事。,"Given his cultivation potential, it wouldn't be difficult for him to surpass Xing Hongxuan."
接下来几日,韩绝一如往常劳作。,"For the next few days, Han Jue worked as usual."
张鸽一直待在铁老的阁楼内修炼,使得韩绝有借口不入楼。,"Zhang Ge had been cultivating in Elder Iron's residence, giving Han Jue an excuse to not enter."
邢红璇似乎也不着急。,Xing Hongxuan seemed to be in no hurry.
一晃眼,半年时间过去。,"In the blink of an eye, half a year had passed."
【姓名:韩绝】,[Name: Han Jue]
【寿命:18/85】,[Lifespan: 18 / 85]
【种族:凡人】,[Race: Mortal]
【修为:炼气境八层】,[Cultivation: 8th level of the Qi Refinement Realm]
【功法:六道轮回功(可传承)】,[Technique: Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique (Can be inherited)]
【法术:无】,[Magic: None]
【神通:无】,[Mystical Power: None]
【法器:无】,[Equipment: None]
【灵根资质:六道灵体,蕴含顶级风、火、水、土、木、雷灵根,增加一定气运】,"[Cultivation Potential: Spiritual Physique of the Six Paths. It contains top-notch wind, fire, water, earth, wood, and thunder cultivation potentials. Increases providence to a certain extent.]"
【先天气运如下】,[Connate Providence is as follows]
【绝世无双:仙姿,魅力顶级】,"[Unparalleled: Immortal beauty, top-notch charm]"
【天命剑痴:剑道资质顶级,剑道悟性顶级】,"[Destined Sword Fanatic: Top-notch Sword Dao aptitude, top-notch Sword Dao learning ability]"
【身法绝尘:身法资质顶级】,[Unparalleled Movement Technique: Top-notch movement technique aptitude]
【仙帝后裔:获得一部绝世修仙功法、一千块上品灵石(可提取)】,"[Descendant of the Immortal Emperor: After the game begins, you will receive an unparalleled cultivation technique and 1,000 superior-grade spirit stones.]"
【查看人际关系】,[Check interpersonal relationships]
韩绝突破至炼气境八层,四系灵根全都达到炼气境八层。,"Han Jue broke through to the eighth level of Qi Refinement Realm, and all four of his spiritual roots reached the eighth level of Qi Refinement Realm."
值得一提的是,他的寿命也增长了二十岁,让他喜出望外。,"It was worth mentioning that his lifespan had also increased by twenty years, making him overjoyed."
灵力快速增长的感觉真是美妙。,The feeling of having his spiritual Qi rapidly grow was truly wonderful.
反观邢红璇、铁老,修为一直没有长进。,"On the other hand, Xing Hongxuan and Elder Iron hadn't progressed in their cultivation at all."
这就是天才与凡人的区别。,This was the difference between a genius and a mortal.
韩绝暗自得意。,Han Jue was secretly pleased.
果然,要耐得住寂寞,才能更强。,"Indeed, one had to endure loneliness to become stronger."
倘若他一开始就进行凡人修仙,说不定现在连炼气境四层都没有达到。,"If he had started cultivating as a mortal from the very beginning, he might not even have reached the fourth level of the Qi Refinement Realm yet."
这一日夜晚。,That night.
韩绝听到门外传来脚步声,他立即躺下,关闭结界。,Han Jue heard footsteps outside the door. He immediately lay down and closed the barrier.
“我准备将张鸽引走,之后你就进去找。”,"""I'm going to lure Zhang Ge away. You can go in and look for the item later."""
邢红璇的声音传入韩绝的耳中。,Xing Hongxuan's voice reached Han Jue's ears.
韩绝睁眼,连忙爬起来。,He opened his eyes and hurriedly got up.
还是躲不过去。,I still can't run away from it.
韩绝耐心等待。,Han Jue waited patiently.
炼气境八层的他已经修炼出神识,感官也超越常人。,"He, who was at the eighth level of Qi Refining, had already obtained a divine sense, and his normal senses were also extraordinary."
他隐约听到远处的阁楼传出桌椅被碰撞的声音。,He could faintly hear the sound of tables and chairs colliding in the distant pavilion.
“你可以行动了。”,"""You can go now."""
邢红璇的声音传来,紧接着,韩绝就感知到邢红璇和张鸽从屋檐上掠走。,"Xing Hongxuan's voice flowed into his ear. Then, Han Jue sensed Xing Hongxuan and Zhang Ge rushing away from the roof."
韩绝悄悄起身,准备去做做样子。,Han Jue quietly got up and prepared to put on a show.
小心翼翼离开房屋后,他朝药草园门口望去,发现那名男修士倒在树下,不知死活。,"After carefully leaving the house, he looked towards the entrance of the herb garden and discovered that the male cultivator had fallen under a tree. He couldn't tell if the guy was dead or alive."
“好弱的路人。”,"""What a weak guy."""
韩绝暗自吐槽。,Han Jue couldn't help but ridicule him.
他朝着阁楼走去。,He headed for the pavilion.
铁老的阁楼有两层,跟别墅一样,富丽堂皇,摆满各种瓷器与画卷,韩绝入屋后,开始瞎转悠。,"Elder Iron's pavilion was two stories high, just like the villa. It was grand and magnificent, filled with all kinds of porcelain and paintings. After Han Jue entered the house, he began to wander around."
完全没有用心。,He didn't put in any effort at all.
就算真有宝贝,他也没地方放。,"Even if there was something he wanted, he had no place to keep it."
坐了半个小时,韩绝起身继续翻箱倒柜,至少要做个样子。,"After sitting for half an hour, Han Jue got up and continued to rummage through the drawers. He had to at least put on an act."
又过去半个小时。,Another half an hour passed.
邢红璇回来了。,Xing Hongxuan returned.
她急匆匆的入屋,找到韩绝,问道:“找到了吗?”,"She rushed into the room and found him. ""Have you found it?"""
韩绝站在一个花瓶旁边,转身说道:“找不到啊,翻了一个遍都没有找到。”,"Standing beside a vase, Han Jue turned around and said, ""I couldn't find it. I searched everywhere but couldn't find it."""
他忽然瞧见邢红璇身上满是血迹。,"All of a sudden, he noticed that Xing Hongxuan was covered in blood."
难道张鸽被她杀了?,Had she killed Zhang Ge?
韩绝下意识后退,结果不慎将小桌上的花瓶撞倒。,Han Jue retreated subconsciously and accidentally knocked over the vase on the table.
花瓶落在地上,碎了。,The vase fell to the floor and shattered.
韩绝看到一本秘籍出现在花瓶碎片中,上面刻着两个大字。,Han Jue saw a manual appearing in the broken vase with two words carved on it.
丹谱。,Alchemy recipe.
屋内瞬间寂静,针落可闻。,The room was so quiet that a dropping needle would have been heard.
韩绝愣住,尴尬无比。,Han Jue was stunned and felt extremely awkward.
妈的!,Damn it!
铁老就这样藏东西的?,Is this how Elder Iron hides his things?
邢红璇将目光从丹谱上转移,看向韩绝,目光幽幽。,Xing Hongxuan shifted her gaze from the alchemy recipe to him. It looked as if there was a bottomless abyss in her eyes.
韩绝惊喜道:“竟然藏在花瓶里,这老头真会藏东西!”,"Han Jue said in surprise, ""He actually hid it in a vase. This old man really knows how to hide things!"""
韩绝紧张极了。,Han Jue was extremely nervous.
他努力表现得很惊喜,随时防备邢红璇出手。,"He tried his best to look pleasantly surprised, as he prepared for Xing Hongxuan to attack him any moment."
邢红璇忽然走上前来,紧紧抓住他的手,兴奋的笑道:“不愧是你,真是我的吉祥物!”,"Xing Hongxuan suddenly walked forward and grabbed his hand tightly. She smiled excitedly and said, ""You're really my lucky charm!"""
“只要你高兴就好。”,"""I'm happy as long as you're happy."""
【邢红璇对你的好感增长,可结为道侣,好感度为3星】,[Xing Hongxuan's favorable impression of you has increased. She can become your companion. Her favorable impression of you is at the level of three stars]
韩绝浮现出这行字,他露出苦笑。,Han Jue smiled bitterly at the line of words that appeared before him.
不过邢红璇没有看透,她绕过韩绝,捡起丹谱,开始翻阅。,"However, Xing Hongxuan didn't notice it. She walked around him, picked up the recipe, and began to flip through it."
她似乎在找什么。,She seemed to be looking for something.
韩绝忐忑的等待。,Han Jue waited nervously.
要不要出手?,Should he make a move?
要是让邢红璇带走丹谱,他就得不到剑法。,"If Xing Hongxuan took the recipe away, he wouldn't be able to obtain the sword technique."
邢红璇好像受了伤,气息很不稳定。,"Xing Hongxuan seemed to be injured, and her breathing was unstable."
阴她一手?,Ambush her?
让她知难而退。,So that she will back off and give up?
就在韩绝犹豫时,一阵寒风从大门席卷而来。,"Just as Han Jue was hesitating, a gust of cold wind swept through the door."
韩绝猝不及防,被撞飞出去,砸在墙壁上,反弹落地。,"Han Jue was caught off-guard and was sent flying, crashing into the wall and rebounding to the ground."
不怎么疼。,Not really painful.
就是有点吓人。,Just a little scary.
韩绝定睛一看,铁老!,Han Jue stared in the direction. It was Elder Iron!
他脖子一歪,右脚一哆嗦,假装晕了过去。,He tilted his neck and shook his right leg vigorously. He was pretending to have passed out.
“放下我的丹谱!”,"""Put down my alchemy recipe!"""
铁老沉声道,语气冰冷。," Elder Iron said coldly."
邢红璇冷声道:“你竟然回来了!”,"Xing Hongxuan talked back coldly, ""You're actually back!"""
铁老面无表情道:“我早就回来了,只是一直在等着你现身,之前我一回来就看到你们俩,这么多年,其他弟子都不接我的任务,就你们接,肯定有猫腻。”,"Elder Iron said expressionlessly, ""I've been back for a long time, but I've been waiting for you to show up. The last time I came back, I saw the two of you the moment I arrived. All these years, the other disciples have not accepted any of my missions, only the two of you have. There must be something fishy."""
说罢,铁老猛地出手,一掌打向邢红璇。,"With that, Elder Iron suddenly launched an attack at Xing Hongxuan, pushing his palm at her."
他的掌心之中贴着一张符纸。,In his palm was a talisman.
邢红璇下意识跳开,铁老掌心中迸发出雷电,化为电网缠住邢红璇。,"As Xing Hongxuan instinctively jumped away, a lightning bolt shot out from Elder Iron's palm and wrapped around her."
铁老跟着一脚踹去,将邢红璇踹飞出去。,"Elder Iron then kicked Xing Hongxuan, sending her flying backward."
几乎是瞬间,铁老将丹谱夺走。,"Almost instantly, Elder Iron snatched the alchemy recipe back."
邢红璇落地,她浑身抽搐。,"Xing Hongxuan landed on the ground, her body twitching uncontrollably."
铁老乘胜追击,邢红璇连忙逃跑。,"With his advantage, Elder Iron continued pursuing Xing Hongxuan, causing her to flee."
两人迅速冲出去。,The two of them zoomed out one after another.
躺在地上的韩绝犹豫要不要起身。,"Lying on the ground, Han Jue hesitated whether he should get up."
要是起来了,就洗刷不了罪责。,"If he got up, he wouldn't be able to avoid suspicion."
韩绝也想过逃。,Han Jue also thought about escaping.
但太危险了,他甚至不知该往哪儿逃。,But it was too dangerous. He didn't even know where to run to.
他耐心等待。,"So, he waited patiently."
足足过去一个小时,韩绝忍不住挠了挠屁股。,"After an hour, Han Jue couldn't help but scratch his butt."
他忽然感觉到一股气息在靠近阁楼。,"Then, he suddenly felt an aura approaching the pavilion."
铁老!,It was Elder Iron!
韩绝不敢动弹。,Han Jue didn't dare to move.
铁老走入阁楼内。他看到韩绝,不由皱眉。,"As he entered the pavilion, Elder Iron noticed him and frowned."
韩绝突然咳嗽起来。,Han Jue suddenly coughed.
铁老走到一旁的椅子前坐下,静静的盯着韩绝。,"Elder Iron walked to a nearby chair and sat down, quietly staring at him."
韩绝施展出前世今生最卓越最逼真的演技。,Han Jue displayed the best and most realistic acting skills ever.
他捂着头爬起来。,He rubbed his head and got up.
迷茫的看向周围,他一看到铁老,顿时惊喜。,"Looking around in confusion, he was pleasantly surprised to see Elder Iron."
“铁老!您终于回来了!”,"""Elder Iron! You're finally back!"""
韩绝脖子一缩,紧张的看向周围。,Han Jue shrunk his neck and looked around nervously.
他小心翼翼的问道:“那魔女去哪儿了?”,"He carefully asked, ""Then, where did the witch go?"""
铁老面无表情的看向他。,Elder Iron looked at him expressionlessly.
韩绝连忙站起来,低着头面对铁老,一副忐忑不安的模样。,"Han Jue hurriedly stood up and lowered his head before Elder Iron, looking uneasy."
韩绝在赌!,Han Jue was gambling!
赌铁老并没有发现邢红璇与他的交流。,He was gambling that Elder Iron didn't notice the communication between Xing Hongxuan and him.
若是发现了,那韩绝只能拼了。,"If he discovered it, Han Jue could only go all out."
“她怎么跟你说的?”铁老询问道。,"""What did she tell you?"" Elder Iron asked."
韩绝不敢隐瞒,如实回答。,Han Jue didn't dare to hide anything and answered truthfully.
“哼,她想培养你成为夫君,真是笑话。”,"""Hmph. She wants to train you to be her husband. What a joke."""
铁老被气笑了,觉得这小子在做梦。,Elder Iron was so angry that he laughed. This kid must be daydreaming.
他仔细打量韩绝。,He examined Han Jue carefully.
还真别说。,It's actually true.
这小子真的变俊了,光看容颜与眼神,丝毫不逊色于那些内门弟子。,"This kid had really become handsome. Just based on his looks and gaze, he wasn't inferior to those inner sect disciples at all."
变化太大了!,The changes were too great!
莫非…,Could it be…
铁老伸手,,Elder Iron stretched out his hand and
抓住韩绝的右手手腕,仔细琢磨。,"grabbed Han Jue's right wrist, pondering carefully."
韩绝很紧张,随时准备出手。,"Nervous, Han Jue was ready to attack at any time."
“这小子没有灵根,也没有修为,莫非是我多虑了?”,"""This kid doesn't have a cultivation potential or cultivation. Am I overthinking?"""
铁老默默想到,看到韩绝诚惶诚恐的模样,他不由想起韩绝的父母,心情顿时烦躁。,"Old Iron silently thought. Seeing Han Jue's fearful and anxious appearance, he couldn't help but think of his parents, and his mood immediately became irritable."
他没好气道:“滚回去睡觉!”,"He snapped. ""Go back to sleep!"""
韩绝松了一口气,连忙行礼。,"Han Jue heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly bowed, "
他迅速离开阁楼。,then left the pavilion quickly.
铁老则开始收拾屋内。,Elder Iron began to tidy up the room.
回到屋内,韩绝悄悄上床。,"Back in his room, Han Jue quietly went to bed."
【由于你没有帮助邢红璇盗取丹谱,你成功获得剑法―绝指神剑】,"[As you did not help Xing Hongxuan steal the alchemy recipe, you successfully obtained the sword technique—Unparalleled Finger Divine Sword]"
韩绝心情美滋滋,终于有保命手段了!,Han Jue was in a good mood. He finally had a life-saving technique!
他立即选择传承。,He immediately chose to inherit it.
一股记忆涌入他的脑海里。,A wave of memories surged into his mind.
绝指神剑不算是武学,而是法术,以指为剑,灵力转化为剑气。,"The Unparalleled Finger Divine Sword wasn't considered a martial art, but a magical spell. He could brandish his finger as a sword, and the spirit Qi would transform into a blade."
韩绝拥有绝顶的剑道悟性,当晚便学会了此法术。,Han Jue was very talented with sword techniques and was able to master the magical spell in one night.
不过他没有暴露,依旧保持低调。,"However, he didn't expose himself and maintained a low profile."
第二日。,The next day.
韩绝起床后,听其他奴仆说张鸽死了。,"After Han Jue woke up, he heard the other servants say that Zhang Ge had died."
据说死得无比凄惨,七窍流血。,"It was said that he died a miserable death, bleeding from all seven orifices."
守在药草园门口的男修士也一大早离去,昨晚似乎发生了大事。,The male cultivator guarding the herb garden also left early in the morning. Something big seemed to have happened last night.
韩绝不由为张鸽默哀。,Han Jue couldn't help but mourn for Zhang Ge.
【邢红璇对你的好感增长,可结为道侣,当前好感度为3.5星】,[Xing Hongxuan's favorable impression of you has increased. She can become your companion. Her favorable impression of you is at the level of 3.5 stars]
韩绝愣住。,Han Jue was stunned.
好感度怎么又增长了?,Why did she become more affectionate towards me?
不过短时间内,邢红璇应该不敢再出现,韩绝又可以安心修炼。,"However, Xing Hongxuan probably wouldn't dare to show up again for the time being, and Han Jue could cultivate in peace."
半个月后。,Half a month later.
铁老又离开药草园。,Elder Iron left the herb garden again.
最近十年,他外出的频率越来越高。,He had been going out more frequently in the past ten years.
韩绝听王老头说,铁老似乎大限将至,正在找寻增长寿命的药材。,Han Jue heard from Old Man Wang that Elder Iron seemed to be nearing the end of his life and was looking for herbs to increase his lifespan.
不是谁都跟韩绝一样,可以轻松的不断突破。,Not everyone could break through easily like Han Jue.
铁老的修为卡在炼气境七层,无法再增长。,Elder Iron's cultivation level was stuck at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement Realm and could not increase further.
这便是资质的差别。,This was the difference in cultivation potential.
铁老是典型的凡人修仙,想逆天改命。,Elder Iron was a typical mortal cultivator who wanted to change his fate.
韩绝在心中祈祷,希望这老头死在路上。,"Han Jue prayed in his heart, hoping that this old man would die on the way."
他之所以这么狠毒,是因为他注意到铁老对自己依旧是1星仇恨度。,The reason he had such a vicious thought was that he noticed that Elder Iron still had a level of hatred of 1 star towards him.
潜在的敌人啊!,Elder Iron was a potential enemy!
一晃眼。,In the blink of an eye.
两年过去。,Two years passed.
二十岁的韩绝将四系灵根全部修炼到炼气境九层。,The twenty-year-old Han Jue had cultivated all four spiritual roots to the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm.
只需将雷、火灵根也修炼到炼气境九层,他便可开始准备突破筑基境。,"As long as he cultivated his lightning and fire cultivation potential to the ninth level of the Qi Refinement Realm, he could begin preparing to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm."
但药草园周围捕捉不到雷灵气、火灵气。,"However, there was no lightning or fire spiritual Qi around the herb garden."
韩绝明白自己该离开了。,Han Jue knew that it was time for him to leave.
当夜,他便悄悄离去。,"That night, he quietly left."
韩绝还有一千块上品灵石没有取出,这将是他行走修真界的底气。,Han Jue still had a thousand superior-grade spirit stones that he had yet to take out. This would be the source of his confidence in traveling the cultivation world.
一路上,韩绝一边走,一边用神识探寻周围。,"Along the way, Han Jue used his divine sense to search his surroundings as he walked."
他准备直接去拜玉清宗,成为玉清宗弟子。,He was prepared to pay a visit to the Jade Pure Sect and become its disciple.
玉清宗应该不会拒绝一名炼气境九层的修士。,The Jade Pure Sect probably wouldn't reject a cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refinement Realm.
次日一早。,The next morning.
韩绝终于找到玉清宗的山门。,Han Jue finally found the Jade Pure Sect.
玉清宗,位于群山之间的山谷中,仙雾弥漫,山门立着两尊巨大的石像,神似麒麟。,"The sect was located in a valley between mountains. Mysterious mist pervaded the air, and two huge stone statues flanked the gate. They looked like kirin statues."
“站住,亮出宗令。”,"""Stop right there. Show us your sect pass,"""
一名玉清宗弟子抬起手中的剑说道。,said a disciple of the Jade Pure Sect as he raised his sword.
一共有四名弟子守着玉清宗入谷口,修为都是炼气境五层。,"A total of four disciples were guarding the entrance of the Jade Pure Sect, and all of them were at the fifth level of the Qi Refinement Realm."
韩绝关闭隐藏功能,拱手道:“在下韩绝,是一介散修,炼气境九层,想要拜入玉清宗,不知可有门路?”,"Han Jue turned off the concealment function and clasped his hands. ""I'm Han Jue, a rogue cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refinement Realm. Do I have any way to join the Jade Pure Sect?"""
炼气境九层!,The ninth level of Qi Refinement Realm!
四名弟子的态度瞬间变了。,The four disciples' attitudes instantly changed.
执剑弟子朝旁边的弟子说了一声,那弟子便迅速离去。,"The sword-wielding disciple told the disciple beside him, and the latter disciple quickly left."
“你且等等,我让人去通知外门执事了。”执剑弟子开口道。,"""Wait a moment. I've sent someone to inform the outer sect warden,"" said the sword-wielding disciple."
韩绝道了一声谢。,Han Jue thanked him.
玉清宗内,除了铁老,没有其他修士知道他的名字,铁老还未回来,很可能死在外面了,所以韩绝也不担心暴露身份。,"In the Jade Pure Sect, other than Elder Iron, no other cultivator knew his name. Elder Iron had yet to return and might have died outside, so Han Jue wasn't worried about exposing his identity."
反正他没有做过危害玉清宗的事情,问心无愧。,"In any case, he had done nothing to harm the Jade Pure Sect, so nothing was stopping him from joining the sect."
韩绝没有等太久,很快一名外门执事赶来。,Han Jue didn't have to wait long before an outer sect warden arrived.
此人的修为也是炼气境九层。,He was also at the ninth level of the Qi Refinement Realm.
“在下玉清宗外门执事,杨罗,韩兄弟能否让我检查一下,这几年时有魔修潜入我们玉清宗。”外门执事拱手说道,表现得很客气。,"""I'm an outer sect warden of the Jade Pure Sect, Yang Luo. Brother Han, can you let me do a quick check? Fiendish cultivators occasionally tried to infiltrate the Jade Pure Sect in the past few years,"" the outer sect warden said politely, cupping his hands."
韩绝身上什么东西都没有,也不怕检查。,Han Jue didn't have anything on him and wasn't afraid of a check.
他抬起双手。,He raised his hands.
杨罗开始摸索。,Yang Luo began to feel around.
搜完后,他疑惑问道:“韩兄弟为何连储物戒、储物袋都没有?”,"After he finished searching, he asked doubtfully, ""Why do you not even have a storage ring or storage pouch?"""
韩绝无奈道:“来的路上遭遇筑基魔修的袭击,为了保命,你懂的。”,"Han Jue helplessly said, ""I was attacked by a Foundation Establishment Realm fiendish cultivator on my way here. To stay alive… Ya, I'm sure you understand."""
杨罗沉默,同情的看向他。,Yang Luo was silent and looked at him sympathetically.
“你能施展一下灵力吗?”杨罗继续问道。,"""Can you show your Spiritual Energy?"" Yang Luo asked."
韩绝能理解,想看看他是不是魔修。,Han Jue could understand. It was to check if he was a fiendish cultivator.
他当即抬起右手,以指为剑,朝着旁边的山壁点去。,"He immediately raised his right hand, wielding his finger like a sword and pointing towards the cliff at the side."
一道剑气顺着他的食指射出,洞穿山壁。,"A beam of Spirit Qi shot out from his index finger, piercing into the rocks."
杨罗眼睛一亮。,Yang Luo's eyes lit up.
这是什么法术?,What kind of spell is this?
他不好意思多问,但能感受到韩绝并非魔修。,"He didn't ask, but he could feel that Han Jue wasn't a fiendish cultivator."
“没问题了,跟我来吧,我带你去外门登记身份,从今以后,你便是玉清宗外门弟子。”杨罗笑道。,"""No problem, follow me. I'll bring you to the outer sect for registration. From now on, you're an outer sect disciple of the Jade Pure Sect."" Yang Luo smiled."
随后,他领着韩绝进入山谷内。,"Then, he led Han Jue into the valley."
韩绝一边走,一边问道:“外门有多少弟子?进入内门需要什么条件?”,"As Han Jue walked, he asked, ""How many outer sect disciples are there? What are the conditions to enter the inner sect?"""
“外门有两千多名弟子,只有筑基,才能进入内门,不过筑基很难,每三年宗门都会进行宗门小比,前三名皆有筑基丹,筑基丹可以帮助炼气境九层突破筑基丹。”,"""There are more than two thousand disciples in the outer sect. Only those who have reached Foundation Establishment can enter the inner sect. However, Foundation Establishment is very difficult. Every three years, the sect will hold a sect competition. The top three will all receive Foundation Establishment Pills. Foundation Establishment Pills can help a ninth layer Qi Refinement Realm cultivator breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Realm."""
“内门弟子多吗?”,"""Are there many inner sect disciples?"""
“这我倒不清楚,玉清宗内门位于一片小天地内,即便是我们外门也无法了解清楚内门的情况。”,"""I'm not sure about that. The Jade Pure Sect's inner sect is located in a Small World, we have no idea what's happening inside."""
“看来玉清宗很厉害。”,"""It seems like Jade Pure Sect is very powerful."""
“那是自然,玉清宗可是大燕修行界的名门正派。”,"""Of course. The Jade Pure Sect is the most prestigious and established cultivation sect in the Great Yan."""
“玉清宗可有雷灵气、火灵气的修炼之地?”,"""Does the Jade Pure Sect have places to cultivate with lightning and fire spiritual Qi?"""
“外门没有,内门或许有,你若是有雷灵根,可以向长老堂申请,说不定能破例拜入内门,这种稀有灵根,一般都会得到宗门的特殊培养。”,"""There aren't any in the outer sect, but there might be in the inner sect. If you have a Thunder Cultivation Potential, you can appeal to the Elder Hall. Perhaps they can make an exception and allow you to enter the inner sect. Having rare cultivation potentials like this is normally enough for the sect to especially nurture you."""
杨罗暗自惊奇,莫非此人还有雷灵根?,Yang Luo was secretly surprised. Could it be that this guy also had a Thunder Cultivation Potential?
韩绝眼睛一亮,问道:“只要有雷灵根就可以?”,"Han Jue's eyes brightened as he asked, ""As long as I have a Thunder Cultivation Potential?"""
杨罗点头。,Yang Luo nodded.
“杨兄,你帮我引荐一下?我若能进内门,以后定然忘不了你的恩情。”韩绝低声说道。,"""Brother Yang, can you nominate me? If I can enter the inner sect, I will never forget your kindness,"" Han Jue said in a low voice."
他抬起右手,掌心之中迸发出雷电。,He raised his right hand and sparks crackled in his palm.
杨罗瞳孔一缩。,Yang Luo's pupils contracted.
【玉清宗外门执事杨罗对你产生好感,当前好感度为1星】,"[The outer sect warden of the Jade Pure Sect, Yang Luo, has a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 1 star.]"
杨罗笑道:“既然你我都兄弟相称了,此事自然得帮帮你,那我便破例帮你去跟长老堂说明。”,"Yang Luo laughed. ""Since you're already calling me brother, I naturally have to help you with this matter. I'll make an exception and explain this to the Elder Hall."""
“多谢杨兄,在下感激不尽!”,"""Thank you, Brother Yang. I'm very grateful!"""
“好说好说!”,"""Sure, sure!"""
杨罗卡在炼气境九层已经二十年,他在修为上很难再有突破,唯一能做的便是积攒人脉。,Yang Luo had been stuck in the ninth level of the Qi Refinement Realm for twenty years. It was very difficult for him to make any more breakthroughs in his cultivation. The only thing he could do was to form connections.
在杨罗的带领下,韩绝一路上看到不少外门弟子在沿途打坐修炼。,"Following Yang Luo, Han Jue saw many outer sect disciples meditating along the way."
外门没有给弟子们分配专属的修炼场地、洞府,大家都是随便找地方纳气,不得生事。,The outer sect did not allocate special cultivation grounds and cave abodes for the disciples. Everyone just randomly found a place to practice their breathing techniques and were not to cause trouble.
很快,韩绝来到外门的建筑群,大多数房屋与铁老的阁楼很像,古色古香,街道上来往的弟子也不少,除了修士,还有凡人。,"Soon, Han Jue arrived at the outer sect's buildings. Most of the buildings were very similar to Elder Iron's buildings and looked antique. There were also many disciples on the streets. Other than cultivators, there were also mortals."
原来,在修仙宗门里也有不少凡人奴仆,不止是炼丹师需要。,It turned out that there were also many mortal slaves in the cultivation sect. Slaves were not only needed by alchemists.
凡人们也乐意为他们效劳,至少不会遭遇生命危险,也能吃饱饭。,"Mortals were also willing to serve them. At the very least, they wouldn't encounter any life-threatening situations and would be able to fill their stomach."
长老堂位于山谷中央,四层阁楼,弥漫着一股奇异香味。,"The Elder Hall was located in the center of the valley. It had four floors, and the entire place was filled with a strange fragrance."
韩绝跟着杨罗走进去。,Han Jue followed Yang Luo in.
杨罗走到柜台前,道:“有一名炼气境九层的散修要加入我们玉清宗。”,"Yang Luo walked to the counter and said, ""A ninth level Qi Refinement Realm cultivator wants to join our Jade Pure Sect."""
一楼不算大,只有柜台前有人,是一名老者。,"The first floor wasn't big, and there was only an old man at the counter."
老者瞥了韩绝一眼。,"The old man glanced at Han Jue,"
这一眼让韩绝莫名的心慌。,causing him to incomprehensibly tense up.
他也看不透对方的境界。,He couldn't tell the old man's cultivation level.
莫非是筑基境修士?,Could he be a Foundation Establishment Realm cultivator?
老者应了一声,转身在身后的木柜上取下一块牌子。,The old man responded and turned around to take a small rectangular wooden block from the wooden cabinet behind him.
杨罗跟着低声道:“大长老在吗,此人拥有雷灵根,想要进入内门。”,"Yang Luo asked in a low voice, ""Is the First Elder here? This person has a Thunder Cultivation Potential and wants to enter the inner court."""
雷灵根?,Thunder Cultivation Potential?
老者诧异的看了韩绝一眼。,The old man looked at Han Jue in surprise.
他招了招手。,He waved his hand.
韩绝立即跟上去。,Han Jue immediately walked up to the old man.
同时,他在心里让系统只显露出雷灵根、火灵根、风灵根。,"At the same time, he made the system only reveal his thunder, fire, and wind cultivation potentials."
三灵根资质!,Triple cultivation potential!
老者面露惊色,道:“三灵根!”,"The old man was shocked. ""Triple cultivation potential!"""
杨罗倒也没有吃惊,而是露出羡慕之色。,"Yang Luo wasn't surprised. Instead, he looked slightly envious."
“先登记一下身份,暂时为外门弟子,等大长老回来,我会将此事告诉他。”老者沉吟道。,"""Register yourself first. You will be an outer sect disciple for the time being. When the First Elder returns, I will tell him about this matter,"" the old man said in a low voice."
韩绝开始登记身份。,Han Jue started the registration.
之后,韩绝领了宗令、储物袋、玉清宗道袍、一百块下品灵石、一瓶聚气丹后便离去。,"After that, Han Jue received the Sect Pass, a storage bag, a Jade Pure Sect Daoist robe, 100 low-grade spirit stones, and a bottle of Qi Condensation Pills."
杨罗亲自为他安排住处,距离杨罗不远,单独一间木屋。,Yang Luo personally arranged for him to stay in a wooden house not far from his.
“好了,韩兄弟,你且先休息吧,有消息后会有人来通知你,我还有事。”杨罗笑道。,"""Alright, Brother Han, you should rest first. Someone will inform you when there's news. I still have things to do."" Yang Luo smiled."
韩绝抱拳,目送杨罗离去。,Han Jue cupped his fists and watched him leave.
杨罗的态度让他感觉很真实,跟小说里写的不一样。,Yang Luo's attitude made him feel very real. It was different from what was written in novels.
即便人家有意拉拢他,也不会刻意的讨好。,"Even if Yang Luo wanted to form a good relationship with him, he wouldn't deliberately try to please him."
都是修士,不会因为你资质较好就直接给你当狗。,They were all cultivators. He wasn't going to be a simp just because Han Jue had better potential.
韩绝关上房门,开始修炼。,Han Jue closed the door and started to cultivate.
他终于可以放心大胆的修炼!,He could finally cultivate without any worries!
让他惊喜的事情又出现了。,Something surprising happened again.
这里竟然能感应到火灵气!,He could actually sense fire spiritual Qi here!
韩绝决定先将火灵根修炼到炼气境九层。,Han Jue decided to first cultivate his fire cultivation potential to the ninth level of the Qi Refinement Realm.
一般而言,修士只会选择一种功法修炼,功法的属性大多是单一的,很少有人会像韩绝这样修炼六种两属性。,"Generally speaking, cultivators would only choose one technique to cultivate. Most cultivation techniques only had a single elemental attribute. Very few people would cultivate with six elemental attributes like Han Jue."
韩绝资质顶级,丝毫不觉得累。,Han Jue's cultivation potential was top-notch and he didn't feel tired at all.
他很享受变强的感觉。,He enjoyed the feeling of becoming stronger.
准确的说是寿命增长的感觉。,"More accurately, it was the feeling of his lifespan increasing."
当初韩绝看到属性面板后的第一个念头便是长生。,"When Han Jue saw the attributes panel, his first thought was to live forever."
他不要功名利禄!,He didn't want fame or fortune!
他不要美人!,He didn't want to marry a beauty!
他只要活得久,决不能像前世那样年纪轻轻就患上绝症!,He only wanted to live for very long. He didn't want to suffer from a terminal disease and die at a young age again!
“我的资质注定我不需要去冒险谋取机缘,我要踏踏实实修炼,绝不惹事生非,能不招惹敌人,就不要招惹,除非对方非要打死我。”,"""With my cultivation potential, I don't need to take risks and seek opportunities. I need to cultivate diligently and never cause trouble. If I can avoid provoking my enemies, then I shouldn't provoke them unless they want to kill me."""
韩绝默默想到。,Han Jue thought silently.
一晃眼。,In the blink of an eye.
半年时间转瞬即逝。,Six months passed.
韩绝的火灵根修炼到炼气境四层。,Han Jue's fire cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Qi Refinement Realm.
外门大长老终于回来了,杨罗亲自来通知韩绝。,"The outer sect First Elder finally returned, and Yang Luo personally came to inform him."
韩绝收拾东西,将储物袋系在腰带上,然后跟着杨罗前往长老堂。,"Han Jue packed up his things, tied the storage bag on his waist, and followed him to the Elder Hall."
“本来长老堂已经忘了此事,我刚好路过你门口,发现你还在修炼,便想起此事,你这样的苦修士大长老应该会欣赏的。”杨罗笑道。,"""Initially, the Elder Hall had already forgotten about this matter. I happened to pass by your door and noticed that you were still cultivating, so I suddenly remembered it. I'm sure the First Elder would like a diligent cultivator like you."" Yang Luo smiled."
他语气中充满佩服。,His tone was full of admiration.
整整半年,韩绝都没有打开过房门。,Han Jue didn't open his door for half a year.
若非里面有灵气波动,别人还以为这是一间空房。,"If not for the spiritual Qi fluctuation inside, others would have thought that it was an empty room."
韩绝笑道:“多谢杨兄,日后若是有机会多得筑基丹,我定会为你谋一枚。”,"Han Jue smiled and said, ""Many thanks, Brother Yang. If I have the chance to obtain more Foundation Establishment Pills in the future, I will definitely obtain one for you."""
长老堂。,Elder Hall.
韩绝见到了大长老。,Han Jue met the First Elder.
大长老体型肥胖,很像弥勒佛,脸上挂着笑容,眼睛笑成两条弯缝。,The First Elder was plump and resembled Maitreya Buddha. He had a smile on his face and his eyes curved into two lines.
他打量韩绝,满意道:“气质很不错,不比内门弟子差,甚至快赶上精英弟子。”,"He sized up Han Jue and said with satisfaction, ""His temperament is comparable to inner sect disciples and almost equivalent to an elite disciple."""
玉清宗道袍白底青丝,韩绝穿上后,魅力效果彻底出来,完全不像是奴仆出身。,"The Jade Pure Sect robe was white with blue stripes. After Han Jue wore it, his charm was completely unleashed. He didn't look like a servant at all."
来的路上就有许多女修偷看他。,Many female cultivators peeped at him on the way here.
“弟子可不能跟精英弟子比。”韩绝谦逊的说道。,"""I cannot be compared to the elite disciples,"" Han Jue said humbly."
大长老笑了笑,道:“走吧,跟我去内门,想要加入内门,你得拜师,内门有十八峰,十八位传教长老,若是有人瞧得上你,你就可以直接成为内门弟子,若是没有,你只能参加宗门小比,争取早日筑基。”,"The Grand Elder smiled and said, ""Let's go. Follow me to the inner sect. If you want to join the inner sect, you have to find a master. There are eighteen peaks and eighteen missionary elders in the inner sect. If anyone is fond of you, you can directly become an inner sect disciple. If not, you can only participate in the outer sect competition and strive to reach Foundation Establishment as soon as possible."""
“弟子明白了。”,"""I understand."""
随后两人离开长老堂。,The two of them then left the Elder Hall.
柜台前的老者啧啧称奇道:“此子的火灵力增强不少,看来半年都在苦修。”,"The old man at the counter clicked his tongue in wonder. ""This child's fire-attribute Spiritual Energy has increased by quite a bit. It seems that he has been diligently cultivating for half a year."""
杨罗笑道:“是啊,他都没有出门过,资质好,还肯苦修,以后说不定会成为精英弟子。”,"Yang Luo laughed. ""That's right, he didn't leave his room even once. He has good talent and is willing to cultivate diligently. Who knows, he might even become an elite disciple in the future."""
老者摇头失笑,也没有再多说。,The old man shook his head and laughed. He didn't say anything else.
他在这里待了上百年,比韩绝资质更好的天才都瞧见过,心中只是有少许感慨,倒也没有多想。,He had been here for more than a hundred years and had seen geniuses more talented than Han Jue. He only felt a little emotional but didn't think too much about it.
一路无话。,They didn't speak on the way.
在大长老的带领下,韩绝来到山谷角落的一座传送法阵前,这里有数名弟子把守。,"Following the First Elder, Han Jue arrived at a teleportation formation in the corner of the valley. Several disciples were guarding this place."
传送法阵很像一座祭台,圆形石台,上面刻满古怪的纹路,四方竖着石柱,上面有许多不规则的凹洞,专门放灵石。,"The teleportation formation was very much like an altar. It was a circular stone platform with strange patterns engraved on it. Stone pillars were erected in all directions, and there were many irregular dents on them, which were especially used to insert spirit stones."
韩绝是第一次使用传送法阵,很紧张,但又不敢表现出来,怕丢人。,"This was Han Jue's first time using a teleportation formation. He was very nervous, but he didn't dare to show it, afraid of embarrassing himself."
外门弟子开始安放灵石。,The outer sect disciples began placing spirit stones.
“你想加入怎样的修行风气中,各峰因执教长老的性格不同,风气也不同,有的争强好胜,有的低调苦修,有的常年外出任务。”大长老忽然开口问道。,"""What kind of training style do you prefer?"" the First Elder suddenly asked. ""The various peaks have different cultures because of the different personalities of the coaching elders. Some are competitive, some are low-key, and some are out on missions all year round."""
韩绝回答道:“低调苦修的,我不喜欢热闹,也不喜欢高调。”,"Han Jue replied, ""I'm a low-profile cultivator. I don't like crowds and I don't like being high-profile."""
大长老露出古怪笑容,道:“那我先带去玉幽峰。”,"The First Elder revealed a strange smile and said, ""Then, I'll bring you to the Jade Serene Peak first."""
这时,传送法阵启动,强光迸现,晃得韩绝闭眼。,"At this moment, the teleportation formation was activated and a strong light burst out, causing Han Jue to close his eyes."
韩绝感受到强烈的失重感,换做凡人,绝对要吐。,Han Jue felt a strong sense of weightlessness. Any other mortal would have vomited.
大概过去三秒。,About three seconds passed.
韩绝睁开眼睛,映入他眼前的是一座座高耸入云的山峰,云海弥漫在前方,他仿佛站在云端之上。,"Han Jue opened his eyes, and what he saw was a mountain peak that reached into the clouds. The sea of clouds filled his vision, and he felt as if he were standing on a cloud."
他脚下是传送法阵,前方是一条通往城池的石阶。,"Under his feet was the teleportation formation, and in front of him was a stone step that led to the city."
这座城池位于一座矮山上,与周围的十八巨峰相比是矮山,但韩绝往传送法阵下方看去,犹如万丈悬崖,因云雾缭绕,他望不到地。,"The city was located on a lower peak compared to the surrounding eighteen mountain peaks. However, when Han Jue looked down from the teleportation formation, it was like a ten thousand-foot-high cliff. Due to the clouds and mist, he couldn't see the ground."
矮山的城池很大,空中可以看到不少修士御剑飞行的身影,甚至能看到各种猛禽。,The city on the lower peak was very big. Many cultivators could be seen flying with their swords in the sky. There were even various kinds of ferocious birds.
“那便是玉清宗内门,做任务、领取俸禄都是在这里,里面也可以交易。”,"""That's the inner sect of the Jade Pure Sect. You can do missions and collect your salary here. You can also trade inside."""
大长老就开口介绍道,语气充满骄傲。,The First Elder introduced the inner sect with a proud tone.
韩绝也被惊艳到,原以为玉清宗是古装仙侠剧里的那种小宗门,没想到这么大。,Han Jue was stunned. He had thought that the Jade Pure Sect was a small sect like in the cultivation dramas. He didn't expect it to be so big.
他还以为自己来到了仙界。,He thought he had arrived at an Immortal World.
他真的低估了玉清宗的实力。,He had truly underestimated the strength of the Jade Pure Sect.
毕竟他前二十年一直待在药草园里,活跃范围不到方圆两里,说是笼中鸟也不为过。,"After all, he had been staying in the herb garden for the past twenty years, and his activity was limited to a radius of two kilometers. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call him a caged bird."
大长老挥手,韩绝跟着感觉被什么东西托举而起,差点摔倒。,The First Elder waved his hand. Han Jue felt something lifting him and almost fell.
他低头一看,脚下竟然出现一个巨大葫芦。,He looked down and saw a huge gourd under his feet.
“站稳了,要是摔下去,即便你有炼气境九层的修为,也得摔死。”,"""Stand firm. If you fall, you'll die even if you're at the ninth level of the Qi Refinement Realm."""
大长老大笑道,笑得十分豪迈。,The First Elder laughed heartily.
韩绝连忙用灵力附着在脚底,,"Han Jue quickly covered the bottom of his feet with spiritual force,"
紧贴葫芦表面。,to stick himself to the gourd's surface.
巨大葫芦带着他们飞向最偏的一座巨峰去。,The huge gourd carried them towards one of the taller peaks.
其他巨峰都有弟子上上下下的身影,唯独这座显得很寂寥。,"The other huge peaks had disciples traveling in and out, and only this one seemed inactive."
“玉幽峰的执教长老是曦璇仙子,修为高深莫测,她喜欢闭关修炼,喜欢清静,所以玉幽峰不热闹,再加上她不允许手下弟子产生情愫,结为道侣,所以弟子很少,留在玉幽峰的弟子基本上都是苦修士。”大长老笑道。,"""The coaching elder of Jade Serene Peak is Fairy Xi Xuan. Her cultivation level is unfathomable. She likes to cultivate in seclusion, with peace and silence. Therefore, Jade Serene Peak is not lively. In addition, she doesn't allow her disciples to develop feelings for each other and become companions. Therefore, there are very few disciples. The disciples who stay on Jade Serene Peak are basically all ascetics,"" the Great Elder said with a smile."
韩绝挑眉,道:“真的吗?那太好了!”,"Han Jue raised his eyebrows and said, ""Really? That's great!"""
他就怕有女修士纠缠!,He was afraid of female cultivators pestering him!
毕竟他绝世无双,魅力加到满。,"After all, his charm was unparalleled."
大长老摇头失笑。,The First Elder shook his head and laughed.
【玉清宗外门大长老对你产生好感,当前好感度为1星】,[The First Elder of the outer sect of the Jade Pure Sect has a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 1 star.]
韩绝眼前浮现出一行字。,A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue.
他觉得莫名其妙。,He was baffled.
很快,他们来到玉幽峰的宫殿群内,径直飞至主殿。,"Soon, they arrived at the palace complex of the Jade Serene Peak and flew straight to the main hall."
大长老站在大门前,嘴巴微微一动,估计是在用传音术。,His mouth moved slightly as the First Elder stood in front of the door. He was probably using a voice transmission technique.
大门打开。,The front door opened.
大长老领着韩绝走进去。,The First Elder led Han Jue in.
大殿幽暗,随着他们走进,两边的油灯亮起来。,"The hall was dark. As they walked in, the oil lamps on both sides lit up."
韩绝的目光落在前方正在打坐的两道身影上。,Han Jue's gaze landed on the two figures meditating in front.
两位女修。,Two female cultivators.
其中一名女修身穿蓝袍,姿态雍容,容颜可谓是倾国倾城,估计便是曦璇仙子。,One of the female cultivators wore a blue robe and had a graceful bearing. Her appearance could be described as devastatingly beautiful. She was probably Fairy Xi Xuan.
她身后的女修应该是弟子,气质、容貌都差了不少,但也不失为美人。,"The female cultivator behind her should be a disciple. Her temperament and appearance were quite different, but she was still a beauty."
曦璇仙子睁眼,目光落在韩绝身上。,Fairy Xi Xuan opened her eyes and looked at Han Jue.
大长老走近后,笑道:“此子名为韩绝,是一名散修,三灵根资质,拥有罕见的雷灵根,路上我询问了一下,他也喜欢清静的修炼场所,不希望太高调。”,"As the First Elder approached, he smiled and said, ""This child's name is Han Jue. He's an itinerant cultivator with a triple cultivation potential and also possesses a rare thunder cultivation potential. On the way here, I asked and found out that he also likes quiet and peaceful training grounds. He doesn't want to be too high-profile."""
韩绝弯腰行礼。,Han Jue bowed.
【常月儿对你产生好感,当前好感度为2星】,[Chang Yue'er has developed a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 2 stars]
这就2星了?,Two stars just like that?
肤浅。,How shallow.
韩绝暗自吐槽,里紧张起来。,Han Jue complained in his head and became nervous.
这玉幽峰名不符实啊,女弟子们别都是豺狼虎豹。,Jade Serene Peak is not living up to its name! Are the female disciples all so desperate?
曦璇仙子开口问道:“加入本峰,本座是不会帮你谋求好利,一切都得靠自己,在修行上,本座不会怠慢教你,但你若是松懈,本座会逐你出峰。”,"Fairy Xi Xuan opened her mouth and warned, ""If you join my peak, I will not treat you any better than others. Everything will depend on you. In terms of cultivation, I won't neglect to teach you. But if you slack off, I will chase you out of the peak."""
韩绝立即保证道:“只要没有吩咐,弟子可以闭关一百年,足不出户!”,"Han Jue immediately promised, ""As long as there are no instructions, I can enter seclusion for a hundred years and never leave my house!"""
“绝无虚假!”,"""Absolutely true!"""
【曦璇仙子对你产生好感,当前好感度为1星】,[Fairy Xi Xuan has a favorable impression of you. Current favorability: 1 star.]
【常月儿对你的好感降低,当前好感度为1星】,[Chang Yue'er's favorability towards you has decreased. Current favorability: 1 star.]
韩绝眼前浮现出两行字。,Lines of words appeared in front of Han Jue.
他不由鄙夷那位常月儿。,He couldn't help but look down on Chang Yue'er.
你特么是恋爱脑吗?,Are you so desperate for love?
这里可是修仙之地!,This is a land of cultivation!
“可会法术?朝本座进攻,让本座看看你的能耐。”曦璇仙子继续问道。,"""Do you know any spells? Attack me. Let me see your ability,"" Fairy Xi Xuan asked."
韩绝点头,决定全力以赴。,Han Jue nodded and decided to go all out.
这座玉幽峰太适合他了!,This Jade Serene Peak suited him too well!
换做其他峰,他得被常月儿这样的女修烦死!,"If it were any other peak, he would be annoyed to death by female cultivators like Chang Yue'er!"
韩绝不是柳下惠,也喜欢女人,但女人绝对没有寿命重要,他现在只想修炼。,"Han Jue was definitely not heartless. He also liked women, but women were definitely not as important as lifespan. Right now, he only wanted to cultivate."
色字头上一把刀啊!,Lust is a knife in disguise!
等以后修为大成,倒是可以培养几位道侣玩玩,但也不能动真感情,只为一起修炼。,"Once his cultivation had reached a phenomenal stage, he would be able to nurture a few companions to play with. However, he wouldn't use his true feelings. He would only cultivate together with them."
韩绝调动体内灵力,右手五指并拢,对向常曦仙子。,Han Jue channeled the spiritual power in his body and pointed his right hand at Fairy Xi Xuan.
五指迸发出剑气,汇聚出一道手掌宽的剑气,犹如闪电般杀向曦璇仙子。,"Sword Qi burst forth from his five fingers, condensing into a palm-sized sword Qi that shot towards Fairy Xi Xuan like lightning."
快要碰到曦璇仙子时,剑气凭空消散,曦璇仙子额前的秀发跟着飘动起来。,"Just as it was about to touch Fairy Xi Xuan, the sword Qi dissipated into thin air. Fairy Xi Xuan's beautiful hair began to flutter."
【常月儿对你的好感增加,当前好感度为2星】,[Chang Yue'er's favorability towards you has increased. Current favorability: 2 stars]
韩绝无视了眼前出现的提示,等待曦璇仙子发话。,Han Jue looked at the notification and waited for Fairy Xi Xuan to speak.
曦璇仙子问道:“你就会这一招?”,"Fairy Xi Xuan asked, ""Is this the only move you know?"""
韩绝倒很坦诚,他也不想打肿脸充胖子。,Han Jue was very honest. He didn't want to pretend to be better.
“此剑法不错,以后就留在玉幽峰吧。”曦璇仙子微微点头道。,"""This sword technique is not bad. Alright, you may stay at the Jade Serene Peak."" Fairy Xi Xuan nodded slightly."
大长老哈哈一笑:“那我便不打扰了。”,"The Grand Elder laughed. ""I shouldn't disturb you anymore, then."""
他朝韩绝点了点头,便转身离去。,He nodded at Han Jue and left.
曦璇仙子盯着韩绝,道:“还不跪下拜师?”,"Fairy Xi Xuan stared at Han Jue and said, ""Aren't you going to kneel and acknowledge me as your master?"""
韩绝回过神儿来,立即跪下。,Han Jue came back to his senses and immediately knelt.
“徒儿韩绝拜见师父,师父万岁万岁万万岁。”,"""Disciple Han Jue greets master. Long live master."""
曦璇仙子忍俊不禁,没好气道:“你当为师是女皇?”,"Fairy Xi Xuan couldn't help but laugh. ""Do you think I'm an empress?"""
韩绝没有抬头。,Han Jue didn't look up.
曦璇仙子暗道:“此子形象气质极佳,这份心性也很不错。”,"Fairy Xi Xuan thought to herself, ""This child carries himself well. His temperament is also not bad."""
她从袖中掏出一块令牌,递给身后的常月儿。,She took out a token from her sleeve and handed it to Chang Yue'er.
“带你师弟去内门登记,顺便帮他安排洞府。”,"""Bring your junior to the inner sect to register and arrange a cave abode for him."""
“好的,师父。”,"""Yes, Master."""
常月儿乖巧的起身。,Chang Yue'er carefully stood up.
韩绝跟着起身行礼,然后跟着常月儿离去。,"Han Jue stood up and bowed, then left with Chang Yue'er."
他们刚走出宫殿,大门跟着关闭。,"Just as they walked out of the palace, the door closed behind them."
“韩师弟,我叫常月儿,以后就叫我师姐吧,你初来乍到,有什么不懂的随时找师姐。”,"""Junior Han, my name is Chang Yue'er. From now on, you can call me Senior Chang. You're a newcomer, so if there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me."""
常月儿笑道,正好对上韩绝的目光,她没有害羞,反而直勾勾的盯着他。,Chang Yue'er smiled and met Han Jue's gaze. She didn't feel shy and stared straight at him.
韩绝微微低头,道:“多谢师姐,师弟不敢麻烦,不过若是师姐需要帮忙,可以随时吩咐师弟。”,"Han Jue lowered his head slightly and said, ""Thank you, Senior Chang. I wouldn't dare to trouble you, but if you need a helping hand, you can tell me at any time."""
“嘻嘻,你这人真好。”,"""Hehe, you're such a nice person."""
比其他师兄、师弟长得好看啊。,He's more handsome than the other male seniors and juniors.
常月儿还是第一次遇到如此俊美的男子,而且他的态度、性格也让她很舒服。,"This was the first time Chang Yue'er had met such a handsome man, and his attitude and personality made him very comfortable to interact with."
她暗自发誓,一定要保护韩师弟,不能让他被欺负。,She swore to herself that she must protect Junior Han and not let him be bullied.
两人一路有说有笑,来到悬崖边上,常月儿祭出飞剑,让韩绝站在她身后,搂住她的腰。,"The two of them went all the way to the edge of the cliff, chattering and laughing all along. Chang Yue'er took out her flying sword and let Han Jue stand behind her, hugging her waist."
韩绝犹豫。,Han Jue hesitated.
“除了你,别的师弟可没有机会搂师姐的腰。”常月儿哼哼道。,"""Other than you, the other male juniors don't have a chance to hug me by my waist."" Chang Yue'er snorted."
其实她就遇到韩绝这一位师弟。,"But in fact, Han Jue was the first male junior she had met."
整个玉幽峰,就韩绝能算是她的师弟,玉幽峰数年难入一位新弟子。,"In the entire Jade Serene Peak, only Han Jue was her junior. It had been years since Jade Serene Peak had a new disciple."
话都说到这个份儿上,韩绝也不好矫情。,"Since she had already said that, Han Jue didn't want to be pretentious."
不得不说,师姐的腰真细啊。,He had to agree that Senior Chang had a slim waist.
一个时辰后。,Two hours later.
常月儿带着韩绝来到一个洞口前,道:“里面便是你的洞府,师姐的洞府就在旁边,你平时可以安心修炼。”,"Chang Yue'er brought Han Jue to a cave entrance and said, ""Inside is your cave abode. My cave abode is right beside it. You can cultivate in peace."""
这么近?,So close?
韩绝顺着她所指的方向看去,她的洞府洞口就在百米外。,Han Jue looked in the direction she pointed. The entrance of her cave was 100 meters away.
韩绝心中叹气,表面上则拜谢常月儿。,"Han Jue sighed in his head, but he still thanked Chang Yue'er."
两人告别。,The two bid farewell.
进入洞口后,韩绝看到洞壁上有一个机关,扭了一下,洞口直接出现石门,将洞口堵住,紧接着,洞道跟着亮了起来。,"After entering the cave, Han Jue saw a knob on the wall of the cave. After twisting it, a stone door closed at the entrance of the cave. Immediately after, the cave lit up."
他朝着洞道走到底,是一个大约百平方的洞室,有床,有桌椅,还有木柜,待遇不错。,"He walked towards the end of the tunnel. The cave was about a hundred square meters. There was a bed, a table, and a wooden cabinet. He was treated well."
韩绝走到床榻上坐着,将新得的内门储物袋拿出来。,Han Jue sat on the bed and took out the newly obtained inner sect storage bag.
内门的储物袋比外门的储物袋空间要大十倍,里面可以存放百立方米的东西。,The inner sect's storage bag was ten times larger than the outer sect's storage bag. It had a space of 100 cubic meters.
他拿到了玉幽峰的道袍、一把飞剑、御剑术秘籍、玉幽峰令牌、一百块中品灵石、一瓶聚气丹。,"He obtained Jade Serene Peak's Daoist robe, a flying sword, a flying sword technique manual, Jade Serene Peak's token, a hundred middle-grade spirit stones, and a bottle of Qi Condensation Pills."
韩绝通过常月儿了解到一块上品灵石相当于一百块中品灵石,一块中品灵石相当于一百块下品灵石。,"Through Chang Yue'er, Han Jue learned that a high-grade spirit stone was equivalent to a hundred middle-grade spirit stones. A middle-grade spirit stone was equivalent to a hundred low-grade spirit stones."
灵石可以拿来修炼,也可以当货币。,Spirit stones could be used for cultivation or currency.
他立即将属性面板里存放的一千块上品灵石取出来,然后放入储物袋内。,He immediately retrieved the one thousand superior-grade spirit stones from his attribute panel and placed them into his storage bag.
这笔灵石足以让韩绝成为富豪。,This amount of spirit stones was enough to make Han Jue rich.
不愧是仙帝后裔气运,开局一千块上品灵石。,The providence of being the descendant of an Immortal Emperor was indeed amazing. He was given a thousand superior-grade spirit stones from the start.
韩绝调出属性面板,查看人际关系。,Han Jue opened his characteristic panel and checked his interpersonal relationships.